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  1. Part 22 - Turning The Corner Dinner with the Camacho family was as expected very noisy with animated loud talking and an abundance of food. Ethan walked in behind Angelo and in front of Mark not quite knowing what sort of reaction he would get but as Maria came out of the kitchen she kissed Angelo then Ethan and hugged him saying how pleased she was to see him again and how the family were looking forward to seeing him at last. Mark had already wandered off after saying hello to Maria as if he was one of the clan. Maria grabbed Ethan by the arm and escorted him in to the kitchen where he was promptly introduced to Angelo's mother Esme. "Ethan, so you are the one who has tamed my son at long last" she said beaming and came forward to kiss him. Ethan smiled "It is such a pleasure to meet you Senora Camacho" he said relying on his proper upbringing. Esme looked at him "You are family Ethan, you must act like family now and call me Mama" she smiled. "Thank you for welcoming me to your family" Ethan responded. "I hoe you are looking after him Elo" Esme said kissing Angelo on the cheek. Angelo laughed "No te preocupes mama" Angelo slipped in to his mother tongue answering her. Esme smiled "Puedo ver que realmente te ama Angelo". Angelo nodded "We both do mama" he said putting his arm around Ethan. Ethan smiled understanding a little of the conversation after all he was adept at languages and use to try his Spanish around Javier when ever he could, something he had never revealed to Angelo since they never conversed in Spanish. Angelo turned as his father entered the room strikingly similar to Angelo "Papi this is Ethan". Julio walked over to Ethan smiling "How nice to finally meet you Ethan. Usted es Bienvenido en nuestra casa". Ethan smiled and hugged Julio "Gracias por ser tan amable y agradable conocerte a todos" he said in his best accent. Esme came over and cupped his face "escuchar habla español también". Angelo punched Ethan lightly on the arm "You never told me you spoke Spanish". Ethan blushed "Oh it's not very good but I try, hopefully your family will help me speak better". The whole evening could not have gone better and Angelo's parents had fallen in love with Ethan both as a person and that he has a grasp of their language. Ethan had hit it off with Maria's children who were constantly dragging Ethan away to play until Angelo signalled it was time for them all to leave. Mark surprisingly spoke Spanish pretty fluently and was obviously loved by the family as well who had all gathered outside in the front garden to say goodbye as they set off back to Larchmont with Mark since he was staying over for the night. Angelo was beaming as they pulled away "You do realise you are now part of the this family Ethan" he glanced at him. "Yes and your parents are lovely and good hearted people" Ethan replied looking at Angelo. Mark laughed from the back seat "It is hard to get away from them Ethan once they are in your life". Ethan nodded "Can I ask if they know about the you know?" he looked at Angelo. Angelo nodded "Of course they know" he smiled and patted Ethan's leg. "And me" Mark said confirming but unsure if Ethan knew about his status. The evening Mark and Ethan sat on the sofa almost naked and talking whilst Angelo finished up some work. He kept glancing up and Mark and Ethan watching them chilled out and just mindlessly talking, he did have great affection for Mark and it was a blessing to see that he got on so well with Ethan. It wasn't long before Mark put his arm around Ethan who cuddled up whilst they continued their mindless babbling. The week sped by as Saturday late afternoon arrived and guests started arriving for the small party they were holding to celebrate their engagement. Margarite stopped the car outside of the address in Larchmont "Here we are, if you drink don't overdo it". Ben knew that was a warning to behave himself "I won't mother, thank you". "Well go on then, call me half an hour before you want picking up" she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Ben got out of the car and waved as his mother pulled away and he walked up the pathway leading to the front door. Truly he thought it would have been a small house in a grubby suburb but to he astonishment it was quite the opposite. He braced himself unsure what to expect as he knocked on the door, there was no load music emenating from the house so he wondered if it was the right place. Franco heard the knock at the door and went to greet the guest, Ben watched as the door opened and released his breath when he saw Franco appearing from behind it. "Hello Ben, glad you could make it come in" Franco said with a beaming smile. Ben was taken off guard seeing how different Franco looked and acted "Thanks Franco" he stepped inside. Franco closed the door and put his arm around Ben "Come on let me introduce you to everyone" guiding Ben to the lounge. Ethan and Adam come over seeing Ben with Franco "Ben" Ethan gave him a hug "Thank you for coming". Franco guided Ben around "This is Angelo, Ethan's husband to be". Ben was stunned by his looks and obvious muscle build "Oh, hi" he held his hand out. Angelo smiled and hugged him "So you are Ben, so pleased to meet you". Franco moved him along "This is straight Mark or so we think, Angelo's closest friend and assistant at work". Mark turned "Enough of that.. hello and who are you?" he looked Ben directly in the eye. "This is Ben, Ethan's friend from college" Franco said laughing as he caught the glint in Mark's eye. Ben's eyes looked directly into Mark's catching his breath, he couldn't distance himself from the piercing eyes and he didn't understand what caused him to react in such a way, Mark obviously worked out and he carried it off beautifully along with his looks, Ben's eyes looked down trying to avoid looking at him without it appearing rude. Mark was however instantly attracted both by his shyness and looks muttering under his breath the word perfect. "How nice to meet you Ben" Mark spoke holding his hand out. Ben's face was flushed "And you" he stumbled over his words and shook hands with Mark. In Ben's mind time just seemed to stop and go in slow motion as he saw Mark putting his arms around him for a hug, Ben felt alive and didn't want him to let go, it was the first time another man had hugged him so strongly, he could feel the muscles in Mark's arms as they circled his body. Quickly Ben came back to his senses and pulled away as he fleetingly caught a whiff of freshly laundered clothes and the lightly scented cologne he was wearing, my god he smells divine he thought to himself. Franco grabbed Ben's arms whisking him away to meet the others before he had time to process everything. Angelo watched smiling to himself, he saw a spark ignite in Mark that he had only seen when Ethan was introduced to him. Judging by Ben's body language he was also taken by him if not for his shyness, he saw some of the same qualities in Ben that so reminded him of Ethan. Ben spent a good part of the party mingling but his thoughts were elsewhere seeking to sneak a look at Mark whenever the opportunity presented itself, it meant he had to work harder trying to engage in conversation. As the evening wore on Ben found himself standing alone in the lounge looking around at everyone else who was in deep conversation within little groups, he did feel a little like the odd one out as he only really knew Ethan, Franco and Adam to talk to. His mind instantly putting him down for being gay, but it was a rash thought, he wasn't the only gay person in the room. He stood nursing his soda trying to be quiet and keeping a low profile but his eye kept wandering over to Mark who was chatting away with Ethan. Several times Ben had to avert his eyes as he thought that Mark was looking directly at him over Ethan's shoulder, but surely he must be mistaken as Mark was introduced as Angelo's straight assistant. And then there was Angelo who Ben found hard not to look and stare at, how lucky Ethan was he thought to himself watching this tall drop dead gorgeous Latino guy. His attention was interrupted when Tony tapped him on the shoulder. "You look a little lost Ben" Tony spoke handing him a small glass of wine. Ben looked at the glass "Oh, I don't know if I should" he said. Tony laughed "It's just a small one and you need it to loosen up and stop being scared". Ben hesitantly took it "So you and Adam are together?" Ben asked. "Yes for several years now" Tony replied smiling looking over at Adam. Ben looked in the same direction "I had heard that you two were gay but didn't know that". "What about you?" Tony returned his gaze to Ben "I hear you are gay as well". Ben nodded looking towards Ethan "Yes". Tony knew where he was looking "Ethan is a great catch and Angelo got very lucky, so are you Ben". Ben blushed and didn't know where to look. Ethan laughed which caught Ben's attention and saw him patting Mark on the shoulder. Adam came over and apologised and dragged Tony off leaving Ben holding his glass of wine alone. Mark was enjoying his catch up with Ethan and they had agreed to see each other when they can to hang out, but his attention was drawn across the room to the lonely figure that all he knew was his name was Ben and he was Ethan's friend. Something changed in Mark as he watched Ben and he was almost certain that he caught him looking over several times, weather at him or Ethan he was yet unsure. Mark on the outside was straight but he was also in touch with his other side where he found other guys interesting and sexy but never really crossed over and only kissed other men on occasion, but watching Ben he was mesmerised by him. Could it be he thought to himself before returning his conversation to Ethan. "Has the wound healed up now?" Mark asked Ethan leaning in closer to avoid being overheard. Ethan nodded "Yes and fortunately no scar". Mark smiled "So tell me about your friend, Ben is it?" he asked trying to be nonchalant. Ethan looked him in the eye "We grew up together, fell out when I came out, friends again and he came out". Mark glanced in Ben's direction "Is that it, so has he got a boyfriend or partner?". Ethan shook his head "I don't think he has even been with a guy, well he use to sleep with me". Mark pulled away and looked at Ethan "You dirty little slut" laughing as he spoke. Ethan laughed loudly and patted his shoulder "Nothing like that and get your head out of the gutter". Mark looked at Ethan and shook his head "I would have if I was in your shoes". Ethan smiled "So why aren't you gay?". Mark looked seriously at Ethan "Apart from you, I haven't found anyone until today.." he trailed off. Ethan looked him in the eye "So who have you found today" he asked and saw Mark's eye wandering over his shoulder. Mark looked back at Ethan "Doesn't matter" he said shrugging his shoulders. Ethan kissed Mark on the cheek "Just don't push to quickly" he said wandering off knowing who he had an eye for. Mark watched Ben disappear in to the kitchen unnoticed by everyone else, carefully he walked around the lounge without purpose making a line for the kitchen. Ben put his glass down and walked over to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water, the wine was okay but he was happy with just a soda or water. Ethan noticed Ben was missing and out of the corner of his eye he saw Mark going through to the kitchen and smiled to himself. Mark silently walked over to the refrigerator seeing Ben opening the door and reaching in for water. "Grab me one as well please" Mark said startling Ben. Ben nearly dropped the bottle of water "Oh shit, don't creep up on people like that" he turned thinking it was Ethan. Mark smiled "Sorry, can I get one as well please". Ben felt like he was burning up embarrassed that Mark stood before him "Sure, here" handing him the bottle. Mark reached out to take the bottle and caressed Ben's hand "Thanks Ben". Ben turned and retrieved another bottle "You remembered my name" he suddenly blurted out. "Of course, are you enjoying the party?" Mark asked. Ben closed the refrigerator door "Well yes, it's the first sort of adult party I have been to". Mark smiled "Can be a bit daunting if you don't know that many people". Ben found himself staring at Mark uncontrollably "Do you?" he mumbled. Mark looked curiously at him "Do I what?" he replied. Ben just couldn't take his eyes off him "Know many people here" he struggled to get the words out of his mouth. Mark "A few of them and there is one I want to get to know" he was now staring back intently in to Ben's eyes. Ben dismissed what Mark said "Oh I see" he said still tongue tied. "Do you?" Mark replied smiling at him. Ben shifted on the spot and shook his head "Well not really". Mark laughed "Why are you so nervous Ben?". "I don't know, maybe you being so close to me" Ben replied looking down at the floor. Mark placed his hand on Ben's shoulder "Does it bother you, that I am so close?". Ben strangely felt calmer at his touch but was rooted to the spot, he didn't like awkward situations and to him this was fast becoming one of them, strangely though he did not want to move and felt compelled to stay. He saw Mark's hand take his bottle of water and put it down on the counter with his, his eyes followed Mark's hands as he completed the task, by the time he looked up Mark had moved closer to him. Ben's senses awakened feeling the back of Mark's hand stroking the side of his face 'Are you feeling it to?' he spoke quietly. Ben's gaze was transfixed on Mark as he gulped with no time to think or react, the heat building inside him as he felt the breath of Mark tingling over his lips before they touched his own. Without processing or thinking Ben's mouth parted in a natural reaction and he felt the warm moist tongue of Mark caressing the inside of his lips before it pushed in to his mouth. Ben pushed Mark's shoulders "Sorry no" he struggled to free his mouth. Mark looked at him "What's the matter?" he said with his hand holding the back of Ben's neck gently. "I.. not sure, I thought you were straight?" Ben replied trying to avoid his gaze. Mark caressed his neck "I was undecided until this evening". Ben looked at the muscled arm straddling across his shoulder his mouth dry "Why this evening?" he asked. "Because of you Ben" Mark spoke softly as he looked in to his eyes. Ben shook his head "I feel so stupid I didn't mean to lead you on or anything" he said quietly. "You didn't lead me on Ben, tell me if you want me to go?" Mark asked with his face moving closer to Ben's. Ben did not hesitate and shook his head, he closed his eyes feeling Mark's tender lips rubbing against his own until his mouth parted and they locked together gently kissing each other. Ben's arms moved and held on to Mark's hips as he was being kissed, gradually his mind stopped ticking over and let himself go of any resistance he had left in him. He wanted Mark and had secretly known it since they first shook hands, he opened his eyes slightly half expecting to freak out at another mans face being so close, his own tongue dancing around Mark's like an Argentinian tango. He felt a twinge of pain from his cock struggling to break free of it confines in his underwear, his senses overloaded were combusting and he couldn't work out if it was the kiss, Marks roaming hands over his body or his cock that was controlling his thoughts. Mark increased the intensity of his kissing as he went deeper forcing Ben's mouth open wider as he held him still in the deepest kiss. Ben's nerve endings were firing on all cylinders and sensed everything, his body shook slightly and he moaned in to Mark's mouth as he felt his cock erupting in his underwear. The sensation was overwhelming and threw Ben off completely, he struggled to free himself from Mark then ran out of the kitchen.
    9 points
  2. My facade is starting to crack. I am lucky enough to still look like the old me- clean cut, innocent, healthy and neg. But I can feel the urge to completely destroy it taking over me, already looking at piercings (top of my list is a Prince Albert to really tear up guys) and maybe a brow bar. Then it's tattoos I want something to defile my unmarked skin to show guys how far I have fallen into sleaze... Any ideas?
    7 points
  3. Part 2: Becoming pregnant fuck meat I walked out into the hall and back up to the hotel bar. I look around. My friends had gone. The bar almost empty, just the barman cleaning up. He looked at me and smirked "I think your friends let honey" he said in a very camp voice and looked me up and down like he was undressing me. Behind me my skinhead appeared. He put his arms around me "c'mon up to my room and I'll call you a cab, you look wasted". I didnt resist, eveything was spinning. Before I knew it I was in his room, sitting on the edge of his hotel bed. He stood in front of me. "Well, whilst we wait for a cab you may as well finish sucking my cock". He pulled down his jeans and his hardening cock sprang out. I was immediately transfixed and began sucking on it like it was the most natural thing to do in the world. I was deep throating it like a pro, like I'd seen in the porn movies. I licked his balls and sucked them into my mouth. I was in heaven. He pulled my T-Shirt off, and pushed me back onto the bed. Then he pulled off my boots and jeans. Within seconds I was naked on my back. I have to go I said, I'm wasted... "Relax" he told me "I have you a little something to help you get into it, being your first time I thought you needed some help" "What do you mean, you gave me something..." I slurred "Just a little something I pushed up your cunt with my tongue" I started sucking my cock. I started moaning. I was in heaven. He replaced his mouth with his hand and moved to licking my arse. I was in heaven, moaning like a total slut. He began fingering me and working my cock at the same time, I'd never felt anything like it. Then he stopped and moved up my body, my legs pinned over his shoulders. He kissed me deeply, his tongue forcing it's way into my mouth. "are you ready, you are going to get fucked tonight, you know that dont you?" "Yes, sir, but please not without a condom..." "It's OK' he said "Dont worry, you are going to get barebacked at some point, it may as well be tonight, You want to lose your virginity properly dont you?" God yes, I moaned and uttered the words every bottom knows so well "Please fuck me, fuck me hard, cum in me, I want you to cum inside me" He pushed his cock into me. I dont even remember it hurting. All I remember is the fucking - him fucking me hard and me taking it like I was born to be bitch. On my back with a man inside me. I was groaning and taking on the role of a slut in ways I didnt think I was possible of - begging him to fuck me harder, to use my cunt. Hurt me, rape me, everything I could think of. My entire world was now about his amazing dick in my arse and for the first time I felt complete, loved and wanted. "I'm getting close" he said "Maybe if you are lucky we'll get you pregnant first time" That sounded kinky, being a girl I thought, pretending I could pregnant. My femboy side had awakened and I loved the idea of being the girl with a cunt. "Yes, please, cum in me, make me pregnant. Give me your babies, I want you to be my daddy, cum in me daddy please cum in me" And then he did it - he pushed down hard and pumped his load into me. Thats all I remember from that night, I must have passed out. I woke up the next morning, still in his bed, naked...
    6 points
  4. My amazing bf just told me he’s ordered a couple of new toys for our play room from fort troff, a fuck bench, a fucking machine and some toys, can’t wait till they arrive to have a go! ?
    5 points
  5. I’ve dated many addictions in my life, sex weed nicotine being the ones visited every day for a long, long, time. But, recently when the Mrs. was away for several days of travel I decided to go over the edge, and have my first date with Tina. I thought about it a lot and questioned whether I was finally headed down that last path, but the urge to be with men having sex, raw, unfiltered, unchained and fucking with Tina, simply became too much. About two weeks in advance of our first date I begin to cruise online in the usual places for local guys having parT’s, and hit upon a local slut and his pals, who were planning to date her, as it turned out, when the wife was away. I was typically indecisive about acting out and showing up for the first date, but as the week went on, and I chatted with Steve, the bottom slut, I got in my mind that it would be all right to just breathe and a couple clouds maybe take a hit just to see where it took me. Night after night when the Mrs. was asleep I turn on porn on my iPad, and watched guys play with, and high on her, as their cocks, mouths and asses drooled in her presence. When the big night came my mind was crazed, and so more than anything I needed to act out, and meet her. I went over to Steve’s house at about seven and was greeted by him and three other guys, barely dressed or undressed, the chemical sweet-sick smell of Tina’s perfume already present. Beyond his living room was his bedroom/ playpen and Steve suggested that i get naked and that the party continue there. The others got up and everyone started to move to the bedroom and I started to shed my clothes. My head was pounding and so was my cock , to which I had already strapped my silicon cock and ball stretchers firmly. I took a deep breath and smelled her, and took another and smelled her some more. Perhaps I got a faint buzz, perhaps not but all I could think of was getting back into that bedroom. I’m pretty sure I remember letting the other guys know that I was truly a novice, and this was my firsttime with Tina. Everyone was very cool and told me that I should feel free to try a line, take a hit of a cloud or a booty bump if I was into that. Everyone then got down to partying and playing with Tina but i held back. Cock sucking rimming, and preparing Steve and his hole for play was what I remember next. I was lost in the fascination as I took cock in my mouth and had my dick sucked as well, pulling, chewing nipples and beginning to play. As we were doing this, someone in the room with the pipe blew out the clouds of her rare perfume. The pipe was passed my way but I held up the palm of my hand as a way of saying I’ll pass, and it was handed to someone else. Plenty of bottles of poppers were around and so I grabbed a bottle and took a few blasts, then put down the bottle and took a few deep breath‘s of the air that surrounded me, loving and lusting for the effect At some point in time I found myself laying on my back, and Steve was straddled on top of me 69 style his ass looking over me, his cock and his balls in my mouth as I began to suck him off. Above me Steve’s hole was being worked open by hungry tongues and a booty bump greedily fingered inside of him. He groaned with pleasure and i sucked his thick drooping cock deep in my throat.. pulling him out, and coming up for air my mouth was foaming with phlem and i found another cock head dipping onto my mouth, and wiping my thick spit all over Steve’s asshole. As play continued I still thought about my first date with Tina, when it would be and how it would be, but I knew that it would be. A short time later, the pipe again passed my head, and to the side of me one of the guys whose fine dick i was sucking on, fired it up. - Now was the time, do it now I thought - and so I pulled his dick out of my mouth and told him to bend down and put his mouth on mine. He got the idea, bent down and shotgunned me as I inhaled Tina deeply in my lungs. He kept right on going and stuck his tongue down my throat and we passionately French kissed Tina still coming out of his mouth. He passed the pipe and another guy who did the same thing to me. Uncertain of what would happen, I just lay back and sucked on Steve’s balls while someone from above began to fuck his hole. Another cock was down my mouth and I continued in this manner for a few minutes wondering, and waiting for Tina to arrive. I have to say the sensation, was slow at first as I just tried to wrap my mind around what I had done, waiting for the rush, and at the same time laying in disbelief that the porn that I endlessly watched was happening before me, and with me. Heat spread through me, my heart pumping a bit faster, and my cock which Steve had been sucking, throbbing in anticipation. I guess you could say that the dam broke and my date with Tina was full on, as without warning I picked up my head, my mouth positioned directly onto Steve’s ass, and I sucked and rimmed him as deeply as I could, and for all I was worth. His asshole dripping with my spit, one of the guys easily slid his cock all the way inside and I began to lick on his balls and ass as he fucked Steve. This seemed to go on for a long time where I would endlessly suck on cock pulled out of Steve’s ass, Steve’s spit dripping down on my balls and ass. An hour or so later as i felched a load out of Steve’s ass, my beard all caked with cock, mouth and ass snot, i realized how hot my first date with Tina really was. Laying around, getting ready for my second date of the night, i was lost in deep dark anticipation....
    4 points
  6. My friend askec me last week if I was up for a breeding party. I said sure He arranaged for a number of guys to come over. Around 7 he asked me to shower and get ready. I cleaned out and went into the bedroom I layed on my stomach with ass in the air. He put his bottle of lube and poppers next to me It was not long before I heard the front doorbell ring. In a few minutes I felt fingers on my ass. He poured a little lube on my hole and then I felt him go in. He pounded away for a few minutes till I heard him groan and then felt his cum flooding me i the next three hours he had 15 guys fuck me . The best were two of I8 year old studs and who fucked me twice i fell asleep only to be at wakened by this huge Latin guy He just climbed on and dropped his huge load in me by the timen itb as over I had taken 17 loads and my ass was dripping with cum
    4 points
  7. Our main entrance door to the house is right next to my room. A new roommate moved in to the room upstairs and he hook ups frequently with different guys coming over and sometimes several guys come and go. So, i thought of an idea for leaving my door ajar, hoping some guys might walk in to my room instead lol no luck. I didnt give up and continue to wait patiently. Finally, someone walked in and locked the door behind him and undressed. I had a blindfold on me, he got in bed and touched me with his hand and said "I have not done this before, dont talk and do what i tell you..". I didnt response and let him explore my body with his hands. He brushed his lips on my neck moving downwards along my back with his full beard till it reached my ass, he spread my cheeks and instantly i felt his warm tongue landed on my hole and start rimming. Then he stopped, positioned me on my back with his hairy ass sat on my face. Who would resist a fresh showered ass? I couldn't resist and rim his hole. he moaned, telling me not to stop while lifting my legs up, in seconds my hard cock is in his mouth, switching back and forth between my ass and cock. When he's done, he positioned me on my stomach and its apparent, it's about time to fuck my hungry hole! his body on my back, smooth body, must be over 6 ft tall since his hard cock on my ass and he managed to make out with me, having his tongue deep in my mouth. i sucked it gently and brought it as deep as i can. He pulled his tongue out, spit into my mouth and said "you are itching to get fucked, dont you? suck my tongue hard" as he shoved his tongue back into my mouth. his hard cock rubbed around my hole with precum, pushing and seeking for the hole without hands. Each time i suck his tongue hard, he oozed more precum and eased himself into my hole. i let go his tongue from my mouth and handed him a condom. "you want me to put it on?" as he pushed in further and slowly all the way in. I moan and reluctant to take it bare. "you never get fucked bare?" and I shook my head. "well, you are going to get bred tonight, i will fuck you good" as he fucked me hard and cum deep in my ass. I hope he will walk into my room again.
    4 points
  8. Last night for Valentine's day my partner and me decided to go to Steamworks Toronto for some fun. we have been together for 7 years he knows i'm a cum whore and loves to drop loads in me but has never had anyone blow in him. So last week he decided it was time to let his piggy side out and start letting guys blow in him, he also enjoys it when i have a load in me so he can fuck it deeper. Off to the baths we go and have a sauna to relax, go back to our room and starting playing with each other he is on top with me in a jock showing his ass. a guy comes and and started to play with us and everyone is enjoying it, My partner goes you want to fuck us and the guy goes yes gets behind my partner, lubes up and slides in. the guy is pounding my partner hard and he is loving it., he grabs my partners shoulders does a few hard shove continues then stops and leave. I going to myself ok someone just got a load for the first time, i say to my partner i'm pretty sure he blew in you. He goes you sure and i say yup, he checks and goes it smells like cum, then he goes fuck i wanted to the guy to be verbal when i took the load. needless to say all he wants is more cum in him and i'm going well remember I'm the original cum slut and you gotta fuck me when you have cum in your ass.
    4 points
  9. Part 13 All four of us went in the house, and I suddenly felt like I needed to get rid of the three huge loads of tina piss that were mellowing in my cunt. My ears were still ringing, and I felt amazing and greedy. Chuck had a large shower, big enough for four people, and Adam and I both stripped and he laid down on the floor. I relaxed and let go of all of the piss that was inside my cunt, all over Adam, especially in his mouth. It was mixed with globs of stranger cum, left by all of the men who’d bred me since I started at the mall. When was it? Yesterday? I really wasn’t sure, all I knew was that I wanted another cock inside me, NOW. Because I was a fucking whore who needed his cunt bred again. Chuck and Daddy were watching as Adam drank as much of the slam piss that came out of my ass as he could, the rest dripped all over his blonde beard and hairy chest. When I was done, and all the piss was gone from my cunt, Adam had probably drunk half the three loads of piss that were in my cumdump. He got a huge grin on his face, shook his had back and forth and said “FUCK. I love chem piss! Daddy! Will you breed my cunt? Please?” My Dad started to laugh and said, “Let’s rinse the top layer of scuzz off all of us,” and he turned the shower on high and hot. We all rinsed off while making out, me with Adam and Chuck with Daddy. When we were done, Chuck led us down the stairs into the basement. There was a back door to the house that led into it, and a well equipped dungeon. A large bed with rubber sheets on it was in the corner, and in the center of the room was a sling, with a bench next to that. Adam immediately hopped in the sling and we got him situated for a nice breeding from Daddy. “Please, sir, please breed my cunt! It needs more cum in it. Justin has so many more loads than I do. My cunt feels unloved.” Just as he said that, a dribble of jizz came out of his hole. He grinned and looked longingly at Daddy. I knew Daddy could never resist a boy begging for cock. Daddy walked over to Adam and spit in his face. “Dirty fucking cumdump. You want my cock, son? You want this cock raping your sexy little furry cunt?” “Fuck yes, sir! Please rape my furry cunt!” We all laughed and Daddy shoved his rock hard cock in Adam’s sloppy hole. Ramming it all the way home, Adam moaned when Daddy’s nuts hit his taint and Daddy started slowly pounding away at his cunt. "There, you filthy fucking faggot. Your cunt is full of my cock. Nasty little pig." “Thank you, sir, I fucking live for cock. Drinking all of that chem piss really got me fucked up again. I feel like such a dirty whore, sir!” “That’s because you’re a dirty little Navy whore, sailor,” Daddy said. We all laughed because we knew it was true. Daddy kept ramming the fat cock that made me, the cock that I loved so much which had taken my cumdump cherry so many years before) in and out of Adam’s furry hole, making him moan and beg for more. Daddy spit on him again, “you’re just a filthy little faggot. Do you deserve another load, sailor whore?” Daddy shove his fat cock in Adam’s cunt brutally and held it there. I knew exactly what that felt like. His huge fat throbbing cock had been inside me so many times, I knew it so well. Adam sucked in his breath and moaned loudly. “Fuck, YES, DADDY! Please rape another load into my fucking faggot sailor pussy!” I was taking a break, playing with my soft tina dick, watching Daddy fuck Adam while Chuck sat next to me on the sofa. He laughed and said “You OK, Justin? You want something up your cunt?” “Fuck yeah, Chuck! I want you to breed me again. But I also want you to keep whoring me out. Will you do that for me?” I looked up at him with my best puppy dog look and he laughed. “Already done, sport. There’s a bunch of other guys coming over to breed both of you. Your Dad and I can’t do it alone, can we?” I reached over and kissed him hard on the lips, and I could feel him reach down and push a shard of tina into my cunt. I relaxed so he could get it far inside me, and then he led me over to the fuck bench. I could feel the burn and felt even more spun as the huge shard melted inside me. Chuck laughed and said “don’t worry, there’s more where that came from, my housemate is a dealer. He’ll be along later and will want payment for the tina your dad and I got from him. We’re planning to offer your two cunts to partially cover the cost. I crouched down on the fuck bench with my furry ass in the air, and Chuck slid his cock home inside my pussy. Daddy was hard at work nailing Adam and telling him what a dirty little sailor faggot he was, and Chuck had just told me he was whoring my hole out for drugs. I smiled and knew I was in for the ride of my young life. I wondered if I would be able to get 50 loads of jizz in my hole. Only one way to find out.
    4 points
  10. Got a message yesterday from a hot asian guy on Grindr who's fucked me a few times in the past but it's been quite a while. Beautiful big uncut cock. He asked if I was looking. I told him I was but not until the evening after work. He messaged me around 6 and asked me when and I told him just to let me know when he wanted to play. I prepped for what I know was going to be a good deep fuck with him. The day before I got a message from a very hot black guy who's been asking me to fuck for years it seems. It always just never seemed to work out but told him I might be free the next night. So I'm waiting for the 1st guy to tell me when he wanted to come over when the 2nd guy messages me about 8:30 and asks what's up. I'm trying to wait for the 1st guy and I see him online but he's not reaching out so I figure he's working on some other butt to fuck. Not wanting to miss an opportunity I tell the 2nd guy to come over. He arrives 15 minutes later. Beautiful black man. Beautiful silky complexion, muscled, hot chest and arms and horny as fuck. Oh, and big fat cock. We get busy kissing and I start sucking him. He eats my ass and then lays back on the bed so I can suck him some more. Then I climb up on him and slide my hole down his boner. Takes me a bit to stretch out but I can tell he doesn't like to fuck this way. He flips me on my back and rams his cock in my ass and starts fucking me. He's quite rough. Controlling. Pins me down and rams me but doesn't seem quite happy. He drags me to the edge of the bed and starts fucking me from a standing position. Hard. He's pretty rough. He fucked me in various angles/positions from the edge of the bed and then we took a quick break. Then he pulls me over to the bed corner and starts in fucking me hard again. I have to say I was ready for him to finish. I took it like a champ but was getting worn out. (I know...don't be a whinny bottom) I told him he should cum soon as I was feeling a bit used up. He smiles and pulls out and starts jacking his cock at my hole. He starts getting close and I quickly tell him to fuck his load into my hole which he gladly does. Shot a ton of cum in my ass. Love it. As we get dressed he says he wants more soon. I'm down. Never heard back from the first guy. Glad I didn't wait...
    4 points
  11. Part 83 - The Ranger Mark slowly ground his hips against Eric’s ass, sliding his cock between the two tight mounds of muscle and flesh. His arm was already around Eric’s body and he tweaked Eric’s nipple which garnered a moan and a “Morning, stud. You looking for more after last night?” from Eric. “You know me, I love being inside you” Mark replied. There was a long pause and then he continued “Uh, I’ve been thinking though. Keep this weekend open. We need to get away and spend some time together other than a quick fuck after we get home from work and then fall asleep.” “Yeah, we have been working too much. What do you have planned?” Eric asked. “Not sure yet, but plan on leaving early Saturday morning” replied Mark. Saturday morning the alarm went off early and Mark and Eric got up and went through the shower. “What should I wear?” asked Eric. “We’re going for a long bike ride, so put your cycling shorts and jersey on. I put everything else in the truck after you crashed last night” Mark said. “Yeah, sorry about that” Eric said as he slid the tight spandex over his body. He put on a pair of tennis shoes, grabbed his cycling shoes and then looked over at Mark who was staring back at him. “Nice ass. I’m gonna be following you close all day” Mark said as they walked out to the kitchen. Mark put a few remaining things into the cooler and they headed down to the SUV. “Holy shit!” Eric exclaimed as he saw the SUV filled with camping gear and both bikes. “Yeah, I wasn’t sure it was all going to fit. But, I added some spit and shoved hard and it all popped in” Mark replied with a grin. They jumped in the SUV and drove a couple of hours and Mark pulled into a park. He put a parking pass on the dashboard of the SUV and got out. Mark and Eric got their gear together for a day ride and hopped on their bicycles and took off. Mark stayed in back, watching Eric’s ass most of the way and yelling out directions as they made a long loop. Mark had set up a lunch break and the two noshed on a half sandwich and salad before heading down the road back to the park. “You lead” said Eric as they left and Mark reluctantly pedaled away. Eric was enjoying watching Mark in front of him, his tight shorts showing off the muscles in his legs and his firm ass. It was almost 6pm when they made it back to the park. They swapped the camping equipment for their bikes in the SUV and found their assigned campsite. It only took a half hour and they had the tent up, the cooler open and the stove cooking dinner. It had been a warm sunny day and both Mark and Eric had pulled off their sweaty jerseys and cycling shorts and traded them for loose athletic shorts. They watched the sun set and chowed down on their gourmet camping dinner of steaks and veggies. Mark realized by the time they started eating dinner they had already killed off a six pack of beer and three joints. Mark and Eric sat on the ground next to their camping lantern with Eric between Mark’s legs and his back against Mark’s chest. “Too bad we can’t have a fire but I don’t want to be responsible for the next forest fire the state has to deal with” Eric said. “We can make our own fireworks tonight” Mark replied before laughing loudly. “Damn, you’re getting really corny in your old age” Eric replied. Mark groped and kissed Eric for a while and could feel his cock straining at his shorts. They saw a truck pull into the parking lot in the distance and it stood there for several minutes before it came down the trail towards their camp site. Eric moved next to Mark just as the truck stopped next to their campsite. It was obviously a forest ranger’s pickup and he got out and came over to the two of them. “Evening guys. I’m just checking on the campers and making sure they know that we’ve banned open fires this season” the ranger said. Mark was looking at the guy up and down, enjoying the bulge in his uniform that seemed to be even larger from his position on the ground. “Thanks. I saw the notice and we just used our camp stove and the battery powered lantern.” Mark replied. “Well, there are other ways to start a fire and I can smell that you guys have been smoking, so be careful. We haven’t gotten much rain this month and everything is dry.” the ranger replied. “Busted” said Eric quietly. “Yeah, I don’t mind as long as you don’t cause any trouble” the ranger said. Mark chuckled and said “We have some extra if you want a few hits.” Eric jabbed Mark in his ribs, surprised that he would suggest that the ranger stick around and get stoned with them. “Considering that you’re the last stop for me on this round, I think that’s a good idea” the ranger replied with a laugh. Mark grinned and said “Have a seat. Beers are in the cooler if you want one too.” He reached into his backpack and fished out another joint and the lighter and turned back just in time to watch the ranger pop open a beer can. The three laughed and Mark lit the joint, taking a big hit before handing it to the ranger. The ranger took his hit and passed the joint to Eric. “Fuck, thats some good shit” the ranger said after he exhaled. He took a swig of beer and licked his lips as he looked over Mark and Eric. They passed the joint around a couple more times until Mark finished it off and stubbed the remains out on a rock. “Pot always makes me horny” the ranger said staring back at Mark and Eric. “Who’s the bottom?” the ranger asked and then realized that he had said it out loud. Both Mark and Eric laughed and said, almost in unison, “We’re both vers.” Mark then asked “Is it that obvious we’re queer?” “Nah, I saw the window sticker on your truck when I checked out the permit. I just didn’t think the guys that would have a ‘unicorn farting rainbows’ sticker would be so fuckin hot. I expected some girly guys” the ranger said. “Sorry to disappoint you” Eric said with a grin. “Well, I was hoping to get a good blowjob when I saw the sticker but now I don’t know” the ranger said. “I do like to suck cock, but I also want to see what that ass looks like” Mark replied. The ranger stared back at them and then stood up. Neither Mark or Eric knew what was going to happen. Did Mark push it too far? They looked up at the ranger and he looked down at them for a moment and then he unzipped his pants and unbuckled his belt before pushing his pants and underwear down. The guys looked at seven inches of plump semi-hard cock. The ranger slowly turned around giving them a three hundred sixty degree view of his cock and ass. He unbuttoned his shirt and the guys could see a few tattoos poking through the lightly hairy pecs and stomach. “Fuck yeah” Mark muttered as he crawled over behind the ranger. Eric was right behind him and was kneeling in front of the ranger in seconds. Eric didn’t wait and lifted up the cock with his hand and guided it to his mouth. He licked around the tip of the cut cock and then took it into his mouth. Mark was pulling the two halves of the rangers ass apart and dove in tongue first. The ranger’s cock got hard almost immediately and he wasn’t sure which he liked more - Mark's tongue in his hole or Eric’s mouth wrapped around his cock. Both were giving him the attention that he had been craving for months. Almost thirty minutes of sucking and rimming had the ranger close to blowing his load, but Eric was sure to keep it from happening. He pulled off and tapped Mark on the leg before standing up. “I always wanted to do this…” he said as he grabbed the ranger by the hand and led him over to the ranger’s truck. Eric put both hands on the hood and spread his legs, leaving his now naked butt pushed out. The ranger took the hint and positioned himself behind Eric. Mark moved next to Eric and assumed the same position. The ranger laughed and spit on his fingers and lubed up Eric’s hole with it. The ranger moved closer and rubbed his spit covered cock around Eric’s hole and then pushed in. There hadn’t been any discussion about condoms and Eric was relieved - that talk always seemed to dampen the sexual energy. Eric felt the thick cock stretch his hole open and it kept pushing inside without letting him get used to it. He liked these kind of anonymous fucks where the top just uses him for his pleasure. Mark looked over and watched Eric take the ranger’s cock and the ranger pressing up tightly against Eric’s back. The ranger waited a few moments and then his hips began to drive in and out of Eric’s pussy. Mark had planned on spending the night swapping loads with Eric, but now he had a new plan. He watched the ranger fuck his boyfriend and when he seemed to be getting close he wiggled his butt and pulled it apart with his hands. The ranger laughed and pulled out of Eric and then spit on Mark’s hole before pushing into Mark. “Getting jealous that your buddy was getting all the dick?” the ranger asked. “Yeah, I don’t want him to have all the fun” Mark replied. The ranger started to fuck harder and the sound of their bodies slapping together filled the forest. “You better like it hard, cuz that’s the only way I fuck” the ranger said between grunts. Mark could feel his ass start to get slick and knew that the ranger was lubing his hole with a lot of precum. “God you got a great hole. Tight but knows how to take cock” the ranger said breathlessly. His bare chest was now pressed against Mark’s back, the open shirt occasionally brushing against Mark’s sides. Mark could feel the heavy breath next to his head and the stubble from the ranger’s face on his cheek. Mark would clamp down on the ranger’s cock every third or fourth stroke and could tell that it was getting the ranger closer to blowing his load. Eric was watching Mark get pounded and was wishing it was him. “At least his hole will be nice and lubed when I fuck him later” Eric thought. He moved closer and licked his finger before massaging the ranger’s fuck hole. It was already moist from Mark’s rimming and now from sweat. His finger pushed in easily and the ranger yelled out “Oh fuck!” Eric continued fingering the ranger’s hole, adding only a little extra movement to the ranger’s own. “Yeah, fuck my boyfriend’s ass. I hope you have a big load to dump inside him” Eric said. The ranger started groaning and Eric moved his finger around trying to find the hot-spot. He knew when he found it because the ranger started to whimper almost immediately. “Breed my ass” Mark yelled back to the ranger. The ranger responded with several short, fast thrusts and then he planted his cock deep in Mark’s ass. The ranger held Mark tight as his cock pulsed and shot his built up load into Mark’s hungry hole. Eric could feel the ranger’s hole squeeze around his finger with each spurt of cum. Mark was surprised at how much cum the ranger was pumping into him and almost thought that the guy was going to pass out from his quick breaths. As the last shots of cum and the jabs from the ranger’s cock ended, he pulled free from Mark’s hole. Eric turned the ranger around and pushed him back to the truck fender next to Mark. The ranger’s cock was still hard and the head still sensitive, but Eric opened his mouth and swallowed the shaft whole. He licked and sucked any cum he could find making the ranger shudder. With the cum gone, Eric pulled off and looked up at the ranger, grinning. “Ya, know… if you breed my boyfriend, then I should get to fuck you” Eric said. Mark quickly concurred and before the ranger could say anything, he was facing the truck. Eric spread the ranger’s legs a bit to get his hole lined up with his cock. He spit on his cock and rubbed it around the tense pucker before he pushed in. The ranger wasn’t ready to get fucked and his hole was clenched, preventing Eric from getting in. Mark leaned in and started to kiss the ranger and Eric paused a moment before he tried again. This time the head popped inside and he felt the ranger’s hole spasm from the intrusion for a few seconds. Eric waited and then started to work his cock in deeper with short thrusts from his hips. He was leaking like crazy inside the ranger’s hole and the lube got him ready for a quick shove and his cock plowed the rest of the way in. Mark pushed his tongue into the ranger’s mouth while Eric started to piston in and out of the ranger’s hole. The ranger pulled free from Mark’s mouth and said “Condom?” Mark chuckled and said “You just fucked us bare and came inside of me. I don’t think it’s fair to want us to wrap it up.” “Yeah, but my girlfriend is gonna get pissed if she finds out I got fucked raw” the ranger replied. “I doubt that this is the first time. I’m sure you can find a way to hide our seed” Mark said. Eric picked up the pace and was slamming into the ranger’s ass in a few minutes. He wasn’t planning on this being a long fuck and really needed to empty his balls. Mark was working the ranger’s nipples while he was kissing him. He knew Eric’s signals well and when Eric was about to cum, he put his hand behind the ranger’s head and pulled him in for a deep kiss. A second or two later, Eric shoved his cock in all the way and unleashed a flood of toxic sperm. His cock pulsed and Eric held the ranger tight until the last spurt had filled his hole. Both Eric and the ranger were shaking and Eric slowly pulled his cock out, letting a small stream of cum run down the ranger’s leg. Mark ended the kiss and whispered “now it’s my turn. I love a cummy hole.” Mark slid around the ranger until he was behind him. His cock was rock hard and ready to fuck. Mark grabbed both of the ranger’s shoulders and quickly drove in. The ranger gave a yelp as the thicker, pierced cock made its way inside. “Damn, that was a big load” Mark said to Eric, with a faint sound of disappointment that he didn’t get it. Mark pumped his cock in and out as Eric watched. He would shove in and grind his hips and then resume a constant piston motion. After a good ten minutes of drilling the ranger’s ass, Mark started on his way to breeding the ranger. The strokes got harder and near the end he was pulling out and thrusting back in until their balls slapped together. “Fuck!” Mark stifled his yell with his teeth gritted together, trying to stay as quiet as possible and not alert the other campers if they hadn’t already. Two more shoves and his cock throbbed with his virulent seed joining Eric’s inside the ranger’s cunt. His load wasn’t small either, since lots of exercise always seemed to make Mark shoot more cum. He pulled back and let his still hard cock exit the ranger’s gaping hole. He moved back a few feet while the ranger laid on the fender and hood of his pickup breathing heavily. Eric licked up the cum from Mark’s cock tasting the familiar coppery taste along with his and his partner’s cum. His cock clean, Mark walked over and picked up his shorts and put them on. Eric did the same as Mark tapped the ranger on the shoulder. “You ok?” Mark asked. “Yeah, I am. I had just forgotten how good it feels to have a guy fuck me. I think I am lying to myself when I say I’m straight” the ranger replied. Mark and Eric chuckled. “You’re not even close to straight, dude. Bi maybe, but not straight” Eric said. The ranger pulled up his pants and turned around. “Be careful and remember no fires or sparks. And don’t forget to secure your food items. Don’t put them in the tent” the ranger said as he walked over to get into the pickup. “Sure thing, Ranger Smith” Mark replied with a smile.
    4 points
  12. Yeah, pretty much this. Most of the bug chasers I've met skew depressive even if undiagnosed. Barebacking feels like a kind of intimacy--probably the easiest kind for depressed guys to seek out reliably. Getting pozzed is a deeper version of that. You don't forget the guy who tells you you're poz now while he's cumming in you... Communities around taboo fetishes like bug chasing are usually tight-knit, and often there's some degree of trust between gifter/chaser even if it's just temporary. I think some guys crave that more than the virus.
    4 points
  13. I must say, speaking as a guy with a neg hole, even I prefer a poz hole ? Especialy if they are verbal about it!
    3 points
  14. just took loads from 3 guys in a mall restroom.went there to hook up with a random guy.he actually met me there (me waiting naked n lubed) and came right into the stall to fuck me. super skinny older daddy with a huge cock. we actually had 2 guys end up watching but he didn't care .said"oh I know that guy" about the guy watching through the door crack,then said"mind if he watches? and opened the door.when he was done humming in me the new guy said"can I get in there?" I said go ahead, so he fucked me hard n fast, blew his load in me in less than half a minute. then after they left I stayed to jerk off n got another cruiser in the next stall that ended up sticking his cock under the partition for me to suck but I jerked him off with my asshole instead.he said"that's not your mouth is it slut?"lol
    3 points
  15. Nyc here no small talk here to breed deep- many holes wanted 6465753384
    2 points
  16. Double the breeding pleasure...double the felching fun!
    2 points
  17. Yes, indeed. Snowballing! I have DP-ed a fair amount--but I have never cum from doing it. I really want to change that.
    2 points
  18. I wouldnt say NY changes a man. I'd say NY frees the Beast.
    2 points
  19. Well that was an unexpected twist, I expected Ben and Franco! I love the twist! Thanks for giving us a very unexpected new chapter! A truly gifted writer you are!?cheers!?
    2 points
  20. I have my TIM tattoo on left arm
    2 points
  21. This is one of my favourites. I love the way you can see the pool of cum deep inside the bottom, then the top adds his and it runs down inside to join the rest... https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/my-used-hole-get-a-fresh-pos-load-38263451
    2 points
  22. I really found SAA helpful in introducing harm reduction strategies in how I approach sex. Kayne’s “don’t lose perespective” is spot on. At a moment when your urges seemed satisfied take some time to identify what’s important to you and what limits you’re willing to put in place to make sure your desires don’t Negatively impact your life. When I worked a nine to five, one of my strategies was partying only started Friday evening and ended in time for me to go to church Sunday mornings. Did I show up at church high AF? Yes but god didn’t care, and the readings music and homilies usually helped me chill. Afterward I’d eat a big breakfast, put in a load of laundry, and spend Sunday on couch or in bed. I clearly remember standing in a group circling a fuckbud who had a traffic cone in his ass waiting for our chempiss and my dick was not cooperating. I noted the time and was like, “sorry this isn’t happening this session, I gotta pull it together to get to church”. One of the other piss givers was like “is that an after hours party”? Our hosting piss bottom removed his ball gag and loudly said, “no he’s actually going to church to pray for us sinners”. The “stop in time for church” strategy allowed me to function for work, and also stopped me from that cycle of seeking the next high or next awesome sexual experience. (Know when to hold them, know when to fold them)
    2 points
  23. Hey guys, I was just reading your stuff. I am most definitely a top as I DO NOT like taking cock. I would be willing to "randomly" meet you at the arcades sometime and give you a load of my cum.
    2 points
  24. For grief too. I practically lived at the bathhouse the year after my dad died.
    2 points
  25. I've often been surprised over the years how many guys cheat on their boyfriends or partners - and even more so by how many of them are willing to do it bareback. A few months ago I posted a story about an experience I had when I watched a friend in a committed relationship let two guys fuck him bareback and cum in his arse in a darkroom in Munich. A lot of people liked that story so I thought I would post a few more of the experiences I've had where the guy has been cheating on his boyfriend and some of the experiences when I cheated on my long term partner. For obvious reasons, I've changed all the names.... A couple of years ago I was invited to a friend's 40th birthday party in Scotland. I didn't think I would be able to go as I had to work but at the last minute I was able to get the time off. The friends I usually stay with has other people staying with them and they suggested that, rather than try to book a hotel at the last minute I could stay with friends of theirs, a couple named David and Ryan. I had met David and Ryan quite a few times although I didn't know either of them well. They belonged to a group of friends I knew had very strong views on things like monogamy and safe sex. I had heard this group of friends being very disapproving of cheating and even more so of barebacking. David especially had very strong views on all these things and was not slow to voice them. Ryan was quieter but generally seemed to agree with his partner. I travelled up early on the Saturday morning and arrived around lunch time. David and Ryan occupied a one bedroom flat and I was to sleep on a sofa bed in the living room. David was a bit of a bear, in his late 30s and his partner Ryan was a few years younger. We met some other friends for drinks in the afternoon and then got ready for the party in the evening which was being held at a hotel in the centre of town. It was a good party I enjoyed it. We got home quite late and I was in no rush to get up the next morning. Ryan and David were going out in the morning and then David was going to work in the afternoon and Ryan had offered to run me to the airport. I got up, had some breakfast and then had a shower. I was feeling really horny and began to play with myself in the shower. I knew Ryan and David wouldn't be back for a couple of hours so when I had finished showering I went on line to see if I could find someone for a quick local hook up. The first guy I chatted to was a twink who was up for being fucked and was happy to do it bb but was looking for someone nearer his own age. The next guy was Joel, a really fit mixed race guy in his early 30s who wanted a quick fuck on his way home from the gym and seemed genuinely interested in meeting up with me. He sent me pictures of his big thick cock and told me he wanted to fuck me and cum in my arse. I was really horny now - I hadn't been fucked for a while and I needed to be fucked and fucked hard. The problem was he had a partner and couldn't accommodate. I knew I shouldn't but I was just too horny - so I gave him the postcode of Ryan and David's flat and told him to text me when he was outside. About 20 minutes later he arrived and he was every bit as good looking as his pictures. I wasted no time in getting his pants down and soon his big thick cock was in my mouth. I sucked him for a while and then turned him around so that I could lick his arse. His hole was quite hairy and I pushed my tongue right up him. It was time to fuck and soon I was lubed and bent over the settee as Joel pushed his big thick cock right up my arse. It felt incredible - I had not had a cock that big up my arse for a while. He pushed his cock right up me and gave me a moment to get used to it before he began to fuck me slowly. It was the best fuck I'd had for a long time - he started slowly and then built up until he was banging my arse really hard with his big thick cock and I knew he was getting close. I knew I shouldn't really be doing this in Ryan and David's flat but I thought they wouldn't be back for another hour or so and figured they would never know. Joel was breathing heavily now and before long he pushed his cock right up my arse and held it there, groaning loudly as he pumped my arse full of cum. He seemed to cum for ages and then he slumped forward over me. It was then I realised we had an audience - Ryan and David were standing in the doorway. I could see from David's face that he wasn't happy and he turned away just as Joel started pulling out my arse. Ryan had also turned to leave but he looked back into the room just Joel pulled his cock out and then followed his partner into the kitchen. I had been caught with my pants down! When Joel had left I pulled my pants up and went into the kitchen and apologised. I said I hadn't meant to abuse their hospitality and I was sorry. David said "It's fine, forget it." I could see that he was far from happy though and the atmosphere was distinctly frosty as we had lunch together. After lunch David went off to work and, as I was starting to get my stuff together, Ryan came into the room. "You ok?" he said. I said I was fine and said "I'm sorry about earlier on." Ryan grinned and said "It's fine, really. David has very strong views on all that sort of thing - I'm a bit more liberal." He was silent for a moment and then said "Actually, I thought it was quite horny." I was looking out of the window as Ryan said "That guy wasn't wearing a condom, was he?" I said no he wasn't and Ryan grinned. He moved closer to me and soon his arms were round me and he was kissing my neck. "Do you like to fuck bareback?" he whispered and I nodded. His hands were on the waistband of my trousers now and, still kissing the back of my neck, he slowly pulled my trousers and pants down and bent me over the settee. I bent forward as I heard Ryan slip his pants down and soon his cock was pushing against my arse. I spread my legs and soon he was pushing up my cum filled arse. "Oh fuck..." he moaned as his cock went right up me and he began to fuck. I was beyond horny now - I had always thought Ryan was quite fit and I had never thought in a million years that I would end up bent over the settee with him fucking me bareback while his partner was at work. Ryan fucked me hard and fast and after a short time he told me he was going to cum. I told him to go for it and seconds later Ryan was shooting his cum deep into my arse. We were both out of breath when Ryan pulled out and he mopped his brow with his T shirt. He kissed me and then I went down on his cock and sucked him for a while. He pulled me up and kissed me again. I thought that would be us finished but soon his hand was on my cock again. "Do you like to fuck?" he asked. I nodded and he took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom. Soon he was kneeling up on the bed and my tongue was up his fit arse. I licked him for a while and then he passed me some lube. When he was lubed I pushed my cock against his hole and he moaned. My cock slid up him easily and I began fuck him bareback - right there on the bed he shared with his partner. He was moaning softly as I began to fuck him harder. I knew I wasn't going to last much longer and I told him I was going to cum in his arse. "Fuck yeah...." he moaned as I began to shoot what felt like a massive load of cum deep into his cheating arse. A little later, Ryan drove me to the airport and we swapped numbers. I have met up with Ryan a few times since and each time we've enjoyed some horny unprotected sex, with his boyfriend none the wiser. The next experience I had with a cheating guy was also in Scotland. I was staying in a hotel in the centre of Glasgow one Friday evening and I hooked up on line with a fit guy in his mid 30s. He was out drinking with colleagues after work and was horny to be fucked. When we were chatting he said I had to use a condom as he had a partner. When he turned up he was even better looking than his pictures suggested. He had come from work and was smartly dressed in a shirt and dark trousers - very horny! We sucked each other for a while and then I bent him over the bed and licked his arse. When it came time to fuck him he never mentioned condoms so I fucked him bb and shot a nice big load into him. Afterwards we chatted and he told me he had been with his partner for seven years. He said he had never cheated until a couple of years ago when his car had been off the road and he had to take the bus into the city to work. He had looked up the times, got up early and gone for the bus. A dark haired Polish guy with a tool bag was standing at the bus stop. He said he realised the guy was cruising him almost immediately and soon they were in a wooded area behind the bus stop and he was sucking the guy's cock. He ended up leaning against a tree with his pants down as the Polish guy fucked him bareback and shot a load of cum into his arse. He told me he had felt guilty but also really turned on - and about six months later he was staying in a hotel on business and got chatting to two guys at the bar and ended up going back to their room where they both fucked him and loaded up his arse. He said he tries to play safe when he cheats but every now and then he enjoys taking a load up his arse. I sucked him off and then he pulled up his pants and went off home to his partner - a big load of cum deep in his arse. Later that year I was at a friend's Christmas drinks party and I was introduced to a guy called Marek. We had a lot in common as we both worked in the same field and we got on well. I liked Marek a lot and I got the feeling he was interested in me. He told me his partner was away for the weekend visiting family and so he was flying solo. A little later we started chatting again and I was sure he was coming on to me. He lived not far from me and so I offered him a lift home. As we drove home one thing led to another and we ended up back at my house. Marek was not really my usual type, he was tall and thin, and very hairy. For some reason this turned me on and soon we were in my bedroom and I was sucking his cock. I sucked him for a while and then licked his hairy balls. I sucked his cock again and then turned him round so I could lick his arse. He had a really hairy hole and he loved me licking it. He was moaning and pushing his arse back into my face as I pushed my tongue as far up his hole as I could and he told me he didn't get that at home. He told me he really wanted me to fuck him but I would have to use a condom as he wanted to protect himself and his partner. I said I had run out of condoms but he said it was ok - he had one and he produced it. I didn't really want to use the condom but I did really want to fuck him so I put it on and pushed my cock up his arse. He was really tight and it took me a few minutes to get my cock right up him. I began to fuck him and, although I didn't really enjoy wearing the condom and wasn't sure I would be able to cum with it on, he was doing amazing things to my cock with his tight arse and soon I got into my stride and began to fuck him harder. I was really into it now - his arse was one of the tightest I had ever fucked and soon I was enjoying every minute of the fuck - it didn't feel like I was wearing a condom at all. We were both really into it now and soon I was shooting my cum into his arse. When I pulled out we both saw that the condom had split - it was completely wrecked. I hadn't cum for about seven days and I knew I had shot a really big load into him. We now both knew that big load had gone right up his arse. He looked shocked and really worried. After a few moments he shrugged and said "Oh well, I suppose these things happen." A little to my surprise, he told me his partner was a way for another few days and asked me if I fancied meeting up for lunch the following day. We met up, had a good lunch and ended up back at my house again. We kissed, sucked and rimmed each other until we were both horny to fuck and he knelt up on the bed. I waited for him to produce the condom and, realising what I was waiting for, he shrugged and said "Look, you've already cum up me once, you don't need to bother with a condom." I pushed my bare cock right up him and began to fuck. This fuck was even better than the first one and Marek also seemed to be even more into it. He was also more verbal - telling me to fuck him harder and moaning for me to cum in his arse. I shot another big load into him. I suspected from the fact that he had condoms with him that he had gone to the party with the intention of hooking up with someone. But I found it very horny that he had started off making sure he was protecting himself and his partner and had ended up fucking bareback and moaning for me to cum in his arse. Part 2 to follow
    1 point
  26. New to NYC, tried to fight the addiction. why am I only wanting poz holes now? 28, been single and gay over 14 years. Im at a new hole a day now. Was never this way b4 nyc. Effecting health and focus- made myself a page @bxcommunitydick on all gay apps. After I cum 15mins later im horny again. How does one master sex addiction? Rican here.
    1 point
  27. Double the breeding pleasure...double the felching fun!
    1 point
  28. Have to throw this one out there. This past week one of the hottest fucks with someone in the medical field. Was out of state with family being cared for at a very well-known, high-profile medical facility in which the entire town's economy is based on that organization. Got hit up on Adam by a faceless profile that refused to send pics, but sounded hot. Said he was a doctor there, he showed up to my hotel room and this guy was a built, bald daddy with the right amount of chest hair, and a nice uncut cock. We made out, sucking each other off. He fucked me raw and shot a HUGE load in my ass. Was hoping for a repeat before I left, but did not work out.
    1 point
  29. So here is my second tale of adventure that I post on here. This is coming from someone who just until fairly recently was a virgin in the cumdump department but boy am I hooked. My last post was written a little bit messier and on the run so I thought I might actually try and write this down a tad bit better. Be aware that English is my second language though. After my first meeting I made sure to make a profile on a site which caters to people seeking sex. I made sure to make it clear that I wasn't scared of a breeder and boy did I get responses. After chatting with a dozen or so men i finally settled on a married father roughly twice my age. He had what looked like a decently sized dick with nice veins. His body is a little bit bigger but nothing extreme, just the way I like it apparently. He stated fairly early that he is new to this and would like if I could make sure to be smooth, wear some panties and tights and I was more then happy to oblige. He was also adamant that he wanted to breed me and use me as his masturbation toy since him and his wife's sex life had died after their second child. The day of the meeting I made sure to prep my self with a good shower, shave and some light stretching. We where to meet up at a secluded part of a walking trail with a little wind protection hut. I was sat on my knees with my face towards the inner wall of the hut with a blindfold on as we had discussed, shivering from both the weather as well as anticipation. I'm not sure whether he is actually working as a ninja or I am going deaf but all of a sudden I felt a tug on my head and I was turned around. The person didn't say a word but gently pried my mouth open and I knew what was coming and made sure to open wide. I could feel the head of his cock against my lip before he guided my head down his shaft. He felt way bigger then my first guy and bigger then my toys as well. His cock tasted lovely but as a untrained cocksucker I quickly gagged on the rock hard member making its way back and forth in my mouth. After only a few minutes the grip on my head tightened and I could feel him pick up the pace and thought to my self that this isn't really what I have in mind. With some hard trusts and steady hands the cock hit my throat and I couldn't breath at all. A voice broke the silence " Be a good little slut and swallow what daddy gives you". It almost startled me and I couldn't do much to respond anyway. Each thrust making me gag and I started worrying about passing out. With a last hard thrust he went as deep as he dared and I could feel him starting to cum far back in my mouth. I swallowed to the best of my ability, choking and gagging at the same time. Once he withdrew I expected him to say something but he just turned me around and pushed me down on all four. I quickly felt a hand on one of my leggings clad ass cheeks, rubbing and squeezing before he gently pulled them down just far enough to go below my ass. Again he broke the silence with a light crackle in his voice " this will do nicely, I hope you're as tight as you seem". And with that said he pulled my panties aside and gently started fingering my ass. Even with the pre-stretch it hurt a little but I was determined to have this dads' dick in me. After working his way up to two fingers in me I could hear him squirt out more lube on him self. My body almost exploding with expectation and excitement. The tip of his cock started pressing against my ass and he spread my cheeks as he started pushing in to me, inch by inch. After finally bottoming out in me, my as ready to explode and me on the verge of tears he starts to move back and forth. He started with a gentle pace to let me adjust to him for a bit before starting to up the speed. His hand squeezing my ass and his lovely cock making me his. He said " You love being a married mans fucktoy don't you little slut?" Between my grunts I agreed and he moans approvingly. My ass burning from his size that I still hadn't gotten used to. " Well a whore like you deserves some type of reward for being such a good slut" And before I could even respond he pushes himself all the way in and I could feel him cum for a second time, breeding me. His seed filling up my sore hole. I moan as he retracts but have no time to do much before I'm yet again spun around. " Clean it good before I go whore" he says as he shoves his cock against my mouth. I do my best to suck it clean and when he is satisfied he pulls out says" I will need to see you again" and walks away. This was my second breeding ever and I am getting more and more in to this. I dream about cock and I can not stop wishing men would just breed me all day long. Feel free to critique my writing so I can write a better post next time I'm writing my load story. Xoxo
    1 point
  30. He found the right motel for tonight's anon sessions
    1 point
  31. I fuckin love that story. Truthfully, I have someone that I love that quite literally depends on me for daily life. Would I like to be a tatted Roid Muscle Tina Cigar Switch Daddy with a stable of boiz I converted with my own cock? Fuck yeah But my other life is very important. so I know when to calm my beasts. It's a skill and like any other skill, it is learned and practiced.
    1 point
  32. HoTT story!! Hope you have more chapters in the pipeline.
    1 point
  33. Fuck, man, this sounds awesome!
    1 point
  34. Tbh, I love sloppy seconds, so feel free...unless our friend wants to be dp'd!
    1 point
  35. Hello guys ! I’m Back with another story to tell you. This past weekend I packed and booked another room are days Inn Fort Lauderdale. This time I stayed at the one by the airport. I was hunting fresh meat. Got it there on Saturday around 3pm. On my way there I sent a shout oh GROWLr and posted on BBRT. It didn’t take much to stay receiving a couple of messages. A couple from GROWLr but most definitely several from BBRT. Fort Lauderdale is definitely the place in Florida for BB sex alrighty I got into my room - I douched my hole at home to save some time - went to the balcony and smoke a blunt before the party started. First guy- tall white ugly. 9x6 cock. He wanted to be the first because he doesn’t like loosen hole so I let him. Pounded me for about 5 minutes and boosted. He said my ass felt really good and he couldn’t hold it anymore he left. Ok next. I had a guy from Miami that was around so I invited him over. He got into my room and we looked for more guys for a small gangbang. We found a top on bbrt and one on Grindr. The bbrt was daddy undetectable looking nice guy. 7 thick cock. My friend from MIA has a typical North Carolina cock. White 7 inches and super thick. The third guy arrived with a massive 8x6 I’d say. They all took turns oh me. The Mia guy came twice, the daddy twice and the 8x6 once... HOWEVER.... he DP me with the daddy. Not gonna lie it wasn’t my first full DP and OMG what a feeling never been happier, it’s a mix of intense pain, wetness and pleasure. They came so quickly that I couldn’t believe what I was feeling it. Ok. This all happened between 3pm and 6pm. I took a nap and kept all that cum inside. Woke up around 9 and had checked the BBRT. A few new messages. A grandpa on his 70s with one of the biggest dicks I’ve taken and a black guy with out the thickest. There will be their pictures here at the end of this message. The daddy came and I got really shocked by how big and thick that anaconda was. My ass was sore and full so when he went in I did suffer a bit. However as soon as it was inside WOW WOW WOW what a feeling. He had no shame. Fucked me hard, deep and intensively. I’m a power bottom and trust me that cock was so big that I had to stop after 10 min. Didn’t let him cum inside unfortunately but trust me he destroyed my cock. So much that I want to bed and couldn’t take more. Alright alright bed time. Set my alarm to 7 so I could look for more cocks before my check out. Not many messages but remember the thick black cock who texted me on BBRT? He stopped by! I don’t know if you guys ever saw this but he got at my hotel with a long black elastic to manage his cock. He wrapped that around his neck as well as his cock from the bottom. So he controlled the elastic with his hands managing his cock inside me. It was another monster cock. I struggled taking it. The power bottom is not a power bottom anymore. Those two guys were the biggest and thickest my ass ever felt.... that was it’s then after a while I had a few small cocks. Two or three. Around 8-10 cocks. Not bad but definitely not my record. I think never will ever beat my Dallas vacay. Looking forward to comeback. Here are the pics I promised. My ass after being used and the monster cocks. Hopeyou ou guys enjoy this. And again, in me you can trust. All my stories are real otherwise I would not waste my time making them up to post here. No time for this shit. Enjoy Guys!
    1 point
  36. I must have pleased the Gods of Fucking somehow, because I was just bred by a fantastic 21-year-old guy who is mostly bottom but said he was “Top-curious”. He had performance anxiety, but agreed to try a litte viagra to help him along. Within minutes, he was the fucking poster boy for Viagra, with one of the most beautiful cocks I have ever seen, nice and thick, and bred me in multiple positions until he slow-fucked a long-pent-up load deep inside me. He said I was only the 4th successful fuck, with over 30 failed attempts. Not only that, he just messaged me to tell me he’s never seen his cock so erect. It makes me proud to be a slut.
    1 point
  37. Definitely into poz holes over neg holes.
    1 point
  38. Part 82 - Bottom Fail The guys showered and rested for a while, waiting for the next party to start. Micah had left to go look around the hotel with Evan and right before the second party started, Ken showed up. Joe had been pleased with the turnout from the earlier party for Chad, but knew that there were a lot more parties going on during the second one. He was just about to message the bottom when he got “on my way” from the guy. The guys passed the pipe around and Jaime saw Chad fidgeting in the chair, the plug still in his hole obviously causing him discomfort. Finally there was a knock at the door and Joe opened it up. The guy matched the pics Joe had gotten from the bottom. He looked a few years older than Chad and had a few days of scruff on his face. “Hey, I’m Trent” the guy said as he entered the room and looked around, nodding to each of the five guys. “Bathroom’s over there with a setup to cleanout if you need to” Joe said. Kyle laid the lube and poppers out and set the blindfold and the freshly cleaned ballgag on the bed next to the sling. Trent walked out of the bathroom naked, his tall, thin frame completely hairless but with several random small tattoos. Joe noticed his small cock was limp and his low hanging balls, each of which was almost as big as his soft cock. Some of the guys started to undress as Joe confirmed what Trent wanted - “So you said you wanted to be a cumdump for a couple hours. You said no limits, but since I don’t want the room trashed there’s gonna be no shit and if you want any piss play its in the bathroom, OK?” “Yeah, that’s cool. I’m not really into shit but I always let the top do what he wants” Trent said unemotionally. “Uh, you want a blindfold or you want to see who fucks you?” Kyle asked. “I like to watch guys fuck me. Makes me feel like a real slut” Trent replied with a laugh. “You said you’d take all loads. The guys that signed up are both neg and poz. That still ok?” Joe asked. “I guess. I’ve never been tested for that. I just got over a couple other things, so its time to get my dick dripping again” said Trent with a grin. “You’re probably gonna go home with something after this weekend” Jaime said quietly, standing there in just a red jockstrap with his cock straining at the pouch. “Bed or sling?” Kyle asked. “Uhhh…. the sling would be cool. I’ve only done it in one a few times but it was fuckin’ awesome” Trent answered. “Then get in, it’s almost party time” Joe said. He looked around the room and then pointed at Ken, saying “You’re up first. Open him up.” Ken looked a little shocked but nodded back at Joe. Trent laid back in the sling and Kyle and Jaime cuffed his wrists and ankles before clipping them to the chains. Joe glanced at Trent who now seemed to have a worried look on his face. “If you get too loud, we’ll put the gag on” Joe said as Ken walked up, lubing his stiff 6 and a half inch cut cock. He dripped some lube on his fingers and pushed it into Trent’s hole. Joe watched carefully and Trent seemed to be a bit tight for someone that boasted getting fucked every day. Ken stretched the hole open for a while until he quietly stood up and stuffed his stiff cock in all the way to the base with one long slow push. “FUCK DUDE!!” Trent yelled out. Joe and Kyle looked at him with stern faces and Kyle barked out “Once more and the gag goes on.” Ken had a grin on his face as he stood there, letting Trent get used to his cock. “If you thought that was bad, just wait til you see how some of these fuckers drill that pussy” Ken said. Trent looked a little more worried as Ken started to rock his hips, but Trent was bouncing on his cock in no time. Ken added a little more lube and fucked harder. Ken’s motions were even and fluid, occasionally punctuated by a hard thrust, which caused Trent to grunt. Just as there was a knock at the door, Ken picked up the pace, driving in faster and harder each time. He hammered Trent’s hole for about 15 more seconds and then shoved in hard, holding on to Trent as his body convulsed, shooting a huge stream of cum into the empty chute. Ken grabbed the marker and put a hash mark on Trent’s stomach before he slowly pulled out. Chad took Ken’s spot and slid his cock into the quivering hole. Chad’s cock wasn’t much different than Ken’s, but his style was very different. Chad started pounding immediately and would pause a moment and then pound again. The room slowly started to fill as Chad fucked Trent until Chad growled as he pounded, adding his seed to the load already inside. Chad added another mark and guys were jostling for position to be the next one to fuck. A large tatted Latino bear won out and moved in between Trent’s splayed legs. “Fuck dude, can you even see your cock over that gut?” Trent said in disgust. The bear slapped Trent’s ass and said “its a shitload bigger than that pathetic stub of yours.” The bear took a few more strokes on his cock and pulled back the foreskin before he lined it up to the now loosened up hole and let some cum drip over the flared head. Grabbing the chains, he thrust his hips in and all seven thick inches of cock were planted inside Trent’s hole. Normally he might have waited for his bottom to get used to the invasion, but not this time. Each thrust was hard and deliberate and each pull back was slow. Trent was grunting or whimpering every time the bear shoved in and was gasping for air as he pulled out. After a few minutes of abusing Trent’s hole, the bear started fuck with more even strokes. They still had the feeling of a grudge fuck than a fuck to get off. The bear slowly let loose of Trent’s legs and he started swinging with the thrusts and getting yanked back by the bear. Everyone could hear the sounds of the thick cock forcing more of the cum mixture out of Trent’s hole with each drive in. The bear started grunting and stopped Trent swinging by grabbing his legs. Everyone stood amazed as the large body hammered Trent’s hole with surprising speed ending in a loud growl and a replenishment of the seed in Trent’s cunt. “Enjoy that load you stupid fuck” the bear said as he worked his cock back and forth a few more times One gray haired daddy walked up and tapped his cock on Trent’s lips a few times. Trent looked up at him and said “Other end, gramps.” That was enough for Kyle and he slipped the gag on before Trent could react. The line at Trent’s ass made way and the daddy quickly took his place at Trent’s dripping hole. Grabbing Trent’s hips, the daddy’s cock slammed in hard. “Show some respect, boy. I'm going to own that ass when I'm done” the daddy said before he began his hard, deep thrusts. Trent was yelling around the gag, but no one was paying attention to him. The group cheered on the daddy until finally he rammed his cock in and shuddered, emptying his balls into the insolent boy’s hole. His cock buried in Trent’s hole, the daddy looked around and spotted the tall black guy from the earlier party. The daddy grinned and pointed at him. Everyone moved out of the way and soon Trent’s hole was being stretched like it had never been stretched before. It was a long, slow push that strained Trent’s pussy. The yells around the gag were separated with whimpers and tears were streaming out of Trent’s eyes. The black guy slowly pulled his cock out until just the tip was inside and held it there. Trent looked up at him, his eyes getting wide as he knew what was about to happen. The large black shaft shoved in faster this time and the whimpering got louder. The tempo increased with each stroke and finally someone held the poppers up to Trent’s nose. Ten minutes of drilling and the black guy pushed as deep as he could, giving an extra hard nudge past the inner ring. The pulses from his cock could be seen by everyone close as the huge balls pumped their payload into Trent’s gut. Trent was back to whimpering around the gag after the last drops of seed had pumped out of the black guy’s cock. He slowly pulled his cock out and Trent was sure that parts of his internals were coming with it. A large blob of cum dripped to the floor and it wasn’t pearly white nor even blood stained. There were several comments ranging from “Ugh” to “Oh shit” from the guys close to the sling who quickly backed away. The black guy headed into the bathroom to clean up and Joe and Kyle moved in. They unlocked Trent from the sling and removed the gag. “I think your time here is over” Joe said before looking around the room with over a dozen still horny guys stroking their cocks. Trent grabbed his clothes and quickly put his jeans on, sliding a t-shirt over the five large hash marks on his chest before heading out the door without saying a word. “Anyone else want to take his place?” Joe asked as Kyle cleaned up the mess with a ratty towel. Everyone looked around, hoping not to leave blue balled. “I will” came a familiar voice and Ken walked up to the sling and climbed in. Jaime helped put his feet in the leather loops as several of the guys nodded in appreciation. He wiggled his ass to get it in position and looked around with a smile before saying “Who’s first?” A group of four early 30’s otters pushed Joe towards Ken and one said “Give him some of that demon seed, stud.” Joe was a little surprised since he really wasn’t planning on fucking during this party, but with a nod from Ken he grabbed some lube and had his pierced cock deep inside Ken’s hole in less than a minute. The strong, purposeful thrusts culminated in Ken’s bowels being soaked with creamy goodness getting him ready for the rest of the guys who were all stroking. It was a quick fuck, a classic pump n dump that opened Ken up and filled him with a potent load of poz cum. Joe pulled out and each of the otters then took their turn on Ken’s hole. The first otter had a twelve bar ladder on his cock and seemed to take care slowly forcing the piercings into Ken’s hole as he drove in and out. Ken was moaning and the froth from Joe’s cum circled the otter’s cock. After several minutes, the otter rammed in hard a half dozen times before planting his cock in all the way and pumping his seed into Ken’s hungry hole. The second otter replaced the first, his cock being longer than his buddy’s and capped with a 0 gauge PA. He had a steady, medium speed rhythm of long strokes before he ended with a ten second pounding and culminated by a groan as cum flooded Ken’s fuck chute again. The last two otters had been edging the whole time and only took a few minutes of haggard thrusting before they too added their strains to the cum mixture. Kyle watched and had expected most of the guests to leave, following Trent out the door, but they all stayed. One by one each of them took advantage of Ken’s generosity. The diversity was impressive - white, black, latino, middle eastern, Indian and asian, large to small in both height and girth, hairy to smooth, below average cocks to hung. No two seemed to fuck alike and the pool of cum underneath Ken’s hole kept growing as the use left him unable to hold it all in. Ken encouraged them all and seemed to be turned on by the variety. Two bears, both in their sixties had been alternating making out and stroking each other and watching guys plow Ken’s sloppy cunt. They seemed to be a little tentative about joining in until Raphi grabbed the larger one by the hand and led him over to the bed and bent over. The large bear didn’t need any more encouragement and had his leaking cock inside Raphi’s hole in seconds. The smaller bear moved in and impaled Ken’s hole at the same time his partner entered Raphi. The two fucked the same with each of the boys, groaning the entire time and trying to hold off shooting their seed as long as possible. When the larger one heard his partner unleash a wave of cum inside Ken he immediately followed suit and pumped his seed into Raphi. Raphi turned around as soon as the cock was out of his hole and swallowed the cock down to the base before sucking any trace of cum and ass juice off it. He moved over to the smaller bear and did the same, looking up to see the bears kissing roughly. A thin Filipino guy had replaced the smaller bear between Ken’s legs. His voice and walk said femme bottom but his seven and a half inches of uncut cock and the way he used it said Dom top. Ken egged the guy on and was rewarded with an even more energetic pounding. The guy slowed his thrusting down and let out a moan while still pumping his cock into Ken’s sloppy hole. When the Filipino guy pulled out of Ken, Joe was surprised to see Raphi walk up between Ken's spread legs. “Gotta help a coworker out” he said with a devilish grin as he plowed into Ken. The door closed and with the Filipino guy gone it was just Joe, Kyle, Chad, Jaime, Raphi and Ken left. Raphi seemed a lot more confident topping than the day before. He bent over on top of Ken and the two locked eyes as his hips drove in and out of Ken’s well used hole. Joe could tell they were in the zone, breeder and cumhole knowing they were satisfying each other’s carnal desires. Raphi sped his thrusts up and then slowed down. He gave Ken a deep kiss and then stood up and drilled Ken’s ass. In between grunts, Raphi said, looking right at Ken, “You’re so fucked” and then “There’s no way you aren’t gonna be poz like the rest of us” before he hosed down Ken’s guts with his toxic seed. He added the last hash mark to Ken’s chest, totaling 17. As soon as Raphi pulled away, Kyle pushed a plug into Ken’s battered hole saying “Gotta keep all that goodness inside.”
    1 point
  39. So like others, I've got a bunch. I discovered that bars had backrooms, and some places had dark rooms. There was one in particular, in a sex club in Atlanta, which was absolutely dark inside, as in you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. And I'd go in and drop my trousers and sometimes I'd brush up against an ass and I'd shove my cock in it and fuck it, and other times I'd feel something brushing up against my ass and next thing you know I'm getting fucked and bred by someone I know nothing about. I remember when I discovered arcades, for instance. And the one I went to had a particular booth, where I could close the door and put my ass up to one glory hole and my mouth to another. Again, it wasn't just that I was getting fucked bareback and letting the guy cum inside me at a time when HIV was still a death sentence. The anonymity added an entire extra dimension of risk and excitement to the act. I started enjoying exhibitionism early on, when I discovered cruisy parks and backrooms. They're kind of the opposite of dark rooms, where you want your sex acts to be seen. I love it when a group of men gather around me and my partners, enjoying the live action porn they're watching. It's even better when they join in. My standard routine when I start sucking a guy's cock in public is not to kneel in front of him, but to bend over at the waist instead, having already strategically loosened my pants, exposing my ass. I love having my face buried in a guy's crotch then glancing down to see a pair of shoes right behind me. Then the finger in my ass, maybe some spit or lube, and a completely anonymous bareback cock sliding into me, in full view of everyone except me. I've had my lucky days in the baths as well, collecting loads in a sling then licking the cum that leaked out of my hole off the floor. I remember going to hook up some somebody the next day, thinking that my ass would have returned to normal as it does in the meantime. And when that guys cock went to go in me, it met with no resistance and was already pre-lubed. He gave me a look that said "You fucking dirty slut!" and then proceeded to fuck me raw anyways because I'm sure he was a dirty slut too. I love the little random hookups that are completely unplanned. I was leaving a bathhouse once about midnight or so, and as soon as I walked out I saw a really hot guy just walking down the street. The eye contact thing happened. And I said to myself, "What the hell, let's see where this goes." I said hello and asked how his evening was going, but got the discussion to the point quickly. Are you interested? Yes. Do you want to fuck me? Yes. Where can we go? We ended up in an alley behind a big power transformer. I dropped my shorts and bent over and his cock went up my ass. Pound, pound, pound...cum. Suck him clean, and off we went our separate ways. That is the sort of thing that can only happen to a slut. No-one else would have followed up on the possibility. So here's the definition of a good slut to me: Sluts don't really have a type. Sure, they may have preferences, but when it comes right down to it, any cock is better than no cock. That's the whole point about these stories of anonymous cock and sex with homeless guys and all that. No matter who you are, what you look like, age, race, body size, whatever, if you have a hard cock and you want to get off, a slut will take care of it for you.
    1 point
  40. HIV is fairly fragile, but given the right environment it can stay active for a long time. Unfortunately the rectum is a pretty perfect environment for HIV to thrive. If a guy takes a poz load, it will be infectious in him until it’s gone, IE, cleared out by a bowel movement. If the bottom is on PrEP, the virus is unable to reproduce, and will just be cleared out. If they are not, and the bottom becomes infected, it would start reproducing in them, and they would become infectious to others in approx 1-2 weeks. The caveat here is if the top is undetectable. The virus cannot become more virulent without infecting the receiver, so an undetectable is still very low to no risk because there is almost no virus present, and not enough to infect the bottom or another top.
    1 point
  41. Screw pissing in somebody else's ass. When i'm high and spun at home, I put my cock up my own ass and start pissing in it. I piss a little in the toilet to test that it's chem piss and I always take it slow and careful to never spill a drop, plugging up my hole right away, or laying upside down in the tub to fuck myself with some anal beads. Hearing that swishing, splashing sound like water in a deep well is reallllllllllly pervy.
    1 point
  42. This was a long time ago, probably only a few months after I 'came out' in my youth... but it sticks in mind as being one of the first: It started when I met with a guy who was going to teach me rollerblading in Hyde Park in London. After the lesson we went back to his place for a shower and drink. He had an interesting 'sculpture' in his room that was of a pair of boots and being into boots and stuff I commented on it. It turned out it belonged to a friend of his and after some conversation he was adamant we should meet that evening for drinks as we would surely hit it off. So we headed into SoHo and met his friend in one of the bars for a few drinks, and sure enough we really did hit it off. One thing led to another and we needed to find someplace more private to play. It turned out this guy worked in an office above the Clone Zone shop in Old Compton Street, so we headed there and then onto the flat roof on top of the building. It was pretty amazing being up there four floors above London's gay centre looking down on the Saturday night crowds. We spent most of the night up there fooling around, and I think the memory that really sticks in my mind is kneeling, leaning over the little wall at the front edge of the building looking down on the street and across at Comptons Bar while getting a good deep fucking. Anyone looking up could have seen us, but people rarely look up.
    1 point
  43. I’m a doctor and I like to be fucked bareback. I’ve had sex with a number of other doctors who have either only fucked me raw, or who have eventually fucked me raw (one of whom I was actually the first guy he ever bred - need to write that story up some time soon). I’ve also had other health care professionals fuck me raw.
    1 point
  44. PART 3 Dean was focused on the laptop in front of him and quickly said “OK, there we go. Two more ads, one on Craig’s list, and one on BBRT. That should find us more more hot cocks to rape these two cumdumps. What do you say, faggots? You ready for some more randos to use your pussies? Here’s the ad: “Five guys, 18-30, partying together, three vers, two sloppy, loaded up bottom cumdumpsters, looking for other nasty pigs 18-40 to party some more, breed these dirty little fags, treat them like the whores they are. We’re into most nasty stuff, piss and fist to the head of the line. Send pics and come join us to get nasty.” Chris and I looked at each other and both got a shit-eating grin on our faces. I had four loads of sperm in my hole and Chris had 7. I needed to catch up. I needed to get more loads than Chris or at least catch up to him. I couldn’t let him outdo me when it came to getting my cunt loaded up. Dean posted the two ads on CL and BBRT but I also changed my Scruff and Growlr ads to show myself being more of a slut, debasing myself for loads. No load refused. I laid my phone on he bed next to me so I could respond to the messages quickly. I knew that my compact 18 year old hairy ass would quickly find some takers who wanted to breed me and once they were here they’d probably wanna breed Chris as well. Everyone wins. And I’d never tried piss before, so I wanted to see what that was about. As soon as the ads posted we started to get responses. Dean just smiled and I could tell he was just going to say yes and not give Chris or I any say in who came over to rape us. That was just fine with me. I’m a whore. I don’t get to pick and choose who shoves their cock in me. My cunt simply exists to let any cock use it and dump loads in it. The sooner that’s clear to the men fucking me, the better. I’m pretty sure Dean and Eric understood just how much of a whore I was. I know Chris did. He was lying on the bed next to me, sucking Eric’s cock lazily, trying to bring it back to life (I later found out they had all taken Cialis so they wouldn’t have a problem getting hard from the crystal). Eric was shoving his cock down Chris’ throat, making him deep throat it and moaning. “You nasty little faggot. You just want me to get hard again so I can rape you some more. Your fucking cunt is insatiable. I wonder if we can beat your record 22 loads in a weekend. You think, baby?” Chris looked up at Eric and smiled. “Whatever my Daddy wants, my Daddy gets. My cunt just lives to serve cock." Chris totally got me. Jose had gone into the other room, and Dean motioned me onto the floor. “Here, pig. Put this in your cunt so none of that sperm leaks out. You too, whore.” He handed me a fat buttplug and tossed an identical one to Chris. Eric grabbed it out of the air and made his lover turn around. He scooped up some of the cum that was leaking out of Chris’ ass and used it to lube up the plug and then shove it in with one push. Chris yelped. “FUCK, baby! That plug feels GOOD in my pussy. Don’t wanna waste any of that nice jizz.” Chris grabbed the plug out of my hand and motioned for me to turn around. Then he did the same thing, scooping up the jizz and lubing up the plug. “Here is comes, faggot.” With that he shoved the plug all the way inside me. My cunt was split open and it felt SO fucking good. I knew I was going to have to get some plugs of my own. This one was nice and fat and filled my cunt up, but only succeeded in making me more desperate for cock inside me. Dean grabbed his cock, which was half hard, and then my head and shoved it down my throat. His cock was nice and fat and fit down my throat really well, but I was hoping that he would get it hard enough to fuck me some more. My whole body was thinking about my need for cock in my ass. It was almost like I was just a hole. A receptacle for cocks. “That’s a good boy. Just nurse on my cock for a while so I can sort through these boys who wanna come over and pull a train on your fagdumps.” Eric got up and sat down next to Dean, and Chris followed him, kneeling on the floor in front of his boyfriend, so we could both suck on their cocks. “What do you think of this one,” Dean said. Eric smiled and said “fuck yeah, look at that cock. I wanna see him split them both open.” Dean laughed and said “not sure that will happen, they’re both pretty sloppy right now.” They both laughed. Jose came back into the room, holding a small bag. He said “I think we need to take this party to the next level. You ready, piggies?” They all laughed and said “fuck yeah!” Dean looked at me, pulled my mouth off his cock and said “you ever slammed before Justin? You ready for us to turn you into a HOLE?” I already felt like a total hole, so I wondered how much more I could feel, but I knew that I needed more cock, so I just grinned and said “fuck yeah. As long as it means more cum in my pussy, then I want it.” “Good,”Dean said. “We probably weren’t going to give you a choice anyway. But I had a feeling you wouldn’t say no. You’re a nasty little piggy. I can’t wait to teach you all about the depths of depravity." I still wasn’t entirely sure what they were talking about, but I didn’t care. I went back to sucking on Dean’s cock. Jose sat between Eric and Dean on the sofa, and I Chris and I took turns sucking on his cock as well. I was dying to get his load in my cunt as well instead of just in my mouth. Dean shut his laptop at the same time I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed it and saw a text from Daddy. “How you doing baby boy? You being a good whore for those boys?” I texted him back. “Fuck yes, Daddy! Thank you! I have five loads in me now and some more guys are coming over to breed me and the other bottom. They got me high and I feel amazing. I feel like a hole. Just a fucking cum hole. I hope you’re proud of me. I never said no” I waited a moment and the reply came “That’s my boy. Daddy raised you right. You enjoy those cocks and loads and when you come home, Daddy will have a surprise for you.” Dean looked over at me and said “who you chatting with, piggy?” “Just my Dad,” I said. “You should invite him over so he can watch his own son get gang raped by strangers. That’s what he wanted isn’t it?” Dean grinned and stroked his cock while he played with his hairy chest. “Really? I dunno if he’d wanna come over.” I turned back to the phone and texted him with the address. Then I saw that there were Growlr and Scruff messages and since I was just a cumdump, I handed the phone to Dean so he could answer them. “Here you answer the messages on my phone. I don’t get to choose who breeds me, all I know is I need cock inside me and I need it soon.” The rest of the boys laughed out loud and Eric grabbed the phone from Dean. “My turn.” He swiped quickly through the messages and showed a couple of the guys to Dean. After a few minutes I could feel my cunt throbbing from desire and the buttplug that was deep inside me, opening up my hole for the cock raping to come. Then I heard the doorbell ring. Dean smiled and kissed me and Chris in turn. “OK, piggies. It’s showtime. Dumpsters on the bed. Ass up, face down.” Eric went to answer the door and I could hear him talking to two men. All I heard was “Yeah, we both just need a cunt to unload in. Sounds like your tweaked out bottoms are pretty greedy.” Eric laughed and said “You have no idea.” Eric walked back into the bedroom with two new guys in tow who both quickly removed their clothes. Both of them were tall, muscled college age guys, kind of “bro” in their look but with a nasty, pierced, pervy edge. One them was covered in thick blonde hair and had a beard, the other one was more smooth and had a dark beard. Yum. They both sported nice fat cocks, which I knew were going to feel amazing raping my cumdump. They introduced themselves as Josh and Dan. They pulled out pipes and started smoking and Jose said “we were just about to slam when you got here…..” Both of them smiled and Dan said “fuck dude, go ahead. I love breeding a cumdump that’s slammed up and begging for dick like a whore. Can I put my cock inside his pussy before you slam him?” Jose laughed and said “sure, dude.” Then I pulled my legs over my shoulders and presented my cunt to the assembled cocks for raping. I gave a gentle push and the plug popped out of me and I could feel sperm dripping down my legs. Jose pulled out five syringes and told Chris and I to lie on our backs. He and Eric put straps around our arms while Dean began to do himself. “You’re going to feel a little prick,” Eric said to me. “For the last time tonight, judging by the cocks in this room,” Dean laughed. I felt the needle pierce my skin. Eric walked me through what was going to happen. “You’re going to feel a rush. Just ride it out. You may cough a lot. Just go with it. We’re here. You’ll be fine.” Josh put his pipe down (but not before giving me yet another shotgun) and started to jerk his hard cock. “You ready to get raped, faggot? I’m gonna fucking knock your cunt up.” He got on the bed and shoved his cock in my about to be slammed up cumdump. He held it there, and Dan leaned over to give Josh a shotgun, which he then passed to me. While I was taking the smoke in, I watched Eric pull the plunger back and it registered red, and then he pushed the clear, thick liquid into my vein. He reached up and removed the strap from my arm and I felt the rush. I was suddenly very hot and began to cough. I had never felt so horny before in my life. Dan reached over and passed me another shotgun and said “Let’s get this faggot SPUN and RAPED.” I laid back on the bed and caught my breath. “Guys I really need you all inside me. Maybe at the same time. I gotta get your loads. I need them. Please fucking fuck me! You can do whatever you want to me, just give me your fucking cocks!” Josh was already inside me and started to pound my pussy hard before I even stopped coughing. I knew I was in for a long night, and I couldn’t wait. If things worked out well, Daddy would come over and see me serving my true purpose. Being gang raped by complete strangers and loving every minute of it.
    1 point
  45. All similarity between characters and real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters are fictional and at or above the age of consent for any/all sexual acts included here in. If you're not interested in bb sex, drug use or straight boys first time being creamed, then please tell me why you are here and not reading a biography of Susan B Anthony or learning underwater Basket weaving? Synopses: In part 1, Rhett recalls the first time he partied and had gay sex. From meeting an older man named Dave at a local park bathroom, to slowly coming around to the idea of partying, to letting a dealer named Aaron convince him to try it. Once he found how much he liked it, he tried staying away, but before long he was back at it and enjoying it more than ever. Teenage TempTaTion Part Two: Dealing in TempTaTion Jump forward a few years to present day, and you’d barely recognize me as the same guy. In the interim I graduated from school, took a few years of classes at the local community college, dropped out, went to work for the family business and rented a small house just outside of town. When I’m not working for my Dad’s handyman business, I am a part-time dealer of crystal to the college and high school kids, as well as an occasional fag from online. Since my job being Mr. fix-it requires me to drive around town at all hours in a white truck emblazoned with my company’s logo and contact info, I am practically invisible to the local PD. Never once have I been stopped, unless it involved some cop asking me how to caulk his bathtub or refinish a table or something. With my tall Midwestern good looks, big cut talented cock, and ability to supply all sorts of goods I enjoy a little fame with the young peeps in town. Being a stud dealer has made me tons of friends, both gay and straight. Since I only party once every blue moon, Aaron has entrusted me with finding new distributers, and testing them to be sure they won’t just smoke, snort or shoot all the stuff they’re supposed to sell. Testing requires getting the new people high, and going as far as they might be willing: fucking, licking, stroking, sucking, etc. Sometimes a guy or gal can handle a party like that, but pretty soon the tweekers and addicts will show their nature, texting or calling five or six times a day, begging to score and screw. If they don’t seem to crave the high, and still enjoy getting off without it, I’ll sign them as new talent. A few might slowly get hooked and Aaron cuts them loose, but so far most of the guys have worked out perfectly, providing new clients to us and running the cash and drugs on their bikes and parents’ minivans with “honor roll” bumper stickers. When the stars align, and some straight guy informs Aaron that he wants to start dealing, Aaron sets him up for a test session with the only female dealer on his payroll. Knowing hot some of the male dealers are, you’d think the girl would be just as gorgeous, but it’s just the opposite. Standing about 5’4, she weighs in around 200 lbs, with saggy tits, a flabby gut, an ass like two sacks of lumpy gravy and the loosest pussy I’ve ever fucked (yes, I’ve fucked her, I had to pass the test to start dealing too). Add all that to her mediocre face, stringy hair and questionable hygiene and you can understand why only the most dedicated straight guys even try to get a job from Aaron. Due to the highly addictive nature of the drug and the age and maturity level of the boys selling it, there is a lot of turn over. With each new guy, Aaron and the rest of the regular crew and I make bets whether the newbie will last til they get a real job and quit or get hooked on the product and forced out. Any guy forced out has usually done something retarded like getting collared or showing up with no drugs and no money for what they were supposed to sell. Usually the boy has some sob story about being robbed or ditching the drugs to avoid being arrested, and sometimes they get a second chance if they’re willing to let Aaron use them for the pleasure of his group of buddies. Occasionally he is even forgiving enough to overlook a small amount of missing green or dope a second time, but whoever is responsible is forever out of the dealing biz. As long as I’ve known him, I’ve only known a few guys to try to disappear with a large wad/stash, but it never succeeds. Aaron has eyes all over town, and once he finds them, they pay him back, with cash or pain. Fully aware of the odd of someone succeeding at dealing, I’m always surprised when one of my buyers shows an interest. I should know by now that it looks like easy money to kids who’ve never had a real job, or college goers with loans to pay, yet no matter what warning I give, I can’t convince them that its hard work. It’s a delusion they’ll cling to until they see for themselves. So when Eddy, a regular customer of mine, told me he had a buddy who wanted to deal, I shook my head and prepared myself to watch the attempt and failure of some kid from the wrong side of the tracks. Nothing could have prepared me to discover this “friend” was actually the son of one of the wealthier families in town, especially not a handsome, naïve, privileged high schooler like Mark Montague. His identity was revealed to me one weekend at Eddy’s parents’ lake house, where I was delivering a considerable amount of ghb, coke and tina in exchange for cash (and the chance to fuck some sexually-confused, drug-impaired jockboys). The cocky teen host was dating some bitch from his class, but he spilled about his friend after partaking in some coke and 69ing with me. That was right before he purchased and downed a dose of ghb, which got him high enough to let me breed him in the back of my truck. I’ll admit I was hoping to take another shot at Eddy’s ass so I was a little bit disappointed that the party was co-ed. Still, I was making a small fortune from these rich kids, so I did my job, pumped a beer from the keg, and asked Eddy to point out which of his buds wanted to sell. My jaw hit the floor when he nodded to the tall rosy cheeked teen in the corner. I instantly recognized Mark. Now maybe this was just Eddy pulling a fast one, because there was no way Mark Minkus would possibly deal drugs. Heck, even at the party, surrounded by a bunch of his drugged, drunk, wild peers, Mark stood up straight, nursing a beer I’d seen him fill when he arrived hours earlier. This fit with my image of the Montague family: Unsmiling stuffed-shirts married to well-bred wives, producing heirs to continue the cattle empire they’d run for generations. My dad was constantly sending me on calls to the Montague house, fulfilling the contract they’d had with us since my Grandfather began our business in the late 50’s. The gorgeous old mansion his family built in the 20’s sat on almost half the land in the richest part of the fanciest district in the most exclusive suburb of our dinky town. I pay almost no attention to high school news or clubs but even I had heard that Mark competed on two school sports teams and was rumored to have turned down a modeling offer received after he’d won some debate at the state competition last year. Looking at Eddy with a raised eyebrow, he assured me he was for real, and led me to Mark to make introductions. Watching the color drain from Mark’s face when Eddy introduced me as the “supplier” Mark wanted to meet, I knew this was the real deal. Oblivious and high as a kite, Eddy missed Mark’s worried look entirely before turning and walking back into the crowd, leaving Mark and I to discuss “business.” Eyes wide with fear, stammering and insisting he didn’t know what Eddy was talking about, it was tempting to let him think I was going to rat him out, but for once I fought the urge and chose to save the kid from having a heart attack. Assuring him I wasn’t going to tell, I reminded him that I had just as much to lose as he did if either one of us was found out, but he still looked terrified when I asked him why he wanted to sell. “Can we discuss this somewhere less… crowded?” His eyes darted around, checking for a place to hold our secret meeting. Unless Eddy had a secret basement speakeasy that I didn’t know about, the only place we thought might give us some privacy was the laundry room. It was located as far from the party as possible, nestled between the back stairs and the garage, which Eddy locked to keep his father’s boat and motorcycle safe. Sauntering across the party towards the back hall, Mark seemed acutely focused on acting like nothing was going on, which had the exact opposite effect. Luckily for both of us, everyone else was too busy snorting lines of C and T, downing capfuls of ghb, or stripping to go skinny dipping to give a damn. Inside the quiet, tidy, well-lit room, I got a good look at Mark and wondered why I’d never taken the time to check him out before. He wasn’t too tall, nor too muscular, but his chinos and polo fit nicely, hinting that his teen body had some definition, specifically around his awesome bubble butt. Wishing I could see it in more detail, I was struck with an epiphany. “Before we have a conversation that could be incriminating,” I said, emphasizing the seedy nature of our chat by locking the door and lowering my voice to a whisper. “I need to be sure you’re not wearing a wire. Strip.” Any defiance in his eyes was gone in a second once I straightened up and crossed my large, muscular arms across my wide. flat pecs. My corn-fed smile makes some people forget that I can be pretty intimidating when I stand up to my full 6’2 inches and puff out my chest to show off the mass I obtained tossing bales and carrying bags of cement up and down ladders. With a defeated nod of affirmation, he unbuttoned his polo and lifted it up over his head, allowing me an unimpaired view of his burgeoning abs, pecs and biceps. School athletics and good genetics were working together to make him into a real stud. He paused before undoing his pants, so I grunted in frustration and took the initiative, reaching out to pop open his top button and whisk the zipper down before he could step in. I smiled when I felt him give in and go slightly limp, and I decided to keep up the forward momentum by sliding my hands down the back of his pants, over his plump, fabric covered butt cheeks, before pulling his slacks down to his ankles. Maybe I should have worried that he’d notice my cock rapidly hardening under my bball shorts but Mark kept his eyes straight ahead, either to seem respectful or out of humiliation, or a little of both. Surely he’d stop me from removing his briefs, unless, of course, I could get them down before he noticed. ‘Aw fuck it,’ I said to myself as I gripped the elastic waist and tore his size medium hanes tighty-whiteys down his legs. Feeling the breeze seemed to re-activate his brain, eliciting a boyish squeak from his mouth while his hands shot to cover his sweet circumsized dick and almost hairless balls. Even concealed, I could still picture them as clear as day, making mental notes of the 3 to 3.5 inch shaft, pretty pink helmet, slight curve to his right, and the generous thickness. ‘Looks like a grower’ I thought before standing back and taking in the whole package. Clothed, Mark was an average, attractive teen boy, but now he could have been the muse of many great artists. Paintings, sculptures and poems could be inspired by his firm manly musculature softened by the last hints of boyish baby fat. His cheeks turned bright pink…both sets of cheeks J “H-How do I know you’re not wearing a wire too?” his voice whispered back to me, catching me off guard. Little shit had me there. Double checking the door to be sure it was locked, I returned the favor he’d done me by slipping off my wind breaker, tossing away my sleeveless tee and sliding my silky shorts to my knees. “Happy?” I asked the teen, who raised an eyebrow and looked down at my jock. Smirking, I hooked my thumbs in the waistband and worked them lower and lower until my big hard cock slapped back against my cut abs. Watching Mark’s face was priceless when he caught sight of just how hung I am. Aghast, his mouth hanging open as wide as his eyes, he looked from my dick to my face and back to my dick before turning beet red and forcing himself to look away. “Yeah, fine, put it away.” I gave it another second before I pulled my dick away from my navel and slid it back inside my black jockstrap. As I slid up my shorts, Mark remembered his own nudity and turned around and bent over to get his undies back up. His cheeks spread for just a moment and I enjoyed catching a glimpse of his asshole, surrounded by some light, soft hairs. As he retrieved his pants, I grabbed his shoulder and spun him back to face me, repeating my question about his desire to deal, getting close enough that our naked chests were almost in contact and speaking low enough that he had to stay there to hear me. “I dunno man, I wanna make some extra money I guess,” he softly answered, averting his eyes as he told me an obvious lie. “Bull shit,” I quietly shot back, making up for the lack of volume by sliding my hand around the back of his neck and squeezing as I continued. “I know you don’t need the dough and I doubt you plan on making a career out of it, so either cut the shit and tell me the real reason, or I’ll kick the shit outta you for wasting my time.” “Maybe this was a mistake-“ He tried to wriggle free but my grip was tight. “Too late for that dipshit,” I cut him off, lifting my free hand up to his neck and pushing him back till he hit the wall, pinning him against it with my forearm. “Truth time or you get to explain the bruises to your buddies.” “I… I can’t…” I pulled back my hand a made a fist, and his eyes closed as he spilled the beans. “I wanted to be cool, okay?!?!” “What?” I lessened the pressure on his neck but kept my fist raised. “I wanted to be cool…” he looked at me with tears in his eyes before dropping his gaze to my feet. “Guys like Eddy host these wild parties and provide the booze and drugs for everyone and end up fucking the hottest chicks at school and hanging with the coolest guys, and everyone sees me as the…you know…” “Square with the stick up his ass?” I helped him out while dropping both arms and stepping back enough to give him some air. “I was gonna say goodie two shoes, but yeah.” Mark corrected me. “Only the square with a stick up his ass says shit like ‘goodie two shoes’ marky boy,” I said, laughing quietly. “Okay so I’m a stick-assed square,” he admitted, relaxing a little and chuckling too. “I guess I figured I could get away with not getting wasted or stoned if I was the one providing the booze and drugs. Stupid huh?” “Nah man,” Stepping closer, I leaned against the wall next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. “That’s kinda genius actually. How come you don’t host the party instead or pay for the drugs and liquor or anything?” “I tried that man,” Mark said, getting upset. “When I hosted, no one showed, and when I paid for the…you know, everyone was really cool until I heard someone say I had only done it so I they couldn’t send me home once the party got going. Everybody thinks I’m just another Montague stooge, buying friends and being the boy scout. So last week, when one of the hot younger maids got fired for screwing her boyfriend in my parent’s bed, I had an idea. I waited for my Dad to drop me at school the next day and told him I’d let Maria and her boyfriend in their room in exchange for a blow job from her, then I hopped out of the car and started across the lawn.” “Fuck, what’d he do?” My curiosity was too strong to wait for him to pause. “He did just what I hoped.” Mark came closer and dropped his voice a little lower. “He rolled down the window of his jag and yelled ‘You’d better keep your dick in your pants or next time it won’t just be Maria I kick out of the house!’ right in front of Eddy and his buds!” I busted up laughing and Mark joined in, until he remembered where we are and motioned for me to shut up. Stifling my laughter, I motioned for him to continue. “Not too surprisingly, Eddy came over and asked what that was all about,” Mark said, smiling wide. “I told him that my Dad caught me drinking his good scotch and fucking one of our maids in his bed and fired her. I even added that I was grounded and he wouldn’t give me any dough and I was desperate to make some cash. Somebody in the crowd told me I should start selling at parties and suddenly I heard myself agreeing and asking how I could start. I figured no one would follow up, but a few nights ago Eddy stopped me on my way home from practice and told me to come tonight and he’d introduce me to a dude who could get me into dealing.” “I bet you didn’t think it would be me,” I said, pushing off the wall and scooping my shirt off the top of the dryer. “No way dude,” Mark volunteered while redressing himself. “I almost shit my pants when I saw you walking over!” “I was pretty fucking freaked myself man,” I added, putting him at ease. “I figured it was a fucking joke or worse: a sting.” “Damn dude, no wonder you wanted to check for bugs.” Good, he was buying it. “So now do you believe me? Can I come to work for you and start dealing?” “It’s not that easy Marky,” I stopped him and explained that I was only a middle man, and my boss would have to meet him, approve him and initiate him before we could even think about him working for me. Lastly I told him Aaron’s rule requiring each new guy to party and get wild with someone to make sure the guy could handle it. “So that means you’ll have to smoke or snort some tina, and fuck somebody with one of his crew there to witness it.” “Damn man,” Mark looked freaked again. “I can’t do drugs dude. My folks would kill me, maybe even disown me! They are extremely strict about that stuff. They’ve even drug tested me a few times, since we heard my cousin had dropped out of school after getting hooked on something last year.” Mark’s cousin had been a wrestler and got a scholarship to the university in town, where his parents figured he would do well since his Aunt, Uncle and cousins lived only minutes away. I first met him when he was strapped in a sling in Aaron’s garage, trading his ass for some tina when some girl he’d been seeing got him hooked on it. Within two months he’d become a total addict and his girlfriend’s dealer agreed to give him a big sack in exchange for letting him and a buddy or two play with his dick. 24 hours later they had him high on ghb and tina, taking loads in the sling from Aaron, his crew and anyone who would pay $50 to Aaron. He failed a drug test a few weeks after that, lost his scholarship and rather than telling his folks, he moved in to a house with his girl and three or four other druggies and started selling his ass, mouth and cock for tina. Last I heard, he got arrested in the back alley behind the town’s only gay club, and his uncle shipped him off to rehab and paid a ton of money to make the papers call it ‘exhaustion.’ “Shit man, guess I can’t help you then,” I shrugged and handed him the beer he’d been drinking (now featuring a tiny dose of ghb). “But good luck working that shit out man.” I held my cup out and clinked with his bottle, both of us downing a gulp from our cups before he began trying to come up with ways he could get around the rules. Somehow it never occurred to him to offer to buy the stuff directly from me at full price and sell it to his friends for full price, making it look like he was dealing while keeping his nose clean. Since he never asked, I never offered it as an option. Each time I shot him down, I somehow worked in a subtle direction for him to drink more. Before long, his bottle was empty and I could see the g taking effect. Suddenly, his walls were lowered enough to allow him to consider my original offer. “When you say I’d have to screw someone,” He slurred slightly, and hopped awkwardly up onto the dryer next to me. “who would I have to screw.” “First I said you’d have to fuck someone,” I corrected him, emphasizing the curse word since he seemed shy about saying it, let alone doing it. “and it would be someone from A’s crew, one of the folks working for him.” “So some girl who deals too?” Mark asked, his eyebrow lifting in wonder. “Yeah some girl or some guy,” I tossed in like it was nothing. “Which ever you prefer.” “Gross man,” the young, slightly wasted guy by my side made a face at the thought of a man. “I’m not into guys, I’m into girls man.” “Whatever,” me thinks the teen doth protest too much. “Don’t make a lick o’ difference if you’re a fag bro.” “I’m not!” Mark insisted. “and you shouldn’t say fag man. My cousin, the one who got in trouble, was found behind the Ranchhand bar, the one where the gay guys hang out and I heard my mom say she thinks he is in the closet and he might have been there to have sex.” “Just cause you screw around with a guy,” lowering my voice so Mark would lean in again, I acted like I was about to pass on some magical secret. “doesn’t make you gay Marky boy. I know plenty of dudes that trade hand jobs for drugs or let gay guys suck or jerk them off for a buck. Hell, I even jerked with some buddies back in school when I needed to get off.” “You did?” He said, a little too loudly, then repeated himself in a whisper. “You did? Didn’t you worry that someone would tell? Or you might get caught?” “Nah man,” I made a sound like he was nuts. “none of the guys would tell cause they’d be telling that they did it too. Plus we didn’t worry about getting caught cause we’d sneak down to the old bathroom in the park and do it.” “That place where the guys say you can get head or jerked off or whatever?” Mark leaned in, his voice still soft but filled with excitement. “Yeah, saw some of that going on,” I admitted, but stopped before giving him the whole story. “But me and my buds would just jerk and look at porn on our phones.” “Wow,” Mark fell silent, lost in thought. Moments later, he leaned back against the cabinet over the dryer and spoke again. “So if I agreed to party and scr- fuck some bitch, who would witness for your boss?” “Either him or me, I guess,” my eyes turned to the front to avoid letting him see the excitement in my eyes at the idea of getting to see him fucking some girl, or better yet, letting me suck his cock. “He won’t let you meet anyone else till you’re on the payroll in case you decided to rat him out.” “I guess that’d be okay,” He said, shrugging again. “But it’s a moot point anyway bro, cause I’d never be able to do it and be sure my folks wouldn’t test me and find out.” “That sucks man,” My mind whirred and buzzed as the gears spun in search of a way around his folks. “So there’s no way they’d leave you alone for a week when they were traveling or let you go on a trip somewhere for a few days or anything.” “Even if they did go on a trip,” he pouted as he explained. “They’d leave my dad’s driver-butler-assistant guy around to stop in and check up on me and my brother all the time, and they’d be sure to test me after they got back. Last year they went on a cruise for two weeks and made him stay in the pool house and spend the days with us every single day. This summer they went to visit my grandma in Europe for a few days when he couldn’t be there, so they had me spend the weekend at the home of one of my Dad’s business partners and I had to share my room with his 10-year-old son. My brother got to stay at a friend’s house and I was forced to sleep on a bunk bed with some twerp I’d never met before.” “Why did they pick that guy?” I inquired, formulating a plan. “He was the coach of my former little league team,” Mark responded angrily. “They figured he’d keep me in line just like when I was on the team. I tried to find a friend I could stay with, but none of the guys I know were exactly stoked to volunteer to babysit my ass. Now my Dad is getting on me about making friends, and it’s like ‘how am I supposed to make friends, DAD, when you won’t let me do anything ever?!?!?!’” “What if you found a friend to invite you over?” I postulated, ready to make a move. “What if the next trip your folks go on, you get an offer to spend a few nights or a week or whatever with one of your new best guy friends? Someone from school who is respectable and rich enough for your dad to know the family, but not familiar enough for him to know the kid’s parents?” “That would be cool,” Mark’s voice showed no sign of recognizing what I was suggesting. “but even if I had a friend like that, which I don’t, how would that help? I’d still be stuck at some dude’s house.” “Not if your friend was doing you a favor,” I hopped down from the dryer and turned to face Mark, who slowly pulled himself upright so we were face to face. “What if you tell one of the guys from school, like Eddy or someone who heard about your fake session with Maria, what if you tell that guy that you need to make a run down to the city to pick up some party goods from a dealer and meet up with Maria for a few nights of hardcore partying and pounding her pussy, and you need him to tell your dad that you’re staying with him so you can do it without your parents finding out?” “That’s fucking genius!” Mark jumped to his feet, but almost fell over, unaware that he’d not only gulped down a full beer but also a dose of ghb that was making him woozy and willing. “Who should I ask?” We brainstormed and ended up vetoing most of the guys who worked for Mark’s family as well as a few they knew from the club and social groups. Finally we had it down to two guys: Daniel, a recent transfer to the school and the son of a wealthy German man who moved to town with his 22 year old bride after selling his design firm for a cool billion dollars, and Eddy, who belonged to a family whose status had risen drastically when they purchased a slew of failing farms in the area, began fracking for natural gas, discovered a huge supply and sold the drilling rights to some oil and gas companies for nearly $100 million. “I should probably ask Eddy first,” Mark said, reading my mind. I doubted he had the same reasoning, since mine revolved around promising Eddy no one would find out he’d taken my dick up my ass if he figured out a way to do it, so I waited for him to explain. “His folks travel all the time, and let him do whatever he wants, but they hired a housekeeper to keep him in line when they’re gone.” “Parties like this are ‘keeping him in line?’” Guffawing, I figured Mark’s buzz had him confused, but he continued. “Eddy said the woman is willing to forget anything for a little moola,” Mark chuckled at the word moola, but recovered and kept on. “He can get probably get her to speak to my Dad if I promise him some of the drugs or I ‘find’ some cash that my dad doesn’t know I have and pay her myself. Also, my dad hates Daniel’s dad. He’s always calling him Euro-trash and new money and all that shit.” “Eddy it is then.” I slapped Mark on the back and we returned to the crowd in search of the host. Eddy was balls deep in his girlfriend but he paused and left her naked bent over the side of the hot tub when I motioned for him to join us. Without any indication that it was okay, I led Mark and Eddy upstairs to the small bedroom that probably belonged to Eddy when his folks were there, but sat empty on nights like this where he’d retire to the master suite with either his girlfriend or some other wasted young bitch. As Mark explained the plan, he kept getting distracted by Eddy’s hard dick hanging over the top of his regulation speedos from the swim team. It didn’t help that Eddy was absent mindedly stroking himself with one hand, using the other to tweak his nipple. Sensing a need to refocus both boys, I pulled out a small bag of tina and loaded my bowl, letting Eddy take hit after hit until his dick went soft and his pupils were huge. “Plan sounds perfect Montague,” Eddy said on an exhale of smoke from the bubble pipe. “Just tell me when Rhett needs you to go get that shit and I’ll have Frau Cuntpunter call your dad to verify that you’re staying with me.” We all laughed at Eddy’s nickname, Cuntpunter, for his housekeeper, a Swedish woman named Olghe Keunbinter (pronounced Eul-guh Kee-oon-bin-ter), and Mark thanked me, telling us he’d better get home before his dad discovered he snuck out (really he got permission to go to a party with some of the guys on his baseball team as long as he was home by 12). I grabbed his arm, thrusting my hand into his pocket and rooted around, making sure to squeeze his cock a little before finding his phone and pulling it out. Dialing my number into it, I pressed send and saved his phone number with a quick photo I took right then and there. “My number is saved in your phone under ‘Maintainance,’ okay?” I handed it back to him and he nodded. “Tomorrow once you find out when your parent’s next trip is, text me and Eddy so we can figure out how soon you can do what I need.” Pulling him into a hug, I was happy to feel his hard on press into my thigh, having responded involuntarily to my groping moments earlier. It was supposed to last just a second but he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in closer, whispering ‘thanks Rhett’ before pulling back and stumbling slightly on his way to the door. Once I was able to see him drive away and knew he wasn’t too fucked up to drive, I turned back to Eddy, who was taking another hit from the pipe. “How about stripping off those speedos and letting me suck your cock now?” I suggested as I sank to Eddy’s side and took the pipe and made the decision to go ahead and get high. “Sorry bro, my girl is waiting.” Eddy said, although he stripped off his speedos and started stroking again while we smoked. “Your girl is getting fucked by Daniel right outside the window,” I revealed, getting Eddy to cross to the window and peer down where his girlfriend was taking the German boy’s small uncut cock up her ass. “Fuck, bitch never lets me put it in her ass!” He complained, sitting on the bed, where I joined him, handing him the pipe and stroking his exposed cock and chest while he took another big hit. “That’s cause you’re so big bro,” I complimented his average size cock, making his ego swell as well as his cock head. “Forget her skanky ass and we’ll find some other pussy to tag team.” “Fuck yeah man,” Eddy agreed, shotgunning a hit with me. “First lets do a little g, okay?” I produced a bottle from my pocket and grabbed my empty beer cup from the night stand. I poured some in the cap from the ghb bottle and about double that into the empty red solo cup while Eddy made excuses about not wanting to. It did him no good when I handed him the cup and clinked with the cap, since habit caused him to down the dose. He made a face and gagged a little at the awful taste and we continued to pass the pipe while I talked about the hot bitch we’d be fucking any second. His legs were over my shoulders as soon as I latched the door and made sure the lock was secure. Only semi aware of what was happening, Eddy grimaced as I forced my finger up his ass covered in lotion from the nightstand and a crystal of tina from my stash. When his face relaxed into a smile, I took it to mean yes, and withdrew my finger until just the end of it was pressed into his tight sphincter. As I expected his butt was clean from smoking t and showering before the party, so I didn’t hesitate to replace my fingertip with my dick head and press forward. “Wait. Stop.” Were probably what he was trying to say, but it came out more like “wayyy, saaap.” Pulling my phone from my discarded pants pocket on the pillow by his head, I opened the file I sent myself from Mark’s phone, containing all the photos he had on there. Just like any red blooded American boy, after some lame shots of his dog, a slide show from his last trip abroad, and some stealthy pics of some girls in his class, he had some selfies in various states of undress. I began thrusting into Eddy’s tight ass hard, as I scrolled through photo after photo of Mark as he went from clothed, to shirtless, to various pairs of briefs and even a thong type pair that were big enough that I figured he’d borrowed them from his father’s collection. Finally I hit the jackpot and found three shots with no face. One of his chest and just the top of his balls and shaft, one of his nude back and perfect ass, and one from his nipples to his knees, with his big, cut pink dick front and center. My nut grew closer as I zoomed in on the hefty hard on that belonged to the boy I planned to corrupt in the coming weeks, until I could tell I was mere minutes away. Switching to my video app, I set the phone on the side table against the lamp and made sure it was catching Eddy’s face, chest and cock, not to mention his legs spread to accept my bare monster dick. Working faster and faster, I heard my bitch’s complaints were silenced, with only a rare ‘yeah’ or ‘mmmfuck’ in their place. Asking him if he wanted my seed up his ass, I slowed down, causing him to whimper and nod yes. “Say it.” I ordered, keeping my head out of the video. “I wan yo seed up my azzz,” he slurred. Satisfied that the camera had picked it up, I returned to full speed and within seconds I found my load shooting full strength inside him. As the last drop spewed forth, I reached over and stopped the recording, before falling on top of the tender teen and feeling him whimper as I waited for a second wind so I could get a video fucking him doggy style.
    1 point
  46. ^^^ - profile is funny as hell.
    1 point
  47. I knelt and leaned forward, my face in the dirt and my backside upraised. I heard them growl with excitement and a finger rubbed lube into my hole, the long finger nail scratching and piercing my skin. I was panting with excitement and fear as I knelt there helplessly. I didn't want this - or did I? Suddenley, a pair of muscular thighs gripped mine and I felt a huge, slick cock head nosing into me. It stretched me to the limit and I howled with pain. Just when I thought I couldn't take it, the head popped into me and the shaft slid up me with a long, delicious, slippery rush. I gasped and gagged, face down in the dirt, impaled on the enormus cock which began to move sensuously in and out of my bottom. It was too late, much too late for any regrets and I began to meet the man's thrusts whcih were becoming more urgent. "Ahhh.." He grunted "He wants it. Well, little pig, time to knock you up!" I felt his cock swell in me and squealed with pain and pleasure as it began to throb and I knew he was spurting seed into me. He held his cock in me, chucklng with pleasure and raking my ribs with his nails. "Mmmm! That was good. Now just stay there like a good pig whilst they breed you." He got off me and pulled his cock out of my gaping, wet arsehole. Almost immediately, I felt a heavy body on my back and another stiff cock enter me. I was lost, damned and I knew it. But beneath my belly, my cock hung down hard and twitching with pleasure....
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