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  1. Growing up, I'd always suspected that my dad was gay. Or at least, shall we say, sexually indiscriminating? I mean, he was still married to mom and I had to come from somewhere. Besides, I do remember hearing them occasionally banging one out as their bedroom was right across the hall from mine. But still I had my suspicions, which were reinforced by behaviors. From the time I could remember I'd always just been around my dad when he was naked. Nudity was just an everyday thing at my house, so it never struck me as odd. Nudity was a thing for mom and me, too. Heck, There are many a photograph of me running around our house as a kid in my all-together! However, as I got older I started to notice Dad was nude around me more often than Mom. It was more 'our thing' - just two dudes hangin.... We bathed and showered together quite often, and hung out watching TV afterward as we air-dried. And, when I wasn't actually bathing, I would keep Dad company while he took a bath. He would let me play with boats in the deep end while we talked. Occasionally we'd play a game Dad called 'Light House' in which I would drive the boat between his legs to the 'lighthouse' that was standing erect there. The boat would crash on the 'rocks' below and I would laugh and laugh.... Anyway, I also first learned about masturbation from my father when I spied on him when he pleasured himself in the garage. I saw him fire his load into a shop rag, and after he went back inside I retrieved the rag and investigated it. What was this sticky fluid? Naturally he came back and caught me. I was SO embarrassed! But Dad took it very much in stride and was completely matter of fact about it all. And that's when I learned all about the birds and the bees. And also about what guys can do for special fun on their own, as he had just done. He also made it clear I should never tell Mom about because she was a girl and wouldn't understand. Dad's special magazines were also readily available for me; he really didn't even bother to hide them. They were just at the bottom of a magazine basket in our den. They started out as Playboy, but as I got older they became Penthouse, Club, Chic, Oui, and then some harder core mags with dicks and fucking in them too! Those were my favorites-- the ones that showed closeups of men with erections. Anyway, As I got older I gained hair and modesty, so the joint showers and nudity stopped and doors started being closed. Well, really just my doors-- although that didn't stop my Dad from interrupting me on more than one occasion. The first time, I was in my room, officially studying, but of course not only was I playing with myself, I was actually on the cusp of blowing my load when Dad barged into my room. I don't think I ever moved so fast in my life! Giving a quick laugh Dad exclaimed "Whoops!" And as he closed my door he added "Just don't get any on my Penthouse." There were a couple more times after that when Dad caught my jerking off. Each time Dad joked and commented something like "Damn, boy! Don't wear it out!" Or "Do you ever put that thing away?" Which is why I started jacking in the shower or behind a locked bathroom door. Slowly over this time, my suspicions about Dad being gay and his extracurricular activities increased. He was gone longer hours, working out more, or at least saying he was working out. Sometimes he'd come home and you could tell he'd had a beer or two. Mom and he fought more over piddly shit. I pretty much figured he was having an affair, or hooking up somewhere. And I could clearly see my parents on the clear trajectory toward divorce. He was also buddying up to me more during this time, telling me that I was really growing into a man, and complementing my by remarking how handsome I was becoming. Our conversations felt conspiratorial, and Dad increasingly joked around with me, and his jokes took on an ever increasing sexual overtone. Everything seemed to be a double-entendre. Well, the summer before my senior year of high school, Mom started a new job and started working nights. I think she took this job just so she and Dad would spend less time breathing the same air. It also forced Dad to be home more to take care of me (in theory). Dad still routinely got home late, often smelling of, well, I'm not sure what, but his body had a distinctive aroma. Even so, Dad was definitely more often at home more, which conveniently left us together with free time. In the evenings. Before bed. As I said before, Mom and Dad's room was right across the hall from mine. And in their room they had an old TV with a VCR. You know - for watching movies in bed. And with Mom working nights and Dad being Dad, well... he fired up the VCR - a lot. I mostly ignored it the first few times-- but I could hear the porn playing and the soft, creaking motion of his bed and I knew what was going on. But it was my father! I shouldn't be listening, hardly daring to breathe. I shouldn't be turned on by this, should I? Why did I have a boner?? So many thoughts... so many conflicted emotions. Finally one night I couldn't take it any more and I wanted-- no, NEEDED-- to see. So I snuck out of bed and crept quietly into the hall. Dad always left his door ajar, so I figured I could peep in and see him and the porn while he was too distracted to notice. I figured I was being quiet as a cat. I was wrong. "You might as well just come on in," he said in a loud voice. Fuck! Busted AGAIN by Dad!! Well, I sheepishly went into his bedroom and he gestured for me to sit next to him on the bed. He wasn't even trying to hide his erection. "Come on, you might as well 'take a load off' too. I can see you want to," again with the double entendre as he nodded to the boner in my pajamas. I stood next to the bed, guts churning, nervous as hell and shaking like a leaf while I stared at the erection held in his first. He smiled and patted the bed-- and I took my place beside him. Little did I realize that this small action would set me on a dark path and seal my fate. That first night we watched porn together and jacked off. Well, he jacked off and I mostly watched him jack off. When he came all over his belly and fist, I came too. In my pajamas. Without touching myself. From there we slowly progressed. It wasn't an every night event, but when I was in bed and I'd hear the porn soundtrack, I'd get up and join him. It started out as innocently jacking together. From there it became me jacking him off while we watched. I still vividly remember the first time I touched his erection - it was like a bolt of lightning struck me and I could barely breathe. And again, when he came, the feeling of his seed running over my knuckles made my own dick cum in my underwear. (No more Jammie's for this guy!) From there it soon progressed to blowjobs. Never him on me-- I was the son and it was my duty to get him off. To be a good boy. Oddly enough, it was a bigger deal to first jack my Dad than to blow him. The blowjob came naturally. Feeling the smooth, warm skin of his head with my tongue just felt right somehow. And when he shot in my mouth? There was no hesitation: I swallowed instantly. And happily. At this point in our relationship I had definitely shifted to just being his convenient sex toy. Sort of his human fleshlight. He didn't really make eye contact or acknowledge me at all. He was focused on the straight porn on the VCR. I didn't jack off or really touch myself at all in his presence. I would finish him off, he'd turn off the VCR and lights, and I'd go back to my room. Once there is either jack off or go to sleep. More often than not, I didn't even jack myself. And then one night it finally happened. This was in January of my senior year. It was after Christmas and I was back in school, Mom was back to work. I heard the porn fire up, but it was different porn. This time the grunting was more masculine - no more whiny bitch moaning. I went in and I saw Dad watching porn. I was right. He was playing a new porn tape. This one showed two guys on the screen, two, hot, furry, mustachioed men... and they were fucking! It was so hot and the breath caught in my throat. Dad and I started as we usually did-- him jacking for a minute, then me doing it for him. Then my mouth on his dick, as usual. But this time instead of cumming down my throat, he tapped my head after awhile and I stopped. "Get on all fours," he whispered. We NEVER talked during our sessions so this startled me. It was almost like a slap. But he just stopped everything, gestured toward the TV with a chin flip, and told me to "assume the position". My guts instantly turned to water as I knew what was about to happen and I wasn't sure about it at all. Wasn't sure I wanted to get fucked, but after all he was my Dad, and instinctively I wanted to please him so I got on all fours. I was facing the porn and I felt the bed shift as he got behind me. He reached and got some KY off the nightstand. My heart was thundering in my chest. Soon I felt the cool, wet hardness of his cockhead pushing at my sphincter. This was it-- I was losing my virginity. To my father. He pushed into my ass. I distinctly remember the pain. I tried to push back a bit on his thigh, to slow him or get him to stop but he was clearly bent on fucking. Which he did. I winced and grunted as he thrust inelegantly into me. It hurt and it felt like my asshole was ripping because of his thickness. I tried to relax-- I tried to understand how the one guy in the porn seemed to be really enjoying the cock in HIS ass. Did it hurt him as much? I tried to breathe through it. I teared up a bit. Then suddenly my father was buried inside me and shuddering. I could fee his cock throbbing in my ass, much as it had done in my mouth. There would be five or so pulses and a few aftershocks, again... like usual. I counted them off in my head. His hands were on my hips as he slowly pulled out of me. Then he magically produced some paper towels to wipe himself with and he was done. Stunned I made my way to the bathroom to wipe myself clean. There was a KY residue, some brown, and some red. Blood. So I HAD torn a bit. I stood in the bathroom a long time and looked at myself in the mirror. I was confused and hotly ashamed, mainly because I found myself aroused at the thought of what just happened to me. I jacked myself and came all over the bathroom sink while thinking about my Dad's cock violating my ass. Two nights later the same thing happened. And again a couple nights after that. Soon, I realized this was our new norm. So I stopped at Walgreens after work one day and got my own tube of KY that I kept in my secret hiding spot in my room. I started fingering my ass and lubing myself before heading in for our father-son bonding ritual. As time went on, some weeks there was less sex and I found myself a bit disappointed (and if I'm being honest, jealous). Because Dad was "late" getting home, his clothes smelling of cigarettes and "that smell" that I'd later come to realize was the stench of an adult bookstore. I'd always find myself wondering why I wasn't good enough-- had I done something wrong? Was he displeased, or worse... bored with me? But then he'd fire up the VCR again, and everything would be right as rain. Of course it's not like I was completely innocent during this time either. Dad had sort of opened the door to my sexuality. I had a couple friends at school that I was blowing fairly regularly. And there may have been one or two 'park encounters' between me and older men. Anyway, this continued through the summer until it was time for me to leave for my freshman year of college. In my mind this was also the cutoff point for my activity with Dad. I was going to college to start the next chapter in my life. I wanted to be normal. I wanted a change. And I knew I was approaching adulthood, wouldn't really be living at home anymore. I'd love to be able to say that we had one final night together before I left, where we spent the entire night fucking and he actually fucked me on my back while looking at me, and telling me that I was a good son and he was proud. Ah, the romantic in me! But no-- our sessions ended not with a bang, but a whisper. Really I don't even much remember our last fuck. As summer waned he sort of did it less and less. Plus Dad got really sick earlier in the summer, and that really seemed to zap his energy levels. I was okay with all this. It made my college transition that much easier. When I came home at Christmas break, Dad met me at the door and had me sit down. He had some things to tell me, he said. My stomach lurched as I could predict what was coming. Well... ALMOST predict. In a somber voice he explained Mom had moved out and that they were getting a divorce. He said there was something else, too. He had been to his doctor and... He took a deep, shuddering breath and said the last thing I expected: "Son... I'm HIV positive."
    6 points
  2. The first time I was fucked by one dom top I didn't know exactly how big his dick was until after. He wanted a bottom sub who would take a hard session of fucking and seeding. I think it was helpful for me not to know how big he was until after he'd fucked and seeded me for several hours. It let me focus on serving him, the whole man, by being a good receptive sub. I've got to know him well enough that he's talked about how he hates being objectified as just a long, hard, black dick (race laying it's own set of issues over the big dick thing). We've talked during and after fucking about life, relationships, race, and philosophy and he's a smart and interesting man. I couldn't see him as just a big black dick if I tried and though it's remarkable, it's not his dick that keeps me wanting to spend time with him. The last time we got together it was just for 30 minutes before he ran out to work, but he needed release. He fucked me continually and very deep into my sigmoid flexure the whole time, he can tell when he's changing the shape of my cunt and likes it. I mentioned that I liked when he hurt me a little, and he said he has to be careful of that, meaning he likes it too. I've seen he enjoys hurting me, stretching my abilities, as he's jammed up tight in me. It feeds part of his dom fire. He bred me five times and the last two were after this exchange, and were the kind where your dom is deep-fucking your mind. He held eye contact with me as he fucked deep, slapping into my hole hard, keeping me silent and telling me without words he needed something from me. I focused on his eyes and face and I could see an intense expression deepening there. I relaxed and just looked into him as he looked into me, taking what he gave me. I felt him driving me to the edge of something as he watched, never breaking eye contact. He took my body and mind to an edge, increasing the intensity of his fuck until he could see my body and mind splayed open gasping there, mouth open, head tilted back. Then I saw him drink in what he'd done to me, hurting me, as his face contorted and I felt him breed me. Then he kept going and did it all over again. Its the whole man that fucks you. He's not a dildo. He's a mind that penetrates yours as surely as his cock does. Honor all of him.
    4 points
  3. I hope you guys like my videos! I'm txcumdumpfun on Twitter too if you guys wanna follow me. I post small vids on there sometimes
    4 points
  4. I'm surprised to get this many positive feedback. Hope you enjoy this next installment. ; ) --- He explained to me the origin of his covenant and its purpose. His persuasion skills could challenge that of Jim Jones. In his words and explanations, everything made sense and I was beginning to believe in the existence of a higher being. Even more, that we had a purpose. There was no koolaid to be drunk, just his cum to made me join him. It started after he got ‘it’ that he decided to repent temporarily. On his knees, praying for a sign, he realized that there was no use and that he was in charge of his life. Fully charged. That moment of nothingness was also his first so called prophecy that he needed to establish an order as a response to the wrath that God has put on those who sodomize. By now, he had 9 brothers in his covenant with 22 out of the city. Funnily enough, he even told me that when he was renovating a house last year, he cut the owner a huge chunk of the final price as a Welcome Gift for joining his covenant. The owners name? Monsieur Courtois. Of course he did. Estelle couldn’t stop throwing her parties that summer where all of us would come and use the sauna in her backyard after swimming in her pool, now expanded. I now know why the slab on the pool had Latin words on it. It was Robert’s little signature. “Oh Lucas? Yes...that man has vigor. He understood the mechanics of this covenant and got me an early 18th century edition of Paradise Lost, hardbound of course. Came from a publishing house in London, whose owner was a friend of the British ambassador. That’s the thing about this covenant, the perks are unparalleled. I specifically choose who’s in and who’s not. In the senate, not far from here, I know of a certain republican who our brothers had restrained and came in him all night while he begged to be filled with more of the covenant’s seed. It’s practically hard to pull some strings from him, but it is doable. The contracts I’ve gotten made me buy this house, which was what God intended now I discovered you next door.” I believe that this man who has his cock in me at this very moment is a reincarnation of Machiavelli. How calculative and precise he was. What did he say to convince of these people to join a secret society like his? Influential people everywhere. Foucault was right, power is exercised, not possessed and Robert exercised his through the covenant. His cock was still in me when we lied on the floor while I listened to his manifesto. He said that his covenant aimed to collect those who understand the grand narrative of how the world works in accepting God’s purpose of the curse that He struck on us sodomites. Quoting Baudrillard and some other philosophers I don’t recognize, I could tell that Robert has crafted his covenant in an enigmatic fashion that only certain knowledgeable people would understand. It was elitist at best and he intentionally kept it that way so that he could procure the crème de la crème. Covered in sweat, he told me that he’s going to shower and brought me to his bathroom. I looked at his marble bath tub and he understood that a bath would be more fitting. It was onyx black and had a few candles around it, still unlit. I can tell that Robert was also a man of taste. It was all Dyptique. Even the ones in his ‘shrine’. It was all in black, custom ordered to display the 7 deadly sins instead of the scent name. He ran the bath water while he sucked my cock, edging me every time I felt like I was about to come by pressing onto my perineum to resist my cum from flowing. When I finally came, we got into the tub. It fit the both of us. By then, the clock was almost 1. “What did you tell your parents about your whereabouts this evening?” “I was actually quite honest. I told them I was here and that you could help me out with a project I was doing on cults.” I half-joked. He gave me a sharp look before I continued. “Well, I told them that you needed some help to touch up your house after you told me that you needed some help so they encouraged me to go since I would be home alone. Plus, my mom actually likes you since you always come home on Sundays from Church with your canollos, never missing her out in the garden. How rare it is to see a man who still remains loyal to God she’d say. Action speaks louder than word though I say, since she hasn’t been to church in forever.” “Canolli. And yes, I find your mother to be very cordial. I wonder if she would still be if she knows you’re here with me now.” “I wonder if she knows that a man who goes to church would also be fucking people into his cult.” “Don’t call it a cult. It’s a covenant. A cult would ask its members to kill themselves. Or celebrities. We don’t cause the Sharon Tates of the world. Cults do.” “Falun Gong is a cult and they seem to be sharing its 5000 years of civilization motto through some stupid meditation and kumbaya every morning. Hardly different than yours when you factor out the Jesus part of it.” I argued. “It’s not a cult either. They don’t call themselves a cult and neither do I when it comes to mine. You will not disrespect it. Blasphemy is what you’ve done. Do not transgress any further.” “Look, there’s no point in even arguing with you. You’re going to just use your ritualistic words to make me do anything you want and that’s why I’m here, with you right now. Your hard on isn’t that subtle.” I could feel his cock under my knee now, indicating that my ass would be worked out again. “And do you want it? In you right now? Don’t think you’re in the covenant yet. I haven’t stopped my medications since a new brother joined a few months ago. Around your age” “You know I will yield to your demand. Who was it?” curious as I was. “A boy who goes to Georgetown. Justin was his name. When I told him where I lived, he asked me whether I knew you. You guys fooled around in high school, no? Just from his stories I can tell how both of you were suitable for this covenant as we need some new young faces. A new generation. To sow the seeds that will be reaped. But don’t worry. I completely forgot about him when I finally saw the person who had taken his virginity.” Jesus was all I can think of. Jesus Christ. If I say it out loud, Robert would chastise me for using the God’s name in vain. Was this all part of the grand narrative that Robert was talking about? Was it my purpose to join this covenant? Was it set in stone for me to accept my role as a brother that would punish those who wish to be punished? “I told Justin that any brothers he thought of bringing must be vetted by me. Who was he? What can he do for the covenant? What contributions can he bring to further realize our mission? Last month, Jason thought of bringing you in, seeing that your parents firm represent some powerful people in this town. Domestic and international. But I wanted to check myself first. Not only are you majoring in math, you’re also minoring in literature. A well-read man is a must to join us. Tell me, is there anyone from Cornell that craves for cocks like mine?” I have underestimated everything about Robert. He had plan everything. The reason why I am here now is because of his forethought and attention to details, just like the way he constructs every project he’s worked on. My parents never told me to pick up law since I detest their work, but I can see now that it’s a possibility, knowing that it would be beneficial to Robert and his mission. Fuck, I really am convinced and attracted by this man. Was I special or was I just another Jason? I didn’t reply but held his cock instead. “Right now, I’m craving.” I said, reaching to him and trying to kiss him before he stood up and threw my head in the tub, as though he was going to drown me. He pushed his cock in me while my head was submerged in the water. He pulled me out at times for me to catch my breathe while making sure that I would suffer. I could feel my own hard on too as he fucked me repeatedly without any breaks. That 10 minutes felt like 10 hours in Gitmo. I came before he did and when he came, he slapped my ass so hard that it imprinted my cheeks. An outline of his palm that took a week to disappear. I was still not satisfied. After we dried off, he escorted me to his bedroom. A California king bed with 4 posters that had linen drapes. Above the headboard, a taxidermized head of a ram was hanged, with a demeaning expression. Its horns were long and curvy which was carved in some writing I couldn’t see properly. Latin I suppose. Robert pushed me on the bed after instructing me to wear a white loincloth made out of silk. It was tied with a rosary bead that had an inverted cross to the front. Who is blasphemous now? I was then tied at each limbs with leather straps that too were decorated with rosary. He then began chanting, “In the name of the true father, the son, and Behemoth, I ask you to submit yourself to me and find it in your soul to accept your role in the covenant for there is no God but me right now in making sure that my cum fills you up, never satiated but desperate for more.” “I submit.” Was all I could say before I felt him thrusting in me again. This time, slowly but never missing a moment to catch his breath. I was worn out but I was only able to plead him to go faster. He then pulled my head up while I was spread out on the bed like an eagle to face the ram above me. For a moment, I imagine it whispering to me in an archaic form of English, “Wouldst thou like to live in sin? Wouldst thou like the seed of thy master? Accept it shaft.” Robert was still thrusting me and I started to imagine that the ram would descend from the wall, forming into some sort of Minotaur, joining Robert. It felt like I was in a trance as I could suddenly see the Minotaur climbing down and going underneath me, inserting his cock into my hole as Robert was too. Double penetration was a first time for me and I shouted even more when they both were fucking me. This continue for a while until I felt the Minotaur coming in me, with cum as hot as boiling water. I now understand what the covenant was. It was something mystical, something that one has to experience. Robert was still in me and still fucking me, about to come. When I came, Robert came too and rested his body on me. Both of us covered in sweat. Suddenly, I looked up and the ram head was back where it was and that it was just Robert and me on the bed. Was I imagining everything? I also felt Robert’s cum in my hole. It wasn’t as heated as I remembered. Was it all real? I couldn’t tell. I wanted to leave immediately because what I couldn’t absorb what had just occurred. I told Michael that I had to go, leaving him confused. I ran to my house with his cum flowing out to my leg and rushed up to my room. My mom knocked the door and asked why I was late. I told her I got carried away watching Robert’s new TV. I went to the window, expecting Robert to be there but he wasn’t. Instead, I saw him open the door to a group of men who were wearing black hoods. Before I got into my bed, I looked in the mirror and saw a scratch on my shoulder that I knew wasn’t Roberts. “What have I gotten myself into?” was the last thought I had in my mind before I dozed off.
    4 points
  5. Sitting at home I was pretty bored one evening and being a horny 24 year old I decided to hit the gay chat rooms to see what was about. I flitted around from room to room, now I didn't actively engage in bareback sex but I had dabbled once or twice with guys I knew, I clicked on the barebacksex room and looked at the profiles of the men. One in particular struck me 'BigChris', as his profile opened I had a good look through. He was 36, six feet 10 inches, rugby build, extra large uncut, bareback only. The pictures posted of him in jeans with his cock hanging out and unmistakable tattoos on his arms gave me an immediate erection. At only five feet seven inches with average build, brown cropped hair, and okay looking I thought to myself he is way out of my league. Anyway I opened a chat window and sent a message "Great profile." then closed the window and continued browsing. He was also stated at being in east London and I was south east so quite a journey to get from one side to the other, believing that would that. No more that a couple of minutes had passed when window opened from BigChris. Him: "Thanks, what are you into?" Me: "Hi, usual stuff, kissing, sucking and fucking. And you?" Him: "Kissing, fucking, top only, never bottom." Me: "Do you only go bareback?" Him: "Yup, I plough and plant." Me: "Okay, interesting but I am neg." Him: "Poz here and I don't pull out for no one." Me: "That's pretty hot, but probably not for me, but thank you." Him: "Always happy to plant my seed in you if you change your mind. Bye" My cock felt like it was going to explode as I sat in the chair looking at our chat window and jacked off furiously until I shot my load. Well that was exhausting I thought to myself and headed off to bed. I had never considered myself a chaser of poz seed but it got me so aroused thinking about it. Around six months later I decided to flat share with a mate and we got a place just outside Greenwich in south east London. A few weeks after moving in I went on-line and updated my profile location, I then started to check out the local talent around this area. About 5 minutes in a chat window opened from BigChris, I was shocked that he even remembered me and our conversation. Him: "Hello, how are you?" Me: "Hi, I am good thanks, how are you?" Him: "Good. I see you moved to near Greenwich." Me: "Yes, about 10 minute walk away." Him: "Great, I am in Greenwich, would still love to meet you." Me: "I could do daytime at the weekend." Him: "No, I like late evening meets, I only like to cum once a day that way I make sure theres plenty of seed to plant." Me: "You tease, lol" Him: "Come over tonight." Me: "Okay, but let's see how we get on before anything happens." Against my better judgment I had just agreed to meet a poz guy with the possibility of engaging in bareback sex. But lust had taken over and I headed off and found myself walking towards his block of flats. Standing outside the door I contemplated if I should really do this, but my hand had already knocked on the door and I stood waiting. The door opened and and there he stood tall and well built his body almost completely framing the door way as he invited me in. I crossed over the threshold, he had a t-shirt and boxers on and I could see what lay beneath the fabric. We made small talk and sat on the sofa, he arm went around my neck pulling me in towards him as he kissed me tenderly on the mouth. I placed my hand under his t-shirt and stroked his chest, his mouth opened forcing mine to open in unison as his tongue sought mine. We kissed for several minutes then his hand began pushing my head down towards his crotch, my face buried I could feel the stirring to life of his cock. I moved his boxers down to reveal a beautifully formed long thick cock and ample balls, I took the cock in my mouth and began teasing the foreskin as he moaned, leaning his head back against the sofa. Slowly taking more of his shaft into my mouth, I made it a point to apply enough pressure to pull the foreskin back revealing the head. My tongue and lips caressed, licked and sucked gently at the steadily hardening shaft. Pulling himself and me to our feet, he took my head into his massive hands, kissed, and guided me towards the bedroom. His body and power was overwhelming as he stripped me naked and pushed me on to the bed. In no time he removed what clothes he had on and was laying next to me. His face was over mine as he kissed me deeper and with more urgency. I felt my legs wriggling with arousal, my toes curled, and my cock was at boiling point. Through his seemingly endless kisses, my mouth was beginning to fill with his saliva as his free hand was playing with my ass making circling motions around my hole. I let out sigh after sigh at the intense pleasure I was feeling. Slowly he knelt up and flipped me on to my stomach then pulled me up on all fours. I felt him move around behind me. I hear a click and felt a cooling gel being liberally applied to my hole. I gasped and waited holding my breath. Slowly I felt the head of his cock nudging away at my hole very gently. A moan of delight escaped my lips as I felt my ass opening as he pushed his cock in my ass. There was certainly pain, but there was also excitement and comfort from the sensation of his beautiful cock head being buried in my ass. His hands clasped like vices around my hips as he began the long journey of pushing his shaft in, all the way to his balls. It seemed to take an age and every inch caused my head to snap back and moan, my legs shuddered with every stroke that filled my ass. It was beginning to feel uncomfortable, he wriggled his hips and gave one last push and I yelped in pain and felt his balls tapping at my ass. He stayed there for a moment and began slow deep thrusts hardly take his cock out but making sure I felt that he was fully inside my body. He leaned over the top of me and placed his arms either side of mine, still balls deep in me he began to slowly grind his hips against my ass. The sensation was incredible. Involuntarily I shouted "Oh fuck!" Whispering in my ear, he reminded me "I'm gonna plough you and plant my poz seed deep inside, there is no going back now." Reality snapped back and I decided this was not such a good thing. As I opened my mouth to speak his left arm disappeared from view as I felt it tighten around my waist locking me in to position. He laughed as he sensed I had second thoughts and said "A little security to make sure you don't try to slide off when I start planting my seed." His thrusts began to get harder and faster, my moaning and gasping aroused him even more. My body was immobilised and I knew I would not be escaping this. I began to relax and started enjoying the fucking my ass was getting, urging him to go harder. Suddenly he grunted, his hips locked up tight against me. His cock gave an almighty pulse as I felt the warm liquid shoot in to my ass "Fuck" I screamed, another pulse of liquid planting deep inside me. I was in heaven as he continued releasing seed and planting it deep. As he relaxed he collapsed on top of me pinning my body on the bed, I pulled my ass cheeks wider and he gladly obliged and pushed his cock in even further. His cock still buried inside he rolled me on to my side with the arm that had held me in position, pulling me close up to him, his other arm went across my chest. It was obvious I was not going anywhere soon, so I relaxed and fell asleep. We woke in the morning still in the same position and I felt his cock was still where he left it. He kissed me on the neck as he slowly extracted his cock from my ass. I was still in a little shock at how much of a slut I had been. Still, I rose and dressed as I need to head home, shower and get to work. As he opened the door he commented "We will be doing this again."
    3 points
  6. I am quite fine with my furry crack. Might I shave it one day? Maybe, if the scene is right. Hair regrows, after all.
    3 points
  7. Thank you that's my point, a top should take his time to open a bottom up, but some bottoms feel that because they have to douch, they get a pass on training. You can walk into a PhD level class and expect to ace it without taking the lessons before. It's the same with big dick. Yes some naturally can take it, but most need a bit of training or at least a plug your hole before meeting a really hung top.
    3 points
  8. Hi, I found some drafts I wrote a few months ago that I thought would be nice to share with you all while. Hope y'all enjoy. The summer I came home from Ithaca, I had some troubles sleeping for the first few weeks. The constructions were still going on next door & I had to open the window to let in the cool summer draft. I woke up in the middle of the night to see how anyone could drill at this hour. I went to my window and saw a man, only in his jocks hammering some planks and placing them on the wall. There were also chains on the floor that he was now drilling to the ceiling. All this in a candle lit room. This man had a firm ass and I could tell he was packing. He was bald but his head was defined, as well as his body. His thighs were smooth and large. I could see his furry chest too while he drilled, packing firm pecks. Don’t get me started on his arms. It was clear that he’s experienced in construction. I starred for what must have been 10 minutes, taking the role of a pepping tom. He then stopped and got to the window and looked at me and took his jock off, jacking his 9 inch off. I looked at him straight in his eyes. He was now smiling. He opened the window and then came, blowing his load out of the window. He put his index finger on his nose to signal secrecy and turned back to blow the candles off, without acknowledging me any further. Before the candles were blown off, it looked like he was prostrating in a circle that the candles were positioned in. I closed my curtains, going to bed with a hard on I couldn’t contain. I woke up in my boxers, stained with cum. I haven’t had a wet dream in ages. I went down and asked Mom and Dad who moved in. Mom told me that it was a man name Robert Costa whose taking over the construction company that went bankrupt last year. Dad then said that “He doesn’t seem like the kind to play for the other team.” Mom told him that he’s only saying that because he’s more muscular than Dad and knows more about tennis when Dad lost his bet on him that Federer was going to lose. I didn’t want to hear them go on so I went out for a jog. I missed running around my neighborhood, going through the parks at night sometimes to cruise. I remembered when I turned 18 three years ago, I sucked my first cock at this very tree I just ran by. The balls I relished on was that of Mr. Courtois who was one of the consulate workers at the Belgian embassy. Mr. Courtois was friendly with my family. He had a wife and his daughter who I did AP Chem together with. I can still recall the moment he realized who I was after blowing his load in me in the dark. “Putain” Was the first thing he said, before asking me what I was doing. “Don’t worry Mr. Courtois. Or is it Monsieur? I wanted it. We don’t have to tell anyone.” I looked at him, with his cum still on my lips. “You should not be here, it’s unsafe for young boys of your age.” Talking to me like a child. “It’s you who shouldn’t be here. Does your family know?” I asked, before he gave a worried look. “Of course not. We must not tell anyone. We cannot. I’m going home now, let me send you home.” In the car, I was playing with his dick while he drove. It was long, hard and bushy. I then told him that if he took the next right, the exit would merge us on Connecticut Ave and that there was a motel that wasn’t too far away. It didn’t take long for him to agree. A little s’il vous plait & j’te veux was all I needed to convince him to fuck me. Thank you Estelle for making me pass 10th grade French. The thing about Mr. Courtois was that he had the perfect dad body. It was not too big nor too muscular. His hair was grey too and he had blue eyes. He was well endowed with a cock length of about 7 inch. And he had some pubic hair. Must be a man who takes care of himself. He was talkative but pensive when he fucked me. I can still remember those words that made my hole wet when he rimmed me. “C’est bon ouais?” Every time I hear those words now, I would get hard like I was Pavlov’s dog. When he inserted his cock into me, I was in heaven. The first cock I’m taking and it belonged to my lab partner’s dad. He said those three words again ramming me non-stop. “Ton cul, c'est extraordinaire…ah putain, tu vas gagner ma bite et l'accueillir.” I don’t even know what he’s saying but I knew it made me flush. I asked him to go faster. For some reason, Mr. Courtois couldn’t stop speaking in French. I had to learn the word vite from him and repeat it like I was yelling feet. I don’t think it’s even in one of my fetishes. “Tu veux mon foutre, oui? Oh putain..“ was his last words before coming into me. Filling my ass and sloshing his cum in me, pulling out and letting it flow like the Pontemac. We cuddled and he said his first comprehensible sentence of that night, in English, “Thank you. I didn’t know you were gay…does Estelle know?” “Je vous en prie” I teased in a high pitched voice. “And yes she does. I think everyone does. Does she know her dad is though?” “Bah.” was all he said and told me that we should go home. Mood killer. The time was almost 5 and I entered the house telling both my parents that I was at Justin’s playing video games and didn’t realize how late it got. This all happened a year ago before I left for college. How inexperienced I was. Last I heard, Mr. Courtois was back in Bruxelles, having his charity co-sponsor bxl pride. Maybe he’s out, maybe he’s not, but I knew I must have affected him in some ways when I saw photos of him clad to a semi muscular twink in harness on Estelle’s Instagram. While standing in front of the fountain at the park now, I could see a man wearing overalls and a white tank top walking towards me. He also had a helmet on. It was the one and only, Robert Costa. “It’s nice to see that ass out in the day.” He said, clearly recognizing me as last night’s voyeur. “Nice to see someone in clothes too.” I joked, transfixed on his eyes now. A dark shade of olive when refracted under the sun. Gorgeous. I can also take a peek of his chest. He then smiled. “Would you like to come over tonight? I just built something and I need to show someone. I don’t know anyone around here. Besides, all that construction must have make you a bit curious.” He asked, full of confidence. “Yeah, sure. 8 sounds good? I think mom and dad are going to be out for dinner at Bourbon Steak. I told them I would go watch the movies instead of mingling with some diplomats I’ll forget but whatever.” “Great.” Was all he said as he left, heading to the pickup truck parked across the bench where we stood. I wore my jock that night and the same pair of joggers with just a hoodie on. By now, I was thinking of whether I would call him Robert or Mr. Costa. Both sounded hot. Robert opened the door in an apron without anything underneath it. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve been used to walking around the house nude. Haven’t had any guests since I moved in. You’re the first! Come in.” He came in for a bear hug and I could feel how huge his balls were underneath the apron. Robert walked back to the kitchen and on his naked back, a bio hazard symbol was tattooed centered right below his nape. Interesting. Robert then showed me his kitchen where he was preparing some drinks. Campari spritz. With the heat that was going on, it was only necessary. “So…I want to try out something.” He said, going to the freezer now and taking out a tray of ice cube but instead of it being cubical, it was cylindrical, like a tube. “How would you like to have a cocktail of cum in your ass?” Wow. How direct. Cut right to the chase. I think my fixation on him last night was all that he needed to know to gauge the kind of a slut I am. I agreed immediately and pulled my pants down and hoodie off, with Robert now being impressed with my jock. “Get up here,” he called me when he went to inspect my ass. He took off the jock and looked at my cock, squeezing it with his other hand choking me now. I didn’t sign up for this, but it made me harder than I was before. “There we go..” he smiled now while gripping my hard cock while inserting one cube in my ass. It felt cold and melted easily in me. In his eyes, I can tell there’s a desire to corrupt and use me. It’s as if he wanted to destroy me and fulfill his dark fucked up fantasies. I hate to admit that I was willing to let my inhibitions go away & fully submit to him. “I still haven’t showed you what I was telling you about.” He then held my hand but this time with care and lead me upstairs into the room he was fixing up. It was a sight that I thought I wouldn’t see. I doubt there were any other houses in our neighborhood that had a room like what Robert had made. To call it a sex dungeon would be dishonest because it wasn’t like its aim was for sex but for something even darker. It was like a shrine. The chains he drilled up were a part of a leather sling. And behind the sling was a tapestry that bared the Sigil of Baphomet. The room was only lit by candles placed on the floor around the sling and that the sling was placed in a circle which Robert had carved. There was also pentagram carved in the circle. If one were to put themselves in the sling, they would face a floor to ceiling mirror that had quotes of Divine Comedy painted black in acrylics. In Italian even. To divert my fascination, I joked. “What’s the font, Hellvetica?” “Funny. You know what these words mean?” I did classics as an elective during freshman year so my memory didn’t serve me well but I can only recognise one stanza which was "Ritorna a tua scïenza, che vuol, quanto la cosa è più perfetta, più senta il bene, e così la doglienza.” “The more a thing is perfect, the more it feels pleasure and pain..” or something along those lines from what I could recall. What does this even mean? Clearly I didn’t pay attention much. Robert recited the quote in his native tongue before I told him the meaning. He was surprised and said, “You are perfect. You want to feel pleasure and you want to feel pain. In this room, we’re all sinners. We’re destined for destruction during judgement day. Our sins are set as our aberrations called for it.” I can tell he was into Dante and must have grown up in a religious family. He was Sicilian after all by looking at his Apron that had the words PALERMO printed like something off a postcard. Robert then began to tell me that he’s a part of a covenant that sins and punish themselves. “Aquinas said that we can know things without any form of divine intervention…that God’s light would shine on us naturally to inform us what we must do. When I strayed off the path of God.. I was stung to realize my sin. I then thought that God wouldn’t punish those who went on the beaten path and that I must do it myself..” Fuck. This man is a cult leader, I thought. I was still intrigued given that I had a hard on and melted cum in my ass. “Then God shined another light…that we sinners deserve a second chance. Medication. What a way to deny God’s plans. But it also give me more opportunity to punish others.” What a visionary. I don’t think highly of Robert but his speech and the way he brought himself not only convinced me otherwise, but also convinced me that he sees himself as some sort of a prophet. I can see how he could manage his cult with the way he spoke. “I’m giving you the opportunity to learn more about me. To learn more about yourself. To participate in it. When I looked at you last night, the moon was full and I felt God’s light shined again. I can tell that you’re not religious, but the rituals and the aspects of this covenant make it hard for you to be dissuaded, am I right?” “Yes... but this is too much Robert, I think you’re thinking way too deep on this. It’s not even right if you’re going to just ruin people’s lives in the name of God.” “Well, I’m not ruining their lives and anyone who joins voluntarily does so. You think I’m a man who would rape? Most of our brothers are in on their own will. God’s will. I used to think that I was the only one who felt this way but there are many like me. I can see it in your eyes that you want it too.” He was right. Human beings are irrational and as much as we’d like to live our lives according to reason and truth, it is impossible for us to function in that way all the time. I wanted to join my neighbor’s cult that might affect me for the rest of my life. Was it because of boredom? Fascination? I don’t know. Words really can’t explain why some people do the things they do and my interest in joining Robert only proves it further. I didn’t need him to persuade me any more so I walked toward him and held his face and kissed him. He threw me on the floor and began rimming me. He pushed a finger in me and I groaned a bit. “Yes, don’t stop.” I said while he was pulling it in and out. “You’re very tight. Don’t move.” He commanded. I felt my hole exposed to the humidity and without any warning, he pressed into me with his cock, releasing a scream from me. I should’ve asked him to put more cum in me in the kitchen. I had fully submitted myself to him now. He took long strokes and pressed my nipple hard, telling me that I was beginning to open up. I rocked my hips back to him, accepting his potent cock. He also went slowly at times and fast, making me moan and groan like never before. My head was on the floor with my ass up, with the candles as my only source of light. Without the mirror, the room would be darker but with it, I can see Robert fucking me flat on the floor. As he rocked me deeper, I could feel another part of my hole opening, accepting more of him. He then said, “There it is, we’re just starting to have fun now.” All I could remember for the next half an hour was me being in a state of euphoria. My eyes were rolled back and my arms were shaking. I couldn’t even feel my legs as he rammed into me. I also noticed that every now and then when we were fucking, he would take a pause to breathe heavily. The last time he did this, he held me with his arms and squeezed me tight, not letting me go as he whispered, “Into the eternal darkness, into fire and into ice.” It then registered to me that he had came in me about 7 times. When he was done, we were on the floor, panting while he jerked me off. When I was about to come, he sucked me and ingested all my cum. He then came up for a kiss and I could taste the saltiness of my cum while his and god knows who else’s was flowing out of my hole. While he leaned beside me on the recently varnished oak floor, I broke the silence. “Tell me more about this covenant.”
    2 points
  9. Please don't....I love to try to braid the hair in your crack with my tongue. I have to keep trying until I'm successful....
    2 points
  10. Was fucking a guy at his place once when his mother walked in on us. We quickly covered up when we heard her walking in, but since this was the first time I’d met his mom he introduced us and I went over to shake her hand. As I was shaking her hand one of the balls fell out of my PA, bounced off her foot and landed on the floor between us. She picked it up, looked at it, handed it to me without saying anything and walked out of the room. Guy told me later that his mom asked him what it was and wouldn’t believe him when he explained it to her until he finally showed her a picture of it (and me) on his phone. I’m glad he and his mom are close but there IS such a thing as oversharing... We hooked up again a few times but after that I could never bring myself to go back to his place again.
    2 points
  11. That used to happen to me a lo when I'd notify guys.....wanted to tell regulars so we wouldn't pass it back and forth, but then they'd disappear. Lately I'm always seeking out the sleaziest hot guys I can find to pig out with so I pretty much assume I'm gonna catch something from them, so honestly not sure I'd even say anything.......almost assumed they've got something and good chance I do too. I just got tested last week - have had a tickle in my throat and ass for about a month now. I was actually surprised to see neg results for slyphillis, gono and chlamydia after the whores I've fucked and flipped with this summer. There was even a hustler I played with in one of the groups I went to and the host who hired him is such a pig I figured I'd catch something that night but it would be worth it!!
    2 points
  12. For a while me and my regular fuckbuddy were getting closer emotionally. We agreed to try as a couple but it n an open relationship. First three some as a couple happened yesterday. Watching me kissing and sucking a stranger and being fucked by him made my bf horny previously. So, I was curious to his reaction if he see his bf with another guy. Fifty something bearded daddy was coming. We didn’t waste our time. He started to kiss my bf while I was sucking them one after the other. Later daddy also sucked my bf, we did it together. After it I was sucking my bf and daddy was rimming me, until he helped me to sit onto my bf’s rock hard cock. He stood above my bf and gave his cock into my mouth. I sucked him hard while was riding this hard tool. Daddy pushed his cock deep into my throat. When his cock was fully covered with my saliva he went to my back and pushed his cock beside my bf’s cock. After few trying it was successful and I feel like in heaven. The first dp in my life is done. I had been eager for so long time. My double penetrating lasted quite long when I asked a small break. After it I was fucked by both our guest and my bf. In the next turn he went on to his knees and started to suck my bf. Who ordered me to lick daddy’s hole. Although he said being only top he couldn’t resist my bf’s amazing cock and rode him. While he was riding, I was sucking him, until he shot a huge load onto my face and into my mouth. My bf is so excited to watch his partner making sex with strangers that we have come to the nudist beach and he asked me to go to the cruising zone and playing with others. So I have already bred. Now he went to find someone to play without me which made me also excited. I hope, he becomes such a top bf who organises breeding parties to his love, not only letting but forcing me to bareback with others.
    2 points
  13. That’s how it was with my former Master - what I have become is the result of what he found already within me and developed, rather than something he imposed on me. In trying to understand why I need or desire men to sexually dominate and degrade me, to call my asshole a cunt or a pussy and use it as such, I’ve wondered if the only way I could allow myself to express myself sexually is if I somehow could tell myself I had had no choice. I’m beyond that kind of self-repression now, but I wonder if it permanently shaped my sexuality in such a way that I now greatly desire to serve men who would use me that way. It is humiliating to say it out loud, but I do need men to recognize my asshole as a cunt, to recognize me as a thing to be fucked, and to use me in ways that demonstrate their control and power. What’s worse is that I’m even willing to beg for it...
    2 points
  14. I’ve posted about Monday to Friday already and Saturday and Sunday were great Saturday was laying in bed looking at porn when a HOT muscle buddy hit me up. I jumped at the chance to take his load and eat his pits. Got cleaned up, but then we went silent 😰😰 a married guy I recently started chatting with messaged me. We chatted and I convince him to come over. Older 52 but an amazing body!! He loves pits also. We licked and rolled around. His ass was amazing and he sat on my face and sucked my cock while I ate his ass. He asked if I wanted to fuck I said yes, he asked for a condom which I was ok with since I had tampered with it and poked holes in the top. He fucked me doggie and then asked where I wanted his load. I beegged for him to cum inside me, he pulled out and ask “do you want daddies cum in your hairy boy pussy” this about made me shoot and I begged for it. He shot all over my hole. I reached back and pushed it in my hole. I sucked him and he left. I will get him to breed me. Saturday night went to the monthly sex party. Had a blast. The host a sexy otter fucked me hard in the sling. Then another cute otter bent me over and bred me and then his HOT twink started making out with me. He had an amazing cock. I asked if he topped, he said he was tonight. He slid in my hole. Fuck he felt good. Sunday had to drive to Iowa. A guy I had been chatting with messaged me he was on the way to Iowa so why not stopped by and he dropped a 3 day load in me. Got to Iowa and jumped on BBRT. This sexy daddy hit me up said he was looking to dump a 5 day load. I stopped by Starbucks and made a quick check in the bathroom all good showed up, got naked, sucked. He bent me over and dove in busted in about 10 min, he shot a huge load in me felt amazing what a good week for this cub cum dump Total for the week 14 loads
    2 points
  15. While i'm grateful to be a guy and sex is as a gay guy is comparatively easy to get (compared to straight), i do think we miss out if we ignore the emotional and mental side of sex. That's easy to do with hook up sex. For me, quality sex twice a week beats quantity sex every day. i don't think one can have that if their partner is only a hole or a cock to them. i've been fucked by a guys finger or a dildo and He was so connected to what He was doing, that i was thoroughly connecting with Him. i always try to engage a guys mind and emotions before i even hook with him, but many guys don't want that. To me, once you've experienced mind fuck, there is no going back. For me, sex is all about connecting with another guy, the more we connect emotionally, mentally and physically , the better. To me, sex without the mental and emotional connection is getting close to sex with a condom.
    2 points
  16. Big dick problems is similar to the problems girls with big boobs have. Minus the back problems lol
    2 points
  17. Great point. The real problem is bottoms that are lazy and expect a top to make them able to take big dick without pain and tops that think busting up a hole and making a bottom bleed makes them a good top.
    2 points
  18. Reading all the posts here, it seems like taking big dicks is about experience, communication and expectations. Experience: Bottoms who are serious about taking big dicks should probably invest in a decent sized dildo to practice on and some poppers. Communication: I think tops need to get bottoms mentally ready for a big dick by reminding bottoms they are bigger than average. And tops know if they are hung based on how previous partners have reacted to their dicks!!! Expectation: I think well-endowed tops should be patient when entering a hole. I know a couple of very hung tops that I won't let fuck me on a regular basis because they literally feel that once they are inside me that I have to submit to being plowed - even if it hurts me. Just because I am the bottom, it doesn't mean I want to be in pain or that I am not an equal partner during the sex act. And it's a sex act - not a sexual assault. I am getting regularly fucked by a well-endowed guy now. Because we're fucking often, my hole has "learned" the curve of his dick. I don't even need much lube. It is some of the hottest sex I've ever had.
    2 points
  19. Part 45 - No Doubts It was dark when they returned home exhausted from the day at Liongate, having laughed so much to all the swimming they did. Javier was so happy and excited he bounded up the stairs like a puppy who just got free run of the house, they kissed good night and went to their rooms, Ben looking back shaking his head smiling and wondering what had happened to make him this way. Franco collapsed on the sofa flicking the TV on to sit and watch an episode of Big Little Lies, he had become a fan since Nicky took them on set to watch it being filmed. Stefan came back in to the lounge grabbed a couple of sodas and sat down next to Franco in silence watching with him until the credits rolled. "She is so good" Franco said finishing his soda. Stefan nodded "It's funny watching her now I know her" he said. Franco looked at Stefan then leaned over and kissed him "What's that for?" Stefan asked smiling. Franco stood up and held out his hand to Stefan who took it and felt himself being pulled up off the sofa. Franco held on to Stefan's hand tightly and kissed him again looking him in the eye then turning he began to walk towards his room holding Stefan firmly. There was no hesitation from Stefan he felt the time was right for them to spend the night together. As they stepped in to Franco's room he closed the door looking at it for a moment hoping that he had judged things right, when he turned Stefan stood close and his arms were already pulling Franco in and wrapping around his body. Both men were hungry for the other but neither of them knew how much they really did wanted each other, their lips met and parted quickly kissing deep and with urgency, hands roaming over bodies lifting their t-shirts off and stopping their kissing to quickly discard their clothing. Standing naked kissing and walking clumsily towards the bed, Stefan fell back and Franco held on tight kissing and biting each others lips gently as he landed on top. Their arms wrapping around each other they kissed harder and deeper rolling around on the bed bodies wriggling to get closer. Franco rolled on top again and slipped downwards finding Stefan's nipple he licked and sucked briefly hearing Stefan moan. His tongue circled each nipple and began running it's way further down his body, ignoring his cock he felt the tongue work around it licking and kissing until he reached Stefan's balls. His mouth opened and sucked gingerly eliciting a squeal of joy from Stefan, slowly he worked his way up along the shaft closing his mouth around the head of Stefan's cock, tasting him for the first time he gently increased the pressure and depth of his sucking, his eyes watching as Stefan arched his back clawing at the sheets. Stefan's hands grabbed Franco's head pulling him further down getting his cock in to Franco's throat 'oh fuck' Stefan moaned several times until the cool air rushed around the his cock being released from Franco's mouth gagging leaving a string of his saliva connecting them. His legs pushed up and Franco playfully bit at his ass cheeks moving inwards until his tongue found his hole. Franco licked hard upwards and he could feel the trembling in Stefan's legs, his hands gripped the sheets moaning loudly head rolling from side to side, Stefan was in shock at his own uncontrollable aroused state never imagining that Franco would be so dominant in the bedroom. He was out of control and couldn't and didn't want Franco to stop, the tongue flickering around his hole depositing saliva before finally pushing in. Stefan raised his ass almost shooting his load in orgasm feeling the warm tongue licking and probing inside his hole. Franco had never felt urges like this with any other guy, he wanted to fuck him and he wanted to fuck him now but doing so he knew he would cum straight away. Teasingly he kissed and blew cool air over the hole feeling Stefan's legs trembling again, his kissing moved up along his inner thigh and Stefan relaxed his heart beating fast intoxicated from rush of desire speeding around his body, his legs came to rest on the bed parted by Franco's body who now leaned forward and gently bit on Stefan's lower lip tugging at him to open his mouth. Stefan slipped one hand behind Franco's neck and pulled him forward sinking his tongue in to Franco's mouth kissing him with more urgency than ever, his other hand moving around Franco's back. Franco leaned further forward pushing Stefan's legs up and around his hips. Franco stopped kissing and looked him in the eye "You know I am poz?" Stefan said looking up at him. "Yes" Franco replied positioning himself in to a perfect missionary position poised to connect their bodies and make love. Stefan struggled to push Franco up "Wait, there are condoms in the bedside draw" he said pinned under Franco. Franco looked at him "No, I want to do this properly with you" he whispered seductively kissing him again. Stefan could feel Franco's hefty piece of meat against his hole from the gentle movements Franco's hips now gesturing as his hole, gradually he was pulling his hips away and Stefan felt his cock moving. He was under no illusion that Franco was about to fuck him feeling the cock working downwards, the head was now rubbing and pressing just above his hole. He knew this was going to hurt somewhat but he still pulled Franco forward and kissed him as he felt Franco's cock finally pressing harder it slipped down a few millimetres and penetrate in to his ass swiftly. Stefan's hands gripped Franco by the shoulders partly in shock but also struggling to take his Latino cock knowing that only the head had penetrated him, he moaned and gasped catching his breath and found himself looking up in to the eyes that stared back at him. Franco slowed and showed consideration letting his cock rest and allowing Stefan to adjust, kissing his neck and moving around to his ear lobe he nibbled tantalisingly then 'Do you want me Stefan?' he whispered to him moving back towards Stefan mouth 'Of course I do' he answered arching his back feeling the cock pushing deeper in to his body, his mouth attached again to Franco's his moaning increased taking more of Franco's cock and kissing him back matching the vigour Franco was showing. Stefan found a new submissive side that would only ever surface with Franco, he relaxed wanting him to make love to him as the thrusts came slow and hard to start with allowing them both enjoy the sexual freedom and intimacy together. Franco's pent up desire for Stefan played out over the course of an hour, he quickly learnt how to control his orgasm holding his cock inside with just enough hip movement, several times nearly tipping over the edge, his body telling him to do it and his head and heart wanted to enjoy and savour this moment. His arms wrapped around Stefan's head and neck holding him close kissing him on the mouth, face and neck keeping themselves close to each other. Franco looked into Stefan's ice blue eyes even more turned on, he kissed him harder tongues twining, lips pressing and sliding. Chest to chest Franco could feel Stefan's erection against his stomach his own cock caressing deep inside Stefan's ass, he made small pleading noises in his throat. Franco began a steady rhythm of gentle rapid thrusts his mouth left to kiss and suck and nip at Stefan's neck but again his eyes were drawn to Stefan's that seemed to be smiling up at him. Stefan touched and teased, caressed and stroked until Franco's breaths came long and deep, each one an almost-moan of pleasure. Their lips pressed together and Franco felt his body go in to a transient state, pushing his hips down hard 'yes' Stefan moaned feeling the beginnings of Franco's orgasm. The moaning and grunting came from deep in his body, he felt the force of his seed being fired from his cock collapsing on top of Stefan his body quivering and jolting as each load left his cock passing in to Stefan's body. Stefan grasped tighter as Franco collapsed on top of him, feeling a whole new world of enjoyment had just opened up and having not just sex but someone who really wanted to make love to him and share the experience. His cock subjected to the constant massaging by Franco's stomach climaxed ejecting his seed between their stomachs. His body starved of this kind of affection woke and responding to gentle post orgasm thrusts from Franco his legs and arms clamped lovingly around Franco's body never wanting to let him go. Franco breathed heavily against his ear, neither of them spoke laying there in the after glow dozing from tiredness. His legs unfurled from around Franco's body falling into a slumber, his ass half full of Franco's still erect cock. Franco kissed Stefan's ear and neck fully relaxed and very happy straining to keep his eyes open, finally his eyelids lowered, his lips pressed up against Stefan's neck falling asleep as he kissed him. The lightning flashed brilliantly through the room followed by aloud clap of thunder waking them both. Stefan turned his head to face Franco who was running his hand through Stefan's short hair toying with it and stroking the side of his face. Stefan leaned forward and pressed his lips against Franco's kissing gently. "We fell asleep" Stefan said caressing Franco's back giggling. Franco gently extracted his cock from Stefan's ass "That was amazing" he said rolling on to his back. "You don't need to tell me Franco, no one has ever made love to me like that" Stefan replied looking at him. Franco smiled at him "So you want to do this again?" he asked stroking Stefan's chest. Stefan chuckled "Oh yes definitely, but not tonight my ass is a little sore from the surprise" he leaned forward and kissed Franco. Franco was drawn back to the ice blue eyes and realisation washed over him that he was really falling in love with Stefan. He found it a little embarrassing and rolled on to his opposite side, Stefan turned off the bedside light and pulled the sheet up as another flash of lightning filled the room, he cuddled up to Franco wrapping his arm over him and parking his cock between Franco's ass cheeks. Both quickly feel asleep their bodies touching as close as they could spending their first night together as new lovers. Javier was up early having had a restless night thanks largely to the storm that lasted several hours before finally moving off. Adept at making coffee now he put on the drip filter and went to sit outside watching the first rays of sun filtering through the trees, wondering how he was going to explain to Ben and Mark that he was going to the beach without them. He would be meeting Pedro at midday on the corner of St Pierre and St Cloud but felt devious if he didn't tell them since they had opened up their home to him. He stood and walked back in to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee and retrieved his phone from the sofa where he left it the previous day. He sat down again outside his thoughts interrupted when Mark appeared on the terrace. "Morning Javy" Mark said sitting opposite Javier. Javier stood up "Morning I made coffee do you want one?" he asked Mark. "Thanks yes please. What is on your mind Javy" he called out to Javier. "What makes you think that?" Javier called back from the kitchen. "You were sat out here thinking Javy" Mark replied turning his head to look at him. Jacker walked back from the kitchen "I have to go out at midday" he said handing the mug to Mark. Mark raised an eyebrow "Don't keep secrets Javy it is not how we live" he replied. Javier sat down "But if I tell you I don't want a big deal" he looked pleadingly at Mark. "Go on" Mark said sipping his coffee "but I probably all ready know" he smiled looking at Javier. "Did he say something?" Javier asked looking a little shocked. Mark chuckled "Maybe" he paused "I was asked if he could take you out today". Javier looked down at his mug "So much for privacy" he said turning the mug in his hand. Mark smiled "Javy we won't get involved but for what it's worth he confessed to liking you" he said. Javier laughed "Hold on we don't even know each other" he said cheering up. "Just be yourself Javy and don't be afraid to be open and honest with him" Mark said reassuringly. Javier smiled "We kissed yesterday" he said waiting for Mark to respond who just looked and smiled "How was it with you and Ben?" he asked. Mark smiled and touched Javier's hand "You know Ben was so scared of getting involved with me at first" he said fondly remembering. Javier looked up surprised "Really?". Mark nodded "He hadn't really come out and when I first saw him at the party I just fell in love and wanted him badly". "Was he easy?" Javier asked giggling as Mark burst out laughing. "Far from it. Took several dates and one snow storm before anything happened" Mark said finishing his coffee. Javier smiled "He did alright for himself though" he said referring to the house. Mark chuckled "He had no idea who I was, he thought I was just Angelo's friend and assistant at work". Javier looked thoughtful at him "Did you... I mean did you just not tell him about you?" he asked. Mark shook his head "Partly, Angelo was my escape from reality, I could just be Mark, hidden away". "You mean out of sight out of mind" Javier said in a understanding manner. Mark smiled "Exactly, Angelo keeps me grounded. But marrying Ben has changed all that and I knew it would". Javier laughed "Did he freak out when you told him?" Javier asked Mark laughed "I didn't, it came out at Thanksgiving his step fathers sisters did that and he called me to ask. I guess it was more shock". "So what did you do?" Javier asked keen to find out as he knew Ben's step aunties and what they were like. Mark chuckled "Drove round to his house and proposed to him there and then" he sighed "it was a massive gamble but it paid off". Javier smiled "Well it would do, he totally adores you. You know he hates people buying him things". "That I know to well, my father keeps spoiling him rotten, the BMW outside" Mark said "I told him not to". "Yes but I can see how much your parents love him" Javier said in a knowing way to Mark. Mark smiled "They love him like a son and it is more than I could hope for. They really like you as well" he said. Javier half smiled "They do?" he asked "probably out of pity" he suggested. "Not at all Javy, you are Ben's friend from Harrison that is all they know" Mark said. "Pedro seems to like working at Liongate" Javier said and was about to ask a question before Mark stopped him. "And I am not going to tell you about him, that you have to discover with him" Mark said closing the subject. Javier looked down at his mug "What if it doesn't work out though are people going to hate me?". Mark held his hand "No Javy you just need to be ready and go in open minded and open hearted". Javier stood up "More coffee?" he asked grabbing Mark's mug who nodded and waited for him to return. "Thanks" Mark said as Javier sat down again "My mother has suspected something yesterday was happening". Javier looked at him worried "Oh" was all he could say. "Don't worry she is all for this to happen" Mark's words stated clearly. Javier sighed "So if things don't work I upset your mother as well as Pedro. Flipping great". Mark laughed "Don't be silly, promise you will talk to me if you have any doubts Javy?". Javier nodded as Ben entered the kitchen clanking around pouring a coffee "Does Ben know?" he asked quietly. Mark nodded "Yes, but he won't say anything to you until you are ready". True to Mark's word Ben didn't mention anything about Pedro all morning or even asked questions when Ben came downstairs with a beach towel, the both said for him to have a nice afternoon as Javier left the house and walked up to the corner of the street. Pedro pulled up in his car and smiled when Javier got inside for the short drive down to the beach. Finding a good spot not to far from the waters edge the beach was pretty busy for a Sunday, quickly they dove in to the sea and swum around before returning to the beach. Pedro laid on his back with his hands behind his back enjoying the sun, Javier laid next to him on his stomach propped up by his elbows whilst his hands played with the sand, quietly by completely content in Pedro's company. They chatted away occasionally glancing at each other until Javier sat up on his knees complaining he was getting to much sun on his back, Pedro reached in to his ruck sack and pulled some high factor sun cream out and looked at Javier 'Can I' he asked. Javier looked around shyly and turned his back to face Pedro, squirting some cream in to his hands he began at Javier's shoulders gently rubbing the cream in with short strokes deliberately taking his time. "You have to be careful out here the sun is quite strong on the beach" Pedro said rubbing lower on Javier's back. Javier was enjoying it way to much "Yeah, thankfully your here to look after me" he replied then moaned quietly. Pedro chuckled "Are you enjoying this?" he asked as his hands slipped lower down his back. Javier nodded "You have a very gentle touch" he replied allowing his neck to drop backwards looking up at the sun. Pedro inched closer rubbing cream on Javier's neck "You are very sexy Javier" he said putting the top on the bottle. Javier turned his head realising Pedro had finished "I am?" he asked surprisingly. Pedro smiled and leaned forward kissing Javier on the lips "Yes" he said seeing Javier smile. Javier still felt the tingle on his lips "Maybe but not as sexy as you" he said mildly embarrassed laying down. Pedro laid back down and his right hand and fingers sought Javier's left hand and closed around it, he turned to his head to face Javier and smiled seeing his closed eyes and smile etched on his face feeling Javier's thumb rubbing the back of his hand. They laid there quietly both very happy, Javier's thoughts returned to debating if he could actually live here and what would his parents think about him moving to the other side of the country. One thing he did know was that the man who laid beside him holding his hands was stealing his heart so much that he wanted to kiss and hold him. His decision was already made and heart ruled over his head knowing he would make things work and had to think what he wanted not what his family perceived him to need. Javier turned on to his stomach to hide his erection from his thoughts that were beginning to stray in to the erotic realm, strange that he had never had these kind of thoughts about Brad he thought to himself. He woke a lightly started from some loud laughing not far from him on the beach, he had no idea how long he had been asleep but he found Pedro laying on his side looking at him smiling. "What?" Javier asked trying to get his bearings. "You were dreaming" Pedro replied stroking Javier's back. Javier chuckled "Did I snore or talk in my sleep?" he asked without any real concern. "Muttering but I couldn't work out if you were saying my name" Pedro said looking him in the eyes. Javier smiled somewhat shocked by this revelation "Maybe my feelings for you go way deeper than I realise". Pedro raised an eyebrow and rubbed Javier's shoulder "I hope they do". Javier leaned up and smiled at how sexy Pedro looked right now "They do". Javier moved closer and kissed Pedro on the lips quickly then smiled "Swim?". Pedro nodded jumping up and held a hand out to Javier helping him get up, they ran down to the sea and dived in. Javier swam to the shore and sat in the surf watching Pedro swimming before he swam over and joined Javier sitting in the surf. "Your spikes have all gone" Pedro said laughing and running his hand over Javier's hair. Javier shook his head "Do you like them then I was going to get my hair cut" he replied. Pedro caressed Javier's ear "Don't do that I like your spikes especially the longer ones running here". Javier laughed "My mohawk?" he asked "my parents hate it and keep threatening to cut it when I am asleep". Pedro smiled "I like it and it suits you, kind of makes you look a little rebellious" he said. "Rebellious!" Javier said giggling "there is nothing rebellious about me" he play punched Pedro on the leg. "No I can see that, but it will come in handy" Pedro replied standing up kicking water at Javier. Javier grinned "Handy for what?" he asked curious to find out what he meant. Pedro chuckled and looked at him "To hold on to and stop you getting away when I fuck you good and hard". Javier giggled and splashed water at him "Who said you were going to fuck me?" he teased looking up at him. Pedro held out his hand to pull Javier up "Well you will have to become my boyfriend first". Javier shook his head smiling as they walked back towards their towels on the beach. Pedro glanced at him a couple of times, he had never felt so close to anyone like this before and he knew Javier had turned his world upside down for all the right reasons. He was still holding back as the real threat of Javier leaving was still in the back of his mind, he didn't want to lay everything out in the open only to have it taken back shattered when Javier left. Javier stood waiting at the car putting his trainers on and watching Pedro wash and dry his feet removing the sand. He eyes were almost permanently fixed on Pedro and he just loved that he was able to watch him like this without any judgement. Pedro walked up to the car checking his phone and smiling at the message he was reading. "Ben and Mark have asked if we want to go out for dinner" Pedro said climbing in the drivers seat. Javier smiled "Does that make it our second date then already then?" he replied putting his seat belt on. Pedro looked at him "Are we dating then?" he asked waiting for Javier's response with anticipation. Javier looked at the beach in silence there was no doubt in his head "How do we do this?" he asked him. Pedro looked at Javier "I don't know Javier, I can't tell you what to do you have to decide". "I have to sort a lot of things out" Javier replied nervously at the decision he had already made. Pedro nodded and started the car "I think you know how I feel" he said fumbling around the steering wheel. Javier put his hand on Pedro's to stop him "I want to be your boyfriend" he said looking at Pedro. Pedro sighed and put his head on the steering wheel "Please don't do this unless you are serious". Javier stroked Pedro's arm "I want to stay here and be with you" he finally said it and felt the weight lifting. Pedro turned his head to look at him "What, how, when did you decide?" he asked confused. "Being with you on the beach today" Javier replied unsure what to say. Pedro sat back in his seat "Are you sure about living here?" he asked and saw Javier nodding. "Definitely. I felt something I can't describe on Friday evening when I first saw you" Javier replied. Pedro looked at him "I thought it was just me" he said smiling "You were so cute and shy". Javier looked at the beach scene and smiled "So are we going to dinner as boyfriends?". "Yes" Pedro replied straight away "hell yes" he said again. Pedro looked at Javier and pressed his lips firmly against Javier's their lips parting slightly at the pressure each exerted against the other holding short on going full on. Pedro kissed Javier again then putting the car in gear he reversed out of the parking lot and drive up through Palisades to Bel Air. Javier slightly in shock and concerned how he was going to break the news to his family, his other thought was this evening where he would be going out for dinner with his boyfriend, he grinned and smiled all the way back the Mark and Ben's house very content and excited with his decision. Pedro dropped Javier off and went home to Liongate to shower and change. Javier dressed and hair spiked walked in to his bedroom to find ben sitting on the bed looking at him with his head cocked to one side. "Shit Ben, how long have you been there?" Javier asked after the initial shock of seeing him. Ben laughed "Not long, are you going to tell me what's going on?" he asked. Javier sat down next to him "You tell me, I have no idea what I am doing" he replied nervously. Ben smiled and looked at him "Pedro's happened that's what" he said "or am I wrong?". Javier shrugged his shoulders "I can't stop looking thinking about him, we had a such a nice afternoon". Ben laid back on the bed "Is it serious, I mean is it life changing?" he asked. Javier laid back next to Ben "Is it silly to say that I think I am in love?" he said turning to face Ben. "It's a start I guess" Ben said pushing Javier with his shoulder "What about home?" he asked going all serious. Javier sat up "I have to sort that out and how I will live" Ben stopped him. "We already told you, you can live here this house has plenty of rooms" Ben said shutting the conversation down. Javier laid back down "I don't want to be in anyone's debt Ben or seek charity". It was Ben's turn to sit up "It's not like that, you have been a close friend to Ethan and me for years". "I know but" Javier was about to say but Ben stopped him again. "No further discussion Javy. You will have to appreciate it like I had to and you know me" Ben laughed. Javier turned to face him "Did it really shock you? I mean you haven't changed just nicer clothes" he asked. Ben chuckled "Fucking cheek! It did surprise me but I fell for the Mark who pestered me at the party". "Anyway I won't have that problem since we both don't have any money" Javier said laughing. Ben smiled but remained quiet and looked at Javier "What are you going to do for a job?" he eventually asked. Javier sat up and finished dressing "Don't know might do swimming pools until I find something" he replied. Ben stood up "Well you know what your doing there, you can start with ours" he laughed "10 minutes downstairs" he said. Javier nodded "Okay I will be ready" he replied watching Ben leave. Ben walked in to the master suite "Mark you ready?" he asked. "Yes" he called out coming out of the dressing room "What's the matter?" he asked looking at Ben's pensive face. Ben looked up "Oh yeah" he closed the door "You need to tell Pedro to be open with Javy about money" he said. Mark nodded "Why so concerned?" he asked "Ah, has he decided to move here?" Ben nodded. "He needs to tell him before it gets serious, Javy might react totally differently to how I did" Ben said. Mark smiled "I agree, is he hung up on money?" he asked putting his shoes on. "No far from it, his family are well off but he and Juan have always been taught earn things" Ben replied. Mark chuckled "Were all you of you brought up the same way in Harrison?" he asked standing up. Ben laughed "Why are we all the same?" he asked. Mark came over and kissed him "No but you all insist on working, that's partly why my father adores you". Ben chuckled "And there was me thinking he liked me because I was doing you" he said and Mark laughed. "In case you hadn't figured it out, that's why he is distant with Selina's husband" Mark said taking Ben's hand. Ben looked up at him "But I thought he worked?" he asked confusingly. Mark nodded and opened the bedroom door "Yes but he also expects things handed on a silver plate". "Did I behave like that at first or now?" Ben asked stopping out of concern. He shook his head "Never and no, my parents saw it as a project to try and get you to accept a gift" he laughed. Ben smiled "The BMW" he said. Mark nodded "But they were over the moon that you finally accepted a gift without question". "Hmmm. I figured there was not point refusing as I know how stubborn you are and your mother warned me" Ben said. Mark kissed him again "Yeah at least your learning" he chuckled "It will get worse as they love you very much". Ben held Mark's hand as they walked down the stairs to meet Javier, he knew that Mark wasn't joking about his parents but then he had also grown very close to them and they treated him like an equal with their own son. He also knew that Pedro had enough money now to leave and do his own thing and live very comfortably but his loyalty to the Davenports and the love they showed him meant he would never leave them. He loved his life as it was safe and secure something he never had growing up and he owed the family everything. They met Javier in the front entrance as the limo pulled up with Pedro already inside, they headed to Chateau Mamont for dinner as a special evening for Javier. Pedro seemed to be alive and very relaxed, easily holding his own at dinner but then he knew etiquette inside out and took great pleasure teaching Javier when they stopped looking in to each others eyes. Something that Ben and Mark picked up very quickly at the start of dinner, then Javier confirmed he wanted to stay in LA and see how things work out with Pedro. Mark was overjoyed hearing the news from him although he already knew, he looked at Pedro and Javier and told them that tomorrow that they should let his parents know. Javier suggested they do it in the evening since he had been invited by Mark's father to watch a soccer game. Pedro knew Mark well enough to know that by the look he gave that his parents already knew something was happening and they were okay with it. Javier kissed Pedro goodnight as he got out of the limo, his head buzzing from the evening and having seen so many famous people at the restaurant but it took him time to understand that actually the other people were more interested in their table. He sent a brief text to Juan telling him he was going to move to LA and had found and incredible person that he was head over heels for. Naturally Juan's text back was to the point saying he wanted to meet him before he moved and make sure he was suitable. Javier sat on the bed tearing up at how his brother still loved and wanted to protect him. But he knew doing this via his brother would make it all the more easier as he would say something to their parents paving the way. Javier got undressed, cleaned his teeth and climbed in to bed he wondered laying there looking up if he had made the right decision. The more he thought about it he began to comprehend that Harrison held nothing there for him apart from family and a dull job, but at least here he would have someone to love and a better lifestyle without having to be in the throws of a city like NY. Satisfied he slept a lot easier and his mind only thinking about nicer happier thoughts he had the strangest dream... He was walking through Liongate and down towards the pool area early in the morning, Pedro had finished exercising on the lawn and stretched up toward the sky, he turned to catch his eye, Javier knew something was about to begin, and it would be different. It would be dangerous and safe and sweet all at once, as only Pedro could make it. Pedro had that seductive look, that deceptively cool challenge that was his version of come-hither. A call that seemed to scare Javier just a little bit, a call he couldn’t, would never want to resist. The one outward sign of the heat Javier knew lay just on the other side of Pedro's eyes was his white teeth and sweet pink tongue sliding over his lower lip. Pedro came closer, stopped a long two strides outside Javier's reach. An outrageously, but oh-so-sweetly cruel distance, so sensual Javier's breath flooded away and left him open-mouthed and gasping. All this before even a touch. Javier rose and moved forward locked into Pedro's deep warm brown eyes, relieved and even more turned on to see that secret smile hiding behind them. Pedro gathered up Javier's spikey hair, wrapped it around his hand, and pulled Javier closer. It seemed familiar as if Pedro had done just that very thing the first time they made love, years ago. Now, as then, it swept Javier into passion he would have been hard pressed to control. They kissed, inched closer, kissed harder—tongues twining, lips pressing and sliding. Chest to chest, their hard cocks pressed together and strained against the clothing that separated them. Mouths still locked together, Javier made small, pleading noises as his lust rose and circulated through the very fibre of his being his body shaking and jolting in his unconscious state. He sat bolt upright feeling the warm liquid running down his naval, panting and breathing heavily he was still aroused by his wet dream. He took a swig of water from the bottle by his bed and walked in to the shower room and doused himself with cold water. Any doubts he had about wanting no needing Pedro were firmly diminished, he was sure the dream was a glimpse into his future and clearly Pedro was about to be part of it.
    2 points
  20. Grindr jackpot. I left work early since I had a meeting in Waikiki. Beautiful day in the islands. My ass was ready to enjoy the glory holes at the theater there. The one and only decent glory hole action on the island. Earlier at work, I was message by a profile. A hot local poly mix guy who seemed interested in me. He really wanted to “use my ass.” I chatted with him but didn’t really expect anything. He was 9 miles away and didn’t think it was going to cum over. I told him I would get off at 6. The picture of his dock looked like a thick one. “Are you clean?” I replied yes. “Can I cum in your ass?” Of course. My first load was a young Asian, small but did the job in fucking my hole and dumping a good size load. I easily milked his cock though the hole. My Grindr showed that my poly mix guy was near. I rush home and lied that I needed time to freshen up. I met him at my place and took him. Fucken cute and hunky muscled guy in his late 20’s. We strip and what I thought was maybe 7 thick was more like 9 1/2 thick. I could not get it all the way in my mouth. I tried and slobber over it. After a short bj to get it wet, he tells me to get on bed. Then it began and lasted way too long. At first I though it would start to feel better but it didn’t. It was so thick it was burning my hole. More lube and spit did not help. More poppers did not help. WTF I’m a pig and that did not help. And he was relentless, pinning me down and using my hole. Punching it and pulling it with his raw dick. I was being rape and could not take it. It was burning me. I thought I was being ripped. I thought I had to pee and cum at the same time. I tried to adjust but he whispered, “lay flat on the bed.” He kept using my hole what felt like eternity. I really had to go to a mental “happy place.” He smashed my face into the pillow. The guy obviously done this before and finally was about to cum. I used my last strength of ass muscle control to clench down and milk him while came. This set him in a giant roar as his flooded and bred my cunt with his fuck seed, making sure he planted his dna deep and bruising my prostrate. He used and fucked me so long. My hole was not itself and was gapping like I was just gangbanged. He left and it was the first time in years that I walked funny. Fuck I want that again.
    2 points
  21. He leans me back onto the mattress, lays me across it and stands back up, towering over me, his huge hard cock dripping pre cum, the ropy muscles of his legs framing that beautiful shaft, calling to me. I sit up to my knees, eyes locked on his, my mouth opening again to his cock as I slowly suck him inside me, my tongue hungrily lapping at his sweet pre cum, swirling it around my mouth, my spit mixed with it, charged with the power he has over me now. My eyes slip closed, tasting the fullness of him, his hardness. Savoring his sticky cum in me. His hands gently stroking my skull. I can hear myself moan with my hunger. Feel the pre cum dripping from my cock. And his fingers are running over my face now, slick with my pre cum, spreading it on my lips as he pushes me off his cock and I open my eyes to him as his sticky sweet fingers slide into my mouth and I’m sucking them clean, god I want more, more and more and more of him inside me. “Smoke, boy?” His voice as much low growl as whisper. “Yes, please, more. Yessss.” The pipe is already in his hands and he’s striking the match and pulling a long slow hit into his mouth, pulling me up to him and kissing me so softly and then suddenly so hungry as he blows the thick white smoke into me. We pass it back and forth, and then he hits the pipe again and then again and again. We pass the Tina between us, tying us together, wrapping us in the tangle of the smoke. He’s holding me tight against him, our cocks sliding over each other. My mouth full of the lingering taste of the Tina and his spit mixed with mine. Every inch of my skin alive with my need. Straining to open to him. To surrender. My hands are wandering over his thick chest, stroking the hairs around his hard nipples. So gently stroking him, tracing the outline of the biohazard tattoo, and I’m drawn to it, running the tip of my tongue over the rough raised lines of it. The smell of his sweat filling me. “Mmm, that’s so good boy,” his hands running over me slowly, his touch light, soft. Caressing me, running his fingernails over my ass, spreading me apart, just slightly as his fingers brush the edge of my hole. My whole body shivering with his touch. I hear the animalistic moan coming from deep in my throat, my whole being in that sound, so hungry and so complete in his arms. My mouth finds his nipple and pulls it out with my teeth, tugging lightly on it, tracing it with my tongue, and then dragging my spit soaked lips across his hairy chest to the other side, taking him into my mouth as his hands guide me further around his hard pec and his sweat is so strong, filling my nostrils from his armpit, guiding my hungry mouth to the thick, soaked hairs there, his smell so very goddamn strong, so lovely, surrounding me, my tongue drinking him in, devouring his pungent taste, my god. so, so good. His hands press me gently back into the mattress. I fall back, staring up at the massiveness of him over me, at his thick veiny cock standing straight out, ropy pre cum dripping down at me, at his eyes, twin black irises pinning me to the ground, so full of our hunger, so free with the Tina we’ve smoked and so hard. So very, very hard. I want that cock in me. I want him to impale me with his cock, to split me open. I’m so fucking hungry I can’t speak. I can hear sounds coming from me, ragged breaths, guttural moans and hunger. Pure hunger. “Good boy.” He growls. “Such a hungry boy. Such a hunger.” He’s kneeling onto the mattress now, his hands caressing my knees, pushing me apart to him. “Let’s open you up to it.” His hands spread my legs apart, stroking the wet sweaty insides of my thighs gently open as his fingers push my ass open to him. My god, my hole is so hungry. Twitching. So. Fucking. Hungry. The world falls away again as he so gently blows across my hole, and my eyes roll up in my head as I arch myself more open to him, the sound escaping from my throat an animal moan, everything right there in it, lost in it. I’m struggling to get a word out between moans and my ragged desperate breaths. One word that is everything as he keeps blowing across my hole. One word that will free me. yes. Urgently, as his fingers are caressing me between my hole and my cock, and then his tongue is tracing that incredible line, slowly tracing its way back from the base of my shaft up to my hole, his spit dripping across me, his tongue gently, lovingly rimming me. And then he’s pressing himself inside me, pushing his tongue into me, I’m so hungry with him there, every inch of me on fire. I hear myself laughing, moaning, and then, tears, as his tongue is probing me, opening me up to him. Oh jesus yes take me open me fill me split me open fuckkkkkk meeeeeeee
    2 points
  22. Part 2: The Parade of Men After he walked out another gentleman stepped in and locked the door behind him. He sat on the bench and took out his cock. It was bigger and thicker than the previous guy and I couldn't wait to worship it. This guy was probably late 40's, a slight belly, and some grey to his hair. Absolutely perfection. He made me beg to suck his cock and I had to beg loud enough for anyone to hear. This was to let everyone know that there was a willing bottom in the building. I heard some laughter nearby so I assumed the laughter was intended for me. He then asked how old I was because I didn't look 21. I admitted I was 18 and a wicked smile came across his face. He then grabbed me by the back of the head and forced his cock all the way down my throat. I gagged but loved it. He fucked my throat hard barely allowing me to breathe. He told me to inhale the poppers and I wouldn't care about breathing. My attention would be instead focused on his throat fucking. After several hits of poppers I was solely focused on him fucking my throat. After several minutes or whatever it was he had me stand up and turn around in front of him. He grabbed me by my shoulders and with force pulled me down onto his cock. I screamed in pain but he didn't care. It felt like his cock just ripped my ass apart. He held me in place and told me to take several long hits of the poppers. After what felt like eternity the pain subsided and I started bouncing up and down on his cock. He kept me inhaling the poppers every couple of minutes and before long I forgot where I was. I was moaning loudly and he didn't try to stifle my moaning. He was marking me and we both knew it. After a while my legs were getting sore so we got on the floor with me on all fours facing the glory hole. He rammed his cock back in and with my mouth open in pain another cock slid through the hole directly into my mouth. Wow spit roasted. I must be in heaven. The hole cock was maybe 6 inches but I had fun with it. Before long the gentleman in my ass picked up his pace and I felt it. His cum coating the walls of my ass. God it felt great. He pumped about ten huge shots of cum in my ass. The guy I was sucking didn't last much longer and I felt his balls tighten and his cock swell and he erupted down my throat. He didn't have much cum so I swallowed his load in one gulp. After that guy finished the gentleman in my ass pulled out and turned me around to clean his cock. I noticed some pink on his cock and he must've read my mind. He said it was blood from my ass and chances were he impregnated me with his dirty load. Hearing that made me cum for some reason. I cleaned his cock up and before long he was hard again. But instead of giving me another load right now to call him after I left the bookstore. I didn't have his number but I soon discovered he had somehow placed his number in my pants. He said that I would be at the bookstore a while and this would give him time to get some rest. He gave me a long deep passionate kiss and I didn't want to see him go. He ordered me back on my knees and as he walked out he hollered out Next. And in walks a man who I knew and crushed over for years.
    2 points
  23. At 7 1/2”+ my dick is big, not huge, and I have a big, mushroom head that swells up red and hard before I cum. I never had a problem with any one saying “No, too big.” My frustrations are (and believe me I am NOT complaining! about having a big dick!) 1. If there is dirt, I’ll find it. Maybe it is the suction that pulls it out? Idk how many times a guy has said, “I cleaned. Where did that come from?”. Worse, I have a current and likely soon to be ex fuck bud who winds up with a shit slurry from me churning left over water and poo. It is worst case in my opinion. I have told a few potential fuck dates it has to be either completely thorough or NO water assisted cleaning. I am getting to where I do not like fucking watery hole because of how it feels and what it leads to. 2. I am laregly blow job averse because 3/4 ‘s of guys who suck my dick start out ok, then decide to ‘go for it’ and swallow me all the way. My dick is straight. Most mouths go to the back of the throat and take a 90 degree turn south. OUCH It fucking hurts being crammed in and bent. It amazes me how many self described “service oriented” cocksuckers will get my cock in his mouth, choke himself on it, than start masturbating himself!! As it is, I want to cum deep in ass, which is soft, velvet, gentle. Mouths have teeth, jaws that clamp down, and throats that take a turn and hurt my dick. More than once blowjobs have killed my abilty to enjoy a subsequent fuck, by killing the sensitivity and adding pain where it does not belong. I have a little dude I fuck semi-retular. He is like 5-4. God, he turns me on. Not only can I really hold him in my arms, but my bare dick goes in him, fills him up, and hits bottom. When I blow my load in him, it is surely deep,deep in his gut. . I imagine huge dick guys enjoy that regularly, even if they encounter some who cant accomodate them.
    2 points
  24. My body flinched as I felt the sharpness of his pointed finger nail scratching and scraping my ass lining. I moaned and whimpered at the pain as his finger dug deeper tearing me with every movement. After all his profile stated he guaranteed conversion no questions asked. It all started a couple of hours earlier, I had smoked a joint then gorged myself on pasta as the munchies kicked in. Still buzzing and very rampant I went on to the search for a fuck on line. Desperately needing to get laid, but there was very few guys nearby and I was ready to give up when all of a sudden he flashed up as 1 mile away. His picture showed a long dangly cock with low hangers, guessing it must have been around eight inches with a big head that the foreskin rolled back neatly over. His body looked ravaged and skinny, his information showed he was a 50 year old five foot ten inches top poz guy who enjoys bareback sex and looking for slutty twinks to knock up. At 19 years old I found the whole thing quite disturbing but fascinating, nasty but tasty, disgusting but desirable, my head was still buzzing and the mixed feelings drove me replying. I typed slowly but carefully... 19 year old bottom, five feet eight inches, trim build and in need of a good fucking. So here we are, me sat on his bed smoking a joint with him as he strips naked, I couldn't help but notice the biohazard tattoo framing his left nipple. He moved towards me and started undressing me, I relaxed as the joint started to hit and the familiar buzz feeling shrouded my senses. Asking if I was neg my head nodded and he smirked telling me he needs a young neg twink to carry his legacy and I would do perfectly to knock up. My cock hardened as he put his arms around me and moved in to kiss me. I responded like a trooper devouring his mouth an tongue with the eagerness to move things along. He stroked my back as I felt a sharp scratching from my neck tracing all the way down my spine, my body wriggled to move away but he laughed and told me if I felt that nail scratch down my back wait until it rips your ass lining preparing you to receive my toxic seed and make you mine. I found myself trying to swallow his tongue as he kissed me harder and slowly edging me backwards until I fell on to the bed. His legs moved under mine pushing them up and exposing my hole, his hand slowly working down my body, passing my cock and balls he scratched at the ring of my hole. Slightly tickling me my legs moved further up and I let out a cry of pain as he jabbed his finger into my hole. I grabbed his arm to stop him but he gave a sharp twist of his wrist as searing pain erupted in my arse as he tore away at my ass lining opening up wounds that would provide easy access for his virus. I moaned and whimpered as the pain continued from his relentless scratching and scraping. He pulled his finger out and I could see it was coated in my blood as he sucked and licked his finger clean. He moved in closer and positioned his legs so that mine were hooked up around him. The fog was starting to clear and I realised what I was doing, he leaned over me a lit up the joint clamped his mouth over mine, he pinched my nose shut and forced me to breath in drug that would ease my conversion. He held me like this for nearly a minute and when he released me I was floating and in my own world. I groaned loudly as he pushed the head of his cock in to my ass, the blood was causing friction which he continued to push past. The pain was excruciating and I pushed with my hands against his breasts, quickly my hands were pushed over my head and held in position as he pushed the last few inches deep in to my ass followed by several hard thrusts. My head rolled from side to side and my back arched in pain and pleasure. Slow deep thrusts were erupting from his hips, every forward thrust was followed by his balls slapping against my ass. He told me I was probably already converted by his pre cum alone he he continued slowly fucking me. The pain was almost gone as my ass was now lubed by his pre cum. His legs moved closer to me as he lodged his cock deep up to his balls, his hips providing all the momentum he needed. I could feel his balls hitting me in quick succession, he let out a moan as he continued on his legacy quest. He stared directly in to my eyes smiling as he continued, each thrust was met with gasping and begging for him to fuck me harder. Sweat dripped from his chest on to mine and I felt his hands tighten their grip on my arms, still looking deeply in to my eyes he let out a load long grunt "Fuck boy, I'm gonna fucking own you.". He jolted forward pushing his hips harder against me, I cried out as I felt his cock stiffen even more and his ball sacked contracted up. A second hard jolt as I felt a warm stream of his toxic seed flooding my torn ass. I felt a stinging sensation as the wounds inflicted were deep enough to trap his seed. I struggled to free myself but his grip was held tight, never loosing eye contact he jolted forward again as another stream of seed erupted in to my ass. I was panting through excitement as another jolt pushed me up the bed and he collapsed on top of me breathing hard. It took several minutes for both of us to calm down, his cock slipped out of my now well lubricated ass, he rolled on to his back as I caught a glimpse of his blood streaked cock. I got up off the bed and dressed myself and left his apartment. By the time I got home there was a message from him "Part of me is part of you forever.".
    1 point
  25. As I lie here browsing Breeding Zone, it occurred to me that I probably don't have that long left. With that in mind, why don't I tell my story? It all began 6 years ago in earnest, but the situation I find myself in has probably been set in stone for the entirety of my life. 6 years ago, this was me: I was 23, I worked hard on my body, and made sure I looked good. I was training to be a nurse, had a boyfriend, house, car, the lot. Life was going well, and the sex with my boyfriend was fantastic. However, there was a part of me that he could never fulfill. It wasn't a part of me that I ever thought would be fulfilled. I used to fantasize about being pozzed. The thought of it drove me wild. Only ever a small thing at first, a thought that would drift into my head on occasion if I was jacking off, but later it became all I could think about. The thought of toxic death being pumped into my hole - heavenly. The fantasies grew, and I used to jack off thinking about getting knocked up and then pozzing my boyfriend. Obviously I could never tell him this, and as much as I loved him he had a real bias against guys with HIV. I knew that this was a secret I had to keep to myself, but as I fucked his ass at night I used to pretend I was putting him to death as I cummed. Things changed when I got into work one cold, January morning. I was on assignment in a dermatology ward. Mostly spotty teenagers and old women with psoriasis. I was bored, and I'd told my boss at the time that I wanted a new challenge. "Good news, we're moving you", she said. I could tell she was delighted - she hated me, and the feeling was mutual. "Where am I going?" A smirk crossed her face - "There's a hospice downtown that needs a new nurse". Bitch. Hospice duty was notorious for being an awful assignment. Death all around, people at the lowest ebb of their lives. You were told as a junior nurse to try and avoid it at all costs. How ironic that that's where I now find myself... Anyway, off I went to the hospice. It was in a fairly run down part of town. I sent my boyfriend a picture that morning: And he sent one back: Fuck he was hot - I made a mental note to not even say hello when I got home that night - I'd push him into the wall and fuck his tight hole until I exploded. I messaged back, 'Make sure you're lubed by 6pm x' and put my phone away. I could smell death as I headed into the hospice, and my inappropriate horniness soon died away. It upset me, the poor souls in here at the end of their lives, but I tried to put on a brave face. My new boss was a mousy little woman, and you could tell that the stress of working in this place for years had got to her. She perked up a little bit when she saw me though. I could see her, looking at me in my tight uniform. 'You're barking up the wrong tree dear' I thought. We did the rounds, checking in on each patient. It was mostly older patients, and mostly women. I did my introductions and we checked vitals. "Now," the boss said. "This next patient - I want to warn you, this is a sad case. He is in the advanced stages of AIDS". I felt my cock jump, I couldn't help it. "This particular strain is a nasty one. No medications have worked for this patient. He was diagnosed as HIV+ 10 years ago. His condition has deteriorated at a phenomenal rate". Why oh why did I have such tight pants on? My cock was rock hard and I was praying she wouldn't notice. I moved the clipboard in front of my crotch. "He has no family or friends it seems," she whispered. "He looks awful, I'll warn you. You must take extreme caution around this patient. Gloves to be worn at all times please. He has a number of other STIs, but we can't treat them as we don't think his body could cope with the medication at this stage. He's very near the end". We walked in to see the patient. He looked awful. Skeleton thin, lesions all over him. He coughed, a long, raspy rattle that made it sound like his lungs were trying to escape through his throat. He looked over at me and his eyes lit up. He smiled a toothless grin. He was 50 but didn't look a day under 90. "Hello," he whispered. "Good Morning Mr. Pearce," the boss said as she pulled on some gloves. She nodded towards to glove box and I started to put on a pair. "Please..." he rasped. "Call me David". We did his vitals, which weren't great, and as I made notes I could see him staring at me. Mentally undressing me. My cock was aching, trying its best to force its way out of the fabric of my pants. What was I thinking? This man had a fast-acting strain of HIV. He was dying of AIDS. But my cock didn't care. It wanted him. I decided to be daring, and I moved the clipboard. I could tell he noticed my straining cock straight away. He licked his lips greedily. I put the clipboard back. "Who is your friend?" he said to the boss. "This is Nurse Bateman, he just started with us today". She had a way of talking down to patients that was starting to annoy me. "Good Morning David, nice to meet you". He flashed me a wicked smile. "The pleasure is all mine". We finished his checks and the boss gave him a little something to help him sleep. Before I knew it it was lunchtime. I hurried to the toilet and locked the cubicle door. My pants were down in seconds and I was milking my cock, thinking of David, imagining riding his toxic cock. I cummed hard, just as my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was the boyfriend. "How's the job going?" Just then, a wicked plan began to form in my mind.
    1 point
  26. I have enjoyed this site for some time now, ever since I began down the hedonistic path that I never imagined I would begin. I’ve read all of your stories numerous times while reliving my own tale countless times in my head. This is a true story of how I became introduced into the wild unpredictable world of chem sex. However I won’t get too far ahead of myself... this story begins before I would start any of that, just a few weeks earlier In fact. I’ve always been something of a responsible person. I’ve put my career and standing within the community above anything else. By all outward appearances I was a goodie two shoes of sorts. I’m in my late 20’s. I have a short stature with a petite frame, light dirty blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and a hairless body, well all except my legs. You see years of playing soccer throughout school has gifted me with a round bubble butt, large meaty thighs, and well calves that are envied wherever I go. Covering my muscled lower half is a thick coat of brown hair. The hair doesn’t extend much further north than a narrow trail extending to my bellybutton and a little patch surrounding my pink hole. I keep my hair fairly trimmed creating a small bush that frames my penis, which is uncut and about 7 inches long and normal thickness. I say that I’m viewed probably as something of a square, because all throughout my sexual years thus far, I have been monogamous. I have only had sex with guys that I was dating, and when I did actually have sex it was always protected with a condom. This all changed however this past summer. It was a particularly stressful time for me at the office, and well my friends were all busy with their summer flings, and I found myself horny, very horny. I came home one Saturday night after an evening out with friends and decided to log online to see if I could line up a hookup. Now I have done his many MANY times before. I had a routine. Create a profile on Grindr, post some headless torso shots, and then I’d sit and wait. I’d get messages from guys complimenting my smooth defined chest, or men commenting about my soccer legs or how delicious my ass looked in the full length mirror pic I had attached to my profile. I loved hearing these strangers talk to me about how sexy I was, and I enjoyed reading their profiles and looking through their pictures, but that seemed to be all I’d do. I’d usually get too nervous and I’d close the app and delete it before I ever met someone. However this May night was a rare evening that saw a mysterious man message me, and instantly I was captivated. He was from Columbia and that alone seemed so foreign to me, I had grown up fairly sheltered in North Carolina, and while I now reside in one of the largest cities in FL, I was very inexperienced with Latin men. His pictures showed a man of about 40, with a toned body, and a large 8in uncut cock. I was horny from all the beer I had drank earlier, and this sexy daddy was making my cock strain the skimpy briefs I was wearing! The next thing I knew I had given this man my number and address and told him to meet at my place in an hour. I needed the time to rinse off and clean out. I showered quickly and then jumped out to straighten my bedroom and find a few condoms and my fave lube. A few minutes later my dream Colombian was sitting on my bed and kissing me while I fumbled with his belt. He was even sexier in person, and my hands were exploring every inch of him. I rubbed my hands across his firm pecs and down his taut stomach. I could feel a size-able bulge when my hand grazed his leg, and I was now focused solely on his cock. I wanted that large piece of meat, it had been so long, and I was so turned on. As I undid his belt I pulled down his pants and discovered my new friend was free balling without any underwear. His large brown rod flopped out and hit my arm. It was so thick and framed by a patch of dark black hair. I peeled back his foreskin and slowly rubbed it back and forth in my hand. He asked my if I partied and I was confused. I had no idea what he was referring to. He told me that earlier that evening he had visited the local bathhouse and had met a generous guy willing to share his favors. I asked him just what he meant, and he said he had smoked some with his new friend. I assumed he meant marijuana and didn’t think much more about it. I told him I didn’t do any drugs. He seemed disappointed but we continued our foreplay for the next hour. I sucked him, he sucked me, he ate my ass and probed at my tight hole. After a while I knew it was time, I needed this, I needed him. It had been months since my last fucking, and my hole was eager to get acquainted with his nice tool. However the sex never happened. He couldn’t get hard. I was so confused, I had sucked him like my life depended on it. I circled the head and licked his shaft multiple times and finally took his entire length into my throat. I could feel him hardening a bit, but he was far from being erect like his pics had promised. I was confused, I had never had a guy so seemingly interested in me, but wouldn’t get hard. He pushed me onto my back and began licking between my cheeks, his tongue darting in and out while he slowly slid his pointer finger knuckle deep into my awaiting hole. I asked him if he wanted to fuck, and he explained that it wasn’t me, but his partying earlier left him unable to get hard. I was defeated, my hole ached to feel his warm cock. His finger felt electric as it entered my body, but I craved more. He could tell I was disappointed and asked if I’d be ok with a third joining in. I had never had a threesome before, but at this point I needed a dick, any dick fucking my ass. He showed me a profile and exclaimed that the guy was his friend. They were both tops and his friend was Colombian also. I took his phone and stared at the pics. I couldn’t believe my eyes. This man was sexy, very sexy. He was just a little older than me, about 5’10, a shaved head, and a tight defined body. As I scrolled through his photos I stopped dead in my tracks. It was a snapshot of a penis, his penis, and it was huge! It appeared to be as long as a ruler, but his profile said it was only 10.5. It was cut but his head looked like that of a hammer. It was mean looking, and my hole was twitching. It was the biggest penis I had ever seen, and if we did meet, he would be the largest cock I’d ever taken. I handed the phone back to my new friend, and told him to message his friend. He laughed and said he already invited him over. He knew I’d never say no to that huge Colombian fuckstick. He was right and suddenly I was nervous. Had I cleaned out enough, could I take such a huge cock, did I have any poppers? I was a wreck and completely flustered until I heard the familiar sound of a buzzing cellphone. He was here and on his way up to my apartment. I jumped up and ran to the front door just in time to hear a powerful knock. I opened the door and before me was the physical embodiment of every fantasy I had ever had. He reached out his hand and told me his name was Rick. I shook it in return and told him I was Corey. His hand was huge, and extremely warm. My cock began to jump wondering if everything on Rick was so large and warm. I led him into my bedroom and Rick immediately greeted his friend. I listened intently as my first visitor repeated his earlier bathhouse tale, only this time he said he was smoking “Tina” and had found himself here but unable to fuck this perfect hole before him. I wondered what Tina was but more importantly this guy described my hole as “perfect”. I was so proud to hear those words, and in that moment I was at ease around my two new guests. My hole was perfect and this guy wasn’t turned off by me, but apparently he just smoked too much Tina and couldn’t fuck me. I was instantly feeling confident and reach over to rub the bulge in Rick’s pants. It felt huge in my hands, and Rick just laughed “So you found this hot little fucker online but you had too much Tina to actually fuck him like he deserves, so you text me?, damn you are a good friend bro” Rick’s voice was deep and stern, and now his hand was slowly massaging my ass through my underwear. Rick bent down and started kissing me. I was in heaven. I pulled away from his lips and began to make my way down his neck and further down his chest. He stopped me just as I was getting to his waist. “You found quite the little whore here, has he been partying?” I told him I had drank a few beers earlier and that was it. I bit my lip and looked him dead in the eyes and muttered “I need fucked, I really need to have you inside me” without missing a beat Rick yanked down his pants and boxers in one movement, and snapping against his stomach was the largest penis I had ever seen. I was in awe. I stared at the powerful cock just inches from my face. It was thick and veiny, and the head was enormous! I could barely comprehend how a member could even be so large. The tip was glistening with precum, and instinctively I lunged forward and engulfed the head with my mouth. Rick gasped and then fist bumped his friend. He told him that he had done good, and that I was a hot little piece of ass, and then he licked his finger and plunged it underneath my underwear and quickly found my hole. I could feel it circling my hole and its warmth was pushing me over the edge. I took my mouth off of his cock and pleaded with Rick to fuck me. I told him that I needed it so badly. He asked me how long it had been as he slowly flipped me onto my back and yanked down my briefs. I told him a few months and a devilish grin came across his face as he plunged his moistened finger into my hole. “Damn boy you are tight! Are you sure it’s only been a few months?” I squirmed beneath Rick as the full weight of his body came over mine. I could feel his huge tool pressing against my thigh as he once again began to kiss me, his tongue now licking mine passionately. I was in pure ecstasy. I didn’t want his moment to end, I knew I was where I wanted to be. Right here underneath Rick and feeling his massive cock pressing against my quivering hole. Rick asked me if I had any poppers because I was going to need them. I pulled a new bottle of Rush out from under my pillow along with a condom and some lube. He asked me what the condom was for? I told him I only played safe, and instantly I could feel Rick pull away. “Man what is this?” he asked to his friend. “You tease me with this hot boy and he doesn’t party or BB?” I was beginning to get scared, Rick’s tone had changed and I didn’t like it. Rick’s friend tried telling him that I was cool, and that I was down to play, but Rick seemed uninterested. Fearing I was losing control of this situation, and my dream cock was slipping away, I blurted out “Fine you can fuck me bareback, but first tell me are you clean?” Rick snapped back around to me and a devilish smile flashed across his face “Ofcourse I’m clean baby, now are you going to let daddy breed that tight little boy pussy?” I was mesmerized, I wanted this cock, I needed it. I rolled over onto all fours, I pushed my ass out towards Rick, and pressed my face and arms into the pillow before me. “This is yours, please daddy breed my ass!” I could hear rustling behind me and then I felt a familiar warm sensation on my hole. It was stiff and slick and before I could second guess my decision, Rick began to press into my awaiting hole. It was painful as I felt his cock slowly begin ripping into my body, each movement pierced into me and sent shivers up my entire body. I was on be verge of tears, and began to panic. I yelled “Stop, stop, stop... I can’t do this, it’s too big, I can’t take it, please Rick no!” I opened my eyes and turned back to look at Rick, our eyes locked, and in that moment I knew I was in trouble. I felt a sharp pain as Rick ripped his cock from my ass “Man I’m done, this is bullshit, man this was a fucking waste of my time!” I was scared, paralyzed with fear. I watched as Rick slowly gathered his clothes and left out of my bedroom. His friend was stunned and all he could do was apologize profusely. I told him it was ok and wasn’t his fault. I heard my front door slam, and for a moment we sat in silence. After what seemed like forever, my guest spoke “Well listen I’m sorry again, I hope you have a good night, I should get going.” I watched in stunned silence as he gathered his belongings and left my room. I heard the door pull shut, and I collapsed onto my bed. What the hell was I doing? Seriously who was I even? I didn’t move and soon I was fast asleep. That night I dreamed about Rick and his perfect penis giving my hole the fucking I desperately yearned for. I woke up the next morning drenched in sweat with a huge wet stain in my bed, I had gotten off in my sleep. I guess the dream had pushed me over the edge. However that feeling of euphoria soon turned to guilt, and finally I was consumed with an overwhelming sense of shame. I deleted Grindr from my phone and swore I’d never use it again. Little did I know how much my life was about to change. I hadn’t seen the last of Rick and our next meeting would far exceed anything that I could have ever dreamed of!
    1 point
  27. I knew early on I was gay. Back before the internet all we had was magazines to look at. I remember getting Penthouse Letters for the first time and reading just the gay stories in it. As I got older I kept my homosexuality a secret from everyone. I so wanted to suck cock and get fucked but I had no idea how to go about it. One day during the summer as I was out driving I noticed a grey and pink building in a not so good part of town. Just the colors said this building was different. I parked my car and just watched the men going in and out. Adult video and theater was on the sign outside and this peaked my curiosity more. After hearing about a certain celebrity getting caught in a place like this had me wondering what exactly goes on inside a place like this. So I decided to check the place out. I walked up to the door and on the outside was a sign that said you had to be 21 to enter. I being 18 decided I would push my luck. I entered the building and it had everything you could desire. Magazines, videos, adult toys, and of course the theater in the back. I noticed several men strolling by the entrance just staring at me and I knew they wanted me by just their looks. About this time the cashier asked for ID and I lied saying I lost it by getting a DUI. She knew I was lying but she didn't stop me. I asked about the theater in the back and asked her what could I do back there. She shocked me by saying I could do anything I wanted to do. Upon hearing this my cock was hard and leaking precum bad. So I made my way to the back and let my eyes adjust to the darkness. I saw a big theater room playing straight porn and probably 30 private booths for enjoying other videos. The back was crawling with men. I found an empty booth and deposited my money and started flipping through the channels to find a video I wanted to watch. After settling on a hot gay video of an older guy fucking a younger guy I pulled down my pants and started jerking off. After a minute or so something caught my eye. Sticking through a hole in the wall, which I now know as gloryholes, was a cock. Ok I'll admit I was a bit scared because I didn't know if it was a setup. After several more seconds he withdrew his cock and stuck his finger through. He asked if he could suck my cock which for some reason I didn't have a problem with. So I stuck my cock through the hole and he started sucking me. God it felt great. I had found the answer to my prayers. His mouth felt great. After a few minutes I withdrew my cock and he slid his cock back through. This time I didn't hesitate. I got down on the dirty floor. It was sticky and smelled but for some reason I felt right at home. I jerked his cock a little bit and then licked up his precum. And the moment came. I put a cock, his cock, in my mouth for the first time. Oh how wonderful it felt to be sucking a real cock for the first time. I knew I had found my calling and the place to unleash my desires. I sucked him the best I could and being on my knees felt so right. After sucking him for a while he withdrew his cock which left me disappointed. He then asked if he could come into my booth to continue our fun. Oh God I got nervous but agreed to let him in my booth. He came right over and as soon as he locked my booth door I got a good glimpse of the man. He was around 30 and was a bit taller than me. Nice toned body with no facial hair. His cock was around 7 inches but not to thick. He sat down on the bench and took his cock back out. I got back on my knees and started sucking his cock some more. I was having so much fun. Then it happened. As I came up for air he put his hand under my chin and bent down to kiss me. I was a bit shocked but I soon returned his kiss. He then asked if he could fuck me. I asked if he had a condom because I didn't want any disease. He said he only fucked bare and I was not having a cock inside me without protection. He looked disappointed but I had my standards at the moment. He then produced a bottle of something and held it under my nose and told me to inhale. I did as told for some reason and I felt strange. Hornier than I had been and I started sucking his cock with gusto. After several minutes he told me to inhale again. I was starting to lose all my inhibitions. He told me to strip and after another time of inhaling I begged him to fuck me. He obliged. He took off his pants and got behind me and slowly slid his cock inside me. It hurt but whatever I was inhaling also had me to where I didn't care. He got all of his cock inside me and just let my ass adjust to his cock. After a few minutes he slowly started fucking me. He had me take another whiff of what he had and I lost it. I was now begging him to fuck me harder. I must've been a bit loud because he hushed me by covering my mouth with his hand. God his cock felt wonderful. I was glad I found this place. Here I was on a dirty floor with some strangers cock inside me raw. After several minutes of fucking me hard he started cumming. The whole time I was hard and I didn't even touch my cock and I started cumming as well. After his cock went soft he took it out of my ass. He kissed me before getting dressed and said welcome to the club. I didn't know what he meant. He asked me to stay naked that I would be popular today. He handed me the bottle of what I was inhaling and he told me it was poppers. I had never heard of them but I loved them. He said there were several guys waiting in the hall just like him. He then said he was HIV positive and before I could react he had me take another hit. And to my surprise I told him let the fun begin.
    1 point
  28. My first STI was HIV as I had been sick and they admitted me into the hospital and on 1/20/16 I tested POZ.
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  29. I spent a few hours every day in dirty bookstores, looking to give blowjobs thru gloryholes. Dick up my butt -- once or twice a week.
    1 point
  30. Have only been dp'd once, two older guys, one a regular with a 6inch but thick and his friend who had 9inch thin cock, both raw. Was amazing though a bit fiddly getting them in the right position lol
    1 point
  31. I am French too, will you poz me baby ?
    1 point
  32. Hmm....I don't remember which one of my neighbors it was...I eventually sucked all of them and got fucked by most.
    1 point
  33. Another amazing chapter! I am so in love with these characters and the plot. Wonder if brad will come into the picture again and try and do something only to have Pedro stop him.
    1 point
  34. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/homemade-love-4-27054261
    1 point
  35. I still need to get converted 😕
    1 point
  36. Yep. Went out clubbing one night with a Russian girl I worked with (who knows I’m gay) and her Bulgarian boyfriend Igor (who I’d never met before). As the evening went on and we got drunker and drunker my coworker started talking about how she loved having sex with other women, how hot it would be for us to watch her go at it, and how hot it would be for her to watch two guys fuck. At one point she wandered off, presumably to the ladies room, leaving Igor and me chatting together. After she’d been gone a few minutes he leaned in, reached over and jammed his tongue down my throat. We made out for a while until she got back, then the three of us made it back to my apartment. My coworker promptly pretended to pass out on my bed. I was too drunk to realize it at first but she was secretly watching me and Igor getting hot and heavy on the other side of the bed. Once our clothes started coming off and the talk got dirtier I realized the whole thing had been somewhat of a setup. Fast forward to my coworker holding my dick while Igor sucked it, then holding his ass cheeks open and his legs back while I ate and then fucked his hole, all the while saying filthy things to us in Russian and English. I’m not usually interested in women at all (haven’t touched one since that night), but fucking Igor while his girlfriend - my coworker - watched and participated was one of the hottest things I’d ever done until then. About a year later my friend told me Igor left her for another guy. Can’t say I was surprised but I sure as hell wouldn’t have minded another fuck like the one we had that night.
    1 point
  37. The sliding vertical door on the back of the 18 wheeler slid up long enough for me to see a silhouette of a man, then slid shut. Moments later he clicked on the light at the back. He was a little shorter than myself, at around 5'3 and far younger - he looked to be just over 18 and fresh off a football field...well defined muscles showing through his white tank top and muscular legs straining his denim jeans to their limit. It stood in start contrast to myself as I was naked, except for my spiked chastity device - which caused constant erections but never fulfillment. Since my poz conversion I'd lost a lot of weight, truth is I was wasting away now. I barely had the strength to stand, which is actually pretty handy since I spend most of my time either bent over or laying down. I'm a whore and that's the way it should be. "I want to get pozzed" is how he started the conversation. I like that. Right to the point. I sized him up...his muscles, his blonde hair and blue eyes were already starting to get my motor running. "Why?" I asked honestly. He walked closer to me as he answered. "I want to be you. I want your life - this. All of it. Being hauled around in the back of a semi, a pozzed up AIDS whore, infecting others that want to convert. Being treated like a piece of meat until you're gone and then tossed aside like the trash I am." I couldn't really argue with him. I didn't ask for this life, but I damned sure want it. I wouldn't trade it for the life of a millionaire. The worst thing that could happen to me is that I be dropped off on the doorstep of my family wearing only my beloved chastity cage. I kissed him on the neck and unzipped his pants as I answered. "Take a good look at me...I'm skin and bones now. I don't just have HIV, I have AIDS. Night sweats, fevers, vomiting, stomach aches..some days it's hard to breathe, I can barely move and even my memory is going. I suspect that's why they gave me the number of 29. I can't remember my own name before this life. Know what you're getting into, stud." Even as I said the words, I slowly wormed my hand into his pants to get him hard....he was already there. I started to stroke him. "If this is really what you want, bang twice on the side of the trailer and the truck will start to move. If not, just exit the rig. Once we do this, there is no going back. There is no cure" I said keeping his cock gripped loosely in my hand, stroking him fully and slowly. By getting him aroused, I was tempting the choice, making it harder for him to stop - and that's the point. I'm a whore. This is what I do. He banged on the side of the rig twice. Seconds later the 18 wheeler started to roll down the highway. I backed away from him, retrieved a small hypodermic needle from the floor of the trailer and used it to draw a few milometers of blood then held the needle against the inside of his forearm with one hand and put the other on his now rock hard cock and resumed stroking him, then looked him in the eyes. "This is effective 90% of the time. Last chance to back out...." His dick was throbbing hard in my hand as he kissed me, and slid the needle into his arm. I obliged and pushed the plunger down slowly, still looking him in the eyes. I only took it out after it was empty. I smiled down at him. "As viral as I am, you'll show symptoms in two weeks." Before he pulled off his pants he pulled a key out of his pocket. "Not good enough, whore. I was given the key to your device and you're going to fuck me." I was of course taken a bit a back as I'm a submissive and been in chastity for months now. He reached up with his right hand, wrapped it around my neck and growled. "I'm here to get pozzed, whore. You will fuck me!" I nodded as he pulled his pants down and stepped out of them. I turned him around and put the head of my cock at the entrance to his asshole after unlocking my device "Ever been fucked by a bitch with B cup breasts?" He smiled back at me. "Yes, I noticed those...I was told you were given those because you're about to be sold into Asia and they like that sort of thing. They like ladyboys. Word is you don't have long." I smacked the head of my cock on the crack of his ass. "Beg me. Tell me what you want." He retained his smile. "You're a worthless AIDS infected whore. You mean nothing to anyone. Please give me your cock. Fuck me hard and cum deep." I reached around his body and took his cock in my right hand, stroking him. "Where are you from?" At the first sound out of his mouth, I shoved my cock into him as hard as I could, and all the way. He screamed as he grabbed the side of the rig. I kept stroking him. "Breathe through the pain, stud.....just exhale. I had to distract you before I mounted you. I don't care where you're from." Slowly I stroked him...fully I stroked him. Ignoring my instructions, he kept screaming. I put both my hands on his ass cheeks and started to work my cock in and out of him slowly. "If you think this hurts, wait until the virus kicks in - You'll feel like you're going to die but you'll be harder than you ever have in your life!" I've never fucked a man in the ass before, and for the record, I don't think he'd been fucked. His ass was incredibly tight, I felt like my cock was losing blood flow. He felt incredible, though..my whole body felt like it was on fire, a feeling that only intensified as I worked in and out of him faster. He reached down for his cock and I spanked him once HARD. "NO! You're not allowed to cum. You wanted my life - this is part of it. You're a vessel for others to use. It's not about your pleasure, it's about theirs. You're a whore now. Put both your hands on the wall." Without thought, he obeyed. "But...my dick....it's so fucking hard right now!" Just to torture him, I reached under him and took his balls in my right hand and squeezed them as tightly as I could. "Yes, I know. It happens to me every time but I don't get to cum. I'm kept in a constant state of arousal by my device but haven't cum in months. Soon, you'll be there as well." All he could do was moan as I twisted his balls in my hand. I looked down at his dick and he was leaking precum. "Does that turn you on? To know you'l end up like me when it's all over? A cock hungry, AIDS infected breeding whore?" He slapped the side of the rig out of frustration. Poor thing...he wanted so badly to cum and I wasn't letting him...but I was right, he's a whore now and he has to get used to that. I reached out with one hand and grabbed him by the hair on the back of his head and pulled him back towards me as I kept fucking him hard. "Answer me, whore!" "Yes" is what he screamed. "It fucking turns me on! The thought of being used daily to breed others while the virus takes me!" With that, I pushed one more time into him - holding my cock as deeply inside of him as I could go - and began to unload. My dick pulsating for the first time in months, filling his ass up with virus rich cum. "Can you feel that, bitch? Can you feel my dick seeding your worthless ass?" His knees buckled but he managed to stay standing up - he also managed to keep his hands off his cock. I was tempted to put it in my mouth but he's a whore now and is not allowed pleasure. I slowly pulled out of him, and while he was still quivering, injected him with another syringe of my blood. The truck came to a stop as I put my chastity device back on. I rolled up the back end of the trailer a few feet then threw the key - and the syndicates new whore - out the back. Without his clothes. He did say he wanted to be tossed aside.
    1 point
  38. a top shouldn't feel like he has to oblige a bottom. you have already done enough for them by fucking and seeding them and they should be satisfied and grateful for that
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  39. for the same reasons that we like to whore them out, knock them up and choke them out. Its fun and its almost surreal. Having some faggot whore begging you to trash it shows what a dirty whore it is. Cumdumps love to get used and will beg men to do things to it that normal people never allow and then tank us for it. Imagine some gay man or straight man telling a normal gay boy or woman that they were gonna knock it up, whore its ass and throat out to his buddies and a bunch of random strangers for nasty bareback fucking, choke them unconscious and utterly destroy its fuckhole with fists n dildos. Any normal person with any pride or shame or self respect would say fuck off but the whores I use just say when and where. I love treating a faggot like an absolutely worthless piece of trash knowing it will still beg me to fuck it.i don't just wreck their fuckholes, I make sure I hurt a faggot when I fuck it and I spit in its face and strangle whores unconscious. But above all I always make sure I tell them what worthless disposable whores they are who should be grateful for every load I dump in it. I love it when a boy is such a fucking whore that its fuckhole feels like a woman pussy and never fully closes
    1 point
  40. Hi I'm David. New to this site, but have love sucking and swallowing since sucking friends cock in high school. Then found adult book stores, and understall in bathroom, rest areas etc in college. Only got fucked few times early on, I think all bare. As I got older and started taking more cock in the ass 99% was all bare. I've thought Bare was hot since I saw my first hardcore porn mag in highschool with a cock in a hole with cum dripping out. Over last few years i've found that I have interest in young/taboo/incest and who knows what else. So i'm hoping to explore that more. djdbb420 on wickr, did1966 on telegram open to whatever on either, trade too.. though I'm lacking in things to trade other than of me.
    1 point
  41. **Sorry for being away from this story for so long guys. Hope you enjoy the new chapter!** Walking into the living room I felt my cock throb, my toxic precum oozing heavily out of my piss slit, and felt my hole twitch with hunger at the scene in front of me. The couch had been moved over to the side and the opened-up space was now occupied by Leather Daddy's rim chair. Daddy does not get it out to use very often, except when he is especially horny, hungry and high (like he's been all this weekend so far), and if he considers whatever is going on at the time is a very special occasion. The last time he had brought it out was not quite a year ago, for a 3-day celebration the weekend after we received the official word of my conversion. That rim chair got a whole month's worth of use that weekend by every top and bottom who played and partyed with me and Daddy. Remembering that weekend brought another flow of thick precum out of my cockhead and a low soft moan of lust deep in my throat. And now Daddy had brought it out for another very special dirty nasty occasion - the turning and pozzing of the sexy dark haired eager hungry sub pig bottom who was being used by Daddy and me since late Friday night almost non-stop. Daddy was determined that before the cock-craving daddy-pleasing slut left Sunday night he would be fully pozzed up as well as wanting all the poz cock and cum loads he could get. Standing just inside the living room, (as yet unnoticed by either Daddy or Trevor, our chemmed up and horned up pig) I saw Daddy leaning slightly back on the top of the rim chair, sucking deep and hard on the glass cock and filling the area all around him with huge white clouds of tina smoke. He was naked except for his black harness across his chest which showed off his huge hard nips, his black leather glove on his left hand, and his black leather cap with a special designed insignia on it - a black scorpion with its tail raised sitting astride a red skull and crossbones. He looked fucking hot as hell and I had no doubt he could give the devil himself some very hard competition! (There are some boys and young men who have sold their souls to the devil in the heat of the moment and with some powerful influence from "Miss T" in order to be Daddy's cumdump or boi. That is a story for another time, perhaps. HAIL!). In the dimmed lighting of the room together with the light of the flame for the pipe, his skin was almost glowing with a sheen of sweat that just accentuated his power, masculinity and dominance. His massive Daddy cock was standing up tall and thick and menacingly between his thighs, wet from what was likely a combination of precum, lube and spit from the pig's cocksucking mouth. Stretched out on the carpeted floor beneath the rim chair and Daddy was a naked hairy body visible from the waist down to the size 10 feet, with a dick just as hard as Daddy's though not quite as long. Of course I couldn't see his face but I knew that naked body and dick belonged to Trevor, who from the sounds of wet slurping and muffled moans was eagerly and happily eating out Daddy's hot hairy meaty manhole. A hole I knew very well was tight and delicious, and even tastier when it had cum and/or piss in it! "If Leather Daddy lets me shoot some cum and piss up his ass before this weekend is done Trevor will get an extra special treat eating out Daddy's hole after that", I thought briefly to myself. "Aw yeahhhh, pig!", I heard Daddy cry out in his deep growl of lust and pleasure. "That's it you fucking slut! Eat out your Daddy's manhole! Get your fucking faggot tongue up inside your MAN and make him feel good! Damn boy you've got one HELLUVA thick hungry tongue! Might have to keep my ass on your mouth for a couple hours or more, pig!" From under Daddy's ass hole there was an immediate muffled moan of delight. Daddy laughed in a dark erotic way that made my balls and nips tingle. "Yeah, pig! Daddy knew you'd like the sound of that! Pig boy can't get enough of his MAN's hairy hole. And Daddy's not in any rush to get away from your tongue either!" Trevor moaned again as the wet sounds of piggy sex kept filling the air from beneath where Daddy was sitting. Daddy lit the flame under the bowl, took a long, deep pull on the pipe filling his lungs, brain and blood with the chemical-filled smoke, closed his eyes and leaned his head back exhaling the smoke after about 45 seconds, creating a thick sweet-smelling cloud of white that hung in the air above the rim chair - where all of my urges and desires had become focused. Driven now by my intense lust I knew what I had to do. I set the water bottles I was still holding on the floor next to me and moved forward. My eyes were moving back and forth from watching Daddy's hand stroking his cock as he continued leaning back, eyes closed, encouraging Trevor's rimming, to the thick hard throbbing cock standing erect from Trevor's crotch. My own hungers and needs were heightened more than ever before with the Tina, and the coke I'd just snorted in the kitchen and with all the depraved things we were doing with and to Trevor and I needed hot unrestrained pervy mansex NOW!! Daddy was taking care of his cock with his hand. I needed to take care of Trevor's cock with my bare hole and have him take care of the burning need in my chute with his hard bi fuckmeat! Before either Daddy or the pig were aware I was even in the room, I quickly closed the few feet between me and Trevor's exposed body. Grabbing a bottle of poppers off the floor near Trevor's leg I took 2 deep hits in each nostril then slammed my tight poz hole all the way down to Trevor's balls in one strong shove! I cried out in animal pleasure feeling his raw cock plunge up inside my guts. At the same time through my haze of lust, pleasure and drugs I heard Trevor cry out, "What the FUCK??!!! Oh gawdddd!! So good!! So damn good!!" With the urgent hunger and need burning hotly inside my ass I immediately began riding up and down Trevor's fat hard shaft with long strokes of my muscled hole moaning with depraved lust and pleasure feeling this bottom pig's thick cock stretching my hole. Daddy of course was fully aware now of what was happening and I heard him urging me on in his hoarse voice full of lust and sensual pleasure. “Yeah, boy, that's it. Ride that pig's fat raw neg cock! Yeah he's got a nice fucking dick and Daddy's not surprised my boy wants it in his hole! I know what a cock loving slut you are and I know you are in fucking pig heaven feeling his hard shaft stuffing your hungry hole! Ride him boy and use that tight sexy ass of yours to jack him off and make him fill your guts with his chemmed up neg cum! Milk it out of him boy! One of the last like that he'll ever be shooting in any fucking hole!” “Oh yeah Trevor!” I panted as I squeezed his cock with my ass muscles, greedy to feel him shooting his first load of the weekend inside my ass. I knew it was going to be a huge one and with all the chems he'd had already I knew his cum was going to blast me up 2 or 3 levels higher in lust and pigginess. “Fuck me pig! Fuck my jock ass with your fucking hard dick! Breed me boy! Fill me up with your cum just like Daddy and I have filled you up. Cum in me pig! I need it bro! Give me your cum! Fill me now fucker! NOWWWWW!!” Suddenly I felt Trevor's hands grab my hips as he began thrusting hard and deep up into my hole. “Oh gawd! I've never fucked anything so tight before. I've never fucked a frigging ass! I love it bro! I fucking love it! Can't hold back dude! I'm gonna cum! Gonna fucking flood your tight fucking ass now! Oh gawd yesssss! Take it fucker! Take my fucking cum! Arrrrghhhhhhhhhh!!” I felt Trevor's magnificent hard as steel cock throb violently deep in my guts then I felt it spewing out spurt after spurt of his bi neg partyed up spunk inside me. So warm! So fucking awesome! “Do it pig! Fuck that cum into your brother's hole and breed him hard!” Daddy said, as I shuddered in lust and hunger!!
    1 point
  42. Yes. The anus did not evolve for penetration. You are putting it to unnatural use and suffering the natural consequences thereby. Use lots of lubricant, follow medical advice to reduce the incidence, and learn to accept the injury as the price you pay for having men inside you.
    1 point
  43. CHAPTER FIVE Through the eyes of Scotty: Dad, Dad, Dad I say for the third time while gently nudging my father to wake up. He’s slept in, finally I get his attention, through his sleepy eyes he looks at me and smiles. Dad you slept in, we have an appointment at the clinic in 45 minutes. The smile grows on his face as he peels the sheets back revealing his massive hard tool, now bouncing as he walks to the bathroom to get ready to take me. While in the car on the way dad asks if I’m nervous, my reply came so easily to me, absolutely not I said to my Dad. I’m so excited for a positive result dad, you have no idea. Dad I’ve been watching Treasure Island Media porn and other kinky bareback porn for many years now, I want nothing more than to be an absolutely perverted, dirty, kinky little poz hole for random seed and Dad you and I will make an amazing raw poz power couple, well that’s what I’m hopeful of Dad. I glanced over at my Dad while he was driving to try and gauge his reaction to what I said. He didn’t reply, but looked to have drifted off for a moment and a delicious smirk started to creep across his face. I knew that was a positive reaction and wondered in that moment what was going through his devious mind. With a little luck it wouldn't take long to find out. I decided to up the ante and asked dad if we would go to a sex club to celebrate tonight if I tested positive. He didn’t hesitate and replied fuck yes son, I’d love to take you, BUT we’d better have a positive outcome, here we go son, we’re here. I jumped out of the car, all excited, ran to dad and cuddled and kissed him in the carpark, saying let’s do this. We walked into the Men’s Sexual Health clinic and waited to be called. I glanced around the room and there were some really hot guys there, Dad noticed me and smiled, tweaking one of my nipples right there in the waiting room. We both laughed so hard. Finally I was called in for my appointment, with Dad waiting in the waiting room. I entered the Doctors room to be greeted by Simon, the Doctor, perhaps in his late 20’s, really handsome, athletic and a real wicked smile. He asked why I was there and after explaining I wanted a HIV test he started to get the testing materials ready. While doing that he asked about my sexual history and said that I should be honest with him, knowing this was my first appointment at the clinic and perhaps not aware that I could be completely upfront in this environment. I explained that I’d had one sexual partner and had recently started to have receptive anal sex with him, bareback and that he’d informed me of his HIV positive status after I’d already taken his cum inside me. Simon asked if I was upset that my Top hadn’t told me about his status before we engaged in sexual intercourse and I said hell no. I explained I love watching bareback porn and knew the risks, but was too turned on by raw fucking and cum that I’d already decided to have sex without condoms and accept that eventually I’d become infected. I noticed Simon’s pants tent as he was preparing the test for me. Sharp sting was the next thing I heard as Simon stated to draw some blood. Walking back to the desk, doing what he needed to do then saying he should have my result shortly and asked if I arrived with anyone for support. I told him my Dad had driven me here and that he knew the purpose of my visit to the clinic. Oh, that’s amazing Simon said. With a smirk on his face, then he looked me directly in the eye and asked if the person that fucked HIV positive cum into me was my father. I froze, I didn’t know how to respond, knowing he’d already told me to be brutally honest I simply said yes, but asked how he knew. He laughed saying look out the window, I have a perfect view of the carpark and saw you kiss and embrace the guy you arrived with and you just said you’re here with your Dad. It was easy to piece that together Scotty. Simon then started to ask some probing questions to ensure I’m being raised in a healthy environment and wasn’t being taken advantage of. He asked when I started having sex with my father and I said on my 18th birthday, so I was already an adult and participated willingly, telling Simon I’d been raised in a loving environment and was never taken advantage of. Simon then said he had the result ready and asked if I wanted my father to be in the room when I was given the result. I didn’t hesitate and said yes please, if that’s okay with you. Through the eyes of Dean: Sir could you head to room 4, I heard the receptionist say. I knocked on the door, then entered seeing Scotty sitting there with an adorable looking doctor. Hi I’m Simon the Dr said extending his had to shake mine. Scotty here has asked that you be in the room for support when he receives his test result. Okay I said, with butterflies in my stomach. Simon went on to say that regardless of the outcome of this test that I should be supportive of Scotty, having not known what they had been talking about this all seemed like normal conversation to me. That was until the Doctor swivelled around on his chair, with the front of his pants open and a delicious 8 inch hard cock drooling precum. Scotty looked at me with excitement, as the Dr stood up removing his overcoat as he walked to the door, locking it. As Simon turned around and now with his overcoat removed we had a perfect view of his biohazard tattoo just above his drooling cock. Scotty, Simon said, it’s with great pleasure I tell you that you’ve tested positive for HIV and given that you only started taking poz cum a little under three weeks ago your Dad here has done an excellent job. I sat there, rock hard listening to Simon talk while realising exactly how much they had been talking about before I entered the exam room. I took the Doctors lead and stated getting undressed, quickly followed by Scotty. All three of us naked now, Simon walked towards me and roughly pushed me on the exam table, bent over with my ass ripe for the taking. Scotty got behind me and started to eat my ass, then while rubbing his drooling cock against my wet hole he said this is it dad, I’m allowed to fuck you now that I’m poz, that’s what you said. I didn’t hesitate and told Scotty to ram his cock in me and breed my tight hole. To my surprise Scotty fucked me so hard, he was an amazing top, at one point I hear Simon moaning, egging Scotty on to fuck me harder, and adding there was a decent amount of blood on Scotty’s cock as he was sliding in and out of my wet hole. Scotty’s thrusting started to slow and I thought he had cum inside me, but no, he slowed to allow Simon to slide his cock inside him. Here I was, my bleeding poz hole wrapped around my sons poz cock while he was getting fucked by his poz Doctor. It was fucking amazing and I started to cum without even touching my cock, shooting my poisonous cum on the exam bed. My ass muscles clamped down on Scotty’s cock as I came, triggering Scotty’s orgasm. He it goes Dad, take my Poz load, take my dirty devil seed. Get used to it Dad he said as I felt his cock expand in my hole, pumping his toxic load deep in my guts. Simon was now pounding Scotty’s hole pretty hard, I pulled myself of Scotty’s cock and allowed him to steady himself on the exam table as Simon pounded his hole. I started to scoop my poz cum off the exam table and moved behind Simon and started fingering my charged load in to his ass as he fucked by boy, it wasn’t long before he grabbed Scotty’s hips, pulling him closer so he was fully impaled on his cock and grunting as he shot his toxic load into my son. It was so fucking hot. We started to gather ourselves and while getting dressed discussed meeting up again and exchanging numbers. Simon informed us that he holds monthly orgies, with all guys either being poz or chasing. Without hesitating for a second Scotty said we’re in, we’re coming to all of them. Before leaving Simon asked what we had planned for the rest of the day and I said we’re heading to see a mate of mine that owns a tattoo parlour to get Scotty his first tattoo, a biohazard symbol of course and then heading to Club 80 tonight to give and take heaps of loads. I told Simon he’s welcome to join us and he said he might just do that.
    1 point
  44. Very hot!!! If that were my son...I would give you a promotion!
    1 point
  45. I can dig thay. Im sub, and when a dom guy im chatting with asks about my dick size, Im like.. uh...what does it matter?
    1 point
  46. There have been a few times that I've convinced a condom user to bareback me by refusing to let him fuck me, unless it's raw. I'll usually say that I have a latex allergy (which I don't. lol) and can't use a condom. Sometimes that works. But, not always. What I find works more often is to straddle them, put their cockhead up to my asshole and rub my asshole against their cockhead. I'll make sure that my ass is pre-lubed. As I'm grinding against their cockheads, most guys get so horny, that when I finally slide down onto their cocks, they will just let me. A few times the guy has pulled out and insisted on a condom. But the vast majority will just "go with the flow" and fuck me until they cum. I did this recently by a really hot German/Dutch young man in Amsterdam. He's been fucking me regularly for several months. And he's an absolutely amazing, dominant, aggressive top. Sadly, so far, he's always insisted in using a condom. He's such a great top, I let him. However, a few days ago, he had already fucked me once with a condom. We continued to caress and kiss each other after the first fuck and he stayed hard. I finally straddled him and began to grind my ass on his hard, raw cock. My ass was still lubed from the first fuck. I added a little spit to my hole and rubbed my ass on his cock. I finally lowered my ass down on his cock and it went up inside me, raw. I leaned forward and kissed him as I began to rock on his cock. He did fuck me raw for about 5 minutes, but he finally pulled out and jacked off on my hole. I'm determined to get him to seed my hole the next time.
    1 point
  47. This is a great site and it would be a shame for it to be damaged in anyway. What other 'platforms' do you refer to?
    1 point
  48. I can tell you what worked on me for my first bareback experience. I met a very well hung 8in + top who fucked me nice and hard with a condom and lube and I enjoyed it during most of the fuck but my asshole became irritated near the end . I was in immense pain just afterward. The pain seemed to intensify after i got home. I had to sit in a bath for hours. I was still sore for days. It isn't a latex allergy, I knew it was mainly his size that wrecked me. A month later the next time i met him i couldn't help myself from hooking up again, but I told him while i was blowing him that getting fucked last time irritated me too much and i didn't want to get fucked again (although i did bring some better organic lube with me ) He convinced me it was the condom friction that causes the pain and that bareback would not hurt a bit. He assured me he would start gently and pull out to cum, he said he was recently tested neg anyway. I said i still wasn't comfortable with BB even if he pulled out because of precum and stuff. He dried off my saliva from his erect cock and showed me he didn't produce any pre-cum. He told and showed me he never makes precum even when fully erect and that he would pull out before he orgasmed. So I agreed and let him take me bare right then. It was the most fantastic fuck just like he promised, i had a huge orgasm as he fucked me and i wasn't sore a bit afterward.
    1 point
  49. Chapter Three Standing in the hall my cock throbbed for attention. As fucking hot as my split roast was I didn’t cum, yet I didn’t want to cum since it could signal the end of my quest to be initiated into The Order. “Seed, once the divine essence of life, power of procreation energy, now is the servant of disease, prophet of death. Once embraced, now it is rejected. Suppression of seed is an act of rebellion from our most ancient natural desires.” the Priest said. “We must allow the force, wether life giving or taking to be consumed within. Within the last test you allowed a segment of seed to be introduced into your essence, we will now implant more seed into you, verifying your body’s ability to be a vessel for copious portions of seed.” Without further discussion, we exited the hall into one of the rooms. Inside was an exam table with stirrups, a very well used table. In the corner of the room was a rim seat positioned over what looked like an ancient vessel which had the symbol from the invitation and two male gender symbols - instead of one being over laid slightly over the other as to show a couple, they were positioned with the arrow portion of one sliding through the circle of another - as in a representation of fucking. My interest was growing more and more as I thought about it. The Priest motion silently for me to climb upon the table, which I did without hesitation. I needed no instructions to place my feet in the stirrups. Once in position, the Priest tied my ankles to the cold metal of the stirrups. He silently moved from the foot of the table to my head, where he presented me with a black mask. This one covered my eyes and nose, with only air holes available for me to breath. Placing the mask over my head, he began speaking. I could not under stand, the language was foreign to me. Gently raising my head, he tied the straps of the mask behind my head - purging me into a dark world. My ears started to pick up sounds coming from the door area of the room. I thought I heard someone come in, the clanking of metal, and the swishing of liquids, but my imagination could be getting the best of me. A strange sensation came over my lips, something was rubbing on them. It was hard, yet had a softness to it, rounded in shape. Immediately I thought it was another cock for me to suck, so without question I opened and the object slipped in. It was pushed in until it moved no further and held in place with a hand across my mouth as I felt another pair of hands tie it tightly behind my neck. I had just been gagged. “calm your inner self, submit, and derive in the pleasure” Breathing slow deep breathes I calmed myself. Although my anticipation was through the roof, trust of the Priest had overcome any fear I had experienced. My inner thighs were being stroked as I breathed, helping me to relax as well. This touch had my cock leaking on my stomach, forming a puddle in my belly button. The hands lowered, rubbing across my exposed ass, to my crack. Fingers began to explore my hole, slowly sliding around the edge, circling until they were in the center gently pushing. My hole easily gave way in my relaxed state and having been fucked and seeded not thirty minute earlier by a homeless man. The fingers pushed in and out going further and further in, opening my wet hole even more. The pleasure was intense, as my hole opened more and more. Quickly, the fingers left my hole and something else was pushed in, hard and deep. My hole felt as though it was being ripped open it was so big. I wanted to scream in pain, but nothing came out. My mind raced with objects that could have been forced deep into my hole. Yet nothing matched the amount of pain I was experiencing. My relaxed state was gone, I was tense, my abs contracted as I tried to push out what ever was shoved into my hole. I felt the hands stroking my inner thighs again. “Calm your inner self” the Priest said “Pain is a gateway to great pleasure” I focused on my breathing again as the pain started to subside. My hole was adjusting to the object in my hole, relaxing and tightening around the object. I remember feeling this way the first time I had a cock slip inside my hole, it felt as if I was being torn apart, then subsided into the most erotic pleasure I had ever experience. Drawing on the memory I relaxed more. As I laid there, I felt a great amount of pressure coming from inside me. I felt I was being filled. My hole was warming up, expanding and creating great pressure. I clinched my fists beside me as I felt as I was going to explode. The pressure was coming more and more as I felt my inside expand more and more. “Excellent. Concentrate your mind on your fuck hole, squeeze as we remove the chalice. Seed is life, death, and the energy in between. Keep that energy within.” I concentrated on my hole, tuning out every sound around me, even the Priest voice as I felt “the chalice” being tugged on. I squeezed my ass muscles as I felt my hole pulling outwards. Every inch being pulled out felt like a mile, until my hole popped around the top, freeing “the chalice” from me. My hole still gapped, yet I squeezed. I could feel liquid running out, not much but some. I continued to squeeze, until I felt my hole close completely. “Absorb the life within the seed, embrace it’s energy, celebrate its death. Many man have held this seed before and many more will hold it after you. A genesis and legacy of Priest who celebrated in disease, then taken in death. Resist explosion for a minimum of an hour” Time moved slowly in my head as I counted, but after about fifteen minutes I lost count. The pressure inside of me grew, small cramps plagued my muscles as I fought the urge to expel. I once again calmed myself with breathing, squeezing my hole and wondering how the Priest that contributed to this mixture died. With my mind off the pressure, it seemed to ease, yet my mind continued to be invaded by thoughts of HIV and more. Exotic diseases conjured in my mind, how they effected the body causing death. “45 minutes” the Priest said. Concentration lost, pressure turned to pain. I needed to expel the mixture inside. I felt the bindings on my legs come off. I felt the gag in my mouth being removed at the same time. There were still two men in this room with me, a Priest and an unknown. I felt the bindings of the mask being untied and darkness became light. I squinted as I adjusted to the light. I could see a figure between my legs, he was grinning evilly. “You may rise, yet the time to expel has not arrive” With the help of the man at the foot of the exam table, I lowered my legs, squeezing my ass tighter and tighter. A small mount of stiffness had set in my legs, but I slowly moved them to ease that. The man that helped me was completely naked. His body was nothing but skin and bones. I could count each rib within his chest. My eyes went lower, no fat on his stomach. His body completely smooth. His cock obscenely pointed out from his body. It was at least eight inches, dripping and so inviting. I watched his finger make contact with his cock head, start circling and collecting pre-cum. His coated finger reached out, pointing at my mouth. Fuck me, I wanted it. I turned towards the Priest, silently asking for permission. He quietly nodded. I engulfed the finger, tasting, savoring the pre-cum. I sucked on his finger as if I was sucking on a hard cock. The Priest moved behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders, and pushing me to my knees. I was now eye level with the man’s cock. “Receive pleasure as you experience pain” the Priest stated “Expulsion will happen when my assistant is gratified.” I didn’t need any more instructions. I engulfed my mouth over the cock and encircled the shaft with my lips. Spit flowed into my mouth, wetting everything inside and continuing to wet as I took the cock deeper. I didn’t stop until his smooth balls were pushing against my chin. Without warning, the man grabbed my head and started to pull his cock out, until the ridge of his head was pulling my lips outward, than rammed it balls deep again, causing me to choke. There was no time to adjust or breath as he pulled out and rammed in again. This attack didn’t stop, it continued until I had spit flying every where, running down my chin, his balls and tears flowing from my eyes. The need to expel was growing and I was losing concentration on holding. The attack on my mouth and throat slowed a little, which allowed me to refocus on my hole. With all my concentration on my hole, my throat relaxed and I got into a rhythm of when to breath and when not to. His face fucking was rougher than anything I had experienced. Yet I was enjoying it, my mouth was full of a mixture of his pre-cum and my spit. My lips were slick with this mixture adding to his pleasure and the ease of the fucking. The sounds of this fucking filled the room. My cock was bobbing up and down, leaking yet I did not touch it. His moans turned into a growl as he rammed his cock all the way in and shot his load. Like the homeless man, I didn’t taste a drop as it hit my throat and ran down. I was again disappointed, I wanted to taste these loads. He pulled his cock from my mouth and left the room. “It is time” I got up from my knees and squatted over the rim seat and vessel. I pushed with very little pressure and the mixture of Priest seed exploded out. Relief was instant, yet I felt empty. I pushed more and expelled more seed. I pushed one more time and lost a little more. “Enough. Seed is required for the final test of this phase of your invitation.” We left the room, with the mixture of cum running down my legs leaving a trail of cum as we made our way through another door and making a left turn.
    1 point
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