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  1. Part 14 - Harrison's Housewives Ethan put the thoughts of his father out of his head as best he could, having Adam round for company helped cheer him up and keep him sane, they would spend their days in the work out room, swimming and walking around Larchmont getting to know the place better. Ethan was laying in Angelo's arms in bed on Sunday evening after making love for the third time that day, his ass was getting better at handling Angelo and no longer ached or was sore after one of their sex marathons. Angelo watched Ethan tracing finger circles on his chest "You okay about tomorrow?" he asked. "As long as my father isn't there I think I can cope" Ethan replied continuing his circles. "I can be there if you want me to Ethan" Angelo stroked his shoulder. Ethan stopped and looked "You have your business to run, Adam will be with me". Angelo kissed his head "Come to work with me on Tuesday?". Ethan giggled "And do what?" he looked at him with a curious eye. Angelo laughed "Not that, you can do college work or help my assistant, I think you will like him". Ethan pinched Angelo's nipple "I would like that, see you at work that is". Angelo pulled Ethan on top of him "Did I tell you today how much I love you?". Ethan kissed him "Told and showed me several times" he giggled snuggling against Angelo. Angelo rolled Ethan on to his side "Sleep time". Ethan kissed Angelo lovingly they cuddled up in each others arms and quickly they both fell asleep. Ethan was preparing breakfast when Angelo walked in suited up for work, seeing him brought reality back home with a thud. "What's the matter, you look a bit troublesome this morning" Angelo asked noticing his expression. Ethan stopped what he was doing "I have to get a job Angelo, I have to start paying my way". Angelo smiled "I could pimp you out, you would easily fetch top dollar for your ass". Ethan laughed "Not funny or helpful". Angelo walked over to him "I will help with your college fees". Ethan shook his head "No I owe you to much already for letting me stay here with you". "You are living here because we are together" Angelo looked at him. Ethan nodded his head "But still all I have to pay my way somehow". "Ethan you are my partner, we can figure something out, let's talk about it tonight" Angelo kissed him on the head. Ethan smiled as Angelo used the word partner for the first time "Eat your breakfast". Angelo laughed and poured a coffee then sat down to eat breakfast with Ethan they chatted until Adam knocked at the door. Adam came in and Angelo went off to work, Ethan seeing how funny this looked stood on the door step calling out to Angelo 'Have a lovely day at work honey', Adam bent over in laughter and Ethan saw Angelo's shaking his head in the car with a big smile on his face. Angelo was happy to see the Ethan he loved coming back but he knew there was potentially a lot of troublesome times ahead he would have to wade through. He had discreetly asked Adam to text him an let him know how it goes. On the flip side Angelo had another busy week between his offices and in the city and knew that at some point this week he would be face to face with Jack. His view slightly obscured but he could definitely make out Angelo getting in to his car, he had an broad smile on his face which only accentuated his sexual appeal. His eyes drawn to the front door where he could clearly see Ethan laughing and waving, the person stood next to him was doubled over with laughter, when he stood upright he saw the guy clearly who looked a little older than Ethan but still had a boyish sexiness to him. His anger boiling thinking that this should be his life and not Ethan's, Matt turned the car engine over and slowly drove past the house. He looked at the front door knowing he had to get Ethan out of the way by stirring up trouble, he knew the best way how to get at Angelo having gone through it previously. Matt had never really let go of Angelo despite being thrown out for cheating on him, their meeting in the Hampton's by accident only showed Matt that he wanted Angelo back and my god he was going to get him no matter what. It was just before lunch and Adam closed the car door and looked over at Ethan who was starring at Mel's Diner, he told Ethan he would sit at the counter and wait for his own mother to arrive and was to let him know if he needed help. Ethan turned to look at Adam and nodded, there was no point going in separately since his mother already knew Adam. Ellie looked up from her table and saw Ethan walking in followed by Adam, she waved her hand and watched Adam pat Ethan's arm as he took a seat at the counter. Ellie stood up as he approached "Ethan" she leant over and kissed him. "Mother" Ethan sat down opposite her "How are you?". Ellie looked at him "Adjusting, how are you, where are living, are you living with him?" nodding towards Adam. "I am not living with Adam, please show respect to my friend" Ethan replied. Ellie glanced at Adam "Has he been by your side since you left?". "He is being a good friend unlike Ben and Javier" Ethan ordered fizzy water with a dash of lime. Ellie ordered a coffee "Are you not drinking coke any more, is this another gay thing with you?". Ethan laughed "Really mother not everything has to be gay related". "I'm sorry Ethan, I don't know what to make of it all, it is new territory for us" Ellie looked at her son. "How is father?" Ethan asked. Ellie looked down "Nursing a bruised face you gave him quite a punch". "I didn't mean to but he was going to hit me again, it's not right what he did" Ethan toyed with the napkin holder. "You need to apologise to him and come home, you can't stand on your feet alone" Ellie now looked at Ethan in the eye. "He crossed the line mother and no I will not apologise or come home" Ethan said in an adamant tone. Ellie watched him for a moment "You are changing Ethan I feel like I don't know you anymore". Ethan took a breath "I am still Ethan mother, your son and I love you. But you both seem to don't really know me". "What is that suppose to mean?" Ellie looked shocked. Ethan held her hand "You have Sofie, father adores her and so do you, but you never really showed me that". Ethan continued "I know you love me but I was just taken from here to there and told to act properly and follow a line". "It was for your benefit we were making sure you would succeed in life" Ellie retorted. Ethan shook his head "I know mother, but do you know how it feels being ruled over like that?". "Is that what this is all about?" Ellie remarked. Ethan looked at her "No, sorry I just have to get things off my chest before I wreck my life". Ellie pleaded with him "Come home please we can work it out, your father will take time but please come home". Ethan paused as the waiter put their drinks down "No he made it clear he didn't want me in the house". "What will you do for money Ethan?" Ellie looked at him. Ethan shrugged his shoulders "I will work something out, even if I have to give up college for now". Ellie shook her head "No, your to clever to give up now Ethan, at least finish and get your education". Ellie reached down in her bag and pushed an envelope towards him "This is for you". "What is it?" He looked at the envelope and began opening it. Ellie touched his hand "A bank account in your name, I have put some money in there". "Why?" Ethan looked at her astounded. "In case you refused to come home, I also paid your college fees until your finals" Ellie replied. Ethan looked at the envelope "Thank you mother I didn't really expect any of this. You don't hate me then?". "No, I don't know what I felt but when I saw how Sofie was so casual. I am disappointed in someway though" she replied. Ethan took a sip of his drink "Disappointed how?" he was curious to understand. Ellie sighed "I had hope you would marry, have children and a good career". "I can still do all of that but just not with a girl" Ethan tried to make light of it. "Just promise me we can see each other" Ellie reached over and squeezed his hand. Ethan leaned over and kissed her "Of course, maybe we can do lunch once a week if you like". Ellie raise a smile "I would love that. So you are not living with Adam then, so where are you living?" Ethan pondered "Not far away, I am living with my boyfriend in his house". Ellie raised an eyebrow "How old is he and who is he?". Ethan took a gulp of his drink "25 and his name is Angelo and he is amazing". Ethan's phone pinged as he saw a message from Adam, quickly he opened it and looked at his mother showing her the message, Ellie shook her head the message simply read "Ben and his mother coming this way". "Is that Adam looking out for you Ethan?" She said smiling as Ethan nodded, she watched Margarite and Ben enter the diner. "Ellie, Ethan how lovely to see you both" Margarite called out making a bee line towards them. Ethan looked at his mother "Seriously". Ellie giggled and waved at Margarite before looking at Ethan "Be nice to her.. well sort of" she said. Ethan quietly laughed "I will behave, I know how much your standing in the community means" he winked at her. "Margarite what a surprise to see you here" Ellie put on her friendliest voice. Margarite stood by the table "Oh Ben do look it's Ethan say hello to Ethan Ben" she said sarcastically. Ethan noticed the tone in her voice "Ben, I would say it is nice to see you but the reality is the opposite". Ben looked confusingly at Ethan stumped "Yeah likewise" was all he could say. Ethan turned to his mother completely ignoring them "Did you want to eat Mother?". "Ethan don't be rude say hello to Mrs Allen" Ellie told her son trying to look stern. Ethan looked at Margarite "Hello Mrs Allen what are you going to tell my mother today?" Margarite looked at Ethan with daggers "Aren't you the one full of surprises Ethan?". Ethan laughed "True friends would think and understand consequences before gossiping" he looked at Margarite and Ben. Ellie stifled a laugh "Thank god we brought you up to be honest Ethan". Margarite was taken back "I do hope you will all be at our 4th of July party" she said smiling. Ethan smiled at her "Oh, can I bring my boyfriend, it will give you something to talk about for months". "Boyfriend?, as I understand it you are a gooseberry to that Adam" Margarite nodded to Adam at the counter. Ben waded in "Leave it mother your are embarrassing us" he noticed that several tables had stopped and watched. Ethan had had quite enough "Does anything nice ever come out of your mouth?". "Ethan" Ellie remarked looking at her son with a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Is that it, your going to let your son speak to me like that?" Margarite said looking cross. Ellie nodded her head "Ethan is quite within his rights to speak his mind Margarite". "Mrs Allen my mother may like you I do not and that goes for you as well" Ethan said looking at Ben. They were so engrossed in their conversation that none of them except Ben noticed the tables around them had gone quiet listening to the conversation heating up at the table. Mel's Diner was a popular place for lunch and being so busy it was hard for people not to hear what was going on. Adam smiled when his mother walked in just as things got juicy and he was quickly getting her up to speed, Sandra had no liking of Margarite as she knew her kind but for her husbands sake she tolerated her. Sandra was well known and respected around Harrison, she was number 1 in the social standing around town and Margarite was a small fish in comparison, invites to Sandra's social gatherings were sought after by many women and families, but the creme de la creme was personal lunch invitations with her. She knew Ellie to nod to and say hello but never really knew her that well until Adam got friendly with Ethan, Sandra stood and looked on with Adam, she knew all about the trouble Ethan had at home with them accepting him and she would do her best to bring Ellie around and then work on his father. Sandra was rightly proud to have a gay son and even Adam's father would show him off when he could, so the one thing Sandra really didn't like was people being disrespectful to her son or any gay man. "So Margarite is trying to alienate another family?" She asked Adam. Adam nodded "I am just waiting to see if Ben tries anything". "Don't get involved, I like Ethan and I think it's time I got to know his mother better" She looked at Adam. Adam smiled and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek, he knew underneath his mother was about to bring Ellie to the forefront of Harrison society completely over stepping Margarite on the way, but also the good she could do about Ethan being gay with his family. Margarite stood her ground "Is this the nasty gay side of you?" she said loudly now aware people were listening. Ethan looked at her "No but all I see is a malicious gossiping person in front of me who is trying to ruin peoples lives". "Don't speak to my mother like that" Ben moved forward towards Ethan and Adam shifted in his seat. Sandra saw the tension rising and wandered over to the table "Ethan, how lovely to see you". Ethan stood as Sandra leant in and kissed his cheek "Hello Sandra" Ethan hugged her back. "Ellie good to see you" she looked at Ellie and smiled. Ellie was a bit overcome "Sandra how are you?". "Excellent thank you, are you lunching do you mind if Adam and I join you?" Sandra asked ignoring Margarite. Ethan pulled a chair out for Sandra "Of course you can join us" he turned and nodded for Adam to come over. Margarite pushed in "Sandra darling you look marvellous how are you?". Sandra put her bag down and looked at Margarite "Hello Margarite are you out for lunch?". Margarite nodded waiting for an invite "Yes Ben and I were chatting to Ellie and Ethan" she smiled. Margarite continued "I had no idea you new Ellie and Ethan" she said to Sandra being as polite as possible. Sandra sat down "Why should you know?" she turned to look at Margarite. Ethan still standing watched Adam deliberately push past Ben "Adam hungry?" Adam walked up to Ethan and kissed him on the cheek "Like a horse" he replied. Ellie felt a little uncomfortable seeing the kiss between her son and Adam, it was one thing knowing in the family but seeing Sandra completely at ease she relaxed realising it wasn't such a big deal in most peoples eyes. Adam sat next to Ellie saying hello and kissed her on the cheek as well. Sandra smiled at Ellie then turned to Margarite "Please don't let us keep you from your lunch". "Oh yes" Margarite laughed "Sandra you must come to dinner this Friday evening". Sandra looked at Ellie then turned back to Margarite "Kind of you but alas no thank you" she replied bluntly. Margarite turned red faced and walked out of the diner with Ben in tow, the four of them watched as they exited from the diner. Several people still continued to look but most had returned to their own business. It was past 4pm when the four of them walked out the diner having spent the afternoon talking, Sandra invited Ellie for lunch the following day mostly out of pure genuine like for her and knew they would become great friends. Adam and Ethan said their goodbyes and set off for the drive back to Larchmont. Adam checked the road and pulled out of the parking lot "You okay?" he asked Ethan. "I think so at least my mother is coming round slowly, Ben is a worry though" Ethan replied people watching. Adam chuckled "Don't worry about Ben, I think our mothers got on really well". Ethan looked at him "You know my mother is a social climber or sorts". Adam laughed "Yes and so is mine, they will get on and purposely annoy Ben's mother, that is going to be her new hobby this month". Ethan returned his gaze the road ahead "Thank you for being there, it means a lot having you as a friend". Adam glanced at Ethan "And for me, college is going to be fun when we go back you will see". Ethan sighed "Yes another hard year looming up, it will be harder without Ben and Javier". Adam laughed again "You won't need them, you will have a better spectrum of friends". "I hardly know that many people unlike you" Ethan play punched Adam on the arm. Adam smiled "There is quite a large gay community at college Ethan, and with Tony finished I will need you and Dirk's friendship". "Oh yes I keep forgetting Tony finished college, but who is Dirk?" Ethan asked curiously. "Dirk, you have seen him hanging out with Tony and me" Adam replied turning into Larchmont. Ethan laughed "Oh yes I remember him, the Dutch guy". Adam laughed "Just don't be shy if guys touch or kiss you in the gym changing rooms". Ethan laughed and liked the idea of having new gay friends at college, Adam swung the car in to the driveway of Angelo's house. Ellie got home with Sofie after picking her up from dance classes, she was in a very good mood as she went up to change. Whilst in the bedroom she suddenly stopped and thought that she didn't even ask Ethan about his boyfriend and if it was a serious relationship, she came to the conclusion that they must be pretty serious if he moved in with him. Her phone pinged and she saw a message from Ethan 'Lunch on Friday?', she smiled and replied 'Absolutely midday at Mel's'. Ethan put his phone down by the lounger, he was sat out by the pool on his own and amazingly he managed to prepare a salad without shredding everything. It was still warm at 6pm when Angelo arrived home, he spotted Ethan laying by the pool and poured two glasses of wine thinking he might need a glass after today, Ethan heard Angelo in the kitchen and smiled to himself standing up and walking over just as Angelo was coming out with a glass of wine. Angelo gave Ethan a long slow kiss "Thought you might need this, how did it go?" he asked. "Actually it was alright, I think we bonded more than ever" Ethan replied walking hand in hand back inside. Angelo smiled at him "Good, I hoped it would go well, family are everything Ethan". Ethan picked up the envelope his mother gave him "Oh I forgot this". "What is it?" Angelo asked sitting down at the kitchen counter. Ethan smiled "A bank account my mother opened for me" he opened it and looked at Angelo with his mouth open. Angelo laughed at his look "Mothers eh". Ethan looked again "She has put $10k dollars in it". "Will that cover your tuition fees?" Angelo asked looking at him. Ethan shook his head "No she has already paid those up until I sit my exams". Angelo moved to Ethan's side and put his arm around him "I told you family are everything". Ethan smiled running his hand up inside Angelo's shirt "I'm very hungry, but not for food just yet". Angelo laughed and pulled Ethan on to the kitchen floor stripping his clothes off, Angelo only had one thing on his mind and Ethan had the same thing on his.
    7 points
  2. My last load was in a toilet cubicle in Gran Canaria. My husband and I were in a shopping precinct having a coffee. I was desperate for a pee so left him in the coffee shop. Found the toilets, went in, a Spanish guy was standing in a cubicle but not peeing. I went to the urinals and had a pee looked round and the guy in the cubicle was clearly wanking. He turned towards me showing me his cock which was a decent size. I’d finished so I went in to him thinking I’d get a mouthful of spunk at least. He had other ideas he turned me round and felt my arse so I lowered my shorts. He wet my arse and pushed his cock in, fucked me for a couple of mins and shot in me. I then quickly left to get back to my other half. He said I’d been a while so I made out I needed more than a pee. I was so horny all afternoon knowing I had anon spunk in me.
    6 points
  3. Near closing time at bar, I started cruising a 20 something with brown hair and a goatee. He was beefy and I could see he had a hairy chest. Since I was getting sleepy, I didn't waste any time and told him how much I'd enjoy fucking him. He laughed and after chatting a bit I was kissing him and rubbing his ass. Fast forward to his apartment- after eating his ass for a good 20 minutes, I mounted him doggie style and fucked him raw for about 15 minutes before unloading my charged nut up his ass. Laying in bed after I got to hear about his bf being out of town and how he usually doesn't do this kinda thing, etc. Made me harder hearing he was a cheating slut, so I fucked him again only rougher this time, and gave him load number two.
    5 points
  4. 31. The bar closed. They locked the door from the inside. "Let's go!" said Tony towards the two straight men and led them back downstairs. They made it back downstairs and went straight to the shower room. "You gotta undress bois, if you wanna go there." said Tony seductively. They all undressed. Tony, Aaron and Kev all examined the two straight gents' bodies. They both were muscular. Eric looked more ripped - a consequence of his thinner frame. Louis was a little more beefy... and FUCKING HAIRY! Louis' body was covered in dark fur. His chest was a forest, so was his belly. His legs were completely covered in hair and so was his bubble but. His shoulders and arms were just as hairy as the rest of him and his back was just as hairy as his front-side. His cock was a full 8 inches... thick and very veiny. His friend was no less hotter. He also had his share of chest hair, although he wasn't nearly as hairy as Louis. He didn't have any back or shoulder hair. Beneath his muscular belly was a cock just as big as his friend's. A full 8 inches, only a bit thicker than Louis'. There was an awkward silence. Both gents were staring each other's bodies down. Tony stepped closer and held both of the men by the back of their head. He pushed their faces togeter. Eric and Louis started kissing. A little shy at first, then they got more and more paasionate and sleazy, tonguing each other, licking each other's face and neck. Tony pushed both of the men down to his cock gently but firmly. The men broke off their kiss and stared at the huge cock in front of their faces. "I... I just wanted to watch." said Eric unsure. "Well... your choice. You'll be missing out on a lot but if you don't want to join..." "I... I'm really not comfortable doing this." "Ok then. Just sit back there and get comfy stud." said Tony and Eric sat by the wall across the room. Louis started sucking Tony's cock slowly. "Yeah stud! Suck my huge cock!" Tony told him, encouraging Louis to go faster. And Louis started going deeper and faster. He was a natural cock-sucker! Tony pulled his monster cock from Louis' mouth and slapped it on the straight hunk's face. A deep lustful sigh came out of Louis as he started licking the cock, eager to suck it again. From behind him he heard moans and sound of his boyfriend sucking Kev's cock and across the room he saw the other straight guy, stroking his hard cock, mesmerized by the smell of musk, sounds of cocks being sucked and the intoxicating image of real hard pig sex. This was gonna be one hell of a night! More cumming very soon. Let me hear your thoughts and don't be shy to comment or message me!???
    5 points
  5. Just dumped my load in some cute little high school faggot's(18-year-old) cumhole in an apartment stairwell just outside his parents apartment. tall,skinny, queeny little girly faggot that i have used a bunch of times. usually fuck him in his apartment when his parents are out but when they are home i use him in the stairwell,half a floor above his apt that's right beside the stairwell.i could actually hear the sluts parents talking to each other in the kitchen while i bred their little faggot cumdump son.i had him wear tearaway trackpants and a baggy sweater so i could quickly strip him naked n fuck him bent over on all 4s on the second stair. the slut is fearless lol
    4 points
  6. As I wrote on the other thread... After our parents divorced, just dad raised my older brother and I, so we had a lot of time alone. Since my brother and I are both gay, we experimented with each other and with that said, my brother was the first to cum inside me. I was 11, he was 13. We had oral sex before, and knew what sex was. As everyone gets turned on by the fact we are brothers, the truth was it was still a very awkward first time experience, as we didn't know exactly what we were doing. (It was 1979, porn wasn't everywhere like today.) By the time my brother got his dick fully in me, he lasted about 3 or 4 good strokes before shooting. I think what hooked me immediately was how badly my brother wanted it, how good my brother felt even during the 2 minutes he lasted and even intensity of his orgasm made me want the sex and him again and again. Though versatile, it also shaped my opinion that being the bottom can be a very powerful position.
    4 points
  7. sucked my first cock at the age of 11 and got fucked first time at 13. i am happy, that i started that early.
    4 points
  8. 32. "Oh yeah! Fuck!" Tony moaned, feeling Louis' hot mouth around his monster cock. He pulled it out from the hungry mouth. "You like your first cock, stud? "Yeah! Yeah I fucking do!" "Then go on and suck it some more!" Tony ordered and pulled Louis on his cock again. He felt hands on his ass and back. Aaron and Kev came from each side and started kissing him. "Try a different cock!" Tony commanded again. Louis obeyed. He moved to the right and started swallowing Aaron's 8.5 inches. Tony looked at Eric, who was still jerking his cock, watching his best friend be a total cocksucker. Louis moved to Kev's toxic 7 inches. Clearly loving to have his mouth used. Tony saw, that Eric stood up, still massaging his cock. He stared into his eyes - they were filled with lust and curiosity. Tony pulled Louis up and dropped to his knees himself. He started sucking the hairy hunk's 8 inch veiny cock. Louis moaned and pushed Tony's head deeper on his cock. Tony stretched his hand out and played with Louis' nipple, hidden under the forrest of dark, coarse fur. He took the cock out. "Your friend looks like he wants to join..." said Tony towards Louis. Louis looked towards Eric. He was leaned against the wall, his cock hard as rock. "You really don't wanna join Eric?" he asked. Eric looked at him confused. "Oh c'mon Eric! It feels fucking amazing!" Louis' moaned with his cock in Tony's mouth. "I... I..." "Come give it a go bud! It won't kill you!" said Louis. Eric unsurely stepped closer to the men. Aaron came to him, grabbed his cock and led him closer. They stopped in front of Louis and Tony. Aaron pushed Eric down. "Try it out" said Tony as he popped Louis' cock out of his mouth. Eric hesitated for a second. Then he started sucking the tip. Then he went deeper. And deeper. And faster. Tony smirked as he heard Louis moan and grab Eric's bald head and pushed him deeper on his cock. Tony stood up. After a little while, he waved his poz cock around. Eric stopped sucking Louis. "You like that huh?" Tony asked. "Yeah." Eric said clearly. Tony laughed and pulled him up into a deep kiss. Then he watched Louis and Eric make out. He came to Eric from behind. Kev and Aaron did the same with Louis. He put his hand on his ass and fondled it. He continued massaging it. Then he squished his toxic cock on his asscrack and bit and kissed into his neck from dehind. Eric turned around and kissed Tony again. He could see, that Aaron and Kev were kissing Louis' hairy shoulders and neck. "You want this toxic cock?" "I... I... I..." "Do You?" "Uhm... I... I... Yeah." Eric confessed. Tony's big cock bounced. He rubbed Eric's hole with his fingers. Then he slid one in and started finger fucking Eric gently. Eric groaned and looked deep into his buddy's ass, who was getting the same treatment from both Kev's and Aaron's fingers. Tony slowed got his cock into position. He started pushing it in. Eric groaned. Louis as well after being impaled on Aaron's cock. Tony started drilling Eric's virgin hole. He saw Eric and Louis started making out. Tony speeded up, fucking Eric with som much agression, he moaned into the kiss. On the other side, Aaron was pumping his toxic cock into Louis' cunt. The man was so hot! Muscular, beefy and hairy all over! Aaron speeded up his tempo, grabbed Louis by the hips and started impaling him deeper on his dirty cock. "FUCK YEAH! Take our fucking toxic cocks!" Tony shouted and continued to drill Eric's ass, occasionaly stroking his shiny bald scalp and slapping his hot ass. Tony and Aaron both felt their orgasms approaching. Tony was going really fast now. His toxic cum boiled inside his balls. "YEAH FUCKER!" he roared as he smashed his cock balls deep into Eric. "You want that toxic load?" asked Aaron seductively. Louis just groaned. Tony started cumming inside Eric's neg pussy and shouted: "YEAH! FUCKING TAKE MY POZ LOAD! GONNA CHARGE YOU UP STRAIGHT BOY!" Aaron's orgasm approached as well he emptied his charged up cum inside Louis and said: "Yeah! Fuck! Pozzing your virgin hole right now!" Louis moaned. They took their cock out of the stretched out, gaping holes. Both "straight" guys stood up, still moaning and kissing, feelung their manpussies dripping tocic cum. Kev was still jerking his poz cock. "Let Kev have a piece as well boys!" daid Aaron. Kev bent over and spread his cheeks apart saying: " Breed me with your neg load!" Eric slipped his cock inside Kev. Louis came to Kev's mouth. Kev started sucking on Louis' cock. They didn't last long, feeling poz cum dripping down their legs and a hot mouth or pussy around their cocks. They both came at the same time with wild grunts and noises. Lemme know what you think! Don't be shy message me or leave a comment!??☣☣?
    3 points
  9. I’ve always been a romantic and want to find love, but being a bb slut is making me rethink my definition of love. I enjoy hearing about guys on here that have a loving partner that shares them with others or is just as big of a slut as they are...and I think I would enjoy that kind of relationship. Or at least I’d give it a try. The question is how to find it... On the flip side, I’ve had a couple “dates” with a guy recently where we would probably be close to perfect for each other “on paper”, but in the little talk we’ve had about sex, he’s mentioned monogamy and I don’t get the impression he would be into bb or bathhouses, etc... I’ll pursue a friendship with him, but not sure if anything else will develop. I guess I want someone to cuddle with and spoon and wake up next to in the morning...but continue my independent whoring around in the process. ?
    3 points
  10. Hey, Rawsluts! After 6 weeks of no bb sex due to some medical issues, I decided to go to Steamworks Toronto for some bb sex relief. My new mantra - "We all have sexual needs and need relief!" Well, like my past posts, every night at Steamworks Toronto bring a whole new crop of men. I find my experiences there interesting on many levels. But, to cut to the chase, here the highlights: 1. There was this tall tanned skinned younger guy with yellow highlights in his hair. We kept my passing each other - me in my jock and nothing else, and him with his towel on. I did meet up with him in the front gloryhole area. He was watching guys getting sucked off in a small dark niche near an exit. He wanted to get off and leave. I knelt down licking his ass crack while he was jerking off. He said, "I'm cumming!" I turned him around to catch most of the cum in my mouth. YUMMY - cumshot #1. 2. I did rim a few beautiful bubble butts in the darkened places of Steamworks Toronto. This I love to do! I wish 100% guys would clean out. Oh well, most do! And this is reassuring to me! 3. In the back narrow darkroom with the confessional and adjacent gloryholes I was interested in a small group of guys. One was getting suck and fucked, tall young guy with a great body. It was the guy sucking him who I had this feeling that he was sluttier than the rest of them. After the sucker finished sucking the other guy, he stood up and I pinched his nipples and he did mine, all in the dark (a wee bit of light was here after 2 AM!). I came closer to him and kissed him and his neck. He liked this. I knelt down to taste his cock. I was sucking his cock for about 2-3 minutes when he told me he was ready to blast. I kept his hard cock in my mouth and he rewarded me with a good-sized hot load - cumshot #2. I never did see him in the full light. But, isn't that the whole idea of darkroom sex. The anonymity of it all. 4. The next guy whose cum I did taste (it wasn't a full cumshot) was a younger Asian guy who presented his hard cock for me to suck in the front gloryhole area. He was the second (upper) level and I was on the ground floor. I could taste because he just came like a minute before with someone else. He enjoyed me giving him head and wanted to be more private in one of the gloryholes that became empty. I don't really know these gloryholes are used for sucking and fucking anon guys. What I see is two guys wanting a more private space to have sex so they go into the gloryholes while the holes go unused. WTF! 5. There was a younger tanned guy (of Pacific Island descent) who was offering his hole to be fucked bareback. We passed each other several times throughout the night. He wanted my daddy dick in him. While resting in my private room from walking around I noticed me and immediately lubed up and sat down on my hard cock. Boy, was he ever TIGHT! I couldn't take him for long. He had an ass like a vicegrip! I fucked him for a bit but I can't cum in very tight holes like that, sorry! 6. Guys know that daddies like me do exist and are around if they need us for relief. Toward the end of my story, a younger guy in the back narrow darkroom asked if I could fuck him because he needed to cum. I told him I only bareback. It took him 10 seconds to think about it. I felt his hole. His hole needed a quick rim job to get it ready for my cock. He was a bit tight and my cock loosened up his hole. I didn't cum in him but in about a minute he announced he was almost ready to cum. I offered my mouth. I withdrew from his ass and he turned around to offer his hot young cumblast in my mouth - cumshot #3. 7. I did meet a tall bearded young man I found attractive. He was taller than me (over 6'), and I'm 5'8". He was settled in his room with his tummy in his bead and ass up. I asked him if I could taste his bubble butt and said I only bareback. He said I could continue and fuck him for a bit. I loved rimming his hole and began to fuck him. I guess I was his first cock because he asked me to stop as it was a bit uncomfortable for him. I did. I never him again last night. 8. I needed to cum too. It's nice that all the young guys are playing with each other, for the most part. My last pitstop I had the door to my room wide open and was jerking off. A passerby noticed and knelt down for me to feed him my saved up load. I was happy! Guys have needs, let's all help each other by playing with each other (said by a true bb daddy slut)!
    3 points
  11. I’m in a loving relationship with a great partner that we share the need and desire to breed, my partner loves watching me getting gang fucked in parties he organized or dark rooms but also sends me during the day to get loads by my own for him so he can suck my cum filled hole
    3 points
  12. i just fucked this bitch in his parents room on his mommy and daddys bed. i made him wear his moms bra and panties and wrapped a belt around his neck to choke him while fucking his pussy doggystyle
    3 points
  13. As a teenager I would cruise public bathrooms to find random strangers to suck and swallow his hot thick load of cum. The only thing better than sucking cock was that mouthful of cum to swallow. I was still in middle school and was already a cumhungry faggot. On slow days. I would sit back and jerk my cock to all the dirty storys on the bathroom walls. So many times Iyou see loads of cum on the floors. I would lay my hand on that cum. And use the cum as lube for my cock and jerkoff. I would lick my fingers just to get a taste of the load. I would think to myself. What would my friends or family think of me if they only knew what I was doing. I mean what kind of nasty pig would do such a thing. You know nothing about that cum on the floors. Who's cum was it? How long has it been on the floor? 5 minutes or all day. I didn't care. I was there to jerkoff and swallow cum. With my cock lubed up with a random load on the bathroom floor. I wanted cum in my mouth. I would get down on the floor, and start to sip and lick all the loads of cum on the bathroom floor. Just before I blew my load I would swallow the cum in my mouth. After I shot my load. I wanted nothing to do with cock or cum. I would rethink about what I just did. What a nasty boy I was. What would people think of me if they found out. But every time after that I found myself back down on my knees licking up someone's cum. When I was in high school I had a girlfriend. However I still wanted to swallow cum. When I turned 18 I could get into the porn store. When my girlfriend was working. I would head to the back video booths in the local porn shops. I would spend hours sucking all the cocks in the place. Just before closing time the place was slow. I would walk around and see loads of cum on the floor. Cum was everywhere. I still needed to jerkoff before my girlfriend got done work. I would find all the cum that guy's left behind and fill my mouth full of all that cum spit some on my cock and start jerking my cock off. Swallowing all that cum. Sometimes when I got home. My girlfriend would give me some head. She would ask me if I jerkoff already. I would ask why. She would say that my cock tasted like cum. I would tell herthat I jerkoff earlier. I can't tell her that my cock was covered in loads of cum I found on the floors and lubed my cock with it.
    2 points
  14. 1990 After college, I had no clear plan except to move to a large city, live on my own and figure my life out. The apartment building I could afford to live in was obviously not luxurious. It was an old hotel built in the 1920's and it had its charms, but it was also kind of a dump. I didn't mind because I knew I wouldn't be living there permanently. I was going to be a great journalist or novelist or something that would make me rich and famous. That was the attitude of so many kids in their early 20's back then. And then you learn that the world is a harsh place and everybody's daily horoscope should always read "You will be disappointed today". But, back then I was happy and embracing life. I liked living in this sad, beautiful building. Rent was cheap and I had some interesting neighbors. Poor people are usually more interesting than 'comfortable' people. For example: There was a girl named Rissa down the hall who was a local stripper. She was a mixture of all kinds of races, and also chubby. And even though she wore 'librarian glasses' and carried some extra poundage, she radiated sensuality and I loved just looking at her while she talked. For a while, she mistook my interest as a desire to fuck her, but I told her right away that I was gay even though I had no gay experience at the time. We still hung out when she wasn't stripping or "working". We got really stoned one night and she told me about the guys she dated just for money to pay bills. We talked free and loose and I mentioned how much I liked the tenants in this building. "Well, don't get too fond of everybody, baby. There are bad people here. There's even a rapist living on our side of the building". "Who?" "Some big, weird-ass-looking dude who tried to come on to me in the laundry room. I told him I had a gun in my hamper and he left. I actually went and bought a gun the next day. Want to see it?" "No. Keep it safe somewhere. How do you know he's actually a rapist?" "I heard it from some girls at the club...as well as a few women here. Right here. In this building!" "Yeah, but wouldn't he have been caught with that many accusers?" "Cute. You still think the police give a shit about this neighborhood. They don't....especially if you're 'working'. I'm not the only one here, ya know?" "Oh. Well, I'm glad you're armed." She gave me a kiss on the cheek before she had to get ready for the club, and sent me back to my place with a piece of apple pie and a joint. Is it weird that I was a little excited about all this new information? I was. I almost wanted to wander the halls and see if I could see the famous rapist, but it was late and I just went to bed. It wasn't an easy sleep, though -- the guy next door was moving out. I wouldn't miss him. He was a delicate ballet blonde that walked on his tiptoes and never said a word to anybody. Plus he played Pet Shop Boys way too loud. His place didn't stay empty too long. Maintenance moved in and started fumigating, painting and vacuuming right away. And it was quiet for a few days until I heard the noises of a new tenant moving in. He must have plugged his TV in first because I heard those ESPN jerks blabbing through my wall almost immediately. It was 8 in the morning, for chrissakes. I tried covering my head with a pillow, but then there was an urgent knock on my door. Rissa. She was still in what I'm assuming she slept in and quickly closed the door behind her. "He's here!" "Who? David Cassidy?" (I was still half asleep). "No. That creepy rapist is right on our floor now. I need to move". "You've got a gun. He's not going to mess with you. And he isn't going to try anything with a guy. Please don't move". "Well, I'm going to get a big dog then". "I'll walk him for you". A few days passed with no incident. And I found my myself getting more interested in my new neighbor. I'd sit silently against the wall and listen to his TV and stereo. I wanted information...or something. A clue. I could hear him when he ran the shower and I could hear his phone conversations. I was becoming obsessed with the heterosexual rapist. Maybe it was all the straight porn I'd seen in the past -- the kind when the guys would basically attack women and force them into sex. Their dicks seemed to just want a hole to fill with seed. Was my neighbor like that? Rissa left for a weekend with her latest "male friend". And I took the opportunity to go introduce myself to my new neighbor. I took a six-pack of Busch Light (which was the only brand I could afford back then). Why was I doing this? I knocked on his door and listened to the TV being turned down and some heavy footsteps come to the door. Shit shit shit. The door swung open and there he was. He was so tall...6'4"? And had a lot of almost-beard going on all over the lower part of his face. And that face! He was definitely ugly. Half of his chin looked caved in my an invisible fist and his eyes were tiny and close together. "Yes?" "Hi. I'm your neighbor. I just wanted to welcome you to our floor". He flashed a smile of pretty gross teeth and then let me in. I handed him the six-pack. "Thanks! I don't drink beer, but I can offer you something stronger." His place was neat and tidy except for an enormous dirty sock in the middle of the floor. I was on auto-pilot as I plopped down on his nice couch. He was mixing drinks in the kitchen and I stared at the big TV that was showing dome sort of motorbike race in the mud. He returned, handed me a glass and sat down next to me. "Here. I'll mute it so we can talk." His body next to mine gave me little electrical impulses. "You like your new place?" "Oh yeah. It's bigger and I've always liked change. That chick across from me hates my ass though." I took a deep gulp of the drink he handed me. Vodka and Sprite? "She thinks you're a rapist". I can't believe I just blurted that out. "Oh", He paused. "Well, stories get spread I suppose." "Any of those stories true?" "Why? You a cop or something?" "No. Not at all. I just think it's kind of fascinating". "Remember about five years ago -- when they were investigating the 'West Forest Rapist'? And they had police sketches in the newspaper?" "No. I wasn't living here then." "Well that artist was a retard because his sketch didn't look anything like me. I must have knocked up about nine single ladies back then. That was goal. I wanted to impregnate them with my bare dick and then lo around the city for kids that looked like me. But then the police moved in and I moved on to the strip clubs. I bare-fucked so many of those whores. I know most of 'em are fixed or on birth control, but my sperm are pretty powerful. I got at least three kids by strippers by now. Then when I wasn't welcome in the clubs anymore, I started fucking prostitutes on Caleo Street. That was way cheaper, but I got so many diseases there....including AIDS. Now I'm just figuring out what do next." I nodded and finished my drink. "Ever raped a man?", I asked. "Just once. It was in prison, but he looked almost exactly like a woman. Why do you ask?" What the hell was I thinking? "Because I wouldn't mind being raped by you now". "Not now". "OK" "Go home and shave all around your ass and crotch, Hell -- shave your whole body if you can. When you're done, go to bed with your door unlocked. Just be patient. I had almost no body hair, but I shaved what little I could find. I dried off with a fresh towel and fell into bed. Did he say "AIDS"?? I didn't have time to think about it because my front door creaked open. And then a huge hand was around my mouth and a big, bare dick was being pressed in between my butt cheeks. I'd asked for this in a way. What I didn't ask for was the incredible sting of his cock head pushing into my hole. I tried yelling 'no', but my lips were covered. I tried to squirm away, but he was just too large. This is the reality of rape, I thought. It's not sexy. It's violent and it hurts. I was so miserable as he shoved that dirty weapon in deeper...and then deeper. Good Lord -- how much more of that dick could there be??? But it kept driving in and I was aware of what he was saying: "You gonna have my baby, Bitch". and "You Fucking Slut!" I was helplessly surviving this. I had a brief fantasy of Rissa barging in with her gun and shooting him. In the head. And then he sped up his pace. He took his giant hand from my mouth and started using it to pull my hair as he climaxed. He drug it out dramatically, huffing and groaning and saying "shit". The he rushed out -- which is what I guess rapists are used to doing. I'd bled all over my clean bed and wondered if I'd have to get a new mattress. A few days later, The Rapist and I watched a movie together at his place. We ended up having sex again. And again. For the next two months. And then he was gone. Evicted I guess because they hauled all his stuff out to the curb. But he left me with one of his possessions...his HIV. Like I said --- the world is a harsh place.
    2 points
  15. Spent the holidays in Europe taking loads in Paris and Berlin. The best night was at a bar called Scheune in Berlin. There was a small dark room in the back. They used to have a basement but for some reason it’s closed and they only have the small room now. I was very disappointed at first because I had a good experience there on a prior trip when I had gotten gangbanged. When I went back in the dark room, there were only about four or five guys. Not much seemed to be happening. I left and the same guys were still there about five minutes later. This time there seemed to be a little more action happening. One guy had a very thick beer can sized dick typical of many Germans which he had out and was stroking. I started making out with him and then he went down and sucked my dick for a while. I was actually worried he might be a bottom. But then I reciprocated and sucked his dick. He then turned me around and started fucking my ass. Even though I’ve gotten fucked by many guys for four days in a row, his girth made it slow going in the beginning. He needed to stretch open my hole wider and deeper than my previous fucks. He fucked me for a while and then I’m not sure if he passed me on to someone else or decided to take a break but when he pulled out another guy jumped on immediately. He then fucked me until he shot his load. Mr. Beer Can Cock jumped back on and did the same in my now squishy hole. He was followed by another 4-5 guys who all unloaded in me. With the exception of Mr. Beer Can, I have no idea what the rest of the guys looked like, but I was certainly happy to get their loads. 45 minutes later when I came out, my friends that I was traveling with said I looked exhausted. After we left there, we went to another bar where I had a few more loads put in me. Quite a hot night!
    2 points
  16. Mmmm....I do enjoy knocking these young bears up. Amazing how eager they are for Daddy's load.
    2 points
  17. I was 18 and wanted it raw. Been sucking guys and fucking some of my teammates, but never got fucked. It was an awesome experience. A hot athletic boy wanted to fuck me and I said let’s do it. He popped he’s 8” cock in and my eyes rolled back and the pain went away. I started pulling his athletic ass to my ass shoving his cock deeper. I starting feeling his cock swell in my ass and he dumped a huge load in my ass. He kept coming back for more for a long time. I finally got to fuck his so called straight ass and tight hole. We still fuck to this day.
    2 points
  18. Love when they say "Sorry, could not resist to bred that ass" after dropping a load during an unplanned breeding session.
    2 points
  19. About to have my hole wrecked by at least 8 guys in 20min! I know some of them and they are well hung and they know how to go rough! I have a feeling my bf has told them to go extra hard on me ? my pussy can’t wait! ?
    2 points
  20. I lived with my love of my life for almost 17 years. During this time I felt the claim to be slut and cumdump but I wasn’t really. Some adventures happened of course. Especially because of the fact that my love wasn’t interested in sex. Right before he left me, when I felt the end is coming, and especially after the break up I became a really cumdump slut. Since I am taking PreP I am really a bitch. At this moment I am still in love with my ex, but it will be away. For a while I want to enjoy the single life but hope later I find my love again. But I also hope he will have big appetite, be up to cruise, go to sauna and sexclub, take part sexparties together, etc. I’m always envious of you who write about exciting adventures together with your boyfriend or husband.
    2 points
  21. This is dedicated to sir @Bbpigsterxxx wanted to surprise you with my locked cock while riding a thick 10” dildo stretching my pussy ???
    2 points
  22. Morning world! Woke up earlier by the bf pulling out the plug from my cum filled cunt and shoving his 10” beast in me to add his morning load while commenting how loose and sloshy my pussy is <heaven> Plug back in and we went for a run which is always fun to make sure I keep the plug (and the loads) in me when we got back home, went to the shower, my bf laid on the bathroom floor, I’m squatting above his face as he pulls out the plug and all the loads I’ve been carrying from yesterday and this morning just ran straight to his willing mouth, then he sucked the leftovers from my pussy and I we were so horny I just sat on his cock balls deep till he blew a second load in me now it’s time to run so affands and I can tell my bf is planning something for later so stay tuned ?? x
    2 points
  23. POZ tattoos turn me on like nothing ever has. My POZ husband doesn't have one and doesn't want one. If I ever convert, I'm getting the toxic tattoo for sure
    2 points
  24. Now that I am getting older I think that I am more looking for a soul mate rather than the big Love of my Life. He could even be a fellow slutty bottom like me! As long as he understands that I will very likely continue having sex outside the relationship and I understand (not expect) if he does the same (either taking or giving). As long we are on the same level and enjoy each others company. What I do doubt is if I will ever set up house together again. Been there, done that and am not keen to do it again. I have become too independent for that over the years.
    2 points
  25. Part 14 As Chris continued to pound my hole hard, I and my boyfriend kept our eyes locked on each other. Chris, despite having just cum a short time ago in my boyfriend, all at once rammed his cock deep inside me and almost yelled, "Oh, yes, another load of my AIDS cum is going in you now. Love it." I could see tears in my boyfriends eyes as I knew there were some in my eyes also Chris ground his load into me for little bit, then arose from off of me, his cock flopping out of my cum filled hole. He kind of grinned at us both and then without a word turned and went into the other room. I got up and stood looking at my boyfriend, wondering what the hell he was doing here. I looked into this eyes and asked him, "what? why? How did you get here and what is going on? What is happening here?" The words ran together and I am sure they didn't make much sense. My boy then said, "I am so sorry, but you have been tossing and turning in your sleep lately and also talking. You kept saying you wanted to be pozzed, you wanted AIDS, you wanted Chris's cock to unload in you." He halted for a moment and I asked, "But, what are you doing here?" He started to cry then and told me, "I snooped and found out who Chris was and decided to come here to try and stop him from this, this, I don't know craziness, I guess. Chris answered the door naked and I saw that huge cock of his and had trouble talking to him with it swinging around as he walked around as I spoke to him. Then, I don't know why, but I just all at once fell to my knees to beg him to stop and he stopped with his cock right in my face and before I knew what I was doing, I was sucking that big beautiful cock and one thing led to another and then we ended up in his bedroom and him in me before I knew what had happened." My boyfriend said, "I failed you miserably and while I was in the bathroom, trying to get some of that cum out of my hole, you must have arrived. I was in there a long time and when I came out, all I could see was some guy, didn't know it was you, getting fucked hard by some other guys while Chris was watching. The scene must have turned him on, and me too I am afraid, and before I knew what I was doing Chris had me pinned down and fucked me again. When he was done and coming to do you again, is when I found out you were already here. Please forgive me for snooping?" I grabbed him and told him, I forgive you, if you forgive me for getting us both into this mess. From the first time I saw Chris, the urge to have him infect me has grown and grown in me. I didn't even think about you and I am ashamed of myself for not confiding in you." We sat then and hugged each other and vowed that no matter what now, we would be together and help each other through this. We were going to become AIDS whores together.
    2 points
  26. Took my first load up the ass when I was 11yo. A guy from the neighborhood seduced me. He was in his late forties or early fifties and really hairy. Caught me staring at his furry forearms and, sensing my boyish curiosity I guess, asked me if I wanted to touch them. Took me to his house and the rest is history... I remember asking for a rubber but he said since he couldn't catch anything from a virgin like me there was no need to use one. Made perfect sense to me back then...
    2 points
  27. started sucking cock at around 12 and first got fucked at 13 and haven't stopped
    2 points
  28. I was 14, and it was Thanksgiving. It was my best friend from across the street, he was a year older, and we had been fooling around for a year or so. We had the house to ourselves and messing around. He told me to bend over, fingered my hole with some lotion and then went balls deep. He fucked me for about ten minutes and then blew his load in me, and I shot mine. I had a lot to be thankful for that year.
    2 points
  29. 15 minutes ago behind a dumpster near Home Depot. Home Depot is usually good for a load or two
    2 points
  30. Breeding slut who found love - we have been together almost 14 years. He loves for me to take cock with or without him there.
    2 points
  31. 29. "What can I help you with?" Aaron asked the brand new customers in the shop on a Saturday evening. Two of them came into the parlor about ten minutes ago and seemed... kind of clueless. The first one - (as Aaron later found out) was 43 years old, about 6.1, white and really hairy - which was visible since he was wearing a T-Shirt, which revealed how hairy his arms were. The second one was 36, about 6.2 and the most memorable thing was his hair - which was balding, but still kept unshaved - which seemed... weird. "I... I wanted to get a tattoo - my first one. I recently got divorced from my wife and I... I need a change you could say." said the hairy one. Aaron threw them a surprised look. "Uhmmm... is something wrong?" "Sorry It's just that not many straight guys come here!" laughed Aaron and added: "come with me then! I'm Aaron and I'll be doing your tattoo." "Thanks! I'm Louis and this is Eric - he's a friend - here just to support." They walked into the tattoo parlor. Ray had already had his hands full with tattooing someone else. "So... what design would you like? Do you want a catalogue or..." "Uhmm... I was thinking of having this tatted on my shoulder. Louis showed Aaron a nice design of a scorpion with a skull instead of it's head. "Sure! It's nice! I'm just curious - why this design?" "Uhmmm... I just think it looks kinda.... hot, plus it's my zodiac sign or whatever so it seems appropriate." "Oh ok! Let's get to it!" After a few hours - the tattoo was completed - on Louis' now shaved right shoulder, there was now a big black scorpion tattoo - with a red skull instead of it's head. Aaron gave Louis a few tips on how to take care of it, while it's still fresh and sensitive. "Oh... I heard there's a bar downstairs as well!" said the other guy - Eric. "Yeah there is, but I don't know if it's the right one for you - it's actually a gay bar - you know, I said that we don't get many straight customers." "Doesn't matter! We're friendly. And we just want to crash somewhere and get drunk." laughed Louis. "Ok! Then come with me! It's Saturday and it's half past nine, so the parlor is closing in a few minutes anyway. I can go with you for a drink - that means a discount!" said Aaron with a charming smile. "Yeah! Sure! We need someone to bitch to anyway!" laughed Louis with his deep voice. They walked down to the bar. Tony was there talking to Kev by the bar. "This is Tony! He's my boyfriend and co-owner of this place! Tony this is Louis and Eric!" They greeted. "Kev, bring us a few beers please!" "You got it!" smirked Kev - only wearing leather boots and a jockstrap - above which poked a part of his biohazard tat, he now wore with pride. They talked for the next two hours. Aaron and Tony got to know all about Louis and Eric. They got to know all about how Louis' wife ran away with an another guy and then divorced Louis about three months ago. They got to know that Eric also got problems at home - he knocked up his highschool girlfriend at 17, then married her at 18 - before their kid was born and after a few years, all the love just disappeared. Now all they do is argue. She even made him wear hair extentions to cover up his bald spots. "Fuck that sucks!" said Tony. They already had a lot of beers and were getting kinda drunk. "Why the fuck would she not leave you to do what you want with your hair!" "Yeah... I know. I wanted to shave it off but..." "You should go for it. I for one think you's look really hot with your head shaved!" "Uhm... thanks. I thought of doing it anyway... even if she doesn't like it!" "You definitely should do it! We have a shaving machine upstairs if you want - we use it to shave bodyhair if we need to - but don't worry, it's clean!" "Uhmmm... I'm really tempted actually! Since all that brings me joy nowadays is going to gym with Louis or just hanging out with my buddy in general and my son... well I wanted to get revenge on her actually. I would divorce, but.... I don't think I have the balls. "Well... If neither of you aren't happy anymore, you should break up. You're son is big already isn't he? He can handle it." "Well... yeah. He's 18, but... still." "Oh fuck off with this shit Eric. My Lenny handled our divorce, which pretty much came out of nowhere. Blake can handle yours! It's been coming and coming for years!" said Louis. "I... I..." "Well... doesn't matter. I hope one day you'll find the courage!" "Yeah I hope I do. And I've made up my mind! I'm gonna shave it off." Eric said pointing at his hair. "Now?" asked Tony. "Now." "Let's go then!" They left Aaron and Louis alone by the bar. They went upstairs, back into the now empty, dark tattoo parlor. Tony opened one of the drawers and took out some shaving cream, clippers and a razor. Then he led Eric to the bathroom. They stood in front of a mirror, above the wash-basin. "Why are you so nice and helpful?" asked Eric out of the sudden. Tony laughed: "You both seem nice, plus I'd lie if I said you weren't hot. And you just seem in need of help. You know... to break free you could say. Now are you ready for the "upgrade"?" "Yeah, let's do it." Eric took off his shirt - revealing his nice physique, hairy chest, and a thick treasure trail, connecting his chest hair and pubes. Tony took off Eric's extension, to reveal, that the top of his head was almost devoid of any hair - just a little bit in the middle, separating his bald spot - connected to his forehead and his other bald spot - in the back of his head. He turned the clippers on and started shaving his hair. Once his hair was cropped really short - leaving only a stubble, he took out the shaving cream, razor and shaved it off completely. He then washed Eric's head. Then dryed it, revealing Eric's now completely bald, shiny scalp. "You look fucking hot!" Tony exclaimed. "I guess I do! I look fucking hot! Thank you Tony!" said Eric, smiling at himself in the mirror. "Now let's get back! Show your new look!" Tony laughed. "Yeah." Eric said, turned around, revealing a clearly visible bulge in his pants. "Wow! You're really enjoying your "transformation" aren't you?" Tony grinned. Eric realised, how visible his bulge was and went really red with shame. "Uhmm.... yeah... sorry 'bout that." he laughed nervously. "Don't worry 'bout it! You look fucking hot! You have the right to get hard from it! If you weren't straight, I'd totally try to fuck you with your new look!" Eric went red again. 30. "Fuck! You look good bud!" exclaimed Louis as soon as he saw Eric's new look. Eric looked like he thought so as well, because his bulge was still heavily pronounced in his pants. They drank again, laughing and joking. Louis and Eric told Tony and Eric about their sons - Lenny, Louis' 19-year old, and Eric's 18 year old son Blake. As the time (and beers) went by, the conversation turned to sex out of the sudden. "I always wondered how it worked with you... you know... gay sex." Louis said and added: "You know... who is the giver and the reciever... do you switch or what? I'm just really curious." "Well... depends on the people who fuck together. The one fucking is called a top and the one getting fucked is called a bottom. But it ain't that simple. For example: me and Tony are both what's called versatile, meaning we like fucking and getting fucked. Tony ends up on top more times than me though." Aaron was happy to explain. "Got it! But why does Tony end up on top more times than you tho?" "Well... he's got the bigger cock out of the two of us and a lot of times... I just think it's too good of a cock to waste." Aaron laughed. Kev came around with an another round of beers. "Hey... bartender!" said Eric a little drunkenly. "Yeah?" Kev turned around. "First of all..." Eric laughed like a drunk teen: "nice ass! And second of all: What's that tattoo peaking above your jockstrap?" "You wanna see it?" asked Kev, eager to show it off. "Uhm... yeah if you'd show it." Eric said. With that, Kevin dropped his jockstrap to his knees, exposing his soft cock and his biohazard tattoo, which now rested right above his cock - where his now shaved pubes would be - the top "horns" poking above the jockstrap. "Haha... you guys really don't shy around!" Eric laughed, looking at Kev's cock and continued: "Why that tattoo anyway?" "Oh, that's a biohazard symbol." Tony explained. "It means the guy who has it has HIV - he's poz." "Oh... really? Did you get it by accident, or... willingly?" Louis asked. "Well... we all got it willingly... that's called bug chasing! I actually pozzed both of these studs!" Tony smirked. "Really? Why?" Tony explained, what was so sexy about the virus... at least for him. And then Aaron and Kev both added their versions. "Fuck! Now that you explained it... I must admit it sounds... kinda hot!" Louis confessed. "Oh does it? I wasn't expecting a pair of straight guys to get it!" Tony smiled. "I was actually fantasizing about it ever since my wife left me... you know... gay sex." Louis confessed. "Oh... really?" "Yeah. You know... I don't get much sex nowadays and I'm just... just so horny! My cock is all hard for the fourth time just this evening! The first time was when I was gettimg my tattoo, the second one was when Eric showed up looking all hot with his shiny, bald head, the tgird time when the bartender showed us... well all of it and now that you've told your stories about the bug or whatever!" "Well... why fantasize about it? You could try it right now! You're in a gay bar for fuck's sake!" Tony laughed. "You're hot as fuck! For example I wouldn't be on offense if you asked me to fuck you!" "You wouldn't?" "No, not at all." "Ok! Let's do it then!" "Wait! What?" Eric looked Luois' way. "Oh come on! Fuck it! I'm single now! After 12 years! I'm free to do whatever I want! Plus you got me really horned up with your look." Louis said, as he put his hand on the back of Eric' shiny bald head and stroked it. He took a breath and pulled his friend closer, into a deep kiss. The kiss ended. Eric looked deep into his friend's hungry eyes and said: "Ok. I'll propably just watch." Tony and Aaron both smirked at each other. This was gonna be a lot of fun. "Kev? What time is it?" "Half past two." "Ok. Let's close up! We have some more work to do."
    2 points
  32. 4. “I’m going to keep you my horny little cock slut till you cant take it any longer. How does that sound boy?” “Thank you, Sir.” My cock throbbed against the cage but more importantly my hole pulsed around the plug still lodged deep inside of me. “Good boy. I’ve got a long night of pussy wrecking planned for you.” He grabbed me hard behind my head and drew me close to him. Roughly he stuffed his tongue in my mouth again, biting at my lip. He held me by my hair, tight against him. He bit my ear lightly and said “Go get on the bed with that cunt in the air. I’m ready to breed my pussy again.” I basically ran to the bedroom and leapt onto his bed. Sir followed slowly his cock swinging in front of him. I stuck my ass in the air and grabbed onto both cheeks the plug sticking straight up in the air. Sir grabbed the plug and slowly started to pull. As he did I felt my ass lips being pulled open. It took a long moment for my hole to open wide enough to let the plug base out. I gasped when it did and pushed back on it. Sir pushed the plug back into making me groan. He did it again, and again. Slowly working up to fucking me with the plug base. It snapped in and out of my hole and I pushed back against it till my hole barely closed around the plug each time. Finally, Sir tore the plug from me completely with a wet sound, my face was buried in the mattress after the plug fucking and I only heard him spit and then felt his cock head dive into my ruined hole. He slammed all the way in with one stroke. I grunted but my hole was so open I felt nothing but pleasure. I reached back behind me and held my hole open for him. “Damn this pussy has loosened up better than I thought,” Sir said as he pulled his cock completely out of me and then slammed back in. “You’ll be taking my fist in your cunt in no time boy. You’re rings already starting to look nice and blown out.” I felt something else slide into my hole and realized he had stiffed two fingers into my hole next to his cock. He was fingering me and fucking me and I could take it no problem. My hole, I now came to understand, had always been meant to be fucked, I had just been doing it wrong. Sir pummeled my hole. He pounded me harder and harder, getting his cock as deep as it would go. At some point I he worked two more fingers into me. When his breathing finally started to change and I knew he was getting close he had three fingers in my hole next to his cock and he had flipped me on my back. As Sir’s pace began to change I started to understand why Sir called my hole a pussy and a cunt. That was how I felt, a loose hole made for cock. My cunt felt so good stretched around Sirs cock. This was who I was supposed to be. Just then Sir slammed his cock as deep as it would go and pulled his fingers from my cunt. His cock throbbed deep inside of me as he deposited his seed. Sir put the slick fingers that had just been in my hole next to my lips and without being told to I opened up and licked the cum and ass juice off of them greedily. Sir smiled at me, his forehead slick with sweat. Once his cock had softened he pulled out of me. “Stay right there,” he said. He opened the same draw he had when he pulled me the first time and pulled out a bigger plug. He lugged a big glob of spit onto its head and rubbed it on my gaping pussy. It popped in easily, and I smiled. “Good boy. You’ve passed the first tests with flying colors.” “Thank you, Sir!” “Now, let’s see how well you do with the rest of the night. Are you ready for the next test boy?” “Yes, Sir!” “Good, get dressed. You’re going to visit a friend of mine.”
    2 points
  33. Cheers! By the time I returned upstairs, everything had changed. It was like I’d walked into a completely different club. The music was no longer anything I could identify, having been replaced by a heavy thumping beat, and I noticed that the DJ from earlier was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a topless skinhead white guy who was clearly having the time of his life in the booth. The room was darker, and what lights there were were being used more for effect than for illumination, making the room flash red. Somewhere, a smoke machine was hissing, and the room was getting misty. Any pretence of this place not being a sex club had clearly been thrown out the window now. Several people had completely discarded what little outfits they had been wearing, while others were happily letting their cocks get pulled out of whatever they were wearing. A lot of people were still just dancing, but even that had become a lot more physical than what it had been before midnight. I didn’t know where to start. The vibrations of the music shot through my body, and I wanted to throw myself right into the dance floor, just to see what happened. ‘You. Need. Water.’ The voice in my head told me. What little of it was left was apparently trying to use reason to get me to stop doing the things it didn’t want me to. But it wasn’t wrong, my mouth did feel a bit dry, so I made my way to the bar. Apparently 90% of the people in the club had all decided to do the same thing. It was heaving there, with so many rows of people waiting to be served, it was a wonder how the people already at the bar itself would be able to get away once they got their drinks. I stood at the back of the queue, and wondered how long it would be before I actually got served. I felt like the negative voice knew this would happen and caught me in a trap. The night had other plans, though. I had been standing there less than a minute when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around, expecting to see Geo, or one of the four guys I’d already messed about with this evening, but it was another new guy. He was older than any of the others, maybe one of the oldest guys in the building, but holy fuck was he a DILF. A black guy, maybe in his 50s, wearing nothing but a pair of loose boxers. His body was covered in salt-and-pepper hair, and he had dreadlocks tied loosely behind his head. In his hand, he held two bottles of beer, he offered one to me, and nodded over towards a corner of the room. I took the bottle and followed him. For a minute, I had to wonder if I actually had found my way into a different club. I was certain that the place had more seating earlier. Now it was like the chairs and tables had melted away in order to allow the dancefloor to expand. But the guy I followed seemed to know exactly where to go, and led me to a little alcove, that had some stools in it, pressed up against the wall under a wooden shelf that was littered with empty bottles and glasses. He pulled out two stools and perched on one, learning on the shelf. I hopped up onto the other one, vividly aware about how much less casual I looked and felt wandering through a public place in my underwear. We clinked the necks of our bottles together, and took deep swigs. Somewhere inside my head, alarm bells were going off. There could be anything in this bottle! I hadn’t seen it opened, and although it was still cold and tasted like standard cheap beer, I had no way of knowing how long this guy had been holding onto it. In my attempt to not let the guy see how uncomfortable I was, I ended up half emptying the bottle in one go, which was the opposite of what the voice in my head wanted, but it was too late now. I set the bottle down on the side, and thanked him for the drink. “No problem!” He took another sip, and set his drink down. “I was queuing so long that I lost the guy I was buying for, and you looked like you needed some help. It’s your first time in a place like this, I’m guessing?” I asked him how he knew that. “Kid. You’re walking around the place looking as confused and as cute as a deer caught in the headlights. It’s a miracle that you haven’t been hit by the truck yet.” With that, he reached out to my stall and easily dragged me closer to him. “But don’t worry. The truck is still coming.” He hooked one of his thumbs in his underwear and yanked them down. In his loose boxers and in the darkness of the room, I hadn’t really been able to see just how massive his cock was, but when it flopped out at me, swinging like a truncheon, it caught me by such surprise that I almost wanted to run away. That was never an option though, since the guy reached forward to the back of my neck and and pulled me into him. His tongue filled my mouth, and instinctively my hands took hold of his dick and started pumping it. It was so big that both my hands could easily hold it with room to spare. His hands came round me and roughly grabbed my ass, roughly squeezing and pulling at them as we kissed. After a minute, he stopped, and pushed me off him at the shoulders. He was so forceful that I felt like a rag doll, as he pushed me down to my knees so that my head was level with his dick. He was leaking precum, and I didn’t hesitate in taking the head in my mouth to suck it all up. His cock was at least four inches bigger than the biggest I’d ever sucked before, and even that one I hadn’t been able to deepthroat very well. I struggled to handle the beast in my mouth, and the hands that grabbed my head didn’t seem to care that much for my struggles. I gagged and spluttered all over his dick, and drool started pouring down my chin. There was movement behind me, and I felt someone else’s body against my back. He was crouched in the same position as me, so that all our body parts lined up perfectly, and I heard his voice in my ear. “Here, let me show you how it’s done.” I could tell that it was the guy I had met in the toilets earlier, and the guy I was sucking clearly didn’t have any issues letting me slide off his dick, so the new guy could slide straight on, swallowing half of it in one smooth movement while leaning over my shoulder. I was pinned between them, and the older guy only moved one of his hands from my head to the young guys head. The other kept firm hold of me, and held me in place, pulling me down into the nook between his dick and his leg. I inhaled deeply, and smelled the raw scent of his sweat. It was intoxicating, and my dick sprang to attention as the young guys arm wrapped around me and took hold of it through my shorts. I could feel the young guys dick pressing into my butt. It was hard, and not very big, but then I guessed that this current position was as close to topping as a guy like this got, so I guessed it didn’t matter. The diminishing sober part of my brain imagined how this would have looked from a distance. A writhing mass of flesh and limbs grinding together like some weird beast, letting out guttural moans every now and then. The thumping of the music meant that most of the noises were drowned out, but I could still hear the guy moaning as we worked on his dick. My new friend was definitely doing most of the work, but I tried my best to help out, licking at the base of the huge cock, and at the massive black balls that hung heavily underneath. It tasted incredible, like nothing I’d ever had in my mouth before. I could have stayed there lapping at it forever, but the other two seemed to have other plans. The big guy was getting close, and his moans were getting louder and more intense. Suddenly, the guy behind me shifted, moving backwards slightly, and the hand on my head curled its fingers in my hair, yanking me me back and putting my mouth over the head of the dick again, just in time for it to explode like a gun, filling my mouth. It was like a fire hose blasting into my mouth, shooting blast after blast of thick, salty cum. It came so fast that I didn’t even have time to gag, and instantly started swallowing what I could, letting the rest fill my mouth and run over my lips. Even if I thought to count how many shots pumped into my mouth, I’m sure I would have lost count. When it finally finished, his hand left my head, but another took its place, as the guy behind me pulled me back into his shoulder so that he could put his mouth over mine, licking the cum off my chin before kissing me. Our tongues mixed together with the huge load, and his other hand slipped into my shorts, taking hold of my dick. The part of my mind that was disgusted by all this was silent, and it was the hottest thing I had ever experienced. I’m surprised I didn’t blow my own load right there, but I was glad I didn’t. Any nerve I’d built up since swallowing that pill needed me to stay pent up and ready to go, I knew, and I had no intentions of letting this night end so soon. By the time we finally pulled apart, having swallowed every trace of cum we could find on each other, the guy who had given us it had already disappeared.
    2 points
  34. My Graduation Gift Well the big day arrived. I was all set to graduate from college with a bright future and plenty of opportunity. Courtesy of good grades and a fairly impressive resume, I already had a nice job lined up in a big advertising firm in Atlanta—with the summer off to boot. But this weekend was all about me and what I had accomplished at the ripe old age of 23. My family was gathered around to shower me with praise and attention—and the requisite gifts to mark the occasion. A little background might be in order here for this to make sense. I am the oldest child and only son for my parents. Mom and dad were divorced when I was eight after my youngest sister was born (there is one middle child--a terror, I might add). After the split, there weren’t money issues, as both of my parents came from well-to-do backgrounds. I attended the right prep schools and went on to a small liberal arts college where I became a BMOC. I had the little BMW, the right clothes, the best fraternity. While not a Greek god, I am nice looking and naturally athletic. In short, I am the person most college kids either envy or hate, unless they have been dealt the same hand. I am also gay. Now Mom knew, and she and Charles- her current husband –are OK with it. They even turned a blind eye when I brought a boyfriend along on vacation. No questions, just the reassurance that they loved me no matter what---followed by a pregnant pause. Dad never mentioned anything about my personal life, perhaps because he was always on a layover between business trips. Also, he never had the same significant other for more than a few months. After lunch at the best restaurant in town, we returned to my soon-to-be Alma Mater for the ceremony. When it was over, Mom handed me a small gift and an envelope. The gift was an alligator belt with a monogrammed silver buckle and the envelope was a cashier’s check for $10,000 to “furnish your first real apartment”. Dad said he had a surprise, but he wanted to give it to me a little later. He hung around until everyone left, then said “Son, I’ve not spent a lot of time with you, but I’ve always tried to be there when it was important. I’ve kept up with everything you’ve done and I’m so proud of you. I think you know that. I have a special gift for you, one that you will remember forever. I think you will come to cherish it and it will become part of you as you become part of it. It’s at the beach condo—can you come down for a weekend soon?” I asked if we could get together in a couple of weeks as I had a quick trip planned with some fraternity brothers. He readily agreed to the first weekend in June, and said he would be waiting for me Friday afternoon. Beyond that, he would give no hints. I was really curious, but the answer was always the same—“you’re going to love it”. As he prepared to leave, he said one other thing which really got my attention “Don’t tell anyone, this is just for you and it’s very special. It’s something you need and will treasure for the rest of your life. But, it has to remain our secret!” We met two weeks later at the beach. The condo was, as always immaculate. I didn’t see any packages, or detect any difference, except that dad was more animated than when he gave me my BMW. He suggested we go out for a few drinks and something to eat. I agreed and we hit the locals’ hotspot for some beer and seafood. Strangely, it seemed he was checking out the waiter, but then again so was I. A little ass on the side was part of my weekend plan as well. We talked a bit about my upcoming move and job. Dad asked if I was seeing anyone special but didn’t probe. The only fuss came when I excused myself for a cigarette and he pointed out that grown men smoked cigars. He paid the check and announced that it was time to leave. When we got back to the condo, dad got us another beer and motioned for me to sit down. He looked right at me with piercing eyes and said “I know you’re gay—I’ve known it since you were about five. I’ve kept up with you and know that you have been involved with a few boys in college. It’s all good with me, I’ve had a few bromances myself over the years. The gift I have for you is to set you free—to let you have all the fun you want—to take away the things that are holding you back. That’s my gift to you!” As he said that, two men walked out of the bedroom area and sat next to me on the sofa. They were thin and sharp looking, with a few piercings and the odd tattoo peeking out from their shorts and shirts. “I’ve recruited these guys to help me, they are part of the gift.” My head was spinning—what was he saying, what did he mean? Without warning, they took me in their arms and began stroking me and pulling at my clothes. I opened my mouth to stop them, but before I could, the older man thrust his tongue in my mouth while the younger man said “remember, father knows best!” I heard dad say “if only my father could have done this for me!” Perhaps it was the beer, perhaps it was the knowledge that dad had always taken care of me, or perhaps it was that these two guys were just so fucking hot, but for whatever reason I just melted into their arms. My dick was leaking precum like a faucet as the stripped off my clothes and led me to the king size bed in dad’s room. We rolled around moaning and humping like animals. I couldn’t speak because there was a tongue or a dick in my mouth at all times. I was barely aware of dad climbing onto the edge of the bed and watching the scene unfold. After a bit, I felt the stubble of the younger man’s beard at my crack. He wasted no time getting to my pucker where he began to lick and nibble at my hole. He ate my ass like he was starved, pushing spit in with each tongue thrust. I was glad I had prepped this morning "Just in case.” After a thorough rimming, I felt the first finger, slick with the lube I had noticed on the bedside table. Two more followed as I squirmed, probing me and opening me for what was to come. I was so horned up by this point that the whole weirdness of the scene was lost on me—until dad, who was naked at this point and rock hard slid under me and caressed me and looked square into my eyes saying “and now it’s time for the gift to open you!” With that, the younger of the two started to slip his dick into me. “Shit—that’s a monster” I said. Dad looked at me and reminded me to relax and push out. The stranger’s head popped in and I felt his assault continue. I knew he was hung, but this was really a big cock. Dad said, as if reading my mind “eight and a half and thick too”. By this time, it was in to the hilt and the rhythm was beginning. Man he is a great top I thought as he varied the angle and the speed. The older guy jacked me, then jacked dad and me together as his buddy began to moan softly. Suddenly he started to slam me for all he was worth and yelled “take..your gift,,,here,,,come…my swimmers. I felt him cum explosively and realized he had just barebacked me—a first for me. As he pulled out, his friend mounted me, sliding in effortlessly on the baby batter which leaked from my hole. Dad gazed at me the entire time with a look of pride, approval and satisfaction. “I told you I wanted to give you your freedom—and now I have. By the time Rob is done, you will be a changed man. His viral load is over one million and he has seven conversions on record. He has never failed” As the words sank in, fear gripped my soul—this was the freedom dad was giving me—HIV. I struggled, but dad held me tight as Rob long-dicked my hole. Rob bellowed and whispered in my ear “you have a great dad—you don’t know how lucky you are—you ARE free now, free to embrace the cumslut that lives within you, free to spread the gift far and wide. You need to thank him.” I was so confused, angry yet turned on, violated yet strangely, yes surely liberated. Weakly, I looked at dad and said “thank you, I…love…you”. As the words fell out of my mouth, the younger man said :”My name is Woody---just thought I should introduce myself before I put the butt plug in!” Everyone, including me chuckled on that on. My ass was sore as I got up and reached for a cigarette. Dad stopped me, handed me a cigar he had clipped and passed me a lighter—you’re a man now. In the semi-darkness I saw both Woody and Rob sported biohazard tats on their chests—how had I missed that? We sat on the bed, four naked men, smoking cigars. Dad broke the silence. “I have always been her for you. I’ll be here in a few weeks when the flu hits, and after that forever. I wish my dad had done this for me so I didn’t have to live with the fear and loathing I have. Gentlemen, have fun this weekend, I going home. There is money in the nightstand for you all to enjoy yourselves for the weekend. Son, don’t worry about the condo—just lock up and leave before ten Monday—the service comes to clean at eleven. Call me when you get home so I’ll know you are safe and sound.” I protested, but he insisted on leaving. Damn, I have a great dad!”
    1 point
  35. I don't know where to start, but here it goes. Before my 18th birthday, I had only suck one dick but once I started college things changed. My father used to tell me the best part of me ran down the crack of my mother's ass and he is right, with me being 5ft. 5 & 100 LBS I was always the runt of any class I was in, except for one thing I have a thick 8-inch dick. The best part of High school was taking showers in the locker room and looking at all the hot looking boys and seeing they might have great bodies, but I had the big dick. I left home with no real money and moved into a shady part of town. Going to school during the day and waiting on tables at night. My sex life was a big blank until I saw a post about a bathhouse around the corner. I went to the front door and knocked and the one opening the door says you have to be 18 to get in so come back in 4 years when you turn 18. Again I knock on the door and say I have I.D. so come on in and he looks at my I.D. for a long time, then says its real, so the fee is $10 for students and gives a towel a condom and lube. I go to the locker room, and the place is empty, but for Jerry who is in the late 40s. He comes over and says place raided last night, so they are staying away till it blows over. Jerry asks how new am I the truth is I'm a virgin, and he smiles then tells me to lie down on the table. Jerry says he won't do anything I don't feel comfortable doing as he pours warm oil on my body, this feels great as he works it into my body. He is near my hole and says I'm going to see how tight you are. One finger in my ass with a feeling I have never felt before as my dick is rock hard. Jerrk whispers in my ear we have to go to his place a few blocks away as he has supplies that will help enjoy it a lot more. I have seen porn, so I know he wants to stick his dick in me, but I have a feeling Jerry wants to spend more than just a slam-bang and leave. Jerry lives across the street from me, and he has a nice place here with two bedrooms, one is where he sleeps, and the other is his party room. Jerry ask me if I have ever smoked weed, and I say just a few times, so Jerry laughs and says he has weed spike with T. I never heard of T and as I smoke it I find out why as he lays me on my stomach in his playroom. Jerry shows me his special lube that also has T in it and that it will burn and for me to take some poppers first. He is instructing me how to do poppers first inhale three times on one side of my nose now do the other and back. After a few times, I feel his fingers working my hole and the slite burn he talks about as he has two fingers in me. Jerry is kissing on the back of my neck and says he is POZ, but I don't have to worry as he is on med. I have no idea what he is talking about as the fingers in my ass that is all I care about as Jerry ask me if I can take more as he puts his third finger in me. I see Jerry for the first time naked as he takes out his Prince Albert as he does not want to rip me up. He puts me on the edge of the bed hands me some poppers and says that any pain to let him know. I take a few big hits from the poppers as the head of his dick is against my hole. I'm feeling pressure, but no pain as Jerry is going very slow with his 7-inch dick and the burn from the T lube I can't help my self as I back up onto Jerry dick till I'm balls deep and he is laughing and telling me to fuck my self on his dick. I feel Jerry dick swelling up with his heaving breathing as he forces me to lay flat on the bed as he goes nuts fucking me as fast as he can. Then he stops, then puts all his weight on me as his dick is pulsing out his medicated POZ cum into my virgin hole. I spent two days with Jerry went in a virgin and left as his cum dump. Over the next few weeks, I see Jerry when I can, but I have to make money for school and between school and work its hard. Jerry asked me if I would like to make some real money as he has a friend who might have some work for me. I say sure, and he needs some pictures of me naked which I do. Jerry says they all should be with me having an erection, so he gives me some viagra.
    1 point
  36. Would be great if somehow you just KNEW when your strain took.
    1 point
  37. Being a sex worker is the same if you are male, female or trans. You deal with the same problems all the time. With the closing of Rent Boy Tumblr and Craigslist, it's getting harder to advertize your services. After speaking with other Sex Workers, we classify customers in three categories, Lead, Silver, Gold. Lead: These are the ones you see once then you never want to see them again. You tell the fee is $300, and they want to give you $150 if you say $50 they say $25. They show up smelling like they have not taken a bath in a month and not cleaned their clothes in years. They want you to fuck them, and you could not shove your finger as they have not taken a shit in a week as they are so back up. They ask if you PNP and want to use your drugs and not pay for them. Some even try to rob you or run out and not pay you. I had one customer run out so fast and try not to pay me he left his wallet behind with $1000 in cash, credit cards, driver license, and other things. I'm sitting on the bed naked he is gone, and the fee was $250, I have $1,000 in cash, so I made out right. I'm going; to being honest in this business as once you get a bad reputation it's you will louse over, I going to return. He does not live far away, so I go to his door, and his wife answers the door. JACKPOT I say to her your husband left his wallet in the room after me giving him a blow job and then fucking me in the ass raw, the look on her face was priceless as she is screaming at the top of he lungs at him. I ask her if she can give me the money we agreed on and she handed me the $1,000 and slammed the door; I stayed by the door and the noise fantastic to hear her screaming, throwing things. " Revenge is a meal best served cold." Silver: The silver customer is your bread and butter they never haggler over the price, they show up clean smelling nice and respect you for what you are doing. Most are there for one to three hours session. Gold: The gold is a different world as these are the customers you love seeing as they are so much fun too around. Most what to do any where from 12 hours to a week session. You travel with them and be there fuck toy while you are with them. Some take you to the theater and dinner then back to their place for a night of fun. Some want to do a gangbang, so I get Tom & Jerry to help out as they are always willing to make a few extra dollars. Then you have the ones who take you out to Folsom Street either East or West and parade you around with their boy and have you make out with them. The ones who are heavy BDSM players are the most fun who know what they are doing as its as much fun for me as it is for them. Being in full leather or rubber fisting them or they are fisting me, being in bondage where you can't move, and they or I am controlling the body. Your holes are open for anything they or I want to put in them. Thad and I go to this one home in Florida during spring break for a week. He invites others and does nothing to us but loves to watch us. You put ten horny Gay males with supplies around, and it does not take long before we are fucking and sucking each other. In this group, there is always a virgin who has no idea what is going to happen. We roll in on them with G, and soon they are sucking a raw dick They, have no idea what a booth bump is and soon they are begging to get fuck. Soon their hole is bleeding as no one here knows or cares what your health status is. I tested POZ in 1/20/16 so in March I went down there pregnant, and I think I stealth a few condom faires, as they are the most fun to knock up.
    1 point
  38. My bf usually writes on my back “cumdump slut” and puts me in position in the sauna or play room. Always gets me super horny knowing what the tops see and comment while they enter me
    1 point
  39. Hey buddy, just re-read your profile again and felt like I was reading mine in a mirror! Especially when I got to, "Nipple play puts me over the edge and will make me beg you to fuck me." Damn, would totally love to work tits together with you and get fucked alongside each other, bred by two+ tops. Count me in. Oink!
    1 point
  40. I've always dreamed of being passed around to random strangers. I met a long-distance trucker over bbrt and had some time off due so we decided on a "load-trip." He picked me up on a Tuesday afternoon and went through the bag I packed. I had followed his instructions and only packed mesh workout shorts, a pair of snap-off warm-up pants like basketball players wear, a few t-shirts and all of my sex toys. After he checked the bag, he tied me to the bed and bred me twice. When he was done, I cleaned his cock and he fed me his loads from my pussy. He left for a while and returned with a small, metal chastity device and a bowl of ice. He soaked my cock and balls in the ice until I was completely soft and whimpering at which time he locked my tiny dick up. After that, we left in his truck. As soon as we were in the truck, he took my jeans and said I'd get them back at the end of the trip. He pushed a huge plug up my ass and I sat naked in his truck leaving home. We stopped at a truck stop that evening and he made me put on the warm-up pants without a shirt or shoes and sent me to another truck in the lot. The driver was a huge black man and as soon as I got in his truck he turned me around, yanked the back of my pants, causing all of the snaps to come undone and expose my plugged hole. He pulled the plug out without any warning and shoved it in my mouth. He shoved his massive cock in my hole and started fucking me hard and fast until he dumped his load in my hole. Again, I cleaned his dick and he told me to go to a different truck in the lot. When I went to snap my pants back up, he said don't bother and made me walk across the lot to another truck with the plug in my mouth and my ass hanging out, dripping cum. I ran to the other truck where the driver tied me up in the back. He fucked me and dumped a load in me too before sending me back to my master. I got used to the routine but after a few days and even got used to the cum stains in my shorts and the locked cock had me horny 24/7. My master said he had a special treat planned for the end of the week before I had to head home. We went to a friends house, where I was tied up over a sawhorse in a barn. I was gagged and had a hood placed over my head so I couldn't see or say anything. He whispered that the good news was I wouldn't have to clean the dicks after they fucked me but he'd "make up for it." He apparently invited every trucker and anonymous top he could find. I could hear people talking and laughing in the background but couldn't tell what anyone was saying. I felt someone rubbing my hole with a liquid which I at first thought was lube. However, I soon realized it was much worse and as the first cock shoved into me, he whispered that it was GOJO lava soap. By the time he was done, I was crying hard and had my first load. His cock was quickly replaced with another and another. I'm not sure how many loads I took that night. I blacked out a few times to be woken up by a cock shoving deep into my pussy. When they were done fucking me, I was untied and fell to the floor. The gag was removed and I was told to lick the cum I spilled off the floor. It felt like I drank gallons of cum. After I cleaned up my mess, I was told my work wasn't quite done yet. I was told to get on all fours, face-down ass-up on the floor in the middle of the room. When I did, I saw my master bring out an aluminum baseball bat. I knew I was in for it now. He worked the bat into my hole slowly and then fucked me with it. Everyone was laughing at my pain and when he pulled the bat out, guys lined up and took turns pissing in my gaping hole. When it was over, a massive plug was shoved in my ass and I was told I was saving snacks for later. After all this, I thought my day was over, but I had to serve everyone there beers and snacks while they hung out and joked about what a cumdump faggot I am. Eventually, someone grabbed a large dog food bowl and made me squat over it. As I was squatting, the plug fell out and all of the piss and cum flooded out of my hole into the dog bowl. I was made to eat and lick the bowl clean. We rode back toward my town after that night. It took three days and he continued to pimp me out the entire way. I served as a glory hole cumdump at a dirty bookstore off the interstate. When we got close to town, he said he didn't have a load in town so I would be catching a ride with a friend of his the rest of the way. He pumped his last load in me on the side of a back highway where I switched trucks. The new guy seemed nice at first. However, that night he forced his cock in me and fucked me like the piece of shit faggot he called me. When he was done, and we were back in town, he dropped me off on the other side of town and took the last cash I had, "for the lift" so I'd have to walk all the way home. I asked if he had my jeans or the key to my lock, which he made me call my "clit cage." He laughed and said I was stupid for forgetting when I switched trucks. I've been caged now for over a year. My truck-driving master comes to town every once in a while and almost all my vacations are spent over-the-road now and I wouldn't trade anything.
    1 point
  41. (Rolls eyes). The meds haven’t caused those types of side effects in nearly fifteen years. Shit, hiv medicine abandoned that Truvada you people toss back like candy almost five years ago. Even it was improved upon for safer combos. The level of scaremongering and outright ignorance on a supposedly enlightened site is totally unacceptable. HIV is not “like diabetes”. It’s a helluva lot easier.
    1 point
  42. Absolutely worth the effort to go through with a PA piercing. You will be down for about six weeks for healing to occur. I can't refer to a piercing professional in your area, but find a studio and don't be afraid of asking questions to find the professional that makes you feel the most comfortable. Best of luck. You won't regret your decision.
    1 point
  43. One of my roommates in college was a very hot and active bottom guy. I could always hear him getting pounded in his room. Soon figured out he had a consistent after-sex ritual, where he’d put the used condom in a tissue in the waste basket and then hop into the shower with whoever his top was. I retrieved almost every one of his used condoms, inverted them and sucked the cumload down my throat, or fingered it up my slutty hole while they showered. Then I’d wrap the condom right back into the tissue and put it back in the waste basket. As far as I know, he never caught on. A few of his tops ended up fucking me separately later on (and bare), but I never told them I had already taken their condom loads prior. More recently I was in Copenhagen at the National Gallery in the basement restroom, when a hot twink docent walked out of a stall, cleaned off his eyeglasses, and then hurried back out to the museum. I went into the same stall and sat down on the toilet. There was a big glob of cum on top of the toilet paper dispenser. I leaned in and smelled it - fresh! Couldn’t stop myself from licking half of it right up. The rest went up my hole and all over my dick as I jerked off. Later I saw the young stud working in the gift shop but alas couldn’t get a chance alone to say anything to him.
    1 point
  44. for a faggot who is a shameless cumdumpster like me the only question is does it go in my mouth or my pussy.either way that anonymous cum is going inside my slutty used body.thats what it is for.i used to think i was a community fucktoy but my purpose is much simpler.i am a cum disposal unit. a body for boys and men and trannies to unload their balls into and someone trashy enough to lick cum off the floor without even seeing whos load it is.when im taking loads at the bathhouse guys just use me to get off
    1 point
  45. Two for Tuesday cums a bit early with 2 chapters today! A SHOCKING REVELATION: Once in our room, Brother Austin immediately stripped, and jumped on the bed. His cock was raging, and he invited Zack to get on top of him and ride his cock. Austin noticed the pipe on the nightstand loaded with Tina, and suggested that Zack should first partake in a hit. Zach asked if he wanted a hit also, to which Austin said he rather not smoke it, but wanted Zack to take a hit and shotgun it on his cock before they fucked. Zack and I did not slam much, but we did like to shotgun the smoke from time to time. We had done this, but had never shot-gunned each others cocks. I wondered what it was like, and hoped to find out soon. Zack eagerly lit the pipe, and inhaled deeply, while Austin told him to keep hitting the pipe. Austin then wrapped his lips around his fathers cock, and exhaled, and to my surprise, it seemed to have quite the effect on Austin. He mounted his son and It didn’t take Austin long to bust his nut deep in Zack. Austin asked me to eat his nut from Zacks ass, and swap the load with him, and I happily obliged. Afterwards, the three of us embraced in bed, before Austin started to show signs of recovery. Zack then lit the pipe, and handed it to me. I took a deep hit, and shot-gunned Austins cock before he mounted me. This breeding was a lot more pleasant than the first by Austin. He pumped for a good 20 minutes before dropping his seed in me. Afterwards, Zack ate his load from my ass, and swapped it with Austin. By this time, we were all exhausted, and fell asleep for a few hours, spooning each other. I was in the middle, with Zacks cock nestled against my ass. The thing that surprised me most was that Tina never really gave Zack a Tina cock, it just made him one horny fucker. I awoke to his cock rubbing against my ass. He entered my ass, and began to fuck me as Austin remained asleep. About half way through, Austin woke up and simply rolled away, and watched Zack breeding me. As Zack busted his nut into me, Austin started to cry, and proclaimed, “I’m so proud of you son!” Wait did we both hear that right? A PROUD FATHER: Austin could see the look of surprise on our faces. He looked Zack in the eye, and proclaimed that he was his biological son. Zack just looked shocked and amazed, and said it couldn’t be true. Austin started to tear up, and took a photo from his pocket. It was a photo of Austin, his then wife, Zack and his sister. Zack began to cry, and then hugged his father tightly. I just laid there in shock and amazement. Zack responded by asking, “but why father, why?” Austin explained that he had always been gay. He continued to say that the only reason that he married a woman, was to mask his gayness, as he was often teased and bullied about it while in high school, and even in college. He explained that Zack was conceived during his freshmen year in college. He continued by saying that although he loved Zack, he always considered him a “mistake” as his girlfriend, and later wife said that she was on the pill after conceiving his sister. As such, he had to drop out to support his wife and newborn child. Tears were now streaming down Zacks face, and I reached over and gave him a big hug and kiss to comfort him. Austin then began to cry, and I also did the same for him. Austin then told me that he was happy that his son was so into me. He said that he was aware that Zack had recently converted, and that he was so excited about sharing his gift with others. By this time, all of our cocks were raging hard, an Austin suggested that it was time to celebrate. For the first time, Austin suggested that we all party first though. He suggested that as he knew that younger guys loved to play darts, we should all slam first. Zack and I didn’t think it was the best idea, but after what was revealed, we agreed to it. We took turns slamming each other, being careful not to use much, as we agreed that we would not tell father Joseph that Austin let us party, however he refrained from doing so. We both new that father Joseph was testing us, and we didn’t want him to be angry with us. Austin instructed both of us to get on the bed, with our asses high in the air. Austin started with his son, but alternated between our asses. As he was thrusting in each of us, Zack and I locked lips, and had the most passionate kisses that we have ever had. As Austin was about to cum, he asked Zack if he was ready for his seed. Zack responded by saying, “no daddy, please give it to my lover.” Lover, WTF? Zack had never called me that before. I was more than happy to hear it though. After Austin dropped his nut in my cunt, Austin ate it from me, and felched it with Zack. After wards, we just laid in bed, snuggling each other. After awhile, Austin asked Zack if he had any other questions. Zack stated that his mind was racing, but yes indeed he had some questions.
    1 point
  46. Curious - am I normal when I see POZ tattoos - on a male / out public - getting Excited / erection wanting to seeing him naked - having sex - being involved breeding and seeding him or being used by him and his fellow Poz Brothers ?
    1 point
  47. The following week passed in a blur. I just did everything on autopilot remembering the life changing weekend I had the previous weekend. On Friday I skipped classes altogether and made sure that I was ready inside and out for my next lesson with Joe. I arrived dead on time in my board shorts and vest. I did not put any underwear on as I would have struggled to keep my raging hard on under wraps. As soon as I entered the house Joe ordered me to strip. He then asked me if I wanted to learn more which I eagerly replied that I did. He immediately pulled out a loaded needle, tied of my arm and proceeded to slam me. As he removed the tie the chemical taste hit the back of my throat and I started coughing out. After my body got that warm feeling all over followed by my ass starting to scream to be fucked. I dropped to my knees to take Joe's massive cock down my throat but he stepped back. He could see the want, the lust in my eyes but he kept me at arm's length. Instead he got me off my knees and guided me to the living room. The TV was showing BB porn and in the middle of the room was a padded fuck bench. I was led over to this and laid down on it. Joe then proceeded to secure my hands and feet to each corner. Once he realised I was secure he then started toLube my hole. He placed a finger at a time in my hole slowly working me open. I felt the familiar burn and realise I was being ripped up. Joe then stood and placed his throbbing cock at my enterance. He then slowly but forcefully pushed his monster cock into my hole making me moan out loud. He then proceeded to fuck me long n hard for about 30 minutes before announcing he was going to shoot his deadly load into my eager hole. He ploughed in two more times and let out a massive road as he released his poz seed deep into my hole. He slowly withdrew his cock and placed a large black butt plug in my hole. He then went on to tell me he had a surprise for me. He said that if I truly wanted to be a cum dump then I had to take more than just his load. He then said that as I was so hot that he had told his dealer about me . The dealer wanted to come over and fuck me. I readily agreed and Joe said good as he was already waiting in the next room.
    1 point
  48. Part 7; It was now about 4am, and I dropped off pretty quickly. I woke at 8am to the boy thrashing about, moaning in his sleep. He was boiling hot, and soaking wet. His body was well and truly fighting my viral GIFT, at the same time accepting it as it invaded his system, developing into his own strain. I woke him up, got up, changed the towel underneath him, made us both a Lemon & Ginger drink, with some Echinacea drops, and got him some more Paracetamol. Temperature time... 38.8c. 'Daddy, I feel fucking dreadful' 'I know. in a few days I promise you'll be feeling much better, now take your Paracetamol, they'll help a bit' I got a bowl of cold water with ice cubes, and with a flannel kept mopping his face and forehead from the sweat, and keeping it cool. Part of me really felt for him. The other part was incredibly turned on knowing that thanks to me he had a new life growing inside of him. After about an hour he seemed to perk up a little bit. I could see it in his face too. I took his temperature again... 38.1. I told him to get on all 4's, taking out his butt plug. 'When I say 'Push' son, push your pussy out, like you need to go to the toilet' 'OK Daddy' 'Push' Nothing came, just a fart. I held my mug under his cunt, and got him to push again. He again farted, but this time pink cum blobbed out. I kept making him do this until I guess there was a few tablespoons worth of toxic cum sitting at the bottom of my mug. During this time, his phone bleeped with a text message. I ordered him to sit up in bed, and tilt his head back to face the ceiling. I slowly poured the 5 loads down his throat. Of course, with his neck tilted back swallowing was more of a struggle, which accentuated his gulping motion, which in turn gave me a semi erection. 'You got a message on your phone' 'Oh yeah' ... He leaned over to grab his phone, read the message, and without saying a word handed me the phone. The message was from the clinic from a few weeks ago when I made him get tested. It simply read... 'Your test is Negative' ... Fuck, a surge went straight to my Dick and I was now super solid! I turned to him and said... 'Not anymore boy'. I flipped him back on all 4's, commanding him to hold onto the headboard. 'Arch out your ASS boy'. The contrast of that text message, and what was happening inside him sent my inner depravity wild. I drove into him, no lube, no spit, nothing. No slowly building up, just a quick hot fuck, slapping his pert backside. I really dug my grip into his hips as I quickly got close... 'You are a Nasty Fucking Pig' 'Yes Daddy, fuck me with your Poz cum, give it to me' 'Yeah, you are my dirty greedy Poz Pig' 'Breed me Dad. Cum in me, PLEASE'. I grunted, spewing another toxic load deep in his guts! We lay down into spoon position, and I slid back inside, slowly rocking. I rocked us back to sleep, inside his cunt!
    1 point
  49. Personally, I've never really been a fan of tight. I prefer it loose and slick, like a heavily lubed up hand giving a very light grip. If the hole is tight when I push in, it either means more stretching is needed first, or a longer session so I can get it to a point I can really enjoy it. Loose means you can really tear into it, rock your hips around and find a position that feels good and really makes your bottom squirm, and it's less likely to be from pain than from it being a good spot to grind into. As a bottom... I like to stretch myself out too. It lets a top get into it easier without me being suck a whiny bitch, and helps me enjoy bucking back and feeling the slam of hips on my ass. Not like it takes more than a thought to give a squeeze of appreciation... And while I sometimes fantasize about having an absolutely ruined fuckhole, I think that would take more willpower to maintain than I have to give. While I've got more practice ahead of me as far as elasticity goes, I'm relatively happy with my performance so far. As far as the mentality part of it... Knowing I'm warmed up as a bottom makes me more willing to take it harder, even if the top is bigger than what I expected, and I feel like I'm more likely to act like a slut in participation; reaching back to pull him in, or between his legs to squeeze his balls. As a top, knowing that the bottom is well-worn is a definite turn-on. Seeing a hole open up for me is a sure way to make sure I try and leave it in worse shape than I found it.
    1 point
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