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  1. Growing up, I'd always suspected that my dad was gay. Or at least, shall we say, sexually indiscriminating? I mean, he was still married to mom and I had to come from somewhere. Besides, I do remember hearing them occasionally banging one out as their bedroom was right across the hall from mine. But still I had my suspicions, which were reinforced by behaviors. From the time I could remember I'd always just been around my dad when he was naked. Nudity was just an everyday thing at my house, so it never struck me as odd. Nudity was a thing for mom and me, too. Heck, There are many a photograph of me running around our house as a kid in my all-together! However, as I got older I started to notice Dad was nude around me more often than Mom. It was more 'our thing' - just two dudes hangin.... We bathed and showered together quite often, and hung out watching TV afterward as we air-dried. And, when I wasn't actually bathing, I would keep Dad company while he took a bath. He would let me play with boats in the deep end while we talked. Occasionally we'd play a game Dad called 'Light House' in which I would drive the boat between his legs to the 'lighthouse' that was standing erect there. The boat would crash on the 'rocks' below and I would laugh and laugh.... Anyway, I also first learned about masturbation from my father when I spied on him when he pleasured himself in the garage. I saw him fire his load into a shop rag, and after he went back inside I retrieved the rag and investigated it. What was this sticky fluid? Naturally he came back and caught me. I was SO embarrassed! But Dad took it very much in stride and was completely matter of fact about it all. And that's when I learned all about the birds and the bees. And also about what guys can do for special fun on their own, as he had just done. He also made it clear I should never tell Mom about because she was a girl and wouldn't understand. Dad's special magazines were also readily available for me; he really didn't even bother to hide them. They were just at the bottom of a magazine basket in our den. They started out as Playboy, but as I got older they became Penthouse, Club, Chic, Oui, and then some harder core mags with dicks and fucking in them too! Those were my favorites-- the ones that showed closeups of men with erections. Anyway, As I got older I gained hair and modesty, so the joint showers and nudity stopped and doors started being closed. Well, really just my doors-- although that didn't stop my Dad from interrupting me on more than one occasion. The first time, I was in my room, officially studying, but of course not only was I playing with myself, I was actually on the cusp of blowing my load when Dad barged into my room. I don't think I ever moved so fast in my life! Giving a quick laugh Dad exclaimed "Whoops!" And as he closed my door he added "Just don't get any on my Penthouse." There were a couple more times after that when Dad caught my jerking off. Each time Dad joked and commented something like "Damn, boy! Don't wear it out!" Or "Do you ever put that thing away?" Which is why I started jacking in the shower or behind a locked bathroom door. Slowly over this time, my suspicions about Dad being gay and his extracurricular activities increased. He was gone longer hours, working out more, or at least saying he was working out. Sometimes he'd come home and you could tell he'd had a beer or two. Mom and he fought more over piddly shit. I pretty much figured he was having an affair, or hooking up somewhere. And I could clearly see my parents on the clear trajectory toward divorce. He was also buddying up to me more during this time, telling me that I was really growing into a man, and complementing my by remarking how handsome I was becoming. Our conversations felt conspiratorial, and Dad increasingly joked around with me, and his jokes took on an ever increasing sexual overtone. Everything seemed to be a double-entendre. Well, the summer before my senior year of high school, Mom started a new job and started working nights. I think she took this job just so she and Dad would spend less time breathing the same air. It also forced Dad to be home more to take care of me (in theory). Dad still routinely got home late, often smelling of, well, I'm not sure what, but his body had a distinctive aroma. Even so, Dad was definitely more often at home more, which conveniently left us together with free time. In the evenings. Before bed. As I said before, Mom and Dad's room was right across the hall from mine. And in their room they had an old TV with a VCR. You know - for watching movies in bed. And with Mom working nights and Dad being Dad, well... he fired up the VCR - a lot. I mostly ignored it the first few times-- but I could hear the porn playing and the soft, creaking motion of his bed and I knew what was going on. But it was my father! I shouldn't be listening, hardly daring to breathe. I shouldn't be turned on by this, should I? Why did I have a boner?? So many thoughts... so many conflicted emotions. Finally one night I couldn't take it any more and I wanted-- no, NEEDED-- to see. So I snuck out of bed and crept quietly into the hall. Dad always left his door ajar, so I figured I could peep in and see him and the porn while he was too distracted to notice. I figured I was being quiet as a cat. I was wrong. "You might as well just come on in," he said in a loud voice. Fuck! Busted AGAIN by Dad!! Well, I sheepishly went into his bedroom and he gestured for me to sit next to him on the bed. He wasn't even trying to hide his erection. "Come on, you might as well 'take a load off' too. I can see you want to," again with the double entendre as he nodded to the boner in my pajamas. I stood next to the bed, guts churning, nervous as hell and shaking like a leaf while I stared at the erection held in his first. He smiled and patted the bed-- and I took my place beside him. Little did I realize that this small action would set me on a dark path and seal my fate. That first night we watched porn together and jacked off. Well, he jacked off and I mostly watched him jack off. When he came all over his belly and fist, I came too. In my pajamas. Without touching myself. From there we slowly progressed. It wasn't an every night event, but when I was in bed and I'd hear the porn soundtrack, I'd get up and join him. It started out as innocently jacking together. From there it became me jacking him off while we watched. I still vividly remember the first time I touched his erection - it was like a bolt of lightning struck me and I could barely breathe. And again, when he came, the feeling of his seed running over my knuckles made my own dick cum in my underwear. (No more Jammie's for this guy!) From there it soon progressed to blowjobs. Never him on me-- I was the son and it was my duty to get him off. To be a good boy. Oddly enough, it was a bigger deal to first jack my Dad than to blow him. The blowjob came naturally. Feeling the smooth, warm skin of his head with my tongue just felt right somehow. And when he shot in my mouth? There was no hesitation: I swallowed instantly. And happily. At this point in our relationship I had definitely shifted to just being his convenient sex toy. Sort of his human fleshlight. He didn't really make eye contact or acknowledge me at all. He was focused on the straight porn on the VCR. I didn't jack off or really touch myself at all in his presence. I would finish him off, he'd turn off the VCR and lights, and I'd go back to my room. Once there is either jack off or go to sleep. More often than not, I didn't even jack myself. And then one night it finally happened. This was in January of my senior year. It was after Christmas and I was back in school, Mom was back to work. I heard the porn fire up, but it was different porn. This time the grunting was more masculine - no more whiny bitch moaning. I went in and I saw Dad watching porn. I was right. He was playing a new porn tape. This one showed two guys on the screen, two, hot, furry, mustachioed men... and they were fucking! It was so hot and the breath caught in my throat. Dad and I started as we usually did-- him jacking for a minute, then me doing it for him. Then my mouth on his dick, as usual. But this time instead of cumming down my throat, he tapped my head after awhile and I stopped. "Get on all fours," he whispered. We NEVER talked during our sessions so this startled me. It was almost like a slap. But he just stopped everything, gestured toward the TV with a chin flip, and told me to "assume the position". My guts instantly turned to water as I knew what was about to happen and I wasn't sure about it at all. Wasn't sure I wanted to get fucked, but after all he was my Dad, and instinctively I wanted to please him so I got on all fours. I was facing the porn and I felt the bed shift as he got behind me. He reached and got some KY off the nightstand. My heart was thundering in my chest. Soon I felt the cool, wet hardness of his cockhead pushing at my sphincter. This was it-- I was losing my virginity. To my father. He pushed into my ass. I distinctly remember the pain. I tried to push back a bit on his thigh, to slow him or get him to stop but he was clearly bent on fucking. Which he did. I winced and grunted as he thrust inelegantly into me. It hurt and it felt like my asshole was ripping because of his thickness. I tried to relax-- I tried to understand how the one guy in the porn seemed to be really enjoying the cock in HIS ass. Did it hurt him as much? I tried to breathe through it. I teared up a bit. Then suddenly my father was buried inside me and shuddering. I could fee his cock throbbing in my ass, much as it had done in my mouth. There would be five or so pulses and a few aftershocks, again... like usual. I counted them off in my head. His hands were on my hips as he slowly pulled out of me. Then he magically produced some paper towels to wipe himself with and he was done. Stunned I made my way to the bathroom to wipe myself clean. There was a KY residue, some brown, and some red. Blood. So I HAD torn a bit. I stood in the bathroom a long time and looked at myself in the mirror. I was confused and hotly ashamed, mainly because I found myself aroused at the thought of what just happened to me. I jacked myself and came all over the bathroom sink while thinking about my Dad's cock violating my ass. Two nights later the same thing happened. And again a couple nights after that. Soon, I realized this was our new norm. So I stopped at Walgreens after work one day and got my own tube of KY that I kept in my secret hiding spot in my room. I started fingering my ass and lubing myself before heading in for our father-son bonding ritual. As time went on, some weeks there was less sex and I found myself a bit disappointed (and if I'm being honest, jealous). Because Dad was "late" getting home, his clothes smelling of cigarettes and "that smell" that I'd later come to realize was the stench of an adult bookstore. I'd always find myself wondering why I wasn't good enough-- had I done something wrong? Was he displeased, or worse... bored with me? But then he'd fire up the VCR again, and everything would be right as rain. Of course it's not like I was completely innocent during this time either. Dad had sort of opened the door to my sexuality. I had a couple friends at school that I was blowing fairly regularly. And there may have been one or two 'park encounters' between me and older men. Anyway, this continued through the summer until it was time for me to leave for my freshman year of college. In my mind this was also the cutoff point for my activity with Dad. I was going to college to start the next chapter in my life. I wanted to be normal. I wanted a change. And I knew I was approaching adulthood, wouldn't really be living at home anymore. I'd love to be able to say that we had one final night together before I left, where we spent the entire night fucking and he actually fucked me on my back while looking at me, and telling me that I was a good son and he was proud. Ah, the romantic in me! But no-- our sessions ended not with a bang, but a whisper. Really I don't even much remember our last fuck. As summer waned he sort of did it less and less. Plus Dad got really sick earlier in the summer, and that really seemed to zap his energy levels. I was okay with all this. It made my college transition that much easier. When I came home at Christmas break, Dad met me at the door and had me sit down. He had some things to tell me, he said. My stomach lurched as I could predict what was coming. Well... ALMOST predict. In a somber voice he explained Mom had moved out and that they were getting a divorce. He said there was something else, too. He had been to his doctor and... He took a deep, shuddering breath and said the last thing I expected: "Son... I'm HIV positive."
    7 points
  2. Fresh out of high school, cruising around late at night in my small southern hometown I saw something that turned me on in a way nothing had before. This was all before the internet but I had heard that guys hung around the clock tower at night. Who and what they did was left up in the air but in my mind I had to find out. I would drive up the hill and circle around but never saw anything or anyone. It didn’t stop me from going back though and one night as I rounded the tower I saw a man standing there. I quickly drove the loop again but this time I didn’t see anyone. Another loop and then another and then I saw him again. A black man standing just in the shadows and he was completely naked. Another quick drive around the loop and as I approached I saw him again. He was truly naked standing at the base of the clock tower mostly in the shadows but I could tell he was stroking his cock. I quickly parked and walked around the base of the clock tower. I was scared and excited and it was like electricity was jumping off me. There was a door at the far side of the tower and it was pushed open and I saw him in there stroking his cock. I stopped and watched and then he motioned me in. At the time it felt like the bravest thing I ever did walking in there. He was college aged and solid like a football player. My eyes were on that cock. It was cut and big, bigger than I had ever seen in person before. I reached out and stroked it as he leaned in to kiss me. Then his hands were on my shoulders and he was pushing me to my knees and that cock in my mouth. He moaned as I licked and sucked that big black cock of his. He had some poppers and had me sniff them and then he bent me over and licked my ass. He grabbed my cheeks and spread them wide as he buried his tongue in my ass. The poppers, this hot naked black man, and the whole situation had me so excited I could hardly stand it. He handed me the poppers and said take more and I felt the head of the biggest cock I had ever seen in person rubbing against my hole. He teased a bit but then he forced that big black cock into me and kept going until I had every blessed inch. He fucked like only the young do—hard and rough. I knew I was just a hole for him and that turned me on even more. He grabbed my hips and plowed into me over and over. He was hitting spots inside me that were making my legs weak and shake. As his strokes increased I knew he was getting close and with a final hard shove he buried that big black cock—biggest cock I had ever seen in person—into me and unloaded what felt like a gallon of cum. He pulled out fingered my ass a bit and brought some of his load to my lips and kissed me. Then he was gone. I was standing there half naked, late at night, ass dripping cum and the biggest fucking smile. I never saw him—or anyone—at the clock tower after that but I always make the loop when I am back in town and remember the black man that gave one of the best experiences ever.
    7 points
  3. As promised another night another ass. A nice sloppy hole for my charged load.
    5 points
  4. Jeremy stared out of the window, watching tree after tree pass. His forehead was beginning to feel numb from the glass, so he straightened up in his seat and looked around at his fellow passengers. Danny, a shorter guy with a blonde military-cut hairstyle, was messing around on his phone in the seat beside Jeremy. On the row behind them were Addison and Porter. Addison was of a tan complexion, had a strong jaw, and striking blue eyes. Porter, on the other hand, was pale by comparison. Porter always had the scruffy look about him, like he'd just gotten out of bed. Driving the Escalade was Sean, who looked more mature than he really was. And in the passenger's seat was Christopher, whose Italian genes could be spotted from a mile away. They were all on their way to a weekend getaway from college. Deep in the mountains, Sean's dad owned a cabin that they had all been allowed to stay at. All six men had met each other at the gym since first starting college. They had grown close since then, and after three years of lifting weights, were each extremely muscular. "I'm so fucking tired of this electro shit," Porter said loudly from the back. He took a swig from his beer bottle and shook his head. "Who the fuck listens to Skrillex anymore?" "Come on, man, it's a classic," Sean said, turning up the music. As he smiled, his bleached teeth were showcased from the rearview mirror. "Deadmau5 is way better, just sayin'," Christopher said. "I have to disagree with you there," said Sean. "Yeah, me too, they both suck," Jeremy said. "Fuck you!" Sean yelled. "What else are we going to listen to? Fucking Lady Gaga?" "I heard she's got a dick," Porter said absentmindedly. "With all that tight shit she wears? No way," Addison said. "Well, what'll it be, then, gentlemen?" Christopher asked, hooking his phone up to the console. "Rock? Rap?" "What about something with a banjo? We're in the goddamn mountains, for Christ sakes," Danny laughed. "If you put on anything with a fucking banjo, I'll kill you," Addison said. "Forget you," Christopher said, shaking his head. "Guys, you've got to give me something," "Jay-Z," "Lil Wayne," "Randy Travis," "Skrillex, I'm the one fucking driving," "Eminem," "Whitesnake," "Oh, oh, Cinderella," "Queen," "Judas Priest," "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Christopher yelled, laughing. "This isn't a fucking guessing game. Forget it, we'll just sit and enjoy the silence." Christopher turned off the radio and unplugged his phone. "Hand me another beer, Jeremy." Jeremy reached into the cooler beside him and handed Christopher a cold bottle. "So now I have to listen to you pussies talk the whole way there?" "We don't have to," Sean said. He had one of his stupid side-smiles plastered on his face. "I have something to watch if you guys want," "What the fuck's so funny?" Danny asked. "Porter, reach in the back and look in my bag's side pocket. There should be a DVD in there." "Oh, I forgot about the TV screens," Addison said as Porter reached behind him. "How could you? They're fucking everywhere in here," Jeremy said, taking a drink. "Hopefully it isn't some Disney shit," Danny said. "Hey-oh!" Porter exclaimed after a few moments of scrounging around. He held up a DVD case with several naked women on it. "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" Addison said, passing the case forward. "Put that shit on," "Seriously?" Jeremy asked, handing the case off to Christopher. "A porno? I'm going to watch a porno with you guys?" "What's the matter, never done it before?" Sean said. "With a group? Never," "Well, today's your lucky day," Christopher said, putting the disc in. "Just don't say anything to anyone and no one will know the wiser." "What, you won't admit you jerked off with other guys before?" "Who said anything about that? It's just naked chicks getting boned. Nobody's jerking off," Christopher retorted. "Honestly, if I feel like jacking it, none of you fags are going to stop me," Addison said. "How could we? I'm not putting your dick back in your pants," Porter said. "Just shut up, it's starting," Christopher said. All the monitors in the SUV turned on. Two women in bikinis were walking on the beach as Caribbean music played in the background. "And you just keep your eyes on the road, Sean! I don't need a concussion before midterms start," Danny said, adjusting himself in his seat. "Don't worry. I've seen it like three times already," Sean said. "God, my fucking back is killing me." "It's all those rows you've been doing," Addison said, watching the screen nearest him. "It's paying off though. You look good, man." "All I know is that my dad's Jacuzzi is going to hit the spot tonight," Sean said, rubbing his back. The passengers watched as the two women on the beach met a suave Spanish man, then went back to a hotel to start a three-way. Balls were slapping against pussies and throats were groaning through the sound system the rest of the way to the cabin. The Escalade pulled into the driveway just around five in the afternoon. Christopher cut off the movie and glanced back. "I don't know about you guys, but I have a hard-on the size of my leg right now." "You're telling me," Addison said, rubbing his crotch in exaggeration. "Well forget about rubbing one out, we've got dinner to make," Sean said. "But it was your fucking idea to watch the video!" Porter said. "I didn't say it came with a jerk off. Help me unpack," Sean said as he got out of the vehicle. Jeremy followed suit, stepping out into the chilly mountain air. The cabin was a lot nicer than he had thought. It wasn't some old four-walled log house: it was modern in style, like something Frank Lloyd Wright would design. It looked spacious as well. "Aw, sweet!" Porter said as he climbed out. He brushed his long hair behind him. "Pretty fucking upscale, huh?" "Yeah. Guess Sean's dad is loaded," Jeremy replied. "You don't go through med training for ten years and live in a shack, fellas," Sean said from the rear of the SUV. Porter glanced down. "Hey Jeremy, I didn't know you liked the mountains this much." "Huh? Oh," Jeremy said, noticing his erection through his jeans. "Well, these are where you'll find the biggest tits in the world." Porter chuckled, rubbing his own member. "God, I could cum right now if I had like a minute." "Guys, come on!" Sean yelled. They all crowded around the rear hatch and each gathered their fair share, then made their way to the cabin. The interior of the house framed the same design as the exterior. There were many acute angles to the ceiling, off-white paint on the walls, and large windows. The living room had a large U-shaped couch facing a fireplace, which was below a huge 90" TV. "Welcome home," Sean said as he entered the open kitchen behind the living room. "Somebody get the chicken out, we've got a lot of cooking to do." "And drinking," Addison said, dropping the cooler down by the refrigerator. For the next hour and a half, they prepared their meal for the evening. Jeremy himself had gone through seven beers by the time they sat down and actually ate. To go with the chicken, Sean popped open a bottle of his father's ten year-old port, with which they all thoroughly enjoyed. When dinner was winding down, it was right around nine o'clock. Sean went to make sure the Jacuzzi was heating up as the rest of the guys found their rooms. They all met back in the basement, where there was a poker table set up. As they all sat down to a few rounds, Christopher pulled out a slender bottle of Johnnie Walker. "Alright, assholes, I want this all gone by tonight!" he laughed. Sean busted out the glasses so they could drink while they played. By this point, Jeremy was definitely feeling the alcohol. He could tell Porter was, too. They always seemed to be the lightweights when it came to drinking. But they didn't let it stop them tasting Gold Label for the first time. The bottle went empty right around eleven-thirty, and the last round finished around twelve in the morning. Jeremy could then tell that everyone at the table was enjoying themselves. Sean was the first to stand up. "Whoa, a little too fast there," he said, grabbing the table for support. "Pussy can't even hold his liquor," Danny laughed. "Shut up. Who's up for the Jacuzzi? It should be like a hundred degrees in there by now." "I could go for a nice dip," Christopher said, gathering the cards. "Well, get your trunks and let's go!" Sean yelled. He led the way as they all swerved and swayed back to their rooms to change. Jeremy ripped off his long-sleeved shirt when he reached his room. As he began to take off his pants, he noticed himself in the mirror above the nightstand. Jeremy immediately stood up and flexed. He absolutely loved the way he looked since he'd packed on so much muscle. There was a light dusting of hair over his chest and abs, but that didn't get in the way of showing off how cut he was. His biceps were at the point where the practically jumped whenever he moved. Smiling, he ripped off his underwear. His dick was standing at full attention. He playfully slapped it against his lower abs a couple of times. Jeremy had trimmed up his bush and shaved his balls the day before. His nuts felt so smooth as he passed his hand under them. Jeremy rifled through his bag and took out his trunks. He pulled them on, tucking the tip of his dick into the lower half of the waistband so his hard-on wouldn't show. He went to meet the others on the back deck. Danny was in the living room tying his trunks when Jeremy came through. He whistled. "Check out this heartbreaker," he laughed. "You're ripped yourself, big fella," Jeremy said, slapping Danny's ass. "Don't be a tease," he smirked. "Fuck you. Come on," Jeremy said, opening the sliding door to the deck. "Holy shit, it's freezing out here!" he yelled as a frigid wind met him. "Hey-oh! Look at this stud!" Addison said from the Jacuzzi. "I swear I see those nips tightening up right now." Jeremy didn't respond, but quickly hopped into the Jacuzzi with Addison and Christopher. Danny was right behind him. "God, this feels good," Danny said as he submerged himself into the warm waters. Steam was rolling out of the tub like water boiling. "You're not kidding," Christopher said, lolling his head. "Alright, bitches, next round!" Sean yelled from the door. He held up a bottle of vodka. Porter was behind him with glasses. Both of their bodies were completely shaved. "Bring it on," Addison said lazily. The last two hopped into the Jacuzzi, dispersing the glasses and vodka equally. All of them started to drink again. After they all quieted down a bit, Porter commented, "It really is nice out here. You can't see shit in the dark, but it's nice and secluded, you know?" "It's just us, boys," Sean said. "Yep. No cramped apartments, no confined spaces, none of that shit," "Speaking of confined spaces," Danny said, twisting his side, "these trunks are giving me a major wedgie." "So pull 'em out of your crack," Porter said, taking another sip. "Nah, that won't work. This pair always does this." "You know what I've always hated about trunks? They blow up with air like this," Addison said, pointing at his ballooning shorts. "I fucking hate that shit," Christopher said, shaking his head. "Me, too," Jeremy said. He noticed his own trunks were beginning to fill up. "Guess it's the jets that accelerate the process," Sean said. They all went quiet again, drinking sip after sip of vodka. After a few more moments, Danny stood up out of the water. "You know what? Fuck these shorts," he said. Without an ounce of inhibition, he peeled off his trunks and stepped out of them. He was standing in the cold air completely naked. His trimmed pubic hair was shaped in a fanning pattern around his low-hanging dick. "Well, just make yourself comfortable, why don't you?" Sean said sarcastically. Jeremy thought it was insane to be watching this, but he wasn't really opposed. Normally he would turn and leave, but for some reason he thought it made perfect sense to strip down to nothing. Danny looked perfect as he stood naked, with nothing but his hard, shredded body against the backdrop of pines swaying in the night. He was a man in the ruggedness of nature. Danny sat down in the water again, tossing his trunks over by the grill. "That's so much better, I can't even explain," he said, smiling slyly. He took another drink. "Well, I can't let you be alone in this, big fella. I'm your spotter, after all," Addison said. He too stood up and ripped off his shorts, revealing his dick at half-mast. "Whoa! Getting a little excited there, huh?" Danny laughed. "Do I turn you on?" "You know it, baby," he said, throwing his trunks on top of Danny's. Addison sat down again. "Melissa would kill me if she knew what I was up to right now." "Fuck her," Christopher said. "But I already do," "Not tonight, you aren't," Porter said. He stood up and began to take off his shorts as well. Another dick was exposed as semi-erect. "Guess there's no shame in feeling a little frisky, then, huh, guys?" Danny asked. He bucked his hips up so that his swelling penis rose above the water. "None at all. We're drunk and alone. We can do whatever the fuck we want," Porter said, tossing his shorts over by the pile. He put a hand on his hip and looked at his still-clothed friends. "Well, come and join the party! There's nothing we haven't seen before." "Alright," Jeremy said, feeling his heart begin to pick up its pace. He stood up and followed suit, along with Sean and Christopher. Once all three were naked (and obviously excited), they submerged themselves again. Jeremy noticed the jets were much more satisfactory without anything on. He also felt freer, as if taking off his clothes brought down any barriers of inhibition surrounding his conscience. His friends seem to think so, too, as everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves much more thoroughly now. "These jets feel great against your balls," Addison said, taking another drink. "Agreed," Porter said, raising his glass. "That's nothing. Aim it right against your asshole. It almost feels like a chick's rimming you," Sean said. Jeremy, curious, moved his ass up a little before he felt the pressure thrashing against his tightened hole. "Holy shit, that feels good!" "I can't believe you talked a girl into rimming you," Danny said, enjoying the pleasure his jet provided. "She was reluctant, but caved eventually," Sean smirked. "Never had it happen, myself," Danny said. "Me, neither," Christopher added. "It'll happen eventually. Don't get knocked up about it," Sean said casually. They continued to joke and drink until the vodka was gone. They moved slower on account of wanting to pace themselves. Eventually Porter craned his head to look into the kitchen and check the clock. "Four in the morning, guys," he said, shaking his head. "Sad thing is I don't feel a bit tired." "Well, I need to take a piss, regardless," Jeremy said, standing up. His erection was gone, as the excitement had kind of worn off after the first couple of hours. "Yeah, me, too," "Me, three," All of the men stood and quickly stumbled into the house on account of the cold. They left their trunks outside. As they stood dripping wet in the side entrance of the living room, Sean swore. "Fuck, I forgot towels." "Don't worry about it. The water will have dried by the time morning comes around," Addison said, proceeding towards his room. "Hey, there's only five bathrooms!" Sean yelled. "Somebody's going have to share!" "No way," Danny said, breaking into a run. Soon it was a drunken rush to get a bathroom. Jeremy pushed past Porter and managed to get into the one beside his bedroom. He locked the door laughing as Porter cussed him out from the other side. "Fuck you, Jeremy!" "Can't fuck me if you're locked out, can you?" Jeremy laughed. He traipsed over to the toilet, on the way noticing his body in the mirror. Again he stopped and flexed. "God damn, you look hot," he said to himself, massaging his deltoids. He heard more laughing and running from outside the bathroom. Not wanting to miss anything, he quickly peed into the toilet. As he stood waiting for the stream to end, his head began to spin. Jeremy shook it off. When he had finished, he flushed and unlocked the bathroom door. Jeremy began to feel dizzy again, so he turned and went straight into his bedroom. He crashed naked and wet onto his bed. The room was still spinning, and he quickly blacked out. Jeremy snapped up all of a sudden. He was still wet and buzzed. Looking at the nightstand clock, it read four-thirty in the morning. He propped himself up and sat still for a minute. He couldn't hear any movement in the house. He got up and walked as best he could into the hallway. It was there that he heard a sound, almost like a moan. Jeremy proceeded down the hallway towards the other bedrooms. The moaning became louder and more distinct. Eventually Jeremy found its source behind one of the bedroom doors. Instinct told him not to open it, but he was more curious than anything. He cracked open the door to peep inside. Jeremy then saw something he'd never witnessed before. Porter was on his knees sucking Addison off. Addison, who was the one moaning, was sitting on the bed. He was massaging Porter's back with one hand while propping himself up with the other. Porter went down farther, resulting in a gasp from Addison. Addison quickly put both hands behind Porter's head and pushed his friend deeper into his crotch. Jeremy heard Porter choke and release. A thick stream of pre-cum connected his lips to Addison's cock. He then went back to work. Jeremy shut the door, stunned. He could still hear the moans. Were they gay? It never showed, he thought. Jeremy then noticed his throbbing erection. He gawked at it: he couldn't remember the last time he'd been so hard. It began to leak from the tip. Confused, he returned to the living room. He was dealt another blow of astonishment as he found the same porno they had watched on the way up now on the 90-inch television. Danny, Sean, and Christopher's heads were all visible on the U-shaped couch. The volume was muted, but there was a different sound pervading the warmed air. Squelching, slapping sounds were coming from the couch. Before he stopped himself, perhaps due to his drunken stupor, he came around the side of the couch to see all three of his friends jacking themselves off. "Hey, buddy," Sean said, smiling. "Join us?" "Whoa—sorry, I'm just, just," "Aw, forget it and just go with the flow," Christopher said. "We all got over it like ten minutes ago." "What? Why?" Jeremy asked, perplexed. Danny shrugged sloppily. "We're horny and need some relief. No point in doing it on our own." "And you could definitely use some relief," Sean said, nodding at Jeremy's veined cock. "But—but we're not..." "Not what?" "Does this make us gay?" "Whoa!" Christopher yelled, never missing a stroke. "This is just some fun. Shut up and sit down." Jeremy looked over at the television again. "Why is the sound off?" "Danny likes the sound his cock makes when he's jerking it," Sean said. "Besides, we don't want to disturb our lover-boys in the back." "You know about that, too?" Jeremy said, sitting down. "They're just having some fun," Christopher said. "Leave them be." Jeremy looked around the couch. "No lube?" "Use your spit. It's more natural," Sean said. Jeremy shrugged and watched the movie. He summoned up a good pool of saliva in his mouth, spat into his hand, and started stroking his member. Sean watched him. They all went quiet, the only sound being the rhythmic chorus of their dicks being stroked and the occasional spit from their mouths. After a while, Danny began to breathe harder. "This is it, boys. I'm almost done," he groaned. "Allow me," Sean said, grabbing Danny's cock with his other hand. Danny, surprised, let go and let his friend work him. "Aw, fuck! Fuck, that feels good!" Danny said, biting his lip. "Like that, big boy?" Sean asked, staring at Danny. "Holy shit, yes. Oh, oh, keep going." Sean leaned over and spat a big glob of his own spit onto Danny's head, then stroked faster. Danny began to buck his hips. "Aw, fuck! I'm going to cum! I'm cumming!" he yelled. It was only a few seconds later that a thick spurt of his man-spunk shot out of his dick and onto his chest. Another shot came out, followed by a slow seep of cum. Both Christopher and Jeremy watched as the waves of pleasure washed over Danny. Sean moaned. "That was hot, man. I'm almost there," "Here," Danny said. He scooped up as much cum as he could, moved Sean's hand out of the way and returned the favor. Christopher shook his head. Jeremy was enraptured. Watching the white, creamy fluid mix with the slick spit on Sean's cock had to have been the most erotic thing either of them had ever seen. Sean must have though so, too. "Shit, I'm going to cum! Ugh, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" he yelled loudly. With a shout, he shot his entire load in one twitch of his dick. His cock throbbed in Danny's hand, whose face was now plastered with his friend's chunky fluid. Calming down, Sean looked at Danny and smiled. "You've got something on your face, fag," "Get it off for me, would you?" he whispered. Sean held back for a second, breathing hard. He then gave in and licked the side of Danny's face. He lapped up his own cum off of his friend, lavishing at the prickly feel of the day's old stubble against his tongue. They soon began to make out, swapping cum and spit through their mouths. "Fuck," Jeremy said, watching the two wrap their muscled arms around each other. "Jerk me off, would you?" Christopher asked, turning to Jeremy. Jeremy nodded, moving in closer. "You do me." They both switched off, Christopher stroking Jeremy's dick and vice-versa. They watched their friends French kiss each other, cum slipping between their lips and smearing onto their taut pecs. "Oh, I'm going to cum," Christopher said. "Me, too. Oh, God," Jeremy moaned. He felt the intensity rise as both he and Christopher stroked each other furiously. Christopher came first, with around four short spurts onto his abs. Halfway through, Jeremy came. He felt wave after wave of pleasure erupt from his cock, shooting straight up in the air and dribble down his balls. Danny and Sean paused kissing each other to watch. As the intensity died down, Jeremy leaned over and licked the cum off of Christopher's chiseled abs. He didn't know why he did it. The act just seemed right. Christopher's cum was salty and warm. It made a unique coating along Jeremy's tongue. Knowing what was next, Christopher grabbed Jeremy by the head and kissed him. Their tongues fought each other, one trying to playfully pin the other one down. Jeremy was soon on top of Christopher, just as Danny was with Sean. Soon the sounds of their sloppy kisses were the only noises in the living room. One by one, each fell asleep on the couch. The waning moonlight illuminated their ripped, naked bodies as they slept. The night was soon over. A night that none of them would forget.
    4 points
  5. last year You know how people love to gossip and talk shit about other people? I took a psychology class in college and have talked to a few therapists, but I still don't know why we like to repeat negative information about fellow human beings. What desire does it satisfy? Not that I'm innocent; I not only repeat nasty rumors, but also eagerly listen to them. That's how I found out about Randy. Guys at the little tavern I stopped at after work were the most chattering, gossiping bunch of hens you'd ever want to meet. I knew most of them by name after a few months of going there. I was still inexperienced with actual gay sex, but I don't think I came across that way. When I told my friend my friend Joseph that I was a virgin, he didn't believe me at first. I play it cool. After he realized I wasn't lying, he took it upon myself to point out all the men I should stay away from. "He'll rob you blind". "That one has a partner and they both cheat". "He has HIV". Huh? It was 2016 and the disease was very manageable with medication, right? Plus -- I knew how to use a condom if the occasion finally ever arose for me. One evening I got a little too drunk and found myself in a circle of young guys who were dishing about everybody they knew. That's when Randy's name was first mentioned. Apparently he was a guy that once frequented this place but had disappeared from the scene about a year ago. A few guys were sure that he was dying in some hospice and others said he was haunting the one bathhouse. For whatever reason, I wanted to know more. He was known to be HIV+ and didn't have the ability to treat it with even the newest medications. Not only that, but he was supposedly still active sexually. Just not here. I felt my boner rise. As I waited for more information about this guy, a few hot businessmen walked in and all their attention was diverted. They were pretty tasty-looking, but Randy was all I could think about. I finally managed to drag Joseph aside for a few minutes and interrogate him about this infamous man. "Do you know Randy?" "Sort of. He lives in my building and I see him every other week or so. Why?" "I want to meet him. Or see him at least. Where does he hang out?" "Oh no! You heard about the 'super strain' he's got in his balls and now you're wanting to have sex with him! Are you crazy? No. I know what you are: a 'bug chaser'." I should have protested and reassured him that I was just curious, but I just stood in silence. "Well, I'll miss you if that counts for anything. I knew a few guys like you and they're all gone now. Tell you what -- go home and sleep it off and if you're still intent on this, I'll text you his email address tomorrow". Deal. I found my way back to my apartment and slept off and on until dawn. Once the sun was up, I rolled out of bed and called in sick to work. I went back to try and sleep. but just couldn't. Ever notice how you can't force yourself to be tired? It was late in the morning and still no text from Joseph. I should have guessed this. He's not the most reliable guy in the world and has a tendency to bullshit. Then a little "ding" went off and then another. Not a text -- that was the sound I gave to incoming emails. They weren't from Joseph. They were from HIM. Hi. Joe told me a little bit about you and assured me you were cute and cool. I'm 44. Is that too old? LOL My heart was jumping all over my chest. I seldom smoke anymore, but found an old pack and fished one out. There were two more emails from him. OK. Me again. Sorry I forgot my number. It's --- -----. Hope to hear from you soon. The last email was just a photo of him. He looked very normal. He kind of looked like one of those divorced dads I's see on weekends at the grocery store. Medium weight and somewhat shaggy blonde/brown hair that was just a few weeks past 'clean cut'. He needed a shave too. I loved the pic because it wasn't a posed selfie. It was just an honest, candid shot that somebody else must have taken. I was nearly in love at that point. I made myself do some laundry and the dishes and some general tidying up before I called him just at 1:12 pm. "Hello?" "Hi. Is this Randy?" "Yes! Is this Joseph's friend, Tim?" "It is. Got your emails and pic... thanks!" "Sorry. That's the only photo of me I had saved. I had some more 'interesting' ones on my old phone but it died. Maybe we can take some new ones later." Wow. This was moving fast. "I took the day off and was wondering what you were up to". "I am supposed to go feed a friend's dogs, but not until later. Wanna go do something?" "Sure. Like a movie?" " No. Definitely not a movie. You can't talk n a movie, and there's not much out there I'd want to see anyway." "Well YOU decide then". "I'll come pick you up and we'll go find something to do. Just give me your address and I'll be there in thirty minutes." I was dizzy now and had to sit down, but I gave him my address and we said our goodbyes. I rushed to change clothes. I was going to go casual because he struck me as the ultra-relaxed sort. I should have taken longer because it had only been five minutes since I'd hung up the phone. Waiting waiting waiting. Dear Lord. I wasn't religious, but felt the need to pray for some reason. And then there was a knock on my door.I opened it and there he stood -- looking exactly like his photograph. He was a tad taller than me -- wearing a simple t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops. He didn't look sick or too thin or give any sign of being "viral". He sized me up a little and then smiled brightly. "Let's go!" he said. I followed and don't even remember if I locked the door behind me. We drove away on that beautiful late-Spring day and sat in silence. "Let's go to Rose Park and take a walk," he suggested. It was called Rose park because it was full of regularly-tended rose bushes, but they wouldn't bloom until later in the Summer. "Sounds good", was all I said. I should be talking more. I should also stop glancing down at his legs. They were mostly hairless but well-formed. Nothing about him suggested bad health. For such a perfect day, there almost no other visitors at the park. It's not the weekend, I reminded myself. We strolled down a path past the pond, the fountains and the not-blooming rose garden. Once were deeper into the park's wilder area, he started talking. "Joseph is a character isn't he? He didn't tell me much about you". I guess this my cue to give him some details about my life, but he wanted to move the conversation forward again. "I'm sure you know all about me, though. Right?" I wondered how in the world I was still walking and breathing. I was dizzy and stumbled a bit over a rock or an acorn or something. He reached over and took my left hand to steady me. "Thanks. I'm fine. It's okay". But he still kept holding my hand. "I heard a little. Just bar talk". "Well -- I'll tell you everything. I'm HIV positive and have multi-resistant strains. I guess it's all mixed to become one, but I don't know enough about stuff to officially classify it. I just know I hate doctors and I hate taking pills and I absolutely hate the big pharmacies that are pushing these little chances of life when you know damn good and well the cure is within their reach. Fuck 'em". I could tell he was getting worked-up because his grip on my hand tightened and he was sweating. At that moment I realized my hands were only a few skin layers away from his mega-toxic veins and bloodstream. Plus his sweat was probably tainted as well. I should be talking more, but I didn't feel entitled to right now. We were under some overgrown willows and the shade was almost cool. I wanted to say something. Anything. "How do you feel?" was all I could come up with. "Powerful", was his simple, calm response. "Good", I said because I was really glad he felt that way. Randy led me off the path and further into the forest of willows and untended grass. He turned around to face me. "I lied", he said out of the blue. "About..?" "Joseph told me all about you. I saw your Facebook and your Instagram. I know more than you think I do. He also told me your goal was to get THIS inside you", he said, grabbing his crotch with the hand that wasn't holding mine. "Why? Wha...What did he say?" "Sshh. Sshh. We'll do this and you'll have a good story to tell at the pub. Watch me get naked and work yourself up. We're alone here". Sure enough -- he pulled down his shorts (no underwear), kicked off his flips, and yanked off his shirt. He was perfect in a way. So very normal. His dick was average-sized but super hard. I briefly looked at his scrotum because I knew that's where the super strain was cooking. Maybe he noticed my glance. Maybe not. I could barely get my shorts and undies down because my dick was so uncontrollably hard. I barely got my loafers off before he engulfed me in a bear hug. It felt nice and I would have been happy if it all ended now. "Work on this dick, little chaser boy". I knew he meant for me to blow him because that was close to a line I'd heard in porn videos. I knelt and had the head of his super weapon on my tongue. Way closer to the bug than my hand had ever been. It wasn't too bad at all. I didn't choke or gag like I'd always suspected I would if this ever happened. This was going well I thought as he started bucking his hips and mumbling non-words. "STOP!", he commanded, "I'm about to cum". Then he turned around and offered his spread ass cheeks to me. This is what I never imagined doing. But I planted my face right in there and then let my tongue take over. He sure loved that. I was starting to like it too, but he stopped me again. Randy grabbed his discarded shirt and made a little mat for me to lie down on. "Get down there now". I was on my back and looking up at him as he jerked his dick. "You don't even want me to pretend I'm putting on a condom, do you?" he asked. I shook my head and he fell on top of me. "Fuck Yeah" was all he said before pushing his crotch down onto mine and grinding. I would have been happy if it all ended now. My brain was in the clouds somewhere when I felt a knife-like pain in my ass. I almost yelled but his mouth was over mine. His tongue was a fat worm rolling around all over my teeth and gums. Our first kiss was not all that romantic. And then he was inside of me completely. The most toxic guy in the city (possibly the state) was fucking me. Raw. "Why?", I asked for whatever reason. Maybe because it felt a little bit like a rape. Of course it wasn't. I'd pursued this and participated fully in everything leading up to it. "What do you mean 'why'?", he asked as his breathing grew heavier. I said nothing. "I have all the power and you have none. You can't escape the consequences at this point....speaking of...." He was thrusting uncontrollably now, He had cum. Deep in me. He kissed me one more time and then rolled off, exhausted. We were both on our backs, looking up at the swaying willow branches and the dying afternoon sun. Dying. What now? He drove me back to my place in almost complete silence. I thought we'd say 'goodnite' at that point, but Randy escorted me up to my door and then invited himself in. We spent the night in my bed, arms wrapped around each other. He was in my life now...as was his virus I supposed. OK. It was somewhat early and we hadn't eaten dinner, but fatigue won over and we slept deeply.
    4 points
  6. Moderator's Note: The 2 parts of this story have been combined into a single thread here. This thread has been locked. Jeremy awoke the next morning on the couch. He squinted his eyes as the morning light came in through the windows. Propping himself up on his arms, he looked around. Christopher, Sean, and Danny were also on the couch. His friends were still sleeping. Every one of them were nude. Jeremy could spot dried cum stains on their bodies and the couch from the previous night’s events. All three of his friends were sprawled out because of the large size of the furniture. And they were the epitome of what men should look like. Bulging arms, thick legs, and tight abs were all standard fixtures on their bodies. It was the result of long hours in the gym and camaraderie that went well beyond the weight room. Jeremy stood up and stretched. He had a semi-erection from looking at the guys beside him. It felt somewhat strange, having this attraction. Jeremy went to the kitchen naked and got one of the protein shakes from the refrigerator. He silently went back past the living room and into the hallway. In his bedroom, Jeremy looked at himself in the mirror. There was dried cum on his front. He didn’t care, though. He did a many push-ups as he could on the floor. Sweat beaded on his forehead and his triceps and chest singed. As he stood up, Jeremy heard water running from another room. “Hey,” came a voice from behind him. “Woah,” Jeremy started, turning to see Porter standing in the doorway. Porter wore only a black jockstrap. It stood out against his pale body, as did the faint blue veins feeding his beefy muscles. “Hey.” “Good night last night?” “Yeah, I . . . I guess so.” Jeremy remembered what he had seen transpire between Porter and Addison. “Yeah, me too.” “What’d you guys do?” “Uh, we just watched some porn.” Porter smirked, walking into the room. “Sure you did. Were you expecting something like this to happen?” “What do you mean?” Porter shrugged. He grabbed Jeremy’s right arm, rubbing it up and down. Though his palms were calloused, it matched the firm push he applied. Porter always went rough with his workouts. He lifted less weight than most of his friends, but could do more reps than any of them. He was Porter the Powerhouse. Jeremy could only imagine what that could translate to under the sheets. “You like that?” Jeremy observed Porter’s eyes. They were fixated on Jeremy’s body. Only his body. “Feels good, man.” “Sure does.” Porter lifted up Jeremy’s right pec a few times, watching it bounce. “Flex,” he commanded. Jeremy did as he was told. Porter smiled at the ripples of muscle. “Good body, man.” “Thanks. You, too.” “Yeah?” he asked, stepping back. “You like this?” “I—” “Look at my bod, man, NOT my face,” Porter said sternly. Jeremy looked over the light skin of his friend. Well, Jeremy wasn’t sure if this could be considered something friends did. But who gave a fuck. He loved the dusky coat of scruff over Porter’s chest and abs. The pure balls of strength on Porter’s shoulders, his thick trunks of legs. “You look great, Porter. Your hair is . . .” “Yeah, I’m debating on shaving it all off or not.” “Nah, it’s hot.” Porter nodded, looking down at his body. “Addison would agree with you.” “Oh? You and Addison—” “Look, most of us here came to terms with what we wanted freshman year,” Porter said, flexing in the mirror. He appeared like a narcissistic asshole looking at himself. But the primal instinct in Jeremy, deep inside him, made Porter look like the hottest person he’d seen in a long time. Forget any girls’ tits he’d seen, Porter had most all of them beat in size with his own furry pecs. And to hell with pussies, because that bulge sticking out of his jock was pure erotic. Not to mention that ass . . . “First it was me and Addison, then it spread to the other guys around mid-sophomore year. We know what we like. We know what it takes to look like we do.” Jeremy was slightly confused. Confused, but excited. “What do you mean?” “Dude, look at how much work we put into our bods. Look at all the money and time spent, protein, creatine, glutamine, and weekends we’ve given away. All the planning and dieting we’ve done. What was it for, huh?” Jeremy thought. “Looking good.” “Fuck yeah. Now why would we waste all this,” he said as he flexed his bicep, “for some anorexic drunk bitch at a club? Or a stoned cunt at Lollapalooza? We’re better than that. We’re better than them. We take strength and looks over everything, so it was natural for this to happen.” “What to happen?” Jeremy asked. He knew it was a dumb question. He already knew the answer. But he wanted to hear it from Porter’s vain mouth. The man in front of him was never more lucrative. “Jeremy, we fuck studs now. Men. The biggest ripped, toned, meatheads we can get our dicks into.” Porter chuckled as he examined his calves. “We’re sluts. We want hunks.” Jeremy slowly nodded, processing the information. “So does everyone, I mean, all the other guys—” “We’ve all fucked each other,” Porter finished. “You were the most reserved and uptight about girls and shit, so we tried to keep it from you.” “Why?” Porter shook his head. “I dunno. I knew you’d want to, but the others weren’t so sure.” “Hmm.” Jeremy did not even notice that he was leaking precum onto the floor. Porter did, though. “You can make the decision for yourself.” Porter came over, without invitation, and tugged on Jeremy’s dick. It immediately stiffened. It felt amazing. “I know you’re a slut for studs. I want to see you in action, too. Do you want to see me?” Jeremy’s mind was reeling. This was happening fast. But it was a surge far more exciting than anything he’d ever experienced before. “I . . .” Porter let go, stepping backwards. “Addison’s in the shower. We’re going to fuck. You can come watch if you want.” With that, Porter left the room, his ass almost bouncing as he walked. Jeremy was not sure what to do. After that discussion, Porter definitely made him feel like he was above fucking girls. But he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to fuck a guy. On the other hand, Porter was by and far the hottest person Jeremy thought he had ever let touch him. It was the muscle, vanity, and arrogant attitude that escalated him to a prime piece of ass. Jeremy looked at himself in the mirror. It was instinct for him to flex some part of his body. Just to see the results of his labor. Yes, he decided, he was like Porter. And he wanted to see more. Jeremy followed Porter’s path, going towards the sound of running water. He went into the bedroom across the hall. The room was a mess. Clothes enough for two people and a thong were strewn on the floor. The sheets on the bed were tangled and twisted. It was clear Addison and Porter had spent the night together. The door to the bathroom was wide open. Light steam was coming out of the doorway. Jeremy, totally naked and sporting a semi, gingerly walked over the threshold and into the bathroom. There was a sink by the door, followed by the toilet, and a wall-to-wall Jacuzzi bathtub on the opposite wall. Addison was standing up in the tub, which was filled with water. His strong jaw was glistening with sweat. His tanned body was without any hair at all, except for the small patch above his rock hard cock. Porter was on his knees in the tub, practically gagging on Addison’s manhood. There was a lust for it, a desire. Porter took pleasure in it, not at all deterred that he looked like the bitch of the situation. Addison looked up, then winked at Jeremy. “Morning,” he smiled. Jeremy nodded, not wanting to interrupt too much. Porter looked up from the cock he was servicing. A strand of precum connected his lips to Addison’s manhood. “Sit on the toilet, slut. He’s mine for now.” Jeremy did as he was told. He sat down and began stroking himself. He had plenty of precum to lubricate. Porter sucked on Addison for a little while longer, choking vigorously. He sucked like he lifted: no holding back. Jeremy wished Porter was sucking on his cock. He got harder just thinking of it. Eventually Addison shoved Porter off of him. Some water sloshed out of the tub in a single wave. No one cared. “Bend over, bitch,” Addison grinned. His dick had to have been at least eight inches long. With a stern look and a nod, Porter turned around and lifted his ass to Addison. It wasn’t for fun, it seemed, but a duty to Addison. Jeremy could tell through Porter’s face. Porter believed Addison deserved his ass. It made Jeremy all the more harder. He stroked with more vigor. Addison reached on the bathtub rim for a condom conveniently laying there. There was also a bottle of lube. Addison ripped the wrapper apart with his teeth and began to put it on. Porter, watching Jeremy with strict eyes, shook his head. “No.” “What you say?” Addison asked, the condom halfway on his dick. “No. No condoms. I want him to see natural man-fucking.” Addison smirked, then ripped the condom off his dick. He threw it at Jeremy’s face. “Fag,” Addison laughed. Addison then lubed up his dick and began to push it into Porter’s hole. Jeremy took the condom off his face and cast it onto the floor. He wanted to see everything. Addison took no time in getting into Porter’s man cunt. It only took a total of ten seconds before he was balls-deep. Jeremy was impressed. Porter only held a look of concentration as Addison went to town on him. Pound after pound, with varying intensity, pushed into him. “Fuck yeah,” Porter said after a couple of minutes. “Fucking POUND that pussy!” he yelled. His face was starting to get red. Addison kept nailing Porter, harder and harder. Jeremy looked closer at Porter’s ass. It was hairy and slick. The fur clung to Addison’s dick as it was thrust out and into Porter’s insides. Porter turned and looked at Jeremy. “I want you later,” he said. It was as if no one was fucking him, like natural conversation on the side of the street. Addison took an extra hard thrust. “Good thing about Porter,” Addison panted, “is that he never complains. He’s a power bottom.” “FUCK YEAH!” Porter screamed. It took Jeremy by surprise at the volume. “FUCK ME, MAKE ME YOUR BITCH!” Addison went into a wild thrusting. He rutted harder into Porter’s hole than Jeremy had seen in any porn. It was wild. Porter in turn grabbed the backs of Addison’s legs and pushed deeper inside himself. Addison started to curve his spine. “Uh, uh, I’m about to cum.” “FUCK ME!” Porter screamed, pushing Addison harder into his hole. Jeremy was bewildered. He stroked his cock faster. “UH, UH, OH my GOD!!” Addison yelled, stopping the thrusting and slamming his pelvis into Porter’s hole. Jeremy could tell Addison was spurting in Porter’s ass by the ruts of both their hips. “Fuck yeah!” Porter yelled, slapping the water in triumph. Half a liter of bathwater was thrown onto the walls and floor. Addison pulled his dick out and crouched in the water. He was eye level to Porter’s hole. “Come on, man, show me the money,” Addison urged. “Oh my god,” Jeremy said, unable to hold himself. He was so close to cumming. Porter looked over at him. “Come over here, show me what you’re working with.” Jeremy, without hesitation, got up and kept stroking himself. “I’m close.” Porter looked up at him. He was not a lover, hooker, friend, or even weight lifter at that point. He was a slut. Only existing for cum. Man juice. The milk of all humanity, sperm of life. Given to the holes of sluts. Jeremy began to spurt, cumming all over Porter’s ass. Addison looked up with a smile and caught the rest in his mouth, sucking on Jeremy’s dick. Jeremy pushed him away. “No! I want it on him!” Addison laughed and spit the cum on the small of Porter’s back. “Fine, dude!” Jeremy finished cumming and shook the last of his spunk onto Porter. Addison was still crouching, watching the cum drizzle. “Fuck.” Porter, looking up at Jeremy, tightened his abdomen and squirted Addion’s splooge out of his ass. He was like a water gun. The cum fell all over Addison’s ripped chest. Addison leaned back in the bathwater and breathed heavily. Porter stood up. His skin was splotched from the exertion. His cock was still rock hard. “Lick it.” Jeremy looked form Porter to Addison and back again. He made up his mind. In two licks, he went down on Addison’s chest and removed all the cum. He held it in his mouth. It was incredibly salty. Porter stepped out of the tub and pushed his body tight against Jeremy’s. “Give it to me.” They made out, transferring the cum between both of them and using is as lube between their tongues. Each swallowed greedily after most of it had dissolved. Porter stood back. His dick was standing proud. “You slut. Welcome.” Jeremy had never felt more free.
    4 points
  7. I think sharing someone you love--or even slightly like--is very hot. The mistake many people make is that love and sex are the same thing. Sex should be a hot, sweaty, raw, passionate, cum filled adventure that you share with those you know, just met or those you never exchange a word with. Love on the other hand is something different and defined by those doing the loving. Not every person thinks the same way about sex and love but I can say in my experience those who view sex and love as the same thing make things much more difficult.
    4 points
  8. Earlier this morning at a hotel near Heathrow I fucked a 28 year old German flight attendant who wanted a quick fuck before he went to work. I went to his hotel room - he sucked my cock for a while and then bent over the bed. I slid my cock up him and fucked him bb, shooting my load right up him. I left him bent over the bed, pants down and my load up him. He's up in the air somewhere now, serving his customers with an arse full of cum.
    4 points
  9. I love that hot looking hole winking at everyone. I want to grab the harness and slam fuck his hole like a bitch in heat. Make him scream and whimper as I pump him full. Then just pull out and say I am all done with that pussy boy you can leave now. Or stay and get gang banged your choice. and walk away.
    3 points
  10. I don't want to lie to him but I feel I can't say that, no, I won't be coming back, and this was all a lark, an anecdote I'll tell a couple of times before I forget the details, but will have a bit of a recollection that there was this cute kid I fucked in the back woods of the Glastenbury Mountains. I just look at him. Cute, with a smooth, narrow chest, furry legs, sweet angelic face that can change in an instant. Before I can answer he's scrambling off the bed, going out the door. "Yeah, that's what I thought," he says going down the hall. I follow him to the living room feeling like a douche bag. He plops on the couch and grabs a small glass pipe. He fills it with some white shards that's sitting in plastic zip bag on the coffee table. With a torch lighter he puts a flame to the bottom of the bowl, waits for some smoke to rise and then inhales the swirling smoke. I sit next to him and put a hand on his bare knee. He passes the pipe over to me. I hold it for a second before I ask him what it is? "What do you think, college?" He's bitter and sarcastic. I know that's on me. "Tina?" I hazard a guess. "Give the man a diploma." "I don't really do Tina, Johnny." "Then give it back," he says scornfully. He reaches out his fingers like a little boy who wants a toy back. I feel like I've dissed him and I don't mean to. There's still a little smoke swirling in the pipe and I inhale it. I hold it for just a second before I puff it out. He's looking at me out of the corner of his eye. He comments, "Fuck sake, college, smoke it if you're going to smoke it. Here." He lights the torch and holds it under the bowl. I see the bowl cloud up and I take a hit. "Now hold it. That's it. Keep holding it." I'm about to choke so I blow out the contents. "Well, that was a waste. Shotgun it to me. Do you know what that is?" I feel defensive and not liking the note of condescension I'm hearing. "Yes, I've shotgunned before. Pot." "Gimme, I'll show you." He lights it, holds in the smoke, then exhales it to me. I'm sucking it in and he surprises me by sticking his tongue in my mouth. I'm taken aback for about a second before I see he's conflicted, acting out petulantly, not knowing his endgame. He holds my head with his palm. He's mad, but horny. I guess I am too. My analytical brain turns off, and the kiss suddenly turns passionate. It's incongruous because part of my brain is thinking he's being a little shit, but suddenly I'm really into this little shit, more than I thought. Part of me likes him being a little shit. I have to let out the cloud but right after we're back in a lip lock. I feel his lap and he's got a nice hard on. He's not big but it's harder than most other cocks I've gripped. It's solid, like I could literally pick him up by it. I can't help but smile at him, and for an honest second he smiles back. He puts out his hand and let's me know I got a big hard on too. If this is from the tina I think I want more. He puts down the pipe on the coffee table and we make out, jacking each other for a while. The trailer's dark with moonlight' spilling in through the screen door. It's casting the living room with a pale blue light. I like that we're half-lit, it makes my sense of touch more sensitive, both feeling him up, and his hand running up and down my ribs and over my pecs. I tweak his small nipples and start chewing on his smooth neck. He's responding in kind, pinching my tits, his hand running down, grabbing my balls and squeezing them hard. Then he runs some fingers between my legs but before he gets to my asshole I shut him down. I tell him I don't really like my ass played with. It comes out a little more breathless than I had meant it to. I don't like being coy, but I get rattled if someone's playing with my ass when I want to play with his. "Okay," he responds. He doesn't seem upset, just sits up and lights a candle on the table. "Want another hit?" he asks, knowing he's ensnared me. His smile looks calculated and not really friendly. "Yeah. That was intense." He scoffs. "Just wait," he says filling up the bowl again and handing it to me. "You shotgun me." I do and we go another round, shotgunning each other, taking turns being the instigator, blowing into the other's lungs. I feel super horned up in a matter of minutes, and bend to suck his dick. He lets me but I feel his hand running down my back looking for my hole again. This time I'm thinking it isn't such a bad idea. I'm not hard core against getting my hole played with and I'm beginning to think I want him to touch my asshole. He's leaking precum and it's getting me even more aroused. He lifts one leg up and throws it over the back of the couch. "Eat my shit hole." I do and with my tongue feel how open his hole is. So young and so softly gaping. His asslips are extremely loose. I can stretch them about easily with two fingers, and do. He's straining, pushing open his hole even more for me, and it's spreading wide, showing a beautiful young pink rose in the candlelight. It looks so hot and I start playing within it, flicking what I know is his colon lining with my tongue, hearing him let out guttural moans. He's pushing out harder giving me more to eat, and it's turning me on enormously. I encourage him, "Open it, boy. Show me your cunt." "You like that, college? You want me to open your hole like that?" I'm nodding, wanting him to find my hole. "Nah, you tell me out loud how much you want it." "I want it. I want you to open my hole." I spread my legs to let him find me. He does. "Let's go back to my room and I'll show you how daddy works on me." We both get up and I follow him down the hall, and for the second time tonight we flop on his bed. I jump on his cock and start sucking his slender dick. He's whispering how good it feels. We're in the dark and suddenly my mouth is flooded with piss. I back off him and he's now pissing all over me, aiming his hard dick over my body. The idea of what he's doing detaches itself from how good it feels. It's warm, the most intimate thing anyone's ever done to me. "You like that, don't you?" I agree by putting my mouth back on his dick while he's still pissing. It's running, spilling out over my teeth. It's like bending over a drinking fountain. "Swallow it, pig. Show me you like drinking my piss." I take a small swallow at first. It's salty and hot. I like the idea of drinking down this boy's piss and start taking larger and larger gulps. "Wrap your mouth around my cock, pig, and keep drinking it." I'd never done anything like this before but feel very susceptible to his suggestion, and let him drain himself in my mouth. I let it run freely down my gullet. I gulp loudly. "You know my piss is going straight to you stomach now, pig. You got my pee in you. Next time you piss that's going to be my piss coming out of your dick. Remember that." I start wanking myself, know he's right, enjoying his vulgarity. This little backwoods boy is turning me into a piss hound. He's finishes pissing and pushes me on my back. "Hold you legs, pisspig." He hovers his small body over mine and spit on my ass. He bends down and wets my hole with his tongue. He then puts his dick right on top of my hole and pushes his head into my sphincter until his dick pops in. I'd been fuck only once before tonight, about a month ago by Zack. It was our first night together and we spent the entire night flipping back and forth. But now, with this nasty kid, he's taking a much more dominant approach. It doesn't feel like he wants to flip when we were done, that we're on a much different trajectory. I feel his extremely hard dick going in deep and doing it fast, much quicker than I'm able to take comfortably. I ask him to go slow, but he doesn't care if I'm liking it. This wasn't about us making love, but about him getting his rocks off. His dick's all the way in and he's humping me like an animal. I'll tell you the truth, I like it. I like that he doesn't give a shit if I'm enjoying it. He isn't even looking at me. He's staring straight ahead into space, just humping away inside my hole. His pace is slow until it isn't. He's going in for maximum stimulation of his dick however which way it strikes him at the moment. There's no looking to see how I'm doing. I have the sense this is how men fuck him. He slaps my ass hard, then switches up to rapidly drilling my hole. He slaps my ass again and slows to a hard, steady rutting, where he gets as deep inside me as his small body allows, pulls out almost all the way, then plunge back in again, hard. He's trying to hurt my fuckhole as others must hurt his. He's not big enough to really hurt, but the force makes me grunt, which brings a sneer to his face. He tucks my head under his arm wanting me to lick the sparse hair in his pit. I do with abandon. It's a small bush but I get off on his smell and the smoothness of his skin around the hair. He holds me in a headlock as he continues to fuck me until he locks into a steady rhythm for what seems like hours but is probably only a quarter of one. His grunting grows deeper and I feel his cockhead grow to a bulbous mushroom inside me, and then I feel him spill his seed with several deep thrusts. Without touching myself, only feeling his skinny six-pack abs slide over my wet cock, I feel his head swell as he's cumming, and with his last humps, I shoot between our chests. The slick juice lubricates our torsos and I slide a hand between us and caress the skin gliding over me. Inside I feel my prostate being ridden over and over as I erupt after he's cum. He's still pumping away, looking at me now, knowing that with each thrust, he's making me cum a little more. He's enjoying it in a torturous way, feeling in control of my orgasm, until he loses interest. He withdraws immediately, which I take to mean he's done and would like if I left. Well, it's not like I have an alternative place to go, so I roll to my side. I feel him draw me back to him. We spoon in the dark for a while before I feel, again, what he was after and it's not cuddling. Between my crack, where his dick lays spent, not in me, just pressed up against my hole, I feel a flow of warmth. He's pissing over me again. "Hold on, let me get some of this inside you. It'd be better if you just let me slam you, dude, but a little chem piss should help." He's fiddling with his dick taking a thumb to press it in my hole. It's difficult since he's soft but I relax my hole. "C'mon, open up. Let me get my gooch in you. Promise you'll like it." I feel his limp dick head pop inside. I clamped down on it, which cut off his stream for a moment. Then, sitting there quiet for a while, I feel him start leaking inside me. Some piss is going in, which is another first, but some of it is also trickling down my butt. "Your bed," I try to warn him. "It's sopping." "I'm used to it. You'll get use to it too." We lie there while he drains into me. "Tell me if you have to whiz and then do it over me, or you can do it inside me too if you want. We don't like have nothin' go to waste." By we, I'm getting this is what they do in their camp. I'm plenty high and the warm sensuality and feeling of normalizing this weird crap with him is going against every taboo I have, but also makes me ratchet up how much I like being with this little perv. I don't know if anyone else could have done what he's done, especially since it doesn't seem like it's a big deal, but I have to say that someone so much younger than me is pushing me like I'd never been pushed. I lay there feeling his piss filling me up and the trail that trickles down is growing cold. But his warm body holds me there with his small arms wrapped over my shoulders. With every passing second his piss is encouraging me to want to break whatever taboos are left. I'm coming to realize there might be a lot that I haven't even thought of. But I think he has. And not just thought of, but experienced. "Now let's see," he says, lifting my top leg slightly to get his small fingers rubbing against my bunghole. "About getting you open. You're tight as hell, man. I recon Daddy and the boys would hurt you mighty bad if they were to try to git in you, but my hands are little. Ain't gonna be no trouble gittin' you to take a fist from me. I'll take you pretty deep too, I imagine. You ready?" Knowing my ass is filled with his piss, feeling even hornier than I was two minutes ago, I recon I am. I pull up my leg thinking I might as well try something I'd never thought I'd do. In the distance, I think I hear the sputter of a far off engine as he slips his first finger in my cum-slick hole. ***
    3 points
  11. Hi I’m Tom and I have been working with Jerry for 6 years now. Most people don’t pay much attention to me as at 5ft.5 100lbs.most think I’m some boy in high school. Jerry who I work for is in his late 40s and retired from the military and what he did there he keeps very quite. Jerry can bug anyone computer , phone and install caners in any place without you knowing. He knows about every drug there is and how to use it to immobilized a person and to break their free will. I have seen his do this many times and did me. At 22 now he has been teaching me all he knows and including me in his business. Jerry has a very large group of clients who want boys for many different activities, some are for escort work, personal slaves, boys to be pimp out and even a very few who we put them on Hormone Replacement Therapy. Jerry always spends a lot of time looking for the right boy to get for his customer. Right now we are looking at this one boy that Jerry wants to keep and has gone to great lengths to get all the Intel on him and from what I have seen I agree he is a keeper. Jerry has briefed me on what to do for many hours on how this will be done and today is the day. We will call him Nick, is 5ft. 9 skinny maybe 140 lb. blond hair dark doe eyes , that turn me on he. Nick has no real friends always walks home alone from school and stops off for a soda and something to eat before going home. The place is crowed and Nick is sitting by him self like always, as I go up to Nick I ask if I can sit with him , we do a little small talk and the Intel Jerry gave me is spot on, Nick is not bright as he is failing in every class he takes and his father will beat the crap out of him again. He wish he did not have to ever go home. When there is a disturbance I make my move when he looks away I squirt this chemical into Nick drink that will go to work in 25 minutes as his walk home takes 30 minutes and Nicks always leaves at the same time. Just like Jerry said he leaves in 10 minutes as Nick leaves I get into the van with Jerry, Jerry ask how did it go so we go close where we will take him. I can see him walking up the block and the area is perfect with no one around. I can see Nick is starting to have problems walking so I jump out of the van and go up to him and he says to me he is not feeling well. I tell him to get in the van and he just walk over to it witch makes my job easy. Once in the van Jerry gets moving fast as we have 3 hour trip back home where we will change this boy life for ever. In the van I have to work fast and this drug Nick won’t last to much longer and we have to keep Nick quite for the ride home. First goes on the electric dog collar to control him , then I break out the syringe of a drug to put Nick to sleep, as I have given this drug to many I know Nick will be easy to handle for the trip.
    2 points
  12. Finally the moment I've been waiting for, the day I was to be initiated into the poz brotherhood had arrived. My initiator was tall and skinny black man with the wasted look and a magnificent ten inch cock. Staring deep into my eyes he commanded "Get on your hands and knees. You're getting my AIDS babies." I assumed the doggie position and his lightly lubed cock pressed up against my anus, initially causing me extreme pain, but once he was balls-deep, the pain quickly switched to extreme pleasure, particularly when his thrusts vigorously stimulated my prostate with his over-sized cock head. Man, I was in ecstasy having his bbc up my white ass, so I found myself moaning and begging him for more, which only made him fuck me ever harder. I was utterly proud of myself as I felt I had reached my goal of being the cumslut I had long dreamed of being. When he precipitously asked "Do you want my AIDS babies?" my reply was spot on: "Give 'em to me." Silence reigned for several minutes as he fucked away, and the silence was broken only when he announced "I'm ready to cum," adding "Do you still want my AIDS babies?" "Uhhh uh uh more, more, more," was all I could manage as he blew his thick load of poz cum deep inside my ass. As he collapsed on my back, his breath ragged and sweat pooling on my body, he casually commented "I can virtually guarantee you will convert, if only 'cause my viral load is 4,000,000. I knew then that I was on my way to full blown AIDS.
    2 points
  13. Seeking the gift between now and 8pm Perth WA Au time
    2 points
  14. This week no loads from my big dicked FB. He was away Managed to get one from a traveling business guy from Brussels at his hotel. Hot fucker but I was in and out the door in 20 minutes. But the stunner was on Friday. The 20-something I have sucked off twice wanted another blowjob. After sucking him nice and stiff (me sitting on the couch and he standing in front of me) he said he wanted to suck me. I let him although I am not a fan (I cum too quickly). He used a lot of spit and got my dick all wet and slick. I then told him that if he kept going like that I would shoot. Suddenly he dropped his sweats, turned around and slid his hole balls deep on my dick and started riding me. He must have had lube in his ass. I was too stunned to say anything. I haven't had my dick in a hole for ages. I'm a bottom! I only lasted a few minutes before I shot my load in his ass. He got up, turned around and stuffed his hard dick in my mouth facefucking me, big grin on his face. Blasted a big load down my throat. Pulled up his sweats, said "thanks" and left. Fucking hell! An hour later he sent a message "I had to have that fat dick of yours. Thanks" referring to a dick pic I had sent him (below).
    2 points
  15. I'd love to get shitty with you parTied up
    2 points
  16. Alex got back in the sling and got himself settled as the next guy in line stepped up. This guy was muscled up with a shaved head and a thick goatee. And he was hot as hell. But there was something about him that seemed familiar to Daddy Max. He had a good sized 8 inch cock with a thick PA and both of his nipples were pierced. He also had a large biohazard tat around his belly button. The stud looked at Max, winked at him, and said in a deep, masculine voice, “Max, you look good.” It was the voice that triggered it. “Roger, is that you?” “You better believe it stud,” he replied. The 2 daddies laughed out loud and hugged each other. “It’s been years,” Max said. “Just got back to town recently,” Roger replied. “We’ll have to get together soon and catch up. This isn’t exactly the time or place for it.” “You’re right about that,” Max replied, “There’s a boy here in need of your poz cum.” “Oh, he’s getting more than that, I’m full blown now.” “Ooooooooh yeah,” Alex moaned. “Looks like you have an anxious boy on your hands, Max.” “He knows what he wants, and right now, it’s your big Aids cock and that thick PA inside him.” Max replied. “Let’s see what kind of damage I can do to that sweet boy cunt. Don’t want to leave this to chance,” Roger countered. He stepped up to the sling and used a hand to get some of the jizz that was running out of Alex’s well fucked hole. He slicked up his thick Aids cock and PA and said, “Hang on, I’m coming in.” He worked the PA and head inside the open hole, grabbed Alex by the hips, and slammed his cock all the way in. “GODDAMN!” Alex exclaimed as the thick cock rammed deep inside him. It wasn’t that it hurt, much, as it took his breath away. Roger started fucking him hard, slamming in every time and pulling back til just the PA was left in. He rammed in and out over and over, giving him a good, rough fuck. “UNGH, Fuck yeah, let me have it! Tear that ass up!” Alex said, letting Daddy Max know that the PA was probably doing some damage. He kept up that steady pace for several minutes, pounding him good. “You still good for a couple of loads?” Max asked Roger. “Oh yeah, I’ll dump a couple in your boy here, walk around for awhile, then probably dump one more before I’m done.” Alex grinned at that, then grimaced as he slammed his cock in him and obviously hit a sore spot. “Let’s just say it’s a good thing you just got double fucked, boy,” Roger commented. “You’ll bleed a little bit from this, but not like you would if I was your first cock of the night.” He could feel his first load building up and didn’t see any reason to delay it since he was going to keep fucking. “You ready for Aids load #1 boy?” “Oh yes Sir, please give it to me, please dump that toxic load inside me.” “Getting close boy, gonna breed you good, but it ain’t over yet. Not by a long shot.” He never sped up, just kept up the same pace, ramming in and out, but finally roared, “FUCK YEAH, TAKE MY AIDS CUM!!!” as he rammed home and stayed there, pumping his first load of the night. It was intense after such a hot, hard fuck. He stayed still for a couple of minutes letting his balls unload, then, with his cock still rock hard, started fucking again. He seemed to be taking it a little easier, but was still plowing in and out pretty well. He kept fucking in and out of Alex’s used cunt, churning up all the cum that was inside him, slamming his thick PA into the inner walls doing more damage. Alex’s cock was rock hard and leaking pretty heavily from all the abuse his hole was getting. Daddy Max noticed this and leaned down to Alex’s ear. “I know you’ve cum 3 times tonight, but all without touching yourself. Now that your hands are free, I’m sure you’d like to jack out a load.” Sensing he was whispering for a reason, Alex just nodded. “Since my buddy Roger is doing you such a favor by breeding you with his Aids cum, why don’t we make his 2nd orgasm something to write home about?” Again, Alex nodded. “His nipples are hard wired to his cock and if I get behind him and start working them, it’s going to turn him on big time. If you jack off and shoot while he’s fucking you, you’re asshole is going to literally squeeze his 2nd load out. How about it, you game?” Alex didn’t nod this time, he turned his head and kissed his daddy. “Good boy. Give me a couple of minutes to start working him, and then go for it.” He kissed Daddy Max again and started playing with his own nipples. Max stood back up and walked over to Roger, who was still plowing good and steady. “I do appreciate what you’re doing for my boy here.” “Your boy, huh?” Roger asked. “We still have to work out a few details, but yeah.” He reached up with both hands and turned Roger’s head to the side, giving him a deep kiss. While he was doing that, he started running his hand all around Roger’s chest. He broke off the kiss and got behind Roger, reaching around with both hands to his chest. He rubbed around some, then found both nipples and started playing with them. He had known Roger for a long time and knew what he liked. Hell, Roger was the one who pozzed him. Even before he got his nipples pierced, playing with them turned him on. Now that they were pierced, he was sure it was even more so. He pulled on the rings in them and pinched the nips, really working them. “OH FUCK YEAH!!!” Roger blurted out, obviously very into it. Alex knew that was his cue, so he used all the precum on his cock and started jacking off. He was so turned on by the 1st load of Aids cum, plus the fact that he was about to get a 2nd load, that he knew it wasn’t going to take long. Daddy Max kept working his nips and they could tell he was fucking harder now. “Oh yeah, give me that 2nd load! Fucking fill my cunt up with your Aids cum. Convert me you stud!” Alex said. He was getting close jacking on his cock, getting ready to shoot possibly his last neg load. He kept working his cock, feeling his balls draw up. Roger was plowing him good when Alex came. “FUCK, I’m cumming with your Aid cock in me!” he cried out. Same as last time, he had a couple of weak spurts from his cock and then some cum dribbled out, but mostly his cock jerked in his hand as if it was cumming. The important thing was he had a huge orgasm and his cunt clamped down on the thick Aids cock that was inside him. As soon as he yelled out he was cumming, Max clamped down hard on both nipples at about the same time Alex’s used hole clamped down on Roger’s cock. “AARRGGHH!” Roger roared as he unexpectedly blew his 2nd load into Alex. He just managed to slam his cock home one last time before he emptied his balls again. He pumped his 2nd Aids load deep inside Alex, knowing some of it would get in his system. When he fucked hard with his PA, they always bled. He’d lost count of how many guys he’d converted over the years. But it always turned him on, especially when they wanted it as bad as Max’s new boy did. He and Max had some good times when they were together. Alex was one lucky boy. When Roger’s load finally subsided, he slowly pulled his cock out. “Well, look there, I believe I see some bloody cum on my cock,” he said. He walked around to Alex’s head, “Care to clean my cock off for me boy?” Alex opened his mouth wide so Roger could feed him the cock that had just fucked him. He sucked on the softening cock tasting Roger’s cum and his blood and ass. Once his cock was clean, he leaned down and gave Alex a big kiss on his lips, then turned to Max and gave him a kiss as well. “We will definitely have to do this again soon. Give me a call once he converts and we’ll all get together for some more fun.” “You got yourself a deal,” Max replied.
    2 points
  17. I got back to my hotel room very late last night. I was tired and not really looking for any action. But, I did get onto Grindr while I was getting ready to fall into bed. I had just taken an Ambien so I was sure I could get a deep sleep between my already very busy day and my next morning that was also going to be very busy. The Ambien was taking effect and I was getting very woosey. I got a message on Grindr asking if I wanted to suck his dick? He said he wanted an anonymous bj. He wanted the room dark. And just wanted his cock sucked, his ass licked and wanted a swallower. His profile showed he was located less than 100 feet from me. It said he was 28 years old. Athletic. Str8, but wanted to be sucked and rimmed by guys. He wouldn't reciprocate. There was a nice body and cock pic. But no face on the pic. I messaged him back that I was heading to bed, but could do a quick bj on him and gave him my room number. Then I slipped the 'Do Not Disturb' sign between the door lock and the door frame, turned out the lights and got on my knees a the foot of the bed. Within just a few moments there was a light knock on the door and the door opened. From the light in the hallway, I could see the figure of a guy walking into my room in a hoodie sweatshirt. The hood pulled up over his head. He turned his face as he walked in, so I couldn't get a clear look at his face. He closed and locked the door. Stepped up to me, unzipped and pulled his pants down. Stepping out of his pants, he put his partially hard cock to my lips and I began to suck him. I sucked for several minutes as he hardened in my mouth. Then he kneeled on the edge of the bed. I got behind him and began to eat his ass. He spread his asscheeks and gave me better access. I got really deep into his hole. Then he spun around and shoved his now rock hard cock back into my mouth. I sucked like a crazy man. My head was spinning from the Ambien. I felt like I was high or drunk. Then he pulled from my mouth and began to stroke his cock fast and furiously. "Suck my balls, faggot!" he whispered. I sucked on his balls and he jacked off. "I'm cumming!", he whispered softly. My mouth dove for his cock. I swallowed his shaft as his cock emptied into my hungry mouth. I sucked as much as I could, before he pulled from me, grabbed his pants. Quickly put his pants on, slipped on his shoes and quickly left my room. The Ambien was in full force. I thought for a moment, did this really happen? I locked my hotel room door and climbed into bed and was asleep in minutes. I woke up this morning to a message from him. "Nice blow job, Fag. Thanks".
    2 points
  18. If I had to pick up just one, I'd say the first scene of T.I.M's London Uncos movie (Teenage Truvada Whore), where bottom slut Josh Taylor get fucked roughly by six or seven men, taking each of them with such ease for his young age. He truly is an experiences slut, never fails to get me hard.
    2 points
  19. "Don't fight me," Young John says severely. "Relax. Dude, just relax." His second finger feels a lot like his first finger but he's twisting it around in my butt and it's making me tense. "Damn, college, you sure don't want me gittin' in you." "Nah, it's just it feels weird." He pulls both fingers out. "Reach in that drawer, right there. Take out that little bottle and take a big smell of it." I reach in the nightstand drawer and take out a small brown bottle. Unscrew the cap and take a sniff. I get a warm rush and I feel Young John push several fingers in my hole. "Take two more hits," he orders. I do and immediately feel a large object start pushing at my ass. It's growing bigger fast, and the poppers, which I'm not a big fan, but it's turning the corner on me wanting to take whatever Young John is pushing into me. In fact, I'm pushing down on whatever that object is that's spreading my hole. It gets to its widest point making me raise my hips until it's in, and then it narrows considerably, however, the large part he started with is now traveling within my hole. "That's it, college, take it all, suck me in." "Ah, fuck, man! Is that you in me?" I cry, suddenly taking in what just happened. My sphincter is clamping Young John's thin wrist but the rest of his hand is in my hole. Not only in it but traveling swiftly up it. "Stop, wait!" I beg him, holding up my hands. "It's too much." "I ain't doing nothin'," he says laughing. "You the one pullin' me in. You sure got one hungry hole. Tell me you ain't been fisted before. Look at you drippin' precum. You as hard as a choir boy in a porn shop." And I am as turned on as hell. Fuck, the more I try to stop his hand from going in deeper the deeper it goes. I'm clamping down hard but that only keeps pushes him in, so I force myself to relax. I just lay there, still, trying not to move, feeling how deep he already is in me, but then he starts twisting his wrist before I can absorb what's happening. "Don't push me out," he demands. "You trying to get me out and I won't have it." I feel him pushing in further the more I push my guts against him. "Shit, man! Don't. Wait. Let me try to take it." I open my eyes, the first time since I've take a hit of the poppers. Young John is leaning over me wild eyed. His crazed look is frightening. He looks half angry and half like a lunatic. It doesn't help there's so little light in the room. I feel my ass contracting around his hand, but now he's doing something internally. It's such a new sensation all I know is there's movement, not deeper penetration, not him pulling out, just something swelling where I think the end of his hand is. "You like that?" I ask what's he doing? "I'm making a fist and unmaking it. I'm doin' it right on your prostate glan. Feel that? I love when daddy does this. Feel that? I'm holding you like a hammock swing. Feel me holding you like that?" "Ah, shit, yeah. That's incredible. Oh, fuck!" I inhale spasmodically, closing my eyes. The sensation's too intense. He's squeezing me then flipping his wrist so knuckles are flying across my prostate. He's merciless even though I'm begging him to stop. He hits my bladder when he rocks a little farther in. I can't help it and piss uncontrollably. "Shit, yeah, that's what I'm talking. Just let it go. Make a pig of yourself. Let it go." It's not like I have a choice. I'm pissing wildly over my chest. He's dipping down occasionally, taking a gulp, then spitting it over me trying to hit my face. When I start petering out he bangs his fist in again searching for my piss "on" switch and I start pissing again. He holds his fist in that spot and I feel I'm never going to stop. I also feel I'm starting to get close to cumming. I tell him I think I'm about to nut and he pulls back. "Oh, no. Not yet. We only got started." He's pulling back even more, and suddenly I'm regretting loosing him. His fist is at the entrance to my hole. I look up again at him and he's got this devilish look in his eyes. His small fist leaves my hole, but only for a second. I gasp as he leaves, and as he immediately pushes back in, I gasp harder. I swear I see his eyes turn red as he's now fixated on exactly that spot: taking his knuckles pushing in and out of my fully stretched hole. "Take another hit, quick!" he says. I do, and feel my resistance melting away. "You like it, don't you." I nod feeling him rock right at the point of my widest stretched. "Nah, tell me you like me doing this." "I like you doing this," I respond. "...doing this, Sir. Say it!" "I like you doing this to me, Sir! Open me up, Sir!" With that he starts increasing the depth he's going into me. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want him doing this. I honestly don't know if it's him that I want punching my hole, or if I simply want my hole punched by anyone at this point. I feel my eyes roll back in my head and just wallow in enjoyment in how good it feels, how it hurts and feels intensely good at the same time, how I've never felt this sensation before, how I don't want it to stop. And he doesn't, but keeps increasing his depth and the force of his punch. He's trading hands, back and forth, right at the entrance to my hole. His frenzy becomes my frenzy. I'm sure I'm babbling something, how good it feels, how great he is, do it harder, how much I want him, more, deeper, harder, until I feel I'm about to explode, and then he pulls his fist out hard all the way. "Push," he says. I push my hole, and immediately he plunges his fist right back in when I've pushed it open as far as I can. Somehow we're in sync. He pulls out forcefully, yells Push, I open up, spreading my asshole wide, and he's back in with his fist. We're repeating this pattern even though I've lost track of how the pattern goes, but it's in my muscle memory without me having to think anymore, written by him or in coordination with him. But I give him credit for teaching me this dance. I would go all night, and maybe I have gone on for hours with him in this dance, but then abruptly I hear the screen door slam against the trailer, and hear men talking. One yells above the others, "I'm hornier than six dick dawg in a kennel full 'o bitches! Young John, git your punk ass in here." "You c'mere," Young John replies, still fist punching me only a little slower now. Before I have time to even try and make an effort to hide, or cover myself, or whatever it is I think I can do in the seconds after I heard the screen door bang, three men crowd into Young John's small bedroom. I sense them around me more than I can see them. There's nothing like introductions, just three men vying to get closer for a better look. There's nothing I can do but freeze, legs in the air, as Young John takes his fist out of me. There's nothing anyone says until the one who's bald head shines in the dark breaks the silence. "He drink piss, Young John, cuz I have GOT to unload right now." "Yes, Sir," responds Young John. "College, take a hit. It'll go down easier." I must be insanely high, because after taking a hit of poppers, I open my mouth for a guy I can't even see. He unzips his fly while I roll over on my side to take his dick. But instead of slipping his dick into my mouth, he holds the back of my head with one hand, and takes his dick and presses his piss slit up against my nose with the other. He then lets go his spray up my nostril while I choke on the stinging stream flowing through my sinuses and down my throat. I can even feel his piss sting behind my eye.
    2 points
  20. I live in a college town and when I first moved here from a small town it was amazing to meet other gay guys. Of course that was back before the internet so cruising was more involved. There used to be a bookstore downtown that I could walk to from my dorm and it had an area with porn mags and the first time I worked up the nerve to walk back there was an eye opener. It was early in the morning and not many people were in the store and as I ventured back there the guy at the register came over and said he had some new stuff in the back he hadn’t put out yet if I wanted to see it. A few minutes later he hands me a magazine and falls to his knees looks up at me and says we have to be quick as he pulls my shorts down and sucks my cock all the way into his throat. I moaned and watched him suck my cock the magazine quickly forgotten. He worked my cock like a man on a mission. Once he started he never stopped until I blasted my load down his throat. He licked me clean then stood up and said I have to get back out there and left me standing there half naked and completely satisfied. As I checked out he slipped a dirty mag in my bag and winked. That was the first of many times he sucked me off. The locker room at the gym on campus was also a place pre-internet that I saw and got a lot of cock. The locker room was just rows of lockers but there were two shower areas with about 10 shower heads in each one and a sauna. You had to walk past the showers to get to the sauna and you could see into one of the shower rooms once you were in the sauna. I met Austin in the sauna one slow evening. He was probably in his 40’s or 50’s and would always find away to catch me naked. I liked showing off so this was fine by me. Eventually he would suck me in the sauna as I watched guys in the shower room. He was the first guy who really took his time sucking me. He loved to suck cock. He would lick and suck my cock and balls for as long as possible. One day he asked if I wanted to come back to his place. Not long after we were headed to the five points area of town and his place over a store. When you walked in there was a foyer with wallpaper made out of maps of places he had been and being 18 I remember thinking that was pretty cool. We quickly headed to the bedroom and he put on some porn and crawled between my legs and started sucking me. Austin was a tall guy and very skinny. He had then what guys today would call the wasted look. He was so skinny he was mostly skin and bones..and cock. He had a nice average cock but against that skinny body it looked much bigger. I don’t know if he was poz but looking back on it now I would say he might have been. I didn’t care though because he sucked my cock like no one had ever done before. He took his time and licked and sucked getting me close over and over. It was like a master class on cock sucking. That tongue was magic. He worked many a load out of me on that bed over the store watching porn over the years. We did fuck a few times but he seemed to be more into sucking which was fine with me. When I fucked him he liked to get pounded hard and his ass was boney and I would leave with well earned bruises on my hips. He might have been the first poz guy I ever played with. If so his load would have been the first poz load I took though I didn’t know it at the time. Looking back on it that makes it even more exciting. There was a guy at the local cruise park who had a really nice cock and while he liked getting it sucked he loved to get on his knees for me. We would see each other in the park and head off the trails to find a place to fool around. He was the same age as I was and try as I might I could never fit all that black dick in my mouth. There was no telling how many loads we swapped back and forth back then. One day he told me his fantasy was for two white guys to use him. Something we did many times after that. We would find another white guy and double team him one of us kissing him while the other started sucking him getting him really worked up then we would take turns fucking my friend. There was something so hot about watching white cock going in and out of his black ass. He loved it and over the years we repeated that scene many times and he, and I, loved each and every time we found another guy to load his hole. One day we saw each other there and as we sat on the picnic table under that gazebo he told me he was poz and seemed surprised when I didn’t run away. I told him it didn’t matter to me and took his hand and walked him into the bathroom and kissed him for a few minutes before he fell to his knees and sucked yet another load out of me. Looking back over things I realize I was taking many more cocks and loads that were probably poz without knowing it. The hard on I have right now just says how hot I think that is.
    2 points
  21. Part 5 I woke up with Craig spooning me, his arms around me, and his hard cock pressing against my ass. I smiled as I reached back and guiding him back inside me. He slid in and let out a sleepy sigh. It was heaven just feeling his body pressed against my back and his cock filling me up. It seemed he was still half asleep, and I was barely awake myself. Thoughts were drifting in and out of my mind. He said he had a "hot guy" and I felt I needed to ask him more about that. I really didn't want to be the "other man." Right then he pulled back a little and fucked me with a few very slow strokes, followed by another sigh. He whispered in my ear, "Does that feel good baby?" "It sure does. This is the best way to wake up ever." He kissed my ear and gave me 3 or 4 long slow strokes. His hand moved down and found my hard cock and he started to stroke it just as slowly. "A penny for your thoughts, white boy," he said. "Well," I started, but paused. "Tell me, baby. Are you worried about what we did last night? I'm sorry." "No- it's not that at all," actually it surprised me that I hadn't given that a single thought. "I was just wondering- you mentioned this guy you have. Is that something serious? Are we doing something wrong? I don't want to break anybody up." It sounded stupid once I had said it, but I couldn't take it back. Craig pressed his cock inside me again deep, and left it there. "You are such a good guy." He gave my ear another kiss. "There is nothing to worry about. He's a great guy, too. I love him- we love each other. I don't thin I would ever leave him. We're together, but we both play with other guys sometimes. We tell each other everything... eventually." He let out a little chuckle. "I'll tell him all about you today. If he was here he'd be fucking you right now. Or he might fuck me while I fuck you." He squeezed my cock hard. "I think that might turn you on. Am I right?" He was right. I pictured another man being in bed with us, and I was very turned on. In fact, I realized the imaginary other guy I pictured in my mind was Frank. My ass muscles gave his cock a squeeze. "That does sound hot." "There, I think we are both finally awake. I know for sure that hot hole of yours is awake, and I need to give it another good fuck." He got up out of bed and was grabbing his clothes. He took out his phone. "I want a picture of that sweet ass- that OK?" "Ummm.. I've never had anyone take pictures of me like that. I guess it's OK, as long as you promise not to post anything online, OK?" "Oh these will be just for me. Well, I would have to show my guy, too." "That's fine," I said. He stood beside the bed and told me what poses to take. He took pics of my hard cock, and even more pics of my ass, some close-ups, but when he told me to smile I knew he was including my face in some shots. This was oddly exciting. Then he told me to get on my back and lift up my legs. I reached down and pulled my ass cheeks apart. 'Damn babe, there's just a little dribble of my poz cum leaking out. Let me gets that shot." He then moved closer. "You have me so horned up again. I need to give you some more of that poz love juice!" I smiled, and lifted my legs just a bit higher. His beautiful black cock pressed against my hole and slowly entered again. "Oh baby, prettiest picture yet!" He plunged into my well used hole all the way and started plowing me good. The shutter sound had stopped. I stopped thinking about the pictures and concentrated on the marvelous feeling of his cock. I threw my head back and closed my eyes. "Baby it feels so good. Your ass feels so good. How does my cock feel?" "It feels great- fuck me!" I gasped. "You want my cum baby? Tell me how much you want it." "Give me your cum!" "Tell me what I want to hear, white boy. Beg for that seed!" "Give me your seed please!" "Tell me what I want to hear." I knew what he wanted to hear. It was the same thing I wanted to say, "Give me your poz seed. I need your poz cum in my hole!" "Fuck yeah baby!" He plunged in and I felt him shoot deep into me. He pulled out his cock, and I looked up. He was still holding his phone up and pointing it down at his cock and my hole. I felt some cum shoot out onto my balls and my hole, and he reached down and swept it all up with his dick and fucked it all into me. He was taking a video! "There's my poz cum in you babe," he said. He put his phone down and lowered himself onto me and I felt the aftershocks go through his body. His head was right next to mine and he kissed me softly on the lips. "Did you just video that?" I asked. "Yes, don't worry. I think it's a hot video. Want to see it." "Of course I do, but don't move yet." He let out a deep sigh of satisfaction. His hand slid in between our sweaty bodies and found my raging hard cock. He stroked it while he kissed and chewed on my neck. I no time I let out a quiet grunt as I shot my own load all over both of us. He lifted up his head, and brought his hand to his mouth and licked my cum off. The he kissed me, giving me a taste. He eased himself up and bent down to lick some of his load out of my hole. Then he moved up for another kiss. I had both our cum on my tongue. "How does that taste- poz and neg cum mixed together?" "Delicious!" I had never in my wildest fantasies thought I would have such hot sex with such a hot man. My life was changing for sure. It felt like his poz seed had already infected my mind. Part 6 coming soon
    2 points
  22. Part 3: Father Adelmo said, “Tonight, you will go with Brother Roberto and will sell these to my people in need. I also must see how far you are willing to go to obtain the CRF19 virus. Yes, I praise you for today’s service, but there is more you must do.” He tapped the partially empty baggy of white powder and said, “THIS IS A NECESSARY EVIL AND ONE THAT ALLOWS ME TO DO ALL THE GOOD WORKS I SHARED WITH YOU AND MANY MORE. THOSE WHO PARTAKE ARE LOST - FOR NOW AT LEAST - AND TONIGHT SO SHALL YOU BE. A LOST SOUL, AN EMPY HUSK – A BODY THAT EXISTS ONLY FOR THE PLEASURE OF THE DOWN, OUT, DRUG ADDLED, AND DISEASE RIDDEN. YOU MUST PAY THE PRICE TO REACH EL DORADO, TO FIND THE ONE YOU SEEK, TO BECOME THE SACRIFICE ON THE ALTAR OF MAN - FOR MEN - BY MEN.” I turned as Bob held out his open palm that now had small mounds of white powder on it. He smiled as I took the rolled up bill he offered and snorted and I could tell he was thinking, “That’s it slut - be that good drug whore - I can’t wait to fuck that ass some more!” I shook the burn from my head as the powder slid through my nose, down my throat and hit my bloodstream. Father Adelmo smiled and said, “May you taste the plagues of man tonight and may the angel of death ride on your shoulder as you seek and chase and corrupt those before you.” Didn’t this guy ever just speak in plain English? Why all the riddles? If you want me to go find some buggy dick just say so. Father Adelmo was now focused on other things as Bob cuffed my head to get me to focus then pushed me back out the way we came with a stop at the dirty little restroom on the way. One thing about chems, a good hit and one visit and my guts are clean as a whistle for fucking hours and hours. Before we exited the warehouse Bob stopped, hefted his t-shirt, pulled a pistol out of his pant’s waistband, checked the chamber, slid it back, then methodically checked the contents of the rest of his pockets and the small backpack he was carrying that was our stash. The way he did all this - with efficient, precise movements - made me suddenly think ‘military’. One more mystery to solve about Bob. Bob was a man on a mission and we had gone only a few blocks when he positioned himself at the end of an alley; his back against the corner of the building as his head swept side to side. A couple of cars passed, then Bob turned and walked down the alley and cut right into a small courtyard area formed by the back of a building. It was a warm night but there were a couple of small fires, mostly in cans, for illumination I guess as the sole street light in the alley had been busted. Eyes filled with sadness, pain, and misery turned at our approach; bodies tensed, hands grabbed the nearest bit of debris to use as a weapon if needed. Bob stopped and when I stopped too and looked at him he positioned the backpack on his shoulder, reached down, unbuttoned my blood red pants, then cuffed me so I would lean forward. He then opened a baggy, coated two fingers, and began roughly finger fucking me and slicking my hole with chems. My yelps of pain as he dug his nails into me, and the burn of the powder, gathered a crowd. Bob pulled his fingers out, I heard him lick them clean, and I turned and saw him hold up a small clump of baggies as he said, “IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER.” That must have been code for ‘fuck the chem slut’ as within seconds I had a rank BBC dick in my mouth and an anonymous dick was trying to find my hole. Took him a second to get his floppy dick up, but once he did he started bragging, “Wet white pussy guys. Shit, makes my dick burn! You think the blow will hurt those sores I got on my dick? Fuck hell - who cares right. How much of that we get?” The BBC in my mouth held my head, grunted, and fed me a load of cottage cheese. He stepped back, Bob handed him a baggy, “IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER,” and another guy took his place. Almost simultaneously the dick in my mouth and the one in my ass both cummed and withdrew and the guys shuffled off with payment for the fruit of their loins. Bob helped me stand up, I reached for a baggy, he cuffed my head and frowned, so I pulled my pants up. I almost jumped out of my skin when Bob then flashed a small pen light on and ran it up and down my pant legs, spit on a finger, wiped some dirt off the side, and totally ignored the few complaints from the Hell hound denizens of the courtyard. Satisfied, Bob led me back out to the streets and as we hustled down the blocks he would stop - to me seemingly randomly - hand one of the baggies of white powder with the angel mark on it to someone and say, “IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER.” Sometimes they had cash ready, which Bob deftly pocketed. Other times it did not look like they paid at all and I was having a hard time figuring out what the deal was. Our next stop was a little convenience store, or at least that’s what the front part was. We walked straight to the back, through a door, and then it was like a mini Adult Book Store (ABS) with a couple of booths, vids playing, guys getting sucked, and more. Bob continued on through the next door and we were met by a big bouncer looking dude holding a pistol. Shit! Bob held out a baggy, “IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER.” The bouncer opened the door behind him and the next room was stacked with boxes and shit and had a small table crammed in the middle that four guys were sitting around playing cards, smoking cigars, and drinking. Fuck I hate the smell of cigars. How can folks smoke that shit? Words were briefly exchanged, all in Spanish so I had no idea what was said beyond once again recognizing the word ‘puta’. I guessed that was my cue so I unbuttoned my pants, the four men slid their chairs back, baggies were tossed on the table and quickly snatched as Bob cuffed my head and I bent over the table. Once again my hole was stuffed with white powder and slicked up with spit and raw dick as one after the other of the four men fucked me. The first three were quick and not that big, but the fourth - damn! Even drugged up I cried out as he pushed into me. He was fucking thick and my ass ring stretched and relaxed and stretched some more and then he was off. He fucked rough and brutal and I cried out, “YEAH FUCK ME LIKE A PRISON BITCH! POZ MY ASS! INFECT ME MAN!” Well, that must have been the Jeopardy phrase of the day because that mother-fucker went to town. “La papaya trying to get rape fucked huh? Eager for el bruto’s dick? Make that shit bleed good like a drive by. Hmmm…” The table kept skidding across the floor with every thrust until that dick had me - and it - jammed and stuffed to the max. After we left I told Bob I needed a break and had to use the restroom. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a small bottle of water then escorted me to another alley and pointed. Fine. Treat me like a poodle bitch. So I popped a squat and let my guts loose. While I didn’t have to ‘go-go’ all that cum and being stretched was just uncomfortable. I don’t care what tops think - you try to open your hole up, take all that dick, and get filled with cum and whatever and you try to hold it in. It ain’t healthy man - although I guess maybe that’s the point. One must suffer to face divinity. Bob parked himself at another corner, pulled out a cell phone and typed a text. He stuck the phone in his pocket and closed his eyes like he was fucking napping while totally ignoring me, my questions, and the rest of the fucking world. A few minutes later I heard a deep rumble. Bob opened his eyes, stood up straight, and a bright, red convertible careened around the corner, and drove slightly past us until the driver slammed on the brakes. The car went into reverse, came to a jarring stop, and the driver turned, laid his right arm on the back of the seat and said, “Hola.” Bob walked around the back of the car to the driver’s side door and bent over and spoke with the owner. I stepped closer. They were speaking in Spanish so once again I was clueless as to what was being said. Nice car, red outside, black leather seats, looked like a classic that was restored to pristine condition. The driver was Latin. Tall, well-defined body, white pants and a red silk shirt open to his waist. He had a pair of gold-rimmed sunglasses on his head, even though it was dark out and gold rings on both hands and a gold watch that he was tapping against the steering wheel as Bob spoke. The car engine revved, Bob stepped away, the car drove off and turned a corner and Bob began walking after it. I hustled to catch up, and two streets over I saw the glimmer of the red hood peeking out of a dark alley. Bob cuffed my head. I stepped into the darkness, and saw the outline of the driver leaning against the wall, muttering to himself. Bob shined his penlight. The driver’s white pants were unzipped and the biggest dick I had seen yet in Miami was being beat hard. It was super thick, long, uncut, but what made me gasp was how it looked - it was riddled with boils and pestilence and even from where I was standing I could smell the reek of gangrene or death. Bob cuffed me, I started to object, so he cuffed me harder then opened a baggy, let me snort my fill, and proceeded to coat my ass pucker and waited. The driver of the convertible was still mumbling to himself and jacking his dick and I was not sure he was aware we were event there until Bob said, “IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER.” The puss filled dick was hard and ready and the driver’s eyes were now open as he stepped away from the wall, pushed me against his car and rammed his diseased dick inside me. The biblical Plagues of Egypt entered my body all at one - entombed as they were in this shaft of destruction - this Latin death stick. I was repulsed and hornier than I had ever been at the same time and pushed my ass back. I wanted him to rip me open, to fuck me, to rape me, to infect me - but hell I needed some more drugs first. I tried to push him off me with no luck but good old Bob knew and reached around, held out his palm full of chems and said, “IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER.” My ass was bloody, ripped, raw, and full of diseased cum and drugs and I was the happiest I could ever remember being! Even Bob had some pep in his step as he handed out the last of his baggies then as we hustled our way back to the warehouse he stopped me at a little corner park, yanked my pants down, slammed me raw against a bench, and yelled “OH DOS MIOS!” as he blew a load into my used man pussy just as an older man walked by with his little dog on a leash. The next day was an ongoing orgy of drugs, dick, life and death all hanging in the balance. When I confessed my sins in to Father Adelmo in the morning, he smiled and said, “That is good my son. The body must be worn down, weak, and destroyed to receive the gift of the CRF19 virus.” The good Father and the Brothers Roberto then anointed me again, over and over, with their holy oils and bodily fluids. That night I followed Bob as he made his rounds passing out the little baggies full of drugs all marked with the angel symbol. I sucked a couple guys, got fucked by a couple, but then he led me into an ABS that was filthier than some of the alleys. The volume of the generic music coming out of the yard sale speakers was extremely loud and clashed with the volume of all the porn playing in the booths, which appeared to be set at MAX on every one. I guess you didn’t need tokens in this place. The hallway we entered was long, dark, covered in dried piss, cum, and littered with old condoms, needles, crusted paper towels, and more. There was even a homeless guy passed out on the floor that the patrons had just shoved to the side against the wall so they could walk past him. Bob made his way to back end of the hall, turned right, and there under the dim light of the EXIT sign three very rough looking dudes were standing, smoking, chatting. They turned, smiled, and greeted Bob warmly before their eyes settled on me - all hungry, feral, and trying to decide if they wanted to fight me or fuck me. “You hungry for some bugarrón pinga?” the tallest of the three dudes said as he stepped past Bob and grabbed my wrist with his muscular, tatted up left hand and arm. I tried to take a step back and he laughed, yanked me closer, “That ass trying to do battle with some big dick? You ever been invaded by three rough el matón?” In answer Bob stepped close, waved a small fist full of baggies and said, “In the name of the Father.” The baggies were snatched, powder snorted, and in no time flat I was buck ass naked in the ABS hallway with a bugarrón muffling my yelps of pain with his big right hand while jamming powder coated fingers up my nose. One of his thug buddies was raping me dry, raw, and brutal as Bob stood to the side, casually checking his phone. I expected our action would draw a crowd, but anytime I looked to where the hallways met no one was there. I guess those straight thugs I was serving had a reputation of ‘keep the fuck out of our business’. Fine by me. “Open that bitch hole up,” the second bugarrón said as he dug his fingers in my just nutted ass. “Damn fag you can take some dick. Let’s see what skills you got when that pussy on fire from this good angel mix.” I moaned in pain as he now worked in a coating of drugs from the baggies Bob had handed out and my squirming only turned my assailant on more. This time I was bent over and my mouth and throat stuffed with expired sausage as my ass was stretched, stuffed, and renovated. The third guy, who might have been the shortest - yet still taller than me - had the longest dick of the three. He laid me on my back on the dirty hallway floor, “I like seeing a bitch’s eyes roll back when I bottom out,” he explained. He pinned my legs back, angled his dick, “Ready?” then laughed as he slammed in and I gasped and squirmed. He made no effort to go straight in, but focused on hitting me at an angle and scraping my walls as he slid down my chute. His rolls of foreskin felt amazing as they slid back and forth over his shaft, massaging my innards. I would have begged for it or pleaded, but he was slamming me so hard into the floor all I could do was grunt as the breath was pounded from my lungs with each drop of his body onto mine. “HERE COMES MY FUCKING LOAD BITCH - YOU READY TO GET BOTTOMED OUT? READY TO GET A HARDCORE DICK DOWN? OPEN THAT FUCKING CUNT - OPEN IT - OPEN - IT - FUCK YEAH - YOUR EYES ROLLING BACK NOW BITCH - DUMB CUNT - DUMB - OH SHIT - FILLING YOU UP!” The guy pulled out, stood up, shook the sweat from his face, grabbed a baggy and snorted as I stayed on the floor trying to catch my breath. He kicked me, “Stand and up and bend over, let me admire my handiwork masterpiece.” My legs were cramped, but I did, and felt a stream of nutt start flowing down my backside. He slapped my ass, “Fuck guys look at that gaping hole - twitching. You need it filled some more? Need some more strokes to paint that hole right? Hungry el maricón!” I grabbed my pants figuring we were done but the bugarrón who had just loaded me slapped my face, pushed me against the wall with his hand to my throat, his eyes wild. “Where you going off to? I ain’t done. They might be dry but my dick still dripping and I want to fuck that pussy while I watch my favorite titty flick as I get my nympho fuck on.” I was still naked as the straight, Latin thug pushed me down the hall, past a couple of gawkers who quickly scurried away. He shoved me into a booth, slid the latch on the door to lock it, pushed me roughly to the side as he hit the button on the wall and started flipping through movies until he found the one he wanted. “Shit gets me hard every time,” he said as I glanced at his vid of choice. He then grabbed me with both hands, pulled me close, bent his head down and while holding me in a death grip he started biting my nipples as hard as he could and moaning and groaning as he turned them to hamburger. I tried to pull away and he just backed me against the wall, body pinning me as he slurped, chewed, bit, and abused my chest. “Rape me and give me some more salsa,” I gasped. The Latin thug paused, raised his head, grabbed my skull with both hands and while looking at me spit in my face and said, “Oh yeah?” His arm came up, the forearm now over my throat as he pinned me and started biting my nipples intent on drawing red. Once he did, he looked at me, licked his lips, gripped my throat in his left hand and squeezed while with his right he shoved three fingers between my legs, found my ass, and started clawing, digging, and trying to get his hand in further. I inched up on my tippy toes and he smiled and pushed and clawed harder. He kept glancing at the porn on the screen, his eyes wide, his lips curved in a sinister smile. He then looked at me, held his right hand in position wedged in my hole, removed his left arm from my neck and gave me a hard slap on the face. I yelped and reflex brought my right arm up to touch my reddening check. “NO!” he yelled at me as he pointed a finger at the tip of my nose, then as I lowered my hand he slapped me again, then added a backhand as I turned the other cheek. Another glance at the vid, his sneer grew larger, then looking at me - SLAP SLAP - as his fingers dug deeper into my gut lining. “This is my favorite part,” the bugarrón said as he yanked his hand out of my shredded hole, turned me towards the wall, put a death grip/choke hold with his hands around my throat and drove his eager dick back into my hungry ass. I tried to tell him again to rape me - not like he wasn’t already, but you know, being in the moment and all wanted to let him know I wanted it. “Shhh bitch - I know,” he said, “I know.” He then spit on the back of my head, squeezed my neck tighter in his hands, and bent me forward a little so he could angle his dick in my ass deeper with each thrust. I focused on breathing through my nose, and relaxing my hole. He kept squeezing and pounding – tighter and harder and as the edges of my vision began to turn black his pace picked up, his fingers pushed, and my line of sight became a small tunnel of light. Right as the end of the tunnel seemed a step away, my Latin rapist released my neck. I was flooded with fresh air and stimuli and he reached around my body, grabbed by bitten nipples, squeezed them as hard as he could while planting his teeth into the left side of my neck right above where it meets the collarbone where he bit down hard. I GASPED AS HE CRUCIFIED MY BODY FOR HIS GLORY AND FILLED ME WITH HIS SEED. Finally spent, the bugarrón unlatched the door, stepped out and said to Bob who was calmly standing there with my clothes in hands in a pile, “Bring this one back.” I could tell Bob was pleased, but he just smiled as I got dressed and before we left he opened a baggy for me and let me snort out. As I shook the burn from my head and stretched, Bob caught sight of the bruises forming on my neck, and the red depths of the orgasmic bite. Without a word Bob used his left hand to pry my head to the side and latched his mouth onto the mark ensuring it would show for days to come. Once we left the ABS, I knew what I wanted - the guy in the convertible. When I told him, Bob smiled, got on his phone and as we walked, he handed out the baggies of drugs with the angel mark, saying to each parishioner in turn, “IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER.” Back at the same alley as the night before I froze when my plague carrying trade came into view. The guy was leaning against the wall again but his festering dick was already occupied by some little twink on his knees slurping it like a snow cone. Bob cleared his throat; the guy saw us, smacked the kid’s head and said something to him then kicked at him to enforce the point. The kid mouthed back, Bob stepped forward and handed him a baggy, “IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER.” The kid shrugged and scurried out of the alley. “Ready to breed some juicy ass? Jizz my pussy?” I asked. In no time flat I was on my hands and knees in the alley with that festering dick slamming as deep as he could go. My knees were being scraped, my palms were getting scratched up, but I didn’t care, I just needed that disease riddled dick to push all that buggarónes cum deeper then send me into religious ecstasy as he impregnated me with his own. The next morning, Bob met me at my little monk cell and instead of going to the confessional, led me outside, down the sidewalk, and to a house on a quiet neighborhood street. Father Adelmo met us on the porch, put his arm around my shoulder, and once we were inside I kneeled on the floor in front of him and bowed my head. He set the palms of his hands on my scalp in blessing and praise for my lecherous work and as I looked up into his eyes he said, “Welcome to Casa des Santos - the house of the saints - the hospice my charity work funds. And this - this room here to the right with a view of the garden, will be your room – a place of honor.” I was confused, and looked at him quizzically, “My room?” Father Adelmo furrowed his brow, pursed his lips at my ignorance and said, “Why yes my son. I assure you - you will find El Dorado and you WILL be infected with the CRF19 virus, but then what? Where will you go? You will have a place here and in that time I will ensure you are blessed and anointed more than you can handle as you share your new gifts with my flock.” I was trying to take that in when the Father added, “Now. You must go and pack. The boat leaves tonight and tomorrow night - yes tomorrow night - you shall find what you seek in Cuba. Your body has been destroyed, your soul is secure, your holy mission awaits. El Dorado shall fill you with his immaculate seed and with your body blossoming with the last of his life, you shall return here. You will have all you could desire as you share your gift.” In closing, he held out an extra large bag of white powder, “IN MY NAME YOU ARE THE SACRIFICE ON THE ALTAR OF MAN - FOR MEN - BY MEN.” Stay Tuned for Part 4 (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    2 points
  23. Part 2: The thick wood wall held firm as Brother Roberto slammed his 10-inch dick through the velvet-covered hole and into my ass raw. I was happy to take whatever penance he offered as long as it got me closer to my goal - closer to the bug - closer to CRF19. I snorted two big lines off the golden platter and once I did, Father Adelmo stuck the end of his uncut Cuban dick back into my mouth and started chanting, “JOIN THE HOLY UNION. BE ONE WITH THE BODY. JOIN THE HOLY UNION. BE ONE WITH THE BODY.” The chanting picked up in tempo and volume as Father Adelmo pumped my throat and one of the Brother’s banged my ass. “TASTE OF MY BODY - TASTE OF MY BLOOD - TASTE OF MY SPIRIT!” the Father yelled as he stiffened, clutched the carved finials of the confessional window and grunted in unison as the good Brother swelled and flooded me at the other end. I tilted my head slightly up, which made Father Adelmo’s dick spurt his last drops onto the roof of my mouth. His head was thrown back in righteous ecstasy, the cords on his neck straining as I gave him a holy vision and swallowed his sacred seed. Finally spent, Father Adelmo relaxed, exhaled, looked down at me and set his hands on top of my head in blessing and thanks before easing his now semi-hard dick from my hungry gullet. Brother Roberto was not so kind and pulled out of my freshly fucked hole in one jerk, making me gasp. As the Brother’s seed settled in, Father Adelmo stepped out of the confessional, my curtain was pulled back, and Bob was there to help me stand. I was disappointed as I was hoping he had been the one fucking me, but when the curtain pulled back and another Brother stepped out, all I could think of was how to get more of dick back in my hole so I could turn it from pink and white to red and white - cherry vanilla swirl. Father Adelmo settled himself in a high-backed, ornate chair, as a Brother held the platter out for him to snort from, another set a crystal glass full of a burgundy liquid to his side, and a third handed him a long braided cord heavy with golden beads. Bob - the Brother Roberto with the jagged scar on his temple - pushed me forward and motioned for me to kneel on a plush pillow by the Father’s seat. I tried to sit back, but was kicked, so back on my knees I arched my back, stretched, and was rewarded with another dip at the plate of white manna to snort. FUCK! Each hit burned more and more, but the shit was good whatever it was and the more I snorted, the more surreal the situation became and I chuckled a bit. The ornate plush room, in some warehouse type building, surrounded by guys who now - more so being high - all looked like clones - serving a twisted pig of a Padre. Damn! The golden beads on the braided cord made a soft, rhythmic noise as Father Adelmo ran the cord between the thumb and fingers of his left hand. He seemed lost in thought now and no one spoke a word. He snorted from the platter, a Brother carefully wiped the excess from his right nostril, then with pupils wide the Father turned to me and said - as if we had been in the middle of a conversation all along, “The CRF19 virus responds to antiviral treatment. But due to its fast progression rate, those who are diagnosed are done so too late for the therapy to work and their immune systems are unable to recover.” My dick twitched and I moaned. The Father went on, “While my sources inform me the strain has now reached epidemic proportions in Cuba, so far, it has not spread outside Cuba, with the exception of a few rare cases.” There was another pause as Father Adelmo snorted some more, the platter was held out for me and when I only snorted two lines, I was cuffed up side the head by Bob, so I snorted two more. Bob set his hand on my left shoulder in firm approval and squeezed. Father Adelmo titled his head, leaned forward, held my chin up with his right hand so that I could stare into the depths of his brown eyes and asked, “Are you willing to be the lamb that brings CRF19 back to my children?” I nodded, Father Adelmo smiled, and suddenly the room was full of motion and energy. My head was released, Father Adelmos leaned back in the chair, two of the Brothers Roberto stood side by side in front of me - one roughly grabbing my left wrist as the other wrapped a length of golden silk around it then holding the free end yanked my arm out to the side. My other wrist was done in turn and together; the Brother’s pulled me forward. I tried to stumble, but fell flat onto the carpeted floor and as I did, each ankle was grabbed and also wrapped and then pulled and soon as I lying flat with a Brother kneeling by each of my hands, the golden cloth wrapped around their fists, tying us together like a shepherd and a wayward sheep. My legs were splayed; Father Adelmo stood over my head, bent forward, and slid his braided cord of beads under my neck, looped it, and pulled. I choked and sputtered and he pulled harder. While Father Adelmo was literally yanking my chain, a hard body lay on my naked back and a thick dick punctured my rectum anew. Being held down and throttled left me little choice but to take the dick that started to slowly push in, pull out, push back in. I then heard a loud snort above me and Father Adelmo began to chant, “TAKE THE BLESSING OF THE SEED. TAKE YOUR DELIVERANCE. I BLESS YOU MY SON. LET ME ABSOLVE YOU OF YOUR PAST LIFE AND ANOINT YOU FOR THE LIFE TO COME. THAT STARTS NOW. HERE AS I MARK YOU AS THE LAMB.” The thrusting in my ass paused, the cloth bindings pulled taught, Father Adelmo kneeled by my side-turned head and I felt a sharp slicing in first my left, then my right shoulder, followed by him rubbing his finger over each wound as he said, “BLOOD TO BLOOD UPON THE ALTAR OF MEN, SO SHALL YOU BE MARKED. ANOINTED. BAPTIZED BY ALL HE WHO COMES FORTH!” The man inside me started slam fucking hard, deep, fast, and the only sound he made as he filled with me his seed was a soft grunt. He immediately withdrew, there was a few seconds of shuffling as the cloth binding on my right ankle was shifted, then someone else lay on my back and they too began to fuck. Father Adelmo had stood back up, snorted, and continued to chant, “TAKE THE BLESSING OF THE SEED. TAKE YOUR DELIVERANCE. I BLESS YOU MY SON. LET ME ABSOLVE YOU OF YOUR PAST LIFE AND ANOINT YOU FOR THE LIFE TO COME.” The man in my ass filled me with sperm, more shifting, another big dick and I grunted as this one was a bit thicker, but they were all long - holy hell where did he find these men? I just took at least 30 inches and was there more coming? Apparently yes. “TAKE THE BLESSING OF THE SEED. TAKE YOUR DELIVERANCE. I BLESS YOU MY SON. LET ME ABSOLVE YOU OF YOUR PAST LIFE AND ANOINT YOU FOR THE LIFE TO COME.” The chant continued to ring and resound as one after another the five Brothers in the room shifted positions in turn and each fucked me raw, and filled my ass with their gifts. I don’t think any of them had nutted in a long time as not only did I feel the cum flow from my hole, but they came awful quick. This was not about enjoyment; it was about service and duty. Brother number five was getting ready to unleash his contribution inside me when Father Adelmo’s voice grew louder, “I BAPTIZE YOU - I BAPTIZE YOU - I BAPTIZE YOU.” the Brother filled me up and pulled out of my ass and within seconds as the Father yelled “I BAPTIZE YOU!” I felt a hot spray of cum blast from the Father’s dick as he jacked off standing over me, coating my shoulder wounds, my back, the side of my face. He then took a step back, straddled me once more, and I felt the powder of his chemical storm sprinkled over me and then the golden platter was dropped to the floor and discarded, no longer needed. It was snowing in Magic City - a chemical fallout. My wrists and ankles were released. Hot hands pressed my flesh, mouths and tongues found the chemical adornment the Father had dumped on my naked and used body, and as the Brothers slurped it up, they mixed the white powder in with the Father’s cum. It tickled, and I was jealous, and I was begging for someone to fuck me! Someone - I’m convinced it was Bob as he seemed to enjoy doing so - cuffed my head so I shut up and the Brothers finished licking, snorting, and using my sacrificed body as a drug buffet. All restraints released I got my wish as the drugged up Brothers were horny and ready for round two, three, and four. I was hefted onto my hands and knees as one stuffed my mouth and another slammed his dick balls deep as he squatted behind me and pounded my wet sloppy hole. Rough fingers coated my nostrils, my ass burned from more chems shoved into my fuck chute. I was baptized, anointed, and made sacred over and over by their DNA. Some hours later Bob helped me up after I had been basted with Cuban cum like a Christmas turkey. He ushered me into a small room that had just a cot, washbasin, and a set of dark red, almost black clothes. Not black like the Brothers, but dark blood red like death. One of the young twinks from the chapel - now dressed in crisp whites and holding his head down in deference - brought in a small plate of food. When I asked him about the clothes he did not explain the whites but said, “The Brothers serve HIM! The Brothers are holy. They wear only black as a symbol of death and mourning for the lives we all lived and those that will be lost.” OK - yeah these fuckers were bat shit crazy, but hey, the dick was good so what did I care, right Dusk was slow to descend on the city, but as it did, Bob led me out of my monk cell to meet Father Adelmo who was confidently standing by the front door, his dark gray shirt buttoned all the way up. He smiled as I approached, nodded, and as he led me outside and walked me down the sidewalk, the Father spoke about his good works from the soup kitchens, to the hospice, to the daycare center and home for unwed mothers, and more. The people of the neighborhood all waved, smiled, and shouted greetings, praises, and honorifics as our entourage strolled by - the Father, me, and a horde of Brother Robertos. I tried asking the Father when I would get to go to Cuba, how I would get there, what would happen then, and more, and with each question he shushed me and gave a dismissive little wave. Fuck - like I was a child! I had come all the way to Miami, had let him and his goon squad drug me up, fuck me, breed me (well OK, I DID like that), but still. The least he could do was give me answers. I huffed and was set to start another round of questions when Father Adelmo stopped by a cinder-block warehouse, a Brother slid back the large door, and Father said, “Peace my son. Brother Roberto will guide you and it will take a few days to make all the arrangements - that is if you have the money? You do? Good. Go and get it and return here. Brother Roberto will accompany you.” Father Adelmo then stepped into the darkness of the warehouse while Bob cuffed me and guided me down the sidewalk in the direction of my hotel. Wait, how did he know exactly where I was staying? In my hotel Bob wasted no time forcefully pulling my issued pants down, mounting my hole raw, and soiling the clean sheets on the bed. I like a top who is verbal - he was not - but that big dick still felt great as he slammed me and so I begged for him to breed me. Clearly he’s a freaky fuck as he yanked his dick out, pulled a baggy of white powder from his pocket, and as I laid on my back with my legs up I watched as he licked his finger, coated it good, then proceed to finger fuck me and bump me higher. I was in heat and begged and pleaded and swore and prayed until Bob anointed me with some more of his seed. That finished, I opened the safe, got the cash I brought, Bob packed it into a backpack that he slung over his left shoulder, and we started back towards the warehouse. I was hyped and chatty, yet Bob deflected all my questions about the good Father with silence. Well the Brother Robertos/”Bob” might have taken a vow of silence but as I felt his cum leak from my ass I chuckled knowing celibacy or abstinence from drugs were not in his set of solemn promises. Even when I begged, “Please let me sin again and make me repent - right here in this alley,” Bob just looked at me all stone faced and silent and pushed me along. Damn him to hell! Back at the warehouse, Bob led me through the large door, into the dark cavern, past two Brothers standing guard with automatic rifles. Shit that was new. We followed the echoing voices, turned a corner and came into a room with a long, wooden table and a number of people hustling and bustling about. Father Adelmo was at the far end, he paused his conversation, waved us over, looked in the backpack fingered the stacks of cash, smiled, and nodded. Bob stepped away and left the room so I looked around. The dim bare bulbs dangling from the ceiling, swaying in the currents of air created by large fans hanging from the rafters, let me see that there were more men with guns coming and going and two others hunched over the table cutting open blue plastic bricks and dumping out packets of white powder. I squinted and realized the men with guns - in jeans, t-shirts, and caps, were Brothers Roberto. They had changed clothes. The men at the table sorting the baggies of powder were Brothers too and one of them looked up, winked, then went back to work. My ass twitched. I went to step closer, but someone put a hand on my shoulder to stop me. I turned, it was Bob, and he too had changed and had added a Miami Marlins baseball cap to his ensemble. Father Adelmo then walked over to me, handed me a baggy, and I turned it over to see the little symbol stamped in black on the back - an angel. Father Adelmo opened the baggy, poured some in his hand and held it up for me to snort. Christ that burned and I swayed, he laughed and Bob steadied me. I shook my head to clear my mind and the Father said, “Tonight, you will go with Brother Roberto and will sell these to my people in need. I also must see how far you are willing to go to obtain the CRF19 virus. Yes, I praise you for today’s service, but there is more you must do.” He tapped the partially empty baggy and said, “THIS IS A NECESSARY EVIL AND ONE THAT ALLOWS ME TO DO ALL THE GOOD WORKS I SHARED WITH YOU AND MANY MORE. THOSE WHO PARTAKE ARE LOST - FOR NOW AT LEAST - AND TONIGHT SO SHALL YOU BE. A LOST SOUL, A BODY WITH NO SOUL THAT EXISTS ONLY FOR THE PLEASURE OF THE DOWN, OUT, DRUG ADDLED, AND DISEASE RIDDEN. YOU MUST PAY THE PRICE TO REACH EL DORADO, TO FIND THE ONE YOU SEEK, TO BECOME THE SACRIFICE ON THE ALTAR OF MAN - FOR MEN - BY MEN.” (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    2 points
  24. I still love Ian Jay in 1000 load fuck. It was the scene which opened my eyes to real sex, turning me on so much, I knew what I wanted from that point on Thanks Ian
    2 points
  25. this wasnn't my sluttiest or piggiest evening, but it sure was fun: guy came over with multiple loads in his hole. i added mine to the mix, then felched them out (a nice mouthful, good 1/4 cup or so), i snowballed them to him and he spit them into my ass, then fucked his poz load in with them. then it was his turn to felch them out, and we kissed until they were all swallowed.
    2 points
  26. The lights came on at 3:00 A.M., just as the security started ushering the masses out of the club. Once out on the street, Luke looked for familiar faces of his friends and saw no one he knew. He was drunk and shirtless and sweaty. He checked his phone and saw the text message string saying all had left, some heading to after parties, some heading home. “Shit” he said to himself, not wanting to pay for a cab all by himself. When looked up from his phone, he noticed a man eye-fucking him from just a few feet away. He looked back down at his phone, suddenly feeling shy and drunk and happy, and when he looked up again, he briefly studied the stranger. The man was least 15 years older, maybe more, all muscles, tattoos, and piercings. He’d apparently just exited the leather bar next door and not the night club from which Luke emerged. The leather man was totally not Luke’s type, but Luke was drunk and horny, and needed a ride home, preferably without his gossipy gaggle of friends to judge any decision he made at this particular point. Pulling on his shirt, Luke glanced back down at his phone, trying to focus sufficiently to pull up the text messages from his friends, but as he did so, he noticed in his peripheral vision a pair black boots approaching. Looking up, Luke found the leather man was his side. “Hey. I’m Steve.” “Luke,” he replied as he automatically stuck out his hand. “Wanna come back to my place?” It was the most direct pickup line Luke had ever heard. “Yes," Luke replied, even before he could consider the alternatives. Twenty minutes and a cab ride later, Luke found himself walking through Steve’s massive loft wondering what he was getting himself into. From behind, Steve approached him and began caressing the 25 year old prize with his strong, knowing hands. Luke, it should be said, had a boy-next-door aura to him, and at 5’11, 170 pounds, he was muscular and lean. Inhibitions were flaring up as the alcohol buzz wore off a bit, and Luke wasn’t sure he was game for this tryst with an older guy. But that didn’t matter, as Steve was decidedly in control. Coming up behind Luke, Steve reached around Luke, unbuckled the younger man's trousers, pushed them to the floor, tweaked Luke's nipples and simultaneously grinding his his crotch against Luke’s supple ass. “I probably shouldn’t…” Luke whispered with a little resistance, until he felt the whiskered jawline making its way between his butt cheeks. He moaned in delight. “Fuuccckk” he said as Steve’s tongue penetrated his hole. Steve enjoyed making Luke melt, and as hot as the foreplay was, he knew it was only going to get better. Soon, he'd be leaving an indelible mark in Luke's cunt, marking it forever that he had been there. And indeed, Luke's cock was rock hard. If he had been asked, and had he been able to answer coherently, Luke would probably have asserted he had ever been so aroused as he was under Steve's expert attention. Luke was, in fact, dripping copious quantities of pre-cum, and that was before either Luke or Steve even touched Luke's cock. After a few minutes, holding Luke's body against his, Steve stood up and undid his belt and pants. They fell to the floor. Now, both men were half-dressed, with their shirts on and their pants/underwear on the floor below. Luke felt a massive dick pressed downward in his crack and felt Steve’s hairy legs against his. Luke was questioning the trajectory of the night. This was not a romantic encounter – this was him in a stranger's house with his pants on the floor about to get fucked. He’d never really had such a tryst, and it felt cheap and raunchy (albeit exhilarating and hot). Was he going to let it go forward? Did he even have a choice? Luke tried to turn around, figuring his exit plan would be a blow job and a kiss goodbye, but Steve knew his seed needed to be implanted in this twenty-something-god. He knew it from the moment he saw Luke. And Steve wasn’t going to let the power shift in this encounter, even if such would involve Luke’s perfect lips on his cock. So he just held Luke tighter with one arm and grabbed his cock. He glided the tip of his dick up and down Luke’s crack, lingering at his moist hole. “Fuck” Luke said, as the feeling of the Steve's dick against him was utterly overwhelming. Naturally his brain flirted through an array of concerns, but he finally settled on letting this happen. “Slut it up tonight” he said to himself, kind of proud at his decision. Steve positioned his dick against Luke’s hole and began to press forward. In response, Luke tensed-up in pain as the monstrous tool invaded his ass. Steve, however, knew how to get his way, and calmed Luke urging him “Relax, boy. Let go and take it.” Steve's deep, resonate voice did the trick, and Luke responded by doing his best to open up as Steve’s huge and veiny dick made its way deeper inside him. “Fuuuck” Luke moaned. He’d never taken such a big dick before, and his body was tearing to accept it. Ever patient, Steve slowly sunk in, pushing in a little and withdrawing a little, gradually getting deeper and deeper. He finally bottomed out, balls-deep in Luke's ass. As Steve reached full depth, he kissed Luke’s neck and announced “I’m all the way in." Luke smiled in satisfaction. “Hot. So fucking hot.” Luke was elated that the most painful part of the encounter was likely over and was ready for the pain to become lustful ecstasy. And the slut inside him was kind of proud for him taking a stranger's raw dick. Steve withdrew a little, and then pressed back into Luke’s ass. And again. And then he pulled almost all the way out and slammed back into him. Finally, Luke was there: Steve's monster dick had invaded his ass completely and was now thrusting in and out with less resistance and more pleasure. Steve meanwhile, had found his fuck rhythm, and was pounding Luke’s ass with tempo and determination. Both men were sweating through their shirts, and beads of sweat ran down their legs. Steve’s balls were smacking against Luke’s. A few more minutes of Steve ravaging Luke’s cunt passed, before Steve grunted into Luke’s ear “I’m close.” Luke whimpered. “Fuck yeah” and let out a few moans. “I’m gonna breed you," Steve announced. Luke loved this kind of dirty talk, so responded “Fucking breed me. Shoot your load in me,” flexing his ass muscles to work and milk Steve’s huge cock. Steve rammed his dick deep inside Luke and a spasm of pure physical pleasure erupted as Steve’s toxic load spurted into Luke’s torn interior, coating the young man's fuck chute, and exposing Luke to the wrath of Steve's prior exploits. With Steve’s raw dick still in him, fucking the big, virus-laden load ever deeper into his ass, Luke feverishly jerked his cock until he shot his thick load onto the carpeting. Afterwards each man pulled-up his pants, and exchanged numbers with the other. Luke also had to borrow cab money, and with that he headed home. **************************************************************** To be continued.
    1 point
  27. The genie is out of the fucking bottle! https://biobears.tumblr.com/post/144601458555/rawfetishpigg-charged-loads-a-video-about Hopefully next step is porn with men chasing AIDS and worshipping disease... The sooner the better
    1 point
  28. Part 4 - Father Adelmo said I would be the sacrifice on the altar of man - for men - by men. What did he mean? Frankly I didn’t care as I was on the hunt for El Dorado - my destiny - the CRF19 virus - and as part of that journey had just spent the past few days in Miami being raped, fucked raw, and taking all sorts of nasty dick while snorting as much of the good Father’s ‘angel’ powder as I could. He said my future was to come back and live my final days at Casa des Santos. I was fine with that if he planned to keep me chemmed up and whored out and at the top of my list was going back to the ABS to get raped again by that nasty freak bugarrón who used my hole good. In the meantime, I was enjoying the cool breeze hitting my face as Bob and I bumped and jumped over the waves in the speedboat that was taking us out to meet the cargo ship. You see - they were smuggling me INTO Cuba. Crazy right? But that is where the CRF19 virus is rampant and I needed it, wanted it, it was my holy destiny. Bob - well technically he was one of a number of Brother Robertos that served the Father, but I called him Bob for short - had a jagged scar on his temple and I felt like we had ‘bonded’. True, he never really said much to me - if anything at all - but he had been my guide during my Miami depravity and now was my escort as I was smuggled out of the country. I was hustled to a low-rent marina, scrambled onto a low-slung speedboat that seemed like it might sink at any moment, and went barreling out into the open water, bumping over the waves and being baptized in salted spray. Some time later the dark hull of a large cargo ship loomed before us, its lights all but off, our pilot steering by the cast of the moon to find the swaying rope ladder hanging off the side. Angry words were exchanged in Spanish - well I guessed they were angry from the tone and once again cursed my short sightedness in realizing I was missing a lot of what was happening due to the language barrier. Under the cover of darkness, Bob and I were hustled aboard and stowed in a cramped, tiny room below deck. Within minutes of feeling the tremble of the engines reviving and getting underway, Bob got sea sick and started puking into the rusted metal bucket in the corner. I had to laugh and he was not amused. It was Bob’s turn to laugh when the crew master came down about an hour after we had gotten underway and he - and the rest of the men in need who had been at sea for weeks apparently and needed a fresh pussy ass to breed - fucked me one after the other. The cargo ship crew were eager to all slam fuck me raw and Bob just huddled in the corner -puking and smiling - as I begged to no avail for some white powder to snort in order to make their assault on my ass easier. I lost count of the number of men who bred me, but it was well over a dozen and yet I still wanted more. They were all quick fucks - nutt and bounce - and not a one of them challenged my hole or ass. My only hope was that some of them had some wild, exotic bug in which to infect me. I then fell asleep on the thin cot while Bob swayed in the chair in the corner, the metal bucket held to his chest as the roll of the seas continued to clean him out. I awoke a few hours later to a hard cuff to the head - Bob was standing over me, his dick out and raging, his palm piled with white powder, and an evil smile on his face. Clearly he was feeling better and had gotten his sea legs under him. I snorted, felt the welcome rush and burn, and sighed in pleasure as Bob started to pound my hole. That’s how the crew member found us when he brought us a meal - Bob balls deep in my ass. The tray with our bologna sandwiches was sat on the floor, the crew member tagged in, and Bob let him nutt my hole before he himself finished off inside me. I was ready to go back to sleep, but Bob pushed me off the cot so I had no choice but to curl up on the floor with just a backpack for a pillow. I desperately wanted to get out of the cabin but my hosts had made it clear with forceful gestures and by locking the door behind them, that Bob and I had to stay where we were. When Bob finally came to I was eager to get fucked again, but he just brushed me off, pulled a book out of his backpack, and started to read. I was so fucking bored! Finally the movement of the ship changed, new sounds could be heard, voices rang out in the corridor, Bob checked his watch, nodded, and packed up his things and said to me, “WELCOME TO CUBA - WE HAVE ARRIVED AT ENSENADA DE MARIMELENA.” I didn’t know if that was the city or what - and would later realize it was like the port section of Havana. Bob hefted his backpack over his shoulder, but not before handing me my ‘passport’ that had a small stack of U.S. $100 bills sticking out of it. Before we had left Miami Father Adelmo had explained, “You will have a passport that says you are Canadian. It will work for what we have planned, however if something goes wrong, the authorities in Cuba will be able to confirm it is not real and then - well let’s just say a Cuban jail is where you may spend your final days. You just follow Brother Roberto and do whatever he and anyone tells you, and all will be well my son.” Bob put his finger to his lips as a silent ‘shush’ order. A crew member came, we quickly made our way back out through the warren of the ship, up onto the dick, and I realized it was night. We had been at sea from dark to dark, although I had no idea the exact time as my watch, cell, and everything else had been left back in Miami. Bob huddled with someone near the rail of the ship. They exchanged a few, quiet words, a small stack of money was passed from Bob’s hands to the other’s with practiced ease and then Bob and I were surrounded by a couple guys front and back and were escorted down a wobbly gangplank and onto the dock below. From under the rim of my Marlin’s baseball cap - a gift from Bob - I could see we were in a port. There were trucks, cranes, some light, but not as much as I would have thought. At the bottom of the gangplank our group paused, a man in some sort of uniform looked us up and down, nodded, then turned and walked away. Bob and I were hustled to a large truck with wood railings, a tarp covering the top and most of the sides, and as we climbed up and bent forward I glanced back one last time wondering if I would make it home. For the first time I felt afraid - truly afraid - and stupid - but a rough shove and a few harsh words in Spanish made me move. Bob and I huddled at the front of the truck bed, boxes were placed between us and the back, someone banged the side of the truck and we started to move. Bob was cool, calm, and collected as the truck rumbled along. I had to ask myself, “Why was he here? What did he get out of this? Isn’t this an awful big risk for him too?” No sense asking Bob as I knew he would not answer. The sounds of the truck, port, and light traffic were the only sense I had of movement. While there were occasional flickers of light through the spaces between the tarp and the truck sides, we could not see anything, so I huddled close to Bob - silent and excited. The roads were bumpy; the exhaust from the truck muffler made the air gritty and foul, and my mind was whirling now with questions - where were we going, what was going to happen next, would I find El Dorado and the CRF19 virus? Some time later the truck slowed, Bob looked at me and pressed his finger to his lip again - ‘shush’ - and cocked his head as he leaned closer to the truck side while he listened. He nodded to himself, smiled, scooted forward a bit, and waited. The tailgate was unlatched, the truck body shifted as someone climbed up, boxes were moved and a small shaft of light pierced our hiding place. Bob jumped down, I followed, looked around, and we were parked behind a wooden building and the only light I could see was what came from the truck’s lights and the flashlight in the driver’s hand. The driver and Bob exchanged a few quiet words, Bob nodded, took the flashlight, grabbed my left arm and we started walking down a dirt road. I turned as the driver unlocked a door on the building and began pulling boxes off the truck. Only about 50 feet down the road Bob paused at a small, roadside shrine. It was white, about 3-feet high, with a few candle stubs in it. I had seen similar things in Mexico when I had spent a summer there, but there was usually a Virgin Mary statue too or something. Not here. Bob walked to the right of the shrine, and down an almost unseen path amidst the tall sugar cane field. He held the flashlight down so I had to look at the ground to make sure I did not fall or stumble. We walked for about 10 minutes and then I heard something - voices? Bob led us through a small copse of trees and into a break in the growth where outlined against the starry sky was a small building. Bob made his way to the door, knocked, paused, knocked again and waited. A lock was moved, the door slid silently open and a small candle flame flickered in the hand of the man who had opened the door. Bob spoke with him briefly, we were ushered in, the door closed and relocked. The flashlight in Bob’s hand made a loud CLICK as he turned it off. There was shuffling; the lone candle flame moved to our left, another was lit, then another, and more in turn. As the candles went up in flame I gasped a little and took a step back. The far wall was covered almost floor to ceiling with dozens of statues and small icons. Some dressed in robes and gold, others in tattered cloth. There were several tables around the edges of the room, all with half-melted candles, pictures, more statues, and other things I had no idea what they were. In the middle of the floor was a wooden table that had feathers, offal, and puddles of what looked like dried blood on the top, down the sides, and splattered on the ground around it. I’ve watched enough TV to realize this was some voodoo or Santeria set up and I took a step backwards towards the door. Bob grabbed my arm and squeezed hard - either in reassurance or warning - I was not sure. Either way I froze and watched as the man who had let us in continued to move around the room, but now he was humming and mumbling as he did so. The room was ablaze in candlelight now and the man now moved on to lighting herbs, incense, and bowls of what looked like potpourri. I was sweating profusely, and getting more nervous, but Bob’s tight grip kept me planted. The man then came and spoke with Bob, who handed his backpack to me with a “Don’t fucking move!” look, then he and the man hefted the wooden table that was in the middle of the room and carried it to a far corner. The man dug around a pile of things on a table, picked up what looked like a huge piece of white chalk, walked back to where the table was, and in a steady chant paced around the room five times, then walked back to the middle, took a stride forward, stopped, then bent over and began drawing. He drew the outline of a large triangle in the dirt, with some squiggly type lines in each corner. He appeared careful not to step inside the triangle, or touch the lines once drawn, and when completed, he then went to a cabinet, pulled out two handfuls of large, white and red pillar candles, and began carefully setting them into the dirt at various points around the outside of the triangle. He had to make several trips to the cabinet as he set a cluster of five red candles at each point. I was fidgety as hell now and started to ask Bob if I could go piss, but his silent ‘shush’ finger stopped me. The man then took off his shirt, took off his pants, and in just his underwear walked around the room a few more times chanting. He then grabbed a bottle off a table, took a mouthful, and spit it out in a spray. My eyes followed him as he did that in each corner of the room, towards each wall where the various statues and things were set, and then he walked toward us - stopped in front of Bob and spit the mist of liquid right into Bob’s face - took a swig - then spit into mine. I scrunched my eyes and forced myself not to flinch. It smelled like liquor and I reached up to wipe my eyes, but Bob slapped them away. Fuck. The man then went back to the table, poured several things into a plastic cup, walked back to us and handed it to me. I looked at the concoction - it was thick, milky white, and chunky looking. I questioningly looked at him, then Bob, with a, “You want me to drink this?” look. The man nodded, I took a sip, and wanted to retch. It tasted like sour yogurt and dirt and cow shit. I would have handed the cup back right then, but the look on both their faces told me I better not. I upended the cup and swallowed the contents and grimaced. The man took the cup and went back to his chanting. I felt flush - the room began to spin - I heard lots of voices, or animals, or was that music? I felt Bob’s hands holding me, his voice chanting softly in my ear, new voices were added, and as I slumped to the dirt floor more hands were on me as my eyes fluttered and the spinning grew fast and faster. My eyelids felt heavy, weighted, but with great concentration I was able to open them a sliver. I MIGHT HAVE SCREAMED OR RUN IF I COULD, BUT I WAS IMMOBILE. My mind demanded action, yet my body was stiff, unmoving, unfeeling, like I was a tree firmly rooted to the Earth. Angling my eyes right – the only part of my 200+ bones and 600+ muscles that seemed to respond - I could see the naked body of a man, his massive dick swaying in time to chanting, and as the crescendo of the voices peaked, he bent down to look at me and that’s when I tried to scream. He had a goat’s face with golden, spiked horns. The goat man moved, the chanting grew, I could see another man, another monster dick, and when he bent down to look at me it was a bull’s face with a thick, gold ring through his nose. No longer a man. I wanted to scream. The bull moved out of my sightline, the chanting grew louder and I could see another man, another giant dick with a deformed head, and when he bent down and looked at me it was a dog’s face with golden, yellow eyes. No longer a man. I wanted to scream. The dog moved out of my sightline, the chanting grew louder and I could see another man, another dick even larger than the others, and when he bent down and looked at me it was a horse’s face with golden teeth. No longer a man. I wanted to scream. The horse moved out of my sightline, the chanting echoed, changed pace, grew louder, faster, and louder still. I could see another man, another dick that put all the others to shame and it was ringed in gold, ridged, studded, the metal shining like a brilliant sun in the dim candle light. When he bent down and looked at me I wanted to sigh in relief - human - yet he was not a man. He was a fleshless, gold skull, a skeleton. I wanted to scream. Brother Roberto, a.k.a. Bob, was standing to the right of my head now. He was kneeling and crossing himself in prayer. His eyes were closed tight like he too was afraid of what I was seeing. Hooves and claws raked my flesh, the taste of bile and iron filled my mouth. There was a brilliant flash of light and then a scorching pain as my flesh was peeled back to allow entry by these men who would sacrifice my body - and theirs - to their zoolatry ritual. Was I floating off the ground? Was I on the table? My legs were raised back and up, but how? The goat man’s phallus pierced my ass and suddenly every nerve in my body was firing. Pain, fear, agony, ecstasy, all joined in chorus as the chanting suddenly grew distant and far aware. The penis felt much like the shape of man’s but bigger, firmer, sharper. The goat head got close to mine. Its eyes were totally black, as were its lips, which seemed to be moving. The hair was white, short, and matted and the golden horns glowed brighter as it fucked me. The harder it fucked, the more my sides hurt where it’s hooves dug in my white flesh. As he climaxed, the goat man threw his head back, bellowed a sound of primal release, then looked at me with now blood-red eyes, spat in my face, and as the last of his seed flooded my hole the goat head bent down and bit my flesh. The man bull’s head was so large I could see nothing else. His dick was bulbous on the end, and as inch after inch wound its way inside my guts I felt sure he would push through my back. The wide nostrils flared and the gold ring that pierced them caught clusters of snot as it dripped out if his nostrils with every grunt and thrust inside me. His hair was tawny brown, and the skin of his nose the blackest of black. The bellow he made when he released in my ass harmonized perfectly with the rising chants and splattered me with a mist of snot. Having filled me with his measure, the bull tilted his head; a blood-red eye seared my soul as his teeth found their mark. The dog man’s deformed head and knot stretched me wide, and kept inflating, and I thought me might never stop. His top lip curled up and down in time with the chanting and the strokes of his dick while his claws cut my flesh. The ears were laid back, the golden yellow eyes widened and focused then widened again as he yipped, snarled, and growled. The high-pitched howl he let loose when he filled me with cum pierced my eardrums like a nail and sounded in opposition to the symbiotic chants. His incisors also found their mark, drawing more of my life force out, which dripped to the packed earth below. The stallion’s penis was unbearably large, blunt, and where the dog man seemed to be content once his knot had entered, I was now a mare filled beyond a man’s measure as the flared head ripped my insides deeper and deeper. The dark black eyes, set against the lighter coal hair, were offset by the startling gold colored teeth, which snapped and clicked and clacked as the head swung side to side. When the stallion finally reared in carnal joy my abdomen swelled and the earth was marked anew as he finally withdrew, but not before ensnaring my flesh between his golden teeth. The chanting slowed, the volume turned down to hardly a whisper. My vision was clouded further as the smoky haze in the room thickened and swirled like the birth of cyclone. THE GOLDEN SKULL HUNG IN THE AIR OVER ME, DISEMBODIED, SOLITARY, AND ADRIFT IN A PLANE OF THE DYING. The bonds that held me firm constricted, it was hard to breath, and with barely any movement, the golden skull extended his primal force, his golden spiked and ridged dick finding my already brutalized hole, and he entered in one stroke. My internal organs shut down. My body faced death - inside and out. My ass was stretched wider, gaped, explored impossibly deeper and shredded by the golden teeth that on the skull head did not move; yet inside me they chewed, gnawed, and consumed my flesh. Had I died? Was I in hell? No, it felt too good for that. The golden skull’s dick fucked me deep - raw - hard - rough. My body was at his mercy, and no mercy was given. I would have smiled if I could have. A voice resonated then through my body, my bones themselves vibrating with the timber of the baritone chords, “Death stroke requires blood.” What the fuck did that mean? I didn’t have time to ponder, as the next thing I remember is asking myself why was Bob angry? I could hear it in his voice. Who was grabbing me? What was going on? My mind raced in a sprint, flooded by flashes of the past - what had it been? Hours, minutes, days? I didn’t know, but still, my body did not move to my neural commands. Why was I paralyzed still? I gurgled as liquid was poured down my throat and reflexively swallowed. Bob was still angry. Firm hands lifted me, jostled me, I felt like I was in a tilt-a-whirl at the county fair, and faster and faster I spun until...the next thing I remember was the taste of that foul drink I had taken before - the same rotten yogurt shit. UGH! More firm hands, more jostling, more of Bob’s angry voice. In the dim light I could see the pinky finger on my left hand. It felt like a mountain was on me, yet I knew that was silly. The tip of my pinky twitched and I was elated. I was alive. I could move. OK, well not MOVE move, but neurons were firing and my body was reacting. I tried to roll over, but the pressing body held firm, embedded inside me, his dick hooked in my ass like a lure to a trout. Bob kneeled by my head, he rubbed my cheek, smiled and said, “WE ARE GOING HOME.” HE PAUSED, NODDED TOWARDS THE MAN ON MY BACK WHO WAS BURIED IN MY ASS AND WHISPERED IN HOLY WONDER, "USTED ENCONTRÓ EL DORADO" - TRANSLATION - “YOU FOUND EL DORADO.” THE ANGEL OF DEATH HAD WRAPPED ME IN HIS WINGS. Stay Tuned for Part 5- (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    1 point
  29. I have been pretty sure for a quite awhile now that we would have great fun together. We both want a complete sexual scene....not a quick unloading.
    1 point
  30. love to meet a poz top like him in uk
    1 point
  31. Whoring out my boy (bareben) all weekend, single or group. Host here no problem. Western NY near Rochester. Anon and discrete accomodated. Hit me up for more info. Rick (wickr dad4pozboys) HMU for phone if you don't have wickr.
    1 point
  32. It may be the case that this guy pushed the boundaries of what PrEP can protect against, and that most other people are not at risk of the same. But I would be careful about characterizing anyone else's sexual behavior in terms like "treating his body like a fucking outhouse." Most of us have what the straight world would consider pretty out-there sex lives. Judge not, lest ye be judged.
    1 point
  33. 53. all poz cum, UD but still poz cum shooting in my ass
    1 point
  34. If I could tell you exactly what moonshine tastes like I would: something like drinking turpentine mixed with the worst cough syrup you’ve ever had. They might be its two ingredients. I’m trying to turn down a refill but Young John’s not having it. The second one, he says, you stop tasting it. That might be, or it might be I’m blasted out of my mind by the first. As it is, I can’t help staring at him. It’s not that he’s just cute, but I don’t know if there’s a slyness or innocence that makes me keep darting glances his way in the light of the campfire. The rabbit he skinned and cooked was good. He liked grossing me out when he skinned and disemboweled it, but when it came to eating it off sticks, you could tell he knew what he was doing. And, yeah, it tasted like chicken. After he won refilling our canning jars with more moonshine, he says, "Man, am I ever horny." Then, just as suddenly: “You a homo, college?” He asks this as matter of factly as if he’d just asked if I’d had enough to eat. He’s not looking at me but up at the stars, which number in the billions up here. “Yepper,” I answer. “You?” “Nothin’ I could do about it if I was,” he volunteers. He’s quiet for a real long time, before he adds two words that completely throws me: “I’m caged.” I’d been slumping against a log, but I sat up at that. “What do you mean, ‘caged’?” “Caged. Like I can’t get to my dick if I wanted to. Got a lock on it.” “Wait, what?” The rabbit bone I was twirling I throw it in the fire and draw closer to him to see his eyes. His gaze come down from looking skyward, and rest on my face. He’s evaluating me, for what I don’t know. To see if I’m judging him? To see if he should go on more, if I can be trusted? “We just decided it was better that way,” he says. Is he looking to see if I approve? Agree? The simply fact is I don’t understand. “Who decided that? What would be 'better'?” “Daddy. The posse. Me. We thought it was better. That way they don’t turn me queer. Want to see?” “Wait,” I say, putting a hand on his bare shoulder. I feel how warm he is, feel his small, strong muscles of his shoulder. Feel the effects of the second jar of moonshine. “What exactly has your daddy and his friends done to you?” He unbuttons his pants and shows me a homemade chastity cage scooped under his balls and covering his dick. A little bush of pubes poke above it. I’ve seen cages online but thought they were just a novelty, a joke. This one looks serious, heavy, permanent; although it has a screw underneath and not a lock, it doesn’t look like a joke. “Daddy says if I started enjoying my dick when they did things to my butt, I could turn homo and then they couldn’t have fun no more.” “That’s crazy talk, guy.” I’m sorry to say this, but I can’t help it. My own dick starts getting hard. I know, I know, you’d be all righteous and help the kid, but I’m telling you, coming across this kids with his pent up, twisted beliefs, or those guys that are keeping him this way, plus the second jar of moonshine, plus the bit of pubes above the cage, it’s twisting my head, making me think I want to take advantage of him in all his chastised horniness. Okay, maybe I just needed to say that, because now I’m feeling indignant, protective again. “You got a screwdriver?” I demand. “Yeah, but you can’t take it off,” he says. “The shit I can’t. Get it.” We go inside a trailer and he rifles through a kitchen drawer holding the gas lantern above his head. He’s holding his pants up with one hand and the lantern with the other. He finds a screwdriver and gives it to me. I tell him to drop his drawers. He reluctantly does, and I get to work unscrewing the bolt under his balls. Once that’s undone it’s like a puzzle that easily comes apart. He’s got a mighty erection from me fooling around with his balls and dick. I’m not surprised since he also couldn't touch himself for however the hell long it’s been. It’s a beautiful young cock, arching with a nice bend to it, thin and extremely hard. His knob’s swollen blue in the light. I can’t help it. I wrap my lips around it. Young John inhales hissing and then is almost crying out loud in arousal. I slurp up more of it. I mount on top of it and get most of it down my throat. “I’m going to cum,” he starts repeating. “You’re going to make me cum.” I stop sucking him. “Come back to my room,” he says. I leave the pieces of the cage on the countertop and follow Young John through the shadowy hallway to his room. This room has the feel of a nursery. An old, ragged teddy bear sits on the dresser. One if its button eyes is missing. There’s a metal airplane with plastic propellers on a night table, next to it a couple of coloring books. “Wait. How old are you, John?” He looks at me frightened. “Don’t call me that! You can never call me John. Daddy gets real mad. Almost took Dwayne out one time. Johnny’s okay, but Young John’s better.” “Okay, Johnny,” I say, flipping through one of the coloring books, seeing his ‘coloring’ consists of running random-color crayons over outlines of cats and dog, trains and cows, three-story buildings and a cop blowing a whistle, holding up a gloved hand with a sign that says ‘Stop!’ Interestingly, the building has red crayon flames coming from the windows, the clouds are all black, and the sun shines blue. “Have you graduated from school yet?” “Daddy says I don’t need it. He says I’m legally eighteen and that means I don’t have to if I don’t want to. Never went, never gonna.” He’s pulling me to his bed. “Do that thing you was doin’ before to my weenie.” He pushes the coloring book out of my hand and we fall on the bed. He’s unbuckling my pants and wants to get them off me as fast as he can. I kick off my shoes and our pants and shirts fly. He doesn’t like to kiss but he sure likes to suck. We’re in a sixty-nine position before too long, and I spread his legs and bend him so I can get to his butthole. I stick my tongue in him and he lets out a yell, “College! What are you doing?! Fuck, man!” I raise my head surprised. “College, you are nasty fuck turd, aren’t ya? Do that again.” I go down on him and can kind of see what he means. I’m drunk enough not to care that much, but he isn’t all that clean, but I’ve already been there once and don’t see the harm of continuing to eat his little nasty ass out. I feel his rock hard cock rubbing against my pecs. He’s humping like crazy and I don’t want him to cum yet, not at least till I get my dick in him. I spit in his ass and push the saliva into his crack. “Yeah, fuck my hole, college. Wreck it,” he cries, then pauses for a moment. He hesitates before he whispers, pulling at the sheets, “you can put your hand inside me if you want.” “What, fist you?” I stop and look at him. “Do the guys here do that to you, Johnny?” He puts his face in his pillow and nods. He’s talking into the pillow when he says that he likes it. Part of me doesn’t believe that he can take a fist, so I push two fingers in his butt. They slide in easily. I wet a three fingers and all three slide in without effort. He lifts his head and says there’s Vaseline in his drawer. I look and bring it out, pop off the lid, and grease my hand. “Oooh, yeah,” he says as my hand disappears up his slim ass. I got to admit it’s the first time I’ve ever done this, and it’s incredible. I feel like I’m wearing a warm, slimy glove, that he’s an extension of my hand. I get why some would call it making someone your hand puppet. I like that he is mine. “Go in more, man. I know how to take it deep,” he says. He’s wiggling on my wrist, pushing himself down on me. My hand slides in beyond my wrist. He flips on his back writhing, squirming, climbing down the bedsheets to get closer to me, to get more of my arm in him. He’s insatiable. I’ve got a major hardon going and really want to stick my dick in him and fuck the shit out of the kid. I start pulling out and he cries out, “Wait, wait!” “Dude, I want to get my dick in you so bad. I’m going to bust a nut all over your sheets if I can’t fuck you this second.” “You can stick your cock in, too. The guys do it all the time.” With my left hand I grease my pole and add it to his crack. He’s right, he can take both. Easily. It’s incredible feeling my dick slide into my greased hand inside the kid’s ass. It’s not only mind-blowing, but the feeling! My dick and fist make for cramped quarters but that only makes the viscosity immensely pleasurable. I start humping his ass and my hand inside him with abandon. He’s enjoying it from the grunting and affirmative noises he’s making. I’m telling him how good he feels, and he reflecting back the same sentiments. He’s loving it, he tells me. How big I am, how much he wants me. I’m in a low, guttural mode now, pushing as much of my fist and cock into his slim hips as I can. I'm pretty big with large hands; it’s a wonder he can take so much and continue to want more. If it’s pleasuring him as much as it is me, I happy to give him more of my arm and cock. I’m up to my pubes pumping in him, well past my wrist, ripping his hole open with as much ferocity as I want. He seems to be able to take everything I give him and still begs for more. So I pile it on, starting to bring out some violence in me I don’t recognize. I leave my fist right at his opening, stretching it to the max and using it as my dick’s point of entry. He realizes what I’m doing and is totally into it. “Open my pussy, sir!” he pleads. “Destroy me. Make me a train wreck. Fuck open my cunt, man!” He’s wailing at the top of his lungs and I’m hammering him as hard as he wants me to. It’s incredible and I shoot a load into him that makes me quake several times. I feel him do the same. He erupts over his chest till it runs off his rib cage. The amount of cum that pumps out of his cock is astonishing, and makes me think it's been a least months since he's shot a load. He jacks and jacks, and cum thick and pure white spill off his body. He's shaking in waves. I think he's done, then he shakes and shoots some more. It makes me spasm watching him. My fist disappearing deep within him. His sphincter clamps hard on my wrist and my cock follows deep inside him. He shutters as I collapse on top of him. I feel his channel squeeze my hand several times. I flex my hand out a bit and he squeezes it tight. It’s us communicating to each other, discovering a rare depth of feeling. We lay for a white until my cock soften and slides out under the pressure. Then I slowly withdraw my hand from his ass. As my knuckles slide out he gives a gasp and I feel a long trail of slime flow out his ass and puddle on the sheets. “Do you have something I can clean this up with?” I ask. He looks at me puzzled. “Why? Just leave it,” he says casually. “Hand me my smokes. They’re in my pocket.” I reach in his pants and find them along with a plastic lighter. He lights up right away and leans on the trailer wall. I look him over and want to capture that sly, contented look he has. “Can I take your picture?” I ask him as he’s puffing away. The smoke obscures him, which is I think what he’s after. I’m drunk enough to have had enjoyed myself like I’ve never done before. Guys I’ve had sex with were fun, but this kid took me to places I never contemplated. But I’m also not drunk enough to face the implications of what’s been done to this kid. Both his lack of inhibition tied up with, I’m sure, his utter isolation. “You brought a camera?" He sounds a little alarmed. "What, outside in your backpack?” I pick up my pants, and bring out my iPhone. "No, this has a camera in it. But it’s almost out of juice. I take it there’s no electricity up here.” He shakes his mop. I turn on the camera app and show him his image. “Whoa! That’s me? How fuckin' hot am I?” “Can I?” I sit next to him, put an arm around his shoulder, pull him next to me close. That makes him smile. We leaning our head against the trailer wall and I take a selfie of us. He rubs his eyes from the flash. We take a couple more. Serious. Me kissing his brow. Him licking my face. One of both of us pinching each other lips. In the photos you can see we’re both shirtless, but don’t show more than that. “Where do they go?” he says of the images. I show him the collection, swiping through the one’s I just took. He’s delighted with the phone. I get the feeling he’s never seen one. He holds it tightly, looking up at me with his gap-toothed grin, putting his finger on the screen and flicking quickly to examine other photos. My old dog, Trixie, back in Salem. My sister. My family at dinner. I look bored. “What’s your name, college?” He’s not looking at me but at my life. “Peyton. Peyton Grey.” He laughs. “You sound like a paint color.” He straightens up in bed and puts on an aristocratic voice with a finger in the air. “Yes, yes, I think I shall paint my entire trailer Peyton Grey. It will be the most beautiful trailer in all of camp.” I pinch his tit and he falls back against the trailer giggling. He flicks across more of my collection. School campus. My soccer team. Dorm-mates. There’s one he comes across that makes him stop. It’s of me and Zach. We’re also shirtless, in bed, smiling. “Who’s that?” he asks. “I guy I know at school.” The end of the charge powers down the phone. As much as I’m rubbing his shoulder, holding him close, the room feels much darker and colder, more shadows lean over us, like a black crayon coloring outside our tidy lines. “His name’s Zach,” I say to break the silence, trying to smooth over suddenly rough edges. He gives me back the phone. Quietly he smokes the rest of his cigarette. Finally, he asks the obvious, stubbing out his cigarette, “Once you leave, you gonna come back here, ever?” He looks up at me with his brown forest eyes. There’s a hard touch of green in them I also see. Even in this light. ***
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  35. Only friends and hot guys. Connor was still the joy of my life. Our usual morning routine, during the semester, was waking up together and him going off to class and me going for a run. I was so happy every morning waking up next to my amazing guy. We'd run through our respective days and then catch back up after our last class spending the rest of the afternoon/evening together. It was a great life. And, best of all, our sex life was amazing. I still hadn't told Connor about Seth; which did cause me occasional guilt. The guilty feelings never lasted more than a moment. During the summer, Connor had a paid internship. His internship was in NYC and Connor was going to stay with my aunt and uncle in Manhattan. I was staying in New Orleans for a while alone and moving us into our new apartment. After I moved into the new place, I was going to NYC to spend the summer with Connor and my family. Connor and I had a month separation ahead of us. We fucked so much that my ass actually had a dull ache some days. As the time of his flight approached it was as if every moment away from him hurt. When he'd get out of bed, I'd run my fingers over his arm, leg or chest just to get a last touch. The lovemaking became so emotional that Connor cried once. He said that he'd never loved anyone as much as he loved me. He didn't know how this was going to work over the next month because he didn't want to be away from me. I was so happy he reciprocated my desires and fears. We held each other a lot. I cried at the airport watching him go through security. My friend John drove us because he knew I'd be a basket case. Connor called as soon as he arrived in New York. We spoke his entire cab ride to my aunt and uncle's building. They all called me together to let me know that Connor arrived safely and was properly installed in the guest room. Connor and I spoke every day. We started texting more during this time, but it was clunky then because we had flip phones. We'd send each other the dirtiest texts. We told each other every night that we loved each other. I missed him. One night, Connor missed our call and I kinda freaked out. I was really nervous and afraid something had happened to him. I called my aunt and uncle and they hadn't seen him. I paced the room. Went for a run along the streetcar line. Washed dishes. Finally I fell asleep and I heard the text - "Sorry babe. I forgot to call. I was out with coworkers. I love you." I was immediately jealous of these "coworkers". Not that I had any reason to be. It was irrational. But I missed Connor so much. I was about to call him when I got the next text. "Don't worry babe. I love you. Talk to you tomorrow morning. :)" Of course I slept poorly. Connor called at 6am New Orleans time and apologized again. He said I must've been freaking out some. I admitted I had. He asked what I did to not totally freak out. I told him all the things I had done. He said, "Wow. You must really miss me babe. That's more than your usually calm anxiety." We chuckled. I told him that I might go out with some mutual friends that night. He asked who and said, "Well maybe you should let them fuck you to work out the anxiety." He laughed. I laughed too. Then Connor said, "Babe I really was with coworkers last night. All we did was grab dinner and a few drinks and then I walked home. My phone died during dinner. That's why I didn't text you." He continued, "I mean it though Zach. If you want to have sex with our friends tonight without me being there; that's cool." He continued, "I haven't had sex without you for over a year. I only want you. But, Zach, I think you need a lot of sex. There's a validation or something in it for you. I don't fully understand it, but I love that I can give that to you either through my dick or by giving you permission to ride one of our friends as a substitute. We only had three rules and we never broke them - only with me knowing or participating; only with our friends or hot guys we do together; and no guys with HIV. The last rule is more serious now because we stopped using condoms with our other partners. It keeps us both safe." I was quiet. Connor asked me to say something. His voice quivered slightly. I replied. "I understand babe. But, what do you mean that I use sex as validation?" Connor said, "I knew I chose the wrong word when I said that. Um....just forget it. I didn't mean anything by it ok?" He followed with a really sincere, "I love you so much. Please don't overthink this like you do. I love you and I miss you and I want to see you." I relaxed and said, "I love you and miss you too." We hung up and both went about our day. That night I went out with Ramon, Dave and Bradley. (I mentioned Bradley in an earlier chapter.) Ramon was a very hot Latino top and Dave was a jockish mutual friend. Bradley never really went out, so this was a rare occasion. We drank and danced mostly. I did a couple of bumps of coke, but nothing else. Bradley loves daddies and was on the hunt for a nice daddy that night. Bradley is a rarity - and Asian top that likes to fuck older white guys. We changed bars to follow Bradley across the street. We were now at Pub - no dance floor on the first floor, just a giant bar. So we did shots and I rubbed up on Ramon a bit. Bradley found his target daddy for the evening and left for the guy's hotel room, leaving us with the daddy's friends. They weren't bad looking guys, but definitely not the type we would normally find ourselves hanging out with at the bar. I was still flirting with Ramon and I suggested we leave these guys and go to the bathhouse. Dave and Ramon agreed. Off we went. We were changing and Dave asked, "Is it true that you and Connor have an open relationship?" I said, "We do threesomes and sometimes one of us can play without the other." Dave said, "Does that mean I can fuck you?" I took off my jeans, looked over my shoulder at Dave, smiled broadly and wearing only my jockstrap I left the changing area. Dave was about 5'10", 150, built solid, big thighs and arms and a strong chest. Ramon was 5'7", 125, wiry build and a rumored awesome cock. Once inside I looked around for a bit. I was getting turned on looking at some of the action. Especially watching this twink getting nailed by this larger, older black man. That's what it must've looked like for the guys watching as Lou fucked me in the bathhouse in Albany. My cock was definitely getting harder and I stroked it through my jock pouch. Reluctantly, I turned away to find the guys again. I ran almost right into Ramon, whose towel did very little to hide his cock. I reached down and said, "That's a hot cock." I stroked him through the flimsy towel. Ramon took me to the steam room. He laid his towel on the bench and sat down, legs spread wide and I saw his plump dick coming to life. I got on my knees to suck him off and I heard Dave say, "Wow y'all don't waste any time." He took out his 6" cock and stroked it. Dave sat down next to Ramon. I started going from cock to cock sucking them. I liked sucking both cocks. I found myself wishing Connor were here with us. I would've loved to feel him slide in my ass as I worked both of these cocks. As if on cue, Dave stood up and slid his cock on my ass crack. I arched my back; raising my ass up for him. He opened a lube packed and put lube on my ass and his cock. Dave said, "Is it also true that you let guys ride you bareback?" I thought about it for a brief second. I came up off Ramon's cock and said, "Sometimes. I didn't bring condoms with me tonight. Did you?" I could see the condom pinned to his bicep by the locker key. Dave said, "No." I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I'm good with it if you are." I promptly started sucking Ramon's cock again. I felt as Dave slid his bare cock in my ass. He moaned, "Fuck yeah Zach. I've always wanted your ass man." He bottomed out quickly, let me adjust and then began slowly fucking me. I was spit-roasted in the sauna by our friends and I was loving it. Dave began pulling all the way out of my ass and slamming all the way back in. I was moaning as I sucked Ramon's awesome cock. It was long and just thick enough to be the perfect large cock. I was trying to take it all the way down my throat while Dave fucked me. Ramon was also moaning. I heard some other guys come into the room. I heard them whispering and they sat down and started stroking their cocks. Dave got a little nervous and slowed his fuck down, but then he picked back up when Ramon started talking to the guys. It was Bradley's daddy's friends. Dave leaned in and said, "Zach are you comfortable like this in front of these guys." I came up off Ramon's cock and said I was. I then took Dave's hand off my hip and brought it to my rock hard cock. He smiled at me and said, "Zach you're a slut." Dave shifted his cock into me as he said it. I moaned and went back to Ramon's cock. Dave was fucking me pretty hard now. I knew he wouldn't take long. All I could think about was sitting on Ramon's cock once Dave was done. Dave slapped my ass a couple of times. He said things about my great ass. His fuck was starting to feel really good. He was hitting good places and stroking my cock. Without warning, Dave slammed his cock into me with all his body and grunted loudly while saying, "I'm cumming." Dave came in me and then took a minute to relax on my back. I looked up at Ramon, stroked his hard cock and said, "Do you want me to ride you?" Ramon nodded. He also had a condom pinned against his arm with his locker key. As Dave pulled out of me and turned to leave the steam room, Ramon looked at the daddy's friends and said, "Watch this." I stood up, turned around, lined his cock up with my hole and sat down. I had to stop about 1/3rd of the way down to adjust to Ramon's size. That's when I noticed the guys stroking and watching us. They weren't bad looking guys - 40s maybe, not out of shape, but not in shape, one bald, the other graying hair. I felt Ramon's hands rub up my torso and then grab my shoulders to pull me down. It wasn't forceful, but a gentle reminder of my current job. Get him inside me. I stroked my cock and kissed Ramon as I continued to slide down his cock. It was a great cock. I groaned in pain with the last few inches. Then he hit something inside me that not every guy can tap. I moaned. I needed his cock to hit that spot again. I started to lightly ride his cock. He has a fabulous cock. I was riding him faster and the daddy's friends were really excited seeing my ass take this cock. I was loving the looks on their faces about half as much as I was loving the cock in my ass. Ramon said, "Zach, I haven't been in someone bareback in awhile. I'm not going to last too long." I slid all the way up his cock and all the way down it a few times. I thought I'd slow the pace that way and he'd last longer. I was wrong. Just as he was hitting that spot inside me again, he groaned and exploded inside me. His load was as big as the cock it came from. It filled me up and started to slide out of my ass even though his cock was still inside me. I got up off Ramon and sat on my towel and felt my ass. It was puffy and definitely leaking cum. Ramon fingered me and said I was a hot fuck. He asked if I needed help getting off as he bent over to suck my cock. I thought about the black guy fucking the twink and thought I'd go back and jerk off watching them. I told him that. He laughed and said he was going to shower. I laid back for a minute and then felt the other guys moving in on me. I didn't open my eyes. I felt one of them spread my legs. I looked up. It was the bald one. I let him feel my hole. He lifted my legs so my back was against the bench and sank his average cock into me. I moaned and closed my eyes. The bald guy lasted only a few minutes before he asked if I wanted his cum. I thought about it, "Fuck I was totally breaking the rules. No sex with guys who weren't our friends or weren't hot. This was a total stranger. Should I be doing this?" Then he said, "Too late. I'm cumming in you." Just as he slammed into me I said, "Do it! Cum in my ass." The bald guy slid out of me and the grey haired dude took his place. He said, "You are a very pretty slut." Then he pushed his dick into my hole. He fucked me hard and held my head against the bench as he fucked me. I moaned a lot. He moaned and called me names. Then grey hair said it too, "Do you want my cum, slut?" I said, "Yes. Cum in my ass." He bucked a few more times and slammed home, unloading inside me. He got up and then the older guys left the room. I jerked off laying right there. Four cum loads in my ass and only two from friends. Two were from total strangers. I was so turned on. I thought about going to find the black dude to get load five. I got so close thinking about the entire evening that I came all over myself. I was spent. I showered and went out front. Ramon had waited for me, but Dave had left. Ramon asked if he could come over and sleep with me. I said, "Sure. I'd like that. I miss Connor cuddling me at night." Ramon said, "And fucking you at night, right?" I said, "I miss that too." Ramon and I slept together that night. He bred me another time that night and twice before he left to go to church the next day. I told Connor about Dave and Ramon, but not the other guys.
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  37. I was born a PIG.....I LUV bein a PIG.....if I go out in PIGGY style, I'll die 1 HAPPY CUM/PISS/COCK/ASS LUVIN PIG!
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  38. I actually was. my old man was involved with NAMBLA and I was daddy's cumdump for years along with a couple uncles and my God father- and some other neighborhood dudes. mostly Marine buddies my dad drank with. When He died, My mom sent me to a boarding schools which was 90/10 boys. being on the small side I was the cumdump for the older Boys and a few staff members got my first taste of Pain Piss and farm sex there too. And.. i was and alter boy so I was taking Raw catholic priest cock till i hit puberty. -early. - then it was my turn to fuck. here it is 30 -odd year later, i'm not even 40 and i'm a fucking pig. and i'm hard thinking about it. I was scared and really fucked up back then but OINK.. I sure do miss the old days. -especially when I was a teenager and could just grab an man's crotch and get him to feed me.
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  39. Thanks for the rep ... I'd make my next load just for you if you were closer
    1 point
  40. I met Rusty several years ago at the gym in the steam room. He was on the shorter side, very skinny, pale skinned with strawberry blond hair. He also had a cock that even when soft looked huge on his small frame. One night I walked in the steam room and found him laying on the upper level his legs spread and that amazing cock just hanging there. We were the only one there that late and as I undid my towel and let it fall his hands went to his cock and started rubbing. It wasn’t long before I leaned over and felt his cock hanging over his balls. I was surprised to find him rock hard, all those times I thought he had a huge cock when soft actually he was hard walking around, only his cock didn’t stick up when hard it hung down heavy and full. I wasted no time and sucked his cock all the way into my throat. Rusty has the type of cock perfect for sucking, long and thick at the base but tapering down towards the head. I sucked his cock and pulled on his balls with one hand and inched my fingers to his hole with the other. He spread his legs and gave me full access to every part of him. I was pulling his cheeks apart and licking his hole when he climbed down, got on the floor between my legs and started sucking my cock. He had me leaking pre-cum in no time. We stood up and I bent down to kiss him my hands finding his ass again telling him I wanted to fuck him. He moaned and turned around bracing his hands on the wall and sticking his ass out for me. My cock and his hole were already slick with spit and sweat from the steam and I teased his entrance for a bit but when I finally popped the head of my cock in he pushed back hard and suddenly I was balls deep in him. He tensed and we both stood still as his hole relaxed around my cock. We quickly found a rhythm and our bodies were slapping together in the darkened steam as my cock bottomed out in his hole over and over. We could hear a few guys in the locker room, and one guy did go into the sauna which is directly across from the steam room but no one interrupted us. The fuck was exciting because we were doing it somewhere so public and the idea that we might be caught was a turn on but also knowing I was fucking this little guy, this big dicked bottom really had me going. My hands on his hips I was pulling him back on my cock slow and steady. Then I reached around and stroked his cock for awhile as he told me to fuck his slutty hole. We changed positions and I sat on the bench as he climbed over me and sank down on me impaling himself over and over again on my cock. I asked if he liked my big, raw cock in his slutty hole and he quickened the pace and fucked himself faster. Soon I knew we were both going to cum and as I bucked my hips up he slammed himself down on my cock and soon I was shooting a huge load into him. Once he made sure he had my entire load he stood over me and jacked his load onto my face as I fingered his cum filled hole. He leaned down and licked his load off of my face and kissed me with it and then got on his knees again and licked my cock clean. The combination of the fuck and the heat from the steam had us barely able to move. We got up and showered to cool off and he told me he really needed that. I smiled and said I was glad to help anytime. He reached over and grabbed my cock and stroked it as I leaned over and kissed him again. He had me hard enough to slip back in his hole which is exactly what we did right there in the shower area where anyone could walk in on. Afterwards we talked and we both admitted we loved bareback sex, cock, and cum. I said I only fucked BB and while I wasn’t chasing specifically I wasn’t scared of it either and he admitted he was actively chasing HIV. He wanted to be converted and pozzed up. For about a year we would hook up when we saw each other at the gym and be look out for the other if needed. I watched him suck and get sucked many times and joined in quite a few as well. One memorable time was with a poz older black guy with a nice sized dick. I kept watch for them but as that black cock sank into Rusty's pale hole I couldn't help myself and had to lick that big, black, poz dick as it slide in and out of him. Then suddenly he moved to another state and I heard from a mutual friend he had a big religious conversion and had changed his ways. I hope he is happy wherever he is.
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  41. Two days later, after more dirty texts than I can remember, Mark was on his way over to my place. It was just going to be me and him. No Danny, in fact I don’t think he even told him what we were doing. I was worried how that would go especially since Danny and I work together but Mark had us kissing and sucking at work so I didn’t spend to much time worrying about it. And then he was here and we were kissing and kissing and kissing. We made it to the bedroom and out of our clothes and I pushed him down on the bed and got between his legs and kissed his biohazard tattoo and then licked his balls slowly as his fingers played with my hair. Then I was sucking his big, fat, cut cock his hand forcing me further down on each stroke. I had to make myself relax my throat and then the head of his cock slid in and my nose was at the base of his cock. He held me there for a minute and then let me suck for a bit before he pulled me up and pushed me back so he could suck me. He licked and sucked my cock and balls, then coming up to kiss me, telling me how right now, right here I was his. I just moaned and let him work his magic. He crawled up and rubbed my cock on his hole slowly putting some pressure on my cock. We locked eyes and he sat down on my cock. Spit and a small amount of lube helped but he was tight and my cock is thick and it was stretching his hole. He reached over and took a hit of poppers and gave me some and after a minute he started riding my cock his ass squeezing me and making my whole body tingle. He rode me for about 10 minutes alternating fast and slow strokes then pulled off of me and flipped me over and started to eat my ass. He spread my cheeks and buried his tongue into my hole. He would lick down my balls and suck my cock into his mouth as he fingered my hole working me open and getting me ready for his super sized cock. He fed me more poppers and then all at once in one long quick stroke he was buried all the way in me and he started fucking me right away. It fucking hurt and took my breath away but then it was amazing. He was taking what he needed. Using me as a hole for his poz cock, relentlessly pounding into me. Telling me how he was going to bred my neg ass with his poz load and then he would own me forever. How he knew he was going to poz me up, that we would be connected forever. Then he would slow down and pull all the way out and tease my hole with that big cock head of his only to slam back into me when I wasn’t expecting it. He was owning my ass and I was loving it. I don’t know how long he fucked me but part of me was begging him to stop and the other part—the more vocal part—was encouraging him to use me and breed my neg hole. That I knew he loved cheating on Danny and fucking giving me something that he had only been giving him for years. That got him pounding even hard and suddenly he buried himself balls deep and I could feel his cock throb as he unloaded into me and then he was slow fucking me, pushing his load deeper into me. My load that had been leaking out of my cock was all over the sheets and I reached down and got some and fed it to him. He pulled out and we kissed and after we caught our breath he told me that he really had not cheated in the time he and Danny had been together. That the 3ways we did had opened up Danny’s opinion on sex with others and that is why he had us fool around at work. That and it turned him on. I asked if he was going to tell him about today and he said he wasn’t sure but that he didn’t have to be home for several hours and he wanted to swap some more loads. We spent the next few hours talking about fantasies, what each others go to jack off scenario is etc. He told me he had a huge medical fetish and he loved fucking guys in scrubs. He told me his first HIV doctor had been an older guy who got very detailed in his past sexual history and did a very thorough assessment and that he had gotten a hard on but since he likes to show off he wasn’t worried about it. The doctor said he needed a sperm sample and was jacking Mark off when Mark realized the doctor was hard too and rubbed his hand against it. They ended up sucking each other that first time but eventually they fucked too. All this had both of us boned up again and we took turns fucking each other and telling more stories of things we had done and wanted to do. By the time Mark had to leave he had deposited 3 poz loads into me. I was so exhausted but my whole body was alive with the sensations of what we had just done. Cheated, taken poz loads and not just one but 3 over several hours. Was it wrong? Probably. Did we care right then? Nope, not at all. He texted me later saying he enjoyed it and he wanted to tell Danny but was nervous. I told him that sex is not the same as love. He loves Danny but I am just sex and sex is fun. He did end up telling Danny not that day but later and it all worked out. We still see each other mostly together, occasionally alone. Danny has really gotten into watching Mark and I together. He sits back stroking and telling us what he wants us to do, what he needs to see to get off. More stories for another time.
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  42. Back in college I was 18 and walking around downtown one evening when I noticed two guys in a Jeep driving around. One was student aged, around 20, and the other a bit older, maybe 30s. They circled the block a few times and eventually stopped and, as I passed their jeep, we struck up a conversation. I jumped at the chance when they asked me back to their place. Arriving there, we immediately headed to their bedroom which was completely filled with a huge waterbed. The older guy, Jim, leaned in and kissed me while the younger guy, Rick, started undressing me. Soon all three of us were naked and sprawled on the bed. Now, until this occasion I had never before been on a waterbed, and it took some getting used to, but each of us soon was sucking on a cock. Jim was hung with a nice long and thick cock and I couldn’t get enough of it. Both of the guys turn sucking my rock hard cock. Both guys were great cock suckers, so the sensation was amazing and I became increasingly vocal, letting them know how much I was enjoying the treatment. As he moved-up, intent on kissing me, Jim commented "The shy guy we picked up was gone and I like this new confident guy." And kiss and kiss we did indeed, all the while Rick sucked away, alternating between the two of us. Of course Rick had had ample practicing on Jim’s huge cock, so he could swallow me balls deep, which I absolutely loved. At some point Jim paused in kissing me to instruct Rick to lick his hole so I could fuck him. Rick complied, and when Jim’s hole was ready, Jim lay on his back, placing his legs on my shoulders. Rick lubed cock and guided it into his boyfriend. I was young and so horned up there was no real finesse, I just went straight to fucking with deep long strokes, my hips slamming his ass on each down stroke. I remember finding the sight of my cock sliding into Jim to be fucking hot, and when Rick leaned in and kissed me, urging me to fuck his boyfriend harder and harder, soon my eyes were rolling back in my head as I shot my load into Jim as, over and over he grunted "Fuckin' breed my hole." I pulled out and Rick flipped me on my stomach and spit on my hole and then rammed his cock into me. Fuck, it hurt but quickly started to feel good as in the background I heard Jim telling Rick to fuck me hard, to use my hole and stretch it open so he could fuck me next. Rick strokes alternated between rough and hard, and softer and more shallow. My hole was gripped his cock in a vice as Jim fed me his cock. I was particularly excited by the amount of pre-cum that was flowing out of his slit. After Rick had been fucking me for several minutes, Jim announced he wanted my hole, so he and Rick switched places. Rick grabbed my face and grunted "Look at me," as simultaneously I felt Jim’s huge cock head at my hole, only to find he rammed himself into me. Although Rick had opened me up, Jim’s cock stretched my hole ever further. And, as Jim kept pushing and forcing his cock into me, eventually his balls where flat against my ass. Then he paused for a few minutes while Rick kissed me, which afforded me the chance to acclimate myself to the girth of Jim's cock. When Jim sensed I was ready he started a slow slide in and out of me and Rick continued to kiss me. With each down stroke Jim would all but completely withdraw, only to slide all the way back in, balls deep, again and again. I was on a sex high like no other, kissing Rick as his big-dicked boyfriend used my ass. They took turns fucking me until each shot a load inside me. This was the mid 80’s and I knew about safe sex but no one mentioned condoms and it felt to good bareback. It seemed as if I was doing something bad but it felt so good I didn’t care. Jim and I took turns fucking Rick after that and I ended up shooting my second load of the day into him while Jim was behind me teasing my hole with the head of his big cock. As soon as I shot into Rick, Jim slid back into me and fucked me again pushing my still hard cock into his boyfriend on each stroke. Rick wrapped his arms and legs around me and held me tight while his boyfriend deposited another load into me. My hole was sloppy and full of cum and I was in that moment completely happy. We fell asleep and woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. Rick, realizing he was going to be late for work, jumped in the shower as Jim slid his cock back into my ass which was, of course, still full of their loads. He kissed and fucked me, building up to blowing yet another load into my ass, just as Rick stepped back into the bedroom from the shower. We fucked several more times over the next couple of years and I always felt a connection to both of them. Each time we fooled around I went back home utterly exhausted, my ass loaded with cum.
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  43. A few years ago I got a message from a guy staying at a local hotel who said he needed to get fucked. Less than an hour later I pushed open the door he had left propped open, and stepped into the darkened room. The light from the hall showed me the guy naked on his hands and knees waiting for me. As the door swung shut I started undressing and made my way over to him. I got on my knees, spread his cheeks and buried my face in his ass. One hand went down to his cock which was nice and hard. I pulled it back between his legs and licked it from base to tip and back again. I pulled on his balls and sucked the head of his cock in my mouth and his moans let me know he was enjoying it. I alternated sucking his cock and eating his ass his moan letting me know he was enjoying it as much as I was. My cock was hard and needed some attention so I climbed on the bed in front of him and fed him my cock. He started by licking around the head but my hand on the back of his head encouraged him to take me deeper. When he got his lips around the base of my cock I held him there and pumped deeper into his throat. This seemed to turn him on ever more and he worked my cock like only a true cocksucker can. Everyone thinks he can suck cock, but when you find a guy who fucking loves it, you know immediately and the only thing to do sit back and enjoy. I pulled him up and into a kiss tasting a bit of alcohol on his breath. We rubbed against each other and while the slide of his cock against mine felt good, I wanted his ass. So I stood up, pulled him to the edge of the bed, we both took a hit of poppers, I lined up my cock and rammed into him until he had every inch of me deep inside his ass. I didn’t wait for his ass to adjust to the girth of my cock, no, I just piston fucked into him over and over grabbing his hips and pulling him onto me. We were both lost in the moment, moaning and encouraging each other. After several minutes I pulled out and flipped him over and slid right back in, spreading his legs wide and deep dicking him again. The fuck was good but it was not about finesse it was about two guys who needed to get off. I pumped his ass until he shot over his stomach and then I let myself flood his ass with my load. Afterwards I let his legs fall around my waist, scooped his load off of his stomach and fed it to him, then leaned down and kissed him. I never learned his name, and he never learned mine. In fact, we scarcely exchanged a word. It was an example of anonymous sex at its best.
    1 point
  44. there's a beautiful pozzing scene in TIM's We Are Coming For You, but the dialogue is coded. However, in Sick Fucks, it's right there, "You want my poz load?" followed by a resounding, YES!"
    1 point
  45. One of my favorite things is to fuck a guy's throat until I shoot my first load — then kick back, maybe have a smoke, and have him give me a long slow rim job until I'm hard again... then go for round two with a nice relaxed blowjob and a second load. Nothing better than cumming once and having a man eat my ass to get me hard again.
    1 point
  46. Part 7 Spent, Luke looked up at the ceiling and contemplated how much he had changed in the span of 72 hours. He turned to the camera that Steve held and whimpered with a grin “I’m YOUR whore now.” Weeks and months passed. Symptoms – some annoying, some painful, some just gross – came and went as Steve and Billy’s toxicity -- among others after that weekend -- took hold of Luke’s body. Two constants remained resolute: Luke’s ever-present lust for and obedience to Steve, and the fact that he’d been forever marked by Steve - physically and emotionally. ********************************************************************* The camera panned up Luke’s body: his tan feet, protruding calves, bulging quads, and large flaccid dick, where the shot lingered for a bit for admiration. The camera then made it to Luke’s relatively new scorpion tattoo above his pubic line, then to his taught abdominal muscles, his pecs, and finally his face. “This is Luke,” the cameraman could be heard saying. Luke smiled and responded with a casual, yet friendly “Hey.” He was now used to being objectified for the benefit of Steve. The camera then panned to the guy standing next to Luke. He was around 20 years old with freckles and shaved red hair. “What’s your name?” the cameraman asked. “I’m Josh.” The video frame then started its way down Josh’s pale body. He was less muscular and skinnier than Luke, but was in good, athletic shape. The happy trail of red hair above his waistline lead to a large uncut semi-hard dick, and then the camera then continued to his bare feet. “Okay, fellas, what are we here for today?” “Well,” Luke responded, “I’m gonna fuck Josh!” giving the camera a wide smile. “Josh, how do you feel about this?” “It’s hot. I’ve wanted this for a long time.” Steve interjected “Cut, cut, cut. This is coming off like pretty boy porn. It’s not a fucking love story here. We need to rethink how we set this shit up, otherwise it’s not gonna sell. I mean, we’re about to film an actual pozzing! Josh -- you’re about to get fucked by my unmedicated whore, and you aren’t on anything that’ll save your ass from getting the bug. He’s gonna give you every god damn disease you’ve ever heard of and we’re gonna advertise this to the world. You’re gonna be huge porn stars for this, and I’m gonna make a ton of money off of you sluts. I need to hear and see fear and desire here. All right, go on. Action.” “I’m gonna fuck him raw.” Luke said into the camera, then he turned to Josh. “I’m gonna knock him up with my HIV baby. I’m gonna convert this little faggot like I was converted and then we’re gonna seed other faggots out there together.” Steve was pleased with the results of his directorial aside as he knew, having shared the fuck photos and video of Billy and Luke with his friends, that this could be a lucrative way to exploit his lover. Finding Josh – a cute, willing, neg, exhibitionist chaser – was a hard feat, but the internet finally produced gold with this ginger. Josh broke character and said frankly “I can’t stop shaking I’m so nervous. I want this – I really want this – but it’s just.. I’m just.. it’s overwhelming.” “Relax.” Luke said, putting his arm around Josh’s waist. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” “I want to do this. It’s just so real now – it was one thing before today chatting online or camming, but now, I mean, it’s not fantasy anymore. This is taking the fucking plunge.” Josh said, and the camera continued to film. Steve might not have wanted love or emotion, but such were unavoidable. “You’re hard, Josh.” Steve said off camera. “Luke isn’t yet. Maybe if you suck his dick you’ll get over these jitters.” “OK” Josh said with some stress in his voice. Josh kissed Luke before sinking to his knees, but just before Josh took Luke's cock into his mouth, Luke and Steve locked eyes, sharing the moment and smiled. Once Luke’s dick was hard in Josh’s mouth, Luke grabbed hold of the back of the ginger’s head and started to skull fuck him. Josh gagged on Luke’s cock and fought for breath. Luke enjoyed looking down at Josh servicing him, who occasionally looked up and made eye contact. Luke could sense that Josh’s trepidation was subsiding. Josh was enjoying sucking on Luke's magnificent prick. After about five minutes, Luke pulled his dick out of Josh’s mouth and asked “You ready to take my raw diseased dick in your ass, bud? “I think so,” Josh replied. Steve interjected again “Josh I don’t give a fuck what you’re thinking, once he’s in you, you gotta want it. You gotta beg for it. Do you want to share in our cum or not?” “I do, sir. I want it. I want to be knocked up. I’m ready. I promise.” Josh answered with confidence. Luke and Josh walked a few steps to the bed, where Luke positioned Josh on his back and then his legs onto Luke's shoulders so he could dive face first into the pale lad’s round ass. Luke spit on Josh’s tight hole and showed it to the camera as he inserted one finger, then two. 'Josh’s asshole is fuckin' perfect', Luke thought, as he maneuvered his tongue in and out, digging deeper and deeper. Josh moaned and yelped as Luke’s whiskered face brushed against his inner thighs. Luke's tongue lashed inside his fuck chute, eating out Josh's ass for several minutes until he could no longer hold off fucking. He got to his feet, standing between Josh’s legs and asked simply “You ready? And ready, he apparently was, as without hesitation Josh answered with a firm "Fuck yes. You’re a fucking god, and I need you inside me. Make me yours.” Luke’s dick was throbbing and dripping pre-cum. He reached for the bottle of lube on the bedside table and squirted some onto his shaft and on a finger, which he then inserted into Josh’s hole. He then inserted a second finger, and then a third, as he did so remarking “I’m about to stick my dick in you. You ever taken a poz dick before?” “No, never.” “Are you negative?” “Yeah.” “You know, I’m not on meds and my viral load is high. You’re probably gonna get the bug, HIV, from me. You know that, right?” “Yeah, I know all that. I want your bug.” “Fuck yeah, Josh. That’s so hot. And you know I carry a bunch of other things too – you’re gonna be a filthy whore like me if I shoot my load in you. You want that?” “Yes. I want to become just like you. I want you to seed me and for your seed -- all your seeds -- to grow inside me.” Luke pulled his fingers out and positioned his dick against Josh’s pucker. With a slow push forward with his hips, Luke’s dick head entered Josh’s ass. Josh winced, and Luke continued pressing ever deeper. Josh grunted “Oh my god, I’m taking your bare dick. This is my dream. I’m so hard,” his eyes closed and smiling, clearly savoring every moment of a long-anticipated experience. “Your hole feels so good around my dick. You’re so tight. I’m invading your ass – you’re like a fucking virgin right now and I’m taking that away from you with my poison cock.” Jush pushed into Luke’s dick, helping it move deeper inside him. Luke was about three quarters inside. “I’m gonna get herpes too, right?” Josh asked. “I’ve got 'em. You probably will too.” Josh pulled Luke tight into him with his legs, which were wrapped around Luke now. “Fuck me. Give me everything you have. You’re a god and I want you.” With that Luke made a final thrust to bottom out inside his conquest. “I’m all the way in you.” The camera man zoomed to Josh’s hole, below which Luke’s balls rested. Steve was rock hard and, off camera, precumming under his jeans, and couldn't stop himself from loudly exclaiming “Now destroy that neg pussy. Shoot your load in this fucking ginger and convert him!” Obediently, Luke withdrew almost completely and then slammed back into Josh’s ass and repeated with wild abandon. He quickly pumped in and out of Josh, his big dick head getting raw from rubbing against the lining of Josh’s ass. Josh screamed in pleasure. Precum was pooling on his white abs as his ass was getting a merciless pounding from Luke. “Oh yeah, bitch. Are you ready for your fucking conversion? Do you want my big fucking toxic load inside you?” Josh moaned "Oh, yeah, please daddy, give me your load!” “What do you want, whore?” Luke asked. “I want everything you have, every drop of cum that’s ever infected you, I want. Make me your cumdump. Make me toxic. Make me yours.” Luke’s pace picked up even further for a few beats, and then he yelled “I’M CUMMING!!! I’M SHOOTING MY RADIOACTIVE JIZZ IN YOUR NEG FUCKNG PUSSY! TAKE MY LOAD YOU CUNT!!!” His fuck pace came to a halt and he relished the release as his spent cock rested inside Josh. With three strokes, Josh’s dick erupted and he shot himself in the face. “FUCK, your load is in me, you converted me. Oh shit, oh yeah.” Luke collapsed onto Josh, and they kissed. “We’re gonna be rich, fuckers,” Steve announced, a wet spot and a hard cock visible through his jeans. “That’s a wrap."
    1 point
  47. Part 6 Luke moaned a little as Steve extracted his fat, spent cock from his ass. When Steve’s thick mushroom head plopped out, a glob of toxic cum came with it, running down Luke’s tan, muscular hamstring. “Fuck, your hole is amazing.” Steve proclaimed, backing away from the bent over jock and collecting his post-coital self. Billy pulled his curved dick from Luke’s mouth and said, “get on your back. “ Luke complied, and his rock hard dick lay flat on his chest pointing toward his face. Luke's cock was dripping precum; it would take only a few strokes to achieve orgasm. Billy positioned himself between Luke’s spread legs, dragged his cock head through Steve’s escaped dirty cum, and then positioned his dick against Luke’s pucker. “You ready for my raw dick, bitch?” “Yeah,” Luke said, looking into Billy’s eyes. Billy was already on the edge, having been blown by Luke for the past several minutes. It wouldn’t take him long to shoot his load into Luke’s fuck hole. Billy’s bent dick began its descent into Luke’s guts. Although Steve’s jism lubed the way, he took his time entering Luke. Luke felt the curve of Billy’s dick veering against his ass lining, and he moaned in pleasure. Billy's long dick bottomed out in Luke, balls against Luke’s ass, and leaned onto Luke, resting on him, sweaty-chest-to-sweaty-chest. “I’m all the way in you.” He whispered into Luke’s ear. “Your dick feels amazing, Billy.” “Oh yeah? You like my bare dick in you?” “Fuck yeah I do.” “I’m throbbing in you. You feel so good.” Billy began mini-thrusts against Luke’s prostate, and Luke smiled. Steve appeared at the edge of the bed, phone in hand, clicking photos of the scene. “Here’s something else you should know, bitch: I’ve been a bad boy. I’ve probably taken a hundred anonymous loads this month. No condoms, no names, no questions. I'm chasing everything. I’m not just toxic, I’m fucking radioactive. And now, so are you. You’re my fellow, filthy cumdump. This is your destiny.” Billy kissed Luke, and Luke’s heart raced. What the fuck did Billy just say? This was more than Luke had in mind when he knowingly touched Steve's poz dick a few hours earlier. This sexual romp had gone way too far. Luke didn't actively want STDs. He didn't want to be a filthy cumdump. And yet, Luke didn't put up resistance; he just kissed Billy back. Billy’s mini-thrusts became more methodic, quicker, and deeper. Luke was pinned body to body with Billy, and the two were becoming one. Moments into their deep tongued kiss, Billy screamed “I’m cumming!! OH FUCK, I’m cumming!!!! I’m fucking shooting my load in you, bitch!!” and he kept thrusting his nuclear seed deep in Luke’s guts. After his orgasm subsided, Billy rose from Luke’s sweaty chest. With his bent, uncut cock still in the boy, he looked down at his conquest with a grin. Steve’s camera phone clicked some more. Steve switched it to video, and Steve said “nice, Billy. Fuck that hot load into him some more. Luke, you just took another filthy load. Look at those letters above his dick. Mmmmm. That’s you now too, whore. His dick looks so hot in your used hole.” Billy took hold of Luke’s rock hard dick and jerked it. With just a few strokes, a huge spray of cum shot onto Luke’s rippling six pack. Billy pulled his dick from Luke’s ass, with a whimper from Luke, and then lapped up the cum from Luke’s stomach. “Probably his last clean load ever. Savor it.” Steve said, still videoing the scene. He panned to Luke’s face and captured a concerned but satiated look.
    1 point
  48. As many of you know, I tried to be a 'good safe sex boy' for years. I always had 'Safe Only' in my profile and after I realized how much I liked getting fucked bareback I even typed it in caps in my a4a profile - SAFE ONLY. As if the all caps was going to change how I acted when I had a cock resting on my ass. LOL I went out of town for a family wedding and was staying at a hotel by the airport where my cousins had their 'after reception party'. I got drunk and went to my room before things got totally insane. Besides, I was horny. I got upstairs and since I had marked myself as a visitor in the town/city, I had a few messages, but as it was about 2:00 AM, only one guy who had messaged me was still online. He was mid-30s, 100% top, and, as he had unlocked his pics, I could tell he had a hot cock. Oh, yeah, his profile also said 'Safe Only'. At this point I was 23 years old, so mid-30s was pushing my age range, still I messaged him and unlocked my pics to show off my ass and cock. He got back to me right away: Him: Sexy pics. 2am, huh? You horny and looking to get fucked? Me: Fuck yes and kinda drunk so I'll be extra slutty. LOL Him: I like slutty boys. What are you into? Me: Making out, oral, getting rimmed, getting fucked, and dirty talk. U? Him: Sounds hot. Like all that, except I'm a top. Where are you staying? Him: You ever been nailed bareback? Me. XXX Hotel. Me: Yes. Him: Are you open to getting fucked bare tonight? Me: I prefer you wrap it. (He had read the message and not responded for a few minutes. I was nervous.) Me: I'm open to it if you want. I'm not a condom nazi or anything. Him: So you'll let me fuck you bareback? Me: Sure. I'm neg and ddf, u? Him: Leaving now. I'll be right over. 10 minutes. (Small fucking town/city apparently because he was there fast.) I opened the door for him wearing just my briefs. He was wearing basketball shorts and a tee shirt and flip flops. He kissed me and grabbed my ass. I sucked his tongue and grabbed for his cock. He was going commando. HOT! I took out his cock and stroked it. "Suck it," he ordered. I dropped to my knees and started licking and sucking his cock. "You like that cock boy?" he asked. I mumbled 'Uuh huh' as I sucked him. He replied with the simple order "Get it wet for your ass." I sucked him harder and tried to use all my skills to get his cock off because I was worried about letting him fuck me bareback. He said, "You're a great cocksucker. Keep going slut." "You're a hot slutty bitch showing off your body to a stranger wearing just those briefs. I bet you like showing off how slutty you are. Don't you?" I stopped sucking his cock and said, "Yes I like showing off." "Stand-up and turn around," he ordered. No sooner had I done so then he pushed me on the bed, he stripped off his clothing, and lay on top of me, his cock nuzzling my briefs and we were making out front to back. I liked how his cock felt against my brief clad ass and I kept pushing and grinding back against his cock. His hands were all over me, cock, ass, chest, hair; but he never made a move to take off my briefs. I reached back for his cock and it felt so nice. I needed to feel him on my skin, so, I pushed my briefs down so they were resting just below my ass cheeks. He said, "That's right slut. Show me what you want." I stroked his cock and put it on my ass crack. He rubbed his cock on my ass and poked at my hole a bit, but I was too tight for him to slide right in. He pulled me up and stood me at the end of the bed and was rubbing his cock on my ass. I went over and slowly removed the briefs from my legs, which, of course, allowed my cock to pop out. He said, "That's right slut. Show me your ass. You want to get fucked?" "Yes," I replied. "Where's the lube?" I replied "The stuff is over there," gesturing to a night table where I had placed some condoms and lube. Glancing at the night table, he asked "You're going to let me ride you bareback tonight, aren't you slut?" "Yes, but please don't cum in my ass." He squirted some lube on his fingers, lubed his cock, and also worked his slippery fingers into my ass. Then he removed his fingers from my ass, bent me over the bed and started to push his bare cock inside me. I grunted and needed to adjust since I hadn't warmed up my ass much. He slid in slowly but after a bit he had got it all inside my ass and his pubes were resting on my ass. He moved his cock a bit back and forth and the pain subsided. I grunted in pleasure as his cock head grazed my prostate. He started fucking me to open me up more, so longer strokes, but not deep-dicking. We did that for a while and the dirty talk started again. As I moaned like a bitch in heat, he asked "You like my fat cock in you?" "Fuck, yes." "My bare cock feels so good in your safe sex ass," he responded, clearly teasing me. Between moans I replied "Fuck, your bare cock feels great." "Not so worried about those condoms are you? You just want my bare cock pumping your slutty hole." "Yes. That's what I want." We were completely into the fuck. He positioned me on my back and started fucking me with my legs around his waist, as he kissed me again and again, his hairy belly pressing on my abs. He said, "You are a hot slut." I responded with a moan and by kissing him even more deeply. After a bit, he murmured he was getting close, to which I suggested "Let's finish off doggie-style." We re-positioned ourselves so I was on all fours at end of the bed, and he stood behind me and slid back inside my fucked hole in one stroke. Involuntarily I grunted "Fuck, that feels good. Do it again." He long dick jabbed me a few more times and that got me really fucking horny. My cock was rock hard from feeling him hit my spot. He got a good rhythm going on my ass and he reached around to jerk me off. The dirty talk started again when I said "Fuck my slutty ass with your hot bare cock." "You want it slut? Want this dick?" "Fuck yeah, I want your bare cock. It feels amazing." "Glad you said you wanted it bareback tonight? Bare cock feels better right?" "Yes. I wanted your bare cock as soon as you asked if I get fucked bareback." "Why?" "Feels so much better." "What else feels good?" His tempo was picking-up, so I knew he was close. So was I. "Cum!" "What cum?" "Yours." "Tell me what you want slut. Tell ...this....stranger...uh...uh...what you....want." "Your cum. I want your cum shot inside me, Breed me." I'm not exaggerating when I say that very second he exploded in my ass, and I came on the bed. He collapsed on my back and then rolled over on his side. After he caught his breath he stood-up, and dressed, but before he walked-out the door, he said "Thanks for taking my load, slut." He left and I fell asleep. In the morning I occurred to me he had never answered the question about his status. Too late now.
    1 point
  49. I had two interesting patients recently, one of whom was 76 and the other 22. Both were both poz. The younger guy woke up hurting and after some pain medication he calmed down but decided he needed to be naked and uncovered - not that I was complaining. For his procedure they had had to shave his stomach and into his pubic area and he kept rubbing himself saying how smooth it was and how great it felt. He also remarked he thought his cock looked so much bigger without the hair. I watched as he rubbed, pulled, and caressed his body. It was hot. The medication made him chatty and I asked about him being poz and he told me he loved to fuck and knew he was going to get it eventually so he searched it out, adding that he would take any cock and load and that he also liked to fuck. As he was talking I rubbed his leg and worked my way down between them and up to his balls and then down to his hole and eased my finger into him. He just spread his legs and reached over for my cock. He asked if I would ever fuck a poz guy. "Of course," I replied. Then I added another finger to stretch his hole, and without hesitation bent over and licked the drop of precum at the head of his cock. He grabbed my head and pushed it down on his cock and shot a huge load of that poz cum into my mouth. I pulled off and he apologized, adding that he had really needed to cum, and with that he fell asleep. Later when he woke up he acted as if it never happened and was released from the hospital The 76 year old was a nice man who had a minor procedure and very flirty. As I looked at his dressing I saw his cock which was long and hanging between his legs. As I felt his abdomen we kept talking and even after I was finished I kept my hands there right above his cock. He reached down grabbing his cock and said "This thing has gotten me into all kinds of trouble but no one wants anything to do with it anymore," adding that being old was bad enough but being poz meant no one wanted to play with him anymore. I rubbed his cock and said "Men can be such fools." And, as I softly squeezed and stroked his cock, he quietly remarked "It's been so long since anyone has touched me like that." I kept at it as we talked and he got harder though it took some work. He had a really big head and I rubbed around it saying "I bet you really stretched some hole." "You have no idea" he remarked with a laugh, adding "You don’t have to do that." I replied "I like feeling your cock in my hand and would love to feel you in my mouth." "I won’t tell if you won’t" he responded, so I leaned over and licked that huge head and worked that cock into my mouth and throat. His hands found their way to my head and he slowly guided my mouth. He pulled me off and stroked for me murmuring "I'm getting close." I whispered "I want your load." "Are you sure?" I just went back to sucking him and soon he shot into my mouth. Afterward he was nice and kept saying how grateful he was for taking such good care of him. Two patients, two loads of poz cum. One older one younger but both very hot.
    1 point
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