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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. I was on vacation with my ex a few years ago at a nice beach in Portugal. We had both gone for massages at a nearby wellness centre. I finished first and headed to the beach. At the beach, I saw this hot guy who had cruised me the previous day but we didn't hook up. That day, however, he wanted to fuck, so as we were going at it, my bf walks up and sees me taking the guy's dick raw. The guy stops fucking me and says "it's your boyfriend!" My bf looked so hurt. I will never forget it. The top went back to fucking and loaded my ass. Even though I had an open relationship with my bf, I to this day feel really bad about that episode. Up until that point, we had been "don't ask, don't tell". Oh well.
  2. Years ago while in Paris, I had gone to an ABS and sucked a fair amount of French dick. After that, I went to a sandwich shop and ordered takeout. While my order was being prepared, the owner's son was talking to me. I was getting annoyed looks from the father the whole time and I didn't understand why. When I got home and looked in the mirror, I saw I had cum on my shirt near my collar. I still laugh out loud when I think back on this. I can't say I'm embarrassed about it, but it would have been embarrassing if the father had pointed it out. And for the record, I think the owner's son had no clue because he couldn't have been more than 9 or 10 years old.
  3. Sorry to hear that this happened to you in Berlin AirmaxUK. As I am fluent in German, I did a bit of googling and read a few accounts of people being attacked in Schoneberg. Because gay men are mostly the targets, it seems the police aren't taking significant action. And if those gay men happen to be tourists, I think it's even less of a priority. But I do as you do. No credit cards, expensive watches or phones when I'm out. I have a wallet that has some euros and one piece of ID that I hang around my neck in case someone tries to pickpocket me in a darkroom.
  4. I was at the Lab also last Thursday for the naked party. Lots of guys and lots of fucking, mostly bb. Twink bottoms score better than older bottoms. All ages welcome. My only concern is tops not wiping off between fucks, which in a group setting, puts one at risk for Hep C. I could have gotten a lot more action but I wouldn't let cocks that were just in another bottom's hole go straight into mine. One top got annoyed at me, but when I wiped his dick, and held it up to his nose, he understood and went to wash.
  5. I just got back from Berlin and it gets my vote as well. I've never left there without a breeding or two or ten. Just a word of caution: there have been a few issues with guys getting mugged in Schoneberg (especially the area around New Action Bar). So if you're milling about in that area, be careful, especially if it's late at night and you have been drinking. I go out of my way to stay on the busier streets even if the side streets get me to my destination quicker.
  6. I usually go on tripadvisor and look at the photos customers post to see what type of shower heads a hotel has. I also travel with pliers, which means you must check your bag.
  7. In my late 20s, I went something like 14 to 16 months without having sex. I was proud of this at the time and even more proud when I look back on it. I could totally focus on myself and I felt clear-headed and pure. The process of getting sex takes a lot of energy and often involves deception and manipulation. Just not having to deal with that was amazing. Most people act like they can't live without sex but at some point (eg ageing) they will have to give it up. Celibacy never killed anyone, but some untreated STDs surely have.
  8. I also identify as a bottom, but the correct term to describe me is versatile bottom. I will top in anonymous situations if I feel like it. I don't ever allow myself to be coerced. In fact, I have noticed that in group situations, I get fucked more if I do some fucking. Versatile guys have it the best because they can just go with the flow. But I respect those who don't want to flip fuck. @ErosWired: I do agree with your point that you need to give off a certain energy to fuck. If I am around guys who want to make it work - even if we are not each other's fantasy - we can work something out. But that walking around and sulking because there are too many bottoms or bottoms getting more action than you is for the birds. But I agree in principle with what the OP is saying...plenty of bottoms jacking off when they could fuck...kinda like being on a plane and everybody wants the window seats. Somebody is sitting in the aisle, damn it! LOL. I would fuck more than I do but oftentimes I notice that the bottom isn't 100% clean, which turns me off bottoming for a while. But that's a whole other discussion.
  9. @ErosWired: Hep C can be cured. I caught it at a sex party in 2014. I luckily got into a clinical trial and was given Harvoni for 12 weeks, which cured it. But for those who aren't so lucky, the cost is something like $80,000 (although prices are coming down). The fastest way to get Hep C is fisting, sharing needles and the way I got it (a top rough fucked a Hep C positive bottom and fucked me without wiping off his dick). It's transmitted via blood. If you are HIV+, you definitely don't want to be HEP C positive too. To the OP: unprotected sex is risky. You can catch something from a bf just as easily as you could from a stranger or at an orgy. I have never understood why people try to calculate/estimate risk. Risk is risk.
  10. Let's face it. Most gays shop for a mate based on looks and sexual compatibility. Looks fade and, after you've been in a relationship for a while, sex is oftentimes no longer exciting or what's keeping you together. What holds you together then? It's probably the fact that you've grown to love the person you're with (flaws and all). Most of us never get to that point because we are too focused on what he must look like, sex, what he must have and what friends and families will think etc. It's no wonder most relationships fail - we put entirely too much pressure on them to be perfect. And on top of that, we expect our potential mates to accept us the way we are, while we are constantly telling them what they must do to keep us happy. I think men of a certain age should look for companionship first. Find people who have similar interests and invest time in getting to know them. If someone has to be your idea of a sexual god before you will even allow them to speak to you, then guess what? You're probably going to be alone. That doesn't mean you have to date an ogre, but let's be truthful here. If what you wanted was easy to have, you'd probably have it, right? And I do believe if you present only the sexual side of yourself to the world, then that's all people will focus on. Your worth to them will only be based on if they find you sexually attractive. Understand that if you really do decide to invest in getting to know people, you are not going to hit the jackpot the first few times you play the love lottery. And by the way, there is nothing wrong with having a "list" of your deal breakers. If that list is too long (more than four or five things), then you probably need to take a long look at why it's so long. We make life so complicated sometimes. I've stopped trying to get people interested in me. You either are or you aren't. And I've starting loving the people who love me back.
  11. I'm in the minority here, but I do not kiss and tell. Ever. If I ever found out a guy talked about what we did behind closed doors, then that would be the last time I played with him. For every trick you think you scored from a referral, you've probably lost a few because someone said something slick about you. In my view, your reputation is one of the most important assets you have in this life. It's hard to build up, but easy to tear down. You can't cherry pick on this one guys, and say you want people to share good things about you but remain mum on negative things. Loose lips sink ships. I don't need a PR person.
  12. When it looks like the guy is serious about meeting, I send him my number and say "text me and I'll reply with my address". That is an effective anti-flaking strategy that works MOST of the time. Most flakes don't want you to have their phone number. And guys can be sure that if I give my number and address, then I'm ALL THE WAY in. The only thing I don't like is when guys try to move too quickly to WhatsApp instead of remaining on the app/chat site for a bit To me, that is flaky behavior. I haven't even determined if I want to meet you and now I've got you texting me repeatedly in my phone. Annoying.
  13. I love the holidays. There are always horny guys around who need to breed a hole to relieve the stress of this time of year. I got loaded on Friday (twice), again on Sunday and just now. I almost didn't go through with it today because the guy's profile was pretty empty and he didn't have a dick pic. Guys think I'm asking for dick pics to reject them - it's actually so I know how to clean out and choose the right dildo so my hole is ready for action when they arrive. At any rate, the guy arrives and he's a bit nervous. His dick was hard as soon as he dropped his shorts. There was no foreplay, unless you count the part where he pulled down my underwear, pushed me down on the bed, mounted me and started humping. When he shifted positions, I did manage to grab my poppers and take a hit. I was so glad that I was pre-lubed. He resumed thrusting in and out of me. In no time, I could feel him tense up and empty his balls into me. He was a quiet cummer. He then resumed fucking to make sure I got the deep breeding I was after. He quickly showered. Afterwards, he told me that he is married and has a kid and that his motivation for choosing me was that he wanted to try some black booty. I'm always glad when guys don't tell me that upfront. Just let me pretend you were attracted to me instead of my color. LOL. Oh well. 2017 ended with a cummy hole and 2018 is starting with one. God bless this ministry.
  14. I'm not a size queen, but I have had enough penises in my rectum to know what shape, girth and length work best for me. Last night, I got fucked by a guy with a cock that wasn't that thick but it was long. I was in fucking heaven. I think he enjoyed it too given that I got a huge load from him - and then after suitable rest - another huge load. I struggle with short thick dicks. And dicks that curve downwards often don't work well. I will run (seriously) from well endowed men. I can take a pounding from a hung guy but he has to be patient. I find that most hung guys are NOT patient because (I think) they are frustrated by how few guys can handle their dicks, which makes them just want to ram it in. I have some hung guys in my phone right now that I simply don't fuck with much because they are too rough for my tastes. Sometimes I really feel like pulling out a big dildo and ramming it up their asses to make the point that assholes are not built for violent entry and thrusting. A hung top that knows how to fuck is waiting for the moment his bottom is relaxed and knows when he can start pounding that hole. And by the way, I have come across hung guys out there who LIE about the size of their dicks so as not to scare you off.
  15. I'm still in Sri Lanka and staying in a villa owned by one of my fuckbuds of many years. The fuckbud stopped by my room one night to fuck me. The next morning, I forgot to hide my douche nozzle and dildo and the cleaning staff saw it. They gossip about EVERYTHING here, and by afternoon, the entire staff on the grounds knew I had a dildo (even my fuckbud had heard about it and told me!) I was a little embarrassed, but it turns out this wasn't a bad thing. One of the houseboys (who is married and has a kid) started cruising me hard after this. I made him wait a few days before telling him to stop by my room after all the other guests had gone to bed. He came in and I began sucking his beautiful brown cock. He even skull fucked me for a while. He kept saying he wanted to fuck my big ass but didn't have a condom. I had rubbers but I lied and said I didn't. He was so horny that I convinced him to go in raw. After he shot a huge load in my ass, I reached for my wallet and gave him a "love offering" as the locals here earn very little money. The next morning, it was funny/weird to see him switch back into his "servant" role, knowing full well that he had been screwing me the night before. He's been texting me because he wants to fuck again, but I'll give him some ass just before I leave. I'm such a scandalous slut. My fuckbud's husband lives on the property as well and here I am not only giving my fuckbud some ass but fucking the employees too.
  16. I think one's culture plays a role in this. If I am not mistaken, in the more macho cultures, it is insulting to the manhood of the bottom to have cum shot in his ass. It makes him gay or the woman in the sex act, so some tops pull out and shoot outside out of respect. Maybe someone else knows more about this? I have a Spanish fuck buddy that I sometimes travel with. I have to remind him every time when we first meet up that he can cum inside me. After that, he gives it to me every time.
  17. I am in Sri Lanka on holiday. While I was getting a massage at the beach today in a hut, the masseur got a hard on. He started massaging my hole and asked if I wanted to get fucked. He said he didn't have a condom. I had one on me but didn't offer it up. After he mounted me, I took a hit of poppers. He thrust a bit before I looked at him and said "give me a baby". And he did. After that, we exchanged numbers. I am definitely getting another massage before I leave in 10 days. It cost like $15. So yeah he'll be hearing from me.
  18. @eroswired You must have been reading my mind with this post. I was literally thinking about this yesterday. There are always advantages and disadvantages associated with being a cumdump. Advertising yourself as such is going to turn off a subset of guys. Why? Because they think you are disease ridden. I have looked at some guys and wondered if they have been tested for anything. Let's face it. Most of us want as much bb sex as we can get WITHOUT catching something. Personally, I like to know what I'm dealing with. If you a poz bb slut, then OWN it. But do understand that you may end up being single forever because many guys don't want to date or fall in love with a cumdump. Some people on this site make it sound like their sole purpose in life is to maximise the number of sex partners they have. But the reality is, I think the majority of guys out here are motivated by competition and the hunt. We tend not to want something or value it if it's too easy. This is why I think the apps don't work well. There is no thrill anymore. We cast each other aside. We feel entitled to the best (or the best we can get). Deep down, I don't think bottoms want "community dick" and I am not convinced that tops out there place a premium on "community bottoms". So yes being a slutty bottom hurts your chances with certain tops. It always has and always will. I see more and more tops that now shame PrEP bottoms. Does a slutty bottom end up scoring more dick? Maybe. I think it depends on where you live, where you are (home, hotel, bar, sauna), your age, and your looks. I tend to present myself as somewhat upstanding in the city where I live and then head off to Berlin (just 1 hour away for me) to take loads in darkrooms. Be whatever you are, and accept both the good and the bad that comes with it. Life is short. Fuck it.
  19. I'm showing my age here with this remark, but I remember when online gay hookup sites (not apps) didn't feature so many guys, so if you were lucky enough to find a guy you wanted to meet, you showed up because you didn't have so much to choose from. Nowadays, you have hundreds of guys to choose from and so many people think nothing of being a flake. People invest little and therefore aren't disappointed if nothing materializes. I've known guys to ask me to go immediately to WhatsApp after writing me one or two messages on a chat site. I find that jolting and I always say no. Again, maybe it's my age, but I'm not ready to give my phone number to a guy just to get a chance to evaluate him further. If I give you my phone number, that's essentially our "contract" to fuck. Few guys back out after giving their phone number in my experience. I wonder if people are less likely to flake if they are the ones traveling for the hookup. When a guy has given me his address and phone number, then it's just about a 100% hit rate. So that's my advice - be willing to travel and get that address and phone number. And immediately after getting the phone number, send a text to say you're on your way and ask him to respond - and google that address to see if it's real. People would save each other so much time if they were upfront about traveling/hosting requirements. Nothing is worse than finding that dream hookup and then you can't agree on who's traveling/hosting. The more flexible you are, the more sex you'll have. And sorry to have to state the obvious - but it helps to actually be horny before you go shopping online. I can't stand guys who hit you up and ask for a date later in the week. Nope! This offer to fuck is only valid for 2 hours.
  20. With all the talk in the mainstream press in the U.S. these days about sexual harassment - including the allegations against Kevin Spacey - I've been wondering, have the fellow members on here experienced any type of sexual harassment or assault, for example, on the job or elsewhere? How did you deal with it? About 20 years ago while working at a business school, I was hit on repeatedly by a man who was married with kids. I had to work with him on a research project and he always felt he had to touch me. I really needed the job so I wasn't about to report him. He was very senior and nobody would have believed me anyway. Interestingly enough, I never had any more problems after I ran into him one night at a well known gay cruising spot. He looked as if he would die from embarrassment. By the way, I'm not talking about gay settings such as a bathhouse or bar, where we all know guys will grope you. That's also harassment/assault of course but I'm referring to situations where you felt you were powerless to stop it.
  21. I used to run into this really nice guy at a sex party who was really into me. The problem is that he had a massive cock AND he had it pierced with rhinestones all the way down the underside of his penis. As much as I wanted to play with him, he would have had to pay for my asshole reconstruction surgery before I let him fuck me. You have to be a special kind of bottom to take that meat and I'm not that guy. But the worst for me? Really hung guys who are aggressive tops. Look, I understand that it must be frustrating not to be able to plunge into a hot hole and piston fuck with your massive cock, but work with me, ok? If you give me a few minutes, you can hit my hole with the long strokes. Very few hung guys seem to understand this. The ones who do give me the time to relax are always rewarded. It's special when they realize I have relaxed and the hole is really ready to be plowed. One more pet peeve: hung guys who shove a few fingers up my hole to open it up. That is also *not* cool. I know you are in a hurry but a little foreplay goes a long way if your dick is above average size.
  22. I am not too hard on people if things don't work out as planned. I think it's an unwritten rule that if the hook-up fails, then there's no need to try again - unless it's a regular fuckbud. As someone who bottoms more than he tops, I can tell you that (for me at least), my cleaning out routine works well 95%-98% of the time. There's always the possibility something could go wrong. The ass has a day job, folks. I ask guys their dick size, not because I'm a size queen. It's because it affects how I prep for them. I tend not to top as much because as topstud127 said, some guys are just not making enough effort to clean out. And even though I hate it when guys do it me, I will do the finger test on a bottom in a minute. If I smell ANYTHING, my dick is not going in the hole, no matter how horny I am. So bottoms before you complain about there aren't enough tops, how many have you grossed out because you painted their stick??? LOL. As for tops not getting hard, I don't experience this much - thank goodness. One of the reasons I don't top more is because I do think I have a bit of performance anxiety. This is why you won't see me cruising bottoms online for a fuck. I have Cialis here in abundance, but I find that I don't cum as fast as I would like when I use it. It's ok in a setting where my goal isn't to cum. I'm proudest of myself when I am spontaneous and see a hole, fuck it and blow.
  23. I know it's a bit on the conspiracy theory side to say this, but I have believed for a long time that STDs were introduced into the population to control people's behavior. Now that people know they won't die from AIDS, they take more risks. But let people start dropping like flies again, and those condoms will come right back. I see PrEP as a bareback tax of sorts. You don't want to wrap up? Here's your monthly bill from big pharma.
  24. In theory, this sounds like it could be a hot, fun-filled weekend, but it could also end up being a not so hot experience. I'm a little bit too much of a control freak to allow what happens to me over a 72 hour window of time to be left to chance. As mentioned earlier, I'd have an exit strategy (Uber, taxi to train station etc). I'd also try to prepare myself for the possible scenarios that could arise such as: 1) other bottoms getting most of the action, 2) tops I'm not attracted to, 3) drug use that makes me uneasy, 4) risk of STDs (I still think we as barebackers underestimate how risky group sex is), 5) wanting to eat but pressure to keep the runway clear, 6) being around people that annoy me, 7) potentially not having wifi (LOL), 8) no cell phone service, 9) no television, 10) uncomfortable bed) and try to work my way through how I'd deal with those situations. They better not be making the bottoms cook and serve meals! Ha! Maybe I'm overanalysing this, but why does everyone have to share the cost equally? Aren't the hosts benefiting from this way more than you? They are presumably not going to invite guys they are not attracted to. They decide who sleeps in which room. And they know they can fuck all the bottoms, but you as a bottom don't know that you will be fucked by all the tops. And what if the tops start fucking the versatile tops? I think sexual energy-wise, it would be hotter if guys were going and coming. Or the bottoms and the tops were blindfolded for a block of time. Anyway, I digress. It probably won't be the hottest thing you'll ever experience in your life. It won't be a total disaster either. And you'll never know if you don't try. So I probably would go if I were in your shoes.
  25. Sounds like you and the other sauna goers need to gang up on and beat the living shit out of Mo in the sauna. He'll straighten up. Ass whippings have that instant education effect.
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