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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2021 in all areas

  1. This past fall I extended the rule against promoting harm to a real person to cover harm to the community and applied it to political discussions where people were expressing support and encouraging others to vote for political candidates that had a track record of harming our community. That policy of not allowing things that harm our community is being expanded in some rather significant ways. Specifically… ➤ Certain types of AIDS Fetish are being BANNED What is still allowed is expressing that you find "AIDSy" looking guys hot. Saying you think they're hot harms no one, and after everything those guys have gone through, it probably helps them to know people still find them sexually attractive. What is being banned is encouraging other people to progress to stay off meds so long that they progress to AIDS. I know many of you didn't live through the AIDS epidemic, but it was truly horrible. I cared for my lover as he died of AIDS. I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone - even the experience of being a caregiver was pretty horrible. There is a huge difference between being HIV positive and having AIDS. You can live a reasonably healthy life and have a completely normal life expectancy being poz. But the same is not true once you progress to AIDS. Once you progress to AIDS your life expectancy goes down and your quality of life can completely plummet. In case you don't know, an HIV positive person is considered to have AIDS if they get one of a number of opportunistic infections, or when their CD4 ("t-cell") count drops to 200 (or sometimes 250 - depending on the standard used). Doctors will want you to do on meds before you CD4 drops below 500. But then there's a gray area between ~350 and 500 which is also relatively safe, though you do up your risk of complications slightly. This ban also applies to encouraging people to become highly drug resistant. Since that's another clear path to AIDS. Simply put, wanting to progress to AIDS or become highly drug resistant is a form of self harm that's borderline suicidal. Encouraging someone to progress to AIDS or become highly drug resistant borders on encouraging them to kill themselves. It's not OK. ➤ HIV Fetish, Bug Chasing & Gift Giving are still very much ALLOWED As I mentioned there's a huge difference between being poz and having AIDS. So I have no problem with guys who want to become poz. Simply put, it's right for some guys. I also have no problem with gift giving. Thanks to PrEP, gift givers can't harm guys who don't want to be harmed. And most guys have at least two years before their CD4 drops below 500, so there is a period of time when they can be a gift giver without risking their own health. But be careful… do not use the word AIDS when you mean HIV or poz. "I wanna give you HIV" or "I wanna poz you" are both fine. "I wanna give you AIDS" is not OK. Fetishizing poz or toxic loads is fine. Fetishing AIDS loads is not OK. Learn to say what you mean. Words matter! ➤ STI Fetish is BANNED Fetishizing STIs other than HIV is also banned. STIs are a fact of life if you bareback, but we want to keep them to a bare minimum since they're a literal pain in the butt (or dick). Sex is supposed to be fun, but when guys stop going to bathhouses and the sex parties because they keep getting STIs when they go – that harms our "sexual ecosystem". Big crowds at bathhouses and sex parties helps everyone. It's more fun for us, and more profitable for the bathhouses and sex clubs. ➤ These bans apply to fiction as well as real life situations Fantasizing about things often turns into real-life behavior, so the bans apply to fictional stories as well. ➤ Generally, things that do significant harm to the community are BANNED Basically I'm banning anything that causes permanent, significant harm to individuals or significant harm to the community as a whole. That said, there's a lot of gray area. In the gray area if it's harm to a real person it will be more likely to trigger an infraction. So for example - a bottom is getting spit roasted and the top fucking him slips him a booty bump without him knowing. Since drugs wear off after a few hours, that's not permanent harm. In a fictional story that would be allowed provided the story doesn't progress to him becoming a drug addict (which would be significant harm). But encouraging someone to do that to a real person - that wouldn't be allowed. Or another example - castration. If a bottom is considering castration and you encourage them to go through with it - it all depends on how you encourage them. If you encourage them to take months to fully think it through, and then find a qualified doctor to do the procedure - that would be fine. If you encourage them to take a less careful course of action - that would be a problem and would get an infraction. ➤ The stories of victims are still very much allowed Victims are always allowed to tell their stories provided they state the abuse factually and don't overly fetishize the abuse. They can even say that since the abuse they've gotten turned on by it and seek it out. Though there is the risk of that going too far into fetishizing the behavior. So tread carefully there. Why I'm implementing the new policy Recently here and on Twitter I've been seeing a lot of AIDS and STI fetish and I've found it deeply disturbing. Simply put, it's a level of harmful that I haven't seen before. The bug chasing back in the late 90s (post ARVs) and early 00s would have violated these new policies, but it was different back then. There was this immense fear of becoming poz combined with the realization that sooner or later bottoms especially would probably become poz. So bug chasing "got it over with". From that point of view the improvement to the person's mental health probably balanced out the risk to their physical health. And with the advent of PrEP it's a huge step for some guys to come to the realization that they want to be poz, then choose to go off PrEP, and then actually get pozzed. To put it in simple terms it seems to be a tribal thing for many of them. Belonging to a tribe can have an upside, and that process doesn't harm anyone else. But AIDS fetish and STI fetish cause significant harm with zero upside. They're pure harm. I don't want this site to be the catalyst for that type of behavior. Implementation of the new policy For the next week if you violate the new policy you'll just get a warning. After that there will be an infraction. If you see old posts that violate the new rules, please report them and a moderator will do one of three things: 1) edit them so they comply, 2) add a note that posts like that are no longer allowed, or 3) hide the post or thread if the violation is serious enough and not easily remedied via editing. Confused? If you're confused as to whether something is allowed under the new policy, I constructed a series of questions that you go through to figure out if it's banned or allowed… https://breeding.zone/topic/64867-read-this-significant-change-in-rules-effective-31/?do=findComment&comment=683626
    14 points
  2. Part 5 He had what he wanted. I had said the words. No, I had felt them. My body was in control now, and it was ignoring my nervous thoughts to escape and go home. Instead my body offered itself to him” is what he wanted from me. He ran his hands across my shoulders, then under my arms and down my sides to my waist, tracing my torso’s V-shape. I felt a hard pressure against my anxious hole and knew he was trying to penetrate my ass. I didn’t resist. I couldn’t. My ass immediately surrendered to his thick cock. He pushed up inside me with a steady pressure, my hole already trained tonight to take cock. I winced as the mushroom head stretched my hole even wider than the first guy had. I yelped, but my breath caught in my throat and I silently groaned in painful pleasure. The sharp pain shoôk my body and the was gone. My head was pressed against the carpeted wall, flying high with popper rush. I felt so full as he pressed himself forward, burying the full shaft inside me. “That’s a good boy. Take all of daddy’s cock. Good little pig. You love raw cock, don’t you?” “I do,” I half breathed and half said. He rewarded my answer with a full thrust of his cock. I moaned loudly, unable to contain the pleasure. “Fuck boy, I feel that other load in there. Fuck your pig hole with another man’s toxic load.” He began fucking me harder, his is pelvis slamming against my ass over and over. I could only moan as he used my ass to satisfy his desire. My hole was stretched now, his cock moving easily in and out of my ass. He pulled all the way out, and I breathed a short sigh of relief. I looked over my shoulder at him, my eyes pleading, and he grinned. “Pig boy doesn’t like being empty.” He pushed his cock back in, a slow and deliberate penetration so I could feel the head creeping deeper inside me, and feel my tunnel expand to accommodate his girth. It was an amazing sensation, and I made an odd animalistic sound of pleasure and surprise. “Now that was a squeal, boy.” He pulled back on my hips while pushing his cock deep inside me. “Back up, feet on the floor. That’s it. Spread those legs a little wider. Just like that. Keep your hands on the bench. Fuck yeah.” I was standing, bent over the bench. The floor was cool relief on the bottoms of my feet. He pressed the bottle of poppers under my nose. “Popper up again.” I did as I was told. As the poppers rushed through me again, he began rocking my body back and forth on his thick shaft. He wasn’t pulling out, but making me experience the girth contours of his dick. It was t a straight shaft, but got wider near the middle, tapering slightly at either end. I began working my ass back and forth on him, captivated by what I was feeling. I had no idea I could feel a cock inside me this way. “Fuck yeah, boy. Work daddy’s cock with that tight ass. Look at you! You need this.” I did. “Look at yourself.” He grabbed my head and turned it to the left. “See how fucking hot you look impaled on daddy’s cock.” There was a mirror on the wall, beneath the mounted TV, that I had missed when he brought me into the room. I could see my entire body, naked, legs stretched back, ass up, and my abs flattened and my torso tilted upward into my shoulders with my arms locked. I could see the years of workouts and soccer games reflected in the muscle tone and curves of my body. Behind we was the powerhouse who was buried deep in my ass. He grabbed my shoulders, pulling me back onto his cock, and started to pound me. I was in ecstasy! I could see him pounding into my waiting ass, my body on display. I felt like a fucking porn model watching myself in the mirror. “Fucking hot pig boy,” I heard him say as he was going to town on my hole. I’d never felt this way. I’d never felt so out of control but amazing! My body looked awesome, and I’d never thought that before. I wanted to keep this feeling forever. “Fuck me!” did I just say that? “Fuck me, daddy!” I was panting, looking at us in the mirror. There was a need in my eyes, and lust in his. “You’re making my toxic juices boil, boy!” He suddenly pulled out, half stepping half falling back a step. He stood there, playing with his own nipples, and just gazing at my naked athletic body. “Lie on your back. The long way down the bench.” I rolled onto the bench, one leg angled, and I consciously tried to make myself look sexy for him. The blood was rushing through me, my heart pounding and my body feeling electrified. I vaguely noticed he opened the door, and I didn’t know why. He wasn’t leaving. He wouldn’t leave me. He gazed down at my body again, drinking it all in. He ran his hand up and down my body. “Fuck you are HOT!” He was staring at me with this lust in his eyes. I knew he wasn’t done with me. I knew I had no choice in the matter. He’d already broken any resistance. “You play sports in school?” “Soccer. And I like to swim, but I don’t compete.” The casual conversation seemed a bit odd, but also gave my ass a break. “It shows.” I liked the way he admired my body. No one had looked at me like this before. He was absently kicking off a shoe and pulling his pants off while he randomly explored my body. I moaned softly as his rough hands grazed my own smoother skin. “Legs up, pig boy. I wanna see your face while I breed you.”. I rolled my legs back and lifted my hips slightly. I’d never offered myself up like this before. He maneuvered himself between my legs, one knee resting on the bench, his other leg braced against the floor. Out came the bottle of poppers, “Load up, boy.” I pinched off a nostril and took a long hit of the burning fumes. My body responded with a rush of desire, my legs spreading slightly wider, and I gave a quiet moan of need. This time he hit the poppers as well, seeming to relish the feeling it brought. His eyes locked with mine as he leaned forward and shoved his cock inside me. I gasped, but didn’t have a moment to recover because he began fucking me hard right away. I was vaguely aware of other movement in the room. There were several people now standing in the doorway, and one had even crept into the room to watch. The alarm must have shown in my face. “You’re the star of tonight’s show, pig boy. Just keep your eyes on me and enjoy it.” He grabbed my ankles, spreading my legs wider, and he was lunging forward with deep strokes in and out of my ass. I groaned as he pounded me with the full weight of his body behind it. My legs framed his beefy muscled hairy torso, and I could see my feet hanging in the air with no where to go. “Fucking hot pig boy! Look at you!! So fucking hot! My toxic juices are coming, boy! You want that juice? You want that toxic juice flooding you?”He voice was getting loud. Probably too loud for this place. But he didn’t. Care. I knew what was happening, what was coming. “Please, give it to me,” I whispered. “Fuck yeah, pig boy! Fuck yeah you want daddy to breed that hot college hole!” He was railing my ass, the thrusts shaking my entire body. I no longer. Felt the subtly contours of his shaft, but the hard pounding energy of his body. I couldn’t speak. I just kept grunting and moaning, “Eh! Ah! Yeah! Ah! Yeah!” And then he growled deeply, his body weigh filling my hole,. He held it there, his body quivering. I felt his cock now, pulsating. I knew it was the moment he wanted — the entire reason he had tapped on that window between our booths. He was pumping his toxic load deep inside me. I felt the hot juices leak around my hole. As he pushed deeper inside me. He was panting as his body convulsed. His breath was hot against my face, and he opened his eyes and looked into mine.d There was a long, silent moment spent like that, with just the sounds of his heavy breathing. “Fuck, boy,” he breathed, “I didn’t expect this from you. Fucking sexy pig boy.” He leaned back, but didn’t pull his cock out. He rubbed my muscles chest, then ran his hands down my tight abs. He looked at me. “You got what you wanted,” he said. He looked toward the door;. “Show’s over, fuckers. Go jerk off in the booths.” The flock of guys that had crowded around the open door began to disperse. He looked back. At me and grinned. “You were amazing,” he said slapping my chest. He slowly withdrew his cock, then stood up. He gave me his hand and pulled me to a sitting up position. He started pulling on his pants. “I’ve never seen you before. Make sure I see you again.” I was sitting there in stunned silence. The primal energies were fading. What the fuck had just happened. I couldn’t even begin to put it together in my conscious brain. Again I was naked in a dingy booth, covered in sweat My ass felt very tender, and the rough carpet of the bench wasn’t feeling good against my skin. I thought about standing up, but couldn’t yet. Who had been watching? Did anyone see who I am? Did any of them know me? What if they told other people? Unexpectedly his face appeared in front of mine. He put his hand behind my head and pulled me into him. He gave me a long, penetrating kiss. I melted a little more. He pulled away and grinned. “Good boy. “ With that he left the room, the door still open. He was showing off his trophy. Anyone walking by would see exactly who he had fucked and put his load into. Why did that excite me? I sat there a couple minutes. Two different guys tried coming in, but I shook my head and told them to leave. I was still breathing heavy, and my body was spent. Sex in college had never left me like this, even the times it was good. My body ached from the positions I’d been in, my legs feeling like I’d run 100 miles. But when guys walked by the open door, I didn’t cover myself. I was fine being looked at, stretched out naked on the bench. I touched my hole – it burned and felt tender. It was done for the night. Finally I got up, found my clothes, and headed out. This time wasn’t a rush past the door; I was feeling kinda unsteady on my feet, like after a hard workout or soccer practice. I heard my flip flops slapping as I walked through the store; they sounded obnoxiously loud and seemed to draw everyone’s attention. I stepped outside. He was there, leaning against a big black SUV parked right in front of the store. He motioned me over. “Use this,” he said, handing me a piece of paper. Then he kissed me again, got into his SUV, and drove off. I looked down at the paper. He had written GRANT with a phone number beneath it.
    9 points
  3. I was finally going to do it. My wife Kaitey was out of town for a long weekend visiting family. I stayed home because our pet sitter flaked out at the last minute, and anyway they'd have more fun talking about old times without having to clue me in on all their old references and stories. I decided to use the freedom to finally experience gay sex. I considered myself completely straight for the first three years of our marriage. One night, though, I was jerking off to some gangbang porn and accidentally clicked on a gay scene. I watched some twink get fucked by 4 guys and my cock had never been harder. I lasted maybe a minute before shorting a huge load. I closed the window, deeply ashamed. After a few months doing everything I could to convince myself that was a fluke, I started watching gay porn regularly. I loved watching guys take big dicks. Breeding scenes soon became my favorite. I knew from that first experience that I wanted to be the one on the bottom. Before long I signed up for a gay hookup site. I said in my profile I was married and just looking to fantasize. That didn't endear me to most of the guys there, but some were cool with a horny texting relationship. Paul lived a couple of miles away and we chatted every few weeks. He knew I was a gay virgin who fantasized about being a cum dump. Pretty soon we were explicitly talking about him breeding my ass. This had been going on for about three months before this weekend. As soon as we agreed I would stay,I texted Paul that I wanted to hook up on Saturday. I told him that despite my fantasies, he would need to fuck me with a condom. "Of course," he replied. I woke up Saturday super excited. I was going to head over at three. A couple hours before, I got cleaned up had a drink to calm my nerves. Paul texted me to say that he couldn't host me after all. His roommate had friends over and whatever. But I was alone so how about at my place? I didn't respond right away. I was nervous about him knowing where I lived. I had another drink and decided to go for it. I gave him my address. "You'll bring condoms right?" "Of course," he replied. ***** 15 minutes later he pulled up in a grey f150. I answered the door in jeans and a t-shirt. No underwear but lubed. He was mid 40s, white and fairly fit. He had more tattoos than I realized from his pics, maybe some news ones. Most of his arms were covered. My heart was pounding as I greeted him. He could tell and just said, "relax, this'll be fun." I said yeah let's get upstairs. He followed me into the bedroom. Seeing my wife's decorations made me ashamed, but the porn I had playing on tv refocused my mind. I undid his pants and pulled out his dick. Five inches and growing, I sucked it into my mouth. The first penis I'd ever sucked. I slurped and sucked. "Good boy," he said with an edge. "Get naked." I did as he said, laying on top of the duvet. He took off his clothes, too, and I got a good look at his 7" cock. His pubes were buzzed down and it seemed massive. "Larry back and spread your legs," he said impassively. I did as I was told, grabbing my legs at the knees and spreading for him. He reached for his jeans. Good, he was getting a condom. He came back with a bottle of lube and squired some on his bare cock. Paul fingered some lube in my ass and moved towards me, grabbing my legs. "Paul, condom," I said quietly. His only response was to grab a pillow and pull my ass on it. He pushed his raw dick into my hole. Fuck. "Paul, please, you promised." He picked up his pace. "I know this is what you want. Just enjoy it." It was true and I relented. Paul fucked my hole and called me a slut, pushing my legs back and apart. I stroked my cock, which was already coated in precum. It didn't take me long to squirt a load all over my stomach. Another wave of panic came over me. "Please pull out at least." With that he buried his penis in my asshole. He sighed deeply and I knew he was ejaculating. "You really do have a tight ass hun," he said cheerfully, his cock still all the way inside. I laughed uncomfortably and tried to squirm away. He grabbed me and said, "hang on." He thrusted a couple more times before pulling out, a stream of cum and lube running out of me. "I hope that ass is ready for more dick." To be continued.
    6 points
  4. Hello everyone, My posts are limited here, so I'll talk about 2 things in this post. First, thank you for everyone who voted! It looks like BugBoyEric won! Which is pretty cool cause that's what BB meant when I created my profile here. I though bareback was assumed on this site when I used BBEric, so it's cool to be more open about it. Open legs, open hole and open mind 🙂 Next I had this really great hook up last night from a Poz detectable couple in Ft Lauderdale! I just signed up for BBRT and I'm loving it! I don't even use Squirt or Scruff anymore. The best part of the hook up was the connection and excitement. We literally talked for about 2 hours before we got down to business 🙂 They were completely cool and validating! They've helped subs convert before, so they've been there before! They were confident, passionate, and totally open about pervy sex in general. They even let me stay over and the next morning we had breakfast and more sex! Morning sex is the best!!!!!! One even joked when he was making breakfast and asked me if I wanted HIV with my pancakes. Now I think if I smell pancakes cooking I'll get hard lol. It was the most emotionally sexually charged (yes, I picked that word on purpose) night of my life and my hole has never been so sore. When I got home I literally crashed for 8 hours! Anyway, those are just my unorganized thoughts, I'm sure I forgot something, but just wanted to get this up! Licks for everyone! 👅 Bug Boy Eric P.S. eating ass while getting fucked is heavenly and having your ass eaten by razor stubled Daddies is even better. My hole is razor burned and I couldn't upload a pic in the message I put it as a feature pic.
    4 points
  5. ( ***Warning. This installment has a very brief reference to 'bi' sexual activity. Please don't read on if you find such material offensive. ***) It was a clear crisp day as I parked to cross the ice to my hut. The very first hint of spring was in the air. The temperature was still below freezing but just. With the warmth of the sun I didn't need all the cumbersome layers, gloves, toque and scarf. I started out with my coat wide open and my customary button down shirt half open anticipating the day that I might soon be able to take in the sun naked. Mike had been away for a week. I didn't know when he would return. I had a little action over the week but not much. I could see lots of guys at the closest cluster of ice huts. I decided to take a wander through and greet some of the guys I knew. Besides I might get lucky. As I stepped out on the ice Flint called my name. Flint was a big dirty blonde bear of a man. 6' 6"s, 250 lbs of jovial teddy bear. He, his wife and five kids lived close to us. He fucked me with his beer can sized man meat the night my wife and I had he and his wife over for a bisexual foursome. His cock was literally the diameter and length of a beer can. Just the best length to actually feel his cum pump into me. His wife had laughed watching my facial response to the flooding I was receiving. Smiling she said, "I know, right!" Fuck the walk! I needed a repeat performance and I needed it now. I reached into my pants making sure Flint saw me adjust my growing erection. He was on board already unbuttoning his flannel shirt exposing more of his thickly carpeted blonde chest and belly. We retreated between a pickup and large van. After a brief period of intensely kissing his gorgeous bearded face and lips he turned me to lean me against the van. I dropped my jeans and he hungrily ate and spit a gallon of saliva in my eager ass. Figuring I was well lubricated he stood and began to wedge his naked beer can cock into my stretched hole. I was stretched to the max. It took some time and effort but he finally got the entire thick shaft in and gave me a moment to adjust. When I nodded my readiness he began a rhythmic fuck that consumed my whole world. I had not heard the arrival of another vehicle, but I did hear the cat calls of five guys walking by and watching us fuck in such a public place. Three walked on by. Two stepped closer and fished out their cocks. One of them clapped his buddy on the shoulder proclaiming, "Look, he's taking it bareback. Now that's my idea of a real man." Flint just kept pounding as our audience moved in even closer between the two vehicles. In spite of the cold, sweating profusely, Flint proclaimed to our active observers, "Now here's how a real man does it ... argh, auurrrg ... real ... men ... never ... pull... oouuutt!" I felt all eight volleys blast and coat my gut walls. As soon as Flint pulled out one of our onlookers was inside me and soon his sperm was swimming with Flint's massive load. When he pulled out I realized a new audience member had arrived and was claiming my ass with his raw tool. He didn't last long as the other original observer was fucking him. I got the fourth guys load as well. Great start to the day. I hadn't even left the parking lot and was squeezing my ass cheeks to hold in four fresh loads. I joined my breeder team to walk them out to their huts. I spent the rest of the afternoon sucking down loads and taking man after man up my ass. No idea how many loads I swallowed but I know another nine loads tried to find space to stay in my sloppy ass. There was no hiding the wet spot in the back of my jeans when I finally retreated to my own hut to take a much needed rest.
    4 points
  6. I just had my second gangbang yesterday. I wore a jockstrap and was passed around for about 3 hours among 8 guys, who Dpd, spitroasted, and took turns coming in my mouth and pussy. During this time I spend 4 hours moaning, begging them to fuck me harder, and telling them to “shoot it in me” While they 2 guys were doing the DP the one guy asked me “do you like this bitch” and I said “yeah fuck me like a little slut” and called him daddy. And that is when I realized, I have become a total slut. Over the past 2 months I have taken over 30 loads. And I’m seriously trying to figure out why I do this? For the bottoms on here, what motivates you to become a cumslut?
    3 points
  7. I moved recently to Orlando and have been having been fucking and getting fucked raw the last few months. It’s been so hot and It’s my first time really encountering so many poz men around here. The idea of a real man using me and breeding me and knowing he is poz gets me so hard. Recently got tested and am neg. a part of me wants to just keep fucking like wild and go to the bath house every weekend. On the other hand I’ve been told to get on prep. What do we think ?
    3 points
  8. I stopped by the ABS yesterday (Friday) afternoon and went back to the video booths, I entered an empty booth and shut the door but didn't lock it. #1 - I barely had time to put my money into the video player when the door opens and a nice looking 20 something looks at me, then he shut the door and walked down the hall. I settled on the vid that I wanted to watch, fished my cock out and started to slowly stroke it. The door opens again my 20 something is back, he comes in and shuts the door. He drops his pants and nods down towards his nice cut cock. You don't need to tell me twice, right away I dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth. I was sucking that cock with passion making sure that I didn't slow my pace. He didn't even last one minute (for real), I felt his cock getting even stiffer than it was then the first spurt hit the back of my throat. He started to pull away but I reached up and grabbed his ass pulling him deeper into me. I felt four more spurts hit my tongue, I released my hold on his ass and let him pull back. His final spurt landed on my nose and lips. I swallowed, smiled at him and walked out of the booth. #2 - I go into another booth, lock the door and feed a $5 bill into the machine. No sooner do I sit down and a cock is being pushed through the gloryhole in the booth. He had a long really thick cut cock. Naturally I went to work on him keeping my lips tightly wrapped around his pole and sucking for all I was worth. He lasted a whole two minutes before he blasted me with seven strong spurts of hot cum which I swallowed right away like any good slut would. He said Jesus Man!, got up and left his booth. #3 - The door to the booth next to me shuts and I realize that there's another guy in there now, I look through the hole and can see a chubby good looking guy, he drops pants and puts his cock in the gloryhole. His cock is kind of short but very thick, I start to suck it but only about 1/4 of it is sticking through the wall so I just concentrate on sucking the head of it and swirling my tongue around the head. That went on for a minute or so and then he pulls it back out of the hole. He whispers to me "I want to fuck you" and I say the only thing that I can "OK". I unlock my door and he comes over to my booth, shutting the door behind him. I bend over the chair inside the booth and he gets behind me. He smears some lube (I think) on my ass and puts a finger inside me. He holds my ass cheeks apart and I feel the head of his cock pushing through my ass ring. He stopped there for a second and grabs my waist he forces his fat cock inside of me and starts thrusting in and out. After a little over five minutes of my ass receiving a steady beating, he tells me that he's getting close. I just whisper back to him "Oh Fuck Yes" and he takes that as his clue that I don't want him to pull out. He pulls himself tightly inside of me and stands still for around 30 seconds, then he pulls out of me, rubs my ass and says thanks. We both put our pants back on and leave the ABS. All in all, a good day!! 3 loads in under 20 minutes.
    3 points
  9. thats why I'm not just a faggot who sucks cock. I'm a cocksucker. I'm a well trained, cocksucking prodigy who honed their skills by sucking thousands of cocks of all races, ages, shapes and sizes.
    3 points
  10. Is anyone else turned on by men with deep voices? Today I went through a drive-thru and the early 20s boy who told me to have a nice day had a fucking deep voice. All the way home I kept thinking that he must have some big balls full of jizz.
    3 points
  11. We finally had all the snow and ice melt here in Dallas and was a nice warm day yesterday getting up into the low 70s. I was out on the biking/jogging trail near me wearing just nylon basketball shorts and had my shirt off, seeing if guys were interested. Managed to hook up with two guys. First was this hot blonde kid jogging by shirtless, nice defined body. He clearly was checking me out so played with my cock through my shorts to see if he was interested. He circled back and we chatted a little and took it down into the concrete creek bed nearby. Started out sucking him and told him I was down for him to fuck me. He asked for condoms and lube but said I didn’t have any and was cool for taking him raw. He went for it but checked to make sure I was cool for him cumming inside me, told him I was and he blasted his seed in me. I asked him if he wanted it, he did but wasn’t sure about me cumming inside him, so told him I’d pull out to cum. I could tell he was super nervous and he admitted he didn’t usually let guys fuck him bare. His ass was nice and tight and I was close to cumming in no time. I pulled out to spurt my first pulse on his ass and quickly shoved my cock back in him to drain the last few spurts inside him. Normally I work more precum in a guy but at least I got to shoot some of my load in him and he seemed fine that I’d pulled out like I said I would. I kept stroking in him working up to a second load and again pulled out to cum, this time spurting more on his ass before sliding back in again. He laughed about it joking I was horny as fuck and I admitted I was. i was back on the trail after that and saw a cute chubbier Latino boy shirtless sitting on a stone. We chatted a little bit and I was direct about wanting to get fucked. He was down with that and we went down in the concrete creek bed nearby and he showed off his nice thick uncut cock. He didn’t mind I’d already been fucked and quickly pumped two loads balls deep in me before taking a load from me. I loved that he went for it no questions and didn’t care I’d already been bred raw...guessing he’s a nasty raunchy pig like me who just takes loads, no questions asked.
    3 points
  12. Yup Alex, get on PrEP and whore yourself out at the bath houses, sex clubs and fuck parties🍆💦...Raw is Law!!!! There is no such thing as too much cock and seed!!!😋 If you still crave to get impregnated and become a li'l Poz☣️☣️ boy (after carefully considering all the consequences) you can go off PrEP and get knocked up!!!😛 Hugs!🐷
    3 points
  13. @Sum1 — trust me, having gonorrhea sucks. Getting syphilis is even worse. You’re not missing anything. Been there done all that far too many times.
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. You know it was a great time as my hole & jaw are sore, and I'm still leaking cum.
    3 points
  16. Part 4 I collapsed into the plastic green chair, it’s smooth surface cold against my skin. I was still breathing heavy and stretched my sore legs. There was porn playing on the screen, but I only half watched. My mind was reeling from the encounter I’d just had. I’d never been fucked like that — I kinda felt like a porn star for a little while. It had been work to hold that position, and my ass had taken an amazing pounding. I’d been fucked before, but not like that. I sat there pulling myself together. Exhausted. But still horny. How could I be horny after that? My cock was standing up straight, and I absently tugged at it thinking about what just happened. I had another stranger’s load in me. Why did I let that happening was t safe. I know nothing about him. Was he poz? What if he was? What had I done? I need to go. This place isn’t good for me. My mind was racing nearly as fast as my heart was. The thought of my bare feet on the sticky floor was suddenly repulsive, and I couldn’t even think about what stuff from the floor was now sticking to my arms and legs after being fucked down there. I stretched my leg out and grab one flip flop with my foot, sliding it closer. Then I pulled the second one closer, slipped into them and stood up. I teetered a bit, lightheaded from the pounding I’d just taken. My cock twitched at the thought. The porn caught my eye. Three guys fucking on screen. I should be done here, but damn these guys were hot. My cock twitched again and I started to stroke myself slowly. I hadn’t cum, and I was starting to feel horny again. Watching the video, I didn’t catch the sound right away. Finally it registered. Tapping. I looked around, confused by what I was hearing. And then I saw the window to my left. I had forgotten about the windows between booths. Through the window I could see a beautiful cock, thick and hard, being stroked. It was pointing at me. Fuck! Was that screen open the entire time? Had he seen what just happened? A cold chill ran through me. I need to leave. NOW! My body didn’t budge. Instead my hand kept stroking my cock. And through the window, he was doing the same. Who was that? I bent over to try to get a look at his face. It was hard to make out from the harsh angle and dim lighting, but I suddenly recognized the shirt. This was the guy I had walked by a couple times earlier, the one who didn’t even look up at me. But now I had his attention. He was standing, facing the window, stroking for me to see his big cock. And it was really hot looking. My horniness intensified. He sat down again, bending forward so his face appeared in the upper half of the window. He was giving my body a hard look. I felt very exposed, still naked, my athletic physique on display. It was weird to be looked at like this, but I also felt very sexy all of a sudden. I looked back the video, which had changed over. The guy in the video was stroking himself, running one hand over his body for the camera. I started to do the same. I looked back toward the window; he was staring intently at me. I stroked my cock slowly, letting him see its length, and I ran the other hand over my chest. Fuck, my pecs were hard and felt really good. I felt sexy. He tapped the window again and this his hand motioned me to come closer. Does he want me? I didn’t move from the spot I was standing in. I couldn’t. But I also didn’t stop stroking for him. He didn’t motion again right away, but after a minute he did, this time tapping his cock against the glass. This time my body moved a bit closer. I looked back the video. The model was still stroking, but now he was sitting in a chair, lifting his legs and fingering his hole. I’d never seen anyone do that. There was something very hot about that. I had a sudden urge, but I hesitated. I looked back at the real cock on the other side of the glass. Without thinking, I turned around and showed him my ass. I only last a few seconds before I got nervous and turned around again. His hand was motioning me to come closer, and I stepped up to the window, the glass the only thing keeping our cocks from touching. Everything happened very quickly from there. His cock disappeared from the window. I leaned down and saw him putting it inside his pants, zipping up. Had he shot his load? Looked like he was leaving. I was disappointed and kinda angry he was leaving. But then my door opened and he stepped inside. He was like a boulder rolling into the room, confident energy that nothing was going to stop him. His shirt was unbuttoned, and he pulled out his cock, waggling it for me to see. He was rock hard. I dropped to my knees right then and there. I went right down on him, showing my inexperience with a cock this size, but he didn’t mind. He just growled happily. “That’s it, boy. That’s what you wanted. Suck daddy’s cock.” I worked the head of his cock, not certain how much I could take. He would push his cock forward, but I would back up to avoid having it go deeper than I could handle. His hand wrapped around the back of my head, pushing me onto his dick as he thrust forward. My face was buried in his pubes; I gagged, but he didn’t care. He held my head there, his cock choking me. I sputtered and tried to breathe but couldn’t. “That’s it, boy. Relax your throat. Relax it.” Then he released me. I gasped for breath, but he was back in my mouth again, both hands grabbing the sides of my head, and he began to fuck my mouth. No one had ever done this. I was overwhelmed and mindlessly captivated at the same time. “There you go, boy. Get that big cock nice and slippery.” I grasped the base of his cock so he wouldn’t force it all into my mouth again. I started working his head and first few inches of his shaft with my mouth. It was sloppy, but he was growling with satisfaction. He reached down and touched my hole, his fingers roughly probing. “Nice,” he growled. “He did put his load in there. I didn’t expect that from you, boy.” He pulled his cock out of my mouth and started tucking it away again. “Let’s go down the hall.” I awkwardly stood up; he didn’t offer to help me. I started to follow him out of the room, still naked. “You should put your shorts on. Things are fairly open here, but there are still cameras around.” I slipped on my shorts and tank top, then followed him down the hallway, turned the corner, and turned again into the furthest hallways. I hadn’t been back here yet. There were a couple guys hanging in the hallway, but fewer rooms. He lead me to the very end. We stepped into a dark booth at the end of the hall. It was much larger than the others I’d seen. There was only a long bench and a small TV hanging in the corner. The bench was just plywood covered with carpet. He closed the door. He roughly stripped me again. Then pulled his pants down past his knees, his shirt still hanging open. I noticed a tattoo on his left hand pec. It looked familiar, a kind of swirl design. I wondered if it was an Asian symbol, but that didn’t seem right. I’d seen it before, but couldn’t place it. He spun me around, then pushed me into a kneeling position on the bench. I felt like an action figure being posed and played with. He was behind me, and then I felt his tongue start to probe my hole.. He growled again as he spread my ass open, and his tongue went deeper. “Fuck, boy. There’s a full load in there. Tastes toxic. Was he toxic?” I wasn’t sure what he was was asking. “I don’t know.” He growled. “You didn’t ask?” “I don’t think we talked.” “You’re full of surprises. I thought you were some uptight preppy Twink when I first saw you. I don’t have time for that bullshit. But turns out you’re a hot little pig boy.” I wasn’t sure what to think about what he was saying. I didn’t totally get it. And being called a pig wasn’t really something that was turning me on. But the his tongue went back into my hole, probing it, sending electric shocks through my body. I let out a moan. He slapped my ass. “Fucking hot boy. Fucking hot body. Wanting more cock. You ready for more cock, boy?”Nerves suddenly froze any response I was going to give. “Tell me, boy. Tell me you want daddy’s cock.” He slapped my ass. That snapped my nervousness and I yelped. His fingers massaged my hole, and I automatically started grinding back against them, hoping they would slide inside me. I felt cold glass under my nose; “Inhale. That’s it. Take another hit of the poppers like a good pig boy. I did as I was told. My body filled with at that amazing rush of heat, and felt my heart banging inside me. He grabbed my short ginger-blonde hair and pulled my head up. “Tell daddy what you want. Tell me you want my toxic cock inside your hot fucking body.” My body was aching for it. I lifted my ass up higher in the air for him to see. I felt like my body looked hot. He slapped his cock against my ass and my head exploded. “Please, daddy,” I panted desperately. “Please I want your toxic cock.”
    3 points
  17. Met this guy while roller-blading in the park a while ago. He was cute, about 22 years old, newly gay, only been fucked once. We just started hanging out as friends and doing stuff. I wasn't looking for a relationship, and he was. He had those eyes for me that followed me everywhere I went, and watched my body move any chance he got. He was a really sweet kid, and we had a lot of fun, but nothing ever happened. We'd been hanging out for about 6 months, and he knew I was poz, and we'd discussed sex a lot. He knew I was into barebacking strictly, and all about my past. He wanted me anyway. He wanted me to be his boyfriend, but as I said, I wasn't looking for any sort of commitment, and I knew if I had sex with him, he'd only get more emotionally involved. I'd been experimenting with bondage, mostly being tied up for a few months, and had chatted with this guy online for a while about getting together. After taking all the safety measures of getting to know him, and trust him, we finally agreed to meet. We'd been talking for about 3 months online so far. He had someone he said who wanted to watch the scene we would do, but not be involved in it. He said the guy was young, cute, and curious to try it himself, and wanted to see how things went. I have never minded doing stuff in public or being watched, so I agreed. I got to the guy's house that Saturday night, and he immediately stripped and blindfolded me He then led me naked down to his basement, where he had a dungeon setup. I was already hard, and dripping as I was going down the stairs. He tied me to a St. Andrews cross, fully spread eagle, naked, tied at the wrists, ankles, and waist by soft nylon ropes. He did his things to me then, since this isn't really a bondage group, I won't get into all the details, but suffice it to say, my cock was tied, teased, and my body was in exquisite pain/pleasure for about 2 hours. I was begging to be allowed to cum at this point, and he knew it. He told me the guy had been watching the whole scene, and it made my already hard dick throb even more (there was a huge wet puddle of my pre-cum under me), and ooze out another thick glob of juice, as I felt it slowly drool out of my dick and slide down to the floor. He removed the blindfold then, and it took me about a minute for my eyes to readjust to seeing after 2 1/2 hours of being totally in the dark. There before me stood my bondage top, and a little behind him and against the wall, was "the kid." This was the kid I'd mentioned earlier, my little buddy. He'd been watching me the whole time. I was confused, and surprised, but not angry. The kid told me he had worked out a deal for the top guy, and had him talk to me online, so he could see me having fun finally. I laughed, and didn't really mind. He'd probably be even more focused on me now, but we hadn't had sex, and it was alright. They both kind of looked at each other, and the top said that I didn't realize the full extent of the deal. I was confused. The top stripped the kid naked before me, and began tying him up as well, only he was being tied face down, reverse hogtied, with his body bent over a padded structure, his legs open and spread and tied to the legs. Wow, I thought, I get to watch and get off too. That wasn't what the "deal" was though. All the time the kid was being tied, the top continued to keep me hard and on edge, so I was still bursting at the balls. Finally the kid was tied up, and spread open. The top then moved the kid and his structure directly in front of me, so that the kids ass lined up a few inches in front of my dick. Again, I was confused. The top explained that the deal was that the kid got to get fucked by me, which I would never agree to, and the top got to watch this beautiful, young kid, get fucked bare, and take a poz load in his neg ass. I almost lost my hardon. Now I was mad, and felt betrayed. I thought to myself, the kid doesn't realize what he's doing! He knew I was poz, and knew he shouldn't be doing this. At the same time, I was still hard, and the thought of fucking his beautiful, sweet ass, and blowing a charged load into him, changing him forever, made another huge glob of precum ooze out of my dick. I was then gagged, so I couldn't say anything or complain. I could hardly even move, I was tied so tight. Slowly the top moved the kid backwards towards my aching dick. My dickhead brushed across his tight little hold, and it became wet with more of the precum I was now almost flowing out of my dick. The kid had a lot more mobility than I did in movement, and he slowly started to back himself onto my throbbing dick. I tried to move or resist, but it was useless. The head popped in, without any lube other than my precum, and my head swam in confusion of fear for the kid, and the pleasure finally being supplied to my dick that had been denied through teasing for hours. The kid continued to back himself onto me, until he had about half of my dick in him, and stopped. Obviously it hurt him (remember, I was only the 2nd guy to be inside him). He kinda lost his nerve a bit from the pain I think, and just held still. The top seeing this grabbed for his balls, and pulled, causing the kid to back away from him and fully impale himself onto my entire dick. He kinda squealed in pain, because my dick at the base was pretty dry, and I kinda tore into him as he suddenly backed onto me. My dick was harder than it has ever been, as the top pushed the structure under the kid more towards me, pinning the kid against me and the table, so that he couldn't pull himself off my dick. There we were locked together, me inside him, neither of us able to move. At that moment, I was still so hard, and wanted to fuck, I just couldn't help myself. With what little mobility I had, I slowly started to fuck his ass, it felt so good and warm. I looked down at my dick, and there was a little blood on it, the kid had torn his ass being impaled on me. I knew we wouldn't be released until we were done, and strangely a part of me was incredibly turned on by the fact that I would probably be pozzing this kid. I thrust more, and felt more precum flowing out of my shaft and into him, lubing his ass more, and making it feel more wet. The top started to play with my balls, and nips again, and my thrusting grew more insistent. The kid was being really quiet, I wasn't sure if he was in pain, or scared, or what, but then I realized I didn't care. I wanted to fuck, I needed to cum, and I was turned on by blowing my cum into his little neg ass. I lost restraint, and let go, slowly pumping back and forth into him. Within two minutes, I couldn't hold back, since I had been on the edge for two hours, the top squeezed on my balls, and my dick grew even bigger, as I shuddered and started cumming into him. The thoughts going through my mind were of a savage sexual aggression, I wanted to fuck him, to cum in him and to blow poz cum into his neg ass, I was so turned on, as my dick spasmed and contracted, and I shot what felt like 10-12 thick spurts of cum into his ass. We held still for a while, and then were both untied. We left together, and didn't say a word at all. I drove the kid to my house, and we both went in, still not talking. Wordlessly, I took his hand and took him to the bedroom, and undressed us both. I began kissing him, licking him all over and bent him back onto the bed. I licked his hairless, smooth, tight little body, as he writhed around and moaned. I sucked his nips, licked his balls, and slowly took his dick into my mouth, and sucked slowly. He came almost instantly, and I let it flow from his dick into my mouth, and held it there. When he finished, I climbed up to him, and kissed him, sharing his sperm between our two mouths, kissing and licking his lips. He ate his own cum greedily, as I spread his legs open, and moved between them. Still wordlessly, I mounted his ass, and slid bare inside him. He moaned, and opened his legs more, his eyes filled with lust and passion. I slowly fucked him this time for a while, thinking the whole time, how I needed to breed his ass more, make sure the poz cum took hold of his body, and blew another load into him. He said he could feel as my dick was contracting in his ass, and then a really warm, wet feeling as my cum went into him. I fucked him all the rest of the weekend, continually inseminating his ass over and over. I couldn't get enough of it, and was more than turned on by pozzing a neg guy. It was a feeling that lasted, and I wanted to repeat with him and others more and more. The kid converted a few weeks later after getting sick. After a few difficult weeks of resorting out our relationship, we both settled comfortably into becoming fuck buddies, and started working together to tag other neg guys, but that's another story.
    2 points
  18. We got hit hard by winter storms here in Dallas and its really ruined my ability to hook up as roads are icy and both my parents are at home. I could just about scream I'm so horny and it's hard to come up with an excuse to sneak out of the house to fuck. The local guys I often hook up with can't get out or can't host for a lot of the same reasons, but I did have one guy, Antonio, message me saying we could fuck in his garage if I didn't mind. I was so desperate I was down, plus he's hot straight Latino guy in his mid-20s with a nice long slender cock that gets way deep inside me. I figured I'd go for it and tell my mom I needed to get out of the house and take a walk. She of course fussed at me to make sure I had a hat, gloves, dressed warm, and brought a phone in case I fell, like I was a little kid. I did as she said so I wouldn't draw more questions or attention and headed out to my bud's place. Like a lot of guys my bud still lives with his parents and is at that tough point where he's dating a girl but hasn't married yet and is getting asked a lot of hard questions by his family. I don't want to add to his problems and besides, I love being his outlet. He'll let guys fuck him but not to the point where they cum inside him, he'll make you pull out to cum and suck you off, which is cool. I get that. He doesn't mind getting fucked and seems to like it, but its probably the whole machismo thing where he just can't let a guy cum in his ass. That said there have been "accidents" where I've cum inside him and I'm sure that's happened with other guys too. I walk down the alley towards his garage and I can see him through the partially open door as he waves at me. I step into the garage and he slowly closed the door trying to make as little noise as possible. even though the garage isn't attached to the house he's still nervous as his family is home and he locked the side door and leaned in to kiss me. Its cold in the garage but not as cold as outside and as he kisses me he pins me up against the car parked inside and I can feel his hard cock grinding on me. In my mind I'm trying to remember the last guy to fuck me and it was Friday...several days ago. I'm so horny Antonio could rape me right now and I wouldn't complain. He's clearly ready and turns me to face the car and is pulling down my pants and underpants and bending me over the hood. I can feel his spit hit my ass and I'm kind of freaking out as I haven't been fucked in days and am likely to be tight. I brace myself and try not to yell out or scream as Antonio enters me roughly, but I can't control it and he quickly covers my mouth as he forces more of his cock in me. And its bordering on rape as he forces more in me roughly without enough spit or lube and its painful as fuck. I'm willing to endure it so long as he cums soon and I can feel his precum slowly making it a little easier when he suddenly makes some loud groans and I can feel his cum flooding my ass. He's still thrusting hard and not slowing down and I can hear him whispering that he wants to put another load in me. His dick is moving a lot easier and I'm telling him how good he feels inside me, how bad I need his cum and want it. His dick is so long it hits a spot deep in my ass that sends wave after wave of pleasure through me. He's stroking long and deep, pulling almost all the way out and slamming all the way in, driving deep into me as I rock the car side to side. I'm loving it and its sadly too soon when he blasts another load deep inside me with a satisfied grunt. Pulling out he playfully smacks my ass and says its his turn. I get up off the car and he drops his pants to his ankles and bends over the hood just as I was. I'm thinking Antonio would need some work opening up his ass and I start out fingering his ass as I spit on my fingers and at first he's moaning but before long he's hissing at me to just stick my cock in him already. I spit a few times on his ass as I stroke myself hard and start forcing my cock in his ass. He's softly crying out as I enter him but I don't give a shit as its what he wanted. Part of me wants to fuck him hard and without mercy since he wants my dick so bad. I'm fucking him way rougher than I normally do and he's moaning and crying out softly as I do and slowly the crying shifts to him saying how good my dick feels in him. I love it when Antonio gets all needy for cock and and I'm hoping he's wanting it again. He's let me cum inside him a few times, begging for it like a needy bitch and this seems like this is going to be one of those times. His ass started out really tight so I'm guessing my cock is giving him what he wants and needs and I have no intention of pulling out to cum. This little bitch is going to take my load whether he wants it or not. I stroking hard inside him and clearly he could tell I was getting close to cumming and he told me cum inside him. By now I was precumming like crazy and knew I was going to blast a huge load and soon did just that, letting out a satisfied groan as he softly moaning saying how good it felt. And it must have as I hadn't fucked in days and had a lot of cum built up. I kept stroking in him and asked if he was down to take another and he said he was. I kept stroking inside him as he was moaning with delight, saying how good my cock felt inside him and how bad he wanted my load. He gets like that sometimes, like a switch flips and he suddenly wants guys to cum in his ass. I wanna ride that for all its worth and take my time stroking inside him, delighting in hearing him moan and beg for my dick and cum, slowly building until I blast another load deep inside him. As soon as I'm done its clear he is too, telling me to pull out, which I do. He stands up and quickly pulls his pants back up, shivering from how cold they must be. I do the same and realize how cold it is with my clothes back on my legs. He pulls me in closely and starts kissing me deeply and I lean into him, pressing him against the car and we're making out intensely for a long time before he finally pulls back to catch his breath, saying how badly he needed to get fucked. I said I understood and I needed it too and that we could do it again this way. He laughed and said sure but said I needed to get going and went to unlock the side door, peering around first before waving me over to leave. I stepped out into the bitter cold again and could hear the door close and lock behind me. Even though its cold outside I was warm from all the hot fucking and knowing that hot stud let me cum in his ass again. Whatever hangups he has sometimes slip away and I'm glad to be there to exploit it.
    2 points
  19. Shawn Mendes was a world-renowned singer and jock heart throb. He got requests from men and women to sleep with them everyday, but he typically turned them down. It was not smart for celebs to go around getting sexed up with everyone who offered. One thing that everyone threw into question was Shawn's sexuality, everyone thought he was gay. This rumor was dispelled by Shawn and his managers on multiple occasions, but Shawn knew that at night, once everyone had gone fo bed, he would pull out his phone and jerk to gay porn. He always thought that one day he would finally fuck a guy, but everyone his age was such a douche and all the old men were creepy and gross. That all changed one night after a concert. Shawn was approached by an older man, atleast 60, after one of his concerts. He had bought a VIP ticket, which was a bit strange but Shawn had seen a lot of strange things on tour. "Hey, that was a great concert," the man said. "I'm John.' "Hey thanks, John!" Shawn said. "I'd really like to get to speak with you more about your music. I work for a major record label and am out scouting some of the world's best talent. That was strange, Shawn thought. He's already famous. "Hey thanks man! I think I'm stuck in my contract right now but maybe a few years in the future," Shawn replied. "Ah I understand. You're a very handsome boy, hope to see you again sometime," John said as he shook Shawn's hand. Shawn was unexpectedly pulled in for a quick peck on the cheek. "See you...later," Shawn said kind of embarassed. Glad that's over, he thought. After Shawn's show a week later, he was approached by John later. Fuck not this creeper again, Shawn thought. "Hey," John said. "Hey John," Shawn said. "You know that mention of your contract, that wasn't a request. I talked to your manager this evening. I'll be taking over your tour starting tonight." Shawn went slack jawed while he shook John's hand and all of a sudden was pulled in again, but this time on the lips. "I'm sure you'll find that I will make you a very special boy," John said while giving Shawn a very sheepish smile and walking off. That was weird, Shawn thought. The next morning Shawn had to begin answering to John, his new manager. His schedule changed a lot. There were many more early mornings and random tasks being assigned. Why on earth was Shawn doing John's laundry?! He thought. John entered the room, "Hey Shawn, I've been thinking." "Yes?" "Well, I need you to refer to me as sir, but that's besides the point. I want you to have a choice in who is your manager since you seemed somewhat taken aback by it when I gave you the news." "What do you mean?" Shawn asked. "I mean I will present what your contract implies and you will decide at the end of the week whether or not our partnership is good." "I guess I don't have much of a choice, do I?" Shawn asked. "Well, no," John said. "But I do value input." At that point, John put his hands in his pockets just wide enough to stretch his lapel and open shirt revealing a small tattoo on his chest that Shawn couldn't make out to see what it was. "Now, I can tell you are quite uncomfortable. Is that because I kissed you?" John asked as he zeroed in on Shawn, getting closer. Shawn was speechless. "I'm guessing that is a yes," John said. "You see, part of the contract that your old manager signed you off to me in included being my lover, taking care of me, and becoming part of my family. I know it may be shock, but experiments in the music industry have really been working out in the long run for a lot of young singers." Shawn was speechless. "You don't have to say anything," John said as he took Shawns hand, cupped his chin (John stood a good 2" over Shawn), and began kissing him. "Your assistants have already begun moving your stuff into my house and my trailer. Should be ready to move in tomorrow night." Shawn was still speechless, he has gone a bit slack jawed. "If you don't have any questions about your contract, you may leave. You have some packing to do and the Music Awards tonight," John said. With that Shawn turned and left. Fuck, why was he not able to say anything? And with as fast as he wanted to get out of there, why was he walking so slow? He'll just sleep this off, he thought as he went to take a nap. But instead of napping, Shawn found himself looking at porn on his phone, not just any porn, daddy porn. And as soon as he came all over his abs, he heard himself moan: "John." Shawn awoke from a nightmare just in time to get ready. He had been leaving the Music Awards and couldn't find his way home. Instead he found himself staring at a bunch of old men, all staring at him wearing a very tight plaid suit as if he would walk through the space they parted for him. He shook his head thinking, this knew manager is just a bit weird. Changes like this happen to young stars all the time in Hollywood. He'll have a new manager soon enough, right? Shawn got up and got ready for the Music Awards tonight. He was surprisingly excited to spend some time with the rest of the team all dressed up. Shawn's stylist had picked a new suit for him to wear on the red carpet. When she took it out of the bag he saw that it was plaid....wait, fuck, plaid just like in my dream, he thought. He shook his head, it's nothing, I probably remember seeing her show me pics of it at one point. At the show, something was off. Shawn was not saying much, was very passive on the red carpet, and found himself being nervous for tonight. He didn't crack many smiles for the camera unless the cameramen told him too. John had also prepared a couple things for him to say about his music if anyone asked. He was doing very well, very... obedient. After the red carpet was over, Shawn's manager pulled him aside and told him that there was a plan for after. He had a special after party to be at that Shawn would join him for, the limo driver will take him right there, and "Don't worry, the will be a camera man following you around with a small teleprompter. We're working on getting a new tour video up so just follow along." Shawn was speechless after John walked off. After the awards show, Shawn went down to the street and got into the limo. Fuck, he thought, why am I do nervous over an after party? he thought. The limo soon stopped, Shawn got out of the car, buttoned the jacket of his tight suit, and heard the driver say John told him to tell Shawn to go upstairs. Shawn expected a mass of fans outside snapping pictures. This wasn't the case. He was standing in front of a large building that looked otherwise abandoned. Not wanting to be the superstar known for breaking a contract, he timidly went upstairs. It was dark and the floorboards creeked. What the fuck is this, Shawn thought. Then he could hear something the higher he went. Lots of men talking. Ok that sounds like a party, Shawn thought and walked slightly faster. Then at the top of the stairs Shawn saw it and his heart sank. Shawn was speechless and went slackjaw as he found himself looking at the same crowd of men he saw in his dream. All the voices stopped and faces turned towards him, parting the sea and revealing a sling (he had only seen in porn) and John standing in the middle. He sported his slightly overweight and wrinkly naked body and Shawn finally saw the tattoo on his chest. He recognized as a biohazard tattoo. The cameraman appeared in front of him as the lights turned off behind him and dimmed in the room. He slowly began to walk forward, step by step, closer to his fate. All you could hear was the deep click of Shawn's boots on the floor and the slight rattle off chains. When Shawn got to the front he slowly turned around. His heart was racing, face flush, and stomach full of butterflies. He noticed words come up on the teleprompter and began to read them off. "My name in Shawn Mendes, I'm an internationally renowned singer/songwriter, 22 years old, and recently was sold to my new manager, John. Tonight I will officially bind to my contract. I will be fucked by over 50 men over the age of 50, all...HIV positive..." Shawn swallowed and couldn't believe what he was reading. "All of these men are in different stages, several of whom have...late stage AIDS..." Fuck, why couldn't he move. "The video will be released and my new career as a...porn star will begin." FUCK! This is what sleazy John was up to. Shawn was speechless once more and went slackjaw as more lights turned off. He slowly unbuttoned his suit jacket and gave his hands up to two men he could no longer see and felt what he thought were small boxing gloves being put on them. Then he felt a gas mask get lowered onto his head and he could no longer see. He was gently picked up and lowered into the sling, a whole was cut in his trousers, the men smirked when they found he wasn't wearing underwear, his feet and hands strapped to the chains, and a long tube attached to the gas mask. One man began to feed Shawn a steady stream of poppers through the mask as he felt himself lose control of his body. John stepped up, shoved his massive cock in and came inside him after just a few minutes. Other men all began to step up, Shawn was unable to hear all the words they were yelling, see the men who was fucking, and very soon he couldn't even feel the cocks inside him. All he could do was breathe in more more poppers. Shawn went from being an anal virgin to taking lots of toxic cocks. "Yeah charge this slut up!" "Give him AIDS!" "Oh yeah, let's get him a couple strains and superconvert him!" Man after man ravaged Shawn's hole for the next six hours. Just before Shawn passed out, he felt himself get free of the sling and the gas mask removed. He stumbled when he stood up but regained his balance quickly. He buttoned his tight suit jacket while the men all cheered for him. He couldn't believe this was happening, but it was. And he strangely found it...arousing. "Come with me," John said. Shawn followed to a well lit room across the hall where he was shown to a chair. A tattoo artist was placed on a stool. "Unbutton your jacket and open up that shirt a bit more." Shawn did as he was told and before he realised it, he now had a biohazard tattoo right in the middle of his chest. Fuck, my career is over, he thought. He buttoned his shirt back up, stood up and... Wait ... Was there something inside him? Fuck! They stuffed him with a buttplug to keep all the cum inside me. Shawn's heart sank, but he felt relatively excited. What is wrong with me, he thought. "Turn around," John instructed. Shawn buttoned his tight jacket and did as he was told. He looked at himself in the mirror and could see the new tattoo through the open shirt he was wearing. "All your fans will soon know the truth," John said. With that, he cuffed Shawn's hands behind his back, escorted him out into the daylight wear lots of fans and media were watching, and he was forced into the limo. The media will have tons of questions later. The next week, Shawn's concerts were pretty much empty. It didn't matter though, he got a bad case of the flu and had to cancel the rest of his tour. Then his new career began. The end.
    2 points
  20. I love it when they tell you their gonna breed!
    2 points
  21. Thursday, i will receive my first poz load. So excited 🙂
    2 points
  22. anonymous sex should ALWAYS be raw. the only reason to use a bareback faggot like me is for hot dirty raw fucking
    2 points
  23. I fully support the changes and this message. I know I’m not exactly popular on here because my posts are almost always just fact based, but parts of this forum have strayed far from the original intent, and IMO it hurt this community.
    2 points
  24. I consider myself fortunate to have 2 young fuck buddies who take my loads in their asses and mouths whenever I need but more and more I’ve been craving new meat. I enjoy fucking Drew and Dwayne but I already know what their sweat smells like, what their sperm tastes like and how their assholes feel on my cock. I really needed to breed and be bred by new meat. I’ve had enough of covid restrictions and I needed to fuck. I also encouraged my boy Drew to get back out and fuck around. So last weekend I hooked up with a horny 32yo cub I’d been chatting with on BBRT. He had not been seeded in months and he was desperate for sperm. I let myself in to his house and found him naked kneeling on the couch presenting one off the hairiest asses I’ve ever been. Thee was no talk, I got naked and shoved my dripping cock up his hole. Man he smelled good and his asshole felt amazing on my cock. It was just what I needed. We rutted for 30 mins and He was trembling as I was shafting him he was so horny. I shot my load deep in his gut and made sure I emptied my balls inside him. I lay down on my back and he took my cock in his mouth and sucked me. There’s nothing like breeding a dude for the first time. Tonight my boy Drew is gunna be bred by a Daddy he’s never met. He’s gunna cum home with a beautiful creamed asshole for me to eat and fuck. Tomorrow I’m meeting a fit Daddy who’s ages with me. He’s got a massive uncut cock and I can’t wait to feel it stretching my ass open and seeding my hole. Fuck I’ve missed his! How are other men coping with limited fucks compared to pre-coved?
    2 points
  25. Thank you for following me: that's an awesome cock you have. Total bottom cumdump here in UK. Hundreds more pics and vids of me on twitter.com/jonny4dad.
    2 points
  26. While I prefer to take his load in my ass, I've known some tops that like to pull out of my ass to either feed my mouth or spray my face. One str8 guy in particular had a "thing" about seeing his load spray all over my face and hair. He told me that he liked doing that to the women he fucks as well. But, that most women don't let him cum on their faces or in their hair because of what it does to their makeup and hairstyle. LOL (Another reason str8 guys should fuck gay men) lol Where ever the top wants to cum is fine with me.
    2 points
  27. I hooked up with a fuckbuddy right before Christmas who was almost as distracted by a video game as the first guy.
    2 points
  28. I went to Pig Week last year. I had been on PrEP for a while but part of me really wanted to get pozzed. I was sorta playing games with taking my PrEP – only taking it on days I went to the gym or took loads. My doctor wasn't happy about it, but I told him I took at least 4 a week, which is what they say gives you protection. Well, the week before Pig Week was busy and with Thanksgiving and getting stuff done, and I arrived in Ft. Lauderdale having only taken three the week before and none the last two days. Pig Week was scheduled to start on Saturday, but I got there the day before. I wanted to get things started off right with a gangbang in my motel. I billed it as a conversion party and told all the tops to pretend they were toxic, even if they weren't. I figured since I was on PrEP nothing would actually happen. Then again I hadn't taken my pills the last couple days, but that risk sorta turned me on. The gangbang went well. I had over a dozen guys show up I think. Since I was blindfolded I wasn't quite sure. I counted 15 times guys blew their load in my ass, but I'm pretty sure some of those were repeats. Their poz talk got pretty aggressive with the guys standing around egging whoever was fucking me to poz me. They kept going on about how toxic the loads were and that this was the night I was gonna become poz. I loved it and kept begging for their dirty loads telling them to knock me up and poz my hole. After the gangbang I was hungry for more, so I headed to Clubhouse II to take more loads. Stayed there about 3 hours and got 8 more loads. But even after 23 loads, I was hungry for more, so I headed to Slammer where guys loved my cummy hole and dumped 5 more loads in. It was the best night of my life, sexually, and I headed back to the motel on a high. I always take my PrEP before going to bed, so when I got back to the motel I grabbed the bottle and something seemed wrong. It was too light. I opened it and there were no pills inside. Just a note saying "Stop playing games. You clearly want to be poz, so just let it happen." I was a bit numb. There I was with 28 loads of cum in my ass, some of which was probably toxic, and I didn't have any PrEP, and hadn't taken any in a few days. There was nothing I could really do. I'd already paid in advance for most of the vacation. It's not like you can just go into the pharmacy and ask for more Truvada – even if I could get them to fill the script, it's really expensive (it's not like insurance was gonna pay twice for the same meds). But the note was right. I did wanna be poz. So as it all sank in I realized this was the week I was gonna become poz, so I might as well make the most of it. I went to bed pretty conflicted, but also sorta excited. I mean what better week to bug chase than Pig Week? That next week I went to every sex party I could. Basically I was a slut and spent every waking hour hunting for and taking dick and loads. I spent HOURS at the bathhouses. I think I took over 200 loads. I mean I literally let anyone and every one fuck me. A lot of the sex parties were filmed and I made a point of getting my face in as many shots as possible. If I was gonna do this, I was gonna do it right and become a public cumdump. I couldn't exactly say "poz me" in a porn video, so I'd say stuff like "Give me that dirty load", and "Knock me up Daddy!", and "Make me yours…" Some of the tops didn't get what I was trying to say, but a few clearly did. It seemed to really motivate them to dump their load in my ass. I think guys were talking behind my back as well, but I wasn't sure what exactly was being said of me. But I'd have these random guys show up at my door saying "I hear you're taking all loads – I wanna breed you" and then not take no for an answer. The last night this car pulled up as I was getting back to my motel. A hot daddy rolled down the window and said "get in, slut"… I recognized him from a couple of the parties. He'd dumped a few loads in me. I was wiped by this point, but didn't ask questions. I just got in. 15 minutes later we were at someone's house. There were a bunch of cars parked around it. We went in and in one room there was a bed and about a half dozen guys. I recognized all of them from the parties I'd been to, bathhouses, and even 1-on-1s at my room. Then one of the guys told me that one of the tops who was there had been at "my so-called conversion party" and noticed the Truvada in the bathroom and realized I was faking it. They were really glad I made the most of it and been a proper bug chaser the past 10 days. But since the PrEP was now probably out of my system, it was time to have real conversion party – the one I should have had at the beginning of the week. The guy also said that all the tops there had viral loads over 10,000, one had a viral load over a million. One of the tops even had a Truvada resistant strain – so even if I'd found a way to get more PrEP they would have made sure I wound up poz (they really don't like guys who do fake conversion parties). I knew it was actually more like 12 days I'd been off Truvada, and hadn't taken it every day before that. I doubt I had much of any protection – and here I was about to knowingly take toxic loads from a half dozen guys. This was my time to get pozzed… (If it hadn't happened already.) I got on the bed as instructed, on my belly, and each of the guys fucked me one after the other. About half the guys gave me a second load. There was a fair amount of poz talk, but it just didn't seem quite as necessary when you know it's the real thing. And the best part was they got it all on video. When it was over I laid there with 9 or 10 highly toxic loads marinating in my ass. A few of the guys stayed around. One told me they weren't done with me yet. They tied me to the bed face down so I couldn't roll over. "We don't want any of the loads coming out" was the explanation. Then another guy came into the room and pulled out a tattoo gun and proceeded to give me a biohazard tramp stamp. When he was done the host said "Now everyone will know you're a poz slut every time you bend over and you're shirt pulls up a bit. Every time you go to the beach, or change your clothes at the gym. You're a marked man now." I tried to sleep that night, but too many emotions were going through my head, and I couldn't really get comfortable since I was tied to the bed. Plus, every hour or two someone would come in and dump another load in me. So even if I was sleeping, I'd get woken up. But by that time they were actually a bit tender with me, calling me their "poz brother". Late the next morning they let me go with a warning – "Stay off meds for at least two years. We stole your PrEP, we'll find a way to steal your HIV meds if you go on them. Make us proud and pass on the strains we gave you! If you don't, we'll release the video of you begging to get pozzed." About a week and a half later I came down with the fuck flu. Pig Week had indeed made me into a proper pig! And there's videos of it all! If only guys knew that I was getting pozzed in those videos they're watching online… And the best part is I found out my strain is resistant to PrEP, so I can knock up Truvada Whores who think they're protected Gotta say, being poz is fun! I'm glad that guy stole my PrEP and made me embrace my destiny…
    2 points
  29. Guys are out there fucking anyway, vaccinated or not. You only need read "my last load" or look at the number of hookup ads on BBRT. Those people who are out there taking such risks anyway aren't going to be swayed by whether someone is vaccinated or not. If I saw it on someone's profile I'd take it to imply that they were more comfortable about meeting others and not just jerking off at home. I don't see it as saying "I'm safe, let's fuck". I think most people in the UK are aware that someone who's vaccinated can be an asymptomatic carrier. But then so can someone who's not been vaccinated. So it doesn't matter. If you're looking to hook up then the risk is on you. My reason to post about getting my shot here was more about giving an honest account and document side any affects I experienced. Hopefully it might encourage others. Probably the bigger reason not to advertise your vaccinated status on social media is Vaccine-Shaming which seems rife on Insta and Twitter and borne out of jealousy. There are valid reasons why some of us are higher up the list than others. Not all health conditions are visible or obvious. If someone wants to swap, I'd more than gladly swap out my underlying health conditions in place of a vaccine shot.
    2 points
  30. Her brother and the rest of the family helped to train this cumdumpster trash, want an std? Fuck his hole
    2 points
  31. Hey everyone, I'm glad people are still reading this story! In fact, it has encouraged me to finish the next chapter! Enjoy! PS, if the story makes you hard/cum, feel free to post any pics 🙂 Jeff's Conquests Ch. 2 Jeffs POV It's amazing how the virus gets into every inch of your body. I can feel it running through my veins, in my brain, and most importantly, in my hole, and my cock. My cock. My poz cock. Fuck i loved the sound of that. I laid back in bed and slipped my hand down my briefs and grabbed my dripping cock. The wet spot on the front got bigger. Fuck, I thought, I may as well lose them now. It didn’t take long for them to end up on the floor. I thought back to the night we pozzed Andrew. I could still remember the feel of his tight, smooth hole on my cock. My precum was leaking almost non stop at this point. I used my thumb to smear the slick fluid around my cock head before sucking the rest off. Even my precum tastes sweeter since I converted. Ive been with a couple of guys since that night, but both times it was just head. I needed to fuck some ass again. Maybe even get my ass used, been longer since i was last fucked. My thoughts drifted back to Andrew. He was the first, and only, guy I had fucked since i got the news. The look of pure bliss on his face the moment I started shooting my toxic load in him will forever be etched into my memory. I was in the same boat the night it happened to me. I let my hand drift back down to my cock. I was surprised at how wet and slick it was. My fingers were covered in no time, and slowly I dropped my hand lower. My legs went wide all on their own, as my fingers brushed acoss my hole. I scooped up more of my juice and smeared it around my ass. I slipped one finger in, quickly followed by two. I was moaning in no time. After what felt like an eternity, though more like 5 minutes, I pulled my fingers out and rolled over to I could reach in the night stand drawer. I pulled out my Pierre Fitch dildo and my Elbow Grease lube before noticing the condoms and Astroglide at the bottom of the drawer. I chuckled before closing the drawer. I slicked the dildo up and started teasing my hole with it. I decided not to touch my cock yet. I was already on edge. I pressed the dildo up against my hole and immediately it was sucked in. Fuck I needed this! In no time it was balls deep. I kept it there for a few minutes, just taking in the fullness. My hole throbbed around its girth, and my cock was leaking a steady stream. The hair on my stomach was matted and shiny. I slowly eased the toy out, almost to the head, and pushed it in just as fast. I was involuntarily moaning and slowly picked up the pace. The image of Andrew riding my poz cock flashed in my mind. He was so turned on taking my toxic dick. I remembered his moans, how he begged me for my poz cock, and how much I wanted to give it to him. In that moment, I had intense desire to give him my HIV. I wanted to make this slut positive like me. I wanted to see him get knocked up, knowing hes going back and riding his neg boyfriend with his poz ass. I was getting close, and the dildo was hitting all the right spots. I picked up the pace and started pounding my ass with it. Each thrust was jabbing right into my prostate. I thought back to Andrew and relived the moment I shot my toxic load into his neg ass and the cum started spewing from my cock. My hole clamped down on the toy in the same way Andrews hole clamped down on my cock. After five or six big squirts, I was covered from my neck to belly button in precum and jizz. I was spent, and spent the next few minutes sprawled on the bed and panting. The toy was still lodged deep in my ass, as I continued to spasm around it. I must have fallen asleep because when I next looked at the clock it was after 1 AM. I gingerly pulled the dildo out of my ass and slowly made my way to the shower. After a quick rinse, I got back in bed without grabbing another pair of underwear. My thoughts remained on Andrew as I quickly drifted back off. The last thing I remember before nodding off was a stirring in my cock, and a tingle in my ass. Andrews POV I'm not sure how long I sat in the car, staring out the window. I just left the doctors office. They wanted to talk to me about the results of the blood I had drawn last week. The appointment seemed to drag on, but finally they let me go with a small pile of pamplets, a bag of condoms and a referral to a specialist. I looked at the goodies on the passenger seat before something caught my eye. I looked down at my pants and noticed a large wet spot and a very noticeable bulge in my jeans. A smile slowly crept across my face as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I began typing a message with one hand while massaging my cock with the other. <<Just left the Doctors ;)>> I put the phone on the seat next to me and continued rubbing my cock through my jeans. The wet spot got larger. The phone buzzed as another spurt of precum oozed out of me. <<Oh fuck dude, really? Are you?>> read the text. I smiled and took a pic of my crotch. Thankfully the sun was bright enough to show the wet spot. I quickly fired off a reply. <<What do you think?>> followed by the pic. <<Oh shit dude! Seriously? Thats so fucking hot!>> <<All thanks to you and Ben. I'm still sitting here in the parking lot, and im horny as hell!>> <<LOL! I know the feeling. I was the same way. What are you going to do now?>> <<My ass got so hungry when they told me I have HIV. My boyfriend is at home right now, so I'm going to go see what sort of trouble we can get into ;)>> <<Lucky bf 😉 Message me later when youre all fucked out, and maybe we can arrange for an encore performance!>> <<Mmmm.....I'd love that. Chat later stud! Thanks again!>> <<Will do! And you're welcome, slut.>> I smiled and put the phone back in my pocket. The conversation, though brief, had done nothing to relieve my throbbing cock. I quickly started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. I was back home in no time. I found Rob in the kitchen reading the paper. As was usual, he was wearing a tshirt and a pair of tight briefs. The black cotton clung to his ass perfectly, and the wet spot on my jeans got larger. I stood there staring at him for a few minutes before he noticed me. He smiled as soon as he saw me and before I knew it, I had crossed the room and started kissing him. He could feel how hard I was as soon as I pressed up to him. He moaned into my mouth and started rubbing me through my pants. “Fuck baby, you've only been gone a couple of hours. Miss me that much?” “You have no idea,” I laughed. “I just got really horny when I was out.” “I can tell” he said. I could feel him now. He pressed his cock into mine. I needed him bad. I grabbed his hand and started pulling him to the bedroom. He pushed me onto the bed as soon as we got there. “Hungry, baby?” he asked, standing over me. My eyes were glued to his cock. “Yes Sir.” “Want my cock, baby?” he asked, slowly massaging his cock through his briefs. It was enough to break my concentration. I looked up at him. “Please Sir, I need it so bad.” He pulled off his shirt before ordering me to take my clothes off. In no time I was kneeling on the floor in front of him. He spent the next few minutes grinding his crotch into my face before telling me to pull his underwear down. I didn't need to be told twice! In no time i had his briefs pulled off and his rock hard 7” cut cock was buried in my throat. I spent the next 15 minutes working my boyfriends cock over. Slow, fast, shallow, deep, I did what ever I could to make Rob feel good. We were FWBs long before we started dating, so I always had a special place in my heart for his cock. “Get on the bed. Face down, I need that pussy,” he ordered me, ending my worship session with his cock. “Yes Sir.” I love when he orders me around like this. I scrambled onto the bed from the floor and pushed my head to the mattress as I got up on my knees. I could feel my hole twitching as I exposed myself to him. “Fuck baby, your hole is beautiful. I'm gonna make it feel so good.” “Please, Rob, I need you so bad.” He grabbed the lube from the nightstand and slid a finger into me. I couldnt help it and started moaning. “What do you need?” “Your cock, Sir.” “Yeah?” “Yeah,” I breathed out. “And your cum.” “You need my cum?” “Yeah I do.” He laughed. “You always need my cum!” “I love taking cum, Sir.” “I know you do. You get so hungry for it. How many loads do you have in there now?” “None, Sir.” “Bad boy. You know how much I love fucking you loaded,” he said, sliding a second, and then third finger into me. I got lost in the sensations for a moment as he started hitting all the right spots inside me. “You know how much easier my fingers slide in and out of you when you have another mans load in you.” He accented his words with the thrusts of his fingers. I felt a little bad for a moment, then remembered that I was just too horny and his cock was the only one I needed at the time. “Sorry, stud. Next time, I promise. You know how much I love giving you my cummy hole,” I finally managed to get out. “That's ok, baby. You just got horny, didn't you?” It's like he had read my mind. 'Fuck, I love this man,' I thought. “Yes baby,” I moaned. “Please?” I was getting desperate. Thats all it took. He pulled out and put his cock to my hole, and pressed the head in. I moaned and tried to push back, but he stopped me, pulling out. Once I stopped moving, he sunk his head back in and stopped once more. I moaned into the mattress, and waited for him to continue. He just stood there, motionless for the next five minutes or so, and just kept telling me how he was going to fuck me, and how he was going to make my pussy his. After what seemed like an eternity, I sank balls deep in one long, slow, thrust. My hole opened around his thick cock as he slid into me. For the next half hour, not a word was spoken, save for a few curses from me. Otherwise the only sounds were my moans and the sounds of my wet hole. His pace never changed beyond the long, slow strokes he was taking. He knew what I liked, and within minutes precum started pouring from my cock and never stopped. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. “I need to ride you. Please? Please Sir, can I ride your cock?” I love riding his cock and he knows it. It feels incredible watching him lay there, just letting me do all the work, and seeing the look of pleasure on his face. He didnt need much more encouragement, as he pulled out of me and laid back against the pillows. I quickly moved over to him and slowly sat back on his cock, savouring every inch as he sank into me. He closed his eyes and for the next fifteen minutes I did everything I could to make him feel good. His stomach was covered in my precum, matting the hair there, and I could tell from the wetness in my ass that he was leaking the same amount into me. I was starting to get close, and I could tell Rob was too. I decided it was time to tell him. I slowed down a bit before saying “I was out at the clinic earlier.” I waited for his reaction. He moaned before opening his eyes. “Yeah?” “Yeah, I needed to get tested. Remember that fever I had last week?” I felt him get harder. “Fuck. Yeah I do.” “I'm positive, baby.” I sank balls deep on him and just stayed there. His eyes shot open. “Fuck! You are?!” “Just found out an hour ago. Thats why I needed to come home so fast.” I didnt think it was possible, but I felt him get even harder. “For real? I have an HIV positive hole on my cock?” He asked, with a look of lust on his face. “Yeah you do, baby. You like my poz hole on your neg cock?” The look on his face turned to hunger as he grabbed me and quickly rolled us over until I was on my back. Never once did his cock leave my hole. As soon as we settled, he tackled my mouth with his. He started thrusting into me, first slow, then picking up the pace. He kept repeating this pattern, driving me wild. “Who did it, do you know?” I quickly recounted my night with Jeff and Ben, between moans and kisses. His thrusting started to change, and I knew he was going to shoot. I looked him in the eyes. “Do it baby. Give me your cum. Shoot it in my poz ass. Give me your neg load.” That was all it took, as Rob thrust deep into me and started moaning uncontrollably. I felt his cock spasm in me as he filled my ass with his cum. That was all it took for me as I started shooting my load between us. After what felt like forever, Rob collapsed on me, and kissed me between breaths, his cock never shrinking. He caught his breath and kissed me one more time, though slower, and deeper. He pulled back and smiled at me. “Congratulations baby! I know how much you wanted this.” I smiled at him, satisfied. We spent the next ten minutes making out, with his cock buried deep in my ass. He kept telling me that he was happy for me, and loved feeling my poz ass around his cock, and I was glad I was able to make him feel so good. “Thank you for encouraging me baby. I'm glad I can give you a poz ass to fuck.” “You still got that guys number? Maybe we should invite him over sometime.” He slowly started moving in me again. I moaned as I enjoyed his cock for a few minutes. “Yeah Ido.” “Good.” And that is what kicked off round two. He bred me twice more that night, each time telling me how much he wanted to feel toxic cum around his cock. BY the time we finished, it was too late, and we were too tired for supper. We took a hot shower before crawling into bed. We were out in no time.
    2 points
  32. Part 2 I continued cruising public toilets and parks throughout my time as a student. I had now also made some gay friends and was beginning to socialise more and visit gay pubs and Glasgow's one gay club. I would usually go out with friends but every now and then I liked to go out on my own. It was on one such night when I was drinking in a bar at the top end of the town that I met someone I knew from home. Lewis was a couple of years older than me and he had been brought up in the same church as me and my family and our families were close friends. I had always liked and admired Lewis - he was blond and stocky, good looking, quite sporty and always seemed to know what he was doing. He had been leader of the church youth group for a few years and I knew he was now in Edinburgh studying to become a pastor. I was surprised to see him drinking in a gay bar and after a while he noticed me and came over. We were both a bit unsure of what to say at first and we started off talking about mutual friends at home. After a while Lewis seemed more at ease. He told me that he knew he liked guys but was not intending to do anything with anyone. He said he liked to visit gay bars now and then and came through to Glasgow as he needed to be discreet. I assured him that no one would ever hear anything from me and he smiled at me. After that I saw Lewis in the bar a few times. Sometimes he was with a friend but mostly he was on his own. One night I was drinking in the same bar and after I had a few drinks I was chatted up by a fit looking older guy. We got on well and I really liked him. We started flirting with each other and soon our conversation was getting more explicit. He told me outright that he wanted to fuck me but said he was staying in a hotel in the centre of Glasgow with his boyfriend. I really wanted him and I suggested that we go for a walk. There are a lot of alleyways running behind the buildings in that part of the town and soon we had walked a little way down the hill and we were making our way along one of the back alleys. We came to a little recess area behind what looked like an empty building and he pulled me towards him. He kissed me hard and a short time later I was down sucking his cock. I sucked him for a while and then he pulled me up. I knew exactly what he wanted and I was really up for it and soon my pants and trousers were down and I was bent over against the wall as he pushed his cock up my arse and began to fuck me. We were taking a big risk as we were only partially hidden in the recess area. We probably couldn't be seen from either end of the alleyway but could easily be caught by anyone walking through it. I didn't really think about the risk - the guy was fucking me harder now and I was enjoying every minute of it. It was then I noticed a figure standing in a doorway just across from us and I realised we were being watched. The guy watching us had his hand down his trousers and was obviously playing with himself as he watched us fuck. It was then I realised that it was Lewis. The guy fucking me was getting close now and hadn't noticed that we had an audience. He pushed me against the wall and began to fuck me really hard. I was really turned on by the whole experience and even more so by the fact that Lewis was watching me take it up the arse in a back alley. A short time later the guy grunted and began to cum in my arse. He thrust up me several times and I could tell he was shooting quite a big load up me. After a while he pulled out and stuffed his cock back into his pants. He slapped me on the arse, said " Cheers, mate," and disappeared into the night. I don't think he even noticed Lewis. I looked across at Lewis and smiled at him. He hesitated for a moment and then he made his way slowly towards me. I unzipped his jeans and pulled them down to his knees along with his white underpants. Lewis's cock was long, thick and hard and I wasted no time in going down on him. He groaned and gently took my head in his hands as I sucked him. He was giving soft little moans as I sucked him and I had every intention of sucking him until he blew his load in my mouth but after a while Lewis started reaching down to feel my arse and I stood up and bent over to suck him. His hand went down the back of my pants and soon his finger found my hole. I was still lubed with the other guy's cum and Lewis began to finger me as I sucked his cock. I stood up, pulled my pants and trousers down below my arse and bent forward. I wasn't sure if Lewis would go for it but almost immediately I felt the head of his big cock pushing against my hole. I reached round and pulled my cheeks apart as Lewis pushed his cock into my arse. I bent forward as Lewis began to fuck me. I was more turned on than I had been in a long time - Lewis's cock was one of the biggest I had had up me for quite a while and he was fucking me really well. I couldn't help wondering what our families would think if they could see Lewis fucking me up the arse in a back alley and this thought turned me on even more. I could tell Lewis was getting close and after a few more thrusts he groaned and said "Oh fuck!" as he pumped his cum into my arse. We walked back to the bar together and Lewis bought me a drink. Over the next few months Lewis and I fucked several times. We never talked about what we were doing - Lewis would just nod to me and leave the bar and after a moment I would follow him and we would meet in the recess in the back alleyway and, after I had sucked him for a while, he would fuck me up against the wall. I could tell that Lewis was becoming more confident and one night after he had fucked me he bent over and offered me his arse. I fingered some lube into his arse and slowly pushed my cock up him. Lewis's hole was tight, but not as tight as I thought it might be. He grunted and bent forward as I began to fuck him. I was really turned on - I had always fancied Lewis and never thought in a million years I would get to fuck him. I fucked him slowly at first and then I began to fuck him harder and before long I was shooting my cum right up his arse. After that we continued to meet in the alley and sometimes after he had fucked me Lewis would drop his pants and let me fuck him. I could tell he was really enjoying being fucked and I guessed that I probably wasn't the first to fuck him and certainly wouldn't be the last. I was enjoying myself and really getting off on taking risks. In truth, I was also starting to drink a bit too much and that led me into some very risky situations. One night I had been drinking in the centre of Glasgow and, feeling horny, I decided to visit an all night toilet in the north of the city. When I got there a couple of guys were wanking at the urinal and as I joined them, a cubicle door opened and a dark haired lad my own age came out. Soon we were all wanking at the urinal and them I went down on one of the guys as the young lad went down on the other. In my drunken state, I didn't really think of the risk as I pulled my pants down and bent forward over the urinal and told the guy to fuck me. I was being fucked out in the open in full view of anyone who might come into the toilet but I didn't care. The guy fucking me came quite quickly and when he pulled out the other guy went up me. When he had cum in me, the young lad went up me and after about ten or twelve thrusts he added his load to the other two. They all disappeared quickly and as I pulled up my pants and trousers I could feel cum running down my legs. I made my way to the wash basins and just as I was starting to wash my hands two police officers suddenly appeared. I continued to wash my hands, suddenly sobering up as they both looked hard at me. I walked towards the door and to my relief they didn't stop me leaving the toilet. I knew I had been very lucky though - if they had arrived just a few minutes earlier I would have been well and truly busted. I resolved to be more careful and I was for a while, but soon I was back taking risks and getting off on it. One night I had been drinking heavily at a party and, horny as usual, decided to visit a nearby park which I knew was sometimes quite good for cruising at night. It was a warm summer evening but the park was still quite quiet so I decided to have a little rest on a bench near the cruising area. It was light when I woke up several hours later. I was stiff from lying on the bench and at first I couldn't think where I was. Then I realised that my pants and trousers were down at my ankles and I could tell from the wet, squelchy feeling in my arse that I had been fucked. I tried to think back to the night before but I couldn't remember anything about it. A little later I was squatting in some bushes and as I pushed the cum out my arse I realised that I must have been fucked more than once - in fact it felt like I was pushing out two or three loads. I could remember nothing though and had absolutely no idea who had been up my arse - it could have been anyone. I had another horny experience a few months later when I was in the north of Glasgow visiting one of my aunts. Aunt Margaret lived near the top of a tower block on an estate which looked very run down and had quite a bad reputation. My aunt liked living there and always said that the people on the estate were good people. I'm sure she was right but I did sometimes feel a bit nervous getting in to the lifts, which were often covered in graffiti and frequently smelt of piss. One evening I had been visiting my aunt for tea. I liked Aunt Margaret a lot, but like all my family she was very religious and always asked me if I was being a good Christian boy. I was now well versed in telling my family what they wanted to hear and I assured her easily that I was. Aunt Margaret told me that she was hosting a meeting of her home bible study group that evening and asked me if I would like to stay. I told her I would love to, but had to get home to study for exams. It was dark when I left my aunt's and as I got into the lift one of the lights went out just as someone else came in behind me. The guy was unshaven with long hair and looked quite rough and actually a bit scary. He saw me looking at him and stared at me. Then he winked at me and grinned and I couldn't help grinning back. As the lift made its way down I had the feeling he was cruising me and sure enough when the lift reached the ground floor he motioned to me to follow him. He led me out of the block and down some stairs into what looked like a bin area. Without a word, he unzipped his trousers, pulled his semi hard cock out and motioned to me to go down on him. I looked around - it was dark but there was not much cover if anyone came into the bin area. He pushed my head down and I took his cock into my mouth. He was soon fully hard and I sucked him for a while and then he pulled me up and turned me round. He unzipped my jeans and pulled them down along with my pants, bent me forward, pulled my cheeks apart and spat on my hole a few times. Then he pushed his cock into my arse. I was really turned on as he fucked me hard and fast right there in the bin area. He didn't mess about - he just went up me - fucked me roughly and shot his load into me. Then he left me there in the bin area with my pants down and his cum leaking out of my arse. Neither of us had said a word throughout the whole encounter and somehow this just made it even hornier. As I pulled up my pants I wondered how my aunt's bible study group was going. A few months later I was cruising in a pubic toilet late one foggy afternoon and I was feeling very horny. Two other guys were cruising in the toilet - a young ginger lad and an older guy. I was cruising the ginger lad, but he seemed more interested in the older guy and sure enough they disappeared into a cubicle together. I waited a while but no one else came into the toilet. I decided to give up and go somewhere else but before I did I went into the other cubicle, climbed quietly onto the toilet and looked over into the other cubicle. The fit young ginger lad was bent over the toilet and the older guy was fucking him from behind. I watched the older guy's thick cock thrusting up the ginger lad's slim arse for a moment of two and then made my way across the park to another toilet. As I got near to the toilet I noticed a guy up ahead heading towards the toilet. I had seen this guy a few times - he had blond curly hair and was carrying a tool bag. I had seen him in this toilet a couple of times. One time he had let someone suck him off at the urinal and the other time he had disappeared into a cubicle with dark haired guy. I reached the toilet a short time after the blond guy entered it but to my disappointment there was no sign of him. The toilet was quite small and only had one cubicle. The door to the cubicle was shut and I guessed he must already be in there with someone. I waited around for a while but the blond lad did not come out and no one else entered the toilet. I knew it would be closing soon and decided to give up - it was clearly not going to be my day. I crossed the road where there was a bus shelter and waited on a bus to take me back across the city. The fog was really thick now and there was no sign of a bus. A couple of other people had now entered the shelter and I guessed the bus would not be long. Then the blond guy I had seen entering the toilet came into the shelter. He must have recognised me as he looked at me and after a while I realised he was cruising me. It looked like my luck might be in after all as he looked straight at me and then made his way out of the shelter. I waited a second and then followed him onto some wasteland behind the bus stop. The fog was really thick now and he led me into some bushes. If it wasn't for the fog we would have been in full view of the road and of a row of houses just on edge of the park, but as it was we couldn't be seen because of the fog. He grinned at me and put down his tool bag. He was a really fit lad, very straight looking in workman's trousers which were splashed with plaster and paint and soon he had his cock out and I was sucking him off. I sucked him for a while and soon his breathing was getting heavier and I was looking forward to getting a mouthful of cum but then he pulled his cock out of my mouth. He turned round, pulled his pants down to his knees, and bent over. He reached round and pulled my cock towards his arse. I fingered his hole and found it wet with what I could tell was cum and I guessed someone had just fucked him in the toilet. I was super horny and I wasted no time in pushing my cock up his fit arse. He groaned as I began to fuck him, just a few feet away from a busy road and a bus shelter full of people. I hadn't cum for a few days and the load I shot up his arse felt like quite a big one. A few minutes later we were both boarding the bus. A group of lads at the back of the bus called out to him and he went to join them. I wondered what they would think if they knew he had just taken two loads of cum up his arse. Part 3 to follow
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  33. Chapter 6 - Virginity Lost His dick now soft, Adam finally rolled off of Brian and onto his back next to him. Laying in that bed, his own cum smeared all over his chest and stomach, while Adam’s toxic seed was beginning to seep out of newly destroyed asshole, Brian appeared still, but his mind was racing in a million different directions at one time. The two primary emotions fighting for space in his head were pride and fear. At first, fear took over. Even though he had, in the moment, decided to go with it as Adam made clear he was going to cum in him, whether he liked it or not, Brian had not come to that house having made a decision to get pozzed. He had, of course, only agreed to it after learning that it was unlikely he’d get infected… if the other guy was undetectable, which Brian had just assumed he was. His mind quickly darted to his parents and what they’d do he told them he had HIV. Being gay was one thing, and he wasn’t ashamed of it, because he now knew it was who he was. But getting pozzed was something he did; this one was a choice. And it was definitely going to he harder to explain. Brian also thought about Jake in that moment. He hadn’t quite realized yet how much he was longing to be with him. Ever since that first night where he jerked off to the thought of his classmate, Brian found himself more and more taken by him. And, Jake didn’t have a girlfriend, something Brian was keeping close tabs on. Obviously that didn’t really mean anything, but for a high school senior as hot as Jake not to be the subject of at least some girl-related drama was stoking Brian’s suspicions that maybe he too was gay, and maybe it could actually happen. But now, Brian felt that getting pozzed might mean he just lost Jake too. After catching his breath for a few minutes and fighting the whirlwind of emotions, Brian sat up and swung his legs off the side of the bed, not sure what he was doing or where he was going. So, he put his head in his hands, and he could feel he was starting to cry, not for any particular reason, but all of those conflicting emotions were just trickling out now as tears. His crying was soft, and Adam probably didn’t even notice, but he did see Brian with his head down. He rolled over closer to him, ran his hand slowly down his spine, and asked “How are you feeling?” “I…I don’t know” “You said thanks…” “I know…I…I don’t know” Adam may have just finished doing a pretty shitty thing to this virgin twink who was just starting to get his gay legs under him, but he wasn’t a sadistic person necessarily. He knew Brian thought he wasn’t going to get pozzed, but Adam loved gifting, had been off meds for about a month, and had decided he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity to poz a high school virgin. So, while he didn’t regret what he had done, he wanted Brian to feel good about it. “Why don’t you hop in the shower and clean up?” he offered. Brian wasn’t sure if Adam planned to join him in the shower, or if he planned to kick him out after he cleaned his cum off of him, but he didn’t have enough space in his head to figure it out, so he let out a week “okay” and picked himself off the bed. Adam marveled at what he could see in front of him. Brian’s still semi-hard cock hanging off his thin body that was glistening with cum and sweat. As Brian stood still for a moment after getting up, clearly realizing his ass hurt, he could see some of his cum starting to flow out of his used hole. It was a shame, but he could sense he needed to give the boy some space. Brian winced as he started making his way towards the bathroom. He had dreamed so much about the feeling of a cock inside him that walking around with a recently opened hole, reminding him that he had finally accomplished that goal, was actually making him feel better. And, he was getting to experience was it felt like to have cum drip down his legs, one of the things he always thought was particularly hot when he read about it. For a mostly smooth twink, his legs were the only part of his body with a bit of soft fuzzy hair, and he could feel his balls stirring as Adam’s cum slowly rolled down the inside of them. By the time he was in the hot shower, he was feeling better. He was still shaking, though it was different now than it was as he was driving over. He was consciously nervous about the consequences of what he had just done, but even just the walk to the bathroom and now the rinsing of his cum off of himself in another man’s shower was kicking his teenage lust back in to gear, and that second emotion, pride, began to gain the upper hand in his mind. He felt hot. Really hot, and proud of himself. He was a shy 18 year old, and yet he had driven in to Boston to meet up with a 52 year old who he let take his virginity. HE had done that. It wasn’t done to him; Brian had made the choice to have sex, to lose his virginity, to make the questionable decisions in pursuit of cock. He felt how he had wanted to feel- that if tomorrow wasn’t Saturday, he would would stride in to school the next morning smirking, with a particular swagger, knowing he had done something sexier than anyone else in school probably ever had, even if he was never going to tell them about it. Quickly enough, his cock began to stir again, and while the feelings of guilt and nervousness didn’t go away, they were firmly in the passenger seat now. He got out of the shower, dried himself off, and opened the door back into Adam’s master bedroom to find he wasn’t there. He could hear commotion in the kitchen. He initially went to pick up his clothes, but then he figured he didn’t really need them, and he walked out to the rest of the house to find Adam, who was sitting in his gym shorts at the kitchen island. “Hey kid” Adam said cheerfully. Brian chuckled, “hey old man.” “Rude.” Adam replied playfully. “I’m kinda surprised you haven’t run out of here yet.” “I’m kinda surprised too.” “How you feel?” “Umm, kinda hard to say. Like, I’ve never felt sexier, but I still can’t believe you pozzed me.” Adam smirked. Again, while he wanted Brian to feel good, he didn’t feel bad about what he’d done, at all. “That might be why you feel so sexy.” “Maybe, but obviously I’m a little concerned.” “Don’t worry about it now. Plus, you did your research, you know it won’t kill you. Here, want a beer?” Adam had already started in on a Sam Adams when Brian was in the shower, and he went to open the fridge to get the boy one. “Thanks, but I don’t like beer.” “Hah, you’re such a teenager. I’m gonna guess you haven’t drank enough to learn to like it yet.” “But I’ll take a shot of that Absolut” “Ooh, like the hard stuff huh?” “Not really, just know I can get it down quick and it calms my nerves.” Adam poured Brian a couple fingers worth into a rocks glass and slid it over to him. He quickly picked up the glass and downed it. There was a little more than he had expected in the glass, so he coughed a bit, but managed to mostly get it down without looking too much like a child. “Take another” Adam said as he poured more vodka into the glass, and Brian repeated the same motion. Being the shy kid he was, Brian hadn’t ever really drank much before. He got drunk once with a couple friends while playing dungeons and dragons, and had snuck a couple shots at home a few time to rebel or relax, but he still didn’t have any tolerance for alcohol. So those two quick drinks went to his head, fast. He turned around to look at the TV as laughter caught his attention. Adam had never turned the TV off. James Corden had replaced Colbert, and he was doing a carpool karaoke with Tom Holland, who Brian had a major crush on. As the vodka started to work its magic, he stood and watched the two Brits being ridiculous for a moment before walking the short distance from the kitchen into Adam’s living room. He then leaned over the back of the sofa, legs crossed with one foot on top of the other and ass out, as he watched. Adam’s face lit up with a big smile. He could not resist Brian’s exposed ass now. He had been trying to give him space, but as Brian swayedwith the music while bent over the couch, Adam’s cock hardened again in a hurry. Even he was impressed that he had rebounded that quickly, so he hopped up and walked over behind Brian, dropping his shorts along the way. He grabbed Brian’s hips, telling him “you can’t just lean over like that and not expect me to fuck you again.” “What makes you think I didn’t expect it?” Brian replied. He turned back for a moment to look at Adam with a wicked smile across his face. The vodka was really kicking in now, and Brian’s inhibitions were gone. He wanted it again, and he uncrossed his legs and stuck out his ass as an invitation. Adam didn’t waste any time. His cock finished hardening instantly when he rubbed it against Brian’s soft skin, and this time using his own cum as lube, drove it into Brian’s asshole balls deep in one swift lunge. Brian yelled loudly in pain as he was invaded by Adam’s poz cock again, this time without any pretense of letting him get used to it. Adam’s couch had a low back, so it was perfect for pushing Brian down by his back in to an almost 90 degree angle and beginning to jackhammer him with his 8 inch cock. As opposed to the first time, in a bed, looking each other in the eyes, being asked if he was ready, Brian really felt now like he was just getting used as a fuck toy. He basically had no leverage, bent over as he was, and he was clearly impaired already by the vodka, so he just closed his eyes and gave himself over Adam’s ruthless pounding. There was no headboard this time to slam in to the wall, but Brian’s yelps each time Adam drove into him were probably making just as much noise. He was loving feeling this way, powerless. Adam fucked Brian ruthlessly over his couch, working up a sweat as he held Brian down and slid his cock in and out. Eventually he was tired of being bent over the boy, so he pulled out for a moment and pulled Brian up. He continued to hold him by the waist and directed him up against the wall. This was one of Adam’s favorites. He put his arm around Brian’s upper chest and bent him back he drove into his ass again, Brian’s minuscule triceps flexing as he pushed against the wall so that he wouldn’t get thrown into it. “You ready for another poz load in you kid?” Brian was silent, continuing the guttural noises of being fucked as Adam drilled in to him again and again. He could feel his asshole getting forced open even more in this new angle, and it was driving him crazy with both pain and pleasure, though this time was far more on the pleasurable side than the first fuck. Adam didn’t say anything after that. They just continued fucking up against the wall without words until Adam, with no notice, shoved his cock so far into Brian that he basically picked him up off the ground, releasing more forceful ropes of poz cum deep into the high school senior’s tight ass. When he pulled out, Brian fell to the ground on his hands and knees. His legs were weak from the hard fucking, and he felt Adam’s cum leaking out of him even more this time. He stayed down, panting, trying to catch his breath, until Adam scooped him by the armpits and walked him over to the couch, falling down onto the cushions and allowing Brian to fall on to him. Adam held him there, his thoroughly used former virgin boy, cum dripping out of him, as they watched the rest of the Late Late Show and both dozed off, thoroughly spent. ***** Brian woke up in a pitch black living room. There must have been a timer on the lights and TV. He craned his neck to look back into the kitchen to see the time on the stove: 3:45am. The vodka had worn off by now, as had the lust. Now, on this couch in the dark, he felt scared again. His mind went from asleep to racing, again questioning why the hell he just let that happen. He had shifted off of Adam as they slept, so he quietly got up and went to the bedroom to grab his clothes. He slid on his boxers and his sneakers, and didn’t even bother with the rest of his clothes; he just picked them up in ball and quietly exited the house and went to his car. He started making his way home, but he could barely keep his thoughts on the road. He pulled over into a strip mall parking lot, turned off the car, and took a deep breath. He had just spent the night getting fucked. By a man. An HIV positive man. Not once, but twice. He loved it, but he hated himself for loving it. He was still turned on, but he was also still scared. Sitting in his car, in the dark, his cock started tingling again. He pulled his boxers off over his sneakers, took it out and started jerking off, basically naked in this strange parking lot lit up yellow by old street lights. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this there, but what the hell, he had just done something even “worse”. He got his 7.5 inch cut cock nice and hard and thought back to himself begging Adam to poz him, jerking furiously, until he grunted, thrust his hips up off the seat, and sprayed five big ropes of cum up on to his chest, some even landing on his shoulders. He wondered if the cum all over him was toxic. He kept his boxers off, turned the Jeep back on, and drove home, naked and covered in cum.
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  34. As with every chapter, this story is a work of fiction and is not meant to be re-enacted or read as non-fiction, gossip, or anything else one could take as truth. Chapter 3: D-Day Shawn woke up exactly seven days after he was first sealed in the rubber suit. His suit felt gross, it had begun to mildew. "How do you feel, Shawn?" Josh asked as he let him out. "Like a pig," Shawn mumbled after his jaw had been held open for days and his nose fed poppers. "Good, because we're going to have some fun tonight." Two other men walked up to Shawn and ripped the suit right off of him, exposing his muscular jock body. "Go upstairs and get showered. As we expected, you have been taken off the invite list for tonight's awards show. You will probably never be invited in public again since you're such a pig. But we have big plans to celebrate." Shawn went upstairs and got showered. He couldn't find any clothes so he walked around the abandoned house naked. He found John who greeted him with a kiss and told him to sit down. "So, Shawn. How does it feel being a poz boy now?" "It...it feels great." "Good, good. I'd like to tell you a bit about what's going to happen tonight. All you have right now is HIV. But I can tell you want more. How were those cocks covered in warts last time?" "They tasted great. I loved them." "Ahhh good. Anyways, the past few boys I've managed have all descended into walking STDs. That is my plan for you. Is that something you'd like?" Shawn swallowed. "Yes, sir." "Good. Your stylist has a suit all ready for you back upstairs. Tonight's celebration is what I like to call D-Day. I've invited over 120 late and terminal stage AIDs patients and people with well developed STDs. All these men will look like walking zombies, they will all infect you. Are you ready?" Shawn's cock got hard. "Yes, sir." "Good. You'll find your suit is suitable for this evening, all black. The color of death." Shawn went upstairs and got ready. He loved being dressed up to be such a pig and this suit made him feel so sexy. He couldn't wait for tonight. After he got dressed, he went downstairs where John handcuffed and blindfolded Shawn and was shoved into a van. The van droved into a warehouse under the cover of darkness. Shawn was taken out, uncuffed, and unblindfolded. He looked out at the 100-150 men in the warehouse. Tons of them were covered in lesions, many cocks had warts on them, lips were covered in cold sores, and some were discharging cum. His cock got hard. John stuck the strongest joint he had ever smoked from in his mouth and fed some poppers into his nose, he was going to be a good stoned boy for this. The sea of men parted and let Shawn walk to the center. All you could hear was the click of his boots on the floor, but this time, Shawn was smiling. When he reached the center the sea of men closed, there was no turning back. A man who was at least 70 years old, covered in lesions, bony, warts on his cock, and mouth covered in cold sores came forward and began to make out with Shawn. He smelled like piss and his lips were rough. The man bit Shawn's lips that began to bleed and then sting. He was pushed back onto a table of men's arms, a slit cut into his trousers. The pounding began. D-Day lasted for two and a half days. Shawn was left lying on his back, hole completely used up, panting for a few hours before a team of men drove into the warehouse wearing hazmat suits and collected him. Shawn was rock hard, he couldn't wait to see the doctor again. And secretly, he wanted to see that man who made out with him again. To be continued...
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  35. Chapter 4 - Breeding Zone Brian quickly closed his laptop. He was stunned. Sitting naked on his bed with his hard dick in his hand, he felt like his heart had dropped out of his body for an instant. He had been simultaneously so excited, aroused, and nervous about the prospect of hooking up that his heart was pounding. That quickly gave way to a mix of confusion, disappointment, and a faint hint of lust that he didn’t quite understand. Even with his laptop closed, Brian found himself continuing to stroke his cock, now lying in his bed in the dark. He couldn’t stop himself from going where his horny mind seemed determined to take him, and he began to imagine Adam’s mature, experienced body on top of him, his cock pushing on his virgin asshole, awaiting an invitation to enter. Brian allowed the vision to continue, imagining his ass being opened for the first time as Adam’s cock slid inside of him. He wouldn’t admit to himself that Adam being HIV-positive was somehow making the scene even more erotic, but he recognized, at some level, that there was something different going on in his mind now. The fictional Adam only had to slide his cock balls deep in to his ass once for Brian to lose it and spray a huge burst of cum all over his smooth chest. He flinched as some made it all the way up to his cheek. He took a deep breath as he let his cock fall and rest against his stomach. Brian had trouble getting to sleep that night. His emotions were all over the place. It was clear now that he wanted sex… real sex. This was the closest he had ever come; actually talking to someone who lived close by, beginning to make plans. It was a big step for him. He felt scared and liberated; disappointed that Adam was poz, but also disappointed he couldn’t have him. At least he was sure now that he had to make this happen. He had to find a man and lose his virginity, soon. That night, though, he eventually got to sleep. The fog in his mind continued for the next couple of days. He was in a mood that he couldn’t pinpoint. Frustrated, annoyed, mad at everyone, quick to snipe at his friends at school. It was pretty normal teenage behavior really, but the cause of it wasn’t. Eventually, a couple nights later, Brian again found himself in his dark bedroom with his laptop open to a private browser, ready to rub out another load before trying to fall asleep. He opened Google and found himself typing the first thing that crossed his mind, before he had a chance to contemplate it too much: “getting fucked by a poz guy”. That was the beginning of a wormhole that would consume Brian for a week. He read about HIV, treatments and prevention, chances of transmission. The whole nine yards of “educational” information. But he also found some things on the internet he didn’t expect. He encountered the word “bug-chaser” for the first time, and learned that there were actually guys who intentionally got themselves infected. He stumbled on to some homemade porn videos where guys were actually moaning “fuck me with your poz dick” as they were getting fucked bareback. Brian was confused, but he was hard the whole time. Then, he came across Breeding Zone. He was nervous about even being on the site, let alone jerking off to it. But he couldn’t stop. Over the next few nights, he spent hours reading. At first, it was the pozzing stories in the backroom. Then, he read the threads of guys recounting their recent adventures. His dick wasn’t soft for a moment of it. He could feel the nerves that wouldn’t go away, but those nerves also made it the most erotic jerking off he’d ever done. He blew some of the biggest loads of his life when he’d finish reading a story about a daddy stealthing a college boy or a chaser begging to get knocked up. He couldn’t quite understand why this made him so horny, but there was no denying how it was making him feel. On Friday, when Brian got home from school, he was feeling even more pissed off and dejected than he had been these past few weeks. He had failed a big chemistry test. Studying had been harder as of late, he was too distracted all the time. The red “F” on the page was not something Brian had seen many times in his life, and his anxiety sent him spiraling. What if this sunk his chance of getting in to his dream school? Was he not as smart as he thought he was? It was the definition of an overeaction, but it had him shaken. Luckily, he had the house to himself, as the family was away at a band competition that weekend. His little brother was competing, but Brian had stayed home to not miss school. Feeling rebellious, he snuck a couple shots of vodka from the liquor shelf and headed to bed early, fully intending to take his time with a nice long jerking session. After the shots started kicking in, giving him a slight buzz, he was feeling angry and impulsive, and he picked up his phone. He found Adam’s number and quickly wrote out a text “Hey Adam it’s Brian, we chatted a couple weeks ago. Sorry I left abruptly. Still interested in meeting up?” Before he could think better of it, he hit sent. And to his surprise, he didn’t regret it. He was feaaling a little uneasy still, but he genuinely did hope Adam would respond, even if he thought it was unlikely. An hour later, he got a reply: “Hey man. Figured I scared you off.” “Yeah, kind of. But I’m back.” “And you still want to hook up?” “Yes” “You sure?” “Very sure” “Feels like you freaked when I told you I’m poz” “I did, but I’m back. I want your poz cock Adam” Brian couldn’t believe he had written that, let alone sent it. It was cathartic. It was basically the biggest FU he could give to his life at the moment, and he was all for it. “FUCK boy, I hope you mean that.” “I do.” “What changed your mind?” “Read a bunch of stuff online. Figured out its unlikely to transmit these days with meds and even if it does its not a death sentence.” “That’s true” “Good, cause I’m not trying to get pozzed necessarily, I just really want to get fucked and now I think it would make it even hotter.” “Well then Brian, my cock’s waiting, when you want to come over?” “How about tonight?” “Really? Someone’s antsy haha. I’m home alone, want to join me?” “Yeah my parents are gone so I can stay as long as you want” “Perfect, we’ll see how it goes but I won’t be surprised if you’re in my arms when the sun rises.” “Fuck Adam, you say the hottest shit haha” “Alright, my address is 1 Main St. When will you be here?” “Give me an hour and I’ll be there” Brian sat on the edge of his bed for what seemed like a year, but it was only about five minutes. He still wasn’t sure about this. He was horny and desparate, but this felt crazy. Driving to an older man’s house that you don’t know to let him fuck you? Plus he’s poz!? But, he was 18, and his teenage cock was hardening even as he questioned the wisdom of what he was about to do. Then, he took a deep breath, decided to stop thinking, hopped off his bed, and went to his closet. He pulled his trusty tan cargo shorts up over his dark blue boxers, threw on a faded red Coke graphic tee, put on his no-show socks and laced up his gray and orange Nike running shoes. He grabbed his keys, his wallet, and his phone, and headed out, looking like any other nondescript skinny straight boy. He didn’t know how to live gay yet, but he was about to take a big first step.
    2 points
  36. Part 3 The next two weeks were busy with soccer games and an internship. I was able to get into the bar with some friends the following weekend, and even got picked up by a friend of a friend. The sex was okay, but it hadn’t been great. And that’s what had me wrestling in my own head. I jerked off twice a day every day those two weeks, and despite trying, not to, my thoughts always went back to that fuck at the bookstore. I kept picturing his bare cock buried in my hole, and standing in that booth totally naked. I felt ashamed that I’d been there, and didn’t want anyone to ever know. But eve time I jerked off, I felt turned on and this thrill about it. I kept picturing myself walking those dark hallways, imagining them clogged with silhouetted guys stroking their cocks. I can’t go back there, I told myself during the day. It’s not the place guys like me go. But what about that guy who fucked me? He had been hot! And seemed like a normal guy I could meet out. Why was he there? It had my thoughts spinning and my emotions in a jumble. What was worse was I couldn’t talk to anyone about it. At the bar that night, I’d occasionally hear jokes about the bookstore and going there for “last call” if you didn’t find any there at the bar. Was that what it was? But people. Made it sound like somewhere you didn’t want to be seen. So why did I find myself standing outside the store again two weeks later? That same lesbian bouncer was at the door, and I couldn’t join my friends inside. I had gone to a local straight bar where some guys from soccer hung out. I had some drinks and hung out for a few hours, but wasn’t enjoying the conversation and constant prodding to go talk to some girl or another. Some people are clueless. Finally I took off saying I was meeting some friends. So here I am, wearing a blue tank top, white shorts, and flips flops, my hair freshly cut short with a little flip in front. I am feeling good about how I look. So why am I sitting in my car outside the bookstore again?? But I am. My cock is tingling and my guts are tangled up. This time I saw a couple guys go inside that looked pretty normal. One left quickly with a bag, but the other was still inside. Was he in the back maze of rooms? We’re there others that came in through the back entrance? Finally I was on the move, inside the store, and headed to the back area that was glowing with neon again. The same clerk was there, and I tried to avoid eye contact as I paid and he handed me anther little bottle. The first one was still unopened in the bottom of a drawer at home. This time I took a minute to remove the wrapper and look at the bottle; it was the first time I noticed some little pill sitting at the bottom of the bottom, immersed in the liquid. I still don’t know what these are, but they made me really horny last time. I tucked them into my pocket. I noticed a bowl of condoms on the counter. I should grab a few, just in case. I’m not going to fuck tonight, but I should have one in case someone wants to rub my hole. I should probably wear one for a blowjob here. But the thought of sucking on a rubber was totally repulsive. And if I bought one, the clerk would know I might be fucking out back and throw me out. The guy who fucked me last time said we needed to avoid drawing attention. I don’t want to get fucked tonight anyway. I walked out back, my flip flops slapping sounded really loud here. I crossed the glowing threshold into the back hallways. But this time I didn’t linger in the doorway, but kept walking. Tonight seemed busier. There were a lot of red lights glowing over the doors, and I saw three guys walking or standing in the hallways as I moved. I was trying to see their faces without them seeing me at all. I didn’t want anyone to recognize me here. If someone looked up at me, I’d look away quick. One guy was standing in a hallway, his head turned away from me. But his body looked decent in a t-shirt and shorts. The other guys were wearing dress shirts and pants. I suddenly felt self conscious about how exposed I was — you could easily see my chest and abs under my loose fitting tank, and my booty shorts were cropped right below my crotch. I walked the first two hallways, and then turned a corner and entered the third. I never really explored back this far last time. There were fewer doors, and only a couple red lights glowing. But the doors were all open, and you could hear the porn playing. I walked by slower, looking inside those rooms. There were two guys sitting in their own booths, cocks out and stroking really slowly. I walked by nervously, then went back to see if I could see them more clearly. The lighting was really dim, even with the video screens. Someone passed me in the hallway, but he gave me the creeps when his hand brushed over my crotch — I pulled away instinctively. Because of him I didn’t get to see inside the booths any better than the first time, and it was a minute before I looped back again. The guy in the first booth was older and looked like he might be a bit rough, with a cropped beard, jeans, boots, and a buttoned shirt that was hanging open. He was burly, with a thick hairy chest and a bit of a gut. But he had this manly energy. He was stroking so I didn’t get a good look at his cock, and he didn’t look up at me as I walked by. The second guy was in the next booth. He was naked except for sneakers, which I thought was really weird. Do guys really just hang out naked here? I don’t think I could do that. He was tall and thin. He looked up as I passed. I turned around and walked by again a few seconds later; he was still looking at me, like he expected me. His hand was wrapped tightly around the base of his cock, his long cock rock hard standing straight up in the air, and his balls were poking out the top of his grip. I realized I was holding my breath. He motioned me inside. I hesitated, then walked by. I did the loop of three hallways, and found myself back at those two open doors again. The burly guy in the shirt and jeans was still watching his movie, ignoring me. But the naked guy had stood up, facing the door, and made direct eye contact with me. This time he just stroked his long cock slowly. It was enticing. This time I stopped in the doorway, captivated by the size of his cock. He motioned me inside again. I took a step forward. His body reminded me of a tennis player’s. He was somewhere in his late 30s or 40s, good looking. Oddly I thought he looked like someone my dad would be friends with. He motioned me inside again, that long cock calling. I stepped inside the booth, watching him stroke his cock ever so slowly. He wanted me to see it. I wanted to touch it. I reached out, and saw my hand was shaking. He let me put my hand on it. Fuck, it felt so warm! And it was girthier than I expected. Still longer and lean, but I didn’t expect it to be this thick. He didn’t reach out to me, but let me get used to holding his cock. He moaned a little as I squeezed for the first time. I noticed someone behind me. The creepy guy was back and standing in the doorway. I had the urge to bolt. What am I doing?? But the creepy guy was in the way. The naked lean guy moved at that moment, reached over, and closed the door on the creepy guy. Then he leaned back against the wall, showing off his cock again. This time he reached out and tugged at the front of my shorts. I hadn’t realized I was hard, but was suddenly aware of the pressure in my shorts. His hands sent sparks flying through me, and I shuddered. I had been holding my breath again, and it came out in a soft groan. My body released all its tension, and I felt like I was melting. Reading my reaction, he came closer, unbuttoned my shorts, and slipped them to the floor. He began caressing my cock, my balls, and then my ass. I just stood there letting the sensations wash over me. I closed my eyes. His hands moved under my tank top, exploring my pecs abs and pecs. “Very nice,” he said softly, his voice deep. “You are so damned hot.” He pulled my tank over my head and set it down on the plastic chair. “Much better.” My hand was unconsciously stroking his long cock. I looked down at it. I was enthralled. It had a domed head, and reminded me of those batons they direct traffic with at night. We were both standing there naked, him exploring my muscled angles of my body, and me holding my upright by gripping his hot cock. He bent his knees, and thrust his cock forward in my hand, the head poking my balls. Again I felt sparks go through my body as his cock pushed against my body. He did it again, more deliberate this time. He angled his tall body so his cock was now brushing up under my balls, between my thighs. “You play football,” he asked. “Soccer.” “That explains this body.” There was a thrill running through me. This guy thinks I’m hot. He. Appreciates my body. And he knows how to make it feel good. “Why don’t you suck it?” He said quietly. I crouched down, tentatively taking the long shaft. Could I swallow all this? The length was intimidating. “That’s it. That’s it, boy. Nice and slow. Enjoy it.” I was trying to, but I was feeling nervous again. I was naked, crouched in front of this stranger in a booth. There was a creepy guy outside the door. What am I doing here? “Just relax,” he said again. Was I that obvious? Did he know I was about to stand up and bolt? I decided to leave. I let his impressive cock fall out of my mouth and I stood up. Do I say I’’m leaving? Am I supposed to say thanks? Why do I say I’m leaving? Will he be mad at me? Probably. I took a step backward and was looking down to find my tank when his put a warm hand on my shoulder, and the other one moved under my nose. It was one of those bottles again. “Inhale. Relax.” I tried not to, but the bottle was was now up my nostril. “Inhale,” he said gain in that deep voice. It was a command. His thumb closed off my other nostril. “”Again,” he said. This time I got the full whiff. His hand pushed pressure on my shoulder, and I was then on my knees and started to devour his cock. My body felt amazingly warm, and I couldn’t get enough of his cock into my mouth to satisfy the sudden urge. I started going to town on his long shaft, despite it hitting the back of my throat. “That’s it. That’s what you want. You want to be a Cocksucker.” He was starting to moan a bit. “Suck it, boy.” I was amazed how hot his cock felt going in and out of my mouth. I licked the long shaft with my tongue, until he pushed my face deeper against his balls. “Lick them. That’s it. Lick my balls. Get those toxic juices boiling.” What did he mean? “Can you smell the load brewing in there? I bet you can. I bet you want it.” He shoved his cock back into my mouth. I didn’t resist. I was caught up in this guy’s energy. I liked that he had control. It was turning me on. What am I doing? As he was thrusting his cock into my mouth, choking me, I felt his body fold. Over mine. His hands were gl down the length of my back to my ass. He began caressing my ass with both his hands, kneeling the muscles. ”Such a hot body. Look at that ass. I was vaguely aware of the sound of a plastic snap, but didn’t think much of it. My hole suddenly felt very slick as his fingers deliberately pressed inside me. His long shaft popped out of my mouth, and my face was crushed against the hair in his crotch. I grunted as his slippery fingers penetrated my hole. It was kinda rough, but kinda a turn on. I need to leave, I suddenly thought, but that thought went no where. My ass had control of my body, and it was excited by what he was dong. I seemed like there were arms and legs all around me. He was moving around the small space, and started to maneuver me into a different position. I didn’t know how such a tall guy could fit in this little booth, let alone with another person. But he was managing it well enough. He seemed to be behind me now. He shoved the little bottle into my nostril again. “Take a good hit, boy. That’s it. Now one more.” He bent me forward, my arms and hands resting on the cold floor. It felt sticky. I didn’t care. He grabbed my hips and lifted them up. “Lift that ass, boy. Higher.” My head was swirling and I wanted to feel him so badly. My ass started grinding backward, instinctively searching for his cock. I actually had to stretch my legs and get on my toes in order to lift my ass to the level of his cock. He gave a malicious laugh, “That’s it boy. Work for that cock. Show me. What that hot muscle body can do for it.” I was in this weird triangular position, up on my toes and hands. He pushed his cock against my hole. I shuddered, feeling the heat of the head. He kept going, a firm pressure pushing my hole open. I grunted and yelped at the same time. As he opened me up, my head flung back, and I saw stars. He didn’t waste time. He was pumping his long cock in and out of my ass,. I was grunting. Each time it went deep. Fuck that was a long cock! I opened my eyes. I was facing the floor, my flip flop in front of my, and I could see a corner of my shirt to my left. How did I end up here? “You like that cock, boy?” “Oh fuck yes.” He pounded my ass hard in response. I moaned louder than I should have. He didn’t seem to care about how loud we were. “Fuck, boy, you. Have my juices boiling. Can you feel it? Feel the toxins boiling in my balls. What do you want , boy?” “Fuck me! Please fuck me.” “Yeah. That’s a good cumdump . You are a cumdump, boy.” My legs were starting to shake from the strain of hollowing this wired angled position. All my weight resting on my toes and hands. But his cock felt so amazing. I wanted him to keep fucking me. His thrusts were long and deep, and he had a fast rhythm. My legs ached. My ass wanted so much more. I kept moaning as he used me. “It’s cumming, boy. That load is cumming. You want. That load, don’t you? You want to feel it.” No! I don’t want it inside me! “YES!! Fuck me! Whatever you want!” Now the sound of flesh pounding flesh was ringing through the booth. I yelped, “ah!! Ah! ! ah!” Each time he pounded against my smooth bare ass. I needed to collapse. And relieve my aching legs, but he was relentless. “Fuuuuuuuccckkkkkkk,” he growled. He planted his cock deep inside me. His body was shaking with the release, and it sent shivers through me. He pulled his cock out. I suddenly felt very empty, realizing just how filling his cock had been. All the warmth I’d been feeling with him plugged into me was draining away, and I collapsed on the floor. What the fuck? Who am I? I’m laying naked on this. Disgusting floor. Nice guys like me don’t do. This. I should be at the bar with friends, feeling sexy in my cute outfit, laughing and cruising guys. But I’m here, laying totally naked on a sticky floor in some shithole of a bookstore. My body was covered in sweat, and I was breathing hard from the exertion of holding. That position. My legs still ached. But my ass… My ass was radiating sheer ecstasy. It felt so amazing that it washed away any other feelings. He was caressing my ass, and slapped his cock against it a couple times. “Fuck, boy. You’re loaded. How’s that feel?” I felt oddly sexy. I felt incredible. “Fuck that was amazing,” I said. What part of me was saying that?? “Good, boy.” He said in that deep voice. He was standing up, pulling on clothes for the first time since I’d seen him. He dressed quickly, reached down, and parted my ass cheeks just as I was starting to get off the floor. Damn my legs hurt. But the feeling of his hands on my ass again made me get into an all fours position. He growled with delight. “Look at that, boy. You’re a natural.” He brushed his fingers around my hole; it felt really wet an sticky. I moaned quietly. He slapped my ass. He stood up and I heard the door handle click. “Happy hunting! That load is gonna make you even more popular tonight.”
    2 points
  37. Just like the first chapter, this is a work of fiction, never happened, and is not meant to be re-enacted. Chapter 2: Shawn Joins the Club Two weeks after Shawn's conversion and tattooing, he came down with the worst case of the flu he had ever experienced. Fuck, he thought, he had an awards show to get to, not that anyone in the world would be happy to see him there. "How are you feeling?" John asked him as he entered the room. "Horrible. My fever is over 101." "That's good. That's the fuck flu, your immune system is reacting to the virus you had pumped into your body. Time we go get you tested." With that Shawn went slack jaw again. Fuck, all that fucking, the biohazard tattoo right in the middle of his chest, it really was coming back to bite him. Shawn went with John to a testing center for a rapid test, they were somehow able to avoid the paparazzi on the way in. Surely they would not be there on the way out. The nurse took Shawn's blood and put it into the test. In fifteen minutes the test result came back. "I'm sorry sir, unfortunately you have come back positive for HIV. A specialist will be coming in shortly to discuss treatment options with you." Shawn's heart sank. Immediately after the door shut John smiled, "Congratulations. You're one of us now." Shawn rolled his eyes. "Thanks to you I'm out thousands of dollars on medications now!" "Medication? Oh no Shawn we're leaving now, you have an awards show to get to. I don't want to hear you talk like that to me ever again. You had us pump this virus into you." Shawn went silent. With that, he followed John out of the testing center and went home to get ready for the awards show tonight. John had already talked to Shawn's stylist to ensure that he did not attempt to cover up his new tattoo. His suit today would be just like the last one, shirt buttoned low to show off his chest. When Shawn saw what his stylist had waiting for him, he his heart sank. Fuck, I will be on the cover of all the tabloids tomorrow, Shawn thought. But he was too sick to fight anymore, he just suited up and got ready for the awards show that night. He looked at himself in the mirror, a tight sky blue suit, black shirt, and his signature black boots, the slightest movement of his arms puts his new tattoo on full display. The second he stepped out of the limo onto the red carpet he was bombarded with reporters trying to ask him questions and fans booing and calling him all kinds of names and homophobic slurs. Fuck, why did John make me come to this, he thought. Thankfully, he was not required to talk to a single one of them. He doesn't think he could bring himself to answer any questions about cancelling his tour or what happened when the whole world saw him leaving that place in handcuffs and his suit from the night before. All of a sudden he turned to the side, he could hear John snickering at the humiliation he was putting him through. Shawn just went down the red carpet as fast as he could. He just wanted to be done with it, he could not stand it. Just get through tonight, he thought. It will all be over once the night is over and hopefully he won't be going to any after parties. With other celebs or with his manager. The dinner portion of the awards show did not go well for Shawn, a man came to his table and asked for an interview and unfortunately, with all eyes on him there was no way to say no. John smirked at him from across the table. "So Shawn, I think everyone here is dying to know: What happened a couple weeks ago that ended you being cuffed and escorted into a limo followed by you cancelling the rest of the tour? I don't think you're a bad guy, I just want you to tell everyone the truth. What happened in there and what is this new tattoo?" The man asked as he gently spread open Shawn's shirt with his finger. Shawn hesitated, he stared at John, hoping that he would tell him what to do somehow. Then he decided, that was it, Shawn could not take this anymore. He didn't want to hide. "This tattoo, it's a biohazard tattoo, it's what people who are HIV+ have. I tested positive today," Shawn told the man while everyone started to whisper. John was smiling and nodding his head. "You heard it here ladies and gentleman. You know, several celebrities who have HIV have been going all over the world talking about safe sex. Do you plan to join that conversation? It can be a world changer and has done a lot for their careers." The man said and tilted the microphone to Shawn. Shawn swallowed, knowing what he had to do. "No. My career is over. Two weeks ago, the night before that photo was taken, I laid back in a sling and was fucked raw by over 50 men, all of whom had HIV." The people began to boo him aggressively. "I'm a cum dump, that is my career now. You can find the video of what happened that night online. In fact, I plan on doing it again," with that, Shawn stood up from the table, buttoned his jacket closed again and stormed out. John was not far behind. "Shawn! You're officially one of us now! Congrats!" John yelled. "Shut up, just get me to the party..." Shawn stopped right as he got back out to where the red carpet was. There were atleast thirty old, sleazy looking men waiting with the back doors of a windowless van. John brushed past Shawn and joined the men by the van. Shawn stopped at the end of the carpet, he turned around and saw the last of the career he was leaving behind. Shawn's face went blank and began to step towards the van, this time walking slightly faster than he did towards the sling, but all you could still hear was the deep click of his boots on the ground. Once he was in arms reach of the men he was aggressively yanked into the van. The van smelled like piss and must, the men all took turns spitting on Shawn's face as he felt the van speed off. He was pushed to his knees where he began to suck all of their infected cocks, several of which were covered in warts and lesions. "Yeah suck that cock bitch. Tonight we're gonna recharge you while you have the fuck flu. You are done for!" The van pulled up to the same house Shawn was converted in. The doors opened and the men picked Shawn up and ran him down to the basement this time. It was pitch black but Shawn knew there were at least fifty more men. He was quickly brought to the center of the room and pushed to his knees, then all of a sudden the men took two steps away. His jaw slacked again in disappointment because he thought he would be sucking all their cocks. But before he could say anything he felt streams of piss all over him. He drank some, ran some through his hair, washed his new suit with it, and was disappointed when all eighty of the men had finished. Then he felt arms on him again. A light turned on right as he was being pushed back into a rubber suit. He was zipped up, strapped to a fuck chair, and a gas mask lowered onto his head to feed him poppers again. Man after man came up to fuck him through a hole in his trousers. Shawn hoped it would last forever, but it did not. Eventually, all eighty men had dumped their toxic loads in him. Fuck, he thought, they forgot to let him out of the rubber. He tried to yell but couldn't through the gas mask. He was to stay here all zipped up in rubber on top of his wet suit. Fuck, my suit is going to mildew if I stay here. Then he heard John's voice. "You aren't getting out Shawn. I'll send a few men down everyday to feed you, but you'll be down here for the whole week. Next Saturday you're booked for another awards show. We'll let you out then," John said as he walked off. Shawn stopped struggling. This is his life now, he is a newly converted pig. And he loved it.
    2 points
  38. @demonicpup I know exactly what you’re saying. For brevity I simply said that OIs were one of the criteria for having AIDS. But the fact remains that an AIDS diagnosis is meaningful because your future medical condition is significantly more challenged. Guys are encouraging other guys to “go there” and it’s not healthy. I understand someone like you can be healthy after an AIDS diagnosis, but I want people to be more proactive than that. I don’t want this site to give the impression that having AIDS should be some sort of goal guys should work towards. But once you’re “there”, I also don’t want you to feel like your life is over. Hence the continued acceptance of finding “AIDSy” guys as sexy.
    1 point
  39. A very well-thought policy. Thank you, rawTOP. 👍
    1 point
  40. Hello, first I have to apologize in case the story is difficult to understand. I write the stories in German and have them translated by the Google translator, as I cannot speak or write and read English. Needless to say, this story is fictitious, as are people and places. The game got out of hand - Part 3 (Overcoming skills) I couldn't go home naked, once across town, but I didn't want to suck anyone, after all, I'm straight. In the end, I only had the choice to stay and continue playing, somehow I had to get my clothes back. Frank started to throw the dice again, I really wanted to win this game, and played totally at risk, which was a fatal mistake, because I lost again, this time against Johannes. Johannes grinned devilishly when he opened his jeans, his 19cm long pipe jumped right in front of my lips. I had never consciously seen any penis other than my own, let alone touched it or put it in my mouth. "Open your mouth, you bitch, and suck hard!" He yelled at me. I didn't know what to do, I knelt in front of this black man of tail and could hardly move. But through the harsh command tone, I couldn't help but open my mouth, completely perplexed, and then he pushed his way into my mouth. Disgust came over me, I didn't like it at all. Salty-sweet pre-cum oozed on my tongue and in my throat. Suddenly Johannes yelled at me again: “Hey bitch, that hurt, please take care of your teeth! Look! My glans is bleeding a bit! " I wanted to answer, but with the monster in my mouth I couldn't. Next I got a slap in my face with the palm of the hand of Johannes, whereupon I bit something in the tail again. “You stupid bitch, if you can't handle my cock in your mouth, I'll have to fuck you! You have one more try! ”He yelled at me again. I tried to make sure that didn't happen again. "Oh yes fagot, that's good, I'll be right there, and you will swallow it nicely, as a reparation!" He fucked my mouth and throat 5 to 6 times, then it literally exploded, I couldn't swallow everything, no matter how hard I tried. About half of the still disgusting semen flowed out of my mouth. Johannes got angry again and yelled at me: "What did I order you dirty fagot?!? Right! You should swallow everything! I think it's time for a lesson! " "Sorry." I almost whined, "will definitely not happen anymore." “It's too late for that now!” Roared Johannes “You fagot will now pick up the precious, good sperm from the floor with your hands, and smear your dirty asshole with it! From inside and outside! Do you understand?" “Understood, yes, but why should I do this? I'm straight and I have a girlfriend, ”I whispered almost incomprehensibly. Johannes laughed scornfully, and then said: "Well, if you don't want to lubricate your asshole, we can fuck you dry!" Oh god, where did I maneuver myself into? Do they seriously want to fuck me? Are there condoms here? I don't have any. Be curious, the sequel will follow soon ...
    1 point
  41. I don't care if I cum. All I care about is the cock in my ass or mouth cumming.
    1 point
  42. I'd been wanting to get spit roasted for some time, but I live in a small city which makes for slim pickings. We have some porn theaters in town, but they can be touch and go. So as you can guess, I spend a fuck load of time on the internet. So one day on the internet I saw an add for a couple of guys visiting from out of town. After exchanging very few emails, I knew these two guys were my type: shorter than 6', football builds, Hispanic and dark hairy chests. They were both tops and that suited this bottom fine. They mentioned they would have condoms and lube and wanted to do this semi-public. They also said I was their type: a 6' tall otter, slim build and good looks with a beard...college boy type. I suggested on the theaters that had both glory holes and a large theatre. That way, if they were flakes, I could try my luck at the gloryholes. The two liked the idea and asked if I liked poppers. My answer was straightforward: poppers are the extent of my current drug use with sex and as far as I would go. They replied, "Same here." We decided on 11pm that evening. I did my douching around 9pm and left an hour later. My joint glowed in the wind of the rolled down windows as my tunes blasted into the night. I got to the theatre pretty blazed and noted there were a good amount of cars in the lot. So I decided to check out the glory holes first since I had arrived a bit early. I set up in a booth with glory holes on either end. There were a couple of tall rugged guys there and I was hoping I would get a taste of cum since I assumed the two tops I was meeting would be cumming in the condoms up my ass. I heard this guy enter the booth to my right. I kept my eyes on the porn. Usually guys try and sneak a peak at their potential cocksucker slut, but this guy just stuck a 7" dick through, uncut. I fucking love uncut dicks. I went to town on the hairy shaft. "Shit...", I thought, "this has got to be truck driver or a country guy." This was only because his dick was rough and hairy, no primping with this guy. My cottonmouth was coming on hard and I could tell it was affecting the blowjob. The guy pulled off and wagged his dick through the glory-hole. He was hairy from head to toe. God, if those two dudes show up I am gonna be one happy cock slut. Just then I heard someone enter the booth to my left. I couldn't take my eyes off this trucker though. His hand came down with a drink and a straw in a large styrofoam cup. "Drink this, wet that mouth for me." I did. I swallowed large gulps and kept a bit in my mouth on the last sip to slosh around and keep it wet. He stuck his dick back through and I stood up a bit to give my knees a rest and was just bent over, unknowingly showing off my ripe cherry to the glory-hole behind me. As I sucked on the trucker an odd head-rush came to me. I kept sucking on the guy's cock, but felt really . . . well, higher. Almost like I was on X or G! That guy had G in the cup. It had been awhile, but since I knew what I was in for, I did not complain and just kept going. I felt the dude in the other booth moving around and blowing air on my pucker. I decided, "Let's get some good ass play if the other dude is up for it." I inched backwards and felt my ass hit the wall behind me, my back arched and I could feel fingers spread my cheeks. Then a wet, lubed finger penetrated my hole and started loosening it up. I felt the guy tap my ass with a small bottle. I reached back and took the poppers. I took a sniff and then the trucker pulled his dick out of my mouth. He bent down and his eyes met mine. "Give me those poppers." . . . I did. His hand stretched up to my nose. His index finger held one nare closed and the others pressed the open poppers to my open nostril. "Sniff you slut!" . . . I did. He kept it there for about 3 breath cycles in both nares. My head spun and I felt something larger at my well lubed and now welcoming shit hole. I turned around. There was a good 8" hispanic dick right there. I went to town on it. I did not want a bare dick up my ass. And then I felt the truckers hands on my crotch as he positioned my hole for his access. I felt fingers massage my pucker as I deep throated a hot brown cock. Then I felt the trucker's 7-incher penetrate my hole. "I don't want bare cock!, my mind screamed. But what really came out of my mouth was, "Give me your bare cock sir!" I was in deep and I knew it. I did not know the status of these two guys, but I didn't care. I could feel my hole open up. He went slowly at first and then started full speed. He did not last long. I felt his hot cum pulse into my ass and then he pulled out. I heard him say: "Here is something for you, I bet you got a long night ahead of you." I felt two fingers in my hole quickly enter and go. He then capped my hole with his fingers and said: "Keep it in there for a bit." It? What could it be? Then a rush came, a familiar rush . . . a booty bump. Wow people were generous with their drugs tonight. I got off the hot cock, turned around and spread my cheeks wide. I took three hits off the poppers and let the man fuck me bare. I could feel him enter and just thrust. He thrusted for a bit and my head just whirled. My dick was a raging hard on and I could feel the guy start going deep. He was about to cum. "Fuck, take this load you fucking whore!", he screamed. . . . I did. When he pulled out, a cloud lifted. Shit! The time, right? It was 11:07pm. I would be fashionably late. I picked up with slutty dignity I had left the booths and entered the theatre. It was not full at all. The two guys were dressed like they said and they saw me as I leaned up the back wall. They moved in closer and I saw two hot dark Hispanics with two football builds, huge chests, hairy and baseball caps. They both took them off and put them on backwards. This was going to be hot. I must have looked a bit sweaty and one said: "Shit bro, was that you getting rammed?" "Yeah, I got here early." "Then why did we even bring lube?!? Let's get your undressed!" They stripped me down bare. It was a theatre in a porn store and I was the night's dish. I started sucking their cocks together and both were beyond 7", but not 9" each. I didn't care. I wanted dick. They both got hard quickly and got me in spit roasted position. Top #1 looked a bit older and got my ass first while I sucked the younger guy's, Top #2, rod. I could here #1 take his bare dick and slap it against my wet and gushing hole. I heard a condom come out of its package and #1!slap it on. He entered with a moan, "Ooooohhhh, fuck, what a nice wet pussy. Dude, you are gonna cum so quickly!", he joked with his friend. "Naw, with the condom on it takes me longer." "Right! Awesome, well I just gotta keep my rhythm with this ass. What do you have up there? A whole bottle of lube?" I had no idea how much the other two had cum in my ass, but it must have been a lot. #1 just kept a nice pace, moaning the whole time. I could hear the doors opening and closing and see about 3-4 other dudes watching and stroking. One guy came up and I recognized his pants as the hispanic dick, the guy who had the poppers. He took them out and made me take a couple sniffs. I did, one . . . two . . . three sniffs. I felt the top speed up and then I heard, "Shit, bro, hand me another condom. This one broke." The other top started searching and gave him another. He opened it and put it on. One thrust, two thrusts, three thrusts, ".... SHIT! This one broke too." The two tops looked at each other while I kept sucking Top #2's dick. I heard whispering. I felt Top #1 caress my hairy chest and bring me upright with his dick still in. He whispered, "You like bare dick man?" "Yeah, I do." "You neg?" "Yeah, neg." "My bro and I here are both poz and we just found out. That's why we wanted to fuck you safely." I gave him a smile and said, "We tried." I bent over and started going over Top #2's long brown shaft. Top #1 just started pounding... "You want my poz cum you whore? You want my babies up in you and infecting you?" "Yes sir!" He screamed and shot a huge load up in me. He paused and kept his dick in. "Bro, get over here. If I take my dick out that cum is not going to stay in. You have to pound it in." Top #2 kept me upright as he switched positions with Top #1. I felt some cum leak out and a guy lick it off my legs. I was upright again and someone had pulled out a rig. I could feel the tightening of my arm, the insertion of a needle and then a rush of heat accompanied by a cough. I got bent over and a new cock was in my mouth. Top #2 started slamming me and I moaned, and moaned and moaned. I did not care. The chemicals were spinning me beyond sex and into a new world. Top #2 did not last long bare. He came within a couple of minutes. I am truly unsure what happened after that. I know I went over to a bench and put my legs up. I know the hispanic dude repeated and a couple other dudes munched on my hole for sloppy seconds, thirds, whatever . . . . I'm poz now and I have a steady boyfriend. We both got pozzed in similar ways, so we sometimes try and repeat those scenarios between us and our poz friends. I'm sure my conversion will never be surpassed.
    1 point
  43. Short answer: bc it’s fun! long answer: positive reinforcement. We fantasize about it until we get a chance to pull the trigger, and when we let loose with a top or tops who use us the way we fantasized about and it’s good, we tie the pleasure of being fucked like a slut with the identity of being a slut. It’s like a tramp stamp on our sexuality and we crave the experience more and more.
    1 point
  44. Brian needs to poz other young twinks now
    1 point
  45. Part 2 I froze. What did he say? His hands moved to my shoulders and he firmly turned me around, and immediately my mind snapped, “What the fuck are you doing?” But those words never came out of my mouth. The part of me that was naked in this small booth with a sexy stranger that wanted to touch me needed to do I. Instead I felt his warm body pressed up against my back, and I fell forward a little awkwardly, catching myself on the metal wall with a thud. “Not too loud,” he said. “Generally they leave us alone, but you never know who’s around.” He placed his hands on my shoulders and massaged them. “Damn you’re uptight.” He massaged a little deeper now. “Just relax. It’s all good.” His voice was strong, even though he was talking softly, and I felt oddly reassured. His body pressed closer, and I felt his cock against the small of my back. The tiny room started feeling stuffy, and my head was a little light. But I’d didn’t know what to do. I should leave. I should leave now. I started to push off the wall, but his warm body held me there. “Just relax. This is what you want..” He bent his knees and his cock became pushing across my ass. There was a thrill that went through me then — his hard cock felt so warm, the skin brushing against mine. His hands started doing something behind my back, and then he pressed something under my nose. It smelled awful, like cleaner. I looked down and saw the same yellow yellow that the guy out front sold me. “Relax, bud. Just take a hit. It’ll do you good.” My head felt a little swimmy inhaling the stuff, and I turned away. He lifted it to his own nose and inhaled, pinching off one nostril. He seemed to relish it. He pressed it under my nose. “Your turn. Just inhale for 3 seconds. That’s it. Hold it in. Three. Two. One. Now exhale.” What happened next was like fireworks inside my body. I felt a warmth flood from my head down to my toes, almost like a wave rolling. Down my naked body. The room seemed to get really dim, and I thought maybe I was falling over, but I wasn’t really. My body felt amazing, and I was suddenly so incredibly horny. He was starting to grind against my back and ass, and it felt amazing. I suddenly wanted more, and felt super sexy with this guy’s exposed body against mine. He pulled my hips back, then pressed a hand between my shoulder blades. My. Body automatically rolled his guidance, and I repositioned my feet for better balance, bracing my arms against the glass of one of the windows. The floor was cold and felt sticky on my feet, but I didn’t care. He was fingering my hole, and I let out a soft groan. His fingers felt slick as he probed me gently. “”That’s it, baby. Just enjoy it. This is what you came here for.” Was it? Is this what I came here for?? I was totally naked in a scuzzy booth, my nice sexy Friday-night-out clothes tossed to the floor, and I didn’t even see my flip flops. I was a smart student and decent athlete, and now I was hidden away in some dark corner of town no one wants to be seen in, with my ass displayed for some stranger. Was this what I wanted? Was this the way it was supposed to play out? My mind couldn’t process it. It didn’t want to process it. The little bottle was suddenly under my nose again. “One more time, bud,” he said softly into my ear. This time I pinched off one nostril myself, like I saw him do before. “ That’’s it. Take a deep hit. Hold it. Hold it in. Now release it slowly.” I did as I was told, and that rush of desire washed over me again. I could feel my heart pounding and my body was craving to be touched. Sensing my need, he made his move. I suddenly felt the hard, firm pressure against my hole, and it opened with intense desire to be taken to have this guy inside me. I groaned as he started to slide. Inside. It was slick and smooth, so much easier than when I’d been fucked at school. It had never been this smooth and easy.. This time it was his turn to moan. “Fuuuuck, man! Your hole is so tight.” He grabbed my hips and began thrusting. I grunted each time he buried his cock inside me. I knew we were no longer being discreet in here. There was too much grunting, knocking against the plastic seat and metal walls, and the sound of his skin slapping against my bare ass. I felt his cock sliding in and out of me, and it felt amazing. How was it so smooth? My body was totally his to take, and I just wanted more of him inside me. “Fuck! You. Are. So hot!!”” He stuttered out as he slammed me. “Damn you love this raw cock in you!” “Yeah. I do,” I said between grunts, totally wrapped up in the amazing feeling. It didn’t matter where I was. I felt really sexy and he was a hot fucker. He started fucking me a bit harder. ”I’m not gonna last long.” Unexpectedly he wrapped a hand around my own cock, and my mind exploded. “Oh shit! I’m gonna cum!” I think I almost yelled it. “Yeah, cum with me!” He squeezed my cock and started pushing his cock really deep, holding it inside me, then repeating the deep thrust-and-hold again. My own dick erupted like a bottle rocket, and I started to see stars. “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” I was cumming like I had never shot before. My naked body spasmed with the intensity, and I pushed backward onto to thick cock to hold it inside me. He collapsed onto my back, resting his base chest against my smooth ass and back. We were both panting. The intense rush was fading, and I started thinking again. What do I do now? Are we supposed to kiss? I. have to give him my number. I need to do this again. ‘That was amazing,” I said. He stood up, separating our bodies, and gently slid out of my ass. “Yeah. That was hot, man.” He slapped my bare ass. “Thanks, bud.” I turned around and took his body again. Tall and nicely sculpted.. His hairy pecs looked so damned sexy framed in his open shirt. His cock was glistening in the dim light, long and thick. Fuck, that was just inside me! And then my brain caught up with me. I scanned the tiny room. There wasn’t a rubber or wrapper anywhere. He was pulling up his jeans, tucking his slick cock away. “I wish they kept paper towels in these rooms,” he said. “Did your use a rubber,” I asked. This time the words actually came out of my mouth. He shook his head. “You didn’t ask for one.” “You’re neg, right?” It was an automatic question. “You should ask that before you offer up your ass, bud.” He buttoned his shirt, then started to leave. “Thanks, bud. You were really hot.” “Can we connect again?” “I don’t come here a lot. But. You never know.” He opened the door and left. I was standing there naked, reality settling in. I was totally naked. The outfit I’d carefully picked out for the night was crumpled on the floor. I picked up my shirt and saw it was covered in jizz. I felt deflated. ?Some stranger had just shot his load inside me. I shouldn’t be excited by that. And I felt ashamed for being excited by the whole thing. Where did I lose control? What would my friends say? My family? I picked up my shorts and underwear. MY cock was still rock hard. Why was it hard? Didn’t it know what we had just done? I should be on a date with a nice guy, not naked in some scuzzy booth with cum in my ass. I found my flip flops under the cheap plastic seat, slipped them on, and retreated. I fled, desperate not to be seen by anyone. Hoping that the clerk wasn’t still there. I was never, ever coming back here! “See you next time,” the clerk quipped as the door chimed and I fled the store.
    1 point
  46. You are Hot Hot 🔥. Here in London (Lewisham) 😈💦😈
    1 point
  47. Ok. It was late/early and I had been up for longer than reasonable. The usual haunts I enjoy had been a bust. Nothing. Nada. Not even someone to put on a show for. So I glance at the dashboard clock and sigh. When did it become 5am? Pressing the ignition I start driving home. I don’t know why I drove past my turning. What made me push on for a last go but I found myself heading into the city centre to one of the urban green spaces. Riskier than my normal go-tos but I was horny and it was still dark. I parked up next one of the park entrances and walked straight in heading for a raised pathway that is masked by trees. A place I knew to be cruisier at other times. As I walked along in the dark I caught a sense of movement against a railing. I was already massaging my cock through my tracksuit in the time honoured signal and as I drew closer he flopped out a nice hard 8 inches with a steel cock ring at the base. I couldn’t resist. He was a little older than I typically go for but was in good shape and that cock...well. I dropped to my knees and took hold of his cock and leaned in to suck him. After a few seconds however he motioned for me to follow him. Just a little bit further down the path, out of the lights was a culvert closed off for repair works. We both stepped in and I couldn’t help it. Being out of sight yet still very public brings out my slut side and I stripped. Completely. Now naked I sank again to my knees and took him in my mouth working back and forth along his shaft then taking him in my hands so I could run my tongue down to his balls and back up for more sucking. Basically getting his cock nice and wet whilst showing him how much I appreciate a good dick. It wasn’t long until he was thrusting with the same rhythm that I was moving my head up and down while making very satisfied grunts. As he fucked that cock between my lips he asked if I liked to fuck. I just nodded with my mouth still busy. So he pulled me to my feet and spun me around. I placed my hands on the wall we were sheltering behind and presented my arse to him. He stepped up and spat on his cock before guiding it between my cheeks and rubbing his tip around my hole. I pressed back and he slipped into me then pushed forward. I hissed as he pushed every inch in and then moaned at the full feeling that I love so much. Leaning down some more to give him a better angle he grabbed my hips and began pumping into me with long deliberate strokes. All the while he fucked me I was totally aware that just a few metres away the early commuters were filling the roads as the day was just getting started. Knowing I was naked with a raw cock pounding me right next to a major road in a waking city centre started me moaning and begging him to fill me up. I started up a litany of dirty talk begging him to use my ass, use my pussy, fuck me hard and deep. Begging him to breed me and make me take his load. He didn’t pause as he joined in. Calling me a dirty cumdump as he fucked every inch of that cock in and out of my arse. He told me he hadn’t cum for about a week and was going to fuck a big load all the way into me. Asking me if I wanted his cum in me I practically screamed for him to fuck it all into me as he sped up his thrusts. I pushed back against him as he ground all the way into me and held still with his cock pulsing up inside me delivering that sperm I needed. As he started to withdraw I sighed in the contentment that only comes from receiving such a good fucking. Then he slammed into me again and again and again. He smiled down at my panting form and told me he just wanted to make sure his cum was good and deep in me. I collapsed to me knees and cleaned his cock the way I was taught. He left and it was a good few minutes before I was composed enough to stand, dress and find my way back to my car. Sometimes it pays to go for the long shot.
    1 point
  48. Luv the story...got me so horned I dropped my pants and fisted my horny cock..Poz that young, hot chaser...give him the fuck flu...impregnate him!!!!
    1 point
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