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  1. Part 11 - Positive Counselling Luca felt tired when he woke and climbed out of bed noticing the ship was already docked in Southampton. He showered and changed then packed his last few things ready for the bell boys to take their luggage in to the terminal. Breakfast was quick and the table next to theirs was empty. The Americans had already eaten and disembarked for their morning flight back to New York. It was like they had never been there and funny how it felt empty without them being at the table staring and chatting away. He smirked eating his fruit and yoghurt thinking of Brad and the wild night they had, his only regret that he didn't get another night with him. Luca arranged to meet his parents at 9.30 in the Duchess lounge for disembarkation and headed off towards the spa hoping to catch Andre. Loitering outside and watching the reception area for a good twenty minutes there was no sign of him. He was about to leave when he phone beeped and he saw a message from Oliver 'Nearly at the airport, sorry I didn't get to say good bye to you personally this morning. So looking forward to you showing me Tuscany, Olly'. He was tempted to reply but decided to wait and play it cool, he didn't want to seem to eager. Instead he started a new message to Andre 'Hey, what happened last night? I missed being with you and would like to see you, Luca' he hit the send button and put his phone away. Heading back to the suite and collecting his hand luggage he met up with his parents and they disembarked the ship. Checking his phone he saw the message to Andre had been read ten minutes ago and no reply, residing that Andre was going to end up as just a fuck he put his phone away and walked to the gangway. The Luca walking down the gangway was very different from the one who embarked a week ago, his look on sex had changed completely and inside he definitely felt a liberated and new person. Collecting the last suitcase he joined his parents and walked through customs into the small arrivals hall to seek their driver, hearing his name called out Luca turned and smiled. "I won't be a minute" he said to his parents hot footing it over towards Andre. Sarah watched Luca and saw him walk towards Andre "The masseur?" she said turning to Gio. Gio chuckled "That's why he had so many massages" he replied looking at Sarah. "What happened last night Andre?" Lucca asked standing in front of him. Andre shifted on the spot "You didn't tell me you were seeing someone else". "Sorry?" Luca asked sounding surprised "I am not seeing anyone Andre, who said that?". Andre could see he was telling the truth "The American, he came for a massage yesterday". Luca nodded knowing it was Oliver's doing "He is charming and very nice but I am not seeing him". Andre smiled "You need to tell him that as he things you and him are together". Luca looked him in the eye "You are the one I am attracted to Andre" he replied "I thought you knew that". "So him coming to Tuscany to see you?" Andre asked again surprising Luca how much Oliver told him. Luca sighed "My parents invited him I couldn't stop them" he tried explaining to Andre. "Please come and see me in London when you finish Andre" Luca implored "I have to go they are waiting". Andre nodded then catching Luca off guard he kissed him on the lips "I will text you later" he said. Luca returned to his parents "Please don't say anything" he said looking a little upset. The journey back to Holland Park was quiet, almost like when they picked Luca up after his graduation. The frustration and anger at what Oliver had done was nagging at him. Trying to remain emotionally detached Luca turned off his phone not wanting to send a venting text to Oliver, he sat back in the seat and closed his eyes. The following week Luca had spoken with Mark several times finalising the plans for Mark to visit Luca in Tuscany, he was excited to catch up with Luca and hear all about his graduation trip. By the second week at home Luca had returned from a run feeling unusually exhausted he collapsed on the bed unable to get his temperature down or stop the sweating. By the afternoon he was feeling worse, his body ached, head hurt and he was running a fever. Sarah made an appointment to see their doctor the following day and was worried by how Luca had gone down hill so quickly. In the morning Luca felt no better and beads of sweat adorned his forehead, the doctor took his temperature and begun asking Luca lots of questions before asking his mother to leave them for a few minutes to continue the examination. Dr Morris had been the family doctor for many years and he had an understanding of Luca and his sexual orientation. "Tell me Luca and be honest, did you have sexual intercourse with anyone?" Dr Morris asked sitting down. Luca nodded "Yes, several times and I know what your going to ask and the answer was no". Dr Morris sat there for a moment looking at Luca "I think we should do the blood test Luca". Luca looked up knowing what he was saying and nodded "Yes" he quietly replied. "Do you know if any of the sexual partners have hiv?" Dr Morris asked finishing with the blood test. Luca shook his head "To be honest I don't know" he said "I wanted, well needed to have sex". Dr Morris chuckled "Oh to be young Luca" he laughed "but seriously you should have protected yourself". Luca smiled "I know" he replied "foolish of me now when I look back". "Don't worry Luca if it does come back positive things will not change to much" Dr Morris patted his knee. Luca nodded fearing the worse "I will have the results tomorrow and will call you directly" Dr Morris said. "In the meantime take 2 paracetamols every 4 hours to keep your temperature under control" he advised Luca. Luca stood to leave and watched Dr Morris place the blood vials in to a yellow bag with a biohazard symbol on, that simple act hit home hard and Luca broke down crying out of the emotional wreck he had become. Part of it was the probable diagnosis but also from the strain of Andre and Oliver, he never really knew how much it had torn him up until now when everything came crashing down. His mother walked in and comforted him holding him tight, straight away she knew something was not right seeing the blood test bag labelled up. Luca explained everything to his parents later that day after he had calmed down, still feeling groggy he went up to bed wishing the whole thing was over. He just wanted to know one way or the other, although he was already suspecting one of the Americans must have been responsible. He managed to sleep a few hours before waking at 1am and reaching over for his phone, he looked at the message from Oliver a few weeks backs and sent him a text trying to sound casual hoping it would reveal more 'Hi Olly, hope you are well. I forgot to ask your friends if they had hiv when we had sex, I shouldn't have put them as risk, L', sending the message he put the phone down on silent he went back to sleep. Waking up he felt better and the fever seemed to had subsided, reaching over he saw a missed call from Oliver but no reply to his text. Wearing jogging bottoms and t-shirt he padded around the house for most of the morning until he phone range just after 11am. Hanging up the phone he sat on the sofa staring at the floor, the diagnosis had come back positive and he know faced a different future. He had a referral to a sexual health clinic at 3pm to see a consultant and councillor, the worst part was he had no one close to talk to about it. Both parents were out at work and whilst they were both understanding it wasn't something you really wanted to discuss at length with them. At the clinic he chatted with the consultant and gave Luca his medication and instructions. Luca was surprised that it was only two tablets once a day, he had read up where some people were on 4 or 5 tablets sometimes twice a day. He was sent to the male waiting room at the clinic to wait for Tony the councillor. The waiting room was quiet with only a three guys there for routine appointments, all of whom clocked Luca when he was escorted in by the consultant. It was a telling sign that this was a newly diagnosed person. Luca felt embarrassed sitting there with each guy casually glancing at him, there was one guy who couldn't have been more than 19 whose phone constantly beeped with messages. Ignoring his phone he was more interested in Luca and was fumbling around in his pocket pulling a small card out and holding it in his hand. A nurse appeared in the waiting room 'Jason' she called looking at the 19 year old who stood and walked deliberately close to Luca dropping the card in to his lap before disappearing. Luca picked up the card that just had his name and number on, he heard one of the guys chuckle and look at Luca 'high class escort'. Luca didn't quite know what to do with the card 'Luca' he heard his name called out and looked up. Tony stood there smiling at Luca and he felt unable to move, he was tall at six feet, his black hair shaved except for the mohican that partly flopped across his forehead. Luca could make out the tattoos adorning his neck and the base of his arms, his slender body, swimmers build, moustache and chin hair definitely gave him more of a menacing sexual appeal and it was not what Luca was expecting in a councillor. His face suggesting late 20's or early thirties but he had the most incredible smile on a finely chiselled face that look like it came straight out of a magazine and it made Luca's heart beat faster. Luca stood up "Hi" he said slipping the card in to his pocket. Tony escorted him in to a little room "I'm Tony and have been appointed your councillor". "Right" Luca replied sitting down "do I need one?" he asked "I mean I don't know what is suppose to happen". Tony smiled "I am here for you to talk to Luca and help you out where I can" he replied reading Luca's notes. "I didn't think you could help now I have it?" Luca replied a little confused by the situation. Tony looked at him "Are you comfortable talking about it?" he asked "we could walk, go for a coffee?". Luca shrugged his shoulders "What do you normally do?" he asked realising he was quite struck by him. "Well if your comfortable discussing your feelings we can walk and talk" Tony suggested staring at Luca. Tony packed up his things and picked his satchel up and walked with Luca for almost an hour mostly he listened to Luca talk about his feelings, worries and concerns. Tony would nod and let Luca continue, only when he went silent did Tony explain that he had taken up counselling after realising there was a detachment of being able to speak to another person who had gone through a similar situation. Openly telling Luca he was poz Tony chatted and was getting Luca to open up and talk about his real feelings. They sat down in a park not far from Luca's house, he was still a little weak from the past few days and Tony noticing this slowed the pace down and allowed Luca time to gather his strength. Luca joked saying it felt like he was on a date with Tony who laughed and smiled at him. Tony walked with Luca back to his home and they made plans for another session the following day at 1pm meeting at Luca's house. Watching Tony walk back on to the street Luca had discovered quite a bit about him, Tony was happy to talk about himself in order to get Luca more comfortable. During this first session Luca discovered Tony was recently out of a relationship, 29 years old he was also hiv positive a result from his various exploits at a younger age. It was this that rung home with Luca knowing he was in a similar situation, it gave him more comfort and confidence to talk. It was interesting to hear about the group counselling Tony held with ten guys at various stages, he even suggested that when Luca felt comfortable he could join the group sessions if he wished. For now being Tony's newest case he would get his attention. The past two days had been extraordinary to say the least and he liked Tony and felt at ease with him. Tony walked down the street smiling, he loved his job and every now and then someone like Luca would come along bringing new challenges to his work. The young guy was so engaging and attractive he had found it a little difficult to concentrate at times. At dinner Luca had told his parents everything about the voyage, his father was upset by this revelation and hugged his son telling him they would always be here to support him. Luca retired for the night and Gio turned to Sarah and questioned if Oliver should come over mostly unsure how Luca would react. They discussed at length and if Luca had been honest about Oliver and he not sleeping together there should be no cause for concern. Luca sat on his bed unsure how he was really feeling, he felt the card in his shorts pocket and took it out. He chuckled at how brazen the young guy had been in the clinic giving him his number and decided to ask Tony about him tomorrow. Feeling refreshed after his shower he stood and looked at his reflection in the mirror, he was still Luca only a little different on the inside. Thoughts interrupted by his phone ringing, picking it up he saw it was Oliver calling and he answered it. "Olly" Luca spoke down the phone waiting. "Luca, what was with your text the other day?" Oliver asked cautiously. Luca sat on the bed "Don't play games Olly, do any of you have hiv?" he asked almost to scared to say the word. There was a long pause "I think you have answered my question" Luca said knowing Oliver was thinking. "Luca" Oliver spoke "you didn't have it did you?" he asked "you were fishing with me to find out". Luca was quiet for a moment "One of your friends gave it to me" he said ignoring Andre for the moment. "It is possible Luca" Oliver replied "but I didn't give it to you" he tried excusing himself from blame. Luca paused "I know and my parents know" he paused again "don't worry they know we haven't slept together". There was another awkward pause "It is best that I don't come to Tuscany?" Oliver asked. "No, I think you should still come Olly after all my parents invited you" Luca replied. Oliver hung up and stroked Brad's chest 'one of you got Luca knocked up' he said kissing Brad, they were having one of their rampant afternoons of hard sex together whilst James was out shopping with Liam. Brad chuckled and turned to face Oliver 'get on your stomach so I can recharge you again', it was no request and Oliver battled with Brad trying to pin him down, his ass already sore from the two poundings Brad had given him. Luca put the phone on the bedside table and climbed in to bed, his body exhausted he soon fell into a deep sleep. Luca looked out from his bedroom window at the blue sky and enjoying the feeling of the sun on his naked body. The stillness of the air clouded his head and the feeling of loneliness creeping over him like a shadow tapping away slowly at him. The nausea kicking in as the strong medication absorbed in to his body, he couldn't face eating and dressed in his shorts and t-shirt waiting for Tony and their session. He tried sitting in the garden, drinking water and dozing but nothing alleviated the feeling in his body. Glad of the distraction when Tony arrived and rang the door bell dead on 1pm. Inviting Tony in they walked through to the kitchen where Luca put some coffee on to brew. "How are you feeling Luca?" Tony asked leaning against the kitchen counter. Luca looked over at him "Not so good today" he said "I started the medication this morning". Tony nodded "They are powerful drugs Luca, your body will take a few weeks to adjust". Luca leaned over the counter his head in his hands "I don't know if I can cope with the side effects". "Hey Luca, they will pass" Tony said calmly walking over to Luca and rubbing his shoulder. "Be patient and get through the first few days they will start easing off" Tony said comforting him. Luca stood up and placed his arms around Tony "You need a Tony hug" he said putting his arms around Luca. Luca leaned his head against Tony's chest and allowed him to hug him hard "Just bear with it Luca" he said. "I am scared" Luca confessed revealing his true feelings, Tony stroked his head. "You have me to talk to Luca, anytime you need me I will be here for you" Tony said holding on to Luca. "Thank you" Luca replied feeling a strange sense of reassurance from Tony. "You have the strength to fight this Luca and I will be by your side to help" Tony said encouragingly. Admittedly Tony hugged Luca for an unusual amount of time unable to bring himself to let go. Luca just stood there with his arms firmly around Tony, it felt so good to be close to a man again. Not just a man though it was someone who understood what he was going through and he felt great strength from this knowledge. Tony knew this was wrong and over stepping boundaries holding on to Luca in this way, he felt it was what the young guy needed right now. "How about you sit down and I finish making coffee" Tony suggested releasing Luca. Luca released his arms and sat at the breakfast bar "Am I hogging you from your other work?" he asked. Tony laughed "No Luca, I have a clear diary this week" he replied and looked at Luca "just you pencilled in". Luca half smiled "Do I need that much counselling then?" he said laughing as it sounded like a porn movie. Tony placed the coffee down and sat next to him "First time I have seen you laugh what was so funny?". Luca went bright red "I thought it sounded like I was in a porn movie". Tony chuckled "Watch a lot of porn do you?" he asked watching Luca laugh again. "No" Luca replied gently slapping Tony's arm "I don't need porn" he said giggling. Tony smiled "Everyone needs porn Luca" he said looking serious "you can learn some great techniques". Luca looked at the serious expression on Tony's face before he burst out laughing "Very funny" Luca replied. "Oh something I wanted to ask" Luca said looking at Tony "this Jason at the clinic gave me his number". He stopped and looked at Luca "Jason is an escort, pay for sex person" Tony said "don't go there". Luca laughed "Is he that expensive then?". Tony shook his head "Trust me Luca, the guy is ravaged by diseases" he paused "I shouldn't really say". Luca nodded "So you just saved me from making a mistake" he smiled "I need to keep you around" he laughed. They moved out to the garden sitting on the terrace allowing the talking to go more in depth, Tony kept it light and let Luca talk. He was taken by how stunning Luca looked and undeniable charm the belied the sensitive and loving person he was. Luca couldn't figure out why he felt so drawn to Tony, he was the complete opposite of what he usually liked in a person or picked up. Yet there was some weird science in play and he found it so easy to be just Luca with him, he had forgotten about his nausea and aching head. On their second pot of coffee and several hours later they found themselves talking about his sexual exploits on board ship and the pain he was now going through torn between two potential lovers. Luca turned seeing his mother appear on the terrace. Sarah immediately noticed the tattoos and mohican haircut mortified by what was sitting on her terrace. "Mother" Luca called out standing up looking at lot chirpier. Sarah smiled seeing how happy Luca looked today and walked over "What is going on Luca?" she asked. Tony stood up "Mum this is Tony from the clinic, he is my councillor I told you about" Luca explained. "Mrs Abario" Tony said holding out his hand "so pleased to meet you". Despite the hair and tattoos she could see the effect he was already having on Luca "Pleasure to meet you". Sarah gabbed a cup and joined them on the terrace watching and listening to Tony, it took her a while to understand that Tony was also counselling her a little. She definitely felt more knowledgeable when Tony announced he should head back to the clinic. Out of the blue Sarah invited Tony for dinner the following evening as a thank you and he politely accepted, Luca escorted Tony to the front of the house. "Thank you Tony" Luca said gratefully "you have really cheered me up today". Tony smiled "You have my number if you need to talk Luca" he replied "I am sorry about hugging you earlier". Luca looked on strangely at him "Don't be, I sort of needed it" he replied. Tony smiled "We need to keep things real Luca" he said "you know on a professional basis". Luca nodded and said he would see him tomorrow at 5pm.
    9 points
  2. Part 7 - Once you start cheating...... A few years ago I was up in Scotland for a family occasion and was staying in a hotel in the centre of Glasgow. On the Saturday morning I woke up feeling particularly horny. I debated having a much needed wank but decided that, as I had a free morning, I would try to line up something more exciting. After a shower and breakfast I went on line and before long I was chatting to a fit guy in his mid-30s, whose name was Alex. His profile said he was a top and also said "safe only" - but he had already told me that was just in case anyone he knew saw his profile and he was definitely up for a bareback fuck. He told me his partner was supposed to be going out with one of his friends but was waiting to confirm so he was not sure if he would be free. I was really hoping I could meet up with Alex as he was a really good looking lad and I was really horny to be fucked. I didn't hear back from him for a while and I started chatting to another guy who was on his way to work in Glasgow and was really close by. He wasn't really my normal type but I was horny and so was he and soon he was in my room. He didn't say very much as I sucked his cock for a while and then licked his arse before bending over the bed. He pushed up me and began to fuck. He fucked me really well and when he came he shot what felt like a big load up my arse. When he had finished he pulled out, pulled his pants up and left. I was still feeling horny and went back online. I got messaged almost immediatley by Alex who told me his partner had now gone out and asked me if I was still up for being fucked. I told him I was definitely up for it and, after a moment's consideration, I told him I had just been fucked by another guy and asked him if he was alright with that. Alex asked me if the guy had fucked me bareback and cum in me and when I said yes to both he sent me a smiley face and told me he was on his way. A short time later, Alex arrived and he was even better looking than his pictures suggested and before long his pants were down and his cock was in my mouth. I sucked him for a while and as I sucked him, he reached down the back of my pants and began to play with my arse. I moved round to give him better access and his finger went up my hole. "Oh fuck," he said "That's really horny - I can feel the cum in you!" Without a word I pulled my trousers and pants down below my arse and bent over. Alex went right up me and began to fuck. This was just what I needed - a fit guy fucking my arse and I enjoyed every minute of it. Alex fucked me for a while and then pulled out. I went down on his cock for a while and then we stripped off and soon he was back up my arse. I ended up on my back with my legs high in the air as Alex pumped a load of cum into me. Alex pulled his T shirt on and I got us both a cold drink. Alex told me he had started cheating on his partner a few years before when they were spending a week in a cottage in a rural part of France. He said they had got friendly with a couple of French guys who were holidaying in the cottage next door. They had a few drinks together one evening and early the next morning Alex had been walking down to the nearest village to get bread and milk while his partner had a lie in. He was joined by one of the guys from the cottage next door and they had started chatting and then flirting with each other and they had ended up in the woods and soon he was sucking the French guy's cock. Alex told me he was the top in his relationship and had not been fucked for a while and when the French guy said he wanted to fuck him he didn't resist - he pulled his shorts and pants down and bent over. They didn't have a condom so Alex let the guy fuck him bareback and cum in his arse. They repeated this every morning, with neither of their partners any the wiser and Alex told me he really got off on the fact that he was fucking his boyfriend every night and then taking a load of cum up his own arse every morning. About six months later he had been on a Christmas night out with his work colleagues and had a few drinks. On whe way home he got talking to his Eastern European Uber driver and they ended up parked in a quiet spot with Alex bent over the back seat as the Uber driver fucked him bareback and depsosited a big load of Eastern European cum in his cheating arse. Alex admitted that he loved letting guys cum in his arse and before long he was kneeling up on the bed in just his T shirt and socks. I licked his arse for a while and then lubed him up and slid my cock up him. I enjoyed every minute of fucking him and I could tell he was enjoying it just as much. I started slowly and then began to fuck him harder as he gave contented little grunts and then I shot a nice big load of cum right into his arse. Somehow I always enjoy shooting my load up the arse of a guy who's going home to an unsuspecting partner, especially when the guy has got caught up in the moment and maybe gone further than he meant to. One of the horniest experiences was in the mid 2000s when my friend Alan and I were spending a long weekend in Ibiza without our partners. I always had fun when I was with Alan - he always had plenty of confidence and would often go for it when I might have held back and over the years that had lead to a lot of horny experiences for both of us. One night we were enjoying a meal on the terrace of a very nice restaurant by the sea. The restaurant was getting busy and, as we had a couple of spare places at our table, the waiter asked if we would mind if another couple joined us. We said no problem and he led two guys who looked in their mid-30s to our table. When they had settled in and ordered their food, they introduced themselves. They were a couple from the north of England and had been together for about seven years. We all got on well and I liked one of the guys, David, very much - he was easy to talk to and had a similar sense of humour to me. After a while I could tell from the way the conversation was heading that Alan was discreetly trying to find out if the two lads might be up for some fun with us. He didn't get very far, however, and it seemed clear that the two of them did not play around. A little later, his partner had gone to the toilet and David asked us what we were doing the following afternoon. He said his partner was going to visit some historical site with a friend and he would be free. Alan told him we were intending to visit the gay beach at Es Cavallet and invited David to join us. We arranged a time and place to meet and I was interested to note that David did not mention the arrangement to his partner when he came back to the table. Alan and I had some fun in a club that night and the following afternooon we set off to get the bus to the beach, meeting David at the bus stop as arranged. I still wasn't really sure if David was just intending to spend the afternoon with us at the beach or if he had anything else in mind. I knew that Alan had every intention of getting into David's pants and I was happy to let him take the lead. Once at the beach, we hired three loungers and found a spot set back in the dunes, just out of sight of the beach and settled down for the afternoon. David was good company and the three of us enjoyed swimming in the sea, listening to music and reading. There was also quite a bit of flirting going on and when Alan stripped off his shorts and lay face down on his lounger, I could see David checking out his arse. After a while, Alan turned over and lay on his back. His cock was starting to harden and and he took hold of it and motioned to me to join him. We were completely hidden from the beach so I went over to Alan, knelt down beside his lounger, took his cock into my mouth and began to suck it. I looked over at David, who was watching intently. I sucked Alan's cock for a while and then motioned to David to come over. He hesitated, but only for a moment. Soon his cock was out and in my mouth and I took turns sucking him and Alan and then David went down on Alan. David was bent over with his arse in the air and I pulled his cheeks apart and began to lick his hairy arsehole. We changed places and now I was rimming Alan as he sucked David's cock and then Alan reached into the pouch of his bag and handed me a small sachet of lube. I took it and rubbed some lube into his hole as he continued sucking David's cock and then I pulled his cheeks apart, lined up my cock and pushed it slowly right up his arse. I fucked Alan for a while and then motioned to David to come round and take his turn. Once more he hestitated, but only for a short time and then he moved round beside me. I pulled out of Alan's arse and took hold of David's cock but he pulled back. "I....I... can't," he muttered, "I need a condom....." I said "We don't have any." as I pulled his cock towards Alan's arse. David was silent for a moment and then he moved in behind Alan and seconds later he pushed his bare cock up Alan's arse and began to fuck him. I moved closer to him and soon my hand was on his arse as he fucked Alan and then my finger found his hole. I began to finger David's hole as he fucked Alan and then I put some lube on my finger and began to push it into his arse. David was close now and before long I felt his arse clenching on my finger as he began to shoot his load into Alan.. When David had finished cumming he pulled out and Alan stood up and moved in behind him, motioning to him to bend over. "No," he said, "I....I....can't....." David's voice tailed off as Alan positioned himself behind him and began to push the head of his cock against David's hole. Then David bent forward and Alan began to fuck him. It was a real turn on to watch Alan barebacking David's hairy arse hole and soon I could tell that Alan was getting close. I wondered if David would ask him to pull out but he didn't say anything as Alan pushed his cock up David's arse and held it there, shooting his load deep into him. I went up David's arse as soon as Alan pulled out and now there was no resistance. David was moaning softly and playing with his cock as I fucked him and after a while I realised we were no longer alone. A tall dark haired guy was watching us fuck, his hand down the front of his shorts. I grinned at him and he grinned back and moved closer as I took hold of David's hips and began to fuck him harder. I knew I wasn't going to last much longer and soon I was shooting my load right into David's arse. The dark haired guy had his cock out now and was wanking and when I pulled out of David's arse, he moved forward. David looked round but did not say anything as the dark haired guy pushed up him and began to fuck. After about ten or twelve thrusts, he threw his head back and pushed hard up David's arse and I knew that David was getting another load up him. When he pulled out, I could see the cum sliding out of David's hole - it was a very horny sight. David was very quiet as we all went for a swim and he left a short time later. I was fairly sure he had not intended to go as far as he did - and had almost certainly not intended to end the afternoon with three loads of cum up his arse. I had another very horny experience a few years ago when I was spending a weekend in Brighton with one of my friends, Peter, who was over from Germany. We were staying in a hotel on the sea front and that night we went out for a meal and a goup of lads in their mid-20s were at the next table. It was not long after same sex marriage was legalised in the UK and we had learned earlier that they were on a stag weekend for one of the group - a slim, dark haired lad called Jordan. We had got talking to Jordan and another lad, Sam, who was Jordan's best man, in the hotel bar earlier that afternoon. Jordan was a nice lad and told us that he had been with his partner since they met at university and he was really looking forward to his wedding. When Jordan was at the bar, Peter asked Sam if he would have to keep Jordan on the straight and narrow on his stag weekend. Sam laughed and said there would be no need, as he had never known Jordan even look at another guy since he had met his boyfriend. A little later, Peter and I were having a drink in one of Brighton's gay bars when the lads from the stag party came in. Jordan had now obviously had a few drinks and was clearly enjoying himself. They stayed at the bar for some time and were still there when we left. About an hour or so later, Peter and I were rounding off the evening in one of the smaller gay bars. After we had been there a short time, Jordan, Sam and another lad came in and soon they were downing shots with a couple of guys who had been standing at the bar. I noticed that Sam was flirting with one of the guys while the other guy chatted to Jordan. A little later I got up to go to the toilet and I noticed that Jordan was no longer at the bar and nor was the guy he had been chatting to. I made my way downstairs to the toilet and went in. The toilet had two cubicles and a long urinal and I noticed that one of the cubicle doors was shut. I took a piss and then waited for a moment but no one came out of the cubicle. After a few more minutes, I decided to satisfy my curiosity and went quietly into the other cubicle. The music from the bar, though still quite loud, was muffled and I was fairly sure I could hear noises which suggested that more than one person was in the other cubicle. I climbed carefully up onto the toilet and looked over. Jordan was bent over the toilet, his pants and trousers at this ankles and the other guy was standing behind him, fucking him up the arse. The guy doing the fucking was quite good looking and I had a perfect view of his big thick cock thrusting up Jordan's slim arse. It was a very horny sight - especially as I could see that the guy wasn't using a condom. As I watched, Jordan bent further forward and I could hear him moaning as the guy began to fuck him harder. I watched as he thrust up Jordan's arse a few more times and then held his cock still and I knew that he was breeding Jordan's soon to be married arse. Jordan and his friends left the bar shortly afterwards, with Sam and the other guy supporting a very drunk Jordan, presumably with no idea that his cheating arse had just been loaded with cum in the toilet. Part 8 to follow
    7 points
  3. Home From University I slept really well that night and spent less time wanking and watching porn the next day. The following day, I took the occasional look to see who was online and there were a few hot guys that grabbed my attention, but the laundry room guy was noticeably absent. I was trying to be good and keep away from everyone, though. One life altering virus at a time, thank you. About seven in the evening I got a message from a pic-less profile. There wasn't much information in the text either. In the old days (3 months ago, lol), I wouldn't have even wasted my time reading the message. My pool of possible hookups was now pretty limited now and who knows when things would be getting back to normal. I opened the message and it just asked "u @ 1530 marina?" I've seen these time wasters before, but replied back with a simple "yes". There were over 250 condos in this building and right now there were over a dozen on the app that were also in this building, so I guessed it was ok to give him that bit of info. In a few minutes, I got a body pic that showed a near hairless younger guy with a nice ass and then a note "18 college guy, bottom. u got nice dick." We sent a few more messages back and forth and he seemed to be interested in hooking up. As much as I wanted to stay isolated, my hormones were starting to get the better of me. Then, I got the message "ur status says askme, so I am." "That's the end of this conversation" I said to myself and sent back "poz." Setting the phone down, I cracked open a beer and started looking for something to watch on TV. I got a few alerts back and once I started a movie I looked at my phone. The faceless guy sent "u on meds?" then "bb?" and I got a few messages from other guys, too. One said he wanted to meet when house arrest is over and the others were just guys fishing for more pics. I was surprised that the college guy had continued to reply, so I gave him answers that I was sure would scare him off "ran out of meds only bb no pullouts" and hit send. I had to rewind the stupid movie to catch the beginning. The movie was about a third of the way done when my phone buzzed again. Hitting pause, I looked to see what message I got and it was from the college guy. "wow. want to but scared" he replied. I was hesitant to keep going since I figured this was going to be a waste of time. I set the phone down and watched the rest of the movie. When I got up to go to bed, I looked and there weren't any more messages from college boy and figured he had fantasized enough, blew his load and I wouldn't hear from him for a while until that kink rose back up from his subconscious. Work was surprisingly busy the next day and I had a string of phone calls and emails to deal with and suddenly it was after 6pm. Other than a few text messages from friends and family, I didn't touch my phone at all. Once dinner was consumed, I sat back on the couch trying to decide what mindless crap to watch. My phone buzzed and it was a text from my brother checking up on me. After I answered, I looked to see what other notifications I had. There were four from college boy "u busy?", "u poz negs?", "u like my ass", and "can u host?" It was hard deciding if I was just his jack off material or if he was serious about taking a poz load or ten. The messages were all from earlier today, starting about 3:30pm and going to about 7pm, so he seemed to be serious. There was no way I was going to fuck him here, nor was I going to type out my answer to his second question but I did say a silent "hell, yeah!" I typed out my reply "done working. Nice butt needs a dick in it, how many guys fuck u?" and hit send. I barely set my phone down and it buzzed with a reply from college boy. "hope urs is next 1. 37 so far" was his reply. This was getting more interesting. If he wasn't lying, he was experienced enough to know how to take dick so it might be worth at least meeting the guy. Hitting reply, I sent back "maybe. meet on roof in 20 2 talk?" Immediately I thought to myself "Why did I do that? Nothing good is going to come of this." The roof of our building has a sundeck on part of it and then an indoor area with some couches, a few game tables and a pair of large saunas. It should be a quiet place to meet and I've fucked more than a few guys in the sauna over the years. I picked up a small piece of paper and some tape, donned my mask and headed up a little early. Getting off the elevator, I walked slowly forward through the vestibule and reached up on the other side of the arched opening and slipped the paper over the security camera lens and secured it with tape. I didn't need a thousand questions from our nosy doorman. I walked into the lounge area and sat down on one of the couches and waited. It only took a couple minutes and I heard the ding from the elevator and hoped it was the college guy. Sure enough, a figure appeared and looked around. I couldn't see him clearly, the lights were dim and he was too far away. As he approached, I could see a short, thin body in some baggy shorts and a tank top. I pulled off my mask and said "Have a seat" when he was about ten feet away. He stood in front of me a moment before he sat down in the chair next to me. I looked him over now that I could see him better and while he wasn't the type I normally go for, he was easy on the eyes. His long dark blond hair was pulled back and tied in a bun, he had small dark plugs in each ear and a small straight eyebrow piercing. His pale face was smooth and soft except for a patch of hair on his chin. I could see the nipple piercings protrude through the tight tank top he was wearing, which showed off his twinky body. He was toned but not muscled and with his compact size I imagined he would be fun to toss around on a bed when fucking his brains out. His baggy shorts hid all of the good stuff and covered down to his knees. I was surprised to see some tall lace-up black leather boots on his feet that came midway up his calf. I wasn't sure if this is how he normally dressed or was just going for an edgier look to try and impress me. He stared back at me a few seconds and finally said nervously "Hi." "Hi" I replied and paused before going on. "You seem a little persistent. Am I giving you enough jack off material?" I asked. His eyes got big and he shook his head 'no' and reaffirmed it, saying "No, its nothin' like that. I mean, it's hot thinkin' about it... and you... and I get hard as fuck when you reply but I'm serious. I wanna do this." "Ya know, its a one way street and this shit can really fuck you up" I said bluntly. He nodded and kept staring at me. "How long you been chasing?" I asked. He looked perplexed, like I was suddenly talking in Mandarin. "Chasing the bug" I added. The lightbulb went on over his head and he replied "Oh... a few months. I met a guy last semester who's poz and we had some of the wildest sex I've ever had. Its almost like a porn flick, but better. He makes me beg for his dirty seed and when I feel him cum in me its so fuckin' hot. I never blow my load from getting fucked by anyone else but I do when he breeds me." "So you're already poz, then" I said, a little disappointed since I was already looking forward to knocking him up. He smiled slightly and said "No, he's on meds and I got tested at the end of January. You really toxic?" My dick twitched and started to grow in my sweat pants. Nodding 'yes' I added "Drugs ran out about a month ago." I thought about asking why he was chasing, but I really didn't care. I just needed to know he was serious. "When you get charged up, what you gonna do? Go on meds too?" I asked. I got the perplexed look from him again. I knew he hadn't thought that far ahead. After a few moments he asked "How long can I stay off of them?" I smiled and liked his thinking. "It depends on how your body deals with it. With some guys, it can be many years and for others it's weeks" I said. I could see he wanted to ask something, but first I wanted to know how willing he was going to be spreading my strain. "Your profile says you're a bottom. Do you ever top?" I inquired. "Not very often. Most guys see my size and assume I'm a bottom. Besides, I love getting fucked" he replied. I could sense an easiness in his voice telling me he was more comfortable now. "You better start spreading your seed more. I don't want my seed to go to waste" I said with an evil grin. He looked back at me intently. "Here's the deal. I'll breed you 'til I get bored. It might even be enough to get you knocked up. If you do, then you have to pass it to at least five guys. OK?" I said coldly. I watched his jaw drop and he slowly nodded 'yes'. I really didn't care how many people he infected, as long as it was more than one. Standing up, I started to walk towards the sauna. I could sense him right behind me, just like a little puppy. Once in the men's shower area, I opened the door to the sauna, standing just outside. "Strip and get inside" I commanded. College boy dropped his shorts and stepped out of them and pulled his tank, revealing more smooth skin with not a mark on it. He was standing there in a jockstrap and his boots and I said "Jock too, leave the boots on." He pushed it off, kicked it aside and stood there, revealing a very stiff five inch cock that was surprisingly thick. I nodded my head towards the door and he walked inside. I quickly took my sweats and tee off and followed him in and closing the door behind me. "You got one last chance to leave without my bug swimming in your guts" I told him. Instead of him running out the door, I watched him climb up on the lower bench on his knees with his ass hanging off. "Give it to me" he growled. Chuckling, I told him "This ain't gonna be gentle." I knelt down and grabbed each butt cheek with my hands and pulled them apart, gazing at the pink ring surrounded by a few wisps of blond hair. I thought for a moment about how wrong it was to wreck this perfect eighteen year old's fuckhole, how much pain he was going to be in in a few minutes, the pain when the virus took over his body and maybe when his body lost the fight. My cock was rock hard and dripping precum on the floor and my little head started doing the thinking. I pressed my face between his cheeks and rimmed him quickly. He let out a moan when my tongue forced its way in, adding just a little bit of spit to his hole. Someone had taught him well and he worked his hole around my tongue, relaxing it and letting me in and then squeezing it tight. Normally I would spend a long time eating out a hole like this, but I didn't want to get caught and I had a job to do. Slapping each cheek, I stood up and nestled my cock at the entrance. Leaning over his back I said "Tell me what you want." The wait was almost nothing when he replied "Please fuck me. Breed me with your poz load." Turning my head slightly, I noticed that the plugs in his ears had little biohazard symbols on them. "Let's make that truthful advertising" I thought to myself. The moment that he finished his last word, my hand went over his mouth and I slammed my hard cock into his tender hole. He screamed out like I knew he would and it was only slightly muffled by my hand, which was now covered in his spit. "Gotta wash that hand good when we're done" I thought briefly as I pulled almost out and shoved back in. The sauna wasn't on but you wouldn't know it by looking at his face and back. He was sweating like crazy and his body was trembling as I tried to hold him still. My cock was being held by his vice-like grip which was helping my assault make all those tiny tears in his chute that would let my bug invade his body. The screaming slowed down to a loud whimper while I stood there motionless with my leaking cock buried deep inside him. I was pretty sure about this time he was having second thoughts and that this was nothing like he had imagined. "You like that poz dick deep in your ass?" I asked. I got a mumbled "Mmmhmm" back from him and replied "Good, cuz this is just the beginning." I slowly withdrew and then slammed back in again. I waited only a couple seconds this time and then began drilling into him with firm thrusts. Years of gym workouts allowed me to keep up the intensity of our fuck. Beginning with the barely lubed start to five minutes of pounding to ten minutes where his hole was sloppy from my precum, then fifteen and twenty minutes passed when my balls started to ache. I could tell a few times he seemed to be fading out of consciousness from my brutal pounding and then he would come to and start grunting again. His body was weak by this point and he was only upright by bracing himself on the bench and my hands which now were on his shoulders. "Ready to get bred?" I asked. He whimpered louder and I heard a faint "Yes... please." "Beg for it" I said back to him. he gave me several almost cliche responses "knock me up... please, poz me... give me your bug" and finally a pleading "Infect me... please!" For the next few minutes, I hammered his hole fast and hard. My cock swelled a little thicker and my balls were now pulled up tight. The hammering stopped and I slammed in all the way and heard him cry out "oh god!" I chuckled and wondered if he was now praying and for what. For the fuck to end? For him to get knocked up? Pulling out about half way I gave another shove and that's when the pulses started. "FUCK!" I screamed out, followed by "Take that toxic load, neg boy!" Ropes of cum shot out and coated the walls of his tortured chute. I could feel it cover my throbbing cock as I wrapped my arms around my latest victim. Our bodies heaved together while a few more spurts of virus infected juice pumped into him. Once my orgasm faded and my breathing slowed, I pulled my sore cock out of him. I definitely had done some damage to his fuckhole and his ass ring was an angry red. Turning him around and sitting him on the lower bench, I pushed his head to my cock. "Clean it up" I told him unemotionally. He looked up at me briefly and then began to lick around my shaft. "Like the taste?" I asked. Pulling off a moment, he asked "Is that what viral cum tastes like?" Looking back at him, I said "No, that's what a wrecked and bred hole tastes like." Once he finished licking all of the cum mixture from my cock and balls, I tilted his head back up. Grinning at him I said "You're a hot fuck" but all I got back was a blank stare. He looked exhausted and I knew he would be sore for a few days. I left him sitting there, pushed the sauna door open and then quickly dressed in the shower area. He hadn't come out by the time I headed to the elevator. Walking through, I grabbed the paper that was over the camera and waited for the elevator. As I descended down to my floor, I wondered what his response would be when I wanted to give him a second dose.
    5 points
  4. Notice: The author does not consent to anyone using the characters or plot line of this story for any derived work, whether the author is still active on this site or not. They are not abandoned nor placed in the public domain. This is a fictional story. It never happened and any similarity to any real life happenings is coincidence. The Laundry Room I'm a dick. I know it. I'm selfish, cocky, good looking and always horny. My name is Craig and I'm definitely an alpha. I spend a lot of time in the gym and always have. I'm not a huge muscle guy, but what I have is a ripped body with a six pack, thick muscled legs, biceps to die for and the best part, almost eight inches of ass wrecking uncut dick. I'm a mixed race mutt just like both of my parents with just about every ethnicity in my DNA. I stand six foot tall and while I shave my head because I like the look, I've been letting my beard grow out during this confinement. I've got some hair on my chest which I used to shave, but I let it grow back when I got close to my recent 30th birthday. I'm not into relationships, I just need a guy to fuck on my terms and have never fucked the same guy more than three times. Usually, thats not a problem but with this stupid virus, everyone is staying home and not filling the bars, clubs and bath houses where I usually find my prey. The shit show got worse when I realized I had let my meds get too low and when I called to get them refilled, the docs weren't very helpful. No meds without lab tests and no lab tests without a visit to the doc. And "we can't see patients right now" was their reply. So there I was at the beginning of the outbreak and the bottle was empty. Each day without the pills, I got hornier and wondered how long it was going to take before I was a toxic fuck again. I worked from home, like the rest of my group when the "stay at home" order came. The occasional video conference kept me focused on work, but after dinner my mind turned to getting off. The first few weeks were filled with downloaded porn scenes and my right hand. Week three had me ordering a new keyboard since a few keys didn't work right anymore and were sticking badly from too many cum splats seeping in. I popped up a few apps on my phone to see who was around and was surprised how many guys were hunting for dick while "staying at home." I even updated my profiles, changing "undetectable" to "ask me." "Damn, a few are really close. They must be in my building" I thought. I flipped through, just looking the first night. I usually didn't want to hookup with guys in the building since I didn't want them stalking me if things went bad or they wanted more than I was willing to do. Now, though, the bar was lowered and as a couple more days passed I just needed a tight ass to fuck. Even the weather dude on the TV was looking pretty good. I grabbed my laundry bag and headed down to the laundry room. I tossed a couple loads in the washer and headed back up to my condo. I read some news and even tried watching some weird series on Netflix and then my alarm went off. Down to the laundry room I went and moved my clothes into the dryer. After I started it, I turned to go back up and I saw a guy sitting in one of the chairs. I was about to head down the next aisle (social distancing, you know) to get to the door when I saw him lick his lips and flick his finger over his nips that were clearly showing through his tight t-shirt. His phone was in his other hand and I saw him poking the screen with it. I looked again and realized he looked similar to one of the guys on one of the apps or sites I had been hitting. My phone was in the front pocket of my jeans and I felt it buzz. He smiled as I reached in and pulled it out. "Hot" was the message I saw on the screen. I opened the app up and saw the profile and yeah, it was the same guy. I quickly read "26, 5'8", 137lbs, pure Italian otter, vers btm" from the first line of his profile. His face had the same scruff and gleeming white teeth as one of the app pics. I walked over and stopped about six feet away and rubbed my crotch through my sweat pants. He gave a wicked grin and set his phone down before waiting another second. He lunged forward and landed on his knees in front of me, pushing my hand out of the way and he felt my hardening cock with his thin fingers. The more he squeezed, the harder my dick got until it popped out of the top of my jockstrap and sweats. His hand stopped and then in one quick move he tugged both down, letting my cock lay on his outstretched tongue. The guy looked up at me, his eyes pleading with me to let him suck my cock. I'm not sure why he was asking permission now since I hadn't stopped him, or even said anything to him, up to now. I reached my hand down and cupped it behind his head and pulled him a little closer. He took the hint and engulfed my cock with his lips and started to blow me. I kept my hand on the back of his head, following it as he slowly bobbed on the thick shaft, taking it further each time. His tongue and lips were working my cock over and while I usually try to stifle any moans when I'm getting sucked, he was getting me close to letting one out since he was so good. He spent a few more minutes nursing on my cock and I kept my eye on the door in case someone else came in. He was hidden by the row of washing machines, but I still didn't want to get caught. My cock kept nudging the back of his throat and he didn't seem to want to go any deeper, but I know how good a guy's throat can feel around my cock. I waited a few more times and then as he went down I pulled his head down on my cock. He let out a yell which was quickly muffled as my cock forced it's way into his throat. I got it part way in and held him there a few seconds before pulling on his hair and off my dick. He gasped for air and then I pushed him back down. I got him a little deeper this time and moved my other hand down, grabbing his curly dark hair with each fist. This time, I held his head still and rocked my hips, fucking his mouth slowly. He struggled at first but after a dozen thrusts it got easier to plow my cock into his throat. A dozen more strokes and I had my balls hitting his chin and his nose against my pubes. My cock was coated with his spit and throat slime and I could feel it drip off my balls on to the floor. I pulled his head back, almost off my cock and I heard him mumble something right before I shoved my cock back into his throat. Counting up to ten, I pulled him all the way off and looked down at him, his face was flushed and saliva was dripping off his chin. "Fuck me" he said quietly. "What?" I asked firmly. "Please fuck me" he repeated, louder this time. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet. Standing face to face, I looked down into his eyes and said "I only fuck bare and I don't pull out." He looked back at me and nodded and I kept my stare. I wanted to hear him say it. After a few more awkward moments he finally said "I don't care. It's been a month and I need to get fucked bad." My cock twitched and was drooling precum. I pushed him against the closest washer and bent him over. I pulled his basketball shorts down and watched them hit the floor. Gently, I kicked his legs wider before spitting in my hand. I rubbed the spit over his hairy hole and pushed it inside with my finger. Spitting in my hand again, I added some more and forced it in with a pair of fingers. That was all he was gonna get for lube. I dragged my spit covered cock along the crack that was slightly spread open from my fingers. Pressing the tip to his ring, I grabbed his hips and added some pressure. My cock was leaking and soon it started to slide inside. He groaned as his outer ring stretched and my cock pushed deeper. Once the first quarter of my dick was inside I paused, giving him a few seconds to get used to the girth. Rocking my hips, I plowed in and out, feeling his chute massage my freshly recharged cock. It had been almost four years since my cock had shot a viral load and I had no idea how potent it was right now. I knew he really needed more lube but I was just as eager to fuck him as he was to be fucked. The way my cock was leaking precum I knew it would only be a few more minutes before he his hole would be nice and sloppy. Plowing in and out, his hole felt just as good as his mouth had earlier. I moved my hands from his hips to his neck which gave better leverage as I pounded him harder. We'd been fucking for about five minutes and I slammed in, battering his inner ring and ground my hips on his ass. My cock fired off a few shots of my special seed, releasing some of the pressure in my balls. I slowly pulled back and then returned pumping my cock in and out. Fucking hard and fast before slowing down and digging my cock in different angles delayed my inevitable full orgasm. He started grunting with each of my thrusts and I could feel his vocalization in my hands that were now wrapped around his neck. I started to pump my cock in faster and suddenly felt his hole spasm around my cock and he yelled out. His orgasm milked my cock and I slammed in a few more times before my cock was flooding his guts with my viral jizz. The jets of hot cum kept coming and I felt it surround my dick. It had been a while since I had shot such a huge load. We stood there for a minute, both of us breathing heavily and covered in sweat. I let go of his neck and saw the imprint of my fingers remain on his now bruised skin. Slowly, I pulled my cock out and watched some of my cum dribble out of his throbbing hole. I gave his ass a firm slap before I pulled my sweats and jock up. My dryer buzzed and I collected my stuff out of it. I walked to the door and when I got there I looked back. He was still bent over the washer with a dazed look in his eyes. "Thanks" I said and headed back to my condo. Once upstairs, I dumped my clean clothes on the bed and folded it. Sitting down at my desk again, I set my phone to the side and checked on messages from work on the laptop. The smell of cum wafted up from my sweats and jock and it was intoxicating. My balls felt really good for the first time in weeks knowing the venom they created went into a hungry ass instead of a cum rag. The phone kept catching my eye and I opened it back up. His profile was still there, staring back at me. I read the whole thing and chuckled when I saw "neg4neg" near the end of the description.
    3 points
  5. Neg not on PrEP. Stopped taking it at the start of quarantine. Debating whether or not I should even go back on
    3 points
  6. If you’ve ever been so lucky TTFN, restrained in a sling and a .2-.25 slam in each arm. Trust me, your eyeballs will shake, your ears ring, and a huge cock slamming in your hole. I instantly came and it just kept going on.
    2 points
  7. I like Spunk as it’s a Hybrid last like silicon but cleans up like a water base lube, plus it does not taste bad for those dose ATM.
    2 points
  8. I've always used Albolene. Also keep a water-based lube on hand for those who prefer it. Whatever gets their cock in me. Oink!
    2 points
  9. yes sir. just so everyone knows @PowerTopper is one of my favourite daddies. he tells me I'm too much of a dirty trashy faggot whore for him to fuck but he used to make my dirtiest nastiest craigslist ads telling guys what a dirty tranny faggot whore/bathhouse cumdump I am and begging for the dirtiest pigs to breed me, piss on me, fist fuck me and use me like trash
    2 points
  10. *This is my first attempt at writing on this site, and work in progress. After years of wanking I figured I may as well be creative too. Any similarities to actual people or events is entirely fictional.* My name is Josh, and this is the story of how I became Pup Maximus: a journey I’d always been on the road towards it seems since I was first introduced to kink many years ago, and which culminated in an unforgettable night that changed my life. Growing up I’d always been fortunate to be in an understanding family. We ate reasonably healthy at most meals, playing outdoors with other children was encouraged, and a moderately physical regimen of soccer and cross country in high school and college meant as an adult I’d adopted a lean, muscular physique. At 24, I’d graduated late from the university with an engineering degree and started a new job, spending much of my free time at the gym keeping up old habits and slowly branching out socially at work and in the local gay scene. I was wrapping up my gym routine on a Tuesday afternoon after work, finishing a 4-mile run on the treadmill when my phone beeped through my headphones to indicate I’d received a new text message. As I stopped the machine and finished wiping it down, I opened my phone to read the message as I walked to the locker room to shower. My buddy Bryan, a fellow kinkster and pup had messaged me, there was going to be a pup party with several handlers and masters this Saturday – was I going? I felt a reflexive thickening in my workout shorts as I finished reading the message as my cock responded to the animal instincts my pup side loved to revel in. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I opened my locker and disrobed, grabbing my towel and headed for the shower, pausing as we all do to admire the work years of effort had wrought in the mirror. At 6 foot even, I was 185 lbs of lean muscle, my white skin saw the sun when I ran outside but little otherwise. Appreciably sized arms and shoulders gave way to a mostly firm chest covered in a soft layer of brown fur, which trailed down my abs towards my cock, which sat in stark contrast to my thick bush. My hazel eyes glanced at my scruffy face. In a weeks time it might be a more presentable beard, but for now it was that slightly scraggly in-between, I made a mental note to clean it up a bit before this weekend. Admiring my firm ass for a moment I reached down and gave my cock a playful tug, savoring the momentary absence of other men in the locker room to pleasure myself. As I pulled the foreskin back across the head of my cock I felt it began to thicken and swell in response, my limp 5 inch cock slowly beginning its journey to it’s full 7 and a half inch erect size. I stepped away from the mirror into the shower and stroked under the water for a few minutes, enjoying the sensations in the post endorphin high from working out, thinking on Bryan’s text message. All of Bryan’s pup events he attended were always fun, and I’d become more comfortable with each passing one with being a pup, losing myself in the escape of it all, that unbound freedom to just be who I really was without needing to meet any of societies choking expectations, just cavorting away with my fellow animal minded men, thrusting into and being thrust into with them. I finished my shower, toweling off carefully to avoid spurring a repeated erect amid the locker room’s attendees, and as I got dressed I messaged Bryan back - I was up for going. We exchanged a few other texts: time, place, gear, expectations. I spent much of the rest of the week preparing for the event, trimming down the forest of my pubes to something more presentable, and trimmed the slowly forming beard so that it was cleanly defined. Bryan’s instructions had mentioned that there were to be strict rules regarding play at the party, pups were expected to serve the master that chose them for play and were asked not to cum for as long as possible before arriving. By Saturday evening I had a steady stream of precum leaking from my cock as I laid out my clothing for the night: a black and red pup hood, matching colored harness, jockstrap, socks, and sneakers. Red was always a power color for me, one that matched my sexual energy and aggression, on both sides of the equation. Donning my gear I stared in the mirror at the otter pup before me and felt my cock start to rise in my jock, my precum staining the fabric. Doffing my hood, I placed it into a backpack and donned jeans and a light jacket over my gear, then packed a few bottles of water, lube, condoms, and fresh poppers in my bag. Taking a deep breath to calm excited nerves, I locked my apartment and went to meet up with Bryan and attend the nights festivities. A brief subway hop took me to Bryan’s apartment, where his smiling face greeted me at the door as we shared a brief kiss as hello. Bryan is kind of my opposite, 6’3”, bearded but otherwise hairless, honey-brown skin, and a whopping 225lbs last he’d checked of burgeoning muscle. Just watching him pick up a glass of water and hand it to me memorized my eyes by the play of muscle under the skin. “Oye, pay attention damnit.” He said, laughing as he waved the glass of water in front of my face. I laughed nervously, taking the glass from him and taking a drink to pause and collect my thoughts before apologizing. “Sorry man, but you know what it’s like when you’ve not gotten one off in a few days. Everything becomes distracting.” That elicited a laugh from him before he exited to the bedroom to get dressed for the evening. I followed, laying on the bed as he stripped and exposed his muscular ass to me and his limp, seven inch cut cock. My own member stirred in my jock as I remembered the first time I’d felt his full 9 inches burrow deep inside me, the first time I’d ever been barebacked as a pup. We’d become best friends it seemed like ever since. Finishing his own prep, Bryan was the green to my red, a color that while I had no affinity for, was nonetheless calming in it’s shade, helping make the giant man he was something less intimidating. He growled at me playfully, cock rising steadily, and I gave him a questioning look. “It’s been a few weeks Josh, let me help you warm up for the evening.” Bryan moved purposefully towards me, flipping me over onto my stomach and tossed me my hood from my bag. Putting it on as he pulled down my jeans, I took a hit of poppers from the bottle on his nightstand and sighed as the world outside fell away and only my inner animal was allowed to remain. His wet tongue was at my hole first, slowly probing the entrance to my love canal while his strong hands kneaded my furry buns. A minute of this had his spit dripping down my taint and onto my balls, soaking the fabric with more than just my precum. He withdrew behind me and stood up and I felt the hefty slap of his swollen manhood against my hole. While not as thick as I was, nine inches is nine inches, and he waited patiently as I took a double hit of poppers before feeling him begin to work his way inside me. Steady pressure at first, as my body and mind fought with each other until with a gasp and stretch, I felt him move inside me, the head of his raw cock pushing into my ass as it had so many times before. A low, animal whimper and moan escaped my mouth as he slowly sank his shaft into my hungry hole. I grunted at the initial discomfort as he pushed past my second ring and came home, resting deep inside me, with his balls against my hole. I could feel him throbbing, fighting back the urge to cum, and I squeezed my ass around his shaft playfully, knowing even still his precum was leaking into me. “Hey that’s no fair Josh, I can’t cum either yet damnit.” Bryan gave a few gentle thrusts back and forth before withdrawing, leaving my empty, but desperately hungry inside. I flipped over, looking again at him with questioning eyes. “Well if you can’t finish what you started then when start pressing my buttons ya beautiful mutt?” While expressions are hard to tell beyond the cock of a head in a hood, I could tell he was grinning slightly, which gave way to a sheepish smile as he took off and packed his hood. “Well I wanted to see how deeply you prepared for one…and I always love spending time in you. You know that Josh, right? Tonight we wont get to play together but I wanted to have just a taste anyway.” I pulled off my own hood, packing it away as I pulled my jeans up and gave him a kiss. We’d decided long ago that a relationship wasn’t for us, but we still had moments like these that always seemed to give us both an awkward pause. “Anyway” he continued, “my understanding is that Masters are going to pick pups for the evening. Are you excited?” “I am” I replied, “though I’d be lying if I wasn’t slightly hesitant about taking orders from someone I don’t know. Are they all new, or some regulars?” “A mix I think, I know Dan and Patrick will be there” he responded. Dan and Patrick were friends we’d know for 5 months, a couple that enjoyed playing with others in and out of kink, but always topped. As we locked up his apartment and set out for our destination for the evening, I shivered slightly from the low seventies temperature outside and the excitement within me. Another subway hop and a brief walk brought us to a dimly lit, four story townhouse in what looked to be a nicer neighborhood, which caused me to relax slightly. A knock on the door of the residence left us waiting a minute before the door opened, revealing what was undoubtedly a Master. Leather clad head to toe was a man of Bryan’s stature, with a sizable bulge resting in his crotch. Likely Italian or Greek descent I thought to myself, with thick fur poking out from the top of his shirt and melting into a well groomed but equally thick beard, and deep brown eyes. We checked in politely with him, Bryan offering our names to be checked off, before we were invited to proceed inside, with instructions to head to the first room and get prepared. We did as ordered, entering the front room with curtain drawn and only a few candles for illumination. We disrobed from out street wear, tossing them into our bags, and I put a bottle of poppers on a chain around my neck as we donned our hoods. Thus in uniform, we reemerged to the main hallway to find our door greet and presumed host waiting. After a nod of approval, he motioned us to follow, leading us upstairs to a large loft area with several other individuals already present. Couches had been arrayed to face a series of five standalone circular ottomans, with several other Masters and handlers on the couches facing three other pups on all fours. “Red, you take the one on the end, green, take the other one.” Our hosts voice was deep, calm, self-assured, and above all else, commanding. The kind of voice that you found yourself agreeing with unconsciously, that never needed to yell or shout to get it’s point across. By the time I realized I’d registered what he’d said, Bryan and I were on all fours, waiting patiently. Our host walked to the middle of the room, taking a moment to ensure all eyes and ears were focused on him before he spoke again. “I am Master Marcus. Welcome to my home handlers, fellow Masters and Sirs, and of course, precious pups. Tonight is a night of exploration, where we each find one another and test the limits of what we are capable of. Pups, all we ask is you trust your superiors, and to obey without question. If you cannot do that, I invite you to gather your things and to leave now.” A pause hung in the air, a formal not of finality. After a few second, it seemed to pass and looks of approval seemed to register within the faces on the couches. Master Marcus snapped a finger and a handler came over with a small basket, which he began foraging around in. After a moment, he withdrew a strip of paper and stared at me. “It seems my boy, you and I will have the pleasure of one another’s company tonight.” Inside my jock, my cock began to leak again.
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  11. Part 5: The Date I spent the entire hour not moving. I looked at the projector screen, I didn't dare look anywhere else. I felt exposed and raw with him sitting there, like a frayed electrical wire. He never asked any questions of me, and I only had to answer a couple questions from other people in the room. When the meeting was over, I slowly stood and let everyone else leave before me. I dropped my things at my desk, grabbed a jacket, and left the office. I hadn't eaten anything so I walked a couple minutes to my favorite workday coffee shop and got a couple things. The cold air helped clear my head. When I got back to my desk, there was an envelope in the same drawer that I found the phone. It just had "Marcus" written across the top. I opened it with shaking hands. Michael had written a concise but warm note: he wanted me to join him for dinner Thursday night. He had already arranged for me to work from home Friday on projects. There wasn't much to the note, but sweet or not I knew that I didn't have a choice. I spent the rest of the week in a daze. I went to work, the gym, cooked, read, and barely slept. I left work early Thursday, he had just told me to what to wear and to look presentable. So there I was at 7:30, wearing a white button up shirt with a navy blazer and pants (he was clear on no tie), freshly trimmed beard and a fresh haircut. My roommates (both straight), jokingly asked if I was working as an escort now. I laughed with them but at that moment felt more like a whore than I ever had in my life. My watch buzzed, my driver had arrived (even though I hadn't ordered one yet). 15 minutes later I was standing at the entrance to the tallest building in Boston, and had no doubt in my mind where I was headed. I walked up to the receptionist, and he directed me to take the elevator all the way to the top. This building had the nicest restaurant in Boston, a place I could only dream of affording. I gave my name to the hostess, and she brought me to a corner table by the windows, looking out over the lights of the city. Michael was sitting there, similarly dressed as me only with a tie and in clothes that I'm sure cost my entire meager wardrobe put together. Somehow everything fit him perfectly, I felt mine hung off me like the obvious department store knock offs that they were. He stood and invited me to sit. Instantly a waiter was asking our drinks orders. "I'll have a gin martini, straight up, very dry with a twist", Michael said. "I will as well, only with vodka and olives", I said. "Don't worry, we work together so I'm putting all of this on the company card", he said with a wink. Over the next two hours we talked. At first about him: where he was from, how old he was (I was right originally, 38), hobbies, family, and how we found himself in his current role (he got his PhD in Biochemistry after undergrad from MIT and then his MBA from Harvard a few years later). Before long he found himself being courted by multiple biotech companies, and shortly after joining the current one was promoted to CSO. The more he talked about himself the less scary he was, and I enjoyed myself more. The ridiculously overpriced cocktails and absurd bottle of wine he ordered may have helped, but he seemed more normal than I had originally given him credit for. Though his eyes never lost that particular shine that I had come to associate with goosebumps. Eventually the conversation turned to me, and the more mundane aspects of my life (not the things I had shared when we first met). By the time we left it was almost 11pm. As we walked down the street, the hairs on the back of my neck stood again. He pulled me into an alley and started kissing me violently. He shoved me against a wall and pulled my pants down. At first I was terrified, but when he spun me around he dove face first into my ass, giving me the best rim job I could ever remember receiving. After a couple of minutes, he spun me back around and his fingers replaced his tongue in my ass. His mouth engulfed my cock and between his fingers and the blow job, it was a matter of minutes before I was moaning and shooting my load down his throat. He swallowed all of it, stood up, and kissed me hard again. "I have to go for a bit, but if you want to come over in an hour text me and I'll make sure the doorman rings you up", he said. Before I could even buckle my belt he was gone. At that point my dick and my curiosity were outweighing my gut feeling about him. I texted the number on the card he gave me, and a few seconds later confirmed our time and the address I was to go to. I would never walk there in time, but I started in that direction before I would call a car, not knowing how much my life was about to change. .........................................
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  12. MAC MEN 9: PARTING SHOTS AUTHOR'S NOTE: This installment was actually not written by me...but by someone who is a fan of the series. He's @vancrawman on Twitter. I think he did an awesome job...capturing the spirit of the story and the characters. I've already shot more than once to his continuation. Once I exchange sloppy cummy kisses with Damien, being sure to lick up some of the loads his beautiful sweet hole had collected and released, and after we make plans for another fuck session next week, I stagger through the side door, and I’m back in the lobby. I make a mental note to ask Ron to let me park in the private lot, and if Ron needs an incentive, I’ll be happy to deposit a warm spermload into his hole again, just like I did at the leather shop. That seemed so long ago, but it was only 3 weeks ago – how everything has changed in that short time! And then I realize - tonight, Ron’s the only hole that I fucked but didn’t load, although I’m thinking he got a lot of my pre-cum. And now I want to give him a full load. I stop for a moment to tally up in my head the loads I gave and the ones I took…Just thinking of it makes my cock start to rise once more. It’s so true that the more raw mansex you get, the more you want! I’m thinking I want to get back to Ron’s hole that I fucked but didn’t shoot in. I go to look for Ron and I see him face down on a fuck-cushion and Marcus is plowing Ron’s hole with his beautiful dark fuckstick. There’ll be a breeding there soon. Next to Marcus is Hassan – those two travel in a pair, I guess, going to town on Rafi’s hole. Rafi switches onto his back and Hassan re-enters him, a look of blissful sex satisfaction on both their faces. Rafi catches my eye and waves to me and flashes that devilish smile of his, and a look in his eyes of connection – he has my seed inside him from my first cum tonight and Hassan is pushing it in deeper, along with whoever else planted inside Rafi’s sweet fuckchute. It’s been over 5 hours now, and the wall is covered with hashmarks, one for every load of manseed tonight that went up a butthole, or down someone’s throat. I start to count them but the moaning and shouts of “Take my seed!” and “I’m breeding your hole now!” distract me. I’m surprised that the crowd hasn’t diminished very much – there’s still raw fucking all over the place. I look back to my left and see Marcus and Hassan have switched places: Marcus is powerdrilling into Rafi’s behind and Hassan has mounted Ron and is going smooth and long with his stroke game in and out of Ron’s gaping passage. As I move in closer, I can see loads dripping out of Ron’s sweet ass in a continual stream of oozy warm seed – it clings to Hassan’s fat cock as it strokes deeply in, out, and in again. Ron’s obviously busy, so I’m thinking maybe I should find Angel and see what he’s up to – but first, I need to stop over at the oversized cushion where my new four fuck buddies are fulfilling their breeding needs as men. When I do get there, Hassan and Marcus are just about to swap holes again. I wave at them and hurry over and dive into the fuckpile and get Hassan’s fat cock into my mouth with all the loads coated on it – not satisfied, I scramble over to Marcus who is poised to enter into Ron again, and he just smiles and rams his dark fuckpole down my throat. I clean off their cocks of all the loads that have inseminated Ron and Rafi and it’s fucking sweet. “Thank you,” I announce as they all laugh and resume their manfucking. I get up off the cushion to find Angel. I roam around the fuckden and I’m blown away by how many hot men are still here enjoying each other’s holes, mouths and loads. The smell of fresh load permeates the air. In a corner I see Drew Sebastian pummeling his fat meat into the young blond boy whose load I swallowed before. I look the other way and Blue Bailey is on all fours on the cummy mattress with a line of tops waiting their turn up his fucktunnel. I think I see Angel from behind in a dark corner, drilling into some beautiful Asian boyhole, and I go over to see if it’s really him, but I don’t get five feet before Frank, the hot Italian bear appears next to me, leans in close and whispers to me “I didn’t get a chance to fuck your hole before. It’s mine now,” and before I even say anything (not like I’d refuse), he takes me by the arm and leads me to a fuckbench on the other side of the room. “Guys here call me ‘Five-Shot Frankie,” cuz I don’t leave Shudder ‘til I’ve creamed 5 holes.” You’re gonna be my Number 5 tonight…I was trying to find you to get this Italian sausage into your sweet fuckhole ever since you cleaned me off after I gave Ron my first load.” He’s fingering my hole and feels the 3 loads up there already, some of it oozes out and he brings his fingers to his mouth “all that sweet cum that’s been marinating up your hole tastes so good,” as he lets me lick his fingers. “Well, I see there’s plenty more up there, so you won’t need any lube, you got my favorite kind of lube up there already! How many are in there, Randy?” “Three so far...I thought I’d be done for the night by now, but every bareback fuck I have makes me want more!” “Yep, that’s how it goes here at Shudder…just men, doing what comes naturally, and then doing it again and again. Now get ready. You saw the brutal fuck I threw into Ron before, now it’s your turn.” He pushes me down onto the padded fuckbench and spreads my legs. “Ready for my load number five? And by the way, it’s always just as big as my load number one,” and that hole is getting it. I’m going in, and I’m just gonna start plowing you so you better be ready.” And with that, he’s inside me hammering that fat meat inside my guts. “Oh, yeah, Randy, this is the hole I’ve been waiting for all night.” His pounding is intense and deep. I feel his thick fuckwand expanding inside me. “Ron told me about you and ever since then I knew I wanted you for my last load of this Shudder.” I feel that fat meat pistoning in and out of my hole. I’m just leaning forward listening to this bear of a man cover my ass and feeling his hot breath on me, while I’m hanging onto the fuckbench for dear life, eyes shut and concentrating on getting that hot load. This fucker knows what he’s doing, and even for the fifth load of the evening, when you think he’d be spent, it’s just as brutal as he said it would be, building up his next load like the Alpha stud he is, making me beg for it. Just as I think it can’t feel any more intense, someone – I have no idea who – clambers onto the floor in front of the bench and takes my free and swinging, rock hard cock in his mouth. I’m in sensation overload at this point, and I can feel Frank getting close inside my hole – his tool is throbbing and expanding, and I know it won’t be long. I find myself begging this Alpha to inseminate me. ‘Please, Frank,” I murmur, “please seed me with that big load number five from that hot fuckstick!” “Oh yeah, Randy, it’s coming to your insides real soon – just a few more strokes in that sweet blonde boipussy and I’ll be coating your insides with my big load of manseed!” Frank’s strokes slow down and he leans in even harder on my back – I feel his ropes of juicy sperm shooting through that pulsating fucktool of his and into my smooth gaping manhole. He pushes it ever deeper inside me and with a great shudder, let’s out a huge bear roar. “That’s Five Shot Frankie” a couple of voices ring out around the room – clearly Frank means what he says, and has inseminated all the guys here before. After a minute or so, Frank withdraws and thanks me for the fuck. He wipes his glistening wet fuckrod on my back and goes off to make his final hashmark of the evening on the fuckwall. He’s high-fiving guys as he walks away, his fat cock still engorged and dripping with load. The busy mouth at my cock is still sucking like crazy and I feel my next load rising in my balls. I finally open my eyes to see who’s throat is hosting my fucktool and I see it’s my bareback mentor, the one and only Angel. Angel, who has changed my life, so much for the better. Just as I’m about to blow in Angel’s mouth, he comes up between my legs, pushes me back slightly, leans into the fuckbench and opens his hole for me. And in one smooth motion, he takes me inside him, my fourth load of the night which has been brewing and boiling over in my engorged balls, instantly comes shooting into Angel’s wet manhole, and seven spurts of seed later, finally stops shooting in him. I collapse onto his back. “You’re a natural at this, Randy,” Angel sighs. I’m gonna see you at every Shudder from now on, right?” “Damn right! What a way to end the evening, Angel…to be right back at your beautiful manhole.” “End,?” Angel asks… we ain’t done yet, stud.” I look at him incredulously… “Angel, I’ve taken four loads and now given my fourth load which was my biggest load of the night. I feel totally spent” “Surely, I’m done for the night…right?? “ He just grins at me…”Ha Ha, Randy…didn’t I tell you about the afterparty? C’mon…”
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  13. Chapter 2 Oh my god I was kissing a man. A hot older man had just stuck his tongue in my mouth and I liked it. He pulled away from me and I slowly opened my eyes. He was smiling again. "So son, what'd you think of your first kiss?" "Holy shh, I mean wow that was nice." He chuckled, "Cody you can say shit no one cares." "Sorry sir, I'm just not used to being able to swear. My parents would get really angry anytime anyone around them would swear." "Well son, you'll find I tend to like to say those fucking swear words so you definitely won't offend me. Now what'd you really think of that kiss?" "Holy fucking shit it was amazing." "Good boy! Now kiss me again." He didn't have to tell me twice. I immediately went for it, this time sticking my tongue into his mouth. We kissed for about ten minutes when he slowly pulled away. I looked up at him with a goofy grin on my face. "Damn Cody you're a good kisser. You sure you've never done that before?" "No sir that was my first time." "Well I'm honored that you'd let an older guy give you your first real kiss. You sure you wouldn't like someone your own age to make out and explore with. "No sir! I umm, mean i really like older men and your perfect. So hot." I turned bright red. "How old are you son?" "I'm 23 sir." "Fuck that's a good age. I'm 48 Zane, I'm old enough to be your dad." "Trust me sir, you're nothing like my dad. You're so fucking hot." "Oh is that right. I'm sure I could teach you a few things son. Would you like that?" "Are you serious sir? Would you really teach me?" "Oh fuck yeah son. I'd love to make you my boy, teach you how to please real men." Holy shit I couldn't believe my luck. I'd only been in the city a week and I'd just found the sexiest man and he wanted to teach me to be his boy. "Stand up son and take your shirt off. Let me get a good look at you." I slowly stood up and removed my shirt. My nipples were hard as erasers. He stood up and started to run his hands over my tight smooth chest. "Fuck me son, who would have guessed what a hot little bod you were hiding under those baggy clothes. He leaned down and ran his tongue over my left nipple. Oh fuck! I let out a moan. "You like that son, just wait till I run my tongue over your hole. Now let's get rid of these shorts and see the rest of you." I dropped my shorts and was standing there in just my old white fruit of the looms which had definitely seen better days. "Damn son, were going need to get you some new clothes to show off this hot tight body of yours. Now don't keep me waiting show your dad your cock." Oh fuck now I was worried. I was afraid he'd take ones look at my small penis and tell me never mind. He could tell I was suddenly nervous. "Hey boy it's okay what's wrong?" "I umm, my ahh, my penis is really small." "It's okay son, nothing to be ashamed of." He grabbed my underwear and pushed them down until they hit the floor. He dropped to his knees and took my very hard penis into his hand. "Damn, that's a beautiful boy cock and fuck you're so smooth." "I wish I was hairy like you sir." "Well Cody, there's something you should know. God made different types of men. There are some who are alphas, or true men." "Like you sir?" He smiled at me. "Exactly, some of us are hairy but we all have big dicks and need to fuck and plant our seed, a lot. Then there are boys. Now there's no age limit to be a boy. Some are young and others are older. But the main roll of a boy is to bring pleasure to a real man. Boys usually have small dicks because their cock's aren't important. They're really good about using their holes to please men." While he was talking he had started slowly moving his fingers between my legs rubbing my asshole. It was too much for me to take and I started to shoot my load. "Ohh my god, I'm so sorry." "Don't apologize this just goes to prove what I already knew. You, Cody, are a natural boy. You came just by having your boy hole touched. Tell me, did you like me touching you there?" I was blushing again. I shook my head up and down. "No son you need to tell me out loud." "Yes sir, I liked that a lot." "Damn Cody," he said looking at my load that had landed by my feet, "you made a mess on my floor." "I am so sorry sir. If you have a rag I'll clean up my mess." He scooped part of my cum up off the floor. I had no idea what he was going to do with it. "That's all right son, you don't need a rag." He brought his fingers to my mouth. Oh shit was he wasn't going to make me eat my load was he. "Open up boy. Lesson one, never waste cum." I started to panic! What had I got myself into. "Come on son, you mean to tell me you've never tasted your own load." "No sir, never." "Well fuck me. Then this is the perfect time. You trust me right?" "Yes sir." "Good boy, now open your mouth." I did as he instructed and he let my cum drip onto my tongue. "Now taste it." I closed my mouth and swallowed, holy shit that tasted good. My eyes popped open and I hungrily looked at his fingers. He started chuckling, "you want more don't you?" "Yes please. I had no idea it would taste like that." He stuck out his fingers to me and I wasted no time sucking my cum from his hand. "Not all loads taste the same so we'll need to have you try cum from lots of different men." Wait, what? He wanted me to be with other guys. I thought he wanted just me. I must have gotten a panicked look on my face. He started to stroke my hair while I continued to suck on his fingers. "Don't worry son. Remember how I said you were a natural boy?" I shook my head yes. "Well, boys need to be with a lot of men. It's your job to please them and you get your pleasure by taking our cum." He pulled his fingers out of my mouth, leaned down and gave my a deep kiss. After a few minutes he broke off the kiss and pointed at the floor. There's still some cum down there, why don't you lick it up. I immediately dropped to my knees and started licking up the rest of my load. Holy shit what was this man doing to me. "Damn son, you look so cute down there on your knees. You're making your dad so proud." I looked up at him with a big cheesy grin on my face. He patted my head with one hand while his other was massaging the bulge in his tight shorts. "You ready to see what a real man's cock looks like?" I couldn't speak I simply nodded yes. He slowly unbuttoned his shorts and out popped the biggest cock I'd ever seen. Now to be fair, it was also the first cock other than my own, that I'd ever been this close to but still. I noticed on his hip was a tattoo of a biohazard symbol. It looked really cool but I couldn't understand why he'd want that on his body. He noticed me looking at his tat. "You know what that means son," he asked as he traced the tattoo with his finger. "Well I've seen it at my doctors office where they put the medical waste but I've never seen a tattoo of one before." He smiled, "well son, it's nothing to concern yourself about, you'll find lots of my friends have this same tattoo." "Oh okay, so like your part of club or something?" "Exactly son. A very special exclusive club." "It looks really cool though. Maybe I can join your club, but I suppose it's just for real men? I asked bashfully, starring at his big leaking cock. I had no clue how clueless I was. He just smiled down at me, "well son you're in luck. We've been looking for some new members and I'm positive you'd fit right in.
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  14. One of my favourite things in the world is being fucked with a partner from opposite sides of a bed. Looking into a bloke’s eyes while you’re both being pounded; kissing; the whole experience is something I just love.
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  15. Part 3 I laid on the cabin floor in a pool of piss. I curled up in the fetal position, full of shame at what had just happened. Shame at having been raped by another man. But mostly shame because I had to admit I liked it. My cunt, as Mr. Jackson had called it, burned and throbbed, yet felt strangely empty. I found myself wishing there was still something up there. Gingerly, I reached back and felt how wet it was. I put a finger up in me, enjoying the feeling. ZAP!!! My body jerked and twitched as a powerful jolt shot through me. "I didn't tell you to touch yourself boy!" Mr. Jackson yelled at me. "Keep your hands away from your hole! And lick up that piss!" I layed there not sure if he was serious When, ZAP! Another jolt told me he was. I got on my hands and knees and started to lap up the now cold piss, doing my best to avoid another jolt. I licked and sucked the wooden floor until I had cleaned up all I could. Mr. Jackson smiled down at me. "That's a good slut, training you is going to be a cinch. Just think what your parents would say if they could see their son licking up piss from the dirty floor." My cheeks flushed with shame as I finished this humiliating task. When I had finished, Mr. Jackson told me to kneel in the corner until further instructions. I did as told and remained there on my knees for almost an hour, the pain increasing, but somehow also arousing me. My cunt continued to ache, still wanting more in it. Eventually I heard a vehicle pull up outside, and Mr. Jackson opened the door. I knew enough not to dare turn and look, but I could hear three new voices. My heart started racing from embarrassment at these strangers seeing me like this. Mr. Jackson just grabbed my collar and dragged me to the middle of the room. "Here he is boy's! Our fresh little Jesus bitch, ready to become the whore he should be!" The men, all black, laughed as they looked down on my pathetic being. "How much did you give him?" one guy asked. "Just .3 to start. I've got a .5 ready to go." "We'll no use in waiting!" Another guy said as he knelt behind me, wrapping his arm around my neck, holding me tight. Mr. Jackson grabbed my arm and tied it off again. "Please no," I whimpered. "Shut up boy!" Mr. Jackson ordered while the other man silenced me with his hand over my mouth. "I told you I own you now! I am your Master, your pimp, your new god. You will do as I want!" With that he stuck the needle in my arm and pushed the plunger, releasing the band. My body went rigid as I coughed and coughed and the devil's fire rocked through my soul. I hadn't even noticed the men had stripped, all I knew was the guy behind me grabbed my ankles, forcing them behind my head. Another guy spit on his cock and placed the tip at my opening. Without a warning he slammed his big cock all the way up my burning cunt in one hard thrust. I screamed as he buried himself as deep as he could. Fresh tears streamed down my face as he plowed in and out of my hole, pounding me as hard as he could. "Fuck yea!" Mr. Jackson yelled. "Bust that cunt up! Fuck that Jesus boy hard! Make him pay for his sins!" I just continued to cry as the assault on my ass continued. "We'll make a good whore out of him!" The man fucked me in that position for 15 minutes before he bellowed and filled my guts with the second load of my life, burying his cock as deep as he could. Pulling out, he flipped me over onto my belly as the next guy slammed his cock deep in me. My mouth opened as I gasped and the first guy grabbed my hair and shoved his dirty cock in my mouth to clean off. The rest of the evening was a blur. I was brutally fucked over and over by the 4 men. At some point I started to enjoy it and was begging for a cock in me whenever one pulled out. Mr. Jackson just laughed at me. "See, I told you that you were a whore!" "Yes Sir." I answered as another load of cum was pumped deep in me.
    2 points
  16. I told myself I would just look, I always tell myself that. It was Friday night and I was online. Barebackrt always manages to get me in trouble and just when I was starting to be good again. I sorted through several messages and prospected fucks before coming across one that looked promising. The guy was a little bigger, but not fat, and he had a huge, thick cock. In his message, he asked me if I wanted to come play with him and a friend. He said they would get me high on g and t and fuck me all night. I had promised myself that I wouldn't party anymore, especially not a few days before class and since I had a loving (and in his mind), monogamous boyfriend now. We continued to exchange messages and eventually my slutty side won out when he mentioned how much he wanted me to be a whore and to watch me take several guys' raw cocks and cum. I was on my way to his apartment within minutes. I arrived at his apartment just as the other guy (his friend who he had mentioned) was leaving. I was a little disappointed as this guy was hot but by this point I was in slut mode and just wanted to get high and take dick. I immediately took off my clothes (the guy told me later what a turn on this was for him) and took some g. We started smoking a little while the guy (William) played with my hardening dick and told me what a slut he wanted me to be. This, along with the drugs, made me horny enough to try to ride his thick, 8.5" dick. It took some work but I managed to ride him while he lay on his back. He eventually lifted me up and fucked me doggy (my favorite) while taking breaks to message other guy's online with invitations to use my ass. I wont lie, his dick was painful to take, but it was a good pain and I was in heat. His phone rang and he stopped fucking me to answer it. He hung up and said "A guy is here to fuck you, put your ass in the air and get ready for him." I did as I was told, positioning my self so my ass was in the air facing the door. The guy came in, undressed, and immediately slid his raw dick in my ass. His was definitely easier to take and I was glad I had been stretched out a bit before. The guy wasn't exactly attractive, but he was passing and he had a decent dick that he fucked me with so I was happy. While he pumped away, William watched and told me what a good slut I was. He started taking pictures which really turned me on. The current top pushed me down from my knees so I was laying face down on the bed. He held my face down and fucked me hard, whispering in my ear "I'm going to breed your ass." He started fucking faster and I could feel his balls, thick with cum now, slapping against my ass. He told me he was going to breed me and William urged him on, "Breed his ass." He shot his load up me with a grunt, my first one of the night. He got dressed and left with a thank you and a slap on the ass. William's phone buzzed and he told me that the next guy was already here, "get back in position." I did as I was told again, but this time I had a load in me. The next guy was hot. He was from the Midwest with blond hair, a hot, worked out body, and a nicely sized dick. He took off his clothes and walked over to admired my loaded ass. "He just took a load before you got here," William told him. "Nice," he said as he teased my wet hole with his finger. He slid his ass up my cum-filled hole; his dick felt amazing. It was the perfect size. I moaned like a little bitch as he started fucking me, rhythmically pushing his dick in and out. While he fucked me doggy on the bed I reached around to grab his muscled arms, pushing into his cock as he fucked me. He slid out of me and William immediately shoved his thick cock in, it still hurt but I took it anyway with a slight gasp which quickly turned into moans as he pounded my hole. As he fucked me I noticed that there were 2 other guys in the room now as well, getting undressed. William slid out of me and I moved my ass back into position for the next guy. He was a hot, straight-acting, surfer guy with an amazing dick and this, low-hanging balls. His chest was smooth and tight. He fucked slid his cock in my wet hole and began fucking me like the others. The guy from the Midwest positioned his cock in front of me and I sucked on it while taking the other guy's dick. The surfer guy turned me over and fucked me with my legs in the air and over his shoulders. I wanted to kiss him so bad but he turned away when I tried. I reached down and felt his smooth balls slapping against my ass and his raw dick pumping in and out of my slutty hole. He grabbed my feet and spread my legs in the air as he fucked me, hold my feet. I looked down at his amazing dick fucking my hole. So fucking, hot. I wanted his hot ball sac to unload up me so badly. The second guy to come in started fucking Midwestern guy on the bed next to me. I love getting fucked while listening to another bottom moan next to me. Such a fucking turn on. William continued taking pictures and telling the other guys to fuck me. He told the surfer guy to breed me. He started fucking me more intensely, throwing me over so I was flat on my stomach again and shot his load up my cunt. My second load, I couldn't be happier. He lay on top of me as his balls unloaded into my ass, I reached back and felt them pulse. My ass was definitely wet now. Watching me get bred got the top who had been fucking Midwestern guy really horny, he pulled out and came over to shove his cock in my warm, wet hole. He had a long, curved dick and he fucked hard and fast. My ass must have felt great with the warm cum in it because he came within a couple of minutes. He shot a huge load and I could feel cum leaking out and down my balls as he pulled out. Midwestern guy was up next, he had me lay on my back with my legs in the air as he admired my cum-drenched hole. He slowly teased his hole with his dick, pushing it in and out of the opening to my hole gently. I moaned with pleasure and he rammed his dick in hard, pounding away at my hole. I could feel the cum running down and out of my ass as he fucked me. I reached down to feel his shaft which was slick with thick cum. He pumped me hard for several minutes as I moaned and told him how good his dick felt. I will admit, his felt the best by far. He finally shot his load in me, adding up to a total of 4. William gave me the last load and for once, with all the cum in me, his dick barely hurt at all. He had a huge load for me too. After that, everyone started picking up to leave and I decided to head back home too. My ass was full of cum as I sat down at my computer once I got home and logged onto Barebackrt.
    1 point
  17. The following story is fiction, but the premise is based on real life experiences. Needless to say, 2020 was off to a terrible start. Even without a global pandemic, life had become abysmally bad. My name is Mark. I had just turned 25. I grew up in New England. Small high school, team sports, honors and AP classes, etc. I went to a state school, did pretty well there majoring in a Pre-Med field but never took the step to follow through with medical school. After graduating I took a job at a prestigious R&D facility. The only problem was that it was located in my hometown. With 150 kids in my graduating class, you can imagine the gay scene left a lot to be desired, to say the least. I applied for months to other jobs, but finally after lots of interviews and being edged-out by someone else, I got one. So right after I turned 25 around Christmas I packed up and moved in with some old college friends in Boston with a spare room. The first few days were great. But things quickly went down hill. I bounced my car off a couple guardrails and got a DWI (being a straight edge kid from a rural town, I had never even gotten so much as a speeding ticket). My childhood friend committed suicide. The guy I had been dating for six months in Boston before the move decided to go back to his ex. And some of my friends decided that I was damaged goods after the DWI and never spoke to me again. I'd be lying if I said I didn't consider jumping into the harbor and ending it. Pre-social distancing, I was pretty active sexually. I'd have one or two hookups a week. I'm a bottom. I'm pretty average looking, brown hair, brown eyes, beard. I'm not fit but I'm not fat either. I've been told I'm actually very charismatic, which probably explains why I've managed to hook up and date guys way out of my league. But during this time I didn't really care about looks or anything else. Just their dicks. Most of them were one time things. I took them all and never used a condom. If I'm being honest I hadn't used condoms since I was 21. The youngest was an 18 year old hockey player at Harvard. The oldest was some grandpa in an alley near Methadone Mile. And everything in between. Blowjobs in club bathrooms, shady hotel sex, etc. I'm still amazed that I didn't catch anything. Looking back on it, I think I was channeling my depression into other outlets, mainly sex. By early February it was all finally too much. I was walking back to my apartment. A married guy had messaged me to come over from, he bred me then kicked me out saying his wife and kid were on their way home. It was pretty early and not very far, but it had turned windy and cold, so I ordered an Uber. Only instead of going home, I went downtown to a bar I liked. It was small, nothing special but that was why I liked it. I had a beer, then started walking along the water. I stopped and looked out over the black water for what seemed like forever before jumping over the railing that separated the sidewalk from the water. I closed my eyes and fell forward, the shock of the water sending knives of cold through my skin. I felt a strange sensation of moving back towards shore instead of farther out, and suddenly felt myself on dry land. "Are you okay? Stay with me, don't fall asleep", a low but warm voice said. That's when I turned my head and saw Michael, the man that would change my life in more ways than one in the coming weeks. ........................................ This is my first time writing. Kind of a long preamble but setting the stage for later. Feedback appreciated.
    1 point
  18. My stepdad introduced me into the appreciation of manstink and it’s been with me ever since. This guy must really get the pheromones going.
    1 point
  19. I'd breed anything that this time. Balls busting to blow deep.
    1 point
  20. Hey, Pornhub premium is free right now, and this is the perfect time to get a grip on our man to hand relationships... Break out your toys! Hell, most of us are home alone anyway... get weird 🙂! Just try to keep things physically safe, because now is NOT the time to have to go into the ER for any kind of sex or masterbation related injury. So lets all have our own private "Orgy for One" and once again have a fun reason to wash our hands for a change. As for all of the hookup sites and dating apps, they are still a way to virtually meet and talk to each other, and well, I think the long lost art of conversation, flirting, and god forbid, something like courtship will have to make comebacks for a while. (it's about to get all Jane Austin up in this bitch, lol) Who knows, some of us may even avoid our usual "hookup only" mentality and possibly come out of this with a partner, or at least some new friendships.
    1 point
  21. Whatever lube the top wants to use. Sometimes just spit and precum work well if they aren't too big
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. God...I'm SO HORNY!!!! I've been secluding myself for like 2-3 to stay away from this blasted Corona virus thingy....I NEED dick! BAD! Like I need to be bred and used SO BADLY that I would be willing to spend the 2-3 days without a break in a sex swing with my ass spread as wide open as possible and kept that way till the end. And beg for multiple ads on multiple hook up apps/sites inviting and encouraging all the above average cocks they can find to come unload their cum/piss into my gaping hole of a Bussy ....my mouth/throat on offer as well... I would take 100000 cocks and cum to just get a taste of cock and cum....
    1 point
  24. Yes. many times. l always check guys cocks when I'm taking on guy after guy in a bathhouse or porntheatre. but where normal bottoms check to make sure the guy is wearing a condom, l'm checking to make sure they aren't wearing a condom. if I feel one I always pull it off. l have always been a bareback cumdump and was trained to never ask anyone to wear a condom. then I was trained to make sure they aren't. my boyfriend would even tell guys I'm allergic to latex. most guys end up fucking me raw anyways. and those guys usually cum fast cause they aren't used to bareback, especially with the feeling of a warm cum soaked fuckhole. some guys resist for awhile then end up breeding me then running away to wash the mixed loads off their cock
    1 point
  25. Thank you for this. We are pressed with personal protective equipment (PPE) shortages at the hospital where i work. With my first Covid patients, i had to wear the same surgical mask all day (13 hours). But, with 'precautions,' i could not wear it when outside the patients isolation room, so had to store the mask in a bag and reuse. This is an example of crises 'management." Two months ago if any healthcare professional had suggested reusing a mask they would have been put on disciplinary action and forced to take education courses on proper use of PPE (i.e., it's only protective if you dispose of it after use). We all knew this, but we're up against a wall with PPE shortages. As it turns out, those regular surgical masks afford little protection, N95 masks are now the standard and they are 95% effective in the most ideal conditions. Bottom line is, when one works in a hospital, one is at risk. i choose my profession and love what i do, but it makes things better when patients work with us instead of against us. Thank you to those of you who care and are being careful.
    1 point
  26. damn, amazing. More than the physical, this is an emotional/psychological dream of mine. i want my mate having control over my orgasm, Him controlling and causing an orgasm in me through penetration is the ultimate. fuck.
    1 point
  27. As I pull me dick out I can see my toxic cum has some blood on it so I push Joey down onto his stomach and lay on top of him and I say how are you doing. Joey says I never knew it would be like this as can you fuck me again like a lover would. After a few minutes I roll him on his back and kiss him like a lover would and my hand working his balls and his dick is in a chastity cage , so I start to work his nipples with my teeth on one and my hand squeezing the other, with the noise coming from him I doing it right from the moans. I roll Joey onto his stomach as see his destroyed hole so I take some powder and sprinkle it on the head of my dick. Before I just slammed in so this time I put the PA in gently going really slow and reacting to his body as not to cause him any pain but moans of pleasure. As I'm deep in Joey I start to pump him nice and slow as his hole is pretty well rip up so I want him to enjoy this so like me he can also become a POZ cumdump. I have given Joey 3 POZ loads as we are laying on the bed doing small talk, he ask can he be sure I'm the one to have POZ him. I look to the side and see one more syringe, we are both on our knees facing each other. I tie off both of our arms, I put the needle in my arm I see the flash of blood and fill it up then inject 25% into my arm, I look into Joey eyes and say once this goes in there is NO TURNING back, he says two words DO IT. I push it nice and slow as its not about the slam but my toxic blood. Instead of taking a cotton to where I inject the blood slam I take his arm and lick it clean. Joey has this smile on his face as he pushes me on to my back and goes to my dick and does the best he can sucking my dick as he has a lot to lean about sucking dick. Once I'm nice and hard he climbs on top of me and inserts my dick into his hole that is not as tight when we started and impales him self so I'm balls deep and rides me like a cowboy at full gallop. I can see a little pain on his face but he keep going until I explode in him an I can see cum coming from his chastity cage. A 6 months later Mr.Benson takes me to Folsom Street in San Francisco he is dressed in his finest leather and I'm naked in boots what I'm really happy is that the chastity cage is off as the last time I had cum was when I POZZED Joey, so 6 months in chastity has been ruff. Normally a Master puts a leash on their slave collar but Mr. Benson attach the leach to the PA on my dick so if I look at some HOT looking guy or someone fucking he just gives a yank and my mind its brought to reality. Mr. Benson meet a few of his friends and One says I will be right back as I have to piss, Mr. Benson says don't go as with out saying a word I get on my knees and open my mouth, he says to Mr. Benson is it OK even if it's chem piss, go ahead. As the warm chem piss goes in I know it will take a few minutes it starts to effects hit me a few other come over and join in. I see people taking pictures of this going on and my dick in rock hard from showing people what a slut I am. There is this we'll known porn star that has a 14 inch dick giving me a look and comes up to Mr.Benson, you have some slut there can I fuck him. Mr. Benson says go ahead, he says he is so small I might rip him up, so I get on my knees and suck his dick as he rubs my head with his hand then says get it good and wet as that is all you are going to get. I get up bend over putting my hands on my knees, he grabs my hips and shoves balls deep as I just grunt as little does he know that the night before I was fisted, but he does have monster dick and shoots heavy loads. He smacks me on my ass really hard that left a hand print. When to porn star leaves Mr. Benson says to the crowd now I will show you want slut I own. He start to fist me as I can see people taking pictures so I might be in some discomfort so I smile and say it feels so go as he punch fist me. Out the corner of my eye my heart jump out it's JOEY and his Master. When Mr. Benson has finished but my hole feels so empty Joey comes over and gives me a big hug and we are kissing. Joey Master is talking to Mr. Benson and wants me to recharge Joey with my Poz load. Joey is locked up in chastity as he is only out to fuck negative holes, so I squat down to rim Joey hole and not to my surprise I see a hole that was nice and round and so small to a swollen man cunt I put the head of my dick into Joey and he is showing discomfort but signs of pleasure as my dick is fucking him with my lips kissing him as we are in the throws of passion. With my dick shooting into Joey man cunt I grab his chastity and he is also has also cum. Mr. Benson attaches his leash to my PA as Joey are arm as Mr. Benson and Joey Master have other plans for us.
    1 point
  28. Bug chasers (and gift givers) never created a strain on the healthcare system like what we see now. With the advent of ARVs (1996) they weren’t really even risking death if the go on meds within +/- 2 years of infection. And with the advent of PrEP (~2013) they can’t even infect people who are responsible and take care of their own health.
    1 point
  29. My popper fogged mind tried to process his words as he drove the dildo in and out of my second sphincter a while longer. Feeling tender as he withdrew it from my body I felt a decided pop of air as it left my body. My hole was more than certainly stretched as wide as it had probably ever been in recent memory. His hands caressed my ass and I felt the warm wetness and scruff of his beard as he began to rim my gaping pup kunt. One hand left me, then another. After a moment, his mouth left my ass and I find myself suddenly craving his attention again. Anything, a toy, his touched, his hot mouth, anything. Another sound off unzipping came from behind my body, and I felt his presence return between my legs. “Inhale boy. Let your senses fly.” I responded with a deep woof and took a double hit. My paws had barely closed the bottle of poppers when I felt it a shift on the bed as he came behind me. My restraints were undone, and I came around to face my handsome master, moaning as I saw him in his glory. Cap still on his head, he’d lit a cigar as he’s come to bed, and resting semi erect against his torso was easily the largest uncut cock I’d ever had face to face in my life. Still growing, it was already 8 inches and continuing, and his girth was swelling to the size of my forearm. Large, egg sized nuts sat hanging low in his sack against the bed, a thick red cock ring at the base of his manhood standing out sharply against his black fur. I longed to embrace him, to worship him, but I knew my place here. Had it spanked into my ass and myself caged to remind me of that place. He was my superior here, and frankly, I found myself wanting that on more than just a kink level as he sat there slowly puffing. His obscene cock continuing to engorge with blood, foreskin slowly rolling back as he neared the apex of his erection. An easily ten inch, thick, veiny uncut slab of cock lay against the man before me. His foreskin had rolled back to reveal a beautifully swollen purple head, leaking his precious precum. “If you come forward, and take this cock into your mouth, I expect you to worship it boy. This is the most superior cock you will have ever taken inside you. Worship it well and I will fuck pup, I will cum inside you, and you will be mine. Forever.” He puffed his cigar, his words hanging in the silence. “Unlike the other master’s here boy, my seed is special, potent, and toxic. Do you understand me?” I sat there on all fours, numbed momentarily. This god of a man before me had HIV, and he wanted to fuck it into my body and infect me. No warning bells sounded; no voice of alarm echoed through my head. He’s paddled that out of me and tease my hole open beyond the point of concern. He was truly my superior, in every way, and I needed him to become part of me, whatever the cost. I just looked at him in the eyes and nodded, and affirmative woof leaving my lips. Reaching a hand to the back of my head, he pulled my face towards his cock and ordered me to begin. My lips were greeted by the wet sweetness of his precum and I ribbed them against his cock head. My hand reach forward to grasp his fat shaft, causing more of his clear nectar to ooze forth as I opened my mouth to seal my fate. My other hand reach to the base of his shaft as his head entered my mouth and I began to rub my tongue sexually against it. Every fiber of my being was electrified in this moment, suffused with a need to worship this man, though any means necessary, and make him feel good. A low growl escaped his lips as I dedicated my life to please him in this moment, my hand alternating strokes up and down his thick meat while my head bobbed up and down upon it’s tip. Slowly, my jaw managed to relax more and more and he began to work himself into my throat, which struggled to contain his presence. I could feel his girth making my throat tender after several minutes spend sucking and choking as he growled and voice his approval, one hand always on the back of my head, in control. After several more minutes of this, his hand withdrew and I stopped immediately, looking up at him as his cock withdrew from my mouth, precum and spit coating my beard beneath my hood. “Are you ready to become mine pup, to have part of me inside you forever, and be owned by me the rest of your life?” I squeaked out an affirmative woof off key, his cock in my through had done a number on my ability to speak, but earned a beaming grin from him nonetheless. He stirred, pulling me up and pushed his lips against mine under the snout of my hood. The smell of his muck and smoke hit my nose, as my tongue danced against his and my heart began to beat even faster, the last vestiges of the human me fading fast as he picked me up and carried me back over to the sling. Depositing me, my legs were again restrained, but arms free, and I rubbed his beautiful coat of fur as he pulled out lube from the side table and began to finger fuck me. As he touched me inside with his hand, fingers probing to the second knuckle deep, borderline trying to fist my ass, I felt my cock once again begin to stir, and I whimpered apologetically as it continued to rise, eventually filling it’s confines, somewhat painfully. He withdrew his hands and began to lube the upper part of his shaft, rubbing the fat mushroom head of his cock against my hole, teasing it again and again. “Time to be fucked forever boy. I own your life as of now.” Before I could take liberties with poppers or he could order it, he pushed the head of his cock in with a firm thrust and I saw stars. Even with my prior stretching, there was a definitive stretch as the thick heat of his member entered my body, eliciting a and unintelligible and loud moan I’m sure could be heard from the street. I felt my hole tense up and legs shake, my eyes rolled back with the pain and pleasure his entry caused me. Looking down, he stood between my legs, the towering mass of his cock outstretched between us, connected to my body with his fat head resting within my loins. He nodded down at me with a smile, telling me what a good boy I was, reaching forward with a hand to rub my fur and grasp the bottle of poppers around my neck. A firm yank broke the slender chain and he uncapped the bottle, drinking in it’s fumes over several hit before ordering me to hit hard. As the nigh drunken rush of poppers hit me I saw his head roll back in the air towards the ceiling in the firelight, and he began to push inside of me further. The next several minutes were spent with me steadily huffing on command as more and more of his massive cock pushed inside of me until I felt him push against my second ring. I looked up at him with concern in my eyes through my hood, knowing he still had another few inches to go at least. Both of his hands began to rub my chest and tease my nipples, relaxing my body as he gave another order to inhale deep. And again. And again. “I’m sorry my boy, but this is necessary, and you will thank me later.” He thrust, hard. I felt something inside myself give as he rushed past my second sphincter and I felt the hair of his thick bush resting against my hole. His hand took mine and guided it down to my belly, where I felt the bulge of his cock making itself known to my touch. “ I’m part of you forever now baby, no other man will be enough to satisfy you.” He pulled back, dragging part of my insides with his fat cock head as he withdrew, my eyes rolling back in my skull as this sensation took over my body. I felt warm heat being replaced my heartless vacuum, emptiness as he withdrew his cock to the tip, pulling my hole outward slightly as he did so, and then began to push back inside again. A strong ache as he pushed past my second sphincter again and into me, the bulge reappearing under our hands. Another withdrawl and insertion. After a minute of the slow, rhythmic pace I felt my body relax, every last nerve either too frayed by the pain or to numb with pleasure to continue resisting. He began to slowly increase his pace as I find myself floating along on the tides of his lovemaking and the high of the poppers we began to share together. This man, this HIV-positive, charged up, toxic bull of a man was fucking me, wanted to be my Master, and own me. And it felt to right, so proper to think that as I lay there with my legs suspended, his manhood sawing my body in half at a steady pace. His balls began to slap my firm ass at a steady rate as the wet slurping sound of my gaping pup kunt stretched around his shaft filled the room, my moans and his grunts playing back and forth through the space between us. His breathing began to grow heavier and heavier, as his cock unbelievably began to swell further with his pending orgasm, the thrust becoming less tender and more forceful as he approached his climax. “You are my pup. My owned boy. You serve me.” His thrusting became painful inside, my insides bruising under his assault, my hand feeling the impact as he bottomed out again and again inside me. “You are my pup. My beautiful, furry, POZ pup.” He yelled loudly, grasping both my legs and bottoming out inside me. I felt his member throbbing inside me and beneath my hand, the wet string of his seed flooding my bruised fuck chute as he spent himself, and to my surprise I felt the wet splash of my own seed rocketing from my cock in it’s cage, coating my fur in what was likely my last negative load. Master stayed inside me until his cock grew limp, fall out heavily from my destroyed hole with an unceremonious plop. I could feel a wet trickle of seed and most likely given everything, blood, dripping from my hole as his sweaty from took a step backwards and he reached towards the table to grab a massive tail plug, pushing it inside me. No additional lube was needed- between his load and my internal juices leaking, it fit with only minimal resistance. He helped my weak form out of the sling and over to the bed, laying beside and spooning me, one arm possessively wrapped around me. “You are Pup Maximus now boy. You gave it your all, and I will make sure you always have it.” It’s been 3 years since that day, and true to his word, we are married and I am a happily owned and proud POZ pup, serving my Master daily as his daily pup to fuck and on occasion when I’m a good boy, filling other pups under his supervision with my masters seed from my balls.
    1 point
  30. Have you ever been to SOP? Well, that with knobs on - or, more accurately, out. It’s really hard to explain just how deliciously sleazy that place was. I went often. Basically, you had to knock to get in - and it was in a busy road with a bus stop right outside! There were lockers all down the side the bar because the boots only sessions (trainers were allowed) were legendary. You’d strip and everyone would be naked. Young old, neg poz - no one cared and there was no attitude at all. Some really sleazy guys! There was a partition at one part of the bar which had loads of glory holes. And there was a sling at the entrance to the dark room, which a bottom could just lie in (I did many times) and get fucked while drinkers at the bar drank, watched and joined in. And then there was the dark room - or more accurately two dark rooms. The main one wasn’t dark - it was black. You couldn’t see a bloody thing. As you walked through - or more accurately pushed your way through because it was a mass of horny, sweaty bodies - hands reached for you, anonymous cocks slid up you - you’d have no idea who they were. But at the back there was a door which led to a urinal, again in pitch black, with a cubical at the end. And on a good night, THAT was probably the hottest place to be. The best thing about The Fort was its raw honesty. I saw guys arrived in business suits and some in full leather. But stripped off there was no hierarchy - everyone was there for the same reason. There was no pretence. No bs.
    1 point
  31. Other Masters began to stand and approach the basket held by a handler, one by one they withdrew strips of paper to claim a pup for the evening. As the last strip was called out, Master Marcus turned to address the handlers, “Thank you for those who brought your owned pups here to share with us this evening, I promise they will all be treated well. You are free to roam the first and second floors at your leisure, beer and other alcohol is in the kitchen.” Master Marcus dropped his strip of paper to the floor and walked slowly towards me, reaching out with his hand to rub my head and took his other and slowly, sensually, began to trace a line of sexual fire down my spine towards my ass. Without thinking, only reacting, I moaned as my cock began to thicken in my jockstrap and my ass rose in the air as he reached the small of my back. “You are a fine specimen my boy, and I look forward to training you this evening. Are you ready to obey your Master pup?” he said, leaning in close to my neck, emphasizing the word master as he spoke in the same calm, controlled, authoritative voice. I could feel the heat of his breath against my skin, sending goosebumps and shivers through my body as one hand began to gently rub my hairy chest and the other cupped by ass cheek, and I gave him an enthusiastic bark to affirm my approval with him taking control. “Stand up pup, and follow your Master.” I obeyed, standing and moving on legs that had lost a will of their own, and followed him up two flights of stairs to the very top floor of the townhome. A large set of double doors were opened by him, leading into a spacious bedroom with a massive bed covered by play sheets, sitting beneath a heavy, wrought iron four post frame. Leather restraints, spreader bars, handcuffs, and rope all hung from the overhead rails. To the left of the entrance was a fireplace with a gentle fire roaring, in front of which a sling had been erected, a soft fur lining pad placed within. Right of the entrance was another set of doors that I presumed went to a bathroom of sort, thought he doors at present remained closed. As I took the bedroom in, Marcus moved behind me and I heard the bedroom door shut, and the unmistakable click of a lock and the heavier sound of wood against wood. I stood there, feeling nervous as he remained out of my line of sight, feeling his presence close behind me, until I felt his chest against my back, the bulge of his crotch against my cheeks. His muscular arms came around and he hugged me from behind, slowly rubbing his hands across my furry chest and teasing my nipples over and over again. Pleasure began to build within my body, my cock swelling towards full mast within my jock, precum steadily pouring from my piss slit. As I tossed my head back in surrender his left hand came up to meet my throat, slowly but deliberately cutting off my air. “Tonight I’m going to make you mine boy, and you are going to earn my superior seed. We will start with your first lesson now. Take off your jock boy, you will never again cover yourself in my presence, is that clear?” I woofed my affirmative and doffed the jockstrap immediately before he continued, his hand grasping my balls painfully. “Now lay down in the sling and get comfortable, and you’ve 10 seconds to lose that erection boy. I didn’t give you permission to get hard like a man.” After not cumming for days and being in this environment I whimpered my compliance and stumbled over to the sling, desperately willing my erection to fade. I settled into the very comfortable confines of the sling and place my hands and ankles in the clearly designated restraints. Master Marcus secured me, each one with the sound of a lock clicking, each lock clicking doing nothing but making my cock continue to point upwards towards my face, drooling precum onto my hairy abs. If he was angry, or disappointed, his face didn’t show it. Master Marcus pulled a small table on wheels out from a closet and set it next to the sling. In my limited field of vision I could hear and see him manipulating some manner of metal. A cloth was put over my muzzle and the familiar aroma of popper washed through my senses, disorienting me I felt the sharp pressure of what could only be a needle push into my cock and a brief pressure as something was injected. The cloth was withdrawn and I looked at Master Marcus with concern. He responded, reading that worry within my eyes. “You submitted to me downstairs pup. You belong to me now. And that means you WILL obey your superiors rules. Take this night to learn boy, I don’t take kindly to having to repeat myself. The injection will get rid of your erection in short order.” Sure enough, even as he was speaking, I could feel the pressure in my cock lessening. He rubbed my chest and played with my nipples as my manhood continued to shrink to its normal unaroused state. I felt the chill of metal around my balls and his hand on my cock as he worked what was unmistakably a cage being put around my cock. Deep inside, I felt new levels of arousal sweep through me, and found myself grateful for my Masters foresight – I’d of not been able to contain myself were it not for his actions, I’d of lost my load right then and there. Master Marcus stood up, stepping out of my field of vision as I heard a zipper descend, the sounds of clothing being removed. When he returned to my vision, standing between my legs, I woofed excitedly at what I saw. His chest was strongly build, a working mans body and it was coated in a thick forest of fur that put my own to shame, thick, quarter sized nipples protruded from this, and as he ground his crotch against my exposed hole he rubbed them gently. I could feel the leather pants still covering his groin, but there was definitely *something* growing within. My own inner pup hunger to be filled came roaring to the forefront, and I whimpered upwards towards him. “Not yet boy.” He said, looking down towards me both possessively and with a glint of something else. “You are going to have to earn taking IT inside you.” His hands moved to the side table again and I heard the sound of lubricant being applied to something. He held up a modest dildo for me to see, then placed the poppers rag over my snout again and I relaxed, drinking in their aroma as he began to work the dildo inside my ass. Slow, steady pressure saw my ass quickly opening to stretch around the artificial cock he was pushing inside me. The stretch carried slowly inside of me, the girth of his instrument began to push against my prostate and I moaned loudly as his hit that pleasure knob inside my ass. Back and forth he continued to slowly fuck me for several minutes, refreshing my popper rag halfway. His other hand explored my body as he labored and I reveled in the lines of passionate fire his touch caused against my skin. With an unceremonious slurp, the false penis was removed from me and I found myself empty, involuntarily whimpering. “Damn boy, not many guys precum as much as you do, even when soft. That’s a good pup.” Restraints were removed and I was helped up by his strong grasp, popper rag falling to the floor as I stood up. I stumbled slightly as I came to rest on my two legs, a combination of my former position and the poppers still addling my senses. He caught me, holding me against his furry torso, and I drank in his intoxicating aroma of musk. He dragged me to the bed and ordered me on all fours, which I quickly scrambled to heed. As I reached his requested position, leather cuffs were placed around my wrists, held together by heavy chain. “It’s time to discipline you for your earlier disobedience boy. You are not to have an erection in my presence without my permission, EVER”. As he emphasized the last word, I heard the air split behind me a second before a painful smack against my cheeks. I cried out as the blow rippled through my body, my ass igniting with fire where it had struck across both cheeks. “You are my pup. My owned boy. You serve me.” *Wack* Another blow against my ass, just as firm. He repeated this mantra for what felt like an eternity after the fifth paddle, but what was likely only a minute. “Take a hit of your poppers boy, I hope they are fresh.” I obeyed, eager for the escape from the stinging coming from my rear end, sniffing deep. AS the initial hit settled and I found myself riding my high, I felt my hole once again being penetrated. Master’s groin was rubbing against my foot, and the cold sensation as it entered me told me it had to be another dildo. Thicker than the last, and longer, he spend another few minutes probing me inside, teasing my upper sphincter until it loosened enough that the toy was able to pop in. I grunted hard as my body convulsed involuntarily from that stretch. Bryan had fucked me a number of times, but he was not thick like this and it was an unaccustomed stretch. “Take another hit boy and relax. You are committed to being my boy and serving, you I promise you that you WILL need to open that up to fit me inside you.”
    1 point
  32. I let young men find me. I don't go looking for them--they need to make the first move. And I usually breed young guys at sex parties, more then those on line.
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  33. One of my teachers used to say, "A gentleman doesn't expose his armpits". So flash some pit, unless you're a gentleman...😈
    1 point
  34. Same here. Never wear deodorant anyway but now I don’t have to shower either If I don’t want to. Huffing my own pits and crotch smell keeps me permanently horny and more or less perpetually edged since they closed the office. I smell like a sexed-up homeless junkie, all testosterone and pheromones - such an aphrodisiac I wish I could bottle and sell it. Anyway it’s definitely a silver lining to working remote for the duration.
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  35. Seems like everyone I know who is got pozzed after I knew them had their sex drive go sky high except one. My poz twink fuck buddy said since he got pozzed, all he wants to do is fuck 24/7. He says this is one reason I should quit PrEP and get knocked up.
    1 point
  36. CHAPTER 10 There was a party happening that night and starting around 8pm. I didn't really have anything better to do so I thought I'd go. Mike said all drinks would be on the house and being with Ricky actually sobered me up a bit so I thought it'd be good fun. I definitely wanted to take it easy this time because I knew what trouble drinking too much got me into last night! We got to the party round 830-9 and like last time, Mike seemed to know everyone, and once again, I felt a little lost. I was up at the bar grabbing another (free) drink when I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard someone whisper in my ear, "Glad to see I didn't take too much out of you today." I turned around & was pleased to see Ricky smiling back at me and gave me a warm hug. "Is this the guy you were filming with today? You were right, he is damn hot." said the guy he was standing with (who actually wasn't too bad either!) "Oh yeah, he's a natural!" Ricky smiled, putting his arm round me. "Though I don't think it was his first time in front of the camera. He's already got an agent, Mike signed him up for the scene!" That kinda threw me, Mike said I'd pestered him to be in a scene.... "Hope I didn't speak out of turn," Ricky apologised. "I really did love doing the scene with you, you just seemed at home in front of the camera and especially with Mike agreeing to the scene for you, I just assumed..." Fuck, Mike had set me up! I was so furious. I stormed off from Ricky and went looking for Mike. I found him shortly after and walked up to him angrily. "Mike, what the fuck man.....you lied to me. I never agreed to do a scene at all, you just said I did!" He smiled back at me, "Man, you were so drunk I could've said this morning that you'd have done anything and you'd have thought it had happened. And anyway, Tyler told me you had a thing for black cock so I thought you'd love it!" Holy fuck, how did he know Tyler? "He's done some scenes for me and mentioned what a great fuck you were so I thought I'd get you out here and film a scene..." Holy fuck, I'd been set up by this prick! "But I figure you can't say anything coz well, we all need to keep this a secret don't we.." I could have thumped him, I DEFINITELY didn't want anything to do with him. As I walked back up to the bar to see if Ricky was still there, a guy came up to me. He introduced himself as Dean from a company called VIP Crew and asked if I wanted to make $100 for being an extra in a scene. They were short a couple of guys and all I had to do was stand up the back and dance. I didn't have anything better to do and wanted to be away from Mike for a while so I agreed. Dean smiled and walked me out to a waiting limo where there were already about a dozen guys in there. There was someone up the front of the limo talking to a handful of guys when Dean made his way to the other group of us as the limo took off. "OK guys, now like I said, all you have to do is dance in the background. You don't have to do any more than that if you don't want to and we sure as hell aren't gonna pay you any more if you decide to do anything else!" and we all had a good laugh. I struck up a conversation with the guys I was next to, both were regular actors that wanted to have a night off but couldn't resist the lure of being paid to have some drinks, dance and watch a live sex show. I quickly agreed that it was a pretty sweet deal! We pulled up at the club and there was a crew waiting out the front of the limo filming us as we left, I quickly made my way in. It was a pretty seedy club but we had it all to ourselves - I guess it was easier to hire it out that way!We were just dancing around in the background as we'd been told, the camera occasionally came over towards us but it was mainly focused on the guys that had been sitting at the front of the bus as they started kissing and peeling each other's clothes off. I had to admit it was pretty hot in every sense of the word in the club. The dancing was making me get a bit hot & watching these guys start kissing & sucking each other was getting to me too. I'd never actually seen it happening in front of me in any sense, whether it be in real life or on screen, but it really was a huge turn-on to watch. I heard an unmistakable sniff next to me and I turned to the guy who's eyes were totally glazed over, "Want some poppers man?" I was too turned on to refuse and took two deep hits. I guess it was a combination of being drunk, horny & high but I felt amazing and I could tell the guy that gave me the poppers was feeling the same. He grabbed my ass in both hands & pulled me in close for a kiss. I had no absolutely no idea who this guy was but we were making out in the club like we'd been lovers for life. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a camera moving it's way towards us but I didn't really care. We broke off and smiled at the camera, when I noticed that two of the "stars" were dancing completely naked and kissing so hot and hard with each other. The camera moved away from us when I took 2 more hits of the poppers and made my way over to them. I just needed to suck cock so bad and theirs looked so beautiful so I knelt in front of the two of them and started licking them up and down. I was looking up at them as I did though they kept looking over to the side (at the director maybe?) but I didn't care, I just wanted their dicks. I could hear the extras yelling out their approval in the background but it was just white noise as I was concentrating on the job at hand, or both hands actually. The two guys peeled off my clothes and before long I was on all fours in this nasty club, getting pounded at one end while I sucked cock at the other. I'm sure the guy that had arrived in Vegas a few short hours ago would've been shocked and appalled at what I was doing but I was loving it all too much to care. It was all a bit of a haze but I'm thinking all of the "stars" had a go at my ass as I kept feeling my ass open for a very short time before there was a new cock in me, and then I'd be sucking a different cock as well. I think by the time they'd all finished inside me (at one end or the other) it must've been around 3am. The director yelled out "That's a wrap" and there was plenty of cheering and I stood up a bit groggily. The director gave me my $100 and said that even though I shouldn't be treated like one of the main actors, I'd be allowed to use the showers with the other guys. They were horrible showers in there and the hot water only lasted a short time. As the cold water hit me I could hear the stars in the other cubicles talking about how it was all so unexpected that I joined in and that there'd have been no way that they'd have done what I did for $100. They were even calling me a "dumb whore" which, combined with the cold water, sobered me up a hell of a lot. What had I done? I'd not really even see these guys' faces and they came in me so many times. Was I really a whore? As I dried myself off, I ordered a cab and then slipped out a side door of the club to make my way back to the hotel room. END OF CHAPTER 10
    1 point
  37. the better question is who DOESN'T eat the cum they find on the floors, seats and walls in public restrooms, porntheatres and bathhouses? I always have since the first time I saw cum all over a restroom toilet seat in grade 8. but if I find the cum in a used condom it goes straight up my ass
    1 point
  38. As a bottom faggot I find that I get along best on a regular basis with other bottom faggots. Much more in common and easier to talk with outside of the bedroom. I do have a bottom friend that I occasionally go to baths, cruise bbrt and take road trips with. Always have a great time and we can generally keep an eye on each other.
    1 point
  39. Andrew/Drew Cell phone 7577075391 Email address A.jennings87@icloud.com Location 125 Stanley Dr. Williamsburg Va 23188 I am usually available at Night Thursay thru Monday but will always take calls and texts and emails through the day 24/7 365 32 years old 5foot 10 inches 165pds White Greedy Mild to Wild cum fiend
    1 point
  40. True story from Dec. 23rd holiday party. My partner Shane and I went to a friend’s holiday party. It’s a semi-annual event, and always one of the best parties of the year. This year there were around 70 guys attending. There was a small catering team handling the food and bar. My favorite was the blonde waiter; when we chatted, he shared he was a senior in a nursing program and was thinking about PA school next year. The bartender was a muscular guy, shaved head, in his late 30s or early 40s; he was pouring the drinks pretty heavy. I chatted briefly with another waiter, this one a bit shy with dark, thick hair and glasses who was also finishing college, and looking a bit overwhelmed by all the men. There was a really mishmash of guests, ranging from late 20s through early 60s, with the majority in their 40s and 50s. A good cross-section of fit and outgoing gentlemen. I knew about half of the guys from other social events, and a few from prior seasons in Ptown. A few close friends were attending, and I was mingling throughout the night. Shane and I crossed paths now and agin in the house — a 3600 sq. Ft. Home built along the edge of conservation land, so it was nice and private. There was a constant level of flirting and sexual energy in the group; not ususual for one of these parties. Men were casually chatting, rubbing one another’s chest, and breaking the touch-barrier by laying a hand on someone new’s shoulder or around their waist. The buzz in the house was lively as guys moved from room to room, and occasionally out to the chillly patio, during the evening. Around 10 p.m. some guys began to take their leave. I’d chatted with my friends, made some new acquaintances, and even exchanged a couple nice kisses with some new handsome guys. Shane introduced me to a tall, lean red head named Eric, and I chatted with the handsome ginger for a bit before needing to visit the bartender again. There’d also been a slow migration of some guys to the upper floor, which had a walkway and small seating area that overlooked the living room. Guys were hanging out up there, and then disappearing down the hallway. I wasn’t in a hurry to wander upstairs, and was enjoying the conversations still happening on the main floor. Around 10:45 the main floor was growing pretty thin. The last of my close friends that were still hanging around were saying goodbyes. The main floor was littered with empty food plates, wine glasses, and cups. I peeked into the front living room and saw a guy sitting on the couch with another kneeling at his feet blowing him. In the kitchen, three guys were in a tight embrace exploring one another’s bodies under their winter clothing. I decided to wander upstairs and see what was happening there. The master bedroom was at the end of the upstairs hallway, past several other closed doors. The hall was quiet, and there wasn’t much noise coming from those closed rooms. The master bedroom door was opne, but the room was dark. With about 6 feet left to the hallway, I could begin to hear the happy murmurs of men in the dark. There were about 25 guys in the bedroom, a large space with 2 levels — the lower level had a king size bed in the center of the floor looking out a wall of glass into the woods. Behind the bed was a low wall with steps on either side that went to the upper level. Guys were everywhere. From the upper level, I could see a group of 7 guys active on the bed, with one guy laying spread eagle and another laying on top of him. Two other guys were on all fours at opposite sides of the bed being fucked from behind. Around me were small groups of naked men sucking, and I spied what looked like a metal framework in the corner opposite the hallway. I stripped, tossed my clothes behind a chair, and started to wander the upper level to see who was there and where I might join in. The bedroom was filled with happy moans and groans of men sharing sexual intimacy. There were random bottles of poppers and lube floating around, and I took a quick hit of poppers to get myself going; my dick was already rock hard, my favorite leather cockring hugging it tight at the base. My friend Matthew was laying on a blanket on the floor, holding his legs in the air as someone I hadn’t spoken to tonight started penetrating his hole. Three guys were on their knees in the middle of a group of 6 or 7, hungrily sucking one cock after another. The frame I saw in the corner was for a sling, but the sling was empty at the moment — I didn’t think that would last very long. My eyes were adjusting to the darkness, just a few candles punctuating small areas of the room, and casting most of the bodies as silhouettes until you got up close. I picked up a bottle of poppers and took a second hit as one of the guys kneeling reached out and touched my cock; I slipped it into his mouth and enjoyed a nice blowjob before he moved back to the guy on my right. I wandered down to the lower level by the bed. The sounds here were more intense — skin slapping against skin, and short grunts, moans, and gasps as men were being fucked in the near darkness. I had to get close to make out faces. To my surprise, the adorable blonde waiter was bent over the edge of the bed being fucked by one of the hosts. The host leaned over as I got close, and made out with me while he kept fucking the boy. There was a bottle of lube and some poppers laying nearby on the bed, and I reached underneath to feel the host’s bare cock sliding in and out of the boy’s hole. I stepped around and knelt on the bed, taking a hit of poppers, sharing one with the boy, and pushed my cock into his mouth to spit roast him. I looked at the other pairs fucking on the bed, and realized it was Shane laying spread eagle on one side of the bed with the red head plowing into his hole. I felt the thrill that goes through me when I see Shane being fucked by someone. He was grunting over and over as Eric delivered thrust after thrust, his body weight pressing Shane into the mattress. The muscly bartender was standing at the other edge of the bed, stroking slowly as he watched two other guys fucking near him; he occasionally reached over and touched Eric’s ass and ran his hand up along his spine. I decided to walk up top and see if there was an available ass ready to be fucked. My friend Matthew was now in the sling with a couple guys standing near, but no one stepping up. I quickly lubed my cock, stepped up to Matthew’s waiting hole, and started to push in. He and I smiled to each other for a second, then he took two long hits of poppers knowing what was coming, and then the fuck started. His ass was incredible warm wrapped around my dick, and I felt the smooth skin rubbing against my cock as I pumped in and out of his hole. I fucked him with long strokes, purposely trying to have my balls slap against his ass. He started jacking himself, and I picked up the pace as he starting moaning. I went from long and deep strokes, to a more moderate pace, letting the sling begin to do some of the work as it swung forward and back, pulling his hole away from my cock, and then plunging back to impale him again. Matthew was groaning loudly, which totally turns me on, and I started a power fuck, slamming his ass hard as I pulled back against the chairs holding the sling. Matthew and I locked eyes, him grunting and snarling like someone who loves his ass used hard. My pelvic bone was starting to hurt I was fucking him so hard, pulling back on the chains to bring his hole back to me. Matthew grunted and then asked for a break. I stepped back, and helped him up, his lightly furred chest drenched in sweat, and he was gasping a bit. We stood there making out for a few minutes, then he went downstairs for water. I washed off my cock in the shower (I think that’s always polite after fucking someone’s ass), and wandered back toward the bed. There were at least 10 guys on or around the bed, and the energy had become primal. Shane and the blonde waiter was laying on their backs along the bottom end of the bed, with a third guy on all fours beside them. All three were being fucked. Shane was taking the bartender’s big cock, his moans conveying how hot the fuck was. The blonde was giving it up for a silver fox, and the third was impaled on the host’s cock. This is where everything just begins to become a pagent of smells, sounds, and feelings. I jumped onto the bed, and there were others that followed. The next 40 minutes was a circus of mystery cocks slipping in and out of willing holes as tops moved around the bed regularly, I fucked a cute otter at the edge of the bed while watching Shane take the silver fox in his ass, and another guy push his cock into Shane’s mouth. I was just thinking of breeding the otter when someone came up behind me and pushed into my ass. I became distracted by the mystery cock inside me, and the incredibly warm feeling of the otter’s hole. I thrusted forward to bury myself deep, feeling the dick in my slide out to his head; and then pushed back onto the cock behind me while giving the otter a moment of relief. I was caught up in the amazing slippery feelings on my cock and in my ass. There was a rotation on the bed, and I lost my otter hole only to find the blonde waiter sniffing poppers with his legs spread wide. I didn’t waste time taking that beautiful hole, watching the expressions on his face as I began to pump in and out of him raw. A suddenly loud grunting / growling sound was off to my left, and I could make out (through the tangle of bodies) a bearded guy from Connecticutt pumping his load into Shane’s ass. My poppered up blonde was cradling his knees in his arms, lifting his ass up for my cock. I pounded him, shifting my stance a few times to reach different angles in his hole. He vacillated between low moans and quick whimpers as he took another cock in him. I made out with a guy next to me who then asked for a turn with the blonde. I gave myself a quick respite for some water, then returned to the bed. The redhead Eric was back at Shane’s ass, holding his legs wide while he pumped away at the hungry hole. Shane was moaning, and after a few minutes I heard him ask for Eric’s load. The redhead pumped with determination; I could hear their bodies slapping against one another, and felt it in the bed itself. Finally Eric unloaded into Shane, still pumping away to push his load deep inside. I felt someone fingering my hole, but he was a bit too tentative to keep my attention. Meanwhile, the otter was available again, and he presented his hole to me. I decided this was where I was going to finish for the night. I made out with the handsome otter, letting my hardon tease against his hole for a moment before pushing back inside. We found a quick rhythm and made out while I fucked his ass. I felt the urge building inside me to shoot. I looked up and saw one of the hosts bending Shane over the edge of the bed and positioning his cock to enter my partner. “Are you gonna breed me?” The otter asked. ”Fuck yeah!” I grunted. He looked at me with cocklust in his eyes, and I knew I was going to tag his ass. I let the urge build, my cock aching to release, “OH YEAH~” and I let my cum flood the adorable otter in front of me. He started grunting, and I saw his own cum shoot across his chest and hit his chin. I licked him cum onto my tongue, and pushed it into his own mouth, letting him taste his own cum while mine filled his ass. Our host grunted again and again as he unloaded into Shane’s ass in front of me. I got off the bed with the otter, the two of us walking hand-in-hand, I lead him toward the shower. I slapped the host’s ass, “Nice work” and he smiled back. “I’ve wanted to breed that ass for over a year!” The otter and I showered, then snuggled in one of the other bedrooms for awhile. When I finally got up to collect my clothing and boyfriend, I found him showering with a bearded guy from Boston I’d met before. He had fucked Shane in the sling and given him another load. Shane told me later that he’d been fucked by two guys in the sling, taking both loads. If you enjoyed hearing about Shane’s and my holiday orgy, click the Blue Heart and Upvote, and leave a message.
    1 point
  41. Name: aznbTm Number: (872) 703-5590 Location: Chicago, IL, 60613 - 60657 Age: 28 Height: 6' Weight: 155 lb Ethnicity: Asian
    1 point
  42. I love it when a top is smoking, especially chain smoking. I’ve had tops say they need to have a cig and told them they should just smoke it in bed and keep fucking me while they do
    1 point
  43. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): Slut or Cunt Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): 2677193632 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): Christiana Mall in Delaware Times you're generally not available: Mornings and weekends Age: 29 Height: 5'10" Weight: 155 Ethnicity: Mixed
    1 point
  44. The first time you cheat you'll feel guilty. Each additional load you take there will be less guilt.
    1 point
  45. Part 2 At dinner that night I sat there, ghostly pale, my stomach in knots. I could barely eat. I was sure the others could tell I had sinned so greatly. I was sure they could see the devil standing over me. "Are you not feeling well Jacob?" was all my mother asked. I just told her I wasn't and wanted to go to bed early. I went upstairs and brushed my teeth extra long, trying to wash away the lingering taste of Mr. Jackson's sperm. That night, as I lay in bed next to my brother, I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were filled with that big black dick, he had called it a dick, in my mouth, ejaculating down my throat. I had liked it, and secretly wanted more. And I had a feeling I would get that and lots more, like those pictures in the magazines. The next day, Mr. Jackson came over to talk to my parents. I tried to eavesdrop on their conversation, but my siblings made it impossible. After he left, my father came to tell me about the visit. "Jacob," he began, "Mr. Jackson needs some help for a few weeks on a cabin he's building in the mountains. He's offered to pay a nice sum for your services, and I think the work and time in God's nature will do you good." I secretly shivered when he said "services" because I could only imagine what those would entail. But I could not disagree with my father. So the next day I was packed with a few changes of clothes, my work boots, and a bible and hopped into Mr. Jackson's truck and off we went. I looked back at my family as they waved me off into a future none of them could imagine. "That was easier than I could have ever hoped!" Mr. Jackson laughed as we drove away into the unknown. We didn't talk much on the way, I just sat there trying to imagine what the next few weeks would bring. It was only a couple hours to the cabin, and we arrived mid-afternoon. As I reached for my bag in the back, Mr. Jackson said "leave it boy, you won't need nothing in there except your boots. Grab those other bags and follow me." I did as told and we went into the cabin, the door locking behind me. "Strip boy!" He commanded me. I stood there nervously, not moving. Mr. Jackson raised his hand and slapped me hard across the face. "I SAID STRIP!" I quickly shed my clothes, trembeling as I realized there was no one around to help me. As I pulled my clothing off, Mr. Jackson was pulling items out of the bags. Various strange looking things, most of them in black leather. "Now stand at attention boy! I want to inspect my property." I stood there, arms at my side while Mr. Jackson looked me over. I stood 5'8", a little shorter than his 6ft. I had a pale, thin body from too much time indoors praying instead of playing. My legs were covered in dark hair, and I had a little on my chest which ran down my stomach into dense, bushy pubes. The crack of my buttocks was also quite hairy, as well as my armpits. "Not bad boy," Mr. Jackson sneered. I like my white bitches skinny. We'll take care of the smooth part next." With that he pulled out a bottle of something orange and told me to drink it. It tasted kind of funny, but I was thirsty and drank it all down. Soon I was feeling really warm and mellow. And my dick was rock hard. Mr. Jackson had pulled out some clippers and went to work shaving my body. Soon there was nothing but stubble covering me. He then took a bowl of hot water and a razor and shaved the rest of me totally smooth. The hair on my head was the only thing left. And I have to admit the feelings of his hands all over my body made me tingle everywhere, especially my rock hard penis that stood straight up the whole time. Mr. Jackson stepped back when he was done to look at me. "Very nice boy! Now you look like your about 13, naked and smooth with your little boy cock sticking up. What is it, about 5"? Certainly not a real man's cock." I blushed as he commented on my body, feeling shame at my nakedness. "But now the real fun can begin!" He put leather straps around my wrists and ankles, and a collar around my neck. Then without warning I felt a body wracking jolt around my neck. I screamed and dropped to the floor as I jerked and spasmed. "That's a shock collar boy, to keep you in line. And just know, that was only half voltage! So don't even THINK of escape!" I softly whimpered and prayed to Jesus to save me from my plight. "I told you who you would pray to now boy!" Mr. Jackson said as he kicked me in my stomach. "Jesus can't help you now!" With that, he pulled out a small case and sat down on my chest, pinning me down. He wrapped a rubber tube around my arm and said "hold still boy if you don't want to get hurt! I've learned this is the quickest way to turn bitches like you into nasty chem sluts!" I had no idea what was about to happen when I felt a slight prick in my arm, then he released the band on my arm. WHAM!! A force flew through my body unlike anything I could ever imagine. It was like God himself had entered me. My lungs seized up and I started a coughing fit. Mr. Jackson just stood up and went out side, returning with my bible. As the coughing subsided, he pulled me up and over his knee and started to beat my buttocks as hard as he could with Gods words. Over and over he paddled me, an intense warm feeling increasing all over my body. Then he threw me over the arm of the sofa and moved back between my legs, tossing the bible into my hands. I could hear him spit several times then I felt something pushing against my anus. "I gonna rip you open bitch!" Mr. Jackson yelled. "I'm gonna make you my slut! Your cunt is gonna bleed for me!" With that, he pushed as hard as he could and his penis popped into me. I screamed like I've never screamed before. It was as if the devil himself was raping me. "Scream bitch! I love it! Scream, cry, pray to be saved! There is no one to hear you! Not even your god!" With that he slid his dick all the way into me and I howled as I clutched my bible. "PLEASE GOD! HELP YOUR POOR SERVANT!" I cried as Mr.Jackson started to plow in and out of me. Tears flowed from my eyes onto my bible as I prayed and prayed to be delivered from Sarah Palin. Mr. Jackson just laughed while he continued his rape. Slowly the pain started to subside, and a new feeling replace it. A good feeling. "That's right boy," he said, noticing the change in me."you know what God made you for. To please men. Your my property now boy. That's your cunt I'm fucking. Its going to learn to take lots of Cocks in it! Your going to be my little chem whore!" I just moaned and buried my face into the couch, accepting my fate. Mr. Jackson continued to debase me before finally yelling, "oh yea! Take it boy! I'm breeding you bitch! Take my cum now!" I could feel his cock pulsing deep inside me, and I knew at that moment I would never be the same. God, or the devil, it didn't matter. I would serve Mr. Jackson. He pulled out of my throbbing hole and grabbed my hair. I could see a messy mix of blood, cum, and shit covering his half hard cock. I didn't care. He shoved it in my mouth and like a demented whore I sucked everything off. When it was clean, he pushed me onto the floor and stood over me. "Jerk off whore!" He ordered me as he let loose with a load of piss. I grabbed my cock and furiously beat it, quickly shooting my sperm all over me while he showered me in piss. "I baptize you Jacob. I baptize you into your new life as a piggy chem whore." I just opened my mouth and accepted my new gods gift.
    1 point
  46. Going a different way into town, I noticed, only a few miles from home, a small car park with 'picnic' ground which I had never noticed before. You know that feeling when you just know it'd be a good cruising ground? Well, I went there yesterday morning. It wasn't the best of times for cruising but figured if it yields action at 11:00 A.M. it would be good on a warm night! There were three or four cars in the parking lot, and the guys in the cars were either playing with their phones or doing paperwork. But then bingo! I saw my perfect quarry: he was wearing a wife beater and trackies, with a worn commando, was in his 50's, skinny somewhat scrawny, had a shaved head and had several tatts, and I could see he had numerous piercings. I walked down the path and he followed me directly. No sooner had I turned the corner, out of sight of the public, I made a grab for the guy's crotch. A second later we were making out and as we did so, I slid my hand down the back of his trackies. Oh man, he was warm and wet, and his hole was absolutely gaping. I could probably have slipped my fist straight in. Pay dirt, first guy! I assume he had at least one load inside his ass, but I guess it could just have been lube of one sort of another, but it didn't really make any difference. I spun him around, pulled his trackies, and without a word, slid straight inside his ass. Aside from a grunt as I bottomed out in him, he didn't make a sound. Was my idea of the dream arse, saggy cheeks and that flash of deep pink/red between them from a way over used & abused cunt. I'd love to have eaten him out but it wasn't really the place or the time.. Anyway I hammered the fuck out of him for a few minutes constantly changing rhythm & angle to make sure I'd got into every corner of him before dropping one hell of a load. Obviously there'd been no talk of status, or anything else for that matter. Pointless :-) I just pulled out & put my sticky cock away (I'm not keen on being sucked, especially after I've cum & I like the feeling of a slick cock in my underwear) turned him back around & snogged him to say thanks. To be honest I would have blown him but I noticed he'd spunked all over himself - job done! I walked back to the car leaving him to sort himself out. One of the other guys had now decided to wander down for some action. Shame he'd not made a move earlier.. I'm hoping that'll be the first of many a hot scene there. And really convenient too.
    1 point
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