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  1. PART TWO I was in a state of shock as Seth started laying down the ground rules to everyone before filming started, "I'll be brief coz I don't want you to lose your hard-ons, though you'll get them back pretty quick! For those of you that haven't worked with us before, or watched our videos, you don't cum in Cody's mouth, you either cum on his face or into the glass here..." I looked across and saw the type of large cocktail glass I'd seen in so many female blowbang videos, not knowing there was a male equivalent. "Don't get pushy, you'll all likely get a turn in his mouth!" The guys all whooped & cheered at that comment, I could've died. "Now there's two cameramen here & a sound guy for each one so we'll just switch angles when we put it out if you get in the way. As you know, we don't like showing poppers so if you wanna use them, we'll just switch angles then too. Cody, if you need to use them just tap your knee and one of our guys will sort you out & we'll cut to a shot of the guys." I nodded, my head still spinning. "We're right to go so take a couple of hits and.......action!" I took a couple of deep hits of the poppers in each nostril to relax and gave the bottle back. I'd obviously done some experimenting with drugs previously but these made me feel so loose & turned on. Seth stood next to one of the cameramen and started talking to me, "And who do we have here?" "Cody" "And how old are you Cody?" "19" "19?!?! Wow, some real fresh meat. Have you ever done something like this before?" I shook my head, thinking "Fuck.....can we get started already?" "And what would your friends say if they knew you were doing something like this?" "Oh they'd be totally shocked" (not a word of a lie there!) "Well, we'd better get these guys in to test out this fresh mouth!" as he said that, a guy came from either side of me and without thinking, I started stroking their dicks. I was so high & horny, and I'd seen so many straight blowbang videos that I kinda knew what to do. "How do they feel Cody?" "They feel really good." I was kinda shocked at how hot & hard they felt, I'd be lying if I wasn't turned on, even if I wasn't high off the poppers. "I think you've been talking too much mate, time to put that mouth to much better use." Seth said, and both the guys laughed. I turned to my left and took cock in my mouth for the first time, and the first of so many that day. END OF PART TWO
    14 points
  2. Thanks for the comments so far I hope this one is as well received as the first. ______________________________________ Part 2 Waking up was an experience. The hangover should not have been so bad but I guess I can't take alcohol like I used to. I stumbled out of Jackson's bed and made my way to the bathroom for a quick piss. I'm standing over the toilet when I realize my cock is encased in plastic. I start grabbing at it trying to pull it off but every way I tug at it it hurts too much to keep pulling. There's a knock at the door. "How's my favorite cock doing?" Jackson asked. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME?" "You asked what it meant me being a fag so I'm teaching you. Rule 1 you don't get to decide when you cum, if you cum at all" "I wanted you to tell me not force my cock in to a hunk of plastic" "I didn't have to do any forcing it slid right in after you came" "After what??" "OH I blew you and you went soft right away it was easy" I'm staring at the cage it's about 2 inches long which surprises me since my cock is usually about 4 inches soft and 8 inches long (I know everyone says 8 but I measured it myself it's 😎 "Just take it off" "How about no?" "Dude I'm not gay and I have a wife and you know her history with gay men, just take it off" "Well if you don't want her thinking your gay make sure she doesn't notice, I'll cook breakfast" He goes down stairs while I throw clothes on. I'm down stairs about 5 min later and he's just standing in the kitchen like he was waiting for me. When I sit by his island he starts cooking showing me how he usually does things. It's kind of neat learning from. A professional chef but I'm still annoyed about how things are going. I can't hurt him since we need him on the team but man I want to punch his face. We eat and I head home not wanting my wife to worry about me taking too long. I get home and Linda is doing some gardening. Her son Sean is fixing the back porch. Linda is 55 (what I like them old) and about 23 years ago after giving birth to her son, her husband left her for another man. She doesn't have any thing against gays but I can't imagine what she would do if she found out about the cage. Sean is around my age so we try to treat eachother like friends but I know he hates the idea of his mom being married to me so it's tense at best there. I walk in the back yard and kiss Linda hello. "What did you guys get up to last night" she asked. "I awkwardly stood at the bar and he blew a guy in the bathroom I think. I'm kind of hungover still so I'm going to go inside and hydrate, you two want anything" "Man you're the straightest man I've ever met, I'm so surprised you even went to the bar, I'll take a bottle of water thank you honey" she said "Beer for me please" Sean shouted. I grab a beer and 2 bottles of water. I hand one to my wife and I hand Sean his beer he pauses looks me up and down then smirks. How does he know, he can't know. I open my bottle and down it. "What did you two do" Linda looks at Sean "Yeah you can tell him" he says "Sean came out to me" she said hesitantly. "Congradulations, I'm glad you can be happy" I replied. "I am too, I get to do things I've always wanted to do" he said with a wink. "I'm gonna head up stairs for a bit, tey to sleep this off a bit" I said after a slight silence. Going up stairs I take a nap and try to figure out how I'm going to hide th cage. I manage the next few days with out her noticing anything but Wednesday comes and I head to my foot ball game. I get there early so I can change with out any of the guys noticing but when I get there Jackson is there too. "What the fuck do you want" "To see how you're doing" "I'm pissed off all the time and horny like you wouldn't believe so I'm doing shitty. Luckily Linda hasn't noticed but I think Sean knows which is fucking great because apparently he's a fag now too." He perked up to that last piece of info. "That interesting, I can help you out with some of that at least" he pulls out a small key. "Give it to me" "Ah ah ah. You have more lessons to learn." "And what would that be" "Lesson 2 a fag has to give something greater than what he is asking for if he ever dares ask for anything" "I'll give you anything just please unlock me" "Let me blow you again" "Fine just do it now" I strip naked faster than you can imagine and he unlocks me. " Thank god" He pushes me on the bench in the locker room and his mouth is on my cock before I can react. "Wow man I just said that so you would let me..." I trailed off. This is the best fcuking blow job of my life. He's licking my shaft sucking in way I've never experienced before and in a matter of seconds I cum "Wow that was embarrassing" I'm a but dizzy from the quick blood flow. "Thanks man that was actually great" I was celebrating too soon because he has the cage back on me again I look at in in horror as I also realize this one is smaller maybe 1.5 inches."What the fuck man you said you would unlock me" "Rule 3 the cock should be as small as possible. And I didn't unlock to leave you that way. A blow job is only worth more than your climax not you actually being unlocked." He forces me to my feet as he tells me "And for clarification it's only worth a climax because you learning the rules and I'm a fag. Otherwise that wouldn't have happened." He pushes me to the bathroom. I'm not a small man but I'm a twink compared to him so my resistance is pointless. "What are you doing?" I'm now naked in a stall. "You'll figure it out" he replies as I hear the team start to enter the change room. How will I get to my clothes with out any one seeing my cock like this? FUCK
    8 points
  3. In about 20 days I'll be hitting my 1 year anniversary of locking up. So I'm getting really horny and writing these seem to help curve my desires when I can't get bred ______________________________________ Part 3 I'm standing in the stall and I hear the team all pile in. I can't leave because in maked but if intake too long they are going to start asking questions "You doing ok in there man" one of them asks. "Yeah something I ate" I replied. I decide to just wait until they leave. When I hear silence I rush out and throw my gear on and head out to the field. I take a beating on the field. I'm really off my game because of this cage, but I make it through. No one questions anything just chalking it up to the food poisoning i eluded to, but I have to figure this out or people will realise something is up. The next I start going to the gym in the morning so I have an excuse to not change in front of Linda while she's. I get there and the man that Jackson was talking to at the gay bar, with the fancy hat, also seems to go here. We are in the change room and I catch a glimpse of him checking me out. Great this is what I need. Another gay man in my life. He is older maybe mid 50s very well built, similar to Jackson. He is pretty hairy and all he seems to wear while working out is a singlet. He walks over to me and I can smell him right away, sweat, a bit of leather and something that smells vaguely familiar and conforting that i can't quite figure out. "Your that good friend Jackson was telling me about." It was a statement not a question. The smell is strange and I can't think straight. "Yes Sir." I said Sir just to be polite, I think at least. "He's a good man, and surrounds himself with good people it seems" he steps closer almost touching me "I'm Nathan but most people call me Sir Nate or just Sir" "I'm Jason, Sir" just being around him makes me want to do what he says. He starts taking off his singlet so it's just around his waist and legs now, seeing his fully exposed torso I can see all his chest hair and he has a pretty cool tattoo on his left pec. He sees me staring at it. "He told me he's teaching you some rules, when your done with those you'll known what this means" I look away. "I've seen enough medical shows to know the biohazard symbol" looking back at him is see thensinglet is off completely now. Looking him up and down I notice for the first time what he's packing and I hope he's hard right now because if he gets any bigger he's going to hurt someone. "But do you know what it means?" I say nothing, partly because i dont know what he means partly because i just want to see his cock. "Didn't think so. It's always gutsy choosing a straight guy to be your 'rock' after a break up, but I think you'll be good for him." He definitely meant something else but with how my head is I really can't concentrate. He strips naked and his monster just flops forward and sags down. He is not hard. I look up and see him watching me. I change into my work out clothes and run to work out. The work out clears my head, and I go home. Linda is already at work and I'm surprised to find Sean watching TV in the living room. "Hey man, how's it going?" I answered casually. "Better than you I suspect" I freeze. I haven't seen him since that first day so I forgot he was looking at me weird. "What do you mean?" "I just came out to my mom but I have hooking up with men for a while. I've seen a lock fag before" "I'm not a fag, he put it on me in my sleep and I can't get it off" he stands up from the couch, and he walks over to me. This is the first time I really got a scope for his size, I'm intimidated for some reason, hes never made me feel like this before. This cage is really fucking with me. I'm not a small man and yet all these men seem to put me in my place. "The only reason I'll let this fly is after talking to my dad yesterday for the first I think I understand how hard it is to be gay and be married to a woman." "I'm not gay, I promise you, if i could i would take it off." "I don't care just tell her soon, the longer you wait the more it hurts. My Dad is a lawyer if your a good boy I'll get him to help you with the divorce" "You really think your Dad would do... wait no I'm not gay I love your Mom" Why would his dad help me out he doesntn know me. He doesn't say anything. He puts his shoes on and leaves. I guess he was only here to call me out, great another person hounding me. I go another 2 days with out any major incidents I still see Sir Nate at the gym every day as he leaves. As the weekend approaches I get a text from an unknown number. *Hello Jason. This is Sir Nate. I got your number from Jackson.* Why did he want to text me. Another text comes in. *I know your wondering why I'm messaging you. I think I can help you with your cage issue.* Oh great Jackson told him. Another text. *start coming to the gym an hour and a half earlier I'll give you physical training and with a few other steps I think you'll have it off in no time* Finally a break. The next day. I'm at the gym at fuck in the morning. I go into the change room and he's waiting for me. "Good morning Sir." I say with a spring in my step. "Good morning" he throws a piece of fabric at me. "Rule 4 a fag doesn't get to choose what he wears, If anything" "What? I thought you were helping me get the cage off not encouraging him" I look at what he threw me. It's a singlet. The legs don't go down very far but the neck and arm holes do great. I look at him with confusion. "I am helping you. He says that he will take it off when you know alll his rules and he's asked me to start telling you some of the rules." He walks over to me and the smell is back, just with out the sweat. "So you will wear singlets at the gym from here on out no exceptions to satisfy rule 4 and if you're with me every morning I can help you with rule 5." "And what is rules 5." "Rule 6 a fag will not talk until indicated that he can talk. Which I encourage you Stat acting on or I won't help you get the rules faster." "Sorry Sir." "No worriws you're learning. Back to Rule 5. A fag will do what it takes to keep their body the way their master likes it." I look at him, my confusion compunding. "I will help you get your body to be that of a himbo, pushing you to your full potential every morning moving forward. And after your work outs you'll go to fag school at Jackson's for an hour." Fag school? If this is what it takes to get the cage off I guess I'm going to fag school, fuck me I'm screwed
    7 points
  4. Unbelievable. Four pages of responses telling the OP that the risk is worth it, yet only three (3) posts mention PrEP, two of them only in passing, and one of those only to say he hadn’t used it. What was my experience taking the risk? AIDS. Not just HIV - AIDS. The result was that I nearly died. That’s the second-to-worst-case outcome, the worst case being that you die. Kind of like playing Russian roulette. If, that is, you do nothing to mitigate the risk, and in this case the most sensible, effective form of risk management is PrEP. If you’re hesitant to fuck bare because of the risk of HIV, good for you, you’re sane. But if you want to fuck bare, get on PrEP, take it as directed, and fuck bare knowing you’ve done the best thing to significantly cut your risk. The earlier comment about facing the regret over ‘what could have been’ doesn’t point out that regret takes different forms. I could be sitting here right now regretting that I had never taken a bare cock
but I wouldn’t be living with HIV/AIDS. Instead, I’m sitting here reflecting on the way my life might have gone if I had not taken bare cock, and regretting what I’ve lost because of it. There is a middle ground where you avoid both kinds of regret here. @evilqueerpig spoke of the four saddest words with respect to regret, but in this case there are four optimistic letters that can trump the four words - PrEP.
    5 points
  5. My boyfriend and I decided to go to Berlin for the weekend. While we had vaguely heard about the vibrant gay scene over there, little did we know that we were going to leave with our assholes completely destroyed. We decided to go to a sauna called ‘boiler room’ and from the auspicious glance that our Uber driver gave us, we knew that we were going to have a great time. From the moment we stepped into the venue the horniest scene filled my eyes. There were the hottest German boys everywhere, some with red towels around there waists, and others letting it all hang out. My boyfriend and I decided to split up to see who could get the most loads by the end of the night. As he headed towards the wet sauna area, I headed towards the maze and instantly locked eyes with an extremely cute Italian boy. Put simply, his body was amazing. The combination of his hot muscles combined with his cheeky grin instantly made my cock twinge. I grazed my hand on his pert bottom, and he grabbed my hand in search of an empty room. Around us was the sound of animalistic fucking, there was just so much raw, horny sex happing all round us. Finally, after passing many occupied rooms, we found one at the end containing a single leather bench and a sling. My cock just got even harder. Upon noticing the viewing window, my Italian friend asked if I minded of people watched. The prospect of that was enough to send my cock to full mast. The Italian boy looked down and saw my cock protrude out of my towel like so and dropped it, and went down to suck it. The way that he used his tongue was nothing that I had ever felt before. And when I loosened his towel, the largest cock I had ever seen was revealed, growing harder as I caressed it inside my mouth. After a round of glorious messing about, he motioned towards the sling and indicated that I should get on it. I had never used a sling before, but I was more than eager to try. He helped me into the swinging leather contraption, and as he positioned my legs in the straps, I noticed how vulnerable my arsehole was- exposed for anyone to take advantage of. After he had positioned me, he lubricated his gleaming penis with his spit and started grazing it against my arse crack, teasing me as it readied itself to enter. And then he did, slowly at first, but then faster and deeper. The swinging motion from being in the sling made me feel as though I was closer to the motions of his glorious body as he rearranged my insides. Watching his gleaming, sweaty abs as he fucked me raw was a most majestic sight, I wish that my partner could see me now, he loved to see me being taken advantage of. looking towards the window, I could see three massive guys stroking their cocks in appreciation of the scene. And all of a sudden as the Italian increased his pace, and as his breathing got deeper and deeper, he let a gasp and I could feel his penis pulsate in my hole, leaving gushes of beautiful semen deep inside my hole. I made a mental note. That was just the first load of the night

    4 points
  6. This past Saturday night I was alone and horny from porn. My regular daddy's were not around so I got on Grindr. Was looking around and got a text from a white guy at a bar by the beach. He said he was a top and like my profile. We sent each other face and body pics. We texted for a while about things we like to do and then he asked if i wanted to meet him at the bar. I agreed and headed over. Texted him I was there and he replied where he was. Walked over to the corner table. He looked good. I sat down and introduced myself. We talked and drank shots for a while. He said his friend is coming by also. About 10 minutes later his friend showed up. Tall black guy but nice looking. We talked about places we played at and he was saying about a spot they play at alot under the boardwalk. Nobody is ever there and its a secluded place. I said that sounds cool and never tried it like that. They whispered to each other and said want to take a walk to see its not far? I said absolutely. We left the bar and his black friend said Ill meet you there I have to grab a few things from the car. So the both of us walked to the entrance to the beach and walked and talked on the beach for a little by the boardwalk then he showed me area where the boardwalk was high up by the hotels and we went in. It was dark but there was light coming through the cracks of the boardwalk that lit the area nicely. We got to their spot and there was a washed up tree log and a few chairs. I sat on the log and he sat in the chair and lit up some weed. We smoked for a while talking and his black friend showed up with some liquor a bag and a blanket. He laid the blanket out and sat on it as I and the other watched him undress. Has he was undressing he said lets get the party started. He had a nice size cock. They both said they fuck each other here alot. Now both were naked so I got undressed. I sat on the blanket with him and the other sat back in the chair looking at the two of us. He handed me some weed to smoke. Then handed me some vodka and I tokk some big hits. The black guy on the blanket grab me and had me turn over and lay flat on my stomach. Grabbed my hips and pulled my ass up and poured some vodka on my crack as he slurped it. He then shoved his tongue in my hole. The other guy was watching and he got on the blanket for me to suck him. Sucked him hard to the point he was moaning and I saw the black guy reached for the bag grab a tube and i felt the lube on my hole as he started to finger the hell out of me. The guy i was sucking then sat down spread his leggs and planted my face on his cock. Friggin his cock was hard as hell! I felt the black guy sliding his cock on my crack and hole. Then the head was pushing on my hole. It was slowly going in and i felt my hole stretched like it was going to rip. He was big. After the bit of pain it popped in and i almost bit the dick i was sucking. Then i felt the cock slowly go in and he pushed almost all the way in he stopped for a moment. Then started to thrust in and out deeper and deeper. The guy I was suckin got up push my shoulders down and spread my ass for him. Then i guess they were kissing by their noise as he had his hands on my shoulders pushing down. Then I was getting pumped fast and hard. This was going on for a while and I heard the groans and then I herd fill that hole. All of a sudden he exploded and I felt that huge dick throbbing. He pulled out and must have hit my prostate I blew a load. He go up and had me suck him clean and he said to the other I want to see you fuck that hole. I got pulled up to stand and bent over the tree log and in no time he was fucking me frantically hard as his black friend sat there watching. The dam tree kinda hurt my chest and cock but funny thing it was hot as hell. Then he moaned loud so loudly he was told to quiet down. He pulled my hair hard to get me to stand. I felt all kinds of dripping out of my hole. He pushed me down on my back in the sand and started to suck me and stroke me. As i got really hard he jumped on me and stuck my cock in him and rode me as his friend bent over and started to kiss him. He bounced on me hard till I exploded in him. He got off and laid on the blanket and him and his friend laid there as I got up to clean the sand off. I stood there looking at them making out. That was hot. I got on my knees and played with the black guys cock and started to suck it as he was still kissing his friend. He got hard fast as i was sucking him and grabbing his balls. Again both still kissing. Then i heard a moan and i suck and stroked harder. Then i push his hips so i can jump on that hard cock and it went in much easier with the cum lube. I rode him for a while till he exploded again. I rolled off and both of them kissed me and then the 3 of us laid there listening to the waves and relaxing for at least 30 minutes. Very relaxing ending
    4 points
  7. This is my well used asshole this morning after my boy Drew fucked his load inside me. Being only 23 he's a regular sperm canon. I really felt this load filling my hole.
    4 points
  8. I know that sling very well. Had taken so many loads laying there in general Boiler has never disappointed, I’ve had my hole destroyed there so many times
 I specially love going there after getting pounded in the Fickstutenmarkt parties and continue being used by random men taking their loads (and piss lol)
    4 points
  9. I have never been to the boiler room either. The last time I was in Berlin I had difficulty sitting for days after. The men are incredible. They definitely make them bigger in Germany. Even the smaller guys like me had huge cocks. I think I may need another trip soon. You have my pussy twitching just thinking about it.
    4 points
  10. I went to Cumunion sex party last night and my ass got wrecked! I posted on here and also barebackrt offering my ass for all cocks and loads. I got there around 8:30pm after having a few cocktails at the gay bar down the street. Before going in the sex club I prelubed my cunt and bought a bottle of poppers. I wore a pink assless singlet, mesh thigh highs, arm sleeves, collar and looked totally slutty! I walked up to the third floor and put my leather jacket and tights in a locker and headed to the darkroom. The darkroom was already crowded with guys so I felt my way to the bench and bent over spreading my ass open. Immediately some guy shoved his cock all the way in my hungry slut hole as I begged him to pump his load in me. After he unloaded in me other guys started a train on my ass. Guy after guy took turns fucking and breeding my cumdump hole. I lost count after 15 cocks and my ass was a total sloppy cum filled wreck! I guess it pays to advertise and I can’t wait for the next Cumunion party in February!
    3 points
  11. Hey pigs. Another one-off short story. Hope you like it. Lemme know in the comments. xxx ___ Breeding Ben’s Buggy Bunghole I was out of town for a conference and horny, so I went to the hotel bar. I knew I should have kept my dick in my pants. A guy I was seeing had told me that morning that he’s tested positive for something and that I should get checked out. I figured I’d take care of whatever pills or shot in the ass I’d need when I got home. At the bar, I saw this very sexy guy sitting alone with an empty stool next to him. I asked if it was free and he invited me to sit down, introducing himself as Ben and flirting with me. As the place was full and that was the only seat, I was glad to have a place to perch, especially next to a sexy guy who was clearly into me. Ben told me that he was married, to a man, and that he and his husband, Peter, had been together for a few years before Peter realized that Ben was never going to settle down. He’d always assumed that Ben wanted a monogamous heteronormative relationship. Ben told me that he enjoyed hooking up with new guys and taking their loads home to Peter to eat out of his hole. Ben could tell that his nasty talk was making me hard and he reached for my crotch. My hardening cock rewarding his grasp with a steady stream of precum that leaked through my trousers faster than I’d have liked. He told me that his husband really liked it when he had risky sex, so whatever my status was he didn’t want to know. I asked him if he was a bug chaser and he winked, asking me, ‘Why? You have any bugs?’ I was about to tell him about my hookup’s news, but Ben pressed his finger to my lips saying, ‘Shhhhh
’ I asked if he wanted to go back to my room, and Ben eagerly agreed. The guy sitting next to us clearly overheard the whole conversation and raised his eyebrows, giving me a thumbs up. I could tell that overhearing out conversation had gotten him hard as well as he adjusted his bulge. Ben and I made out in the elevator and tore each other’s clothes off as we tumbled into my hotel room. He shucked off my pants and yanked my briefs down before swallowing my cock to the root. He was clearly horny to get fucked. I told him that I’d be happy to rubber up if he wanted me to and he told me he’d rather take me raw. He didn’t ask my status and I didn’t volunteer. As he toyed with my cock I whispered, ‘hope you don’t catch anything you can’t get rid of.’ He gobbled my dick down as he looked up at me with hungry eyes. After Ben had sucked me to full dripping hardness, he swiveled around on his hands and knees and arched his back like a real pro piggy bottom. He leaned down with his face on the bedspread and used his hands to pry apart his alabaster ass cheeks. Ben’s butt was nearly hairless except for a little peach fuzz right around his hole. I lapped at his ass and managed two slip two fingers easily into him. When I pulled them out, I saw that they were slick with what I was pretty sure was nother guy’s load. Ben clenched his muscles down on my fingers and begged for more. I got all four fingers and my thumb inside lubed up and wet with my oozing precum. Ben asked if I minded taking some pics with his phone and I obliged with my other hand. I snapped away as I pulled my hand back so just my fingertips were inside his creamy hole and lined up my raw dick. I slipped inside with just precum and spit as lube. Ben was so wet inside I really didn’t need anything else. He moaned as my cock entered him. When I removed my hand, I was surprised to feel how loose and stretched-out Ben’s hole actually was. I could barely feel the sides of his chute as I pummeled his open sloppy cunt. He groaned and asked if I liked his opened-up pussy. I told him I did and he arched forward making my dick plop out of him. A torrent of white cream sluiced out all over the sheets. Ben asked me to lay down so he could ride me. He handed me his phone and had me make a video of him bouncing up and down on my dick. With his hole so opened up and sloppy, he could really take me deep. He pushed his cheeks together for more friction and got me close to cumming. He then stopped and just sat there, my hard bare dick throbbing deep inside his guts. Ben began to rock up and down reached for his phone. He grinned at me. He asked for my room number and then entered it into his phone and I heard a ‘whoosh’ as he sent it. He then sent the pics and video. He rode me slowly, keeping me rock hard and close to cumming. He looked down at me asking, ‘Remember Peter? My husband? Mind if he joins?’ I didn’t care, but wondered what would happen when he arrived. Also, I thought his choice of words was odd. I’d never met Peter, so how could I remember him? A few minutes later, there was a quiet knock at the door and he raised up and off to go answer it. He stood in the open doorway, kissing a man as he loosened his tie and pulled it above his collar. I thought he was undressing his husband, but instead, he stopped as the tie covered the man’s eyes. He tightened the knot back and guided him in. I wasn’t surprised to see that Peter was the guy at the bar on the other side of the empty stool. Ben smiled and led Peter to a chair. He unbuckled Peter’s belt and pushed his pants off before sitting him down. Peter opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. Ben leaned forward and backed his gaped cummy pussy to his husband’s tongue. Peter lapped at Ben’s hole and moaned into it. He turned around, holding Peter’s blindfolded face as he stuck his ass out and rolled it around. Ben and Peter kissed as I rubbed my raw cock against his hole. I easily entered Ben’s slack asshole as he groaned into his husband’s mouth. “He’s fucking me, baby. He’s fucking me raw.’ Peter gulped for air asking, ‘Is he NEG, baby?’ ‘How should I know,’ Ben replied. Ben moaned saying, ‘Letting a stranger fuck you bareback is so risky! You know what happened last time!’ Ben turned over his shoulder looking up at me as I pounded my hips into his ass. ‘Last time, I got bugged with a few things. Nothing I can’t get rid of though.’ He winked at me as I pummeled his pussy. Somehow this slutty couple had turned the tables on me. I had been worried about not disclosing my trick’s recent diagnosis, and figured that I’d already been exposed to any bugs Ben was carrying. I picked up my pace and pounded his bare cunt. I railed Ben’s hole forcing him off his balance and into his husband’s chest and shoulders. I whispered that I was close and they both begged me to fill him up. I shot deep inside Ben and let my cock go soft inside him. As I pulled out, my seed, and likely at least a few other mens’ gushed out of him, splashing on Peter’s crotch and legs. As I went to the bathroom to take a piss and clean up, Ben guided Peter to the floor on his back and sat on his face. Peter lapped at his husband’s used slutty hole as more and more seed slipped out and into his mouth. ‘Yeah, baby. Eat those loads. Fucking stranger cum dripping down your throat!’ Peter moaned his approval as he lapped at his husband’s sloppy used cunt. When I came out of the bathroom, the two of them had gone, but Peter had left his business card. It turned out that they lived in my town and were both here on business. I would definitely be breeding Ben again... hopefully after we both got treated for anything I’d caught deep in his hole or was carrying before I got there.
    3 points
  12. I'm happy fucking with other whores and sluts, don't always have to be the center of attention but love playing with guys who are as piggy and sleazy as me. Totally uninhibited and swapping cum, piss and chems freely
    3 points
  13. cause no bottom is going to let all that prep work go to waste
    3 points
  14. Chapter Three - Meetings Brett sat in the looking out the window at planes being taxied past sipping on a beer slowly. It was a little early for beer in his book, but as he and Nick always joked “the airport is a lawless place,” and his next flight didn’t board for a couple hours yet. O’Hare felt strangely empty even for a Thursday morning, though, Brett supposed the end of July wasn’t a huge travel time for most people. He paid his check and finished his beer feeling slightly tipsy at just ten past noon. He hadn’t told Nick his plan, so far as Nick knew Brett was currently driving down the California coast to see a friend in LA. His husband had no idea Brett was traveling across the country to surprise him. Brett was going to turn up at Nick’s hotel room that night, and provided things went as he assumed they would, have his way with both Nick and Luke. His cock gave a throb in his jeans thinking about catching his husband balls deep in his college age nephew. He got up and walked slowly down the vaulted hallway shifting the bulge in his jeans off to the side. Between imagining what was awaiting him and the horniness that seemed to plague everyone he knew when they were at the airport it was hard to focus on something that would make his cock soften. He found a seat by the windows in the corner of a largely unoccupied gate and crossed his legs. It felt like a waste to just go to the bathroom and jerk off when that night he’d have Nick and Luke to play with; maybe he could wait it out, ride this wave of horniness, and cum even harder when he finally got the two of them ass up in front of him. “I feel like I’m 25 again,” Nick had said, “Being around someone this horny all the time
 he’s like we were back then. Insatiable.” Insatiable, they had been that. Brett remembered when he moved to San Francisco, he’d missed Nick so much but they had skirted around formalizing their relationship and he’d gotten the job offer
 it hadn’t felt like he’d had any choice. Then alone in a new city he didn’t really know what to do with himself. For the first week he ate Chinese take-out alone in his one bedroom every night, not going anywhere. At night he would sit naked one his uncomfortable loaner couch and jerk off thinking about Nick and the guys of NYC. His third weekend in San Francisco Brett couldn’t just sit around anymore, he needed to see people. Not just that, he saw plenty of people at work, he needed to be around gay people. His life had gone from basically living with his unofficial boyfriend and spending almost every weekend out at the bars with their friends, often fucking them afterwards; to sitting around jerking off alone. This couldn’t stand. He’s put on his tightest jeans, a shirt that was almost a full size too small and marched off towards the Castro. He found himself at the Stud, the stenciled black and white sign affixed to a big awning over the sheltered corner entrance had felt like a beacon drawing him in. It was home. Walking up to the bar felt like walking up to Juliu’s. Men in tight pants and leather walked around the sidewalk acting casual cruising each other as they went by. Brett had been embarrassed to admit it the first time he told Nick the story of that night, but he’d never even made it in the bar. He’d just been about to walk in when a man, probably in his mid-forties had stopped him. “You look a little lost kid. You new?” “New to San Francisco yeah, but not new to gay bars,” Brett had retorted, flashing the man his most charming smile. He’d tossed his shoulder length blonde hair about too, Brett knew he was hot. “Cocky young buck aren’t you,” the man returned Brett’s smile. He had a square handsome face, and a stubbly chin. His hair was cut short, flashed with gray. His flannel shirt was tucked in to tight light wash jeans, and was only buttoned at the very bottom. When he moved his arms at all his shirt opened exposing a strong powerful looking chest and a beautiful thicket of dark hair. He was the sort of man who made the often dominant Brett feel small and sometimes even a little submissive. “I don’t think its cocky to say I’m not some innocent kid fresh from the Midwest with no idea what to expect in a gay bar.” “I see
 and what does not innocent mean?” Brett stepped closer to the man, they were now only a foot apart, “What do you think it means?” “I think it means you should skip the bar and just come back to my place.” “Oh,” Brett smiled coquettishly, “and what happens back at your place?” The man leaned forward and whispered in Brett’s ear, “I bend you over and eat that bubble butt of yours till you beg me to fuck you with my fat bear cock.” Brett closed the last distance between them, ran his hand up the man’s chest feeling the thick fur. “Well what are we still doing here?” The man didn’t live too far away. Though as they walked Brett learned that the man’s name was Charlie, and he was a San Francisco native. Brett told Charlie a little about his life, his new job, and his move. By the time they had made the fifteen-minute walk to Charlie’s building they felt more like friends than a tryst. That however changed as soon as they got in the door. Charlie grabbed Brett behind his neck and pulled him into a rough kiss. Their tongues slammed together in a burst of animalistic passion. Brett was dragged through the apartment, their kiss never really breaking until they crashed through the door to Charlies bedroom and he was tossed onto the bed. Charlie undid is shirt and let it fall to the floor. Brett drank in the strong chest, slight gut, and wild hair. He pulled off his own shirt too, then feeling bold undid his jeans and revealed his white bike jock underneath. Charlie grinned and unbuttoned his pants as well. He wasn’t wearing underwear and his cock sprang up, slapping lightly into the underside of Charlie’s belly. Brett gasped, he was going to get stretched out tonight. A broad, fat, uncut, slab of meat jutted out from Charlie’s pubes, bobbing slightly as he breathed. The head, was just peeking from its sheath and was already glistening with precum. Brett licked his lips. “You like what you see boy?” “God yes. I want you to fuck me so bad.” “I haven’t even gotten my tongue in your ass and you’re already begging for it. I guess you weren’t lying about not being so innocent.” Charlie smiled and came over onto the bed. He got up next to Brett and turned so they were facing opposite directions. He pulled Brett’s legs up and straddled Brett’s head in one clean move that seemed practiced. Now his massive cock was dangling above Brett’s mouth and Brett’s ass was upturned and exposed to Charlie. Neither paused. Charlie lent forward and stuffed his tongue into Brett’s furry ass. Brett pulled Charlie’s hips down a little and swallowed the head of the older man’s cock. Both let out a low satisfied groan as the other started to work their mouth. Brett struggled to focus on sucking the fat cock thrust in his mouth as pleasure emanated from his hole and rocketed through his body. Charlie’s tongue was flicking quickly over Brett’s pucker swirling the hair around the boy’s hole as it went. Slowly he began to push slowly but forcefully into the hole before him. Brett topped more than he bottomed at this point in his life but he was no stranger to being fucked, and after only a little persuasion his ass blossomed open for Charlie. The older man growled, feeling Brett’s sphincter relax, and dove in even deeper. He worked his conquest open. Brett did his best to work Charlie’s cock but mostly was just moaning as best he could around the bulbus head. Things escalated quickly. Two spit slicked fingers were thrust into Brett’s ass. Charlie started to buck downward into Brett’s mouth. Brett spluttered and moaned, fighting for breath. Then Charlie dropped Brett’s legs, and pulled his dick from Brett’s mouth. He was suddenly standing at the side of the bed between Brett’s legs. His hairy chest, and perfect belly on display for Brett. Brett’s legs were in the air again, his knees thrust into his chest, and Charlie’s cock sliding against his ass crack. “Fuck me,” Brett said. “What was that?” “Fuck me, please fuck me!” “I told you you’d beg for it,” Charlie said with a mock evil grin. “Open your mouth.” Brett did as he was told, and Charlie, looming large over him, spit straight into his mouth. Brett swallowed immediately. “Good boy.” Then he felt it, the warm, wet head of Charlie’s cock pressing into his hole. For a moment Brett felt like he was still too tight. He hadn’t been fucked in a while, and Charlie’s cock was intimidatingly thick. Charlie, however, had no intention of being kept from his prize. He pressed slowly but firmly, and Brett’s ass bloomed around his cock. It was as if the boy’s hole had opened wide and swallowed him. They both let out deep guttural groans as Charlie’s massive bush pressed against Brett’s furry cheeks. Both men panted for a moment. Charlie was shocked how tight Brett still felt after how easily he had slid inside the boy. Brett felt like he was shaking like a leaf. He loved being a top but sometimes being taken by a rough older man was exactly what he needed. A warm sweat sprung up across his chest and his round pecks heaved up and down. When his breath had settled again he locked eyes with Charlie who just smiled. “Feel good?” “God yes! Please
 please fuck me.” “With pleasure.” Charlie bucked back and then rammed his hips forward again. Brett yelped, and then groaned. He closed his eyes and relaxed his hole as Charlie took up a brutal pace slamming in and out of his hole. Almost immediately Brett felt himself become a hole. His ass, now remembering what it was like to be full of cock, understood its role and blossomed open. Charlie was easily hammering Brett’s warm buttery guts, and Brett was loving it. Charlie loved watching the young man’s big fur covered pecks bounce as he brutalized the boy’s hole. God, he thought, how the fuck did I get this young buck to come home with me. There sprawled on Charlie’s bed Brett looked like an Adonis. His head was tossed to one side, his face twisted in pleasure and his mouth hanging open slightly. His arms were thrown wide exposing lush hairy pits. Charlie gripped Brett’s meaty thighs tighter, feeling the boy’s coarse leg hair between his fingers, and reared up so he could use gravity to pull himself deeper into Brett’s ass. They were both covered in sweat. Brett felt something building in his stomach. For a moment he was confused, it almost felt like pressure in his bladder; when his cock throbbed though he understood. Long ribbons of thick cum erupted from his cock purely from the force of Charlie’s pounding. Brett’s load splattered across him, covering his chest, and matting down his hair. Charlie growled his appreciation, “Fuck you hole just started milking my
 I’m gonna
” Then he was pumping Brett’s ass full of cum, and finally collapsed forward spearing Brett’s load across both of their chests. Brett shifted in his chair in the airport lounge, and opened his eyes. He was hard as a rock, and suddenly realized had started leaking copious amounts of precum into his pants. He crossed his legs hoping to hide the dark spot from any of the other passengers in the gate. He looked around seeing if anyone had noticed his obvious arousal, and locked eyes with a dark haired skinny young guy sitting a row away. The twink grinned, then licked his lips. Brett smiled back, and uncrossed his legs, thrusting his hips forward a little to show his bulge. The twink winked, and then got up. Brett followed.
    3 points
  15. I was 9 almost 10 but couldn’t suck to completion until I was 13. I have always loved sucking cock. I really love the taste of cum.
    3 points
  16. loosen up baby. the best thing about being a gloryhole slut is being ready to take any cock that comes through the hole and use your throat or your hole to drain the cum out of it. plus here’s the thing about gloryholes. they really teach a slut how little we actually care about what the guys look like or their age or race or ethnicity, height or weight or whatever. by reducing tops to just their cocks they make us realize that all we should care about as cumdumps is the cock and the cum. thats where I realized I was willing to suck off ANYONE or let ANYONE breed me, without even seeing them. plus as opposed to being a sexy blindfolded cumdumpster as I often am, having guys use me through gloryholes tells me they aren’t even into me or find me hot. they are literally just using faggots like us as human fleshlights and cumdumpsters. sucking off guys who think of you as dirty subhuman trash is fun! I love it. a boyfriend introduced me to it in high school and I have loved it ever since.
    3 points
  17. My first attempt at writing. I hope people enjoy ______________________________________ PART 1: I'm Jason average white 33 yo man who takes our for fun football league too seriously. I've been playing on this one team for about 5 years now and we are decent enough. Our team has one gay guy on our team, His name is Jackson. Tall, hairy and firmly in the muscle bear category. All out girlfriends and wives say if he was straight he would have had every one of them, so we were kind of glad he stuck to the men. He's pretty aggressive in the field but it's well known that he is the receiver in his relationship. One day after a particularly hard loss we are trying to figure out what happened. "Jackson what the fuck happened out there, you werent stopping shit from getting past you" I yelled "I know my head wasn't in it today, I won't let it happen again" he replied looking like a wounded puppy. I calmed down at my teammates clear state of hurt. "What's up man this isn't like you?" "Brandon left me for some college twink" "OH shit. Well fuck him then. You just need to have a good night out and by this time next week you'll completely forget who Brennan was" "Brandon" "He doesn't matter, the team will take you to your favorite bar and we'll get you laid. The hottest guys won't be able to keep their hands off you" He perks up a bit at that idea "thanks guys" he finishes packing his gear and heads out. "What the fuck man" the team captain said "we aren't going to a fucking gay bar. Having him on the team is one thing but going out with him is too much" the entire team nodded in agreement. "Well if you want him playing better we have to do something" I answered, silent stares from my team, "fine, I'll do it myself" That Friday night I kissed my wife goodnight as i was going to crash a Jackson's house since it was closser to the bar. I dressed up in a black button down and jeans so I was a bit surprised when he answered his door in skin tight jeans, a wife beater with some black leather underneath. He looked me up and down for a min then said "Yeah you're going to stick out dressed like that come in I'll get you some gear" Gear? What does he mean by gear? I followed him inside to his bed room and he throws a bunch of leather on the bed and "try this on and we'll go from there" I hesitated for a min "I've seen you ass naked ever week for the last 5 years hurry up already" I turn my back to him and slowly put on his leather which fits pretty well and the smell and feel gets me hard right a way. Confused at the pleasure I'm getting I check myself out in the mirror. I'm dressed in leather pants tall leather boots and a leather vest. All black with bits of red pipping all over it. "Perfect" he exclaimed at my clearly uncomfortable face. "Let's go now" He lived about 10min walk from the bar so we walk over. We get to the bar and walk in the dark entrance. "Can I have a bag for our clothes" he asks coat check. As he straps of the wife beater and jeans. We throw that and a shirt I wore to cover up a bit while we walked over in the bag and pay to store it. I now got to see his actual outfit. It was simple. Just a harness, a jock strap and boots, all with yellow pipping similar to my red. "I usually wear rubber for what I want to do tonight but I got a last minute desire for leather" He enter the bar and I follow behind him. The bar was dimly lit and smelled of sweat. The bar proper was at the front with some seating around it and near by, at the far end of the room was a more open area with a smaller bar and some small standing tables. I think the back area might double as a dance floor on different night but tonight it just had people standing and talking or so I thought. Jackson was right, if I had worn my clothes I would have stuck out like a sore thumb everyone was wearing leather rubber or neoprene I stare at the decent size crowd and I have no idea what I've gotten myself into. We go to the bar and order drinks we spend most of the night chatting and I try to be his wing man but I think I was causing more harm than good. I thought the entire night was a bust until we came back from the bathroom with the biggest grin on his face and the closer I get I notice he's wet too now. "What happened to you?" "Quik bj then the guy rewarded me with a quick golden shower" stunned I changed the subject. I didn't know how to handle all this new information about him being kinky. "I was expecting you to have invited some gay friends too to help with things I didn't know too much about" "Yeah all my gay friends were more Brandon's than mine so when he dumped me, they did too. I take it no one else from the team wanted to go to a fag bar." "Hey!!!! just because they weren't comfortable coming to a gay bar doesn't mean we use those kind of words when you aren't there" "I know. It's my word I chose because I like being a fag not because I thought you used it" "OH why would you use fag then?" "Because I am one" "Why because you're gay?" "No it's because I'm a fag" "What does that mean?" "I'll teach you over time" For the next few hours Jackson chats with some guys as I stay awkwardly by the bar. Jackson comes back to me after chatting with some buff hairy guy in a fancy hat. "I think that's it for the night, thanks for coming with me" he said. we got our clothes and started walking home "I'm just glad you had a good time, was it just the one guy in the bathroom?" "Yeah" too bad the buff guy at the end seemed interested in you" "he is, but that's a more long term thing. I told him I wanted to wait a bit longer before pursuing what he wanted" Getting to his house I go to his room to leave his leather in there. I struggle getting the tight pants off because of the alcohol but he helps me balance myself and I get them off without killing me. "Am I just on the couch?" "Nah you can have the bed ill have the couch" I lay down naked on his bed and start to doze off a bit when I feel a light touch on my thigh "Hey what are you doing" I asked "Thanking you properly for being there for me" he start to massage my thighs a bit and it feels really good so I don't protest any more. And then I feel something wet and warm on my abdomen I look down and seem him kissing and licking me. "Wow dude I'm not gay" I try to push him off me but he is bigger than me and seems less drunk than I am. "Don't worry dude, just enjoy yourself" he keeps going and brings his kisses lower and lower until he's licking my shaft it's all feeling good and I'm thinking the is the best feeling I have had in a while then he put my cock in his mouth. I have to agree with the say gay men give better head. This was possibly the best blow job I have ever had in my life I was on cloud nine but my drunk head kept going back to our conversation about him being a gmfag earlier "What did you mean earlier by teach me about being a fag" he doubled his efforts and embarrassingly quickly I finish in his mouth. In the haze of my climax and the alcohol I don't hear what he says but I feel a ring go around my softening cock and a cold piece of plastic cover it and I fall asleep as he clicks the lock closed "good night my new favorite cock" and he takes a picture.
    2 points
  18. “Where am I?” This was the first coherent thought to form in my addled brain. My head felt three times too large for my body and like it was stuffed with cotton. I also couldn’t really move my limbs or make my body work at all. Forming thoughts was like trying to swim through mud. I was aware that things were not normal, but what had happened remained a mystery. I was desperately trying to remember what had happened to me, but details were slippery and elusive. Eventually, with much willpower, I was able to open my eyes. It seemed to take forever for them to focus and resolve any image of my surroundings. It was dim, wherever I was. And the light was red and inconsistent. Flickering. Again, with effort, I was able to move my head a little and look around. The walls were dark and rough and seemed to be made of stone. I couldn’t see a ceiling above me- only blackness. I did note that there were chains extending upward at the four corners of by body, and that my wrists and ankles were apparently bound to them, immobilizing me. I was splayed out spread-eagle like the Vitruvian man, and I was laying on a cold, smooth surface. Lifting my head was next to impossible, but I managed it just long enough to confirm that I was indeed naked. My head crashed back down to the hard surface with a conk making me see stars. I shivered then, partly from the chill and partly from fear Long moments passed, but gradually I regained more and more of my senses. Whatever chamber I was entombed in was large- I could tell my the occasional small sounds and how they echoed and bounced around the space, only to be eventually swallowed up by the darkness above. The light was coming from a small number of torches (torches!) set into the walls. It was like something out of a medieval fever dream. When I regained some strength, I tried tugging my arms free- but to no avail. The thick chains barely moved and only clinked a couple times. I was now awake enough to start panicking. Wherever I was, it wasn’t good. This was a seriously fucked up situation and I was clearly in danger. My heart started to pound. I tried to call for help, but my mouth was dry and my tongue was thick in my mouth. The adrenaline shot to my system cleared my brain of the remaining fog. Pieces of the previous night started to assemble like a puzzle in my brain. I had been out celebrating my 18th birthday. Since all my friends had gone off to college, I was by myself and feeling fairly blue about it. I remember I went to the local dance club, just so I could be around people. A handsome, older guy started talking to me
 what was his name? Something unusual. He saw my underage wristband, and I remember telling him it was my birthday. He offered to sneak me a birthday shot and I remember declining because I didn’t really drink because it was illegal
 but he brought me one anyway. He brought a shot for himself too, and he coerced me into having it. “A man only turns 18 once—you need to celebrate!” he had said. The shot was called
 “Devil’s Blood”? Or something like it. I think it was fireball and grenadine and who knows what else. I remember it was sweet, and hot. He then asked me out on the dancefloor. I remember thinking that he was really hot, but way too old for me. But hey. Nobody else was asking me to dance so why not? The music pulsed and the lights were hypnotic and I remember feeling my insides getting all warm and gooey. I vaguely remember him hitting on me, and me demurring because I wasn’t looking for that. I was waiting to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend- I wasn’t sure which yet. I think I told him that I was just looking to be around people and to cut loose a little. And that’s about all I remember. Until now. So here I was- naked on some sort of slab. In a real life fucking dungeon. Chained up. The reality of my situation had taken root— I was probably going to die. My mind started working on next steps, but was coming up empty. Ice formed in the pit of my stomach and I got really scared. I’m not ashamed to admit that I pissed myself in that moment. It was then that I heard it. Footsteps. I could hear the uneven cadence and scrape/crunch of several pairs of feet walking slowly out of the shadows. Above the footsteps was a low hum of male voices. Musical. Like a slow chant. Out of the shadows then emerged 5 men in long, dark robes. At least I think they were men. They all had on masks that obscured their faces. The masks were those of skulls—animalistic in nature. Four of the masks were jet black. Glossy. Horned. The fifth was gold. The four in black masks carried what appeared to be small, handheld drums. The one wearing the gold mask carried an old, leatherbound book the color of oxblood in one hand. In the other he carried a stilleto. My heart raced with fear, as my mind jumped to all sorts of terrifying outcomes. The four took up positions at my feet and hands and when they were in place the humming stopped. The one in the gold mask walked to the figure at my left hand. The figure held out his right hand and the stiletto made a quick slash to his thumb. The figure made a gladiator “thumbs down” gesture and I watched the blood trickle off his hand to the floor. This ritual was repeated at the other three figures. Then the fifth stood at my head, out of my view. I watched in sick fascination as The Four slowly raised some sort of bone-shaped drumstick. And then as one, they struck their drums. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. A slow, steady beat began. The one in gold at my head started chanting in a language I could not identify. His words snaked and wove through the beats of the drums. The Four took up the chant as well. Slowly the tempo increased and the chanting got louder. As this was happening, the torchlight seemed to increase with the flames leaping higher of their own accord. This brought the figures into sharp relief. I could see that the Four were drumming on crude drums with rough skin like parchment, and with what appeared to be actual bones- like the knobby leg bone of an animal. Or human. The chant had now crescendoed to a fever pitch and the drummers were beating like my racing heart. Then suddenly, without warning, everything stopped. The drummers dropped to their knees as one, and from above my head I heard the One in gold whisper something— guttural and wicked. Then there was a bright, blinding flash like a camera strobe. My nose caught the strong smell of sulfur. When my eyes readjusted, there was a dim red glow in the room- like a photography dark room. I looked over at the torches on the wall, and they flames all appeared to be frozen—low and unwavering in their iron holders. The Five men in robes were also caught mid-motion. And the room was eerily quiet—like being in a sound proof recording studio. It was as if time itself had stopped- except for me. And the demonic thing now standing in my presence. I stared, completely unsure of what I was looking at. At the end of the slab where I lay stood a
 thing. A beast? Man? Both? It had a general human form
 but it was different. Distorted. Much more Sinister. I could tell it was big. Like 7 feet tall and broad across the chest and shoulders. The head was large and bald, and atop were two great, black, curling horns, like those of a ram. Instead of eyes, there were empty voids- like deepest, darkest space. The mouth, a lipless slash, crowded with sharp, pointy teeth. The flesh appeared scalded and shiny—like scarred skin-- tight across the body. Muscles stood out in sinewy relief, as if they were barely covered in flesh. The arms were muscular and disproportionately long, terminating in hands with too many fingers, each with a talon instead of a nail. And did I see the hint of dark wings behind? It appeared to be regarding me, with its unwavering dark gaze, and I was utterly petrified. My mind wanted to believe that I was drugged. Hallucinating this terrible image. But somewhere in the deep recesses of my animal brain, I knew this was real. Real And beyond my rational beliefs. “Wh
?” I managed to croak out, before the sound died on my lips. The creature continued to stare at me with those empty voids in its face. The longer I stared into them, the more I began to see things swimming in their depths. Terrible things. I looked away, shivering uncontrollably. “Who or what I am does not matter, human,” it said in a rusty, scrapey, deep voice. “They have summoned me, and I have come. The fools! Even now, they have no inkling of the true nature of the forces with which they play. If they did they would have fled from this place in terror. But no. To them this was a mere game; they did not truly believe. I do not brook the follies of man and there will be repercussions. And yet
 they deliver unto me such tasty flesh to defile
” “P-p-p-please don’t kill me! Oh God protect me! Oh Jesus please save me!” I prayed. The creature laughed then- a sound like glass inside a garbage disposal. “Those empty words have never held power or sway! There is no mercy here! You of virgin flesh are bound to me in this moment outside of time, as I am bound in this earthly space. But I will grant you this knowledge, human. Death is not immediately forthcoming. You have been chosen as the Vessel.” I struggled mightily against the chains, but to no avail. I twisted and pulled and screamed, but my binds would not yield. The creature watched me placidly as I expended my energy. When the fight finally left me, I sagged back onto the slab. “A Vessel for what,” I whispered, defeated. “You have heard of AIDS, yes?” it asked. I nodded, horrified. “The first virus was passed to a Vessel through a union much like this. We needed a fertile male host—one that would pass on his demon seed to many others, eventually casting them all down in sin. That Vessel performed
 admirably.” “Are you telling me you unleashed HIV on the world and infected millions of men on purpose?” I sobbed. “Yes.” “You monster!” I spat. The creature grinned. “I believe Incubus would be more accurate, although we do not concern ourselves with human labels.” “Well, we have pre and post exposure protocols now. And drugs to combat your virus so humans can live long, productive lives. So even if you infect me
” I began bravely. “Hence the need for a new Vessel,” the Incubus interrupted. “The time has come for a new virus. One that will not be so easily tamed. One that will again spread through humanity’s sinners. The Fornicators. The drug users. The adulterers. Hastening their demise and bringing them more quickly to my Master’s fold.” “No
” I pleaded. “Now we begin,” the Incubus stated. His mouth of teeth opened menacingly, and a long, black tongue snaked out of the orifice. Longer than my brain could comprehend
 3 feet? 4 feet? And it undulated and rippled like an earthworm. I watched as the demon slowly sank down between my legs, and then I felt it. His tongue was teasing and lapping against my asshole. It was hot- almost to the point of uncomfortably so, but not quite. “Ah, it has been too long since I have tasted the sweetness of man,” it said. And then the tongue started slowly inching its way inside me. Feeling the heat of it penetrate inside me was intense. The creature was right about me being a virgin. I’d never done anything with anyone ever before, as I had grown up in a fairly strict household. All I had time for was school, swimming, my after-school job, church
 and masturbation. I’d never even kissed a girl
 or a boy. As I thought about this, I had the faint memory of telling the man at the bar that I was “eighteen and never been kissed”. With that one statement, I’d probably sealed my fate and landed myself as a human sacrifice. At first I was horrified and frightened and revolted by the invasion into my body. Even in all my masturbation and self-exploration, I’d never come anywhere near my butthole. The sensation was completely foreign—but not unwelcome. The thick, hot tongue continued pulsing and snaking its way inside. Deeper and deeper. At the prostate it seemed to pause and explore and
 caress making me shiver with nervous adrenaline. And I found it increasingly difficult not to get aroused. I felt sick. I was being violated by this sex demon from what I could only guess was hell (or some hellish plane of existence) and yet here I was, strangely turned on by it. Overwhelmingly so. I railed against it. Reprimanding myself with my internal monologue for feeling this way. Telling myself to resist—that I should be disgusted. That I was being raped for god’s sake! But the waves of pleasure were too much to ignore. My dick was soon teenage steel and straining toward the ceiling. It was almost painful and I couldn’t touch it at all to relieve it. And still the tongue explored my insides- pushing deeper. I felt it’s heat as it teased some deep barrier inside me, where I was sure it would stop. But it tickled and twirled at this place and my breath quickened. Soon it worked up past it and beyond and the wave of pleasure created made my body start to shake. I felt my body open and relax as my head lolled to one side. The creature chuckled at this- that horrible glass grinding sound again. I don’t know how long that tongue violated my guts as I lost all sense of the flow of time. Hours? Days? Years? All I know is that I could feel that tongue snaking all the way up into me. When I would occasionally lift my head, I could see the creature’s head moving subltly between my legs and I could see the tongue move and writhe beneath the taut flesh of my stomach. It reminded me of that one time I saw a baby move beneath the skin of a pregnant woman and was creeped out. Slowly the tongue withdrew from me, and I found myself missing the hot presence inside my intestines. Almost craving to be filled again
 and I hated myself for feeling this way. Then the beast stood up slowly, my eyes tracking his movement. As he brought himself to his full height, I saw it. A massive phallus arcing up and away from his body, glossy and deep red. The wedge-shaped ruddy head reached up to the middle of his chest. It was definitely not human-proportioned- not even porn proportioned. I had never seen anything so massive
 not even on the horses on our farm. My eyes got large as the slow realization of what was coming next became apparent. “No
 please! I can’t. IT can’t! It’s not possible. You said I wouldn’t die, but that will kill me.” I begged him. But it fell on deaf ears. “Human males are preferable virgin sacrifices, although harder to find. They can endure and their anatomy is more
 compliant. Human females, while accommodating in their own way, have limited depth and tend to
 thus rendering them disposable,” it graveled out. At this point I started crying in earnest. I could see what was coming and it scared the shit out of me. I had no choice. No control. This wasn’t what I wanted
 or was it? But after the tongue exploration, there was a teeny-tiny part of my brain that was, dare I say, titillated? And that knowledge scared me even more. I watched as it gripped its massive prong in one taloned fist, and then pushed it downward to align with my asshole. I was sobbing and shaking my head, but I knew my situation was hopeless. I was basically pinned like a butterfly on this stone slab, about to be split in half. I felt the hot, triangular head pushing insistently against my asshole and I thought there was no way it would be able to enter—not without considerable pain and irreparable damage. But
 it was weird. I could feel it start to slide in. The heat pulsing off that huge member was intense as it pushed past by sphincter. But it didn’t hurt for some reason. I could feel immense pressure, and an uncomfortably full feeling pervading my guts, but no pain. For some reason, due to some magic or demon novocaine, the entry wasn’t accompanied by the mind-shattering agony I was prepared for. Rather, it was- dare I say- pleasurable? It was a similar sensation to the tongue that had come before. I could feel it inside me. The heat. The fullness. The inexorable penetration. But where the tongue slithered and snaked around inside, this sensation was just of firm flesh invading my deepest recesses. Again, I felt the beast appendage impact somewhere deep inside me at meet resistance, and again I figured this was the extent of how far he would be able to go without tearing me internally. But there was some additional pressure, a slight stab of pain, and then
 oh, and then! Goddamn. I could feel a slight ‘pop’ and the massive meat had pushed past beyond my barrier and was now invading deeper into me. Where the tongue had gone. The waves of pleasure as it continued into me were intense and almost more than I could bear. my sobs and tears had stopped and I believe I cried out in ecstasy, but I can’t be sure because my mind was blown at this point. After what felt like an eternity, I felt the creature’s hot groin pressed against my ass, and I knew that he was all the way inside and I had somehow survived. I don’t know where all that dick went, but every breath was a struggle it felt like it was lodged below my sternum, somewhere up near my heart. Then, the cock started a slow withdrawal from my body. Every inch that it retreated left me feeling hollow and empty. Eventually, the Incubus only had the head remaining inside me. Then he started to push inside again, only a tiny bit faster. This process repeated many times- so many that I lost count. The only thing I was aware of was the core of heat inside my body when he was inside me, and the feeling of fullness and pleasure. Again, all this was completely happening outside of time itself, so I don’t have any perspective of how long this back and forth went inside my guts. It felt like years were passing with each thrust. As the fuck continued, my body eventually completely gave itself over to lust and desire. I had relaxed to the point where my insides were fully accepting his demon dick. All thoughts of impropriety had long since fled and I was feeling nothing but dizzying pleasure at being impaled on his massive shaft. I found that I couldn’t get enough. I wanted this demon’s dick in me for eternity. I wanted him to never stop. I know I was moaning and screaming and making noises of ultimate pleasure every time he bottomed out inside me and I was actively trying to throw myself further into him. “Yessssssssssss,” the Incubus hissed. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard. “Submit unto me! Accept your fate!” He was staying further inside me now. Rarely pulling out beyond half before thrusting inside again. And the thrusts were harder. His groin bruising my ass. I found myself staring into the voids that were its eyes as the fucking continued. It felt like I was falling into a bottomless well of lust and desire, that sensation of falling without hitting bottom. Mixed with the sensation of his giant cock deliciously rearranging my insides. As his tempo slowly increased further, his tongue slowly snaked out of his mouth and found it’s way to mine. I felt the hot, black, roughness enter my mouth and start to push down my throat into my esophagus. Normally I would have started gagging uncontrollably at this, but again. As if by demon magic, I was just able to accept his tongue down my throat. The heat signature slowly crept downward into my belly—and beyond. I was taking sustaining breaths through my nostrils now, as the demon pounded me furiously while tongue-fucking my throat and stomach. I think his cock and tongue made connection and completed the circuit inside me. My body was vibrating from his double penetration, pleasure beyond all reason and measure crashing into me, through me, over me. It felt like I had been edged up to the point of an orgasm for a lifetime without release and my body was going crazy with desire. His tempo was frenzied now, and he was growling. A horrifying sound that seemed to rend the air. I could feel the triangular spear shaped tip of his cock start to swell up inside me. Taking up more and more room within. It grew to where it felt like it was half the width of my torso, yet my willing body took it. Craved it. Needed it. I could barely breathe as it was affecting my diaphragm and lungs. The red light in the room had grown steadily with the demon’s passion. It morphed with the fuck, moving into orange, then yellow, then white, then brilliant incandescence. My eyes closed tight to shield them from the intensity. “IT IS TIME!” the Incubus bellowed. “WITH THIS SEED YOU BECOME THE VESSEL!” And with that, the demon cock erupted inside me. Scalding hot semen pulsed from that massive head, flooding into me. It burned with a pleasure-pain that caused my body to buck and shake uncontrollably. I contorted and writhed with full body orgasms as volumes of poisonous demon seed poured into me, filling me- searing my viscera. I could feel his molten jism actually rising like gorge in my throat. The salty, sulfurous, metallic taste making me gag. It was like I was burning alive from the inside, but without pain. It felt like a fever, but a fever of 451°F. I couldn’t breathe or move and it felt like I might burst apart into flame. But slowly
 ever so slowly
 this feeling diminished. With every throb of my pulse, the heat within grew less and less, like I was ejecting my corona into space like a dying star. Eventually, I felt like I could breathe again, and I could feel the cool, wetness of the stone under my back. I slowly opened my eyes. Smoke hung thick in the air which again smelled of sulfur. In the haze the Incubus was nowhere to be seen. I noticed that I was no longer bound by the chains—they just hung impotently around me. I pushed myself into a seated position for the first time in what felt like a millennia and swayed a little unsteadily. I was woozy and felt severely dehydrated and also
 different. Slowly I began to take inventory of my body. I looked down and noted that I was covered by crusty, black soot from head to toe, like I’d been in a fire. Also my chest and belly were coated in semen (which I somehow knew was mine) making the soot on my torso streaky and sticky. The demon had fucked what appeared to be a week’s worth of cum out of me. Speaking of my body
 I found it had changed markedly. I was more muscular than I had been before. My shoulders and chest much broader. My arms bulging. My legs thick and strong. I felt longer of limb and that when I stood I would be taller. I was leaner, too, with deep muscular definition. And lo! I had chest hair! I had been a hairless, skinny, twink before— but now? But without a doubt the biggest change was to my dick. The flesh now hanging between my legs was certainly NOT what I had before. Before I was just a guy with an unremarkable cock. Average. Nothing that stood out or was noticed in the swim locker room or gym class by any means. But now? Flaccid it was hanging to just north of mid thigh. I could fell the meaty weight of it, and I instinctively knew it would expand to become a real cuntwrecker. As these changes sank in, I slowly started to realize that I felt different inside as well. I felt confident
 no, cocky. Strong. Sure of myself. Brave. Sexy. Fearless. And dangerous. When I looked for the Five men in Robes, I noticed them laying on the floor in disarray at the five points where they had been. Eventually they stirred faintly and moaned a bit as they came to. I heard one of them mutter, “Dude, what the fuck just happened?” When they had revived enough and saw me seated and unshackled, they were visibly shaken. The one in the gold mask looked at me and said, “Who are you?” “I was the virgin manchild you brought here as a sacrifice, but no longer. Now I am the Vessel. Now I am Gift of Death.” They all turned and ran. Just as the Incubus had said, they were fools. They meddled with dark forces and in turn have released Me unto the world. The new Vessel. They would soon come to rue their choices, of that I was sure. And then eventually to Him. I would start with the man in the gold mask. The seducer from the club. The “high priest” as it were. I followed them at a leisurely pace, their cries echoing through the rough hewn chamber, leading me on to the exit. Thoughts of my future formed as I walked. I could not go home now—the 18 year old that entered this chamber was dead. As the Vessel, I needed to sow my seed far and wide. Perhaps I should become a hitchhiker? A truck driver? A male prostitute? “No,” I said with a smile. “I will become a flight attendant.”
    2 points
  19. I have a FB who likes to breed me, I am his on call cum-dump. I love it, it's no nonsense breeding. He calls, I come over, I strip in the living room, I get ass up on his bed, he uses my hole, dumps his load in me and then I am up and on my way. It's a great arrangement for us both. He is a great fuck, we fit together great. Love when he breeds me. He has been wanting to share my hole with another top, I'm game. He arranged to have another top come over, but the top wanted it totally anon, me ass up blindfolded. I think thats great. I love an anon blindfolded fuck. I am told they are going to tag team me. SO fucking hot! So I lube up before I leave my house, I'm ready. I arrive at his apartment before the other top. I strip, wearing a jock strap, a harness and high socks (at the request of my fuck bud). I get in position. I start sucking my FB while we wait for the other top to arrive. I read on the top's profile he likes to also suck cock and my FB says be patient as the other top wants to suck him some first. It might happen in the living room before they come in to fuck me. I wait there blindfolded, the tension builds, I am loving it, I take a hit of poppers as I listen for clues. I hear belts being un-buckled, I hear pants dropping to the floor. Its so hot I wait with anticipation. They enter the room and I feel hands touching my ass as I am ass up waiting. I feel a nice slap on the ass and groans of delight!! I love getting my ass slapped (I have a nice fuckable ass). Now that I am blindfolded, I can't really see who or what's going on. I can only guess. I feel a cock pushing at my hole. I back up onto it. No need to go easy, I love it when a guy DIVES IN and enters me! I can take it. I think it's the other top at this point. Every one has their fuck style. Now I think the other top is standing over me and the top whose cock is in me is sucking my fuck buds cock. Not sure, but thats what I think is going on. I am getting fucked, loving it, The top pulls out, the other cock enters me, they repeat this several times. Each taking their turn fucking my hole. I hear groans of delight, my FB telling the other top how I take his cock whenever he asks, that he always breeds me raw! Then I hear my fuck bud say, Let me in, I am going to breed him. My fuck bud breeds my hole with a nice wet load...... Oh, GOD does that feel good. He pulls out and the second top enters me. There is nothing like the great feeling of a the second cock entering a nicely cum lubed hole. I absolutely love that feeling of a nice cock using the first guys cum as lube!! The second top pounds my hole, then pulls out to jerk himself to climax and then dives into my hole spewing his load inside!! SO hot!! He pulls out, he's done!! My FB enters me to just feel the slippery cum filled hole. The second top heads out to get dressed and leave. My FB escorts him out as I lay there in pig heaven thinking about the anon cum inside me!! So fucking hot. I lay there until my FB comes back!! Then I get up and get dressed and I head home with two nice wet loads in my hole. My FB says he is talking with other tops as he wants to do this again!! I can't wait!!
    2 points
  20. Also 63 here, top and in demand
    2 points
  21. 63 dad here. Will be 64 this year. Average cock that loves fucking and breeding. Never enough. High sex drive and multi cummer. It does surprise me that so many want daddy cock and seed. I’m happy to donate when I can.
    2 points
  22. When I Top I just think about how amazing his ass looks wrapped around my cock. How his hole is going to be flooded with cum and how it will look leaking out of his ass when I pull out. When I Bottom I think about how good it must feel for the Top and I think about his hard dick inside me.
    2 points
  23. Which brings up my old adage: "If X is true, then why is it true"? Bareback vs condoms is an issue with a couple of connotations: the (relative) safety of Breeding with the benefit of all the inoculations, meds available to prevent serious illness to a very high degree, and preserving the thrill of sharing our sexual essence with our peers, vs settling for half the cookie using unnatural barriers. Bareback is the only real way to achieve a deeper connection not only with our own Lusts, but a deeper connection to the man we're Breeding with - Top or bottom. We can far more readily "connect" with the *real* man directly, via raw Cock Breeding raw Hole, than through some interfering barrier. I'm not commenting on the issue of safety here - only on the issue of real, actual emotional, spiritual, connection not only with the man we're sharing sex with, but with our own expression of who and what we are. The barriers prevent illness (if they don't break), but so do the immunizations, preventative medications, and without any blocking of the potential for intense, sweet, fulfilling, thrilling and constant connection with our brothers. Thus, we realize what some of the other respondents are saying above: There is a far more thrilling connection to our Lusts, our souls, our essence without barriers, and an exponentially deeper connection not only with our own inborn needs, but the needs, Lusts of the men we fuck. Or, put another way, without the Sperm, the sex isn't as exciting, fulfilling as it could be. And that's why X definitely IS true. It really IS all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
    2 points
  24. Because it just feels so good to serve a hard erect man. Mentally it just feels right to make his cock hard and do whatever he needs to get off.
    2 points
  25. The same thing - a poz conversion. AIDS is a condition, a stage in the status of being HIV-positive. It's defined as: --being HIV-positive with a CD4+ T-cell count below a certain threshold (200 cells per cubic milliliter of blood) OR CD4+ T-cells accounting for less than 14% of all lymphocytes, AND --one or more of several infections, known as opportunistic infections, which are generally not found in individuals unless their immune system is seriously compromised. When a person is first infected with HIV, the level of virus particles in his system ordinarily spikes very high, but the body's own immune system, normally, brings it down considerably after the immune system learns to fight the virus. But since HIV is constantly mutating as it replicates, the human immune system is constantly under attack; in effect, the body eventually can't keep up with the changes, and the immune system gets overcome (the lowered number of T-cells). Once one of the opportunistic infections happens, the person officially has AIDS. Being on HIV treatment interferes with the HIV particles being able to replicate, so their count remains low and the immune system isn't overwhelmed. We don't know for sure that HIV treatments will work forever - we don't have any test patients who, say, were infected at age 18 and who are now 78 and have had 70 years of treatment. But at this point, especially as new drugs that work well and have fewer side effects are developed, an optimistic outlook would be that we can, for the foreseeable future, continue to treat HIV in patients and keep them otherwise healthy for decades. But even untreated, it takes some time (multiple years, typically) for an HIV-infected person to progress to AIDS, assuming he doesn't have other underlying health conditions that would take a toll on his immune system faster. For instance, if a person were to get infected unknowingly while undergoing cancer treatments that already suppressed his immune system, HIV might progress to AIDS very rapidly if not treated promptly.
    2 points
  26. One of the precepts of social protocol at the Baths is that it’s best NOT ask about Status. Yes, you may be asked to put on a Condom, but rarely will you be asked if you're POZ or NEG. It's generally assumed, erroneously so, that POZ guys will either seek out other POZ guys or do without. Case in point: I invited two hot Latino Boys to my room. They were Lovers, and had never done a three-way before. We started off sixty-nining, and the older one whispered that he'd love to see me fuck his BF. The BF in question was maybe five years younger, early twenties, slender, and really cute. I was all about tagging his Ass, so I mounted the Cunt. Just as I was about to slide in, he said, "Wait! Put on a Condom!" I tried to hide my vexation, and thought I could start with a Condom and slip it off later. But once I had the Rubber in place, the Kid changed his mind, and wouldn't let me fuck him at all. Frustrated, I made myself clear. "OK. I'm gonna to lie back and close my eyes. Either one of you climbs on my Dick, or there’s the door." The Older One eased his Cunt down on my rubber-coated Shaft. Though the Latex cut the sensation, he made a valiant effort, rocking back and forth on my Rod, as his nervous Lover looked on. While the Kid was distracted unscrewing his Poppers, the Boyfriend slipped off the Condom and pressed it into my palm. NOW THAT WAS MORE LIKE IT! I could feel his slimey Pussy milkin' my Death Stick. He whispered in my ear, "Bareback is Better!" and he didn’t know how right he was. We switched positions so that I was on Top fucking him Doggy style, and he leaned forward and whispered to his young Paramour that it was cool cause we were doing safe sex. The Youngster was getting fucked up on his Poppers, so he was slow to react when I pulled out of his Lover and plunged into him. Between his high from the Poppers and the exhortations of his Lover, he was more amenable to getting fucked than before. He made a few futile attempts to see if I was still sheathed; but his quick-witted Lover arrested his hand, assuring him I was okay. It didn't take long for the older Dude to shoot all over us, and my own Balls were tingling. I didn't let on as I began to spasm and spurt, so the Youth didn't have a clue I was breeding his Ass. To top it all off, I made a great show of toying with the discarded Rubber, like I was rolling it off. As they left, the Senior blew me a kiss. In response I ran my hand over his departing Butt. My lone regret was that I had only one LOAD to share between the two of them, and I hadn't bred the Elder, too.
    2 points
  27. Hell, I'm one lucky Daddy. I got a 23 yo boy's ass and mouth always ready for breeding and feeding!
    2 points
  28. Earlier this morning - a nice big load went up the arse of a 20 year old Pakistani guy. I've met up with him a few times now - usually very early in the morning when he's on his way to work at the airport. He likes it from behind and I fucked him bent over the settee in the living room, pants and trousers down at his knees and shot my cum deep into him. He's got a really fit arse - quite hairy, with very tight hole. His girlfriend and family have no idea he likes it up the arse. I asked him once if he was on Prep and he said "What's that?" So I guess that's a no.
    2 points
  29. **This is a work of fantasy and fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Nothing in this work should be construed as medical advice in any way** Chapter VI: Outsourcing the Infection: It’s been almost three weeks since the joint pozzing of the twins Caleb and Callum
they haven’t yet exhibited any signs of the fuck flu but as both of them headed back to college after Spring Break — Caleb back to Florida and Callum back to Berkeley - they promised they would take the home tests at the first sign of anything. But the knowledge that I have successfully converted them - for I know it in my soul and I know it in my fat pierced poz cock whenever I think about it - has sustained me during this busy work period. That, and the fact that I had only 4 days until some time off and my flight to Chicago to get my viral load into unsuspecting Instagay Kyle. Speaking of work, it had gotten real busy lately with various projects I was heading up, this was interfering with my time and opportunity to elevate guys into the brotherhood. Just about all the free time i had during the day was when i would go for a run early in the morning. One such morning, after running for a bit, I stripped off my shirt as usual, proudly displaying the poz tattoo I had worked so hard for, and which I was working hard on getting my first “X” to signify my membership in The Ten. I had 2 confirmed pozzing in Justin and Benny and 2 I know were poz just not officially yet in the twins, but I was never gonna be satisfied with only 4 successful conversions, not if I wanted that X. As I’m making my way back to the building, an older man I see sometimes walking his dog waved me over to him. Nearing him, he called out to me: “Does that tattoo mean what I think it means, son?” “Sure does,” I said instantly, having reached the point in this journey of not caring who knows it. “So are you shooting blanks or live ammo,“ he asked. “100% toxic HVL, with 4 confirmed pozzings,” I answered proudly, counting Caleb and Callum who weren’t yet official but I knew it had happened. “Nice
I have a proposal for you, can you walk with me for a moment?” Intrigued, I walk with him and he explains his name is Mitch and he’s 75 years old. He’s in damn good shape for being 75, I think to myself. “I’ve been poz since before you were born, Randy.” Got it from my first-ever boyfriend - we were chorus boys on Broadway together. He is no longer with us. We were together 15 years before it took him, but somehow, it never took me. I got on meds as soon as they came out and I’ve been undetectable for over 20 years now.” “Oh, no,” I think to myself, “is this the start of a lecture?” He continued: “Which means at my age, it would be unwise to stop taking the meds, but my young boy, well he wants what you have.” He pulled out his phone and navigated to a picture of his boy who I learn is named Clark and is 28 years old. He and Mitch have been together for 6 years. “Don’t get me wrong,” Mitch went on, “I can still fuck him like I’m a young buck,” I just can’t give him what he needs, which is HIV. - how times change and I almost can’t believe I’m asking this, but would you be willing to poz my boy Clark? I would want to watch you do it, and i want to fuck your toxic load further into him after you’re done
that way, I’ll have a part in the process.” I am elated at this
the chance to infect a young guy like Clark with his older BF to watch! “You name the time and place, Mitch, it’ll be my pleasure to poz him up for you!” MItch and I exchange numbers and it turns out he lives only around the corner from me. “I’ll go home now and tell him the good news, Randy,” Mitch exclaims “he’s gonna be so excited. He’s seen you jogging and the tattoo, but was too shy to ask himself.” We go our separate ways and I make my way back to my building and as I’m putting the key in the door, I sense someone behind the stairwell and quickly turn around but the figure has gone, I hear faint footsteps going down the stairs. Must be my building admirer, the one who taped that note to my door - he hasn’t made himself known to me since then, but I’m hoping he’ll work up the nerve to ask me to bring him into the poz brotherhood. In the meantime, I shower and sit down to my workday, which is a lot of meetings, mostly incredibly dull and I’m daydreaming about all the guys I’ve infected and still to convert over to poz. Just then, a text comes through from Caleb in Florida. An Oraquick home test: 2 lines. He’s poz! “You did it, Sir, just with 2 fucks and you took away the negativity in my life! Thank you! Before I even have a chance to respond, a new text comes through from Callum in Berkeley. Another home test and another poz result! “Look at this, Sir, you got me!” I’m so happy despite this terrible fuck flu! And I was so horny despite it I went out and fucked two guys at Steamworks last night!” I quickly made a group text with the twins “That’s it, boys, revel in your poz status and go forth and spread my strains!” I was now almost halfway to my first “X” to go next to my biotat, with 4 confirmed pozzings and now Mitch’s young boyfriend Clark would get me 50% of the way
 I text Mitch: “Great to meet you this morning. I’m ready whenever Clark and you are ready for the upgrade.” “Can you come over tomorrow night,” he responded, “I’ll have him ready for you.” I arrived at their house the next night at the appointed time, toothbrush in hand. Ringing the bell, I heard Mitch call out “It’s open, just come in.” In the back bedroom was Mitch who at 75 was still rocking a tight body - those years of dancing on stage really paid off for him. Mitch was balls deep up inside Clark, a cute slender guy on all fours while his 75-year old daddy boyfriend was pounding his ass. I could see from behind that Clark had a cock cage on which was swinging with Mitch’s pounding into him. Clark’s hands and feet were each bound with leather straps. I took out the toothbrush from my pocket, and Mitch looked over and said “Don’t bother with that, I brushed him up good before we started. I want to be as much a part of the process I can, so I thought I’d get his hole warmed up for you. I brushed it for a good 5 minutes before so he should be ready to receive.” With that he pulled out, a bright streak of blood red followed Mitch’s substantial cock out of Clark’s ass. “Once you cum in him, I’m gonna go back in a fuck it deeper into him if that’s OK.” “Hey, he’s your property, I’ll do whatever you want with him,” was my reply. Mitch moved over to in front of Clark and leaned in to speak to him a bit. “Here’s the top who will poz you, my boy.” You will take his cum and hopefully he’ll infect you with it, just like we talked.” “100% conversion rate, so no ‘hopefully’ about it, it will happen”, I tell them. Clark nodded OK and took Mitch’s hard cock deep down his throat. “OK,” Mitch said, pointing to me, “do it now,” I said my standard final warning: “This is where I say that once I’m in you, I won’t pull out until I poz you, no matter what” “Go for it,” Mitch urged. “Poz him up!” I mounted up on Clarks hole, my cock pre-cumming as usual from the excitement of getting to poz up another neg hole. Clark’s ass felt warm and silky from Mitch’s preparation of it for me; I knew this wouldn’t be a long fuck but it sure felt nice and warm. As I was working up on a stroke rhythm inside and out of Clark’s ass, Mitch held him and whispered some poz talk to him: “He’s gonna gift you now, you fucking whore” “You’re getting his HIV now, pig” “You gonna turn into a poz pup for me now!” I joined in a bit with “Already, my viral precum is infecting you, faggot!” “You’d getting pozzed as we speak!” All this poz talk got me close to popping as my cock inside Clark’s hole expanded even more in preparation for releasing my HIV into this kid’s hole
and soon it burst forth with about 10 injections of pure HVL poz seed. I collapsed over his back squeezing from my cock the last drops of virus for his scratched up hole. “OK, I’ll take it from here, thanks!” Mitch instructed and with that I withdrew from his BFs hole and Mitch walked around his boy, placing his fat cock back inside Clark as he fucked in my cum further inside his hole. “Fucking that toxic load into your hole now!” Turning to me, he said “Thanks a million, Randy. I’ll let you know if it worked. You can go now.” I leaned into Mitch to give him a deep kiss and as we separated from it he whispered “Thank you for pozzing him.” I put my still hard cock back into my jeans and quietly left them to fuck some more. On the walk back to my building, I checked my messages and my building admirer sent me a DM on twitter: “I’m ready for it, if you want to take me into the club. Apartment 4B, anytime.” My cock stirred once more
Entering my building, I pressed the elevator button for “4,” and I was now gonna be 60% of my goal. Today was a good day.
    2 points
  30. OK. After SIX long days, I think I've done enough to avoid problems with FOSTA/SESTA. Here's a brief run-down of what was done: The section on female escorts was made non-viewable. All members who said they were female were reviewed. About half were junk accounts and were deleted. All gallery images were reviewed and galleries with female genitalia were removed and infractions were given. All uses of the word 'escort' were reviewed. Judgement calls were made. Many threads and posts were hidden, others were edited (if changing a few words could bring it inline and not change the substance of what was being said too much), and others were left alone (mostly fiction and off-hand remarks). All instances of 'adultwork', 'rentboy' and 'rentmen' were changed slightly to break the links. The calendar was reviewed since escorts were posting ads there. A few people were found to be spamming the calendar and were given infractions. Going forward we will be giving infractions for inappropriate references to escorting. What's Allowed: Clearly fictional references to escorts and escorting. References to you having been an escort in the past. References to singular times when you hired an escort in the distant past. References to the fact that someone was an escort in the past (with no implication that they're still an escort). Discussions of the problems of being an escort (e.g. STDs, drugs, etc.) References to escorts and escorting in the sexual health section of the site (e.g. "I just hooked up with an escort and I'm worried about
") What's NOT Allowed: Mentions that you're currently an escort. Discussions about how you're thinking of being an escort. Mentions that you recently or regularly hire escorts. Mentioning that you want or intend to hire someone for sex. Requests asking where you can find the escort profile of a pornstar, or mentioning where to find escort profiles for pornstars. Asking if a pornstar escorts. Mentioning profiles on escort-only sites, or suggesting people visit escort sites. Gray Areas: Encouraging others to escort. OK: "You're so hot guys would totally pay to have sex with you." Not OK: "You should put an ad on Rent Boy – then you won't have so many money problems." Mentions that certain pornstars escort. OK: "Yeah, I saw that he was escorting a few years ago, not sure what he's doing now." Not OK: "Yeah, I saw an escort ad saying John Doe is coming to Miami next week." So basically if it facilitates or encourages escorting, it's not allowed. But escorts and escorting exists, so there are legitimate discussion of the topic. This is a sex forum and when money and sex mix, it's still OK to talk it over.
    1 point
  31. For the first day of 2023, I found myself in Dublin, Ireland. I was in Ireland for the holiday season. I wanted to check out the gay spa there before heading to other parts of Ireland. While preparing, I got hit up on BBRT by a guy who wanted to load me first. I certainly wasn’t going to turn that down! He had a decent cock which I sucked to hardness. We made out while he was fucking me with his tongue deep in me. The fuck didn’t last longer than 10 minutes till he was ready to blow. I would’ve preferred longer but it was nice to have that load in me to bring to the spa. I had a pleasant time at the spa. I would say the drive to get loads was mixed. I got a couple more loads, but they were several guys who insisted on using a condom (disappointing) as well as a few flaccid attempts to gain access to my ass. I had fun flirting with a cute 25-year-old who was into daddies. He said he was versatile, but then told me that he wanted me to fuck him. The best was a muscular 40 something year old with a great body and a 10 inch tool that knew how to use it. He remained rockhard and went from ass to ass. He fucked me several times and put me into the position that he wanted me in. I love when tops take control like that! He just oozed masculinity. While he fucked I realized that my tight hole needed more stretching to take him deep. I definitely tried, but I couldn’t get him in balls deep like I wanted so I could feel all 10 inches of his cock ramming my prostate. His rigidity and thickness was a challenge. He definitely left me hungry for more but I enjoyed the three times we fucked. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to obtain his load, but his attitude of dominance left me satisfied.
    1 point
  32. Looking for a tight bottom to take my thick big cock for hours and my loads
    1 point
  33. I’m not sure if I am bothering to post this here. Just talking to myself actually I guess. But three weeks ago. I had some major spinal surgery. The good news is, I’m finally walking again, if somewhat jerkily. The bad news is I finally got a look at the incision without any bandages any bandages over it. And I can’t say that it’s very attractive. It is a stupid concern, I admit, but we all have our vanity. And as I am pretty much a bottom, I wonder if it’s going to turn people off. Nothing really to be done about it. And there are certain benefits to walking again. Life, you know. I’m probably blowing the smallest worry into something bigger than it really is.
    1 point
  34. So true less lube! I prefer having the top spit on my hole for lube!
    1 point
  35. To answer the original OP from quite a while back - it's so easy to just become whorish if you are a bottom. If you are a bottom - what is there really to do but enjoy.? Sure you blow the guy till he's 100 percent erect, but after that the rest of the work is on him. You get into your favorite position, bing, bang, boom he cums and you move on to the next one. You don't necessarily cum because you are already thinking of the next one. This scenario is repeated at bath houses and sex clubs, if you are on certain apps and located in a convenient location in a major city, it's easy to do ten in a day. Try getting on Grindr on ANY day of the week in Wilton Manors, FL - lol. ( Not calling out Wilton Manors, but let's be realistic). You do your prep, you have everything you need to make the experience enjoyable for yourself and before you know it - they are at the front door. Don't feel bad, like it's "all about you" because it's not. He cums, that is his goal, you did your job to facilitate that. I set a rule for myself, I see how I am feeling after the fifth or sixth guy, and then I decide how many I wanna do that day. If I decide on 10, I don't cum until the 10th guy is fucking me. I've made a recent decision not to play where I live. Same cast of characters. So I drive to Orlando, Lauderdale, anywhere where I don't reside. Being the new guy in town seems to add to your numbers count........until of course three months later a guy shows up who fucked you in the summer and it's not January. Oh well, six months in-between isn't bad. I know guys change their profiles all the time, but I have started writing down screen names just to make sure not to duplicate my efforts.....
    1 point
  36. PigSon & his PigDad - Chapter 10 Dadd Jake and Daddy Will continued pounding both ends of Adam, while Klaus was about ready to dump his second mean load into Kyle, when the four new arrivals entered the Fuck Room: Fernando (Dadd Jake’s and Adam’s tattoo artist,) Andre (Dadd Jake’s dealer,) and two guys responding to the announcement that Dadd Jake posted at BBRT. “I’m done with you, for now faggot! Keep that blindfold on if you know what’s good for you” crowed Klaus, as he yanked his 9 inches out of Kyle’s wrecked hole, felched out what drippings of his mean seed he could, spit it into Kyle’s chest, pulled up his black leather pants and retreated to the corner of the room, to torch his pipe. Andre and Fernando, having stripped naked, approached each end of Kyle’s sling. “That’s two loads for the faggot,” announced Klaus to Dadd Jake, as Klaus placed two marks on Kyle’s ass with the magic marker. Almost simultaneously, Dadd Jake unloaded into Adam’s throat, while Daddy Will shot into his hungry hole. “And that’s two for you, baby,” said Dadd Jake to Adam. Knowing what his daddy wanted, Adam swallowed his sweet load, and retained Daddy Will’s. “Daddy,” said Klaus to his Daddy Will, passing his pipe and torch to him, and referring to Adam and Kyle, both still very spun from their booty bumps, “These two cumdumps are the main event here tonight, and when those two (referring to Andre and Fernando) are done with the faggot, I wanna fist their holes. Makes it easier to keep piss charging the both of them in the tub, as well as piping them, to keep them chemmed up. Or are we slamming them too?” Daddy Will replied, “Jake and Adam have never slammed, and they didn’t think Kyle should be at this event, having just started piping earlier today. Replied Dadd Jake, torching his pipe, , “They’re spun enough to enjoy your fist. I think piss charging and piping should be enough. And we can always (booty) bump them again.” Andre and Fernando wanted to play with both Adam and “fresh young meat” Kyle, and anyone else, in the comfort of Jake’s (larger) bed. The two other guys, Tom and Evan, who were hovering around Adam, were all in for that idea. Jake’s master bedroom, larger than the Fuck Room, was the best place for group play. Two other older guys, Jimmy and Fred, meanwhile, responding to the BBRT post, came up the stairs, hoping for some action. They asked for Jake, to let him know that there was a policeman, on the front porch, responding to Old Man Merkle’s complaints, requesting he come down to see him. Adam, loving the moment, sharing his torch and pipe with Kyle, who kept his blindfold tied to his jockstrap, asked him. “How you holding up, bro? I’m a whore and loving it. We’re gonna have a busy night, being both cumdumps and pissdumps to all these pigs. I don’t know about some of these strangers here, but there should be enough tweakers to keep us piss charged too. Hahaa.” Kyle, as spun as Adam, working the pipe, replied, “I’m just a big a whore as you and I want to be fucked all night long.” Adam, telling Fernando, “I sent you copy of the idea I have of that lower arm tattoo sleeve that both my daddy (Jake) and me want to get (image attached.) It needs more crystals and clouds added and it’s only one side right now. It’s pipes as space aliens, hiding in the crystals, under the clouds, being attacked by spaceships, that look like bottles of poppers, with a blue flame trying to torch their heads. There’s only one spaceship right now.. It’s kickass!” End of Chapter 10
    1 point
  37. omg yes I love it so much. sometimes I even just hold my mouth up to the hole and with for the guys cock. I also feel this kind of mouthwatering anticipation when I’m down on my knees waiting while a guy unbuttons and unzips his pants to pull out his cock for me to suck.
    1 point
  38. Looks like Boiler Room has been added to my to-do list for Folsom '23
    1 point
  39. Chapter 18 He was going to go into see the Kid and give him another shot when he heard the distinctive sound of latex gloves being snapped. It was coming from the guy that was bent over. The neighbor had lost track of time and the guy that was going to fist the one guy was already there and getting ready to wreck that older fag’s ass. He really hoped that could get him to one of the farms for some extended paly. He told the guy to wait a couple minutes before he did it because he wanted to give him something to help him. When he didn’t realize was that the guy had prepared a booty bump for this occasion. He was going to get his fist in the guys ass one way or another. The guy had mixed up a strong one and had already shot it up the old guy’s ass. The Neighbor went thru the door and stopped for a second to check on the Kid there was a puddle in the pan under his perch with the cum and piss that had dripped out and there was a guy with an average cock pumping the Kid’s ass. The Kid’s ass was a sloppy cummy mess. He went in the room and asked the Kid if he was having fun and if he wanted to stop. The Kid was not as spun as he was but all he could muster to ay was “ No, I love this “. With the way the Kid was tied down he couldn’t move mush but with the insane pounding the guy was giving him his body was jerking pretty hard. He called out and asked the guy fucking the kid to hold on for a moment. When the guy stopped the neighbor gave the kid another slam. The had the Kid’s eyes rolling and him coughing, when they heard the Kid coughing someone said “ Tear the Kid’s hole open “. The Guy stared pounding the Kid’s ass again. The Kid was saying “ More, give me more “. The Neighbor wasn’t sure what the Kid was saying or meant, He figured he wanted more up his ass but wasn’t sure. Either way there was no way he was getting more Meth for a while. The Neighbor walked over to the guy that was about to get fisted and prepared to gave him a slam also, This wasn’t as big as the Kid’s but it would work to help open his ass for what was coming. Even as experienced at administering the chems, he had a problem finding a vain whit the guy face down, he finally found a got one and give him the point. The Guy stared coughing immediately and was making all sorts of moaning and other sounds. He had never heard anyone respond to this like that. He bent down and told the guy “ Enjoy tonight, you’re going to be in a new club after this “. He was talking about the guy that probably shot a toxic load in him earlier and the fist fuck club he was about to be in. If that had their way he would end up a farm later but that was still to be determined. He walked around to the wall and the fisting guy had already gotten half his hand n the guy. He walked over to the guy and said he had given him a slam and he should be ready now. The guy stopped for a minute and said he had given him a booty bump that had Tina in it a slight bit of K. The looked at each other for a second and the Neighbor asked him how the guy was doing. The guy fisting him said he was going great. He reached down into the pan that was under him, it had a good amount of cum and what-ever in it. They figured that there was some chems in piss in it. The fisting guy gathered a as much as he could in his hand and pushed it back in the guys ass. He smiled and said “ This makes great lube for fisting, and I can make sure his insides are coated with it “. The Neighbor said “ There is another pan over there if you need more “. The Guy said “ I think it will be enough but if you want it in this pig I can do that or we can pump it into that Kid’s ass and guts “. The Neighbor said “ Let me know when you want to do it “. The Guy went back to working his had in the guy’s ass. The Neighbor moved a tripod over to the guy with a camera on it. He angled so that all you could see was the guy’s ass and the hand that was trying to gain access to it. Earlier he had mounted a Mic on the other side so they cold hear the guy when he got that first fist in him. He had some guys scream and others moan loudly. He set this up to record and to stream on an app he used for such occasions. It was probably the same app that got the Kid into all this trouble. They knew that the guy was flying high by now and that it was time for him to loose that FF cherry. The Fister stared to work his hand n the guys ass. He already had four fingers in all the way and had a couple fingers from his other hand stretching his hole, He did this again and the guy was moaning and grunting loudly. The guy pulled back and started pushing his closed hand into the guy’s soon to be broken ass. Most of the hand was in the guy’s ass and you could hear they guy yelping, saying “ Easy, go easy, Owe that hurts some “. When he said that the guy’s hand was all but in the pig’s ass. It hadn’t snapped around the guys wrist but that just a few moments way. When the Pig’s ass ring snapped around the guys wrist you cold hear the guy saying loudly “ Oh fuck, shit, damn “ . He kept saying the same over and over. The Guy fisting him laughed and said “ He is either cuming or he is pissing. Look at this “. The Neighbor looked and noticed a small stream coming from his shriveled cock.
    1 point
  40. I’m a vers top, but when I go to Club Pittsburgh I typically am looking for loads. I have done many piggy, slutty things and they have all had great results at times, and not so great results at others. I really think a lot of it depends on the time of day and the crowd. A few years back, before they rearranged the dark room, I went in to the darkroom late on a Friday night. I got sucked by a few guys and groped by a ton of hands until I found a nice thick cock and I knelt down to suck it. As I was servicing this cock a frenzy of hands and cocks started touching me. I pulled the thick cock out and asked for some poppers, and a big bottle was shoved under my nose. I like to think of myself as an experienced popper user, but these must have been the old school type because they hit hard. After a few minutes of sucking three different cocks the bottle was back under my nose and I was losing all inhibitions and my head was spinning. Next thing you know someone is pulling my ass up and shoving my face into a cock. I felt a tongue on my hole and more poppers in my face. Over the course of the next hour or so I was mounted and dismounted over and over while the poppers kept being fed to me. I was fucked up and fucked properly for what felt like ages. Then someone ate the loads out of my ass and came around to kiss the slutty mess into my mouth. I have tried the same scene since that night and found it to be mediocre at best. The last visit to the Club I brought my cock pump and did a long session then slapped a cock ring on, pre lubed my ass and lay in the sling with the towel wrapped over my head. This was during a Monday lunchtime. I stayed in the sling and took six cocks during the afternoon and had my cock sucked multiple times. I think the sight of my bubble butt and swollen cock attracted more guys than just me in a jock. YMMV.
    1 point
  41. Underwear, guys underwear was my first sign. I definitely remember noticing the guys on the packages of men's briefs in clothing stores. It wasn't until I was 13 though, Frank, my older brothers best friend that it really hit me. He was only 14, but more developed than I was for sure. Fit, played sports, was in the JROTC at school. He was the only friend of my brothers that wasn't a complete d-bag. The summer of my 13th year, I remember Frank would stay the night often, at least twice every week if not more. His dad was deployed and his mom was working full time, so no one at his home cared that he wasn't home. Anyway, one particular day, the three of us were playing the N64 and my older brother decided it would be fun to take this military grade raft into a swampy creek about a half mile away from our house. Frank was immediately on board, I had been in that creek in the raft before and knew how swampy it was so I said I would pass. Frank made a point of asking my brother to loan him a pair of shorts so he could take off his clean shorts and underwear because he didn't bring more and had to wear them tomorrow. I was still playing video games, and a few minutes later Frank came back into the bedroom holding a wadded up pair of shorts that clearly had white briefs tucked into them still. He tossed them on the bed and then pulled his shirt off over his head revealing his young fit body, decent pecs for a boy his age and signs of a six pack on it's way. I felt something in that moment that I couldn't quite process. He asked again if I wanted to join, I still said no and they left. I knew they would be gone for a while, I couldn't help but check out his underwear. Sure enough, white jockey briefs. I was almost instantly hard, my heart was beating so fast, knowing Frank was wearing them just moments ago. Knowing his dick and balls were right there in that pouch. I snuck out of my brothers room and into my bedroom, locking the door so I could do...I didn't know what. It didn't take long for me to strip and try on Franks Jockey's, I was so turned on to be sharing a pouch that Frank's dick was once in, I had to jerk off. That's what I did, less than 5 minutes later I blew my load. Was immediately uncomfortable with all of it, cleaned up and got dressed in my boxers and my own shorts. I did my best to get Frank's tighty whities back into his shorts exactly as they were and then tried to tell myself that was a one time thing and it didn't mean anything. ...enter denial hahahah.
    1 point
  42. "Full blown" is a term used in reference to an AIDS diagnosis, as in someone having "full blown AIDS" its not an actual medical term. An AIDS diagnosis is typically made when an individual that is HIV-positive registers a CD4 count of less than 200 copies. CD4 is one of the main proteins of immune system white blood cells (also called T-cells), and is one of the main things that HIV attacks. Having sex with someone that is "full-blown" implies an acute HIV infection that has progressed to AIDS, that is the individual has a low CD4 count. The issue that matters for transmission is the HIV-positive individual's viral load, i.e the number of copies of HIV that can be detected per milimetre of blood. This is the basis behind the U=U campaign, this is based on a number of studies that have shown there are no known HIV infections that have involved an HIV-positive partner that has an undetectable viral load (which is typically defined as less than 200 copies per milimetre). It is often, but not always the case, that someone with a low CD4 count, and thus "full blown" is likely to have a high viral load. However, an individual with a high viral load and a low CD4 count that starts treatment can quite quickly reduce their viral load but it will take much longer for their CD4 to recover, but also once you have dipped below a CD4 of 200 you will always retain the diagnosis of being an AIDS patient even if your CD4 recovers to much higher levels.
    1 point
  43. Happy negative STD test date! Let’s fuck as many guys as I can on my day off kind of day! The video arcade was a bust so I decided to be a traveling Cumdump, went to several parks collecting loads. The first park was literally dead with no activity and too many city recreational tree cutters. Saw a short Filipino boy 26yo, 5’3” who gave me the signal, not my usual type and not hung at all
 maybe 3? He asked me if I suck snd I said I do. I was in my jock so he knew what I wanted. I turned around and without spit he started to rub his tiny raw cock up my pussy. Whatever’s I needed more lube up my dry cunt. He planted a huge load. I left the area after getting a message on sniffles of a top wanting to do me at another park nearby. I drive down to the other park as my phone was loosing power. Coordinated with another local boi, 29, 5’10 and about 6”. He could get it up but kept grinding his raw dick against my trying yo get hard. At one point he was semi hard and got in. I felt his raw cock expand then become hard as rock. Load number 2 was fast, anon and raw. He pumped his babies in good. 3rd load was at an FB house, 5’10 175lbs about 42 white guy. My favorite kind of top. First time he hosted but I was on a mission. Went up to his place and tried to successfully get him hard
 not sure why I was so tight after two loads. He finally gets in and starts fucking. Real dick snd I feel pain from the skin to skin friction but he doesn’t stop. My hole is the squelching and burping snd he hits the wet loads in my hole which lubes his raw fuck tool. He unloads with a satisfying grunt all the juice in his balls. Try as I may, I was starving and the pickings were lame
 it was becoming a chore getting more dick after that. I farted and I thought I was dirty but a gallon leaked out, so much cum I couldn’t believe it. I rinsed myself up and was able to get two more tops to use me. For some reason
 it was still not enough
 not sure if the guys weren’t big enough or it wasn’t enough cum or enough guys?? I wish Hawaii had a bathhouse again
    1 point
  44. Mmmm, I wish something like this could happen to me. The idea of getting T slipped in me without me knowing is so hot.
    1 point
  45. it's actually biochemistry. semen is high in free testosterone. bttm sluts being continuously seeded get an addictive high, a lot of the test from the tops absorbs into the bttm. that's what produces cum whores, horny bttm sluts who love that warm rush feeling when loads of semen are flooding their cunts
    1 point
  46. I was (and am) just like you in my addiction to being bred. I tried to stop it, and I think if ur in a relationship with someone who doesnt know and would be horrified to find out you risked them it is not cool. I was and still couldnt stop. In the heat of it I luv nothing better than a man who insists on breeding me, who say's "no, its going in your pussy, bitch". My fave top is a guy I asked not to cum in me an he did anyway, not even pretending to try and stop. The next week I was going to his house an BEGGING him to breed me. Every person has to decide for themselves. I worked it out this way: Im not in a relationship where I could infect another person. Im done with women and committed to being a gay bottom bitch. I ONLY bottom. Ive had Syphilis twice an cured it. I went years taking loads an didnt get HIV. Then after one day at a club I took more than 10 cock an most of them bred me an I ended up with HIV. I now get treated and am undetectable. My risk of giving it to tops is near 0. Embracing my identity as a cock whore who luvs to service men has made me even happier than I was before, comfortable and relaxed in my own skin, which generally is a healthy way to be (low stress) I seem and look younger than most guys I know and work with my own age and older; they all seemed sexually frustrated and it is aging them and making them look haggard. If accepting, even loving the fact that I luv for men to breed me, that I can turn them on enough to cum in me and to keep coming back for more, is part of what makes me happy and healthy, then good! Plus we ALL gotta die of something. I could abstain from what I want and do everything "right" and by the book - no smoking, drinking, no unprotected sex, etc, and still get cancer, die in a stroke, get hit by a car...you get my point. No matter what you do or dont do, we are all gonna die of something. I may well live long past the age of many people who DONT have HIV, an still be undetectable, and die of a heart attack at 80. Whatever I get can be cured. Someday soon maybe even the HIV will be cured, but til then the drugs available today can keep you undetectable, like its not even there. And as long as I live I am gonna keep taking cock, raw if they wanna give it, an taking nut from studs who wanna breed me. I couldnt stop even if I wanted to, and I DONT want to
    1 point
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