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  1. Ya, He's Gay, He Just Don't Know It Yet Chris was a typical high school kid . He was a bit of a nerd who loved to run cross country and long distance track at school. Being raised in a small, rural, southern town by a pair of ultra, religious parents did give him much latitude. He followed three Christian values his parents instilled upon him from the Bible of premarital sex, masturbation and homosexuality as sins. It was during his senior year that he began to break out on his own. When the Mitchell’s moved to town and joined the same church as Chris’s family the two sets of parents became good friends and so did Chris and their son Arthur. It was through this friends the Chris began to smoke pot with his new friend. The two boys would enjoy a bowl or two a couple times a week. This friendship also exposed Chris to the joys that the opposite sex could offer. On frequent occasions when Arthur’s parents would you out of town Chris would stay with Arthur, and Arthur's girlfriend would come over along with a friend for Chris. While Arthur was fucking his girlfriend Chris would be entertained by the girl that came with Arthur’s girl. Chris still tried to maintain one fast stead rule, no premarital sex. The extent of activity between Chris and whomever accompanied Arthur's girl amounted to a lot of kissing, heavy petting and a couple blow jobs. Chris maintained in his head that his lack of enthusiasm with what ever girl came over was due to the fact that he didn’t love the girl. Chris As I approach the end of my senior year, I have really valued my friends with Arthur Mitchell. Once the final bel gang on Friday we headed to Arthur's house to smoke some weed before we head out to a kick ass party that night. As we begin smoking Arthur's stash he realizes that he is almost out and will need to pick some up before the party. He contacts his dealer and arranges to meet him at Jeremy Well’s house at 9. Jeremy is one of the school fags and he was having a party at his place since his parents were out of town. Now we had been invited to his party as well, but I really didn’t want to go to a party with a bunch of fags. We smoked all the weed we had then showered and dressed to go out. We picked up the girls, Arthur’s girlfriend and the friend she’d have for me. When we arrived at Jeremy’s there was a good crowd already partying. There’s was alcohol everywhere and schoolmates having a good time. We followed Arthur as he made his way through the house and out to the backyard. As we began to cross three patio it was clear to me that this was the fag's hangout. They were smoking weed and who knows what else as Arthur walked a direct line to this tall, slender black guy who couldn’t be more than 20-21 years old. The two shook hands and we were introduced to Dante. After shaking hands the two conducted business and as we were almost ready to go one of our schoolmates grabbed Arthur. It turned out that Arthur’s younger sister who was at the party had, at this early hour, to much to drink and had thrown up in the bathroom. In this instance his sister and her best friend were escorted out to the backyard. Jeremy told Arthur that he should get the two drunk girls out of his house. As much as I wanted to pound this queer boy, the priority was to the drunk pair. If Arthur was going to take these two drunk teens home it was going to be a challenge. He drove a small, two door hatchback that barely fit four preps. Now there were 6 to drive. Hearing our predicament he made a very logical suggestion, she the it looked like all the girls would fit in the car he could give me a ride and we’d meet up at the party. That settled our problem and Dante seemed like a cool guy to ride with to the party. Dante The second I saw this white boy I got this feeling. When my man Arthur introduced us and I we shook hands I new or for sure. When the situation presented before me I knew I had a shot to find out and maybe Chris would find himself. As Arthur left to take his sister home I handed Chris a drink, a joint, told him I had one more deal to take care of before we could leave and to enjoy himself while he waited. Jeremy and some of his friends wanted to buy some Tina and GHB. I told my thing as I made my way through the house and found their group already in there briefs just waiting for the party favors. As usual then invited me to stay and join them, but I had other plans. When I finally returned to Chris I found him well baked from the joint and significantly affected by the G that was in his drink. I led him over to my car, we climbed in and were off. As we drove I could see that Chris was slightly groggy, not too much where he was out of it, I didn’t want him like that, but just enough to be open to suggestions. As we drove I looked at him and asked, “Hey there Chris, you getting tired?” He replied, “I think it’s the combination of the weed I smoked and the booze I just drank.” I pulled the car onto a dark side street, pulled out my Tina pipe from the center console telling my passenger, “Bro, I’ve got something here that will perk you right up.” I held the pipe up, lit the torch and melted the contents. As the smoke built up in the bowl I began to inhale which was followed by my exhaling a big, beautiful cloud while commenting, “Damn that hits the spot.” Chris looked at me, “Man, more weed week put my lights out.” I let him know, “This ain’t weed, it’s called T and it’s kind of like an upper. I think you’ll like it.” Chris It was nice of Dante to give me a joint to smoke along with a drink while he finished up his business with the fags. I have to remember to ask him what kind of booze this is he gave me, it’s got a strange taste to it. I’m not sure how long I was waiting, but when he finally came out to get me I had already finished the drink and was practically roached the joint. Dante says let’s go as he led me to his car. He had a nice ride, a Nissan 380Z loaded when everything. The back seat in this car is useless especial with Dante's 6’ 4” height. The front seat is so far back there’s no leg room if someone tried you sit in the back seat. As he drove off I began do feel a little tired when he said something to me before eventually pulling onto a side street. He pulled a strange looking pipe out, held a strong torch lighter under it needed he inhaled the white smoke. After he blew out a big white cloud he hand the pipe to me and instructed me on how to heat the T so or wouldn’t burn and when to start to inhale the smoke. I was a little hesitant about trying Tina, “So you just smoke it?” Dante answered, “You can smoke it, snort it up for nose and some like to slam it, inject it right into a vein.” I then said, “Injecting it sounds hard core, you ever try it?” Dante told me, “A couple times, I can take it or leave it.” As I was heating up the bowl Dante removed his shirt saying, “This shit all ways makes me hot.” After I had done my first hit of this T, Dante had me do a couple more telling me, “It usually takes a few hits to really feel the effects. He had me do 5 hits before taking the pipe from my hands and asking me, “How do you feel now?” As I did a self assessment before answering, I had to admit to myself that I felt more awake and energized, “That stuff is amazing. I feel like I can take on the world. And I see what you mean about making you feel warm.” Dante then encouraged me to take off my shirt which I eagerly did. As we sat there I found myself admiring Dante's well defined body. I had to ask him, “What do foo do to get arms and a chest like that?” He answered me, “Oh this?’ As he flexed his arms and chest. “This is all natural, no ahead and feel.” With his invitation I found myself touching Dante’s arms, chest and abs while telling him, “I wish I had a body like his.” Dante was quick to tell me, “You’ve got a nice compact body, defined in the all the right places.” Dante took this opportunity to touch my arms chest and abs which at first I thought strange, but I had just done the same to him. In fact, it felt a little exciting to have someone touch me like he had just done. I then asked, “Don’t we have a party to get to?” Dante answered, “Fuck yeah, but I need to make a stop at my place to get more ‘supplies’
    13 points
  2. Part 2. At 4:29 I was standing outside Mr. C’s House and pushed the door bell. He answered the door in a robe and was toweling off his hair, gesturing for me to enter, as he commented "I'm running a little late 'cause I had to get you set-up for your first day on the job." Entering the house, it occurred to me I had never before actually been in his place. It was beautiful and immaculate, somewhat reminding me of the sort of house that would be featured on HGTV during the final reveal. "Make yourself at home, I've gotta get dressed," Mr C. remarked as he entered the hallway, removing the robe off his shoulders about half way down the hallway. I was stunned by the sight of his back, and remember hoping that, when I reached his age, I would look half as good as did he. "Hey, Pup, come on in here so we can chat." Complying, I entered his bedroom to find him pulling his jeans up over his black jock. "Would you grab me a t-shirt from the closet?" he asked. Entering his walk-in closet, which was, I thought, bigger than my bedroom, I easily found a impeccably folded stack of C’s Pizza t-shirts. Handing it to Mr. C., I stood mesmerized by the sight of him pulling it over his massive frame, in the process slowly covering his furry chest and his acorn-sized nipples. Then Mr. C. dressed in a fresh-from-the-cleaner baby blue button down shirt, wearing it over the t-shirt. "You ready for your big night?" Mr. C. asked as we walked back into the living room. "Gosh, Mr C., this has been the best day ever. I sure am. I'm probably a little nervous and also a little excited. This is gonna be great." He tousled my hair as, with a casual smile he commented "I'll try and make sure it’s a great night too." "Oh, Pup, do me a favor - across from my room is a door to the downstairs rec room. Would you please go down there for me. Ignore the mess, but go the walk-in closet in the back left corner. In the closet you'll find a refrigerator. Open the freezer door to the fridge and there are several rows of little brown glass bottles. Grab two from the top shelf, not one of the lower shelves, but top shelf. The correct bottles will still be sealed. Got it?" "Yes Sir. Two sealed little brown bottles from the top shelf of the freezer. Got it." "Oh wait, Pup. It might be super busy tonight, so bring three. And also in the fridge there are some big blue diamond shaped pills. Grab three, no, wait - grab five of them. Oh, and lastly there are some cylinder shaped spray cans labeled 'Jungle Juice'. Grab five of those." "You got it Mr C." I responded as I opened the door, flicked on the light, and descended the staircase. The room was pretty dark as the curtains were pulled shut. Several cabinets lined the walls and several mirrors and TVs were mounted to the walls, and one mirror was even anchored to the ceiling. The closet Mr. C. had mentioned was in the back of the room, so, heading in that direction, but before my eyes could acclimate to the darkness, I bumped into a large black leather hammock hanging from the ceiling by thick black rubber coated chains. 'Oh, now I get it, he must lay in here and watch tv', I thought. Opening the closet door, I flicked-on the light, which oddly enough was red in color. I made a mental note to mention the bad light bulb to Mr. C. The fridge was just where he had said it would be, and, opening the freezer I was a little confused because the top shelf actually had several plastic containers filled with something frozen but looked like frozen milk or mashed potatoes through the plastic container. Some, a few were labeled ’Grade A’, one labeled 'Very Viral', another, 'Jax Juice', and yet another '55 loads from the G hole'. All manner of strange notations. 'Those aren’t what I need', I whispered to myself. Under that shelf, however, were the rows and rows of little brown bottles Mr. C mentioned. I took three and then opened the refrigerator side and saw the bowl filled with blue diamond shaped pills. I counted out five, or was it six? Man, I wished I were better at remembering math. I took six - just to be sure. The spray cans Mr. C. wanted were also there: Bolt, Max Impact, Amsterdam, Jungle Juice. So I grabbed the five he wanted. In a final glance before extinguishing the light I gave a cursory look about the closet, finding it to be filled with an awesome collection of leather coats and pants, with a dozen pair of black boots, all expertly polished, in all heights and various sizes, standing in a perfect line at the back of the closet. As I turned out the light and closed the door it crossed my mind that it was funny Mr. C. should own so many boots as I didn't remember that I had ever seeing him riding a motorcycle, let alone that there was a motorcycle in the garage. I came back to the kitchen just as I heard Mr. C. Finish up a phone conversation in which he said "Yes, absolutely sure. 100% - no 200%. Pure cherry. Yes, yes, it will be very.... well....delicious and tasty." He quickly hung up and asked if I got the order right. I handed him the three frozen bottles and six pills, commenting I couldn't quite remember if he had asked for five or six. "Good call, Pup. That’s an excellent customer service lesson. If you can’t remember, always give your customer a little more ....rather than short him. Another vitamin or two will never hurt a boy," Mr. C. commented as he packed the frozen bottles and six pills into a small cooler. Then handing him the six spray cans, he gave me a smile and said "Okay, let's go. We don’t want you late on the first day." As we got into his truck and backed out of the garage, I turned to him and asked "Do you have a motorcycle?’" ‘‘No, I used to, but those are too dangerous around here, so I got rid of it. Why do you ask?" "Well, I noticed all your leather outfits and boots and figured you must really like 'cycles, but then I didn’t remember ever seeing you riding one." "Oh those. You saw and wondered about those... huh,.... Well, no, I don’t ride a cycle anymore, but I do really REALLY enjoy riding and working on some some really amazing mares when I have time." "Oh sweet! Do you think I join you sometime?" He got very serious, looked at me, and answered "Pup, I have been waiting for you to be old enough for many years, so yes, you will join me. I have wanted to take you for a ride for a very long time. There are so many things we can do now." Rustling my blond head again and very gently rubbing his hand behind my ear and looking deeply into my eyes he asked "Did you tell your mother about you having a job?" ’No, she didn’t seem to care and had already started her daily visit into the whiskey bottle. Plus you said we were going to your location on Front street? My dad and she always said that is a bad part of town where all the whores and homos play with the devil's hand. I didn’t want her to do anything to try and screw this up for me, Mr C." "That’s totally fine, Pup. You are your own boss and man now." ‘"Well I guess I am my own man I guess, but you are now my boss, huh Mr. C?" "Don’t forget that, Pup. Amazing things are in your future, son." I smiled as he put the truck into park when we pulled in behind the pizza place and looked at him. It was nice to hear someone think of me as his son. "Let’s go get you punched in and ready for work." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coming soon: trying to get into my uniform and making some deliveries
    12 points
  3. This is my first time writing any story, so please excuse me if it is shit. Story told from a first person perspective, who is called Nathan, a 25 year old clean cut guy who is about to embark on a sleazy journey. References to drugs and stealthing may occur, read at your own discretion. Please let me know what you think, points for improvement and any ideas y'all might have. Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1- The News It was a pretty uneventful Friday work day. Come to think of it, it has been a pretty uneventful two weeks. I have been recovering from a crazy weekend two weeks ago, where I went for a grindr hookup, Matt was his name I think? At least that’s what I have him saved as on my phone; we haven’t spoken since that weekend. Then again, there is not much to say, since he just spent the whole weekend fucking me. I consider myself a pretty versatile guy, but there was just something about how he wanted to cum in me again and again and that made me give in. The fact that he was well hung might have helped my decision too. But I paid for it afterwards, my ass was sore and bleeding for two days afterwards. To wake me up from my daydream of remembering how hot the sex was, my phone started ringing in the silent office. Embarrassed, I ran out of the office with my phone and head into the nearest room I could find. Recognizing the number calling is the sexual health clinic, my palm started sweating, and my heartbeat rose.’ Fuck, not another course of antibiotics again.’, I thought. After verifying my details, I was bracing for the results, but should be okay, There has only been two guys who I had bareback sex with since my last test. I would feel guilty afterwards for having bareback sex. But every time a guy who wants to top me bareback, I would let them because it just feels so good getting fucked without a condom and I love the feeling of a guy unloading in me. ‘Nathan, one of your tests came back positive, and it is the HIV antibody test.’ The lady said. ‘What? FUCK. Are you sure? I…I can’t…it doesn’t make sense.’ ‘I am sorry about this news, but from the viral load test we can see that it is a recent infection, but we are going to have to do another tests for you with this result, I have an appointment this afternoon if you are available?’ ‘Yes, when? And how accurate was that test? It can be a faulty one right?. ‘It could be yes, but the tests are pretty accurate now, so I don’t think that the result could be faulty? I have an appointment in half an hour so half 2? Any questions that you have can wait until the appointment.’ ‘Okay yes, I can do that yeah, yeah ok’ Hanging up, my hand shaking, numb. Positive? How? FUCK, WHO WAS THE GUY? It must be Matt, it must be. I knew I shouldn’t have let him fuck me bareback, and so many times! Of course I was going to get it if he was fucking me the whole weekend. My head racing, thinking about Matt fucking me suddenly I can feel my dick getting hard. Jesus, with this news and what he did to me, I am still getting horny?! Trying to not think about that weekend but with no luck, my dick is now rock solid. ‘There is no way I could go back into the office like this,’ I thought, ‘Maybe a quick tug, then off to the clinic.’ Exiting the room and making a quick dash to the toilets, lock myself into a cubicle, undid my trousers and sat down. Phone in hand, my dick still hard, logged into my tumblr for porn. With an affinity to bareback porn, I started my search for it and whilst I was scrolling, one caption caught my eye. ‘Verbal poz fucking’, I stopped scrolling and clicked on it, the nice start to the video, this bottom getting pounded bareback by the top, then the verbal started ‘fuck me with that poz dick, infect me, gimme that AIDs, that’s what I need…shoot that poz cum in me!’. With that, my whole body shook and I came into my hand, barely able to contain all of it. ‘Fuck, why did I find that so hot?! I shot such a big load.’. Not giving it much thought, as I am becoming aware the lack of time I had to head to the clinic, I cleaned up, went back to the office, collected my stuff and headed out. To be continued...
    8 points
  4. Part 3. My first day at work. The building of trust with Mr. C. Mr C. Turned the truck off and given I was super eager, I started to open the door. Just then, I felt his hand on my thigh. Startled, i turned my head and looked over at him. He pivoted his body toward me and said, ‘Lukas, do you like hanging out and spending time with me’? My eyes got big, I smiled and I nodded yes. ‘Do you trust me pup?’ I turned toward him and said, ‘Can I be honest?’ ’I would be disappointed if you weren’t pup’, he said. ‘I have always felt this strange connection to you Sir. It’s like you get me or you are part of me. You don’t make fun of me for being stupid, oh sorry for being “naive and slow” (making air quotes and rolling my eyes, my teachers get frustrated when I call myself stupid), I mean yes, I always felt you wanted best for me, but after helping me get that scholarship and getting me this job, I trust you completely.’ With a smile and a wink and a rustling of my hair again, he said, ‘you will make me proud and you will have plenty of money for school in the fall. He handed me several small folded up pieces of paper held together by a paperclip and said, I want you to put these in your front left pocket of your jeans. If tonight you ever get confused or wonder what you should do, I want you to take these out of your pocket and read the one marked #1. You are to think of a question to ask me, said say that question to yourself, this paper has the answer, so just trust me and do what it says and then put the note in your right pocket. If it happens again, you take them out, you pretend to ask me a question and read #2 and repeat the process. There should be enough to get you through the night. Do you understand what I am saying Lukas?’ As I lifted my butt off the leather truck seat he slid them deep into my left front pocket and then patted my upper thigh with a wink. ’I think so Mr C., when I get confused or not sure what to do, I should pull these out, pretend you are with me like this and ask you a question in my head, and read the first one, remember you said to trust you and to do what the note says. Then I put it in my right pocket. Then if I get confused again, I just repeat the process? Right.?’ ‘Yep, you got it buddy’. As getting out of the truck he said, ‘If you ever get in a bind you can text me too, but just pretend you are asking me and trust the notes and you will be great.’ The smell of pizza as we entered the back door was amazing. Mr C took me to his office and had me sign a bunch of forms and legal stuff. He then was looking through a stack of t-shirts and said they were out of Large size and medium. Handing me a small, he said he would get some brought in from the other store. ‘See if you can fit into this pup.’ Being shy and still not sure about my body, I turned my back to Mr. C., peeled off my t-shirt and pulled the C’s pizza t-shirt on. If fit like a glove, no tighter than a glove. I felt like a sausage packed into its casing. He said, oh sorry that is so tight, but you look great, the ladies will love that look and give you big tips, I am sure some of the guys will find you as tasty as our pies as well. Lol. Feeling more confident by his comments, I turned toward him. ‘Christ lukas, you are right, your nipples are very large for a boy your age.’ He playfully winked and tweaked them through my shirt. My eyes got big, my legs clamped together, I bent over a little and my shoulders turned in as I let out a slight moan. ’What was that Pup’? He asked. ‘I am sorry, I have a little issue with my nipples,’ I remarked. ’A little issue?’ Yes Sir, when they are touched, it does something to me.’ I said ‘Does something?’ He asked curiously. ’Yeah, it’s the strangest thing, but it sends waves through me.’, I said. ‘Waves’? ‘‘Yeah, like a get this electric pulse down,... well down to,..... well down to my, well.... to down there...’, looking down at my crotch. Just then this huge black dude strolled into the office and gave Mr. C. a high 5, and said ‘hey boss’. Mr C looked at me and said, ‘Oh your nipples are wired to your cock Lukas? Oh Lukas, this is Jax. He is the lead loader here.’ Jax’s eyes got big and said, ‘Wait, what? The new kids tits are wired to his dick, is that what you guys are talking about? Damn, good to know.’ And started laughing. I turned bright red, said blurted out, ‘No, no, no that’s not what I meant’. Mr C said, ‘it’s ok Lukas, Jax didn’t mean any harm.’ ‘No, it’s not that’, I said. They both looked at me like.... welll? I looked down, and said ‘it’s not my dick the impulses go to, it’s more like between my legs and lower, you know like under my nuts.’ I am beat red by now feeling like I just made a fool of myself in front of my boss and Jax. Jax was quick to put his massive dark hand on my shoulder and say ‘look kid, it’s all good, as long as the feeling goes someplace, it is totally normal.’ I looked up, and smiled and said ‘yeah? Really?’ Mr C said, ‘absolutely, mine are wired to my cock, but lots of boys, younger boys in particular are wired to their holes instead. Mine use to be wired to my hole, but now it goes straight to my dick’, and he grabbed his significant bulge. Jax said, ‘hey kid, my nipples have always been wired right to my big black dong, playing with mine totally gets freak on.’ He looks down at his jeans and I notice what looks his cock is gigantic and snakes several inches down the thigh in his jeans. ’Wow, that’s cool.’ Looking back and forth at them both, I said ‘we learned in school guys can’t talk about stuff like this at work, you can get in a lot of trouble’. Mr C started to talk, but then Jax interrupted said, ‘we are like a family here and respect each other, there isn’t anything we can’t talk about as long as it is said with respect and trust.’ With that, he turned to Mr. C and said, ‘boss, you texted me about making one of my sweet cherry pies today? ‘Yes, how is that coming? please Jax, it must be perfect’, Mr C said. ‘‘It’s about to head into the oven, did you want to see it? Trust me, I can see now and agree, it must be perfect.... and it is. It will need to get delivered in a couple hours. You know Mr Ali loves his swwwwweeeetttt cherry pie delivered when it is still warm and with lots of fresh cream.’ ’I trust you there big guy, go ahead and get it in the oven’, Mr C said. ’Did you hear any word on Billy, Mr. C?’ Jax asked. ’Yeah, he won’t be with us anymore, yesterday was his last day. The sheik said he got his passport arranged and should be released from the hospital tomorrow and he got one of his nurses to come along on the sheiks jet.’, Mr C said. They exchanged high 5s, and Jax said, ‘very nice work Mr C., congrats on another deal.’ After he left, Mr C told me to have a seat and he would explain operations. Mr C explained, ‘We break our operations into loaders and load carriers. As I said earlier, Jax is the lead loader. That was my role, but I am specializing into some new functions and managing other locations as well. He is your boss when I am not here. I trust and respect him completely as we discussed earlier. But being the leader loader means he is great at getting the pizzas and sometimes other pies ready to load into the oven. The load carriers, like you... will then be on the delivery team. The load carriers take over once the loaders getting the pies into the oven. The carriers, will get them out, cut, box and deliver them. We have some common load carriers. Emily, Bob are here today but there are a few others do that. Your role is the special deliveries. Like Jax and I were talking about, Billy, was our special load carrier, but he is relocating and moving soon. My truck has a special warming bin, since I know you, I trust you to drive my truck. These pies are for our really elite special customers. Most of our high wealth clients who expect and like superb customer service from our special load carriers. Oh, we also use this function for some party deliveries. You are very strong and these parties have a really heavy load to carry. With your size, I thought you would be perfect for this role. Do you understand Lukas?’ ’Yes Mr C, thank you for helping me follow that. I am a special load carrier for you and will treat your best customers with great customer service and work on carrying the really heavy loads at parties people are having.’ He smiled and said, ‘you got it exactly right pup’. He then took me out and introduced me to the others. We had a bit of rush so Mr C said, let’s help the common carriers and I can go with you and show you how it works. He grabbed a couple gatorades out of the cooler and as we loaded his truck he took one of the blue diamond vitamins. He asked if I took my vitamins today. I said ‘no Sir, we don’t have money for vitamins’. He said, ‘Lukas, that is unacceptable, if you are going to stay healthy and continue to bulk up before college at the gym, you have to have vitamins.’ I said, “I can get some with my first check’. He said. ‘Don’t be silly, I have plenty, here is some Gatorade, please take one of mine. Well, actually take two if you haven’t been taking them regularly.’ I notice him adjusting himself in his pants, I loved what a real dude he was. My dad was such a soft man, he wouldn’t ever be seen doing something that real men do. As I tried to swallow them, they were big enough they got caught in my throat. But another swing of Gatorade and they went down the hatch. He tossed me the keys and said, ok, let’s get rolling, these pies aren’t getting any fresher. Coming soon, part 4, and the special cherry pie to Mr. Ali.
    8 points
  5. "Do you love me, baby?" Mario asked while he used Sergio's cum as lube to fuck me. "Yes, I love you so much," I said, hating myself for letting this happen. "How much, baby? Tell me how much you love me." "I love you enough to want your raw dick inside me. I love you enough to take your load." "So do you love Sergio, or do you just love dick? Say it, bitch. Tell me you just love my bare dick." He fooled me into confessing my real feelings for him, because the truth was I did love him. More than I had ever loved anyone. I think he felt the same way too, once, but now he was hellbent on making me feel like a worthless cum dump. And I loved him even more for that. "I love your bare dick, Mario. I don't give a shit that your positive, I just want you without any rubber between us. Make love to me, sexy. Tell me I'm yours." "Fuck you, slut. You belong to any guy who puts his dick inside you.. How many guys have you been with since me?" I couldn't lie. "Six, I think. But I made them use protection." "What, like your ass is worth protecting? From now on you'll never ask for a condom again." When I didn't respond he changed tactics, talking to me romantically. "Baby, this feels so good. I love being inside you. I know you love it too. You do, don[t you baby?" "Yesssss...." "I just want to give you what you really want. You want this, don't you? Oh baby, I'm about to shoot inside you. Tell me you want that. Tell me. Dime." Looking into this eyes, even knowing it was a trick, I couldn't resist. I loved him so much. "Yes, please, give me your seed." "Wow, Mario, you got this bitch whipped," Sergio said. He was getting hard again. Mario asked me if I would let Sergio fuck me again; I told him I only wanted him. Mario laughed; as he unloaded inside of me. "You only love dick. I can't believe I ever liked you." As he pulled out I felt his cum drip out of my ass. He turned me around so that he could kiss me, but I could feel his contempt, his domination of me as he did. And before I realized what he was doing, I could feel Sergio's newly erect dick pressing on my asshole again...
    8 points
  6. This is the real story of how I became a chaser. I had broken up with Mario about a year ago. He was hot as fuck, but crazy. I'm a little crazy too. He bred me five or six times when we were dating, only after which I found out he hadn't been tested in three years. Turns out he was positive. I still came back negative. I didn't have much of an issue with his serostatus, but he was going through the shit of adjusting to being positive and it didn't end up working out. The last time we hung out I begged him to fuck me. He was hesitant but ultimately gave in, on the provision we used a condom. I bent over his desk while he slipped on the rubber before slipping it inside me. He started off making love to me, gently fucking me while he kissed the back of my neck. About half way through he changed, though. He started plowing my ass in a way he hadn't done before, and I was loving every second of it. In his heart of hearts I stopped being the guy he was in love with and started being his bitch. He called me his puta whore and told me he was about to nut. I just wanted him to keep going. My ass suddenly felt slick, which I chalked up to the lube. But as he pulled out, he said, "Fuck! The condom broke! I'm sorry baby, I just came in your ass." I turned around and kissed him deeply, We fell asleep next to each other. I woke up to him fucking me raw. I asked him about the condom, but he turned me on to my front and pinned me down against the mattress while he drove his dick inside me. That's when he confessed that he had intentionally ripped off the tip of the condom last night. He figured I wanted it but was too shy to ask. I bucked against him, but he held on and told me that my options were to enjoy the rape or get raped anyways. A bitch like me was only good for what he was giving me. And he was right. I made a show of pushing him off, but I couldn't really pretend I didn't want his seed. I'm a whore at heart, and in the end I was his whore;. He kissed me deep as he came. He looked into my eyes and told me that he wanted me to be his bottom boy forever, and that his poz cum was ruining me for any other guy. In that moment I would have given him anything, but as he pulled out I saw the guilt overcome him. He kicked me out of his apartment soon afterwards, and when I called him he told me he couldn't trust a slut like me and never wanted to see me again. A few days later he called to apologize, but by that point I figured I was better off without him in my life and bid him farewell. A year later he called me on what I assume was a drunken bender. He and his friend Sergio were hanging out and he wanted me to come over. Even though I knew it was a stupid move, I made my way to his apartment. Sergio ended up telling a story about how he got fucked by a straight neighbor of his, which got me boned enough that I nearly came inside my pants. Mario was sitting nest to me on the couch, and I was trying like hell not to give in to his attempts to seduce me. I was trying to be a good boy. Even after he kissed my ear (which drives me wild), I pushed him off and told him this wasn't a good idea. He went to the kitchen in a huff. Sergio was laying on his back on the living room floor and fingering his cock through his jeans. By this point I was making my excuses to leave before I did something I would regret, but when he unzipped his fly and pulled out his gorgeous cock I was too mesmerized to move. He told me to suck him, but even as horny as I was I thought that would be a bad thing to do in Mario's home. That was also the moment Mario walked back into the room. "What are you doing?" he asked me, offended. His friend had his dick out but somehow I was the bad guy here. Mario pushed me down on the couch and made a concerted effort to pull off my jeans. "Wait, what the hell are *you* doing?" I asked him back, still trying to not give into the situation. In stead of responding, he french kissed me while managing to pull my pants down to my ankles. I didn't notive Sergio coming up behind me until Mario said, "Go for it, man. He so clearly wants it!" I felt the tip of Sergio's raw dick against my hole. He had a biohazard tattoo on the back of his neck, and I tried to stop him by telling him I was neg. Then he pushed a few inches into me. I looked into Mario's eyes and pleaded with him:"If someone is going to poz me up I want it to be you." "You aren't special you stupid whore," he said. "Your ass will end up poz, but you will have taken so many raw dicks by then you won't even know who it was. Fuck him, Serge!" I was moaning like a bitch in heat as I got pounded from behind, then leaned in to kiss Mario. "I still love you, baby" I told him. "You're just a piece of ass" he said back, but kissed me back anyways. Sergio was grunting loudly at this point and asked me where I wanted him to cum. I broke off my kiss to shout, "Shoot it on my back!" "Fuck you," Mario said. "Don't pull out of this dumb bitch; plant your seed inside him." "Mario, please no. I don't want this..." That's when Sergio pulled out and shouted, "Is this what you want?" He jizzed so hard I felt the first shot hit the back of my neck. Then he pointed his cock directly at my ass and came on my hole/ "Thank you for pulling out..." I started, just as he pushed his cock back into my ass, pushing his load inside me. "Oh, fuck, what am I doing?" I asked while Mario cheered on his friend. "You're being a good little whore" he told me. "Serge, hold this boy down so I can nut in him too." "No, please, this isn't right..."I told him, but he didn't care. "You think I'm not going to breed you after you let my friend knock you up?" I bent my head as he fucked me doggy-style, defeated. He was right. I had let his friend fuck me raw; I couldn't turn him down now. (To be continued)
    7 points
  7. So I told you that as I finished up with my college boy trick, that my partner Shane had returned from some spa time with a guy of his own. I met him briefly as I was walking my freshly bred trick out. Handsome guy, in his late 20s, European accent — Czech or Bulgarian regions, I would guess. Dark hair and eyes, with a nice definition. He was a Disney cast member working in one of the resorts. I walked my trick out of the resort, and purposely wandered back to our room. I have a strong voyeuristic side to me, and didn’t want to return too soon and break the chemistry that was obviously brewing between Shane and the cast member. I quietly entered the condo, and was happy to see that Shane and the European guy were no longer in the living room. Their shirts were laying on floor. Listening, I headed to the guest room where I was hearing the noises of men grunting and gasping in passionate exploration. I peeked around the corner of the bedroom and saw the cast member laying naked on the bed, his body smooth and nicely defined. His cock was thick and meaty, standing straight up — it really was an impressive site. Shane was straddling the guy, his smooth ass grinding against that beautiful cock in slow motion, building the anticipation in both of them. Shane was arched forward, kissing the guy as they teased the coming fuck. Shane squirted some of the lube I’d used just an hour ago in that same bed, reaching back to slick the guy’s cock. The guy immediately reached down and began maneuvering his cock, using the mushroomed head to search for Shane’s hole. Shane snatched the bottle of poppers off the sheets and took two strong hits. The cast member found his target, the grinding coming to and abrupt end, and their bodies moving very slowly and purposefully as he entered Shane’s ass. Shane let out a sound I know so very well — a long, drawn out, “ooooohahhhhhhh” as his sphincter stretched and released around that European club. The cast member’s hot body begun working, his hips thrusting up and in tight circles, working the hole that Shane had so willingly offered up raw. Shane was jerking his own big dick, moaning as his ass was expertly worked into submission. “Fuck that’s big!” I heard him gasp between thrusts. “I told you it was big,” the guy said, reaching his hands down to Shane’s ass and grasping his cheeks firmly while thrusting up. Shane groaned in pleasure, then leaned back on his arms, showing off his own athletic physique, thick chest, and raging hardon. He worked his own hips to ride the thick meat inside him, becoming louder as he did. “Uh! OH! UUHHHHH!” I stroked my dick watching my partner ride this sexy boy’s body. Shane bounced on that dick for a few more minutes, the two of them occasionally whispering to one another, then thrusting hard. Shane’s ass was now accustomed to the European cock, and he was lost in cock lust. Finally they slowed, and I watched as that thick meat slid out of Shane’s hole. They stayed in that position a moment, then exchanged a few whispers, and Shane moved to side. The cast member got up, grabbed Shane’s waist, and guided him into a doggy position. He then pushed his dick back inside my partner’s hungry hole. The sound of muscle slapping against muscle filled the room as he started to pound Shane. My partner was moaning non stop as his ass was taken by this guy. The guy used his knees to push Shane’s legs further apart, and slowly fucked him into the mattress, finally landing Shane in a spread eagle. This European stud braced his own arms so he was hovering over Shane’s body, and started thrusting his hips so his cock was plunging into Shane’s smooth ass. Shane was making a mix of grunts and whimpers as he was fucked by long, deep, plunging strokes. He couldn’t move anything but his lower legs, which were now slightly off the bed as he was pounded into the mattress. I was stroking hard, building toward another climax watching as these two were each caught up in their own parts of the experience. Shane was lost in ecstasy of being fucked long and hard, anticipating being turned into this guy’s cumdump. The young European stud was exhilarated by the power and pleasure of the ass wrapped around his cock. He was thrusting hard, his eyes closed and focused on his own pleasure. Shane had offered him a raw hole, and he was clearly about to breed it. His muscles tightened and started to spasm as he let out three deep grunts, his thrusts become an effort as he unleashed his seed in my partner’s willing ass. He pushed himself deep inside, arching his back to maximize penetration and push his seed as deep inside as possible. His body spammed two more times, and I could imagine the large, sticky load that was being pumped out of this stud’s cock and into Shane. As the two lay there still, I stepped out of the doorway to let them finish their connection. I heard them shower, and then saw the European cast member leave. Shane was still naked, admitting he was a bit dizzy from the poppers and breeding experience. His dick was long and hard, and he hadn’t come during their fuck. I was horned up knowing there was a stranger’s fresh load inside him. A short time later I saw him cruising on his phone .... and I wondered if there was more to cum that day. [If you enjoyed reading about this little adventure, let me know! You can tap the blue heart below and leave a message.]
    6 points
  8. This is my first try at writing a story. I have been so blessed and turned on by the gifts others have given us in their stories, their time and imagination, I thought I would try and do the same. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part one, the background... I grew up the youngest child of a conversative preacher. There was quite a difference in age between my age and that of my siblings. My siblings were also different from me as they also were quite smart and outgoing, and were, like my parents, darkly complected. In contrast I was different as I was shy, naive, trusting, polite, tall, blond, blue. Occasionally someone would tell me I was very handsome and well built, but I knew I was clearly not the brightest kid around, particularly as more than once I was teased about my lack of brain power. I was, however, great in sports and was confident my athletic abilities would get me a scholarship to get away so I could make something of myself. After my Dad took off with a woman from his church, things turned rough for us. My Mom was the talk of the town, utterly devastated by my Father's duplicity. Not surprisingly she retreated into herself. The familial turmoil didn't affect my siblings to the degree it hit me as they were all older, done with college and moved away and had families of their own., so I found myself looking outside of my family for a sense of balance, and I found it in a neighbor who lived just down the street. Mr. C. was a single man, and, aside from having the nicest house, nicest cars, owning several pizza stores, and seemingly having and endless stream of sexy women visitors, the guy was my idol. He even looked like me I always thought, so I fantasized about me having his life. My Dad always talked badly about him, but Mr C was always super nice to me when I would ride by on my bike or stop and talk to him. Mr. C had told me a few times that once I turned 18, I could work at one of his pizza places making deliveries and helping out with clients. Things started to look up. I had been held back one year so I was just starting my senior year in high school and it was my 18th birthday and then I got the letter I had hoped for: a full athletic scholarship to the state university and a cherished full ride scholarship to play hockey and track and field for them. While in high school I had been a really good left defense man, and, after running high hurdles and pole vaulting to new heights, I held the state record, so when one quite warm Saturday afternoon in early summer shortly after graduation I received the letter from the state university offering me an athletic scholarship, I was on top of the world - only for my Mom to announce she was broke. Immediately realizing I would need to find a job to make some money to spend while at school, I recalled Mr. C’s offer to work for him, so I quickly biked down to his house, panting heavily from the exertion of biking in the heat, and, having dropped the bike, I did a dog trot to his back yard where I found him shirtless, cleaning his pool. I had never seen him without a shirt so I was startled to realize his well-developed chest was covered with a thick coating of fur, and his nipples - well can I say? They were absolutely huge. I was so startled, in fact, I found myself involuntarily staring at his chest for several seconds, long enough, in any event, Mr. C. snapped his fingers and said “Pup, Pup, what’s going on? Why are you staring?” A slight digression. My nickname growing up was 'pup' because although I was shy and kind of awkward, I was always so eager and happy to see my friends, which led someone to announce I acted like an excited puppy.... so the nickname 'Pup' stuck. Back to my story, I apologized and said “I am sorry Mr C., I don’t mean to stare, but I always thought you would be smooth and your nipples are huge.” He laughed and asked “Why would you think that, Pup?” Turning beet red I replied "Well, I always thought of myself as a junior version of you, but I'm as smooth as a melon." Chuckling he responded "Yes, well, sorry to disappoint, and yes, I'm sure your nipples are not like mine." I blushed more but responded "Well, your fur is awesome actually and for the nipples, mine are certainly bigger than anyone else’s in gym class, but no, they are not like yours, but I do play with them a lot.” His eyes wide Mr. C. asked "You what, Pup?" My face downcast in embarrassment, and my cheeks flushed a bright shade of red, I managed to reply "Oh, sorry, I sometimes just blurt things out. I shouldn’t have said that. I am sorry Mr. C., but since Dad took off, and all my brothers have moved out of the house, I don't generally have anyone to talk to about things so I tend to forget my filter. Again, sorry. That was definitely TMI." He put his pool cleaning equipment down, walked over to me, and, placing two fingers under my chin, raised my head up, saying "Lukas, look me in the eyes." Complying, his beautiful blue eyes locked onto mine when, with quiet intensity he said “I'm always here to talk to.... about anything,” giving me a smile that reached his eyes. Still locked by his beautiful eyes, a wide cheesy grin blossomed on my face. Approving, Mr. C. ran his fingers through my hair murmuring "You're a good pup. I'm glad to see you smile." Now feeling a bit less awkward, I asked if I could help him and maybe chat with him for a few minutes. "I can always use a helper, Lukas. This pool demands a lot of work." Following his example, I peeled my shirt off and couldn't help but notice he was taking in my chest, so I wasn't not particularly embarrassed when he commented "You know, Lukas, you are right. Your pecs are impressive. It looks all that time in the gym over the summer has done well by you.” "Thanks, Mr. C., I've been working out a lot, and while initially thought the effort would be pointless, after a few weeks even I could see what was happening." Then, taking a deep breath and after a moment of silence to collect my thoughts, I continued asking “Mr. C, do you remember saying that.... well saying maybe.... well maybe I could work at one of your stores when I turn 18?” "Yes, I do, Lukas," Mr C. replied with a noc. "Well today is my 18th birthday and I got accepted to the State University next fall with a hockey and track and field scholarship and really will need some money." Stepping over to my location, Mr. C. gave me a high 5 and then surprised me by lifted me off the ground, which was no small feat as I was 6’2”, but I guess as he had two or three inches on me, and his build was impressive, he had little trouble lifting me. Afterwards he put me back on my feet, and, placing his hands on either side of my face, he pulled me in for a hug and, possibly, a fatherly kiss on my forehead. “I knew you could do it Lukas. I am so proud of you.” It says volumes that Mr. C. was the first person to congratulate me on the scholarship. My Mom hadn't even given much of a response, so it's understandable I found myself grinning ear to ear, basking in the pride Mr. C. emanated. "Pup, did you know I played defense on the hockey team at the State University when I was in undergrad?” “Awesome, I had no idea,” I responded. “Yeah, actually I saw my old Coach Tony in town a few weeks ago. He mentioned he was in town to interview you,” Mr C said. “Wow, really? What a small world it is,” I said. “Yep. I told him, you are a great kid and you work really hard to really please him, the donors and the school." ”Holy cow Mr. C. Thank you so much. I am not sure how I could ever repay you." Mr C. smiled as he assured me "Pup, I know you will not disappoint me. And about the job, hey, what would think of coming to work for me now that you are 18?” It was now my turn to hug him, saying “Gosh Mr C, this is the best day of my life. Thank you so much." "The day is just getting started. I had someone quit last night. It might not seem like much of a gift, but if you could work tonight, it would really help me out." A huge smile on my face I replied "Are you kidding Mr. C? This is the best gift I could ever have received. Of course I will.” Giving me a warm but brief hug, Mr. C. responded "Oh, Pup, we will see if there isn’t another special and wonderful gift waiting for you later.” Hearing that, I hugged him even tighter and then broke the hug and helped him finish cleaning the pool. When we were done and putting the tools away Mr. C. commented "Show up at the store on Front Street at 5:00 PM. I'll meet you there and have a uniform for you." Hearing his message, however, I was somewhat dismayed and answered, "Oh, crap, Mr. C. I don’t have a car." “No worries, son. We'll take my car, and you can use it until you get one. Meet me here at 4:30." I got on my bike, and before riding off replied "Yes Sir. See you at 4:30, Mr C.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Next, part 2. My first night on the job and learning the ropes. I promise.... the gifts of the job offer and other goodies will soon be unveiled.
    5 points
  9. I haven’t written in a while as all my last several fucks have been relatively ordinary, which is to say one-on-one, or at most getting two different loads by the end of the night, but that all changed tonight. I was horny as fuck, drinking wine, and smoking a couple of joints with some friends when this thick veiny-dicked dude called me, saying he wanted to come over to breed my hole. He’s an older man, 48, hairy, well built and with those cocks that for some reason have a protruding lower vein like some misshaped fruit, making the dick hard to ride and kinda painful but once it gets going it's clear he'll wreck the hole he is fucking. True to his word he came right over, but sadly didn't take long to cum. Still I rode him for a while, squeezing my asshole to make sure he opened me well, and as planned, he soon blasted his load deep inside my guts. Afterwards we chatted a bit while I checked Grindr where I learned a friend from school was going to the bathhouse downtown so I reached-out to him, suggesting we go together. He readily agreed. The only day the bathhouse opens all night is on Saturday, until 8:00 AM Sunday morning, so as to catch all the horny party men on the way home. I was cautiously optimistic I'd get several loads without the necessity of fending off rubbers. We got there and my friend and I walked into the dry chamber and I started to blow him. He’s got a really thick and curved dick, so I swallowed it whole and was soon jumping on top of it as seven to nine guys gathered to watch. I counted them as I checked out their dicks, beckoning each one to come forward for a blow while I got fucked. While most of the guys were receptive to my invitation, there was one man who was playing shy most didn’t come over, but eventually he stepped forward and, after some effort, I had his exceptionally long, monster dick which I finally got down my throat, as the man's balls bounced against my chin. After several minutes of working monster dick, I decided to give my jaws a break, so I released the monster dick as I also slid off my friend's cock, and turning around, decided I'd finish off my friend with a blow job. The monster dick, however, was not so easily the discouraged as, without any preliminaries, the monster dick slid into my ass, giving me a vigorous fuck. The audience was getting bigger, and another guy approached us and took my hands towards his cock, which was thick, veiny, long, big - in short, a cock I'd be happy to breed me. “I’m about to cum. Where do you want it?” asked the monster dick in my ass. I couldn't effectively answer him as I was deep-throating my friend. Instead I reached behind myself, grabbed him about his waist, and did my best to hold him steady until he blew. Moaning and grunting, the man stood still until his balls released his sweet liquid in my guts. Two loads so far. Not a bad day. He withdrew and to my great pleasure, the thick, veiny, long cock I noticed earlier slid into my ass. It may have hurt like hell, but the idea of having a dick stirring the two loads inside me helped me take it like a man. He fucked me for a while and was soon announcing that he’d cum soon. “You want it? Beg me for it”, he commanded. Fuck, is attitude got me going. The're nothing like a man who recognizes another's need to be recognized as a cumwhore. “Breed that hole, man, leave that load deep and don’t pull out till every drop is in me”, I said, making sure I was heard. He groaned, moaned and was soon awarding me with my third load of the night, withdrawing only after I relaxed my ass muscles, releasing his cock to make its departure. After this I stood-up, stretched, retrieved my towel and walked straight into the little dark room that’s next to the first floor terrace, hoping as I did so, that some of the crowd would follow me. As soon as I got in a found his big bellied hairy guy just sitting there in the darkness with a really low hanging dick. I was soon on my knees deep-throating that soft meat, that sadly wouldn’t get hard for another while. Fortunately I saw a skinny shadow come towards me. The skinny guy thoughtfully guided my hand towards his crotch where, hot damn, I found more big dick. It was amazing. He turned me around, pushed my head down to continue sucking on the big bellied guy and shoved his dick in my ass. Fuck yes, another big dick was now stirring the three loads in my hole. He fucked me hard and fast, being really loud with the grunting and making sure our skins clapped against each other. A crowd formed in the darkness, and people kept trying to grab my chest and arms and hard dick. When the grunting and moaning got more intense and then quickly subsided I turned around with him still in me and asked “Did you fill that hole good?” “Fuck yes,” he replied, a note of satisfaction in his voice. Abruptly I heard someone moan in the darkness as one of the onlookers came. How the exchange between me and the top could get someone off in a dark room is beyond me, but who am I to judge? He pulled out and I felt something big open my ass. I couldn’t fucking believe I had another big dick mixing up his DNA with the other four loads I had inside. I sensed this guy was older, and his dick was something out of this world - one of those huge cocks that completely fills-up and stretches open a bottom's cavities. The guy leaned over, presenting me with some welcome poppers, giving me time to take several huffs before he proceeded to plow me hard, using a methodical, rhythmic pattern of thrusts that reduced me to a true fuck hole. It was fucking perfect. He asked me for the poppers back and took a hit, telling me he’d come soon. I said aloud “Please fill that hole, sir,” and he followed suit in perfect order. Now, five fucking loads one right after the other from five fucking big dicks don’t happen often where I live, so I had to cherish the moment. Another dick walked behind me and I felt someone lean on me and whisper my name, asking “How many loads to have there, you cunt?” I knew it was my buddy, who I had accompanied in this trip to the bathhouse. "Five," I replied, a smile on my lips. I sensed he was jerking himself off fast, and his cock head was colliding with my ass lips. “Get ready for the sixth,” he said, shoving his terribly thick dick in me. His cock was that which pushed me over the line: I went from spongy to rock hard in seconds, and a load blew out of my cock within a minute or so, leaving the room redolent with the smell of cum, sweat, poppers and ass juices. I turned around and we kissed, celebrating a very successful visit to the bathhouse. After that I got my towel, walked out of the little dark room, took a shower and called a taxi. I'm now heading to bed, the DNA of six different men swirling inside my ass. I can only hope not much will cum will show-up when I make my bathroom call tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.
    5 points
  10. This morning I was so horny and was checking out several of the hook up sites. While on Grindr I received this message from a guy in his 30's. "Hi Daddy, will you cum over and breed me?" Well normally I've found this kind of message to be utter b.s., such as yesterday I was on-line with a guy who gave me his name and send me all kinds of pictures and then when I was setting up the connection...boom he was gone, and had blocked me. Jerk. I hate guys who waste my time. This guy, however, sounded sincere. He was in heat and needed cock and cum in his hole. I asked for his address and he promptly gave it too me. It wasn't too far away and I told him I was on the way. He sent me his pics. He was a hot Latino guy with a great bubble butt. He also sent me his phone number and asked me to text him when I was close. I sent him some pics of me so he would know who would be breeding his ass. He responded saying his hole was hungry and he needed my cock ASAP. He also mentioned he was clean-shaven all over, and his smooth ass was mine to fuck and breed. I was on the way. He greeted me at the door wearing only a jock, leaving his ass totally exposed. Wow! Gotta love those hot bubble butt cheeks. We stepped into his room where, within seconds he bent over, presenting his ass for my use. He was clearly very, very horny! He handed me the lube, we both poppered-up with the fresh poppers I had brought along as I rubbed my cock all over his warm ass hole, a sensation I absolutely love. Of course doing so got me harder. As I poked my cock head into his hole he pushed back. I sank in, balls-deep. It felt amazing. With that we commenced a great push/pull rhythm that worked for both of us. Essentially we were fucking each other. He and I were in heat. I was shoving my cock deep inside and pulling almost out as he responded by pushing back at me. "Feed me your cum load, Dad," he moaned. We both hit more poppers and his ass felt so damn good as my cock grew thicker. "Yes, please cum in me, Dad. Don't pull out," he grunted. LOL There was no chance I'd pull out. Rather I shoved my cock deep inside, loading him up with my first load of the morning. It was a great fuck! My dick slips out and he turns around and puts his arms around me and we kiss. Nice deep kisses with tongue. Fuck he's getting me hard again. He goes doggie and begs me to pound him more. My cock is hard and I shove it in..I love the warm wet feeling of my load inside his hole. I fuck him over and over again..grab his hips and slam him back..soon I give him load number 2. We take a break and he is jerking his dick. He is on his back and I finger his wet hole. I lick his nipples and we kiss again. Damn I'm getting hard again. I slide my cock up his ass with his bare feet around me. I totally love that! I'm holding his legs and he is pressing his hands against my hairy chest..We are looking directly at each other and both smiling with the pleasure. I love his ass. He says he loves my cock..I'm pounding and sweating. He is sweating too and his eyes are rolling up with the pleasure..I feel my cum loads getting all frothy inside him..I shoot another load deep inside. After a few minutes as he is jerking his cock and begging me to finger his wet dripping hole . I use two fingers and they slip right inside. We kiss again and then I suck his nipples. That really does it for him and he is shooting his load all over his stomach and chest..A huge thick load of white cream. He scoops it up and eats it. We lay there a few minutes trying to recover. He said he loves my cock and the way I fuck and "can we do it again soon?" Of course son, just don't tell Mommy. We laugh and put our phone numbers in each other's phones, and I'm on my way. He texts me thanks, and I do the same. Hope to see him again soon..Great way to start my day!!! BH
    5 points
  11. Angelo And I - Part 4 Caught up with the choices I had to make, my brain was working overtime as I was torn what to do. My desire for Angelo was telling me to go for it, I moved my food around my plate while glancing over at my family taking in the scene. Little did they know that at anytime I could drop a big bomb on them, however, my mother knew me way to well and already had a suspicious look on her face. Friday afternoon approached and Angelo messaged me telling to say I should be ready at 6pm, he would pick me up at the corner of the street I lived on. Telling my parents I was out studying at friends and would be back on Sunday late afternoon, I packed an overnight bag and headed down the street. Right on cue Angelo appeared, I climbed in the passenger seat and he reached over and kissed me full on. I was still not use to this and couldn't fathom out why he liked me. As we pulled away and drove past my house I never noticed my mother standing at the front watching me. I explained to Angelo that I needed to get some college work done for Monday, he laughed, finding it amusing I was still in education. As we entered the house I was lifted off the ground and swept up into his arms, he carried me in to the lounge and dropped me on the sofa. Smiling down at me and told me to get on with my homework. As I finished we ate dinner and he told me we were heading to the bathhouse, hesitantly I got changed not really wanting to go there as it still made me slightly uncomfortable. We changed in the locker room and I waited for him to return from dropping the keys off, he guided me down the stairs and in to the steam room. In no time I found myself straddled across his lap and his arms wrapped around me. Sensing my unease his lips moved over mine, I parted them slightly to feel his tongue enter my mouth. We kissed deep and tenderly for a good 20 minutes before he lifted me up, I braced myself as I knew what was coming next. My hole settled over the head of his cock, teasing my hole he began to gently force the head in to my ass. My body quivered as I let out a moan, my back arched trying to ease the pain as he slowly pushed every bit of his shaft in to my ass. Angelo clamped both his arms around my back bringing my chest crushing in to his whilst pulling me down harder on to his cock. I threw my head back and squealed in pleasurable agony, my face contorting as I struggled to breathe under the immense pressure. Grabbing and pushing his biceps trying to relieve some of the pressure caused resulted in an increase of the pressure around my fragile torso. The searing pain in my ass was being replaced by the pain of chest and lower back being crushed. I couldn't resist any longer and threw my head forward and engaged his mouth, gradually the pressure around my torso eased and my body replaced. I reached up and stroked the side of his face and place my arms around his neck in preparation for my breeding, our mouths devouring each other with an open expression of lust and desire. Sweat trickled down our bodies and pulses of steam erupting around us we locked together in our own world. Angelo's hips were grinding in to me as I rocked back and forth, spasms shot through my body every time his cock went in deep. He pulled my head into his neck and clasped me firmly with one arm around my body he whispered "My seed belongs in your body.". The pain inside my body grew as his cock started to demonstrate the signs he was ready to take me. Angelo jolted as his hips thrusted upwards in one sharp hard powerful motion, I pulled myself close to him as the warmth of his first pulse of seed flooded my body. His arms tightened around my body ass the second pulse flowed in to me. For the first time I cried "Yes" to him as I kept forcing my ass down on his cock, my whole body shuddered as I release my load in between our bodies mixing with our sweat. Panting and clasping to him tighter, Angelo's mouth sought mine in a passionate kiss. We sat there relaxing, I looked him and in a soft voice I told him "I belong to you.", he smiled broadly "Good.". His hips started grinding away at my ass and I knew I was about to get another river of seed. Arms tightened around my body as he threw his neck back as he jolted upwards over and over emptying his balls deep in to my body. Once more he secured his territory and left me in no doubt. I gently pulled off his cock emitting a little moan as I did so, a trickle of his seed leaked out and ran down my inner thigh. Angelo stood and escorted me out where we then took a cooling shower together. I was now finding it hard not to touch him and feel those powerful arms caressing and holding me, what as happening to me? We dried off and headed up to the lounge area to get a drink. Angelo went to the bar and I found a table for us to sit at. Adam from college appeared and came over. "Back again." he joked sitting down and asked if I had scored. I smiled and said "Big time.", nodding in the direction of Angelo stood, who was now watching us. Adam had a look of horror on his face and turned to me "Are you serious?". I could tell Adam was a bit nervous as Angelo came over and sat down. "Angelo," I said, "this is Adam who is at college with me.", Angelo looked at him and held out his hand which Adam took. "Why you looking so tittery?" Angelo asked, "I, er, um..", tongued tied Adam didn't know what to say. Angelo spoke up "Oh I get it, you know my reputation I take it, and your worried about your friend here?". Adam nodded slightly, "You don't have to worry, I'm kind of in love with him", I choked on my drink spluttering it all over the table as Angelo laughed. Adam looked at us both muttering about the steam room and departed. I looked over at Angelo who said "If you want me.", dazed by the revelation but I had no hesitation "Yes, I do want you.". The man who took my virginity and infected me was now in love with me, go figure! By the time Monday came around and I went back college word had already got out amongst the gay community there. It wasn't the fact that they now knew I was gay, it was more so the suspicion I was hiv due to who I was seeing. Little did I know how well known Angelo's reputation was. On the flip side my circle of friends had grown larger over the week. I was seeing Angelo mid week as well as weekends and we were now coming up to the 8th weekend, which I knew what had to be done. That Wednesday early evening my parents looked across the table at me and at each other, my father's response to my coming out was no surprise and told it was unacceptable and not under his roof. My mother on the other hand waited for father to leave the room before she told me that she was suspicious something was going on and was pleased it was not drugs. Telling her I would be moving out on Friday she accepted my decision as being for the best. She told me the college fees would be paid but I would have to support myself from now on. I went up to my room and started packing my clothes, halfway through I decided to message Angelo and tell him the news. I waited 10 minutes but no response came from him, I now suddenly freaked out thinking I had been deliberately played with. I sat down on the bed not knowing what to do and feeling very alone. 2 hours had passed and I could hear my parents discussing "the thing" which I knew was about me. My phone started ringing, I reached over to pick it up and saw it was Angelo. "Is everything alright?" he asked, "Well not really" I began telling him what happened. "How soon can you be packed?" was his response, I told him I could be packed in 15 minutes. "I will be come and get you now.", I felt a lot calmer now, packed everything up and quietly moved my stuff outside the house. I went in to the lounge and told her I was going and that I will call her in a couple of days. She came over and kissed me tearing up, We can see each other I told her and turned and left the house. Angelo pulled up just by the house and got out of the car. He walked towards me and picked me up and gave me a big kiss in the middle of the street "I love you.", I cried in to his neck and told him "I am so happy, I've hopelessly fallen in love you.". My things loaded in to the car we drove off to his house. Some people are still amazed at how I tamed the beast, there was no taming him. We do have the most amazing sex life in private and still visit the bathhouse to have a steam and he always gives me two loads before we leave. But in reality all he wanted was someone to love and love him back as Angelo and not his reputation. He supported me through college until I got a job and takes good care of me. I respect him and trust him totally, well I have one the most stunning looking husbands who only has eyes for me and vice versa.
    5 points
  12. It was a long day at the office, patient after patient, with very little time to eat let alone time to go to the bathroom. Before heading home, I sat at my computer and posted on Craigslist, I need the release tonight. Masc top – 45 Masculine top here HWP in search of a bubble butt bottom into kissing, getting rimmed and fucked. DDF tested at the beginning of the month. Prefer 20-30yrs hwp as well. I take care of myself you should too. Then I submitted a picture of my 7.5 inch uncut thick Latin cock. I could really use the release, business has been booming and that’s great but I want to travel, and meet guys. I drove home, and forgot about the post so I wouldn’t be disappointed by a lack of interest in the post. My roommate was gone for a couple weeks on business I could go home and spend my night naked, watch porn on the big screen and cook myself a good meal without any interference. No matter what it will be a good night. A few hours later I hear my phone go off with the email sound, my cock twitched in excitement. When I opened the email, there was a picture of an athletic, tone, young bubble butt bottom. He wrote his stats, 6’2 185lb with a 6.5 inch cut cock. He knew he was clean and double checked my stats because he has a girlfriend that doesn’t know and it need to stay that way. I couldn’t believe it, I would get to fuck a “straight” sexy bottom tonight. My cock was instantly rock hard, “the code is 002 I’m on the second floor of the building, door will be unlocked. I can’t wait to have some fun! I can show you my last results, we can play safe though if you want. See you at 8pm!” I wrote in reply. I took a nice hot shower and laid in bed, still rock hard with anticipation of fucking this hopefully great ass. It felt like forever, but I heard my apartment door open and shut, and the shadow of my hookup entering my room. Dressed in a plain white undershirt and sweat pants, the picture he sent didn’t do him justice. He didn’t waste any time either, while walking over to the bed he took off his shirt and slid down his sweatpants, the dim lights showed off every line, and curve of his athletic body. He got in bed crawling up to meet me, I grabbed him and pulled him in for a kiss. He was an amazing kisser for being “straight” I didn’t think he’d be as into it as he was. My hands roamed his body, his ass was firm, strong and big for a white boy. My fingers played with his puckered hole, “I want to eat your ass”, I said pulling his hips up towards my face, “suck my cock.” He did as he was told, this is where his straightness showed, his mouth was warm and soft but he wasn’t the greatest cocksucker. His ass though, his ass was smooth, tasted so delicious. He cleaned up well, not even a lingering taste of soap. His ass began to open up for my tongue, I pushed my spit deeper with my finger as he deep throated my cock as best he could. I turned him around and sat him down on my wet cock, sliding it between his beautiful ass cheeks. We continued to make out, tongues darting back and forth, when he surprised me by grabbing my cock and lining it up to his tight hole, pushing down onto it slowly. With spit as lube the entry was slow, he pulled up and I licked my hand to put more lube on my cock. He sat down and this time, I slid most of the way in and it felt incredible. He sat up, slowly lifting and dropping down onto my cock eyes closed head up towards the ceiling, he was enjoying it a lot. I ran my hands up his sexy abs to his shoulders and pulled him back down for his delicious mouth. I couldn’t take it much longer, I fucked his ass while kissing him for probably a minute or two longer before pushing him down all the way on my cock and cumming deep into his amazing ass. “Oh my God, you have the perfect ass” I said to him as he slowly rocked his hips back and forth drunk on the cum deep in his ass. “Thank you” he said shyly as he got up, my still rock hard cock leaving his ass with a *pop*. He was clearly nervous as he crept back towards his clothes and left. I wanted his ass again, I want his mouth again. Why do the hot ones have to be straight? I thought to myself as I jacked off to the thought of him. I sent him an email the next mornin, “Thank you for last night, but you left me still hard and wanting your ass, let me know when you can come back for more!” Surprisingly I got a reply within the hour, “Sorry I left in such a hurry, I’m still pretty new to all of this, it felt great though, I think your cum is still inside my ass. Kind of makes me horny all over again.” “that’s hot, keep it in there as long as you can or come back for more. How’s tonight?” My cock now rock hard at the office. I day dreamed all day of what I wanted to do with him. Bringing him to the office and fucking him over one of the dental cleaning chairs, meeting him at his house and fucking him in his bed, and taking him on a vacation away from his girlfriend. I couldn’t get him out of my mind. By the end of the day I had not heard back, I hope I didn’t scare him off. I got home, and while in the shower heard my phone go off. I left the shower running, and went to my phone I hope it says “on my way over”. It didn’t but I enjoyed this email even more. “I cant come over tonight, and weekends are tough, that’s when I see my girlfriend. Next week I’m watching a family friends house, and she can’t stay over if you want to come by a couple times. Maybe play some fantasies I’ve had but never tried.” I replied, “Yes, tell me them.” Hours later he sent me the most exciting email I’ve ever received. “Ok I’m super nervous about a lot of this but… One fantasy is to have my drink drugged and be used all night, with or without video. But to wake up knowing someone used me as their cumrag, sore and full of cum. Btw I’m game to try anything at least once. I want my hole opened up, I love the idea of someone pissing into it, either as an enema or just to fill me up. I have never cum from someone fucking me but I know its possible, I’ve told myself when I’ve been really horny that if I were to accomplish that, that I would consider it a sign I’m truly meant to be gay, to take cocks. Lastly, I like the idea of there being some secret thing I wear, have on my body that claims me as theirs. Other than these I love the idea of gangbangs, 3somes, exhibition, chastity, CBT, golden showers from groups, being abused and dominated, sometimes at my horniest even outed, and scat. I emailed him back “We will have some fun next week, I will come over every night that you can have me. One of those nights you will be drugged and I will use you all night, I will try to fist you, you will drink my piss when I ask, and who knows maybe I’ll call a friend or two. You have the most perfect ass, and I think its meant to take cocks, I will make you gay” “Yes Sir” “Address, phone number, and your work schedule please. I will text you before I come over each night.” I immediately started preparing for the next week, I went to a sex shop and bought restraints, cock rings, poppers and toys in different sizes. I want him to wear a jock strap, I picked up a Diesel, Andrew Christian and Addicted brand straps. I called in and got myself some Xanax from the pharmacy, and some other things for a good cocktail in case. I really do think I could make him gay, and I hope that he becomes mine when he realizes it. Monday took forever to come but I text him at 7pm, “can I come over?” “Yes, I need to clean up though” “See you within the hour”, I said, my cock already pressing into my jeans. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door, I didn’t want to walk into the wrong one. The boy opened the door, he was wearing shorts, and a t-shirt. “Here, go put this on and come to the door to let me in the proper way.” I said handing him one of the jockstraps. I shut the door, and he went off to change. I knocked again, he answered the door in just the jockstrap, but didn’t open the door all the way. He looked so hot, this boy will be mine. I pushed the door wide open, “Aren’t you going to kiss your gay lover hello?” He sheepishly stepped forward, and I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him in for a deep kiss which he gratefully returned. I spun us around so his ass faced the street, it wasn’t a busy neighborhood but I knew it would scare him and drive him wild. I broke the kiss, “my bag is in my car in the driveway, go get it.” And I shut the door, making sure to lock the deadbolt loudly so he knows there’s only one way back in. I went to the kitchen and started to make us a drink, and he was back at the door knocking. I walked slowly back to the door, and asked who it was as I looked through the hole in the door. “Its Trevor!” he said nervously. “Not remembering, how do I know you?” egging him on. “Sir can you let me in?” he said desperately. I opened the door a crack, “You got the wrong bag, and you will answer, ‘I’m your gay bottom’ if you want to be let back in when you get back. I went back to make him a special drink, piss, gin and tonic with a little treat for him. *Knock, Knock, Knock* But I had to finish making the drinks. It was hard to stop the flow of piss, but I wanted him to have the rest from the tap. *Knock, Knock, Knock* “Who is it?” I yelled from the kitchen this time. He hesitated, and I heard something softly said through the door, “who is it?” I repeated. “It’s your gay bottom!” he rushed and said just loud enough. I walked back to the door, he had the correct bag this time. “Good boy, thanks for grabbing my bag. I made us a drink, lets go chat. Yours is a piss gin and tonic. I’m drinking beer.” He seemed to like that, and I followed his perfect ass into the kitchen. We talked for 45 minutes, and I learned a lot about my future boy. “you need another drink, follow me” I said. I grabbed his hand and we walked to the bathroom, “On your knees, urinal.” He quickly got onto his knees, his hard cock stretching the jock strap. I whipped out my cock and put it in his face, “put your lips around my cock, but no tongue, you will swallow everything I give you tonight” His soft lips surrounded the head of my cock, and I let my stream go, I could hear him gulping. It took every ounce of focus I had to not get hard and stop my flow of piss. He swallowed the last of my piss, I grabbed his face, kissed him deep, and spit into his mouth. “Good boy, lets head to the bedroom.” He got up and stumbled, the Xanax must be kicking in finally I thought. We go into the room and I pushed him onto the bed, “on your elbows and knees, I’m going to eat your ass” I said. He was quiet but by his squirming I knew he was enjoying my tongue, I would stop every once in a while and suck his cock a little to keep him on edge. “What do you want?” I asked. “Your cock” “where do you want my cock?” “I want you to fuck my ass” “I will fuck you good tonight, slut” “Thank you Sir”, he answered as I sprayed a towel with Maximum Impact and pushed it to his face. “Deep breaths slut, these are called poppers, you’re going to like these.” I commanded. Sure enough his hole started to visibly loosen up, and this scared “straight” boy was now ready for the fucking of his life. He moaned as my cock entered his ass, I fucked him deep and slow, he took every inch of it. His ass was meant for cock, I’d make him realize it. He was moaning up a storm as I flipped him back and forth from his stomach to his back fucking him fast and rough, I would slow down and whisper things in his ear, knowing he wouldn’t respond much but hopefully it sticks in his mind. “You will be my boyfriend, we will travel and I’ll fuck you every day while we are gone, you take cock so well, you probably take cock better than you give it, your cock is mine, your hole is mine, I wish I could make your pregnant”. I repeated over and over. He answered at last, “fuck me until I’m pregnant.” That’s when it struck me, I knew how to make him mine forever.
    4 points
  13. As a bottom cockpig I just love Mardi Gras in Sydney. Since Monday I have had 22 loads pumped into me from 17 different men. Tonight is blackout at headquarters (a naked sex party) and I will be taking loads off any cock that is offered to me. By Sunday the week should have been wonderful. I just love having a mixture of seed in me!
    3 points
  14. Don't usually post here (love reading them), but I'm in celebratory mood... After a week in quarantine from picking up an STD, another two weeks or so of the antibiotics fucking up my stomach, then another short wait for him to get the all clear from his screening, I finally hooked back up with a regular. A poppered up raw vers session, with lots of kissing and spit. Took turns fucking each other, giving as hard as we wanted to take. Then, as tends to happen in the last 10, 15 minutes of a session with him, he went full-on top, complete with choice nasty verbal, and I went full on begging bottom. Kissing and swapping spit and huffing poppers, then him pounding and ramming and fucking and using my hole, this time bent over the massage table facing a full length mirror so we can watch each other (the look on his face as he sinks his cock balls deep). After making me say again and again what I wanted, after being opened up completely by his raw cock, he finally bred me, finally pumped his hot cum deep into me, and I shot my load, splattering it onto the floor underneath the table. My arse was still singing about an hour after we'd finished. And it's taken another three hours for the last of his cum to come out of me. After several weeks of my libido being shot to fuck, my prostate has been switched back on and my cock is fucking hungry again.
    3 points
  15. I got to admit, the guys in this are hot. Anyone else get turned on by guys with vags? Maybe its something i should consider!
    2 points
  16. It had been a slow night at the baths and I was taking a shower. I heard a gruff voice say, "Nice ass, pal!" I turned and saw a tall scrawny guy with a lop-sided grin staring at me. "Thanks!" I said. "I wanna FUCK that ass!" he said, reaching for me. "You ready to get fucked?" I was kinda turned on by his bluntness but his sketchy attitude was making me nervous, too! Two other guys came up behind him. It was clear that they were together. "No, thanks," I stammered. He barked, "You think cuz we're all HIV-Positive that you're too good for us? Being poz ain't NOTHIN' to be ashamed of. We don't get turned down by NO ONE! You hear me?" "Maybe another time," I muttered! All three frowned at this. The first guy spoke again, "I think it's gonna be NOW! A good bottom knows his place. He does what he's told and takes what he's given. And we sure got something to give you, don't we boys?!" As they crowded closer, cutting off any possible retreat, I looked at them more closely. They all sported tattoos. The first guy, he grabbed my shoulders and bent me towards him. Stepping up to my face, he growled, "Open your mouth!" His stiff prick had 'HIV POZ' with a big red plus sign on it. I wanted to protest, but suddenly, I had a mouthful of cock! POZ COCK! The next guy reached out to restrain my arms. I saw that he had two different 'toxic' symbols on his forearms. As the last guy stepped behind me, I saw an angry looking scorpion tat on his chest. I heard him spit and then he entered me roughly, but I could only moan helplessly with the first guy's dick filling my mouth. They occasionally rotated and the pozzing went on for what seemed like hours. Guys from the club came and went. Most stopped to stare in awe. Many of them jerked off while watching. They probably thought they were looking at some staged scene. You know....helpless bottom gets gangbanged by 3 hard-looking poz fukkers. They didn't know that IT WAS REAL! Every time one of them came inside me, our audience cheered them on. My head drooped with shame! Finally, they were done. One by one, they presented their dicks for me to clean off with my mouth. The first pig leaned close and whispered, "Did you like that, slut? Plenty more where that came from! You're goin' home FULL of the BUG tonight! We'll be back again on Saturday night if'n you want some MORE!" And with that...they swaggered out.
    2 points
  17. All of the details are not 100% finalized yet, but potentially happening in the first part of April...
    2 points
  18. Part 5. Positively getting down to IT, enjoy guys! I slept badly, was in a bad mood at breakfast that just got blacker once in work from just thinking what Martin would say or do about our public toilet encounter. I was apoplectic come late morning as I watched him in deep conversation with our MD, my direct boss and Martin’s uncle it later turned out! During mid-talks they kept looking at me and I feared the worst when they both appeared at my desk, directly in front of me. “Jack, this here is my nephew, I know it was kept quiet, but I hear only good things of you from Martin. He says you have been most friendly and accommodating which is nothing more than I expect, so I want you to mentor him to integrate Martin in to the business. Now why don’t you two take an early extended lunch break and get better acquainted as in future you will be working closely together. Good. I expect an update on progress.” Martin, grinning like a Cheshire cat only had six words to say, “I know a place to go” En-route he calls Aaron to meet us at the Bus Station… I felt like such a slut as once inside I’m instructed by Aaron to kneel on the dirty cubicle floor while a man I did not know or likely to see again, used my mouth or ass for his pleasure. Martin watched me through the huge gloryhole in the adjoining trap. Excitedly I couldn’t wait for a hard cock to be pushed through the hole. I began to stroke my own cock whilst waiting and I didn't have to wait long before a guy came in saw my open mouth at the hole and once I had his attention I liked my lips inviting his cock in. He wasted no time in dropping his trousers fished his cock out, tugged on it a few times until it began to grow in his hand and pushes forwards. It was only when it was standing proud through the hole that the cheesy smell hit me. Aaron bent down to my ear to say, “Lick it clean, scoop up all of that smegma until that cock is squeaky clean.” I tried my best between gagging to swirl my tongue under his foreskin to lift away the crusty white pieces of cock cheese then swallowing them before my taste buds knew what hit them. Now he had a hard cock I could enjoy and in no time he was fucking my mouth, ramming in deep down my throat causing it to squeeze and pulse around the hard flesh. His strokes began to speed up and I knew it would not be long until he’d be cumming in my mouth. I could not wait, hell I wanted his cum, no needed his cum to be shooting into my slutty mouth. As quickly as he shot he was outta there. “Good boy, a decent start, now spread your legs, bitch, backup to the hole and wait for your next cum load to lube your chute in readiness for our cocks.” Aaron wagged his monster cock under my nose and then as if the musky sex smell wasn’t enough a poppers bottle is held to my nose and some really deep hits readily makes me comply. Aaron pulls my ass cheeks wide as I press up to the glory hole…shocked as I was unaware anyone was there, I feel a warm wet tongue run up and then down my crack before it runs around the rim of my hole making me instinctively push out, as I would readily do for my husband. Now I feel a tongue and finger, then fingers slip in to stretch and open me up. Next…nothing, I’m open and gaping until something warm and blunt nudges my hole. The anonymous cock tries to bury itself inside me. It’s a bit of a strain, but not too much, a grunt, more pressure and in one stroke he was balls deep. No time to adjust to this super hard cock. In my mind he was a young guy, always steel like hard, full of raging hormones fueled by testosterone and the need to breed, you know the type, he fucks me mercilessly for no more than 5 minutes before emptying his hot load inside me. At the point of climax he drove in deep, smashed into my prostate and I could actually feel his cock pulse as wave after wave of cum erupt in my now well used hole. And without realizing I was cumming too. A couple of thrusts and he pulled out and as I spin around to clean his cock, he faces me, winks, tells me thanks, pulls his pants up and was out the door. Aaron runs a finger across my crack to scoop up and back in a dribble of cum that has escaped; appreciatively I twitch my hole for him. That does it. His cock already out, standing menacingly up straight… Aaron lowers himself on to the toilet and instructs me to straddle him, face-to-face. I instinctively sit astride his hips having to move his cock away from his body as I did so letting it rest on my backside. My mind was racing in anticipation I knew how massive his manhood was, I knew I wanted it but had no idea how my ass could ever stretch enough to take his cock, but take it I had to. In a flash he has his dick at my hole, “Get ready to take all my dna, whore.” I can’t be thinking properly ‘coz I'm just saying... “fuck my brains out!” I lean forward, arms around Aaron’s neck, lean down and kiss him on the lips, our tongues met and twirl around each other’s mouth as Aaron’s hands rub all over my body, sending goosebumps over every piece of skin. I’ve never felt more alive than at this moment, cheating on my husband having sex in a public toilet. His hand adjusts his dick head. I stop kissing him, drag up big globs of spit on my fingers which I move to my ass wetting it as best as I can. Aaron’s cock is straining from being kept waiting as a steady flow of precum soaks my hole and the sticky fluid coated head nudges my hole impatiently. I hold his slick cock firmly as I position and when I am sure I’m on target, I focus, take a deep breath and slam down. POP! His hand flies up to stifle my “Ffffuuuuccck!” Immediately, I need to move upwards to pull his cock out of my ass, but he had other plans. He knew exactly what I was trying to do and was prepared to stop me. Aaron grabbed my hips firmly and pulls me downwards as he trusts up ramming his excited blood-engorged penis balls deep. The searing and burning pain raced through my body as his hot rod ripped through my delicate love canal to leave me fully impaled on his weapon. Hyperventilating, covered in a sheen of sweat I was both in agony and pleasure. His hands slid away from my mouth and came to rest on my chest as he gently at first tweaked my nipples before decided to get my attention and did so by pulling on them hard. My ass was screaming and on fire and now my nipples was too, I could not compute what was happening or being said to me as he soothingly whispers in my ear, “Martin and me are off to the tattoo shop later…not sure whether to get a scorpion or biohazard tatt, what d’ya think?” Think? I could not think, my temples thumped and I struggled for breath but something came to my forethought. Poz cock Aaron flexed his diseased cock pumping precum deep in my battered bowels pumping his DNA into me, his HIV+ DNA. My head jerks upright as the enormity of my situation kicks in… My mind racing at what I am doing yet I cannot stop myself. I could have, should have struggled free but Aaron’s commanding hands keep me firmly impaled as he soothingly talks to me. I hear his words of encouragement, "See? It’s not so bad and all you have to do now is work my cock, ride it, learn to love being fucked by Martin and me.” Another tweak on my nipples commands me to get my ass moving up and down on that big slab of 10 inch meat, tentatively at first then building up speed until all of a sudden my brain computes that the fire and pain in my ass has eased as simultaneously the first moan of pleasure escapes my lips… “Ah! Now I know you’re hooked on my big cock and, when I blow my dirty load in your ass, you’re going to want more with Martin right here to supply your next pozzing load. Cum Dump. Once you start taking Poz loads you’ll realise how much you love that feeling and you’ll want more raw Poz loads — lot’s more! What the hell was happening to me? I am being coached into being a bug chaser…or did I intend to make this happen? My eyes return to gaze at Aaron as I began to raise my ass upwards allowing his gargantuan cock to slide almost out of my ass in a slick free-flowing movement lubed by someone else’s cum until just the head was pulling on my ass lips. Our hands clasped together tightly as an audible gasp escapes my lips as I slam fully back down. I quickly get into the rhythm of this and my entire body twitches and shakes at the sensations my hole is giving me. "Hell yeah, now that’s the way to do it! Start bouncing harder and faster, that’ll make it feel even better." Aaron excitedly whispers. "Good boy, I told you you’d soon enjoy it! Pull your ass all the way off my cock this time. I lift and feel his slick bulbous mushroom head squeeze out of my sphincter as at the same time I sit back down quickly picking up this up and down pace , my thighs beginning to burn as I ride his rod of steel. Just a couple of more full-lengths and I’ll be there!" His rigid tool starting to really feel good as my ass opens more and more on his cock which now regularly bangs my prostate harder and harder and I am noisily moaning in ecstasy now. My own cock is right now harder than I think it had ever been spraying clear liquid all over our bodies and clothing with each bounce. I could literally feel every vein in his cock pumping blood, getting harder and harder now he’s telling me, "Take it Jack. Feel how good it is. I just knew you would love this Poz cock. I'm getting closer to filling your ass full of my hot dirty cum." My aching legs did their best to increase my speed even more, rising and falling, rising and falling. Impaling myself deeper as on my downwards motion Aaron is thrusting up getting every one of those glorious 10 inches in deep. Fuck this is intense. His hands grab me hard as just another few final strokes and he jams upwards as I came down in one final ass wrecking blow…Oh my God, I feel his cock expand and start to pulse and throb in my guts. I feel his red-hot HIV laden cum filling me up and searing my insides with its potency, my ass muscles throb to the beat of my heart squeezing Aaron’s shaft milking every last drop of cum from his cock… and then I erupt, spewing my neg cum all over both our shirts! As if in an out-of-body I hear myself moan loudly with my heart thumping in my chest, my brain is in overload swimming in sensations of lust, desire and the need for more Poz cock and cum. I’m brought back to reality as Aaron continues to grind into me, holding me close and keeping his still throbbing cock in me until it shrinks a little and begins to slip out of my gaping hole. Once it has all left my body his strong arms pick my near lifeless body up backs me on to Martin’s waiting rock hard 9 inches of manhood ominously already poking through the glory hole in expectation. He too impales me so deep that I feel so full I’m convinced his dick will burst out of my stomach at any minute, yet I was in heaven from the pleasure I am receiving by it being there. “Oh yes pig! I love it that my cock is marinating in Aaron’s warm, slick Poz load that is coating your ass, you can’t beat sloppy seconds…or thirds! Aaron moves in front so I can slurp on his limp cock, licking off the residue of his climax, tasting my own ass juices and streaks of red. Martin grinds in me hard, momentarily holds it there for a bit and then pulls all the way out then slams in hard, so hard I feel the partition judder, then pounds my hole harder still, destroying my hole hammering hard and fast, deep and changing directions creating more tares where he can in my colon. "I'm not going to last, getting close now” A flurry of long, then short deliberate strokes punctuated by his legs smashing into the partition that separates us. If anyone is out side in the main toilet block then they would be in no doubt as to what is happening here, right now. “Get ready. Here comes my nice Poz gift up your ass." He’s definitely not worrying if anyone can hear us outside our little closed world. Despite brutalizing my flesh I feel each pulsation of his cum tube as thousands more Poz swimmers are sprayed into my fertile body, burrowing into my bloodstream, changing me and my life forever. "I hope you enjoy the fact that your hole will feel us for days to come? Now go home pretty boy, tell your boyfriend what you’ve done and when he throws you out, as he surely will…move in with us, uncle Richard will love to watch his favourite employee getting DP’d by his big dicked nephew and his boyfriend” I stood there stunned, but my ‘little’ 7 inch cock was rigid, my hole contracted then quivered so I knew what I had to do.
    2 points
  19. Just blew my hot ginger bud. He only plays butt-safe, but he'll blow a load down my throat and besides he's a hot ginger jock. Also, his loads are enormous.
    2 points
  20. 10 years ago So much of this story causes me personal shame. It's embarrassing. I'm currently 47 years old, but I still felt like a kid ten years ago. I was 37 and fighting some demons from childhood. I was raised in a very strict, religious household and remember rules and discipline as a way of life. I rebelled like we all do at some point. Unfortunately, I never grew out of that stage. I got stoned right before my high school graduation...and pretty much every day after that for the next three years. College was pretty much a breeze, but in my senior year, I woke up a little and shed some anger in order to get my degree. The problem is that I never got over my hate of doing stuff I didn't want to do. Sure, I got up early every morning and worked at a job -- but I never got a regular checkup with a doctor, and I never ever went to the dentist. I'd had a wisdom tooth removed when I was in my 20's. It was such a bad experience that they only did the one even though I had three more that needed taken out. I swore I'd never go back. And I didn't for over ten years. Well, you can guess what happened ... I eventually developed some major issues in my mouth. I paid for my neglect with horrible tooth pain. No amount of Advil would help. I once took shots directly from a bottle of rum to kill the pain. I woke up sick and spit blood into the bathroom sink. Not good. It was time to grow up a little and make a dental appointment. I nosed around on the computer to find dentists in my area. I came across Dr. Manning, who not only was near me, but took my insurance. He also practiced "sedation dentistry" which I'd never heard of. If you don't know it already, you can now go to a dentist and be drugged up for hours while they fix everything wrong with your death and you're not even aware of it. Sounded good to me. His picture was on the website. He was a handsome, mid-50's guy with a salt and pepper mustache. I called and made an appointment. The phone lady was very nice...and had that so soothing 'nurse voice'. I told her about my pain and she was very sympathetic, but said I'd need to come in for x-rays and consultation before any work could be done. Fine. I lived through a few more unbearable nights before the appointment. I was tense as hell and even the dental assistant noticed. She left the room for a few minutes and came back with a valium. "Dr. Manning is running late. Take this and relax a little while. I'd never had any tranquilizer before, but quickly understood why people got addicted to them. Damn.,I felt perfect and in love with the world. I dreamed for a bit. I think. A hand touched my shoulder....Dr. Manning. The lady assistant was there too. "You less nervous now? Poor kid. Linda, take his blood pressure." Then I was sorta awake as the cuff went on my arm. It had to be low now, but it wasn't....170/50. "Start him on the gas and I'll go adjust Carmen's braces." He put a hand on my chest and said "I can't do anything until you calm down. " It's impossible to 'try to relax', but as soon as I started breathing the air coming from that mask -- it felt like a piece of paper floating in the wind. There should be a better way to describe it, but that's all I could think of at the time. It had no odor that I could perceive. I could hear the dentist and his assistant talking and asking me to open wide and telling me to relax. They scraped and inspected, and I thought it was great. Fun. After they stopped the gas, I was out of my happy trance in seconds. "Well, Vince...we've got some work to do." I needed the other wisdom teeth removed, three fillings, a crown and a thorough cleaning. I was so embarrassed. "We can do almost all of it in two appointments, but you need to get the blood pressure normalized. I have a friend, an internist over at Saint Luke's who will get you in soon. Follow his instructions and then come back. I'm writing you a scrip for some strong pain pills. Don't take more than three in a 24 hour time period. We'll call you in a few weeks to see how things are going. Sheila at the front desk will be ready for you whenever you've awake enough to get up. "I just need half a minute." Dr. Manning sent his assistant to retrieve that internist's number from his office, leaving me and the doc alone. "You are way too tense. Bill can help with that too. Why are you so nervous?" "I just always feel like a tight coil inside." "Is that why you party?" "Huh?" "I could smell a little booze and pot in the air you breathed out. People always think they can brush or use mouthwash and we won't know. We always know." "You married, Dr. Manning?" I had no idea why I asked that. "I was once. Years ago. What about you?" "Nah. I am too independent to be in a union of any kind." "Yeah. That's pretty much where I'm at now. If you still feel loopy, I can give you a ride home. Sometimes the gas affects people that way." I should have taken him up on the offer, but I declined. "I'm okay now. Thanks, though." "Here..take a few of these until you get the scrip filled." He took my hand, opened it and dropped a few pink tablets into my palm. "Don't say anything. This is just between us." "Gotcha. So I call back here in a few weeks?" "Or we'll call you...or at least I will." Three weeks later, I was feeling okay. His friend had put me on some blood pressure pills and an anxiety med. Xanax became my new best friend. It was like the valium but more so. The pain pills really worked well. I checked my blood pressure every other day at Walgreen's. It was normal...almost nearly normal. I was in bed, enjoying the pills and thinking I'd call the dentist office tomorrow from work. As soon as I formed that thought, my phone rang. Oh fuck it...It was late and I was on a cloud. It stopped ringing but then started again thirty seconds later. "Hello?" "Did I wake you?" "What? Not really. Who is this?" "It's Mark. Mark Manning -- your dentist." "Oh Hi. I was going to call your office tomorrow. My blood pressure is way lower now." "Excellent! We can fix your teeth now. Schedule an appointment tomorrow morning. I assume you want to be konked out for the first round." "Oh yeah. Do I get extra gas or something?" "That...and we give you heavy-duty pills. Your insurance won't cover the gas or the meds, so it'll set you back several hundred bucks." "Mark?" "Yes?" His voice was deep and sultry. "What time is it?" "Not so late. I just wanted to check on you. I assumed you were doing well...checking your blood pressure at that pharmacy multiple times." What? How did he know? "Yeah. I don't feel as coiled now, but I sleep more than I ever did." "Good! Sleep is healing. It'll help you keep looking so young." I smiled in the darkness, and my dick shifted in my boxers. "I need to sleep now, Doc. I'll call the office in the morning." "You better...I'll keep checking. Good night, kid." Damn. He was one attentive dentist. Was his business doing bad and he needed to get more patients? No. I somehow knew what was going on. The Xanax was dragging me down into sleep. I remember in my early weed-smoking days, that I used to imagine that our reality as very layered. I'd lie in bed and go deeper through the levels. I was going way deep under the waking reality, thinking of this Dr. Manning. I called from work the next day and spoke to that pleasant front desk woman. "We've been expecting you call, Vince. Do you have a pen and paper near you? There are instructions to follow.Ready?" "Yeah." "OK. You first need to come get the sedation pills here at the office. They'll be here this afternoon. Can you come by before 6?" "I'll be there." "Good. Now, you can't drive here yourself for the appointment. Do you know someone who can bring you? We have a deal with a taxi service. Dr. Manning said he'd even drive you here himself." My friend and neighbor, Ernie was a retired man and never did anything but fuss around his garden. It was almost Winter now, so he stayed on the couch and watched "Law and Order". For hours. He was a buddy and always bringing me tomatoes and radishes. "I have somebody to drive me." "Okay. If I'm not there when you get the pills today. Just take them as directed. Do you have an Ipod or something like that? Some patients like to hear music." "Yes. I have one." "Wear loose clothing -- like sweats or something. You have to probably take two days off of work. Are you able to do that?" "Yes." I had so much vacation saved up because I never went anywhere. Or did anything. "Good enough. See you this afternoon...or Jemma will. My day is in flux because my daughter is sick." "Sorry. Hope she feels better soon." "Thanks. Have a good day." I had meetings all morning. My phone was blinking with multiple messages. You can guess who they were from. Dr. Manning himself. I knew his voice so well. "Glad you called. How's work?" beep "What time are you coming in today? I'll try to be there to say 'hi'" beep "Are you ever in your office?" beep It occurred to me that this guy was not very professional. Did I mind? Fuck no. I think he and I had something. But what? He was older and divorced and my dentist. I decided I'd go along for the ride. I picked up the little plastic package of 400 dollar pills. Mark wasn't there. The front desk lady told me he wanted to schedule me for Saturday morning. That was fine because Old Ernie got up at the crack of dawn to rake or fill his bird feeders every Saturday. The Friday evening before my appointment, Ernie called to tell me that his daughter had been in a car accident. She'd be okay, but would have to spend the next few days in the hospital. She was about 200 miles from us, and he needed to leave tonight to visit her. I ran through a list of names of people I could call to get up early on a Saturday and take me to the dentist. I hated annoying people. I'd call and schedule a taxi, but needed to find a number. Shit. People had tougher lives than me and coped somehow. I only had a short time to figure out a plan. As I started my usual period of panic, the phone rang. "Hello?" "Nervous? You need to take that yellow pill pretty soon so you can get some sleep. It's the smallest one." "Mark?" "Yeah. Sorry. I was worried about you. It will be totally fine and easy tomorrow. Take the pill now...while we're talking. You need to be rested." "Now?" "Yep. I went by your house after work today and saw your neighbor guy put suitcases in his car. Is all that all for you?" "No. His daughter was in a wreck and he had to travel. What's the name of the taxi service you office uses?" "Don't bother.U'll pick you up at 8:30. You need to take the biggest pill an hour ahead of time. So get up at 7:15 and take it. It's supposed to be cold. Wear sweats if you have them." "Thanks, Doc." "My pleasure. You took the night pill, right?" "Just now." "OK. Good. Get ready for bed...you'll be crashing soon. Are you on a cell? Can we talk while you're in bed?" "Sure. Can you hold while I get undressed and settled in?" I put the phone down and left my clothes on the floor. I went about my usual nighttime routine. I turned on the TV and muted it. I kept it on a jewelry shopping network as I fell asleep. Something about those glittering gemstones was hypnotic. I got under the covers. "Mark? You there?" "Yeah. Just listening to you. Your breathing is getting heavy -- which means you'll be sleeping soon. How do you feel?" "Wonderful. Like...just...wonderful." "That's my boy!" "How. Why? I mean..do you do this for all your patients?" "Not really, but you're a friend of mine...I make exceptions for good friends." "Oh. OK." We were friends all the sudden? GOOD friends? I guess it was true if he was saying it. "Kiddo? Are you sleeping?? What do you wear when you sleep?" "Huh? Just underwear. Why?" "Describe them a little. What color? What style?" "Yup." I felt like I was dreaming. "OK. I'll call you early to make sure you're up." "Absolutely." And then I slipped away. Dreams were waiting. I slept so well and only woke up when the phone rang. They'd call back when I got done exploring heaven. "WAKE UP!" "No! Stop! I ..." Dr. Manning was there in my bedroom, standing over me. How the fuck did he get in here?? "You need to wake up a little. We're running late, Vince. Damn! I should have factored in your pain pills and Xanax. This is my fault. Take this now and I'll give you the last one when we get there. Might as well take it with a beer. Coffee will only make you tense." It was weird to taste beer while I was still half-asleep, but whatever. He helped get me dressed -- which I'd have found really awkward if I would have been fully awake. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and put on a ball cap. "I'm ready." "Here's your coat...it's super cold this morning." His fancy sports car looked out of place in my crummy driveway. The air smelled like snow. "Nice car, Matt." The seat was so comfortable. He chuckled. "It's 'Mark', buddy. You want some music?" "Oh shit! I forgot my ipod." "I've got a portable CD player in the office. We really don't have time to go back now." "And my wallet. I forgot that too." "No problem. We'll send you a bill. Just don't worry anymore. You are the most person I've ever met. Now, do you want music or not?" "Yeah. Christmas music." I must have been feeling the effects because I normally hated holiday songs. This town had at least two radio stations that played only carols this time of year. Mark found one of them and festive tunes washed over us. His audio system was amazing. Maybe I nodded off a little. I just felt so, so perfect. "OK. We're not all that late. Lois is already here though." Who was talking? Oh. I woke up a little. I thought I'd forgotten my coat too, but I was wearing it. Mark helped me walk to the office building like I was feeble or something. My memory gets a little spotty from there. "So...what now?" I was in the warm waiting room, and no one else seemed to be around. "Take this. It'll be a short wait. I guess I should say "good bye" now because you won't remember much for the next five or six hours." "OK, Mom." He laughed and then left me alone. I could have dozed off right then, but I fought it. Why would I want to sleep through this perfect feeling? I made myself be aware for as I could. It's like when you reach that perfect buzz while drinking...remember what you can because you'll ultimately be sick. I was reclined in the dentist chair and Lois had the little CD player ready for me. "What kind of music do you like?" "Alternative." She stared blankly. I was unable to explain that any further. She was probably a Garth Brooks fan. A minute later she came back with an Oasis CD. "That's perfect," I said even though I'd always been lukewarm on that band. They had a few hits. So much for trying to remember everything...it was mostly a blank from then on. I remember that the music was better than any music I'd ever heard. And then...a huge blank. While I was out, three wisdom teeth were removed and a crown out in. I felt none of it. I do remember that I needed to pee really bad...and I had a stomach cramp. At some point. I was sitting on a toilet. As much as I needed to pee, I needed to poop more. My ass was sore. It was like a raw sunburn feeling. I guess all the meds were having a side effect. The process took forever. I might have been in there too long because the door opened. "You OK?" It was Mark. I pulled my shirt down a little to cover my stuff. "Yeah. Just slow." "OK. I'll be right outside if you need something." Then there was a bunch of blank space. It was sometime in the evening when I slowly came out of the haze. I was in bed. I never knew my mattress was this comfortable. I might have snoozed another hour before I returned to the world. I thought it was weird that my jaws and my mouth didn't hurt at all. My ass was still sore though. It took a confusing few seconds before I realized I was not in my own bedroom. It was a nice, spacious bedroom with fancy decor. Huh? I was suddenly sure of where I was...Dr. Manning's house. Probably. I didn't trust my brain too much right then. There were dried blood droplets in my underwear...and then I knew. I knew he'd fucked me at some point. I was no virgin. I'd been fucked by my first boyfriend/mentor. He'd been a safe sex fanatic and we used condoms always. After the first time, my ass felt a lot like it did now. The pieces were starting to come together, and I somehow didn't mind too much. Mark had taken advantage of my coma-like state and gotten his rocks off. With a condom? I doubted it. I decided to compose myself and get dressed. My folded sweats and shoes were all placed nicely in the bedroom. I was ready to see what other weird shit the day (or night) had in store. I took a breath and walked out the door. I could hear a TV and followed the sound. There was Mark, wearing only a pajama bottoms. His bare feet were propped up on top of a coffee table that probably cost as much as my car. His bare torso was covered with fur and he was smoking a joint. "Hey! Have a good nap?" "Yeah. Are we...why did you bring me here?" "I just wanted to make sure you had someone near to take care of you. How are you feeling?" "Not bad. Good, actually." I was holding my cards close to my vest. It would do me no good to start accusing him of rape. Not yet. "Well, the worst is over. Don't touch your gums. I'd offer you a hit, but you need to not suck anything for a day. The suction might open the wounds in your mouth. Wanna shotgun?" "What's that?" I knew what it was. My God, his body was so sexy. "Come sit. I'll take a hit and blow it directly into your mouth." So we did that a few times. His warm lips on mine felt so nice...and familiar somehow. He kept urging me to take more and more "shotguns". Eventually we were just kissing with no smoke involved. OK, this was happening. I was overwhelmed with a bunch of thoughts fighting each other. He pulled away and stood up. "You hungry? I made made some mashed potatoes with green onions and cream. It won't hurt your mouth to eat it." "Cool. Thanks, Mark." "I'd bring you a beer, but you can't have anything carbonated for another twelve hours. Want some wine?" "Sure. I'll have some if you do." He wasn't the only one with devious plans in his head. "Already started without you. It's almost 9 at night, Vince." "Wow." No way. I'd lost most of my Saturday. He brought me an overfull glass of red wine. "Do you remember anything that happened?" I chose my words. "I think I sort of remember Lois taking me to the bathroom." "Nope. That was me. I sent Lois home as soon as you were prepped. It was just us for three hours. I only open the office on weekends for long procedures...like yours." He put down a plate of the promised mashed potatoes. It was not bad, but my stomach fought it. I could not eat any more without gagging, so I just sipped the wine. It was probably really expensive, but I had no knowledge of wines. It was just fruity booze to me. There was a college football game on his super TV. I gave no shits about NCAA football because my college team was always awful. "Can we watch something else, Mark?" I wondered if he'd put on some gay porn. But no. He found the old version of "Little Women" on a classic movie channel. It was the black and white one with that famous actress as a younger gal. Hepburn? "They always show this around the holidays. Like this?" "Yeah. I loved the novel as a kid. I got fun of for walking around with a 'girl's book'. Can we do some more shotgunning?" "I was just about to ask you that!" He brought out a very nice bong and fired it up. "We need to go slow, Babe. This medical grade." He took a major hit and exhaled directly into my mouth. His lips...my God...I wanted to kiss him forever. "Okay. Let that sink in for a bit and watch the story." Oh fuck the March sisters -- just keep kissing me, Dr. Rapist! I nodded and finished the wine that he kept refilling. I was so wasted suddenly. We dropped all pretext and just started kissing like lovers. I let my hand rest on his crotch which was growing. I could have just laid my cards on the table...I could have just confessed that I knew what he'd done to me today. He was an enthusiastic kisser and I was rock hard in my sweats. "One more hour and then you need to rest...you've had a big day." "I don't feel sleepy at all. Well, a little bit maybe." "Yeah, but your mouth will start hurting soon. It'll wake you up in the middle of the night. Let me give you a few pills to prevent that." He got up with an obvious boner and left the room. Damn. It's like he wanted me drugged all the time. No discussion about the kissing or my hand on his dick. I'd play along...it was Saturday night after all. I think it was. I took the tablets he handed me. I couldn't help but notice how clean and well-groomed his fingers were. One of the Little Women was sick and dying. I used to know all their names. "Were those sleeping pills or pain pills?" "Both." Damn. He was going to continue this ruse with a guy who was smart enough to figure things out. Or maybe he knew that I knew. That would another level to this game we seemed to be playing. We shotgunned and drank more as I got drowsier and more into that next world he wanted me in. Right about the time I was going to ask Mark a question, I slipped away. Blackness and mist. The only thing I remember is being in that excellent bed again. I also kind of remember being naked and feeling my neck kissed, but that might have been a dream. The morning crept around his thick, luxurious drapes...and I was alone again. My butt ached again, but not as bad. It was also a little damp. He'd done it again! If only he knew how much I'd have been willing to fuck with no impairment. "Breakfast!," He called from behind the door. "Take a quick shower. I washed your sweats and left you a clean towel." I cleansed and fixed my hair up a little. He left me the washed sweats but no underwear or socks. I was a little hungover. OK...I was his plaything, but he didn't seem to realize that I was willing. No drugs needed. I would have to say something...soon. I had to work tomorrow and, while this had been adventure, it was a little tiresome to appear stupid. I guess my shoes were still by the couch, so I just went into the kitchen barefoot. He was fussing around with the stove. "Good morning." "Hello! How's the mouth?" "No pain. You're good at your job, Mark." Boy was he ever. "Aw. Thanks. Always nice to hear that. I made French toast. It's probably not going to hurt your gums now." We sat at his kitchen table and ate. My mom never made French toast, and so this was new to me. Sweeter food than I liked in the mornings, but....but Mark made it for me. I was becoming infatuated with him and his devious ways. "I'm not wearing underwear... feels odd." "I'm not either. All that is in the drier. I have a housekeeper who comes in three times a week. She's coming tomorrow morning. I'll let Rosa clean all this up." "I can't believe the whole weekend is over. They close down my office building from Christmas Eve until after New Year's. That's coming up and I can't wait." He smiled and started lighting the bong again. Dang. For a doctor, he smoked a lot of weed. "What do you do for Christmas, Vince?" "Usually go visit my parents, but I don't know if I can handle it this year. They are decent people, but so religious and nagging. My dad and I tend to argue." "Same here. Did I tell you I was raised a Mormon?" "No way." He'd lost his place in Mormon heaven a long time ago. "Yeah. I just hang out with friends on Christmas...good friends like you." Whoa. It was time to say something. Apparently this man equated drugged rape with friendship. "Mark...I need to tell you something." He leaned over and exhaled a giant weed cloud into my mouth. I kepi my mouth where it was and we passionately kissed for a full minute. "What?" "Nothing...I ...I just think I'm falling for you." I'd chickened out. "About time. I was waiting to hear that. I should tell you a few things first." Here it comes. "I've loved you from the minute you walked into my office...and I got carried away. I followed you and googled you. I know so much." "Is that it? What about admitting you raped me twice while I was drugged?" Silence hung thick in the air. He shifted and looked at the ceiling. "Three times. I fucked you three times in the past 24 hours. Are you mad?" "Let's just say I figured it out. But, why? I would have said 'yes' with no drugs involved." "It's my thing. I love fucking passed-out men. Maybe it's a self-esteem thing, but I am too awkward when the other guy is fully awake." "But you are gorgeous. You don't need to drug people. I really want to have sex with you and remember it...see things, feel things." "I know. I want to do that too...but it might take some time, okay?" My boner was completely gone. His fetish was helpless, unconscious guys. That was not a good thing any way you looked at it. "Did you at least put a condom on?" Silence. "No. That's my other thing...I like to go in bare, make my seed count. I most likely don't have anything if that's what you're worried about." "OK. I should probably go home now. I don't even know if I'm mad or not, and I need some time alone right now." He nodded and went to retrieve the rest of my clothes from the dryer. I just held the socks and underwear and stood by the front door. "Let me get some shoes and a coat. I'll be right back. The garage door is at the far left end of the kitchen." I went there and kept my expression neutral. I wanted to keep guessing what I was thinking. I could report Mark and get him arrested, but that wasn't anything I wanted to do. I could just get another dentist, but I liked him still. Still. Even after everything. Didn't we all have a weird desire or two? He was so handsome and so smart...friendly. I'd figure it out somehow. I've learned over time that the brain is more trustworthy than the heart. He drove me home. I was amazed at how such a nice neighborhood could be so close to my plain one. He had the Christmas music station on again, and it was playing probably my favorite song with my favorite verse: "...from now on, your troubles will be out of sight." "I know this probably isn't a good time, but you still need to get a few fillings. If we do it now, you can avoid getting more crowns. Just saying. If you want to go to a different dentist, I can refer you to somebody. A woman if you want." "No. It's okay. Later this week, maybe." "This week would be best. Will you call me?" "I will." We got to my place and barely said good-bye. I just needed to be in a safe place with the door locked and the blinds drawn. Ernie was still gone. The inside of my house seemed foreign, and I wished I had a dog. Or a cat. I never realized how lonely my life was. Oh well. I needed a good friend to call, but it was a weird afternoon hour on a Sunday. Everybody would be deep into football and drinking and chicken wings and talking. No thanks. I just took an extra long shower and dressed like I was ready for bed. I turned on the TV, but was careful to avoid seeing that creepy "60 Minutes" clock ticking away. I found "Scrooged" on a lame channel and watched that. It was such a mean-spirited movie, but the ending was supremely uplifting. Time for a pill. Dr. Manning had given me so many extra tranquilizers that I could afford to splurge a little now. I settled on the couch and imagined I had a big, furry cat on my lap. Of course I dozed and barely remember watching the movie. What WAS that actress's name? I used to know it. It was almost 10 PM when the phone rang. I knew who it would be. "Hello?" "Hi, Vince. How are you?" "I was just relaxing for a bit. Let me grab a diet coke...hold on. OK. What's up, Mark?" "I made some calls...I don't want to tell you too much now, but it would be good if we could do your fillings on Wednesday. And then take the rest of the day off. Maybe Thursday too. No...definitely. Can you take two days off?" "Oh sure. I've got a crazy amount of vacation time saved up." "Perfect. I've got you scheduled for 10 AM on the 14th. You don't need any pills for this. I'll give you a valium when you arrive, and have the gas and Oasis ready!" I was smiling. "Sounds great." "I won't keep you, but what's in your head right now?" "Not much right now. I do know that I want to see you again. Just please understand that I want to be with you when I'm awake." "I know. I understand. We will as soon as your appointment is over. OK?" "Great." "Get some sleep...and don't forget to tell your boss you are taking two days off. I'll remind you." I slept so soundly that night -- even though it felt like I had already slept forever. I was pretty much useless at work the next day. Between my brain fog and conflicting thoughts about this new man I loved, it was all I could do to remember to eat lunch. Tuesday was only slightly better. The night before the appointment, I took a pill and dozed off on the couch while some old movie with fake snow played. The phone rang a few times, but I knew it was Mark. Him. My man. Was it love? Maybe. I came to the dental office early. It was nice to see the waiting room full of people. I picked up a random magazine and perused it like I was interested in the material. They needed a TV here. Lois came out... "Vince? You're next. Follow me, please." I could swear she had a slight smirk on her face.I settled into that great chair and waited while she came back with a pill and the CD player. "Take this now...the doctor will be in soon." She fussed around with the tank of happy gas and then left. Lois must know what's what. Whatever...I'd just enjoy the pill and close my eyes. None of that was my problem anymore. Half dreams in shades of blue and gray. Then the mask was over my nose and the headphones were on my ears. "Ready? Just breathe for a few minutes. Oasis is waiting for you." Mark. And Lois, of course. She was right there. One of them hit the play button and cranked the volume way up. I happily opened my mouth and was ready for this. I knew he was shooting some of that numbing stuff into my gums, but it felt fine. No complaints. There was a line in one of the songs playing I'd heard before: "Slip inside the eye of your mind, Don't you know that you might find a better place to play" Nice. I'd meditate on that wisdom for a little while. I'd probably retire in twenty years or so. I would just plan on listening to music while breathing in this gas. Maybe I'd even get a dentist's chair. And live somewhere it never got cold....and have a cat. A big tabby tom. I would be fine. I stayed in that blissful place until the mask was taken off of me and the music was rudely removed from my ears. It was over. Damn. Who the hell even knew what time it was? "OK, buddy. Wake up a little and we're good to go. Lois, go get him a bottle of water, please." He stood right next to me as I opened my eyes. "Look real quick." He pulled his cock out the dress slacks he was wearing and flashed me a quick few seconds. He'd adjusted himself by the time she came back with my water. Cool. I was okay with everything. "Vince? Can you get up? We're done." "It's fine. I can just drive on top of traffic going home. Nobody else will think of it." "Uh oh. Looks like I need to drive you home. Luckily, I'm off the rest of the day.And tomorrow. I'm leaving town. Lois, I'll be in on Friday. Make sure you give Jemma that folder." We were walking out to the parking lot. "You're leaving town?" "Only metaphorically. I'm going to take you to a party now." Oh god. I was afraid he was going to take me to some bar where everybody would be drinking and talking. I didn't want that. There was his beautiful car that he helped me inside of. As I settled into the luxurious seat, it occurred to me that I had been given something stronger than just a valium. We were driving. The trees were bare. "Mark? That wasn't a regular valium you gave me, was it??" "No. But you were awake the whole time. I'm taking steps, Vince. I'm trying." "Lois knows about you?" "Shit. You are too smart, kid. She's the sister of Bill -- your doctor. He's partying with us tonight. You like him, right?" "Yeah. He seems too straight-laced to party. He's like a doctor from a Norman Rockwell painting." Mark chuckled. "This will be fun. We're both going to get what we want." We pulled into his garage and I was strangely more awake than I had been in the last ten minutes. My god - everything was so clean and organized. His life was so neat and tidy. I could hear loud music already. I was almost sure it was New Order. I had that CD. I figured it would be a bunch of people, but no. It was just Bill in his boxer shorts. He was so pale and skinny and hairless. "Hey! How's our patient?" "A little sleepy -- I'm gonna get him some coffee." "No. I'll take a beer though. Hi Doc. My blood pressure is normal now." I looked him over. He was around Mark's age and usually wore glasses. He had red hair which I'd never found attractive until just now. "Good. But you never call. Check the appointment card I gave you last time -- I wrote my home number on the back." Huh? I never even checked the back. I just wrote the date down on my calendar and threw the card away. "Sorry. I didn't know that. You have my number, though." "Definitely." Mark came back with a bottle of beer that was probably expensive. Everything about him was top shelf. "Damn, Bill. You made yourself right at home, didn't you? We're going to ease Vince into this." Ease me into what? That's when I saw the syringe on the coffee table. Fucking hell. "What's in that needle?" They were both silent. "I thought you said he'd be ready to party, Mark." "It's okay, kid. You have two doctors here. Nothing bad will happen." Dr. Bill shook his head slightly. "That wasn't what I asked." I wasn't about to shoot up drugs... "It's like a fun version of vitamin B-12." Bill had an obvious hard-on under his boxers. He was playful and devious. "Take your clothes off." I looked to Mark with questions in my eyes. "I won't let anything bad happen to you, Vince. You believe me don't you?" I mostly did. I just stripped down to my underwear and waited. "Let me change the music to something a little more mellow." Bill went and adjusted the stereo. "He is like my brother and I love him, but he's a little flaky. I'll protect you." I finished the beer and relaxed on the couch. Carol King was singing about clouds in her coffee. What the hell did that mean? "Get him one more beer...I don't want him all nervous for this." "Want another one, Vince? I picked up some diet coke if you'd rather have that...I can mix some Wild Turkey in it." "Sure. Yeah." Bill was sitting next to me, really close. It's funny the weird twists and turns your life can take if you don't pay attention. My doctor and I talked about the music. He loved the 70's tunes which I did not. To me, it was rewarmed 60's until disco showed up. "Turn it down a little, ass. This is not the club." Mark gave me the coke mixed with a generous amount of whatever kind of liquor Wild Turkey was. It killed the carbonation, but I wasn't about to complain. He changed the CD and Madonna started her beautiful, slutty singing. OK. Much better. "Don't be a mom, Mark. He's an adult. Let's start this party! Who's first?" Bill was radiating a hunger. "You. You're eager and I need you to shut up a little." Mark put his hairy arm around me. I don't remember him getting stripped down to his jockey shorts. "Bitch." Bill thumped his inner arm and plunged the syringe into a vein. "See? It's easy. Doesn't even hurt." He was done. I watched his face. He looked happy and relaxed. He didn't pass out or go crazy. "Vince is next. Doctor's orders." OK. He fussed around in his duffel bag and rejoined the 'party'. It felt like Mark was holding me even closer. "It's seriously going to be fine. You'll feel much better soon." Bill sat next to me gently pulled my right arm straight out in front of me. "I am so good at finding veins. Back in college, I could practically find them with my eyes closed." And then the needle pierced my skin with almost no pain. I felt more pressure as he plunged the drug into me. I didn't even ask if it was a new needle or the same one Bill had used. I also never asked what exactly I was taking. Too late now. "How soon do I feel it?" "By the time Mark is dosed, you'll be doing real fine." "But what IS it?" "My own private mix. A little of this, a little of that. Nothing too heavy-duty." I must have missed seeing Mark shoot up because he passed and empty syringe to Bill. So we were all on drugs now. I waited. It wasn't long before I started to cough. It didn't last long, but my heart was racing. Speed? It might have been, but was like a record played at a lower speed. Bill and Mark were both fully naked now and stroking their boners. I was naked too. "Who took off my underwear?" "You did," they answered in unison. I also had an erection. Mark's cock was longer, but Bill's was fatter...the both looked beautiful and I wanted to suck them both at once. And then a dick was in my lips. The grunting voice was Bill's. "Shit! You trained him good, Mark. He's a pro. I'm gonna cum! I should have fucked you first, Vince...but...but I AHH!" A thick lotion-like fluid flooded my mouth and dripped down my throat. None of this was enough...I wanted him to shoot again. "Wow! I've been needing a blow-job like that for months." Mark impatiently prodded his naked meat into the back of my neck. I turned around and gratefully took his shaft all the way. I might have gagged a little, but there was no way I'd let that stop me. I let my fingers wander up and down his furry ass as it thrust. I was born to do this very thing. "Stop. I need to pee really bad. We can continue in a little bit. You probably need something to drink. Want another special coke? I'll get it." I never got a chance to tell him I'd drink his pee too. I really would have. He walked away, with his hard dick bobbing up and down like a toy. The music was something different now. I didn't recognize it, but like it. Mark came back with my "special" coke, and then padded away to use the bathroom. It occurred to me that he might have mixed something else besides booze in it. No worries. "Hey. Take this -- it'll help prolong the fun." He handed me a tiny white pill and I swallowed it with no hesitation. And then he kissed me quickly. "If it doesn't work out with the dentist, you can give me a shot." I wanted to give the whole world a shot right then. I wanted cocks and cum and everything. I wanted the fun to continue, but tried to keep cool. I'd never been so horny in my life. "You leveling off a little, Vince?" He stretched out and I took careful note of how long and lean his legs were. And hairy! Whatever I was on, I followed my instincts with no question. I was sucking on Mark's fat toes before I knew it. He curled and uncurled them while they were in my mouth. "Wow. That feels nice." "You lucky bastard. He's into feet. I haven't had mine touched since I dated Dennis. You got yourself a keeper, buddy." I took the hint and worked on Bill's feet next. I never imagined I'd be doing such things, but I'd lost control. They both had straining hard-ons at that point. "Let's fuck him. He's super horny." Mark took my face in his hands and looked into my eyes. "Are you ready? Can you think now? Bill, you didn't give him anything else, did you? His pupils are super big." "No. I swear." (lie) The next thing I remember was lying in Mark's great bed with nakedness all around me. Arms, legs, hands. My legs were straight up in the air and a pillow was under my ass. Bill's not-quite handsome face was directly over mine. "So I hear your ass is pretty tight. Don't relax too much...I want to drill you so deeply. Like the idea?" I liked anything and everything right then. I wondered if Mark was watching this and having second thoughts about me. I guess I was cheating on him already. I worried up until the point the doctor's dick went directly inside of me. There was an explosion of pain and surreal pleasure. I might have made a noise...no idea. I imagined his dick as a red-hot iron pole poking my guts and destroying everything it touched. He was relentless with the pounding. "Yeah. You are exactly as promised, Vince. Almost time for your reward...it's ...oh shit...TAKE IT!" He came and I could feel the heartbeat in his penis. The deed was done. 'Dammit, Bill. You gave him something. His breathing is way too slow. Vince?" "Just a little party favor. Nothing too strong." "Get out! I'm going to refer him to another doctor...you can't be trusted. Take your shit and leave." There was movement and cussing and arguing. I was alone in bed and thinking this was all my fault. It was fun, and I messed it up. Mark came in and turned on a bright light."Look at me." I thought he was going to yell at me now. "Just give me a minute...I need to sleep now." "OK. Good idea. I'm going to watch you for awhile. Turn on your right side and breathe...deep as you can." So I did. At some point, the room got darker. I was keenly aware that I was being watched, but the dreams came on anyway. Boring dreams of nothing special. The next thing I knew, it was morning. I was all by myself in the big bed. I scanned the shameful memories and cringed. The clothes I was wearing the previous day were right there for me to slip into. I felt so guilty of so many things. I went to the bathroom. I needed to face the Mark Music now. He was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. "Good morning, cutie!" He was in a bathrobe and didn't seem mad at all. "I'm so sorry. I think we overdid it just a little. Or a lot." "No. I'm sorry you had to see me with Bill. I wanted to be with you instead...I just..." "Shhh. Don't think about him. He's on my shit list. Let's eat and then we can do whatever you want. No drugs." We ate and and then stepped outside briefly because I wanted fresh oxygen. I was mostly myself as we had sex in his bed. He was tender but passionate. It didn't take him long to cum the first time. Or the second time. We made love most of the day. He'd given me what I'd wanted. At last.
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  21. This is my first ever attempt at fiction, so please be kind, guys! Chapter One: Monday, part one. It started like any other Monday shift in a sauna. Quiet. We had three or four regulars milling about the place but that was about it. Boredom had struck. I grabbed the phone out of its cradle and slipped it into my pocket knowing it would only ring should a customer turn up. I closed the staff only door behind me and headed upstairs. It was time to do the rounds... SIGH! Oh, how rude of me! My name is Alex and I'm 23, short dark brown hair, deep brown eyes and I would say I am what probably gets categorized on dating apps as 'average' body build. My cock is nothing special, about seven inches, fairly thick and uncut. Anyway I reached the top of the stairs and pushed open the first door on the right. The grunts and moans of the porn playing echoed through the empty upstairs but there was no one in sight. I carried on and, in turning the corner, I walked straight into Rob knocking him backwards. His towel dropped and my face reddened. "I am so sorry Rob! I was just doing my rounds!" I stumbled over my words embarrassed that I'd made him drop his towel. "Don't sweat it, kid," came his husky reply, "pass me it back would you." I had known for some time that Rob had a thing for me but was never sure he was my type. Rob was about 40, a chubby hairy bear of a man. Now I should probably explain I am a slut and, as a slut, I either go without underwear or (at most) wear a jock to work in the hope that when my shift is done I can get a little action. Today, however, Rob had a different idea. Turning my back to him, I bent over to grab his fallen towel, and in so doing my loose shorts slowly slipped over my cheeks, the cool air alerting me to the fact my ass was now on show. Before, however, I could even reach around to pull the shorts back around my waist, I felt the soft nuzzle of Rob's warm cock head rub down my crack. "Rob, behave man!" I exclaimed. Rob, however, wasn't listening. In one thrust he was balls-deep bare in my ass. My lips parted and a single whimpering moan of pleasure was all that slipped out. To Be Continued.
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  22. True story from this past summer. I was staying at a guest house in Provincetown in June. I’d stayed in the same guesthouse a few times, and booked a room that had an outside entrance off the deck. Easier than walking through the guesthouse every time. June is pre-season, so there are a lot of guys around, but town isn’t overly busy. My first full day turned out to be pouring rain, and I was feeling disappointed and horny. I chatted with a few guests downstairs while I grabbed some yogurt and juice, then headed to Joe’s Coffee for a breakfast sandwich. All the while I had my apps open and was cruising. A few familiar faces from years past were on, and one older guy I’d chatted with at the guesthouse that morning. He didn’t really hold my attention (out of shape, and didn’t give off a lot of energy), though he quickly sent 3 messages on Scruff after I left. I heard from a few guys in varying states of readiness to play. Most were still “waking up” and wouldn't be available for awhile. I decided to hit the gym for an hour. As I was leaving the gym, it was still raining. One of the guys I’d chatted online said he was ready to meet if I could host. I checked out his pics. Mid40s with an average, lean body, dark hair and nice beard, and an impressive looking cock. I told him where to find me. He told me to have just a jockstrap on when he arrived. About 15 minutes later, I saw him coming up the steps onto the deck. I took a quick hit of poppers to get me going, just as he showed up at my door. He was easily 15 years older than in his pics, his skin weathered and his beard longer and stragglier than I like. I hesitated and was about to say I didn't think it was going to happen when he pulled out his cock. It was an easy 7 inches, swollen with a nice head and thick shaft, and a silver cockring at its base. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down to my knees. With a hand on back on my head, he fed me his cock. After a couple minutes, he fed me a hit of poppers, and pushed his dick back into my mouth. Now my blood was pumping and I started sucking him voraciously. He leaned over my back, driving his dick all the way into my mouth so I choked, and pushed two wet fingers into my hole. He repositioned himself so he had better access to my ass, turning my head to the side and pushing me down on all fours on the floor. He had me take a long hit of poppers, and began working 3 fingers into my ass. My piggish side was being activated, and I was offering both holes for him to use. He was stretching my ass with his fingers, probing deep and pushing his fingers apart to relax The sphincter. “Get on the bed, on your back, ass hanging off the edge.” I assumed the position, taking a moment to take two long drags of poppers. I held those drags in my lungs, leaned back on the bed and brought my knees to my chest, letting the chems absorb slowly, and exhaled just as he stepped up to my exposed hole. I felt the warmth of his cock pushing against my hole as the rush of the poppers hit me. I felt his hot shaft pushing inside my prepped hole, stretching it wider than his fingers did. I felt that hardness slide all the way inside, and he held it there as we both groaned. He began fucking me with his raw cock, long, deep strokes that had me moaning. His balls slapped my ass and I could hear the bed squeaking with his deep thrusts. I was caught up in the moment, grunting as this stranger pounded my open hole. He grabbed by ankles and pushed my legs wider apart, watching his own cock pierce my ass. He fucked me for awhile, pulling out just a few times to dive back in again and make me groan with the girthy penetration. I fuck’n loved it! “Where do you want this load?” ”In my ass!” He kept pumping away, that thick dick feeling amazing inside me. He thrust a little faster, then harder, and he rolled his head back when his thrusts became really hard, deliberate, and he paused at the end of each thrusts for a moment. He kinda grunted and gasped a few times in these pump-and-hold combinations. I knew I was being bred! He quickly pulled out, and I could feel some of his cum around my hole. He wiped off his cock on a towel, then dressed, said thanks, and walked back out onto the deck in the rain. He didn’t bother asking me if I wanted to cum. I laid on the bed for a few minutes, feeling my really wet hole and coming down from the fuck haze I’d been in. I stroked my dick, but was still super horny and knew I was a long ways from coming on my own. After a few minutes, I threw on a loose pair of shorts, grabbed by phone, and headed down to the common room to see if there were any snacks. I saw a dozen more messages, with 2 new ones on BBRTS (which had been silent all morning). Sure enough, it was the older guy staying in my guesthouse; he’d figured out my profile based on distance and description (I only show my ass in the public profile). He’d unlocked his pics, and sent his room number. I was still feeling poppered up and horny, and he actually had a really hot looking cock. Without thinking much more about it, I walked up the other set of stairs and started looking for his room number. I found it on the third floor, where is was feeling stuffy and hot, despite the rainy weather. His door was actually open, and he was sitting in a chair inside. Seeing me, he started rubbing his crotch. He stood up, pushed a bottle of poppers under my nose, and told me to whiff (he’d obviously read by profile). As my head started to swim again, I just dropped the baggy shorts, got on all fours on his bed, and offered my ass. I heard him fumbling in a drawer, and then the pumping sound of a lube bottle. Shortly thereafter, his fingers probed my hole, seemingly to find the target, and then he slid inside. It was a rough fuck — the type you get when someone finally gets the piece of ass he’s been wanting. I felt like a total pig, and he was reaping the benefits of it. He pounded away at my hole, and I started getting verbal to egg him on. Finally I told him, “I want your load in my ass.” He bred me pretty quickly after that. I could hear him panting heavy, and I was reminded how out of shape this guy was. He was holding onto my hips as he plugged away until he unloaded. I didn’t stick around, but pulled on my shorts, thanked him, and walked back across the guest house in just my shorts. My ass was totally wet, and I was feeling both piggish and kinda hot walking by a few other guests after having been bred by both guys. If you’ve enjoyed reading about my rainy day breedings, let me know by clicking on the blue heart, leave me an upgrade, and I’ll know to keep pigging out and posting for you.
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  23. Yesterday afternoon I was in a sling at CCBC in Palm Springs and this dude was fucking me. After a little while he paused and asked me if he could piss inside me. Being the good sub that I am I told him it was his decision. He filled me full and continued to fuck me for another 20 minutes. It was so fucking hot. It ended with his load mixed in with a lot of piss. After he finished I walked back to the room with piss dripping down my legs. Hard as hell just thinking about it.
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  24. I love to go to the beach. Not for the sun, sand, nor surf. Those are added benefits. I go for the attention. I know that sounds immature, but it’s true. I don't have the greatest body. I'm not overweight. I’m fairly trim, but don't exercise. My face is not distinctive. By society's standards, I’m average. But give me a pair of speedos, and I put on quite a show. Though I’m blessed with an abundant cock size, what turns on most guys is the way it hugs my balls. I look absolutely awesome. Women—and most guys—do a double-take at me in speedos. Young or old—doesn’t matter. I get plenty of attention. Gays hit on me, but I’m into STRAIGHT men. They have always been my preference. MARRIED MEN, ESPECIALLY, TURN ME ON. And with their almost universal disenchantment with their spouses, conversion is child’s play. Whatever the case, I use my special talent to turn their disaffection to perversion. After I got POZZED the game became more sinister—with stakes of LIFE and DEATH. I go for the true family types, the kind with kids; and, never do a FAGGOT unless he’s with a FEMALE. I place my towel as close to Him and the Cunt as possible and give him a variety of views. When I finally get his attention, I smile and motion for him to follow. It’s like leading a sheep to slaughter. On this particular afternoon I spotted a dude in his late thirties who walked along the beach with BITCH in hand. I followed them at a safe distance till they spread their blanket, and set up shop as close as advisable. It took almost half an hour before he overcame his reticence and stared directly at my cock. I was wearing bright red speedos which highlighted the crimson circle where my precum had soaked through. I watched his manshaft grow. He turned over on his stomach to hide it. Though he was wearing sunglasses, he was OBSERVING. I smiled and motioned toward the woods. I stood up and lingered, casually adjusting my speedos, as he gazed up at my crotch. The fictitious realignment finished, I took off down the trail, casting longing glances back his way. Along side were trees and heavy brush. The setup was perfect. Sure, there was an element of danger, but if the nature lovers stayed on the trail, we wouldn't be observed. I began to think I’d misjudged him, and started back to hunt another dude—when I almost ran him down. "Follow me," I urged, not waiting for his answer. Experience told me that since he’d come this far, he’d meekly follow. I moved off the trail amongst the trees and brush. "I’M NOT GAY." "THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE?" "I saw you looking at me and, uh, I’M NOT GAY." "OF COURSE YOU’RE NOT. I saw your wife." I took his hand and placed it on my crotch. This was the crucial step. You can never tell about a STRAIGHT guy when his MASCULINITY is CHALLENGED. Some guys panic or grow belligerent. In his case he did neither—his paw lay dead and lifeless on my shaft. I bucked my hips against him so my dick made solid contact with his palm. "You're so hard!" “I wanna see yours." "My wife is just out there," he said, waving toward the beach. "This doesn’t involve her. She wouldn’t understand. Look, I know you’re Straight. I don’t want you to do anything uncomfortable. Let’s take ‘em off together, and see what happens.” He nodded. Some Straights you gotta spoon-feed. We pulled them down together. There we were—two naked Fags (as the world would see us) checking out each others’ cocks, just yards away the crowded beach and the married Faggot’s spouse. He was fully erect—maybe five and a half inches, curved slightly to the right. He seemed astonished that I appeared so huge, yet wasn’t fully hard—I’m eight inches. "Go ahead and touch it. I don’t bite.” We could hear the beachgoers’ chatter, but were well concealed. He gripped my shaft. Involuntarily I spasmed. A gasp escaped him. “Don’t worry. I’m not cumming—yet.” He began to stroke me. He grasped my balls and squeezed them. “Easy!” "They’re so huge and hairy. Maybe full of cum.” "You got good hands. You’re a natural.” He caressed me more assertively. I pushed him to his knees. My cock was inches from his lips. "I can't do this," he said, jumping to his feet. But I wasn’t finished with him yet. "Don’t go," I urged him. “She’s waiting.” “What time you tell her you’d be back?” "No time.” “Well, then…. I pushed him back down. He crossed the THRESHOLD as he took me in his mouth and milked me. (THAT’S POZ PRECUM YOU’RE SUCKIN’, FELLA! Score one for me and zero for wifey!) He was so awkward, you could tell he’d never sucked before. But he had potential! He gagged a lot, and I overlooked it. It was all part of the learning curve. I leaned into him and was surprised at how much of me went down his throat. "I WANT TO SEE YOU CUM!" He started jerking me. The friction was stupendous; the build-up in my testicles, immense. The first gob splattered in his eyebrows. The next drooled down his chin. The third scored a direct hit on his lips. A thick rope of cum extended from my shaft to him. Long after I’d run dry, he continued to beat me, like he couldn’t get enough. I was certain his thoughts were no longer on his pretty wife nor of the vows of monogamy he’d rejected. At last he removed his cummy hand and stood. He had a strange expression on his face—a mix of pleasure and confusion. His dick was hard and I craved to have him in me. "Do you have to go?" He nodded. "You can't go out there with that hardon. She’ll know." "I’ll take the long way back." "Fuck me first. Cum in me." Though he shook his head “no,” his eyes lit up with interest. "I need it. I want your jism up my ass. Only the two of us will ever know." I guided his pole to my anus. That was all the encouragement he needed. He grabbed my hips and clumsily plowed into me. With no lube, his entry was excruciating. His thrusts grew urgent. He wasn’t gentle. He wasn’t purposefully being hurtful. The fuckin’ novice didn’t know no better. "You’re so tight compared to her.” So now I was in her league. Score two for me and none for wifey. A few more fucks like this and some guy’d replace her. With a grunt that I was afraid even his wife might hear, he shot his wad. His cream surged up my POZ mancunt, and ran down my ass crack. We didn't exchange another word as we tugged our shorts back up. I stayed behind a moment to watch him hustle down the trail. “I’M NOT GAY”—what a crock that was! ALL STRAIGHTS ARE CLOSET FAGS.
    1 point
  25. I've been considering it. I'd rather just add afuck hole. no need for it to look like a twat. Any way to get more cock and more cum works for me.
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  26. I was sucking dick at the age of 11: a lot of kids, roughly my age, lived in the neighborhood. I had the biggest crush on a 14 year old who was on the junior high school wrestling team. He was all muscle and had a great 7 inch dick that I sucked more times than I can remember. Whew.... And the two guys I hung out with the most, 2 brothers -- one was my age and the other was about 2 years younger -- deposited plenty of jizz in my horny teenage throat.
    1 point
  27. Maybe I haven't sucked enough cock to get bored. LOL> But since I'm drawn to dominant men with nasty intentions - and since I m married opportunities to get pulverized by a rock hard cock or 12 aren't that often, so it's always a thrill when a guy fores my head down onto his cock and puts me to work, especially if there's a crowd around.
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  28. Off after lunch today, so stopped at ABS on way home. Hung out watching a video in booth, and was joined by a chubby guy with a black moustache wearing work clothes. He came in with a nervous look on his face, but he let me unzip his pants and his 7" cock sprang out at me. I started sucking him, and reached my hand in his pants to massage his balls for him. I could hear his breathing increase after a few minutes, and he unloaded a huge load of cum in my throat as he grabbed my head and held it still. He quickly left, and I wandered to back room to see what was happening there. Two older guys talking, but no cocks out or body contact. I went and sat on bench and nodded to them. First guy, bald with glasses, came over and fed me his 6" cock for like 4 minutes before he came, then the other guy, white hair and beard, walked over and unzipped, showing me a beautiful 8" cock. I took care of him in about 10 minutes, then decided that was enough cock for the day and headed for home. I love a simple visit without crowds, with a few easy blowjobs.
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  29. Chapter One: Monday Part Two. I didn't dare move. His balls resting on my ass. "Let's play a game shall we?" Rob rocked back and forth slightly. I wouldn't call it fucking me but it definitely teasing. "You have to answer my questions honestly and truthfully. Any lies or wrong answers and I thrust. How does that sound? Oh and I should warn you i cum very quickly. If I cum you lose. If I get all the answers I want with my load still in my balls I lose." Still barely able to make a sound other than I whimper of pleasure I nodded my accent to play his game. "Question one: do you always wear a jock like a little whore?" "Yyy-yes" I finally managed to get the word out. But I wasn't prepared for what happened next. Robs throbbing cock pulled almost completely out of me, just the very tip remained and he slammed balls deep again as hard as he could. I gasped and spluttered out sounds that were meant to be asking why he had just thrust. "I know you sometimes don't wear underwear. I'm regular enough round here to notice that you dumb slut," he answered my unspoken question. "Question two: this is for two thrusts. I know you like poppers I've seen the bottles you carry in your coat... So would you like some of my lovely strong ones?" He asked as he clicked the cap of the bottle with his fingers. I shook my head, no. Two more hard thrusts. This was unbearable it was like he was in my head not just my ass. I got the next few questions wrong as well. At this rate I was going to lose the game. "Question 5: where do you want me to cum?" By this point I was a horny mess in need of a proper fuck but still he teased me. "I don't want you to cum, not yet" I replied. "Wrong answer." I reached out and braced myself on the wall as he pounded my ass with five hard thrusts. Each one seemingly harder and deeper than the last. On that last thrust I felt his cum spurting deep in me. "You lose this round you dirty little slut." My cock strained against my jock and horny beast I struggled to keep chained up was free. To be continued....
    1 point
  30. I don't know if he was or still is on tumblr. He doesn't mention it in his profile. But he has 138 vids on Xtube. Maybe one of the older ones is the one you are looking for. https://www.xtube.com/profile/thecarnivore-21974061#videos I like his vids because most of the time you also get to see shots of the guys he's sucking including delicious asses when they're fucking his face! ;-) He's in Fort Lauderdale btw.
    1 point
  31. I have been to Berlin 8 times (it's a long haul from Brisbane Australia). Generally I have found the various web sites to be a waste of time and effort... and have always gone to bed with empty balls and at times a sore cock from lots of fucking. Guys have ranged from mid 20's to mid 50's and above... I'm now 67. I have concentrated my fucking to the Schoenberg area.. always a great selection of hot leather/rubber/skin guys around and a lot of them are mainly bottoms... So in short... ditch the internet and go exploring.. you will enjoy yourself!
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  32. Thanks to Ray for editing my story into a more understanding language, and i added a new chapter to the story, more to come if you like it
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  33. Owned - Part 3 The attendant handed me the locker key. In the locker room I noticed just one other person slightly out of view, I busied myself getting changed and closed the door. Catching sight of the guy we both looked at each other in surprise. Adam stood before me, he was in my class at college and we were pretty good friends but never really socialised in the same circles. He asked me how I was but he was more interested in why I was here. We decided get a coffee at the cafe just down the street. Stirring the chocolate in the milky froth he began to tell me that he used the place as an escape and to get sex. Asking me why I was there, I went on to hell him about the birthday present to myself, he probed wanting to know more. Telling him it was my second visit and that I had only been laid by one guy. He confided in me that he had hiv and was in no doubt he contracted it in the bathhouse. Explaining it was a notorious place for engaging in bareback sex. He coaxed out of me who had fucked me, his eyes opened wide when I described him. "So, both visits you had sex with Angelo?" he asked and I nodded as he continued "I tried to get Angelo but he was not interested. Although I did hear today that he had sex with someone twice which is unheard of.". A perplexed look must have come across my face as he went on "Angelo is known for pozzing guys especially unsuspecting ones, but very rarely shows interest in a guy once he is done with them. Are you going to meet him again?". I was still trying to take in what he was saying to me when he prodded me for answer. "Oh, I don't think so.". Adam then gave me a frightening perspective "Angelo will not take no for an answer that much I do know of him.". It was a very informative chat with Adam, and gave me a lot to think about, and worse, he probably had infected me the first time. I got up to leave and headed home. I began to have the strange feeling again of seeping fluid from my ass so rushed home. Three weeks later the summer holidays started my family had decided to head to the coast for several weeks. I decided to stay at home and catch up on some course work. There had been no communication between Agnelo and myself, kind of glad as I didn't want to get any further with him. One bright morning I woke up with a raging headache I ran to the bathroom to vomit. Heaving in to the toilet I realised I was sweating and as the day wore on I felt worse, suffering alone in the houseI went to bed and fell asleep. Startled awake by my phone I gathered my senses and picked it up. A message from Angelo, I put the phone down on the table and turned over. 10 minutes later another buzzing, retrieving the phone I saw another message from Angelo. I clicked on the first one "Your quiet." was all he sent, I read the second message "Don't ignore me.". I can't explain why but I was feeling slightly frightened and remembered Adam's warning. I typed a reply to him "I'm sorry, I don't feel well, I am in bed." and hit send. He replied quickly "Do you have flu?, give me your address I will pick you up and bring you back to mine.". I layed there looking at the screen as it turned dull and switched off. Turning it back on I typed in my address and sent it to him his reply was swift "Be outside in 15 minutes.". A car pulled up and Angelo's face appeared instructing me to get in. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "Your coming home with me so I can look after you." and with that we drove off back to his. He carried me inside up to his bedroom, undressed me and laid me in the bed. He put the TV on got undressed and slid in beside me. He pulled me close and allowed me to cuddle up against him as I drifted off to sleep. I woke at the sound of movement, it was dark outside as Angelo entered the bedroom with food and water. He helped me sit up and began to feed me, eventually he spoke "It should pass in 48 hours, it is first effect your body has when you become infected with hiv.". He put the bowel and drink down, I looked up at him "I own you.". I put my head in my hands and sobbed heavily as he put his arm around me I flinched and pushed at him to move away, this provoked a reaction I never suspected. Angelo twisted my body around with such force and pushed me flat on the bed, his hands holding my shoulders down. He reared up behind me and without any warning he rammed his cock in to my arse in one crushing thrust. I screamed and thrashed about underneath his weight, he laughed as he pinned me to the bed, my body was burning and racked with spasms of pain from his sexual assualt on me. His hips moved like a jack hammer as he pulverised my ass continually for ages. My crying grew hoarse and the weakness of my body caused me to go limp as I had to accept this was not a game of getting a fuck but reality of messing with the wrong person. Angelo release a deep loud grunt and his hips locked against my ass. The twitching of his cock and jolting of his hips meant that he was delivering his poison deep in to my body. Rapid and successive pulses kept firing streams of seed, each one melding in to the wrecked lining of my anal passage. He panted heavily next to me ear as he whispered "Never, push me away, I own you, never forget that", with that he pounded me with his cock several more times to reinforce his statement to me. He pulled his cock out and turned me to face him, wiping the tears from my eyes and face he pulled me up close to his chest, we both fell asleep. Sunlight streamed through the window waking me up, we were both in the same position as when we fell asleep. I felt a lot better and started thinking about my decision to explore sex, how it had lead me down a road I never suspected or wanted, and I layed in the arms of the man who destroyed me and re-shaped my life. Looking at this person I wondered how 10 years age difference could turn a person in this type of monster. He raped me last night in no uncertain terms, yet I was not discarded like a empty tin of beans. What he saw in me I don't know, did he just want another boy of poz?. His arms moved pulling me closer to him as I drifted off to sleep again. After a few hours Angelo woke me as he got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. I got up and went to the window and looked out at how beautiful the day was. I heard him coming back in to the bedroom and felt his breath on my neck. He wrapped his arm around me and without hesitation I pushed back and rubbed my ass in his crotch against his semi hard cock. I was beginning to learn how to respond and respect the power he had over me now. He kissed my neck, picked me up and carried me back to bed and in his arms again, no sex this time, just the intimacy of us being together. I ended up staying for 4 days, during which the sex we had became more intimate and very spontaneous. My ass was still sore from the last time I pushed away from him but he showed more consideration when gently pounding the hell out of me. That afternoon I had to approach the subject of going home to catch up on my college work. To my surprise he agreed and drove me home. I leaned over and kissed him, as I got out of the car he called me over to the drivers side of the car. He looked up at me and smiled before speaking "Weekends you are mine." I did a cursory glance around the street to make sure I was not being seen before I replied "Not good enough, try again.". He looked more intently at me trying to guess if I was playing, when he spoke again the words that reverberated somehow must have been what I really wanted to hear, "Weekends you are mine, you have two months to sort out what you will tell your family. Because at the end of the two months I will turn up here and you will decide either to stay with your parents or get in the car and come home with me permanently.".
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  34. 1:30 a.m. As they made their way to Crusher’s cabana, the garden was even busier than before. Chris was amazed by the cornucopia of men, their sizes, shapes, their varied form. He also saw that the entire grounds was dancing with yellow and green lightning bugs. They stood out against the dark forest, blinked and buzzed in the night air, appeared and disappeared like phantom particles of light. The men were in various stages of copulating. Pairs were making noisy use of the metal slings. A group of three men they passed—wait, these were the first guests to arrive, the bulky Latin, the distinguished Creole, and the large bear—were all pissing on a very happy host. Tobias was wallowing in a sand bed rubbing himself in their salty piss. It reminded Manetti that he needed to pee. Chris exchanged a smile with Tobias when Manetti smacked his leg. "Leg up on the chair." Chris did as he was told and Manetti, pushed his large flaccid cock up Chris' open hole. "Stay still," Manetti said. Chris felt a warmth flow into his body. His colon, having been expanded all day and night, was accepting quite a lot. Manetti really did have to pee like a race horse, and was inside Chris for a long time. Chris felt his chem piss working immediately, most likely because of the volume and its potent concentration. As he ended, Manetti squirted three final times and pulled out. "Keep it in," Manetti simply said and they continued their journey. Chris lost track of where they were going or why, only how pretty the dancing lights were and how happy Tobias looked gulping down three hot men’s urine. Manetti didn’t bother knocking on the cabana door but went right in, Chris following. Crusher had just done a line of coke and waved his hand over four remaining lines he’d laid out for them. Chris went first and while he wiped his nose told Crusher about all the fireflies in the garden. Crusher was pacing. He was in quite a state of agitation. He’d been doing blow for some time obviously. “Well, first of all, technically, they should be called ‘fire-beetles.” Crusher’s backlog of knowledge had hit a watershed moment. Though he held an M.S. and B.S. in Athletic Training with certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association and American College of Sports Medicine, he had a passionate hobby that occupied all his free time: bugs. His walls were framed with them. Mounted on pins, displayed all over his Soho loft. All their metallic colors, sizes that ranged from tiny to frighteningly big. The study of insects, entomology, was an undergraduate requirement, but that interest had stuck with him through the years. You’d think his home would be filled with Muscle & Fitness or Iron Man magazines, but you’d be wrong. Instead there were neat OCD stacks on the coffee table of American Entomologist and Entomologist’s Monthly. “Fireflies, lighting bugs—they’re interchangeable—are part of the Lampryridae family of insects in the beetle order Coleoptera,” he pronounced, pinching his nostrils, waiting for Manetti to do his line so they could get started. But he was on a roll and couldn’t stop if he wanted to: “The green and yellow light they produce—which lacks both infrared and ultraviolet frequencies, wavelength that range from 510 to 670 nanometers, that is, green and yellow—is in their butts, a chemical call luciferin. Yes, Manetti, from the Latin ‘Lucifer’ in case you’re wonder.” “I’m not,” said Manetti, squeezing his nostrils. Crusher went up to Chris and admired his dog collar. “How was Implant Andy?” Crusher asked them. Manetti asked how he knew the young man had implants. “Duh, man. Just look at the twink’s neck. Never lifted a weight in his life.” “Sweet piece of tail though,” Manetti volunteered. ‘Scooter, here, helped me tag him when Brunswick wasn’t looking.” Manetti patted Chris cheek. Chris was happy, had dropped his towel and started pulling unconsciously on his cock. “Anyway, when the luciferin combines with oxygen, calcium and adenosine, it produces their bioluminescence.” “Shut the fuck up, man,” complained Manetti. He’d heard Crusher go off on these coke jags before. “Wow,” Chris said. “I thought they just were just wiggling their butts, like I seen in cartoons.” He found the idea funny, wiggled his own butt in illustration, and giggled. Crusher paced to the bathroom and ran the faucet. He wet his fingers and sniffed some drops into his nose, snorting deep. “Wiggling their butts is exactly what they’re doing. They have two weeks in summer to attract a mate and lay eggs before they croak.” He brought from the bathroom two c-notes and gave them to Manetti. “This Towel Party is just another ritual like theirs, everyone wiggling their butts, only we only got one night. So, get over here, Scooter, and start wiggling your butt. One hundred to fuck him, two for a fist. What about if I want him to eat my shit?" It was hard for Crusher to stand in one place. He went to the window and opened the drapes, then decided against that, and closed them again. "No scat. No animals," Manetti stated, all business. "What about if I want to eat his shit?" "On the house." Crusher placed a rim chair next to the bed. "Okay, kid. Take a seat." Chris sat on the rim chair and stroked his dick, while Crusher squirmed under him and started twirling his tongue around the boy's hole. Manetti again raised his finger at the kid and he stopped playing with himself. "Ah, dude, you're a sloppy mess. That Brunswick's cum around your hole or Manetti's?" Chris’ eyes were spinning, feeling Crusher playing with his hole like he was, so Manetti answered for him it was Brunswick’s. Crusher tongued a variety of flavors, piss, lube, cum, digging his tip between Chris' ass lips. Chris' involuntarily relaxed his hole from the erotic twirling Crusher’s tongue was providing. A flush of Manetti's piss suddenly spurted into Crusher's open mouth. He gulped down as much as he could, the remaining simply flooded the bamboo floor. "Well, pig, I hope you enjoy fresh chem piss," Manetti said. “Free of charge.” "Okay, off," Crusher said, nudging Chris off the rim seat. "On the bed. Let's see how much of Uncle Crusher you can take." "Yes, Sir," Chris replied. Manetti had already positioned himself at the headboard and motioned Chris to lie between his legs. He had a row of poppers lined up next to him. Chris put his towel under his ass and laid back in Manetti's lap lifting up his legs. Manetti grabbed his ankles, exposed his hole, and kept his leg suspended. "Manetti, lemme see your arm." Manetti held one his out. Crusher compared the length of his arm to Manetti's. "How far up the kid's ass have you gone?" he asked. Manetti pointed to the crook of his arm, which corresponded to the start of Crusher's bulging bicep. "Let's see if I can take him to long head. Think I can stretch your pussy that far, boy?" Crusher asked, pointing a good two inches beyond his elbow. "Dunno. I hope so, Sir." He wiggled his butt excitedly. Manetti held out an open popper bottle and he took in several hits. "Oh, baby, look at this sloppy pussy," Crusher said, sending a greased hand into Chris hole up to his knuckles. "Somebody's been a busy little cunt. Look at your hole. So tight." He began trading hands without going in but pressing them harder each time. Chris pushed against his alternating hands, wanting one of them inside him. "Whoa! Look at the hungry cunt, sucked me right in. Good pussy. Gotta be a record." Chris looked up at Manetti, who tweaked his nipples. That made him hornier so he spread his legs wider for Crusher to pull out and push in another hand. So far Crusher was using open hands, not a fist. Chris was receptive, pushing a bit to get over Crushers big knuckles and accepting the girth of his wrists. Crusher was a twister and, once inside Chris' hole, like to give a half twirl stimulating the colon walls, preparing Chris to take some major forceful punches. Crusher's technique didn't hurt as much as cause an overload of stimulation every time he entered and spun his hand, every knuckle gliding roughly around Chris rectum. Manetti made him take another hit so Crusher could advance further into him. Poppers made his want abuse, which, as he got used to it, turned to desire, wanting Crusher to push in deeper no matter if it hurt. Crusher quickly got to a place where Chris’ colon was locking up, forcing him to turn to a slower continuous approach. Crusher himself let Manetti give him a hit of poppers and got into Chris' headspace, eyeing him closely for signals he could penetrate his hole more deeply. It was a silent affair, visible only by seeing tendons move on Crusher's forearms that connected to fingers, testing, twisting, prodding, retreating, advancing, finding an advantage and moving the whole hand at once, like an army conquering, disarming, taking over an inch more of new turf. An inch is mile in a body, a chamber that is conquered is slid into, a hand suddenly making itself at home. A conquered territory gives up any previous rights and accommodates the intruder: twenty-seven bones of the hand cram into a tight new space. The longer it remains the more at home it feels in the conquered chamber, both to the hand and chamber itself. The connection is as astonishing as a conquered people learning the habits of an invading army. A common language is born, a mutual cooperation. The desire for stretching, for working out cramps, for sensual explorations, what happens when I do this? An infinitesimally small movement shoots out tectonic disruptions within the body. Or nothing is disturbed, and the hand feels free to continue its journey. Crusher's hand played inside Chris like a maestro plays every instrument on stage. He'd obvious had a lot of practice, but because of the enormity of his musculature not many could take him in very far. That's why he was fascinated by how much of Chris he was able to take in such a short about of time. After the initial warm up of punching his ass then changing over to easy pistoning, Crusher laid on the bed at a right angle to Chris’ opened butt and proceeded to steadily climb inside him. Inch by inch he was soon up to his elbow, with Chris squirming and surrendering in delight. Even though Crusher wasn't yet as deep as Manetti had been, Crusher was stretching him out width-wise much farther than Manetti had. Crusher occasionally pulled out, and using his second hand, a finger, two fingers, three, eventually four, to supply an additional stretch that Chris not only enjoyed, but after a hit of poppers, participated in actively. With a determined, lasciviously expression on his face, he impaled himself on the proffered forearm and digits. Once stretched he could accommodate the incredible girth of Crusher's herculean forearm and concentrate solely on breathing into and loosening the next chamber, release any obstacle for the hand’s journey to continue. In this way, the pair, or if you considered Manetti as part of the package—tweaking Chris' nipple, holding his legs occasionally, urging him to lose himself with another hit of poppers, generally playing coach on the sidelines—this triumvirate collectively took Chris past Crushers elbow in just under an hour. As soon as Crusher passed his elbow through Chris hole, Crusher let out a whistle. "Thar she goes," he said. Chris who had been huffing and puffing through the last few centimeters, threw his head back in Manetti lap. A milestone achieved. Manetti rewarded the boy by releasing a long drool of spit that ran from his lips to the boy’s open mouth. “Who's a hole whore now?” Manetti asked. “I am, Sir,” Chris replied, with a face that alternated between anguish and joy. Manetti pinched his nips hard, a sort of congratulations. This had, however, a domino effect and made Chris squeeze his ass lips tightly around Crusher's arm. The upper arm, the humerus, before all the muscles and tendons are attached, is slightly thinner than the bones at the elbow. Manetti pinching, and in turn Chris squeezing Crusher’s arm, clamped down on this narrower area before the bicep begins, and the aforementioned long head of the bicep along with a lot more Crusher, two inches to be exact, went into Chris in a very short amount of time. An inch of Crusher's mass was a lot for Chris to take in two seconds, two inches was overwhelming, and everyone instantly felt an on-coming crisis in the making. Even coach Manetti on the sidelines looked worried. Everyone froze to see if this would be an anatomic emergency. In fact—huzzah!—the opposite was true. It opened up in Chris the new world of realizing he was far Past the Elbow! Actually, quite a bit more. With Manetti holding Chris head in suspended alarm, stroking his face in case he had to talk the boy out of panicking, Chris relished both the relief of being stretched less than a moment ago, combined with the depth of Crusher now stuffed deep and expanding further inside his colon. There was the added tender concern he saw in Manetti face. In gratitude that Manetti was watching out for him, he turned his head and started licking Manetti dark skinned cock. Happiness reined in Pleasure Island, as Chris imagined himself Pinocchio being led astray by a beautiful fox and a clever cat. Pleasure Island is where he wanted to stay with the two of them. The final seduction came when Crusher flexed his enormous bicep. Ripples of euphoria spread through Chris’ body. A new intimacy was uncovered between Crusher and Chris, hidden from Manetti. Crusher communicated through his bicep stretching Chris in the most intimate of ways. Chris communicated back by clamping down on Crusher's bicep. They both looked at each other in amazement. They exchanged communiques, a Morse code, if that's what you want to call it, telegraphed between them again and again. In communicating this way, a secondary manifestation occurred: the expansion and relaxation of Chris' hole additionally allowed Crusher to fist him deeper. Crusher saw what Chris was gearing up to do. He said one word to him: "Careful." Chris considered this only for a second before deciding to take the risk. He pushed himself away from Manetti, physically pushed against Manetti’s body, and bared down onto Crusher's entire arm. For his part, Crusher relaxed his bicep and triceps, as much as he could, and allowed Chris, who was beyond reasoning with at this point, to swallow his arm all the way to his pit. The final moment came when Chris felt the slight tickle sensation of Crusher’s bushy armpit hair brushing his hairless hole. The two of them laid there completely relaxed, somewhat exhausted, careful not to move. But Crusher was Crusher, and he ever so slightly made a muscle inside Chris. Chris gasped in astonishment. Manetti looked at him confused since there seemed to be no movement on the surface once he had taken in Crusher’s arm, but the tectonic plates inside Chris' body was enough to cause an earthquake. He tried to keep his body from shaking since he knew he was in an extremely vulnerable position. Crusher pumped his arm again. It was obscenely pleasurable, like his bowels were speaking, that the greatest shit of his life was about to occur. And, in truth, it was about to occur. With nowhere to go, Crusher started to evacuate from Chris’ body, and with it Chris’ entrails were dragged along Crusher’s arm with him. And as he had tortured Manetti earlier, Crusher continually crept back in an inch for every two given up. This lasted a long and confusing time. Chris lost track of where Crusher was in his body, couldn't tell if he was coming in or going out. Every time he realized less of Crusher's arm was in him he too had to fight against not fully impaling himself back onto Crusher's entire arm, all the way back up to the armpit. Another quarter hour flew by, then another, but Manetti wasn't looking at the time any more. You couldn't put a price tag on how far the boy had advanced or how hard it made him to see this muscleman buried in this skinny blond boy. When Crusher finally release Chris, Chris saw his arm was covered in butt slime. Bits of yellow, brown and pink spotted his arm. Chris laid there extinguish once Crusher released him, but Manetti immediately admonished him, saying, "Always thank your Top, boy." Chris slowly sat sideways on his legs unsteadily, propped up on his arm. Still he got close enough to Crusher to reach up and give him a deep and appreciative kiss. Crusher reciprocated holding his arm high in the air, covered as it was with the biological graffiti he'd pulled out of Chris’s body. Manetti grabbed the back of his neck, reprimanding him, "Not like that, fist pig." He pushed the kid’s face into the bodybuilder's raised arm. Chris made his way to his knees, placed his hand behind he back, and began licking Crusher's arm. Crusher twisted it one way then the other so Chris could find all the bit and pieces of himself traced along Crusher's indomitable arm. Satisfied, Crusher's sprinkled the remains of white powder on this dresser top and cut it into six lines. Each of them inhaled two, then Manetti and Chris went to find the final tricks of the night. *** 4 a.m. Abashed the devil stood, And felt how awful goodness is, and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely—saw, and pined His loss Ben Prior stood with six other men stroking his cock watching the tableaux on the black lacquered table. The other men along the bamboo wall recognized Big Ben, if by nothing else the multiple adornments of his cock, and were probably as aroused by his presence as by the dining room table’s tableaux. Tall, still handsome even with his shaved tattooed head, bushy chestnut beard, and his back’s terrain of welts that had become his signature. The welts from lashes he’d taken over the last few years were now permanent scars. A back as rough as a topographic map of the Alps. His scarification, brandings, and other body modification were a far cry from when he first blew onto the sex industry scene ten years ago: the cocky, brash, beautiful long-haired surfer boy, slim, sleek as a gazelle, gorgeous—the envied hunk next door. Over the years his taste in S&M grew to the exclusivity of whipping, giving and receiving, a niche of an already niche market. It was a shame the industry lost such a golden boy, unless your tastes were aligned. Riding crops, bullwhips, floggers, paddles, canes, cat o’ nine tails—he wielded them all with mastery, and knew with great familiarity both ends of the lash. In dungeons, palaces, monasteries, seedy motel rooms, basically anywhere in the world that partook in ceremonies where these instruments were employed, he was a well-known practitioner. Men paid dearly, and not just in coin, to abuse or be abused by him. How does it go? Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused by you. Indeed. Saudi princes, South American cartel chiefs, Fascists in exile, Monsignors banished to cloisters of low esteem—there were legions of men who were drawn to the persona Ben had burnished, first in Drax’s films but then by means of independent entrepreneurship. No mere Wall Street titan, Washington insider, or European monarch stood up to Big Ben and his whip. They bowed and scraped for his lash, or, when he felt a need to indulge a masochistic whim and the price was right, purchased his hide for a night, a week, a fortnight, or a month. A middle-aged club owner with slicked-back hair and mob ties presently employed him at his beach house in The Pines. A towel had been left at the club owner’s door the night before. Foregoing attending since he was a mass of bruises, scars from flogging, a broken lip, sporting two black eyes, and had been up for the past four days on meth, he’d given the towel, mask and address to Ben as a gratuity for the excellent work he performed over the last two weeks. Ben had also been up for the past ninety-six hours, but he’d endured far longer sessions and wasn’t the one needing to heal. The tableaux on the table wasn’t unique save the boy wearing a popper gas mask covering his head at the center of it all. He looked awfully young, maybe not even legal. Ben knew Tobias wouldn’t invite a minor, but hell, the kid looked like they could all get arrested for just being in the same room as the kid. Small, extremely skinny, hairless, the boy was being fucked by the wrestling world’s Santiago “The Skull” Gutierrez, a handsome man with rippling muscles, high cheekbones, almond eyes, smooth copper skin, a single tattoo draped across his chest that read I am what I am, and a big, black uncut dick that he was putting to good use. The kid was taking it like a pro, his legs spread wide for The Skull to pummel. The boy was simultaneously satisfying two others: the sculptor Baptiste Germain, whom Ben had partied with several times at the baths, a stately sixty-year-old Creole with long grey dreadlocks; and a big bear that had to weigh over two-fifty, maybe even three, who looked as if his could snap the kid’s arm like a twig. Both men were riding the boy’s forearm practically down to the table. Santiago’s gyrations were getting quicker. It was apparent he was about to nut. His pelvis thrusts became harder, pulling the boy’s hips to him faster. All at once he heaved forward, his neck arched back as he shot into the boy. He held the position for a pure moment of enjoyment, then performed a series of thrusts accompanied by embellished roars of might while he pounded his chest in an over-the-top theatrical ring-worthy performance. He unceremoniously pulled out of the kid, flung residual cum and butt juice at the boy with his dick, and walked out of the limelight. The sculptor and the bear climbed off as well and the kid flipped around on his knees, ass high, taking off his popper mask, awaiting the next comer. Ben felt the assembled men wordlessly acquiesced to him. For a moment he contemplated the small bubble butt, then noticed a mounted katana blade on a side table. He took it out of its sheath, feeling its cold, silver blade and smacked the kid’s ass with it hard. The kid didn’t move or make a sound, even though the blade left a bright red outline across his cheeks. Ben was impressed. Not many men he dealt with would have been able to keep quiet. He raised the blade higher and with a whoosh that cut through the air, the blade landed again on the kid’s ass with a tremendous crack that even Manetti heard far off in his cabana while dicking Andy. Still the kid remained still, his ass defiantly in the air. The red mark left from the previous lash was joined by a crimson bruise that made a red X on his butt. He order the kid to count to ten. The boy obeyed, and with each count he received an additional wallop on his ass. He made no protest, no extraneous whimper, simply took what was coming to him. After the ten lashes Ben sheathed the blade and set it on its mount, and approached the boy ass. He rubbed his hand appreciative over the velvety smooth cheeks, feeling the heat of the crimson bruises. He knew passing his hand over the fresh bruises stung, and yet the boy remained stoic. Only his little brother Chris could rival the silence of this kid during a beating like he had given him. He felt the boy’s asshole and pushed two fingers into it. The boy was extremely open and tempting. Ben pushed in three fingers, then quickly followed up with a fourth. The hole was drawing him in, there was no doubt. He pulled his hand out and made a fist between the kid’s cheeks. He pressed and with very little effort pushed his giant knuckled mitt inside. The kid grunted but otherwise accepted him without fanfare. He was curious about how much this boy could take. He pulled out and punched in with his other fist. He hadn’t applied lube but the kid was slick from a night of men fucking and fisting him, he didn’t need to. He crouched in a boxer’s pose, bracing himself before the sloppy gape, and pounded the hole relentlessly. The boy registered only occasional fucks and moans, farting out extraneous air along with copious fluids. Ben slowed down and exchange rapid punching with alternating deep arm fisting. The kid could not only take it, but purred deep groans of pleasure. He pulled up along his side, and wrapped an arm around the boy’s torso. With his other arm, he pistoned his forearm from shallow to deep, a depth nearly to his elbow. The kid continued burbling obscenities, begging Ben to wreck his hole. This was the youngest pig he’d ever met and it induced a long-dormant excitement. He was surprised to see he was growing his first “Big Ben” boner in over a year. This boy’s ass wasn’t going to waste. The men who hung back in the gloom started yanking faster as Ben turned the boy over and spread his legs. Chris looked up at the bearded bald guy who was about to fuck him. There was a spider web inked onto his skull, both arms were sleeves of dark ink that had fishes like in the coy pond, swimming in blue swirls of water from his wrists to his shoulders. And what shoulders! Crusher was the most muscular man he’d met but, maybe because of his height, this guy looked bigger. Lats rose from his back like insect wings, his neck had muscles that went from ears straight to shoulders, and the only thing more veiny than his mountainous arms were the veins that stood out on his cock. And what a cock. He was awestruck by he beast that was about to enter and destroyed his hole. Rings and rods sprouted in all directions. The man slammed inside of him without warning. A ripple of metal bars spaced evenly under the man’s shaft stuttered sensations he’d never before felt. Any one of them would have cause him to jump, but in rapid succession he became overwhelmed, stopped processing thought and became only aware of the sensations deep within his hole. The last thought he clung to before the onslaught of anal annihilation was where had he seen the shoulder and rib dragon tattoo before? (It was that bit of meat stuck in your tooth that your tongue keeps poking at.) Ben enjoyed watching the twink struggle with all the new feelings he was triggering in his hole. Like a xylophone, the six barbells of the Jacob’s Ladder along his shaft was playing the back of his colon and lower lip of his sphincter. The apadravya going from the top of his head to the bottom of his piss slit was driving the bottom and top of the kid’s hole wild, especially when the upward curve of his cock pushed the top metal bead against the kid’s prostate. He knew jabbing the kid forcefully scraped his prostate mercilessly. He could see the confusion and the titillation it was causing through the boy’s mask. (It was that scratch in the middle of your back that, over your shoulder or under your wing, you can’t get to.) The five dydoe piercing over the top ridge of Ben’s cock making up his king’s crown, raked across the top walls of the boy’s hole, so with each thrust by an already monstrously large cock mauling his hole, there was an extra eighth-inch of metal jewelry that added sensations from tingling to clawing in an already over-stimulated anus. Ben watched the boy’s struggling to make sense of what he was feeling, driving out thought leaving only fleeting gasps of consciousness. (It was that apprehension of greeting someone you know but whose name eludes you because the context is all wrong.) “Oh,” Chris said. Somewhere back inside his lizard brain, the dragon tattoo appeared in that photo with Manetti. On the refrigerator. Barely able to speak, over-wrought with carnal feelings off the charts, his motor functions quite in tatters, the realization was about to make him cum. He fumbled with his mask, fumbled with words, cumming as he spoke even without touching himself. “Ben,” he stated. Men along the bamboo wall shot over both of them. Time slowed down. Rain of semen, drop by drop, hit Chris and Ben. Ben looked down, and not having ejaculated in over a year, not having slept in ninety-six hours, was certain he was hallucinating. He was fucking his baby brother. The thought itself made him spew relentlessly without pause. He couldn’t stop fucking the hole he was in or break out of the feedback loop of how this couldn’t be his little brother, not here, not at a Fire Island orgy. But the squealing inside the feedback loop pieced together why the kid could take the beating he did, the same beatings he took regularly from Chris’ biological father, how thin and small he knew his brother to be, and in that feedback loop how good his hole felt. He couldn’t stop fucking while the screeching of the feedback continued, while the world made no sense. How had he gotten here? How could his hole have gotten so loose that he could punch and piston him so effortlessly? He pumped the remains of his orgasm as he removed his mask. Though Chris recognized immediately that it was Ben, at the same time, struggled with the thought that though he knew with complete certainty who he was, he couldn’t see an iota of his brother in the steroid, scarred body before him. Random pieces of Ben’s face started to come to him: the eyes, the brow, the lips, even the size of his cock. His cock. Slowly Ben pulled out of Chris, each millimeter causing a thrill mixed with madness. When Ben finally was out, the man who had real Lords and drug lords scrape before him, the man who princes and scum bags bowed before, the man who clerics begged, and middle-aged congressmen weep, fled himself in abject terror, hiding his face, stumbling for the garden gate, pining for a line he couldn’t uncross. Ever. Chris felt his hole ooze Ben’s ejaculate. With a finger he tasted it. Then tasted some more. *** Brunch Early morning fog had burned away, but left the island overcast and humid. The compound’s residence were stirring. Brunswick and Andy had caught an early seaplane back to La Guardia, to enjoy a day in the city, and then back to Los Angeles. Crusher was showering. Manetti was trying to rouse Chris with not much luck. There was a knock at the gate, and two men entered the garden with a large tan Great Dane. “Yoo-hoo,” the older of the two men said. He was in his late sixties, wearing an ill-fitting black toupee and a yellow ascot. He scanned around the compound looking for Tobias or Mitchel. “Are you decent?” “Never!” Tobias exclaimed, coming out of the main house to greet them in grey khakis and a red hibiscus Hawaiian shirt. “Boris, you old she-devil, you never age.” Boris, the man in the ascot, waved him away. The two men kissed each other on the cheek. “If you flatter him this early, his ego is never going to fit back on the boat,” said the other man, Roger, holding back the big dog. He was in his early sixties, had thin white hair grown long in back and a prominent receding hairline. Except for the flair of the yellow ascot, a jaunty accessory to celebrate the beginning of their week on the island—most likely, as a couple, their last—both men wore black. Matching black short-sleeved shirts with black cuffed Bermuda shorts. Afraid of the dog, Tobias air-kissed Roger. Mitchel came out in an untied blue terrycloth bathrobe over a lime green bathing suit, looking worn out from the night before. “Ladies, so nice to see you. Hello Wallace.” The dog wagged its tail. “Coffee’s ready. Indoors or out?” Roger brushed the air. “Indoors. Too many bugs out here,” he said leading the way with Wallace ahead of him. Tobias and Mitchel exchanged glances, then forced smiles. While the four men settled in the living room drinking their coffee, Manetti came out naked and threw himself in the pool. The events of the party were cobwebs in his brain. He’d been hard all night on Chris, but in spite of the discipline he imposed and some of the torments he put the kid through, he thought the kid had enjoyed all the attention he’d received. He also thought, if the kid every got up, he’d have a changed boy on his hands. He certainly was worshipped and adored by the men, reported Santiago Gutierrez, especially by the exalted embrace Ben showered on him, whose sudden appearance, rhapsodic climax, and then abrupt departure capped the evening for everyone. When Santiago delivered Chris finally back to Manetti around daybreak, Chris was incoherent and literally speaking in tongues. The four men drinking coffee and chit-chatting in the living room observed Manetti pushing himself off the pools gray slates, and strutting over, with his hefty meat swaying, to a stack of towels. “Surely, you’re familiar with Master Drax Productions?” Tobias asked his guests. They nodded with surely smiles. “Then you must know our adult entertainer friend, Mike Manetti?” he ventured to his guests, as Manetti, mostly dry, slid open the screen door and entered shaking his wet mane. Wallace the dog barked. Manetti eyed him with suspicion. Tobias couldn’t be more pleased to intimate his friendship with such a studly presence in his home. “Oh, don’t worry,” Roger said, admiring the broad mat of curly black hair. “He’s tougher than he looks.” “Just like Manetti,” quipped Mitchel. The men laughed as Manetti raise one of his dark eyebrows. “There’s coffee?” he asked, reminding himself to smile at the house guests. “Help yourself, in the kitchen,” Tobias said. He began filling the morticians in on what Manetti had told him Mister Drax was proposing regarding a boat purchase. He embellished the pirate and sailor story, adding some lurid details from his imagination. Mitchel nudged him halfway through a very detailed gangbang scene, to get back to the proposal. Just then they heard a splash in the pool, and saw Chris blond head bobbing up and down in the water. Boris was in an outright trance gazing after the boy. Roger looked at him nervously. Mitchel got up nonchalantly, excused himself, saying all the coffee mugs he’d forgotten to tell Mike were still in the dishwasher. He entered the kitchen with Manetti looking in several cabinets. Mitchel opened the steaming dishwasher and took out a mug and handed it to Manetti. While Manetti was pouring, he said, “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” Manetti looked at him blankly. “This story of Chris’ last night. Some crooks. A dirty cop. This was a story on the local news yesterday. Some family was killed in Queens along with two escaped convicts. Is this part of that?” “No,” Manetti insisted. “The kid was high and trying to impress Brunswick with a far-fetched story.” “Tobias would believe that,” Mitchel said, handing Manetti a carton of milk out of the refrigerator. Manetti pour some in his coffee and gave it back. “Tobias would, I don’t. You don’t teach law for twenty years and don’t immediately see links in stories, far-fetched or otherwise. And I know you. I’ve known your family since you were a little kid. I was the first man you came out to. Don’t you know how much I’ve hated seeing you associate with someone like Drax? And this story the boys jabbers on about, I’m afraid for you, Michael.” “Don’t be. Everything’s on the up and up. Drax sent me out with cash, being he’s more comfortable without a paper trail, the IRS and everything.” “See, sweetie, this is where the hair on my arm stands up.” Theirs was a very complicated history. Tobias, to Manetti, was a client, a client he liked, but Mitchel was someone that went way back, someone he respected and trusted. Someone, time and again, whose advice he refused to heed, and whose eyes he always found it hard to meet. But that morning in the kitchen, he forced himself to, putting on his most captivating smile. “Don’t worry, Uncle Mitch. I got this all worked out. Believe me.” He put a hand on Mitchel’s shoulder and pulled him in. Hugged him and kissed his cheek. Manetti returned with his coffee and took up residence in an Eames lounge chair next to a display case of Japanese objects d’art, his towel wrapped around his washboard waist. Roger gave him a hungry look, which Manetti returned with a crocodile smile. Mitchel followed back from the kitchen and sat next to Tobias on their black leather couch. “So,” Mitchel said brightly. “Master Drax Productions is looking for a property for a sea-faring adventure and we thought of you.” “Sweetie, we’re passed that,” Tobias scolded. “We’re talking price now. Two hundred thousand, our guests have offered.” Manetti sipped his coffee, then while watching Roger, ran his tongue over his full bottom lip. “I can give you one fifty today, cash, if you give me title and bill of sale and the keys.” Boris scoffed. “Cash? You carry that much with you?” Just then Chris opened the screen door with his towel wrapped around him. The water had woken him up, but he still seemed dazed and looked at the two men dressed in black in a fog but also with a bit of suspicion. “The production company prefers cash transactions. I won’t go into detail but records, paper trails, sometimes get in the way.” Chris came and sat on the ottoman in front of Manetti. “Boy, where do you belong and why are you hiding in that towel?” Chris rose from his seat, folded his towel and sat on it cross-legged naked. Boris’ eyes almost fell out of his head. He had to shift so that his stirring cock wouldn’t tent in his shorts. “It sound shady, this no paper trail,” he said uncomfortably. “Well,” Manetti said. “Take Chris driver’s license. Sure it says he’s eighteen. It would have to if he were to be in an adult film, wouldn’t it?” Chris turned around and looked at Manetti confused. Manetti raised his brows, and Chris turned back around taking his cue. Boris and Roger examine the skinny, hairless boy. They could only imagine how old he really was. “One eighty,” offered Boris, staring as the boy as Chris touched himself for his benefit. “Sixty,” Manetti countered, leaning forward as his towel parted, displaying his round hairy balls cushioning his famously monstrous thick cock. “And we’ll throw in a free fuck for both of you—both me and the kid. Deal?” “Deal!” cried Boris and Roger simultaneously. The screen door opened and Master Drax entered, followed by his servant Jamal who clasped a large case. “Deal?” he asked scanning the faces in the room. He smiled at the boy who, while he played with himself, sat on the floor with a full erection. “Hello, Christian. What a pleasure to see you.” He inspected Manetti’s stoic face. “What sort of deal would that be?” He then shut the heavy sliding glass door, and locked it. “Hello, doggy.”
    1 point
  35. Hello to all, I finally made it to a fukd party at Club 120 on 18 February. Having had "so so" experiences with wild bb fucking in Toronto's sauna's over the past few years, I was looking forward to the party being in a sex club/bar, as parties at such venues attract guys who were there only for the bb sex. Anyway, the setup was nice and the staff were helpful and friendly. At first, there seemed to be a lot of standing around, with few guys "going at it." But after the first stage performance, a much higher percentage of guys was fucking and it became a wild bb fuck party. I do visit Toronto at least a couple of times a year and now will try to coordinate my trips with the fukd parties Thanks Read1 for suggesting the party awhile ago!!!!!!!
    1 point
  36. It was six or seven months ago, I had been working on a very complex program for a phone app and hadn’t had sexual release in about three weeks, I was horny, so I posted a CL ad: Horny Poz daddy bear in need of playmates, 45 SWM Horny bear seeking neg and Poz friendly cubs and sons for play in my playroom, can get kinky if you so desire, 18-40 need apply for the adventure of your lifetime It was short and sweet, and I hoped it would get me some cub or otter who was as horny as I was. I received the usual replies of the look loo’s and a couple other that appeared to be genuine, but one caught my attention Quietboy4Dad @ sexmail . org Hi not quite 18 yet but interested in a hot sexy daddy bear to show me the ropes, I’m sure you’re looking for now but please be patient and let me know if I can be your boy in the long run. Fatherless young man in need of additional male figures, especially queer ones to mold me into the sub I know I can be I wasn’t sure if it was a joke or not so I replied back telling him I didn’t deal with minors, but was willing to wait for him if he was serious. I was nervous it was a police sting operation but also intrigued if it was not. I then turned to another reply to my add and answered asking for pics and availability, it didn’t look like I was going to get any hits, that would be panning out that night so I decided to take a ride on my motorbike to clear my head and maybe I’d get lucky at one of my normal cruising spots. Now I may have moved to the suburbs but I was still within a hour and half, two hours away from the city and my favorite Bathhouse, but I wasn’t in the mood to go that distance, my town had a couple gay bars that were cruisy and a truck stop out on the highway were I had occasionally hooked up with a trucker or traveler while partaking of the acceptable grub, but I wasn’t in the mood for the club scene or taking my chances of actually finding a horny traveler or trucker who might want to take my seed or give me theirs. I rode around for about thirty minutes before deciding to head home, the vibrations frime my bike just making my hard on throb more, I headed home, looking down I noticed I was getting low on fuel so I decide to make a pit stop at that station about three quarters of a mile from my house, I knew they had good prices, but closed early, so I had a short time to get there, but I knew the night clerk/manager was cute and he always seemed to flirt with me. I checked my phone and one of the contacts had replied back that he had to work till 10, but would available for me after that, the current time was 9:20, just enough time to make it to the station before it closed, maybe chat up the clerk a little before heading home and preparing the playroom for a guest. I pulled into the station as the clerk was locking up the pumps, he smiled at me and I topped off the tank, he greeted me as he padlocked my pump, told me to roll my bike over around the corner away from the view of the street and invited me inside to chat while he closed up the station. I put my bike behind the restrooms and joined him inside where he offered me a polish dog, stating they’d just get tossed anyway, but he had just made them up about 20 minutes ago so it was still fresh. He locked the door behind me and hit the switch for the outside lights, I dolled up my sausage and came over as he was finishing up the till, he had a polish sitting next to him as well, but as I began to eat mine he picked his up and pulling it from the bun proceeded to deep throat the sausage several times “Give you any ideas ‘Daddy bear” I looked at him and he grinned my engorge cock was still tenting my jeans, as he continued to make lewd gestures at me “I recognized you from your tattoos Daddy, that scorpion and bio tattoo aren’t that common out here in the stick” I had included a torso pic in my add which clearly showed off my tattoo’s, and I know knew he had seen me shirtless somewhere, I had a puzzled look on my face “We go to the same gym, daddy and I have lusted after you ever since I saw you in the showers a few months ago” I began piecing it together, I had seen him at my gym hanging with the gym bunnies and a few of the girls, I had no idea he swung my way “I’m off in a few like I told you in my email and then I’m all yours daddy” I couldn’t believe my dumb luck, as he finished turning off the lights, he locked the door and we walked out to my cycle, he climbed on the back and strapped on a helmet, I climbed on the front and brought the beast to life, he wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my back as we sped off towards my playroom. I pulled up alongside the house and rolled the bike into the garage, then escorted my guest down the back stairs into the basement. We were barely in the door when the boy’s mouth was on mine, as we broke our first kiss he spoke again “By the way my names Kyle and I’m 23 years old in case you were wondering if I was of age” he did look much younger, but it was evident working at the station and going to the gym had his body in peak shape, maybe him looking younger made me discount hooking up with him prior but he was in my den now and he was going to get what he craved, maybe more, he began undressing me and I unbuttoned his shirt then lifted his sweaty tee shirt over his head momentarily trapping his arms and hands above his head, I leaned into him and licked my way into his pits tasting the sweat of a man’s labor, his testosterone permeating his skin he smelled of clean sweat and grim, he tasted salty as I held his trapped hands above his head and dove into a nipple, nibbling the left while pinching the right with my free hand, the boy was oozing sex and he was ready, I tossed his shirts over to the side as I undid his jeans freeing his manhood and realizing the kid had gone commando “Hot boy you always forget your undies when you go to work?” “Naw took them off about an hour ago knowing I was coming over here” He wasn’t hung but he had ample equipment to please a man if it came to topping him, I spun him around after removing his pants and bent him over the couch in the man cave area of my basement spit on my cock and shoved it in all in one swift motion, this boy was getting bred with my toxic three week load, and with all the edging that the vibration from the bike and the teasing he had done earlier I was not going to last long. I pumped into his ass for about five minutes and let out an animalistic growl as I flooded his rectum with my unmedicated death seed, I had been off meds for close to a year, Kyle had been screaming in pain but as my seed flowed into his anal chamber and lubed up his walls he began to moan in the throes of pleasure, I just kept on pummeling his ass as my tool was not softening anytime soon, after the third orgasm an hour later I finally pulled out, streaks of blood dotting the pinkish foam that seeped out of his hole. I spun him around being careful not to get cum on the furniture and kissed him hard and passionately “Now that is how a man fucks his boy” Kyle exclaimed I just grinned, he was drenched in sweat and his cock was drooling precum, I smiled at him and lead him up the stairs to the second floor where I turned on the shower and lead us both into the spray of water, rinsing the evidence of our deed away, I continued to make love with him as he slowly came down off his orgasmic high, I turned and guided his cock into my hole, he instinctively began gyrating his hips to fuck my ass, much gentler than I fucked him, he soon moaned and tensed up as he shot his negative load in my hole. I took him to bed and cuddled him, sliding my cock into his battered hole twice more during the night and giving him all my loads till my balls ran dry, I dropped him off at the station on my way out the next morning to do some shopping
    1 point
  37. Buddy stood up and stretched his muscles, then grabbed me roughly by the arm, and tossed me into the chair he had just vacated. Grabbing my hips, he pulled me to the edge, flipped my legs up, and began lubing my hole from a bottle of lube he'd brought. The lube burned a bit, and when I bitched, he told me to shut up and take it. Eventually he began sliding his finger in and out then he reached into a pocket, and slid his finger back inside. I could feel that he'd stuck something inside which was when I realized what was happening. He was booty bumping me, with what I had no idea, and without bothering to ask for permission. My asshole was burning, my heart was racing, and suddenly I was a moaning sloppy mess. I'd always enjoyed dosing sluts and taking advantage, and now those tables had turned. 'Look at you, big strong man to tina-whore in one swoop!' He leaned forward, and I felt his cock brushing my hole. I moaned. My hips flexed. The tip entered. He began to open me. I moaned and my hard cock flopped around on my belly, more of his shaft was slipping in and out now, and I could feel his thickness riding my prostate I moaned with pleasure and realized that soon my balls were going to explode. His hips kept rolling that giant shaft deeper and deeper as he continued fucking my virgin hole. His hands fumbled again in his jacket, and he produced a glass pipe and a large lighter. Clicking the trigger, he began to warm the pipe, then drawing the resulting thick white vapour into his lungs. Staring at me, he said, 'Inhale this' As he spoke the words, wisps of white cloud issued from his mouth. Leaning down (and sliding deeper into my spasming hole) he kissed me hard and blew into my lungs. I felt lungs expand with the drugs he was forcing into me. I moaned. My hips flexed. I breathed out. The cloud swirled thickly and I felt the last inches of that huge cock slide home. I was fully opened. Staring down at me, he began to grind into my hole, and play the torch over the pipe again. Breathing deep, then again leaning down to shotgun the potent vapour into my lungs. I groaned aloud as my tortured prostate gave up and pumped my sperm out in an enormous orgasm. The clouds poured out of my throat and I frantically pulled him deeper into me. He began to stroke his cock in and out f me, using my hole thoroughly, long smooth strokes that were quickly carrying me to another orgasm despite my flaccid cock. I moaned and writhed as I cam again, chanting the words 'fuck me' over and over. He grunted and obviously came, pulsing into my begging hole, and continued on still hard. I thanked god for viagra as he slammed into me.
    1 point
  38. FUCK!!!! Another awesome part. Can't wait for the next one to see what more happens to Jay and to see what Damon does to Tucker.
    1 point
  39. yeah i totally get that, and when i used public restrooms it was right to a stall, in & out because my dick's too shy to piss at a urinal lol
    1 point
  40. Part 5- Ren’s hole was surrounded by a light smattering of black hair, with a tight brown pucker in the center. Slowly, I ran my finger across it, watching as it winked at me. Slowly, he pushed his asshole out and I watched as a glob of cum slowly drooled out. “Eat out my hole, slut,” he said, pulling his knees closer to his chest. I slowly I stuck my tongue out and took a cautious lick. The taste of anonymous cum and ass juices hit my taste buds. The bitterness of the cum mixed with the salty and sweet of his ass. The taste was all man. And I was hooked in that instant. I lapped hungrily at his hole, enjoying how cum slowly leaked out as I shoved my tongue deep inside, opening it up. Ren moaned, shoving his ass harder against it. “Good pig,” he said, relaxing his hole and forcing out another glob, “Suck those dirty loads out. Taste that poz cum on your tongue and know that’s going to be how your ass tastes tonight!” I shoved my tongue in as deep as I could and began to suck and lick the inside of the tight hole. Slowly, his ass started to let loose a steady drizzle of cum into my mouth, which I greedily ate. I continued to dart in and out, making Ren moan harder. Slowly my jaw began to ache, so I pulled away and spit on his hole and began to slid my finger into his slick hole. My cock began to throb as I watched his ass cling to first one finger, and then two. As his hole opened further, I slowly started to jerk myself, and then pressed a third finger to his hole. “Fuck, dude. That feels fucking good,” he said, grabbing his pipe and placing it in his mouth before handing me mine, “Relight that big fucking pipe and slide inside me.” Looking at the pipe in my hand, I bit my lip before looking back at him. “Are you sure?” “Light up, sexy, and dump your last neg load up my ass,” he said, deftly lighting his pipe back to full life before handing me his lighter, “We need to make room for all the new poz swimmers in those sexy young balls of yours.” I had never thought about topping, much less about becoming poz, but with his hole surrounding my fingers, so warm and soft, I needed to know what it would feel like on my cock. I took the lighter and mimicked Ren’s actions, slowly puffing the pipe to life. Watching as the tobacco glowed red deeper in the bowl, I took a deep inhale. Slowly I let out a massive cloud of fresh smoke. I felt the now familiar warmth spread from the pit of my stomach as I went to step up to his hole. That’s when I found a little flaw. His hole was definitely not going to be at the same level of my dick. Suddenly, I wicked thought entered my head. “Get on your knees, bitch,” I muttered. Ren gave me a sly smile around his pipe and got up, taking a deep puff on his pipe. Slowly he sat up and blew the smoke in my face. I answered in kind and puffed a large cloud back at him. “Yeah, boy,” he said, blowing out a large nose jet, “Suck that big pipe like you mean it. Take it nice and deep.” Scrambling around, Ren presented his perfectly toned ass to me, spreading one of the cheeks with his hand. He flexed his lubed up opening at me, causing it to wink. Unable to hold back, I climbed up on the bed behind him and began pressing my 6.5-inch dick against the spit and cum slathered hole. I increased the pressure a little, but feeling some resistance, I quickly went to pull back, afraid I was hurting him. Ren, however, had a different idea. Suddenly, I watched as he released his asscheek and grabbed my balls, at the same time pushing his slick hole down hard on my cock. I gasped and he moaned; a new wave of sensations spread across my body, radiating out from the warmth wrapped around my throbbing dick. I stayed still for a moment, relishing the feeling of my balls pressed tightly against his before finally, Ren spoke up. “Start movin’ bud,” he said, puffing away at his pipe, slowly making a small rocking, “I wanna feel those cum-shooters unloading in me while you ram that fucker in me. Mix your sweet neg cum in with the remains of all those random loads I already took. Feel how good all that bug juice is coating your cock?” At first, I wasn’t sure what to do, but with a little coaxing from Ren I slowly started picking up a rhythm. I began to time my puffs and inhales on the pipe with my strokes, loving how the room was building up with a haze as the clouds of my pipe smoke shot out of my nose and lips. Quickly enough, however, I felt my load start to build, my balls tightening as my ass clenched. “Oh…. shit…” I groaned around the pipe, “Not gonna last. Never knew topping would drive me to cum so fast!” “Fuck yeah, give it to me!” Ren said, giving me an appreciative smile, puffing away, “Shoot your hot load deep in there. Breed my hole like you know its meant to be.” My balls gave one powerful clench and I slammed my cock as deep as I could into Ren’s beautiful, muscular ass and unloaded rope after rope of thick cum. For a few minutes, I only stood there and panted. My cock was sensitive, and every squeeze of Ren’s ass muscles made me hiss in a mixture of pain and insurmountable pleasure. Finally, though, Ren pulled off my cock in a swift motion, rolling to the side. A few seconds later, he pulled me down with him and gave me a deep smokey kiss. “So, how was it?” Ren asked, rubbing my chest and nipples with his free hand, the other holding his pipe, “You enjoy dropping a nice load in there?” “That. Was…” I said, throwing my head back, “Amazing.” “Good. Loved feeling you shoot deep inside me buddy,” he said, slightly pinching my left nipple. I groaned as my cock slowly started to stir. “Fuck you’re really a horny one,” he said with a smile. Slowly, I ran my finger across the biohazard tatt on his pelvis. “Fuck that just looks so hot,” I said, tracing my finger along the edges as I slowly puffed on my pipe as well, “I want one so bad too. Think I’ll be poz after tonight?” “Well, like I said before, the night is still young. And Garrett and I are pretty fucking toxic. My viral load is sitting at a few hundred thousand, his probably a million or so,” he said, tracing his finger along the inked skin as well, “But don’t be upset if it doesn’t happen on the first time. Can even take hundreds of times before it takes.” “Shit!” exclaimed, thinking about his words, “Hundreds of loads in my ass? That sounds so hot!” “So fucking hot a sexy young fucker like you wants the bug,” he replied, playing with my quickly recovering cock, “Cute bug chaser like you is sure to get knocked up fast.” “Yeah,” I said, feeling his nice sized furry balls, “ Can’t wait until my balls are full of virus like you.” Grabbing my dick, I watched as he ran his thumb along the opening, making me hiss in pleasure. “Your dick would look amazing with a nice PA. Would love to be the one to pierce this nice piece of meat, and give you a nice poz tatt when you get the fucking flu.” My cock throbbed at the thought of seeing a huge PA in my dick head like Garrett’s, and a huge biohazard tatt on my stomach or pec. “You could do that?” I asked, smiling up at him. “Shit yeah, bud. I run a tattoo parlor here in town,” he said, flicking my nipples, “Would even be willing to give you some nice nipple piercings, in exchange for getting regular use of that sweet hole. Think of it as a gift for your poz birthday from me. Even give you a good discount if you let me ink you up proper.” “Shit yeah, that’d be hot to see the slut look like that!” Garrett’s voice said, interrupting us, “Hot to see you got him smoking like a proper pig. I’ll have to give him an extra gift for joining the brotherhood too.” I looked over and saw Garrett with a tall, hot looking red-headed bull of a guy, both of them puffing away on large black cigars. At any other time, I would have thought the guy was a straight football jock, what with his buzz-cut hair and facial scruff, muscled physique, and large powerful thighs, but the fact he was naked with what had to be a 10 inch long beer can size dick proudly sticking out of his groin told me otherwise. His large nut sack hung low, filled out with egg-sized balls. The large black scorpion across his massive chest told me Garrett had found me another hot poz load to take up my neg cunt. And boy did he deliver. “Took to it instantly,” Ren said, “ You’re gonna have to load this boy us with as many pipes and cigars as you can.” My cock throbbed at the idea of becoming a full-fledged smoker. “While you were gone I also got him to give me his first fuck. The slut really knows how to load up a hole for being a virgin.” Garrett looked at me seductively. “You load up that tight Asian hole for me after he knocked you up, boy?” Garrett said, walking up to Ren and feeling between his legs as he puffed away. “Yeah!” I replied, worried suddenly that I might have offended the sex god in front of me, or possible sounded too eager. “You enjoying smoking that sexy fucking pipe?” he continued. “God yes!” “Good boy. Now come over here and show our new friend’s cock some love while I give my sexy fucking Asian boy a recharge. We’re gonna have us a smoke-filled pozzing party for that cumdump of yours.”
    1 point
  41. 7. Night of the Green Fairy It was early evening. Above the compound, the last light of day blushed scarlet between the treetop leaves. Deep male laughter and the clinking of dinner plates came from the main house. The cabana’s picture window shades were open, and from the courtyard tiki flames illuminated the room in flickering shadows. He sat up groggy on the edge of the bed trying to focus. For a second he panicked searching for his bag on the floor. It sat on the nightstand where he’d left it. The nightstand’s drawer was open. Although the room was dark, inside he saw the lube they used and poppers, but also a large assortment of dildos, some black, some flesh-color, white nylon rope, dog collars, cuffs and other stuff, things he had no idea what they were for. He closed the drawer and picked up his bag and shuffled to the bathroom mirror, flicking on the light to check his neck. It was fine, unbruised, still red though from Polanski the night before. He set the bag on the toilet. Manetti was good, going to extremes but knowing where to draw the line. His stomach growled as he stepped in the shower to wash off the crud of sex. He realized he hadn’t eaten anything since the Popeye’s chicken the night before. While he was drying off, a succulent fragrance wafted in the air. He looked in his bag and felt his clothes were still damp. Dang, why didn’t he remembered to hang them out? He was such a moron. He draped them on the shower rod. That left only the baggy red track suit to wear. He climbed into it, cinched his pants, but before going in search of food—and Manetti—he went out with his bag, crawled under the middle of the cabana and stuffed the green bag between two joists. He climbed back onto the pool deck, brushed dirt off his knees, and went to the main house. Tobias Glass stood at the head of a black lacquered dining table surrounded by his friends, Manetti among them. He was holding court in his favorite green silk kimono, pushing back the decorative katana sword holder on the side table to make room for the finished dinnerware. On a blue Flemish plate with windmills and Dutch girls dancing in clogs, lines of coke were being passed around. Tobias was a tall, thin man with wild, curly gray hair, whose eyes never rested, continually observing his guests, making sure everyone was enjoying themselves. He made his way around the table, making a comment, picking up a dish, running his long fingers through Chuck Brunswick’s wavy locks. Tobias was the first to notice Chris coming into the main house through the sliding door. Cheers erupted around the table as the boy slid the screen closed. “Sleeping beauty!” Manetti called out to him. “Everybody. This is the Chris Prior, Big Ben’s little brother, I was telling you about.” Knowing glances flashed around the table. “We finished, Chief, but I saved your plate.” He was embarrassed by sudden attention and a little uneasy about what Manetti had told the table. He smiled shyly at Tobias who had his hand parked on Chuck Brunswick’s shoulder. Brunswick wiggled his bushy eyebrows at Chris, one of his trademarked gestures that seemed to make its way into every episode. Chris’ heart skipped a beat. “Sit. Eat,” said Tobias, collecting the lasts of the dinnerware. The chair next to Manetti was empty. As soon as Chris was settled in Manetti served up several slices of pork tenderloin and asparagus with hollandaise sauce. Across from Chris sat Brunswick’s traveling companion, a very aristocratic, very pretty young boy only a year or two older than Chris. Tobias was making the rounds of introductions, saying he was sure Chris new Chuck Brunswick. Chris nodded assuredly, trying to stop himself from staring. “And his secretary, Andrew Hollister. Secretary? Seriously, that’s not what you’re calling him, dear,” he pleaded to Brunswick. “Personal assistant,” Brunswick said, smiling wryly. “Very personal,” said a short, muscular man at the end of the table. In his early thirties, balding, he sported a mustard-colored horseshoe mustache, and was passing his empty dinner plate up to Tobias. “Andy,” Andrew Hollister added to his introduction, not looking at Chris but tipping a rolled-up twenty dollar bill down to the plate of coke. For all his refined facial features, high cheekbones, dark hair that contrasted with his deep set blue eyes, he filled out his tank top, pecs and arms, with impressively cut muscles. On second glance, though, Chris couldn’t help notice his neck seemed a little thin compared to the rest of his bulk. “And at this end of the table, this little person barely able to get his wee arms up to the table,” Tobias continued, then said to the man in a mock aside, “I do wish you’d let me get you a booster seat, dear. You might recognize, if you can see him, Mister David Crusher, he of Crusher Gyms.” Tobias was ridiculing the short, but clearly not dwarfish man at the end. The man’s broad, generous smile oozed confidence, some might say conceit. Chris could tell he relished Tobias’ attention. He saluted Chris with a glass of water. Despite his stature Chris saw he was a serious body builder, hiding bulging arms and massive shoulders underneath his white hooded pullover. What hair he still had he buzzed short. It only accentuated his jovial face, topped off with a button nose, and a serious cleft in his chin. “He’s not going to recognize me, you daft old queen,” he said, clasping Tobias’ hand with mock pity. “But I know you forget thing so easily at your age. You really don’t remember Manetti telling us a few minutes ago this is the kid’s first time in New York?” Tobias smacked his hands away and took his empty dish to the side table. “Yo, Hip Hop,” Crusher teased Chris. His voice was surprisingly rich and deep, with a friendly jockishness that suggested he schmoozed easily with his clients and wealthy investors alike. “You know Manetti’s a low life. A clean cut kid like you shouldn’t be hanging around with the likes of him. You’ll get fleas.” “I’m hardy old,” Tobias injected, dabbing a napkin to his lips, then taking the dishes into the kitchen. “Listen, Fireplug,” Manetti responded to Crusher, “Stop trying to steal my date. The kid’s doing just fine. Trust me.” Chris gave Manetti a startled look to see if he was being as protective as he sounded. He also couldn’t believe Manetti called him his date. “Some wine, Chris?” offered the man sitting on the other side of him. He held up a bottle of Chablis. “Thank you. Just water, please,” he answered. The man poured him a glass. His black rimmed glasses had thick lenses that magnified his hazel eyes. He was fiftyish, had a long horse face that was kindly, almost handsome, and he, too, appeared to be built under his Columbia University sweat shirt. Pairing everyone off, Chris assumed he was with Crusher. “I’m so sorry,” cried Tobias hurrying in from the kitchen, and sitting at the head of the table. “Forgive me Chris. Last and definitely least is Mother, Mitchel Goodman,” Tobias said, waving a long green sleeve at the man next to Chris, “my wife of twenty-two long, excruciating years.” “Tobias, if you keep this up, we’ll have to seal you back in your coffin before any of the party guest arrive.” “Promises, promises. Now Michael, my pet,” he said, placing a hand over Manetti’s. “I know you said you and Chris want to keep a low profile, and you may if you must. But you do know you arrived on Towel Night.” Between gobbling down forkfuls of pork and asparagus, Chris asked what Towel Night was. He’d finished his plate and Manetti was piling on a few more tenderloin slices. Everyone glanced around the table suppressing grins. Crusher sniffed loudly and passed the tray of coke to Mitchel. Mitchel tapped Chris’ shoulder and offered more asparagus. Chris nodded enthusiastically. As he was serving, Mitchel explained, “Tobias and I host a bacchanal for selected guests, no more than twelve or fourteen mind you, men that throughout the summer have caught his and my eye.” He set down the asparagus and quickly bent down and snorted two lines, then perked back up and continued a little more brightly. “The Towel Party is a Fire Island institution! It’s not suitable for wallflowers or twinks, but since you’re our house guest you’ll be treated like a dignitary.” Tobias broke in, “Or at least a novelty.” The men all laughed except Manetti, who eyed Chris. Tobias went on to explain further, “A white towel and eye mask along with an invitation were left on each of the invitees’ doorsteps late last night.” He added to the table as an aside, “This year, gentlemen, you won’t believe the variety. A potpourri of perversity!” To Chris he said, “The invitation is for ten o’clock, and the celebrant is expected to wear the towel, mask and nothing more.” “One question, Mr. Glass,” interrupted Andy, finishing his Chablis. “Aren’t most houses home to several men, for the most part? How do they know whom the invitation is for?” “That’s the fun part. Self-selection,” Tobias answered. “It’s a house’s decision who they designate. And they almost always select the most philistine participant, making for the most delicious, unpredictable party. Even if it turns out to not be the one Mother and I had an eye on, the collective house knows best, don’t they dear?” Mitchel agreed wholeheartedly. “The result is always better than we could have anticipated or hoped for—and always in surprising ways.” “Chris?” Mitchel said, passing the coke tray to him. “No thank you, sir,” he said, passing the tray to Manetti, finishing his last bites of food. Manetti said, “What. You’re suddenly a prude about drugs?” “I’m still eating,” Chris complained. “And I don’t want to.” “Oh, Mother,” crooned Tobias. “An old married couple already, just like us.” “Do it,” was all Manetti had to say. Chris growled and snatched back the tray glaring at Manetti. After coming back up and wiping his nose, Chris said, “Mr. Glass. What is a bacchanal?” “Oh, dear,” said Tobias. *** The small dinner party had moved outside. Down in an unlit fire pit, Brunswick sliced the air with the sheathed katana blade, showing Chris and Crusher some swordfight moves from a recent episode. Chris watched enthralled. Crusher was duly impressed. Andy not so much. Manetti had maneuvered Tobias to get him alone by the pool, and was quizzing him about boats for sale. “Drax authorized me to purchase a yacht for him, that’s what brought us here.” “I can’t quite picture Drax on the open sea,” said Tobias, lighting another cigarette as he put out his first. Mitchel walked by, frowning at Tobias as he passed, holding coffee mugs for Brunswick and Crusher. “Don’t give me that look, Mother. It’s only my second.” “He has some idea about a new video,” Manetti went on. “Something like Chris the cabin boy, or something like that.” “Mmm. Sailors, pirates, swarthy men who haven’t bathed in months, capture an innocent boy and teach him the ways of the sea. Ah, the timeless story.” Tobias raised his hand as if reading a marque. “Shanghaied and Seduced. I’d buy that. Hell, I'd produce it if Drax would let me on the set.” He took a long drag off his cigarette. “Well, as a matter of fact, we have some acquaintances that own a mortuary in Montclair. Very macabre characters, with unseemly tastes. If half the rumors are true I certainly wouldn’t leave Chris alone in their company. They’re calling it quits after twenty years. Such a pity. Boris caught Roger milking the milkman.” From the fire pit Mitchel corrected, “He was a beer distributor.” “Shush. A milkman makes for a much better story. Anyway, they’ll be docking here in the morning. They always take the week before the Fourth off. If you’re serious I can have them for brunch, but only if you’re serious. They are undertakers, after all. Not really the life of the party.” He exploded with laughter. Manetti snorted. “I have a feeling that aside from all the mishegas of selling the business, the house, oy, I can’t image, they’ll most likely want to get rid of their yacht.” Mitchel came up behind Tobias and rested his hands on his shoulders. “Who will get Wallace, do you suppose?” “Oh, dear. I hadn’t thought about their Great Dane. Poor Wallace. I suppose they’ll have to split him in half.” The two men chuckled. Manetti pressed, “How much do you think a boat like theirs would run.” Mitchel squeeze in next to Tobias on his lounge chair, “They bought it ten years ago, didn’t they?” Tobias nodded. “That yacht at today’s prices? Maybe one hundred fifty, sixty. I wouldn’t go any higher. Have you seen how worn and cracked the outdoor seating is?” Mitchel said sliding his hand over Tobias kimono sleeve. “Almost as cracked and worn out as they are.” Mitchel croaked, while Tobias gave him a playful slap on the wrist. Chris had overheard part of the conversation about yachts and, since Brunswick had finished his demonstration and was putting the sword away, he drifted over with his hand behind his back. He was feeling mischievous from the coke and also a bit daring from all the male attention he was getting. He dropped his clothes next to Manetti and then did a cannon ball next to him. The spray soaked Manetti's entire back, water dripped over his forehead. “That’s it, you little prick,” he said, stripping off his jeans and vest. He dove naked into the water chasing Chris who was squealing with delight. The dinner party gathered round the pool laughing as Manetti caught up with Chris, picked him up by the neck and legs, rose the naked boy kicking high in the air, and threw him into the deep end of the pool. Crusher stripped off his top and shorts revealing a large, semi-erect woody. He dove in and swam up next to the submerged Chris. Chris popped up wiping his eyes. He said to the boy, “I told you he was low rent scum, didn’t I?” He ran his hand up Chris’ torso. “You come stay with Uncle Crusher when you get back in the city. I’ve got a guest room and I’d like to see what I can do with this body,” he said, as underwater he groped the boy’s hairless crotch. Manetti quickly swam up and got between Crusher and boy. “Afraid he’s got other plans, Uncle Crusher.” Manetti wrapped an arm around Chris’ torso and swam away with his charge. “What, you got a monopoly on the whole family, Manetti?” Crusher bellowed. “Gentlemen, niceness. I’m sure there’s enough Chris for everyone, isn’t there Michael?” Tobias ventured. “Not for free, there isn’t,” Manetti said, urging Chris out of the pool. “What a crab, Manetti,” Chris said, grabbing a white towel and going back over to the fire pit. Manetti followed him, wiping himself off and settling into one of the chairs next to Chris. Brunswick came over and sat opposite Chris. He pulled off his shirt flexing his chest, clearly for Chris’ benefit. The boy toweled his hair, astonished seeing in real life what he’d fantasized about so often in his bedroom back home. “Yeah, Manetti, what a crab,” Crusher said, joining them with his own towel tucked around his waist. Manetti finished drying, popped his butt up and wrapped the towel around himself. Instead of following the others, Chris flung his towel around his shoulders and sat provocatively with his legs spread wide for Brunswick benefit. Tobias and Mitchel had gone in the house and were bringing back several glasses filled with a fluorescent green liquid. Tobias took a look at Chris who was starting to get an erection. “Oh dear,” he said, handing the boy a glass. “And before any of the guests arrive.” “What is this, Mr. Glass,” Chris asked, as Tobias and Mitchel finished handing out the spirits. “It’s called le fée verte, a Towel Party tradition,” Tobias replied. “The green fairy,” Andy translated for Brunswick trying to distract him from Chris’ noticeable and none too shabby hairless boner. “Absinthe?” guessed Brunswick. “Certainement,” responded Mitchel. “We always have a shot before the festivities begin.” Crusher sniffed his glass. “They say, absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.” He looked up at Chris. The boy didn't really get the joke but liked Crusher and snickered anyway. Andy held his glass to the light of a tiki torch. “But it’s illegal, isn’t it?” Brunswick clucked his tongue turning to Andy. “And how many lines of coke have you done tonight, young man?” He ran his hand up Andy’s smooth leg, into his shorts and gave a squeeze. Andy beamed an embarrassed but radiant smile, a smile that showed just how smitten he was with the actor. “It's illegal? I’m in,” Chris said. He downed his glass all the while looking at Manetti. “Oh, yuck. Man! Nasty.” “Dear, boy,” Tobias rushed over to Chris. “It’s meant to be sipped.” He ruffled his blond mop. “Ew, I could just eat you up! Now, if you’re good," he said conspiratorially, "I’ll show you a little trick, but you’ll have to come to the table to see it. And you have to wrap your towel. You’re distracting everyone. Look. Poor Mister Crusher can’t keep from poking through his towel.” Several of the men took small sips. Manetti downed his absinthe in one defiant gulp, and followed Chris and Tobias to the patio table. Crusher followed and, true to what Tobias said, was having a time of it trying to keep his towel tied around himself with his very impressive hardon tenting out. When Manetti and Chris sat down on either side of Tobias, he refilled their drinks. Brunswick and Andy grew curious and gathered round the table. Over the two refilled glasses Tobias produced two slotted spoons and set them atop the rims. From the table’s sugar bowl Tobias picked out two sugar cubes, dipped them in his own absinthe and set them on the spoons. Mitchel dimmed the porch lights, then brought over a book of matches and lit the cubes. They all watched as a ghostly green flames wavered above the glasses. Tobias informed the group, “This is the old bohemian method of drinking absinthe.” He twisted the spoons and let the flaming cubes fall into the glass. The entire contents lit up, casting a bright green light over the men's faces. Chris was fascinated with the green fire. Manetti tried to look indifferent but felt slightly hypnotized by the light. Tobias extended his kimono-draped hand over the flame. “Et voila! The flaming green fairy.” “Appropriate,” quipped Crusher. That got even Manetti laughing. “Baudelaire loved it this way,” Mitchel said. Andy added, “I read so did Oscar Wilde.” “It brings out all sorts of dark impulses—‘harbinger of our darkest angels,’ wrote Poe.” Tobias stated. “You’ll soon see why Van Gogh painted in the manner he did. Now no cutting off Chris’ ear,” he wagged a finger at Manetti, who had no idea what the man was talking about. Chris held up the clouded green liquid and blew his out his flame. He waited till it was cool enough to drink and tasted a sip. “It’s like licorice,” he said. The rest of the men wanted to try their absinthe this way. Manetti shot back his again in a single gulp. As Tobias poured out another round, Mitchel warned everyone that cooking the absinthe made it a lot stronger and brought out the legendary hallucinatory qualities. “Yes, Mother,” Tobias sighed, igniting everyone’s drink. “Mr. Brunswick?” Chris said, feeling his chest. The combination of the coke and the initial effects of the absinthe had brought him round to seek advice from his hero. “Call me Chuck, Chris,” he said, blowing out the flame in his glass and taking a sip. “Mr. Chuck? I mean Chuck,” Chris snickered. He started tweaking his nipples without realizing it. Manetti pushed his hand down. “Um, what was I going to say? Oh yeah.” He took another sip before Manetti took his glass away. “You remember that episode where these crooks confronted a crooked cop, killed him and stole all his money?” “That set up, Chris,” he responded, rubbing a hand through his fleecy chest. He too was starting to feel the green fairy. “That seemed to happen in a lot of episodes.” “Yeah,” Chris said, looking at his idol’s chest, the pecs so round, his shoulders so hard. “Um, if there was a third guy that didn’t know any better, but the crooks got him to fetch them the illegal money, ‘cause the money was from drugs that the dirty cop had been skimming from, and this third innocent guy kills the two crooks, and steels their money, would Stacks Lightning still to track him down?” Manetti caught a quick exchange between Mitchel and Tobias. “He’d say the money should be turned over to the police, I would guess.” “But if he didn’t? If say, he bought…?” Chris looked at the mustache and wondered what it would feel like if Chuck was sucking his cock with the mustache brushing his skin, "bought a yacht..." or if they got into sixty-nining and the mustache was tickling his balls. “Dirty money has a habit of getting people dirty, son.” “That’s what I say, too. Makes you dirty,” Chris looked over at Manetti. “Real dirty.” There was a knock at the compound’s archway. The door opened, and an extremely buff Latino man with long caramel hair strolled in accompanied by a regal Black man with long flowing dreadlocks and a burly brown-bearded bear of a man. They all wore towels, their white masks and varying degrees of smiles. Tobias got up to greet his first guests putting on his own mask, while Manetti picked Chris up under his arm, saying he wanted to talk to him. He dragged the protesting Chris to their cabana, tossed him on the crusty bedsheets, and locked the door. “That’s it for you tonight. You’re grounded.” “No,” whined Chris, finding it difficult to get off the bed. “I want to play with those guys. I want to play with Chuck.” “You got too big of a mouth.” Chris was about to holler, but Manetti covered his mouth and pinned him to the bed. He raised a finger to warn Chris to behave, but Chris was struggled drunkenly and noisily. Manetti, too, was starting to feel the effects of the absinthe and knew he had to act quickly. He opened the nightstand’s drawer. He rifled through the paraphernalia. Out came a muzzle that went over Chris face. He cinched it tight. Chris tried to speak but his voice was severely muted. Manetti then took out some rope, tied the boy’s hands together and looped it into a discreet eye hook behind the headboard. Chris rolled around trying to get up but Manetti used his weight to secure the boy, first tying one leg, then the other, till the boy was spread eagle on the bed. He battled against the ropes, but the brat wasn’t going anywhere. Once he was assured Chris couldn’t escape, he observed his helplessness. Maybe it was the green fairy but he was starting to get arouse. His cock stirred beneath the folds of the towel. He looked the boy over, his eyes squinting with brooding thoughts. He sided up next to him and started stroking the defenseless boy’s cock, wanting him excited as he was. “So I’m a crab, am I?” Chris stopped contesting, and lay still. There was a new tone in Manetti’s voice, not quite playful anymore, a note of corrupt intent. “You know you've been trouble all night. You've been disobedient.” The tone his father took when he was about to get a beating. Manetti starting scanning the room. “Do you think I haven't noticed the gym bag’s not here. Where is it? What did you do with it?” he asked menacingly, not playing around. Not playing with his dick, just gripping it hard. Genuine fear lit up in Chris’ eyes. Manetti reached into the bondage drawer and brought out a thick studded dog collar. “I think it’s time we play a new game. A game where you learn your place, the same way Drax schooled me.” He locked the collar around Chris’ neck. He shuffled through the drawer’s contents, found something that brought up an evil smile. He pulled out a roll of copper wire and an electro stimulation kit. "I can stretch this game out for a very long time and it never leaves a trace. Or you can tell me where it is. The bag." Hearing no response, slowly he wrapped each one of Chris’ testicles tightly so they each stood out away from his body. He then attached alligator clips to the end of each wire and connected it to the kit. “Where it is?” He lubed his fingers and rubbed the tip of Chris erect shaft. With his other hand he turned on the machine. Chris instantly felt as if rubber bands were snapping his balls. The ceaseless electric shocks made his body dance on the bed. Manetti turned the dial down, and repeated the question. Chris refused to answer as much from his inborn stubbornness as resistance to Manetti coercion. Manetti turn the dial up again. He continued to rub the kid’s nob, beginning to confuse Chris’ sense between pleasure and pain. “The money, kid. Where. Is. It?” He turned the dial higher and stroked his fist tighter around Chris’ erection. Chris pleaded under his muzzle for Manetti to stop. Feeling the power he had over this boy, Manetti started playing with himself. He asked Chris, “It almost feels good, doesn’t it?” He jacked them both. “Almost.” He upped the voltage again and Chris shuddered, real tears forming in his eyes. “Under the house,” he confessed through his muzzle, praying Manetti would stop. “Which house? This house?” Chris nodded. “Too many people outside.” Manetti looked wild contemplating his next move. He stared at Chris like a stranger, his dark brows scowling. His looked changed from anger to hurt. “Why’d you hide it from me?" He dialed the kit back up not for fun but to make him feel pain like he felt. "I could have just swiped it you know.” The voltage going through his balls brought out a screamed but party music played and a large chorus of men milling around muffled his cry. Chris yelled for help. That made Manetti’s mask switch back to anger. He dial the machine up even higher. Chris repeatedly begged for him to stop, but his pleas were easily drowned out by the din and disco music. Manetti closed his eyes. He’d never saw this side of Manetti. Didn’t want to. “Stop!” came out as a muffled plea. Manetti turned off the kit. On re-opening his eyes were clouded, it looked like he didn’t recognize Chris, only that he had a tied up naked body before him. From the drawer he withdrew a leather hood that covered Chris' head down to his cheeks leaving only two hole for his eyes to peer through. He laid a case on the bed and unzipped it. The case revealed twelve shiny metal instruments, long rods whose widths ran from thin to very thick, secured onto a bed of red velvet. Manetti removed one of the thinner ones. He was still stroking the thin body of the boy, but stopped momentarily to grease the rod. “You need to mind completely. Do whatever ever I say when I say it.” He pushed Chris’ pole straight up. With his pinky finger, he pushed lubricant into the boy’s piss slit, then held the instrument against the opening. He let it slide in about an inch, sending shockwaves over Chris as he realized what was about to happen. Manetti took a firm grip of his cock and stroking it, encouraged the weight of the rod to penetrate the boy’s urethra. It slowly made its way down. At first Chris bucked against the invasion, but that made the rod fall even faster so he stopped, tried to accept it, and felt it ooze steadily and unrelentingly downward. He flung his head back and forth at the odd and unnatural sensation. Never thought anything could enter him so intimately, so overwhelming his sense of what could and what couldn’t be done to his body. With every inch he wanted to it out of him, but with every inch it seduced him by its callous indifference. There was a slight S-shape bend in it, and about four inches in, it fell quickly in line with the contours of his channel, slid swiftly in all the way. Manetti then once again started stroking him. The thrill of steel violating his body like this, having Manetti control all his senses, was enough to bring him to an orgasm in spite of the perversity or perhaps because of it. Manetti read how the faceless body bucked in his hand. He released the cock and let it bob on its own, as the kid twitched but didn’t cum. He pulled the tip of the rod almost all the way out then let it slide back in again on its own accord. After minutes of these internal dick fucks, Chris grew to desire this new feeling of his penis being tortured, loved that Manetti was his torturer. When Manetti allowed him to jerk his cock into his hand, Chris realized this man could do anything to him he wanted. “Are you a good boy?” Manetti pulled out one of the thicker instruments and held it up to Chris to contemplate. Chris shook his head both with fear and excitement. “No, you won’t be good?” Chris nodded that he would. “Oh, you’re saying you want this?” Chris shook his head no. “Doesn’t really matter what you want, boy.” The man pulled the tip of the sound out, lubed the new thicker rod, pushed more lube in his slit and held the sound against Chris’ thin opening. “I’ll eventually fuck your cock with my pinkie. Think you’ll like that?” Manetti pushed the thicker sound into his piss slit. Chris cried No! under his muzzle, but the heavy rod dropped steadily and painfully down his shaft, stretching it wider than his urethra was meant to stretch. The boy rasped inside his muzzle, his body shaking at the odd and torturous discomfort. Manetti had started stroking him again, again confusing his receptors, unable to determine whether he wanted this feeling or wanted it to stop. Manetti wouldn’t stop either way so he laid there while the rod inched his way down, aided by Manetti’s pumping fist. The rod halted about three inches into his shaft. Manetti eased his grip and with his fingers started rubbing the spot in his shaft just below where the sound had stopped. The finger stimulated Chris’ urethra, involuntary inviting the painful invader to continue its journey. It fell in deeper. Manetti kept at him, lightly scratching further down his shaft, provoking the painful acceptance of the monstrously thick instrument. Tiring of how long it was taking, Manetti pushed the remaining inch of the sound into Chris, who let out a muffled holler of pain. He then took sadistic delight in pulling the large rod out and back in, spending an extraordinary amount of time watching the boy’s body go from excruciating agony to mild excitement and, eventually, complete rapture. The boy gradually began fucking the air, gyrating his hips. “Good little pain pig. That’s it, be daddy’s pain addict. You like this, don’t you, fucker.” Chris' brain was too addled to respond. All he knew to do was fuck the air harder to keep the instrument poking his prostate. He’d convulse uncontrollably, then return to fucking the fucker inside his shaft. He was ready to blow but Manetti felt darker impulses emerge. He pulled off the boy's mask and intimately appraised Chris face. How easy it was, Manetti thought, to pervert the boy. How the kid’s instincts, being Ben’s brother, were on the slutty side anyway. He decided he wanted to be the one to push him over the edge, make him a dirtier pig than even he was. He left the sound where it was and searched the drawer withdrawing several plastic tubes, a metal ball clam and hex key, and a hand pump, and placed all of it on the bed. “You think you’re some fucking clean cut kid. But I know there’s a dirty street whore in you, a homeless pussy boy who'd do anything for a meal, anything for his next fix.” He licked the kid’s nipple and placed one of the smaller tubes over it and pumped it till it sucked in a good inch of the kid’s tit. He did the same for the other one. It didn’t hurt but Chris saw how plump his nipples were in the vacuum. Soon he’d have utters like Manetti and Master Drax. Manetti unwrapped the copper wire and pulled Chris’ balls painfully down, locking the thick ball weight around his stretched testicles. With the hex key, he locked it in place. “Who owns you now, boy?” “You do, Sir,” Chris called out from under the muzzle, hoping Manetti would let him go. “Hardly mine yet, boy,” Manetti replied. “Soon though. Sometime tonight you're going to prove to me you're a whore. Only then will you'll be mine.” He picked out a very large butt plug with a metal strip running down it. He generously applied lube and twisted it into Chris ass, who grunted as it was going in. As it stretched his ass open to the object’s full width, Chris’ protesting cries came to a crescendo. His ass lips slipped over its wide smooth edge and, as it quickly narrowed, his sphincter pulled it into himself. Chris breathed heavily trying to adjust to the huge object now inside his rectum. Its base kept his anus opened with a constant three inch stretch. Manetti took the wire that came out of the butt plug’s base and connected it into the electro kit. He then took an alligator clip and attached it to the tip of the thick sound going into the boy's shaft. He adjusted some setting and flicked it on. “This cycles up for a very long time before it comes back down. You’re going to love it. Or maybe not. I didn’t at first, but Drax used it to finally persuade me to not only use my hole, but to be it.” Chris felt the first tiny spark slowly run down his penis, then snap sharply through his prostate and land on the metal edge of the butt plug traveling from inner tip slowly ascending out to his sphincter. Once the journey ended, it began again. Tip, to root, snap through his prostate, and run out his hole. It didn't really hurt, more or less tickled. “Do you know the story of the frog who was put in a bowl of warm water and was slowly boiled to death?” Manetti asked the muzzled Chris. “That’s the setting on the machine. It's called the boiled frog. The voltage increases so slowly you won’t realize when it eradicates what's up here,” he said, tapping Chris’ temple. “After, all you’ll see yourself as, is as a hole.” The spark was manageable. Not painful. Its regularity was almost soothing. Almost. Manetti got up and after washing up in the bathroom came back in and searched his jeans, pulling out a small baggy of white powder. “Holy Christ, do you even know how hot you look right now, baby? I don’t know why," he said with glossy eyes, "but I'm lovin' the idea of whoring you out all night. I want you to take so many loads you’re going to be shitting cum into next week.” He returned to the bathroom and soon came back with two orange-capped rigs. Tapping the vial to the light, Manetti said, his voice dispassionate and clinical, “This’ll get you through the next hour. You want to flirt with Crusher and Brunswick? I’ll let you play with them all you want. I want everyone to play with you, but first they gotta pay. Don’t move your arm.” Manetti felt for a protruding vein, stuck him, saw the flash of red, and slammed him good. Chris coughed beneath the muzzle. Manetti ran a hand across his hot flesh, his skinny ribs, the smooth concave belly. He lightly stroked the boy’s flicking dick. The kid responded with the expected quiver everywhere he touched. He removed the muzzle. “You want dick, don’t you, boy?” Chris licked his lips as if starving. “Yeah, Sir,” he said in a steady and determined voice, eyes like large black pearls. “Lots of dick. And fist, Sir. Lots of fists.” Chris bobbed his head eagerly, mouthed a silent thank you. Every now and then his hips twitched as the voltage leapt through his prostate. “Don’t thank me yet,” Manetti responded, uncapping his rig. He stuck himself, rode the rush, and steadied himself with a hand on the door. He turned off the lights, opened the drapes, and left Chris to spin, while he went out to fuck someone or get fucked, he didn’t give a fuck which, and then come back to fetch Chris for his first trick of many. The door clicked shut. In the dark, Chris laid spread eagle on the bed, rushing wildly, shuddering lightly. Pain sat with him so he wasn’t alone. It was becoming familiar, pain was, not a friend exactly—maybe more of an escort. He glanced through the window, each round of electricity growing a little more pronounced, drilling a bit deeper into his permanent hard wiring. He looked up. Outside, in the wavering light of the pool, a sea of a thousand naked men swam toward him. ***
    1 point
  42. I learned last year that I was HIV positive, initially I was like almost all who become positive and that is panic and depression. After many doctors’ visits and having the many options explained I was overwhelmed and ready to give up. Then a friend of mine, who is also HIV positive, reminded me how I had made the decision to go BB and play raw in bathhouses, glory holes, cursing spots and on line for the past several years. He reminded that I had been playing raw for almost 8 years. He was shocked that after 8 years of playing with no telling how many guys raw it took as long as it did before I became HIV positive. In fact, he shook his head and called me a true bug chaser. I didn’t see it that way at first but now I realize I was. I have now embraced being positive and have decided to be the true Poz Pig that I have always been. I have chosen to go unmedicated and embrace my future. Is this wrong, thoughts anyone I am curious what others who have the same background sexually think.
    1 point
  43. Have been to 3 Cummunion parties in Palm Springs, Atlanta and Augusta. Best was probably at Parliament Resort in Augusta as I walked around in boots and a jockstap as I was staying there. Loved the gloryholes, maze and tower slings. Next would be in Palm Springs. I was not staying there but had a locker out by the pool. Went to early with a friend at around 11pm and was too early for a lot of fun and still hot outside. Next time go alone. Third would be Atlanta ad no outdoors but in a crowded sex club with lots of watchers but still got fucked in the sling there by a couple of hot bearded tops.
    1 point
  44. REGULAR FRIDAY NIGHT @ STEAMWORKS TORONTO (15.12.17) Hey, Rawbros! Yesterday was a lot of fun @ Steamworks Toronto. After a busy day, it was time to relax, de-stress and enjoy the guys who cum your way. Within 30 mins. of getting into my jock I got my first load. His English wasn't that good but we could negotiate sex. He was very romantic and kissy. You know, I don't mind this. I got to suck, rim and French kiss him (even after cumming) throughout the time he spent with me in my room. Within 5 minutes of sucking him, he blasted into my mouth with a big hot load. He wanted to kiss me. So I did. He loved the cummy-ness of this 'thank-you'. He tasted great too! I got a second load from a guy I was sucking off in one of Steamwork's dark rooms. He told me he was about to cum. All I could feel is my mouth getting filled with hot cum. Load #2. The other 2 loads I gave - #1 into an anon hole in a dark room, #2 into a cub's mouth after he said to me he wanted daddy cum. So he got daddy cum. I did prepare by douching to be vers. Alas, that didn't happen last night. Hopefully it will one day. On to the next bb sex party @ Club120 tomorrow from 4-8 pm. Maybe there I'd get fucked. So, a great time last night!! It's all about enjoying men's bodies and their fluids.
    1 point
  45. Well I've been very naughty again but I can't help it, I'm a total slut for spunk. Was contacted by this very kinky older guy into teacher/schoolgirl roleplay. The knock at the door was the start of a long afternoon of fun. He loved the sexy st trinian tranny standing before him. See throu black blouse, black satin tunic dress so short it shows the bottom of my bum cheeks, stockings and suspenders and thigh boots with gloves and tie. He told me to turn round and bent over hands on knees. Once I have done as told he spanks my bottom for ages enjoying himself. I lead him to the bedroom and drop to my knees to help him undress, once his cock is free I open my mouth and start to worship him orally which he really enjoys till he sees the cane on my bed. I'm told to get on all 4ers on the bed as he picks it up swishing it throu the air. Then I feel the sting as it's brought down hard across my bottom for a dozen strokes. He then fucks me really hard getting turned on even more by the red wealts across my cheeks and spunks deep inside my belly. I'm then canned again then he dresses and leaves. Can't wait for his next visit x
    1 point
  46. Told my girlfriend I was going to spend the evening doing some Christmas shopping. Instead, I went straight to the bathhouse after work. I managed to get fucked by three guys - two of them raw. Then I got sucked off in the dry sauna just before heading home.
    1 point
  47. Now that the Hoist has closed/moved on, where is a good club to go on a Saturday night in London. I'm thinking I'll come to London Nov 4th but want to spend the night getting shagged and generally used so a nice sleazy club (pref naked or jocks and boots) or group event would work. Open to ideas and offers.
    1 point
  48. Sit on his cock and ride it until he fills you.
    1 point
  49. 7:00pm on June 3, 2017....My face was pressed into the filthy mattress by my older brother Mark's hand while his cock was forcing its way in and out of my ass. All I could focus on as the smell of cum and piss coming from the mattress, and the sound of my brother's ragged breathing while he raped me in front of his drug dealer DeShaun and the dealer's two thugs who held me down. Every now and then my brother would mutter under his breath, something like "faggot" or "slut", punctuated by a blow to the back of my head. Once he even said something like, "practically begging for it, weren't you". Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew this was him trying to justify the truly horrendous act he was committing against his younger brother to his drug filled brain, but mostly it just made me feel dirtier (and wonder, maybe, if I had somehow wanted my brother to do this to me). Suddenly, Mark's hand stopped pushing my face into the mattress, and his arm snaked around my throat. He pull me up from a face down position until we were both up in all fours - DeShaun's thugs let go to let the position shift happen - and even though I had thought he couldn't fuck me any deeper or harder, I was wrong. The iron grip if my brother's arm made everything fuzzy as my air flow was getting cut off, and from what sounded like a great distance, I could hear Mark start to breathe more heavily. "Marky Mark - you getting close?" DeShaun asked. He walked over and stroked my older brother's sweaty red face with an almost lover-like gesture. "You gonna POZ that pussy, bitch? Gonna spray your toxic jizz into your little bros cunt and get him pregnant for me?" "Yes...Sir..." grunted Mark, as he raped me even harder. "Gonna fill this faggot cunt up with fuckin death seed. Gonna knock up this virgin pussy." DeShaun leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Hear that, white meat? Your older bro is about to fuckin rape your white faggot cunt to death. After he's done, you ain't gonna be good for anything but to be my nasty faggot whore. So much for fuckin Ivy League and full ride scholarships...you'll be getting plenty of full rides, but the only letters you be earning are STDs." I could feel his tongue licked the side of my face when he was done whispering. I thought I had run out of tears, but I was wrong. Mark was getting ready to climax, pounding harder and harder. I could hear him hissing nasty things through his clenched teeth, "Fuckin hate you...wish you hadn't been born...fuckin nasty faggot slut...gonna POZ your pussy...just...fuckin...DIE". He roared the last word as I felt his cock spasming inside me, pumping warmth into me...and then my ass started to clench while my cock started shooting jizz into the mattress. DeShaun started to laugh. "Oh Lord, white meat...you just shot a huge load from a soft cock...you must have loved getting knocked up by your older bro so much. I'm gonna have so much fun with you." He laughed some more. Mark grunted as he pulled out of me and let me collapse onto the mattress. I could hear him putting his clothes on but I refused to look at him. I didn't know how I could ever look at him again - because while I couldn't admit it to myself yet, I wanted what just happened to happen again. "We good, DeShaun?" he asked. "My debt is paid in full?" "Oh, Marky Mark...we good. You actually built up some credit on that, brother." DeShaun chuckled. "Here, take a ball on me." "Enjoy the faggot." Mark said, prompting me to realize he wasn't taking me with him. "He was supposed to leave on a week long trip straight from the graduation party, so no one is going to realize he's missing for awhile." He walked to the edge of the mattress, looking down at me, tears streaking my face, t shirt ripped to hell, boxers and jeans around my knees, blood and cum oozing from my ass, and cum dripping from my cock. He leaned down and spat directly in my face. "If my parents could see him now, they'd rather he was dead anyway. You are doing my whole family a favor." He turned and walked out of the room without another word. I had a feeling I wasn't going to see my brother again for a long time, if ever. "Well, white meat, I bet you are feeling pretty much like you wanna die right now, don'tcha?" DeShaun said gently, "Good thing Daddy DeShaun has just the thing to make it all better. Time for you to meet Ms. Tina, bitch, because your nightmare is just beginning...and this pussy," he reached between my legs, shoved a couple fingers into my ass, and pulled them out covered in pink stained cum, which he held up to my lips, "this pussy is going to get used a lot worse before your nightmare is over." I knew what he wanted, and a twisted, perverted part of me wanted it too...so I opened my lips and sucked the bloody cum off his fingers.
    1 point
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