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  1. Part 40 - Franco Returns Sandra turned and kissed her son and Tony as they returned from picking up their morning suits for the wedding, for Harrison this was quite a large affair as Sandra was still top dog on the social scale in town. Since the wedding was taking place at Adam's parents large country house in Harrison they were staying there until they left for Barbados. Mark as usual had arranged everyone's flight including Steve and Callum's from Barbados, they had touched down 1 hour a go and where on their way in the airlines car towards Harrison, they had been invited to stay at Adam's family home since the house Adam and Tony owned in Larchmont would be occupied by Nicky and Kit with their children along with Sam. Angelo's house was occupied by him and Ethan along with Daniel, Jordan, Josh and Bobby. Maddy, Lucy and the two David's were staying in NY at the Chatwell hotel which Mark had arranged. Franco was also going to be staying with Angelo and Ethan whilst Ben and Mark were staying at his mother and step fathers place in Harrison. That Friday evening everyone had arrived and they were due to meet a 7pm at the restaurant in the Larchmont marina for a kind of rehearsal dinner as Sandra was very traditional in that respect and insisted on it happening. She had booked out one half of the restaurant guessing 25-30 guests would be enough as it was close family and friends only. Adam and Tony had kept quiet about Nicky and Sam attending the wedding as he didn't want word to get out to quickly. Bu Sandra knew Madeline Davenport was coming which was a massive coup in her social standing. Guests had started arriving and Sandra with Adam's father Brad were hosting as guests arrived and taking them towards the sectioned off part of the restaurant. The owners of the restaurant had come in specially as they had glimpsed the guest list seeing Madeline and Davenport with their son Mark and his husband Ben. They knew they had to impress and greeted them warmly as they arrived, David Davenport turned to the owner and told him no expense spared and he will take care of the bill authorising his credit card. Sandra reappeared and greeted the Davenports and Salingers as they arrived together, she still couldn't fathom out how Adam and Tony had got into such a circle of influential people, she returned still shaking her head in joy when she spotted Ethan walking in the door, she ran over to hug him then looking over his shoulder she stopped in shock seeing Nicky and Kit walking in. Suddenly the mysterious question marks on the guest list made sense. Ethan chuckled "Sandra let me introduce you to Nicky, Kit their children and Sam Smith". "Oh wow, oh go, oh wow, how lovely to meet you" Sandra said somewhat tongue tied. "And Angelo who you know" Ethan said. It was a surreal evening and she felt like she would need to keep pinching herself to make sure it wasn't a dream. Adam had already explained that in small town Harrison his mother was top dog in the ladies circle to Nicky, Maddy and Lucy, all three of them knew the importance of appearance and had chatted away with Sandra and doing what they could by making sure they had Bobby take a photo of the 4 of them together after the wedding. It was a rowdy rehearsal dinner and evening but everyone had a great time, Sandra went over to the head waiter asking to settle up the account but the owner intervened and told her that everything had already been taken of. When probed the owner declined to reveal who had paid, Sandra returned and Adam seeing a confused look asked her what was wrong, after she explained he saw David Davenport give him a wink. Adam smiled and told her not to worry and not to make a fuss. Both Adam and Tony's parents wee quite emotional throughout the ceremony, the gardens had been infused with white lilies which was Adam's grandmothers favourite flowers and was his choice to remember her by. Steve and Callum sat there holding hands next to Daniel and Jordan, both Adam and Tony would glance at Steve and Callum and smile. The rest of the group had already picked up that something was going on with these four, only Franco seemed a little out of the picture since only just re-joining his gay family as he called it. Still hurt and upset by Joaquim he had put his straight barrier back up although he knew deep down he enjoyed the company of guys, he had a lot of love and admiration for Josh and couldn't help wondering if they would have been together now if he had only let Josh in at the time. Bobby had his photographer there and rounded up all the guys for a family picture which took half an hour to get everyone in place, little did they know that they would have to retake the family photo at another wedding as was destined to grow again. For now that Bobby stood with Josh and Franco next to Ethan, Angelo, Ben, Mark, Adam, Tony, Steve, Callum, Jordan and Daniel. After the photographer was happy we got the right picture it was Angelo who said that the family was 13 and needed to be 14 looking at Franco. Ethan leaned in to Franco and told and whispered to Franco that they were all on a mission to find him someone, he shook his head and laughed hugging Ethan. "You don't know how much I have missed everyone" Franco said holding Ethan tight. Ethan kissed him on the cheek "Well your coming back and I am excited to have you around again". Franco sighed "My only regret is letting Josh go but my head wasn't in that space at the time". Ethan looked at him "No one could have predicted what was going happen Franco least of all you". Franco nodded "I thought I wanted a Latin boyfriend but I can't trust them after Joaquim" he opened up. "You need someone is more stable no flitting around city to city every day" Ethan said smiling. He smiled back at Ethan "At least we can have some fun trying to find me someone" he laughed. By midnight the wedding party was finally coming to an end and guests were leaving, Ethan had introduced his mother and father to Nicky, Kit and the Davenports as well as Sam, Ellie knew what to expect in 2 months time when her son and Angelo were due to marry. David Davenport had an instant connection with Jack and chatted quite openly about the problems he was facing with their legal counsel and upfront planted the seed that both he and Ethan would make a formidable team working together in LA for him and Angelo's company as well as handling their financial affairs. It gave Jack a lot to think about especially as he knew how upset Ellie got every time Ethan came home and left again, she couldn't let go of him and neither could Jack. As David left Jack he shook his hand and looked him in the eye 'Think about it Jack but don't take to long', Jack already decided that tomorrow he would talk to them all as a family but only if Ethan would agree would they consider it, he wasn't overly sure if Ellie would leave Harrison and then there was Sofie to consider although she too missed Ethan. The following morning bright and early Adam and Tony left for Barbados to spend two weeks at the Salinger Barbados with Steve and Callum, picking up Daniel and Jordan en-route who despite handing over the reigns for a few months decided to spend some time enjoying the sun. Angelo and Ethan were having lunch with Ethan's family and during the time they spent together Jack told them about the offer from David Davenport, Ellie was still mulling things over since Jack had told her before they went to bed and she was adamant that the decision had to be thought out and agreed by everyone. Ethan looked at Angelo who just smiled and he knew that Angelo was fine whatever decision was made, he couldn't help but think this was a mere formality and the decision was partly made. Ethan knew how successful his father was in this area and was constantly turning away contracts as he was so busy, Raffa made sure he kept plenty of business coming his way. Raffa had even told Jack that if he ever moved away he would still refer business to him after the deal was done with Angelo's company, with Ethan working with him they would be able to comfortably manage the workload, he had even thought that Ellie could manage the office and make it a real family business. Ethan agreed to the idea and even his sister was getting excited at the prospect they could move to LA and she could pursue her dancing. As they parted company after lunch Ethan told them to think about it carefully over a few days before making any decision. The flight back to LA went quickly since the group had taken over most of first class they were constantly walking up and down chatting to everyone, for the first time the limos parted ways after passing the East Gate compound of Bel Air going to the respective houses. Franco was excited but one thing still played on his mind and that was Josh, they hadn't really finalised things so Franco took the opportunity on the flight to get him alone for a few minutes. "Josh I'm sorry the way things went with us, you know if I had known then it would be different now" Franco said looking at Josh. Josh sighed "Franco I like you as a friend, but I can't deny how much you hurt me and then go all gay". "I wasn't at the time, but it was that kiss with you that threw my life in turmoil" Franco stared straight ahead. Josh smiled "Did I turn you gay then?" he asked. Franco looked at him and smiled "I guess you did. You and Bobby really serious then?". Josh nodded "He has asked me to marry him and I said yes" he said looking at Franco "I don't want things to be difficult between us". Franco leaned over and kissed him "You will always have a place in my heart Josh" he spoke with meaning "And I want us to stay close friends". Josh nodded and kissed Franco back "Good and I do as well". Franco went and sat next to Bobby and explained things to him, Bobby looked at Franco and smiled pulling him in for a kiss which Franco found strange as he had never kissed a guy with a beard before and giggled every time is brushed his face. Bobby knew all about Josh and Franco's turbulent history and finally understood why Josh fell for Franco, but he found it funnier how much alike he and Angelo were in looks and build and how he got his reputation as a bit of a rough boy in college, but underneath he was a very genuine and kind person. Stefan stood outside in shorts and t-shirt having gone round and given the house one last going over to make it spotlessly clean and after finishing dinner. He had prepared the annexe for Franco and was looking forward to meeting him albeit a little nervous unsure what to expect, all he did know was the was much like Angelo but shorter. The limo turned on to the driveway and pulled up to the house, he suddenly realised that in all his years of doing this job he had never waited outside for his employers to return, but then none had shown him such warmth at welcoming him to their home and allowing him to use the pool and gym when ever he wanted. Ethan was first out and Stefan walked over to help with their bags but he was knocked for six in surprise as Ethan flung his arms around Stefan hugging and kissing him. "Wow that was a nice welcome" Stefan chuckled. Ethan let him go "Oh god sorry, I hope I didn't offend you?" he asked. Stefan smiled "I don't think you could ever offend me Ethan, just took me by surprise" he replied. Angelo walked around "Stefan hope you survived without us" he said kissing him on the cheek. "It was quiet and lonely without you here" he said hugging Angelo thinking this was still strange the way they treated him. Ethan dragged Franco out of the car "Stefan this is Franco" he said spotting the look between them straight away. Franco walked up to Stefan "Hi" was all he could say, his head had been truly turned by Stefan. They shook hands "Great to meet you Franco or can I call you mini Angelo" he chuckled but then went serious. Franco was already laughing "Do that and I will teach you a lesson" he said staring at Stefan. Stefan went round and picked two bags up "I look forward to you trying" he said walking off the house. Franco turned to Ethan "Fuck Ethy he is hot". Angelo gave Franco a gentle kick on the ass "Hands off the staff" he chuckled walking inside. Ethan was watching Franco with a grin on his face "You two didn't waste any time flirting". Franco turned his head sharply to Ethan "Yeah but never have the courage to act on it". Ethan put his arm around Franco and gave him a kiss "He is a really nice person Franco and I think he was a little taken back by you". Franco smiled "Yeah but as Angelo said he works for you so off limits I guess" he said. Ethan walked with him to the house "Would you though, I mean he is way from being a Latino?". "Blah" Franco said "I have decided to expand my horizon" he laughed "I need something reliable". Franco was too tired to eat but wandered around the house for a while approving of the place and how much he loved the interiors, Angelo took him to the annexe where he had his own lounge, bathroom and bedroom. He told Franco to see how he got on in here and if he wanted to he could have a bedroom in the main house. Franco had never had this much room before but he was waning and needed to sleep. "Have you eaten Stefan?" Angelo asked as he wandered back in to the kitchen. Stefan looked over at him "No I will eat after I have finished your dinner" he replied. Angelo shook his head "Nonsense you will dine with us Stefan". "No really Angelo that is not necessary and it is what I am use to" Stefan said plating the salad. Ethan chuckled "Do as he says Stefan you won't win" he picked up a piece of cucumber and ate it. "Hands off" Stefan went to slap his hand but missed and laughed "Okay if you are sure" he said. Angelo fetched a bottle of wine and helped set the table out on the terrace, pouring half a glass for Ethan and one for him and Stefan. They ate and chatted for several hours until Stefan began clearing the table, Ethan got up and helped him carry things back to the kitchen and then returned to the terrace and sat on Angelo's lap kissing him. "I'm tired it's been a long weekend" Ethan said to Angelo running his hands along his muscled arms. Angelo watched Ethan lovingly "I don't care how tired you are" he whispered to him. Ethan's cock was already hard, he looked at Angelo and whispered back to him "Show me how much you love and own me". Angelo stroked the side of Ethan's face "I'm going to do more than own you". Ethan giggled "Fuck I love you so much Angelo you drive me crazy" he said kissing him deep. Angelo picked Ethan up and kissing him they wandered through the lounge and down to the master bedroom. Stefan watched them from the kitchen turned on by how plain and simple their love for each other showed, he missed having a boyfriend and sharing sensual and erotic moments like he had just seen. Shaking it off Stefan knew he had to move on and sort his life out but he wasn't just going to settle for anything he wanted someone to really love and love him and that was the hardest thing to find, but right now he was very happy having found Angelo and Ethan to work for and they had shown him nothing but genuine friendship as well. Angelo lowered Ethan on to the bed their mouths still attached tongues dancing around trying to get the upper hand, whilst he was still not match for Angelo's physique Ethan was still quite formidable pitted against him. It was his ability to hold his own, well nearly, against Angelo but there was never any question who was in charge in the bedroom. Angelo flipped Ethan on to his stomach and pinned him down ripping his underwear off, Ethan giggled in pure delight when Angelo got rough with him but no matter how much he wriggled and tried to manoeuvre away Angelo knew he only had to stick one finger in his ass and Ethan would be subdued. They wrestled around on the bed rolling on top of each other naked, broken up by intense kissing before resuming when Angelo got Ethan in a bearhug on the bed. Ethan groaned in pleasure feeling the arms of his man holding him tight, he allowed him a few minutes of selfish pleasure before resuming his struggle. Angelo telling him to stop struggling and be his bitch, Ethan retorted I ain't not bitch before his head hell forward and he moaned unable to do anything, Angelo had lowered his arm and slipped a finger in to Ethan's ass. Angelo laughed kissing Ethan's head 'I know your weakness baby'. Quickly Ethan was flipped back on his stomach and already Angelo had him pinned down his cock sliding and rubbing against Ethan's hole. Ethan stretched his legs and his toes curled in anticipation, hands grabbing the top of the mattress to brace for impact. Ethan raised his head and moaned feeling his ass stretching open as Angelo's prised his lover open and immersed his cock in one long gentle push until his balls rested on Ethan's ass. He turned his head feeling Angelo's hot breath on his neck and sought his mouth, their lips parting and allowing Angelo's tongue to enter his mouth they melded in to a heap of lust and desire for each other. Angelo secured one arm around Ethan's neck the other around his body, his hips undulating in slow purposeful thrusts to remind Ethan that he belonged to him. Ethan's left arm held Angelo's head, he moaned again this time in a slight pain but pleasurable feeling that he did when Angelo wriggled his hips from side to side, Ethan could feel Angelo's hard cock pushing against the sides of his anal wall causing his nerve endings to tingle in the sensation. Ethan's legs thumping against the mattress until Angelo hooked his feet under Ethan's legs pinning them apart and stopping them from moving. Hs toes seemed to curl in on themselves and he moaned louder, he felt the full weight of Angelo on top of him, his body and legs securely held in place 'Oh Angelo' he moaned pushing his ass up to meet the downward thrusts trying to get more of him inside. Ethan was so turned on and horny he begged Angelo to fuck him harder and he yelped and groaned as he began to feel the speed and intensity increase, they kissed again and looked each other in the eye. Angelo felt tingling in his balls as he seed was on the move, his arm tightened around Ethan's body and he began to quicken the pace of his fucking, breathing hard and kissing Ethan's neck he began to feel the ass tighten around his cock and Ethan cried and moaned as his orgasm took over his body. Angelo could feel Ethan's cum coating his arm that held his boy securely, he gave several hard thrusts and fired his seed with love and purpose in to Ethan. Angelo's ass cheeks clenched with every spasm from his ejaculation jolting his cock and pushing his seed deep in to Ethan. He collapsed on top to catch his breath, he never imagined that sex with Ethan would get even hotter and more intense as their relationship grew in to pure selfless adoration for each other. Ethan stroked Angelo's head 'oh fuck' was all he could say still pinned on the bed and held in Angelo's arms and a big smile on his face. Carefully Angelo pulled his flaccid but still big cock out of Ethan's ass and rolled on to his back, Ethan climbed on top of Angelo and laid there in his arms kissing each other. Tired and exhausted from their weekend they quickly fell asleep. Angelo was up early and went to make a coffee to find Stefan was already up and had a pot of coffee ready and some fruit and yoghurt prepared. Quickly he ate breakfast and poured a coffee and went to sit outside to drink it and enjoy the morning air, he smiled seeing Stefan swimming quite energetically in the pool. "Morning, didn't expect to see you up and around this early" he called out to Stefan. Stefan stopped swimming catching his breath "It's a work day so figured you would be up early". "Thanks for this by the way" Angelo said holding his cup up "Mark and Ben are coming for dinner tonight". Stefan nodded "Anything in particular you would like for dinner?" he asked climbing out of the pool. Angelo shook his head "Oh I don't know what do you suggest?" he was completely lost of ideas. Stefan chuckled "Leave it with me, I will do something healthy" he said drying himself off. "Oh it will be six for dinner, you are joining us as five is an odd number" Angelo said chuckling. "Okay, I know better than to say no to you by now" Stefan laughed and smiled at him. Franco walked out on to the terrace dressed only his boxers "Morning". Angelo looked at him "Franco have some decency and get dressed properly" he said shaking his head. Franco poked his tongue out and took his boxers off "Going for a swim, you coming back in?" he asked Stefan. Stefan was busy looking at Franco's body and the tattoos "Sorry, oh no that's okay I have work to do". Franco shrugged his shoulders "Suit yourself" he replied and dropped his boxers so he was naked and dived in. Angelo smiled to himself he knew Franco enough to know when he was being coy and even more so in Stefan's presence, he said his good bye and went off to kiss Ethan who was still in bed. Stefan had never seen such a developed 20 year old, his tattoos were not erratic but very sensually adorned his youthful body, there was no question he had the hots for Franco but didn't know if it was the roughness of him that he liked and the way he spoke or just that he was a very sexy looking guy. Boundaries Stefan reminded himself, never cross them but he couldn't help smiling as he walked back to his room to shower. "I'm off sexy" Angelo said leaning over to kiss Ethan. Ethan grabbed Angelo to kiss him properly "Wish you didn't have to work today". Angelo chuckled "Keep your eye on Franco today" he said winking at him. Ethan looked at Angelo "Oh you see it as well?" he asked. "See what?" Angelo asked jokingly. Ethan smiled "Franco and Stefan" he replied in a did you not know way. Angelo nodded "Yeah but I don't want Franco to make things difficult with Stefan". Ethan laid back on his pillow giggling "Unless you ban it something it going to happen between them". "Behave you or you will get another pounding tonight" Angelo said kissing him again. "Now your just egging me on to misbehave" Ethan smiled and cosied himself under the duvet. Stefan knocked on the door "Coffee Ethan?" he asked through the door. "God sake Stefan come in, you don't have to ask through the door" Ethan said and Angelo laughed. "See you all later" Angelo said as he left the bedroom. Ethan looked at Stefan putting the coffee down "Stay a while Stefan" he said. Stefan smiled "Okay just for a few minutes" he replied. "Do you mind me asking about what happened you know with your boyfriend?" Ethan asked out of the blue. "No" Stefan replied "after 4 years we found we were not in the same space, we hadn't been for quite awhile". Ethan nodded "That's quite sad and he was a fool to let you go" he said sympathetically. "Yeah, we have not spoken and it was a case of me having to move out quickly" Stefan looked at Ethan. "I am sorry, I wouldn't know how to handle such a breakup" Ethan said putting his cup down. Stefan looked at him "I love him and he still loves me but we would have ended up hating each other, sometimes you know when your not compatible". Ethan leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek "Stay friends with him if you can, I mean look at Ben and me". Stefan raised an eyebrow "I thought you two were inseparable?". Ethan shook his head "When he found out I was gay he was quite harsh to me in many ways but it was down to his own feelings". "What do you mean?" Stefan asked laying back on the bed. Ethan chuckled "He knew he was gay as well and always had a crush on me. I have slept with him many times as we grew up". "And when it was all out did you?" Stefan asked curiously. Ethan laughed "No, we kiss and other stuff but never fuck that's reserved for our lovers". Stefan half smiled "So what about you, I mean is Angelo your first?" he asked with interest. Ethan chuckled "He was my first and took my virginity and owns me" he said laughing. Stefan shook his head "Wow that is so lucky, so was he responsible for you know?". "Yes, the first time, we met on my 18th birthday when I went to the bathhouse" Ethan explained. Stefan looked at him "And your sort of okay with it?" he asked "Sorry I don't mean to be intrusive". Ethan smiled at him "It was more than I bargained for but he stuck by me, a little rocky to start with". "In what way?" Stefan asked. Ethan shrugged "When I fell ill and he cared for me we had a turbulent evening one night". "I wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of him" Stefan joked. Ethan smiled again "Well I did that one night and that's when he told me that he owned me". He continued "Some how I climbed his barriers and got to him, he stuck by me without question". Stefan smiled "I saw the genuine love you have for each other when I first me you both". Ethan laughed "He is an incredible person to be around and in bed with". Stefan stood "Treasure what you have. Thanks Ethan, I needed this chat" he said picking up the empty cup. "You know Angelo thinks of you as part of our family being so close to us" Ethan said watching him. Stefan turned and smiled "Thank you I think" he laughed "just give me time to adapt to working like this". Ethan chuckled "You better adapt quickly at be more at ease with us". Stefan laughed "Is that so" he said "I need to sort dinner out this evening, breakfast is in the kitchen". Ethan and Franco sat in the kitchen having breakfast before they were due to head off and find Angelo and Mark at the office and take Ben and Josh out to lunch. Ethan was due at a lecture the following day to pick up some course work for the next week so he was making the most of his free day. Franco was looking forward to starting work the following week and chose his workspace, by lunchtime Ethan and Ben were stood waiting for Franco to finish with Angelo and Mark. Ethan asked Ben were he fancied lunch and Ben looked at him and said he knew the perfect place to take Franco. Considering they were dressed smartly Ben decided to take the guys for lunch at the Four Seasons Beverly Wilshire. Ben was using the Liongate limo and drive since David and Maddy were out of town for a week, the drive took 20 minutes before they pulled up outside. The door man immediately came over and spoke in his radio recognising the limos plates 'DAVENPORT1', he opened the door and Franco, Josh and Ethan climbed out and he nodded courteously, Ben exited and was greeted as Mr Davenport. The flurry of staff escorting them to a table on the terrace and attending to their every need for an hour made them feel very special but Ben was still down to earth but getting use to this where ever he went now. The head waiter escorted them all back to their limo to find some photographers had turned up being tipped off that the Davenport limo was at the hotel, Ben smiled at them without stopping and got in the limo. "God I hate that part" Ben said resting back in the seat. Ethan chuckled at him "Well you can't stay in the house all the time". Franco plopped himself down in the seat "Your big news Ben everyone still wants you" he laughed. "Our Ben the famous Ben Davenport, you need to change your name" Josh said giggling. Ben smiled "I know but I want to keep my fathers family name as well" he chuckled. By the time Ethan and Franco returned home later in the afternoon Stefan was busy preparing dinner and they both insisted on helping so he gave them the task of setting the table on the terrace and then they could help make an apple pie. Franco helped but wandered off and laid at the edge of the pool after the table was done. Ethan went in and began peeling apples to help make desert, he chuckled to himself catching Stefan glancing at Franco every now and then. "What's so funny?" Stefan asked taking the peeled apples. Ethan went to wash his hands "You" he said splashing water at him from the sink. Stefan chuckled "Why am I so funny all of sudden?" he asked. Ethan contemplated for a moment "Do you fancy him?". "Fancy who?" Stefan made light of the conversation. Ethan smiled and nodded to where Franco was laying "Over there" he looked directly at Franco. Stefan smirked and started chopping the apples "Maybe or maybe not". "There is no maybe about it, I see you and you flirted with each other big time last night" Ethan said. Stefan laughed "Did we indeed, he is nice but boundaries are not crossed" he said returning to his chopping. Ethan picked up a piece of apple and shrugged his shoulders "Find out how he feels". "Here roll the pastry out" Stefan said shaking his head smiling. Ethan cleaned himself up after successfully making an apple pie with Stefan's help and he felt quite accomplished, he wandered out to the pool where Franco was sleeping quite contently. He opened one eye sensing someone was looming over him, he grabbed Ethan's leg trying to put him off balance and sitting up. Ethan retaliated by trying to push Franco in to the pool but he wouldn't budge, Franco rose to his feet with a mischievous grin on his face and Ethan turned to run off but Franco had him and there was no escaping him once he caught you his arms. Ethan struggled to free himself and found he had much more strength now but he could not prise Franco's arms from his body, he squealed for help laughing and could feel himself being dragged back to the pool. Stefan watched from the lounge as he tidied it up turned on by the scene by the pool, there was a big splash as they both fell in to the pool laughing. Angelo had walked in with Ben and Mark, Ben seeing his bestie in trouble tore outside taking his t-shirt and shorts off and jumped in the pool to rescue Ethan. Mark stood there shaking his head laughing "Sorry Stefan unfortunately they misbehave a lot" he said. Stefan laughed watching them fighting in the pool "That's okay it's kind of fun, I miss that in life". Angelo put his arm around Stefan "There is never a dull moment when they are together". "You know Franco is kissing your husband?" Stefan said looking shocked and alarmed. Mark waved his hand "Just be thankful your not their next target" he said chuckling. Stefan grinned "Oh I don't know" he replied laughing "you can but dream". Angelo burst out laughing pushing Stefan towards the pool "Go and rescue Ethan and see what happens". "No, no" Stefan protested anchoring his feet to the floor as best he could "I like to keep some boundary". Mark laughed "They will break any boundary you put up". Stefan dodged the bullet "Right you guys need feeding" he said heading back in to the kitchen. "I hope your joining us Stefan" Mark said walking over to Angelo "Angelo when are we having a pool party?". Angelo shrugged his shoulders "How about Saturday, Daniel and Jordan are in town for a few days". Mark nodded "Excellent I will let Bobby and Josh know, what about your real estate agent?" he laughed. Angelo chuckled "Yeah we can see if he wants to join us". "Oh I will ask Pedro as well since my parents are out of town" Mark suggested and Angelo nodded. Stefan watched Angelo at the pool threatening to take his t-shirt off as he placed the food on the table and Mark wandered back over, both Ben and Franco backed off to the other side of the pool and Angelo leant over and pulled Ethan out. Stefan grabbed some towels and went over handing one to Ethan, Ben was teasing Stefan trying to get him to jump in put he put the towels at the side of the pool and scooted back off to finish getting dinner. Eventually they all sat down for dinner with Ben pushing in to sit next to Stefan with Franco the other side. Stefan laughed and shook his head "I am not sitting in between you two" he said. Ben sniggered "Sorry but your last to sit down so you will have to". Stefan decided to take the risk "Okay" he replied holding his hands up "but no funny business". Ben and Franco grinned at each other patting the seat for Stefan to sit down, fortunately dinner passed without any incidents and realised that all their playfulness they were actually quite grown up when it came to meal times and behaved with perfect respect. Ethan told Stefan to sit down and he would get desert as he made most of it, Angelo looked up in surprise and had to keep asking Stefan if he really did make it, Stefan nodded and said that apart from making the pastry he did most of the work. Mark suggested that Stefan teach them all how to cook, Stefan laughed and said that with these 3 only a mess would get made. Angelo and Mark helped Stefan clean up despite his protest that it was his job but he knew it would be no point discussing the matter when Angelo gave him an end of discussion look. Despite Mark and Ben's house only being a 5 minute walk away it was becoming the norm that they would stay over. In the morning Ben reminded Angelo that Heike was coming over that evening to discuss their designs. It was a calm evening despite the noise from the Ben, Ethan and Franco in the pool, Angelo's test alert went off and saw that Daniel and Jordan were arriving on Friday and staying at the Salinger Los Angeles. Mark sent them a text inviting them to stay at St Pierre. Daniel replied straight away with a big smiling face followed by see you Friday at 6pm.
    7 points
  2. A few hours ago I got a msg on my scruff from a hot muscular British/Asian lad (Bengali) He was horny & parked at the dark end of a local supermarket car park, was I up for meeting & getting fucked & bred in his car? I replied saying yeah & I’d be there in 5 minutes. I jumped in the car & raced over there, I txt as I arrived & I saw his headlights flash. He txt saying to join him in the back of his car. I got in & he was naked & rock hard & had pre cum running down his thick 8” cut dick. I stripped off & started sucking him off. After a few minutes he got me on my back holding my legs back while he deep rimmed and tongue fucked my hole. I was rubbing my nipples vigorously which are wired to my arse as he got between my legs to guck me. still rubbing my nips hard he lube up his dick with some spit & shoved it in me balls deep, i gasped & moaned with pleasure. He drilled his dick hard & deep into me, it felt so good I couldn’t stop myself moaning louder & louder till he put his big hand over me mouth. He kept smashing my cunthole hard & deep, suddenly he said he was about to cum, he held back from roaring as he flooded my cunthole with his cum. As he pulled out I held my arse up & told him there was a but plug in my jeans pocket. He plugged my hole so I couldn’t leak any of his cum , as I sat up he got hold of my rock hard cock & started sucking on it then spitting on it and rubbing his up & down my cock shaft. Without saying a word he suddenly straddled me & worked my dick in his tight hole & started riding it, I reached up & had a good grope of his big pecs then ran my hands down his solid abs! It sent me over the edge & my cum cannon started shooting big thick wads of cum up his arse.
    7 points
  3. Yesterday I had a great day! I had something set up with a buddy and he had to reschedule. I was disappointed and horny - but shit happens. Hopped online and found a FB who was going to be passing through my area, so we set something up quick. When he arrived he asked if we could play in my sling. He really enjoys fucking in the sling. I hopped up and got settled and he proceeded to drill my ass for about 20 minutes and dumped his huge load. A couple of hours later, I got a message from a different FB. His partner was hooking up at their house with one of his regular FB's and was I free?? He came over to the house and when he heard that I already had a load he said he wanted to try the sling (he had never played in one at this point). I got settled in the sling and he immediately dropped to his knees and started to lick and suck my wet hole. I could feel his tongue digging around for Buddy #1's load. He didn't waste a lot of time and soon was banging his cockhead against my pucker - slapping the hole, sticking in just an inch... really teasing me. Then he looked into my eyes and slammed his big cut cock right to the base in my wet hole. He said he loved the wetness of my hole. He said he could feel #1's load sloshing around his cock and he asked if it was OK if he blew a quick load? Apparently this was really turning him on. A few seconds later, I could feel the warm cum spreading inside my hole and hear the sloshing sound of his big dick slamming against my hole. He was really into the sling experience. We took a water break and then headed back downstairs. He took his time now and really gave my hole a good stretching and workout. He kept telling me how easy it was to fuck someone in the sling... it really turned him on. We fucked for a good half hour before he unloaded his second load up my guts. He immediately dropped to his knees and started slurping the three loads from my now gaping hole.... and I blew my load feeling his tongue probing my hole. It turned out to be a great day after all....
    5 points
  4. 4 points
  5. It was way back in the 80’s. I was 14 and pounding my cock like a madman in a mensroom stall at the Dade County public library while reading a steamy Gordon Merrick novel I found in the trash when a big, dark uncut cock appeared under the stall wall. Played with it first, then sucked it for a while before the guy told me to show him my ass. So I backed up to the stall wall and let him feel my ass and finger my hole. I felt his cock pushing up against my crack and in what seemed like a flash he was inside me. I shot two loads one right after the other while he fucked and seeded my hole. He pulled out, cleaned himself up and left in a hurry before I could see his face. Stayed in the stall for a while longer, using my own cum as lube to finger my hole and shoot a third load reliving what just happened. Used my underpants to wipe all the cum, lube and sweat off, balled them up and threw them and the paperback I’d been enjoying in my school bag, and took off home on my bike for dinner.
    4 points
  6. Guy and I have been messaging back/forth for about one year. Just couldn't get schedule together. This morning he messages me and I happen to be home. So he headed over. I put him on the massage table on his back. Sucked his cock, his nipples and then used my spit to start to open his hole a little. He opened up beautifully. Then he took a seat on the rim chair and his hole puckered up really nicely. I started to eat his hole and really give him some good tongue action to open him up. He knows how to use his hole. He was opening and closing it while I licked and sucked him. I ate his ass for a while, then put him back on the massage table laying on his back and legs wide spread in a Fort Troff porta-sling. His hole was wet and juicy and had opened up nice. I had some J-Lube ready and used it to work start working fingers 1-2-3-4 into his hole. He relaxed his ass and I was easily sliding 4 fingers into him. I could tell he would be able to take my fist, so I tucked the thumb and took my time and started to work my fist inside. I pumped his ass for a good 5 minutes to about halfway up my forearm. Then I stood up and stuck my cock into his gaping hole and fucked him a little. Then more fist. More cock. Repeated for another 5 minutes. He said that he was getting close and was really enjoying my fist action inside his second ring. He eventually blew a massive load all over his cock, balls and stomach. I scooped up all his cum and looked him right in the eye as I coated my cock with his cum. I made sure he could see my cock glistening in his own ass juices and his own cum... and I slide it right inside him until my balls were resting on his hole. And within a minute, I started oozing cum all up inside his warm guts. It was worth the one year wait. But I won't be waiting that long for the next round with him. Hot dude.
    4 points
  7. Definitely when I'm in darkrooms like that it's my purpose to be fucked bare and bred, be seeded. Oink!
    3 points
  8. Yes the dark room is pitch black (the clue is in the name I guess). @ballpumper is spot on. No drama, no chat. The condom ‘broke’ and I fucked him nice and deep until I came in him. If you want condoms don’t go in dark rooms and offer your lubed arse for daddy bears to ride. 😈
    3 points
  9. I was 15. I wasn't looking for it. But, I was sitting on the lawn at a park, next to a bridge that went over a small river. I noticed cars would come into the parking lot. Guys would sit in their cars for a few minutes then leave. Some returned again and again. One car did that several times. Finally, the driver got out of the car, walked down to the bridge. Stood in the middle of the bridge and stared back at me. I could tell he was looking at me, but I really had no idea what was happening. This guy was probably in his early 30's. He finally came over and sat on the lawn next to me and asked if he could sit there? I told him ok. We just did small talk, until he asked if I had a girlfriend? I said no. He asked if I had ever had a girlfriend? I said no. Then he asked if any girl had ever given me a blow job? I told him no. I had never had a blow job. I got hard talking about it. And he pointed out my erection in my shorts. He also had an erection and would adjust it. He told me that it was an incredible feeling that I needed to experience. He told me that he'd give me a blow job if I wanted to experience it. I was nervous and scared, but also very horny. I told him I did want a blow job, but didn't know where we could go. He told me to follow him into the woods. We found a very well used clearling in the woods. It was very protected. He sucked me off. I came very quickly. My knees were shaking. Then he asked me to suck his cock. I tried to give him a blow job like he'd given me. But, I'm sure it was terrible. But, he came in my mouth. I enjoyed the feel of sucking his cock. I wasn't quite prepared for the bitter taste of his cum. I spit it out. But, the experience was exciting and a big turn on. That first experience is probably why I have always enjoyed anonymous sex with strangers.
    3 points
  10. Awesome guys. Thanks for your replies. Finally some folks who understand me. I was literally begging guys to fuck me and next time I want to swallow much more loads then I did this time. I just love swallowing cum. My personal record is swallowing 16 loads in one day. Wouldn’t it be great if everybody would dump their loads down my throat? Let’s see how much cum I can handle! I will ask the folks at Church to write “CUM” on my chest with a big arrow pointing towards my mouth. For some reason my ass just can’t accept cum, it always starts to burn and make my stomach feel blown up a bit. And i’ve Become quite versatile this past year. When I see a hot ass, I don’t mind fucking it with my fat cock. That’s how bad my sex addiction has gone. And I love it. Being addicted to sex has to be the best thing that has ever happened to me.
    3 points
  11. Back at the gay campground this past weekend. My one true love and me first night there, July Fourth, go cruise the shed. Anxious, excited . . .we start early. No one much there yet. We make our own fun too. He starts pantomiming being strapped to the St. Andrews’ cross that is sitting there left from some other more assertively sexual weekend, like one of the leather weekends. Just the THOUGHT of him strapped there I mean the first thing I’d do is . . . . . . . pull his pants down of course. And that ass! He and I have been practicing fucking with an audience, which I am not so good at. Last time we were at the campground, we went out to the cruising area broad daylight, spread out a mat, and got to it until Ibred him hard and deepthere in the open. Well his ass there in the shed. I start doing what any self-respecting pervert fag does in that situation. I spit to lube his asshole and start pushing my dick in him.FUCK I hope the feeling of pushing in like that never stops making my head spin. My precum flows pretty well and in no time I am working long strokes in and out. He’s digging it. This dude sidles in from my periphery . . .he’s digging it too. He ‘s really into it. He checks my dick is bare. Pulls his dick out. It starts rapidly hardening. This dude is thirty something, muscular, shaved head. He asks something like “Are youse together?” in a NY accent. I tell him yeah we are. He asks if he can . . . .? I look at my one true. And regarding my one true, as I understand it I am an anachonism in his sexual life history in the way I own his ass. He’s never really been an anal bottom. Dirty slut perv, yes, we share that. But as I understand it, deep in his ass has been mine and mine alone. So I look at him for some kind of communication in the dark. No luck. But the dude practically pushes me out of the way to get lined up to penetrate the ass I just pulled out of. He asks if it is okay? I am like YEAH. Jeez though inexperience and excitement, he cant get lined up. I am not wanting to hurt my one true, so I help line it up and slide it in.FUCK. He is into it. He starts stroking in and out, and says to me “I love sodomy.” Then “ Man I love buttfucking.” As he is bare fucking my one true love’s ass anonymously. Me watching. He asks if it’s okay him fucking mine. I say FUCK YES He asks if he can cum? I say FUCK YES He asks if he should pull out? I say NO BREED HiM and I start going on . . . OF COURSE YOU SHOULD CUM INSIDE HIM. I BREED HIS ASS REGULARLY. WHO WOULDN’T WANT YOUR CUM UP THEIR ASS? YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO SHOOT YOUR LOAD IN HIM And he asks how old he is “Sixty-one” I reply Dude says. I’M CUMMING I’M CUMMING i’m cumming. And he bred my man’s ass. His dick . . .despite the dark I saw it slip out looking swollen and glistening. He popped it back in his pants and was off. Omd the fun we had the next day trying to figure out exactly who it was. But that is nothing compared with the fun in my head. STRANGER YOUNG MUSCLE DUDE BRED MY ONE TRUE’S ASS ANONYMOUSLY AND I HELPED IT HAPPEN We fucked later that night when we got to the camper. We fucked the next morning again in the cruise area out of doors. We fucked and fucked and fucked in addition to fooling around at the gay campground. FUCK man! You can imagine why he’s my one true to do that with me. If you took as much dick as I gave him, you might understand why I am his.
    3 points
  12. I finally had time to visit Amsterdam's Meat Market party at Club Church again. Although i have been fucking bare for a long time now, I never had a chance to visit Meat Market (MM) again since i always have to work when that party is on. Meat Market is a party comparable to Fickstutenmarkt where tops can fuck all the bottoms they want, and the blindfolded bottoms are never allowed to refuse a top. If you wear a red hood, you are allowed to be fucked bareback, if you wear a white hood you can only be fucked safe. And this was my first time going bare. For some reason I am always super nervous at the start of a party. Mainly, I think, is that I am afraid that i am not clean. I live an hour away from Amsterdam and although I was clean when i left, the nerves pushed some 'enemies' in my fuck hole. But fortunately i came fully prepared with a douche and a big 23cm dildo to clean out the last enemies. Right before the party started my dildo and I gave myself the 'all clear' and I was good to go! I was placed at the corner of a fuck bench with my ass up and then the wait began. I could hear footsteps approaching me and the first guy next to me got fucked mercilessly. Soon a guy approached me and pushed me over and he immediately started aiming for my hole. His dick was a nice size but not gigantic, so a nice one to open my hole with. He fucked me for a couple of minutes before slapping my ass and left. A second cock filled me up almost immediately afterwards. His cock pushed against my blatter quite hard and because of the nerves, even though they were fading away, i needed to take a piss. I went to the restrooms and when i was done some hot guy helped me getting back to the benches. My spot was taken so he literally put me in the corner where in the darkness i could find a bench too. Within seconds a new guy showed up and fucked me quickly but very hard. He left and his spot was taken by two undeniably American guys. Because my nerves were finally gone, my thick dick had finally awoken and i was stroking it. "Oh my God! Look at this whore's fat cock, babe! You wanna fuck him first?" one of the two exclaimed. Before I could say something, i was bent forward and had the guys dick in my mouth and immediately felt a terrible pain in my ass... His boyfriend started fucking me with a condom... Damn it! I am not only mentally allergic to condoms, but also psychically. My hole starts to burn like hell when a guy starts fucking me with a condom. Like you rub salt in it. I can only compare the feeling as being similar to getting cum in your eye. That hurts like hell too. I said to him: I am so sorry, but I am not wearing red for nothing I am allergic to rubber and it hurts so much! He kept fucking but the feeling was too painful so i got back up and said: sorry: bare or nothing. I knew i had broken the rules but fortunately they were kind enough to accept my apology and said that they normally fucked bare too, but...'It's Amsterdam you know.." I smiled at the irony of that coming from two guys from San Francisco. They pushed me on my knees and without being able to take a deep breath i had the other guys dick down my throat. They started to take turns filling my dumb face and one of them blew a nice load down my throat. Yes! Load number 1, in the pocket. More guys arrived and before i knew it i had dicks 4, 5, 6 and 7 in my ass. Dick number 8 also dumped a load in my face. I decided to take a smoke break and went to the bottom rest area. I was finally able to take my hood off for a second and i stared at this gorgeous smooth guy also taking a break. I was still hard and he immediately, without saying anything bent over. I didn't want to break the rules again (cause bottoms are not allowed to fuck other bottoms) but then i remembered seeing two bottoms blowing each other on my way to the rest area. My horniness won from my common sense and i started breeding his hole. His hole was so fucking open that I had to double check that my cock was actually in him, and I was not fucking the air between his legs. I kept pumping his ass when a second bottom appeared and bent over too. Damn, I couldn't control myself anymore: the sex addicted slut that I actually am took over the good 'boy next door' i normally pretend to be (lol). I did not want to cum so i stopped after a while and finished another sigaret. My ass was still sore from that stupid condom so I went to the restrooms again to cool my ass down with some water and i spotted this sexy guy with his gigantic cock. Turned out it was a fat 23cm dick and i begged him to fuck me. He pushed me down and first opened my throat, exclaiming: Fuck, not many guys can go that deep without throwing up haha!". I said:"Real whores are trained to deepthroat any dick". He kept fucking my throat before pulling me back up and turned me around and slammed his cock in my ass. I moaned and he started pushing harder and harder before pulling out, slamming my back to the floor and dumped load number 3 in my cum bucket mouth. "Thanks slut" he said, while slapping me in the face. He walked away and i wanted to return to the main area but I noticed this even hotter guy next to the stairs staring at me. Staring at me while stroking his massive piece of meat, that is. His eyes were on fire, and before i knew it he dragged me with him and threw me in a cubicle. He started fucking my face first and then pumping my wide open hole too before returning to my face and dumped load number 4 in me. I was in heaven, and in desperate need for more. I wanted another cigarette and went back to the bottom room where a hairy, piggy, clearly sex addicted versa bottom was awaiting me. He bent over and i started fucking him. Apparently i did not fuck him hard enough cause he smacked his own ass and waved his hand, signing me that he wanted more. I started slamming his ass as hard as i could and he started to moan like he was about to explode! Suddenly he pushed me away. I was confused: "Sorry, did i hurt you?". "No", he said. "But i want to dump my load in you now, you pig". I happily bent over and he slammed his rock hard dick in me like there was no tomorrow. Another guy started fucking my face and after a few minutes of brutal fucking he moaned like a bear attacking its prey and i felt his cocking pumping his cum in me. I was so happy! He thanked me and said i had a gorgeous ass. I finished my sigaret and went back up, i found a nice spot and before i knew it new guys started filling my ass again. Before i knew it I had 18 stripes on my back, meaning 18 different guys had used my body for their pleasure. I was super turned on and i noticed, while secretly raising my hood a bit that quite a few bottoms had already left. I laid ass up on the bench and a guys approached me and started fucking my face and dumped his load in my face. Number 5! Suddenly i felt two hands pushing my down and someone whispered in my ear:"lay flay on your stomach". I did as i was told and I felt warm spit dripping on my hole. "Yes, another bare cock for me", I thought! I had not even finished the thought or an excruciating pain rushed through my body. I screamed. "What the fuck are you doing!", I yelled. But he kept going. It felt like a small, hard foreign object was being pushed inside my ass. "Aaaarghh!!", I screamed in pain. My whole body started to reject this pain and I tried to wrestle myself loose, but his arm was around my neck and his whole body was on top of me. I couldn't talk anymore because at the same time another guy fucked his big cock in my mouth. But the pain was too severe. Finally the stupid fucker realised I wasn't enjoying his attempt of fucking me, and let me go. "Jesus! What the hell was that". I screamed. A bottom slut next to me, grinned and said:"And that is why we hate condoms". That stupid fucker had fucked my sluthole with his small rock hard dick wrapped in a condom. I got up, but way too quickly and my head started to spin. I almost fainted because of the pain, the lack of food I'd had and the shock of what just happened. I hated myself for my angry response, but it was just too painful. I went downstairs to take a piss and drink some water and cool my ass down a bit. "Did this guy really just ruin my amazing afternoon?", I thought. I sat down and took a deep breath. I forgot i was still wearing a hood, so within a minute a guy approached me and started fucking my throat again. Apparently he had noticed the whole ordeal and said: "Condoms can hurt like fuck, I know what you're going through". I thanked him for his words and kept sucking him. The pain started to fade away a bit and after resting for about 15 minutes i decided that I did not want this stupid guy to ruin my day. So i pulled myself together, went back up and went for the final round. Hungry tops happily took that opportunity and fortunately they all fucked me bare. I decided that I was done after a couple of hours of sex and took my hood off and said to one of the party assistants that I was finished for the day. I ordered my first drink of that afternoon and started to let my eyes get used to the bright disco lights. It started to wind down but i Noticed in the corner of the other fucked bench a super hot bottom getting destroyed by a hot salt and pepper bearded daddy. I walked up to them and enjoyed the spectacle. The daddy moaned and dumped his load in him. The bottom turned around and i saw a gigantic fat cock on that bottom. I could not control myself, since i had not cum yet. I approached him while the daddy jumped off of him and said to me:" He is all yours now!" I grinned and started to suck the bottom's fat cock. Immediately going all the way down until my nose was buried in his stomach. He started to moan and i climbed on top of him and started to ride his cock. Clearly he did not expect that but he enjoyed it nonetheless. "Give me your cock!", he begged. I got up and he turned around and i started fucking him. I didn't care anymore, i needed more sex! I kept fucking him right until I felt I could not hold it any longer. I stopped, because I did not want to cum yet, the evening was still young, and started to rub his dick with lube and gave him a super intense handjob, his body moved up and down and from side to side while moaning out:"oh yes, oh fuck, oh fuck!". Suddenly I yelled at him:" Give me your cum you slut!". He started rubbing himself and within 10 seconds he blew a gigantic load all over his chest. I licked it up and he thanked me for the great experience. A party assistent announced that the party was about to close and that it was time to get dressed again! I walked towards the coat check and i noticed one last red hooded cum whore still getting fucked. His caramel colored skin was filled with stripes. One stripe, for one cock. I started to count and that whore had 36 stripes on him. I congratulated him on that achievement and he started to laugh. "Well, you're not bad either!", he said. "Let me count yours". He started to count and he said:"Well done boy! You got 21 on you!" 21 cocks, 5 loads, and despite the condoms I had a fantastic afternoon. I left happily and cannot wait to go to the next party. xxx Charlie
    2 points
  13. So back when craigslist was a thing I was in a relationship with a guy that is dom/sun. more give then take in the sex dept. we live together and one day he bought mini van. We didn't need it but he bought it and worked on it. one night he takes me to garage and tells me to get naked. Nothing new but the back of the mini van is open and for the first time i see that he has added stocks in the van to keep my head, wrists ankles in place. He locks me in place and drives the van out of the garage. Windows are tinted now but its still weird to be locked up naked in the back of a van on all fours. We drive for a while and pull up to a house. he backs the van into the drive way and opens the back door. It's about midnight at this point. After a few minutes a guy comes out of the house after i assume my boyfriend texted him and gets in the back of the van with me. a few minutes later this random guy is fucking me silly and then cums in my ass. zips up and leaves. And for the next six hours we traveled around to different houses, meeting up with guys that were apparently contacting my boyfriend through craigslist. i got 20 loads that night. Towards the end it was getting late or early depending on you see things and my boyfriend takes us to the gay section of the city and finds a darker street and just opens the door. had a few guys walk by and just look. but a couple of randoms came up and fucked me like that. And thus began a tradition of Friday night bare ass deliveries to guys. never less than at least 10 loads in me by the end. and always offered up at the end of the night light a side walk hot dog after the bars.
    2 points
  14. - WARNING: Story contains abuse in detail. This is completely fiction. I really don't know how I ended up here... My wrists and ankles, chained from the ceiling and to the floor. My whole body feeling as if it was on fire. Something running down the back of my legs. I can hear the patter of it slapping onto the floor. Disgust overwhelms me as I try to close my eyes, try to forget I'm even here. They shoot back open when I hear someone else down the hall screaming. It's not normal either, it's blood curdling. I look around and see nothing but stone walls, realizing no one on the outside could even hear anything that these monsters were doing to us. My name is Liam and I live in a historic town in Kentucky. It has plenty of big, beautiful churches. I had always admired one in particular. I went to it as a child, but figured the upkeep was too much because it ended up going under and up for auction. Plenty of deals had came and went, mostly falling through, so the church just sat there. That was until I was twenty five and the sign in front of the large building finally came down. I thought to myself 'Okay, cool. I'd get to visit my old church.' Just for the nostalgic feeling. Rumors started to escalate though that an out of towner from Chicago bought it and it would probably be tore down and replaced by condos that had been popping up everywhere. That was a pretty big let down, but I couldn't help it. A few months later, they start working just on the inside of the church. Construction workers walking in and out, the noise filling the outside. I was out walking when I spotted a guy talking on the phone, and God was he huge. He had to be well over six foot, and built like a brick house. He was in black jeans and shirt, tight around his muscular frame. My heart skipped a beat looking at this god of a man. Once I decided to walk up to him, I'd learn his name was Butch. He was in his late thirties and heard about the property from a friend. "Plan on making a lot of money here." He said with a grin. The bull ring in his nose dangled as he moved his chiseled face. He invited me to come back when it was finished and he'd give me the tour of the place. If only I had said no.
    2 points
  15. Interesting conversation. First of all, some people have latex allergies. So, I don't think it's a wise idea to just put a condom on someone without asking permission. As @Guygonebad just said, if you're bent over in a dark backroom, I'd assume you're there to take ALL dick. Covered or not. There's an unwritten rule of no talking or conversations in a dark backroom. I really don't know of many backrooms I've played in lately where condoms are ever used. Bareback sex is typically assumed in those situations, these days. I hate condoms and prefer bare, but I'd assume that if I did want the guy to use a condom, I wouldn't be bent over inviting all cock. If a guy let me know he wanted to fuck me in that back room, I could at least whisper in his ear that I wanted a condom, so I'm not breaking the silence of the room. The only acceptable talking in a darkroom is grunts of "fuck me", "pound me", "seed me", etc.
    2 points
  16. If a bottom is bent over in a total dark room then the bottom takes whatever is offered! For a bottom in a dark room to reach around and try to put a condom on a top is RIDICULOUS!!! I also agree with @skinster that talking in a darkroom about being safe is ridiculous and no phone screen lights and also fit bits on wrists make a lot of light in a total dark room!
    2 points
  17. I think I've been to that dark room that you are talking about. And IT IS proper dark IMO for a proper fuck. Fast, slow, deeply satisfying and almost completely anonymous to release full contents of your balls however long you wish it to take - I'm saying "Proper" fucking experience with no need for a convo. Everything is already clear and pitch black for you. Bend the fuck over or stick it in and have a go. If you made it this far into the cellar - you're not a tourist, you're there for business. And on a good day it is busy - humps, bumps, moans and all extensive sounds of evident ongoing fucking. Hardly etiquette but my opinion - I don't think you should ruin it for others by starting to talk to explain your interests and lay down itemized any factual articulation or argue further on while holding the hand of your initially objecting friend before consummating a mutually-satisfying experience. Or have a cell phone with you to light up your surroundings jolting everyone else with a sudden burst of screen light. If mindless bitches start maneuvers with extra moves and rubbers and wiggling for a proper angle while fluttering around the room and what not else - ditch him and come back later if that hole doesn't storm off upon such conclusive rejection before you. The size of those crowns roaming the wild is sometimes overwhelming. Let them sit alone or waste someone else's time. No words are needed other than to convey your annoyance if a leechy cunt tries to attach itself to you again.
    2 points
  18. first of all, the best reason is just because we can. Straight guys don't get to do fun stuff like that cause the women they fuck wanna be treated like relevant human beings. Even most normal gay bottoms want to be treated with respect but trashy cumdumps don't give a fuck so we can use them like subhuman trash. The faggots I fuck know I don't have a drop of respect for them. They are just random whores that guys use for easy dirty fucks. That means we can do shit to them that we can't do to anyone we respect or give a fuck about. We can piss on them, or in them, spit in their faces, choke them, beat them, intentionally infect them with hiv and stds, share them, whore them out and destroy their sloppy used fuckholes.You can tell a cumdump that is a disgusting whore and a worthless piece of trash and it will suck your cock. You can tell these whores that you're going to give them aids and they will beg you for it then thank you for posing them. It's fun to see what you can shove up a whores cunt. I have fucked faggots with a lot of objects but nothing beats the really big stuff or using something that hurts the bitch.
    2 points
  19. I absolutely refuse a hookup if it’s not bare.
    2 points
  20. Okay, So I basically posted this in another thread earlier, but it applies here, too. I'll go into more detail here, though. I was 18 when I took my first anonymous load. Also, It was my first time doing anything with anyone. I had just moved into the dorms at college for my freshman year and decided I would explore and see what there was to do around campus. After methodically working my way back and forth, up and down the streets on the north end of campus, I came to a building that looked interesting. It was a club called the Carousel, and was 18 and up. "Great!" I thought, and I paid my $2-3 (or whatever the cover was) and went inside. Turns out, it was a gay bar that was pretty much legendary in town, but I was new and had no idea until I walked inside. I followed a crowd up a double spiral staircase, watched my first drag show, and went back downstairs during intermission to see if I could talk someone into sneaking me a drink. That's when he found me. I got a tap on the shoulder and turned around to find a really hot frat-type guy (probably a junior of senior, not sure). He said he saw the big "X" on my hand and said if I wanted some booze, his apartment was just a couple of blocks away. I didn't even know his name, but I said "Sure!" Honestly, I was so naive and sheltered growing up that I didn't even have thoughts of something like this going down an hour earlier. I was already somewhat confused as to where I was except for knowing the general direction of my dorm, but still, I followed him out the door, down a couple of streets and through an alley to the back door of an old Victorian that had been cut up into apartments. We climbed a flight of stairs and went inside his apartment, then he went to the fridge and he grabbed us a couple of beers. We sat on the sofa and talked about nothing, but he caught me looking at his bulge. He looked at me and asked "you want to see it?" I don't think I made a sound, but I remember nodding. He stood up, unbuckled his belt and dropped his shorts and boxers to the ground. It was the first time I had seen a hard dick other than my own. It was perfect. He sat back down next to me and said I could touch it if I wanted... I didn't even have to think, I just reached over and started slowly jacking him. He wasn't huge, probably about like mine.... 6 1/2 or 7 inches, medium thickness, cut... pretty average, I guess, but I was in heaven. Thats when he slid his hand down the back of my shorts. I knew he was trying to reach my asshole, so I shifted to give him better access. As soon as his finger touched my pucker, I knew what I wanted. As I said earlier, the thought of hooking up that night hadn't even entered my mind. If it had, I probably would have bought some condoms. I think he knew I was unprepared, because he asked me if I had one. When I told him I didn't, he said "Damn. All I have is lube." He just kept fingering my hole for a few minutes while I jacked him, knowing he was turning me on. Eventually, he pulled is fingers out of my ass and looked me right in the eyes. When he asked if he could fuck me raw, I said that was fine. After we had been fucking for a while, he asked if I wanted him to pull out. I told him I wanted his cum in virgin ass. That did the trick. I had told him I was inexperienced because I was too embarrassed to tell him I was a virgin. When he realized what I was saying, that he was taking my virginity bare, he unleashed the biggest load I've ever had. I never knew getting bred could be so hot until that night. Honestly, I had never even considered going bare before, because in every other aspect of my life, I avoid risk. Eventually, I found by way back to my dorm with a huge smile on my face and a leaky ass full of his anonymous load. I never knew his name, I never saw him at the club again, and as hard as I tried, I could never figure out exactly which house was his.
    2 points
  21. I think my first anon experience was when I was around 14. Family was on vacation staying a week in Florida. I was checking out the beach when I stumbled up on a couple guys hanging out. Had some small talk, found it they were staying in the same hotel we were. One thing led to another and they both ended up fucking me later that night in their room.
    2 points
  22. Similar situation. Grew up in Richfield Ohio. There was a rest stop by the freeway between school and home. (if you cut through the woods. I referenced to it before. With a link) It was pretty run down back then. I had to go one time, and knew it was there. Went to stall, hadn’t a clue what a glory hole was, even though I was sexually experienced by this time. I getting ready to leave the stall and noticed the guy looking through the hole at me. I looked through and saw he was masterbating. He rubbed his finger along the hole (didn’t know the meaning lol). Then next thing his dick came through the hole. I just instinctively put his cock in my mouth. It just looked so fucking delicious and it was. He came and bolted. By the time I left, he was already in his car and headed out. Never got a real look at him, but I was in heaven after. I doubt my feet touched the ground the whole walk home. After, I was always “having to stop in” lol. Didn’t take long before I found the stalls with a large opening, and the first dick I fucked belonged to a trucker. Nice dick and big balls. I was blowing him and had to feel it in me. I remember holding on the walls/ toilet paper dispenser to keep my ass on his cock. He screwed my brains out, while I remember the walls squeaked heavily. anyone and everyone in the restroom knew people were fucking.
    2 points
  23. 17, at a football game. He turned out to be one of the players dads
    2 points
  24. I (26/6'4''/210lb/half beef, half cub/hairy) hooked up with a guy, we fucked for hours (i was the bottom) and when we were done, I was sitting in the car not quite ready to drive home. So I drove to the only high way parking place which is known to have some action. It was thursday night, after 1am and I wasn't expecting any luck tbh (I'm living in quiet a rural area in western germany). I've parked, got outside, put on a cigarette and waited. Couple of minutes later I saw someone. About 5'8'', one hand on his bulge. So I followed and stopped next to a truck, where the light of the cars driving by wouldn't hit me. He walked past me, looked back and whilst I was hard and working my cock through my sweat pants ( the guy I hooked up with called them "Quick Fuck Pants" which should turn out to be accurate) the guy came back and stopped, putting his hand where mine was, grabbing my cock. I grabbed his bulge, opend up his jeans and had a thick, cut, 6inch cock in my hand already drooling precum. He offered me his poppers but I declined (I can't keep a hard on on poppers, idk why. It just makes me want to get fucked.), He took a hit and sucked my cock good. He knew how to suck good. After jerking and talking (morrocan guy living in belgium) I went down on my knees and sucked that beautiful dick. He held my head and fucked my throat pretty roughly. I wanted that fucker to breed me, so I asked he wanted to fuck. He smiled, gave me his poppers, turned me around and pushed me against truck. In a matter of seconds, he pulled my pants down (told you: accurate) and just pushed his bare cock up my ass. One guy was walking past us but he continued fucking. It didn't take long for him to say that he's close. I took a hit of poppers, told him to cum inside, and started working that cock with my hole. He grabbed my hips and Shot his load within seconds. Third load that evening. Like a good boy I've sucked his cock clean (i love the taste of my own ass after being fucked and bred). This was one of the hottest encounters I've ever had. Of course I gave him my contact info on a common gay hook up site. I'm seeing him again next week.
    2 points
  25. Went to a bathhouse day before my birthday with my bf. Hes vers, but more but prefers bottom. We agreed to both do our own thing, BUT he got to pump both the first and last loads in me. All in all left with his 2 loads and 4 others up my hungry ass, and 3 down my throat.
    2 points
  26. Part I My parents had separated when I was young. My dad moved to Gainesville, Florida and took a job as a professor at the local university. I was left living with my mom, and my two younger brothers and two younger sisters. There was always commotion in the house and never a moment of privacy. When I got to my senior year of high school I received a scholarship for swimming to the university my dad worked at. When I told my dad he was extremely happy for me and told me if I didn’t want to live in the dorms I could live with him. I jumped at the chance to live with him and reconnect. I would also have much more privacy. I moved in with my dad that summer and found I was loving my freedom. Dad let me come and go as I please without having to answer to him. School started and I fell into a regular routine of classes, swim practice and swim meets. I knew from a young age that I was attracted to guys but had never acted on it. I loved seeing my teammates in their speedos and in the shower. I would fantasize at night about them and jack off to them. At my first swim meet I came in fourth in the butterfly stroke. I was not pleased with this and decided I needed to practice more. So on Sunday evening I went to the pool to practice more. The pool was open to all. Part of the pool had designated swimming lanes and the rest was for swimming as you pleased. There were several families there with their kids. The swimming lanes were empty. I swam a few laps and was feeling warmed up and ready to practice hard. As I swam to the end of my lane and began to execute my turn, I kid jumped into the pool and landed on my back. My back began to instantly hurt me. The kid apologized and the mother ran over to make sure I was ok. I told her I would be fine. I got out and headed to the hot tub to soak my aching back. When I got home I rubbed down with muscle relaxer and took some pain pills. The next morning my back was still killing me. I went to the coach and explained what had happened. The coach immediately sent me to one of the universities sports doctors. I arrived at the doctor’s office and they took me back to the examination room immediately. Dr. Kirst walked in and introduced himself with a firm handshake. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was young for a doctor I thought. I stood about six feet tall and looked about 180 or so. He had light brown hair neatly parted at the side and deep green eyes. He told me to disrobe and put on the gown. He left the room for a few minutes and returned. He told me to lay on my stomach so he could look at my back. He began to pressing on different areas and I yelled out in pain when he touched my lower back just about my ass crack. He then asked me to stand up and drop the robe. He began to feel my balls and asked me to cough. I tried not to get hard but my cock began to stiffen at his touch. He asked me to sit back down on the table. He explained that I just had a serious muscle pull in my back and needed to take some pain medication and begin physical therapy. He said I should be back to swimming in two weeks. He handed me the prescription for the pain medication and said he had one other medication that was experimental and wanted to try out. I said that was fine that I just wanted to heal as fast as possible. He reached into his lab coat pocket and pulled out a syringe with a clear liquid in it. He explained that it would be injected into a vein in my arm. He placed a tourniquet around my arm and found a vein. He inserted the needle and pulled back the plunger and blood appeared. He told me I would feel a warm sensation and that I would need to cough. With that, he pushed to liquid into my vein and took the tourniquet off. I began to cough very hard and felt very warm. I felt another sensation as well….I was very horny. The doctor excused himself a minute. When he left I couldn’t help but begin to touch my cock and rub my hands all over my body. I wanted sex and I wanted it now. I slid my finger in my ass and closed my eyes and began to moan quietly “Dr. Kirst please fuck me.” I was so into the sensation that I did not know that Dr. Kirst had reentered the room. Suddenly I heard a voice in my ear that said “I will gladly fuck you Adam.” I was startled at first. The doctor grabbed me and told me this was a normal reaction after taking the experimental drug. He began running his hands over my body and leaned in and kissed me. I had never been with a guy I confessed to him. He said he would teach me all about man on man sex. He told me he did not have much time now since he had other patients to see but he would give me and introductory lesson on man on man sex. He bent my over the table and began playing with my ass. I was extremely turned and began wiggling my ass and moaning softly. He undid his pants and dropped them to the ground. I looked and saw his erect penis. It was a monster. It had to be nine inches and thick. He rubbed it against my ass and said “This is want you want isn’t it Adam?” I mumbled “Yes but it is so big I don’t think I can take it.” Dr. Kirst replied, “Trust me Adam, you can. After all I am the doctor.” With that he reached over to the counter and took a tube of KY and spread it on my ass and on his huge throbbing cock. He slid a finger in and I moaned in ecstasy. He removed his finger and placed the tip of his cock on my warm hole. He leaned over and placed his hand on my mouth and said “here comes my cock stud.” He slid in with all his might. I screamed with pain and pleasure into his hand. “Relax you will love it.” He began sliding in and out of me with greater force and I actually relaxed and got into him fucking me. “Fuck doc, fuck me.” He picked up the pace and whispered in my ear “ready for my hot cum?” “Yes please give it to me!” With that had straighten up and began trusting harder and he pushed in as far as he could. I felt a warm sensation flood my ass and felt his cock pulsating as he shot load after load into my ass. The doctor pulled his pants up and took out his note pad and wrote something on it and handed it to me. He told me that this session was not over and that he still need to explain more about the experimental drug. He told me to get dressed. After I dressed he walked me out and told me to make sure I got my prescriptions filled. Once outside and opened the note. It simple read “8:00 pm 1212 Oakton street”. I was confused but intrigued and still horn as fuck. As I walked home I couldn’t help but get turned on by every hot guy I saw. I wanted them to fuck me too. What was going on?
    1 point
  27. I was walking down an alley shortcut after leaving the place to get some fresh air. It was stinking hot, steamy and the smoldering temperatures in my city made it tough to sleep that night, so I went wandering with my camera to look for some great lighting to shoot some images. I had smoked a big bowl of my personal tina, hash and weed mixture and it had got me high and feeling creatively sleazy. That or the full moon that was shining brightly in the cloudless sky. I was downtown on the West side, great locations for some good photos. I loved the hardcore look and the way the alleys were always funky cool. I turned a corner into an alley I had never walked through before. Industrial leftovers, piles of iron and steel along the walls, steam pipes breath from wall mounted exhausts made it super cool looking and when I found the old abandoned cars and machinery I was pumped as it was the perfect place to shoot. I pulled out my Nikon with a 35-55mm lens and began to work. As if someone was reading my mind, the exhausts began pumping out more steam draping everything in awesome moonlight. I was lost in this perfect place and had been shooting images for about 20 minutes when I was surprised by a deep voice coming from the shadows near a single metal door with a dim china hat light over it. Out from the shadows walked a huge man, big, black, mature, and about 55 I guess, leather chaps over Levi jeans, black biker boots and a sleeveless wife-beater shirt. Big guns with leather and metal armbands and I could see both his nipples were pierced as his nipple rings pushed through the sweat soaked shirt. He must have been 6'6" and around 260 with big beefy muscle. Gray hair and a small leather and ringlets collar around his throat. I couldn't help to notice the massive bulge in his crotch either and I think he may have noticed my focus as he was smiling when I looked up at him. "I've been sitting here watching you since you walked down here. You really were getting into it, man" he said as he walked over nearer to me and took a seat on a pile of pallets. He had a bottle of gold Tequila in one hand and he offered it to me. "Thanks, I love tequila but it makes me super horny, er I mean, ah shit!" He laughed at me and told me not to worry, it does the same to him. I took a big pull from the bottle and handed back to him. Smooth tasting, smokey smooth. He took a sip and then asked me if I smoked. "Not cigarettes" I replied. "Good because I have some smoke here that you just might enjoy... as a matter of fact" he said as he pulled out a small black leather bag and began to assemble the contents, adding "I'm certain you are going to love it." I could see glass pipes, some plastic wrapped tube things, rubber surgical tubing, a huge bag of tina, a chunk of black hash, a couple of big bottles of poppers. "Holy fuck man, you look like you are ready for some serious partying!" "Just wait, buddy, let's see what we can do with this stuff, cool?" he asked me while I watched him load a pipe with huge shards of tina. "Smoke?" he invited, remarking "This is killer glass from some biker bros of mine. Potent shit, man." "Sure, I'll have a little taste." He handed me the pipe and held the propane lighter under it, heating it up until he said "Suck it man, suck that glass pipe white boy." Wow, this shit was good and very fucking potent. One hit and I was wobbly and then the big black Daddy said "Go ahead and take another hit, I know you going to like it." I began to wonder what he meant. "Suck it white boy, suck that glass cock and take that smoke down your throat and then shotgun it to me." Fuck yes, I thought as I sucked a huge lungful of the potent smoke holding in for a long time until he brought his mouth to mine and I started a slow exhale as he took it all down his throat and held it there. He stared at me closely now his face a few inches from mine as he looked in my eyes and then took my head in both hands and forced his tongue into my mouth and exhaled the tina smoke. Holy fuck, I was getting so fucking high from this shit and now this hot blackman was doing things to my mouth with his tongue that was turning me on in a massive way. He held my head and literally began to tongue fuck my mouth and one of his hands found my nipples and he began to work them over rough and hard until he pulled his mouth from mine and I finally got to exhale the smoke. Motherfucker, the rush of a lung-full of that smoke! My legs were loose and wobbly and he grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall, against which I had to use both hands to steady myself. He reached into his bag and brought out a bottle of poppers. "Oh yeah, baby. Daddy's gonna get you high and fucked up just like you want it. Right boy?" he asked as he held the poppers under my nose. "Snort baby, snort those poppers 'cause Daddy's got something for you that you're gonna love." I snorted three big hits and then he capped the bottle and stepped back from me, the moonlight glimmering off the metal and leather he wore and the little beads of sweat that covered his bare skin. He began to slowly grind his body in front of me, grabbing his crotch and pulling on his nipple rings, his eyes growing bigger as his lust was being unleashed. The bulge in his pants was now huge. I had never seen anything like this and this gyrating hot Daddy was really turning me on. He strode in to feed me another round of popper hits and then back to his grinding, One hand pulling hard on his nipple while the other began to unzip his pants. I could see the cockring first, big and shining silver and then out came his cock. Motherfucker! It was still soft but it had to be eight inches long and fucking thick too. He walked slowly over to where he had left the pipe on the pallets and loaded the pipe again. Walking back to me one hand on his cock, the other with the pipe he placed it in my mouth and held it there as he took one of my hands and put it on his massive meat. I began to squeeze his cock and milk its thickness and feel it begin to harden, the heat of his cock was amazing. He held the lighter under the pipe and told me to suck it. "Suck it baby, suck that glass cock cause your black daddy is going to take you to places you've never been to before. You going to swallow this smoke and then you going to swallow my cock and I am going to feed you the biggest nut you have ever swallowed baby, then you going to keep sucking my cock so I can stretch that tight white ass open and fill you with more cum then you can imagine! You want it, baby. You want Daddy's cock fucking your holes and filling them with my cum. And baby, Daddy's balls are filled right up. Three weeks of hot cum and I going to pump it all inside you." His lust was massive, his eyes wide like an animal after catching his prey, now he was going to feast on it. We traded another shotgun of tina and his tongue begins to fuck my mouth hard and probing as one of his hands finds my crotch. He slowly unzips my pants dropping them to to my ankles. "No underwear boy? Hmmm, well lets see if you want it bad then." His massive paw wrapped itself around my cock and squeezed my big balls hard just the way I love it. He started to jerk me off with one hand, his tongue buried down my throat and his other hand working my nipples over, pulling them taunt, twisting them, grabbing my cheat and pulling handfuls of my pecs as he begins to groan like a lion. I was pinned to the wall, as the smoke worked me over and as the Daddy used me hard. "Keep jerking me off, boy. Milk that big black snake. Jerk it harder. You can't hurt black steel, baby." The pipe appeared again and he arched his back and started to fuck my hand with his cock. I wrapped both my hands around the shaft and jerked him off hard, working his huge balls in one hand and then rubbing the mushroom head of that magical cock until it was dripping precum like a water tap. He continued to smoke and it seemed like the smoke made his cock swell larger and thicker. I looked at him and his lust-crazed eyes were devouring me. He kept grinding his massive cock in my hands and then told me to open my mouth as he exhaled the potent cloud of tina feeding it too me then feeding me his tongue in an aggressive hot kiss. "Suck my tongue baby. Suck it into your mouth like you're going to to suck my cock. Show your Daddy how you going to suck his cock. Come on, baby, suck my tongue." Fuck yes, I thought as I wrapped my lips around his long tongue sucking it deep into my mouth and taking it like a cock, working his tongue over and then sliding my tongue in his mouth as I convinced myself that I was fuckin' hungry for some cock and cum. He pushed me away, holding me with both his paws hard against the brick wall. "It's time baby, time for you to taste some man meat. You ready to gag on some thick cock boy? 'Cause I ain't stopping sliding my cock down your throat until my balls are slapping on your chin!" The poppers appear under my nose and he stuffed his tongue in my ear and whispered, "Snort baby, snort it up cause you're about to get throat-fucked by my big black dick. Snort it, baby. Snort it up hard!" The poppers kicked-in big time and Daddy stepped back, grabbing both my nipples in his hands, pulling down roughly until I find he had put his big tool back in his pants. It's huge hard outline was in my face and he began to grind his crotch in my face. He grabbed a handful of my hair and leered down at me, kneeling in front of him, high as a fucking kite. His lust was becoming unleashed and, as he slowly unzipped his pants, he whispered "You ready boy? You ready to worship some serious black cock, boy?" I don't get to answer as he slid two, then three fingers into my mouth and as deep down my throat as he could reach. Three became four, and with that I gagged as my throat was filled with his fingers. With that he whispered "Fuck yes, lube for my cock boy. I love throat-cum when I fuck a white boy's throat. I love to make him gag. Now, suck my fucking cock boy. Suck it like you want it all down your throat.” I was on my knees, my mouth open - and then I saw his cock. It was massive. It was thick and rock hard. A cock massive in length, maybe 12.5 inches, a thick mushroom head that oozed precum. He had one of those big beer-can shaped cocks with a huge cock ring wrapped around low hanging bull balls. I looked up and saw him staring down at me with a real look of lust in his eyes as he began to slid he cock into my mouth, slowly an inch at a time and then pulling it out to slap it across my face, rub the tip over my lips and then back into my mouth again. "Yeah, baby, suck on Daddy's cock. You don't know it yet but you walked down an alley that leads to the backdoor of my party palace, my dungeon and playroom. Right now there is a full-on fuck fest going on behind that big steel door, and you're going to be the meat I throw to all the fuckin' hung tigers in there. You ever been a gang bang boy? No? Good, 'cause we're all gonna fuck your white pussy and turn you into a cum dump until all your holes are filled with cum." He was telling me this as he went deeper and deeper down my throat with that cock. He seemed to know exactly when to feed me more poppers and then more of his cock. "But before I take you in to the pit, I going to take a ride down your throat then impale you with this cock until you got my loads up your ass and filling your belly!" I cannot help but be overcome by wave after wave of sexual lust, lusting for more of his cock, lusting to taste his cum, to feel his cock shooting big blasts of hot cum up my ass. Fuck yes, I was into the cock-sucking zone and I took both his hands on put them on the back of my head. "Fuck yeah, boy, you want me to force this cock down your throat, don't you?" I could only gag in agreement as he started to slowly work that gigantic cock in my throat. I felt it when it started to open my throat up. He knew what he was doing. In between feeding me another inch of cock, he fed me poppers, and then, when his cock was fully lodged in my throat, he pulled my head to his crotch, slowly but forcefully. Holy fuck, it felt like his cock was all the way into my stomach. I couldn't breath and just let him slide his cock until I felt his balls on my chin. I forced my tongue between my stretched open lips and began tonguing his balls, he groaned and began to slid his cock from deep down my throat until just the thick head was in my mouth. "Look at me boy, I want to see your eyes while I go balls deep again. I wanna see you lusting for my cock boy. I wanna hear you begging for me to feed you my cum boy. Here it comes, boy. Oh fuck yeah. Fuckin' take my dick boy. Yeah, it's gonna go all the way down your throat. Come on suck it, slut. Suck my fuckin' cock you fucking cock pig!" I started to deep-throat every inch, taking it from the head all the way to the root, doing my best to tongue-lash his huge ball sac. Both his hands on my head he began to deep fuck my throat taking his cock all the way out until I was sucking on his hard mushroom head and then sliding it all the way deep into my throat. He stopped for a moment and began rubbing his cock all over my face and slapping my face with his monster cock. "want some precum" as he jerked his cock off in my face and told me to open my mouth while he squeezed enough precum into my mouth it was like he was cumming. then he fed me more poppers and started to really deep fuck my mouth until my throat slim dripped off my chin. But after a few more minutes of me working his beautiful cock with my mouth and throat, I felt him tugging at my waist. "If I let you do that much longer, I’ll be cumming down your throat and all over your face! Is that what you want? You want this huge load of cum all over your face and filling your mouth?" "Fuck yes, Daddy! Fuck my mouth deep. Feed me that hot load! I want to swallow all your jizz! Fuckin' feed it to me!" With that he ordered me me to suck him harder, and likewise ordered me to tug at his balls. Doing so, I could tell he was getting close, and for that matter I could feel his cock, fully-lodged in my throat, was getting harder and thicker. He groaned continuously, and then he yanked his cock from my throat, and he jerked himself, he ordered me to open my mouth. I complied just in time to swallow blast after blast of his hot, thick cum. It exploded from his cock and covered my face with the first few ropes, then he put the head in my mouth as he keep jerking the big black cock off until cum overflowed out of my mouth. Even as I swallowed his massive hot loads, his cock keep shooting until he pulled out and shot even more cum all over my face all the while slapping his cock on my tongue and lips. I swallowed it all and then he forced his cock back deep into my throat and finished cumming but told me to keep sucking him as he was still rock hard. "Fuck yes, you hot cock sucking cum slut. Just what I love. I'm gonna feed you so fuckin' much cum in all your holes. Your belly will be full and your ass dripping. Now get up here and let me get you high so I can really turn you into my cum dump slut."
    1 point
  28. My ass was a cummy mess! I looked at it with my iphone camera and I was fucking oozing! It was almost 10:30 now and I wanted to make one more stop that night before I called it quits. I walked out of the video store smiling my ass off and I was sure all the guys knew I had taken lots of cum. I hailed a cab on 8th ave and headed to a small bareback sex party in the east village… **************** **************** ************** I rang the buzzer of the apartment near Astor place and was buzzed in quickly. I checked my clothes while exchanging pleasantries with the host, whom I have know for some time being a semi-frequent attendee of his party. This particular party was advertised as a bareback party, condoms would be provided but it was expected that you were going raw. As I was packing my thing into the trash bag for the clothes check, the buzzer rang and in came a sexy German guy. He was naked and hard in a few short minutes and I went into the play room. The room was equipped with a sling and some benches for play and lube, I had my own poppers. I sat down and the german sat next to me, we started stroking each others cocks, but he didn’t want to do more. I however wanted more cum up my ass, especially from the men at this party, most of whom were known or expected to be poz. The buzzer rang again and shorty after a Latino guy walked in with a raging nine incher. He was a no games kind of guy and immediately went on his knees, bent me over and starting eating my ass. He was real good at it, and got my hole nice and relaxed and wet. I started hitting the poppers and bent over more to let him in further. The German guy was right in front of me smiling and watching, he reached over and held my ass cheeks apart and the Latino pig really went to town, slurping on my ass hole, spitting into me, and tongue-fucking me hard. I was ready to get plowed and he knew it. He stood up and slid his entire length into my hole until I felt his stomach and hips against my ass. He held my meaty ass cheeks and rough fucked me deep. He was long dicking my ass, and I was staring into the German's face as he jerked off watching me take the Latino's cock, a man who’s face I hadn't even really gotten a clear look. The German was smiling at me, saying telling me what a good slut I was, a good little faggot slut boy. The Latino started slamming into my ass and then leaned into my ear, “Can I cum in you?” he asked me. “Of course man, load that hole, fill me up man!” I replied. This drove him crazy and I edged him on, wanting him to cum in my ass, I wanted him to add his seed to that of the other anon men who had dumped in me earlier that day. He started to grunt and buckle and I knew he was cumming. He fucked me harder then, pushing his dick as far as it would go. I imagined his cum seeping into my blood stream and my own cock was oozing pre cum. Mine wasn’t the only cock on the verge of shooting ropes of poz jizm, the German guy wouldn’t even touch his own for fear of cumming too soon. But I wanted him in me too. “Can I sit on your cock?” I asked. “I’m too close man” he replied. "Well I want your cum in my ass, dude.” I turned around and slid my well cum-lubed ass onto his throbbing shaft and he immediately started to pulsate into me. I felt ever gush of cum from his cock. It was fucking beautiful and I had to keep away from touching my own cock before I too came. When I slid off I tried to suck him clean but he was too sensitive from the intense orgasm he had just had up my ass, so smiling my thanks, I went outside in the backyard for a smoke. When I came back in there was an older guy there, maybe late 50’s, well built for his age and with a look I loved: that of an older-man with AIDS wasting! He was fucking hot. As I admired him, the host came over to me and said “He’s an awesome top, and very potent.” He said winking. I understood what he was saying: that this man was a walking AIDS death fuck. Of course I wanted him to charge my hole. My Latino friend had another plan for me though. He saw me and immediately bent me over onto the bed in the living room, and slid slid his cock into me and fucked me harder than he had before. Slamming into me, tearing me up. I was sure I was going to be in pain the next day. He slam fucked me for what seemed like 15 minutes and then held me down by the neck doggy style and unloaded in me again. When he pulled out I felt the trickle of cum slide out of my hole, down my ball sack and that’s when I felt my AIDS daddy's mouth. He was licking my balls clean making his way toward my hole. I was in heaven. I wanted him to fuck that diseased cum into me more than I wanted anything else. He cleaned my hole off then grabbed me by the hair and moved my mouth over to his dick. He was eight inches, cut and really veiny. I love veiny cock, especially when I know the guy had AIDS blood running through those veins. I licked him shaft to balls then slid him into my mouth and sucked him with fury: softly but with intent, wetting his balls with my tongue on the down stroke and lingering for a second longer on his head. He was fucking loving it. “Yeah, boy, suck that dirty cock, use your mouth on daddy's cock. Make daddy feel nice and good with that slut mouth” he grunted at me. I pulled off took a huge hit of poppers and went to town on his dick, sucking with fury and a passion for raw poz lust. He slapped my ass giving me the signal to 'bring that hole over here'. I spread my ass myself, opening my hole, making sure he saw the cum already buried into me, advising he I was a gaping AIDS fuck hole available for his pleasure. “Fuck me daddy. Give me that toxic seed, fuck that cum into me” I said in a hushed whisper. “What was that boy? You want what?” he demanded, placing his cock head against my open hole. “I want you to fuck me with that dirty tool, Sir. I want you to recharge that ass with your strain, fuck that cum into my blood!” He slammed his cock into me and pounded away. It hurt real bad, he was intentionally hitting my walls and fucking me with a slight sideways slant to insure some damage. This guy enjoyed fucking bug chasing bottom boys. “Yeah, Daddy. Fuck me! Fuck that load into my hole, Daddy. Give me your AIDS!” I shouted. “Don’t worry, boy. I’m gonna give you a good toxic load. Gonna make sure you get my DNA up your gut, give you the fuck flu all over again. You’re gonna remember this fuck, you stupid little AIDS faggot whore!” he said while slamming into me so hard I thought I would pass out. The other guys had been watching, some with looks of disbelief. Here was a pretty little 24 year old twink boy begging for AIDS sperm from an almost 60-something year old wasted-faced, skinny AIDS fucker - and loving it. One of the guys fed me my poppers and didn’t remove the bottle. I was spinning. I was taking this cock with so much intent the rest of the guys were all jerking off. Even if they didn’t find Poz talk hot, at that moment, the depravity of my actions had everyone rock hard. The German guy came closer and said he was going to cum, my AIDS daddy pulled out a second while the German guy put his piss slit near my hole and sprayed my ass with his cum. AIDS daddy scooped some up put it on his cock and fucked the German's cum deeper into me. I felt so fucking full and slutty and open and wonderful. AIDs Daddy had been fucking me for 20 minutes and was still going strong. When I asked him if he was close he said “Boy, I’ve cum in you twice already!” And I went nuts, bucking my ass against his cock and panting and begging for more. He flipped me onto my back to look me in my eyes while he fucked me and I saw a new cock near my mouth and instinctively began sucking it, although never loosing eye contact with my AIDS daddy. He slammed into me some more and spit into my mouth snarling. He looked like an evil possessed demon fucker, and I knew all he wanted was to make sure his AIDS lived in me for as long as I was alive. And I would be sure to pass it on when the time was right. This poz fucker would live forever through his AIDS lineage and I was his receptacle. “Here I cum again, boy, you want some more of my AIDS cum? Let me hear you beg!” “Give it to me, Daddy. I need your AIDS sperm. I need you to recharge my ass. Make me toxic. Give me your fucking POZ cum.” With that he came in convulsions, unloading his disease into me. He fell on top of me and pulled out. For a second I felt very empty, like I was missing something, until the new guy mounted my ass. He was West Indian and hung, uncut, with a down curve to his cock. I hit my poppers more, I was almost too poppered out but being used so much without rest that I didn’t have time to think about it. The guy kept saying “Damn you're so full of cum. Fuck man, you're oozing all over my cock.” Needless to say he didn’t last long and shot in my ass with a series of grunts and bucks yelling for me to take his “fucking nasty seed!” Now it was late and I needed to go but I also needed to cum, so I mounted AIDS daddy again and rode his cock while stroking my own uncut eight inch poz shaft. It didn’t take long for me either, but I shot more cum than I ever had in my life. It just kept cumming. The German guy scooped it up off the bed and smeared it on my face, then kissed me while AIDS Daddy began to pulse into my ass for the last time that night. “Damn you're a little poz slut. Your ass was the main attraction tonight huh. You’re so fucking hot. I love a little take all loads slut boy.” With that he kissed me on the mouth, in the process tasting my cum. He made me open my mouth and he spit my own cum back into my mouth. I had to go. I was spent and tired and my legs and hole throbbed. The West Indian guy drove me home. We had good conversation and when I left I looked down at his car seat and sure enough there was a cum stain that leaked out of my ass. I didn’t care though. I had had a great Sunday and was now hungry as hell, so I stopped in the McDonalds and stood in line with my ass leaking poz cum down my shorts.
    1 point
  29. I had been an in denial bi guy for years, with gfs n kids. Always ignored n fought the cravings and try to rid myself of them, never worked always came back stronger n stronger till near the end of my last relationship we got new neighbors. I knew them from work 3yrs before n they were gay n almost got me before I left. Now here they were and my then gf was going out of town for a week, during the strongest ever cravings. To make a long story short, they finished what they started that night and spun me 5 ways to sundown and used me. Ever since I've been an insatiable slut, erasing almost all inhabitions I had n had me a total sub bottom bitch. Soon I discovered hypnos, they fueled my hunger even more. I really got into the sissy faggot ones, I fantasized about being sissified, feminized n having my 7" cock shrunk down by hormones to an inched and caged. Maybe become a whore being pimped out for $10 bis and $20 ass fuckings. Then while posting on tumblr I found a page with a guy posting a fantasy just like mine. I messaged him n said Mmmmmm if only this could happen to me! In seconds he answered n said, It can u know, get kidnapped, drugged, forced to watch sissy hypno n brainwashed into one. With you it wouldnt take much I can tell, youd make a pretty lil sissy Tina whore! You just say the word n I'll make it happen, u will be safe, we wont make u but if u say the word it would come out of the blue n if u dont like it, we will stop. I didnt take him serious, he didnt know where I lived in my town. I said, Sure, transform me! I was so hard picturing me w tits, nice curves n ass n a floppy, limp 1" caged clitty flopping around n leaking all over as I get gangbanged by 20 men. I came in no time n blew a huge load into my hand n licked it clean. Omg! I thought, if I didnt like it I probably would never get my dick back! Forever a sissified n totally feminized n a total slut, oh fuck yeah! If only..... To be continued... .
    1 point
  30. A good CumDump always says thank you, even if the top is heading out the door. Also, I’m not sure a good CumDump ever “scores” a load! We are always grateful to all the Alpha tops that choose to inseminate us. Our goal is to be the receptacle for all top loads!!! Luv it when my hole is chosen by tops to get their load!!
    1 point
  31. I'd choose boystrangler. I want a man that's going to hurt me, choke me, piss on me, and when he's done - he just calls for lots of poz reinforcements.
    1 point
  32. As a top its your right to be taken bare and have your seed cherished in a thirsty cunt. As a bottom, its his right to decide if he wants bare or wrapped. He does not, however, have the right to wrap you against your wishes. In your place I'd have said, "I only fuck bare and I didn't consent to a condom. In future, use your words and say you only fuck wrapped. Have fun" and then move on.
    1 point
  33. Well said , we just take it and know the Top is pleased.
    1 point
  34. I often frequent the Blue Store booths, having started going when I was 19 to get random anonymous blow jobs, maybe suck some cock myself. The first time I visited the place I was staying at a friend's place on 20th Street, and as my boyfriend at the time wasn't really into sucking me off, I was walking the street one night, feeling kind of horny, when a guy on the Avenue gave me the eye and gestured for me to follow him. We stepped into the sex shop and he headed straight to the back. Although I had been in the shop a few times, I had never before visited the booths, so I was both nervous and excited as hell. I went into one booth and he entered the adjacent one. I noticed the slot on the partition and knew exactly what went down here, so I passed me a dollar through the slot and I fed the viewing machine, unzipped and let him take my throbbing hard cock into his mouth. The head was amazing and I let myself get into the feeling of having this random guy just work my pole. He slid something into my hand and I realized it was a bottle of poppers, so I took a hit and I pulsated with pleasure. This was the best head I had ever received. It wasn't just his talented mouth, it was the entire experience. The detachment from his humanity: just a disembodied mouth and my cock protruding from the wall. No grubby hands touching me, no 'let's cuddle' talks. It was just the design of the experience that held me. Needless to say I blew a huge steamy load in his mouth and promptly ducked out of there. That was before I was pozzed, before I started taking anonymous loads in my ass. After I found out my status I pretty much became a major cum whore, and the first thing I wanted to do was go to the booths and take some raw cock. Like this past Tuesday night, for example. It seems it was Top-Tuesday and every anonymous raw glory hole top in Manhattan wanted to get some boy ass without all the contact. I walked into the Blue Store ready with poppers, my ass totally cleaned out and lots of one dollar bills. Entering the booth section of the store, I saw a guy who is ALWAYS there. I'm not kidding. I see him almost every time I'm there and if I go to the booths at least twice a week, he is almost always there. Hell - he's on a first-name basis with the damn staff. But he had a great cock and loves to get fucked raw so I always oblige. I actually love fucking him. He must be so diseased up and nasty by now the thought of it makes me throb. I like to give it to him hard and for a long time. He's always clean, never a messy situation which is very much appreciated. Nothing worse that getting a dirty dick without at least a sink around (yeah, Starbuck's cock-washes have happened). I like to keep the 'use the booth, please' guys happy and feed the machine but when that light goes on and I get to actually see in detail what my cock looks like sliding in and out of his ass. I just have to savor the moment and take a hot of poppers and watch myself fuck. Usually this guy will give me the signal that he wanted to plow my ass and I bend over but I think I got a little too into ramming him because he had to stop. When he left, this ass-eating guy bent me over and sucked my hole for a while. Then he slid his cock through and I just slipped my wet ass lips right on his pole. He moaned really loudly. I let him fuck me and he kept pulling out to taste my ass and then fuck some more. He came real heavy and deep and I squeezed my ass to get every drop. Then I sucked him clean. As soon as he left this black guy came in and just whipped out an enormous uncut cock that pointed down and to the left. Cummy and wet I just slid onto him and with in a few stroked he loaded me up. He pulled out really fast and I felt some cum slop to the floor. He seemed kind of freaked out that he just fucked me raw and ran out. Afterwards I took maybe two or three more random, not very noteworthy loads from average dicks which came really fast - three-stroke wonders, so to speak. I don't actually mind this because I get to to tally my loads faster. But the last guy was a different ass-eater and he was GREAT at it. I was squealing like a little bitch and when he stood up to get his dick in me it felt like it just kept sliding in forever. His dick was HUGE! He was white, maybe light skinned Latino and fucked like every man should, with long hard deep thrusts that hurt. I was poppered out of my mind to take that cock but held my own and pushed my cummy little ass right against that partition and took it like a champ. I knew he was poz because right before he came he asked "You want it pig bitch?" loudly enough for everyone to hear. Of course I replied "Yes, give it to me." With that he grunted, blowing his load into my decidedly creamy hole growling "Take it, take it, take all of that dirty load boy FUCK YEAH!" He was honestly really loud and I'm usually not verbal at the booths but I edged him on and thanked him for the dirty load as I stroked my cock to completion. I left what must have been a half a cup of poz cum on the floor of the booth. When I zipped up, cleaned off and stepped into the store guys were smiling at me and my frequent booth buddy was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I walked out of there a little embarrassed and all I could think of was (a) "Damn, I need a cigarette," and ( "Hope I don't have a huge wet stain on my jeans." xoxo Jack
    1 point
  35. I tried pretty hard for two solid years with lots of poz guys before I got it. I was surprised how difficult it actually is even if you're trying. What made it work was I had hurt myself/kinda ripped my hole open with a dildo by accident but I knew I was bleeding and it would be a perfect time to take an unmedicated load even though it would hurt pretty bad. A friend of mine bred me a couple times that night and I got sick two weeks later. It was the best feeling in the world. I can't describe how happy I was hearing that I was positive.
    1 point
  36. Used to make a lot of business trips to Vegas and never had a problem finding guys to come up to my room and fuck me. Young, old, average body, adonis. Never asked who they were but i found the hotter guys often wanted to stay and cuddle and talk and go for rounds 2 and 3. One hotel had a curfew on guys going up without a room card but i found that every single one of the doormen either took a $20 or wanted some ass themselves.
    1 point
  37. I agree with you, been to both FSM and MM and in Amsterdam the MM is far better, but FSM in Berlin is way better than both. I also enjoy the “rules” it makes us bottoms feel used and there just for the purpose of pleasuring the stallions
    1 point
  38. that's how you eat ass .. 😆
    1 point
  39. Great thread here, assuming bathhouse hook-ups don’t count, my fasted hookup was several years ago in a small boutique hotel in Hawaii. I ordered room service after I’d been bred in the room by a couple of bbrt hooks-ups. I cleaned-up the room, was wearing an open robe, bare chested, with gym shorts on. I opened the door to let the room service guy in. He was young (late teens), very very tall, tanned Hawaiian. I probably stared at him a bit too long as he was really hot. I thought I’d cleaned the room up, but a lube and a poppers bottle was still by the TV and I guess the room smelled of poppers and sex (oh well). He saw the lube and poppers and smelled the sex in the room (he told me later). He sat the tray down and as I’m signing the ticket, he very lightly rubbed his crotch which I immediately noticed. I just asked him if he’d like me to “take care of him?” He said, “it has to be quick.” As he is unbuckling and dropping his black work pants, I dropped my robe and shucked off my shorts and got to my knees. His 8” cock just popped out rock hard (gotta luv teens), I was ready to suck him and he says, “do u let guys fuck u?” “Sure,” I say. I stood up, turned around and bent over the bed and he shuffled over to me as he did not even take off his underwear, shoes or pants, he just pushed them down. In seconds his teen cock just slammed its way into my ass. Less than two minutes of fucking and he is grunting and unloading inside me. Then he just pulls out, I quickly turn around to clean off his beautiful cock with my mouth. Once clean, he pulls up his underwear and pants, buckles his belt, and says, “thanks guy, oh and just call down when u want us to remove your tray.” And he was out the door so fast and I’m still, naked on my knees, staring at the door with his cum leaking from my ass. My fasted hook-up I think. BTW, he bred me several more times during my 3-day stay, all were pretty quick too.
    1 point
  40. I love cummy kisses. I also love kissing a guy on the lips or licking the back of his neck as I’m seeding them. Drives most guys wild, begging for your hot cum! Oink!
    1 point
  41. yes. i was trained to always thank all the random strangers that blow their loads in me. i know they arent doing it for me and im just some fucktoy whore they are using to get themselves off but as a born cumthirsty faggot and a cum addict i am grateful for every single load dumped in me. i used to think i was doing men a favour by taking their loads no questions asked, no matter what they look like, age, race, status or anything but now i realize that anytime a guy blows his load in me it is a gift that i cherish
    1 point
  42. 3. The showers were empty. Daniel and Tony entered and stepped under two showers next to each other, they dropped their towels, hung them on the wall and started showering. Daniel was looking over at Tony's naked body, thinking he wasn't too muscular, but he definitely had started showing some abs on his belly and his biceps and pecs were starting to fill out a little bit. Daniel's gaze continued down and stopped at Tony's butt and crotch. Then Daniel focused on Tony's body hair: his pecs were sporting a little hair already and so were his arms, while his legs were actually quite hairy. His pubes were trimmed to the same length as was his treasure trail. Beneath awaited a surprise. An unexpectedly large soft cock, thick, with a big vein, and nice, relatively big balls. Then It started to get hard slowly. Daniel reasoned it was a consequence of his own slowly hardening cock, big muscles and tattoos. As it continued to grow, the vein was sticking out even more. It never seemed to stop growing! It was really big and thick as a beer can! Daniel was impressed, and wildly turned on. Daniel's dick grew to it's own thick 7.5 inches. "That's quite a boner you have there." said Daniel in awe. "Uhmm... thanks?" said Tony, all confused. "Can say the same about you." he added. "Not as big as yours though. Damn, how big is that pipe?" "9 inches, last time i checked." said Tony, flattered and confused at the same. "Wow, that's really big, but definitely looks bigger than that to me! It's fucking big!" "Can I touch it?" Daniel didn't wait for a clear answer. He came closer and took Tony's cock into both his hands. He started stroking it and a soft moan escaped Tony's mouth. "Like it?" "Yeah." said Tony, breathing heavily. Daniel moved closer and stopped a few inches away from Tony's mouth. Daniel pushed Tony against the cold wall, their dicks squished together, Their hands on each other's asses as they passionately kissed - until Tony broke off the kiss asking "But what about uncle Rick!?" "Oh trust me, he wouldn't mind I promise you, but we don't have to tell him if you don't want to." "Uhm.... ok." said Tony slowly. They started making out again. Daniel going down on Tony, kissing his neck, then moved to his nipples, he kissed them, bit them and then further down, kissing and licking Tony's abdomen. Tony was going crazy, moaning and panting. Was he really about to fuck his uncle's boyfriend? It felt kind of wrong, but it was really exciting at the same time. Plus Daniel was super hot! His bulging muscles and handsome face made his dick throb. And the tattoos! Daniel's arm's were covered in flames and tribal designs. There was a scorpion with a skull for a head on his left shoulder and his nipples were pierced with big gold rings. And the most interesting one was a big red and black biohazard symbol which was centered on Daniel's belly button. Daniel finally got to Tony's cock. He kissed the head, licked the whole length of the monster and then started sucking it, slowly at first, but the pace quickened. Daniel tried to swallow the whole dick, but always ended up choking, which was strange, because it was rare for him to ever choke on a cock. Daniel was giving Tony one of, if not the best blowjob he ever had. He was a real pro, Tony was moaning like crazy and thought, if Daniel will continue like this, he won't last long. Then Daniel stopped, stood up and passionately kissed Tony again. "I want your cock in my ass." Daniel whispered. Tony just moaned and shook his head yes. Daniel turned around, stroking his cock and bent over against the wall. "Daniel? I don't have a condom." "Fuck it. I don't use them. It's so much better raw, you'll see." chuckled Daniel. Slowly, Tony slid his dick in. Daniel moaned as the monster dick slid up his ass. "Fuck me!" ordered Daniel. Tony started fucking. He went slow for a few seconds, but then he started going faster and faster, until he was fucking like crazy. 'Damn, this boy is a beast!' thought Daniel. Tony didn't last long as he hadn't jerked-off since he left home and he was already all horned up from Daniel's blowjob. "I'm gonna, I'm....gonna.....CUM!" Tony moaned, as he rammed his cock balls deep into Daniel's ass and started cumming inside, roaring like an animal as his cock was throbbing and getting milked by Daniel's ass as Tony remarked "That was so hot," again kissing Daniel. "It was so fucking hot" agreed Daniel.
    1 point
  43. Part Four: A Surprise Visitor ********************************************** We slowly made our way into his bedroom, me still impaled on a not-softening weapon of ass destruction as they say. We reached the bed, which was a little lower than most, and we gradually climbed onto it, making our way to the middle. I leaned forward and put my hands down in front of me, assuming an all-fours position. Just doing so pulled me forward ever so slightly, and I felt that now-familiar tug of his head on my inner ring. Fuck. With that pounding and constant bullying open of that sphincter muscle, how was it still tight enough to resist? But it was, and I felt myself scoot back just a bit to ease the pressure. He had other ideas though. "Here boy, slowly turn yourself over and lay on your back." He slid a pillow in front of his knees to help raise my ass once I turned, and slowly I managed to turn myself, lifting my left leg up and over him as I went from face down to upright. And then, I felt myself falling back onto the bed and his pillow as I lost the arm support that had been holding me up. And as I sank down to the bed, my ass pulled away, painfully ripping his head out of my inner chute and leaving it halfway inside that first segment of rectum. I looked up and, from the soft light emerging into the room from the hallway, I saw him for the first time in person. He looked much like his picture but now with the light from outside I noticed that underneath the patch of fur on his chest and, indeed, up and down his arms, were dark blotches. Lesions. They dotted him all over below his neckline, a testament to just how truly sick and virulent this man was--this man who had just impregnated me with seed that would likely treat me just the same. My inner ass was drowning in poison, and I could feel the still-hot liquid slowly sliding further up into me as, with my ass elevated, gravity pulled it along previously untainted tissue. My head fell back against the bed. "Fuuuck. What did I just do?" He chuckled at hearing this. I looked him straight in the eyes as he spoke. "You surrendered yourself to me, and now I am part of you. Inside you." And with that he pushed his half burried shaft into me again, lodging up against the weakening resistance of my inner core. He fell forward, his hands landing on either side of me, his face now above me, and he flexed his cock inside me as I tried to push my head back further into a bed that would resist me as I had not him. He pushed again through my inner ring, lodging even more deeply than before as my eyes shot open and my mouth dropped open to cry out. Yet that cry was quickly muffled by his mouth on mine as I once again felt his ballsack come to rest against me, both globes inside still feeling amply full. His tongue pushed mine aside as he explored my mouth just as enthusiastically as he had my ass just a few moments ago. All the while his uncut meat launched itself into a steady fuck rhythm once again, battering a torn and bruised anal cavity that was susceptible to every disease that coarsed through his veins. His eyes locked on mine as he raised his head, never slowing but gradually increasing the forcefulness of his second assault. "Mmmm boy, yeah, take me. Take everything I have, deep inside you let it become part of you." My voice wavered now, suddenly I realized that while the thought of a poz man turned me on, I hadn't thought completely about what other bugs he might have. "What do you mean, 'take everything'?" "Shhh, I've given you many special gifts, and will soon gift them to you again. Not just my deadly and untreatable AIDS but other beautiful things for your body to enjoy. You will discover them over time, but they are already part of you now." His thrusts continued to increase and the slapping sound of his balls faded slightly as they began to draw up for another release. I looked at him as his eyes rolled up into his head. He practically shouted. "Oh god boy, I'm going to cum in you again, more seed inside you!" His cock once again became a steel pole and with a few more thrusts, he lodged himself deep inside me and froze, his body convulsing and shaking this time as wave after wave of toxic cum shot like bullets into me, gravity sliding them down soft tissue as the burning sensation in me reappeared and seemed to spread. His head flew back in ecstasy. "OH FUCK! OH FUCK! OH FUCK!" He continued to convulse as another 7-8 thick spurts of cum fired into my ass. Apparently he had not cum in quite some time as this load was just as big, if not substantially larger than the first. He collapsed on me, still buried balls-deep, his rigid penis still twitching and pulsing death into me. He was himself also still convulsing slightly, and as my hands found their way up and over him and landed on his back, I felt more lesions there and realized I was again taking his potent seed, another few pulses as liquid dribbled from his piss slit. "Fuuuuuuck." It was all he could say as his frail body lay on top of mine. His head came down to the right of mine. Little flexes of his shaft still felt in every corner of my abused, diseased rectum. He lay there, and I felt his cock finally begin to shrink a bit. I still had his head trapped up inside my second hole, but even it eventually softened enough and I felt it pop back into my main chute as he began to slowly pull himself up and withdraw his cock until just that legendary head remained. He returned himself fully to a squatting position, 2 inches still inside me, and looked at the results of his entrance and subsequent destruction. "Mmmm, only a few specks of blood boy. I thought for sure I had ripped you wide open the way you screamed earlier." I felt the tug of his head as he pulled it back against my asshole. Blood. It was certain then. With everything he said he had, no way would some of it not find its way there. "In a few days you'll probably feel quite sick, but then you will possess the same seed as me. Ready to be spread to whomever you desire. An attractive young buck like yourself will have no trouble finding himself willing holes to seed. Holes I cannot tag looking like this." He pointed to his lesions. He was right. Had I seen them I very well may not have ever turned off the road earlier. But here I was, his hooded head still inside me. I had taken him willingly, my hormonal desires impairing any form of better judgement and now two loads of an untreatable form of AIDS lay deep inside me, being absorb even as my brain pondered the wisdom of my choices. "Would you like a surprise visitor?" As if I any longer had a choice? I knew what awaited me, what was to be my fate. With everything he had hinted at contained in his semen, I would have many, many surprise visitors in the next few months. Visitors that would be hard to get rid of, if at all, and who would all contribute to the deterioration of my body, until I too was frail, lesioned, and searching for a vessel to carry my eventual lethality. I spoke again in my now scratchy voice, words that escaped reason and sanity. "Yes, I can't wait." "Who said anything about waiting?" Wait. Oh god. That wasn't his voice! Where had it come from? We weren't alone??? I looked past him and there, as my eyes focused, silhouetted in the doorway--by the light of the hallway--stood another naked man. We did indeed have a surprise visitor. And my night was clearly not over.
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  44. Previously... I realised that Iain had cajoled me into trying to take a dump in his mouth – he was such a filthy bastard! Luckily (for my feelings anyway) I’d not been able to perform – the ecstasy had fully kicked in and I was coming up. Also I’m pretty sure I’d nothing left up in there at this stage – it’d been nearly half a day since I came there. This time yesterday I’d been eating chilli-fries at a rugby match watching the guy currently rimming me fight a losing battle against the All-Blacks. Damn, life is full of weird twists and turns. Whether it was the E or what I burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. The knocking came back louder now and I swivelled my head and was delighted I could focus my attention again – My attention. I knew who I was again! My trip down the rabbit hole was coming to a close. “Guys? Are you ok?” It was Orson Right so... I awkwardly stepped out of the pool. As I stood up the world spun and I had to balance myself leaning against the wall. Kurk was oblivious to my moving – he was riding that cock for all it was worth and throwing his head back moaning. It was a thing of beauty to see Iain’s thick cock disappear into Kurk’s hairy hole. He lifted his balls to protect them from his bouncing and you could see his glistening hairy taint and his pale chest now flushed red in patches with all the drugs in his system, bouncing up and down, up and down – Iain’s cock, appearing, disappearing, appearing, disappearing. Iain looked over at me, licking his lips and beckoning me back. No doubt he wanted me to sit on his face again. I waved him off, I needed to get my head straight after that mad trip on ketamine. Such a powerful drug! I stumbled over to the door. Turning the lock I looked out to see Orson preparing to knock again. Behind him on the bed was Simon, Jay, Karl and Padraic, in various stages of kissing and cuddling. Orson looked me dead in the eyes. “We need to talk.” Fucking hell – my brain was still half-broken and now Orson wanted to “talk”. I tried to shake some k-cobwebs off and brought my hand up to my face squeezing my brow. “Mmm-ok. Fine. Sure. We can do that. What’s the story with that eejit Simon and his fella. Are they still trying to date-rape me?” Simon perked up at the mention and disentangled himself from the lads. He started, “excuse me lad, but you’re no innocent here…” I bridled at the accusation that somehow my actions were even remotely equivocal to his and was, in true Northern Irish style about the read the shit out of him, when Orson held up his hand and shouted “shut up the two of yis” and pointing at me said, “you, me, spare bedroom now!” With that he grabbed me with surprising strength and pulled me out of the bathroom and through the bedroom to the hall. I was shocked by how strong he’d gotten. It seemed only a couple of years ago he was still this scrawny up-his-own-arse debating-society nob-end with terrible acne and weird hair. Now he was buff as fuck and dragging me around like a bitch. I sized him up as he hustled me through the hall – we were both stark naked. He was the same height as me, but had filled out quite a lot – the suits he wore to press conferences and shopping centre openings obviously hid a lot. His ass had the perkiness of a regular twenty year old or a thirty year old who did a lot of squats, dusted with little golden hairs. Man, that ass… Orson opened the guest bedroom to see the bed occupied with Lee (the other silver daddy) fucking the shaven headed guy with the flock of birds tattoo on the bed where hours before I’d sat with Gavin and Padraic. The last time I saw the shaven-headed guy he was getting rammed by Sven downstairs, and it seemed here again he was taking it like a champ from Lee. The room stank of weed and sex was filled with the grunts from the shaven-headed guy… and not only the shaven headed guy. As we walked in further, we noticed that the duvet had been pulled down on the other side of the bed for Gavin, who was riding someone down there and groaning up a storm. Orson pulled me over to the desk where still some of Theo’s coke remained. “Right Mike”, he looked me dead in the eyes, “I’m not proud of what happened back there…” “Let me cut you off right there Orson, before you start justifying the almost gangrape that you and your mates were happy enough to sit back and watch happen…” “Now wait a minute, I would’ve jumped in had it gotten out of hand” “Out of hand? Have you seen my arse?” “I thought you were into it, I didn’t know the whole pup thing was a disguise. I barely had time to recognise you, when suddenly…” “Oh I call bullshit” “What?” “Are you saying you didn’t recognise me earlier? I basically called you by name at one point” “Mike I was high as fuck. At that point all I remember thinking was that it was just my luck that the one guy whose ass felt like heaven to fuck was pissed at me for being part of fivesome that went a bit too heavy” “That seems to be a recurring theme this evening, everyone here is far too fucking rough! And what the hell is the deal with Slater and your husband?” “Man, I think Alan and Simon are going through some shit, which if it’s anything like me and Tadhg… well, they’re on thin ice. Tadhg was really upset by that piece you ran on us. I let him cool down with Alan and Sandy in the other room.” “…and you?” “To be honest, I wasn’t surprised. Weirdly it actually strengthened my voting base – people are happy to see that gay couples haven’t it all figured out either. The way we’re portrayed by the media right now as if we’re shiny and perfect… well lets just say I got a lot of emails and letters of support and people opening up about their own rocky marriages. It just hit Tadhg hard. His family saw it and he didn’t quite know what signing up for a public life would be. He thought that I’d be able to keep any shit thrown my way, away from him.” “Yeah, well I am actually sorry he got caught up in this” Orson raised an eyebrow and in a voice dripping in sarcasm, replied, “You. Mike McAllister. No 1. bane of politicians in the six counties. The roving eye, feared by dodgy developers, civil servants and terrorists all, no-one escapes your columns. YOU’RE sorry? I didn’t think you even knew what the word meant?” I scoffed, “Ah here now, it’s not like that Orson. And shut your sarky gob. Of course I was sorry. I never intended to hurt the fella”. I leaned in real close to Orson. I could smell his breath on my face, and raised my hand in a fist. I saw his blonde eyelashes blink anxiously as I lightly mock-punched his (now well-muscled) chest. “You, on the other hand, are fair game!” He guffawed. “Me fair game?” He stepped back, backlit in the small room by the daylight streaming through the windows past the fucking couples. I could still make out his heavy 9” dick and balls carving out a more than substantial piece of the silhouette. The one that even now made my ass clench in anticipation. The small tribal tattoo on his hip was just lit up to the side and as he turned, the light hit his golden pubes making them look like pure sunlight – oh man I don’t know if it was the E but I just wanted to rub my face down there. He continued. “You’ve been the one with a fucking vendetta against me…” “Oh fuck off Adams. We both know you’ve had it in for me since college. And I can never prove it but I’m sure you had something to do with those letters that went out to my parents and the parents of Kevin, Joe and Andrew. That shit ruined my prospects here. The only paper that’d hire me was the fuckin Sun afterwards, so yeah maybe I do have a fucking vendetta against you but it’s not been unearned.” “What letters?” Orson looked shocked. I noticed the fucking on the bed had slowed down. Gavin was clambering up on the bed to listen and oh fuck – what was Theo still doing here? The two of them joined Lee and the shaven-headed guy in listening to Orson and me rehash the past. I could make out Theo passing a joint around. “You honestly don’t remember anything about letters being sent to the homes of all our parents and who knows who else, in our final year of college. Two months before exams? Kevin never even finished his degree, he ran like a scalded cat out of the place. The letters had pics of us taken in the LGB soc room, in the Kremlin dancing together and kissing and somehow even a pic of the four of us in bed. Attached to the pics was a letter going on about the ungodly practices of us all and how we’d be going to hell when we died, typical fundamentalist shite. And you’re saying you’ve no idea how they got taken?” Orson’s eyes bugged out as I told him this. “I always wondered why you guys broke up. I’d heard something about your parents finding out about ye, but Mike honestly, I’ve no idea…” “You never gave us a break about it in college. You were always harping on about promiscuity being the thing holding us back from mainstream acceptance…” Orson held up his hand. “I know I was a bit of a git in college. I’m not denying that. But I’ve changed. I mean it’d be pretty hypocritical for me to stick by those views now, here of all places. But honestly Mike, I’ve no idea who sent those photos.” I looked at him wearily. “Really? Orson. It’s been years. Can’t you just admit it?” Orson shook his head. “I don’t know how to prove to you I’m not lying…” “Ahemm...” We turned as one to the lad clearing his throat behind us. Lee and Theo sat smirking beside Gavin who was just now bending down to blow the guy I didn’t know the name of. Theo spoke up. “Lads, I think I can help you with that”. Turning back to the tattooed lad getting blown, he quickly remarked “don’t get too comfortable Ciaran, I’ll be back this one in a second” and with that said, smacked Gavin’s ass. He stood up and moved over to the desk and reached for his bag underneath. He’d obviously been the one that Gavin had been bouncing on up till recently. His cock still looked engorged and slick with lube and bounced awkwardly as he walked. He caught me staring at it and winked. As he bent down I couldn’t help but check out the rest of my dealer’s naked body. I’d been too fucked up on K last time to appreciate it, but Theo had a beautiful body for a lad in his mid forties. It was also half-covered in tattoos – mainly very nationalistic ones – the Irish tricolour with a machine gun on his right shoulder and the Irish harp on the left, the chest piece was the Irish “Tiocfaidh ár Lá!” which means “our day will come” – a classic IRA slogan, written in a sweeping U across his pecs, but low enough to be hidden by a wide-collared top. As he turned to flip the top off his bag I saw he had the entire Irish 1916 proclamation of the free state on his back! Fuck! That’s a lot of words! Theo straightened back up with an “Aha!” and proffered his hand with two red pills in them. “These here are some very powerful designer drugs, new in from London, and the thing is, I’ve not had the right moment to try em out. But the big thing about them is that you seemingly can’t lie while you’re on em. They’re called Pures and they contain a doctored version of scopolamine, and fuckload of herbal E. The Scopolamine in its pure form can be dangerous – it’s normally found in fairly toxic and trippier cousins of potatoes and tomatoes - deadly nightshade and the like. It used to be used as a truth serum way back in the day, but it usually made people vomit or damage their liver. So the chemists over the pond have figured out a way to change it to stop the nausea and bad trips, while keeping the trippy nature and the truth serum part. If you lads really want to settle your beef, you’d be doing us all a favour if you try em.” Now here’s the thing. If I’d not been high on god knows how many pills and powders at this point, there would’ve been no way in hell I’d have gone near some designer drug derivative of deadly nightshade – that shit is poisonous! But I was high. And Orson reached for his first… Fuck! We downed our pills quickly and Theo led us over to bed where Lee and the guy Ciaran (?) were lying back and snogging. Gavin was bent over them trying to suck both their cocks, but because of the angle was only managing to suck one at a time – taking about 20 seconds on each, and then switching, all the while jacking off the other. Theo reached for Gavin’s hips and made him spread his legs to lower them. With Gavin repositioned and ready to fuck, the dealer brought us over to the window side of the bed and sat us down in the duvet nest and left us there. A few seconds after Theo left our sides I heard Gavin begin to make muffled blowjob-moans in rhythm. Theo was obviously back inside him. I felt a hand reach for mine. I grasped Orson tight. We leaned against the bed and looked out over the cityscape of Belfast Orson looked over at me with the sinking sun in his blue eyes, his strawberry blond hair framing his youthful face, now almost completely free of acne-scarring. “I took that pill to show you. I’ve nothing to hide. But you were right on one thing. I did slut-shame you guys in your foursome. I was jealous of them.” “Envious” I corrected, smiling and gently wiped an eyelash off his blushing cheek. “Fine, yeah, envious. They all got to be with you, and you never gave me the time of day” Y’know those times where you could of course add more to a conversation, but you realise it’s better to just listen. Yeah this was one of those times. I didn’t know how much time had passed but the light was fading and shadows of the window frames grew across Orson’s chest. He was going on about all the ways he’d had a crush on me from the start of college, and how later on he just felt completely ignored by me and how it’d hurt to see me so happy with the guys. Seemingly he used that as a reason to do bigger and bigger things politically to get my attention (was I the cause of Orson’s political career?). I let him get it all out. At some point I felt a surge of energy rush through my neck to my brain. I was coming up on that designer drug and it was starting to rush through my system. My whole body felt alive, a machine switching back on with full battery. I looked over to Orson and time seemed to slow down as I watched his pupils dilate too. “You up?” “I’m up as fuck!” “So tell me one thing Orson. Did you have anything to do with those letters?” “Not exactly. But I think I need to ask my old friend Mafra if she did” “Who the fuck is Mafra? Was she that mousy one with the glasses who was always following you around?” “Yeah, she was my fag-hag in college. She lives in Leeds now. Look she’s got a family…” “But Orson, we had families!” This came out in a much softer tone than I’d thought. The drug was rapidly draining any negativity from me and I was a ball of light and happiness. Still after answers, but also accepting them. “Yeah well, the thing is she was fiercely protective of me and I used to confess everything to her. How I was in love with you and how you never seemed to notice me. I spent many hours at her flat moaning about you guys till the late hours. Well long story short I think she might have done it. Two months before exams she invited me over for a meal in her flat, we got really drunk on red wine and…” “…and?” I looked shocked at him, but also compassionately – damn this stuff was good. No doubt I’d have flown off the handle by this point if I were sober or drunk. “Well, I woke up beside her in bed. She said that she was glad that we’d finally found our way to each other and there were no obstacles anymore to why we couldn’t be together” Fuck! Orson Adams had gotten raped by his fag hag. I’d heard of shit like this happening. But fuck me that was harsh! I looked into his dilated blue eyes. “Hey man sorry to hear that” “Yeah it was kinda fucked up. I don’t remember having sex, but she got real clingy the next few weeks while I was trying to sort my head out. And then she got really weird and I heard that she was telling everyone we were in a relationship now and she was pregnant.” I was shocked. I also noticed there didn’t seem to be too much groaning from behind us. The lads were getting their weekly dose of drama. “Yeah, she kept trying to meet up with me and I kept fending her off, telling her I wasn’t sure what happened but I needed space to get my head clear. Then there were the finals. She kept ringing me all the time after them, when I had hightailed it home to sort myself out. Eventually I told my family about it and they drove me to her place to talk to her and see what to do about the baby. It turns out there wasn’t one. She’d made it up to try and force me into being with her. I mean I kinda felt bad for her cause in a way I was smitten with you, so I know what it’s like to be in unrequited love and all that, but it fucked up our friendship and I cut contact with her. I heard she moved to Leeds shortly afterwards for a job.” Dude… I took a deep breath and said, “Right Orson. I believe you. I’m sorry you went through all that shite with that wan and I’m guessing she probably was behind the letters too. And I’m sorry myself for the time I retaliated in the press too” He snorted. “Oh you mean the article photoshopping lipstick and eye-shadow on me when I first announced my candidacy?” “Um…sorry bout that one yeah…” “Or was it the rumours I’d gotten HIV from George Michael…?” “..that too yeah. I think I got a photo of you sneezing. Sorry” “… only to be cured by some radical treatment that I bribed big Pharma for” “..that one too yeah. It was a slow week” “how about when you photoshopped me in drag?” “I thought you looked good in an empire-line dress?” “Fuck you ya prick. And what the fuck was that line you used about Doctor Who?” “Well you were wearing a Dalek tie in the photo for April 1st and so I said maybe you could find the Tardis and travel back in time to the eighties where your policies might have had some teeth.” “You were an absolute fucker!” “I know, but I did even worse to your opponents – dislike you as I did at the time, you were still running on a good ticket” “Speaking of other people you’ve fucked over, what are you gonna do about Kurk?” “I’ll tell him, but let me do it when he’s sober. It doesn’t seem fair now” “Are we good?” Orson looked at me, his dilated pupils filling my vision. “More than good, though keep your husband off me – he’s got a killer right hook” Orson laughed and reached over for me and we kissed. It was a good kiss, one of those ones you remember when thinking of special kisses and above us we heard applause. I glanced up to see the four lads were looking down at us from the bed. Gavin smirked and said, “well go on lads, don’t let us stop you from sealing the deal!” I laughed and stood up a little shakily. Lee (the silver fox) handed me over some lube and poppers and taking them I grinned down at Orson. His gorgeous blues were staring straight up at me expectantly as he jacked his 9 inches to full mast. I dunno if I’ve related just how right Orson’s cock was, a thick white monster with a velvety foreskin that now was pulling back revealing the red shiny streamlined head. I squirted some lube on his hand – it was the good silicon-based stuff, and reaching up to do my hole I handed him the poppers. The four lads were all now lying on the bed passing a joint around and watching in expectation. I stepped over Orson and with my back to the window, on display for all of Belfast’s telescope enthusiasts to see, I lowered myself to Orson’s cockhead. Getting level with Orson’s head I could feel him shifting his weight and rubbing his cock around my hole, slipping it around and then pressing on the entrance, then shifting and slipping it around again. “Are you ready for this?” He handed me back the poppers, and brought his other hand under to find my hole entrance and slipped his fingertip in. I felt the rush of the designer ecstasy flowing through me, it was slightly different in feeling to the real deal, and more throbbing rush and I felt hotter somewhat. I wiped my brow and realised I was sopping wet. I was sweating more on this “Pure” drug than I ever did on speed or ecstasy. I wiped the sweat and other juices off my hand and tried to open the poppers, but I was way too sweaty for them. Seeing my awkwardness, Ciaran – the lad with the bird tattoo, reached over and opened them for me – I gave him a winning smile – I’d have to properly thank him later. Orson’s second finger was now shoving into me, stretching my cunt a little wider. With the open poppers I took a good deep hit with each nostril, the energy from the Pure pill was making my movement a little skittish and shaky at this point so I made eye contact with Ciaran again and passed him the open bottle. He moved closer and closed them, but held them ready for another later hit. As I held that breath, I looked past him to see Lee fingering his ass while Theo, yeah Theo was holding Ciaran’s ass-cheeks apart and watching Lee work – all the while getting his cock sucked by Gavin. The poppers at that moment kicked in and my blood rushed to all parts of my body and I felt connected and sexy and clenched against Orson’s fingers – they weren’t enough. I breathed out. I needed that dick. Pulling off of Orson’s fingers, I reached under for his dick, but the lad was way ahead of me and found my soft spot with his hooded meat. Pressing up against my assbud, I looked down at him, his hair framed golden in the sunset – my old college nemesis, fucking me for the first time where I knew it was him, and wanted him. A beautiful feeling of tenderness opened up, and with it I opened up as I looked into his widening eyes and slid down his head. Stopping to adapt to his head again, I laughed with him. “Fuck that feels good!” “It feels amazing Mike!” I shifted slightly and let myself down another inch. “Ungh, yeah just there. I can take a bit more now” “You lead the way Mike” Ciaran leaned over the edge of the bed and looked down at us. The shaven headed lad who I’d first seen getting ploughed by Sven was caught up in our drama. I never noticed how long his dark black eyelashes were. He was surprisingly feminine with high cheekbones and freckles across his cheeks and nose, and it worked with him – a hot androgynous face – probably why he shaved his head. “Tell us when you hit the base lads!” I flashed a smile at him and rocked on the length I had in me. The poppers made it feel so good, but I knew that if I slammed myself down on Orson’s cock, as soon as the amyl wore off I’d be regretting it. Much as I wanted to go full speed, I knew I had to ease myself down. I slipped down another inch. Orson was about a head’s length below mine, so as I lowered myself down I was getting closer to him, close enough to kiss him in an inch or two. I felt the rush wear off a little and mentally checked my ass muscles – everything felt good but tight. I stroked Orson’s face with my free hand and reached up to Ciaran again and stroked his cheek. “I think I’ll need another hit” Ciaran chuckled and mock snapped at my thumb as he opened the brown bottle and held it under each nostril. Again I inhaled deeply and held my breath, sinking slowly down another inch. The rush this time really connected to my ecstasy-high and I felt my pores all over my body open and release the sweat. This time I knew I could take it and lowered myself down those last few inches, then up again to get the lube all over. “I’m down at the base!” Orson laughed and scooted up toward me. He leaned over and leaned in to kiss me. “Congratulations Mike, I’ve waited for this for so long” “Kiss me, y’eejit!” We heard clapping again from above. I didn’t care all I could think about was Orson and his beautiful cock grinding into me as he took over and started slowly and measuredly grinding into my ass. The sweat on my ass cheeks made my ass slap loudly as he picked up the pace. My entire attention was away in sphincter muscles as his thick juicy meat filled me up, pumping along all my nerve endings making me feel full and connected and starting to rub that sweet spot. That spot that I’d ignored for so long, but now high as I was, I knew exactly how he should rub up against it and angled myself accordingly. Orson was popping my prostate and I was gonna milk myself off of him. Who knew I had this power bottom in me? I closed my eyes, ground down and pulled up on him, taking over control of the thrusting. That strawberry blond fucker’s donkey dick was filling my insides and I was riding this ride for all it was worth. Man – it was a fucking core muscle workout keeping balanced on top of that dick, but fuck it was worth it. I felt a hand reach for me and then poppers were held under my nose again and I inhaled again. I pulled back and bounced on Orson – each thrust up a shot of pleasure energy from my ass direct to my brain. I felt that hand back again – too soon for poppers though. I opened my eyes to see the four guys kneeling at the edge of the bed. All four hard cocks sticking out close to my face. Even Theo on the far right was giving me the glad eye. I reached over gingerly to take his cock in hand. We kept eye contact as I lowered his dick to my lips. He tasted of lube and ass. And then the poppers rush kicked in again…
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  45. Dad’s Basement Part Eighteen After Dad had showed me around the resort, I knew the first place I wanted to stop was the dark room. Anon sex really got me going. “Daddy will you take me into the dark room?” I asked “Please Daddy please. I will be a goooood boy” “Fuck, you keep take kind of talk up and I will fuck you right here” “Daddy, please take me to the dark room” I pleaded in a little boy voice. “Fuck, okay come on” We went back into the building, Dad leading the way. His furry as cheeks bouncing as he walked. I kept thinking about having my tongue deep in his hole eating the cum out of it the first night in the basement. I wanted to slide my cock inside and breed him. As we got to the door, I grabbed Dad’s arm, keeping him from entering. “Change your mind Son?” he asked “Nope, just want to ask when can I fuck your hole Daddy and breed you” “Not until you are a full member of the club boy” With that he entered the dark room, with me still holding on to his arm. Inside it was hot, very hot. I could hear fucking and sucking going on around me. The room smelled of cum, sweat and poppers. Hands reached out and touched me, pinching my nipples, grabbing my cock and balls, and rubbing my ass. I was so turned on, it was the fact that I didn't know who was touching me. I felt someone step up behind me, his cock poked at my ass cheeks, as he reached around and put a bottle under my nose. I inhaled deeply, feeling the rush instantly. He kept the bottle there and I kept inhaling. I let go of Dad’s arm and pushed back against the man’s cock. He took his bottle away and I felt this cock head invade my crack, searching for my hole. At the same time I could feel someone in front of me and I thought it was Dad. The man was slowly stroking me. I could feel his breathe close my lips. I put his free hand on my should, pulling me forward. I bent at my hips and pushed back my ass more against the cock behind me. Once fully bent, the cock in front of me found my lips and began to push in, I wrapped my lips around the hard cock and allowed it to slowly invade my mouth, pushing further in, until I was pressed against his smooth crotch. The man behind me, slowly slide his cock into my hole, pushing deeper and deeper. I was open still from the double fuck that I got. The brown bottle was placed under my nose again and I inhaled, sending another rush through my body, fogging my brain. The two men began fucking my holes, I moaned more and more, losing myself. I had forgotten about Dad, never wondering what he was doing or who. The cocks in me felt so good. I reached out into the darkness, just to feel anything. My hand made contact with a body. I began to explore it, rubbing my hand over the stomach, going lower until I made contact with the base of a hard thick cock. I could barely get my hand around it. My mind was loving the unknown. I pushed back on the cock in my hole, fucking myself on the hard toxic fuck stick. I wanted more cum in me. I was still sucking on the cock in front of me and stroking the cock in my hand. The man behind me started to speed up, slamming into me harder and harder as his cock thicken, I knew I was going to get a load soon and I was right, He slammed into me hard, shooting his toxic load into me. I gave him time to milk out his load, then pulled off. I want that beer can cock up my ass. With the cock still in my mouth I moved my ass towards the beer can cock. He took the bait and slide in my hole as soon as it was close enough. I could feel his cock stretching my hole open, and it felt fucking good. The man in my mouth pulled out and moved on. Hands were exploring my naked body. I was moaning loud as Mr. Beer Can fucked my ass. My cock jump with every push in of his cock. I was loving it. I was missing having a cock in my mouth, but soon an ass was back up to my face. It was a furry as, one that I knew. It was Dad. I spread open his cheeks and stuffed my tongue into his hole. I tasted the cum in there. I licked and sucked like I did in the basement, yet it didn’t give me the same amount of cum but I go some. He turned and kissed me on the lips, sliding his tongue into my mouth. “Once you get the load out of the cock in you, let’s head out to the trails” he whispered. “Okay Daddy” I replied. Mr. Beer Can was pumping away at my boy pussy, slamming his cock in more and more. I was loving the thickness of his fuck stick. He was growling and moaning as he fucked me. “Ready for my load buddy” he asked “Give it to me, please” I pleaded “Here it is” he shouted as he slammed his cock into me. His cum shot into me with great force that I could feel it hit the walls of my ass. It was a huge load. I squeezed my hole muscles the best I could as I pulled off of him. “thanks” I said, as Dad pulled me out of the dark room. We stopped out side the door to allow our eyes to adjust to the light. Dad pulled me into him and hugged me. “Drew, I didn’t know you were coming this week” a voice from behind me said. I didn’t see this man exit the dark room, but I recognized him immediately when I saw his cock, it was Mr. Beer Can. Even soft that fucking cock was thick. DAMN! “Max, you fucking pig, good to see you” Dad said. “Who’s this fine boy with you” Max asked. “My son, all grown up and pozzed up” “I think I just added my strain to his hole.” Max said to which I nodded, “and a fucking hot hole it is boy” “Thank you Sir. I hope your get more loads in me before we leave” I said “You can count on that boy” “We are heading out to the trails,” Dad said “Have fun” Max replied We moved down the hall passed the bathroom to the door and out, The air felt cool compared to the hot dark room. We moved across the small yard to a very worn trail leading off into the woods. Dad’s cock was pointing the way and I was following that furry ass I wanted in so bad.
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  46. Dad’s Basement Part Sixteen Packing for this trip was easy, just my toiletries and items to prepare for any fun. I made sure we had enough poppers and lube to have fun at the camp. Dad seemed to be happy about getting away from everything. He told me he had been to nudist camps, but was vague on if he had been to this one. We got up bright and early to set out. Dad’s diesel was growling down the road. It was an eight hour drive and I was planning on have some fun while on the road, at least I prepared for it. Dad was behind the wheel in a pair of very short shorts, I could see half of his cock shaft and the head hanging out the leg as well as his balls. He was shirtless and only an old baseball cap on his head. I was in just shorts too, but once out of town and on the open road I stripped them off and was sitting there naked. His truck was high enough for regular cars not to see in, but the truckers got an eyeful. When we passed by on, I would play with my cock, giving them a show, when they looked in I would suck on my finger. Dad would slow down and let them watch for bit then speed up. “You know teasing them might not be such a hot idea. You get them worked up and they might just rape your ass if they catch up with us” Dad said. “I know, but it’s fun,” I replied, “and you are enjoying it. Look at your cock Dad” His cock was hard as a rock, pressed up against his leg, leaking pre-cum into the fur. “Have you had trucker cock Dad?” “Fuck, I have been breed by quite a few in their cabs” he said “Thats hot Dad” My cock was getting hard thinking about Dad getting fucked by truckers. “Son, I would love to see you get gang banged in a back of a truck by some truckers. It may be something we can arrange later on. We need to get to the camp” Dad kept driving and I kept teasing truckers but knew nothing would happen, he was determined to get to the camp. I saw a sign for a rest area ahead and told dad I needed to piss. He pulled in as I was pulling on my shorts. Before we got out he adjust his cock and balls back inside his shorts. There were not too many cars in the lot and less big rigs. I knew there was not a chance that I was going to get a load. I made my way to the building where the bathrooms were. Nothing fancy, hell it looked like it should have been condemned. As I got to the door, the smell hit me. It was beyond ripe, it was rank. The odor of stale piss invaded my nostrils. I stopped, until Dad was with me at the door. “better than poppers” he said. He pushed me and I went in. This place had not been cleaned in a while. There was piss on the floor, graffiti on the walls everywhere. There was two urinals hanging on the wall, one was covered with a black trash bag with a sign reading out of order. Dad stepped up to the free on, pulled his shorts down exposing his ass and freeing his cock. “Looks like the stalls is your next destination” he said laughing. I was nervous, I hated to see what was waiting for me in the toilets. There were three stalls. I took the middle one. I immediately saw a glory hole in one of the walls. My cock jumped in my shorts. Maybe I could get lucky. I pushed my shorts down, turned and sat on the toilet. I was disappointed seeing the stall next to me was empty. I took my piss. It was really quiet in the restroom. I leaned back and closed my eyes, while I played with my cock. It grew hard quickly. I could hear movement inside the restroom and thought it was Dad heading out back to the truck. I continued to stroke me cock, lost in the fantasy of getting some dick though the glory hole. “Push that ass out a little more” whispered someone in the restroom. I opened my eyes, and quietly moved to the door, peeking through the crack. I could see from the mirrors over the sink that someone else was in the restroom, over by the urinals. I could see Dad’s shorts on the floor around his ankle but the rest of him was covered by a very large man. “That’s it open for my big dick buddy” the stranger said. I continued to watch, slowly jacking my cock. Dad was getting his ass fucked right in front of the urinal, out for all to see. In the reflection I could see another person was standing to the side, I could not see all of him, just half of his body. “Boy’s in the middle stall,’ Dad said pointing my way. I watched in the mirror as the second man walked my way, his big cock sticking out of his fly pointing his way to me. I stepped back from the door, unlocking it as I did. It slowly began to open. I turned around bending over exposing my ass and willing hole. I braced myself by putting my hands on the toilet. “Well, fuck me, it’s the little cock tease” the man said. He stepped up, spit in his hand and rubbed it on my hole. His hands were rough and scratched at my hole. He spit again and rubbed it on the head of his cock. “Going to teach you to tease truckers” He lined his cock up with my hole, just slightly pushing his head into my hole, not enough to enter but just to hold his cock in place. He put my hips in a death grip, and slammed his cock deep into my ass. Pain rushed through my hole as his belt buckle hit my bare cheeks. I fought back the scream that had formed in my throat. Tears were forming in my eyes as he pulled his cock out of my ass and rammed it balls deep over and over. I concentrated on keeping my hole open, making it easier for him to punch fuck my hole with his cock. “Take that dick Son” Dad said, “I told you not to tease truckers, always ends up bad” “Fuck me,” the trucker up my hole said “this really you son?” “Yeah and I took his cherry” “oh fucking hot man, fucking hot” I could feel the big cock in me get thicker, it really turned him on knowing he was fucking the son of the man getting fucked at the urinals. HIs moans were now becoming growls. The trucker grabbed me by my hair, pulling me up until I was against him. He moved me out of the stall, still with his cock buried deep in my hole, stretching it open more. We moved together until we were next to my Dad and the man fucking him. Dad was moaning loudly as the cock pumped in and out of his ass. I bent over as the trucker continued to fuck my ass, matching the rhythm of Dad’s fucker. I could feel the belt buckle slam against my ass checks, as his balls smashed against mine, which were pulled up close to my body. My cock jump as he slammed into me over and over. I looked over at Dad, his eyes were closed, his cock was hard and bouncing between this legs. His hands were braced against his thighs, as the guy behind him fucked his hole. I could just see the expression on Dad’s tops face, it was tensed up, teeth clenched. I knew Dad would get a load soon. With a loud grunt he slammed into Dad’s ass and yelled” “take it you perverted fucker, take my load” Dad pushed back against the guy trying to drive his cock deeper into his hole. He quickly pulled out, tucked his cock and balls back in his jeans and left. Leaving the party. Dad stood up and slowly stroked his cock in front of me, watching the cock slide in and out of my hole. “Suck your Daddy, boy. Suck the cock that made you” the trucker said. I opened my mouth and slowly took Dad’s cock in. I licked around the head and shaft as it went deeper into my mouth. The trucker started to increase his speed, almost to the point of jack hammering my hole. I knew that he would not last much longer knowing I was sucking my Dad off. His grip on my hips tightened, squeeing them hard, as he slammed his cock inside me. I could feel his cock jump and pulse as he exploded deep inside me. He bent forward until he was resting on my back, pushing into me more. Letting go of my hips, he grabbed Dad’s hips and pulled him closer to my head, sliding Dad’s dick deep into the throat. “Fuck I needed that boy” the trucker said He pulled out my hole, tucked away his cock and left. Dad pulled out and pulled up his shorts, then looked at me. “Find your shorts boy, lets get to the poz camp” I went the stall, found my short, dressed and met Dad at his truck. Once inside, I stripped them off again. Dad pulled his cock out from the leg of his pants. I put my feet up on the dash and started to play with my hole, sliding a finger in and out as we went down the high way, teasing more truckers along the way. Guess I didn’t learn my lesson.
    1 point
  47. Dad’s Basement Part Fifteen Doc was standing just inside my door way, fully dressed with his cock and balls hanging out of his fly. “Heard about your adventure with Garrett at the book store” Doc said. “It was so much fun Doc.” I replied “Heard too that you took Garrett’s full blown A.I.D.S load” “Yes, only I didn’t know it until after it was in me” “Did you ever think to push it out” he asked, gently stroking his cock, “be honest” “No Doc, I didn't I figured that with all the poz loads I had taken that a full blown would help me convert, and I think it’s what Dad wants for me so badly” “I think you want it badly too” Doc said. I just nodded. I liked the freedom that comes with it. The raw fucking, the cum dumping not worrying if you will catch it or not, the unknown. “Maybe you are ready for Dax” Doc said. “I keep hearing that name but no one will tell me who or what Dax is” “In time” Doc said. His cock was fully hard, obscenely sticking out of his fly as he walked over to my bed. He grabbed my legs, flipped me over and pulled my ass until it was at the bottom of the bed. He lift my legs high and spread the wide. I bent my knees as he pushed them back, so they were up out of the way, exposing my hole more. I could feel my hole opening as my ass crack widened. He bent his knees a little, aiming his hard cock at my hole. Rubbing his head around my hole, mixing his pre-cum with Jose’s load. He pushed in, until this cock was balls deep in my ass. I shivered as cold chills moved up my spine. He pulled his cock out and slammed it back into my hole, causing me to shiver more. My muscles were aching more and more. I was tired, my eyes burned. I felt sweat forming on my forehead. The fuck-flu was getting worse. I felt nauseous even though I had not eaten anything today, yet Doc kept pounding my hole. “Feeling like shit boy?” I nodded my head, too tired to do anymore, plus my throat fucking hurt like hell. It felt like nails going down my throat when I swallowed. “You need poz loads in your hole during conversion to feed the virus. To ensure your body is taken over by the virus.” Doc said, “I will try to cum quick, but in order to do so, I will need to fuck you very fucking rough, think you can handle it” I shrugged my shoulders. He grabbed my hips, putting my legs on his shoulders and started to slam his cock into my hole, harder and harder he slammed. I screamed as he fucked my hole, from the pain of him hitting deep inside me, as well as the muscle aches. “What the fuck is going on in here” It was Dad, he was at the door of my bedroom. His hands were grabbed each side of the door frame. “Take it easy on him Doc” “Can’t need to inject my cum, remember I did the same to you during your fuck-flu” “Yeah but he’s just a boy” Doc continued to roughly pound my hole. Dad came over and got on the bed, sitting near my head. He gently stroked my hair as Doc pounded my ass. “It’s okay Son, Daddy’s here” Doc slammed into me hard as his cock exploded in my hole, coating my inside with his cum and mixing it with Jose’s. He gently pumped my hole with his cock mixing the loads, then pulled out, leaving me feeling empty, but relieved. “I know you wanna clean it Drew” Doc said. Dad dropped to his knees taking Doc’s softening cock into his mouth and sucking it. Tasting my ass juice, Doc’s and Jose’s cum. I pushed myself up on my bed, not caring what Dad and Doc were doing. I get under my covers and waited for sleep. After a good cleaning of Doc’s cock, Dad got up from his knees. Doc walk over to me, putting his cock away as he did. “Sorry Son, if I hurt you, but I wanted to cum fast and that’s the only way I can do it.” Doc said. “It’s okay” I said “the pain is gone but my body aches” “Drink lots of fluids and stay in bed, sweat it out Boy” “I will take care of him now Doc” Dad said Doc nodded and left. Over the next four days, I get better and better. Dad was home with me the whole time. It was Saturday evening when I was ready to get out of bed and join the world again. I knew Dad was working from home during the week, plus he was missing out on getting fucked and fucking Friday night and all day Saturday, which made me feel so bad. I found Dad in his chair, looking through some papers, which I thought was work. “Welcome back to the land of the living Son” Dad said when he saw me. “Thanks Dad, I feel about 99% normal” “Good, I have a surprise for you” “Yeah, what is it Dad” “Monday we are leaving for a nudist camp that caters not only to gay men, but to poz gay men” he said, “you think you are up for that?” “Fuck yeah Daddy” I replied. “Sit on Daddy’s lap and I will tell you all about it” I sat there for the next two hours, hearing all the details and asking many questions. I couldn’t wait to go, but I really wanted to play in the basement again with all the members of the club. “When we get back Daddy, can we get all the members of the club together for a big fuck party?” “All 30 club members? I think I can arrange that after our trip. We can make you member 31, if you are ready for that” “What do I have to do?” “Get gang banged by the whole club and take a load from each, the ones you took your first night there won’t count” “Fuck yeah Daddy” “I will send an email tonight to the members arranging your initiation.” Dad said, “it will happen the first Saturday when we get back from our adventure at Camp
    1 point
  48. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE to get throat fucked. The rougher and deeper the better. Most of the time, I prefer for tops to spill their seed as they are balls deep in me, but either way I take that load I love it. I have made a few videos and you can find them on xtube, but always looking for hung tops that are into the same thing so I can make more vids. Also into tops that can stay hard when they piss so they can piss when they throat fuck me. Yes, I know I'm a pig, lol.
    1 point
  49. Anything bigger than 7 1/2" is difficult for me to suck. So when this one guy with a 9 1/2" cock force fucked my throat, I thought I would literally choke on it. I tried to get him to pull his cock back a bit. But he was very strong, and I could not do anything. But it didn't take long before he blew his load in my mouth. And even though I was gagging, I was really turned on by how he had his way with me.
    1 point
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