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  1. I picked up the pace, my PA and, indeed, whole bulbous cock head now breaching his inner ring on each thrust. Something in there was catching on my PA, driving me crazy with the feeling but also from the thought of what I was doing to him. My bicep snaked it's way around his slender neck, flexing as I revelled in my own power. "Gonna knock you up kid", I growled in his ear. His struggles were a delight. The little body squirming ineffectively under me. "no! no, you said you'd pull out" I humped down on him harder. My body beating the struggle from him. "nah, you said that". I squeezed harder as my balls began to evacuate my potent seed into his receptive guts. A big load, owing to lack of action during these strange, locked-down times which was now been forced into his body. He'd stopped struggling and I think his little cock had climaxed at some point. I lay there, holding him in place, willing my babies to feed off him, knowing he'd be trying to dump them as soon as I let him. ,,,,, Later, after he'd gone, I wondered whether he'd find his way to an STD clinic or GP or whether lockdown would increase my chances of converting him. Who knew? I went back to my weights putting my energy into keeping my big body toned and strong. I needed it for my work as a trainer and builder (furloughed from both for now) and also to snare the kind of hot twinks that I love though they were thin on the ground since the Covid-19 lockdown belatedly hit this great city. A little more about me: outside of the bedroom I'm in no way aggressive. I'm single, and easy going. I help out with youth groups and look after my neighbours in the small apartment block in which I live in central London. I play rugby, wrestle and swim for fun where my 6'2'' 240lb frame helps or hinders (depending on which I am doing). ..... Out on my little balcony later that afternoon, I heard my upstairs neighbour knocking around. "Jake, how you keeping?" I shouted up at him. "Yeh, ok, I guess, bored as heck though man. Not seen anyone in about a week". "Really? What about your folks?" "They are isolating, got symptoms and they can't risk giving it to me." "Oh, yeah, course. Sorry to hear that". Jake was in his late teens, maybe early 20s. A fragile kid though, immune system issues. The apartment was bought for him and I'd never known him go out to work since he had moved in a year ago. he never went out much at all, to be honest. "Anything I can do to help?" "Been hoping you would say that...actually I've been looking out for you, everyone else seems to have left the city!". There were six apartments in total in our little block and they were indeed unusually quiet. "What can I do for you?" "Would you be able to get me some supplies? I'm out of bread, milk and pizza, and I need my meds picking up from the chemist before the bank holiday". "Sure thing. I was going to the shop before the Easter break anyway. I'll come up and get your list now" Up one flight of stairs and Jake was waiting, door open, list in hand. At 5'5'' he probably didn't weigh 100lbs wet through. A cute little face under dirty blond hair but not really my type, at least I'd never thought of him that way. "The chemist shuts at 6pm. I'm so glad you can get this for me" he said, handing over a prescription and a short shopping list. His eyes seemed to linger on my groin, not unusual for me when I'm in my running shorts which ride fairly high but I brushed it off and headed out on my errands. ..... I spent a while in the supermarket at one point almost picking up a hot young soccer player but his straight mates got too close and he scarpered but with my phone number shoved in his shorts. I was still horny at the checkout when I remembered the chemist. "Fuck! They'd be long closed by now". I checked anyway but they'd locked up for the break so I made my way back to Jake. He invited me in but asked me to sit at the other end of the sofa and I explained what had happened. The meds really seemed to throw him, so I offered to do my best to get him some over the weekend and to be on call 24/7 in case something happened and he seemed to calm down. I gave him a beer from my shopping bag which initially he refused as he'd not supposed to drink and we watched some TV together. WWE wrestling seemed to be his favourite so we watched that together. I began to tell him how wrestling really worked, both pro and freestyle and he was clearly psyched that I actually did this sport which he loved to watch for fun. "Have you been on TV?" "No man, but there's a few vids of me wrestling kicking about on Youtube and the like". In the end, I could only find one video on a non-porn site but we watched it with Jake eagerly questioning me. About then my phone bleeped: Soccer boy from the supermarket. He wanted to play. I made my excuses with Jake, made sure he had my number and promised to check in on him first thing tomorrow. ..... Not five minutes later I was buzzing soccer-boy up to my door. I had him strip to his briefs in my bedroom, admiring his toned body and little cock bulge. Then he undressed me, pulling my running singlet over my head and easing my running shorts down over my thighs. His eyes caught on my biohaz tat, lurking above my cock and lit up at the sight of my heavy PA and hardening cock. I let him lick for a minute or two before shoving my length down his throat after laying him on his back on my bed. I love mounting a twinks head and throat like this but I was really craving his shapely little arse so after five minutes I had him come up for air and flipped him onto his front, exposing that peachy, wrinkled hole. My fingers slipped inside, telling me he was no novice though he was still very tight and I slapped his pucker with my PA several times, teasing him and dripping my pre over him. With that it was time to push forward and open him up... "Wait! You need to rubber up!" he was handing me a jonny that had been in his shorts. "Really?" Not been one of my usual online hookups, we hadn't discussed this. "Just the tip...to get you open". I pushed harder, the edge of my PA disappearing in him but his hole resisting me hard. "No man. I've seen your tat. I'm not on prep". My cock swelled at this news. "No condom, no fuck". I smiled. "ok, ok", grabbing the rubber off him and rolling it over half my shaft, it was tight as fuck. A quick wad of spit, for my benefit, and I was plunging into his mostly dry hole. Between his legs, pushing them wide apart while I worked my full length in. "fuck....fuck...fuck, you are hurting me" he whimpered, getting louder. I thought of Jake upstairs, not wanting to alarm my little buddy and pulled out of my new fuck toy. "got any lube man?" he asked, taking in my still rubbered cock. "nothing proper" I lied "but we could try this". I reached for the vaseline. "Sure, ok". I got him to lie on his back and push open his hole as i put a few thick gloops inside him before wiping my fingers clean on his chest and placing my cock in his entrance. Sliding back in, I could see he was in relative heaven and in no time I was balls deep. His little hands were grasping around my cock base, amazed at how wide I was but checking for the precious, life saving condom. I did him a 'favour' and pulled out, stretching the rubber so that it went right down to the base and he kept it pinned there as I plunged back in, now reassured it wasn't unrolling inside him. His own stretching and the vaseline made it inevitable and with one hard thrust i felt the rubber break. "mmmm....I'm through your inner cunt now", I reassured him, placing my musky armpit over his cute face to give him too much to think about as I could feel my beast literally shredding his velvety insides. I held on as long as I could, listening to him moan, thinking of Jake upstairs but now not because of the disturbance but because of his cute skinny body. It was all too much and my cock began to flex, depositing my dirty seed so deep inside this fertile twink that I knew he wouldn't feel it or be able to push it out in a hurry. With that, I ripped my cock out of him and pulled off the shreds of rubber from it before sitting astride his chest, pinning him to the bed as he tonged my cock and balls clean of his own ass juices while he jerked his cock juices up my back unaware of my DNA seeping into him
    10 points
  2. Story by Gabriel on 23 Apr 2015 "Where the fuck are you man?" Alex muttered to himself as he walked down the stairs that led down a long back-alley on his way to his apartment. He tried Martin's cell phone again as he approached the door to his place...it went straight to voice-mail. Alex and Martin were childhood friends, since kindergarten thirty years now, and work with each other in a New York real-estate firm. They were supposed to meet for drinks that night. They have girlfriends, but like to mess around with each other as well, a little male bonding every now and then to make it interesting. "Fuck it!" Alex exclaimed, putting away his cell as he fumbled for his keys on an unseasonably rainy and cold October night, it's been a long day and his friend was supposed to me him at the local bar, the White Eagle in lower Manhattan. Martin was distressed, very upset about something, Alex reluctantly agreed to meet him, he had a long day at work and he was really tired but....Martin never showed up anyway. At least he got this girls' phone number while he waited, so the day was not lost. Alex finally found the right key to his front door when a noise caught his attention. Something moved down the alley by the steps he just went down. "Hello? Who's there..." he called out, smiling to himself as he realized how movie cliché that sounded. Something always bad happens to someone each time after they say that. 'Stupid cats'. Alex muttered under his breath. As he opened his door, he heard a noise again. The rain started to intensify as the garbage cans in the alley rocked back and forth from the wind disturbing them. A few lids came undone and blew across the narrow alley. Alex looked up and down the alley saw nothing then as he was about to enter his apartment a looming dark figure blew past him knocking him down. Alex barely caught it in his peripheral vision but that thing was huge! "What the fuck!" Alex yelled as he looked around startled. "Shit!...what the hell man!" he said as he got up and brushed himself off. He turned around only to find this huge dark figure standing in front of him, he tried to say something but the words didn't come. The outside lights that illuminated the alley created a silhouette of the figure, he couldn't make out what it looked like but it was seven feet tall if not more! A vice-like grip enveloped his entire body to the point he thought his body will be crushed. He felt the warm, musty breath on his face the figure panted as it held him suspending him a few inches off the ground. Alex felt his feet leave the pavement, swinging in mid-air, he didn't dare look at this beast or whatever it was, paralyzed with fear, he didn't want to see it...and then...everything went black... The next morning Alex woke up with a splitting headache and his body felt like it was made out of lead. He could barely get up off the floor. 'Oh man....what in theeee fuuuck....what-the-fuck happened last night...' Alex said quietly as he awoke, rubbed his eyes and face and realized he was completely naked and the front door was wide open. Water found it's way into the walk-in apartment Alex rents in a Park Slope Brooklyn, Brownstone. He held his head in his hands for a few more minutes, gathering his bearings. The windy rain was slamming the front door back against the wall. "Aw fuck... that's great! That's just great!" Alex exclaimed irritated realizing the mess that was all over the floor. His legs still a little shaky, Alex stood up and closed the door. He shuffled over to the closet and got the mop to clean up the partial flood in his living room. As he did so he noticed how dirty his body was, his arms were dirty, his feet were muddy, sandy, as if he just walked off the beach, his hair was messed up and dried blood was around his nose and mouth. He tasted it as he ran to the bathroom to check out what the hell was going on, flinging the mop to the floor. The reflection in the mirror startled him. "Oh shit...Oh my God....what....in theeeee hellll man..." he said quietly, slowly out-loud, gazing at this strange figure in the mirror he at first, couldn't recognize. It was as if he was swept up in a hurricane, his face was muddy as was his hair and littered with debris, matted, dirty and damp. Alex ran his fingers through his hair and over his face. He grabbed a tissue and dabbed at his bloody nose. He immediately turned on the shower and leaped into the tub and frantically started to soap himself up from head to toe. The warm water was stinging at first but eventually comforting. His body ached, it was sore all over, as if he had quite the work-out the previous night. As he was washing up he replayed that entire night in his mind. He went to a bar, waited for his friend Martin, who never showed up and never called, got a number from this smokin' hot chick and went home...that's it. So what in the hell did he do that he wound up this fucked up?! The dirt was washing away down the drain as Alex hosed off each part of his body thoroughly. The soap found it way into tender places on his body. Stinging and burning spots that were scratched or pitted with small abrasions and long scratches on his back, shoulder-blades and chest. One of his nipples was sore but other than that he was okay. Alex turned off the water and was gently toweling himself off, stepping out of the shower stall he couldn't help but wonder why the hell were his muscles so sore? From the chest down it felt like he fell down an elevator shaft or something, each step hurt like hell. He reached in the medicine cabinet from some aspirin and popped two of them. "Fuck!" Alex said, as a cold chill ran through the apartment. The front door was open, again, and the wind chilled the apartment down a bit but other than the damp floor no one seemed to have come inside. Why would they, the front door to the apartment was down a long alley, so a stranger didn't exactly see into Alex's place, it was pretty secluded from the public view. Alex went to close the door and noticed an object gleaming in the alley, as he approached it he realized that it was his cell phone! It just dawned on him that he had no idea where his clothes were, his wallet was in his leather jacket and it was nowhere in the apartment! He ran out into the alley with just a towel around his waist frantically searching for that jacket. But...it was gone, so was his shirt, so were his pants, shoes, socks! He looked around up and down the narrow alley running back and forth desperately looking in each possible corner of that alley, as if possibly he missed a spot were his clothes would've been...but to no avail. Alex went back inside slowly closing the door, mopped up the rest of the remaining water off the and put away the mop. The cell-phone was okay, not even scratched, it was water-proof so the rain soaking it was not a problem. The problem now was to call his bank and cancel those damn credit cards he lost. Not to mention the $54 in lost cash and that chicks number too! As Alex dialed his bank, as he waited for customer service, he thought about the previous night and was at a loss to explain what happened to him. He didn't drink that much and he can hold his liquor, he was no falling down drunk. The customer service representative answered within a few rings. "How may I help you today?" she said cheerfully. "Yes I'd like to cancel my credit cards...I lost my wallet, I have no idea what happened to it." Alex said speaking to the National Bank customer service rep. "Ok sir, I will cancel those and issue you new ones, you should receive those within forty-eight hours, can I assist you with anything else sir?" the female voice asked. "No, that's all, thanks a lot...oh wait, have those cards been used yet?" "No sir, the last activity was $45.34 at Home Depot...and $12.00 at a bar called..." "Yea that was mine..." Alex interrupted. "As long as no one else got to it I'm glad..." "Yes sir, thank you for being such a long-time customer and if I can be of further assistance my name is Jessica feel free to call us back with any further questions." "Okay, thanks a lot...thank you." Alex said as he hung up. As he did, he noticed that his nails were brittle, his toes as well, they practically disintegrated as he rubbed them, his thumb nail fell off completely. "What the..." Alex started to say as his cell-phone rang, it was Martin. Alex put him on speaker as he started to examine his fingers one by one. "Hey...man...how you doin' bro..." Martin said, sheepishly. "Oh don't give me that 'how you doin' shit man, where the fuck were you last night anyway? I was at the Eagle for hours!" Alex shot back, looking at each of his fingers on both hands. "I was feeling a little under the weather...but I called didn't you get my message?" "No I didn't get the message, I checked dozens of times...since you never called otherwise I would've got it, I had my phone on all night...not to mention some weird shit happened to me last night you won't fuckin' believe this I was..." "Um yea, my phones battery is low...you're kinda breakin' up so...can we meet at my place this time...later today? Martin said, cutting Alex off. "Yea....sure man...you okay?" Alex asked. Martin sounded nothing like his usual self, life of the party, loud and boisterous, and that's without a few drinks in him...but this Martin was different somehow. "Yea...yea I'm fine, I just need to tell you something, about my trip to Europe, you know I was going to tell you something last night...but...well lets' just get together soon, you need to hear this in person." Martin said, his tone more serious now. "Okay, okay I'll come over tonight around seven, sound good?" Alex replied. "That's fine bro...but make it closer to 10 PM. I'll tell you everything then." "Um, yea, ok 10 it is then...wait tell me 'everything'?...everything about what?....and why so late!" Alex shouted into the phone, his curiosity peaking. But he was met with a dial tone...Martin had already hung up. "What the fuck is going on with that boy! And what the fuck is going on with me!" Alex yelled aloud, going into the bedroom to get dressed. As he was picking out his clothes, Alex started to feel different, something was different about him. He felt warm, his nose was runny. He felt body-aches as if he was coming down with a cold or something. 'Oh great, I'm getting the flu now?' he thought to himself. He looked over at the full-length mirror in his bedroom and looked himself over. Alex was a muscular man, not the tallest guy, but at 5'6" his body was lean and ripped. He took pride in his workout routine and how he took care of himself. This time he noticed how much more defined his muscles were, his cock was semi-hard at the moment but that was not surprise, his big dick was always jumpin' around in his pants. Alex's dick got hard with a mild breeze blowing through his jeans, or checking out other fit bodies be they male or female. Nevertheless, his veins in his arms seemed to pop more, his thighs were more muscular and defined....his pecs seemed to be even more defined as well. It didn't surprise Alex much, he works out with a disciple that Army recruits don't even have but....something was different. He felt warm and his balls hung lower than normal, he was running a fever. Alex could feel it, low-grade but a fever none the less, his glassy eyes confirming it. He thought about calling Martin back and telling him he'd come by tomorrow but thought better and was determined to go and find out what the fuck was making Martin act so weird. Ever since his trip across Europe he came back different somehow, a little 'off'. Alex slipped on his boxers, socks and pulled on a white tank top. He went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and noticed his front tooth was slightly chipped. "Oh crap..." he said as he swirled his tongue around the tooth and touched it with his finger. "That's gonna cost me to fix...shit." Alex called in to work and told them he was taking a sick day, now way was he in any shape to go to work and that fever could be something more than just a common cold with flu season in full swing. Alex took another aspirin and grabbed a glass of water, he wasn't in the mood to eat anything just yet. He turned on the TV and just closed his eyes for a few minutes...but he wound up drifting off to a deep sleep. Alex was dreaming... ...he was running through and alley, from his apartment, through the streets of Park Slope and into Prospect Park, running like he never ran in his life, he could smell the grass under his nose and feel the wind whistle in his ears, he ran into a man, a jogger or someone like that, that man looked up a look of horror fell over his face, and screamed! So did Alex...he shot up in his couch, there was as thunder storm raging outside, Alex was sweating and shaking but his fever seemed to be gone. Looking down at his boxers, they were soaking wet...wet with semen he had a wet-dream! A wet-nightmare was more like it. 'Oh fuckin' hell! Really? Really!' he said to himself in disbelief. He stood up and the semen ran down his legs, as he reach for a box of tissues to wipe it up. Alex's cock felt tender, swollen in fact, it was semi-erect but felt different than normal. It looked different too, something was off. It reminded him of a canine cock almost! 'No, no I'm nuts is all...get a hold of yourself boy...get a hold of yourself!' he muttered. Alex was bleary-eyed and chalked it off to just coming down off a major hangover or something. He went into the bedroom to get another pair of boxers, slipped them on and was looking for his jeans. He felt his dick twitch, and tingle as it began to get hard. His cock swelled and hardened and was tenting his boxers, the head of his cock straining through the fabric and burst through the fly! He was startled, shocked, at it's appearance. His hard cock was more animal-like than human! Like a canine penis. He stared at it in shock and disbelief, clutching it as if to stop it from becoming this, this thing! But it felt awesome! In spite of it's appearance Alex found himself grabbing it, clutching it, jerking it ferociously with both his hands. Grabbing at this balls, pulling on them, ripping off his shorts and yanking furiously at his dick til it spurt semen all over the floor in the bedroom, his balls tightened so much he thought they'd burst! His cock twitched as some residual cum leaked out of the tip and ran down the shaft splattering on the floor. 'Oh fuuuuuckin' hell that felt sooo goooood...' Alex whispered as closed his eyes and slowly slid down the wall behind him, feeling a tingling chill shoot though his whole body.... Alex woke up again, he had passed out and was lying on the floor in his bedroom. 'Damn man...what the hell was that all about!' Alex thought, holding his head and sitting straight up. Thinking about that disturbing dream he just had, was it a dream? Or something else? He grabbed his dick and examined it, looked normal to him. Alex was relieved, laughed to himself even, how could he have thought his cock was canine looking? Ridiculous! His balls ached a bit, but in that good way, the way a man feels after his jizz goes flying or spurting in his boxers during a wet-dream, there's no feeling quite like that...nightmare or not. He was a little disturbed as to why he found himself in his bedroom when he remembered falling asleep on the couch but he chalked that up to the drunken state he must've been in. It had to have been alcohol related...had to be. Alex looked at his cell phone the time said 9:34PM. 'Oh shit! I slept through the entire morning and afternoon....wait...did I go to work..yea...no I didn't I didn't?!' Alex exclaimed, questioning his memory and his sanity. He ran into the bathroom splashed some cold water on his face and got ready to met up with Martin, he was going to be late but fuck it, let him wait. As Alex on the faucet he suddenly started to drink the water coming out of the faucet, cupping it in his hand and lapping it up, ten to fifteen handfuls of water! But it wasn't enough. He went to the refrigerator and took out bottle after bottle of water and drank five medium sized bottles. Alex suddenly smelled the turkey in his refrigerator as well, taking slice after slice of it and eating it without bread, just all by itself...and it wasn't enough. Alex was feeling a craving for food like he never did, even post workout, he took out all the bread, cottage cheese, yogurt, celery sticks and devoured it all. Everything that was left in the fridge was gone...plus three more water bottles that were in there. 'What the hell is happening to me?' Alex thought as he sat in the kitchen, rubbing his hands over his face, looking at the crumbs and various remnants of food left on the table, and the empty refrigerator....staring at it all in disbelief. Alex rationalized it of course, he had a bad night, he did eat last night but he was just really, really.....really hungry is all. That's all...nothing more...right. He was suddenly aware of a presence outside his front door, someone was there...he went over to the door and opened it slowly....no one. Stepping out into the alley, Alex did notice someone. It was David, the grocery store manager across the street, he recognized the smell of his cologn. Sometimes he worked late at night in his office. He wore way too much cologne, he could smell David a mile away and....he just did! He literally did, Alex smelled that bad cologne before David was anywhere near his place! His mind was racing, there's no way he could've smelled David from the apartment that far off...and yet... Alex rubbed his hands over his face. 'What is this....what-is-this!' He wondered. Maybe he was losing his mind.... Alex seemed more acutely aware of his surroundings more than ever before, and his appetite increased. He had no rational explanation for it, hungrier, hornier than ever before! His cock vacillated between getting semi-erect and fully erect again and his balls-ached they got so tight! He was hornier than all hell, nothing new here, but even for him it was distracting...he had to rub one out before he left...he had to!! Once again Alex found himself clutching his balls, grabbing at them and furiously stroking his dick till he shot his load on the throw-rug just inside his doorway...thick jizz gushed from his hard cock splattering on the floor, the last few shots spurted forcefully landing on the floor beyond the carpet. Alex let go of his still hard, pulsing cock, as some more residual semen gushed out. Alex arched his back in pleasure, his balls were so tight as the semen ran down his throbbing shaft, making it way down over his balls before falling onto the carpet beneath. 'Ohhh....fuuuuuuuck yeeeeaaa...' he moaned. 'Fuuck yeeeeaaaaa...' he said as he continued to moan rubbing his neck and ran his hands over his pecs, his nipples responded by hardening immediately. His big cock hardened so much Alex winced for a minute or so...feeling the blood coarse and pound through his cock, watching it throb....finally it started to go down, a few more drops of semen dripped out as he rubbed his erect nipples. He was so lost in the pleasure that he almost didn't hear his cell phone ringing, waking him up from this latest intense jack-off session. Alex ran over to the phone and picked it up, it was Martin. "Yea sorry man, I know, I'm late, I'm late...but..." "No that's okay bro, I want you to meet me at this location...I'm sending you the address now..." Martin said. "Wait we're not meeting up at your place?" Alex asked incredulously. "Yea it's better if you met me here today." Martin insisted. "And hurry up....moon's rising getting stronger." Before Alex could answer Martin hung up. Alex read the text message Martin sent with the address. It was strange since that location was near the water-front. He went over to this computer and looked up the address, it was a desolate location with abandoned factories and warehouses. Alex was more confused now than ever, what the hell could be going on with Martin? "Moons' getting stronger...rising?" 'The fuck was that all about?' Alex muttered. Why meet him in some abandoned factory? Nevertheless he grabbed his keys and ran out, getting into his Jeep Wrangler and entering the address into his GPS. Alex arrived at the location about forty minutes later where Martin told him to be. Alex drove through the deserted streets, turning down a desolate alley it was about 11:20 PM and not a soul was about in that part of town. The streets were empty outside of a few trucks and abandoned cars. Alex drove around til he saw Martin's car, a classic Oldsmobile 442 was parked in an empty employee parking lot next to a open warehouse door. Martin was waiting, he waved him over, smiling. Alex parked next to Martin's car, shut off the engine and stepped out, his dick semi-hard...again, he felt that different feeling again as well. As Alex approached a smiling Martin, before Alex knew it Martin ran up and hugged him, hugged him....held him close like just found a long lost brother or something. Alex smiled and hugged him back, Martin stepped back and looked at Alex's crotch. "Bulgin' big bro as usual." he said with a laugh. "Yea, well you didn't call me out to this place to tell me that, so..." "No definitely not." Martin said chuckling. Martin just smiled at Alex...for what seemed like an eternity. He just looked at an incredulous Alex looking back at him with a 'what the fuck' look on his face. "Well? Why'd you call me out here...seriously what is this?" Martin finally spoke, he hugged Alex and motioned to the stair-case leading up to the second floor of the deserted warehouse. Alex followed Martin upstairs, and as they reached the top of the stairs and went inside the largely empty cavernous space. Martin ran inside and waved his hands in the air spinning around a few times. "I brought you here, because you and me are...kindred spirits now...please don't hate me too much with what's about to happen man." Martin said, his tone more serious and yet not frightening or threatening. Alex was a bit irritated now, and simultaneously feeling uneasy with all the mystery crap and demanded an explanation...for everything. "Will you tell me what the fuck is going on or I'm outta here Martin!...I mean enough already!." Alex shouted. Martin continued to smile. "Have you been feeling at bit under the weather, flu-like symptoms, but not really...hornier than usual...hungrier than usual...shit like that?" Martin asked. "Well...yea...yea, thought it was just a bug goin' round is all..plus I'm always horny...so?" "It's more than that Alex...much more....so much more." Martin said looking out the large cracked factory window. Alex just looked at him making a puzzled face. "Something wonderful is about to happen to you Alex...something incredible...a gift really...an unreal but amazing gift, I hope you accept it as I did." Martin said, gazing up through the skylight as the rising moon's brightness seemed to intensify. "Ok, that's it....I'm outta here..." Alex said turning to leave. "...if you're having some mental breakdown, or something..." "No, no, nothing like that....have you seen the moon tonight? It's full...not that it always needs to be but it does start the metamorphosis." Martin said cryptically. "Yea so, I mean who gazed up at the moon anymore, everyone's on their fucking smart-phones oblivious to the world around them....not, not looking anybody in the eyes...wait metamorphosis...what...fuck you talkin' bout man?!" Alex shouted, as he rubbed his eyes and leaned against a wall, feeling a bit faint, nauseous his insides feeling warm and tingly he ran his hands over his face a few times. His body felt itchy, tingly. "It's beginning Alex...it's beginning...soon you'll realize what." Martin said cryptically. "What the fuck happened to you in Europe exactly...you didn't call for weeks, no one knew where you were...I mean....." Alex's voice trailing off as he spoke, he started to sweat. Martin ran over and helped Alex down to the floor. "What're you doing man....seriously!" Alex said struggling to get up. "No! No, no! Just relax, don't fight it...let it happen it'll be less painful if you just let it happen..." Martin insisted. Alex tried to get up but...he couldn't, he was dizzy, the factory skylights seemed to spin and laying on the floor was much better than standing up. "Let...let what happen?...what's happening to me?!..." Alex asked weakly, agitated and feeling hot, sweat was pouring down his face and body, he took off his jacket and started to breath heavily. "Um...it's better if you take your clothes off man...seriously...saves on the wardrobe believe me." Martin said matter-of-factly grinning, trying to undress Alex quickly. "What the fuck you doin'!... what're are you talkin' bout man? I'm not...takin' anything....off here..." Alex started to say, trying to push Martin away as he went over and started to undress him, taking off his shirt and attempting to take off Alex's pants, unbuckling his belt. "Get the fuck away from me man! What the fuck dude? What the fuck!....seriously, you losin' it or something?!" Alex screamed, pushing Martin away violently. "I'm just tryin to make it easier for you bro is all..." Martin insisted as he took off his own jacket and clothes, he took off his shoes and pants. He put his clothes in a neat pile on an old chair stripping off his undershirt and boxers and ran over to Alex completely naked now. Alex looked at his friend, incredulously. "Dude! What-THE-FUCK-ARE-YOU doing?! Why are you...naked...why..." Alex's voice trailed off as he shook, and held his head. "What is...this....I'm so...sooo dizzy...so..." "Ok, ok, just let it happen, the more you fight it the worse it'll be..." Martin said insistently. The next event happened quite quickly as the moon came up and Alex was sweating profusely, his body seemingly coming undone or loosening up somehow. He started to grab at his chest his nipples seemed to be on fire, tingling and very tender, sensitive, his pectoral muscles started to spasm as his nipples painfully hardened, protruding through his shirt. His chest was starting to expand ever so slightly. Alex felt his muscles quivering, spasming under his shirt, as if his ribs were trying to push through his skin, then his entire musculature trembled and spasmed slowly at first, uncontrollably. "Seriously man take your clothes off...shoes...loose it all! I'm telling you...you need to!..." "Okay damn it!! fuck!! I'll take them off! Why though!? Fuuuuuk!! What's....what's going on?! Tell me!" Alex screamed in pain as he frantically grabbed at his shoelaces and took off his boots, tearing at his shirt, grasping at his belt buckle undoing it. Pulling off his jeans and stripping down to just his tank-top and boxers, but after that he fell to his knees, he was becoming something....changing, transforming into something. Martin tried his best to see him through it. "Just let it happen bro it'll be okay... in a little while..it's always bad the first time..." Martin said as he stepped back and away from Alex, he knew what was about to happen and gave him some room. "Whaaaat do ...you mean..it...it...oh shiiiiiit....." Alex tried to speak but his body started transforming, Alex's smooth body was sprouting hair, dark hair almost imperceptibly at first. Alex spun around, arching his back, as he writhed on the ground. He fell on all fours, watching as his body was transmuting, he noticed his finer nails started to get longer, claw-like! He felt itchy all over he was scratching his body as the hair sprouted from each follicle of his body, increasing in thickness by the second from head to toe. His dick suddenly became painfully erect pushing against the inside of his boxers, the veins throbbing on it's shaft, pulsing, his throbbing cock-head ripping through his boxers, pre-cum was dripping from it like a faucet! Alex looked down at this throbbing cock in disbelief of what was happening to him. "Oh! Fuck..Fuckin' hell! What's ha..happening to me! Whaaaaaaaat!" Alex screamed, watching in horror as his body was changing into...something...something he couldn't imagine. Alex stood up, unsteady on his feet as he was rubbing his hands across his body in a vain attempt to stop whatever was happening. His chest heaved, stretching, increasing in size, widening, his nipples were so hard Alex grabbed his chest in an attempt to stop it, somehow, but to no avail. Whatever was happening was continuing...a force not to be stopped. Every inch of his body was twitching, moving, reforming into something....new. His cock twitched a few times and began to spurt thick white gobs of semen on the floor. It poured down the shaft of his cock in gushing streams , his balls tightened hard against his body, as they unloaded their contents. His beard thickened and started to grow, hair was growing all over his body. "Oh shit!...what the fuuuuuuuuck!" Alex yelped, his voice crackling, changing as well. He looked at his arms and grasped at this face. His skin was stretching slowly as his body started to morph into...something... his fingers, hands, and legs were growing...taking on a canine shape....a wolf's shape! "Martin! Martin! Help me man! Help me man!!, make it stop! Aw fuuuuck!" Alex screamed in a shaky growling voice, his eyes bloodshot and welling up with tears as he writhed on the concrete factory floor, his body continued sprouting more thick gray and black fur, which protruded through his tank top ripping it to shreds. His hands as well as fingers lengthened as did his feet and toes stretching three times in size. He looked down at his legs as they stretched, his skin seemingly ripping apart as thick black hair grew on them! His hands and knuckles creaked and made cracking noises as they transformed getting longer and hairier. Martin was a few feet away....motioning with his hands in a calming way to just 'let it happen'. "I can't stop it man, you have to give into it, it'll go easier on you if you just let it happen, don't fight it man! It's the fighting that makes it worse than it could be!" Martin reiterated. Alex watched Martin, his eyes pleading for him to help make it all stop...somehow. But Martin just watched, unable to help as his friend continued to change, there was no stopping it. Alex stood up and let out a high-pitched scream arching his back violently as he fell to the floor. His spinal vertebrae pushed through his skin as a tailbone ripped through his lower-backs' skin snaking out, forming a long tail stretching the skin over it, long black hair grew in covering it. His shoulder-blades were creaking and cracking gaining in size and mass his legs lengthening. His hands elongating, claws growing out from where his finger-nails once were, long and sharp, blood leaking down from his hands. Alex screamed trying to do something, anything to lesson his torturous transformation. "Help meeeeeeeeee!! someonnne!! anyonnne!!! No! Nooooo! Nooooo! This is noooooot hapennnnning!" But it was happening, there was no stopping it. A mix of grunts and screams echoed off the distant walls of the cavernous factory as he writhed in pain as his fingers and toe-nails grew longer, thicker and sharper as they protruded out as newly forming claws. His skin was stretching as the muscles and bones grew bigger and longer, his torso elongated as well. Alex's body shook and twisted violently as he felt his abs stretching and tried to clench them from doing so but to no avail. His muscles stretched, ripped and grew to accommodate his newly forming body. He crawled along the floor tin a vain attempt to escape this somehow, but there was nowhere he could go...no way to stop this. His entire skeletal and muscular structure was morphing, transmuting every part of his human body, reshaping into his new, inhuman..lupine body. The boxers and tank top he still had on stretched as far as their stitching allowed, shredded, ripped, and tore off as his body as the transformation continued, his ears stretched out and up as his skull cracked and flexed reshaping as well. Alex's screams were muffled and morphing into loud grunts now, growls and roars, as well as painful whimpers more canine than human as he collapsed on his back twisting and turning as his DNA was being rewritten. His fingers continued to grow longer, thick fur was growing over them. All he could do is lay there writhing and convulsing on the floor till his transformation completed. He could feel the hairs as they sprouted from beneath his skin, all over his once smooth abs and body, Alex turned and managed to up-right himself on all fours again. He felt his bones, muscles and skin being pulled and elongated. There were some broken glass among the debris in the factory as Alex was transmuting he caught a glimpse of what he was...becoming, in the reflection of the glass shards. He quickly turned away in horror, his screams drowned out now gurgling into louder more guttural inhuman growls and snarls now as his head shook violently and his skull creaked and nose crackled protruding slowly pulling away from his face and elongated forward along with his jawline as his skin stretched across his long newly forming snout. His his tongue stretched along with his snout and jaw and his ears were repositioned on his head pointing up. Blood poured from his gums as his long jawline was forming as his new upper and lower canine teeth and incisors were pushing through his bleeding gums, replacing his human teeth as his green eyes were turning ice-blue. Alex foamed at the mouth as he writhed in pain, his legs shaking as he tried to balance himself on them as fur continued enveloping the rest of his body. Alex's dick twitched, sporadically harden and soften, ultimately hardening so much Alex grunted loudly in pain as his balls tightened and his dick started to ooze a few drops of semen again before it spurted violently out of his cock all over the floor. He just collapsed on the floor, he lied there on his left-side, his body shivered and convulsed intermittently while some more fur continued to sprout enveloping his face, filling in the remaining hair-free parts of his body. The semen gushing from his cock just oozed out now, his balls emptied every drop as his transformation continued. Alex rolled over on his back and grunted loudly as his leg muscles thickened and kept stretching, he legs flared out as his dick hardened and started to spurt crimson urine sporadically as it morphed into a lupine one. A long jet-stream of urine sprayed out, jettisoning over his head as his body shook and convulsed violently. His toe-nails replaced by claws now and his arms were now fully formed legs, bloody foam dripped from his gums. The pain subsided somewhat as his high-pitched whines and grunts quieted to low intermittent growls. Alex was exhausted, the urine stream subsided as well, down to a few intermittent squirts now as Alex was panting heavily, as his transformation was complete. Alex threw his head back let out an intensely loud howl that shook the girders of the factory and rattled the glass in the windows. Martin smiled and looked over at his friend, his best friend and what he's become. Alex's piercing, now ice-blue eyes, stared back at him angrily, defiantly. He stood up on his four legs, tried to take a step forward but was still a bit shaky at first, he sat down momentarily on his hind-quarters but becoming ever-more steady on his powerful legs. Some residual urine dripped from his cock, hardening and softening sporadically, his balls tightening and loosening accordingly. Alex was now a fully developed wolf, he growled, snarled and bristled his fur, he whipped his newly formed tail around and with each movement of it his semi-hard cock moved with it as well. Unable to vocalize humanly now, his grunts, growls and teeth-baring spoke for him...clearly. Alex just glared at his friend, panting like an exhausted dog, his breath visible in the cold night air of the factory as he let out another fierce howl that shook the rafters and echoed against the distant walls of the building. Saliva and blood dripped from his lower jaw onto the floor as Alex let out a slow, low-rumbling growl focusing his attention at Martin. Alexs' cock twitched and hardened again, engorged with blood, the veins pulsing and throbbing through it. Alex continued his subdued growl, his erect cock oozing precum now as he bared his oh-so-razor sharp teeth at Martin. Alex was a magnificent specimen indeed, all nine feet of him and his powerful muscles and claws. "Yea bud...yeeeessss....awsum...my...my turn buddy....my turn..." Martin managed to say, his voice cracking, body shuddering, as he fell to his knees. He arched his back and let out a guttural scream. Martin's cock was fully erect the veins pulsing rhythmically....His finger nails started to grow into claws, his face contorting and morphing his jawline elongating...pulling away from his face....
    7 points
  3. Part 20 - Taming Jack He looked up the information board scratching his head then reading the boarding pass in his hand, one of the airport workers interrupted his train of thought realising he was a little lost and kindly escorted him the domestic flight gates. Jack was felt reassured when arriving at the gate and boarding the aircraft for the short hop from Rome to Pisa. He sent a text to Oliver telling him he was just getting on the plane, Savio glanced at Oliver and patted his knee. He knew Oliver was anxious about his younger brother arriving on the scene and how he would fit in with everyone else, they had all been looking forward to meeting him. Grabbing a coffee inside the airport they sat down biding time and the 15 minutes before the flight was due to land. Savio spotted him first coming through the doors with a trolley weighed down with baggage, the relief strewn across Jack's face when he saw them standing there waiting for him. Savio walked around the barrier shouting ciao, Oliver approached smiling seeing Jack let go of the trolley and hugging Savio. Jack had never really spoken to Savio in San Diego and his actions today surprised Oliver, he couldn't work out if the reaction was of just pure relief seeing someone he sort of knew in this strange environment. Jack let go of Savio and nodded to his brother and hugged him, the years of distance between them evaporated. "You made it" Oliver said emotionally overwhelmed and letting go of him. Jack smiled "Almost got lost in that airport, couldn't find the gate" he said watching Savio chuckle. Jack looked at Oliver "So where are the vineyards I couldn't see them flying in?". Oliver laughed "We have a long drive to get there" he replied taking hold of the trolley. "Now we take you to the real Tuscany" Savio said putting his arm around Jack's shoulder as they walked. Oliver half expecting Jack to shirk Savio off was pleasantly surprised seeing his brother put his arm around Savio's waist in a very casual relaxed manner. Savio chatted with him explaining they had only moved in to their house the previous day and he was welcome to stay as long as he wanted to. Jack smiled and looked at Savio then at Oliver, he couldn't quite believe that his brother had not really changed after making his fortune. The Oliver he grew up with seemed to be much back and not in the rat race with no time for him, it was Oliver building his business that saw them drift apart and leaving Jack behind making ends meet. The countryside gradually changing the further inland they drove and up in to the Tuscan hills. Jack watched the vineyards gradually appearing either side of the road and the wineries that were getting ready for this years harvest. They drove around the village of San Donato and along the road where Savio pointed out his families main house where his grandparents lived. Jack stepped out of the car and stretched, his senses immediately struck by the tranquillity of the surrounding area, he looked up at the house nodding approvingly. Oliver went over and hugged his brother again "This is Fattoria Cerbaia, our home". Jack looked at the house again "You and he serious then?" he asked glancing back at Oliver. Oliver smiled "Absolutely Jack, although I fancied his cousin first then I met him". Jack looked at him "His cousin?" he asked smirking. "I know" Oliver said laughing "I was thought I was in love with Luca his cousin but Savio swept the carpet from under me". "How so?" Jack asked picking his bag up. "You will see" Oliver replied "Luca is only just 20 and I suppose it was more a want and desire". Savio chuckled picking up one of the other bags "Luca only has eyes for one person" he commented. Jack looked lost "Luca has his boyfriend living here now, he is English" Oliver explained. "And you Jack?" Savio asked in his upfront manner "You want a man or woman?". Jack shook his head "I only do men for money" he replied stepping in side and putting his bag down. Savio entered through the door laughing "Don't say that to my uncle he will throw money at you". Jack paused for a moment then laughed with him "You have a gay uncle as well as a gay cousin?". Savio nodded "My uncle has an Austrian husband who is so lovely and muscled". "Enough of that" Oliver said slapping Savio's ass "You will meet them all Jack". Savio took Jack out to the pool terrace "You never answered my question?". Jack smirked and shrugged his shoulders "Women I guess" he said putting his hand in the pool. Savio was wholly unconvinced by his answer, he had to admit to himself that he found Jack to be quite a character and liked him a lot. There was also a very similar sexual charm about him, just like his brother. They showed Jack his room and ensuite bathroom then helped him unpack and left him to catch some sleep. Oliver and Savio grabbed a quick lunch sitting with their legs in the pool talking about the olive and fruit trees, they were expecting Lorenzo, Luca and Mark in an hour to talk business and plan for the harvest. They had already seen Lorenzo with another gentlemen testing the sugar content of the grapes before they headed out of the airport with Savio explaining that if they were checking the grapes then harvest would be any day now. Lorenzo arrived a little early and wandered round the side of the house and smiled at the sight. Savio and Oliver were laying on their backs legs in the water watching the sky talking and laughing. Seeing his grandson looking so relaxed and happy was testament to Oliver coming in to his life. What he loved most was the distinctive characters amongst his many grandchildren, where Luca was more prim and proper from his English upbringing, Savio was the opposite end being casual and very Italian and laid back. Lorenzo stood there and sniffed heavily startling Savio and Oliver 'You can almost taste the grapes' he said as opening line. The five of them sat around the table discussing the vineyard, Oliver making it clear that Savio and he wanted some involvement and eager to learn but without responsibility. It was decided that Luca and Mark would oversee Cerbaia's vineyard under the guidance of Lorenzo and his estate manager. Jack woke and could hear voices outside, he wandered over to the window sleepy eyed but couldn't see anyone just the voices through the open window. "There is one other thing Lorenzo, my brother is here I thought he could help with the harvest" Oliver said. "Your brother?" Lorenzo asked nodding "I am sure we can teach him as well" he explained. "You should know that he is a bit of wild card" Oliver said then went on to explain a little more detail. Lorenzo nodded "Make sure he spends time with Johan he will help him" he suggested. Oliver smiled "I hope so but please don't let him know about Johan" he said "Jack will freak out if he knows". They all nodded "He better come for some training tomorrow Oliver" Lorenzo suggested. "I can smell the sweetness" Savio said "Two days I reckon" he joked. Lorenzo laughed "Not bad Savio, I think you are probably right". Jack went back to bed and laid down looking up at the ceiling, conflicted and upset emotions running around his head. Did his brother really lure him here for treatment behind his back? The worst part was he was stuck in the middle of nowhere with no way of getting his hand on some drugs. His body now craving a hit of something and he got off the bed pacing around his bedroom with no idea why. Unsure if he was angry with his brother and parents who pushed him to come here, Jack sat on the bed wondering if he really was this fucked up and part of the reason he had grown apart from Oliver. Outside Lorenzo left and Luca picked up his phone to see a text from Tony asking when he could come and visit. He showed Mark who suggested they get him out this week picking grapes, jokingly Luca replied but was surprised when Tony said yes to the idea and would come out for a couple of weeks in a few days time. Luca put his phone down "So when do we get to meet Jack?" he asked. Oliver laughed "When he wakes up. Are you two staying for the rest of the day?" "Yes" Mark quickly replied "we need to explore your land" he laughed. The four of them set off for a walk around the grounds arriving back at the house an hour later. Jack slipped on a pair of shorts and t-shirt, his mind made up that coming here was a mistake in his judgement. He knew it would upset his brother but he wasn't about to allow someone strange person try and give him therapy, after all he didn't need it and was in control. He stepped out on the terrace and the heady scent of sweetness from the vineyards overwhelmed his senses, the quietness or his surroundings was something he had never experienced as living in a city was a noisy affair but here there was peace and tranquillity. Slowly he was beginning to understand how Oliver had fallen in love with Tuscany, everything about the place was different, the air, the smells, the silence. Fascinated by the house he looked at the solid build unlike their home in San Diego, it was definitely built to stand the test of time he thought. Oliver had been generous to buy his parents a larger home when he made his fortune, whilst he loved their house this was on a different level exuding character and Tuscan value from the outside but modern and cosy inside. The shimmering pool nestled on the lower terrace looked so inviting, he hardly ever swam in their own small pool by comparison. He could hear the voice of Savio growling louder and the chatter of two voices he recognised from earlier. A young guy came running down the steps and jumped in to the pool without even noticing him, diving under the water and back up wiping the water he was looking straight at Jack. "Oh hello you must be Jack" Mark said smiling. Jack nodded "Your British?" he asked watching him. Mark laughed "Dam the accent is such a giveaway, and your American!" he exclaimed. Jack rolled his eyes "No shit dude, your quick off the mark" he said turning about to walk away. "Wow you obviously went to charm school" Mark replied swimming off, Jack stopped and watched him. He walked around the pool following Mark "You think I am here to charm you?" Jack asked. Mark stopped and stood up "God no, I thought you might at least be friendly". Jack sat down on the edge of the pool "Don't get any ideas" he replied carefully looking at Mark. "What ideas might that be then?" Mark asked wading around in the water "that I might want you?". Jack smirked "You wish" he replied flicking some water at Mark both laughing and Jack took his t-shirt off. "Nice tattoos" Mark said noticing his body "my boyfriend likes men with tattoos" he chuckled. Jack smiled "So how come you don't have any?" he asked. "I have one down here" Mark replied seeing Luca walking down the steps to towards them. Luca called out "Ciao" and walked across and sat next to Jack. "Jack this is my boyfriend Luca" Mark said introducing them "this should really be Olly's job" he swam off. Luca stared at the tattoos on his very compact tight body "Apart from the tattoos you look like Olly". Jack laughed "Yeah I know but I am the better looking one" he replied smirking "so you are Luca". Luca raised an eyebrow looking at Jack "What does that mean?" he asked grinning at him. "Nothing" Jack replied seeing the appeal and why Oliver had had fallen in love with him. Luca laughed understand that Oliver had told him about them "You brother is in love with me, but he loves Savio more". Something between them just clicked in to place and they hand wrestled at the pools edge trying to push each other in laughing. Their antics interrupted by Oliver and Savio's arrival with drinks and Luca slipped in to the pool to swim with Mark. Savio now sat next to Jack and handed him a drink. "Thanks" Jack said smiling and not even flinching when Savio put his arm around Jack's shoulder. "You met my cousin Luca and his lover Mark" Savio said in a half question and answer "You like them?". Jack smiled and nodded then looked at Savio "Did they fuck with Olly?" he asked in a hushed tone. Savio smirked "You ask many questions" he said and pausing "you want to?" Savio asked looking at him. Jack chuckled "They are both young" he replied watching Savio slip off the side and in to the pool. Savio held out his hands indicating to Jack to follow "I take your evasive answer as a yes". Jack shook hid head chuckling in a unconvincing way, yes he thought Luca was so cute and sexy but Mark had a bit more edge on him that he liked. Oliver ran past and jumped in to the pool with a splash and Savio grabbed Jack's hand pulling him, smiling he relented and slipped off the edge in to the warm water. Any thought of the conversation he heard earlier far from his mind, slowly be began to unwind feeling them immense amount of love towards him from all four of them. With Luca and Mark he made two friends interacting like they had known each other for years, he didn't even mind Luca touching his body wanting to study his tattoos. As the sun began to sink lower over the rolling hills Oliver said he needed to get dinner ready, Luca and Savio went to help Oliver leaving Mark and Jack alone exactly how the afternoon had started. The main difference was a very relaxed Jack enjoying banter with Mark casting any shadows of doubt away. A happiness returning that he hadn't really felt this way since Oliver left home. Jack and Mark set the table up for dinner noticing seven places, Mark explained that Savio and Luca's uncle was coming to dinner with his husband. Jack chuckled asking if the entire family was gay, Mark looked at him laughing and started reeling off Luca's family members that he could remember from the party at Luca's grandfathers place. Jack was having trouble fathoming how big the family was and lost count after 30 in his head. When Nico and Johan arrived there was no question that Jack was suitably impressed laying eyes on Johan. He never gave it a thought that Johan was in fact the person he really didn't want to meet. Dinner over and everyone in good spirits was helping Oliver clean up and make coffee, Johan returned to the terrace catching Jack on his own. "Did you enjoy yourself this evening?" Johan asked standing besides him. "Yes" Jack replied "I'm glad I came here". Johan smiled looking at Jack and assessing his nature "Come for a walk in the vineyard" he said. Jack looked then followed sheepishly off the terrace "Where are going?" he asked. Johan chuckled "You need to see that all of this is about the grapes" he replied. Jack suddenly stopped "I know what your doing" he said with annoyance in his voice. "And what is that Jack?" Johan asked still walking and looking around "keep up". Jack wanted to turn back but instead he stepped forward "I heard Olly talking to the others earlier". Johan continued like nothing was going on allowing him to catch up "I don't need it" Jack implored. Johan stopped and faced Jack "Let's get one thing clear Jack, I am not going to force you". "Good" Jack replied then stopped "your not?" he asked completely confused. Johan chuckled "No Jack" he said "if you want to talk I will always be here for you". Jack's focus went to the vine they stood near "You can discuss anything with me confidentially" Johan said. "No matter what we discuss it remains between us" Johan explained calmly "just don't be afraid to talk". Jack walked on "Keep up" he said turning to look at Johan "you think I need therapy?". Johan chuckled "Some people say it makes you more interesting if you have a therapist" he chuckled. "I don't need one" Jack retorted quickly "anyway I am not interesting, Olly is the interesting one". Johan caught up and put his arm around Jack's shoulder "Your Jack that makes you interesting". Jack was caught by closeness "Being here you become part of this family in a way" Johan said "like it or not". "How so?" Jack asked letting his guard down. "Through Olly and Savio" Johan explained "You know Italian families extend their arms to all family members". Jack nodded and continued walking with Johan and took a deep breath "I had an episode earlier" he confessed. Johan held Jack closer as they walked "A need?" he asked watching Jack nod "explain what you felt?". He rambled on to Johan opening up completely and once he started talking Jack didn't want to stop. Nico watched from the terrace and returned to the kitchen tell them that Jack and Johan may be a while. After an hour Jack finally broke down and fell in to Johan's arms, he said nothing and allowed Jack to let it out and start healing himself holding him tight giving him the safe comfort that he was always here to talk to. Johan knew he needed to keep focus on the drug aspect and leave the escorting part out for now. Reassuringly he told Jack he would come over and see him tomorrow maybe take him out for the day where they could be alone and talk more. It was dark when they returned to the house, Savio and Mark were in the pool and Nico offered to make some fresh coffee for them and went inside. Jack was exhausted and collapsed in the chair his body out of kilter with the time difference but alert enough to keep a conversation going. Johan simply nodded at Oliver letting him know everything went okay. Finally the three of them were left alone on the terrace talking, Jack in his round about way opened up finally saw that he needed help. Oliver never one for showing to much emotion was close to tears and hugged his brother. Jack let go of Oliver and hugged Savio. "You can stay here as long as you want Jack" Savio said looking him in the eye "I mean it". Jack smiled "You say that now" he said looking at them both "Olly knows I am not the easiest person to know". Oliver nodded "We will stick by you Jack and you have Johan and all of us to help you". "I know you set this up" Jack said to Oliver then surprising Oliver "thank you bro" he spoke with sincerity. Savio put his arm around Jack's shoulder "Will you be okay tonight?" he asked. Jack shrugged his shoulders "I don't know, will find out I guess". "No" Savio quickly replied "You sleep with us tonight" he said looking at Jack. Oliver wasn't sure what Jack would make of it, to his surprise he watched Jack nod and hug Savio thanking him. Savio took Jack's hand and lead him inside and upstairs to their bedroom. Part of Jack was okay with this since he had slept with Oliver on many occasions growing up so it was nothing new for him. And Savio, well he had grown to like him a lot and was happy his brother had found him. Complete exhaustion overtook Jack and fell asleep before the other two got in to bed. The car pulled up to drop Luca and Mark off at their place Mark kissed Johan good night, the kiss lingered and Johan slipped Mark the tongue and lifted him off the ground carrying him inside. Luca looked at Nico 'Well uncle isn't it about time we fucked?' he asked walking up to him. Nico pulled his shorts down 'Suck it' he told Luca. Down on his knees the gravel digging in to his skin Luca closed his lips around Nico's semi hard cock. Tasting his uncle Luca moaned softly and edging further down the shaft that was growing firm. Luca choked and pulled away, Nico picked Luca up and looked in his eyes 'This is wrong' Luca said being carried in to the villa. Nico kissed him on the lips 'Tell me no' he spoke quietly his eyes fixed on Luca, he had no resistance and Luca kissed him passionately releasing one arm from Nico's neck he pushed the door closed. Johan heaved Mark over his shoulder and pulled off his shorts and underwear, then slapping his ass Mark yelped in an erotic manner. Powerless and suspended over Johan's shoulder he wriggled and giggled feeling a finger rubbing his hole, all the time Johan walked up the stairs and in to the bedroom. His finger teasing Mark's hole and loving the delighted moans he made 'fuck me Johan' he almost begged then yelped at the stinging slap on his ass cheek again 'Don't worry I will' he said dropping the giggling Mark on the bed. He scampered around and grabbed Johan's erect cock hidden within his shorts. Mark kissed his navel and ran his tongue up the solid muscle of his six pack, eyes closed and using his tongue sensing the way to Johan's nipple that he playfully bit and sucked on. His hands effortlessly undoing Johan's shorts letting them fall to the floor, his hand delved inside the jockstrap feeling the Austrian sausage that was meaty, thick and hard already oozing precum. Johan stepped out of the clothing around his feet and lifted Mark high in the air before placing him on his back on the bed. Leaning forward his kissed Mark's chest and neck slowly working up to his mouth, the heat on their lips attracting each other in a hard deep kiss. Johan looked down at Mark 'You ready for me?' he asked in the most divine deep Austrian accent that seemed to send an incredible erotic shiver through Mark's body. Johan grabbed his legs and pushed them over towards his head, running his tongue down Mark's inner thigh hitting sensitive points resulting in loud almost pleading moans of pleasure. He spat on Mark's hole then looked at him lowering his head until his tongue flickered over the hole, sharp gasping moans came from Mark's chest the deeper and harder he assaulted his hole with his tongue. Fighting to stop his climax Mark continued gasping and twisting his hip, the probing felt amazing but it was his tongue sensually running over his hole that sent quivers of delight right through his body. Even if he wanted it to stop he was powerless, his body was reacting like it was finely tuned to Johan's actions. Suddenly his hole felt lonely and looking up he briefly saw Johan who who spun him over on to his stomach, his small body in comparison was engulfed by the muscled body of Johan. Mark lifted his head 'Oh fuck' he said excitedly waiting and knowing he was about to feel the whole of Johan. Nico entered the bedroom carrying Luca whose limbs wrapped around his body, the thought going through Luca's mind that not only was this his uncle it was also his first Italian man. Luca felt himself being lowered on to the bed and with precision and expertise Nico had him naked with seconds. Luca chuckled at the similarities of the other night laying next to Mark only this time he had Nico, stroking Nico's chest he looked at the submissive mess Mark had become at the hands of Johan and knew exactly how that felt. His focus brought back to Nico moaning and looking at his uncle's mouth slipping down on his cock. The sweet warmth of his mouth working Luca's cock, a finger seeking his hole began pushing in causing him to arch his back gently and thrusting his hips up choking his uncle. Luca snapped open his eyes feeling his body being pulled up off the bed, Nico took him outside on to the balcony wrapping his arms around Luca's body he leaned on the wall overlooking the pool. The gentle neck kissing and he whispered 'Nico' followed by a deep low moan feeling his ass opening and allowing Nico to penetrate him, turning his head he kissed his uncle holding his head keeping their mouths locked together, moaning until he felt the pubic hair pressing up against his ass. With subtle gentle movements he slowly started fucking Luca. The immense rush in Luca's pushed his ass back against Nico each time he felt the hips pushing up to his ass. The warm breeze wafting over their bodies, the motion increasing then decreasing and increasing again. Nico's hand slipped down and held Luca's cock gently caressing it. Without warning Nico groaned and held his cock deep in Luca, he could feel the pulsating cock and sudden hint of warmth flowing in to his ass. Holding still long enough to breed Luca deep and allow the orgasm to subside, he quickly started fucking Luca again. He was on the verge of his own orgasm, enhanced by Nico's hold on his cock. Nico played Luca edging him then stopping, each reaction in Luca's body gave a telling sign when he was close. Several times Luca cried out almost climaxing, he balls ached from the teasing his cock was taking. There was no teasing with his ass, the cock was hard and buried deep inside feeling every inch of his uncle steadily building to breed him again. Luca felt his orgasm approaching again, his body going in to complete meltdown. Nico's hips moved faster and holding Luca tight against him he felt Luca's orgasm rising, working Luca's cock harder the muscles in his ass began twitching. Waiting for it to stop Luca cried out at his aching balls finally releasing the load. His orgasm came hard with several large volleys to cum firing against the wall in front. Nico sped up his fucking and grunted several times reaching his second orgasm, his cock fighting against the tightened muscles in Luca's ass still in throws of his orgasm. Nico's head collapsed on Luca's shoulder, both panting heavily and giggling still heightened from their sexual experience together. Inside the bedroom Johan lifted his hips allowing his cock to find it's way to Mark's hole, the gasp and full penetration taking by surprise, his legs banging against the mattress 'hell yes, oh fuck' Mark cried out blowing his load immediately. Johan chuckled 'my turn' he said laying his body completely over Mark's, using his hips he fucked with such force that Mark's body moved up the bed until Johan secured him down. Mark bit at Johan's arms moaning in sheer pleasure 'harder' he cried out and Johan responded picking up speed and intensity. He had never been so dominated in sex, Johan was a relentless fucker who knew how to use his cock. Completely out of control he kept urging Johan to go faster, harder, deeper. Johan obliged happily hammering Mark in to the mattress, a quick kiss on the mouth 'I like fucking you' Johan said grinning. Trying to catch his breath Mark kissed him quickly 'well fuck me then' he replied. Johan reared up moaning, pushing his hips down hard clenching his buttocks he quickly shot his load in to Mark's ass. Pushing deeper and deeper, moaning and holding Mark down until he was done. laying down slipping his arms under Mark he flipped over on to his back with Mark laying on top of him giggling. "Dam" Mark said stroking Johan arms "dam" he said again "does it ever get soft?". Johan laughed "Are you okay, I went a bit mad on you?". Mark chuckled "Oh god, dam" he couldn't come up with the words to describe what he had just experienced. Nico and Luca walked in "What have you done to him Johan?" Nico asked smiling. Mark laid there grinning and put a thumbs up to them sighing and wriggling his ass on Johan's cock, the muscled arms secured around his body tightly left Mark in a very obvious aroused state.
    6 points
  4. I pulled on a pair of briefs and shoved Soccer Boy out of my door, patting his arse on his way out "top you up sometime, maybe". "Eh?" he mumbled in confusion as he slipped away. I'd barely got myself sat down when there was an urgent tapping at the door. It was Jake, stood there in his baggy jeans and t shirt looking panicky and worried. "What's up matey, you want to come in?". He rushed inside, taking in my almost naked state but still on the edge of some sort of attack. It was some minutes before I had him calm enough to find out that he was stressing about his lack of meds and that his parents were now too ill to speak to him on the phone. Horniness forgotten, my big brother instinct kicked in and I quickly agreed to let him stay over. Another beer seemed to calm him further and I showed him my shower while I put clean sheets on my only bed. I could see his partially obscured body in the en-suite as he showered and I got the bed ready. There really was nothing to him and his skin was so pale and delicate. I couldn't help licking my lips as he emerged wrapped in one of my hand towels, the dumb twat (though I was glad of his mistake). I found a pair of my boxer trunks and an old workout singlet for him to wear. Reluctantly giving him some privacy, he emerged, trunks hanging loosely on his thin thighs, half way to his knees with ample loose material around his unseen package. On me, those were hipster length, the leg hole stretched around my thigh which was surely much bigger than his waist. pulling the crotch tightly around a large cock and ball bulge that had nowhere else to go. The singlet hung loosely, like an old fashioned night dress. We shared another beer, Jake telling me more about himself and his illness. It seemed to be a little like HIV in that his immune system struggled to cope with anything out of the ordinary though the meds were different and much less effective. It was clear that they had a psychological effect on him too, hence his stressed state tonight. Finally, it was time to turn in. with Jake insisting we should share the bed. In two minds, I agreed, knowing I needed to be close to this hot little man but also knowing it would be torture for me...
    5 points
  5. Glad people are liking this so far! If anyone has any thoughts on what they'd like to happen, please feel free to share! Don't know where this is gonna go and would appreciate any suggestions. Chapter 2 "Are you serious?" I asked. "In here?" "Yea," Marco said. "Why not?" I was about to say something when Marco put the bottle of poppers under my nose and covered my nostril. "Breathe in pig." I obeyed and took in a big hit. Poppers were my biggest weakness, and I couldn't help but get lost in the slutty sensation that always washed over me with a poppers rush. "Yea, just like that." Marco said as he switched to my other nostril. "Give into your hunger for poz cock." I breathed in another big hit of poppers. As I exhaled, I thought about how all I wanted to give in to my hunger for poz cock. "Strip bitch," Marco said. In a frenzy I took off all my clothes, throwing them around without any regard. Determined to fully enjoy the moment, I got on my knees and swallowed Marco’s dick. It was huge! Easily 9 inches it was a poz cock worth worshipping, and worship it I did. I started nursing on the cock head, circling my tongue around the tip. After bobbing up and down for a bit I swallowed as much as I could, nearly getting all the way to the root. I stayed there, relishing the feeling of having my mouth stuffed with a stranger's poz cock. "That's it faggot!" Marco said grabbing my head, pulling my head deeper onto his cock. "Choke on it. Choke on my cock." I kept the cock in my mouth as long as I could, but before long I had to pull off. I was gasping for air as Marco grabbed me by the chin and forced me to look up at him. “Are you a cock hungry faggot?” Marco said before spitting on my face. I was taken aback by how much venom Marco had in his voice. He felt so powerful, and all I wanted to do was obey him. “Yes Sir!” I said. “I’m a cock hungry faggot and cumdump.” “Yea?” Marco asked. “Get on the blanket. Hands and knees, facing the mirror wall. I wanna see that fag hole.” Once in the commanded position, I had a momentary moment of panic. The mirror wall Marco was referring to was exactly what it sounded like: it was a wall lined with mirrors. Staring back from the glorified mirror was my reflection, naked in a church classroom, on my hand and knees. Taped to the mirror wall were the same bible verse posters and kid drawings I had noticed when I first walked in. I couldn’t do this. I mean this was blasphemous right? Who the hell gets fucked in a Sunday School classroom? I may be a whore who lets strangers in bathhouses breed them, but this was too low. This was depraved and sick. I wasn’t the kind of faggot cumdump who’d do something so perverted. I was about to tell Marco this when he got behind me and stuck his fingers up my hole, causing me to moan. “Fuck yea faggot!” Marco said as he fingered me. “This is too perfect. Already got a cummy hole for me. How many loads you got in there? “Ten Sir,” I said through gritted teeth. The part of me that still wanted to be a good Christian felt ashamed by that. The other, larger part of me, however, felt incredibly proud. Marco’s fingers felt fantastic fucking me. I almost got lost in the sensation of his finger fucking when I saw a “Jesus Loves Me” poster and remembered I needed to stop this. Finding new resolve to do so, I took in a breath and exhaled to center myself. I was about to tell Marco to stop when he took his cummy fingers out of my ass and shoved them into my mouth. “You taste that faggoy?” Marco asked. He grabbed my head with his other hand and directed it towards the mirror. “That’s the taste of cum from 10 different guys.” I shivered when we made eye contact. Marco’s looked so powerful, so in control. I loved being dominated by aggressive guys, and Marco was definitely putting me in my place. “Any of the loads in your ass poz boy?” Marco asked into my ear as he started gently teasing my hole with the tip of his cock. “I don’t know Sir,” I said. “They were all anon.” “You poz or neg boy?” Marco asked, still teasing the tip of his cock on my hole. “Neg Sir,” I said. “Are you on PrEP boy?” “No Sir.” Marco pushed harder against my hole, slipping his head in. Caught off guard I yelped. It wasn’t painful though. Feeling Marco’s big cock in my ass felt so good, so right. I needed more! “That’s a good faggot cumdump,” Marco said. “Repeat after me. Taking PrEP is the greatest blasphemy.” What? No, taking PrEP wasn’t the greatest blasphemy, this was! I had come to church wanting to be a good Christian, and I was completely failing. I mean I was letting a poz stranger fuck me raw in a Sunday School classroom! As I stared into Marco’s reflection, the thought went through my mind again, only this time it felt different. I had come to church wanting to be a good Christian, and instead I was letting a poz stranger fuck me raw in a Sunday School classroom. That was incredibly sick and twisted, and I loved it. I loved that instead of listening through a sermon I left, snuck into the church basement, and was letting a poz stranger use me like a whore. And in a Sunday School classroom! Suddenly, it was like everything was clear. This is was being a faggot cumdump on a whole other level, and I wanted to go even lower. With that revelation I said what at the moment was the only truth that mattered. “Taking PrEP is the greatest blasphemy.” As though on autopilot, I found myself pushing my ass onto Marco’s poz cock. A devilish grin spread across Marco’s face, and I knew at that moment I’d do any act of perversion he wanted. “Fuck yea faggot. Keep fucking yourself onto my toxic poz cock. Worship that poz cock with your hole like a good slut.” Determined to be a good faggot for Marco, I did as I was told. I kept pushing back onto his poz cock to the rhythm of his fuck, and for a while the only sound in the room were our grunts. Then he asked the questions that would forever change my world. “Are you a Christian boy?” Marco asked. I was confused at first. Why was he asking this now? Wanting to be a good faggot though, I answered. “Yes Sir,” I said. And suddenly, my ass was empty. I was stunned. What happened. Why had Marco stopped? Other than taking his cock out of me, Marco had me in the same position and hold. I made eye contact with him in the mirror again, and when I did I knew something serious was about to happen. “You know at first I was gonna come down here and worship by myself, but then you walked into the balcony. I knew just by looking at you you were a pig for poz cock. Was I wrong boy?” I took in Marco’s reflection, and for some reason I couldn’t explain, doing so made me feel strong. Better yet, I felt like I was being seen. “You were right Sir,” I said. “I’m a pig for poz cock.” I was going to stop there when I thought of something else I wanted to say. “I’m...I’m a bugchaser Sir.” I couldn’t believe it. I actually spoke my biggest truth out loud. I’m a bugchaser. I had never told anyone that before, at least not in person. A feeling of intense fulfillment washed over me, which only grew when I noticed Marco was looking at me with pride. “I’m gonna give you a choice boy. You can stay a Christian, and we’ll stop. Or, I can shove my toxic poz cock back up your unprotected neg hole, breed you, and baptise you into a poz cock worshipper. I’m not here today as a Christian. I worship poz cock, and I’m here to commit acts of perversion to honor it. Pozzing neg hole in a Sunday School room is way better than just jacking off in one. So what’s it gonna be boy? Are you staying a Christian, or are you gonna worship poz cock with me.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Was this really happening? How had choosing to go to church for the first time in years led to me choosing whether to be Christian or a poz cock worshipper? Nothing about this situation made sense, but I knew how I answered would determine how I lived for the rest of my life. With that in mind, there was only one thing to choose. “Poz cock,” I said, beaming with pride at my decision. “Let’s worship poz cock. Poz me! Poz me in this Sunday School classroom!” And with that, Marco slammed his toxic pox cock back into my unprotected neg hole. He fucked with fury as we celebrated the gift of poz cock. I had never felt so happy than I did in that moment accepting poz cock as my whole world. Suddenly Marco paused. “What’s your name boy?” Marco asked. “Jacob Sir,” I said. “I’m a faggot, bugchasing cumdump and my name is Jacob.” “Well Jacob,” Marco said while pulling all the way out until just the tip of his poz cock was in. “Do you, a faggot, bugchasing cumpdump, accept poz cock and cum as your salvation?” “Yes Sir, I accept poz cock and cum as my salvation.” Marco slammed all the way in, and pulled back out to the tip. ““Do you, Jacob, a faggot, bugchasing cumdump, accept that PrEP is the greatest blasphemy and pledge that you will never let it into your body?” “Yes Sir, I accept that PrEP is the greatest blasphemy and pledge that I will never let it into my body.” Again, Marco slammed all the way in, and pulled back out to the tip. This time his hold around my neck tightened. “Do you, Jacob, a faggot, bugchasing cumdump, commit your life to taking as much poz cock and cum into your body?” “Yes,” I said, struggling a bit through Marco’s choke hold. “I Jacob, a faggot, bugchasing cumdump, commit my life to taking as much poz cock and cum into my body.” Marco slammed violently back in. He pulled back out to the tip, digging the nails of his fingers so hard into my skin I thought he’d draw blood. “And finally, do you, Jacob, a faggot, bugchasing cumdump, commit to worshipping poz cock through acts of perversion, filth, obsession, and leading neg whores to the poz brotherhood?” “Yes, I Jacob, a faggot, bugchasing cumdump, commit to worshipping poz cock through acts of perversion, filth, obsession, and leading neg whores to the poz brotherhood.” And with that Marco started fucking me like a mad man. Never had I had such an intense fuck. I attempted to match his thrust, but he was so wild all I could do was go limp and enjoy being fucked into submission. After what felt like forever but was probably only 10 minutes, Marco finally spoke again. “Here it comes boy.” As Marco kept pounding I waited with anticipation. This was it. I was finally going to get his toxic poz load. A load that would mark me as a poz cock worshipper, and would hopefully lead to my conversion into a poz faggot cumdump. “Yes Sir! Poz me!” I screamed so loud I wondered if the congregation upstairs heard me. “I worship poz cock,” I murmured to myself as I enjoyed the depravity and perversion of the situation. “I worship poz cock. I worship poz cock.” “Praise poz cock!” Marco screamed as he switched from rapid, shallow pumps to slower, deep pumps. “I baptise this faggot bugchasing cumdump Jacob in toxic poz cum and grant it salvation, perversion, filth, and obsesion.” I could feel Marco’s thick and toxic poz cock pulse against my hole, as well as the heat from Marco’s toxic poz cum filling me up. “Praise poz cock,” I said. I couldn’t believe it. I had just converted into a poz cock worshipper. In a way, it felt like an affirmation for who I already was. By not going on PrEP and frequently going to bathhouses, I was already bugchasing. I always felt the most authentic in bathhouses, in large part because I got to worship cock. Bathhouses were now officially my church, and I planned to worship poz cock there often as possible. As the pulses from his cock slowed down, so did Marco’s pumping. Soon he stopped completely, and after a moment’s rest he pulled out. When Marco let go of me I collapsed onto the blanket. I was completely spent, and wanted nothing more than to lay there. But Marco had one or task for me. Coming around and stepping in front of me, he aimed his cock at my face. “Thirsty faggot?” Before I could answer Marco started pissing on me. I was shocked at first. But then, the desire for perversion, filth, and obsession came over me. Pushing myself up and getting into a more comfortable position, I opened my mouth and maneuvered so Marco was pissing it. Eagerly I drank as much as I could. Some overflowed onto my body, so I rubbed what didn’t make it into my mouth into my skin as though it were lotion. Before my baptism in toxic poz cum, the idea of being showered in piss in a Sunday School classroom while a church service went on upstairs would’ve been abhorrent. Now, I reveled in it as a poz cock worshipper. “Praise poz cock,” Marco said. “Praise poz cock,” I said. Marco put out his hand and pulled me up when I took it. Once I was standing he pulled me into a deep kiss, causing me to melt into his arms. Pulling away, he looked at me with unexpected affection. “Wanna commit acts of perversion to worship poz cock?” Marco asked. “Fuck yea,” I said. “Good. Now let’s get out of here before one of the Christians upstairs discovers two poz cock worshippers desecrating a Sunday School classroom.” We both burst out laughing. After one more kiss on the lips Marco started gathering his clothes. I started to do the same when a wicked thought crossed my mind. A wicked, perverted, filthy thought. I started jacking off my cock as I walked toward the mirror wall, stopping in front of the poster that said “Jesus Loves Me.” At hip level, it was the perfect height for my plan. “Hey what are you doing?” Marco asked. “We need to go.” In my periphery vision I could see in the reflection he had moved behind me. I looked back at him and flashed the most wicked smile I could muster as he looked at me with confusion. “Praise poz cock,” I said with conviction. Looking back at the “Jesus Loves Me” poster, I continued to jack off while saying “praise poz cock” over and over. I thought about how in trying to be a better Christian I ended up letting myself be corrupted into a poz cock worshipper. I thought about how if my church-going family knew what I was doing they’d be appalled and disgusted. I thought about how church-going teenage Jacob would’ve been shocked and horrified by how low I’ve gone. I thought about how mid-twenties Jacob would be thrilled by how I’ve descended into the faggot bugchasing cumdump he was too scared to be. Finally, I thought about the only thing that mattered: Poz cock and cum. When I was almost ready to cum, I moved closer to the poster. “Praise poz cock, praise poz cock,” Marco muttered along with me, now standing right behind me. Briefly I glanced away from the poster and at Marco’s reflection in the mirror. Based on his smirk I could tell he knew what I was going to do. “Praise poz cock,” I screamed before blasting a massive load of cum onto the “Jesus Loves Me” poster. After taking a moment to appreciate my work, I licked up what was hopefully my last neg load off the poster. I made sure not to swallow anything, and once I lapped up everything I turned around and pulled Marco into a kiss to feed him my blasphemous load. We snowballed for a bit, until finally all the cum had been swallowed.. “Okay,” Marco said, pulling away. “This time we actually have to go.” “Okay fine,” I said. “Can we keep worshipping poz cock?” Marco laughed and smacked my ass. “Baby,” Marco said. “We’ll be worshipping poz cock for the rest of our lives.”
    5 points
  6. Everything was set up for my monthly parTy, a few friends were helping me setting everything up. After setting the sling my friend Thomas walk towards me and said: “i have a feeling that it’s going to be a very hot party”. I only replied with an evil grin. Everybody took off the little clothes they were still wearing. I watched Thomas undress, a saw his hot tanned athletic body and when he stretched out you could see his defined abs; a rock hard eight-pack. He was only 21 but an expert at nearly everything that has to do with sexual pleasure. His fat cock was dangling between his legs; a d donkey dick. My other two friends already started and lay down on the mattresses, both were 29 and very cute. The bell rang and i opened the door 3 friends entered. As soon as the door closed they stripped and joined the rest. After a few hours i needed something to drink so i went to the kitchen when the bell rang, so i thought ‘maybe it’s that hot guy from Grindr, he had to work late so he didn’t know if he could make it.’. I saw that Thomas was standing closer by so i asked him: “Could you open the door… it’s a surprise!”. And a suprise it was, because when i came out of the kitchen i saw my 19 year old nephew standing in the living room. “Brian, what are you doing here?” i asked him. He started telling us that he and his girlfriend had a fight and that she dumped me in the club and left with the car. Then he asked if he could crash here tonight and i said “sure you can sleep upstairs… and as long as you don’t complain about our party!”. “I won’t!” he said smiling. “Why she dumped you bro?!” Thomas asked out of the blue. I told Brian he did have to tell us, but he started to tell Thomas that he started doubting if he was really straight. “When i was at the gym i started to notice that i was also looking at other guys and that always gave me a hard on.” he told us. “So in the club there was a very hot bartender and i couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. After a while i saw him coming towards me and without saying anything he grabbed my head and kissed me deep and intensive… i was shocked for a second but then the feeling took over. I kissed him back and it felt so damn good. My girlfriend saw the whole thing and he started yelling that i was a sick freak and left” he continued. The hot guy asked him if i wanted to go back to his place, but that was too fast for Brian so he left. “Everything’s going to be alright” said Thomas and i asked “If he wanted to go upstairs and if i should go with him”. “Can i also stay down here? i will sit on the couch and won’t get in the way!” he said. “That’s okay, but you have to take off your clothes, but you can leave your boxers on. Otherwise it’s awkward for the rest.” i told Brian. He look a bit surprised but nodded and said “Okay!”. Because i saw photo’s from his last holiday i know that my nephew has a very hot body; an athletic Twink. Thomas and me joint the rest and after half an hours an other friend nudged me, so i looked over towards Brian and saw that he took of his boxer and was stroking his hard cock; i guessed it was around about 8 inches. I went over to Brian and said “Guys turn you on, you can’t hide the facts… sooner or later you must act upon it… this is your chance… they can learn you a lot about sex with a man... i saw you checking out Thomas earlier, i’m sure he can teach you a lot”. “i know but my mind is conflicted… i want to but something is holding me back!” he replied. I tell him that i know something that can help him with that “…but i need you to trust me… no questions! Okay?”. I see the conflict in his eyes but he starts to smile and says “if it helps i’ll try anything!”. I leave the room and come back with a syringe and a strap. I tell him “Lay back and relax, close your eyes and don’t move”. He stutters “but… what…”. “You trusted me so no questions” i said. He lays back and tries to relax. I tie off his upper arm and tell him “If you don’t want this tell me now… You can still go to bed upstairs instead of having a life changing night with us”. He shakes his head. I then stick the needle slowly in his vein and starts injecting him with a substance that will take over his mind and turn him into the slut he really wants to be. After pulling out i say “No way back now! Enjoy!” while removing the strap. Brian sits upright and begins to cough, and i raise his arm above his head. After a 20 seconds the Tina starts to take control and he falls back in the couch. His cock is hard as a rock and standing straight up and is oozing pre-cum. Thomas see this and move towards Brian and begins to suck his hard cock whilst slowly massaging his asshole. Brian starts moaning when Thomas takes the whole length of the oozing dick in his throat. In the meantime he also begins to work a finger up the unexperienced Twink. Brians moaning becomes louder and louder. When a second finger is worked deep inside the virgin hole Thomas other hand moves up and starts slowly pinching Brians nipple. The boys slutty instincts take over as he begins twisting and turning his ass around the two fingers. Thomas feels the ass opening up so he pulls back before ramming in three fingers. This is too much for the boy and his body begins to shake. Thomas feels the dick growing in his throat and shoves it in balls deep and squeezes and twist Brians nipple. The former straight boy explodes and thick streams of cum begin to fill Thomas throat. Thomas tries to swallow everything but when de cum starts pouring out his nose he pull back. He also pulls back the fingers out of the boys ass. Brian begins moaning and pleading to put them back. I tell my slutty nephew that we have to clean out his ass first before we can fill it again. Thomas helps the poor boy on his feet and leads him to the bathroom. After 20 minutes they return. Thomas tells me that he tried to fuck Brians ass in the shower but that it’s too tight. Fortunately we have something that helps us with the stretching. So we lead Brian to a bench and tie him down. Thomas then takes out my fuck machine while i load up my nephews ass with lube mixed with a high dose Tina. After a few minutes Brian begins to moan that his ass is burning. We ignore him and see that several minutes later his ass begins to open up while the tina is taking over again. We love sloppy holes so we mounted a big dildo onto the machine and position right against his asshole. Thomas takes the controls and slowly begins to force the dildo forward. The asshole tries to resist the pressure of the dildo. Brian asks us to please stop. But slowly and surely the dildo advances further until the ass opens up. Brian cries out while the dildo goes deeper and deeper before slowly begin extracted. Our new slut gives a sigh of relieve, but that was short lived because the dildo begins to advance back in. With every stroke the machine picks up the speed a bit. After a few minutes the boys ass gives up and is standing wide open. In order to dampen the moans we take turns fucking his mouth with our dicks. When the machine reaches his top speed we shut it off and after shoving a few shards up the open ass we fuck it in turns and shooting load after load deep inside. Nothing beats fucking a cumfilled sloppy ass. After this weekend Thomas and i asked my nephew to moved in. And together with our friends we still like to parTy!!!
    4 points
  7. Chapter 1 Looking at the church door, I froze. It felt odd being there. You see, I hadn't been to church in years. Growing up I went every Sunday because as a kid I thought it was what I was supposed to do. Plus it made my parents happy. By the time college came around I only went to church on special occasions. Before long not even then. So why was 30 year old me here? Although I'm not very religious, I never stopped considering myself a Christian; I just got to a point where attending church services didn't have much meaning for me. I had found myself wondering if now that I was older, going might give me something I had been too immature to previously appreciate. With that in mind I picked a Sunday to test out the nearby church and committed to go. Opening the door and seeing the regulars congregate in the lobby, I instantly regretted not delaying my visit like I had been toying with. You see, my ass was full of cum . It wasn't on purpose though! Having made the plan to come to church, I had pledged to be a good boy and spend Saturday night abstinent instead of taking loads from strangers like I usually do. But a regular hit me up and teased me with pics of his dick, and I soon found myself at his place, ass up, face down, and getting loaded. I figured since I took one load it wouldn't hurt to take another, which ultimately led to a night at the baths. Walking in and looking around, I felt so out of place. Almost everyone there, with the exception of a few couples, was over 60. Every step I took made me aware of how well-fucked and tender my ass was, which made the level of guilt I felt nauseating. Maybe the regulars could tell I was nervous, because before long people kept walking up to me. Most just gave me general welcomes to the church. A few were especially chatty, like this one woman who wouldn't stop babbling about how the church was looking for ushers. Finally, just when I couldn't take another "God be with you," the sanctuary doors opened. I started following the crowd into the sanctuary when I noticed a set of stairs to the left. A sign above said "balcony." Score! Hardly anyone was going up, so I figured I might be able to avoid being around too many people. And I was right! When I walked onto the balcony, there were only five people there. To my surprise, there was a guy about my age sitting up there. Best of all, he was smoking hot. As I passed by the guy we momentarily made eye contact. Perhaps it was wishful thinking, but I swore he licked his lips as he gave me the once over. I felt my cheeks turn red as I almost came right there on the spot. Mortified, I scurried to the back and away from the others. Settling in my seat I took another look at the guy, and even the back of his head was sexy. Needing to calm down I took a deep breath and exhaled. This wasn't the time or the place. I felt so fucked up being horny in church. That was wrong, right? Soon the service started, and thoughts about the hot guy stopped. Instead, my mind was consumed by one thing: boredom. This was absolute torture! First a hymn. Then a prayer. Then another hymn. And on and on it went. Half way through, I couldn't help it. I had to check out grindr. I knew it was fucked up to do in church, but I needed a distraction. Without one I'd fall asleep and fill the sanctuary with snoring! Opening the app, I was shocked to see who was only a few feet away from me. In a shirtless pic with his face fully shown was the hot guy sitting in front of me. Oh. My. God. I looked through his pictures and practically died. Not only was he jacked, he was also tatted up! One in particular caught my attention: the biohazard sign on his right pec looked so hot on his caramel skin. I was practically drooling as I stared at his picture. Not only was this hot Christian guy gay, but he was poz too! Mindlessly I started rubbing my crotch and biting my lip. Thank god I was not only in the pew farthest to the back but alone too. I was debating whether or not to message him when my inbox pinged. I opened my inbox and couldn't believe it. Hot guy messaged me! "Hey cutie. Looks like you're not paying attention to the service either." I looked over and he was looking back at him. With a wink he held up his phone, showing me my own profile pic. Chuckling I replied back. "Nah. I don't know what I was thinking coming. This is so boring!" "I know! Can't deal with this shit anymore. Got a way to make it more entertaining though. Want my cock? Know a place we can escape to." I gasped when I got his dick pic. He was huge! Without hesitation I replied back. "Yes! I need your big cock up my ass!" "Lol thought so. Wanna know my status?" I paused not knowing what to say. Despite today's church excursion, I was without a doubt a whore. I loved taking loads from strangers, but I knew it was a risky lifestyle. I tried to be good about knowing other guys statuses, and when it came to online hook-ups I was. Bathhouses were a different story. The first couple of times I went I'd ask about status here and there, but eventually it seemed pointless. I knew guys could lie, especially in the heat of the moment. And besides, when you're face down, ass up, you're not exactly in the position for asking questions. Still, normally in positions like this I make an effort to know. Eventually, I came to a decision. "Nah. Don't care. Just want your load." The biggest smile filled my face when I hit send. For the first time when given the opportunity, I chose not to ask about status. I actually said I don’t care! "Good cumdump," the guy texted. "I'm gonna get up and go down the stairs. Wait a bit and then follow." "Yes Sir." With that set I sat back and waited. I couldn't keep my eyes off him as the hot guy got up and made his way towards the door. He was so tall! After he went through I waited about 30 seconds before following. I met up with him on the stair landing. With a wicked smile he winked and started making his way down the stairs. My hunger for his cock only grew as I followed him. I had no idea where we were going, nor did I care. At the bottom of the stairwell the guy stopped suddenly, causing me to slam into him. "Opps!” I said. “Sorry dude!" "Hey no worries buddy," he said smiling. "I like it rough anyway." He smiled and I instantly froze; I couldn't believe this was happening! I had come to church today with the intention of reconnecting with my Christian roots, and somehow it had led to hooking up with a hot guy. Never in my life had I felt like such a perverted whore. I liked it! Things got even better when he grabbed my head and forced me into a passionate kiss. My knees buckled as his arms enveloped me. Our hands roamed over each other, and I got lost in the growing hunger for his breath and lips. If this guy hadn't pulled away I never would've stopped. "I'm Marco by the way," he said, grabbing my arm. "Follow me." Marco opened the stairwell door and pulled me through with him into a hallway. Besides being well lit, the hallway seemed a bit neglected. Folding tables and chairs lined the hallway, as did boxes filled with random items. "They used to have Sunday School down here," Marco said as he pulled me down the hall. "At least until there were no more kids to teach. Now it's just old people who - Ah! There it is." We stopped at a door with a window built in. Looking through, it seemed we had stopped at a classroom, which I thought was odd. My hot stranger didn’t though. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a key, and looked back at the door. "Yep, B-4." Using the key Marco unlocked the door, opened it, and pulled us in. Once inside Marco let go of me and locked the door. I watched as he went from cupboard to cupboard, until ultimately stopping at one and pulling out a large blanket. Blanket in hand, Marco walked to the center of the room, pinching my ass as he walked by me. "Get naked slut," Marco said. Watching Marco lay out the blanket, I was suddenly very aware that not only was this a classroom, it was a classroom for kids. Posters with Bible verses lined the walls, as did drawings clearly done by kids. While some of the tables and chair sets were normal sized, some were also small. Toys filled boxes along the walls and were littered around the room. The more I looked around the more shame and guilt filled me. What the fuck was I doing? Did this guy really expect to fuck around in here? "Well, what are you waiting for?" Looking back at Marco, I saw that he was now naked. Seeing Marco naked took my breath away. It was way better than the pictures. As he slowly walked towards me, bottle of poppers in hand, all I could do was stare at his biohazard tattoo. When Marco got in front of me he opened the bottle of poppers, and took two long hits in each nostril. I realized that yes, he did expect us to fuck around in here.
    4 points
  8. Well so far lockdown has sucked royally. I live alone and count as an “essential worker.” All work and no play makes everything dull. To be frank I’ve been climbing the walls and wanking everyday to every type of porn I can find. After a few weeks however it’s just not enough. I couldn’t take it. I needed to be pushed down and loaded up. No amount of dildo play ever feels the same as someone else at the helm. So I broke. I admit it. I just needed to feel someone else pressing into me a calling me dirty names. Even as I drove to my favourite cruising spot I honestly didn’t think there would be anyone there. I was so wrong, it seems I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t stand it any more. Pulling up and parking in a dark part of the car park I didn’t have to wait long until a shadow passed the rear of my car and then at my driver’s window a silhouette. I slowly started gripping and rubbing my cock through the loose trousers I had slipped on before leaving and likewise the guy stood next to my car slowly started to squeeze his bulge. Our mutual interest was obvious and as I reached for my door handle and opened up my car he slipped his cock out into the half light we were in. A good eight inched long, not too thick but with a solid mushroom head on it. I was lost as soon as I saw it. After this period of forced abstinence that cock looked fucking perfect to me. I slipped out of my car and as I pushed my trousers down I dropped to my knees on the tarmac. I leaned in and started licking that fat cockhead before slipping my lips around him and swallowing his length. His moans and hands on my head showed me that although I haven’t had anything lately I was clearly not out of practice. Before too long he was fucking my face and I was happily slobbering all over that beautiful shaft with my own hands stroking on my solid cock in a total delirium of dick lust. He pulled out from between my lips and pushed my back onto my car seat. Half laying in the car my, now naked, lower half out in the night air. He leaned in and sucked my cock for a bit making me moan in obvious pleasure and I spread my legs wide so he could easily get closer too me. In a brief moment of clarity I saw a couple of cars pass by and their lights shone on us both leaving zero doubt what we were doing. His fingers found my hole as he sucked me however and that thought disappeared as I moaned out “Oh fuck!” He knew he had hit upon my real need with that and wasted no time arranging himself so his cock was pointed right at me. That fat head slowly edging into my hole as I pressed down to open up for him. Fuck I am glad I have spent so much time with my dildos lately because otherwise that dick would have hurt like hell on the in stroke. As I was I just gripped whatever I could as he started pumping into me. Me half naked hanging out my car and him stood between my legs with his jeans around his knees cock buried up my arsehole. Both of us moaning and grunting as the fucking picked up pace. We were obviously both horny as fuck and in desperate need. It was never going to last long but I know I yelled out a couple of times as he rammed my hole and that spurred him to pound me harder. My cock was leaking the whole time and I was on edge as he grunted and pushed all the way into me. His breathing heavy and his movements slowed as his spunk was delivered deep inside me. As he pulled out of me and started to right his clothes I practically slid from my car seat, once again on my knees on the tarmac. I gripped my cock and with two or three hard strokes my own cum was jetting from me and I didn’t care who saw me now. He looked down at me. Naked, spunk dripping from me and panting in my post orgasm bliss. He smiled and said, “Thanks.” I think that was the only time he even spoke to me. As he returned to his car I collected myself and climbed back into the driving seat. Content for a little while at least. I’m not going to lie. I know it won’t be long before the temptation is too much to resist again.
    4 points
  9. I was at Lovecraft ABS before the lock down, I was in a booth jerking to gay porn waiting for a guy to get into the booth next to mine. I heard somebody go into the next booth, he was a Hispanic guy in his 20s. He didn't even look through the hole, he just dropped his pants and stuck his hooded six and a half in cock thru the gloryhole! I squatted down to breathe in the smell of his cock, it smelled like man musk, and sweat! I took it in my mouth, and tongued his head and foreskin, enjoying the skin and taste. After 5 minutes of sucking and licking, I was getting a little crampy in the legs, so I stood up, and turned around to present hole. I was already lubed up, and I grabbed his cock and rubbed it up and down my crack, this got a noise out of him because I don't think he expected to fuck a hole raw. I backed onto his cock slowly, enjoying the feeling of his cock stretching my sphincter, and pushing in as far as he could get! He started rutting me at a fast pace as I jerked my cock at the same time, I was thinking, this is the way sex is supposed to be! He was really horny, and the whole encounter lasted around 10 minutes, I could tell he was getting ready to cum, and I was going to shoot at the same time. His pace picked up, and I begged him to breed me then he stopped, I could feel the pulsing of his cock as his cum loaded me up! I shot my load seconds later, and licked my fingers to get that cum taste, fantasizing it was his cum I was eating as he filled my ass! I looked thru the hole to see him pull up his pants really quickly without cleaning up. I guess he was in a hurry to get back to work or something. I savored the feeling in my ass as I pulled up my pants knowing his cum was in my ass. I remember this vividly because this is the last time I was loaded, and I have jerked off thinking about it many times.
    4 points
  10. I traded onto this long layover a month ago, hoping things might be open by the time the end of May came along. But that wasn't the case. Plenty of food delivery options downtown, and great weather for a walk along the river. Also, the hotel gym was open! And it was a large gym with a lot of equipment. So I had my first hard full workout in 2 months. I've been using resistance bands at home, and they must be doing something because the free weights didn't kill me. The scale, however, wasn't very friendly LOL. I got checked in early afternoon on Memorial Day. After a shower I logged on to a variety of sites: BBRT, A4A, Sniffies, and Scruff. I was getting a lot of messages on Sniffies, and quickly found a hot guy nearby who wanted to come over. After explaining that not only did this hotel require key cards for the elevator, but you also needed a key just to get into the lobby (or buzz in.) He was cool with meeting me outside and would message when he was close, in 20-25 minutes. Well, 45 minutes went by with no response from him so I moved on. A handsome stocky guy from BBRT had started messaging, but wanted to host. So I said I'd grab and Uber and head over. He was taller than me (about 6'3"), good looking, and a great kisser. We made out for a bit and quickly moved to the bed. He was very tactile and we groped each other for a while before he rolled me to my back and got ready to slide his thick 7.5" in. We fucked in a few positions but I got his load with me on my back. Once his load was marinating in my ass, we snuggled for a bit before he got hard again and wanted some more of my hole. The second fuck was missionary position, and I got a second load out of him. I'm not sure how long I was there, probably a little over an hour. I got dressed, ordered my ride, and headed back to the hotel. Back online, I was doing a lot of chatting with guys on multiple sites. Mostly just chat for a couple of hours before I started chatting with another BBRT guy. He was eager to fuck and needed me to host. He was 50's, firm body, and shorter than me. He asked if I wanted it rough or if I wanted some foreplay. And then said "and by foreplay, I mean taking off your clothes". Direct and to the point, I thought this had potential for me to serve as a hole for him to get off in, and I wasn't far off. I met him outside and brought him up. As soon as I closed the door, he pulled his dick out of his shorts and guided me down to my knees. He fucked my mouth for a couple of minutes with his average 6" dick. When he was ready to fuck, he stood me up and told me to get undressed. I got on the bed and he told me to lay on my stomach. He laid on top of me, grabbed my hair, and started grinding his dick against my hole. He grabbed a little lube, went balls deep, and whispered "good boy" in my ear. He'd pound me pretty good and when he paused I'd squeeze his dick with my ass, and he'd whisper "good boy" in my ear again. No more than 15 minutes after he arrived, he started pounding again and shot his load. Once he caught his breath he dressed and headed out pretty quickly. I love an efficient no nonsense fuck! I'd had a very long day at this point, so I was going to get ready to crash. Before I did, I chatted with a hot daddy on BBRT who wanted to come by in the afternoon to play. We settled on 1pm on Tuesday and I headed to bed. I did as I usually do, started fingering my sloppy hole and edging and jerking off. It didn't take me long to blow my load all over my chest. Tuesday after my morning coffee and workout, I started to shower up and get ready for my 1pm stud. He sent a text about 12:45 and he was just heading over. After i got him up to my room, we made out for a long time. This guy was a slow and sensual kisser with a hot swimmers build, also in his 50's. He had a solid 7.5" with nice girth. We got naked and explored each other's bodies for a long time before he grabbed some lube and got ready to fuck. This was straight up missionary and we didn't stop kissing the entire time he fucked me. About 90 minutes after he arrived, I got his load. We snuggled for a bit before he had to leave. I was very satisfied but decided to check online and see what was going on. I started chatting with a guy in his mid 30's on Sniffies who was working very close to my hotel. He had some things to finish and wouldn't be able to stop by until 5pm, a couple of hours away. He was very into fucking my loaded hole, and if I could get some more before he came by, all the better. I didn't have any other luck finding another top, but this guy was pretty much on time, arriving at about 5:15. He was extremely good looking. He had a pretty average body but his face was crazy handsome. He was another slow sensual kisser and fairly passive for a top. So I went into dominant bottom mode with him on his back and me kissing him, sucking his dick, licking his balls, and licking his nipples (which he seemed to enjoy). Eventually he rolled me onto my back and slid his thin 7" in my hole. He didn't pound, but settled into some long slow stokes. It didn't take him long before he had what seemed to be a very intense orgasm and I got his cum. Only about 30 minutes had passed before he was getting dressed and heading out. I decided to head out and pick up some dinner to take back to my room. After I ate and had a couple of glasses of wine, I checked back online to see if there were any more tops that needed to unload. It was fairly quiet online, so I decided it was time to turn in since I had to be up pretty early anyway. I must have absorbed a lot of the cum that I'd been holding in my ass, because I was fingering my hole as I was jerking off and couldn't feel very much. But I blew my load and slept pretty hard that night. Next up, I'll be in PHX where I'll meet up with the "Scruff" guy I've written about several times, and I'll see him twice in June. The rest of my month is all San Antonio and Seattle layovers. I chat occasionally with a guy in SAT that I haven't seen in probably 4 years, and I reached out to him. He's eager to meet up and we have 2 firm play dates that'll work with both our schedules. I get so few long Seattle layovers that I don't have any guys there I can contact, but I'll probably try and find a few loads there. Stay tuned.
    4 points
  11. I went out to Fire Island for the holiday weekend, desperately needing a break from the city. I had already gotten a positive anti-body test the week before. The weather was meh, mostly overcast, so I hopped on scruff and found a daddy dick who likes to breed boy holes. We got to chatting about all the social distancing, how it had been months since either of us met up with anyone, and wondering if the meat rack would see any action this summer. I confessed that I had never been to the meat rack before. He took it as his personal mission to show me, maybe we’d do some socially distant jacking off with him cumming on my boyhole. I met him on the boardwalk and we made our way to the meat rack, chatting all the way while wearing our masks. We got to the meat rack and went to a raised wooded area. He started rubbing his meat and told me to show him my boy hole. I pulled down my pants and spread my cheeks for him. He complimented my hole and stepped closer. He started rubbing his cock against my hole applying a little pressure. Neither of us brought lube, and my hole wasn’t even starting to open up. I rubbed some of my precum on my hole and grabbed the poppers from my pocket and took some deep hits. He tried to push into me again but only had slightly better luck. He asked me to turn around and face him. I wanted his cock so bad. He told me to get on my knees. I did as I was told. I grabbed his cock and felt his thickness in my hand. I looked up at him, telling him how much I wanted to suck his cock. He told me I can if I want. I lifted my mask up to reveal my mouth and took his cock into my mouth until my lips were pressed against his pelvis. Daddy grabbed my head and thrust his cock into my mouth, my tongue moving all around his meat. Finally he pulled me off him and told me to turn around and show him my hole. I turned around, took a few more hits of poppers and pulled my cheeks apart not knowing what to expect. And then I felt his wet daddy dick push all the way into my boyhole until his balls tapped my ass. We were both in ecstasy having gone months without raw sex. Daddy gave me a steady but quick fuck until he asked me if I wanted his load. I told him, “Yes, breed me daddy. Give me your cum.” And with that he pumped a large load of cum into me and then pulled out. I asked him if I had permission to cum. He called me a good boy and said that yes, I may cum. It only took me a few strokes of my cock until my cum shot across the sand. I pulled some paper towels from my pocket and gave him one to clean up, noticing his cock had some of my blood on it. I guess after over two months, my hole was really tight without proper lube. We walked back to our respective houses and I texted him later, thanking him for his daddy cum hoping he enjoyed breeding me. He told me, yes, that’s why he gifted me with his cum, because I earned it.
    4 points
  12. Part 10 I sat up in the bed unsure what to do. The three men walked into the bedroom and Mr. Kelly started with introductions. "Jake you know Mr. Miller obviously. And you sort of know this guy." He looked familiar. I knew I had seen him before. And then it hit me. "Justin? From the video?" "You showed him our videos?" It was him. He was taller than I expected but still hot. Those vids must have been pretty recent. "Jake picked that video himself. He must have liked what he saw." I was still in shock even as Justin started to take his clothes off. Mr. Miller came to sit next to me on the bed. He was fully clothed. Mr. Miller was younger than Mr. Kelly probably in his 30s. He was in good shape and had a thicker body then the other two. He told us in class he used to play football in high school and college and you could tell from his body. He leaned in and put his arm around me. "Mike..Mr. Kelly told me you've had some fun today. Is it ok if I join?" I looked at him and pulled away a little. His arm was still around me but our faces weren't as close. "Mr. Miller. You're my teacher now. This is so awkward. Are you sure about this? I mean what's gonna happen on Monday?" He pulled me in a little with his arm before he answered. "Let's not worry about that now. I've wanted you since the first day you came into my class. And then when Mr. Kelly told me he was talking to you on Grindr I knew I had to have you. And...I have noticed that you haven't stopped stroking your cock since we came in. You want this don't you?" He pulled my hand from my cock to the crotch of his pants. He was hard and he felt big. Just then, I heard the click of the torch. I turned and Justin was lighting the pipe and bringing it over to the bed. He was only wearing boxers. He was hot. I couldn't believe this was happening. "Why me?" I don't know who I was asking. It just slipped out. Mr. Miller and Mr. Kelly laughed. "Son, you have no idea how hot you are. Just 18 and a swimmer. You'll understand when your my age." Mr. Kelly was at the foot of the bed rubbing my legs and pulling them apart as he did it. Just as Justin was putting the pipe to my mouth, he looked over to Mr. Kelly. "Son? You call a former student son? This boy you just fucked?" Mr. Kelly just answered "Yup." As Justin pulled the pipe away he said, "That is fucking hot. Teacher taking his boys cherry and calling him son. Fuck." He put the pipe to his mouth and took a hit as I let mine out. Mr. Miller watched. "Damn boy. Expert at blowing clouds too huh? Was this your first time with tina too?" I just nodded. The high was back and I was rubbing my cock again. Justin sat down on the bed and faced me pointing to his mouth. "Shotgun it boys" Mr. Miller said. Justin leaned in and he blew the hit inside my mouth and then we were making out. He liked making out hard too. It felt like we couldnt open our mouths to each other wide enough. He pulled away and let the cloud out. "Fuck" he said "You are sexy as fuck." He took another hit and this time shotgunned Mr. Kelly. As they made out Mr. Miller said to me "You like that? Watching them make out?" I nodded. "Do you smoke that too?" I asked. "Oh yeah we have time don't worry about me." When they broke their kiss, Justin came to sit next to me again. Mr. Kelly looked at Mr. Miller. "Did you bring the points?" Mr. Miller nodded. "Points? What's that?" No one answered me. Justin handed Mr. Miler the pipe and he took his first hit. I was getting high with two of my teachers and a hot guy rubbing my chest and leg. "Oh fuck. Yeah that's good shit you got Mike." Mr. Miler's hit was huge. So big you almost couldn't see him through the smoke. Hearing him call Mr. Kelly Mike was a little weird. Oh right I'm not in school with them right now. I'm in Mr. Kelly's bed with my history teacher who was starting to strip down. Mr. Kelly and I were the only naked ones but Justin and Mr. Miller were down to their underwear. Mr. Miller was beefy with a little bit of a belly. It didnt make him less attractive. He had a coating of fur on his chest and a little on his stomach. The head of his cock was already peaking out of his boxer briefs. It looked big. He took a second hit. This time while he held it in he pulled my face to his. I knew what was coming. I was nervous all of a sudden. This was real. He opened his mouth and leaned in. I wasn't even thinking. I didn't open my mouth. He was kissing my lips trying to use his tongue to pass me his hit. Feeling his tongue against my lips made me forget what I was thinking and I relaxed into him. He pushed his hit into my mouth and we started making out. Mr. Miller was a much gentler kisser. Sensual. Romantic almost. My body was melting into him and as he felt my weight he moaned into my mouth. He broke the kiss so I could let the hit out. "That was hot" he said "We're gonna have some fun aren't we?" He pulled his boxer briefs off and I was looking at Mr. Miller's cock. It wasnt as thick as Mr. Kelly's but it looked longer. I looked toward the screen and another top was cumming inside the bottom while they made out. "Did you pick this vid too?" Justin asked me. I turned to him and he was naked too. His dick was about the same size as mine but a little thicker. Now we were all naked. "Yeah I did." "Is that what you want tonight? You want us to take turns fucking you like that? You want us to breed you?" That got me excited and scared at the same time. "I...I just don't know if I would be able to handle it all. Today was my first time really doing anything so I don't know." Mr. Miller put his arm around me again. "Don't worry. We'll be gentle. We won't make you do anything you don't want to do. We're here to have fun and make sure this feels good for you. Ok?" I nodded. "Good boy. You like getting high with your teachers? Feel good?" I nodded again. "Jake, we are about to get you higher than you even believed was possible. You are going to love it." He grabbed his long hard cock. I could see precum around the head already. "I can't wait to get my raw cock into you Jake. My favorite student. You want that?" I did but I didn't respond right away. This was all so new and Monday morning was getting closer and closer. I think he could sense my hesitation. "Don't worry. You can say yes. And after we get you really flying, you wont even remember no was a word in your vocabulary." He turned his attention away from me to Mr. Kelly. "Mike, I think we're ready. Let's do this." I had no idea what he was talking about.
    3 points
  13. Breeding Each Other's Boys If you’ve ever read any of my stories on here, you know I really get off on sharing my boy. Sometimes that has gotten us both into some hot risky situations. And we both get off on that. We both mostly remember to take our PrEP, so what’s the harm in the occasional POZ load? Last winter, a fuck buddy told me about this weekly party in midtown, for bears and their admirers. I am into submissive burly hairy dudes, but my boy prefers dominant twinks. Sometimes stretching his limits is fun for us both. We decided to take a long lunch break on a Thursday afternoon and meet up at the midtown address and have some fun. I got there a few minutes before him and was lingering at the clothes check just inside the third-floor walk-up. Two incredibly sexy guys showed up and tore each other’s clothes off and shoved them into a bag, eyeing me up and down as they handed their clothes over and paid the attendant. One guy was squat and muscled, his shoulders covered in a fuzz of blond hair. He had a mop of blond hair held back with a handkerchief headband. His partner, taller and heavier-set was covered in black curly body hair, even his back. As he parted the curtain, he turned to wink at me. I smiled back, nervously, and took note of a massive scorpion tattoo between his shoulder blades. My boy showed up and kissed me as I cleared my throat, feeling my cock stiffen. We stripped down to our jockstraps, checked our clothes, and went into the darkened back area. The walls were painted glossy black and the place was furnished with numerous black leather sofas and ottomans and broken up with black velour curtains here and there. There were even tawdry velvet paintings of busty nude women on the walls. There were bowls of lube and condoms on a folding table in the front area. We each took a few of both and tucked them into our socks. I loved the assortment of men, some hairy as hell and some twinky guys who were into them. It seemed like we were on the early side, and while some guys were getting and giving head, there was no hardcore fucking yet. The blond guy with the headband came up to us and smiled at me. He leaned forward to offer a loud stage whisper, ‘You’re both hot. Wanna play? We only play safe here. You never know what these guys have… Hope that’s not a deal-breaker…’’ My boy and I eagerly nodded and he introduced himself as Jeremy and his scorpion-tattooed boyfriend as Sam. We shook hands and they chuckled, grabbing our strapped crotches and leading us to a back area. The back room was almost wall-to-wall ottomans pushed together. Jeremy threw his arms over my shoulders and kissed me hard. He led my hands down to his ass and I started fingering his hole. ‘Baby,’ he cooed at me, ‘We’ll need to bag up, and make sure to use plenty of lube!’ I agreed and grabbed a lube packet and squirted it onto my fingers, forcing globs into his hole, which instantly felt super wet. I looked over to see Sam’s furry back and shoulders rippling as my boy leaned forward and spread his cheeks wide. Sam ate his ass. Seeing that scorpion tattoo flex made me instantly hard, so I had no trouble getting the rubber onto my dick. I leaned forward and asked Jeremy, ‘Any chance Sam is a Scorpio?’ Jeremy chuckled and said, ‘Oh, yeah. Sure…’ I asked when his birthday was, and he thought for a few seconds too long and said, ‘Ummm… March?’ I knew he was kidding me and slid my rock-hard sheathed cock into his ass in one push. It felt loose and open, and seeing Sam’s massive cock, I knew why. He must have been regularly cunted by that big thick cock. Sam was duly wrapping up his own nine inch thick tool as he prepared to enter my boy. Jeremy’s loose ass made it tough for me to stay hard, and I felt my dick sliding around in the condom. I looked over to see Sam jack-hammering my boy’s ass as he groaned into the leather upholstery. I knew he preferred it bareback, but Sam was hitting all the right spots, so he wasn’t complaining. Then again, he also preferred hairless twinks, but a big cock is a big cock. Hearing my boy moaning got me a little harder and I was able to keep fucking this total stranger. It started to feel better to my dick and I could really pound his stretched-out hole. Jeremy asked me to pull out so he could roll over onto his back. When I did, I was mortified to see that the condom had completely worked itself off of my dick. It was crumpled up with just a bit of latex peeking out of his slack cunt. I pulled it out and held it up to show Jeremy, apologizing profusely. He smiled and said, ‘that’s ok, baby. Just put it back in me. You’ve been fucking me raw for at least a few minutes, what’s a few minutes more?’ I nodded, looking at Sam for his approval to raw-fuck his boyfriend. He grinned and nodded, pulling out of my boy and flipping him over, fiddling with his own rubber before slamming back into my boy. When I slid back into Jeremy’s ass, a puddle of white spooge puddled around my cock. Jeremy shoved a few fingers into his hole alongside my dick and withdrew them to taste. ‘You like that, baby?,’ he asked me. I nodded. ‘Sam bred me just before we got here… He loves warming me up for fresh cock…’ Sam tapped me on the shoulder. ‘Let’s switch,’ he said. I agreed and slid raw into my boy’s newly opened-up hole, slick with Sam’s cum. My boy held his legs back and his ass swallowed my dick. It felt so good sliding into him after being pummeled by that big cock. After a few pumps, I saw that familiar spooge ring around my dick. I pulled out and looked at Sam and Jeremy, kissing hard as they bare-fucked. I tapped Sam’s shoulder and asked, ‘did you breed my boy?’ He grinned again and pulled out of Jeremy. ‘Only once so far, when I saw you fucking mine bare… It’s only fair.’ I guess he had a point. ‘Let’s switch back, buddy,’ Sam said, pulling out of Jeremy’s butt. I agreed and slid my cummy cock back into Jeremy, now even looser than before. It only took a few seconds in his cum-soaked hole to loose my load. I shot my seed deep into Jeremy’s guts, staying rock hard. Sam fucked my boy harder and deeper than he’s been fucked in a while. He threw his head back and came, again, deep in my boy. Even though I’d JUST cum inside Jeremy, knowing my boy was being bred a second time made me fire off again. Covered in sweat and cum, Jeremy and my boy made out while Sam pulled out of my boy with a juicy ‘plop.’ I pulled out of Jeremy and a torrent of cum followed. As we got up from the ottoman, there were guys all around us eager to take out place. One eager bottom put his face right into the cum puddle where my boy had been and lapped it up. He spit into his hand and rubbed it along his ass crack, bending forward for a lucky stranger to fuck him. I realized my lunch break was about over and pointed to the exit. The four of us headed back to clothes check and got dressed to head back to work. We exchanged business cards and promised to stay in touch. I got a text from Sam right as the workday ended saying ‘THANKS FOR SHARING YOUR BOY’S HOLE. SHOULD HAVE TOLD YOU BOTH EARLIER THAT I’M POZ. I SHOULDN’T HAVE STEALTHED YOUR BOY. THAT OK?’ I texted back saying ‘YOUR TATTOO TOLD ME AS MUCH… YEAH. IT’S COOL.’ A few minutes later I hadn’t heard back from him, so I wrote another text: WHEN ARE WE BREEDING EACH OTHER’S BOYS AGAIN? This time the answer was swift. He sent me a photo. Apparently, he’d followed my boy to his office and had just finished depositing more fresh POZ cum…
    2 points
  14. Bareback bottom looking to be bred, No loads refused. Open to most kinks anything vanilla to [banned word] just say when and where. Breed my hungry hole
    2 points
  15. went to a peaceful protest in my small town yesterday. ran into many people i haven't seen a while. Including a former white student of mine who i first played and corrupted some 20 years ago. Fucked his virgin hole back then and introduced him to both xxx vid stores and black cock soon after he graduated high school...Then lost touch with him . Flash forward some 15 years later ( like 5 years ago) and i'm teaching his son .. at the parent conference he, his wife and a black guy all come in to the room. turns out they were a new type of modern family lol - all living together , with wife now married to the Black Man. . At the rally saw the whole family for the first time in years- including their new son, who was obviously came from the sperm of the Black Man. Exchanged numbers and plan to see each other again.
    2 points
  16. Game Time: Prelude Jake, Sean, and Owen were bored. The three friends were all in their early 30’s, and the usual hook-up apps and casual sex were no longer doing it for them. They were frustrated, and even with all the hot Chicago men at their disposal, they all were craving something new. Something more adventurous. Something that makes a good story. The three friends couldn’t be more different from each other, both in physical description and sexual conquest. Up to this point, Owen was a serial monogamist. Throughout his adult life, he was always the friend in the long-term relationship, who had a partner, who had the tame vanilla stories to share. He was a medium height ginger, formerly a twink that has evolved into a lanky yet sexy nerd. Equipped with a medium girth, veiny 7.5” cock, Owen has been exclusively a top for the last decade. And Owen is on the rebound. After spending the bulk of the last decade in closed relationships and having his heart shattered by discovering his last boyfriend in bed with a passing-through pilot, he is itching to finally have a bit of a slut phase. At the other end of the spectrum, Jake has never had a long-term relationship, and has no desire to change this. When he’s not working out at the gym, Jake likes to offer up his hole as a cum dump to anyone that might need a tight hole to unload. Anonymous dark rooms, adult bookstores, glory holes, bathhouses – these are all perfect playgrounds for Jake. With a bottle of poppers and a shot of lube always in his pocket, Jake is prepared at a moment’s notice and perpetually cum-hungry. Jake always has a story or ten for Sean and Owen that blows their minds and hardens their cocks. Fairly muscular, Jake is the type of guy that gets mistaken at first for having “top energy,” but he has no interest in topping whatsoever. A perfectly trimmed beard and impeccably coiffed hair top off his cut physique. That being said, even with taking multiple loads most days, Jake is still looking for a bigger thrill. Then there is Sean. Sean is a 5’11” cub with scruffy and dark hair who is highly involved in the kink community. With a love for leather, Sean is a bottom verse when fucking, but loves to fist a nice hole. Sean has a prolific Instagram filled with thotty pics of him in jock straps, harnesses, pup hoods, and body suits (and surprisingly has only been reported twice!). That said, for all the gear and toys Sean has collected over the years, he has gotten into a rut with his scenes. Being a very picky person that meticulously plans, it takes a lot to get an invite into Sean’s playroom. This pickiness, however, has led Sean to be somewhat frustrated with his sex life. Despite all his followers online and his likes, he is jealous of Jake’s ability to just let go and enjoy sex wherever, whenever. Based on their personalities, it is obvious why Sean and Jake were surprised one day when Owen made an interesting proposal over brunch at their favorite diner. “I think we should play a game, kinda like a truth or dare, but only dares.” Owen blurted out to the other two. See, Owen was itching to let it all go and slut out, but his guilt complex needed someone else to pull the trigger for him. He dreamed of having a dominant man tell him what to do and how to be a cumpig, but he didn’t want to trust just anyone. So, who better than his best friends Sean and Jake to control the fate of his slutty coming of age? “Oh? Like what? Daring you to dye your hair blue? Or actually show up late one time somewhere?” Jake asked, poking fun at Owen’s obsession for perfection. “No, like, sexual dares. Like we set up scenes for each other, send time and location, maybe minimal instructions, and then we must carry out the dares from each other.” Sean was so shocked at the suggestion he choked on his coffee. Jake, however, could see exactly what was happening. His dear tightly wound friend needed a release and was ready to let it all explode. A huge smirk spread across his face. His mind was already reeling at what trouble he could prescribe for his dear friends. He had plenty of favors to call in to give Owen exactly what he was craving. “Wait, why?” Sean inquired. “Well, it’s rare that all three of us are available at the same time, and what better way to celebrate the three of us being single than helping each other explore our kinks and expand our horizons. Plus, think of the stories we will have during brunch.” “I’m in.” Jake interjected. He’s already hard under the table thinking about this. He never would have predicted Owen would make this suggestion, but he is happy he did. “So, that is two of us. Sean, it’ll be fun… and you always say I need to be more adventurous and spontaneous.” Owen added. “Fine, let’s see where this goes.” Sean gave in. “Perfect, the first set of dares have to be executed in the next two weeks. We know each other’s schedules pretty well, so that will help. Let’s start clockwise. Jake, you make a dare for me. I will make a dare for Sean, and Sean dares Jake. At any time, we will text each other at minimum a place and time. Little more instruction if need, but not too much. And any extras we might need to bring. And if this works out, we go counterclockwise and dare some more. Sound good?” Owen said. “You had this all planned out before even getting here today, didn’t you?” Sean responded. “Of course, you know me.” Owen answered. “Well boys, let’s have some fun with each other. No limits here, this is going to be good.” Jake added. And with that, the game began. The boys continue their normal brunch conversation, but each of them starts planning what mischief they can get their friends into over the next few weeks. To be continued…
    2 points
  17. Thanks for all the kind comments! Part 4 "I'm so glad you want that son. I do too. Do you like what you see on the screen?" I turned back to the movie and the dad and son were still making out with the dad on top of the son. But the dad was fucking the son! When the dad pulled away from their kiss I heard him say, "You like the feel of your dad's raw cock inside you?" The son was moaning and getting louder with each thrust. Dad was cupping my balls and stroked by cock his mouth back to my ear. "We don't have to do that right now or even tonight but I know you want to feel your dad's thick raw cock inside you don't you?" I moaned softly excited and scared all at once. I had never even thought about getting fucked raw. Bareback was always fantasy to me. It was too risky to do for real. But the door to the secret room in my mind was wide open now and in that moment condoms seemed like the worst possible idea. I turned to look at him again and this time I was dead serious. "No dad. I want that tonight. I want that now. Please dad. Fuck your son." As soon as I heard myself say it I pulled back away from the center of the bed and dad's arm around me. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry I don't know what I'm saying. I...I ....I'm not like that." Dad reached for my arm and held it pulling me back to him. "Hey hey it's ok its ok. You're fine. I want to know your deepest desires. I'm here to make them all come true. You're not scaring me. I like that you can trust me with those thoughts." I was leaning against him again and heard the click of the torch. "Here let's do another couple hits. I think we could probably use something to help us relax." He put the pipe up to my mouth and I took another big hit. Back and forth we went until that urge returned. I grabbed my semi hard cock and I stared at dad's thick cock. Without saying anything I leaned down and licked the tip my tongue moving along his slit. I tasted the sweetness of his pre cum. "Oh fuck son." I felt dad's hand against the back of my head as he put the slightest bit of pressure so that I would take more of his cock. I wrapped my lips around the head and got the loudest moan of the night as dad's reaction. It was just the head but my mouth already felt so full. I tried to go deeper on his cock but my mouth just couldn't handle it. "God you're so huge dad. I can't fit you in my mouth." I was looking up into his eyes with his cock on my tongue. "That is such a gorgeous site. Why don't you just lick up and down the shaft. I don't want to cum this way anyway." He gave me what looked like a conniving smirk. I knew what he meant and I felt my cock pulse. I started licking up and down his cock trying to taste every part of it. It was hairy but it looked like he probably trimmed so it wouldnt get out of control and so nothing hid how big it was. "Come back up here." I felt like I wasn't doing a good job. I didn't really know what I was doing so this was probably not the best blow job he had ever gotten before. He pulled me into another kiss and laid me on my back his hands moving up and down my chest and abs. Then he kissed his way down my neck down my chest and down my abs and then he put my cock into his mouth. "Fuck oh my god" I screamed. His mouth felt amazing. He was able to get all of it in his mouth which was probably easier because I was still only half hard. After a couple minutes he pulled up from it and used his hand to stroke me while he licked my balls. He looked up at me as the tip of his tongue teased each ball and made me jump from the sensation. "I love how smooth you are son. Does everyone on the swim team shave their cock and balls too?" I was feeling a little embarrassed. I never talked to anyone about this. I just liked the way it looked in porn so I figured I would try it too. "Nah not really. I just wanted to see how it looked and felt." He kept teasing my balls but with each touch he moved further down. "Well they look amazing. How do they feel?" I could see that he was smiling as he gave me a small spasm each time his tongue hit my balls. "It feels amaaaaaazing." "If you think that feels amazing you're gonna love this." He surprised me and pushed my legs up and pulled my cheeks apart. He kissed each ass cheek and then all of a sudden i felt that tip of his tongue again brush against my hole. I lifted my head up with a gasp. This time he used more of his tongue to lick around and on my hole. "Wha- what are you doing? Oh my god." He pulled his head up. "You haven't seen this in porn? Rimming?" I shook my head. "Oh are you one of those guys who turns on a video and fast forwards to the fucking?" He got me. I started laughing and as my head fell back against the pillow his tongue pushed into my hole for the first time. My laugh became a long moan. "Dad oh fuck that feels amazing." For the next few minutes it felt like he was trying to use his tongue to get deeper and deeper into me. I was in ecstasy. I never even knew this was something that existed and it was the best thing I had ever felt before. I reached for my cock and felt that it was getting more than semi-hard. He raised himself up and lowered my legs back to the bed. He came back up to a sitting position and grabbed the pipe and torch again. "How about a couple more hits?" I didn't say anything. I just pulled myself up to sit up again with him. He put the pipe up to my mouth first again. I took a long hit and as I let it out he put the pipe back to my mouth. "Don't you wanna take your turn before I take my second?" He smiled and just said "You are so sweet Jake. It's ok. There's plenty for both of us. Go ahead take another hit." He made me take a few more hits in a row. All big clouds. It felt amazing and for the first time I felt the tingling at my hole. I needed him to take my virginity. Now. As if he could sense what I was thinking he put his mouth back up to my ear and whispered, "I think it's time dad takes his son's cherry." I shuddered and nodded. On the screen the dad was screaming "Take your dad's load son! I'm breeding you with the cum that made you son!" All my brain was saying to me now was I want to feel that too. I was ready.
    2 points
  18. Mine was a while back I had had some fun with a buddy of mine and wanted to exercise afterwards. I went on a run and thought nothing of a thick load planted deep inside me a couple of hour ago. I finished the run and wen to the store to get some drinks and oblivious to the stream of cum that had leaked down my leg. Normally it would have been a turn on but a store associate asked if I needed a tissue. I was so embarrassed but that’s what happens when you let big boys play with your hole.
    1 point
  19. Back in college in Texas, after class I would head to the park by Grandbury Lake to "study!"...As I was cruising, I walked by this stud of a young man and, who appeared to be with his Dad. We wave at each other as they are getting a cooler outta their boat. I walked the whole length of the park and then went to the restrooms. Now the bathrooms were not nice...more like a shack but fun anyway.....I about to zip up when in walks the young stud....He immediately said to me that his uncle spotted me and said I was queer...the stud asked me if it was true....I said yes and the next thing I'm blowing this blonde Texas boy....he turns me around and goes to fuck me....spits on my butt, puts on a condom that I gave him after he asked for one , and proceeds to mount me...he's having a hard time finding my hole (said it was because he's straight and usally doesn't fuck guys.) I'm bent over but reach between my legs and grapped his cock to guide it in and also took the rubber off....he slide right into me bare...and immediately shot his load...he immediately gets weirded out and leaves...I can fill his cum in me as I look for the condom I took off but couldn't find it...His uncle comes in and said he knew I was gay, turns around and offered his ass, which I bred. He said his nephew is straight but they had been talking sexually all day...knew his nephew was horny and suggested that he fuck the queer(me)...i said why didn't you keep in the family...he said that he just couldn't fuck his nephew.....After I was done I quickly pulled up my jeans and left the park....On the way home I stopped at my Dad's office. He was at his desk on a phone call and I sat down and waited. As I waited I had an uncontrolled fart! It was loud, wet, and oozed cum all into my underwear and jeans. It was hot day so I smelled like the lake but, now I smelled like cum too...I thought my Dad didn't notice but he did. He immediately got of the phone, stood up, and said, "Boy, you need a fucking shower!" I turned beet red as he said he could smell cum and asked me why the hell did I smell that way?...had I jerked off in the car?...I said no and got up to leave ...as he kept asking what I had done, I turned and he can see a huge stain on my ass!...and then the missing condom falls outta my pants leg onto the floor. He said that answered his fucking question! Grabs me by the back of the neck, pushes me down to pick up the rubber, orders me to put it in my pocket so to get rid of it outside the office, proceeds to guide me by the back of the neck through the office, and walked behind me until we got to my truck. He proceeded to demand an explanation!...I finally told him the truth but not detailed. He tells me to go home....that night he calls me to the garage and proceeds to tell me that his best friend and coworker mentioned that he noticed me earlier in the office with the stain. I asked Dad what he told his Best Friend?....He said he told him that I had been sick. Dad turns to me and starts laughing....said to forget it happened and if I came by to visit again to make sure my ass was clean!
    1 point
  20. Just got home from taking a quick load in my hole. Walked to his apt 2 blocks away from me, walked in, he was in bed wanking, I pulled down my pants, he shoved his cock in me and nutted about 3 minutes later. 🙂
    1 point
  21. Pinellas County fully charged bear seed here
    1 point
  22. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/pound-your-pussyboy-back-up-on-it-39675201 "I love this video. It makes me hard whenever I see that big black cock pumping into my hungry ass, turning it into a pussy and churning up manly juices. Listen for that squishy blissful sound around 9:30 near the end of the video. And if this makes you bust a nut, please remember to leave a comment!"
    1 point
  23. Thanks for all your kind comments. Im glad youre enjoying the story. I just wanted to write something that ticked all my boxes 🙂 so its hot to see there are other guys who are into the slow build too. Havent decided if I should end the story soon and start something new or just see where this could go long term. Thanks for reading! Part 9 We lay like that for a while. Making out softly and holding onto each other. He stayed inside me just like I asked. I saw and felt his first load gush out of me when he pulled out and I wanted this one to stay in me. I wanted my body to absorb his cum so that he became part of me. It was strange to think that only one day before I was a total virgin who had never done anything and now I was beginning a life as a bottom who only took cock raw and who only wanted loads shot deep in me. Mr. Kelly of all people did that. He was so hot but before that day I only thought of him as a math teacher I used to have. Everything can change so fast. He finally did pull out and only a little leaked out as he did. He told me to jump in the shower again and he'd order some food so we had the energy to keep the night going. Soon enough we were back in his bed. He handed me his laptop again and asked me to choose. Then he grabbed the pipe and took a hit. It had been a while now since our last hit so the effect was totally worn off on him. I still had some of the effects probably because it had been my first time and because he had me take so many more hits. But I was ready to get high again. He put the pipe to my mouth and I took three big hits before I settled on a video and played it on his TV. It was a group scene. It looked like 5 or 6 guys all making out at the start of the scene. They were all already naked. "This is one of my favorites" he said as he blew out the cloud from the hit he had just taken. He leaned over and put the pipe to my mouth. As I took the hit, he put his mouth to my ear. "Is this the kind of scene you want to try sometime son? Wait until the fucking starts." And as if he memorized the scene, one of the guys went to the bed at the center of the room and got on his back with his legs up. All of the other men gathered around him. "Is this a group with just one bottom?" "Yes. Do you like that idea?" I didn't answer right away. One of the men was rimming the bottom while another was making out with him. I could only think how hot it would be to have that done to me. He put the pipe to my mouth again. As I took the smoke into my lungs he said "Remember to hold it in son. Make this one a big one. I really want you to feel this deep." I did as he said and even when I felt my lungs were full I tried to take in a little more. I nodded and he pulled the pipe away and I held my breath. "Now when you're ready to let it out I want you to let it out through your nose. You'll feel more of the hit that way." I nodded as the tingling started again. This was going to feel good. It was my first day of smoking T but I could already tell what a good hit was. I exhaled through my nose and a huge cloud of smoke built around my face and down my chest. "Thats it son. Fuck that's hot watching my boy get high like that." It hit me. I started shaking and tilted my head back as I rested it against the wall. "Fffffffuuuck dad...." This was the best hit I think I had yet. For good measure, he put the pipe back up to my mouth and I took another big hit. "I want you to keep practicing blowing it out of your nose. You see the difference dont you son?" I nodded as I sucked on the pipe. He took a hit right after me and I tried to hold my breath with him. I exhaled out my nose first but he did while smoke was still building around me. He turned my face to his and we were kissing again. Animals, dad and son, pressing our mouths and bodies against each other like we couldn't get close enough. The movie got louder. Lots more moaning and a lot of "fuck yeah." I turned to look at the screen and the bottom was getting fucked. One of the guys had put the bottoms legs around his waist and leaned down to make out with him while he fucked him. They were holding onto each other like their lives depended on it. Like if they let go they would lose the pleasure that their moans and heavy breathing said they were feeling right then. But even though he hadnt cum yet the top pulled away and out of the bottom and another guy from the group stepped in and did the same thing. He pushed his hard raw cock into the bottom with a moan from both and then he pressed his body down as they started making out with the same passion as the first guy. "What are you thinking? This is something you want isn't it? You want to be the center of attention? Have tops treat you like their boy? Loving you by sharing you this way?" I just nodded. "That looks so hot" I said as I looked back at him. "It looks like it would hurt after a while though. All those cocks?" A third top was fucking the bottom now. "But I just love how they all make out with him when theyre fucking him." "Yes son. I knew you would like that. I love making out with you. I can tell that it makes you want cock so much more when a man is making love to your mouth too. You wrap your arms around me a little tighter when we kiss. You know you can still be the center of a group that doesnt have as many tops." He grabbed the pipe and lit it again putting it to my mouth. We both took two more hits. "I have to refill this pipe again. I'll be right back." He got up and walked out with the pipe. "Your cloth bag is on your desk" I called after him from the bed but he kept walking. The tops all took their turns but no one came. Then the last top pulled the bottom up to his feet. All of the guys moved from the bed to a long couch. All of the tops sat down and the bottom went to one of them and stood up on the couch before lowering himself on the tops cock. They started making out again while the other tops watched and jerked off. Mr. Kelly came back into the room with the pipe. He was still hard as steel. "I forgot that I left the bag in here." He chuckled. "You didn't hear me say that when you walked out?" He just shook his head as he filled the pipe with more of the crystals. Then he lit the pipe and took the first hit. He came over to the bed as he held the hit and leaned down above my cock and blew the cloud onto it as he put me in his mouth. It didnt feel really different but there was something about seeing my cock in this mans mouth as smoke built up around his face and my cock. He lifted his head and looked at me. "You like that?" I just smiled. "You have such a cute smile son." His words could get me so horny for him. He sat back next to me again and handed me the pipe and torch. "I want you to try taking a hit yourself. You're ready for it." I tried to do what I saw him do. I had to try the torch a couple times since the flame didn't trigger with the click the first time. "Now don't get it too close. You don't want to burn it." I pulled the flame a safe distance and then started to see the smoke starting to form. I put my mouth to the pipe and kept the torch going like he had. "That's right. Yup yup yup yup." I started to laugh and coughed up the smoke. I couldn't control myself in the moment. "What happened? Are you ok?" I was still laughing. "Do you realize that's exactly what you would say when we would have to go up to the board and explain the homework problems? That was just a funny time for that throwback." He laughed with me but told me to take a proper hit this time. I lit the pipe and as I put it to my mouth to take the hit, he leaned into me closer and put his mouth up to my ear. "You like that don't you? That your old teacher is here getting you high and breeding you with his huge loads of cum? Did you ever think when you were sitting in my class that a couple years later I would have my thick raw cock deep in you? I wanted you then too. Thinking about your smooth tight body under me and my hard bare dad cock pushing into you and feeling you from the inside." I was just mesmerized by his voice and seeing the bottom in the video moving from one tops lap to another that I wasnt even paying attention to how big the hit was until I started letting some of the smoke out through my nose while I was still taking the hit. "That's right Jake. This is a fat fucking hit. Get high for Mr. Kelly. Get high for your dad." I handed him the pipe as I held the hit. He took a hit of his own as I began to let the hit out of my nose. I was getting even higher than I was before. I was floating and at the same time I could feel that hunger building through the stirring in my cock and the yearning at my hole. He put the pipe down and turned my face to his and kissed me. As I opened my mouth to his he blew his hit into my mouth and I took it in. He pulled away and told me to hold that hit in. Combined with the hit I had just done I knew this was going to put me in a place I hadn't been yet. I let it go and could feel my whole body giving itself over to the high. He was rubbing my chest and abs. "I love seeing you like this. So fucking hot." Just then his phone rang. He went over to his desk. "Fuck. Do you mind? I should get this." I just nodded. I was too high to know what to say. He walked out into the living room. I turned my attention back to the screen. The bottom was laying on the ground on his back again. One of the tops was lying on top of him. I loved how much making out there was. I always thought in a group scene that the bottoms were just treated like holes to fuck and nothing else. That never really appealed to me. This movie though was something I never imagined. The top inside and on top of him started to moan louder in the bottoms mouth. His thrusts became harder like he was trying to get deeper inside. And then that thrust that made it clear he was cumming inside the bottom. His back was arched as he tried to get as deep as he could. And then his body had those spasms like he was still shooting. He stayed inside the bottom as they continued to make out. This was so hot. I was stroking my half hard cock and started to tease my hole with my finger with my legs spread wide on Mr. Kelly's big bed. I was thinking about Mr. Kelly's body on top of me with his hard cock pressed against my hole. I arched my back with my eyes closed feeling that high going through me as I thought about the thick head pushing into my tight smooth hole. "Holy fuck that is a hot sight to walk in on." This was a different voice. Not Mr. Kelly's. I was jolted out my head as I opened my eyes and looked up. My hands were still between my legs and my legs spread apart. "Mr. Miller?! What the fuck?" My current history teacher was standing at the door with Mr. Kelly and one more guy that I recognized but couldnt figure out how. I was coming out of my high. This was freaking me out. "Wh-- wh-- whats going on? What the fuck?"
    1 point
  24. Ditch the girl friend and get a Boy Friend who can take care of you as you slide into the rabbit hole.
    1 point
  25. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get to sleep. Before long I was craving some dick so I hopped on grindr and found a younger chubby latino gaymer who was looking to get sucked and swallowed. He lived at home so he suggested that I sneak into the backyard and suck him off there. He gave me the address and instructions on how to get to the backyard and I headed out. I got there, followed his directions and found him sitting on a chair with his dick already in hand. he had a 7" uncut and fat dick. I got on my knees and proceeded to suck him off, and after a few minutes he shot is load, I swallowed, got up and left. As I was leaving the backyard I was walking along a row of trees separating his house from the house next door. As I cleared the trees, I saw his neighbor standing at the end of the driveway having a smoke. All I noticed at the time was he had dark features and was tall and skinny with curly hair. As I passed him heading back to my car he said "hey, what's up?" and as I walked by I responded "not too much" and kept walking. He called out to me and said "hey, so you sucking dick tonite?" and he caught me complete off guard and I responded "don't know what you're talking about" and kept walking. Then he said "We cool dude, I saw you in the backyard sucking dick, just wanna see if you wanna suck mine too". At this point I stopped and turned toward him and as he noticed that he had my attention he said "I got a big dick, you wanna see it?" After pausing for a second I started to walk toward him and he pulled down his basketball shorts for me to see it. I could see now that he was probably Puerto Rican and I'm guessing mid to late twenties in age. He had a hair bush, from which hung a nice big dick with lots of excess foreskin hanging off the end. As I got closer he asked me if I liked it and I said yes and I started to see it growing in front of me. He told me to follow him into the garage,which I did and he dropped his shorts and sat down on a beach chair. He pulled his phone out and I thought he was going to record it but he started playing some straight porn and I went to work. His dick was long, like probably 9" long and not to thick, so he was able to snake the whole thing down my throat, which both thrilled and amazed him. I spent about 15 minutes pleasing his manhood while he watched straight porn before he told me he was close. He set the phone down, stood up and started to fuck my face until he finally shot his huge wad down my throat. I swallowed him down and cleaned him up and he put his shorts back on. I started to walk out of the garage and he said "Hey wait, how do I hit you up?" which surprised me, because I thought maybe this was a one time thing, but I gave him my number and then headed back to my car. On my way home I got a text message from him that was three "thumbs up" emojis and a message that said "hmu anytime to get @this". I'm definitely going to reach out to him again soon!
    1 point
  26. all of your stories are so hot I was 27, married just 6 months, knew I was bi before I got married but cold turkey. I started back 2 weeks after getting married sucking and fucking guys. Then I met Jesse, a 40+yo man's man with a thick 8inch cock. We met online and was going to exchange blowjobs, but when he dropped that 8 out. I was only knees and his fingers found my ass. I swallowed his load and he told me if his car was ever in his drive stop by for more....I did 11 out of the next 14 days and each time another finger or toy slipped into my hole. I was cumming just by his penetration. That next Friday, with my wife out of town. I stopped by his house at 3 and I left at noon Sunday. He fucked me bare all weekend. to start, he laid me down on his bed and rimmed me forever. I nearly came. He fingered me with one then two then three fingers. HE lubed up and slowly pushed his thick dick into me. He bred me 9 or 10 times from Friday to Sunday
    1 point
  27. I hooked up with a sexy young virgin twink who gave me the honour of being the first to enjoy his meaty furry bubble arse & breed him. I spent nearly 2 hours eating & fingering his very tasty tight hole getting him ready for penetration! I go between his hairy legs & pushed my big swollen pre cum oozing bell end on his hairy hole, I poured more lube on my dick then gently started pushing my dick inside him. He played with his nipples as I’d told him to & his virgin boy pussy started to open up for me, I used all my willpower to stop myself cumming as I slide inside him. Slowly pushing in till it popped & my dick slit in balls deep! His arse felt so good as his tightness gripped my thick shaft! I started fucking slowly, gradually building up power & pace. The initial pain forgotten he was now moaning & groaning with pleasure! I took his rock hard 8” uncut dick in my hand & gently stroked it as I fucked him, his groans got louder then he suddenly howled saying he was cumming! His dick pulsating rapidly in my hand squirting his big load all over his bell & chest! His pussy spasmed On my dick as he orgasm’d & it made me shoot my big thick load inside him! Yes Yes! Breed me daddy he roared, my dick pumped & pumped filling him with my warm thick creamy baby batter! When I pulled out and licked and sucked some of my cum from his pussy and drip fed it to him, I then took him in my arms, kissed and cuddled him for a while till my dick was rock hard again & pushing between his hairy legs. When I asked if he was ready to fuck again he eagerly replied “ Yes daddy, I want more” 6 hours & 8 loads later I’d taken my boys virginity & impregnated him with my very high sperm count cum loads. He’s sleeping next to me right now & I’m gunna try sliding my boner up his pussy again without waking him up, my aching balls till have plenty of cum to unload inside him.
    1 point
  28. another hot hot story sharing your boy! damn but your stories get me turned on. i want a bf to be sharing my neg hole with other poz tops
    1 point
  29. Part 7 I was so happy that he wanted to spend more time with me. I didn't want to leave this bed with him inside me. "I like that idea I said...uh...my phone is in my pants." He laughed. "Ok. We have to do this slow. Just raise yourself up slowly." He held my hips and helped guide me off his still hard cock. I looked down as I lifted myself up and could see his cum leaking from my hole. I had never seen anything so hot before. Finally his head popped out and what looked like a flood of cum came out with it. "Woah I knew you must have shot a huge load but you could have drowned me with that." "That's what you did to me son." I couldn't help but feel proud. Which got me hornier. Whenever I came before this time I was relieved and would need at least half an hour or so before I felt like I wanted to cum again. This time even though I came a ton I didnt lose any of that feeling. I grabbed my sweatpants and pulled out my phone. I sent a message in the group chat between me and my parents and was set. I never needed their permission really. They just always wanted to know where I was. "Ok, we're set" I said and crawled back to Mr. Kelly, my teacher, my dad, my first. "How are you feeling son? You ok with what we did? How it happened?" "Yeah that was amazing. I wanna do that all the time. Like...now?" He laughed. "Someone's feeling less shy." I blushed. He was right and I wasn't sure if it was a good thing. I suddenly worried that I would lose control. "I love it. I want you to keep sharing what you want and I want to keep teaching you those things and more." "Well...we've pretty much covered everything and more so everything else would be amazing." "I've got some ideas. If you think of anything else tell me and we can make it happen. It's best to explore new things with someone you trust. You trust me right son?" I nodded. I did. "Dad you just took my virginity and shot a huge load into me. I better trust you." We both laughed. "That's true son. The reality is that a lot of guys don't have their first times with someone they really trust so I'm glad you feel that way with me. So how about we shower and then we can turn on another movie and see what happens?" "Ok. Do you want to go first or should I?" "Oh uh ok why don't you go first. I'll get you a towel. Follow me and I'll show you where the bathroom is." We walked to the bathroom and he handed me a towel. "Oh I love those showers. I was at a hotel that had one once." "Yeah I had that rainfall showerhead put in just a couple weeks ago. It's amazing. I'll just be back in bed when you get out." He kissed my forehead and then walked out. My shower relaxed me again as I washed the cum and sweat off me. I was getting worked up again thinking about how I was getting clean for this man so he could fuck me again and get me dirty all over again. My hole was a little raw and it did feel a little sore when I ran my fingers and soap over it. But that didn't make me want it any less. When I came back to his room, he was sitting on his bed with shorts on and his laptop on his lap. I jumped up and sat with him with just the towel around me. "You smell good son. I'll take my turn now. Why don't you pick a movie this time?" "Ok. What site should I go to?" "You can go to any site you want but I do have a whole collection of stuff here in this folder. Up to you. Just know that I only have a certain type of video. I only have videos with bareback fucking and where the top cums inside the bottom. It's such a turn off for me if the top is wearing a condom or if the top pulls out and cums outside of the bottoms hole. What a waste." I never thought of it that way but I knew that after that day I would only watch bareback porn with the top cumming in the bottom. No wasted cum. He left to go take his shower while I looked around his folder. He had his folder divided into studio porn and amateur porn. He was so organized which made me laugh. I guess he really is a teacher. I looked to see if I recognized any of the studio porn that he had and turned a couple on. I was still in the habit of fast forwarding to the fucking and for these videos the part where the top came inside the bottom. He was right. It was really hot. I kept going back to the folder every couple minutes and then ended up in the amateur folder. There were a lot more videos in this folder and some folders inside it. I noticed that all of the folders in the amateur category had names on them. I randomly clicked on one called Justin. There were a few videos in the folder and I clicked on one. As it started I immediately recognized the room. It was Mr. Kelly's bedroom. Where I was sitting at that moment. There was another guy maybe a little older than me sitting right where I was. Right on the bed in shorts and a tshirt. And then I heard the familiar click. Mr. Kelly came into view with pipe in hand and brought it to the boy's mouth. He took a hit and blew a big cloud. I was fascinated and didn't hear Mr. Kelly walk in wearing just a towel. "I thought you might find one of my personal videos."
    1 point
  30. Part 3 I had only kissed one other person like this before and I was drunk at the time so it was mostly a blur. But the T made me more aware of the feeling of Mr. Kelly....dad....kissing me and wrapping both of his arms around me his hairy chest pressed against me. Our making out was so heated like we were trying to devour each other. I just took his lead and tried to do what he was doing and it was so hot. He broke the kiss but didn't pull away more than a couple inches. He looked into my eyes. "I want to show you everything you want and more. But we will take this at your pace. I promise. Just tell me if I am pushing you too far and we will stop. Is that ok son?" He said the magic word. When he called me son I felt myself melt into him. It made me want him, dad, even more. "Yes dad" was all I could say. I was so horny and my cock was aching to be touched. I reached down to my crotch and noticed that I wasn't hard at all. I didn't understand it but I figured by the time my pants came off it would be hard again. "Why don't we go into the bedroom? I have a TV in there too." He got up off the couch and took my hand and lifted me off it. He grabbed the pipe and the torch and led me into his bedroom. Against one wall was a king size bed. I had never seen one so big before. It was bigger than my parents bed. On the opposite wall was another TV mounted to the wall. "Go ahead and sit up on the bed. I think there's a movie I have that youre gonna like." He was at a small desk with his laptop on it. I sat up in the bed on one side against the headboard to get a good TV watching position. In a minute the TV was on and a video started. Two guys sitting on a couch fully clothed and staring into the camera. It was obvious right off the bat that these two were related. The older guy looked around my dad and Mr. Kelly's age and the younger guy looked around my age and he looked like he would be what the older guy looked like 20 years before. Mr. Kelly...dad...it was hard to get out of the habit of thinking of him as my teacher...before he came to the bed he went into his closet and pulled out a small cloth bag. He got onto the bed and told me to get closer to him. "We'll make use of every inch of this bed eventually, but let's sit close now." I pulled myself over more to the center of the bed so that our arms were touching. "What do you say you take off the shirt son?" I did as he asked and soon dad and son were both topless. He rubbed my chest and brought his hand down to my stomach and crotch. That first feeling of another man's hands on my body was like electricity. I was shivering. The dad and son on the screen were starting to rub each other's legs. Dad pulled out of his cloth bag another small bag of what looked like chunks of crystals. "I'm going to reload the pipe so we can smoke a little more. You liked it right? Do you want to do more son?" That word again. "Yeah dad. I like it a lot. It's weird I got so horny after those hits but I'm not hard at all." "That happens to some people son. I wouldn't worry about it. As long as you're feeling good that's all that matters." He dropped some of the crystal pieces into the bulb and I heard the now familiar sound of the click of the torch. He took the first hit and then began to pass the pipe back and forth between the two of us. Each time he would hold the pipe to my mouth telling me to suck in as long as it was there and then he would tell me to hold it in until he did his next hit. The tingling continued and spread throughout my body but I also felt something else happening. It's hard to explain. It felt like something in my mind was being opened. Like the hits were the key that would release what was inside. And I was feeling that what was inside was all the dirty thoughts I had that I didn't want to tell anyone and that I didn't want to tell myself. "How are you feeling son?" dad asked. "Oh dad" was all I could say in response. My head was being flooded with thoughts I always thought were so dirty about gay sex and gay incest. I think he could tell that I was changing. He smiled and chuckled again. "Feeling good huh? How would you feel if I suggested we get naked?" I didn't wait to respond. I just stripped of my clothes. I wanted to be naked with this man. With my dad. And I wanted to feel our bodies pressed together. I swept the rest of my clothes off the bed and onto the floor and turned back to him. He was naked too and I think I gasped at the sight of him. I was with a hot man who looked better naked then clothed. And what I could not miss was the biggest cock I had ever seen. From stealing glances in the locker room, most of us were pretty much the same size. But dad was long and thicker than anything I could compare it to. Nothing came to mind. He noticed me staring. "Are you ok son?" "You're so huge dad." He smiled again. "Yes. I am pretty big compared to most guys. Do you like that it's big?" I didn't know how to respond. "I think so...but I just never thought they got that thick before." He grabbed his hard cock. "It is very thick. Probably not too much bigger than average lengthwise." I could see that his fingers did not touch when he wrapped his hand around his cock. "Come back over here and sit with me. We can watch more of the movie." I climbed back into the center of the bed and he put his arm back around me and pulled me close. He had the pipe in the hand that was around me and he lit it again so that I could take another big hit. We both took two or three more. By that point I had lost count. I was just flying and thinking the thoughts that I had kept inside for so long. Dad told me to keep my eye on the screen and to keep stroking. I didn't even realize I was stroking my soft cock. Even though I couldn't get hard, it felt good to touch it. The dad and son on screen were fully naked and the dad was on top of the son as they made out. "I love making out with you son." The dad confirmed that he was with his son. The only difference was they were definitely the real thing. It was making me hornier every time they started talking dirty like that. Dad put his mouth up to my ear. "You like when they talk like that to each other son?" I shivered again and just nodded. "We're going to have so much fun together son." My mind was swimming. Somehow all the things I was raised thinking were wrong were the things I wanted to do most in the moment. "Why don't you grab my cock son." Without taking my eyes off the screen, I reached over and put my hand around dad's cock. It was hot and throbbing and felt even thicker in my hand. His mouth was still at my ear. "Yes son. That feels good. I want you so bad. And so does this cock. Stroke it for me son." I began stroking his cock up and down. It was harder than I think I ever felt with my cock. Like a weapon. The son was sucking on his dad's cock. In the same way that they looked alike everywhere else on their bodies they had similar cocks. The dad was moaning and at one point said "Look at me while you suck that cock that made you son." That's when I felt dad touch my cock for the first time. I started shaking immediately. It was so unexpected and felt amazing. Another person's hand on my cock. It was still soft but I could feel it getting a little thicker in dad's hand. "You like that son?" I was gasping and nodding. "Yeah dad. That's amazing." "Should we try to do a little more? You decide. It's up to you son." I nodded. "Son. Look me in the eye and tell me." He pulled away from my ear and I turned to look at him. He was no longer smiling. He looked dead serious. "Yes dad. I wanna do more dad. Please."
    1 point
  31. Part 2 Mr. Kelly walked me into his living room and sat down on his couch. "Sit down. Make yourself comfortable" he said. I was still in shock not knowing whether I should leave now or if I should just go with it as he seemed to be. "Mr. Kelly, I..." "Jake, relax. It's ok. You won't get in trouble for this. We're just two adults hanging out at my house. It's ok." "But how are you so chill about this? What if we see each other around school?" "Jake you know that picture on your profile? In your speedo? Did you forget our school name and logo is on your team speedo?" Fuck. I forgot about that. I remembered thinking about it when I posted the pic but I thought it would be too small to notice. Someone would have to know that it was there. Like someone who worked at the school. "Didn't you notice me at a couple of your home meets this year? I was trying to figure out who I was talking to. That and a couple questions about the things you do at school and I put it all together. I've known for about a month now." I couldn't believe it. The guy I had been talking to this whole time was watching me. We were at school together. That actually somehow got me hornier. I sat down on the other end of the couch. "I guess I feel kinda dumb Mr. Kelly. If you want me to go or if you don't wanna do anything it's fine really. I can just go home now." "It's ok it's ok. I promise. Let's just sit together and if you still want to leave after we talk a bit then you can go but I would like you to stay so we can get to know each other better." This was a teacher I had trusted when I had him in 10th grade and he was also the man I trusted with some of my secret desires. I nodded. "How would you feel if we just turned on a movie and if we feel like it we can do a little smoking. What do you think?" I was starting to feel more comfortable knowing that he was into this and was initiating doing some of what we planned for our first time hanging out. I nodded and began taking off my hoodie. He turned on his huge TV mounted on the wall and a movie was already playing. Two guys were together in bed wearing only shorts and making out. One looked around my age and the other was older like Mr. Kelly. They were really passionate like you couldn't tear them apart if you tried. Sometimes one of them moaned but mostly it was the sound of two men kissing and breathing heavy. "Is this ok?" Mr. Kelly asked. I said yes and he stood up from the couch and said, "Let me go get some stuff for us to smoke." He walked down a hall into another room and came out with a couple things in his hands but while he was in there he also took off his shirt. I couldn't believe I was looking at my teacher half naked. He looked better than his picture. He looked more fit then I remembered and I could see the hair across his chest and down the center of his stomach. I was starting to get hard. He sat down next to me. "You said you smoked pot before right? You ever smoke anything else?" I shook my head. I told him I didn't even know what else there was besides pot and cigarettes. "I have some weed but I thought this might be fun especially since you're so nervous. Do you want to give it a try?" "Sure" I said "What is it?" "It's called T. You might like it." He showed me a small water pipe with a bulb at the end of a glass tube that came out of the base with water in it. "I'm going to light this and you'll see some smoke come out of the hole here. That's when I know to take my hit. I'll do it first so you can see." Mr. Kelly lit the bulb and like he said soon wisps of white smoke started coming from the top. He took a long hit and when he pulled away he blew out a massive cloud. I didn't know what it was but seeing him do that was hot. He turned to me. "You want to give it a try?" I said ok and he moved closer and then put his arm around me. I could feel the heat coming off of his body. I had never been close to someone like this before. He lit the bulb again and put the end of the pipe up to my mouth with the arm that was around me. "Ok, now. Go ahead and take your hit." I started to suck on the pipe very lightly. Mr. Kelly chuckled. I pulled away. "No it's ok. You're just gonna have to suck harder. Make sure you can hear the water when you take your hit. Don't be afraid. I got you." He put the pipe back up to my mouth. I tried again and this time sucked much harder. Suddenly I felt my lungs fill quicker than I thought and I pulled away coughing. A big cloud burst from my mouth. "You ok?" "Yeah sorry." I looked up and for the first time looked Mr. Kelly in the eyes. Something in his look made me feel protected like I could do or say anything with him and feel safe. He put the pipe up to my mouth and told me to try again. I did this time knowing what to expect. I felt the smoke fill my lungs. He told me to keep sucking until he pulled the pipe away. It felt like a longer hit than my first and longer than his too. Finally he pulled the pipe away and said, "Now hold your breath. Don't let it out yet. I'll countdown from 5 and when I say let it out." He counted down slowly. Being a swimmer I had no trouble holding my breath but somewhere around 3 I started feeling a tingling. First in my chest and then somewhere in my head there was buzzing. Then he told me to let it go and I blew out a huge cloud of smoke. "Good boy" he said and patted me on my chest with his hand that held the torch. Do one more. We did the same thing and the tingling got more intense in my chest in my head and down to my cock. "Feeling ok Jake" Mr. Kelly asked. "Yeah. I'm tingling. Is that normal?" "Yes. That means it's working." He took another hit himself and then turned to me. "Feels good doesn't it?" It did. I could feel the arm around me pull me in closer. "So...this whole time we were chatting I was calling you Mike but you're Mr. Kelly. What do you want me to call you?" Mr. Kelly chucked again. I was looking down at my sweatpants to see if my boner was showing. The hits made me feel like I had to touch my cock. I was doing everything I could to restrain myself. Mr. Kelly put the pipe and the torch down on the coffee table. The couple in the movie were naked now the older man on top of the boy still making out. Mr. Kelly put his arm back around me and pulled me tight. "I actually was thinking about that. You told me that you thought incest was hot." Just hearing Mr. Kelly say the word make my cock throb. "So how would you feel about calling me dad? Only when we're in private of course not at school." This was amazing. Imagining Mr. Kelly was my dad was enough that hand acted on its own and started rubbing my crotch. "I'll take that as a yes, son." Fuck. Hearing him call me son like that made me gasp and moan. He got closer and put his mouth to my ear. "Can I kiss you son?" "Yes dad" I whispered. He pulled me in for our first kiss. The first kiss between dad and son.
    1 point
  32. I am blessed with a fine extra thik slab of meat that shows great even soft. I am too thick for many guys to take though my own high use hole can accommodate most anything you can think of.
    1 point
  33. Once worked near hospital where I kept getting cruised by hot buff intern. We chatted a few times, exchanged numbers, but didn't think he was into me because he's way hotter. Got minor injury, had to have stitches removed and he said he could do it text him and I won't get billed. Left work on a break, he walks me back when this is arranged to a secluded area kept ready for emergency trauma. He removes stitches, we're chatting, he's flirting and says he finds me hot and wants to fuck my ass sometime. I said let me now when. He pulls his scrubs down to expose a hard fat dick and pulls KY from a table. I dropped my pants, he lubed up slid in and saying in my ear he dreamt fucking my hole full of his babies like a cumrag.
    1 point
  34. Good for you! I understand the excitement and desire to take a toxic load. I have that desire myself. However, that should be a decision that is made with careful consideration. Many people on this forum did just that and decided that was right for them. It sounds like you did too. I take PrEP and I see a lot of opinions on this forum against PrEP, but again that is a personal decision. With PrEP, I can stop at anytime. With HIV, you make the decision to take meds or not. If your decision is to take the meds, you have to take them for the rest of your life to keep the HIV in check. Also, HIV makes you more susceptible to to other STDs. I have had several of these. Some are not bad, but in my case Syphilis was the worst because it made me very sick even though I had treatment early. If untreated, Syphilis can cause neurological problems and even blindness. What kind of good sex am I going to have at that point?
    1 point
  35. Totally embarrassing situation...that turned out super hot: One afternoon at Burning Man I’d taken 4 or 5 loads from different guys while in a sling. I was parched so I threw on a kilt and headed to a popular bar camp for a couple drinks. While having a drink there I started talking to this super hot str8 guy who is just my type: hairy chest & belly and a scruffy 5-day growth on his face. His ice blue eyes and occasional wafts of ripe armpit scent were mesmerizing so when he asked what I’d been up to I didn’t hesitate to say, “Taking a lot of dick, buddy”. Because radical self-expression and immediacy are part of the principles of Burning Man the vibe is very accepting there, I was pretty sure he wouldn’t freak...and he didn’t. He was a little surprised and said, “Wow, man...you like that? I mean, like, taking it?” He actually told me—several times—he thought it was cool if I ”wanted to do that” yet, at the same time, asserting that he ”can’t really relate, because as a str8 man, I’m the penetrator” This led to a pretty candid & detailed description on how much he loves being the penetrator and how hot it is to be inside a woman and etc. It was totally hot listening to him and watching him get aroused. So...I described to him how much I love being penetrated and having a hard cock inside of me. He just kept kinda shaking his head a bit and saying, “Wow!” He was so hot and I was totally hard listening to him and watching him tug on his dick. When I saw that he was hard in his shorts and caught another whiff of his ripe pits, it was too much for me. My hole gaped and a ton of cum noisily shot out of me and right down my leg. I didn’t say anything but he and I looked down at the same time and the trail of cum on my leg was obvious. He said, “Dude, is that what I think it is? You let guys cum inside you?” When I nodded yes, he gripped his dick and said, “Fuck! Women NEVER let me cum inside them!” I listened to him tell how long it had been since he’d fucked without a condom and how much he just wanted to fuck bare and shoot his load inside. I purposely looked around us to make sure he could see that nobody could hear us. “Well, buddy, I’m going back to my private RV and I’m offering if you’re interested” When he hemmed and hawed yet didn’t outright say no I looked around again, put my drink down and told him, “Nobody has to know. I’ve got my own RV and it’s nearby...and you can shoot your load in me...” as I turned and slowly walked away. He followed me to my RV. I got on all fours on the edge of the bed and he fucked me and blew his load in me. Typical of str8 guys, he had his shorts up and was out the door as soon as he came. But....2 days later he was back looking for me, telling me he’d just had a shower and was wondering if we could “do that again”. I sat him on the sofa, sucked him hard and ate his ass (another first for him) before moving to my bed to give my ass to him again. He stayed about 90 mins and shot his load in me twice. Blissful. Haven’t seen him since.
    1 point
  36. That looks super thick! At least the tops get to watch a big thick one while fucking you.
    1 point
  37. Actually for me I like it when the dom tops ask me how many loads already in my fucking pussy. That's will make me know how slutty whore cheap bitch is I am, and for sure I'm always proud of this feeling. 😈
    1 point
  38. -Got fucked during intermission by a stage hand whIle performing in a touring show, and even got fucked by another cast member in the wings waiting to make an entrance. - got sucked off by a professor while working as a TA in cillegal -fucked two check girls and one bag boy while I was a bag boy one summer in high school at king soopers - regularly fuck and get fucked by clients while working as a handyman now But the best sex during work story was definitely when I was a caddy one summer for the local country club. These hot young trophy wives would slip me $100 bills to let them suck me off or finger them while we drove the cart from hole to hole. Also had a few sexy married lawyers and doctors and other men with important jobs who wanted to suck my teen cock on the fairway or back at the clubhouse during my time as their caddy. The lead caddy figured out I was open to stuff like that and worked as the pimp arranging my time with certain men and women who would tip us both ridiculous amounts for a jack off session on the green or a bj in the steam room and one guy, a former state's attorney, paid him 500 and paid me 1000 to come work a private party at his house wearing nothing but bow ties and a smile and take drink orders from his queeny old friends who would jack us as we took their drinks or finger us when we bent over to deliver them. At the end of the night he gave us each 300 extra to jerk each other off and once we were done he and a friend got me to stay late and had me try on a bunch of underwear from his friend's shop (the guy owned a men's lingerie store as well as a bunch of other stores and businesses around colorado) and I did a few lines of coke and I ended up spending the night and fucked the former state's attorney in the pool house and they both jerked off onto my face and tipped me for the extra fun. All in all I made a total of nearly $2500 by the time I went home and I also got to keep 3 briefs, 2 thongs, a jockstrap, a buttplug and a pair of leather shorts with removable crotch and built in cock ring! I would have returned to work there again the next summer but the lead caddy got caught with a club member fucking his ass in the locker room while another caddy sucked him off and the management fired him and decided not to hire any of the returning caddies just in case. It was too bad because that one summer practically paid for my first car and first two years of college!
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  39. Chapter 16; *The after-parTy* He plunged his Dick back into my cunT, held himself still, and took to concentrating on the job in hand. The two shoTs plunged into my left arm 💉💉. Out with the needles, and he pressed down firmly with some gauze. - You ready for your broTherhood shoTs now, PiG? - Yes Sir. I am MORE than ready to be pumped with yours and Uncle Chad's multiple strains of multiple viruses into my veins. SLAM it into me! - Oh FUCK YEAH, You have to be the nasTiest sluT of a PiG I have ever had the pleasure to come across. What a nasTy WH☢️RE! And without further delay, I received my broTherhood shoTs 💉💉 (I was already rushing on the first two). Again he held with gauze for a little while, and then, he held onto the sling chains and immediately started to fuck me fasT and hard, showing no mercy, using me as the piece of filthy t☣️xic MeaT that I clearly now was. It hadn't even been a few minutes when he was only seconds away from nutting another HIGHLY-Charged load up my (still NEG for now) cunT; - FUCK YEAH, I'm cumming ... I'm cumming ... READY for another dose of HIV, PiG? - Yes Sir, blasT your t☢️xic seed deep inside my guts. I am open, and ready to accept more of your dirTy-DNA. Give this nasTy PiG what you have got. STICK IT TO ME!!! He began to repetitively grunT as his perineal muscles propelled another 6.6 Million HIV viral load of p☣️z cum, spraying it deep inside of my battered and swollen loose cunT. As he did his deed I looked into his Leather executioner hood clad yellow eyed gaunt face, moaning in ecstasy as I accepted more of his wonderful gifT. It was now 7.30am, and it was the official start of the after-parTy, which I knew nothing about, but, I would very soon! 😈 My latest sperm donor's semi erect Dick flopped out, and he fetched a stool, placing it right in front of the sling, so he would be at fisT height and distance from my cunT. And this is where I discovered the joys of being fisTed for the firsT time! 👊👊 He generously lubed up his hand with Crisco, and as I had taken so much Dick, and was so High & Horny, he went up straight to his wrist with no effort needed. It was now 8am, and two faces I did not recognise walked in, swigging on their Beers. They saw I was very much in use, and promptly left. By now Todd had achieved getting up to halfway up his forearm, but, it only felt like his hand! I grunTed and groaned in a euphoric pleasure I had not felt before, as he slowly now opened up my cunT properly ~ All that t☢️xic filth that my guts and been filled with (and gladly accepTed) during the last 8+ hours being pushed in deeper into my cunT of many open wounds!! 😈☣️🐷 It was now 8.45am, and the place was filling up, with several guys at a time frequently coming in to 'Sling Room No.2' to see Todd STILL fisTing me, and 3/4 the way up his forearm. He knew he had to wrap up soon, as there was a long line of guys wanting to fuck their nasTy t☢️xic DNA into me. He would now abruptly ramp up his work by continuously punch fisTing me for 15 minutes until 9am, where he would do 10 x punches followed by getting me to push ouT my cunT; - 1, 👊2, 👊3, 👊4, 👊5, 👊6, 👊7, 👊8, 👊9, 👊10, 👊 ... YEAH go on, push ouT that cunT PiG, push it ouT, go on, there you go, OH FUCK YEAH ~ Oh look at thaT rose. FUCK! 🌹 He would play with my now brand new small yet ever growing prolapse, and push it back in ready for another 10 punches. Each time I bloomed, I would bloom a bit wider. The last time I bloomed, he went through the painful process of milking out his Gono pus, and spread it all over my fresh brand NEW delicate rose 🌹. Then, he pushed it back in again, and headed for the entrance to take him back to the main part of the club. He took a pager out of his sock, and let the ''Boss'' know I was ready; - Show time PiG ... ENJ☢️Y! He disappeared, and a few moments later the 'Boss'' plunged me into pitch black Darkness. I could not see a thing. The club had received all 47 of it's after-parTy guests. EVERY single one of them HIV p☣️z and unmedicated to boot! No sooner had I been plunged into darkness I could hear footsteps, and general movement. Multiple pairs of hands began to grope me, and within seconds a diseased Dick entered me, fucking me hard and fasT with no introduction or build up. It would be from now that for the next 2.5 hours I would aside from a few seconds in between of Dicks exchanging, be fucked aggressively. CONSTANTLY!! No mercy whatsoever!! And there was no talking whatsoever. Just the sling chains rattling. My cunT and mouth squelching and slurping, roars of Gono pain and and ejaculaTing grunTs from my 47 studs (some from the original parTy too). The entire time my mouth would be fucked too. Many guys would be pissing down my throat as I got fucked, and several guys most certainly had very active Gono infections as I felt, smelt, and tasted their disgusting pus be smeared on my lips to then also be dripped (with those roars of pain) and fucked into my mouth. Again, I had become a meTh'd up cum-dump. A human urinal. A piece of fully restrained and defenseless nasTy fuck-meaT. 👦🐷🍆💦💦 The lights came on as the last guy was fucking me. He was a topless handsome looking skinhead with a septum piercing, loads of tattoos, and red rubber braces attached to his bleacher jeans. He saw my face and liked what he saw. His face was already contorted, and to show his appreciation for my looks he spat in my face, and then the silence was broken; - FUCK YEAH, what a cute nasTy faGGot. You want my t☣️xic load boy? I could barely speak ... - YES, Sir. - Open that faGGot mouth wide, boy. I opened wide, he leaned in, and began to repeatedly spit in my mouth, and then he forced his tongue down my throat kissing me deeply as he continued his assault on my NEG cunt. Although, not sure you could call it NEG anymore. In limbo land it had to be. I could feel his lean body on top of me begin to tense up which forced his wonderful kissing to an abrupt halt as he pulled his face a few inches from mine, and the grunTing commenced, his face contorting in unison with his eyes that were full of greedy lust for the PiG he was impaled deep inside as he unloaded his unmedicated sperm deep into my guts. Once he finished shooting his HIV loaded cum he began to kiss me deeply again. I felt a real connecTion with this handsome toxic skinhead stud. I would love to see him again. - Thanks faGGot. That was hoT. Might see you around sometime. Oh YES PLEASE. He withdrew his Dick, zipped up his jeans, turned, walked out. And there I was, left alone with another 47 t☢️xic loads swimming insude my guts. This PiG 🐷was dripping precious t☢️xic cum onto the Darkroom floor, and was covered from head to toe in sweaT & Piss, with Gono pus smeared all over it's filthy faGGot face too. My body trembled as I groaned in pleasure, as it remained completely restrained. It was time for me to go home. BUT, would I be getting rest once I got there? 😈
    1 point
  40. Chapter 12: *bloodbroTher shoTs* 💉💉 As my crix bellied jaundiced stud Todd's hot piss continued to stream into my mouth, most of which I was eagerly gulping down, with some spilling out and over my chin and down my torso I began to see an abrupt change in his face. The whites of his eyes that were Hep C yellow were now glowing red with his expression becoming more and more demonic looking as my confusion intensified. Was my Meth/G cocktail causing me to become confused and hallucinate ~ Or was I actually seeing this? After just a few minutes of fucking me, guy number three blew his t☢️xic load up my NEG-cunT, slapped my ASS, with guy number four lining up to take his turn. But, before he could, Todd bellowed; - PiG ... Get up! With four loads of diseased cum deposited into my cunT, my stomach receiving it's first dose of piss, and my body dripping in Meth/G sweat, and piss too, I stood up from my kneeling position in my what seemed to be a confused and hallucinating state. I was also now a bit wobbly on my legs. I held onto the sides of Todd's torso; - Someone seems to be enjoying themselves. For someone who 'WAS' a NEG-Virgin, say what, 30 minutes ago, you are one hell of a pro of a PiG. I think we should all show our appreciation with an official welcome to the 'group'. How about we treat you to a few fresh broTherhood shoTs? You like the sound of that PiG? I was already unable to reply. He let go of me and placed my hands on the back wall for support and left the stage, where several guys all at once jumped on, and my cunT was immediately penetrated with my mouth being impaled on a Dick. This new small group took it in turns to fuck me from both ends, as this stage-spit-roast kept me supported on my feet. Todd got together his two friends Chad and Ian. - I think you two would be perfect to officially welcome him into our group with our special combined shoTs of broTher blood and tina. - Fuck YEAH. Up for sharing my Syphilis with this cute piece of MeaT *Ian replied* - Upto it Chad? Chad replied without words, just a sinister depraved smirk. Ian had a recent diagnosis of Syphilis which seemed to makes his HIV viral load jump from around the 50k mark which he had been for just over a year, to a new 220k. However, Chad was much more advanced. Like Todd the whites of his eyes were also yellow as a result of a few geno-types of Hep C. However, what set him apart from everybody else, is he was supposed to have been carrying the aggressive CRF19 strain of HIV. With an exceptionally high Viral Load of 33 million, and a CD4 of 47 I would stand no chance of leaving the building tonight NEG if he fucked me. As I continued to get mauled on the stage, Todd oversaw the eventual end product of two syringes full of t☢️xic blood, AND meTh; broTherhood shoTs personalized for me ~ The NEG PiG! Ian who was a strong sports guy got onto the stage, and got everyone to step back and let go. He lifted me up, and carried me out of the bar / stage area, and on to 'Sling Room Number 1'. He lay me in the sling, restrained me by my ankles and wrists, blindfolded me, ball-gagged my mouth, put a tourniquet on each arm, and tightened up my nipple clamps. All the while he was PrEP'ing me, my personalized broTherhood shoTs lay on my chest. If my Lew back home wanted to stop me from becoming p☣️z, well, it was now way too laTe! With a huge swarm of parTy goers hovering around me, waiting to fuck the living deaTh into me, Todd picked up syringe number 1 with Ian's DNA and inserted the needle into my left arm. He picked up syringe number 2 with Chad's fuck off nasTy potenT DNA and in went that needle to my right arm. I received my first broTherhood shoT into my left arm. And right on cue the Techno Music that I was dancing to earlier when I gave my short lived show, and that had been playing since, the volume was cranked up so I couldn't hear any other external stimuli. I started my gradual high ascent to the top of this new high, on top of my old high. I guess you could say that thanks to Chad, I was now well and truly P☣️Z! A new virus in my bloodstream, already replicating, and fasT! ☣️☣️☣️🐷☣️☣️☣️
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  41. Chapter 9: *My taste for Gono pus* The skinny guy got up onto the stage, maneuvered himself so he was stood in front of me. He was wearing a long sleeved unbutton chequered shirt with knee length cammo shorts. I looked up at his face, now able to get a proper closer look. I could see from behind his Leather executioner hood that the whites of his eyes were yellow, and that his face was gaunt and tired looking! He looked right into my eyes, and kept his focus fixed. My focus on his eyes would soon be distracted as he undressed. First off came his shirt to reveal a jaundiced, KS lesion splattered, crix bellied torso. I had for a few days been fantasizing for my boss 'Ayan' to take my anal virginity, but, maybe this real deal stud was what I really needed. He had clearly spent years working on his nipples as they were obscenely HUGE. I had a strong desire to get up and chew on them, but, I couldn't, as it would have been rude to the current guy eating out my wet and twitching NEG-Virgin-Ass. There wasn't a single guy who ate me out who was hogging me making others wait. In fact, each guy would only spend a few minutes spanking my firm Ass cheeks, rimming and fingering me before letting the next t☢️xic fucker have a go. No one seemed to be fucking me yet, just rimming and fingering. Some guys really did know how to use their fingers, carefully locating my prostate and rubbing it with great expertise, making me pant and moan like a nasty little p☣️z-Dick loving cum-sluT that I was about to evolve into. Some guys also had sharp jagged finger nails, and they would purposefully dig in as hard as they could, and pull. Despite my Meth/GHB high I could feel these scratches, and I just rocked my pelvis into them even deeper! Lots of little open wounds being created to allow instant easy access for HIV & HEP C to sneak past and enter into my bloodstream. 😈 And with 23 Gono fuckers in the house tonight (with Gono greatly increasing the risk of transmitting HIV), there was no way I was going to walk out this building NEG. And the crowd knew it! ☢️ As I got rimmed and fingered I was also being kept nice and warm intermittently by one or more guys to the side(s) of me pissing all over my back, which would run down my back and down my arms and legs. My hands that were on the stage floor supporting my weight were very soon slopping about in warm salty piss. The crix bellied stud unbuckled his belt and lowered his shorts to reveal a white jockstrap that was no longer white. It was heavily stained, and very wet with piss, and pus. He pulled my face into his crotch so my nose and lips went from being clean to being covered with his t☣️xic nasTy filth. He raised his arms above his head crossing his wrists, exposing his wasted body, like only a true alpha could. I again looked up at his yellow eyes gaunt face, and without any prompting I licked his urine pus stained jock over and over. He threw his head back grunting and groaning; - Oh Fuck Yeah. You don't training. You are a natural slutty-PiG. Fuck Yeeeaaaah. I couldn't wait to see what was underneath his jock, so, I took my right hand off the stage floor, reached up, and bit by bit pulled his jock down. And right there, before my eyes, literally, was his thick girth'ed HIGHLY-charged Fuck-weapon, with a 6mm PA glistening in Gono pus! Again I looked up at him, and he was staring at me, seeing what mischief I was getting upto. Once again I kept my eyes focused on his, and poked my tongue out licking around and lapping up the partly solidified pus from his PA, Glans, and the tip of his slightly discharging urethral tip. He smirked down at me; - Aaaaaahhhh, I see what it is you want. Well there is plenty more of that from where that comes from. Stick that tongue out as far as it will go, and keep it like that. Fuck, there was no way I was going to not do that. Not for what I had a hunger for. With one hand he held the back of my head, and his other hand massaged his perineum area towards his balls, milking out more thick pus for the hungry PiG that was kneeling before him. After a few minutes he began to wince in pain as the first lot oozed down his urethra inside his Dick. Once it began to ooze out from his inflammed urethra his face contorted as he roared in pain. I saw the initial discharge collect up and begin to slowly dribble down the ring. He continued to massage, and after a short while he began to wince again, so I knew more was coming. Meanwhile, behind me a guy had uncut jagged fingernails had a few fingers inside me, and was digging them in, and pulling, becoming more aggressive each time he dug in. My crix bellied Gono stud again began to roar, and this time he screamed the place down, as a massive amount of discharge now flowed out and over the ring, and dropped onto my tongue. I brought my tongue into my mouth, and swallowed his t☢️xic filth, then immediately leaned in to lick his Glans and PA of any remaining pus, and as I did, the current guy fingering me gave one last deep dig into my NEG boi-cunt; - Fucking bleed you nasTy PiG. We're gonna fucking knock you up tonight, don't you worry about that! I rocked my hips and pushed down so his nails would go in deeper, and wriggled from side to side. Two more guys, on either side of me began to piss over my back that was now heavily sweating as was the rest of my body from my GHB/Meth intoxication, and my ever growing wild lust to be completely USED and abused! Having given me a generous dose of Gono pus to enjoy, and fuck, it was lovely, my yellow eyed, gaunt faced, wasted stud turned around, and there it was, his badly AIDS wasted Ass. His ass cheeks were gone, showing off his exposed cunt hole. My instincts knew what this meant, and he was the kinda guy I ALWAYS avoided at ALL costs. I would not even have spoken to him through my fear. However, I was super high so any of my many inhibitions I usually had, had for now vanished. And I seemed to have very fasT become a PiG. Well, very willing to learn, at least - Lick my AIDS cunt-hole, boy. I licked over his hole, and he moaned loudly in deep pleasure. That was only the first lick! After a good while of licking over and over, and darting my tongue in and out with his grunts and groans becoming more intense, he kept on straining, and then, I saw something that I had never seen in real life, only by accident in porn, and I hadn't liked it, was the beginnings of his prolapse. There might have been a time that turned me off, but now ... I WANT!! 🐷🌹 I licked, nibbled, and chewed on it, which only served for him to push out a little bit more. As I was really getting into it he abruptly stood up straight and turned around. - NO, this is not about me PiG. This is your 'Special' night. He took the toothbrush that was tucked in his sock that ''Boss-Aiden'' had used on me earlier whilst he removed his shorts and jockstrap, then returned it to his sock for whenever he felt like he wanted to use it. 😈 He took his heavily soiled jockstrap, and placed the two elastic straps over my head and around my neck, so the soiled jock piece was under my chin; A constant stream of his foul stench. The PiG in me LOVED it! He got off the stage, and ushered the current guy who was rimming me to move along. Again he was between my legs, and this time, there was no fooling about. - You ready for my p☣️z cum faGGot?
    1 point
  42. Part 35   After laying together for a while, we finally got up and headed to the kitchen. We got another cup of coffee, each, and sat down at the table. Hank asked, "well, what are your thoughts now about being fucked good? Looks like you are enjoying yourself?" I really had no idea how to reply for sure, but said, "I'm not sure. I still think about women a lot, but when I am with you guys naked, all I can think about is how wonderful it feels with your cocks pounding my hole and filling me with your cum." Hank said, "I can see you enjoy that and seem to crave more, even. What about the HIV?" I replied, "That is what is causing me the most worry. I want you to cum in me as it feels so good, but I still don't think I want that virus. It's so permanent." Hank said, "I used to have some doubts about it, too. Then I got to thinking. When I got that in me, it was a part of someone else I could carry in me forever. It just seems so intimate now. I hope you will embrace it as my gift of me to you." I could only stare at him. That made no sense and yet, a lot of sense at the same time. I was just so confused. It had only been barely a week since my first 'gay' experience and then I had only wanted sucked and then to try to suck, once. Now, I wasn't sure. I had let him fuck me and pull out and then let him fuck me and cum in me and so had Tom and Randy. I had about 8 loads of toxic cum in me right now. Sitting here thinking about it and my own cock so hard I think I could punch a hole in the wall with it. Why did this whole thing make me want more and more and knowing it is so bad and yet so fantastic? What made it harder to think was sitting there, both of us naked and his cock where I could see it and I could hear the unmistakable sounds of sex coming from outside. I could not seem to keep my eyes from dropping down to look at Hank's cock and the sounds making my own cock hard and throbbing. Every time I glanced his way, my eyes lowered and I could see that big cock and it was drooling precum out of his slit almost constantly. My mouth was watering and wanting to drop to my knees right then and lick every drop up. Didn't his cock ever stay down? I wanted more.
    1 point
  43. Part 34   I woke up a few hours later and looking at the clock I found it to be nearly noon. I was still a little groggy when it dawned on me that there was someone else in bed with me. Looking over my shoulder, I found the stripper, Randy, laying behind me with one arm over me and up against me. His cock was semi-hard and in the crack of my ass. I was surprised at how nice that felt. As I was looking, his eyes opened and he yawned and then smiled and said, "good morning. How are you doing today?" I said, "I feel a lot more refreshed now and a little more relieved, I guess." He kind of hugged me tighter and as he did I felt his cock twitch in my crack and it caused me to gasp a little. He said, "we better get up or I'm going to start getting ideas," and laughed a little. I grinned and said, "yeah, I bet I know what those ideas would be about, too, and probably have to do with my sore ass, I bet." We both laughed then. He then pulled away and we both got out of bed. I couldn't help but look at that massive piece of meat of his hanging between his legs and marveled at how the hell it had felt in my hole. We padded downstairs naked as neither wanted to get dressed, me for sure and him because his clothes weren't here anyway. We entered the kitchen and I started making coffee. As we waited, I opened the back door to find Hank and Tom and the new guy I had spoken to last night outside already on the picnice table. We stopped and watched as Hank was fucking the guy, while Tom was getting a BJ from him. Apparently, the party was still going on, yet. I decided to stay inside, but Randy went out and over to the table. Looked like he was going to get a little more action. I still needed to take time to try and think things through. I left the door open though and went and sat down to wait for the coffee to get done. I had to figure out why, after finding out I was being loaded with AIDS cum in my ass, I had kept doing it. I now had at least 7 loads up my hole and was almost craving more. It was blowing my mind and I had to decide what to do soon? The coffee done, I got up and poured myself a cup, then went to the door to see if anyone was freed up and might want a cup. As I got there, I saw that Tom had finished and was sitting on the seat now and Randy had his giant hunk of meat in the guy and fucking him hard. Hank was no in sight, so I decided he must have went back into his place. I decided if they wanted coffee they could come to the door themselves. Wow, it was really hard to believe that Hank had become the new owner of this duplex, moved into the other side of me, found out he was gay, I had been totally straight, and then had been drawn into a gay 'relationship' with him and went to his party and ended up with 7 loads of pozitive cum in my ass, and all this in less than a month. What a crazy month this had been and now I had to figure out where I was going from here. Did I just join in more for the weekend and I had to admit that while I was playing it felt marvelous, or stop now? Then there was also the virus to deal with. Did I just say the hell with it and see if it took or get my ass to the doctor and get that PEP stuff they had told me about? Plus, am I now gay, or bi or what? A lot to think about for sure. I went back and got another cup of coffee and went to the livingroom to sit on the sofa and try to think. As I was sitting there, I became aware that I wasn't alone. I looked up to see Hank standing there watching me. He said, "your door was open, so I helped myself to a cup of coffee and came on in to see what you were up to. You looked mighty serious there." I also, noticed he had a hell of a hardon, too. Did he always have that huge thing around making it hard for me to think of anything else? As he walked across the room towards me, I could not take my eyes off of his cock as it bobbed and swayed as he walked. I licked my lips and couldn't seem to help myself as he got next to me and I reached up and took ahold of it. Why could I not resist when I saw it? I pulled it towards me as I leaned forward and opened my mouth and swallowed it in. The precum was already flowing and was so sweet. I sucked and lapped it down like a starving person. I wanted more and his cock grew to full hardness and was into my throat. His hands went to my head and held me as he fucked my mouth slow and hard. He did this for a good 5 or 6 minutes and then was pushing me back and around on the couch. I found myself being pushed down till I was on my back and he had brought himself on top of me. Then he pulled his cock out of my mouth and replaced it with his lips on mine and his tongue deep into my mouth. He moved downward and was between my legs and lifting them up and apart. I felt his hardness at my hole and then it was probing into me. I gasped with the feeling as it went in and in and bottomed out and his balls hit my ass. Then he started to fuck me, again. I could not resist and was pushing my ass back at him on every in stroke trying to get him as deep inside me as possible. The feelings invaded my very being and I was helpless to resist. I wanted to feel his cock erupt in my hole. He pounded with, almost, a fury. Every stroke eliciting and moan of pleasure from deep within me. Then I felt his cock expand more yet and then the feeling I wanted. I felt his cock throb and throb, filling my hole with his toxic cum and I felt my own cock erupt at the same time. Time seemed to halt and go on and on. Then we were done and laying caressing each other in the afterglow.
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  44. Part 32   We finally got up and off of the table. We went back into Hank's place, him to see what was going on and me to just check the time. I was about 6 in the morning now. I had been up most of the night and now had 5 HIV poz loads up my ass. I still wasn't sure what the hell I was thinking. My ass was sore as hell now and when I reached down to feel it, it was tender as all get out to my touch and when I brought my hand back and looked at it it was pretty much covered in cum and blood. I was aghast. I was too sore to sit at the moment and was standing next to the kitchen counter when Hank walked in. He smiled and said, "I just saw my stripper friend and he says you took his big cock in you and got a hell of a ride outside. Are you loving it yet?" I told him, "I'm not sure yet. I really don't want AIDS, but I can't seem to stop letting you guys fuck me, either. Not sure what I should do. While we are doing it, I want it all and every bit of your cocks deep in me and cumming, but when done, I can't believe I did it." He asked me, "what are your thoughts right now?" I answered, "well while I was standing here alone, I thought how stupid I am, but when you walked in, the first thought I had was, OMG look at that beautiful cock, sure wish it was back in me right now. I just don't understand my feelings at all." Hank said, "I like your thought about me." Before I could say any more he walked across the kitchen, grabbed me and lifted me up onto the counter, spreading my legs and thrusting his already hard cock in my ass in one fell swoop clear to the hilt. All I could do was gasp at the initial pain in my torn up ass and then as his cock bottomed out I sighed in contentment at the great feeling of being full. He was immediately plowing my hole fast and furious right from the start. I went into overdrive pushing my ass at him as intensely. Without missing a stroke, he then picked me up and started walking towards the livingroom, his cock never leaving my hole. Every step made me moan in pleasure. As we got into the other room, Tom was sitting alone on the couch. As we approached, he sat up and his cock was standing straight up in the air as we approached. Tom spread his legs as we got there and Hank walked us right up between them and against the couch. Hank was smiling and looking deep into my eyes as he started to kneel down. I thought he just want us on the couch, but then as his knees hit the floor, he leaned over a little, his hands spreading the cheeks of my ass apart. I then became aware that Tom's cock was coming between my cheeks as Hank lowered me. Then as I was getting ready to ask what was going on, Tom's cock started to slip inside my open gaping hole along side of Hank's. I started to protest that there was no way for two cocks to get in me at once, when Hank, basically, let go of my ass causing me to drop and wham, Tom's cock penetrated and I sank all the way down onto them both at once. Hank had also clamped his mouth to mine in a kiss preventing me from screaming in pain. Then he grabbed my ass and lifted upwards and then dropped me down on them both again. It was incruciating but exhilerating at the same time. Hank continued to lift me and drop me for a bit and then I couldn't take it anymore and bent my legs til they were on the couch and started bouncing myself on their cocks. I was going into orbit from an overload of cock in my ass. Hank broke off the kiss and said, "I knew, after you had taken that stripper's giant cock, you could handle the both of us at once. You are a natural. Your ass is amazingly tight and fine for us." I couldn't answer as my head was back and I was in another universe, just enjoying the feeling. It only took about 15 minutes of this before I could feel both cocks, at once, growing harder in my hole. Then Tom yelled, "I'm cumming, omg, I am cumming and filling your hole with my toxic cum!" Just few seconds later and Hank was yelling that he was giving me a nice toxic load also. The feeling of two loads in my ass almost simultaneously, drove me over the edge, too. I was screaming almost, "yes, yes, yes, give me your poz cum, impregnate me, knock me up with your HIV!" Then, again, I caught myself and wondered what the hell was I saying and doing? I have lost my mind, but omg, how great it feels.
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  45. Part 29   Hank and I got up then and walked downstairs. I was kind of dragging, still trying to get my head around what had happened. We got to the livingroom and found everyone else there already. Hank, being the host, greeted everyone and asked if all the newbies had received their gifts, yet? They all nodded, including one who looked about as shell-shocked as me. I went and sat beside him. I asked, "how's it going." He said, "I didn't think it would be quite like this. I wanted it and chased for it, but wow, I got that guy over there and his cock is really gigantic and tore my ass up pretty good. Felt great, but hurt like hell too. I was bleeding, so I will probably get it pretty soon, too. How about you." I told him, "I'm a little bit different. A week ago, I had never ever done anything gay. Then last night, Hank did me, and that is when I found out what this party was about. I had no idea before." He looked at me like I was crazy and said, "You're not gay? You weren't here to get HIV?" I said, "No, I had no idea until Hank was cumming in me for the first time I had ever had cum in my ass and he said take my HIV load. Until then, I had no idea at all and really didn't want it in me." He just stared at me in disbelief, I think. Hank was talking then, "He said it looked like everyone had at least one load of toxic cum in their ass. If you want more, the rest of the weekend is before us and everyone is welcome to stay and make sure they get what they want." Tom spoke up then, "I am ready for more for sure. Anyone want a nice hot load from me. My last test showed my leves at about 900,000, definitely high enough to do you good." Two of the guys raised their hands immediately and were ready to go. Tom picked one and they headed upstairs to go to it. I was still mostly looking down, but when I did glance up, I noticed that Hank and the stripper were both staring at me and the stripper nodded and gave me a huge smile. The guy I was sitting beside said, "I am sore, but I came here to get it, so who has the highest viral load here? I want to make sure it takes now." Hank said, "I think I have, probably, the highest content. My last test was 1.5 million and I saw my buddy here beside me's test and his was about 1 million." The other two 'gifters?' said their's were 750,000 and 600,000, so I guess that made theirs about the lowest but quite high I thought, not knowing really what the numbers meant for sure. I noticed Hank kind of looking at me with almost a question on his face, so I nodded for some reason. He got up then and took the hand of the guy beside me and they headed up to bed. The two lower count guys each grabbed one of the others looking to receive and they just started making out and getting ready right there, one pair on the floor and the others on the couch. This left the stripper and me as the only ones not doing anything. I was still pretty much out of it from shock, so wasn't really interested in anyone at the moment. I got up slowly and headed for the kitchen. I dug in Hank's refrigerator and got a Coke out and then took a sip or two, and reached for the Rum sitting on the counter and refilled the can for a good stiff drink. I then wandered outside to the picnic table. I had a lot on my mind now. What the hell should I do? Hank did say I could get to the doctor and get something called PEP, whatever that meant. God, 4 loads of HIV positive cum in my ass and they were the first ever loads in my ass. That was something, a week ago, I would never have even thought about. Was I crazy? I had to admit that the last week had been the most mind blowing sex I had ever had, but what did it mean? I had almost finished my drink, when I became aware that someone was standing beside me. I looked up to find the stripper standing there, holding two more drinks in his hands, and giving me a big smile. I kind of smiled back and told him hi. He handed me another drink and then sat down beside me, basically lightly touching our legs together. I didn't bother to move. He said, "you really look upset, so I thought I would get you another drink. Maybe it will help calm you down." I gave him a smile and thanked him. We didn't say anything for a little bit. Then he asked, "you want to talk about it? Maybe I can help you get through this. Do have to admit, though, that I am a little prejudiced about it and sitting here with you gives me ideas, but I will try to help." For the first time I actually noticed that we were actually touching and as I glanced over at him, my eyes swung down a little and I noticed he was definitely at least part way hard. Not all the way, as I had seen that, but it was probably 75% up for sure and it was still massive. He let out a laugh then and said, "I saw you glance at it. I told you I was a little bit prejudiced. I want your ass so bad it is all I can do to just sit here and not grab you, but I'll be nice and just wait and see." I let out a little laugh then and said, "well, at the moment I don't think I want any more cock in me, but I'll be nice too and let you dream anyway."
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  46. Part 28   I woke up and glancing at the clock noticed it was still only about 1 in the morning. I had only been asleep about and hour and a half at most. It dawn on me that the bed was rocking and then it hit me, Hank has his cock in my ass and was gently fucking me again. What the hell? He has HIV, I don't want anymore. I turned my head towards him and he was smiling and leaned towards me and kissed me and I couldn't help it, I returned the kiss. He then said, "about time you woke up. I was just about to unload a 4th load in you and here it comes." With that I felt his cock expand and then throb in my hole with another of his toxic loads. Then it hit me, he had said a 4th load? I asked him, "what do you mean a fourth load?" He said, "your ass was too much for me and while you were asleep I have been fucking you the whole time." My eyes had to have grown to the size of saucers with that proclamation. 4 loads of HIV cum in my ass and one while I was asleep? The shock on my face must have shown and Hank said, "it was more than I could resist. Your ass is amazing and feels so super wrapped around my cock, I just had to." I said, "but you have HIV and I don't want it. What the hell am I to do now? A week ago I had never done anything gay and now you say you have infected me? OMG, I can't believe this." He said, "I've been hinting about it all week and what did you think a conversion party was anyway? Plus, I am sure you saw the biohazard tats on us? Didn't you have any clue at all?" I said, "I saw them but had no idea what they meant and especially not meaning HIV and a conversion party? I thought that just meant some guys coming out as either being gay or maybe BI, I had no idea of conversion to have a disease. Now, what to I do?" Hank said, "it seems like you had a lot of fun lately. I know you enjoyed every second of it, didn't you? Now, you can just keep on having the best sex you have ever had, but don't have to worry anymore that you might catch it. Then, again, it isn't too late, you might not catch it or you could get to the doctor and get what is called PEP, which stops it, but then you would probably have to stop having sex with any guys ever again cause you never know whether they have it or not. It is up to you." I had to admit it had been the best sex I had ever had, but did I want to get HIV? I had a huge amount to think about. The door to the bedroom opened then and the stripper came walking in with a big grin on his face. He said, "here's the party poopers. We were wondering if you were going to come join in or just keep making all kinds of noise up here alone. Sounds like you two were trying to drive the bed through the floor." Hank laughed and said, "didn't realize we had made that much noise. I guess we had been a little noisy earlier. I kind of got carried away fucking Jim here as his ass is so fantastic." The stripper looked at me and said, "i can see his legs are still spread, and he appears to finally have let you cum in him as there is a lot running out of that cummy ass for sure." I immediately close my legs, which was a mistake, as they had been spread so long and my ass used so much it made me groan a little. The stripper laughed at that. He then said, "lucky you as I would love some of that sweet ass too and maybe you will let me real soon now that you know how great it feels." I could only stare at him as my mind was still not functioning good at all.
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  47. Part 27   I had no idea what Hank was talking about, but I didn't care at this point. I was fucking his ass and it felt incredible. I know he had been fucked before, and probably many times, but his hole was still tighter and silkier than any pussy I had ever had. I could feel his hole gripping my cock on every stroke. I knew it was not going to be long. I could feel the thrill of cum starting deep within my balls. I started to feel the build up and yelled, "I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum! Going to fill your ass full of my hot cum!" He yelled, "yeah, boy, do it! Get rid of the last of your pure cum in me!" Then I felt it, the surge of my cum flowing up out of my balls and then up the shaft of my cock and spraying his insides, throbbing harder than I ever remember. It was fantastic and I thought I would never stop spewing it out. Finally it stopped and I collapsed on him. Both of us breathing hard. Then he was whispering to me, "Damn, boy, that was so good. Didn't I tell you how good cumming deep in an ass was? The best feeling there is. I want to show you, now and seed your hole like you did mine and show you what you have been missing." I was in total bliss as we lay there kissing and catching our breath. I was looking him in the eyes as he said that. I hesitated for a few seconds and then nodded. I couldn't speak or I might have said no and I wanted, at this point, to feel what he was talking about. He did not give me any time to change my mind. Hank rolled us over so I was on my back and he climbed on top of me. He was kissing me deeply and then lifted my legs up and put them over his shoulders. I was almost upside down. He did not break our kiss and I felt his hand at my hole and then his fingers entered me in one hard rough thrust. He twisted them around as he ground his lips against mine, stifling any sound I could make, and I felt his fingers ramming in and out of my hole. Then he leaned back a little and as his fingers drove in and out of me a few more times, I almost screamed as I felt his fingernails drag hard on the out stroke. It was painful as hell and the last time, I started to definitely yell, when his lips dropped onto mine stifling it and cutting me off as his fingers roughly were pulled out of my ass. It felt like he had drug my whole insides out with them. Then with hardly any time between, I felt his cock at my hole and it was driving into me. He didn't even go slow, but drove it deep into me in one hard plowing thrust. It was too much, too fast, and I gasped and froze in place. I was pinned down in this position and could do nothing but clamp my ass and groan. He let his lips come away from me then and whispered, again, "sorry about the speed and force, but I didn't want to take a chance you would change your mind. Now, your ass is going to be mine." As he said that, he started to fuck me hard, no, he started to assault my hole hard. He went from 0 to 100 in nothing flat. He was driving into me with such force I could not get a breath. He soon had me about as upside down as I could be, with my ass pointed straight up and he was basically pile driving my ass with my own cock pointed right in my face. His hands were on my shoulders, pressing down and I could not move. The pain was fading though to be replaced by pleasure. I was gasping now. He said quietly, "yeah, boy, your hole is like velvet. I love a hardly used hole. I am going to plant my seed so deep in you you will be converted for sure tonight. My HOT seed will change you forever. You will remember this night all the rest of your life." His onslaught kept on and on and soon the pleasure turned to ecstacy and I could not think of anything else but that piston driving in and out of me. He kept up a steady talk, most of which I didnt understand and the way I was feeling I didn't care about. He was saying, "your ass is so good. Gonna breed you and make you pregnant with my fertile seed. You will be one of us now." He kept this up, over and over, and I found myself almost yelling, "give it to me! fuck me! fuck me! fuck me! Blow your hot cum in me! I need it so bad! OMG, it is fantastic!" He kept it up for a good, I am sure, 20 minutes or more. Then he was saying something quietly and I almost couldn't hear it, "your hole is so good. I can feel it starting to pull the cum out of me. It is going to blow soon. You are going to get every drop of my toxic load in you. I can tell this will be a big load and I am going to grind into the walls of your ass so it takes hold." Another 5 or 6 minutes later and he looked me in the eyes telling me, "look into my eyes deep. I want to see how much you love this when I charge you up with my 'viral? load. I wasn't understanding, but I wanted him to fill me, I needed it so bad now. Then his movements started to become jerky and I knew he was ready to cum. All at once, he drove into me one last time, hard and grinding and yelled, "I'm cumming now. Giving you my hot hot hot AIDS cum now!" Before I had time to actually digest what he had said, I felt his cock throbbing in me and his cum spraying my insides. My own cock started to spray at the same time and being right over my face, I without realizing it, opened my mouth and took my load down my own throat. Hank ground and ground into me and I didn't think either of us was going to stop cumming. Then it was over and as I was coming down from that high, it hit me what he had said. My eyes popped wide open and I was stunned speechless. Did he say what I thought he had said? He was looking me right in the eyes as that dawned on me. He kind of nodded and said, "you heard what I said didn't you? Now you really know what a conversion party is. You are going to convert all right, to having HIV. I could only lay there shocked beyond belief at what I had let happen. Before I could get my mind wrapped around that, Hank was slowly fucking my ass again as his cock was still hard. I could not move. I was frozen in place as he again, started a good pace and he said, "you are so hot, I will not last any time at all this time." With that he drove into me one last time hard and I could feel his cock throb again as he unloaded another load of his HIV cum into me. It hit me then and I found myself sobbing. What the hell had I done? What do I do now? Hank rolled us to our sides and held me close trying to soothe me, kissing my tears away and crooning softly to me, "you will be ok. I think I love you and want you with me forever." I had no answer as my mind was completely blank and then I fell asleep in his arms.
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  48. Part 26   Hank then led me over to the couch and we sat down. He leaned over and planted his lips on mine and I returned the kiss. As we were kissing, we were groping at each other, our hands all over the other. Soon, we both had our hands on the other's cock, rubbing and stroking them to complete hardness. As we were making out, hot and heavy, I could hear the two on the floor. I was busy, so only caught a few words here and there. Mostly from the stripper as the other guy was moaning and groaning too much to talk. The stripper kept saying, "I am going to convert you for sure with this fuck. You will definitely be full of my hot cum and it will change you forever," or something like that. I was a little too busy to really understand what all was said. Hank broke off our kiss then and his lips started kissing and nibbling their way down across me. As he was doing that, I became aware that all the guys from outside were now in the livingroom and Tom had showed up and all were watching us and the two on the floor. As I noticed this, Hank's mouth had reached my cock and had swallowed it to the base in one slurp. My ass came right up off of the seat with that and before I could come back down, one of his hands was under me and his finger was entering my hole as I came down on it. My eyes had to have bugged out and a sigh escaped my mouth from the wonderful feelings. This went on for short time and then Hank let loose of my cock making me gasp in frustration. He got up then and looking around said, "I see we have 10 guys here now. Was hoping for a few more, but there are always those who back out at the last moment. It does work out nicely though as 5 of us have already converted and the other 5 are here to be converted and hope when they leave they will be and full to overflowing with cum." He kind of laughed at that and so did most of the others, although a couple of the guys looked almost shell shocked for some reason. Hank went on to say, "I hope everyone has fun and gets what they want. I am going to take personal care of my neighbor and hope to convert him tonight also. So why don't you pair up with converter and convertee and see if we all become one tonight and remember you don't have to stay with the same guy all night, but can switch around and try all. Enjoy." With that he turned back to me and held his hand out to take mine. I reached up and he pulled me up to my feet. He gave me a quick kiss and then led me towards the stairs. I was so horned up from our quick makeout session I almost ran up the stairs with Hank as he hurried us up there. I wanted his mouth on mine and on my cock so badly. I also wanted his cock in my mouth to taste his so sweet cum running across my tongue. My mouth was watering with the anticipation. We hurried to his bedroom and both of us just jumped on the bed we were so ready. Our mouths clamped together in a deep, almost terrifyingly, passionate kiss. I had never felt like this before. It was amazing. Our tongues entwined around each others, driving us both wilder and wilder. Our hands were exploring each others bodies everywhere we could reach. I even found myself caressing his ass and up and down his crack and circlng his hole with a finger just as he was doing to me. Then his finger started to penetrate my hole, so I did the same to him. We had no lube so only the tips were in, but the feeling was wild beyond belief. Then he broke off the kiss and told me, "just a minute." He rolled away from me and reached into the nightstand beside the bed and got out a tube of some sort of lube. He opened it up and started to pull me towards him and squeezed some out into the crack of my ass spreading it around my hole and then I felt him pushing some of it into me. Then he got some on his fingers and spread his own legs and did the same to his hole. Then Hank closed the gap between us and we kissed again as our hands went to each others' ass, again. I immediately could tell he had inserted more than one finger into me, so I did the same to him, two and then three and then found he could take 4 without much trouble. I think it felt like he had 4 in me too and around and around our fingers went, and slowly in and out. Penetrating until I felt the palm of my hand against his ass as my fingers were all the way in him and then I felt his palm also and knew he was as deep in me as well. We made out like this for a while, in and out slowly with our fingers, caressing each others prostate and driving us wilder and wilder with lust. The without our fingers leaving our holes, Hank slowly made his way down my body turning around, till we were in a 69 position. Then his mouch engulfed my cock to the base and I almost came right then, but he grabbed my cock hard in his other hand to make sure the feeling stopped. Then he started to suck me more. I was not being idle either and was sucking Hank's cock for all I was worth. I wanted his cum down my throat. I was craving the taste of him. His cock had precum flowing from it. I could taste it almost constantly and I knew he had to be tasting mine as I could feel it coming out of me at a fantastic rate, too. After a good 5 minutes of this, he all of a sudden stopped sucking me, pulled his cock from my mouth and turned around on the bed and his lips came down on mine. He kissed me hard and then pulling back a little said, "I want you to fuck me and see what it feels like to dump your load up my ass. Do me now." With that he rolled us over onto his back with me on top of him and between his legs. He reached between us and guided my cock to his hole. I plunged in to the hilt in one thrust and started to fuck him. He almost yelled, "yes, do it, fuck me, pound my ass hard, fill me with your straight boy neg. cum! Come on flood my hole good!" I was too far gone to pay much attention as I was pounding his ass as hard and fast as I had ever done before. He went on, "oh, yeah, do me I want all your sweet untainted cum in me deep!"
    1 point
  49. My new lover little Andrew, a 23 years old boy, slim and smooth body with a tight bubble butt, with a college boy face. Sometimes I think he is like my pet more than a bf. Cause I am 202 and he is just 175. Especially looking what he is doing or how he looks at me. I know I got his heart. Everything is well under my control. His innocent face keep calling the devil deep down in my heart to destroy him. But I think better not to scare him away. I will lead him to be who I need. And he will loves me more and more and never ends. It is the first month we dated. And the first time we have sex. I told him to stay with me for this weekend and we gonna have sex. He is neg but he knew that I am poz. And he knew I have to fuck raw but he is not ready to be poz. So I told him I would not seeding my virus load to him. But I changed my mind after I pick him up. I just want to get this little pet to be a wild animal in my bed. I took the stuff and forced him to take the slam. He doesn't know about it at all. It makes me hotter and totally wake my devil up. I gave him a half. I think it can bring him to see god. I tell him I am starting now. He turns his face and not to see the slam get into his vien. His face is so cute when he felt pain and nervous at the same time. And I did three times cause I want to see that face again. Then tell him I am going to push the serum in. I feel so proud of him and love him more when he take the whole slam in. Holy! He coughed almost a minute and I can see how fly high he is. And I did my slam too. He was lying down and I got him into my arms. Start with kissing him, and let him suck my hard cock. I turned him over and lick his whole. I asked him how he feels and he told me he is not sure but feel different deep inside him. That is totally what he needs, my cock. I pushed in my dry 8.5x6.5 in his licked hole without lube. It was not easy but this is the way I like to open up a hole. Push it deep as my cock can go. Yea! As far as I can go but not he can takes. Let him feel the best streching feeling he needs to know and let him understand he needs to sqeeze my precum as lube. I can feel I drop a drop of precum every single time I push in until my boy hole taking my whole meat. I didnt pound him hard. No rush! I have the whole weekend to fuck him. I didn't took long for the first cum. I took it out before I cum. I didnt get soft so I fuck him once more for the second load I took out right before I shoot. Then we have some rest. After an hour cuddle, I told him it is time for boost up. Cause my devil keep asking me to destroy him tonight. I gave him a whole one in his slam this time to fulfill and satisfy my dirty nasty needs. He doesn't know how much I put into his slam. Cause I want to pound him rough and hard and see how is his protential. I told him it is a babe slam for my babe. He just turned his face and let me slam him without a chance to wonder. He got a huge cough I ever see. It is a big turn me on. I can feel his cough with telling me his neg hole is ready for more. I push my dick into him straight ahead without a pause. And I start to fuck him harder, he can feel that too. Then he ask me to do what I want. I pounded him as I think he can take and he loves it. I can see he feels painful and excited at the same time. He told me he needs me fuck that hole hard. He is doing good in palace. I took the whole meat in & out from his arse when he is doggie. My doggie. My doggie hole. I pounded him like breeding a power btm. I didnt care he scream already. Even he is screaming, it must be a good one. I asked him can I fill that load in him. I know he must be hungry now with the slam he didnt even know made double. He trusted me and I know this is my bad. But this is also for his own good. He didnt say yes it means a yes. I pounded him so fucking hard and fill as much as he deserved more than first two fuck. And this is the first load in this relationship. The first gene I gave him. And it means he is mine now. It is my marked in his ass. I told him I am gonna keep fucking him and fill more my poz seed in his hole. After that load, I loaded 9 more times and made him as my creampie. I told him he would not far away to make him be mine. Totally 10 fucking pozzed seed is 10 times of virus I gave him. I dont think it is just a mark for his hole. He should get all my poz gene copying and converting in his blood and vien now. It is sweet to have him for bf and taking my gene to convert him. I would always take care of him from now on. Cause he is mine with my genecode forever.
    1 point
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