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  1. Part 24 - Hopes and Fears The gusts of wind pushed the rain horizontally feeling like pin pricks constantly hitting his face, no matter how good his coat was it could not compete with the rain falling so heavily and he could feel patches of his skin getting wet. The lightning and thunder came with more frequency, the thunder loud and rumbling across the dark sky. Charlie checked his watch, it was nearly 8pm or 1am in the UK. Tiredness overtaking him he wondered what the hell he was doing here, why he even had the urge to get on a flight and travel all this way. To do what? he asked himself. His thought distracted by the headlights of a car turning in to the driveway. The water pouring down the sleeve of his coat and running off his fingertips made him feel so cold, way out of his depth and regretting his action ready to bolt out of sight. His legs would not move and at the precise moment of no return he found himself frozen to the spot, he needed to play this out once and for all. Carrington could not make out who it was, he could see they obviously had prepared for the weather wearing the dark coat. Immediately he thought it was his ex again and was going to start pleading with him to get back together. At least one thing in his life never went away, maybe he was ready to restart this relationship but on a different playing field and new rules. Inside he was not in any fit state to even contemplate anything like this, he was upset and felt depressed even moody taking some of it out on Jose. Thankfully Jose was on top of this and knew the reason so took it with a pinch of salt, not only his Executive Assistant but also a friend he could confide in without judgement. The car moved slowly and the hooded figure turned to watch him pull up to the front. Carrington looked again but could not see who it was, it definitely looked like his ex and he banged the steering wheel knowing he didn't want this right now. Or maybe he was in the right frame of mind for a good old fashioned argument, grabbing his gym bag and opening the door he quickly exited running across to the porch. The hood moved and the face looked at him, Carrington registered the familiar face but failed to untangle in his head who it was in his moody state. Putting the key in the lock "Go home I don't want to see you" he said abruptly opening the door. "Carrington" Charlie spoke managing to find his voice, his body trembling from the cold rain. Carrington stopped and turned towards him "Charlie!" his voice going up an octave in surprise. He was completely frozen and recognised the wet face looking at him. Charlie pulled the hood down nervously, his hands shaking still dripping with water. The silence interrupted by bursts of heavy rain and thunder, they stood looking at each other. Charlie completely afraid and Carrington shocked to find him standing on his doorstep unable to believe what his eyes saw. "It's wet out here" Charlie said stating the obvious and trying to judge Carrington's reaction Carrington was completely lost for words "Yeah, it's raining" he replied staring at Charlie. "What are you doing here?" Carrington asked after another awkward silence. A drop of water ran down Charlie's face "I have no idea" he replied shaking. Charlie was beginning to feel deflated after expecting Carrington to sweep him off his feet in joy, what he was getting from him was the opposite. He couldn't tell what Carrington was feeling, Charlie didn't know that Carrington was still stumped and shocked by Charlie's appearance out of the blue and he couldn't think or make any sense of it. Now it was Charlie's turn to feel the rejection, seeing the self assured Carrington lost for words stirred a feeling within Charlie. He was a man, but crazy as it was Charlie couldn't suppress the feelings that Carrington had dug up and brought to the surface. Charlie stepped back "It was a mistake, I misjudged things, you" he said turning to leave. "You expect me to embrace you with open arms Charlie?" Carrington asked finding his voice. Charlie pulled the hood up "No, wanted you to" he admitted with his voice trailing off. Charlie walked away passing the car and slowly walking down the driveway in the pouring the rain. Carrington pushed away all his confused thoughts and watched the one person he loved and wanted walking away. Impulsively he ran down the drive coming to a stop in front of Charlie. "I told you I will marry you and you doubted it" Carrington said smiling, "Now look at you". Charlie stared at him watching the rain trickling down his face "Are you in love with me?". Carrington nodded "You know I am Charlie. Why? Who knows, it happened and I want you". Carrington stepped forward and raised his hands lowering the hood, he saw a glint in Charlie's eyes and he smiled briefly. Carrington gazed at him moving his face forward until their lips touched. Carrington felt Charlie respond to his kiss, and quickly he wrapped his arms around Charlie and lifted him off the ground carrying him back to the house. Carrington put him down and closed the front door and started taking his wet clothes off. Charlie was still trembling but more from nerves and wondering what the future would now hold, right now he could only see in to the next few minutes and everything hinged on if he could do this. Carrington handed Charlie a towel "I am never going to let you go Charlie" he said undressing. Charlie dried his face "I know" he replied holding the towel against his face. Carrington smiled. "I have put everything on hold to find you" Charlie said, "Even the navy". Carrington wiped his face "You broke a bit of my heart every time I was in England" he said. Charlie ran his hand across Carrington's cheek and chin "I will fix it" he said softly. Carrington smiled and looked at Charlie's hand "Technically we are still engaged" he laughed. "Slow down" Charlie said, "I am still thrown by all this, confused but drawn here" he exclaimed. "You do know Charlie" Carrington replied, "I know you feel this between us" he said confidently. Charlie nodded causing water to trickle down his face "I had to find you, find out for real". The storm raged on shorting the power to the neighbourhood "Usually happens" Carrington said. He felt Charlie's body "You need a hot bath" Carrington said. "Carrington, I don't know how to do this with a man" Charlie spoke quiet and timidly. Carrington kissed him "One step at a time, there is no rush now I have you" he replied. Carrington took Charlie upstairs through the darkness in to the bedroom and then bathroom, he quickly found some candles and ran the bath and left Charlie to get himself warmed up. Carrington fetched a bottle of wine and two glasses along with several more candles then returned to the bathroom and sat on the floor next to the bath, lighting the candles and spreading them out then handing Charlie a glass of wine. They sat for several hours whilst Charlie soaked in the hot water, one hand on the side of the bath his fingers entwinned with Carrington's. In many ways it was the biggest decision Charlie had faced, getting Serena to be his girlfriend was easy and less daunting. This was a step in the other direction he never saw coming, but the interestingly sexy American man that sat mostly naked by his side had thrown him into chaos. In a strange turn of emotional thinking that brought clarity was Conrad, he knew what his twin would do in this situation, in fact he had done. Thinking about Conrad lifted his spirits and confidence and in a way he was able to see Carrington in a different light, as sure as the rain was wet an instinct in his head and heart told him it has always been there, his ability to love a man. It wasn't going to be any man just this one. Carrington topped Charlie's glass up and smiled at the young man who had stopped trembling. "I can't believe you flew all the way here" Carrington said softly leaving back against the wall. Charlie rolled his head to face Carrington "I felt so guilty" he said. Carrington cock his head to one side "About what?" he asked rubbing Charlie's fingers. "The way I behaved to you at the wedding" Charlie replied, "I'm sorry, I freaked out". Carrington smiled "Figured it was having your family around" he suggested. Charlie nodded "That and I was unsure what you would do in public to me" he confessed. "You are going to have to face up to me showering you with love in public" Carrington said. Charlie rested his head back against the towel cushioning his head "I might let you". Carrington laughed "Cocky little thing aren't you" he said, "Dam I love you Charlie". Carrington sat there and watched Charlie who kept nodding off, the power was returned and he helped Charlie dry off and put him to bed. Feeling lightheaded Carrington realised the whole turn of events this evening meant he had forgotten to eat and had been drinking wine. He climbed in to bed turning the light off laying next to Charlie he refrained from touching him for the moment understanding that he was probably emotionally wrecked and shattered. He turned to look at Charlie and smiled knowing if one person could make him happy he was lying in bed with him right now. Carrington picked up his phone and sent a brief text to Simon telling him Charlie was in Atlanta with him and okay. He guessed that Charlie probably hadn't told anyone what he was doing and they might panic come morning. Carrington laid in bed watching the lightning still streaking through the sky, the rain had all but stopped. Charlie mumbled turning over to face Carrington cuddling up to him, his hand running softly up along Carrington's chest coming to a stop by his neck. Carrington slipped an arm under Charlie's neck cradling his head, he snuggled closer to Carrington, his breathing steady and hypnotically calm easing Carrington in to a deep sleep. Simon walked down the stairs reading the text from Sean the Carrington's, he stopped halfway down the stairs scratching his head and smiling unable to believe what he was reading. Crafty bugger he thought to himself. Walking in to the dining room Conrad and Harry were there having an early breakfast before they left for Sardinia and their honeymoon. "Morning" Conrad called out, "Have you seen Charlie thought he would have been here" he said. "Morning and no" Simon replied sitting down, "He is not in the country" he said. Conrad sat up "What?" he said sounding shocked. Simon smiled "He went to find his true love" he replied chuckling. Conrad looked confused then gradually smiled "He went to Atlanta didn't he?" he asked. Simon nodded "I had a message from Carrington, everything appears to be fine". "More than fine I think Simon" Conrad said staring off, "In fact I know he is". Harry poked Conrad in the side "Come on psychic husband we got two weeks of sex to get done". Felix stood at the dining room door tapping his watch, they said good bye to Simon and headed off with Felix to the airport. Simon finished his breakfast then went up to change for his 10am meeting, Moham was flying in with Simon's solicitors. It was time to change his will that he hadn't been able to face since Jack's passing. The complexity and nature of it meant a drawn out meeting and Moham as usual co-signing it as his executor and power of attorney until it was read in the event of anything happening. Despite his conversation with Sean over his wealth he intended on leaving something to Sean only if he stayed with him for five or more years from the date of writing the new will. Simon was still making notes when the troop of solicitors and Moham arrived at the manor. The sight was enough to stir Jamal from his weeding the front courtyard of the manor, chuckling he thought it looked very dubious all these suited men exiting their posh cars. Simon looked over and Jamal smiling and waving to him then made a mental note to remember him as well. Carrington walked in to the bedroom and placed a mug of coffee down on the table by Charlie, he stood looking at him unable to believe he was here laying in his bed miles from home. He smiled knowing the courage and fight Charlie must have gone through to make this decision, then spending eight hours on a plane with no idea what was going to happen. Charlie stirred and the smell of the pillow under his nose was somehow different, not like home. Rolling on to his back pulling the sheet with him and finding himself looking up at Carrington, slipping his hand under the sheet discovering he was naked and growing. Standing there in his briefs Carrington looked more sexy than ever in his eyes. The feeling of a switch being moved in to the right place washed through his body. The nervousness showing in his eyes was clear to Carrington, the look of someone who wanted love without a clue of what to do with another man. Carrington smiled and sat on the bed close to Charlie. "Did you sleep alright?" Carrington asked handing him the cup of coffee. Charlie nodded and took the mug "Thanks" he said in a sweet soft tone. He took a sip of coffee, "I really made a mess of things" Charlie said, "And inconvenienced you". Carrington chuckled "I never imagined you would come looking for me Charlie". "Neither did I" Charlie replied unable to look him in the eye. Carrington leaned forward and gently kissed him on the mouth "I am so happy you did". Charlie moaned softly and opened his eyes "Kiss me again" he asked quietly. Carrington took the the mug from Charlie and placed a finger under his chin caressing him slowly and looking in to his eyes, their mouths coming together seamlessly parted and kissed, from gently touches to sensual to intentional, little by little flickering tongues touching their lips locking together. Gradually Carrington felt Charlie take over the kissing, his hand running along Carrington's arm and flexing his bicep resulting in a happy sound from Charlie. Careful not to push Charlie to quickly Carrington pulled back from the kiss and placed his arms around Charlie hugging him closely feeling his body. "Pass my trousers over please" Charlie said. Carrington looked a little confused retrieving them. Charlie produced the make shift ring. "You still have it" Carrington exclaimed in surprise. Charlie nodded and placed it on Carrington's finger "Since we are still engaged" he said nervously. Carrington laughed and kissed him "Right we need to get you all gayed up" he said smiling. "Fuck off" Charlie replied slapping Carrington on the arm and kissing him back. "Seriously we have to get up, I have work to do" Carrington said handing Charlie his coffee. Charlie nodded "I will go hang out at a coffee shop" he said. "Hell no" Carrington replied looking at him, "You are coming to work with me". "I didn't bring much with me" Charlie said pointing to his ruck sack. Carrington laughed "I will send Jose and you to the mall to get some clothes and gym wear". "Gym wear?" Charlie said stretching in bed. "Yeah I go to the gym after work" Carrington replied, "I have to show you off". "Show me up more like" Charlie said pulling the sheet up. Carrington glanced at him smirking. "What is the matter?" Carrington asked, "I know your naked I had a good feel last night". Charlie blushed covering his head with the sheet "Pervert" he said muffled by the sheet. By the time Charlie removed the sheet he could hear Carrington in the bathroom and getting in to the shower. He sat there in bed nursing his mug of coffee in a quiet and seemingly very happy place. Forming his own destiny and frightened by his own actions, he didn't feel gay at all but then Carrington didn't look gay either. He shook his thoughts away and listened to Carrington showering then calling out to him to take a shower. Charlie returned to the bedroom and Carrington had found some clothes for him to wear. They hung a little baggy on Charlie having a smaller frame but you would never have known they were not his clothes. "When do you go back?" Carrington asked buttoning his shirt up. Charlie sat on the bed and looked at him "when my ship is ready to sail" he replied. "I thought you put your military thing on hold" Carrington replied slipping his shoes on. Charlie shrugged "You really think I am thinking straight?" he asked making Carrington chuckle. "What do you think I should do?" Charlie asked putting his trainers on. Carrington smiled "I like the idea of a military boyfriend" he replied winking. "Seriously!" Charlie said standing up, "Next you will want me parading around in uniform". "Kind of goes without saying" Carrington replied smirking at him. Carrington took Charlie's hand "They want me to run the company in England" he said. Charlie raised an eyebrow "You mean move there?" he asked. Carrington nodded. "I will only do it on one condition and that is you" Carrington said making no bones about it. "But I will be away for months at a time" Charlie replied seeing the gravity of the situation for the first time. Carrington kissed him on the forehead "I know and I will have to adjust to that". "Not much of a relationship though if I am away" Charlie said sitting back down on the bed. Carrington sat next to him "I am not going to dictate your life". "Your not?" Charlie said looking at him. "No. You must be happy with your choices and they are what you want" Carrington said clearly. Charlie smiled "I will speak to my commanding officer next week see what options I have". "Excellent, so you will stay here for two weeks and fly back with me" Carrington stated. Charlie nodded. "Come on I will be late, oh wait I run the company" Carrington said laughing. It certainly wasn't how Charlie envisaged he would be spending his time, the whole thing was scary but at least he saw a friendly face with Jose when he got to the office with Carrington. Word about the English guy who had arrived to claim Carrington had already got around. Evelina the receptionist was telling everyone when they arrived for work. Every time the lift doors opened all eyes focused on it waiting to see who was occupying it. Carrington and Charlie exited the lift and Charlie noticed all the looks immediately. "Word has got around quickly this morning" Carrington said chuckling and glancing at Charlie. Jose came out of his office walking towards Charlie "Morning Charlie" he said smiling. "Morning" Charlie replied, his eyes shifting left to right noticing the stares. Jose laughed quietly "Don't worry the rumour mill went in to overdrive this morning thanks to Evelina". Charlie was glad to be inside the sanctuary of Carrington's office away from the prying eyes, he sat on the small sofa by the coffee table texting with Conrad who was now firing questions at him in rapid succession. Charlie giggled after a while knowing that Harry must have got hold of Conrad's phone and was sending him pictures over of his arse. Charlie burst out laughing seeing the latest the photo, Carrington looked over smiling in Charlie's direction then stood up and walked over. "What is so funny?" Carrington asked pouring a coffee and joining him on the sofa. "This" Charlie said showing Carrington the photo. Carrington looked carefully at the photo "I have fucked that arse" he said, "Harry's for sure". Charlie looked at him "How the hell did you know that was Harry?" he asked. Carrington laughed "When you have touched it as much as I have you know" he said. "Doesn't bear thinking about" Charlie said sounding shocked and amused, "How was it?". Carrington smiled "Amazing, so is Conrad's" he said. Charlie made pretend vomiting sounds. He looked at Carrington "Will you carry on doing it with them?" he asked curiously. "I don't know" Carrington replied looking at him, "I mean they are fun in bed, but it depends on us". "So you make me feel guilty taking away the pleasure of my twin and his husband" Charlie said smirking. "Absolutely, I am so guilt tripping you" Carrington replied kissing Charlie, "Harry would love sex with you". Charlie chuckled "That is so outrageous" he replied then going quiet contemplating. Carrington laughed "You are already thinking about it" he said rubbing Charlie's head. Charlie sat opened mouth then laughed "Not thinking, visually doing it" he admitted. Jose walked in to the office "The figures you asked for" he said, "Hope your not sexting!". Jose walked over and Charlie showed him the photo "Dam you are" Jose said screwing his face. "Do you not like a bit of arse?" Charlie asked grinning at him. "Hell no" Jose replied looking shocked, "What ever gave you that impression?" he asked. Carrington put his arm around Charlie's shoulder "Jose is straight" he said using air quotes. Jose rolled his eyes "I have a girlfriend Charlie" he replied, "And fuck off with your little quotes knobhead". Charlie chuckled "So did I now I have a boyfriend" he said very openly. "Wow" Carrington said sitting up, "That is the first time you have called me your boyfriend". Charlie blushed and thought quick on his feet "Who said it was you?" he replied looking serious. Carrington sat back "It better be or there will be trouble" he said strongly emphasising the words. Jose put the report on Carrington's desk "Charlie I have to take you shopping apparently". Carrington handed Charlie his credit card "Buy what you need" he said standing up. Jose grabbed the credit card "Yes, come on let's buy lots of expensive clothes". "And what be indebted to him forever" Charlie replied standing up and laughing. Jose waved a hand "He is made of money, surely you must have noticed his house" he said casually. The thought had never crossed his mind but then he didn't actually see much of the house or pay attention due to his tiredness. Charlie left the building with Jose and they spent several hours chatting and buying some gym wear, Jose making him buy the tightest lycra shorts the accentuated every inch of his crotch and arse. Charlie told him off for trying to gay him up but Jose ignored him and continued. The tight work out top may have been a step too far until Jose put him in front of the mirror. Charlie hardly recognised himself and turning to the side he clearly saw how pert his arse looked and how big the shorts made his package look, his body was what he couldn't believe. Having never worn anything so tight he could see the muscles in his arms under the fabric, Jose stood there shaking his head 'So fucking gay' he said making Charlie laugh. Grabbing a few casual shirts, shorts and trainers they headed back to the office where Charlie waited amusing himself until Carrington finished just before 5pm. They drove to the gym and straight away Charlie noticed that it was mostly men and smelt very differently from his usual gym, immediately he knew this must be a gay gym and sure enough several men walked out of the work out area to get showered, each one muscled and openly talking about sex and bitching about other men. Carrington put his arm on Charlie's shoulder in a gesture not to be worried. Embarrassingly Charlie changed in to his shorts and Carrington couldn't resist running his hand over Charlie's arse. "Hey!" Charlie exclaimed timidly and blushing. Carrington smiled "Dam you look so sexy" he replied as the door opened. "Look but don't touch" Charlie stated, "They are new" he said then chuckled. Carrington smiled "My prize possession" he said licking Charlie's ear. The tall Latino who walked in smiled, Enrique greeted Carrington with a quick hug and then went about getting changed. Carrington explaining to Charlie that being his regular gym he knew a few of the regulars. Enrique sat there watching Charlie with a devilish grin on his face, soon realising the cute young lad was here with Carrington. Enrique finished putting on his trainers and grabbed a towel then looked at Carrington and nodded towards Charlie giving him a thumbs up and big smile. Carrington handed Charlie a towel guiding him to the workout area. "What do you want to do first?" Carrington asked. Charlie looked around at the numerous men working out "Weights" he replied. "Okay, I will spot you" Carrington said putting his towel down. "No" Charlie replied placing his towel down, "I can't concentrate with you looking at me". Carrington chuckled "Yeah I know" he replied remembering their day at the manor gym. "I will run for half an hour then we can swap" Carrington offered. Charlie smiled "Sounds good mate" he said, his accent and voice catching the interest of a several men nearby. Carrington chuckled and slapped his arse "Man that is so straight". Charlie changed the weights over and settled on the bench glancing around at the other occupied weight benches near him. The men all pressing weights but clearly watching Charlie and then acknowledging him, Charlie settled and began pressing and the guy closest to him stated talking and hinting that he new Charlie was British. Being polite Charlie engaged in conversation and occasionally looked over to Carrington who was already building up a sweat running. Joey walked in to the work out area and spotted Carrington straight away and made his way over to the running machined next to his. "I saw your car here" Joey said setting the speed on his machine. Carrington shook his head trying to avoid looking at him "Yup, that's because I am here". "Ooh sarcasim" Joey replied smirking, "You must be in a mood and need to fuck it out". Carrington looked at him "Yeah but not with you" he replied focusing ahead. "You say that now but I know you still love me" Joey said smiling and stopping his machine. Charlie saw the way Carrington shook his head with this other guy who looked like he clearly had a thing for his boyfriend and was badgering him. One thing he could tell already with Carrington was when something upset him or got on his nerves. Well he did it at the wedding so knew the signs, seeing this man being overly friendly actually bothered Charlie and his flirting clearly unwelcome by Carrington. Charlie put his weights back and sat up watching them. Despite Carrington brushing Joey off he was persistent and showing no signs of leaving Carrington alone. Carrington stopped running "Joey stop it, what happened a way back was a mistake". Joey moved closer to Carrington "Didn't feel like it, we belong together Carrington" he said. Carrington shook his head "No, end of story Joey, anyway I have someone else now" he replied. Joey laughed "The ever so picky Carrington" he said now being sarcastic. Carrington turned to him "Get away from me or I will punch you in to the wall". Joey smirked "Now that is the Carrington I like, the rough street version". Charlie stood up and wobbled a little on his legs briefly grabbing his towel, fury burning in his body at this person upsetting his man. Purposefully striding across the gym then standing behind Joey and wiping his face. "Excuse me are you using this machine?" Charlie asked politely controlling his annoyance. Joey turned to Charlie "Yes so prance off fairy" he replied looking him up and down smirking. Joey turned back to Carrington "Dam cute Brit" he said. "Excuse me!" Charlie replied pushing Joey on the shoulder, "Who are you calling fairy?". Joey turned again to Charlie "I will deal with you later in the shower" he said grinning and winking at Charlie. Carrington chuckled "Joey meet my boyfriend and fiancé Charlie" he said proudly. "Er what?" Joey replied looking at Charlie then Carrington, "Fiancé?" he asked. Charlie walked around Joey and stood in front of Carrington then ran his hand up along the sweaty arm, Carrington leaned forward and kissed Charlie on the mouth several times. Strangely Charlie did not feel embarrassed kissing Carrington in public, the sensation was incredible and Charlie felt like it was his initiation and way of showing that he was ready to be with Carrington. Joey took a couple of steps backwards seeing the intent in Carrington's eyes focusing on Charlie. Carrington smiled at Charlie "This is my ex boyfriend Charlie" he said nodding to Joey. "Fiancé!" Joey scoffed looking at Carrington, "It will never work, your money gets in the way" he said sauntering off. "Wow!" Charlie said quietly, "That is one jealous ex you have there". Carrington leant over the running machine "Gold digger more like" he said looking a little angry. Charlie looked at Carrington "Are you really rich then?" he asked confused having heard this twice today. Carrington shrugged "Not personally" he said, "This is a discussion for another time Charlie". The rest of their workout went without any further interruptions from Joey, he busied himself talking to another man frequently glancing over at them. Noticing that Carrington behaved entirely differently towards Charlie, his attention seemed purely focused on him and he could see why. The smooth slightly tanned skin of Charlie, the mousy blond hair, the tight but generously muscular build and his accent simply made him a catch. That and he didn't give off any kind of interest in the men surrounding him unlike most of the gay men in here. Carrington and Joey were not the only ones focused on him, every time a machine came free next to Charlie someone quickly grabbed it and started engaging Charlie in conversation. In one quick hours workout in the gym Charlie had his eyes opened wide, receiving numerous offers from men all wanting to give their number and take him home was turning in to quite the revelation. The short drive back to Carrington's home was long enough for Charlie to get a little nervous, his mind already made up that tonight he wanted to move things up with Carrington. Of course he was bolstered by the attention he got in the gym and didn't even mind it. With the car pulling up to the house Charlie studied it more closely, the vast grounds surrounding it and the size of it, almost comparable to the manor on Hibiscus drive. It was late at the manor was deathly quiet, Simon sat in the library going through the details of his amended will and made one small change. It was important to him that he would leave things tidy and more so that it was incontestable in any form. The group of solicitors and Moham would return in a couple of days for the formal signing and witnessing locking it down airtight and Moham taking on the role as power of attorney until it's reading. Closing the folder he sat there and chuckled to himself remembering the money that Jack had left Conrad. Most people would have gone on a spending spree, but Conrad just shrugged his shoulders and got on with life. The only purchase he made was number 8, that made perfect sense and a clever decision he thought. His video calling rang on his phone and checking the time he knew who it was without even needing to look, regular as clockwork Sean's smiling face appeared on the screen.
    8 points
  2. My palms were sweaty as I sat in my car. I had driven 8 hours to get there, but it wasn't too late to turn back. It wasn't too late to stop myself from doing something incredibly stupid and dangerous. It wasn't too late. But while my head was telling me the smart thing to do, my cock, that had been locked up for a month, and my ass, that had a plug up it, were telling me otherwise. Before common sense took over, I grabbed my bag and opened the car door. I had met him two months ago, online. I say him, because I didn't even know his name. This was the first of several stupid decisions. But that was part of the fantasy, anonymity. Not only did I not know his name, but I didn't know what he looked like, how old he was, or anything a sane person would know about someone they were going to relinquish every ounce of control to. And that made my dick hard. We had met in a fetish chatroom, and all I knew about him was his screen name, ControlingTop10. I had seen him in this room multiple times, but it wasn't until I said my darkest fantasy out loud that he sent me a message. "Are you serious boy?" I knew the game. Chat rooms are mostly there for people to jerk off. So I messaged him back. "Yes Sir, I am." "I can make it happen. How old?" "35 Sir." "Pics?" I sent him two pics. One of my torso, and one of my ass. I looked pretty good for 35. I wasn't a gym bunny, but I liked to run and bike, so my body was lean and tight. I had a nice lite covering of brown chest hair, but my ass was nice and smooth. "Looks good boy, Face?" Now, I don't normally send out face pics, but I was feeling frisky, so I sent him one. I'm not bad to look at. I have nice brown eyes and a beard that I keep trimmed short and brown hair that I also keep short. "Very nice. I have to go but I will Message you soon." And he was gone. I didn't think too much more about him, and didn't see him in the chat for a few days, so I figured he was a game player. Then I got another message. "You got a cam, boy?" "Yes Sir." "Turn it on and jerk off for me." We got connected and I stripped off my clothes. I was already hard. I liked to show off for guys. I had a pretty 6 inch cock, not that big, but on my 5' 9" frame it looked just right. I jerked myself while he watched. At least I think he was watching, he didn't say a word. I liked that. It felt like he was using me. After I shot a healthy load all over my chest and stomach he finally messaged. "Good boy. Be here same time next week, and wear a jockstrap." "Yes Sir." I thought about him all week, even though he was probably just someone getting his rocks off. But there I was, one week later in my jockstrap. "Good boy. You poz?" "No Sir, neg." "Does it matter?" "I won't have a choice, will I Sir?" "No, you won't." As he said those words, my hard cock throbbed and leaked precum. "Good boy. So, are you still serious?" "100% Sir." "Good boy. If this happens, you will come down here on Friday, so I can make sure you're here, and real, and it will take place Saturday night, but you won't leave until Monday morning. Can you do that?" "Yes Sir." "Good boy. Once you get here, you will stay in a cage until it's time. And you will be hooded and blindfolded. Do you agree to that?" I could very well be handing myself over to a murderer. But the danger of the unknown was part of the fantasy. "Yes Sir." My hard dick was soaking my jock in precum. "Good boy, now jerk off. And make it good." I put on a good show, playing with my nips, sucking on the wet jock, and shooting a bigger load than last time. "Good boy. Same time next week. Wear your jock and have a dildo." And he was gone. All week long my thoughts were about this man, this stranger I knew nothing about that I was going to give myself over to. And I jerked off every night, imagining what was going to happen to me and shooting huge loads. The next week, there I was in my jockstrap, dildo in hand. "Good boy. Now, give me your address. I am going to send you a package with instructions. You will follow these instructions, and if you fail, it's over. Do you agree to this?" I hesitated for a moment before I typed, "Yes Sir." "Good boy. Now, give me your address and give me a show." My heart was pounding in my chest as I gave this stranger my address, but my dick was drooling. Then I put on a show. I fucked myself with the dildo, on my back, facing the camera so that he could watch my face as I pounded my hole. I shot a load that hit me in the face. "Good boy. You will get a package tomorrow from FedEx. Be here next week." My mind was a blur the next day and I eagerly opened the package as soon as it arrived. Inside it were three dildos, each one increasing in size with various textures, a fat butt plug, three bottles of poppers, and a plastic cock cage. I grabbed the enclosed letter and read it. "Hello boy. First you will shave your cock and balls, then put on the cock cage and lock it with the plastic lock. Next you will send me two pics of it clearly showing the lock number. I had better recieve the pics before 8:00. If at any time over the next month you try to remove it, it will be over. When you meet me on the camera next, you will have taken your phone and set the alarm so that it goes off every five minutes in the infinity mode. The alarm will go off exactly five minutes after you appear on the cam, which will be 8:00 sharp. The reason for this is, you will hit a fresh bottle of poppers twice in each nostril, deep and long every time the alarm goes off. I will know it's a fresh bottle, because I sent three different kinds, and you will open them on cam. After you show me your locked up cock, so I know it wasn't tampered with, you will take the smallest of the three dildos and insert it in your ass. How long it takes is up to you. If you want to stretch yourself before hand, that's your choice, but the next part won't begin until the dildo is fully in you. So how many hits you've taken before its buried in you will be entirely in your hands. Once it is buried in you, you will face the camera and the next timer will start. For 30 minutes, you will ride the dildo. And by ride it I mean I want to see at least 4 inches of it come out of your ass before you slam yourself back down on it. Any time you stop riding it, even for a second, it's over. And you will be facing the camera so that I can be assured you're hitting the poppers as instructed. After 30 minutes, you will remove the dildo and display your hole for me. As far as the plug goes, you can wear it as much as you want, and I would suggest you do, but you WILL wear it on the entire ride down here. I will know you have it in because you will send me a short video every hour, on the hour. This video will pan from your plugged hole to the odometer in your car as proof. Oh, and I've marked it so I'll know it's the correct one the entire time. If you fail at anything, then it's over and your darkest fantasy will never come true. Sir" I looked at the dildos. The first one was probably 8 inches long and made to look like a man's cock, with thick veins running up and down it. The second one was probably 10 inches long with fat little nubs all over it. The third one scared me. It was at least 12 inches long, fat, and had a thick line that wrapped around it like a corkscrew. As much as could stretch my hole, I knew I would be having to stretch it out extra good in preparation for that. But that's what I wanted, to have my hole wrecked. My hands were trembling as I locked the cage.
    6 points
  3. So I did my first motel load taking gig a couple nites ago. I only took 6 loads, small potatoes by some standards, but it was fun. All the guys were from Grindr. I set up a separate account. First guy came by about 4:30pm after I checked in. I was on all fours in a darkened room. He pumped in me for a couple of minutes then left a huge load. he told me that he had big loads. I never looked back to see him, so his load was pretty anonymous. When he left I wanted to see if he was right. His load was enormous, I couldn't believe how much cum he pumped in me. Next guy came and dumped a load, then a bit of time and a cute 22yo walked in and within about a minute dropped a load in me. He had a great ass which i had to play with a bit. Two more guys came over at the same time, one watched while the other fucked and bred me. The second one said he wanted to fuck a newly bred hole so he jumped right in and unloaded in a couple of minutes. A few more and the evening was over, but it was a great experience for a first time trying it.
    6 points
  4. Chapter 6: a game of Tug-of-War I was losing myself in Jason's kiss. His strong arms holding in place as his tongue danced along the roof of my mouth and I sucked it like I had sucked his cock earlier. My lust and chem scrambled mind pulling my attention back to my son's 9 inches still buried in my stretched and cum-slicked hole. I began to try to gyrate my ass around his beautiful pierced cock, causing him to break our kiss as let out a slow moan before moving back to begin licking and kissing my ear as he softly whispered to me, “damn Dad, you really love that poison cock in your slut-hole, don't you?” “Oh yeah baby, I want you to breed me and stay here forever” I replied as I began to change my movements to slowly increase the length of his dick I was fucking myself on, trying to start another round before Jason pulled me against him so tightly I couldn't move and softly whispered the order into my ear, “Hold still a second daddy”. I thought he might still be to sensitive from just cumming again, but as his muscles began to flex around me and I felt the “fullness” of my hole begin to increase as he began to unload his slampiss into my hole. I felt the fullness in my ass increase as he began to fill my hole with his slam piss. As his stream was letting up and his muscles began to relax around me, my chest grew tight as my pulse rapidly pulsed in my ears. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck...” I began to mumble in between a few light coughs as my vision blurred and I began to try to scratch the itch in my hole against the large cock barely keeping his secondhand chems in my stretched out ass. I felt like my body was just there as a “support system” for my hole and my only purpose was to fuck myself on my son's cock. “Mmmm, hold up dad, I want you to keep that in you longer” Jason said as he held me in place against his muscle god frame again. I held for a second, before my ass resumed control of my brain, forcing me to try to slide against his rippling muscles and try to suck him into me through my ass. “Not yet” he barked, before flexing his muscles around me again and drupping his entire weight onto me, pinning me into the wet bed. The chems from his last slam still adding to my buzz through his chempiss as it radiated heat through my body from the point where we were “fused” into one. The heat from is body radiating through me as his ripped arms held my body tight against his, and his muscular legs pinned mine under him. His thighs pressing my ass cheeks together, trying to hold more of his chem piss in my hole. The mix of sensations from my muscle god son dominating my body with his strength as his toxic fluids burned their way through my soul was too much and I began to convulse against him as wave after orgasmic wave washed over me. My shriveled party dick momentarily stopped leaking precum to shoot round after round of Matt & Jason's little brothers into the mattress and I let out a crude symphony of grunts and lustful cries as the ability to make words escaped me. “Its so hot that you are getting off from my piss dad” Jason said without easing his full body grip of me. I tried to reply but all that came out was whorish whimpers in between breaths as my limbs slowly began to stop twitching from my full body orgasm. Between the T rush from Jason's “secondhand slam” and the post orgasm waves of bliss, I was panting and lost in the feelings as I tried babbling, “thank you, I love you” again and again, but all I managed was a jumbled mess of grunts and at best, half the words barely understandable as I tried to squirm to press myself harder against Jason's body above me. “Fuck Dad, you are such a cockhungry slut, guess I know where I get it” Jason said before letting out a loud and low moan, the vibrations of which I could feel through his massive chest pressed tightly against my back. “I wanna try something” Jason said, finally releasing his grip to reach over and grab one of my larger plugs. “Raise your ass!” he said as he began lifting my ass up from the fuck-swamp we had created and pulling me back to all fours. “Face down and try to raise your ass more, I don't want any more to leak out than necessary when I pull out” Jason ordered, but I was still lost in the feeling, so he kindly but firmly began pushing and pulling my body around like a rag doll, until he eventually maneuvered us to the end of the bed. As he lowered my face against the refreshingly cool floor with my legs still on the bed and my hole pointed to the ceiling, he finally pulled out and shoved the fat butt-plug into my hole to keep his chempiss doing its thing in my hole. “I am going to grab something, be right back” Jason said before walking back towards the living room where this had all began and while I partially heard him moving around and looking for something, I was lost in the new sensations of the cold air as it rushed across my sweat drenched skin. The cold felt amazing and I lost track of time before Jason eventually returned to find me in the same spot and basic position he had left me in ,only now I was also pinching my nipples and moaning again as my swollen ass lips puckered in and out around the massive plug stretching my still chempiss filled hole. “Damn dad, you must have NO tolerance to be this much of a spun out meth slut already” Jason said before I heard him drop a heavy bag onto the bed before I felt his strong hands on my ass cheeks. He played with the plug in my hole for a few seconds before he stopped to pick me up and throw me back onto the mattress in front of him. He rolled me onto my back and lifted my legs to give him access to my hole again. My slut brain instinctively grabbing my legs to pull them towards my chest as Jason plucked the plug from my ass and dove his face into my ass to begin hungrily sucking and chugging the poz cum, blood, and chempiss from my battered hole while he eagerly moaned in satisfaction. “Fuck yeah son, eat my ass” I managed to say as he continued to suck and slurp away between my ample ass cheeks. His stubble scratching against the tender flesh around my hole as he ground his face in to try to get more. When he was satisfied he had gotten as much as he could, he pulled his head away, gave my ass a loud hard slap, and then let out an even louder belch before giggling and flopping down next to me. I turned to look at him and he was staring at me with eyes so dilated that I could only see black, and a big dopey smile. “I love you dad” he said before leaning in to give me a kiss on the cheek, and leaving a wet spot from the coat of my ass slime that was still coating his face. He rolled over and grabbed some things from his bag... A loaded pipe, a torch, some rope, a disposable catheter, and a double dildo somehow even bigger than the one I had been sharing with his brother earlier. As Jason noticed me staring at the giant rubber dong, he said “We vac-pumped Matt's cock to get it even fatter, then used it to make a mold of his dick we used to make this” he said before handing it to me. As I held the wighty massive dong(s) in my hand, and looked over the bumps and veins in the rubber reproduction of my youngest son's massive cock, Jason fired up the torch and began to suck thick white smoke from his pipe. Every few hits, he would lean forward and kiss me to exhale his thick white clouds into me, further giving me the most intense second hand high of my life. During this, he had moved the massive cock towards my hole.. With all of the attention he had been paying to my ass, there was surprisingly little resistance as the rubber head slowly worked into the first few inches of my hole, stretching me even further as before as I writhed in enjoyment like the filthy slut I had become. Instead of fucking me with the dildo again, he moved my leg to pin the toy down, preventing it from moving in or out as he said “told that there” before he reached over to pick up the catheter. I tried to watch as best as I could as he began to snake inch after into past his piercing and down the inner length of his shaft. When he was satisfied with the amount he had inserted into himself, he took the other end of the tube and began to insert it into MY DICK! I laid there panting, as Jason slowly worked the second end of the catheter into my dick, until he was again satisfied before he pushed my leg aside and resumed pushing the monstrously thick toy into my hole. Before he had worked half of it into me, the pressure on my bladder forced me to start to piss. As the flow left my dick, it ran through the catheter and strait into Jason, who let out a “FUCK YEAH DAD”, only slightly slowing the rate he was pushing into my hole. I continued to lay there, helplessly dominated by wave after wave of sensation keeping me in a constant near orgasmic state, I could barely focus on Jason's movements as he positioned himself to take the other and of the double header just as his “little” brother had done with me earlier. This time though, when we had both reached the point where our fully stretched ass lips began to kiss, with the catheter still connecting us, dick to (Much larger) dick; he grabbed my balls and his and used the piece of rope to tie both of our sacks together, so that we couldn't pull away from each other more than a few inches at most. “OK Dad, Push and pull tug of war!” Jason Playfully said as he pulled his body away, giving our nuts an equally sharp tug before I he flexed his muscles and used his ass to push out the dildo into mine as I felt heat radiate from the catheter tube in my dick and pressure increase in my bladder as he that back into me as well. He relaxed and pushed back against me as the pressure inside me was slightly let up, but still raging, “Now your turn” Jason ordered as I pushed out and felt that incredible relief from easing the pressure as I pushed the majority of chempiss and double header back into my oldest son. We continued this process for at least the next hour. Swinging back and forth between pressure and release as we pushed back and forth into each other. Sometimes we were bouncing back and forth against each other, giving our nuts a sharp painful tug before rushing back in to impale ourselves on the massive toy, with the wet sloppy sounds of our bodies only drowned out by our random moans and whimpers. Other times, we were both pulling away from each other as hard as we could, each trying to get the other to admit defeat in the twisted little game we had found ourselves playing. As we continued to fuck ourselves against each other in our wet bed like the pigs selves we were, The amount of piss slowly becoming too much for us to pass back and forth, Jason used his muscular legs to push his body again and give me another sharp tug, as he used a free hand to grab the catheter tube and gave it a quick tug to pull it out of both of us. Since it didn't have anything to keep it in other than us holding it in place, it freely came out of both of us, somewhat propelled by the chaotic fountain of piss that began to shower over both of us as we both uncontrollably pissed over us. I felt his stream moving towards my face as I leaned forward to see him trying to aim his piss arc towards my mouth. I open up and manage to catch the end of his flow, which I eagerly gulped down before we both collapsed back onto our backs, and stared at the ceiling, still connected via our sacks and asses. Jason continued playing with his hard dick and using the latest round of hot piss to add to the slickness coating his uncut meat, as he began working it back to it's fully rock hard state. “Guess that was kind of a draw” he said, “We are gonna have to come up with something else for a tie-breaker” The playfulness in his voice showing his competitive streak I knew to well (and was at least partially responsible for). I wasn't sure what he had in mind, but I knew that when he used that tone, he had something “naughty” planned.
    6 points
  5. just took a few loads outdoors in a cruise spot. met up with a guy who has fucked me there a few times who actually likes to get me on my back so he can literally fuck me "in the dirt". when I got there he was with another guy who I didn't recognise. we didn't say anything. I just pranced past them in my tiny shorts and took off my tan top n walked to the trail. they followed me in and I walked to the spot where he likes to fuck me. we actually passed by another guy on the way. still didn't say anything. I went to the spot and took off my shorts and got on my knees. the guys came up to me n pulled out their cocks.i sucked them both for a bit then got on my hands and knees on the ground. the regular slid his cock up my ass while the other guy stood there jerking off. the first guy fucked me for a few minutes and they tagged up so the random stranger slid his cock right in my ass and told the original guy "his hole feels amazing".he said "I told you it was nice." the guy said "when you told me he would be easy I didn't realise how easy you meant" the original guy said "I can't believe you've never fucked him before" and he said "I just moved here recently" they switched back and the regular told me to get on my back and spread my legs then got on top of me and literally fucked me into a pile of dirt and mud. while repeatedly spitting in my face. after he blew his load in me the other guy hocked a huge spit in my face then got me back on all 4s and fucked me doggy telling me the guy I was "literally a dirty whore". while he was fucking me, the guy we passed in the trail showed up and watched while jerking his cock. fairly old daddy but nice big dick. as soon as the guy fucking me came inside me, the new guy slid his cock in my ass and fucked me. the original guy pissed on my head while he fucked me and the guy shot his load in me in under a minute then they were all gone and I was alone in the piss drenched dirt naked, covered in piss with 3 mens loads dripping from my used hole. I wish my real daddy could see that lol I love how guys know they don't have to even ask to fuck me or if they need a condom cause I'm such a whore I will obviously let anyone fuck me bareback. still have no idea who the second guy was but I think the old guy has fucked me a few times before
    4 points
  6. I was grading papers in my office today when I got hit up on Growlr by a guy who I have talked to off and on for literally years. He always wants to talk about hooking up, but neither of us can host very often. I offered to take his load in my office, and he agreed. (I cleaned out before I left the house just in case.) He showed up about 45 minutes later. It was an unremarkable hookup, but his load is still in me.
    4 points
  7. 3. Sling Sex "Now," Jon said, taking the glasses from each of us, "What were you thinking?" he asked Seth. "He's so cute and boyish," Seth said. Jon had dealt with the glasses, and was now right in front of me. I looked up at him. With the beard and eyeliner, he looked like a kindly old devil with seductive, dangerous ideas. I kissed Jon. Seth continued. "I knew the moment I saw him." "I think I know," Jon said, breaking off the kiss. "What?" I asked. I had know idea what they had planned for me. "Peter Pan," Seth said. I blushed. It wasn't the first time I had been accused of not quite growing up. I was about to protest, but Seth reached down, and pulled down my sweat pants. "Nice underwear," Jon said. "The blue looks good on you." "Too bad it has to come off," Seth said. He pushed it down, and my dick sprang free. "Hard already, huh?" I was staring at Jon, and he was smiling, waiting for my answer. "Yeah," I said, nodding. "Me too," Jon said. He reached down and pulled his sweats open. I looked down. His dick was as hard as mine was, but was nearly twice as big: both in length and girth. "It's going to be a fun night." Seth had disappeared for a moment, and I could feel the cool air against my ass. Jon reached down and grabbed my ass cheeks, before leaning in and kissing me again. "One more lost boy, needing a daddy?" he whispered in my ear. His breath was warm, yet I still shivered in excitement. "Please," I said. "Let's not rush it," he said. I heard Seth re-appear. "And I'm sure Seth wants to get you in costume first." I turned; he had random bits of fabric and leather draped over his arms, and was holding a pair of dark green suede boots. "Although you're plenty fine naked, let's get you dressed again," Seth said. He handed me a jock strap, and then a pair of green knee-high socks. After the socks, he helped me into the green boots. They fit surprisingly well, although I hadn't realized just how much of a heel they had. "Look," Seth said, as I stumbled slightly trying to walk in them. He pointed at a large mirror against one wall. In just a pair of green boots and a green jockstrap, I looked less like Peter Pan and more like a horny boy. "The boots make your ass look amazing." I turned slightly and looked. I had a small, but muscular ass. Framed by the jock, I hoped it made Jon and Seth want to fuck me. "One more thing," Jon said, as he came up behind me. "Hand above your head," he said. I put my hands above my head, and he worked a leather harness over them. The straps were warm against my skin, although the hardware was still a bit cold. I loved feeling Jon's fingers against my skin as he adjusted the straps, tightening the leather around my body. "That's perfect," he finally said. I looked again. The leather was deep hunter green, with black accents. It perfectly complimented the jockstrap and boots. "Yeah. That's really good," Seth said. "I'll say," Jon said. He looked at his watch. "Fuck," he said. "I've got to deal with my costume now." He turned back to me, grabbed the harness strap across my chest, and yanked me to him. He gave me a long kiss. "Don't worry. I've already got plans for you later." As soon as Jon released me, Seth grabbed the back of the harness, and pulled me back to him. He wrapped an arm around me, and I could feel his dick pressing against my exposed ass. Jon turned around at the door. He smiled. "Be good, boys," he said. "I'm sure Kenta is very good," Seth said. He rubbed his bulge against my ass. "Very good indeed," he whispered in to my ear, before turning me around. "We'll have plenty of time," Seth said. "And I've been looking forward to this for the entire week." We kissed again. Somehow, Seth seemed to take off his tank top without breaking our kiss. His sweats were the next thing to come off. Underneath, he had a black jockstrap, and his cock was straining against the pouch. We kissed again, as Seth rubbed his dick against me. I kept on trying to find reasons to be nervous or scared, but I couldn't. We were all adults, and we were all men. We were horny, but that was completely natural. Seth finally broke off the kiss. "How do you like it? The leather?" "It feels good. Warm. Strong." "You look good in it," Seth said. He stepped away, and took another look, carefully checking me out. I felt self-conscious, but I also loved being the object of his attention. "Very good," he said. He motioned me to follow him as he headed to the sling. "You ever been in a sling before?" he asked. "No," I said. "Want to try it?" he asked. "Yeah," I said. I felt warm, comfortable, and safe. There was no reason not to try it. "How do I do it?" "Just lean back, and sort of fall in," Seth said. He was standing in front of me, and as I tipped back, he grabbed my legs, spreading them wide. The leather was a bit cold at first, but it quickly warmed up next to my body. Seth put my legs into stirrups, so that my ass was spread open and completely exposed. "This feels good," I said. It did. I was on display, and I wanted Seth to take advantage of it. "Really good." "This is just the start." Seth knelt down, and pressed his face into my ass. He ran his tongue around the edge of my hole, and I thought I was going to die of pleasure. I tried not to squirm as he rimmed me, but the sensory overload was intense. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck," I moaned, not really able to say much else. Seth seemed oblivious to my enjoyment, but just continued to eat me out. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," I continued. After only a minute of rimming, I realized that I had never been really fucked before. Everything else had just been practice, and this was the real thing. It was time to lose my virginity once more. Seth tortured me with his rimming for several more minutes. I was all but begging him to fuck me, but he kept on saying it would happen soon enough. Finally, he stood up. His dick was sticking straight up as well. It seemed impossibly big, yet I still needed it inside me. If it didn't destroy me, it was going to feel amazing. "I know what you want," he said. "You said you're on Prep?" he asked, once more even though we had texted about it. "Yeah." "Awesome," he said. He had found a tub of vaseline, and spread some over his cock. Another dab went into my hole. My ass clenched at that first penetration. But it was very easy to relax. It was like I was stoned, only better. "Yeah," he said. "That's the G. Feels good, doesn't it?" "Yeah," I said. "It does." "I love it." He slid a second finger into me. "I love having sex when I'm tripping on G." "It feels so good," I said. Between the drugs, the leather, and the fingers, my head was spinning. It could have been scary. But there was something about Seth and Jon that had made me feel safe. As Seth had told me in a message, with me taking prep, the worst would that I didn't have a good time. "Fuck me." "Hungry boy," Seth said. "That's fucking hot. Don't worry. You'll get what you need." He put a bit more of the vaseline on his fingers, and a pressed a three fingers into me. He rubbed my hole, trying to get me to relax. "So fucking turned on," I said. "I can tell. But it makes you so tight." He handed me a bottle of poppers. I had seen them online, but had never done it before. "You never done it?" he asked. "Just seen it online." "Hold it under your nose. Pinch the other nostril closed, and inhale. Just two or three seconds, then hold it for a bit." I did what he told me to do. The fumes from the bottle were chemical, but not scary. At first, I didn't think they had done anything. But then, the rush hit me. First, my head pounded a bit, but it wasn't at all unpleasant. Then the warmth went down my body, and I felt my asshole suddenly relax. "That's it boy. Let me in." His three fingers slid in all the way to the base, and they felt amazing. Yet, I was craving more. "Just right. Tight and hot and wet." He played with my ass as I got lost in the poppers headspace. I wanted him to fuck me, and I really wanted him to cum in me. Barebacking had seemed so dirty and dangerous when I had been in high school. But now, in college, as an adult, it was such a different thing. It was how Seth and I were always supposed to fuck. "Please," I moaned. "Fuck me." "Yeah. I think so," Seth said. He pulled his fingers out of me. My hole was twitching, hungry for something to fill it up. He lined his cock up with my hole, but then took the poppers from me, and did a long hit from it. "I'm used to them," he said, before taking an equally long drag through his other nostril. "Here," he said, and handed me the bottle and cap. His dickhead was hard and it felt like he was already dribbling pre-cum onto my hole. "Please," I muttered, before taking another hit from the brown bottle. This time, I took a few seconds, and did another hit in quick succession. Seth smiled at me, and as I screwed the cap back on, he pushed his dickhead into me. "Fuuuuck," he moaned, as he slowly slid his shaft into me. "Daaaaaamn," I grunted. His dick was filling me up. It had been a while since I had gotten fucked and he was just as big as he looked. But going slow wasn't an option for either of us. We needed both needed his cock deep in my guts. It was primal urge, and one that we were powerless against. "All the way," "Hell yeah," Seth said. The urge was irresistible, but that was the entire point. I wanted to get fucked, and Seth wanted to fuck me. It was the perfect alignment of our natural desires. "Almost all in," he grunted. "Sweet hole," he said as he started to thrust back and forth, opening me up and edging himself closer to orgasm. "Hot dick," I replied. He leaned in, pressing himself against me, and forcing his cock deep in my hole. He kissed me. "Fuck me," I said when he finally let me catch my breath. "Please." He kissed me again. It was long and deep, and I got lost. It was the sex that mattered, not the time. I wasn't sure if the kiss was just a few seconds, a few minutes, or maybe even an hour. "You're going to get a lot of dick tonight," Seth said. "And a lot of sperm. Enjoy it." We kissed again, as Seth slid his dick in and out of me. He wasn't the biggest cock I had taken, but I had never felt quite so open as when he was fucking me. The drugs were helping, but the lack of any barrier between Seth and myself was the biggest factor. I had heard bareback was amazing, but the stories didn't do it justice. "Don't stop," I said, clenching my ass around Seth's tool, trying to keep it inside me. "That's it," Seth said. "Milk my cock. Get me off." We kissed again. It was a long one, interrupted by only by one of us grunting in pleasure. I tried to keep up, but it was hard to think. All the sensations were overwhelming me: the sound of Seth grunting, the feel of Seth's dick in my ass, the scent of the leather and sweat in the room. It all screamed sex, and was driving me wild. "You want my load?" Seth finally moaned. "Fuck man. Please. Give it to me." I didn't have to worry about anything. I could take Seth's load. He could breed me, like a man should. "Cum in me." "Oh FUUUUUCK," Seth moaned, slamming his cock hard into my ass. Deep in my guts, practically in my stomach, I felt his dickhead flare, and a sudden jet of warmth into my body. "I'm CUUUUUMING," he moaned again, as his whole body shook, and there was another warm jet of sperm landing inside me. "CUUUUUUUMING," he moaned again. "Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me," I repeated, as he unloaded into my ass. It was hard to believe that something so sleazy and dirty felt so natural. "Fill me up." "YEEEEEAAAHH," Seth grunted again, as his body continued to shake. It took several more spurts before his balls were sufficiently drained. "Hell yeah," he finally said, as his mind cleared from the ecstatic fog of orgasm. "Fuck yes. I had been looking forward to that. And you do not disappoint." He leaned in and kissed me once more. His dick was still hard, nestled deep inside me. He was gently rocking me back and forth on the sling, using the motion to slowly fuck me against his dick. "That felt amazing," I finally said. "You cumming in me." "First time being bred?" he asked. He was still on top of me. He was warm and sweaty, and I felt safe underneath him. I nodded. "Glad it was me," he said. "Me too." We kissed again. There was no rush now. We could enjoy ourselves. "You feel so good." "That's bareback," Seth said. He slid his cock nearly out. He was impressively hard, and he then slid right back into me. "Nothing like a raw hole." Before he could really start fucking me, the door opened and Jon walked back in. He paused, staring at the tableau. "Fuck. That's what I like to see. My boys taking care of each other." "Hey," Seth said. He stood up, but managed to keep his cock in my ass. "What's up?" "Leo's here. Hoping you can take care of that?" "Yeah. Bring Kenta?" "Yeah. It'll be educational." "Very much," Seth said. He turned back to me. "You're gonna enjoy this."
    4 points
  8. Chapter 1: This is my first time writing a story, It is entirely fiction, but is loosely based off of a role-play session with another avid fan of this site. (feel free to skip the next two paragraphs of setup and jump to the good stuff) Hi, My name is Rick, and this is finally got the father-son bonds I didn't know I needed. I used to be a pretty muscular “dreamboat” back in my HS football days (6'3”, dark hair, blue eyes, and a broad muscular farmers frame), which let me get around as much as I wanted, but eventually resulted in a drunken three-way with my “beard” Barb and 9 months later my son Jason was born. we tried to give the domestic life thing a try, but it wasn't for either of us since we needing one or more other guys involved whenever we had sex (she was as much of a bottom slut as I am) and after a few years my second son Matt was born. Pretty sure he wasn't mine, but I was the only one of the 8 guys fucking us that night who could be tracked down afterward (But as he grew, he looked more and more like the “blond viking muscle god” with a 12” UC beercan cock who split his mom and me open the night Matt was conceived, kinda fitting since unlike me, neither of my boys were circumcised.). Around the time my oldest was starting high school, Barb met a rich black gentleman named Mike during another of out group sessions... Great guy, nice 8” cock and and a near insatiable sex drive, which is why I wasn't that surprised when they fell for each other, she divorced me, and they got married... but I was pretty broken up when they took the boys and moved over an hour away because he got an even better job... Barb and Mike made sure to keep me involved in my sons lives, and Mike made sure that none of them wanted for anything, so what kind of asshole would I be to try to break any of that up... which is probably why we drifted apart over time and I haven't even seen any of them in a few years. Cut to now, about a decade later, still single, still somehow neg, and at 45 I don't think I am much to look at these days; short dark hair, a big grizzly beard and a 5.5” cut cock I generously refer to as average... I passed dad bod a while ago and fully embraced the bear scene and the chub belly I had grown shortly after. I finally had saved up about 2 weeks vacation time from work that I had to use before it expired, but no real money to go on much of a trip anywhere, so I decided I would stay home, check with my weed dealer for anything above and beyond his normal “wares”, and take a nice Trip at home... He did not disappoint...a ounce of dank weed, 4 hits of molly, a 10 strip of Cid, and as a bonus (since he didn't want the risk of keeping it), a small bag with a few shards of T. I hadn't candy flipped in years but hadn't done T since before the boys were born... It is one thing I have no tolerance for, and even a little amount had me spun stupid, so it is where Barb had drawn the line. My vacation plans however were all about letting lose and hopefully getting fucked stupid so I while I was originally planning to trip balls and watch youtube. I was eager to see if T still had the same effects all these years later. (plus I had two-weeks, so why not?) My vacation started Friday morning, pretty standard stay-cation stuff... cleaned around the house, Posted a few quick connect ads, “Pressure wash” out my fuck-hole with the sure shot, put out the “good' sex toys... you know, the basics. I only got two different guys to respond to my ads. The first one ghosted and the second was a middle-aged middle eastern dude with an average body and a fairly thin 7” who shot two raw loads in my hole, BUT came and went in under 30 minutes so I was no where near satisfied (but at least I was well lubed). I smoked a few bowls of herb and debated what to do next... a molly and acid candy flip sounded tempting, but I hadn't done T in so long I couldn't resist. I didn't have a pipe for it though and I never could stand needles, so I went with the way I had done it the last time I had it, took one of the smaller pieces, and began working it into my cum filled ass. As it started to burn (forgot how much I liked that) I could feel my pulse quicken and I started breathing heavily and feeling an almost animalistic lust. I looked over at the sex toy collection I had layed out earlier, an assortment of dildos, plugs, and toys ranging from average sized to advanced fisting+ sized (with a few BDSM options in a bag just in case). I grabbed the smaller of my two double dildos (18” length, 6” around) and had worked almost half of it up my hole when it became clear to me that I “NEEDED” to try to find more guys who would fuck me so I went back to looking online for dick. I posted a new quick connect add, this time the chems clearly helping me let lose “Power bottom parTy bear, looking to get my ass fucked, filled, and fisted. BB only, neg and on prep here, w/s friendly”. (I know what I like) I had moved up from the double header to an 8” long 6.5 circ dildo when I got a response to my ad. Instinctively, I went to check the profile before seeing what he had to say... There were no face pics,only two fairly close up pics, one of his ass (muscled, perky, and perfect) and one of his 9” pierced uncut cock (YUM), which was about all I needed to see, but I skimmed the rest of his profile: 25, 6'1” brown hair, blue eyes, 38” waist 185 lbs, muscular (Woo-hoo); I looked down to his interests: BB, D/s, Fisting, sounding, W/S, raunch, role-play, groups, chubs, PNP, etc... (fucking jackpot)... so I eagerly went to read his message, “Hey there sexy daddy; saw your ad, and you sound just like the kind of parTy bottom slut I love, clear your schedule, I want to spend this weekend fucking, fisting, and filling your chempig hole”. My usual skepticism at a guy like that, wanting a weekend like that, with a guy like me was quickly dismissed as I replied with my phone and address before he quickly replied that he would be there in a little over an hour with the instructions “leave the door unlocked, put on a blindfold, and be waiting naked face-down ass-up, ready for his first load” fortunately, I had a relatively small house in the country with no nearby neighbors, so I wasn't worried about anyone seeing me when he opened the door. I smoked another bowl of herb and moved some of they toys to the living room so I would be ready when he got there. I put some W/S gangbang porn on the TV, and was grinding my hole on my hole on my 6” circ. Plug when I got a text from a blocked number “under 5 away, be ready, door unlocked, BLINDFOLD ON”. A rush of excitement washed over me as I threw a blanket over the hardwood floors and got down on it on all fours with my ass pointed towards the door... (plug still in) before I tied a bandanna on as a blindfold, The next few minutes felt like hours, but soon I heard the door open and shut before the sounds of him kicking off his shoes against the door (just like my sons used to) and throwing his clothes on the floor before he slapped the plug in my hole and said (in an obviously fake deep voice) “Aw yeah daddy, I love when a bottom slut is stretched out and ready for this poz monster cock” Between his dick pick, interests, and the chems in my system I hadn't even checked his status... I wasn't an active chaser, but with prep and a lucky history, it wouldn't have been a deal-breaker for me anyway I thought as he spoke again, “slammed in your driveway, we are gonna have some fucking nasty fun slut” I heard the crinkle of plastic before he placed a hand on the plug in my hole and said “Push it out” (still in the fake deep voice). The plug game out with a plop, but was quickly replaced with his face as he dove in and began eating my hungry hole. This kid had an amazing tongue and with how hungrily he was trying to dig deeper into my big hairy bear ass, it was clear he hadn't lied on his profile about being into bears/chubs (FUCK YEAH). He pulled back and said, “mmm, you still have someone elses load in you slut, I love chemwhores like you that come pre-lubed”. He then slid two fingers in and as he began moving them around, I began to feel a burn I recognized from a few hours earlier... he was working more T into my hole! I couldn't stop myself from grinding back against his hand, or letting a low hungry moan as I felt it kicking in... I coughed and was breathing way heavier than before. Whatever he had was was stronger than what I did I thought as I heard “Point two shard in there slut, you are gonna be begging for my toxic loads all night, and plenty more where that came from” FUCK I thought, that is way too much for me I tried to say, but all that came out was a mumbled moan as he worked in the rest of his fingers and began scraping whatever hadn't dissolved yet against my prostate. I could feel my eyes roll back in my head as my ass hungrily tried to suck his hand into me. I don't think my hole has ever been this hungry. I wanted to beg for more but all I could manage was grunts and moans. He pulled his hand out after a few minutes (still way too soon) but I soon felt the head of his cock pressing against my stretched hungry hole. His dick looked big in his profile pic, and if he hadn't just had his hand in me, there is no way I would have been ready for the beercan thick cock he was slowly pushing into my hungry tweaked out manpussy, I felt what I thought was his PA until it started burning again and I felt another wave of hunger as he pushed in and ground his bush against my stretched out hole, leaned forward and said “Fuck you feel good daddy, I put a little more T under my foreskin because I want to make sure I scratch us both up and breed you good daddy” I moaned in agreement, I had given up on being on all fours at this point and had my face pressed to the floor as he began to pick up the pace. He went from slowly working whole 9 inches of his baseball bat dick all the way out till only his piercing was still in my hole before plunging the entire length back in one quick thrust, each time trying to hit another spot inside me. When he was confident he had gotten my hole ready, he began began to full on “hate fuck” my hole with enough force that he was actually pushing my big assed-chub/bear self across the floor. “You want my toxic load slut” he grunted “God yes sit, I replied” “Beg for it” he demanded “Please breed me sir, I need your strain, I want you to fill me with your poz cum so bad” (I may not have been a chaser, but I knew the lingo and have been around enough to know what he wanted to hear) He leaned in and wrapped his muscular arms around me as his pounding of my hungry hole took a more frantic pace, occasionally slapping my ass while letting out a “fuck yeah” each time dropping more and more of the “fake deep tone” from his voice, before hugged me close against him, and pulled my head back meet his to begin giving me deep (and hungry) kisses as his fucking slowed back down to pulling out slowly and then thrusting all the way back in as hard as he could until the thrust when he shoved as deep as he could, grinding his bush against my stretched hole as if he were trying to climb inside me before as he broke our kiss and let out a loud guttural yell as I felt his dick pulse and fill me with that hot wet familiar feeling I love. I was still flying and couldn't help but continue slowly fuck myself against his as the he stayed there, his sweaty muscular body grinding against mine. Instead of pulling out like I was expecting, he kept it lodged in my hole and began to let out a low moan as I felt a new warm feeling filling me even more before he said “aw yeah dad, take my slampiss”. this time without the fake deep voice... this time in a voice I recognized despite foggy mental state. he sounded just like my oldest boy Jason, I was still so spun I couldn't be sure, and the hot chempiss now filling my hole wasn't helping. All I could think of is how amazing this hung stud felt pressed against me and how I didn't want him to ever pull out of my hole... so of course he did. Before I could say anything to protest he flipped me over onto my back (damn he was strong) lifted my legs and shoved his dick back into my hole in one smooth motion. A lot of the chempiss he had just filled me with squirted out around his cock as he pushed back into my battered ass, getting it over both of us as he slowly began long-dicking me as it pooled around us. I couldn't think of anything other than how good his monster cock felt in me and how I didn't want it to stop. (damn his chempiss was strong) I couldn't control myself as I mumbled out, “please don't stop fucking me” “don't worry slut, I own this ass now and I am not gonna stop fucking you till we both drop” he replied. This time I knew I recognized the voice... he sounded exactly like my son Jason! I had to be sure so I tried to pull back my blindfold...he grabbed my hand to stop me at first, but then slowly pulled off the bandana as he kept fucking this mix of his poz cum and slampig chempiss out of my hole, the sloppy wet slapping the only other sound as my eyes began adjusting to finally see the man who was making my hole feel so good. I couldn't believe it, this had to be a hallucination. But as I looked up, I saw the face of my oldest son, Jason. I hadn't seen him in a long time, but I know my sons face. I knew he had a football player build the last time I seen him years ago, but even with the the sweaty muscular adonis he had become, I recognized my boy. I should have pulled away, I should have freaked out, I knew this was wrong, but my tina addled brain could only focus on how amazing the tree trunk he still had lodged in me felt. We both froze, staring into each others eyes with a mix of fear and lust but clearly neither of us wanting this feeling to stop. I continued breathing heavily and looking up my son as the sweat dripped from his nose. Without even thinking, my ass began to slowly move against him again. The fear faded from his face and he teared up a bit and let out muffled sniffle before saying, “I fucking love you dad” and lunching forward to begin frantically shoving his tongue into my mouth. Any thoughts of “wrong” vanished as I returned his intense kisses. Our tongues battling to try to taste more of the other, the clear lust and longing taking over as his thrusts began picking up again. Within minutes it was clear he was getting close to cumming again as he pulled back and his body tensed. His muscles glistening as he yelled out “FUCK YEAH DAD! I'm knocking up your hot fag pussy with my poz cock” He thrust in deep and held it there again, my wet sloppy ass spasming around his wrist thick cock as he pumped load after load of his venom deep inside me...before I could try to actually think about the implications of what he was saying, he leaned in and began kissing me again. He broke our lip long long enough to look me square in the eyes as he said, “I love you Dad” “I love you too Jason” I said before hugging him against me as tight as I could To Be Continued? (I have ideas)
    3 points
  9. I don't remember my first dick. there have been SO fuckin many, they're a blur. but I've sucked a cock SO big, it was almost too big, if that's a thing. its owner said it was 10.75 inches. I don't think he was lying... and it was FAT even in proportion to its length! mushroom dickhead like a tennis ball; I could not get my thumb and forefinger around the base. its owner was a fat, effeminate old retail queen who'd made Lindsey Graham or Leslie Jordan look butch... but I got on my knees and gayly slobbered on that knob on multiple occasions, including once in a mall restroom right out in the open, and whimpered if the old girl took it out of my mouth for half a second
    3 points
  10. CHAPTER 2 School went on as usual with the passing of months. In fact, it went on for over a year without my being able to prove or disprove what I had learned about the local Y. Memorial Day weekend was coming up, and my family was preparing for celebration by having all my aunts, uncles, cousins, and especially grandparents over for the weekend. There were tents and campers everywhere as well as the usual cots and pallets made up for sleeping. It all came off like all the previous Memorial Day weekends including our Sunday night of sitting around a bonfire with everyone staring into the flames. Per chance, I was sitting near two of my uncles who were comparing notes of how their companies were doing. I half listened until all of a sudden something wasn't sounding right. The topic no longer was their work. They were quietly talking about their memberships at the local YMCA. They spoke about having had a rough week of stress and had thoroughly enjoyed the workout that they had gotten playing basketball at the Y, swimming laps, and running the track. They hit the topics of who were good players on the pickup games, who had fouled whom, who had been out of bounds, and so on. Finally, I asked them about the Y membership. They told me that it was a full gym with a running track, weights, parallel bars, swimming pool, three basketball courts, three handball courts, showers, and steam room. They said that I could benefit from a membership by using the pool for practice instead of the ponds. I knew that such a membership was out of the question. I'd have to get downtown, swim, and then get back somehow and that didn’t even broach the cost of such a membership. My work on the farm would not get done, and it had to be done. The three of us continued to talk about it with me reluctantly telling them the problems that would come of a membership. The two of them knew best for me and called my dad over for a talk. They broached the topic with my dad. I slightly protested and said that it wouldn't work as I couldn't do my homework and my work on the farm as well as have someone take the time to drive me to and from and swim for practice. My dad listened to it all and said that it sounded like a good idea to get to swim in a pool instead of the ponds for practice. My uncle Bill said that it was settled. He and his brother used their memberships during the day through the week and on Tuesday and Thursday nights. I didn't need a membership as I could use their cards to get in. It seemed that there was an honor system. Each member had a card that looked like a time card. The card was picked up out of a rack, handed to the clerk who dispensed towels and locks, and the card was returned to the rack when the towels and locks were returned on departure. Clerks never checked id's to be sure that the card handed to him was in fact the member. Super! My dad said that as long as I got my homework done as well as my work on the farm, he had no problem with my using their memberships for swimming and arrangements could be worked out to get me there and back. I immediately thought about it myself and thought to be sure I'd go on Friday or Saturday night. Also, with summer coming, there would be a lot more to do on the farm. There were three more days of school so homework wasn't going to be an issue. I resolved that whatever work I had for the farm I would get it done period to free me up for my first Y visit. I looked at the calendar. And, my birthday was only a week away. I didn’t know how but I was going to give myself a super eighteenth birthday present. I was like a whirlwind each week doing my work by starting a little earlier than usual, taking shorter breaks and meals, and working a little longer each day. I really appreciated what my parents and uncles were doing for me. I was determined to show my appreciation for their sacrifice. Still, I occasionally did remember what I had heard about the steam room but had no opportunity to find out. Anyway, I thought I was improving on my turns and come fall I found out that indeed I was. One early Friday afternoon, I was clearing out part of a woods. My dad came out finding me hauling another load of underbrush and told me that I had been a good kid, always volunteering to do work on the farm, kept up my grades, and always made them proud of me. He and my mom decided to give me a birthday weekend. He reached in his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He took out a wad of bills handing all of it to me. "There's four hundred dollars there for you to use. It should be more than enough. You take the Chevy. Do your swimming practice at the Y. I’ve called your uncles to let them know you’re going to use their membership. Then, eat downtown and take in a movie. Your Uncle Bill said to park in his lot. Tell the attendant who you are and there won't be a charge. Just be sure to lock up the car. Bill also said that the Y has rooms for sleeping. Get one for the entire weekend. You're a good hard-working son and your mom and I think you deserve a reward. Just be careful on your own." I was stunned. My mind reeled at the unexpected birthday present and opportunity that I was facing. It was more than perfect. I thanked my dad, shoved the money in my jeans thinking of the additional money I had stashed that I knew I would take with me, stumbled out of the field, and began walking to the house. I walked in to face my mom beaming. She kissed me on my cheek and told me to have fun and be sure to take my toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant. My practical mother strikes again. She handed me the car keys as I headed to my room to pack. I tossed together what I thought I'd need including my toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant. I stood in the middle of my room going through in my mind everything that I had packed and decided I was ready. I had packed some special things to take with me. I walked out of my room with the money from my parents and my own stash carefully secured in my bag and wallet. I didn't know what my expenses would be except the room, food, and gas. I knew I would not be going to a movie. My mind raced through the possibility that what I had heard was a lie. I was going to find out if at all possible, though. I headed to the front door where my mom was and banished my evil thoughts. I kissed her on the cheek and out the door I went. I was ready for the adventure that lay ahead.
    3 points
  11. WOW... After my last topic here, i am now more confident to aproach guys... i used to fear rejection, but i realized that most guy dont reject me 😮 at last night i went to a bath house and sucked 11 different guys, my favorite was one guy that seemed to be married, i love married men, those with dad body and lots of hair... some of them wanted to fuck me but im not confident enough to let them breed me, i need to create the strength to let it happen and be a total slut. My goal is to reach 1000 loads in my hole... so far, none 😄
    2 points
  12. Nothing like a good love story ❤️
    2 points
  13. After being stretched by the BBC I brought home from the ABS, the young Asian boy was on his way. I quickly showered but left the huge black guys load in my hole. it took Asian boy a little longer to get to me and I had missed his messages on sniffles and fallen asleep. Fuck he was here and just walked in on me passed out on the coach. I quickly got up and saw a cute, short, toned Asian boy early 20’s. Wondering if he was really as Dom as he chattted. I got on my bed facedown ass up. Wondering if my beat up hole from the 8” bbc I just took would be able to stand more fucking. He got up on me and started entering my swollen ass lips. Whispering in my ear how he likes slutty daddies like me. It felt dry snd he kept putting spit on his dick to get it in. He fucked me for 30 minutes then the other guy’s Cum starting leaking out. He mentions,”fuck you got another load up there don’t you fucken faggot.” He starts to dig deeper and harder. He’s not that big but because my hole is totally swollen and wrecked, it felt like a 10”. He was also rock hard like a teenager. I could hear and feel the cum splash all over and he was lifting my checks apart to dig deeper and to wreck my hole more. He started to wipe the cum on my legs and back like sun tan lotion. I felt like a dirty used pig. He was on his way to work but he wanted to make sure he used me good and finally after 40 minutes, emptied his balls in my wrecked and juicy hole. I apologized for not telling him about the previous guy’s cum,”I don’t care, it’s just like another type of lube. I love daddy sluts like you.” Hopefully I can get more of this from him.
    2 points
  14. Get several, TODAY! Went over to my bestie's house this morning to have another one of those drawn out sessions we normally have. He wasn't home, yes I jumped the gun and drove over there even though he hadn't answered the phone and we just talked last night about THIS MORNING. Both his cars were there but no answer. I wondered if he went 'over the deep end' as he does with the 'condiments'. I felt stood up and worried at the same time... but once I got home I get a text: "CAN YOU PICK ME UP? As in like NOW! I'm out at (address)... hurry and just text me!" Well he was with his aspiring BF, one on the wild side with tats and all that... but notoriously jealous of me. Well they are supposedly 'friends-with-benefits' and I'm not about to give up a good thing. Besides, my 'bestie' can fuck and fuck and keep going limited only by his occasional need to eat something... one of those. Went back to his place, as I listen to the stories of exploits and debauchery, knowing best to just nod and approve. Once back at his house, I knew I had a home-run. Straight to fuck-fest it was, despite his exhausting night! TWO loads I took and I know now to be the best 'cum-dumpster'/aggressive bottom and put on an extra bit of 'cooperation' as I sense he is about to come. He is a social butterfly and also has a sugar daddy whom he is meeting for lunch and shopping so we agreed to 'talk later today'... AGAIN! I got home and my hubby had a stranger parked in my spot in the driveway and by the tags I could tell he was going to one of the big southern universities. My man and I have this totally cool 'sex-for-sport' arrangement and I took the liberty to just walk in on them as they were being quite loud, laying around naked and watching porn. I basically could have gone without getting in there and maybe having some later but my hubby texted me as I was in the backyard doing domestic chores: "Hey, come back! We need a bottom!" Ok MY CUE! My man whispered that he isn't quite ready for that fat pecker (today) and wanted me to 'fill in'. Ok then. Buck-naked I was and rode that cock while he laid back. it didn't take him but a few minutes and his toes were curling as I could feel that hot bead of dude juice targeting my deep insides. I was worried my bestie's juice would become and issue but luckily, no such thing... so now I have the DNA of two horny fuckers inside of me... odd how I'm wanting more... Oh look, it's 3pm. I can call my bestie again! I'm ready for more!
    2 points
  15. Looks like someone is happy tourists are "cumming" back to Hawaii! ;->
    2 points
  16. last night at a fuck group at my buddy's place. There was me, my buddy, 2 bears and a boy about 19. I got in the sling and my ankles were chained to the frame and raised up so my hole was on show. 2 of the men got hold of the boy and forced his face into my ass crack and ordered him to eat me out. That felt great. When I was wet my buddy and the bears started fucking me. They were also fucking the boys mouth after being inside me. I took a big load of each of the men so I was full of seed. Then they invited to boy - well kinda coerced him into fucking me. That was hot. He shoved his cock deep in me and fucked his load up my ass. I was stinking of sweat n sperm.
    2 points
  17. Chapter 5: Dibs on Dad's Ass (Sorry, this is a short chapter as it is kind of a wrap up for the end of chapter 4) Matt and I lay on our backs, still connected by the rubber monster-cock double header, Jason still impaled on his brothers massive dick. All three of us slick with sweat and chempiss and breathing heavily as Matt started to slowly gyrate his hips again, using his ass to fuck me while his thick cock began to slowly move in and out of Jason's hot ass again. It doesn't take long for him to pick up his pace as he puts a hand on each of Jason's hips as he begins to thrust harder and bounce his older “little” brother off hips, and while I am fucking LOVING the sight, my eyes keep rolling back in my head as the dildo I am sharing with Matt is REALLY grinding against my prostate. “FUCK YES, FUCK ME BRO” Jason yells as he raises on arm and does an impression of riding an electric bull. Loud wet sounds of skin slapping skin echo in the room as Jason bounces back to meet Matt's thrusts into his slick wet hole. Small amounts of Matt's piss leak out when he pulls back and it splashes over the rest of us as he drives back into Jason's eager man-cunt. The smells of our wet sex filling the air only adding to the buzz from all the chems my boys have fucked into me. I am swimming in sensation overload as Matt grunts, “god damn, I'm getting close bro... Hop off, I wanna bust in Dad” Jason's face flashed a wicked smile as he slowly stood up, His brothers hard cock slowly inching out of his hole until it came out with a wet plop and slapped against Matt's washboard abs and the remaining chempiss poured out over the two of us still on our backs. As the hot wet torrent let up, he finished standing, and turned around, squatting over my face and eager tongue. Jason's ass was fully gaped, the red and swollen lips futility trying to close as I grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him down to my eager mouth. I was eagerly eating his Jason's hole as Matt pulled away from me. No idea who the dildo came out of first or last, but I was only just feeling the “cool” air breezing into my gaping fuck hole before I felt my youngest son's massive cock head pressing against my hole. Fortunately both it and I were still fully lubed as Matt quickly drove his dick into me. He only paused to enjoy the warmth for a second before he began to fuck me with a pace similar to what he had been using on Jason. I tried to let out loud moans of Ecstasy, but I was fully muffled by Jason's perfect muscle ass straddling my face. “AW FUCK YEAH, breed him bro!” Jason yelled as he held my legs up to make it easier for his Matt to plow into me at full force. The room filled with a mix of grunts, squishing, sloshing, and slapping sounds as Matt jackhammered into me. Any pretense of “form” was missing as he was gripping onto me and thrusting with animalistic need as his guttural breathing picked up to a crescendo which he punctuated with primal scream before he collapsed forward against me face planting against his brothers crotch as his entire body seized and convulsed with each volley of toxic cum that his massive cock spit into the torn and stretched deep inner walls of my anal cavity. As Matt's breathing returned to normal, he softly said, “I love pozzing your hole dad” before pulling his somewhat deflated but still half hard cock from my abused ass. The air rushing into the vacancy his cock left in me causing me to let out a longing whimper into Jason's rock hard ass, before Jason jokingly said “Dibs on Dad's ass!” as he stood up, allowing me to begin to catch my ass for a second, before Jason grabbed one of my arms and legs and proceeded to flip me like a pancake (I love how strong he is) before driving his rock hard cock balls deep in a single thrust. “Damn Matt, you destroyed this hole, see if Dad has any normal guy dick sized dildos” Jason said as he ling dicked my hole...”Duffel bag under the coffee table” I blurt out between whimpering pleas to “please fuck me son” Matt quickly leaves and comes back carrying his phone and my literal bag of dicks. He digs around in the bag quickly before handing a 8x6 dildo with balls to his brother as he sits on the edge of the bed and begins mindlessly worshiping the screen of his phone. Jason takes the dildo from his brother and pulls out of me far enough the he is able to get it between us and press it against my hole. “OK, fuck that's a lot” I say as I wince because he pushes the toy into me alongside his already thick cock, “Yeah it is” Jason happily says, as he begins to push both his and the fake dick into me. The sensation overload sending me flying as Jason slowly double fucks his brothers highly toxic load into my torn up hole.. “You called dibs, and here you are riding shotgun” Matt laughed as he continued fingering his screen Matt's comment was lost on Jason and I as we were lost in the sensation of him slowly double fucking me, the moisture coating us both lubing him up as his rippling muscles slid against my soft flesh. The two of us moving in blind unison as waves of blinding pleasure washed over me. “Damn” Matt eventually exclaimed, breaking the pig trance Jason and I found ourselves in. “I gotta gotta go make some deliveries” Matt said while fumbling with his phone. “I'll be back tonight” Matt said before leaning in to plant a deep sensual kiss on his brother Jason. “Make sure dad eats and drinks something that didn't come out of you, and don't fully destroy Dad's pussy until I get back” he said as he gave Jason's ass a loud slap. “Love you dad” Matt said before giving me a quick kiss and beginning to get dressed, still wet with sweat and our pig sex. “Just you and me for a while” Jason said as he resumed slowly double fucking me, and followed up with the command“Look at me and Open you mouth” I did as he ordered, twisted partly to my side which allowed me to look up into his devious smile as he cleared his throat, let lose a cough, and proceeded to let a thick loogie begin to drip out of his puckered lips, slowly lowering down into my open pig mouth... clearly at this point, I was down for whatever my boys wanted if it meant more of their dicks in me. His pace slowed as he leaned in and held my head back so he could begin kissing me. The mix of flavors and feelings causing us both to moan as he continued slowly fucking his brothers Poz+ cum out of my ass and into the mix of sweat and chempiss that had soaked my bed below us. He broke our kiss and began pinching my nipple “We are gonna have a lot of fun, I fucking love you Dad” We heard the front door slam, letting us know that Matt had left as Jason said “mmmm, All mine now” Jason said as he pushed my face down into the wet mattress “I am gonna FUCKING FILL this pussy!” Jason said as he began thrusting with purpose. “Aw fuck yeah Jason, breed my ass with your poz cum” I yelled “fucking knock up your old man” “FUUUUCK YES” Jason yelled as he began full on hate fucking my ass. Loudly slapping an ass cheek in between every few lunges before he began letting out guttural yells to punctuate each thrust. “Take it slut! FUCK, I Love you dad!!!” he cried out before pouncing forward and wrapping me in his arms, pulling me tight against him in a bear hug to meet his abrupt strokes as he empties shot after shot of his toxic venom in to mix with the remnants of his little brothers load. “Now, how are we gonna spend our day” he said as he pulled my head back to resume kissing me as I let out a long moan of satisfaction.
    2 points
  18. Chapter 3: You're still mine Saying I was surprised to look up to see my boy towering above me and I was kneeling between his older brothers legs is an understatement... I coughed and spit out the last of his piss from my mouth. As the chempiss and spit trickled down my belly, I tried to stand but the chempiss was kicking in fast and I fell back against Jason, who managed to catch and steady me with his massive muscular arms. “Easy there dad”, Matt said as he stepped forward and slightly leaned down to plant a deep passionate kiss on his older brother Jason. I sat down and leaned against the wall of the shower and looked up to fully take in the sight before me. My oldest, Jason, seemed fairly short at 6'1” compared to his younger brother's towering 6'6” frame; but what Jason lacked in height, he more than made up for in muscle mass. Matt clearly spent a lot of the time at the gym, and had a 6 pack and v-cut to prove it, but Jason could dominate body building competitions... And while Jason had a light “Dusting” of dark black fur from head to toe, with his natural blond hair and trimmed bush, Matt's body looked relatively hairless. Which made him quite the canvas for the assortment of tattoos covering him from collar to toe, including full sleeves on each arm. The last difference that really surprised me was the difference in their dicks. Jason was sporting 8.5 inches, about 7 inches around, and uncut with what I would learn was a 2 gauge PA (Glad he inherited Barb's Dad's dick... which I knew was as long but a little thinner, thanks to a time when we got drunk and blew each other) But Matt on the other hand... HOLY SHIT. Matt's cock was HUGE... “Damn boy, how big is that thing” I asked as it swung before me Matt looked down at me, then at his hardening cock and beaming with pride, replied “13 inches long, and just under 9 around” As he spoke, he took it in his hand and waved it back and forth in front of my face. His long foreskin completely covering the head and hanging lose off the end. My boys then joined me on the floor of the shower, the hot water still raining down as the positioned themselves on both sides of me, As Jason began tweaking my nipples, Matt put a hand behind my head and pulled me in for his first deep kiss. As he dug his way into my mouth, I found out he had his tongue pierced as his barbell lightly clinked against my teeth. As I was once again getting lost in the sensations, he broke off our kiss and looked to his brother, “So, did you ask him?” “Oh, shit, no, not yet” Matt replied. “Ask me what?” I said, trying to assert some of my old “fatherly tone” (but completely failing) as I looked back and forth at my two sexy sons. “Well, a couple things... when I saw your post and your profile online and saw it was you and” Jason began to stutter as Matt coughed loud and punched him in the shoulder before blurting out “about me dumbass, we are here like this so he is obviously down to get charged up like us” he snapped at his brother. Jason punched his brother back before snapping back, “we just started, and I have been warming him up to ask him that and the other things and” Just then Matt reached his hand down, grabbed his brothers balls and gave them a quick tug and twist, but before he could continue arguing with his brother, Jason reached down, grabbed Matts nuts and began twisting and pulling them just as aggressively. I looked down and saw both of my boys hands on the others balls, each pulling and stretching hard enough that they both turning red but each of them refusing to back down to the other. The familiar feeling of my boys doing their brotherly fighting with me in the middle brought back enough instinct that I grabbed each of them by the ears and pulled them back apart until they eased their grips on each other and looked at me. “BOYS, I like the kinky tone your squabbling has taken on over the years you have been away, but nither of you is torturing my nutts, and Matt, Clearly you have something you want to ask that can't wait, So we are going to go around and each ask our most pressing question... Total honesty” I said as released their grips. Both of them looking up at me with puppy dog eyes as they tilted their heads, just like all the times I had to punish them when they were little. I reached over and brushed Jason's hands off of Matt's balls before replacing his grip with mine. I looked him in the eyes, licked my lips, and said, “Matt, you go first” Matt raised his face to look directly at mine; at the same time, he released his grip on his brother, before wrapping his large muscular hand around my dick and balls and giving them a HARD tug. Then he asked, “I have always wanted to know, I don't look anything like you or Jason, and I know Mom is my Mom, but we know she and mike are swingers, so I have always wondered...” he sheepishly trailed off, afraid to ask the question that always bothered him. “Spit it out” I scolded as I gave his huge nuts a stern tug and twist “Are you really my dad?” he blurted before looking down, just like when he was little and afraid of something on TV. “Matty” I said as I released his balls and pulled his chin up till we were both looking each other eye to eye. “You are now, and have always been my son, and while you are probably not as sweet, you are still my baby boy... but yes...no... I mean, biologically, I am pretty sure the guy who knocked up your mom that night was the Scandinavian sailor, pretty sure he tried knocking me up too with all the loads he left in me...but it was a swingers party, we didn't know anyone there. And we were never able to track him down... but that didn't change the fact that I raised you as my own, and when your Mom took you and Jason away, it hurt just as much; but I thought it was what would be best for you two” I said as I gave him a soft loving kiss to re-assure him, and gave him a look that let him know that that no matter what, as far as I was concerned, he was mine. At this point, Jason calmly placed his hand on his brother's forehead and gently pushed him back, “OK, My Turn” he said eagerly, however as Matt still had my nuts in much less aggressive, but still firm grip, he instead reached under my leg, and rolled me sidways to face his brother as he pulled the huge plug from my hole with a loud wet plop before sliding his fat 8” effortlessly into my gaping hole, balls deep. As he slowly moved it back and forth, he reached around and pulled his brother closer, sandwiching me between their ripped muscular bodies. “Well” Jason said, “I guess the first thing I want to know right now...our lease is up at the end of the month, and we were in the area because we were looking for a new place to live where we could be... “us” without having to worry...sooo, could we move back home here with you?” he said as he slowly long dicked my hole (trying to butter the old man up I see) I pushed back my hole and without hesitation replied, “fuck yeah boys; we will have to get another fake bed to put somewhere in case we ever have to keep up appearances, But I have a big bid, and I want to go to bed every night in between my two beautiful sons” I said in a haze between the chems in my system and the monster cock massaging my prostate now it was my turn, as I pushed back to meet Jason's thrusts. I let out a struggled, “I have always thought it was kinda hot, but was always too scared to go through with it... do you two really want to knock me up? Breed your old man and make him a toxic slut like you are? I blurted in my t and sex filled haze. “Fuck yeah daddy” Jason said eagerly as he picked up the pace. “Poz and then some...we both recently tested poz for siph but haven't started meds yet, and this morning Matty found a sore by his piss slit that we need to go back to the doc for. At this point I had crossed so many lines, I didn't hesitate to reply, “Fuck yeah Jason, breed my fag pussy, and make me just like you two” I said as I continued to push back to meet my oldest son as he thrust his toxic cock into my now wet and sloppy hole and I leaned forward to lock lips with his bigger little brother. “FUCK. YES. TAKE. IT.SLUT” Jason yelled, each word punctuated with an even harder thrust, his PA clearly tearing up my ass up further with his PA as he began shooting another load into my stretched out hole. As his body convulsed, he pulled me against him with all his strength, and to my confusion, Matt broke away from our triple embrace to stand up as he said, “Gotta grab something, back in a sec...Jay, help dad get on his back on the fuck bench and turn the water off for a sec. He said before striding out of the room like he already lived here (again). Jason reluctantly pulled out and helped me up. We turned off the showers and as I was climbing onto the bench, Matt re-entered and walked over to me. With me on the fuck bench, his massive cock was once again at eye level. He walked over until his horse cock was only a few feet from my face. “If we're doing this, we're doing it right” he said before he used his left hand to peel the foreskin back and reveal his massive cockhead. Jason was right, there were some angry looking sores forming around his piss slit, and a few smaller bumps along the ridge of his head. A small amount of cock cheese was also making his cockhead look more infected. He took his other hand and revealed another shard of T. He ran the shard across the ridges on his dickhead and then across the red sores near his slit before pushing it all the way into his dick hole. He also had a metal sounding rod which he then used to push the shard several inches deeper into his cock before slowly sliding the rod out. I briefly saw some red streaks along the length of it as he walked over and placed the rod on the sink. “Hold his legs up bro, help me knock up our dad, we are gonna be bound by DNA one way or another!” he said as we walked forward and placed the head of his massive cock against my hungry gaping hole. “Breed me son” I said as I looked into his eyes... It was all the motivation he heeded as in one brutal thrust, he shoved his cock over halfway into my hole. Even with all the chems and stretching from Jason, Taking Matt's cock for the first time still hurt like hell. “Don't worry Dad, this will help” Matt said as his body tensed up and he shoved another quarter of his dick into my beyond stretched hole as his big brother helped pull my cheeks apart. The feeling of fullness then began to greatly intensify, along with a new level of burn, “OH FUCK YES” Matt exclaimed, “I have had to piss since I got here” he said as he unloaded his bladder into my already full hole. The thickness of his cock being the only think keeping it from spraying back out as he continued to unload. My vision blurred and I began coughing heavily...”FUCK” I thought...Matt's slampig chempiss was MUCH stronger than Jasons. It was like I read in the stories about people getting slammed. I tried to say something, but all that I could get out was “please.... fuck... me...”between coughs as I pawed at Jason's torso to try to pull him towards my mouth as I wrapped my legs around Matt and tried pull him in closer to me, not realizing he had already pushed in balls deep and had begun slowly fucking me with the baseball bat he called a cock. All I can remember is a primal need to keep nursing the cock in front of , as the man with a horse cock was literally tearing my hole to shreds. The next few hours were a total blur as both of my son's took turns fucking me, as well as each other, with an abundance of wet sloppy fisting mixed in. --------- That's it for now, but if yall want more, I would like to see this story go further too.
    2 points
  19. Chapter Two: (Like Father, Like Son) As I lay on my back, Jason's hard cock still lodged deep in my throbbing hole, he pushed himself up with his arms; sweat dripping from his short dark hair. His green eyes looked deep into mine, and a devilish smile crept across his handsome face, “Is the stuff in the kitchen still in the same places?” he asked. I was caught off guard by the randomness of his question but managed to reply “uh, yeah, basically” before he quickly pulled out, shoved one of the nearby plugs into my hole, and stood up before happily bouncing off to the kitchen. Any surprise at his actions was pushed aside as I watched his ample ass saunter out of view, fuck he was beautiful. I was still flying, and trying to collect my thoughts when he walked back into the room, holding the can of crisco and sporting a hungry smile as his 9” cock was still mostly hard and still glistening with a mix of pink cum and chempiss. The weight from his large PA ring causing his massive dick to bounce as he walked. He sat down next to me and grabbed his phone from his pants on the floor near us. He fumbled with it with one hand, while tapping the plug in my hole with the other. After a few moments of fingering his screen with a determined look, he put it back and resumed smiling as he ran his hands across my thighs. “Eat my hole while I play with yours daddy” Jason said as he straddled my face. I couldn't believe I was getting a good close look at my sons hot muscular ass as he reached back and ran his hands across the light coat of hair on his perfect round globes before pulling them apart to reveal a puckering hole that had clearly seen its share of dick as well. “suck it daddy” he begged as I lunged forward into the perfect ass of my son. I dove in and hungrily began lapping at his hungry hole. From the initial pucker I could tell he had been fucked a fair amount, but wasn't expecting his hole to open up and try to suck my tongue in as his full round asscheeks hugged the sides of my face. The sweat from both of us lubing our bodies and allowing our skin to slide across each other as he leaned forward and moved his hands from his ass to between my legs to resume playing with the plug in my hole. My hands quickly moving to replace his and continue to pull his ass cheeks apart, allowing me suck on his delicious pucker as I eagerly dig my tongue in deeper into is quickly opening hole. Using the strength of his well defined muscles, he lifts my lower half off the floor, giving him full view and access to my hole. He pulled the plug from my hole with a loud plop and dropped it into the blanket we were on, now fully soaked with chempiss and sweat. I pulled forward to continue my oral assault on his welcoming hole as he leaned forward and buried his face in mine. Even with his strength and flexibility, the angle was difficult for him to do more than lick across the gape he had created. The heat of his tongue clashing with the cool air I could feel against my hole as it tried to pucker closed. He pulled up and leaned back, applying more of his weight to my face and allowing me to dig deeper as I heard him say “fuck your hole tastes good dad” He kept one arm wrapped around my leg, holding me up as his hand massaged inside my ass cheek, his fingers dancing across my hungry ass lips. With the other hand he grabbed something from his pants and seemed to fumble for a second before saying “lets see how much more open we can get you daddy”. He began fingering my hole again and I felt the burn I loved as the hunger and intensity intensified. I held my hand out and pulled my face away from his hole long enough to let out a muffled “one for you” before returning to my feast. With his free hand he grabbed another shard from his supply and placed it in my fingers. “about the same as what I just gave you” he said as I pulled it back and glimpsed at its size before placing it against his hole and pressing it inside (fuck that is bigger than I have done before) I tried to think as it continued kick in more; both of us rubbing it against the others prostate and scratching it back and forth. I lean forward and try to take in as much of the smell of musk from his ass as I can before licking his hole as my fingers rub the last of the T into the lining of his man-pussy. The only real thought in my head being “This is so hot,” as I focus my attentions on the perfect muscle ass against my face, I am now using both hands to pull open his ass and give me access to his hole, now tasting strongly bitter from the T. I am surprised that there is barely any resistance as I am able to slide two fingers in and out with little resistance. “give me your hand” he orders. I reach my hand out and feel his already crisco covered hands massage the grease across my fingers and up my wrists before releasing his grip and returning his attentions to my hole. And his attentions felt amazing. As he returned to working his fingers into my gape that now felt empty without him there. My hole eagerly stretched to accept is continued assault on my hole... I expected some pain, but felt none as I felt the thickness of his thumb knuckle as it slid into my hole and he began to grind it against my spot. I could barely focus on how easily my fingers were working into his hole with the waves of sensation crashing over me. I had to make my boy feel good though, so I pushed my hand forward and with little resistance my hand made it into the perfect muscle butt inches away from my face. “Fuck Jason, you took my whole hand easy” I half grunted as he began moving his hand back and forth, fully fucking me with his arm. “That's nothing dad, before I leave, I'm going to go elbow deep in you... you are already taking my forearms” he said as I felt his fist pushing against my inner ring. “But first, I'm thirsty” he said in a whimsical tone before latching onto my cock and nursing my limp party dick (yeah, I get that bad, glad he didn't inherit it). His sucking was hard and almost painful at first, but he let up as he moved his hand to my bladder and began applying pressure. With all the attention, I felt like I was having a full body orgasm as I let lose a torrent of chempiss down my pig sons hungry throat. The orgasm feeling intensified as I continued to feel the sweet release of the pressure on my bladder and he began slowly moving his hand back and forth from my hole. My legs began to convulse as wave after wave of please washed over me. I did my best to try to return the favor to his ass and was rewarded with the feeling of his piss begging to leak from his monster cock, sandwiched between us. Not wanting to waste it, I used my free hand to pull his now rock hard wet cock down to angle it towards my mouth to savor his bitter nectar. He realizes what I am going for and lifts one leg up off of me, letting me keep my hand in his ass, but giving me a good close up view of his crotch, for the first time, I fully made out the biohazard tattoo above his cock (which he had excluded from his profile pick with his hand and the angle) I lick around the head and under his foreskin, trying to take in the flavor and suck in more,fighting my gag reflex as his piercing occasionally hits my throat. Soon both of our streams ease up and he releases my dick from his mouth to resume his assault on my hole. As he arches back, it pulls his dick from my mouth, which springs back slap against his washboard abs. He changes his grips on my legs until (Like the wrestlers he used to watch on TV and pretend to me with his little brother Matt) he had my legs under his armpits as he raised up on his knees to give me better access to his hole as well. He began full on fucking me with his arm now, while bouncing his perfect muscular frame up and down on mine. He kept trying to still press our bodies together, grinding his massive pole between us as he moved his arm in and out at the same pace he had used to fuck me. Between the chems and the stimulation, I could barely move my body under my own control, as my legs continues to flex and convulse in a full body orgasm as he literally fist fucked me. I wasn't sure if I was pissing more, or cumming, all I could tell you was something was coming out of my dick and I was fully lost in what son was doing to my hole. Wave after wave washed over me for what seemed like hours before I went limp in his arms. Sweating profusely, panting heavily, and still locked in a fisting 69 with my 25 yo beefy muscle son in the living room he used to play video games in. After my hole finally stopped convulsing around what I would learn was only about a few inch away from his elbow, he grabbed the one of the larger plugs off the coffee table (3.5 diameter at the narrow part) and worked it into my now gaping hole. He then took a plug that was a little thinner and passed it to me. “Put this one in my ass daddy” he pleaded (as If I wouldn't) It slid in easily and he stood up over me, “I am fucking loving this, but we should probably wash up a little... but only a little. Go get the shower started, and I will put this in the washer” It was weird having a hookup that already knew where most things were in my house, and even weirder considering who it was, but also felt strangely comforting. Thoughts slowly returning to my head, as he gathered the blanket from under us and began down the hallway... Then he stopped, turned around and yelled, “WHERE THE FUCK IS MY ROOM!” I laughed, I had done a remodel a few years ago, and since I no longer needed a third bedroom, I had taken that space and added it to the bathroom, as a byproduct, the door to his room was no longer there and long since drywalled over. “Check the bathroom” I replied as I stood up and walked him back to the hallway. The look of hurt from his face instantly faded away to a perverted look of glee when he flicked on the switch. The small bathroom he had grown up with was replaced with a much larger XXX spa area. The old shower expanded into a four showerhead “wet room” with a movable plastic fuck bench in the middle. Outside of that was a hot tub stye bath, double sinks with a full mirror above them, and a large floor to ceiling tiled mirror making up the wall behind (so I can check my clothes or the guy fucking me from multiple angles), and what had been his partial walk in closet was now a small 2 person steam room. I had also re-angled the floors and put in a drain, so if need be, the whole room could be hosed down. “I like the way you remodeled MY room.” he said in a cheerful, but still attitude filled tone, a partial smile fighting against the stern look he kept trying to present. “Yeah, well, I bet we can have a LOT more fun with it like this” I snipped back. “and since you got rid of my bed, I will just have to sleep in yours now” he said as he threw the sweat, cum, and chempiss soaked blanket into the washing machine (laundry room is across the hall from the bathroom) and walked back to wrap his arms around me and pull be in for a deep kiss. “so Jason, I have the next two weeks off, and I love having you here, but I have to ask, how long are you planning on staying?” “Like I said dad, I am gonna keep fucking you till I knock you up with my toxic seed. I am self employed, and my lease is actually up in a few weeks anyway, so I could actually move back in here if you will have me” I now understood the hurt look look in his face when he saw his old room was gone, so I gave him the same loving smile I had so many times before, and said “anytime you want Jason, you are always welcome here, and there is still your brother Matt's room” “Can't I sleep with you daddy?” he playfully asked “Every night Jason, but if anyone asks, you are in Matt's old room” “Ok pops” he said as he rolled his eyes before breaking our embrace to turn on the go turn on the shower. “We should PROBABLY clean up a little, after all, when I realized you were into this as much as me, I texted my dealer to come by with some more supplies and to help with my charging you up project” he announced. A wave of eagerness at more cocks was pushed by the voice in the back of my head still trying to yell out “this is wrong”... followed by thoughts of, “will they know I'm his dad?” Jason could see the thoughts running through my head as I stood there in confusion and shock. “Don't worry, he's cool... He is actually the guy who introduced me to partying, and the guy who gave me the bug... if you thought my cock was big, wait till you see his footlong beast...even thicker than me, I'm was one of the only people who cold take him; but I got you more than ready... “ I was pushing my hesitation aside when he followed up, “Trust me Dad, I know you are going to love him, now lets get in the shower!” he says as he takes me by the hand and walks me forward into the hot steaming water. Our mutual drug hazes clearly still present as we get lost in soaping each others bodies up under the hot cascading water. Each of us playfully exploring the other while still exchanging kisses and letting out low moans. He pushes on my shoulders and I drop to my knees and resume my attempts at getting his monster dick more than halfway in my mouth as he begins to let lose another small stream of piss. As it lets up, I hear the bathroom door open behind us. “Perfect Timing” Jason says at he releases my head from his hands, allowing me to turn to see the new arrival. Standing at the door was a 6'6” stud with deep blue eyes,long blond hair, a thinner frame than Jason but equally developed muscles, an assortment of tattoos including a large biohazard around his belly button, and in his hand he was stroking what was easily the biggest dick I had ever seen. Easily a foot long and as thick as an arm. His gentle face though was the same as that “viking god” that had destroyed the holes of me and the ex, a little over 22 years ago... “Hi dad” said my other son Matt.
    2 points
  20. This happened just a few moments ago. I am bisexual. In a long term relationship with a woman. She doesn’t know that I’m bi. I’ve conned her into pegging me a few times, but nothing as satisfying as real cock. She went to bed at about 845 tonight. I’ve been incredibly horny lately, so I jumped online to see what’s out there. After about 30 seconds, I get a chat from a guy I used to fuck semi-regularly. Saying he would love to catch up again. I told him that I’m keen to, we just need to find a time when one of us can host (he’s married too). He said he can get out whenever, he’s got an on call job now, so can sneak out whenever. I told him that my wife had just gone to sleep and I was just browsing. I got a message. “ I can be there in 10”. I thought, I can’t do this, my front door is right next to the master bedroom... at the same time, the idea of being fucked, had me hard as a rock. I replied to him, “I can leave the front door open, but be quiet. We can play in the lounge”. We have always played safe, so I told him to bring a condom. I snuck out to my car to get my poppers and a bottle of lube, that I keep for when I travel for work. 😉 I sit on the couch waiting to hear the front door click open. My heart is racing, as another man walks past my marital bedroom, to come fuck me in my house while my wife is home! He comes into the living area and wastes no time in stripping down to nothing. He sits on the couch and I drop down between his legs. I hadn’t seen him in a long time. I forgot how great his cock is. 7 inch, super thick and uncut. I suck him, only for a few minutes until he pulls me aside and stands up, he pushes me into the couch, leaning over the back with my asshole in the air for him. He runs his tongue up and down, getting my hole ready for his cock. As he is rimming me, I hear him open the condom and slide it on. He pulls away, puts a tiny drop of lube on my hole and presses his head against it. He slowly eases himself into me. He knows he’s got a thick cock and takes the first couple of strokes slow. Once I had adjusted to him inside me, he pulls out and sits back down on the couch. He asked me to ride him and kiss him passionately. I sat on his lap and slowly eased down onto his cock. I lean into him and he starts nibbling on my neck. He knows it’s one of my most erogenous zones. As I’m riding him, he pulls out and rips the condom off, grabs the poppers and shoved them under my nose. As I took a big huff, he pulled me back, so his cock was just pressing against my hole. He pulled me straight back onto his cock. For the first time, after dozens of fucks, he was inside me, bareback. I leaned in to kiss him as I was loving his raw cock inside me. As I did, he slapped my ass and told me that I’m going to take his load deep tonight. I rode him for what felt like forever, until he pushed my off and laid me on my back on the chaise. He put my legs over his shoulders and slid his raw pre cum covered cock back inside me. I couldn’t take much more. After just a few thrusts, I started to cum. This is where it gets really hot! I’ve never had this happen before, but after I had cum, I had a huge load too, he pulled out, scooped up every drop he could and coated his cock with it. He started to fuck me with my own cum as lube. After a few minutes, got as deep as he could and I felt him unload a huge load deep inside me. As he got re dressed, he told me that next time, there won’t be any condoms or lube just real raw fucking. It’s long, I know, I’m sorry. But, I think that was one of the best fucks I’ve ever had!
    1 point
  21. I have quite a few tattoos and after many years decided to embrace the pig that I am. I live in the country with work, but travel to the city to head office often. I was due to go into the office for a week in the next month and decided that it was time to mark my place as the total pig bottom I am and get a pig tattoo on my arse. I did some shopping around and found a guy with a studio not far from where I was staying. It looked like he did some good work and while sexual orientation isn't necessarily an issue, I wanted a guy tattooing my arse. I emailed a few pics and after some suggestions and back and forth (daily) we agreed on a cheeky version of a pig. He asked where I wanted it and I said on my arse cheek. All of a sudden I didn't hear from him for a few days and thought he may have been a bit weirded out by it. Two days later I get an email from him: Sorry I took a bit to get back to you - it has been a bit busy and I wanted to float a suggestion back with you. In case you prefer to have something on both arse cheeks instead of one, what do you think of this on the opposite arse cheek. It was the word "Pig" in running writing and the tail of the "g" turned into an arrow. "And the arrow can point off toward your arsehole". I was so turned on and I emailed him back - yeah let's do it. He suggested his last appointment on the Friday afternoon the week I was down there, and I locked it in. I raced home at lunch time on the Friday and cleaned out as I wanted to make sure the whole area was clean and smelled ok since he was going to be working down there for a few hours. I turn up to a house and there is a sign with the studio name on it and direction down the side driveway to a shed/studio down the back. I rock up to the glass sliding door to see what must have been one of the sexiest men alive cleaning up after what must have been his last client. He was probably just under 6" tall, dirty blonde curly hair down to his shoulders normally but messily tied back. He hadn't shaven in a few days and had piercing blue eyes. He obviously worked out and was quite toned. He was wearing a white singlet with denim shorts. The singlet showed off his many tattoos and also he perfectly blonde hairy chest. I could see a healthy bulge in his shorts and he had glorious muscular hairy legs. I was lost looking at him when I hear him opening the glass sliding door. I was so mesmerized that I hadn't even registered him walking toward the door. "Hey buddy, I'm Sam. You Simon?". I responded with a whimpering "yes" as I tried to gain my composure. Sam was a confident as he was beautiful. He motioned me in and as I walked past him he grabbed my arse and massaged it and said "I've been looking forward to working on this all week". He had the sexiest, yet evil glint in his eye as he said it. After a quick chat about the tattoo, he said to get up in the table and lay face down. I did as he asked and pulled the back of my shorts down to expose my arse for him. "Mate, we are both men here and I like to have plenty of room to work. Take your pants and underwear off and lay on the table." I did as he asked and I was already starting to get hard. I was laying on the table face down and my cock was almost rock hard within seconds just thinking about this "god" touching my arse. Sam was moving around and getting things ready and just making normal small talk. He came up to the end my head was at to sort a few things out and turned around to point his crotch right at my face and leant over and rubbed my arse with his hand and said "These tattoos are going to look great here" He slowly caressed my arse cheeks whilst getting very close to my hole. I could smell his crotch which was basically in my face and I had to use every ounce of self control not to grab it. I swear I could see it growing. Finally he went back to my arse and soon enough he was tattooing the pig on my left arse cheek. Because of where it was his off hand rested near my arsehole and as he tattooed he would occasionally slide his little finger over my arse. I was getting so turned on my cock was leaking huge amounts of precum. He said "How does that feel? All ok?" I decided since he was not hesitating to flirt, that I wouldn't either. "It feels fine Sam! The tattoo is ok too". Sam chuckled "I thought and hoped so. The tattoo was a pretty good clue. Now that is out of the way and clear, we can really enjoy the rest of the tattoo." No sooner had he said it he licked his finger and went back to tattooing my arse and slid his little finger straight into my hole and kept it in there finger fucking me as he tattooed. I couldn't help myself and I shot a load under my stomach. "I'm almost done with the pig. Do you mind if we take a quick smoko break before I do the other one? Do you have to be anywhere tonight?" I responded eagerly and told him I had no plans for the night. When he finished he rubbed some cream on my tattoo and covered it and stood up. "Just throw your shorts on and we can step out for a quick smoke before do the next one." I stand up and he can see I have cum over myself. "I thought you might enjoy the extras during the tattoo. Let me clan up the mess". And he knelt down and starts licking all the cum off my stomach, getting some in his facial hair. I'm rock hard again and he swallows my cock and gives me the best head I have had in year. I don't last long before cumming in his mouth and he doesn't miss a drop. He stands up and I pull my shorts up and I can see he is almost bursting out of his shorts and a distinct wet patch at the end of a very thick 8" cock outline. Before I get a chance to do anything he leans in and kisses me and we share my load with tongues darting it back and forth till it is all gone. I place my hand on his cock through his shorts and he grabs me and says "We got all night man. You'll get it" and smiles and kisses me again. We step out and both share a smoke before going back in and he starts on the other arse cheek and tattoo. As with the first one, he spends the whole time fingering my hole whilst tattooing. "So you got nothing planned tonight you said?" I respond with no. He stops tattooing for a second and stands up and walks around to my head again. I look up at his blue eyes and he says "How about you spend it here with me and I give you all of this (and he grabs his huge cock) and if you stay the night and enjoy it I will give you a free tattoo in the morning." I think i responded "yes" before he finished saying it. When he finished the second tattoo, he tells me to relax and that we have all night and he buries his lightly bearded face in my arse and rims me like a pro. He comes up for air and says "I am assuming the pig tatts mean you like it wet, raw and bareback like a real pig". I respond with "The only way I take a cock is raw. No rubber goes near that hole". He responds, "perfect, I am going to really enjoy sharing all of myself with you then". He stands up and I hear him unzip his shorts and walk around to my head and there is a thick 8" cock in my face. "Get this wet. Tattooing your arse has me dripping and I need to let a load go right now". I am thinking he is going to blow a load in my mouth, but I only get a minute on his cock enough to get it wet before he walks back around and pulls me by my feet to the end of the bench leaving me bent over the edge and shoves his wet raw cock in me in one go. I catch my breath and before I know it he is bottoming out and I can feel his hairy balls slapping against my arse as he fucks me deep and hard. He is almost going wild fucking me and it is't long before I feel his seed flooding my insides and he is grunting like a pig and literally yelling "Take it, take it all". He slowly pulls out and pulls his shorts back up and says, "fucking hot! lets grab a drink and smoke". We step out and he grabs a few beers and we stand around and have a smoke and drink with the occasional snog in between. TBC....
    1 point
  22. First, RawTOP sir, thank you for opening this forum. Sincerely, your kinky little pig Now, Are there any other barebackers out there who are also into fisting and water sports? Any experience? Let's discuss. Some fiction would be hot too. (Mind RawTOP's rules please)
    1 point
  23. Hey all, I’m a Married bi guy, she doesn’t know I’m bi and we hardly ever have sex. I’ve been having sex with guys since i was 22, I’m 40 now. I’ve only done bb with one long term buddy that I really trust and I loved it, felt so damn good. Anyway long story short I want the option of bb with other guys but I want to take responsibility and not rely on them being on prep. Are there any other married guys out there who take prep, how is it working out for you? I’d love to hear your experiences. For the record I know there are other STIs and that Prep only prevents HIV infection if used properly.
    1 point
  24. @losolent bloody hell. Lucky I am a patient man and your writing is so fucking good
    1 point
  25. Ok, ok, a little warm up before the next chapter. Cant wait! So cute see Charlie adjusting to gay life.
    1 point
  26. "I bind you, Trump, from doing harm to others and doing harm to your self." Please repeat binding spell as needed. Light candles Burn sage Call the Corners Call for all that is good in this world to help.
    1 point
  27. That's to bad. There are few feelings like getting your guts filled with piss. Unlike taking a load, which you can't really feel, and drinking piss, when once you swallow, you don't really feel it either, getting your ass filled with piss is AMAZING!!! If he's a strong pisser, you can literally feel it spray your insides, and you can feel the warmth of it as it fills up your guts. Not to mention the psychological mind fuck aspect of knowing you're not only a cumdump, but you are literally also a toilet for your top to use. It is hard to find the right guy, but keep searching, IT'S WORTH IT!!!!
    1 point
  28. Like they always say, different strokes for different folks! I have been fucked a few times in my life while unconcious, passed out drunker than shit. For me, the excitement didn't come from the sex act itself, but from the knowledge that I had been used, taken advantage of, treated literally as hole to be dumped in and nothing else.
    1 point
  29. As someone who identifies mostly as bottom, I'm drawn more to bottoms in vids than tops. Especially when you can see the bottoms face. I hate those vids where all you see is a cock going in a hole, no matter how big the cock may be. I wanna see the greedy pig bottom's face as he takes that huge cock in his hole. I want to see the pleasure AND the pain. (I don't know which I like better, a greedy bottom in total ecstasy as he's fucked and loaded with cum, or a bottom grimacing and whining in pain as a big cock rips his hole open.) My favourite bottom of all time is Joey Stefano. I was sad when he died. I wish he had lived long enough to make vids really showing what a cumdump he was. My other favourite old school bottom was Steve Pierce. He was such a pig. Christian from TIM is an all time favourite as is Ian Jay and also Drew Peter's. Two of my current obsessions are Nate Grimes, (he's so pretty, and what an ass! It's a gift from nature!) and Owen Powers. (such a yummy, greedy cumdump slut!) I also love Fun Size Boys. Watching little guys take on big guys with big cocks, mmmm. I also love the whole older/younger, Dad/son sub genre in general.
    1 point
  30. Socialism isnt Naziism. In fact, Nazis imprisoned both socialists and communists, and Dachau Concentration Camp in 1933 is a prime example of where socialists and communists were targeted for their political ideology and imprisoned by Nazis almost exclusively. The reality is that the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party is no more a ridiculous, inaccurate portrayal of party politics than the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is a ridiculous portrayal of a completely authoritarian regime. After Hitler claimed absolute power through the Enabling Act, he set about outlawing all political parties. You were to be loyal to him. That is the complete opposite of socialism. Hitler was an avid reader of Friedrich Nietzsche, and subscribed to the idea of "ubermensch". Furthermore, the USSR was not Marxism, and nothing at all like Democratic Socialism that Bernie Sanders preaches. You need to turn Faux news off and let the brainwashing stop and invest time and effort into reading books because if you have ever read the writings of Marx and Engels, while extremely boring, are filled with pearls of wisdom. The USSR was nothing like what they had envisioned. Marx believed that for a man to be free, he must already possess the basic necessities that are required for life, that is food and shelter, before he is able to concern himself with politics, the arts, and sciences. The idea that time affords man the ability to think can be proven when one looks at some of historys greatest thinkers, some of whom Marx greatly admired and to whom Engels alludes in his eulogy. Certainly, Darwin would never have been able to accomplish all that he did if he was forced to work manual labor in a factory from the moment he woke up in the morning to the moment he went to bed at night, all so to earn enough money to put food on the table and keep a roof over his head. If Darwin had been consigned to such a struggle it may have been another century or two before the so called theory of evolution by natural selection was discovered. The emancipation of humans from retrograde religious beliefs about their origins probably would have been delayed if the discovery of evolutionary theory been postponed. What Lenin and Stalin called a Communist revolution was the concentration of dictatorial power over the mass through forced labor, genocidal extermination and periodic purges of the controlling oligarchy. It was a failed system, and nothing at all, mind you, like Socialism, and neither was it Marxism. Lastly, Trump I can argue is not even a capitalist. He is an oligarch, a plutocrat, a totalitarian dictator thug that thinks all people should capitulate to him, and is more like Adolf Hitler than his brainwashed cult would like to believe. Its alright though. The nightmare is nearly over. You can rise from the basement. The beatings have stopped. The deprogramming of your brainwashing can finally begin.
    1 point
  31. Part 10 I made TJ stay in that position as I went to get the plug, the fat one. I wanted him to watch his friends as my cum dripped out of his just fucked hole. I shoved the crystal covered plug into his hole fast and hard, enjoying his groans and whimpers of pain as the T did it's job burning his tender hole. There was a knock on the door. I made TJ kneel in the middle of the living room with his legs spread, his arms behind his back and his head bowed. I grabbed a blindfold and put it on him before I answered the door. I already knew who it was before I even answered. It was a guy from down the hall that I sold weed to. He stopped by every other Friday when he got paid for a sack and a little extra. He was cool with me being gay and having subs. In fact, the little extra he came for was a blowjob from whatever whore I currently had. His fat bitch of a wife wouldn't put out any more, so he got some relief at my place. After we did our deal, I walked him over to my newest whore. Juan dropped his pants and grabbed TJ's head and yanked it back. He opened his mouth in surprise and Juan put his fat Mexican cock into his mouth. My slave instantly closed his mouth and started sucking. He raised his hands and tried to put his hands on the cock he was sucking, but Carlos pulled out and slapped him hard across his face. TJ cried out in pain and surprise! "Keep your hands behind your back gringo faggot!" He ordered my whore in his thick Mexican accent. "I'm sorry." TJ replied in a scared voice. Carlos just grabbed his hair and stuck his cock back in. He held a fistful of TJ's hair as skull fucked the kid. I just stood back and hit the pipe, enjoying the show. I didn't know what I liked more....watching my straight skaterboy take cock his mouth or his ass! They BOTH were hot. I handed Carlos some poppers and he held them under TJ's nose, making the boy take several hits in each nostril. "Oh yeah..........breathe in you faggot whore!" Juan demanded. TJ breathed in the fumes until I could see he was a little wobbly. Then Juan really went to town on the teenager. He pounded TJ's face as the kid choked and gagged, coughing up spit whenever Juan pulled his cock out long enough for TJ to breath. Juan kept up the brutal face fuck until he smashed TJ's face into his pubes and held him there tight as he pumped his pent up load into the teenage whore. TJ just struggled and flailed as he was drowned in cum. After Juan left I got TJ dressed to go out. Well, dressed consisted of just his leather items and a pair of ripped up jeans. He looked so hot and dirty as I led him on a leash, barefoot to the car, like a good slave. And like a slave, I was really going to put him through the wringer tonight. Our first stop was the bookstore. It was the perfect time, Friday night at 5. There would be lots of available cocks to suck. Married guys loved to stop by on their way home to their bitch wives for a quick blowjob. And sure enough, there were quite a few cars there. We paid and luckily my favourite booth was open. And there was an extra treat waiting. Someone had jizzed on the dirty floor, and I used the opportunity to further degrade TJ. I mixed a little T into the cum and pushed TJ's face toward it. He tried to avoid doing what he knew I wanted him to do, but I quickly backhanded him and grabbed his hair. "You will lick that up you filthy little whore!" I said as I pushed his face into it. "Or you will never get another thing from me!" TJ hesitantly stuck his tongue out and I pushed him down into it. "Lick it whore!" I demanded him again. He lapped it up as I held his head down. Soon it was all gone. "Now, start sucking!" TJ crawled to a hole, and soon a cock was poking through and he took it into his mouth. I smiled as I watched him swallow the strangers cum that was soon pumped into his straight boy teenage mouth. After I had watched him suck off 4 more cocks, I went on a little mission. I searched the empty rooms and the various garbages and soon had found 5 used condoms with loads still in them. I went back to the booth to find TJ exactly where he should be. On his hands and knees with a cock in his mouth. I undid his jeans and pulled them down exposing his hairy ass. I grabbed the plug and pulled it out as TJ groaned with the cock in his mouth. I stuck my finger in him, enjoying how loose his hole was becoming. I carefully emptied all the cum into one condom, then stuffed that condom into TJ's hole. With a little dexterity, I squeezed out the contents into my little skater whore. Then I took a nice sized shard and pushed it into his cummy hole. I made sure to rub the shard into his intestine walls while I enjoyed the wetness I felt. TJ whined a bit as his insides started burning again, and grunted in pain as I shoved the plug back into him. I left his jeans down, enjoying how slutty he looked giving head like that with his ass exposed. After a couple of hours and 12 loads in TJ's stomach, I decided it was time to move to the next stop on our little journey. There was an area of the city that had a large homeless population. It also happened to be in a couple of abandoned buildings. The cops didn't really patrol the area. I know this because I frequently would take my whores there to service the homeless guys. Tonight it was TJ's turn. I gave him some laced Gatorade to drink on our drive over there, and I let him hit the pipe a few times as well. By the time we got there, he was visibly fucked up. I led his barefoot ass into one of the buildings and through a little maze. We passed many homeless guys on the way, and most of them knew what was up. A couple of them started following us. The place stunk. It reeked like piss and body odor, and that actually aroused me a bit knowing TJ was about to be debased like he had never been before. We reached a room that had some exposed pipes, and I attached TJ's leash to one, locking it so he couldn't go anywhere. Then I stripped him of his jeans, totally exposing him. He looked frightened as he saw people moving in the shadows. Even in his fucked up state, he knew what was up. I didn't say anything as I produced a syringe and quickly stuck TJ. Then I pulled the plug out of his ass and retreated to the shadows to stand back and watch. The first guy that approached TJ pushed him to his knees before fishing out a soft cock. TJ was so fucked up that he didn't even hesitate. He just opened his mouth and the homeless guy stuck his cock right in. I could see him gag from the smell of the dirty cock he was sucking, and that made my dick twitch. The homeless guy just held TJ's head as his hips pounded his average size cock into the warm, wet hole. A couple more guys were standing around, rubbing their cocks through their pants, waiting for their turn. The guy fucking TJ's mouth didn't last very long, and was soon pumping his load into my straight skater whore. As soon as he stepped away, another guy took his place. He grabbed TJ's hair and slammed what had to be an 8 inch cock all the way down TJ's throat. TJ gagged as the man held him there. Meanwhile, another man had come up behind TJ. He just dropped his pants and rammed a nice thick cock balls deep in TJ's ass. TJ let out a muffled scream as his hole was suddenly stretched open. The guy in TJ's throat pulled out and TJ coughed out some phlegm. The guy in TJ's pussy grabbed his skinny waist and pounded away. The other guy rammed his cock back down TJ's throat. I just stood back and enjoyed the show, rubbing my hard cock through my pants. This is what I love about the homeless guys. They don't make gentle love, they are rough and brutal. It's probably been months for them without a hole to cum in, so when they finally get one, they pound it for all its worth. Even the straight guys will partake because for them it's not a gay thing. It's just a warm, wet hole to dump in. Like in prison. I smiled as I watched the men dump their loads in my drugged up teenage whore. This was a place I would bring TJ to many times in the future. In all, I watched 10 guys dump into TJ's pussy, and another 14 down his throat. By the time they were finished, TJ was a mess lying in the dirt, where the little piece of trash belonged. But his night was far from over, and we had one more stop to make.
    1 point
  32. The Slut (Part 2 - in progress) Mitch was sitting in the living room, waiting for one of his Dad’s mates from work. He was told, today would be the day to make a new cock ejaculate into his young body. Just the thought of it made him sick. His step-dad expected him to give the guy a great time, like any other good whore would do. He twitched, every time he heard steps at the front door. The red transparent cropped shirt was giving a hint of the two small nipples. His pale ass cheeks were clearly visible, since he wore only small red jocks. On the waistband was the word ‘Slut’ printed over and over again. Suddenly there was the shrilling noise of the doorbell. Mitch almost fell off the couch and started to hyperventilate. He remembered the advices his dad had given him this morning. ‘Stay focused on the cock’ ‘Get into contact with the cock’ ‘Milk the cock’ He got up slowly and walked towards the door, pinching his nipples slightly to get them erected. His heart was beating like a drum. He looked through the spyhole and saw Uncle Brian preparing to ring the bell again, while adjusting his junk in his pants with his other hand. The sharp sound of the bell echoed in Mitch’s head, while he took a last deep breath before opening the door. He didn’t dare to look at Brian’s eyes and heard his deep voice saying ‘Oh – that’s nice…’ “Hello Uncle Brian… please come in?” he invited the man in, who wasn’t related to him by blood, but has been there for him, almost his entire life. Brian stepped inside and turned around to get a better look at Mitch’s backside. The boy slowly closed the door. “Don’t call me Uncle anymore… it doesn’t seem to be appropriate…” he told Mitch. Mitch simply nodded, without raising his glance. He looked instead at the prominent bulge before him and tried to find out, whether his uncle wore his cock to the left or to the right side. He licked his upper lip subconsciously, as he often did, being concentrated at one thing. “My oh my… you really look the part, like a cheap boy whore… very good. Your dad wasn’t lying about that…” Brian mumbled and scanned Mitch’s slim body. Mitch stepped slowly forward and touched Brian’s bump sensitively. He started rubbing the cock through the guys pants, paying attention to the hidden glans. “Losing no time, eh? Good whore…” Brian enjoyed the boy’s slutty behavior. The lad felt the hot, pulsating piece of meat hardening under his touch. Both stood there, not saying a word. Mitch hoped he would wake up and find this was only a bad dream, or that Brian would get a bad conscience and withdraw from his plans. “Oh yeah… get me hard, faggot….” Brian moaned. Every word, was like a slap into the young guys face. “Do you want to come into my room? You can… fuck me there?” Mitch asked sadly. “Sure… go ahead. Lead me into your love cave” Brian answered with a mocking voice. Slowly the boy moved to the stairs. “Pull your ass cheeks apart… I want to see your cunt…” Brian growled in his deep voice. Mitch took a deep breath and reached behind, to pry his ass cheeks apart. Slowly he moved upstairs, when he heard a clinging sound behind him. He turned his head around and saw Brian opening up his belt and pants already, while staring at Mitch’s asshole, following the teenager. “Fuck… such a tight faggot hole... I will rip you apart…” the male behind him moaned. “I will shred you to pieces… Bitch!” he kept on threatening and insulting the poor kid.
    1 point
  33. I am married and I am on PREP. But my wife knows fully of my bi side and that I play on the side. I say come clean with your desires and either she will accept them or not. Cheating will just catch up with you at some point as others have pointed out.
    1 point
  34. Hello gentlemen, I know it takes me some time to get chapters out, and I have multiple stories going on at once, but I have so much twisted shit in my head, that I just want to get it out there for you to enjoy! Plus, I don't have a computer, so I do this all on my phone. It takes about 3 hours or more to write a chapter this way. If I had a laptop, I could pound it out (ha-ha, I said pound it out) in probably an hour, so there's that. I do want to take a moment and thank everyone who enjoys my stories. I'm not a social media whore, (I don't have a single social media account, not even facebook) so I don't live to get likes. That being said, I do appreciate those of you who like or comment. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Now on to the next chapter, enjoy. Part 3 Colt collapsed on top of me, our bodies drenched in sweat and smelling like a couple of Broncos that had been ridden hard, which I guess we were. I was starting to come down from the sex high and thought I would feel shame about what had just happened. But I didn't. I felt wonderful. Being here with Colt like this felt like the most natural thing ever. I couldn't believe it, I was fucking gay too! I had never thought about men sexually before, and now here I was, underneath my best friend, his cock still buried in my cum filled ass. I continued to cling to him tightly as he started kissing me again. I just gave myself over to him. Eventually he pulled out of my ass, and I felt empty. He rolled over and grabbed the bong, drawing a big hit before he passed it to me. "How do you feel?" He asked me. "Any regrets?" "No." I replied as I exhaled the weed. "I honestly feel really good about what just happened. I can't believe it. I never thought I was gay." "Good." He replied as he pulled me under his arm. "Cause I want to do this lots with you." He said as he kissed me. "I want to explore everything with you." "So, are we like boyfriends now?" I asked as I snuggled into him. God, I can't believe what a girl I just sounded like. "We can be whatever we want." He replied, nuzzling my neck. "We don't have to be anyone's idea of what we should be. We can make our own rules." I thought about this for a second before I asked him, "What does that mean exactly? Our own rules?" "Look baby." He started, looking into my eyes. "I love you. I mean that, I do. But I have to be totally honest here. I can't do the monogamy thing." "So, I have to share you?" I asked. "Don't be a little bitch." He said as he kissed me. He took my hand and placed it on his chest as he looked into my eyes. "You have my heart, you always will. But I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not anymore. It wouldn't be fair to either of us." I pondered this as I hit the bong again. "Besides," he continued as he nibbled my ear, "Didn't you find it hot when you were watching me? Admit it, you did. You liked watching me get fucked." I didn't respond right away and Colt started fingering my cum filled hole. I moaned as he pulled his cum covered finger out of me and licked it. "Yea you did." He continued as he put his finger back in me. "You liked watching. Come on baby, tell me you did. Tell me you liked to watch me take cock." I moaned as he put a second finger in me. "Yes Colt." I finally admitted as I fell further under his spell. "I loved watching you get fucked." "See, I knew it." He said, moving his head between my legs. He pushed my knees back, exposing my hairless pink asshole. "Mmmm. Your pussy is so pretty." He said as he licked it. A new jolt of electricity flew through my body at this new sensation, and I groaned. "We're gonna have so much fun together baby." He moaned as he licked my hole. I gripped the sheets in my fist as he planted his lips on my asshole and started sucking on it. "Do you wanna be my little slut?" He panted in between sucking and tounging my hole. "Do you wanna take cock for me? Do you wanna make your brother very happy?" "Oh god yes Colt." I moaned, lost in the intense erotic feeling of having my ass eaten for the first time. "I'll do anything for you." Colt crawled up to my face and kissed me. I could taste the muskiness of my ass on his lips, and it made my dick throb. "Good boy. That's what I want to hear. Now, suck my cock." Colt rolled on his back and I moved down to his hard dick. I took ahold of it in my hands for the first time and marveled at how I couldn't get my hand all the way around it. I couldn't believe I had taken that whole thing in my ass on the first try. In fact, there was slime on it, but I didn't care. Colt wanted me to suck his dick, and that's what I was going to do. I would do anything to make him happy. I stretched my mouth open as wide as I could and slid it over his head. I lightly sucked it at first, enjoying the spongeness of his fat mushroom head. I took more of it into my mouth, gagging when I got to about 4 inches. "Here, hit this." He said holding the bottle under my nose. I took a few hits as the rush went through my body. He placed his hands on my head and pushed it down a little. "Relax your throat." He told me as he pushed more. I did and a little more cock slid into me before I started gagging again. I pulled off and gasped for some air. "You're doing good." He encouraged me. "I don't expect you to take it all on your first try. We'll train your throat to take my monster." I smiled at him as I took him back in mouth. I worked his cock in my mouth as good as I could while he fed me hits and continued to encourage me. Soon, I was able to get his fat head just past my tonsils, but that was as far as I was able to go. "Yea baby, you look so good with my dick in your mouth." He growled. "You got your brothers big dick in your cocksucking mouth and it's so hot! Come on, show me what a cocksucker you are. Oh yea, we're gonna get you to take cock all the way in both your holes. You're gonna be my little cock slut. Taking cock to make me happy." I don't exactly know why, but the degrading way he was talking to me was turning me on more. I started sucking his dick harder as I also jerked on it with my hand. "Oh fuck yea. Show me what a little cum slut you are. Suck your brother's cock. You want my cum baby, huh? Do you want me to cum in your mouth? Come on, tell me you wanna eat my cum. Tell me you want to swallow your brother's load!" I pulled off his cock and looked him in the eyes, his beautiful green eyes. "Yea I want your cum." I panted as I continued to jerk his fat cock. "I wanna eat your load bro. Give it to me." "Then get your slutty little mouth back on my cock, bitch!" He ordered me. I dove back on it as he placed his hands on my head. He started thrusting up with his hips as he held my head. "Oh fuck yea! Suck my cock you fucking slut! I'm getting close baby. I'm gonna shoot in your mouth! Are you gonna eat your brother's cum? Are you ready bitch? Cause here's it comes! Eat my fucking load you cocksucker!" Then he shot off. The first shot hit me right in the back of the throat and I choked on it. I pulled back a little bit as shot after shot filled up my mouth. Soon it was full of his big load. I had no choice but to pull off his cock and swallow before I drowned. As his big load slid down my throat, I dove back on his cock as it was still cumming and I wanted every drop of him inside me. "Oh yea. Eat all my cum, bitch. I knew you were cock and cum hungry slut! Aren't you?" "Uh-huh." I nodded and mumbled around his cock. "Come on, look at me and say it. Say you're a cock and cum hungry slut! Say you're MY cock and cum hungry slut!" I pulled off of his dick and looked him in the eyes. "Yes Colt! I'm your cock and cum hungry slut!" He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me to his mouth. He kissed me as my hard cock pressed against him. "Oh god your mouth tastes so good when it's had my cum in it!" He whispered. "Fuck me Austin. Fuck your brother! I need your cock in me!" I grabbed the lube and slicked up my cock. Now it was my turn! "Look at me!" I ordered him. He looked at me with pure lust in his eyes. I lined up my cock and slammed it into his hole. Colt's eyes rolled back in his head as he let out a, "Fuuuuuuuuccccckkk yeeeeeaaaahhhhhh!" Without even pausing, I started to fuck Colt hard, slamming myself into him. His ass was like no pussy I had ever felt. It was so hot and tight. "Now whose the slut?" I barked at him. "Huh? Whose the little bitch now? Whose the little cock slut?" "I am baby! Oh yea, I'm a fucking cock slut bitch! Give it to me! Fuck me Austin, FUCK ME!" "That's right bitch!" I said. "Open your mouth!" And he did. I spit in it a couple of times. "Now swallow that, slut!" I ordered him. He did, and as he did I grabbed one of his big ole size 14 feet and pressed it into my face without even thinking about it. I started licking his foot as I pounded his ass. I licked his sole and bit his arch as he moaned beneath me. I stuck his toes in my mouth and sucked on them and his eyes rolled back in his head again. "You're a little whore, aren't you?" I hissed. "You're a little cock loving faggot whore! Tell me that! Tell me your MY little cock loving faggot whore!" "Oh my god yes! I'm your cock loving faggot whore. Oh god, fuck me Austin! Fuck me, fuck me FUCK ME! I'm your whore!" When he said that, I threw my head back and buried myself into him as I flooded his guts with my cum. "Oh yea you little cumdump whore. Take my load in your slutty pussy!" I groaned as my body shook in orgasmic ecstasy. When I had deposited the last of my load into him, I collapsed onto his chest, his beautiful, rock hard sweaty chest. He grabbed my head and started kissing me. This time, it was his legs that wrapped around me, holding me tight into him. "I love you so much, Austin." He whispered. "I love you too, you little slut." I whispered back.
    1 point
  35. I definitely love cruising in the park or in the mountains, as opposed to baths or saunas. Here in my country there are many wooded areas and many parks after 7pm there is no one. This is fertile ground for quick sex or even group blowjobs. The only risk is crime and that is an additional degree of danger to the risk added by the police or achieving AIDS. Thanks to sex in the park I discovered the Bareback. (I leave a photo of one of my blowjobs on the hill)
    1 point
  36. One thing this site has taught me is that there’s someone for everyone, and age isn’t necessarily a determining factor when it comes to how much sex you’re getting. Mainstream gay culture will have you believe that getting sex isn’t that easy unless you’re a twink bottom aged 18-23, or a hung muscular top aged 25-32. Real life just isn’t like that. I’m a bottom approaching my half century, and get more sex now than I ever did in my 20’s and 30’s (or at least I did, till COVID showed up).
    1 point
  37. Dean and Carl make their way around Jasons wrists and ankles, tying them in place. Jason is giddily smiling at me. I kiss him and tell him quietly “Let’s take it slow and keep it light; from Deans story I assume he’s also HIV positive.” He response “For sure. I love you.” I look down and his dick is already hard and poking out of the top of his jock. My dick is the same, straining against the leg of my pants. Carl pulls out a strange looking helmet out of his backpack. Dean explains “this is for sensory deprivation. Jason won’t be able to hear or see anything but his nose and mouth are exposed. It will enhance his sense feel, smell, and taste. Jason, although you won’t be able to make out what we’re saying, we’ll still be able to hear you. If you want us to stop, tell us. Otherwise, I will take good care of you.” Carl works the helmet onto Jasons head and pulls some straps on the sides so it’s snug. Carls asks “can u hear me?” A few times and Jason doesn’t respond. It’s so warm and humid that we’ve all started to sweat. Jasons beefy body and thick furry legs glisten. Dean is even more sweaty and I watch beads rolling down his chest and into his stomach fur as he positions himself in between Jasons legs. I’m on the side of Jason, and Carl is right next to me. Dean starts teaching “Tom, I’ll make sure he knows where I am at all times with my hands and body. Although I’m in control, the key is to play off of his reactions to maximize pleasure. First I’m going to warm him up.” He lightly grips Jasons ankles and slowly and sensually massages up his legs, to his crotch, up the sides of his body, into his pits. No ones touches Jason this intimately except me, and although it’s making a pit in my stomach, my dick keeps flexing and my mouth water while I watch Dean seemingly enjoy just rubbing Jason so much. I notice Deans own crotch is sporting a massive bulge under his jeans. As he leans forward it presses up against Jasons bare ass. Carl notices my concerned face and rubs my lower back comfortingly with one hand. I look back at Dean make his way up Jasons arms and back down his chest. Jason flinches, as his nipples are extremely sensitive. Dean continues down his stomach, bushes over Jasons exposed hard dick head and covered shaft and balls. Then he spits a large string of saliva on a few of his fingers and lightly massages the outside of Jasons hole. He presses in and one finger pushes knuckle-deep. Jason squirms, moans, and his dick flexes. Dean drips another large string of saliva onto his still-inserted finger and works a second finger in. Strangely my dick flexes almost in sync with Jasons as I think of Deans sweet spit entering inside Jason. I glance to my right and Carl is now stroking himself. He has a solid 6” dick with large balls. He grabs my hand and places it on his dick. It’s already slick with lube. I’ve never really gripped anyone else’s dick besides mine and Jasons. I grip Carls dick a few times, to feel all of his veins, shaft, and balls. He spits on his own hand and fishes out my dick. It aches with pleasure. Normally I would protest but it seems fair and fine in the current situation. We look back at Dean. He’s using one hand to hold Jasons dick and the other to twirl around Jasons precum-slick dick head. Jason tugs on all the restraints and moans as Dean twirls harder for an extended moment. Shadowy figures surround us, jerking themselves as they watch. Dean trails his fingers up Jasons furry stomach to his nipples and then teases them the same way. Jason moans louder, tugs, and involuntarily flexes his dick which is now oozing a steady stream of precum on his stomach. “Bingo” Dean says under his breath. As Dean teases his nipples, I see him grinding his tented crotch on Jasons hole. My heart thumps but for some reason I am transfixed watching Jasons lust. All the while my own dick already feels like it could cum any moment as Carl barely strokes it. I grab his wrist to slow him down. Random hands appear around Deans waist and unbutton and unzipped his jeans. Dean seems unfazed and continues to tease Jasons nipples while his rock hard dick springs free. He has no underwear on. HIs dick is about 7”, uncut, curved upward, its head is poking out of its taut foreskin and is wet with precum. I spot a tattoo on his lower waist, to the side of his pubes.. a black scorpion. FUCK. I figured he was positive but now I KNOW! And Jason has no idea! Dean leans forward farther and his shiny wet helmet rubs up against Jasons balls and taint. I think to myself “not much more.” and then feel my dick get enveloped in a warm mouth. It feels so good I grab onto his head to keep balance. I look down and it’s Carl. He’s squat down, jacking himself while working my dick like I've never felt ever before - swallowing my entire shaft and nearly my balls. Dean leans back, pinches poz precum off his dick, leans forward again and dips his slimy fingers into Jasons mouth. Jason sucks on them like he’s in heat. I feel my balls starting to tingle.. this is all going south. I barely muster up the courage to mutter to Dean “He’s not on prep so please keep it light.” Dean looks at me like an animal distracted from a feast and also like he didn’t hear me and responds “huh? Sure, my guy.” and then pinches off more of his precum and jams his fingers deep into MY mouth! It’s so viscus and salty. With my tongue I feel how thick and rough his fingers are. I’m completely lost in the moment and also suck on them. I feel a random hand go down the back of my pants and straight for my hole. My pants drop to the floor. The fingers feel great and I let them massage their way in. I look back at Dean grab Jasons neck with one hand while working his nipple with the other and rocking forward. Jasen is moaning and seemingly trying to push his ass against Dean. I notice Deans dick is no longer visible. My left hand jets to it and I can feel it resting and barely poking into Jasons hole, which is now slick POZ precum! Just as I opened my mouth to tell him to stop, a hand grabs the back of my head and another holds poppers under my nose. Startled, I inhale hard. They keep them at my nose. I feel Dean slowly push forward and his foreskin roll back against my hand as his hard spongy dick slowly sinks inside Jasons stretched, hairy hole. I get light-headed and move my hand to the chain while the others on and Carls head (which is still sucking me down to my nuts). My heart is pounding. I feel my dick head jam down Carls silky throat and my cum starts to well up in my balls. He must sense im close because he fucks his own throat harder. I can barely see that Dean is now choking Jason with both hands and is pressed all the way up against him. I know he’s now balls deep and leaking his poisonous positive precum inside Jason. Jason moans loudly like he does when he’s about to cum. Dean pulls Jason down onto his dick harder and then starts to hammer into him while growling “that’s it, welcome to the family you stud.. take my AIDS babies you stud.. FUCKKK!!” Dean pulls him down one last time and remains balls deep while shaking. I know he’s flooding Jasons ass with torrents of his AIDS cum. Jason pushes his ass harder onto Dean and groans louder than I’ve ever heard while he spurts volley after volley of cum onto his chest. I can’t help but grab the sides of Carls head and impale deeper while exploding down his throat. Carl moans while guzzling my cum. Deans twitches while remaining pressed balls-deep inside Jason and looks over at me “Good start to the night.”
    1 point
  38. I love chem piss fucking drives me nuts
    1 point
  39. Was feeling horny and messaged an 8 inch regular buddy of mine. He said that he wasn't horny, but "feel free to come by anyway" as he is always happy to help any, every bottom out. Went over to his place, had some beer, then he fucked me on a bed with leather sheet as he winked and said that he is not afraid of getting messy. I couldn't resist to kiss him (haven't been kissing due to COVID) and felt a great connection as we were fucking in Missionary. After a while, he had me turned around on my knees, and sniffed a lot of poppers before raping my ass mercilessly till he cum.
    1 point
  40. Years ago, I managed it on the Docklands Light Railway. In broad daylight. With a train guard. It truly was my finest hour...
    1 point
  41. My final number was 7 loads in my ass, 3 down my throat.
    1 point
  42. Hesitantly, Peter got to his knees and the man waddled over to him. The lad eyed the inflamed, wart covered cock and looked at me imploringly. I just shrugged, aware of my own erection straining in my pants and the man grinned. "Turns you on, does it? Your mate sucking my filthy cock?" As he spoke, he grasped Peter's head and slid his cock into his mouth. Peter gagged and resisted, then shuddered and gave in, grasping the man's hairy balls and sucking his cock. "Nice!" Said the man. "Lick the shaft" Peter did as he was told, and I watched his pink tongue caress the shaft and lick over the warts which clustered like tiny grapes. I took out my cock and began to rub it. The man gestured me over and grasped my erection in his grubby fist and began to wank me. "Dirty bastards!" He chuckled, raising Peter up, turning him round and bending him over. He scratched at the sores on his belly, then stuck a finger into Peter's arsehole. Peter winced as the man's slimey finger ploughed into him. "Oh yeah! Got some spunk up there already haven't you boy?" Peter nodded and I watched as the man pressed the head of his cock into Peter's anus. It slid in easily until the rash on his belly was pressed against Peter's plump bottom. The man gave a sigh of satisfaction. "That's smooth! " He began to slide sensuously in and out until Peter was groaning and pushing back to meet the thrusts of the diseased cock in his rectum. I was so excited and the janitor noticed how hard my cock was. "Got some lube?" He asked. I nodded and dug the tube out of my pocket. "Fuck me, then. "He said. "I love it up my arse when I'm fucking." He bent forward over Peter's back and spread his cheeks. His hole was puffy and slack and there was a nasty sore on his anus. I hesitated, but he took my arm and said " Come on...ooof thats good ...stick it in or I'll have to...ahhh.. report you." To be honest, I didn't need much persuasion. The thought of sliding my cock into that diseased hole was almost too much to bear. I squeezed some lube onto my finger and anointed his hole, smearing it inside and out over the large sore at the entrance. I dropped my trousers and pants and got behind him. For a second I hesitated but he reached back, grasped my cock and rubbed the head over his hole and around the sore. With a gasp I pushed forward, watching his hole open around my cock as it slid deliciously up into his backside until I was crouched over him fucking his arse as he buggered Peter beneath him. It didn't last long. I heard him start to grunt like a pig as he thrust harder into the plump bottom beneath him. "Gonna cum!" He gasped. "Take my dirty spunk!" With that he grunted and shuddered beneath me and I knew he was filling Peter with his sperm. I kept thrusting as he finished and sagged over Peter's back. "Cum up me!" He gasped. I didn't need a second invitation. I thrust right up him and spurted gloriously and hard into his rectum. moving my cock in ecstasy deep inside him....
    1 point
  43. Hands up all those who would love that tohappen to them........
    1 point
  44. My stepdad thought I was needing to start taking dick when I was 8, teaching me to suck his and then other friends of his (in Alaska) who were straight, family fishermen. I got really good at that and then on my 10th birthday, was fucked and my stepdad made sure that continued for a long time. My mom was gone, she left my stepdad and asked me to stay with him, given we were such good friends. They divorced and my stepdad ended up with the judgement thanks to my mom not contesting my staying with stepdad. I wanted that to happen that way. Stepdad and I were enjoying a daily sexual life that was very exciting to me as a kid, no pants or underwear allowed in the house, I sleep naked on my stomach, I suck dick in truck at all times when we're driving somewhere, I make myself available to stepdad's friends at all times...and a few other things, all of which were ok by me.. I enjoyed doing all of it with my stepdad. I don't think a big part of my life is because that happened when I was young, the only thing that carried across was probably being submissive more than not and automatically doing what another guy wants rather than my thoughts on the subject.. other than that, my libido and all is just fine for having gone thru that when I was young..
    1 point
  45. Part XVIII I laid down on the bed and tried to think what I had been doing? I went to a bar to help a gay friend get his ass filled with as much poz cum as possible so he could join our other buddies like that. While there we had all gotten pretty drunk and me probably more so than the others. I know buddy had been in the so-called back room there and had taken a good dozen or more poz loads, but according to my friends, I had ended up joining him there and had also taken about that many loads in my STRAIGHT ass also. What the hell? Then to top it off, I was so drunk they basically had to pour me into a car which ended up at the poz guy's place from the parade we had been to. There, because I was so drunk and also pretty much passed out, they had stripped me and put me in his sling to sleep. While in that sling, several more guys had used my ass as a cum dump, all poz, all night long. Then guy who lived there got me out of the sling and into his bed and had again fucked me there. I had finally woke up in the late afternoon with his cock still in me and getting harder by the second and he had fucked me again and filled my hole more. Then buddies came in and fucked me and then into the night again, more and more. Now, here it was Sunday morning and I was just really coming around and finding out that I had, since Friday night, probably taken 50 or more, all poz, loads in my ass and had a butt plug in me holding it all in me. WOW My mind was completely blown away. My ass was sore as hell and since I had cum quite a few times myself, my own cock and balls were aching also. I had a lot to think about for sure. What do I do now? I know I loved my wife still and loved pussy but I just can't seem to resist cock now either and knowing it was poz just seemed to excite me all the more. I found myself craving more even now with my ass so sore I could hardly sit. I also know catching it is a life sentence but do I really want that or not? I don't have much time to decide as I had looked up the window for getting PeP and was at about 36 hours or so since my first exposure Friday night. I have to figure out what to do soon. It wasn't helping much as guys kept walking through the bedroom to the toilet, naked, and some with semi or fully hard cocks. I could also see them pass back and forth in the hallway at times too. Just seeing a cock now had me excited and more in need of one. I shouldn't until I can think straight and figure out my total feelings. Should I just embrace what I am doing and keep getting fucked and become poz or get the hell out of there and get to the doc and get it hopefully stopped. What a decision for a guy who had never even thought about sex with another guy until the pride parade and now, wow, how many cocks and loads had been in me since. 70, 80, nobody really had an exact amount, but had to be a hell of a bunch for a STRAIGHT guy. LOL I couldn't find my clothes but did find a pair of cut off jean shorts that fit pretty well. Put them on and headed out of the bedroom to check the house out and see if I could get at least a piece of toast to eat as I hadn't eaten since Friday supper and now it was Sunday noon or close to it. I found the stairs and went down. I found out the bottom seemed to be just off of the livingroom. I entered there and could see another opening into what looked to be the dining room and headed that way thinking it was probably closer to the kitchen anyway. As I entered the dining room I heard a noise coming from my right and turned that way to look. I could see another open doorway and headed towards it to see if someone could direct me to the kitchen. I got to the doorway and found there was a quite large room beyond it and it seemed to be set up for one thing only, SEX. There was the sling I was learning to know so well, a bench of some kind, straps and chains seem to be hooked to the wall on one side and on the far end of the room were shelves that looked from where I was to be loaded up with about every type of sex toy you could imagine. This was not the only thing. There were at least a dozen guys in there and all doing some form of sex with each other. I was able to recognize a couple of my work friends and then spotted the owner and bud from the parade. Just as I spotted him and he saw me, I felt a hand from behind me grab my ass and work it's way up the leg of the shorts to my hole in nothing flat. I turned to see who and it was the guy from the parade who had originally popped my anal cherry. He smiled and said hi, that ass still looks and feels so good I couldn't resist touching. We both laughed a little. The owner made his way over to us then and wanted to know if I was ready for some more play? I told him no, I was hoping to get him to let me get a bite to eat as I was starving. He grinned and told me he had something to feed me, but told me to just follow him. He was laughing at his own joke but led me to the kitchen. He asked what I wanted and I told him that anything would do, I just needed something in my stomach. He told me I had to have had something in there as he was sure I had swallowed a few loads also. He rummage in his fridge and came up with sausage and eggs and asked if that would be good. I told him that looked great to me. He started fixing them and put some bread in to toast. Didn't take long and we were both sitting on his pation eating an extremely great meal. As we ate we talked. He told me he could tell I was conflicted, it showed in my face. I agreed and told him I had no idea what to do. What I was becoming or anything? He told me he had been that way a few years ago also. He had dated women and then, like me had got drunk at the 'wrong' time? He had been fucked by three poz guys and had not realized what it meant at the time and there was no PEP then either. He had definitely got the socalled normal fuck flu and finally had gotten tested to find out he was poz. He had no idea either what to do but after thinking about it for a while had decided he liked the gay play more than pussy and went with it ever since. He also fantastically enjoyed pozzing others and found out he was having the best sex he had ever had now. He also explained that it might not be for everyone. Some guys totally freaked about it and never recovered fully. Some were soso about it and then there were the, actually, few, like him, who embraced it fully and went for it and enjoyed every minute of it. He told me he had tried meds before but some side effects he didn't like and went off of them for long periods and spread his viral load a lot during those times and then would go back until undectable again. I told him he was right, I was conflicted terribly about it. I found I loved being fucked by a lot of guys and finding them poz got me so worked up I could hardly sit still, but, at the same time I was married and didn't want to be poz either. I told him this whole damn conversation kept me worked up even and my damn cock was right this minute hard as a rock talking about it. What the hell should I do? He told me he had no answer really as it had to be my own decision about what was right for me. He then said he would love to help me get rid of that 'hard' distraction though. We both laughed good then, which kind of helped take the edge off of the talk. He then slid off of his chair and under the table and before I knew it my cock was swallowed down his throat as he started to suck me. I almost came unglued it felt so good. He sucked me for a bit and then slid my chair back more and all at once picked me up without losing my cock out of his mouth and then set me down on one of the chaise loungers on the patio. He continued to suck me and it did not take long before I felt my balls churn and I was erupting down his throat. As I was finishing cumming and before I, again, knew what was up, he all at once pushed me further up on the seat and lifted my legs up onto his shoulders and plunged his own cock deep into my ass in one thrust. I was caught off guard and groaned as that huge cock rammed all the way into me and then he was pounding my sore hole hard. In only about 10 minutes he ground his cock in as deep as he could push it and I felt it throbbing as he pumped another load of his charged cum deep inside me. As we both caught our breath, he told me to now start thinking about what I wanted to do and let him know soon. He then got up and went inside leaving me laying there trying to think and not being able to form a cohesive thought even. WOW WHAT THE HELL TO DO?
    1 point
  46. Part XIII One more minute till the door opened again. I downed the last of my drink I was holding, probably wrong thing to do. Way too many drinks again. It dawned on me then, slightly, that my poz bud didn't just have his hand on my ass, but it was actually down the back of my pants and he was gripping my bare ass cheek. My mind wouldn't focus on it with the amount I had been drinking, but I knew my cock was sure hard from his stories, the memories of him fucking my straight? ass and his hand on my bare ass. I could only barely stand and my head was on his shoulder. A few seconds left now and he leaned towards me more and planted a hot kiss on my mouth and I was too far gone to do anything but return it. We parted then as the count down to open started. 10-9. His hand was kneading my bare ass cheek now and a finger was caressing my crack too. 8-7 I could hardly concentrate as my head was starting to spin some. 6-5-4 Realized my damn cock was really leaking precum and hard as a rock. 3-2-1 The door was opening up. The first two guys out were buddies. I tried to grin as I shook their hands and asked how it went. They were saying hi to poz bud and telling me they had each got at least 3 loads in there. I asked how our neg bud was doing but neither knew for sure. Then one more buddy appeared and we were talking and laughing now and he said he was sure our neg bud had gotten at least 4 loads that he knew of and he had been one of them. We still had at least one pozzed buddy and the neg? buddy still in there and no sign of them yet. One of my buddies then noticed that our poz bud from the parade had his hand down the back of my pants. Ooops, forgot about that until he all at once laughed and pointed it out to all of us. He then wanted to know what the heck was going on? I could only stammer and glance at parade guy who was grinning too much to answer either. As I was trying to find the words to answer the new count down started till door closing. 10-9 again. My parade bud was kind of half dragging, half pushing me towards the door and I was trying to stand up more and get his hand out of my pants. 8-7 My friends were all laughing at me now and that hand still had ahold of my ass cheek. I did not want to go in that room, but wanted to at the same time out of curiosity only. 6-5 His hand finally came loose and his arm from around me. I felt myself falling as I was too dizzy to stand alone. 4-3 Two friends grabbed at me but I went down to the floor right in the doorway. 2-1 They were trying to close the door while my friends were trying to get ahold of me and pull me back and someone inside was trying to pull me in and a guy closing the door was trying to push me in and out of the way of the door.
    1 point
  47. What can I say? I'm a bookstore whore and love going to the booths to get bred. I've been going since I was 25, so I guess it's been about five years of taking anonymous cock. I'm a 30 year old white guy with red hair, 5' 10" and 175 pounds. I work out five times a week so I'm in pretty good shape. I love cock up my ass, especially taking it bare with a group of guys. I go to a bookstore called Not Too Naughty, but I go because I can be very naughty there. The arcade in the back of the store is kept very dark and almost all the booths have glory holes. I've been fucked in the booths, fucked through the glory holes and even fucked in the hall. One of the best things about NTN is that the clerks leave you alone in the arcade, so pretty much anything goes. I went there last week on a Wednesday morning just after they opened at 10:00, and stood in a small alcove which contains the emergency exit. The alcove is also perfect 'cause from there I can see into the main store through a window which contains one-way glass, so it's a good place to scope out the guys coming into the store. On this particular morning I was wearing cargo shorts and a tank top and sandals. Nothing else. I paid the entrance fee, and headed to the alcove, got my bottle of lube out, took off my pants, then lubed my cunt. I was so horny to get fucked. I thought I was the only one back there since I was so early but as I fingered the lube in to my hole I sensed some movement behind me. I put both hands on the wall in front of me and pushed my bubble butt out a little. I soon felt a hand start to caress my ass. I let the guy massage my ass for a while then reached back to feel his cock. He had already pulled it out of his pants, so I found myself massaging a nice six incher. I stroked him for a short length of time, and then started rubbing the tip of his cock on to my lubed hole. I still hadn't seen him but I was so completely determined that I was going to be a total whore that day that I didn't care what he looked like. He grabbed my hips and pushed his bare dick slowly in to my cunt. Before I knew it he was thrusting fast and grunting. "Yeah, fuck me," I grunted. "Fuck, I'm cumming," he replied, and before I knew it he pushed deep inside me and I felt his throbbing cock dump his load into my ass. Then, without a word, he withdrew his cock, zipped up and walked past me on the way out of the store. He turned out to be a guy in his 40's, just an average guy, but a hot fucker. Now I was totally horned up. I took my shirt off so I was completely naked and stashed all my clothes and sandals in a booth. I went back to the alcove to see if anyone was coming, all the time cum leaking out of my used hole and dripping down my leg. I didn't have to wait long. Soon a young Latin guy was at the front getting tokens. He was very hot, about 6 feet tall and 180 pounds, nice and thin. He was wearing a tee and basketball shorts and as he walked towards the arcade I could tell he was commando. I thought about going in to a booth but decided if he was going to fuck me I find out sooner rather than later, so I stood in the alcove naked, but as it was somewhat dark, I knew if I stayed deep in the alcove he'd never see me, so I stood where there was a little light, and stroked my seven inch cock. As he came past he slowed down, checked me out, and then stood in the hall directly across from me and pulled out his cock. It was gorgeous, a thick seven inches surrounded by a nice patch of black hair. I walked over to him, dropped to my knees, then sucked away. It was so tasty! I pulled his shorts down to his ankles as I sucked and then he kicked them off. I sucked and grabbed his ass, sliding a finger in to has ass. I fingered him as I sucked him then turned him around and slipped my tongue in to his sweet hole. He had the smoothest ass and a tight hole. I could have stayed like that for hours but I finally turned him around and sucked his hard cock, getting it nice and when he was nice and wet, I looked up at him and asked "Do you wanna fuck me?" "Hell yeah," he replied. Without another word I went back to where the first guy had fucked me, my hands braced on the wall. I wanted to be able to see if anyone came. He got behind me then slid his cock in my cum-lubed hole and commented "Wow, you're wet dude, something tells me this won't be your first load today." I laughed and replied "Fuck away, guy!" He pounded away for several minutes, and we could easily have finished in that position, but on a whim I decided I wanted him to fuck me on the floor. I had done it once before at this arcade and it was hot. When I told him I wanted it on my back he agreed, pulled out, and then slid back in to me after I had gotten down on the floor. So I was getting fucked bareback on the floor of an adult bookstore arcade! He leaned down and started making out with me when I heard the door to the arcade open. We were mostly in the alcove but the Latin guy's feet were in the main hall so it was obvious to anyone coming in that there were guys fucking. I moaned, "Fuck me, man, fuck my hole with your big cock." The guy who had come in was now standing against the wall watching us. He was a blond guy, probably late twenties, about 5' 8", 170 pounds, a little thick but built. He had on a tee and jeans and he was rubbing his cock through the denim. I told the Latin guy that we had an audience and he kept pounding my hole, his balls slapping up against my ass. Suddenly, he pulled out, got up and sat on my face, making me eat his ass while the blond guy watched. He pulled his shirt off so we were both naked then the motioned for the blond guy over. He sucked the blond guy while I ate his ass. "Okay," the Latin guy said, addressing the blond guy, "I got you nice and hard, now fuck him." The Latin guy sat on my chest while facing the blond guy, and shoved his ass on my face, and then he lifted-up my legs, and held them upright, which exposed my used hole. Soon I felt the blond guy's cock sliding in. I managed to reach down and felt the cock was bare. "'Sweet," I thought, "I've got another one in me." The two of them were making out while I rimmed the Latin guy and got fucked by the blond. The Latin whispered something in the blond's ear then got off my face. He went to the back hallway and told us to get back there with him. The blond guy pulled out of me then helped me off the floor. We went to the back and the Latin guy was on the floor stroking his cock and ordered me "Sit on me bitch." Wow, I had to have his cock in me again so I went over and squatted on his cock, lowering myself all the way on to him. The blond guy stepped over us and went in to a booth and stripped completely naked. Now we were all naked. The light from the booth filled the hall. He went behind me and slid a finger in my cunt next to the Latin guy's dick. Then I felt his tongue flicking my hole. It was awesome getting fucked and rimmed at the same time. "Do it," said the Latin guy. That's when I felt the pressure of another body on me, the blond guy pushing his cock in to me. "That's it," said the Latin guy. "Push it in to him. He's a fucking cunt and wants us to use him, don't you bitch?" "Fuck, yeah! I need cock in me." The blonde guy kept pushing then I felt his cock pop in to me. Two guys bareback DPing me right there on the floor of the arcade. I never felt like such a whore. I was in heaven. Then we heard the door to the arcade open. Someone else was coming. I thought the blond guy was going to pull out and go back to his booth but the Latin guy told him to keep fucking until he came. I sensed the third guy there, watching me take two cocks. Both of the guys were piston fucking me so I knew I was soon to get flooded with cum. The third guy was now jerking off over me. The blond guy came first, pounding hard until his shot his jizz deep inside my ass, as his sweat dripping on my back. The Latin guy kept fucking me and I could feel the cum being fucked out of me. Then I felt a hot wet splash on my face. The third guy had cum and pointed it right at my face. The Latin guy told me to get up. He made me go in to the main hallway where it was light. We were both naked and he pushed me up against the wall, fucking my hole hard until he came inside me, holding his cock in me for a couple minutes before he got soft and fell out of me. "What a slut," he commented. "Yeah, this was definitely your lucky day," I laughed. Before retrieving his clothing, he made me get on my knees and lick his cock clean. When he was dressed he thanked me, casually remarking as he left "Hope to catch you again sometime." The third guy had left but the blond guy had just gotten dressed. He walked up to me and planted a big kiss on me. "I want to fuck you again," he said. I thought he meant another time but he turned me around, fingered my ass, pulled-out his cock, and fucked me right against the wall. I jerked off and just as he came I shot a huge load on the wall. My ass clenched as I came and he told me he had never felt anything as good as my tight hole. He left and I grabbed my clothing, cleaned-up and dressed in the bathroom, happy to leave with a cum-filled cunt.
    1 point
  48. By now, the "No guys with BFs rule" had been obliterated. The next thing to go was condoms with hookups. This shouldn't be a surprise to y'all seeing how the story has progressed to this point, but to me it was a change. I had tried hard for years to be a "safe sex only" guy and I had been mildly successful given all the sex I was having; but I loved getting a load shot in my ass and it was becoming easier to just not ask for a condom. I guess y'all would call me a "closet barebacker." Not many of my friends knew unless they fucked me and I would still have condoms by my bed and still ask if a guy was "safe sex only" online. This began to change once I started to talk to a guy online who lived in the far suburbs. His name is Chris. I only ever met him twice. Once on a date which didn't go well and once at a club when he was making out with a friend of mine. Chris and I chatted online every time we'd be online. I asked him about his dates/tricks and he'd ask me. One night, as we were chatting he said something like, "and it was so sweet when I came in his ass" in reference to an 18 year old trick he'd just fucked the night before. I was shocked, or pretended to be, that he'd barebacked with a trick. He replied that he barebacked every guy he fucked. He said he hadn't used a condom in years and every guy, even the "safe sex only" guys, let him bareback them. I was immediately turned on and my dick started to get hard. That night I hooked up with a guy and let him bareback me. It was so awesome. I told Chris what I had done and he asked how the sex had been and I told him it felt amazing. He said that most bottoms want to get fucked bareback because it feels better but they won't ask for it raw because of diseases or fear that they'll be thought of as a slut. I said that was how it was for me. He told me to relax. We chatted like my hesitation and he told me about his conquests for months. I'd get hard as fucking imagining him fucking all those guys and how they all let him fuck them bareback. One Saturday morning, we were online early and he was telling me about his last hookup. I was also chatting with another guy who wasn't far from me. The guy I was chatting with was 22 and didn't have "safe sex only" in his profile. Chris was turning me on with his hookup story and I asked the guy I was chatting with if he "liked to fuck safe or bb?" It's a question I'd never asked before online, but I did because I really wanted to get fucked bareback that morning. The guy I was chatting with said replied that he, "preferred to fuck bare" and I said I did too. I gave him my address and he came over. 10 minutes later I was on my back and his bare cock was sliding in my ass. He fucked me hard and quick and asked if I wanted his load. I said yes and he shot it in my ass. After he left, I messaged Chris about what I'd done. He said I was a good slut. I laughed. As my online hookups progressed, I asked every guy the "safe or bb" question and most would say "bare" or "done both" or "depends." If a guy said "safe," I almost never met up with him. At this point, the condoms got put in a drawer and the lube stayed out. If a top wanted a condom, I still had them but I had to get one for him out of my dresser. I think the final straw for me with barebacking tricks was a dude visiting from Minneapolis. He was dirty hot and had a big dick. We met on manhunt and his profile was clear, he liked fucking guys bareback. We chatted for awhile and I was starting to think he was a "fake or flake" and then he said he wanted to come over. I gave him my address, cleaned out, and was waiting wearing only my running shorts when he got there. We chatted in my living room and he ran his hand up my running shorts and played with my asshole. I moaned and kissed him hard. He slipped my shorts off. I was naked and opened his jeans and sucked his cock. It had to be 8.5" cut. I sucked his cock and played with his balls. He took off his shirt and I helped him out of his pants while I was sucking his cock. We went to the bedroom and I laid back on my bed and he ate my ass. He tongue fucked and finger fucked me for awhile. Then, this guy who'd been really explicit about fucking me bareback, asked for a condom. I was shocked. I said, "You don't need to use one." He said, "I know, but can I have one." I got up and opened my drawer and handed him a condom. I grabbed the lube and put some on my ass and cock. He opened the condom as I was lubing his cock too. When I leaned back he said, "I'll use this if you want me to." I said, "You don't need to use a condom. I want you to fuck me bareback." He smiled at me and slid his bare cock in my ass. I moaned into it and bit down on my lip as his cock pushed inside me. Minneapolis Boy stretched me good and fucked the hell out of me. He made me beg for his load in my ass. I begged for it loudly. He shot inside me and I shot on my stomach. Minneapolis Boy and I fucked for his whole trip (3 days). I even called in sick one day so we could fuck more. He always made me ask for it bareback and he always made me beg for his load. I did both every time. He also told me I should throw away my condoms because I wasn't going to use them anymore. I threw them away. That was the end of my using condoms. Now almost everyone was going to get my ass bareback. I had only one rule left, poz guys had to wear a condom. More to come....
    1 point
  49. Bob is a regular at our bareback parties. For a long time he had been bugging me to set up a gangbang for him. I told him it is not easy to set up a gangbang, as so many times the tops will find a hot boy and take him home and forget all about the gangbang, where he would just be one of many tops sharing a boy. But I gave in and told him I’d do it, if I could set it up in advance. I decided it was best to schedule it for a Friday about 8 PM. Friday so that I get the tops fresh after work, probably with full balls from not having fucked during the week, and 8 PM so that they don’t find someone else before the gangbang begins. I knew that many tops flake on parties and gangbangs, so I invited twelve in hopes of getting six. I set the date about three weeks out, so the men wouldn’t plan anything else after they said they would show up. On the night of the gangbang, I had Bob come over right after work. I told him to shower and clean out, and while he was doing that I stripped and watched him clean out with the hose. When he said he was clean, I got in the shower with him and turned him to face the wall and told him to brace himself, and I stuck my cock up his ass and gave him the load of piss I’d been saving up most of the day. We all have our favorite enemas, but mine is a piss enema, as it is enjoyable for both men. Pissing up his ass got me excited and my cock got nice and stiff in his ass, so after I had him full of my hot piss, I began to fuck him to stir the piss up and be sure he was washed out. I was enjoying the hot piss fuck, but I pulled out and told him to shit, and he sprayed yellow piss all over the shower. There was no shit mixed in with it, so he was clean. I turned him around and gave him a kiss and told him to dry off and head down to the playroom. I got dried off, too, but there was no point in getting dressed. In the playroom we have a sling, a fuck horse and a fuck table. Tonight I wanted to use the horse. We all enjoy sling fucks, but I wanted Bob to be in a position where he could get fucked good and hard, but still be able to easily suck up the next top and clean off the dick that just bred his ass. I told him to get on the horse and we set it up to the correct heights so that his ass was at cock level as well as his mouth. Then I told him to relax until time to get started. When the first top arrived, I told Bob to assume the position and the top went to remove his clothes. I intended to be the first and last load, so when Bob was ready, I had him suck me up and then I squirted some lube up his hole and greased my dick. I popped his ass open and slid home and began a gentle fuck, which we were both enjoying. When the first top came down I told him to get his dick sucked up so he could be ready as soon as I was finished. He didn’t need any further prompting, he just walked around stuck his dick in Bob’s mouth. Bob was enjoying being spit roasted with a dick in each end. I was getting into it and could tell this fuck wouldn’t last much longer. Bob knew it, too, as he was biting down on my dick with his ass muscles. The other top was holding Bob’s head steady and fucking his face. My dick got hot as my balls drew up, and I slammed my dick in hard and held it deep so Bob could feel my cock spasm as my cum spewed in his ass. Then I began to fuck him again, feeling the cum filling the area around my shaft as I went flat. When I pulled out the other top did, too and he walked around back and rammed his cock up Bob’s ass and began to hump him, turned on by the hot suck and watching the fuck. I stuck my cock in Bob’s mouth and let him suck it clean and taste the cum that has been deposited in his ass. Then the second top showed up, so I told him to fuck face till it was his turn, and he did. When the current top planted his load, they exchanged places, a dick was cleaned off, and another one began fucking ass. And that was the way it went; I was correct, I had six of twelve tops show up. I urged each to stick around, have a beer and see if they wanted to go again, and most did. Of the six tops, four fucked him a second time, and two were able to get off a second load. I loved seeing his hole dripping with cum as each top would pull out, and we were able to keep him on the bench, constantly being fucked, for two hours. After I’d shown the last top to the door, I went down and found Bob still on the horse, too tired to get up. I told him to stay there and went around and offered him my cock to suck up, and as tired as he was, he did it. Then I walked around back and slid my dick up that cummy hole. My pubic hairs were sticking to his ass and the hairs on my legs were getting covered with the cum running down the back of his legs. So I pulled out and got a towel and cleaned us up just a bit, and told him to lie face down on the mattress on the floor. I got on top of him, my legs outside his, and again slid home in that cum tunnel ass. I pulled out and used the cum as lube to jack off until I was close, and then I got in him and bore down on his prostate as hard as I could until I managed a final cumshot in his ass. Then I rolled him over, got over him in 69 position, and let him suck my dick clean while I sucked him off. He was so turned on by all the fucking and having an ass full of cum, that it didn’t take long for him to spew in my mouth. I snowballed the cum load and shared it with him in a long kiss. Then we headed to the shower. He had brought along a butt plug, as he wanted to save and savor the cum in his ass, so I didn’t get to give him another piss enema in the shower, but we had fun washing the cum off each other and making out in the shower. Then we dried off and he headed off to supper while I got ready to prepare mine. I don’t think I’d ever seen a bigger smile on his face, and looking in the bathroom mirror, I discovered one on my face, too. Maybe we should do this more often? Jerry Prince 11/26/13
    1 point
  50. After already having breakfast and coffee I was doing some writing. I looked at the time and realized it was getting late. I checked the time and saw it was already 10 am. I closed what I was writing and went to see where Wayne and Don were. Fortunately, it didn't take long for me to find them as they were on the chairs relaxing. I hopped out of the chair and jumped up on Don and gave him a kiss and a hug. I went over to Wayne and gave him a kiss and a hug as well. I said, "Can we do the pictures now..please. I still want to go around the campground taking pictures too". Wayne looked at me said, "Oh I guess we can go ahead and do it.". Don looked over at me too and said, "Get some underwear you want to wear." I smiled and jumped up in down in excitement. I said to Don, "I already picked out the underwear. It's on the bed why don't you go and take a look.". Don got out of the chair and walked to the bedroom. I went to my suitcase on the table and looked at some of the underwear Don gave me as a present. I picked out a white one with yellow around the crotch and the material is also see through. I took the scissors from the drawer and carefully cut the tag. I reached in the suitcase to grab another one and Don is behind me. He asks, "What are you doing?". I looked at him and replied, "Oh, I'm just cutting the tags off of some of these. I thought these would be good as well.". Don laughed and said, "I already got a few pairs for you. Are you ready?". I looked at him and smiled real big and said, "Hell yeah I am.". We both walked to the bedroom and Don immediately hands me a red pair of underwear. I am a little surprised since I've never seen this one before. Don barks at me, "Alright, put it on boy.". I nod my head and slowly put it on. Don holds his camera and says, "Alright on your belly.". I laughed thinking that this is the first position he puts me in. I'm no stranger to taking pictures. It was 3 years ago when Casey first took pictures of me and I was nervous and awkward as hell. Between him, Michael, and a few fuck buds taking pictures of me..well let's just say I have a little practice. As I layed on my belly I arched my back a little and put my legs up and put one over the other. I heard a snap sound and knew that Don was starting. Don commanded next, "Alright on your back.". I got on my back and layed my head against the pillow. I put one hand above my head and lowered the other to my waist and near my cock. I gently rubbed my cock through the underwear and I heard another snap sound. I smiled as I heard the sound of the camera taking a few shots. Don disappeared for a minute and I started rubbing my cock. Don returned with a different pair of underwear, a blue one this time with the ass showing but still looks like briefs. Don saw me getting hard and said, "Oh, posing for pictures get ya hard slut?". I blushed and felt my cock grow. I teased back to Don, "..I'm not a slut..I'm just doing pictures.". Don responded, "Yeah right, you are a slut boy.". I smiled as he said this and I grabbed the second pair of underwear and put it on. Don commanded again, "Get on the front of the bed on you're knees.". I crawled up to the front of the bed and got on my knees. I heard the camera snap again. This time I was told to lay on my side. As I layed on my side I raised the front of my body a tad bit and I pushed up my arms and I turned my head and looked at Don and smiled. I heard another snap and my cock was hard at this point. Don laughed and said, "Alright lets take some with that cock showing now.". I responded, "Yes Sir.". I layed back on the bed and we did a few different shots with my cock out and hard. As we started taking more I started getting a little soft. Don came up on the bed and placed his lips over the head of my cock and started slowly sucking me. Damn it felt good. I figured something like this would happen. I was actually hoping. My cock started getting rock hard again and I started fucking Don's face for a little bit until he pulled off. Damn, I thought to myself. I gave Don a kiss and we went back to taking pictures. Wayne walked in the room. I saw him watching us and I saw his cock starting to grow hard. That beautiful cock of his with the PA. As if possessed I went over to Wayne's cock and I looked up at him. I slowly took his cock into my mouth and started blowing him. I could hear him moan and I could tell he was liking it. I could feel his cock grow harder in my mouth as I was started really going down on his cock. While I was sucking Wayne I heard the camera snap shot made and realized Don was taking pictures. I wasn't focussed on the camera though I was focussed on cock. After I serviced Wayne for a little bit I pulled off. I saw that Don was hard. I crawled over to Don and saw him look down at me. I took his cock into my mouth and started slowly sucking him. I could feel his cock grow and I heard more camera camera shots while I was blowing him. Wayne was taking pictures while I was sucking Don. Don pulled away from me and he got on the bed and got on his back. I went back to blowing him. While I was giving Don head Wayne came behind me and I could feel his hard PA cock at my hole. "Fuck, is he going to fuck me?", I thought to myself. Wayne's PA cock was right at my hole and I felt him rub against my hole. He was doing a really good job at teasing me. I felt him start to push in a little. While he was right at my hole Don got up and he started taking pictures of Wayne's cock just about to enter my hole. I thought to myself, "These are going to be some really fucking hot pictures.". I felt a cold substance being poured on my ass and dripping down into my hole. I thought to myself, "Fuck..he's really going to do it.". Don took some more pictures with the spunk lube on my hole and covering my hole and Wayne's cock pushing in. Wayne's cock started to push in and I could feel him slowly enter and I could feel my ass slowly start to open. To my surprise I feel Wayne being pulled off me and Don's cock is at my hole and I hear him say, "I'm hard, I want to take some pictures too.". Wayne just laughs and watches as Don's cock is at my hole and starting to press in. I feel my lube being poured into my hole and I hear more photo snaps being made. I realize that Don is probably just getting a few more pictures. My naiveness never ceases to amaze me as I feel Don's cock start to push into my hole. As Don is slowly pushing in I process everything and ask myself if he's really entering me and if it's really going to happen. He told me he's going to fuck me before I go but I didn't realize he'd do it right before. I feel him push in even more and I breathe deeply and feel my ass start to slowly open. I moan in pleasure as I feel him start to sink into me. "Oh God..", I think to myself as I feel him start to sink in completely. My ass slowly opens but Don starts pumping me anyways. I can only moan and again process that I really am getting fucked. Despite how many times I've been fucked it always feels new and it always feels exciting when I feel a raw cock enter me. But then again, it's not just any cock. That is probably what I was also feeling. I barely had time to think about this as Don starts pumping me and starts pumping me a bit faster. I am not completely open and relaxed but Don keeps fucking me regardless. I feel his hard cock massage my ass and feel him start to push past that second or inner ring. Wayne gets on the bed and gets on his knees and has his hard cock right in front of me. I take his cock into my mouth greedily and start sucking him frantically. As I'm sucking Wayne and I can feel my ass open up even more and Don starts to really fuck me now. I can feel myself starting to let go as Don's fucking me and I can grasp that I'm about to give in. Give into my desires, the pleasure, the lust, and give into Don. Wayne starts fucking my face and I start moving my ass on Don's cock matching his rhythm. I can no longer fight and I can no longer deny the pleasure and the lust. I give in completely and start bucking my ass on Don's cock desperate for him to fuck me and muffle and moan onto Wayne's cock while I blow him. Don starts fucking me even harder and I keep milking his cock with my ass and I can feel him start to tense up and I know what's cumming next. Wayne pulls his dick out of my mouth and starts jacking his cock furiously while I work his pierced nipple. I can tell that both of them are about to blow any minute and I hear Don start to moan and yell and feel his cock being shoved deep in me as he creams me with his load and pumps the remainder of his load in my ass. Wayne also shouts out and I shake a shiver a little after just having that hot fuck from Don and having a good load shot up my ass. I see Wayne shoot his load and as usual it's a big load and it goes everywhere all over his body and some of it lands on me. Don pulls out and I give him a big hug and a kiss. Wayne stays there for a minute with his furry chest covered in cum and I also take a moment. I turn over and look at Don and say, "I can't believe you fucked me..during the photoshoot" Don laughs and says, "Well my cock just fell in your ass again." I laugh and I give him another kiss. I look at Wayne covered in cum and smiling and I give him a kiss too and a hug and say, "Let's take a shower now."
    1 point
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