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  1. I had planned it all out. I was nervous and took a glass of wine gulping it down. The knock on the door ,though expected ,startled me. I opened it. “ Hi”I said. The guy I met, smiled” Hello “. Even as I let him in I felt a sense of control start to flow away from me. He seemed more in control , more sure of himself. Another knock. I let the other guy in as well. He seemed less certain , but more certain than me. I was the one who set this up and yet I was the one that seemed more on edge. “ Would you like a drink?” “No “they both said . The first guy smiled and said “working”. “Of course”I stammered “ “Do you two know each other? .” The two guys looked at each other “ No” I sat on the edge of the bed. Was this what I truly wanted? A hotel room ? Two prostitutes or should I say Escorts? “ You both are Poz not on meds?” They now looked at each other more intently and then back at me. “ I am Neg, not on PREP .I only have tonight in London by myself... so... do you mind if I get another drink?”. “ So you want Raw, Poz dicks in your ass?” The first guy smiled.” You don’t need a drink, you need a huge hit of poppers”. I looked around taking in my surroundings, for the first time really, even though I had checked in four hours before. What the actual fuck was I doing ? Here I was in a hotel ,near the Airport about to have sex with two Poz Prostitutes. Six hours before I had been having a farewell lunch with friends. None of them would ever guess I would now be here doing this. “Who the hell was I ?” For a moment I thought I could pull out of this. I mean they would have seen this before, Clients chickening out. Wives , closeted. They would have seen it all before. But some fucked up Neg guy booking two prostitutes on online ads because they were Poz and I had had too much poppers up my nose and too much twisted fantasy in my my head. “ It’s ok” The second guy spoke for really the first time.” Take off your clothes”. I gulped and within seconds we were all taking our clothes off except our underwear . The first guy” So this is a conversion ?” Yes I suppose” I blurted. “ Fuck hot “ he replied. “Suck my dick “ and without any further hesitation I grabbed his cock and started sucking. “ Suck that Poz dick you sick prick” This made me hornier. While still sucking one of my arms went for the trousers on the floor, grabbing my poppers from my pocket then inhaling hard. “ Can I have some? “The second guy stepped forward and took the poppers from me. He took deep sniffs. “ Suck my cock as well “and pulled his hard cock out of his underwear. He had a PA attached to the end of his dick.. I started sucking this dick now. In the background a French bareback film was playing from my USB on the TV. “I am not sure about this” The second guy said. At the same time he didn’t take his dick out of my mouth. I stopped. “ I want this. I really want this. I need Poz toxic cum up my ass. I know what I am doing. I don’t want to make this uncomfortable for you, but I need to be Poz. You are doing me a huge favour that I can’t thank you enough for.” He smiled and eased himself. “Fuck you sick slut I am going to Poz you so hard that it won’t be just the toxic load that makes you Poz, it will be my dick ripping you apart and making you bleed. “ With that the second guy took the poppers off the first ,took a huge sniff and pushed the bottle to me . As I took the bottle, he pulled down my underwear and threw them off. He then pushed me face down onto the bed. “ You want a toxic dick I am giving you one.” I have no idea where he got the lubricant from. It could have been from my suitcase, more likely he had some. I felt huge pain but he seemed to know this and covered my mouth with his hand as I yelled. Then suddenly I saw a different popper bottle in front of me and I sniffed in heaven and started to relax. The first guy came around to my head and had his knees open against each side of my mouth. I started sucking his cock as I saw a third bottle of poppers appear before my nose. “ You want that big Poz dick . Keep sucking you whore. You fucking love that infected dick don’t you” I kept slurping and sucking. I felt guilt I was putting these two guys through this.I felt guilty I wanted this and yet it was though my soul desired this fucked up situation. “ I need to be Poz, infect me.Charge me up” I yelled. They swapped. I felt another hard dick up my ass. “ Make me pregnant. Knock me up”. I yelled. “You sick fucking slut take that fucking toxic dick” I heard. “Plant your dirty seed up my Neg Ass”. It seemed that each word made them release their inner Poz pig.” You are going to be fucked up so badly”they said. Each time they put their dicks in my ass and poppers up my nose I was one step closer to my goal. I started to lose all sense of who was doing what .One moment I was sucking on a PA, the next moment a fat juicy cock. Both were up my ass.My head was starting to ache with the amount of poppers that was in my head.” I need to be charged pregnant “ I said. All I could smell was sex and poppers. “ You know soon you will be fucked up ,truly fucked up. No escape. Pozzed well and truly” In the haze that was my head I thought I felt the PA, but the poppers were so much I have no idea. Then I heard a whisper.” You sure? “ against my ear. “ Make me Poz” I said. “I am going to charge you Po..... “and then silence. “You fucking sick twaisted slut.”I felt it inside. I always hoped I would. Here it was .I had a charged Poz load up me. I smiled as a dick left my mouth. I was so high in poppers I had no idea that the dick that now entered my body was the one with a PA attached. But the sudden pain made me remember.” You are fucked, you Neg slut. You will be pozzed by the time this is over “ More poppers under my nose. “ Fuck do you want a charged bloody load?” So the pain was not just the dick. “ Please” I pleaded “please do this ,make me Poz” The pace picked up. “You need to be toxic don’t you “ he said “ yes “ I pleaded. “You know this will fuck you right up.” He said. “ “ Yes” I pleaded . “Make me your toxic dump.”He breathed heavily in my ear and then stopped. I felt it . I felt it in my ass. In Heaven. I had crossed over. I was gone. For a minute, maybe less I lay there. All three of us were breathing heavily. My finger touched my ass . It explored inside my ass while the once fat Poz dick became limper. I took the finger out and saw it up against my eyes. Both blood and cum met my eye. “ Thankyou “ I said Well you paid us you sick fuck. Hopefully you got what you wanted” I smiled” I did”
    5 points
  2. Part 5 - Overlooking Hyde Park Conrad returned to the greenhouse and found Jack sat attending some new Hibiscus seedlings, he walked still in shock of what he had seen but went around things as normal calling it a day by 4pm. He couldn't shake how unnerved he was and the last thing he needed tonight was going out, promising Charlie they would have dinner out by way of an apology for the fight. Jack watched him leave and seeing the change in him that afternoon he was concerned that something happened, he headed up to the manor to ask if Simon saw anything that would explain the strange behaviour from Conrad. Simon had no idea and in his usual way of ignorance is bliss he didn't dwell on it anymore taking Jack up to bed for some late afternoon release. Charlie ordered the food and fetched the drinks sitting back down at the booth that they had managed to corner in the gastro pub. It was fairly busy for a Sunday evening with most of the patrons sitting in the beer garden enjoying the summer sunshine. Conrad was happy and in his element being out with Charlie, it made a change the two of them finding some time to talk things over before Charlie went back to naval training in the morning. "Does it still hurt" Charlie asked nodding at the fading bruise above Conrad's eye. "No" Conrad replied a little distracted "it will be gone in a day or so" he said. Charlie nodded "I guess mum and dad were right, 20 years before we had a bust up". Conrad looked at him "Did you say anything to them?" he asked knowing he didn't have to explain about what. "Of course I didn't" Charlie replied looking at Conrad "did you hear off Max?" he now asked. "Yes he sent me Harry's number" Conrad replied looking at his glass "the thing is I saw him today". Charlie grinned at his brother "And what happened?" he asked leaning forward. "Nothing he was at the manor at Simon's party" Conrad said adding "the Arab guy was there as well". "Bloody hell" Charlie blurted out then lowered his voice "You didn't talk to Harry then?". "No" Conrad replied "and I don't know if I will ever talk to him" he said taking a sip of beer. Charlie sat back assessing his brother "Do you fancy of him or not?" he asked quite casually. Conrad chuckled and looked at Charlie "Sort of" he sighed "part of me seems attracted to him" he replied. "I knew it" Charlie said leaning forward "you had a hardon when we played around before Simon turned up". Conrad blushed "Ew I don't fancy you" he said trying to be serious and stifling his giggling. "Yes you do" Charlie said with confidence "like having sex with yourself" he said grinning. Conrad laughed shaking his head "Your fucking screwed up Charlie" he replied. "What are you going to do about it, Harry I mean?" Charlie asked putting his glass down on the table. "Nothing, I am going to get my education finished first" Conrad replied "I have to sit that exam now". Charlie nodded "You mean the one you can take from selling your arse?" he said in a hushed tone. "Thanks Charlie!" Conrad exclaimed rolling his eyes "I don't need you keep reminding me what I stupidly did". Charlie chuckled "You know I am ever going to let you forget that Con" he said sitting back very satisfied. "I know, don't worry though I will get something on you hanging around with all those navy boys" Conrad hinted. Charlie laughed "Sharing a bedroom with another guy dressed in uniform" Conrad added "temptation". "Stop it" Charlie said trying to catch his breath from laughing "it is nothing like that" he looked at Conrad "seriously thing about Harry". "What is this fascination with Harry?" Conrad asked exasperated. Charlie grinned at him "For fucks sake Conrad he is in love with you". Charlie was a devious plotter and he was already getting an idea now Conrad had finally admitted that he was more gay than straight. Their food had gone cold by the time they finished eating unable to stop talking. Conrad crawled in to bed tired thinking over his encounter with Harry in London, he slept soundly but in the back of his mind the thought of telling his parents played over. By morning Charlie was packing his car at 7am ready to head off, Conrad grabbed some shorts dressing quickly he ran downstairs to say good bye catching Charlie walking in to pick up his last bag. "Seriously you was going to go without saying good bye" Conrad said reaching the bottom step. "How stupid do you think I am?" Charlie replied walking over to Conrad and hugging him hard. Conrad felt emotional for the first time at one of Charlies departures "When are you coming home again?". "Three weeks time" Charlie replied holding Conrad's face he looked him in the eye "you need to tell them". Conrad nodded "I know" he said "I will do it when I feel ready". Charlie kissed his brother on the lips surprising Conrad "I still love you Con" he said and hugged him again. Conrad fought back the tears holding Charlie tight only letting go when their mother appeared with a bag of food for Charlie to take with his favourites in. Jody could sense something going on between them but put it down to their weird twin thing they always seemed to have. Conrad went upstairs to get showered and dressed then heading out to college for enrolment day on the final course, this was going to be his hardest course and passing the RHS Botany Science exam would open many doors of opportunities for him all over the world. He felt a little stupid and embarrassed paying for the course that day, hoping that the administrator would not ask how he got the money to pay for it. It took him a moment to shake it off and they took payment confirming his place to start the following Monday. The rest of the day Conrad spent tending the flower beds along the road then weeding the flower bed on the little roundabout fondly remembering the days Charlie and he would cycle around it and that fateful day he met Jack. The manor looked eerily quiet compared to the weekend's activities. The week dragged by slowly and Conrad buried his head in the new books he had acquired for the upcoming course. Even he was struggling with parts of it at first, by far it was the hardest and most complex science he had come across. Writing things down to ask Jack about he carried on relentlessly searching bits and pieces on the internet so that he could understand the subject better. He visited the manor a couple of times and spent it in the kitchen garden checking on the progress of the herbs and vegetables with Jack, there was no sight of Simon during the days he visited. Thankful in a way so that he didn't get ahead of himself and asked questions about Harry and Moham being there. No matter what searches he did he couldn't find much on Hibiscus Manor, a place called Hibiscus Drive kept coming up and finally he clicked on the link. Harry looked at the street view on the 3D map and smiled knowing he had found it, he recognised the houses along the road and the wrought iron gates of the manor that he saw from inside it. Panning out he saw the nearest town was Bordon and a few miles from Alton, it certainly was stuck in the Hampshire countryside but he now knew where he saw Conrad working. Putting things together he figured that he must also live around the area, deciding if he saw Max again he would need to ask him outright exactly where Conrad lived. Harry finished his lectures and stayed on in the college library to finish his home study and decide what to do this weekend, he opened his phone and saw one message on his mobile banking app that was several days old. Opening it up he was gobsmacked to see £50k had been deposited in the account. He had literally forgotten about the payment he would get for the weekend but never expected that much. It brought a smile to his face and thankfully with him getting fed up with hanging out at the gay bar he needn't have worried. He really needed to spend some time looking for jobs in sales and marketing, so far that week he hadn't once been to the bar and he was hoping that the need would never rise again. The problem with Knightsbridge is that it is never hard to spot people who frequent the area since most had their little haunts, today was proving no exception. Harry left the library arranging to meet some friends in Hyde Park. He was watching the fuss going on outside the front of the Mandarin Oriental hotel with the doorman and concierge, two black limousines pulled up outside and the hotel staff stopped pedestrians to allow the VIP's to enter the hotel. Harry stood there waiting not paying much attention and waiting patiently, VIP's and limousines were quite common place at the hotel. Harry looked up to see if things were moving again and the occupant exited the limousine looked in his direction. Stopping himself from shouting out and saying hello Harry watched Moham making eye contact but also ignoring him in one move. Another business man exited the Limousine and Moham let him go in front calling the concierge over speaking to him. All Harry could see was the concierge nod understanding what was being asked and without a further glance Moham disappeared in to the hotel. The other limousine pulled up to the front with more people dressed in suits going in to the hotel and one of the receptionists came hurrying outside handing a key card to the concierge. Harry patiently waited until the car pulled away and started making his way across the front of the hotel putting his phone back in his pocket. Sergio the concierge stood there waiting until Harry got closer and walked up to him. "Good evening Sir" Sergio said stopping Harry who looked at him "your key to suite 920". Harry looked at the piece of plastic "Sorry I think there has been a mistake" he replied. Sergio remained business like "No mistake suite 920 make yourself at home and your gentleman friend will join you in an hour". Harry stood confused for a minute "Oh right" he said with Sergio directing Harry inside the hotel. "I will take you to the suite and you must wait there" Sergio said calling the lift. Harry stepped in to the lift with Sergio his face burning from embarrassment "Its not what it seems" Harry claimed trying to explain himself. Sergio did not look at Harry "Nothing is what it seems" he replied shuffling his feet "our guests discretion is of upmost importance". Harry was anxious and a little nervous standing in the lift going to the ninth floor and following Sergio to the suite, he opened the door and handed the key to Harry explaining there was water in the fridge and to order anything if he was hungry. Before he could say anything Sergio left glancing over his shoulder at Harry smirking. Sending a text to his friends explaining something had come up Harry looked out at the view over Hyde Park, so many times he had passed the front of the hotel and seen the rich and famous coming and going. He walked around the large suite that was immaculately kept, the bedroom off the lounge was decorated in a very Oriental feel with expensive bed linen. Feeling that Moham was going to want his way with him he went to the bathroom cleaned out then went back in to the lounge and put the TV on, he spent most of the time looking out of the window drinking a bottle of water ignoring the TV. He had some idea why he was here but a very real and unexpected twist would happen, at 7.15pm Moham appeared in the suite dressed in his business suite. "Harry" Moham said walking in "I didn't know if you would be here". "Why am I here?" Harry asked sitting back down on the sofa. Moham took his tie and jacket off and undid his shirt "Oh right" Harry said taking his t-shirt off. Moham smiled at him "I am taking you to bed" he said taking his trousers off and watching Harry do the same. "I suppose that is one way of looking at it" Harry replied half giggling. Moham walked towards Harry placing a finger under his chin "No I mean I am taking you to bed" he said. Moham leaned down his tall solid built figure and hairy chest was all man, this was the first time Harry had actually seen him nearly naked apart from him wearing underwear and socks. Harry caught by surprise feeling Moham kissing him and holding his lips against Harry's waiting to be reciprocated, parting his lips he tasted Moham who kissed him deep and lifted him off the ground. Pleasantly surprised and not expecting this he was being carried by Moham to the bedroom, there was none of the business only nature around Moham this evening in fact he appeared to be a totally different person. In truth the more time Moham spent with Harry the more he liked his very casual and youthful attitude, he was upset having lost out on spending the night with Harry at the party. The last time they spent in his limousine a change happened in the way they had sex, it was more unhurried that allowed Moham to relax more and enjoy the drama free experience. Unlike his wife who would only put out when it suited her and was more a duty than intimacy, he was drawn more and more to Harry's smooth body and skin that excited him when they were close. Moham carried Harry to the bed and laid him down gently, their kissing continued and Harry giggled with a mouth full of Moham's tongue feeling the beard scratching and tickling his face. He moaned feeling the full weight of Moham pressing down on his body slipping between his legs. The usual urgency gone and Harry allowed Moham to lay on him rubbing his already erect cock against him. Gently Harry coerced Moham on to his back, teasingly rubbings his hand over the cock hidden under the fabric causing a small damp patch of precum to appear. Harry straddled across resting his arse hard against Moham's cock rubbing back and forth kissing his chest and neck lightly, slowly inching towards his mouth again he was welcomed with a loving kiss. Moham slipped his arms around Harry holding him and caressing his arse through the underwear at first then sensually slipping his hand inside the elastic. Moham moaned in delight feeling the supple and smooth skin driving him wild he kissed Harry harder, both moaning with pleasure. Harry wriggled free of his arms and sank lower down his body kissing the nipples and running his face through the hairy chest that trailed off in a line down his naval. His hand ran over Moham's cock carefully watching his face change in to a broad smile between happiness and erotic pleasure. Harry kissed the exposed skin above the underwear and ran his mouth along the hefty shaft of Moham's cock still hidden in his underwear. He sat up looking down at Moham, the man of many dominant sexual encounters and few words was like putty in his hands at the moment. His thighs were sturdy and thick, lightly covered in black hair, the hefty arms that hid an abundance of muscle and capable of holding him tightly. Harry almost orgasmed just looking and being able to touch him so sensually for once. His fingers slipped inside the band of the underwear gently pulling them down exposing the thick eight inches of dark skinned pleasure that awaited. Harry leaned down and kissed the inside of his thighs watching Moham's back rise and fall his legs trembled at the sensation, he continued kissing around then gently licking along the shaft. A stream of precum oozed out hanging from the tip of Moham's cock tempting and teasing Harry, he licked under then around having a job trying to contain the bouncing cock that had a mind of its own. Harry gave one last lick sinking his mouth around the head and gently caressing it with his lips, Moham moaned louder pushing his hips up. Harry was teasing his cock and Moham was responding, his hand pushed Harry's head further down several times then stopped giving control back over to Harry again. Moham stroked Harry's head with his eyes closed moaning softly, they continued in this position for several minutes. Suddenly Moham leaned forward and pulled Harry up making short work of his underwear and throwing them on the floor 'Enough teasing I need to fuck you Harry' he said kissing Harry hard and positioning him above his cock. Harry spat in his hand and rubbed it against his hole, Moham waiting for Harry to grab his cock was surprised when he leaned forward pushing Moham back down on the bed kissing him. His arse rubbing against Moham's cock slowly pushing it up and letting it seek his hole. Moham wanted to push in so badly and just take him, he held back desperate to see where this was leading. Unable to speak locked in a kiss Harry slowly pushed down and gasped in to Moham's mouth, his hole stretching to accommodate the head penetrating through. He stopped pushing down and gently rocked his arse fucking the head of his cock. Moham slapped Harry's arse and moaned in pleasure still restraining himself from pushing up that was his natural instinct to do. Harry stopped kissing and looked down at Moham 'Is this better than just taking me in the limo?' he asked becoming aware that Moham was staring him in the eye 'Stop asking questions and sex me' Moham replied pulling him back down and kissing him harder than ever. Harry used his arse and continued teasing edging deeper down taking Moham's cock almost all of the way but holding back a little. Controlling sex with Moham was so strange to him and he was loving it, satisfied and enjoying the feel of Moham getting inside gently felt amazing. He started to feel the coarse pubes meeting his arse, the dynamic quickly change when Moham raised his legs pushing the rest of his cock deep inside Harry giving several sharp hard and deep thrusts before relaxing and letting Harry take over again. Raising himself up his hands grabbed on to Moham's thighs 'Oh fuck Moham' Harry moaned leaning back and feeling the full might of Moham's cock inside him. He spent several minutes slowly gyrating his arse watching the pleasure unfold in Moham's expression, his hands roaming across Harry's body and legs. Harry ran his hands up along the hairy chest letting out a massive moan of delight, Moham had taken hold of Harry's cock and was slowly rubbing it and pushing his hips up gently fucking Harry. They made eye contact staring again in to each others eyes that blew Harry's mind. He pushed down hard and felt the pressure release in his balls, closing his eyes his body jolted down and forward ejaculating over Moham's chest. His body shaking trying to rid the orgasm and unable to control himself, his eyes opened feeling Moham's hand on his face gently caressing him, his eyes still locked on Harry. Regaining some composure Harry looked down at the mess he had made coating Moham's chest chair with his cum, pulled forward he was kissing him again. Moham raised his legs and slowly fucked Harry for several more minutes then pushed him back up, Harry sank deep on his cock and moved his hips back and forth to Moham's pleasure. Unsure how it even happened but he was now holding hands tightly with Moham, his cock pushing up every now and then driving Harry to speed up. The continuous slapping sound as his arse met with Moham's groin filled the room, the subtle moans from both of them getting louder and Harry could feel the cock inside him swelling and getting harder. Moham let out a growling moan pushing his hips up harder and Harry ground his arse down, he cried in pleasure feeling the cock erupting in a series of over exaggerated pulses in his arse. Moham held Harry's hands tighter, hips pushing Harry up in the air almost lifting him off the bed and penetrating him to the hilt planting his seed deep inside. Held partly aloft by Moham's hips Harry ground his arse still feeling the pulses from the cock. His legs rose up pushing Harry forward in to his arms, their lips locked together frantically kissing and panting trying to catch their breath. Harry laid on top of Moham in his arms and firmly impaled on his cock, his head resting against Moham's neck. Harry played with Moham's chest hair releasing small pleasurable moans with Moham gently caressing his back. Moham kissed Harry 'Ready for more?' he asked like he was giving Harry a choice, he chuckled and looked him in the eye 'I know you like it more than once' Harry replied. The evening took a second surprise twist, Moham rolled Harry over on to his back still impaled on his cock and hooking Harry's legs around his waist. His arm slipped Harry's neck holding him, he kissed and began to fuck him in a missionary position. Using his thighs to keep Harry's legs up he fucked him gently and slowly taking his time and kissing him. In charge this time Moham didn't fuck excessively hard yet he still gave him a solid pounding before raising his head and looking Harry in the eyes, holding him tightly he shot a second load deep in to him. Moham released Harry from his cock and laid gently down on top kissing him then rolled on to his back, Harry stared up the at the ornately decorated ceiling completely wowed by what he had just experienced with the mysterious Moham. Half expecting that to be it, he was already thinking of getting dressed. "Hungry?" Moham asked running his hand over Harry's body. Harry looked at him "What more?" he asked seeing Moham grin. "Later" he replied "do you want to eat anything food wise?" Moham asked. Harry sat up and looked at him "I can't figure you out sometimes" he said "yes I am hungry". "Good" Moham said reaching over to the phone and ordering two lobster salads. Harry laid back down "Haven't seen you hanging around the bar recently" Moham said hanging the phone up. "No, I need to grow up and get a job" Harry replied rolling on to his stomach. Moham pulled Harry to him and kissed him again "What sort of work?" he asked. Harry ran his hand over Moham's chest feeling his cum in there "I have studied business so sales or marketing". "That's boring" Moham replied stroking Harry's head "sorry I didn't mean to disrespect your choice". Harry laughed "What do you suggest then?" he asked "apart from this" he said. Moham smiled "I don't know and I don't see you doing this as a choice of career". "Am I that bad at it then?" Harry asked grabbing hold of Moham's cock. Moham chuckled and slapped his hand away "No quite the opposite and tonight has proved it". Harry sat up and looked at "Proved what?" he asked unsure what Moham was getting at. "That I would like having sex with you on a more intimate basis" Moham replied. Harry chuckled "There was me thinking you could not get any more mysterious" he said sitting across Moham. Moham smiled up at him "Why don't you work for me as my assistant" he suggested looking seriously at him. "You mean sex toy?" Harry replied stroking his chest "no I need a proper job" he said patting his chest. Moham sat up and kissed Harry "It is a proper job, you manage my diary and travel arrangements" he explained. Harry smiled "Not sure Moham" he said pondering on it "is it not boring just sorting your diary out?" he asked. "It won't just be that" Moham replied "you will travel with me, I have a PA but I need a trusted assistant and adviser". Harry laid back down "Okay does it pay well?" he asked turning his head to look at Moham. "You will get a lot more of this" Moham said waving his cock around and laughing "How is £40k to start with?". Harry looked up at the ceiling "Sure why not" he replied smiling "thank you" he said. Moham smiled "I will give you the address of my office we can meet and discuss next week" he said standing up. Harry looked at him "This is real your not kidding me?" he asked. "No kidding but this part of us must remain very discreet Harry" Moham said looking at him. Harry nodded "So..." he paused "why are doing this for me?" he asked curiously. Moham studied him a moment "I trust you Harry and I like your company" he replied. Harry smiled "Same here and I know I can't get all loved up over you" he chuckled. "There is one thing Harry" Moham said looking at him "you slept with Simon at the party?". "Is that his name, the owner" Harry replied and Moham nodded. "Please get yourself tested, Simon is HIV positive" Moham said looking seriously at him. Harry sat quietly shocked before speaking again "But we used a condom" he said thinking about it. Moahm shook his head "Don't be fooled Harry, Simon is a nice guy but sex with a deviant pleasure for him" he said. Harry looked worried "You mean he would have tried stealthing me?" he asked. Moham nodded "Get tested and get on meds if he did I don't want you falling sick" he warned. "Why?" Harry asked looking at Moham with real concern on his face. Moham smiled "I like having sex with you Harry so you need to stay healthy, especially if you agree to work for me". Harry sat on the bed "And you?" he asked knowing that was a silly question to ask him. "No I am clean Harry" Moham replied "But get yourself sorted out if he has managed to infect you". Harry nodded the smile gone off his face "I will, stealthing me wow that is nasty" he said. Moham touched Harry's face "Just always be discreet about us Harry". "I will" Harry replied nodding "Moham, thank you I mean for this and being able to enjoy sex with you". Moham smiled "Now suck me off" he said flapping his hard dick around in front of Harry. Harry laughed and slipped his mouth around Moham's hard cock again slowly working it in a teasing gently way before receiving a gob full of his cum. It was one thing taking it up the arse but Harry preferred not to swallow and spat it out down the toilet. Moham chuckled and showered whilst Harry sat and watched him until he finished then showered himself, Moham dressed in one the hotels dressing gowns went in to the lounge and directed room service that had arrived with their dinner. Harry turned off the water and started drying himself trying to come to terms with the whole evening, it was becoming apparent that Moham had a soft spot for Harry and that was evident throughout the time they appeared to make love more than just fuck tonight. Moham walked in to the bathroom handing Harry a dressing gown telling him dinner was ready. Sitting down to eat Moham asked Harry a lot of questions and generally chatted to him for quite a long time explaining he would be based out of the corporate office in central London. Moham left the hotel at 11pm and invited Harry to stay the night if he wanted. He would have loved nothing more but his parents were expecting him home and he left the hotel a few steps behind Moham and walking off in a complete discreet manner. He was a little cautious about the offer but had the details of the company and decided to fact check it in the morning before Moham called to arrange the meeting next week. Conrad and Jack spent most of that weekend chatting in the greenhouse, the pair of them checked over all the hibiscus beds along the road to make sure they were flourishing The weekend past so quickly he didn't want it to end but he had college on Monday. Conrad finished his first few days of lectures and Harry was still coming in to his head seeing the face in the helicopter taking off. He had declined going for a drink with the 15 other students on his course who were quite a bit older than him and them trying to figure out how such a young person got accepted on the advanced course. He had a quick phone call with Charlie on his walk back home and spent the evening doing his assignment with Jack's guidance over video call. He thought going back to college would mean him missing Jack a bit but they had set Wednesday evenings aside as their night and this week was the first going out to dinner at the local pub. Charlie though still aired on the side of caution when Conrad rattled on about Jack and kept his mouth shut, he had to learn to trust his brothers judgement and knew they had a very close friendship but nothing sexual as far as he was aware. Harry made his way in to central London and left the tube at Holborn following the directions to Moham's head office. His quick internet search of the company RMJ Equity Ventures lead him to the website where he delved deeper in to the company that seemed to have a multitude of subsidiaries in a variety of fields some very lucrative and others that had been purchased, the assets stripped and sold off. He learnt more about Moham and his real name Raheem Mohammed Jazeer, his own personal wealth was thought to be in the billions having built the company up to its current estimate of £3.6 billion through careful investment and cash reserve. It also surprised him to see his wife was 10 years younger and the 2 children in their teens. There was very little else about Moham, no gossip or scandal just a very shrewd businessman and owner of the company, family man who he knew didn't get the bed time treats or adoration he liked. The address of the building looked pretty modest and decorated in cream and brown colour palette, Harry had to wait in the reception until Moham's personal secretary Elspeth came down to meet him. "Harry Ashley-Cooper" Elspeth asked approaching him looking down her nose. Harry stood up "Yes that is I" he replied offering her his hand. "I am Mr Raheem's personal secretary Ms Phelps" she said in a very unfriendly manner "come along" she said. Harry felt sick to his stomach wondering what was instore for him "Thank you" he replied walking to the lift. "Mr Raheem has not given much detail about you" Elspeth said pressing the button and hurrying him along. Harry felt it was more of a you need to tell me now remark "An assistant to him" he replied being evasive. "To Mr Raheem" Elspeth corrected him "you need to learn to address him correctly or you won't last long". "Of course" Harry replied politely trying to be nice with her and failing spectacularly exiting the lift. "The HR manager is with Mr Raheem sit here until you are called" she said pointing to a sofa. Elspeth sat behind her desk along with two other assistants who all looked up at when he arrived, she quickly snapped her fingers like a school teacher telling them to get back to their work. The area was furnished to be comfortable enough for a short wait and several people came on to the floor dropping things off and leaving again glancing at the nervous Harry. He studied Ms Phelps a little deciding he didn't care for her much, but then she was no different speaking to the other two assistants who said nothing and got on with whatever she gave them to do. Harry watched the two doors opening and a tall dark haired and very attractive man in his early thirties exited closing the door behind him, he walked over to Elspeth's desk, the minute she spoke to him it was like a different person was there, tactful, respecting and polite manner to her tone and indeed when she walked over to Harry she was completely polite. "My Ahsley-Cooper this is Mr Prestley our HR Manager for RMJ Equity" Elspeth said introducing them. Adam shook hands with Harry "Please call me Adam and you are Harry right?" he asked. Harry nodded and smiled "Pleased to meet you Adam" he said watching Elspeth furrow her eyebrows. "Well Harry lets not keep Mr Raheem waiting any longer he is looking forward to meeting you" Adam said. Elspeth moved out of the way letting Harry pass "Adam what job is he interviewing for?" she asked. "Executive Business Assistant to Mr Raheem" Adam replied "Oh and please sort coffee out for three, quickly Elspeth". "Yes of course Mr Prestley" she replied hurrying off. Adam shook his head "This way Harry" Adam said guiding him to the office and looking at him "yeah I know". Harry laughed then stopped abruptly "Sorry know what?" he asked worrying himself. Adam smirked "Dragon lady" he replied "efficient and organised but my god she is a brutal nutcase". "Oh right" Harry replied giggling watching Adam open the door, they walked in closing the door behind them. "Mr Raheem this is Harry Ashely-Cooper here for the Executive Business Assistant position" Adam said. Moham came round from his desk and smiled "Thank you Adam" he said "Harry so glad you came please sit". Harry shook hands on a very professional basis and sat down, it took a few seconds for him to stop remembering their night at the hotel and started to talk about his studies. Adam asking a lot of questions and Moham talking about the job and what is expected and that he would be privy to confidential documents. It went on for over an hour before Harry was asked to leave the office and wait for Adam, he closed the door and sat down on the sofa. Elspeth looking over at him several times. Adam sat back down opposite Moham and looked over the notes he had taken and closed his folder. "Do you trust him?" Adam asked Moham putting the folder down on the empty chair. Moham nodded "Implicitly" he replied looking up at Adam "what do you think, will he cut it?". "I think he will" Adam replied sitting back in his chair watching Moham "well brought up and educated". Moham smiled "You have already made up your mind" Adam said "I will get the paperwork sorted". "Thank you Adam" Moham replied "and put him in the office next to mine" he said. Adam stood and picked his folder up "You sure about the salary Moham?" he asked. Moham nodded "Take him under your wing and mentor him Adam and put him on the management trainee programme". "Thank you I will enjoy mentoring him" Adam replied grinning. Moham checked his email "Keep it in your pocket around him" he said glancing at Adam. Adam stood there "Is he?" he asked waiting and Moham looked up and nodded. "Ah so he is my replacement" Adam chuckled walking towards the door. Moham looked over "Adam, keep an eye on him I think Simon got to him" he said. "Fuck Moham" Adam said with holding the door handle "him as well?". Moham smirked "I keep losing at the auction". Adam grinned at Moham "You know I won't be able to keep my hands off him". He heard Moham laughing closing the door and took Harry to his office to sign all the paperwork and non disclosure agreement, starting salary and start date. It was happening so quickly for Harry and he walked out of the building with Adam securing a well paid job and starting next Monday. Adam had a quiet word with Harry and agreed to meet him on Friday and take him to the clinic to get checked over. He was quietly embarrassed about the whole thing until Adam explained that he was poz and probably by Simon as well 7 years ago. Immediately the two of them formed a bond, it helped that Harry thought Adam was very sexy and wouldn't mind fucking him. Harry woke on Friday morning feeling worse for wear, Adam sat with him texting Moham from the rapid test centre at the clinic. He was prepared for the worst case outcome and was in no surprise when he tested positive for hiv. the doctor explained that the virus was not fully integrated in his body and was why he hadn't been ill to date, he was given a prescription fortunately it was a one a day pill which didn't seem to bad. He took the first one at the clinic and Adam took him for a coffee afterwards to make sure he was okay. "So did Moham ask you to look after me then?" Harry asked. Adam put his coffee down "Yes and I will mentor you at work" he said "Ms Phelps is really pissed off". "Why?" Harry asked "I did nothing to offend her she was just horrible to me". Adam smiled "She has to report in to you". Harry threw his hands up "I haven't even started and people hate me" he said chuckling. "Moham is a hard boss Harry but you will be just fine he likes you" Adam said finishing his coffee. Harry grinned at Adam "I like hard men, actually I am quite hard looking at you" he said. Adam looked at Harry then shook his head smiling "Harry, Harry, Harry, one day" he said chuckling. Harry laughed and leaned closer "You can be my bitch" he said looking at him. Adam looked at his watch "If I wasn't working I would bang the arse off you now and see who is the bitch". They both laughed causing a few people to turn looking at them "Harry promise me you will call if you need to talk" Adam said. Harry nodded "I will, it helps knowing you I can talk to someone if I need to" he said. Moham was not surprised by the news and pleased that Harry was starting meds straight away. He was somewhat annoyed that Simon had done it again to someone he took there. Harry though felt kind of relieved, on the whole he was quite positive about it but still checked in with Adam later that day and over the weekend. He settled in to his new job with Adam as promised mentoring him until he was settled, gradually he took over managing Moham's diary and casting his eye over documents before running through them with Moham. He fitted in well but lacked a passport so he couldn't go on the first business trip and Elspeth lorded it up over Harry rubbing his nose in it when she had the chance. Harry half expected to be bent over the desk in Moham's office frequently but he was astute enough to know that business was business. He made great progress on the management trainee programme and really loved his job. The one thing Harry never got was bored, Moham had such a variety of companies and a complex diary that Elspeth couldn't really manage it effectively. After a month and just before 5pm Harry walked out of his office to do his last task of the day to run through Moham's diary for the following day. Harry went through his appointments and explained he had moved two meetings to the morning putting him on a back to back run of meetings but it freed up his afternoon to catch up on other business. Moham scratched his beard "How did you manage that Harry?" he asked looking surprised. "A little juggling" Harry replied "It means you have meetings all morning..." started saying. "Brilliant" Moham said putting his diary down "you certainly know what your doing". Harry sat there feeling a little proud "Thanks" he said and Moham looked up and smiled. "The 10am to midday meeting I would like you there I think you will learn a great deal" Moham informed him. "Yes sure" Harry replied and Moham handed a folder to him. "Read through this it will get your prepared" Moham said "and your passport has it arrived?" he asked "Should be here next week" Harry replied "am I getting my first business trip?" he asked excitedly. Moham chuckled and smiled "Yes in a few months to do with this meeting tomorrow". Moham smiled watching Harry leave, he had made the right decision with him. Harry saw Adam sat in his office waiting for him, they had bonded so well and went out for dinner two or three times a week at some fancy restaurant courtesy of Moham who sometimes came with them. Harry loved evenings out with Adam who was so easy to talk to and get along with. Sitting there he fancied Adam like crazy but for some reason he again thought of Conrad, he had no idea what he would do if he found him. In his heart he knew he was going to Hibiscus Drive and find Conrad to get an answer one way or another from him. Harry being so busy now always ended up putting it in the back of his mind.
    5 points
  3. After work today I went to the 7-Eleven on 19th St just south of M St NW in DC to get a soda. While standing in line the guy ahead of me was on the phone with his wife discussing her trouble picking their baby up at daycare that day (I could hear her even though he didn't have the phone on speaker). He hung up when he paid, and then was at the ATM while I was paying. I noticed he had a cute ass, but didn't think much else about him. We both got outside at the same time. He looked lost. He looked towards me and said that he got his directions messed up in his mind, that he was staying at the St Gregory hotel on M Street, did I know what direction that was? I was heading to the UPS Store, so I let him know I was walking in that direction. As idle talk on our way he mentioned that their baby was six weeks old and that they hadn't restarted having sex yet. To help him out he asked if I knew whether or not he could get a blowjob at Camelot on M Street. A client he was in town to see had mentioned it, but he was afraid to go because he had never done anything with anyone besides his wife. I let him know I wasn't sure, but that if he walked with me, we could go to the CVS so he could get condoms and be 100% safe just in case. After getting the condoms we walked back past his hotel and he invited me in for a beer from the minibar as a thank you. While we were sitting on the sofa in his room, I let him know that he didn't have to go to Camelot to release his built up load, that I could take care of it for him. He protested that he wasn't gay. I told him he could close his eyes and think about his wife's lips wrapped around his dick and the feeling of her tongue and hot mouth as his dick slide in and out of her lips. That had the desired effect--I could tell he wore boxers under his dress pants as a result. I reached for his crotch and whispered for him to close his eyes. As I rubbed his dick through his pants he started getting harder. I slowly opened his pants and he briefly protested that we shouldn't be doing this. I shushed him and managed to get my hand on his dick and moved off the sofa to in front of him. I began sucking on his dick while I got his shoes and pants completely off. When I started sucking on his balls he put his feet up on the coffee table behind me. While I moved between his balls, his dick and his nipples I managed to wiggle out of my clothes. He was thoroughly enjoying himself and chanting Elizabeth, his wife's name. I decided to head south and see if he had been rimmed before. Obviously not. He started rocketing off the sofa! I told him to roll over so he could take his shirt off. While he did that I grabbed the bag with the condom box and put it beside his head on the sofa. Without unbuttoning his cuffs, I pulled his shirt down to his wrists and twisted it up--cloth hand cuffs! Then I pulled his dick between his legs and sucked his knob for a couple minutes getting it nice and wet. Then I went to his balls and again to his tight little pucker. He almost broke my glasses bucking back onto my face. For about ten minutes I slobbered on his hole and slid my fingers down his crack with my fingers to gather spit for my dick and poke in just a little to loosen that tight hole. After ten minutes I went back to his dick which was drooling precum by this time. I also reached into the bag for the box of condoms, took one out, opened it, and started working a hole in the tip--just in case I got him to the point of letting me fuck him; I was optimistic. I rolled the condom down my dick and get a few deep swipes in his hole with my tongue. He was starting to loosen up just a bit. Then I licked up his spine, nibbled on his neck for a bit, and eventually stuck my tongue in his ear. While I was nibbling and tonguing his ear I started gently tapping his hole with the tip of my dick. Just enough pressure that it didn't feel any more threatening than my tongue had. I knew getting in his virgin hole would be a little more challenging, so I grabbed his shirt and slowly started pulling his "cuffed" wrists up towards his shoulder blades. Then using a little more pressure I pushed the tip of my dick into his sphincter until it broke through just enough to be painful. He jerked and said, dude, no! I had to hold his shirt tight. I also held my dick still for a few seconds and then started gently rocking the very tip of my head in his hole. The condom had slipped back enough that my precum was lubing his hole more with each little prod. And then it happened, my whole head slid in and I stopped. He was crying and squeezing his hole against my dick and rocking back and forth to pull away which was rubbing his dick on the sofa keeping him hard. After about two minutes I started pumping just a little. With each thrust his tight sphincter was squeezing more precum out of my dick. He had the sense at this point to ask if I put a condom on. Of course, I said. The precum and spit was enough that I slipped more and more of my seven inch pole into his hot hole. After getting about five inches in I started fucking him. He stopped fighting it because I was hitting his prostate and he was liking the feeling. Obviously I was enjoying the feel of raw virgin ass on my dick and went deeper with each thrust. When he was moaning in total pleasure I let his wrists go and pulled the condom completely down my shaft to get he full bareback affect. Then I pulled him away from the sofa so I could jack his dick while I fucked him with mine. We started getting close at the same time. He blew first and when he begged me to quit jerking his sensitive dick I went over the edge and buried my charged load deep inside him. I hadn't expected to get laid after work so the special treat resulted in at least fifteen major cum spasms with my balls pulled so tight they hurt. I collapsed on his back. Damn that was hot. I stopped taking my meds two months ago so I knew my viral load was high enough for an instant conversion. Thinking about that made my dick stir. Damn if I wasn't ready for another round! This time with him loosened up I started harder and got vocal, telling him I was enjoying breeding his virgin ass. Obviously he didn't know fully what I meant. I lasted a little longer and shot an even bigger load in his ass. Wonder if he'll make it to Camelot? Or if he'll find his way to Craigslist. I love when I have to go off meds. Another notch (or two with Elizabeth!) on the headboard!
    4 points
  4. I don’t care who. At this point I’m willing to pay a homeless stud $20 to bury my face in his musky crotch, suck his ripe cock clean, then drink straight with the tap. Carry his rank scent all day long.
    4 points
  5. I met him online. 21 yo bottom daddy pleaser. Dark hair and blue eyes average body. Fairly hairless. He loves to suck my cock hard and take my cock and loads up his hole. I took him to a dad bud I know. He is hairy and bearish and loves to fuck and breed like me. The three of us connected and started kissing as soon as we got into the apartment. We took our clothes off and our boy started to suck and lick both dicks. He was on the floor and sucking dick and both balls. Getting us hard and ready to fuck his hole. Daddy #2 was first to slide inside the 21 year old hole. Dad said the hole is "amazing and already wet" he pounded that ass and pumped his dick in and out. He flipped the boy on his back and was pounding him missionary with his legs and feet up in the air. My cock was dripping watching the pounding. Daddy slammed inside and started to cum. He shoved his dick deeper and deeper inside our 21 year old boy. His cock slowly came out and he moved away. The boy started to suck Daddy #2 to clean off his cock. I took my place at the boys ass hole. My cock was throbbing with excitement. I slid inside. A warm wet hole. My favorite. I started to fuck boy as he was sucking the other daddy. I banged his hole hard. Boy was moaning and groaning with pleasure. I slammed his hole with my cock as it expanded and I shot a huge cum load deep inside. Daddy took my place and was playing with boy hole and I got sucked and cleaned. This happened several times and after 3 hours of fucking and breeding I had dropped 4 loads deep inside. We parted ways and agreed to do it again soon!
    4 points
  6. Long time lurker, first time poster. This year I have started cruising a local park that's known for this. I've already sucked lots of cocks young and old in just a couple of months but hadn't been able to get more than two loads in one visit. Yesterday changed that, I sucked four cocks and got three loads, the first guy said he couldn't cum. The next three gave me their loads in my mouth and I loved every drop. I used to be all about taking loads in the ass but now I'm just finding myself to be a cocksucking cumslut. Just wanted to share.
    3 points
  7. My housemate has asked a permission to let his newly homeless straight bud to stay in the living room and after meeting him, i agreed. He was a construction worker, average looking and in his late 30s. He's been out of job for 4 months. Days after staying here, we talk and get to know him more and our conversation has extended more into, he fucks women and some feminine guys. So, I made a comment that i wont get a chance since im neither lol he laughed and joke that if i get him few cans of beers and put on a skirt and wigs, he may consider. My housemate is pretty feminine but found out they are just friends, never had sex with each other. However, my housemate is trying to get into his pants for sure. It is more than 2 weeks since he moved in and he didnt go out. My room is next to the living room, heard him watching porn and jo many times, it makes me horny. So, i decided to interrupt him when he started to watch porn on his phone, I walked out of the room to get beer and offered him one and i went back to my room. I got so horny after drinking beer, listening to him stroking while watching porn. I lubed myself and play with my toys. Then, I interrupted him again and this time, i left 2 cans of beers for him and went back to my room and start applying fruity lotion on my body, put on pantyhose and a short skirt, walked out of the room again topless. I stood in front of him "do you like my outfit?" with my back facing him, I bend over and laughed. "to bad i don't have any wigs. When I'm about to leave, he said "let me see". I approached him, sat on his lap, hand around his shoulder. his hand touched my leg and move under my skirt and he lower me on the couch and kissed me as he grabbed my ass cheek, explored until he discovered a butt plug in my ass, he pull it out to leave it on the floor. he whispered on my ear "this toy is too small, wanna use mine?" without wasting time, we cuddle up on the couch to kiss. We were both desperate, without wasting much time, he pushed into my hungry hole to fuck and breed me good. We fell asleep on the couch but he woke me up in the middle of the night of his hard cock ready to plow. i lift up my leg to give access as his soft tongue in my mouth, he fucked me again.
    3 points
  8. I finally got some time to host the other day. I have been emailing my 2 regular guys but with the shutdowns and no time alone we haven't been able arrange . One guy lives close and the other lives about 45 minutes from me, that one has been playing with me the longest and we have really gotten into some real anal kink. We are all descrete and have partners or married, and all go bareback I only had about an hour so I contacted the guy close and he came over, I assumed my favorite position, on my stomach. He stripped climbed on and rubbed his cock up an down my Crack, eventually getting into a position over me that had him sliding over my excited hole, I was making sounds like a whore in heat, which I was. He finally pointed his thick cock at my ass and started pushing in. It had been a while so I was tight, tighter that I thought I would be. It hurt while he was splitting my ass open. I didn't mind alot because I was really in need. He finally got in and I loosened up so he started pumping. Hitting all the sensitive spots inside, I was yelping like a pig, moaning and groaning. He knows that I make noise and if he thinks he is hurting me do it again to make sure, usually it is me enjoying the fucking. He pumped for about 10 minutes and told me he was getting very close, this was the first ass he had for months and he hadn't jerked for over a week. He held me down and pushed deep. He hit the inside ring , I groaned and felt him pulse and shoot in my guts. He shot a few big spurts and I started milking his cock with my inner ass muscles, he loves that feeling, I usually squeeze my ass cheeks to increase his pleasure. He started to slowly pull out and pulsed a couple more times, I felt it and squeezed my ass muscles again, he pulled out completely, I tightened up to keep his cum in my cunt. I stood up and felt his cum Dripping out and down my legs, I pride myself on keeping the cum in me but this was such a big load it seeped out. I walked around feeling the slimey feeling between my cheeks, I don't feel that often but when it does it really turns me on, or in this case I grabbed a toy, shoved it up my ass and jerked off
    3 points
  9. Personally, if someone writes me a message where some effort has gone into it (eg it is not just "hi" "oi" or "I'm bored") then I'll reply as I'd hope people would treat me the same way. Knowing how to put someone off without upsetting their feelings is a good life skill to acquire. If they've opened with a compliment but I'm not interested I'll thank them but not reciprocate, and if they persist I'm honest about not being interested. Not responding is something I am not comfortable with because if I am on the receiving end of a <no response> then I don't know why. Should I try again another day? I don't know. But the thing that comes across as the most cowardly response to a friendly message is blocking the sender totally. Sometimes I get a message on one of the apps and log in to read it - but because you appear online everyone thinks you're available now, so you then get a bunch of taps, oinks and messages... usually just a simple "just checking messages, and not looking to meet now. I'll be in touch another time when I'm free" keeps it positive and doesn't burn bridges.
    3 points
  10. Fuck, that was HOT! I'm wondering if this is what I'm going to have to resort to in order to convert. I wouldn't mind at all -I'll let anyone breed me, why not a prostitute? Would be awesome if there was more to this story. Maybe he doesn't want to wait until he gets tested so he gets another room and rents a couple more guys? Maybe he's so desperate he gets a couple of homeless guys after the prostitutes do him?
    3 points
  11. When I have managed to have a conversation with people about this topic, the consensus seems to be that no response is the polite way to show non-interest whereas saying something negative is an aggressive "how dare you speak to me" sort of response. Honestly, I think it is a "not interested but don't want to burn bridges" response. At 11:30, you aren't good enough for them, but at 2:15, you might do.
    3 points
  12. The problem with internet etiquette is that there isn't any. Add to that the fact that most app users have an attention span somewhere between a chipmunk and a squirrel and you end up with a lot of dead end conversations. For example, here are a few of my more memorable conversations: New Message: “Hi” Me: “Hi” New Message: **crickets** I send a couple messages back and forth with a guy who contacts me to fuck. Just as we're setting a meet, replies stop. Three days later I get a message saying: “Sorry, a friend messaged me and asked if I wanted to fuck.” I go to pee and grab something from the kitchen. When I get back to my comp I find a message that says: “Hi”. It's followed by 4 more messages in quick succession berating me for not answering his first message. It's late and I'm ready to log off and go to bed. I get a message from someone who looks interesting. We set up a quick meet and then he says: “It's getting kind of late. I think I'm going to go to sleep.” I log onto a site just to check messages and get a guy messaging me to fuck. I tell him I'm just checking messages. He keeps bugging me to let him fuck me. I tell him I'm not interested in meeting. He asks, “Why not?” Now annoyed, I say: “I don't think you're cute.” He says: “My mother thinks I'm cute.” Me: “Then go fuck your mother.” So, you're not the only one who gets annoyed by messaging or lack of responses. I just ignore the ones who ignore me.
    3 points
  13. The next few days were much tamer for Oliver. Doug knew giving the boy a rest would work up his appetite for more cock, and chems. the little itch in his tight toxic pussy would need to get scratched eventually. days passed before the boy got a text from the kind older man who had so lovingly shepherded him into his role as a cumdump, inviting him to a party with some nice friends. Oliver knew this certainly meant more drugs, and more cock, and for the first time his cock began to throb at the prospect of filling his pussy. Stripping his clothes off he revealed his newfound form, his perky nipples standing at attention, his semihard cock glistening with its new jewelery, and his smooth curved hips tapering to highlight his tight cheeks and brand new tattoo. turning away from the mirror he spread his ass and gazed at the sight before him. what was once a little boyhole had been shaped, moulded, and stretched to a beautiful pink boypussy by Dougs bloated cock. on command, his hole would open eagerly for even the biggest pricks with no problem at all, enveloping them in Olivers sensual lips and warm moistness that he knew even Doug couldnt resist. reaching to the sink, he pumped a glob of lotion into his hand and gently worked it into his hole. the beautiful pussy was the center of his world now, and he made sure to keep it supple and perfect as doug has intended. "oh yesssss" he hissed as he slipped a greasy digit into himself. The boys slender little fingers would never be enough, but teasing his hole was enough to make his undersized prick drool a little stream of precum which he eagerly scooped up and sucked off his fingers. He couldnt wait to see doug. pulling into the driveway of the large stately home he walked anxiously to the door. "its a pool party, so just be yourself" he reassuringly repeated as he rang the doorbell. "Ollie??" it was the nice nurse from the clinic, wrapped in towel and grinning eagerly. "yeah!" he chirped, as the two hugged. "come on in sweetie the party is in the back." Oliver admired the ornate foyer and kitchen as Trey turned back to slip off his towel and reveal his nude form. "ok hun, clothes off..." he instructed, as ollie took off his shirt and shorts and paused for a moment. "I-i brought swimtrunks" he bashfully confessed as trey grinned. "its okay baby. This party is special so there are a few rules. If you have a boypussy you dont need to wear anything at all. its so much more comfortable." Oliver shrugged and shucked off the remainder of his clothes. "Oh ollie its beautiful!" Trey gushed as he took the boys cock in his hand and admired the ring. "oh before I forget you need some medicine first baby. something to make this party lots of fun." Trey stepped to the table and produced a handful of pills and a strange plastic syringe. "eat the tasty pills baby, this one goes in here." trey grazed his finger across Olivers hole and elicited a groan of pleasure. "wowee someones ready for some cock." Ollie grabbed a bottle of water off the countertop and gulped the pills, taking note of the strange aftertaste for a moment as Trey knelt down to face the boys hole. "open wide for me ollie" Trey lapped at the boys sweet pink pussy as he braced himself, groaning, against a chair. "here comes the medicine baby" Trey tucked the nozzle of the syringe into the boys glistening hole and squirted him full as he stood up. "ohmygod! ah! fuck that stings!!" Ollie jumped and squirmed as the copious bump went to work inside him and trey burst into laughter. Just as soon as the comedic performance began, ollie slowed, bearing his teeth as his breathing became labored. "Trey holy shit" he whispered, fondling his dribbling cock. "I know ollie ive got some in me too. It makes your pussy really hungry." Lets go meet some nice big men! Ollie surveyed the yard. About a dozen men and a few that looked similar to him, all mingling in various states of undress, but no sign of doug. "Ollie" he felt a mans hot breath on his neck as he spun around to face Joseph. "hey! did you see doug?" Ollie walked as he was led by the leather clad pig to a minibar. "oh hes upstairs taking care of some business, but! im sure he would want to make sure youre having a very good time." Joseph reached to tie the boys arm with a length of paracord. as he loaded a fresh point. "hows that little dick baby? is it feeling better?" Oliver thought it strange Joseph cared. He hardly thought about anything but his pussy anymore. Why would anyone care about his prick? "Good" he sighed, wincing as the needle entered his skin. "thats good baby. Its so pretty now." Ollie jeered as Joseph finished his shot and unwrapped his arm. "I dont care. id rather get fu--oohhh" the boy stopped midsentence as the powerful narcotic coursed through him. "all better now ollie? ready for a little fun?" Josephs words echoed in his head as he grinned a dopey smile. "here ollie, hop up on my lap and sit on my cock. Ive got a nice big load for your pretty pussy. Ive been craving that little pink cunt all week." Joseph fisted a glob of lube into his thick tool as the intoxicated boy lumbered up to face the man eye to eye. There was a primal hunger in Olivers eyes, a look that Joseph had never seen. Oliver reached down to aim the mans prick and in one quick movement, drove the entire length into his guts. "So fucking good inside" the boy spat, bracing his hands on Josephs broad shoulders and pounding himself mercilessly. "Oh god ollie that hole...its fucking...its amazing. baby we need to slow down or im gonna pop" Ollie lifted almost entirely off the mans oozing cock and looked him square in the eyes as he slammed himself mercilessly back down, a gutteral groan escaping his pursed lips as days of pent up cream drooled uncontrollably out of his cock. "holy shit" Joseph whispered as ollie continued as if he had never cum. "do you like my hole?" ollie mumbled. "god baby yes its incredible." Joseph panted, watching ollie scoop his seed into his cupped hand and dribble it into his mouth, not skipping so much as a beat while working the thick cock inside him. "cum in it" Ollie grunted. "cum in me I know you want to. do it." Joseph just lolled his head back and groaned as his balls drew close. "you cant fight it my pussy makes doug cum every time. " Feeling a big firm hand on his shoulder Ollie turned to see Doug in a bathrobe. "it sure does ollie" Doug smiled. "Dont be rude now Joseph Ollies right. That holes going to suck up all your seed no matter how slow you think you wanna go. Give the boy a load." It was all too much for Joseph as Ollie reached back to feel his balls. "c-cumming" he grunted as Ollie grined, rolling his hips and stirring the man meat inside him. "yesss thats it." Ollie Felt the familiar pulse of a mans thick hard tool inside him and sighed in relief. Finally, a load in him. He felt himself relax a little as he wrapped his arms around Josephs fit chest, laying his head on the pigs shoulder and breating the intoxicating musk from his armpit, embracing him and gently milking him dry.
    3 points
  14. PART I In the summer of my senior year in high school, I had just turned 18, I suddenly started looking less like a boy and more like a man. I gained 20 pounds of muscle, jumping two full weight classes on the wrestling team. My chest became muscular and defined almost overnight. My boyish stomach developed into six distinct muscles that flexed and tightened on demand. In addition, my ass wasn’t flat anymore - it was a genuine bubble butt, a jockboy muscle ass. Even my dick seemed to get fatter and longer. Girls started noticing me. And something else started happening, also: when I walked around town, the occasional man would shoot hungry glances at me, devouring me with his eyes. The truth is, I wanted to be devoured, and every night, when I quietly jacked my dick under the covers, I’d think about my wrestling coach, Mr. Pitt. He was in his late 30s, with jet-black hair and dark, playful, wolfish eyes. He always had a thick layer of scruff on his square jaw, and his torso was just fucking perfect: I’d never seen him with his shirt off, but he definitely had a hairy chest, and his hard pecs were always visible under his tight-fitting polo shirt. From the moment I met the guy, I jacked off almost every night wondering what his cock looked like, imagining what it would be like to touch that chest, that hair, those nips. The assistant wrestling coach, Mr. Strickland, was every bit as hot. A former college wrestler now in his mid-20s, he was a dirty-blond, green-eyed Midwestern jock dude with a massive bulge in his crotch. One time I happened to see him playing basketball shirtless, and I just stopped and stared: his schlong bounced up and down in his loose gym shorts, and his muscled chest was covered with a sexy layer of dark-blond fur. Coach Pitt and Coach Strickland—the brown-haired dude and the blond guy. They were like the Hardy Boys, all grown up, strutting around the halls of our high school with their dress pants stretched tight around their cocks. At the beginning of my senior year, Coach Pitt started paying a lot more attention to me. He made me team captain. He and I would often demonstrate wrestling moves together, and sometimes his hand would linger on my ass after he’d pinned me to the mat. And like all team captains at our school, I was responsible for helping him clean up the equipment after practice - which meant that I got to the locker room 30 minutes late every night, after all my teammates were gone. Then I’d shower by myself, get dressed, and head home. But something funny happened about a week before Christmas: after my shower, I was toweling off in front of my locker, bending over the bench to grab my briefs. And I swear I felt someone staring at me. I turned back toward Coach Pitt’s office, but he was concentrating on some paperwork at his desk. I began slipping my briefs up my calves and thighs, snapping the elastic around my butt, and again I sensed someone was watching - but when I looked up, Coach Pitt wasn’t looking at all. I figured my mind was just playing tricks on me. The next night was even weirder. After I got dressed, I walked past Coach Pitt’s office. His office was composed of two rooms: the front room facing the lockers, and a back room suited for physical therapy and private meetings. The door to the backroom was just barely open, and through the crack I could see Coach watching something on a computer. His back was turned to me, but as I looked closer, I could see that it was porn. And not just any porn - it was gay porn. From what I could tell, Coach Pitt had both of his hands on his cock, jacking like crazy to a scene where some dude was pounding a tight muscle hole. But then he suddenly froze in place, as if he could sense me watching. He tilted his head to the side, listening. And before he could turn around, I ducked out of the locker room and into the night. The next day was the last day of school before Christmas break. As I showered up, Coach Pitt poked his head into the shower room. “Hey, buddy,” he said. I looked over at him. He was only wearing a towel loosely draped around his hips. I stared at his perfect hairy chest, his taut abs, the dense thicket of hair just above his cock bulge. His body was even hotter than I’d imagined in all my jack-off fantasies. A few moments passed before I realized that I was staring. Startled, I looked toward the wall. “Didn’t mean to scare you, Lance,” Coach said, cracking a devilish grin. “Do you mind if I shower in here? The shower in my office is on the fritz.” I shrugged, trying not to reveal my excitement. “Cool,” I managed to croak. He swaggered to the opposite wall and turned on a showerhead. Meanwhile, my cock, no longer a boy’s little dick, but a man’s cock, fat and veiny, began to throb and grow. Then I heard his voice “You’re looking really great these days, Lance.” I turned around to look at him, and saw something I hadn’t even dared to see in my dreams. Coach Pitt stood under a full stream of water, his eyes closed, his face turned upward into the shower, shampoo streaming down his torso, down his abs. As my eyes descended down his body along with the water and the suds, I saw that everything was cascading around his giant cock. He was completely hard. His beautiful dick extended a full nine inches from his abs - a man’s cock, that made me feel like a boy all over again. Panicked, I turned back to stare at the wall. My dick was also now totally hard. I wasn’t sure what to do. Then Coach Pitt spoke. “Hey, Lance? Everything okay?” After a moment’s hesitation, I rotated my torso to face him, trying to hide my giant boner. He was still standing underneath the water, but now his legs were shoulder-width apart, his hands tweaking his nips, his hard cock visibly twitching. And there was a big ol’ grin on his handsome, scruffy face. I stared openly. I didn’t want to say anything. If this was a dream, I didn’t want to wake myself up. “You have the cutest fuckin’ butt, dude,” he said, reaching down to yank on his dick. “I’ve jacked my cock so many times thinking about your little jock ass.” He paused, then smiled. “You like my dick, huh? I knew you were a little cockhound the moment I saw you at your first practice back in freshman year.” I kept staring. He let out a low chuckle, then gripped his cock with his hand, the muscles in his forearm tensing as he began jerking off in front of me. “You wanna touch my dick, Lance?” he asked. “It’s cool, buddy. Just say it. You wanna touch Coach’s cock, huh?” I nodded. “What was that, boy?” “Yes, Coach, I want to touch your dick.” His smile got even bigger. “Good boy,” he said. “You smoke weed?” “Yes, Coach.” “C’mon, then,” he said. “Let’s go to my office. Hang out. Have a little fun. Cool?” “Yeah, OK,” I said, my body shaking with excitement. I followed him through the front office and into the back office. He closed and locked the door, then turned to face me. He brushed his hand against my chest, then reached around to the small of my back, drawing me closer to him. I could feel the heat of his breath. “Actually,” he said, “wanna try something even more fun than pot?” “Sure, yeah,” I answered. At that point I would have done anything - absolutely anything - to keep this dream from ending. He walked over to a desk drawer, opened it, and removed a glass pipe. “You’ll like this, buddy,” he said. All I could do was nod. I couldn’t believe I was standing in Coach Pitt’s office, the two of us in nothing but towels. “Here: put it to your mouth. I’ll light it. Wait. Just wait for it. You’ll see a little wisp of smoke coming out of this hole here, and then you start inhaling. Now. Start. Good boy. There you go. Keep inhaling. Good.” I blew out a cloud of white smoke. “Do it again,” he said. I obeyed. And a third time. And a fourth. Then he took the pipe and lit it for himself, blowing the smoke into my mouth, then kissed me, his beard rough against my lips. He growled, asking “How ya doing, buddy?” I wasn’t sure how to answer that. My head was buzzing. My cock was unbelievably hard. And something in my butt - well, it almost ached. Like the beginning of a hunger pang I’d never felt before. Coach Pitt dropped his towel, then removed mine. He stepped closer, rubbed his nips against mine, his cock against my stomach. Then he kissed me as his hands wandered down to my jock butt, each hand on an asscheek, spreading my hole. I arched my back just a little bit, and my ass spread wider. He grinned. “That smoke made your hole hungry, huh?” I nodded, and he laughed again. “I’ve got a confession, boy,” he said. “My office shower’s actually working. I just wanted an excuse to get naked with the hottest little stud on my wrestling team.” He leaned in to kiss me again, and this time I kissed him back, hungrily. He growled as his fingers hovered over my hole. “You ever take a man’s cock in this sweet little cunt?” I shook my head. He pulled me closer, grinding his abs against mine. “You gonna give up your smooth, pink, tight virgin ass to Coach? Let Coach dick you deep, slap his balls against your ass, pound you like the sweet hungry fagboy you are?” “Yes, Coach.” “Yes Coach what?” “Please fuck me, Coach. I want your dick inside me so fucking bad.” “Thatta boy," he said, then paused. He lowered his voice. "You gonna make Coach wear a rubber?” I didn't answer right away. Everyone's supposed to use rubbers, right? But then Coach slipped his hand back around my butt and spread my fuck hole with two fingers. “Your Coach fucks the way men are supposed to fuck. Raw. Natural. I want to feel the skin of my fat cock head splitting your little jock butt wide open. I want to feel the heat and hunger of your virgin hole against my bare dick. And you’ll let me do that, won’t you? Because you’re Coach’s good boy. Right, Lance?” “Yes, Coach. Fuck me the way you want.” “That’s what I like to hear. A true bottom boy surrenders his hole to raw dick. That right?” “Yes, Coach. Fuck me raw.” “And I won’t pull out until I’ve pounded my boy’s hole full of seed.” I don’t know why, but with those words I almost shot my load without even touching myself. Coach saw my eyes get big, and he grinned. “See? You know, and somehow you’ve always known, that a man’s cum is what you need in this sweet little butt. I want to train my boy to spread his boy hole for cock. Beg for seed like a good bottom. The best bottom.” “The best bottom,” I murmured, nodding. “Let’s get you cleaned out, boy. I’ll show you how to get your ass ready for Coach.” With that he took me back to his private shower and pointed to a little red plastic bulb. “This has some liquid in it already,” he said to me. “It’s a homemade recipe to help my boy get ready for dick.” He reached down, spread my pink hole a little bit, and inserted the tip of the douche. Then he gave a hard squeeze. “Clench your butt, Lance. Keep it up in there.” At first I didn’t feel anything, but then my head began to tingle, and my dick twitched, and I felt a warmth and a deep, dark hunger radiating out from my guts. My butt seemed to pulse with a need to be touched, licked, fingered, fucked, filled. Coach Pitt smiled. “You feel that?” I nodded. “That, boy, is what it’s like to douche with your Coach’s slam piss. You don’t know what slam piss is, but you will. Enjoy the ride. Just enjoy it. But keep your hole nice and tight. Nice and tight for Coach. Good boy.” He turned me around, cautioning me “Keep that hole tight,” as he rubbed his cock up against my crack, adding “You’ve got some fur on this hole, boy.” I nodded. Just a few months earlier I’d started to get hair around my ass, and just a little bit on my chest. “Listen,” he said. “I love a furry hole on a man. But a boy like you? A boy getting his cherry popped? That boy needs a smooth fuckin’ pussy. You OK with me shaving your boy hole, Lance?” “Yes, please.” “Yes, please what?” “Yes please, Coach.” While his chem piss continued to radiate waves of pleasure all over my body, Coach smeared shaving cream on my ass. Then I felt the brush of a razor against my hole, and as he shaved me, I swear I could feel every hair surrendering to his blade. “There you go, buddy,” he said, slapping my ass. “Now go release that special brew that Coach squirted up your hole, then come back and I’ll fill you with the rest.” After a second dose of slam piss flooded my guts, Coach handed me the little bulb and told me to finish up. “And then you know what happens?” he asked. I smiled eagerly, responding “You fuck me, Coach?” “Not quite yet. First we’re driving back to my place, and we’re gonna hang out with Coach Strickland. He’s dying to see your boy hole. Would you like that?” “Fuck YEAH.” “Such a good boy. You want both of your coaches to pound you full of their seed, huh?” “Fuck YES. Please, Coach.” He paused. Then he drew me closer to him, kissed me, and brushed his beautiful dick across my abs. I could feel the pulse of his cock, so full of blood. I looked down at his massive, swinging balls, so full of cum. Then I heard his voice again. “I want to hear you say, ‘Please knock me up, Coach.’” “Please knock me up, Coach.” “Good. Now: ‘Wreck my boy hole, Coach. Please.’” “Wreck my boy hole, Coach. Please.” “Good boy. And finally: ‘Make me yours forever.’” “Make me yours forever.” “Very good, boy. Now go clean up. We’re gonna make this the fuck of your life.” MORE SOON...
    2 points
  15. "Are you sure you want do to this?" asked the hot Latino, Juan, while his huge rock hard cock teased Bryan's neg hole. "Yeah, it's cool," Bryan replied. Although he was thinking "What the hell am I doing?! He's poz?! I can't do this!" However, the slim toned body and huge cock he felt teasing his ass were too much for him to refuse. "Last chance to say no. Once I enter, I lose control and I won't be able to pull out," Juan warned. He didn't wait for a response though, he just slid his already wet cock into Bryan's hole and slowly pushed in. Even though Bryan gave Juan a sloppy blowjob, there was still quite a bit of resistance as Juan slowly pushed in. Bryan felt a stab of pain as Juan slowly entered him and Bryan whispered "go slow." Juan ignored the remark. He knew the only way to get his big tool into this tight hole was to be persistent. Bryan clenched his teeth as he felt the first inch enter him. His ass felt like it was on fire as Juan continued to shove the rest of his cock into him. Once Juan got half of it in, he gave a forceful jab until he was completely inside Bryan. Bryan grabbed Juan's thighs as he reached behind him to try and push Juan out a bit while he grimaced with pain. Juan, however could not be stopped. With Bryan face down and ass up, Juan was determined to use this twink's smooth ass and not stop until Bryan took his load. In a few moments, Bryan got used to the huge cock inside him as Juan pushed his cock in and out. "Oh fuck yeah!" Bryan exclaimed as waves of pleasure poured through him. Then, he remembered that Juan was poz, and terror crept in once again. "Wait!" Bryan shouted. "I changed my mind! Pull out!" Juan kept fucking Bryan as deep as he could and ignored the comment. Rather Juan picked up his pace and shoved his cock in so hard and fast that Bryan couldn't even form another word. The shock, and mixture of pleasure, pain and fear was too overwhelming that Bryan couldn't even speak. Juan felt his load building and knew he was about to come any moment. "That's right, take my cock. You know you want it," Juan demanded. Bryan couldn't think straight. He couldn't say no because it felt so good, but conflicted by the thought of the big poz cock unloading inside of him. His mouth was again forming the word "No," but his brain betrayed him and all he could say was "Fuck." Despite the fear, his cock remained rock-hard and he felt himself getting close to cumming. On the cusp of unloading in Bryan's ass, Juan answered "Fuck is right!" simultaneously drilling as hard and deep as he could with each thrust, and then muttering "Take my poz load you slut!" as his huge load deep into Bryan's ass. "Oh no!" Bryan wanted to pull himself away, but found himself jacking off and blowing a load moments later when he felt Juan's hot jizz filling him up. Juan pulled out and quickly dressed while Bryan's head was spinning and trying to make sense of the conflicting emotions and sensations that ran a muck through his brain. "I told you. There's no pulling out." Juan dead-panned, and then unceremoniously left the apartment.
    2 points
  16. In the days before apps and we cruised in bars, you’d make eye contact and if they weren’t interested they’d just look away - you’d immediately get the message, and vice versa of course. I guess the not responding on apps/sites is the cyber equivalent but feels starker because there isn’t that visual body language. In that respect, that’s why I personally like the taps on Grindr or the Woofs on Scruff. It’s an ice breaker, and I’m not sure why so many guys clutch their pearls and have an attack of the vapours like a Dowager Duchess over them. But each to their own. I try to reply to every (I should be so lucky...) message I get. But sometimes life just intervenes and some messages slip through the cracks. The only messages that I purposefully ignore are those that come from those who quite clearly haven’t read my profile. For instance, my Scruff profile is concise but quite clearly states “if you use “clean” to describe your or anyone else’s status I will ignore you” And yet I STILL get hit on my guys who describe themselves as “clean”. And they, I’m afraid, can sod off.
    2 points
  17. There's something about a man with a sweaty/musky hole that makes my mouth water and given my long tongue, I can give men maximum pleasure, even rimming to climax on occasion. I've earned the nickname RIMBO!
    2 points
  18. When I'm at the sauna I know I shouldnt, I know its risky to rim strangers, but in the heat of the moment and assisted by poppers I just cannot resist it! If there's no one topping I just love to rim those other guys who are offering up their holes to all and sundry, the grubby ones are even hotter to eat when I'm poppered up!
    2 points
  19. was just walking down the street last night after taking a few loads in some guys house from 4 guys who were partying when a guy came up to me and said "hi slut. wanna come give me a blowjob?" I said sure. so he got me to go down an alley to a doorway and stood in the doorway, pulled down his zipper and said "okay get on your knees and suck my cock" but he did it in a way that I was still out in the alley, kneeling in what smelled like piss.no idea who he was but he seemed to know me cause he was talking about what a slut I am and how he would fuck me if I wasn't "dirty".he also said "I'm glad I ran into you. I was feeling horny and I know you're easy as fuck. knowing you your pussy is probably full of fresh cum. it took about 5 minutes to suck him off. rewarded with a big, thick 3 day load. he said "thanks cocksucker" zipped up and left.
    2 points
  20. I was bullied a ton in school by older boys and they called me faggot/sissy/queer/homo... it hurt at first but I came across some straight worship blogs and groups and realized they were just telling me my place. i wish I could track my bullies down and thank them lol
    2 points
  21. Opening My Boy Up after A Few Months Last year, due to some crazy work circumstances, we decided to take some time off from sex with other guys. We’d jerk each other off, and I’d rim and blow him, but his hole was basically closed for business for a few months, even to me. He just wasn’t feeling very sexy at all and wasn’t in the mood to get fucked by me or by anyone else. I love sharing him with other guys, especially hung guys, most especially hung guys who will play raw and will breed him. I just love sliding into his hole after it’s been opened up and stretched out and filled up. One night before falling asleep, I got him onto his knees, ass up, and I ate him good, forcing three fingers into his ass with plenty of spit. It made me precum buckets, so I was smearing that from my cock to my fingertips and greasing him up with that. I slapped my bare cock on his crack thinking he might let me fuck him, but he wriggled away. As he flipped onto his back, he kept his legs spread, he pulled me up to his face, and he kissed me hard as he jammed three or four fingers into his now-hungry hole. “Babe, why don’t we find a really slutty celebratory way of opening me up for use again, and soon?” I kissed him back and told him I’d come up with something. We jerked each other off, as he told me about missing fresh loads in his cunt. He told me he missed getting bred by guys who might be POZ and came instantly. I lapped his load off of his chest and tongued it into his asshole. He whimpered and told me he was looking forward to tomorrow night. The next morning, I went to work. I fired up S**** and G***** and saw who was online. I chatted with a few regular guys we’d hooked up with. I messaged three who were close to my office, one of whom was POZ and usually undetectable, but had let his meds regime slip, and three who were close to our house, one of whom was POZ and never on meds. At my lunchbreak, I waited on the corner. My three buddies showed up within about five minutes of each other. They each went to the bathroom before heading to meet me and jerked off a fresh cumload into a styrofoam cup and brought it with them. I’d stopped by a coffee shop and grabbed a carboard cup holder. I collected their loads and poured them all into the same cup. There must have been nearly an inch of seed in that cup. I wrote my boy’s name on it and put it in the staff kitchen in the fridge. Before leaving for the day, I texted my boy and suggested that he take a long hot shower and get rinsed out really good. On the way home, I swung by our favorite porn shop. I bought a new bottle of poppers, a clear plastic anal syringe, and a nice thick 10” dildo. While I was there, I went into the booths and knelt in front of a gloryhole. I only needed to wait a few moments before a juicy tan dick came through the hole. I sucked him off as well as I could. Just before he was about to shoot his load, I grabbed my styrofoam cup full of seed and he shot his load into it. I stayed on my knees and had sucked two more strange dicks before firing my own load into the cup. It was now at least an inch a half deep, and three of those loads I didn’t ask status… When I got to our neighborhood, I waited on the corner and messaged the three guys close to our apartment. Two of them brought cups with their fresh cum in it. Leaning over a garbage can, I poured their cum into the cup. The last guy, the unmedicated one, showed up and said, ‘I couldn’t cum just by jerking off, man. Let’s go back in that alley and you can suck it out of me.’ I’d already blown three strangers for their seed, so what was one more? I followed the guy back behind a stack of filthy mattresses and got on my knees. The guy whipped out his uncut POZ cock and slapped it on my face. I sucked his cock as deeply as I could and let his balls slap against my chin. The guy rewarded me with a mouthful of POZ cum which I spit into the cup. It was now at least two inches full of cloudy white ball juice. When I got back to our house, my boy was still in the shower. I went to the kitchen sink and rinsed out the new syringe and filled it full of cum. With the last guys’ loads there, it was warm to the touch and full. I hid the cum-loaded syringe and dildo under my pillow and joined my boy in the bathroom. I climbed in the shower, and we made out as I fingered his hole. Under the showerhead, I knelt down onto the tiles and let him bend over and spread his cheeks. I lapped at his ass and forced in a few fingers. I told him he was in for a fun risky evening. He asked if I’d invited anyone over, to which I replied, ‘no…’ He wondered aloud how risky it could be then without any special guests. I just winked. We toweled dry and tumbled into the bed. I presented him with the fresh poppers and he took a big hit. My boy buried his face in his pillow as I reached for the syringe. I squirted a good amount onto my fingers and worked three inside his ass, still too tight and too dry to accept the dildo, but warming up very quickly. I forced in more cum and got four fingers inside my boy, really opening him up. I pulled out the dildo and teased his hole with it. I squirted more seed onto that dildo and forced the head into him. He moaned and looked over his shoulder at me, begging for more. As more and more slipped inside his quivering pussy, I kept squirting more and more of the guys’ cum onto the shaft. I finally got the dildo balls deep in him and flipped my boy over onto his back. I was leaking precum as my boy moaned taking every inch of that long fat dildo. I let my precum drip onto it and forced it inside his ass over and over again. When I knew I was about to cum, I held up the syringe. He looked curiously at it as I squirted the last of the fresh cum onto my own drooling cock. I pulled out the dildo and slapped my dick against his now-gaping hole. His lips were puffy and red streaked with the cloudy cream of many men. I grabbed my cock by the root and drove it all the way inside him. As inch after inch sunk into my boy’s hole, I told him where all the cum came from. He moaned in approval, especially knowing that I’d coaxed out at least one POZ load just for him in a filthy alley. Fucking my boy felt so good. He was so wet and opened up that I could barely feel the walls of his pussy. I wrapped my hand around the base of my cock and managed to shotgun my cock and hand into his sloppy cunt. Feeling all that spooge squelch and slosh around really got me close. My boy had been huffing the whole time and held the bottle up to my mouth. I took a deep breath and rode the high as I shot ropes of cream into my boy’s cummy guts. At exactly the same time, my boy shot his own load all over his belly without even touching himself. I collapsed onto him and we furiously made out as I rammed my fingers in and out of his stretched-out chute telling him that he’d been bred by at least nine guys’ sperm. I had my boy spread his ass wide and took a few snaps of his gaping well-bred hole to send to the guys kind enough to help open my boy up for the first time in months.
    2 points
  22. I love how the definition of "safe sex" has totally changed! You can pump your dirty load up my ass, but please don't breathe on me!!!!! LOL No condoms allowed, but put this shield over your face and DO NOT kiss me lol
    2 points
  23. I think this is my first BZ post maybe. I have begun dipping my toe into being gay, after being “straight” and married for a long time. As a black man I can tell you it’s difficult to find not just porn but play that fits my desires. I’ve always identified as a bottom before experimenting and when I secretly watched gay videos while married. I’m masculine, straight acting and fairly handsome, but on Grindr it’s crickets because I list as a bottom. I see all these posts and stories about married straight men being desirable but no takers for me, except for people begging me to top them. I simply have no interest. I joked with a gay guy I know who’s black that I AM NOT A FETISH. LOL. That’s what I feel like sometimes, though, a fetish. Everybody wants BBC but not when it’s attached to a bottom. As for porn, I literally have searched for hours for decent, high-quality porn with sexy, masculine black bottoms with, say, white and Asian men, but such porn is almost impossible to find. So here I am, an anal virgin, not for a lack of trying, who can’t even find decent video to jerk off to. LOL please somebody make some good porn with white and Asian dicks breeding some black ass!
    2 points
  24. My husband and I visited this club for its regular Wednesday naked evening. It is a community run sex (not fetish) club and offers a cosy, laid back atmosphere. There were about 60 guys there, all shapes and sizes from your classic German bears through to sex-hunting emaciated skinheads. Poz boys are welcome, and I saw one biohazard tattoo. Their lube is of the finest quality, and I did not see a single condom in use: this is a bareback joint and bareback is what folks assume. Smalltalk is in German, but language is not a problem if you are up for it. This is more a local than a sex-tourist venue with the mix about 50% local to 50% fresh meat. There are 3 floors, and sex takes place on all of them. The basement is the place where rampant fucking takes place everywhere you look. Fucking is the dominant form of sex. Next comes rimming, and sucking a fair way down. So if you want to be fucked, you just need to offer your arse and a cock will, sooner rather than later, penentrate it. If you want to fuck, there is plenty of choice and immediate availability. I am not sure how many loads got exchanged. I got the feeling that folks were more interested in servicing many men rather than breeding, but I may be wrong. The ground floor has the bar and seating where you can relax to drink. However, the bar can be difficult to reach because of guys fucking in front of it. The top floor is the "chill out" area, but that is a relative term. It is a place for those who want to talk to their partners and take the sex slower and with more variety, and that is where I hit it off. I was sitting quietly on a sofa, and a gentleman sat down beside me. I immediately noticed his thick cock, thicker than my own generous endowment! But it was his huge balls that really grabbed my attention. He started playing with his cock, as I did with his, which enabled me to judge its considerable size. I wanted to sample his balls, but it was not so easy. His sac had been siliconed; getting on for 500cc, I suspect. I couldn't ask how much; my German isn't good enough and he wasn't into speaking. But nothing gives me a greater hard-on than juiced balls! Despite its size, I was determined to take his cock, and the first step was to deep-throat it. I had to stretch my mouth wide to manage, but I did so and got it to the back of my throat. My reward was the taste of his sweet pre-cum, flavoured by fine German beer. He seemed to enjoy this and I changed my position to expose my hole while sucking him. He picked up the hint and began to finger it. My pre-lubing provided the necessary signal that I was there to be fucked. Then we kind of stood up, whereupon he gently but firmly pushed my head down to bend me over. I really wondered if i was going to be able to take his cock, but my hole is inset, so easy for the top to position for entry. As I felt his cock touch, I just told myself to relax, and in he went. I was stretched, really stretched, but his pace was slow (almost gracious!) which allowed me to adjust without pain and relax further. He wanted to go in deep and he did; I could feel and enjoy the stubble of his shaved and siliconed balls striking me as he pressed right in. We broke off for kissing and nipple play, and then he returned to fucking me which is what he really wanted. All good things have to end, and this did with the exchange of German courtesies. I was thoroughly reamed, and a happy guy! So, if you want a laid back venue with plenty of sex, try Ajpnia.
    1 point
  25. BASSAR (part one) I have a secret. His name is Bassar. Probably the most beautiful man of all men I have ever been with. He is from Puerto Rico but he has a mix of Latin and Arab. His build is the typical ideal gay man bod, muscular, hairy, black hair, brown eyes, and dark olive skin. He has small hands a perfect ass and a huge cock and when he fucks, he means it. Sensual until he pounds my sweet ass into jelly, and a kiss to remember. His scent is of men, men who mate with men, men who fuck men, men who breed together in hot sweaty mating grounds of the city nights or of the tropical paradise he comes from. He smells of Persian spice and speaks Spanish as a native tongue but does pretty well with English though slightly broken, he is learning here in New York how to speak fluently so he can get better at it. He lived in Florida before he came here in Miami, where they speak Spanish everywhere because it is flooded with Cuban immigrants from yesteryears. I really must visit this Florida. I dream of him and I mating, making love, just him and me in a white silk bed in a modern palatial bedroom in a two person bungalow, upon a white sands beach upon a small secluded island of paradise, perhaps a private island within the proximity of his beautiful American Commonwealth, but far enough away to never be bothered by anyone. The daydream starts with myself awaking in our bed under thin cool covers in mid-morning, with a brisk yet temperate wind blows by through the windows as the sun glows bright within through huge openings and windows of the lovers bungalow. I am naked turned upon my stomach when I am roused to the touch of his sweet slow kisses upon my back feeling his hard, muscular hairy body upon me. I know his body, and he knows mine. We both have played this game with others and by now we know what to expect. We know where to kiss, touch, lick, and I feels his semi hard penis getting harder as he’s gracefully kisses down my neck to my back. I feel myself smile as the morning lust makes its call due to nature’s design and from the most beautiful man in the world. He makes it to my ass licking and kissing from the top of my hairy crack to the very center betwixt my round globes of hairy ass cheeks and he grunts as he dives into my asshole, which is so clean and fresh with the scent of me. He loves my smell and I love his. Our scent, permeates the cool breeze of the tropics, our man smells, his spice with my sugar, our sex, our scent, the two us, man beasts in heat, mating, making love within the desire of each other for the moment. He licks first into my asshole with a slow yet vigorous lap that collects the salty sweat that has accumulated over the night and I can smell myself, making me harder because now I know it is upon his lips, his beard, and soon to be his entire face. I feel the sensation and I begin to moan as a man would while getting his asshole lick by such a creature of paradise. He laps at it, slowly but gaining momentum, lovingly moaning with me, holding my ass cheeks apart as my hands slowly wrap around his medium length, thick, black hair. I can tell he enjoys the taste and smell as he breathes his nose into my hole while licking my scrotum and taint, because he is like “mmmmmm” in his masculine manly tone. He moves his mouth up my taint and into my asshole again farting his very long pointed tongue into it making me moan I’m vulnerability, as a man I am to be his mate, his man-wife, his vessel of flesh to carry his love making seed, the man milk that is swollen within his beautiful hairy balls that are shaped like small plums. He gets more aggressive as he laps the oils of my sweet asshole that smell of fine cheddar and salted meat, his grunts evolving to quick deep growls of approval. He enjoys my asshole better than anyone could ever and I open up for him as if pushing out whatever assholes push out through there but I am so clean, there is no dirt or waste, just my gut flavor he collects with his mouth and tongue. I start to moan louder, “fuck baby that’s so good.” “Mmmm hmmm,” he growls lovingly as he laps and nipples at my asshole flaps. Every stroke of the lick counts as me munches my butthole with eager and genuine purpose and I moan louder like the bitch in heat that I am. I sense I am beside myself watching this moment writhing slightly upon the king sized bed with a white bug net failing to conceal us entirely if anyone were to pry. The imagery is spectacular in such a sexually driven way that it should be deemed the greatest love making image ever imagined by yours truly, and I know a lot of men sexually. A lot. Well over a thousand, but I do not boast next to this beast who grinding his chin into my wet gaping asshole. I moan louder and without hesitation for I know no one can hear my loud bellowing moans and even so I wouldn’t mind the quaint audience besides. Like I would ever be ashamed of this man, this beast, my lover and mate, who is about to get me pregnant with his huge load that aches within his pulsating swollen balls. He turns me to my back and downs my engorged cock that seems to be at its biggest and longest, and I look into his dark Persian eyes and his to mine and there is the understanding that only belongs to us, the understanding that we are going to make each other feel so physically profound. I loved I’m and he loves me, I want him as a man, and he wants me the same. The connection is real and it makes me even harder and even a good dose of precum is ejected into his wet mouth as he slurps slowly up and down my shaft. He naturally gulps the tasty ejaculate and closes his eyes as if to experience the flavor of my manhood, and I sense he’s really enjoying it. “Mmmmmmm, fockk” he is able to muster as best as he could with my cock in his handsome mouth, “So gud.” “You like my prejizz baby?” I asked quietly. He pulls of my cock with a satisfying slurp, “you know I love it and crave it.” I do know it. I know because eyes don’t lie and his eyes are on mine as I smile down at him with approval of his skills. He smiles back as he continues to deep throat my cock while lapping up my nuts. Somehow he is able to fit them into his mouth entirely with my huge pulsating cock that is probably oozing sweat and jiz. He keeps them in there for a moment saturating all of my juices and I am growling with both amazement and sheer pleasure of my genitals getting soaked by his saliva. “Oh fuck baby,” I moan with manly vulnerability, “oh fuck, my fucking cock and balls, oh my god...” “Mmmmmm,” he responds to the best of his capability being as he soaks up the salty oils and viscous precum that is now just oozing at a rate of lord know what. He does this until I’m about to cum, then with a loud gratifyingly long loud slurp he lifts his head quickly from my cock and balls and I shiver in moaning, quivering writhement. (Yep I made up that word, it means my writhing at hand) He moves up my body kissing and licking to kiss me finally and I can taste and smell my asshole and it is so good I begin to lick his face as he giggles and kisses mine. The first kiss of the day. “Good morning,” he says and we both chuckle at the notion that it was truly the ideal way to have a good morning. “Morning, my beautiful man,” I say as he engulfs my mouth into his and we hungerly (yep made this one up too though it should exist anyway. It means with the intention of hunger but this is in the figurative sense if you hadn’t guessed.) kiss each other’s wet open mouths for what seemed to be a few moments. We hold each other while we do, and his bod y and mine wrap together and our cock rub against each other, pulsating and oozing so much precum, it becomes our lube as we grind. We hump each other, our dicks getting covered with precum, making him slide upon me as my legs wrap around his buttocks and thighs as we kiss and moan like two men in deep physical ecstasy. I could easily cum this way and I tell him that in between our long, slow, open mouth kisses. Side note, our breath is just fine though it’s morning and I woke up into this. It’s my fantasy so there is no morning breath or excrement or anything that is usually a part of the human condition. So if you are like me and like to ponder the moments described in books and can’t help think about the reality wouldn’t be as ideal, you’re probably thinking “ewwww morning breath?” Well in this daydream our mouths taste like fresh melon and cherries with a hint of mint, as if we were eating these fruits together at once with the juices spilling into our tastebuds, so yeah got it covered. That is along with the taste of salted meat and a fine cheddar being as he just licked my asshole and rectum thoroughly and siphoned what excretion he could from my hairy genitals. Hey gotta have that too, it’s a part of the manly enjoyment gay men have during sex so don’t “ewww” that. Carrying on... Bassar gets up and grabs my leg and brings my feet to his face and sniffs the pungent odor of my toes and soles, then begins to lick and suck them. I’m a little ticklish so when this happens I kinda giggle but I love the sensation of his mouth which is slightly smiling at me while he licks and slurps, making him more attractive than ever. He does both of my feet and then licks and kisses up my thighs, then for a moment he sucks my dick, then kisses and licks up my stomach to my nipples which are hard wired to my fucking cock that is now so hard it almost aches, then my neck and finally he meets my open mouth sharing the taste of my feet. It’s a strong taste but we share it, between a kiss with our eyes open gazing back at one another like an infant would a mother nursing them. I push him to his back and we kiss more and then I start where he left off, down his neck and then to his nipples which are also hard wired to his huge cock, I can feel it is so hard it is vibrating as it grazes my abs. Then I smell the thick odor of his pheromones, his man scent, as it flows into my nose, tantalizing it’s pleasure sensors, producing vibrations through my body and finally to my cock, which now aches with stiffening pleasure. He lifts his arm up and his hairy out is offered to me and I take a huge whiff of it, and the spice of his musk burns within me, this is the smell of him that will mark me, when other males come to sniff me they will smell that I am his... ...and he is mine. In this daydream, he belongs to me. Only me. The only way he would ever. I grind my mug into his armpit and get the scent soaked into my facial hair and skin as he does to my pits in similar fashion. We both lick and slurp the oils of our masculinity and then share the flavors with a kiss, mixing our scent and flavor as we both enjoy because they symbolize our bodies coming together to create love. The physical man love gay men foster and that no other sexuality, not even bisexual men, could ever understand since they have been with women. (This matters because no offense to girls but your flavor can taint the meat, symbolically I mean, not literally. I’ll explain in a future entry possibly about bisexual men. But please don’t be offended, for I am a feminist and I still love women and hold them to high esteem, the highest in fact, but I chemically love men and this is a story for men who love men too if you hadn’t guessed.) After we kiss I jump directly to his hard cock as he lays on his back with his hands behind his head, naturally flexing his broad hairy chest, making him so fucking sexy, which makes me just bob my head on his cock like a white whore on a black cock. I feel his member getting almost too big for my mouth to handle but I manage with almost dislocating my jaw as I saturate his crotch kicked and oils along with the large doses of precum that seem to shoot into the back of my cock hungry throat. He smiles with accepting loving pleasure as he growls in delight. I’m growing too but because of the complexity of managing my mouth upon such a gargantuan stiff cock that smells of his spice and taste of sea salt and a fine cheese. Not the dick cheese, fuck no, gross, but hey that’s your thing no offense but not a fan of excrement. His cock is uncut but he’s clean of course yet the secretions crest a flavor my cock could never and I am envious he is able to share this pleasure with me. I want him to know how good he tastes so with a long yet quick slurp I release his cock and move up to him and we kiss, mixing the flavor between each other adding to the other ingredients of our bodies that we had sampled earlier. He then turns upon his stomach and I lick down his back as he did earlier to me, and as soon as I’m upon his hairy asshole I begin to eat. First by lapping up and down his crack to his taint then back into his asshole with circular methods that cover every crease of his beautiful open butthole. I grind my nose and chin into it as he growls like a man being pleasured by his bitch who is in n heat. His asshole opens even more and I finger it and taste the innards of my love and he grinds into them, chewing my digits with his mouthing asshole. “Fuck baby,” Bassar moans with a gruffest tone, “that feels so good, my asshole feels so good.” “Yeah?” I say as I slowly open mouth kiss his his open butthole with loud smacks of my lips and tongue, “you like when I eat this delicious ass, baby?” “Fuck yeah!” He loans grinding his whole ass into my face, “eat that fucking juicy pussy baby!” As he smears his asshole upon my face like an eraser to paper, I push back with my head as I start to jerk off. I’m about to cum but stop myself because I still have to tend to his feet. So I stop and do just that. We kiss long and deep after I suck off both of his feet clean and the mix of asshole, feet, cock, balls, cum, pits and mouth make the most delicious concoction within our mouths as we exchange fluids and rub our cocks together. He flips me upon the bed and I know that it is time. He places my feet upon his shoulders and we engage into intercourse missionary style. Before he enters me he asks me permission to proceed while he kisses me and I whisper, “yes.” (Sorry but a tangent but it’s my story so, by pass the parentheses to continue, but this is further explanation of a moment like this, which is important and should be practiced even in one way or another, but it’s a matter of preference I suppose. This moment between us, when he asks me permission to enter me, is the moment that is probably the most important of this sex story because of what it means. He wants to enter me in a place that is extremely vulnerable and could easily turn bad if he were to just thrust into me or enter me the wrong way, tearing me up down there, which I’ve been violated in that fashion before and it’s no picnic. Also I’m sorry if the mention of my physical violation ruins my story for you but I’m making a point about this, because asking permission not only seems romantic and touching, also it lets the top know that the bottom trusts him completely enough to give such a delicate place to him. It’s encouraging which fills the top with strong affections and lust towards the bottoms affirmation. Also it lets the bottom feel that the top is actually concerned about the well being of his lover as well as permission to enjoy the bottom, encouraging the bottom. It means both men truly want each other and that is something we all need, is to be wanted by someone, at least one person, in this world. Both men feel desired by one another’s exchange at this moment which in this case would be the best example of exceptional erosian love. It’s quite the honor two or more sexual partners can share, the highest honor in my opinion.) (Erosian, yes another made up word, erosian is derived from Eros the god of love and lust, it means the love that lovers share as opposed to family love and the love of people.) He kisses me for a few moments with the head of his dick grazing across the right creases around my butthole, feeling the delicacy of pleasure he is about to enjoy. I am already naturally lubed up for him as he slowly, while kissing me still, slides the rest of his cock into me, making us both sigh into each other’s mouths, because it is a perfect intrusion. “You’re so fucking wet,” Bassar says to men as me ears my mouth with an open mouth kiss that is wet and his tongue dominates mine as the lead of a dance would do. I let myself loose like putty in his strong hairy muscular arms and he uses my body to mold around his, taking control of it with his affections in mind. He thrusts slowly at first, sensually sliding the shaft of his cock in and out of my asshole which fluctuates with the fifth of his thick shaft. From head to hilt, he enters me, all the way in and almost all the way out until just the tip of his dick is still inside, and then he thrusts it in a little harder and faster each time. He does this until it gradually becomes a balls deep pounding. Suddenly he flips me to my stomach and begins to fuck me and I feel his balls slap mine and each time he pumps me with cock, it seems to get thicker and pulsates faster, making it feel so good to the rim of my hole, which is stretching like a rubber band around a baseball bat. “Fuuuuck baby,” he moans, “this ass is so good. I love it so much.” “Oh fuck,” I moan, submitted to the cock at hand, “oh fuck it feels so good to be fucked by you.” “You love this dick baby?” “Fuck yeah,” I say as he pumps me deeper with it. “You want it all day, baby? Some of this big dick?” “Yes I do,” I say nodding my head while I focus on his pump action. “Want me to slam you? Then do a little g and give you some K to relax your sweet ass?” I stop, “Fuck what are we waiting for?! Let’s fucking do it.” We stop and he pulls out. I’m so clean that I suck his dick to savor the flavor of my gut and we kiss after, which he enjoys immensely. “Mmmmm that sweet salty ass is so good,” Bassar responds after we finish lip locking. I’m drinking orange juice and eating a banana as he prepares the shots and doses of g and k. Everything is organized and he pulls out another shot but this one is trimix. Immediately he injects it into his cock and starts to rub it in, making his cock so massive, it looks like a lot of a tree between his legs. Bassar hands me a pill. “Muscle relaxer,” He says, “it will help with the k so you can handle my big dick.” His broken English is not so broken in this daydream, he’s actually speaking very well. Must be my influence on him. I take the pill and swallow it. Then he sits me down, and ties the tourniquet around my bicep and tells me to pump my hand ten times. So I do and he rubs alcohol on the area of insertion. Before he injects me he kisses the point of entry then looks up at me and kisses me. “Ready?” He asks me. “Fucking born ready,” I say with a smile. He chuckles and immediately inserts the needle into my arm and pulls back the plunger on the syringe. A flash of blood flows like a ribbon in the mixture within the barrel and quickly he pushes the meth into my arm and before he pulls the needle out, he removes the tourniquet and then grabs the alcohol pad and immediately covers the entry point. “Hold on to this for about two minutes, ok?” “Of course,” I tell him, “this isn’t my first rodeo, ya know.” As I finish saying that, the rush hits me and it’s a good thing I’m sitting down because I am fucking high. So high I am dizzy. He injects him self and starts moan with the rush after he takes the needle out and the tourniquet off. He likes to hold his arm up in the air to make the rush more intense. I don’t just because every time I do I get sick and throw up. I am amped and by the look on his face so is he, his eyes are wide open and he tells me to take the g shot before I snort the K, so I do. He does the g but doesn’t do the K because he doesn’t need to. Meth and ghb is enough for him. After all that he picks me up and kisses me and then drops me on the bed.
    1 point
  26. Just saw the following and it amused me: "Looking for anon raw. I will be blindfolded on all fours. <...> I will need to see a clear face and body pic first." Any other amusing missives from the world of BBRT ads? A.x
    1 point
  27. If that was meant for me....SIT ON MY FACE!
    1 point
  28. I'm probably 98% bottom. I jokingly say that I top once per year, just so I can maintain my qualifications LOL. But I love to grab, grope, and feel a guys ass. And I can really get into rimming a guy. I haven't encountered a lot of tops that don't like it. I love to get a top on his back, suck his dick, move down to his balls, then gently brush my tongue across their hole. Then they'll raise their legs a bit giving easier access, and it's game on. Generally, makes them SUPER horny to fuck.
    1 point
  29. I always encounter the same problem across all sites/apps. I'll be online cruising, and someone will send an oink/woof/wink/smile to me. I'll respond with a "thanks, great profile. How are you doing? Are you looking?" And then...nothing. I understand the concept of sending a woof/oink/whatever if your just acknowledging a hot profile, and I understand that some guys might have limited free messages. Just let me know if you're seriously looking or not.
    1 point
  30. i never got into asking, it always felt awkward and contrived for me. i think it can also be a 50/50 gamble to show neediness. For some, neediness is a turn off, a lot of Tops want the conquest. in cruising places, i simply present. i lower my shorts enough to show some ass. i'm not overt, more subtle, but any horny guy on the prowl is going to notice presented ass lol, i've gotten a lot of cock that way and it's fucking hot when a Top comes up behind and wordlessly lowers my shorts and just slides in. When i lived in VA there was a cruisy park where i would get bred on a bridge at dusk and as it got darker. i'd stand on the bridge leaning a little bent over ostensibly looking out at the water. When i'd see a guy getting ready to walk past, i'd lower my shorts enough to show the top of my ass, without looking back. If i heard Him pause to look, i'd lower them a little more to encourage Him that He was seeing what He was seeing. It was an awesome way to fuck.
    1 point
  31. What a sexy slut! I'm so into young n sleazy!!
    1 point
  32. It’s not one of the services I offer. There are simply too many hazards associated with rimming for someone like me with a compromised immune system to risk it. That, and I’m one of those who can never quite forget about the primary function of that orifice if it came to applying my tongue to it. That’s also why I’m thorough about cleanout - there are men who seem to just love eating ass and don’t hesitate to dive into mine, so I try to make sure I’m as clean as possible for them. The minute they start it flips my in-heat switch, and I can’t really think about anything else until they stop.
    1 point
  33. I work my tongue as far up as I can. I have yet to not work any guy up. My favorite thing is for hardcore tops to squirm as I'm plowing my tongue in and out of their holes like they're loose sluts
    1 point
  34. I am a much better rimmer than cock sucker. I prefer getting fucked, but I love eating ass before the guy rails me.
    1 point
  35. Hey everyone, I know I never post here... But I don't disagree with any of you! I think it's a natural desire, ultimately becoming an addiction (for lack of a better word) to need to suck cock to be able to swallow the warm, protein rich nectar that is, essentially, the seed of life. Without it, we as a species would not exist. No wonder guys like us develop the overriding urge to get as much as possible, despite the fact that no matter how much we get, the thirst is never sated! I empathise with everyone in this discussion, I too am craving sperm constantly! Who can blame us?! It's delicious, highly nutritious and it's incredibly tasty! I do hope that the current pandemic abeits so we can continue to feed our hunger, and fill ourselves with cock and an abundance of cum! Take care everyone
    1 point
  36. I haven't hooked up in a while because of COVID, but finally couldn't take it anymore. So posted an add on doublelist and hopped on Grindr looking around. Hit up this hot married guy in my apartment complex. He said he would be free in an hour or so. So I got cleaned up and cruised apps while I waited. Finally he hit me up and I headed over. He has a hot uncut cock. I sucked till he was hard and covered in drool. Then he lubed me up and went to town. He fucked me over the edge of the bed, on my back,standing up. Kissing me, choking me, and tugging on my nipples. Then fucked me up against the where he finally shot his hot load deep. Then I came home and figured that was probably it for the night. When I got a message from a double list guy. Hot built guy in his 50's. Email had a hot pic and said "want my load?" I said yes of course. He said he was on his way. While I was getting ready he texted that he had to stop to piss. I replied Oh....yummy. 2 seconds later "you want to drink from the tap?" I excitedly replied "yes. " I waited dressed on my knees in the middle of my apartment. He came in got undressed and walked over. I took his hot as fuck cock in my mouth and started sucking. Then he stopped me and said "be still" I sat with his cock in my mouth for about 2 seconds before he started filling it up with his hot piss. He was pissing faster than I could drink so he just pissed all over me and the floor. I sucked him for a minute or so, then he said "I want that ass" I stripped, we went to the bedroom and he fucked me hard and deep. It felt so fucking good. He shot his load hard into me with a loud groan and "fuck yeah." Then collapsed on the bed. I rolled over and as we were talking his cum was running out of my ass all over the bed....his load was fucking Huge!!! What a way to break the quarantine.
    1 point
  37. Many of you probably know who the German Patient is but for those of you who don't he is Tim Brown, first person to be cured of HIV. Tim had two bone marrow transplants to treat leukemia. It ended up getting rid of his HIV, bonus, and catapulted him to international fame. He has his own Wikipedia page so look him up. Unfortunately the leukemia came back a third time and he is not doing well. There is no more that can be done to treat the cancer. I share this news because our community should know we could soon be losing a gay icon. I personally know Tim. He is brave and kind and a wonderful person. Tim travelled the world telling his story and advocating for HIV awareness. Also Tim is a sexually liberal person. He believes in the right to sexual self expression, whatever form that takes. He is great to talk with and it felt good to be able to talk with him candidly about my bareback preferences. I don't want to tread on his privacy at a critical time like this but I want all you guys to know about him and what is happening.
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  39. Sunday afternoons are the best at Lateshift. Everyone is naked and fucking like rabbits. This afternoon I was fucked six times and took three loads. At least two of the guys had big cocks, which I like, one had a knob much bigger than his cock itself which can be fun (others who fucked me may have had big cocks too but I never saw or touched them, they just came in behind in the dark). Also fucked three guys but being fucked was most fun.
    1 point
  40. Chapter 5 The next few weeks were a blur of sex and cum. Alex came over frequently and we all fucked our brains out in all sort of combinations. Jack even let Alex fuck his hole. He’s mostly a top, but after seeing Alex’s thick cut piece, Jack got on his hands and knees, I licked his hole until it was dripping and Alex slipped Jack his fat cock. Jack was soon begging for it harder. That day, we all fucked Jack hard and rough. Like I said, Jack’s mostly a top but I’d seen him in these situations before. Once he gets a cock up his ass, he can’t get enough. So Adam, Alex and I I each fucked his hot furry little cunt twice, and pretty soon he had six loads of cum up his ass before he made us call it quits. I think Adam could’ve fucked him four more times, the boy was so horny to fuck his Daddy. I’d rarely seen such passion. The next day I was talking to Adam and he mentioned that he wanted to invite Alex’s son, his friend Nick, to play with us. He wasn’t sure whether Nick was gay but they had played around a few times, and Nick had fucked Adam. They were on the wrestling team at school together, and Nick was also 18. I’d met him a few times and thought him a handsome boy. Dark hair, getting a little furry patch on his chest and tummy (but nothing like Adam) and a big beefy round ass. He was tall, like his Dad, and broad shouldered. He wrestled in a much heavier weight class than Adam who only weighed about 130 lbs. on his 5’4” frame. Nick was 6’2” and weighed about 190. I told Adam I thought that would be hot, that I’d love to see two Dads fucking their sons while the two sons were making out. Adam just smiled and told me he’d see what he could do. One day, Adam decided to broach the subject with Nick. But we all thought Alex’s participation should be a surprise. I knew Nick idolized his Dad and Alex loved his son. After practice one day, Nick and Alex were taking off their sweaty singlets and jocks and getting ready for the showers. They had stayed after to do some extra workouts as they often did after wrestling practice was over. It was late and most everyone else had gone home, or so they thought. They were in the shower room shooting the breeze and talking about school when Adam reached over and playfully tugged on Nick’s fat cock. “You getting much action with that thing these days,” Adam asked his friend. “Nah, I’ve been jerking off like mad lately, but nothing else. It sucks. I’m horny all the time and it makes me a little crazy.” “Well we could play around again, anytime you want, Nick. You know that,” Adam responded, feeling Nick’s cock start to get hard. “Really, man? That’d be awesome, you’ve got such a great, tight ass. I’d love to fuck it again,” Nick said, looking around. “You think we could do it now? I’ve gotta cum.” Adam didn’t say a word but leaned down and started sucking on Nick’s now fully hard cock, eliciting a low moan from his buddy. “Fuck man, that’s so fucking awesome,” Nick said. Adam continued to suck on Nick’s cock under the warm water of the shower, all the while reaching around to use his fingers to loosen up his ass so he could take all of Nick inside him. After a few minutes of sucking Nick’s cock and Nick moaning quietly, Adam stood up, leaned over and presented his hole to Nick. “Shove it inside me, buddy. I like it rough, you can do it hard,” Adam said, pulling his ass cheeks apart. Nick lined up his cock and with one thrust shoved all 8” of it inside Adam’s little furry ass, eliciting a grunt and a moan of pleasure from Adam. “Dude, you OK?,” Nick asked. “Oh fuck, I’m so OK, man, just fuck me now,” Adam loudly whispered back. They fucked with quiet abandon for a few minutes and were caught up in the moment when they heard a noise. Nick quickly pulled his fat cock out of Adam’s ass, which elicited a hiss from Adam, and turned toward the wall so their cocks could deflate a little bit. Two of their teammates had entered the shower area, and all four began talking while the new new guys showered off their sweaty, tired bodies after a long practice. Adam had secretly lusted after all of the members of his team and these two, John and Rob were no exception. John was small, like Adam, they competed in similar weight classes but Rob was just the opposite. He was huge and built and very hairy, especially for an 18 year old. Adam had always assumed that Rob was straight, but that hadn’t stopped Adam from beating off imagining Rob fucking his hole. Rob and John seemed to be taking a very long shower, and Adam looked over at Nick who had also noticed this. It was clear that they were waiting for Nick and Adam to leave. Adam turned off the water and went to dry off. Nick followed and they chatted in low voices about what to do. “Rob and John?,” Adam said. “Fucking hot. I’d like to see that.” “Let’s pretend to sneak out and then spy on them,” Nick said grinning. Nick and Adam quickly got dressed except for their shoes, and took their gym bags and called out to the guys in the shower. “See you tomorrow,” Adam said. Rob and John responded and Nick and Adam walked toward the door, opened it and then let it shut wile remaining inside the locker room. Nick and Adam quietly set down their gym bags and tiptoed back over to where they could see the showers from behind a row of lockers. It was exactly as they suspected, Rob and John were locked in a passionate kiss with Rob holding the much smaller man in his arms, John’s powerful wrestler’s legs locked around Rob’s waist. From his hiding place, Adam could see that Rob’s thick finger was working its way into John’s tight little asshole, to make way for one of the fattest cocks Adam had ever seen. Rob’s cock looked like him, broad, thick and veiny. Adam’s hole puckered just looking at it. He badly wanted that cock inside him and he wondered how he was going to manage it. Nick’s aborted fucking had made Adam incredibly horny and he rally wanted cock inside him. He looked over at Nick who smiled a huge smile and reached over to touch Adam’s tight ass inside his shorts. Back in the shower, Rob had guided his cock inside John’s tight hairless ass and was beginning to fuck him in earnest. They still hadn’t broken their kiss and were fucking as if no one was watching. John took a deep breath and the look of ecstasy on his face told the tale. He was in heaven, filled with Rob’s long fat cock and loving every minute of it. They had clearly done this before. After a few minutes, Rob was clearly getting close to cumming, as his breath became fast and his strokes into John’s ass were getting faster. “Fuck me baby, oh yeah, I need your fucking load inside me!,” John said, egging Rob on. “Breed my hole, big bro, breed my hole.” “Oh Johnny, fuck yeah, your hole is sucking the cum out of my dick, here it comes!” With that, Rob stopped thrusting and his whole body throbbed. He was shooting a huge load inside John’s hole, while John gripped Rob even tighter with his legs. Nick and Adam were playing with each other’s dicks through their shorts, and at that moment, they nodded to each other, and came out from behind the lockers. “Damn, guys. Why didn’t you invite us to the party?,” Adam said, pulling his shorts down to expose his hard, fat, uncut dick. Rob and John turned, terrified at being discovered. Rob was still holding John in his arms, his cock still buried up the much smaller guy’s hole. “Adam, Nick, um, we were just.....,” John said. “Getting Rob’s fat cock up your cunt? Is that what you were doing John? That I can see. The question is why didn’t you invite me and Nick to play too?” “We, um, well....uhh...we didn’t know you wanted to,” John said, blushing. Rob lifted John off his cock and set him down on the floor. He got a big smile on his face and said, “Damn I do love you short boys. You next, Adam?” “I thought you’d never ask,” Adam said, reaching over to touch Rob’s still hard cock. “Can you go again?” “He can usually fuck me four or five times without stopping,” John said. “It usually makes me cum too.” “I have an idea,” Adam said. “Let’s go to my house. We can get naked and have a bed to fuck on there and not worry about being caught.” John and Rob grinned at each other, quickly got dressed and they all piled into Adam’s car and drove the short distance to Adam’s house. When they arrived, no one was home and they quickly dropped their bags and trooped back to Adam’s room at the back of the house, quickly ripping off their clothes so they were all four naked. John, just 5’5” and hairless, with a ripped body, Adam, 5’4” and the start of a fur farm on his chest and ass, Nick, 6’2”, lanky and muscled and Rob, 5’11” and built like a fur covered brick shit house. Adam quickly laid on the bed, pulled his knees to his chest and begged Rob to fuck his hole. Rob quickly sank his super fat cock into Adam’s cunt. Adam’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he took in a sharp breath as he felt the fat cock enter him and take possession of his hole. “Nick hand me that bottle,” Adam said, pointing at the poppers on his nightstand. Nick grabbed the bottle and held it under Adam’s nose while he took a huge hit, relaxing his ass for Rob’s assault. “What’s that,” John asked. “Try it,” Nick said, holding the bottle under John’s nose. He closed off one of John’s nostrils and said “breathe in deeply and hold it.” Then he did the other one. John began to feel the effects of the great poppers I had given Adam, rolled over on his stomach and said “Oh fuck, Nick, you need to fuck me NOW!” Nick handed the popppers to Adam, then reached over to touch John’s hole, sliding his finger inside, and felt Rob’s huge load of cum on his finger. He lubed up his cock with some spit and slid his cock into John’s pussy, making him moan with delight. “Oh fuck Nick. Only Rob has ever fucked me, but damn that feels good.” Nick reached down and began kissing John while he began to deeply fuck John’s cunt, eliciting deep moans of pleasure from him. “Hand me that bottle again, that’s amazing,” John said, reaching over to get the poppers back. Adam took a huge hit of them and handed the little brown bottle over to John who also took a large sniff and replaced the cap. I had been spending a lot of time with Adam and Jack lately, fucking our brains out, so I had let myself in with a key again and heard the telltale sounds of moaning and groaning coming, once again, from Adam’s slutty den of pleasure, aka his bedroom. This time I knew I didn’t have to hide myself, so I just walked up to the doorway and began rubbing my cock through my jeans. I knew Adam and his friend Nick, but I didn’t know the other two boys who were helping the room to smell like sex and poppers. “Hey boys, can an old guy get in on some of this action?,” I said. Nick, John and Rob looked at me, startled and I could tell they were uncomfortable for a second, but Adam put them all at ease. “Hey Uncle Mike! Guys, this is my Uncle Mike, he’s totally hot and a pig like me. Come here Uncle Mike, stick that cock in my mouth, let me suck on your foreskin!” I pulled off my t-shirt and jeans and left my red jockstrap on, pulling the pouch aside to release my quickly hardening cock. I walked over to the bed, leaned down to kiss my piggy nephew and shoved my cock all the way into his throat in one quick move. He gagged for just a second and then he showed them all what a first class cocksucker he was by repeatedly deep throating my cock. “Dude, that’s fucking HOT,” Rob said. I wanna try that next. “Can I fuck your throat after I bust a nut up your ass, Adam?” Adam started to take my cock out of his mouth to reply, but I slapped him lightly across the face and said “Don’t talk with your mouth full, slut. Of course you can fuck Adam’s throat, that’s what it’s there for. What’s your name, son?” “Rob,” he said. “Well Rob, you’re doing a fine job of fucking my nephew’s hot little cunt, but I’d love to have sloppy seconds after you’re done shooting a load of jizz up there. Best lube there is.” Rob grinned, leaned over and kissed me deeply while he sped up his assault on Adam’s slutty little cunt. Adam was moaning uncontrollably with his mouth full of my fat cock, and pretty soon Rob tensed up and I could tell he was shooting his load. He broke our kiss and said “fuck that was hot!” I didn’t want to blow my load in Adam’s mouth but was waiting for his asshole to be free for a deposit of Uncle cum. Rob slowly pulled his still rock hard cock (that’s the one thing I miss about being 18!) out of Adam, much to my nephew’s displeasure. Adam moaned loudly when his gaping cunt was emptied of Rob’s fat dick. Rob and I quickly switched places and I leaned down to suck on Adam’s hole before I shoved my cock inside him, being careful not to dig out the load of cum Rob had just deposited up there. After I had eaten Adam’s pussy for a few minutes I came up for air and saw that John and Adam were both of their backs, deeply kissing while John got his pussy pounded hard by Nick. It was really hot to watch both of the small guys passionately kissing each other while one of them got his cunt raped. I could tell that Adam was quietly whispering in John’s ear as well. I couldn’t quite hear what he was saying but I could tell it was filthy. Nick sped up his fucking and I could tell he was about to blow, so I reached over and roughly pinched his nipples, which surprised him, but also caused him to close his eyes and moan loudly. “Oh fuck, Mike, that’s so good. Harder, please. Fuck yeah, I’m gonna blow!” Nick tensed up and I pinched his tits as hard as I could while he was shooting his load of cum inside John’s cunt. John was kissing Adam furiously and his cock was rock hard. John and Nick collapsed into a heap and began making out, coming down off the high of their intense fuck. I took this as my cue to roll my nephew over on his belly and have him stick his furry little ass up in the air. I quickly licked his crack and got a little taste of Rob’s load which was just beginning to seep out of Adam’s hole. I pulled back my foreskin the rest of the way and started to tease Adam’s hole with the fat head of my cock. He mumbled something but like the champion cocksucker he was, his mouth was full of Rob’s cock so I didn’t understand a word. “What did you say, slut? Were you trying to say something with your mouth full of cock?” Adam briefly took Rob’s cock out of his mouth and said “Fuck me hard Uncle PIG!!” “That’s my boy,” I said, ramming my cock home in one thrust inside his sloppy cunt, eliciting a deep, furious moan from deep within Adam. I knew I wasn’t going to last very long, surrounded by four hot young men, while fucking my nephew’s slutty cunt, which was already full of a hot load of Rob’s cum. Indeed, I only lasted a few minutes, during which time Rob was steadily fucking Adam’s throat with his still steel hard cock. “Damn, boy how do you DO that?,” I asked Rob. “I dunno. I can cum a bunch of times in a row. Ten times in about 2 hours is my record,” he said sheepishly, grinning a goofy grin. “I wanna hear all about that sometime, boy, but for now, I’m gonna add to the loads up Adam’s hole. You ready slutty nephew?” “Fuck yeah! Breed my cunt Uncle Mike!” I pounded faster and faster, all the while frothing up the cum that was already up his cunt. After just a few minutes of hard pounding, I shot an enormous load of jizz up his ass, and pretty soon Rob was right behind me. “Fuck Adam, your throat is amazing, I’m gonna shoot again!,” he said. I reached over to kiss him while my cock was still shoved all the way up inside Adam and felt Rob tense up and with a shudder, he came. The entire room smelled of poppers, cum and sex, and Adam couldn’t have been happier. “Who wants to fuck my cunt next?,” he said, offering his hole to any of the four of us who wanted to use it.
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  41. I just got down on my knees in front of my biological father wearing a sexy schoolgirl outfit and sucked his cock for about 20 minutes until he blew his load right down my throat.
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  42. Somethin's Burning Work had slowed down a bit and I was just sifting through the morning's emails when my phone dinged. The notification was from the pharmacy that my prescription was ready for pickup. It kept distracting me through the rest of the day. I kept thinking "Should I pick it up? Forget about it for a few days, weeks or months?" and finally decided on just leaving it sit there for a few days. What a few days those turned out to be. All hell broke loose and the protests, a few of which I was in, turned to riots. The peace and quiet of the past few months was gone. When the violence subsided a couple weeks later and things started to get back to normal, I remembered my meds and called the pharmacy. My call got automatically transferred to another store a couple miles away. After finding out that my local place was in ruins and all the prescriptions had been reassigned to other nearby stores, I asked how soon the 'script would be ready. It took a little while but they told me I could pick it up in a couple days. Two days later, I got a notification that it was ready for pickup. "Might as well combine two things and jog over to the pharmacy" I thought. I took a long lunch and headed downstairs dressed for a run, but also brought half of the stuff in my wallet to deal with the pharmacy. James, the doorman, looked a little surprised that I was going out for a run and told me "Be careful", which I thought was strange. I started out as usual, jogging over to the lakefront and then north along the lake towards sleazy bush. As I got near, I headed back inland and in the direction of the pharmacy. I got almost four blocks when a cop car went speeding past me and then pulled around the corner and stopped, blocking the sidewalk. I slowed as I approached and the cop was walking around the front of the car. Stopping twenty feet away, I looked and saw Carlos standing there. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he asked in that unmistakable authoritarian voice. "Out for a jog and stopping at the drug store for my meds" I replied, trying to figure out why this was such a deal. "Ya know, its probably a bad idea for a guy like you to be out running around after what just happened. Some people might think you're running away from something bad you just did. There's still vandalism and fires getting set..." he said in a slightly friendlier voice. I slowly moved a little closer but was still about eight feet away when I stopped. I was guessing that he was referring to my non-white skin when he said "a guy like you." "Oh, fuck. I didn't think about that. Sorry... I'll just walk the rest of the way. OK?" I answered, "Good idea. You're lucky I was the one that stopped you, since I know you ain't gonna cause any trouble unless it's a hot neg bottom that you've spotted" Carlos replied, adding a little chuckle. I shook my head and laughed, knowing he was right. "And don't forget about our deal. How's the guy from the park? Still shooting blanks?" He asked quietly. I had kind of forgotten about that little incident, but it was suddenly fresh in my mind again. "Nah, he's one of us now. And he's calling himself a top, too" I said in a hushed tone. Carlos chuckled. "Not around me. You were the last top I had and I aim to keep it that way. I expect to hear a call from you in the next week or I'll hunt you down" he said, the humor gone from his voice. "Yes, Officer Ramirez" I said, starting to walk around the front of the squad car. He put his arm around my shoulder and squeezed firmly. "Don't disappoint me, Craig" he said before getting back into his car. "Crap, he knows my name" I thought. I continued my walk over to the pharmacy and noticed a boarded up window on the front and went inside. None of the workers inside the place looked familiar and I wondered what the people from my regular store were doing now that their store was a burned out mess. Especially the cute pharmacist that usually waited on and flirted with me. I wandered to the back of the store to the pharmacy counter and waited for the two people in front of me to get served. It gave me plenty of time to check out the new pharmacist. While the uniform and mask hid most of the details, I could tell that he was a tall, thin guy probably about my age. I got a few glimpses when he pulled his mask down and saw some dark flawless skin, nicely defined cheekbones and a trimmed mustache and goatee. His name tag said "Sanjiv" and I filed it away in my brain in case he showed any interest. I licked my lips behind my mask and felt my cock start to stir. Finally it was my turn and I stopped on the spot marked on the floor. I gave him my name and birthdate while fishing my id, insurance card, drug discount card and credit card out. His eyes got a little big when he pulled up my prescription and he leaned forward and asked "Is this a new prescription for you?" "No, its a refill. I just haven't been able to get it filled for the past few months" I replied, almost on auto-pilot since I was mentally undressing him. "Do you mean you ran out? How long have you been off of this medication?" he then asked, inquisitively. "Yeah, I ran out. It's been about three months since I last took my last dose" I said, wondering what he was going to say. "You have discussed this with your doctor and he's aware of the lapse?" the pharmacist asked, leaning closer. "Yeah, he knows. He told me to cross my fingers and hope there aren't any issues" I replied, chuckling slightly. "Oh... good. Uh, there are condoms in aisle 12 if you need them. Let me get your prescription" he said, turning back to the large wall of bins. Chuckling again, I muttered loud enough for him to hear "Nah, I don't use 'em." He looked through one bin and then another while I stood there watching him. I heard him make a few undecipherable comments as he moved from bin to bin. He got up and went into the back and I heard some stuff being shuffled around. Another couple of minutes later he came back. "Sir, I'm sorry, but I can't find your prescription. It isn't where it was supposed to be. I'll have to re-order it and it should be here tomorrow. Can you come back then to pick it up?" he asked. It sounded suspicious but I decided to follow along and replied in an irritated voice, "What? You can't find it? I got a notification that it was ready for pickup!" "Yes, I know. The system says it's here, but I've looked all over and I can't find it" he replied. "Look again" I said, firmly. A grin came across my face as I watched him stand there nervously. "Yes... sir" he answered and turned around and dug through most of the bins again. When he rifled through the lower bins this time, Sanjiv bent over showing a decent looking butt. He seemed to be flipping so fast he couldn't possibly be reading the names on the prescription bags. He came back a few minutes later and said "Sorry, I can't find it. I'll have a new one expedited. Tomorrow for sure." I wondered how he was expecting this to play out when he suddenly said louder, for anyone in the back half of the store to hear him, say "The restrooms are over by cosmetics. They are locked, I can open them for you, sir." It was an interesting turn and definitely one made by a horny bottom. I looked around and there was no one else waiting for the pharmacy. He came out the door and walked quickly along the back aisle of the store. I followed closely and watched him unlock the door to the restrooms. He headed straight to the men's room and went inside with me right behind him. He stopped in the middle of the room and turned back to face me. "I've been waiting on this for a long time. You got what I need. We have to be quick, though. You're a top, I hope?" he asked staring back at me. "Yeah, I am. You sure you want this?" I replied, grabbing my crotch suggestively. Normally, I wouldn't even think about fucking a guy in this situation. The risk of getting caught was high and the chances of him changing his mind and making trouble for me was also high. But... he had a few things working in his favor - I was horny, he was aggressive and he seemed pretty cute. "Mmmhmm" he answered, turning to the sink and then unbuttoning his pants and pushing them down. "I hope you're serious cuz there's one guy already this month that knows how infectious I am" I said as I pushed down my running shorts. I moved closer, pulling my foreskin back as my cock pried its way between his dark, hairy ass cheeks. The bare head of my cock nestled into the pucker and began to leak in anticipation. Leaning closer, my hand turned his chin so he could see my masked face. "You better share when you're toxic. I don't like to waste my special sauce." "My boyfriend will be the first but he won't be the last. Please go easy, I've only bottomed a few times" he replied quietly, his body quivering in front of me. I felt his hole try to relax against the tip of my cock, but I could tell it was still going to be a tight fit. I chuckled as I turned his head back so it was facing the mirror and covered his masked mouth with my hand. "Nah, its supposed to hurt. I have to tear that chute up to make sure my bug is swimmin' inside you" I whispered in his ear before I thrust my cock into his tight hole. He tried to stifle his scream and my hand muffled a lot of the rest. My dick hurt from the sudden intrusion into his hole, but I knew he was hurting a lot more. His whole body was twitching from the searing pain as he got used to my cock stuffed inside him. I held him there for a half a minute before I began to pull my dick back out. Sanjiv's hole was throbbing around my cock as I withdrew and then I plunged back in. The milking action from his pucker was getting my balls excited and as much as I wanted to pump him full of my poison, I wanted a decent, if quick, fuck to go with it. That's what I gave him. A fast, hard fuck that made him feel every inch of my cock. He did fade out briefly a couple times, but that just made it more erotic for me. For the last two minutes, I wrapped my arm around his neck and hammered him faster until my balls couldn't resist any longer. A half dozen ropes of my diseased cum flooded his colon before I took a few last stabs with my cock and then pulled out. Our dark skin hid most of the possible damage I did to him but I soon found out how badly I wrecked him when I grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser next to us and wiped my dick clean. The white paper towel was now smeared with a red mixture of cum and blood. I held it out in front of his face to let the consequences of our six minute fuck sink in and then rolled it up and pushed it into his ass like a tampon. "Keep my swimmers inside until you get home, ok?" I whispered in his ear. I stuffed my cock back into my shorts and slapped his bare ass before I walked out of the restroom. No one seemed to pay attention to me as I strolled back home with a contented look on my covered face. The same scene happened the next day. I was the disgruntled customer who's prescription was still missing and we ended up in the restroom again. This time in the stall with Sanjiv bent over the toilet taking another dose of viral semen. He was still hurting from the day before and I added a new layer of pain on top of it. The fuck was just as rough as the day before and the toilet paper was the same hue as the paper towel the day before. The third day was another repeat. On the fourth day, the look in his eyes when I approached the counter told me how much he feared another fuck. I've known well used bottoms that couldn't take two of my hardest fucks much less the three he had gotten so far, so I kind of understood. But I still wanted this top guy to be able to pass along my bug to future generations and I felt a fourth dose would do it. With my meds finally in hand, we made our way back to the men's room. I pushed him to the sink and he braced like a good slut. I pulled his pants down and then my shorts. My cock was as rigid as it had ever been and it soon speared his hole. With one hand holding him to my chest, I pulled my mask down and then his. We stared at each other in the mirror and he saw my evil grin while I saw the doubt in his expression. I knew his sexy face would be able to lure lots of victims into his clutches and soon they would have a belly full of toxic seed taking over their clueless bodies. I pulled back and slammed my cock back in, both of us still staring at each other. Or maybe he would tell them and they would beg for his cum not caring how deadly it was. My cock withdrew until just the last inch was inside him and I thrust in again. This time I got a whimper from him and he saw my smile. "I'm going to come back here in a couple weeks. Hopefully, you will have someone filling in for you as you are taking a few sick days. The conversion sucks, trust me on that" I said to him quietly in his ear. His eyes got big and then he nodded 'yes.' "You have one week after that to fuck your boyfriend and knock him up. Plant as many loads in him as you can during that week. Then you're going to invite me over to breed him. I don't care what you tell him, make up any excuse you like, but I'm going to fuck him three or four times over the following week until his body succumbs and he's a knocked up cumdump. Got it?" I said. "But" Sanjiv started to say but I cut him off. "No 'buts' on this. I want to use his ass and guarantee he never shoots another neg load" I said firmly. "I mean, what if it doesn't take and I don't convert?" Sanjiv asked. "Well that would piss me off, but I guess we'll keep going until it fuckin' happens. We'll need to find a new place to fuck though. This one's too risky" I replied. The hammering I gave him next was brutal. His ass was trashed and then I dumped another load inside. This time, there was no yelling or signs of distress. He took the fuck like any good bugchaser should. The paper towel I used to clean off my dick after our fuck was just like the past three days. Maybe a little darker red, but then this was the hardest fuck. I pulled up my shorts and then my mask before grabbing the prescription off the sink. Walking over to the door, I pulled it open and turned back to him just as he pulled his pants up. "Enjoy" I said and walked out the door, through the store and then down the street towards my building. While I walked I thought about his comment about not converting and thought to myself "That wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen - he was a decent fuck. I'll just need to try harder next time."
    1 point
  43. We never fucked, but at 12 I started sucking my father's dick. I was the aggressor with my father. I sucked my first dick when I was in kindergarten. Sucked many dicks after that at a young age. No shame, No regrets.
    1 point
  44. First off, not everyone who barebacks is an "aids beggar". Some guys are on PrEP. Some guys are positive and undetectable. Really, there's nothing you can say that applies to all barebackers except that they enjoy sex bareback. That's it. And it's not "catching the flu". CoViD-19 is well documented as being more infectious than the flu and potentially far more serious because there is no actual treatment yet; the only thing that could be worse is if it was also far more deadly than it is (which is plenty bad enough). Finally: HIV, for all the challenges it presents, is both treatable and (if treated) a very, very slow killer - to the point that people who stay on treatment are likely to die of something else before HIV comes close to killing them. Death from CoViD usually happens within weeks. People who don't understand those differences probably shouldn't be allowed to use computers unsupervised.
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  45. I don't seek out straight guys, but when the bars start closing is the magic hour. Plenty of drunk straight guys more than ready to get sucked off, and once you get started you never know what they'll be willing to do.
    1 point
  46. Is this just for cruising? as a married dude, I can tell you about a guy that had success with me. He is on double list advertising as a cock sucker for straight and married men. Super responsive, hosted in his own apartment. Saw him multiple times a week during lunch. Confirm the time in the morning, I show up at lunch. He puts on porn for me and gets to work on my cock. He’ll stay down there as long as I want or get me off quickly. All my choice. Always throats the load. Then he thanks me for the cock and he lets me know his mouth is there anytime I want it. I head out and will hit him up again in a few days. it’s such a good set up. I don’t know what straight dudes that weren’t getting head at home would pass on.
    1 point
  47. I went there on a Saturday evening. It was their Poz friendly night. It is quite small but I felt it was quite friendly - I preferred this place to some of the larger venues. Down stairs were all the action seemed to be and the mixed crowd of older men, certainly got me going. There were some aids bone candidates, thin and vascular who were happily fucking some guys raw on the makeshift mattresses. I did spot a nice older bear with a hot scorpion tat above his dick, but he seemed to be fucking covered. I was topping that evening so there were a couple of nice arses in the air ready to take my dick, which was nice. We ended up leaving after a couple of hours to go to Der Boiler which if I had my way again I would have stayed to enjoy the fun. Next time in Berlin I will be here for the whole evening. X
    1 point
  48. Had two neg guys last month agree to let me fuck them raw if I'd pull out because we didn't have a condom. First was a young guy. I faked cumming on his cock after I bred him--he'd figure it out later when my load worked its way out, lol. The second was older and as I was cumming i grunted to let him know and he gave me a shocked look, but didn't say anything as I shot my full load inside him.
    1 point
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