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  1. Note: I introduced a couple new elements I have no experience with, and I hope I got them mostly right. If they're wrong, I'm sure you'll tell me, and accept that THIS part is what makes it fiction. LOL ----------------------------- Part 3 The hips began to thrust, and I felt every inch of him inside me. His balls were smacking against mine - there was no warmup to this at all, not even a courtesy finger - and Rick fucked like an animal. It was everything I dreamed it would be. I found it hard to hold the cigar while we rocked back and forth, so I wedged it back in my jaw. Rick did likewise with his own, and continued to nail me. “You’re a filthy chaser, aren’t you,” he said. It was more of a statement than a question. “Mm-hmm,” I said, gasping for air. Man, this sensation in my ass was incredible! I thought it would hurt without the warmup and relaxation of the hole, but there was indeed enough lube to keep his dick from burning me from the inside out. I could feel it running down my buttcheeks on occasion. I drew hard on the cigar as best I could; being a novice with it, I was not successful. There was far more suck than there was smoke, and Rick said surprisingly little about it after the last command about it. Rick slowed down his strokes, and began to pull nearly out before thrusting back in. My hole loved this sensation. “Yeah, take it, you fucker,” he whispered. “This is… what you… goddamn bugchasers… deserve! I’m … gonna poz this hole… so fucking hard… you will never… want to chase… AGAIN!” I answered him not, and just let him do what he knew how to do best. At length, Rick removed my feet from their suspensions, and placed them over his shoulders. I held on to the straps of the sling for support as he pulled me deeper toward him. This was either heaven or hell, I couldn’t tell which. “Ugh… I came off my meds for this,” Rick said. “You better appreciate what I’m giving you.” That got my attention. “Was he…? No, he wouldn’t! This is just fantasy, this is just fantasy, part of the script, he’s not toxic…” I was mentally trying to convince myself that I was totally safe, and it was all talk. Part of the experience. I tried to not tighten up in reaction. Rick grew bored of this position quickly, finding he had nowhere to thrust to, so he stopped momentarily. “Get up, and go get in the chair,” he said with an effort. His breath was definitely shorter, and I could see already a sheen of sweat glistening. I pulled myself to standing, and instantly felt the lube run down my right leg. While getting my balance, I looked at the small puddle that formed on the mat beneath us. The lube was there, certainly, but something else. It looked a little red. “Must be a trick of the lighting,” I thought. I definitely didn’t FEEL like he tore me open. I turned round in the small chamber, and saw what he wanted. The leather chair I spied when we came in. As I got near it, I could see it was no ordinary seat. It looked… different somehow. It had a flat back, straps all over it, and two hard-looking footrests. “Is this a Lucifer chair?” I asked with interest. Rick didn’t answer the question, but gave a low, throaty chuckle. I climbed in, and continued smoking quietly. I wasn’t going to ruin the scene with a lot of chatter, or show any kind of uncertainty by babbling. Rick took away my cigar, strapped me in, and spread my legs. He then turned away, and his movements suggested he was putting something on his dick. My mind initially registered it as a cockring or maybe a shaft extender, but when I actually saw the weapon coming at me, it was wrapped in … chainmail? I looked at him quizzically but didn’t form a question. Rick saw my expression, and read it instantly. “This is a special kind of condom,” he said venomously. I was taken by surprise yet again. “A condom? That wasn’t what we agreed upon.” Rick pulled the cigar from between his teeth, and said fiendishly, “You’ll see.” As he came at me with this thing around his cock, I started to wonder what I got myself into. “Holy fuck, he’s serious,” I thought. “But that goes against... “ My train of thought abruptly ended there as the weapon now brushed against my hole. It was cold to the touch, and I felt something quite new rubbing against me. Before I could respond or even form a question, Rick was pushing into my hole, and it hurt like hell. I cried out and tried to back away from it. But back away to where? I was in a corner and seated with no clear exit, and strapped to the chair. “Shhh…” he cooed. “Just relax. This is supposed to hurt, and it’s part of the scene. Trust me.” From nowhere, he whips out a small brown bottle, uncaps it, and shoves it into one of my nostrils. I recognized it instantly. Poppers. And they were fairly new - still strong and heady. I inhaled deeply, knowing that it was beyond my control to do much else. Within seconds, I was flying. Rick at once detected it, grinned wickedly, and took a hit of them himself. He quickly recapped the bottle and flung it away from us. “That’s your only anesthetic,” he growled. And my hips began to rock again. I didn’t even notice him finish his entrance, and I just let him do the work, wincing all the while. Now that I knew what he was intending, I just laid back and let it happen. In between his grunts, Rick said something that sounded like, “Just open yourself up to all the pozzibilities I will show you.” The poppers made it sound distorted, so I wasn’t sure if he actually said it or whether I imagined it. I didn’t respond to it, lest it be the latter and he starts yelling at me again for talking out of turn. Rick continued to plow. His look was a mix of disgust and sheer ecstasy. “You dirty bugchasing fuck. I’m gonna teach you a lesson you won’t soon forget.” By now, the poppers had completely worn off, and I was feeling the full force of the thing inside me. And boy did it hurt. This was suddenly not fun for me. I needed to move my arms and legs. I needed that tearing up inside me to stop. I suddenly needed water. The room had grown unbearably hot between our activities, the humidity, and the smoke, and I needed a break. At last, I said, “Rick, I need … ow! You to stop --- fuck!” He considered this, and slowed his motions, then instantly began jackhammering my hole. “Nope! You’re done,” was his swift response. I couldn’t bear it anymore as I felt him rip me open from stem to stern. I had no coherent thoughts by this point, except an inward wish that he would cease his movements and I could die in peace. All I could do was cry out. But then his mood changed. He suddenly pulled himself out of me, and my hole welcomed the release. I put my head back as far as it would go, and just shut my eyes. "Shit, I was about to cum," he hissed. "I want this to last as long as possible." He pulled the strange device off, and I heard it hit the floor. Rick got down in a crouching position, and gently poked me with a finger. After a couple seconds, he took back his finger, and held it up before his eye. “Yep, as I thought!” He raised his open palm to me, and ordered, “Look. I’m showing you something.” I carefully opened one eye to see. His whole finger was a bright red colour, and this time, I was sure it wasn’t the light of the room. I suddenly remembered what this was called, and why he was doing it. The phrase “cruel condom” ripped through my brain, and now I had to accept it. He was genuinely pozzing me. That, or a damn convincing scene, I wasn’t sure which. And I wasn’t about to ask. All I could think of was the pain I was feeling at the moment. I returned to closing my eyes and feeling only pain. Rick only stood there over me, studying me, and letting his dick deflate a little while he hauled away on his cigar. He let me sit there, motionless, and just bleed. “This is all part of the process,” he said slowly. “It hurts now --” “I want out of this chair,” I interrupted. “There, there, you sick fuck, it will all be over soon, and you will be free.” There was something cryptic in that statement, but it was just talk. Just talk. The fantasy, right. “When he’s done fucking me, we’ll go upstairs, he’ll put an ice pack on my fanny and bandage me up, and all will be well,” I told myself. Alas, this was not to be.
    9 points
  2. Part 4 Rick undid the straps, and guided me over to a soft-looking couch I had not previously noticed. He put down a dog training pad on the seat, and said, “Kneel on it.” I climbed on to the couch with a wobble, still not fully balancing after he inflicted such torture on my hole. Rick got the lube bottle from the sling, slicked himself up, but gave none to me. I looked at him quizzically. “No lube?” “Nope. Your blood will provide all the lube you need.” I dropped my head as I positioned my ass in the air. Whatever happened next, there was no going back. I wanted to tell him to stop, that I can’t continue because of the bleeding. Blood play isn’t my thing at all. As he climbed on the couch and positioned himself behind me, I let out a small whimper. “This is it,” I thought. “I brought this on myself. But it feels so right...!” This time, Rick’s cock caressed my hole. He let out a soft gasp as he entered me. The lube was nice and cool, but alternated between pain and pleasure. Rick took his time now, and fucked me in a way that suggested he wanted me to feel every second of this. But it didn’t last. The angle was no good, and he kept sliding back off the couch on his left foot. Rick pulled out and stood up to full height. “Flip over,” he ordered. I complied, happy to be back on my back and off my elbows. I raised my legs and pointed the toes at Jebus. Rick got on the couch again, and returned to fucking me. “This hole’s great,” he said. “Good hole… good hole… good hole… good POZ hole…” He was almost in a trance. The instinct to breed and destroy had fully taken over. I couldn’t see his eyes clearly, but I could certainly see his face. It was suddenly angelic - calm, peaceful, relaxed. “This is his natural environment,” thought I. “He’s doing it, and it feels amazing.” I was suddenly in heaven, and forgot to worry about my bleeding rectum. His cock was stopping the bloodflow, maybe? I like to imagine that it was. Rick continued to plow, and then his body felt really hot against mine. I saw his otherwise shapeless physique go tense, and he dropped a bead of sweat on me. His features finally came into full view as he suddenly pitched the head downwards to look me square in the face. “This is it,” he groaned. “Breathe your last as a neg man, Steve. You ready for it?” I gave a dramatic pause. “Yes. Do it,” I fearlessly answered. Rick’s motions increased, his physical power overwhelming me, his rhythms gaining speed. He was drilling me HARD, and pain was becoming the dominant feature of our fucking. His cock rammed in and out of my hole in a blink. He would fully withdraw, then slam back in. Withdrew again, and re-enter with force. My balls began to ache from all the tension and physical assault. And within a few seconds, his torso lurched up toward the ceiling head first as he let out a primal scream of uncharacteristic fury. The deed was done, and his potentially charged swimmers were moving to a new location in my red district. I suddenly envisioned a cartoony image of toxic sperm shooting down a bright red shaft and making a right turn at the gash created by the metallic condom, and it made me chuckle. As Rick’s thrusts slowed to stillness, he asked, “What’s so funny? Hardly a time to be laughing.” I inhaled deeply, and let out a loud sigh of relief. “It was nothing,” I lied. “I just… can’t believe I did that.” He tried to stand up, and nearly fell. “What do you mean ‘what YOU just did’? I think I deserve an honourable mention,” he said jokingly. “Right, sorry,” I quickly answered. “What WE just did. That was incredible.” I decided that the cruel condom didn’t matter, and didn’t even acknowledge it. I wanted to bask in the moment, and consider this crossed off my Fuckit List. So I put my legs down to rest, and just lay there in all our natural juices. Rick let me remain, and went back to the ashtray. He found our cigars had put themselves out, but were not fully smoked, so he relit them. Brought mine back to me for a post-coital smoke. He motioned for me to sit up so he could join me on the couch. I did so. Neither of us spoke, and he just held me in his arms. The post-pozzing bliss was welcoming, and I noticed for the first time how silent the room was. All I could really hear was his breathing, mine, and the occasional sizzle of burning tobacco. As I came down from the high, Rick finally broke the silence. “Steve.” I turned my head toward him as much as my neck would allow. “Yeah?” He hesitated before continuing. “Welcome to the club.” I fully turned myself on the couch to look fully at him. “Club?” I enquired. “Yep,” he said, voice as colourless as glass. “This is what you wanted. And now you’re going to be poz. For real.” I wanted to be horrified, angry, frightened. He deviated from the script completely, and the thought crossed my mind to stick my lighted cigar right in his eye socket. But I felt that wouldn’t do justice to what I was feeling. But exactly WHAT was I feeling? Pride? Horny? Accomplished? Violated? Yes, all four. But three of the four were positive feelings, so I did not respond in hostility. I went for a neutral reaction. “That wasn’t what I asked you to do,” I said in an even tone. “Sure, the sex was great, though the condom surprised me, but this was supposed to be a fake conversion. To see if I could go through with the real thing.” Rick’s facial expression didn’t change. He looked at me stoically and said, “You just did. And how did that make you feel?” I considered it. “Empowered. Bold. Turned on as hell!” He sucked hard on his stogie, and inhaled deeply, saying nothing. Instead of exhaling the smoke, he grabbed my face and shotgunned it into me with a kiss. “Then you were ready.” His breath was hot and dry, and my own cock reawakened at this. I realized I hadn't got off myself, no last neg load, but... maybe I didn't need it? His tone went lower, and he continued, “But if you decide that you’re NOT, you can go to the clinic in the next couple days, and reverse it.” He leaned back on the couch, and propped his left leg upon his right knee. “But I don’t think you will.” Another draw on the cigar. He was serious. He actually came off his meds to poz me. In total conflict with his message for his leather title, he went against his public standards and spread the bug just because his friend asked him to. So I brought it up. “What about your platform? That speech you recited at Mr World Leather about protecting others from the bug?” He practically dismissed the question, saying, “Well, nobody’s perfect.” His hypocrisy actually didn’t bother me. I had what I wanted, and he obliged. He committed fully to the part, and while it wasn’t precisely what I envisioned, the overall result was better and more fun. Better him than some random bathhouse fuck, and that massive dick made it worth it. Another guy might not have been so kind to me, or put in as much variety. And now I knew I could handle it. “You did really well. And I’ll be here if you need help through the conversion,” he said. “But for now, let’s get you cleaned up.” He stubbed out the cigar; I did likewise. We rose from the couch, and he guided me upstairs carefully, completely forgetting our clothes. Rick and I climbed the stairs and went into his bathroom. The place was spotlessly white. I wish I could say the same for my ruined butthole. “Stand in the tub and face the back wall,” he said kindly. I did as requested, and placed my hands on the wall for support. “You’re not going to start rimming me, are you?” Didn’t want this dude felching out the load or drinking my blood. That would be too much. “Naw, we’re just gonna have a look at your gape,” he said, getting down to his knees to see. He probed gently with a finger, and silently inspected. “Yep, it’s in there, all right,” he finally announced. “And it looks like the bleeding stopped.” I turned round to face him. “The tear is actually very small.” He put both his hands on my shoulders, and faced me head on. I dropped my head and gaze in submission. “Look at me, Steve.” I raised my head and suddenly felt shame. “Are you okay?” I blinked once, maybe twice. “Yeah, I will be.” He looked satisfied. “Okay. But remember -- you asked for it!!”
    5 points
  3. The profile photo of Domin8tor wasn’t something I’d normally click on - no head. But the body was beefy - the barrel chested kind, thick with muscles but also looked like he enjoyed a lot of burger and beers. His likes were sparse and to the point: rough sex, fucking, breeding. Leather. Beer. I checked my messages and — not unexpectedly — his was direct and to the point: “Wanna fuck” He didn’t even include the “?” At the end I tapped in my reply: “Possibly. What are you looking for? Now?” It was 3 in the afternoon, on a Friday afternoon, and I still had a few more hours of work left. “Yeah. Now. Need a hole to drop my seed into.” “Sorry. Can’t now but could do later.” He replied with a pic. It looked like something someone took from Folsom: shirtless and in leather chaps, massive cock swinging free between his legs. He looked like in his 40s or 50s, but fit. His face was broad, head shaved, sunglasses on. His thin lips curled into a snarl-smile, mischievous and menace. Dark swirling tattoos covered his forearms and I could see a bit peeking over on his shoulders from his back. Muscles rippled through in almost comic-book proportions: biceps almost as thick as his head; pecs covered in sweaty dark fur, beads of water on the nipples. “Probably steroids” I thought. I glanced down at his balls, the tell-tale sign but they seemed larger than normal, hanging low. I replied in the chat: “How about 5pm?” No reply. I figured he found some other hole. I turned off my phone and went back to work. A little while later, my phone buzzed again. Checked it and there was a message from him. “Yeah. Address” I typed in my address and took a break from work to do a thorough prep and then tried to focus on work for the remainder of the day. Which was tricky - I put on a leather jockstrap and shorts to get myself in the mood. 5pm came… and went. I hopped online and he wasn’t online anymore - again, I figured he found someone else and didn’t bother to cancel. I opened a can of beer and started browsing other guys - after prepping, I didn’t want to let my ass go to waste. I was chatting with some twunk when my buzzer rang. It was almost 6pm. I pushed on the talk button and asked who it was. A gruff one word reply. “Dom”. Slightly annoyed, I replied “Third floor on the right” and buzzed him up. A heavy knock on door. I opened and was pleasantly surprised - he looked more or less like that picture. Shorter than I was expecting but the muscles were pretty much popping. He wore a t-shirt, jeans and a dark hoodie. The sunglasses were still on. I asked him if he wanted a beer and he nodded. I went and got him one and he had barely moved from the front door. I handed it to him and he took it with his left hand while reaching out to my shoulder with his right, pushing me down. With a low growl, he said “Suck.” He spoke with a thick accent - Eastern European? I knelt down, and unbuckled his jeans. Unzipping, I could tell he wasn’t wearing any underwear and his cock tumbled forward. It was as advertised: thick and long, fatter just behind the uncut head. I bent forward and started to suck. I had to really open wide in order to get the semi-hard dick in my mouth. I could hear him guzzle his beer above my head as I worked his cock. I started to use my hands, as his cock was long enough that I couldn’t get it all in my mouth. He reached down with his free hand and gently caressed the top of my head and moaned “That’s nice. Make it wet.” I could taste sex on his dick. As I blew him, I could see the matted cum from a previous fuck in his pubes. I swirled my tongue under the foreskin and could taste the ass juice and load from the last guy. He repositioned his hands to the back of my head and I knew where this was going. I tried to pull off before the face fucking could start — there was no way that was going to work well. But I was too slow. With an incredibly firm hold, his hand palmed the back of my head and he pulled my head in. I tried to open my mouth further, but his cock hit the back of my throat. He pulled back and then back in. I did my best to get gulps of air in through my nose but as he sped up and pushed harder, the opportunities became shorter and shorter. I put my hands on his waist and pushed him away, but there was no budging. Cocksucker’s tears were flowing down my face. He chuckled and slowed a little. He pulled back a bit and the air rushed into my lungs through my nose. He looked down at me (still with those fucking glasses and snarky smile) and said “Relax. Just open your throat.” I thought “what the fuck was he thinking I was doing?!” I tried to push again, but it literally felt like I was pushing against a wall - no movement at all. His hand — still on the back of my head — started to pull my head in. “Your choice. You can relax or not, but it’s going in.” I closed my eyes and did my best to relax, expecting it to ram against my tonsils yet again. But somehow his cock had softened a bit, and as he pulled my head in, it turned and went down my throat. There was a second moment of panic, but I tried to relax more and it became easier. He pulled back and then in again. And like the last time, his dick slid down my throat. I tongued the bottom of his shaft and his cock was iron-hard. I didn’t understand but before I could process it, my nose was buried in his pubes. The cum from his previous session smeared across my face. And his cock was down my throat. He held me there and I could feel his cock pulse and throb in my throat. It was a surreal sensation - it was like a hot, pulsing steel rod was down my throat. I felt his head - or I think it was his head - swell /in my throat/ . His hand kept my head there, and to my surprise, I didn’t try to resist. I think I was curious - how was this happening ?! - but also it was hot: I was deepthroating something that should not be able to go down my throat. His dick kept pulsing and I wondered if he had cum but he didn’t seem to make any of the other indications. Slowly, he pulled back and his cock snaked back - and I do mean /snaked/. It felt like somehow it could fully move, like a python in my mouth. He pulled the last bit from my drooling lips and then I could taste it. It was bitter and salty - kind of like cum, but something that also tasted like brackish saltwater. So maybe he did cum? The taste clung to my mouth - in that terrible way if you get a mouthful of antiperspirant. He tilted my face — tears down my cheeks, used cum on my face, and drool down my chin — towards his, and he growled, “Good boy.” He spun me around and shoved the back of my head hard, so I fell forward catching myself. He knelt down beside me and pulled back from my hips, so that he in a position to fuck me doggy style. He reached down my shorts, and roughly fingered my hole. With a surprising strength, he grabbed the sides of my shorts and with surprising strength ripped them apart exposing my bare ass, framed by the jockstrap lines. “Ah yeah, you were fucking ready for this” he snarled and then I felt his face back in my crack. His stubble rubbed the side of my cheeks, and I could feel his tongue inside my hole. It was pushed my hole open, and even if I didn’t want it (which I did!), I wouldn’t have a choice. He continued to grind his beard into my ass, as if he were trying to literally push me along with his jaw. And his tongue kept going deeper. And deeper. And he kept swirling it around, as if he were licking the inside of a bowl, but somehow in the inverse. He came up for air and then I felt it. His hard cock against my hole, first running up along it, picking up some of his spit and then with one move, shoved it in my hole. Time stopped. It hurt so much. My vision went white with pain. It came back. I came back to my body. And he was inside me. Fully. With one shove - or I blacked out - he was balls deep in me. Instinctively I tried to pull forward. But he held onto my hips and there was no give. None. “Uh uh uh - you are staying there until I’m done with you.” And with that, he fucked me. Hard. Each thrust all the way, each thrust seemingly a little deeper. It hurt so bad - I couldn’t help think of my insides being wrecked. I don’t think I have ever been fucked this deep - well, well past that second ring. And it kept doing. harder. And harder. I kept trying to squirm away, but there was literally nothing I could do other than make bigger bruises on my hips where he held on. Any more struggling and I would just be digging into his hands. At one point, he leaned forward on top of me. He was so heavy. Like 400 lbs heavy. He was shorter than I was, and when he pressed down, his body completely pinned mine to the ground. He slowly pulled out, about half way and then slid all the way back in. He paused inside me. “Milk it” he snarled. I was stunned. I just lay there. “Milk it” he repeated. And then he smacked the back of my head, and instinctively my ass clenched. “There we go.” And I started to squeeze and milk it. And it felt good. Really good. I could tell - my cock throbbed in my jockstrap. I know that sounds dumb, but honestly, my cock told me that it felt good. And once I ‘noticed’ then I really got into milking his cock. And he started to fuck me again, again with the snake. I felt it knew how to turn and go deeper. And deeper He got up a bit and pressed down on my shoulders with his hands, pinning me to the ground, with my ass up in the air. He went back to fucking me hard and fast. I just relaxed and let my hole loosen up. “Ah that’s good, my boy. Open up and let me in.” And I did. I just relaxed and he fucked me deep. Oh so deep. My ass was slick with the same slime that was down my throat. His cock made thwash sound as it churned up the slime. It felt so fucking good. I moaned and squeezed my hole in appreciation. He lifted off my shoulders for a brief moment to separate out my cheeks so he could get /that much deeper/ then put his hands on my shoulders. I turned around to look at him. He had taken off his shirt at some point and was dripping sweat. His skin was red, like the blood was just under the skin. His muscles and veins popped and throbbed. His face was a mask of angry hunger - as if ever thrust was another bite he was taking. His sunglasses were off and his eyes were black, except where the pupil’s were, which I saw occasional glints of reddish light. Kind of like when you flash a light into an animal’s eyes in darkness. His hands dug into my shoulders and the pain was sharp. His nails were clawing back towards him, so he could get as deep as he possibly could. And then he paused and let out a low groan-howl. I felt his cock start to twitch. And swell. My hole expanded even further - it was easily bigger than a can of coke at this point. I could feel him coming but it felt different - instead of the jerk-twitch-squirt that most cocks do, this was a pulse-wave-shove of cum. As he pushed himself in as far as he could, he grunted through gritted teeth “yeah…. yeah..…” I could feel it filling up my guts, as if there was a tap running. He kept cumming, depositing his seed deep inside me, for seeming minutes. Slowly he pulled out but kept coming, the same pulse-wave feeling. Finally he pulled out, and spun me around to face his cock. And I understood why now it felt that way. His cock continued to shudder and push out cum and cum was really thick, almost solid, a golf-ball size blob-ball of cum. I watched his cock push another one out, and the cock slit, widened to let this cum ball out. He shoved my face down to clean it off. I did as I was instructed and opened up. Even in my stupor, I knew it wouldn’t fit, but somehow, improbably, it did. It filled my entire mouth, and filled my throat. And it twitched and I felt the cumball push its way down his cock and directly down my throat. While that happened, I instinctively fingered my gaping hole and felt his cum inside. And my ass was full of these balls. I clenched my ass, keeping them inside and started to jerk off. I started to actively swallow now, welcoming them into me. I heard him above me say “Yes. Open up and let me in.” I could smell my ass, his cum and all the other guys now that my nose was shoved up into his pubes. I knew I was just another receptacle for him. One of many. And I liked it. I just relaxed. Both ends letting his cock travel down my throat and my ass. I could feel some of the cumballs plop onto the floor. But I didn’t care. I was open for him. Open. Open. And then I came. My ass clenched. And I just saw emptiness. I blinked to make sure they were open. But I just saw emptiness. It was different than blackness - I could tell that there was space in front of me, but it was just /empty/. I came back to my body. There was a wave of pleasure so strong that it hurt. My body wracked with spasms, the orgasm convulsing every cell of my body. I don’t remember how but when I regained my senses, his cock was out of my mouth. I looked around and he was buttoning the last button on his jeans. He bent over and picked up his shirt. Wordless, he just smirked at me. I was dumbstruck, kneeling on the ground a puddle of my cum in front of me. Pulling his shirt down, he motioned with his jaw towards the ground and said “They don’t last long outside a body.” I glanced down to see the cumballs - yes they were real - melt and spread out into murky jelly. He and put back on his sunglasses, covering his black, flashing eyes. “Take care of them,” he said. He turned and walked out the door. I hadn’t moved or said anything. I slowly stood up, my body starting to ache. I staggered to the bathroom, cum dripping down the inside of my left thigh. In the bathroom, I saw that my face was raw from being ground on the floor. There were two bruises on my hips. In the shower my hole was tender, but I was expecting far worse. I cleaned up the hallway, and his cum was remarkably sticky, but the smell wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. His cum, more than most, was breaking apart and turning into a thinner liquid. Over the next day, I was expecting an interesting shit ahead. But the cumballs didn’t “come out” - I guess they were absorbed? I checked his profile online but it was deleted. Now it seems surreal so I wonder if I was drugged - I’m writing this down so I remember, as it feels like it might fade away like a dream. So here is the recounting of the time I was bred by… uh, not sure what.
    4 points
  4. Part 11 It was Friday at 2pm and work was being a bitch. We had been having installation problems all week. I was hoping to be done with work by 3pm to meet Sir. I needed bred! A week is too long to go without cock. "Gah, will this week ever end!" My coworker looked at me and said, "What you have plans or something while you are in visiting?" "Something like that, seeing friends. You?" "Just going to a party down in Brighton. You should come, I think you'd enjoy yourself. Lot's of sexy Daddy types." "What's in Brighton?" I'd heard of it but never visited. He started tellng me all about Brighton and all I could think about is taking Sir's poz cock. I tuned him out thinking about that poz seed being shot deep in my hole. Taking over my body and changing me for good. "Hey, you still listening?" "Oh sorry, was thinking about the weekend." "You must have a hot date. Don't think I haven't noticed you are more distracted this trip. Go home, I'll finish this but I want details." "Seriously, thank you. It's my last weekend in London this trip. So I'm kind of excited." I tore out of the office and jumped on the Tube heading back to my motel. Sir told me to go ahead and check out and bring my stuff to his place. I tossed all my stuff in my luggage not caring how it was folded. I just needed Sir's poz seed. I checked out and jumped back on the Tube to head over to Sir's house. When I got there he wasn't home, a housekeeper let me in and told me to put my stuff in the closet. I started to sit down on the couch and the housekeeper stopped me. You are supposed to be naked in his house. I would strip if I were you. I stripped down, put my clothes away and went back to the kitchen to get some water. The housekeeper came in and eyed me up and down nodding. He then left the room and I heard him leave the house. I thought that was very a very odd man. About half an hour later I heard Sir coming in the door. I raced over and knelt on the floor. "Good boy, just as you should be when I come home from work. Now, help me get undressed." We moved into the bedroom and I helped Sir undress. As I removed his pants my fingers lingered on his biohazard tattoo. "You will earn yours, boy. Get on the bed ass up." I got up on all fours on the bed and Sir pushed my head down on to the bed. "Close your eyes and do not open them until I tell you boy." "Yes Sir." I could hear Sir moving around and it sounded like he went to the toilet. Then he was back and I felt pressure against my hole. Sir was sliding what felt like a toothbrush in my hole. I started to moan. "I am getting your hole nice and ready boy. It's been two weeks of you off of PrEP." "Fuck Sir, make it bleed. Please knock me up, Sir." Sir continued to scrub at my hole and then I felt his cock slide all the way to the base. "Nice wet hole boy, Sir is going to knock you up with his poz seed. Open your eyes boy." I opened my eyes and Sir was holding a bloody toothbrush in front of my face. "That's your blood boy, my poz seed is good ng to flood your negative pighole. You are going to be mine, boy. My poz pigboy." "Yes Sir, please make me your poz pigboy." Sir started fucking me harder. "Here is your first load of the weekend boy." I could feel Sir's poz seed shooting in me and my caged cock exploded from the feeling. "Oh fuck Sir, breed me, fuck the neg seed from my body."
    4 points
  5. I woke up to the feeling of Anthony cumming inside me. When he felt me stirring, he squeezed out a couple more ropes, and wrapped his arms around me tightly, saying “Sorry about that...I was having a very vivid dream about fucking you, and when I woke up I was hard and inside you. I couldn’t even try to hold back. I hope that was OK.” “Well, I could hardly complain after begging for your load last night, could I?” Kissing the back of my neck, he said “Good. I can’t tell you how happy I was when you gave in last night and let me in you bare. Something about knowing my seed is inside you, that you’re carrying a part of me with you, turns me on so much. And I think you like it too. Am I wrong?” “No. You’re not wrong. I feel so connected to you right now, like we shared something so special and perfect. Having a barrier between us just feels so wrong, you know?” “I know exactly what you mean. I want every part of me to be inside you, to inhabit you. But I also want to cook you a proper breakfast. Do you think maybe we could try something?” “Sure, what?” Reaching across me into his drawer, he pulled out a butt plug. “I was thinking if we put this in your hole, you could keep as much of me inside you as possible while we go about our day. I hope you’re able to spend the day with me, Joey. I don’t have any grand designs on you leaving your husband or anything - I know you’ll go home to him energized and electrified from our encounter, and I’ll go back to my search for a new man. But I would love to spend more time with you, in and out of bed, if you’re interested.” “I am yours for the next two days. I’ll tell my conference colleagues that I got a touch of the flu, because I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else right now than right here with you.” I took the plug from his hand and gently pulled away from him, feeling his softening cock slide out of me. I moved the plug to my hole and felt his hand on mine as we both pressed it into me - the slight stretch as it was almost all the way in felt so nice, and then my hole closed around it, just the base remaining between my cheeks. He gave it a gentle tap before rolling me onto my back for a deep, lingering kiss. Anthony cooked me a delicious, hearty breakfast. Then he fucked me in the kitchen. We took a long hot bath together, opening up about our past relationships. Then he fucked me in the bathroom. He showed me his collection of vintage board and video games. Then he fucked me in the media room. Each time, the plug was removed and replaced by Anthony’s enormous cock. And after he filled me with his seed, the plug went back in. With each session, we became closer, more connected, more intimate. And at the same time, I felt him exerting a certain power over me. Like he could sense my submissive side, a part of my fantasy life I don’t even share with my husband. Something about our connection made him able to see past my facade, and past the walls I put up. He just knew what I wanted, maybe even more than I myself knew. Maybe it was the introduction of poppers - whenever he held the bottle for me, I found myself eagerly inhaling and felt my inhibitions melting away. He became more aggressive, more demanding, and yet all within the context of our unspeakable chemistry - it was easily the most intense, enjoyable day of sex I’d ever had. After a long nap and some Chinese takeout for dinner, Anthony was finishing up a txt message as I joined him on the couch. “Got a hot date?” I asked. He finished typing and grinned, “We’ll see, maybe even for both of us if things work out. But tonight is all about the two of us.” Stripping my tshirt off, he said, “Let’s cheat on your husband a little more, shall we?” I felt myself blush, but couldn’t help but feel my cock twitch at the same time. Kissing down my body, Anthony’s tongue found all my erogenous buttons - tickling my pits, nibbling my nipples, probing my navel - somehow he’d learned all the ways to drive me crazy in just one crazy day. Taking my hard cock in his mouth, he grabbed the base of the plug and started pressing it deeper, and twisting it as he bobbed up and down on my rod. He could tell from my moans he was having the desired effect. “You ready for another load up in that sweet pussy, baby?” “Fuck yes! I need it. I need to feel you back inside me. Filling me with your seed.” “That’s what I like to hear. Let’s go to the bedroom.” Shucking our clothes along the way, I jumped onto the bed on my back, spread my legs, and invited Anthony to join me. His hand immediately went to the plug, gently pulling it from my hole. He brought it to my mouth, saying “Clean my cum off, Joey. Savor the flavor of my semen while I get you ready for more.” He fingered my hole for a couple minutes before lining up his raw cock once again. “Tell me what you want.” “Please, Anthony. Fuck my hole!” “Should I put on a condom?” “NO! Never again. I need to feel your skin on my skin. No barriers between us.” “Good boy, Joey,” he said, sliding every inch of his huge erection into my body. I still wasn’t used to the way he was treating me yet, but all I knew was my dick jumped every time he asserted himself, and his cock felt incredible in my hole. I felt so deeply connected to him. “Something in me is changing,” I said as he started to move inside me. “How do you mean?” “It’s just, I’m feeling things I haven’t felt for so long. I don’t know how to describe it.” He replied, “You’re allowing yourself to become what you really are. You’re a cheater now - you’ve wanted to do it for long time, right? And now that you’ve crossed that line, there’s no going back. This weekend with me is changing your life, Joey. Things aren’t ever going to be the same for you and your husband.” Fuck. I knew he was right, but it hadn’t really hit me yet. It wasn’t just that I’d broken my vows and fucked (repeatedly) with another man. I could feel a shift from deep inside, Anthony was allowing something that was lurking in there to finally come out. A yearning to let myself go, to give up control, to submit. I wanted to allow this man to do with me whatever he pleased. “Joey, think of it this way. Your life has been stagnant for a long time. You haven’t been content. Maybe letting yourself have this exploration will allow you to go back to your husband changed in a good way. Like, the battery of your married life was depleted, and giving in to your urges, letting me fuck you for a weekend - maybe it will charge you up, energize you to go back to your normal life with a more positive attitude.” I felt his cock flex inside me as he whispered those words to me, leaking more of his fluids into my rectum. Maybe he’s right - I’d dreamt of cheating on my husband for years. Maybe I could get that desire out of my system by letting my guard down and giving in, allowing myself to go where my urges wanted. And then I could return a changed man. “Well, when you put it that way, I guess you have a point.” I grabbed his ass and pulled him all the way inside me, while he leaned in for a deep tongue kiss. “Now fuck me properly. Don’t hold back. I need more of your seed inside me.” He pulled all the way out until just his head was in me, then rammed the length of his cock all the way back in. Deep dicking me, grabbing my hips, pounding my pussy - I’d never been fucked with such passion and such abandon. Sweat glistened on his beautiful body and the room smelled of pure masculinity. He grabbed the poppers and fed me a few huffs. The rush only made me need him more desperately. “That’s it, dirty boy. Are you a dirty boy, Joey?” “Yes, sir! I’m a dirty, dirty boy!” I said, getting into the role play. “And what do dirty boys need? What do they deserve, Joey?” “Umm...they need to be fucked?” “Well, yes that. But dirty boys need something in their dirty holes.” “Yes, they need loads in their holes!” “That’s right, Joey. And what kind of loads do dirty boys want in their holes?” “Umm...big loads of thick cum!” “Well, yes. But dirty boys want dirty loads in their dirty holes, Joey. Isn’t that right?” “Unngh...fuck. Fuck! Yes, that’s right sir. Dirty boys need dirty loads.” “Say it, Joey. Tell me you want a dirty load in your dirty hole!” “Oh FUCK, sir. I fucking want a dirty load in my hole, sir! I’m a dirty boy!” A big smile came across his face and he got even more aggressive with me. “Fuck yes, boy! I’m gonna give you a big dirty load! Gonna flood your guts with my fucking dirty seed!” The pounding he was giving me was unlike any way I’d ever been treated, and I fucking loved it. My hole was loose from the poppers and sloppy from the multiple loads shot into me in the past 24 hours. “Tell me how my cock feels. Is it bigger than your husband’s?” “Yes! Your cock is so much bigger than his! And you are fucking me so much better than he ever has! Please don’t stop!” “Oh, I’m not gonna stop until I dump inside you again, boy. But now I want you to do something for me. Give me your ring, boy.” “Unngh...uh, what?” “I said, give me your wedding ring. Your husband isn’t here right now. I want to wear it while I fuck you.” I hesitated slightly, then remembered how deeply I wanted to give myself over to this man. I pulled the ring off my finger and presented it to him. As he brought his left hand closer, he said, “With this ring, I thee wed. Say it.” I slid the wedding ring I’d worn so proudly for the last year since my husband and I finally got married onto his finger, repeating, “With this ring, I thee wed.” “That’s better. You’re mine now, and I’m going to make you even more mine.” He fed me another deep hit of poppers and leaned in real close, slowly thrusting as he was buried balls deep. “I’m getting close, Joey. And I feel really close to you right now. I want to give you everything you deserve. Tell me what you want.” “This dirty boy wants your dirty load, sir.” “What else?” “I feel like a different man in the last day with you. The way you’ve fucked me has truly changed my life!” “What else?” “I am going to return to my normal life more energized, recharged.” “That’s it. I’m charging up your battery, aren’t I? Say it.” “Yes, sir. The way you’re fucking me is charging me up. Don’t stop!” “It really is like I’m giving you something special for you to take home. A gift, if you will. The way our tryst has opened you up. Right?” “Exactly, sir! Fuck! Please never stop! Give me the gift! Blast it directly into my soul!” “Fuck yes, boy. That’s right. Your cheating ass is gonna be filled with yet another dirty load from me! My DNA is going to coat the walls of your intestines and seep into every cell in your body! Take my fucking big dick - the dick that’s bigger and better than your husband’s!” “Please! Pound me! Fuck me and feed me your cum! Charge me up with your dirty load!” “I’m gonna shoot, boy. I’m gonna blast one more huge load deep in your guts. You ready for my POZ load, fucker?” Playing along, “Yes! Give it to me! Fill me with your POZ load!” “Take it, you cheating piece of shit! Filling you with more of my POZ cum NOW, bitch!” With that, he plunged in balls deep and blasted rope after rope of cum into my pussy. It felt like it would never stop. I shot my load all over our bellies as I felt him squirting over and over inside me. I felt content and more satisfied than I had in years. As our breathing calmed and he lay on top of me, his cock still buried in me, I said, “That was some amazing role play, Anthony. Really intense and super hot. Thank you for that!” “That wasn’t role play, boy” was all he said before rolling off me, plugging me up again, and wrapping his arms around me and drifting off.
    3 points
  6. In my opinion....guys on apps can be so incredibly picky that they will tend to seek "perfection" to the point of not finding anyone at all to play with OR if they do, they tend find something to be upset with their playmate in person. I used to be the same way and realized I was a flake....once I eased up, I find that my enjoyment of just man on man fucking has increased tenfold....and the fucking things I've learned...wow!!!
    3 points
  7. Since you freaks can't wait, I'll put in the 2nd part now. ------------------- Part 2 Rick led me down the narrow steps into the basement of the brownstone, still grasping my dick. I could smell a little mildew and the remains of a recently-burned cigar. The beige-carpeted floor seemed unusually stiff under my feet. To my great surprise, we encountered no cobwebs that basements are known for growing. Rick opened a door on his right, which led to an enclosed room with the furnace and water heater, and another door beyond them. Rick unlocked this door, finally releasing my throbbing cock (which was begging for release at the anticipated event). He went into the lightless room, flipped a switch on the wall, and it was suddenly illuminated in dark red. I could make out a sling, shelving on one wall with a variety of bottles that I assumed were either lube or alcohol, a large number of small identical cases that were probably porn DVDs, and an odd-looking chair in an opposite corner. The details of the room were not immediately clear to me, and the deep red of the lights confused my view. Rick closed the door, and ordered me to strip naked. As I did so, he stood silently against the wall and watched me. I gathered up my clothes, which he took and placed somewhere on the other side of the dungeon. “Hop in the sling,” Rick ordered. “I’ll be just a minute.” I did as he instructed, and climbed into the sling. The springs squeaked under my weight, and I began to put my feet through the holders. As I was doing this, Rick was doing something that I couldn’t clearly see, and I heard movement, but my activity with the feet kept me from focusing on whatever he was doing. I heard a drawer open, a little rustling, two sharp snaps, and the drawer closing. I had my feet elevated fairly quickly and awaited his return. I heard a metallic “click”, then the hiss of a torch. The sudden illumination allowed me to see that he was lighting not one but TWO thick cigars. He got the cherry burning in each, and the room was suddenly fragrant with the odor of sweet tobacco. Rick walked over to me and stuck one of the cigars in my mouth. “We’re going to blacken your lungs, faggot,” he said with a shift in his voice. I started to protest, “I don’t smoke, buddy,” but he stuck it in my mouth mid-sentence. “Trust me, you do now. You wanna be a poz pig like me? This is part of that. Optional, but much better if you give in to it. Let me know if it’s too strong for you.” I took a draw on the stick. The acrid taste of burning tobacco filled my mouth, and although I expected it to be akin to a mouthful of fire, it was not. Not one bit. Smooth and cool, and actually quite flavourful. It was clear I had no say in this matter, so I at least gave it a chance. I stuck the big thing in my jaw, and just got used to the feeling. I think I like a cock there better, but whatever. Rick walked to the shelf with the bottles and kept his back to me. I had correctly guessed they were lube bottles. He took one down, popped it open, and turned it upside down to pour into his hand. He might have been checking the thickness of the lube because he closed it loudly, put the bottle back on the shelf, wiped his hands, and got a different one. Rick opened the new bottle, poured some into his other hand, and closed the lid. “This’ll do.” He returned to the sling and placed the bottle in the holder. I tried to regulate my breathing, but between anxiety and the unexpected cigar, it resulted in a lot of loud exhalations. Rick noticed the gar burning in my jaw, and with annoyance, he said, “Hey, those are expensive. Smoke it right or die.” I took the burning rod in my hand and let instinct guide me on smoking it, though I had no idea what I was doing. Rick placed his own cigar in a nearby ashtray, and began to undress. His body was almost totally white as if he had never spent an hour in the sun in his life. The frame was just as I remembered - slender with no muscular development, and a bit of a paunch at the bottom of his abdomen. His dick was a sight to behold - a good eight or nine inches with no foreskin, average thickness, and curved slightly upward. I didn’t get a good look at his ballsack, but I remember they were not particularly droopy. A brown mole sat on the right side of his pelvis. And then I saw something new -- a small but unmistakable biohazard tattoo on the opposite side. Why had I not noticed it before? “Oh, right”, I thought to myself. “He was wearing a jockstrap that night in the bathhouse. The waistband probably covered it so it would be a surprise for anyone lucky enough to remove it.” Rick took the lube bottle in his hand and slicked himself up. Then he brought the bottle right to my butthole and squeezed it hard to get the lube inside me. He began to push hard on the bottle as well, and I felt the breach of plastic in my sphincter. “Ouch,” I said. “Take it easy.” “I thought I told you to smoke, fucker.” This guy had flipped a switch since we were upstairs. I was no longer with a trusted friend, but a guy bent on doing some damage to me for the fun of it. I found myself holding my breath a bit while this passed through my mind. Then Rick replaced the bottle in the holder, crossed the room again, and after wiping his hands, took up his cigar again. He pulled hard on it, and turned back to me. His nose jet resembled a dragon, ready to spit flame and fire at me. It was fucking hot. I was now more acclimated to the cigar, and the room began to get a little foggy. Rick returned to me, and bent over my waiting form in the sling. He got right in my face, and said, “This is your last warning. Are. You. Sure. Because when this train begins, there is no stopping it until you are bred.” Again with the doubt! I trusted him, and while I was enjoying the dominance he was displaying, his demeanour was not something I had mentally prepared for. My mind screamed, “Do not do this!” But I brushed it away, and all hope of reversing this scene was lost when I answered him, “I have to know. I want to be a poz pig.” He weighed my answer with no change of emotion or expression, and without warning, he rammed his cock into me. I winced in surprise, almost burning my chest with the lighted cigar. “Then welcome to hell,” he growled in a low voice. “You’re going to die today. But don’t forget - you asked for it!!”
    3 points
  8. The story (while 'fictional') is a great version of a possible true-life experience that some of us get to or have already experienced: that being, catching our pretty (innocent) BF, our 'boy-toy', our junior 'understudy' having a dark side of promiscuity, cheating and engaging in very risky sexual behavior. I have that happen several times over the years, along with the feeling of rage, anger, betrayal, nausea... but also the tingling, creeping sensation of arousal. Fast forward to my last/ present BF who has lasted longer than any of the others before, and much more harmoniously. Part of that accomplishment was based on a 'deal-with-the-devil' as prudes might say. To his defense: Monogamy had taken a toll on many levels, fading frequency of sex, less personal 'vanity', less being outgoing and flirtatious with others. You know: 'following the relationship script'! BORING, really, the predictability! And like in the straight world, it invites cheating and temptations... the story of 'the forbidden fruit' and the snake... DANGER, the devil, the sexual hunters out there... My man fell to temptation first: him being passed out drunk with an unlocked phone flashing a series of various advanced conversations. Him actively pursuing hooking up with complete strangers. scrolling through them I found the proof: BAREBACK SEX and taking loads was the ultimate goal. After feeling the old-fashioned rage and sense of betrayal, I got back in control. I told him: "Most 'traditional' relationships would be over. I say north of 98%! You agree?" (Footnote: I even had guys in this group tell me (although they are HARDCORE, pozzing, promiscuous party-guys) "If I HAD A BF, I would NEVER tolerate him hooking up with others!") Yes my man did agree and looked concerned about us 'being over'. But I told him we can make this work though, because luckily I'm such a 'sick fuck' I get strangely aroused by all of this... BUT, it will be BOTH of us going out: hunting for cock and cum, fucking holes and making SEX A SPORT! And no secrecy, no willful privacy, no jealousy, hypocrisy and NO RUBBERS EVER! One of the first 'acts' of entering the new brotherhood was me inviting a self-confident, highly promiscuous party-boy who also lets you know he is poz. Well he is an actor from a big city where people are more liberated than in the South... I had the dude breed my man's hole and do his POZ-TALK. He said: "Boy you ready to take my POZ DEMON SEED? You ready to share my DNA? You gonna be a good slut, take all loads?" He mumbled kinda bitch-like at first but I made him butch it up and say: "YES SIR!" He popped a few loads and showed me the cream-pie of at least one. I asked the guy to keep breeding my man, ignore his requests to 'take it easy' and hurry up... Hell no! Breed and rut his hole raw, rough and make sure your demon seed takes... then we will be on the same page. We are now in year 15 of our relationship and the last 6 of total promiscuous debauchery have been the best. He now tells me he 'envies me' for being a bigger whore and getting more 'hot guys'. Not true, yes mostly but some random tricks were such, tore-up, homely fucks I'd never would acknowledge them in public... unless they see me first! lol
    3 points
  9. My decision to BB, i didn’t take lightly. Like many of you i desired it so badly but was scared. But Watching more porn and using sex toys more it’s almost like i became obsessed with wanted to go bareback let someone breed me. After a long time i started asking guys in i met online if they played safe or bb. I met this one guy who said he played either way, so i just said we will decide later. I was traveling and at a hotel so i had set some condoms out on the night stand with the lube. After a lot of four play he was laying in his back and asked me if i wanted to hop on, so i just grabbed the lube no condom. I lived my hole and his cock. I hesitated for minute waiting for him to say get a condom but he didn’t. So i proceeded to sit down on top of him. He fed me his dick when we changed positions, it was so erotic to taste my ass on his cock..... After a while he said he was about to cum and i just said cum inside me, i want you to shoot it deep in me. When finished i laid there and couldn’t believe what just happened. I was spent and it was so fucking amazing.
    2 points
  10. I met a 30 something muscle bear off scruff. I agreed I would suck his balls dry. when I got to his he was naked except for his jockstrap - massive bulge. I serviced his bulge then got his cock out - not the longest but he ws so fukkin thick with a big 4skin. I put my mouth round his shaft and started sucking. I must have been doing something good cuz he was groaning and grunting and holding my head on his cock pulling my mouth further on to his shaft till my nose was buried in his crotch. he told me he hates coming on a dude's face and he needs to cum in my mouth and swallow. then he asks if I'm ok if he holds my head so I don't pull off -I said yeah won't be a problem. I've been sucking cock for years. so I'm working on his shaft and massaging his balls. his breathing gets shallower and I can tell he's getting close. he grunts that he's gunna cum, he pulls my head on to his cock and his first jolt of seed hits the back of my throat - now it's not just a squirt - it's like I'm sucking on a meaty super soaker - that's followed by at least 8 more powerful shots - I haven't swallowed yet so my mouth is full of sperm. finally I start to swallow it all down. he thanked me and told that was the best blow job he had. I told him he was the most powerful shooter ever to cum in my mouth. I still blow him bout once a month. I still haven't met a man who can shoot such a huge load
    2 points
  11. And I would gladly participate. Nothing is hotter than the sight of males indulging in fucking and fisting like a pack of dogs in heat. I love sex clubs and sex resorts for that open, casual, and promiscuous atmosphere. We need more of this experience and opportunity in our everyday lives. We are built for sex.
    2 points
  12. Would love to organize a sex party/orgy where it is understood that the action is being recorded with the express purpose of dissemination of the images and videos. The necessary releases for public display and hold-harmless would of course need to be signed beforehand. All bareback and all sleezy - posted to a site dedicated to organizing such parties in other cities and countries. Many bathhouses and clubs may very well close permanently. We need to explore other options for cummunial fun and fraternity.
    2 points
  13. I do porn so I have no problems being filmed or having my naked body distributed across the internet, particularly while getting bred or fisted while others watch. Some places forbid filming, though most parties I've been to, any filming must have consent of those who will appear in it. In other cases, such as an event like Fist Fest, if you are walking around all these guys openly having sex and being passed around believing no one is filming, then you are just naive. The stigma of the naked male body or the act of males having sex solo o with others needs to be eliminated. The more of us posting our sexploits (TM) for the public to see, the more normal such indulgence becomes, as it should be to start with. We are sexual animals at our core. Those should be celebrated, not shamed.
    2 points
  14. Breeding is the conscious act of a man forcing his seed into a fertile bitch cunt. I always want the boy to conceive.
    2 points
  15. Raleigh keeps delivering. Hot 26yo returned, then a guy hit me up for anon - cock pic for ass pic and no other info. He arrived, game up to my room, pushed open the door, and slid right in. Very hung black guy. Fucked deep and shot hard - stayed in and said he needed to cum again. He fucked even harder and came harder, then slid out. As soon as the door closed I messaged a repeat pure anon who was waiting in the parking lot - they passed each other in the hall. Anon repeat (never seen his face) came in and gave me three loads, slid out, and left. One more would be great...
    2 points
  16. I’m probably a bit lame but I’ve always protected my ass. I don’t use toys, don’t get fisted. I never want to lessen the sensation of a cock in there. I like fucking loose holes tho especially if they’re already full of cum
    2 points
  17. I checked in on Louis a few times over the next few days. Tuesday night I got home and was sitting on the couch rolling a few joints when my phone buzzed. It was a message from Mike - “how the fuk do u stroke w/o hurting?” I laughed and replied “gentle. don’t try n get off in 15 seconds.” A few texts back and forth (each one more erotic than the last) and I was on my way over to his place. Mike greeted me at the door in just a pair of flannel boxers along with a big grin. We sat on the couch and Mike slid his boxers off. “How do you normally stroke?” I asked him. He looked embarrassed for a moment before realizing that was silly since that’s why I was here. He grabbed a fistful of cock and stroked about two seconds and then yelled out “Ow!” I chuckled and told him “I told you - gentle. It looks like you’re trying to yank it out of your body. Try just using two or three fingers and short strokes.” Mike tried it and gave me a funny look like it was doing nothing for him. “Try varying the pressure and the number of fingers until you find what feels good. You’re gonna have to train your dick to something different than the fist it’s used to” I said. I reached over and circled his cock with my thumb and forefinger and stroked gently. Switching to my thumb and middle finger, I could almost get all the way around. While he stayed hard, it didn’t seem to be getting him closer to an orgasm. I added a second finger with my thumb and then a third and that seemed to be the sweet spot. Once I added a little twist to the stroke, he really seemed to be enjoying it. I kept going, enjoying the feeling of this stud's cock in my hand as I jacked him. His eyes were closed and I wondered what he was imagining while I stroked him. “Oh fuck!” Mike yelled out and I felt his cock start to thicken. He reached out his hand and cupped it just in time to catch the first rope of cum that shot out. It was thick and white and shot out with some force. Two more shots fired out of his cock as my strokes slowed down. I stopped stroking and the next three spurts of cum were not as hard and then the last pulses of his cock just dribbled out. It was hard not to lean down and suck all of the cream off his cock but until the piercing had healed the last thing he needed was my spit all over it. Mike’s chest stopped heaving and he looked over at me with a huge smile. “Thanks, man. I needed that” Mike said to me. “No problem. I guess now you know what works with that fuckin hot cock of yours” I replied. I looked directly into his eyes and said "So, ya mind helping me out too?" He looked back at me suspiciously and said "What do you have in mind?" I gave another grin and said "You should probably learn how to suck a pierced cock so you can give pointers to the guys when they suck you." Mike chuckled and replied "I've sucked my share of pierced dicks. I think I can talk the guys through it to avoid the teeth banging and gagging." I was disappointed, but I had another idea. "Well, then, I guess you're just gonna have to give up your ass, cuz I'm not leaving here blueballed" I said confidently. "You think so, huh?" Mike replied, smirking. "Mmhmm. you cant fuck until your dick is healed so you either suck me or let me fuck you. Your choice" I said back to him. I really wanted the fuck, but either would be fine with me. He shook his head but a grin grew across his face. He stood up slowly, kicked off his boxers and then kneeled on the sofa with his head over the back. I wasn't going to give him a chance to change his mind and stood up and dropped my jeans. Going commando was a smart move and my cock had soon grown to full length. I kneeled down and pulled his muscled ass cheeks apart. There wasn't much hair on his ass or legs and I wasted no time in burying my face between the muscled globes. "Ahh, fuck. That beard feels so fucking good on my ass..." he said and then a few moments later added "Oh shit, your tongue is even better" as I began to eat his hole out. He reached back and spread his butt cheeks wider and I rewarded him by slipping my tongue inside. The taste was incredible and I kept breathing deep to experience his scent. My cock was as rigid as it had ever been and started to leak on to the rug. I was conflicted, I loved rimming his ass but I badly wanted to fuck him. The compromise was to tongue fuck him for a few more minutes before I gave my dick a chance. When he squeezed his ring around my tongue, I knew it was time. I stood up and my cock was pointing straight out, the head covered in a sheen of precum. I played with his hole for a few seconds, dragging my piercing over his hole several times before pushing it in. Mike let out a low quiet growl as the PA and then the head made their way just inside the outer ring. I pulled off my sleeveless tee and leaned forward, resting my hairy chest on his back. Mike arched his back and my hips began to rock, pushing the steel and flesh deeper inside. He wasn't really tight, but was working his ass muscles to let me in while also keeping a firm grip on my shaft. As much as his appearance and demeanor oozed "100% top", the experience I was getting from his ass told a different story. Mike was a talented bottom. I held his hands on the back of the couch while I pumped in faster. He leaned his head back on my shoulder and let out several moans while my hips bounced off his muscled ass cheeks. I drilled him like this for several minutes before I was fighting off the impending orgasm. My cock slid out of him and I tugged on his hips, whispering "on your knees, down on the floor" in his ear. Mike slid off the couch and backed up, bracing his hands on either side of his body on the sofa's bottom cushions. The break was just long enough to keep my dick hard and let my balls relax. My hands spread his butt apart again and while kneeling on one knee I slid right back in. This time I was more forceful and Mike seemed to be into it. "Oh god that feels so good. That's why I wanted to get a PA" Mike moaned out. Only a few minutes into this position and he was working his ass back into each of my thrusts. The slap of skin filled the room and the mixture of precum and spit inside his hole were giving off their usual heavenly sounds. We kept going like this for a while, both of us moaning or grunting depending on the intensity of my thrusts. I was getting close again, but didn't want to cum quite yet. Slowing down the pace, I then shoved in hard and left myself planted for a moment. My cock slowly withdrew until the head and piercing popped free and I snarled "On your back." Mike crawled up on the couch and laid back, his ass hanging off the edge and still gaping a little. He grabbed his legs and pulled them back, showing a lot more agility than I expected from his muscled body. Grinning back at him, I guided my slick cock back to his exposed hole. My cock toyed with his hole while I wrapped my fist around his very hard shaft. I saw a mixture of emotions in his eyes while I stood there. There was desire in his eyes, which I assumed was him needing my cock back inside him. There was pain, probably from his new piercing in his engorged cock. And there was pleasure from the fuck so far. In one swift motion, I planted my cock back inside his warm chute and flexed my hand around his cock. Mike's eyes got big, just like the smile on his face. I kept flexing my hand as my cock pumped in and out. Before too long his breathing started to get labored and then I felt him start to clamp down on my cock. My grunts got louder and turned into a growl while I stared deep into his eyes. With a few more squeezes with my hand, I aimed his cock back just in time to watch the first rope shoot out and land on his clean shaven face. The next few seconds were a blur as his ass milked my own load out. Three days worth of built up cum shot like a cannon out of my cock, painting the walls of his guts with my thick cream. Focusing again on the stud that I was balls deep in, all I saw in his face was pleasure along with cum dripping off his chin. We each fired off a few last jets of cum, Mike's landing on his chest and mine adding to the pool inside him. As my breathing returned to normal, I leaned in and licked the cum off his chin before feeding it to him. He sucked my tongue into his mouth, leaving my tongue coated in his spit not his cum. My cock started to soften and I pulled it out, watching some cum dribble down his ass. I ran my finger up the center of his chest, scooping up some more of his jizz before sucking it off my finger. Grabbing my jeans, I pulled them on and then put my shirt back on. I kept staring back at him and his eyes were fixed on me too. With my boots laced, I said "I hope that cock is as talented as your ass." He grinned back at me and replied "I think so, but it needs time to heal and shit like this didn't help. It's sore as fuck right now." I chuckled and said "Well, next time I'll just tie your hands behind your back and fuck you doggy. That should make it easier on your dick." Walking to the door I turned and gave him a wink before walking out and going back to home. When I got there I looked at my phone and I had a message from Mike. "Thursday?"
    2 points
  18. Hehe it's one of my weakness. Best is when they start prolapsing or rosebuding on your cock while fucking their loose gash
    2 points
  19. Part 8 - February Frozen In Time Conrad put on his coat and grabbed a coffee then went to sit outside in the cold January morning, having at last spent a day without masturbating allowing his sore cock some respite. He wondered if he was turning in to a degraded pervert constantly needing to blow his load every time he thought of Jack. What was even more weird was how he found it exhilarating sitting in the cold air looking at his aunties flower bed reminding him of when Jack had assaulted him outside cutting his cheek. He chuckled to himself totally chilled out and enjoying the peace and quiet. Max arrived and grabbed a coffee walking outside, he leaned down and kissed Conrad on the cheek taking him by surprise and sitting down next to him. "You told your parents then?" Max asked already knowing the answer "how have they taken it?". Conrad put his cup down "Not sure, my father is upset" he replied "just wish Charlie and..." he stopped himself. Max chuckled "Charlie told me you have a thing for sailors" he said sipping his coffee. Conrad rolled his eyes "Does Charlie tell you everything?" he asked looking at him. "Of course" Max replied "What about Harry though?" he now asked. Conrad sat in silence for a moment "To be honest I have tried to forget about him" he replied. "You never contacted him?" Max asked looking surprised. "No" he replied "I don't see any point" Conrad said then looked down "what if he is the one?". Max looked at Conrad "Do you like him?" he asked. Conrad shrugged his shoulder "I don't even know him" he said "I know he can punch" he chuckled. "He hasn't been seen around the bar for months now" Max informed him "even my wife asked her gay friends". Conrad sat up "And there has been no sight of him?" he asked looking concerned. "No" he replied "someone did say he got a job in the city" Max said "but he never hangs out around here now". Conrad nodded "Maybe I should just check in within him make sure he is okay". Max smiled and stood up "Come on back inside" he said "and if you don't contact him... well you will never know". It was the jolt Conrad needed and the following morning he sat there holding his phone for several minutes and finally sending a message to Harry apologising for not being in touch and asking if he was okay. He could see the message had been delivered but remained unread for most of the day. It took Conrad all this time to realise he had never truly got over Harry despite not even really knowing him, Harry had got in to his head though and the more he thought of him the more he found he wanted to explore any possibility that may exist. The subtle way he toyed and teased Conrad, his mischievous little grin and boyish looks, maybe he was in love with Harry but could not see it. Their trip to London was over so quickly and they were setting off for the drive back to Hampshire. Harry was sat up in bed in his swanky flat overlooking the city, he knew the text by heart but kept reading it dithering and not knowing how to answer Conrad. Moham came out of the bathroom dressed for a meeting and kissed Harry on the head, frequently popping over early morning before going to the office mixing a little business with a lot of pleasure. "Harry just answer it then either delete it or whatever" Moham said noticing he was still distracted. Harry nodded "In a minute I will" he said getting out of bed. Moham put his watch on looking at Harry "Come in at lunchtime Harry and get that sorted out" he said. Harry got back in to bed and watched Moham leave, reading the text message again he thought hard and began typing his response to Conrad. Sitting there for a moment with his finger poised over the send button he hit it and locked his phone putting it on silent. Picking up his work phone he browsed through the emails received since yesterday to see if anything needed immediate attention before taking a shower. Conrad felt his phone buzz in his pocket and hurriedly pulled it out and saw he had a message from Harry. Quickly opening it he read it and read it again, a tear fell from his eye seeing the words the from Harry 'You put me through ups and down and I can't explain why or get over you yet you still rip my heart out every time I think or see you, I don't even know you yet this is what you have done to me. It is best we leave it there I can't copy with that happening any more'. Wiping his eyes he put the phone back in his pocket unaware his father had been watching him through the mirror, he really felt heartbroken and knew he should have gone back to Harry when Max sent him his number. When they arrived home Conrad said nothing and went up to his bedroom and laid down trying to make sense of his life. Eddie knocked on the door and walked in catching Conrad wiping his eyes again. "That text you got in the car was it from Charlie's friend?" his father asked. Conrad looked at his father who closed the door "No, someone else who I realised I was fond of" he replied. Eddie sat on the bed "They blew you off?" he asked "you have always been the sensitive one Con" he said trying his best at consoling him. "He says I rip his heart out but we don't know each other apart from when he punched me" Conrad said. Eddie stifled a laugh "Sorry I didn't mean to laugh" he said sincerely. Conrad smiled "It was my fault I called him a queer" he said "now look at me just a fucking queer". "Conrad!" his father looked angry "don't ever use that language in this house" he told him off going to town. "Sorry father" Conrad said laying back down on the bed "I need Charlie here he would know what to do". Eddie patted his leg "Love can swipe your legs right from under you Conrad, you just have to deal with it". Conrad nodded "I'm sorry for being such a mess" he said in frustration. "Come down to dinner" Eddie said standing up "we love you son it just take us oldies more time to adjust". He joined them for dinner and opened up a bit more about Harry and the incident in London but left out the gay for pay part to spare them and himself the indignity of it, surprisingly both parents were supportive. Towards the middle of January Conrad was busy revising for the next part of his exam which was a practical in a few days time, he had no idea why they would do practical exams outside in January when you couldn't even get a fork in the ground. It had been a good week speaking to Charlie and Joshua twice who were now sailing up towards the Bahamas before a trip along the east coast of the US then across the Atlantic to Portsmouth for the start of March. The following week he was glad the exam was done and sent Jack a text to let him know how it had gone. Despite his urge to text Harry he decided not to thinking that was that, so preoccupied by Harry that by the weekend he realised there had been nothing from Jack so he strolled up to the manor Saturday morning. Simon spotted him and walked down the stairs opening the front doors just as Conrad came through the gate, he looked tired and upset calling Conrad over. It was the first time he had seen or spoken to him since that night and had to hold back his anger towards him. "Conrad, I think you better come in" Simon said going back inside leaving the door open. Conrad walked in closing the door "What is wrong?" he asked looking at him "Jack?" he suddenly blurted out. Simon went over and hugged him "He is upstairs and is in a very bad way". Conrad cried out and went running up the stairs with Simon following him, he rushed through the bedroom doors and fell to his knees crying. Jack was hooked up to a ventilator and wires going to a monitor showing his life signs. Simon knew this was coming since his last bout of illness but even he broke down seeing Conrad in such a state. All the time Jack went on about Conrad, he only now saw first hand how truly attached Conrad and Jack had become through their friendship. The initial shock overwhelmed Conrad and eventually he calmed down and went to sit by his side, Simon closed the doors softly and left them alone. Conrad visited every evening and stayed for many hours holding Jack's hand who was in an unresponsive state. Sunday afternoon at the close of January it was cold and snow flurries filled the air, Conrad was sat with Jack holding his hand as usual and giving Simon a break who left with the doctor. Conrad talked about plants and what he had been learning that week when he felt Jack squeeze his hand gently. He cried a lot sitting there and Simon had been frank and honest telling him it was only a matter of days. The one person in life who apart from Charlie that knew Conrad inside out was lying in this frail state. He held on to Jack's hand tighter like he was letting him know he was here. Conrad stroked Jack's arm and spent time looking at his various tattoos mumbling away to him about them. He found the scorpion on his bicep that he never really noticed or paid attention to it before. The stinger part had drops painted in red landing on a skull and crossbones, underneath was a cupid holding the letter A and a hibiscus flower entwinned around the letter C. Conrad got his phone out and took a picture of it not understanding the significance of them, he knew it would really upset his parents but he wanted to get the scorpion one done in honour of Jack and everything he had done for him. Something about it just reminded him so much of Jack, Simon walked in just as he took the picture. "He was always proud of those tattoos, symbolised many things in his life" Simon said sitting next to Conrad. Conrad put his phone away "I never really paid much notice to them" he said looking at Simon. "You getting one done yourself?" Simon asked "ah, the scorpions tail and the drops of venom". Conrad smiled looking at Jack "It is your venom inside both of us" he said. Simon remained silent for several minutes "You took advantage of me that night" Conrad said glancing at him. "I know" Simon confessed "I did warn you" he said standing up feeling he should leave. Conrad patted the seat "Sit down Simon" he said "Jack and I are brothers of sorts, we both have your virus". Simon smirked "Yes you have both inherited my DNA" he replied. Conrad glanced at him "I guess Harry is as well?" he asked but nodded answering his own question. "You got Jack's strain as well" Simon remarked and Conrad looked at him "yes he told me he finally got you good in the greenhouse". "It doesn't mean I forgive you" Conrad said in mild anger "you must have known I didn't understand". Simon looked at Jack "You will either love or hate me Conrad same as Jack did" he said. "You reckon?" Conrad replied "I can't get past the anger towards you at the moment" he said blinking back tears. Simon spoke softly "Jack loved two people Adam and me but he for some reason he completely adored and love you even more". Conrad looked at Simon "He never said anything to me" he said looking sad. "Jack's way, if he had told you then things would have got complicated and hard just like now" Simon explained. Conrad sniffed "Jack is one brutal arse wrecker" he said half smiling looking at Jack. Simon chuckled and patted his shoulder "That is why I would never let him lose on my arse". "One day he held me in his arms and looked me in the eye like he was making love to me" Conrad admitted. Simon smiled "He probably was Conrad, you really don't understand how much he really thought of you". Conrad shook his head and ran his hand along Jack's arm stroking it lovingly, the snow began to fall heavily and coated the land in a brilliant whiteness against the dark clouds. Just as darkness was creeping in the heart monitor flatlined, his body finally unable to fight any longer. Jack passed away peacefully with Conrad holding his hand. Simon reached over grabbing Conrad and hugging him tightly feeling every heart breaking sob from Conrad entering in to his body. Simon could hear the hurt and devastation in his cries, he pushed Simon away and leaned over kissing Jack one last time then walked out without a word to Simon. Crying all the way out of the manor, Simon watched from the window then turned to Jack and kissed him on the forehead placing the sheet over him then looked out the window again just as Conrad turned to look up 'stupid kid' he said upset, annoyed and angry. Simon turned the light off and placed the call to the undertakers and doctor. He stood there unsure if he was angry at Conrad or Jack, in the darkness he sat talking to Jack until the doctor arrived. Conrad walked in to the house and his mother came out of the sitting room and saw his tear streaked face, she ran over and hugged him knowing full well what it meant. He spent the rest of the evening trying to be consoled by his parents. The loss of Jack hit him badly and he spent the next few days in his bedroom unable to face or talk to anyone. His heart truly broken and bursting in to bouts of tears, thankfully he had a week off college which did nothing to help his sadness frequently breaking down during the day and crying himself to sleep at night. There had been no movement at the manor and many of the neighbours dropped flowers off as word spread of Jack passing away. Simon locked himself away sorting out the arrangements, he sent a few messages to some of the wealthy people that Jack had come to know from their parties telling them the funeral would be on Friday at 2pm. Simon pondered at first but eventually wrote an invitation to Conrad telling him the arrangements. Joshua was devastated seeing Conrad looking so upset and desperately wanted to be there for him, Charlie was the same and provided some comfort for Joshua who was badly upset and wanted to hold Conrad. Jody heard the doorbell ring and placed the tea towel down to answer the front door. "I'm sorry to disturb you so late I have this for Conrad" Simon said handing the envelope over. Jody looked at him "Simon isn't it, from the manor?" she asked. Simon nodded "Yes, it is Jack's funeral arrangements" he said nodding to the envelope. "My condolences" she said sympathetically "do you want to come in for a cup of tea or something?" Jody asked him. "No thank you" Simon said shaking his head "it has been a hard time" he said walking away back up the road. Conrad sat there looking at it in his bedroom wondering if Simon did it as a friend or just because he thought he should. He read it again, the service was at 2pm and burial at 3pm at a small church and cemetery that was within walking distance of Hibiscus Drive. It was a place Jack had already chosen having loved the spot when he tended the gardens before working at the manor. Adam was hunched over in tears in Moham's office Monday morning having just heard the news. Harry stood there unsure what was going until Moham explained to him that he was to accompany Adam and him on Friday to a funeral. Harry learnt that Adam had been having a long term fling with Jack for years whenever they could meet up. Harry brought Adam back to his flat and spent the evenings comforting and talking with him. They left Chelsea helipad just after lunchtime on Friday, Adam over the initial shock was pretty much back to himself and the helicopter landed just before 1pm. Conrad heard it arriving having no idea who it was and cared even less. The small private funeral would be a few people who Jack had been acquainted with, having been disowned by his family years ago he made strict instructions his family were not to be invited or told. Moham was first out of the helicopter and walked over to meet Simon, Adam got out and held Harry back for a moment. "Harry this will be hard but you must hold in any anger towards Simon" Adam said looking him in the eye. Harry looked towards Simon "There is no more anger Adam" he said "I don't want to speak to him". Adam shook his head "Harry you must at least be pleasant to him, Moham is friends both personally and business with him" he warned Harry. Harry nodded but unable to stop himself he gave Simon daggers when they looked at each other, this was the reason why Simon never had guys back that he had converted or stealthed. Simon though smirked and ignored him instead he went over to Adam and hugged him commenting he had been away too long from the manor and should visit. Simon couldn't help notice that Harry kept glancing out of the window like he was looking for someone. Conrad showered and got a black shirt and trousers out, it was the best he could do not having a proper suit for this type of occasion. He had already decided to skip the service and wait until the funeral party left then he would say his good bye to Jack alone. The limousine left the manor behind the hearse followed by a second one with Harry and Adam. Simon looked to number 8 and told the driver to wait a moment to see if Conrad would appear but it was quiet, a few ladies down the road had turned out to watch despite the cold wind blowing. "Who are you waiting for?" Moham asked Simon. "Hmm" Simon said "Oh, the lad Jack was teaching thought he might be attending" he replied. Moham nodded "Did I see him at the last party?" he asked. Simon shook his head "No, Conrad kept clear" he said. "Conrad?" Moham said looking at him "does he know Harry?" he asked. "I don't know" Simon replied glancing at him "he is a bit of a country boy, dam good fuck though". Moham chuckled "I am sure Harry told me he was in the garden when we left" he added looking at number 8. "Maybe they do know each other" Simon said trying to think back if Conrad had ever mentioned him. "If it is him he screamed a lot when I broke him in" Moham said smiling. Simon laughed "Anyway he is not talking to me at the moment" he said grinning. "Not another one" Moham said looking at Simon nodding "he was straight when I did him" Moham added. "Not so straight now Moham, he had sex with Jack in the greenhouse quite a few times" Simon informed him. Moham chuckled "Amazing what a little money will do to straight lads" he chuckled "brings out their gay side". Simon laughed "You are kidding me?" he asked "he was an escort in London?". "Far from it" Moham replied "but dangle a tempting carrot and well they come back for more very quickly". "What's the deal with you and this Harry then?" Simon asked wondering why he brought Harry with him. Moham smiled "Works for me as my assistant" he replied "and I am very fond of him". Simon turned to look at him "Adam's replacement?" he asked smiling "have you freed him up?". Moham laughed "I knew you still had a soft spot for Adam" he said "and he has a soft spot for Harry". Simon sat back smiling "Complicated lives they lead" he remarked. "Harry is in love with Conrad" Moham said "has been since the day they first met". Simon looked in surprise "Really?" he replied. Moham nodded "He thinks I don't know but I can see the hurt in his eyes when he thinks about him". "Well maybe Harry and you should come stay more often" Simon suggested "see if they can sort it out". Moham sat back "Looks like you have new neighbours Simon" he said nodding to the removals truck unloading. Simon looked "Number 3, I never heard it was up for sale" he replied tapping for the chauffeur to drive on. The Egginghams who lived at number 3 didn't even have time to get the for sale sign up, their house was purchased within the day of going on sale two months ago and now they had moved out and the Emir family were moving in, the mother was looking at the hibiscus bed out of the front when she noticed the limousine waiting outside number 8. Jamal her son walked over interested in seeing what was going on. Your typical 19 year old rebellious teenager, Jamal stood at five feet ten inches with jet black hair that was unruly and unkept. Deep brown eyes and his left eyebrow was pierced, he was attractive despite his unkept appearance by letting his hair do whatever it wanted. His skin a very subtle tanned shade of northern Morocco, his mother married a Moroccan business man and Jamal had inherited his fathers hair, eyes, cock and body type. His body was slim and tight with a perfect muscle definition that never changed no matter what he ate, his shining glory was the eight inches of thick prime meat. He was very proud of his ancestry but preferred to go by the name of Jam and was very English by nature. Over the past year at the all boys boarding school Jamal had found a use for his cock bedding quite a few of the other closet cases. He never classed himself as gay and a hole was just a hole for him to stick his cock in and get some pleasure. "Assume that must be there son" Simon said his eyes lighting up. Moham burst out laughing "Simon can you not think of anything else" he said. Simon smiled "You know me Moham!" he said as the limousine passed the gates on to the main road. Exiting from the limousines the 10 or so people congregated Harry avoiding Simon much as possible stood on his own whilst Adam and Moham chatted to the other guests, no one made any mention of Conrad but Simon was frequently looking around to check if he turned up. Conrad left home and noticed the removal van in the driveway of number 3, there was no one around when he walked past so Conrad continued on his way. He arrived just as the coffin was being carried out of the church to the graveyard, he waited out of sight from the group now congregating around the grave. Conrad recognised the Arab guy and there walking behind him with a tallish very attractive guy was Harry, his heart felt like it sank in his chest seeing him again. Harry looked very smart in his black suit and Conrad couldn't work out why he would be travelling with the Arab man, surely Harry didn't know Jack so why would he be here. He waited patiently and watched the coffin being lowered wiping his eyes, Simon took a handful of dirt from the pot and dropped it on the coffin now hidden from view. He watched Harry watching Adam and Moham grabbing some dirt and letting it fall on to the coffin, they stood silently for a moment. Conrad blinked back more tears and watched the group slowly turn and head back to the church, Simon stood there alone for a moment. He couldn't help but feel sorry for Simon and wanted to go over and hug him, to make everything alright. Simon turned and walked slowly back towards the church, Conrad stepped out and walked over feeling the cold February wind against his face. He stood and looked down in to the grave at the beautiful white coffin, he couldn't hold back anymore and stood with his head in his hands sobbing trying to keep the noise down. Simon and the group came out of the church and started heading back towards the limousines, he took a look over at the grave and saw the lonely figure with his head in his hands crying. A tear trickled down Simon's face seeing Conrad so heartbroken. "Go ahead guys" Simon said quickly wiping his eyes and holding back. Harry turned to look "Conrad" he muttered quietly. Moham held him back "Let Simon go an talk to him please Harry" he said holding Harry's arms Adam looked at the back of Conrad "My god he looks devastated". "He knew Jack from 7 years old apparently, Simon told me they had a very close friendship" Moham said. Simon stopped few meters away hearing Conrad talking to Jack 'I will never forget you Jack, you showed me so many wonderful things and made me fall in love with plants and you in a way. Who would have thought the 7 year old me would end up being your friend, certainly not either of us I think. I wanted something to remember you by so I will get that scorpion tattoo you have on your arm done on mine, it is the right thing to do as it will remind me of the pain you have put me through this week' Conrad stopped and wiped his eyes that seemed to stream constantly. He cleared his throat 'Oh I brought you something I hope you will like it' Conrad took out thirteen hibiscus petals 'one petal for every year I knew you' he dropped them in one by one sobbing quietly again. Conrad pulled one hibiscus flower out of his pocket 'This to remind you where it all began, I picked it from the front gate of the manor but don't tell Simon' he dropped the flower in to the grave. Conrad knew this was his final farewell and he was getting so overwhelmed with grief, he fell to his knees and sobbed. Simon heartbroken by what he saw rushed forward. "Come on Conrad" Simon said helping him up wiping his own eyes "Jack would have loved that". Conrad turned to Simon and hugged him "I miss him Simon" he said breaking down again "my god I miss him". "I'm so sorry Conrad" Simon held him tighter "I know how much you meant to each other" Conrad nodded "I'm sorry for leaving you like that on Sunday" he said sniffing. "Doesn't matter Conrad, come back to the manor" Simon suggested. Conrad shook his head "No I don't think so I am a mess" he replied. Simon held Conrad back in his arms "I need you to come back with me Conrad" he said looking at him. "Its awkward" Conrad simply replied. "Ah" Simon said looking over at Harry "things are only awkward if you make them awkward Conrad". Conrad wiped his eyes "Yeah but I don't think Harry would see it that way" he said. Simon shook his head "It is not about Harry today, that is his problem to deal with" he said. "No" Conrad said "I want to stay here a while, talk to Jack and say good bye". They hugged allowing themselves a few minutes to grieve together in private holding hands, Simon seeing this as a little thawing between them. Harry stood by the limousine watching them whilst Moham and Adam watched Harry noticing how besotted he was and unable to take his eyes off Conrad. Adam finally got a view of Conrad, he was young and very attractive albeit full of sadness, Adam wiped Harry's face and kissed him on the cheek. Harry was beginning to get upset himself and would have loved nothing more than to go over and comfort Conrad, the reality was both of their encounters had not been overly friendly. "Okay so now I understand" Adam said putting his arm around Harry's shoulder. Harry looked at him "Understand what?" he asked. Adam nodded towards Conrad "Why don't you go over and say hello" he suggested. Harry shook his head "No, things never seem to go well when we meet" he said getting in to the limousine. Harry looked out the limousines window at Simon who was walking back alone, Conrad sat on one the chairs provided and stared in to the grave shutting the world out. Adam looked at Moham who looked at Simon who smiled briefly. "You alright Simon?" Moham asked looking concerned. "No" Simon replied looking back at Conrad "I am worried about Conrad it has hit him badly I don't know what to do for him". "Is he coming back to the manor?" Moham asked, Simon shook his head glancing back at Conrad again. "You two go with Harry in the limo" Adam said "let me go speak with him see if I can bring him around". "Good luck trying that" Simon said walking towards the limousine "he doesn't like me much at the moment". Adam walked over and sat next to him "So you knew Jack then?" he asked Conrad staring at the coffin. Conrad nodded "I knew every nook and cranny of his body" Adam said "I guess you would have been 11 at the time". "I never saw you" Conrad said raising his head looking at Adam "he never spoke of anyone else". Adam smiled "No he wouldn't have, but he spoke of you constantly, the budding flower he called you". Conrad smiled for once "So many times he would rape me in the greenhouse" Adam said lovingly. Conrad chuckled "You as well" he said "I'm Conrad" he held out his hand and Adam took it. "Adam" he replied smiling at Conrad "It was your 16th birthday when he immortalised you" Adam said. "Sorry?" Conrad asked looking confused by his statement. Adam smiled "He had a flower tattooed on his arm with your initial" he told Conrad "next to mine with cupid". Conrad got his phone out and looked at the picture he took "Oh my god" he said noticing it again. Exactly how Adam described it there it was "I was with him the day he got it done" Adam said. "Were you in love with each other?" Conrad asked. Adam smiled "God yes but we are chalk and cheese and it would never have worked living together" he said. "Oh I see" Conrad said then chuckled again "he liked it rough, weirdly it was very passionate". Adam smiled and lifted his jacket sleeve to show his wrist "You have the J and cupid tattooed" Conrad said. "Yes" Adam replied pulling his sleeve down "you should get the J and flower tattooed" he suggested. Conrad nodded "Thank you for showing me that and yes I will along with scorpion I liked" he said. Adam smiled "That dam scorpion he loved that tattoo. How about we get it done together?" he asked. "Yes" Conrad said immediately "my parents will freak out but I need to do it". Adam put his arm around Conrad and kissed him on the cheek "Come back to the manor with me". Conrad shook his head "No I can't" he replied thinking of Harry. "Yes you can" Adam said standing up "Harry is quite upset seeing you like this". Conrad stood up "I know when I am beaten" he said looking at the coffin "see you in a month". Conrad wiped his eyes and Adam put his arms around him shedding a few tears "Bye my lover" Adam said. Adam walked with his arm around Conrad and sat him in the limousine for the short drive back to Hibiscus Manor. Conrad sat in silence lost in his own thoughts holding Adam's hand providing much comfort that he needed right now. He had no idea what to say to Harry or even if he wanted to talk to him. Slowly he walked through the doors in to the library that doubled up as a formal room and one that he had never see before. Simon smiled seeing Conrad walk in with Adam and picked up a glass for champagne for them both, he briefly caught Harry's eye having to look away for fear of another embarrassing episode with him. Simon tapped his glass and the rest of the group stopped talking and looked towards Simon 'Gentlemen, it has been one of the hardest few weeks I have had to endure and I know how fond of Jack many of you were. I thought I was prepared for this eventuality but I learned that no matter what love you had your heart breaks you in pieces. Some more so and I speak of the two people who meant the world to Jack. Adam who sneaked in to the greenhouse when he thought no one was looking and always returned looking like he had been dragged through a bush after, he was the only person Jack ever considered a lover. Secondly 13 years ago Jack found a renewed love for life when an annoying 7 year old got his hands dirty one Saturday helping Jack at the gates of the manor. Sneaking him in to the grounds behind my back, Conrad grew up and found a passion for horticulture that Jack helped nurture and taught him everything that he knew. Jack found a very real companion and friend in Conrad who today is now a stunning 20 year old man, despite his young age he turned out to be a very loyal friend. Jack often referred to him as his annoying adopted kid when he wouldn't shut up talking but also a budding flower when he was talking about Conrad which was constantly. I owe Conrad so much and he was here with me at Jack's passing. I know the next few weeks or months are going to be hard for some of us but Jack being Jack would have put a beer on the table and told us to get over it. To Jack who has found his peace'. Everyone raised their glasses and toasted Jack. Conrad slipped out of the room finding it unbearable and stood out in the damp cold air on the terrace overlooking the gardens, he found a little peace expecting this to be the last time he would ever see the gardens. Conrad turned hearing the study door open and Simon stepping out walking in his direction, he didn't say anything at first just kissed Conrad on the cheek. "Beautiful speech" Conrad said looking out over the gardens. "Thanks" Simon replied "almost forgotten how to make one" he chuckled. Simon put his arm around Conrad's shoulder "Adam told you about the tattoo I gather?" he asked. Conrad nodded "Why didn't you say anything?" he asked. "Didn't want to upset you Conrad" Simon replied "failed miserably at that" he stated taking a deep breath. Conrad looked out over the gardens "I still expect to see him popping up out of a flowerbed". "Yes I know I feel the same. I am here if you need a shoulder Conrad" Simon said sympathetically. Conrad smiled "The ever so elusive rich man" he chuckled "thank you". Simon smiled and looked at him "I hope that tattoo Jack had proved how much he thought of you". "Yes" he replied "and the scorpion tattoo what does that really mean?" Conrad asked looking at him. Simon glanced at Conrad "Partly his devious side and partly me" he replied. Conrad nodded and kissed Simon on the cheek "I shall miss this place" he said sighing. "Why?" Simon asked "you thinking of leaving Hibiscus Drive?". Conrad shrugged his shoulders "Well with Jack gone there is no reason to come here anymore". Simon smiled and looked at him "You better think again Conrad, you have to take over the gardens?" he said. Conrad looked at him "No I don't think it would be good idea" he replied. "Please Conrad you know how to look after the gardens and I trust you" Simon said looking him in the eye. Conrad shrugged his shoulders "I don't come cheap" he said wiping his eyes trying to make a joke. Simon hugged him "Yeah so I heard" he said chuckling fending off Conrad's play punches. "God does everyone know?" Conrad said laughing "one time" he said "one time". Simon laughed then went serious "I will pay you what I paid Jack £50k a year" he told Conrad. Conrad looked shocked "Okay but don't expect me to take over everything Jack did!" he smirked. "Agreed" Simon replied "what if I pay you?" he said laughing and walking off quickly. Conrad laughed and stepped off the terrace to take a walk around the gardens, he felt much happier walking amongst Jack's legacy, he was also starting to find himself at ease after the trauma of the week. Adam kept a careful eye on Conrad watching his chat with Simon, when he stepped off he terrace Adam walked over to Harry and whispered in his ear. Harry put his glass down and slipped out of the room on to the terrace spotting Conrad going behind one of the flowerbeds heading in the direction of the greenhouse. Slightly afraid of what Conrad might think he took baby steps and walked around the numerous flowerbeds until he spotted Conrad bending down pulling up a weed. He gulped unsure exactly what he was going to say or do now he was here standing several meters away from him. Conrad felt a presence behind him and turned around to see Harry standing there. Harry looked nervous "How is your cheek now?" he stuttered slightly. Conrad just looked at him "You stood me up and owe me a drink" Harry said trying to be light hearted. "I never stood you up Harry, you assumed I would be there" Conrad replied "I saw you here that weekend". "I know" Harry replied "I asked Moham to go back but he had some work in London". "I don't understand that message you sent me either" Conrad tried to explain. Harry looked down "I have tried to forget about you but I can't" he said with a sadness in his voice. Conrad stepped closer to Harry "What is it you want from me Harry?" he asked. "You don't get it do you" Harry replied staring at him "I fell in love with you that day I punched you". Conrad shook his head in bewilderment "Why?" he asked. "Conrad if I knew that I could put a stop to it" Harry replied "tell me if you want me to go". Conrad stood his heart racing "I..." he stopped talking confused by everything going on. Harry grabbed hold of Conrad and kissed him "Tell me you don't feel anything" he asked looking in his eyes. "I can't do this" Conrad said pushing him away "it frightens me, you frighten me" he said looking at Harry. Harry turned to walk away angry at himself opening up to him "Wait" Conrad called after him. Harry stopped "No Conrad, this gets harder every time and you keep rejecting me" he said walking off. Conrad screamed and walked off angry at himself more than anything at his own failing to commit to one simple thing. Adam watched from the window and shook his head, Moham patted him on the shoulder indicating they should leave before things really blew up between Harry and Conrad. "I just don't get it Moham" Adam said "they are both crazy for each other but can't see it". Moham looked at Adam "I am the last person to give advice on this sort of thing" he admitted chuckling. Harry stormed in a sat in a chair wiping his eyes "Come on Harry" Adam said "we are leaving". Conrad watched them walk across the lawn with Simon until the helicopter took off. Simon stood for a moment then headed towards the greenhouse where Conrad stood like he was cowering behind the bush. He put his arm around Conrad and took him up to the manor, darkness was filling the sky and Conrad leaned in closer to Simon who responded with a comforting squeeze. "Do you feel like eating?" he asked Conrad quietly. Conrad shook his head "Not really" he replied still watching the lights of the helicopter fading. "Harry is crazy about you Conrad" Simon said in quiet voice "and I see you are not far off either". Conrad nodded "I know Simon, that is what frightens me to admit the whole thing" he said. "Commitment is hard Conrad no one can tell you it is easy" Simon explained "you have to want it". Simon was feeling the cold "Come on lets go inside" he suggested. Conrad looked at him for a moment in silence "Can I stay the night with you?" he tentatively asked. Simon looked shocked initially and stared at him "Yes of course you can" he replied. Conrad smirked "I am hoping you will take advantage of me" he said almost teasing Simon. "You have to be kidding me!" Simon said looking at him like he was crazy then chuckled "like I need asking twice" he said. Simon made a pretence of wanting to hug Conrad, putting his arms low around Conrad's body and pulling him off his feet and flinging the unsuspecting lad over his shoulder carrying him inside and up the staircase to the master bedroom. Closing the doors with one hand he moved over to the bed dropping Conrad roughly. Using his feet Conrad kicked his shoes off and started undoing his trousers watching Simon who was already half naked throwing his clothes on the floor. Simon leant down and yanked Conrad's trousers and under wear off whilst he undid his shirt, his heart racing in anticipation watching Simon rubbing his already erect cock. Conrad looked up "Go easy with me" he said kneeling up on the bed. Simon pushed Conrad down on to his back again "Not a chance, you are in my bedroom, my rules". He squealed in excitement being aggressively twisted over on to his stomach, the weight of Simon bore down on him immediately followed by the sharp pain reeling through his arse. Simon penetrated his arse in one swoop and started ramming in and out with a purpose. Conrad cried out in agony at first his legs and arms pinned to the bed by Simon and his arse pushing up when Simon ground his cock jabbing away at his insides. His mouth telling him to stop, his arse telling him to continue. Simon pulled Conrad up to knees and leaning across the young body he slipped his arm around Conrad's waist holding him on his cock. Simon took a pleasurable moment holding Conrad's hips and looking down and whiteness of his arse stretched open around his cock. Pulling all the way out he watched the hole close up almost immediately twitch as the muscles relaxed. Slowly nudging his cock up against Conrad's hole again he delicately and slowly pushed forward watching the hole stretch lovingly around the head of his cock then pulling out again watching it close. Pushing forward again slowly Conrad gasped and moaned from the teasing his hole was undergoing, Simon repositioned his hands and thrusted forward with speed slamming the entire length in to Conrad's body, his hands holding Conrad's hips in place. Pulling all the way out he watched the hole shrink twitching all the while it closed up. Simon smiled at the perfect sight 'God I love your arse' he said slamming his cock back in watching his back arch up in pleasure. He leaned over Conrad's body and secured his arm around the waist holding him in place. His arse ground back on Simon's cock in defeat, he kissed Conrad on the neck and slowly fucked him for nearly two hours, switching positions and locations in the bedroom. His arse never more than ten seconds without Simon's cock inside him, he had Conrad in his arms standing up and facing him, legs wrapped around his waist. Simon's hands clasped under his buttocks lifting them up and down on his cock. Their mouths locked together in a deep kiss. Simon lowered him down on the bed keeping hold of Conrad he penetrated deep and furiously fucked him, his body tensed pushing deeper and holding Conrad tighter. Simon gasped and grunted loud and hard releasing days of pent up toxic laden seed in to Conrad's arse, streaming from his cock in thick ribbons each one pushing the previous one deeper. Under him Conrad closed his eyes feeling Simon's orgasm through his entire body with dutiful force behind it, no deviousness, no trickery, it was a clean and clear breeding that he felt Simon needed. He looked down and kissed Conrad gently massaging the seed deeper inside him. His legs closing around Simon's waist locking him in position, his heels pushing in to Simon's lower back driving his cock deeper. Conrad felt a drop land on his cheek and it a took a moment to realise it was a tear from Simon, he kissed and held him tightly around the neck hugging him. "Are you okay?" Conrad asked stroking his neck. Simon pulled himself up "Yes" he said looking sad "it reminded me so much of Jack he use to do the exact same thing". Conrad sat up "Do what?" he asked looking questionably at him. Simon smiled "Put his legs around me and dig his heels in holding he deep inside". Conrad laid back down and stroked his own chest watching Simon "I'm not going to replace him" he said. "No one can replace Jack" Simon replied running his hand along Conrad's leg "Thank you I needed this". Conrad looked up at Simon "I still don't forgive you though for what you did" he said. Conrad reached up and pulled Simon back on to the bed entwinning themselves together kissing and caressing each other, falling asleep just after 4am. They lost count after the fifth time fucking with Conrad unable to fathom out how Simon could just keep going like a cum producing machine, their bodies exhausted Conrad laid in Simon's arms resting peacefully.
    2 points
  20. Fake Bareback Porn Cast (Part 1) “Actors for adult movies wanted – only male erotica. Interested? Call 555-BAREBACK for further information.” Jake was at a coffee shop when he read the ad in a gay journal, and being in serious need of some money, he decided he would give it a try, so some two hours later, when at home, he called the company, having decided it was too sensitive a subject to discuss in public. The telephone rang and a male voice answered “BareRapeEnterprises. My name is Sydney. How can I help you?” “Hey there, my name is Jake Myers. I’ve read your ad in a journal and wondered if you are still looking for male actors.” “Yes we are. May I ask your age?” asked the voice on the other end of the call. “I just turned 18,” Jake answered.. “We are looking for young male actors to play the submissive role. Are you top or bottom?” “I'm versatile, I guess, but if you need a bottom, then I'll bottom. Look, I really need the cash, by the way. How much would I earn?” Jake asked, cutting to the chase. “First of all we need to interview you. If our management is satisfied with your looks and your stats you will be invited to a casting. There you will meet our director and maybe another actor with whom you would shoot some scenes. For both – the interview and the casting, you won't get paid, but if you are chosen for a role in a porn movie you get up to 250 dollars per scene. You could earn up to a 1000 dollars per movie - in the beginning,” Sydney explained, adding “There could be changes to the contract, but you will get to read it before you sign it. If, of course, you're chosen.” Jake heard a warm chuckle in Sydney's voice. “May I ask your height and weight?” Sydney continued. “I'm 170 cm tall and weigh around 55 kilos” Jake replied. “Excellent,” Sydney commented, apparently noting down Jake's stats. “What is your hair color and eye color?” he next asked. “Blond with blue eyes,” Jake responded. “Do you have problems changing your style? Haircut, hair color and so on?” Sidney questioned. “Nah – I am open for a change” “Now, you remarked you're a bottom. Are you a virgin?” Jake openly laughed, and then giggling answered "Nope. I am experienced. I've had several boyfriends, and believe me, I know my way around when it comes to sex.” “Alright. I will give this information to my supervisor. Please give me your telephone number. If my supervisor is interested in interviewing you, he'll give you a call." Jake gave Sydney both his home number and his cell phone number, concluding the call by commenting he hoped to hear back from the supervisor. Three days later, while Jake was on the bus, en route to a friend's house, Jake's cell phone rang. “Hello there. This is Tony speaking from BareRapeEnterprises. Am I talking to Jake Myers?” a deep voice asked. His heart skipping a beat, Jake answered “Yes, I'm Jake. Hi Tony, what can I do for you?” “Hey Jake. We would like to invite you to an interview. Are you still interested in taking part in a porn production?” “Yes, I am. I can’t believe you actually called me. I was vaguely thinking you weren't interested," Jake commented. “No – we are casting right now for a new production and so we are quite busy with this project. If you don’t mind, we would like to connect the interview with the casting. This means, if you pass the interview we will take some shootings right away. Is that okay with you?” Tony asked. “Sure, that's fine. When and where do you want me?” “Tomorrow would be fine, say at 10:00 AM,” Tony replied, also providing the address to an apartment where the interview would be held. The next day when Jake arrived at the address, he was a bit disappointed. He had, of course, seen many, many porn porn flicks, and the background location of each flick was usually a large, handsome house complete with a luxurious pool, but the address to which he had been directed was a perfectly ordinary, if not actually run down apartment complex. But, being short of money (and having made a fairly long trip to the address), he rang found the apartment and rang the bell. Almost immediately the door opened, and a good looking guy in a white shirt and a business pants asked "You must be Jake. I'm Tim, and I'm the producer/director of the film." Jake replied appropriately, and when asked, provided his ID card, even as he discretely tried to focus on Tim's crotch, where, it was apparent, an exceptionally large tool resided. Tim made a photocopy of Jake's ID, and gave him a contract to review and sign. Jake definitely signed it, but honestly only skimmed the contract. Taking the contract back from Jake, Tim explained the interview would be used for internal purpose only, but the casting could be videotaped and, if used, Jake would earn 50 dollars. Tim went on explaining, however, it was unlikely the casting video would be used. Then Tim asked a wide range of intimate questions, such as "How often do you bottom?" and "How often do you top?" and "Describe your favorite sexual activities, as well as the most extreme sexual experiences you've had?" Tim specifically asked about gang bangs, piss play, and the largest cock Jake could readily take in his ass. Being an honest fellow, Jake answered he had not yet been a gangbang bottom, but was happy to try, and while he had swallowed piss, yellow play wasn't a major part of his repertoire, and the largest cock he could remember taking was a full eight inches, but he was excited at the prospect of taking a bigger cock in his hole. "Do you have any sexual limits?" Tim asked. "Not especially," Jake answered, adding "but I draw the line with women, boys and animals." Afterwards Tim asked Jake to undress in front of the cam and in so doing, Jake tried to look as sexy as possible, even licking his lips as he smiled into the camera, a la Marilyn Monroe. He also posed to display his tight, small ass, and played with his hole, sliding a couple of fingers into his opening as he moaned like a bitch in heat. Tim was a very 'hands-on' director, and without saying a word, just giving an appreciative smile, slid his thumb into Jake's ass, complimenting him as he did so, saying it was exceptionally tight, and, withdrawing his thumb, Tim took a seat at his desk and asked "Would you mind sucking me off while I film you?" In a nanosecond Jake was down on his knees, opening Tim's belt and zipper, and helping Tim pull his trousers down, revealing Tim's fat, eight inch, rock solid cock. Initially Jake simply stroked Tim, but as the cam recorded the images, Jake swirled his tongue around Tim's dick head, licking the underside of his prick, all the while trying to keep some degree of eye contact with the camera. As he did so, Tim encouraged Jake to give the cam a good show, urging “You gotta suck harder and keep your eyes on me. Yeah, look at me…. yeah – right,” he moaned. Jake had made-up his mind to drain Tim's balls empty, wanting to give him such a great blow job that Tim would be sure to cast Jake in the next movie, Jake as the latest star in the porn industry, earning thousands and thousands of dollars with each film. “You gotta keep my junk in your mouth. Keep it in your mouth and show it to me,” Tim grunted. Jake sucked hard on Tim’s cock, sensing Tim was beyond horny, convincing himself he could see all-consuming lust in Tim's eyes. And apparently Jake was right, as just as he sensed Tim's cock swell-up even harder, Tim climaxed, shooting wad after wad up into Jake's mouth, collecting Tim's ample load of seven cum shots into his mouth, holding all the full, rich white sperm in his mouth, Jake slid off Tim's dick, moved closer to the camera, whereupon Tim murmured “Open your mouth to me. Show me the pool of semen. Fuckin' nice.” Then Tim instructed “Now close your mouth and swallow, showing me your cum-coated tongue - yeah, great, let's see the cum coating your mouth, teeth and tongue. Very nice. Now, swallow the sperm, junk boy," Tim instructed. Jake looked a bit puzzled, and gestured to Tim and trying to form a word: “Heeeerrrr… thy?” Tim understood. He had been in this position before. “Healthy? Of course I am healthy. We don’t gamble with our actors. We take testing our staff and future stuff very seriously,” almost giving Jake a look of absolute annoyance. Without any additional hesitation Jake closed his mouth, swallowing Tim's load, and then opening his mouth to illustrate the accomplishment. “There you go…. well done and a nice shot…. except the ending,” Tim remarked as he began to rouse himself. “Sorry, but I totally forgot this subject and I want to stay healthy and you are obviously recording bareback porn,” Jake responded, trying to explain himself. “Nah – it's okay," Tim replied, adding "Like I said, we have health tests regularly to secure the safety of our staff. You as a newcomer, you have to prove to us you're are healthy. We want an authorized provider. You'll get the money for your test back, if you are cast for a film.” With the explanation Jake relaxed a little bit more and felt safe again. “We will call you – if the material is good enough for our executive staff.” With that Jake rose and dressed, once again apologizing for the confusion, even as he was sure he wouldn’t be cast for a film. But even so he decided to get tested, film or no film, just to be prepared. Of course the test results were negative, just as Jake expected, thinking to himself 'But then HIV transmission from oral sex is quite rare, isn't it?' Jake was a reasonably careful man, feeling he wouldn't gamble with his health, and knowing the rules, felt he would be able to participate in the bareback porn industry and yet avoid contracting HIV. Tim, meanwhile, had already concluded Jake would be a perfect match for the scam Tim and his partner (yes… there were only two involved in this scam) had in mind for the many biohazard tops who were always craving young, innocent boys.
    1 point
  21. Part 1 - The Meal Ticket Walking along the road in Knightsbridge it was already late in the evening and Conrad was a little lost trying to find the way back to his aunt's house. He often stayed up here during the summer holidays and visited with his cousin every evening who lived a thirty minute walk away to play on his xbox. Conrad was in London for two weeks and was taking the time to figure out how he would pay next terms fees and crucially the exams. Struggling to make ends meet he liked to be independent unlike his twin brother Charlie who was happy to visit the bank of mum and dad frequently, doing that have to be his last resort and would insist on paying them back not matter how long it took. Putting himself through college studying horticulture he never imagined the series of events that would unfold from this time of need. Somethings never crossed his mind like taking drugs or having sex with another man, Conrad was as straight as they come. At 20 years old he was average at best coming in at five foot nine inches tall, a swimmers build that lacked any sign of chest hair, just like his twin. The resemblance didn't stop there they both looked the same and that is to say ordinary, not head turners by any means and during school they constantly had a stream of girlfriends. Both of them had a weird strawberry blond colour hair and Conrad had brown eyes whereas Charlie had blue eyes that sparkled. To know them you knew that was the only subtle difference. Conrad began to recognise the shops and rowdy bars knowing he was only 10 minutes from the house. There were numerous young guys of all sorts standing outside one of the bars, some with shirts on others didn't and were showing off their muscular bodies like peacocks strutting around trying to find a mate. Conrad knew this was one of the gay bars and closing time was approaching and it amused him how some of the patrons now desperately searched for a fuck. It was one of several gay bars along this stretch of road and frankly it had never bothered him in the past, what did though was the limousine that drove slowly along behind him making him feel on edge. He could only assume it was slowing to deposit the passenger at the gay bar. Conrad could smell the cologne mixed with sweat the closer he got to the bar. Humid air still lingered after what had been a scorching day, they even had to stop play at Wimbledon for a few hours. Wearing only shorts and trainers Conrad had taken this t-shirt off for the walk back realising he looked just like one of the gays standing outside the bar that were leaning up against the wall. Some of the guys were chatting, others smoking but all watching diligently at any car that slowed down. The limousine had now slowed down and crawling along allowing Conrad to get further ahead of it. He thought the behaviour of the guys was strange at first then chuckled to himself wondering if they were escorts trying to pick up business.et further away from it, figuring that the guys leaning against the wall outside the bar were touting for business. Sure enough a car pulled in front of the limousine and one guy walked over to the car, after a few seconds of discussion he got in and the car pulled away. He just couldn't believe it was going on right in front of his eyes the noticed that several of the guys spotted the limousine and began moving edging closer to the curb of the pavement, in doing so they effectively blocked Conrad from passing easily. Dodging around the back of them and nearly crashing in to one that was moving forward. "Out of my way" he abruptly said to Conrad then looking at him up and down. Conrad looked shocked "I am just trying to get past" he replied annoyingly skirting around the back of him. Another guy spoke to the one he had the interaction with "Fucking straights always in the way". The guy laughed "Cute though" he replied. "Your just a slut like me Harry" the other guy replied moving right on the curb side. Stupidly Conrad looked over his shoulder whilst walking and saw the limousine slowly moving past the guys then it sped up a little and moved ahead of him stopping about 30 meters in front. You could hear the disgruntled moans from the guys who all moved back to the wall still looking at the limousine. Conrad heard the guys name Harry being called and he looking at Conrad and briefly made eye contact. When Conrad turned to carrying on walking a tall Arabic gentleman exited the limousine, jet black hair with greying sides and a black beard, he was solidly built and around late 40's possibly in his 50's and walking towards Conrad and spoke to him. "Do you have the time?" he asked in his heavy Arabic accent. Conrad looked at the man's wrist and gold rolex "You have a watch" he replied looking confused. He looked impatiently at Conrad "Do you have the time?" he asked again. Conrad realised what he was asking "Oh god no, I am not one of those" he replied nodding over his shoulder. "So you gay for pay?" he now asked "30 minutes for me to fuck you". "Are you serious?" Conrad replied shocked at how he continued to proposition him "I am not gay". He smirked "Even better" he said hinting to follow "£500 to fuck you". Conrad stood there rooted to the spot, had he really just been offered that much money to get fucked even though he had told the guy he was straight. Some bizarre decision had happened in his head from the lure of money that made his feet move following him. Was he really going to get in to the guys vehicle with no real idea of why? Conrad couldn't understand why his feet kept moving, the desperation for money was the contributing factor. Conrad felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up figuratively speaking and he glanced behind noticing several stares he was getting from the guys watching him, there was no mistake the looks were not happy ones. He held the door open and Conrad looked at it for a moment then at the man, he showed no friendly expression on his face and was more a business deal look nothing more. His body trembling a little at this bad idea but he still stepped inside sliding over the spacious seating, the leather smell instantly assaulting his senses along with cigar smoke. The strangeness in the way you could not see the driver through the blacked out partition window that was raised cutting them off from them. How bad can it be Conrad thought to himself watching the Arabic man climb in and the door closing like magic behind him. The limousine pulled away and he looked at Conrad for a moment. "Take your shorts down and lean over the back of the seat" he said in a just do it kind of way. Conrad embarrassingly pulled his shorts and underwear down and nervously leaned over the back of the seat "Like this?" he was asking to make sure. He said nothing taking his shirt off revealing a dark hairy chest and a very solid build, hanging the shirt up neatly on the coat hanger with his tie, he now undid his trousers revealing a bulge that looked enormous. Oh shit Conrad said out loud now concerned about what he had let himself in for knowing this was going to hurt. Conrad didn't even have time to think or back out feeling the body weight of the man leaning heavily down on his back the coarse hair on his chest making his back itch. He felt one arm laying over his neck holding him down in place, his other hand positioning his cock. Conrad let out a gurgling scream feeling his ass being pushed open abruptly taking the head of his cock inside he was almost sure he heard his ass tearing open, it burned like hell and the pain was excruciating. Conrad was gasping for breath his entire body engulfed by a pain that intensified the deeper he pushed his cock in, the thick shaft expanding his ass open wider. The agony and pain he felt left him unable to breath properly and he blacked out momentarily his eyes watering. Conrad snorted and snapped his eyes open crying out again in agony feeling his body and soul being crushed and destroyed by this man's cock. Wishing it would end so he could get his money and run, he suddenly felt a the sensation of he mans thick bush of pubes burying up against his hole. Getting a momentary relief from the pain only to become aware of the free arm circling around his waist ignoring his own cock it continued moved around like a snake until it held Conrad securely. Conrad felt completely immobilised and at the mercy of this man, the pain still burned deep in his body and gradually he felt like his ass was being pulled inside out. Each deep penetrating thrust made him cry out, unable to move his head he stared blankly out of the darkened back window in to the street lamp lit roads as they drove around west London. He was being fucked hard and steady, each thrust agonising with his calls to stop falling on deaf ears he could feel the warm breath from his benefactor who was now grunting and panting hard. Conrad let out one final loud agonising scream with the man pushing up hard, his cock sinking deeper than ever and simultaneously firing his seed in large thick gloopy streams deep in to Conrad's young body, electrifying jolts followed where each one seemed to penetrate him deeper. Conrad partly grunted and cried at the jolts from the man's orgasm and feeling relieved knowing this was over, even his eyes felt sore and his throat burned from the crying and screaming. Another painful long moan followed with the cock leaving his ass. He was still a little stunned at what he had done, confused, disgusted with himself and slightly dazed he heard a voice telling him to get dressed. Conrad pulled his underwear and shorts up seeing the lights from the bar appearing and the limo stopped exactly where it picked him up from. A wad of £50 notes was put in his hand and told to get out. The Arabic man grinned and lit up a cuban cigar waving Conrad away from the limousine he watched the door close and turned away in shame. He put the money in his pocket and stood looking at the brick wall in front of him. He felt dirty and degraded by his own actions stumbling towards the wall he leaned against it trying to gather his thoughts and compose himself. His ass felt like the pits of hell burning in so much pain he wanted to cry out in anger. "As gay as they come" Harry said walking up to Conrad "are you okay?" he asked. Conrad registered who it was "I'm fine" he replied standing up. Harry put his hand on Conrad's shoulder "Sure you don't need help?" he asked looking concerned. Conrad turned looking angry "Fuck off you queer" he responded shrugging Harry's hand off him. "Well fuck you" Harry replied punching Conrad in the face and walking off leaving him there. Rubbing his cheek and chin Conrad looked at Harry walking off re-joining his friends who all looked at him. It did nothing to help his self-confidence being looked down on by a bunch of gay guys in that way. Turning in the opposite direction he basically picked up where he stopped before getting in the limousine and painfully walked back to his aunt's house. He slept badly unable to get comfortable, every time he turned on to his left side he saw the pile of £50 notes on the bedside table. Unsure if the degradation and pain was worth it and to top it all he also now had to contend with a lightly bruised jaw from being punched. He couldn't ever remember calling someone queer like that since he had a school friend who turned out gay, then there was the man called Simon owner and occupier of Hibiscus Manor and Jack the gardener. Conrad was probably the only person in Hibiscus Drive who knew Jack was gay. By morning he woke managing to get a few hours sleep, his aunt went off to work and Conrad went to the bathroom. Sitting down he winced at the pain still around the entrance of his ass, he lost track of time sitting there his eyes watering every time the muscles in his ass pushed. Grabbing some toilet tissue he braced himself knowing this was going to hurt and he wasn't wrong, wiping gently he then stood up and saw rusty discoloured blobs floating in the toilet water. Not one or two but multiple ribbons of it. He felt sick again thinking about last night having never discussed using condoms, he had let a complete stranger fuck him and cum in his ass. Wallowing in self pity all day he sat out in the garden watching the planes in the distance heading to Heathrow and catching some of the late afternoon tennis matches on TV being played at Wimbledon. The pain in his ass had eased off although it was still agonising trying to poo he found out that evening. At least there was no more of the horrible stuff coming out of him, it was nagging at him wondering if the guy had hiv, but he did look respectable and bore a wedding ring. The following afternoon Conrad went to his cousins walking on the opposite side of the road away from the bar in case that Harry bloke was there again and didn't want to get in to any altercation with him. Stopping by the bank he deposited the money in to his account at the same time thinking about his ass and that the pain had all but gone. He spent the rest of the time with his cousin until 10pm. Heading back he walked on the same side of the road and sure enough he saw Harry standing there chatting with a guy. Harry noticed him and grinned giving him the finger. Conrad was so distracted by Harry that he didn't see the black limousine pass then do a U-turn in the road stopping a few meters in front of him. He wasn't sure at first if it was the same one until he started walking past it and the window opened and finger beckoned him over, there sat the Arabic man. He looked at Conrad and nodded "Same deal as the other night" he said smoking his cigar. Conrad saw the same guys looking at him from across the road "I'm not gay it was a mistake" he said. He laughed "You took it well and I need to fuck, get in" he said "£1k if you take like the other night". Conrad stepped back as the door magically opened "30 minutes" he said inching closer tempted by the money. "No" he replied "for as long as it takes me to be satisfied and empty my balls up your ass". Weirdly Conrad just saw the money side of it and slipped in to the seat next to him. It was gone midnight when he finally stepped out of the limousine after the Arabic man asked where he wanted dropping off. That was the extent of their conversation and his pocket was bulging with £50 notes again along with his sore ass that was even worse than the first time. True to his word it was only after the fourth time did he feel satisfied, Conrad just endured two hours of getting fucked stuck in the same position continuously, the Arab only took his cock out once he was done. And so it continued every other night he would get paid to be fucked by the same man in to the second week of his stay. Conrad was due to go home to Hampshire at the weekend and that Thursday afternoon he wandered around Knightsbridge bumping in to Harry who was dressed in public school boy uniform having finished classes for the day. Harry purposefully walked on a collision path with Conrad and every time Conrad stepped across so did Harry. The closer they got Conrad just gave up trying to avoid him. "How much have you made from Moham?" Harry asked stopping Conrad. "What?" Conrad asked looking at him "Man you still in school and whoring around?". "Shut the fuck up or I will punch you again" Harry replied smirking at Conrad. Conrad tried to pass by but Harry stopped him again "What happened to you being straight then?" Harry asked. "I am" Conrad replied looking at him unsure why he was still standing there hearing Harry laughing. "Was the money Moham offered too good to turn down?" Harry asked. Conrad blushed bright red not sure what to say "I am not gay" he said again. Harry just laughed in his face "You must be a fucking good bottom to take it from him so many times". "I am not gay" Conrad repeated to Harry "just get out of my face" he finally said having had enough. Harry cocked his head to one side "Your very sexy" he said. "I err" Conrad blushed again having never been told that by anyone "Sorry, what I said the other night". "That's okay, say it again and I will punch you harder next time" Harry replied making light of it. Conrad smiled and Harry shook his head "I have to go and do my homework, final exams coming up" he said. "Sure" Conrad replied awkwardly finding it amusing seeing an escort in school clothes. Harry walked off then turned "Meet me for a drink tomorrow evening, you know where" he said. He had to admit that Harry was one of a kind and in a way was a very attractive young and without a doubt he was flirting with him. Like himself he had copious amounts of blondish hair that made him look like a beach bum, those amazing blue eyes dazzled and he stood the same height as himself. Without knowing he was only 19 years old Harry had a pretty perfect body, not ripped but he was built for such a young person. Shaking his head Conrad was confused about meeting him and decided to sleep on it. He kept a low profile until Saturday afternoon, electing to stay in with his aunt that evening. Harry hung around the bar all of Friday evening chatting with his friends and keeping one eye on the direction he thought the guy would be walking from. By closing time Harry left the bar and walked home, it was no surprise the guy didn't turn up after all their meeting was not ideal. As difficult as it was he pinned to much on this so called straight guy but he couldn't help his feelings towards him, in truth Harry just couldn't stop thinking about him. Being an escort and finding a boyfriend was hard as most guys he met couldn't handle that part of him, even when he tried to explain that he did it for sex being a randy and very horny teenager. He was sad inside and tried to play his emotions down until he spotted the limousine and went running towards and tapped on the window. Moham lowered the window a little "What?" he asked taking a puff on his cigar. "The blond guy you had who is he?" Harry asked urgently "do you know where he lives?". Moham looked at him smiling "What's the information worth?" he asked putting the cigar back in his mouth. It was the last thing Harry wanted right now getting fucked by Moham "I just need to know where he lives". "It will cost you" Moham replied pressing a button and Harry stood back letting the door open. He sat next to Moham who looked at him and nodded down indicating for him to remove his jeans and underwear. Harry undid the zipper and the limousine pulled away. Moham put the cigar down and leaned over the back of Harry, his hand pulling his cock out that was already hard and he pushed it straight in to Harry's ass. He very rarely got to fuck Harry and liked that he was a little fighter when roughly taken, Moham loved the feel of Harry's body struggling. Harry didn't scream like the other guy he just wriggled and tired to reduce the impact by pushing his ass back. Moham had his arm secured around Harry's waist and with a steady brutal force he fucked him over and over until he shot his third load. Moahm spent fifteen minutes grinding his cock making sure Harry was properly bred before slowly he released him and sat back down doing his trousers up. The limousine stopped at the top of a road that Harry knew. "This is where I dropped him off" Moham said nodding down the road. Harry looked "So you don't know where he lives?" he now asked a little anger in his voice. The limo door opened "Down there" Moham replied lighting up his cigar "he screams when I fuck him". Harry slipped out of the limousine and the door closed immediately then drove off, he felt a pain of jealously at Moham's last remark or was it anger more importantly Moham had played him for a free fuck. He should have known since the man never spoke to guys he picked up, they just had to lean over and take it then get paid. Deciding this was a no hoper he turned to walk home even more upset than he was earlier. Saturday afternoon and Conrad headed back home for the Hampshire countryside, he had no regrets standing Harry up and didn't want the confrontation with him sensing they were complete opposites. His tuition fees well and truly covered by the £9k he made, the extra was pain money for enduring the nights he spent being driven around London taking a hammering from the Arab man. Sitting on the train out of Waterloo station he realised the thought of sex with the Arab had made him hard. Can't be he thought to himself, why would that turn me on? It was the start of his own confused emotions and state of mind questioning his own sexuality on the long journey until he reached home and the serenity of Hibiscus Drive. Sometimes your mind can hide things from you that only appear when you least expect them to. For Conrad he had subconsciously been fighting this battle for years and never even knew it.
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  22. I went out down to my local fetish bar at the weekend. I'd agreed to meet a mate there in rubber, so I wore rubber jeans and t-shirt. I am a safe (mainly) leather top usually, but had been getting into rubber more and more. We met up and had a few drinks and chatted. After a while I went for a wander around the dark area looking for a boi to abuse, where my dick suddenly firmed up when I saw a rubber daddy in waders chaps and jacket leading a slave off into the smoking area. I followed them and looked on as the daddy installed his will on the slave, and had him hooked up into a sling in no time. The daddy saw me and ushered me in towards the sling to fuck his slave. I said "I don't do raw" and the daddy smiled and handed me some water. After a few mouthfuls I was beginning to feel strange yet horny and before I knew it, I was positioning myself at the slave's hole ready to fuck him. As I began thrusting in and out I felt a finger probe my gradually dilating hole, and the daddy whispered to me about my "hot tight hole." I was starting to lose myself and found the daddy starting to line his cock up at my hole, which was betraying me and begging to be filled. As I came in the slave's hole, I slumped over and kissed his hooded head. All the time this was happening, my own hole was being violated but I was beginning to not mind. My ass had never been used in this way and slowly wanted more and more. The daddy removed the slave from the sling and told me to hop in. Now I was hungry for this daddy to take me and become his slave. As I laid down, he strapped me in and said "One final touch" before placing a collar around my neck. I had never been so horny, and, presumably due to whatever was in the water, was beginning to turn into a slut. "Yep, you're hot boy. I know what you need" and he started to fuck me again. I was flying at this point. Then the daddy leaned towards my ear and told me "I'm going to make you mine, boy, but that ass suggests you need using." I just nodded and kept saying "Yes! Yes! You're the first to have me raw." All the slutty things I was saying seemed to drive him on. I can't recall exactly how much longer I spent in that sling, but I awoke in a cage a few hours later, this time I was leashed to a hook. I struggled but movement was limited, and there was a dogbowl which had water in it in the cage, but after I drank it, I settled down and relaxed. As the daddy entered the room, he was in a full rubber suit, and carrying another one for me to wear. He summoned me to his feet from the cage and helped me out of my own gear into the full suit. Soon I was getting hard from seeing the two of us in the suits and he produced a pair of hoods for us to wear. Soon we were like a pair of rubber clones. He secured the collar back around my neck and tugged at the lead for me to move, gradually leading me to his sling in the corner of the room. I was no longer caring how long I'd been there or what was my destiny. As I hopped into the sling, the daddy strapped me in, and placed mittens on my hands. I now just looked like a rubber thing to be used. "It takes a certain kind of pig to get me interested slave" he said, as was adjusting the height, "and you, whether you like it or not, are going to become MY pig, but to do that you are going to be bred to my specification." I felt the zip in the suit ass area begin to be unzipped, and flashes of worry mixed with horniness had me giddy. "To be my boy, you need my seed running through your veins, my toxic seed will bend you to my will, change you and your outlook boy." I was feeling his fingers at my hole, knowing that I had been chosen to serve this rubber daddy was making me moan with pleasure, obliterating the common sense of the reality, that this rubbered god was going to poz me and own me. As he begun to fuck me harder, I knew that this was my destiny. Flying on poppers and chemmed drink, the rubber pig I had in my mind began to unleash itself and take over me, making me feel like this was my purpose. "Get ready pig, here comes your future." He grunted as he came up me, his seed seemingly flowing endlessly into me. He gasped as he emptied the last of his load in my ass, and stayed in there as he slumped over and caught his breath. I whispered "Thank you" as he pulled out. He kissed me and smiled as he said "This is your new life pig. I wanted a new toxic rubber boy, and soon you'll be one." I was elated - and exhausted. Inside me something had broken, now all there was in there now was a desire to serve my daddy and make him proud. Come Sunday evening, I was well and truly fucked. A one-time safe neg boy, now finding himself sliding towards toxic piggery. As the evening began to draw in, daddy took me into his playroom and had me dress up in an assless rubber wrestling singlet. When I thought that would be that, he mentioned he'd been in contact with some other rubber pigs who he wanted to come over and train me up to be their cumdump, and that the wrestling suit will allow them all to get their loads in me. I smiled, as I knew a part of me died and was reborn. Serving a rubber daddy and being used for his pleasure would be the perfect way to erase my previous existence. To thank him, I fell to my knees and began to suck on the cock that had changed my priorities. Things change. It had been five months since I'd become the property of my Rubberpigdad. After a short illness, I had an HIV test and it came back positive. My initial devastation wasn't as much as I thought it would be. Becoming poz felt right. I walked out of the clinic with a hard on. Daylight was a random affair. I had begun to wear rubber all the time as he commanded, and it was only a matter of time before it would become untenable to keep it a secret under my workclothes. I had become used to the plugs Rubberpigdad would use to keep the cum up my hole too, and realising that my normal life was no longer an option, I decided to take him up on the offer and submit fully to him 24/7. To be permanently collared and rubbered at his disposal. Fortunately he worked mostly from home and so would regularly breed me. I'd basically become his slave/ boy/ pig whatever and was happy to serve him. That weekend, Rubberpigdad said he'd wanted me to pass on the baton. I was stoked up. I'd been told to not wank or cum - which seeing as I had a CBT device on my cock, I couldn't really do anyway, and to wear my tightest suit. As I'd been muscling up to Rubberpigdad's specifications, the suit fitted me like a skin substitute, making me feel incredible. Like some human sex toy with muscles showing in the tight shiny black material. I hooded up, and was completely rubbered from head to toe. As midnight neared, Rubberpigdad and I drove into town to that bar where I first met him. The bar was full of hot guys in leather and rubber. I could visualise what some of these guys looked like out of gear, and the thought that they had succumb to their fantasies - which I had done - caused me to get hard. Rubberpigdad lead me into the club on a leash and guys stared at as. Some in fear. Some in awe. We sat at the bar, and Rubberpigdad told me of his plans for the evening. "You need a brother, boy" I was intrigued "I want you to select who will become your pigbrother and my second slave, when you have chosen, we will take him and you will spend however long it takes to make him poz and bring him into the family." Once upon a time I would've been horrified at such a thing, but tonight I was licking my lips at the challenge and desperate to please my owner.
    1 point
  23. So I was 20 and vacationing in Provincetown for my first time. I certainly was no angel and had had plenty of sex before. In fact, I was a bottom extraordinaire. I could take big dick, I had been fisted, I was kinky – I loved dom/sub play and piss play and spanking, etc. I thought I could play with the big boys. I was pretty big myself. I mean, I was 6’, lean and muscular, thick 8” cock that I never used, and nice round bubble butt from playing soccer throughout middle school and high school. People said that I looked like Ashton Kutcher right down to my mop of hair. I was hoping for some hot guys to really work me over in Ptown. I had never expected him. It was late one night…I had already been out to whatever dance party had happened that night. After the bars closed at 1:00 A.M. (Massachusetts state law), and I had hung around outside of Spiritus Pizza. I didn’t eat any, of course. I mean, I had gone out already prepped to bottom hoping to be taken home and get my brains fucked out. I still held onto that hope and didn’t want greasy pizza fucking with my stomach. But no one that I was meeting or talking with was doing it for me. I contemplated hitting the Dick Dock –a place in Ptown where you go to have anonymous sex – but I didn’t have the courage. As much as that kind of dirty sex seemed hot, I didn’t want to catch anything. So I hung out with my friends for a little bit longer and then headed back to where I was staying. By now it was about 3:00 A.M. As I walked, I opened Scruff on my phone to take one last look around and that’s when I saw his pic. A tight torso in a leather harness giving the thumbs up with a goofy smirk on his face. A face that was rugged and cute all at the same time. His body was jock built – large pecs cut into his chest and eight lean ripped abs covered with a dusting of brown hair; thick biceps and cut triceps totally defined even just giving a thumbs up. My cock stirred in my shorts as I read his profile: P4N Age 38 Height 6’2” Weight 195 I’m the top, you’re the bottom, that’s the end of the discussion. If you say yes on here and show up, you take it the way I give it to you. It’s big and there will be no whining. If you tell me you say you’re into something, be into it cuz we will be doing it whether you chicken out or not. Be hot, be ready, and be real. Now don’t be a pussy and hit me up. I couldn’t type fast enough… Me: Hey sir, hot profile and pic. What’s going on? No response. I unlocked my pix, still no response. It had been almost 10 minutes, and I was almost home. Ugh, I wanted dick. I had almost given up, when there it was…1 message from P4N. P4N: tight hole? Me: Very tight. P4N: can it take 9? Me: Yessir, no problem. P4N: you have ff, piss, and being submissive in your profile Me: Yessir. P4N: you neg? Me: Yessir, tested right before I came here. P4N: host? Fuck, fuck, fuck!! I couldn’t host. And clearly, neither could he. I was going to lose this hot fuck to not having a place to go. Shit! Me: I can’t, sir. Nothing. No response. I was home, but I wanted to stall. I sat down on the front steps of my rental house and waited. Finally – P4N: i’ll fuck you in the parking lot of my b&b Me: What? P4N: take it or leave it. sending you the location. let me know your eta. And with that, he sent me his location. I had never done anything like this before…but isn’t that what I wanted? A guy to really challenge me and work me over. I had to do it. Me: 10 minutes. P4N: see you then. I started walking, butterflies in my stomach stirring as I approached his inn. I found the place and walked around the building to get to the parking lot. It was a small gravel parking lot and I couldn’t see anyone else there. There was only one street light about 50 feet away from the cars. That’s when he stepped out from behind a pick-up truck wearing nothing but a harness – a different one from his pic. He was stroking his cock already and it was huge. I realized I had never asked for a pic of it, but he hadn’t lied. It was a solid nine and really thick and veiny. He gestured me over to him with his head. I quickly walked over to him and said, “Hi. Glad this worked out.” He took me by the shoulders and pushed me to my knees saying, “Shut up. You’re here to take dick, not make friends.” My knees hit the gravel but I didn’t have time to think about the scrapes because he moved one of his hands to my head and lined his cock up with my mouth with his other hand. Before I knew it his fat cock was jammed into my face, skull fucking me. It all happened so quickly but he wrapped my hair into his fingers and roughly pulled and yanked my mouth on and off his cock. His cock tasted funny. I couldn’t place it and I didn’t mind, but it didn’t taste like what I was used to. My throat struggled to keep up with his assault. I gagged and sputtered, saliva flying everywhere and soaking my shirt. His big balls swung and hit my chin over and over. I looked up and saw him tweaking his own nipple with his head thrown back, eyes closed. He had no concern or regard for me. He was probably thinking about somebody else. He was really just using me. I loved it and was rock hard. “That’s right, bitch. Open that mouth cunt, you stupid whore.” He slammed harder into my face and felt my uvula bruise. It wouldn’t be until the next day when I looked in the mirror and saw it hanging there all black and blue that I would realize that that’s what happened. Finally, he threw me off his cock. I landed on my ass, my hands scraping the gravel. I didn’t realize how much he was pulling my hair until this release and my head hurt. He aggressively approached me and pulled my shirt over my head, discarding it next to the tire of the car we were in front of. “Get up, cunt,” he ordered and I scrambled to my feet. He easily lifted me up and plopped me on the trunk of the car, my loosely tied tennis shoes falling off my feet to the ground. “Is this your car?” I asked, unaware of how ridiculous that question was. The problem was that I was still under the impression that I was a person to him. I wasn’t. I was a bottom. “Fuck no,” was his only response, and with that he yanked my underwear and shorts down to my knees. So there I was on some car in a parking lot on my back with my legs up, my shorts and underwear at my knees. He spit a few times on my hole and rubbed his saliva soaked cock against it. I had never been fucked without lube before. He started pushing in and I tried to relax. I started to moan and wail as he ripped into my pucker. Most guys loved my ass and reveled in licking and playing with my young pink hole to open me up, but he was only interested in getting his dick into it. His hand clamped over my mouth and he continued to impale me with all 9 inches. “That’s right, slut. That’s what it’s for. It’s for cock. It’s for cum.” My eyes widened and I looked up at him … or rather, the part of him I could see around my shorts and underwear. I had never let a guy cum in me before. He saw my look. He chuckled, “First time getting bred, huh?” I nodded furiously under the hand over my mouth. “Tough shit, not your choice. You read my profile.” And with that he stabbed my wrecked guts with a two extremely deep thrusts. I was in shock and extreme pain, but this guy was fucking me in a way I can’t describe. I could feel my ass being pulled out of my body every time he withdrew and I could feel my insides being tossed aside when he rammed it home. He hit spots that I didn’t know I had. I was didn’t know how much I could take but I never wanted it to stop. Suddenly, he pulled his cock out of me. I squeaked with agony, but didn’t have time to think about my throbbing asshole because he threw me to my knees again and shoved his slimy cock into my mouth. I sucked and slobbered, tasting his precum and my innards all over this beautiful cock. “Fuck yeah, eat your ass off my dick, bitch. All those ass juices. Taste both of those asses on my dick. Fuck yeah.” Both of those asses? I didn’t have much time to think. He pulled my up by my arms and bent me over the trunk of the car. In one thrust, he buried his nine inches in my bubble butt and clamped a hand over my mouth, muffling my scream. He went back to fucking me and once my screaming had subsided, he moved the hand to my hair and used my shaggy mop as reins, fucking me like a whore. “Goddamn, yeah. You are tight but it’s a big ass once you get inside. You know that? You have a whore’s ass once you get past that pucker. Not like the slut I fucked before you got here, he was tight through and through.” “W-w-what?” I stuttered in between thrusts, my voice shaking. “That’s why I can’t host, he’s still in my bed sleeping. Didn’t want to wake him up. Could you taste is ass on my dick? Feel his ass juices inside your ass? His ass was all over my dick this whole time, cunt.” I couldn’t believe I had allowed this. I was just another hole…and I had no idea who this other guy was…and I had juice from deep inside of him in my mouth and in my ass. “You didn’t tell me that,” I said. He slapped my ass hard. I yelped, knowing he left a red mark. “You didn’t ask, slut. In fact, you didn’t ask much. I asked all the questions and now you’re getting what you wanted. I’m gonna’ knock you up and tag you, you stupid cunt.” I moaned and whimpered as he sawed into my ass cunt harder and harder. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…” I started to chant as I felt him balloon inside of me. “Do you know what that means, faggot?” he asked me. “Yes,” I whined. “It means you’re going to cum in me, sir.” “More than that, little boy,” he growled. “I’m going to poz you, you fucking cum catch.” I started to panic and claw the car, but he held me firmly in place, fucking into me like a dog. “But – but – but – you said you were neg!” “No, I didn’t,” he started slapping my ass repeatedly. “I asked YOU if YOU were neg. I never said I was.” He was right. I remembered the conversation now…I had assumed he was asking to make sure I wouldn’t give him anything, but he was asking to make sure that he WOULD give me something. I kept clawing the car but there was nothing I could do. His voice went to almost a whisper, “You’re not tight any more, cum dump. You’re so fucking loose now, so fucking loose. Like a loose cunt. And I’m going to impregnate you with my fucking strain. And you’re going to love it. Say it, say it.” “I’m going to love it,” I cried. “I don’t believe you,” he slapped my ass some more – I was definitely going to be bruised. “Tell me you want that toxic seed.” “Please don’t. Please.” “Doesn’t it feel good?” he asked. Slap! Slap! Slap! “Yes, I love it! It feels amazing! But I don’t want to get sick, please…” “Beg me to keep fucking you!” he barked. I just grunted and took his violent pounding. He pulled my hard and spit on my back, “Start begging or I stop fucking you and go back inside.” I couldn’t let that happen. He was giving me the fucking of my life and my ass was loving it. “Please,” I offered. “Please what, bitch?” he barked. “Please, please keep fucking me.” “Fuck you, I’m gonna’ stop. Grab your shit and go.” He started to slide out of my hole. “No, please. Please sir…I’m begging you. I love your cock in me. Please keep fucking me. I’m a worthless piece of shit faggot that wants your cock in me, please!” He slid back in, knocking through my second sphincter, “That’s better, slut.” I was still scared to death of his cum so I added, “Just please, I don’t want you to cum in me.” Slap! Slap! Slap! I yelled out as he wrecked my hole and smacked my ass. “Who fucking cares what you want, cock sleeve. Get ready for my poz nut, bitch!” And with that he punched me on the ass, making me clench and pulled me back by the hair close so that my ear was by his mouth. He let out a series of guttural grunts and I felt his cock pulse against my sensitive ass walls. I counted six, seven, eight, nine shots as his cum hit the deepest parts of my hole. And this was his second cum shot in just a few hours??? Jesus! As he continued to fuck his load into me, I felt my own dick jerk and shoot all over the trunk of the car. Another first. I had never cum hands free before. “Yeah,” he whispered. “Feel that poisonous cum drench your pussy. It’s giving you my babies, cunt. You got my sick in you now. You’re mine, all mine.” As our breathing started to even out, he said, “Now hold still…” I felt warmth rush into me. “W-what—“ “You said you were into piss. And I need to piss.” He was peeing in my ass, bloating my insides. I moaned and cooed feeling his steaming urine fill me up. “Okay,” he said. “I’m going to pull out. Clench your ass so you don’t lose a drop.” I did as I was told and squeezed my hole as he pulled out, keeping his piss in me. Once he was fully out, he gently pulled up my underwear and shorts so that they were back on me. Then he turned me around and for the first time, kissed me, pinning me against the car. I loved having his mouth on mine but something seemed off. Then I realized what it was. He had me pinned and as he kissed me, he used his hand to press against my abdomen. My eyes shot open, bulging as he continued to cram his tongue into my mouth. I tried to fight him off, but he was too powerful. All the strength from his huge bicep and tricep was focused on my bloated insides. I moaned and whined trying to make him stop but his eyes just locked on mine viciously. He smiled as he continued to kiss me and push on my stomach. I was clenching my ass and trying to keep from letting all of the body fluids in my cunt from pouring out, but he wasn’t having it. He just kept pressing and then suddenly he drew his hand back and stabbed it forward catching me off guard. All of his piss and his cum shot out of my wrecked ass, drenching my underwear and my shorts. He stopped kissing me and stepped back to watch my shorts turn darker from the explosion and see his piss and cum drip down my bare legs. I let out a mortified moan and looked at him with teary eyes. I looked up at him and he was just smiling smugly, laughing at me. “So pathetic…” he laughed under his breath. I thought he was done humiliating me, but he wasn’t. He took aim at my shirt on the ground and started to piss all over it. “That’s my shirt, man!” I squeaked out. “I know what the fuck it is,” he grabbed me by the arm to prevent me from getting it out of his line of fire. “You said you liked piss, I’m giving you piss.” And with that he stopped his stream and then fired his urine into both of my shoes that had landed on the ground when he first lifted me onto the trunk of the car. Finally, he stopped peeing and he said, “Get into your shoes.” I just stood there so he repeated with more force, “Get into your fucking shoes, bitch.” I stepped into my piss-soaked shoes. They were drenched, squishing with his piss every time I changed my weight from one foot to the other. “Now get your shirt, cum dump,” he ordered. I picked up my shirt, completely wet and dripping with his stinking urine. “Wait, before you put it on…wring it out over your head.” “No sir, please…” He scoffed, “You bitches are all the same. You say you’re submissive and that you’re into shit, but you just chicken out in the end. So fucked up.” And he started to walk away. I felt like a failure. “Wait sir,” I said. He turned back and I lifted my shirt above my head and twisted it until cascades of his rank urine fell over me drenching my hair, stinging my eyes, and running in rivulets down my torso. I wanted to cry. This was the most used I had ever felt. “Stick your tongue out, cunt,” he said, dissatisfied. As I continued to ring the shirt out over my head, I stuck my tongue out and tried to catch some of his piss in my mouth. I turned my head up and let it fall directly into my swollen lips and drank him. When the waterfall of urine finally stopped, I looked back at him for approval. He nodded and said, “Put your shirt on, fuck hole.” I did as he said and slid the shirt on which much difficulty. There I stood, covered head to toe in piss and cum, my ass walls covered in poz seed, and without having cum myself. “Now you can go home,” he told me. “Can I clean up first…just a little?” I had always assumed he would let me use his bathroom after all of this. “Fuck no. I don’t want to wake my buddy.” “But what if I run into people. Or my housemates when I get home or—“ “I could give a shit, you stupid cunt. So what if they know what you are. You shouldn’t do it unless you’re willing to own it. Now go walk through the streets covered in my cum and piss and take whatever humiliation comes with it. Pretty good cunt by the way.” And with that, he turned and walked back to the house. I never saw him again. On my walk home – which thankfully, it was almost 5:00 A.M. so I only had to deal with two or three guys passing me and laughing when they thought I was out of ear shot. I tried to find him on Scruff to say that I had a good time and would love to do it again, but I couldn’t find him in my messages or in my views…which only meant one thing. He walked back to his house and immediately blocked me. I had been treated like a whore before but this was extreme. I immediately opened Grindr to see if he was there, and sure enough he was. I messaged him: Hey sir, I had a great time. Would love to do it again. Within a minute, his profile disappeared from my screen. He had blocked me there too. He was done with me. As I would find out a month later, he had pozzed me, and he was done with me. And I haven’t stopped thinking about him since. The end.
    1 point
  24. Kenny#4 Javy moved around the bed and sat back in front of me. He fed me his sloppy cum covered cock and his friend Luis began to pound my fresh fucked ass. Kenny flipped down next to me as Moreno fucked his ass. He turned and whispered into my ear as I slurped at Javys cock and balls, " How do you like my friends? They love slutty faggots like us". Javier pulled Kennys mouth onto his dick and pushed my tongue lower into his ass. I was moaning and grunting at the pounding I was getting and I was SO turned on by the sounds, smells, taste and sights around me. I was hard as a rock. My cock bounced around as Luis pounded my hole. Javier said something in Spanish and Luis slowed down. Javy lifted my head and Kenny and I started making out as he poured coke on his belly. He then told us,"eat up amigos" so Kenny and I began snorting the pile. And then, Luis plunged balls deep into me....and my hole began to burn, the heat was intense, the feeling was amazing in my chest and my dick began to drip as he picked up the pace and Kenny and I licked the powder off Javys belly. I was numb, I was spinning, on fire, flying and SO HORNY. Moreno came with a bunch of grunts and then Kenny moved in front of me as Javier stood up. I plunged my tongue and lips into and on Kennys sloppy hole. His hole was sucking my tongue in and pushing cum out as I lapped and slurped. Kenny fed me his balls, his dick, his ass. Luis moaned loudly as he stopped pounding my ass, "Madre de dios" or something like that. He collapsed on my back as Kenny told me to squeeze my ass and milk his dick dry. I was trying to do just that whIle sucking Kennys balls when Kenny pointed his cock at me and shot his cum on my lips and face. I licked him clean and he fed me the cum from my face. We were all laying on the bed, naked and sticky when Javier walked in with a bunch of drinks and a big bong......
    1 point
  25. I’m in if you’ll have me and this damn virus ever goes away and we can travel again! I’m a big fan of being fucked openly in the corridors in sex clubs, or with the door wide open for anyone to watch or join. I’m always wishing the cameras were more invasive at the parties I go to. This (well the longer version I can’t find) is one of my favourite scenes, purely because it’s exactly that, a camera rolling at a party. Better angles from a designated cameraman would be great though. [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5a3281bba9065
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  26. Hampstead Heath early evening sweltering day lightweight shorts commando singlet so hot. Plenty of guys cruising few familiar faces found a log squatted drank water heard trees rustle went to look 3 guys are hard at it shorts on ankles. One guys arms tied around a tree other 2 taking turns barebacking him. I continued thru trees saw 3 guys naked clearly buddies beckoned me over in their late 50’s early 60’s next thing my shorts are pulled off I’m giving 2 of them head they had PA’s. The 3rd is rimming me his tongue full of saliva really deep inside my butt my pucker is clenching writhing with glee. He then puts a saliva wet finger in slowly stroking my prostrate I gasp follows with two in same slow stroking of my prostrate my mancunt is writhing squeezing them in me saying more, more a third follows he then withdraws. Do you wanna be used boy from other 2 who start dirty talk my mouth full of cock I frantically nod. The guy pulled his shaft out of my mouth said they shared a flat close by we dressed. I was offered a beer we sat chatted about what we were into all on PreP regular STD checks they’d had Cialis (type of viagra) works fast about an hr or so gave me one. One returned from a room had huge ringed nipples wore studded metal jock held a body harness, cock ring, I put ‘em on the other 2 went came back in Leather they had the PA’s large thick cock rings( one had huge hung balls) nipple studs bar vests. Next am in a playroom had everything from cage, fuck hoarse even stocks shelves loads of toys manacles, spreader bars next wrist ankle cuffs fitted I’m in a sling arms & legs up wide apart mirrored ceiling and walls cameras hooks my cock was rock hard they then sprayed it and theirs to stay so. One says “this boy is my cum those are theirs” they all held small bottles my hole was loobed with it so was his shaft slid easily into my hungry mancunt slowly thrust in/out then heavily pounded me I was in heaven squeezing his shaft working it with him his balls slapping my ass another was fitting chain tit clamps on me a cock entered my mouth I could taste the sweet cum sucked it like mad cleaning swallowing he squealed with joy. One guy said call me Sir another said I’m Boss obediently replied OH YES. The guy shafting me was really power pounding me “you like that boy yes yes”. Sir was btwn his legs filming his cock in and out of my mancunt cld see it in the mirror then one after the other they loobed their cocks with their cum fucked me another filming then their cocks sliding over my tongue deep into my throat to clean suck off cum I couldn’t get enough. 3rd guy came over unhooked my arms/legs removed my harness lifted me over his shldr slapped my cheeks hard next my front was over the Lthr fck horse legs spread, arm cuffs hooked to sides. I could see all in the side mirror A “SLUT” paddle in his hand saw it in mirror want a glowing butt boy PLEASE then thwack b4 long my ass cheeks glowed! He tied a cord hanging from ceiling round my balls and cock hauled ‘em up as his PA’d cock slid over my tongue to back of my throat he thrust it in and out “enjoy it boy” I delightedly complied. Other 2 came over unhooked me am on the Lthr bed ass in the air elbows down my cum loobed mancunt welcomed a funnel a bottle poured cum in minutes later am being dble fkd guy laying on bed me on top he’s thrusting my hips back/forth their cocks the PA sending my hole and prostrate into ecstasy one standing gasps ejaculates loads of cum in me I felt it his cock up and down like a yo yo pulls out my pucker felt within seconds the other guy entering his PA hit me he power plows me seems for ages I moan with pleasure the guy on bed shouts shoots load of cum in me so many ejaculations. It loobs up the other ones PA cock that is hammering me faster he sure can fuck my prostate causes me to gasp with glee & shouting more more eventually he cried out my mancunt savoured every drop of his cum . I’d had my days creampies! One by one my tongue cleans their dicks of cum then on my knees again elbows down ass in air they each felch me after their tongues in my mouth we snowball I swallow. My rock hard cock is given head I come Boss’s tongue then empties the cum in my mancunt. We collapsed on the bed, Would I like to stay? YES PLEASE. In Lounge they poured drinks 2 tops one vers’ and me 100% sub slut btm. They were into amazing kinks liked to have an oiled up orgy use toys speculums you name it seemed they did it. Not brown blood or serious pain. I told them had over the years had fun in sex Clubs used in Berlin, France mostly USA BDSM where anything goes. I so regretted not going to PlayPit in London as nobody cared about your body it was what you did with it. I have a bit of a tum. They all went there said it was the sluttiest kinkiest BB sex place. PreP regular STD checks we agreed made sex great. Couldn’t wait for next day! To be continued………
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  27. I am so stoked to read so many guys are like me and love being loose or seeing loose holes like mine. My ass is a nice long gash where a small hole used to be and I get a sex high every time a guy lubes up his hand and is amazed he can slide his paw in me in under 60 seconds. an't wait til I am so loose that 2 hands can do that. Love being lft gaping and sloppy from a live of guys fucking and fisting my ass cavern and the feeling never gets old.
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  28. Have a hung Asian guy with a curve dick over today. He looked ten years older than his profile picture, but he has a toned body and huge cock. He lasted quite a while, my hole started to feel sore from his thick, curve tool. I begged him to cum inside me, he intensified his penetration for 5 minutes before finally releasing his cum. A really cute young white boy hit me up on Sniffies. His text was a bit incoherent, but I still invited him over. Waited for more than an hour, when he claimed to be "5 minutes away" 45 minutes ago. I left feeling annoyed, but not too frustrated since I wasn't too horny.
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  29. I’ve lived on the hill since 1996.
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  30. I find it a massive turn on and would love a free for all with photos. I usually let people know I don’t personally mind. I’ve found most people are cagier about identifiable photos though, for the reasons already mentioned. Most guys I’ve partied with don’t mind body shots and usually people just take them tbh. Having said that, I don’t have my face photo on here, so make of that what you will!
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  31. FFuck now you have my hole twitching.......
    1 point
  32. @HornyLatinoLB - Your question asks: What’s ‘wrong’ with me. That question contains a built-in value judgment. The choice to accept the value it imposes on your life is yours, and yours alone. Only you can decide for yourself whether monogamy is a moral and ethical imperative. Only you can decide what the definition of ‘loyalty’ means in your life and relationships. Only you can decide the nature and quality of the relationships that seem real and true to your heart and sense of self. Most importantly, only you can decide how best to be true to the person you are meant to be. Each of us finds paths in life that call us to explore them, some very strongly, some so strongly that we know that if we don’t heed that call we’ll live with regret. Sometimes there are questions about ourselves that simply demand to be answered. Maybe this is such a path for you, or such a question. Many of us on this site, like myself, have asked ourselves the same kind of question you ask here. Nothing in my life would point to my becoming a man who would surrender his body to frequent, repeated sexual defilement by other men for their base pleasures - no one except perhaps the most perceptive of Tops, the kind who just somehow know, would ever guess that I’m fucked frequently by dozens of men I don’t know, many of whom I never even see. But I am. And in my heart, there’s nothing wrong with me.
    1 point
  33. This year I've taken 62 loads from 10 breeders. I took my 100th load from my dom breeder friend a few weeks ago, and my 200th lifetime load (well, starting in April 2019 really) a week ago. I don't count loads in my mouth, only those pumped into my fertile cunt for impregnation and absorption.
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  34. Growing up, I think to a point it’s natural. When I was 12, my brother was 3 years older, we would JO together in bed, feeling each other up. Then it was BJ’s, every chance we had, I want to such his cock. This lasted three years, he taught me how to French kiss, don’t know who taught him. Also during that period, did the same with a cousin who I only saw on the holidays, my house or his. We were about 18 when we stopped. But because of that, I never stop loving cock. I’m 64 now 😎.
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  35. On monday I was on Bullchat and got chatting to a trucker. He would be spending the night in his truck and was looking for a hook up. It was a really hot night and i drove over to the place where he had parked his truck, somewhere at the roadside next to a bridge. I climbed in to the cabin and he was on his bed in his underwear. I took out my shorts and tanktop and started sucking his nipples. Soon he directed me to his cock and i started sucking him, he was already hard. He slided his hand in my tanga and started working my ass. Little later he turned me around, i took out my tanga and leaned with one knee on the passenger chair, bent over, leaning out of the open sidewindow. He started rimming my ass. It was exciting to lean out of the window with my upper body, knowing someone might see me. Not much later he slided his cock in my ass, just using his saliva as lube. He started banging me from behind an after a short while he shot his load while i was still leaning out of the open sidewindow. I dressed, thanking him for his load and left. I guess it was all done in less than 15 minutes, but who cares. The top was satisfied, so i was satisfied to.
    1 point
  36. Part 7 Jeffrey slid his dick out of the boy, revealing a hole that was no longer tight and pink. It was gaping open a bit, and was puffy and red. Pink cum oozed out of Eric's ruined hole, which made my own cock throb. Even though I had cum twice already, I knew I had another one in me. I was so fucking turned on having my fantasy come true. There before me lay the beautiful Prince Eric, fucked up out of his gourd, his ruined asshole leaking poz cum. And there was so much more to come. We still had a couple of days left in Florida. And if I got my way, Prince Eric would be taken back home with us to live his life as our cumdump slave. I slid my cock into the helpless boy, groaning as I felt his loose, sloppy cunt, no longer tight. I smiled as his hole made shloopy sounds as I fucked his stretched out cum filled chute. He moaned into his gag as I fucked him. I looked down at his beautiful face as he looked back at me with his unfocused eyes. I raised my hand and gave him a hard slap across his right cheek. He cried out in pain and surprise, and I felt his asshole squeeze involuntarily on my cock. This only goaded me on. I gave him another hard slap across his left cheek, and tears welled in his eyes. My dick got harder as I inflicted this new pain on him. I slapped him over and over as hard as I could as the tears streamed from his eyes and his face turned a crimson red. Then I pushed his head to the side and dove onto his neck. Not only did I suck as hard as I could, but I bit into his skin, drawing a little blood. Eric was screaming in pain into the gag, and that sent me over the edge. I pumped dirty load number 5 into the sweet 18 year old Mormon ass as I tasted his blood like a vampire. I didn't stop sucking until I had finished unloading into him, then pulled off to admire my handiwork. I left a mark that was already a deep purple, and you could clearly see my teeth marks. I ripped the duct tape off of his face and pulled out the soggy, dirty jockstrap from his mouth. Eric gasped for air as I slid out of his ass and moved to his head. I grabbed a handful of his thick, black hair and forced my slimy, ass covered cock into his mouth. He didn't even hesitate as he sucked and licked me clean. He was adjusting to his new position very quickly. I sat back and grabbed my phone as Dave unhooked Eric's wrists from his ankles, reattached them to his collar, and put the spreader bar back on. He pulled Eric down so he was on his stomach again, legs hanging over the bed. Then Dave licked his finger and stuck it in a bag of powder, coating it in a fine covering of crystals. He shoved it into the princes leaking fuck-hole, twisting his finger around and around, grinding the crystals into the boys already flaming hot hole, causing Eric to whimper and whine. Then he grabbed the front of Eric's hair and yanked his head back, causing the boy to arch his back as he slammed his cock into him as hard as he could. Jeffrey covered his nose and mouth again with the popper rag while Dave pulled his head back and pounded him hard. Steve approached the boys head saying, "I gotta piss bitch, and you better not spill a drop if you know what's good for you!" He grabbed Eric's hair from Dave and forced him onto his cock. Within seconds, I could see Eric swallowing Steve's chem piss as his cunt got pounded. To his credit, Eric drank it all down. Of course I filmed it all. I was determined to completely destroy Eric's life and make him mine. And I was well on the way. I checked my messages and Alex had sent more. One of them was a video of Brent, still blindfolded on the fuck bench as an elderly man with sagging skin, a bloated belly, saggy tits and a visible biohazard tattoo announced he was cumming. The camera panned to Alex's face as he smiled and said, "Number 28! The last one of the night." Then it showed Brent's gaping hole as cum dripped out of it before a large buttplug was shoved into it, locking the loads inside him. I texted Alex, "I've got the perfect place for your boy to deposit those loads!" Then I sent him the video I just took of Eric drinking chem piss as his hole was pounded. Alex soon texted back, "Don't worry, we're way ahead of you! Neither of us has come yet tonight. We figured the prince needed more dirty loads on his initiation night! We're almost back to the hotel. See you shortly." I smiled knowing I could always count on my friends. Alex and Joe showed up right as Dave was adding load number 6 into the young princes guts. Brent looked well used, like a whore should look. Dave pulled out of Eric and grabbed the back of Brent's neck, forcing him to his knees. He didn't even have to say a word as Brent took his dirty dick into his mouth. Brent cleaned it off, then Dave started pissing into his mouth, which Brent thirstily drank down. I hoped to have Eric trained that well soon. Steve quickly attached the spider gag to Eric again, stretching his mouth wide open, as we gathered around our captive prince and Brent straddled him with his ass over his face. Joe reached up and gently pulled the fat plug out of his boys cumhole. Immediately, cum started running out and into Eric's open hole. Brent even farted a couple of times splattering his ass loads over Eric's face, getting in his eyes and burning them. Soon, Eric's mouth was full of the slightly brownish goo, and Brent's hole was now empty. "Swallow it slut!" I demanded, and Eric complied, as difficult as it was for him to swallow without being able to close his mouth. I smiled as I filmed yet another degradation of the teenage Mormon boy. Joe wasted no time as he flipped Eric back over onto his stomach and shoved his cock into the cumdump beneath him. He and Alex had the smallest dicks in our group, both being 7 inches, but they were both still thick and had matching p.a.'s. Soon Eric was moaning as this new dick fucked him. Meanwhile, Alex was unlocking Brent's chastity cage. "Our boy hasn't cum in two months, and I think he earned it tonight. I think Prince Eric needs to suck him off." He then led Brent to the bed and positioned him in front of Eric. Brent was soft as Eric took him into his mouth. I smiled because I didn't even tell him what to do. He just started sucking Brent's soft little cock while Joe fucked him. Soon Brent was at his full hard 5 inches, which isn't to bad considering he's only 5'6". It was only a couple of minutes before Brent was panting hard and filling Eric's mouth with a two month nut. Eric sucked it down without thinking twice about it. "Well, that was good, but I think our boy needs more milking." Said Alex as he filled a pipe. He held it up to Brent's mouth and lit it. The boy inhaled and held it until Alex said, "Release." He blew out a big white cloud, and Alex made him do it 4 more times. Then Alex took the metal buttplug and stuck it up Brent's ass and handed the control box to Steve. At this point Joe went ridged as he added dirty load number 7 to the cum soup inside Eric. He pulled out and Alex replaced him saying, "I want our slut to cum two more times before I do. And if he doesn't, you will BOTH be punished. Now start sucking!" Eric engulphed Brent's shriveled up little Tina dick, and sucked it like the whore he was born to be. Steve massaged Brent's prostate with the electro buttplug, and in just a couple of more minutes, he started shaking and moaning as his still soft dick gave up it's second load. He tried to push Eric off of his overly sensitive dick, only to get backhanded by Alex. "Don't you dare push him off of you, you little bitch!" Admonished alex. "You were given instructions, and I expect them to be followed! You better cum or else!" Eric started sucking Brent like a vacuum as Steve turned up the power on the box. Joe climbed on to the bed behind Brent and covered his mouth and nose with the popper rag. Then he put some alligator clips on Brent's nipples that were pierced with bars through them. Brent cried out as the pain surged through him. And sure enough, he was soon shaking and whining, his whole body jerking as he gave up a third load into Eric's second cumhole in an orgasm I was sure was more painful than pleasurable. Right as Brent gave up the last of his cum, Alex buried himself in Eric and delivered his 8th dirty load in less than 6 hours from when our young prince was still a virgin. "Well damnit." Said Alex as he pulled out. "I really wanted to punish you, so I think I will anyway."
    1 point
  37. As far as I am concerned, the point of PrEP is that it allows me as the bottom to protect myself without having to trust the top to be truthful. I am not being judgmental; most of us will say whatever it takes to get laid. I've certainly downplayed how often I take loads to tops who were skittish.
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  38. My first apartment on my own....had a knock at the door one evening at it was a cute college kid (not much younger then me at the time) selling magazine subscriptions......I asked if he had gay porn and winked!....he laughed and ended up fucking me on the living room floor. I know it's not a "service man" experience but he had a beautiful dick and wanted to share my experience with yall.
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  39. Last weekend i texted a top bud of mine to get fucked - he's dominican, about 9 inches, similar height (6 feet) and jacked (he's personal trainer ). He responded that he had two friends over his place and wasn't free that day. i responded that he should invite them too as a joke, to which he replied "lol." After several hours he messages me with "change of plans - prep your pussy. will be over in an hour. wait ass up." Like a good cumdump faggot i got really excited, prepped my pussy, unlocked my door, and waited ass up in bed with poppers. My phone buzzes for me to unlock the apartment lobby. My bud then texts "we'll be right up" to which i responded "we?" Sure enough, about a min later, he walks in with what apparently were his two buds. i turn around in bed and he just goes "surprise" with this smirk on his face. Was hard for me to be pissed given what they looked like - one bud was black, also jacked, a bit over 6 feet, and about 9/9.5. His other bud was shorter - maybe like 5'9 - also dominican with an enormous dick. Had to guess it was over 10 inches easily and uncut with a thick bush. Being a cumdump i couldn't object to the surprise...all three of them took turns rearranging my guts doggy style. Ended up being a real beat down...they had clearly been drinking and were horned up. The shorter bud ended up being an almost sadistc fucker, which of course was fine by me since i believe only the top's pleasure is a priority and my pussy exists to serve alphas. They all took turns tapping me doggy style but he went so hard i uncontrollably pissed over my bed twice. i also asked him for more lube at one point given how hung and rough he was but he just goes "nah feels good to me" (the other guys just laughed when he said that) and then proceeded to fuck me even harder. i was struggling at that point to maintain my arch, and ended up ripping some farts accidentally and pissing at the same time. After he unloaded in me (the other two had already dropped their loads) he grabbed me, pulled me up, and then dragged me to the bathroom where he pushed me into the shower on my knees. He then just yelled "open up" - i opened my mouth and a stream of piss immediately starts going down my throat. it came so fast that i coughed and spit it up, but then he slapped me and just yells "i sad swallow." i regained my composure and he starts pissing again, but this time i made sure to swallow t all. Meanwhile the other two buds walk in and start laughing at the scene. At that point i was just in a daze...my trainer bud walks in the bathroom and just goes "good job fag." He and the black guy then walk out to start getting dressed. The third dude finishes pissing and then kneels down to me and just goes "squat." i start squatting (was on my knees) and he gets alongside me, cups one hand under my hole, and then just goes "fart it out." i then pushed the multiple loads out in his hand, which he then brings up to my mouth and just says "eat it." i proceeded to eat it dutifully while he observed me the entire time. After finally finishing he just smiles, spits in my face, and walks out of the bathroom. By then the other two buds are dressed...the third guys gets dressed quickly and they all proceed to walk out. The whole experience left me in a total daze with a sloppy wrecked pussy. One of the hottest fucks in a long time. By the way the pic below was taken by one of the dudes right as they walked in.
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  40. Marie wondered if Ryan will really come back tonight, she tingled inside as she rubbed her finger over her pussy lips and felt how wet she still was. If she had been able to see it was Ryan's cum leaking out of her pussy that she was rubbing all over herself. She continued to think about the real sex she had and the first time a guy got her to cum from simply fucking her. She wanted more but hoped this would be a onetime thing as she struggled to fight of the desire to cheat with Ryan again. Marie decided she needed to get her mind off Ryan, so she got dressed and went for a run. Somehow even on the run she was thinking about Ryan, his touch, the way he kissed her, his big dick and how deep inside her got and his penis inside her and knowing he came in her made her hot and as much as she knew she should not do it again she had to. She stopped to get a drink at a water fountain and while she was taking a sip, this tall guy stopped from his run. When she stopped and looked up there was this Greek god standing there waiting for his turn. He smiled at her and said, looks like you had a nice run, I am just on my third mile and have two more to go. She for that moment stopped thinking about Ryan as she suddenly thought about this tall dark and beautiful man in front of her with a great smile and she started to wander what it would feel like to have him inside her. He leaned down to get a drink, Marie got to examine his firm ass and hairy legs made her hornier than she had been looking at another guy. She tried to think about Ryan, her husband or anything but when he stood up from the water fountain, he introduced himself as Gio. Marie said, nice to meet you Gio, I am Maire. Want to finish our runs together Marie, Gio quickly asked and Marie said sure without thinking. They chatted on the run and Marie was able to tell Gio that she was here for a week for work but never mentioned she was married. He never asked, he shared that he had moved to the city a few months ago after he and his fiancé broke up. He said nothing else about her or dating and before long he stopped and said this is my place. Marie looked at this cute little house that he had run her to. She told herself she should not go in but when he asked her if she wanted water he just started walking toward the door and punched in a code and Marie just followed him in. Gio took off his shirt and tossed it in a bin near the door and slipped off his shoes and socks and tossed the socks in the bin. He walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of water into a glass even though Marie could see that there were bottles of water in the fridge and he could have handed her one. He asked to be excused and he slipped into his bedroom and shed his shorts and came out in a loose pair of shorts no underwear and she could see his member moving as he walked toward her and he was still shirtless. His hairy chest was amazingly chiseled, and his chest and abs were rock hard. He had also grabbed the bin and a rob and told her to put her wet clothes in the bin and he would put them in the wash while he made them something to eat. Marie slowly took her top off and bra while Gio held up the robe to block the view and then she slipped on the robe and put her shorts in the bin. Gio showed her to a shower and put out a towel for her and she locked the door and jumped in the shower to clean off. While she was showering Gio put the clothes in the washer and when she came out in the robe all clean and refreshed Gio was chopping veggies and had started making a meal. He motioned for Marie to come over and help and when she did, he excused himself to go shower. She had finished the task by the time he came out in a different pair of shorts still commando and a nice t-shit and he headed to the cupboard to grab two wine glasses and poured them some wine and handed Marie a glass and held it up. Cheers to being in a new city and making friends! I think we will make great friends said Gio, Marie agreed but wondered if that is all he wanted, she was getting more and more turned on by him the more they were together. He was physically hot as fuck but this side of him made her want him so much more. Marie did not have to wait too long to find out what Gio meant by friends, they both had two glasses of wine and sautéed veggies and a small dessert with two spoons and instead of sitting across from her he sat right beside her with his legs straddling her bar stool. She had never had anything like it before it was amazing. She was not sure if it was the company, food or the fact he was so close to her and her body was tingling. She finally could stop thinking about Ryan and Gio was all she could think about. David her husband would be calling but she did not want to talk to him right now. Gio, grabbed a spoon and some whipped cream one of the last bites and fed her the bite clumsily getting the whipped cream on her lips and before she could lick it off he leaned in and kissed her to help her with her lips. She swallowed hard and kissed him right back as he slipped his hand in her robe and fondled her breast and unfastened the robe till her naked body was exposed. They continued to make out and although her disappointment in herself for letting the second guy in a day touch her body and make out with her, she could not stop. Gio grabbed her and picked her up after ten minutes of making out and took her to his bedroom and laid her on the bed and spread her legs and began to eat her pussy. Two minutes in he pulled up and said you let your husband cum inside you before you left, fuck love that. Then he got back to eating her out and tasting Ryan’s cum. She was mortified at first but as Gio eat her out and sucked the cum out of her cunt she began to cum over and over once she realized he was so into it. Then with little warning he popped up and pulled his shirt off and then slipped off his short sand the thickest rock hard 8” or so did was pointing right at her. It was huge, uncut and he brought it over to Marie and presented it to her. Marie wasted no time, she never really enjoyed sucking David off but did it when she had to. She pulled back his foreskin and licked his huge head of his dick and tasted his precum. He leaked a lot. She sucked on the head and then pulled the skin back and opened her mouth wide and tried to suck his dick but could only take three inches. He stopped her and said, this is a new friendship and you will learn how to suck better. With that he went back to eating her pussy and getting the last of Ryan’s cum and then pulled up and said it was time to add his. He began to rub his uncut cock head on her pussy and soon was spreading her cunt around his big dick and she began to moan and said it is too big. Gio had heard that before and kissed her while he tore her tight little cunt. She had already taken a hug dick earlier and she was sore from getting her vaginal canal beaten and breed and now Gio was going to widen it. She struggled to get him to stop or give her a break but then it happened again. He made her cum all over his huge dick and with that he started to fuck her harder. He was far more intense than Ryan and once he started, he was going to take what he wanted. Gio fucked Marie for twenty minutes hard and she came two more times during his first breeding and then after he made out with her as his dick softened inside her and he gently pulled out five minutes later. He got up and told her to stay there and went and put the clothes in the dryer and then came back to bed and made out some more. He told Marie he needed more and began to finger her cunt and told her how wet she was and then he puled out two fingers and had her suck the cum off his fingers as he got up again rock hard and slide inside her cunt and fucked her for another ten twenty minutes and shot another load inside her. Marie had cum another three times and then Gio got up and asked her to the shower and they cleaned off and then toweled off. By then the clothes were dry and he retrieved them and Marie got dressed in her clean clothes while Gio put on a different pair of shorts and t-shirt and he said I will give you a ride to your hotel. In the garage they got into a Tesla Model 3 and he drove to the hotel, stopped out front and leaned in and gave her another kiss and said let us run again tomorrow. Meet me at the same place at 6 PM. Marie agreed and leaned in to give him a kiss goodnight. While she walked in, she looked at the clock and he was 9:15. She hoped Ryan was just saying he would come over later and did not really mean it. She decided that she should call her hubby just in case Ryan did come over and once back at the room she rang David. She told David all about her run and how ready she was to come home and see him and how much she missed him. These were all lies as she was having the time of her life and had finally had real sex. She asked him about his day and week and her mind kept wondering to Gio who had wrecked her pussy and filled her up again. Ryan who might be coming back to her hotel room. Her phone buzzed from a text it was from Ryan and he text he would be there at 10:15. His girl had taken longer to get ready than usual but would text when he could leave and was on his way. Marie got excited and finished up her conversation with David with I love you and miss you! She waited for Ryan getting wet while she thought of him.
    1 point
  41. Part 10 Sometime during the night I woke up horny. My hole was pulsing and needed fed. I rolled over and started playing with Sir's cock. He started to stir then grabbed my hand and pulled me on top of him. "Ride it boy. Ride that poz cock and milk my seed out with your pighole." I reached back and slid the butt plug out of my hole and slid back on Sir's cock. "That pighole feels good on my cock boy. You want my poz seed boy?" "Yes Sir, please make me your poz pig boy. Own me fully, Sir." "Why do you want it boy?" "It will complete me, Sir. It will make you forever part of me, Sir. It will make me forever yours, Sir" "Good boy. Ride my cock boy. Milk my poz seed out with your hole. You know if I knock you up I expect you to share my gift, boy." "Yes, Sir. I look forward to passing your gift along, Sir." "Good boy." Just then Sir grabbed my waist and pushed me all the way down. I could feel him start pulsing his seed in my hole. "Take it boy. Accept my gift." "Yes Sir, knock me up Sir." After cleaning Sir's cock off I rolled over and went back to sleep. We spent the rest of the weekend fucking as many of Sir's poz loads into me as he could. Just before Sir took me back to the hotel he handed me a box. "A small gift boy." I opened the box and inside lay a chastity device. "Stand up boy." "Yes Sir." Sir locked my cock up and put the key in his pocket. "You will wear this until I allow it to come off. Is that understood, boy?" "Yes Sir." "You are not allowed to cum, unless I fuck it out of you, boy." "Yes Sir." "Good, let's get you back to your hotel. You have a long week ahead of you." Sir drove me back to the hotel, locked in chastity with a plug in my hole. "You are to take no cocks this week boy. That hole belongs to me and until you convert, I'm the only one fucking you."
    1 point
  42. It had been a while since I had gotten a load. So instead of inviting guys over to my house to fuck me in my pool shed ( a good idea but people notice a stream of cars and guys going into your back yard) I decided to take my show on the road. My second car is a minivan that I use to haul around electronics equipment. I had emptied it out and put in a futon cushion and then drove myself down to a park near the river. I got undressed and into the back of my van and then put up ads everywhere. And then I waited. For a while. I was naked in my van by 8pm and by 10, I didn’t think anyone was going to come. I had nodded off in my van when the door slid open waking me up. Two guys climbed in the back of my van and closed the door behind them. They didn’t wait or say anything. One just whipped out his dick and shoved it in my mouth. The other started stroking himself. The cock in my mouth was not gentle. He fucked my throat raw. I gagged multiple times but he didn’t seem to care. Every time I gagged he shoved it in harder and told me that I better do a good job because the only lube I was getting was what ever I put on his dick with my throat. After a solid ten minutes of throat fucking me I was flipped around and the throat fucked slammed himself into me all at once. I saw stars. My asshole felt like he had split me in two. But he didn’t care and just started to fuck me. It burned for a minute and then the that fucking hot drag on my hole started to feel so good that I was whimpering. At that point I couldn’t tell if it was from pain, pleasure, or just the basic shock of getting fucked so rough. After about 15 minutes, the fucker started to grunt and then I could feel him pulsing in me. He came for two minutes and I could feel every hurt spurt coating me from the inside. When he was done he pulled out of me fast leaving me gasping. At the point I was trying to catch my breath when I felt the other guys hands on my ankles. I had totally forgotten about him and I really didn’t want to get fucked again but he dragged me towards him. He lifted my legs and licked my hole and then he told the other guy to get out. I thought he wanted privacy but when the other guy got out he left the door open and the second dude got out of the van too and dragged me with him. He forced me out into parks parking lot completely naked and closed my van door. They had an explorer next to my van and the other guy had already gotten in. The second guy opened the back door and told me to get in. I hesitated because I wasn’t expecting this kind of scene, which is stupid considering the type of situation I had set up. The guy must of noticed and grabbed me and pushed me into the back. They drove off and I started to panic. I had just been so rough fucked that my hole was still throbbing and now I was naked in the back seat of stranger’s car naked being taken God knows where. I was an idiot. We drove for a short distance before we pulled into a driveway and into a garage. I was dragged out of the car and basically carried into bedroom and thrown on the bed where the second guy jumped on me and started to touch me. Everywhere. He invaded my mouth, my hole, every orifice I had open his fingers went. I was still freaked out but I was suddenly so turned on. The guy started to make out with me and then made me dick rock hard. I almost never get kissed. Fucked yes but no one ever kisses me. We made out until I suddenly felt something cold and smooth at my hole. I looked down to see the other guy that had rough fucked me inserting the mouth of a tequila bottle in my ass. Suddenly my knees were at my ears and I had tequila pouring into my guys from my asshole. The other guy continued to make out with me as this was happening and after a while I could feel a very drunk haze come over me. According to the videos those guys made of that night they proceeded to fuck me in every position imaginable. I don’t remember much about it. But the videos are proof that a took a very hard fucking that night. I woke up in my van. They had dropped me back off but hadn’t bothered to lock the doors for me. I woke up with someone new, their cock pulsing in me as they unloaded. As that guy pulled out of me a mess a cum and what smelled like alcohol seeped out of me. When the guy got out, I pulled on some shorts and drove myself home. My ass was very sore. I jumped in the shower and when I got out I checked my mail and saw the videos of me getting fucked by the two guys in my email. They also invited me over for another round sometime. I am going to have to think about it. Or at least let my hole heal up first.
    1 point
  43. Part 2 - The Early Years Hibiscus drive sat just outside a major Hampshire town and only 2 hours by road in to London. It was one of the wealthy gated areas all named after flowers and all relatively the same format comprising large family homes leading down to a cul-de-sac. In total each drive had 13 houses except Hibiscus Drive which was a little more special, along each side of the road stood the large beautiful family homes, 5 each side laid out in sprawling grounds. A the bottom in the cul-de-sac was a small roundabout and the large wrought iron gates to Hibiscus Manor, the view through the gates in to the mansions courtyard was the only way of seeing the place since it was surrounded by high walls for maximum privacy. Along the wall either side of the gates were rows of hibiscus flowers maintained by the gardener, that and the mansion made this place unique. No other residential drive in this area had a mansion of this size. Most people in the drive knew the mansion was owned by one person, his name was Simon who was a tech billionaire and a known recluse who liked his privacy but was never short of visitors at weekends and evenings. There were photos of him in his early 30's and after he made his fortune and brought the three family homes in the cul-de-sac knocking them down and building the mansion that stood there today. Through the heavy iron gates the open courtyard took you up to the large double fronted front doors with two columns each side framing the entrance. Either side of the doors were six Georgian style windows and the upper level contained 18 windows of the same style. No one had ever seen behind the front of the imposing mansion. One thing for sure it was big sitting on an even larger plot of land. The walls stood 9 feet high and topped with barbed wire and overlooked by security cameras. Conrad, Charlie and their parents moved on to Hibiscus Drive when they were 7 years old in to number 8, next door was number 10 then the cul-de-sac. The house was nothing in comparison to the mansion but it had five bedrooms, two lounges and a large family room overlooking the garden that lead to a wooded are with a stream then to Hyacinth Drive. their parents Jody and Eddie where in their mid twenties the day they moved here and worked locally, it was Eddie's parents who brought them the house when they left the UK moving to Australia to be with Eddie's sister and growing family. From the time they moved in Conrad and Charlie lead a wonderful life with hardly any traffic to worry about they would scoot up and down the road and do 3 turns on the roundabout by the mansion and head back. Saturday's were always the same with Charlie going off to football for most of the day. Conrad would get his bike out and cycle up the road round the roundabout and back down. There was one other thing you could rely on Saturday mornings was Jack the gardener for Hibiscus Manor. At roughly 11am he was always tending to the flower beds along the wall outside the mansion and the roundabout. Jack was always at the manor during the day working in the sprawling grounds behind the manor, he was in his mid twenties when Conrad first met him. Tall and pretty muscular with tattoo sleeves he often walked around with no t-shirt on and very skimpy shorts in the summer. He had longish hair tied back in a pony tail that was jet black, a moustache and thin line of a beard running from his lower lip to just under his chin. He definitely cut a fine figure and many of the ladies along Hibiscus Drive would often talk to him seeking advice on usually ending up with a few hibiscus plants for their front gardens, this included Conrad's mother. The general feeling of community was evident along Hibiscus Drive except with the owner of the manor who as always remained aloof and private. As the weeks passed in to the depths of summer Jack would often say hello to Conrad, he would usually stop and watch Jack for a minute without saying anything then cycle on. One particular Saturday Conrad was missing Charlie and his mother Jody, was at wits end with him suggesting things he could do. The seven year old Conrad cycled up and down the road slowly doing three turns around the roundabout and cycling back. On his return leg he saw Jack brining a wheelbarrow of plants out the front gates and was just getting busy with the flower bed to the left of the gates. "Hi Conrad, Charlie playing football?" Jack asked being on first name terms with him now. Conrad stopped his bike "Yes, he is away all day" he replied sounding sad "What are you doing?" he asked. Jack looked up and smiled "Changing some of the plants over" he replied walking over to the wheelbarrow. Conrad watched him for a moment "Why?" he now asked. Jack chuckled "Well these are a little damaged and need nursing in the greenhouse" he replied. "Oh, like a hospital you mean?" Conrad replied leaning over his handle bars showing some interest. "Yeah I suppose you can look at it that way" Jack replied "you can help if you are bored" he offered. Conrad contemplated for a moment "Will I get dirty?" he asked "only you have dirt smudges on your face". Jack laughed shaking his head "Gardening is a dirty job Conrad" he said "your hands might get dirty". Conrad laid his bike down "I don't mind dirty hands" he said "Charlie gets really dirty at football". "Is that why you don't play?" Jack asked watching Conrad sit down beside him. "Yes and I hate playing it" Conrad replied "do I dig holes?" he asked getting excited. Jack was not the kind of person who had time for kids or enjoyed being around them. But there was something different about Conrad and the way he sat diligently watching and listening to Jack talk. A bit of boredom that day lead Conrad down a long term interest in horticulture and a friendship with Jack. He explained about the hibiscus plant and reeling off all the different parts of it, Conrad surprised Jack picking up the information so quickly and able to talk about the plant like he had known about it for years. He proved to be more than competent at treating the plant delicately and planting it correctly. Conrad's mother realised she hadn't seen him cycle past for a couple of hours and frantically ran out of the house and spotting his bike on the grass verge of the roundabout. Jody ran up the road and saw Conrad with a plant in his hand and became anxious and angry that he was digging them up. "Conrad what are doing?" Jody called at him coming to a stop "put it back immediately you naughty boy". Jack came out through the gate carrying some baby plants "It's okay he has been helping" he said. Jody looked at Jack "Sorry I thought for a moment he was digging them up" she said in relief. Jack smiled and picked up the plants Conrad had dug up "Nice job Conrad you got all the root system". "Sorry mum, I didn't mean to scare you" Conrad said standing up looking upset. Jody put her arm around him "You should have told us, you have been gone nearly 2 hours". Jack walked over with a tray of plants "Here Conrad these are for you to grow". "Wow" Conrad said gleefully "thanks" he said smiling. "Your welcome" Jack replied "Next Saturday do you want to help me with the other side?" he asked. Conrad jumped "Oh yes please, can I mum?" he pleaded with her. "Yes" Jody replied then looked at Jack "Are you sure you don't mind Jack?" she asked. "It is a pleasure teaching him" Jack replied "You better get those planted today" he said to Conrad. "Yes I will do" Conrad said walking over to pick his bike up. "Maybe I can come and check on them next Saturday for you?" Jack suggested and Conrad nodded. Conrad thanked him again, his mother was pleased that at last he had shown an interest in something. Over the weeks and months saw a beautiful friendship both with Jack and flowers growing, spending time with Jack who every Saturday got him more and more interested in horticulture and was loving the results watching his own flower bed in the back garden blossoming. A few times Conrad was even lucky enough to be allowed in to the grounds of the manor and the greenhouse where Jack did most of his cultivating. This was only allowed when the owner was away which was quite often. Conrad would sit there watching and asking questions through his growing interest, although never allowed near the manor itself he didn't care and just loved the time there happily pushing the wheelbarrow and help weed the numerous flowering beds around the expansive gardens. Many of the plants towered over Conrad and designed to hide much of the manor house but provide exceptional views from the terrace across the grounds. Jack would walk along and point to a plant asking Conrad the name both in Latin and English. Every birthday and Christmas Jack brought Conrad books on horticulture. By the time Conrad was 11 years old Jack could give him a plant and tell him what plant to put it next to without any further guidance. He also did most of the gardening at his family home now and diligently looked after the flower bed at the front with the abundance of hibiscus plants making some of the neighbours a little jealous. Each house along the road had an hibiscus bed against the pavement, they soon asked Conrad to tend to their flower beds one by one earning him some extra cash. Charlie would occasionally come along and sit chatting to Conrad moving from house to house and also a little jealous that his brother had been inside the manor grounds. Conrad had already made his mind up this is where he saw his future with plants. Once cold Saturday in December when Conrad was 13 years old and Jack had just celebrated his 31st birthday he was with Jack in the greenhouse. The owner was supposed to be out for the day and Conrad was making conversation with Jack when he realised they were not alone. Simon stood at the door to the greenhouse and Conrad turned and saw him properly for the first time ever. "Jack!" he said loudly "Who is this?" Simon asked sounding incredibly angry. Jack dropped the terracotta pot jumping "Simon!" he replied turning quickly "I'm sorry let me explain". Simon looked at Conrad "Get rid of the kid then come to the study" he demanded walking away. Conrad looked frightened "I got you into trouble" he said picking up his coat. Jack laughed "Don't worry Conrad I am not in trouble, he just lacks any social skills" he said laughing. Jack walked Conrad to the gate "I will pop by later and help you with your flower bed" he said. "Thanks and I am sorry" Conrad said again. Jack smiled "You have nothing to be sorry about, don't worry" he said saying good bye to him. Conrad watched the gate close and Jack who stormed across the courtyard opening the front door and banging it shut loudly. He gulped noticing how angry Jack was and it frightened him a little, he saw a side to Jack that he had never seen before. Jack slammed the door shut walking across the entrance hall leaving mud marks on the marble floor in his wake. Jack threw open the study door "What the fuck Simon you rude ignorant person, how dare you" he shouted. Jack banged his fist on the desk "You high and mighty piece of shit frightening that young guy" he ranted on. Simon stood looking out the window "Have you finished?" he asked turning around "bit young even for you". "Your disgusting and I have never been so humiliated in my life" Jack stood there flushed in his face. Simon smirked "Not even when I raped you in the greenhouse for being late one morning?" he asked. Jack walked around and stood in front of Simon "Bastard" he said about to slap Simon. Simon grabbed his hands and pushed him over the desk making light work of Jack's jeans letting them slip to the floor. Simon pulled his cock out and rubbed it against Jack's hole then pushed in full force, Jack moaned through the pain and pleasure his arms sending objects on the desk flying on to the floor 'little slut likes my toxic cock in his ass' Simon said thrusting hard in to Jack. His hips rapidly pumping his cock deep with purpose, he never even hit the five minute mark before he held Jack's shoulders down and grunted planting his viral seed deep inside the gardeners arse. Simon kissed his shoulder "Don't bring anyone on the grounds you know I hate it" he said. Jack pushed his ass back "No, I want you to allow Conrad" he replied standing up. "Why?" Simon asked putting his cock away. "I like teaching him" Jack replied "he is interested in horticulture and very bright" he informed Simon. Simon chuckled "So am I but the kind where I plant my seed" he said slapping Jack's ass. "Your just a dirty old poz man" Jack replied doing up his jeans and smiling at Simon. Simon laughed shaking his head "I'm only 10 years older than you" he replied. "So can I?" Jack asked again sitting on the desk "he has been coming in to the garden for 6 years". "You cheeky bugger" Simon replied looking shocked "who else are you sneaking in to the gardens?". Jack smiled "No one, he is a really nice kid lives at number 8" he replied "I have never seen anyone grow so interested like Conrad". "Is that how all the houses now have nice hibiscus flower beds along the road" Simon asked. Jack nodded and Simon returned to looking out the window "Okay but not in the house" he said. "I would say thank you but gratitude is lost on you" Jack said picking up the items off the floor. "You will pay for that later" Simon said still looking out the window "Bay tree needs attention". Jack walked over and kissed him "Next subject for Conrad to learn about then" he replied and walked out. Standing there looking out of the window Simon smiled watching the reflection of Jack leaving, at 41 he had changed a lot since making his money. From a skinny nerd to a muscular attractive guy well presented but a total devious pig in bed. He was not massively endowed but his seven inches of thick pozzing cock never missed it's target. Simon hosted the occasional sex party for many wealthy London and foreign men to spend a night in private with a guy at the mansion. It was almost like a secret society club, some would fly in from abroad and Simon would often fly to their sex parties. He had no idea how many guys he had converted deliberately or not so as he was never interested in them. They were an arse and it had to be bred. Both Jack and he were not stupid and knew they were highly toxic barebackers and stealthers. Most guys never had seconds or thirds unless they were hot or poz already. Jack was the only person Simon was close to on an intimate level, not partners by any means since they both loved their sexual independence. Sharing a secretive bond ever since Simon pozzed Jack unknowingly years ago, from then on they remained close as friends and fuck buddies. Jack knew Simon inside out and knew what made him tick, he therefore knew Simon could trust him with Conrad. As Conrad grew up understanding more about the world he had some suspicions that underneath Jack was gay, several times he wondered if he was as well since he spent a lot of time with Jack. Quickly burying those thoughts deep in his mind the uncertainty forgotten about, after all Jack was no different from anyone else in his eyes. Shortly after his 16th birthday Conrad was now visiting every Saturday and sometimes Sunday even when Simon was home, he only saw him a few times but never really to speak to since he mostly talked to Jack about changes to the garden. One Saturday morning Conrad came running through the grounds towards the greenhouse holding a letter. Nearly tripping over in his to get inside the greenhouse and screamed excitedly to Jack that he had been accepted on the horticultural course at a local college. Jack was just as excited and swept Conrad up off his feet in a big hug kissing him on the cheek then quickly put him down remembering he was still very young. Jack sat listening to Conrad rattle on about the course and also the prospect of it leading to sitting some of the RHS official exams. A few weeks on and Jack let Conrad tend to the hedges surrounding the pool and sun terrace to the right of the manor. It was very rare he got to see this side of the garden since it was devoid of plants just hedges to protect the terrace. Conrad was snipping away quietly when he heard the strange sound, peering through the hedge out of curiosity he saw Simon laying down on his stomach on a sun lounger. He opened his eyes wide realising his ass was bouncing up and down making slapping noises. Conrad could just make out that a younger guy was underneath Simon making strange noises in between pleads to get bred. Conrad was stuck unable to look away and transfixed on Simon fucking the guy, it was arousing more than just curiosity making Conrad giggle a little too loudly. Conrad jumped out of his skin when Jack tapped him on the shoulder "Come away" Jack said quietly. "Sorry" Conrad immediately apologise "I won't say anything honest" he said looking embarrassed. Jack chuckled "If you do you would no longer be allowed here" he said as a warning. "Do you do that as well?" Conrad asked Jack completely out of the blue. "Err.." Jack was stumped and knew that at 16 Conrad was at very impressionable age. Conrad stared at Jack "I don't mind" he said "you know if you are gay it doesn't bother me". Jack walked with Conrad "With Simon yes" he eventually replied after a pause then looked at Conrad. "Right, so how that does that work with you both if he is bonking someone now?" Conrad asked. Jack burst out laughing "Get older then I will happily explain" he said "but your too young now". "But are you together?" Conrad asked catching up with Jack. Jack smiled "Not really, we just have a very close bond and a sexual love for each other" he replied. Conrad looked up at him "I really don't mind you being gay" he casually said easing the tension. Jack smiled at him "Good" he replied "I really like our little friendship we have and teaching you" he said. "Me to" Conrad said "you still got a shit load to teach me". "God that school you go to has taught you some bad language" Jack replied then laughed. Jack got his phone out and read the message "Oh, we have been summoned" he said. Conrad looked scared "Surely he doesn't know I saw them?" he asked "is he going to ban me?" he panicked. "Don't be silly Conrad" Jack said reassuringly "Simon maybe many things but he is reasonable". They walked back to the greenhouse and put away the tools and gloves then walked up towards the manor, he was half excited having never been inside but also bricking himself with anxiety and nerves about why they had been summoned. Conrad was amazed by the kitchen where they both took their boots off then walked through and across the large entrance hall towards the lounge where Simon was waiting. Simon nodded to them both walking him "I will cut to the chase what did you see?" he asked Conrad. Conrad looked at Simon "You want the truth or what I should say?" Conrad asked nervously. It certainly stumped Simon and he looked to Jack "What did he see?" he asked. "You know what he saw, I sent him there to clip the hedges "Jack replied rolling his eyes. Simon looked at Conrad "Whatever I saw goes not further than here" Conrad said looking at Simon. It was the most surreal experience, Simon was very imposing with an air of absolute confidence standing there. Conrad did wonder if this front was an intimidation tactic to try and break him. But Conrad was becoming very confident in his own way and stood there staring back at Simon, it was like they were playing to see who would blink or crack first. Simon chuckled and smiled "Drink both of you?" he asked walking and not waiting for an answer. Jack called out Simon "He knows about you and me" causing Simon to turn looking rather differently this time. Simon fetched them both a soda from the fridge and watched Jack put his arm around Conrad's shoulder looking at the two cactus growing in the kitchen. Simon had to admit he actually found it adorable that Jack had taken Conrad under his wings and in the process grew to be good friends. It was some months after and a bit of badgering from Jack that Simon turned a blind eyes to Conrad being in the grounds of Hibiscus Manor. Out of the blue one day Simon invited Conrad to dinner with Jack and himself, his parents a little sceptical at first knowing the rumours of Simon being gay but allowed it since Jack was also going to be there. Conrad dressed in shirt and trousers pressed the button and the wrought iron gates swung open, Jack was at the door to meet him and took him through to the lounge for a drink before dinner. "Welcome Conrad" Simon said standing up "I'm glad you could join us". "It was hit and miss until they knew Jack was going to be here" Conrad said sitting down. Simon looked a little confused "Why Jack?" he asked curiously. "Oh they don't know he is gay" Conrad said taking them both by pleasant surprise. Jack handed Conrad a coke "You haven't told them I am gay?" he asked. "No" Conrad replied "they would have stopped me being friends with you" he said "you know the age thing". They both laughed "You certainly are extraordinary Conrad" Simon replied feeling more relaxed. Dinner became an almost regular thing several times a year, Simon still kept very guarded around Conrad mostly due to his age. Conrad would talk about his current girlfriend laughing at the vomiting sounds Jack and Simon would make. It was seeing them together that Conrad saw how much affection Simon and Jack had for each other and a few times it even made him a little jealous, why? Conrad thought and simply put it down to Simon having something with Jack that he couldn't. Jack continued teaching him and even offered to help out with Conrad's tuition fees but he point blank refused telling him he liked his independence and making his own way in life. They loved hearing about Conrad and Charlie growing up but he would not reveal the only real way to tell them apart and they would have to find that out. Outside of those dinners Conrad hardly saw or engaged in any conversation with Simon, when he did Simons was always pleasant enough by still very dismissive of him. Conrad was doing exceptionally well at college and applied for one of the most prestigious and expensive courses run by the RHS in Botany Science. The week of his 18th birthday Conrad was invited by Simon for dinner at the manor. He tried and got a taste very quickly for champagne. Conrad sat down to dinner only this time it was a very different meal, caviar, lobster and steak were all on the menu. The caviar he didn't like but the Lobster Etoufee starter intrigued him at first then taking a small mouthful Simon watched his eyes light up with the flavours dancing across his tongue. Toasting his 18th birthday it didn't take long for Simon broach the subject of how to tell him apart from his twin and Conrad knew it was going to come as some point having gone on for nearly a year now. Conrad chuckled "I am Charlie by the way, Conrad is out with his girlfriend so I stood in for him". Simon sat there quietly amused but really unsure "Dam" he said "I am trying to think of something to ask". Jack chuckled "You are Conrad" he said rubbing his eye smiling. "You know?" Conrad asked laughing "how long have you known?". Jack smiled "I think when you turned 9 and Charlie came out to help with the flower bed" he replied. Simon looked at them both "Tell me or Jack pays for it later?" he said winking at Jack. "Disgusting you two" Conrad said laughing "I have brown eyes and Charlie has blue" he confessed. In many ways Simon had regretted not getting to know Conrad earlier like Jack had, he loved how uncanny Jack and Conrad had become evolving their own mannerisms and happily gardening away together laughing and joking all the time. When Simon had a fuck over they would often get put off by the laughter coming from the flower beds. Now though with Conrad having turned 18 Simon would often walk to where they were telling them to be quiet and finally engaging in conversation with Conrad. It became evident that Simon had always played it cool and distant to protect himself and Conrad from any rumours. At 19 he had bloomed in to a stunning young guy, clever and incredibly knowledgeable about flora and fauna after completing three years at college. Over the years Jack had continued taking pictures of Conrad gardening often sending them to Jody who kept them in an album along with pictures she would take of Charlie at football. It was after dinner just before his 20th birthday the three of them sat on the sofa with Jack running through the pictures. Not only did it show Conrad going from a novice to capable gardener it was also a timeline of him growing up over the eight years. The younger Conrad showed a shy playfulness then older Conrad showed how more confident he was and many of the pictures captured him looking directly in to Jack's eyes. Indeed Conrad who sat there with them was a very different person who had grown in to his looks. Simon suggested that Jack and Conrad find the best picture from each year and he would get them printed to put up in his study. Conrad agreed on one condition that he could have a picture of all three of them together, unsuspectingly Simon agreed and within days the picture was hung in the study and a copy given to Conrad. Three weeks after the picture was taken Jack fell to his first bout of serious illness, it took a couple of months to clear up. He knew it was his body reacting to his reluctance to take medication. He had lost a little weight and Simon had moved him in to the manor to look after him until he was fit and well again. Conrad knew he was sick and was told he had a viral infection that would take a while to clear from his body. He would come round in the evenings and take Jack outside for some fresh air and walk round the garden with him slowly. Simon watched from the study window unable to fathom Conrad out for a straight person, he was clearly quite attached to Jack, well they almost grown up together apart from the age difference. It was clear that Jack had an astonishing influence on Conrad and he treated Jack like an older brother. He spent a few days at the start of the summer holiday with Jack cramming in more knowledge and reading through books. Simon brought them a drink to the terrace, Conrad promised to have dinner with them tomorrow evening before he went to visit his aunt in London. Jack stood to walk with Conrad and they hugged at the gates of the manor, Conrad didn't know why he did it but it just felt right he leaned in and kissed Jack on the cheek then hugged him again 'see you tomorrow' he said and walked along the road. It took Jack by surprise at first and it just reaffirmed how much Conrad meant to him. Simon had made his peace with his decision not to take meds, he knew the dangers but the thrill of having the power with a high viral load against neg guys lead him down a sometimes dark and very devious route. Jack was no different and even more prolific when it came to fucking guys and planting his seed. It was a side to him that Conrad knew nothing about that in the evenings Jack would cruise around notorious parks or hook up sites which always paid off. In private away from the manor Jack was never short of perverts who wanted converting. That first bout of serious illness that Jack fell to signalled a ticking time bomb to Simon and he knew Jack was not going to be around forever. It had never bothered either of them previously but Simon couldn't help thinking about how Conrad was going to react if he was still around and found out about Jack in particular. As it turned out Simon even missed Conrad's cheery disposition and laughter around the grounds during the two weeks he was in London.
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  44. Oliver roused from bed the next morning with a waiting text. It was doug, and he wanted to see him for another checkup. throwing the sheet off his body he grimaced as he noticed his nipples were puffy, more pronounced. his usual morning wood was flaccid as he reached down to give his dick a few pumps. thinking of his girlfriend produced no measurable effect as he sighed heavily. "maybe later today buddy" he thought to himself, trying to shrug off Treys description of the powerful hormone inside him. reaching down to his balls he gasped. They were getting smaller, just like Trey had said they would. Oliver leaped to his feet and headed to the bathroom. shucking his underwear off he turned to face the mirror and gripped his firm ass cheeks, spreading them as he had so many times for Doug. his once little asshole had changed too. the pink ring was thicker, almost puffy. you could obviously tell someone had been fucking Ollie regularly. he flexed his hole a few times curiously. The more he thought about it, the more it did seem to look inviting. Olivers expression faded from fear to shock and confusion. Doug wasnt just intent on changing him, giving him a pussy as he affirmed so many times, he was actually doing it. Olivers body was slowly changing to suit the older mans every need. at first he couldnt seem to cum without the fucking, and now his whole body seemed to crave it. Oliver had grown to enjoy the potent narcotics and powerful orgasms Doug forced from him. By the time the boy managed to arrive at the clinic it was nearly 1:00. Trey called him back almost instantly and before he left, gave Oliver a hug and a kiss. "youre doing perfect sweetie. I know how you feel. My first time with all this was so different. i didnt know what to think, but it really is for the best. Youre going to love your pussy so much Ollie you wont know what you ever did without it." Trey smiled and left the boy in the room. "there he is!" chimed Doug as he entered the room, his warm smile always seemed to put oliver at ease somehow despite repeatedly being violated by the mans cock. "Ollie youre doing amazing. how do you feel?" doug turned to the counter to prepare the injections for the boy. "fine i guess, i have a real bad headache though" Doug smiled as he confirmed the boy was slowly becoming dependent on his fun little injections. oliver stripped off his shirt and as he began undoing his pants he paused. He was stripping. Doug was right again, his body knew exactly what it wanted and Oliver just seemed to be along for the ride. "oh im sorry baby you just need your medicine is all. Did trey tell you? you need to take it every day so you feel good. I make sure all my boys get all their shots. do the shots make you feel nice ollie?" doug set the two needles on the tray next to the boy as he began fondling his prick, confirming the boy stayed soft as intended. "well, um, yeah the first one feels really really nice. like im floating or something. it makes everything feel swell" ollie obediently held his arm out as doug chided him, "no no baby, vitamins first, then its time for your special medicine." Ollie remembered Doug administering the estrogen into his ass cheek and began to protest as the doctor swabbed him again. "i dont want to be a girl!" he blurted in fear. Would doug even listen this time? his heart sank in his chest as doug pushed the needle into him and administered itts contents with a chuckle. "baby no thats not what we're doing at all. Im giving you a pretty poz boy pussy ollie, just changing a bit of this and a bit of that, and turning that hole between your legs into the only thing you need to care about. see?" Doug pumped the teens flaccid cock a few times, giving the head a nice slurp, but to no effect. "see baby? soft now. you dont have to be worried about having to fuck anymore. You take big strong man cocks and thats so much easier. A real man knows how to fuck you just right ollie, i promise." doug tied the tubing around the boys raised arm as Ollie pumped his fist. "okay" he mumbled. If doug said it was normal he had to be right, i mean, he was the doctor after all. "little stick" doug smiled at the boy as he emptied the syringe. "here we go ollie, just a little more than last time, go nice and high for me sweetie." doug pulled off the tubing and ollie gasped as his eyes rolled back into his head and he clutched the exam table. Doug stripped his clothes off and placed the teens fingers around his thick cock. "look at the nice big cock ollie." "the teens droopy eyes met dougs tool and he smiled. "helloooooo" he cooed as he began pumping dougs stiff cock. "today youre going to learn how to service the nice big cock ollie. Real men always know how to fuck your boypussy right, but its good manners to help them inside you." Ollie giggled as doug opened the boys other hand and squirted a glob of lube into his palm, then on dougs leaking cockhead. "that a boy ollie, smear it around my cock. and take this hand..." doug pushed the completely wasted boys lube filled palm toward his own ass, "and work that slippery goo into yourself." Ollie looked confused for a moment. "like this" doug pushed a digit into ollies hole, eliciting a moan. "fingers in your pussy ollie, be a good boy." Oliver nodded as he worked the mans tool in one hand, and fed his fingers into his asshole moaning like a bitch in heat. It was the first time the boy had dared to explore his private little hole on his own. He certainly never would have dreamed of doing it before he met doug, and yet now he seemed captivated. his fingers danced inside, pleasuring the teen as he remembered doug did so many times before. Doug watched the intoxicated boy loosen himself for a few minutes, slowly becoming more and more greedy. after 3 fingers he pulled his hand away. "I know it feels good baby but its not fair when a man needs to fuck you." Olliver looked down sympathetically, "oh god im sorry uh...um...here!" he lifted his legs in a flash, "here! now you can fuck" ollie smiled. as doug laid back next to him. "now ollie its rude to tell a big strong man to fuck you. He knows your pussy needs his cock so you need to show some respect, otherwise he might decide to fuck another boypussy" Ollie seemed to panic for a minute. His asshole was thirsty for the mans poz prick, but somehow he had made too many mistakes. Doug was right, he couldnt just go around telling a real man like doug to fuck him. "its okay ollie, thats why we're practicing. When you get your pretty pink pussy youll know just what to do. climb up onto my lap" Ollie obediently straddled the man and waited with bated breath. "that a boy, now take the big fat cock and push it against your hole for me. Careful now, its full of cum so you have to treat it right" Ollie gingerly reached between his legs and as if lifting the most precious thing in the world, slid dougs drooling cockhead to rest against his hole. "now ease it inside you. dont worry sweetie when you do this with more big men, youll have a perfect pussy. big man cocks love pussies that are just right." doug smiled at the boy and rested his hands on his hips. Olivers took a deep breath and bracing for the worst, was pleasantly surprised to find his body once again welcomed dougs poison tool like a close friend. "holy shit i did it" oliver thought to himself with a grin. "I did it!" he beamed, feeling the thick hairs on dougs balls tickling his butt. "There you go ollie I knew you could do it. now say thank you." Oliver felt Doug flex inside him and blurted a grateful appreciation. He had no idea until now just how precious these big cocks were. So many men probably went around without a single pussy to fuck, certainly not average guys without Dougs skilled training. "they must be miserable" oliver thought to himself as he began to ride Dougs girth. looking down he saw his lower abdomen gently bulge with each stroke. "my tummy" he remarked, stroking his abs. "its okay baby thats just your body making room for lots and lots of nice big cock. Ride it how you like baby." Like a teen with his first drivers license, oliver apprehensively impaled himself on the mans prick, concentrating on its angle, its girth, and reaching down from time to time to stroke his hole in sheer disbelief. Doug watched the teen slowly progress from gentle strokes to hungrily pounding his cunt like a whore, grunting and groaning, fondling his soft cock. "baby no, cum with your hole not this little thing" doug chuckled. Oliver smiled and nodded as he remembered dougs big cock was all he needed to cum. He was right, taking mancock really was the easiest thing in the world. oliver threw his head back as his cock dribbled a small stream of his own cum down his own balls. "i...didnt shoot" he remarked curiously. "no ollie, all boys can cum when they fuck, but only a real man shoots his cum. yours just dribbles a little. Keep riding sweetie we're almost there" Oliver redoubled his pace thinking of how dougs powerful cock shot thick ropes of seed. "so cool" he thought. in the fog of narcotics it just seemed to make sense. not having a big man cock meant not shooting like a big man does. doug growled and gripped Olivers hips tightly as he drove him down on his throbbing cock. "I did it!! i made you cum in me!" oliver proudly remarked as he gasped. "youre shooting!" doug stroked the boys thighs. "thats right ollie, im filling you up nice and full. doesnt that feel good?" "oliver nodded slowly as Doug toyed and teased the boys sensitive nipples, making him squirm on his dick. Lifting the teen Doug laid him down on his back and smiled. "you did such a good job I just have to give you more cum baby. a few more nice big squirts in your guts" Doug ran his fingertips across olivers belly, eliciting a giggle and a nod as he resumed driving into the boy. Just a few days ago this boy was probably no different than any other, but with dougs steady hand, he had slowly become a personal cumdumpster.
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  45. ollies hips slid back and forth on the table as doug began to slam harder into the slender teens sensitive ass. "oh no, unggghhh" ollie moaned as he saw the cum dribbling from his pink cockhead. Doug was in complete control of his body, as the mans thick veined cock coaxed another load from olivers comparatively smaller prick. "thats it ollie its better to cum with your pussy. That cock isnt big enough to really satisfy anyone anyway." maybe doug had a point. Ollie felt almost ashamed thinking of his dick compared to Dougs bulbous tool. it was big, powerful, and it could make the boys body do whatever doug wanted. His ass completely surrendered at its touch, and its full length managed to force the boy to cum whether he wanted to or not. Oliver felt helpless as doug sighed, driving himself all the way to the balls in the boy ollie grunted at the mass inside him. "boy cocks dont cum inside holes ollie, but this? this is a man cock sweetie. its a tool. a schlong. I know you dont understand with your little prick but real men fuck deep and they cum deep." Ollie felt humiliated as he watched doug pound his guts into submission. doug came inside last time, he thought. "maybe hes right, maybe thats just what big cocks always do." ollie dreamily wondered to himself as Doug growled above him. "take the seed baby, take up your pussy nice and deep" doug held still as his heavy balls pumped a fresh warm batch of poz cum into the teens loose cunt. Oliver looked down to see dougs big cock kicking inside his guts, painting his pussy with thick gooey streaks of hot white viral jizz. "wow" he whispered breathlessly. "you did just great ollie so i have a little treat for you" Doug slid his dick out of the boy and admired his handiwork. Olivers pink hole was gaped for all to see. his tender pink insides churned gently as the boy panted, decorated with Dougs poison cream like a delicious little strawberry cobbler. Doug zipped his pants and left the boy in a puddle of cum. oliver sat in the room for what seemed like a drug filled eternity. the only sounds were his heavy breathing, and the occasional drip of dougs seed from his hole onto the cold tile floor. he felt miserable thinking about how easily Doug had ignored his pleas, how ineffective any sort of reasoning was from him. Maybe doug was right. the only thing that seemed to reasonably work out lately was happening when the older mans dick was dominating him. he couldnt satisfy his girlfriend anymore. not that it mattered, his cowardice kept him from ever telling her about these little visits. he couldnt even keep his own body from cumming on the mans bloated tool. and he said it. doug finally got him to say it. "pussy" ollie croaked despondently as he watched the door swing open with the smiling older man and his perky nurse in tow. "there we go. Ollie I want you to try taking more cum, can you take a little more while i fix up some vitamins for you?" oliver sighed, covering his leaking cunt in embarassment. Trey had disrobed, revealing his waifish figure, well defined abdominals, puffy pink areolas and caged cock. "once we give you that nice pussy ollie, youll be just like Trey. see how happy he is to meet you?" Doug unlocked the boys cage and began to fondle his cock to hardness. "Trey has a wonderful pussy ollie, so he doesnt fuck boys." Doug deposited a dollop of lube on the moaning nurses cock. "but just this once, hes going to give you a nice little load of his seed. we need to keep you nice and full ollie to make the best pussy." Doug guided trey into ollies sopping hole. "fuck the pretty hole now trey." Ollie took the boy with no effort, noting his similarly sized cock and curiously smaller testicles. "you feel really good inside ollie" trey remarked. "i dont know if ill last long at all" the boy sheepishly confided. "thats okay" the sticky boy blurted thoughtlessly. Oliver watched the doctor prepare a larger syringe and immediately began to worry. the first round of dougs love potion was still doing its job, easing the boy from head to toe, slowing his thoughts and making him an obedient fuck toy. surely doug didnt intend to give him any more of the stuff. "hold nice and still now ollie, these are just some vitamins to help your body" the doctor pushed the needle into the boys ass cheek and dumped its contents. to olivers relief, he didnt seem to feel any different at all. "you pretty boys just keep fucking. ill be right back" Doug slipped out of the room as trey gently stroked Olivers chest and played with his nipples. "what was that?" oliver asked trey curiously. "depo" the boy sighed, making gentle thrusts into the warm hole as he tried his best to fight off a long postponed orgasm. "provera...er...its estrogen ollie." The boy registered the exotic words but couldnt seem to connect any of the dots. "i take it too. doug gives it to all his boys. too much makes you...well it turns you into a girl. Doug gives you just enough to make you...different i guess" Oliver didnt understand. The shot felt nothing at all like the strong cocktail he received earlier. "different?" oliver asked. "youll feel it after a while. it makes your nipples a little puffy and really sensitive. your skin gets softer and you dont cum much at all." ollies jaw went slack. "it makes your balls smaller. sometimes it keeps my dick from getting hard, but i dont mind." "thats horrible" ollie sympathetically replied. "oh not at all" trey giggled. "i dont usually ever fuck a real man. I mean could you imagine? heh, im not going to do much with this little thing." trey smiled. "Doug gave me a pussy so I can make sure big strong men always have somewhere warm to cum in." ollie nodded. Doug did seem to really enjoy cumming inside him. "im poz too, but i dont tell anybody. one time I hooked up with a married guy at an amusement park and he asked, so i just said i was neg." ollie listened intently as Trey began to speed up. "yeah, he was all like 'I need a condom i cant do this without a condom' and it was so silly. I never ever use condoms. So i said to him, 'well can you just maybe tease my hole a little???' and he actually did it!" Trey sounded like he won the lottery as he continued fucking. "do you want to come too?" he offered, fisting the teens cock. "so anyway thats the trick ollie. once you have a really good pussy, all you have to do is get just the head started. big strong men cant ever resist a boy pussy. he totally lost it after he felt mine, and I didnt have to do anything else, he just fucked and fucked and filled me right up. just...like....nngh...this!" Trey pushed deep into the boy and began unloading. Oliver felt a sense of disappointment. compared to Dougs rod, this was just unremarkable. Trey wasnt doing any of the things to his body that doug could. Oliver tensed his abs as he came once more around the nurses softening cock, emptying the last of his balls onto his lower abdominals in a slow stream. as Trey locked himself back in the cage and pulled his trousers up he turned one last time to remark to ollie, "oh and whatever you do, dont miss your appointment! you need to make sure doug gives you a nice big shot of that happy medicine and your estrogen from now on or you feel sick."
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  46. I was 14 and I used to wank when I came in from school. On two days a week my brother went to football practice after school and that was the only time I ever had the house to myself. One day I pushed a candle up my arse and loved it. As I got older, the candles got bigger and thicker until I finally took a cock up my arse in a public toilet in the north of Glasgow, not long after I turned 18.
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  47. Once I was getting fucked in a salt water pool and after a while I started feeling more and more full, so I told the guy fucking me I thought he was fucking the pool water into me. He got a devilish grin on his face and said “That’s not water”. 😮 😈 I got so hard and started fucking myself on his cock with everything I had. I wanted his piss and his cum.
    1 point
  48. Justin felt poppers being placed under his nose again as he moaned and whimpered on the pillow. The assault continued on his hole and the thick dildo was seven inches in now. Then the assault stopped and the guy said, hand me the long one. His second ring is not opening, just tried arched his back a little and after the guy lubed up the long dildo just felt it slide inside him and it went deep quickly and then the guy rammed it in and then pulled almost all the way out and rammed it deep again and again and finally his second hole opened and the dildo slide deep! Justin lost his breath as the dildo started to massage him deep inside. His moans became louder and soft OMG that feels so good started to ease out of his lips. The guy left the dildo deep and slowly loved it and then after a few minutes withdrew it and then let his second hold close and started over. This time the hole did not resist at all but opened up welcoming the dildo. The guy kept withdrawing and re-entering and then finally withdrew completely. Justin's hole started to twitch and pulsate but it was not long before the really big dildo was shoved back in his cunt. Justin pushed his ass back and the guy said, nice fucking hungry whore we have here. The huge dildo hit the second ring and stopped again but the guy twisted it right and then left with pressure against it and the pulled out and shoved it against the second ring and the soft spot he felt on the right and the ring have way and the head started to press in and then he pulled out and did it again. This time it almost made it through and then the finial push the head of the dildo popped in and the immediately pulled it out and shoved it back in and did this three more times as Justin lost his breath. The guy finally shoved it deep and massaged it back and fourth twisting it around a little and Justin was moaning and then he heard the door. Some sounds and then clothes dropping and the guy with the dildo continued until one of the guy tapped his shoulder. Heard the guys say, that slut is ready. The guy sounded black just thought. The guys with the dildo slowly withdrew the dildo and the black guy took his place and slapped Justin's ass with a fat huge dick and then slowly rubbed it on his hole slowly opening up his cunt with the fat head and then pulled it up and he did this over and over and finally left it there and slowly started to slide in, good fucking pussy boy the black guy said. Just felt so full and it felt so much better then either dildo and then the guy his his second hole and he stopped and pressed and he slowly popped the head of his dick inside and Justin loudly moaned omg that's it fuck me please! I have never felt so goo inside! That's what all white pussy says the moment they feel a BBC stretching and re-arranging their cunt. Does not mater if it is pussy or ass cunt they both work the same! He told Justin to arch his back and get ready for some real fucking as he drove his 11" dick back and fourth in his cunt Justin went in and out of pain and pleasure. This went on for twenty minutes as he picked up the pace he took one deep trust and unloaded his cum in the boys deep ass. Justin could feel flex after flex while the guys made this deep and guttural moan as Justin accepted every drop of his cum. He pulled back some but left his dick in the boy ass and fucked him for another minute and then slowly slide his dick out. He thanked the guys and said this slut would be worth fucking again and got dressed while another guy, back got in place and slide inside Justin's well used hole and fucked him for twenty minutes jack hammering him till he shot his load in the boy. That dick had to be 10 " not as thick. Then a third guy got in place and slapped Justin ass and he snapped his fingers and the guys went into motion and one gave Jason a straw to drink the other slide two fingers under the big dick resting on Justin's Lilly white ass and slit two rocks in him and then poppers were presented as the black guy rubbed his dick on Justin's hole while he spread his ass wide. Justin, wanted his dick so bad and having him rub that slab of meat across his hole only made just even hornier and then a guy told Justin to open his mouth and a ball gag was slide into place and fasted on. Justin was flying but knew this fuck is going to be very different.
    1 point
  49. Justin bolted out the door and headed to the address and there was a note on the door. He opened it and the note read: Fuck toy, the door is open. Come in and drop your clothes but leave the jock on. There is a twin mattress on the floor and a blindfold and poppers on it. Face away from the door and get on all four with ass pointing to the door. Put the blindfold on and take the hit the poppers six to eight times. Justin opened the door and it was pretty dark but entered and took his clothes off and his eyes started to adjust and he could see the mattress and he knelt down and got on all four picking up the poppers and the blindfold and slipped on the blindfold and started hitting the poppers. His ass was already tingling and the poppers only intensified it. He waiting and nothing happened, he hit the poppers again and then he felt a hand on his ass. It traced his ass and found his crack and then rubbed his hole and slide a finger inside. Justin moaned. Just felt a coolness as his ass was being lubed up and then another finger slide in, now two fingers were fucking his hole. Oh yea that;s it Justin moaned. Justin felt another hand, this time at his head and then a straw and Justin did not have to be dole to drink, it was as nasty as last time but Justin remembered how he felt afterward last time and he sucked it all down and within minutes he was relaxed and zoned as the guy slipped a pillow under his chest and took his left arm and then his right out from under him and then curled them back behind his back and tied them together. The guy fingering Just had slipped two nice rocks up Justin without him feeling it. Justin soon was flying. The two guys both pulled back and Justin was ass up chest in a pillow and flying. Then Justin heard the door and clothes drop and then a hand on his ass and again the guy felt his ass and found his pucker and slide a really thick finger in him. Justin moaned, then another finger and this guy was rough. Finger fucked him for three to four minutes and then pulled out and lubed up his dick and slide in the boy. Fuck that was on fat dick Justin thought, it may be bigger than the other dick he fell in love with earlier tonight. The guy fucked Justin for a minute and spit on his back and said slut open that cunt. Justin tried to open up more but the guy did not seem pleased and pulled out and then Justin felt pressure on his hole and the force became more intense. Poppers appeared at Justin's nose and the guy said fucked you are gonna give me what I want, breath and relax that fucking hole. The pressure subsided and Justin heard a guy say here this one should help hit him open and then you can just that huge one on him. The pressure continued and Justin took a few breaths and the head popped it, fuck that felt good he thought and then the guy started pushing and the dildo seemed to get thicker as he went in. Justin moaned and the guy kept working his hole with the tapered dildo and at first two inches and then three and Just was not taking four inches and his hole was stretching to take the thickness, The guy started pulling it all the way out and shoving it back in and then again and again and after five minutes Justin had seven inches inside him and he was moaning like a bitch in heat. The guy pulled out the dildo and Justin felt so empty and then he felt the other dildo and this time he was stretched enough that the pressure and resistance gave in after a minute and this thick dildo stretched him open one, two and now bottoming out at three inches. Then the guy said I knew you would fucking open up. Then the guy told the other two, the boy needs something to drink and a little something to lift the mood. The dildo eased out and a straw appeared at his mouth and fingers started to probe and Justin got two more rocks and some more g. The dildo worked back into Justin's hole and Justin moaned and said more please more!
    1 point
  50. For fucking purposes, I couldn't care less. Though I will admit that on one occasion I met up with a guy (can't remember *how* I met him, but it might have been in a mall restroom the first time) and it later turned out - between meeting him for drinks and fucking him in his office - that he was 1. an Ivy League professor, 2. a delegate to the Republican convention and 3. a toupee wearer... the combination kind of left me gobsmacked and not particularly interested in a repeat encounter LOL
    1 point
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