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  1. Part I Meeting the Star I first saw him, on the security feed, when I was providing "financial services" for a local dealer. He was about 6'1 and 200lb of sculpted muscle along with turquoise eyes and buzzed brown hair. As he approached I saw he was wearing a blue jersey with the #1 on it, a jacket that said KINGS Volleyball, and a pair of jeans. With every step he took closer to the door, the harder my dick became. The finally, I heard a knock. Hunter, the dealer I was working for, went to the door and opened it, "Yo, Parker how is going. Whatcha need?" So Parker was his name...lustful thoughts filled my head as I wondered what Parker's pussy would be like. As the Adonis on the screen stepped into the light, my semi rigid cock raised to full mast, The kid was drop dead gorgeous and apparently a jock too given what he was wearing. The faint outline of the jeans indicated a tight but round ass probably from being on the volleyball team. "Just the usual" replied Parker. Hunter went to his desk and opened his drawer withdrawing a ziplock bag with some weed in it. Looking a the volleyball jock, I saw his eyes examine the other stock available. Perhaps he has used some more heavy duty shit and with this a fantasy of a drugged out Parker having his volleyball sculpted ass being ploughed by me entered my brain. Apparently, Hunter saw the same gaze towards the stronger stuff. "Sure? I got some speed or Tina that you got last time for that part." said Hunter "Nah, dude. I got a game tomorrow. I can't be drugged out for that one. Coach told me that a ESPN reporter and a few college scouts are going to be at it." stated Parker. As Parker reached into his jacket pocket, he noticed me. "He cool man?" as Parker motioned his head towards me. "Dude, if he wasn't cool he won't be in here, K" responding to Parker. As volleyball jock withdrew his wallet and started getting out the cash, my glances revealed that he was a senior and was 18 per his drivers license. Parker, fished out the cash and laid it on the table. With that exchange, Hunter threw the baggie to Parker, who agilely grabbed it out of the air. As the baggie was being stuffed in the the back of his jeans, the definition in his arms was not hidden by his high school volleyball jacket, "Thanks, dude" replied Parker "No problem, P. If you need some more or anything else it's all here for you." Hunter said as he gathered the cash. To be continued...
    7 points
  2. Part 7 - Taking Care Of Business Monday morning Ethan woke up feeling like his normal self, his dreams again were full of Angelo and the beach. His desire for Angelo was overtaking him but he could not shake off what happened, and to boot he now knew where he lived so he was caught between a rock and a hard place. His head ringing of the warning from Adam, he picked up his phone and sent a message to Adam as he needed to talk and confide in him. Adam responded within minutes and said he would come over in an hour. Ethan heard a car pulling up at the front the house, as he stepped outside he saw Tony in the driver seat and Adam getting out the passenger door. "Hi Ethan" Tony called from the open window. Ethan shouted "Hi" as Tony pulled away and Adam headed towards Ethan. Adam walked up and kissed Ethan "Someone looks like they need a friend" he said. Ethan burst in to tears as his emotions finally boiled to the surface "I do Adam". They walked inside the house Adam had his arms around Ethan holding him until the sobbing stopped. Adam sat Ethan down on the sofa in the dayroom and sat next to him holding his hand. "Want to tell me what's going on Ethan?" he asked. Ethan nodded "Angelo told me that he gave me hiv and I have been so ill on Friday and Saturday". "Why didn't you call me, I told you I would be here for you." Adam looked shocked. Ethan sobbed "I know I'm sorry I didn't call you. He told me to go a clinic for tests". Adam put his arm around Ethan "I can take you Ethan, so did you see him again?". Ethan nodded again "Stupidly I gave him my address, he picked me up Saturday and took care of me". "Really?. Go on" Adam prodded. Ethan looked at him "Things got a bit heated and I pushed him away". Adam shook his head "He doesn't like being pushed away Ethan". "I found that out, he held me down on the bed and..." Ethan stopped. "Did he rape you?" Adam asked looking at Ethan. Ethan nodded "I don't think it was rape as such". Adam held Ethan tighter "Do you want to report it?". Ethan looked at him "No, he told me it triggered some bad memories. I think he has been badly hurt". "That's no excuse for what he did though" Adam replied. Ethan nodded "I know, but I saw such a vulnerable side to him yesterday, he was sad". Adam shook his head "Your falling for him aren't you?". Ethan shrugged his shoulders "I don't think I am, it is just very confusing". "Well you did sort of go in full steam ahead, maybe you need to take a step back" Adam suggested. Ethan kissed Adam "Thank you Adam, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you to talk to". Adam smiled "Fancy some lunch, my treat, we can meet up with Tony in Harrison?". Ethan smiled back at him "Yes, I need some normality". "Be honest with me Ethan have you fallen for Angelo?" Adam asked him again. Ethan stopped laughing "How do you mean fallen?". "Are you in love with him?" Adam replied. Ethan thought for a moment "I don't know what it is to be in love with someone Adam". Adam looked at him "Do you have feelings for him?". "Oh, well he drives me crazy when I am around him, I don't know what it is about him" Ethan said honestly. Adam cuddled Ethan "Sometimes things have a strange way of showing themselves, just be careful with him". Ethan smiled "I will and if I am unsure I will turn to you". "I will always help as much as I can Ethan you can be sure of that" Adam replied standing up. Adam and Ethan left the house and walked up to Harrison to meet with Tony for lunch. Tony was going to be starting work in a few weeks and his parents were setting him up with a small house close to Larchmont, he walked in to the diner to find Adam and Ethan sitting there waiting for him, the sight brought a big smile to his face. "How did it go?" Adam asked as he sat down. "Done, I have a small 3 bedroom place near the centre of town" Tony said looking happy. "Isn't is scary moving in to your own place?" Ethan asked. Tony laughed then looked at Adam "So are you going to move in with me?" "Yes of course I will" Adam replied all smiles. Tony looked over at Ethan "When we are settled I hope you will come and stay". Ethan had never been shown such kindness "I would love to Tony". "Tony you do a favour after lunch for a couple of hours?" Adam asked picking up some pizza. Tony nodded "Of course I can, what is it?" Adam looked at Ethan who nodded understanding what he was asking "Can you drive us to the clinic in Larchmont?". Tony stopped eating "Is something wrong?" "I need to get tested, but why Larchmont" Ethan plucked up the courage to speak up. Adam leaned over "It is away from here and a specialist clinic for this type of thing". Tony nodded "We will both come with you Ethan for support". They settled down to finish lunch before Tony drove them to the clinic in Larchmont. It was a small unassuming building almost like a large family home, it bore no signage to indicate it's purpose. Adam lead the way with Ethan and Tony at the rear, they entered in to the reception room which had a few chairs and approached the desk. Ethan saw the dark haired receptionist who was tanned and actually pretty attractive he thought, his name badge showed him as being Stefan who was 30 years old and built much like Adam. Stefan smiled at seeing Adam and Tony and came round from the desk to hug them both. "What can I do for you boys?" His eye was taken by Ethan who stood quietly in the background. Adam pulled Ethan forward "Stef can we get our friend Ethan tested please?". "Sure, we just need details and insurance. I take it you do have insurance?" Stefan looked at Ethan. Ethan nodded "I do but will my father find out?". Stefan smiled "No insurance companies aren't permitted to divulge information irrelevant of who pays". Ethan breathed a sigh of relief "Thank god". "Oh but hang on" Stefan walked back round and started typing on his computer for a few minutes. Adam leaned on the desk "Still as sexy as ever Stef". Stefan looked up "So are you" he stood up again "Okay Ethan I can put you on the clinic program". "Clinic program, what is that?" Ethan said looking confused. Stefan explained to Ethan that the program was testing and treatment funded by the clinic so long as you attended a minimum 3 tests per year as part of trials and research, and the best part was that it was anonymous but they have to be able to get in touch with participants by phone. Adam smiled "We are both on it Ethan" nodding over at Tony. "Okay" Ethan nodded. Stefan came round from the desk "Let's take you to a treatment room". "Oh, can they come with me?" Ethan asked. Stefan chuckled "Yes of course, Dr Mark will be with you a moment" as he showed them in to the room and left. "Why am I so worried?" Ethan looked at Adam and Tony. Tony put his arm around Ethan "Don't worry I felt the same even though I knew I had hiv". The three of them sat and chatted about what would happen with the blood test and the short wait, only a couple of minutes had passed before the door opened and Dr Mark entered the room. Ethan looked and fell in love immediately, he stood 6 foot, black hair with a beard to match, in his 30's and obviously worked out a bit as he could see he was slim but very fit. "Ethan" Adam prodded him. Ethan blushed the finest colour of red "Oh sorry what?" Dr Mark laughed "Hello Ethan, don't worry I get that reaction at least 4 times a day". "Sorry I don't know what come over me" Ethan fumbled his words out. Dr Mark greeted Adam and Tony as friends and looked at Ethan "Just need you to fill out this form". Ethan took the form and filled out his first name, date of birth and phone number "Is that all you need?" "Yes, your on the clinic program. So tell me Ethan why do you think you may be hiv positive?" Dr Mark asked him. Ethan lowered his head in shame "I had sex with someone who is hiv positive and I was ill last week". Dr Mark put his finger under Ethan's chin raising his head "Don't ever be ashamed Ethan, be proud of who you are". Ethan smiled "It all just happened so quickly". Dr Mark nodded "Roll your sleeve up and lets do a blood test" he replied putting on latex gloves. The wait seemed to go on for hours as Ethan sat there waiting with Adam and Tony, he had relaxed more and felt a little more comfortable about the inevitable outcome of the test. He was glad to have his friends with him especially as they had both been through this and explained exactly what would happen. Dr Mark came back in to the room after 15 minutes had passed and sat down opposite Ethan. "So Ethan the test has come back positive" He held Ethan's hand. Ethan looked and nodded "I sort of expected it to". Dr Mark smiled "Good thing is the viral count is very low at the moment and CD4 has dropped marginally". "The what?" Ethan looked confused. "CD4 is sort of your army, it had only dropped by 50 so you are very healthy" Dr Mark explained. Ethan nodded again "Is that good then?". Dr Mark patted Ethan's hand "Very good, we will keep an eye on both levels, so no treatment is needed now". Dr Mark went on to explain what Ethan needed to do and when to come back for his follow up appointments. Ethan was somewhat relieved as they stood at the reception making his appointment in 4 months, Stefan told him that if he felt unwell he was to call in immediately no matter what the illness was. On the drive back to Harrison Ethan asked if they would stay with him for a few hours as he didn't feel like being alone at the moment, Adam and Tony agreed and spent the rest of the afternoon by the pool at Ethan's home. As early evening drew in the three of them were sat naked in the pool, it was the first time Ethan had ever gone naked in the pool let alone with two other gay guys with him. But strangely he felt a whole different person and not afraid of who he had become, he put it down to the people in the clinic and his two new friends. Tuesday he spent finishing off some assignments and swimming in the pool, he was enjoying the peace and tranquillity and often his thoughts would wonder off to Angelo. He woke at 7am on Wednesday he had the dream again of walking along the surf with Angelo and the dream had cut off when Angelo would lean in to kiss him. Ethan laid in bed giggling realising he had his first very real wet dream and was now laying a pool of his own cum. After sorting himself out he decided to sit by the pool and bide his time until the afternoon. Angelo sat at the board table across from Raffa the CIO and Jerry the president of the company, they chatted whilst waiting for the company legal adviser to arrive. The CIO apologised explaining that he was driving in from the Hamptons and traffic was busy. Just before midday Jack opened the door to the board room and walked in apologising for the delay. Angelo looked at his face and could have sworn he recognised him from somewhere but immediately put the thought behind him to get down to business. It was a very quick meeting as both sides agreed to the legal terms and signed on the dotted line. The CIO insisting they all went for lunch at a nearby restaurant, Jack had hit it off with Angelo and was impressed by how he built up his business from scratch to have 15 people working for him. "So are you heading back to the Hamptons this afternoon Jack?" Angelo asked sipping his wine. Jack nodded "Yes the family is there for a month vacationing. Have you been there Angelo?". Angelo laughed "I go down to the beach sometimes but never stayed down there". "You should it is a great escape from the hustle and bustle" Jack replied. Angelo smiled "Maybe when I have someone to share it with I will". "Your still young Angelo, plenty of time to find the right girl" Jack said smiling at him. Angelo shook his head "I don't think the right girl would ever come along". Jack suddenly realised what Angelo meant "Ah" was all he could muster up. "You seen unnerved Jack do you have a problem with that?" Angelo asked looking seriously at him. Jack looked at Angelo "No, no problem". Raffa hearing this quickly intervened "Jack is old school conservative stock Angelo". Angelo looked at Jack "You know my stance on this Raffa". "Angelo we have worked with Jack for several years he knows the score with our company" Raffa replied. "I don't have a problem with this Angelo, it just took me by surprise" Jack said looking at both of them. "In what way?" Angelo asked. "From the outside I would never have guessed" Jack replied. Raffa laughed "You just don't flaunt it in his face but otherwise a great person to work with". Angelo looked carefully at Jack fis features again looked familiar "I think we will be okay". Raffa looked at Jack "You better get moving Jack otherwise you will hit the traffic". Jack looked at his watch "3pm hell, we have neighbours round for dinner tonight as well". Raffa stood and shook hands with Jack "Glad you could spare the time Jack". "Anything for you Raffa you know that. Angelo great meeting you" Jack held his hand out to Angelo. Angelo stood and shook his hand "Likewise". Jack stopped for moment "Maybe we can go for a drink or dinner one evening as an apology if I upset you". "I don't think any apology is needed but thank you" Angelo replied. Angelo said goodbye to Raffa and headed towards his car to drive over to the Bronx. He was unsure about Jack but given that Raffa worked with him he would give him the benefit of doubt this time. Angelo made record time to the bathhouse as traffic was pretty light and by 3.45pm he had wondered around the almost empty bathhouse hoping to see Ethan, residing to the fact that he may have pushed him to far, he wandered in to the steam room to relax. "Well hello baby" Brad smiled at Ethan who came through the door. Ethan smiled seeing him standing behind the counter "Hello Brad". "Come through, Angelo didn't know if you were going show up, he is downstairs". Ethan looked at Brad "Why?". Brad smiled "He doesn't tell me everything, something must have happened between you". "Oh, we had a turbulent time at his house at the weekend" Ethan replied taking the key from Brad. "His house?" Brad looked astonished. Ethan nodded "Yes". Brad shook his head "He must like you" he said handing the towels to Ethan. Ethan's heart almost skipped a beat hearing what Brad said, he rushed around getting changed, he walked down the stairs to the lower level noticing a few guys roaming around and many of the private rooms had their doors closed. Ethan opened the door to the steam room and carefully worked his way around past a couple of guys and then he caught sight of the muscular body and tattooed arms through the mist, it was like a feeling of happiness had taken him over seeing him there. Ethan looked and saw his head was rolled back enjoying the steam and heat, he wondered what to do for a moment. He stepped forward and straddled Angelo's lap. Angelo almost jumped feeling the person sitting on his lap, he tilted his head forward and opened his eyes but the persons mouth was already on his, he knew who those soft lips belonged to and he wrapped his arms around the young body of Ethan as they kissed passionately for several minutes, Ethan could feel Angelo's cock get an instant erection once he knew he was there. He felt the arms lifting him up and the cock position itself ready. He winced in pain as Angelo pushed his cock in a few inches then slowly he guided the rest of his shaft deeper in to his boy. This was what Ethan had hoped sex was like, he kissed Angelo over and over as he slowly rode Angelo's cock, the adrenaline running through his body killed the pain and he felt a pure sense of enjoyment for the very first time. Angelo's arms tightened around Ethan's body and he moaned in escatsy, Angelo's head tilted back and Ethan looked deeply in to his eyes as he felt the cock inside him pulsing and reverberating through his ass, he could feel the warmth of Angelo's seed entering in to his ass. They never lost eye contact through Angelo's orgasm, his grip on Ethan's body held tight as they continued looking in to each others eyes. Finally Ethan kissed Angelo in a more intimate way than they had ever done, Angelo's arms loosened their grip but still held Ethan close to him as the sweat dripped between their bodies. Ethan stayed impaled on Angelo for nearly half an hour during which time he received two more loads from Angelo, when they finally stopped kissing Angelo looked him in the eyes. "You came" Angelo said. Ethan rubbed the sweat from his face "twice I think". Angelo laughed "No I mean you came here". Ethan looked in to his captivating eyes "I wanted to". Angelo caressed Ethan's body "I didn't think you would". Ethan continued kissing Angelo's neck and face "I belong to you Angelo". Angelo kissed him back "Am I forgiven?". "Just never do that again to me Angelo, talk to me if I upset you" Ethan leaned in and kissed Angelo deeply. Angelo nodded looking him in the eye "Don't ever push me away Ethan". Ethan smiled and nodded "I need a cold drink" he whispered to Angelo. Angelo smiled "You go up, I will come up shortly". They kissed as Ethan rose and glided off Angelo's still semi hard cock, he wrapped his towel around his waist and headed upstairs to the lounge. Tony watched Ethan through the mist as he disappeared through the door, his gaze returned to Angelo who now put his towel over his groin, between the plumes of steam he saw a very happy and content look on Angelo's face. It was evident from what he just saw that there was more than just a fuck taking place between them. Tony stood up and slipped out of the steam room and wandered round to the cubicles, Adam exited from the third cubicle along adjusting his towel and looked up to see Tony. Tony kissed Adam "Never guess who I just saw having sex?". "No guessing just tell me who?" Adam demanded. "Angelo and Ethan" Tony nodded to reaffirm his statement. Adam's eyes opened wide "Seriously, I thought Ethan was going to avoid him". Tony smirked "Oh but from I saw it was more than just sex". "What do you mean?" Adam asked looking curiously. "What took place was not just a fuck, they were nearly making love" Tony enthused. Adam smiled "May need to have a talk with Ethan. Want to get a drink and head home?" "Sounds like a good idea my man" Tony replied kissing Adam. Tony and Adam climbed the stairs and walked in to the lounge immediately they spotted Ethan sat at a table on his own drinking juice.
    6 points
  3. Part 12 Adam continued to shove his tongue as far up my ass as he could and little by little the loads of anonymous sperm started to leak out of my puffy, well used faggot cunt. I moaned loudly and then the loads began to leak out more quickly and cover his blonde beard. Daddy leaned over and licked some of the jizz off Adam’s face, then leaned up to me and deposited the loads of fuck knows how many men into my mouth. I lapped up the sperm like the greedy little whore that I am. Adam came up for air and I rolled over on the sofa and laughed. I was still feeling incredibly horny and needed more cock inside me, but Chuck had promised me some piss loads and I was gonna get them, because I was feeling completely depraved and wanted to feel it inside me. When Chuck saw that Adam had stopped eating my cumdump, he laughed and said, “you ready for my piss, whore?” “Fuck yeah, Chuck! I can’t wait to feel it inside my hole.” Adam moved out of the way and I got on the sofa with my ass over one of the arms. Waiting. Feeling hungrier than I’d ever felt before, but not for food. For cock. And sperm. And whoring. Chuck walked up behind me while Adam let me suck on his cock. I couldn’t be without at least one cock inside my body. Chuck spit on his hand to lube up his cock out of habit, but my cunt was gaping and still filled with a lot of sperm. He slid it into my pussy all the way in one hard shove. I groaned and said “thank you. Fuck. Thank you. Please piss in my cunt.” “Just wait a second whore. You’re really gonna thank me in about…,” then he sighed and I could feel his piss entering my cunt. It felt amazing. So warm and…..fuck. Oh my fucking god. I….ummm…. Chuck was still pissing inside my ass, and I could feel his piss starting to get me high. My ears started to ring, and I could feel my cunt filling up. It fucking felt amazing. When Chuck finished Adam came over and shoved his cock inside my already full cunt. I never knew I could take so much fluid inside my ass. My ears were ringing and I was feeling even more greedy. It felt like I was getting slammed again, with a huge hit this time. “I fucking love pissing in a hot cumdump,” Adam said. And then he sighed as well and I could feel more piss flowing into my cunt. When Adam was finished, my Dad was next. He walked up behind me and just shoved his semi-hard cock into my gaping whore cunt. “You ready for another load of tina piss, you dirty little faggot, son?” Adam, Chuck and Dad started to laugh, and Adam said “I think Justin’s ready for just about anything at this point.” Daddy laughed and then sighed. Once again, I could feel my cumdumpster being filled with piss. And once again my ears started to ring because Daddy’s chem piss was thick and strong. I tried to open my mouth to speak, but found that I couldn’t. My ears continued to ring and I just laid there on the sofa, ass in the air, with my Dad’s cock still filling me with tina piss, while the rest of them made out and laughed. I could vaguely hear them making another plan, something about leaving and Daddy inviting Adam to come with us. The next thing I knew, a large plug was inserted into my ass, and Daddy got me dressed. We all four left in Daddy’s car, smelling like the filthy cumdumps we were. In the back of the car, Chuck and Adam held onto me while I just moaned and told them over and over how I needed more cock and cum in my pussy. “We know, baby boy, we’re gonna get you more cocks. We have some buddies coming to meet us, too.” We drove away from the bookstore and headed to Chuck’s house. I was in for more and as tweaked as I was, I couldn’t wait. Adam and Chuck played with my nipples while Adam and I made out. I moaned and couldn’t wait for more strangers to breed me.
    5 points
  4. A few months ago I was at a bathhouse Aarows in Sydney Australia. I was wearing my jockstrap and had lubed my ass. After cruising for a while a saw this hot Arab guy checking me out. I walked into a room and looked back invitingly. He took the hint and walked in. He was fully clothed so I got on my knees and started taking his pants off. He pulled me up and started kissing me which surprised me as guys like him just want their cock sucked. When i felt his tongue trying to probe my mouth, I really got into it, and we had a few minutes of intense make-out. He started talking off his clothes and his hands were every where. After about 15 minutes of just kissing, sucking and a lot of body contact and body kissing, he rubbed his cock on my hole but did not enter. I realized that this was all he wanted, and I wasn't getting fucked. I was happy to oblige his kink as he liked having has ass rimmed and body and pits licked, and he moaned in ecstasy every time I did that which motivated me to keep going. We had a good 2-hour session, and then I sucked him off. He blew a huge cum load. He said he always came loads. Even though I didn't get his cock or cum in my ass, I had a really good time, and he is hot as fuck Arab. We exchanged numbers and messaged each other after. We met up the following week again. He book a hotel room as he said the beds were more comfy. We had the same type of secession as before, kissing, sucking, licking and rimming but no fucking, and I was dying to have him inside me. So after 2 more meet ups I decided on making him wait and get him horned up to get his cock in my ass. He kept asking to meet up every week, and I kept making excuses to cancel. After 6 weeks I finally gave up and said I was free to meet up on Sunday. As usual he booked a hotel room and messaged me the number. Before leaving home a cleaned up, douched and lubed up well. It was a hot day and I was a bit sweaty when I got to the room. We kissed, and I took a quick shower, I also got a chance to lube again. I got into bed. I was naked, and he was fully clothed. It was the same. We were kissing, and he slowly started taking his clothes off. Once naked he was pulling me close and grinding and pulling my legs over. His hands slowly slid over my ass crack and over my hole. At first he pulled is hand back when he felt the lube, I felt his body move back a little, but I kept on kissing him like nothing happened. He took a minute to compose himself while we kept kissing. He was back on my hole. He slowly started working a finger into my hole, and I moaned as it felt good. He took that as an encouragement and started fingering me - first one then two and then three. The more I moaned the harder he finger fucked me. and I was loving every second of it. Suddenly he stopped and got up. He pushed me on to my side and then pushed one leg right up to my chest and shoved his cock in raw without a word. I moaned loudly as i was in heaven. I looked back, and he was fucking me bareback hard and fast with a look of hunger in his eyes, I loved every moment of his rough fucking and his moans. After five minutes he suddenly stops and pulls out. I look back and realize he is on the edge and doesn't want to cum yet. He took a minute to calm down, and then he shoved his cock back in and started fucking me again even harder and faster then before. After about ten more minutes of fucking he moans, "I am gonna cum. I am gonna cum." The third time he screams, "I am cumming. I am cumming." I look back and see his cock deep inside me his body jerking as he shoots his cum deep in my pussy. I feel his cock pulse 7 times in my ass, and he coats my insides with his cum. I was on cloud number nine. He falls on top of me, and we kiss as we catch our breath. His cock softens, and it slowly slips out. He rolls over beside me. I slowly start jerking off, and he kisses me again. I cum quickly, and he gets up to take a shower. I quickly put on my clothes. We kiss again and say we should do this again. If you like this story, let me know and i will tell you how i hooked up with 2 bears that same night and got their cum as well
    4 points
  5. Just dumped my load in some cute little high school faggot's(18-year-old) cumhole in an apartment stairwell just outside his parents apartment. tall,skinny, queeny little girly faggot that i have used a bunch of times. usually fuck him in his apartment when his parents are out but when they are home i use him in the stairwell,half a floor above his apt that's right beside the stairwell.i could actually hear the sluts parents talking to each other in the kitchen while i bred their little faggot cumdump son.i had him wear tearaway trackpants and a baggy sweater so i could quickly strip him naked n fuck him bent over on all 4s on the second stair. the slut is fearless lol
    4 points
  6. "I'm not going to the party tonight," he said in a text. Damn. This is a guy I see at different parties held by mutual buddies in the area. We always catch one another at these events and usually we are sucking and fucking at some point. He is a handsome sweet blond guy with the hottest ass and is totally insatiable. He bottoms mostly but I've seen him top a few holes as well. My bud is a total horn dog like me and loves great breeding sessions. When I found out he wasn't going to the party, I asked if he could host and was horny. He lives about an hour from me but I was so horned up I wanted to fuck his hole and drop some loads. He agreed to meet and I was on my way to his place. When I arrived we had a nice deep kiss. He felt my lump in my pants getting harder and harder. He too was turned on and said he needed a good fucking. We went to his room and got undressed. We kissed some more and rubbed our bodies and hard cocks together. I started sucking his nipples. He went crazy and was moaning and groaning. We got on the bed and really started to make out big time. My cock was dripping and he was squirming all over. I turned him over and started to rim his hole. He went nuts. The deeper I put my tongue inside his hole the more he moaned and squirmed around. It was making my cock drip and I couldn't wait. I used spit to lube up my cock and slowly slid inside. When I hit bottom we both let out a big sigh and moan. I was on top on him with his ass up and my cock deep inside. I pounded his hole and kissed his back and neck. I licked his ears. He was rolling around the bed with me on top. At one point he lifted us up a bit and backed into my cock. Lifting his legs up and his feet against my ass. I started pounding harder and got really close to cumming. He started to moan louder and his hole got wetter. He was cumming from an anal orgasm. My cock was gripped tight as he came. I couldn't hold back and I too shot my load deep inside him and was screaming in pleasure. As we came down off the orgasms, I slowly pumped in and out of his hole. We were talking a bit and laughing at the pleasure we just shared. I was thrusting in and out and got more on my knees and really started to pound his hole. I felt a second load working its way from the base of my balls. I pumped and thrust and tore up that ass. I really started pumping and fucking fast and hard. He responded to me then and again I felt his ass get wet and he started to scream and we both came a second time. He was gripping the bed spread and biting down on the pillow. I shot and shot deep inside his hole. It felt so fucking wonderful. I rolled off in a pool of sweat. We relaxed and chatted a bit. He wasn't done with me though. He started sucking my cock and I was stroking his back etc as he got me hard. He got on top of me and my cock slipped inside his hole. It felt so wet. I love that slick feeling and that sound it makes when its all wet and sloppy! He loves his nipples played with and I reached up to stroke them with my hands as he leaned over me going up and down my shaft. The action of rubbing his nipples had him rock hard and he really started to use my cock with his hole. I kept saying "fuck my dick with your cum hole. Use my cock for your pleasure." Without being able to control it he drew another load of cum out of my cock and into his hole. He grabbed his cock and with a few short strokes and unloaded the biggest load of cum all over my hairy stomach and chest! This time he rolled over exhausted and happy. He said he was done because once he came he usually can't do anything more for awhile. But my cock was hard and he was on his stomach an damn it, I couldn't help myself. I had to slide back inside and fuck that wet hole some more. He didn't protest. He took my cock and I was thrusting for all I was worth. My cock was in slut heaven and his ass took over. He was squeezing my cock trying to get more cum out of my balls. With a loud moan (which came from me) my cock fed his hole some more juices. I could hardly move after that big orgasm. I took a bit of time to recover and get dressed. We hugged and promised each other to do it again soon. Best damn 1 on 1 I have had with him. We usually fuck once or twice at a party and go different ways to find more ass/dick. It was fun to unload everything I had deep inside him this time. I know we will do it again soon!
    4 points
  7. In my 20s, I became very attracted to black tops for a couple of reasons: Black tops seemed to be much more attracted to me as a chubby white bottom than white tops. (I find this still to be the case at 55. Really hot young black guys hit on me regularly on the hook up apps.) Black tops almost always are willing to go bareback. I found the same things to be true about Latino tops when I lived in Texas. I don't run into any where near as many of them in Louisiana.
    3 points
  8. Ongoing Stealthy Fuck Buddy (Continued) Tuesday night I got an email from Adam, my illicit fuck buddy ha ha. "Can't wait to see you tomorrow, I'll make your hole feel really good." I sent off my reply letting him know that I'd email him as soon as I was on my way home, which I did. My partner leaves for work at 4:30am every day and as he was leaving, he winked knowingly and told me to have fun. At 6am, Adam emailed me to let me know that he was on his way. I don't know why but I felt so nervous that I smoked some weed to relax. I unlocked the front door, went to my bedroom and waited for him face down, ass up and lubed while I read the latest posts here on BreedingZone. At 6:20, as I was laying there pleasantly stoned, I heard the door open and close followed by the sounds of his footsteps in the hall. He walked in, grabbed my right ass cheek and started making small circles on my hole with his thumb. Then suddenly, I felt a playful slap on my ass and soon I heard the clinking of his belt as he unbuckled it and dropped his pants. "Fuck! I've been thinking about your ass non-stop." He said. He got on top of me and started kissing my neck and slid his tongue down my back until he got to my ass and he started biting and nibbling on my ass. The stimulation was driving me crazy so I turned around and told him I needed to taste him. I took his cock into my mouth and did my best to suck him the best way I know how. Within a minute he was rock hard and halfway down my throat. He started grunting and I could taste his sweet/salty pre-cum as it continuously flowed from his impressive manhood. After some time, he grabbed me under the armpits and lifted me up so he could kiss me. After we had made out for a few minutes while he kneaded my ass cheeks, he said, "I need to be inside you right now, turn around and bend over for me. Let me see that tight hole I'm about to fuck, baby". Ok, so he's not exactly Cyrano de Bergerac but his words still made me melt for him ha ha. I turned around, and placed my head and chest down while my ass lifted up in the air for him. I heard him open the drawer where I keep the condoms followed by the telltale sound of the condom wrapper and wondered why he would even bother. If he had just said he wanted to fuck me bareback, I would have let him. I felt the mattress shift as he climbed up on the bed and started massaging my buns. He used his left hand to spread my buns and guided his cock to my hole with his right hand. Then I felt it, his huge cock head touching my tight hole and beginning to apply pressure. But it wasn't just his cock head; No, it was his bare cock head. I felt the heat of his cock as he used his index finger to guide his cock into me. I was feeling his cock against my hole but no condom at all. I was a little confused because I clearly heard him put the condom on. He slid into me slowly, letting me adjust to his size at my own pace. It wasn't until he was about halfway in that I felt the shredded ends of the condom and deduced that he'd probably torn the tip of the condom, put it on, and slid it down his shaft; allowing his cock head to penetrate right through it. "Are you Ok?" He asked, once he was balls deep in my ass. "Oh my God, Yes. You feel so good!" I answered. Once I was used to him, he started pumping in and out of me. True to his word, he fucked me using a variety of strokes. From slow and gentle to a steady pounding with an occasional jab that would make me shudder as he banged my prostate. His relentless pounding soon had me on the verge of cumming and I whispered that I was close. "Fuck! I love your hole gripping my dick like that. It feels so hot!" "Oh baby, I can feel you bouncing against my prostate and you're giving me shivers." "Wow, you can really feel that?" He asked amazed. "Absolutely! It's why I come so quickly when you fuck me. Your big dick makes my ass and hole very sensitive. And one thing I really like is the way your cock twitches and throbs when you cum. I love feeling you cum inside me." And there it was, I'd said it out loud. "Fuck, stop talking or I'm going to cum!" "Go ahead and cum baby, I've got plenty of more condoms for you to use". "Oh God! You want it?" "Yeah, baby, I do! Give it to me!" I yelled as he started to buck against me. Suddenly, he slammed as deep into me as nature and the laws of physics allowed and started shooting his hot sticky seed into me. I shuddered and yelled out as my own orgasm overtook me and I shot all over my sheets. He collapsed on top of me with his dick still embedded inside me and I could feel his heart pounding wildly against my back. As we came down from our orgasm, he stayed inside me and kissed my cheek and neck. Eventually, he pulled out and rushed to the bathroom. He flushed the condom down the toilet and came back into the bedroom and lay back down next to me. Spooning me as I felt his wet cock head settle between my buns. I/ had already thought about it and decided that I wouldn't bring up his tampering with the condoms unless he did first. The way I see it, I did tell him that I'm on PrEP so he knows that I am open to barebacking. I really like the way he fucks and I don't want to ruin that by scaring him off. And maybe it turns him on to do something taboo like that, and I don't want to take that from him. "Is everything ok? You're kinda quiet." He said. "Oh definitely", I replied. "I'm just enjoying the afterglow ha ha". "Oh okay, so I didn't do anything to upset you?" "No, not at all. In fact, I loved every second of it and when you came; I imagined your sperm shooting inside me instead of in the condom. But, I know that we agreed that we'd always use condoms so I'll just stick with the fantasy ha ha." "Ha ha, yeah, you're right. But I know that your ass is so hot and sexy and fits my cock so perfectly that I imagine that it feels just like heaven bareback but I shouldn't do that, it's exciting but so wrong." "Yeah, it is exciting though". "Fuck! Look at that, you got me hard again. I'm going to have to give you my cock again. Teach you to tease me, get me all horny and hard, thinking about fucking you and filling you with my cum. Turn around!" He barked sexily as he reached for the condoms in the drawer...
    3 points
  9. Ram's Training Begins. After chatting and flirting and chatting somemore. I convinced Ram that he'd eventually need personal training session. By now, Joseph new well of me and the three of us had chatted online but i kept my focus on Ram. I ignored Joseph which I new was bothering him as I paid more attention to Ram. On two occasions, Ram mentioned that they had had discussions about me and how we flirted, but I would also give Joseph just a little attention so Ram could use that as leverage in those fights. Ram knew quite well that our flirting was getting heavy. He would send me progress pics of himself and i'd make comments that would get his faithful boner hard and he'd have to ask me to stop. To which I apologized and then wouldn't speak to him for a few days, even if he wanted me to. It was a long game but the goal of making him want to cheat. beg to cheat and even more beg to be pozzed repeatedly was well worth it. I learned that both Ram and Joseph were very much vers, and worked my way to the point that Ram felt comfortable talking about sex. we joked about dick size and how Joseph was more of a bottom than Ram and even a bit of a size queen. Ram was more causal but happy to have pride in his thick 7.5 incher. When I had told him about the size of my cock he couldn't help but exlaim during one of our late night chatting sessions. 9.2x6.1?! how the hell do you know that specifically?! boys like to measure. i guess it makes them feel accomplished I mused. here take a look > Holy fucking shit don't send me stuff like that! Ram typed hysterically i could only imagine It's just a dick If joseph saw that he's gonna get pissed. haha, you boys need to chill i'm not gonna fuck either one of you you know you want to You boys are cute, but i'm poz. There was a long pause. several times the ellipses lit up showing he was trying to think of what to say. Man...I'm sorry? For what? I'm proud to be. Really??? Its a rush to know you're completely free. You don't have to worry about it anymore, and also when you find a guy who knows and wants you too. the rush of raw fucking is even more amazing. Wow... you fuck raw?! Yes of course I have meds so its "safe" unless I get off of them. I only fuck raw. That's kind of scary man... Its the hottest sex ever Rambo We never fuck raw...well thats a lie, lol sometimes we do but... You love it raw, don't you boy? hahaha yeah i do... Slowly I planted the seed in his brain that raw seed was what he needed and wanted. Then after more chatting and talking one night he texted me. Hey! big guy! what you doing? Nothing much boi, just here at home. cool...have you worked out already? not yet, was going to soon. cool...I was wondering if i could get that personal training session we talked about... Of course boy, you know I'll give you a good workout anytime haha don't say it like that grrrrr. lol Is joseph going to be joining us, so I know how much water and weights to set up. No...hes out of town with family for the weekend. that cool? of course rambo. He must of raced over or already have been near my place because he arrived within about five minutes. He was decked out in good looking under armor and I suspected he was also wearing some cologne. I opened the door wearing only workout shorts and good jockstrap. "I'll never get use to your body, man," he said as I led him to the garage gym. "You better. You're gonna be seeing a lot of it today." We laughed we joked we worked out. but the sexual tension was building and I loved it. I could feel with every rep I spotted him for the urge to touch the want to put his mouth on me. Creating the chemistry was just part of that fun building him up until he finally caved. We finished up and he laid down on one of the benches. I looked at him and rubbed his chest just once, saying "I'm fucking horny, Rambo." He laughed, then stopped and became serious. "You serious?" In reply I stripped off my shorts and tweaked my nipple. My cock began to grow until it was protruding out of my jock strap. His jaw dropped, so I pushed the envelope a step further saying "I'm gonna go inside and jackoff. You know the way out?" "Y-y-yeah...." "Cool, unless you wanna JO too...." " I should go...." "All right man, great workout," as I walked over and offered a fist bump. When he raised his hands he revealed his own tent in those under armor shorts. He blushed looking from me to my cock to his cock and back. "Jack off with me bro," I urged. "Man...I don't think I should." "Don't worry about it, we won't be gay about it, we already are," I laughed, adding "I won't touch yours if you don't touch mine. The porn's inside." Ram smiled and nodded and followed me inside. I played some raw porn of some hot jock getting fucked and bred by some older daddy. Ram dropped his shorts and sported a respectable thickish seven and a half inch cock, but it was nothing against my niner. We jacked and every so often Ram would look at me as I milked the precum from my dick. "Fuck," he finally muttered as he gave up watching the porn and focused on watching me. I squeezed a big glob of dirty precum and covered my uncut cock with it, and looked at him smiled. He returned my smile and tried to go back to the porn, but within a few seconds was again fixated on me. I let go of my dick and looked directly at Ram, suggesting "Go ahead, give it a tug." He smiled and shook his head looking down at himself. "You know you want to, boy. Give it a tug." He looked into my eyes and i could feel the hunger in him as he reached-over with his right hand and began to jack me. "Fuck..." he moaned a little while I guided his hand. "Fuck yeah, boy," was my response. He started to jack my cock with two hands. "Fuck yeah boy milk that dick." With that he again looked at my body, up and down, and then returned to the handjob he was giving me, quickening his speed. Again I tortured him, by murmuring "Fuck yeah, Ram, milk my dick." He continued milking my dick as his breath became increasingly uneven, all the while biting his lip. Then I saw it: he opened his mouth and was about to put the head in when i grabbed his head and stopped him. "Don't do that." "Why not?" "I'm poz Rambo." "I thought you said it was safe." He was suddenly thinking about what he was doing. "I ran out of meds." In actuality I had plenty of meds, but rather had deliberately stopped taking them a week earlier. "Don't suck it." He looked genuinely disappointed and slightly nervous. "I want to blow my load on your chest. Don't stop." With that Ram smiled and continued to jack me off. "Fuck yeah boy, I'm close. You want this load?" "Fuck yeah, man!" "You want me to blow this load all over you?" "Fuck yeah!" "Poz fucking load boy. You want me to spray this dirty fuck load on you?" He paused and bit his lip. I grabbed my cock out of his hands and started to jack it. "Do you want this fucking poz load on your chest, boy?" He nodded, closed his eyes, and answered "Yes." I blew string after string of thick dirty poz cum, caking his smooth stud chest, rubbing the last drops on his neck and down his chest. When I stepped back he lubed his cock with my cum, and jerked himself until he blew his load. We showered one after the other and got dressed and then I walked him to my door. "Fuck man, that was crazy hot," he said, still mildly breathless with what happened. "Nothing happened man. Just two guys jacking it." He thought about it and I could tell a part of him agreed. "Your cock is fucking monstrous." "Glad you liked it. If you want come over tomorrow we can have a rematch after another workout." He smiled and nodded. And he did come back again on both Saturday and Sunday, each time letting me blow my poz load on his body. His hunger grew. Joseph came back and Ram said he would continue working out with me, and for a week he did. And on each of the four times, he couldn't wait to let me cover him in poz cum. After six days of working out together, and being covered with poz cum, all the while I withheld taking meds, now for two or so weeks, I knew it was time to take things to the next level.
    3 points
  10. A cheating fetish. I couldn't help this side of me. It wasn't me that cheated. I'd long since realized in my early 20s that I was never going to be the relationship type. Nothing got me hotter, harder, or hornier than making a guy cheat. Watching his eyes while he begged for me with his stupid boyfriend, husband, or whatever they call it was back home. I'm 38 years old 6'1 198 17% body fat. I'm the DILF at the gym you can't help eyeing. I wear muscle shirts to show off and i make the boys blush, gay or straight. Black hair crew cut full trim beard. Hairy legs some hairy chest, all masc, all man. But my real pride and joy. The thing that makes the boys go weak at the knees. I have a 9.2 in dick that is 6.1 inches in circumference uncut thick dripping dick. i love letting my fat monster cock just hang and work weeks on training cheating boys to worship and become addicted to it till the relationships they go back to and the relationships they have after the inevitable breakup will never compare. When I was 28 years old I tested positive for HIV. This opened my eyes to the world of domination: bringing cheating boys home now was not just home wrecking, it was a life changing experience that would follow each guy as a constant reminder that he had betrayed common sense, that he had submitted to me and virus. He was essentially nothing more than a begging cums slut who's nature controlled his destiny. For me, it wasn't just sex. It was a sadistic communion. Every secret meeting. The build up to the eventual fuck. and finally the night of repeated breeding till they had no doubt in their mind that when they limped away the late hours of the next day they were carrying the virus home with them forever. Ram and Joseph I found Ram and Joseph in the most benign place you could meet a young gay couple. Facebook. With the lists of boys who added me from the gym and next towns over asking for workout advice and sometimes more, these two sexy Latin boys appeared in the people you may know. It was Joseph's profile picture that attracted me. The two boys sitting side by side on the beach smiling. I added him, and then found Ram tag and added him as well. The boys were so perfect together. Joseph was 24 years old. 5'6. 160 lbs. He was a cute little smooth Latin stud. light tan skin. full lips. light brown hair. Ram was 28, very studly, 5'10 175 or so. Not as fit as his twinkish boyfriend but still so goddamn devourable, and my sights were set on him. I wanted to watch his eyes roll back in his skull as I filled him with poz cum. It turned out that Ram worked at the local mall and I suddenly discovered the need for some new clothing, so the very next day I dropped by the mall and took time eyeing the store from afar until I saw him, dressed smartly, wearing a cute hat and form fitting jeans. Now was time for the approach. Waiting to see him bent over a pile of clothes when I stood close behind him. "Can I get some help" I said slightly louder than necessary enjoying watching Ram jump. "Oh, hey man I'm sorry I didn't see you there." He couldn't help but look me over. the gay boy in him, that cock hunger that is in all gay boys like Ram and Joseph flickering behind his eyes. "Let me get someone to help you. " He said trying to regain some managerial composure. "No" I said bluntly. "No?" "Look I seen the kids you got working for you, they're great i'm sure. But you're the manager and you look like you actually have some style." He smiled sheepishly, even pathetically, at my half assed compliment. "Show me around," I proposed. "Sure man...sir." He said trying to regain his professionalism and overcome the obvious interest. "Honestly you already look like you are pretty good, but we'll see what we can get." He walked me around the store and I took my time trying on different things. and we got to talking. He was only the assistant manager (boring). He'd been trying to level up (boring). He was trying to go back to school (boring). He had plans for himself and his boyfriend (ding!) "You're gay?" I asked innocently "Yeah, but you knew that," he remarked, adding "you added us on facebook." "You recognized me?" I smiled to myself "A hot guy adds my boyfriend. Yeah, I'll pay attention," he replied. We were already near the dressing room and the moment was too opportune to pass up. I removed my shirt just before walking in. with the door still open I turned around and asked "So, you like what you see?" His eyes flickered up and down and his mouth hung just slightly open. He smiled, looked away and returned to look me up and down, finally responding "Cocky much?" "Only if the audience approves" I responded. He remained quiet for much of the rest of my visit trying to busy himself with other customers. I bought several things and left. Two weeks later, I returned to return some of my rusefully purchased merchandise, but during those two weeks I decided to go on a ripping season for my workout posting plenty of progress photos. Ram started testing the limits likeing, then adding playful comments, then finally he messaged me asking Can you offer me workout tips? I smiled when the message came in and replied What did you want to know? How in the hell can I look like you? Long and hard work son. You willing to put in the time? hahahaha! Yes sir Good boy. I'll drop by the store. I need to return a few things, I can bring you some stuff to help. I returned the items. Dropped off some supplements, we chatted about the gym and, if he ever wanted it, I offered some personal training at my home gym. Ram practically jumped at the idea, but there was hesitation in the back of his mind that revealed itself when he finally remarked "I love Joseph." "Your point?" "I just don't want there to be any confusion. I'm just trying to look better for him," he replied. I smiled and wrapped my arm around him saying "Rambo, stop worrying we're gonna have fun." And inside my jeans my dick jumped and drooled thinking of Ram's ass slowly opening up and begging for my raw load.
    2 points
  11. I guess my friend had remembered me mentioning it the last time we played, because what I thought would remain just an ornate, twisted, over-the-top fantasy came true last weekend. I had hopped online the night before, knowing that this would be the first time in months that I could play and really get twisted. So when I saw my buddy online, we made plans to hook up the next night. That’s also rare because usually I’m spontaneous about these things. But he was a lot of fun the last time we played so I thought it was worth setting something up. It also gave me a day to stop eating so I would be especially clean and ready. Being a whore with manners, I made sure I was running on schedule, having thoroughly cleaned and shaved and worked out. When I texted him I was ready, he said he wanted to “shake it up” a little and suggested that I arrive at his door blindfolded. My ass twitched, since this was part of my fantasy I had been working out in my head for months. Cue Fantasy Part 1. 20 minutes later, I was knocking on his door, with a bandana tied around my eyes. I was truly in the dark…and heading further into the darkside. I heard the door open and, just as it did, I thought I heard footsteps behind me, but my host just grabbed my arm and walked me in. Come to think of it, he took me straight to the bedroom and I don’t know who closed and locked his front door. I was too pre-occupied to think about it. Seconds later, I was tied to his bedposts. He was wasting no time. Cue fantasy part 2. The belt went over my arm, I heard the tear of the alcohol wipe and felt the cool rub on my excellent veins, then pop. He let out a slight “ah” as he must have had no problems registering, then I felt a slight pressure as he pushed it in. Suddenly he pulled out the needle, put a tissue on it and barked at me “slide down!,” which I did without hesitation. Doing so meant my arm was over my head, off came the belt, and then BOOM. I tasted that metallic taste under my tongue, my heart started racing, my chest seized a little and I let out a slight cough, which meant it was the perfect amount. Then he told me to sit up as he put a glass to my mouth, which turned out to be some G. I dutifully drank it and then he put the glass down and said “I’ll be right back.” It felt like forever as all the meds started to kick in. I was squirming in my clothes, started to feel like a caged animal, as I heard the sounds of the bareback porn playing in the background and wishing it was me getting gangbanged by a group of hot muscular white guys and their PA s. Finally I head the door open and my host said “you okay?” All I could mutter was “please fuck me. Now.” I heard him undressing and finally he came over and started to pull my shoes off. Or at least I thought it was him. All of a sudden another set of hands grabbed my head and turned it sideways into the path of a thick, swollen cock leaking salty pre-cum. I didn’t have time to say a word when it was shoved down my throat. I’m not usually oral but with all my pent up horniness, I swallowed it eagerly until I was gagging. Meanwhile, someone was yanking off my pants, pulled down my underwear and sucking on my cock while a lubed finger started exploring my already wet, twitching hole. Then the cock pulled out of my mouth and someone sat on top of me and literally ripped my t-shirt off, leaving me bare chested and my six—pack stomach that I’d worked so hard to maintain exposed. Then my legs went up and I felt the tip of a slick cock at my hole. My heart was racing and I was about to press my hips forward when the cock started to push through my notoriously tight backdoor. I let out a groan of slight discomfort, which turned into a moan as soon as it entered my hot hole. I grabbed the cock with my sphincter and pulled it further in and gradually it started to develop a rhythm, going from slow, to faster to deeper, to almost pulling out to thrusting in, to harder, until I was virtually upside down and someone was slamming their cock into my body, crushing my spine as they tore up my hole. I was in heaven. So was the guy fucking me because I could hear him laughing and moaning in pleasure. Somewhere along the way, my arms were untied and I was moved into every position while the two guys (I guess there were two) took turns fucking me. Cue Fantasy part 3. I’d reach down to feel the shaft of their cock in my hole and felt their cum pressing out the sides. Again, I’m not oral, but I took my fingers and licked off their cum like it was Kentucky Fried Chicken. Over the next hour, I felt them shoot at least two loads a piece in me as my hole became sloppy with cum. Suddenly one guy said “I gotta go” and I heard my host say “go ahead”. Next thing I felt was the warm, wet sensation of tina piss flooding my ass. He must have been carrying a day or two worth of tina in there because as soon as it hit me, my eyes rolled back and I went flying higher than the slam. He was so turned on by that that he started to fuck my piss-loaded ass until I asked him to stop and let me go empty out before the bed got messy or my stomach started churning. They lifted me up and walked me to the bathroom and closed the door. I could hear my ears ringing. Or was that the buzzer? I let out the voluminous piss and jumped in the shower to clean out and wash off all the sweat from the fuck session as well as my elevated temperature from all the meth coursing through my body. The warm water felt so good all over as I used my hosts shower gel with menthol to cool off my skin. I got out of the shower and wiped off and looked in the mirror. My eyes were filled with that powerful look of lust. I thought in that moment, I looked as good as I ever had…but that’s also a result of the enhancements. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I was told by my host “don’t come out without the blindfold on.” “Yes Sir” I said. “And let us know when you’re coming out.” “Okay, give me a minute.” After wiping off thoroughly, I dutifully tied the bandana over my eyes and said “I’m done.” As I opened the door, I felt two sets of hands grab me and walk me back over to the bed, where I was tied up again. This time my other arm was wrapped with a belt. “I’m good. I’m plenty high from the piss”, I said. But there was no answer and no stopping. Wipe, Cold, Stick, Pressure, “slide down”!, belt off and BAMN. I couldn’t believe I could still feel it but it was as powerful as the first one, which must mean it was even stronger. Now I was just a pair of holes to be used anyway possible. I was jerking and writhing and begging for any dick I could get. Then my hands were untied and I felt someone grab me and stood me up. I was given another swig of G. Then they proceeded to put me in a harness, leather cock and pair of boots. Cue Fantasy 3. I heard the flash of a camera and what sounded like a chorus of voices affirming that I looked hot. I was put in a few positions for the camera then put back on the bed spread eagle. Then I felt my bandana being untied and suddenly I looked up to see the bed surrounded by 4 older, masculine, muscular guys of all races. They were all looking down at me like a pack full of lions about to eat their kill. I gasped and smiled and said “um…hey” and let out a wry grin. I looked over as one big black bull of a man finished off slamming. He took off the tourniquet and handed it to the next guy, turned and looked at me like he was going to tear me apart. Then he laid his huge body on top of me, started passionately kissing me and feeling my body and fingering my hole. Seconds later, he’d put lube on his 8” cock and was entering me. I started immediately bucking on top of his dick and riding it for dear life, using my boots as leverage. He let out this laugh and said “we got ourselves a wild one.” Then he proceeded to start plowing away as I just moaned and grinned and started sucking on the first cock that came towards my face. Over the next few hours, the five of us played out every conceivable position and scenario as I was fucked and rimmed and kissed and massaged and treated like a porn star. Cue Fantasy part 5. By the time we all started to wind down, my ass and a few others was dripping cum and my rosebud was swollen and twitching. As we all lay there, taking a breather, I looked around at their faces. Everyone looked blissfully aware that we had experienced one of those awesome nights that should be savored and recorded in this story for posterity. And yet, even then, I wanted more. I always want more.
    2 points
  12. This was salvaged from Bugshare.net, the 'Strictly Stories' section. ************************************************************* I am a so called pretty normal guy... on the outside anyway. I have a good job and I make decent money. On the inside I am a complete sex nut who loves big cocks and bareback fucking. I am in Alberta in Canada and I am looking for like minded people to have sex with and pnp. The best lube is oil based Platinum Wet to start out with. Then after two or three loads of cum have been shot in me I just use sperm to lube the way. After I take the second or third load inside of me I get so turned on I have to fuck until I am to tired to keep going. The bath house here in town is the best place for these sessions. I have gone in there and pretty much fucked for 10 or 12 hours straight. I like it a lot more when I am fucked bare but even if someone wants to play safe and use a condom its ok by me. I get very horny being fucked with a condom knowing that the guy is going to take it off and put it into the garbage can when he is done. I can then empty the condom into my ass. I saved five loads like that one night and put them all into one condom. I put a couple of twists into the condom and pushed it into my loose ass while I pinched off the open end with my fingers. After it was in and turned I clenched my ass ring and slowly pulled it out. The condom came out of me clean and empty. Now I was lubed. The next guy who came to my room just hovered there by the door and watched me. He opened the front of his white towel and let me see his shaved crotch and low hanging balls. He had a very thick cock that looked even bigger being shaved. He commented that not many guys can handle his knob and he didn't want me wasting his time if I thought I couldn't take it. I had been fucked by seven guys so far that night and I had just filled myself up with five loads of cum so I was more than ready for possibly the biggest cock head I have ever seen. He came over to the bed, where I was laying on my stomach, and started touching my well fucked hole. He started off with his ring finger and slowly started pushing it in and out of me. He asked me how many loads I had in me as the cum trickled down my butt crack and ran onto my balls. He kind of scooped and wiped the cum off of my balls and pushed it back into my hole. He growled in his throat and barked at me asking "how many loads?" I told him six or seven and he jumped onto the bed and roughly spread my legs open. His cock rubbed up and down my ass crack and he asked if he could fuck me raw and blow a load inside of me. Of course I responded 'yes' and he leaned into me and pressed his knob against my gushing hole. He spread me like I hadn't been spread for awhile. His knob sort of looked like a horse's knob because it flared out to his foreskin and kept the foreskin peeled back. He worked himself in and I could feel the pressure building. I had been fucked by a couple of well endowed guys that night but this was way bigger. I pulled away a bit and reached back to feel him with my hand. His shaft was as big around as a pop can but looked normal because his swollen purple head was so massive. I reached for my lube and tina and told him to stop playing and use me like the cum craving slut I was. Again he pushed into my ass and slowly slid inside. Just as he got to the widest part of his light bulb sized head he just stopped and held it there. He asked me if I wanted to be bred by his toxic cock and filled with poz cum. He said he had three friends that would like a shot at breeding me as well and that they were waiting for us back in his double room. He told me to take a big snort of meth and get ready. I did a couple of nice sized lines off of my bed side table and then another and then he buried himself in my hole. As the meth hit my brain and his cock bottomed out deep in my juiced ass I felt an amazing rush of tingly pleasure. I was being deep fucked bareback by a guy that just told me he was HIV+ and he wanted to give me the bug. I am not sure if it was the drugs or the huge beautiful prick stretching me to my limits but the thought of him infecting me was making my cock hard. He started slow and firm and he was going all of the way in and then almost all of the way out. Every time his purple swollen knob strained against my abused hole as he pulled out it felt almost like a dog's knot. (Yes, I've fucked-around with dogs!) He picked up the pace and he started to really slam his bare dick into me. His big cock stirred the cum cocktail in my ass and I could feel a cramp start in my colon as the other seven loads were rammed up in my ass. His cock and knob were so thick that there was no where for all of that cum to go except deep into my guts. If the seven loads inside of me are poz as well then I am completely toxic. His prick popped out of me and cum oozed out of my bum and covered both of us in the slippery mixture. He rubbed it into my ass and then buried that amazing knob in me again. He fucked me hard and fast for about ten minutes and I could feel my orgasm coming on as he pinned me to the bed and fucked me. I could feel him swelling up even more inside of me as he blasted my sloppy hole with his wad of hot cum. He slowly pulled his still hard swollen cock out of me and told me to lay still with my ass up in the air. He grabbed one of the used condom and turned it inside out and put one of my socks in it and put it up my gaping ass. He said he was saving the cum inside of me for his friends. He ordered me to stand up and get ready for the walk to his double room in the back by the motorcycle. I stood up , grabbed my lube and my towel and started to go. He opened the door to his room and there were three large hairy men laying on the bed watching a gay porn movie. One guy who looked like a biker gestured to the corner and said get in. I looked over and saw the leather sling hanging there. I walked to it and got in as they handcuffed me to the sling by my hands and feet so I could not get away if I wanted to. The biggest, scariest guy came over and asked me if I was up for some no-holes barred fucking. He said I could stop now with no hard feelings but if I said 'yes', then I was their fuck toy until they were done with me. I hesitated for a second and he slapped me hard across my face with his open hand. “Answer the question bitch” he growled and I said in a shaky voice “Yes I want to be your fuck toy.” I was still flying along on the meth I had snorted earlier and for some strange reason the instant pain and the sound of the slap made my cock start to grow. He squeezed my hardening prick and growled into my ear that I really had no choice in the matter anyway. He explained that they were all HIV+ and they were all going to infect me with their charged up viral loads. They stood around me as I laid there in the sling spread eagled with my dripping asshole open for them. The big hairy biker told me in his menacing voice that they were all going to slam meth and I was too. The big guy reached into the nearby locker and brought out an all ready loaded syringe. The syringe appeared to be over sized for one injection but then I saw them all getting ready at the same time and knew we were going to share it. He slid the needle into the first vein until blood came back into the syringe and carefully gave him his share. As the drug raced through his system he exhaled hard and sat on the edge of the bed while the others took their turns. Biker guy sucked blood from each vein he spiked and mixed it inside the barrel of the syringe with the others. He gave himself a hit and he was shaking with excitement as he slammed it into his arm and I watched his cock jerk to life. From my spot in the sling I could see they were all hard now and precum leaked from their drug induced erections. I knew it was my turn to get fucked up as he wrapped his belt around my bicep until my veins swelled up. They came over and stood around me stroking them selves and took turns fingering my dripping hole. The cum was running down my ass crack and pooling in the sling under my ass. The small mean looking guy took a large tub of Crisco out of the locker and started to dump it onto me. All four of them worked it into my skin and my ass and onto their own swollen cocks. Small guy started to work his fingers up inside of my slippery hole and soon had two and then three in deep. He soon managed four and as I opened up he started to push harder and I felt him getting to the widest part of his hand. He dumped oil onto my ass and held his hand steady and told Biker guy to slam me full of meth. I felt the pin prick as the needle went in and I watched him draw some blood off and slowly push the entire contents into my arm. I watched mesmerized as the blood and meth mixture disappeared in my vein and my whole body became hyper sensitive and the rocket ride of my life started. My ass convulsed around his fingers and he pushed harder as every nerve in my fuck hole went into overdrive. The small guy said my ass was twitching and it was sucking his hand in. He pulled back and made a fist and pressed it against my Crisco lubed hole. I opened up completely as he slipped his fist passed my once tight sphincter and it took my breath away. Then pleasure beyond anything I had ever felt rolled over me as the crystal filled my brain and his fist filled my ass. The rush of the drugs and the feel of his wrist rubbing my anal muscle made me almost convulse as a total body and mind orgasm swept me away for awhile. I must have blacked out for a minute but as I came back I could feel him fisting me almost to his elbow and bottoming out deeper than I thought was possible. He was pulling on his thick uncut rod and as he got close to coming he slid his hand out of me and rammed his wet prick deep into my cum hungry butt hole with one hard motion. He fucked my hole hard and deep for only a couple of minutes before shooting a huge load inside my guts. This signaled the rest of them to fuck me one after another using me like a whore for over an hour and a half. They fucked me raw and the smooth feel of their bare cocks pushed me over the edge time and time again. I think the meth kept them hard because after the small mean guy came he was hard again within fifteen minutes. This was my fantasy that I had been masturbating to since puberty. Being fucked hard by four thick cocked hairy men bareback and having them take turns seeding me with their musky man juice. As the pace sped up I felt one of them tighten up and I felt him squirt inside my hole adding to the cum all ready in there. This seemed to spark the next guy who stepped in between my widely spread ass cheeks and pounded my first two loads deep into my colon. He grunted out that he was coming and he pulled his huge mushroom head out of my well fucked hole and shot his hot load all over my open ass. He sprayed cum all over my balls and my ass was gaping so open that it shot right up inside of me. The guy who fucked me first in my room now scooped up all of the cum on my balls and thighs with his thick hairy fingers and pushed it all into my ass. He rubbed more cum onto his massive cock head and slid it deep into my ass. I felt myself being filled with his hot meth piss and my buzz came on like a freight train. I saw them all standing there with their cocks in their hands waiting to piss in me as well. One of them grabbed the garbage can and put it under my piss and cum filled hole. It was just in time too as my anus opened up and a gush of piss and cum squirted out of me and splashed into the garbage can. The meth in his piss got me stoned all over again and I knew I was going to get pissed on again so I was turned on by the prospect. I took the second piss filling without any trouble and asked for the third guy to go again and fill me up with his piss. By the time he was done peeing in me I felt like I was overfilled and I could feel a cramp building inside of me. I now had two bladders full of hot piss inside of me and my head was spinning from all of the meth that was entering my body. They held up the can again and I sprayed piss out of my ass in a torrent and there was lots of thick white cum mixed up with it. One of the biker type guys left the room for a minute and went to the bathroom to grab a roll of toilet paper. When he got back he stripped the paper off of the cardboard roll and greased it up and slid it into my ass. He then stood back a half a step or so and started to urinate into the tube and filled me again with his hot piss. I enjoyed the feeling of the hot liquid inside of me and the ringing in my ears from the meth high turned me on all over again. The biker guy who slammed the meth into my vein asked me if I was done for the night. I replied that I wanted to be fucked and filled with cum by more guys and would they go and find as many tops as they could and bring them back to me here. He brought out another syringe and slammed me with more crystal. I went up so fast I lost track of where I was for awhile and when I came to the room was filled with men who were fucking me one after another. I saw that the door was open and there was a line up at the door to use my hole. Time kind of ran together for me for awhile as I was fucked and filled with load after load until I was laying in a large puddle of slippery cum slime. The biker guy told me I had at least ten more loads shot into me since they had opened the door to their room. He told me that they had gone to the steam room and started talking about the cum whore in room 406 that was taking on all comers... bareback. A little crystal meth and an insatiable longing to be fucked and filled by as many cocks as possible led to me being bred well and true. I am not sure how many loads I took that night but it must have been around 20 or 25... maybe even more. I lived out my wildest fantasy that night and I am sure I will do it again in the near future. I am going to Amsterdam in the spring so I will be looking to take as many loads as possible in a one week orgy of fisting, bareback fucking and hopefully some good drugs. I have never told anyone about my gay sexual adventures before but when I read the stories posted here on BNskin I just felt a kinship with all of you perverts. I am that pervert and I like the feel of hot cum in my ass. Thanks for reading my story. PS. This is a completely true story with no embellishments added.
    2 points
  13. About three weeks ago I took my first two raw loads. I was at a guys place who I had hooked up with safe before, he invited a 3rd to join us ('straight' married), as i was sucking my hosts cocks, his friend came in and started licking my arse. I didn't even look at the second guy until I turned round to suck his cock and let the first guy rim me. After getting my whole nice and wet they bent me over the bed, with the married guys cock nudging at my hole I asked if he was going to use a condom, his response was to push his cock into me. At this point I just submitted completely and let it happen. He fucked me until he came inside me, I rolled onto my back and spread my legs for my host, he slipped straight into me and fucked me fast until he dropped his load inside me. At this point I started to ask myself what I was doing and regret how stupid I had been, but it was too late. Now every time I think about it I get hard, I know I should count myself lucky and only play safe in future, but I am not sure I can resist. I don't want to catch anything but taking raw cock and cum is so hot.
    2 points
  14. The funny thing about hooking up on silverdaddies, is spreading for "santa clauses" that are looking to empty their sacks.
    2 points
  15. Had a nice slutty day today. Load 1: ass up at home after bf was at work. A regular, nice thick cock who knows how to throw a sensual no strings fuck. Walk in, he wants me to suck him a while, and then he gets behind me and breeds me slow, deep, and intense. Very nice. Load 2: ass up at home. Latin (I think) guy with an enormous dick. He only breeds me if I have a cummy ass. Wants me ass up, room as dark as possible, in a jock. He walks in and mounts me, and throws an intense popper-fueled fuck until I finally squeeze my hole down on his cock and sends him over the edge. He plunges in super deep to make his deposit. Load 3: went to fat cobra (bookstore). Immediately found a ginger and went into adjacent booths. Took him a while to get hard but I eventually turned around and rubbed his cock on my ass. He immediately started stabbing my ass cheek which I took as a yes. I slid down and rode him a good long while. Average cock but he throws a good fuck. Let the entire place know he was seeding my hole too. Load 4: sluttiest of the day. At fat cobra still. Ran into acquaintance who pulled me into a booth. I sucked him a while and a cock appeared from the adjacent booth. The guy I’m sucking moved me to sit right on that truly random cock. Average size and girth, fucked me a while until I heard moaning. After it was clear he was breeding me the guy I was sucking blew in my mouth. Load 5: still at fat cobra. Regular bent me over and bred my cummy hole quick before the gym. Cum running down my leg at this point. No more guys so I went home. Milestone day — passed 200 loads: now at 201 loads in 2018 from 124 guys, 52 of those loads truly anon. Trying to keep all the cum in me overnight. My ass feels slutty and fucking perfect. Now have to set a goal soon for next year’s load count!
    2 points
  16. Sneak Preview of a new story... about to come: “Our car is parking in a dead end street nearby. Maybe we could sit in the back seat and… just talk” I suggested. I knew it would take me less than ten minutes now to get my fingers up his tight hole and scratch him with my fingernails. Tearing them down, making him bleed and open him up for the gift I was about to present to him. His little brain was working hard and after a minute he nodded at me. I paid our drinks and Damien smiled gratefully. It was okay to pay for a coke and get a pussy for free. “Hey – where do you think you are going?” a dark voice boomed behind us, as we started to leave the pub. We turned around and Damien looked like he was caught stealing something in a shop. “Oh – I’m sorry guys. I wanted to take a walk with this guy here. He is alone here and we just wanted to talk outside….” I blabbered innocently. “And who is this? I wonder if Jon would approve, that you are taking other guys on a romantic walk….” one of my friends barked. “No – it is not like this! This fag here has a steady boyfriend and he is really loyal to his man… right?” I looked at Damien. The lad didn’t feel good about, being called a faggot in front of ‘strangers’. “Oh sorry… guys… this is Damien. Damien the big one before you is Shredder and the other one with the huge bulge in his pants is Hawk. Damien exchanged handshakes with my friends. “What’s up faggot” Shredder replied while Hawk openly massaged his cock through his pants. “Don’t scare him… assholes. They are not usually that way. They are only acting this way, because we were hunting all day long and they are a bit tensed up. Don’t worry about them. They are also in committed relationships and only teasing you” I said out loudly. I addressed to my friends “I am just giving him some advice on his relationship to his lover and we need a place we actually can go through things and talk about stuff… I can feel we are close to a break-through now” I grinned and slapped my left palm against my right fist, signaling we would fuck the slut very soon now. Damien couldn’t see this, because I was standing behind him. Too bad he didn’t turn around to check this noise out, since he could hear the slapping sounds clearly.
    2 points
  17. Stopped by rest area last night to piss and check out any truckers that might be there. As usual, I took a seat on a bench by the truck parking area and smoked my pipe. Wasn't too long before a chubby bearded 30ish trucker stopped by and was making casual chat and asking about my pipe. After a few minutes I decided to go for it, and told him it was getting cold out, but I'd be happy to chat more in his heated truck. He was a little shocked, but quickly said sure and got up and led the way. He was maybe 5'-6", and his buzzed hair was thinning rapidly. I love a balding man with a beard! So we get in his rig and go right to the sleeper. He starts rubbing my belly and I pull him in for a kiss. He lets my tongue probe his mouth, and I'm horny as fuck as I can already tell he's quite submissive. I push him down to sit on bed, and pull out my cock, telling him to show daddy what a good son he is. He sucks my cock nice n steady, and I know my cock is leaking my charged precum in his mouth. I pull it out and rub it on his face and thru his beard, then tell him to get naked and show me his ass. He's hairy as fuck, especially his ass crack, and I can't help but dive in and start licking his hairy hole. I know he's enjoying it as I can feel him pushing back, and I gently start jerking his beer can thick cock as I'm tonguing his hole deep as I can. Once his cock starts dripping, I stop jerking him and, getting on my knees right behind him, I rub my cockhead on his wet hole repeatedly. He's moaning and gently pushing back, so I ask him if he wants daddy to fuck him raw. He only nods yes, and I slide gently into him. I'm watching my slick cock slide in and out, and seeing his fur all around my cock gets me even more horned up. I start fucking harder and tell him I gonna shoot my big load deep in his ass. I feel him clamp down and grunt, and I know he is cumming. I thrust a few more times, then unload a huge fucking torrent of my gift as deep as I can shoot inside him. Damn it had been a while since I came so hard! We both rolled over, and he put his head on my chest. Maybe 10 minutes later he licked my cock clean, got me hard again, and I fucked one more poz load in his ass before I left. I sure hope he loves getting his early Christmas gift as much as I loved giving it.
    2 points
  18. I new family moved in last week Dad older son and two daughters and wife. They invited me over and we had just a nice time Food and drinks and good conversation The dad got talking to me and confussed he was bi. Did I know any bi guys around. Well I said I am a gay bottom and would play if he wanted. we left it at that and then yesterday morning he texted me. Girls were out and coul he come over Sure and in a few minutes the doorbell rang. there was the dad and his 19 year old son I was surprised but he said he wanted to introduce his son to man sex we all went into the bedroom and got naked I was sucking the dad went he told his son to try my ass He told him real men bareback With one swipe the son entered me and started pounding It do not take him long before he unloaded deep in me At that the dad went in me and added his load After a while of rest they both put another load I me they asked is they could come over another yimr and I said sure. The son said his cousin may want to join them
    2 points
  19. THE AWAKENING: I am not sure for how long I was out, but when I awoke I was flat on my back, with my hands tied to a bed, which was covered in white satin sheets. The room was entirely decorated in white, devoid of any decorations on the walls. Most importantly, Brother Zack was next to me, wiping my forehead with a wet washcloth. He was wearing nothing with the exception of a cum and piss stained jockstrap, showing off his amazing semi hard cock. The head of his cock was poking out through the side of his jock. On the table next to the bed, was the bottle brush, with my dried blood on it, along with the cruel condom he had used. He asked me if I remembered much of the ceremony, to which I replied yes SIR. He gently but his lips to mine, saying that I no longer needed to call him that, it was all part of the ritual. He said that although the results would not be immediately, we were now Brothers, united by the gifts that we had shared during the ceremony. He had me roll onto my side, only to make sure that the plug was firmly in place. I begged him to breed me again, and he replied that my ass had taken quite a beating, and that although he wanted to, he felt that it needed a rest. He explained however that like I did with father Joseph, it was time for me to share my seed with him. Through all of this, my cock was still pretty limp, and he said the father had left a little something to help with that. He untied my arm, and brought the syringe to my cock, and pushed the plunger. It wasn’t long before my pathetic cock became rock hard, and I felt that I could rule the world. He explained that I was to breed him, and be rough in doing so. I asked if he wanted me to brush his hole with the brush, to which he said yes, but not our brush. It was now a sacred object between us, and others to follow. He did say that it was the same brush that father Joseph had used to prepare him for his conversion, and the one that I would use for my first conversion. He did however remove a toothbrush from the table, and instructed me to properly abuse his ass, before penetration. He once again told me that I was expected to be as rough on him, as he was to me. I don’t know what came over me, but I slapped his face before spitting on it, and instructed him to refer to me as Sir for the remainder of the session. A smile came upon his face, as more and more of his cock protruded from his cum and piss stained jock. I instructed him to take off his jock, and get on all fours. He responded with Yes, forgetting to say Sir, and was slapped once again by me. He smiled, and said yes Sir. I just spit in his face and told him there was nothing to smile about. Although my cock was rock hard, I was able to piss on the jock, and told him to stuff it in his mouth, as I did not want to hear any noises which might lead father Joseph to join us. His ass was solely mine tonight. After the jock was stuffed in his mouth, I brushed his cunt with the toothbrush. Once it had a bright red tint to it, I removed the jock from his mouth, and instructed him to lick it clean. Once it was relatively clean, I began to aggressively brush his mouth with it, until it was once again bright red. I informed him that he was going to receive two loads, one up his cunt, and one in his mouth. I explained that he was NOT to swallow the load in his mouth, but to felch it with me. With that, I replaced the jock in his mouth and I mounted his ass, and although my cock was rock hard, It wasn’t long before I dropped my load up his cunt. I still remained hard though. Through the jock, I could hear his muffled moans. I know his ass has taken much bigger cocks than mine, but shrugged it off as him being pleased by my aggressiveness with him. I removed the jock from his mouth, and it was now covered in blood in addition to the cum and piss on it already. I began to aggressively fuck his mouth, slapping him a few times and telling him to watch his teeth. They had not actually gotten in the way, but he didn’t know that. After I blew yet another pretty big load down his throat, I instructed him to clean my cock, which he eagerly did. After that, he simply rolled over onto his back. I began to bite down on his nipples, and chew upon them pretty aggressively. As he started to moan, the jock was once again stuffed into his mouth. His cock became rock hard, and began to drip. I finished off the session by milking his cock dry. With that, he tightly embraced me, laying besides each other, cock to cock.
    2 points
  20. It Takes Two...or More I was basking in the after glow of a fresh morning of breeding a good boy into a dirty cheating cumslut when my phone buzzed. I glanced over already knowing who the sender must of been and sure enough. my lil Rambo was already sending me a message shortly after getting home. Man that was so crazy! Are you there? ????? I'm here Rambo, I took my time replying, you in trouble? No...lol he's actually still asleep....I think he slept through the whole thing... My instant reaction was dissatisfaction. Half the fun of turning a good boyfriend into a cheating lying fuck hole slut was the moment when the boyfriend finds out. But I guess there's still time, I thought to myself. you still got my cum up your hole boy? I teased Man...yeah... It just keeps coming out....can I call you? Sure Here it comes, I thought and smiled while my cell rang. "Hey" he said. "Hey" I said there was a brief pause as i let him try to figure out what he wanted to say. "Man...I ---" "Ok don't make this awkward. " I bulldozed him. "we've been wanting to fuck for almost a couple months now. Its not a big deal, don't make it one." "Bro...yeah but--" "But nothing. You trying to tell me you didn't like me pummeling your ass all night boy? You came to my door at 1am commando and pushing ur hole out begging for me to ring ur buzzer. " you're poz man. I'm mean what the fuck am I suppose to tell Joseph" I couldn't help but smile inside "Tell him you came over to my place spread open ur boy pussy and begged me to fuck you and then begged me to fill u up with my dirty poz cum not once not twice but three fucking full loads which are still now dripping out ur fuck hole. And then you can tell him the best part of all Rambo. Tell him u want to come back and have more of my fat dick inside you filling you up with cum." There was a long pause. "I got to go" he finally said and he hung up. I laid back having fantasies of him sitting in the bathroom pushing out my virus crying and all the while feeling that hunger for more of the hottest sex he'd ever had. I imagined him fingering himself, feel his hungry spread hole and then feeling the depraved part of him shamed for betraying his boyfriend. I didn't hear from Ram for the rest of the month. I kept my silence and continued to post my regular schedule waiting for the evitable until finally I got a message from Joseph. Hey... He began a promising start Hey handsome. What's going on. I loved acting dumb while images of his cheating moaning boyfriend ran in my head Nothing much what's up with you... Same here just finished showering gonna walk around naked and let my fat dick air out :0!!!! You're so dirty bigguy lol I'm just honest I always knew there was a good reason ram liked u Hahaha and what is the boy up to hes skipped out on this months workouts is he OK? Actually I wanted to ask you...hes been werid lately I mean we don't even talk lately...has he said anything? Other than hes horny 24/7 no nothing. It was a low blow but there are no blows better. Obviously ram would avoid being intimate with Joseph until he either A god the courage to admit hes a cumslut whore B admit he'd been filled with pozz cum and is likely to be infected. And probably C admit that he snuck out in the middle of the night to get fucked and still hadn't the balls to tell his boyfriend. Joseph would mull it over and think maybe his boyfriend just wasn't attracted to him any more after all why would a horny boy not try to have sex. He says that? Joseph asked Oh yeah he's constantly talking about dick n ass. Kinda werid honestly. He may have a problem Did you guys ever do anything? I laughed loudly to myself when u read this. He was suspecting that ram had already fucked with me which was true but I planned to play this fiddle for all it's worth. No no of course not! Hes with you and besides if I was gonna fuck either of you or him, id choose your short tight little bod and ass whih I'd put chest down ass up on my bed getting the fuck of your life for sure. Omg you're horrible lol. I always thought u were more into ram. Ram n I are bros I don't fuck my bros. You though. I would run fuck for miles on you. Lol OK you should stop I have a boyfriend sir. Mmmmcall me sir all you want boy Lol daddy? Yeah that's right I'll be your daddy You're insane lol. Hot and insane Yeah too bad I would never fuck you Wait huh u just said I'm the fuckable one Lol Joseph I guess ram never told you. I'm poz. Omg I'm so sorry Fuck you baby boy. I'm poz and proud. I love being free to fuck and when I fuck raw with my fuck stick its for life. It's a commitment. You'd be mine forever like married with the ring being ur fuck hole Wow... So yeah I layed it on a little thick but come on. This boy was half as smart as Rambo, shorter, tighter and was a real bottom. Making him cheat was gonna be easy. Hey what are you and ram doing tonight Nothing why You boys should come over and hang out at my place we can hang out. I need some pals who I don't fuck with. Ram has been kinda antisocial lately Yeah, probably my fault Huh? We got into a little fight a while ago. Don't tell him I told you but he keeps talking about being horny n wanting to fuck even at times saying he wants to fuck me. And hahaha I'm a top. I don't wanna cause u problems but yeah I kinda told him if he can't keep his hands and words clean then he can't workout with me anymore That's why he stopped going over!!!! I guess he just can't stop being horny Ugh Don't worry he never did anything I just thought I was inappropriate. Don't tell him I told you OK. Keep this our little secret you sexy little buddy? Lol OK....thx for telling me Your welcome boy. You should come over tho we can cook dinner and chat outside. I just built this new addition to the yard makes a great picnic area That sounds cool. Come over! I want a second opinion of how it looks. When? Whenever ure free Well I get out of work at 5pm I could stopshould I bring ram Probably not he probably just be moping the whole time Yeah. Ok sure I'll drop by later today Thanks! The trap was set and when 5 finally rolled around there was little Joseph standing at my door. My dick almost instantly drooled as I knew he would be such an easy turn. I put my big hand on his muscular short shoulder n pulled him in for a hug. "Thanks for coming baby boy!" I squeezed him letting him feel my muscles and to a degree my buldge "Hahaha you know I always knew you were great and ram was just keeping you hidden" "Aw boy thanks" I ushered him in "can I get you anything to drink." "Water thanks! " I poured him a glass and we talked and walked I showed him my house spending extra time in the rooms where Rambo had my cum sprayed all over his chest face and abs. Finally I showed him the bed room. He smield and blushed "So this is where the magic happens" I put my arms on him and rubbed his shoulders making his mouth drop. " yeah" I answered "this is where the magic happens" He moaned a little as my massage rubbed down his back so I let go. "That felt amazing" "For me too. You should let me rub you down." "That sounds waaaaay too sexual bigguy" " call me sir or daddy" "Shutup" "Say it" "....Daddy" "Mmmhm" I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him to me "One more time" "Daddy" . "Daddy want to spread ur boy hole apart and eat it like I stole it" .Joseph pushed me away "Come on stop" " you're right I'm acting the same way ram does Joseph paused "Hes always being so sexual. I guess it just rubbed off on me" "What did he like to do" "He liked to do whatever it takes to get me hard then cuz I can't really hide my boner he'd try to touch it over my pants. " omg" Like perfect cue my boner had arrived at full mast and Joseph was staring almost drooling while he looked at it, speechless. I smiled and grabbed my buldge. Joseph woke up from his trance and laughed nervously. I laughed to break the silence suggesting "OK since rams seen it I guess I can give you a free show follow me out side" As I left the very same bedroom where I had banged Joseph's boyfriend into a poz cum loving cheating slut I threw off my pants showing off the jock strap I was wearing that could barely hold my growing cock. Joseph followed me out side red as a beet and I could hear his heart pounding from several feet away. This boy was mine.he stood outside as I showed him my back yard my cock hanging out the side of the jock and me not even trying to hold it. Finally I turned around. "So what do you think?" He opened his mouth to speak but couldn't muster any words I stepped closer to him " I tried to hold back as best I could Joseph but I want u. I've always wanted you. Ram doesn't appreciate you and maybe I won't either but I want to fuck you right now. I want to eat your hole out so good it would make you cry" Joseph bit his lower lip and I grabbed his arm and pulled him close. my fat dick was pressed up his short abs and lifted him up in an embrace and pinned him to the wall licking his neck . "I want to taste you so bad" I groaned as I licked his neck and felts him give in to the feeling of being wanted. "Fuuuckk" he was moaning and grabbing back on to me. I knew he was begging for attention but also that he wouldn't be as easy turn this quick. I lowered him and unbottoned his jeans and stuck my hand in his underwear around his ass. rubbing his hole with two fat digits. I kissed him wildly as my figers rubbed over his boy hole making him moan and buck. :Good boy" I said and he moaned in reply. "Let daddy eat that hole boy" "Daddy fuck please ,....no stop please" I pulled back instantly. unless he's begging to cheat theres no fun. I walked inside while i saw in my peripheral vision joseph trying to catch his breath. I turned and our eyes met. he wanted me. He needed to be owned and felt. I stretched out my hand to him he reached back and when my fingers wrapped around his wrist I pulled him in and he gave in. "Just rimming okay?" "Just rimming"I responded "Okay" jospeh folded. "And one more thing?" "What?" "While you're moaning you have to daddy and sir" Chills ran all over his body as he nodded. I led Joseph to the bedroom and Places him on the exact same spot where a little over a month ago Ram was when a filled him with his third load. Ram had been on his knees chest down ass up ass completely wreched with his arms pushed out in front of him while I churned his insides making poz cum butter and here was his boyfriend placed on all fours pushing his bare ass back now while i got on my knees to turn him into a cheating cumloving whore. I put my nose and mouth in his crack and inhaled breathing in the heat and clean smell of a good loyal boy. I nearly jizzed just thinking of how much further I would take him then ram. My fat tongue moved from below his balls over his hole and up his crack making the boy's back arch. He moaned and twisted as my tongue pushed into him licking the walls of his ass. He would arch upward on his knees and I grabbed his wrists and pulled him down only coming up for air as I devoured his heart through his hole. Licking and biting and spreading and tongue fucking at one point his face was in the sheets just screaming in exctasy as I kept fucking him with only my tongue. He begged me to stop but I only ate harder. I had every intention of breaking this boy here and now before he had a chance to flee and finally after half an hour of intense tongue fucking his body went limp and he began to push back and enjoy the getting fucked in a way he'd never been fucked before. I stood up and he rolled over on his back. "Oh my god...." he moaned eyes squinted and shaking and twisting his body from side to side "how did you do that." he was covered in goosebumps and reached inbetween his legs to feel his slimy wet hole and his head craned back while he felt his hole. I pushed my two digits against his hole and massaged. "daddy, oh my god, i feel like you just fucked me. " "My dick will feel veven better." and I rubbed my cock head on his hole which like a good bottom began to open for me. He stared at me mouth half open moaning in pulses and eyes wide as my dick sank inch by inch into him raw "Ohbhhhhhhh......fuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkk......daa...daaa...daaaddddyyy.." he stared at me as I met a slight resistance with my dick 3/4s the way in, and as I pushed passed reaching even deeper it looked like he was praying hymns of thanks and by the time my balls rested on his hole the boys eyes teared up, the corners of his mouth smiled, and he bit his shaking lip. He began to cry. He tried to hold it in. but tears were flowing and he chest shuddered and it felt like glory. I pounded his hole hard deliberate thrusts and he moaned and cried out and whole while smiling. "You love this don't you boy" "YESSSSSSSSYESSSYESSS" "You....have....never...beeen....fucked....like....this....be.....fore...." I said accenting each thrust allowing gravity too do the most work. "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" "and you love my fat thick poz cock ringing your buzzer!" He looked back at me crying and moaning "Say you love it" "I love it" "Say you love daddy's poz dick" "I love your poz dick" he was whimpering trying to breath between sobs "say you love me" "I love you daddy' "Say you belong to me" "I'm all yours. all yours daddy.. .. all yours all yours" "Ram doesn't love you like I do" "No...no" he was sobbing "You need daddy's love you need daddy's poz cock" "I need you daddy. I need you!" Just that second I came and filled his hole with a monsterous load. We both growled and yelled as I filled him. and my dick was harder than I had ever felt it before. Something about his boy made me want to not only turn him but ruin him for every other dick so it would never compare to this fuck. I contnued to fuck my cum into him "Oh my god you're still hard. " I just smiled and and ginded my hips and cum into him . I was gonna take my time and enjoy this short lil boy. i was goning to convert him right now for sure. I slowly rhythmically beat his hole and we kissed. His tears and stopped and he was in euphoria and his moaning was like music and I was the conductor. I tuned him with my cock. deep trhust high pitch fast pace lowered it. grinding it made it breathy and slam thrust made it deep legato. I was mozart composing a symphony and this boy's coversion was all i focused on. I moved his legs turning him to his side then over to his stomach without removing my cock. his little body under mine molded how ever I move dhim. I was pulling up his hips so his chest would be down and ass up and I continued to pound him. Hard fast slow deep. when my groin met his ass it sounded like clapping and all the while joseph was singing in moans. in the middle of deep rooting i was clapping his ass quite hard and rhythmically when I began to feel him shiver and shake. his whole body was coverd in goosebumps again alll down his back and his ass and legs and his head shot up. His ass cheeks were practically vibrating underme and the walls of his ass were squeezing my cock on every angle. I wrapped him under his arms arching his whole back and pulling him toward me diving in as deep as every inche would go and his anal orgasm began. He lost complete control and began spraying cum as his whole body shook and his hole was squeezing hard and rapidly beyond control he tried to scream daddy but before he knew it he had stopped cumming and started pissing i held him as he lost complete control and emptied himself on to the bed. when he was finally finished i let him slide off my cock onto the cum and piss covered sheets and he layed there shaking moaning and trembling. I flipped him over. He was mostly limp, but his hole was a blinking tunnel. I saw my pozz cum caking the deeper insides and I jacked my hard on against his open hole and as I unloaded another time. I sunk into him and he arched his back upward and thensank as I fucked him deeply for another 10 minutes until my soft cock fell out. The boy was spent but his training was not over. Over the next few hours I called an dposted on various websited and apps posting about a jock cum dump taking all loads. No load refused. By the time the sun set, not counting the 2 loads I gave him. Joseph had been filled 7 times with questionable cum. He moaned the whole time and not once did he say stop or no. and the end of it he slept. I edited video and photo on my phone. I thought of the two boys now broken. I sighed satisfied and felt my own cock grow wanting just a little bit more.
    2 points
  21. Time to ram it home. After several repeated sessions of coating Ram's chest, abs and even neck with my raw unmedicated poz cum, it was again time push his limits. When he asked to come over the workout, I told him I already had. The next day he asked again and this time I told him I was busy and would have to skip out. After a third rejection, he was getting antsy and asked "Did I do something wrong?" "Why would you think that?" "You haven't worked out with me for a while." "Rambo, it's been three days. Hardly 'a while'. "Yeah, you're right, I'm ...I'm just checking." "No, you're just horny for my dick, aren't you?" "Yeah, well, I can't lie. It's definitely fun." "You like me covering you in poz cum, right?" "It's fucking hot, man. You and your cock are amazing." "Come over tonight." "I can't. Joseph is here." "Make an excuse. I've been dying to lick that pretty ass of yours." "Fuck, okay. I'll be there." The cheating mode was already in him: the need to go even further. Tonight was going to be the night I had my way with him - completely. The hours rolled around, and 1:00 AM arrived faster than I expected - and as it did, Ram appeared at my door, clearly nervous. "How'd you get out?" "I waited till he fell asleep. He's kinda a heavy sleeper," he replied, adding "but I probably can't stay long." "Then what are your pants still doing on?" I asked as I pulled him into my arms, pushing my tongue behind his lips. He let out an almost girlish moan. I grabbed the small of his back and with my free hand explored his pants, only to discover Ram wasn't wearing underwear. His determination to cheat made me instantly hard so I kissed him harder, practically tongue-fucking his throat. He continued to moan while my mouth covered his and he dropped his pants and kicked them away. My finger sought-out his lightly fuzzed crack and rubbed his tight stud hole. "You want daddy to eat this hole boy?" I asked finally coming up for air. "Fuck yeah" he replied, mesmerized by the prospects. "Fuck yes daddy." I repeated "Fuck yes daddy" he said twice more while I growled and rewarded him with another deep kiss and he moaned into my mouth. "Get on the fucking couch boy and show Daddy your stud hole." He practically jumped on the couch on his knees wrapping his arms on the head rest and pushing his ass back. I took a moment to enjoy the view Then I dove in, grabbing each of his tight stud ass cheeks, pulling them apart to reveal that lightly furry hole. I ran my tongue from bottom to top around and repeat. "OHHHHHHFUUUUUCKKK," Ram moaned. I licked then sucked then chewed then licked again in rhythm, over and over, playing Ram like the instrument he was, using his moans and whimpers and words to create a masterpiece of sound that was his slow descend into betrayal - and soon after every inch of my deathly poz cock. I continued to suck chew and lick and slowly pull back on his hips until finally I was carrying him by his hips tongue fucking his tight hole, still so tight from lack of use, (stupid Joseph for not paying more attention to the fuckhole), leaving Ram face to face with my swinging dick while he did a handstand on the couch. Then I felt it: his warm mouth wrapped itself around the head of my dripping poz cock. He moaned as he sucked on the dirty precum, even knowing full well the danger, knowing full well that he was betraying the boy he loved. Not, of course, knowing my viral load was much higher than it would generally be after a two week lapse in meds. We 69'd for a few more minutes until I let him down and escorted him to the bed room. He jumped on all fours on the bed as I fed him my dripping cock, watching him choke until I pressed a small bottle of poppers under his nose and ordered him to sniff. I could feet the high run through his body as the warm of this mouth increased and he slobbered ever so much more. I let my hands run over his back, and slid a single finger into his wet hole. Slowly but steadily his hole opened, up, so I pressed him to take a few more hits of poppers, and sure enough his hole was then able to accommodate not one, but three fingers fucking his hole Pulling him up from his knees I embraced him and kissed him roughly. Then I rolled him on his back while biting his chest abs shoulders nipples all the while spitting on my rock hard nine incher, rubbing it on Ram's hole, murmuring "I want you so bad, Rambo." "I want you too." "I want to fuck you so good." "Fuck...." "I want to make you moan." "Yeah...." "I want to feel you cum with my dick all inside you." "Fuck, Daddy." "Fuck yeah. Daddy wants to fuck his boy." "Fuck, Daddy." "You want Daddy to fuck you, boy?" "Fuck, yeah, " he replied, his eyes locked on mine, even as he knew his next decision would be a milestone. I kissed him hard and deep, and urged him "Let Daddy fuck his boy good." "Fuck yes, Daddy." "Say it." "Fuck me, Daddy." "Say it, boy!" "FUCK ME DADDY!" I rubbed my hard precum covered cock over his hole and started to apply pressure. Ram went rigid and I bit him and licked his neck and body rubbing his back while my slimy death stick pressed in on him. He squirmed and growled and exclaimed in pain, but I continued applying pressure, and finally my cock head popped into his hole. His entire body arched and spasmed, but I held tight, sliding in inch by inch, diving ever deeper into his body. Ram looked up, his eyes and mouth wide open, staring at me, staring at the ceiling, willing me to tear into him. He tried to yell, but could only manage a high pitched grunt, and then his head would fly back and then he began shaking from side to side. Thrashing slightly until finally my balls rested on the curve of his ass, my full poz filled cock buried in him. He looked at me, pulled me close and kissed me and I returned the kiss with equal ardor. "I'm gonna fuck your brains out boy." "Yes, Daddy." "I'm gonna give you the fuck of your life," I stated as I flexed my cock inside his body, enjoying the sight of his his eyes widen and head shake Again he grunted "Fuck me, Daddy!" "This is poz dick inside you, Rambo." "Fuck!!!!" He ran his fingers over my back, striving to pull me in even deeper. I leaned close to his face and reminded him "I'm full of poz cum Rambo" "Fuck I know, I know I know." "You like me to fill you with my poz load?" "Fuck yes...fuck yes, Dadddddddyyy." "Daddy wants to fill your ass full of poz cum tonight," I again reminded him as I pushed forward and began slowly and softly pumping his hole. "Fuck Daddy." He was staring back at me looking at me and holding me. "You gonna let Daddy fill your hole up?" "Fuck me, yes, Daddy." "You gonna let Daddy fuck you full of poz cum?" At this point I began the rhythm that would lead to my orgasm. "Yes, Daddy fuck yes fuck yes fuck yessssuhhhhh." "You love poz Daddy fucking you, don't you?" "Yessssssssssssssssssss." "Say it." "I love poz Daddy fucking me." "I...Love....It...Fuck...Me...Uh....Fu...ck...Me...Fu...uh..ck...Meh.....Fu...ck. Meeeeeeeee...." I began to pile-drive his ass. It opened up quite nicely, which enabled me to fuck ever deeper, ever harder, especially as his juices (and my pre-cum) rendered his hole wetter and sloppier opening and opening to accept the full length and girth of my cock. "Joseph never fucks you this way, right?" He looked at me, suddenly remembering the man he had until now blocked. So I repeated myself, determined to drive home the message: "Joseph never fucks you like Daddy, does he?" "No." "So, you like Daddy's dick more than Joseph's dick, don't you?" "Yes, Daddy." "Say it, boy." "I love Daddy's dick more! I love your daddy dick more. Dadddddyyyyyfuck I love your dick more." "You're a cheating little cum whore, Rambo." "Yes I am "Your hole is for poz cum," I declared as I reached-over, grabbed his cell phone and positioned it right over him so I could record my raw dick sliding in and out of his hole, revealing the red and white a pink of his freshly fucked up hole as well as his writhing body and expressive face as he moaned in delight as I fucked him. Having him fully in my control, I demanded he "Say it for the camera, Rambo." "I'm a cheating whore. I love poz cock." "Joseph never fucks you like this." "Noone ever fucks me like this." "You love it, don't you, cumslut." "Yes, I fuckin' love it, Daddy!" "I'm gonna cum Rambo. I'm gonna cum in your hole." "Please, cum in me, Daddy!" I placed the camera right in front of both of us to see both our faces leaning in kissing as i shot cum string after cum string into him. He moaned and groaned as the fucking continued. I stayed rock hard holding his hands so he couldn't jack off fucking his cum filled hole. I flipped him to his back, I fucked him against the wall, I fucked him with him laying on top of me. Finally I fucked him again, this time his legs in the air. His eyes were so far in the back of his head he was nearly foaming at the mouth. For good measure I spat on him a few times, even as I withdrew my dirty cock, wiping myself on his lips and face. When we finally stopped I had blown three loads in his hole and I could fit four fingers in with virtually no resistance. He slept for a good five hours. When he woke up we briefly made out, and then he hobbled back to his car. His phone had died from the recording but we both knew Joseph would be losing his mind. He left while still trying to come up with a viable excuse to give to Joseph, but I was already working on the second phase of my effort: Joseph. God knows hes gonna need some TLC.
    2 points
  22. Hey guys, I did a quick search on the forums and haven't found this topic yet. I'm very insterested in the experience of sharing a cumdump with another breeder. I feel like in this community this may be quite normal when it comes to bareback orgies and saunas and shit like that, but I mean really sharing one particular slut with another top, like in a threesome relationship. For example, I've developed a relationship with a top from my city, who is hung and dominant like me and lives with his submissive partner. I know you probably won't believe this part, but they are actually a monogamous couple (I've known them closely for more than three or four years now and I can atest to that), but the top enjoys sharing him with another hung top, so that's where I come in. At first it was extremely difficult to see eye to eye with the guy because we're not only tops but also alphas, so it was a mess and full of discussions, both before, during and after sex. Until we finally kind of got out shit together and I planned a special breeding session in which my friend couldn't breed his own boyfriend 24 hs prior nor afterwards, and since then he's been my bitch too. Since then, our relationship changed a bit and now things go smoother. We have other issues now, because all three of us are pretty bussy and I fucking hate it when my new cumdump is not available to take a load (he travels a lot), but I still would like to talk about similar experiences with other breeders, because I can't find tops with similar experiences in my cities. Btw, we all three are neg and plan on staying that way. So either I can't find neg breeders, or if they are they are super possessive (like most of us tops are) and just won't share a hole bareback with another guy, Do you have similar stories to share?
    1 point
  23. PART ONE My name is David and I’m an athletic 20 y/o straight guy. Correction: I thought I was!!! I used to spend my weekends hanging out with my girlfriend, but now I spend them lying in a sling getting gangbanged and getting my as filled up with loads of cum. I knew my GF since I was 9 y/o and I thought that I was in love with her, so I didn’t explore my sexuality. In one night I was converted all thanks to some white crystals. It all started a few months ago when my GF and I broke up because she was fucking another guy. To be honest… I felt relieved. Finally I could also spend time with my friends in the weekends. Not that I hardly see them; 7 years ago we started a Parkour (free-running) team after we saw some YouTube vids about it, so you could find us after classes or work at the park or by the abandoned parking garage practicing our moves and jumps. My best friend is Brian, he’s 18 y/o (nearly 19) and coincidently also the younger brother of my ex GF. Brian was a bit different than the rest. When he became 16 he started in the weekends by staying out all night, no one knew where he was. His parents grounded him but without any effect; he just sneaked out when he had the change. He always came home after a few days, so after a while his parents gave up. Around the same I also saw that he had a few tattoos on his body. My first weekend as a free man was coming up so I asked Brian if he wanted to hang out. He told me that his parents weren’t home that weekend so we could do whatever we liked. So later that evening I went over to Brian’s house. Brian opened the door shirtless. I could see that he had a lot more tattoos on his toned body than when I saw them for the first time. ‘Is your sis also home?’, I asked. ‘She’s out and probably won’t come home tonight. So don’t worry!’ he replied. We watched a movie, but I was keeping an eye on the door; I didn’t want to see her cheating face. ‘Dude, relax! Be glad that you’re a free man. Time to start living!’, said Brian. ‘You’re right! But I’m not as laid back as you!’, I replied. He asked ‘Wanna smoke some weed?’. ‘No! I tried that once and became ill’, I answered. ‘In that case… I have something else that doesn’t make you ill… and it will also help you relax’, Brian said. I wanted to say ‘No’ but Brian interrupted me: ‘What did I just said… live a bit!’. ‘Trust me!’, he added. I smiled and nodded. He came back with a burner and a glass pipe with a bowl on the end. He got a bag with a small amount of white crystals and he loaded the contents of the bag in the bowl. The he heated the bowl with the burner and took a deep hit. After 10 seconds he exhaled and said ‘Up for it?’. I nodded. Brian heated the bowl and placed the pipe at my mouth. I followed his instructions and inhaled deep and kept it in for about 10 seconds. ‘You have to take 4 more hits’ Brian said. After the fourth I could feel my body relax. I gave the pipe back to Brian and he also took 5 deep hits. A warm glow went thru my body. ‘When the heat gets to much it’s best to take of your shirt!’ Brian said. ‘Isn’t necessary I think!’, I replied. But a few minutes later I took my shirt off. ‘Shall I switch the movie to some porn?’, Brian asked. ‘Sounds good’, I replied. I felt horny as hell and started rubbing my cock thru my shorts. I saw that Brian got the pipe and took some hits, he than he handed over the pipe and I also took some hits. Brian pulled down his shorts and started to stroke his cock. ‘You don’t mind, do you?!’ he asked. I replied by doing the same. It wasn’t hard to miss that Brian’s cock was larger than my 8 inches. ‘Damn! I knew that my cock was large but yours is even bigger!’, I said. ’Just under 10 inches’, he replied. After stroking our own cocks for 20 minutes I asked for another hit. Brian replied: ‘Sorry dude, we used up the small amount I had!’. ‘Too bad! I made me feel so hot and submissive!’, I replied. ‘We can get some more!’, he said. I looked at Brian. He continued: ‘Friends of mine always have enough, so we can pick up some there. It’s only a 10 minute drive when we take your car’. ‘Don’t they mind?’, I asked. ‘No they won’t… so let’s go… the quicker we go, the quicker we’re back!’, Brian said. So I grabbed my car keys and we drove to Brian’s friends. We arrived at an apartment building. We walked inside, the doorman and Brian greeted each other. When we stepped in to the elevator Brian typed a code on the keypad and pressed the button for the penthouse floor. When we stepped out of the elevator we enter a hallway. At the end we came in a huge living room. Brian cut across towards an other hall, I followed him. We came at a door and I could here loud music and muffled voices coming from behind it. ‘Wait here!’, Brian said. He entered the room, but forgot to fully close the door. I heard moaning and other strange noises. I started to get curious and pushed the door a bit more open so I could see what was happening. I saw naked men fucking and sucking other men. I saw a young guy (18-19 y/o) laying in a sling with his wristed tied behind his back. A black guy with a huge cock walked towards the guy. He rubbed some spit on his cock and started to enter that small white ass. When young guy started to moan louder the black guy took the boys nipples between his fingers and started to pinch and pull them. The moans got louder and louder as the black cock sank deeper and deeper until his cock was fully inside the moaning guy. At that same moment the door opened and Brian and another guy stood in front of me. ‘Are you enjoying the view?’, he said. I stuttered while trying to say ‘No’. ‘Dude your dick is telling us a different story’, said the guy besides Brian. I looked down and saw that my cock was pitching a tent in my shorts and there was also a wet stain where my dick oozed pre-cum. ‘Don’t feel ashamed for liking what you see. I’m not ashamed for it either.”, said Brian. ‘Know you know what I was doing in the weekends’, he said laughing. ‘Come in… no one will bite you!’, said the other guy. I walked in and saw that the other guy was Brians older brother Chris. Chris is 25 y/o and his ripped body is covered in tattoos. His nipples are pierced and he has a huge cock with a PA piercing. Brian hands me a pipe. To calm my nerves I take several deep hits. When I give the pipe back to him I see that Brian already took of his clothes. ‘There’s only one of us overdressed’, Brian said while pulling down my shorts. Chris pulls up my shirt over my head. Brian stands in front of me and looks me deep in my eyes. His hand starts to stroke my hard cock. I become mesmerized. Our faces come closer, our lips touch and we start to kiss. I never felt like this before and I don’t want it to end. He did a step back and said: ‘You said that the Tina makes you horny and submissive. Are you willing to open yourself for new feelings and ideas? Are you willing to give yourself to me and to do whatever I say no questions asked? Do you thrust me?’. ‘YES, YES, YES’ I answered unknowing what to come. ‘Drink this’, Brian said. ‘What is it’. I asked. ‘It’s something called G… it’s to relax you… After this no questions anymore, remember?!’, Brian said. I nodded. I went to sit down and saw how the black guy was pounding the young guy in the sling harder and harder. With a loud roar he rammed his cock as deep as he could and started to shake. ‘That’s Devon and his loads are huge… Go and take a closer look!”, says Chris. I walk towards the sling and see how Devon pulls out his cock. The asshole of the young guy stays open and pulsates while slowly a stream of cum start to ooze out. ‘Your cock likes it… why don’t you put yours in so you can feel how a sloppy cum hole feels?’, says Devon. I move towards the ass and slide my cock inside. The feeling is incredible and not to explain. Brain takes place behind me, his hand goes around my waist and slides besides my cock in the ass. When it’s inside it wraps around my cock and begins to stroke my cock. The feeling of being jerked off inside some ones ass is mind-blowing. The bottom and I start moan in sync. Brian start to jerk harder and faster. I feel my cock swell up inside and with a loud roar I shoot my first load in a boys ass. Brian and I pull out and kiss. Then Brian takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom. ‘I’m going to show you how you clean your ass… because I only fuck clean asses… you want to feel this cock inside you? Yes you do! Because you said you would give yourself to me!!’, Brian said with a grin. I smiled and nodded. When I was clean I could feel that I was getting woozy from the drink. Brian orders me to lay in the sling. ‘When you’re in the sling a pipe isn’t very handy… so we a better way… stick out your arm and trust me!’, said Brian. I do as asked and stick out my arm. Chris takes a shoelace and ties off my arm. Before I realize it I feel a needle in my arm and see how the contents of the syringe disappears in my vein. ‘Enjoy the trip!’, says Chris while he looses the shoelace. I feel the T shooting thru my veins which makes me cough. And while I feel myself glide into a state of pure trance I hear Chris say ‘I gave him an extra dose to make him totally brainwash him and turn him in to a toxic cum whore’. The only thing I remember is begging to get my ass filled with cock and me pleading to be turned in to a toxic cum whore. I woke up from my trance a few hours later with a sloppy cum as like the other young guy. The young guy was laying beside me. He was wearing glasses this time. I recognized him as a guy from my class. ‘The next time the dose will be normal… that way you can feel it all when you get fucked by Devon”, said the guy. ‘Did I got fucked by Devon?’, I said. ‘Yes! Brian even fisted his cum deeper inside you!’ he replied. I was in shock. ‘They filmed everything so you can watch it… so you can see what they are going to do to you next week!’, he added. ‘Don’t think that there will be a next time!’, I said. ‘Yes you will, that empty feeling in your ass will get more and more until you beg to be filled! I was converted last year and I haven’t missed a party since! Their toxic DNA is flowing in your blood now. Your one of us!” he says. ‘One of you?’, I asked. ‘Hey guys, he didn’t discover the band-aid just above his cock!’, he shouts. ‘We all got a biohazard tattoo with the text “POZ BROTHER” above it. We all have one!’, he continued. Slowly the result of my actions set in and the harder I thought about it the hornier I got. My ass started to tingle, I know now that the empty feeling only will get worser, so I asked out loud ‘Can some one please fill my ass again?’. ‘Later… we first going to show you on bigscreen what you missed! So you know what where going to do to you next time!’, said Chris laughing. TO BE CONTINUED!
    1 point
  24. Marc and I had fooled around together when we were in college. He had a tight muscular body from being on the wrestling team, and I used to get hard watching his matches. He filled out that singlet well leaving nothing to the imagination. Marc was of French descent, but had some North African blood in him somewhere, so he had a nice tan and dark hair and eyes. He was bi, I guess, and I often jerked off outside of the bedroom door, listening to him plow some pussy. After the girl would leave, I would clean off his cock with my tongue and if he was good for another round, I'd let him fuck me raw and give me his second load. After college, we parted ways and stayed in touch at first, but lost contact after he moved to LA. We exchanged Christmas cards and through them, I followed his life. He got married and had two kids. Then, went through a messy divorce. I had moved to the city and was moving upwards in my business. I had also continued to fuck around with guys, and eventually started dating a really cute guy, Patrick, who was both taller and more limber than I as he he had no body fat and a tight torso. He also had beautiful buzzed blond hair and blue eyes. I met him working out at the gym and we hit it off. He was a romantic at heart and was my first real relationship. After fooling around together and seeing other people on the side for about a year or so, we decided to become monogamous. We had always worn condoms before that, and after being tested, decided to give them up. After a few Christmases together with Patrick, the cards from Marc stopped. By this point, Patrick and I had been together for about five years. We still had a very satisfying sex life and I didn't think either one of us was looking for anything else. Out of the blue, I got a letter from Marc. In it, he explained that his divorce had been terribly painful. His wife had discovered him fucking the brains out of her brother, left him, and took everything. Marc spiraled out of control and had had slept around with a bunch of guys and girls. Someone had given him HIV along the way. In his letter, he gave me a new phone number to call if I wanted to catch up. Of course I called him. He was planning on coming back East to start again and wanted to know if he could crash on our couch until he got his life back together. How could I say no? Patrick and I met Marc at the airport, and I hardly recognized him. Although he still had an amazing chest and abs, otherwise he showed-up looking like a ghost of his former butch self as he had lost a lot of weight. We went out for dinner and drinks and headed home to get him settled in. We were all a bit drunk as we made up the sofa bed and showed him where he could stash his clothes. Our tiny one bedroom apartment meant that we would be seeing a lot of each other, and Marc promised to respect our privacy as much as possible. That night, Patrick crawled up next to me in bed and asked me all about Marc, what our friendship had been like in school and what the sex had been like. He was getting worked up as I told him about taking Marc's loads and other risky things that I would never do any more. Patrick was getting turned on and started fingering his ass. I was getting turned on myself, but reminded Patrick to keep it quiet so we wouldn't disturb or embarrass Marc. Patrick pushed me onto my back and climbed up onto my dick, sitting down on it without lube. At first, he managed to keep his moans low and quiet, but as his rocking got more and more intense, the headboard started banging into the wall. I'm sure Marc knew exactly what was going on. I wondered if Marc was jerking off at the door like I used to do when he was fucking some chick. I gasped, as quietly as I could, filling my lover's ass with my load. Patrick pulled off my dick and lurched forward filling my mouth with his cock, driving it into my throat as he came hard. The next night, Patrick asked me more questions as we were climbing into bed. What was Marc's cock like? How big were his balls? Was his ass hairy? We both got turned on again and it ended about the same way, only this time, Patrick didn't even try to keep his voice down. He did wind up with a cummy hole and I wound up with his load in my stomach. This went on for a few nights, until about a week later, when I noticed that Patrick had not fully closed the bedroom door. I could see the light from the living room through the crack. Our foreplay continued with Patrick asking how hard Marc would fuck. What did his cum taste like? Did his balls slap my ass as he fucked me? From his angle, I knew that Patrick couldn't see the door. Had he left it cracked open on purpose? As I was fucking Patrick, I noticed a shadow in the doorway and I knew it was Marc. I knew he was hearing the filthy questions Patrick was asking about him. 'Did Marc ever rim you? Did he pull on your balls?' Knowing that this POZ stud was listening and may be jerking off to our lovemaking made me so hot. I blew my wad deep into Patrick's hole as he shot all over my chest. The next day at breakfast, I asked how Marc how he slept. He said he had a hard time getting to sleep, but drifted off after watching some great porn. I wondered if the porn he mentioned had been me and Patrick. Marc winked at Patrick, and I saw Patrick shudder. When Patrick got up from the table I could tell that he was hard. It got me hard to know that Patrick was turned on, but my stomach twisted a little thinking that Patrick was playing with fire. Flirting with a POZ stud was one thing, but leaving the door open, practically inviting him to witness our lovemaking was quite another. That night, I made sure the door was closed as we climbed into bed. Patrick climbed up next to me and started nibbling my ear. He then sat up and said that he was thirsty and was going to get a sip of water from the kitchen. He pulled on his robe, leaving it untied in the front, and left the room. I knew he was already naked and that Marc would see his body if he was still awake. I wanted to say something, but it was too late. I waited a few minutes for him and then got out of bed to see what was keeping him. Marc was on the sofa bed, propped up on his shoulders as Patrick was casually talking to him with his robe hanging open. I could tell he was hard as his cock pressed against the folds of open fabric with a bit of his pubes showing. They were whispering. Patrick looked as me and grinned like a kid getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I nodded at him and he said good night to Marc, following me into the bedroom. I lay down and realized immediately that Patrick had barely bothered to close the door. He dropped the robe and practically leapt onto me, pawing the sheets away from my body. Patrick bit my nipples hard and jerked my cock as he cupped my balls. He blew me for a few minutes and then mounted my cock. Usually, he faced me as he rode my dick, but this time, he faced away, watching the open doorway as he bounced up and down. It was only a few seconds before Marc's silhouette was visible in the doorway. He grinned at us and walked through the open door. I saw for the first time how much weight Marc had really lost. If anything, it made his uncut thick 7” dick look even bigger. I could not believe this POZ man from my past was standing naked in my bedroom as I fucked my partner. “You like to watch?” Patrick asked him. “Yeah. I like to watch. I like to do other things too...” Marc grunted in reply as he begin jerking his dick. I was about to say something, reminding Patrick that Marc was POZ, but just then, Patrick slid off my cock, swung his hips around so we were in a '69' position, whereupon Patrick shoved his drooling cock in my mouth. I protested as much as I could, but to no avail. From my position, I could only see Patrick's groin. I couldn't see what Marc was doing, but I had a good idea when I heard Marc say “Yeah man. Fuck yeah. Suck that cock!” I managed to pull myself out from under Patrick's body and saw him tongue-bathing Marc's POZ cock. I was so hard watching my allegedly monogamous partner swallowing another man's dick and loving it. Marc pulled his cock out of Patrick's mouth and spun him around so his ass was hanging off of the bed. He crouched down and ate Patrick's sweaty ass. I had been fucking Patrick already, so his hole was loose enough to swallow all of Marc's tongue. I stammered out, “If we're gonna do this guys, we should find some protection.” They continued as if I hadn't said anything. Patrick buried his head in the sheets, muffling his ears from my protests. Marc stood up and worked his drooling POZ cock over my boyfriend's bare, vulnerable hole. I crouched down beside them, trying to push Marc's torso away from Patrick's quivering ass. I placed my hand beside Marc's slippery cock and he placed his hand over mine, wrapping my fingers around the base of his cock. He kept his hand there as he directed the head of his dick into Patrick's winking crack. I watched in horror as the tip of his cock disappeared between Patrick's cheeks. Within seconds, my hand was sandwiched between ass and groin. Marc held my hand there as he gradually picked up his pace until he was really fucking Patrick hard. I looked up at him and saw Marc's eyes glazed over with lust. He jackrabbited away at Patrick's ass as Patrick moaned into the pillows. As their rhythm quickened, Patrick started pushing back onto Marc's dick. “I'm gonna do it man. Gonna shoot my load up your hole. Gonna fill your pussy with my seed.” “Pull out, Marc! Don't cum in him!,” I urged, but Marc released my hand and pushed it aside. He drove in a few more times and held his hips there, shaking all over as he filled my boy's bare hole with his POZ seed. Even though I was mortified, I shot my own load all over myself. As Marc withdrew, a long string of cum stayed attached to his cock, only snapping when Patrick twisted himself onto his back, jerking is own cock until he sprayed his load all over his heaving chest. We all sat there panting. “What the hell just happened?” I asked. “The beginning of something wonderful,” said Patrick. He reached up and pulled Marc's sweaty body down on top of him. “Can he sleep with us tonight?” Patrick asked as he smothered Marc with kisses. What the hell had I gotten us into?
    1 point
  25. After having a blinding month of sales I decided to treat myself to a stay over in a very posh hotel. You got a free membership to the attached Health Club and I was in the swiming pool when 2 girls came into the club. Both of them were wearing bikinis and I couldnt help but notice one of the girls was bursting out the top of her outfit.....her tits were huge. She caught me looking but just smiled and said something to her friend. I thought I could detect a hint of Spanish in her accent. Anyway I decided to try the sauna and as it was empty I thought about stripping off and was just about to get naked when the 2 girls came in to join me. They both spoke decent English and we started chatting. it turned out they were dancers from Brasil and were touring the UK as part of a show. They were staying for 2 nights and there was 6 of them. I told them if I saw them in the bar later I would buy them a drink, and then I left to get ready for Dinner. After a very nice Steak and a glass of Red Wine i went into the bar and ordered a beer. After about 15 minutes the 2 girls walked in and waved at me. They were in jogging bottoms and trainers and a t shirt but still looked stunning. I offered them a drink but they told me they were having a party in their room and asked me to go with them. I honestly couldnt belive my luck here and I got a few jealous looks from some of the other residents. When we got to their room,it was a large suite with a joining door to the suite next door. I noticed there was porn on the TV and looking closer it was Chicks with Dicks that was on. I was given a glass of Champagne by one of the girls and she sat next to me on the couch. As we were watching the porn I felt her hand on my leg and then moved on to my cock. she started to rub it through my trousers and soon I was hard. When she finished her drink she took me by the hand and lead me into the bathroom and suggested we take a shower together. When I went into the bathroom it was huge. the shower would probably be big enough for 6 people. The girl I was with took her tshirt of and revealed a lovely Red bra with her tits spilling out. I went over and kissed her and unfastened it and started to suck on her nipples. She was moaning softly and rubbing my cock as she undid my trousers. we kissed again as I stepped out of my trousers and my shorts so i was now naked. I tried to take her joggers down but she stopped me and told me to get in the shower. I got in and turned to look at the godess that i was going to fuck and saw her bent over taking her joggers down. She had a matching red thong and an absolute peach of an arse. I wanted to fuck her so badly that I was rock hard. She joined me in the shower still with her thong on and we kissed again. This time she sank to her knees and took my cock in her mouth. She sucked me for a while then we kissed again and she turned me around to face the wall. She was stroking my cock and my arse and I was in heaven when I suddenly felt that there was something else in between my cheeks. I turned to see the girl with the beautiful face and fantastic tits also had a massive cock.. I didnt know what the fuck to do , but she pulled me in to kiss again an that was that. I was hers . Hers to do what she wanted.. in the shower she had me on my knees sucking her cock. she sucked mine and then let me fuck her standing up. she placed my hand on her cock and I wanked her whilst fucking her arse. I knew I was about to cum and told her. she just pushed back harder and a I deliverd a hot load up her arse.. Then she turned me round and told me it was her turn. She eased her cock into me with plenty lube and took things slowly. Id had a couple of cocks up me but that was yeas ago.she slowly built up the pace and then she said she was going to cum. I felt her seed pump into me. When we were finished we went out into the room still naked and her friends were all there.. I was placed on the couch and given more champange and then the girls all gathered round. A cock was pushed into my mouth and another of the Tgirls started wanking me. I counted 5, all naked, all beautiful ,all bronzed, all fantastic bodies. A couple had huge dicks on them and I got the 1st one up me as I was bent over the arm of the couch. I believe the phrase is "spit roasted" and thats what they did. Each one came in either my destroyed arse hole or down my throat. Some came twice. when they had finished I was given the choise to fuck one of them and I chose the girl with the biggest cock. it was a real turn on as she bounced on my cock and seeing her cock waving about. I couldnt help but blast a load up her hole. When it was over I was given another glass of champagne and we said out goodbyes. I went to bed straight away and when I woke in the morning a load of spunk had leaked out of my hole on the bed clothes. I went down for breakfast and the girls were there. They asked me over to join them and they made it known that I had had sex with them all last night. you could see the jelous looks on the other male guests. They didnt know that everyone of the girls had fucked me instead of the other way round.
    1 point
  26. This year I finally made my bareback cumdump debut. I started PrEP, stayed on my regiment, got tested regularly, everything. Although I've only had a handful of piggy adventures, without fail, each time, I tested positive for gonorrhea. Obviously as far as infections go the clap isn't the end of the world, and I fully understood the risks when setting out on this road ass first. However the fact that me going out to indulge my piggy side just about guarantees medical intervention after the fact is making me consider going back to condoms. Being able to lube up and let a horny guy's hard cock slide right into my ass is an incredible feeling, not to mention being able to truly experience taking loads. It's making me hard just typing it out. But after having to bring my head back down to earth to mentally schedule a testing date after the fact makes it exceptionally difficult to relish and enjoy the moment. Maybe it's the venues I visit? Maybe my area just has a high infection rate right now? Or maybe I'm just unlucky. Regardless, this has prevented me from getting out there more and embracing my cumslut impulses. (Point of clarification: I'm utterly uninterested in bug chasing, and don't believe it's right to deceive or mislead partners about my status. If I go out to play it's with the knowledge that, at least at the outset, I won't be passing anything on beyond a good time and the fulfillment of release. Though given the circumstances of what I've described I've probably contributed to the spread of infections, something I'm extraordinarily not happy about.)
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  27. Hello, I’ve just brought tickets for Glastonbury festival 2019 very excited! Im a dirty submissive faggot boy looking to take cock, cum, deethroat, drink piss, workship Feet during festival. Get in touch 07429608028 Kik: markmarkuk1 and Skype: affirmationm
    1 point
  28. It was a Saturday afternoon in Sydney around 2:00 P.M. Among a few other 'influences', I was pretty hungover. Not to mention the fact I had flown down a flight of stairs and demolished a brick wall with my body the night before. It didn't seem that bad at the time but the bruises were definitely starting to show today. Not that my fall had stopped me the the night before from drinking myself stupid, dancing and getting some action, but that's another story, I headed over to body line. Its a good place to go, probably the busiest place around although it does have a habit of attracting rather perfectionist queers that are a bit up themselves. I'm more of an equal opportunity fag really. I don't care about looks, six pack or pecs. As long as a man has a big cock and is willing to give me a good pounding I've always been happy. Before I go further I'm 28, tall and slim/athletic build I keep active with cycling as I hate running. My cock is seven and a half inches, and quite thick, but really I prefer to bottom. I had entered the government PREP trial when it started and had been on it for the last 18 months but had finally decided to stop. It wasn't an issue of andy adverse side affects as I hadn't noticed any. Rather I decided to stop because participation had deprived me of the thrill of taking raw cock. I looked back on my pre-PrEP days at one or another of the Sydney saunas - the risk, the excitement. I was always drunk off my face, trying desperately to make sure guys were safe, but wishing they would just hold me down and not give me a choice, but would simply rape me, leaving my arse full of their cum. I've always been a bit submissive, not that you would guess based on my personality in my business life. PrEP had been awesome as I could simply abandon my inhibitions, getting fucked indiscriminately, but something was missing. I was getting plenty of cum in my arse, but there was no thrill. I did't want HIV and still feared seroconversion, but getting fucked raw while on PrEP was almost like using condoms. I wanted the pure experience. So I stopped taking PrEP and just stuck to my regulars who were all neg and most of whom were also on PrEP. But it was still good. Anyway, back to that particular Saturday afternoon. It was 2:00 P.M., I was horny so I decided to check out the sauna. I knew it wouldn't be the busiest time, and I've noticed many guys don't want necessarily want to fuck, and many times if the guy is willing to fuck, he stops half-way through, saying he's saving his load for later on, a practice I've always found it particularly annoying. If I've gone to the trouble of making my arse available to a guy, I expect him give me his load. In any event I was looking forward to exploring the sauna/dark room and maze, chatting-up any and all reasonably hot guys, and, having made certain he was on PrEP or atlas neg and taking a load. It was dead. In the whole place there were probably six guys. I did the tour discovering two Asians who, I was fairly sure, were bottoms. There was one really overweight older guy who was super awkward, and three other guys of whom I caught only a glance. Heading upstairs to the maze to take a look, I encountered a dark, hairy guy who looked to be Arab. The towel around his waist gave away little, but he was my height and generally solid, perhaps a little chubby, but as I prefer guys who are bigger than my size, and as I also like playing with guys who are a bit exotic or at least different - just to change it up, I exchanged looks with him, and stepped into a cubile. He followed. Entering, he locked the door whereupon I dropped my towel. He followed my example. At first inspection of his cock I was super intrigued. While his cock wasn't super long it was still some seven or eight inches, and was super thick, even when not quite hard. Definitely an attractive cock, but his balls were mesmerizing as they were ENORMOUS! There was no fussing around with groping or kissing. I immediately dropped to my knees, taking his cock into my mouth. His cock tasted hot and clean and naturally I reached up to play with his balls. The enlargement was not the result of saline injections or something. They were huge. Abnormally huge. I work in the medical field and was certain the size was not normal. I didn't know if the enlargement was the result of fluid build-up, or perhaps a tumour or just a genetic mutation, but whatever the cause, the man's scrotum was massive and I absolutely loved it. He gripped my head, aligning my mouth so he could force his thick cock deep into my mouth, gagging me. The truth is I really had't had enough oral practice in the recent past to have trained myself to accommodate him, so I reached down and uncapped my amyl, taking a few hits, hoping the fumes would relax my throat muscles, easing the way for his cock. In addition, to increase the likelihood of success I lay on my back on the vinyl bed, my head just off the mattress, which gave him a good angle for his entrance. He got up on top and slowly forced his cock, grasping my throat as he did so. I could feel my heart thumping with the amyl after effects. Eventually his balls were resting on my chin - his massive sack was pressed against my face and his cock choking me as it was forced down my throat, face-fucking me. His thrusts increased in vigour, and I was focused on accommodating him, so when two of his lubed fingers slid directly into my ass, I was quite surprised, and moaned with pain more than pleasure. Honestly, his fingers really, really hurt, certainly as I hadn't been fucked very much in the recent past, and while it was true the last cock I had had in my ass was only the day before, that particular cock had been so small it had hardly stretched my ass. His two fingers demanded entrance, probed my hole roughly and deeply. Thoughtfully, however, he paused to allow me to take a few more hits of amyl, only to grab my headband shove his cock back in deep. Again his two fingers roughly forcing and probed my ass, only those two. He never inserted any additional fingers, even if the diameter of his fingers was far less than the diameter of his massively thick beer can sized cock. Which was, by this time, making my jaw ache. Pulling out he pushed me back on the bed and gestured to my amyl. After taking a hit, he held the bottle under my nose, gesturing for me to take several hits per nostril, all the while his finger tips of one hand played with my hole, while his other hand lubed his cock. " Are you neg?" I asked. "Ana mtakd min 'anak eahirat ghabiat , walakun la tuqliq li'anak sawf alhabi baladay nayib alrayiys bwz," he replied, smiling and nodding. I thought his reply was that he was neg but it more likely meant "I'm positive, you stupid whore, but don't worry you will love my poz cum." "Go gently, man, I haven't had someone your size for a long while." He replied gently in his native tongue saying "Ana dhahib 'iilaa alainqisam kunt balfel tunzif waldi humulatan kabiratan balnsbt lk." Looking back I imagine his reply would be translated "I'm going to split and poz your hole. You're already bleeding and I have a big load for you." He pulled his fingers from my hole making me wince and wiped them across my towel leaving read stains. I was bleeding. I started to pull back as I knew bleeding was risky. I believe he registered the fear in my eyes as he wagged his cock and massive balls at me. He knew I loved them and could be pursuaded. Leaning forward he gently caressed my cheek and and held the amyl to my nose. My heart wildly pounded, which left my brain oblivious to anything other than the prospects of his cock and the soundtrack of the porn playing in the adjoining room. The truth is at this point I had had too much amyl. The room seemed to be spinning. He took command, lifting my legs up onto his shoulders and pressing me down, initially teasing my hole and then pressing his thick helmet against my hole. When he leaned down I thought he was going to kiss me, but rather than a kiss, he reached forward, clamped a hand over my mouth, the other on my throat, as he simultaneously drove his thick cock into my ass. I tried to scream and wiggle away, but his weight held me in position. I couldn't stop him. I felt the sting of my ass tearing a bit more as he forced himself into my body, not even giving any consideration as to my confort. Instead he stared ahead to some unknown point in the dimness. I attempted to jack off so I could get something out of it, but before my cock was hard, that is, after all of ten full thrusts, he froze, so tense his veins on his neck were prominent. His hips gyrated from side to side as, between clenched teeth he muttered "Khudh nayib alrayiys alsam lak turfat eagan saghira," which I suspect meant "Take my toxic cum, you little twink." His cock pulsed, those massive abnormal balls pressed against my ass, his cum flooding my hole. Afterwards he withdrew, smiled, grabbed his towel, and walked out. I touched my hole. It stung. My fingers came away red. There were tears in my eyes. This had not been a great start to my night.
    1 point
  29. Quick post before I go to a church service with my parents for Christmas Eve..... hehe Fucked a cub from Grindr after I checked into my hotel on Saturday morning in Chicago. Then I went to the bear day at Steamworks for the afternoon. Fucked probably 4-5 guys but didn't really breed any. Had a handful of guys suck on me throughout the afternoon, but didn't unload in any mouths either. Some handsy action in the hot tub from a couple guys. So you might be wondering...what's the point of this post? Well...this "total top cub" (me) ending up letting two daddy bears fuck him! It was the first time I've let a guy inside me in a few years. Both were just really hot and bringing out the pig in me after oral and making out and such...licked the one guys rank pits even. Only one of them bred me, but it was hot seeing him slam into me (I was on my back and he was holding my legs) and hearing him groan when he unloaded. Not going to be changing my position to "vers/top" anytime soon, but if the right daddy bear types come around again.... ?
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  30. Think I got an early Christmas gift. Too bad I didn't keep the receipt. It hurts a little to pee, and my piss is a little cloudy. FUCK. Probably got it from one of the guys I fucked in the past two months, but I couldn't find the gift tag. This better not be what I think it is.
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  31. Same here. Being a POZ pig is the best
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  32. It’s personal preference for me. My first experience was with a black man. I’m attracted to them and they seem to be attracted to me.
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  33. Thanks for all the great comments guys the month has been set for February for my cumback:-)
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  34. In answer to this question, Abso-fucking-lutely!
    1 point
  35. And it’s a wrap! After everyone left, my bf had to carry me to the bedroom, felt up my ruined, cum filled cunt, entered me and dumped the last load of what I can only assume about 100 in total, plugged it all in and we both took a well deserved shower and gonna grab some food. I’m instructed to keep myself plugged (and it’s a fucking huge plug) till tomorrow evening for the big unveiling of all the cum that’s sloshing in me, I think it’s going to be a tough job to follow but a boy gotta do what his bf tell him to thanks for all of you that encouraged me to keep on going, giving me the energy to proceed! I think I’m going to sleep like a cum filled baby tonight haha x
    1 point
  36. Enough of these chem sex novels with only one predictable plot. Every story is about a young innocent freshly out of the closet or in the closet hot as hell jock boy, so unluckily fell fall a party old guy, either daddy or master, who is always unmediated poz with high viral loads, who always have a gang of evil toxic friends, who pnp not for the pleasure but for the purpose of infecting the perfectly sexy attractive young jock with not just HIV but also other STDs, all in one or two weekends..... come on, community, are we party guys all such evils? are these Many different novels but in fact one novel, really reflect the world of gay pnp? Is it really that no one can come up with a happier, sexier story about gay pnp sex? is it really true that all the parTy daddies are evils? No, at least my first party Daddy is not a evil. He actually cared about me and taught me a lot of things to parTy responsibly. I do acknowledge that indeed some of the parTy daddies are exactly like what these novels depicted. I have a young buddy unfortunately fell for the manipulation of such evil daddy, and got infected not just HIV but also Syphilis and chlamydia after excitedly being the novice bTTm at age 23 in his first gangbang organized by organized by the evil man he called Daddy with affection, without knowing it was actually designed to be a conversion parTy without him fully aware until it was over and he sobered up. But, I prefer to believe, such evils are only a small part of the community, If, we consider all of us who like to parTy as in one community. I know my opinion will trigger many many angry voices telling me just not to read this forum, or get the fuck out of here. But, please do think about how these fictions really affect us... There will be copy cats... and gays who don’t parTy have more evidence to discriminate against us. These are exactly the stories they need to justify their degrading treatment towards us once they hear that we parTy...
    1 point
  37. Been a 4-5 for 30 someyhing years and 6 for the last 10 years. Raw is the law, poz is the way!
    1 point
  38. Part 15; - Fuck YES Alan, get that stud here right now. Give this nasty worthless converting whore what he deserves. - Well Dan, it isn't just pup anymore. We also have a bug chasing neg twink coming for 9pm. He has nowhere to live, so will be staying with me for a while - Oh YES ... This night has just got that much more interesting. I got back on the computer, and arranged for super toxic Mike to arrive for midnight, and all the other poz tops to come for 11pm. I also messaged my Straight neg son from earlier in this story, and told him there was a new neg twink coming over, and if he wanted to fuck him, he had to be here at 10pm, as at 10.30pm the neg twink would be on 'neg lock down'. That's right, he'd be put out of all action until AIDS Mike turned up. This lucky Boy would truly remember who knocked him up! My pup called out to me; - Master, I'm really very thirsty. I need to have a drink. And my right leg is cramping. I got Dan to take off all the restraints (spreader bar and Fist Mitts) whilst I fetched a dog bowl of water. - Here you go boy. Drink up ... *He looked up at me with a feeble and tired look of eternal gratitude* - Thank you Master Dan and I sat back in our seats, and swigged our Beer whilst watching pup on all 4's with his battered loose cunt up in the air, lap up his much needed water. He was still pouring with conversion sweat, and as he continued to drink he started shaking, and then, he pissed himself. - Sorry Master - It's OK pup. Keep drinking. You need hydrating. As he drank, so did Dan & I, taking time out, kicking back, and chatting. After a while I noticed pup had finished his water, and had remained on all 4s, and was still shaking. I picked him up, and put him in the sling, so his body could rest. - Thank you Master. I'm very horny, yet, feel very tired. I responded with a kiss on his forehead that sported the word 'converting', in permanent marker, and rejoined Dan. We chatted, necked a few Beers, then, at 9.10pm my entry phone buzzed. - Aaaaaaahh, that'll be the neg twink - Go get him Alan. I'll look after your pup for ya I buzzed in the new boy, and he was soon at my front door. Upon opening, there he stood, big rucksack on his back, and a large bag in each hand. His life's belongings! I took all 3 bags from him. He went to walk in and I stopped him in his tracks. - Are you able to stay with your Friend tonight, who you stayed with lastnight? - Er, yes Daddy, b..b..b..b..b... but I thought you said I could stay with you for a while!? - Yes boy, that is the offer. However, if you step inside my home now, and I shut the door, I can guarantee that HIV and MORE will enter your body tonight. So, if you have any doubts, take your bags, and go back to your Friends place. He stepped in, and fell to his knees, and looked up at me with a subservient look. I shut the door behind him. I growled; - Give me your phone you stupid cunt. - B...b...b...b... - Shut the fuck up and do as you are told. Fucking Faggot! He handed me his phone. - What's the pin code? - Erm ... One, nine, nine, six. I entered the pin, got his list of texts, and there it was, the one from the clinic yesterday, confirming his negative results for; HIV, Hep C, Syphilis, Gonnorhoea, and Chlamydia. I locked the phone and put it into the inside of my right police boot as I laughed arrogantly. I spat at his face, and slapped it hard, barking a command. - GET up! He stood up, whereby I pushed him to the wall, and ripped his tee shirt from his flesh, letting it dangle in tatters from his jeans. - You're 10 Minutes fucking late! - Sorry Daddy - You call me Sir from now on. Got it. - Yes Sir. I unbuttoned his jeans, slipped my hand inside his pants, and began probing his cunt which was very tight shut! - You WILL be fucking sorry boy. Now get undressed. I let him go, and he began undressing gingerly, and all of a sudden became very withdrawn, looking down to the floor. He couldn't even look at me. Now naked, he continued to keep his gaze fixed to the floor, hands clasped in front of him. - Get on all 4's cunt, and follow me ... * His responded meekly * - Yes Sir He followed me into the bathroom where I ordered him to lie in the bath, sitting upright, resting against the back, as if you were taking a relaxing soak. - I am about to give you a few enemas. Do not be alarmed, they are perfectly safe. If you feel cramping, don't worry, this is normal. If cramping does happen, take deep breaths in through your nose, and out through your mouth. OK. - Yes Sir The enema solution started to go in. I sat on a chair next to the bath, drinking a Lager, and we just stared at each other for a few minutes. Silent! Then he started sobbing. Was he scared and about to leave?
    1 point
  39. Love hooking up with a hot top like you, and then having a third (or more) cum over to "relieve the troops and lend their support" now that this pig is in total heat for cocks. Oink!
    1 point
  40. BREEDING AND DPING BLINDFOLDED TEEN TWINK Fuckery30 Met this dude on Grindr a while back... told me he was a power bottom and he definitely was… I walked into him fuck him self with a dildo until I took over .... fucked him, breeder him and left. Oh, i DP’d him with his dildo https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/breeding-and-dping-blindfolded-teen-twink-38533301
    1 point
  41. I tell Thad yes I would like to meet the owners of the farm there are four of them all in age from 40s-50s. The farm is an expansion from their present place, and they see I'm very handy and would like to know if I would be interested in joining their group. My Boy Friend Thad is a member they say and has been since he was 18. They run weekend parties, and some are for a week, and its anything goes. They ask what my health status is, I say negative. Do you do drugs and what kind. I say Tina, GHB, Molly. Are you on PrEP Yes, I am. Do you take any kind loads of POZ or only Negative loads? I will take any loads. They ask what I know about BDSM and what experience have I have had. I say very little, as at 18 it's hard to get me into places that do BDSM. They ask what I do for a living. I'm a full-time student and do some escort work and show them my Escort advertisement on Rent Boy. They tell me about the three classes on Men who go to the farm. Owners there are 25 who run the Farm; they can be Tops or bottoms. Members They have full rights to attend any party and use the FNGs any way they want as everyone starts as a bottom bitch. You will spend nine months in chastity; any member can use your holes, you will have a chain & lock around your neck while you are an FNG. After nine months you will be a member or thrown out of the group. They ask if I'm willing to go there Doctor for a physical. Sure The Doctor asks to take my blood, my sexual habits how many men I have been with, have me get into an OBGY table and take a look at my ass hole and see what shape it is and says nice looking boy hole with not much abuse. They will let me know in a few weeks and tell me if I want to work on the farm till I'm approved. While I'm waiting to be accepted Thad ask if I want to go to Key West area for Spring break, its a paid gig for 20. It is a fuck fest of 20 college boys; all sex will be raw and if you want to PNP the owner who is holding this will supply is for free. All the owner will be doing is hanging out and giving us a rub down when we want. All boys will spend eight hours as a cum dump, piss boy and gangbanged. Leaving cold NYC and going to warm Key West is fantastic, being naked with all this hot looking fresh meat and wanting to taste it all. The pool area is where it happens and the first one to spend there eight hours as the cum dump has started, I needed to piss so why not give it to him as I sure he will be giving me his piss. About half I think are virgins as I hear them screaming when getting fuck in the ass. I see one boy with pink cum running down his legs.
    1 point
  42. Yeah meant you both not that it is bad your first return work is condom. I just don't watch condom porn much at all, prefer BB so I was speaking my preference and well it does sell better too ?
    1 point
  43. My ex surprised me at one of our first hookups, he fucked me hard and bred me but kept on going slow till I started feeling that warm feeling of piss flowing up my hole. He had the most amazing grin and told me to hold still cause he had a full bladder and it is going to take time Ended up going for dinner plugged with 2 cum loads and a huge piss load in me and boy was it hard to stay still so full!
    1 point
  44. Part 13 I tried to see around Chris, but from where I was laying I could not see around him. All I could see of the other guy was his feet and legs dangling over Chris' shoulders. The only sounds now coming from over there was Chris, almost crooning, to the guy that he had a wonderful tight hole. He also told him he loved that he had taken his nice hot toxic load and he had planted it as deep in him as he could and was sure it would take this time since the last time hadn't. WOW, the guy had already been bred before but hadn't taken. I hoped my loads did though. I wanted it more than ever now and had to have it no matter what. I still had no idea why, but it was in my head and not going away until I had it. Chris finally got up and turned towards me. I still could not see past him. His cock was still hard, which surprised me. He had already bred me a while ago and just finished with another guy and wow, he still had that beautiful toxic cock pointing straight at me. He started to walk towards me. He said, "I am still horny to infect more, are you ready for another of my loads? It doesn't matter though as you are going take it anyway and you know it." He climbed between my legs and raised them over his shoulders and then rammed his cock into me all the way in one swooping thrust, crushing my cock and balls between us as he did it. I groaned, about half in pleasure and half in pain. As he started to pound the hell out of my hole, I heard a gasp and scream from across the room. Turning my head that way, I saw, with horror on his face along with surprise, my boyfriend! I gasped in alarm and terror of my own. My boy had been getting poz fucked and had done it before even. What the hell? Chris didn't even slow down and I could say nothing with him pounding me so hard. My boy was getting up and coming towards us. I could not take my eyes off of him. The look of fear had to be on both of our faces.
    1 point
  45. This weekend I’m offering poz to any London neg I can get to. I’m toxic horny and rampant so bend over and let me Fukkin destoy you boy
    1 point
  46. ...mmhhh, can't get enough of that foreskin...yum yum
    1 point
  47. ...waiting for Daddy to cum home...
    1 point
  48. Tom is what he introduced himself as when we climbed into the diesel monster of a truck. I gave him my name and for a moment, nervously paused, trying to make small talk. Tom wasn’t really interested but kicked his seat back, hiked his hips upward, and slid his denims all the way down and off, prying his boots down. Nor did it seem was he going to waste any time. The look in the dark was pretty clear so I reached over and began to turn my body so that I could put his cock back in my mouth. I’m sure I looked comical with my ass up, uncomfortably turned in the seat with one leg propped on the door and one in the floorboard. My only instruction at first was “take your time.” His cock was almost soft again when I started so I got a taste of what I love, a warm dick hardening in my mouth and his balls, hairy and huge, tightening up under the touch of my fingers. My mouth was wet and appreciative as I worked it back to life. My predictions were true once it swelled, it was easily 8 inches and nice fist grip wide with that massively thick line that runs like hose along the backside of man’s cock to disappear just above his balls. I slid my tongue down on his head, let the tip of my tongue run under the ridge and over that stretchy section of skin from where he was circumcised. Maybe it was time that had made me so desperate for this or his smell or just the fact that I was a whore, I was ready to be bred by it from the moment I put it in my mouth. After a few he used his hands to guide me off his cock, down to his ball, pushing my head there to rest on his thighs while he worked his hands up on the steering wheel. I heard the rolling snap of a lighter and the smell of burning weed from years ago. And with that acrid smell heavy in the air, I sucked his hair sack into my mouth, even trying to run my tongue back to lick his asshole if I could. “C’mon boy, smoke with me.” Now, I wasn’t thinking clearly at this point obviously. I was in the military with less than a month to go before I headed back and I knew from job searches in my high school years that pot stayed in my piss for an uncomfortably long time. I knew it and I clearly didn’t care. I came up far enough to take a long drag, ashes falling on the hem of his shirt. I somewhat unwound from kneeling over his cock as we passed the joint back and forth, almost returning to a side-saddle position in the seat. But my eyes were never really on him, they were always on his cock, reaching back to rub my palm down the hardness. We played like that until it was clear he was as high as he wanted to be and he pulled me back over to resume sucking on his cock. While he may have been high as he wanted to be, I was as high as he needed me to be and as high as I had ever been. This wasn’t laced with anything of that I’m sure, but this was high powered shit and my eyes lidded and then closed back as my lips found his cock again. I’m not sure about you but pot, good pot lowers my inhibitions a bit which is normal but closing my eyes and just wallowing in that dick put flashes of sick fetishes I had looked at, sometimes shamed from internet searches. A cock launching come across my face in one of these moments, licking deeply in a dark furry armpit, swiping my tongue as toilet paper across gaping shithole of some dom, of a fist sliding deep inside a hole; all of these images churned in my head. These were dark thoughts spurned on by the cock and my addled brain. Worship service ended sometime, though whether it was minutes or hours that I slowly swallowed his dick over and over again, I couldn’t really tell you. Tom gently guided me deeper, down enough where normally I would choke but in this state of relaxed bliss, enough to compliment my high with a loss of oxygen. Faster he went and faster I went, my head sometime bouncing loosely against the steerwheel. The first twitch of his cock he stopped, that tube on the back of his cock expanding as his cum was propelled into my mouth. And instead of cramming it downward, back into my throat, he let every pulse richly invade my mouth, the copper saltiness of his cum the only thing that was important. I swallowed happily and began to gently nurse his cock with my tongue. Tom at this point finally really begins to talk, “Mmm boy, you’ve got potential; I’m going to fuck you up good.” His word interspersed with little cries of agony from what I’m hoping was the best blowjob he’d ever had. “One more test and then we go.” I looked up at him, a little confused, my eyes shrink wrapped in moisture from having my eyes pinched closed, the man a little blurry. I must have looked like a lost puppy with those eyes but he clarified, “my piss pig, you going to drink it?” I’d never done that, never except in my most fucked up thoughts really even desired it, but for confirmation I sucked the head back into my mouth. It never happens right away in my experience and it didn’t that night, his cock was softening of course but with my mouth so willing, it took time. The first dribbles were acrid, disgusting, but heavenly in their grossness. He was courteous, giving me every opportunity to stop before he really started pissing down my throat. But I held on and swallowed every last drop he could muster even as queasy as this act made me then. But Tom fucking smiled at my effort and asked if I’d like to go home with him. High as a kite, I didn’t have a chance to say no.
    1 point
  49. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3455741
    1 point
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