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  1. Part 24 - The Club Joe was sitting on the couch studying when his phone buzzed. It was a text message from 000-0000. He opened it up and it said “We know your secret. You are invited to a meeting” and there was a link. He knew from experience that all sorts of phishing schemes used things like this to lure you to clicking on them and getting computer viruses or worse. He ignored it and went back to studying. Kyle came home and dropped his backpack on the chair and sat down on the other end of the couch and packed the pipe and took a hit. Joe and Kyle chatted a bit and then Kyle said “I got this weird text message earlier. It said they know my secret and invited me to a meeting with a web link.” “Yeah, I got one too. Did you click on it?” asked Joe. “Fuck no!” replied Kyle. When Steven got home, he told Joe and Kyle that he had gotten a weird spam text message. Only a few people had his new phone number, so he wanted to know if they knew anything about it. “Yeah, we both got it too. Did you click the link?” Kyle asked. “No, I don’t click links from people I don’t know” said Steven. “I think one of us is going to have to click it and see what happens” said Joe. “Let me reset my old tablet and we’ll do it with that. That way there will be no info to steal” offered Kyle. While the tablet reset, they created a new email address to use when they setup the tablet. They looked at each of their messages. The URL for the link was slightly different for each of the guys. Steven offered to use his for the test. The guys all stared at the tablet as Kyle typed in the link and watched the page show up. The background for the page had a large dark red biohazard symbol on it on a gray background. At the top it said “Welcome Steven” and a popup showed on the screen with a legal disclaimer. “Membership to our group is by invitation only. You have been proposed by someone or some people in our group who think you are a candidate that fits our membership standards. You have one chance to join. If you decline, you are eliminated from any further consideration in the future. Proceeding further on this website constitutes agreement with the following terms and conditions: - You will not disclose the existence of the group to anyone outside of the group. - You will not disclose any members names of the group to anyone outside of the group. - You will not disclose the times or places of any meetings of the group with anyone outside of the group. - You will not disclose the events in detail or abstractly with anyone outside of the group. - Any violation with these terms will cause immediate expulsion from the group and possible bodily harm. - Any recommendation for new members must be made to the grand priest. - Any actions made by you that causes harm to the reputation of the group or members of the group will cause expulsion from the group. - If at any time you wish to leave the group, the above terms will still apply until your death. Do you wish to apply?” There were two buttons - “Yes and I Agree with the terms” and “No or I Disagree with the terms”. The guys looked at the screen and read the terms out loud. “What the fuck? How do they know my name?” Steven asked. They re-read the page again, looking for clues. “I don’t want to say No, but I’m scared to say Yes” he said. “I think the biohazard symbol has something to do with this group. Do you think its a secret group of poz guys?” asked Joe. As they looked at the page again, Joe’s phone rang and they jumped. “A little edgy, are we?” asked Kyle as he chuckled. Joe answered and it was Dennis. “I got this really weird text message an hour ago. Did you get one?” Dennis asked. “Yeah, we all got one. Each link is a bit different and it appears that it knows who you are from it. We are trying the link on an old tablet. Its offering us a membership in a secret group” Joe told Dennis. “Oh shit. Can I come over and so I can see what it is?” asked Dennis. Joe said “Sure, we’ll wait until you get here.” Once Dennis showed up, they all re-read the page again. Steven said “Well, this is the page for me, and I think I’m going to be the lab rat and click agree. But, I don’t want to violate the terms, so let me see the next pages alone. When I get done I’ll let you know if you should do yours.” Steven took the tablet and sat in the chair and clicked YES. Another page displayed with the same background but listed a form that was already filled out. It seemed to know all about him - his full name, his address, his cell phone number, his age, his sexual preference and his HIV status. His status was listed as “HIV Positive, unmedicated.” It also listed that day’s date as the date of invitation and two days later as the expiration of invitation. Each field other than the invitation fields were editable so he could correct any information. He clicked “Continue” and the next page was titled “Order of the Venomous Cock - Initiation and Welcoming Ceremony”. Lower on the page it said “Welcome, Steven as a new member to our selective group of HIV positive men. Our purpose is to share our special gift and support each other in times of need.” Below that it said “The next meeting will be the following Monday at 10PM. Location to be texted to you one hour before the meeting. Casual attire outside the meeting room.” There was a button on the bottom of the page that said “Close” and he clicked it. The browser window closed. When he tried to go back to the start page, it redirected him to an amusement park website. Steven looked up and everyone was staring at him. He said “Wow, that’s fucking crazy” then showed them the amusement park page. “It can’t be about Mickey” Dennis said. “Uh, definitely not” Steven said as he tried to figure out what to tell the guys that wouldn’t violate the terms. “I think its safe to say that you guys would be ok with joining the group. Joe was on the right track, earlier.” Each of the guys took the tablet and typed in their link and followed the pages and then poof, off to Mickey’s website they went. Dennis was the last to join and they looked at each other in disbelief. Joe was the first to say something “That is pretty wild. Someone knows we’re poz and probably knows we’re gifters. I didn’t know a group like that existed here. Maybe New York City or San Francisco. But here? The meeting should be interesting.” “Yeah, I’m working Monday night, so I’ll have to swap with someone. It’s bad form to miss the initiation ceremony when you join a group” Dennis said and laughed. “Shit, I gotta get to work” yelled Steven as he ran into the spare room and changed clothes and went running out the door. He got to the restaurant with only a few minutes to spare and clocked in. Another waiter was out sick, so Steven got tapped to fill in. He worked his shift which was pretty easy for a Friday, but kept busy enough so he didn’t have any time to talk to Ryan about Jeff. They walked out of the restaurant and started talking almost immediately. “How’s Jeff doing?” asked Steven. “It was like nothing happened this morning. He just got up, showered, hit breakfast and off to class. I tried to say something before he left, but he cut me off and said ‘later.’ He wasn’t in the room all afternoon, but thats normal. I stayed in the room as late as possible to try and catch him before I went to work, but he never showed up” Ryan replied. “Shit. He’s running out of time. Should I go home with you tonight and maybe we can talk to him?” Steven asked. Ryan said “Nah, he goes to bed early and hates to be woken up. How about you come over tomorrow morning and we can talk to him then?” “OK, say 9AM?” “Sure” replied Ryan. They had hit their usual spot and kissed again, oblivious to anyone that might be watching. When Steven got home, Joe and Kyle were on the couch, naked and making out. He walked past them and went straight to the spare room and put the blanket and pillow on the floor and tried to get some sleep. Saturday morning came quickly and Steven woke up earlier than normal to go over to Ryan’s dorm room. He showered and left Joe and Kyle finally sleeping in bed. They had been fucking half the night and kept waking Steven up. He knocked on Ryan’s door and the door opened slowly. Ryan stood there in just his basketball shorts and held his finger up to his mouth, telling Steven to stay quiet. He grabbed his phone and walked out into the hall and closed the door and led Steven down to a tv room at the end of the hall. “He came home after I got in from work. I was mostly asleep. He took his clothes off and crawled into bed and was out. I smelled alcohol, so I think he had been drinking, which he never has done since I’ve roomed with him. He’s not old enough to get into the bars and he looks too young to pass for over 21 anyway” Ryan said. “So what do we do? Wake him up and drag his ass down to the clinic?” Steven asked. “Let’s leave him until ten and then try and talk to him” was Ryan’s reply. “You want me to sit here with you half naked and not do anything for almost an hour?” Steven said with the look of lust in his eyes. Ryan got up and went over and closed the door and locked it when his phone buzzed. Ryan looked at it and it was a text from Jeff - “Where r u?” He replied back “In tv room with steven.” “can we talk?” Jeff’s text said. Steven and Ryan went back to the room and sat down on Ryan’s bed and looked at Jeff, who seemed pretty hungover. “Are you ok, Jeff” Steven asked. Jeff looked at Steven, then Ryan and back to Steven “No, I’m not alright. I don’t know what to do. I lost my virginity, realized I’m gay, got infected with HIV and broke up with my girlfriend. How was your week?” Ryan looked at Steven and then at Jeff. “Jeff, I tried to tell you we can go to the clinic and you can get a treatment to prevent you from getting HIV. But we’re running out of time for it to be effective.” “What if I don’t want to be treated? What if I want to be poz? You seem to want the same thing” asked Jeff looking back at Ryan. Steven was startled. “Uh, do you mean that you want to see if you get infected from the other day? Or you want to make sure it happens?” he asked. Jeff looked at Steven and he could see his brain spinning until he said “I want to make sure it happens and soon.” “Fuck” said Ryan. “Are you sure? There’s no changing your mind on this” asked Steven. Jeff stared at Steven and said “I’m sure. Can you do it?” Ryan moved closer to Steven as Steven chuckled and felt his cock twitch. “Oh, yeah. I might even be able to get a friend to help if you want. You want two poz guys to fuck and fill you?” Jeff rubbed his crotch and said “mmhmm.” “No mumbling, I want to hear you say it so your roommate and I can hear it” Steven said. Jeff blushed and pleaded “I want you to get your friend to help poz me. Please?” Steven smiled and said “You’re really diving into the deep end, but I know where you’re coming from.” He pulled his phone out and typed out a message “got 2 boys who need hot seed. can u help?” and sent it off. Steven smiled thinking that he was going to have helped 3 guys get infected in his first few weeks of being poz. His cock twitched again at the thought and he asked Jeff “How’s your ass feel after I took your cherry?” “It was sore the next day but its better now. Does it always hurt that much?” Jeff replied. Steven said “Nah, you just need to learn to relax. But the fuck the other day was more of a grudge fuck. I wasn’t happy you interrupted us and then demanded to get fucked. Usually I would have opened your hole up before I fucked you.” Ryan and Steven gave Jeff a few hints on being a better bottom. “Number one, is to make sure there’s no number two. Strip down to your shorts and grab your towel and lets go to the bathroom.” Ryan grabbed his douche bulb and took Jeff down and showed him how to use it. While the two were in the bathroom, Steven’s phone rang. He answered it and heard Dennis on the other end. “Yeah, its complicated” he told Dennis. “I gave him a load the other day and now he wants to make sure it happens.” “You said you had two. Who’s the other?” Dennis asked. “His roommate was the one I was after. He’s a waiter at the restaurant I’m working at” Steven answered. Dennis then asked “Ah, ok. So, you want me to do the roommate and you the waiter?” “I thought we could start that way and then swap” was Stevens reply. “You dirty little fuck. Sounds like fun. I have to work at six tonight, so I have some time. When do you want to do it?” asked Dennis. “I’m in their dorm room now. How fast can you be here? Ryan is showing Jeff how to clean his hole” said Steven. Dennis’s eyes got wide and he said “What? How many times has he been fucked?” “Only once, by me” Steven said and laughed. “I’ll tell you the whole story sometime, I know you’ll get a kick out of it.” “Damn, boy. You’re learning quick. I’ll be there in about twenty minutes” Dennis said as he hung up the phone. Steven looked around the room trying to see if he could find anything more about either of the guys. One side appeared to be Jeff’s and it had no decorations at all except for a picture of Jeff and two people he assumed were his parents at the Grand Canyon. His parents looked almost as nerdy as Jeff and he wondered if they had any dark secrets like their son. Jeff and Ryan walked back in the room and Ryan told Jeff to drop his shorts and bend over his bed. Jeff looked at him, confused. “Just do it” Ryan demanded. Jeff pushed his shorts down and picked them off the floor, folded them in half and put them on his pillow before bending over and putting his hands on the center of the mattress. Meanwhile, Ryan was rummaging through his box and fished out a small dildo and a bottle of lube. Ryan lubed up his finger and dripped some lube on Jeff’s pucker. Jeff gasped as the cold liquid hit his body and Ryan pushed his finger in the tight hole. “What did we say about relaxing? Breathe slowly” Ryan told Jeff. Ryan felt the tight ring start to let his finger in and he slowly pushed his index finger in all the way. Jeff moaned. “See how much better it is when you don’t fight it?” Steven asked. Ryan pulled his finger out and sniffed it and smiled. “Good job. Maybe not good enough for a gangbang, but enough for today.” Ryan said as he turned to Steven and asked “Did you hear from your friend?“ “Yeah, he’s on his way over. He’s a few years older than us and not a twink, but he is fuckin’ sexy and knows how to fuck” Steven replied. “Is he poz too?” asked Jeff, as if that was his only criteria for someone to fuck him. Steven chuckled and simply said “Very.” Ryan had lubed up the dildo and pressed it against Jeff’s pussy. “This isn’t anywhere as good as a real cock and it’s pretty small, but it’s perfect to get that hole of yours loosened up.” Ryan slowly pushed it in and felt Jeff let his hole relax. Once he had gotten past the ring, he started to fuck Jeff with the dildo, building up speed and intensity. Jeff started moaning and then whimpering as Ryans strokes got harder. Ryan slowed down and then rammed it in hard and heard Jeff grunt. “You like that, Jeff?” Steven asked. “Oh hell yeah. I could do that all day” Jeff said. Ryan kept stroking the dildo and started to move it around as he shoved in. As he shoved it in hard a few times, Jeff moaned loudly and there was a knock at the door. Steven opened the door slightly and saw Dennis there. He opened the door the rest of the way and Dennis walked in and saw Jeff getting fucked with the dildo. “Gee, I’m a bit late and I get replaced by a hunk of plastic?” he said and all four snickered. Ryan pulled the dildo out and put it on the floor by his toy box. “Hi, I’m Dennis. I hear you guys like to play with fire” Dennis said with a sly grin. Jeff stood up and turned around, his five inch cock, hard as a rock standing up from a small dark blond bush. The rest of his body was devoid of hair except for some in his armpits and what was on his head. He had a few freckles on his cheeks and very little muscle showing. He was about 5 foot 9 and wasn’t fat or skinny, just a nerdy kid who avoided getting much exercise. Dennis quickly looked him over and said “Shit. How old are you?” Jeff blushed and said “Eighteen, sir” and then added “I started college a year early. My parents always pushed me for good grades.” “OK, I’ll take your word for it. If you’re so smart why are you trying to get pozzed?” asked Dennis. Jeff blushed and tried to figure out what to say. “I’ve never been allowed to do anything risky. I wasn’t allowed to date anyone or even think about sex, just study. I got a girlfriend a few months ago, but I realized I wasn’t into girls for sex. Once I saw gay porn and then bareback gay porn, I knew thats what I needed. When Steven fucked me the other day I knew it for sure” explained Jeff. Dennis grinned at Steven. “This isn’t just bareback sex. By the time we’re done with you, you probably will have HIV for the rest of your life.” “I know. I read everything about it. But I want it” Jeff told Dennis. “If you want my load, you have to promise me you’re going to share it once you’re poz. I don’t care how. Understand?” Dennis said sternly, noticing Jeff’s hard cock twitch. “Yes, sir” Jeff replied. Dennis saw Steven start to take his shirt off and did the same. Ryan took the clue and took his basketball shorts off, leaving him just in a jockstrap. Dennis kicked off his shoes and then unbuttoned his jeans, letting them drop to the floor. Jeff let out a loud gasp as he saw Dennis’s near naked body and felt a drip of precum fall from his cock on to the floor. “Come here, boy” said Dennis and Jeff moved closer until Dennis’s hand wrapped around his back and pulled him closer and until it was touching Dennis’s body. He had never been next to a hairy body before and he marveled at the fur covering Dennis’s pecs and belly. He reached up and touched it and then rubbed his hands through it, rubbing Dennis’s nipples as well. Dennis pushed his underwear down, and his semi-hard cock sprung free, hitting Jeff’s stomach. “That’s it, boy. Worship the body that is going to help bring you into the brotherhood” Dennis said. He looked down and Jeff was staring up at him and he saw the desire in his eyes. Dennis pushed Jeff’s shoulders down and Jeff started to lick Dennis’s chest, before going lower and he licked his abs. Going lower still, he was looking at Dennis’s hard, thick cock. He wondered how he was going to take it, but he was determined to try. Dennis looked over and he saw Steven push Ryan on to his back on the bed, spreading his legs and laying on his chest, kissing him. Dennis would not be making love to either of these two boys, it was going to be just a fuck. A fuck to empty his balls. And a fuck to infect them both with his strain. Jeff looked at the cock and knew he was expected to suck it. The only other cock he had ever sucked was Ryan’s and he had it forced into his mouth. He began to lick the head and then put his lips over the tip and started to suck. He felt Dennis’s hand on the back of his head and he tried to go down further and then heard Dennis say “Watch those teeth boy. Light scraping is ok, but no biting.” He tried to open his mouth wider and he got down further. Dennis was keeping the pace of his head bobbing on the cock with his hand. Jeff noticed an odd taste in his mouth and didn’t know why. He pulled away from Dennis and felt the cock pop out of his mouth. Dennis’s cock was dripping some liquid, just like his cock did sometimes when he masturbated, but he had never tasted it. He took the cock back in his mouth and kept sucking on it. Dennis pushed his head hard and he felt the cock go into his throat. Jeff gagged and wretched while Dennis laughed. Dennis pushed down a second time and Jeff tried to take it all in his throat. He lasted a little longer before he started to gag again. Dennis picked Jeff up off the floor and pushed him towards the bed. Dennis told him “On your hands and knees” and handed him a little brown bottle. “Sniff this when I tell you to” Dennis said. He then started to rim the boy’s hole. Jeff had never felt anything like this and started moaning. Dennis’s tongue pushed into Jeff’s hole and Jeff tried to remember to let his hole relax. Dennis got more aggressive and sucked and chewed on the tight hole and then slapped Jeff’s ass. “Last chance, boy. You want it?” Dennis asked. “oh god yes, fuck me!” yelled Jeff. Dennis stood up and slapped his cock on Jeff’s pussy, toxic precum dripping into the pucker. He started to press in and told Jeff, “sniff the bottle now.” He heard Jeff breathe and he pressed harder and felt the hole yield. He heard Jeff moan again and his cock sank slowly into the almost virgin hole. “Sniff again” and he heard Jeff take a big breath and felt Jeff’s hole flex around his cock. Dennis started to fuck with long slow strokes and then the strokes got faster. When he felt Jeff start to tighten up too much he would tell him to sniff the poppers again. Jeff moaned, whimpered, grunted and occasionally said “oh fuck yeah”. Dennis took that as his cue that Jeff could take a harder fuck. He stood up on his feet and started to pound the boy’s hole. Steven wasted little time on foreplay. He kissed Ryan as he lay on top of him until his cock found Ryans lubed hole. He slid in and then pushed his body up and put Ryan’s legs over his shoulders. He started to rock his hips back and forth, penetrating Ryans hole deeper until he bottomed out. Ryan was staring back at him with a huge grin. Steven pistoned his cock into Ryan’s hole faster and faster driving Ryan into the wall. He varied the rhythm and the speed, loving the feel of his raw cock inside Ryan’s warm tight chute. Ryan would flex his hole around Steven’s cock and Steven would moan. They both were enjoying the fuck, but both wanted to get Steven’s charged seed inside Ryan’s neg cunt. Ryan began to milk Steven’s cock. Each time it seemed to get tighter and finally Steven screamed out and drove his cock in all the way and started pumping his cum deep inside. Dennis heard the pounding and grunting on the other bed and started to fuck harder. He could tell that Jeff was hurting with every hard stab as the moans and grunts now had a tinge of pain in them. He wanted to bruise and hopefully get tiny tears in the walls of Jeff’s fuck tunnel to help make sure that Jeff’s negative sex life was as short as possible. When he heard Steven yell out and start to breed Ryan, he let his own toxic load shoot inside Jeff. Jeff let out a loud moan as he felt his gut fill with Dennis’s poison and immediately shot his own cum all over the bed. Dennis felt Jeff milk his load out and slammed his cock in hard, forcing the cum in deep. When his orgasm died down, Dennis pulled Jeff up against his sweaty chest and held him tight, whispering in his ear “Damn good hole for your second time. Enjoy your last few weeks as a neg boy.” Jeff was in heaven as he felt Dennis’s arms hold him tight and his cock still in his hole holding all the charged cum inside him. His cock pulsed and shot a small blob of cum out when Dennis whispered in his ear. Steven had collapsed on top of Ryan and they were grinding their bodies together and kissing. Ryan said to Steven “god, I love feeling you inside me. I hope we can flip after I get pozzed.” Steven grinned back at him “We can do it before then too.” Dennis kissed the back of Jeff’s neck and set him back down, laying on his stomach on the bed and leaving his ass up to not lose any of the special seed. He got up and moved over to the other bed and helped Steven get up. As Steven went over to Jeff, Dennis dove face first into Ryan’s ass. He pushed his legs up and Ryan held them up and apart. Dennis dug his tongue into the freshly bred hole, sucking up the cum and inhaling Ryan’s scent. “Fuck, that poz Thai cum tastes good” he said as he dove back down tongue fucking Ryan’s hole. Ryan worked his ass muscles around Dennis’s tongue and enjoyed feeling his beard against his ass cheeks. He heard Dennis growl and get rougher. Having licked all of the cum just inside his hole, Dennis lowered Ryan’s legs and slid his cock into the cum slick hole. Ryan moaned and said “oh fuck yeah, give me that poz cock”. Dennis pushed his legs back again and rolled on top and started to pound Ryan’s cunt. The sounds of his cock slamming into the cum filled hole turned Dennis on even more. He loved to fuck guys that had loads in them and it was even better with someone who knew how to massage his cock as he fucked. He didn’t want to cum too fast but Dennis was milking his cock, determined to get another toxic load in his hungry cunt. Ryan would have gladly just taken Stevens cum to get him converted, but there was no way he would turn down another strain from a stud like Dennis. The sweat dripped off Dennis on to Ryan’s body as he looked up at Dennis’s face as it contorted trying to delay his orgasm. Steven mounted Jeff, as he lay on the bed. Dennis had stretched out his hole, but it had quickly closed back up. Steven wasn’t as brutal as the first time he fucked Jeff, but he also wasn’t gentle. He forced his cock into Jeff, and once past the outer ring, he felt the warmth and softness of his cock sleeve. The further he got in, the more he felt the cum that Dennis had deposited inside. His cock was soon coated in diseased sperm and he knew he had to force it in deeper and add his own special seed to it. The bed started squeaking as Steven drove his cock in hard, bounced off Jeff’s butt and then back up. This was the kind of workout he enjoyed - pushups with a purpose. He heard Jeff grunt with each thrust and he leaned down and whispered in his ear “You like having my poz cock back inside you?” Jeff moaned “mmhmm.” “Remember me taking your virginity?” and Jeff replied “Oh fuck yeah.” “What do you want now?” Steven asked louder and Jeff said “Breed me with your poz cum.” Steven slammed back in and bucked his hips into Jeff’s swollen hole and he felt his toxic cum begin to shoot into the eighteen year old’s barely used hole. Once again, the sound of Steven fucking his hot load inside a guy triggered Dennis into shooting his load. Ryan’s hole gripped Dennis’s cock like a vice and kept all of the tainted seed inside. He pinched Dennis’s nipples to get him to shoot as much cum as he could. Dennis’s body shook as each spurt added to the charged cum deep inside Ryan’s body. When Dennis pulled out, Ryan asked Dennis to get the two butt plugs from the box next to the bed and to give the smaller one to Jeff and put the bigger one in him. Dennis tossed the smaller one to Steven, who rubbed some of the cum around Jeffs hole on the plug and then pushed it inside. Jeff groaned as the plug went in and jumped when the plug got sucked in to the base. It was an odd feeling at first, but he enjoyed having something stuck in his hole. Dennis pushed the plug into Ryan and then slapped it home, getting Ryan to yelp. The guys reeked of cum and sweat, a smell three of them loved and Jeff was now starting to appreciate. Ryan grabbed a towel and gave it to Dennis and one for himself. Jeff gave one of his to Steven and put his sleeping shorts on. They all walked down to the shower area which was empty. With only three shower stalls, Steven and Ryan went in one together and washed each other, while Dennis and Jeff took the other two. After drying off, Dennis shared his towel with Jeff to dry off and then followed him back to the room, watching Jeff’s odd gait as he got used to the plug in his ass. Dennis and Jeff got dressed and waited for Ryan and Steven to come back. Dennis broke the awkward silence with “I hope you enjoyed that and it was what you were hoping for.” Jeff nodded and replied “Everything I hoped for and more. That was amazing. I’m going to love getting fucked.” “Remember our deal. You gotta share” said Dennis. “Yes, sir.” As Dennis was walking out of the room to go home, Ryan and Steven were walking down the hall naked with Steven slapping Ryan’s ass. “Thanks” said Dennis with a wink as he passed them in the hall. Jeff was laying in bed when they got back, stroking his cock. “How will I know?”he asked. “Know what? Know you’ve converted?” replied Steven. “That and who it was” Jeff said. “You probably will never know if it was Dennis or I. Or any other poz guys that fuck you before you convert. I got really sick when it happened but Dennis didn’t. It just depends on your body.” “Oh, ok. Dennis said i only have a couple weeks left before I’m poz. Is that true?” Jeff then asked. “Who knows. Some people take a long time and lots of poz loads before they convert. Others it happens right away. I took almost thirty poz loads in about a week and that did it for me. You might go for years and never become poz” Steven explained. “Oh. I hope its soon. I want to tell my parents I’m gay and poz all at once and get it over with.”
    10 points
  2. True story from this past summer. I was staying at a guest house in Provincetown in June. I’d stayed in the same guesthouse a few times, and booked a room that had an outside entrance off the deck. Easier than walking through the guesthouse every time. June is pre-season, so there are a lot of guys around, but town isn’t overly busy. My first full day turned out to be pouring rain, and I was feeling disappointed and horny. I chatted with a few guests downstairs while I grabbed some yogurt and juice, then headed to Joe’s Coffee for a breakfast sandwich. All the while I had my apps open and was cruising. A few familiar faces from years past were on, and one older guy I’d chatted with at the guesthouse that morning. He didn’t really hold my attention (out of shape, and didn’t give off a lot of energy), though he quickly sent 3 messages on Scruff after I left. I heard from a few guys in varying states of readiness to play. Most were still “waking up” and wouldn't be available for awhile. I decided to hit the gym for an hour. As I was leaving the gym, it was still raining. One of the guys I’d chatted online said he was ready to meet if I could host. I checked out his pics. Mid40s with an average, lean body, dark hair and nice beard, and an impressive looking cock. I told him where to find me. He told me to have just a jockstrap on when he arrived. About 15 minutes later, I saw him coming up the steps onto the deck. I took a quick hit of poppers to get me going, just as he showed up at my door. He was easily 15 years older than in his pics, his skin weathered and his beard longer and stragglier than I like. I hesitated and was about to say I didn't think it was going to happen when he pulled out his cock. It was an easy 7 inches, swollen with a nice head and thick shaft, and a silver cockring at its base. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down to my knees. With a hand on back on my head, he fed me his cock. After a couple minutes, he fed me a hit of poppers, and pushed his dick back into my mouth. Now my blood was pumping and I started sucking him voraciously. He leaned over my back, driving his dick all the way into my mouth so I choked, and pushed two wet fingers into my hole. He repositioned himself so he had better access to my ass, turning my head to the side and pushing me down on all fours on the floor. He had me take a long hit of poppers, and began working 3 fingers into my ass. My piggish side was being activated, and I was offering both holes for him to use. He was stretching my ass with his fingers, probing deep and pushing his fingers apart to relax The sphincter. “Get on the bed, on your back, ass hanging off the edge.” I assumed the position, taking a moment to take two long drags of poppers. I held those drags in my lungs, leaned back on the bed and brought my knees to my chest, letting the chems absorb slowly, and exhaled just as he stepped up to my exposed hole. I felt the warmth of his cock pushing against my hole as the rush of the poppers hit me. I felt his hot shaft pushing inside my prepped hole, stretching it wider than his fingers did. I felt that hardness slide all the way inside, and he held it there as we both groaned. He began fucking me with his raw cock, long, deep strokes that had me moaning. His balls slapped my ass and I could hear the bed squeaking with his deep thrusts. I was caught up in the moment, grunting as this stranger pounded my open hole. He grabbed by ankles and pushed my legs wider apart, watching his own cock pierce my ass. He fucked me for awhile, pulling out just a few times to dive back in again and make me groan with the girthy penetration. I fuck’n loved it! “Where do you want this load?” ”In my ass!” He kept pumping away, that thick dick feeling amazing inside me. He thrust a little faster, then harder, and he rolled his head back when his thrusts became really hard, deliberate, and he paused at the end of each thrusts for a moment. He kinda grunted and gasped a few times in these pump-and-hold combinations. I knew I was being bred! He quickly pulled out, and I could feel some of his cum around my hole. He wiped off his cock on a towel, then dressed, said thanks, and walked back out onto the deck in the rain. He didn’t bother asking me if I wanted to cum. I laid on the bed for a few minutes, feeling my really wet hole and coming down from the fuck haze I’d been in. I stroked my dick, but was still super horny and knew I was a long ways from coming on my own. After a few minutes, I threw on a loose pair of shorts, grabbed by phone, and headed down to the common room to see if there were any snacks. I saw a dozen more messages, with 2 new ones on BBRTS (which had been silent all morning). Sure enough, it was the older guy staying in my guesthouse; he’d figured out my profile based on distance and description (I only show my ass in the public profile). He’d unlocked his pics, and sent his room number. I was still feeling poppered up and horny, and he actually had a really hot looking cock. Without thinking much more about it, I walked up the other set of stairs and started looking for his room number. I found it on the third floor, where is was feeling stuffy and hot, despite the rainy weather. His door was actually open, and he was sitting in a chair inside. Seeing me, he started rubbing his crotch. He stood up, pushed a bottle of poppers under my nose, and told me to whiff (he’d obviously read by profile). As my head started to swim again, I just dropped the baggy shorts, got on all fours on his bed, and offered my ass. I heard him fumbling in a drawer, and then the pumping sound of a lube bottle. Shortly thereafter, his fingers probed my hole, seemingly to find the target, and then he slid inside. It was a rough fuck — the type you get when someone finally gets the piece of ass he’s been wanting. I felt like a total pig, and he was reaping the benefits of it. He pounded away at my hole, and I started getting verbal to egg him on. Finally I told him, “I want your load in my ass.” He bred me pretty quickly after that. I could hear him panting heavy, and I was reminded how out of shape this guy was. He was holding onto my hips as he plugged away until he unloaded. I didn’t stick around, but pulled on my shorts, thanked him, and walked back across the guest house in just my shorts. My ass was totally wet, and I was feeling both piggish and kinda hot walking by a few other guests after having been bred by both guys. If you’ve enjoyed reading about my rainy day breedings, let me know by clicking on the blue heart, leave me an upgrade, and I’ll know to keep pigging out and posting for you.
    9 points
  3. This is my first ever story, I hope you enjoy! Please be gentle! I have an idea of where I am going with this story but would welcome your ideas and feedback. I will try and incorporate them into future posts. The Downfall of a Banker I know the working class hates us. I am one of the 1%. Those people you see vilified in the press and in the movies. Working for only a few hours a day to make millions a year. Only existing in the rarified world of the best restaurants, bars and hotels. I had been blessed with good looks. A sqaure jaw, flawless skin, blue eyes and raven black hair, 6 foot 3 inches in height. My muscles were honed to perfection in the gym. I am the ultimate version of masculinity. I had even featured on the cover of Men's Health as evidence you could balance, work, partying and gym. Obviously many women threw themselves at me. I had a different one in my bed most nights. However I never seemed to be able to keep a relationship. I worked at a well known investment bank in the city. Lived in a beautiful apartment in the best location and also had a small country estate to escape to when I needed to take a break from the city. You see not only did I make millions, but I also had inherited great wealth. I was born with the proverbial silver spoon. As such I had grown up with everyone respecting me and quite literally intimidated by my presence. I had greatly enjoyed using this power to get my way in the world. What I thought of as persuasion, most would consider bullying. However now I am in my early 30s and at the height of my power I am finding life less satisfying. The endless parties, sex and hangovers were starting to interest me less. The succession of models left me less sexually satisfied. I sometimes found I couldn't get a hard on. At first I started to blame the alcohol and partying. However one day on my way to work I passed a building site. What I saw there would ultimately change my life ... My usual driver had been ill and in a rare moment of compasion I had given him the morning off. I decided to rough it and use public transport. I am not sure what I was thinking that morning. Possibly I was also ill and not thinking clearly. As a result I had to walk the last part to work. Just around the corner of my bank there was a building site. It seemed to be run by skinheads. Their heads gleaming from where they had shaved their hair down to the scalp. I shuddered thinking about how I could never do that to my thick, glossy expensively cut hair which was treated and trimmed on a weekly basis. The skinheads bodies and necks were also covered in ugly tattoos, certainly I would never mare my beautifully soft, tanned and luminescent skin with such vulgar designs. They were dressed in filthy ripped clothes with Doc Martin boots laced up to their mid calfs. By contrast I was wearing a £5,000 tailored Jermyn Street blue suit, crisp handmade shirt with diamond studed cuff links, burgendy silk tie and handmade fine patent leather shoes. We could not be more different. At the same time my cock started to harden while listening to them talk in their coarse language. I couldn't understand what was happening to me. My erection was firmer then it had been in months and was clearly visible in my tightly tailored suit trousers. Why was this happening, I am so much better than them. Clearly my dithering and potent erection had not gone unnoticed by the skinhead gang. Not only were they the lowest scum of society but there were also clearly gay. They were leering at me and shouting profanities about what they wanted to do my perfect arse, ripping open my suit pants so they could fuck me hard. They kept saying they were going to bend me over an oil drum, tie my hands, use all my holes, spit on me and then leave me naked tied up on the site for all to use. My cock was leaking so much there was a wet patch on the front of my trousers. I could not understand my response. My brain could not compute my reaction at all. I'm straight!! Sure there had been fumbles with classmates at my boarding school, one night I even sucked a mate off, but quite frankly who hadn't!! Even if I was gay I would never even think of going with someone from a lower social class. I quickly gathered myself and ran the rest of the way to work. I spent the rest of the day totally distracted, thinking about what had happened that morning, imagining what would have happened if I had stayed. Even my boss noticed that I wasn't on planet Earth and sent me home. Thankfully it was Friday so I decided to immediately go out, meet friends, have a drink. Anything to basically distract me from what my mind kept flicking back to. The weekend turned into a blur of parties, champagne and women. I threw myself at every attractive women. I must have bedded a dozen over the course of the weekend. However I could not get an erection for any of them. They all left disappointed. I ofcourse blamed the huge amount of alcohol I had drunk. Many of them asked if I was gay, which I ofcourse denied, usually with a bouquet of profanities. However my nights were spent in tormemt. It didn't matter how much alcohol I drunk to make me pass out, every night I woke with the same image of me submitting to the un-named lead skinhead and his gang. Every night I would wake dripping in sweat as I ejaculated the biggest loads of my life. My silk boxers soaked through with my load, much larger than I had had with what I had thought was the most satisfying sex previously. I initially called in sick for the start of the week as I was not rested after my disjointed sleeping. However after a further day spent flipping between drunken oblivion and completely unsatifying sexual intercourse I decided I needed to return to the routine of work to try and re-establish my equilibrium. I think my subconscious was in charge when I asked my driver to drop me off a little distance from work. He was shocked but I brushed him aside saying I needed some fresh air before work. Ofcourse I had to go past the same building site. This time the skinhead foreman was on his own. It was extremely early in the morning. My eyes caught his. He just stared intensely at me. I found my patent leather shoes were walking onto the site. As I came nearer to him, he just grabbed hold of my silk tie and pulled me into the most penetrating kiss I have ever had. The whole world stopped as I accepted his tongue into my mouth. His filthy hands grabbed hold of me, with one he cupped the back of my head, grabbed my hair to ensure his tongue went deeper into my mouth. He remarked the only benefit of my longish hair was that it was easier for him to control me. His other hand grabbed my pert bottom through my suit trousers so that all of my body was brought into him. I could smell him, a wonderful rich aroma of sweat and hard work. Suddenly he pulled away, my mouth felt empty, I leaned in to kiss him again. He stepped back out of my reach. He said I could not have any more until I showed him respect. At this point he just spat on my forehead. I was in complete shock at this. Ordinarily I would find this positively one of the most disgusting things that could be done to me. However as his saliva slowly dripped down my face all I could think of that he was marking me and how lucky I was to have received something from me. My erections was so hard. He obviously noticed this. He demanded I show him respect. I think my brain just froze, I could not think what to do. Thankfully he thought for me as he slapped me on my cheek, leaving a dirty mark on my alabaster skin, however it did the trick of firing up my brain to realise he had grabbed hold of my tie, was dragging me forward and down so that I was forced to sink to my knees in the filth of the building site mud. With his hand back gripping my hair he forced my mouth down to his boots. I understood what was needed as I showed my subservience by kissing his boots. Once I had demonstrated this submission he directed my face, via his forceful grip, to his crotch, where I started to lick his crotch. He then opened his zip and let loose his manhood. For the first time since my adolesence I looked at another mans penis. The glans of his penis glistened with pre-cum. It looked so tempting that I had to taste it. In that moment I accpeted his cock into my mouth. What I lacked in experience I made up for in enthusiasm as I gave him head. Within a few minutes I could feel the tension mount. Sure enough he soon proceded to cum, withdrawing from my mouth and spurting his sperm all over my face and hair which he then proceded to rub all over with his penis. At that same moment I also came without touching myself at all. Something that had never happened while I was conscious. This was demonsrated to him by how soaking wet the groin of my suit trousers were, this was by far the biggest and most satisfying orgasm of my life. Just after that moment a peace descended on me. It was only disturbed when my master then demanded payment. I was initally afronted by this as I thought he had just played me for my money. I think my anger was also fuelled by the fact I also realised why so many of my female sex partners were so hurt after I dropped them as I in effect bought them for the night by taking them out for dinner and then plying them with expensive alcohol. I had viewed sex in the past as a transaction, however what had just occured was not a transaction for me, it was a life changing event. Therefore when he said he did not want my money I was actually relieved. However what he wanted was so much more than money could buy. He wanted my humility. He retrieved a knife fromt the belt of his jeans. I should have been frightened but for some reason I had implicit trust in him. He said that to prove my humility I needed to remove my outer skin of the corporate uniform. He slowly and delibrately cut off all of my clothes.He started with my tie, then proceeded to my suit jacket. He continued until everything was shredded including my underwear, shoes and socks. I just let him do it, I had never felt so at peace. I felt as though the weight of the world was being lifted off me. There I was in the middle of a building site being slowly and deliberately stripped. Anyone could look in. However as each piece of my fine clothing was being iretrievably stripped from me I felt more and more free, until I was left standing completely naked and re-born. Only at the end of this did I suddenly think of my exposure. Standing fully naked in the middle of a building site just as the city was starting to wake up. However my new master, as I viewed him, provided for my modesty in his own way. He gave me his own filthy jockstrap. I wore it with pride. He made it clear my first sacrifce was to demonstrate my humility, further sacrifices would be made on my way to the person that I desired and needed to become. Before letting me go he decided that with my arse on show it should be reddened. He bent me over his lap and sensuously spanked me, which lead to another erection. I therefore walked home with nearly the whole of my body, especially my pert red bottom & dripping erection, exposed. People were looking at me as though I was crazy, but I felt so grounded, literally my bare feet in contact with the the filthy pavement, that realsim made me feel serene.
    3 points
  4. I cannot pull out and nut on my bottoms ass. He always tells me to cum on his ass but I just can't do it. When I try to do it I end up stroking but never cumming. I don't know how it is for other tops but I don't want to see my load after sex. I want it deep in my bottoms guts. I keep trying to explain this to him. I don't want the bottom to push my load out. I want it planted in him. To me that is REAL sex. I love a bottom who understands that a top is suppose to plant his DNA inside him. That is the whole point of sex. I might as well jack off if I have to shoot my load on your ass when I'm already inside it while holding your back down with my left hand and gripping your back neck with my right. When I got you in that position just do not ruin it for me please. You're gonna get loaded. Just let it happen. Just needed to rant. . .
    3 points
  5. Part 25 - The Crushes Friday night after work, Aaron drove up and was soon knocking on Nick’s door. Nick opened the door, dressed only in a jockstrap and pulled Aaron inside, kissing him deeply. “I have to be back to work tomorrow night, but until then you’re all mine” Aaron said, pushing Nick toward the couch. “How’s that hungry hole, Scooter?” Aaron asked, squeezing Nick’s cock inside the jockstrap and then moving his hand around to Nick’s butt. “I need that cock back inside me, Aaron. I need it bad” Nick begged. Aaron grinned, remembering how he had wanted Nick’s jock cock fucking him in high school and here it was happening, but he was the one that was going to do most of the fucking. He unbuttoned his work pants and pushed them down, his cock straining at the boxer briefs. Nick eagerly pulled down the underwear and devoured his cock. Aaron was moaning and moved his hands behind Nick’s head guiding his head down further. Nick’s tongue was stimulating his cock and it got even harder. He started to face fuck Nick, hearing him gag as his cock pushed into his throat. He looked down and marveled at the sight of Nick on his knees, sucking him as Nick looked up. He could see the lust in his eyes. Aaron pulled his cock out and slapped it across Nick’s face before pushing him on to the couch, Nick’s ass hanging off the front. Aaron kicked his pants and underwear off and was on his knees spreading Nick’s butt cheeks open. Aaron started rimming Nick’s ass, slathering his hole in spit and pushing his tongue in. His cock was throbbing and he wanted to fuck him bad, but loved worshiping his hole. He heard Nick moan and felt him squeeze his tongue with his hole. Aaron stood up and rubbed his leaking cock over Nick’s hole. “You want this Scooter? You want my poz cock inside you?” Aaron asked. “Yeah, fuckin breed my hole and turn me into a poz pig!” Nick pleaded. Aaron slid his cock in with one firm push all the way until his balls were on Nick’s ass. “Oh god yeah” Nick moaned and Aaron started fucking his pussy, building intensity and speed. His precum was leaking inside Nick making his hole slicker and it spurred Aaron to fuck harder. Nick was grunting with each thrust into him Aaron made. He pounded Nick a few minutes longer and then pulled his cock out and started rimming his gaping hole, licking up the precum. Nick was whimpering from feeling so empty. He watched the hole slowly close back up and then drove his cock back in. He leaned forward as he drilled Nick and whispered in his ear “I want your last neg loads in my ass.” He pushed in all the way and felt his cock start to spew his poz seed inside Nick. Both of them moaned as the cum kept shooting. Aaron slowly pulled out, pushing any cum that escaped back into Nick’s cunt. Nick squeezed his hole tight and stood up, pushing Aaron to his knees. His cock was still rock hard and dripping precum. Aaron put his hand around the base and licked the tip of Nick’s cock, savoring the taste. He put his lips around the shaft and started sucking deeper. Nick tried to slow Aaron down, since he was close to cumming and wanted to cum in his ass like he had wanted to do a few years before. He pulled Aaron up and kissed him, grinding his body into Aaron before pushing him to the couch where he had just been minutes before. He spit on Aaron’s hole and pushed his cock hard into him. Aaron screamed out, unprepared for Nick’s quick entry. “Shut up, poz boy. I bet you like it hard and rough” Nick said as his thrusts got harder and Aaron groaned. A week before, Aaron would have cried and run away if someone had said something like that, but today it turned him on. Nick’s breathing got ragged and he couldn’t hold back any longer. His cock started shooting his neg seed into Aaron and he fell forward on top of Aaron and held him tight as his orgasm faded. He withdrew his cock and fell down on the couch. Aaron rolled over and sat next to him, grinning. After a few minutes, Nick grabbed Aaron’s hand and tugged, pulling him to his feet and then led him to the bedroom. They cuddled and fell asleep spooning together. Saturday morning, Joe spent a few hours at the table sketching out a few ideas for his new tattoo. He thought about something simple, but wanted something that was a little customized, but still recognizable to those that knew the symbolism. He eventually decided he wanted a scorpion, with one claw going down on to his cock and the other toward his leg. The stinger had a small red skull as part of it and the tail and stinger would lie above the waistband of his jeans, shorts and jockstrap. One he drew that was more traditional and the other was with tribal influences. He threw on his speedo and marked the top of it with a pen, and then did the same with his regular jeans and then with just his jockstrap on. He snapped a pic of the marks on his naked body and then of the two drawings and sent them to Thad with a message “Earned my other tat. This is what I’m thinking. can u mesh them and make it look hot? c u tomorrow.” Hopefully Thad would have enough time before the next day to come up with something good that blended the two and fit his body. He really liked how the other ink was coming out and figured that after the third session tomorrow, it would really look good. He got a message back only a few minutes later that said “nice. need an extra hour to do it. mañana.” Nick woke up Saturday morning and ground his ass on Aaron’s morning wood. Aaron awakened and grabbed Nick’s hips and pushed his cock into Nick’s loose hole. Aaron rolled Nick over on to his stomach and climbed on his back and began using long strokes to drive his cock into him. He pushed himself up and was riding Nick’s ass and feeling him massage his cock with his ass muscles. He moaned and grunted and felt his balls tingle. Aaron pushed his cock in deep and filled Nick up with another load of his tainted seed. Aaron laid down on top of Nick and fell asleep, his cock still inside. A few hours later, Aaron got up and wandered in to the bathroom to take a piss. His rock hard cock was making it difficult to empty his bladder. He tried all sorts of things to get his cock to go down, but he kept thinking of fucking Nick again. “You want to piss on me?” Nick asked as he walked up behind him. “Sure, I’ve never done it before” Aaron answered. Nick stepped into the bathtub and got on his knees and said “Jump in.” Aaron got into the shower and stood in front of Nick and looked down. The image of him sitting there was not helping his cock go down so he closed his eyes and started thinking of his past - his first date with a girl when he was trying to be straight. His cock started to soften and as the whole experience with her filled his mind he lost his erection. He opened his eyes and aimed his cock at Nick and let his bladder release. “Yeah, cover me with your piss. God, that feels good” encouraged Nick. Aaron aimed for his head and watched the yellow liquid cascade down his body. He started to aim at other parts of Nick - his cock and then his chest. He saw Nick open his mouth and zeroed in and filled his mouth with urine and watched Nick swallow it down. His cock started to stiffen again and he still had a partially full bladder to go. Thankfully he could still let the stream shoot all over Nick who looked to be enjoying it as much as Aaron was. Nick would gulp some of the piss down and then let his mouth fill and the pee dribble out and down his body. The stream eventually slowed and Nick leaned up and sucked the last drops of piss out of Aaron’s cock. Nick stood up and gave Aaron a wet kiss, pushing some of the urine into his mouth and he swallowed it down. Nick turned around and started the shower, washing off the piss, cum and sweat from several hours of fucking. He washed Aaron, inspecting every crevice of his body. He spread Aaron’s ass cheeks and pushed his tongue into his hole. Aaron leaned against the wall and moaned, showing how much he enjoyed Nick rimming him. Nick got back up and slid his now hard cock back into Aaron’s pussy. He thrust his hips in, filling Aaron with his cock and kissed his back. The thrusts got harder and Nick felt the cum start to rise. Nick wrapped his arms around Aaron and shoved his cock in to the base as his cum shot into Aaron. They stood there connected for several minutes, the shower covering them with water. Nick and Aaron watched a bit of TV and when there was nothing else on TV, Nick played a gay porn flick. Aaron looked over at him and shook his head. “Can’t you get enough? My cock is sore from all the fucking I’ve been doing last night and today” he told Nick. “I’m sore too, but if you still have some more dirty seed inside you, I want it” Nick replied. Aaron leaned over and pushed Nick’s legs back and ground their cocks together. His cock got harder and he knew he had at least one more load for Nick. After making out for a few minutes he grabbed Nick’s hand and pulled him to his feet. He bent him over the couch, so Nick could watch the boy get fucked and bred by the two leather daddies on the screen. Aaron easily shoved his cock into Nick’s wrecked hole. He put his hands on Nicks shoulders and kept driving his cock in. From all the fucking earlier, it took Aaron a while to get to the point of being able to cum, but when he felt it start to build he pounded Nick harder than he ever had. Unlike his normal orgasm where he would plant is cock deep and then shoot his load, this time he kept fucking as he shot. When the last few spurts of cum left his body, Aaron held Nick tight against his sweaty body and breathing heavy. They laid down on the couch and Aaron fell asleep only to be awakened by the alarm on his phone telling him to get ready to go to work. They showered together and while Nick leaned against the wall and spread his feet, Aaron had nothing left for him. Aaron put his things back into his gym bag and headed back towards home and his job. His balls hurt. His cock hurt. His ass craved another load or three from Nick. It was one of the best weekends he had ever had and wondered if he would have any more of them with Nick, or if once Nick converted he would be done with him. Sunday morning Joe got up and clipped his pubic hair and then shaved his treasure trail and pubes off. He hated to see it go and really didn’t like how he looked shaved down there and hoped it would grow back quickly. Once everything was smooth, he showered and got ready for his tattoo session with Thad. He pulled up to the shop and walked in. Thad was sitting there sketching on his pad and smiled when he saw Joe. “Congratulations! How’s life as a poz guy?” Thad said. “Its been really good now that I feel like I’m human again” replied Joe. “I did a couple renderings of your scorpion. Let me know which you prefer or if you want some changes” Thad said spreading out the drawings. “Thanks for the pics, it really helped to know where you wanted it placed.” Joe liked the second one the best and wanted a couple small changes. “Take your pants off and sit down” Thad told Joe. He sat down in the chair and Thad reclined it so that Joe was laying flat. He had worn some loose boxers and slid those down revealing his soft cock. “Oh, cool. You already shaved so we can just start the tat” Thad said as he felt the soft skin. Joe’s cock started to stiffen. Thad first did the outline of the scorpion and Joe kept looking down, smiling. As the tattoo filled in Thad started talking more. “I hope you’ve having fun with your new power. I remember the first guy I did and it was a big rush” Thad said. “Oh yeah, it was. We gang banged a guy I knew who has been chasing a while. I fucked another neg guy and been having fun with my boyfriend.” Joe told Thad as he switched over to add the red accents to his mostly black scorpion. Once Thad was done with the lower tat, he moved up to Joe’s pec and started filling it in. “This is going to hurt more, so let me know if you need a break” Thad said as the buzzing from the tattoo pen filled the room once more. Once Thad finished the work for the day, he looked at Joe and said “Anytime you need to drop some of that newly charged up cum in a guy, let me know. I like collecting new strains and Daryl likes fucking my cum filled hole.” Joe chuckled “I was just about to say the same thing. Maybe when we finish the tattoo next time we can swap loads.” “Thats a perfect way to celebrate.” Thad said as he raised the chair. “Two weeks, same time again?” Thad asked and Joe nodded. “See you soon” Joe said as he walked out the door. Steven heard his phone buzz Sunday afternoon with a new text message. It was Ryan. Ryan: “hi sexy. how u doin?” Steven: “gr8. studying” Ryan: “need company? jeff driving me nuts. he wants to know if u r coming over” Steven: “may have created monster, lol” Ryan: “horny one” Steven: “have idea. gimme 2 min” Steven got up and walked down the hall and looked into Joe and Kyle’s room. Joe was texting and Kyle was surfing. Steven tapped on the door and the other two looked up at him. “What’s up?” Joe asked. “Hey, I told you guys about the waiter I met, right?” “mmmhmm” Kyle said with a grin. “Well, we uh did it the other day and got kinda verbal.” Steven told them and Joe and Kyle snickered. “Uh, his roommate walked in and watched some of it and begged me to breed him, and I did.” “He know you’re poz?” asked Joe. “He thought we were role playing a pozzing scene. But I really did breed him. And then told him at the end that it wasn’t role play, it was real” Steven explained. “Anyway, he got into it and Dennis and I bred him yesterday too.” “Damn bro, you’re trying to knock up everyone even before you know how toxic you are” Kyle said. Steven laughed “I guess it does sound like that. So, I just got a message from Ryan and his roommate wants more. You guys want to tag his roommate today? I thought I could invite them over and you could do Jeff while I do Ryan.” Joe looked at Kyle and grinned. “Sure” said Joe “But I have to be a little careful with the tat.” “Yeah, it sounds like he’s a greedy little fucker. It could be fun.” added Kyle. “He’s only been fucked a couple times, so almost everything is new to him. You should see just how kinky he can get.” Steven said with a evil grin and pulled his phone out. “Are they coming over now?” asked Kyle. Steven replied “I think so, let me check.” Steven typed out a message to Ryan as he walked back into the living room. Steven: “come over w/Jeff. my roommates will do him, I get u” Ryan: “now?” Steven: “yes”. Ryan: “leave in 5” Joe and Kyle chatted back and forth about what they wanted to try with the newbie and heard Steven yell out “They’re should be here in 20.” Joe took the gauze wrap off his arm, chest and waist, putting just some moisturizer on the new ink. Kyle and Steven rinsed off quickly and they waited only a few minutes before there was a knock at the door. Steven opened the door and there was Ryan and Jeff. Ryan looked like he had been babysitting a hyper toddler and Jeff looked excited. Both of them walked in the living room and Steven turned to Jeff. “Clothes off, boy. You will do whatever Joe and Kyle want, no questions asked. You only speak when talked to. Understand?” Steven had watched a lot of D/s porn but always figured that if he could could ever do it in real life he would be a sub due to his size and normally polite behavior, but found he liked being a Dom to this inexperienced boy. “OK” Jeff responded. Steven slapped his face. “It’s ‘yes, SIR’, boy.” Jeff looked shocked, but immediately replied as he was told “Yes, SIR” and stripped his clothes off, folded them neatly and put them next to the door. Ryan gave Steven a grin and started to take his clothes off as well. Steven put his hand on Jeff’s back and pushed him toward the hallway and the playroom. Jeff gasped as he walked into the darkened room with only a few dim lights turned on and Joe and Kyle standing there naked except for their leather harnesses and boots. Joe was holding a riding crop and Kyle a leather paddle. Steven slapped his ass and said “Have fun, boy” and walked back to the living room to find Ryan standing there stroking his hard cock. “On your knees, boy, and hands behind your back” Joe barked as he walked closer. Jeff was staring at the fresh tattoo above Joe’s cock. It looked menacing, but he didn’t understand what it inferred. Joe put his hand under Jeff’s chin and pulled it up so that he was looking down at him. There was no stubble, it was just peach fuzz under his chin. “How old are you, boy?” Joe asked sternly. “Eighteen, sir” Jeff said meekly. “You better not be lying to me, boy, or there will be hell to pay” Joe said as he pushed Jeff’s head down towards his pierced cock. He heard Jeff gasp again and he said “You like my piercing, boy? It was a gift from my boyfriend here to match his. It’s going to feel real good inside you as it wrecks that pretty little hole of yours.” Jeff whimpered. Joe smiled and told him “Steven told us that you have only taken poz cock since he took your virginity. Don’t worry, we will keep that streak going and make sure your days as a neg boy are soon behind you.” “Thank you, sir” “Good, boy. Now, this should be the position you take whenever you are in the presence of any superior. Do you understand?” Joe said. “Yes, sir” “Hold out your hands, boy” Joe commanded as he picked up the cuffs from the sling. Jeff held out his hands which were shaking. Joe laughed to himself and put the cuffs around his wrists. “Are you nervous, boy?” he asked. “Yes I am, sir” Jeff said. “You need to trust your masters. By giving your body to them, they will reward you. If you disobey, they will punish you. You exist to serve other other men. Your pleasure comes from making them happy” Joe told Jeff as he ran his riding crop up and down the center of Jeff’s back and then cradling it between his ass cheeks. “Stand up, boy” Joe said and he put the ankle cuffs on. Each cuff had a small padlock securing it and preventing Jeff from taking them off. Kyle walked up to Jeff and produced a small cage from behind his back. He knelt down and put the cage around Jeff’s semi-hard cock and locked it with another padlock. Jeff had fear in his eyes yet he knew he should not say anything. He tried to stay quiet, but he couldn’t and cried out “Please don’t hurt me!” A loud “whack” filled the room as Joe slapped the paddle across Jeff’s ass. There was a large red spot on the skin where the paddle hit. “What did Steven tell you? You only respond when you are talked to, boy” Joe told him. “Yes, sir. But I am scared…” Jeff started to say as a loud “WHACK” was heard through the apartment. “I’m sorry, sir” Jeff said as tears ran down his face and he stayed silent. “That’s better” Joe said while Kyle led him over to the cross and raised one arm and connected his cuff to the eyelet. He then raised the other hand and connected it to the opposite side. He heard Jeff lightly sobbing as he finished by locking his ankles on to the cross. Joe turned on the camera and positioned it so that you could see Jeff’s body below the head from the side. “What did you come over here for today, boy?” Kyle asked. “To get fucked full of poz cum, sir” Jeff replied with a few short sobs in the middle. “Are you still neg, boy?” Joe asked. “I think so, sir” Jeff answered as he tugged on his restraints. Kyle asked “When did you take your first poz load?” “Thursday, sir” Jeff replied. “And you want more?” Joe asked. “Yes, sir. Until I am poz too” Jeff answered. There was a firm slap on Jeff’s butt from Joe’s hand, but nothing like the earlier ones from the paddle. “Just answer the question, boy.” Jeff felt a few fingers move between his ass cheeks and then two hands spread them apart. “Damn Kyle, look at that hole. It still looks like he’s a virgin” Joe said as he massaged some lube into the boy’s tight hole. “Relax, boy” Joe said and he felt his finger slide inside. He knew that Jeff would need a good amount of lube to take Joe and Kyle’s cocks and forced more lube inside and covered both his and Kyles cocks with it. Kyle stood up and pushed his cock up to Jeff’s hole, the ring resting on the pucker. “You want my poz cock, boy?” Kyle asked and Jeff replied with an enthusiastic “Yes, sir.” Kyle pushed and Jeff relaxed and the cock pushed through the boy’s still tight ring. Jeff let out a gasp as his hole got stretched open. He knew this pain but also knew it would go away if he didn’t try to stop it. Kyle let Jeff get used to his cock inside him and felt some precum begin to drip inside. He started rolling his hips and Jeff felt the pain fade away. He was getting fucked again and was amazed at how good it made him feel. Kyle started giving Jeff longer strokes of his cock and then rammed his cock in and bounced off of Jeff’s ass. Jeff began to moan and then felt his cock get harder until it filled the cage and and couldn’t get any longer. The pain from his cock was getting worse and he couldn’t move his hands to try and relieve the pressure. His cock started dripping precum on to the floor and he writhed a bit trying anything to relieve the pressure on his cock. Kyle was taking advantage of Jeff’s movements to jab his cock in different places inside his chute. He felt the PA dig in as he fucked inward, and scrape as he withdrew. He was pounding Jeff’s hole hard and you could hear the bodies slam into each other and then into the cross. Kyle couldn’t prevent his orgasm any longer and thrust in deep and unloaded his cum into Jeff’s hungry cunt. “Take that poz load you stupid bug chasing fuck. I’m gonna knock you up good!” he said as volleys of his infected cum shot into Jeff’s tender hole. After the last shot pumped in, Kyle pulled his cock out and saw patches of red mixed with cum and looked at Joe and smiled. Joe pushed Kyle out of the way and rammed his throbbing cock into Jeff’s hole. Jeff cried out in pain but Joe ignored it. It was his turn to defile the boy. He jackhammered Jeff’s hole and heard Jeff grunt with each inward thrust. Slowly, Jeff started to understand. With his hands unable to move and stroke his cock, he was concentrating more on his hole and the cock that was fucking it. He began using his ass muscles to milk Joe’s cock and was soon rewarded with a large load of cum deep in his cunt. Kyle unlocked Jeff from the cross and had him sit in his sub pose and Joe and Kyle took turns letting him clean their cocks of cum. Once Kyle had recovered, he led Jeff over to the sling. Kyle positioned his ass on the edge of the leather and helped Jeff get into position. Once again, he had his hands secured above his head and his feet were put into stirrups. He was vulnerable, but excited. He knew that in this position his ass was available for anyone to use. He had no say and was just a hole to be fucked. Joe repositioned the camera and put in a new memory card before turning it on. Just as he got comfortable, Jeff heard a new voice say “Oh, hello. What do we have here?” Luis came around the corner and smiled. He stripped down quickly and his cock was already half hard as his jeans dropped. Jeff stared as Luis walked up between his legs. Jeff looked at Luis who looked angelic but also had an evil grin on his face. He noticed a large biohazard tattoo on the left side of Luis's torso and his thick uncut cock. Luis plunged his cock into Jeff’s cummy hole and Jeff started to swing away, pulling off of Luis’s cock. He felt empty just as fast as he felt full of cock. Luis tugged the chains and Jeff’s hole was impaled on cock once more. This was yet another new experience for Jeff and a very different fuck than the others he had. Luis let the sling do most of the work and enjoyed the young, tight hole around his cock. Occasionally he would thrust hard into Jeff and Jeff would grunt as it nudged his second ring. His caged cock just kept dripping precum and as much as Jeff wanted to stroke his cock, he couldn't. Luis grabbed Jeffs legs and started to pound his hole harder and harder. Jeff was moaning until Luis would poke him deep and he’d let out a yelp. Joe and Kyle looked on stroking their cocks and waiting their turn again. Luis felt his body ready its first launch of cum into the boy’s swollen hole. He pulled Jeff tight and began flooding his hole deep. “I’m charging you up good, boy” he growled as his last shots of cum pumped into Jeff. Joe and Kyle took their turns on Jeff’s hole adding two more loads of toxic seed to his hole. Kyle pushed a buttplug into Jeff’s dripping cunt, sealing in the seed to work its magic. Steven and Ryan had been flipping back and forth, hearing Jeff getting his ass pounded. Steven was in heaven as Ryan slid his cock into his ass the first time. His long, thin, uncut cock easily penetrated him and pushed deep inside. It started out slow and romantic and progressed to ass pounding animal sex. Steven had dumped two loads into Ryan who had done the same, albeit with neg loads, into Steven. Joe unlocked Jeff from the sling and brought him out to the living room and told him to sit properly and he did, kneeling with his hands held behind his back. Joe, Kyle, Luis, Steven and Ryan sat down in the chairs and couch all naked. Kyle loaded a pipe and passed it around, skipping Jeff. Jeff was learning his place in life and knew not to ask for anything and accept what was given to him.
    3 points
  6. Anyone want to AIDS chat right now? I like talking to pigs into anon sex and load taking. Gloryholes, video stores, bathroom cruising, parks. Any pigs that want to go extreme. hit me up
    3 points
  7. Weekend with the Boss and his Friends I had been working hard at the office lately, lots of long nights of overtime. That, no doubt, gave my boy plenty of evenings alone, all FILLED with fun, I'm sure. I would get home around midnight, and he's be in bed. I'd nuzzle up behind him, the room full of the scent of man-cum, getting me instantly hard. I would sandwich my cock in his slippery crack, already wet with someone else's jizz. Some nights he'd let me add to the loads simmering inside, some night's he'd roll over and go back to sleep, leaving me hard and horny. One of those nights, I logged online on my phone and chatted dirty with some POZ daddy friends, jerking myself off with my slutty boy asleep beside me. At the end of a particularly busy Thursday, after a few weeks of this, my boss knocked on my office door. He's a stud, but I'd never done anything with him except for a few flirty comments and a crotch grope at last year's drunken Christmas party. Jack is a solid 6'-0” of muscle, broad shoulders, wide chest, and slim waist, buzzed sandy brown hair flecked with a hint of silver. He sometimes leaves the office at lunch to work out, changing in his corner office into his sweats and coming back the same way. I can get hard just smelling him walk back in afterwards, slightly sweaty and glistening, before he showering in his personal bathroom and changing back into his custom suits. So fucking sexy. Jack told me his wife was out of town for the weekend, and he wanted to know if I wanted to join him for a long weekend at his beach house. He was going to be inviting some friends over and thought my boy and I would make the perfect addition to the party. He told me his frat buddies from back in his college days would be joining. We would drive out there together after lunch on Friday. He raised his eyebrows, which led me to think they had gotten up to some fun times and this weekend might be a repeat of that. He describe Chet and Sam to me and I could swear I saw a swelling bulge in his trousers. He was me looking, winked and smiled, saying, “Showing you and your... friend... will be the highlight of the weekend. Promise.” I realized that I hadn't introduced my boss, Jack, to my boy and wondered how he might know what kind of highlights my boy could offer... I accepted and called my boy to tell him about our new weekend plans. After a few rings, he breathlessly picked up the phone. “Did you run to get the phone,” I asked. “Umm... (pant pant pant) something like that.” “Are you entertaining right now?” “Uggggg....” I told him to have a good time not to make plans for the weekend. “Uh huh... YES. YES. YES,” was all I heard in response and he hung up. I knew he'd be full of cum by the time I got home. I finished up my work, and without calling my boy, headed home. As I neared my house, I saw a beat-up truck pulling out of the driveway, driven by a sexy blond hunk. As our cars passed, he signaled to roll down my window. “That slut is taking all loads. He's all slicked up. I left two HOT loads in his hole for the next guy to work in deeper. Enjoy yourself.” The hunk smiled and drove off. I parked the car on the street, and quietly let myself in the house. All of the lights were off except for the hall to the bedroom. And there, found my boy on all fours, ass up, fingering his loosened hole. “Party's over, or it's just beginning” I whispered as I stripped out of my suit and tie and climbed on the bed behind him. “Now, I've got one more dude planning on seeding my hole. Do you mind?” “Not at all.” I heard a car motor shutting off as I teased his slack pussy with my cock, covering my glans with globs of cum and heard the front door open. I backed off and stood in a dark corner of the bedroom. To my surprise, Jack walked into my bedroom, in his sweats, fresh from the gym, sporting a huge hard on, poking out his pants. “You ready for my load, boy?” “Yeah, Jack. Fill me up.” So these two had met before.... Jack pulled his t-shirt over his head revealing his wide furry chest and pulled his sweats down. My nose was met with the sexy smell of his sweat as he lurched forward and slammed his bare cock all the way in my boy's sloppy hole. I rock hard, oozing precum, and worked the gobs of the hunk's cum all over my dick. I worked my cock as I watched my hunky boss push a stranger's HOT cum deeper in my boy's willing hole. “You sloppy cumpig,” Jack growled as he pumped away. “Your ass is so wet. How many loads you got up there?” “Enough,” my boy whimpered as his face was pushed into our bed. “You're gonna get one more!” I watched as Jack's ass hammered away, his big hairy balls slapping my boys thighs. “Take it! Take it all!!!!” He pumped forward a few more times, his low-hangers dancing, as he bred my boy. I was about to cum, and had to hold my cock tight to keep from blasting off. Jack wiped his sweaty brow with his beefy hairy arm and pulled out of my boy's ass with a wet plop. He pulled up his sweats, saying, “You boys are going to be the life of my little party this weekend. If you haven't caught the bug yet, you'll be sure to get something from my old buddies, Chet and Sam. They're bigger whores that you could ever hope to be.” My boy rolled over, working three fingers into his hole with one hand and furiously fisting his rod with the other. He looked up at Jack smiling, “I can't wait.” Jack leaned over and roughly forced his tongue into my boy's mouth. My boy came instantly, shooting his wad all over Jack's heaving chest. Jack worked the load into his chest hair, kissing my boy fiercely, and then pulled on his shirt and left without a word. As soon as I heard the front door close, I pounced on my boy, shoving my slimy cock into his slack loose hole. He was so used I could barely feel anything, just sloshing my dick around in a sea of cum. He helped out my pulling his hole wide and shoving two fingers from each hand inside himself. The new tightness, mixed with the thought of the hunk's HOT loads mixing with my boss's brought be off in seconds and I added my spooge to the mix. “Wanna pack now or in the morning,” I asked as I caught my breath. “Pack what. With this kind of party we won't need much.” “An overnight bag? Maybe a swimsuit.” “If that,” he yawned. “I know for sure what we won't be needing.” “What's that?” “Condoms.” With that, I lay down beside him. We drifted off to sleep in a puddle of cum and ass juice. My cock stayed hard all night, looking forward what was sure to be an eventful weekend. To be continued...
    2 points
  8. As soon we tell Larry that Tommy and I both want to become POZ he is very happy and says it will be done one at a time , Tommy will be first and I’m to assist thous who will be infecting Tommy and his after care when he turns POZ and once he does it will be my turn to join the brother hood. The day before Tommy is going to be bread POZ he is given some meds like you are going for a colonoscopy so his hole will be clean and nothing to interfere with the toxic loads that will be deposited in Tommy pristine clean hole.They are going to do a gang bang on Tommy and its 6 who are all off meds with a high VL over 600,000 who will be breading and paying a nice big fee to knock Tommy up. The next day I take Tommy to the room that will change his life for ever , so when we get there the 6 are waiting for Tommy. They all are giving Tommy the once over grabbing his ass and taking Tommy over to the bed to inspect his body and 2 of them say at the same time very fresh meat , another one ask Tommy does he knows what is about to happen to him , Tommy says the 6 of you are here to give me your toxic loads and to help join the POZ Brotherhood. I’m there is just a small briefs and my dick bulging out as I’m so turned on. They ask me to keep Tommy happy by me giving Tommy his first slam as they all took turns working the tooth brush in his hole. Once Tommy hole is nice and raw and I see some blood they start 3 of them have P.A. on their dicks with a spike ball on the P.A. I gave his a heavy slam and hope it would make it easier for Tommy but it’s not as they are being very ruff with him calling him a negative faggot and his cries were being drowned out with a dick in his mouth , the bloody cum is running out of his hole and they have their pink cum cleaned by Tommy mouth . About 20 loads we put into Tommy hole as they left I installed a large plug in his wreck hole then put a strap around him so the plug would stay in. When they leave is in bad shape as I lay there with him , we are there for the rest of the night and Tommy is walking blow legged as it helps with the pain , as the nurse walks in he wants to inspect Tommy and see how much damage to him once he pulls the plug out . No cum is leaking out and that is a very good sign as Tommy body has absorbed the toxic cum into his body. My time will come once Tommy body has converted over to the POZ Brotherhood.
    2 points
  9. Just sucked off two college kids in the campus library bathroom, tasted awesome but now I’m really craving anon dick in my hole, might have to ditch my afternoon plans and back up to a glory hole instead...
    2 points
  10. FUCK! Today I slammed up 4 fucking times, damn that is too mother fucking awesome. I love to slam, any chance I get I slam up. It makes my breed hole hungry for as many toxic loads as I can take. Slam-on my fellow bruders, sons of the Dark Lord. I live to slam and get bred!
    2 points
  11. I can’t fuck a hole if I don’t rim it first. I have always loved eating ass—even when I didn’t end up fucking it. I came to felching much later. Once I took the condoms off in 2008 I got into felching very fast. My first time, I was at a bathhouse in Toronto. I had been fucking quite a bit—in the sling, in a room, in the sauna. I took a break and was sucking dick on the slurp ramp. The guy who’s dick was in my mouth asked if rimmed. Without waiting for an answer he turned around and pressed his ass to the sizable hole in the wall. I ate his wet hole with abandon. He said “Can you taste the loads I took?” Before I could answer, or figure out it was jizz I’d been tasting, he pushed an amazing amount of cum into my mouth. I swallowed and shot a huge load as I did so. I was hooked. I instantly began hunting for guys who would let me fuck them after another trick. I threw gangbangs so I could felch and drive all those loads deeper (the best was 18 loads from 15 guys). I also cultivated a f-bud who loved to go around a bathhouse and take loads. He would then meet me after four or five guys—and sit on my face. I would felch and fuck the remains deeper into his gut before sending him out for more…(It's his ass pictured.) And my screen name says it all...
    2 points
  12. Yesterday morning in a deserted cottage Made my biennial trip to see family , you know the deal ,2 days of stilted conversation and waves of thinly disguised homophobia from my FIL. I stayed at a beach front hotel a couple of miles away , I woke up yesterday morning steeling myself for a last visit before heading home. I jumped on all the normal sites , but didn't hold out much hope as I was miles from anywhere. A message popped up - the normal Hi. The profile pic was a nice chest with pert nips and a thin waist , not ripped but cute. As there was no distance I though he's gong to be in the nearest city 35 miles away , but I send the normal 3 photos Dick , Fucking BB and a hairy cub I fucks hole leaking my thick cum which is glistening in his ass fuzz , along with the normal "B.B. ?" To my surprise he messaged back almost imediatly and said that he lived locally and was on his was back from a Sauna where he had taken lots of loads , but was up for another. I said I handn't showered and it would need to be quick ,I also couldnt accommodate as I was with my BF , he agreed to this all and we arranged to meet at a sea front cottage a few hundred yards away. I sipped out muttering something to my boyfriend about going out to take photos of the beach. As I approached the cottage a shiny late model car swung in to the carpark and out swept an early 40s short guy with a beautiful face and killer smile (the sort of guys who used to dance all night at raves.) We went in to a cubicle in the cottage , the whole area was deserted. He undid his jeans and showed a very cute ass in a pair of CK white pants , he just reeked of sex and spunk , what an aphrodisiac. On his slightly furry ass he had a tattoo , hot. I felt his hole , he has obviously taken a lot of cock recently as my fingers went sraight in to the knuckles. I pulled my cock out , i had warned him about the lack of shower , but he was so sex crazed that he started sucking me. I pulled his pants and jeans down and pushed him over the pan (who says the age of romance is dead) I pushed my thick cock up him and he took it like a champ , when i pulled it out it was slick with cum for the anon loads at the sauna , other guts cum makes me so hot. I started to get in to my stokes , as I want deeper and harder in to him , a really deep dicking I whispered in his ear what a dirty cunt he was for taking anon loads ,I also started to pinch and twist his nips , he loved this and squirmed down on my cock to get it right in. I hadn't cum for a couple of days I picked my pace (not sure where he has as his arms are supporting him on the toilet seat as I pounded him , and I hadn't seen or touched his cock) I came a large amount of really thick spent (my spunk always gets very thick after a couple of days) I staid hard and kept fucking him till I'd churned my load with the others , he was still bent over and when I pulled out a whole load of cum followed. He just pulled up his pants and jeans (i fingered his ass thought them till I could feel damp through the material) ,We kissed deeply and he headed off to his car. I walked back to by unsuspecting BF , taking a couple of photos on the way , I had relied the first message less that 30 mins before - if all fucks were so well timed
    2 points
  13. Got four loads tonight from guys on Grindr. College bois are studying for finals and needing some stress release, so offered my ass to any takers. Ended up fucking the last guy as well.
    2 points
  14. I initiated sex with my step dad when I was 7. We fucked for 37 years. Got other boys involved too. It was never forced. I / we wanted it. Best, & hottest sex I've ever had. Back in the 70's it wasn't uncommon for kids to be fucking. I started picking up older men in bathrooms, & let 'em fuck me, then go tell my step dad about it so he'd get horny, & want to fuck me some more. My experience was hot! I loved every warped, & corrupt bit of it.
    2 points
  15. This is my first story, which is an embellishment of how I actually started barebacking after my wife left me. It you guys like it there is lots more to the story I've also included a picture of me wearing the exact glass plug I talk about in the story. Enjoy. Part 1. I’d never felt worse in my life. My wife had admitted to cheating on me, and at the end of a horrible week trying to reconcile things with her she told me she wanted a divorce and was going to stay with her parents. "I can't wear this anymore," she said as she slipped off her wedding ring and set it on the table by the entryway. Then she was gone. That was two days ago. I was depressed and suicidal, and had started drinking early in the day. As the hours went by my swirling mix of emotions manifested in a strange depraved horniness. “Fuck it,” I thought. I’d always wanted to do it, why not? I’d long had a fantasy of being fucked anonymously, and taking a raw load of cum in my ass. Despite having a number of discrete hook ups over the years I’d never done it because I was terrified of getting an STD. Yet, I kept coming back to these homemade videos of Craigslist encounters where a submissive bottom became a cumdump for strangers. I couldn’t get that scene out of my head: blindfolded, helpless while a random stud shoved his cock in raw, using the bottom like an object. Countless nights I had lain in bed and jacked off to that fantasy while my wife slept next to me. I felt like I was built to be a cumdump. I had a naturally round and smooth ass. I worked out frequently at the gym down the street and got lots of lingering looks from the older Daddy types. I was only 28, still young enough I still advertised myself as a ‘college boy’ in Craigslist ads. Plus, although in public I acted like the stereotypical aggressive white male, I secretly craved domination. No one would ever guess – unless they saw my internet search history- that my fantasies were borderline sissy. In my depressed state I’d downed half a bottle of shitty rum and my entire body was feeling hot. My inhibitions were quickly evaporating. I sat at my laptop and typed out a Craigslist ad with one hand while my other jacked my smallish circumcised cock: College cumdump looking for anon sex. Smooth thick college booty looking to host anon tops ASAP. Walk in, fuck me, cum and leave. My blood rushing, I posted some photos of my ass that I kept hidden away in a folder on my hard drive. In one, I had my wife’s glass butt plug inserted and you could see straight into my gaped hole. In another, my hole was stretched around a thick cucumber. Such is the sex life of closeted married guys, relegated to using makeshift toys or using those of our wives. I posted the ad, and went to the bathroom to clean up. Even though I hadn’t had many anal experiences, I knew all about getting clean inside. I found a water bottle worked fine for enemas (could never have anything proper in case the wife found it) even though it scratched up my hole a bit. I didn’t even care really. As drunk as I was I felt nothing but pleasure as I shoved the corkscrew nose of the bottle into myself and started to purge. In between cleanings I gave everything a good shave, dick, balls, ass, thighs. I loved running my hands over my freshly shaved skin. Being smooth like that made me feel emasculated. I gave my thick ass a slap and moaned with desire. I was prepping myself to be used by whoever came as a public cumdump slut. Hell, I was depressed and thinking about killing myself anyway, what did it matter if I let some anonymous men use me as a piece of fuckmeat? I checked my ad and saw I already had a few responses. Most didn't seem legit, but one guy replied with a picture showing a nice thick uncircumcised Mexican cock. There were lots of Mexicans where I was, since it was sort of a sanctuary town. The sight of his meaty brown cock made me clinch my ass with anticipation. He was 5'11, thin but fit, had lots of tattoos. It never surprises me how many guys will use their real email addresses and names for a 'discrete' craigslist encounter. The name 'Isaiah Rodriguez' was in the header. He said he was straight and just wanted a hole to dump into. Out of curiosity, since the city was only 100,000 or so, I googled his name and didn't have much trouble finding him since he'd apparently been arrested recently. Drugs and assault. Seeing his face in the google images search, he definitely looked like the type who'd fuck you up if you pissed him off. Recently released from prison from a felony conviction. But fuck it all anyway. I was going to be his bitch. I sent him my apartment number and he said he was on his way and that he wanted it dark so he could fuck me anonymously. The rush of doing something so risky had me flying. I would never normally hook up with a guy like this, but my depressed state twisted my fears into desires. I was a beta and he was an alpha. It was his right to conquer a submissive bitch like me, a little beta who couldn't even keep his wife from straying. I placed a blanket down on the linoleum of the entryway, along with a bottle of lube and a black scarf that was to be my blindfold. Then I went and turned off all the lights until it was pitch black in the apartment and returned to my place in front of the door. In the darkness I wrapped the scarf around my face, covering my eyes, and tied it snuggly behind my head. I got on all fours in front of the door and popped my ass just like a good bitch should. I shivered as the cool air shriveled my testicles. The only sound I could hear was my own breathing and a dull hum of traffic passing outside. Eventually, I heard a car's engine approach and then park outside. A few moments later, footsteps. Then, the door opening. I held my breath as the cold air swept in, rushing over my puckered pussy. He didn't say a word as he entered and closed the door behind him. He got down on his knees behind me and felt my smooth ass. His finger stopped when he found my hole, and he started fingering me roughly. I moaned as he molested me. After a minute or so I heard the clank of his belt unbuckle as he undid his pants and I suddenly felt his warm cockhead at my hole. In all my years sneaking around and being a closeted faggot, I'd never taken a cock raw. I was finally living out my fantasy! I reached back and handed him the bottle of lube. He took it and squirted it on his cock and rubbed some into my puckering hole. "You're gonna take my cock, whiteboy," he told me as he positioned himself behind me. He grabbed my hips and thrust into me, sending burning pain shooting through my asshole. FUCK. I clenched my teeth, whimpering as he resized me. hadn't warmed up at all before, and his thick Mexican cock was tearing me open! Just his head was able to get in at first, but after a few more thrusts he was hitting deeper and deeper until every inch of his meaty cock was stuffed into me. "Fuck ya, bitch," he sighed when his cock and sunk into me fully. He slapped my ass and proceeded to fuck me. I'd never been fucked so roughly before. He clearly only cared about his own pleasure. Soon my tight hole surrendered to his pounding and I began to loosen up enough to enjoy it. o doubt about it, this must be how it feels to be a bitch. I was like a rag doll as he shoved into me doggystyle, a total stranger barebacking me without ever seeing his face. Suddenly he grunted and thrust into me extra deep. I warmth spread inside me as I groaned in pleasure. Fuck, he'd done it. He blasted into me without even a warning. Breathing heavily, he commanded "Stay face down, until after I leave, bitch," and, as he withdrew his cock from my ass he added "I don't want you seeing who I am, faggot." I nodded, even though it was dark. A few seconds later the cold air rushed in as he opened and closed the door, and he was gone. "Oh my god," I moaned in ecstasy, slipping my blindfold up. "I just got bred like a bitch." I felt filthy and used. I reached back between my legs and felt my tender hole. I could feel his warm cream dripping out of me. Fuck, how much had he cum? I didn't want to lose it, so I crawled into the bedroom to the box where my wife kept her dirty toys and found the giant glass butt plug. I'd gotten it for her for Valentine's day, but it had been way too large for her and she wasn't that into anal play. But now here I was inserting the cool glass into my own hole. With the cum it slid into me rather easily until I got to its widest part. Fuck it felt good to feel the cool glass against my burning, pummeled pussy. I sat back on the plug and bounced up and down. I didn't even touch my cock as it flopped around. I was a total bitch tonight and I was only going to get pleasure through my hole. I groaned as the huge glass plug stretched me even wider than the Mexican's cock had, until finally I couldn't take it any longer. I didn't give a fuck if it was going to hurt... I sat down full on it and shoved it in. A brief feeling of shock swept over me as I felt the plug's huge circumference pass through me, and then instant relief as my guts sucked it in. Holy fuck, that was amazing. I'd only ever had the plug inside me once before when I'd taken those pictures I'd posted in my Craigslist ad. This thought made me want to see something. Standing, I waddled with the uncomfortably large plug to the bathroom and turned on the light. Facing away from the mirror, I turned my head far enough to get a glimpse of my gaped ass in the mirror. "Fuck..." I moaned as I saw it. With the glass window into my ass I could see the white spew coating my guts. I bent over further and snapped a few pictures on my cellphone. I returned to my laptop to see if I had any more responses, and my greedy hole tightened around my plug as I saw all the cocks which were lined up, eager to fuck me. And so I did what a cumdump is supposed to do. I messaged two more guys my address and put my blindfold back on, patiently waiting to accept any cock that came through the door. I didn't have to wait long. A bigger guy who sounded white showed up a few minutes later. I was disappointed when I heard the sound of a condom wrapper, but he had a thick cock and fucked me hard. After him there was another Mexican guy, an older one this time. Basically couldn't speak any English and had a smaller cock, but he at least fucked me bare and dumped his load on the pile. When he left, I reinserted my wife's butt plug to keep the cum from dripping out. "Damn," I thought. These guys had been fun, but were nothing compared to the first alpha who had fucked me. I went and took a few more swigs of my shitty rum to keep my buzz up. I wanted the next guy to be a really good fuck, someone who would really dominate me. By now the emails had piled up and I could afford to be a bit choosier. One message caught my eye. It was from 'Sir.' I clicked the email and was greeted with a faceless body shot of a muscular older dom with a massively thick cock dripping precum. The email read "Bitch, Daddy knows what boys like you need. I've got a five-day load that needs dumped in a sweet boy hole. Only reply if you want to submit fully and be owned." A chill passed through me as I read his words. This guy had tried to contact me before. Months ago I'd posted an ad while my wife was out of town to suck some cock. We'd exchanged some emails but he had seemed way too intense and I flaked on him. But I distinctly remember jacking off later that night thinking about being impaled on that thick daddy cock. Submit fully? I didn't know what he was talking about, but right now it seemed like that's what I was meant for. I was already suicidal so what the fuck was there to be scared of anymore anyway? "I'll submit to you in anyway you want, Sir. I'm at 606 Sage Blvd," I replied, and resumed my proper position on my hands and knees in front of the door. My most recent swig of alcohol was rushing to my brain now. Fuck, the room was spinning in the darkness. I had been fearless before, even when I knew a convicted felon was coming over to breed me, but now a feeling of uneasiness was setting in. Had I just surpassed the good vibe buzz of my alcohol? The rush of being fucked by so many strangers was leaving, and now I started to feel cold as I crouched naked on the floor on my hands and knees, willing boy pussy in the air. What the fuck was I doing? This guy seemed even more unsafe than the Mexican gangbanger. But there was no time to reassess the situation, because there were already footsteps outside my door. Sir was here. I held my breath as the door opened and I heard the sound of heavy footsteps. "Good boy," said a deep voice. Then I heard him chuckle. "Pop your ass for Daddy," he said, stepping down onto my back with his boot heel. I immediately complied. "Yes sir." He started feeling up my ass, sighing approval. He found my glass plug, which was still inserted, and traced his rough fingertips around it. "Looks like you finally took the plunge, faggot. How many loads you got in there?" "Two loads, Sir." "Mmm good boy. Well now you're going to take the most important load of your life, bitch." I didn't know what he was talking about. "Spread your ass open for Daddy, let me see this slutty hole of yours." I placed my face into the blanket and reached back with both hands, spreading my ass. "So you're married, huh?" he said. Fuck. He must have seen my wedding ring! I was so used to wearing it I didn't even think to take it off before the fuckfest began. He slapped my ass hard. "I asked you a question, bitch!" I cringed from the sting and cried, "Yes sir! Yes, I'm married." He chuckled again and said, "Well this might be a two-for-one, then." He reached up to my ass and tugged on the sizeable plug. I moaned as he pulled it to its widest point and held it there, gaping my ass. "From husband to cumdump," he laughed. "Well faggot, you've got some making up to do," he said as he sunk the plug back up inside me. "You stood me up once before. You were supposed to give me that sweet faggot mouth of yours and you flaked out, remember?" "I'm sorry, Sir, I don't know what you mean," I said, but in truth I did remember. Suddenly he slapped me across the face, and I recoiled shock. Blindfolded and dark as it was, I was completely helpless to his assault. "Don't fucking lie, bitch. Now sit up here on your knees. I want those faggot lips wrapped around my cock." Jesus, with every word that came out of his mouth there was no choice but to comply. I sat up on my knees and he stood in front of me, guiding my mouth to his crotch. I reached up to undo his pants, and he slapped me again. "No hands, bitch. Prove how much of a fag boy you are. Use your faggot mouth to get my cock out." I did as he commanded, and used my teeth to bite his pants and, with some effort, I unbuttoned his jeans. "That's it faggot, show me how badly you want to serve me. I'm gonna own you now boy. Those dick sucking lips of yours belong to me now. You’re just fuckmeat to me." I was able to bite and pull apart his fly, and then finally gained access to the elastic band of his briefs. A new feeling was stirring inside of me. I'd been nervous at first, but there was something incredibly erotic about his dominating presence and being told exactly what to do. He was reminding me of what a beta male I truly was. I tugged down on his briefs with my teeth and received the reward of his half hard dick flopping against my face. It was freshly showered and had the stubble of a somewhat recent shave. He guided the head of his cock into my mouth. Holy fuck! His cock head was massive. Was it just because I was blindfolded and had lost my perception of size? He kept pushing in, groaning as more and more inches of his cock entered, and my mouth was stretched wider and wider. "Yaaaa, you like Daddy's horse cock, boy?" "Mphhhh-gugugg," I gagged, with his dick still in my mouth. "Mmm, well play time is over. I'm going to give your tonsils a good fucking. Keep your hands to your side. If you even try to reach up I'll slap the shit out of you." I gurgled in agreement. Sir grabbed both my ears as handles and pulled me further down on his massive cock. "Fuckkkk," he moaned. "Your wife doesn't know you suck dick, does she?" I shook my head and he chuckled. "I wonder what she'd say if she could see her faggot husband with a cock down his throat right now?" Fuck... I could never live it down if that happened and she found out. She already hated my guts. I'm sure she'd tell every fucking person we know, including that cunt sister of hers. "It's okay little boy, you keep doing a good job on Daddy's cock and I won't say a word. Now let that dick go all the way down your throat like a good bitch." He pulled my head all the way down and his massive cockhead stretched open my throat and went down my esophagus. I immediate gagged and tried to pull off, but his iron grip held me in place. He started fucking my throat mercilessly, his voice becoming threatening. "Hey, bitch, right down your fuckin' faggot throat. Bet you suck dick better than your wife does, you know that? I bet your wife has never sucked your pathetic little dick like you're sucking mine now." It was true. Despite that his dick was much more massive than mine, she'd never had much interest in giving me blowjobs, much less deep throating. "Hold it right there, fag," he said with his huge dick fully in my throat. My eyes were streaming and I was on the verge of puking. Through my blindfold it got momentarily brighter. "Say, 'I suck dick better than my wife," he ordered me. Of course, I couldn't say anything with his cock lodged in my throat, but I grunted out the phrase anyway, which simply emerged as gargled spit. He chuckled in approval. "Alright, you got my horse cock ready to fuck you boy," Daddy said with satisfaction. "I've got a special reward for you now." I heard what sounded like a plastic 'pop' and then sensed an acetone-like smell. He grabbed my face and tilted it upwards, pulling the blindfold down just a bit on my forehead. I then felt the pointed tip of a sharpie as he started writing. "There, it says 'CUMDUMP' on your face, boy, with permanent marker. I wonder what you wife will say when she sees it?" Fuck, this guy was totally mindfucking me. A twinge of horrible guilty pleasure pulsed in my cock at the humiliation this guy was dragging me through, especially when my wife was in the midst of divorcing me. "Speaking of your wife, I think I know the best way to break a sissy bitch like you in. Where are your wife's panties?" "Wha-? Her panties?" "Her panties, faggot. Where does she keep them. In a drawer?" "I... Yes sir. To the right... is the bedroom. They're in the top drawer of the dresser." I heard him walk past me and creak open the bedroom door. He rummaged around before returning a few moments later. "Put these on, faggot," he said as he threw a pair of lacy panties in my face. I'm going to prove you're not even a real man. I'm going to fuck you like a bitch in your wife's panties... fuck you way better and harder than you could ever fuck her with your worthless boy cock." I swallowed down the lump in my throat. This isn't how I planned it to go. The guys were just supposed to stay in the entryway with me, fuck and leave. I cringed at how many personal and revealing things he must have just seen walking into the bedroom like that. But I also knew that if I hesitated to put on my wife's panties that Daddy was going to slap me in the face. I shimmied into the panties and discovered it was a thong, which slid snugly up between my ass cheeks. "Ha ha, there you go, now you're looking like a proper sissy faggot," Daddy laughed, giving my smooth ass a slap. "You feeling humiliated yet, boy? Are you an owned sissy cumdump?" "Yes, Sir! I'm an owned sissy faggot cumdump!" Daddy pushed me back onto all fours and grunted approval. "Yes you are boy, yes you are..." Again, there was a momentary brightness, followed by a chuckle. He grabbed the plug and pulled it from my hole, continuing to chuckle. "This is just perfect," he said, almost under his breath. I then felt him probe my hole with his rough finger. He finger fucked me, which wasn't really necessary since the three previous cocks and the plug had gaped me considerably. I felt a bit of pain as he molested my hole, which I was surprised by because with the amount of alcohol I'd consumed most of my body felt pretty numb. After a little while he positioned himself behind me, and spit on his cock. "Here it comes you little bitch. This horse cock is going to change you forever." He pulled my thong to the side and pushed the head of his cock into my hole. Pain instantly shot through me. FUCK his size made the Mexican guy seem tiny. "Don't run from it bitch. Make your wife proud and slide your slutty hole down on my cock while you're wearing her panties. Don’t you want to make your wife proud of what a good little whore you are?" "Oh fuck, Daddy! Yes, I want to make my wife proud and be a good whore!" I cried out as his huge cock resized me. Every inch that penetrated brought new waves of pleasure and pain until he was fully inside me. Then there was that sharp poking again, a jabbing pain almost but this time coming from deeper in my intestines. Daddy started fucking me, training my boy hole to take his massive cock. His voice got deeper as he fucked. He reached down and grabbed my balls in a crushing grip. "Yeah, I own these," he growled. "I own your little sissy cock and balls. I own your faggot mouth... and I own.. YOUR HOLE!" He thrust extra deep suddenly and more of the jabbing pain came. "Yes Sir, you own it all! I'm just your faggot cumdump to use how you want!" My hole had somehow adjusted to his massive cock and he was now fucking me in deep strokes, pummeling my prostate and beyond with his huge dick. "I want you to beg me for my seed, boy. I want you to beg me to knock you up while you're wearing your wife's cute little panties." "Please Daddy! Please knock me up! I want your cum, Daddy, please let me have it!" "I'm gonna get you pregnant, boy. You're gonna be my bitch and have my babies." "YES PLEASE SIR, PLEASE!!! I’LL HAVE YOUR BABIES!!" "FUCK yeah, boy. Just remember when you're trying to scrub that marker off your face later..." he was saying between thrusts, "you... begged for me to give you this...AAAAAAHHHH!" He grabbed my hips and thrust deeply, pushing me forward with my face to the floor as he shot his superior alpha load into my inferior beta cunt. His massive cock was shoved so deeply into me I thought he was going to rip through my intestines. The warm cream was spreading all inside me, more than the previous two loads combined. "Fuuuuck boy, you just really got fucked you know that?" he panted, holding his cock fully buried in me. "I really own you now boy, no going back. You're a faggot for life now." He withdrew his cock, and then I felt the smooth glass of the butt plug being shoved back into me. "Let that marinate inside you, boy. You're just a fucktoy now. This isn't the last time I'm going to use your fuckmeat. Whenever I tell you to you'll have that cunt ready for me. You'll wear what I tell you to. You do what I tell you to." I heard him zipping back up, and I just stayed face down enjoying the feeling of being a well-used cumdump. I'd definitely found my purpose in life. This parading around pretending to be an alpha had been so exhausting and phony. No doubt about it, I was a true beta and a cumdump meant to be used as a hole for real men. As Daddy's cum soaked into my guts I felt completely emasculated. Of course my wife had cheated on me and was going to leave me. I was a dumb cock sucking faggot that just allowed four strangers to fuck me. She wanted a real alpha, not the pathetic beta sissy who had just taken a load while wearing a pair of her panties. "Almost forgot," Daddy said, and I heard the familiar 'pop' of him opening his Sharpie. He wrote something small just above my tailbone, then gave my ass a slap, remarking "Enjoy that load bitch. Check your email in a bit," as he opened the door and was gone. I waited a few seconds in the darkness as I tried to process all that had just happened. "Holy fuck," I said out loud. For the first time since I'd started my night as a cumdump I reached to my cock, and could understand how small it was compared to the real man that had just fucked me. It didn't even seem worth jacking it. I was full of cum and felt completely satisfied. Dazed, I stood up and removed my blindfold. I was surprised to find that I could actually see a little bit in the dark apartment since my eyes had adjusted. I turned on the light and staggered to the bathroom mirror. My throat was burning from the rough fucking he had given my tonsils. Looking in the mirror I saw 'CUMDUMP' written across my forehead, which as of tonight was now 100% true. I then recognized the purple thong I was wearing. It had been the special lingerie my wife had worn during our honeymoon a few years earlier. One of my sexiest photos of her was her wearing this thong, bent over on all fours.... and now that had been the exact scene I'd reenacted for the stranger who had just dumped a five day load into my guts. It did make my ass look very plump and fuckable 'though. Remembering he had also written something on my back. I turned and looked over my shoulder and saw that it was simply a small plus sign. What the fuck did it mean? I was exhausted and I knew I should probably go to sleep. The hangover was going to be horrible as it was. I quickly picked up from my fuckfest, folded up the blanket and put the lube away. That's when I noticed the entryway table, or I should say, what was missing from it. "FUCK," I exclaimed with my raspy, throat-fucked voice. My wife's ring was gone. "You gotta be fucking kidding me," I said. I looked around the table to see if maybe it had gotten knocked off, but sure enough it was gone. "Holy fucking shit," I said in disbelief. Guilt and resentment instantly set in. You dumbfuck, what were you thinking. You should have been thinking about how to fix your marriage instead of playing out your gay fucking fantasies. I honestly had no fucking idea what I was going to do. It was probably the Mexican fucker who took it... god damn it... I sat down to my laptop to shut it off, when I remembered that the guy had told me to check my email in a bit. I remembered everything he'd said at the end, how he owned me, and he was going to fuck me more. "Fuck that," I scoffed. Guy was fucking crazy. It was hot to do once, but I was never going to see that guy again. Still, out of curiosity I checked my email. Sure enough, there was an email from him. I opened it to simply find a link to a craigslist ad.... I clicked it and was instantly mortified at what I saw. My face, blindfolded, a massive dick in my mouth.... Then the second one, me bent over, wearing my wife's honeymoon thong with her glass butt plug inserted in my ass, holding in the loads of strangers who had bred me.... holy shit. The table behind you could clearly see our wedding photos! There wasn't even a question as to who it was. I was completely exposed in the pictures, completely emasculated and humiliated for anyone to see who clicked on the ad. There was no way anyone who knew me wouldn't immediately identify me. The text said simply 'This married husband is now an owned cumdump. The cumdump lives at 606 Sage Boulevard and will happily wear its wife's panties while you breed it.' Oh my god. This can't be happening. I clicked on the ad and typed out a reply as fast as I could. I begged him to take down the ad. I couldn't be exposed like that. Please, I would do anything! Just take the fucking ad down. A cold, dreading sweat started to form on my brow. What was I going to do? If ANYONE saw this there would be no coming back from it. My friends, my work, everyone would know. My wife would know! Would I face charges for letting a man play with her underwear, for wearing them without her permission? Fuck fuck fuck! And then there was a reply: Sure, I'll take the ad down. Just understand that I own you now. Tomorrow at 9 PM you'll meet me in front of your door blindfolded just like you were tonight for another breeding session. You will wear another pair of your wife's panties. I think pink would look good on a sissy bitch like you. Well, the good news was my wife wasn't coming home anytime soon... I replied 'THANK YOU! Yes, I'll do whatever you want. And please, did you take the wedding ring that was on the table? Please, I'm begging you if you did, can I please have it back? It's not even worth anything, it's a fake diamond'. I had never admitted that to anyone. I was such a beta I couldn't even get my wife a real ring. His reply was short, if ambiguous 'Haha, you still haven't found it?' Found it? What the fuck was he talking about? Then something dawned on me. I reached back and slowly pulled the big glass plug out of my ass. A thick dollup of cum dripped out and onto my thigh. I inserted my finger and reached up inside myself. Probing around the cum-slicked ruined hole that was now my resized cunt, I encountered a metal circle, now warmed by the heat of my guts. Oh my god, I thought as I pulled out my wife's wedding ring out of my ass. He’d fucked it into me from the very start. The sharp edges had sliced me up pretty good inside and my hole was now incredibly tender. The normally clear glass of the fake diamond was tinged with red, and cum from three strangers dripped off it. The jabbing pain as he'd fucked me.... So this is what it was like to be completely owned, to be a true cumdump. I reached back and put the ring back inside me, followed by my wife's butt plug. Then I crawled into my empty bed that was meant for two people, and cried myself softly to sleep as the toxic load seeped into the fresh cuts that had been carved inside me by my wife’s own wedding ring.
    1 point
  16. Back to the bookstore for three more loads tonight, regrettably all swallowed. “Regrettably” as in “not bred deep into my ass”, but far be it from me to complain about •any• load another man wants to pump into me. At one point I had a cock in each hand and one in my mouth, trying to rotate between them and do them all justice. Still, there seems to be some dynamic about the adult bookstore scene that I’m not catching onto when it comes to sending out the message that “The fucktoy is in position: Gentlemen, start your engines.” I mean, I’m basically naked except for my boots, socks, cap, and a pair of backless jock-briefs. It’s below freezing outside, so it ought to be clear to even the slowest among them that there’s a •reason• my ass is on display, shouldn’t it? Yes, head is often the expected preamble to fucking, I get that. It probably didn’t help matters that the first guy I wrapped my lips around told the whole room that I was a fantastic cocksucker. (I dispute this; I think I probably give very mediocre head because my mouth is too small and I can’t deep-throat no matter how much I practice. An agile tongue can only take you so far. Besides, I’ve managed to suck my own cock before, so I can speak from experience.) On this particular Saturday evening, the cold westher kept some people home. Inversely, this also had the effect of bringing at least one homeless guy into the theater to sleep on one of the couches. I don’t blame him at all, but his presence And that of a clearly CD guy who looked basically like someone’s (homely) mother put a major damper on my general fuckability. Add to this the two gay guys who sat right outside the theater door and held a loud conversation about personal finance and home decorating (I shit you not) and it started to become difficult to maintain a hard-on, let alone score an ass-fucking. So far, the last two visits to the ABS have netted me five losds, but only one by breeding. I’m beginning to wonder whether I ought to stick to hotel hosting with ads that specify that I’m only taking breeders. The ABS might work out better if I used the glory-holes, but I’ve never liked that method. *Sigh* Men are strange animals. But my tongue sure likes the way they taste.
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  17. The Freshman 10 – My watch said 10:45 p.m. and that was about all I could see except for the granite counter top on the island in Mr. Durant’s kitchen as he slid his long, raw, black dick, up my ass. Just six hours ago I was running late for my last class, on the last day of my first week at the University of Maryland (UMD), in College Park, Maryland. While the school was not quite as far away from my family down on the Eastern Shore as I might have wanted, the Robert H. Smith School of Business at UMD was one of the best, so I promised mom and dad I would ‘come home often’ – yeah right – and they agreed to pay for school. Breathlessly I opened the door to the class, heard the professor’s booming voice, and slunk into an empty seat in the back row where I was greeted with a warm smile and the most amazing eyes by the guy sitting beside me. I could barely focus on what the professor was saying as I kept glancing at my classmate, his light brown skin, his strong jaw line, the way he sat a little forward in his seat paying attention while lightly tapping his pencil on his notebook. Flashes of our naked bodies pressed together crowded my mind, my dick strained against my jeans, and I missed most of what the professor said. Class ended, and as I was gathering up my things to leave my new classmate held out his hand, smiled and said, “Hi, I’m Kevin, Kevin Durant.” I blinked real fast, realized I was taking too long to reply, grabbed his hand and shook it too vigorously as I said all flustered, “Hi, nice to meet you,” and then I dropped my cell phone. “Fuck,” I said as I shook my head, slammed my books down and almost bumped into Kevin’s head as we both went to bend down to grab the phone. Kevin laughed, he got there first, handed my phone back to me and said, “I think it’s OK. Hey, if you’re done for the day I’m happy to share my notes with you on what you missed. I live close by so we can go by my place or just hang out on campus, whatever you prefer.” I almost dropped my phone again but managed to say, “Your place would be GREAT – um, that’s cool, yeah.” Oh God. I sounded like a complete idiot. Kevin said we would take his car, which was good as I was not sure I could find mine without poring over my map and looking stupid, and as we walked we made small talk, realized we were both in the same business program and had almost all of our classes together. Unlike my hand-me-down Volvo, Kevin had a tricked out and brand new Cadillac ELR sports coupe with a red paint job that made it simmer. We hopped in, Kevin banged on the steering wheel a couple of times and smiled with pride, “Just love that new car smell. Had to work fucking hard for this. My dad bought it for me, but he’s a fucking task master like you wouldn’t believe.” As the car revved up and we took off, I eased back in the high-grain leather seats and did not know I would soon come to find that out for myself. A short drive later we pulled up to a nice size house that had a few other cars in the driveway and only then did I think Kevin may still live with his parents. I had just assumed he was in a student house like me. Kevin led me around back, through a side door, and into a large apartment in the lower level. “Go on, make yourself comfortable, I got to piss,” Kevin said. I set my stuff down and wandered around his living room looking at pictures on the wall, then to his bookshelves and noted he liked to read sci-fi, which I did too. I then started thumbing through his DVD collection and about shit myself when I came across an entire shelf of porn – not just any porn – gay porn! My hands shook as I pulled one out. Damn! My parents would have skinned me alive if I had anything like that at my house – Jesus! Kevin came back out and saw what I was looking at before I could put it back on the shelf. He smiled, “Oh man, that is like my favorite one! You seen it before? Wait, what about this one? Seen that one?” I could only shake my head and hope Kevin did not notice the bulge in my pants. We sat down at the table, Kevin grabbed a couple sodas, and we started to review the info I had missed. Shit, this class was going to be intense, but Kevin said we could study together and that made me feel better. Once we finished, Kevin stood up, “Come on upstairs. I’ll introduce you to my old man. He works from home, has a technology consulting firm, pretty cool shit.” Kevin bounded up the stairs and I raced to keep up. The house was pretty impressive, but nothing like his dad. Kevin’s father was standing by a window looking out at his back lawn while speaking to someone on his blue tooth phone headset. His dress shirt was cut tight and I could see thick, hard nipples on his firm chest. The dress pants he wore showed the muscular curves of his ass and when he turned, I paused as I took in the long curve of his dick running down his right leg. He was a much bigger version of Kevin, taller, thicker, his skin several shades darker. His hair was cut tight, his face clean, and the gold rings and watch attested to his success. Kevin quietly started to point to various awards and things on the wall as he father finished his call and when he was done, he pulled the blue tooth out of his ear, walked over, gave Kevin a big hug then about broke my hand as he grabbed it, shook it hard and said, “You’re a friend of Kevin’s? Nice to meet you, nice to meet you. Come on in, take seat, so what are you boys up to?” I followed Kevin’s lead, sat down, and listened as Kevin reported to his dad all he had been up in the past 24-hours. His dad asked me a few questions about where I was from, my family, and then made his apologies as he had to take another call. On the way back to Kevin’s apartment downstairs we stopped and he pointed to several pictures on the wall. “That’s my mom,” he said in a voice laced with sadness. “She passed away a few years ago, so it’s just my dad and I now.” One last stop at a restaurant size fridge and Kevin asked, “Want some beer?” I was not 21 yet but said, “Yeah, OK, sure.” We got back downstairs, Kevin opened the bottles, we sat down on the couch, he then got up, pulled out the DVDs, found the porn I had looked at earlier and before I could say a word popped it in and started it up. He smiled, “You’ll love this! Oh wait, I never asked, sorry man, do you like guys even or girls or what?” Kevin was so open, calm, and relaxed about his sexuality and the fact that he did not act like the stereotype of a gay person that I had been raised with made it all the more disarming. I flushed a bit, looked away, then said, “I like guys I guess – I mean I like girls – but I like guys in that way – like that – but I’ve not had a lot of...” Kevin set his hand on my leg, squeezed it reassuringly, and said, “Really man? I guess I forget how lucky I have been. My mom and dad were supportive from the moment they knew when I was about 13. They knew before I did really, but they waited for me to catch up and when I did, they were there with love and support. Your parents don’t know?” I laughed nervously, “Fuck no! My mother would think I’ve been possessed by some evil creature and my father would then try to beat it out of me. No.” Kevin squeezed my thigh again, then surprised me as he leaned over, kissed my cheek, smiled and said, “Well then its good we met up right? No pressure here dude, but I have to admit I think you’re cute as fuck and going over the class notes was not the only reason I wanted to hang out.” Kevin then set his beer bottle on the coffee table, took mine out of my hand and set it on the table as well, leaned in and this time when he kissed me it was on the lips and I kissed him back. I leaned back on the couch as Kevin half laid on me, half on the couch, our hands exploring, our lips caressing. I paused and pushed at him a little, “What about your dad?” I asked. “He’s right upstairs!” Kevin chuckled, “Don’t worry. He’s cool. He won’t bother us. Anyways, he’s busy working.” A few more minutes of making out and I couldn’t take it anymore and finally reached down and grabbed Kevin’s hard bulge. He had been pressing it against my body and I ached to feel him and wanted to let him know. Kevin moaned, broke our kiss, stood up, pulled his shirt off, then did a slow-strip tease as he undid his pants, turned around, slowly pulled his shorts down, stepped out of clothes, then turned back so I could see him naked. Wow – fucking wow! That’s all I could think. His dick was rock hard, about 7 ½ inches long with a slight up curve on it. I sat up, leaned forward, and let him slide his hot dick in my mouth. I slowly worked my tongue around the head, up and down the shaft, then started to move my head back and forth trying to suck it like I had been taught by the one guy I had fucked around with back home. Kevin seemed to enjoy it and soon he held onto my shoulders, encouraging me to keep sucking, and I was lost in the feel of him in my mouth when suddenly he tensed and a river of cum started to flow from his dick. I gagged, tried to pull away, but Kevin held my head and said, “No, swallow, please, that feels so fucking good, please swallow it.” So I did, all the while realizing how much I loved the taste, and at the same time felt scared as I knew it was not a safe thing to do. Once Kevin was done, he leaned down, kissed me on the lips and ran his tongue into my mouth – “MMMM....luv the taste of a fresh load. Ever eat your own cum when you jerk off? I do all the time. I’m always so fucking horny and can cum several times a day, and eating it is just the best.” Kevin then plopped down on the couch and said, “OK, your turn,” with an evil glint in his eyes. I stood up, dropped my pants and clenched my jaw as Kevin swallowed my dick whole and began to work his tongue around. I shuddered, my thighs tensed, and I immediately blew my load his mouth and quickly started to apologize as Kevin sucked me dry, “I’m so sorry. That just felt so good, I couldn’t hold it at all, I’m...” Kevin looked up, ran his hand up my stomach, smiled and as he licked his lips said, “Chill man, it’s all good. I’ve got plenty more where mine came from and bet you do too?” I was not quite sure how to reply to that, but took the beer, sat back down, Kevin pulled my sneakers and pants off, and we leaned back on the couch watching the porn like nothing had happened – except our hard dicks twitching testified that we had been bad boys and probably would be some more. We barely finished another beer before we Kevin and I were a tangle of limbs on his bed, kissing, licking, fingering, squeezing, wrestling a bit to see who would be on top. Sex for me had always been a furtive, uptight, secretive thing and it was so fucking liberating to be with someone so free about it all and making it a joyous celebration! My balls felt like they were 3,000 feet underwater with how tight they were and the pressure to cum again was fucking intense as I tried to hold off. Kevin surprised me by jumping off his bed, getting flat on the floor, digging around a bit, then coming back up with a bottle of lotion held in his hand like the Olympic Torch. He squeezed some out onto two fingers, reached around, shoved his fingers in his own ass, sighed a little as he closed his eyes, pulled his fingers out, smiled at me and said, “You ready to fuck?” DAMN! While my mind tried to process that, my dick tried to pull away from my body to get to his hole. I was usually more of a bottom, but the thought of fucking Kevin right then was the only thing I wanted in the entire fucking world! I got off the bed, he got on his hands and knees, laid his chest forward, reached between his legs and started fingering his asshole. DAMN! I looked around for the condoms, and was starting to get onto the floor to look under the bed when Kevin turned, “Come on man, what’re you doing? My ass is PRIMED!” When I told him he replied, “Oh – forget that. I don’t have any. I’m on PREP.” I told Kevin, “I’m not sure what you mean,” and he smiled again, turned around and said, “It’s cool man. I take this pill everyday or whatever and I don’t have to worry about anything. I’m NEG and fuck raw all the time, shit totally works! I’ll set you up with my doctor, he’s cool as shit. You ready?” I eased into Kevin’s waiting ass and it felt better than I could have dreamed. His ass clamped down around my dick and literally stroked it. How’d he do that? I grabbed his hips and let Kevin push back and do the work as he was clearly more experienced than I was and once again I started to cum before I knew. “Oh fuck, I’m cumming in your ass!” I said in disbelief. Kevin banged back harder and when I tried to pull out he reached back, grabbed me and said, “No, I want every drop.” After the last drop was out Kevin pulled off my dick, jumped up with a big grin on his face and said, “OK, now your turn.” What? I couldn’t get fucked, I had just cum, but Kevin was already lubing up his dick and those eyes and that smile broke all resistance, so I assumed the position and about jumped out of my skin as Kevin pushed right in my ass and started pounding. “Please, wait, let me get used to it!” I pleaded. Kevin chuckled, “Naw, best way to take dick is to just TAKE IT!” I shifted my body and pushed back, pulled away as far as I could, shifted some more, and after a while, the pain and discomfort went away and all I felt was liquid gold. I don’t know how else to put it. It was just – well just fucking perfect and felt way fucking better than being fucked with a condom! Kevin was a man on mission and pounded me like a long distance runner – slow and steady with a sprint to the finish and then a SPLASH as he blew his cum inside my ass. OMG! That felt fucking amazing! I started to ease off when Kevin grabbed my hips and said, “Oh no man, I got another load for you, won’t take me long, not long at all – oh shit, oh fuck, here it is man – TAKE MY CUM!” My ass ate his cum up like it was manna from heaven, and after Kevin’s load was depleted, he slid out of my ass and once again our bodies became a tangle of limbs, tongues, hard dicks and now creamy holes. We made out for a while longer, then laying in each others’ arms we drifted off to sleep for a quick nap before waking up and starting all over again. I felt so comfortable with Kevin and was not all self conscious, or shy, or inhibited by what we were doing – surprised for sure – but it felt natural, right, and I knew I could get used to studying with him. I was on my hands and knees and Kevin was just about ready to fuck me again when his cell phone rang and by the ring tone he knew who it was, “Hang on,” he said, “That’s my dad.” As Kevin spoke with his dad I could tell something was up, and after he ended the call with a resigned, “Yes Sir,” I knew our fucking was done. “Dad said that the office called him, asked if I could come in. I’ve got this amazing internship with Lockheed Martin, thanks to my dad, and there’s some problem with the a new system we are working on and I have to go in for a while.” I got up and started to grab my clothes and shit when Kevin came, pulled me tight, gave me wet sloppy kiss and said, “Will you wait for me to get back? I’d really like you to stay.” I sort of didn’t have a choice as he was my ride and was actually glad he asked as I wanted to stay too, so I said, “Sure. I’ll just watch a movie or something if that’s ok?” Kevin laughed on his way in to the bathroom and called out, “Don’t watch the good ones without me!” I turned on the TV, started flipping through channels as I opened another beer and heard Kevin’s cell ring again. He came out of the bedroom, grabbed his keys and said, “My dad said there’s plenty of food upstairs in the fridge if you get hungry, so feel free to help yourself, have some more beer, whatever, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Two beers later and I was feeling buzzed and decided maybe I should grab something to eat. Kevin had been gone about an hour or so already, but he had not called yet, so I figured I might as well eat something. I nervously made my way upstairs to the main part of the house. The house was silent and dark, so I figured Mr. Durant had gone to bed early or out, so I quietly made my way to kitchen, opened the fridge door and was debating if I really wanted some food or another beer when I about jumped out of my skin as a voice behind me said, “Find what you need?” I turned around and about dropped the bowl of pasta I had grabbed as there was Mr. Durant, naked, with the biggest dick I had ever seen. “Umm…yeah...thanks.. I was just…Kevin….so I ….” Shit, I could barely breathe let alone speak as my eyes kept darting to his long, dark shaft, the foreskin hanging in a loose tip at the end and even soft, Mr. Durant was as big as Kevin – or me for that matter. Mr. Durant’s eyes narrowed, he stepped closer to me and I tried to back away but banged into the fridge door, he smiled, “So, you and Kevin getting along all right? If I know my son he probably gave you a couple loads didn’t he?” Fuck, I didn’t know what to say, I could never imagine talking to my dad about sex. My hands were shaking now as Mr. Durant calmly took the bowl of pasta, reached past me, set it back on the shelf in the fridge, his body pressing me against the open fridge door, which was not helping my nervousness at all. I started to slide to my left to get out of the way, but Mr. Durant’s arm snapped up, holding both the door and me in place as he casually reviewed the contents of the fridge. I could hear a clock ticking and realized I was holding my breath, too horny, scared, and confused to do anything else. Mr. Durant bent forward, shuffled a few things around on the shelves, stood back up, turned, and set a covered butter dish on the granite countertop of the big kitchen island. I was like a possum playing dead and did not move and stayed standing where I was against the open fridge door. Mr. Durant leaned past me again, this time pushing more of his weight against me as he grabbed the pasta bowl, a packet of what looked like meat from a butcher, and a wedge of cheese. He set these on the island, turned to me, smiled, and said, “Thank you, you may close the door now – on second thought, grab yourself a beer and open one for me too.” I could see where Kevin got his smile from now, straight from his father, as well as his lack of inhibitions, or self assuredness, or whatever the fuck it was. Mr. Durant flicked on a light over the island and another over the stove and then was opening the packet of meat, which I could see was some kind of sausage – the fancy kind you buy from butcher, and I set the opened beer bottle down just off to the side and took a long drink of mine. Mr. Durant then spoke, directing my attention to his culinary work, “Do you like sausage? See how this sausage meat is nice and dark, how it’s thicker here at the base, but only slightly as it tapers a little to the slight bend in the middle then gets thicker again at the end?” As he spoke my eyes instantly went to his dick, then back to him as I wondered which sausage he was speaking about? My eyes started to travel back to his dick, but afraid he would notice I forced myself with all my might to look back at his face as he dug three fingers into the cold stick of butter from the butter dish and began to rub them up and down the length of the sausage, stroking it as it lay on the counter. “It’s important to caress it in long strokes,” he said, “You need to work the flavor out, and to do that you have to have a little lubrication. Do you want to try?” I just shook my head, gulped some more beer and shockingly realized I had just downed a whole beer in nothing flat. I set the empty bottle on the counter and quickly grabbed another from the fridge as Mr. Durant continued preparing the food. Mr. Durant was speaking again, and this time when I looked up from staring at Kevin’s daddy’s dick, his eyes locked with mine, he smiled – fuck he knew! He stepped away from the stove, over to me, took the bottle out of my hand and set it out of reach on the island and was so close now his dick was just pressing against my navel area. I had to look up to see his face and his eyes now peering down at me. “It will take a while for the sausage to cook right, I got it at a low simmer, and when the flavor is ready to burst I’ll turn the heat full up until the juices pop.” I just nodded. Mr. Durant continued, “So, while that’s cooking, I think I could use a some bomb head and ass right about now and from the way you’ve been eyeing my sausage, I could think you could use something too.” I was still processing what he had just said - hsocked by his frankness - as his dick pushed against my body, stiffening, getting hard. I tried to take a step back, but Mr. Durant’s hands grabbed my shoulders and with a firm grip he began to push me down to make me kneel in front of him. “I can’t…I…Kevin should be back…and I…we…I don’t want…” Mr. Durant laughed as my knees hit the floor and his dick slid back and forth like pendulum on Big Ben across my face. “Shhh,” he ordered, “Kevin will not be back until the morning. The problem at Lockheed is bigger than he expects and I have made sure they will keep him busy until I tell them otherwise.” I looked up in confusion as Mr. Durant shifted his hips and his dick swung back and forth across my face again, this time striking me hard as it had stiffened and engorged and lengthened to a stunning degree. “The head can wait, you can nurse on it after,” Mr. Durant said. “Get back up and take your pants off.” I obeyed without question or pause – why was that? It just seemed right, natural, normal. When I did and stepped out of them, Mr. Durant bent down, picked them up, sniffed at the ass area, inhaled again, then smiled and let them drop. I was not wearing underwear so I knew he was smelling the remnants of his son’s loads up my ass. He then turned me, had me step the side so I was on the long mat that ran in front of the island, then he pushed my body forward against the cool granite of the island counter top, stepped behind me, and reached over to the right and pulled the opened butter dish towards him. I watched, knowing in my mind what he planned now as Mr. Durant used three fingers to scoop out a large glob of butter. A sharp intake of breath announced Mr. Durant’s fingers at my hole as he forced the cold glob of butter inside my ass. As he worked his middle finger into my ass he asked, “You’ve never taken a real big dick have you? I can tell. You’re so fucking tight, but don’t worry, I’ll take care of that, now stand still, let me warm this up for you.” Mr. Durant continued to finger my ass, shoving the butter further into me and churning it at the same time. Some of it began to run down my leg as it melted, but there was nothing I could do about that as my ass continued to get prepared. An arrow of fear pierced me as Mr. Durant leaned over, grabbed some more butter, and instead of sticking it in my ass he started to rub it along the his shaft, making his black skin shiny and the veins bulge as he slowly stroked his hand back and forth. I was truly scared now, there was no way I could take that dick! Mr. Durant grabbed the hand towel that was beside the butter dish, wiped his hand off, pushed me back down with his left hand then pressed it hard into my lower back to make me squat a little. Then holding the towel in his right hand, he adjusted the base of his dick and guided the head towards my waiting ass. A little more shifting of bodies and I could feel the thick head begin to push into my buttered up hole. I gasped, the muscles in my ass ring screamed in agony as Mr. Durant now tossed the towel onto the island and said, “I’ll go slow, I promise.” It sure didn’t feel that way as his dick pushed a little further and the scream now shifted from my ass to my throat – and caught – all that came out was a meek gurgle. “OH HELL YES – THAT PUSSY IS POPPED NOW,” Mr. Durant exclaimed as his dick head broke free of my ass ring and slid forward on its buttery trail. “I BET YOU NEVER IMAGINED THIS WAS THE FRESHMAN 10 YOU HAD TO WORRY ABOUT – POPPING YOU OPEN WITH MY 10 INCHES OF BLACK DICK, I WANT TO FEEL THAT AGAIN, FEEL THAT HOLE GO POP AROUND MY DICK – OH HELL YES!“ My head was resting on the back of my hand and I lifted it slightly as my ragged breath sounded like I was running a marathon. My watch said 10:45 p.m. and that was about all I could see except for the granite counter top on the island in Mr. Durant’s kitchen as he slid his long, raw, black dick, up my ass.
    1 point
  18. Anyone else here LOVE the smell of RIPE pits? For me I love it and it triggers this urge inside me to get bred.
    1 point
  19. “Wait,” I moaned. I was hesitant but I didn’t catch myself refusing as someone pressed a bottle of poppers under my nose for me to huff back on. I was suddenly beginning to regret giving Mac head in front of them, or even staying there after arriving after realizing he’d invited friends or was parting. I’d anticipated a rough, sloppy fuck with Mac, but instead I was feeling woozy, high, and suddenly rushed. “Wait, what? You said you wanted to get pigraped,” Mac said, handing me the blunt as I wiped spit from my jaw. The other men eagerly undressed and the table with all the party supplies was pulled back. Someone smeared lube in the crack of my ass and roughly shoved a finger in. The lights were even lower now and I couldn’t make out who was who, save for Mike and Mac who were the biggest of them. Someone put their dicks to my lips but I was reaching for my beer, and it was given to me to quickly take a gulp and then I was pulled back again, Mike’s hard black dick being shoved down into my throat. I gagged and choked. Mac was fingering my ass as the other men helped to hold my legs up, hold facing off the edge of the couch. I felt his fingers come out and then one go back in and scratch around. The sensation burned and I moaned and tried to pull back but my hands were grabbed and I was pinned back, Mike laughing and cursing as he fucked my throat. “Yeah, slut, suck that dirty dick. Give him another bump and split his shit open.” Mike issued as my mouth ached trying to stretch around his humongous dick. I could barely fit half of it down into my throat, but as his words registered I began to freak out and try pull away. The grip around my wrists tightened and I realized it was Mike holding my leg as I opened my eyes. Mac looked angry as he reached behind him and then shoved his finger back into my ass. Burning again. “You said you wanted to get pigraped – what’s wrong? Stupid bitch…I told you to be careful what you wish for,” Mac said, attitude no longer playful. With that he grabbed his dick, stroked it down twice and shoved it head first into my hole, ripping me open and slamming it all the way in. My asshole felt like a rubber band, and I could have sworn I felt it snap and send a hollow feeling through me. Mike quickly yanked his dick out of my throat so I wouldn’t bite and covered my mouth as I screamed a shrill pitch. Voices laughed and cheered him on. Fuck that stupid hoe. Tear his shit up. He ain’t goin no where, I dropped some G in his beer – give this bitch his first dirty nut. Tears filled my eyes as Mike looked down at me, still covering my mouth as he stood chuckling like a parent often does at a child. G? Wasn't that the daterape drug? I wasn't sure. I wasn't even sure if I was feeling the effects of it or not. I was still in angst waiting, thinking the bump was going to make me hallucinate or something. My asshole was still on fire, feeling Mac’s thick dick plunge back and forth inside of me, yanking my asshole and guts back and forth. The pain and pressure pressed upward into my stomach and finally began to dull after a few moments. The two recording it on their camera phone came in close as Mac began to grunt and curse me and call me a nasty pig bitch. “You’re hole is gonna be ruined when I’m done with you bitch. This shit’s gonna be all nasty and open and full of poz nut. Everyone’s gonna know you’re a whore.” Someone laughed and someone grunted. My eyes went wide with fear as Mac sped up with his thrust and Mike tightened his grip. “Give it to him! Knock that pussy up.” Mac growled and planted his dick as deep inside of me as he could and I could feel his nutt spurting up inside of my ripped open guts. I was high now, and tired, thankful that the painful thrusts were over for the moment, but I trembled as I lay pinned back on the couch. Was he really HIV Positive? Mac laughed. “You’re a pig now, bitch. For life.” I tried to growl something from underneath Mike’s hand, but it came out muffled. Then he removed it. “What’s wrong?” “I told you to wait… You didn’t tell me you were poz.” “You didn’t ask. You said you wanted to be pigraped. Shut the fuck up, bleed, and take some nut. You wanted to be a stupid faggot for niggas you didn’t know.” Someone else moved in Mac’s place and began rubbing his dick over my aching hole, smearing the blood and the cum all over the head of his dick. “Stop. Please. For real,” I tried to say but they pinned me back again and laughed. “Breed this bitch so I can wreck this bitch and fist all that dirty nut in him till he rosebuds.” A rag doused in Maximum impact was put over my mouth and mymind went numb as the next guy plowed my hole. By the time I came to, they were already switching up. I’d been bred again. Mike laughed and flopped his humungous dick over my crotch. “You gonna need another bump for this dick bitch. But you gonna take it.” I squirmed. His dick had to be at least 12 inches long and THICK as a beer can. I didn’t want my hole to be ruined by him roughly plowing me like a dirty whore. Secretly, I think I hoped he’d come to my rescue and sweep me off to the bedroom, but he wouldn’t. Instead he quickly forced another bump up my ass and used his two fingers to rub it into my swollen bleeding tissues. Then someone gave put the poppers under my nose and I hit it for what seemed like forever. Finally, as Mike stroked his dick back to length at my hole, they pulled the bottle away and let my head zoom as he pushed forth inside of me. “Oh!” I howled. “Yeah bitch. Let Daddy wreck that pussy. You gon keep giving this shit up.” “He wasn’t as rough as Mac was. Instead he moved forward slowly, buring himself as deep as he could inside of me, making me take all of it into my second hold before pulling out and thrusting back in. I moaned and groaned and finally he readjusted himself and began slamming my hole with that dick. I screamed out and cried. “Wait! Stop!” “Shut the fuck up pig. Hold him in place.” I was helpless as they continued to rape me. My mind was flying with the drugs and I was suddenly fading in and out. The beer. They must have put something in the beer. But I knew that, didn't I? Thinking about it, I spaced out. When I came to, I was in the bedroom on my back, having my face pissed on while Mike continued to terrorize my insides with his giant dick. “Nasty bitch. Take this nutt.” Mike grunted as he shoved himself deep and quaked as his dick released another heavy nutt inside of me. “That’s like 15 nuts now Mac,” someone laughed. Mike quickly removed himself to take another hit of the pipe and get a drink and Mac sat on the bed between my legs and began to smear Crisco all over my hole as he puffed smoke out from a lit cigar. His face looked like a growling bears as his brows bent and the clouds gathered around his barely shaven, bearish face. “No,” I said. I’d didn't wanted to be fisted. The thought disgusted me. I didn’t want to be so loose and open that no one would be satisfied with me, or want to do anything other than fuck me like a hoe. And I definitely didn’t want to end up with a rosebud or with my insides poking out like most fisting bottoms. But more poppers were brought to me and hands gripped me down. Mac laughed and flicked his car carelessly, leaving ass falling onto my greasy hole. “No means yes when a pig is getting raped,” he said. “I’m gonna make sure you’re hole is ruined bitch.” Four fingers went in with ease. I moaned out and he spit on me. “Shut the fuck up. You ain’t goin no where. You better lie there and take it so I don’t have to punch this shit open and send you to a hospital.” I wanted to cry, but instead I relaxed as he slipped his fifth digit in and bean to slowly work my hole. More poppers were given to me as I moaned loudly, and then finally, hands gripped me tightly and I could feel himself forcing his way in. I screamed out. Someone covered my mouth and cheered him on. “It’s almost in. Almost in… Almost.” POP! I felt my hold close up around his wrist, burning, aching, like my torso was being split in half. I huffed on my own breaths and choked as I cried. They laughed. “Work that shit open. Fuck this nasty bitch. Wreck that hole.” I could feel his hand turning inside of me, pressing back and forth against my insides, looking for the next opening, and then he pulled back and I grunted and growled in pain and anguish. “Yeah bitch! Open that pussy up. Push that shit out.” I pushed out and his hand started to move back out of me. Before it came out he pushed it back in though. I thought it was going to kill me. “Mmm…somebody get another bump. And give him the pipe, he’s gonna need a hit,” Mac ordered, slowly pushing his hand in and out of my sphincter, stretching it out. “Oh my god,” I managed to cry from beneath the hand over my mouth. Mac laughed as he pulled his hand out and another bump when in me. Someone put a glass pipe to my lips and told me to inhale. I did, and then I laid back feeling my dick get hard for some shaming reason. “Look at his dick gettin’ hard. You nasty, dirty ass faggot. You deserve every disease you get and every dude that rapes you,” Mac said, slapping me and then spitting on me. His hand went back to my hole and shoved up inside of me roughly. I screeched. He laughed. They held me down and started to shove poppers at my nose and dick down my throat again while Mac continued fisting my hole out. Mike came back in and sat at the head of the bed where I was being fed more dirty, sweaty dick. “Yeah, Mikey think’s he likes it. When Big Mac gets done, that hole is gonna be OPEN! You're gonna have a big ass, sick rosebud, bitch. Ain’t nobody gonna want you so you might as well keep giving it to us. We gonna pimp you party bitch. And when Mac's finished, I’m getting both my big ass hands in that lil pussy and then we got more dick on the way. Oh yeah, we got at least 5 other guys on the way now and like 30 more to call.” They laughed as I went limp and felt my holes opening wide. I have no idea how many guys raped my raw ass. I want to say 22, but I was too fucked up to be sure. When they finished I found myself gathering my senses as quickly as possible, ready to go home and hide. The mattress in the bedroom was a greasy mess of cum, crisco, lube, piss, a rather large blood stain, and even shit. I had shit on my face too, but couldn't remember everything. I was almost half asleep on the ride home in the truck with Mac, and after hiding in my room and avoiding anymore contact with with him for over a week, I got an email. It was short. "I told you a lot of bitches regret asking to be pigraped. Call me when you can't nobody else to fuck that nasty pussy now. If you test Poz, that hole belongs to me bitch. If you test Poz for HIV and Hep, it's my man Mike's, but we'll all still dump in that hole anytime..."
    1 point
  20. I came home from the bar a little bit drunk and was cruising the Master and Slave sex site, When I got a message from a guy that said he was a white Master looking for a slave, Are you alone I said Yes .... We talked and I send some nude pics He said He was looking for a slave, He said his cam was broken, And would send me some pics tomorrow. The next day when I got up I checked my emails , There was one from my Master from last night, There was a pic of a good looking Black Guy in leather with a nice Black Dick, He said that he wanted to find out if I could follow orders, He said to reply if I understood, He answered back, that I was a good slave And to expect a email from Black Master tomorrow, The next day was Friday there was a email from Black Master, It read You followed my orders so far, Now let see if you can do it again, I got you a hotel room for the weekend He gave me a address and said to show up a 4:00pm Go to the front desk to check in, Tell the clerk Your name is Mr Black , The room is already payed for, There well be further details once I got in the room, It was called the Executive Hotel, When I showed up at 4 went to the front desk and said I'm Mr Black, I have a reservation for a room, The Black clerk said You'll be staying in the Jungle Room, Your in room #69 He handed me the key and said , The Jungle Room is located in the back of the hotel, If you need any thing just push 9 on the phone and ask for Tyrone ! I went to the back of the hotel and found my room, And entered the room, It was a nice room with a king bed, It had mirrors on the wall and ceiling, With a jacuzzi in one corner of the room, A large flat screen TV and a Computer in the room, I turned the computer on But could not get on line, So I called Tyrone and said I'm trying to get on line, Tyrone said they were having problems with the wifi and he would be right down to fix it, There was a knock on the door and it was Tyrone He put a code in the computer and I was online. There was a instant message that came up; From Master It said; I see you found the hotel and you all ready met Tyrone, Tyrone knows what to do ! Follow His Orders ! Tyrone Said Type Yes Master , As I did I was wondering what I had got myself into, Tyrone started to fill the Jacuzzi, He turned the lights down, Tyrone said to Strip and take off all my clothes ! Tyrone watched me as I took off my clothes, He said Hand me your clothes, and he put them in the safe and locked it, As Tyrone turned around I noticed a bulge in his pants, Tyrone unzip his pants, And pulled His Uncut Big Black Cock out, And moved over to where I was at, And said Get on your knees , Suck It Slave, I started to suck His Black Dick As I pulled His skin back and saw that he had Smegma a cheesy secretion that was under the foreskin, I found the smell to be arousing, I was sucking His BBC up and down his shift, I was just starting to get in to it, When He pulled His Black Dick out of mouth, And said that's enough for Now, Tyrone said that Master had posted a ad on a dating site for me! He put a bottle of lube on the desk, And a bottle of fresh Poppers, And closed the door, The thought of me on a sex site excited me, I gabbed the lube and put some on my dick and just starting to jerk off, When there was a knock at the door, I opened it and there was a Black Guy standing there, He entered the room and checked out my body, He took off His clothes and told me to give Him head, I sucked Him hard He was about 7' He moved over to the bed and had me lean over the bed and He entered my ass and fucked me fast after 20 min He came, He quickly put his clothes on and left.. After about 30 min, There was another knock at the door, I opened the door and there was a Tall Black Guy He entered the room and immediately took off His clothes and set on the bed, And told me I was bad for not being Dressed the way He wanted, He pulled me over His knees and proceeded to Spanking my ass, Till it was red, Then He Told me to stand in the corner, He picked up the phone and hit 9 And proceeded to tell Tyrone what He needed, In a few Tyrone was at the door, With a bag full of stuff, Tyrone said to guy, Well that be all ? The Black Guy said No ! Get this Slut dressed as I requested, Tyrone took me into the bath room where He opened the bag and said try this on, He had me put on a Bra, He taped my man hood all way down, So I looked like I had a Pussy, Lace Panties, Lace baby doll Lingerie, Sheer Stocking, and a Wag He than put some make up on me and some lip stick, And I was a She Male, Tyrone grabbed my hand and took me out of the bathroom, Yes That what I Ordered ! Tyrone said well that be all ? The Black Guy said Yes, The Black Guy had me lay on the bed he kissed me long and deep, Than He Had me suck His Black Dick It was about 8' He was making love to me, He pushed my legs up, Over His shoulders and aligned His Black Dick to enter my pussy ass, He slid right in MMMM That's good,, Its been awhile sense had some ass, My girls all ways on the rag and won't let me Fuck her in the ass, He kissed me some more, I moaned with pleasure, As His Black Dick pounded into to my Hole, After a while he pushed into me deep and held still, I could feel His Black Dick pulsating in my ass, He was cumming in me, The Black Guy rolled off of me, I'm going to hop in the jacuzzi and get cleaned up, I watched His Black Body as He got in the jacuzzi, He said come here Bitch get me some soap, I got the soap and returned to the jacuzzi, He told me to rub it on Him, I soaped Him up, And reached down to soap His Black Cock, Get a towel Bitch and dried your Man off, As I dried Him off His Black Dick started to grow again, He order me down to my knees and pushed His Black Dick into my mouth, After a few Mins He pulled out and jacked His Black Dick till He was Cumming all over my face, He got dressed and said Your going to be my regular bitch Now ! As soon as He left, I started to remove the female gear, I felt dirty, And I got in the jacuzzi and washed off , As I looked into the mirror at my self nude and dirty , When the door opened It was Tyrone again, Tyrone went over to the dresser and opened a drawer He pulled out some leather gear, A leather hardness, some restraints, A collar, And a Cock Cage, Tyrone Dressed me in the Leather gear, And put the Cock Cage on my Dick and locked it in place, He put the leather Collar around my neck, He put the key around His neck, And said He would be the key keeper from now on , How that feel ? He than took off His All His clothes, Revealing a very sculpture body, He locked my hands together, And tied them to the top of the bed, He that put some Tit Enlargers on my Tits, He said The sucking on my nipples would make them bigger! He kissed me, Than He put a Mouth Gag on me, It was make to keep my mouth open, He said it was to keep my teeth covered, Look in the mirror, See how you look, with the Mouth Gag in place, Then He put His Black Cock thru the hole and started to fuck my Mouth and down my throat, I could do nothing but except his Massive Black Cock.. His Smegma the cheese started to come off in my mouth, You like that cheese going to put you on a steady diet of Smegma every day , He Fucked my Mouth for a while, He rolled me over, He spread my legs apart, And positioned Him self to enter my hole, His Black Dick slid inch by inch till He had all 12' of Black Dick in my hole, He fucked like a rabbit fast in and out, Finely He was getting close He pulled my ass cheeks apart And put His full weight into his thrust and His BBC was buried deep, He grabbed me by the neck, And said I'm going to Cum OOOO YYYEES He held His place and I could feel His Black Dick jerking and throbbing in my hole, Giving you the Gift, Than I felt Him Coming squirting His Black Baby in me, Can you feel my Black Poz Seed in you ? That What You Want, Them Boi are Swimming there way up your intestinal track, ? I Own You Now ! He than gave me a shot, Of something I went out , I woke up to Tyrone slapping my face, I asked him what happened ? You fell a sleep, You'll been a sleep for a day now, While you were passed out, I called a Black buddy over, And did some bartering He put two tattoo on your ass, And in return He gets your ass two times, You well met Him this week, I went to the mirror and looked There was a tattoo on my ass It was a bar code :Black Owned: and on my right arm :For Black Use Only : He got up and jumped in the jacuzzi, He had the remote, in his hand He said hows it feel to be a prostitute ? I looked at Him.. Yes your body was sold Fri night, Two paying tricks and the second nigger Wants you as a regular every week end, A few clicks of the mouse and up came a prostitute web page, Tyrone hit another link, And there was my prostitute ad, The ad specified that I was for Black Use only, For Black Man wanting the interracial experience, It said Anything goes, Ask for the Bare Back special, There was pic of my face, And some nude pics of my body and ass and dick In a Cock Cage, I started to protest, And Tyrone Slapped my face, I told you that , I Own You Now , You life as it was Has passed , You were bore again on Fri , Now Your Black Owned ! You Are My Property Now ... I'm Your Black Master, Do you understand ? I reply Yes Sir
    1 point
  21. My cock's raring to go still despite the 6 arses barebacked earlier. My arse is just rawing to go!
    1 point
  22. I think I first learned of this trick from watching The Joan Rivers Show after school.
    1 point
  23. Been a huge fan of your stories for months, hopefully find myself in one of those situations in real life soon and finally get pozzed
    1 point
  24. Trimix.... hhhmmmm, I might try the gel even though I'm a bottom, lol
    1 point
  25. Mine are hot wired to my cock. Nipple play produces a hard on faster than you can say Jack Robinson. If the top knows what he's doing he can make me cum by playing with the nipples and never touching the dick.
    1 point
  26. like Ur style, focus + wish list.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. That took longer than I thought...another long chapter... ________________________________ Chapter 24) The alarm clock going off was like being awakened by the burglar alarm back at school. Mike and I both jolted awake and collided with one another in a heap of tangled limbs before I managed to hit the off button. “That thing is so loud,” Mike said groggily as he pulled me back against him and under the covers. “7:00 AM? Aren’t we on vacation? Can’t we sleep in?” We’d spent the night alternating fucking and sleeping. Of the eight or so hours we’d been in bed I estimated we managed six or six-and-a-half hours of actual sleep. I could feel the warmth of his bare skin against mine, and was tempted to say “yes” and burrow under the covers with him for the rest of the morning. But…. “Yeah, but I’d like to have breakfast with Mom and Dad. What’s the matter farm boy, have I already corrupted you with my wicked city ways?” I said, rumpling his hair. Mike laughed. “I didn’t spend all night fucking when I was living on my parent’s farm. God, you were fantastic,” he said, and trailed kisses down my neck to my shoulder, “sweet and hot and wild.” “So were you,” I said, pressing closer and planting a kiss on his lips. “It sure took the edge off. When you finally let me rest I slept like a rock.” “Oh, so I kept you awake? And it looks like part of you is still a rock,” I said, stroking his impressive morning wood. “What do you expect when I’m in bed with a hot guy? And you’ve got your own rock going there.” “I think we should take advantage of it,” I answered and threw back the covers so I could lick his rigid cock, tracing the front with the tip of my tongue. “Ooooh,” Mike moaned, shuddering, his hand going to the back of my head. “Damn, that feels incredible…but what about breakfast?” “This shouldn’t take long,” I said teasingly. I reached over to the open the jar of Vaseline, took a small glob and spread a thin coat on his dick. Then I spread some on my ass – not that I needed much with multiple loads still inside me –and straddled Mike’s lap. I positioned his dick head and began to lower myself onto his now pulsing rod. His hands went to my waist, then cupped my ass cheeks to spread them open and support me. “Darr…honey, that’s…wow…” he trailed off as I pushed down on his cock until I had engulfed his dick completely. Then I rose a little and sat back down, a little faster, and repeated that move, tension building…Mike’s jaw had dropped and his eyes were glazed. I heard him groan softly, and we were panting in unison. Mike reached up and played with my nipples briefly; then he spit on his left hand and wrapped it around my dick so that as I rose and fell, I was “fucking” his hand. The pleasurable pressure started to accumulate rapidly. My right hand was still a little greasy from the Vaseline, so I reached behind me and let my fingers glide over Mike’s already tight ball sack in rhythm with my movements. He began to thrust upwards into my ass, unable to stop himself. His huge cock was pressed against my prostate, and every movement either of us made brought release closer…and closer…until… “Uuuh, shit, I’m cumming…” I groaned as sensation blazed through me, racing along my nerves like fire as I shot my load on Mike’s chest. Mike’s thrusts got harder and faster immediately, his huge dick plundering my willing asshole. “Darren,” he said with a muted cry as his body jackknifed and his arms went around me, crushing me against him. He moaned into my chest as he emptied another charged load – his fifth since we’d gone to bed – inside of me. I sagged forward and we kissed, languidly, sated for now. My bed (and probably my room) smelled of sex and sweat; I could feel his heartbeat hammering at first, then gradually slowing. “I can feel your heartbeat,” he said, stroking my back. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about yours.” “And now I’m hungry.” I smiled. “What a surprise.” After quickly cleaning up, we pulled on the sleepwear we’d discarded during the night and went to the kitchen. My parents weren’t there yet, but coffee was brewing which meant one of them, probably Mom, had started it. Mike had the large jar of protein powder he’d brought with him, so I got him the blender and everything he needed to mix his morning smoothie. Then I got breakfast for my parents and me on the table, and made fresh-squeezed orange juice for everybody. Coffee brewed and toast toasted against the background of the buzz of the juicer and the blender; appetizing aromas filled the kitchen. Maxi trotted in, drawn by the noise and smell of food and looked up at me pleadingly. “You’re expecting maybe a seven-course breakfast?” I said as I gave him his morning serving of kibble, which he happily devoured. I was deeply contented – taking six charged loads in the past 24 hours probably had something to do with it. But it went deeper, and in more ways than one. Being here in New York – at home – with my boyfriend, was domestic and ordinary and everything I’d ever dreamed of: a night of hot sex followed by a morning quickie, then making breakfast together. I’d almost given up on ever having a real boyfriend, but here I was and I could hardly believe it. Everything was perfect – and I couldn’t stop smiling. My mother strode in, dressed for work in a dark pantsuit with a cream cashmere turtleneck. “Good morning you two, what a lovely surprise,” she said, kissing me on the cheek, and squeezing Mike’s arm. “I was sure you’d sleep in today.” “Someone has to make sure you eat before you leave for work,” I said, mock-chiding while wagging my right index finger. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Mom just smiled. “Thanks. Sorry we fell asleep before the movie ended, and thanks for covering us up last night. You do know there’s no alarm clock in the library?” I gasped, horrified. I hadn’t thought of that. “Oh, no. Are you late? Is Daddy late?” I said, reverting to childhood in the stress of the moment. “No, no, it’s fine. Your father and I are at the age where we have to get up at least once a night, so we moved to the bedroom during the night and the alarm got us up.” I sagged, relieved. “Did you sleep okay?” “Best night’s sleep we’ve had in weeks.” “It sure was,” my dad said as he joined us, sporting another of his suits, auguring another day spent with clients. “It’ll make schlepping to that dopey dinner easier.” My mother inhaled deeply as if she were going to say something, then seemed to decide that ignoring it was the best policy. “Good morning again, darling,” she said. “Oh, yeah, good morning guys,” dad said as an afterthought, and then turned his attention to checking emails and the morning headlines on his phone. “So what are your plans today?” mom asked as we sat down to eat. “I thought we’d hit midtown, go to Rockefeller Center and look at the holiday windows in the stores, maybe go to the Empire State Observatory or Top of the Rock and MOMA. Does that sound good?” I asked Mike. “The closer we get to Christmas, the worse the mobs will be.” “Sounds fine, whatever you want to show me,” Mike said amiably. “It’s going to be very chilly out today – use the coat again, Mike” my mom said. “Could you make sure to take Maxi for a walk before you go?” At the sound of his name coupled with one of his favorite words, “walk,” Maxi’s ears perked up. “Sure. Anything else?” “Well, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble could you pick up a bag of pita chips for tonight? I ordered a Mediterranean platter, but they never send enough pita. Oh, and are you planning on going out with Emmy for dinner or staying here?” “I thought we’d stay here,” I said, aware that it would be less awkward if we ate here than if we went out after Mike’s discomfort over the prices at dinner last night. “Is that okay with you?” I asked Mike, and received a confirmatory nod. “There’s plenty of food,” my mom assured me as she started to clear the table. “Mom, we can take care of the dishes, just go. Or have another cup of coffee if you want,” I said, my contentment translating into generosity. Dad looked up from his phone. “Hmm, someone is in a very good mood,” he teased. “Yep, I’m in such a good mood that not even you can ruin it,” I teased back. “Or are you trying to get rid of us?” he continued. I shrugged noncommittally. But it had crossed my mind that it would be fun to have Mike fuck me again after he’d done his morning workout and would be all sweaty and delicious. Maybe on the chaise or the sofa or just the middle of the floor? The thought made my dick start to get hard, fortunately my sleep pants were baggy. And then I realized that Maxi would likely want to, er, play…nope, we’d keep it in my bedroom. Mom summoned a car with the app on her phone, and she and Dad left. Finally. “Want to see the exercise room?” I asked Mike. He said as he stretched, “I was thinking of going back to bed for a few hours.” I caught myself staring at him. I was still amazed by his body every time I looked at him. I tore my eyes away from his shoulders and biceps to check the time– it was only 8:15 AM, and more sleep sounded very good. Then Maxi whined. “I have to take Maxi for his morning walk or he’ll pop,” I said. “Why don’t you go back to bed, I’ll take Maxi out and then join you.” Mike acquiesced – he was a remarkably agreeable travel companion – and I pulled on jeans, boots and a coat and took Maxi out for a walk. It ended up being short because it was cold out and Maxi hates the cold. He relieved himself on the nearest tree and then was jumping on me, his signal for “time to go home.” Javier greeted us when we came in and had a treat ready for Maxi. When we got back to the apartment, all was quiet. I made sure the dog had fresh water, and then went to my room. The door was closed; I opened it carefully, not wanting to disturb Mike, but the bed was empty. And it was covered with the black silk sheet. I stepped in my room, heard the door close, felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me and a soft kiss was planted on the right side of my neck. I pressed back against Mike, rubbing my butt against his erect cock. “Who are you, and what did you do with my tired boyfriend?” I teased. He didn’t answer, just kept kissing my neck. “I thought you were going to get some more sleep,” I said on a gasp as he continued to kiss his way up my neck to my ear. “I said I wanted to go to bed not go to sleep. At least not right away,” Mike answered as he reached around and unfastened my jeans. “Damn, you haven’t had enough…” I began but my moan cut me off as he teased my now-exposed ass with his hard dick and reached around and covered my cock with his big, warm hand. After a minute of pleasurable massage, back and front, he said “You were saying?” “Never mind,” I said back breathlessly as I threw off my t-shirt and attempted to push off my boots and jeans. “Let me help you with that,” Mike said, and lifted me and carried me to the bed. He set me down, pulled off my boots, and then stripped off my briefs and jeans simultaneously. “But what about the Empire State?” I asked completely deadpan. “I’ve got something just as big right here,” Mike answered as he pushed me back and knelt over my face, bringing his hard cock to my lips. I opened my mouth and took the head of his thick, hard cock in my mouth, then pulled his hips towards me, communicating that I wanted him to fuck my mouth. As he stroked in and out between my lips, I ran my tongue against his shaft, wringing a gasp from him. “That’s it, suck that big dick,” he growled. Apparently after the morning’s quickie he was in a dominating mood – not that I was complaining at all. Mike pulled his cock out of my mouth, now shining with a coat of saliva. “Lick my nuts,” he ordered. I obeyed, but added my lips so that the softest, slickest part just inside my mouth prolonged each lick. I heard him exhale sharply. “Shit,” he breathed. “Don’t stop,” he said hoarsely, and moved his hips forward, pressing his perineum (aka the “taint”) against my mouth and tongue, then moved back and forth a few times, groaning with pleasure before he brought his asshole over my lips. “Lick me right there,” he demanded…or maybe begged? Either way, I started to run my tongue across the sensitive flesh, then added my lips. Mike’s hand was around the back of my head, pulling me in towards him. “Yeah, eat my ass, get me hot for you. Gonna fuck that hot little butt…” he trailed off into a moan as I pushed the tip of my tongue inside his rectum. He moved back, his balls brushing against my face, his hard, then his drooling cock. He covered my mouth with his, then went on kissing my chin, my neck, stopping to lick and suck my nipples, continuing down until he got to my erect dick, which he took in his mouth, bobbing his head up and down. I arched my back and then like an automatic reflex, my legs were rising and spreading, Mike took them over his shoulders, took a quick minute to smear himself with a little Vaseline and started to enter my butt. His cock was rock-hard and leaking pre-cum that helped him push it inside of me, slowly and steadily filling me, taking possession of my body like the invasion of a liberating army. He leaned forward, pressing my thighs against my chest, pinning my arms over my head, folding us together in a pod of sensual delight. My mouth found his, and he began to thrust in and out, massaging my prostate. “Fuck me,” I gasped, breaking off the kiss and pushing my ass towards him as he pushed in and pulling back as he pulled out…and again…again…again… “Honey, I am. Can’t you feel it?” he teased. I stopped moving and gave him my best disgruntled look. “This is no time for dumb jokes!” I exclaimed. “Give it to me,” I said, trying for sensual and seductive but probably sounding more desperate than anything else. “Like this?” he said as he thrust harder, pressing against my prostate. “Yeah, please, yeah,” I whimpered, embarrassingly enough. “More, harder,” I gasped. “Anything you want, sweetheart,” he answered and then began to really pummel my ass. “Fuck, Darr, you have the most amazing hole,” he panted against my ear. “Perfect for filling with my charged load – and here it...aaah,” he groaned as he slammed against me. I could feel his cock twitching as he unleashed his cum inside me, the rhythmic contractions against my prostate bringing me off at the same time. We kissed hungrily as the pleasure peaked and then ebbed, leaving us sweaty and relaxed. Mike pulled out carefully, then pulled my duvet over us and took me in his arms, pressing a kiss on the top of my head. “I’m ready for more sleep after that workout,” he said with a post-coital yawn. I reached over, grabbed my phone from the nightstand and set an alarm to give us a couple hours to nap. “I don’t think we can make the Empire State today,” I said sleepily. “It’s not going anywhere, right?” Mike murmured back. I laughed a little. “Guess not,” and let myself fall asleep. ————————— Late that afternoon, we returned to the apartment having spent time sightseeing in midtown. It occurred to me that not getting to the Empire State or Top of the Rock was not a problem. In fact, it was probably better that we hadn’t gone anyplace with an admission fee, given how touchy Mike seemed on the subject of money. We started by checking out the elaborate Macy’s holiday window displays, and even got to see a laser-light show on the façade of the building to the tune of “Carol of the Bells.” Then Rockefeller Center for the immense Christmas tree, which I informed Mike was really mine but I was happy to share it with others, including him. As a small child my nanny had told me that to appease my desire for a tree in our home, something neither of my parents would consent to. We weren’t incredibly religious, but along with no pork that was one of the hard lines that they insisted on. A fellow sightseer agreed to snap a picture of us on my phone with the tree and the display of towering toy soldiers arrayed around it as a backdrop. Then we’d walked over to Grand Central Station and milled around with the tourists, gawking at the ceilings in the Main Concourse with their representation of the major constellations and browsing at the annual Holiday Fair. Mike insisted on buying me lunch, so I said we had to get real New York pizza, even though it meant he’d never enjoy the mediocre stuff we got at school as much. Before we headed back home, I took him on a short walk up Park Avenue to admire the glass skyscrapers that lined the boulevard and the evergreen trees festooned with twinkling lights that were situated on the traffic islands. We made a quick stop at Zabar’s for the pita chips my mom wanted and I picked up an apple cake for dessert that night. Maxi greeted us as if we’d been gone for months rather than days, barking excitedly, and demanding that we pay attention to him immediately. Once he was appeased, we went to the kitchen so I could put away the cake and leave the chips out for my mother, with Maxi sticking close to us in the event we ate something that he could beg for. My mom was in the kitchen, putting dishes in the dishwasher. Her hair was up in an elegant chignon in preparation for the evening out, which looked somewhat incongruous with the apron she wore over her sweater and pants. “Hi, did you two have a nice day?” she asked. I had to quell the urge to giggle as I thought of how we’d spent most of the morning. “We, uh, decided to take a nap, and then went to midtown. We didn’t really have time for the Empire State, though.” “We’ll get there another day,” Mike added. “Why are you doing dishes now?” I asked. We’d run the breakfast dishes before we left, and none of us were home to have eaten lunch. My mother sighed and said “Your father had a terrible day at work.” “Uh-oh,” I said. “He barely got to take a break, only ate a half a sandwich and some chips for lunch, so I made him Welsh rarebit, he drank some herbal tea and now he’s taking a nap. What would you like for dinner?” “Mom, don’t worry about it, shouldn’t you be resting or getting ready?” I said, glancing at the clock, which read 4:30 PM. “What time is everyone getting here?” “In an hour,” she said, “but…” “Mother,” I said as sternly as possible, “I know how to use the microwave, I’ll take care of it. And we’ll set up everything for cocktails, too. Go lie down with Dad, or in the library if you want. You’ve had a long day too.” “You’re right,” she conceded. “Thanks. There’s salad in the crisper and turkey meatloaf and pureed parsnips in the freezer, along with broccoli or…” “Mom – bed!” I snapped. “Fine, fine,” she said as she left to take a few minutes for herself. “You’re such a good son, sweetheart,” Mike said. “I know,” I answered in a honeyed voice that made Mike laugh. ————————— I was just finishing putting out the Mediterranean platter and extra chips on the dining room table when the doorbell rang and Maxi started barking. I always wondered if he thought that we were deaf or clueless and so he had to alert us that someone was at the door. “Mike, can you get it?” I asked. It was time to get the white wine out of the refrigerator; the wine glasses were already in place. I heard Uncle Jeffy greet Mike, and introduce him to Aunt Dita and Em. As I put down the bottles of wine down along with a corkscrew, I heard Aunt Dita calling “Darren!” “Aunt Dita,” I said back and moved towards her for a hug. She was dressed in emerald green lace that clung to her generous curves. With gold jewelry and clutch purse and gold sandals flashing from under the hem of her gown, she looked very festive in keeping with the holiday season. Her crowning glory, a blazing mane of red hair was swept over her right shoulder, held in place with combs that gleamed with what I assumed were faux-emeralds. Christina Hendricks, move over. “You look wonderful,” she said as she held me away from her and studied me. “I’ve been so worried about you, though your parents and Jeff said you were doing beautifully.” Aunt Dita was like a second mother to me. She and my mom along with Dad and Uncle Jeffy had formed a four-person “village” that had raised Em and me, albeit with the assistance of full-time nannies. Uncle Jeffy greeted me with a bro-hug, looking very distinguished in his tuxedo. And right behind him was Em, my very best friend, next to Mike now, of course. She was something of a carbon copy of her mother: the same voluptuous figure and red hair, though she had her father’s patrician nose and jawline and his height, too. Em had always towered over me and most of the boys in our class. She was in a purple sweater and jeans with Uggs, perfect travel-wear. “Milky!” she exclaimed spreading her arms wide. “Goldie!” I answered back, mirroring the gesture. “You stupid bimbo!” we said in unison as we hugged one another. “How the hell are you?” Mike observed us with bemusement as my mother joined us saying, “Must you greet each other like that?” “Aw Ma,” I said as Em and I disengaged. “We’re just joking.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head, then turned to Aunt Dita. “Mimi,” Aunt Dita said, sounding awed. “Where on earth did you get that dress?” she asked as she walked around my mom, checking out the slim black beaded cocktail dress she wore. It glittered with every move and served as the perfect backdrop to her favorite jewelry – the pearls my dad had given her as a “push” gift when I was born – along with a pair of black patent leather pumps. “Vintage,” my mom said, clearly pleased by the praise. “Ken will be here in a minute,” she said. “He had a rough day.” Uncle Jeffy sighed deeply. “He makes things harder than they need to be,” he told us. “I had to force him to leave early, he was driving the rest of the team insane. The associates and paralegals were better off finishing and filing the documents without him breathing down their necks.” “I heard that,” my dad called out as he joined us having finished putting on his tuxedo. “You were meant to,” Uncle Jeffy said back, not displaying an iota of embarrassment. “Have some wine Dad,” I said as I poured him some of his favorite merlot. Em and Mike were already sipping glasses of chilled chardonnay and nibbling on hummus and pita chips. “White or red?” I offered the others. As we drank and nibbled and Maxi begged for handouts, everyone relaxed, exchanging small talk about school, work, health, the news, the weather, and so on. I was glad to see that Mike and Em seemed to be getting on very well. “You’re considering law school I hear,” Aunt Dita said to Mike. “Oh, uh, yeah,” he answered, clearly surprised at how quickly that fact had spread. After all, it was only yesterday that he’d mentioned the idea to my dad. “Watching your husband has been really inspiring,” Mike said earnestly. Game, set and match to Michael Prescott, I thought to myself as Aunt Dita gave him a dazzling smile. “Well Jeff and Ken will be more than happy to help you in any way you need. For that matter, so will I and so will Mimi. And much as I hate to leave such charming company, we have to go – the limo should be waiting downstairs by now.” “Wait,” Em said, pulling out her phone. “You look so cute, we have to get pictures of you and send them to the family,” she said archly as she snapped a few photos of our parents in their formal wear. I picked up on my cue. “Yes, you look so nice when you’re dressed up,” I gushed. “It’s a pity you don’t do it more often.” “That’s enough from both of you,” said my mother. “You’ve gotten your revenge.” Our mothers had fussed over us the same way when we were on our way to an expensive restaurant last summer to celebrate our graduation from high school. Em and I exchanged a high five. Coats were retrieved and goodbyes were exchanged. “We have to get together again while the kids are here,” Aunt Dita said as they exited. “We could all go to brunch or dinner or something?” she suggested as my mom nodded in agreement. “Now don’t stay out too late,” I lectured as they waited for the elevator, “and don’t drink too much wine, be careful how much coffee you have or you won’t be able to sleep and be sure to thank the hostess before you leave…” “I hope the elevator gets here before I commit murder,” my father interrupted. I closed the door, grinning from ear to ear. Em immediately started laughing hysterically, and Mike and I joined her. We went back to the dining room for more hors d’oeuvres and wine. “Okay, Milky, it’s time to spill the dirt,” Em said. “Oh, Goldie…” I started. “Sorry,” Mike interrupted, “but I have to ask – Milky I get: Darren, Dairy, Milky. But Goldie?” he said looking from me to Em. I started to giggle. “I came up with it after she started calling me Milky,” I said. “Darren M. Low-on-wits…” Em gritted out warningly. Now I could hardly get the words out because I was laughing so hard. “Her full name is Emmeline Amelia Ward. So that became Emmy Award, and the Emmys are gold statues…” I couldn’t finish as I dissolved laughing at my own joke. Mike grinned at me and shook his head. “You know it’s really too bad, Milky. You found a hunky, sweet guy, but I’m going to have to kill him because you told him my real name,” Em remarked casually. I just laughed harder. “He’s his own best audience,” Em said to Mike. “So I’ve noticed,” Mike agreed. “Now just a second,” I said, trying to stem my laughter. “Have some more wine, Milky,” Em said. “You’re obviously a little buzzed.” I finally calmed down. “So?” Em demanded. “What?” I said back. “Oh. Dirt. Well you’ve probably seen it on the news,” I grumbled. “I already knew you were a complete slut, Milky,” Em said, stroking my cheek. “Hey!” I said. “It’s not like I had that many guys while we were in high school.” “Yep, but it wasn’t for lack of trying,” Em teased. “Really?” Mike said. “Don’t listen to her,” I said. “Milky was attracted to a slew of jerks…” Em continued. “Not that much happened with any of them,” I said, starting to feel flustered. “That’s what made them jerks, honey,” Mike said, covering one of my hands with his. I paused and looked at him. “You always know the right thing to say,” I sighed. “Okay, now we’re talking,” Em said, her green eyes sparkling. “Honey?” “It’s just a…nickname,” I said. “Yeah, and what does he call you?” Em said to Mike. “Don’t…” I started. “Michaelicious,” Mike supplied. I gave him what I hoped was a withering look. “Vintage Milky,” Em crowed. “How did you meet?” “It was at orientation,” I said, and told her my edited version. “Wow,” Em said, sobered by the end of the story, how Mike had rescued me from the murderous clutches of the football coach. “How could he do that to my sweet Milky?” she asked plaintively. “He was an über-jerk,” Mike assured her. “God, I’m so glad you were there,” Em said, now serious as she took Mike’s hand. “This is my brother by another mother,” she added gesturing at me. Mike looked acutely uncomfortable. I sighed inwardly. He’d never quite gotten over his guilt about the whole thing no matter what I said. “Okay, sis, I’m ready for dinner.” I said to redirect the conversation. “You?” “Fine with me,” Em answered. “Sure,” Mike said, relieved to have the spotlight off of him. We moved to the kitchen, and I got out the salad; the table was already set. I followed that with my mom’s special turkey meatloaf. “Milky,” Em said, “your mom is the only person in the universe who actually makes delicious meatloaf.” “And it’s so good for you, too. She uses herbs, spices, wheat berries…” I said sounding like an announcer for a Cooking Network show. “Don’t ruin it by telling me it’s nutritious,” Em complained, covering her ears with her hands. Mike cleared the table while I got out dessert dishes. “Coffee? Tea?” I offered. Beverage selections made, we dug into apple cake. “Okay, your turn Goldie,” I said. “Dirt.” She sipped her tea, then said “Not much to tell.” “Yeah, right,” I said. “Really,” Em answered with a disgruntled sigh. “I’m surrounded by short, geeky, sexist nerds with the emotional intelligence of 12-year-olds. They mostly make really clumsy jokes or passes, and then won’t listen to me when we have to do projects.” “But Uncle Jeffy told me you loved MIT.” “That was then,” she said sourly. “I swear that if one more guy calls me “Red” or “Boomers” I’m going to end up in jail.” “What happened to letting them ogle ‘the girls’ while you quietly take over?” I said. That was how Aunt Dita had described her coping strategy in her work in academia. “Engineers are not psychologists, Milky. These are guys who decorate their dorm rooms with Transformers posters. I’m surprised they don’t use lunch boxes with Obi-Wan Kenobe on the front.” “Eew,” I said wrinkling my nose. “What are you going to do?” She sighed. “I’m looking into transferring,” she admitted. “Maybe Harvard or Columbia or NYU.” “But MIT was your dream school,” I said shocked at how discouraged she sounded. “Yeah, well, I wanted to be a ballerina when I was five. Things don’t always work out the way you think they will. At least if I were in New York I could still get decent pizza and there are all-night diners.” I smiled mischievously. “And of course Matt is doing pre-med at Columbia…” “Shut up, Milky,” Em said. “Matt?” Mike asked tentatively. “Her high school boyfriend. He was a on the basketball team so…” “I said to shut up, Milky.” “Uh-huh,” I said. Em took a deep breath. “All right, we’ve been texting all semester and he misses me and I miss him. Satisfied?” “Completely,” I said with a smug smile. “Let’s move into the living room, it’ll be more comfortable. More cake or tea or…?” I asked. We made the move, and Maxi followed us there, jumping up on the sofa and making himself comfortable on my lap. Mike sat next to me, Em took one of the armchairs. “So we’ve covered the romantic front,” Goldie said. “Are you playing any?” Uh-oh. Danger ahead. “Every chance we get,” I said in a breathy voice. “Milky,” Em said in a warning voice. “No.” I said. “And I don’t want to talk about it.” “What are you talking about?” Mike said. Oh, fuck. “You’re going to pay for this, Goldie. I played the piano until I went to college.” Em threw me a disbelieving look. “Milky, saying that you played piano is like saying that Nadal plays tennis or A-Rod was a Yankee. He’s a prodigy,” she informed Mike. “I hate that word,” I grumbled. “What word would you prefer?” Em said. “He’s amazing. Got into Juilliard prep when he was nine playing an audition that his teacher said would put a lot of the undergrad applicants to shame.” Mike looked surprised and as if something was now finally clear to him. “Honey?” he said. I exhaled sharply. “Fine. Yes I made it into Juilliard Prep, I won some competitions…” “‘Won some competitions?’” Em repeated. “You won everything you entered. He made his concerto debut with orchestra when he was 11.” “Yeah, with some regional pick-up group,” I said dismissively. “And I didn’t win the one thing I really wanted, Yale School of Music.” “Bullshit, Milky, you didn’t want Yale. You wanted Juilliard and you were accepted but your parents, really your dad, said no.” “Wait, wait,” Mike said. “You got into Juilliard and your parents said no and sent you to school in rural Pennsylvania?” “Yep, that sums it up,” I said, hugging Maxi as I remembered how painful it’d been. “So why aren’t you a music major?” Mike asked. “There. Just what I’d like to know,” Em said. I felt my face twist into a scowl. “Because there wasn’t time to audition.” “But your dad could have…called someone or something,” Mike said. “We had an…argument…about it,” I said, though calling that fight an argument was something like calling World War II a border dispute. “I knew it,” said Em. I stuck my tongue out at her. “An argument?” Mike prompted. I gave up. “No. More like an epic battle that lasted most of the summer,” I sighed, recalling the screaming fights we’d had as I petted Maxi’s head in hopes of lowering my blood pressure. “I told him there was no point in studying music if I wasn’t going to go to the best school I could.” “And…” Em said, gesturing. “He said fine. And that was it,” I said feeling my eyes sting a little. “I played my last concert in August and retired at the peak of my career,” I said sarcastically. “Sweetheart, this is why you sit in the window seat, listen to classical music and look like you want to cry.” I nodded, not willing to trust my voice not to crack. I took a deep breath and exhaled it, calming myself. “So does that answer your question, Goldie?” I said, trying for off-hand but getting closer to petulant. “The answer is no, I haven’t played at all. Next?” “Will you play something now?” Mike asked. A tug-of-war ensued in my chest. I’d dealt with the whole issue by not dealing with it. I was all wrapped up with the battle at the frat at the beginning of the semester, and I figured I’d find something else to do eventually. I avoided even looking at the beautiful rosewood piano my grandparents had given me for my Bar Mitzvah whenever I was home. “I haven’t even touched a piano in months. I’m not sure I remember how,” I said. “Bullshit again, Milky. You were a natural from the start.” “Whatever,” I said. “You want to see a video?” Em asked Mike. “Oh, no,” I said. “Not fair.” “Shut up Milky,” Em said as she pulled out her phone and opened YouTube. “I knew I should have taken those fucking things down,” I grumbled. “You didn’t post all of them,” Em answered with a satisfied smile. “Fine. I’m going to get the dishes started,” I said, putting Maxi to one side. “Anyone for more tea or cake or something?” I asked. “We’ll be fine,” Em said as she located the video of me playing the Mozart Concerto 18 in B flat with orchestra. “He did this a couple of years ago. The orchestra hired him to play on a regular concert. Doesn’t he look cute in his white tie and tails?” I heard the opening of the first movement, the quiet, quasi-martial motif, as if hearing a military band from a distance. And that was all I could take, it was too painful, I went to the kitchen with Maxi in tow and began cleaning up the dinner dishes, making as much noise as I could so I wouldn’t be able to hear anything more. I carefully cleaned the table, the sink and all the counters, then decided to pull out the espresso machine and make us all cappuccino, hoping that it would fill enough time that I wouldn’t have to listen to my past. As a last stalling tactic, I gave Maxi one of his treats, then washed my hands at the kitchen sink. When I ventured out of the kitchen bearing three cappuccinos and three slices of apple cake, the concerto was just finishing. I heard the applause erupt from the tinny speaker on Em’s phone, and was transported back to that moment, the rush I felt as everyone, including the orchestra, cheered and clapped. It was almost unbearable. “Okay, through rummaging through my closet for skeletons?” I said as I set down the tray on the coffee table. “No, Maxi, apple cake isn’t good for you,” I told the dog who was giving me his best I’m starving look. “Honey, that was amazing,” Mike said enthusiastically. “Thanks,” I mumbled. “Did you ever play with that orchestra before?” “What?” “It was the Southwestern Pennsylvania Philharmonic, right?” I stared at him, flummoxed. “How did you know that? I barely remember.” “We used to go to their concerts.” “Really?” Em said. “Yeah, we were homeschooled by a group of moms, and they were determined to emphasize ‘the classics.’ It was fun, really. At least it was a break from chores on the farm.” “Milky, this guy is perfect!” “Okay, but why do you ask if I played with them before?” I asked Mike. “I think I might have seen you with them.” “What?” “Yeah, I remember this little kid, really, coming out and bringing down the house.” “I made my concerto debut with them,” I said. “They have an annual competition and I won it when I was 11…” I trailed off. “You couldn’t have been there, that’s too weird.” “I’m pretty sure I was. You played a wild little modern piece as an encore…” “It was just Bartok,” I interjected. “Well whatever, our parents were outraged that you were playing what they called ‘modern trash.’” “Milky,” Em said slowly. “Your dream is coming true…he heard you and fell in love and now…” “Oh cut it out, Goldie.” “…you’re sherbet.” “Sherbet?” Mike said, completely confused. “That’s bashert” I snapped. “Whatever, you know what I mean,” Em said dismissively. “Huh?” Mike said. “Bashert is Yiddish for, uh, fated or meant to be,” I explained. “Or soulmate,” Em added. “I suppose that explains it,” Mike said. “Explains what?” I asked. “I got your autograph that night, I still have the program somewhere at my parent’s house.” I just stared at him. “I guess you don’t remember,” he said a little sadly. I gulped. “No, I do. You were the first person who ever asked for my autograph. That was you?” I vaguely remembered a tall, lanky dark-haired guy with a tendency to stoop, bad acne and a mouthful of braces. “Yeah,” Mike said, grinning at me. “Guess I changed a little since then.” “Sherbet,” Em said. “Okay, now you’re just yanking my chain, Goldie.” “What are best friends for?” she said with an impossibly sweet smile. I just rolled my eyes and bit my tongue. “Now will you play something?” Em asked. I sighed. “Oh-kay,” and went to the piano. I seated myself, adjusted the piano bench, raised my hands dramatically, and played a single note: middle C. “Very funny, Milky. You’re just hilarious.” “I know,” I answered. “Play a piece of music…” So I launched into a high-speed rendition of Chopsticks. “A real piece of music, Milky,” Em shouted over my banging. “A Bach prelude.” I immediately shifted into playing the first prelude of Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier, the easiest one of the bunch. “Real funny, Darr,” Mike said. “That’s Gounod.” My jaw dropped and I stopped. “How did you know…I mean, it’s Bach, but Gounod borrowed it for his Ave Maria.” “Emphasis on the classics,” quoted Em. “Play your favorite one.” I felt a small ball of dread in the pit of my stomach, but gave in and started the B flat minor Prelude, a slow, solemn processional with a steady beat and some really delicious harmonies. When I finished, the room was silent. Even Maxi was curled up next to the piano bench as he’d always done when I practiced. “Wow,” Mike said. “That was…I mean, you’re like…awesome.” “What’d I tell you?” Em said. I was unsure whether she was directing her comment to me or to Mike. “That’s one of things you’d sit and hum along with, wasn’t it?” “Yeah,” I said in little more than a whisper. Then I pulled myself together and said, “Okay, I’ve sung for my supper. Can I have my cappuccino now?” ————————— We finished the coffee and cake, then Em said she was tired and needed to get some sleep. I promised that we’d spend more time together during the break. “And be sure to invite Matt,” I added slyly. “Fine,” Em said matter-of-factly. “I will. It was great meeting you, Mike. It’s good to see Milky found a guy who appreciates him. But one thing: hurt him and I’ll break both of your kneecaps.” “Emmeline…” I said between gritted teeth. “No, that’s fine,” Mike said. “Same here.” I reflected on that somewhat ambiguous comment while Em put on her coat and prepared to walk to her parent’s place. “Should you be out alone after dark?” Mike asked. “Can we get you a cab or something?” Em smiled, and said “This one’s definitely a keeper, Milky. My parent’s place is around the corner, practically next door, don’t worry. Bye-bye Maxi,” she said and stooped to pet him. He hated it when anyone left. “So,” I said. “Now what?” thinking we’d take advantage of my parent’s absence to fuck some more. Still working on that sero-conversion… “Will you play some more for me?” Mike asked. “Really?” “Yeah. Please?” “Okay, if you really want,” I said as we made our way back to the living room. He took a seat on the armchair closest to the piano. “What do you want to hear?” I asked. “Whatever you want. But no chopsticks! Something…romantic?” Mike said. He’d just hit on one of my fantasies, playing sweet music for the guy I was dating. My high school boyfriends hadn’t ever wanted to go there. I chose my favorite Chopin Nocturne, the one in D flat major. My hands felt clumsy, simultaneously stiff and weak. It’d been a long time since I’d tried to play anything that required any kind of fluency, but I made my way through it with a few small stumbles. Mike beamed at me when it was over. “Thanks.” Then he turned serious. “Do you miss it honey?” Another of those moments when I couldn’t talk, so I just nodded. “Okay, we’re going to get that back for you,” Mike said. “But…” I began. “Sweetheart? Shut up.”
    1 point
  29. I appreciate the comments. Thanks! ---------------------- Part 23 - The Receiver Joe walked up to the ATM and got some cash out. Looking at the balance, he said to himself “I guess I am going to have to turn some tricks and make some money.” He walked into the apartment and picked up his laptop. He logged in to an escort site he used and made a few changes to his ad and reactivated it, but didn’t state his new HIV status. It pained him when he put “Safe or BB” in. He hadn’t used a condom in years, but he figured it would give him a bigger customer base. He opened a new browser window and logged into Craigslist and re-posted the ad he usually used titled “Looking for Generou$ tops or bottoms”, making similar changes. He smoked a bowl and started to study. Joe was alone in the apartment. Kyle was at the library doing research with his team for one of his classes and he hadn’t seen Steven all day. Late in the evening his phone buzzed. It was a response from his Craigslist ad. “Yo, dude. I hired u a few times b4. Horny n need some dick n ass. u free tonite? same $?” Attached was a pic and he remembered the guy well. He was a wide receiver on the football team. Terrence. He was a tall black guy with a lithe chocolate skinned body that he liked to show off. Every time Joe saw him he had another tattoo. He had that balance between muscled and flexible that made him perfect for his football position and also for fucking. And he was hung - eight and a half inches of thick uncut cock that Joe really enjoyed. The guy was bi, but no one knew, and had been in the newspaper about his issues with women. Joe knew he liked his sex rough and assumed that he crossed the line with many of his female partners. Joe, on the other hand liked it rough, especially if they were paying. But Terrence also had a tender side to him after sex, where he wanted to cuddle and make out after a hard fuck. The best part was that the guy was versatile and loved to flip fuck. Joe had a dilemma. He didn’t want to end up on the front page of the newspaper as the guy that infected the star football player of the university’s team, but this guy was a great fuck and had no problem paying Joe to keep his need for gay sex quiet. Joe sent back a reply “I’m free the rest of tonite. Have HIV now, need to fuck covered. $ame. Your place?” He wasn’t sure he should put the last part, since he figured once the guy saw HIV he wouldn’t be interested. Five minutes later he got a reply “np, no condoms. same place. 9pm.” Joe smiled and headed into the shower. While taking the shower he wondered “Did he mean he didn’t have any condoms or he wanted to fuck raw?” He grabbed a few things and tossed them in the gym bag he used when escorting. He kept the bag stocked and ready for his next escorting gig. It had a few toys in it, a blindfold, some rope, lube, a jar of elbow grease, poppers and box of tampered condoms. He also grabbed the box of condoms that Mark had brought over the day he gave HIV tests to him and Kyle. Joe drove over to the apartment building the football player lived in. It was a really nice building with a doorman, probably paid for by the athletic department or from one of the team’s doners. He had been here several times before and knew the drill - check in with the doorman, wait for the ok and then go up the elevator to the top floor. He handed the doorman his fake drivers license that he used when escorting - “Dave Stillman”. Terrence knew Joe’s real name from the times they ran into each other in the locker room that the teams shared, and also his escort name. The doorman got the ok from Terrence and Joe was knocking at the door in a minute. The door opened and Terrence stood there, completely naked, his cock hanging low and getting hard. As Joe walked in, Terrence gave him a big hug and said “Damn I missed you. Thought you had had stopped selling that hot ass of yours.” “Yeah, things have been a bit crazy lately” Joe said as the hug finally ended and they walked into the apartment. Joe dropped his bag and started to take his clothes off. “Poz, huh? How long?” Terrence asked. “I found out a couple weeks ago. I brought some rubbers” said Joe. “Fuck no, I only fuck raw and I ain’t gonna stop now. That ass of yours is even hotter now” Terrence said and laughed. “You’re the customer” Joe said, getting more turned on. He dropped his shorts and was standing there in just his red jockstrap and he bent over to get the lube out of his bag. Terrence ran his fingers between his ass cheeks and Joe moaned. As he stood up, Terrence handed him a wad of bills, obviously more than his normal one hour rate. Joe looked at him quizzically. Smiling, Terrence explained “I’m fuckin’ horny and you’re gonna be here a couple hours. After i knocked up that last ho, the coaches won’t let me fuck any bitches until after the season.” Joe smiled and kneeled down and started to suck the monster cock that kept getting longer. He licked and sucked, digging his tongue under the foreskin. He remembered it took a while to open his throat up enough to take it all the way down, but Terrence kept pushing it deeper. Terrence grabbed his head and started to fuck his face, forcing his thick cock into Joe’s throat. Joe was covering the shaft with spit and throat slime. Occasionally he would scrape his teeth along the cock as he pulled back, something Terrence loved. Several minutes later, Terrence shoved his cock in and held it deep in Joes throat. Joe massaged his cock with his throat muscles and then realized he wasn’t letting up. Unable to breathe, Joe started to panic. He tried to pull back, but Terrence just pushed his head down harder. His body started to spasm and then he started to get light headed. Right before he thought he was going to pass out, Terrence pushed him off his cock and shoved him to the couch. Joe was gasping for air as he knelt down on the sofa, facing the wall. Terrence’s tongue poked into his hole and he began to rim him. Joe went from panic to ecstasy in a few short seconds. Terrence added a finger, then two, next to his tongue, opening up Joe’s hole. He felt a hard slap on his ass as Terrence grunted “Ready, whore?” Joe felt the head of Terrence’s cock on his hole and he pushed back, preparing for the penetration. The pressure got greater and he relaxed to let the big cock into him. Once the head got inside, Terrence kept pushing until the shaft was poking at Joe’s inner ring. One hard thrust and Terrence was through and waves of pain and pleasure ripped through Joe’s body. Pulling back, Terrence began to assault Joe’s hole. The pace varied from fast to slow, gentle to rough. Terrence always had stamina, Joe remembered. Joe got flipped over on to his back, without Terrence’s cock coming out of him. The pounding resumed and he got to look at the stud fucking him instead of a wall. Suddenly Joe felt Terrence slam into him, ripping past the inner ring and his cock began to pulse. The shots of cum didn’t seem to end and a warmth filled Joe. Terrence leaned forward and kissed Joe as the last spurts of cum filled his belly. They laid there for a minute as the adrenaline faded and Terrence pulled his cock out of Joe’s throbbing hole. As usual for his fucks with Terrence, they laid on the couch making out after sex. There was lots of kissing and feeling each other’s bodies and Joe felt the cum dripping out of his gaping ass. Terrence stopped kissing him and held his head saying “I want you to fuck me now. I need that poz cock inside me.” Joe’s jaw dropped and he replied “Dude, I can’t do that. I’m really toxic and you’ll get pozzed up.” “I want it. My uncle is poz and he’s the one that showed me how good sex with men could be. He won’t fuck me anymore since I’m not poz” said Terrence. “Shit, uh, I don’t think I should…” Joe said as his mind raced. “Look fucker, I’m paying you and you’re gonna do what I say. Now get that dick hard and fuck me” yelled Terrence. In all the times he had been with Terrence, he had never gotten violent or even raised his voice. Joe was really turned on by being told to poz fuck a neg guy. He took a breath and pushed Terrence’s muscular legs up and curled him up, so his ass was in the air. Terrence held his body there as Joe pulled his hard cock out of the pouch of the jockstrap and stroked it while starting to rim Terrence’s hole. He knew Terrence would be tight, since he was probably the last guy to fuck him a few months earlier. Once his hole was covered in spit he reached for the lube and pushed some lube inside the jock’s hole. He finger fucked Terrence until he felt the ring loosen a bit. His hole was warm and velvety inside and unprepared for the onslaught that was about to happen. He finger fucked him a bit longer, adding two and then three fingers in. His fingernails scraped as he twisted his fingers around his hole. Joe was trying to decide what position to fuck him in - he was already on his back and that would be easy and he could see Terrence’s face as he pumped his toxic seed inside, but he knew that Terrence liked getting fucked doggy style so Joe could get good leverage and pound him hard. Joe rolled Terrence back down on the couch and then turned him so he was on his knees facing the wall. “You really want this?” he asked Terrence sternly. “Yeah, fuckin’ breed my hole and knock me up like a bitch” Terrence replied. Joe rested his cock against the jock’s neg hole, the piercing laying on the ring, as some precum dripped into the hole. He put his hand over Terrence’s mouth and shoved his cock in. His hand only partially muffled the scream from Terrence. Once his cock was fully planted inside, he leaned forward and said “Yeah, you’re gonna become my poz bitch now. You wanna be a poz boi? I’m gonna make sure it happens. I’m gonna keep fucking you until your body gives up the fight and the bug takes over. It’s gonna be my bug that haunts you for the rest of your life.” Joe started to pound Terrence just like Terrence had done to him so many times. Joe felt his PA drag along the walls of Terrence’s fuck chute. He would jab and shove in different directions trying to make sure that his toxic precum coated everything. He pulled out and looked at his cock and didn’t see much red, so he rammed back in and drilled the tight hole some more. Soon he was pistoning his cock in and all the way out before jamming back in. The head of his cock started to hurt from the PA getting tugged and pushed with each thrust. He went back to hard fucks with his cock staying inside the battered hole with each stroke being harder than the last. He looked down and watched his poz cock thrust in and out of Terrence’s hole and marveled at the contrast of his pale cock against Terrence’s darker ass. Finally he couldn’t hold back and felt the constant drip of precum being replaced with gushes of virus filled cum shooting into Terrence’s cunt. He pushed deep, hoping his bug was seeping into the football player’s body. Terrence let out a moan as he felt the cum flood his guts. Resting on Terrence’s back Joe pumped his cock in a few more times and stopped. “You got more, dude?” asked Terrence. A smile came over Joe’s face and he said back “oh yeah.” Slowly Joe started fucking again and looked down to see some cum escaping Terrence’s ass and making a frothy pink ring around his cock. This was going to be a quicker fuck but just as brutal. He drilled the no longer tight jock ass, slapping it occasionally. His balls tightened up and he thrusted in a few more times before his balls delivered another round of buggy sperm inside Terrence’s pussy. He tried to shove his cock in a few more times, but it had already started to soften, so he slowly pulled his cock out and fell on to the couch. Once again, Terrence was there cuddling with him. “Thanks, man. I really needed that” Terrence said. “You got a few days if you change your mind. You can get treated to prevent it from infecting you” Joe said in an almost motherly tone. “Nah, I’d been thinking about it and when you said you were poz I knew I had to do it” Terrence replied and added “Did you really mean it when you said you would keep fucking me until I’m poz?” “Yeah I did” answered Joe. “Tomorrow’s Friday and I got shit to do. Saturday’s the game. Sunday’s always suck. How about we meet Monday night and you can give me more of that hot cum?” asked Terrence. “I can’t do Monday. How about Tuesday?” Joe offered. “Yeah, I can do that. Same time.” “Cool” said Joe as he got off the couch, got dressed and collected his things. He picked up the stack of bills on the table and said “Thanks” holding the money in the air before stuffing it in his pocket. Walking into his apartment he pulled the money out and counted it out - Terrence had paid him for three hours. Looking at his phone he had been there two and a half hours. “What a fuckin’ great way to get paid” Joe said to himself. Steven got home and took a shower and kept thinking about his hookup with Ryan and then Jeff. “How the fuck could I have done something so stupid. Pozzed up a virgin who doesn’t even know if he’s gay?” he said to himself. He dried off and went to his room and put on his work uniform. He walked into the restaurant and got ready for his shift of bussing tables again. He waited for Ryan to show up and he did right before his shift started. It was a busy night for a Thursday and he never had a chance to talk to Ryan privately. They walked out together and about a block from the restaurant Steven ended the silence asking “How’s Jeff doing?” “He was still dazed when I left him. I tried to talk to him but he just stared back at me with a blank look” Ryan said. “He could go to the clinic tomorrow and start pep. I really don’t know what came over me” Steven said. “Dude, he begged for it. It’s not your fault. And damn, that was hot to watch you pop his cherry and breed him full of poz cum. I kinda wish I got that second load, but fuck. I blew my load when you came in his virgin ass” Ryan told Steven. Steven said “I didn’t want to breed you. I hope you’re ok if it takes and you get pozzed.” “Oh yeah, I hope you keep breeding my ass until I’m pozzed up. I want it more now than ever” Ryan replied. They got to the spot where they normally split up to go home. Ryan and Steven kissed for a long time until Ryan stopped. “I need to get home to check on Jeff. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    1 point
  30. Woke up in a mood for cum and cock the other day after my boyfriend left for work. Packed myself a nice bowl of herb, took a shower, then got online to see what kind of trouble I could find. Luckily, a regular bud was on and looking to fuck and breed. I couldn't wait to get his cock again. He always wants me ass up and waiting so her can dive tongue first into my hole before he starts plowing me with his thick uncut Dominican cock. After we were done confirming details, another guy hit me up on Growlr, telling me he wanted to fuck my ass. I'd never met up with him before but the picture he sent of his cock and the fact that he wanted to eat my hole and breed me got my hole twitching. My regular bud was already on the way over, so I told him I had a work call to make then he'd be free to come over. My bud texted me from downstairs saying he was coming up, so I quickly got on all fours on my bed with my hole in the air, taking a nice deep hit of poppers once I heard the door to my bedroom opening. My bud dove right until my hole, tongue fucking me while I moaned. I could have let him eat my hole for hours, but I could tell he wanted to fuck. I told him the lube was on the nightstand, and took another deep hit off the poppers as he slid into my hole. I knew from the deep, gutteral moan we both let out as he slid into me that this fuck wasn't doing to last long. We both needed it too badly. I immediately started matching him stroke for stroke, fucking myself on his cock as he thrust into me. His thick cock stretched my hole as I begged him to fuck me deep and hard. My face was buried in the sheets of my bed, I still hadn't seen my bud's face, only felt his tongue and cock in my hole. I heard his breath quicken and knew it was time to get what I'd needed. I moaned loudly and told him to breed my hole, shoot that load deep into me. He thrust hard into me at that, and I could feel his cock spasm inside me as he flooded my hole with his cum. He pulled out and I immediately turned around, taking his fat cock into my mouth to the base, tasting his seed and my hole on his cock while I looked up at him for the first time since he entered the room. He said thanks and told me had to run, quickly getting dressed and leaving less than two minutes after he gave me his load. I leaned back and got back on Growlr, still hungry for another load. I texted the other guy my address and he told me he'd be there in ten minutes. While I was waiting for him to show up, I fingered my freshly bred hole, licking every drop from my fingers as it leaked out. Soon, there was a knock on my door and this handsome hipster walked in. I immediately pulled him towards me and unbuckled his jeans, diving on his cock with my mouth. I felt him grow as a sucked him, his cock had to be at least 8 inches long and 6 inches thick. He growled at my as I deep throated him, telling me he wanted to tongue my hole. I again got on all fours, both of us taking multiple deep hits of poppers. He started tonguing my ass like a starving man. I was in fucking heaven. I couldn't even form words as he spread my ass open and drove his tongue in deep. He wasn't just eating my hole, he was genuinely tongue fucking me. We both moaned in unison as he got deep into my hole. He had to be tasting the load the was just shot inside me. After tonguing me deep for twenty minutes or so, he started rubbing the head of his fat fuck against my hole, asking me if I was ready to be fucked. I moaned a yes in response and took some deep hits as he started to slide into me. My hole was so wet already that he slid in to the hilt with no resistance. This guy knew how to fuck. He plowed me deep, stopping every few minutes to tongue my hole some more. I could feel my hole getting wetter, he was leaking a river of precum into me. After his fourth time switching between fucking me with his cock and this tongue, he said that it's time to get me bred. He tells me to get on all fours, and starts pounding me deeper and harder than he had before. Telling me to take every fucking inch, I feel his cock swell as his heavy hairy balls unload into my hole. He stays inside me as he goes soft, and of course I clean his cock by taking it deep in my throat again. He tells me to hit him up anytime as he dresses and leaves, while I lay back and lazily finger my well used hole. Could have taken more loads, but had to get ready for work. Not a bad morning off.
    1 point
  31. Although, since you're going to be in chastity, you might want to show off the chastity cage and a leather jock might not do, so how about a short harness or maybe just a good leather collar, something to give the cuffs balance along your midline? I made my own leather service gear, and wore wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs and a collar with pointed studs every time I got naked. (My ankle cuffs are actually visible in my avatar!) Those cuffs saw me through soooo many loads and soooo many orgasms... The last time I went to camp I went by the tree where they have some bondage chains tethered and I found a young sub with a sweet ass there with his hands sort of twisted in the bondage chains pretending to be hooked up, waiting to be used. I took my wrist cuffs off right there and put them on him and hooked them into the chain, and whispered in his ear, "These are for you. These cuffs have done good service." I kissed him on the lips, felt up his ass, and left him there. I couldn't have retired them better.
    1 point
  32. This week was busy at work so I hadn't been able to cum in 2 days. I took today off and my bf and I made plans to fuck the whole day. I started by eating his hole and making it hungry for cock. I could feel it getting really hungry for cock so I threw off my underwear and started teasing his hole with the tip of my uncut dick, which was drenched in precum. I was in a playful mood so I teased him for a few minutes and made him beg for it. All this teasing made his hole nice and slick with my precum so I slid right in. I started off slow since 2 days of not cumming meant that I was bound to go off easily, but I was so horny and his hole feels like a glove around my dick that I couldn't help myself and started pounding him hard. After several minutes I shot a massive load and my bf's eyes rolled into the back of his head. But I wasn't done. I was in the mood for a real long fuck session. I gave him a couple minutes to enjoy the load I'd just given him, but I didn't pull out. Instead, after a few minutes I started fucking him again, and this time, I was pounding brutally hard. I took my time pounding him deep in every position, and he clenched onto whatever he could to absorb the full force of my thrusts. Over an hour of pounding, and my sweet piece of ass is begging for another load, and I can't resist those pretty eyes so I unload another massive load deep into him. I pull out and he licks up my dripping dick like a good boy, and he knows we're about to play again so he has a smile on his face. I needed a water break so I'm sharing this while I give my cum hungry bf a chance to stretch his legs. We're about to start another round of hard fucking, and I can't wait to plunge into that cummy hole so stay tuned...
    1 point
  33. Part 22 - On the prowl Steven had been quiet for a few days. Joe and Kyle kept asking him if he was ok and he just lied and said everything was good. He remembered that Joe had said he could stay a few weeks and he knew his time was up. But he was running out of money and knew he wasn’t welcome to work at his parent’s restaurant any more. He had been out hitting other places looking for a part time job that would work around his school schedule and finally found one at Antonio's, one of the nicer restaurants in town. It was the type of place professors took their spouses or mistresses to or for business meetings wooing people to donate to the university. The manager liked his clean-cut looks and polite conversation. “Too many of these students come in here looking for a job with tattoos, piercings and long hair. I need staff that don’t look like they’re homeless” he told Steven. It helped that he had experience being a waiter, bus boy and kitchen helper. His first night he had to fill in for a waiter that didn’t show up and the manager watched him like a hawk. He hustled and did as best he could, learning the menu during any spare time he had. At the end of the evening, the manager came up and thanked him for doing a great job without any training. Steven counted up his tips at the end of his shift and was really happy. The customers here tipped a lot better than his parent’s restaurant. He looked around as he sat at a table with his new coworkers, finally getting to meet them. His gaydar was getting better and he thought that all but one of the waiters was gay. The bus boys all seemed to be straight and he thought only one of the kitchen staff was gay. He felt pretty comfortable and was surprised at how helpful everyone had been. As he went to leave one of the waiters came up to him and gave him a slip of paper and whispered “Call me if you need any help figuring this place out or want to meet.” It was Ryan, a tall dark haired guy with crystal blue eyes that was about his age. His skin was smooth and he had lips Steven would like to kiss for hours. He noticed that he had a circular barbell earring in his ear that he didn’t remember seeing earlier. Steven went back to the apartment and sat on the couch with his laptop and went through the 'Roommate wanted' ads seeing what was available. He didn’t want to leave, but didn’t want to overstay his welcome either. Joe walked in and sat next to him and turned on the TV. Looking over at the laptop screen, Joe asked “Whatcha doing?” Steven’s eyes began to tear and said “Well, you said I could stay here for a few weeks after my Dad threw me out and it’s been that long. Now that I have a job, I’m looking for a place to live.” Joe turned his head and looked at Steven. “That was then. I really didn’t know you and didn’t want to give you the impression that you could stay here forever. Now that I do know you and we’ve bonded like brothers, I want you to stay as long as you want. If you want to help with the rent, that's great. If you can’t we’ll figure something out.” Steven closed the laptop and hugged Joe, crying. Joe, Kyle and Dennis had become his family and he didn’t want to do anything to lose them. “Now, we should do something about getting you a bed instead of the couch,” Joe said as he stood up and went to the playroom. “Let’s take out the inflatable bed and the floor tray, put the sling back in its bag and get some boxes for the toys. It’s up to you to figure out what you want to sleep on and we can find a dresser at a garage sale. Does that work?” “Oh god yeah. I’ll sleep on the couch until I get my paycheck and get something then. Thanks!” Steven said. Steven went to work the second day and found himself bussing tables the whole night and kept glancing at Ryan when he could. At the end of the night he walked outside and waited for him to leave and the two walked around talking and finally ended up at an all night diner and got some coffee. Their conversation had avoided anything to do about their sexuality or relationships. “I’ve seen you around campus but never had the nerve to talk to you,” Ryan said. “Oh? I didn’t know I was intimidating” replied Steven. Ryan chuckled and said “No, its just that I’ve never been good at picking up guys. I don’t know what to say and I’m afraid they’ll be straight and beat me up.” Steven looked at Ryan and said “So, you figure I can’t beat you up?” Ryan’s face turned pale and said “Oh, shit. You’re straight. Fuck! I’m sorry,” and he started to slide out of the booth. Steven grabbed his hand. “No I’m not. Stay. I was trying to be funny.” Ryan moved back into the booth and sighed with relief. They started talking about all the things they avoided earlier in the night and found they were similar in many ways, but Steven was avoiding the topic about him being poz. Ryan looked at his phone and saw it was almost midnight. “I don’t want to, but I’m going to have to go. I have an 8:00 AM class and my roommate hates it when I come home late and wake him up.” He put down money for the coffees and the tip. “Before you go and before we go any farther, I need to tell you something. I don’t want this to get too far before you know,” Steven said. Ryan looked at him concerned. “I hope you’ll keep this just between you and me, I don’t want anyone at the restaurant to know, at least not yet.” Ryan’s look got even more grim. “Are you a vampire?” he said with a nervous laugh. “Almost. I have HIV,” Steven said quietly. “Oh” Ryan replied, his face emotionless. “I understand if you don’t want to go out me. I hope we can still be friends,” Steven said. “I need to think,” was all that Ryan said as he got up and walked out of the diner. Steven cried most of the way back to the apartment and curled up on the couch and fell asleep. He went to classes the next day, but he was down. He showed up at the restaurant and looked for Ryan but he wasn’t there. When he asked, he was told it was his day off. He worked the rest of the night not talking to anyone - cleaning up tables, setting tables up, delivering food to the tables and sweeping floors - just doing his job. Exhausted he walked out of the restaurant at the end of night and made it to the end of the building when he heard a voice from behind him. “I’m sorry I left you like that last night,” Ryan said. Steven stopped and turned around. “I understand. Can we at least be friends?” he asked. “I hope more than that. The news just took me by surprise. I didn’t know what to do,” Ryan explained. Steven’s heart started to beat faster. He asked “You’re okay with it?” They started walking down the street “Yeah, I am. I’m actually surprised I’m not poz too, with some of the crazy things I’ve done. Sometimes I wish I was,” Ryan said. “Oh? You want to tell me what kinds of crazy things you’ve done?” Steven asked as he started to smile. Ryan took a deep breath and said “Uh, you’re not going to hate me if I tell you?” Steven replied “Of course not, I’ve done some wild things too.” Ryan said “I’ve done a few gangbangs as a bareback bottom and I have spent a lot of time at the glory hole at the adult book store sucking and getting fucked and bred and sometimes fucking. I’ve kind of done things like that to make up for not having a boyfriend.” They walked several blocks until Ryan had to turn to go towards his dorm and Steven had to go the other direction to the apartment. Ryan took Steven’s head in his hands and kissed him passionately. “Can we meet tomorrow afternoon?” Ryan asked. “Uh, sure. I have classes until 2:00. Where do you want to meet?” Steven asked. “How about my dorm room, or is that too bold?” Ryan replied. Steven chuckled “Uh, it doesn’t mean anything is going to happen.” Steven got Ryan’s phone number, dorm building and room number, and some directions. He kissed Ryan and headed toward the apartment, feeling much better than the night before. Steven got up earlier than normal and cleaned his ass out well and then showered and got dressed. He packed his backpack with the few things he would need for class and then added a baggie with a condom that he hoped was still good, lube and poppers. He got to campus early and found the building that Ryan lived in and then went to his first class. He was nervous and excited at the same time. He couldn’t concentrate in either of his classes and only ate a granola bar for lunch. When his second class finished up he sent a text message to Ryan telling him he was on his way. Steven’s stomach was in knots as he walked into the dorm building and walked into the elevator. Waiting for the elevator to get up to the fifth floor, he took the poppers, lube and condom and put them in the front pocket of his jeans. Getting off the elevator, no one was around, much to his relief. He wandered down the hall and finally found Ryan’s room. He took a deep breath and knocked. The door opened and there was Ryan, standing in front of him with a big grin, almost naked except for some jogging shorts. He looked up and down his body looking at every detail. Both of his nipples were pierced and he had two star tattoos poking above his shorts, one on either side of his cock. His stomach had a perfect six pack and there was light hair on his pecs and a trail leading to his cock. His legs were toned and also lightly furry. He could only imagine the cock that was hidden in the shorts. Steven walked in and set his bag down before pulling Ryan into a hug and kissing his soft lips. Typically for a dorm room, the only chairs were at the desks and the only other place to sit was on the beds. Ryan led Steven over to his bed and they sat down, one at each end. Steven said “I feel a little overdressed or you are underdressed.” “This is what I normally wear in my room. Its always too warm in here and I prefer to wear as few clothes as possible,” Ryan replied. Wondering how long they had alone, Steven asked “So, when does your roommate come back?” “Oh, he doesn’t get back until six in the evening on Thursdays,” Ryan replied. Steven wondered if they could talk for three hours or what Ryan had planned. Maybe talk for an hour and he would go home. While his mind went through all the possibilities he said “Oh, cool” out loud. “You can take your jacket off, unless you want to be ready to run away,” Ryan joked. Steven smiled and took his pullover off and tossed it over next to his backpack. He kicked off his shoes and sat back on the bed. They talked for a while and Ryan moved next to Steven and pulled his shirt up and off. His hands rubbed over Steven’s body and he leaned in and kissed Steven. Their kiss got more passionate and their tongues danced in Ryans mouth. Steven started to move his hands over Ryan’s chest, rubbing his pierced nipples. Ryan moaned as he played with his nipples and it was obvious that Ryan’s cock was also responding. Steven pushed Ryan onto his back and they continued to explore each others bodies. Ryan reached down and unbuttoned Steven’s jeans and unzipped them, pushing his hand inside Steven’s underwear. Steven’s cock was hard and got harder with Ryan’s grasp. Ryan let go and started to push his pants down and Steven moved back and took them off and stood there in front of Ryan, naked for the first time. “Fuck, you are so hot,” Ryan said as Steven reached over and pulled Ryan’s shorts down. He climbed back on the bed and pushed Ryan’s legs apart and laid down on top of Ryan, kissing him and grinding his body against Ryan’s. Their cocks were rubbing against each other as Steven started to hump Ryan. As the intensity increased, Ryan stopped and looked up at Steven and said “I need you to fuck me.” Steven panicked and wasn’t sure what to do. He got up and fished the condom and lube from his jeans and got back on the bed. His cock was rock hard and throbbing. He looked at Ryan and started to rip open the condom when Ryan said “No, I want it bare.” “But, I’m poz and not on drugs. I could give it to you,” Steven said, wanting desperately to fuck Ryan. “I know. I don’t care. I want you to fuck me and breed me. Please,” Ryan pleaded. Steven put down the condom and tore the lube packet open and slicked his cock up. He put more lube on Ryan’s hole and slid a finger in, pushing some lube in deep. As his finger came out, Steven started pushing his cock in. He felt Ryan’s hole relax and his cock slid in. He worked his cock in deeper and began to drive his cock in hard. Steven looked down at Ryan and saw his big smile and heard him beg for him to fuck him. “Oh god yeah, fuck me Steven. Fuck me with that poz cock. Give it to me,” Ryan said. Steven got turned on hearing him beg and he started to get verbal too. “You want that raw poz cock inside you? Coating your cunt with toxic precum? Yeah, you want me to knock you up, don’t you? Turn you into a poz pig? Is that what you want?” Steven slammed his cock in hard as he asked each question. They were both sweating and the bed was shaking. Ryan’s legs were laying on top of Steven’s shoulders and Steven’s body was bouncing off of Ryan’s firm ass. “Yeah, give me that dirty seed. Make me your poz bitch. Knock my ass up with your poz cum,” Ryan begged. Their eyes were locked together. Steven’s thrusts got more ragged as he felt his balls tighten up “Oh yeah, I’m gonna knock that neg ass of yours up. I’ll breed you good with my toxic seed,” Steven said as he pulled all the way out and drove back into Ryan’s hole. He did it a second and then a a third time. He pulled all the way out and asked “Ready to get pozzed, Ryan?” Ryan replied “Oh god YES!!!” Steven slammed in and felt his cum shoot. He had several days worth of cum built up and he pumped his charged up cum into Ryan’s hungry neg ass. Steven’s body shook with each spurt and Ryan’s hole milked every drop it could. Steven looked down at Ryan who had a big grin on his face. “Fuck that was so hot and dirty. I never heard anyone do poz role-play before. Did you really fuck him raw?” said a voice by the door. Both Ryan and Steven looked shocked. It was Ryan’s roommate Jeff and he walked up and looked at the two of them, Steven’s cock still inside Ryan. Steven pulled back and as his cock came out, so did a large blob of cum. “Oh my god, you really did breed him. Can you fuck me like that. Tell me that you’re pozzing me as your cumming inside me? I’ve always wanted to do it, but never had the guts,” Jeff said. “No, I don’t think so,” Steven said and looked at Ryan incredulously. He couldn’t believe someone would interrupt people having sex like that and assume something this dangerous was only role-play. Ryan shrugged his shoulders and Steven chuckled. “Oh come on. It was really hot. Please?” begged Jeff. “You really want it?” Steven asked. “Fuck yeah, my cock is rock hard from watching and hearing you guys,” said Jeff. “Then get your fucking clothes off and get on the bed. Suck Ryan’s cock and show me that neg hole” Steven barked. Steven was surprised at the words coming out of his mouth. Jeff got out of his clothes in an instant and got on his knees in front of Ryan, bending over and revealing a hairless pink hole. Steven took the packet of lube and fingered some into Jeff’s tight hole. “Damn, is he tight” thought Steven. Jeff started to suck Ryan’s cock, poorly from the sounds coming from Ryan. Ryan started to force Jeff’s head down on his cock, trying to ignore the teeth that were scraping his cock. Steven kept trying to open up Jeff’s hole and was finally able to get two fingers in. “Are you a fucking virgin” Steven asked. A muffled “mmhmm” came from Jeff. “You fucking stupid asshole. You want a toxic cock for your first fuck? There’s no going back. I’m toxic enough to probably poz you with one load. Is that what you want?” Steven demanded. Jeff pulled off Ryan’s cock briefly and said “Yes, SIR. Knock me up like you did my roommate. I want to be poz like him.” Steven didn’t know whether he was pissed that he and Ryan got interrupted or turned on with this stupid neg boy begging for his poz cum. It didn’t really matter, he was going to fuck him either way. “Hold his head down” Steven told Ryan. He forced a third finger into Jeff’s hole and twisted it, scraping his fingernails on the soft tissue inside. Jeff screamed with Ryan’s cock muffling most of the sound. He pulled his fingers out and watched the hole shrink closed and then pushed his cock in. Another muffled scream came from Jeff. He waited a bit and then started to slowly fuck his cock into the no longer virgin hole. Jeff squirmed. After a dozen or so strokes, Steven had worked his whole cock into Jeff’s hole. He grabbed Jeff’s hair and pulled his head back off of Ryan’s cock. “Do you like that poz cock deep inside your ass?” asked Steven. “Yes, SIR! But it hurts” Jeff replied. “Stop fighting it and it won’t hurt so much” said Steven as he pushed Jeff’s head back down on Ryan’s cock. Steven got a good rhythm going and felt Jeff’s hole relax a bit. The occasional screams stopped and he could hear Jeff start to moan around Ryan’s cock. He got up on his feet and started to pound harder. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold off cumming much longer. Steven thrust his cock inside Jeff’s sore hole and held it there while pulling Jeff’s head up by his hair. He whispered in his ear “Be careful of what you ask for. We weren’t roleplaying. I really am poz and I’m about to knock you up.” Steven pulled his cock back and rammed into Jeff’s battered hole a few times hard and let loose five spurts of his poisonous cum deep inside Jeff’s fertile hole as Jeff said “Www..wwwhat?” Once he had finished cumming and his breathing returned to normal, he pulled his cock out and slapped Jeff’s ass. “Welcome to the club” he told Jeff. Jeff was even more pale than normal and looked stunned. He got up and staggered back to his bed, feeling the cum drip out of his ass and down his leg. He saw that the cum was tinged with red streaks. Steven sat down at the end of Ryan’s bed staring at Jeff. “Were you really a virgin?” Steven asked Jeff, who just nodded yes. “Are you even gay?”was Steven’s next question. “I think so, I’ve never been with anyone. I haven’t even really kissed someone” Jeff said quietly. “Do you even watch porn?” Steven asked. “Yeah, I’ve been watching some bareback porn lately and it really turns me on” replied Jeff. “Why would you interrupt us when we’re having sex?” asked Ryan. “I don’t know. I just got so aroused and wanted someone to finally fuck me. I’m sorry,” Jeff said looking down at the floor. “You might very well be sorry and you might be infected right now, too,” commented Steven. “Oh my god,” muttered Jeff. Steven grabbed Jeff’s shirt off the floor and cleaned his cock off with it and put his clothes on. Saying “I’ll see you at work later,” to Ryan, he walked out the door.
    1 point
  34. My 9" buddy came over. I got to suck his cock for like 20 min then he told me to bend over. He was so gentle and once I got used to it OMG he fucked me in ways Ive never felt. Not just an up and down but wiggles and so forth. He fucked me for about 30 min and for the first time I came without touching my cock OMG I never imagined it would be that awesome. By and far he is the best top I have ever had. Right when I was cumming he shot this massive load deep into me. It felt like he shot 1/2 a gallon in me! Then he laid on top of me and just left it in me till he finally went limp. OMG I am on cloud 9 right now. He was a craigslist hook up and for the first time we exchanged numbers and emails. Plus is he is sexy as hell, taller than me and has a nice beard.
    1 point
  35. Jocks all the time and my chastity cage.
    1 point
  36. Mostly short trunks from CK, but also have low-rise briefs and hip briefs, plus some boxer briefs. When out in the bars or clubs I’m commando to allow easy access and a view of my crack and butt.
    1 point
  37. Thanks for the comments. ---------- Part 15 - Testing… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Testing… Aaron parked the car he borrowed from the car rental company and walked the block to the clinic. His stomach was in knots he was so nervous and was afraid he was going to vomit. His body still ached and his neck was swollen still but he needed to know what he was sick from. Walking in, he noticed a large waiting room with almost all young men sitting in the chairs. A few looked like they were still in high school and a few were older guys in their 40’s or 50’s, but most looked to be about his age or a few years older. Most of the people waiting were by themselves but there were a few pairs of guys and one group of four guys. He looked at his watch and realized he was over 30 minutes early and walked up to the desk and quietly told the male receptionist that he was there for an appointment. The guy smiled and asked his name and handed him some forms to fill out. Aaron checked the guy out, reading his name tag which said “Douglas” and noticed he had a pride bracelet like the one Mark had, which put Aaron more at ease. “Everything is confidential, so please be honest. We can’t help you if you don’t tell us everything” the receptionist said. Aaron took the papers and a pen and found a seat away from everyone else and started filling out the forms. He couldn’t believe how much info they wanted. “Date of last sexual encounter”, “same or opposite sex partners?” “Do you have individual or group sex?” “Do you practice safe sex? Yes/no/sometimes/mostly/rarely” “Do you consider yourself heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, pansexual?” “how many sexual partners have you had in the past 30 days?” and it went on. He felt uncomfortable answering the questions truthfully and hoped that Mark was right about them not shaming him for being gay and the reckless sex he had been having. He finally finished the forms and took them back to Douglas who told him to take a seat and they would call him when the doctor was ready and then winked at Aaron. Sitting in the chair, he looked around the room. Every possible type of person was there - thin and fat; muscled or not; black, white, asian, hispanic and several he had no idea what ethnic group they were in; hipsters, preppy guys, average joes, hippies, jocks, cubs, bears, daddies and twinks; healthy looking guys and a few that looked not so healthy; one guy looked like some of the pictures he had seen of AIDS patients on the net. He kept looking over at the group of four guys and wondered what their deal was. “Who would go get tested for STDs with their friends?” he wondered. Soon a nurse came out and paged someone named ‘Steven’ and the asian guy from the group of four got up and went into what he guessed were the exam rooms. Finally a nurse came out from the door and called “Joe and Aaron.” Another one of the group of four got up at the same time Aaron did and they both went to the door with the nurse, the other guy, Joe, saying “Hi” to him with a smile and Aaron replied with a quiet “hi.” They were ushered down the hall and Joe was put in one exam room and Aaron the one next door. The nurse weighed him, took his temperature which was still a little high, and blood pressure which was quite high, probably from the stress. The nurse told him to stay seated and a doctor would be in shortly. When the doctor came in he had a very relaxed demeanor and seemed to be in his mid 30’s, wearing a lab coat over a shirt with a tie and dress pants and looking pretty athletic. The doctor looked over the forms that Aaron had filled out and Aaron saw a few smiles and a few frowns on the doctor’s face. “So, Aaron. It looks like you’re a pretty active young gay guy. Pretty normal, to be honest. Now, tell me about this illness you had this past weekend and why you’re worried about it.” Aaron explained what had happened and started to cry again. The doctor calmed him down and told him “Don’t be hard on yourself about this. Sometimes we meet guys that aren’t so nice and regret it. I’ve had my share. It’s my job to figure out if you did catch anything and then treat it.” The doctor did a few tests in the room and checked his throat, neck, and joints before having him undress completely and then examined him below the waist, including bending him over and examining his hole. Aaron started to get aroused as the doctor pushed a lubed finger into him. As he turned back around he was embarrassed to let the doctor see his hard-on. The doctor said “I guess that still works fine, then” he chuckled and then added “Don’t worry, most gay men enjoy anal exams so I’m used to it. So, the only thing left is to get some blood tests done. Between those and the cultures I took, we’ll know in a couple days whats really going on.” Aaron looked surprised “A couple days?” “Yeah, we have a lot of lab work between you and all the other patients you saw in the waiting room, so we won’t know the results until late tomorrow or Friday” the doctor explained. After getting dressed, Aaron got led down the hall to another small waiting area for the blood tests. There, he ran into the guy from before, Joe. Joe checked him out as Aaron took the seat next to him. “So, just a regular test or did someone give you something besides a good time?” Joe asked with a smile. Aaron looked at him with a horrified look and finally answered “Uh, not sure yet. Guess I’ll find out in a few days.” “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m just trying to break the ice. Most of us are here for the same reason. Nothing to be ashamed of” Joe said as he put his arm around Aaron’s shoulder squeezing it. The door opened and Aaron recognized the asian guy from earlier walk out towards Joe. “Fucking vampire took four vials of blood” the guy told Joe, who responded “You’ll survive, Steven” Aaron’s eyes got big. He hated needles and the comment was making him feel even sicker. Joe got up and went inside and Aaron slid down to the first chair as another patient showed up for a blood test. It was another guy from the group of four he saw before - the ginger haired guy that Aaron had stared at earlier. “Hey, don’t look so down. It’s just a blood test, not death row” the guy told Aaron as he sat down next to him. The guy reached over and squeezed Aaron’s leg saying “Hi, I’m Dennis. First time here?” “Uh, yeah” Aaron replied. “You get used to it. It’s the price you pay for getting laid” Dennis said with a laugh and then asked “You go to school here?” “Uhhh, no. I live south of here. I didn’t want to see my old doctor in case he said something to my parents” Aaron said after a long pause. He looked down at his feet hoping Dennis would just leave him alone. “Ah, gotcha. Been there, done that. Don’t worry, everyone here is cool and they’ll help you no matter what” Dennis said as the door opened and Joe walked out. Aaron got up to go in and was shaking as he walked into the room. Aaron looked at the guy that Steven had called a vampire earlier. He was a really cute blonde haired, blue eyed twink with a big smile. Aaron thought he could be a model. After verifying Aaron’s information and sensing Aarons uneasiness giving blood, the lab tech suggested that Aaron look at a painting on the wall and distracted him with a few jokes. Aaron barely sensed the needle going in and before he knew it the needle was out and his arm was bandaged over the wound. “All done! They probably have already set up a followup appointment on Friday to let you know the results. Don’t worry, just keep a positive outlook” the lab tech said with a wink. Aaron got up and opened the door. As he walked out, Dennis was walking towards him and gave him a piece of paper whispering “I don’t know if you’re interested, but here’s my number. Give me a call if you need to talk or want to get together.” Aaron walked back out into the waiting room and over to the receptionists desk. He said to Douglas, the receptionist, “They said I might already have an appointment set up for Friday.” “No, not yet. You can either just walk in and wait for an opening or set up a time. What works best for you?” Douglas asked. “An appointment. Anything after 10 and before 4, I guess” answered Aaron. “I have a 10:30am. That ok?” “Yeah” Aaron said, wondering how he was going to make it almost 2 more days. “OK, here’s your reminder card” Douglas said looking at Aaron with a smile “Relax, everything will be fine. Find something to do to keep your mind busy while waiting for the results.” “Thanks” said Aaron as he turned around. Near the door was three of the guys from the group all standing there looking at him. He walked towards the door trying not to make eye contact, but couldn’t keep his eyes off Dennis who smiled at him and gave him a gesture for Aaron to call him. Aaron walked outside and down the street. He got in the car and just sat there, shaking. “What the fuck have I done? My life may be over and I have to wait two days to find out. And what the hell, almost everyone in the clinic tried to hit on me!” The light was peeking through the curtains and Derrick rolled over and put his arm around Tony, pinching his nipple on the way. Tony moaned and awoke with a smile. “I heard the boys are getting tested today. What do you think their chances are?” he said to Derrick. “With as many loads as we gave those three, I doubt they’ll be neg, but Mark’s brother only let Mark breed him. I don’t know how toxic he is, so I’ll say 50/50 for him. We should probably go to the clinic too. My cock’s been dripping again” said Derrick. “Yeah, mine too. I tagged the new barback last night after we closed. Fuckin’ hot boy, but damn is he dumb. He believed me when I told him part of his job as barback was to take all the other employees bareback and he had a week to get bred by everyone or we would fire him.” Tony said. “Fuck yeah. I saw him hustling around refilling ice and glasses when I was there last night. Hot body, great ass and a big bulge” Derrick replied. “He got four out of 11 guys last night, so he’s on his way. Luis and I were the first to breed him and left him sloppy for the other two bartenders. He said he wasn’t a bottom, but by the time I shot my load he was begging to get fucked more. He should be knocked up pretty quick. I want to get him as a server for the other club. I think he’ll be good for that. Oh, by the way… any luck lining up special guests for the next party?” Tony asked. Derrick rolled onto his side looking at Tony “I had a couple guys that might be good. One guy called yesterday afternoon and told me he just tested poz, so he’s out. Too bad, too. He’s a hot muscle cub with an ass to die for. The other one is a good looking daddy, but I don’t know if the members want someone older. I’ve been meaning to ask the Joe or Kyle if they know any students that might be up for it.” “That might be good. Students are always looking for a few hundred extra bucks. Having a chance at getting knocked up is just a bonus” Tony said laughing. “Speaking of knocked up, I haven’t fucked you in days. Show me that pussy” Derrick said as he spread Tony’s legs. Rubbing his oozing cock around the ring, he lunged forward jabbing his cock into Tony’s hole. Tony grunted and pulled his legs back while Derrick kept thrusting his cock in. Between the precum and yellowish discharge, Tony’s pussy was sloppy and lubed for the punishment. Derrick never fucked slow and gentle, it was always with force and with purpose. The bed was creaking and Tony alternated between moans and begging for Derrick to fuck harder. The precum and ooze from Tony’s cock was pooling on his navel to overflowing. Tony stuck his fingers in and scooped some up and licked them clean. Derrick grunted and slammed in and Tony could feel his cock twitch and the warmth of his poisonous seed fill his body. Derrick pulled his softening cock out and fell back to the bed. “Damn, I still like breeding that hole just like when I charged you up.”
    1 point
  38. You put the gel down your urethra using a syringe without a needle.
    1 point
  39. Part 6 - A Dilemma Mark was rudely awakened again by his phone ringing. His head pounded from the alcohol the night before. The ringing stopped and he tried to read the clock. 7:32 AM. WTF? He laid in bed a few more minutes and he heard the alert that said he had a voicemail. A few minutes later the phone rang again. Answering it, he heard his mom on the phone. “Are you ok?” “We haven’t heard from you.” “Is Joel OK?” “Have you been drinking?” and on an on. The same as yesterday - questions and not waiting for an answer. “Yeah, mom. I’m ok, Joey is ok. I spent all evening with him. I don’t really know everything yet, so I’m going back over today. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” He hung up the phone and jumped into the shower to rinse off. Standing in the shower, the night before replayed through his mind. After drying off, Mark put on his jock, a pair of workout shorts and a sleeveless tee and his flip-flops. “Lets hit the gym and sweat out the hangover” he thought. He grabbed the complimentary bottle of water and headed out. To say Mark was bitterly disappointed by the gym was an understatement. The room gave the distinct impression it had served as a conference room at some point in the past, and management had christened it a gym by scattering some garage sale gym equipment throughout the room. Over in one corner he saw a door labeled 'Locker Rooms'. In another corner was a treadmill with boxes stacked on top of it. Another corner had the lone elliptical machine and on it was the Dad from breakfast the day before. Mark quickly looked around to make sure the kids and wife weren’t there. He walked over to a weight machine that was near the Dad and sat down on it, placing the water bottle on the floor. After adjusting the weights, he started to do some bench presses and zoned out just staring at the ceiling. He lost count. Was that 30 or 40 reps? He stopped and realized that the Dad had also stopped and was just staring at him. Looking down his body he saw his shirt had ridden up and exposed his abs, and the tip of his cock was poking above his shorts. Mark always got a little hard when he worked out. “Oh shit. Sorry,” Mark muttered. The Dad grinned and replied “No worries, I was just admiring your….uh, ink.” Mark sat up and pushed his cock under the top of his shorts. Grinning back he said “Oh, thanks. I heard your wife yesterday and I guess she’s not a fan of tattoos. By the way, I’m not a drug dealer, just a computer geek.” “Sorry about that. Yeah, she’s still pissed that I got this little tattoo a month ago” the dad said pulling up the sleeve of his t-shirt exposing a small tattoo that Mark couldn’t make out. “Cool, but if you were going to get so much grief you should have gone for something more elaborate” Mark said, laughing. “Yeah, I really should have. It’s a shamrock. The kids like it. I can’t imagine what she would have said if I came home with what I really wanted to get. A friend convinced me to start small and then work up to bigger. That’s not going to happen now. I’m Chris, by the way.” Mark introduced himself in return. The guys started working out again and chatting. After a while Chris got off the machine and said “I’m going to go see if the sauna works. Catch you later,” as he walked to the locker room door. Mark finished his set of reps of on the butterfly part of the machine and got up. “Sauna, huh. I love saunas,” he said with a chuckle. Mark went in to the locker room door and saw it led to a short hallway with door on either side “Men” on the left, “Women” on the right. He went through the left door and was greeted with a small locker room with metal lockers on both sides and a bench in the middle. 'This would make a great porn set' Mark thought. Further back was a small shower area with three showers that were larger than your typical locker room shower. Next to it was a cedar door that Mark assumed went to the sauna. He noticed a table in the corner with a stack of towels similar to the ones that Dennis had brought. Mark grabbed a towel, took his clothes off and hung them in a locker. He rinsed his body off and wrapped the towel around his waist and went towards the sauna. Opening the door he felt the blast of heat hit him. Sitting in front of him on the top bench was Chris, naked and sitting on his towel. Chris’s eyes opened and he said “Hey”, then grinned. Mark took off his towel and set it down about three feet from Chris and sat down on it. He looked over and saw the fresh tattoo and could finally make it out. It was only about an inch and a half square and probably just flash art. He looked over Chris’s body as the sweat dripped off of it. 'Yeah, I was right yesterday. Ex-jock,' mused Mark, only to realize Chris was looking at him too. His eyes darting all over - up and down his arms then to his cock and back to his arm. Mark swore he saw Chris’s cock twitch too. Finally Chris commented “Fuck that is so hot. I really wish I had the guts to do something like that.” Mark had an idea what Chris meant, but presenting a wry grin asked “Like what?” Chris blushed a bit and said “Everything. The ink. The piercing.” The last bit surprised Mark so he decided to push it and see where things might go. “Take a closer look if you want. I’m not shy.” With that Chris got up and moved closer, kneeling on the lower bench where Mark's feet were. Chris’s hand moved up and moved over the tribal tattoos on his arm. As Chris moved over to the other side to see the tattoos on his left arm his cock brushed Mark’s leg. Chris’s eyes roamed over his arm as his hand rubbed up and down over the images of skulls and snakes. He stopped with his fingers on the image of the reaper and looked at Mark “That's pretty intense.” Mark felt Chris’s cock resting on his leg and it was getting stiffer. He could sense that Chris also wanted to see the piercing in his cock but was afraid. Mark reached down and stroked his cock a few times and felt it get stiffer and lifted it up. “And then there’s this,” he said looking down at his cock. Chris swallowed hard and looked down and got a little closer. “Oh my god. That had to fuckin’ hurt. I’ve seen a few guys with a pierced dick, but never up close or this big. Why did you do it?” “Cuz it feels really good when I’m fucking and I’ve been told it feels great inside,” explained Mark. At this point he decided to go for broke. Mark moved his hand and started pushing Chris’s head towards his hard cock. “Take a closer look. Touch it. I know you want to.” He could feel Chris’s breathing get heavy and Chris raised his shaking hand and grasped Mark’s cock and then moved it closer to the head. His thumb pushed the piercing and it rotated a bit. Mark pushed his head closer. Feeling no resistance, he whispered “Suck it.” Chris stammered “Uh, I don’t know. I don’t usually do that sort of thing.” Mark keyed in on the word ’usually’ and said “So you’ve sucked a guy before?” He could feel Chris’s reluctance start to fade. “Just a couple of times. Nothing this big though.” Mark pushed Chris’s head to his cock, the cock head touching his lips. Chris opened his mouth and started to take Mark’s cock into his mouth. Slowly he started sucking and playing with the piercing with his tongue. Chris started to bob up and down on his cock and Mark moaned. It wasn’t the best blowjob he had gotten, but having a straight guy suck him really turned him on. Mark looked down Chris’s body and saw his ass moving around as he was sucking his cock. 'I wonder...,' thought Mark. Mark started to move his hips, thrusting his cock deeper into Chris’s mouth. Chris gagged a few times but kept sucking. Mark pushed his cock into Chris’s throat and held his head there with his hands for a few seconds before letting up. Chris stood up and gasped for breath “Oh Fuck!” he grunted only to go back down and resume sucking. Mark didn’t want to waste his load down Chris’s throat so when he started to get close he pushed Chris off and said “My turn” with a smile, gesturing for Chris to take Mark's seat. Chris sat back down on his towel and Mark got between his legs. The cock facing Mark was a rock hard six inches of circumcised baby making meat. Obviously he must have enjoyed sucking Mark’s cock if he stayed hard the whole time. Mark began his oral endeavors by licking up and down Chris’s shaft and curling his tongue around the head. He dug his tongue into the piss slit and wrapped his lips around the head sucking gently. He slowly descended down the shaft moving up and down until he was almost at Chris’s pubes. He opened his throat and dove down the remaining distance and squeezed his throat around the tip of Chris’s cock. Mark felt Chris shiver and knew this was much better than he ever got from his wife. Mark kept working Chris’s cock a few more minutes and then pulled off before moving down and sucking one of Chris’s balls into his mouth and massaging it with his tongue. Pulling back he stretched the ball in its sack until it popped out of his mouth. Hearing the moaning from Chris, he repeated it with the other ball. Mark then pushed Chris’ legs back and started licking down the taint to Chris’s pucker and brushed his tongue over the hole. Tasting just a bit of funk, Mark kept flicking his tongue over Chris’s fuck hole making him moan even louder. He brought his finger up and circled the hole before pushing in just up to the first knuckle. A loud gasp came from Chris. Mark continued working Chris’ hole with his finger, getting deeper and feeling the hole start to relax a bit. He looked up and Chris had his eyes closed with a big smile on his face and was holding his legs open for Mark. Mark stood up on the lower bench and ran his cock across Chris’ straight boy hole. When the steel ring touched Chris’s hole, Chris’s eyes opened wide almost immediately, as he exclaimed “No! I can’t take that!” “But your hole says it wants it, Chris,” Mark said softly while rubbing his leaking cock around his pucker and pushing in gently. Chris’ breathing turned into a panting. "Relax, Chris, I'll go easy," Mark said soothingly just before he spat a large glob of saliva on to the head of his cock and a second at mid length. He also worked several globs of saliva into Chris’ hole, using the head of his cock as a bludgeon. “Breathe deep, now exhale” and as Chris exhaled Mark pushed in and felt the head pop inside. Pausing for a moment, Mark let the precum ooze from his cock inside Chris’s tender hole. He started to rock his body, working his cock in deeper and deeper as he heard Chris grunt and groan. Once he was half way in his rocking motion gave way to bigger thrusts and he would occasionally stroke Chris' still hard cock. Usually when Mark got to fuck a straight guy, their cock never stayed hard but Chris was enjoying this too much. As Mark’s strokes got deeper he started nudging Chris’ prostate and he watched as the precum started to run out of Chris’ dick. Mark was thrusting in all the way and feeling his balls slap Chris’ ass. He knew he was close and his conscience was poking his brain. Mark continued driving his cock into the now sloppy hole as he instructed “Chris, look at me.” Chris’ eyes opened as he grunted with each inward stroke and nodded. “Chris, I’m about to cum. I’m HIV positive and I will probably infect you if I breed you. Do you want me to pull out?” The thrusts were getting harder and more erratic. Chris looked right into Mark’s eyes and said “Breed me. Give me your cum.” The words were exactly what Mark wanted to hear and he slammed his cock in as his balls pumped their tainted seed deep into Chris’ fertile hole. After the last spurt of cum shot into Chris’ hole Mark moved back and he pulled his spent cock out of Chris’ now swollen hole. Over his shoulder he heard “That was damn hot.” Turning to look, he saw Dennis there, naked, stroking his hard cock. “Can I have a turn?” Chris weakly nodded, still in a daze. Dennis was in between Chris’ legs before he could change his mind and thrust his cock into the poz-cum filled pussy. Dennis started pounding Chris like it was the last fuck he would ever get. Their bodies slammed together over and over until Dennis grabbed Chris’ shoulders and rammed his cock in all the way and let out a growl as he unloaded his seed deep inside Chris’ guts. Almost immediately Chris’ cock erupted covering both of them with neg cum. Both of them were breathing hard and Dennis slowly pulled his cock out of Chris’ hole. The three of them got up and walked out of the sauna and went to the showers, sharing one shower stall as they rinsed off. Chris turned to Mark and asked “Were you serious about being poz?” “Yeah, I was. You still okay with it?” replied Mark. “Too late now, but yeah. I’ve been wanting to get fucked like that for a long time. Maybe now I’m free to do it." Dennis just grinned as he listened to the conversation. Dennis said “Gotta get back to work. Thanks” and dried off, dressed and left. Chris then dried off and dressed, walking out of the locker room a bit stunned. Mark toweled off and went to his locker. Opening the locker, he took his clothes out and found a note tucked inside. It was Dennis’s phone number. Mark went back to the room and contemplated his actions from last night and today. Was he going down a bad, dark path? After taking a long shower in the room, he made his plan. He got dressed, forgoing his usual jockstrap for boxer briefs, and jeans and a t-shirt. Grabbing his phone and keys he walked out the door and hopped in the car. He drove over to the big chain pharmacy and went inside. Mark roamed the aisles as if on a mission. Damn, he hated how they re-arranged these stores every month so you could never find anything. Finally he turned down the right aisle and spotted his target. He grabbed two home HIV test kits from the shelf then looked around and picked up a ten pack of condoms. Going to the front of the store he noticed this store didn’t have the self-serve checkout lines like his at home did. Oh well. Dropping the items on the counter the middle-aged female clerk looked at him with a disapproving expression. 'Fuck her,' thought Mark. He paid and took his bag out to the car and looked at the clock. It was 12:15 PM. 'Damn, I’m late' he thought. Mark knocked on Joe and Kyle’s door, it took a few minutes before Kyle opened the door. He obviously had just awoken. Mark entered the apartment and tossed the bag on the couch and sat down. Kyle headed to the kitchen and said “Coffee?” "Sure," Mark replied. He sat there a while until Kyle brought the cup of java and Joe finally came out of the bedroom and plopped down in the chair looking pretty hungover. Mark took a sip and then said in a serious tone “Joe, we need to talk about something, but first stand up turn towards the door and pull down your shorts.” Joe slowly got up and said “This is starting out to be a pretty kinky day.” Mark looked at Joe’s butt closely and said, “OK, pull em up and sit down.” Joe looked at Mark very confused. “What the fuck were you doing in the john at the club last night? Are you fuckin’ nuts? Just bent over taking cock like a slut from anyone who pulls his dick out? Do you even know who fucked you last night?” Joe’s jaw dropped and his foggy mind couldn’t put together anything to say. It was just “um, uh, I, uh....” Mark continued “You’re gonna get yourself pozzed like that. And who knows what other diseases - Hep, syphilis, gonno, herpes.” Joe’s face just went blank as he stared back at Mark. With Joe saying nothing and Kyle staying quiet too, he opened the bag and tossed a test box to Joe and the other one to Kyle. “Take these. NOW.” Joe and Kyle opened the boxes and followed the instructions step by step. The room was silent while they waited and Mark kept the time for waiting calling out the first time to check middle and end time. Mark was hoping that Joe was already poz and he wouldn’t be the one that pozzed him up from last night’s fuck. After each time was called, Joe would say 'Fuck' and nothing else. At the end Mark asked “Kyle, what did your test say?” Quietly Kyle said “Neg”. Mark looked at Joe and asked him the same thing. “Neg. Again.” “Again?” Mark asked. “Yeah, we’ve been trying to get pozzed up for a several months now” Joe explained. Kyle was nodding in agreement. “Fuck. Are you nuts? There’s no cure. And if you don’t take the drugs it kills you.” “I’m know what can happen and I’m not nuts. I got sick of trying to avoid it. I hate using condoms, sex is better bare. And it really turns me on thinking each guy who fucks me may be the one to gift me," Joe explained. “There’s PrEP. You can get fucked by anyone and not get pozzed. With HIV anyway,” added Mark. “If I’m taking drugs why not just be poz too?” was Joe’s retort. Mark realized that Joe and Kyle had already made up their minds and he wasn’t going to change them. And deep down, he didn’t want to change their minds. He had already bred each one of them and it was too soon to tell if he infected them. With that realization he made a snap decision. “Well, I was in the john last night watching you get fucked and I know at least one poz guy bred you. And he’s got a pretty high viral load too. So you might be on your way” Mark told Joe. “Who? You watched the whole thing? And didn’t say anything until now? Oh fuck.” said Joe. “No, I just saw part of it. I didn’t know it was you until later” Mark added. “How much later? Did Kyle tell you?” Joe looked at Kyle with an evil look. “No, Kyle didn’t say anything. I found out it was you as I pulled my cock out of your ass and saw the birthmark on your butt cheek,” explained Mark. “So, did the poz guy fuck me before or after you?” asked Joe. “Joe, it WAS me.”
    1 point
  40. Part 11 Luke's oral training was progressing nicely as he started to become more aware, and accepting, of his situation. After being confronted with the possibilities he quickly accepted his new role and began to accelerate his skills, not only sucking cock but getting fucked. He not only craved the needle of a slam, but the need to be fucked. Steve was not going to send him out on a job util he was, first, ready and second, a converted poz cum dump. As Friday approached the plan to get the cocky stud who lived in James' dorm was ready to be put into motion. Matt was able to get Steve's support and, although he'd love to add this stud to his stable of boys, the alpha mentality he had would pose a problem. Steve was resigned to see this kid reduced to a chemmed up, cum dump, and marked forever by the seed he'd forever crave after they were done with him. Matt went to the dorm part as James' guest and before too long managed to catch the stuck up studs attention. The studs name was Brandon Allen McMasters (who claimed his nick name to be 'Bam Bam'). The nick name was not just for his initials, he bragged it was for the 9" club he carried between his legs. Matt showed an interest in learning more about his 'so called club' as their conversation it made drudging him up so much easier. Bam Bam was thinking he found himself a nice piece of ass to fuck,. but before he knew it he was having difficulty focusing. With little attention drawn to them Matt put an arm around the stud and walked him out of the party. James had headed out earlier and with a careful eye to Make sure no one was the wiser, the three made their was out to Matt's car. After a short dive to a local Motel 6 the three were ushered into a secluded room on the back side of the property to find Steve waiting with a small group of the campus gay community. Once securely inside the room they stripped their prey and secured his arms out and his lags back so that his hole was exposed. As the kid was still out from the cocktail he was given at the party James was given honors to be the first to seed his virgin ass. James was not going to be gentle as he slammed his barely lubed cock into the semi-conscious stud. As he worked to destroy and breed this stuck up ass Steve began to slowly bring the kid back around with a set of slams that he knew would increase his awareness as he took more and more cock (and cum) in his ass. The stud was also given an injection of Cavedrject which would insure his cock would be hard no mater how much Tina he was given and as it grew to its full 9" they knew why he loved to fuck. Steve was the second guy to fuck him as another slam brought him closer to the discover of the joys his ass was going to command from this day forward. Matt went after Steve and by the third slam the stud was not only aware of what was happening to him but enable him to moan with every thrust Matt gave. By the time 'Bam Bam' was completely aware of his being fucked as all those present were now wearing masks as one after another took his turn. The key to all this was making this stuck up jock know he was taking it raw and (hopefully) get him begging for each guy's load. They had a camera set up on his ass as he was getting fucked. As the talk around him centered on the fact of bareback sex and breeding the 'new piece of meat' they directed his attention to the TV where it was evident he was taking raw dick. This was accentuated by the fact he was hard as the guys around him let him know that he wondered in and begged to be fucked. They went on to tell him that when the first guy went to fuck him and asked if he wanted to be fucked wrapped or raw he replied that he didn't care, he just needed to have his ass filled. 'Bam Bam' took multiple loads from every guy present and, with the Tina now fully in his system, began to beg for each load. After they were sure he had enough poz cum inside him to pregnate a dozen guys he was then put out again by Steve's special blend before a butt plug was securely place inside him and he was taken back to his dorn room where he was tucked into bed and left to dream away. When he woke up on Saturday afternoon he had the strongest urge to take a shit. He sat down on the toilet and forced out the butt plug wich was followed by a decent amount of cum that had not been absorbed by his body. It was at that moment he began to vaguely recall what he thought was a dream, but now was wondering if he had really been fucked. This thought caused his cock to respond and soon found the kid stroking his 9" to the thoughts he thought were dreams, but now had him wondering if the had actually been fucked.
    1 point
  41. Part 4 (New Recruit) Matt settled into his new role working for Steve. Matt was a quick study and it didn't take him long to master the art of a good slam. Steve told Matt that he needed to experience a nice slam so that he would know what the boys would be feeling when he slammed them. He knew the rules when it came to slamming and that he was allowed to slam himself but never with anything more then a 0.2. The boys that Steve whored out typically got a lot more then that amount and were seriously addicted to Tina, the needle and having to be slammed. Since Matt quit the wrestling team, Steve had him cut his class schedule back. Matt told the coach that he was quitting to concentrate on his classes (which wasn't too far off since he was close to becoming ineligible. This gave Matt time to look after the 5 boys that Steve had in his stable and scout potential pieces of ass that Steve could corrupt. Steve had a thing for taking straight boys and total tops and turning them into his whores. He like to get a new piece of ass to sell ever semester since he only like to keep them around for 3 or 4 years before he either sold them off to one of his overseas clients or dumped them on the opposite coast with enough drugs on them to get them arrested and thrown in jail It was a particular nice fall day with the temperature in the 80's when Matt first saw him. He looked like he was still in high school, Matt guessed 15, maybe 16 dismissing the young looking 'kid' as someones younger brother visiting. The second time he spotted the young looking kid he was coming out of one of the class rooms as class was letting out. Matt spotted one of his friends who was in the same class to find out more. Matt learned that the young looking kid's name was Luke and that he was a freshman. Matt knew at that moment he found a potential recruit. Matt set out to learn all he could about Luke. Luke was the oldest of 3 boys (his brothers were named Matthew and John) and they had a father who was a baptist minister. He lived in one of the only all male dorms on campus. His high school girl would drive up to spend the weekend with him and (although it was not allowed) she would stay in Luke's dorm room. Matt knew Steve had the campus wired and was able to get someone from housing to find him hosting an underage female in his dorm room. Luke was given 48 hours to vacate the dorms upon their being caught. The next step was to get him directed over to Steve home as what would be the only place Luke would be able to afford. When he came around to see the studio apartment (which was right next to the one bedroom I occupied) I could tell Steve knew the kid would bring in big bucks. Right after Luke signed his lease and left Steve turned to me and said that he couldn't wait to get a piece of that ass. Although Luke was now living in the studio apartment, he still had the girlfriend. Steve knew exactly how to handle that insignificant problem. While Luke was filling out his application and showing Steve his ID to prove he was 18, Steve was able to clone his cell phone. The next weekend when she would normally visit with the cloned phone, Steve was able to intercept that she would be visiting the coming weekend only to pass along to Luke messages that she was not going to be visiting. The next step was to get Luke to hang out with the young ladies of the building. After a few drinks and some carefully posed pictures his girl arrived right on time to find him sitting with the topless ladies. After a few choice words she turned and headed back home. Luke spent the following week trying to beg for her forgiveness without any luck. Luke and his girl lost their virginity with each other when they first started dating in high school, and he visits were to allow the two to continue fucking even with Luke away at school. After 2 weeks without any sex and spending all of his free time in his apartment Matt knew he was ready to for corruption. Matt made it a point to get Luke out of his apartment with the promise of some fun with the ladies upstairs. Matt told Luke that he needed a wing man and assured Luke he would easily be able to have sex with one, maybe even both, of the young ladies. Luke was easily swayed since his was extremely horny. They found the girls out by the pool on that late Friday afternoon. The drinks began to flow (Luke's spiked with a small amount of GHB) and before too long the girls pulled out the pipe and started smoking away. At first Luke was hesitant, although he had smoked plenty of weed, but with some persuasion from Matt and the girls it didn't take him long before he was blowing some impressive clouds. Between the effects of the G in his drink and the Tina he was smoking Luke soon found himself very horny. The girls knew their job and before he knew it Luke had his cock sucked hard by one of the ladies before she got him to fuck her right there poolside. After that first fuck they moved the action into the girls apartment and they spent the rest of the night fucking. Luke and Matt traded off the girls the entire night until the girls said they had had enough for the time asking the guys to return the next day for more. The guys headed back to their apartments. Matt agreed when Luke asked if he could hold onto the pipe and smoke a little more since he really liked how it made him feel. Matt agreed and with a smirk knew the kid was one step closer to being Steve's. After Luke was tucked away in his apartment Matt joined Steve were they were able to observe Luke on the cameras that were hidden in the studio apartment. They watched as Luke smoked away and jerked his dick. They could tell that the Tina was starting to affect his ability to get hard and that the next step in the plan was going to be easy to get Luke to take. The next morning Matt knocked on Luke's door. A naked Luke opened the door and invited Matt inside. Luke knew the girls were going to want to fuck again but he confided in Matt that he was having trouble getting hard. Matt told him not to worry as he pulled out a couple Viagra and a cock ring. Luke quickly took the blue pill and (with Matt's help) put the cock ring on as they waited for the Viagra to take affect. Luke began to worry as time passed and he still didn't get hard. Matt made an offer to Luke, telling him of his being bisexual and if Luke would let him, he knew he could get him hard so that they could fuck the girls. Luke was unsure at first, but Matt assured him that no one would ever know what was about to happen between the two neighbors. Luke agrees as he laid back on his bed as Matt instructed. Before he knew it Matt was between his legs and had his limp dick in his mouth as he gave Luke the best blow job hr had ever had. Luke couldn't believe how wonderful it felt and in no time Luke was rock hard and ready to fuck the girls.
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  42. I think it comes down to non-consensual behavior is wrong whether from a family member or not, and it comes down to forgiveness, the person who did it, and in some ways forgiveness for oneself as there is usually an "enjoyment" factor To me it is completely separate from incest. I think there is nothing more beautiful than a willing father and son fucking. I am friends with more than one set of fathers and sons that have had willing sex, and none of them ever regretted it. If fact, you'll never meet an emotional closer father/son.
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  43. After posting the experience of felching a hot pighole about 4 years ago on here which I just re-read, i've got another more recent experience to relate. I was in London at the HOIST which caters to leather/rubber men. I've a fetish for leather and boots and love breeding and getting fucked by other leather pigs. It was crowded with all these hot men and there was sex going on all around me. Two floors of semi-dark pathways past slings and dark corners. I caught the eye of this shorter compact cub, full beard, shirtless with a harness and tight leather chaps, his dick and balls and nice furry ass hanging out. I followed him to a dark area and I was leaning back against the wall playing with my dick eyeing him like we all do in leather bars. He came closer to me and stood right in front of me, with his back and ass really close to my dick and was grinding his ass as he got closer and closer to me. It was obvious that he had been fucked already as i could see that his ass was all wet and could smell the cum leaking out of him. I put my arms under his arms around to his chest and started pulling on his eraser nips pulling him tight up against my hard dick which he responded to right away with a loud moan and he bent forward to offer up his ass to me and with a deep gutteral voice begged me to breed him. As soon as I slid my dick into his hole it was obvious he had many loads in him, his ass was sloppy the way i like and as I started to fuck him, the seed in his gut was leaking out over the legs of my leatherchaps. The more I fucked the louder he moaned and we started to attract a crowd of leather and rubber pigs around us. Most were jerking their dicks and I let several of them shoot their loads over my dick as I was breeding the leathercub's sloppy ass. I shot my load into him and he was slamming his ass back hard against my thrusts in. I pulled out and asked him how many loads he had taken. He told me he had lost count but he thought I was number 18. He sucked on my dick to clean it off and then wanted to know if I would felch the seed from his ass and feed him. I was so fuckin turned on by this cub and of couse I obliged. He pushed a little and this flood of gut warmed slop flowed out and I was almost choking there was so much. I swallowed a mouthful but there was a lot more and I then snowballed that into his mouth. we moaned and grunted and passed the slop between us for awhile. Another guy was at his ass sucking out more loads and he passed the slop to the two of us so we had a threesome slurp.
    1 point
  44. My fantasy starts in a bathhouse, in a dark room. There's a bottom on a bench in the center of the room getting fucked raw. I walk up and watch the action, and the top reaches out and strokes my hard cock a few times with his greased hand. He slides out of the bottom and guides me over so I can take a turn fucking and I slide my cock into his well greased hole. There's a few loads already inside, which gets me hot. The other top simply moves to the side and starts rubbing my ass as I slowly fuck the bottom. The top slides his hand down my crack, letting his fingers linger on my hole, which feels good. He slips a finger into my ass, keeping pace with my fucking strokes. As I pull back, he pushes his finger deeper inside me, easing it out as I push into the bottom. Soon one finger becomes two and my pleasure intensifies as I'm fucking myself on his hand as I fuck the bottom. This continues for a few minutes until another top appears and indicates he would like a turn at the bottom. I slide out and move to my left, closer to the guy with his fingers in my hole. As the new guy begins to fuck the bottom on the bench, my top continues working his fingers into my ass and starts stroking my cock. It feels really good to be played with like this, and I reach over and start stroking his cock as well. The guy moves behind me a bit, kissing my shoulder and neck as he works his fingers into me, and I release his cock as it rubs up against my ass cheeks. Within a minute, he's removed his fingers from my hole and his cock is sliding up my crack, up and down, back and forth as he slowly grinds against me. Each time, he goes a little lower, hitting my hole and gliding over it. He pauses at my hole and pushes a bit, then continues up my crack. After a few strokes, I feel pressure on my back as he releases my cock and pushes me to bend forward a bit.. I lean forward and push my ass back against him and position my feet a bit wider. I know what's coming... I'm going to get fucked anonymously. I feel his cock lower down my crack until it hits my hole. By now I'm so horny to be filled I can't stand it. He pushes in, and I relax as I feel my ring spread to admit him. It doesn't slide in despite my pre-lubricating and his previously cum-covered cock. He relaxes, then pushes again, as I bear down and try to let him in. His head slides pass my ring and into my guts. One long, slow push and he's buried inside me. I gasp, breathe deep, and push back until I feel his pubes tickling my cheeks. He's balls deep inside me and I don't even know his name. I wonder if he's Poz, and in the same instant realize that I don't care. I want his cock inside me and I want to feel him cum. I lean forward and my knees touch the bench. I continue to bend forward until my hands are supporting me and my knees slide up onto the bench. I'm side-by-side with the original bottom and taking my place there. My top stays inside during this positioning, and now begins slowly pumping his cock into me. I can't believe I'm a dark room bottom, taking anon raw cock. I feel so humiliated, and yet so alive at the same time. All I can focus on is satisfying the cock inside me. He builds up speed and tempo, really fucking me now. It feels amazing. He continues to fuck my ass and I feel a change in rhythm as he speeds up, shortens his strokes, and buries himself deep inside my ass. I'm getting bred. A stranger's unloading his cum inside me and it feels amazing. A few grunts, a few more deep strokes, and he pulls out of my ass. I feel wet, knowing that he left his load inside my hole. God, that felt amazing. I relax and breathe deeply, basking in the afterglow and get ready to get up and move along. And in an instant, there's hands on my ass, spreading my cheeks. I look back and see that there's someone else behind me, and before I know it, another cock is sliding into my hole. Crap. What did i get myself into? As I debate on if I want to continue this, the cock continues to slide into me. Too late now, might as well keep on going... What a night. After my fourth anonymous cock and load, I got up and headed to the bathroom. I needed a shower, as I had cum leaking from my ass, down my balls and thighs, and was a mess. It's amazing and I can't wait for my next time.
    1 point
  45. Part 4... Moments later, we arrived at the house. We got out one by one. Jack helped me out of the truck as Chet's fucking had left me weak at the knees and dripping POZ cum down my leg. My boy raced around the car, grabbed my head, and kissed me hard. He reached around behind me and felt my gooey hole. He flipped me around and pressed me onto the hood of the car, right there in the driveway, parted my ass cheeks, and dove in, lapping at Chat's toxic cum as it dripped out of my used hole. He had NEVER rimmed me before and his tongue only made my knees weaker. Chet and Sam lifted me up and laid me down on my back on the hood of the car. My boy climbed up beside me and matched my position. He pulled his legs up and I matched him. Sam crouched by my ass and started lapping as Chet dove into my boy's hole. Jack and Kevin stood by as my boy and I took center stage. Jack peeled Kevin's tight t-shirt over his hairless muscled chest and then pulled down his shorts. Without underwear, Kevin's massive hard uncut cock and huge balls sprang into view. Jack immediately dropped to his knees and started swallowing him to the balls. My boy and I both gasped as our holes were teased by fingers and tongues. “Let's bring this party inside, gentlemen. It's getting cold out here,” murmured Jack, between gulps of Kevin's cock. The two poz studs going to town on me and my boy's hole practically threw us over their shoulders and dragged us inside. Somehow, we managed to make it upstairs to Jack's master bedroom and became a tangle of sweaty bodies, juicy cocks, and sticky precum. After a few minutes of fumbling, Jack, myself, and my boy wound up on our knees with our asses hanging over the foot of the bed. Kevin lined up behind Jack, Sam behind me, and Chet behind my boy. Kevin aimed his dick at Jack's ass as Sam and Chet speared me and my boy. The sounds of man-sex filled the room as the tops did their work. After a few minutes of pounding, Sam pulled out asking, “Think these guys can fuck as hard as they like to get fucked?” “Let's find out!” growled Jack. We all switched places as Jack filled Kevin with his manhood, and I sunk all the way into Sam with one thrust. My boy, who had never topped to my knowledge, thrust into Chet and jackrabbited his ass like a pro. I As I plowed into Sam, I got super hard knowing my boy and I were fucking POZ guys. It then dawned on me that we didn't know Kevin's status. I wondered how well Jack knew this young stud hammering away at his hole. I got my answer. “Fuck me, Kev. Fuck your old man. Fill me up!!!!” Holy shit! Kevin was Jack's SON. “Fill me up with your POZ seed!” Fuck. I was watching a POZ son fuck his own dad!!! “Your son!?!?” shouted Sam, holding his ankles as I fucked him as hard as I could. “I want a crack at that dick!” I pulled out and switched places with Kevin. He slammed in Sam's bare hole as I slid into my boss's guts. Kevin had still not spoken a word, but grunted and growled as he fucked Sam like a pro. “Give it to me. Give me your load,” Sam shouted. “No, I want it!” shouted my boy. He pulled out of Chet and laid down on top of him, ass prone and ready for Kevin. Having taken two poz studs' loads already, it was time for a third's. Kevin pulled out of Sam and thrust into my boy. Three strokes later, he was creaming my boy's hungry hole, shooting his toxic load deep. “Fuck yeah,” he finally grunted. “Want my dad's load too?” “Hell yeah. I want all of their loads.” My boy, what a cum pig. One by one, all of the guys finished off inside my boy. I was so hard I thought my dick would explode. With his hole awash in cum, I slid in last. His hole was sloppy, used, and raw. I knew I wouldn't last long and added my load to his hole in a few frenzied thrusts. As I pulled out, Jack dove into my boy's ass. He lapped up a mouthful of jizz, slid up my boy's sweaty boy, and dripped it, glob by slimy glob, into his gaping mouth. Kevin leaned in and the three of them shared a lewd cummy kiss. With a mouthful of POZ and NEG mixed cum, Kevin started lapping at his father's ass. “Think it will take this weekend, son?” Kevin grinned for a few moments before smiling and saying, “The weekend as only just started. There's lots more to cum.” To be continued?
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  46. Part 2... I rose early, before my boy got up, and packed a small bag with our bathing suits, our toothbrushes, and not much else, and stuffed it into my briefcase, hoping to make a discreet exit mid-day. I got to work and made sure all of the loose ends were tied up so we could leave when Jack was ready, and head home to pick up my boy. To my surprise, just before noon, my boy walked through my door. He was wearing short tight jeans and a net t-shirt, completely out of place in a buttoned-up business office. “Jack picked me up on his way into the office this morning. I've been, erm, entertaining the stud in the mailroom for a while. Hope we weren't too noisy...” He reached his hand into the cuff of his shorts, and I knew he was fingering his hole, no doubt wet with yet another man's cum. “Ready to go?” So much for a discreet exit... I picked up my briefcase and followed my cumslut boy out of the office. All of the prudish secretaries looked at us both. I was embarrassed but turned on knowing they all knew my dirty little secret now... Jack was waiting by his fancy SUV, still in suit and tie. “Mind if your boy rides in front?” “Front or back, I'm sure he'll be happy to ride anywhere.” I threw my briefcase in the back as my boy climbed in the front. I sat in the back, watching as my boss rested his man-paw in my boy's crotch as he started the care and drove us on our way. I dozed on and off as we made our way out of the city. I awoke an hour later, not surprised to see my boy leaning across the truck and gulping down my boss's cock. I'll never know how Jack managed to keep us on the road. Jack's breathing became more and more shallow and I knew he was close. My boy's head kept bouncing up and down, faster and faster until Jack's hand forced it all the way down onto his cock, grunting and filling my boy's mouth with his seed. “We're off to a good start,” he chuckled as my boy sat back up, licking the slime off his face. A short while later, we arrived at Jack's sprawling oceanfront house. Chet and Sam must have already arrived as there were two tiny sports cars in the driveway. We parked the truck as Jack's buddies both came outside to meet us, both wearing slim tight square-cut bathing suits that left little to the imagination. Chet and Sam were both Jack's age, late 40s or early 50s, and both in peak condition. Chet was shorter that Sam, and in great shape. He looked slightly asian, tan with dark hair and brown eyes. Sam was taller and beefier with a wide brown mustache. He could have been the Marlboro man. I couldn't help but notice that both had red plus signs tattooed beneath their navels. I sprung wood realizing that they both must be POZ. “Nice tatts,” I remarked. My boy was so high on lust that he couldn't even speak. “So what have you brought us this time,” Chet asked as he drunk my boy's body in with his eyes. Sam liked what he saw, licked his lips, and started pulling my boy's t-shirt over his head. Jack smiled, and introduced us to each other and led us inside. As soon as the door was closed, the guys were all over my boy, and I sprung a hard-on simply watching. It was almost as if I was invisible. Chet and Jack pulled my boys shorts down. There in the foyer, Chet swallowed my boy's cock as Sam started tonguing and fingering his hole. “Are you still neg?” Sam asked as he stood up and aimed his cock at my boy's quivering pucker. “Not if you can help it.” Chet led my boy over to the wall and helped his buddy line up his cock, ready to fuck my boy. Jack put his paws on my shoulders and slid up behind me. “You okay with this, man?” At that point, what could I say? I knew what we were getting ourselves into before getting in the car. I nodded. I could feel my mouth going dry as I watch Sam spit on his cock and slide it forcefully into my boy's bare hole. I shared my boy's hole with friends before, some bare, and I'm sure some of them were POZ. I thought that the blond hunk in the truck last night was POZ from the way he described his HOT load, but didn't know if my boy knew that when he was breeding him. Until now, I'd never witnessed him knowingly taking POZ cock. And he was loving it, bucking around. I saw Jack pull off his shirt and saw for the first time that he had a tattoo too. His was a red minus. He saw me looking. “We all had these done in college together. Chet and Sam have had theirs... altered, shall we say, since then...” He grabbed my hand and led it tracing down his pecs and abs and over below his navel, circling it around his tattoo and then down to his cock. I jerked him a bit before lowering myself to my knees and swallowing his manhood, a cock that had seeded my boy's hole the night before. I've always been proud of my oral abilities and swallowed Jack down without a gag. “Ummm. Nice. You're almost as talented as your boy here. Sure am glad you're here.” Jack ran his fingers through my hair before lifting me up. “That's nice, but you're missing the show. You gotta watch this.” He turned me around to see Sam hammering his cock away at my boy's bare hole. He pulled away and Chet took his place, slamming in deeply and driving away. Chet fucked my boy as Sam and Jack jerked each other. Chet was leaning forward, kissing my boy's ear and neck as my boy did all he could to keep upright against the wall. “Deeper. I need it deeper. I need your POZ cock DEEPER!” Chet pulled out and took my boy's hand, leading him into the living room. Chet waved his hand over the sofa. It was nice white leather, conveniently already covered with a beach towel. “We're prepared. Wouldn't want to stain the upholstery. Sit down guys. We're going to play PASS THE CUMSLUT.” The sofa easily fit Chet, Sam, Jack, and me, our thighs pressing against each other. My boy climbed onto Chet's lap and sat right down on his cock. He bounced up and down a few times before pulling off and sitting on Sam's dick. My boy's cock was boucing all over, drooling clear sap. Jack leaned over and took his cock in his mouth, sucking all of his sweet juices into his mouth and then spitting it onto his fingers and then working them up his own ass. My boy pulled up off of Sam and sat right down on Jack's cock. Jack had his hands all over my boy's tight body and then his bouncing cock. As my boy fucked up and down, his dick was fucking Jack's hand, bringing him close to orgasm. “Fuck yeah, boy, give me that load!” My boy came in spurts all over his chest and Jack's hand. My boy pulled off and Jack spun him around and licked up what might be one of my boy's last NEG loads. Jack fingering my boy's load into his own hole as he watched the sex happening around him. My boy moved down the line, and finally showed me some attention. Facing me, he rode my cock for a minute or so, before whispering in my ear. “Sorry, but I need their loads. They've got something you can't give me... yet...” My boy kissed me hard as he pulled up and went back to the front of the line, sitting on Chet's lap again. Jack continued to jerk off, working his ass with his cummy fingers. Chet was close, and it was only a few thrusts before he was shooting his toxic load into my boy's ass. Dutifully, my boy pulled off and cleaned off Chet's dick, licking and slobbering all over his crotch, tracing the red plus sign with one hand as he fingered his puffy used hole with the other. He then moved onto Sam, facing him as he mounted his monster cock. Sam lasted longer than Chet had before adding his own dirty load to my boy's hole. Like Chet, my boy cleaned and worshipped his POZ cock, paying special attention to his tattoo before climbing onto Jack's dick. “Help a boy out,” Jack grunted at me. I stood up not knowing how to help. “He's already too loose for me. Fuck him with me!” I squatted between Jack's thighs and aimed my drooling dick at my boy's hole. I clumsily worked my dick inside next to Jack's. I could feel the guy's POZ cumloads dripping down my cock and onto my balls. The thought of my boy willingly taking all of that toxic cum sent shockwaves through my body, and I came alongside Jack's cock. The added lube sent Jack over the edge as well and he sent a bucketload of spooge deep inside my boy's hole. Four loads in my boy, half of them POZ, and it wasn't even dinner time. We cleaned up, saw the rest of the house, and headed upstairs for a brief nap. When I woke up, the clock read 6:00. The mattress beside me was cold and my boy was gone. I stumbled downstairs and out onto the deck, appreciating the ocean view before hearing grunting and splashing. I found everyone in the hot tub, my boy's ass full of Chet's POZ cock and his mouth full of Sam's. I knew it was going to be a long night. To be continued...
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  47. 3. I put the pipe and torch down, then turned back to Javier. He had pulled off his boxers, and was now naked and hard, leaning back on the couch. His eyes were sort of focused on the TV, but also dreamy and distant as he was enjoying the start of the high. "Suck me, man," he said. I did a hit of the poppers, and returned to kneeling between his legs. I licked the tip of his cock, tasting a small drop of pre-cum. My hands were resting on his hips, and as I wrapped my lips around his cockhead, I felt him beginning to relax. This was something he knew how to enjoy: enjoying the first perfect moments of a crystal high and a personal cocksucker working on his cock. He knew it would only be a few moments before I had most of his penis in my mouth and his cockhead pressing into my throat. "Right on, bro," Eli said, "Swallow that Latino cock." He and Javi started to make out, as Eli stroked his cock. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that it was still the same size, as big and thick as ever. I was terrified of the moment when he was going to try to shove his tool into my ass. But I also knew there would be no way I'd refuse him that pleasure, especially with the crystal fueling my every action. I tried not to think about the future and what I'd be called on to do. When the time came, I'd face it and take it like a good bottom. While I had been thinking, I had gotten Javi's cockhead all the way to the back of my mouth, just hitting my throat. It was time to try my best and swallow his cock. I hoped that I would be able to avoid gagging, but was scared that I couldn't control my reactions with a thick cock in my throat. With all the hits we had done from the glass pipe, my mouth was dry, and it wasn't as easy as earlier to get used to his hard shaft going into me. But Javier was definitely ready for me to take his entire cock and to go all the way down. He had put his hand on the back of my head, gently but firmly pressing me further onto his cock. I swallowed, and relaxed my throat. With a pop, his cockhead invaded my throat and stretched it out. "Fuck man! That's what I'm needing now," Javi said. He pushed on the back of my head harder, forcing me to swallow the entire length of his cock. He was no longer being gentle or slow about it, but made me take the entire length of his shaft in one fast stroke. I wasn't expecting his sudden thrust, and had to force myself to calm down and suppress a gag. "You ok there, white boy?" Eli asked me. I was still trying to get used to all of Javi's cock in my throat, but I nodded yes anyway. Javi's tool was cutting off my air supply and I knew I would have to pull off shortly, just to catch my breath. But for a few more moments, I would let Javi have the joy of a warm throat around his cock. And I would have the pleasure of a hard cock stretching out my throat. "He's trying not to gag, I can tell," Javi said. "Feels fucking awesome for me though." "Maybe a different position would be better, bro?" Eli said. I couldn't keep Javi's cock in my throat any longer. I needed to breath and to have something to drink. Javi released the pressure on the back of my head, and let me pull off. Eyes blurry, I gasped a few times, and looked at the two dark men, watching my every move. "Let's go into the bedroom, bro." Eli said. I coughed a bit and was finally able to speak. "Yea, that would be good." It was nice to be able to breath again finally, although I was already missing sucking on their cocks. All I could think about was getting a cock, any cock, back into my mouth. My ass was twitching as well, the shard of crystal inside me had finally melted. I wanted to get fucked as well as suck cock. "You got a TV in there?" Eli asked. "This is a hot movie," he continued. "Yeah, I do. No worries." I stood up and gathered the supplies I had brough out: pipe, torch, crystal, lube, poppers. I went to the TV and stopped the movie, pulling the DVD from the player. "You want anything else to drink?" I asked the guys. "Water? Juice? Vodka? Beer?" "How about a screwdriver?" Javi asked. "You got any more vitamin V for us," Eli asked me. It took me a second to realize what he was referring to, the Viagra I had provided for the two men. "I'll have to check." I went into the bedroom, dropping off every thing I had gathered, before returning to the living room. Eli and Javi were still on the couch, just stroking their cocks. One of Javi's hands was resting on Eli's muscular thigh. Although the two were utterly comfortable with each other naked and aroused, it was hard to tell if this was just a friendship or something deeper. I had a suspicion that I was a crucial element here, someone to act as an intermediary for these two men and receptacle for their needs, desires; their cocks and loads. In the kitchen, I made two screwdrivers, and brought them out. I took a swig from one, and handed it to Javi. I offered the other to Eli, but he motioned I should drink it myself. "To the bedroom, guys?" I asked. Eli and Javi got up, somewhat reluctantly aroused from their relaxation. They followed me into the bedroom. I put the DVD on, and fast forwarded it to the next scene. I knew it was a three-way: a black and a white top on a white bottom. It opened with the bottom alternately sucking off the two tops. "Right on, man," Javi said, standing and staring at the large flat-screen TV on the dresser. Eli hopped on the bed and leaned against the headboard. Almost immediately, he started stroking his cock and watched the action unfold on the TV. "You got that extra V for us?" Eli asked me. I went over to the bedtable, where I had put the supplies, and looked in the drawer. I shuffled around in the drawer, looking through my stash. I found not only another viagra, but a full bag of crystal. "Double bonus," I said. I showed him the stash of tina and the viagra. "Right on bro. Hope you don't have any plans for the rest of the day." He turned to Javier. "He's got another V for us to share. And more tina when we need it. Or he needs it." The two of them laughed at the last comment. I put the baggie down, and handed the V to Eli. He took it, carefully split it in half, and washed one half down with the screwdriver. He handed the other half to Javi who swallowed it dry. Eli grabbed the bottle of lube, and poured some on his cock. I was used to needing only a small squeeze of the lube, but Eli needed far more; he poured it on for a few seconds. Even that just barely coated his entire penis. I was dividing my attention between the screen, where the bottom was still servicing the two tops and Javier, who had been playing with his cock. Javier noticed me watching him jerk off. "You ready for more of this, man?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I am." I took one last swig of the cocktail and put it down. I kneeled down in front of him, my head ending up level with his tool. Despite being hard, his cock was long, thick and heavy enough that it only just stuck out straight, almost hanging down a bit from the its own weight. I did a quick hit of poppers, and took his cockhead into my mouth. Javi reached down and grabbed the poppers from me. He did a long hit from the bottle, screwed on the cap, then handed them back to me. As the poppers hit me, he grabbed the back of my head, and pulled me down on his cock. Soon after hitting me, the poppers hit Javi. He started to drive the blow job. He forced his cock to the back of my mouth almost immediately. It was all about his pleasure and he didn't care about me. At that moment, I was just a mouth for him. I prepared myself for him to push down my throat, and as expected, he did. His cockhead slid deep, and I suppressed the inevitable gag. I had to tilt my head up to accomodate the length of his shaft, an uncomfortable position for me. But he didn't notice or care, shoving his dick roughly all the way in, and then quickly pulling out. I did my best to keep up with him, but between the angle of my head and the intensity of his mouth-fuck, it was hard for me to not gag on his pole each time he went deep. "Not having a good time of it, huh?" Eli said, watching us from the bed. "Why don't you try the side of the bed?" I wasn't sure what he meant by that position. Javi knew exactly what Eli mean. "Right on. Get on the bed, Matt. Get on your back, and hang your head off the side." Explained by Javi, I knew what Eli had meant by the side of the bed. I had only seen that position in movies before, and never imagined that I would be the cocksucker getting facefucked that way. Javi pulled his cock out of my mouth, and waited. I was still on my knees, not sure if I was ready for that position. "Come on man. Do it," he said. Eli laughed. "You don't have a choice here, Matt. And don't worry. Once you're in position, you'll fucking love it," he said. "Or at least Javi will love fucking you." Still, I hesitated. "Come on, Matt," Javier said. "You know you want to feel this cock in your throat again." He slapped his hard cock lightly, and it bounced right in front of me. My mouth watered and reluctantly, I got onto the bed. I was lying next to Eli, only with my head by his feet. I leaned back over the side of my bed, assuming the position as Javier stood in front of me, his cock almost exactly level with my mouth. He had a straight shot into my throat. "Fuck, this is perfect," he said. "Right on," Eli said. "You're gonna stretch open up his throat for me?" "Of course." Javier handed me the bottle of poppers. I tilted my head up enough to do a hit, then handed them back to him. As the poppers took effect, I opened my mouth. Sooner or later, I knew Javi was going to slide his cock into my mouth, and worse, open up my throat. I needed to know just how bad that would be. The anticipation would probably be worse than the actual event, and I wanted to face my fears head on. "Ready, cocksucker?" Javi asked me. From my position on the bed, his cock and balls loomed large. I could just barely see his face, but I knew he was smiling and eager to be inside me. Driven by the crystal and poppers, I nodded meekly. I only thought about giving him the pleasure he deserved. He slid his dick into my mouth, his cockhead first filling my mouth, then far too soon, it pressed against the back of my mouth. I swallowed, and Javi's shaft pushed into my throat, filling it and opening it up. Even knowing that this invasion of my body was going to happen, I still had to fight back my gag reflex. Without stopping, Javi forced the entire length of his cock into me. His cock more than choked off my air supply. Above all, I wanted this invasion to stop, not have my nose buried in Javi's balls, and to be able to breath freely. I forced myself to relax and let my mind be ruled by the poppers and crystal and the needs they created in me. I had to accept Javier's manhood in my throat. I had to accept it as my lot in life, and my purpose. It took some effort, but slowly, I was able to find the pleasure in his throat-fuck. Javier was moaning slowly as he forced his shaft in and out of my mouth--his cockhead stayed buried in my throat. Those moans alone made it almost bearable, to know that I was the source of that pleasure. Over the wet sound of Javi's cock sliding in and out of my throat, I could hear Eli jerking his rod. "Yeah bro, get that cocksucker's throat open for me." From the moment Javier entered my throat, I knew I would have to take Eli's cock. How I was going to manage it was still largely unclear to me. Javier was just choking me; Eli was going to rip open my throat. Javi pulled out a little further than normal, his cockhead now in my mouth. I took the opportunity to gulp in some air before he pushed back into my throat. "He's a natural. Warm, wet, tight. And not gagging. At least not much right now," Javier said. He reached down and craddled my head in his hands. It was a tender gesture on his part, a kindness that his interactions with Eli had just hinted he was capable of. But this time was a feint; he held my head tightly, and used his grip on me for additional leverage. His cock forced its way back in me, ending up deeper into my gut. Slowly, a dribble of his pre-cum helped to lubricate my throat. "Nice fucking throat," he said, his cock hard in my throat. Javi's dark shaft was in my mouth and his cockhead was pressing into my throat. I tried to focus, to allow my mind to let go of anything other than this inescapable fact of my life. But the crystal wouldn't let me concentrate. I would think about everything that was still to come for me: to the uncertain pleasure of Eli's cock in my mouth; the inevitable moment when Javi would penetrate my asshole, and finally, when Eli would use me like the white bitch I was. Drug-fogged, all I could think of was my pleasure in making these men happy. I imagined all the ways I could use my body and its many holes to achieve their desires for pleasure. Even though my reviverie was personally arousing, I was dragged back to the real world by the undeniable existence of Javi's tool. There was no escaping the throat fucking he was administering; he would pull his cock almost all the way out of my mouth, give me a moment to get a quick breath, then force himself all the way back into my throat. Each time his shaft hit the back of my mouth and pushed all the way in I struggled to keep from gagging. "Fuck man. I wish I had met you months ago," Javi said. "Best damn cocksucker I've had in a long time." "You think he's ready for me yet?" Eli asked from the bed. "Almost there," Javi said. "He's almost done with the warm-up cock." He pulled all the way out, and I was finally able to tilt my head up enough to see him. He had that drug-glazed look on his face, but a big smile, and his hard cock was just inches away from me. "Do another hit of these," he said to me, handing me the bottle of poppers again. I took them greedily, and did two long hits, one in each nostril. I handed the bottle back to him, and let my head drop back down. My mouth was again right at cock level. "Right on," Javier said, as he slid his cockhead into my mouth. His cock was still wet from my saliva. I expected him to go straight for my throat again, but he paused. I heard him do a long hit of poppers and then another. My hit had begun to take effect, and I started to suck on his cock, licking up every drop of pre-cum that I could. I wanted dick, but I needed his pre-cum. "Slow down there, cowboy," Javier said, putting a hand on my head to keep me still. "Give me a second." He screwed the top on the poppers, then waited. I realized he was waiting for the poppers to hit, and I wondered what kind of throat fuck I needed to prepare myself for. He tossed the bottle on the bed, then grabbed the back of my head with both hands. In a single, forceful thrust, he pushed his cock all the way into my throat. Once again, I was impaled on his sword, and I struggled to keep from gagging. "Fuck yeah, this is what I needed," Javi said, as he pulled out, and thrust back in. "Too long since I've had a blow job like this." "Damn man, get him ready for me," Eli said. He had a weirdly flat tone. Even thought I knew he was stroking his cock, I knew that the crystal had hit him just as hard as it had hit me. "He'll need to be stretched wide open to take me." Having already tried to take his cock, I knew he wasn't joking. However, Eli was still to come. My immediate concern was Javi. Although he wasn't as thick or quite as long as Eli, he still had an impressive piece of meat. At that moment, his fat meat was deep in my throat, and his heavy balls were right against my nose. Sooner or later, I would have to drain those balls of their accumulated sperm. I found myself turned on by the idea: that I was lucky enough to get this man off. That I was able to swallow his sperm. Or to take his load up my ass. Although I knew that this feeling of luck was driven more by the poppers and tina, I didn't care. These thoughts and fantasies helped me to realize that Javi's cock was something that needed to be deep in my throat and not a unnatural intrusion. I surprised even myself when I grabbed Javi's muscular ass and held him tight against my mouth. I only wanted to worship this man, and right then, the best way I knew was to make mouth-love to his manhood. "Slow down there, Tiger," Javi said, gently prying my hands off his body and pulling out again. I gasped as his cockhead slid out of my throat, both because I needed the oxygen and because I suddenly realized how empty my throat was. "We're just starting here; there's no need for you to rush." He cradled my head in his hands, and slowly pumped his cock in and out. "Don't want to shoot too soon." It was clear this wasn't the first time he had done this. He was expertly teasing my tonsils: pushing in just enough to get me to start gagging, but also just enough for me to want the discomforting peace of a cock stretching out my throat. "You're going to fucking love his throat," Javi said to Eli. "Good?" Eli said. I knew that he had been jerking off the entire time, but from my position, I could only see Javier, and even then just his balls and ass. "Oh yeah," Javi said. "He's a fucking expert cocksucker. Knows just when to gag too. Feels so damn good on my cock." He pushed back in. I hadn't expected the penetration, and had to stifle my gag reflex. "See?" Javi said, as I flailed a bit, trying to find my peace. "Fucking got me boned up here, bro," Eli said. "Work that throat a bit more." Javi leaned over me, forcing his cock just a tiny bit deeper. It was at most a quarter of an inch but it felt like he was ramming inch after inch into me. Javi stood back up, and some of his cock slipped out. He was big enough that this felt like no change at all. I heard him unscrew the top on the poppers, and take a hit. "Give him a hit too," Eli said. "I love how it makes him into a cock-crazed slut." Javi did as Eli told him, and pulled his cock far enough out for him to hold the poppers under my nose. I inhaled greedily, wanting to impress both of these dark-skinned men with my compliance and eagerness to serve. It didn't take long for the poppers to take effect. "Please," I said, as best I could with Javi's cock still partially in my mouth. I knew Javi knew what I needed Javi obliged, and his cock slid all the way into me, forcing itse way into my throat. "Oh yeah, this is what I fucking need," he said. I no longer cared what he needed. I was flying on the poppers, and all what I needed was the thick piece of meat I had willingly impaled my face on. Driven by the drugs, all I wanted was for Javi to fuck my face, pound my mouth, tear up my throat, and shoot his load deep into my stomach. "He can take all of your shaft?" Eli asked. "Fuck yeah. I'm Balls deep in the slut's mouth," Javi said. He had slowed his thrusts down some from the earlier face-fuck, taking his time to explore my throat with his cock. I could feel a bit of pre-cum leaking out from his dick. It was lubricating my throat and his entry into my body. As the poppers wore off, I had a clearer realization of what this scene would look like to an observer. A clean-cut white boy with a gym body was lying on his back, his head hanging over the edge of the bed. A latino had his brown cock deep in the white man's throat, while on the bed, a muscular black ex-con was stroking his massive cock. The dim grey morning light filtering in through the shades picked out the last of the dissapating clouds from the trio's crystal meth hits. And I was that white boy, choking on the latino cock, tweaked out of my mind, waiting for the black ex-con to take his turn "Think he's ready for me? I'm getting bored of stroking here." "One way to find out. And if he's not, your legs are plenty strong enough to force it in." I hoped there would also be some poppers to help. They wouldn't make a huge difference in the strict anatomical issues of fitting Eli's tool in my tight throat, but they would grease my mental skids. It would be less Eli raping my throat and a little more me giving him the deep blow job he deserved. "He's all yours, man," Javi said as he pulled his cock out of my mouth and left me gasping for breath.
    1 point
  48. 2. I tried to relax, bent over the coffee table with the shard of meth dissolving in my ass. I watched the porn, trying to take my mind off my current situation. On screen, the white guy was bent over a couch, and the black guy was poking his uncut cockhead against the white boy's ass. It wasn't going to be long before I was in the same position. Eli's cock was now hard as a rock, and he wasn't going to be satisfied with just my attempts at deep throating his tool. "Get up on the couch, bro," Eli said, after a few minutes. My hole was tingling, almost burning from the bump that had melted inside of it. It wouldn't be long before I was going to be wagging my butt, begging Eli to stick his tool up there. "Nice ass. Enjoyed that view. It's gonna be a pleasure getting in there and breeding your hole a few times." I sat on the couch and draped one of my legs over Eli's massive thigh. This position kept my hole exposed to Eli. He didn't waste the opportunity, and started to finger my hole. We were both getting lost in the drug-high, feeling the tweak come on strong. "What were you doing on the west side," I finally asked. "I was in the state penn, bro," he said. "Free and clear yesterday afternoon." "For?" I asked. I hoped I wasn't going too far by asking him. "Got in a fight, and ended up punching a guy out. Got a year for it. Just think of it as a year at the gym though." With his free hand, he rubbed his chest, squeezing his massive pecs. I leaned over and nibbled on a nip. I was surprised at just how muscular he was; I kept finding new mounds of muscle to worship. Nor did he have an ounce of fat on him. "Not worried by that?" he asked. I shook my head no. All I could think about was how much I needed some cock. Any cock. And his was right there, hard and ready. "Guess it takes more to scare you," he said. I was still locked to his nip, so I just nodded in agreement. He had moved beyond just playing with my hole and was now sticking a finger up there. I had relaxed a lot since he had given me the booty bump, and his finger had slid in easily. "Still pretty tight," he said, not quite agreeing with my feeling. "Gonna have to let Javi go in first and get you opened up properly." Almost as soon as he said that, my phone rang. I had to disentangle myself from Eli: finger out of my hole, no longer licking his pecs, and my leg off his thigh. "Hi, this is Matt," I said, finally able to answer the phone. "Hey, it's Javier, Eli's bud. I'm at the front gate," the voice on the phone said. "Come on up," I said. "You know where it is." I buzzed him in, and hung up. "It's Javier," I told Eli. "You gonna meet Javi at the door like that? Totally naked?" he asked. "He'd dig that. Get him boned right up." "Why the hell not?" I said. I got up and headed to the front door, my dick swinging in the air. A few moments later, there was a knock. I opened it, and Javier was standing there. He wasn't as big as Eli, probably about six feet high, thinner, but still muscular. Instead of Eli's stubble he had a small goatee. I couldn't quite tell his race; it was a mixture of Afro-American and hispanic; maybe blatino was the best description. Like Eli, his hair was shaved short. The light drizzle had wet it down a bit though. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a light jacket. "Damn. You guys didn't waste any time getting started." he said, eyeing me up. He walked in, and I shut the door behind him." "Yeah, we have," I said. He paused in the hallway and looked me over. "Turn around," he said. I did as I was told, feeling acutely naked and vulnerable. "Very nice," he said and smacked me on the ass. He took off his damp jacket and I hung it up. Then we both went into the living room. "Hey Eli. Good to see you again bro," he said. "Man, Nice to see you again too," Eli replied. "When you get out?" Javi asked. "Yesterday. Just got here this morning." "Well, welcome home. Got you a little gift." Javi pulled his wallet out from his pocket. He opened it, and took out a small bag, placing it on the coffee table. Even from the doorway, I could see it was stuffed full of tina. "Fuck, that's totally awesome. Hope you don't have to be anywhere today." Eli turned to be. "Got another V for Javi?" "Yeah, I think." I went into the bedroom, and found an extra tablet. I came back to the living room by way of the kitchen, getting Javier a beer. I handed both of them to Javi. "Right on! Gonna be a fun day," he said as he popped the blue pill and took a swig from the bottle. He turned to Eli. "You're looking good. How's everything going?" "Don't ask. Cunt of a nurse was fucking things up. Gotta see Weiss this week and get my meds right." Eli grabbed the pipe off the table. "But let's think about better things. Like getting you up to speed with us." Eli took the torch and started heating up the glass bowl. Javier sat down on the couch and took the pipe's stem in his mouth, letting Eli handle the torch. He took a long hit, and held it. Eli motioned to me "Shotgun it from him, Matt" I kneeled down in front of Javi, and took his hit. Like Eli's hits, it was big. I knew I wouldn't be able to take many more hits from either without getting way too far gone. Almost as soon as Javi had finished pushing out the hit to me, he took the pipe and torch, and started to heat the bowl again. "Gotta catch up with your guys," he said. "Good plan," said Eli. "Matt's just done a big booty bump and its barely taken effect." "Sweet," Javi said, "And you? Where are you?" As he finished speaking, he put the pipe in his mouth. I couldn't hold my hit any longer, and exhaled it. "You know me. I've been sucking on the glass cock ever since I called you. And Matt's been sucking on my cock. Take the next one as well, Matt," Eli said. Javi was puffing at the pipe hard, getting as much of the vapor as he could. Finally when he stopped, he motioned for me to lean in and take his hit. It was even bigger and stronger than the first one Javier had done. I inhaled as much of it as I could, but even so, there was dense fog that escaped. "Nice," Eli said. "You'll catch up with us soon enough." "I'm feeling a bit already," Javi said. "But this bowl is spent." Still kneeling down in front of him, I took the pipe from him. He was right. The glass bowl was almost empty. As I was examining it, Javi stood up, and pulled off his shirt, throwing it into a corner. "Use my stash," he said, indicating the bag he had put on the table. "And don't skimp on loading it up." Hands shaking from the hits I had already done, and the booty bump starting to kick in, I emptied nearly half the bag into the bowl, filling it well. Javi kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his jeans. He wasn't as muscular as Eli, but was still well-defined. Across his dark chest, there was a smattering of hair, and a bit of it was grey. It was surprisingly sexy on him. He was wearing a pair of boxers and already, there was a definite tent growing in them. He sat back on the couch. "You should have the honor of the first hit, Eli," he said. I lit the torch, and melted the mass of crystals in the bowl. As the pipe began to smoke, Eli took it from me, and started to suck down the vapor. I held the torch under it, making sure he got a good hit. As he finished, he handed the pipe to me. "Your turn, Matt," Eli said, trying not to let any of the smoke escape from his lungs. I shook my head no. I was already feeling pretty far gone, and wanted to slow down a little bit. "Don't be a pussy," Javi said. "I want to see you do a hit." I reluctantly put the pipe to my mouth, and lit the torch. As I did my hit, Eli shotgunned Javi. The two of them started to make out as they finished exchanging the cloud. Javi reached down and pushed down his boxers as they made out. His cock sprang free, sticking straight up. Not as big as Eli's, it was still a very respectable eight inches. At the base, there was a thick bush and a pair of heavy balls. As I put down the pipe, Eli broke off his kiss with Javi. "Give me your hit," he said to me. "Then take Javi's hit." I leaned over towards Eli, and exhaled the smoke into his mouth. Immediately, Javi grabbed me, and I was forced to inhale his hit. It took me a moment to realize that this was the one that Eli had started. We were all sharing hits now, making sure that the drugs had maximum effectiveness. Even third hand, it was bigger and stronger than the one I just done. I being taken far further than I had ever planned. "Wow, that was weak bro," Eli said, as he blew out the hit I had shotgunned him. " You're in the big leagues now. We're going to have to get you used to what a real man does." "No kidding, man," Javi echoed. "Let's do this right. Hand me the pipe," he said to Eli. Javi grabbed the back of my head, and pulled me down to his crotch. "Suck me off," he said, as he lit the torch. I took the tip of his cock in my mouth, feeling the firm warmth of his head fill my mouth. Javi was taking a long hit on the pipe, enjoying the combination of getting high and getting his cock licked to a firm erection. Eli was the biggest man I had ever encountered. Luckily, Javi wasn't as big. As his cock got harder, I realized it was going to be about nine inches long, and reasonably thick. I hoped that he was going to be the first to enter my hole, since he would help me get ready for Eli's monster. Javi finished his hit, and let the torch go out as I continued to service him. He turned to Eli, and then shotgunned the hit to the muscular black man. Once done, Javi relaxed and let the waves of pleasure wash over him. "Hot movie," he said, kicking back, watching the screen as he kept a hand on the back of my head. There was just enough pressure from Javi to let me know I shouldn't stop servicing his shaft. I kept up my efforts, trying to get more of his cock into my mouth. Eli finally letting out his hit. "Yeah, it is," he said. Noticing my efforts on Javi's, Eli asked, "How's that feel for you?" "Pretty damn good. But it would be even better if I could get into his throat." I knew it was less a request than an order. I pulled off his cock just long enough to grab the bottle of poppers and do a huff. As my attention returned to Javi's cock, Eli lit the torch again, getting ready for another hit. I ignored the sound of the torch and the faint smell of the crystal and focused on the shaft in front of me. I opened my mouth and worked my way down as far as I could. I made sure to get his shaft nice and wet. The extra lubrication would help me when I eventually had to force it deep into my throat. As Eli drew on the pipe once more, I felt Javi's cockhead hit the back of my throat. I swallowed, then forced myself to do what I knew I had to do. I could feel Javi push into my throat. The poppers were filling my mind, and all I wanted was to get as much of his man's cock in my mouth as possible. I tried not to gag. Javi needed a man to worship his cock, and I was lucky enough to be the cocksucker he had chosen. Even if it was because I was the only one there, it was still an honor to be on my knees, Javi allowing his cock to press into my throat. Once his cock entered my throat, it was surprisingly easy to take all of it. My lips soon hit the base of his cock, his balls right up against my chin. There was no response from Javi other than a low moan of pleasure. Still keeping his hand on the back of my head, Javi leaned over, and shotgunned Eli's hit. The two men stayed lip locked, enjoying a long kiss. I watched these two strong, masculine men kissing each other. But their intimacy and closeness only made them more desirable and more unattainable. They were sharing something between them that I wouldn't ever be able to understand. I knew I was just their toy for the day, something to help them relate to each other. I was providing them with the drugs they were flying on, the porn they were getting turned on by, and most importantly, the two holes they would be abusing all day. All of this, I glady gave for their pleasure. "Nice," Javi said, as they both blew out their smoke. Even though they had swapped the hit back and forth a few times, my head was still wrapped in a dense cloud of smoke. I knew they were both getting a good tweak going. I hardly knew either of them, and what I did know about the two wasn't good. But yet I was getting them high, and allowing them get me higher than I had ever been before. I knew the day, maybe even the weekend, was going to be a memorable experience for me. However, at the moment, my world was Javi's cock. I wanted it inside of me. I wanted to keep it hard, to show how much of a man Javi was, and how easily he had dominated me. At the very least, I wanted Javier to acknowledge me as a cocksucker. "Bro, you feeling good yet?" Eli asked Javi. Out of the corner of my eye, I could Eli was still stroking his massive cock. "Yeah, definitely getting there," Javi answered. "Cocksucker is doing a great job on my cock, and the favors are definitely fine." He took the pipe from Eli. "One more for me, I think," he said. "Share it with Matt, man. He needs it bad, especially after that last pussy hit he did," Eli said. "Right on." He lifted me off of his cock. "Ready for a proper hit?" he asked me. I was already missing the feeling of his cock in my throat, and I could only nod in response. To my surprise, he put the pipe in my mouth first. I had thought he was just going to shotgun his hit to me. But he held the torch under it. "You need to do a proper hit first," he said. I waited for the bowl to fill with smoke before I started to pull. I did several distinct huffs, each time making sure the bowl re-filled with the thick smoke. Each drag I thought would be my last, until I looked at Javi or Eli, and knew they wanted me to do at least one more. Finally, my lungs were full and I simply couldn't do any more. "Now, that's how a real man hits the pipe, cocksucker," Javi said, giving me a sign of his approval. I had a sudden rush of pleasure from his small acknowledgement, thinking I might just be able to share in the bond these two men had. But I quickly realized it was only the favors doing the thinking for me, making me feel more connected than I had any right to be. "Give it to me," Javier said, leaning into me. Our mouths met, and I exhaled my hit into his mouth. He didn't try to break off the kiss, but instead pushed his tongue into my mouth. It was a nice bonus, and I was glad to share the intimacy with him. He held the hit for longer than I expect, the entire time his tongue was probing and exploring my mouth. His cock had already done one round of exploration, and his tongue was even more proof how he had easily laid claim to my body and holes. Finally, he blew the hit right back into my mouth. I wasn't expecting it, but was able to inhale a good bit of it. Even so, a lot it was lost in a thick cloud around our heads. Despite being passed back and forth, it was still strong hit, at least as strong as any I had done. I knew I was going to soon regret partying so hard with these men. I wasn't sure of my choices or actions. My only guide to what to do was to make sure these men were hard, they were happy, and any of their desires were satisfied "There's another hit for you, cocksucker," Javi said. "Getting you where I want you." "Right on," Eli said. "Got any left in the pipe? You're still lagging behind me and the cocksucker." Javier took the pipe from me, and looked at it. "Still enough for at least one good hit." The bowl was warm from my hit and began to smoke quickly as he held the torch under it. Javi puffed a few times on the pipe, clearing out the bowl, and then began to suck on the glass cock in earnest. It seemed like he was on the pipe for an eternity, but my sense of time was so distorted, it was probably less than a minute. Finally, he let the torch go out, and took one last drag, emptying the bowl. "Spent?" asked Eli. Javi nodded, and I took the pipe from him in order to re-fill it. Before I could do anything, Javi grabbed me. He wanted to shotgun the hit to me. I shook my head no. I was really starting to feel the tweak, with my cock throbbing and my hole itching. Even as I started to smack my lips involuntarily, a classic sign for me of being tweaked, Javi locked onto my mouth and pushed his hit into my body. I inhaled as he wanted, and it filled me up. I held it as long as I could, as Javi explored my mouth with his tongue. Eli leaned into us, pushing Javier away. He forced his lips against mine, rubbing his thick stubble against my face. I knew what to do, and exhaled the hit into his waiting mouth. He sucked it in, fast draining my lungs. I had to break off the kiss, just to get some air in my lungs. Before I could breathe, Javi grabbed me back, and re-filled me with more of the drug. Eli and I sat there, letting the tina soak into our bloodstream and head to our brains. Finally, Eli exhaled. Only then did I feel ok in exhaling my own hit. Neither cloud was as thick as earlier ones, but they still were getting the job done. "Good?" Eli asked Javier. "Oh yeah. Time to have some fun," Javi said.
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