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  1. Part 10 - Back To The Beginning Sampson laid in Mike's arms slowly stroking his chest that Sunday afternoon, the sun already hanging low in the sky for the time of year. Glancing at each other and smiling they had come along way in their strange relationship, a kind of love and bond had grown between them. Not the kind of love that makes a relationship, just one of greedy self-indulgence that satisfied them both. Sampson had to come clean to Mike admitting that he was a gypsy and they were moving on to Lyndhurst at the start of December, partly concerned that his admission would in some way cause an over reaction on Mike's part and it sort of did. Instead of looking down on him in disgust he flung Sampson over on to his stomach and pounded him hard wrapping his arms around Sampson's chest holding him even closer. Working himself in to a sexual frenzy Mike bit on Sampson's ear lobe and whispered 'My emerald gypsy boy', the words stuck and was how Mike referred to him from that day. In truthfulness Sampson thought that his moving to Lyndhurst to wait out winter would see a pause in their assignations, Mike however made it clear that his emerald gypsy boy was to be at his place at 7pm every Friday and leave on Sunday. It was certainly not a choice Sampson was allowed to make and he smiled happily to himself, his hand was stroking Mike's semi hard cock and his finger rubbed around where the foreskin neatly kept the head hidden. His finger pushing inside the foreskin feeling the sticky precum mess already congregating, Sampson moaned feeling his head being pushed down towards Mike's cock and feeling it expanding rapidly in his hand. Sampson moved quickly knowing he probably had at best 1 minute to suck on it before Mike would take over and get inside him. By early December Sampson sat in his caravan looking out at the commune site sipping his coffee before the day started. It was only Wednesday but the void was big and he relied on his imagination going over the past weekend, it was only two days until he could see Mike but the emptiness left during the week was killing him inside. Being so close and busy with Mike for so many weeks meant he missed the birth of Marlon's son last Saturday, questions and rumours were flying around the commune about Sampson and his weekend disappearances. With Marlon so busy in his own world now Sampson only got to see him during the week when they were working, even more annoying was that Marlon ceased calling on Sampson nowadays. Part of him so desperately wanted Mike to love him and be with him but even that was now dwindling with the appearance of Allan. The closeness in age and body suited both Mike and Allan and what played out was Allan paying less and less attention to his man back at home, it forced him to take a long hard look at his relationship with his husband and how it differed to Mike who was both exciting and varied in his sexual pleasures. The writing was written on the wall and it didn't take long for Allan's husband to throw his hands up in the air in defeat and walk out. The actions paved the way for Allan to turn his full attention to Mike and the result was a blossoming romance. Sampson got in to his 4x4 not giving a dam as to who might be watching, he slowly drove off the site at 5pm and headed to Banbury. Nick slowed down seeing the 4x4 pulling out and turning on to the main road, instantly he looked over to where the 4x4 had just pulled out of, his heart skipping several beats seeing the gypsy site full and people milling around. Desperately he wanted to stop and see if it was the same group of travellers but thought better of it for now and continued on his way home. His mood cheering up and constantly thinking if they would be back on his estate touting for work again. By the time Sampson pulled up outside Mike's he recognised Allan's car parked in the driveway. He sat there watching the house for several minutes feeling the stabbing pains of jealousy throughout his entire body. Adamant this would be the last visit he slowly walked up to the door and knocked and waited. The front door opened and Allan stood there "He is yours for weekend I need a break" he said. Sampson looking at him. "Don't keep him waiting" Allan said pulling Sampson inside. With that Allan left closing the door behind him and Mike appeared from the kitchen dressed in his jock strap and boots. The sight was too much and as usual Sampson melted and immediately forgot everything, Mike was on him locking in a sensual kiss whilst undressing Sampson frantically until he stood naked except for his socks. Mike stepped back and smirked picking up the harness and strapping it over Sampson and guiding him towards the stairs, thinking they were heading up to the bedroom Sampson stepped on the first stair when Mike grabbed the back of the harness to stop him. Already feeling Mike's hard cock hanging out of the jock strap he was forced on to all fours half up the stairs. Suddenly Mike's cock rubbed up his crack gradually it went deeper and Sampson moaned with such an exquisite sound that Mike pulled back and angled it against his hole pushing in to his emerald gypsy boy in one slow smooth movement until he could go no further. Sampson raised his head moaning loudly as his body accepted Mike, his hand instinctly moved under until he could feel the tightness of Mike's ball sack stretched up against his arse. Mike rolled his head back purring in delight being inside the arse he had trained, his hips wriggling to savour the warm tightness holding his cock. Placing both hands on the harness holding Sampson deep on his cock he began to fuck in long slow movements and immediately releasing a succulent amount of precum in his excitement. Sampson pushed back each time he felt Mike pushing in to him, letting out a loud noise between a gasp and moan when Mike bottomed out in him. Mike had never been more turned on by Sampson and knew he was not going to last, his hands yanked the harness back and the loud slapping of his balls hitting against Sampson's arse filled the air, grunts emitting from them both. Faster and faster Mike went and the slapping sound changed in to an applause, his knuckles turning white from holding the harness so tightly. He was already orgasming through his body yet trying to hold back from releasing his load as long as he could, the yearning and need to breed was overwhelming. Finally collapsing forward and securing his arms tightly around Sampson's waist his hips bucked harder than ever driving his cock deep in to Sampson and releasing his toxic seed. Sampson's body quivered in his arms resulting in Mike's hips exerting all their pressure against Sampson's arse. His arms held tight around Sampson's waist and his head rested on the back of his neck panting and coming down from an almighty orgasm, hips still bucking away forcing his seed deeper. Mike bit down on Sampson's back gently he had never fucked him as hard at this and wondered if he had taken him too far this time, the body in his arms was making no movement or noise, like it was in a state of shock. Mike raised his head and leaned further forward to check Sampson was okay. He didn't know what to make of it at first staring at the cream carpet of the stairs, his body completely immobilised in Mike's arms and sent to hell and back in an incredible journey. Slowly Sampson turned his head to look at Mike then kissed him gently on the lips 'Holy shit!' Sampson muttered as a smile grew on his face. Mike smirked and jabbed his still raging erection 'Again?' he asked quietly, Sampson chuckled and kissed him tenderly again 'Bring it on' he replied. Mike raised himself up and grabbed the harness again, his second orgasm reached and he slowed down just a little to let his load out then started fucking Sampson for a third time. Sampson collapsed on the bed "Dam! You really made my arse sore" he complained. Mike laid next to him "Shouldn't be suck a cock tease then" he replied still panting away. Sampson turned his head to look at Mike "I never teased, you just took" he said giggling. Mike chortled "And you are complaining because?" he asked with a big smile on his face. Sampson leaned up "Is this coming to an end?" he now asked Mike. Mike glanced at him curiously. "You and Allan now being together" Sampson clarified. Sampson ran his fingers along Mike's muscled arm "It feel like it is" he said softly. Mike watched Sampson "No it is not ending, you still float my boat emerald" he replied. Sampson half smiled in an unsure way "But not enough to want anything more?" he questioned. "I like you a lot emerald, but being in a relationship would ruin our dynamics" Mike replied. Mike sat up and looked at him "Did you expect more from me?" he now asked. Sampson shrugged "Sometimes I wish there was" he paused, "But this is just as good". Mike pulled Sampson down in to his arms "I made you a condition of being with Allan" he said. Sampson smiled and kissed Mike on the lips. "Get down there and blow me" Mike demanded. The words were still coming out of Mike's mouth when Sampson already felt himself being pushed downwards. Sampson began working the cock slowly with his lips and tongue. Mike rolled his eyes and moaned in pleasure and allowed Sampson to control the situation until he was brought to orgasm. Keeping his eyes focused on the ceiling doing his best to ignore that is was Sampson, he knew if he looked down at Sampson he would cum straight away. Sampson drove back to Lyndhurst late Sunday afternoon, despite his sore arse from the fucking on the stairs Friday evening Mike still had his way with Sampson all weekend, he wreaked of stale sex and it a smell that Sampson loved to enjoy on his drive home. It was dark, wet and windy when he arrived back at the commune and parked up outside his caravan. Getting out of the 4x4 and locking it he turned around and jumped back coming face to face with Marlon who certainly didn't have a happy look on his face. "Fuck Marlon!" Sampson said loudly his heart pounding in his chest, "What is the matter?". Marlon stared at Sampson "What the fuck did you do to me?" he asked in a quiet angry tone. Sampson gulped fearing the worst "Come inside" he nervously said unlocking the door. Marlon followed him inside the caravan and closed the door "Well?" he asked. "What is this all about Marlon?" Sampson asked believing he could evade the truth. Marlon pushed Sampson angrily "You gave me that gay disease" he said pushing him again. Sampson backed away "I only found out I had a few weeks ago" he tried explaining. Marlon stood looking at him nearly crying. "Have you told anyone else?" Sampson asked. "No, but when I do all hell will break out" Marlon replied raising his voice. Sampson sat on the bed "I'm sorry Marlon, I really didn't know I had it" he said. Marlon shook his head "I will give you a month to decide what you are going to do". "What do you mean?" Sampson asked looking up at his cousin. Marlon turned to leave "Face up to it or leave the commune" he replied looking back at him. Marlon opened the caravan door and looked at Sampson "One month!" he repeated. Marlon spat at Sampson and closed the door leaving him alone. The worst insult of all had just happened, when a gypsy spat intentionally at you it was a sign of dishonour and intent. Sampson felt a tear trickle down his cheek, in a few short minutes his entire world had come crashing down. He could have argued and laid the blame squarely at Marlon who came begging for cock but that just wasn't his way of dealing with things. Sleep didn't come easy to Sampson that night his thoughts running over and over of how could he evade the whole thing and what was he going to do if he got banned from the commune. Either way he knew he couldn't stay as life would be hell and he would be picked on continuously until he was finally driven away. Tired and exhausted Sampson drove in the van with the other guys to start work, Marlon keeping his distance and hardly muttering a word to Sampson. At lunchtime his phone chimed with a reminder of his appointment the following day at the sexual health clinic in Southampton that he had discreetly rearranged since arriving in Lyndhurst. After returning from a days work Sampson got in his 4x4 and drove in to the New Forest, he just couldn't bear being on the commune, he parked in a car park and just sat there for several hours trying to figure out what he was going to do. He couldn't stop thinking about Mike and the words echoing in his head that a relationship would ruin their dynamic. He was the only person Sampson had ever got so intimately close with. Sampson woke after dozing off, it was 2am and he was in the middle of nowhere and he stopped outside of his vehicle in to the cold damp air to wake himself up properly before driving back. Remembering the sovereigns his mother had given him explaining that they were valuable he knew he had to get them valued to see if they would help him forge a new life outside of the travellers community. Nick had put his past to bed and was now undetectable, the past year he had turned over a new page in his life deleting all his devious profiles from the hook up apps he was happy to play the upfront person when arranging meets. Always telling them that he never met to fuck a guy using condoms and that he was hiv positive but undetectable. It had paid off in more ways than one as bottom guys seemed to be more interested in trying to dodge the bullet with somewhat risky sex. In fact Nick was never short of safe sex only guys wanting to bareback. Driving for his 2pm appointment he detoured past the gypsy site glancing over and wondering if they were going to come knocking on his door any day now, weekdays were no good since Nick was at work so he had no real idea if they had already been. Normally there were rumblings in the community about where they were working but it had all been strangely quiet and no one at the car dealership knew of their whereabouts, he just couldn't get those delicious green eyes out of his head and exquisite body he had enjoyed playing with. Nick parked his car and walked in to the clinic and took a seat waiting for his check up and medication. Sampson arrived at the clinic and waited in his car until five minutes before his appointment. Walking in to the reception he went through the formalities of confirming his contact details and took a seat in the waiting room. His eyes wondered over to a couple of guys already sitting in the small waiting area, a little alcove between two consultation rooms that contained only six chairs so Sampson took one on the opposite side to the two guys sat there. He could feel a weird vibe of stolen looks going on in his direction from the other guys. Taking their chances to get a look at Sampson and it kind of made him feel uncomfortable but also aroused by the little game. Doors opened and closed down down the corridor and a little laughter and a voice that Sampson thought he recognised but shook it off when the doctor appeared calling our for Eric who stood and walked in to the consultation room closing the door behind him. A doctor appeared from the corridor calling Sampson who stood and followed her down the corridor. A door to the side opened and Nick walked out just as Sampson looked him in the eye briefly. Nick stopped in his tracks but the guy didn't seem to immediately recognise him and carried on following the doctor. Confused and in a little state of shock Nick wandered back to the reception to make his next appointment carrying his bag of medication, his focus though was down the corridor but the guy had disappeared from view. Nick walked to the car park and got in his car sitting there for a moment, his stomach in knots and feeling all flustered, the result of those green eyes staring back at him for a moment had sent him in to a complete dithering mess. Literally he was unable to drive away and instead he waited, for what he didn't know right then but those eyes had brought memories flooding back. Sampson watched the nurse drawing blood but his thought was elsewhere, it took him a moment after seeing him but he knew that face, the body was definitely a little more muscled up from what he remembered, but yes it was definitely him and he was anxious to be done and go find him. Crazy as it was he thought that maybe this guy was going to be waiting for him, well he did seem to acknowledge who he was. Sampson walked up to the reception glancing at everyone who was milling around but he couldn't see him and immediately giving up any hope, in fact he didn't even know why he was looking for him. Picking up his appointment card Sampson walked outside in to the car park towards his 4x4. Nick caught sight of him walking across the car park and got out of his car locking the door he walked cautiously in his direction. It was like Sampson knew he was there and turned round "It is you!" he exclaimed loudly. Nick stopped "You are back" he replied nervously, "I didn't expect to see you here". "It is because of you I am here" Sampson said strangely without any bitterness. Nick was a little stumped for words. "Did you do it deliberately?" Sampson asked. He nodded "You didn't protest" Nick replied with a tang of arrogance in his voice. "You don't even regret doing this to me?" Sampson asked amused by his upfront behaviour. "I don't have regrets, well maybe one" Nick replied suddenly realising he wanted him. Sampson shook his head "You have sent my life out of control, ruined it in fact". Nick stared at him for a moment "Your on meds how bad can it be". "How bad?" Sampson spat the words looking angry, "I infected my cousin, I have to leave". "Leave?" Nick asked looking confused. Sampson looked at his bag of meds "They will drive me out if I don't leave". Nick moved forward "Where will you go?" he asked expressing concern with his voice. "Fuck knows" Sampson replied, "I will have to sell the caravan, I am an outcast now". Nick couldn't let him go again "Can I help?" he asked out of desperation. Sampson shook his head "You have done enough" he replied unable to to take his eyes off him. "You can stay at mine" Nick blurted out, "You know lodge in my spare bedroom". Sampson could definitely feel the heat between them "Why would you put a gypsy up?" he asked. "I have never forgotten our time together" Nick replied, "I can't forget it". The months of anger he had felt and wanting revenge on this guy were being washed away the more he looked at him. He was feeling strong emotional affection, like he had with Mike but this one seemed to be connecting more intensely and was falling head first. He was good looking, arrogant, self assured and confident, traits that Sampson couldn't deny made him even more sexier. He knew that the sex they had was good and on an even playing field. But moving in with him was something that had never crossed Sampson's mind. "I won't pay you" Sampson suddenly replied, "If I move in, you owe me for what happened". Nick was taken back for a moment "I want to have sex with you though" he replied. Sampson scoffed "I ain't your lover" he replied baiting and wanting him to bite. "You will be and I think we both know that" Nick replied confidently. "Full of yourself aren't you" Sampson replied now putting on his cocky tone. Nick laughed "Stand there and tell me you don't want this as much as me?" he asked. Sampson watched him and could see the intention in his eyes "Sampson, that is my name". "Nick" he replied and stepped closer to Sampson "So Sampson, you want to be my lover?" he asked. "Like proper lover, as in a couple?" Sampson asked and Nick nodded, "Alright then". "Want to get a coffee?" Nick asked. Sampson looked at him "Why are you asking dumb arse, of course I do" he replied laughing. Their meeting up again was never planned to head in that direction, fate definitely paid a part that afternoon. When Sampson returned to the commune after dark had fallen he quietly hitched up his caravan and was about to get in to drive away but Marlon grabbed his arm. Sampson turned to face a crying Marlon, he put a finger to Sampson's lip then kissed him good bye and made him promise to keep in touch. Sampson agreed and showed no emotion leaving a devastated Marlon standing there crying. Sampson drove the directions Nick had given him and he parked the caravan at the back of the car dealership Nick now ran, there it would remain until he could sell it. Sampson collected all his belongings and the trinket box and drove behind Nick to his new home. He was going in head first without any indication of where this was taking him in life. A slight smile on his face parking up behind Nick's car, Sampson knew deep down he had been infatuated with this guy ever since their first meeting that day. He got out of his 4x4 looking at the house waiting for Nick, he remembered the first time on the doorstep where Nick had flirted and propositioned Sampson so blatantly and how he had agreed without a second thought. Tonight though he was entering this house as sort of Nick's boyfriend, it filled Sampson with an enormous amount of pride and happiness. He would never have to hide his feeling again and could live a life he had secretly wanted. Sampson kept in touch with Mike but no longer did he yearn for Mike's approval, he could clearly see the difference between a desire to be owned and a desire to be loved, Nick was who he loved without a doubt. The years ahead would change Sampson in so many ways, growing in confidence with Nick constantly by his side. Both of them never short of men vying to bed them, but their total commitment to each other never faltered or strayed. Sampson was a natural at fixing things and set up his own little handyman business with Nick's help and earning a very decent wage and profit. Marlon would often come and see Sampson every winter when the commune was back in Lyndhurst, he couldn't believe how much Sampson had changed having the stability of a job and lover. Sampson wold often laugh at his visits seeing that mischievous glint in Marlon's eyes whenever Nick was around. Two weeks after moving in Sampson finished showering and walked in to the bedroom where Nick laid sprawled out naked, Sampson climbed in to bed next to him then rolled on top in between his legs, Nick giggled and lifted his legs up wrapping them around Sampson's body, 'My green eyed man' he said softly between Sampson kissing him. Sampson grinned and ran his tongue seductively along Nick's neck and face 'Completely yours' he said softly feeling Nick's body react and wriggle the deeper his cock pushed inside his lover.
    6 points
  2. "mark?" Oliver asked quizzically as the tall, slender boy shuffled across the airport lobby toward him. "ollie! hey man can you get this bag? Guatamala was amazing but we moved a stove in the church on the last day and..." Oliver sighed. "jesus christ..." he rolled his eyes as he was interrupted. "works in mysterious ways of course!" Mark beamed as the two made way for the parking garage. "so, whats my little brother been up to while I was gone?" The question took Oliver by surprise. He had the entire trip over to rehearse something better than the truth, and he wasnt about to admit to spending a night getting his guts redecorated with poz cocks. those gorgeous, thick, meaty cocks that just seemed to fit inside so perfectly. "yeah" Oliver muttered at the thought under his breath as he recalled for a moment the unbridled raw passion of draining a house full of big strong men. "yeah what?" marks words returned his thoughts to the question at hand and his now swelling cock. "oh uh..just...you know hanging out with the girl...friend" Oliver practically cringed at the pneumatic cadence of that lie. "So hows ole whats-her-name doin?" Oliver smiled as he began to answer only to pause. He couldnt remember her name. Doug had slowly pushed her out of his life entirely to ensure the boys total dedication as a cock thirsty cum slut. Oliver knew more about the taste of a mans cock than he could remember about her at all. Oliver could practically set a watch by his instinctual knowledge of when a mans slippery cock would lose the battle inside his endlessly perfect boy pussy and begin to surrender its luscious seed, but he couldnt even manage to recall the colour of his purported girlfriends hair. "shes okay" Oliver resigned his response to the obvious. The countryside flew by in relative silence for a moment as Mark fidgeted for the christian radio station and babbled on about the many tribulations of fresh water and the lords plan for finding a bathroom in the jungle until he reached into the cupholder and studied a prescription. "Hey now this is helpful. Is this guy any good? Dr....Doug? what does he treat?" Olivers heart lept into his throat. "sure" he blurted. "allergies or uh..i guess anything." Mark fished out his phone and called the number on the letterhead as Oliver sat in shock. There was no way to explain Doug, or what he had become. "10:30 tomorrow morning!" Mark beamed. "They said they have time to look at my back. See ollie? I told you the lord works in mysterious ways." Having barely slept the night before, Oliver stumbled out of the shower and raced to catch up with his impossibly perky brother. the past few nights of tina and friends had left him wanting, and as he began brushing his teeth he instinctively pumped a dollop of hand lotion and massaged it into his boy hole. "mmmmh" he moaned around the brush as he began to fondly recall the many ways his pretty new cunt had gobbled up so much cum. There was the silver bear from Dougs running group who lifted his petite frame into the air, spreading his legs and impaling him over and over as his powerful arms made the boy dance like a marionette on his cock for all the world to see. then there was the otter from the nice tattoo shop...what was his name? it didnt matter. Ollies puffy pink lips went back for seconds, and thirds, greedily draining every last drop he could get. "come on we're gonna be late!!" came a rap at the door to send the hungry bottom right back to earth. "mmmwahawa" Ollie grumbled loudly over the brush as he pulled his fingers out of his honeypot and finished brushing. Looking down, he saw a small pool of shimmering precum at the edge of the sink, with a single gossamer thread glistening at the tip of his little golden cockring. Did he cum? did it matter? he sighed as he reached to the hand towel to clean it up only to pause. In an instant he put the towel back, lowered his face to the sink and carefully lapped up the gooey mess. Cum, even if it was his own, was nothing more than a fantastic slimy confection to him now. it belonged in him. At the office, Ollie had busied himself with his texts. Trey had sent a lewd photo of what appeared to be max's ass, oozing jizz with the caption "about to give sleeping beauty a kiss on the lips ;)" The only thing Trey liked more than an ass full of cum was a tummy just as full. "Mark?" came a booming voice from the hallway as he looked up and saw Doug in a fresh white lab coat and his trademark smile. his heart swooned a the sight of that salt and pepper beard and his broad strong shoulders. "well hey there Ollie! Do you two know eachother?" Oliver smiled as Mark shook hands. "Im his brother, I called about the stove? er..i mean..." Doug smirked. "i take it you mean your back then. Well nothing to worry about. If you two dont mind I can take care of Ollie too, hes due for an allergy shot in a few days but today works too." Oliver rose on helium heels as he followed along into the exam room. "Mark you look like a size large..." Doug thrust a paper gown into the boys confused hands. "Ill need to actually see your body if im going to treat it now Mark." Doug lectured sternly as Mark no sooner complied, and emerged from the bathroom in a blue paper gown that drew a snicker from his younger brother. As the two climbed onto the exam table Doug began taking measurements as Mark once again detailed the mission trip in exhausting clarity. "Mark ill need you to step out of the gown for a minute so I can check for a hernia." Dougs cold prescriptive voice couldnt be any more skilled or knowing in its command as Mark went from clothed to nude in a flash, and in doing so revealed a long, thick nine inch cock. "my word what are they feeding you boys on mission trips?" Doug chuckled as he cupped the boys warm balls. "cough" Doug instructed as he gently hefted the boys nuts around, softly stroking his index finger behind them a few times before stepping away from the furiously blushing boy and toward the cabinet. Marks cock was now semihard, an expression he took great offense to as he began reaching for the gown. "no im sorry mark we need to perform one more test....pull your legs up for me and lie back..." Doug eased the boy back and adjusted his legs until his fuzzy manhole came into view. no doubt a virginal little thing, Doug intended as he always did to be first inside in due time. The allure of Ollie was one thing, but two for the price of one just couldnt be beat. "this might be a little cool at first" doug cautioned as he mashed a generous dollop of thick white lube against the boys protesting orifice. "have you ever put anything in here mark? its okay if you have. perfectly natural for men to experiment." doug reassured the boy as he protested. "no sir thats absolutely sinful. Im saving myself through jesus and waiting for a perfect marriage...ngh..." Doug stifled the boys tiresome sales pitch as his meaty index finger pierced the tight hot hole. "feeling alright now Mark? just a little pressure is all..." Doug probed gently for his prize, the boys firm prostate. "Its getting really hot," Mark grit his teeth as doug continued, ignoring the boys protest against the tina in the lube as he made first contact and began caressing marks boy button. "im sure the Mark of the bible probably thought this was the most evil thing in the world, dont you think so?" Doug teased the boy as his eyes relaxed and his breathing slowed. "how are you feeling now mark?" The boy didnt answer, he just stared at his now throbbing cock in wonderment as doug continued to force the boy erect. Once marks meaty cockhead oozed its first sparkling drop of sinful precum he stopped, contented. "It looks like everythings in order Mark, other than some swelling and a little soreness." Oliver knew that look as he had seen so many times. Marks glassy eyes scanned his veiny prick as the syrupy precum ran down his fuck stick until Doug interrupted him, tying off his arm. "big fist for me now Mark" Doug smiled and in turn, so did Mark as he watched the needle enter his arm. Oliver watched speechless. Was this how it was when he first met Doug? he began to involuntarily fidget as he watch his brother drift along the same delicious wave of medicine doug prepared for him regularly. "there we go, hows that back feel mark?" The boy just grinned and sighed as Doug reloaded the syringe and without a word, Ollie presented his arm. "such a pretty boy Ollie...." doug reassured the teen as he sent the boy flying alongside his sibling. "clothes off Ollie, its only fair. Mark I'd like to show you something...." Doug took great care in his creations as he squirted a blob of lube into marks fist. "Youve got quite a big cock there Mark but im worried you dont know the first thing about how to take care of it properly." Doug moved a finger to swirl the precum around the boys cockhead, brushing away his protests. "that a boy Mark, do you feel that? You need to listen to this nice big cock. It was made to cum." Doug watched the conflicted boy as he groaned on dougs fingertip. "here..." doug lifted the boys goo filled palm to his lap. "now..." doug took the boy by the chin and guided his gaze to his dripping prick. "wrap your fingers around it mark." doug commanded as the boy awkwardly palmed his heavy dong. "that a boy Mark. just let nature take its course. listen to that big greasy schlong and give it all the attention it needs." Mark gazed into his cockhead as doug pulled away, leaving him to stroke obediently at the edge of the exam table. Oliver stood patiently, watching his own brother who once wouldnt so much as look at a lingerie catalog enthusiastically flog is cock at dougs command. As doug wrestled his belt free, the jingling metal called to Oliver as pure pavlovian response. Oliver stepped in front of the doctor, dropped to his knees, and waited patiently for the succulent meat. "such a good boy ollie. Mark, pay close attention. Your brothers become a very special young man since you last met him. Im sure youll enjoy seeing how talented hes become in your absence." Mark watched as Doug stood centimeters from the boys lips, his big purple cockhead dancing before the hungry teen in utter temptation. "Here ollie, taste." Doug presented his finger, coated in marks precum, as the boy began to lick and suck at it. "theres a boy. Did you see that mark? he didnt even think. He just saw the precum he needed to eat. Does your big brother taste good Ollie?" A sudden wave of shame washed over the boy as he realized doug was right again. he didnt so much as think first before gulping at the mans finger, but he was indeed swirling the piquant flavour of his own brothers precum around his tongue. "its alright Ollie, im sure mark doesnt mind you taking just a little taste of him..." Doug grined as he looked over to mark, who hadnt missed a beat as he continued watching the depravity before him. "suppertime Ollie...." Doug fed his cock into the boys mouth, and Mark stared jaw agape as his brother paused a moment to slurp and suck the fresh precum from the doctors prick before opening wider to rest his face fully in dougs lap. "Mark hes simply amazing. Look how he takes every inch into his throat." Doug encouraged his cocksucker with a firm hand on his head. "I control it Mark because I listen to my cock, just like you should." doug flexed his hips and pushed his cock back into the boys eager throat. for a moment, there was nothing but the sound of Dougs massive prick as it slid unrestricted in and out of Olivers throat. Doug took his time feeding his inches into the submissive boy as he continued his lecture. "Doesnt it look inviting Mark? Your brother could easily accommodate that nice big cock in your hand. And he'll gladly suck it dry for you." Doug watched the boy blush and turn away, but continue stroking. "now mark your brothers nearly finished. You need to pay close attention." Doug guided the boys chin back to the kneeling twink as he prepared his final thrust. "swallow it all now ollie.." Doug thrust his cock deep into the boys throat and as he gulped and gurgled audibly, he obediently drank dougs toxic seed. "see mark? he didnt spill a drop. Thats where your cum goes Mark, so we're going to practice together now..." Doug pulled the boy to his feet. "..i dont...." Mark protested as Ollie sat on the floor panting. "its alright to be shy the first time Mark but its perfectly natural to let your brother drink your cum. Its what Ollie wants, what he was made to do." Doug placed a firm hand on the boys shoulder. "You cant resist him. nobody can." Doug smiled as Oliver felt a sense of pride. He was right. Of all the people at the party, nobody could resist. "Just relax and stroke the cock Mark." Doug watched and as the spun boy fisted his cock in front of his younger sibling, he quietly propped his cellphone camera on the desk. "Dont be greedy Ollie, You need to open your mouth nice and wide and let Mark decide whats best. Boys with big cocks get to cum however they want." Ollie nodded in agreement. It only seemed natural as Mark pounded his creamy dong in front of his face. "nono mark, look into your brothers eyes." Doug guided the boys to lock eyes once again as Mark slowed in hesitation. "now Mark dont be bad mannered, its rude to keep your load from a pretty boy like Ollie. Dont fight, its for the best." Doug watched in concern as Marks visibly conflicted expression became a frustrating if not unintentional defiance of the older mans superior tutelage. "Lick." Doug presented his middle finger to oliver who obediently coated it in spit. "Im sure your minds wandering Mark. Lets return your attention to the cock, shall we?" Doug palmed the boys pale ass and plunged his slippery finger into his slickened hole. As the firm pressure against Marks prostate elicited a heavy gasp Doug spoke reassuringly. "there we are. dont fight now mark, remember, your cocks the one in charge not you. Now aim down just a little bit, we want to get it into your brothers mouth so he can swallow your cum." Doug continued pounding at the virgin boy button until Mark suddenly moaned out, and the first playful splash of savoury spunk landed just as planned in the boys waiting mouth. "there it goes mark, just relax and let that big dig do what it needs to." Mark looked down in disbelief as syrupy white ropes of his own pious jizz each landed perfectly in his brothers mouth. "nows the most important part mark. You need to tell him to swallow it." doug instructed calmly as he pulled out of the boys ass with a pop. Oliver sat in extacy for what seemed like an eternity, his mouth filled with his own brothers hot white cum until Mark finally whispered shamefully. "swallow it..."
    4 points
  3. Part 3 I snuck back through my mates window while having a complete out of body moment. Mitch had at it with me, giving some fucking lecture about sneaking off and that his dad would be home at any moment. Another flash of Mitch’s dad fucking Daddy Steve crossed my mind. If only Mitch knew his dad was secretly gay. On que, Mitch’s dad opened the bedroom door. ‘Sorry Scott, You dad’s said there wasn’t any homework there.’ I avoided eye contact. ‘All good. Must have left it at school.’ The next day I went to school. The out of body experience had not shifted. My business teacher Mr, Smith called out to me to wake me up a couple of times in class. The end of school bell rang and I knew I had to head home... Head home and face my dad’s. Knowing full well what they were up to last night. When I walked into the house, it was like normal. ‘How was dinner last night dad’s.’ Once again I avoided eye contact. ‘It was nice son.’ Daddy Steve said casually. ‘Nice dinner at Café Sydney then an early night in. Mitch’s dad popped past. Said you had some homework that you forgot.’ ‘Oh.. Ah.. Yea.. I left it at school. I got it now.’ ‘we best you get to it son.’ Daddy John ordered, while pointing to my study room. I spent the next few months trying to forget what I saw. But occasionally the flashes would come back and I couldn’t resist and wank off to them. I started to imagen what it would be like to be in Daddy Steve’s position. The fear. The feeling. The pain. The torture. The humiliation. The Mind fuck… The pleasure and enjoyment. I shook my head to get it that notion out of mind. Then I remembered some of them saying they were pumping POZ cum into Daddy Steve. Is Daddy Steve POZ? He can’t be. He is so fit and healthy. Nah, not Daddy Steve, I convinced myself. It was coming into August and my birthday was coming up. Turning 18. Coming into adulthood. I should have been excited, pumped. I get to go and get my licences and have a drink without being sneaking about it. But I wasn’t. I was numb. It was grand finale. Yep, my team made it. Not sure how. I was a fucking zombie on the football field. I was sitting on the bench in the locker rooms. All the boys were getting ready. Some were naked, others still in their jocks, I found myself checking them out. But I used all my will power to keep it subtle. But as much as I thought these guys were looking hot. They didn’t quite give me the same fiery feeling that I got whenever I saw My dad’s or Mitch’s dad naked. Something about a man being older made me feel obsequious. Coach Davis come barrelling through the entrance. ‘COMMON BOYS. WE HAVE A GAME TO WIN. GET YOUR FUCKING GEAR ON AND GET OUT THERE!.’ He roared. ‘LETS RAPE THEIR FUCKING ASSES.’ I kept my head down, ‘AND YOU.’ He pointed at me ‘Get your fucking HEAD TOGETHER.’ And he stormed back out of the locke room. Coach Davis was a big guy. Not as big as Daddy John. No comparison. But he was big. He use to play professional football in his hay day. But for being in his late 50’s he is sporting an alright body. 5 foot, maybe 90kgs. Little heavy around his fury belly, biggish shoulders with odd patches of hairy growing everywhere. Sun burnt singlet tan lines (I think he does a bit of fishing on his time off). Short stubby salt and pepper growth, which looked prickly to me. I started to get hard and had to shake the thought out of my head. One of my team mates walked past and saw it poking through my football shorts. ‘Dude. Did you get scared stiff.’ And laughed as he walked off. I quickly throw my singlet over it. Daddy John walked in and suddenly all the boys went very quiet. Daddy John has that effect on everyone. He sat next to me and placed his massive arm over my shoulders. I could feel his weight on me. ‘Hey son. What’s up? Coach said you seemed lost.’ Daddy John said in his burley voice, but with a cool calming tone. I finally looked into his big dark brown eyes. On any other day, when you look into Daddy John’s eyes fear strikes you to your core. And you stand up straight and give attention to every word he says. It does not take much for him to instil obedience in you. Which is probably why I stayed on top of my studies and football… Well, until recently. But not this time. When I looked into his eye’s, I felt loved and supported. I felt like I could open up. ‘Dad… I have to tell you something.’ ‘Please.’ ‘I… I… I saw you fucking Daddy Steve.’ ‘Oh.’ Daddy John’s voice was still cool and calm. ‘I also saw what you did to Daddy Steve on his birthday.’ I dropped my eye’s. ‘Did you now.’ Was a question. His tone was still cool and calm. ‘How did that make you feel son?’ I looked back up to him. That was not the response I was expecting. ‘It… I… I was scare. I feared for Daddy Steve. You were hurting him. All those men… They abused him… But for some reason I… I was aroused by it. No… I was completely turned on by it.’ I dropped my head into my hands and wept. Daddy John looked up at all my team mates who were now dressed and ready. He pointed to the exit. ‘Coach is waiting for you. GO.’ Daddy John’s tone changed. None of the boys stuck around. He rubbed his solid hand on my back. ‘Is this what has been bothering you son? Is this why your grades have been slipping?’ His tone returned to cool and calm. I nodded. ‘Oh son.’ And he pulled me into his chest for a hug and patted me on the back. ‘Oh son. You have it all confused. I’m sorry boy… I think it is time we tell you the truth… time I give you a life lesson.’ I look ed back up at him. Tears running down my rosy cheeks. ‘The truth?’ ‘Yes. The truth… Some I am not your uncle… I am your biological father.’ ‘What?! I don’t understand.’ ‘Let me explain… Before you were born. Daddy Steve was married to your mother. But Steve and your mother were not exactly… Monogamous. Daddy Steve use to get off watching your mother get fucked and bred by other men. Sometimes they would go to a bar and pick up a random guy take him home and let him breed your mother. This would get Daddy Steve wild. And would go as far and eat her out after he blew in her. There were many times when they would bring a few guys over to fuck her. And I believe there was a time Daddy Steve blindfolded her while in a cheap hotel room and organised a line-up of guys to fuck and breed her. There would have been hundreds of guys who put their cum inside her pussy. Easy.’ I was shocked. Speechless. ‘My poor mum.’ ‘Oh no. your mum loved it as much as Daddy Steve did. Don’t you worry about that that.’ ‘After all that. She never got pregnant?’ I asked ‘Not until I came along. Before Daddy Steve become a real estate agent he worked for me. I could tell he had a thing for me. He liked my dominance. Like you, he was struggling to come to turns with his fate… But I am fast tracking. Back to your mum. Daddy Steve had to see me fuck and asked me to fuck his wife. So I did. I fucked her hard. She nearly screamed the house down. The police knocked on the door because someone called out of concern… But what Daddy Steve and his wife soon learnt was that I do not have an average cum load. Its well above average. We weighed it once at 1 litre of cum. And pumped it so fucking deep into your mum she was practically choking on it.’ ‘holly shit! Really 1 litre.’ ‘Yep… A few months later she found out she was pregnant. Pregnant with you.’ ‘How can you be sure. You said she had heaps of guys cum in her.’ Daddy John smiled at me. ‘Son. Just look at you. You have the same features as I do. You sharp jaw line, broad shoulders that mimic mine. The way you grin like me, move your fingers like me. Even the way you walk and kick the football… I’ve seen your cock boy. You’re packing a monster like your old man.’ I dropped my head back into Daddy John’s chest and wept. ‘You’re my real dad… Why have you hid it for so long?’ ‘Daddy Steve and I had to wait until you were ready. Ready to know the truth. You see. After what Daddy Steve saw me do to your mother, his mind snapped. He changed. The pig unleashed and he needed to feel what I did to your mum… So I started fucking him. I broke Daddy Steve in. But he was a virgin to gay sex. Barely a finger and gone up his ass. He requested one thing from me. He said when I go in… GO IN. rape me… So I did. He bled. The pain was too much and he passed out. I fucked him hard with my massive cock for about 15mins before he woke up. And he woke up with a hard reminder of what was happening to him. He screamed and yelled and begged and I just kept on fucking him. He literally wept like a little baby. When I fuck. I fuck and don’t stop until I blow. And sometimes that could go for 30mins straight. But Daddy Steve is a sexy man and I finally pumped my load in him within 28mins. I pulled out. His hole was wrecked. It was gaping and red with blood and a fountain of cum drizzling out… I took a photo of it. He now keeps it for memories.’ My mind was in a spin. I could not believe what I just heard. Daddy John raped Daddy Steve. Daddy Steve wanted it. He loved it. My cock went rock hard. ‘you took a photo of it?’ I asked ‘I did. I film us fucking all the time. House is set up with camera’s you don’t even know about.’ ‘Realy?’ ‘Yep… I have a secret cupboard with all the films hidden in there.’ Daddy john tighten his muscly arm around my back. ‘That was the beginning of Daddy Steve becoming the pig that he is today. It is what he lives for. It is what motivates him. It is what makes him confident. This is why he is the best in the real estate business. Daddy Steve is free. He has excepted who he is. And when you except who you are you become invincible.’ ‘I heard some of the men who fucked him say they were poz.’ ‘That’s right son. It’s the only way. To be a pig you need to fully commit. No exceptions. We would take Daddy Steve to beats, sauna’s, cruise clubs behind his wife’s back I would blindfold him and find any stranger willing to breed his ass. Some nights he would get a couple of guys to breed him. Other nights he would get 3 or 4. He always wanted to break his best number. One time I tied him to a sling. Got him so high he passed out and I let whoever wanted to fuck and breed him, fuck and breed him.’ Daddy John laughed. ‘Oh I remember the first time he did that. He was raped and bred by 9 guys while passed out. His hole was wrecked. He couldn’t close it for a few days and had to wear a nappy to stop all the cum and blood from coming out.’ My cock throbbed in my football shorts. This was getting too much for me. ‘But this wasn’t enough for him. He seemed to feel like he was missing something. Then one night, in the middle of a breed session at a cruise club. He was getting fucked by this old man while blindfolded. As the old man started to cum he said [take my charged load]. When he finished he collapsed onto Daddy Steve and Daddy Steve asked him what he meant. The old man said he was poz and judging by your sloppy wrecked hole I may have got you pregnant. Daddy Steve blew a load from under the old man with touching his cock.’ My eye’s lit up. Daddy John continued. ‘Daddy Steve realised what it was that was missing. That feeling of knowing that someone who was HIV positive just unloaded in him. Daddy Steve was then obsessed. He got tested a few months later and was still neg. So we set out on a mission to make sure he was getting dirty loads pumped in him. I would make sure he was completely bound and search for the sleaziest, bug ridden guys I could find… One session I reckon he took 20 loads from strangers, no telling what their status was unless they were verbal about and never even saw their faces. One guy even said he had a high viral load… I have to admit, I was even turned on by it. It was then that he converted. He was converted by who knows what stranger and Daddy Steve was proud of it. It was the only way. To be the pig he was meant to be.’ I pulled away from Daddy John’s chest. My cock was throbbing so hard I thought I was going to cum. I saw that Daddy John noticed it. ‘And you Daddy. Are you poz?’ ‘Yes I am. It was bound to happen. I could help but fuck Daddy Steve with all those loads in him. It was magical. The best feeling to fuck a loaded up hole. And boy was Daddy Steve’s hole magical.’ Daddy John has a twinkle in his eye. ‘And all this was happening behind mum’s back?’ ‘Most of it… She eventually found out because she notice that the breeding session she would normally organise with Daddy Steve lessened to the point of no existent. She had you, son. And said she could not live like that and left. We never heard from her again.’ I looked off into the distance. Feeling a little sad that mum abanded me like that. Daddy John rubbed my back again. ‘Don’t let it get you down son. You have two dad’s who love to dearly. We would move mountains for you… But son, you are getting too distracted. Your grades are slipping and your football is under average. There is a lesson here you need to learn. Son, Daddy Steve learnt who he wanted to be. He became it, to its fullest. When you become your true self you become invincible. And that’s what you need to do. You need to choose who you want to be and you need to be that person it unconditionally. But many people get there, but the ones who do,.. Like Daddy Steve, you become unstoppable in everything you do.’ I pondered on the thought for a long while. Daddy John sat there patiently. I eventually turned to him. ‘Thank you Daddy. Thank you for giving me the truth. And thank you for the lesson.’ He patted me on the back one more time and I smiled back at him. I ran out onto the football field to meet my team mates. We played the best game of the season. I scored 4 goals and my last one was the one that won us the game! I was thrown up in the air as everyone around me cheered. It was then that I knew what I wanted to be… I wanted to be a pig. A pig like my Daddy Steve. To be continued
    4 points
  4. Totally! The most explicit sex. You are there to unload into a willing hole, me there to get loaded up with cum. No one cares who you are, your look or what size you are. Just there to get off. Fucking hot to feel a cock slid into a freshly bred cum filled hole.
    3 points
  5. Mum abanded me when I was a baby. Left me in the care of my uncle who I call Daddy John and his husband Steve. Or as I call him, Daddy Steve. They have worked hard to give me a good up brining; giving me the best education and a safe home to come to. But this is not a story about my up bringing… Well not that kind of up bringing… It’s more a story of my coming into my own true self. It’s a story about me becoming the piggy faggot boy whore that I am. My daddy’s are very well off. Got a bit of money behind them. Daddy John owns a construction business and Daddy Steve is a real estate agent. So it’s no surprise that we live in a beautiful inner city modern home in the heart of Sydney, designed and built by Daddy John himself. I come to visit him at work from time to time and it is interesting to see how his employees stand straight whenever he is nearby. Daddy John is a unit for a 67 year old. 186cm, big broad shoulders, thick thighs, stone arms and a solid butt. He always wears jeans that seem tight on him, showcasing his huge bulge just below his leather buckle and he always tucks in his checked shirt in. Never wears a tie and leaves his top couple of buttons undone which opens up to his thick salt and pepper hairy chest. He keeps his rugged silver beard maintained, cropping his sharp jaw line, but doesn’t over groom it to the point it looks to show pony, and his salt and pepper hair neatly cut with a slight combover. Daddy Steve on the other hand is 52 years old and he is always on the go. At home he would always be pace a hall on his phone conducting business or closing a sale, but he still always finds time to help me with my homework or have a general catch up about my day. He too is quite a masculine man. Not the big unit like Daddy John, but still fit a fuck. He looked a little like Frank Grillo. He works like every morning to maintain his shredded body and only wears tailored made suits. But when he has the chance, he likes to show off his assets. Always in his speedos taking a dip in the indoor pool. His washed board abs are coated in a fine coat of hair that tails up to his chest. He is so chiselled, the hair on his chest thickens around the top of his abs up through the middle of his pecs then spreads out right up to the top of his neck line. Grey hair is starting to show in his hair, like Daddy John and even though he does not say anything, I think he is worrying that he is getting old. My name is Scott. I am 18 years old and like any other boy my age, I do all the teenage things. I go to school, play football, hang out with my mates when my Daddy’s allow me to, smoke joints, go off to parties. But something just did not feel right. I never quite felt like it was my scene, my life. I was floating through it waiting for something. But I just did not know what. But all this changed a few weeks after I turned 18. You see, I never really thought about Daddy John and Daddy Steve having sex until I accidently stumbled across them doing exactly that. They did not know I came home early from football practice one Wednesday night, I walked into the kitchen and that’s when I saw it. Daddy John had one of his massive hairy hands wrapped around the back of Daddy Steve’s neck, his other on Daddy Steve’s waste while furiously fucking Daddy Steve in his ass. Daddy Steve looked like he was in pain, struggling with the invasion. ‘Take daddy’s cock you fucking faggot.’ Daddy John grunted at Daddy Steve and worked up flehm and spat it on Daddy Steve’s back. Daddy Steve panted and moaned as Daddy John just fucked away. ‘Yeah, That’s it pig. Take that raw cock.’ Daddy John continued. Something inside me switched. I don’t not know what happened. I never considered myself as a gay. I never thought of myself as anything. But watching my Daddy’s fuck sparked something in me and I felt myself harden in my football shorts. Daddy Steve’s eyes were watery. He look like he was going to cry. For a moment I felt sorry for him because he seemed in pain, but then I saw his hard cock swinging back and forth from Daddy Johns thrusts. I have seen his cock before when I was younger, but I had never seen it like this. it had to be at least 10inches and as thick as a Rexona spray can. His balls sat nice a tight below his cock and I could tell that he manscapes by the shape of his pubic area. ‘You ready for it faggot?!’ Daddy John grunted. And before Daddy Steve could reply, Daddy John did one last hard slam into Daddy Steve’s ass and moaned out loud. It scared the shit out of me for how loud he moaned. It was like a lion roaring. ‘Take that load you fucking whore!’ Daddy Steve moaned as well. But it was more like a painful moan than a joyful one. This went on for what seemed like ages and then Daddy John spat on Daddy Steve again and pull his cock out. I watched as a stream of cum squirted out of Daddy Steve’s hole. It was like his hole could not hold onto all that cum. And I was jaw dropped when I saw Daddy John’s cock. I thought Daddy Steve was big, but Daddy John took the crown. From what I could tell it was at least 12.5inches long and easily as thick as the largest part of my forearm. It glistened from all the slick juices from Daddy Steve’s arse which highlighted the still pulsing thick veins webby down Daddy John’s shaft. Oh and his knob was like a firm purplish helmet an inch thicker than the shaft. He then pushed Daddy Steve to his knees ‘Clean up that mess you made, pig.’ And shoved his cock down Daddy Steve’s throat. I watch as Daddy Steve’s blood shot eyes bulged out his head as he choked on it. Daddy John did not care one bit that Daddy Steve was gasping for air. He just kept pumping hard down daddy Steve’s through. It must have been too much for Daddy Steve because his gag reflex gave in and coughed up mucus all over Daddy John’s shaft, matting Daddy John’s pubs. This was too much for me. I quickly raced up stairs before they saw me and hopped in the shower. I was both aroused and scared of what I just saw. The way Daddy John treated Daddy Steve was wrong. It was degrading and unrespectful, but it was so hot and arousing at the same time. My cock deceived me and it was rock hard again. I pulled myself off and blew the biggest load all over the glass shower door. To be continued
    2 points
  6. While this is all fiction, I would love this to happen in real life. We had been planning on going out for a while. We rarely go to fetish club nights but at the annual fetish week we tend to hit a few events. The other half is two yearsyounger than me, six foot tall, blonde hair and blue eyes. He looks about 25, and has a thin toned body. This of course makes him very popular when it comes to play sessions, but he tends to not play to much, getting shy at clubs or not making the first move. This time it was going to change, or at least I hoped it would. We had both put rubber on for the evening. I was in my full suit, black and blue codpiece, and he was in his black rubber chaps with a yellow stripe, a jock and a black and yellow harness. You can tell, he was more into piss play, but I loved cum play. I was not really a chaser as on prep, but loved playing with Poz guys and cum-swapping with them, but my other half never took to prep, but always played safe. Different horses for different courses you could say. Knowing that a Poz loads was into me was hot as hell To me, but not his thing at all. Tonight, I wanted the other half to feel that, but not sure he would take to being fucked openly in a club. After being in the club for an hour and chatted to a few people he went off to the piss play space. I saw him getting into it and getting wet, but also more horny and for the first time in ages bending over more around guys. Clearly he was in the mood to be fucked. This got me rock hard, and also thinking. I left him to it and went for a walk about the club. After 15 minutes I saw a skin guy, looked about 30, cock out and clearly wanting to get some action. He had his bleacher jeans open, an alpha jacket on, polo shirt and looked cute as fuck, not like most skins in the club. I went over and started to rub his cock and went to suck it a bit getting that salty precum taste in my mouth. Just when I was getting into it the other half came over to join. He was still a bit wet and smelling of piss and rubber. He pulled my head up to kiss me and rubbed his arse off the skin guy, sliding between us to face me, with his arse to the skin. It looked really hot his bare arse showing through his chaps and rubber jock. The guy groaned a bit and started to rub his cock off my other half arse. We kept kissing and he was getting a lot more into it. Breathing heavy, thrusting and rubbing off me. I moved back a little but he carried on. That's when I realised the skin was inside him. I reach round, and no rubber on his cock, but my guy did not know. I thought about tell him but he was really into this guys cock inside him, so I just carried on too. The guy was building pace a bit but kept slowing off as well. Clearly me was holding off trying to cum just yet. After 15 minutes of the guy raw inside my other half, he was sweaty, and took off his jacket, that's when I looked over my guys shoulder, and saw biohazard tattoo on the skins arm. Of course with his back to him my partner could not see. Undetectable guys tend to play raw more, but thought best to check. I stopped kissing my guy to kiss the skin lad, making my partner bend right over so the skin could go in deeper. We made out for a few minutes and I whispered in the skins ear, ”nice tatt, your undetectable right?”, he went back to kissing me and then whispered back, ”no mate, toxic at the moment”. He's been fucking my guy raw for at least 20 minutes now, raw, working his Poz cock into him. I should tell my other half but this guys slowed down fucking, so clearly holding off cumming. I asked if he was close, and he smiled. He leaned in and said ” I've already cum once, but I just want to work that load deeper. He's so wet and lose now, it's been a big dump in him.” Before I knew it, he we building speed again, and this time I held his hips deep and hard as he fucked my guy. He was going to drop a second toxic load into him, and my guy had no idea if was Poz. My guy reached behind him, feeling the guys we about to cum, and roughly pulled the skin deep as he could just as he was cumming. Loading telling the skin ”fuck me hard, make me your fucking skin boy”. He came loudly and grunted as he loaded him for the second time. My guy did not let him pull put, and held his hips keeping him inside him. Still inside his arse, the skin pulled the black bomber jacket back on, covering his tattoo up. As he pulled out my guys arse, I saw cum dribble a bit out of him, and a the skin had a small red smear down his shaft. He must really have been going on rough. He fingered my guys arse hard, making his gasp, then kissed his neck and walked away. I went back to kissing my other half, him not knowing the toxic cum working it's way into his body
    2 points
  7. I had just arrived at the bathhouse. I was searching for my room. I could feel a presence rush up behind me. All of a sudden he was beside me. He took my arm and pulled me to a stop. His sweet young face beamed into mine; "Are you a top? I need you to fuck me!" I was so turned on but had to respond; "Damn, I was hoping you'd ask the opposite; 'Are you a bottom? I need to fuck you! I'm more bottom than vers. " This towel clad young man appeared to be 26 at the oldest. I'm 76 and this was my first bathhouse visit in almost 30 years. It had been two years since my lover of 28 years had died. I have always maintained a healthy sexual appetite which my partner had shared, in fact he died of a massive heart attack while fucking me. We were a monogamous couple. Don't get me wrong, I'm no saint. I had strayed from time to time while away on business or visiting family. But nothing more than the odd blow job. On the very rare occasion it went further it was always safe sex with a condom. Two years of solitary living had me profoundly horny. When I told a good friend about this over lunch one day he suggested a bathhouse visit. When I asked if there would be many older guys for me to play with he surprised me. No there would not be that many older guys but some younger guys would be all over me. He never had trouble getting laid by young lads with a daddy or even grandpa fetish. I was surprised, skeptical and desperate. I decided to give it a try. That such a handsome young man was hitting on me within a few minutes of arrival had me totally unnerved. I continued; "Sorry son. I hope you have a fun night. " "No problem Gramps! I'll find you before you leave and you can pump your load into me. I need your DNA." And he bounced off down the hall. If I had been unnerved before I was in a bit of shock now. Let me give you a little more background to understand. During the 1970's and early 80's, up until I met my husband, I had been a notoriously promiscuous bottom. More men had cum up my ass than the population of a small city. Until the end of that time noone even thought about condoms. Oh, I had the full assortment of STDS but miraculously didn't fall ill with HIV/AIDS. Even as we were awakening to the horror of AIDS and watching dozens of our friends fall sick and dye I was slow to adopt condom use. I wasn't even tested until it was clear my former partner and I were going to move into a long term commitment. I had never gotten the fuck flu but I was HIV positive. I had only fucked him twice before my diagnosis but two weeks after I knew I was poz he fell ill. I was the only man to have fucked him since his last negative test. There was no question, I had infected him. Despite his assurances that he didn't hold me responsible I remained wracked with guilt for decades. I suppose it was this guilt and parenting my niece and nephew that kept us so close to monogamy for so many years. My brother and his wife were killed in a head on collision with a drunk driver. Their twins, babes in arms, became our wards. Raising them was one of the delights of our lives together. Now here I was widowed and being hit on by a young man a little younger than the children I had raised. And; he clearly wanted me to breed him! I found my room, stripped, locked up my valuables, wrapped a towel around my midriff, took a viagra and found a room with a bank of T.V. screens showing porn. As I marveled at the variety of porn and enjoyed the parade of men passing through my young pursuer arrived and snuggled in beside me. Without a word he reached under my towel grabbing my semi-arroused dick. It responded immediately to his warm hand hardening to it's fat eight inch pogo stick glory. My young man was soon on his knees pulling open my towel and engulfing my erection to the base. It felt heavenly and I was flooded by pleasant memories of the many blow jobs I had given years before. His oral technique was superb and very soon my balls were letting me know I was getting dangerously close. I pulled his head off and told him as much as I loved what he was doing I wasn't ready to give up my load so soon. He just smiled an impish grin, informed me he had already collected his first load so was prelubed for me to fuck him. I laughed and said maybe later. Again he happily skipped off. It was a very nostalgic night for me as I wandered the halls and play areas. All the sounds of sexual abandon kept my cock fully hard. I was deeply surprised that I didn't see a condom in the place. And from the talk as I watched guys fuck it was clear they were playing unabashedly bareback. Bottoms were begging to be bred. Tops calling out; "Breeding you now man." I had heard a little about this trend in my limited social circles but had not really believed what I was hearing. Now I was seeing it with my own eyes and my heart raced with fear and excitement. I finally settled in below the slurp ramp and sampled a variety of hard cocks on offer through the many holes. Like in my early days most would pull away after a few minutes but three stayed long enough to fill my mouth with their sweet nectar. It felt so good to be swallowing down my favorite protein from strangers after so many years absence. After the last oral load I returned to my room for a bit of a rest. After a restless short nap; it's hard to really sleep with the relentless techno beat, I decided to open my door and watch men passing. I was very pleased the viagra was still working and enjoyed stroking and showing it to passers by. I realized I was sending the wrong message as a few guys stopped, some entering my room and made it clear they wanted me to fuck them. A fit fifty year old was the last of them. When I apologized confessing I was more bottom than vers he said; "Great. I would love to fuck you old man." I suggested he close the door and he had my cock in his mouth within seconds. Again I was receiving a very talented blowjob and again I was quickly getting close. When I asked him to stop he pulled off my cock and was eating and tongue fucking my ass. I could hardly believe my good fortune. After about ten minutes he stood and lined his seven inch member up with my ass ring. As he pressed his naked head on my ass I reached for a condom and offered it to him. "I'm HIV positive, you'll need this buddy." "I don't use those" he responded ", besides I'm on PrEP and you're probably medicated. " "You're right I am, but I haven't done it without a condom for years. You'll need to wear one if you want to fill this old hairy ass." "Nope, not for me old man. No hard feelings, but I'll just move on." As he slipped out my door in popped the young man from my arrival. "Hi Grampy. You don't mind me calling you that do you?" "Not at all." "So glad to see you got fucked. Are you ready to breed me your poz cum now?" I explained to him what had happened. I was surprised as he didn't bolt but brought me up to date on PrEP and u=u. Here I was at 76 years of age sitting through a course on gay sex in the new millennium. Gay bb sex 101. He was so patient, kind and sweet. I must admit my paternal heart was melting the longer he talked. Finally he proclaimed. "I've got five loads up my ass so why don't I top you. I'd love to raw pop your 'like a virgin for the very first time' ass. Let me remind you what skin on skin feels like. You need to remember how great it is to receive a man's hot load up your ass." "Thanks for the offer, that's very sweet. But, didn't you say you're unmedicated? You're toxic poz?" "Yah Gramps. Your meds protect you. Let's do this, less talk more fuck." "I don't know. It feels pretty frightening to me." "Fuckin A Gramps. The fear just ups the excitement. I know you want this" as he pointed his poz hard on at me. I totally surprised myself by rolling onto my back and lifting my legs. The young man spit on my ass and his cock. He was very gentle and attentive working himself into me balls deep. I could barely believe what was happening. Here I was 30 years since my last bare cock with a 26 year olds raw toxic fuck tool up my vulnerable ass. The terror and excitement were almost too much for me.
    2 points
  8. Trent, nude and with cum and lube in and out of his asshole climbed into bed and soon drifted off to sleep. It was dark when he woke up again. Jesus, what had he done? He hopped up and took a long shower. He frankly struggled with the memory of what he had just done. Heidi had been his rock through some tough times. They'd certainly had some fun in bed, too. However, as he reflected on what had just happened, Trent's cock hardened. He jerked off to the memory of his breeding, shooting a load on the shower floor. Trent got out of the shower and checked his phone. He had messages from some other guys who wanted to fuck him and like 20 from Heidi. It was 750pm. Trent called Heidi back. It was not pretty. She wanted to give it another try. Trent said that it wasn't going to work. Heidi wanted counseling. Their problems were more fundamental. Heidi said maybe, but they could work that out in counseling. Goddamnit said Trent. I had sex with men today. Heidi swallowed and said well I don't have a problem with being married to a bisexual man. Finally Trent spelled it out in detail. Heidi was silent for a minute. Finally, "please get a prep shot." Disconnect.
    2 points
  9. I probably did the molesting, to be quite honest. Mods, you're welcome to edit if need be. Here's my story: I was 10 when I gave my virginity to a 28yo redhead with an 8in cock. I saw him in the JC Penney restroom through a hole in the partition. He unlocked his stall door thinking I was much older than I was, and he freaked out when he saw my age. I told him to let me do what I wanted to do or I would tell the store clerk he tried to molest me. I sucked him for a bit, and then turned around and sat down on his cock. I went all the way down to his balls, all the way back up, and sat back down and he unloaded deep into my ass.
    2 points
  10. @losolent, this is another great story! Thanks for sharing it with us.
    2 points
  11. Top: always deep inside, never pull out.
    2 points
  12. Was a safe top all through the 90's. Had a lingering wish to try bottoming, but I guess I was too afraid I would like it. Around 2010, I finally got the courage to try bottoming on the old Craigs List. Totally wrapped up dicks for the first several years. At first it would just be one hook up a night. I lived near a university and I started inviting more than one college student to come, bring a friend, roommate, etc. 1 cock became 2 and 2 became 4 or 5 a night. Still all safe. A few years into bottoming, I talked myself into the idea that I was taking no real risk if I let the college boys breed me, so I started making it their choice. Surprising number of them wanted to fuck me raw. And I loved it. On a weekend, late at night after their dates hadn't put out, I'd have a stream of horny students coming by to load my hole. After the first guy, it was cum lubed all the way. I started to get a reputation on campus. And I started to lose control and become less discriminating. One of the campus maintenance guys answered my ad and even though he wasn't particularly young, he was hung huge, so I let him breed me, even though I was nervous. I loved his cock and the sense of added danger, so when he suggested he pimp me out, I said yes. The first time he did it, he lined up about 8-10 guys, all of them seasoned barebackers, older guys who had been around. I only saw a few of their faces, since I was often blind folded. I knew I was playing with fire now, but my ass was overruling my brain. I started craving bare cock. CL wasn't enough, so I started spending full 8 hour shifts at Midtowne Spa and Flex Spa, ass up, all fours, taking cock after cock. My specialty became sucking guys in the glory hole booths and then quickly turning around and sliding my pussy on their cock before they even knew they were barebacking. A few pulled out, but most stayed in and came in my ass. For the past 10 years, its been bareback only and I never looked back.
    2 points
  13. For my first couple years of being sexually active i fucked safe because i was young (in my late teens) i assumed it was normal. My first barebacking experience was when i had just turned 20, it was a random hookup with a much older guy. At that point i had never been with a guy a few years older than me. I met him in a bar, it was late and my friends had left to go home but i wanted to continue drinking. While i was at the bar ordering a drink a 45ish year old guy stepped to my side and offered to buy me that drink. We sat down at the table and he mentioned he noticed my friends had left, we joked about them being soft for not partying more etc. He mentioned he was meeting another guy at the bar but he didn't show up and asked if i was in the mood for more drinks and some fun at his house. I was having a great night out, i was fairly drunk and still buzzing so thought why not.. We caught a taxi to his house, when we walked in he grabbed me a beer, handed it to me and kissed me on my cheek. I looked at him and kissed him back. We undressed while kissing and i looked down at a perfect thick shaven cock. I dropped to my knees and started to suck. His cock sprung out to around 8" fully erect. We walked into the bedroom and he asked me to get onto my hands & knees exposing my hole. He tongue fucked me and rimmed my hole for a decent amount of time. I was so glad i cleaned myself before heading out just incase i got lucky. 😂 He asked would i like to fuck raw or with a rubber and i replied "rubber please." He put a rubber on, lubbed my hole more and started to push in. It was like taking a my dildo being so thick. After a short time he managed to be balls deep. He lay ontop of me and asked if have i ever taken a raw cock in my ass. I said no i hadn't. I got the impression he got excited by that comment because he just lay on top of me without moving and started talking & whispering in my ear. "You should try bare, it feels amazing, nothing like what a rubber feels like." "Its much more enjoyable and intimate" "You can feel the veins of my thick cock against your insides" "Its very natural to fuck raw, alot hotter too" "Think of the passion we will have in this beautiful moment" He said all of this while he basically had me pinned down, i was caught off guard with his words, he said it like a professional and knew how to get me excited. He withdrew from my hole, slipped the condom off and said let me slide in once raw, if you dont like it i'll put a condom back on. I was still abit stunned but very aroused at the same time, i didnt say anthing and all of a sudden i felt the head of his cock slide in. Straight away he asked me how does it feel which i replied "amazing" he thrusted in & out then back in and stopped then whispered in my ear "let me know if you want me to stop or pull out, it feels fantastic doesn't it. I just nodded my head as he started to thrust in & out again more frequently. He flipped me onto my back put my legs over his shoulders and picked up the pace. Finally he kissed me as i felt his cock throb, i knew he was cumming in me. He withdrew again and i felt his cum run out my hole. He kissed me again and said i hoped i enjoyed it. Well to this day i have NEVER touched a rubber again.
    2 points
  14. As a younger bottom, I’ve always preferred older guys (at least 30+) and big age gaps. There’s just something hot about that power dynamic for me
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  15. Spring has made the park a busy place. Not only did I get my cock sucked by cock hungry married guy, but I managed to talk a nervous retired bearded man into fucking a man (me) for the first time. Once he got in, he blew his nut in less than a minute. He acted so grateful and happy I thought he was gonna offer to buy me dinner. Lol
    2 points
  16. Part 2 The rest of the week was a blur for me. I was having an out of body moment and only snapped out of it whenever I was interrupted. My dad’s were picking up on it. Dinner time was awkward. I wouldn’t look them straight in the eye. What surprised me was the way they acted. They were normal. They were their loving selves. I didn’t get it. Daddy John literally raped Daddy Steve and Daddy Steve did not seem to care. I must have been distracted at footy because coach Davis kept giving me a verbal and asking where my head was at and my friends even said I seem distant. One Evening Daddy John pulled me aside before we left to go to football practice and asked me if I was ok. My grades had slipped and he was worried that they were not giving him enough study time or maybe too pressure. I told him I was fine and I’ll pick up my game. He gave me a big huge. He pressed me hard into him. His big massive arms cradled my back which pressed my face into his masculine chest and I could feel his bulge press against my own chest. I kept thinking that his massive cock was only a few inches away from my face and imagined what it would be like to have it in my mouth… Or my arse… The thought shocked me for a moment, but then I felt myself harden. Daddy John must have noticed and pulled back slightly to look down at me. He then said ‘I love you Son. You are my boy.’ And pulled me back in. My hard on pressed against his upper shin. We were about to leave when he stopped to tell me something ‘Oh. By the way. Steve and I are heading out tonight to celebrate his 53rd birthday.’ ‘I know dad.’ ‘You do?’ ‘You go out for his birthday every year. I know the routine.’ I amused as we kept on walking to the entrance. To the right is a side stair case leading to the lower level of the house. To the side at the bottom is another door leading to a room I am not allowed to go in. Daddy Steve walked out as we walked past the stair case. He said ‘Head to training?’ ‘We sure are, dad.’ I said as Daddy John opened the front door. ‘Happy birthday by the way. Have a fun night tonight. I’ll stay at Mitch’s place tonight.’ ‘Thanks Son. Tonight is going to be a blow out.’ I knew full well that they were going to have sex. I felt myself get hard again at the notion of it. But for the last few weeks I have snuck to the their bedroom to listen in on them fucking and Daddy John still had no remorse over Daddy Steve. He really violates him and Daddy Steve just excepts it, regardless of how much it hurts him. So something is different here. Something was up. I needed to know. So I planned to not go to Mitch’s and follow my dads. The time come and I made some bullshit story to my mates dad that I had to head home and pick up some school work I forgot. He was close to Daddy John’s age, little over weight, dad bod. I saw him in his jocks once when I walked past the bathroom and he was quite a hairy guy. He thought it was a little late to head over. It seemed to me that he was trying to stop me. His tone and the types of reason to make me stay just did not add up. Did he know something? He eventually said he would head over and get my school work. Frustrating for me. I had to go to plan B. I snuck out the window. It was 10pm. I got to my house. I saw Mitch’s dad arrive and a total strange opened the door for him. Strange. Who the fuck was that, and how did he know Mitch’s dad. I waited a moment to make my move then snuck through the front door. What I was presented with caught me by complete surprise. My dad’s house was full of men. Men of all different shapes, sizes and age. None however, seem to be younger than 40. They were at different levels of undress. And there were stiff dicks everywhere. I was lucky that no one had seen me. I looked down the stair case to the side of the entrance and saw a few men walking in through the door at the bottom. I saw an opportunity to sneak in and took it. I went through the door which open to yet another stair case followed by a long tunnel. It was dark. There was a shimmer of red light. I went down. The tunnel seemed long, but it could have been the dim lighting that made it feel that way. I reach the far entrance to the tunnel and what I saw completely warped my mind! The room look looked like a dungeon. There were varies fuck benches and slings. A leather couch, cross bar, mirrors on most of the walls and ceiling. The room was quite large and it easily had close to 60 or 70 guys in there. All naked, all playing with their cocks, all watching what was happening in the middle. Daddy Steve was strapped to a wooden bench face down getting railed by a stranger, while Daddy John was standing by Daddy Steve head watching the stranger fuck him. ‘I’M GONNA CUM!’ The stranger yelled and picked up his thrusts, driving deeper in Daddy Steve’s ass. ‘TAKE MY TOXIC LOAD, YOU FUCKING PIG!’ The stranger seemed to be cumming for a while, then he finally pulled out. I heard a plop from where I was standing. Very quick, another stranger replaced the previous stranger and just started jack hammering his cock into Daddy Steve’s cum filled hole. Daddy Steve moaned in pain through what looked like a red gag ball. I could not believe what I was seeing. My cock stiffened in my jocks from the site. I was scared, horrified and yet aroused by it. Under the bench there was some sort of cow tit milker attached my Daddy Steve’s 10 inch cock. It was a clear cylinder with a chrome base. I could see Daddy Steve’s nob poke through a larger cylinder attachment at the end which had a tube running down into a chrome tank. I could see that Daddy Steve had blown a load in it from the cum gathered at the entrance to the tube. ‘Hear comes another dirty load, you fucking slut.’ And the new stranger pumped his load into Daddy Steve. I nearly came in my jocks. Daddy Steve just got bred by two strangers, no tell how many other men have done the same, and Daddy John has just stood there and watched. The stranger pulled out and I could see his cock and pubs slick with cum. There was heaps. It glistened in the red lighting. Daddy John was wearing tight denim jeans and black boots. He had gauntlets with pointy studs on his forearms and a leather harness strapped around his muscly hairy chest. He look like one of those leather men from the Tom of Finland images. He leant over Daddy Steve and pull his muscly ass cheeks apart and examined his hole. ‘Not enough cum. NEXT’ He said with malice. Then another strange lined up. Daddy John move close to Daddy Steve’s ear, ‘Pig faggot, you are going to like this stranger. 10 inch cock, old, withered man, easily in his late 70’s. Yellow decaying teeth. And fuck… He smells like he hasn’t showered in a week. He looks like he is carrying a high viral load.’ Just as he said those few words, the old man shoved his 10 inch cock balls deep into Daddy Steve’s wrecked hole. It must have been too much for Daddy Steve. Next thing I heard was Daddy Steve moaning in pain while his cock ejaculated another load of cum into the cylinder. Daddy John noticed. ‘I thought you might have liked that, you fucking whore.’ He amused followed with a burly chuckle, then turned to the old man with his cock in Daddy Steve ‘Fuck that dirty poz infected slut. Charge him up and give the worthless whore your DNA.’ With that, the old man fucked him furiously. My cock couldn’t take it much longer, so I pulled it out and started playing with it. The old man did not last long. ‘Argh!... FUCK! Here comes my POZ load faggot. TAKE. IT!’ and he pushed back in deep and unloaded. It was getting way too much and I found myself pulling my cock really hard. It was then that I saw Mitch’s dad line up behind Daddy Steve. He had a curved 8 inch cock and he forced it into Daddy Steve’s gaping hole. I could not believe what I was seeing. He fucked really fast. Quick hammering. He seemed like he was in a hurry. And then grabbed Daddy Steve’s hips and slammed in hard and moaned out loud. I was on the verge of cumming, it was then that another 6 more guys walked past me from the tunnel. They were old guys in their 70’s and they saw me pulling my cock. ‘What we have here.’ One of the old men said while playing with his long dick. ‘Looks like young fresh meat.’ Another said, licking his crusty lips. ‘A shame you are not strapped to that bench. I wouldn’t mind a bit of boy pussy.’ Said another. For a moment I froze not knowing what to do. Then I quickly took off struggling to pull my pants up as I ran. I stumbled up the two sets of stair cases, passing even more naked men. I even felt a cock brush me as I went by. I managed to get to the entrance and get out. I got to the road and stopped to catch my breath. Flashes of what I had just saw kept flashing in my mind. To be continued
    2 points
  17. My lunch buddy friend was amazed when I reported on my bathhouse visit. Not that I saw so much bareback activity. He knew almost everyone went raw these days. That I had relented and taken toxic poz cum in just one visit, that astounded him. However, he didn't know me from my promiscuous years, before life with my husband. In those days my visit would not have ended with one flip fuck. The fifty year old had been listening at the door. He slipped into my room all smiles when the young buck left; "I heard it all. You want to top or bottom with me now?" "Sorry fella. Nice as your offer sounds that was just so intense for this old guy. I'm exhausted in a good way and taking these old bones home to my comfy bed. Maybe next time." "Okay old man. But you owe me. I'll be watching for you." "Fair enough, this raw cock and ass will be all yours." "I'll hold you to that. " "I'm counting on it." Over the next few days I was flooded with pleasant memories of my years as a single cumdump. I remembered that my favorite sexual exploits had been outside sex, cruising at night in the woods. I wondered if my old cruising territories were still active so I began going for sunset drives to check them out. A number of these old wooded areas had now been developed into housing or strip malls. I was beginning to despair as I turned the corner approaching one of my favorites from the past. It to was now a strip mall. Then I noticed among it's fifteen shops and restaurants was a triple X video shop. Since I hadn't been to one in years I decided to explore. The punk on the counter must have been 18 but he looked younger. I think they call his look Goth. Black and drape like clothing. Black painted fingernails and eye makeup. Pierced nose and huge black discs in his stretched earlobes. This was all topped with a spike of bright red hair over the peak of his skull. Despite his look he was friendly enough. He gave me a verbal tour of the store and highlighted the curtain door that led back to video booths. I considered playing it cool and browsing through the shelves of videos and magazines but quickly changed my mind. I would only have been fooling myself. I was there for sex so would be best to not pretend otherwise. I purchased my tokens and headed to the back. I couldn't see anyone when I passed through the curtain. It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. There were a couple of rows video booths and a quick survey of isles showed me that a half dozen were occupied with closed doors. I found myself wondering if I could discern the difference between the sex sounds from porn videos and guys actually doing each other. I came upon an occupied open booth. A man in his sixties was getting a blow job by an average looking guy in his thirties. When the older guy noticed me a look of horror entered his eyes. He quickly pulled up his pants and bolted from the booth. The younger guy motioned for me to enter and I was soon receiving a very adequate blow job. The door across the hall opened and the occupant stepped over to our door. He watched us and egged the young man on as he serviced my cock. The observers sizable cock was out and he asked with his eyes if he could join us. We both nodded assent and quickly he was eating my ass. My growing moans of pleasure sent a clear message. The younger of the two spun me around hoarked on his cock and was up my ass before I could even think. I was bent over so took the other cock in my mouth. I remembered how fulfilling it was to be spit roasted. I really wasn't ready for it to end when the young guy groaned; "Oh yeah old man ... take my load ... argh... ooph!." I felt each splash of hot cum hit my gut walls. As his softening cock fell out of me the other guy spun me and was already balls deep unloading his big fuck tool. He was so deep I couldn't feel the cum but the convulsions wracking his body were unmistakable. Damn it felt good to have two stranger's loads up my ass so quickly. I decided not to push my luck. I straightened my clothes and was heading through the front of the store when the kid behind the counter interpreted his chat with a friend to speak to me; "You leaving so soon old guy? You just got here." I blushed and was taken aback by the boldness of my confession; "Been here long enough to collect two loads. Unless you're going to offer your's I figure I may as well quit while I'm ahead." The clerk smiling; "Two loads eh. In the mouth or ass?" "Ass" "Cool man." He asked his friend to cover the til while he took me into the office. He wasted no time in getting his thin nine inch tool up my cummy prelubed hole. As he was unloading he told me how much he loved breeding old guys; "Older the better. Thanks Grampa." When I moved to pull my pants up he told me to stay as I was. His friend's payment for covering the store was to relieve himself in my ass. He left, his friend came in. His five inches went up my ass and he relieved himself by pissing in me. The clerk had literally meant 'relieve'. I used the office washroom to get rid of my unexpected enima. When I came to thank the clerk he drew my attention to the bank of screens showing what was playing in the video booths..They all showed the young clerk unloading in my ass. He looked to the back of the store and said; "You are the star attraction. You better get back there and collect your cum bouquets. Feel free to slip out of those clothes. You're not going to need them for a while." I was met by a bear of a man the moment I stepped through the curtain. He helped me out of my clothes, fucked and bred me right there in the hallway. In quick succession five more strangers pumped and dumped in this old fart. This aging ass had given up any hope of a nine load night years ago. A central part of my identity was back. Thanks be!
    2 points
  18. For those who missed the status update a few days ago, I won a porn award!!! I got "Underrated Performer" from Ravens Eden. Last year I won "Best Newcummer", but we all know what happened a week after the win, and I really didn't have opportunity to make much of the distinction. Now that the world grinds back into turning in recent days, I have a new title, and hopefully directors get off their asses and put me in things already. Goodness knows I've applied over and over to a variety of studios, but I seldom get a response. The title means nothing if I just sit on the couch for the next year and wait for the phone to ring. That's kinda how I feel about it. It's like I set up a huge party, advertised it like mad on Grindr and other sites, and then I put my ass in the air, and not one of the tops showed up all night. (Surely some of you can relate to this.) I'm rambling here, but before I hit the "send" button, I want to thank each and every one of you who voted for me when the ballots were out. Thanks for taking the time to do it. Even if you voted only once and forgot about it after, IT STILL COUNTED. Couldn't have won any other way. Thank you for getting me here. Now - WHO WANTS TO BREED THIS AWARD-WINNING PORN STAR?!
    2 points
  19. Chapter 4. I had run all the way to the hotel from the sauna. Even though I had spent time showering, I wasn’t exactly feeling fresh, and I knew I was still leaking seed from my freshly-bred hole. I couldn’t remembered the last time I had cum so much, or taken so much cum, in one afternoon. Seeing my two closest coworkers chumming with the burly top made my cock stir. He nodded at me and openly groped his crotch. His tight slacks couldn’t hide his juicy uncut cock snaking down his left thigh. He kept brushing his hand across his cock while staring at me. My boss, Sam noticed and cleared his throat, then introduced me, joking, ‘It seems like you two may have already met…’ My jaw dropped, embarrassed at what he was implying, and knowing he was right. My cock sprung fully back to life, straining against my trousers. My other colleague, Bryan, realized that there was tension in the air and suggested we head to dinner. I asked if they minded waiting a few more minutes for me to change and freshen up. I wanted to rinse off, and to call my boyfriend to tell him how my time at the sauna had gone. The burly top nodded his assent and then followed me to the elevator. He looked over his shoulder at Bryan and Sam and said we would be right back. My coworkers seemed shocked, as if they knew he was going to follow me upstairs and breed me, again. As soon as the elevator doors closed, his paws were down the back of my pants fingering my dripping hole. He had a wet spot of precum on his trouser leg by the time we were close to my room. I fumbled with the keycard and opened the door. He stood there with his hands on his hips smiling at me. I shucked off my clothes and was half-mortified, half-thrilled to realize there was a giant wet crack in my pants. Sam and Bryan must have noticed as I walked away from them. They must have known I spent the afternoon taking loads… The burly top, whose name I still didn’t know, bent me over the bed and ate out my sloppy hole. His bristly blond mustache felt so good on my used puffy ass. I reached for my phone with one hand and video-called my boyfriend. In the screen, I could see my boy on his chest, with a blurry torso moving back and forth. He was taking cock, almost certainly raw, while I was leaking fresh seed into this hunk’s mouth. He grunted and smiled, ‘I see you’re having a good time. You taking loads?’ I nodded. The hunk laid on top of me as he fished out his hefty uncut cock from the fly of his pants, and slid it effortlessly into me. I moaned and nodded an affirmative. The hunk took the phone from me, leaving it on, and put it on the bedside table. In a thick continental accent, he growled, ‘It’s dangerous to fuck raw. You might catch something…’ My boy sounded delighted as whoever was fucking him started cursing in Spanish. I knew what ‘cholo’ and ‘puta’ meant… My hunk fired off his second load into me and pulled off. He signaled to the bathroom for me to shower and then started making smallt alk with my boyfriend as he took that dick. I rinsed off as quickly as I could and tried to force out as much of his toxic cum as possible. I realized that I still had on my yellow bracelet, and decided to leave it on. I hurriedly got dressed and saw the hunk sitting on my bed looking at my phone. ‘I watched your boyfriend get bred… He’s taking a new cock now, probably toxic… Nice that you both take loads…’ He grinned at me as I finished getting dressed. We got back to the lobby together and I saw Sam and Bryan chatting at the dimly-lit lobby bar. I saw Sam gently stroking Bryan’s hand, like they were flirting. I realized that the only thing that made me even notice the discreet gesture was that Sam was wearing a yellow bracelet that matched mine. The blond hunk saw it too and chuckled. ‘Your office must be full of sluts,’ he whispered. Silently, he walked up behind Sam and aligned his crotch against Sam’s ass. Sam melted into him and Bryan winked at me. I knew it was going to be an interesting night… To be continued…
    2 points
  20. I’d been drinking, and in my inebriated mind decided to walk home rather than wait for a night bus. After checking a couple of apps, I was feeling a bit horny even if I had no mind to do anything about it. It was then when I noticed the illuminated sign for the sauna. I’d passed it many times before and knew it had something of a reputation for its theme nights where one night it’s Daddies/ Bois or no towels or whatever. I decided that I would pop in for a bit, freshen up in the shower and maybe get sucked off. Job done. Once I’m buzzed in I realise that I’m actually doing this, and so check in for a towel, give reception my email for some reason for their mailing list, and head into the changing area, clumsily undress and then head into the main part of the sauna. After doing the rounds – and discovering there’s even a sling area, which stank of piss – I settled into a wood cabin that seemed fairly quiet bar the two older daddy types, mid-50s, looked like regulars but were in hot shape, gently feasting off each other’s bodies, teasing each zone and clearly been there a while. I settled down on a bench to the side and vaguely watched them. One of them reached over under my towel and put his hand on my stiffening cock and smiled “What have we here?” He leaned over further and began nibbling on my cock. Fuck. I hadn’t quite budgeted for this, but my horniness seemingly had me pinned to the spot as his mouth started to suck. His mate slid over and handed me some poppers. I felt obliged to really. It seemed rude not to. Although the minute I whiffed a few snorts my head felt like the wiring had come lose and all that now mattered was this hairy dad feeding on me. His mate leant into kiss me and again and suddenly I’d never wanted this stranger more. I felt the cocksucker’s fingers probe my hole, somewhat looking confused that it was dry and tight, but almost instantaneously the evidence of a sick grin replacing it. “Slow night brother?” It took me a moment to realise he was talking to me. “Uh… not really. Just a bit drunk and horny” I replied. “Hehe, nice. Drunk and horny on a PozBro night. I get you” “Wait, what? I thought that was Tuesdays...” “No mate. Been Thursdays for the last four months. Every other week we let in non-members and chasers” “Really? Ah okay. Bit of a mistake. I’ll leave you guys to it then” as I went to get up, the popper daddy pulled me backed into a kiss. I was beginning to feel strange, and realise these fuckers had me in their web. I could hear the door being locked and started to feel panicked “Not so fast bro… Hey Steve I think we’ve got ourselves a newbie!” I kept struggling as Steve pulled out the poppers again. Fuuuuck. What was in them? They were making me react the way they wanted. My body betraying my frantic mind. Half terrified, half horny. Jesus. I could only hope to get out of this alive. “I think you’re right Glen. Luckily for him we’re on a recruitment drive. I think we should showcase a few of the membership benefits while he’s here.” Glen was starting to tease my hole with his tongue. Oh boy, not felt anything like that before. I had begun to bliss out with the intoxication, feeling reasonably good despite the fact I was naked, horny, off my face in a locked room with two poz fuckers talking about recruiting me. Holy shit. I found myself turning my face to Steve’s cock. Man, what a fucking amazing poz tool, I thought. Thoughts that evaporated as I begun to suck down on it. Meanwhile Glen had been probing my hole, and I’d been slowly aware of letting him begin to probe me further. I wasn’t quite understanding my behavior, but everything felt so good and right and I figured I could risk this. They must be bluffing, I thought, there is no way someone would be so toxic that it would take immediately… That’s how I looked at it. Surely every guy doesn’t get pozzed instantly… That said, Glen was still pursuing my hole. I noticed him spit on his cock. I hoped there’d be lube but it was unlikely I was to get a smooth ride. These two fuckers know too much as it is. “That’s one tight hole there. Good thing you have us here to help you realise what a pleasure centre you can be. So much potential for you as a pozbro”. Oh fuck.
    1 point
  21. I really started chasing about a year ago, back then it was me taking a prep vacation and taking loads from anyone that would give me one. Over the past few months I’ve had a sexual awakening, if you will. I went from prep vacationer to stoping prep completely. I hit so many people up on BBRT and Scruff due to keywords I noticed in their profiles. I began to not really expect a response, but I finally got one… A month went by of chatting daily where we shared our deepest darkest desires. I gained a better understanding of the chase, and what I’m getting myself into. He put me through a rigorous examination via dialogue before he even agreed to convert me. I had to prove I was willing and fully understood how this would change my life forever both medicated and unmedicated. We finally met up with no intentions of playing, just an in-person discussion of our goals individually and together. I met him as he got off work. We talked in my car for a while, I wasn’t keeping track of time. He invited me back to his place to talk further and I agreed. I followed him to his apartment. Within ten minutes I was heels to Jesus begging for him to poz me. That night I took my first toxic load after being off prep for approximately 30 days. I get a message the next morning apologizing because he didn’t keep his word regarding our “no sex” agreement and concern that I would be regretting what took place. After reassuring him and a lot of conversation about my desires to become POZ. We scheduled another date for a couple days later and it wasn’t your typical meet up. I’d been wanting a PA for sometime, and the only time I could get scheduled with a piercer was during our date. Which totally ruined my plans for sex, but it gave us time to get to know each other. He continued to fuck me on a regular basis for the next few weeks. Being a couple of depraved freaks we even slammed his blood into my veins. One afternoon he let me cut repeatedly into his chest with a scalpel. I cut into mine on the opposite side and we pressed our bleeding bodies against each other and kissed more passionately than any two people have. He stared into my eyes, “Suck it until your mouth is full, but don’t swallow.” When I pulled my lips away from his chest he bent down and sucked his blood from my mouth. He flipped me over, spit on his dick and fucked me with our blood and spit for lube. He pressed and fingered his chest working his tongue around the wound until he has slurped enough to spit more onto his dick and kept fucking me. When we kissed our bloods pressed between our lips and cheeks. By the time he came inside me we looked like vampire characters from Buffy.
    1 point
  22. Just finally fulfilled a fantasy of mine i got bred by a trucker in his cab. Best fuck ever. Guy was a big hairy dude he had a 8 day load in him. I was only supposed to blow him he asked if I bottom. I said yes but only wanted to suck him off. He got a bit aggressive and wouldn't take no for a answer got me naked and gave me the best fuck of my life. His cum is leaking out of my hole as I write this
    1 point
  23. I've never felched, nor been felched; I'd be delighted to try it some time. Probably to get felched would be better to start with. I do get rimmed often enough, it seems. I have a great FWB, and he is in profound lust with my ass. After a sufficient volume of clouds has been created, he often has me get on all fours, while he positions himself on his all fours right behind me, and first, it's his fingers that begin stroking my now throbbing hole, and after just a very few minutes, something much broader, much softer, much wetter, and much warmer than the tenderest of his fingers is scouting its way, first, around the outside of my hole, and after he's adjudged my panting and moaning to have reached suitable levels, then to the inside of my hole itself. I find I cannot help it; in spite of myself, I feel my anal muscles pushing back, against not simply his tongue, but against the very air in the room. When we've planned adequately, my friend has carefully trimmed his beard and moustache, which I feel on those occasions tenderly - well, not so tenderly actually, driving my hole nuts as their stiff bristles scrape along the soft and tender skin of my orifice. As often as not, that's the point at which my shoulders collapse in runaway lust, and I fold my arms in front of me and rest my head where they cross while my friend continues his oral ministrations to my person. My thoughts become incoherent, all I do is moan and whimper, and all he does is eat and snicker. Lastly, the pointy tongue becomes the wide shovel, and my hole is being partially eaten in this latest onslaught. If I was moaning and whimpering before, I'm sometimes sobbing now, with lust and depraved enjoyment of what he is doing to me. At least a few times it becomes his object to see just how far inside me he can shove it, and when he does so, he maintains it there for at least a few seconds and wiggles it up and down, back and forth and around, and sometimes he just lets it lie there inside me where he's put it and enjoys my reacting to it so stridently, and every few moments, this low-pitched rumbling chuckle quietly spills forth from his mouth, softly vibrating my soft tissues.
    1 point
  24. About 25 years ago, I started a fuck buddy relationship with this hot, well-hung black guy who was very closeted. He was always worried someone would find out he slept with guys, so he was super flaky. I think we actually hooked up less that 1 out of every 5 times he hit me up. Why did I put up with all this? He had easily an 11" dick - not super thick but definitely a BBC. This was at the time I was becoming a complete barebacker. I didn't usually discuss things ahead of time, but I always tried to talk the top into going bare when we were in the middle of things. The first time he actually let a meet happen I waited until we had done mutual oral and were ready to fuck. "You know you don't have to put that rubber on," I said as he picked up the package. He didn't saying anything and continued to put on the condom. He fingered and lubed my ass. He raised my legs to his shoulders. Once he got inside and began to really fuck me, he rolled me further over onto my back. I was rolled up into a ball, and I really could not have gotten out from under him without a struggle. He looked me in the eye and slid out of my hole. He reached down, slipped the rubber off, and then slid back inside me. In due time, he filled me up with a huge load. Despite his continual flakiness about meeting, he was never freaky about raw. We never even talked about condoms again. He must have bred me 15-20 times over the next couple of years before he finally disappeared for good.
    1 point
  25. I jerked off at 8 times to this story. It's so hot.
    1 point
  26. Newly on PrEP. Looking to become a cumdump. London from Monday night after 9pm
    1 point
  27. You say that "for poz it's hypothetical", but the entire premise of your question is hypothetical: IF a vaccine were to become available. More importantly: a vaccine prevents infection; it doesn't cure, so for a poz person, it's irrelevant (unless HIV started stably mutating more than it already has, and the vaccine prevented infection by a new mutation). Now if you mean to ask "For poz people, would you have chosen to get vaccinated if one had been available before you converted?", that would be a reasonable question to ask.
    1 point
  28. Two things. The guy has the right to be homophobic, just like you have the right to be gay. What he doesnt have the right to do is bring that in to work. That is completely unprofessional and cannot be tolerated. Drama queen may have ulterior motives. If the guy up for the promotion, were "out of the way" would that open up oportunities for drama queen? Those may be real or imagined by her, and since she is "a good friend" she may think that will give her a leg up. She did you no favors by telling you about the supposed homophobia. That puts you in a real bad situation. Pilots have a saying, when an emergency situation arises. Fly the plane.
    1 point
  29. I was living in Houston during one of the many hurricanes that have plagued that city. The complex I was living in was a really small two-story structure that was adorable and completely gay. There were no more than twenty units with a pool in the center courtyard. I lived on the lower floor near the entrance so I saw everyone coming and going. It was very friendly and quite cruisy. It didn’t take long to learn that this complex was quite notorious for its cruising at night. When I was feeling antsy, I would usually open my living room drapes and sit around watching who was walking about the grounds. One late Friday night, I saw a guy getting fucked in a second story corridor. I just stared. Amazing. One of the first encounters I had was with a young blonde guy who also lived in the complex. He would always wave hello and walk around in his really tight blue jean shorts. His ass was screaming in those shorts. This one evening he was lingering around my door when I finally opened the door and leaned against the frame and started chatting with him. Before wasting too much time he made it clear he wanted to get fucked. Perfect, I thought. He came inside and stripped immediately and jumped onto my bed, spread his legs wide and started playing with his ass in an erotic nasty way. I love a bottom to be nasty and assertive. If you want to get fucked, let me know it and tell me what you need. I got us a few beers and came back into the bedroom. He was getting all worked up. He slid a finger in his sweet hole and started moving it around. I stripped and got on the bed and fed him my cock. He swallowed it completely. I reached down and added my finger to his hole along next to his. He had a nice, hot, tight and hungry pussy. I pulled my cock out of his mouth and stuffed it all the way up his boy cunt. He was smooth and slippery. I really should have eaten him first, but he was moving quickly and needed some cock inside him fast. He encouraged me by saying things like, “Yeah stud that cock feels hot inside my ass. Fuck me, yeah, that’s it, fuck me.” It didn’t take long for him to blow his load which set me off. I pumped his ass full of my load. As soon as I was through, he popped my cock out of his ass and licked my cock clean. Then he started to get dressed. He was really friendly and said, “Anytime you need a piece of ass, no matter what time it is, stud, I’m in 11B. The door will be open, come on in.” And I did exactly that several more times. There was a black guy that lived on the lower level that I saw coming and going from time to time. He was seriously packing a heavy basket. He was rightfully proud of it and would stuff into a liquid pair of worn jeans. He’d adjust it to the right side and stage his balls so they accentuated his over-sized cock. You could even make out his cock hear through those jeans. He made it obvious to all that he had a huge cock. I remember thinking to myself, damn, that must be uncomfortable to be carrying that around all the time. He was a hot looking guy, probably around 29 or so. A neighbor a few doors down had befriended me and we were sitting outside chatting when the hot black guy walked by and said hello. My neighbor asked if I knew the guy. I said no and he told me his name was Michael. “He tried to pick me up once, but I wouldn’t go near him.” I asked why? He told me that even though the guy was hot, “What the hell was I supposed to do with a cock that big? I’m pretty good, but not that good.” I just sort of smiled and thought damn, how big can he really be? It was really late on a Saturday night and the courtyard was getting really cruisy. I kid you not, probably 15 or so guys walking about looking into windows. I was watching TV in my living room with the curtains open sort of keeping one eye on the tube and the other eye on the courtyard. It was very erotic watching these guys pick up my neighbors. Then there was a tap at my door. I opened it and a guy said, “He man, what’s up?” I looked at him and he was pretty hot looking and I thought, why the hell not? I said,” Not much here bud, what are you into?” He told me he was open but that he really wanted a chance to eat my hot ass. I opened the door a little wider. The guy came in and said that there was just one thing, he was here with his lover and could his lover join in? I asked what his lover was into and he said, “Three-ways.” I said sure and he left and returned with a hot looking guy. Both guys were in their mid twenties with a slim, muscular build. The boyfriend was taller and more muscled. We all started stripping during introductions and the first guy immediately got on his knees behind me and spread my ass cheeks and started eating. Man his tongue was deep and wet. His boyfriend stripped and showed me a nice hard 8” cock with a thick mushroom head to it. I bent down and started sucking his cock. He worked the back of my head and helped me to deep throat him. As soon as I hit bottom, he groaned in a hot masculine guttural way. I loved feeling that thick cock buried in my throat. In the mean time, the shorter guy was making a pig of himself in my ass. Spit was dripping down my thigh and off my balls. He pulled his face out of my ass and told his boyfriend, “David, you gotta eat some of this, man. This is excellent ass.” David got down and began to eat me out, too. Then each of these hot fuckers plowed my ass till I was begging for them to blow their loads. They deposited two hot loads deep inside me and left. I fell asleep feeling very contented and really full. I was awakened in the middle of the night by a hand on my ass and was startled. Lying on my stomach, with only a sheet to cover up with, I tried to assess the situation but was jarred awake and looked up and it was my neighbor, the black guy, Michael. We had never really met, but here he was in my bedroom. I could feel his hand on my ass and I swear he swiped a finger across my hole as he awakened me. I wonder if he could tell that I had been creamed earlier. He told me my front door came ajar and with all of the foot traffic, he thought I should close it and lock it. He said it was not safe. I guessed the wind had blown the door open in the middle of the night. I was caught off guard, thanked him and gathered the sheet up and wrapped it around my waist and walked him to the door. I fell back to sleep, but never stopped wondering if he was trying to finger me. I also knew I wanted this guy to fuck me to death. I didn’t know how I would get his attention again, but I started fantasizing about his huge cock and wondered what it would look like going into my pale white cunt. I had to have him. Later in the summer a hurricane was predicted to be a direct hit to Houston. Everyone was making emergency arrangements. Most of my neighbors had decided to ride the storm out so I thought I would join them instead of going to my family’s house up north. Soon a full fledged hurricane party was organized. Everyone would stay in the lower apartments and one apartment would be used for drinks, one for food, another was to store debris that blew around the courtyard to prevent it from breaking any windows. The winds picked up early Friday morning and the rains came and pummeled us throughout the night. Saturday the eye crossed us around 9:00 p.m., and then we got the wet side, but everything was in control. People were having fun, taking care of business and eating and drinking and feeling very neighborly. Michael, the black stud I craved was nowhere to be found. I hadn’t seen him the night before either. I suspected that he went to stay with friends in a safer place away from the storm. As the evening wore on, the worst of the storm passed and I was starting to get tired and thinking about leaving to go to my apartment which was not being used for anything. In the corner of my eye I saw Michael enter the unit I was in. This was the unit that served drinks. Of course the evening cocktail was a Hurricane. He got a drink and headed right for me. He said hello and asked how I was. He said, “Wow, dude, I haven’t seen you since that night your door was wide open. I hope that I didn’t scare you off.” I said no, that I was so groggy and sleepy; I barely remember that evening, except that he probably saved me from getting robbed or something. He then leaned in and whispered, “Man I wanted that ass of yours so bad, but you were so out of it that I decided the timing was all wrong. I really liked what I saw.” I was so fucking turned on by this and said, “Man you should have taken what you needed I would have been fine with that.” He said “Well the storm has several more hours why not make good use of the time?” Then he said, “Give me your hand.” I reached out and he took my hand and placed it directly on his huge bulge. I quickly turned to look and see if anyone could see us. He was packed in so tight. I could feel the heat emanating from his jeans. I was excited and scared at the same time. I knew I wanted this black mother fucker, but I didn’t think I could handle him...in any capacity. He leaned in closer and put his lips against my ear and said, “I’m gonna make your pussy wet and your pucker is going to be glowing rosy-red when I’m through with you. Have you ever had a big nigger dick in that puss?” I started to sweat and could feel moisture gather along the crack of my ass. I cleared my throat and told him that I had and that I loved black cock. He said, “I’m not talking about black cock. I’m talking about pure nigger dick. Let’s go.” We got to my apartment and he started to unbutton his jeans; he wore no underwear. He left his jeans unbuttoned and took off his shirt. He was built like a brick shit house. Well defined muscles, quarter-sized nipples and he was blue-black. His bush was short and tight and I couldn’t wait to see what was underneath. I was starting to sweat because I was boned and anxious. I didn’t know what to do next. He lit a joint and passed it to me. I took a toke and inhaled deeply as he started feeling me up. He unbuttoned my shirt and started tweaking my nips. He got rid of my shirt and started to unzip and push my jeans to my knees. Leaning down he took my left tit into his mouth and started to nibble and suck. I took another hit off the joint and passed it back to him. I could feel his hand massage my shoulder and then move down my spine to the top of my ass. My cock was raging as he slid his hand down to my butt cheeks and further to my crack. He soon found my hole and rubbed across it and moaned along with me when he found it. He then bit my tit taking me to the edge. He stepped back and said, “Yeah dude, we’re gonna have a hot time tonight.” He lowered his jeans and his cock sprang free. I couldn’t believe it. I just stared at it speechless. He smiled and said, “Don’t worry about it; we’ll have a good time.” He had at least 12 inches of thick jet-black uncut dick. The length didn’t scare me as much as the thickness. I took it in my hand and couldn’t touch my fingers to my thumb. This was clearly the biggest cock I have ever seen, much less held, and certainly the blackest. I went to my knees and peeled back the foreskin from the enormous head. It was stunning to see this huge cock head drooling pre-cum. I licked it and savored the taste. Michael was encouraging me all the way telling me that I looked good with Nigger dick in my white mouth. He grabbed the back of my blonde head and tried to stuff it down my throat. I pulled back and looked up at him and said, “Dude, I will swallow your cock, but you’ve got to give me time to get used to it, cool?” He smiled and let go of my head. Don’t get me wrong I love having cock forced down my throat, but this was serious business. Someone could get hurt. And I wanted to do this right. I got up and suggested he get on the bed and lay back. I grabbed a fresh bottle of poppers and lube and got between his legs. I greased his cock with Astroglide and it glistened. I went back to work. I licked his cock and sucked it for 10 minutes or so and licked down to his balls. I sucked one in my mouth then took my fingers and stuffed the other one in my mouth along with the first one. He was grinding his hips upward so I knew he was getting hotter. I tightened up on his balls while pulling away creating a pressure that I knew he’d love. I spit his balls out and licked back up his shaft. I took a small hit off the poppers, sucked in my breath and got as much spit into my mouth as I could muster. I started to descend down his cock and soon felt the huge head at my throat. I inhaled a little more and pushed. Nothing happened. I tried again and still nothing. I was drooling spit all around this guy’s cock and sliding up and down spreading it as best as I could. There was a lot of real estate to cover. Finally, I pushed hard and kept the pressure on his cock, and then something popped. It was his cock head. It had popped from the back of my mouth then into my throat. I actually felt my throat expand to accommodate his girth. I was a bit stunned at first, but stayed perfectly still. Michael was moaning and started to play with my hair. I looked up at him and he made eye contact with me. He had this hot lusty look on his face. “You’re doing great white boy. You can do this. Come on, take this cock. This is nigger dick and you know you want it.” I did want it. I slowly started to push even more of his cock into my throat. My eyes were watering. I knew if I panicked, I would have to spit his cock out and start all over. I was now more than half way there. My eyes were bulging out. I stopped and tried to breathe through my nose. It worked, I got oxygen and calmed down and continued my descent. He started growling louder and louder as I went further and further down. Snot started running out of my nose but I didn’t care. I felt little micro-pricks on my upper lip. I opened my eyes and saw a jet-black forest that was his pubic hair. The wiry hairs were sticking into my lips. Fuck me! I was at the base of his cock. I had deep-throated the biggest cock I have ever had. He started gyrating and moaning and cursing. Michael and I made eye contact. There were tears in mine. I needed to breathe. I tried to breathe through my nose and again, it worked. Michael looked at me with pure lust and said, “Oh my fucking god! Please don’t stop. Please stud, Can I fuck your throat? Please let me, just a little?” I signaled him he could. Michael took the locks of my hair in each hand and got a good grip and then started to slide his big fucking dick in and out of my throat. I knew I couldn’t do this for too long, but I wanted to please my black stallion. He picked up the pace while I focused on controlling my throat muscles and keeping my lungs filled with air. He was breathing hard and grunting and cursing. “Eat dick, you cocksucker. Oh baby, fuck yeah, take that nigger dick all the way down. Look at that!” With that he stuffed his monster all the way to the base and held it there. I was starting to gag on it. Saliva was drooling out everywhere. Snot was coming out of my nose and I needed air, but neither of us cared so Michael started his assault again. He was skull fucking me brutally and my throat was starting to get sore. Still, I was in heaven. The smell of this stud was intoxicating. Suddenly he pulled out and through his labored breathing said, “Fuck, man, no one has ever done that to me before. Not like that. I almost lost it. But I want more from you than a blow job. Turn around and show me what you got.” Still gasping for air, I grabbed my poppers and turned around and buried my face in the pillow sticking my ass up in the air. I felt Michael crawl on top of me. He felt so warm and his cock was wedged between his stomach and my ass cheeks. It was wet and still emanating heat. He was grinding and kissing the back of my neck. He reached around and grabbed my tits with each hand and was twisting them. He whispered in my ear again, “I want you to turn around on your back, spread your legs and show me your that pearly white ass and pink pussy.” I turned around onto my back and spread my legs and lifted each knee and opened my ass for him to see. He moaned and started massaging both cheeks of my ass. He got down low and told me to finger myself. I could feel his breath on my hole. I inserted a finger in. He started licking my finger as it went in and out. I pulled completely out and he sucked my finger all the way down to the knuckle. He then stuck his tongue into my hole. Damn that felt good. I purred into the pillow. “Good pussy, stud.” He really started eating my ass out good at that point. Lapping at first then inserting his tongue as far as possible. He was making jabbing fucking motions with his tongue. He kept pushing my legs higher and higher. He told me to take each leg and pull it back and hold it there. I tried but that wasn’t the right position for him. He grabbed some pillows and stuffed two under my butt lifting it up and another two behind my head. He told me to grab my ankles and hold them back as far as I could. This was the perfect position. I grabbed each ankle and brought them to either side of my head. I could actually see both of them with my peripheral vision. “Can you see your cunt, baby?” Looking down I told him surprisingly, that I could. I had a perfect shot of my glistening rose bud. I made it wink and spit bubbled out. Michael slid two fingers into me. I loved the way his coal-black fingers looked stuffed in my ass. I wanted to get fucked so bad. I was so horned for some big black nigger dick. I understood what Michael meant when he told me he didn’t have a black cock. Michael added a third finger and started licking the outer perimeter of my ass ring. He was really getting me opened. He added some lube and started sliding his fingers in and out steadily. I was really getting turned on. Then he added more lube and a forth finger. I was making sounds and squirming from side to side. Michael looked right into my eyes and said, “Oh baby that is right where I want to be. I love your fucking ass. You ready?” I looked at him and nodded. The hurricane outside was raging full force and so was I. He put the bottle of poppers under my right nostril and closed the left nostril and I inhaled. He repeated the other side. I began to feel light headed. He pulled his four fingers out of my ass and I looked down. His huge cock head was black and shiny with lube. He put the head at my pucker, which was rosy red just liked he’d promised earlier. I was starting to feel the poppers at this point, and then I felt him put pressure on my ass rim. Nothing was happening so I pushed out. “Good boy, work that pussy. You know what you want.” he said. I pushed out again and the head pushed through my ring and he slowly slid his cock in to the base. I gasped. His cock was huge. This big fat cock was buried all the way inside me; his bush was pricking my cunt lips. I started breathing again and thought, damn, this is as much dick as I could possible have inside me. I was stretched to the max. I was definitely full. I felt Michael flex his rock hard cock. I clamped down on my ass in response. He said, “That’s it baby, talk to me. Let daddy know you like his nigger dick in your pussy.” I clamped down again and then again. “Ready?” he asked? I was still holding my legs back looking down at this monster dick buried in my ass. “Yeah dude, I’m ready. Fuck me stud,” I said. He asked, “You want this big nigger dick in your pussy?” I said, Hell yeah, man fuck my ass. Give it to me, fucker and don’t be gentle. Fuck me like a man.” He put the popper bottle under my nose and fed me the only elixir that would get me through to upcoming fuck. He slowly started pulling out and stopping only to apply more lube and then pushing back in. His fucking motion and the sheer size of his cock created a vacuum in my ass which in turn made a sloppy airy squishy farting noise that you only hear when the fuck is nasty. Michael started grunting and cursing again. Every few minutes he would feed me more poppers and body slam into me again. I clamped down on his cock to give him his money’s worth and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Sweat was pouring off his face and onto me. Each time he slammed back into my cunt he was making me more of a whore for his black cock. Michael told me to watch this. I looked down and he pulled his saturated dick completely out and slammed it back into my ass. Now my eyes rolled to the back of my head. He repeated this 8 or 10 times. Then he pulled out, and quickly slid 4 fingers and most of the palm of his hand into my ass and slowly twisted. We both moaned incoherently. Michael made eye contact and said he loved the warmth and feeling of a freshly fucked hole. He shoved his cock back in and jack-hammered be into the bed. My head was slamming against the headboard which knocking pictures off the wall. I was delirious and moaning jumbled sentences begging him to fuck me. I reached down between our legs and scooped up globs of pre-cum, lube and ass juice and lubed my cock up. I looked up at Michael, who was now basically doing push-ups on top of me, made eye contact and stuttered the words, “Wreck my fucking cunt.” At that instant, blew my load all over my face, Michael’s face and both of our chests. Volley after volley landed somewhere across one of us. That did it for Michael. “This is how it feels to get nigger fucked. Here I go you fucking hot white-trash motherfucker.” He pumped harder and hard then buried his cock and stayed still. I could feel his heartbeat through his dick. I felt it pulse really hard. He shot load after load into me. His cock continued to pulse and I could actually feel the heat of his cum inside me. He stayed still while his cock finished blowing its nut. I lost track of cum shots and heartbeats as they soon became one in the same. He laid there on top of me for a few minutes catching his breath. Once in a while he’d flex his cock and I would return the gesture by clamping down on his softening dick. After we recovered, Michael slowly pulled his cock out of my ass causing a vacuum “whoosh” sound and a small river of cum began to flow out of my ass. He looked at it and said, “That’s hot.” I had never been so thoroughly fucked in my life. The storm eventually passed. I never did get together with Michael again. We’d pass each other at the complex and flirt. Once we even tried to get together again, but it never seemed to work out. I will never forget that night in the hurricane.
    1 point
  30. In my person opinion, the media and people are trying to pretend like COVID is over. The media is very slowly trying to move on so they can get the economy going, and people are willing to psych themselves out and buy into it. I will still be very cautious about meeting in large groups sill.
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  31. 1 point
  32. I'm a BIG ParTy Boy pig Btm here. LOVE to get my holes used 1on1, group, bb, gloryholes, dom/sub (I can be very obedient or dom), FISTING, cum, spit, dirty/nasty talk, WS, shotgunning, anon, TOYS, Pumps, playing on cam, Kissing, body contact, poppers, very open-minded.
    1 point
  33. Words cannot express just how important this particular step is (and thank you @BreedingTop71 for calling it out). My personal take on all of this is that you'd be surprised just how common this fantasy is. That being said, there is a way to do this responsibly so that you don't inadvertently cause any emotional damage to your partner. If this is a guy you've only spoken with online so far, neither one of you is really ready for this. This scenario can only be successfully carried out by partners with a deep personal face-to-face connection with each other that's built up over a very long period of time (in some cases years). I don't intend to put you off by saying that. There are many pitfalls to this scenario, though, and not all of these you can anticipate - even for more experienced partners. That being said, it is something you can both work up to. Build up an intimate connection first, then slowly add in the intensity to push each other's limits. Some spanking play is a good first step, then maybe add in some dirty verbal, etc. Always have a safe word and/or safe signal; I'd recommend both, because in the heat of the moment, your partner may lose the ability to speak (may be out of shock or something else), so include a gesture as well so you have an additional safeguard. Discuss a general guideline of the scene (i.e. where it will happen, will you wear a mask, any biting/fighting allowed, etc.), as well as what is strictly off limits (no punching or any other hard limits). Go in with a plan based on that - leave something to the imagination, while still respecting your agreed limitations. You'll need to be mindful of both your immediate and intermediate surroundings. If this is going to happen at one of your homes/flats, make sure the room is clear of anything that might cause a hazard (i.e. nothing loose on the floor) and that you know where a first-aid kit is located - just in case. Also, be mindful of any neighbours - the last thing you want is for a scene that's going to plan, only to have a well-intentioned neighbour call the cops and put you in potential jeopardy; as the "top", you're at bigger risk of arrest (or worse) as the "aggressor" in the scene. The most important...and I do mean the MOST IMPORTANT...part of this process is to discuss with your partner what kind of aftercare they will expect from you (what I've quoted from another poster). Your sub is going to experience a range of difficult emotions - maybe more so, if this plays out in a very realistic way. Even you will feel a range of emotions (so-called "dom drop") where you may wonder if you pushed it too far. You must be prepared to fully accomodate and pamper him - be very loving, tell him how good he is, how sexy he is. This may be a days-long process for the both of you, and you both must be mindful of this. These scenes, if done properly, get INCREDIBLY intense. After everything has calmed back down (and appropriate aftercare measures have taken place), talk with your parner about the situation...what worked, what didn't work, would you do it again, what would you change?
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  34. Yesterday, ass up in a Vancouver park. Took a raw cock in my hole and made out with another guy who was getting fucked beside me. All anon.
    1 point
  35. Greg came back to the other end of the sofa with a sexy little fur ball in tow. Adam knelt on the floor in front of me, nuzzling my cock, while I leaned over to Greg who was making out with this really short little guy acovered in blonde chest and leg hair. He had a thick, blonde beard and a beautiful ass. Fuck. Little short blonde fireplugs. My absolute favorite. But I could see what Greg was most attracted to, an absurdly long, fat dick that looked even more massive because he was such a small guy. He couldn’t be more than 5’3” but he had big hairy pecs and the 11” dong of death, really thick, with a nice foreskin. My cock is pretty fat but his was amazing. I was sure Greg was in love. Greg took a break from making out with the little muscle pig and looked over to me. “Hey Mike, this is…um….what did you say your name was?” The little dude laughed and said “I didn’t. You just started sucking my dick over there. I’m Joey.” Greg laughed as well and I reached over to give Joey a nice sloppy kiss. “Pleased to meet ya, Joey. I’m Mike. This one is Greg, but you can call him whore or cumdump. He answers to those. And the whore on the floor sucking my cock is Adam. But just call him faggot. He loves that.” We all laughed and Greg grabbed his pipe and loaded it up with more T. We began passing the pipe around and shotgunning hits to each other until all four of us were spun. Adam looked up at me and said “Daddy will you fuck my pussy? All this T made it hungry again.” He gave me that puppy dog look and smiled really big. I laughed and said “Of course, faggot. Get up here, boy.” Greg said “my turn too!” So I handed the pipe to Adam and told him to give Greg more shotguns. Might as well get these faggots well and truly fucked and fucked up. They knelt on the sofa with their cunts in the air, one furry, one smooth, both slick with jizz from some other stranger in the room. Who knew which one? Who cared? They were both hungry and we both had big fat uncut cocks to appease some of that hunger. Adam turned back to look at me and I could tell his pussy was desperate for my cock. I was not going to give it to him without him begging. “Come on faggot. You want my cock? You know what you have to do, don’t you?” I waved my fat cock around, occasionally slapping his ass cheek with it. “Yes, Daddy! Please fuck my pussy. It’s already lubed up with other daddy cum so it should slide right in for you. Please fuck me! It’s so hungry!” “You filthy little whore. Yeah, I can fucking see there are loads already dripping out of your furry little hole. How many men fucked you already tonight, baby boy?” I teased his hole with the end of my cock, soliciting a long moan from the boy. “I don’t know daddy. I got high and lost count. At least 12. Not all of them loaded me up unfortunately.” I slapped his ass hard with my hand, eliciting a yelp from him and another moan as he felt my cock head brush against his hole. He tried to push back on my dick, but I held him firm. “What did I tell you about taking men’s cocks in your pussy, faggot? HUH?” He was confused for a minute and said “I’m sorry Daddy! I won’t let men fuck me again! Please don’t be mad at me!” “Dirty faggot. That’s not why I’m mad at you, I”m mad because if 12 men fucked your pussy, you should have 12 loads inside you. Does Daddy need to teach you how to work your pussy to milk out a man’s load, baby boy?” I slapped his ass again and said “your brother Greg always gets the load, don’t you, son?” Joey’s cock was already slowly sawing in and out of Greg’s big smooth ass. Greg moaned some more and said “yes, Daddy! I got 11 loads in my pussy! Every man that fucked me bred me. I really want one of them to knock me up!” “That’s my boy. See Adam? Stick with Greg, he’ll make sure your hairy cunt is dripping loads all the time. Bet you Joey and I both have at least two loads for each of you, right bro?” Joey laughed and said “fuck yeah, pig. These pussies are amazing. Love fucking a sloppy cumdump that’s dripping cum from half the men in the room. Pretty soon we’ll be able to use these faggots lubed up with each other’s loads. So fucking hot.” Joey leaned over to pull my head to his sexy, bearded face and gave me a huge kiss. He leaned down and took the pipe from Greg and passed me another shotgun. Like I needed to get more high. But I was on fire with lust so I didn’t hesitate to smoke some more. He looked at me and smiled and said “maybe I can get inside Daddy’s cunt tonight.” I passed the smoke back to him and said “Daddy’s as much of a whore as these faggots. But only if I get yours.” I reached behind and felt Joey’s firm ass, which was also covered in thick, blonde hair. I slipped a finger inside his hole and could feel that someone had already been there, he had at least two loads of sperm already. These boys weren’t messing around, they came to play. I pushed my finger inside Joey and then pulled it out of his hole. It was covered in spunk, so I put it in his mouth and at the same time leaned over for a kiss, so we were licking some stranger’s load out of his ass off my finger. He moaned and momentarily stopped fucking Greg. I pulled away with a huge grin on my face and he laughed and started plowing his cunt again. The cunt moaned in appreciation and mumbled something incoherent about being raped like a whore. I reached down and guided my cock to Adam’s sloppy, leaking pussy and immediately slid my entire fat cock inside his hole in one shove. As soon as the head of my cock entered his hole, he pushed back as hard as he could, groaned loudly and I slapped his ass again. “Remember, next time, faggot. Get. Every. Man’s. Load! I slapped him hard with each final word so the boy would remember. Adam squealed and moaned and said “Yes, Daddy! I promise. Every load from now on!” My cock was buried inside Adam’s hole and I shoved it in another millimeter, sopped moving and felt his cunt throbbing around my dick. So fucking tight, especially considering that the boy had been fucked by so many men tonight. I alternated between jackhammering Adam’s pussy and slowing down so I could reach down and kiss his furry back. After about 20 minutes I could feel the load building up in my nuts. I needed to breed. I needed to shoot my wad in his cunt. The entire time I was fucking him, he was babbling, mostly incoherently, talking about daddy cum and being a good little fag whore. I slapped his ass cheek hard and he squealed loudly, startled. “You want my load, baby boy? Have you been a good little faggot?” “Oh FUCK YES, Daddy! Please give your boy a load! I want to have your babies inside my pussy, Daddy! I need it! I need your sperm!” I kept pounding Adam as hard as I could, and Joey was doing the same to Greg, causing both little fag dumps to moan incoherently with a stream of nasty pig talk. Begging to be raped, begging for cum, begging for piss. I had a feeling they were both going to get all those things and more before the night was over. Finally, about ready to pop my load, I pulled out. Adam swung his head around and yelped as the fat cock pulled out of his cunt. It took him a minute to focus because he was basically living through his hole at that point. I slapped him across the face. “Focus, pig.” He yelped again and said “Yes, Sir! Please breed my cunt, Sir!” “That’s what I wanna hear. I’m not sure you’re ready for this load, are you boy?” He started to moan again and said “Please Daddy! I need your load in my cunt. I’ve gotta have more sperm inside me. Please!” I laughed and slapped him across the face again. He moaned loudly again. “Dirty little fucking fag whore. I started teasing his cunt with my cock again, sticking the head in as I folded his small body in half so I was heavily on top of him.” “Please Daddy. Breed me! Please!” I finally decided I wanted to unload, so I roared and slammed my cock back into his cunt as hard as I could, which actually moved the sofa we were fucking on. It was so loud that all the guys in the room turned to look at us and a couple more stood around the couch, stroking their fat cocks waiting their turn with the faggots. Adam reached up and pinched my tits hard just as I was shooting my load. It had to be at least 7 or 8 volleys of cum, all deep inside his pussy. “Thank you Daddy! Thank you for breeding my sloppy cumdump! Don’t ever take your cock out of my pussy!” I continued pounding his hole until I couldn’t take it anymore, while Joey was moaning loudly and unloading inside his faggot. I pushed the two of them together so Adam and Greg were passionately making out while they were both being inseminated. I finally caught my breath and slowly pulled my cock out of Adam’s hole. A tall, lean, hairy otter type was waiting his turn. “Can I fuck the fag now?” I laughed and knew Adam would love it. He had a long thin cock, with a nice hood of foreskin. I stood up and said “Of course. That’s what his pussy is for. Just one rule.” “What’s that?,” he said. “Gotta dump your load all the way inside the faggot. None of that shooting on the asscheek bullshit. In the cunt and only in the cunt.” He laughed and said “why the fuck would I come on his asscheek? Gotta breed, bro. Gotta breed this faggot.” The otter guy sank his cock all the way in Adam’s cumdump in one push. It wasn’t even midnight and I could tell it was going to be a long, fun night.
    1 point
  36. Jake spend the next few days luxuriating with clints body. Every inch of the boy seemed built to please a man, from his lush cocksucking lips to his firm tight ass. Jake took pleasure in teaching him how to service a man, but couldnt help but wonder if he had learned a few tricks from Seth. Clint seemed to gravitate toward worshipping Jakes heavy balls. the boy couldnt seem to resist licking and sucking them for what seemed like hours on end. Gradually Clint spent nearly a day learning to deep throat Jake, slowly inhaling the forbidden perfume of a small bottle of poppers as he gulped inch by inch, until finally his face was pressed firmly into Jakes groin. By sunset, Jake was casually fucking his cock into the boys gurgling throat as he dangled off the end of his bed, a pool of fresh poz precum glistening on his belly. Jake made sure to groan his encouragement as the warm seed in has balls made its way into Clints stomach. as dawn broke, Jake would rise to find Clint greedily swabbing his poz cock against his hot little hole until Jake gave in and with a gentle push, entered the boys body once again. Clint delighted in milking the poison cock cream from jake whenever the opportunity presented itself and by the afternoon, was practically a mess of seed drooling from his stretched cunt and smeared on his alabaster cheeks. As Jake flipped through channels triyng to find something on TV the tintinnabulation of a hot shower finally began. He had wondered if Clint would ever get one, or if he was turning into some sort of twink pig that lived off poz jizz and affection. As Jake settled into Oprah a cheerful rap came to the door, interrupting his thoughts of a cum glazed Clint and driving him to grudgingly tug on a pair of jeans. Pulling open the door and squinting at the bright noon sun, he sighed. It was Seth, and he looked infuriatingly chipper as always. "somebody told me..." Seth exclaimed, as he pushed his way past jake to launch his backpack onto the couch with a thump, "my handsome Jake has a new boyfriend!" Jake rolled his eyes. "Lucas dumped me." he mumbled, as he settled back into the couch and resumed flipping through channels. "well I say good for you. You know, Clint just thinks the world of you and that thick poz horsecock..." Seth tugged the snaps open on Jakes jeans and oblivious to his protests, shoved his hands in and began fondling and stroking the boys tool like it was his own. "there it is....And, jake, you cant tell me clint doesnt feel just perfect inside. I mean look at him, those hips, that perfect little ass, he was meant to ride cock! your cock." Seth alternated between throating and pumping as he worked Jake to full staff. As quick as he started, Seth hopped up and slid his shorts down. "come on man, I've already been dumped once today..." Jake protested as Seths undeniable libido once again took control of the conversation. "Thats why we're gonna be quiet as a mouse! nice and quick you know you missed me. just the head?" Seth nudged Jakes prick into place as he had done so many times before and watched jake sigh in resignation as Seths velvety hole worked its magic. "more jake more. You know how to do it....theres a boy, nice and deep in that poz pussy." Seth delighted as Jakes hands went around his hips and ffirmly planted his oozing cock into the nymphs sucking hole. jake moaned as Seth worked the cock inside him, perfectly stroking and milking him for the load he so greedily craved. "sshhh, quiet as a mouse baby...." Seth clasped his hand across Jakes mouth and rode the boy harder. "thats right jake feels so good doesnt it? cum in this poz pussy. give it up..." Seths encouraging whispers gave way to wide eyed panting as Jake grunted, pumping his load deep into seths body as the mischevous bottom just grinned from ear to ear. "oh thats a big hot load of jake juice isnt it baby, i feel it inside....such a big yummy poz load....." Reluctantly Seth slid off the boys wilting tool, tugged on his shorts, and went rifling through his bag. Jake collected himself momentarily as he tucked his slimy prick back into his jeans and laid his head back. staring at the ceiling, Jake knew Seth was right. For whatever his ex had going for him, nothing could compete with warm inviting poz boy butts. Stretching the definition, he was sure he could get away with calling the past few days of pumping Clint full of man seed a "Date" "ow damnit!" Jake jerked as he felt the pinprick on his shoulder followed by Jakes firm grip as he administered the contents of the point. "what is that...." he asked in rising panic, assuming some incredible fantasy-land cocktail from mikey no doubt. "relax horsecock, its Penicillin." Jake cringed confused as Seth finished up. "oh dang i should have asked first are you allergic? anyway dont forget who gave you that special gift." Seth gripped Jakes package, "I still have a few fun friends who want a ride on Jakes spicy sugar stick but youre just giving them the gift. Youre not santa claus." Seth gave jake a playful pat just as clint stepped out of the bathroom. "Chop Chop lollypop! we gotta get a move on!" Seth tugged Jake to his feet as he exchanged a confused glance at Clint. "Jake and I are helping some friends move! dont wait up we'll hook up later on tomorrow dont worry about it amigo!" seth chirped abruptlky as he ushered Jake to the car.
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  37. I just had a very wet session with a piss boy. I kept rimming him after pissing on his hole, and then again while he was pissing down his ass crack. Lots of fucking and before two piss fucks. (I hydrate ALOT for this kind of session.) I got under the rim seat each time for him to dump the piss in his ass down my throat. The first load also had the remains of a melted devil's dick mixed in with the hot piss. Bred him with a fresh load, of course. A great way to spend two hours!
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  38. Let me see him take more loads while I recharge
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  39. Nice pic. I love breeding young guys into getting bred by older men.
    1 point
  40. Everyone starts barebacking coz it’s horny as fuck! I’m proud owner of a detectable HIV load. And I started barebacking to get my sluts Medal of Honor, HIV. I wanted to be sleazy, dirty, filthy, hot and cool as fuck! So HIV was calling me to get infected. So I barebacked for my HIV poz life, very out and proud with my status, and strongly advise all gay men to do the same. It’s hot as fuck taking raw poz loads! Barebacking gave me sleazy freedom to enjoy real sex with the normal STDs included. I’m currently infected with chlamydia, gonorrhea, Hep C and HIV, happy to carry them and give them to others coz I bareback only. Its apparently a risk having HIV and other STDs but proudly never started HIV meds coz it’s a big turn on for me. Condoms, prep and pep destroys my mission of having raw sex! Safe sex is fake sex! Bareback only and never use condoms. Tell guys to fuck off if they want safe. It’s not worth fucking safe when I could be feeling a guys raw toxic cum. Basically barebacking is awesome. I’m infected with HIV coz I barebacked, and found it horny as fucking as a toxic Poz gay man. That’s why I started, to get pozzed up and proudly encourage anyone to do the same. HIV is not scary one bit, you get freedom to enjoy anything sex wise, and barebacking was the start of my HIV life.
    1 point
  41. Mike picked up his biohazard jock and started to adjust my legs in the sling so he could slip the jock on me. I’d always thought rubber looked hot but needed to see how it felt first. Now I’m being dressed in it and was feeling strangely calm about it. Turned on, even. He then unhooked a short piece of chain, which I assumed was part of the sling, but for some reason had a padlock on it. I understood exactly what was going on when he moved my head so he could slip it around my neck. Closing the padlock with no sign of a key. “There you go, my boy. You’re starting to look the part already. Your bulge in that bio jock shows your approval too.” He had a point. I looked down and saw my stiffening cock in the jock and felt the weight of the chain around my neck. Fucking hot. A little epiphany unlocked at that moment seeing myself in a rubber jock spread out in a sling, with several poz loads in my hole. I thought that I looked like a pig. One of the more extreme ones you occasionally stumble across on a tumblr. Where more often than not, the guys look like pure animals. Fucking each other freely and feeling part of a semi-secret society. Where guys park their lives at the door and set about exploring their true desires. As men… brothers. Right then, I was feeling like I’d made it into the sty. Mike could almost read my mind. He stood there looking at me admiring myself. Admiring whatever I was becoming. Had become. “I like it. Very fucking hot. You’ll be a perfect addition to the cause once the gift claims you. Your Bugdaddy knows the route, son, let me be your guide into your new life.” It’s true. I’ve seen and could sense a new direction and purpose now. Mike lined himself at my hole again, fingering his last deposit into me as he lubed his cock. It felt beautiful, if I’m honest. They’ve already won. “The sight of my son in his bio jock is turning me on. You’re mine now, body and soul” “Fuck yeah, daddy. Finish it off.” He grinned and looked me in the eye. “Don’t worry boy, there’s plenty coming your way now you’re one of us. My strain alone should have given the recruitment process a head start.” It’s true. There genuinely was no way back now. The reality being that I’ve more than likely been infected. I guess I’d taken about ten, maybe a dozen loads now. On a special Poz Night, admittedly. And, yes, one of those guys was a new member who’d just been recruited, at his most toxic and, oh yeah, then bred me in an initiation. All normal. Normal to me now. And now I was understanding why they call it a gift. Mike shuddered as he unloaded into me, keeping his cock in there as he looked me up and down like a proud father admiring his new born. Which, in a twisted kinda way, was exactly that. I felt reborn. I felt satisfaction. A new freedom, like I was home. I looked into his eyes and slurred like the lovesick cum-craving rawpig I’d become, with my belly now full of his seed. His toxic seed no doubt already incubating in me. “I want to feel like this forever” Mike smiled and came in for a kiss “you soon will, son. You soon will.”
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  42. I struggled as those words sank into my head: ‘Good thing you have us here to help you realise what a pleasure centre you can be. So much potential for you as a pozbro’ – fucking hell. I need to get out of here now. However I’ve been sucking on a poz cock, and there’s another one targeting my hole. “That’s right bro. Let us in” Glen said as his precum started to drip over my hole and started to make his way in. Fuck it hurt, but a good hurt. Everything screaming at me to wake up out of this nightmare. These two toxic men have me pinned down, with no escape. “What’s your name, pig? Good to know which new members to keep an eye on” “Huh? Um, yeah, it’s Dan” “Hey Dan, hot body you have there. We rarely see guys your age – I’m thinking 40? - still neg here, so you have to understand our excitement.” “Yeah but… I don’t want to join. I just want to go home. Please… let me go and I’ll leave you to it” “Too late bro. You’ve got toxic precum in your mouth and around your pighole now, and those poppers are helping us to see what your prospects are and what you REALLY want” “Seriously, don’t do this. I don’t want to become a poz…” It was then when Glen rammed his cock further into me at the same time as Steve shoved his cock into my throat. The pain of gagging subsided as I got used to my plight. I’m being spit-roasted by two toxic fuckers and somehow calming down into their strokes and rhythm against my best wishes. I could hear Glen and Steve muttering encouragement to each other “Yeah, that’s the stuff. He’s adapting nicely”, “That’s right lad, accept your fate. Let these daddies incubate you and start you off right”. My mind was slowing down. The feelings of fear and panic put on the backburner, as I was reveling in my new glimpses of pigginess. Betraying my sensible side and belonging right in the moment. For the next few minutes I was part of a scene I’d longed for but always felt I’d know when to get out of it. My energy, my whole being basically acting as a life support to a cock. Hey… this isn’t quite as terrifying as I feared. Then I was jolted out of it as Steve roared and blew his load in my hole. My addled mind wondering why come I denied myself that cum, that hole usage all this time? A sense of calm flowed across me. Enlightenment. “Oh Steve, I think you’ve hooked him now” Glen then pulled out of my mouth and replaced Steve at my hole, and then set about adding his blend to the mix. “Two unmedicated poz loads. I bet you didn’t expect your evening to end up quite so exciting, hey Dan? You’re going to become one of us mate, and I can tell that you’re starting to come around to the idea.” Dear God help me.
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  43. A 1 million viral load is definitely more than enough to get someone pozzed on the first try.
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  44. Chapter 3. I felt like I needed a break after being used so hard in the whirlpool. I ran my fingers over my cummy used asshole, now leaking POZ cum. My towel was somewhere by the hot tub, and was totally soaked. I left it on a rack and headed to the steam room. I walked through a glass door with a row of shower heads and a frosted glass door beyond. I rinsed myself off as a well-hung tall lean guy came out of the steam room. He was wearing a yellow bracelet too. He smiled at me, pointed to acknowledge my bracelet and stood under the shower head next to me. He rinsed off his body paying particular attention to his long thin uncut cock, now growing as he held it in his hands and smiled at me. I didn’t mean to lead him on, but I did pay attention to the creamy jizz leaking out of my hole and down my thighs. It must have looked like I was advertising as I spread my cheeks apart. I didn’t exactly rinse all of those POZ loads out of me, but I didn’t want a puddle of seed to drip out of me in the steam room. I thought that might be asking for trouble. I walked into the steam room and the skinny guy followed me. He sat across from me and slowly started jerking off. I reciprocated, with one hand on my cock, and another toying with my puffy asshole, spreading my legs wide to show off, I guess. So much for asking for trouble… He got up and sat down next to me. He scooted closer. He grabbed my dick and worked my precum around my cock head. I moaned. He reached down and toyed with my cummy hole, grinning. He brought my hand to his ass and gasped as I fingered him. He seemed like he had been freshly bred too. He squatted over me, facing away from me, and lowered down onto my cock without speaking a word. I had already cum three times but I knew his loose wet hole would get me off again. He pulled off of my cock and took it into his mouth, gobbling up the load or loads now clinging to my cock and licked. When his face was good and cummy, he kissed me hard, forcing some of the cum from his ass into my mouth. That got me so horny that I started to blow my load just as he lowered himself back onto my cock, my forth of the afternoon. He pulled off of me, swiping my seed onto his dick and sat down beside me. I knew I wanted him to fuck me and I climbed up onto his cocks. Lubed with four fresh loads, his cock plopped right into me. It was the thinnest dick I’d taken that day, but by far the longest. I rode him until my knees started tiring and he flipped me around so I was sitting on his lap, impaled on his cock. He laid back and I lay back on top of him. Just then, the door to the steam room opened and I heard a deep voice chuckle. It was the top who had bred me in the locker room. He said something to the guy inside me and he said something that sounded like approval. The top ground up against my balls and forced his hard cock into me alongside the thin dick already there. I groaned as they stretched me out. I wouldn’t have been able to take two cocks at once if the one of them hadn’t been so thin, but it was still as wide open as I’d ever been. The guy underneath me held still while the other guy pounded me senseless. I knew at least one of the cocks in me was POZ and that got me hard again. My dick flopped all over, drooling precum as he hammered away. His thrusts came faster and harder until he blasted off inside me and slipped out. He stood there jerking off as the guy below rocked his hips until he too came. They helped me up and the three of us showered together. They both spent time working their fingers in and out of my loose hole. The first guy bent the one with the thin dick over and ate my load, and countless others out of his ass. I left them there as the first top started getting hard again. I had lost track of the time and didn’t want to miss my dinner meeting. I walked, dripping wet, back to the locker room and found a fresh towel there. I dried off, and could still feel myself oozing cum out of my hole. That was five POZ loads plus the last one that I didn’t ask about. I got dressed, but just in the hallway between the locker room and the exit, I could feel all of that cum squelching around and dripping out. I got a little stiff thinking about sitting through my dinner meetings leaking fresh POZ cum. As I passed through behind the attendant, I saw a note written in three languages, French, English, and Dutch. I could only read the English, and it said something like this: BAREBACK DAY AT THE BATHS - ALL NON-MEMBER BOTTOMS WANTING CUM WILL BE WEARING A BRACELET. - GUYS TAKING POZ LOADS WILL HAVE YELLOW. - GUYS TAKING NEG LOADS ONLY WILL HAVE BLUE. Wow. I hadn’t seen a single guy there with a blue bracelet. That last guy who bred me was either NEG taking all loads or already POZ. Fuuuuck. I let that sink in, and those loads seep out, as I walked back to the hotel. I made it back to see my colleagues in the lobby, including my two straight co-workers who had played in the sauna at last year’s conference. They were talking to the boss of a company we wanted to make a deal with, and who should it be but bald burly top who had bred me not an hour earlier. He looked sexy even with clothes on. Woof! To be continued… _____ If you guys like this story, or others of mine, don't hesitate to let me know. Your feedback makes me hard. ;-)
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  45. Part 2 My Son layed there on the dirty couch, breathing deep, in shock from his daddy raping his little cunt, piss and cum leaking out and down his balls. "Get in the bathroom and drain yourself!" I commanded, kicking him off the couch. He scrambled off the couch and down the tall to the toilet, wiping off his tear stained cheeks. "AND NO CRYING! Jesus Christ, I'm not going to tolerate your sissy emo shit!" I hollard after him. "And hurry your ass back in here! Daddy's not through busting your pussy yet!" He moved quickly from the bathroom back to the couch and sat down, cowering a bit. It was good he was afraid of me. It would be easier to control him. I handed him a fresh pipe and lit it, watching him inhale the thick white smoke. This time I hit it as well, passing it back and forth between us. When it was gone, I took the baggie and put some crytals on the back of my hand and snorted them, enjoying the burn in the back of my throat. Standing up to turn on the camera, I pushed him back on the couch. "Show me your pussy boy!" I instructed my new whore. He obediently grabbed his ankles, showing me the still red and oozing hole. I enjoyed seeing my son spreading for daddy. Taking the baggie I licked my fingers and stuck it in, coating it with powder, and rammed my fingers in his red gash. He moaned as his hole started to burn, the need to be fucked taking over his being. I finger fucked him, making sure to rub his anal ring, grinding the crystals into his tissue. His hole started sucking my finger as he started to spin more. I moved between his thighs, throwing his ankles over my shoulders. Looking down, I stared into eyes that looked just like mine and said, "Tell daddy what you want. Tell daddy you want his cock in your pussy. Beg me to fuck you." "Please daddy," he panted, breathing shallow, "please fuck me. Please give me your cock." I rammed my cock into his cunt while I slapped his face hard, eliciting a loud wail from him. "Take it bitch! Take Daddy's fuck!" I yelled while I slapped him over and over. Fresh tears streamed down his face as I beat him. His pain only turned me on more. I grabbed his ankles and pushed all my weight down on him, burying my cock as deep as I could. Fresh redness covered my cock as I plunged it in and out of his gripping hole. That too just spurred me on more, and I rode him as hard as I could while I spit on his face. " Tell me son!" I demanded, "Tell me what you want! Tell me what you are! Tell me who owns your cunt!" "You do Daddy!" He blurted out. "I do what?" "You own my cunt Daddy! Oh God! Fuck me Daddy! FUCK ME!" "What are you son?" "I'm your whore, Daddy." "Louder!" "I'm Your Whore Daddy!" "LOUDER!" I demanded, slapping him and spitting in his face. "I'M YOUR WHORE DADDY! I'M YOUR WHORE! Oh God, FUCK ME!!!" Fuck him I did! Mercilessly for at least 30 minutes, never letting up, pounding his boycunt as hard as I could. Finally I blew a second load in his cunt bellowing "Take it whore! Take your Daddy's cum again! This is what you were made for! To take real mens seed deep in you!" I collapsed on him, our sweating bodies breathing deep and hard. I lay there on top of him, my mind spinning, knowing I had claimed him as my property. I pulled out my son and stood up, spitting on him one last time. "Go get in the shower slut. We have to go see my dealer and your going to earn me some more T." I watched him stumble down the hallway, cum and blood running down his thighs. I just laughed knowing what he was in for shortly.
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  46. Continuing on with the story! As the 40 year old hunk squeezed a second finger inside my hole, I knew I had him, but, as he wiggled his fingers around, certainly deeper than he had let on he would go, I let him think I was distracted by the porn. I knew he wanted to do more, but he wasn't quite ready, so I gave him more bait with the intention of getting him to pounce on my hole. "Hey, you can jerk off you know" I suggested, adding "you can even grind my ass - if you give me a kiss, alright?" No sooner had I made the offer, then he leaned over me, and in the process his cock ground against my ass, poking my ball sack as we exchanged a firm tongue-swirling kiss. He wrapped his strong hand around my dick, and, in his low manly voice, quietly whispered "Can I fuck you, if I put on a condom?" I felt both pity and satisfaction hat he was willing to settle for that unnatural and unsatisfactory option. He clearly really wanted me, which was, of course, exactly where I wanted him to be. I wanted him so desperate that he would feel no guilt in blowing his corrupt seed into my ass - that his sole desire would be to plant that cum as deeply as it could go. "No!" I say honestly " I only play raw, because, well," I tried to look innocent as I didn't want to let him know I actually wanted his dirty seed, "I just don't enjoy rubber," which I could truthfully say as I could never understand anyone could get off inside a latex bag. "But," he responded, looking at me like a horny dog, "can I fuck you anyway? I'll pull out before I cum. You'll be safe. Promise." I all but openly scoffed, knowing a rather thin lie when I heard one. I decide to entice him with a truth, a truth that would compel him to slide his seven inches of overly dick inside my ass. "No, you can't do that either. Once a guy has begun fucking me, I've never let him pull out. It's a waste," trying to look embarrassed, even if I knew the statement was true. "Wait" he responded, rubbing his cock against my ass crack again, "if a cock goes in, you won't let the top go if he doesn't cum in you?" "So?" I responded, getting ready as I saw the look in his eye. I suddenly made as if I was going to extract myself from him, which induced him to surrender whatever hesitation he might have been entertaining, as he pushed his fat cock head against my sphincter. "Hey, no! Stop, don't slide in," I said, a scant second before his hot cock caused I to moan in pleasure as my sweet pure neg asshole was opened up by the depraved meat which was invading my body. The pretense of innocence dropped from my eyes as I also stopped struggling, my ass adjusting to the initial burning pleasure that comes from a good fuck session, thinking to myself 'Fuck, he's inside me, and I can't let his diseased cock out of my hole until he had blown his cum inside my ass. No matter how hard it is on me, this is my mission, and i will do it, but I can still torture him'. "You fuck," I yelled out "how can you do this to me? Now I'm gonna get infected by someone as heartless as you!" It occurred to me that I might have laid it on him a little too well, as I felt him begin to pull out, so I looked at him like an angel, but the lust in my eyes made my lust it clear as I said "Hey, don't commit to rape, then pull out." "Finish-up what you started, you sick fuu...." He cut me off with a sharp jab, and then another, and soon, his thrusts were slow fucking me, but hard, which caused him to lean over me, fucking me just as I wanted him to do. I was hard as a rock, trying and failing to hold back. My ass muscles clenched his meat, leaving my asshole vulnerable to being torn as I came on my torso and face. But he just fucked me even faster and harder. "You're one sick fuck, you want my bug!" he hissed between grunts. The time he spent at the gym was coming in handy to give him the energy to keep pounding. As some bottoms do after orgasm, I cried out in pain as he fucked away, but I knew I would go through with it, that by this point t his cock was surely leaking its poz pre-cum into my body, and I only wanted more. "No, I just want your cum, you fucker," I cried out, but "I'll take your bug if it means I get your cum!" He hissed again as his heavy body made my knees arch ever nearer to my head as he fuckin' used me "You are a sick fuck. Admit it," he muttered, perhaps hoping for real encouragement. I know I had him now. He couldn't stop himself. His only option was to give me what I wanted, so I humored him one last time saying with a snide smile "I'm not a sick fuck like you, but, if you try hard enough then maybe I fucking will be!" He responded by fucking me deeper, ever harder, his cock completely in charge of his body. He spoke one last time before his approaching climax "You got it bitch! One sick fucker, cumming up!" And with that, he sank himself in and blew his POZ load right where I wanted it, right up my well prepared NEG ass. Without barriers or guilt, he fucking loaded me, and wanted to do it, too. That will do. x
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