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  1. Disclaimers: This is my first story on BZ. This story is based on an actual experience. Feel free to contribute your own ideas to help me flesh out the story - I'm not really a writer, but I felt this had to be told. Enjoy, piggies! ---------------------------------------------- Part 1 The heat of a July afternoon in the Midwest can get really intense. But I barely noticed it as I drove toward the metropolis with an anxiety in my stomach. The car sped along the highway merrily as I grew ever closer to my destination… and my destiny. Five weeks since, I decided to take a bold step. I’ve been a bugchaser for years, but I really didn’t act on those urges and try to get myself infected. They just happened as part of the ho life, and I dealt with them accordingly. I’ve had a few STDs - the usual maladies of chlamydia and gono and the like - but this time, I was chasing down a big one. Sorta. I got in touch with a friend who has been positive for many years, and undetectable. Rick is known for HIV activism in his community, including volunteering for the clinic and AIDS hospice. He ran for a leather title a few years back and his platform that won him the title was about love and acceptance of the afflicted not only in his community but worldwide. So it’s a curious thing that he agreed to do this for me. Because I can’t get bugchasing and converting out of my head, I hatched a hair-brained scheme to find out for myself what the other successful chasers were raving about. I asked Rick to pretend to poz me. “Dude, that is not okay!” was his opening response to my request. “This bug is no picnic to live with. I get it’s not a death sentence like it used to be, but this shit will fuck you up, and your hunger to get charged up will get you in trouble.” I was prepared for this. “Rick, it’s just fantasy,” I answered. “All you have to do is fuck me like the bitch that I am, and work some poz talk into the scene. I’m not asking you to come off your meds so I can live this fantasy. It’s just that. Fantasy.” Rick went silent for a while. I suddenly felt like I crossed a line. When he finally spoke again, he said calmly, “I’m gonna send you some links to websites, some information. You don’t seem to be educated on what this all involves, and if you’re serious about doing it, then you should be informed of the commitment this lifestyle requires. And believe you me, this WILL change your life in ways you can’t imagine, Steve.” “Okay, I’ll take a look at it.” “I’m serious, Steve,” he quickly said insistently. “What you’ve asked me to do is really disrespectful, and I … I really need to think about this. I admit I’m attracted to you, and after seeing your sweet hole that night at the bathhouse, I wanted to pound you into oblivion. But I don’t appreciate you asking me to violate my boundaries like that, even though I’m undetectable, and yes it’s just play, but I’m concerned you’re going to go and seek out the real thing.” True to his word, Rick emailed the information to me. I read it, and only got more turned on. This was something I *needed* to do. Personal fulfilment, Rick’s warnings be damned. Four days after this uncomfortable phone conversation, Rick shot me a text message. “Did you read it? Are you still set on a fake conversion scene?” I hesitated. I didn’t want another lecture. I just wanted to fuck, and convert, and live my new life charging up other guys. “Hi Rick. Yes, I read it,” I texted back. “And yes, I still want to do it.” I didn’t ask him a direct question, and left it for him to fill in the blank. A few minutes passed before he answered. “Okay. I’ll do it. But we are going to have a talk about this in person when you get here. If this is what you want, then I’m going to make sure you never chase again. Understood?” I practically jumped out of my seat when I read this. I didn’t think he’d actually agree to it. I didn’t want to appear over-eager, so I gave a non-committal reply. “Yes, we need to talk about it as much as you think is necessary. When should I come visit?” “Five weeks. How’s the 24th looking for you?” I checked my calendar. I had no commitments that day. “That’s fine.” “Come to the brownstone. 4pm sharp.” Our conversation ended there. As I entered Rick’s neighbourhood, a growing mood of nervousness and anxiety began to manifest itself in my environment. I parked the car a few blocks from the brownstone, and just sat there for a minute. I need to get moving. It’s nearly 4 o’clock, and if I don’t show, I won’t enjoy having to ask him for this again. I looked in the rearview mirror at myself. Something behind my eyes told me Don’t do this. My dick, however, was standing fully erect while my mind raced. Remember, you’re totally safe. He’s undetectable, you’re going to be fine. And his monster dick will make you feel good. That was all the convincing I needed. I exited the car, paid for my spot, and began the trek to the brownstone. Rick was waiting for me outside when I arrived. I could smell his fat cigar well before I actually saw him. He was seated on the patio, scrolling mindlessly through his phone while hauling hard on a cock-sized stogie. He wore a simple t-shirt over his slender, underdeveloped frame, and tight khaki shorts, and had his aviators over his eyes. While not the picture of masculinity, there was a certain sexiness about the whole look. I walked over to his table, and could see a near-empty water bottle. The wind blew gently giving us a short break from the humidity of the afternoon. “I’m here,” I cheerfully announced. Rick looked up from his phone. “Good to see you made it, Steve.” He stubbed out the half-smoked cigar, and rose from his chair. The water bottle rolled off and I bent over to catch it, and missed. I suddenly felt his hand on my ass. “Hey, we’re not doing this out here,” he said. “But thanks for the preview!” “Let’s go inside,” I said, smirking. “I’ve gotta piss so bad I can taste it.” “Dirty boy! But later!” he said with a laugh. We entered the brownstone, and Rick sidestepped so I could rush to the bathroom and relieve myself. I unzipped, and my piss poured forth in a hot, thick stream of golden yellow. I couldn’t believe how much I was holding, but I also had to remember how much water I drank on the way here. The road to the city is a long one, and combined with July heat made for a very thirsty chaser. After washing my hands, I left the bathroom and found Rick on the couch, quite comfortable. He poured a drink for each of us, and patted the seat next to him gently. The conversation was more of what we discussed on the phone, and was frequently a carbon-copy of that conversation. “This really isn’t my thing,” Rick admitted. “When I was first diagnosed, I had to think of all the guys I played with around that time. And because I didn’t know I was positive, I infected someone I really liked.” He seemed to be remembering it as if it were yesterday. “When he got sick, I felt so guilty. I locked myself in my room for days, and just couldn’t stop crying. Not for me, but for this guy. And I had the unhappy duty of telling him in person that I was the one who pozzed him. He socked me right in the nose for that, and I never saw him again. Too bad. Dave was a sweet guy.” “You don’t know what happened to him?” I asked. “Nope. He blocked me on social media, and although I looked for him at the clubs a couple times, he was just gone. It broke my heart. So I want you to know that your actions today will have consequences that will hurt others if you’re not careful.” “I am quite prepared,” I said. “You did a good job educating me on the subject, and I am making the choice that is right for me.” I wasn’t about to let him change my mind because then we might not fuck. Rick then took one of my hands, and squeezing it, he said, “Are you ready?” His tone was all seriousness, and he was letting me know that I was in control of what happened next. Doubt crossed my mind for a second. I think it was at this point when I began to feel the most nervous about it. “Yes,” I answered as fearlessly as I could. He released my hand, and exhaled loudly through his nose. Rick then looked away, giving one of his thousand-yard stares that he was known for when something that questioned his morals crossed his path. “Okay,” he said with resignation. “If this is REALLY what you want, okay. I’ll help you. But remember - you asked for it, and if you can’t handle the fantasy, you have the power to stop it.” Something about the way he said that made me wonder what kind of script he was going to follow. And my hard dick made itself known again. Rick saw the rise in my shorts. “I think I already know the answer,” he said with a smile, grabbing my growing cock. He stood up while holding on to my swelling member, and said, “Come on. Let’s do this.” I obediently followed Rick to his playroom, guided all the way by his pulling of my dick.
    24 points
  2. Part 8 - February Frozen In Time Conrad put on his coat and grabbed a coffee then went to sit outside in the cold January morning, having at last spent a day without masturbating allowing his sore cock some respite. He wondered if he was turning in to a degraded pervert constantly needing to blow his load every time he thought of Jack. What was even more weird was how he found it exhilarating sitting in the cold air looking at his aunties flower bed reminding him of when Jack had assaulted him outside cutting his cheek. He chuckled to himself totally chilled out and enjoying the peace and quiet. Max arrived and grabbed a coffee walking outside, he leaned down and kissed Conrad on the cheek taking him by surprise and sitting down next to him. "You told your parents then?" Max asked already knowing the answer "how have they taken it?". Conrad put his cup down "Not sure, my father is upset" he replied "just wish Charlie and..." he stopped himself. Max chuckled "Charlie told me you have a thing for sailors" he said sipping his coffee. Conrad rolled his eyes "Does Charlie tell you everything?" he asked looking at him. "Of course" Max replied "What about Harry though?" he now asked. Conrad sat in silence for a moment "To be honest I have tried to forget about him" he replied. "You never contacted him?" Max asked looking surprised. "No" he replied "I don't see any point" Conrad said then looked down "what if he is the one?". Max looked at Conrad "Do you like him?" he asked. Conrad shrugged his shoulder "I don't even know him" he said "I know he can punch" he chuckled. "He hasn't been seen around the bar for months now" Max informed him "even my wife asked her gay friends". Conrad sat up "And there has been no sight of him?" he asked looking concerned. "No" he replied "someone did say he got a job in the city" Max said "but he never hangs out around here now". Conrad nodded "Maybe I should just check in within him make sure he is okay". Max smiled and stood up "Come on back inside" he said "and if you don't contact him... well you will never know". It was the jolt Conrad needed and the following morning he sat there holding his phone for several minutes and finally sending a message to Harry apologising for not being in touch and asking if he was okay. He could see the message had been delivered but remained unread for most of the day. It took Conrad all this time to realise he had never truly got over Harry despite not even really knowing him, Harry had got in to his head though and the more he thought of him the more he found he wanted to explore any possibility that may exist. The subtle way he toyed and teased Conrad, his mischievous little grin and boyish looks, maybe he was in love with Harry but could not see it. Their trip to London was over so quickly and they were setting off for the drive back to Hampshire. Harry was sat up in bed in his swanky flat overlooking the city, he knew the text by heart but kept reading it dithering and not knowing how to answer Conrad. Moham came out of the bathroom dressed for a meeting and kissed Harry on the head, frequently popping over early morning before going to the office mixing a little business with a lot of pleasure. "Harry just answer it then either delete it or whatever" Moham said noticing he was still distracted. Harry nodded "In a minute I will" he said getting out of bed. Moham put his watch on looking at Harry "Come in at lunchtime Harry and get that sorted out" he said. Harry got back in to bed and watched Moham leave, reading the text message again he thought hard and began typing his response to Conrad. Sitting there for a moment with his finger poised over the send button he hit it and locked his phone putting it on silent. Picking up his work phone he browsed through the emails received since yesterday to see if anything needed immediate attention before taking a shower. Conrad felt his phone buzz in his pocket and hurriedly pulled it out and saw he had a message from Harry. Quickly opening it he read it and read it again, a tear fell from his eye seeing the words the from Harry 'You put me through ups and down and I can't explain why or get over you yet you still rip my heart out every time I think or see you, I don't even know you yet this is what you have done to me. It is best we leave it there I can't copy with that happening any more'. Wiping his eyes he put the phone back in his pocket unaware his father had been watching him through the mirror, he really felt heartbroken and knew he should have gone back to Harry when Max sent him his number. When they arrived home Conrad said nothing and went up to his bedroom and laid down trying to make sense of his life. Eddie knocked on the door and walked in catching Conrad wiping his eyes again. "That text you got in the car was it from Charlie's friend?" his father asked. Conrad looked at his father who closed the door "No, someone else who I realised I was fond of" he replied. Eddie sat on the bed "They blew you off?" he asked "you have always been the sensitive one Con" he said trying his best at consoling him. "He says I rip his heart out but we don't know each other apart from when he punched me" Conrad said. Eddie stifled a laugh "Sorry I didn't mean to laugh" he said sincerely. Conrad smiled "It was my fault I called him a queer" he said "now look at me just a fucking queer". "Conrad!" his father looked angry "don't ever use that language in this house" he told him off going to town. "Sorry father" Conrad said laying back down on the bed "I need Charlie here he would know what to do". Eddie patted his leg "Love can swipe your legs right from under you Conrad, you just have to deal with it". Conrad nodded "I'm sorry for being such a mess" he said in frustration. "Come down to dinner" Eddie said standing up "we love you son it just take us oldies more time to adjust". He joined them for dinner and opened up a bit more about Harry and the incident in London but left out the gay for pay part to spare them and himself the indignity of it, surprisingly both parents were supportive. Towards the middle of January Conrad was busy revising for the next part of his exam which was a practical in a few days time, he had no idea why they would do practical exams outside in January when you couldn't even get a fork in the ground. It had been a good week speaking to Charlie and Joshua twice who were now sailing up towards the Bahamas before a trip along the east coast of the US then across the Atlantic to Portsmouth for the start of March. The following week he was glad the exam was done and sent Jack a text to let him know how it had gone. Despite his urge to text Harry he decided not to thinking that was that, so preoccupied by Harry that by the weekend he realised there had been nothing from Jack so he strolled up to the manor Saturday morning. Simon spotted him and walked down the stairs opening the front doors just as Conrad came through the gate, he looked tired and upset calling Conrad over. It was the first time he had seen or spoken to him since that night and had to hold back his anger towards him. "Conrad, I think you better come in" Simon said going back inside leaving the door open. Conrad walked in closing the door "What is wrong?" he asked looking at him "Jack?" he suddenly blurted out. Simon went over and hugged him "He is upstairs and is in a very bad way". Conrad cried out and went running up the stairs with Simon following him, he rushed through the bedroom doors and fell to his knees crying. Jack was hooked up to a ventilator and wires going to a monitor showing his life signs. Simon knew this was coming since his last bout of illness but even he broke down seeing Conrad in such a state. All the time Jack went on about Conrad, he only now saw first hand how truly attached Conrad and Jack had become through their friendship. The initial shock overwhelmed Conrad and eventually he calmed down and went to sit by his side, Simon closed the doors softly and left them alone. Conrad visited every evening and stayed for many hours holding Jack's hand who was in an unresponsive state. Sunday afternoon at the close of January it was cold and snow flurries filled the air, Conrad was sat with Jack holding his hand as usual and giving Simon a break who left with the doctor. Conrad talked about plants and what he had been learning that week when he felt Jack squeeze his hand gently. He cried a lot sitting there and Simon had been frank and honest telling him it was only a matter of days. The one person in life who apart from Charlie that knew Conrad inside out was lying in this frail state. He held on to Jack's hand tighter like he was letting him know he was here. Conrad stroked Jack's arm and spent time looking at his various tattoos mumbling away to him about them. He found the scorpion on his bicep that he never really noticed or paid attention to it before. The stinger part had drops painted in red landing on a skull and crossbones, underneath was a cupid holding the letter A and a hibiscus flower entwinned around the letter C. Conrad got his phone out and took a picture of it not understanding the significance of them, he knew it would really upset his parents but he wanted to get the scorpion one done in honour of Jack and everything he had done for him. Something about it just reminded him so much of Jack, Simon walked in just as he took the picture. "He was always proud of those tattoos, symbolised many things in his life" Simon said sitting next to Conrad. Conrad put his phone away "I never really paid much notice to them" he said looking at Simon. "You getting one done yourself?" Simon asked "ah, the scorpions tail and the drops of venom". Conrad smiled looking at Jack "It is your venom inside both of us" he said. Simon remained silent for several minutes "You took advantage of me that night" Conrad said glancing at him. "I know" Simon confessed "I did warn you" he said standing up feeling he should leave. Conrad patted the seat "Sit down Simon" he said "Jack and I are brothers of sorts, we both have your virus". Simon smirked "Yes you have both inherited my DNA" he replied. Conrad glanced at him "I guess Harry is as well?" he asked but nodded answering his own question. "You got Jack's strain as well" Simon remarked and Conrad looked at him "yes he told me he finally got you good in the greenhouse". "It doesn't mean I forgive you" Conrad said in mild anger "you must have known I didn't understand". Simon looked at Jack "You will either love or hate me Conrad same as Jack did" he said. "You reckon?" Conrad replied "I can't get past the anger towards you at the moment" he said blinking back tears. Simon spoke softly "Jack loved two people Adam and me but he for some reason he completely adored and love you even more". Conrad looked at Simon "He never said anything to me" he said looking sad. "Jack's way, if he had told you then things would have got complicated and hard just like now" Simon explained. Conrad sniffed "Jack is one brutal arse wrecker" he said half smiling looking at Jack. Simon chuckled and patted his shoulder "That is why I would never let him lose on my arse". "One day he held me in his arms and looked me in the eye like he was making love to me" Conrad admitted. Simon smiled "He probably was Conrad, you really don't understand how much he really thought of you". Conrad shook his head and ran his hand along Jack's arm stroking it lovingly, the snow began to fall heavily and coated the land in a brilliant whiteness against the dark clouds. Just as darkness was creeping in the heart monitor flatlined, his body finally unable to fight any longer. Jack passed away peacefully with Conrad holding his hand. Simon reached over grabbing Conrad and hugging him tightly feeling every heart breaking sob from Conrad entering in to his body. Simon could hear the hurt and devastation in his cries, he pushed Simon away and leaned over kissing Jack one last time then walked out without a word to Simon. Crying all the way out of the manor, Simon watched from the window then turned to Jack and kissed him on the forehead placing the sheet over him then looked out the window again just as Conrad turned to look up 'stupid kid' he said upset, annoyed and angry. Simon turned the light off and placed the call to the undertakers and doctor. He stood there unsure if he was angry at Conrad or Jack, in the darkness he sat talking to Jack until the doctor arrived. Conrad walked in to the house and his mother came out of the sitting room and saw his tear streaked face, she ran over and hugged him knowing full well what it meant. He spent the rest of the evening trying to be consoled by his parents. The loss of Jack hit him badly and he spent the next few days in his bedroom unable to face or talk to anyone. His heart truly broken and bursting in to bouts of tears, thankfully he had a week off college which did nothing to help his sadness frequently breaking down during the day and crying himself to sleep at night. There had been no movement at the manor and many of the neighbours dropped flowers off as word spread of Jack passing away. Simon locked himself away sorting out the arrangements, he sent a few messages to some of the wealthy people that Jack had come to know from their parties telling them the funeral would be on Friday at 2pm. Simon pondered at first but eventually wrote an invitation to Conrad telling him the arrangements. Joshua was devastated seeing Conrad looking so upset and desperately wanted to be there for him, Charlie was the same and provided some comfort for Joshua who was badly upset and wanted to hold Conrad. Jody heard the doorbell ring and placed the tea towel down to answer the front door. "I'm sorry to disturb you so late I have this for Conrad" Simon said handing the envelope over. Jody looked at him "Simon isn't it, from the manor?" she asked. Simon nodded "Yes, it is Jack's funeral arrangements" he said nodding to the envelope. "My condolences" she said sympathetically "do you want to come in for a cup of tea or something?" Jody asked him. "No thank you" Simon said shaking his head "it has been a hard time" he said walking away back up the road. Conrad sat there looking at it in his bedroom wondering if Simon did it as a friend or just because he thought he should. He read it again, the service was at 2pm and burial at 3pm at a small church and cemetery that was within walking distance of Hibiscus Drive. It was a place Jack had already chosen having loved the spot when he tended the gardens before working at the manor. Adam was hunched over in tears in Moham's office Monday morning having just heard the news. Harry stood there unsure what was going until Moham explained to him that he was to accompany Adam and him on Friday to a funeral. Harry learnt that Adam had been having a long term fling with Jack for years whenever they could meet up. Harry brought Adam back to his flat and spent the evenings comforting and talking with him. They left Chelsea helipad just after lunchtime on Friday, Adam over the initial shock was pretty much back to himself and the helicopter landed just before 1pm. Conrad heard it arriving having no idea who it was and cared even less. The small private funeral would be a few people who Jack had been acquainted with, having been disowned by his family years ago he made strict instructions his family were not to be invited or told. Moham was first out of the helicopter and walked over to meet Simon, Adam got out and held Harry back for a moment. "Harry this will be hard but you must hold in any anger towards Simon" Adam said looking him in the eye. Harry looked towards Simon "There is no more anger Adam" he said "I don't want to speak to him". Adam shook his head "Harry you must at least be pleasant to him, Moham is friends both personally and business with him" he warned Harry. Harry nodded but unable to stop himself he gave Simon daggers when they looked at each other, this was the reason why Simon never had guys back that he had converted or stealthed. Simon though smirked and ignored him instead he went over to Adam and hugged him commenting he had been away too long from the manor and should visit. Simon couldn't help notice that Harry kept glancing out of the window like he was looking for someone. Conrad showered and got a black shirt and trousers out, it was the best he could do not having a proper suit for this type of occasion. He had already decided to skip the service and wait until the funeral party left then he would say his good bye to Jack alone. The limousine left the manor behind the hearse followed by a second one with Harry and Adam. Simon looked to number 8 and told the driver to wait a moment to see if Conrad would appear but it was quiet, a few ladies down the road had turned out to watch despite the cold wind blowing. "Who are you waiting for?" Moham asked Simon. "Hmm" Simon said "Oh, the lad Jack was teaching thought he might be attending" he replied. Moham nodded "Did I see him at the last party?" he asked. Simon shook his head "No, Conrad kept clear" he said. "Conrad?" Moham said looking at him "does he know Harry?" he asked. "I don't know" Simon replied glancing at him "he is a bit of a country boy, dam good fuck though". Moham chuckled "I am sure Harry told me he was in the garden when we left" he added looking at number 8. "Maybe they do know each other" Simon said trying to think back if Conrad had ever mentioned him. "If it is him he screamed a lot when I broke him in" Moham said smiling. Simon laughed "Anyway he is not talking to me at the moment" he said grinning. "Not another one" Moham said looking at Simon nodding "he was straight when I did him" Moham added. "Not so straight now Moham, he had sex with Jack in the greenhouse quite a few times" Simon informed him. Moham chuckled "Amazing what a little money will do to straight lads" he chuckled "brings out their gay side". Simon laughed "You are kidding me?" he asked "he was an escort in London?". "Far from it" Moham replied "but dangle a tempting carrot and well they come back for more very quickly". "What's the deal with you and this Harry then?" Simon asked wondering why he brought Harry with him. Moham smiled "Works for me as my assistant" he replied "and I am very fond of him". Simon turned to look at him "Adam's replacement?" he asked smiling "have you freed him up?". Moham laughed "I knew you still had a soft spot for Adam" he said "and he has a soft spot for Harry". Simon sat back smiling "Complicated lives they lead" he remarked. "Harry is in love with Conrad" Moham said "has been since the day they first met". Simon looked in surprise "Really?" he replied. Moham nodded "He thinks I don't know but I can see the hurt in his eyes when he thinks about him". "Well maybe Harry and you should come stay more often" Simon suggested "see if they can sort it out". Moham sat back "Looks like you have new neighbours Simon" he said nodding to the removals truck unloading. Simon looked "Number 3, I never heard it was up for sale" he replied tapping for the chauffeur to drive on. The Egginghams who lived at number 3 didn't even have time to get the for sale sign up, their house was purchased within the day of going on sale two months ago and now they had moved out and the Emir family were moving in, the mother was looking at the hibiscus bed out of the front when she noticed the limousine waiting outside number 8. Jamal her son walked over interested in seeing what was going on. Your typical 19 year old rebellious teenager, Jamal stood at five feet ten inches with jet black hair that was unruly and unkept. Deep brown eyes and his left eyebrow was pierced, he was attractive despite his unkept appearance by letting his hair do whatever it wanted. His skin a very subtle tanned shade of northern Morocco, his mother married a Moroccan business man and Jamal had inherited his fathers hair, eyes, cock and body type. His body was slim and tight with a perfect muscle definition that never changed no matter what he ate, his shining glory was the eight inches of thick prime meat. He was very proud of his ancestry but preferred to go by the name of Jam and was very English by nature. Over the past year at the all boys boarding school Jamal had found a use for his cock bedding quite a few of the other closet cases. He never classed himself as gay and a hole was just a hole for him to stick his cock in and get some pleasure. "Assume that must be there son" Simon said his eyes lighting up. Moham burst out laughing "Simon can you not think of anything else" he said. Simon smiled "You know me Moham!" he said as the limousine passed the gates on to the main road. Exiting from the limousines the 10 or so people congregated Harry avoiding Simon much as possible stood on his own whilst Adam and Moham chatted to the other guests, no one made any mention of Conrad but Simon was frequently looking around to check if he turned up. Conrad left home and noticed the removal van in the driveway of number 3, there was no one around when he walked past so Conrad continued on his way. He arrived just as the coffin was being carried out of the church to the graveyard, he waited out of sight from the group now congregating around the grave. Conrad recognised the Arab guy and there walking behind him with a tallish very attractive guy was Harry, his heart felt like it sank in his chest seeing him again. Harry looked very smart in his black suit and Conrad couldn't work out why he would be travelling with the Arab man, surely Harry didn't know Jack so why would he be here. He waited patiently and watched the coffin being lowered wiping his eyes, Simon took a handful of dirt from the pot and dropped it on the coffin now hidden from view. He watched Harry watching Adam and Moham grabbing some dirt and letting it fall on to the coffin, they stood silently for a moment. Conrad blinked back more tears and watched the group slowly turn and head back to the church, Simon stood there alone for a moment. He couldn't help but feel sorry for Simon and wanted to go over and hug him, to make everything alright. Simon turned and walked slowly back towards the church, Conrad stepped out and walked over feeling the cold February wind against his face. He stood and looked down in to the grave at the beautiful white coffin, he couldn't hold back anymore and stood with his head in his hands sobbing trying to keep the noise down. Simon and the group came out of the church and started heading back towards the limousines, he took a look over at the grave and saw the lonely figure with his head in his hands crying. A tear trickled down Simon's face seeing Conrad so heartbroken. "Go ahead guys" Simon said quickly wiping his eyes and holding back. Harry turned to look "Conrad" he muttered quietly. Moham held him back "Let Simon go an talk to him please Harry" he said holding Harry's arms Adam looked at the back of Conrad "My god he looks devastated". "He knew Jack from 7 years old apparently, Simon told me they had a very close friendship" Moham said. Simon stopped few meters away hearing Conrad talking to Jack 'I will never forget you Jack, you showed me so many wonderful things and made me fall in love with plants and you in a way. Who would have thought the 7 year old me would end up being your friend, certainly not either of us I think. I wanted something to remember you by so I will get that scorpion tattoo you have on your arm done on mine, it is the right thing to do as it will remind me of the pain you have put me through this week' Conrad stopped and wiped his eyes that seemed to stream constantly. He cleared his throat 'Oh I brought you something I hope you will like it' Conrad took out thirteen hibiscus petals 'one petal for every year I knew you' he dropped them in one by one sobbing quietly again. Conrad pulled one hibiscus flower out of his pocket 'This to remind you where it all began, I picked it from the front gate of the manor but don't tell Simon' he dropped the flower in to the grave. Conrad knew this was his final farewell and he was getting so overwhelmed with grief, he fell to his knees and sobbed. Simon heartbroken by what he saw rushed forward. "Come on Conrad" Simon said helping him up wiping his own eyes "Jack would have loved that". Conrad turned to Simon and hugged him "I miss him Simon" he said breaking down again "my god I miss him". "I'm so sorry Conrad" Simon held him tighter "I know how much you meant to each other" Conrad nodded "I'm sorry for leaving you like that on Sunday" he said sniffing. "Doesn't matter Conrad, come back to the manor" Simon suggested. Conrad shook his head "No I don't think so I am a mess" he replied. Simon held Conrad back in his arms "I need you to come back with me Conrad" he said looking at him. "Its awkward" Conrad simply replied. "Ah" Simon said looking over at Harry "things are only awkward if you make them awkward Conrad". Conrad wiped his eyes "Yeah but I don't think Harry would see it that way" he said. Simon shook his head "It is not about Harry today, that is his problem to deal with" he said. "No" Conrad said "I want to stay here a while, talk to Jack and say good bye". They hugged allowing themselves a few minutes to grieve together in private holding hands, Simon seeing this as a little thawing between them. Harry stood by the limousine watching them whilst Moham and Adam watched Harry noticing how besotted he was and unable to take his eyes off Conrad. Adam finally got a view of Conrad, he was young and very attractive albeit full of sadness, Adam wiped Harry's face and kissed him on the cheek. Harry was beginning to get upset himself and would have loved nothing more than to go over and comfort Conrad, the reality was both of their encounters had not been overly friendly. "Okay so now I understand" Adam said putting his arm around Harry's shoulder. Harry looked at him "Understand what?" he asked. Adam nodded towards Conrad "Why don't you go over and say hello" he suggested. Harry shook his head "No, things never seem to go well when we meet" he said getting in to the limousine. Harry looked out the limousines window at Simon who was walking back alone, Conrad sat on one the chairs provided and stared in to the grave shutting the world out. Adam looked at Moham who looked at Simon who smiled briefly. "You alright Simon?" Moham asked looking concerned. "No" Simon replied looking back at Conrad "I am worried about Conrad it has hit him badly I don't know what to do for him". "Is he coming back to the manor?" Moham asked, Simon shook his head glancing back at Conrad again. "You two go with Harry in the limo" Adam said "let me go speak with him see if I can bring him around". "Good luck trying that" Simon said walking towards the limousine "he doesn't like me much at the moment". Adam walked over and sat next to him "So you knew Jack then?" he asked Conrad staring at the coffin. Conrad nodded "I knew every nook and cranny of his body" Adam said "I guess you would have been 11 at the time". "I never saw you" Conrad said raising his head looking at Adam "he never spoke of anyone else". Adam smiled "No he wouldn't have, but he spoke of you constantly, the budding flower he called you". Conrad smiled for once "So many times he would rape me in the greenhouse" Adam said lovingly. Conrad chuckled "You as well" he said "I'm Conrad" he held out his hand and Adam took it. "Adam" he replied smiling at Conrad "It was your 16th birthday when he immortalised you" Adam said. "Sorry?" Conrad asked looking confused by his statement. Adam smiled "He had a flower tattooed on his arm with your initial" he told Conrad "next to mine with cupid". Conrad got his phone out and looked at the picture he took "Oh my god" he said noticing it again. Exactly how Adam described it there it was "I was with him the day he got it done" Adam said. "Were you in love with each other?" Conrad asked. Adam smiled "God yes but we are chalk and cheese and it would never have worked living together" he said. "Oh I see" Conrad said then chuckled again "he liked it rough, weirdly it was very passionate". Adam smiled and lifted his jacket sleeve to show his wrist "You have the J and cupid tattooed" Conrad said. "Yes" Adam replied pulling his sleeve down "you should get the J and flower tattooed" he suggested. Conrad nodded "Thank you for showing me that and yes I will along with scorpion I liked" he said. Adam smiled "That dam scorpion he loved that tattoo. How about we get it done together?" he asked. "Yes" Conrad said immediately "my parents will freak out but I need to do it". Adam put his arm around Conrad and kissed him on the cheek "Come back to the manor with me". Conrad shook his head "No I can't" he replied thinking of Harry. "Yes you can" Adam said standing up "Harry is quite upset seeing you like this". Conrad stood up "I know when I am beaten" he said looking at the coffin "see you in a month". Conrad wiped his eyes and Adam put his arms around him shedding a few tears "Bye my lover" Adam said. Adam walked with his arm around Conrad and sat him in the limousine for the short drive back to Hibiscus Manor. Conrad sat in silence lost in his own thoughts holding Adam's hand providing much comfort that he needed right now. He had no idea what to say to Harry or even if he wanted to talk to him. Slowly he walked through the doors in to the library that doubled up as a formal room and one that he had never see before. Simon smiled seeing Conrad walk in with Adam and picked up a glass for champagne for them both, he briefly caught Harry's eye having to look away for fear of another embarrassing episode with him. Simon tapped his glass and the rest of the group stopped talking and looked towards Simon 'Gentlemen, it has been one of the hardest few weeks I have had to endure and I know how fond of Jack many of you were. I thought I was prepared for this eventuality but I learned that no matter what love you had your heart breaks you in pieces. Some more so and I speak of the two people who meant the world to Jack. Adam who sneaked in to the greenhouse when he thought no one was looking and always returned looking like he had been dragged through a bush after, he was the only person Jack ever considered a lover. Secondly 13 years ago Jack found a renewed love for life when an annoying 7 year old got his hands dirty one Saturday helping Jack at the gates of the manor. Sneaking him in to the grounds behind my back, Conrad grew up and found a passion for horticulture that Jack helped nurture and taught him everything that he knew. Jack found a very real companion and friend in Conrad who today is now a stunning 20 year old man, despite his young age he turned out to be a very loyal friend. Jack often referred to him as his annoying adopted kid when he wouldn't shut up talking but also a budding flower when he was talking about Conrad which was constantly. I owe Conrad so much and he was here with me at Jack's passing. I know the next few weeks or months are going to be hard for some of us but Jack being Jack would have put a beer on the table and told us to get over it. To Jack who has found his peace'. Everyone raised their glasses and toasted Jack. Conrad slipped out of the room finding it unbearable and stood out in the damp cold air on the terrace overlooking the gardens, he found a little peace expecting this to be the last time he would ever see the gardens. Conrad turned hearing the study door open and Simon stepping out walking in his direction, he didn't say anything at first just kissed Conrad on the cheek. "Beautiful speech" Conrad said looking out over the gardens. "Thanks" Simon replied "almost forgotten how to make one" he chuckled. Simon put his arm around Conrad's shoulder "Adam told you about the tattoo I gather?" he asked. Conrad nodded "Why didn't you say anything?" he asked. "Didn't want to upset you Conrad" Simon replied "failed miserably at that" he stated taking a deep breath. Conrad looked out over the gardens "I still expect to see him popping up out of a flowerbed". "Yes I know I feel the same. I am here if you need a shoulder Conrad" Simon said sympathetically. Conrad smiled "The ever so elusive rich man" he chuckled "thank you". Simon smiled and looked at him "I hope that tattoo Jack had proved how much he thought of you". "Yes" he replied "and the scorpion tattoo what does that really mean?" Conrad asked looking at him. Simon glanced at Conrad "Partly his devious side and partly me" he replied. Conrad nodded and kissed Simon on the cheek "I shall miss this place" he said sighing. "Why?" Simon asked "you thinking of leaving Hibiscus Drive?". Conrad shrugged his shoulders "Well with Jack gone there is no reason to come here anymore". Simon smiled and looked at him "You better think again Conrad, you have to take over the gardens?" he said. Conrad looked at him "No I don't think it would be good idea" he replied. "Please Conrad you know how to look after the gardens and I trust you" Simon said looking him in the eye. Conrad shrugged his shoulders "I don't come cheap" he said wiping his eyes trying to make a joke. Simon hugged him "Yeah so I heard" he said chuckling fending off Conrad's play punches. "God does everyone know?" Conrad said laughing "one time" he said "one time". Simon laughed then went serious "I will pay you what I paid Jack £50k a year" he told Conrad. Conrad looked shocked "Okay but don't expect me to take over everything Jack did!" he smirked. "Agreed" Simon replied "what if I pay you?" he said laughing and walking off quickly. Conrad laughed and stepped off the terrace to take a walk around the gardens, he felt much happier walking amongst Jack's legacy, he was also starting to find himself at ease after the trauma of the week. Adam kept a careful eye on Conrad watching his chat with Simon, when he stepped off he terrace Adam walked over to Harry and whispered in his ear. Harry put his glass down and slipped out of the room on to the terrace spotting Conrad going behind one of the flowerbeds heading in the direction of the greenhouse. Slightly afraid of what Conrad might think he took baby steps and walked around the numerous flowerbeds until he spotted Conrad bending down pulling up a weed. He gulped unsure exactly what he was going to say or do now he was here standing several meters away from him. Conrad felt a presence behind him and turned around to see Harry standing there. Harry looked nervous "How is your cheek now?" he stuttered slightly. Conrad just looked at him "You stood me up and owe me a drink" Harry said trying to be light hearted. "I never stood you up Harry, you assumed I would be there" Conrad replied "I saw you here that weekend". "I know" Harry replied "I asked Moham to go back but he had some work in London". "I don't understand that message you sent me either" Conrad tried to explain. Harry looked down "I have tried to forget about you but I can't" he said with a sadness in his voice. Conrad stepped closer to Harry "What is it you want from me Harry?" he asked. "You don't get it do you" Harry replied staring at him "I fell in love with you that day I punched you". Conrad shook his head in bewilderment "Why?" he asked. "Conrad if I knew that I could put a stop to it" Harry replied "tell me if you want me to go". Conrad stood his heart racing "I..." he stopped talking confused by everything going on. Harry grabbed hold of Conrad and kissed him "Tell me you don't feel anything" he asked looking in his eyes. "I can't do this" Conrad said pushing him away "it frightens me, you frighten me" he said looking at Harry. Harry turned to walk away angry at himself opening up to him "Wait" Conrad called after him. Harry stopped "No Conrad, this gets harder every time and you keep rejecting me" he said walking off. Conrad screamed and walked off angry at himself more than anything at his own failing to commit to one simple thing. Adam watched from the window and shook his head, Moham patted him on the shoulder indicating they should leave before things really blew up between Harry and Conrad. "I just don't get it Moham" Adam said "they are both crazy for each other but can't see it". Moham looked at Adam "I am the last person to give advice on this sort of thing" he admitted chuckling. Harry stormed in a sat in a chair wiping his eyes "Come on Harry" Adam said "we are leaving". Conrad watched them walk across the lawn with Simon until the helicopter took off. Simon stood for a moment then headed towards the greenhouse where Conrad stood like he was cowering behind the bush. He put his arm around Conrad and took him up to the manor, darkness was filling the sky and Conrad leaned in closer to Simon who responded with a comforting squeeze. "Do you feel like eating?" he asked Conrad quietly. Conrad shook his head "Not really" he replied still watching the lights of the helicopter fading. "Harry is crazy about you Conrad" Simon said in quiet voice "and I see you are not far off either". Conrad nodded "I know Simon, that is what frightens me to admit the whole thing" he said. "Commitment is hard Conrad no one can tell you it is easy" Simon explained "you have to want it". Simon was feeling the cold "Come on lets go inside" he suggested. Conrad looked at him for a moment in silence "Can I stay the night with you?" he tentatively asked. Simon looked shocked initially and stared at him "Yes of course you can" he replied. Conrad smirked "I am hoping you will take advantage of me" he said almost teasing Simon. "You have to be kidding me!" Simon said looking at him like he was crazy then chuckled "like I need asking twice" he said. Simon made a pretence of wanting to hug Conrad, putting his arms low around Conrad's body and pulling him off his feet and flinging the unsuspecting lad over his shoulder carrying him inside and up the staircase to the master bedroom. Closing the doors with one hand he moved over to the bed dropping Conrad roughly. Using his feet Conrad kicked his shoes off and started undoing his trousers watching Simon who was already half naked throwing his clothes on the floor. Simon leant down and yanked Conrad's trousers and under wear off whilst he undid his shirt, his heart racing in anticipation watching Simon rubbing his already erect cock. Conrad looked up "Go easy with me" he said kneeling up on the bed. Simon pushed Conrad down on to his back again "Not a chance, you are in my bedroom, my rules". He squealed in excitement being aggressively twisted over on to his stomach, the weight of Simon bore down on him immediately followed by the sharp pain reeling through his arse. Simon penetrated his arse in one swoop and started ramming in and out with a purpose. Conrad cried out in agony at first his legs and arms pinned to the bed by Simon and his arse pushing up when Simon ground his cock jabbing away at his insides. His mouth telling him to stop, his arse telling him to continue. Simon pulled Conrad up to knees and leaning across the young body he slipped his arm around Conrad's waist holding him on his cock. Simon took a pleasurable moment holding Conrad's hips and looking down and whiteness of his arse stretched open around his cock. Pulling all the way out he watched the hole close up almost immediately twitch as the muscles relaxed. Slowly nudging his cock up against Conrad's hole again he delicately and slowly pushed forward watching the hole stretch lovingly around the head of his cock then pulling out again watching it close. Pushing forward again slowly Conrad gasped and moaned from the teasing his hole was undergoing, Simon repositioned his hands and thrusted forward with speed slamming the entire length in to Conrad's body, his hands holding Conrad's hips in place. Pulling all the way out he watched the hole shrink twitching all the while it closed up. Simon smiled at the perfect sight 'God I love your arse' he said slamming his cock back in watching his back arch up in pleasure. He leaned over Conrad's body and secured his arm around the waist holding him in place. His arse ground back on Simon's cock in defeat, he kissed Conrad on the neck and slowly fucked him for nearly two hours, switching positions and locations in the bedroom. His arse never more than ten seconds without Simon's cock inside him, he had Conrad in his arms standing up and facing him, legs wrapped around his waist. Simon's hands clasped under his buttocks lifting them up and down on his cock. Their mouths locked together in a deep kiss. Simon lowered him down on the bed keeping hold of Conrad he penetrated deep and furiously fucked him, his body tensed pushing deeper and holding Conrad tighter. Simon gasped and grunted loud and hard releasing days of pent up toxic laden seed in to Conrad's arse, streaming from his cock in thick ribbons each one pushing the previous one deeper. Under him Conrad closed his eyes feeling Simon's orgasm through his entire body with dutiful force behind it, no deviousness, no trickery, it was a clean and clear breeding that he felt Simon needed. He looked down and kissed Conrad gently massaging the seed deeper inside him. His legs closing around Simon's waist locking him in position, his heels pushing in to Simon's lower back driving his cock deeper. Conrad felt a drop land on his cheek and it a took a moment to realise it was a tear from Simon, he kissed and held him tightly around the neck hugging him. "Are you okay?" Conrad asked stroking his neck. Simon pulled himself up "Yes" he said looking sad "it reminded me so much of Jack he use to do the exact same thing". Conrad sat up "Do what?" he asked looking questionably at him. Simon smiled "Put his legs around me and dig his heels in holding he deep inside". Conrad laid back down and stroked his own chest watching Simon "I'm not going to replace him" he said. "No one can replace Jack" Simon replied running his hand along Conrad's leg "Thank you I needed this". Conrad looked up at Simon "I still don't forgive you though for what you did" he said. Conrad reached up and pulled Simon back on to the bed entwinning themselves together kissing and caressing each other, falling asleep just after 4am. They lost count after the fifth time fucking with Conrad unable to fathom out how Simon could just keep going like a cum producing machine, their bodies exhausted Conrad laid in Simon's arms resting peacefully.
    8 points
  3. 8. I stood outside of the stranger’s apartment building for a moment catching my breath and checking my messages. Nothing yet from Sir, but a few on Scruff from guy’s I had messaged the day before. I started to walk home, slowly answering messages as I went. As I walked I could feel cum running down my leg, leaking from my hole. It was just a tiny bit but I felt certain that anyone walking behind me would see a massive wet spot forming in my shorts. I stank of sweat and cum, I needed a shower, but I was still horny. I hadn’t cum myself since Sir had fucked me the first time my whole focus had been on getting dick and making him happy. I couldn’t wait till my next appointment! I got home and stripped off. After a quick shower I fell on to my bed naked and ran my hands down along my body. My cock sprung to life at the slightest tough and started drooling immediately. As horny as I was though jerking off was not my goal, I wanted more cock. I checked my phone, no new assignments from Sir yet. Sir had changed me. As I lay there, my fingers rubbing my battered hole, I thought about the vanilla vers boy I’d imagined myself two days prior. That boy was gone. The most important thing to me was dick now. I needed to get fucked. Sir had broken my brain. I didn’t want to wait for him to send me my next assignment. I opened Scruff on my phone, and started looking through people who had messaged me and anyone who was online. There was a new profile I hadn’t seen before, very close by. It only showed a somewhat stout hairy torso, no age, no name. The profile didn’t list much besides “top”. I messaged him, “horny cum dump looking to get bred.” He responded with a picture of a stupidly thick but not terribly long cock nestled in salt and pepper pubes. “Fuck, please breed my hole Sir,” I responded. He sent me his address, and I stared at it for a minute, he lived in my building. When I told him that he said, “I’m the new super, come down to the basement and let me load up that cunt.” “Yes Sir,” I replied, “one thing thought, I need you to take a video while you fuck me for my Sir.” “Boy’s cunt is owned then?” “Yes, Sir.” “Perfect. Get your pussy downstairs.” I pulled on shorts and a t-shirt, slipped into a pair of flip flops and ran down to the basement. I walked past the trash cans and laundry to a door I’d always ignored marked “super” in brass letters. I knocked. When he opened the door I realized I’d seen the guy before in the building. Just a little taller than me with a short salt and pepper goatee, he had a square slightly heavy-set build. I hadn’t though much of him before, but now standing in front of me in a plain white t-shirt and loose-fitting basketball shorts he was so fucking sexy. His cock was clearly already a little hard and pressing forward against the thin fabric of his shorts. “So, you’re the cum dump who had all those tops over yesterday.” “I, well, yeah.” “Now it’s my turn. Bend over the washing machine.” “Here in the hall?” “I’m still unpacking, this won’t take long. Now bend over pig.” 48 hours ago, I would never have bent over the washing machine in the laundry room for my whole apartment complex, and 48 hours ago I wouldn’t have gone to meet a man I knew nothing about in the basement either. Yet, now here I was, my hole exposed ready to be fucked by this man I had never met. “Most boys can’t take me right away, but I’m guessing you won’t have too much trouble with how much cock you took yesterday.” He rubbed his cock head against my hole. “Looks just as good in person as it does on the camera boy. Your Sir’s gonna love this video.” He pressed the broad head of his cock against my hole and I moaned. He was right, I didn’t have any problem, his cock slid into me and I breathed a sigh of relief as my cunt opened up for him. He felt amazing. The wide head of his cock stretched me wide as he started to pound. I rocked my ass back against his hips making him fuck me harder and harder. The sound of slapping flesh bounced off the concrete walls. He had a fist full of my hair holding me in place over the washer as he fucked me. “I’m gonna fill this cunt up good for you boy. I got a nice big two day load for you.” “Fuck yes, breed my hole.” “Don’t worry boy, you’ll get this load and then some. I’m gonna be breeding this cunt often.” “Anytime Sir!” “Good pig. Here it…” he didn’t finish his sentence. He growled and landed on my back. His belly pressing me forward. “Thank you, Sir.” I panted as his breathing came back to normal. Slowly he slid out of me and pulled his shorts up. I did the same, shaking a little. He was smiling when I turned to face him again. “I sent you the video on Scruff kid. I think your Sir’s gonna love it.” “Thank you!” I checked my phone, I had a text from Sir. It was a new address. “Shit,” I said, “I gotta go. Thank you for the load. Anytime you need to breed a hole you know where to find me.” I almost surprised myself saying that but I knew it was true. I didn’t even bother going back to my apartment. The address Sir sent wasn’t far. I just went up the stairs to the main floor and walked out of the building, my supers load deep inside me.
    7 points
  4. My Ex Breeds Me, and My Boy Chapter 1. My ex was a real asshole, a conservative Republican and terribly condescending. That’s why we broke up. But, before that, we had four great years where he fucked me silly with his thick eight-inch cock. He was greek and his body was covered in hair, even the lower part of his cock shaft. I missed the way his shaft hair would tickle my hole when he fucked me deeply. Anyway, that was a decade ago, and my boy and I are very happy together. My boy is exclusively a bottom so I don’t get to take his cock ever, and rarely anyone else’s. I had complained to my boy about it, and he just rolled his eyes. He had a nice cock, but he wasn’t interested in fucking me, or anyone else, with it. What he was into was getting fucked by big dicks. It got both of us off stretching out his hole and sharing it with buddies. One night after pummeling him with a friend, he was still hard and I sucked his cock for a few minutes before raising up and trying to lower myself down onto it. He pulled away and told me to be patient. He said, ‘maybe we should find a top to fuck us both? If so, I have just the guy in mind….’ I grinned wondering what he was planning. I asked a few times in the spring, but he always told me, ‘I’ll let you know when he’s around, ok,’ winking at me every time. Last summer, my ex was going to be in town for a conference. We texted occasionally, and he messaged me saying he wanted to catch up and bury the hatchet. The second night of the conference, he messaged me saying he was free for dinner. I texted my boy and told him that my ex was in town and I’d love to catch up with him. My boy asked if I was going to get him to fuck me, and I said no, that his politics were just too toxic. My boy reminded me, ‘everyone deserves a second chance,’ so I agreed to meet with my ex. I asked if my boy wanted to join, and he suggested that it may be better to catch up with him one-on-one first, and if it went well, maybe invite him over another night to share a bottle of wine. I thanked my boy and texted my ex. My ex blew off a client dinner and we met up in a gay sports bar. I swooned when I saw him. My ex was a bit balder, but still ruggedly handsome and tall, but he’d lost a lot of weight and was left seemed concentrated on his belly and sagging butt, beautiful even through his khakis. I knew in a second that he had converted and was now POZ. We sat at the counter facing the street with the garage door façade opened up to the outdoor sidewalk. He loosened his expensive looking tie and took off his blazer. I loved seeing his burly chest fur peeking out against that crisp white business shirt. By our third longneck beer, he’d told me about playing the field after we’d broken up and experimenting with bottoming, and he hadn’t mentioned politics once. He’d fallen for a hung top who loved to fuck him just so he could watch my ex’s big hard cock swinging around. I asked if he was the one who POZZED him, and his jaw dropped. ‘Can you tell,’ he asked, sort of dejectedly. I told him he looked great, and I’d still take his load, any time in fact. He grinned and told me he wasn’t on meds at the moment and I just nodded. My ex took a deep breath. He mashed his mustachioed mouth to mine and kissed me hard, groping my butt, lifting me off the barstool. I melted into his furry pecs, and he scooped me up into his arms and we sauntered out the door. We giggled asking ‘your place or mine?’ We decided to go to his hotel just in case my boy was home. We tumbled into his suite and he tore off my clothes. My ex ate my ass and slapped his raw POZ cock against my butt. He bent over and tried to jam his tongue into my hole. It had been so long since anyone paid attention to me there that I moaned instantly. He used spit, his glorious tongue and his fingers to open me up and get me slick. After a few minutes, he slapped that big hairy dick against me and slowly pressed his bare helmet into me. I could hear the ‘plop’ as he entered me to the glans. He took his time going deeper until my hole tickled with his shaft hair. I reached back and grabbed my ex’s hips, savoring the sensation of being well and truly opened up. He rocked his hips and let his inches move in and out of me. He started very deep, and then moved further and further out with each stroke. He knew just how I needed to be used. I lay there, with my face sideways into the mattress, ass up, back arched, knees spread. I could see my hard cock bouncing with a footlong pearl of precum reaching closer and closer to the mattress. My ex railed me. After about twenty minutes of enjoying the abuse, I needed to tap out. He grabbed the back of my neck with one hand and pressed my arched back lower. ‘You’ll get a break when I’m ready!’ I looked up at him. He’d never spoken to me that way before. He smacked me on the cheek and told me, ‘I’m not stopping until I breed your hole!’ And he kept his word. He jackhammered my ass, reshaping it into his freshly cunted hole, perfectly sized to make his big dick feel good. He didn’t slow down before cumming, nor did he ask me if I wanted it. He just blew six or seven spurts of POZ seed into my guts. He kept up his pace until I hard my ass squelching and burping his cum. My ex slowly pulled out of me, and a torrent of his seed followed. He grabbed his phone and took a few pics. I heard the ‘whoosh’ as he sent them. He slid back into me and took a few snaps of his cock splitting me open. I groaned as he worked his load deeper into me. My phone buzzed. I thought he had texted them to me. My ex pulled out and tossed me my phone from my hastily discarded jeans. The text was from my boy. ‘LOOKS LIKE THAT TOP IS IN TOWN. HAVE FUN TONIGHT. CAN WE SHARE A BOTTLE OF WINE TOMORROW?’ I was about to text my boy back when my phone received the pics, that my ex had sent to my boy. I looked at my ex, and he just sneered at me. My phone jingled again as I got anther text from my boy, ‘CAN WE SHARE HIS POZ LOADS TOMORROW?’ To be continued…
    6 points
  5. Since you freaks can't wait, I'll put in the 2nd part now. ------------------- Part 2 Rick led me down the narrow steps into the basement of the brownstone, still grasping my dick. I could smell a little mildew and the remains of a recently-burned cigar. The beige-carpeted floor seemed unusually stiff under my feet. To my great surprise, we encountered no cobwebs that basements are known for growing. Rick opened a door on his right, which led to an enclosed room with the furnace and water heater, and another door beyond them. Rick unlocked this door, finally releasing my throbbing cock (which was begging for release at the anticipated event). He went into the lightless room, flipped a switch on the wall, and it was suddenly illuminated in dark red. I could make out a sling, shelving on one wall with a variety of bottles that I assumed were either lube or alcohol, a large number of small identical cases that were probably porn DVDs, and an odd-looking chair in an opposite corner. The details of the room were not immediately clear to me, and the deep red of the lights confused my view. Rick closed the door, and ordered me to strip naked. As I did so, he stood silently against the wall and watched me. I gathered up my clothes, which he took and placed somewhere on the other side of the dungeon. “Hop in the sling,” Rick ordered. “I’ll be just a minute.” I did as he instructed, and climbed into the sling. The springs squeaked under my weight, and I began to put my feet through the holders. As I was doing this, Rick was doing something that I couldn’t clearly see, and I heard movement, but my activity with the feet kept me from focusing on whatever he was doing. I heard a drawer open, a little rustling, two sharp snaps, and the drawer closing. I had my feet elevated fairly quickly and awaited his return. I heard a metallic “click”, then the hiss of a torch. The sudden illumination allowed me to see that he was lighting not one but TWO thick cigars. He got the cherry burning in each, and the room was suddenly fragrant with the odor of sweet tobacco. Rick walked over to me and stuck one of the cigars in my mouth. “We’re going to blacken your lungs, faggot,” he said with a shift in his voice. I started to protest, “I don’t smoke, buddy,” but he stuck it in my mouth mid-sentence. “Trust me, you do now. You wanna be a poz pig like me? This is part of that. Optional, but much better if you give in to it. Let me know if it’s too strong for you.” I took a draw on the stick. The acrid taste of burning tobacco filled my mouth, and although I expected it to be akin to a mouthful of fire, it was not. Not one bit. Smooth and cool, and actually quite flavourful. It was clear I had no say in this matter, so I at least gave it a chance. I stuck the big thing in my jaw, and just got used to the feeling. I think I like a cock there better, but whatever. Rick walked to the shelf with the bottles and kept his back to me. I had correctly guessed they were lube bottles. He took one down, popped it open, and turned it upside down to pour into his hand. He might have been checking the thickness of the lube because he closed it loudly, put the bottle back on the shelf, wiped his hands, and got a different one. Rick opened the new bottle, poured some into his other hand, and closed the lid. “This’ll do.” He returned to the sling and placed the bottle in the holder. I tried to regulate my breathing, but between anxiety and the unexpected cigar, it resulted in a lot of loud exhalations. Rick noticed the gar burning in my jaw, and with annoyance, he said, “Hey, those are expensive. Smoke it right or die.” I took the burning rod in my hand and let instinct guide me on smoking it, though I had no idea what I was doing. Rick placed his own cigar in a nearby ashtray, and began to undress. His body was almost totally white as if he had never spent an hour in the sun in his life. The frame was just as I remembered - slender with no muscular development, and a bit of a paunch at the bottom of his abdomen. His dick was a sight to behold - a good eight or nine inches with no foreskin, average thickness, and curved slightly upward. I didn’t get a good look at his ballsack, but I remember they were not particularly droopy. A brown mole sat on the right side of his pelvis. And then I saw something new -- a small but unmistakable biohazard tattoo on the opposite side. Why had I not noticed it before? “Oh, right”, I thought to myself. “He was wearing a jockstrap that night in the bathhouse. The waistband probably covered it so it would be a surprise for anyone lucky enough to remove it.” Rick took the lube bottle in his hand and slicked himself up. Then he brought the bottle right to my butthole and squeezed it hard to get the lube inside me. He began to push hard on the bottle as well, and I felt the breach of plastic in my sphincter. “Ouch,” I said. “Take it easy.” “I thought I told you to smoke, fucker.” This guy had flipped a switch since we were upstairs. I was no longer with a trusted friend, but a guy bent on doing some damage to me for the fun of it. I found myself holding my breath a bit while this passed through my mind. Then Rick replaced the bottle in the holder, crossed the room again, and after wiping his hands, took up his cigar again. He pulled hard on it, and turned back to me. His nose jet resembled a dragon, ready to spit flame and fire at me. It was fucking hot. I was now more acclimated to the cigar, and the room began to get a little foggy. Rick returned to me, and bent over my waiting form in the sling. He got right in my face, and said, “This is your last warning. Are. You. Sure. Because when this train begins, there is no stopping it until you are bred.” Again with the doubt! I trusted him, and while I was enjoying the dominance he was displaying, his demeanour was not something I had mentally prepared for. My mind screamed, “Do not do this!” But I brushed it away, and all hope of reversing this scene was lost when I answered him, “I have to know. I want to be a poz pig.” He weighed my answer with no change of emotion or expression, and without warning, he rammed his cock into me. I winced in surprise, almost burning my chest with the lighted cigar. “Then welcome to hell,” he growled in a low voice. “You’re going to die today. But don’t forget - you asked for it!!”
    5 points
  6. The story (while 'fictional') is a great version of a possible true-life experience that some of us get to or have already experienced: that being, catching our pretty (innocent) BF, our 'boy-toy', our junior 'understudy' having a dark side of promiscuity, cheating and engaging in very risky sexual behavior. I have that happen several times over the years, along with the feeling of rage, anger, betrayal, nausea... but also the tingling, creeping sensation of arousal. Fast forward to my last/ present BF who has lasted longer than any of the others before, and much more harmoniously. Part of that accomplishment was based on a 'deal-with-the-devil' as prudes might say. To his defense: Monogamy had taken a toll on many levels, fading frequency of sex, less personal 'vanity', less being outgoing and flirtatious with others. You know: 'following the relationship script'! BORING, really, the predictability! And like in the straight world, it invites cheating and temptations... the story of 'the forbidden fruit' and the snake... DANGER, the devil, the sexual hunters out there... My man fell to temptation first: him being passed out drunk with an unlocked phone flashing a series of various advanced conversations. Him actively pursuing hooking up with complete strangers. scrolling through them I found the proof: BAREBACK SEX and taking loads was the ultimate goal. After feeling the old-fashioned rage and sense of betrayal, I got back in control. I told him: "Most 'traditional' relationships would be over. I say north of 98%! You agree?" (Footnote: I even had guys in this group tell me (although they are HARDCORE, pozzing, promiscuous party-guys) "If I HAD A BF, I would NEVER tolerate him hooking up with others!") Yes my man did agree and looked concerned about us 'being over'. But I told him we can make this work though, because luckily I'm such a 'sick fuck' I get strangely aroused by all of this... BUT, it will be BOTH of us going out: hunting for cock and cum, fucking holes and making SEX A SPORT! And no secrecy, no willful privacy, no jealousy, hypocrisy and NO RUBBERS EVER! One of the first 'acts' of entering the new brotherhood was me inviting a self-confident, highly promiscuous party-boy who also lets you know he is poz. Well he is an actor from a big city where people are more liberated than in the South... I had the dude breed my man's hole and do his POZ-TALK. He said: "Boy you ready to take my POZ DEMON SEED? You ready to share my DNA? You gonna be a good slut, take all loads?" He mumbled kinda bitch-like at first but I made him butch it up and say: "YES SIR!" He popped a few loads and showed me the cream-pie of at least one. I asked the guy to keep breeding my man, ignore his requests to 'take it easy' and hurry up... Hell no! Breed and rut his hole raw, rough and make sure your demon seed takes... then we will be on the same page. We are now in year 15 of our relationship and the last 6 of total promiscuous debauchery have been the best. He now tells me he 'envies me' for being a bigger whore and getting more 'hot guys'. Not true, yes mostly but some random tricks were such, tore-up, homely fucks I'd never would acknowledge them in public... unless they see me first! lol
    4 points
  7. Part 7 Jeffrey slid his dick out of the boy, revealing a hole that was no longer tight and pink. It was gaping open a bit, and was puffy and red. Pink cum oozed out of Eric's ruined hole, which made my own cock throb. Even though I had cum twice already, I knew I had another one in me. I was so fucking turned on having my fantasy come true. There before me lay the beautiful Prince Eric, fucked up out of his gourd, his ruined asshole leaking poz cum. And there was so much more to come. We still had a couple of days left in Florida. And if I got my way, Prince Eric would be taken back home with us to live his life as our cumdump slave. I slid my cock into the helpless boy, groaning as I felt his loose, sloppy cunt, no longer tight. I smiled as his hole made shloopy sounds as I fucked his stretched out cum filled chute. He moaned into his gag as I fucked him. I looked down at his beautiful face as he looked back at me with his unfocused eyes. I raised my hand and gave him a hard slap across his right cheek. He cried out in pain and surprise, and I felt his asshole squeeze involuntarily on my cock. This only goaded me on. I gave him another hard slap across his left cheek, and tears welled in his eyes. My dick got harder as I inflicted this new pain on him. I slapped him over and over as hard as I could as the tears streamed from his eyes and his face turned a crimson red. Then I pushed his head to the side and dove onto his neck. Not only did I suck as hard as I could, but I bit into his skin, drawing a little blood. Eric was screaming in pain into the gag, and that sent me over the edge. I pumped dirty load number 5 into the sweet 18 year old Mormon ass as I tasted his blood like a vampire. I didn't stop sucking until I had finished unloading into him, then pulled off to admire my handiwork. I left a mark that was already a deep purple, and you could clearly see my teeth marks. I ripped the duct tape off of his face and pulled out the soggy, dirty jockstrap from his mouth. Eric gasped for air as I slid out of his ass and moved to his head. I grabbed a handful of his thick, black hair and forced my slimy, ass covered cock into his mouth. He didn't even hesitate as he sucked and licked me clean. He was adjusting to his new position very quickly. I sat back and grabbed my phone as Dave unhooked Eric's wrists from his ankles, reattached them to his collar, and put the spreader bar back on. He pulled Eric down so he was on his stomach again, legs hanging over the bed. Then Dave licked his finger and stuck it in a bag of powder, coating it in a fine covering of crystals. He shoved it into the princes leaking fuck-hole, twisting his finger around and around, grinding the crystals into the boys already flaming hot hole, causing Eric to whimper and whine. Then he grabbed the front of Eric's hair and yanked his head back, causing the boy to arch his back as he slammed his cock into him as hard as he could. Jeffrey covered his nose and mouth again with the popper rag while Dave pulled his head back and pounded him hard. Steve approached the boys head saying, "I gotta piss bitch, and you better not spill a drop if you know what's good for you!" He grabbed Eric's hair from Dave and forced him onto his cock. Within seconds, I could see Eric swallowing Steve's chem piss as his cunt got pounded. To his credit, Eric drank it all down. Of course I filmed it all. I was determined to completely destroy Eric's life and make him mine. And I was well on the way. I checked my messages and Alex had sent more. One of them was a video of Brent, still blindfolded on the fuck bench as an elderly man with sagging skin, a bloated belly, saggy tits and a visible biohazard tattoo announced he was cumming. The camera panned to Alex's face as he smiled and said, "Number 28! The last one of the night." Then it showed Brent's gaping hole as cum dripped out of it before a large buttplug was shoved into it, locking the loads inside him. I texted Alex, "I've got the perfect place for your boy to deposit those loads!" Then I sent him the video I just took of Eric drinking chem piss as his hole was pounded. Alex soon texted back, "Don't worry, we're way ahead of you! Neither of us has come yet tonight. We figured the prince needed more dirty loads on his initiation night! We're almost back to the hotel. See you shortly." I smiled knowing I could always count on my friends. Alex and Joe showed up right as Dave was adding load number 6 into the young princes guts. Brent looked well used, like a whore should look. Dave pulled out of Eric and grabbed the back of Brent's neck, forcing him to his knees. He didn't even have to say a word as Brent took his dirty dick into his mouth. Brent cleaned it off, then Dave started pissing into his mouth, which Brent thirstily drank down. I hoped to have Eric trained that well soon. Steve quickly attached the spider gag to Eric again, stretching his mouth wide open, as we gathered around our captive prince and Brent straddled him with his ass over his face. Joe reached up and gently pulled the fat plug out of his boys cumhole. Immediately, cum started running out and into Eric's open hole. Brent even farted a couple of times splattering his ass loads over Eric's face, getting in his eyes and burning them. Soon, Eric's mouth was full of the slightly brownish goo, and Brent's hole was now empty. "Swallow it slut!" I demanded, and Eric complied, as difficult as it was for him to swallow without being able to close his mouth. I smiled as I filmed yet another degradation of the teenage Mormon boy. Joe wasted no time as he flipped Eric back over onto his stomach and shoved his cock into the cumdump beneath him. He and Alex had the smallest dicks in our group, both being 7 inches, but they were both still thick and had matching p.a.'s. Soon Eric was moaning as this new dick fucked him. Meanwhile, Alex was unlocking Brent's chastity cage. "Our boy hasn't cum in two months, and I think he earned it tonight. I think Prince Eric needs to suck him off." He then led Brent to the bed and positioned him in front of Eric. Brent was soft as Eric took him into his mouth. I smiled because I didn't even tell him what to do. He just started sucking Brent's soft little cock while Joe fucked him. Soon Brent was at his full hard 5 inches, which isn't to bad considering he's only 5'6". It was only a couple of minutes before Brent was panting hard and filling Eric's mouth with a two month nut. Eric sucked it down without thinking twice about it. "Well, that was good, but I think our boy needs more milking." Said Alex as he filled a pipe. He held it up to Brent's mouth and lit it. The boy inhaled and held it until Alex said, "Release." He blew out a big white cloud, and Alex made him do it 4 more times. Then Alex took the metal buttplug and stuck it up Brent's ass and handed the control box to Steve. At this point Joe went ridged as he added dirty load number 7 to the cum soup inside Eric. He pulled out and Alex replaced him saying, "I want our slut to cum two more times before I do. And if he doesn't, you will BOTH be punished. Now start sucking!" Eric engulphed Brent's shriveled up little Tina dick, and sucked it like the whore he was born to be. Steve massaged Brent's prostate with the electro buttplug, and in just a couple of more minutes, he started shaking and moaning as his still soft dick gave up it's second load. He tried to push Eric off of his overly sensitive dick, only to get backhanded by Alex. "Don't you dare push him off of you, you little bitch!" Admonished alex. "You were given instructions, and I expect them to be followed! You better cum or else!" Eric started sucking Brent like a vacuum as Steve turned up the power on the box. Joe climbed on to the bed behind Brent and covered his mouth and nose with the popper rag. Then he put some alligator clips on Brent's nipples that were pierced with bars through them. Brent cried out as the pain surged through him. And sure enough, he was soon shaking and whining, his whole body jerking as he gave up a third load into Eric's second cumhole in an orgasm I was sure was more painful than pleasurable. Right as Brent gave up the last of his cum, Alex buried himself in Eric and delivered his 8th dirty load in less than 6 hours from when our young prince was still a virgin. "Well damnit." Said Alex as he pulled out. "I really wanted to punish you, so I think I will anyway."
    4 points
  8. Last summer in New York was particularly toasty warm, making the small apartment I shared with my boyfriend practically unbearable. Any chance to get outside was welcomed. One weekend, my boyfriend and I took advantage of a sticky humid day to go sit in Central Park, him to soak up a few rays, and me to sit in the shade and catch up on some reading. After a few hours of that, I got hungry, and my boy got a bit burned. He came over to join me in the shade, and I lotioned his back a bit, noticing the eyes of a few real cuties looking in our direction, not sure if they were jealous of me or of him. Anyway, I offered to go to a cart and get some hot dogs, then scrounge for some beer from a Mexican walking with a cooler around the Meadow. I headed off in search of something that would pass for lunch, and it took a while. When I got back to the blanket, my other half was gone. Maybe he had to pee or something, but how strange to have left our blanket unattended. I got a little freaked out, then calmed when I saw that his sandals were still there. I thought, “Well, he can’t have gone far…” I waited for a few minutes, chugging a 40 oz. of some cheap swill. He was nowhere to be seen. I tried his cell, and it rang and rang. I left a message. I was a bit worried, but also hot from the day, and thirsty. I noticed too that some of the cuties who had been sitting around were gone. Guess they hot and thirsty too. Hmmm… So, I cracked open the second of four bottles and chugged away. Still no boyfriend. Fifteen minutes later, I was bored by the lack of hot shirtless guys around, and had to piss like a racehorse. I figured I should head to the filthy smelly men’s’ room at the north end of the Meadow. I thought about gathering up what was left of our stuff, but thought, what the hell, if no one stole our blanket and his shoes earlier, they won’t now. I headed to the public toilet. I walked in to see a short line near one of the stalls and heard someone having a helluva good time in there. Some lucky queens were having a blast in that stall, and it looked like the guys in line were waiting for a piece of the action. I headed to one of the urinals, but found it hard to pee, since I was getting a stiffy listening to some sweet action going on. The stiffy turned into a full hard-on when I heard a guy leaving say, “Yeah, he’s real cute, and takin’ all loads.” I breathed deeply, then texted my boy, telling him to get to the bathroom if he wanted to hear some hot shit going down. Seconds later, my heart stopped when I heard a familiar tone, “All the Single Ladies,” go off from a phone from the corner of line at the stall. I hadn’t seen my boy in line, and couldn’t imagine him in a line of tops waiting to tag some anonymous ass. He’s a total bottom. Then I realized. Shit. He’s in there. He’s the bottom. Fuck. My boy and I have a sort of agreement. We don’t play outside of the relationship, much. But, when we do, we play safe, and we tell each other. How could he have just headed to the toilet to take loads from strangers? What the fuck? I thought I was the only one loading that sweet ass. Damn. I heard more grunts and groans, knowing the sound of an orgasm. Some fucker was loading my boy’s ass. Shit. The risk of taking loads at all from strangers, let alone a line of them. And in midafternoon. New York homos can be some sick fucks. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to shake out a drop of piss at this point, so I zipped up and headed over to the line of filthy tops hoping to pound some stranger’s ass. Thinking about it, my boy must have taken at least two loads in the time I had been in the toilet. Then the line, five guys in front of me, all of them hard through their shorts, some feeling up each others’ dicks, then the closed door. Two of the guys at the front of the line I recognized as cuties from earlier in the Park. The first two guys were speaking French to each other, maybe a couple? Then, a nasty fat slob of a fucker, next a skinny guy who looked sort of wasted away. Meth head? Poz? Who the fuck knows. Then me. These shitheads were going to get a turn at an ass that was rightly mine, all mine. He told me that I was the only one he let fuck him raw. Liar. Fucking liar. I was angry, confused, and completely turned on. I heard another guy blast off, and the door opened. I instantly saw my boy’s ass, his body facing away from me, with a load dripping down his honey-colored thighs. By all rights, that should have been my load. I knew he could get into some freaky shit, and I had fucked him raw in semi-public places before, but he’d never just let a line of guys queue up and take him, at least not to my knowledge. Anyway, the cutie couple from before went in, and closed the stall door. It had to be close quarters in there. Some grunting, then my boy’s sighing as someone plowed him good. One guy got off quickly, and if the cum trickling down his thighs was any hint of things to come, my boy didn’t make him wrap up or pull out. I was freaking out. The next grunt of orgasm came quickly thereafter. I figured the next guy must have cum in his mouth. There wasn’t room or time to have repositioned. Next, I heard the sound of two zippers, my boy meekly saying “Thanks,” then the stall opened again. I lunged forward to try to get a glimpse, but the fatty, and the sicko looking guy beat me to the punch. I couldn’t see more than some ass, and more cum-slicked legs. The fatty headed in, but only lasted about forty-five seconds. He was a squealer, and I worried that his noise would draw too much attention. But no one seemed to mind. I got the feeling that the fatty hadn’t cum in an ass in a long time. I hated him. The door opened. It was just Sicko and me. The skinny fucker smiled at me and asked if I wanted to share him. “Want to tag his ass together?” I thought, “Shit, if he’s poz, I don’t want his dick in my boy’s ass. But it would fucking serve him right.” The thought of seeing my boy take not only a stranger’s load, but potentially a poz one got me even more boned than I had been. I said, “Sure.” He asked casually, “Wanna load him up first?” “Yeah,” I replied. The fatty squeezed past us, making his escape, all disheveled and sweaty. Sicko went in first, undoing his shorts and shoving his hard sticky uncut cock into my boy’s hungry mouth. My boy never saw me. I was shaking I was so nervous. His ass was more stretched out than I had ever seen it, red from abuse, and maybe just bit pink. Was he bleeding from back there? Had he been roughed up by one of these assholes, maybe one of the couple who had seen who was next in line? I unzipped again, my cock rock hard and totally slick with precum. I didn’t need it though; a truck could have gone up there he was so loose, used, and sloppy. I sunk it in all the way on the first plunge and only managed a few strokes before I blasted off inside, adding my load to an unknown number that was already there. When I pulled out, he murmured, “Thanks, I needed that.” He pushed out a bit, and an absurd about of jizz gushed out of his loose pucker, all over his ass and my cock. Sicko pulled him up, kissed him rough, and asked, “Are you sure you want my load? It might be the dirtiest one you’ve taken yet…” My boy didn’t answer. He simply shimmied himself around, offering up his ass to Sicko, with his eyes closed, grabbing for my spent cock, gorging himself on my, and others’, frothy cum all over my cock. I came again, instantly, in his mouth. He swallowed it down like a champ as Sicko rammed it home in my boy’s sloppy pussy. My throat ran dry. I wanted to scream out, “STOP!!!!,” but I was mute. Sicko’s eyes bulged, and he shoved his nasty slimy sick cock in to the hilt, and after a few thrusts, cumming deep inside my boy. Still inside him, Sicko leaned forward and whispered into my boy’s ear, “Did you like that? You like my hot dirty cum in your ass?” “Fuck yeah…” My boy then opened his eyes, and looked up. I froze. We made eye contact for a split second, then I pulled away, physically ill, shoved my leaking cock back into my shorts, and heaved myself out of the stall. More guys were standing there, maybe six or seven. I was dizzy. What the fuck had I just done, or allowed to be done. I ambled out of the toilet and threw up in the bushes outside. I was crying. I found a our spot on the grass and sat there, waiting, for what seemed like forever. No sign of my boy. It may have only been a few minutes, or an hour, or three, but I totally zoned out. I wasn’t feeling good at all. Still in tears, I abandoned our blanket and his sandals and raced to the edge of the Park and caught a cab uptown, back to the scorching hot apartment that I shared with my boy. I took off all of my clothes and took a long cold shower, still crying. I wondered, “Where the fuck is he?” I cooled off, stopped crying, and headed to bed. By now the sun had long set, the Park was closed, and I figured that he must be home soon. Eventually, I fell asleep, alone. At some point in the middle of the night, he came home, shoeless. He told me that he took a few more loads in the Park before someone called security. He later went to a party with Sicko and took some more loads, possibly poz ones. I was disgusted and horrified, but got hard again. He asked me to fuck him one more time that night. I was sickened, but completely turned on. I told him that things would never be the same between us again. He simply nodded, perhaps smiling a little. I fucked him one last time that night, lubed up by the cum of countless strangers, cumming inside, adding my load to more than I cared to count. As I pulled out he said to me, “I hope one of those charged loads took. I’m glad you were there.” I had to go to the bathroom and hurl again. The next day, it was like nothing had ever happened. I suggested that he go get tested. “Why?” he asked. I balked. Later that week, without any more suggestion, he did go get tested. Neg. I fucked him with a rubber for the next three months. He got tested again. Still neg. We haven’t been back to the Park together since, and haven’t talked about it. I’ve never asked what happened to get him into that stall taking loads. To my knowledge, he hasn’t slept with anyone, raw or otherwise else since then. Or maybe he just hasn’t told me about it. Maybe he got it out of his system. Of maybe it unleashed something. Either way, I sort of hope next summer is as hot as this last one.
    3 points
  9. I met a 30 something muscle bear off scruff. I agreed I would suck his balls dry. when I got to his he was naked except for his jockstrap - massive bulge. I serviced his bulge then got his cock out - not the longest but he ws so fukkin thick with a big 4skin. I put my mouth round his shaft and started sucking. I must have been doing something good cuz he was groaning and grunting and holding my head on his cock pulling my mouth further on to his shaft till my nose was buried in his crotch. he told me he hates coming on a dude's face and he needs to cum in my mouth and swallow. then he asks if I'm ok if he holds my head so I don't pull off -I said yeah won't be a problem. I've been sucking cock for years. so I'm working on his shaft and massaging his balls. his breathing gets shallower and I can tell he's getting close. he grunts that he's gunna cum, he pulls my head on to his cock and his first jolt of seed hits the back of my throat - now it's not just a squirt - it's like I'm sucking on a meaty super soaker - that's followed by at least 8 more powerful shots - I haven't swallowed yet so my mouth is full of sperm. finally I start to swallow it all down. he thanked me and told that was the best blow job he had. I told him he was the most powerful shooter ever to cum in my mouth. I still blow him bout once a month. I still haven't met a man who can shoot such a huge load
    3 points
  10. Hey, pigs. I just posted my first story in the Bugchasing section. I invite you to take a look and tell me what you think of it. Thanks awfully.
    3 points
  11. Met a dude last week at an apartment building being renovated, knew he was gonna fuck me but didn't have any lube, got butt naked then got on all fours, he spit on that hole 5 times, stuck his thick finger in it then his dick, ooo i opened that hole for him and he entered - he pushed and pushed in me - then he fucked me and in no time - releasing his nutt in me - i told him to stay in it as i massage that soft dick with these walls - he slipped out - i sucked him clean - then i bounced full of nutt. DMV oral raw bottom on this end - you want in too - hmu
    3 points
  12. She decided she would wait for Ryan to come tonight at 10 PM so she text David that her work issue was resolved, and she was going to for a run. She had already run and what she did instead was to get online and find out where women find dick for some no strings fucking. She had plenty of dick, but it was dick that found her, she wondered if she could line up any of her own or was this just a onetime deal that everyone wanted to fuck her. She found doublelist.com a website where guys and gals and even gay guy could find sex. She read and found out there are lots of guys who want to eat cum out of pussy, she never knew that was a thing. She also found a few posts of guys wanting other guys to fuck their wives. Hot wife they called it and lots of times she would be blindfolded and never see the guy fucking her and breeding her. She decided to answer a few and to post her own. She sent a post to a guy who said he was married, 29 years old, white with an eleven-inch endowment who just needed some fine pussy to breed on the side. Another post got her attention was from three frat guy who wanted a hot wife to double penetrate and make airtight. She was not sure what both meant but wanted to learn and their pictures were hot online, and it said they all wanted to breed. Marie was finally accepting her need to have men inside her. Just a physical need for big dick and cum and to control a man for a time while they were inside her. She waited and did not hear anything back and decided after 30 minutes of reading post she would create one. “Traveling and Married, just looking for no strings sex. Open to one on one, MMF, MMMF. You must be hung, ready to breed and clean and ddf. She posted a few pictures herself without a face and that she could host or travel. Open to a one time or a regular hook up, full meet or get right to with her being a blindfolded hot wife.” The post went up and still nothing, forty-five minutes later an email came in with three responses and then several more responses but she knew Ryan would be soon so she could not really act. She was hot and tingly all over and ten minutes later she got a text from Ryan. Babe, my girl called off tonight so I cannot slip out, but I will come by in the morning to fill you up. Marie was disappointed, she needed Ryan and his big dick. She decided to go to her email and look at the post. There were eight black guys who hit her up, she saw two hot huge dicked guys, but she had never been with a black guy before. She horny white college guy, 21 6’ huge dick (9 and thick) just need pound some cougar pussy and breed it. Hit me up if you are up for being my blindfolded hot wife tonight. Marie thought this was perfect, white and hung breeder who just wanted to fuck her and get off. She replied and asked when he could be to her hotel and gave him the name and address. He quickly responded that he would be there in 20 minutes and told her to give him the room number and to leave the door ajar 20 minutes from the time she sent the email and be blindfolded. You are going to get pounded out you married Slut! Marie sent him her room number and told him she would and that is exactly what she needed. She hurried up and found something she could use as a blindfold and got ready, put on some lacy panties and a bra watched the clock and right at 20 minutes she put the door ajar and got in place and a minute later the door opened she could tell and in he walked. He snapped a couple pictures and then began to trace his fingers on her body making her moan. He worked his way to her breast and unsnapped her bra that clipped in the front and fondled her breast, he then pulled off his shirt, shorts and let his thick 9” dick loose and turned her head to suck his dick while he twisted her nipples. Marie Sucked on his thick dick and she heard him start to moan and felt his hand reach down and pull her panties aside and he started rubbing her wet pussy. Nice cunt slut, I can tell you have cum in you, don’t you? She pulled off his dick and said yes! Good little whore, we are going to have lots of fun together. I bet you want dick all the time, don’t you? Marie again told him she was always horny and needs big dick. She had never told anyone that and here she was telling this stranger who was about to breed her. Mike the guy who was about to fuck her had videoed her admitting to what a slut she was and her sent it to two buddies and sent the address with room number and text she needs your cum inside her. Once sent he climbed in between her legs ripped her underwear and lined his cock and began to slide in her wet pussy. Nice, I love fucking a married whore, does your husband know you love dick and cum? She said no, he had no idea, he is back home, and I will be in the city weekly for work. Nice, so you are going be my whore when you are here and anyone, I want you to fuck. Marie did not say anything and then he grabbed her neck and said it again and this time Marie said, yes, I am going to be your whore each time I am in town. He let go and said now you need fucked bitch. He slides all the way in, and she came hard on his dick and he began to fuck her like the anonymous whore she was. He used her pussy hard and deep till he came the first time then he pulled out and made her suck his dick off. Then the knock at the door, Mike let his buddy in, and Marie could hear someone getting undressed and Mike grabbed Marie’s head and said you are not done cleaning, get back to work. The guy who came in was Latin with a thick 8 inch dick and he spit on her pussy and lined up his dick to fuck the cunt and hammered away for four minutes before another knock at the door and a guy walked in and undressed also after Mike let him in. Daniel was a tall black guy with ten inches not as thick as Mikes but still impressive. Daniel sat in a chair watching the Riccardo fuck the white slut. Six minutes later Riccardo came in her and pulled out and went to the shower and cleaned up so he could go back to his girl while Danial got up and fucked Marie. She was having a hard time taking him, his dick was rock hard, and he was rough, Mike put hand over her mouth to keep her quiet while Daniel tore her up. Daniel fucked her for twenty minutes straight and eventually slammed deep and came without making as sound, but his body shook as he dumped his load in her. He pulled out and grabbed a towel and cleaned up and got dressed and left only giving Mike a nod and then he opened and closed the door leaving Marie with Mike and he pulled his hand off her mouth and said you did great whore, I have one more load for you and then you can get online and find more dick. Mike fucked her for another ten minutes and came hard in her. He popped up and made Marie clean off his dick again and told her how hot she looks taking big black dick. I am going to line up more for you bitch, how long are you in town? Marie took a break and said till Friday morning. Good, answer me with I email you and give me your fucking number so I can have easier access to your cunt. With that Mike pulled his dick away and got dress and left leaving Marie to take her blindfold off and think about what just happened. Fuck, why did she like the way Mike talked to her. How could she like being called a whore, slut and bitch but somehow, she did. She got up and took a shower and then found herself going back to her email and reading answers and seeing who else wanted to breed her.
    3 points
  13. I had planned it all out. I was nervous and took a glass of wine gulping it down. The knock on the door ,though expected ,startled me. I opened it. “ Hi”I said. The guy I met, smiled” Hello “. Even as I let him in I felt a sense of control start to flow away from me. He seemed more in control , more sure of himself. Another knock. I let the other guy in as well. He seemed less certain , but more certain than me. I was the one who set this up and yet I was the one that seemed more on edge. “ Would you like a drink?” “No “they both said . The first guy smiled and said “working”. “Of course”I stammered “ “Do you two know each other? .” The two guys looked at each other “ No” I sat on the edge of the bed. Was this what I truly wanted? A hotel room ? Two prostitutes or should I say Escorts? “ You both are Poz not on meds?” They now looked at each other more intently and then back at me. “ I am Neg, not on PREP .I only have tonight in London by myself... so... do you mind if I get another drink?”. “ So you want Raw, Poz dicks in your ass?” The first guy smiled.” You don’t need a drink, you need a huge hit of poppers”. I looked around taking in my surroundings, for the first time really, even though I had checked in four hours before. What the actual fuck was I doing ? Here I was in a hotel ,near the Airport about to have sex with two Poz Prostitutes. Six hours before I had been having a farewell lunch with friends. None of them would ever guess I would now be here doing this. “Who the hell was I ?” For a moment I thought I could pull out of this. I mean they would have seen this before, Clients chickening out. Wives , closeted. They would have seen it all before. But some fucked up Neg guy booking two prostitutes on online ads because they were Poz and I had had too much poppers up my nose and too much twisted fantasy in my my head. “ It’s ok” The second guy spoke for really the first time.” Take off your clothes”. I gulped and within seconds we were all taking our clothes off except our underwear . The first guy” So this is a conversion ?” Yes I suppose” I blurted. “ Fuck hot “ he replied. “Suck my dick “ and without any further hesitation I grabbed his cock and started sucking. “ Suck that Poz dick you sick prick” This made me hornier. While still sucking one of my arms went for the trousers on the floor, grabbing my poppers from my pocket then inhaling hard. “ Can I have some? “The second guy stepped forward and took the poppers from me. He took deep sniffs. “ Suck my cock as well “and pulled his hard cock out of his underwear. He had a PA attached to the end of his dick.. I started sucking this dick now. In the background a French bareback film was playing from my USB on the TV. “I am not sure about this” The second guy said. At the same time he didn’t take his dick out of my mouth. I stopped. “ I want this. I really want this. I need Poz toxic cum up my ass. I know what I am doing. I don’t want to make this uncomfortable for you, but I need to be Poz. You are doing me a huge favour that I can’t thank you enough for.” He smiled and eased himself. “Fuck you sick slut I am going to Poz you so hard that it won’t be just the toxic load that makes you Poz, it will be my dick ripping you apart and making you bleed. “ With that the second guy took the poppers off the first ,took a huge sniff and pushed the bottle to me . As I took the bottle, he pulled down my underwear and threw them off. He then pushed me face down onto the bed. “ You want a toxic dick I am giving you one.” I have no idea where he got the lubricant from. It could have been from my suitcase, more likely he had some. I felt huge pain but he seemed to know this and covered my mouth with his hand as I yelled. Then suddenly I saw a different popper bottle in front of me and I sniffed in heaven and started to relax. The first guy came around to my head and had his knees open against each side of my mouth. I started sucking his cock as I saw a third bottle of poppers appear before my nose. “ You want that big Poz dick . Keep sucking you whore. You fucking love that infected dick don’t you” I kept slurping and sucking. I felt guilt I was putting these two guys through this.I felt guilty I wanted this and yet it was though my soul desired this fucked up situation. “ I need to be Poz, infect me.Charge me up” I yelled. They swapped. I felt another hard dick up my ass. “ Make me pregnant. Knock me up”. I yelled. “You sick fucking slut take that fucking toxic dick” I heard. “Plant your dirty seed up my Neg Ass”. It seemed that each word made them release their inner Poz pig.” You are going to be fucked up so badly”they said. Each time they put their dicks in my ass and poppers up my nose I was one step closer to my goal. I started to lose all sense of who was doing what .One moment I was sucking on a PA, the next moment a fat juicy cock. Both were up my ass.My head was starting to ache with the amount of poppers that was in my head.” I need to be charged pregnant “ I said. All I could smell was sex and poppers. “ You know soon you will be fucked up ,truly fucked up. No escape. Pozzed well and truly” In the haze that was my head I thought I felt the PA, but the poppers were so much I have no idea. Then I heard a whisper.” You sure? “ against my ear. “ Make me Poz” I said. “I am going to charge you Po..... “and then silence. “You fucking sick twaisted slut.”I felt it inside. I always hoped I would. Here it was .I had a charged Poz load up me. I smiled as a dick left my mouth. I was so high in poppers I had no idea that the dick that now entered my body was the one with a PA attached. But the sudden pain made me remember.” You are fucked, you Neg slut. You will be pozzed by the time this is over “ More poppers under my nose. “ Fuck do you want a charged bloody load?” So the pain was not just the dick. “ Please” I pleaded “please do this ,make me Poz” The pace picked up. “You need to be toxic don’t you “ he said “ yes “ I pleaded. “You know this will fuck you right up.” He said. “ “ Yes” I pleaded . “Make me your toxic dump.”He breathed heavily in my ear and then stopped. I felt it . I felt it in my ass. In Heaven. I had crossed over. I was gone. For a minute, maybe less I lay there. All three of us were breathing heavily. My finger touched my ass . It explored inside my ass while the once fat Poz dick became limper. I took the finger out and saw it up against my eyes. Both blood and cum met my eye. “ Thankyou “ I said Well you paid us you sick fuck. Hopefully you got what you wanted” I smiled” I did”
    2 points
  14. Staying in Ptown feels a bit different this season. You can’t dance or mingle at the clubs, and Tea Dance is on hiatus. But there are still horny men around. I jumped on a few apps yesterday Afternoon while I was hanging around the condo. Lots of nibbles and conversations but nothing was solidifying. Finally mid afternoon I got linked by an anon guy on BBRTS. I thanked him for his oink and asked what was up. He responded quickly that he was in Ptown for the afternoon and looking to breed a hole. He said he didn’t have long to play. I figured I’d roll the dice and see if he showed up. My condo is on the third floor with stairs coming up the back. After about 10 minutes, I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. He’d told me to be in a jockstrap, so that’s what i answered the door in. He was in his late 50s with black hair, around 5’10” and had a solid frame. His attitude was kinda aloof, and he just said hi while he walked in. I asked how he was doing, but he responded he didn’t Have much time. I lead him back to the bedroom. He immediately reached for my bare ass displayed in the jock and started probing around my hole with a rough-skinned finger. I had put a little lube back there while I was waiting on him, just so I could start loosening up. I stopped beside the bed and took a wide stance so he could explore my ass more easily. I liked the aggression. “Nice and tight” he growled. With his other hand he was pulling Open his belt and shorts. I looked behind me and saw his hardon spring out. I reached back and stroked it — he was rock hard and had a cockring at the base. It was about 8”, the whole length straight and uniformly thick like a steel Rod. The head was like a rounded cap at the end of the rod. I took a hit of poppers, turned around and dropped to one knee. I had to suck on this Rod. I started working him with my hand locked around the base and the length sliding back into my throat. He growled softly and started to thrust a little. I was intent on enjoying every second of his cock in my mouth, working my tongue along the underside of his head while I slid My mouth down the shaft. I gagged when he suddenly thrust forward, and he clamped his hand on the back of my head so I couldn’t Escape. He seemed to like the choking sound and growled louder. “That’s it pig boy.” He released me to catch my breath while he hand drifted back to my ass. I repositioned my on both knees so he could get to my hole more easily. Again his rough skin probed my hole, not so much stretching it as just playing with it. “That ass is hungry. I’m not wasting my load in your mouth.” He had me get on my back at the edge of the bed. His fingers were starting to fuck me while he spread lube all along his Rod. I hit my poppers again, a long draw to give myself a spin before taking this Rod. He spread my legs wide to see my puckered hungry hole, and aimed for the target. He was more gentle than I expected — steadily pushing in as my sphincter expanded and wrapped around his Rod. He groaned sliding in. “Fuck that’s nice and tight.” I groaned when he pushed inside me and started to fuck me. He found his rhythm right away and didn’t waste time. I was instantly caught up in the energy of the pounding. “Oh. Fuck. Yeah. Fuck me!” He didn’t speak, just closed his eyes and pounded away, consumed with his own pleasure. He was only interested in how good my ass made his Rod feel. I moaned and groaned softly while he used me. His Rod felt amazing! His strokes were long and deep, and I occasionally felt his balls slap my bare ass. He was pounding me harder now. I thought I knew what was coming next. He opened his dark eyes and looked at me — kinda through me, even. He looked down further and was watching his own Rod gliding in and out of my ass. He surprised me when he pulled out his phone and took a video of his Rod working me. he slipped the phone back into his pocket and went back to pounding me. He was still fully dressed except his shorts were down to his knees. I could still tell his muscles were tightening and his body movements were getting more rigid. Now his pelvis was slapping hard against my ass, and my moaning was reduced to short grunts. “Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!l He wasn’t concerned with my pleasure, but I was fiercely turned on and just wanted more of his Rod slamming into me. He tightened the grip on my ankles and Deliberately thrust Harder and deeper. He growled loudly as he began pumping his load into my hungry ass. “Fuck yeah! Breed my ass!” He grunted a few more times as he thrust deep and deep again. I could feel his cock was more sticky as he worked in and out, his cum obviously covering his Rod and flooding my hole. After a minute he abruptly stepped backward, his thick Rod shwinging free of my hole and bouncing back and forth. I gasped at the sudden emptiness, but also felt cum run down my ass to my lower back. Fuck that must’ve been a big load! He grabbed the shirt I’d thrown on top of the dresser, wiped off his still hard Rod, and started to pack it away. ”Great ass,” was all he said. There was no interest in getting me off. He saw me as a total cumdump. He let himself out without another word. I was still Laying there panting, wondering who had just used and bred me.
    2 points
  15. When I'm sucking a man's penis, I get a sense of his approaching orgasm when I can feel his erection stiffen even more. His cock gets more rigid right before he shoots, and sometimes it gets a bit bigger/ thicker as well. (This is aside from any of the other cues that have been mentioned such as the pace of his breathing, moans/ grunts etc.) It's harder to feel this when getting fucked, but on a couple of occasions, I have felt the man's penis harden up just before he ejaculates. It's a major turnon when I can feel it.
    2 points
  16. Poor Jack.. that brought a tear to my eye. Loved every word of this latest chapter.
    2 points
  17. Concentrate on your top. Don't masturbate while you're sucking him. Take his shaft as deep in your mouth as you can, put one fist round his shaft and cup his balls with your other hand. Massage his balls while your sucking him. Don't just open your mouth for him to fuck - he needs friction to cum. Use your tongue to press his shaft on the roof of your mouth. You will sense when he's about to cum. And never, never take your mouth off his cock at this point - that's just for pornos so you can see the load. Keep his cock in your mouth and keep sucking like I said. Moan when his sperm starts to fill your mouth and keep sucking till his balls are empty. Make sure you swallow every last drop of his seed.
    2 points
  18. Wouldn't have to pay for mine. Told a guy once, if he gave me his load, he could keep my underwear for a "souvenir." Heh
    2 points
  19. *mutters* Well if that chapter wasn't a gut-punch in the feels... Hands down your best one ever so far... in any of your amazing tales!
    2 points
  20. My dad Introduced me to his hidden porn mag stash in the 80’s. He found out as I’d stuck pages together in one.
    2 points
  21. I sell my used briefs and condoms on eBay....guys like it and it's a bit of cash in my back pocket too. Neil.tift1978@gmail.com
    2 points
  22. Part 6 We carried Prince Eric from the bathroom and threw his body onto the bed. We removed the funnel gag and attached his wrist restraints to his ankle ones so that he was head down and ass up. Dave moved into position and pulled out the plug, smiling at the still fresh looking pink hole winking at him. He dribbled some spit onto it and placed his cock head against it. Then he grabbed the kids hips and rammed all 8 inches of himself balls deep. Eric let out a howl as his hole was assaulted again. I'm sure it must be aching right now, even with all the drugs, as he had been a virgin two hours ago, and was now taking another hard fucking from a big cock. I covered his nose and mouth again with the popper rag, and soon the teenage Prince was moaning as Dave pounded the shit out of him. I knew this kid was a born bottom slut! I filmed some of the action, getting some nice close-ups of Dave's raw cock plundering Eric's pussy. I moved up to Eric's face and got some close-ups of the whore moaning with his eyes closed. He opened his glassy eyes and looked right into the camera, exactly as I hoped he would. I was going to get some great footage of him to use to further destroy his former life and make him mine. His Mormon family will disown him when we send them videos from his phone which Steve was currently looking through. "You like that baby?" I asked him. "You like getting fucked? You like having a big cock fucking your faggot hole?" He stared into my phone and moaned, "Oh yes. God yes." I knew his mind was fucked and all reason had left him. "Do you like being a cumdump? Do you like having dirty, infected loads pumped into your whorey guts? Come on baby, tell me!" "Fuck yea." He moaned. "Fuck me please. Give me your cum. Fill me up!" He babbled. This shit was gold! "Tell Dave you want him to shoot his dirty HIV cum into you. Beg him for it!" I ordered him. "Beg him for his poz load!" "Please," Eric whimpered, "please Dave, shoot your dirty cum into me. Give it to me! I am your cumdump! Give me your poz load!" With that, Dave buried himself into Eric and let out a long growl as he filled the 18 year old with his 3rd dirty load. After we were through with him, his life would only be worth being a cumdump for poz men. After Dave pulled out, he wiped his slimy cock all over Eric's hair. Then Jeffrey rolled Eric onto his back, leaving his wrists still attached to his ankles. He pulled something out of his vest pocket. It was a dirty, crusty, yellow stained jockstrap. "We've been working on this for a couple of weeks hoping we got to use it." He sneered as he pried Eric's mouth open. "This is two weeks of piss and cum on here." He said as he held it under Eric's nose. "And your pretty mouth is the perfect place to put it before I rape you with the biggest cock you've ever seen!" Eric's eyes grew wide in fear as Jeffrey stuffed his mouth full with the disgusting jockstrap. "Gentleman, do you think you can generate a little more piss to moisten it a bit?" He asked looking and me and Steve. "I want to make sure our little prince here gets the full effect of it." Steve and I placed our cockheads against the gag, and were able to generate enough piss that it was nice and wet, releasing the full flavour into the young boys mouth. Dave then took some duct tape and covered Eric's mouth, sealing it in. "One last thing, sweet prince." Said Jeffrey as he pulled a prepared point out of another vest pocket. "Just a little bit more before I rip you open." He tied a band around his arm as Dave tied one around Eric's. I sat back and watched as Steve filmed it on Eric's phone. Jeffrey inserted the needle, drawing it back until the syringe turned dark red. Then he pushed the plunger, taking half of it. He handed it to Dave who proceeded to insert it into Eric's arm, releasing the rest of the red fluid into the teen. There was NO way Eric would not be converted after tonight! After Eric finished coughing, Jeffrey stood there stroking his monster cock with the huge p.a., lubing it up. "Look at it boy!" He demanded. David held up Eric's head so he could get a good view through his slammed up eyes of the giant cock about to destroy his young hole. "Look at this cock which is going to ruin you. Your hole is NEVER going to be the same when I'm finished with you!" Damn Jeffrey could be sadistic! That only made my own cock throb as I thought of fucking Eric's wrecked hole after Jeffrey was done. Eric trembled and panted heavily in fear and from the slam as Jeffery climbed into the bed. Sweat was pouring off of him as David grabbed Eric's ankles and pulled them back until his knees touched the bed. His eyes grew bigger as Jeffery placed his p.a. against the defensless hole beneath him. I walked over to the bed so I could get a good shot of Eric's face when Jeffery slammed into him. "You wanted to try new things." I said as I spat on his face. "Be careful what you ask for, you stupid slut!" With that, Jeffery slammed into Eric with all of his might. Eric let out a scream like he was being murdered. Thank God for the gag! Tears instantly flowed from his eyes as he struggled to break free. But David held him tight, he wasn't going anywhere. He had no choice but to take Jeffrey's savage fuck. Steve tossed me the popper rag and I placed it over Eric's nose. Soon he was limp again, groaning in pain as his formerly virgin Mormon ass was raped. Jeffery pulled out and smiled at his red covered cock before slamming it back into the kid. Then he started pile driving Eric's ruined guts. He used his strong core muscles to relentlessly pound the poor young prince. He would move his hips around so he was battering every inch of Eric's insides that he could possibly reach. I just kept giving the kid popper hits and hoping he didn't end up in the hospital. Jeffery fucked poor Eric for 40 solid minutes. 20 minutes into the assault, Eric just gave in, his mind a giant pool of mush, just as his guts were. He continued to groan while Jeffery destroyed his teenage hole. Finally, Jeffrey grabbed Eric around his throat and started choking him as he approached blowing a 4th dirty load into Eric's battered hole. The boys eyes bugged out of his head as Jeffery let out a yell and filled the young cumdump with his cum. He collapsed onto Eric's body, both of them dripping sweat. "Who's next?" he asked as I was moving to take his place.
    2 points
  23. This happened in August, a few weeks after my first exposure to T at the baths. My original host shared my info with a few of his friends, This was my first connection. Anyway, the guy's name is Steven. He wanted to meet and just fool around, no pressure, so one Sunday we arranged to meet at his place in Harbor City. I cleaned-up after work and headed over to his place, which turned-out to be a nice house. Steven is 56, 6'3", probably 220-230 pounds, not fat but kinda thick. He opens the door and ushered me in, where I found a friend of Steven's on the couch in the living-room. I don't remember his buddy's name but he was definitely tweeked - he had bloodshot eyes, couldn't walk or talk straight, acted like an idiot. Steven had us all go into his garage which had been set-up as a playroom - dark, a sling hanging in a corner, a few sex toys on a shelf along one wall, and most surfaces padded. No sooner had we entered the playroom when his buddy was all over me, grabbing my crotch and trying to pull my shorts down, pausing only to quickly strip. He was 5'10, maybe late 40's, also a little chubby but still had a nice build. I was a little wary of the guy, but the horny part of my brain won-out, so I popped an instant hard-on which he immediately swallowed. He had a GREAT mouth! Fuck he was good. Down his throat, massaging every inch, I grabbed his head and fucked his mouth. He took me easily. Steven meanwhile stripped and came up behind me, pulled my shirt up and off, then reaching around to my chest, went for my nipples, his cock is in my crack. FUCK!!! I leaned back and his friend pulled my shorts down and off, and simultaneously Steven leaned forward and managed to shove shoves his tongue into my mouth, not withstanding the difficulties of our respective positions. We managed to share a hard deep kiss with his tongue almost down my throat. We broke off the kiss and helped his buddy into the sling, which was about three feet off the ground, the perfect height to fuck. The guy got on, Steven strapped his legs and arms, and said to me that the guy was ready, so I shoved my dick into his lubed ass. Damn. He had already been fucked once - I would see cum leaking out around my dick. Steven handed me some poppers, I took two deep hits then fucked the guy hard. Steven stepped over to a table and selected a pipe and some syringes out of a bag. "Here come the drugs" I thought as I continued hard-fucking the guy's ass. He was groaning and telling me he wanted my babies. (?) Steven then approached me with the meth, lit-up the pipe, and placed the stem in between my lips. I took a deep draw, held it, and did it again three more times. In a couple of minutes I was flying. The stuff was good. As I fucked the guy, slamming into his ass, I could feel the rush building, as well as the muscles of his ass wrapped around my cock, squeezing my two week load out and deep into his guts. The climax was amazing, every nerve in my body was hit. Now I was higher than ever. Steven wanted to know if I had ever slammed. Huh? He smiled and helped his friend out of the sling. Then Steven prepared the pipe again and I took three more hits plus a few huffs of poppers. Then Steven helped me into the sling, strapped my legs and arms, so all I could see was the ceiling. I could hear the two of them talking but nothing registered. I just replied 'Yes' any question they ran by me, although a part of my brain sensed I should put a stop to the session and leave but my body didn't cooperate. Besides, the idea was quickly building in my brain that I needed to get fucked. It blossomed into an utterly uncontrollable need to get fucked. I saw Steven's cock. It looked to be at least 9" long and thick and now I was starving for it. Steven, however, had his own agenda. He wrapped a tube around my right arm and, holding a loaded syringe, slapped my arm telling me to take a deep breath and hold it - which which I complied. He slid the needle into my forearm. 'What the hell?' flashed across my brain. Asking only "Ready?" Steven depressed the plunger. FUCK! Whatever it was, it washed over me very quickly. I coughed hard enough to strain my throat, but even so, the effect was fucking amazing. Every part of my body was hot and cold. My skin was hyper. Even though I had just cum, my dick was harder than it had been in months. No Tina dick this time. But the focus was my ass. Steven moved between my legs, shoving some canned lube into my hole, working his fingers into my now very hungry ass. I closed my eyes and gave him full access. He worked on my hole for what seemed like an hour, first using his fingers and then some of his toys, using larger and larger pieces. Damn fucking amazing.... He says that he will be right back then steps away and goes over to a pc that I hadn't noticed and types for a couple of minutes. I'm hanging there with a thick black dildo in my ass while he types. I can't see the screen but wouldn't be able to anyway as I tossed my glasses when they undressed me. Steven comes back over, fucks me with the dildo a couple of times then pulls it out. Asks if I'm okay? I say yeah, I'm great. He puts the poppers back to my nose and I take two deep hits. He follows this with three more hits from the pipe. Are you ready? I say yeah... For what? He steps back between my legs and slides his cock in, all the way. I'm filled with his meat. Again, are you okay? Yeah.. fuck me!!.... He holds the straps of the sling and uses it to sway me on and off his dick. Long deep strokes, my ass landing against his crotch then the head of his dick at my hole and then back in again. After a few minutes he pulls out ("I'll be right back") and steps over to the pc again. He types, pauses and types again. He comes back over, slides his dick back in and says that a friend is on his way over to join us. He starts to ride my ass again and this time is more agressive, harder strokes, slamming in each time. While he fucking me he's turning red, the veins in his face are showing now. I'm clamping down on his dick, he's groaning, "Damn sweet ass!!!" 10-15 minutes then he slams in hard, his dick throbbing in my colon, pumping his cum deep into my ass. He just stands there with his dick in me, still throbbing. FUCK YEAH!!! His friend from earlier comes in and tells him that his friends have arrived. In walk 3 big guys, all bears. Thick, tall, 50's. They all undress, and come over to us. Steven's dick is still in my ass. He tells them that I've taken 1 slam and that my ass is ready. He pulls out and one of the guys steps in his place between my legs. He shoves his fingers in and twists. I drop back and close my eyes again. All yours.. He's assaulting my ass while I feel another tube being tied to my arm. Steven leans in and asks if I want another slam or a booty bump. I say go for it. He sets up the slam and I go through another massive hot flash. Now I'm fucked. I'm past saying no to anything. 7 guys came by that night and used my ass. Steven told me that all of them fucked me and gave me their loads, one of the guys fisted me, almost to his elbow. I was so out of it I lost track of what was happening after the first three bears. All that registered was getting fucked. Just fuck me, I didn't care about anything else. I also managed to cum on myself sometime during all this. A suprise was that Steven had a webcam on me the whole night, which was how he came up with the guys to add. Everything that they did was shown on the web. I left his place and somehow got home just before 4a. I was dazed, my ass was torn up (no blood though), but I was feeling amazing. Fucking amazing. I took two days to land. I hid most of the time. Stayed busy and avoided talking to anyone. Also took two days for my body to recover. Again, no condoms, no questions. Just raw fucking and 8 loads of cum from guys I had never met. Most of I don't remember. But still, the sex was amazing, the sensations are amazing. Yeah, as unsafe as possible but the ride is unforgettable.
    2 points
  24. Part 7 - The Winters Frost Conrad crept out of the house for the fifth morning running the cold dampness of the air assaulting him and not helping his mood. His parents were still coming to terms with the news he broke to them the weekend previously, Eddie his father was unable to speak to him explaining he needed time to think and understand the enormity of this. It didn't help matters that both Charlie and Joshua were going away for a few months returning in early March on their first tour of duty. Broken and missing Joshua badly they had become close both as friends and fuck buddies, this lead to Conrad deciding that he couldn't go on living in deceit like he had been. It was hard enough admitting to himself about his sexuality then coming out to his parents just made things worse, Jack was the only one he could and needed to talk to but he had not been answering his phone. He just needed to get today over with at college then we go up to the manor. The things that now played on his mind all boiled down to sex with men, he never thought he would miss sex so much with Joshua and he was finding it distracting and lonely. His phone rang and Conrad picked it up forming a big grin on his face answering it. "Hello Josh" Conrad said "how are you?". "Alright sexy how are you?" Joshua asked hoping Conrad was feeling good. Conrad sighed down the phone "I'm fine Josh, be even better if you were in bed with me". They chatted a while until Joshua needed to end the call "I miss you and want to make sure you are okay" Joshua said seeking clarification again. "Better now I have spoken to you, have a great time stuck with all those sailors" Conrad said giggling but in truth feeling even more down. Joshua hung up the phone and looked up the barracks from his seat in the grounds, he was still racked with guilt after their fir sexual encounter, he never meant to but found he couldn't withdraw quickly enough. Doing it once by accident he could accept, but the passion that took over them both rendered any thought of condoms in the subsequent times they met. Mostly he managed to pull out only then did he think he saw the disappointment etched on Conrad's face. Conrad loved the feeling of Joshua's orgasm the few times he had remained inside when ejaculating during the middle of the night when they both woke up aroused. Joshua looked over to the gym hall and saw Charlie exiting through the doors having finished his workout, standing up he put on a brave face and walked over to join him heading back to the dorm room to finish packing. Joshua was a ticking time bomb, one that was about to implode on himself yet alone sending out shock waves that Conrad would be unable to hide or take cover from. Having never been tested he didn't know for definite but had fooled around at home with some very dodgy characters in his past and knew he had taken at least two toxic loads up him. By evening Conrad returned home dropping his things off and heading up to the manor and down to the greenhouse but it seemed like no one had been there all week. He daren't go up to the manor itself without an invitation. He turned the light on and tidied things up and cleaned the tools that Jack was usually so meticulous in keeping spotless. "What are you doing here?" Simon asked frightening the living daylights out of Conrad "sorry" he apologised. Conrad put the tools down "I wanted to speak to Jack and hoped he would be here" he replied. Simon nodded "He is at the house in bed" he replied with a tinge of sadness "he will be happy to see you". Conrad put the tools down "Is he sick again?" he asked concerningly. "Yes" Simon replied looking a him "You seem out of sorts Conrad everything all right?" he asked. "Sort of" Conrad replied blinking back tears "can I talk with you after I see Jack please?". Simon shifted on his feet feeling uncomfortable not wanting to handle peoples baggage "Please Simon" Conrad begged. Simon smiled "Yes of course do you want to stay for dinner?" he asked Conrad waiting for him to finish. Conrad half smiled "I would love to thank you Simon". They walked up to the manor where Simon took Conrad's coat and showed him to Jack's room. Jack smiled seeing Conrad and complaining that Simon was fussing way to much now he was on the mend. They spent an hour catching up before Jack dozed off and Conrad left him to rest going back downstairs to the lounge where Simon was waiting. "Is he alright?" Conrad asked "please tell me Simon?" he pleaded. Simon nodded "He is a lot better and should be back on his feet by Sunday if he rests". "I hope so" Conrad said cheering up a little. Simon patted Conrad's shoulder "Come on lets eat" he said "champagne is your tipple if I remember rightly?". Conrad laughed "I only had it the once on my 18th birthday here" he replied "with Jack and you" he said. Simon nodded "Jack is really fond of you Conrad I hope you know that" he said sitting down at the table. "I owe him a lot Simon, he has taught me everything I know and helped me so willingly" Conrad replied. Simon smiled "He fought me when I told him you weren't to come to the manor after I found out". "You don't like me, that much I can tell?" Conrad asked causing him to look at him. Simon looked at him "Tolerate you, I value privacy Conrad, nothing to do with liking you" he said "anyway it is Jack you come to see". They kept the conversation light and Conrad drank way to many glasses of champagne, they were both enjoying each others company for the first time being alone together and Simon loved hearing about Joshua. He never even thought to ask Simon about Harry and the Arab guy, instead they drank and ate. Simon suggested they go in to the lounge after the butler cleared the dinner things away and dismissed him for the night. Simon brought the champagne with him and they both sat on the sofa in front the log fire listening to some classical music. Conrad got a little loose lipped opened up about his parents finding it hard to accept his choice in life, strangely Simon had the same problem with his family and only really accepted it after he made his fortune sniffing around for handouts but never came to see him. They laughed long in to the evening the central heating and log fire making the lounge warm and they both sat there in t-shirts. He wasn't drunk just merry and sitting with Simon felt very comforting, it helped that he had a pretty toned body that was bigger than Joshua and also taller and not unattractive he thought. It was confusing Conrad in his head with the champagne, Conrad was being brave and checking out Simon's muscles in his arms and legs making him laugh. Conrad sat back on the sofa laughing whilst Simon checked out his average sized muscles as he called them, he never realised that each touch Simon made was causing him to moan softly and giggle. In the blink of an eye and like magnets they kissed briefly. The heady mix of champagne and warmth of the room was proving to enticing for both of them. Simon sat back and chuckled "You should stop now whilst your ahead" he suggested smiling at Conrad. Conrad swung himself over sitting on Simon's lap "Why?" he asked "what will happen if we continue?" he asked teasingly running his hand along Simon's chest. Simon smiled stroking Conrad's arm "I will fuck and breed you" he said smirking sniffing a new victim "there will be no stopping me once I home in on you". Conrad laughed then leaned in and kissed him "You mean cum in me?" he asked "you wouldn't be the first" he said. Simon kissed and teased Conrad "Cum in you with my gift and convert you" he said with a sinister smirk. Conrad chuckled with no idea what he was waffling on about, all he saw was an experienced man who had a very erect cock. Leaning forward he kissed Simon falling in to the open arms like prey lured so easily, feeling his body moving Conrad came to rest on his back under Simon. He looked down at Conrad the champagne in his blood removing any remorse he might have for what he was about to do, the hunter was ready to swoop on his prey. In his eyes he had given fair warning and it was no longer his fault if the he didn't fully understand the impeding attack of this alpha hunter. Conrad pulled Simon's t-shirt off and stroked his body, bravely his hand moved down to the hunters weapon that was hard to touch. Conrad was lifted up his legs around Simons body kissing him passionately both naked his arse grinding against Simon's cock. Suddenly Conrad let out a louder moan and winced in pain his body being lowered on to Simon's cock with little effort, his legs held around Simon's waist his head rolled back from pure overload feeling the cock penetrating in to his body. He gave several upward thrusts and Conrad cried pushing at Simon's shoulders to raise himself up and stop him going in too quickly, his attempt futile at best crying louder and gasping but at the same time wrapping his arms around Simon's neck kissing him. The pubes around his cock flattened against Conrad's arse coming to rest fully immersed inside him, the prey was lured and captured. Conrad stopped kissing him and leaned back grinding his arse down deeper moaning then resting. Simon picked up the glass of champagne and watched Conrad knock it back, he smiled and kissed Conrad tasting the remnants of the Laurent Perrier's distinctive bouquet on his lips. Simon did the same knocking his drink back then sat back on the sofa allowing his prey to gently ride his cock, lulling him in to a false sense of security before he would swoop in for the kill poisoning the prey with his toxic venom. Conrad leaned back and felt he was taking even more of his cock and loving the feeling he slowly and elegantly he rode Simon feeling every inch inside him a steady motion they both enjoyed. Simon reached over and topped the champagne up holding the glass up to Conrad's mouth he poured egging him on to drink it all. Already reeling from the effects of too much champagne he was to far gone in sexual pleasure to care, throwing himself forward kissing Simon again grinding down harder. Conrad looked in to his eyes 'Fuck me Simon please' he half pleaded to him, he smirked and kissed Conrad 'You want a hard conversion?' he whispered watching Conrad nod. Simon pushed Conrad off his cock twisting his body around until he was over the back of the sofa, the hunter now ran his tongue along the back tasting and subduing his prey, his hips moved gently lining his cock up with the head poised. In one almighty thrust with his body weight behind he speared Conrad feeling his body react and the cries from the hunters first intentional strike, his hands holding the prey down over the back of the sofa he fucked hard and relentlessly pounding deeper each time his prey struggled. His attack continued until the last sign of any fight left the preys body. Taken by surprise an utterly loving the way he was held Conrad relaxed accepting the hunters control lastly his body began to ease from tension hoping to minimise the destructive force being borne down on him. The hunter knew the time to strike was coming his balls slowly tightening, any moment know he would launch the final attack on his prey, the prey that moaned between pain and pleasure pushing his arse up and back to take more. His body switched from hunting to kill mode, the thrusting changing to deeper penetrating movement no longer able to hold back the hunter pushed up hard grunting loudly. His body lunging further forward clamping his arms tightly around his prey securing and holding him deep on his cock to receive the toxic venom. There was no escape for the prey his venom was already being released rapidly coating the lining and finding any small breach to gain access and poison the prey. His cock pulsing hard in his prey continuously pushing it deeper, grinding and pushing to make sure there would be leakage and sealing the fate of his prey. Jack sat up in bed a shiver ran through his spine like someone walked over his grave. The manor seemed quiet enough and had no idea why he suddenly woke up with an odd sensation, he laid back down drifting off to sleep. Simon held on to Conrad his hips still pushing and grinding in to Conrad's arse forcing his toxic seed and cock deeper in to Conrad, still hard and turned on he gently started fucking again. Conrad raised his head and kissed him 'Fuck yes' he said smiling with his mouth open and moaning at the depth of Simon's cock inside him. His hands still clamped firmly around Conrad's body 'Oh god yes' he cried out like he was feeling the cock inside him for the first time. Simon didn't take long to finish giving a second dose of his venom to Conrad. He lovingly kissed Conrad's neck and shoulders keeping his cock inside plugging his hole preventing any leakage. Slowly he moved Conrad's body and laid him flat on the sofa coming to rest on top of him. Conrad held on to Simon's hand caressing it, a champagne and sex smile on his face his eyelids fluttering and nodding off. Conrad shifted "Fuck what time is it" he suddenly said panicking. Simon moved and Conrad winced not realising he was still inside him semi erect "3 in the morning". "Crap I am going to get in to trouble, how could you let me fall asleep?" Conrad asked. Simon smiled "I thought you was quite content being in this position" he replied kissing his shoulder. His hips ground against Conrad's arse "Fuck you're getting hard" Conrad moaned. He could feel Simon's cock expanding and growing in his arse, repositioning himself to lay flat on Conrad slowly he ground deeper hearing the soft echoing moans from underneath him. The grinding got more pronounced and Conrad lifted his head briefly kissing Simon, the thrill of his immobilised body trapped in this erotic state caused him to push his arse up several times moaning and waiting for Simon to push him back down. The grinding moved to slowly tender thrusts at first, Conrad became aware for the first time of the sound as Simon's balls slapped against his arse giving a round of applause. Quicker and quicker the sound came, Simons breathing changed in to a light panting with the occasional groan thrown in for good measure. Conrad slipped his hands around Simon's intertwining their fingers and holding on. The pace quickened again and his body weight shifted lifting his chest off Conrad's back ready to inseminate him with a third toxic load. Suddenly Simon growled long and hard pushing his hips down almost crushing Conrad's arse and jolting forward, Conrad moaned through the pain and discomfort feeling pulsations emitting deep in his arse. The grin on his face was not for Conrad to see whilst he looked down at the lad taking more of his seed deep inside. He held the position for ages constantly pushing in, each time he pushed Conrad's buttocks spread apart letting Simon get deeper ensuring he got a good breeding. Finally he collapsed on top of Conrad and kissed his neck. Simon rolled on to his side pulling Conrad with him stroking his chest, his cock plugging Conrad's arse keeping his toxic seed inside. Weirdly even for Simon this was one conversion he desperately had wanted to happen, all the years watching him grow up and now he was impaled on his cock, full of his seed changing the body. The initial panic over knowing he would get in to trouble either way he resided to stay in this comfortable position with Simon falling asleep until 8am. The sun was slowly rising bringing daylight in to the lounge, Conrad could see out of the window and the white hard frost that coated the landscape. he moaned at his headache from drinking too much last night. Feeling sore in his arse he moved closing his eyes at the discomfort and finally easing the semi erect cock out, he couldn't believe he had been so slutty last night but he was missing sex with Joshua. Simon mumbled and cuddled Conrad waking up in the process eventually sitting up putting on the clothes they left laying on the floor after being discarded quickly last night. He thought there would be a little awkwardness between Conrad and him but he seemed to be his normal self whilst they sat drinking coffee in the kitchen. Conrad left feeling like he was doing a walk of shame strolling down Hibiscus Drive so early that morning, the plumes of mist from his breath hung in the stillness of the freezing air. He walked into the house just as his mother was coming down the stairs. "Where have you been?" Jody asked looking at how rough he looked. Conrad looked at her "At the manor Jack is not very well" he replied passing her on the stairs. Jody looked at him "What again?" she asked in a caring voice "how is he?". Conrad shrugged his shoulders "Better hopefully he will be up and around on Sunday". "Conrad" Jody called as he walked up the stairs "You miss him don't you?" she asked. Conrad looked at her "Charlie?" he asked "of course I do". Jody shook her head "No that Joshua guy I mean". Conrad's expression changed and he nodded "I don't love him" he said "I do miss him though". Jody nodded "Give it a few weeks Conrad, we love you and it is hard for all of us at the moment". They were words of some comfort for him and he spent the rest of Saturday head in his book getting ready for his first part of his exam next week. Sunday morning he got a text from Jack telling him he was up and around if he wanted to go through his papers for the exam. He always thought growing up that gardening was simple but knowing Jack as he did now he was clearly very knowledgeable and Conrad relied on this to help him through the course. He had a way of making things seem practical rather than confusing. Of course sitting in the warming winter sunshine in the greenhouse that Sunday afternoon Conrad was in two minds weather to let on that he had slept with Simon, several times he nearly did but held back not sure how Jack would feel about it. Conrad breezed through the exam managing 86% which was the highest mark from the group of 15, six flunked it and would need to resit it the following year. Having Jack back and looking like himself a week later helped Conrad cheer up immensely as they planned the garden planting schedule for spring together, they sat quite close to each other as they always did. Conrad let slip that he had dinner with Simon that Friday night he visited, Jack suddenly had a horrible feeling. "How long did you stay?" Jack asked trying to keep it light. Conrad put his head down "Until the morning" he admitted. Jack put his hand on Conrad's arm "Be honest with me Conrad did you and Simon do anything?". Conrad nodded and looked at Jack "I'm sorry, I was lonely and having a bad time" he explained. Jack shook his head "Did he cum in you?" he asked straight out. "Yes" Conrad replied looking at him "is it relevant?" he asked. "Oh Conrad" Jack said looking at him "have you been ill since he fucked you?" he asked. Conrad looked curiously at him "No not since my cold a few months back" he replied then opened his eyes wide "he has HIV?" he asked. Jack nodded "Yes and like me he is not on medication for it" he replied. Conrad knew the dangers and that it was too late now "But hang on, you never told me you have it!". "Simon gave it to me years ago" Jack confessed "it was an accident as he didn't know at the time". Conrad sat in silence for what seemed like ages "Have I got it?" he finally asked. Jack went over and hugged him "Most likely he converted you" he said. Conrad raised his eyebrows "I remember something about him saying to convert me" he suddenly remembered "I drank way too much champagne". Jack nodded looking slightly angry "Can you take me to get tested?" Conrad asked thinking logically. Jack looked curiously at him "Yes, but are you not worried or angry at Simon?" he asked. Conrad looked at him "Furious" he replied "but what is done is done" he said "so you being sick?". Jack nodded "Yes it is that, but you can take treatment Conrad". Jack made an appointment for Conrad just after the new year, it didn't stop him thinking about it and each morning when he woke up he was expecting to be sick after what Jack had explained. He did a lot of reading about it on the internet and saw that the majority of people who contract live normal lives adhering to the medication. It couldn't have come at a worse time with Christmas upon them and Conrad had been living in dread now knowing what took place at the manor that night. Regrets and anger would rise and fall in him every time he thought about what Simon had done to him, he couldn't pin it down to stealth fucking since Simon had told him outright what he was going to do. But on the other hand why should he have known what he meant, he knew he had been the subject of a deliberate conversion and decided to keep clear of the manor needing time to think. On top of all that he had to face Christmas without Charlie, already the vibe was different in the house kind of empty without them both being there. He had a sleepless night and woke on Christmas Day feeling terrible, he manged to join his parents and grandparents for most of the day but went to his room at four in the afternoon, his head hurt and he was running a slight fever. He tried not to worry anyone but his mother kept coming up to check on him. Christmas night alone in his bedroom Conrad sat on the side of his bed fearing the worst and that Simon had been successful in transmitting his virus. Over thinking things as usual it dawned on him that it may just be a mild cold, like the one he had a few months back so maybe it wasn't what he thought. Eventually falling a sleep around 2am his head running thoughts of how he could exact revenge on him, what he never knew was that he caught a sickness bug from his last day at college that took a few days to appear. Late Boxing Day he felt better and joined in, early evening he got a video call from Joshua and Charlie both of whom were sporting nice suntans dressed only in shorts on a beach in the Caribbean. It didn't help when Joshua panned out and rubbed his cock 'I will be home soon on leave for 2 months so you better be ready for me' he said blowing Conrad a kiss making his eyes water 'I miss you both so much' he replied ending their call. Conrad sat on his bed and cried, he needed Charlie here and importantly he wanted to feel Joshua's body and hold him. He felt empty like nothing was complete in his life, would anyone even want to touch him now he was tainted. Given the chance he would jump at being in a relationship with Joshua but they were both very clear on where they stood in that respect despite the incredible love that had grown between them, he liked Joshua but was in no way in love with him. His thought wandered back to Harry and weather he should go to London for a few days after New Year and before college started again. Harry had a great Christmas at home enjoying the break. Moham had taken Harry to New York for a few days before Christmas on a so called business trip. On the flight back Moham handed Harry a set to keys to a private residence he brought for Harry not far from the office, part Christmas present and part bonus at doing so well at his job. Harry was completely respectful of Moham, except when in a hotel bedroom together. Adam had done a wonderful job mentoring Harry, they often kissed but so far no sex. They adored each other and wanted to keep their friendship real and they both knew sex was going to happen at some point. Despite protesting that he wasn't sure it was hiv Jack insisted he got tested anyway to make sure. A few hours later Conrad sat there in the park with Jack reading through the bottle of tablets the consultant had prescribed, his diagnosis had come back quickly with quite a high viral load already circulating in his body. It helped that Jack knew the consultant and getting the test and result quickly he couldn't stop the shocked looked on his face though hearing how high Conrad's viral load was. He held back and spoke with the consultant handing him a wad of cash. Conrad put the bottle in his pocket and looked across the park. Jack sat there in silence waiting for Conrad to say something but he remained quiet, he couldn't help thinking that Conrad's viral load was high for someone infected so recently. He looked at Conrad coming to the conclusion that maybe his body reproduced the virus quickly. "Conrad" Jack repeated trying to get his focus "are you alright?" he asked. Conrad smiled "I think so" he replied "I just don't know how I feel actually knowing for sure". "You must take the tablets, don't end up like us old twisted perverts" Jack said. Conrad laughed "I never looked at you in that way" he replied "well old maybe" he said laughing again. "Been a year you won't forget I bet" Jack said in reflection. Conrad smiled "Yes" he said "I have decided to seek Harry out, although not sure how he would react". Jack patted Conrad's leg "You will have no problem finding a lover either way Conrad". "Did I ever tell you that Harry was at the manor?" Conrad asked suddenly remembering. Jack stopped swinging "No" he said looking astounded "when was that?". "August, he arrived with the Arab guy in the helicopter" Conrad said looking at him. "Oh, I only knew him as E but I know who you mean" Jack replied "caught my eye" he said then stopped. "What?" Conrad asked knowing he was mid sentence. "Simon spent the night with him he won E in the auction" Jack informed him. "Auction?" Conrad asked sounding disgusted "you mean they bid to fuck?" he asked. "Spend the night with" Jack corrected him "but yes, Moham the Arab guy bid for him as well". Conrad laughed and looked at Jack "Been there and done that" he said looking at Jack's shocked face. Conrad explained how he got the money for the course "Not so innocent after all are you?" Jack said amused. "Does that mean Simon got Harry sick as well?" Conrad asked looking a little concerned. Jack nodded "It is a high probability" he replied "I'm sorry I know we must seem like... I don't know". "Twisted perverts" Conrad replied smiling at Jack briefly "my life is ruined isn't it?". Jack put his arm around him "No far from it, I will speak to Simon make sure you are taken care of". Conrad scoffed "He has already done that" he replied angrily "tell him I want the manor" he joked. Jack laughed "Nothing like aiming high" he said kissing him on the cheek. To say Conrad was shocked about the revelation of Harry being auctioned off was understated, but then he was no different when he sold his arse for the course money to the Arab. Looking back it was painful but still incredibly hot he thought. He couldn't understand why he felt no different knowing he had hiv, holding the first tablet in his fingers he decided against taking it for now and put it back in the bottle. It was mild for New Years eve and Conrad headed up to the manor to check on his parsnips and sprouts that should be good after the week of frosty nights and mornings. He picked a few parsnips and went back in to the warmth of the greenhouse and started cleaning them up standing against the bench. Jack walked past the window smiling at Conrad and came in to the greenhouse closing the door behind him, it was quite humid and he quickly took off his jacket and standing behind Conrad and circling his arms around his waist. "How is my little gardener today?" Jack asked kissing him on the cheek. Conrad smiled "Just fine" he replied putting the parsnip in the basket. Jack squeezed him "No really, how are you?" he asked again just to make sure. Conrad turned to face him "What do you want me to say Jack?" he asked "that I hate everyone and the world". Jack leaned back looking at him "Hey" he said "is something wrong?". "Yes" Conrad replied unable to resist the temptation and longing he had for years now "you are what's wrong". Jack looked shocked but Conrad pulled him forward kissing him on the mouth "Conrad" Jack said pushing back. He looked Conrad in the eyes and they both snapped kissing frantically his body edging up until he sat on the bench with Jack between his legs. Both making strange noises kissing harder, Conrad's hand instantly delved down rubbing Jack's cock and undoing his jeans 'Conrad no we shouldn't' Jack said pushing back out of concern 'Yes we should we both knew this was going to happen' he said pushing Jack's jeans down and slipping off the bench. His mouth closed around Jack's cock moving down the shaft and back up licking around the head then back down again. Jack already had hold of Conrad's head forcing him further down on his cock holding him there feeling his throat gag then letting him off for air. He roughly pulled Conrad up kissing him then quickly spun him around pushing him over the bench. His hands yanking Conrad's jeans down popping the button off 'Your fucking right I have wanted to do this for years and your going to get it' he said spitting loudly on to Conrad's bare arse and fingering the saliva in. Conrad moaned like a wild beast 'Dam yes, come on fuck me!' he shouted out moaning when Jack jabbed two fingers in his arse roughly 'fucking rape me' he said out of nowhere, Jack held Conrad down 'Rape you' he laughed 'I am going to destroy that pretty arse of yours' he said aiming his cock up against Conrad's hole. He pushed hard his eight inches tearing its way through and not stopping until he was balls deep. Conrad cried out in agony trying to push up but Jack swiftly pushed him back down holding the back of his neck and pummelling in to arse. Conrad grimaced in some very weird sick pleasure and pain the grunts and cries echoing around the greenhouse. Jack should no sign of easing up and continued hammering his cock in long hard rapid strokes causing Conrad to gasp when he bottomed out each time. Jack stopped leaned forward and pulled Conrad's head up 'Is that what you want?' he asked jabbing his cock in again hard 'you fucking know I do' Conrad replied kissing Jack trying to suck the tongue out his mouth. Jack pushed him back down and started assaulting his arse again 'Fucking cock teased me for the last four years' Jack said pushing his cock in hard then wriggling his hips letting Conrad feel his cock jabbing inside in arse in every direction 'fuck yes' Conrad cried out, Jack laughed 'Payback time' he said gripping harder on to Conrad's neck and hammering in hard again 'here it comes' he cried out moaning 'fucking breeding you' he said moaning and panting in one final thrust he shoved in deep and Conrad yelped at the pulsing cock against the now tender sides of anal wall. Jack groaned his body shuddering releasing his seed 'fuck yes' he said jolting his hips again 'take it baby that's what you wanted' he shouted out falling forward. The last few drops of cum trickled out of Conrad's cock splattering on the flagstone floor of the greenhouse his whole body shuddering at the power of his own orgasm. Jack panted heavily struggling to get his breath back and resting on Conrad's back. Conrad held Jack's thighs keeping the hard cock inside his arse. Jack continued grinding his cock deep in Conrad for nearly 10 minutes until he began to soften. Conrad raised his head concerned "Are you alright Jack?" he asked. Jack nodded "Yes" he said through laboured breaths "takes me a while to get my breath back". "You made me cum without touching my cock" Conrad said kissing him lightly on the lips. Jack smiled "Shows how much you really wanted me I guess" he said standing upright pulling his cock out. "Ouch" Conrad tensed up "slowly it hurts" he said. Jack looked down at the streaks of blood on his cock "I got you good" he sniggered. Conrad pulled his jeans up but Jack pushed him down to his knees "You haven't finished, clean it up bitch" he said. It wasn't the most pleasantest of experiences cleaning cock after it being in his arse, Joshua certainly never expected him to do that. Fortunately he was pretty clean and only got the salty remnants of Jack's cum and the coppery taste that was his own blood. Really he didn't know what to expect from finally having sex with Jack all he could think was back to times when they laughed and joked around in the flower beds. Certainly there was some element of flirting that grew the older Conrad got leading to right now. Jack moved his growing cock away from Conrad's mouth pulling him up to his feet and kissing him. Conrad pulled his jeans up and sat on the floor "Fuck Jack" he said half grinning and grimacing in pain. "You wanted it" Jack replied zipping up his jeans "horny little fucker aren't you?" he said. Conrad chuckled "I never realised you were such an animal" he said looking amazed "seriously I never expected that side of you". Jack smiled "Well you know what to expect now" he said helping Conrad up "and I needed to make sure you got some of my DNA implanted in your body". "I think you did that my arse is sore as hell" Conrad replied then laughed. When he got home later that evening Conrad showered and went to bed, laying there he gently fingered his hole that was still tender. A small amount of Jack's seed seeped out and Conrad flipped over looking at the small red stained semen on his sheet 'Oh Jack' he said rubbing his cock and leaning down licking and sucking the cum up before swallowing it. He laid down on his back the thought of Jack assaulting his arse so violently, his erection felt incredibly harder than normal. Thrusting his hips up he rolled the foreskin back holding his cock tight jettisoning his seed like a bullet, firing up across his face and landing across his left eyebrow and into his eye stinging badly he squinted and jumped off the bed. His orgasm was so strong his legs couldn't hold him upright properly, his hips bucking with orgasm pulses in his cock that travelled down his legs, still expelling small amounts of cum on the floor and wall of his bedroom. Wiping his eye with his t-shirt and looking in the mirror he had a big case of pink eye and it still stung like hell. When he finally made it to the bathroom he bathed his eye in some warm water and put some eye drops in to stem the pink eye. It was another frosty morning and Conrad was up at the manor by 8am following Jack's instruction to tidy one the larger flower beds by the greenhouse. Jack turned up a little after 9am and saw Conrad kneeling down amongst the evergreen bushes. It was too good to pass by he thought feeling his cock expanding under his jeans, walking outside again it was eerily quiet. The only sound was Conrad discreetly clipping away some of the dead branches lower down on the bushes. Jack crept up behind him his cock already hard and hanging out of his jeans, the cold air accentuated his erection even more. Conrad heard the twig snap and was about to turn his head when he was pushed down with one hand letting out a cry as branch scratched the side of his face. Swiftly Jack yanked Conrad's jeans and underwear down and slipped his cold cock deep in to the warmth cosiness of Conrad's arse then dead weighting him he started pounding deep. Conrad raised his head looking in to the tangled mess of the branches in front of him, he struggled against Jack's assault in a pretend fashion. He was so turned on and strangely found it erotic being raped in the flower bed by him. Conrad gasped and pushed his arse up wanting to feel Jack deep in him again, he took it as a sign of struggle and pushed Conrad down with his hips, his free hand clamped over Conrad's mouth stifling his moans and ramping up the force of his thrusting penetrating deeper and feeling his balls tighten up sharply. Jack grunted and pushed down harder clenching his buttocks tightly lost in the most intense pleasure from his balls to the tip of his cock pumping him full of his seed again. Conrad thought it was all over but Jack was not done, he continued fucking Conrad until he was ready to implant more DNA. The second orgasm as big as the first and giving several rapid jabs to make sure Conrad knew he was fucked. Jack laid on top panting and wheezing heavily catching his breath. Lifting himself off and pulling his cock out slowly and large trickle of blood soaked semen escaped winding its way down his arse and over his balls 'Dirty whore' Jack said chuckling. Conrad kneeled up and pulling his jeans back up when he turned Jack had already gone and left him there. Shit he thought to himself trying to gather his thoughts and unable to explain why Jack had this intoxicating control over in sex. Conrad was cold and soaked when he walked in to the greenhouse "Morning" he said to Jack kissing him. Jack kissed him back "Morning, you look like you have been raped" he said smirking. Conrad put his pruning clippers down "Yeah crap fucker though didn't even say thank you" he said. Jack creased up laughing "Fuck knows why Conrad but I love abusing you and can you take it". Conrad kissed him slow and tenderly "Seriously sex is so hot with you" he said. Jack ran his finger across the cut below Conrad's cheek and licked the blood "You taste nice" he chuckled. Conrad shook his head still reeling from the incredible fuck had been subjected to, Jack took Conrad up to the manor sneaking him in to one of the bathrooms to get him cleaned up. Jack and Conrad had two or three random aggressive fucks in the greenhouse or up against trees in the ground over the next couple of days before Conrad went to London with his parents. His arse was still sore after arriving in London from Jack pounding his arse twice the evening before he left, the second one Jack tied Conrad down to the workbench and spent nearly an hour abusing his arse before giving him his going away protein. Every time Conrad woke up in the night he couldn't stop controlling himself and masturbated orgasming within minutes with the thought of Jack raping him and planting his seed deep inside.
    2 points
  25. Continued As the two Escorts left I scrolled through Barebackrt. I had several answers to the ad I had put on the system. One of the replies immediately caught my eyes. He had the look. Totally had the look. Everything said Poz and had been a while. He had sunken eyes and a Crix belly. Thin legs. He wasn’t far. I contacted him. Another guy caught my eye. He was youngish and had only just converted. He was a bottom eager to Poz his first victim. I answered him as well. “What the fuck was I doing ?. What the actual fuck was I doing ? “I stared at the French porn as it continued on my screen. Then I felt my ass. The bleeding seemed to have stopped, but I felt the cum. I lay back on the bed and sniffed poppers and drank some wine. I was happy. Very happy. I was a slut and I loved it. The door knocked. The two guys stood together outside the door . They must have met on the way up on the stairs. They came in and the younger guy started “ Hi I’m ..,.” The Crix belly guy quickly intervened and said gruffly “ He doesn’t give a fuck about our names he just wants the Poz dicks that are attached to us “ . I gulped. He was sort of right, but I smiled to the younger guy. “ Hi”. They both started taking off their clothes and the younger guy looked at the movie on the screen not making eye contact, but as the crix guy took off he’s clothes we both could not help ourselves, the younger guy and I staring in awe and admiration. The younger guy licked his lips. The crix guy laughed and for the first time lightened the mood. “Look at yourselves, pair of bug chasing sluts. You both want this seed in you don’t you.” The younger guy nodded his head quickly. We all smiled. “ Suck my cock “ he said to the younger guy. While the younger guy slurped on a big juicy AIDS cock , the crix guy looked over at me. “ Lie face down on your bed I need to eat you out.”He didn’t need to ask twice. I groaned as he started on me” Fuck yeah, Cum in your asshole already . Fuck yeah I am going to felch this hole. “ it seemed to be hours. I sniffed on my poppers. “ Hey boy “ he said to the younger guy. “ start licking his hole.” A different mouth was on my ass and as enthusiastic as the first. Then I heard a gasp. I turned my head around, crix guy had started fucking the younger guy. The younger guy pushed his tongue harder up my ass. “ Fuck “ he said loudly.” Now get off your knees you Poz slut and breed this Neg sick twisted whore with your Poz dick. “ I felt the dick pushed up my ass and I had an intake of breath. “ “Now we are all fucking each other” said the crix guy. He may have been a bottom , but the younger guy quickly matched his technique with his enthusiasm. “Your the first guy I am going to make toxic . Fuck I am so toxic, your screwed. Tell me you want it. Beg for it “ “Please charge me up. Please make me your first” I replied. The younger guy pushed further into me. It was becoming rougher, it started to hurt. Grabbed onto my shoulders “ I am cumming ... your mine” he pushed as far as he could and I felt warmth inside me. Crix guy stopped fucking him and pulled out” So the Neg guy is no longer Neg. good job Poz slut. Give me your number before you go.” It was surprising how almost tenderly the younger guy hung on inside me “ your mine “he said. “ I am yours” I replied. “ Get off him slut” Crix guy said “ It’s my time to give him the Gift.” It was only a second between my new soul mate of cum getting out of me and the new thick dick entering me. This was rough. I had an intake of breath. “ Take some poppers you sick slut” Crix guy said” Don’t play the fucking virgin with me. We both know you want this Poz Toxic cock up your ass. You want AIDS. It took a long time to get like this , let’s not pretend that you are not wanting this. Now Beg for it. Beg for my toxic dick” “ Please” I replied “ please keep your HIV dick in my ass.” “ Yeah bitch take that raw AIDS ridden cock up your ass. I could do a census with the amount of Neg sluts I have converted. I won’t remember you. Your just another bug chasing slut” I was breathing heavier . Fuck I was turned on “ Please please keep breading me . I need to be pregnant. I want to be charged with your babies” I moaned. “Babies? you are getting a real man’s toxic AIDS. You are about to be fucked up “ he growled. “ Fuck I am going to cum. Take that toxic load bitch “ With that he pushed hard into me and unloaded. “ Did you get what you wanted ?” He smiled “ You twisted bastard “ He stood up dressed quickly and left without a goodbye. The younger guy and I were still there looking at each other shaking our heads” Fuck” we both said and then laughed. How fucked up was this. Best night in my life. “ He didn’t get my number” the younger guy said and smiled. “Hope I see him again” I didn’t need his number I had his toxic DNA up my ass. I was his, even if he would never remember me.
    2 points
  26. 7. That was the first night I spent with Sir. He fucked me four more times and eventually we fell asleep with his soft cock nestled between my cheeks. The next morning I woke, with his big arms wrapped around me tight and his morning wood sliding slowly in and out of my open cunt. I pushed back on his cock and moaned. “You’re awake. Good.” With that he began to fuck me in earnest. Quick, hard, deep thrusts, opening my guts up again. I was putty in his hands. I would have done anything for him. This was not meant to be a long fuck. Sir built up to a quick jackhammer and pumped yet another load into me in probably ten minutes. Then he pulled out and kissed my neck. “I have to get ready for work. You just lay there for a bit. I’m going to send you out to your first appointment soon.” I lay on Sir’s bed, a drop of cum leaking from my hole, and for the first time in days stroked my leaking cock. I just lay there, breathing in the lingering smell of musk and sex, slowly jerking myself off. I had no intention of cuming, I just couldn’t help but bask in the afterglow of the hedonistic pleasure I was feeling. When Sir came back in the room he smiled at me. “How do you feel pig,” he asked as he tugged on a pair of briefs. “Honestly Sir, horny as fuck.” He laughed. “Good.” I watched him get dressed. He was just as perfect in a suit as he was naked. I think that’s the first moment I knew I loved him. “So, here’s how today is going to go. First stop will be a friend of mine close by, and no you don’t know him yet. You’re going to go, service my friend, and then you can do whatever you want with your day. Now here’s the fun and exciting part. At any point today I may text you an address, and without question you are to go to that address and service whoever is there. You will drop whatever you are doing. The one excepting…” he grinned, “is if you’re busy taking a load. In which case you will send me a picture or video of you being used. All of my friends will video you as well,” he added as an afterthought. “Yes, Sir!” A big drop of precum oozed from my cock. “Good, now get dressed. You’ve got work to do.” I dressed without showering, Sir said that I’d have time for that after my “appointment.” Then he texted me the address and he kissed me at the door before I left to go service his friend. The address Sir sent me was about half way back to my apartment, and not too far from Rex’s place either. I wondered if he was home, and messaged him on Scruff before ringing the bell at this strangers apartment. The building was high-end and spacious, one of those complete remodels of an old prewar building. I took the elevator up to the top floor, and took a deep breath. As much as I had felt like a slut yesterday having men come to my apartment to use me this was different. I was being sent to service someone and I knew nothing about them. I felt like a whore. I was hard as a rock. Just before I knocked on the stranger’s door Rex responded to me saying he was working but would love to give me another load in the afternoon. Excited by that prospect, I took a deep breath and knocked. The door was opened almost immediately, and a big man wearing nothing but a towel stood inside. He ushered me quickly inside and having closed the door dropped the towel. “Good, you’re here,” he said, “I don’t have a lot of time this morning so strip and follow me.” I shed my clothes next to the front door and followed him into the bedroom. He led me through to the big brightly lit bathroom just off the bedroom and motioned for me to get in the big multi-person walk in shower. “I’ve gotta piss like a race horse before I seed your cunt, on your knees pig.” I’d never drank a guy’s piss before, I’d never done anything terribly kinky before, but I wanted to make Sir happy and that meant making this man happy. I got on my knees and opened my mouth. “Good pig.” The guy aimed his soft dick at my mouth, closed his eyes, and started to piss. At first he missed and covered my chest, then he corrected and filled my mouth. I started to swallow the salty mixture. It was hot in my mouth, and acidic, but it also was erotic, the [banned word] made it sexy. I gulped down the strangers piss, and my cock throbbed as I did it. He hadn’t been kidding about needing to piss like a race horse. My stomach felt full when he finally stopped and slapped his dick on my lips. I opened my mouth, licked the last drop of piss from his head and started to suck him hard. “Fuck, Mike’s gonna be happy with you.” The man’s fingers twisted into my hair holding me in place as he started to fuck my throat. His dick quickly hardened. He was nowhere near as big as Sir but his cock was fat. I had to strain my jaw to keep my teeth away from his cock as it grew in my mouth. Thankfully he didn’t seem that interested in a blow job, as soon as his cock was completely hard he pulled out of my mouth. “Flip over cunt.” I got on all fours and stuck my ass in the air, my face inches from a puddle of piss on the shower floor. He pushed me forward do my face was resting on the floor and spit into my hole. Then he slid inside of me. I let out a sigh as his fat head stretched my hole open and he sunk into my wet guts. “Fuck, Mike wasn’t kidding. You’ve got a sweet fucking cunt,” he said slowly fucking me. “If he doesn’t keep you I just might.” “Thank you, Sir.” I got the feeling he normally had to go slowly with guys to let them get use to his girth, but with all the dick I had taken over the last two days I blossomed open for him in no time. He was soon deep dicking me, his cock hitting against my second hole. He kept spanking my ass as he slid in and out, I was sure he had left a hand print. The dick was so good though that I didn’t care. I was back to being a fuck hole. “Use me Sir. Please fuck me. Make me your hole. Breed my cunt,” I groaned as he fucked me. “I’m gonna breed your cunt while you’re face down in my piss boy,” he grunted back. He started to really slam into me, pushing my face into the piss covered tile floor over and over. I struggled to keep myself upright on the slick floor, till finally with a shout he slammed in once more times and bred me. I sighed as he added his load to the others sloshing around in me. I felt at peace. The man didn’t wait around long, he pulled out before his cock had completely softened, and then tossed me a towel. “Clean up quick pig. I have a meeting to get to.” I toweled off and went to go get my clothes. The man started to dress into a suit in the bedroom. Just before I left he said “I’ll tell Mike that you did a great job boy. And I’m sure he’ll love the video from my security camera.” My heart soared and my cock throbbed a little. Sir would be pleased.
    2 points
  27. Part 1 - The Meal Ticket Walking along the road in Knightsbridge it was already late in the evening and Conrad was a little lost trying to find the way back to his aunt's house. He often stayed up here during the summer holidays and visited with his cousin every evening who lived a thirty minute walk away to play on his xbox. Conrad was in London for two weeks and was taking the time to figure out how he would pay next terms fees and crucially the exams. Struggling to make ends meet he liked to be independent unlike his twin brother Charlie who was happy to visit the bank of mum and dad frequently, doing that have to be his last resort and would insist on paying them back not matter how long it took. Putting himself through college studying horticulture he never imagined the series of events that would unfold from this time of need. Somethings never crossed his mind like taking drugs or having sex with another man, Conrad was as straight as they come. At 20 years old he was average at best coming in at five foot nine inches tall, a swimmers build that lacked any sign of chest hair, just like his twin. The resemblance didn't stop there they both looked the same and that is to say ordinary, not head turners by any means and during school they constantly had a stream of girlfriends. Both of them had a weird strawberry blond colour hair and Conrad had brown eyes whereas Charlie had blue eyes that sparkled. To know them you knew that was the only subtle difference. Conrad began to recognise the shops and rowdy bars knowing he was only 10 minutes from the house. There were numerous young guys of all sorts standing outside one of the bars, some with shirts on others didn't and were showing off their muscular bodies like peacocks strutting around trying to find a mate. Conrad knew this was one of the gay bars and closing time was approaching and it amused him how some of the patrons now desperately searched for a fuck. It was one of several gay bars along this stretch of road and frankly it had never bothered him in the past, what did though was the limousine that drove slowly along behind him making him feel on edge. He could only assume it was slowing to deposit the passenger at the gay bar. Conrad could smell the cologne mixed with sweat the closer he got to the bar. Humid air still lingered after what had been a scorching day, they even had to stop play at Wimbledon for a few hours. Wearing only shorts and trainers Conrad had taken this t-shirt off for the walk back realising he looked just like one of the gays standing outside the bar that were leaning up against the wall. Some of the guys were chatting, others smoking but all watching diligently at any car that slowed down. The limousine had now slowed down and crawling along allowing Conrad to get further ahead of it. He thought the behaviour of the guys was strange at first then chuckled to himself wondering if they were escorts trying to pick up business.et further away from it, figuring that the guys leaning against the wall outside the bar were touting for business. Sure enough a car pulled in front of the limousine and one guy walked over to the car, after a few seconds of discussion he got in and the car pulled away. He just couldn't believe it was going on right in front of his eyes the noticed that several of the guys spotted the limousine and began moving edging closer to the curb of the pavement, in doing so they effectively blocked Conrad from passing easily. Dodging around the back of them and nearly crashing in to one that was moving forward. "Out of my way" he abruptly said to Conrad then looking at him up and down. Conrad looked shocked "I am just trying to get past" he replied annoyingly skirting around the back of him. Another guy spoke to the one he had the interaction with "Fucking straights always in the way". The guy laughed "Cute though" he replied. "Your just a slut like me Harry" the other guy replied moving right on the curb side. Stupidly Conrad looked over his shoulder whilst walking and saw the limousine slowly moving past the guys then it sped up a little and moved ahead of him stopping about 30 meters in front. You could hear the disgruntled moans from the guys who all moved back to the wall still looking at the limousine. Conrad heard the guys name Harry being called and he looking at Conrad and briefly made eye contact. When Conrad turned to carrying on walking a tall Arabic gentleman exited the limousine, jet black hair with greying sides and a black beard, he was solidly built and around late 40's possibly in his 50's and walking towards Conrad and spoke to him. "Do you have the time?" he asked in his heavy Arabic accent. Conrad looked at the man's wrist and gold rolex "You have a watch" he replied looking confused. He looked impatiently at Conrad "Do you have the time?" he asked again. Conrad realised what he was asking "Oh god no, I am not one of those" he replied nodding over his shoulder. "So you gay for pay?" he now asked "30 minutes for me to fuck you". "Are you serious?" Conrad replied shocked at how he continued to proposition him "I am not gay". He smirked "Even better" he said hinting to follow "£500 to fuck you". Conrad stood there rooted to the spot, had he really just been offered that much money to get fucked even though he had told the guy he was straight. Some bizarre decision had happened in his head from the lure of money that made his feet move following him. Was he really going to get in to the guys vehicle with no real idea of why? Conrad couldn't understand why his feet kept moving, the desperation for money was the contributing factor. Conrad felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up figuratively speaking and he glanced behind noticing several stares he was getting from the guys watching him, there was no mistake the looks were not happy ones. He held the door open and Conrad looked at it for a moment then at the man, he showed no friendly expression on his face and was more a business deal look nothing more. His body trembling a little at this bad idea but he still stepped inside sliding over the spacious seating, the leather smell instantly assaulting his senses along with cigar smoke. The strangeness in the way you could not see the driver through the blacked out partition window that was raised cutting them off from them. How bad can it be Conrad thought to himself watching the Arabic man climb in and the door closing like magic behind him. The limousine pulled away and he looked at Conrad for a moment. "Take your shorts down and lean over the back of the seat" he said in a just do it kind of way. Conrad embarrassingly pulled his shorts and underwear down and nervously leaned over the back of the seat "Like this?" he was asking to make sure. He said nothing taking his shirt off revealing a dark hairy chest and a very solid build, hanging the shirt up neatly on the coat hanger with his tie, he now undid his trousers revealing a bulge that looked enormous. Oh shit Conrad said out loud now concerned about what he had let himself in for knowing this was going to hurt. Conrad didn't even have time to think or back out feeling the body weight of the man leaning heavily down on his back the coarse hair on his chest making his back itch. He felt one arm laying over his neck holding him down in place, his other hand positioning his cock. Conrad let out a gurgling scream feeling his ass being pushed open abruptly taking the head of his cock inside he was almost sure he heard his ass tearing open, it burned like hell and the pain was excruciating. Conrad was gasping for breath his entire body engulfed by a pain that intensified the deeper he pushed his cock in, the thick shaft expanding his ass open wider. The agony and pain he felt left him unable to breath properly and he blacked out momentarily his eyes watering. Conrad snorted and snapped his eyes open crying out again in agony feeling his body and soul being crushed and destroyed by this man's cock. Wishing it would end so he could get his money and run, he suddenly felt a the sensation of he mans thick bush of pubes burying up against his hole. Getting a momentary relief from the pain only to become aware of the free arm circling around his waist ignoring his own cock it continued moved around like a snake until it held Conrad securely. Conrad felt completely immobilised and at the mercy of this man, the pain still burned deep in his body and gradually he felt like his ass was being pulled inside out. Each deep penetrating thrust made him cry out, unable to move his head he stared blankly out of the darkened back window in to the street lamp lit roads as they drove around west London. He was being fucked hard and steady, each thrust agonising with his calls to stop falling on deaf ears he could feel the warm breath from his benefactor who was now grunting and panting hard. Conrad let out one final loud agonising scream with the man pushing up hard, his cock sinking deeper than ever and simultaneously firing his seed in large thick gloopy streams deep in to Conrad's young body, electrifying jolts followed where each one seemed to penetrate him deeper. Conrad partly grunted and cried at the jolts from the man's orgasm and feeling relieved knowing this was over, even his eyes felt sore and his throat burned from the crying and screaming. Another painful long moan followed with the cock leaving his ass. He was still a little stunned at what he had done, confused, disgusted with himself and slightly dazed he heard a voice telling him to get dressed. Conrad pulled his underwear and shorts up seeing the lights from the bar appearing and the limo stopped exactly where it picked him up from. A wad of £50 notes was put in his hand and told to get out. The Arabic man grinned and lit up a cuban cigar waving Conrad away from the limousine he watched the door close and turned away in shame. He put the money in his pocket and stood looking at the brick wall in front of him. He felt dirty and degraded by his own actions stumbling towards the wall he leaned against it trying to gather his thoughts and compose himself. His ass felt like the pits of hell burning in so much pain he wanted to cry out in anger. "As gay as they come" Harry said walking up to Conrad "are you okay?" he asked. Conrad registered who it was "I'm fine" he replied standing up. Harry put his hand on Conrad's shoulder "Sure you don't need help?" he asked looking concerned. Conrad turned looking angry "Fuck off you queer" he responded shrugging Harry's hand off him. "Well fuck you" Harry replied punching Conrad in the face and walking off leaving him there. Rubbing his cheek and chin Conrad looked at Harry walking off re-joining his friends who all looked at him. It did nothing to help his self-confidence being looked down on by a bunch of gay guys in that way. Turning in the opposite direction he basically picked up where he stopped before getting in the limousine and painfully walked back to his aunt's house. He slept badly unable to get comfortable, every time he turned on to his left side he saw the pile of £50 notes on the bedside table. Unsure if the degradation and pain was worth it and to top it all he also now had to contend with a lightly bruised jaw from being punched. He couldn't ever remember calling someone queer like that since he had a school friend who turned out gay, then there was the man called Simon owner and occupier of Hibiscus Manor and Jack the gardener. Conrad was probably the only person in Hibiscus Drive who knew Jack was gay. By morning he woke managing to get a few hours sleep, his aunt went off to work and Conrad went to the bathroom. Sitting down he winced at the pain still around the entrance of his ass, he lost track of time sitting there his eyes watering every time the muscles in his ass pushed. Grabbing some toilet tissue he braced himself knowing this was going to hurt and he wasn't wrong, wiping gently he then stood up and saw rusty discoloured blobs floating in the toilet water. Not one or two but multiple ribbons of it. He felt sick again thinking about last night having never discussed using condoms, he had let a complete stranger fuck him and cum in his ass. Wallowing in self pity all day he sat out in the garden watching the planes in the distance heading to Heathrow and catching some of the late afternoon tennis matches on TV being played at Wimbledon. The pain in his ass had eased off although it was still agonising trying to poo he found out that evening. At least there was no more of the horrible stuff coming out of him, it was nagging at him wondering if the guy had hiv, but he did look respectable and bore a wedding ring. The following afternoon Conrad went to his cousins walking on the opposite side of the road away from the bar in case that Harry bloke was there again and didn't want to get in to any altercation with him. Stopping by the bank he deposited the money in to his account at the same time thinking about his ass and that the pain had all but gone. He spent the rest of the time with his cousin until 10pm. Heading back he walked on the same side of the road and sure enough he saw Harry standing there chatting with a guy. Harry noticed him and grinned giving him the finger. Conrad was so distracted by Harry that he didn't see the black limousine pass then do a U-turn in the road stopping a few meters in front of him. He wasn't sure at first if it was the same one until he started walking past it and the window opened and finger beckoned him over, there sat the Arabic man. He looked at Conrad and nodded "Same deal as the other night" he said smoking his cigar. Conrad saw the same guys looking at him from across the road "I'm not gay it was a mistake" he said. He laughed "You took it well and I need to fuck, get in" he said "£1k if you take like the other night". Conrad stepped back as the door magically opened "30 minutes" he said inching closer tempted by the money. "No" he replied "for as long as it takes me to be satisfied and empty my balls up your ass". Weirdly Conrad just saw the money side of it and slipped in to the seat next to him. It was gone midnight when he finally stepped out of the limousine after the Arabic man asked where he wanted dropping off. That was the extent of their conversation and his pocket was bulging with £50 notes again along with his sore ass that was even worse than the first time. True to his word it was only after the fourth time did he feel satisfied, Conrad just endured two hours of getting fucked stuck in the same position continuously, the Arab only took his cock out once he was done. And so it continued every other night he would get paid to be fucked by the same man in to the second week of his stay. Conrad was due to go home to Hampshire at the weekend and that Thursday afternoon he wandered around Knightsbridge bumping in to Harry who was dressed in public school boy uniform having finished classes for the day. Harry purposefully walked on a collision path with Conrad and every time Conrad stepped across so did Harry. The closer they got Conrad just gave up trying to avoid him. "How much have you made from Moham?" Harry asked stopping Conrad. "What?" Conrad asked looking at him "Man you still in school and whoring around?". "Shut the fuck up or I will punch you again" Harry replied smirking at Conrad. Conrad tried to pass by but Harry stopped him again "What happened to you being straight then?" Harry asked. "I am" Conrad replied looking at him unsure why he was still standing there hearing Harry laughing. "Was the money Moham offered too good to turn down?" Harry asked. Conrad blushed bright red not sure what to say "I am not gay" he said again. Harry just laughed in his face "You must be a fucking good bottom to take it from him so many times". "I am not gay" Conrad repeated to Harry "just get out of my face" he finally said having had enough. Harry cocked his head to one side "Your very sexy" he said. "I err" Conrad blushed again having never been told that by anyone "Sorry, what I said the other night". "That's okay, say it again and I will punch you harder next time" Harry replied making light of it. Conrad smiled and Harry shook his head "I have to go and do my homework, final exams coming up" he said. "Sure" Conrad replied awkwardly finding it amusing seeing an escort in school clothes. Harry walked off then turned "Meet me for a drink tomorrow evening, you know where" he said. He had to admit that Harry was one of a kind and in a way was a very attractive young and without a doubt he was flirting with him. Like himself he had copious amounts of blondish hair that made him look like a beach bum, those amazing blue eyes dazzled and he stood the same height as himself. Without knowing he was only 19 years old Harry had a pretty perfect body, not ripped but he was built for such a young person. Shaking his head Conrad was confused about meeting him and decided to sleep on it. He kept a low profile until Saturday afternoon, electing to stay in with his aunt that evening. Harry hung around the bar all of Friday evening chatting with his friends and keeping one eye on the direction he thought the guy would be walking from. By closing time Harry left the bar and walked home, it was no surprise the guy didn't turn up after all their meeting was not ideal. As difficult as it was he pinned to much on this so called straight guy but he couldn't help his feelings towards him, in truth Harry just couldn't stop thinking about him. Being an escort and finding a boyfriend was hard as most guys he met couldn't handle that part of him, even when he tried to explain that he did it for sex being a randy and very horny teenager. He was sad inside and tried to play his emotions down until he spotted the limousine and went running towards and tapped on the window. Moham lowered the window a little "What?" he asked taking a puff on his cigar. "The blond guy you had who is he?" Harry asked urgently "do you know where he lives?". Moham looked at him smiling "What's the information worth?" he asked putting the cigar back in his mouth. It was the last thing Harry wanted right now getting fucked by Moham "I just need to know where he lives". "It will cost you" Moham replied pressing a button and Harry stood back letting the door open. He sat next to Moham who looked at him and nodded down indicating for him to remove his jeans and underwear. Harry undid the zipper and the limousine pulled away. Moham put the cigar down and leaned over the back of Harry, his hand pulling his cock out that was already hard and he pushed it straight in to Harry's ass. He very rarely got to fuck Harry and liked that he was a little fighter when roughly taken, Moham loved the feel of Harry's body struggling. Harry didn't scream like the other guy he just wriggled and tired to reduce the impact by pushing his ass back. Moham had his arm secured around Harry's waist and with a steady brutal force he fucked him over and over until he shot his third load. Moahm spent fifteen minutes grinding his cock making sure Harry was properly bred before slowly he released him and sat back down doing his trousers up. The limousine stopped at the top of a road that Harry knew. "This is where I dropped him off" Moham said nodding down the road. Harry looked "So you don't know where he lives?" he now asked a little anger in his voice. The limo door opened "Down there" Moham replied lighting up his cigar "he screams when I fuck him". Harry slipped out of the limousine and the door closed immediately then drove off, he felt a pain of jealously at Moham's last remark or was it anger more importantly Moham had played him for a free fuck. He should have known since the man never spoke to guys he picked up, they just had to lean over and take it then get paid. Deciding this was a no hoper he turned to walk home even more upset than he was earlier. Saturday afternoon and Conrad headed back home for the Hampshire countryside, he had no regrets standing Harry up and didn't want the confrontation with him sensing they were complete opposites. His tuition fees well and truly covered by the £9k he made, the extra was pain money for enduring the nights he spent being driven around London taking a hammering from the Arab man. Sitting on the train out of Waterloo station he realised the thought of sex with the Arab had made him hard. Can't be he thought to himself, why would that turn me on? It was the start of his own confused emotions and state of mind questioning his own sexuality on the long journey until he reached home and the serenity of Hibiscus Drive. Sometimes your mind can hide things from you that only appear when you least expect them to. For Conrad he had subconsciously been fighting this battle for years and never even knew it.
    1 point
  28. Marie was forced to take on a traveling assignment for work, she was not the type to travel or leave her hubby that she loved very much. She and David had been married for two years and he was the only guy she ever had sex with. David was in great shape, dark hair and a nice 6' dick. Sex was not something they did often only three times a week and she rarely had an orgasm unless David ate her out. So she came once a week. David was disappointed that she would be traveling but she had to stay working or keeping the house would be an issue. Marie's first assignment out of town had her staying for a week, she would fly in Sunday and leave Friday evening. David and Marie had more than a few arguments that weekend but by the time David drove her to airport on Sunday afternoon they had made up and had sex and David got her off so they were in a good place. They kissed and Marie cried a little as she left to get on the plane and head off to San Diego for her training week for her new position where she would have to be in San Diego every other week for three to four days. Hours later Marie checked into her hotel after picking up her rental car. She had sat beside a young guy who flirted with her the entire way and she had to admit he made her wet and horny. She unpacked and got out her vibrator and thought about him. She kept trying to keep her mind on David but Ryan kept creeping back into her head. Ryan was tall 6'3 muscled blonde with deep blue eyes and really big hands he kept putting them on the arm rest. She was just about ready to cum when her phone went off and she did not recognize the number, she answered and it was Ryan. He said Marie, glad I caught you while I was still around town. I have your credit card and thought you might need it. Marie was flush and she quickly thanked him and tried to gain her composure. Give me your hotel address and room number and I will drop it off. Without thinking Marie gave him her room number and address and hotel name and he said yea, I know that hotel I am 10 minutes away. See you soon! Marie stood there wet and horny and put her vibrator away and got dressed. She put on her panties, yoga pants and a top and before long she heard a knock at the door. Ryan stood there in a tight shirt and shorts and she could help but glance down and she could see the outline of his dick though the tight shorts and he smiled and said aren't you going to invite me in as he started to move closer and Marie moved out of the way and felt very uncomfortable but she also was horny as fuck. Ryan walked over to the window and looked out at her view and said, wow I have never seen this view while I stayed at this hotel. My last room was much larger but had a crappy view, you know you can see the ocean and my condo from here, come over and I will show you. Marie walked over and stood beside Ryan and he slide behind her and then pointed over her shoulder toward the water and asked her if she could see it? She nodded and he slide his other hand on her hip, it sure is beautiful isn't it. She agreed and knew she should pull away but stayed right here, Ryan rubbed her leg and then with the other hand he lifted her shirt and pulled it over her head and rubbed a hand out her flat stomach and then fondled her breast with his big hands. Marie knew she should tell him to stop, cry out she was married and could not but he felt so amazing and she could feel his dick growing against her back and she could not believe this was happening to her. Ryan leaned down and kissed her neck and his hands slide down to her yoga pants and panties and slipped them off quickly and then slide his hand on her hip and then over to her clit and rubbed her pussy and soon he was inside her with his long digit and she was shaking. Ryan picked her up and carried her to the bed and she started to say stop but Ryan kissed her before she could get it out. She kissed him back while he slide down his shorts and let his 9" dick slip onto her stomach and then he pulled off and pulled his shirt off and went back to kissing her and they made out for five minutes till he pulled up and kissed her neck, and worked his way down to her breast and then stomach and finally her pussy and he began to eat her out and within three minutes she was so hot she came for the first time and Ryan kept eating her cunt and the pulled off and kissed his was back up as his dick rested against her pussy and he began to slide it back and fourth and Marie spread her legs more and more and soon he was pressing his thick dick inside her and she whispered you are too big, stop but Ryan slowly pulled back and forth until he was going deeper and deeper inside her and she came on his big dick when it was only half way inside her. Ryan spent the next two hours making her cum and giving Marie two of his loads deep inside her. When he was finished he pulled out and said he needed a shower and soon Marie heard the water running. She could see her husband had called and left her a voice mail and a few text and she was sad. She had never done anything like this before and when Ryan came out naked he thanked her and he could she she was upset and as he got dressed he said babe, this is just sex. I know you have a husband but this was nothing more then you using a huge dildo or vibrator to get off. I will be back tonight at 10 PM for round two and he leaned down and kissed her and made out with her again. I have a girlfriend too and we are going to be married in a year so this is just what we both needed nothing more. Marie knew she needed to reach out to her husband and picked up the phone and called, she felt so guilty but she put on a brave face and talked to him about the flight and this night old man who sat next to her telling her about his life and grown children. She basically lied her ass off about Ryan so her husband would have no clue that she had cum in her pussy from a young stud who had just left.
    1 point
  29. My decision to BB, i didn’t take lightly. Like many of you i desired it so badly but was scared. But Watching more porn and using sex toys more it’s almost like i became obsessed with wanted to go bareback let someone breed me. After a long time i started asking guys in i met online if they played safe or bb. I met this one guy who said he played either way, so i just said we will decide later. I was traveling and at a hotel so i had set some condoms out on the night stand with the lube. After a lot of four play he was laying in his back and asked me if i wanted to hop on, so i just grabbed the lube no condom. I lived my hole and his cock. I hesitated for minute waiting for him to say get a condom but he didn’t. So i proceeded to sit down on top of him. He fed me his dick when we changed positions, it was so erotic to taste my ass on his cock..... After a while he said he was about to cum and i just said cum inside me, i want you to shoot it deep in me. When finished i laid there and couldn’t believe what just happened. I was spent and it was so fucking amazing.
    1 point
  30. Becoming the King Chapter 2 of the Royal Poz Fuck Gang So, our next story in this sordid tale begins a long way from the smoke filled room of our first. It wasn’t my intention to start a group of men in the Northeast of the United States who loved to stealth and poz fuck neg holes until they were imprinted with our DNA - but this the very true story of how I got notoriety in New England to become King of the Poz Fuck Gang. I don’t think anyone who was working can forget when the period experts dubbed the “Great Recession” began after the 9/11 attacks. I had left my service in the military simply because I am not someone who can take orders from others. I like to dominate aggressively socially and sexually. Many would call me lucky that it came off so naturally that I wasn’t court martialed and got an Honorable Discharge when I informed them I was leaving 3 years ahead of my 6 year submarine contract to the Navy. So I found myself in Providence, RI in a time where there are literally more businesses foreclosed and ‘for lease’ compared to how many were actually open for business. In a state that was known for having 86% of a single town called Central Falls depending on food stamps and unemployment at the time, how was I to make money? A roommate suggested becoming an escort and I laughed thinking it ridiculous and even if I was a lean 5’11” black man with a 8.5-9 inch uncut thick dick - how was I to stand out and attract attention in such lean times? Well, it turned out that my practicality, thoughtfulness, and reasonably priced services - the majority of which were non-sexual - is exactly what made me stand apart. The story of how I wound up pozzed after I left the military is a huge and (I assure you) incredibly fucking hot story in itself but I wanted to say after my uncertainty of what to do being knocked up with such a strong strain of Poz jizz, what to do with myself. I had decided I would be knocking up guys who paid for it, but whether or not they knew my status was another matter. Knowing the risk of an escort breeding you who fucked all time (at least hypothetically) should be enough to make anyone who really cared not take the risk. Straight out of the gate, my new profile as an escort caught one fucking hot fish. Older gentleman, mid 40’s - early 50’s, and Captain of a Fire Department. I couldn’t believe my luck at all. He was muscled and in amazingly great shape. The picture of his ass combined with the description of his submissive sexual personality during raw sex was like pure Cat Nip for me. Something about older white men who loved being submissive bottoms, not the highly-reactive, throwing their ass back types (though there’s nothing wrong with that kind of bottom) - something about them I cannot resist though. I told him as much and even said if he wanted a regular fucking and breeding I’d cut him a lower rate so it can be every single week until his husband came back from school. Oh! I never mentioned he was already in a relationship? Yeah, turns out long-distance and gay men doesn’t mix well for a monogamous relationship. Like you didn’t see that coming? He only wanted hung black total top dick for his little hungry white boy cunt hole and I was more than happy to deliver since he was neg and spoiling to get impregnated. We set the date, time, and roleplay scenario. I’d make it an arrangement he would never forget. His house was in the woods, I remember it being a hilarious point he felt the need to make that even though it was a bit removed - I did not need to worry he was a serial killer or something like you read about in the paper about guys who meet someone from Craigslist, only typo discover they were some deranged type bent on punishing someone giving into their carnal nature. I just laughed and said he’d find out like a few other guys how much more crazy a black guy could be, so I wasn’t worried. Pulling into his driveway I saw a lovely house that I could tell would be even more impressive on the inside - his text said the left sliding glass door was open to a guest bedroom where he would be on his knees ass perfectly spread apart and bent over waiting for me to lube up with the Gun Oil and slip into him while he sniffed poppers. Sure enough he was as amazingly sexy as his pictures. It turns me on that much more when a hot guy pays for sex, and just because he knows what he wants and it has to be a specific quality - so much so that it makes paying for it worth it. Do you want to have awful sex for free? Or pay for what you know will be good even if you’re hot or not? He knew the right answer and for that I was going to plunge that hole full of BBC and cum for as long as he could handle it. As I closed the sliding glass door and locked it - I could hear him sniff some poppers as he arched his back more-so to what would probably feel like the ideal position for entry to him. I love bottoms on poppers. They don’t just want to get fucked by raw cock, they NEED it and crave it to a degree they give up their holes so well I can see why truly dominate men can’t help but refer to it as a pussy. This was no exception. As I saddled up next to him and dropped my sweat pants to the floor, he turned with a bandanna covering his eyes and sucked my dick. Feeling it was already massively hard (thanks to some viagra for bottoms who can really take a beating) he instantly started deep throating. I think he might have got it all the way down twice…maybe three times before he knew his throat had taken all it could handle and he went back to facing the bed and spreading his legs while resting on his knees for the fuck that would change his everything. I got on my knees poised just behind him, my uncut 9 inch dick so rock hard it throbbed a bit and I could see each vein sticking out like someone had ran a highlighter over it to be more noticeable - I carefully pushed that wide head into his receptive boy cunt. Being years younger did not stop me from feeling very much the daddy in the sexual dynamic with older white men. I loved when they would be my “boy” and just take my dick the way I instructed. Some need a certain position or want their input to matter - and those aren’t the ones that I go for. The ones that obey without question or hesitation and can instantly comply I delight in fucking for as long as their little holes can take it. Especially if they can be loose and open - tight guys never did it for me. Big dicks feel like every hole is a tight one, so only loose ones feel good. AND BOY DID HE FEEL GOOD! It was not even five minutes into entering him I was getting into the ‘slap,’ ‘slap,’ ‘slap,’ rhythm of my hips hitting his cheeks, my cock ramming balls deep, and my balls plowing greedily against that bare skin while getting closer to unloading - and I knew I’d breed this white hole until I knocked it up. I was not medicated and never will be until I am falling apart at the seams. “My God,” He whispered breathlessly, “Oh. MY! GOD!” The scream was so genuine and indicitative of his hot time after 40 minutes into it I blasted a huge wad of jizz right up his submissive white cunt but stayed rock hard. “Think you can take me plowing that sweet ass til I cum a second time?” I asked him knowing he had to feel the large pulsating jets of cum I launched one after another into him. He whimpered with each “smack, smack, smack,” that was deliver against his bareback skin. “Daddy,” he sobbed softly - almost desperately, “please fuck me again soon but I can’t take more now. Oh fuck!” I was probably going to need to have someone over who wanted to lie down on their face, ass open, and just take me fucking and breeding them for a few hours to get this hard on under control if he couldn’t take a few more loads from me. “It’s alright sexy,” I said soothingly as my cock coated in a sheath of my own cum slid in and out of him pulling on his ass when I withdrew it. “Fuck this will be so hot having you breed me until my husband gets back. I just don’t want anyone to know I was being unfaithful. He’s a good fuck but I am just such a slut for BBC if he’s not around I’m going to need it from someone else,” he confessed. “No complaints here,” I assured him with an inner smile. Cheaters deserved getting their little holes knocked up. I doubted it would take more than one or two tries to get him pozzed. I wondered if he’d get the fuck flu or just find out. Turns out it was only the one time to impregnate his little white cumdump hole. He paid for another raw fuck, but he got sick just a few days prior and suddenly said to me he could not meet up anymore. “Why can’t you meet up for draining my dick with that sweet ass made for BBC?” I asked innocently. “I’m sick Daddy…maybe when I’m not I can see you again.” he offered as his only response, but he and I both knew - there’s no cure to this cold so I would not be seeing him again and his husband was in for a surprise. I wondered to myself with some amusement - if he would stealth his bf when he got back from college or if he’d tell him and because he’s horny like most of us black guys he’d fuck his poz hole without a care in the world.
    1 point
  31. OMG!!!!......my dick is like I'm a teenager all over again....hard as a fucking rock and throbbing!
    1 point
  32. I love to be in the darkrooms of bathhouses here. Lots of guys passed through, but a lot stay to be felt up, sucked, rimmed and fucked or they do the feeling up, sucking, rimming and fucking. I love the sensory aspects of any darkroom and I might be able to see them in a very dim light or it's pitch black in there. My posts tell my love of a darkroom anon sex! Pls have a read!
    1 point
  33. Just figured it out myself. Jealous of all those guys that discovered it with a buddy or, um...someone older:) I had been playing with my dick forever and had been precumming when I was about 11. I heard guys talk about jacking off and knew that something called sperm came out, but didn't know when and how that happened...pre-internet! One morning when I was 12 I was playing with my dick and rubbing it on a pillow, sensation got more and more intense and boom.....cum shot! Greatest fucking day ever:) Wish I had figured out how to do that a lot earlier. And yeah, I licked up my very first cum shot. Somehow even then I knew what I wanted:)
    1 point
  34. but reading it all in one sitting makes for a great jerk off session with a very nice climax!
    1 point
  35. Blindfold, jockstrap, cheap hotel room, Grindr.
    1 point
  36. As far as I am concerned, the point of PrEP is that it allows me as the bottom to protect myself without having to trust the top to be truthful. I am not being judgmental; most of us will say whatever it takes to get laid. I've certainly downplayed how often I take loads to tops who were skittish.
    1 point
  37. Speaking from personal experience as 50/50 vers, I enjoy fucking black bottoms as much as I enjoy black tops fucking me. May he rest in peace, my black fwb was also 50/50 vers and his ass was as sweet as his cock.
    1 point
  38. Doug stepped forward and reached down to gently pluck the wilting cock from Olivers pink hole. "nngh" Oliver grunted in protest as doug collected a thick glob of cum from the boys leaking hole and smeared it delicately across the head of his throbbing prick. "There there ollie, dont worry. Nobodys going to keep you empty tonight" Doug pushed the length of his meat forward, skewering the greedy boy as he gripped the teens slender hips and drove deep into his cummy guts. Oliver groaned again, his eyes rolling into his head as he gripped Josephs harness and held him, rocking up and down on Dougs tool. "You have such a thirsty little pussy ollie. how many loads does that nice pink hole have?" Doug pulled the boys hips back and forth, working the cream into his body. "just...just one....oh god i want it. please cum inside me" Oliver pleaded as the slick cum dribbled around dougs cock, becoming a slime that coated his ass. "i will baby i will." Olivers chest heaved as he pushed back against the bloated cock. Getting doug to shoot into him was his only thought as he rolled his hips and began swirling dougs sticky tool in his jizz filled cunt. "here comes number two ollie, nice and deep" Doug grunted as he planted his rod deep into the boy and let his balls pump their warm syrup deep into the boys greedy hole. Oliver gazed widely into josephs eyes as he panted with each shot. "hes doing it. hes cumming in me" Oliver gloated as his guts filled with dougs warm seed. The next few hours were a drug fueled blur for Oliver as he lounged poolside, playing with a sticky mess of his own cum on his chest, and gently fingering the fresh loads in his ass. A mix of handsome men would occasionally lift his legs into the air and slip inside the greedy boy, but none could resist his pussy longer than a few minutes before surrendering their cum. glancing around he smirked contentedly as he could hardly make out a single cock that hadnt dumped at least one load into him. for a moment he wondered how good it would be to fuck his own pussy. Doug was right, after all, he did seem to have a perfect fuck hole now. Stretching his arms and legs he sighed contentedly as he fancied himself the king of cocks tonight. "hows my boy ollie, nice and full?" Oliver smiled up at dougs towering frame and dunked a sticky finger into his ass, returning it to his mouth. "mmhmm" he grinned drearily. "they taste so good" he confessed. "wait..." ollie squinted across the tables to a lone blonde, toned with a swimmers build, he was idly thumbing through his phone. "who is that" Oliver remarked. He hadnt seen the guy fucking at all. come to think of it, he hadnt seen him so much as take his cock out all night. Oliver seemed visibly irate that someone with such an obviously large cock would dare to pass him up. "Oh thats max, hes my son. he doesnt really get into the festivities, but likes to keep tabs on his old man i guess. his boyfriends out of town for the week so hes spending a few days here." Doug watched olivers hungry eyes as they stared on and grinned mischeviously. "say ollie, why dont you bring him a nice bottle of gatorade from the cooler. im sure he'll appreciate it." While doug knew Olivers hole was truly spectacular, he delighted more in empirical evidence of his handiwork. none of his guests could pass up the boys tight cheeks and warm silky hole save one, his own son. Doug was eager to find out if he could not only get his son to cheat, but get him to willingly barefuck Olivers perfect poz cunt. Sitting to enjoy the party, he watched as Oliver delivered the spiked beverage. "thirsy?" Oliver smiled. Max looked up at the jizz covered boy, seed running from the crack of his ass down the inside of his leg, and laughed. "sure!" max smiled. "nobody ever talks to me at these things" max confessed between gulps, "but hey, im max." oliver wiped his sticky hand on his leg and presented it to shake as max let out a chuckle. "im oliver." he chirped, laying next to Max and getting comfortable. "christ kid you look like a fucking donut." Max remarked as oliver smiled. "yeah, except most of the creams on the inside" Oliver turned over and slapped his ass. "youre poz?" Max remarked at the tattoo. "guess so" replied the boy. "how many guys have fucked you?" Max finished the bottle and wiped the sweat from his brow. "you're the only one who hasnt" oliver watched as the boys cock began to swell. "its hot out here" Max fumbled for a towel to cover his growing erection as oliver brushed his hand back. "no dont, please? can I see it?" Max sighed, looking at the eager boy and figured a peek wouldnt be the end of his relationship. "okay, but im dating someone so just a peek. thats all" Max slipped his cock out as oliver felt his hole twitch. He had to have it. the perfect head, the light fuzz at the base. "can i see your balls too?" ollie plyed and was rewarded with Max slipping the speedo off and exposing his two pink pendulous nuts. "youve got a big one" ollie remarked with bated breath. "heh yeah i guess so. no complaints so far." Max reached again for the towel and was rebuked. "is it all the way hard? i mean its pretty big but i bet its bigger than that. stroke it up a little?" ollie smiled, scooting closer to the boy. "sure i guess so." max halfheartedly began working the foreskin up and down his shaft. "here can i try? just for a little bit and ill stop, promise" oliver laid his sticky hand on the boys thigh as max pondered and the drugs eased his protests. "okay, just do it a little though. Ive got a boyfriend." Oliver gripped the throbbing tool and gently pumped. "i bet that feels good. Guys with big cocks never stroke them enough I think." Oliver continued gently pumping max as he sighed and leaned back. "you know what feels really nice? you gotta rub your balls too. that way it gets all that cum ready to go" Ollie openly fondled the boys genitals with both hands, eliciting another contented sigh from his prey. what had been just a little was now a ten minute hand job. "pump pump pump. there we go, i knew it. youve got a REAL big one max" oliver straddled the boy to turn his full attention to the tool as he continued to pump gently. As max closed his eyes Oliver reached around and gently pushed, collecting a fistful of warm jizz from his hole. "Sometimes big cocks get irritated if you jerk them too long so you should lube it when you can." Oliver massaged the cum into max's hard cock and was rewarded with a gentle moan. "thats the way" oliver smiled, working the jizz down tthe shaft and around his balls. "not bad for a little donut, huh max?" the boy reached up to ollies hands and was ignored. "Big cocks are my favorite max, I know all about them." Oliver continued jacking the boy. "the size, the shape, heck i even know when theyre gonna cum. once you start stroking you cant stop. you gotta make that big cock cum otherwise you get sore." max just groaned as the boy slid up to straddle his hips and move the dripping cock behind him. "whats your favorite donut max?" Oliver was now jacking the boy against his crack. "oh god i cant do this ollie youre poz" Max grunted as oliver ignored his protests and continued lewdly fondling his tool. "mines cream filled" ollie remarked. "theyre the best. once people try a cream filled one..." Oliver slipped the head of the boys cock into his hole and rested his hands on max's shoulders. "they dont ever want anything else. isnt that right max?" Oliver grinned as he felt the instinct take over and Max push into him.
    1 point
  39. I would say some counseling to get you over your hangups will help. You seem to have a really negative self-image, and you seem to want to blame your situation on everyone else. Neither of those attributes is likely to attract people to you.
    1 point
  40. And yeah, look after yourself. You don’t have to be a god: I’m short and not muscled. It was great for the twink look, but I’m too old to pull that off now, so I needed to work on facial hair/body grooming, make sure I stay slim even if not the alpha male look, etc. Find what works for you. And look after your sexual health. Lose all hang ups about getting STIs, because you will get all of them multiple times. But get tested regularly and get treated, because they’re not nice to have or spread (some guys have a pozzing fetish, but I mean the others). Let us know how you get on 🙂
    1 point
  41. Oliver ran the bar of soap across his chest as the shower filled with warm steam. his heart sank thinking about the impending meeting with Doug, but he held his resolve. Doug had to know how to stop this. surely he could reason with him? Oliver planned his options carefully but just couldnt seem to think of the right words to say. Why was doug doing this? he hadnt done anything to upset the fatherly looking old man. "i dont..." oliver paused, fumbling for the words. "dont...cum in me?" oliver stammered in embarrassment. oliver sighed, running the soap across his ass and remembering Dougs words. "pussy" he grimaced. he stood there as the water cascaded over his thin frame. Doug picked the worst word for his body when he violated the boy. he said it over and over as Olivers body helplessly opened to invite dougs tool deeper. "girls have pussies" the boy grumbled, reaching down apprehensively to touch his soapy asshole he was shocked to see his dick begin to swell. "no" he gritted his teeth. he had to control this somehow. Oliver arrived at the office reception and nervously tapped his toe. the place seemed, emptier than usual. He scanned the room anxiously and tried to rehearse his demands. "Oliver?" Treys chipper voice rang out as the boy sheepishly rose to his feet and shuffled down the hallway. "room 11." the boy smiled. Oliver tentatively smiled back as he entered the dim room and sat awkwardly on the examination table. He waited for what seemed like hours as mere minutes ticked by. Finally the door swung open and Doug entered. "hey ollie! hows my favourite patient feeling today?" "a little better i guess" olivers heart sank, remembering the gift his body accepted just a few days ago. "oh dont be so glum there buddy. once you take your medicine im sure youll perk right back up' Doug turned to the boy, syringe in hand. "i...i dont want to do this" Oliver protested, as the strong older man wound the tubing tight around his arm. "nonsense ollie the medicine is good for you. it helps your special little gift." Doug gently squeezed olivers thin white arm, coaxing the teens vein. "i mean, i dont want to..." Oliver felt ashamed to even ask. What was he even asking for? its not like Doug didnt hear his protest. Doug carried on as if the boy hadnt spoken at all. "little stick" doug cooed, as he dipped the needle gently into the teens vein. "This medicine is a little stronger ollie so you might feel a bit different than last time." doug smiled at the despondent boy. "please no" he croaked, as Doug pushed the contents of the powerful cocktail into the young mans body and released his arm. "look at me ollie" dougs voice echoed in his head as the boy began to cough. "that a boy, see ollie? the nice medicine makes you feel good all over" Olivers heart pounded in his chest. "nnnnn" he groaned, trying to push a sentence of protest from his throat as Doug began unbuttoning the boys shirt. "my girl...." ollie groaned as doug unbuttoned the teens denim jeans. "lift up ollie" Obediently he picked himself up and Doug slid the rest of his clothes off. "she...." oliver stared down at his now rock hard cock, the soft blonde hairs at its base sparsely decorating the boys prick as a testament to his youth. "did you do have some fun last night ollie? you didnt sneak your little poz cock inside her did you?" doug teased as he began undressing. ollie shook his head. "its okay ollie I know. Once you teach a boy about that special little hole between his legs, its hard to even remember how to cum without it" Doug fetched a tube of lube from the countertop and squirted a glob onto the boys cockhead as it gently throbbed in time with his heartbeat. Oliver watched as Doug gently placed the boys hand on his cock. "nice big strokes now ollie" he instructed, as he hovered over the boy, phone in hand. Oliver began fisting his cock. the syrupy lube felt nice on his dick as he sighed contentedly, jerking his prick obediently. "youre doing great ollie. See, your body learns naturally once a mans cock is inside. At first it just feels...different" Doug smeared a glob of lube on his thick tool as ollie stared, mesmerized by the mans pendulous balls and swaying meat. "but eventually those big cocks in your pussy start to change things." doug pushed the boy back on his elbows and began massaging a dollop of cool sticky lube into the boys hairless pink cunt, working his fingers inside with ease. "see ollie? see how your little pink pussy just opened right up? your body wants a man inside you. its a natural part of how you cum now and pretty soon, you wont be able to cum without it." oliver groaned around the mans thick fingers as they danced in and out of him. "See Ollie can fight me. he can huff and puff and say no no no as much as he wants" Doug lined his leaking cock up with the boy and pressed gently, his hole opening around the glistening tool to accept the head. "but ollies body? well that will never say no. it opens up every time for my nice big cock" Doug stroked the boys cheek as he slid deeper inside. "look down ollie" The boy gazed at his slim hips, watching the doctor take him once again. Doug was right. Oliver could write an entire speech in the shower about how he just wanted to stop, but there was no way to keep doug out of his guts if his hole wouldnt cooperate. "just a little more, youre doing fine." Doug seated his cock into the boy fully as he groaned, a gentle gurgle emerging from his guts. "see ollie? thats your pussy talking, not you." doug began to gently fuck the teen on his rod, drawing his cock fully from the boy in a lewd slurp, before sliding it gently back inside. "Pretty soon thats all youre going to listen to, just what your body needs." doug smiled as the boys cock fired a quick shot of cum across his chest. "f-fuck" ollie stammered. "thats it, open up for the big pretty cock" doug whispered to the boy as he continued fucking just as if Oliver had never cum. "did you miss it ollie? this was what your body needed. what that nice little girlfriend of yours cant give you. Tell me where the nice big cock is ollie" doug watched the panting boy search his mind. Why did doug keep asking? of course he was inside him couldnt he hear it? dougs cock was loudly churning the boys hole. "in my pusssssy" he smiled, as doug held the camera to his face. "theres a good boy" doug cooed as Oliver relaxed his hips and leaned further back.
    1 point
  42. Part 2 Well, hey there." I replied, trying to sound casual while my heart was pounding a mile a minute. "You off work now?" "Yea." He replied. "Uh, so I should ask, are you Steve or Craig?" "Oh Craig." I replied. "So, you wanna hang and have a drink?" I asked, biting my lip, expecting him to say he couldn't. I knew if I could just get close to him, I could trap him in my web. "Yea, that would be cool." He replied. "But.....the thing is, I'm not 21 yet. Is that a problem?" I almost laughed. "Problem? No man, not at all. So....how old are you?" "I'm 18. I just recently graduated. This is my summer job before college." Oh sweet hell, I thought to myself as my hard dick seeped some precum into my jeans. "That's awesome. We can still meet at the lounge at my hotel, we'll order you a coke." "That sounds fine." He replied. So I gave him the hotel information and we agreed we would meet there at 9:30. Steve and I rushed back to the hotel where I debated if I should grab a quick shower, but decided no, I'll just leave my natural smell. Steve and I got really stoned, and I prepared a little dose of G to try and slip into Ken's drink. At 9:30, we were at the lounge, but Ken was no where to be seen. I was afraid he had chickened out. Which honestly, would have been better for him. He had no idea what he was walking into. Steve and I ordered beers and a coke, which made it very easy to slip the G in, since he wasn't here yet. At 9:40, he walked in looking like the perfect sacrificial lamb. He was wearing white shorts and a button up shirt, making him look like a modern, preppy Prince Eric. I noticed his legs were hairy, but that can be fixed. I did love the fact that his legs were well defined, which practically guaranteed the rest of him would be too. I waved him over and he smiled that boyish smile. After we all shook hands, such a polite boy, he sat down and took his first sip of his laced coke. "So," I just jumped right in. Hell, I was stoned. "What promoted you to agree to call me? I'm old enough to be your dad." "How old are you? If you don't mind me asking?" He enquired. "45." "My dad's 39. So I guess you're older than him." That thought just made my dick ache more. "I don't know, you seemed nice, you know. I get hit on a lot. People are really creepy. But you didn't come across that way." He said, as he ran his fingers through his thick hair. I was so glad to see it wasn't a wig he had been wearing. But I chuckled silently to myself that he thought I wasn't creepy. If he only knew what was in store for him. "So," I started, hesitantly. "You said you liked my shirt." "Yea, well, I'm curious about......well I'm gay, and I've had sex a few times, but I've seen stuff, you know, like, on the internet....." He trailed off, drinking more of his coke. "Like kinky stuff?" I prodded. "Yea." He replied bashfully. Oh God I wanted him. "Like what?" I probed further. "Like, stuff.... you know. Like tying someone up, or blindfolding them. I don't know. I'm just curious. And I said when I came here I would try new things. And it's hard to meet certain guys, and the internet is just, I don't know, it's hard." "Where did you come from?" I asked. "Utah. Yea I'm Mormon. I'm going to BYU in the fall. Go courgars." He said, raising his fist in the air. "I'm putting off going on my mission for a while." I jumped a little when Steve grabbed my knee under the table. This corruption was getting better and better. "Hey, I gotta use the John." He said, getting up. As I watched that nice, round ass walk away, I turned to Steve." Can I keep him. Please?" I mock begged him. Steve laughed. "We'll see. This still might not go in your direction." "The kids putty in my hands." I replied. "All I have to do is get him up to our room, and I can guarantee he'll be carrying my babies in a couple of hours!" "Mine too?" Asked Steve. "Of course baby." I replied as I kissed him on the lips. "After I impregnate him, his little pussy will be open for business." "Is it warm in here?" Asked Ken as he sat back down. I smiled a little smile at Steve. The G was starting to work. "I have an idea." I said. "Our drinks are finished, let's go up to our room and chill a little more." "Sounds cool." Said Ken, standing back up. "Lead the way." I will, I thought. I'm leading this lamb to slaughter. I liked that my Prince was shorter than me. I much prefer dominating smaller guys. He was probably 5'9" to my 6ft and Steve's 6"2'. And I decided to assert my dominance the second the elevator closed. I pushed Ken against the wall and started kissing him. He was surprised at first, but quickly melted into me. This kid was going to be easy. I rubbed my hands on his face while my tongue probed his mouth. His face was a smooth as silk. Not a hair on it. I didn't stop until the doors opened. Once inside our room, I opened the mini bar and brought out three beers as Steve put towels at the bottom of the door . "Have you drank before?" I asked him. "A couple times. Not very much though." Was his reply. "Good." I said. "Ever smoked weed?" "No, I don't think I should do that." "Now come on. It's practically legal everywhere now. And besides, you did say you were going to try new things." "You're right." He said decisively. "Weeds not THAT bad. Sure." "And it will help relax you." I said as I lit a joint and inhaling. I handed it to Ken, and he held it to those lucious pink lips of his, and inhaled, coughing almost immediately. "You have to cough to get off!" I smirked. He bravely took another hit, and struggled to hold it in. He succeeded for a few seconds before coughing it out. Steve and I took a couple of hits, then handed it back to Ken. This time, he was able to hold it in without coughing. Soon the joint was gone, and Ken was high, and giggely, and more talkative. I managed to talk him out of his shirt and my mouth went dry as I surveyed his creamy, smooth skin, and his big, pink nipples. Nipples that were born to be abused. He talked about his life back in Utah on the farm, which explained his awesome body. He talked about his 4 brothers and three sisters. He talked about once, when he was younger, he spied on one of his older brothers masturbating in the barn. How it excited and scared him, but he couldn't take his eyes off his brothers cock. He talked about the few sexual encounters that he had. It turns out, they were mostly blowjobs, and he fucked a guy once. But he had never been fucked. Oh my God. I was going to impregnate a virgin Mormon boy. While he talked, Steve handed me four blue pills. Two were extasy, two were Viagra. I popped my two and told Ken to open his mouth. "What are those?" He asked through slited eyes. "Do you trust me? They're just going to make you feel real good." He just smiled at me as he popped them in his mouth and washed them down with the last of his beer. "So," I started. "Since a lot of what you've probably seen online is roll playing, can we do a little. Can I call you Eric? Can we pretend you really are Prince Eric." "Yea." He laughed. "I figured you wanted to, but I didn't know how to bring it up." "Sweet, and one more thing. Eric was nice and smooth. I want to shave your legs." "Really? I mean I don't know......" He stopped. "New things!" He pronounced. It's only hair, it'll grow back." With that, I took his hand and led him into the bathroom while Steve packed a glass pipe with some T. As I ran some bathwater, I pulled down Eric's shorts and underwear, admiring how well built his thighs were. He had a beautiful cock that was getting hard. I took the clippers to his legs first, and had them almost smooth in no time. Then I took the clippers to his bushy pubes. He didn't even object, he just let me do my work. Then I sat him in the tub. I did first one leg, then the other, then had him stand up so I could finish his crotch. His cock was rock hard and stood straight up, probably 6 inches. He moaned as I lathered his cock and balls, and carefully shaved the rest of his pubic hair. Soon, he was totally hairless, which just added to his boyish beauty. I did not touch his armpit hair though. That's a bit of a fetish for me. There is something so sexy to me about a hairless boy with hairy pits, and Eric's we're nice and bushy. After I washed him off, I wrapped a towel around him and we returned to the other room. Steve had changed into some of his leather items, including his leather jock strap. He didn't want Eric to see his mamoth cock yet. I had a really nice 8 inches, but Steve had a fat 10 inches with a big mushroom head. Guaranteed to destroy Eric's virgin hole. "One last thing." I said as I sat Eric between us on the bed. "What's that?" He asked, looking at the pipe Steve was about to smoke. "It's called Tina." She's a lot of fun. You'll like her." "Is that meth? I don't know, I've heard so many bad things about it." "Trust me my Prince." I said stroking him. "It's ok. We've been enjoying it for years. It's ok once in a while. Now, he's going to take a hit, and when he puts his mouth on yours, breath in while he exhales." I watched as the smoke passed from my partner to my new prize. After he exhaled, I held it up to his pink lips and lit the bowl, telling him to hold it until I said exhale. My cock started getting hard again as I watched his young, muscled chest expand, knowing his life would never be the same from this moment. After he blew out a big white cloud I took a hit myself, then placed my mouth on his. He didn't need to be told what to do a second time. When he exhaled, I held the pipe up to his lips. He took two hits from the pipe for our one each, so he had 8 full pipe hits, plus 8 shotgun hits from us. When we finished the pipe, is blue eyes had turned into saucers and he had a glazed look on his face. It was time for the real party to begin.
    1 point
  43. No worries, thanks for getting back to me. He's absolutely fine now! And he will never, ever touch that kind of stuff ever again. It's been a huge lesson from which he's learned. He'll never respond to guys on Grindr who have H 'n H on their profiles ever again.
    1 point
  44. fucking love a loose hole...means the pig is well used. and love a hole that can take a fist or two easily.
    1 point
  45. Been barebacking recklessly for 20 years so I have always thought I'd eventually poz at some point when my luck ran out. Still neg but recently upped the stakes and knowingly took some hot poz cock and loads. I'm sure over the years some of the cocks that have cummed in my ass were poz but I never before bottomed for a guy knowing he was poz. Just like 20 years ago when I took that first load in my ass and came harder than I ever had before, I came even harder when that first poz load was filling my ass. That was all it took to get me hooked. Right or wrong I now actively chase poz tops for bareback sex. Given that behavior, I'm sure it's only a matter of time and the clock is ticking faster than ever before.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. I love the story and look forward to much more !
    1 point
  48. I like porn that has "establishing shots" - like feature films. You start with a guy in the distance, the street, or a mall - a real life scenario, not a studio mock up. The guys should be dressed ( to begin with ). I like to see the clothed guys from various angles before they slowly undress. The naked cock and ass shouldn't be on show from the first frame. The best porn ( for me ) is as much about the journey as the ultimate destination. It's about skilfully building and maintaining sexual tension. A weakness of amateur porn on xtube for example, is that many are just disconnected cocks entering holes. I like to see the whole person - or at least as much as is practicable. The transition from clothed ( non sexual being - businessman, doctor, work man ) to naked or partly clothed, sexual being is hot. It shouldn't be rushed.
    1 point
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