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  1. My husband and mother-in-law were out of the house today, so I got a chance to play. I checked all the hookup sites and apps and got a hit on Grindr of all places. He was a young (22) black guy. He was really tall and slim. He had a nice cock but not huge (reasonably thick 7"). What he did not lack was stamina and technique. He fucked me hard and fast for half an hour. We changed positions 6 or 7 times before he shot a huge load in me. He rolled over breathing heavy for just a few moments before he said, "I think I want to go for a second round. Can you handle it?" Who was I to object? For the record, his cock never got soft at all in between the two rounds. The second round went on for a long time. By the end I was just moaning and babbling. It was one of a handful of times in 35 years of getting fucked that I wasn't sure if I could handle it. I managed to hang on and get the second load. Afterwards, he offered to help me get off. I could tell he really wanted to see me shoot, so I gave it a shot. He slid back inside me "to help out" (he still hadn't lost his hard on). I ended up being to distracted by the fucking to get off. I could tell he wanted to go for a third round, but my family was due home in 30 minutes. Also, I am not sure my ass could have taken it. After he left, I did manage to jerk off without really getting hard. A huge wad of cum just poured out of my cock. My ass is sore now but in a good way.
    10 points
  2. Part 6 - The Birthday Gift A week later and classes finally finished for the academic year, Ethan and Adam sat on the grass relaxing and watching all the other students heading home, Ethan was feeling lethargic and hot so he was glad when they eventually went their separate ways. The June weather being particularly kind with blue skies and humid conditions, but Ethan had already decided to skip the Hamptons in favour of getting his college work done so that he could at least enjoy a few weeks relaxing, his family would be gone for at least a month. He heard his father talking about some business he had to conclude next week in the city for one of his corporate clients and he would drive there from the Hamptons, he knew no one would be home for the month. When he eventually reached home he collapsed on the sofa hot and exhausted, he figured he was coming down with a cold and more annoyed that it was starting right at this point. He didn't feel like eating and wondered upstairs and laid on the bed falling asleep quickly. The morning sunlight streamed in to his bedroom, he had a raging headache and felt very queasy, quickly he jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom where he started heaving in to the toilet, sweat ran down his face as he sat on the floor his head resting against the coolness of the tiled wall for some comfort. He had no idea how long he had been sitting there and slowly rose to his feet heading back to bedroom he undressed and climbed in to bed, as the day wore on he felt worse and suffered alone. He was woken by his phone alerting him to a message, reaching over he picked it up and saw a message from Angelo he was not in the mood and placed the phone back on the bedside cabinet. Besides he was going to heed Adam's advice and cut off ties with him thinking it would be the best course of action. Ethan laid looking up at the ceiling and debating if he should call his mother and tell her he was sick and laid up in bed, he knew that she would probably drive home to be with him, he didn't even get chance to think it through before he dozed off again. His phone pinged again and he reached over to retrieve it seeing another message from Angelo so reluctantly he opened the first message 'Your quiet', he scrolled to the next one 'Don't ignore me'. Ethan not really thinking straight typed a reply 'Sorry, I am not well, in bed' he looked at this response for a moment then tapped the send button. His reply came immediately 'What's wrong, do you have flu?, give me your address and I will bring you back to mine'. Ethan laid back looking at the screen until it switched off, he really didn't know what to do. He had no idea why he did it but Ethan unlocked the phone and typed his address and sent it. Angelo laughed to himself knowing that Ethan lived in Harrison which was only a twenty minute drive from Larchmont, he replied telling Ethan to be ready in thirty minutes. Ethan sat bolt upright shouting 'fuck, fuck, fuck', he realised he had just given Angelo his address, if he could go any whiter than he currently looked he made a very good attempt at it. He had just made the fatal mistake of giving his address to him, and knew that Angelo could now get to him whenever he wanted. Reluctantly Ethan hauled himself out of bed and threw on some joggers and a top and sat on the front door step as the sun started to sink lower in the sky, his head in his hands as the car pulled up, he looked up seeing Angelo's face who called out for him to get in. Ethan sat in the passenger seat and Angelo looked at Ethan's sweat covered face. The car pulled away for the short trip to Larchmont, Ethan paid little attention where they were going until the car stopped and Angelo got out and came round to the passenger side, he picked Ethan up and carried him inside up to his bedroom. Angelo undressed him and laid in in bed, he put the TV on and slipped in to bed beside Ethan cuddling up next to him, within minutes Ethan was fast asleep. Angelo watched Ethan sleeping in his arms he felt a sensation wakening in his body at being happy to able to care for someone, after all it had been a long time, Angelo fell asleep with a smile on his face. Ethan woke at the sound of movement, it was dark outside as Angelo entered the bedroom with some food and water. He helped Ethan sit up and began to feed him. "How are you feeling?" Angelo asked dipping the spoon in the soup. Ethan sighed "Not as bad as this morning, I've never been this ill". "It looks like the fever has broken so it will pass soon enough" Angelo replied. Ethan looked at Angelo "What will?". "I expect it is your body reacting to the hiv virus" Angelo put the bowel on the bedside table. Ethan sobbed and put his head in his hands "You did this to me". "If I hadn't someone else would have, you saw what that place is like" Angelo said with no expression. Ethan wiped the tear from his eye "You have ruined my life". Angelo shook his head "You put yourself in the bathhouse no one else did that". Ethan sobbed "Why did you do it?". "To take your virginity and give you a gift for your birthday" Angelo replied looking at him. Ethan stopped and looked at him "Wait, how did you know it was my birthday?". Angelo laughed "Brad told me, you don't think someone like you doesn't get noticed do you?". Ethan placed his head in his hands again "Is it just a game to you ruining lives". Angelo smirked at Ethan "It's sex whatever way you look at it". "For you maybe it is, but you have just taken my future away" Ethan sobbed in his hands. Angelo looked at him "You need to go to a clinic and get tested that...." Ethan cut him off "I should go this is all wrong". "Go where?" Angelo moved closer to Ethan. "Home, this is all wrong I need to be alone" Ethan moved and sat on the edge of the bed. "I own you, your not going anywhere" Angelo's tone changed as he reached up to stroke Ethan's head. Ethan flinched and pushed him away, his actions provoked a reaction he never expected. Angelo twisted Ethan's body around with force and pushed him flat on bed, his hands held Ethan's shoulders down so he could not move. It happened so quickly Ethan screamed and thrashed about under the weight of Angelo, his ass burning in pain. Angelo gave no warning or indication he just forced his cock deep in to Ethan's ass and began hammering his body in to the mattress. Every time Ethan tried to escape and move Angelo fucked him harder. Ethan pleaded and cried for him stop but the fucking continued and rained down into his ass. His voice grew hoarse and his body to weak to fight he sobbed in to the bed sheet waiting for it to be over. Angelo was focused on the job at hand but couldn't hold back, he just found the young lad sexy and it brought him to orgasm quickly. Angelo pushed his cock in deep and locked his hips up tight against Ethan as he let out a loud grunt releasing a fresh quantity of potent seed in to his boy. Ethan cried as he felt each breeding contraction in his ass from the invading cock releasing more seed in to his body. Angelo panted heavily next to Ethan's face and kissing his neck he whispered 'Never push me away, you belong to me, never forget that I own you!'. He followed with several had thrusts to reinforce his statement to Ethan. In some far off bizarre way and through the pain of what he endured he felt a very strange desire for Angelo, but he knew he had just seen part of Angelo's aggressive side. Slowly Angelo withdrew his cock from Ethan's ass and rolled on to his back and looked at the ceiling, he didn't know what had come over him to behave like this. Yes he had been brutal with other men but never on this scale to someone so young, was he really that afraid that he had pushed the young guy to far and may have scared him off. He turned his head to look at him, Ethan laid on his stomach to exhausted to move. He daren't move, his body ached and his ass was in pain, he now only comprehended Adam's warning and should have trusted him. There was an eerie silence in the room and Ethan closed his eyes as he felt Angelo moving on the bed, he waited but nothing happened. Angelo sat on the edge of the bed looking at himself in the mirror, had he really become that much of a monster, never allowing anyone to get close and always keeping them at a distance to use and abuse when he wanted and on his terms. He saw the young guys reflection in the mirror still laying in the same position, it was the first time he had ever brought anyone back to his home since his previous partner from 5 years ago. He had caught him cheating and sat waiting for him to come home, when he did Angelo tried to fuck his partner who pushed him away saying he was not in the mood. Angelo slapped him and held his partner down before fucking him aggressively telling him that if he wanted to fuck with other men then he would treat him like the cheating whore he is. After he finished he dragged his partner by his legs naked in to the hallway outside their apartment and threw his clothes at him and locked the door. He vowed then never to let anyone get close to him for fear of rejection or deceit. But seeing the reflection of the young guy brought a sadness to him. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that to you" Angelo said watching the reflection in the mirror. Ethan turned on to his back "You hurt me, what did I ever do to you?" his voice shaking. Angelo looked at Ethan through the mirror "I'm so sorry" he said again and lowered his head. "Why would you do that to me?" a tear rolled down Ethan's face. Angelo stood up "I can't do this now, I will drive you home when you are ready" he left and closed the door. Ethan watched Angelo as he left the bedroom he saw deep sadness clearly on his face, Ethan rolled over on to his side going over what had just happened, his body still weak gave out and he fell asleep. The dreams came and went, the same dream of Angelo and him on a beach playing and walking in the surf. Ethan woke and saw the time was 3am and the house was silent the bed apart from him was empty, he needed a drink of water so he quietly got walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. He stopped at the bottom surprised to see Angelo sat in the lounge in darkness looking out in to the garden. He looked lost as he just stared out of the French windows at nothing, Ethan felt sorry for him, yes, what he did to him a few hours ago was unpleasant but his head was telling him it was not aggression against him personally. Ethan walked round the sofa and stood to the side of Angelo who quickly rubbed his eyes seeing the young guy standing there. Ethan had no idea what to do or had any experience of dealing with these things, he mustered up the courage. "Talk to me Angelo?" Ethan spoke softly. Angelo looked up at him "No, you better leave". Ethan stood there "Why did you, you owe me that much of an explanation?". "A complex of fear and emotion, you wouldn't understand" Angelo's gaze returned to the garden. Ethan kneeled down in front of him "Why won't you be open with me?". "Your just a fuck that was in the wrong place at the wrong time" Angelo spoke with sadness in his voice. Ethan touched Angelo's leg "Is that what you do, fuck and shut people out?" Angelo looked at him as he hit the nail on the head "Your very perceptive". "Do you think that people don't care for you despite what you did, I mean do?" Ethan stood up. Angelo's gaze returned to the garden "It makes things less complicated". "For you maybe, you don't even know my name do you?" Ethan looked Angelo in the eye. Angelo looked at him and shook his head "No, as I said it makes things less complicated". Ethan touched Angelo's hand "You are the only person I have had sex with or been so intimate with". "What I did upstairs was not intimate" he replied looking at Ethan's hand. Ethan looked at Angelo "I'm glad you know the difference. I can get a cab if you want me to leave now?". Angelo shrugged his shoulders "Do what you think is best for you, I won't stop you". There was an awkward silence between them for a moment, Ethan knew that he didn't want to leave as he had come to the realisation he found Angelo intriguing and somewhat crazy but liked him, but there was that nagging worry that he could turn and do it again. Ethan pulled his hand away and stood up. Angelo fixed his gaze on the young guy, seeing him standing there lit by moonlight he was undeniably attractive in many ways in his eyes. Angelo was hoping that it wasn't going to end like this, the young guy had in a short few weeks got closer to him than anyone had these past few years. Ethan stepped forward and sat on Angelo's lap looking him in the eye he kissed Angelo on the lips delicately. "At least come and lay in bed with me" Ethan spoke softly to him. Angelo nodded "Are you sure?". Ethan smiled "You told me upstairs that you owned me". Angelo stood picking Ethan up "Is that what you want, me to own you?". "I don't know, I'm so confused at the moment I can't think properly" Ethan replied. Angelo kissed him "I will lay with you until daylight then take you home". "Ethan, my name is Ethan and Ethan needs water" he told Angelo. Angelo broke a smile and carried him to the kitchen nodding towards the refrigerator, Ethan opened the door and retrieved a bottle of water. He clasped his hands around Angelo's neck as he carried him upstairs to the bedroom. Ethan was still feeling weak and exhausted and soon his heavy eyelids closed as he fell asleep. Angelo held Ethan in his arms and gently stroked his back until sleep overtook him as well. The sunlight woke Ethan who found his body enveloped by Angelo's muscled arms wrapped around him, feeling a lot better he laid there not stirring but looking out of the window and began thinking about his decision to explore sex. It had led him down a path he never suspected or wanted, yet he laid in the arms of the person who has destroyed his life and verged on raping him last night. Ethan didn't know what to make of Angelo's motives and if he was just another notch on the bed post, Angelo moved his arms pulling Ethan closer to him. Ethan laid there in bliss with the warmth of Angelo's body next to his, he had never felt so close to another man like he did right now and drifted off in to a comforting sleep. Angelo opened his eyes and glanced at the clock, it was early afternoon, Ethan was still sleeping and huddled up close against him, he gently removed his arms and slipped out of bed heading to the bathroom. Ethan stirred and realised he was alone in bed, he sat on the edge of the bed and took a sip of water. Standing up he walked over to the window looking out at how beautiful the day was and the how pretty the grounds and surrounding area looked. Ethan sensed Angelo had come back in to the bedroom. Angelo stood at the doorway from the bathroom and watched Ethan for a moment, he liked what he saw and loved the sexual naivety about him. Angelo crossed the room and stood behind him, Ethan felt the warm breath on his neck, he moved back a touch until their bodies touched. Angelo wrapped his arms around Ethan gently he did not hesitate and pushed back more to be closer as his ass rubbed against Angelo's semi hard cock. He was beginning to learn how to respond and respect the strange intoxicating power Angelo had over him now. He stroked Angelo's arm as Angelo kissed his neck, gently Angelo turned Ethan around picking him up and carried him to the bed, gently laying him down. There was no sex but what Ethan saw was a loving and tender moment, just the intimacy of them being together in each others arms kissing. At some point things turned in his head and Ethan hit the point where he did not want Angelo to let him go. Was he really falling for Angelo he thought to himself, his erratic dreams always involved Angelo at some point and they always ended with them on a beach walking in the surf. The sun was sinking lower in the sky and Ethan knew he had to get home and try to catch up on his course work, he was somewhat hesitant to bring up the subject not knowing how Angelo would react. Ethan turned to face Angelo "I have to go home Angelo". Angelo looked at him intently "I understand Ethan" he replied a little hesitantly. "Thank you for looking after me" Ethan moved and sat on the edge of the bed. Angelo moved up behind Ethan and kissed his neck "I am sorry about last night Ethan". "Why did you?" Ethan asked turning his head. Angelo stroked his head "You pushed me away, I don't like that and to many bad memories flooded back". "Oh" Ethan struggled to find his words "I should go". Angelo's hands dropped from Ethan's head "Okay" he sounded disheartened. The drive home was a pretty quiet as Ethan's emotions were in turmoil over if should see him again, but on the flip side he didn't know if Angelo would want to see him again. As the car pulled up to the driveway Ethan noticed that Angelo just stared dead ahead. "Thank you Angelo" Ethan said touching Angelo's arm. Angelo glanced at him "I am in the city on Wednesday and will be at the bathhouse at 4pm". Ethan opened the car door "Do you want me to be there?" he asked looking back. "No Ethan, you need to decide if you really want me to own you" Angelo replied. Ethan closed the car door slightly stunned and shocked at his reaction, it was as if Angelo had put his guard up again but it was in no way a demand. Ethan watched him pulling away disappearing down the tree lined road, he had already decided he would be at the bathhouse and knew that this action would mean surrendering himself to Angelo.
    6 points
  3. It was a Saturday afternoon in Sydney around 2:00 P.M. Among a few other 'influences', I was pretty hungover. Not to mention the fact I had flown down a flight of stairs and demolished a brick wall with my body the night before. It didn't seem that bad at the time but the bruises were definitely starting to show today. Not that my fall had stopped me the the night before from drinking myself stupid, dancing and getting some action, but that's another story, I headed over to body line. Its a good place to go, probably the busiest place around although it does have a habit of attracting rather perfectionist queers that are a bit up themselves. I'm more of an equal opportunity fag really. I don't care about looks, six pack or pecs. As long as a man has a big cock and is willing to give me a good pounding I've always been happy. Before I go further I'm 28, tall and slim/athletic build I keep active with cycling as I hate running. My cock is seven and a half inches, and quite thick, but really I prefer to bottom. I had entered the government PREP trial when it started and had been on it for the last 18 months but had finally decided to stop. It wasn't an issue of andy adverse side affects as I hadn't noticed any. Rather I decided to stop because participation had deprived me of the thrill of taking raw cock. I looked back on my pre-PrEP days at one or another of the Sydney saunas - the risk, the excitement. I was always drunk off my face, trying desperately to make sure guys were safe, but wishing they would just hold me down and not give me a choice, but would simply rape me, leaving my arse full of their cum. I've always been a bit submissive, not that you would guess based on my personality in my business life. PrEP had been awesome as I could simply abandon my inhibitions, getting fucked indiscriminately, but something was missing. I was getting plenty of cum in my arse, but there was no thrill. I did't want HIV and still feared seroconversion, but getting fucked raw while on PrEP was almost like using condoms. I wanted the pure experience. So I stopped taking PrEP and just stuck to my regulars who were all neg and most of whom were also on PrEP. But it was still good. Anyway, back to that particular Saturday afternoon. It was 2:00 P.M., I was horny so I decided to check out the sauna. I knew it wouldn't be the busiest time, and I've noticed many guys don't want necessarily want to fuck, and many times if the guy is willing to fuck, he stops half-way through, saying he's saving his load for later on, a practice I've always found it particularly annoying. If I've gone to the trouble of making my arse available to a guy, I expect him give me his load. In any event I was looking forward to exploring the sauna/dark room and maze, chatting-up any and all reasonably hot guys, and, having made certain he was on PrEP or atlas neg and taking a load. It was dead. In the whole place there were probably six guys. I did the tour discovering two Asians who, I was fairly sure, were bottoms. There was one really overweight older guy who was super awkward, and three other guys of whom I caught only a glance. Heading upstairs to the maze to take a look, I encountered a dark, hairy guy who looked to be Arab. The towel around his waist gave away little, but he was my height and generally solid, perhaps a little chubby, but as I prefer guys who are bigger than my size, and as I also like playing with guys who are a bit exotic or at least different - just to change it up, I exchanged looks with him, and stepped into a cubile. He followed. Entering, he locked the door whereupon I dropped my towel. He followed my example. At first inspection of his cock I was super intrigued. While his cock wasn't super long it was still some seven or eight inches, and was super thick, even when not quite hard. Definitely an attractive cock, but his balls were mesmerizing as they were ENORMOUS! There was no fussing around with groping or kissing. I immediately dropped to my knees, taking his cock into my mouth. His cock tasted hot and clean and naturally I reached up to play with his balls. The enlargement was not the result of saline injections or something. They were huge. Abnormally huge. I work in the medical field and was certain the size was not normal. I didn't know if the enlargement was the result of fluid build-up, or perhaps a tumour or just a genetic mutation, but whatever the cause, the man's scrotum was massive and I absolutely loved it. He gripped my head, aligning my mouth so he could force his thick cock deep into my mouth, gagging me. The truth is I really had't had enough oral practice in the recent past to have trained myself to accommodate him, so I reached down and uncapped my amyl, taking a few hits, hoping the fumes would relax my throat muscles, easing the way for his cock. In addition, to increase the likelihood of success I lay on my back on the vinyl bed, my head just off the mattress, which gave him a good angle for his entrance. He got up on top and slowly forced his cock, grasping my throat as he did so. I could feel my heart thumping with the amyl after effects. Eventually his balls were resting on my chin - his massive sack was pressed against my face and his cock choking me as it was forced down my throat, face-fucking me. His thrusts increased in vigour, and I was focused on accommodating him, so when two of his lubed fingers slid directly into my ass, I was quite surprised, and moaned with pain more than pleasure. Honestly, his fingers really, really hurt, certainly as I hadn't been fucked very much in the recent past, and while it was true the last cock I had had in my ass was only the day before, that particular cock had been so small it had hardly stretched my ass. His two fingers demanded entrance, probed my hole roughly and deeply. Thoughtfully, however, he paused to allow me to take a few more hits of amyl, only to grab my headband shove his cock back in deep. Again his two fingers roughly forcing and probed my ass, only those two. He never inserted any additional fingers, even if the diameter of his fingers was far less than the diameter of his massively thick beer can sized cock. Which was, by this time, making my jaw ache. Pulling out he pushed me back on the bed and gestured to my amyl. After taking a hit, he held the bottle under my nose, gesturing for me to take several hits per nostril, all the while his finger tips of one hand played with my hole, while his other hand lubed his cock. " Are you neg?" I asked. "Ana mtakd min 'anak eahirat ghabiat , walakun la tuqliq li'anak sawf alhabi baladay nayib alrayiys bwz," he replied, smiling and nodding. I thought his reply was that he was neg but it more likely meant "I'm positive, you stupid whore, but don't worry you will love my poz cum." "Go gently, man, I haven't had someone your size for a long while." He replied gently in his native tongue saying "Ana dhahib 'iilaa alainqisam kunt balfel tunzif waldi humulatan kabiratan balnsbt lk." Looking back I imagine his reply would be translated "I'm going to split and poz your hole. You're already bleeding and I have a big load for you." He pulled his fingers from my hole making me wince and wiped them across my towel leaving read stains. I was bleeding. I started to pull back as I knew bleeding was risky. I believe he registered the fear in my eyes as he wagged his cock and massive balls at me. He knew I loved them and could be pursuaded. Leaning forward he gently caressed my cheek and and held the amyl to my nose. My heart wildly pounded, which left my brain oblivious to anything other than the prospects of his cock and the soundtrack of the porn playing in the adjoining room. The truth is at this point I had had too much amyl. The room seemed to be spinning. He took command, lifting my legs up onto his shoulders and pressing me down, initially teasing my hole and then pressing his thick helmet against my hole. When he leaned down I thought he was going to kiss me, but rather than a kiss, he reached forward, clamped a hand over my mouth, the other on my throat, as he simultaneously drove his thick cock into my ass. I tried to scream and wiggle away, but his weight held me in position. I couldn't stop him. I felt the sting of my ass tearing a bit more as he forced himself into my body, not even giving any consideration as to my confort. Instead he stared ahead to some unknown point in the dimness. I attempted to jack off so I could get something out of it, but before my cock was hard, that is, after all of ten full thrusts, he froze, so tense his veins on his neck were prominent. His hips gyrated from side to side as, between clenched teeth he muttered "Khudh nayib alrayiys alsam lak turfat eagan saghira," which I suspect meant "Take my toxic cum, you little twink." His cock pulsed, those massive abnormal balls pressed against my ass, his cum flooding my hole. Afterwards he withdrew, smiled, grabbed his towel, and walked out. I touched my hole. It stung. My fingers came away red. There were tears in my eyes. This had not been a great start to my night.
    5 points
  4. I was in DC and had some spare time. I looked on Craig's list and found an interesting advertisement which was posted by two young Latin guys who were looking for a bottom. I emailed them and quickly received a response. One of the guys was 26 and the other 31, both were well hung and good looking. One thing they asked was they wanted to fuck bareback, specifically asking if I would let them cum in my ass. I replied 'Sure' and they said they would be there quickly. Now, knowing CL I really did not expect much, but true to their word the guys showed-up at my place in about 10 minutes, and wow, they were definitely hot guys. Moving into the bedroom we undressed, and with no foreplay, one of the guys told me to lay in the bed on my back, my legs in the air. The 31 year old was hard as a rock and immediately entered my ass, fucking me for about five minutes before he let out a grunt, cumming deep inside my ass. Afterwards he withdrew and the 26 year old slid right in. As he fucked my ass I could hear the first guy's load being slopped around, and within a few minutes he exploded. When he pulled out the combined loads of the two men oozed out of my hole. Both guys gave me a second load, so when they finally left a puddle of cum was dripping out of my well-fucked ass.
    4 points
  5. I had many 'proudest achievements' in my life but the most recent one was when I moved back to my hometown a few years ago and was invited to a BB sex party. The guys organizing it had invited two bottoms for 7 tops/guests, me and a young bottom (for diversity). I had a "test ride" with the two hosts before. Got there and it turned out the young bottom had cancelled and it was too late to look for another one. So it was only my hole for the guests + the two hosts. While the tops could take breaks I was fucked by all for about 4 hours with only little rest. Booze and poppers got me in total slut mode. Needless to say my hole was a fucking mess after that but I was proud I had taken it like a champ and must have had close to or more than 20 loads when it ended. I lost count. Was invited back several times but that first time really stood out. I met one of my current fuckbuddies at one of those parties.
    4 points
  6. Part 5 - Caught Red-handed Ethan crossed the lounge towards Brad who handed him his locker key and smiled. "Are you okay?" Brad asked. Ethan nodded "Yes, a bit shook up from what happened". Brad smiled "I banned the three of them, but you might want to get a cab home". "Why is that?" Ethan asked. "Just in case they are still hanging around in the street" Brad replied. Ethan had a worried look on his face "Maybe I will hang around up here for a bit". Ethan thanked him and he noticed how quiet it had become in the lounge, there was only a couple of guys sat talking since everyone else was downstairs enjoying themselves. The locker room was quiet except for one person who was busy in his locker, he could only glimpse his arms and noticed that they bore no tattoos so it wasn't Angelo. Ethan unlocked the door and started sorting his things out, a funny thing curiosity where something in the human nature likes to know who is in the same vicinity, he kept taking glances but the other person was just to far out of his field of vision. Ethan pulled his underwear out and closed the locker door so he could change. He sensed someone standing there and turned around, his mouth fell open seeing the smile on Adam's face who was looking directly at him. "Hello Ethan!, fuck I knew I was right" Adam shook his head in disbelief. Ethan stared back, this was not good "Oh Adam". Adam laughed "You didn't waste any time then since you only had your birthday last week" he stepped closer. "Adam, please don't say anything to anyone about this. I am not out with my family or friends" he looked pleadingly. "I guess we both have a secret, but on one condition" Adam moved closer. Ethan didn't like where this was going "What condition" he asked watching Adam closing in. "Kiss me Ethan" Adam ran his hand down Ethan's chest. Ethan caught his breath at Adam's touch "Just one". His body felt electrified by Adam's touch and senses awakened and poised, Ethan had secretly dreamed about this and was only to happy to kiss him. His head moved closer to Adam's as their lips touched gently their mouths opened and Ethan was immediately speared by Adam's tongue as he kissed him deep for more than a minute until Adam moved away and looked at Ethan. "Wow, where did you learn to kiss like that?" Adam asked looking at Ethan. Ethan shrugged his shoulders "Kiss like what, was it bad?". Adam shook his head "No, it's just.. wow. Are you just leaving?". "Yes" he replied nodding his head. "I was about to as well, let's get a coffee before we get changed" Adam said taking Ethan's arm. Ethan stopped "Adam, I should leave". Adam looked at him "A coffee won't hurt then we can go back together". Ethan agreed "5 minutes Adam then we must go". "I don't get what all the rush is about Ethan" Adam said partly dragging Ethan in the lounge. Ethan sat at the table and watched Adam getting the drinks, his eyes picked up the tell tell signs of a tattoo on his lower back, he could make out the top section and saw the unmistakable biohazard marking. Adam returned with the coffees and sat down. "I told Tony and Leo I had my doubts about you" Adam said smiling. Ethan was looking at his coffee "What if I was gay?". "Yes, when did you first come here?" Adam asked sipping his coffee. Ethan looked over at Brad who was watching them "Last week on my 18th birthday, what about you?". Adam laughed "About a year ago and usually come along once a month. So did you have sex last week?". Ethan still looked down at his coffee "Yes, but it didn't turn out like I expected". "What do you mean?" Adam asked looking intrigued. Ethan looked at Adam "I was pulled in to fast and it happened so quickly". Adan shook his head "I just wish you had come out to me and I could have brought you here". "I only found out that you were gay the day before my birthday" Ethan said. Adam chuckled "It's no secret, just the bit about Tony and I". "You have a tattoo on your back just above the towel, is it what I think it is?" he motioned downwards. Adam smiled "What do you think it is?". Ethan moved his head closed "Do you have it, the hiv thing?". "Yes" Adam laughed at his shyness "You do know this place is notorious for bareback sex". Ethan nodded "I may have been infected" he whispered. Adam looked seriously "Oh Ethan. Don't worry, if it has happened it is controllable. Don't let it upset you". "But everyone will know now, my parents will flip when they find out" Ethan looked upset. Adam looked at him seriously "Take it in your stride, I won't say anything to anyone, promise". Ethan nervously watched the locker room area "Can I talk to you if I need to?". Adam smiled "Of course you can". Ethan smiled "You know I have fancied you for years, but I don't think we..." Adam cut him off. "Ethan, if anything happens it happens, if it doesn't I still want to be your friend" Adam told him. Ethan smiled "Thank you Adam". "Did you have sex today?" Adam asked looking at him. Ethan nodded "Same guy as last week, he paid for my visit tonight as he wanted to meet me again". Adam chuckled "Is he hot, tell me about him?". Ethan laughed "I think he is hot, tall and muscular Latin guy with tattoos" Adam grabbed Ethan's hand. "Ethan is his name Angelo?" he asked looking concerned. He looked at Adam's face "Yes". "He is not the best choice, sexy yes, but people tend to avoid him" Adam said in hushed voice. Ethan looked concerned "In what way?". "He breeds and moves on, never fucks the same guy twice and shows no interest in them" Adam looked worried. Ethan shook his head "So how come he has fucked me twice?". "You got me there, he must have enjoyed fucking you, I take it you was a virgin?" Adam asked. Ethan blushed "Yes, still never sucked a cock yet" he nervously laughed. Adam shook his head "Angelo owned one guy a year back for several months". "Oh you mean like a relationship?" Ethan asked. Adam smirked "It was no relationship Ethan, the guy was never allowed to get close he just used him for sex". Ethan looked down suddenly he began to see clearly "Explains a lot of what happened downstairs earlier". "What do you mean?" Adam looked with curiosity. Ethan looked around "Three guys tried to force me to have sex with them...". Adam cut him off "I head there was an altercation in the sling room was that you?". Ethan nodded "If Brad hadn't intervened I don't know what would have happed, it shook me up a bit". Adam rubbed Ethan's shoulder "Did they hurt you?" "No, one of them turned on Brad then Angelo walked in" Ethan nodded in Brad's direction. Adam looked surprised "I heard some of the gossip up to the point that Angelo went in". Ethan continued "I didn't see what happened but the tall one fell to the floor gasping for air". "You know Angelo has a bit of a rough guy reputation" he informed Ethan. Ethan shook his head "No, anyway he told the guy never to touch his property, I didn't really understand that". Adam shook his head "Ethan, I think you may have got yourself in a little mess". Ethan looked at him "Do you think I should forget about him?" he asked. Adam shrugged his shoulders "I know Angelo doesn't take no for an answer". "What am I going to do?" Ethan replied almost in tears. "Ethan I can look out for you, I can't tell you what to do but it might be best if you did" Adam finished his coffee. Ethan finished his coffee "Will you come with me back to Harrison?". Adam smiled "Of course I will, come on". Ethan cheered up as they got on the train the walk to the station had seemed to go on as Ethan kept looking over his shoulders to make sure no one was following. It was only five minutes in to the journey when Ethan disappeared to the toilet, he was beginning to feel Angelo's seed leaking out. Adam chuckled as Ethan was also seeing the funny side of it now, on his last return he sat down next to Adam. "What do I do Adam, I am so confused about this now?" Ethan looked concerned. Adam moved next to Ethan "He only has your phone number?" he asked. "Yes, he doesn't even know my name" Ethan replied. "That doesn't surprise me. Has he been violent towards you?" Adam asked. Ethan looked at him "No". "You could just ignore him if he tries to ring or text" Adam replied. Adam stuck his head up looking around the carriage and seeing it was quiet he sunk back in his seat and pulled Ethan in to kiss him. Ethan didn't resist, his body tingled as Adam's lips met his and they kissed for several minutes. Adam laughed "For a beginner you kiss like a lover". "I have only kissed Angelo and sort of followed his lead" Ethan replied blushing. Adam smiled and sat back in his seat "I would love to kiss Angelo like that". Over the next few weeks Ethan tried to put Angelo out of his head, Adam and himself had become friends but never more than stolen kisses and cuddling ever took place between them. Their friendship bordered more on erotic brotherly love for each other. Adam kept his word and made no mention of Ethan's like of men but suspicious eyebrows were being raised whenever they would laugh and fool around at college. The other students noticed that Ethan and Adam had become friends and also at the looks that went on between them before they both would laugh. The final week of classes for the academic year were fast approaching, unfortunately it meant 7 assignments to be done and ready when they went back. Ethan had already decided to forego the 4 weeks in the Hamptons to get all his work out of the way so he could enjoy the rest of the summer break, he and Adam laid on the grass relaxing in the sunshine chatting. "So how are things Ethan?" Adam rolled on to his stomach. Ethan looked at him "Well I haven't heard from him for a couple of weeks if that's you mean". Adam laughed and ran his hand up Ethan's arm "Maybe a good sign". Ethan smiled "Does your boyfriend know you do that to me?". "No I kept my promise, but he has always had fancy for you" Adam responded. "Oh, he is sexy but I don't want to complicate things" Ethan leaned over and quickly kissed Adam. Adam smiled "And that doesn't? People will see you doing that Ethan". Ethan stood up "Maybe they will maybe they won't. I have to head off home". "Already?" Adam sat up. "Yes family heading to the Hamptons next week for a month so spending time with them this weekend" Ethan replied. Adam squinted looking at him "So your not around for 4 weeks?". "I will be, I decided to stay home and get my course work finished" Ethan smiled at Adam. "Do I get to see you then?" Adam asked. Ethan picked up his bag "Yes". Adam stood up smiling at Ethan "Good, I like hanging out with you plus Tony works most days". They walked through Harrison until they went their separate ways, Adam whispered in Ethan's ear 'One day I will fuck you Ethan', Ethan laughed and sauntered off down the road. Adam met with Tony after he finished work for a date night and headed to their favourite Italian in Harrison. Tony sat there looking at Adam "Your distracted, what's the matter?" he observed. Adam put his fork down "I shouldn't tell you this as I promised not to". "Go on" Tony was intrigued". Adam looked at Tony "I bumped in to Ethan at the bathhouse". Tony laughed "No way, did you break him in?". "No, no, no, I caught him red-handed last week" Adam replied. Tony chuckled "So was he having sex with anyone". Adam leaned in "Yes, with Angelo". Tony shook his head "Your kidding me, does he not know about him?". "Not at the time, I tried to tell him about what he is like" Adam moved the food around his plate. Tony looked at Adam "Poor thing, I assume he got the message?". Adam nodded "Maybe, but he has been with him twice now". "Angelo fucked him twice?" Tony said with an astonished look on his face. "Yeah I know" Adam replied immediately. They continued talking about Ethan through dinner until they left the restaurant.
    4 points
  7. PART 3 Kevin sat close to to Chris, but far enough away so he could fave him and open up giant legs to give his young neighbor a good view. Kevin quickly got the scoop... theee guys, two were friends and Chris was the new guy. The other two were back home getting a load of supplies and Chris was by himself for a day or two. It didn’t take long for Chris’s eyes to be glued to Kevin’s package. Kevin decided to up things a notch and quickly turned the talk to girls. So Chris didn’t have a girlfriend. Not even back home. And Chris didn’t seem to enthusiastic when Kevin mentioned all the cute girls at the college. Kevin couldn’t help it when he let it slip, “of course, if the girls don’t interest you, there are a lot of men in this neighborhood that would love to get to know you better.” Chris turned red. “Really?”, was all Chris could get out. Now in a quieter voice and leaning closer towards Chris, Kevin said “Chris you know you have a gay neighbor right?” Chris just nodded. Kevin continued in that quiet sexy intimate voice, “Chris, do I have a new gay neigjbor?” Chris didn’t have the nerve to look Kevin in the face, but he nodded. He couldn’t believe he was telling this stranger the truth, his biggest secret. But something about Kevin just effected Chris in a way he didn’t really understand. That bathing suit. His cock must be huge! Is he coming on to me? Fuck I think he is! All of those thoughts flashed thru Chris’s head in about 5 seconds. “Chris, I know this might be kind of overwhelming for you, so just relax. Anything you tell me here, anything we do here, it’s no ones business and your secrets are all safe with me. I also have to tell you I think you are such a beautiful boy and I would love to be a teacher, a mentor, to you. Any questions, anything you are curious about or want to try, we can do. I want my apartment to be your sanctuary to be a proud gay young man. A place you can embrace the fact that you love cock. A place to celebrate it.” By the one Kevin ended his speech, Chris was looking at him with Big puppy dog eyes, a look of appreciator and admiration in his eyes. Chris didn’t know what to say and was embarrassed because he was rock hard now. Sensing that Chris was indeed overwhelmed but definitely enthusiastic about the idea, Kevin spoke again “ from now on, when you are here you be exactly who you really want to be. And first things, those trunks may get you hot he is a surfer boy looks, but around here we go for the no mistaking I am a fag, you need a speedo or better yet a jock. Yeah, I think a jock. Wanna try one on sexy boy?” Chris’s Head was spinning, a jock? Like a jock strap? They don’t have an ass to them, he thought to himself. Kevin would be able to see Chris’s ass and that thought made Chris’s cock throb. Kevin had that tiny speedo on and Chris loved it. Maybe Kevin would like looking at him. Again, all these thoughts rushed by in just about as long as it took for Chris to start nodding his head. Gently guiding Chris up by the shoulder, Kevin put his arm around his shoulders and guided him back. “Let’s go back to my room and find you a hot jock. I can’t wait to see that butt framed in a sexy jock strap. I bet you have the best little ass Chris.” Chris was nervous and scared and excited and horny all at once. But more than anything, the thought that was going over and over was something like this, Kevin thinks I am hot and likes my ass. I hope he loves it in the jock. I hope it makes him hard. I hope he wants to fuck me. There was no more suppressing the thoughts and desires. Kevin had told him he was safe here, that his apartment was a place to express every gay feeling Chris had. Not only that, Kevin was encouraging Chrisnto embrace it, to give in to whAt he really wanted. And Chris was sliding down that path quickly. Every new turn was like another latch opening. All of the hunger and fantasies, all the times he looked away when he ached to stare at hot guys bulge, all the times he had pretended he didn’t like guys ended here walking down Kevin’s hallway. Chris had already told Kevin that he was gay and Kevin couldn’t wait to help him express it. Chris had already decided to not hide anything from Kevin. For some reason, he felt he could learn from this man. Kevin seemed nice and honest and cAring, but just as equally Kevin seemed like he was so.... just so sexual. It was just something about him that made Chris think Kevin didn’t just sample sex, Kevin ate everything on the menu and came back for seconds. He just had this aura that screAmed that he loved man sex. Chris was very aware of how it was effecting him. Kevin’s aura was making Chris want to be like Kevin. It was making him start to lose control. And it was making him eager to wear the jock. And he knew why. He wanted to show off for Kevin. He wanted Kevin to want him too, especially his ass. He really hoped it made Kevin notice his butt. Chris took a breath as Kevin guided hi into his room. This wAs real, Chris thought, this isn’t a dream. It’s the middle of the afternoon and I am at college and the gay guy I met is my neighbor and i am about to try on jockstraps for him. And he knows I like guys. And he is the hottest sexiest guy ever. And has a giant bulge. And holy shit, this is real. I can’t beleive it’s real. God, i hope Kevin loves my ass in the jock. I hope he wants me to show off and it makes him hard. I want to make Kevin hard so badly. Oh my god this is really real. The nerves were really hitting him, but a long stare at Kevin and that bulge helped. Is that, wait, I can see the outline of the head, Chris thought, and the distraction both calmed him and turned him on. Kevin turned towards him and smiled a reassuring smile and whispered in low sexy voice, “I can’t wait to see that ass in a tight little jock. Are you ready Chris?” Chris didn’t hesitate a moment and nodded vigorously. It was really happening.
    3 points
  8. THE AWAKENING: I am not sure for how long I was out, but when I awoke I was flat on my back, with my hands tied to a bed, which was covered in white satin sheets. The room was entirely decorated in white, devoid of any decorations on the walls. Most importantly, Brother Zack was next to me, wiping my forehead with a wet washcloth. He was wearing nothing with the exception of a cum and piss stained jockstrap, showing off his amazing semi hard cock. The head of his cock was poking out through the side of his jock. On the table next to the bed, was the bottle brush, with my dried blood on it, along with the cruel condom he had used. He asked me if I remembered much of the ceremony, to which I replied yes SIR. He gently but his lips to mine, saying that I no longer needed to call him that, it was all part of the ritual. He said that although the results would not be immediately, we were now Brothers, united by the gifts that we had shared during the ceremony. He had me roll onto my side, only to make sure that the plug was firmly in place. I begged him to breed me again, and he replied that my ass had taken quite a beating, and that although he wanted to, he felt that it needed a rest. He explained however that like I did with father Joseph, it was time for me to share my seed with him. Through all of this, my cock was still pretty limp, and he said the father had left a little something to help with that. He untied my arm, and brought the syringe to my cock, and pushed the plunger. It wasn’t long before my pathetic cock became rock hard, and I felt that I could rule the world. He explained that I was to breed him, and be rough in doing so. I asked if he wanted me to brush his hole with the brush, to which he said yes, but not our brush. It was now a sacred object between us, and others to follow. He did say that it was the same brush that father Joseph had used to prepare him for his conversion, and the one that I would use for my first conversion. He did however remove a toothbrush from the table, and instructed me to properly abuse his ass, before penetration. He once again told me that I was expected to be as rough on him, as he was to me. I don’t know what came over me, but I slapped his face before spitting on it, and instructed him to refer to me as Sir for the remainder of the session. A smile came upon his face, as more and more of his cock protruded from his cum and piss stained jock. I instructed him to take off his jock, and get on all fours. He responded with Yes, forgetting to say Sir, and was slapped once again by me. He smiled, and said yes Sir. I just spit in his face and told him there was nothing to smile about. Although my cock was rock hard, I was able to piss on the jock, and told him to stuff it in his mouth, as I did not want to hear any noises which might lead father Joseph to join us. His ass was solely mine tonight. After the jock was stuffed in his mouth, I brushed his cunt with the toothbrush. Once it had a bright red tint to it, I removed the jock from his mouth, and instructed him to lick it clean. Once it was relatively clean, I began to aggressively brush his mouth with it, until it was once again bright red. I informed him that he was going to receive two loads, one up his cunt, and one in his mouth. I explained that he was NOT to swallow the load in his mouth, but to felch it with me. With that, I replaced the jock in his mouth and I mounted his ass, and although my cock was rock hard, It wasn’t long before I dropped my load up his cunt. I still remained hard though. Through the jock, I could hear his muffled moans. I know his ass has taken much bigger cocks than mine, but shrugged it off as him being pleased by my aggressiveness with him. I removed the jock from his mouth, and it was now covered in blood in addition to the cum and piss on it already. I began to aggressively fuck his mouth, slapping him a few times and telling him to watch his teeth. They had not actually gotten in the way, but he didn’t know that. After I blew yet another pretty big load down his throat, I instructed him to clean my cock, which he eagerly did. After that, he simply rolled over onto his back. I began to bite down on his nipples, and chew upon them pretty aggressively. As he started to moan, the jock was once again stuffed into his mouth. His cock became rock hard, and began to drip. I finished off the session by milking his cock dry. With that, he tightly embraced me, laying besides each other, cock to cock.
    2 points
  9. A near fantasy come true last night. Hit up an 18yo otter the other day on Grindr. We chatted back and forth for an hour or so, got each other all horned up talking about he was going to be a good boy and take all of daddy's loads, etc...but then he wasn't able to come over for whatever reason and he asked about maybe another night. In my experience this usually means "hey, enjoyed the hot talk, but this really isn't going to happen in person." Last night, I said "hey" to him, he said he was busy but asked would I still be up later (around midnight). I said sure and he messaged me back around 11:30 or so, asking if I was still up and whether I wanted him to come over. I said yes, but still wondered if he'd actually show. He lived outside of town and said it would take him about 45 minutes to get to my place. I got the bedroom ready just in case, and sure enough he arrived right when he said he would. Got right to it, had a fairly long and intense first fuck...cuddled up for a few minutes after and he asked if I could go again. Uh....yeah! So I worked my cock back up to hard, got inside him and pounded away for awhile more...but just wasn't getting close to shooting. So I pulled out and said I needed a little break. Got on Grindr and looked for another top to come tag team him with me since this kid was so eager for cock and loads...and definitely into the daddy/boy scene (which was so hot). Only other guy we found that late was some drunk guy who was going to need to Uber over (and he eventually stopped responding), but I had gotten rock hard again while discussing the tag team, so I got the boy on his knees again and slid in and pounded away....gave him load number two of the evening around 2am. After not finding anyone else on Grindr to come over, I played with his nips while he stroked himself off (one of his shots hit my cheek, impressive), and then he promptly got dressed and left. He's home on break from college and won't be going back until mid-January. I said we should do it again and he responded "maybe I could spend the night". So, here's hoping for more of that boy ass in the new year after my Chicago exploits these next two weekends!
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  11. When I was younger and routinely shared a house or apartment with platonic roommates, it was always possible to have tricks over. We always worked out a plan that allowed everyone to get their needs met. Even if that occasionally meant hanging out in your bedroom, so he could "entertain" in the rest of the house. After my husband and I opened our relationship, it was not a problem either. Even when he didn't want to play with someone I had over, he was always happy to watch. For a while, he was traveling out of state to look in on his ailing mother, and I often had the house to myself for days at a time. Then she got so ill that she had to move in with us. This has put a major crimp in our sex life. I only get to host when they are both out of the house, so I have to travel more. Not being able to host is a major drag on my sex life.
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  13. Part 4 - Returning To The Scene "Hello again baby, didn't expect to see you back so soon" Brad said looking at him with a big smile. Ethan looked and smiled "Hello Brad". "$30 tonight dude as it's Friday" Brad pointed to the sign on the window. Ethan remembered to use the word "Oh right, my name is Tiger" he said embarrassingly. Brad stopped and looked at him "Really" the smile disappeared from his face "Are you sure dude?". Ethan looked confused "I got told to say it to you". "I hope you know what your doing, your visit is paid for come through" Brad was eyeing him more intently. Ethan pushed through the door and immediately noticed how busy the lounge area was, he quickly glanced around the room looking for him, Brad tapped him on the shoulder handing him towels and a locker key. Ethan crossed the lounge but couldn't help notice the number of guys shuffling in their seats to get a look as he passed by to the locker room, he couldn't be sure but was certain he heard the words 'Jailbait' mentioned a few times with laughter. Ethan just finished changing when Brad appeared at the locker room. "Okay Tiger I will take your locker key I don't want any trouble" Brad said walking towards Ethan. "Trouble, what do you mean?" Ethan replied looking shocked. Brad looked at him "I see all the guys watching you and Angelo will not be happy if they touch you". Ethan looked curiously at Brad "Who is Angelo?". "Seriously dude, Angelo is who you are here to meet" Brad was the one who looked shocked. Ethan handed over his key "Is that his name?". Brad shook his head "Did you not know that?". "No, well we never really spoke last week" Ethan responded. Brad turned to leave "He is downstairs, you must be special" he said shaking his head as he disappeared. Ethan stood at the top of the stairs thinking what Brad had just said but none of it made any sense, he could already see it was busy down there but he braced himself and walked down. At first sight he caught such a wider variety of guys and ages, three of whom stood in one corner all in the 30's and muscled. He noticed them watching him coming down the stairs, Ethan was disorientated and confused about where to go, it was much easier when there was only a few men in here but this was packed, more unnerving was that he felt extremely vulnerable. The three men who watched him moved away from the wall, diligently they watched Ethan's moves discovering by the way he was looking around he was new. Ethan thought he was heading to the steam room but suddenly realised he was standing by the shower room, he tried to look as though he knew what he was doing but was failing miserably. He turned to trace his steps back but bumped in to the tall muscled guy. "Oh, sorry I didn't know you was there" Ethan apologised slightly shocked how close he was. He laughed "That's okay, you look a little lost there need a hand?" he touched Ethan's arm. "No that's okay I know where I am going" Ethan replied moving his arm away. Ethan stepped back as the taller one moved forward again touching his arm and gently pushing him back, he took a few more steps back realising he was moving in to a darkened corridor. "Please I am here to meet someone, excuse me" Ethan began to look nervous and scared. The tall one laughed "You don't need to meet anyone, we will take very good care of you". Ethan felt hands rubbing his ass through his towel, stunned he turned to see the other two men had circled behind him. Ethan tried to push past but the taller one was inches away from his own body still causing Ethan to step back further in to the corridor. The music playing was louder in this part of the bathhouse, come to think of it Ethan couldn't remember seeing this part on his previous visit. Suddenly he felt the guy behind him grasp his arms around Ethan's chest, he shouted 'No' but they laughed at his protests. The taller one grabbed Ethan's legs and they hoisted him in the air carrying him further down the corridor in to the sling room. Ethan panicked and tried to thrash his legs to get him to release his hold. Brad had come down to the lower level to change the shower gels and saw the legs thrashing, he caught a glimpse of the person before they turned in to the sling room and realised it was Angelo's boy. Brad dropped the gels in the shower room and went after the three guys, the last thing he needed was Angelo finding out what has going on, but word had already spread about the newbie being taken to the sling room. One guy entered the steam room and told his friend about the cute young blond guy about to be group fucked in the sling, Angelo overheard and like a shot he stood up and powered out of the steam room. Ethan was protesting being forced to lay in the sling, the taller one yanked his leg up and secured it in one of the restraints followed by his other leg he then ran his hand over Ethan's hole and smiled at his two friends. Ethan was now struggling with the other two who held his arms and began guiding them up to the restraints, until they heard Brad's voice. "That's enough guys let him go" Brad didn't sound happy. "Mind your own business he wants some fun with us" the taller one replied. Brad pushed him to the side and released Ethan's legs "Mutual agreement, I saw you pick him off deliberately". The taller one laughed "We can take you down easily as well" he pushed Brad against the wall and grabbed his throat. Angelo stood at the entrance "Don't you dare" the voice caught all of them off guard. The taller one turned to see Angelo standing there "What have we here a fairy rescue party?". Angelo stood and laughed "Move your filthy hands off him". He let Brad go and walked towards Angelo "Why you want to play as well?". Angelo watched the other two join the taller one in front him "Only if you like it rough?. The taller one laughed "Fucking break you if that's how rough you want it". The taller one looked at his two friends smirking then suddenly he buckled to his knees and on to the floor, his two friends watched him gasping trying to catch his breath. Angelo pushed his friends out of the way and hauled the taller one back to his feet. "I thought you wanted to play rough" Angelo snarled at the taller one still struggling to breath. "Angelo enough" Brad called out with Ethan by side in his shocked state. Angelo leaned in to the taller one "Never touch my property again or I will break your bones one by one". He pushed him with such force that his feet left the ground and he came crashing down on the floor, his two friends ran from the sling room leaving him there. They had never encountered Angelo before and didn't fancy a showdown. Angelo walked over to Brad "I'm sorry Brad, are you alright?" "Yes I'm fine" Brad replied. Angelo nodded "You know I've always got your back". Brad smiled "You need to look after him Angelo, it's a good thing I saw them" nodding to Ethan. Angelo picked Ethan up and carried him back out past the showers and down a corridor with private rooms where he placed Ethan on the day bed inside one of the room. Even in his distressed state Ethan had the same strange secure feeling, the strong arms holding him in a bearhug as he was carried him through the bathhouse. Angelo turned and spoke to Ethan directly for the first time. "I will go and get you a drink stay here" he said turning to leave. Ethan looked worryingly "Please don't leave me here, I shouldn't have come it was a mistake". Angelo turned to look at him "No mistake, don't worry no one will touch you". Ethan was still slightly troubled at his lucky escape and the one thing he remembered Angelo saying was 'don't touch my property'. He couldn't fathom out what the meaning of those words would come to signify. Sitting there several men walked past looking through the open door at the young guy, suddenly one lad who looked only a couple of years older than Ethan smirked and watched for a moment, he crossed the threshold of the door when he was grabbed by a mysterious arm and a voice warned him 'I wouldn't to that if I was you, he belongs to Angelo'. The guy stopped as a look of horror spread across his face and made a clumsy but rapid exit. A little smile appeared on Ethan's face so his name is definitely Angelo he thought to himself. Angelo returned with two soft drinks and closed the door behind him and offered a can of pop to Ethan. He thanked him and took a sip putting the can down on the floor. "Are you okay" Angelo asked him. Ethan nodded "Sort of, still a bit shaken". Angelo put his arm around Ethan and pulled him close, their lips touched sensually feeling each other until Angelo put more pressure against Ethan's lips which gave way allowing for a very tender French kiss. The man of little words knew how to entice and quickly he removed their towels and pulled Ethan over to straddle his lap, Ethan could feel the hardness under his ass cheeks and he knew what was going happen. With surprise Angelo stroked the side of Ethan's face and whispered 'I knew you would want me again' he pulled Ethan closer and resumed kissing him. Ethan took the lead and raised his hips slightly, Angelo removed one arm and spat in to his hand and rubbing it in to his hole he then guided his cock towards Ethan's ass. Tingling sensation followed on by a sharp burning pain ran up his body as he felt the head of his cock penetrating into his body. Pushing his hips up he forced Ethan down on his cock, Ethan gasped and moaned as Angelo's cock pushed it's way in to his body, he winced in pain repeatedly and finally came to a rest on Angelo's lap who let out what seemed like gratifying purr. Angelo stopped kissing and Ethan felt himself being lifted up forcing him to lock his legs around Angelo's waist as he stood up their mouths met in an excited and yearning manner. In one swift movement Ethan was on his back in a missionary position with Angelo gently gyrating his hips. The sensation was overwhelming as his body shuddered at this new experience, Angelo looked Ethan deep in the eyes as he relaxed, he switched between thrusting and gyrating, Ethan's back arching his body responding to Anglo's movements in unison, his moans and cries played like music to Angelo's ears. Ethan wrapped his arm around his neck pulling them closer face to face. Angelo spent some time kissing Ethan, he didn't know it then but Angelo was nurturing him to kiss an a sensuous and loving way. It would be the only way Ethan would know how to kiss and think it was normal. The tender kissing and gentle thrusting was causing Angelo's cock go rigid and swell putting more strain against his tight ass. Angelo began to pick up speed fucking Ethan with total abandonment until he grunted loudly several times as he delivered his seed in to Ethan's body. An agonising cry emitted from Ethan as the cock inside him pulsed against the anal wall, every forward jolt of his body meant another ribbon of seed planted deep inside him. Ethan's legs shook and his toes curled as he flew in to ecstasy and orgasmed, he could feel his own cum trickling down the side of his body. Still locked together Angelo rolled on his side, his arms wrapped around Ethan's body, both panting heavily. Ethan tenderly kissed Angelo's neck as his orgasm subsided, Angelo responded by holding Ethan tighter and closer to his body. The warmth of their entwined bodies, his dominance over Ethan just draw him deeper and deeper into hedonism, Ethan just wanted to lay here with him forever. Angelo was still balls deep inside Ethan's body but he was not done with his boy yet, he started pushing and grinding his hips against Ethan's ass. Ethan kissed Angelo as the steady thrusting rhythm began despite the pain he still felt in his ass there was no mistaking that Ethan was enjoying sex with this incredible man. His orgasm was a big as the first but this time he stayed inside Ethan for nearly half an hour gently pushing his cock deeper making sure his seed was planted deep and secure in his boy. Angelo stroked Ethan's back and kissing his head as he gradually he began to remove his cock slowly. A cry escaped Ethan's lips as his head finally pulled free, he kissed Ethan and stood up looking down at him. Angelo smiled pulling Ethan to his feet and told him to get dressed and head home. He did not argue and walked out of the room climbing the stairs he looked around to see Angelo disappear in to the steam room, his heart sank a little wondering if he would get to be with him again.
    2 points
  14. Saturday/Sunday I get up my hole is sore, but it's a good sore, and I have to get ready for the Black Party, so it's into the shower as Mr.X is waiting for me. As for points, you can't bring them into the party, so he is going to slam me now and bring some supplies that can be brought in and given orally. Lay down as this slam will start you up. He ties off my arm the needle goes in as he is smiling. Boy, you enjoy slamming as much as you getting your hole fuck. He is right as I see the blood go into the syringe as he pushes the plunger in and this is a massive slam as I'm coughing my brains out and enjoy the rush. All I will be wearing is a leather harness, assless chaps, boots and jock strap. So I can walk the few blocks to the Black Party I have a trench coat to cover me as we will be waiting on line to get in. We head right to the dance floor after we drop our coats at the coat check. The lights were flashing; the hard-driving music is so powerful and so many Leather Men and their boys all in one spot. On the dance floor, you are rubbing up to bodies and hands grouping you and the looks I'm getting. Mr.X open your mouth and take this. We are on the dance floor for a while, and I'm flying. Mr.X tells me he is ready to have some fun, so we head to the dark areas. The front of the dark area there is some light, and you see a lot of people on their knees sucking dick, we go back a little more. Boy lets get to work on my dick. I squat down the floor is covered with cum and condoms. I pull Mr.X jock strap to the side and pull out his dick, and he is already hard, so I better get it wet with my spit as we don't have any lube. Someone has there finger in my hole, and I hear Mr.X say put this up there while you are down there. Its a shard of Tina as I feel the burn as he picks me up. Bend over bitch as I have few friends who want a taste of you. I bend over, and I feel the head of his dick working into my hole, and once the head is in Mr.X drives in till he is balls deep and the fullness with the Tina shard going in deeper. Someone has there mouth on my dick, and I feel one on my lips so I open up and swallow as much as I can as Mr.X is pounding me as fast as he can my mouth is full of dick and my dick is in someone mouth, you want to talk about being in heaven. Boys here comes my load as I need my dick cleaned when I pull out and this stranger wants a piece of your hole. I turn around as its so dark here, and I'm feeling around for Mr.X dick, as I put it to my lips he gives me another pill as the stranger slams his dick, and after Mr.X dick, it's very comfortable to take, the boy below me is still on my dick as I'm shooting a load into his mouth. Mr.X is saying to a few around me you want a piece of this boy and their response is FUCK YEA. We go back feather into the dark area, and they find a chair for me to bend over as they are going to start a gangbang with me. I have a cock in my mouth and a dick in my ass as the pills that Mr.X are keeping me in a state euphoria that the more dick I get the higher I get. After a few dicks, I feel Mr.X dick fuck me as everyone else is nowhere near his size. Mr.X takes me out from the dark area and gets me some water before we go back to the dance floor. I hear someone tell Mr.X to say. You know your boy is leaking cum on the floor, I think you better take back to the dark area. Soon everyone is laughing as Mr.X says spread your legs as someone buries their face into my ass cheeks and starts to clean me up. Boy, push the loads out from your hole. I do, and I feel his tongue and a few fingers between my cheeks. Someone ask Mr.X if I'm jail bate? He might look jail bate, but he is barely legal. We head back to the dark area for another round, and it's just Mr.X and me. Mr.X pickup two friends and ask them if they want to go back to the hotel with us. As I get out of the cab, Mr.X says. Boy, you are still leaking look at the back of your coat? I look, and you can see its wet with cum and Mr.X and his friends are laughing, I'm smiling and say well someone is going to have to put it back in. I get out of the shower, and I stink from the sweat, cum and I think someone took a piss on me.Mr.X ties off my arm and gives me slam as his friends start to fuck me and I don't remember anymore. I wake up, and no one is around, and I'm in trouble, and I feel like shit. I make the call to Omar driver and ask him to pick me up.
    2 points
  15. The NYC Black Party I will be with Mr. X for the Black Party weekend. It is a huge dance party with some dark areas you can go to Youtube to see some of what goes on and the music with some of the performance, but it's the dark areas where all the fun is. Mr. X calls me the week before to go over to the Leatherman on Christopher St. and get fitted for some leather he wants to have. Omar tells me this is going to either a lot of fun or harrowing experience with Mr.X. I have no idea whats Mr.X wants me to get, but the clerk behind the desk does know what I'm to get. He leads me by the hand down these winding stairs to the basement. I have never seen so many things and don't know what they are for, but in time I think I will. He fits me for a harness to go over my chest and under my arms, then some leather pants with a zipper in the back that has to be made smaller because of my small body and the same go with some chaps that feel great. While I'm being fitted, the tailor has his hands all over my body, and he sees my dick is rock hard and is smiling then says you are going to the Black Party as someone boy, I say YES. Friday I go over to Mr.X hotel, and I'm not even in the door he is taking my clothes off and expecting my body. Boy, you look so young in your pictures but legal, I'm going to have a lot of fun with you and might fun also. Mr.X is 6ft 185 with a nice muscular build in his leather. He puts a chain around my neck and locks it up. Your name is now boy, and you are my property as the contract you signed so get face down and let me inspect your hole. Boy, you have a nice hole, and it still looks like a virgins hole. I feel his finger prodding me with no lube, and I know I need it Boy, I think you are one of thous lube whores let me get you started. Boy, you are going to like this. I'm sitting on the side of the bed as Mr.X has a syringe in his mouth a rope in one hand and a sealed alcohol pad in the other. He ties off my arm real tight wipes a spot. I feel the prick of the needle. Boy, watch this as I'm going to educate you on a slam. He pulls back a little and stops as blood enters the syringe an says. Look into my eyes, and as he does he pushes the plunger in and takes off the rope off, as I am coughing he flips me over on my stomach spreads my ass cheeks with his lubed up fingers work there way in my hole. He pulls out and inserts a butt plug in and says relax boy. Mr.X so this is the first time see him naked, and I'm in big trouble now. He has a baseball bat between his legs as a dick with a large P.A. Boy, I'm not going to shove it in, but it's going to be very slow as I want you to enjoy this weekend. So put the harness on so I have something to grab onto, so you don't try to run away on me. The slam was a good one, and the lube is warming up the inside of my hole as I put the harness on and get onto the bed on my stomach. Mr.X spreads my legs as I feel his weight pressing down on my body as he is teasing my hole with his P.A. Mr.X is pushing slow and I feel the pressure but no pain. The girth of his dick is spreading me open as he goes in deeper. Boy, my dick is now in you, but we have a lot more to go you just let me know if its too much for you. Mr.X is patient with me as he goes deeper but, I love the feeling, so I want to show him how much I love the size of his dick, so I back up on his dick, and he smacks my ass cheek. Boy, you want more so here it goes as I'm now balls deep well past your second ring. He starts to slow fuck as I feel him pour more lube as its running down the crack of my ass. Mr.X allmost pulls out of my hole and then drives back in, he turns me over onto my back with my legs up in the air as I can see his face and how happy he is and how much I'm enjoying getting fuck. Boy' you ready for my load as I have been waiting a month to breed your hole. He is balls deep as I feel his dick pulsing out a massive load into me and lays on top of me with his dick impaled in my hole. When he pulls out, I turn around and clean his dick as he puts a plug in my hole so I will be ready for round two. Friday night we went three more rounds before I crashed. Saturday at the Black Party.
    2 points
  16. It's taking me years, but I'm gradually building a hookup site to accompany Breeding Zone. Actually it will be a couple different, interconnected hookup sites – one for bareback, one for poz fetish, one for oral, one for vanilla, etc. I realize things change over time, so I want to understand what works and what doesn't work for you. Specifically, I want to know where you guys go first when you're looking for sex. Do you use a website, or an app, or do you skip all that and just go to a bathhouse or sex party, or what? I specifically want to understand your experience with BarebackRT since it will be the primary competition for what I'm building. It's grown a lot, but on the guys on there now as easy to hookup with as they were a few years ago? In other words, are quality sex pigs who actually want to hookup and fuck now or in the near future harder to find because bareback is so popular and the more average guys (or the prettier guys?) aren't actually as uninhibited and piggy as the ones who were on the site initially? It's sorta my theory that that's the case, but I wanna hear your thoughts. But overall, more guys are barebacking, but if they're pickier than the old-school bareback pigs (before PrEP got everyone to go raw and take loads), then more people doesn't mean a better experience when you want to fuck. Do you have any suggestions for how I can keep things piggy with what I'm building? Would going invite-only once things are up to critical mass be a good idea? I'm thinking I'll have a vanilla hookup site and people start there, and then to get access to the raunchy hookup sites guys have to be vouched for by a trusted member. That means guys will probably need to have sex with someone to get vouched for. Good idea? bad idea? Meanwhile with apps, I quit Grindr when it just became all buff torso shots. Scruff had more "regular" guys, but now it's getting to the point where it's all buff torso shots too (just more hair). Do the apps actually work for you? When was the last time you had a good hookup off an app? (And compare that to how much time you put into trying to make it happen). In general, what is it that you want to help you fuck and get fucked? I'm thinking a lot broader than a hookup site (which is one reason why it's taking me a long time). I mean for starters everything here on Breeding Zone will (a few years from now) get merged into the hookup sites. So there will be a social / sharing aspect to what I'm building – but also a hookup component. I'm also envisioning a place database similar to Squirt.org where guys can talk about their experiences at different places – only improved and not limited to a few views per day like Squirt. And then there are things like party listings – both commercial parties (which are technically lacking on BBRT, except CumUnion), and non-commercial ones like hotel gangbangs. So think about what you need to improve your ability to hookup and share it here… I can't make promises to do everything (I can only do so much), but your thoughts and ideas will definitely inform what I'm doing. Thanks!
    1 point
  17. 1. As I left my apartment building to get some coffee, he was standing at the entrance. He was listening to the phone ringing, but there was seemingly no answer. The only reason I noticed him was to admire the thick arm muscles and the subtle tattoos against his rich black skin. His tight t-shirt showed off his pecs and hard nipples, but it seemed thin in the brisk morning air. He had a small duffel bag sitting on the ground. I didn't bother shutting the gate as I walked away. I noticed he made no attempt to sneak in behind me. Fifteen minutes later I came back with with my coffee. He was gone, and I almost forgot about him. I climbed the steps up to my apartment, depressed by the grey, foggy morning. I doubted there would be any sun today. As I turned into my hallway, I noticed that there was a person hanging out, leaning against the railing. It was the same black man I had seen earlier at the front gate. He was hanging out near my apartment. Getting closer, I saw he had dropped his bag right by my door. "Can I help you?" I asked him. "Does Javier still live here?" he asked me, pointing to my apartment. "No. I live here," I said. "Fuck. I had been looking for Javi. How long you been here?" "About 4 months," I said. I had moved in recently, and still wasn't entirely unpacked. "You know where Javi moved to?" "No idea, sorry." "Damn. Spent all night on the bus getting here. Fucking need a hot shower bro," he said. I looked him over more carefully. He was about six six tall, and pretty much all muscle. Although it was hard to see between in the grey lighting of morning and his black skin, tattoos ran up and down both of his arms. There was a bit of stubble on his face, and his hair was cropped closely. Standing up over me, he was a little menacing. At only five eight, I knew there would be no contest between the two of us. "Well, I suppose you could come in and take a shower. Wish I could help you with with where your friend Javier moved to," I said. "Thanks, bro," he said. He grabbed his duffel bag as I unlocked the door. I let him go in first. "I'm Matt," I said, as he walked in. "Where did you come in from?" "I'm Eli, man. I came from the west side of the state," he said. He was being a bit evasive about where he had come from. I realized he was probably coming from the state penitentiary. He dropped his duffel bag by the door, and looked around the small apartment. "Done it up nice, bro. Much nicer than when Javi was here." I shut the door behind us. I should have been scared, alone with a big black thug, but my cock was twitching more than I cared to admit. "Thanks," I said. I grabbed a towel out of the closet. He had obviously been here before, because he headed straight to the bathroom. Even before he got to the bathroom he had already pulled off his shirt. His chest was impressively muscled, and there were more tattoos, across his chest, and over his washboard abs. I had tried not to stare, but I noticed that around his navel, there was a red biohazard symbol. He tossed the shirt into a corner, grabbed the towel from me, and walked into the bathroom. He was still wearing his grey sweat pants and an old pair of sneakers. He closed the door and a few moments later, I heard the shower start running. I picked up the shirt from the ground; even just holding it in my hands, I could smell the sweat and grime on it. From the size of the duffel bag and the condition of the t-shirt, I guessed he didn't have much in the way of clothing. It was clear that anything I might have wouldn't fit him. I put the shirt on a chair in the living room, and started to sip my coffee while Eli showered. He didn't take long in shower. I had barely started on my coffee when the water was turned off. Eli shuffled around a bit in the bathroom, I guessed he was drying himself off. Soon, he opened the door, and walked out into the living room. He had slung the towel over his shoulder, and was otherwise totally naked. I didn't bother trying to hide my staring at him. His legs were just as well-defined as his chest and arms, and handing between them was a fat yet still limp cock and two huge, low-hanging balls. I tried to focus on his face, but I found myself constantly glancing back at his cock and thick bush. He at least pretended not to notice me staring. "Thanks bro. I needed that. Not had that hot of a shower in a long, long time." "So, what were your plans for the day?" I asked. He had turned around, looking for his duffel bag. His ass was two perfectly balanced black globes, just as hard and perfect as the rest of his body. I wanted to kneel down, spread his muscular cheeks and worship his hole. "Fuck bro, I don't know. Was hoping I could crash with Javi for a bit. And try to have some fun today. It's been too long since I've had the chance." He found where he had left the duffel, and knelt down. As he rummaged through it, his low-hanging balls were swinging heavily between his legs. I guessed they were full of accumulated jizz. I wanted nothing more than to be the one to drain them for him. "What kind of fun are you up for?" I asked. "I don't care bro. Just kick back, have a good time. Javi was always good for a wild party." He found what he had been looking for, and he turned around. He had a threadbare pair of underwear and a small book. "Damn, I wish I knew where he went. Hope his cell is still the same." "Like what you see, bro?" he asked, not yet putting on the underwear. "Yeah," I said, a little embarrassed that he had noticed. "That's cool bro. Maybe we can have our own party," he said. His hand dropped down to his groin, and he started to rub his cock a bit. "I can borrow your phone? Wanna see if I can get a hold of Javi." I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. "Here you go." He took it from me, and started to page through his address book. He let the underwear drop to the ground. "Yo, bro. Gotta be honest. You got any party favors?" he asked me, as he stopped searching through his book. He dialed the phone. "What do you like?" I asked. "I've got some pot and other things." Eli's face brightened up when I mentioned "other things." "Bro, I'd love to smoke some meth, if you've got it." He was slouched back on one of the chairs facing me, his legs spread wide. It was still difficult for me not to stare at his cock. Even half-hard it was massive; a good seven inches long and nearly beer-can thick. I had no idea if I was going to be able to do anything with it, or even if I was going to get to play with our partying. "Yeah, I do," I said. I hadn't even used up my last baggie and had just bought two more grams the previous day. "Well, damn, bro. Share your wealth, and I'll share mine," he said. He shook his cock at me, indicating exactly the wealth he had to share. He held the phone up to his ear and I thought I could hear the sound of ringing. "Right on, man," I said. The ringing had stopped and I heard a muffled answer. "Yo, Javi, my man. This is Eli," he said into the phone. He clicked the volume down a bit, and I couldn't hear the other man any longer. A pause, then "Yeah. I got out yesterday. Got here this morning." I went into the bedroom, and found my pipe, torch, and the full bag of favors. In the living room, Eli was still talking. "Hanging out in your old apartment, actually. Cool guy here now." I rummaged through my bed stand, and found a few tablets of Viagra. "Yeah, totally. We're just getting the party started. You should come over." Supplies in hand, I came back to the living room. Eli had moved to the couch, where I had been sitting. I put the supplies down on the coffee table. "Awesome bro. See you in thirty then," he said, putting the phone down. He looked towards me. I tied to meet his eyes, but was still distracted by the massive tool between his legs. "Javi is coming over in a bit bro. We'll have fun today." He grabbed his cock, playing with it a bit. "Not as big as me. But he's not bad at all and definitely knows how to use it." I wasn't sure about having two strangers in my place, much less two strangers high on crystal meth, but my cock was starting to think for me. "Found a Viagra, if you want that as well?" I said. "You think you can handle me fucking you on V?" he asked, laughing. I stared at his cock. I knew this was going to be a day like I had dreamed of, and I didn't want anything to mess up the party. "I know I can." I said. "Well, get me something to drink. You got any beer bro?" I went into the kitchen, and brought him a cold can of beer. He took the viagra and washed it down. "Just a sec," I said, and went back into the bedroom. I found some poppers and lube, and brought those out. "Right on, bro. This is just what I needed," he said. "The pipe loaded?" he asked. I shook my head no. I sat down on the couch next to him and got a big chunk of crystal out of the baggie. I put it in the pipe. The bowl still looked a little empty to me, so I added two smaller shards. I took the torch and lit it. I melted the shards in the bowl. As I prepared the pipe, Eli watched. He grabbed the lube off the table and poured a little on his cock. When the first thin wisp of smoke curled out of the pipe, I handed it to him, to let him have the pleasure of the first hit. He took the pipe, one hand holding it as his other hand continued to slowly stroke his cock. He held the pipe in his mouth as I held the torch under it. The crystals crackled and smoked in the intense heat of the torch. He emptied the bowl several times, pulling a strong hit. After the fourth or fifth pull, he indicated he was good. I let the torch go out, and he pulled the pipe out of his mouth. He held it for a few seconds. Then, he blew out a thick white cloud right into my face. "Your turn," he said, as the smoke slowly dissipated in the room. I took the pipe and started to heat it up. As I let it melt and smoke, he took another swig of the beer. "You got any porn?" he asked. "Helps me get in the mood." I just nodded, as I took my first drag from the pipe. I felt the drug fill my lungs, my heart pounding in anticipation of the incipient high. I did a proper hit, and held it long, then blew out a thick cloud. I handed the pipe and torch to Eli for him to go again. "What kind of porn are you into?" I asked, right before he took another hit from the glass pipe. "Anything, bro. Gay. Straight. Black. White. I don't care. The freakier, the better." I got up and pulled out something I had downloaded a few months ago. It was a bunch of short gay flicks, mostly hung black guys fucking white guys. It was also bareback, which gave me a moment's pause. I worried it might set the mood for the rest of the day. I didn't know how to bring up condoms for Eli, if one would even fit him. As I put it on, Eli took another hit from the pipe. I came back to the couch just as he was exhaling the hit. He handed the pipe back to me. I put it in my mouth as he lit the torch under it. "Big hit this time, Matt. Gotta get you in the zone, bro." I sucked on the pipe, getting nice thick hits of the meth. Even when I motioned that I had had enough, he kept the torch under the pipe. "Just a bit more, bro," he said. "You're gonna need it for what I have planned for you." I tried to keep on inhaling the smoke as best I could, even as my lungs felt like they were bursting. Finally, he pulled the torch away, grabbing the pipe from my mouth. "Hold it, Matt, until I say so" he said. He stuck the pipe in his mouth and started to do his own hit. I was about to exhale, but he indicated for me to hold it a bit longer. It wasn't until he had taken all of his hit that he motioned me to breath out. Just as I was finished emptying my lungs, he leaned in towards me, making it clear I was going to get his hit. We started to kiss, and he shot-gunned his hit to me. It was far bigger than the one I just did, and he made sure our lips were locked long enough for it to get absorbed. Finally, he broke off the kiss, and let me breath the hit out. I was a little surprised a macho thug type like him would kiss, but I didn't protest the unexpected intimacy. I could feel my body tingle, as the tina started to take effect. I was definitely getting horny and wanting to do more than just kiss and share hits of the meth. I turned my attention to the TV. On screen, a white guy was on his knees, trying to swallow a huge black cock. I looked at Eli's cock, and realized that his shaft was even bigger than the one in the video. "You like it, bro?" he asked; I couldn't tell if he meant his dark cock, or the white guy struggling to swallow the black cock on screen. "Yeah, I do," answering for both. "Why don't you get more comfortable. You gotta get naked like me, man," he said. I did as I was told, throwing my shirt into a corner, then stepping out of my jeans and underwear. My cock was only semi-hard and seemed tiny in comparison to his. "Nice bod, bro," Eli said, running his free hand over my hairy chest and taut stomach. "Not sure how my cock's gonna fit in you. But don't worry, we'll make sure it does." "Hot movie," Eli continued. "Why don't you get down on your knees, and show my cock some love, just like that white boy." I pushed the coffee table back a bit, and knelt down in front of him. Up close his manhood seemed even bigger than I first realized. I had no idea how I was going to take it in my mouth, much less in my ass. "Just relax, and work slowly. I know you'll be able to take it," he said, almost reading my mind. I grabbed the bottle of poppers and did a hit. As they took effect, his cock no longer seemed like an insurmountable obstacle. I knew I could take it, and further, I knew he would love every second of it. I took his warm cockhead into my mouth, savoring the small drop of pre-cum at its tip. I started to work my way down his shaft, slowly taking more and more of his cock into my mouth. It wasn't an easy or fast process, but it more than satisfied my sudden need for dick. Eli was enjoying it as well. He spread his legs wide, giving me better access to his cock and balls. He leaned back, not caring about anything but the pleasure of the blowjob. After a few minutes of effort, I had barely gotten more than a third of his cock into my mouth. But, it didn't seem to bother him. He was moaning in pleasure, letting me know how good it felt for him. He grabbed the pipe, and lit the torch. I glanced up at him just in time to see him slowly melting the drug in the glass bowl. Right before the smoke began to leak out the top, he looked down at me and said, "Don't stop sucking, bro. It feels fucking great." He put the pipe to his lips and did another long hit. I was glad I had loaded up the bowl, since it he was enjoying big hits. I was feeling like I was almost in the zone, and needed only one more hit before I was completely at his mercy, ready to be used like the cocksucker I was. He pushed out his hit, covering the two of us in a thick white fog. Eli was getting too much pleasure from my oral service, so I knew he wasn't going to offer me a hit off the pipe. Instead, I settled for another hit from the poppers, and did my best to swallow another agonizing inch of his cock. His cockhead started to hit the back of my throat, and I did my best to suppress my gag. But, with my mouth already stretched as wide as possible and his fat cock pressed against my throat, it was hard to do. Even with the poppers, I had to pull off and catch my breath. "Damn bro. Most guys can barely take my head. That was fucking amazing," he said, clearly impressed. "Take a breather," he said, "Catch your breath." grabbing my arms and pulling me up on to the couch. I relaxed for a moment. My hand dropped down to my crotch, seeking out my dick. My cock was still half-hard. The crystal hadn't yet reached it and left it limp and lifeless. It was leaking precum. Eli reached across, and grabbed my cock. "Not bad, man," he said, impressed by its current size. He stroked my cock a few times, but then worked his hand down, grabbing my balls and starting to finger and explore my hole. "You're a tight ass, bro. Literally. Gonna have fun fucking you." He pulled his fingers out long enough to put a drop or two of lube on them. He pushed back into me, getting a little deeper. Even his fingers were big, and I acutely felt the intrusion into my hole. "You ok, man?" he asked. "Or do you need another hit?" He left it ambiguous enough that I didn't know if he meant poppers or crystal. "Yeah. Just a lot bigger than I'm used to," I said. I tried to shift my weight around, giving him easier access to my butt and also trying to relax as much as possible. He didn't stop, but pushed into me further; I could feel his second knuckle slide into my hole. He wiggled his finger inside of me. It sent a shock of pleasure running through my body and I moaned involuntarily. But then, suddenly, he pulled out. I felt empty, like something important had slid out from my body. "Pick out a nice big shard from your stash, man," he said. "You're not in the zone yet." I got off the sofa and down on my knees again. I looked through what was left in in the bag. There was one decent-sized piece of meth left. The rest of it was all small bits or dust. I fished the big one out of the bag, and put it on the coffee table. I grabbed the pipe, but he stopped me. He leaned over and took a look at it was I wondered what he had planned. "Nice, bro. Now, just bend over the table and relax." He paused for a second. "You may want these," he said, handing me the poppers. I took them, and did a huff from the bottle. He carefully picked up the shard of meth. With his free hand, he spread apart my ass cheeks, exposing my hole. I realized he was going to stick the crystal up my ass, not bothering with the ritual of a booty bump. I had heard this was almost as intense as slamming. Terrified of what I'd do flying high, nevertheless, I did another huff of poppers, forcing myself to relax. His finger pushed into my hole, guiding the sharp rock into me. I could feel it scraping up against my tight moist hole, slowly starting to dissolve and enter my bloodstream. He pushed his finger in all the way, first one knuckle, then a second knuckle, and finally the base of his finger. "There, Matt," he said. "Just relax, and let it melt, bro." I took another huff from the poppers as he slid his finger out of my hole. I could feel the shard of tina that he had left behind. I knew it had already started to dissolve, the drug going straight to my brain. I wondered what I would let him do over the next few hours. As his fingertip slipped out of my hole, he gently massaged it, making it close up. "That bump should last you for a good while," he said.
    1 point
  18. I was 22, and working in Lewisam Hospital HIV centre as a third year medical student. I was young, blond, 11 stone, and 6 foot tall, so I got a lot of attention from the gay guys on the AIDS ward. There was one particular inpatient who always flirted with me like crazy. He was 56 years old, skinny and tanned, he was in the advanced stages of AIDS. On one particular night when I was on call, I went into his room, closing the door, and found he was still up. "Hi, John, still awake?" I asked, standing next to the bed. I was wearing just scrubs, boxer shorts and trainers with no socks on, my bulge kind of rested on the mattress as I leant forward against the bed, but I knew he wouldn't mind. "Hi, Joe, how are you?" John replied as he turned to face me, ihe process his hospital gown fell off his shoulder, showing his skinny chest, covered in grey hair. "I'm ok, but more importantly, how are you?" I asked. "Not so great. My viral load is up high again, and the KS on my leg is itching," he said, pulling his foot out from under the cover. He had a Kaposi Sarcoma on his left foot, one of the signs of advanced AIDS. It was a small brown, scaly lump, about the size of a 50p coin. I lifted his foot up and stroked the cancerous lesion. "You need some moisture on it. It's quite dry," i remarked, running my hand up his calf, feeling the similar sized cancer lump on his left shin. With one hand I stroked the KS lesion on his shin with my thumb, rubbing the lesion on his foot with the finger tips of my other hand. "Well, I'll let you sort that out for me young man," he commented, curling his toes round my fingers as I stroked his bare foot. "Is there anything else with which I can help you, John?" I asked. "Well, my cock has a problem," he replied, broadly grinning. "Oh, really. What would that be?" "It swells everytime a certain medical student comes near," he answered, out-lining his erection in his hospital gown, suggesting "I think you should lock the door and examine it," he said, lifting the edge of his gown up a bit. "John, ummm, you shouldn't get that out here..." I said as John exposing his big, heavy, hairy nuts, which I knew were full of toxic cum. "Oh, ok. I'd better lock the door if youre going to do that," I said, walking over to the door and locking it, and turning the little knob so the slits in the window went opaque. I walked back over to John's bed and sat down on the edge, slipping my shoes off and wiggling my sweaty bare toes. "At least I can go barefoot if the door is locked, I commented. "You like teasing me, don't you Joe?" John asked rhetorically. "This is just going to be a visual inspection, I said, lifting-up his gown. His fat, seven inch, uncut, veiny, tanned, poz erection lay obscenely hard along his bare thigh. "But I think I felt a lump, or maybe two lumps," he said lifting his balls up from between his thighs so his fat genitals proudly hung over his leg in front of me. I stood up, the hard floor cold on my bare feet, standing right up to the bed, my semi hard cock bulging my scrub trousers, the lump of my genitals resting on the mattress. "John, you have an amazing cock, but I'm a student here. I'm supposed to leave the room if a patient gets aroused," putting my hand on his bare foot again, rubbing his cancer lesion gently as he stroked his erection slowly. "You can just watch me wank. Anyhow, you seem to like touching my KS" John said. With that, he slid his bare foot up under my scrubs top, placing his bare sole on my bare chest under my clothes, suggesting "Take your top off." I did as he directed. Lifting my scrubs top off over my head, I stood bare foot and topless in an AIDS patient's hospital room. I put my hands on John's bare foot, lifting it up to my face as he lay naked, stroking his fat cock on the bed, and looked closely at his KS lesion, and then pressed my lips into the cancer riddled skin, kissing his bare foot right on his KS lump. "You're a nasty one, ain't ya," John asked, rubbing his big toe on my lips, pushing his sweaty toe into my mouth. I sucked down on his big toe, tongue-fucking the toe gap between his big toe and the next, proceeding to work my way down towards his little toe, thoroughly tongueing his toe gaps until all five of his toes were covered in spit. Then I kissed my way back-up his bare foot, until again I was pressing my lips into his KS lesion. "You can suck it, if you want. It'll help moisturise it,' John observed. I licked the cancerous lump, feeling the scaly texture of the lesion with my tongue. I pressed my lips round the circumference and sucked on his KS lump, sloppily sucking his cancer between my lips and into my mouth. Eventually I stopped slurping on his KS lesion, kissing his toes as he pulled his foot away, rubbing his saliva covered toes on my erection that was tenting out my scrubs trousers. "I think it's time to take these off," John said, pulling at my waist band with his toes. I assisted, pushing my trousers and boxers to my bare feet and kicked them off, standing naked in front of John as he leant forward and started to suck my cock. I held his head, curling my toes on the hospital floor as I face fucked John. The old guy deep-throated me easily. "John, I really shouldn't be doing this. I could lose my position,' i said as John pulled me onto the bed, laying me on my back and maneuvering on top of me. Our chests and cocks were pressed togther, our faces six inches apart. I leant forward and started to snog him, making out with his as we ground our cocks together. "Good boy, right decision," John said as he shoved his tongue down my throat. "But what if the nurses outside hear?" I asked as we rubbed our naked bodues together, readying ourselves for sex. "Well, we should probably do this quietly so they don't hear" John answered. Lifting my feet up onto his shoulders and kneeling between my legs, pressing his cock into my nut sack, he bent over so his face came close to mine again. "John, what are you doing?" I asked, adding "We can't fuck. Maybe some sucking, but we don't have a condom," I said as John kissed my forehead. With that, John reached over and pulled a condom out the drawer next to his bed and placed it on my chest, saying "It's there, if you want it." "What do you mean 'if I want it?'" John then kissed me on the lips as he rubbed his helmet over my ring and up and down my ass crack. "You're laying on your back, your feet up on my shoulders, on the AIDS ward in which you chose to work, having sucked the KS lesions on my foot," John replied. "So?" I asked. "So I guess you have a fetish for poz cock," John replied. With that he stuck his tongue out and pointed it to the left, so I could see another 50p sized KS lesion on his tongue, growing out of the side of his tongue half way along the shaft of it. "Is that...?' I started to ask but trailed off as I felt him lodge his helmet at my anus. "It's another lesion. Do you want to suck it?" he asked, gently putting pressure on my ass with his helmet. "I'd love to suck on it," I replied as John pressed his cock harder into me, the tip starting to seperate my ring. "I'll have to bend over to let you reach. My poz cock might slip inside a little bit," he observed, pushing his helmet into me a fraction to emphasise his point, noting "I've leaked quite a lot of poz precum on your little ass ring, so you're pretty well lubed back here," he said, rubbing his cock round my ring, pushing in a tiny bit more. "I don't care. Let me suck your tongue lesion," I replied, inviting him by widely opening my lips. John bent forward, his helmet slowly slipping into me, along with half his shaft, and stuck his tongue in my mouth. I knew his poisenous cock was buried in my guts, but all I could think about was sucking on that lump on his tongue and how nasty and kinky and horny that was. Then John pushed his cock deeper into my body. Then it realized: I was being penetrated bareback by a very toxic cock. I stopped sucking and stared in his eyes. "You like sucking my lesion? Do you want my raw cock up you deeper or should I pull out?" he asked. "Put your cock balls-deep inside me," I answered, pulling him back down and sucking on his tongue again. As directed, he slid in, balls-deep, grinding his cock into me. He slid out again, removing his tongue from my mouth. "More?" he asked. "Fuck me" I answered, laying back. "You nasty lil student boy," John said as he straighten his back, and buried his cock balls-deep into my ass. John was kneeling between my legs, my feet on his shoulders, trying to poz me as I lay on my back pierced by his fat cock. "John, jesus, actually, fuck, I can't let you do this. You've got to," trailing off as John slid his cock out and then gently slid it back inside me again. "Just let me fuck you for a bit. I won't cum in you, I promise," John whispered. Lifting my bare feet to his face, he sucked on my toes as he slid his cock in and out of my ass, gently fucking me. "Oh god, fuck, I can't believe I'm doing this in the hospital,' I said, curling my toes round John's tongue as he fucked me bareback, slow, and really deep. "Are you sure you don't want this?" John asked, reaching over and picking up the condom, putting it in my hand. "Why? I don't need it - as long as you don't cum in me," I replied. John fucked me harder. "Yeah, but I'm getting close," John said, sliding out completely and then fucking back in to the hilt, hard and deep, my ass slurping wth each thrust. "Fuck. How close? This feels really good," I asked, pushing my feet into his mouth as he fucked me. "Getting closer," John warned. "Don't cum. Just slide it in me for a few more seconds before you pull out. You're my first ever poz cock. I want it to last as long as possible," I responded, only to be met by a grunt from John. "How close are you now?" I asked as John tongue fucked my toes while he poz fucked my ass. "Pretty close," John answered, fucking me deeply, adding "Whoa, stop, stop, don't move," as he buried his cock inside me to the hilt, his balls slapping my ass. Then he bit down on my toes, chewing them gently as he closed his eyes. I could feel his cock throbbing in my ass as we both held still, John moaning and sighing. "Got too close and had to stop?" I asked, rubbing my big toe on John's tongue. "Fuck yeah. I nearly nutted up in side you then," John answered. I lifted my ass up off his cock and slid back down onto it again, grinding my ass onto his erection buried deep inside me. "Careful,' he said, grinding into me, adding "I'm really close." "How close? Could you cum in five strokes?" I asked, pulling my ass up and slamming it back onto his cock again. He tensed inside me, grinding up into my bowels trying to burrow deeper with his cock. "I dunno. Do you want to risk it?" he said pulling out and sliding back in counting off "One." "Go on. Go to five," I answered, pushing my toes again into his mouth. He slid in and out as I counted "Two..., ugh..., three... ughhhh..., four..., ughhhh... five....' I said as he slid in and out slowly. "Well, I didn't cum,' he said, grinding hard into my guts with his cock. "Then keep fucking me," I responded, pushing my foot into his mouth and gripping his tongue with my toes. He pulled-out and slid back in again. "One...' he said, adding "how many strokes do I get this time?" as he slid out and fucked back in, hard, balls-deep, "...two...," he said. "Just keep fucking me," I replied, pulling my ass off his cock and sliding it back down. He slid in and out repeatedly, quietly counting as he fucked. "Three... four... five... six...." "Stop counting," I ordered. John fucked me gently, in silence, and then sped-up, his balls slapping my ass. "But keep fucking?" he asked. After ten or more thrusts, he rammed his raw, poz cock deep inside my ass. "Fuck, John, keep fucking me. Don't stop," I ordered, again pushing my toes into his mouth. "I'm going to cum," he said, pushing my feet into my chest as he bent me in half to fuck me harder, slamming into my guts over and over, asking "Where do you want it?" "Cum inside me." He lifted my feet up to his face and sucked my toes again. "Are you sure?' he asked, all the while fucking hilt deep and brutally hard, warning "I'm about to cum. I didn't reply. As he moaned and closed his eyes, I grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled his cock into me. John bucked his hips as his balls pulled up tight in their sack. "Cum in me, John. Oh god, cum inside me," I answered. "Here it comes. FUCKING TAKE MY LOAD, YOU LITTLE NEG STUDENT BOY WHORE. YEAH, FUCK.' he hoarsely grunted. Then he bent over, putting his face next to mine as he unloaded deep inside me, asking "Can you feel my cock expanding? I'm cumming inside you." He took the condom which I was still clutching, and tossed it on to the floor, saying "My dirty sperm is right up in your guts. What would your doctor friends say?" as he finished-off his orgasm, his cock still buried in my guts. After a few seconds John pulled his cock out of my ass, resting his helmet at my hole, coating his fat mushroom tip in his sperm, he rubbed it round my ring and pushed his cum covered cock back inside me, fucking my cum filled ass for a minute or two as he came down off his cum. "Working it deep up into you boy. What does your medical student knowledge say about that?" John asked, grinding deep up into me with his cock. "John, fuck, oh god, pull it out. I've gotta go shit out your load." With that John finally let me slide off his cock. I stood up, naked, my bare feet cold on the floor, as John's toxic cum ran down my leg. John stood up in front of me, our cocks touching. As we stood face to face, he held our cocks together in his hand and stroked them, while his other hand slid round behind me and fingered my cummy hole. "You probably should shit that out," John suggested, ramming two fingers into my guts and swirling them around in his load up inside my guts. "Oh fuck..." I responded as John scraped my prostate with his finger nails. "...or, you could just fuck me quickly first, you must be gagging to blow a load after taking your first poz cock," John responded, turning round and bending over the bed, pulling his ass cheeks apart. i had a strange, out-of-body moment. i looked down at his rosebud ass, looked at my bare feet, curling my toes on the cold floor, cum dripping down my ankle and onto my foot where it had leaked out my ass. Then I looked at my hard, dripping, angry, cock, my mushroom helmet purple. It was so hard. "Well?" John asked. i stepped forward and pushed my helmet into his ass. "Good boy," John said.
    1 point
  19. It’s difficult to get away from him, the BF. Love him dearly and all that, but I like my own space and I need to be used. A lot. And by a lot of different cocks. A lot of dudes I’ll never see and never know. So, when he’s asleep. Flat out upstairs, I invite them over. The unknown cocks. Leave the door unlocked. Wait in the dark, bent over, pre-lubed, poppered up. Praying. Begging some almighty god I don’t believe in to let them come. And they do. It’s worse than when I first started going to saunas. Lying face down on the plastic covered mattresses and waiting. Hoping someone would come in and load me and terrified they might, all at the same time. It’s worse because there’s the waiting, but there’s the listening too. Checking I can still hear the snoring. Checking there’s no movement upstairs. A long, deep sniff of poppers will throw your hearing range out of whack. Fill your ears with blood. Rush it around your temples faster than he can fuck you. So you freeze in the dark. Bent over the chair. Wait for the soft click of the door handle. Then you sniff. You let him ease in, except there’s no easing, not this time. This time, he slides balls deep upon entry. And he’s got one of those long, thick cocks that thickens even more at the base. Stretches your hole every time he pushes in just a little deeper. But you can’t moan or groan. Can’t call out for him to stop. You can’t make a sound at all. Just listen. Listen to the blood pulsating in your ears. Listen for the snoring above. Paranoid you’re hearing creaks and footsteps. But he doesn’t care. He keeps pulling all the way out, all eight, thick inches, then all the way in, right down to his balls. He thrusts and thrusts, taking your breath away and leaving your hole stinging. The rustle of his jacket, the slap of his balls against your cunt seemingly deafening in the dark. Quicker and faster and less discreet until he drives so far in there’s no going back. You're wet. Dripping. And he rests, just for a second before ripping himself out of you, zipping up and walking away. You're done in. Your hole feels stretched and exhausted. Fatigued. And you wait for the spots to fade in front of your eyes. There's a vibration. Your phone. No springing chirp of Grindr. Just a flash of yellow and a quick buzz. 'Thanks,' he says, and you watch his profile slipping further away. Another buzz. You reply. Bend over. Wait for the click of the door for cock number two to violate your cum filled ass. Thrust. Cum. Rinse and repeat.
    1 point
  20. be a pervy wanking santa & show off?
    1 point
  21. I insist on oral first mainly as a precaution. I’ll quickly look at the dick for signs of warts or other STIs. I’ve caught several guys with warts this way. They are technically not an STI, and each time I was told, “Oh that’s a birth mark.” Ha! Yeah right!
    1 point
  22. I have a top that just the other day called me the perfect bottom with my Nice big titts, wet warm pussy hole, HANDSOME! I are made for it. I just kind of melt when I am with him as he is fucking his pussy and has me beg for his babies so he can knock me up.
    1 point
  23. I tell Thad yes I would like to meet the owners of the farm there are four of them all in age from 40s-50s. The farm is an expansion from their present place, and they see I'm very handy and would like to know if I would be interested in joining their group. My Boy Friend Thad is a member they say and has been since he was 18. They run weekend parties, and some are for a week, and its anything goes. They ask what my health status is, I say negative. Do you do drugs and what kind. I say Tina, GHB, Molly. Are you on PrEP Yes, I am. Do you take any kind loads of POZ or only Negative loads? I will take any loads. They ask what I know about BDSM and what experience have I have had. I say very little, as at 18 it's hard to get me into places that do BDSM. They ask what I do for a living. I'm a full-time student and do some escort work and show them my Escort advertisement on Rent Boy. They tell me about the three classes on Men who go to the farm. Owners there are 25 who run the Farm; they can be Tops or bottoms. Members They have full rights to attend any party and use the FNGs any way they want as everyone starts as a bottom bitch. You will spend nine months in chastity; any member can use your holes, you will have a chain & lock around your neck while you are an FNG. After nine months you will be a member or thrown out of the group. They ask if I'm willing to go there Doctor for a physical. Sure The Doctor asks to take my blood, my sexual habits how many men I have been with, have me get into an OBGY table and take a look at my ass hole and see what shape it is and says nice looking boy hole with not much abuse. They will let me know in a few weeks and tell me if I want to work on the farm till I'm approved. While I'm waiting to be accepted Thad ask if I want to go to Key West area for Spring break, its a paid gig for 20. It is a fuck fest of 20 college boys; all sex will be raw and if you want to PNP the owner who is holding this will supply is for free. All the owner will be doing is hanging out and giving us a rub down when we want. All boys will spend eight hours as a cum dump, piss boy and gangbanged. Leaving cold NYC and going to warm Key West is fantastic, being naked with all this hot looking fresh meat and wanting to taste it all. The pool area is where it happens and the first one to spend there eight hours as the cum dump has started, I needed to piss so why not give it to him as I sure he will be giving me his piss. About half I think are virgins as I hear them screaming when getting fuck in the ass. I see one boy with pink cum running down his legs.
    1 point
  24. Hey horny guys. I had a good work week and I thought I would share. So I worked with E all week. And boy did he use my hole. On the first night we had talked about how hot it was. And he said he brought condoms so his wife can’t smell me on him. This was obviously a turn off but we made it to the storage room and he engulfed me in a kiss. We made out for a while and he told me to suck his cock a bit so I did. I got him nice and wet and he had said that he forgot lube. So I told him to spit on my hole and he did. As soon as I was nice and wet I backed up on him before he could put the condom on and he didn’t object. Once his head gets in he always slams into my hole hard. He pumps away and gives me a nice flood of cum. He pulls out and starts to felch me. And quickly his tongue is replaced with his hard cock again. He gives me another load. This went on for the remainder of my work week. However today was especially hot. I got a load from E this morning. It was big and leaked out as usual. I don’t get off until noon so by then everyone is there. I was in the storage room making sure we had coffee. One of the maintenance guys brushed up behind me and I felt his hard cock on my hole. He said “sorry bro it’s just one of those days.” With a laugh. And I told him that I could help him out. He said we probably shouldn’t because he didn’t wanna get caught. (His wife is a housekeeper) no one really uses the storage room besides maintenance and front desk. But I understood the worrry. I said no worries and I turned towards the door. He stopped me with a quick “well what did you have in mind” and I dropped to my knees he sighed and said fuck it and unzipped. I got his dick nice and wet and I stood up. He turned me around and pulled my slacks down. He stuck his cock in my slut cunt and fucked me nice and hard. He told me that he knew all about how slutty I was and that he was gonna nut in my hole. He fucked me for a good 10 minutes and then he said “here it cums boy.” As he pulled my hips further onto his cock. His groans were loud and there was a mix of E’s cum and his on his jeans. He made me clean him off. Walked out and left me there with an ass full of cum
    1 point
  25. I love when a top shoves his cock down my throat in one go till I feel his pubes on my nose and starts fucking my throat. The best scenario is having him flip me over and pound my hole till he unloads in my pussy but if he wants to use my throat it’s his choice to deposit the sweet load downy throat, should he choose to continue pissing in my mouth while continue face fucking me I’ll be a happy boy
    1 point
  26. I knew it was wrong – I wasn’t that naïve. But it felt so good and so natural I couldn’t resist. Sid started to fuck me with slow, deliberate strokes as Frank knelt in front of me and offered his cock to my mouth. I had never sucked a man’s cock before. The silkiness of it was exciting as was the salty drool of pre-cum oozing from the narrow, red slit. I began to suck it even as Sid started thrusting hard in and out of my arse. Suddenly, he pushed hard against me and I felt his cock stiffen and throb but I was so intent on sucking Frank, I barely noticed. The door opened and the old man from the TV room appeared. His entire body was wrinkled and slack-skinned, but his thick cock stood out from his sagging belly with a metal ring around his cock and balls. “Oh, it’s Arthur,” Laughed Frank. “How’s it going you dirty bastard?” Arthur licked his lips and came over to us and I felt his bony fingers probing my hole and the cock sliding into me. “Ok, Arthur. You look like you need a fuck.” With that, Sid pulled his long cock out of me and spread my cheeks. I felt the old man get behind me and his thick, veiny cock started to push into me. My arsehole stretched until I thought it couldn’t stretch any more, then his cock popped into me and slid in up to his balls. “Nice!” He grunted. “It’s all wet in there.” “Yeah,” said Sid. “I’ve just dropped a load up him. I’m off downstairs.” With that, he left. I was shocked. He had shot his spunk in me! All the fears and worries I had about safe sex came back to me, but Frank pushed the bottle under my nose and I sagged forward in surrender. “Cumming now.” Growled Arthur and leant over me, his whole body shuddering and I realised a second stranger was shooting up me. But it felt so good, I could only kneel there and let him do it. “That’s better.” He said as he pulled out of me. “You want a bit, Frank?” The other man shook his head. “Not yet. I’ll have it later.” Then they left, talking about something they’d seen in the news. I got off the couch and felt my hole which was wet and dripping with cum. Shaking, I pulled on my t-shirt and shorts, emptied the bin and went downstairs. Bill was making tea to take through to the others who were in the lounge. “You took your time.” He said. I blushed and turned away to put the bin outside. Then I heard him chuckle. “Oh, I see.” He said “ They’ve knocked up your cute little backside already, eh? What would your mother say.” I looked over my shoulder at my reflection in the mirror and saw the dark, wet patch in my shorts. Blushing furiously, I went out to the dustbin….what had I done? But my cock was stiff as I thought about it and I knew I would go back for more. After all, it was a bit late now, wasn’t it?
    1 point
  27. a few years back at Steamworks Berkeley, blowing some guy in the open area, he asked if he could fuck me so I said yeah, come on down, in that instant a nice looking black guy stuck his cock in my ass and started pounding my ass. Didn't take him long to cum and then the original guy slid in and came in me as well. We had a crowd watching and I really put on a performance. One guy with a huge dick said lets go to his room so we did and he fucked me long and hard. Went out and sucked a few more guys. That was the most cum I've had in me. And with this post I have officially become a SLUT! Finally!
    1 point
  28. Hi. This is my first story in English. English is not my mother language or my 2nd either and I don’t live in an English speaking country. I hope it’s understandable. --------------------------------------------- It was summer and Sunday. I went out of town to get some sun and maybe a little action. In the forest there is a water that is regulated as a free area for naturists. At the very end is the area where the gay men are. Behind the water lies rock formation you can climb on and sunbathe. I walked up and down to the end of the it. The only access is from the gay nude area, so no one just pops in. I was out early and there was nobody else there. I found my favourite place, dressed off and lay down. Before I left home, I cleaned my hole properly, so after I had put on some sun cream, I put a but-plug in my hole. It was lovely just to lay there, and it did not take long before I fell asleep. After a while, I woke up that I heard someone talking together. I looked around and saw a couple that had settled about 7-8 meters away from me. I quickly recognized them as a profiled couple. They were both lawyers and while one worked as an attorney to the police, the other was a well-known business attorney. Everyone know they were a gay couple, but nobody talked about it. Unlike me, none of them had skipped an hour at the gym for the past 15 years. I never liked the gyms, but I walk a lot. If it’s just a 45 min walk to somewhere, I prefer to walk and not taking a car, bus, tram or train. I turned around thinking that I could get some sun on my back. These two were in another league than me but I could dream. Suddenly I realized somebody standing close to me. I looked at the side and saw that only one lawyer was in their place and he was looking in my direction. Caution, I tried to look behind me and saw that the other lawyer was kneeling straight behind me. I breathed deeply and thought what's happening now. Then I felt that he grabbed my butt plug and gently started turning it around. First a little to one side and look a little to the other side. Luckily it was well lubed. Without thinking about it, I started to moan. Soon he turned it around 360 degrees. Back and forth as he slowly began to pull on it gently. Then he let it go so that it was sucked in again. That's how he kept on for maybe 10 minutes or more and I did not manage not to moan all the time. He pulled it a bit longer out for each time. Suddenly he pulled it all out, and I felt empty. He bent down and took hold of my ass cheeks and I felt he started licking and kissing my ass. It was heavenly good, and I moaned loudly. Soon he first slipped first one, then two and three fingers into my hole while continuing to lick me. Suddenly he stopped, and I felt his dick against my hole. "With or without?" He asked. "I prefers without," I answered. Then I felt he was pushing a little more and his dick started slipping into my hole. I had no idea how big his cock was. All I knew was that it was thick, and it broke into me. Slowly, he pushed himself further and eventually he was completely in. Without knowing, I would say he was 17-18 cm long and more than average thick. He kept it still until I managed to relax. Slowly he began to pull it out and then push it back in. The other lawyer had now come over to us. He sat kneeling in front of me and presented his dick, so I should suck him. It was at least 20 cm long but maybe not as thick as the one that went faster and faster in and out of my body. I first took the dickhead in my mouth and let the tongue slip over his head and play with his piss hole. Slowly I took more and more of the dick into my mouth and finally I had got the whole of it into my mouth and down my throat. The fucker got more and more excited as I took his friend's dick farther into my mouth. He turned up tempo and he moaned loudly. Now he pulled the dick all out of my hole to ram it in again. Suddenly he groaned loudly and said. "Here's my gift!" His friend grabbed my head and held me fast with his cock down my throat, while I felt that the other's cock got even thicker and started splashing in me. After a while, he collapsed on my back while the other let my head go so, I could breathe again. We lay for a little while before he pulled out of me. The other lawyer got up and walked behind me. "Turn on your back," he commanded. I did as he said, and he lifted my legs and put them over his shoulders. Then I felt he started pushing his dick into me. He who had fucked me knelt at my head and I started cleaning his cock while the other started piling me faster and faster. He will not last so long, I thought. It took maybe 10 minutes before he pushed all the way in and I felt he emptied inside me. After a while he pulled out and placed my but-plug where it belonged. We were lying and breathing out. We talked a bit about everything before we exchanged phone numbers. The first one who fucked me was Paul and the other Simon. They told me that they both were HIV positive and that they were not currently on medication. If I had insisted on using condoms, they would have returned to their sunspot and left me alone. "Ready for some more fun?" one of them asked. "Obviously," I answered as I looked down on my dick. Paul turned around, so I had his dick in front of my face while he began to suck my dick. I took the hint and put me on top of him in a classic 69 position. Soon we lay there and sucked each other. It did not take long before I felt Simon grabbed my plug and pulled it out. He immediately started licking my ass and almost sucked out their sperm. After a while, I felt that he pushed his dick into me and began to fuck me. I was in heaven with a dick in my mouth, one in my ass and a mouth that sucked me according to all the rules of the art. It did not take a very long time before I knew I could not hold back anymore. Paul had sucked cock before and it was just about to surrender. He got me over the edge and I squashed into his throat. As a pure reflection, I tightened my ass, and Simon got over the edge and gave me his 2nd load. All of this got Paul over the edge and he started to pump into my mouth. Within 15 seconds all of us were over the edge. Simon collapsed on me and me on Paul. We turned over to the side and breathed out. We talked a little more and they understood that we did not live so far apart. I already know that but did not reveal it to them. After a while, I said thank you and headed home after a perfect Sunday in the forest. On Thursday I received an unexpected message from one of them. "Hi. We are going to have a sex party at our place on Saturday. He who was supposed to be bottom has become ill. Do you want to stand up as a party bottom? " I spent exactly 15 seconds reading the message 2 times and then I answered. "YES"
    1 point
  29. During the week I did a mid-afternoon visit to Spartacus Lounge ... it's generally a dirty, sleazy place in Chinatown (Melbourne) ... but its discreet and cheap. Just recently there's been construction in the laneway outside of the building and my luck (which isn't great to start off with) has taken a nose dive with the labourer's hanging around the entrance. Well, I broke that unlucky streak in pretty spectacular form ... as I walked up the steps into the lounge, this hot Asian muscle guy walks out of the dark area ... and its like we both did a double take. He turns and follows me into the dark areas and I head for the glory holes. He immediately goes into one and I follow next door ... I unzip and put my cock through the hole. He's giving me great BJ, but that's not what I'm there for I fuck his face through the GH a bit, then stop .. and then start again. Eventually, he works out that I'm after his ass. He stands up after getting my cock juicy, then just impales himself on my rock hard stick. He must have already been fucked and his silky smooth muscle ass probably has someone else's load in there given how easily my cock slipped inside. He grinds and I pump ... I eventually blow a massive load inside his greedy hole ... then I slowly continue fucking and eventually get fully hard again and blow a second load inside. After I slide out, he just pulls up his pants and he's out the door of his GH. I thought that he might be headed to clean up ... but when I went to leave, I found him semi naked in the TV room ... looked like he was getting ready to have his hole filled again. That was such a hot fuck ... I really love slutty Asian guys
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  30. its sooooo sick . yet so right , getting aroused n sexually excited looking as dying wasted diseased men n blowing load after load because of it n taking dying mens death seed in the place they will suffer n die is so perverted n disguisting , i want it so bad , id love a massive dripping erection attached to a sickly sadistic skelton man to impale me n explode in me . n i so want to later b wasted n sick n defenceless as men us me as i endure sickness n pain n as i waste n expire , totally unable to ever resist or decline there rapes
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  31. A really polite Polish fucker picked up a Polish truck driver. Got back to my place and he asked "May I fuck you?" "Of course" "Please bend over" He then fucked me so hard I could hardly breathe. He came just before my legs gave out. The he said "Thank you. Would you like to come too?" me: "Yes please" . He got dressed, said thank you again and left. Still dripping cum.
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  32. I feel like it is a compliment. I'm fucking his hole and there is so much pleasure that his dick is hard. Its pretty cool when I hit that spot and my bottom has an anal orgasm. He squeezes his hole with my cock deep inside and usually makes me cum. I did that today in fact and it felt fucking fantastic! Of course I shot my load deep inside.
    1 point
  33. The emotions that are running through my body is incredible as we head to his bedroom. We are soon sucking each other's dick, and like me, Thad also has a Prince Albert piercing on his 7-inch dick and what a body he has. Thad starts to fuck me like no one ever has nice and slow very deliberate, and I'm cumming just from his dick in me and gives me a big load, I turn around and clean his dick and the sweet cum he has given me. It's my turn as I bury my face in his ass cheeks and work over Thad's hole that is far from being a virgin hole and it's more like a cunt, but his moaning like a bitch in heat. With just a little spit my 8-inch dick slips right in with no resistance and feels so warm as I try to replicate what he did to me and hold back for as long as I can before I explode in Thad's hole. We spent the rest of the day sucking and fucking each other before we both fell asleep in each other arms, that was the last time I slept in the room I had rented. I ask what Thad does to support himself as he is away for a few days then is home for days. He goes online and shows and add for me as an escort and says I do the same as you but I work as an independent escort. Thad shows me of some of his pictures of his work and Thad does some very kinky things as there a picture of him in a sling with someones arm past the elbow in him. He takes me over to the other bedroom and takes out the equipment he has stored in the walk-in closet. Thad has a sling, cross, fuck bench and a tie-down table with cleats in the shape of a human with holes by the face and crotch is. What I find funny is we both are working boys, me to go to school Thad as a career and fun as he asks me if me if I would like to help him tonight, I say what will we be doing as he laughs an says you might see something you might want to do one day. We get to this person home, and the customer is about 40 and in a jock strap. From what I can see this is not his first time see Thad as we head down to his basement. The walls are black with a few spotlights in a few areas. This guy has a chastity device on as Thad calls him bitch and a worthless piece of shit. Thad, tells me to drink, and I don't taste anything but water as he says to keep drinking. The customer is on the bench with his legs spread wide and I picked up a syringe and told to slam him as Thad shoves another one up his ass for a booty bump. I was told to sit in the chair and play with my dick as Thad takes a can of Crisco and spreads it around his ass and then his arm. Now open the poppers put it to his nose, he is inhaling as Thad's fingers start to enter his hole then withdraws makes a fist and in one shot his hands disappear as he is just grunting. I can sense this has been done many times as Thad's arm is past the elbow and is pulling all the way out then back in and says grab that device and put it around his face as that will capture as of your piss, as for how did Thad know I had to piss. I put my dick in this device and start to piss as he is drinking it all. When I finished pissing Thad, it's your turn to fist him, tie off his arm and give him another slam. I'm shown me how to clip my nails, so I don't cut him up inside as he has been fisting for years. I can't believe how warm it is inside his hole as the deeper I go I feel his heart beating. Thad, whats me to punch fist him I make a fist and punch his hole like you are in a fight as I see even in a chastity cage he is cumming from this and I'm dripping pre-cum. On the way home Thad asks me did I have a good time as he looks into my eyes and can see that one day I would want to be fisted like that. Let me know if you want more and in which direction you want this to go, as I am going to turn it into some of what I have done in my life.
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  34. My eyes had now become more accustomed to the darkness in the room but I still could really only just make out shapes. I could tell that the guy now standing by the fuck bench was much darker skinned than Bobby, the AIDS ridden man who had just filled my arse with his toxic load. But it wasn’t until this new guy leant forward to speak to me that I realised he was West Indian. ‘Hey, I’m Devon’ he told me, ‘You liked Bobby’s cock then?’ he asked as his fingers entered my hole. ‘His cum feels hot in your arse, ready for another load?’ Sitting up I reached out to this big black guy, I found that he was much less skinny than Bobby. He had a mat of short curly hair on his chest and his arms were strong and muscled. But it was when I reached his cock that I found his greatest attribute. I gasped and he chuckled. ‘Think you can handle it?’ he asked. ‘How big is it?’ I asked, astonished by how thick and long it was. It seemed to pulse in my hand and I found that my fingers didn’t reach around the shaft which started thick but widened even more at the centre before tapering off toward his balls. But it was the head on it that was so amazing, it felt like an apple under a thick foreskin, it must have been twice as wide as his shaft. ’Near 11 inches’ he drawled, ‘and not many guys manage to get the head through their ring first time, well not easily’ he laughed. I had to taste him, I leant forward and tried to take that enormous knob into my mouth. I slid his foreskin back and nursed on his glans, he tasted strong, manly, his pre-cum was metallic as it coated my tongue. It felt enormous in my mouth, I wondered if it really was too big for my arse. He pushed me away. ‘I’ll stretch your throat open later if you think you can take it, but it’s your arse I want first. I want to sink my cock into Bobby’s cum and make sure it’s massaged nice and deep inside you.’ He knelt down, lifting my legs so that he could rim my hole, cleaning away Bobby’s cum that had leaked from me. Then he stood and we kissed, him sharing the cum and arse juices that he had just collected. I could taste my arse, Bobby’s cum, Devon’s mouth, our tongues duelling as we devour each other. ‘I love Bobby’s aids cum’ he tells me, as he collects more on his fingers and feeds it to me. ‘I’m high VL too, not been on meds for months, but not nearly as high as Bobby is.’ My stomach tightens again, what the fuck am I doing here? Should I get out now? But my cock was as hard as I have ever felt, the eroticism of the scene, my arse still tingling from being comprehensively bugged just a few minutes before and the anticipation of trying to take this monster inside me. Once more the brown bottle comes out, I take a couple of draws on the bottle before offering it to Devon, thoughts of making my escape gone. ‘I want to fuck you without for now’ he tells me, ‘the poppers will make me cum too quickly. But you keep them to hand, you’re gonna need them mate.’ He roughly lifts my legs back up, making me fall back on the bed. I manage to open my lube bottle and slather some onto his cock, but then he’s over me. I feel his bulbous cock head against my ring, starting to stretch me open. He presses harder, I feel my hole stretching to the maximum, but I’m not open enough to let him in yet. It starts to hurt like fuck, it feels like my ring will tear apart if he goes any deeper. ‘Take some deep breaths of your poppers mate’ he tells me, ‘then let me know when you are ready for me to try again.’ I take deep breaths from the poppers bottle, feeling the chemicals course through my lungs into my blood stream, reaching my brain, I try to will my arse to relax. ‘I’m about ready…..’ I start, but am stopped as Devon pulls back before viciously ramming forward. It feels like a cricket ball is rammed through my muscle, I actually scream with the pain, I wonder if he’s torn me. My ring clamps back behind his cock head, I feel my arse muscles twitching around the shaft itself, that alone being bigger than any I’ve ever received before. He pauses with his massive cock head just inside me. ‘Fuck, you bastard’ I cry through my tears, ‘I wasn’t fucking ready!’ He laughs. A deep sinister sound. ‘You’d never have taken it if I’d not made you, mate, and remember, it’s gonna hurt just as much when I pull it out!’ My head spins with the sensations, I start to wish I’d not come here tonight. But I realise that this is what I really do need, what I’m meant to do. I’ve always known I will get knocked up sometime, I’ve barebacked for years, so what better way than this? And I can always go to hospital in the morning to get PEP if I want, but I know already that I’m lying to myself. Devon presses forward and drives more of his shaft through my obscenely stretched arse. I think that no cock will feel the same after this. It feels like a mini fist is travelling through my rectum, that enormous cock head pushing past the fragile tissue of my arse, forcing a path to open up around it. I’ve never felt anything like this before, I’ve never been fisted and never done it to anyone else, afraid of the damage that it seems to do the guys who do. After this I reckon I could take a fist if the hand was small enough Devon starts working my hole with his awesome cock, he would push a couple of inches in, then draw back out. Then harder in again, then out until his cock head was pulling my sphincter out. Then that ride back through me, pushing even deeper into my guts. He reaches a stop. I feel him press against the rear of my rectum causing a dull pain, surely he can’t try to get more in? He pulls out, then aims his cock to one side, pressing hard against the wall again. And again he drives and again it stops, he tries again, battering, bruising, it fucking hurts. ‘Woah, no more’ I tell him, ‘that’s as far in as I can take.’ I push against his chest, try to stop him pounding my guts. I realise now that he’s stronger than I thought, so much stronger than I am. I’m truly at his mercy, I have no way to stop this big guy raping my hole. I hear him chuckle again, coldly, determined. No words, he just continues to pound the wall of my intestines, I worry he’s going to rupture something inside me. His strong arms are holding my legs against his chest as he rams again. And again. Trying different angles. I consider shouting out, shouting rape, would anyone stop his brutal assault? Suddenly his cock finds an opening, I feel a deep, different ache as his cock head forces through a restriction inside me, I know he has passed my second opening. I’d heard of guys doing this but hardly even believed it was possible. But I know for sure that this is what is happening, that his cock head is forcing its way into my intestines, stretching me internally. It still hurts but it’s different, a stretching sensation that I’ve never felt before, more like it’s something that shouldn’t happen, but not really painful. His cock head is managing to straighten my intestines, allowing him to slide in deeper. Then I feel it, his scratchy pubes pressing against my tender arse ring, I know I’ve taken him all. He rests a moment, his cock cooking inside my hot bowels. I realise that there are shadows all around us, there must be eight or ten guys watching. I reach out, feel a leg, a cock is put in my hand. I draw it to my mouth and suck it, it tastes of arse, of lube, I know I’m sucking a cock that has not long been inside another guys hole, its uncut and I lick under the foreskin, cleaning fuck knows what from around this anonymous guys cock head, his balls smell of fucking and sweat and cum, this is the sleaze that I love about this place. Other hands are massaging my nipples, I feel a hand trying to reach under Devon to feel my stretched hole, squeezing his balls. Someone is trying to suck my cock. Devon pulls his cock head out of my deepest ring, I feel a short relief but immediately he pushes back in. He repeats this, the sensation making me buck against him, relief and then pain, again and again, I know he is stretching me open, I feel him loosening me up. Then he starts to fuck me. His strokes get longer and longer, each time he bottoms out inside me, soon he is pulling all 11 inches out to the maximum, then making long slow strokes back into my intestines, undoubtedly driving Bobby’s toxic seed deeper and deeper into my body. His cock head repeatedly drives past my prostate, then back into me, then out to my arse ring to stretch the muscle outward. He is driving me to distraction with the mixture of pleasure and pain, the overriding sensation is pain, it hurts but I fucking love the hurt, my bowels being churned, tissues being bruised, muscles forced to open against the natural control of my body. The hands continue to caress my body, my nipples are twisted and squeezed, another cock is driven into my throat, balls against my lips, hands feel Devon’s cock, as he slides in and out. I hear one guy say ‘the whore is taking it bareback.’ Another guy tuts, sounds disgusted. My legs are free, sometimes I squeeze them around Devon’s body, sometimes he grabs them, I am wet with my sweat, I feel Devon’s sweat drip onto me. He starts to get faster, I don’t know how long he has been fucking me, his cock is driving now like a big piston, his cock head driving through me, he is groaning, someone is wanking my cock, then they squeeze my balls, a shot of different pain, but the cock in my mouth stops me complaining. It’s a long thin cock, the guy pushes it into my throat and holds it there, cutting off my oxygen, before pulling back out. My whole world is these cocks, these anonymous men using my body, nothing else matters. Devon takes a slightly different angle and his cock head smashes into my prostate, my cock jerks as I shoot off volley after volley of cum, my hole unable to clamp down means that my orgasm is intense and seems unending. The pressure of my hole around Devon’s shaft makes him slow, then he rams deeper than ever, if that is possible, he bellows as he shoots his seed, toxic waves of semen, I don’t feel it but I know that his cock head is again deep inside my intestines. Surely his cock head must be blocking the semen from returning, so it can only travel deeper into my body. I remember him telling me about his high viral load, I realise that there is no stopping the virus that is being injected into the deepest recesses of my body. Absorbing through the walls of my intestines, into god know how many tears, cuts, abrasions that these two guys have caused inside me as they pounded my guts. I black out. I guess the mixture of Viagra and Poppers, the lack of oxygen from the cock in my throat, the intensity of my orgasm. I come to, my hole is empty but within seconds a cock is pushing in, smaller, not so long, I realise its another man A voice at my ear, Devon’s. ‘Never fucked a guy that deep the first time he’s been with me before, mate. Think my cum must be up in your stomach! These guys are queueing up to have a go, that ok with you?’ I think that I’ve really had enough. The cock in my arse isn’t doing it for me to be honest and I think about rolling away from him. But I feel him ram deep into me and cry out as he has already reached his climax. I snort more poppers, the thought that I’ve taken three loads of strangers cum and there were more waiting made my cock harden again with excitement. Fuck it, I think. I nod. ‘Yeh, I tell him, I want everything they can give me.’
    1 point
  35. Not a D and Daddy update (although I am staying the night again very soon.) but nonetheless I find myself in a very hot situation again. I’ve recently started working at a hotel and I work from midnight to about noonish. There’s only 2 of us from midnight until 8. It being so late, there’s never anything to do or guests to attend to so the two of us get pretty bored. They generally only hire guys at night. (It’s a corporate thing.) so it’s always me or 1 of 2 other guys there. I talk to them both regularly being that we get so bored. Anyway, one guy, let’s call him E, is married and in his 30s. He’s tall and bearish with a mustache and a beard. We get to talking yesterday night. And he confides that he sometimes goes to one of the storage rooms and jacks off sometimes. There’s no cameras in this room, nor is there any when you take the employee entrance to get there. I tell him that’s cool, and continue working. This got me pretty hard, thinking about him jacking off and even harder hoping that he empties inside me one of these days. About an hour after that, he gets up and goes somewhere and is gone for a while. It’s about 1:45am at this point and I’m rock hard thinking about him being in the storage room with his hand in his cock. I head straight there and find him working himself. He greets me warmly with a “hey bud.” And a smile. I smile back without saying anything and I walk over and start sucking him. (Totally took a shot in the dark cause I was sure he was straight.) he pulled his slacks to his ankles cause I was being pretty sloppy. He’s moaning like crazy and I want his cock to shoot in me. I spit on my fingers and work it into my hole and back up on to his dick. I was expecting him to pull away but instead he grabbed my hips and pulled me into him. He fits in pretty easily due to him not being very big, and me taking a big cock (with a condom ?) the night before. “I cum in buckets so I have to cum inside you or it’ll be a mess.” He says. I reply very sarcastically with a “darn.” He gives me a few more pumps, buries his head on my neck and whispers, “I’m cumming inside you.” Soon after, he shoots what felt like 9 jets of cum in my hole, and tells me to take my slacks off. So I do. And he does too. He slowly pulls his cock out and he wasn’t kidding. He drained his cock in my hole and a bucket of cum plopped on the floor before I held the rest in. He takes the cum on the floor and rubs it on his cock and gets hard again. He doesn’t say anything, just push my head down, bends me over, and starts to fuck me again. He cums another load in my ass. This time about 7 cock spasms worth. I’m sure to keep clenched this time even though he flooded me. We went back to our desks. And he says “it’ll be fun working with you all next week. “ I agree. Though that was hot, and I’m definitely looking forward to it, we didn’t work together this morning. (I wanted his cum still in me so I haven’t let it go since then.) I worked with the other guy, let’s call him A. A is closer to my age, I’d say about 24. Slim build, tan, and over all pretty cute. I don’t work with him very often cause he mainly does the afternoon shift, but he is there to give one of us a day off. We get to talking some and he reveals that he’s gay. (Which I knew. ) I’m out at work so we start talking about being gay basically, and he asks if I’m a top or bottom. I tell him I’m a bottom and he tells me he’s a top. His mind must’ve raced somewhere cause I see his cock growing through his chinos. I get up and tell him to meet me in the storage room and he does. I tell him that I have 2 loads in me. To which he responds: “E told me about last night, and I was hoping you still had them.” He pulls out a massive 7.5 thick cock and before I could suck on it his tongue is in my hole. He felches a load out of me and this is my first time experiencing that. I love getting my ass ate and it was hot but I like to keep loads in my ass as long as I can. He stands up and shoves into me, between his spit and E’s loads, my boihole is wet as hell. You can hear how wet I am. A doesn’t last long but he gives me a load. He pulls out and we hear the service bell ring. He pulls up his slacks and goes to see what’s up. I jack myself off, lick my cum off the table, pull up my pants and head back to my desk. I think I’ll like my new job.
    1 point
  36. After a week Jerry hears back from his friend Omar, and he does not believe I'm 18 so he wants to meet me in a public place. The first thing Omar ask if I'm Law Enforcement I say no then ask for my ID and makes a few phone calls. Comes back that I was 18 five weeks ago. Omar ask do I know what I will be doing to make some big money. I say NO. He says you will be providing a service of a sexual nature for men and do I have a problem with that? I say NO. He asks what I did with Jerry did I like doing, but there are other things I will be doing that I might not like would I have a problem? I told Omar I'm new, and I have not done anything but with Jerry, but I would like to learn. Omar asks what I'm doing at Christmas break. I say nothing. Omar says his partner Paul would give me an education on services I would be asked to provide. I have no problem with this.
    1 point
  37. What a perfect way to start the day after a party the night before.
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  38. Since joining this site, it's all I can think about - Poz cock and cum in my neg hole. Anyone in Perth Western Australia ?
    1 point
  39. young boy body for any waste fluids...toxic waste preferred. piss, poz, aids, stds...anything else u wanna fuck into me
    1 point
  40. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): Paul Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): text is best 619-616-3837 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): Pacific Beach, San Diego, CA 92109 Times you’re generally not available: I sleep at night, but am generally available anytime any day, mornings, afternoons, evenings until 10/11ish. Age: 34 Height: 5'11” Weight: 170 lbs (fit) Ethnicity: White
    1 point
  41. Paybacks a Bitch (so is my Brother) Part 4 Tyson could only moan with Rod’s cock stuffed in his mouth as I dumped another load on toxic cum inside his ass. I could see Rod grab my brother’s skull between his two hands as he let the new cock sucker, “Time for you to learn that a real man’s cock belongs in a cock suckers throat.” I felt Tyson’s body convulsing and heard a “Oompha” from him and knew that Rod’s cock was inching its way into my brother’s throat as he was being taught the proper way to suck cock. Rod continued to mental challenge Tyson, “That’s it jock boy, suck that cock. Use for throat of yours and make me feel good.” With Rod’s ass right in front of my face I could tell he was slowly working his 9” in and out of Tyson’s throat while providing instruction as he pulled out, “Breath I through your nose before you suck my cock into your throat again.” I continued to work my poz load deeper into my brother’s as I knew something that would help get Rod to cum down Tyson’s throat. I wanted him to know what cum tasted like as he was going to be consuming it frequently over the next two weeks. I leaned in and began to eat Rod’s ass. His moans told me I was thing it right, his comment told me he wanted more, “Fuck yeah Steph, eat my ass. Fuck jock boy, your bro’s going to mage me cum soon. You better be ready to eat some sperm cause I’m going to be feeding you real soon.” I kept my tongue I Rod’s ass as he kept fucking my brother's mouth and throat. I could feel his ass start to clench as ha was getting closer to fling Tyson’s mouth with a load of his own dirty cum. I figured a few more thrusts and Tyson would have those baby makers shot into his tongue. Rod showed a kind streak he rarely shows a but he's skull fucking, “Jock boy better me ready to swallow my sperm cause I’m about to fill your mouth with enough sperm to choke a horse.” I knew Rod always shot huge loads, I’m usually able to keep up but wondered how my bro was going to handle the cum he was about to receive. This action also had be ready to deliver another load before I’d turn his ass over for Rod to breed. Rod was ready to give Tyson his first taste of creamy sperm as I felt his ass spam and he moaned if, “Oh yeah jock boy, taste that dirty sperm. I’m know you’ll enjoy the taste and it’ll go better when I breed your jock boy ass. Just savor the taste. I think you should use my sperm as tooth paste and brush your teeth with it.” With Tyson’s head still I Rod’s hands he finished filling up his mouth as a little dribbled of the corners if his lips and which Rod licked up as I finished filling Tyson’s ass one more time before I was ready to pull out. I was able to grab the toothbrush Rod asked me to have on hand. Rod took the toothbrush from me and as he told Tyson to hold his sperm he inserted the toothbrush into Tyson’s mouth and began to vigorously brush Tyson’s teeth. I knew the objective was to use the toothbrush to massage the virus present on Rod’s jiz into Tyson's gums. Paybacks a Bitch (so is my Brother) Part 4 Not giving Tyson anytime to think I pulled my cock out of his well fucked ass while Rod gave the jock a another slam. It was Rod's turn to fuck Tyson while Steph prepared for his friends to arrive. Rod maneuvered the former straight not onto his hands and knees before mounting his ass. Tyson was in for a brutal fucking. Rod as known for hammering away with his 9 thick cock and this was not going to be any exception. Rod slammed all 9” into Tyson’s hole as my brother yelled out in pain. He quickly grew accustomed to the intrusion as the rush took over Tyson’s mind and body. With the Tina rushing through Tyson’s system he’d be able to handle Rod's pounding. While I got the house ready for the weekends ‘festivities’ Tyson began to moan as Rod pounded away. Rod fucked my brother's body and mind as he continued the verbal assault on Tyson’s sexuality, “Oh yeah, jock boy’s ass is better than his throat. You liking the dirt loads I’m during into your ass?” Tyson was trying to process what he was hearing. He had no clue of the true meaning of what Rod was asking him, he could only moan back. Rod continued, “Jock boy is going to make a good cum dump for our friends. Just wait until we pimp your neg ass out. You’re going to be so popular once the word is out that a fresh, new, young piece of ass is open for breeding.” I was assembling the portable sling he brought over woke Rod was taking his turn breeding my brother. Steph had to pause the assembling of the sling when he heard Rod say, “Is Jock boy ready for my gift?” Tyson was barely able to answer, still moaning when Rod slapped Tyson across his face and asked again, “Is jock boy ready for my gift? I want to hear you ask for my gift.” In his dog fueled brain Tyson answered the only way he knew how, “Give me your gift.” I knew Tyson had no clue what he was really asking for or what he was really getting when Rod’s pace quickened. I knew Rod well enough to know he was fling my brother with good poz cum. As Rod continued to fuck my brother working his freshly added load to the ones I had deposited earlier I went back to assembling the sling. My friends would be arriving soon. Rod had enough time to give Tyson at least once more load. Sure enough Rod deposited his second load as my friends started to arrive. This gave us the time to move my (still) drugged up little brother over to the sling. Several of my friends easily picked him up and carried him over to the sling where he was quickly restrained. I leaned in and kissed Tyson forcing my tongue down his throat just before I told him, “Bro, when this weekend of over, your ass is going to be bleeding com.” I then have my little bro another slam and proclaimed, “The neg, straight, jock boy is open for breeding.
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  42. Paybacks a Bitch (so is my Brother) Part 2 I heard moans from Tyson as I began to easy his virgin ass. As I began to when my tongue in deeper I reached for the Tina shards I had stashed just under the couch. I knew he might be resistant when I opened to slide my finger inside him to press on his prostate. I knew once I had that under my finger he’d feel the pleasure it would provide and allow me to slip in a nice shard of Tina. As I continued licking his ass I would brush my thumb across his hole several times to test if he was ready for me to penetrate him with my finger. After I brushed over his hole for the sixth time I decided ready or not Tyson was getting penetrated. I pushed my index finger into Tyson at which he first yelled out, “What the fuck are you doing?” I answered with, “Getting you hard bro.” I pushed in far enough to start rubbing his prostate causing him to change his tune suddenly hearing him moan and say “Oh fuck.” I worked my finger around before slipping in a savings finger along with a nice size shard or Tina. Tyson’s cock was kind of responding to the prostate stimulation, but with the Tina I was shoving into his ass I was sure it would keep him soft. Tyson made a quick comment about the burn from the Tina just pushed into his ass. As I felt it melt I readied another shard as I worked the two fingers currently inside my bro. Tyson was moaning like the bitch I was turning him into. I pushed a third finger ambit with two shards of Tina into his ass. I knew the Tina as not only going to give him a good case of Tina dick while making his hole very hungry. I continued to work his hole with my fingers as he continued to moan and his dick began to soften as I sucked it. As I worked the two shards of Tina into the walls of Tyson’s ass I could feel a change occurring in his ass, I felt his hole trying to sucking my fingers in deeper. I knew that he was ready for my 8.5” cock that was stuck hard. I had freed it from my shorts when I first pushed my index finger inside him. And as my three fingers teased him with the Tina and G clouding his thoughts I was getting it lubed up and ready to fuck him. It was time, I pulled my fingers from within Tyson eliciting a moan of disappointment and a request I had hoped for, “Damn bro, or your fingers back in my ass. That felt so damn good.” I didn’t say a word at first as I stood up between Tyson's legs, pushing his legs back as my cock lined up with his hungry hole. I spoke to him as the tip of my cock teased his hole, “I’ve got something I know you’re going enjoy much better.” I then pushed forward forcing my cock inside my brother’s straight ass. I expected some resistance or complaints from my new bottom bitch of a brother, but instead he moaned. The look on his face told me that he was conflicted between the pleasure my cock was giving him and the thought that he was getting fucked. It too me 5 strokes before I was balls deep. After a few minutes of my fucking him I paused and held still deep inside Tyson. I pulled out my well packed Tina pipe, lit my torch heating the bowl and sucking in the white smoke. I took 3 good hits as my brother looked up at me while I took a 4th hit which I intended to shotgun to Tyson. I leaned down placing my mouth over my brother's mouth and as I felt him to start to inhale I released the simple from my lungs. Tyson easily sucked in most of the smoke I released. The shotgun turned into a kiss that Tyson seemed to resist at first but as the Tina continued to take over his mind he began to kiss back. I resumed fucking my Tyson as I continued to smoke from my pipe and shotgun the smoke to, a now very willing, Tyson. My brother continued to kiss me along with taking the Tina I was giving him. The other thing he didn't know here was getting from me was my un medicated HIV. It dick was spewing forth a steady stream of my pre cum and soon he'd get a huge load of my dirty, poz cum. I planned to give him my first load without him knowing was going to be easy. When I smoke Tina I tend to have multiple orgasms and I was about to have the first of many. I felt my cock swell, could feel my balls pulled tight and then filled Tyson’s ass when a months worth of cum.
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  43. So I told you guys I would update y’all on my situation with this. So here it is. Let’s call the older guy daddy, and his son will be “D” After all all this was said and done. I dropped his son off and went home for awhile. Daddy texted me after I got home and said “he’ll be gone all night. Come over.” So I did . (My load count at this point is 2) I knock in the door and daddy is already in boxers hard as rock. He pulls me into a kiss before I’m even in the house. His hands are exploring my body and he makes his way to my ass. He picks me up and takes me to the couch and whispers “i missed that hole. “ “it’s only been a few hours. “ I said. His index finger finds its way into my cum sloppy hole. I felt his cock grow even harder than it was. “You let d breed you boy?” “Yes sir. He was my first” daddy pushed me on my back and plunged his cock into my hole. He fucked my hole hard and fast. “who fucks you better babe?” He moans. “You do sir.” I say. “Fuck yeah I do, here it cums.” He slams hard into me and I feel his cock pulsate as he shoots another big load into me (giving me my 3rd of the night.) A mix of his and his sons load runs out of my hole and passed my jock. He kisses me and I head out. As I’m driving home I get a Grindr message. It reads: “in town. Want some hole. You game?” I respond with a hell yeah, and I’m on my way to a hotel room. I walk in and see this professional looking dude. Dressed in a suit, and I noticed a ring in his finger. We chat for awhile and he tells me how he’s in town for some meeting. How his wife is cheating on him and he hasn’t had pussy in months. I pulls out a hard 7 inch cock and I suck him hard and sloppy. “Can I fuck you?” He asks. “Please.” I respond. “I don’t have a condom. Do you?” “Nope.” I say while mounting his raw throbbing cock. He smirks and says “ fuck a condom.” I start pushing back against strokes and he tells me how wet and tight my pussy is. “Fuck bud, my wife isn’t even this tight. “ “Can I cum in you?” He asks. I don’t give a response, but soon after he groans and says “fuck im about to.” I pick up on his breathing and as soon as I feel his cock twitch I slide my hole all the way down to the base of his cock. I’m practically sitting on his ballsack making sure his nut is as deep in my guts as possible. He smiles and laughs and says “wow you didn’t even let me take my suit off.” His cock is still hard inside me. And he kisses me. He tells me that he can last all night and that I’m not going anywhere. He fucks another quick load into me bringing my total count to 5. At this point he calls it a night. We exchange numbers and I’m on my way. I’m sitting in the parking of lot of this hotel and I notice a few guys are going in and out of a public bathroom just across the street. It’s dark and dimly lit. I’m still hard as fuck and my hole is still craving cum. I figure I would go check it out. I walk in and there’s 6 urinals and 5 stalls. All the urinals are taken up but nobody is using them to take a piss. I get into moods when I’m horny where I don’t give a fuck about who it is, I just want to be bred. I get pretty bold as well. I went into a stall, leaving the door wide open and I took off my shorts. My jock was soaked with Precum and cum that escaped my hole. I position myself on the toilet with my legs in the air and my hole available for the taking. The bathroom isn’t super bright. So you can’t really tell who’s who u I’m theyre up close. I immediately have two takers. One is a chubby hairy bear who steps up and plunges his kinda small but super thick cock in me. He must’ve liked how prelubed I was because he came within a few seconds. (My 6th load.) He pulled his soft cock out of my hole and zipped up. I hear a familiar voice say my name and step forward. I look up to see my government teacher with his hard cock peeking through the zipper of his pants. I’m at a loss for words. I live in a small town but I never imagined. He has his hard cock in his hand and he’s lining it up with my hole. His really thick and lengthy. I’d say a good 9 inches. He felt amazing. He asks me how many loads were in me and if he could give me his. He’s so far up my hole and I’m in absolute Cumslut heaven. He’s so loud and verbal. I’m sure people walking by could hear him beating my pussy up. “Fuck yeah take my load.” He roars as he cums. I pulled his asscheeks into me so I can savor the (7th) load and his girth. I’ve always found him stunning. He looked at me with his blue eyes and smiled. “I’m here every other day after 6. I want you again. “ I just smiled back and let him go home to his wife. I gather myself a bit and go to find my shorts when I notice a cock slide under the stall. I’m not sure what this dude is wanting but I know what I want. I mounted the cock, and there was no resistance. This random stranger who I didn’t know, didn’t know what he looked like, was gonna give me my 8th load of the night. And boy did he. He pulsated so much in my pussy. It was probably the biggest load I’ve ever gotten. Couldn’t tell with all the loads already in me. He pulled his cum covered dick out of my cummy hole and I put my shorts on. You’d think after 8 fucking loads in your ass you’d be tired and sore. Hell. Fucking. No. I was still raging but it was late. I figured I would go to the woods and at least play with my own hole. As I’m pulling up I notice this bad boy looking type guy. Leather jacket, smoking a cigarette, leaning on his car by himself. I park a few spots away from him and he ended up coming to my car and asking what I was up to. He’s tugging at his cock while asking so all I do is pulled down my shorts, open my door and show him my hole. He drops his jeans to the ground and sticks his hard cock in my hole. This attracted a small crowd of 2 or 3 guys. He pumps his babies in me giving me my 9th load and leaves. I’m in nothing but a t shirt and jock, and I notice this guy has my shorts in his hands, I run to try and get them back but he leaves in his car. I’m too horny to care too much. I just focus on the next guy who’s at my car jerking his cock. “can I have a turn with your hole?” “Fuck yeah.” I’m pushed up against my car and yet another stranger is pumping me raw. He fucks hard for 10 minutes and I feel my untouched cock getting ready to unleash. “You’re gonna make me shoot, keep fucking me.” “Yeah? You want my fucking load?” “Please.” “Fuck yeah I’m gonna dump in you. Ah fuck I’m dumping in you. Oh shit. I just flooded your pussy, man. “ I beg him to stay inside me. I can usually cum handsfree but he stopped fucking right before I came so I had to jack while his cock was still in me. He pulled out and zipped up and walked away. I drove home in just my jock and a t shirt. With 10 loads of cum flooding out of me and onto my seat. I fucking love being a cumdump.
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  44. Part ii Naked and on my knees in the darkened toilet after taking two loads deep inside me I was out of breath, sheened in sweat and still leaking precum from the experience. The fact I hadn't yet cum myself kept my brain in a fugue of horniness and my decision making had taken a break after the first guy had started using me. Now confronted by three men looking down at me, including the first man who not half an hour earlier had filled me with his spunk, I found myself reacting like I was on auto-pilot. It was as if I was indulging every pornographic jerk off session I had ever had, after enjoying so much porn and now having already taken two poz loads I guess I just felt it didn't matter what I did now. One of the men was holding his phone up high and in the spotlight that he was creating, clearly recording my debasement, I crawled across the wet floor on my hands and knees as all three men undid their jeans pulling out hard cocks that were now my purpose. As I reached them the man I thought of as the leader, the one who had taken my virginity, grabbed my head and pulled me straight onto his cock. I opened wide and his cock was pushed to the back of my throat. My tongue played around his length tasting the remnants of what I guess was his earlier fucking of me. I was gagging and coating his thick cock with saliva as he guided my head back and forth. My mouth was effectively being used as a warm fleshlight for his needs and I had already submitted myself to it. I came here to find out who I was. Now I had found out I was someone who got naked in public toilets and let strangers fuck them bareback. Who after taking poz loads had stayed for more. Who knew he was being filmed and photographed but kept sucking on the thick cock that tasted of his own arsehole. I evidently was a pretty good novice. "That's a good cocksucker. Enjoy that dirty cock in your mouth. We've got all night to play and these two want to try your holes too." Saying this he was indicating the two men he had returned with but all of my attention was on the thick dick filling my mouth and overwhelming my senses with the scent and taste. "Just so you know we all know each other and these guys are poz too. Once they heard I'd already bred you they figured you wouldn't mind taking some more dirty cum. Looks like they were right too, you need this don't you?" I raised my eyes to affirm that I did need this but the light from the camera shone into my face casting all three men's faces in shadow. I nodded instead, my lips stretched around cock. In that instant I realised that not only had I just had my cocksucking captured on camera with my face revealed perfectly but I had also just accepted I wanted, no needed, poz loads. The two other men now grabbed my arms and guided my hands to their rock hard dicks having me wank them as they watched my face fucking. I groaned around the length of meat stuffing my face as I felt those cocks. Both were so fucking hard but one was huge. Thick and long, I couldn't even imagine how he planned on fucking me but it was clear that was what was in my immediate future. The man in my mouth chuckled in approval as if he could read my mind. "Definitely a night of firsts for you eh?" Sliding himself from between my lips he patted my face with a gentleness that somehow made me even more willing to do whatever this man bade me. He motioned to the smaller man I had been stroking to take his place as he moved around behind me. This left me wanking the massive cock of the third guy. My hand sliding up and down it's length as he appreciatively rocked his hips and grunted his pleasure at my manipulation of his impressive organ. The second man stepped in front of me and pressed his cock to my lips. "Show me how much you love this toxic dick slut!" It was the first thing either of the new men had said but in that one sentence I understood that they all had ownership of me in this place. In putting myself in the position they had found me in I had offered myself unequivocally for their use. I immediately began licking and kissing along his shaft, using my tongue to tease his balls and running back up to his sensitive tip. With one hand on the floor now aiding to support myself and one hand still working Mr. Big, I could only use my lips and tongue to please Number Two. So I did. I worshipped that hard cock. Praising it with my mouth with a fervour that showed I knew my place now. Lapping at it with my tongue before taking every inch to the back of my throat and holding myself there until that cock was soaked in my spit. Then sliding my head backwards and forwards with my lips held tight around him. He too began rocking his hips and groaning in pleasure. Behind me I felt the fingers of my first Daddy press into my puffy, cum-soaked, hole. "Still nice and open I see," his other hand rubbed over my cheeks and squeezed my flesh as he finger fucked me harder. As he picked up the pace making me buck and moan his other hand worked a trail under me leaving my nerves tingling at every touch. As he reached my balls he grasped them and squeezed. His probing fingers worked deeper into me pressing firmly against my prostate kneading me from inside. My mouth full of cock I could only manage a strangled moan as my hips bucked urgently and I felt my balls convulse in his grip. Streams of cum splattered the ground under me and my whole body shook with the intensity. Number Two never relented fucking my mouth and Mr. Big kept my hand gripping his tool tightly. Daddy kept working my balls and pumping my hole with his fingers as he said, "That was so hot watching you cum so hard. Now we find out just what kind of bottom you are." Daddy pulled his fingers from me and almost immediately replaced them with his thick cock. I had no time to react or do anything, he was in me again, his big thick poz dick working my insides for the second time. After he had pumped inside me a few times I realised that I was pressing my arse back onto him and my cock was still hard flopping against my stomach as he began pounding my fuckhole. Even though I has just been so wonderfully milked of my cum my horniness had not abated. My need was still clear and present. I squeezed my hole, trying to show Daddy how much I wanted it. He got the message and gripping my hips firmly he began fucking me even harder. "That's it, that's the little slut I saw earlier! It just gets better now." As he said this his thrusts were deep, and measured, and were obviously all about his pleasure but the harder he used my hole the better it felt. At this point, as if choreographed, both Number Two and Mr. Big stepped away leaving me panting and moaning out loud as Daddy ravaged my arse. With both hands free to press into the ground I could brace myself against the powerful thrusts into me but my whole body still shook from each and every impact. My forgotten cock still slapped against my belly with each hard stroke making it throb harder. "Fuck! Yes! Fuck! Yes!" I was gasping a litany of my pleasure at being filled. I glanced up and saw the silhouettes of Number Two and Mr. Big still there, still stroking and still filming everything. Fuck. I had completely forgotten that was happening. I felt the pace pick up as I tried my best to stop collapsing from the hard pounding my now sloppy arsehole was taking and the firm grip on my hips became vice like. "Tell me what you need." There wasn't any question here, he was ordering me, making me say out loud it was ok for him to unload his poison inside me. "Tell. Me. What. You. Need!" His thrusts insistent his voice suddenly with a menacing edge and I felt another level to the excitement of having him fuck me. "I need it, your cock..your fucking cock and cum." I panted letting myself go with it, knowing just what he wanted me to say and why his cohorts were getting it on film. There was no going back from here. He slapped then gripped my arse cheek hard his fingers digging into my flesh making me yelp. "Say it slut!" He was jabbing his dick into my guts at this point clearly on the edge of painting my insides with his dirty payload and I obliged his desires. This was the only moment of control I had had in this entire night of filth and I gave it away in a second. "I need your sperm, your cum, your dirty fucking load!" I shouted as I felt him begin to spear me erratically. "Give me your poz spunk, make me dirty! Fucking breed me!" As I cried out my acquiescence his cock throbbed and he pressed himself all the way inside me. Load number three. My soaked ruined hole was now open for all and I knew it. As Daddy began to pull out of me he suddenly thrust one more time into me and pressed his face to the back of my neck. His kisses were a surprise but I pressed myself back against him relishing this moment of tenderness, he whispered in my ear. "I knew you would be a good boy the moment I put my hands on you, I hope to see you here again but I have to go now. I'll let my friends take care of you now, they are both very keen to enjoy your arse and I know you'll let them. Both of them have high viral loads so if it's not already working it's way into you they'll make sure you're pozzed by morning." I moaned like a whore as he withdrew his softening cock from my slick fuckhole and I stayed on my hands and knees. I knew too that I would willingly take their cocks and their loads. What he said made sense, it was already in me, why not just enjoy this? I'd already enjoyed so much. Daddy stood and quietly spoke to the other two while I waited ready for them to use me as they saw fit. As he left the building the camera was shut off and the room was once again plunged into darkness. Suddenly blind I was immediately apprehensive. I could hear them moving in the darkness and then I felt hands on my skin sliding over me, tracing the shape of my body as they both worked around me. I had no idea which was which or what they wanted to do. All I knew was I had just been handed over to their mercy.
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  45. If I suck your dick, there damn sure is no rubber, I'll take my chances. I want to taste the cock.
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  46. Part 36 Rob awoke the following morning to the sound of the door of his room opening. He lined himself up at the cage door prepared to exit for his morning workout at the gym. However it wasn’t Tanner that entered the room, it was Nick. “Relax pig, we need to have a little chat,” Nick informed. Nick pulled up a chair, sat down and propped his feet up on the top of the cage. Nick started his conversation with, “We need to make a little change with this arrangement.” “First off, I have to say that your conversion to a cum dump has been very profitable for us.” ”However we are starting to reach a point of diminishing returns and your upkeep it starting to approach what you’re bringing in.” Of course that statement wasn’t telling the whole story. It did cost money to feed Rob and keep him high on meth, but the money coming in from parties, private sessions and the internet pay-for-view clips of Rob were covering those costs. In fact they far exceeded them. Nick continued, “Your archived clips on the website are still very popular but members are starting to ask for fresh meat.” Rob wasn’t sure of the implications but he was getting scared as Nick continued to talk. “I see that scared look in your eyes; forget about those rumors you may have heard of us dumping naked sluts off deep in the swamp to fend for themselves once they have outgrown their usefulness.” “Personally I think the stories on the news about people wandering into the bayou, getting lost and becoming gator chow are very over exaggerated.” “The good news is that someone is interested in…... Well, let’s say taking over your contract.” As he was talking, Nick sent a quick text on his phone. A moment later, Jerry from the leather shop entered the room and handed Nick some papers. “You remember Jerry don’t you,” Nick said with a smile. “He is here to notarize a few things.” Nick removed his feet from the cage and leaned in closer to the bars. “The Dirty Hawgs from last night’s party are looking for a new club cum dump and they have made us an offer to take over your contract so to speak.” Nick set two stacks of documents and a pen on the floor next to Rob’s cage. “In front of you there is a contract saying you will serve the Dirty Hawgs club as their cum dump and will perform whatever duties they see fit; There is a list in the contract of the things they have in mind.” “The second document is a power of attorney authorization.” “It gives them control to make ALL your decisions for you including control of any property or financial assets you have as well as complete authority regarding your healthcare.” Nick grinned as he continued his explanation, “You don’t have a very good track record of reading things before you sign them, but I’d hope you pay better attention with these.” Rob didn’t know what to think. His first thought however was, “I’m being sold as a slave.” He was so conflicted; he didn’t want to be owned by a group of rough bikers although he had discovered that he enjoyed being on the receiving end of a rough fuck. The main thought that kept coming to the forefront of his mind was how he would be able to survive on his own. He knew he needed cock and could probably manage that but getting drugs was an area he didn’t know what to do about. His mind went back to the horrible withdrawal symptoms he suffered through while he had the fuck flu and wasn’t getting his meth. He didn’t want to go through that again. It finally boiled down to the realization that he would do anything for the sex and drugs, including signing away all his rights. Rob reached through the cage bars and grabbed the pen. He signed both documents without even reading them. Nick chuckled, “I thought that would be your decision.” “The Dirty Hawgs have a road trip soon to a biker convention in Texas, so they asked for a few modifications to your appearance before they pick you up.” Nick reached through the bars and held a chloroform soaked rag over Rob’s face. “This will be easier if you aren’t awake.” Rob woke up to find himself strapped on his stomach in a bed. He felt a stinging on his back and a slight burning on part of his neck. He lifted his head up as far as he could to try to look around. There was a heavy collar around I his neck but it didn’t seem to be attached to anything. He could feel a bandage on his back near his shoulder blades which had to mean he now had another tattoo. There was something hard around his cock and something was tugging at his balls but he couldn’t lift up enough to see his groin. “I see you are awake; time for the unveiling of the new you,” Nick announced as he returned to the room. Rob was blind folded and he was released from his restraints. “This part of your transformation was done now so that you’d be mostly healed before the convention,” explained Nick. “I suspect the Hawgs will add things later.” Nick led Rob over to the mirror in the room and suddenly removed the blindfold. “Voila!” Rob didn’t recognize the person in the mirror. His head had been shaved along the sides so that only a wide strip of hair remained down the center of his head. The hair strip was left long enough so that it could easily be grasped when he was being skull fucked. Rob reached up to feel the metal slave collar around his neck. It was 2” wide and snug but not overly tight. There were some rings attached to the collar at various points around its diameter. Rob knew immediately that those rings would be used as attachment points to restrain him. As Rob felt the collar he realized it was riveted and welded on. That must be why he felt the burning sensation on his neck he thought. Rob’s 8” cock was confined in a locked metal cock cage and his ball dangled beneath a metal ball stretcher. While he may have been and acted like a muscle pig cum slut before, Rob now totally looked the part. Nick held out a tablet. “I know you can’t see your new tattoo because of its location, so let me show you a pic.” The picture confirmed to Rob that he truly had signed away his rights. There was now a detailed tattoo of the Dirty Hawgs club logo centered between his shoulder blades. Above the logo were the words “Property of the Dirty Hawgs”. Rob was in shock with the reality of the situation and stood there in front of the mirror unable to move. After few minutes Nick gave him a push towards the bed. “Maybe this will help you adjust,” he said as he pushed Rob face down on the bed and unzipped his pants. Nick kicked Rob’s legs apart and then reached up and gave Rob a heavy slam of meth. “Consider this a goodbye fuck,” Nick said as he drove his raw cock into Rob’s un-lubed ass. Rob awoke from his daze and started to cry out at the intrusion but the meth kicked in and all he did was grunt with Nick’s initial thrust. As Nick power fucked Rob he had to admit that they had done a terrific job converting this one to a cum dump. Rob’s bottoming skills would certainly serve him well in his new life. Nick shot a massive load into Rob’s hole. He stood there and lingered for a moment as Rob continued to squeeze his ass muscles around Nick’s cock. Nick was starting to stiffen up again when Tanner rushed into the room. “Great, I got here before they picked the slut up,” Tanner exclaimed. Tanner dropped his pants and stepped up next to Nick. “Do you mind Nick; I’d like another crack at that ass.” Nick smiled and stepped aside. “Go right ahead, I just lubed him for you.” Tanner plunged his cock into Rob’s ass and began to fuck as fast and as hard as he could. “Thank you Sir, please fuck me Sir,” Rob exclaimed. Due to the hard fast pace of his strokes, Tanner didn’t last long before he added his seed to Rob’s ass. Tanner walked to the other side of the bed and presented his cock to Rob to clean. Rob greedily sucked and licked Tanner’s cock. He repeatedly ran his tongue underneath Tanner’s foreskin to make sure everything was completely clean. Tanner pulled out and grabbed Rob’s face underneath the jaw and tilted his head up. Rob opened his mouth expecting to be fed a wad of spit. What Tanner did however took Rob by complete surprise. Tanner squatted down and gave Rob a deep tongue probing kiss. When Tanner broke the kiss he looked at Rob and smiled widely. Rob was in shock at this development. He had hoped for some sign of affection or even kindness from Tanner for a long time but he never really got one. He had kind of given up on the prospect of it ever happening. Rob stared back at Tanner and said, ”Thank you Sir, I am going to miss you.” Tanner started pointing to a tattoo on his right arm. Rob had never paid that much attention to Tanner’s tattoos but when his eyes focused on the tattoo Tanner was pointing at he now recognized it. It was the Dirty Hawgs logo. Tanner smiled back at Rob and, “Yeah I was a regular member of the Dirty Hawgs before I moved to New Orleans; I’m an alumni now of sorts.” “I get together with them from time to time to reminisce, party and play.” “I actually was at the party last night with the guys and even fucked you twice.” “I’m kind of surprised you didn’t recognize my cock when you were servicing everyone under the poker table,“ he laughed. “At any rate you’re likely to see me again at some point.” Tanner gave Rob another deep kiss and then walked to the exit. “OK pig, crawl back in the cage until your new owners get here to pick you up,” Nick ordered. With Rob secured back in his cage, Nick and Tanner stepped out into the hallway. “How long do you think this one will last with the Hawgs,” Tanner asked Nick. “”Your guess is probably better than mine Tanner, but you and everyone else did a great job with his training; the skills and attitude he’ll need are strongly instilled in him.” Nick put his arm around Tanners shoulder and asked,” What was the kiss about; I always warn you guys about getting too attached to these pigs we convert.” “I’ve never seen that behavior from you with one of the cum dumps we converted.” Tanner nodded his head knowingly, “I know what you’re saying, but it’s hard sometimes when you are fucking someone practically every day for months to not feel something.” “There was just something different about this one,” admitted Tanner. Nick chuckled,” Don’t worry about it, I understand.” “However, I’m going to need you at your best soon; we are going to convert two cum dumps at once.” “We found a couple of arrogant brothers attending Loyola and they are going to make us a ton of money!” THE END (potential sequel and/or spin-offs in the future??)
    1 point
  47. You asked this, so I’m going to answer. The first indication I had that I was infected with HIV was a line of six doctors standing by my hospital bed. They had just come in and woke me up where I was recovering from having nearly died from fungal meningitis and related stroke two days earlier. ”You have AIDS,” they said. Boom. Just like that. No easing into it, no hand-holding, no sugar-coating. ”Are you telling me I have HIV?” I asked. ”No, AIDS,” one of them said. I don’t remember any of the conversation after that. I had tested and tested - all negative. False negatives, as it turned out. What I had to learn and learn fast is that the doomsday scenario of wasting away and dying a hideous death is now something I can prevent, but it means changing the way I think and live. It means ART meds for the rest if my life (or until there’s a cure), without fail, because if I slack off, the virus will evolve so the meds will do no good. Let’s get one thing crystal clear - the HIV virus is The Enemy. It will kill you if it can. It is constantly upping its game, its hides where we cannot find it, it turns our own defenses against us, and so far, we cannot stop it. We can only slow it down. There are guys here - way too many guys - who have the mistaken idea that getting HIV means you can now fuck bare without worry. Wrong-o. Getting HIV doesn’t mean you’re free - you can still get infected with a different/worse/treatment-resistant strain you didn’t have to start with and be ten times worse off. Plus, getting pozzed (let alone living with AIDS) puts you at far greater risk of getting other diseases that wouldn’t kill a neg guy, but they might kill you. And I guaran-damn-tee you that when you’re lying in a hospital bed with pneumonia or meningitis, you won’t be on the fence about whether you want to have AIDS. I’ve made this point elsewhere in this part of the forum, but I’ll do it again here: This is the HIV Health area, not the chaser/gifter area, so this may be the only place on this entire bareback fucking site where it’s appropriate to say that romanticization or sexualization of disease is inappropriate. Get it straight: No man who is compos mentis chooses a debilitating lifelong illness. No man with any goddamn sense looks at wasting, weakness, incontinence and death and says, “Yeah, I’m down for that!” And no man who has ever watched a loved one, a partner, or a brother-in-spirit decay and die before his helpless eyes as the Enemy Virus did its work would ever suggest that it was sexy. I don’t judge men for having chaser or gifter fantasies, because I frankly don’t get where they’re coming from. I’m living their fucking fantasy, and it sucks ass in the worst possible way. Whatever. But anyone who actually intentionally infects another person? Anyone who chooses not to accept treatment but instead allows The Enemy to use his body as an incubator and then goes out a-fucking bare? Those men are making conscious choices to give aid and comfort to the enemy, and they are wrong. I have AIDS. I publicly announce my status before I put my ass in service, every time. I don’t play unless undetectable (yes, last check yesterday in fact) and I do not miss my meds. I am grateful to every single Top who does me the honor of breeding me, and it is my duty to ensure that I never put any of them at risk. Remember that there was once a time when there was no such thing as HIV, or AIDS, when bareback sex wasn’t potentially deadly, when men took for granted what we now debate and fantasize about. The fact that we can do it at all now is only because science has given us a measure of control over the Enemy. Our ability to continue fucking in the way that we choose in the future means we can’t begin to glorify the disease to the point that we give it a stronger foothold - or any more of our lives. It’s had enough already.
    1 point
  48. as young as possible.i started sucking cock at 8 and i loved it right away.i was a natural born cocksucker.started getting fucked 2 yeas later and was taking mens loads by 12
    1 point
  49. Yes fuck yes continue!! so rare to have a pozzing set up like this, with pov not being the bottom, but someone watching events happen. Fuckkng love it!!
    1 point
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