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  1. Moved to a new city, finally opened up Grindr to see what messages I got the past few days. A lot more horny and available guys in my new city. I drove to a coffee shop to get a bite to eat and a drink. Before I got out of my car, in comes a new message. Of course being the eager slut I am I checked. It was a sexy Black guy, my favorite type: tall, skinny, lanky. From experience they have the thickest, biggest dicks. I wasn't disappointed. We swapped pics, and he said he works at a hotel. Funny enough, it's the hotel next to the coffee shop lol. He said we can do it in a lobby bathroom; handicapped stall is completely enclosed from the rest of the bathroom with its own locking door. Perfect! I got out of my car, and walked straight to the hotel. Bathroom was past the front desk in center of lobby. Unrelated, the employee working the desk was sexy as hell; another Black man I was hoping would get nosy, follow, and join. Alas, he didn't. Luckily no one was in the bathroom, so I immediately went into the handicap bathroom, shut the door, and messaged the guy. He was down in not even 2 minutes. Man, what a bod. Toned, 6 pack, beautiful nips to suck ... and his dick. Thick, big about 8.5 inches. Soft, it was a good 6 inches. He dropped his pants, and I immediately started sucking his juicy dick. He grabbed my head and started face fucking me. I started to choke ... he simply fucked harder. He busted a huge load in my mouth, I eagerly swallowed it all. He spun me around and pushed me to the ground, face first. Made me arch my back, really putting my ass in the air. He rimmed me real good, getting that tongue deep in my hole. We were both quietly moaning. He stopped rimming after a good 3 minutes ... I knew what was coming. Without even asking if I were okay with raw, he spat on his dick and slid in. I haven't had time to hookup at all the last couple of years, so I am tight. He didn't care lol. Once he got the head fully in, he simply pulled back on my hips and slammed the rest of his thick dick inside me. All I could do is moan ... my hole simply opened up, just enough, for him to fully enter me balls deep. My goodness, was my hole gripping that dick. He was pounding me hard and fast, grunting and moaning. Pulled back on my hair. Choked me. Whispered in my ear he is gonna breed me. He then slammed my face onto the floor, I was pushing my ass up and back on his dick ... I didn't want it to end, it was feeling so damn great! After about another minute, I hear him get short breaths, grunt ... slam so hard into me I fell flat on the ground. His body weight just followed and he was grinding that dick deep as I felt his thick dick throb and unload. He pulled out after sucking my neck real good, marking me with multiple hickeys. I sucked his dick clean, moaning at the flavors of my ass and his cum. We are a complete match ... traded numbers, and agreed to hookup again. I can tell he'll be my first regular. He left the bathroom first and I waited a few minutes so as not to arouse suspicion. lol well, that employee at front desk? He smirked as I walked by, and juggled his dick. Hopefully he'll follow me into the bathroom next time ... So I went to the coffee shop after this, got my bite to eat and drink. When I got up to leave ... some of the guy's cum went through my boxers and basketball shorts and onto the chair lol.
    8 points
  2. Part 59 - One Face Two Pasts The build up and excitement grew in the palace and even more so around the country. The late edition of the papers were full of praise over the TV interview and one reporter gushed so much over Max and even admitting they had fallen in love with him. His carefully chosen words appeared to have done their magic and buried the story once and for all. The ramifications were felt the following morning as the morning star papers sales drastically dropped and continued dropping daily until they issued a formal apology and the police dropped their investigations. Lipscombe wasn't so fortunate, he was charged and stripped of all sovereign favours and military associations. Max felt like he would combust anxiously pacing around the bedroom, his nerves appearing again thinking about the evening and beginning of the royal celebrations, there was so much to think of and remember that it was doing his head in. Even in the family residences and their pad he could sense how the palace was bustling and everyone busy with their own tasks. Thankfully it was smart casual this evening and they were both dressed ready, the pad had now gone quiet apart from Franco and Liam who were in the lounge waiting to accompany them to the banquet. Starting at 6pm with introductions followed by dinner and timed to finish at 9pm on the dot. Both Alex and Max were now so hyped up and excited in themselves, getting an early night was the last thing on their minds "Last night of freedom Max" Alex said holding his hand. Max smiled "Tomorrow is the first day of our new life together though" he replied kissing him. "What I would give for one night outside the palace" Alex said with a reflecting tone. Max laughed just as Liam and Franco appeared at the door indicating it was time to leave. They made their way to the meet up with the family and Max was surprised to see his parents and Sam there waiting with the royal family. Despite it being a casual evening there was still a certain protocol to be adhered to and Max's family was also being presented since they would become family the following day. Lined up in order of royal importance Max said a brief hello to Princess Marie and her husband, a coup for Max was getting Princess Marie involved in the MTA to help organise events and be a stand in for him when he was elsewhere engaged. It was not official royal duties she was taking on and it pleased her to be able to help under the royal radar. The dowager had some involvement getting her to agree and pleased when she accepted as was the king. The doors opened and the royal fanfare was played announcing the sovereigns arrival as the head footman stood at the doors announcing each of them as they stepped in to the banquet hall. The Spanish royal family who Alex and Max had become very close to were the ones they looked forward to seeing the most and they immediately went over to them. One guest they never expected to see was Alfonso who looked totally different on the arm of Felipe now they were dating seriously. He had left royal service three weeks ago to be with and travel with Felipe on location, he felt a little nervous coming across his former employees unsure of what they were going to make of him being there. He was astonished that after Alex and Max had come over to say hello that the Queen of Spain personally went over to Alfonso to see how he was getting on but also telling him his job was always open to return if he wanted. Tom and Mateo both spotted Alfonso and rushed over dragging him and Felipe off in to their little gang. After a delightful dinner it was mingling time and for Max an opportunity to meet all the various royals. Dead on 9pm sharp the evening began to wind down. Max looked around the room then at Alex "How many more of these?" he asked. Alex chuckled "Way too many if you ask me" he replied, "Are you alright?" he now asked. "Yes, fine. It is just with all this we have not planned a honeymoon" Max explained. "Ah!" Alex said turning to face him, "We are going to Borrick Lodge for a week. Sorry". Max chuckled "That's fine Alex, as long as we have some alone time" he said kissing him. The queen walked over "Bed you two and get some rest" she said to Alex and Max. They both bowed and and began making there way towards the doors with Liam and Franco walking behind. Artem and Tom were now back on valet duty and were following on. Max suddenly turned to Franco "What is going on with you and Jack?" he asked. "Nothing" Franco replied and Alex stopped to look at him, "What?" he asked looking surprised. "Are you bringing Jack tomorrow?" Alex asked and Artem quickly looked at Franco with a disappointed look. Franco shook his head "No we don't really know each other" he replied seeing Liam grin. Max laughed "Have you asked him?" he asked. "So obvious he likes you" Alex added, "And you fancy him right?" he asked. Franco glanced at Artem then looked at them both "Maybe" he said softly, "Anyway he is at Swanky". "Swanky?" Alex asked then nodding, "The gay club". "Yeah, apparently there is a prince and Max party in your honour" Franco informed him. Standing next to Artem and hearing the conversation Tom sensed something was not right with Artem who stared at Franco. His eyes gave a myriad of desperate sad unhappy looks, in fact Tom had never seen Artem looking like this and short for words. It suddenly struck him that inside Artem's feelings may run very deep for Franco despite his cool exterior view. "Should I go and meet up with him at the club?" Franco asked looking at Alex and Max. Max glanced at Artem "If you do, would anything come of it?" he asked. Franco shrugged looking even more unsure, "He is not household" he replied, "Makes it difficult". Max looked at Artem discreetly then stopped "Wait a minute, you said a party for us?" he asked Franco. "For us?" Alex now enquired and looked at Max, "We could sneak out" he suggested. "Yeah right like Liam is going to allow that, or even your mother!" Max said. Franco nodded "Liam!" Alex called, "Come with us" he said. The four walked over to the king and queen "Mother!" Alex said looking like he meant business. The queen looked at him then laughed "What is it Alex?" she asked. "We want to go to a club, they are having a party for us and well..." Alex said and faltering. "We think it would be a nice surprise if we showed up for an hour" Max finished off. The queen looked at them silently for a moment "Is that so!" she remarked looking at Max's mother who laughed. "Franco, Liam what is your take on this?" the king asked joining in. Liam grinned "Well your majesty, Franco may find a date" he blurted out. The king looked at the queen "If you can persuade Nick to go as well then you may" she said. Alex smiled "I will command him" he replied trotting off to where Nick was standing. The queen smiled shaking her head "Max please look after him. And back by midnight! she said. Max nodded "Of course I will and we will be back by then. Thank you" he said bowing. Fortunately Nick's fondness for Alex and Max was an easy win to get him onside and agree. Asa declined since he was meeting Gareth for a catch up with Tom, Alden and Sam. They piled in to Nick's large BMW which was an unknown car around the streets of Victoria. Franco had texted Jack letting him know he was on his way, Jack replied warning him that the bar was busy with the A&M party as it was called. Nick got out of the car last and looked over at Alex and Max "Stay close or we leave" he warned. "Should we handcuff them to us?" Liam suggested with Alex and Max both giggling away. "No" Nick replied, "Somehow I think they might enjoy it too much" he said locking the car. "Fair point" Liam said then looked seriously at them both "No bathroom visits Alex!". "Come on, give it a rest Liam. I showed you I can do a good blow job" Alex replied smirking. The doorman instantly recognised the two young men approaching looking on with surprise and shock at their appearance. Without questioning he bowed opening the door and talking in to his earpiece alerted the manager of the bar as to who was about to walk in. At first no one paid any attention to the five men entering the bar, the music playing loudly with groups of guys enjoying the party in honour of Alex and Max. It was quite surreal for Max who looked around bewildered at first then smiled grabbing Alex's hand dragging him to the bar. It as only when Liam accidentally bumped in to someone who turned to apologise to Liam noticing the prince and Max. He slipped past Liam tapping Max on the shoulder who turned, the guy jumped with joy looking so excited he was about to burst. He clamped his hand over his mouth wanting to scream at them standing there, Max smiled and hugged him telling him to enjoy the evening. Alex watched on protected by Nick whilst Franco was scanning the bar looking around for Jack. The manager came out from behind the bar heading straight over to the group. "Your royal highness" he said bowing, "I am so sorry we have no VIP area" he apologised. Alex chuckled "We are here to join in" he said. "You came then" Jack shouted standing behind Franco who jumped. He turned and smiled "Of course. Sorry I had to bring these two as well" he explained. Alex and Max both turned to Jack "Your highness, sir" he said about to bowing. "Stop that!" Alex said grabbing his arm, "Come on join us for a drink before you corrupt Franco". Max ordered them all a drink "It is difficult to get Franco out" Jack said leaning in to Alex. Alex nodded "Well he lives in the palace and looks after Max" he replied kissing Max on the cheek. "Unfortunately getting time with Franco is hard" Max now said handing Jack his drink. "Thanks" Jack said, "How come I mean he must have time off?" he asked. "He does but with my full diary he is always busy" Max replied noticing the strange look from Alex. Jack fiddled with his glass "I guess dating him is going to be difficult then what with my work as well". "Yes" Max replied before Alex could speak, "Royal household staff is a busy life" he explained. Alex stared at Max unable to believe what he was saying "Is it a quickie your after?" Max asked. Jack smiled "What ever gave you that idea?" he asked laughing, "Well sort of. I want to sex him!". Alex looked at Jack "I should tell you that Franco has his eye on someone in the palace" Max added. "Really?" Jack replied looking over Max's shoulder at Liam, "Who is that?" he asked. They both turned and Alex chuckled "That is my protection officer, definitely out of bounds". "Hell, do you both surround yourself by sexy men?" Jack asked laughing but staring at him. Jack wandered over to Franco who was standing next to Liam "Well he changed tact" Max remarked. "What was all that about?" Alex asked looking at him, "You put him off Franco?". "Yeah probably, I think Artem is who Franco wants. And he is clearly fascinated by Liam" Max replied. Their conversation ended abruptly as by now people were beginning to realise who was now in the club and groups of men were coming up congratulating and wishing them well for tomorrow. For the most part they were left alone to enjoy a drink and chat to anyone who stopped by and wanted to talk. Tom was changed and ready to go and meet Gareth, Asa, Sam and Alden when he passed by the office and saw Artem sitting there, he knew dam well what was wrong with him and now he was feeling quite upset seeing Artem looking so down. "You only have yourself to blame" Tom said in a quiet tone. Artem looked up "Go and enjoy yourself Tom" he replied brushing off his remark. Tom turned to walk away then stopped "Artem, I am not leaving you like this" he said. "There is nothing wrong with me Tom, go and enjoy yourself" Artem replied opening a folder. "Do you fancy him that much?" Tom asked walking in and standing on the opposite side of the desk. Artem shrugged rifling through papers until Tom snatched them from him "Stop it Artem!". He stared at the desk "Get off your arse and go tell him how you feel" Tom demanded. "Don't be silly" Artem replied sitting back the rubbing his face with his hands. Tom leaned over the desk looking annoyed "If you don't I will go to the bar and tell him!". "No!" Artem responded looking angry then calming down, "Probably too late anyway". Tom leaned closer "Get dressed I am taking you to the bar" he said making it clear to Artem. Artem mumbled under his breath and stood up "What do I say to him?" he asked nervously. "Easy" Tom replied, "Tell him how you feel, put it out there and let him make the move". Artem walked towards the door "You make it sound so easy" he said. Tom made a call to Gareth whilst Artem changed, he told him he would see him later as he had to sort out the Franco problem. With Artem dressed they borrowed a car from pool of cars in the garage and headed off to the bar. They were proving to be a hit in the bar as everyone wanted to come and wish them both well, ironically their attention was not on Alex or Max but rather Nick and Liam who both stood there looking so sexy in their own right that guys wanted photos with them as well. Franco and Jack were busy in their own little world shutting everyone else out as they chatted away with Jack trying to work out where he stood with Franco. Within a few short minutes social media was awash with selfies of Alex and Max, they both new the importance of remaining in control so only had the one alcoholic drink. Instead they enjoyed the attention from the numerous young guys desperate to be in a photo with them, Max happily stood smiling seeing how turned on Alex was getting with half naked men clambering to have a selfie with them both. Poor Alex didn't know where to look and he was getting so turned on by the naked sweaty bodies that all looked so desirable. Within half an hour TV crews had appeared outside seeing the photos being splashed around with the hashtag #royalwedding. The doorman sticking to the instruction not to let anyone else in the bar until the prince leaves, leaving the press standing outside and desperate to get a scoop. Liam was keeping his eyes peeled around and over at Alex constantly until he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned to see a man standing there with no t-shirt on and sweat glistening on his body. Muscular and tall with devilish looking eyes and pretty attractive for his age. The face though he thought, he knew the face but couldn't place where from. "Fancy seeing you here!" Manos said smirking, "I owe you a pasting" he said flexing his muscles. Liam vaguely remembered him "Sorry do I know you?" Liam asked still trying to place him. "Last year in the bar down the street. You punched me in the neck rather hard" Manos reminded him. Liam raised his eyebrows and nodded slowly "I guess it wasn't your boyfriend after all" Manos said. "You know who he is then?" Liam asked as Franco joined him noticing how uncomfortable Liam looked. "I do now" Manos replied smiling, "The prince was rather pathetic at giving a blow job". "I trust you won't say anything" Liam now said staring Manos in the eyes. "What is my silence worth?" Manos asked in a soft tone, "Both of you?" he asked looking at Franco. Franco laughed "I am worth a lot more than your silence" he said. "You are not helping matters" Liam responded putting his arm on Franco's shoulder. Manos smirked "I want both of you for a night!" he remarked making it clear, "Then I remain silent". Alex had noticed Liam going in defensive mode and walked over "What is going on?" he asked. Manos looked at Alex and smirked "Yeah it was you. Any better at blow jobs now?" he asked. It took a moment for Alex to realise who it was "Oh shit!" he said under his breath. Liam stood in front of Alex "Leave. Let me deal with him" he said as Nick wandered over. "Need a hand?" Nick asked all menacing and making eye contact with Manos then opening his mouth. Manos stared at him "Nick!" he said unable to believe he was standing there. "Manos" Nick said slowly and looking angry, "You have some nerve showing your face". "I didn't know you was coming here" Manos protested, "You don't normally frequent these places". Liam looked at Nick "You know him?" he asked as Alex and Franco now looked at Nick as well. "Long story but I swore if I ever saw him again I would break each bone in his body very slowly" Nick said. "Listen man he came to me for drugs" Manos responded stepping back. Liam looked at Manos in shock "Who did?" he asked looking back at Nick. "My boyfriend at the time" Nick replied getting agitated, suddenly Liam nodded understanding. "Manos do yourself a favour, keep quiet and leave" Liam suggested. Manos looked at him and nodded "If you say anything we will come after you" Liam warned him. He moved out of the club quickly "Thanks" Nick said putting his arm around Liam. "I got your back Nick, always remember that" Liam said as Max dragged Liam off for a dance. Tom and Artem arrived at the door almost being pushed out of the way by Manos, security on the door laughed when Tom told them who they were and was refusing to let them inside. Artem just stood there like a dummy and Tom dialled Alex's number which went to voicemail, he tried Nick's number who picked up straight away and nodded then hung up. "Alex!" Nick called out, "Tom is outside you need to get him and Artem in". Max turned around "Artem is here?" he asked looking excited as Alex set off with Nick. They returned within a minute with Artem and Tom "Right my work is done" he said to Artem. "Your going?" Artem asked panicking. Tom gave him a hug "It is up to you now Artem" he said, "Where is Franco?" he asked Alex. "Over there talking with Jack" Alex replied pointing and Artem's eyes followed the direction. As if by magic or some miracle fluke Franco turned and saw Artem standing there looking like a fish out of water. He looked at Jack then at Artem, he was certainly getting a different feeling each time he looked directly at Artem. He realised that if he didn't try to win Artem now he was going to regret it, he would have to see him every day and there would always be that invisible barrier between them. "Excuse me Jack, there is something I need to do" Franco said placing his arm on Jack's. "Is it him?" Jack asked looking towards Artem, "You fancy him I guess". "Sorry. Only if I don't do this I may never know" Franco replied. Jack shrugged "I only wanted to get fucked by you, nothing more" he said seriously. Franco nodded and stepped away walking towards Artem "What are you doing here?" he asked. Artem stared at him unable to find any words and feeling self conscious "You" he said quietly. "Artem, talk to me" Franco said touching his arm desperate to hear him say anything. Artem gulped feeling sick "You" he said again then shook his head. Franco chuckled "Artem are you in love with me?" he asked straight out staring at him intently. Artem nodded and looked down "You... I think I am in love, with you, you" he said nervously. "Is that it!" Franco replied smiling, "Took you long enough to tell me". Artem nodded unable to speak again "You are going to have to talk at some point" Franco said. Tom rolled his eyes wading in "He is in love with you Franco. Infatuated beyond reason" he said. Franco smiled "Yeah I know" he said looking at Artem, "You need a drink Artem?" he asked. Franco took Artem over to the bar and got him a brandy to calm him down, as far as Franco was concerned there was no rush and he would go at Artem's pace. After all they both had no experience in the field of being gay and right now was the place or time to begin exploring that. All he did know was how very attracted to Artem he was, even more so now. Annoyingly for Liam and Nick, Alex and Max were dragged on to the dance floor by several young guys to dance, they kept their distance watching and noticing how the group of guys instantly became protective and wouldn't let anyone else get to close. They chilled out quite a bit still keeping an eye on the boys to make sure no harm came to them. Liam and Nick had their own circle of guys ogling them and flirting so outrageously with raunchy dance moves up against them, both of them didn't care and laughed it off still keeping an eye on their charges. They could tell Alex was finding it hard to concentrate and not touch anyone that had the protection officers laughing. Thirty minutes before midnight Liam and Nick went over to them and Liam tapped his watch. Alex nodded and took Max's hand leading him away. They stood by Franco who now had his arm around Artem as the club manager walked over to them. "Your highness" the manager said bowing, "I am afraid there is a lot press outside" he explained. "Right. Is there a back door we can go through?" Alex asked. The barman walked over "How about we get everyone outside to wave goodbye?" he suggested. Nick nodded "Let me get the car and I will text you when I am outside" he said to Liam who nodded. "Well?" Max asked looking at Franco then Artem. Franco pushed Max away "Give us some space" he replied laughing but clearly happy. Alex grinned looking at Artem "You owe me Artem!" he said flaunting himself at him. Artem still quietly embarrassed and Alex noticed this leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, more for approval than anything. Nick disappeared quickly and the DJ announced that the royal couple were about to leave and everyone was to go out side and form two lines to the street. Alex and Max laughed and waited as the bar emptied and Liam got his text message. Outside the press were being pushed back by the crowd of men gathering and Nick pulled up getting out of the car. The entourage exited to hundreds of flashes going off from the waiting press. Everyone standing their congratulated Alex and Max, the plan was to head straight for the car but Alex being Alex stopped. He and Max shook hands quickly with all the guys as the press watched on until they finally got in to the car to a big cheer. Before they even reached the palace the pictures taken by many of the worlds press who had assembled for the big day, were publishing photos and footage, the love for Alex and Max and genuine appreciation they showed in return was all that could be seen. The silence as the car door closed and Nick slowly drove them away back to the palace was a welcome respite, it would not be the last time they made an unscheduled appearance at the club and each time they were warmly welcomed and socialised with the patrons. Alex sighed happily sitting in the car causing everyone to laugh, the short drive back to the palace then through the corridors to the pad where Alex dismissed everyone. He dragged Max in to the bedroom and kissed him whilst trying to get undressed quickly. Max chuckled "What is the matter with you?" he asked getting undressed. "All those half naked bodies being so close has got me hot and bothered" Alex replied. His salacious state was drowning Max in to a pool of lascivious desire, he had never seen Alex so clearly in need of sex and that turned him on big time. Alex kissed him again, harder this time with his hands roaming roughly all his body. He felt Alex was trying to get the upper hand but Max was not about to let him top in this state. He turned Alex around and pushed him on to the bed climbing on top of him. Alex raised his head and turning it slightly about to protest only to be met by Max's lips rubbing against his until they parted and kissed. The longer they kissed the harder Max ground his hips against Alex's arse, Alex squealed in pleasure feeling the excitement and arousal between Max's legs rubbing harder and working deeper between his cheeks. He knew what was coming and bit down hard on the pillow under him feeling the cock working towards his hole. Max kissed the back of his neck and pushed down gently until the resistance and tightness of his hole gave, aided by the precum moistening the lips letting him slip inside. He could feel Alex tense up and moan in to the pillow before relaxing, Max kissed and bit him lightly on the neck then growled deeply pushing his cock all the way inside Alex. His loud moans muffled by the pillow, wriggling his arse he could feel the solidness of Max's erection, his hand finding Max's thigh he stroked it lightly running his fingers along the buttocks. Getting even excited every time he felt the muscles clench tight and push down as he got fucked so deeply. Alex felt no pain just a lust and desire to be one with Max right now, locked together in a deep sexual plateau. Max came to a stop and rested on top kissing him delicately on the mouth their eyes locked on to each other in a display of true love and affection. His hips began slow reassuring caressing strokes, he was in no rush and wanted Alex to enjoy feeling every moment. Their hot bodies riding against each other, the pants and sensual moans softened in the still air of the bedroom. Without even needing to speed up or hit home harder Max naturally pushed his hips up hard against Alex's arse. He kissed him quickly, their lips touching, he let out a moan and kissed Alex deep releasing the love from his balls into Alex's body in quick pulsing successions. Alex half closed his eyes moaning quietly and feeling the orgasm from Max's cock, the sensation collided with his own highly aroused state in a very magical moment. Their kiss lasting longer than ever and Max wrapped his arms under Alex's body holding him. Max then rolled Alex over on to his side and grabbing Max's hand he guided it to his cock. Max ground his semi hard cock in deep inside Alex's arse and gently rubbed his cock several times before Alex pushed his arse back reaching his orgasm, shooting a hefty load that mostly landed on Alex's chest and shoulders. They kissed softly and Max tightened his hold of Alex as they drifted off to sleep. Along the corridor in Artem's apartment he was laying on the bed with Franco, they spent a few hours talking in to the early hours and falling asleep together partly clothed.
    5 points
  3. Much the same how I felt when The Fort closed. I lost my inhibitions in there. And in a darkroom that black I was never going to find them again!
    4 points
  4. I am married to my wife for over 30 years and I’ve been a barebacker every minute of our marriage
    3 points
  5. Chapter 13 I was sitting in the medical centre waiting room with a very nervous Sally. We were doubling up the appointment, I was going to receive a definitive diagnosis and Sal was having the quick test. We were called in to see Gino. ‘Please sit down Sally ‘ Gino said after we were called in. ‘ I understand you are nervous , but try not to be, there’s nothing to be scared of, as Neil will tell you’ . I nodded. I noticed Archie wasn’t in the room. ‘Where’s your assistant?’ I asked. ‘Oh, Archie , he’s called in sick again he’s been off now for three days, he thinks he’s picked something up at a party he went to’ Gino replied , winking at me. ‘Ah, ok’ I said. I was hoping that I had spread my own gift. Gino quickly took a blood swab from Sally and Eagan for the quick test, explaining what he was doing, and that there would be a thirty minute wait for the quick test result. ‘Are you ok with Sally here knowing your formal result? ‘. Gino asked me. ‘Yes no problem’ I replied. ‘Well , you are confirmed as being Hiv positive as I’m sure you guessed’ he told me. Do you want to keep the same med regime we discussed last time ? ‘ ‘Er yes please’ I said, well aware that that was none at all for the time being. ‘Ok well we’ll have a follow up appointment in six months but in the meantime If you have any worries you have my number. ‘ We then waited in the reception for Sally’s result. She just looked at the floor saying nothing, until she asked ‘ Aren’t you worried about being poz?’ ‘No, I’m honestly not. It helps me be who I am, I don’t have to worry about getting it now, and I’m in control’ , as you’ll see when we go to the parlour.’ I had agreed to go with Sally for her test if she came to Steve’s tattoo parlour with me afterwards. She had always liked tattoos but had never had the courage to have one. I was hoping she would take the plunge. ‘Sally’ her name was called and I went with her back to see Gino . ‘ Well Sally, I can tell you that you have tested positive and that more than likely this will formally be confirmed with the full blood test, Like Neil’s was. You are Hiv positive.’ Sally looked ashen but I found it hot, my best friend also poz. Gino talked through the meds situation but I could see Sally wasn’t taking it in. She just wanted to leave. We walked outside and she just burst into tears. I tried to console her. ‘There’s nothing you can do, just embrace it and own it girl’ I told her’ come on I’ll show you. ‘ We walked to the tattoo parlour and came in the door and both Steve and Phil were there . ‘Hello stranger’ Phil commented. ‘ who’s your friend?’ ‘This is Sally’ I replied’ I’ve had some good news and want to do something about it, and she’s had some not so good news and is feeling sorry for herself’ ‘ok do tell’ Steve joined in the conversation. ‘Well we’ve both tested positive, we’re both poz’ I added’ so I need some work doing, and Sally here has always wanted a tattoo but has been too scared to come before. ‘ Well congratulations to you both on your new status, I’m sure you will enjoy being members of the club. ‘ Steve smiled ‘Ok you come with me , Sally can go with Lana and talk through some designs, she’s really good with first timers’ I hugged Sal and went to the back. ‘Phil here will tell you what you’re having’ Steve said. I made myself ready as I watched Steve prepare. He set to work, inking in a biohazard symbol in my shaved pubic area and a small decorative + sign at the back of my neck. Phil wants you to have a final piercing, are you ok with it? Not that you’re going to say no’ Steve said. I nodded and Steve numbed my cock. I hadn’t expected this but could see I was being given a Prince Albert. Fuck that would look hot I thought . I wondered whether Sally would get anything . When Steve had finished his handiwork he told me to drink lots of water for a week to minimise infection, I stepped out into the main shop a little sore. Sally had just come through. ‘Well what did you get?’ I asked her. ‘She was really good ….. and took to it like a duck to water. She got a small black widow spider just down from her hip towards her pussy and liked it that much she wanted another near the top of her back. I looked as Sally turned to show me. Lana had cleverly incorporated a biohazard into the black widow design. I wasn’t sure Sally understood the message but it looked hot and sexy. ‘Look, I think you two will be ideal guests for a party for a client of mine ‘ Phil said ‘ you can come and will be well paid’ ‘Paid?’ Sally queried. ‘Yes you have to chat to guests , entertain them that kind of thing’ he said. I had an idea what ‘entertaining’ Phil had in mind, though I wasn’t sure Sally did. ‘You would be paid £1,000 but you do need to stay til the end , you can’t disappear after an hour’ I was definitely in, but waited on Sal. ‘ I could do with cheering up I guess and the money will be handy, It can fund a short holiday! Ok I’m in. ‘ Sally said , ‘Me too ‘ I added. ‘Ok we’ll be in touch’ Phil said. . I was horny at the thought of being broken in to a proper party, but kept my thoughts to myself. The days to the weekend dragged, Sally was down but we had a heart to heart and she had been researching being poz and had come to terms with it a little more by the weekend. We were due to meet at Joe and Luke’s before heading into town. Sally and Ty arrived together and we had a couple of drinks. I then stood up and said I had an announcement to make. ‘We know you’re a cocksucker now ‘ Ty joked , ‘you don’t have to come out’ . ‘No this is different, I’ve joined a new club’ I continued ‘ Which one ?’ Joe said , ‘Is it in town?’ . ‘No not that type of club ‘ I replied , unbuckling my belt and pulling down my jeans and boxers showing my PA and biohazard tattoo. ‘I’ve joined club Poz ! I apparently converted about a week and a half ago and tested poz last week! , Though it was a routine check as I didn’t know ‘ I lied, for the sake of Joe who was looking aghast ‘ Congrats on becoming a proper bottom Neil!’ Luke hollered, ‘see Joe that’s what u need to do !’ , We are going to have a proper night tonight.’ ‘And me’ a small voice said. I hadn’t planned on mentioning anything about Sally. It was hers to own. We all looked round, Sally was bright red ‘ And me’ she repeated ‘ I’m poz as well I converted this week too’ ‘Sorry Ty’ ‘Nothing to be sorry about babe’ I’m cool with u being poz’ I don’t know my status but I’m guessing I need testing too!’ Ty lied, catching my eye. I kept silent. ‘But I guess I may be’ he added. ‘Only you now Joe to make the trip’ Luke hollered’ Let’s see where the night takes us!’ …………………….
    3 points
  6. I am a slutty submissive faggot, a cumdumpster, a femboy trap, a t-girl whore and a community fucktoy. I was born to suck cocks, get fucked bareback, and take loads from any male who wants to use me to get themselves off or as a urinal. I have no standards, no limits, no pride, no shame and absolutely no sexual self respect. I was born to be used, passed around, and whored out by as many males as possible. I take loads from anyone, anytime, anywhere, any number of males regardless of age, race, looks, ht, wt, status, sexuality or whatever. I am THE EASIEST fuck you will ever meet. use me like trash, treat me like trash, tell me I’m trash, then spit in my face and throw me away.
    3 points
  7. "Let's all go to the club night" was a great, fun add-on to the main story, although I'm surprised that the king and queen let them get away with it. You gave us a great vignette of Alex, struggling desperately to stay calm as all those hot men were lining up to get pictures with him and Max. Seeing Manos taken down a peg was fun too. And now that Franco and Artem have finally broken the ice between each other, seems like there's nothing left to do but get our heroes married. I can't wait.
    3 points
  8. I’m trying to find a place like Backstreet in London. Possibly Bunker Bar? Backstreet was an education. It was a place that felt like home. My first few visits were fairly safe affairs, then I felt more into it and a cop friend forced me to swallow his load. A few visits later I was fucking a guy in the toilets and he pissed over me which began another fascination. I’d always been safe but one night I found myself being fucked and took my first raw load which led me further down the slippery slope. I was upgraded into the brotherhood a few years later and revisited there reborn as a pozpig and it was fantastic to just bend over in the dark and feel my rubbered ass get unzipped by fellow rubber pigs and accept their loads no question. Being in a throng with poppered up pigs was heaven, and able to call most of them ‘brother’ was even hotter.
    3 points
  9. To the Civil War discussion, I'll add: sure, the North was becoming more economically powerful than the South, but that was only relevant insofar as what the North would DO with that power. And the biggest concern among the powers-that-were in the South was that the North's economic growth would result in more and more free states carved from the west, leading to the majority needed to abolish slavery nationwide. The South had long had power to block this because of the 3/5 compromise boosting Southern numbers in the House, but if newly admitted free states boomed in population, that advantage would erode. In other words, the economic dispute itself turned on slavery. And that's why (most of) the slave states seceded after Lincoln's election: he'd made it clear he did not believe the nation could endure "half slave, half free" - that "it will all one thing, or all the other." And the South knew the North would never, ever accept "all slavery". But far from taking my word for it: the surviving declarations of secession, from those states that formally adopted a resolution in favor of it, are crystal clear that preservation of slavery and white supremacy were the driving factors. Mechanization of agriculture, of course, would have made slavery too expensive to continue, and in any other context, slavery would have gone the way of whale oil lamps and buggy whips when confronted with superior technology. But unlike whale oil lamps and buggy whips, slavery and white supremacy was the very foundation of the social order in the south, and you couldn't simply replace slaves with machines without a massive upheaval in the social order. (In fact, one could argue that with the end of Reconstruction, the old social order was largely restored and it stayed in place until the middle of the 20th century).
    3 points
  10. So sad Club 80 is no more. Many a night spent cruising the dark recesses, bent over a barrel being bred. Happy days…
    3 points
  11. So I took my first load the other week. So, for context first, I'm in my late 30s, a short arsed beary stocky bisexual bottom. Most of my fun with guys tended to be in cruise venues - Saunas, bars, that sorta scene. Partly because I love the atmosphere, partly because I love group sex and that's the easiest way to find it and partly because trying the last minute wimping-out rate from arranging hookups, either from me or the other guy, is too high. I'd moved out of London 3 years ago, to a much smaller, much more remote city. To be honest, I was planning to put my cruisy days behind me, date, meet someone, start settling down. I'm a hetroromantic bi - that is, I enjoy sex with dudes and actually prefer it, but I've only ever had deeper feelings for the fairer sex. Aside from maybe the occasional late night post pub round on Grindr, I figured the move might well have been it for my days taking dick full stop if everything went to plan. It was late 2019. Suffice to say, I don't think anyone's next 12 month went according to plan. A few months ago, I decided to move back to London. Partly a career move, but partly the last couple years left me desperate to get out and do shit, and a quiet remote city didn't quite hold the same attraction that it did a few years before. I found a job, a place, moved down, and set a date to go to Vault (a well known cruise bar). A week before, I started taking Prep - taking a load had been a long fantasy of mine, and with Prep I was far more comfortable with the risk / reward ratio. It was packed. I was in the barrel room with benches around the side for anyone who knows the venue. I was kissing a guy, face to face, our hands on each others cocks. I felt another body pressed up against me from behind. I reached back, grabbed a thick 7' odd cock. I started to wank it in. I felt his breath against my ear, he growled. The guy in front of me broke off his kiss, I felt another hand on mine on his cock. Someone else was muscling in, and they dropped to their knees and started to suck him. The guy behind me slapped his cock on my arse a couple of times. Not the most subtle hint I've ever had. Before I knew it, I was bent down on the bench, my arse in the air. I heard some rustling behind me, I wasn't sure if it was lube or a condom, then that long forgotten pressure on my arse. Then he was in. Balls deep in. Thankfully, I'd been working a buttplug in and out of myself earlier in the night to get ready, so taking it wasn't as much of a struggle as it could have been. Soon he settled into a rythem - fast, hard, but steady - I was getting well fucked, but I wouldn't say I was being pounded. I started to push back against him, meeting his strokes. I felt a smack on my arse, he grabbed my hair, pulled it up. And suddenly I felt his body seize up against me, his cock spasming in me. I always figured I'd be able to feel a cock spurting in me, but it turns out that's not the case. And then he was gone, leaving me with a load dripping out, my arse in the air gaping and exposed. I waited there for a good minute partly to catch my breath but also partly kinda hoping someone else would step up and take a turn. Gradually, I realised it wasn't happening, and I needed the loo, so I pulled up my shorts and went. I took a moment in the cubicle to finger my arse, working my fingers in to my sticky cumsplattered hole, and then headed back out looking for a repeat. I sucked a few more cocks that night, but alas, didn't take another. Here's to next time.
    3 points
  12. Couldn’t sleep in the heat Ended up going for a walk bout 0130 just to be outdoors …still well hot and sweaty …took a path round the local reservoir …thought it might be a bit cooler round the water (and its a bit of a cruising spot if you’re not picky) all I had on was my shoes shorts and a t-shirt There’s trees all the way round ..handy bushes etc ..passed a bloke walking a dog …bit bulky had tracky bottoms and a vest (tank top ? For the Americans?) could see he was hairy as fuck …grey short beard and bald …I said evening as we passed and he must have seen me check his package coz and few steps on he stops and starts to follow me. I wander over to a bench and sit and he stands in-front of me …chatting bout the heat and playing pocket billiards…I just stare at his crotch …can see he’s getting hard …so rub my own cock n my shorts …he steps up cock out and I swallow it …don’t look much bout a 5” thickish uncut job …but like with a lot of chubby blokes when you push your face on it you end up with a couple more inches that were under the fat 😛 He was fucking sweaty and hairy smelled good though …he fucked my mouth a bit then pulled me over to a clump of bushes …tied his dog to a stump and we got to it ..it was like getting off with a wet rug …loads of snogging wanking …then he’s turning me round and gobbing on hand rubbing his spit on my hole before lining up and giving me his bare cock till his belly was resting on my back and he was balls deep. Both of us dripping sweat. He fucks slow for a few trusts then he’s going for it ..calling me a dirty fuck all the while …till he starts to get there I push back getting him deep as I can and he cums …his sweat dripping on me. Still in me he’s wanking me off till I say im close then he’s fucking me some more and cums again as I shoot …this bloke put so much cum in me its running down my legs. Must have been all of 15 min lol Then we chat a bit swap numbers and off
    3 points
  13. I've been chatting with a remote bud for a while about drinking piss. He says he wants to drink beer and have me swallow all his piss straight from the tap, which sounds incredibly hot. I decided to give this a go, so I bought myself a 6 pack of Bud Light (in glass bottles), and proceeded to drink them all. After a few hours, with a nice buzz, I took one of the empty bottles and filled it up with warm piss. Proceeded to then drink the whole thing and it was so fucking hot. I then did this two more times. Ended up jerking off and busting a huge load. The next day I tried it again, but without having been drinking first. The taste was different, more bitter, but still hot. Now I need to drink from my bud's tap.
    2 points
  14. Some men may be shy to initiate conversation, not everyone is confident just to say hi or state there intentions straight of the bat. Personally I don’t mind them and think they are a decent tool to have as a ice breaker.
    2 points
  15. When my bare cock is balls deep up a dude's ass, then permission to breed has been given and I will load him without hesitation.
    2 points
  16. I’ve had varying degrees of success in response to starting with oinks or messages. However I usually find that the ‘chat’ goes cold and nothing comes of it. So much so that I’ve just removed myself from bbrts. I’ll stick to real life cruising/saunas etc.
    2 points
  17. Some localities are pushing back and defying the CDC/FDA on the 2nd dose. San Francisco has now said it will be putting off the 2nd dose… https://apple.news/AyW4eUNIETCyxAq3miLAJaQ I saw something somewhere that Colorado will only be giving first doses as well (for now). Refer to the Science.org article above for why this is OK (there's solid science behind just one dose for now). It's also what Canada is doing. Remember - it makes no difference to you if you get your 2nd dose 4 weeks later or 2 years later. The only way to get Mpox to go away quickly is to get lots of first doses rolled out. So please refuse your 2nd dose until everyone who wants one can get their first dose. In other Bay Area news… Monkeypox has been detected in the waste water of 10 of the 11 areas that are monitored. https://apple.news/AIiZPTIWwQoWGXSdhKocnZQ
    2 points
  18. Backstreet was one of the most famous places, but there are others - and even new ones around that deserve our support. I haven't been yet, but a newly opened venue is The Lord Clyde in Deptford (9 Wotton Road, SE8 5TQ) Description from [think before following links] [think before following links] https://visitgay.london/10662/the-lord-clyde/ A hot new gay cruising events bar in Deptford, South London, based at the Lord Clyde pub. A host of special nights includes Punishment Block, every Friday, for man-to-man CP/spanking in a safe environment; Sunday Social for a chilled evening of retro songs from the 70s to noughties, with hot cruising downstairs; Come2Daddy, London’s first and original home of Daddy Lovers; Leather – a night for leather and fetish fans; Game, for guys who take their Sports kit seriously; CP spanking introduction Kandy Stripes, for Crossdressers, Transvestites and Transexuals and their friends and allies; Worship – for like-minded men who love rimming and know how to take it to the next level; and Butt Naked – which needs no explanation! Also see: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.facebook.com/groups/691189292138984 Someone's already mentioned Bunker, which has a range of themed events but they aren't very strict about the theme or dress code. Some events overlap as well. Central Station in Kings Cross has it's infamous Underground Club basement cruise and play space. They have a variety of special interest fetish clubs like Pants, SOP, Horse Fair, Skinheads, Sweet Wednesday, Collared, Shoot, Gearbound, Feet on Friday, Sneax on Saturday, and more. All these events are run by independent people, not by the venue, so they tend to be quite focused on their themes. I can't speak for others, but when I run events there, we don't let anyone in who's not into the party "just for a look" or "just to cruise" as we want to keep the event a safe space for the fetish community. A lot of the smaller places don't have big advertising budgets, like Recon do, and events are run by volunteers. They rely on word-of-mouth recommendations and reputation instead - which is why I mention them here and encourage others to do so too.
    2 points
  19. In the lead up to getting fucked I become a different person. I have trouble focusing. I develop a sense of lucidity. I can’t sleep because all I think about is the upcoming hours I’ll spend cycling cocks in and out of my hole. Im always some degree of horned but in the imminent lead to getting dicked the focus changes from my dick to my ass. Instead of watching porn and enjoying the sights of dick and cum, I imagine what the dick and and my hole will feel like when some dude is balls deep. My ass naturally gets more loose and wet. Once I’m in heat I need to spend a night getting fucked until I’m gaping, sore, and dripping. Anything less will not return me to a functional state. If I only get fucked by a couple guys or my night gets canceled, then I become irritable for weeks. When I anticipate a lead-up to a night at the bathhouse I’ll stop jacking off which just compounds my thirst for loads. Sometimes that lead-up can last weeks and when that first dick bumps up to me in the sling I get an intense rush of contentment and frenzy.
    2 points
  20. [think before following links] https://www.dirtydicksamsterdam.com/fuckboxxx/ love the concept -- sounds super hot to me!
    2 points
  21. At Steamworks in Chicago I experienced an egregious example of a variation on this that I’ll call The Rock In The Stream - a guy who finds an open door in a bathhouse with a sitting bench outside of it, sits right outside the door, intercepts someone who comes by, and then proceeds to suck, fuck, finger, whatever, right in front of the doorway in such a way that there’s no way in hell anybody could possibly squeeze past to get into the room. And then, when the paying occupant of the room asks him to clear the way, ignores him as though he didn’t exist. I had to get really rude with this guy just so I could exit the room. I don’t know that his intent was to cock-block me as much as it was not giving a single shit, but I’ve never had anyone behave in such a blatantly shitty way anywhere else, ever. Totally turned me off the place, but the whole place had an unwelcoming air to start with. The angle of approach to most of the play opportunities was usually so constricted it almost could have been designed for cock-blocking.
    2 points
  22. Most interesting conversation. Actually, I didn't go out last weekend, and I won't be this weekend either. I want the damn monkey vaccination before I resume the usual weekend m.o. Have requests for an appt in at as many places that are taking reservations (or, at least those I know about). So, dry weekend ahead. I should clean out the garage anyway, dammittall ...... still have hurricane-preparedness shit to shovel too, doubledammitall ..... damn monkeys in Africa ...... but, this too shall pass (at some point, tripledammitall 😬😒☹️😠💢
    2 points
  23. Hope we're going to get a fly on the wall account of Artem and Franco's night in Artem's apartment. Slow and steady wins the race boys 💞
    2 points
  24. Hi! Thanks for the story. You're giving me inspirations for my science fiction plot. The idea of collecting all HIV strains, thanks, it's something I can consider! - to avoid misunderstandings I'm not talking about my REAL life, strain collector comes in FANTASY!- Honestly I did not understand the matter of injecting neg blood to maintain viral load higher, but I am glad to you and all other writers here who help me find inspirations for my writing -of course without copying ideas as assholes do-. The virus of my stories talk, so, thanks to a strain collector it may gain other super powers! Now it gets them from its hosts' behaviour and habits such as music tastes, empathy, ability to talk. But it may learn new skills from other viruses too!
    2 points
  25. Goddammit, @losolent! Such amazing writing. Building up to the big day, but taking your time, letting us all savor the vignettes where time slows, and the seconds pass like hours.
    2 points
  26. Hmm somehow tie February and VD (Valentines Day) into one bundle- with VD and other STI's... might work, but you need to work the floral and candy industry in to the program too . Say no to infections, just buy more confections. Or, give a box ofcandy this month, not a case of chlymedia . And of course the florists could offer up- let our rosebuds bloom, not your grooms...
    2 points
  27. Here 30 miles outside DC, the vaccine is NOT available, according to my doctor, this week, in July In two weeks, there is an orgy I was invited too. Usually I’d go. But my personal choice is that I am not going to attend a naked mens’ party with usually 40+ guys, naked, touching, and at close quarters in a small suburban house. DC is a hot spot for outbreaks! DUDES! Don't we bear at least SOME responsibility for our own behavior? If not entirely caused by us, at minimum we have exacerbated the monkeypox outbreak by spreading it at gay events. Why is the CDC, the government, the president . . .anyone? . . . responsible for fixing this, especially if we don’t work to fix it ourselves! We did so much for HIV. We worked together. Why can’t we keep it in our pants for a month?!?! Or two??! Apparently during the covid lockdowns, massive chains of stds literally dried up and ended from lack of contacts to transmit them. Could we have a short period of ‘no sex’ coordinated effort? Stop the exponential transmission of this shit!! Dudes. I am a sex positive, fag, faerie, slut, dom top, unapologetic homosexual. HUGE Rawtop fan. But DUDES we need to step up. The passion with which we share ourselves and celebrate our gayness can be problematic, nature-wise. I include a link to this vintage commercial for Chiffon margarine. It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature. It makes my point nicely. If I ran the zoo (and I do not) I’d promote an annual sex-free period for gay men world-wide, annually, to stamp out bugs. I’d love to hear an epidemiologist opinion about this! Regardless . . .this monkeypox thing could have been nipped in the bud, and it should have been. How could we take better care of ourselves? We are on our own! Obviously, ‘no nut November’ won’t work. We are all horny in November. Am I right? But ‘Dick Free August’ or ‘Spank Bank August’ Idk, I am not a marketing expert. What period would you chose to promote a gay sex free break for monkeypox? FUCK FREE FEBRUARY? Hands off! Keep your dick to yourself! ???? I am all for we as a community saying “We will do what we can!” Believe me, when I can get a monkeyshot I will get it. But I am not waiting around for guvment help!!! We help ourselves. Literally
    2 points
  28. The best part about rimming a hole is the gut wetness or with some men the flow of gut juices that are produced by hungry holes!! The stink of a ripe, sweaty and gut dripping set of asslips while my mouth, tongue and saliva slurp, suck and probe into and around a man's ass lips is so meat hardening. It's a good preamble for a hard fuck and gets the man primed for almost anything!
    2 points
  29. Bill and Arthur laughed and stood up, leaving Peter's mother on the sofa. I went to clean the changing room as Bill went to get Peter from the basement. When I finished, I went into reception. Arthur was there with Peter's mother, stroking his cock and drinking some tea. The door to the basement opened, and Bill led Peter into the room. The poor lad was running with sweat and spunk ran down his inside thighs and dripped onto the floor. "Look at you! " said his mother, wrinkling her nose. "Covered in it, you dirty boy!" Peter grinned as Bill turned him round and spread his smooth cheeks. His arsehole gaped and spurted sperm over his balls. "Well fucked and bred, missus!" He laughed. "Go and clean up!" She said. "I'm not taking you home covered in spunk." Peter went off to the showers and Bill looked at his mother and said "you know he's probably pregnant by now?" She nodded. "I'm not surprised, you dirty sod." She nodded at Arthur who was stroking an erection now. "From what I can see, I bet one of you two is the daddy!" She looked at me " And what about you? Are you knocked up yet?" I blushed. Arthur came and bent me over the counter as Bill handed him some lube. He got behind me and slid his warty cock deliciously into me arse. "Course he is!" He laughed, fucking me in front of her.
    2 points
  30. I'm glad others feel this way too because I always feel strange describing being 'in heat' to straight friends. I guess 'in heat' is the best way to describe this state which is both mental and physical, literally becoming more animalistic. Everything about me starts to morph into a bottom. My inhibitions completely disappear, I start to strut instead of walk, I breathe deeper, my heart races. I know I'm in peak heat when I can't stop staring at cocks. I can't stop staring at cocks and pecs and chests and asses. I search for bulges everywhere. My hole always feels loose and I perk my bum out to make sure it grazes men when I walk by and that they catch a glimpse. I start to walk as if my tits lead and my pussy is calling out to be filled. I only wear thongs, make sure my nipples peek through my clothes. First thing I do is clean myself and lube myself up - I'm always ready when I'm in heat. I have to take toilet breaks often. I lock myself in a cubicle and have to finger myself for a few minutes at a time before I can continue my day. When I'm in public I try to be subtle but i flick my nipples a lot. It's usually at this point when I'll literally take anything that will fuck me. When I'm in the right city, I'll take lots of coke and spend the night at a sauna or a cruise club. nothing better than getting filled by dirty men when I'm in this mood. I love being on show, love being the feminine sex, the pussy boy, just a hole to be filled. I feel like a female cat just waiting for men to mount me and fill me up
    2 points
  31. I grew up in a lumber mill town in Oregon with my Mother in a single-wide trailer. I don't know how we survived without my Uncle Joe, who would send money and send me a cell phone which I used to good use watching Gay Porn. It was a 2 hour trip to school, and I did not fit in as the class's shrimp. But I did have one thing that stood out in the male locker room I was well hung with a 10-inch thick dick. By the time I turned 18, I was 5 ft 7 115 LBS. When the mill closed a few weeks after my 18 birthday, my mother moved to Portland with her Lesbain lover, but I should go live with my Uncle Joe and his son Alex in Fort Lauderdale, Flordia. Uncle Joe sent the plane tickets, so it was a bus to Portland, a flight to Seattle, a stopover in Chicago, and then on the Fort Lauderdale. Uncle sent me a picture of what he looked like as Mom would send him a picture of me a few times per year. I have never seen so many people in my life in airports. I see Uncle Joe, and I'm shocked to see my cousin Ales as Alex looks just like me, skinny, but he is two years older and looks like my twin. Both are matching basketball shorts with tee shirts two sizes too small, showing their nipple piercings. After hugging and introducing me to Alex, he asked for my phone. They took out the Sim card then, threw it in the trash, then took my bags and threw them in the garbage. I'm scared as they lead me to their van; they tell me I will have a great time living with them, opening me up to new experiences. They show me a room where I can sleep as they remodel the house. The bed has a rubber sheet covering it, and that night I can hear grunting coming from the next room where Uncle Joe and Alex are sleeping. I had a good night's sleep as Uncle Joe came in and told me I m going to see the Doctor as I should have a complete check-up. I jump into the shower, and Cousin Alex joins me as. I a shock to see him, and he is hung like me. We get to the Doctor's office, and the first thing he gives me is a jar. They tell me to jerk off into the glass jar, then show me a room to do it in. The TV is playing Gay male pon in the room, and it does not take long. I enter and hand the jar to the Doctor, who is very impressed by how much I filled the glass jar. The doctor tells me the strip naked and laughs that it runs in the family having big dicks. He does the regular check-up until I see the needle and strap, wraps the belt high around my arm, and tells me I will feel like I can't breathe, then I will cough, then I will get a warm feeling and a rush. I see the needle go in. He pulls back the plunger. I see the blood. It all disappears into my arm. What he told me to happen I couldn't breathe, and I was coughing my lungs out. The doctor tells me to bend over the table. As I bend over, he spreads my cheeks and tells Uncle Joe to look at my virgin hole; both laugh as the doctor puts some lube on his finger as he works the finger into my virgin hole and hits my prostate. It does not take him long to get used to his finger as my dick is hard like never before. My breathing is getting faster, and I can't hold back anymore as I shoot another load.
    1 point
  32. Several times I have been out somewhere on the street with guys who point you out prancing around in one of your slutty little girly outfits and say stuff like “Holy fuck look at that cumdumpster” or “That princess definitely takes loads” or “My gaydar just exploded”. One time a buddy just said “Where’s the gangbang?” And I say yeah she’s my niece. So they say sorry or something and then I say something like “Don’t be bro, she’s a fucking whore. I can get him to suck your cock right now, or if you prefer you can fuck him. The pussy is sweet”. Even had a few guys point you out to tell me what dirty whore you are and how they watched you taking loads somewhere or how they fucked you in a porntheatre or bent over their couch or in a public bathroom. Bottom line is you are a dirty fucking whore and everyone knows it, whether they fucked you or not. You are doing what you were born to do. Get used and take loads.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Damn. Discourteous for sure, I would t necessarily call that cock blocking. You got to kinda expect group sex at a spa/sauna. Sometimes we lose out, happens to everyone.
    1 point
  35. We have all of those types in great numbers here in the PNW. My least favorite is "message guy" that knows at least "1001 ways to have sex where no one even has to touch anyone else's icky dick." After 15 years of hearing them from numerous men I'm out of there before they can finish describing the 1st way. Like "the handcuffer" what he really wants is someone to hang out with. I've really pissed a few "handcuffers" off when they had sex with me before I realized that was their intent. Hanging out is not in the implied contract for hookup sex.
    1 point
  36. A bit of protocol, a bit of excitement and a lot of lust, sex and love 💞💞
    1 point
  37. United we stand. Divided we fall. That solution assumes a considerably greater homogeneity of thought - a purer redness of red - than exists in all the red states, and forecloses on the possibility of change. Yet the national view on same-sex marriage, just for example, has evolved from broad rejection to broad acceptance in a single generation. What would such a partition mean for the millions of people who don’t fit the new unfettered Red Rule? Are you so sanguine about consigning them to a fate of cruelty, repression, and deprivation of basic rights? Is your solution a mass exodus on a scale unprecedented in the Western Hemisphere? (Note: a whacking great chunk of all that Canadian real estate is essentially uninhabitable.) The notion of a “United States of Canada”, by the way, presumes that Canada would ever be willing to accept Americans under a joint flag - which I much doubt, and who could blame them? No. The idea is nonsense. A great deal is made about slavery being the reason for the American Civil War, but it was only one of the rights the states accused the federal government of stripping away. It was a question of whether states could essentially make their own rules and still reap the benefit of a federal union without sharing in its unified commitments and principles - which of course no state can. It’s no wonder that Texas behaves now in the radical and rebellious way it does; you can’t spend ten minutes in Texas without someone reminding you that Texas was once an independent republic, and they never stop muttering about seceding again - indeed, they were the last Confederate state to rejoin the Union.* I lived in Dallas for four years; it becomes tiresome. What we are witnessing right now is nothing less than a resurgence of the States Rights doctrine, and it is no more valid now than it was in 1861. Neither is secession. We will achieve nothing by Balkanizing the North American continent except our mutual downfall. *Georgia rejoined the Union before Texas, but had to do it again afterward because some representatives were unseated.
    1 point
  38. You could be fully clothed and still look like a trashy cumdumpster faggot
    1 point
  39. I found that being nude shows guys exactly what kind of slutty cumdump I am and lets them know I’m a shameless whore, willing to get on my knees or bend over anywhere for anyone to use. even better when I have cum on my face or dripping from my hole. I started this in high school by stripping nude in the porntheatre and taking loads from whoever came in. plus the added benefit is guys can piss on me when they are done getting off.
    1 point
  40. Fate indeed...some of us were meant to be poz..its what we are for...you will crave poz seed as the years go by and find out that the only time you feel good both physically and mentally is when you have taken a charged load....you ll crave it the rest of your life. Your suppose to be poz
    1 point
  41. What Happens in the Bush... by Hozzel May 2022 A/N: this is a longer short story. I thought it better to keep it as a one part post. Thirty year old Ben Haman had developed a major hard-on for ravishing Kelly Ravane. He could not get his sexually tormented mind off the gorgeous young woman. But Ben had a great big whopping problem: he was gay. He had always been attracted to men. In public and at the gym he checked out men. His sexual fantasies involved men. Gay porn did it for him. He had several satisfying sexual and romantic experiences with other men, and he dreamed of another male lover he could please. Men rang his erotic bells. So what was wrong with him? Ben first saw Kelly at the gym working out on a cross-trainer. Thick brown hair swayed just past her broad shoulders. A tight scoop-necked croptop and loose shorts showed off her muscular workout body, deep cleavage, the globes of large firm breasts, tight abs, nicely curved hips, and long, tapered legs. Kelly acknowledged Ben's sly glance with a dimpled smile and a friendly wave. She shifted to a weight machine next to him and broke the ice by saying, "I like your bod, too." Gob-smacked Ben shyly nodded, muttered a soft "Thank you". She just smiled and pulled the bar down, accenting her muscles and firm tits. Over the next two weeks Ben found chatting with Kelly as easy as he spoke to men. Her deep feminine sultry voice sounded like smooth gold. She laughed at his stupid comments and said things that made sense. Awkward silence rarely sliced between them, especially when they exercised together or next to each other. Ben discovered Kelly was less than a year older than himself, liked similar foods, music and movies, and even enjoyed football. Ben worked as a contract computer programmer and Kelly a copy writer for a local publisher. Like Ben, Kelly was single, but, unlike Ben, some of her more lewd comments inferred considerable sexual experience and a free-spirited uninhibited mind. She regularly regarded Ben's taught body with cheeky dimples and even commented on his "nice package" after staring for longer than a moment. Ben's cock let him know it wanted vivacious Kelly Ravane. It wanted her bad. Embarrassing erections began to sprout when they worked out together and then at other times. When they were jogging on side-by-side treadmills, she spied his awkward physical interest, and literally stared before looking at his embarrassed eyes. She said, "I'm flattered. Hey, do you like to jog or hike?". Horribly embarrassed and thoroughly confused, Ben said, "I sometimes go on long walks at the beach or the forest. Not much of a jogger I'm afraid." "I often go out to Telowie at night and work my ass off." Was this an invitation? A date? A sneaky come-on? "Is it safe?" Kelly giggled and said, "I haven't met anyone yet I can't handle, if you know what I mean." Ben had no idea what she meant, but when he left the gym, he decided enough was enough. He needed to exorcise his stupid fascination and get back to his roots. Kelly Ravane could be a scintillating gymrat workout partner but that was all she could ever be. He needed to find men to fuck him silly and maybe a man or two he could fuck as well. Ben had heard stories about the secret cruising nightlife at Telowie Creek reserve. If the stories were true he should not have a problem. Late that night, he showered, cleaned himself out thoroughly, popped a Cialis just in case he got lucky. The summer night air felt warm so Ben wore only a T-shirt and stubbies. Then he drove to the north edge of the city. The reserve was little more than a small parking area and toilet block with a well-worn nature trail leading into a gorge and a thousand hectare hilly forest. He parked next to two other cars. Ben grabbed his backpack and headed up the footworn trail. It followed the creek before angling up out of the gorge and deep into the reserve. Darkness wrapped around Ben like a silent blanket. A gibbous moon ghosted the trail that wound beneath tall spooky trees. He looked back at the lights of the city of Flinders, spread across Encounter Bay, then trudged on. Along the way he caught sight of a possum, a small koala, a cat, and a few small bats. After twenty minutes Ben had not passed a soul. Soon his hand drifted down and found an unexpected present. He had not even noticed he had become hard. Not just ordinary hard but thick, solid, thumping hard. The Cialis clearly worked well. I need relief, he thought. And I need to get rid of these thoughts about Kelly! Ben pulled off his T-shirt and stuffed it into the pack. Moonglow sparkled the perspiration on his shadowed body. His hand slid past the elastic of his shorts and his fingers squeezed the naughty culprit. Solid as a tree, it demanded immediate attention. He pulled the shorts down. His cock sprang free. The warm night air on his exposed groin and thighs felt exhilarating. He shucked his shorts and stuffed them into the pack, too. There was nothing better to Ben than being hard. He tried to be in that euphoric condition as often as possible. Getting off once or twice every day was normal; his record was five separate times due, in part, to nasty thoughts about Kelly. Boldly nude, fingering his powerful erection, Ben headed onward. Out of the forest, across a small paddock then just around a boulder pile covered in blackberry vines, he found a well-worn spur trail that lead down to a grassy creek bank. A perfect spot to take care of his demanding problem. Ben pulled out a large blanket, spread it over the damp grass, and stripped off his shoes and socks. Feeling the cooling night breeze caress his naked body, he lay down, took hold of his throbbing problem and began to seriously deal with it. He closed his eyes and an erotic image of Kelly sprang up in his sexually charged mind. No good! He forced himself to picture men. His ex partner, his ex fuckbuddy, his quirky lover at uni, even his fuck-friend at high school. Their bodies, their cocks, their times fucking each other. He imagined many nameless strange men taking their wild turns with him, demanding men with great big throbbing cocks relentlessly breeding his wanton ass with their thick splooge, their manbatter seed, their potent jizz, their vigorous fucking, their loud grunts and commands. Men who would not care if he became knocked up or not. Men who just wanted to use him for their own pleasure and release. He willingly took their insistent cocks in his mouth and hands and sissy cunt. He would be their trashy whore cumdump, allowing anyone to fuck his greedy ass and breed him raw. Soon he began to moan as the sensual feelings and panting breath rose in his emotionally tormented body. He imagined bending Kelly over the cold bathroom sink at home and hardfucking her in the ass from behind, and the outrageous things she shouted and screamed. "Uh ... uh ..." His fist furiously jerked up and down, slipping the foreskin over and back until he needed more stimulation. He yanked the foreskin back. His palm rubbed his sensitive nude knob. He moaned and grunted. He lifted his hips, strained and roughly mauled his long erection. "'Uh! Ug! Fuck! Fuck! Kelly! Fuck!" A sharp snap stole his attention. Caught like a rabbit in headlights, he froze and flicked his head right then left. There, only a few meters away, a shadowy figure stood watching him. The mysterious person took another step and Ben saw in the moonlight she stood naked from the waist up. A T-shirt dropped from her hand. Large breasts swayed with her slow steps and her other hand was doing something in her open cut-offs. He recognized the legs, the boobs, then the smiling cheeky face. It was Kelly! She did not bolt, did not say anything but pushed her short cut-offs down revealing a solid big erect cock! She stared open-mouthed at his. Then she smiled again at his shocked eyes. Kelly knelt on the blanket and pushed his hand away. "Don't waste it, hun. Here, give me your dick." She grasped the base of his aching rod and descended. He raised onto elbows and shook his blurry head. He felt her slowly run her fingers and tongue along his shaft, then tender lips kiss the tip before she engulfed him. Her tongue swirled as she began to lick the crown. Ben cringed as if lightning had struck three times. It had been so long! He blurted, "Fuck! I can't believe this is happening." "Believe it," Kelly mumbled around his cock. She worked his cock with wanton expertise, massaged his full balls, and snickered at the distinct jerks and shudders and moans she caused. With just the wet tip of her twisting experienced tongue, Kelly teased the sensitive crown of Ben's heavily engorged shaft. His blood boiled. Nerves cried out. She fluttered her tongue then swooped down, taking him deep, squeezing the steaming tip with her tongue and throat. He felt her power and demand. And, strangely, he did not want to squirm and run away. She pulled up and commented, "I like the way you react When I do this..." He shook. "Or this..." He cringed. "Or this..." He sucked air and his fingers tore at the blanket. Her hand pumped steadily up and down, twisting and turning and massaging. Then her head drifted down and he felt the wet power again from a supreme mistress of the oral art. The incredible sensations Kelly forced from his cock throughout his body felt like quickfire. They built and built, minute after minute, until he thought he couldn't take any more. Through the blinding mist of passion, he thrashed under her attack to the point of shouting. "I can't. I"m going to..." "Not yet!" Kelly spun around until her nice long cock and full balls dangled above his amazed face. As he felt her try to swallow his prick, he guided her length into his eager mouth and licked and sucked violently as she was doing to him. She felt solid and tasted rubbery. His fingers kneaded Kelly's fleshy rear buttocks. He stimulated her plunging cock, worshiped it, trying desperately not to cum himself. He concentrated on her pleasure. He tried to swallow her tip but she was so hard it proved impossible so he let her rub her engorged knob on the roof of his sucking and licking mouth. She began to moan around his hard pole and try to push deeper at the same time. When he sucked hard, she paused and shuddered. He jerked and sucked her harder. Her heavy balls swung and smacked him in the chin as she thrust. She moaned, "Oh, yes, that feels so fucking good!" She shuddered. "That's it. Oh, fuck, yes! I am so turned on!" "Now who's reacting," he mumbled around her jumping cock. On a whim, his fingers probed her rear pucker. He pushed his middle finger inside and found her wet and yielding. She clenched on him as he pumped in and out. It was enough of a diversion to help him hold on. He inhaled through his nose. His senses reeled. He felt her strength and the weight of her taught body, her strong thighs pressing against his ears as she surged against his face. "So good," he heard. Her panting and smooth sinuous movement sparked his invigorated nerves. He sucked hard and pulled her ass. "Fuck! I'm … almost there already," she panted. "Almost there… Almost… You're making me... Uh… uh… uh… Yes! Oh, fuck yes!" Gasping, she smashed her shaking body against his face and stifled a yell. Ben's rutting fingers were clamped in a strong vice. Shots of white sticky mangoo flooded his surprised mouth. He gagged then swallowed quickly, trying desperately not to let a drop of her salacious nectar escape. He heard her moan again and felt her body shimmer through the pulsing orgasm while more shots of wonderful sticky juice flooded. Even while she shot, she sucked his cock so hard he felt a zap of pain. She locked her tight anus fiercely around his fingers and sucked his prong frantically. Torture in ecstasy. When she finished unloading, Kelly rolled off Ben and lay on her back next to him. Deep breaths caused her large cones to rise and fall. Her feet brushed the side of his head, her hand fell on his hip. His slipped over hers and touched her softening dick. It still throbbed at his touch. "That was great," she said, smiling, sitting up on elbows, catching her breath. Her fantastic breasts seemed fuller and her nipples stood proud. "I feel all tingly and nice. Hey, are you going to waste that stiffie?" She tapped his erection. Her smile seemed wider than the Moon above. "I've been trying to hold off for you." Kelly swung a long leg over Ben and slid down his neck and chest until her round butt rested at the tip of his throbbing hard-on. Her bare stomach pushed eagerly against his own. She leaned down onto his body and sucked his tongue into her greedy mouth. Over and over she slid her tongue against his and pressed her solid prick along side his hard cock. The kiss evolved into something more. But she suddenly lifted her head. A complex expression raked her eyes. "Why am I hesitating?" With a huge smile, she pushed her body up. Her tits raked his chest and his his rock-hard cock was forced to probe between her fleshy rear mounds until the tip pressed at her puckered entrance. "This what you want?" he whispered. "You have to ask?" Her workout strong thighs squeezed his hips. "I know you want to fuck me!" "Bareback?" "Only way to fly, hun." Kelly hugged him tight and threw her face beyond a kiss, licking his lips, sucking his tongue, sliding, probing, twisting. It was a kiss full of soul and passion. She pressed back and Ben popped in easily. Her hips descended until he was lodged. She felt slick as if she had pre-lubed just for tonight's encounter. His burning cock was lovingly gripped by strong muscles. She sat straight up, forcing him deep. She closed her eyes and began to move on him. "That's...wow...feels so good. Better than I imagined." Kelly slipped forward and back, sliding Ben's sensitive thick pole and rubbing her stomach against him at the same time. Playful magic spasms rippled along his sparkling length. She felt hot and alive. Re-energized, Ben began to thrust back. Their bellies slapped and rang, the sounds of their cries of delight echoed in the night. Harder and faster Ben drove into Kelly's eager tunnel. He pumped up and she ground down, forcing him deep. He reached around and his fingers hugged her surging buttocks. He could feel the pre-orgasmic sensations rise. His hot scrotum tingled. His cock began to throb. His tortured body undulated savagely as he plunged. He pushed up, she pressed down. She leaned on his quivering body and, together, they danced opposing rhythms, panting deeper and deeper into each others excited mouths. Passionate friction built and built until he could no longer hold back. "Kelly, I'm going to…" "Do it! Do it! Flood me! Breed me! Squirt your nasty cum into my worthless shemale body!" Ben thrust up fast. He felt his balls clench hard, his fluid rush up the stem, his expanding cock throb and pulse and jerk. With a loud grunt, he thrust and exploded. His entire body clenched. He stifled a shout of immense pleasure as he allowed himself to blast into her with ferocious ecstasy. Grunting and gasping together, his body convulsed as his sticky seed shot over and over, powerful squirt after squirt, in a timeless orgasmic haze. His blasts triggered something within Kelly, a second surprise orgasm, amazingly stronger than the first. She shouted, making no attempt to hide her own exhilarating pleasure. She fell forward, smacking her body against his. Her mouth clamped onto his. Her intense spasms clasped his throbbing shaft. Unable to stop, their paired orgasms powered onwards as if an invisible force had taken control and roped them together. In the severe peak of turbulent ecstasy, she squeezed him so tight the air flew from his tortured lungs into hers. Kelly's head snapped up. Transformed by intense sexual energy, her face split into a wide, happy, gorgeous smile. Ben began to laugh with her. Even while laughing together, another orgasmic wave crashed through her, causing that beautiful feminine face to writhe and twist through surprise and pleasure. Her tongue flicked on his wet lips, and, with gritted teeth, as if demon possessed, she resumed madly gyrating while sparkling joy forced even greater laughter. She sat up and fucked hard and fast as if possessed. Amazingly, she climaxed again in less than a minute. This time she cried out and her glorious cock spat ropes of hot fluid across his chest. "Oh, fuck! I … I have to stop!" Panting heavily, staring into his excited eyes, she whispered, "Thank you." She took his head in her palms and softly kissed him. Her sensitive body quivered in his hands with pleasurable aftershocks. "Thank you," he answered, huge smiling, lungs still heaving. He admired Kelly's angelic shadowed face, her dark eyes, her thick lovely hair. His hands slipped lovingly from her round bum up her strong back then the sides of her firm breasts, down her flanks and hips to smooth bare legs. He felt bonded to the most beautiful person in the world. "You're fantastic! I've never felt anything that strong before! It's like some type of energy sprang right out of you and into me…and it spun around and flew back to you. It felt like we gave something to each other. Like we connected. Like..." She took a deep breath. Her breasts swelled, nipples hardened and she shuddered. "You did everything right." She raised and leaned back but kept him embedded inside her perspiring body. He could feel her playfully squeezing his tumid length with practiced internal muscles. Her own cock bobbed with each loving squeeze. "You feel too perfect for me." Softly, "In far too many ways. My gurlcunt doesn't want to let go of you. You're right where you belong. But I wonder if I'm too much for a nice man like you." Ben gazed at her glorious breasts and sighed. "I have never experienced anything like that before! I don't know how to describe it. Intense. Overwhelming. Significant. Explosive. Exuberant. Is that what you're feeling, too? Is this what great sex feels like?" "You never had sex like this? Honestly?" "Not like this! I only ever dreamed about it!" "I felt your whole body get into it. I love how you squirm and shout. It'll be ringing in my head for months." She smiled. "I can still feel you twitch inside me. Aren't you worn out?" "Oh, no!" Ben raised himself up on elbows, looked at her semi-hard cock pointed at his face, and they laughed together again. He said, "I don't know what else to say." He tried to reach but could not quite get her cock to his lips and tongue. "Fancy meeting you way out here late at night might be a start," Kelly offered. "And 'I love fucking you.' And 'I was hoping to find someone to fuck.' Seriously, you have no idea how bad I have wanted you since I first saw you at the gym. I've been so consumed with lust it was everything I could do not to jump your body in public." He did not admit he came to the park to try to get away from her, but said, "I remembered what you said about the park." "How sweet. I'm glad you took my hint but why didn't you make a move sooner? I've been waiting for it, hun. Have to admit I wasn't sure about you, either, if you would take to what I am, but I waited, and I normally do not wait. I guess I have wanted you that bad." Ben said, "I'm gay. I wasn't sure about my feelings. I thought you were ... well ... I am so glad you have this." He reached and wrapped his fingers around her cock. It responded happily. "Gay? I wondered. I hoped. And that's great! I'm the wanton wild girl with the big surprise that you're holding," she said, flexing her dick in his hand. "Gay men love me." She chuckled and rose. His softening prick flopped out onto his stomach, glistening wet in the moonglow. She reached down and fondled his balls then ran a finger across his chest and sucked her juice with a naughty expression. "Straight men love me, too. All kinds of men. Here, give me your dick again." Those words felt like Magic to Ben. Kelly dropped to his side and took his cock in both hands. He lay back and let her do what she wanted. In moments he was hard again. The Cialis was clearly working. She giggled, bent and sucked before saying, "What am I doing? I so need to fuck you." She stood on knees and he saw her cock was a renewed hard pole standing up and begging for more. She gleefully scooted between his legs and levered his thighs apart with her hips. She held his legs apart with a strong grip on his ankles, reared over him, and roughly pushed into his yielding ass. He opened easily and gripped her solid sliding pole with his internal muscles. Painless, she felt huge. A wonderful, lovely, filling type of huge. She closed her eyes and literally sighed. "Your slutty cunt feels so good. I can feel you tighten up for me. Oh, that's great! I am going to so bang you senseless." Kelly savagely fucked into Ben. In a minute, trying to meet her quick thrusts, Ben felt something more than her cock sliding inside him and her body slamming against him. He moaned. "You feel better than ... oh, fuck! Feels like I'm going to cum already! What are you doing to me?" "Making you cum like you've never cum before, hun, just like I do. I love watching your amazed face, seeing your reactions, your excited responses, feeling your body react. Stop trying to hold back so much! Just go with the fuck and cum when you feel like it. Won't mean we're finished when you do." Ben suddenly squirmed. A sensation of intense pleasure burst inside his ass, almost like a small explosion. His entire body cringed like all his sensitive nerves had been zapped. He felt as if he were cumming but he wasn't shooting anything. His body twisted and his cock jerked between their bodies but it did not wilt. Panting heavily, Ben felt as if he could just keep going without needing a recharge. "Gotcha," she said. Kelly fucked on, her heavy boobs swaying between her arms, an intense expression of joy twisting her lovely face. Her sliding, rubbing, pumping prick lit something like liquid fire in his ass. All his nerves twitched. Tingles quickly built. With a loud gasp and moan, his entire body exploded again. He squirmed but Kelly continued to fuck until his eyes rolled when an even stronger wave struck. She laughed and continued to drive into him even harder. "You fucking bitch!" he said loudly. "If feels like you're screwing orgasms into me." "That's exactly what I'm doing! And yes, that's what I am, a fucking bitch who is fucking you. Oh,I'm almost there, too!" She fell onto his prone body and kissed him roughly while continuing to fiercely pound her steely cock as deep and as rough as she could. Her tongue bored between his lips and probed. Her enthusiastic lips felt divine. Kelly suddenly pulled out, sat up and licked her lips. "I love seeing your eyes roll and feel your body shake when you assgasm." "Get back in!" Ben pleaded. "Want more, do we? How can I refuse such a pretty man! You are simply so much fun, Freak! That'll be my special name for you. My Freak who makes me want to top." Kelly reared over him and shoved her cock back into Ben's willing hole. She resumed fucking hard, pounding her cock in and out at high speed, shuddering herself from rising feelings. His eyes rolled again and he started shaking immediately. "You are such a slutty cunt," she said. "I want to make you my cumdump slut and have you take my cum whenever I want. Will you do that for me?" "Whatever you want," Ben puffed, trying to take a few breaths before the next assgasm overwhelmed. "You can take me as many times as you want ... make me your slutty whore." "I'll do more than that, Freak! I'll make you take anyone else's cum that I want, too." "Yes! Yes! Yes! As many as you want." Ben's mind whirled in new sexual heights. He twisted. It felt as if his nerves flamed even brighter. Kelly huffed with each powerful thrust. "Oh! You feel great! Your body...your cunt. What you're doing to me! I can't stop fucking. I am going to so blast you!" Ben's hands slipped down and gripped her hunching round ass while she continued to plunge viciously. Her large hanging boobs brushed his chest. Her thick hair swayed around her excited face and shoulders. "Oh! I'm cumming again!" Ben exclaimed. His entire body shook while Kelly ruthlessly drove on. "Your hard cock feels so good. Don't stop. Fuck my sissy cunt harder. I will do anything you want. I'll be your loving cumdump! Just don't ever stop!" He knew he meant those words. He was now hers and he would do whatever nasty thing she desired. "God, you're tight!" Kelly gasped as Ben clenched. She rode hard into him. "You mean that? Anything I want?" "Yes! Yes! Anything!" She leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Don't freak out but we're being watched." Ben stopped moving but Kelly continued to shove into him. He looked around but did not see anyone. She said, "Just go with whatever I say. It'll all be good. You'll love it." She raised up and resumed thrusting. She said loudly, "I'm sure some of my friends and acquaintances who frequent this place will like breeding you, too." "That's right, we will," Ben heard. Kelly slowed her movements but did not stop. Despite this being a dream come true, he found the situation confronting. He swallowed and felt his dick soften. Years ago at uni, he had been involved in a threesome, but this was very different. He was naked, being enthusiastically fucked by a beautiful shemale for whom he had special feelings and trust, and now it seemed as if he was about to be bred like a hunk of meet. He felt excited and apprehensive. Kelly, on the other hand, seemed to accept the situation as if was normal, and she seemed to be enjoying his unease. Three men stepped close enough so Ben could see their shapes. One was tall and thin, the other medium height but stocky and bearded and the third he couldn't quite make out. She pulled out, sat back and said to the men, "You've already fucked me but you can fuck him now." Her cock stood tall and shiny in the moonlight. "Go ahead and fuck my cumdump sissy boyfriend here." The tall man threw off his coat revealing a hard naked body with a long stiff cock. Grinning, the wiry man glared down and said, "Boyfriend? You? Him? Really?" "Thought you got enough of me before, Sam. But I see you're ready again. What about your mate here?" The tall man ignored Kelly and ordered Ben, "Turn over, slut. I'm gonna breed you." Taking a deep breath of courage, Ben looked at Kelly for reassurance then rolled onto his stomach. "On your knees. Show me your sissy cunt." Ben raised onto hands and knees and waited. He felt the man behind kneel and pull his round cheeks apart. The thick man dropped before Ben's face. He had removed his pants. A short, cut, hard cock waggled. Before Ben could open his mouth, he was shoved from behind. Sam jabbed his dick straight into Ben and began rooting fast. Ben took the other man's cock into his mouth and sucked and licked while he was being savagely fucked. He felt used...and he felt wonderful! His body shuddered as it was jerked by Sam's strong pumping. Ecstasy was building fast again. Next to him, Kelly dropped to her hands and knees as well. "Fuck me, too!" The third man, now nude, rushed behind and jammed himself into her willing body. Ben could just make out this man's bear-type body as he ruthlessly shoved into her. Kelly yelled, "Fuck my boyfriend hard! Fuck his slutty cunt! Go on, shoot your hot jizz into him. He's just a worthless piece of human trash I picked up for entertainment. He's such a big needy whore that he'll let anyone I ask fuck him." The front man shoved into Ben's mouth and said to the other, "Fuck his cunt! Flood his sissy cunt with your hot cum. I'll make him drink my nasty seed!" The man at the back, Sam, said, "His slutty sissy cunt feels good wrapped around my bare cock!" Ben sucked hard causing the nameless man to groan. "This bitch is a good cocksucker!" "Don't care," Ben heard, "but his cunt is tight." Kelly looked over at Ben and smiled reassuringly while the third man pounded into her. Her body shook as if she were being pummeled. Her eyes rolled then shut as his fucking got to her. Ben began to moan around a mouthful of stiff cock. His ass flamed, still jumping from Kelly's earlier stimulation. Little pleasurable shocks blasted through him. The man behind shoved hard. Ben's body shook from the dual pounding. He was still in heaven. His dream had more than come true. He let the men have their way with him and that was nothing short of magnificent. The men bred him ferociously. He heard Kelly cry out, glanced and saw her hard cock spit. Amazing he thought. Then she yelled. Ben knew her rider had unloaded. She turned toward Ben and began to laugh reassuringly. Seconds later Sam grunted, shoved hard, and unloaded into Ben. And unloaded. And unloaded as if he would never stop. Searing blast after blast filled Ben's receptive, gripping ass. His head reeled from the severe feelings. He felt the hot sticky seed run down his thighs. The man fucking his mouth shoved hard and roared. Ben felt goo squirt into his mouth. Despite swallowing, some escaped. All three men stumbled back, grabbed their coat and clothes, and, without a word, vanished into the night. Kelly leaned and bumped Ben's shoulder. He fell on his side. She pushed him onto his back and scrambled between his legs and arms. She shoved an obviously super-hard cock back into his well-lubed sissy cunt. She looked down at his confused face. "How do you feel now? Are you still my cumdump slut?" He nodded and said, "I mean it. Anything you want. This has been amazing. I'm not very experienced. I've only been with a few guys. I bet you've had plenty." What a weird thing to talk about when being fucked, Ben thought. But Kelly made him relax. He felt as if he could now say anything to her in complete safety and trust, especially when she was in him like this. Kelly shook her head and pursed her lips and paused pushing. "How do you feel about me now? Revolted?" "You're magnificent. My idol." "Really? Maybe you won't think that if you knew every slutty thing about me." Ben looked into Kelly's shadowed eyes. "I want to know the lot. You won't hurt me, no matter what you say." She said, "Alright. I am a serious cumdump, Ben, a filthy TS whore always begging for more. I am a shemale slut and proud of those labels and words. I have sucked all kinds of dicks and cocks in all kinds of places and been fucked by most of them. So many men have had their way with me I couldn't possibly count. I try to never say no. I rarely top. But with you, all I want to do is ram," she pushed hard into him, "and ram and ram my demanding gurlcock into your boycunt as much as I can, and cum as many times as I can." She resumed moving. "I want to seed you, breed you, load your slutty ass so many times it'll overflow in fucking torrents. I want to feel you cringe and clench when I blast my hot jizz into you and make you mine. I want to force you to cum, too, so I can see your face twist and feel your body cringe from what I am doing. You respond so well!" Kelly raised her body. Her large hanging boobs brushed his chest with each of her powerful thrusts causing her nipples to swell and tingle. Her thick hair swayed around her excited face and shoulders "Sam fucked me earlier and those three have had me before plenty of times. A lot of other men frequent this reserve and especially this spot. This was a quiet night. They treat me like a worthless cunt to breed, and that is exactly what I want. I love it! This is the other me, the secret me, my slutty, demanding, worthless, sex-addicted me, not the nice girl you met at the gym. Are you alright with all this? I really like you, Ben, and you fit my body perfectly. Do you still want to be with me? Do you still want to be my Freak? Can you take me, hun?" Ben took a deep breath, felt Kelly's solid pole right where it belonged, and smiled up into her concerned face. "I couldn't ask for better. Always dreamed about being used like that. You're just fabulous. And don't you dare stop enjoying others!" "I'll have to arrange a manwich then." She grinned and kissed him lightly. "I get to be in the middle." "Love to. Boyfriend?" Ben croaked. She resumed fucking. "Wasn't that fun? But sure, why not? About time I had someone regular. We get along well enough, and you've been in my mind so much I'm sure I will want a lot more of you. I want to use your cunt all the time even if you can't take any more, and I want you to be ready any time I want it, whether I want to fuck you or be fucked. Tell you what, I'll come home with you and spend the night fucking your brains out. Oh, and I'll warn you: I shoot jizz like a man but I can cum like a woman, over and over, without going soft. Some men get really freaked out by it. Is that okay?" "Oh, that's fabulous! Yes!" Ben exclaimed from both her exuberant interest and his renewed assgasmic cringing. He even felt his cock stiffen again, and he felt as if he might finally shoot hands-free. "Just one more time, please, before we go." Kelly Ravane resumed using Ben's excited body like her own personal fleshlight, ramming her engorged cock into him harder than before, huffing onto his excited face. Soon she cried, "Once is never enough!" and began to unload with more roaring spasms. XXX
    1 point
  42. I love being rimmed. The perfect way to get ready for a long fuck.
    1 point
  43. Love being rimmed! Gets me in the right mood for being fucked and filled! Stick a bottle of poppers under my nose at the same time and away you go…
    1 point
  44. It is a nice way to get my hole loosened up and wet for cock, and it is a nice cleanup method after the fuck, but it's not the main event. If you aren't going to tuck me I would rather you not eat my hole.
    1 point
  45. I am married to a woman. She does not know I am a faggot cum dump taking loads from any horny guy. I love coming home with my ass full of cum and fucking her and filling her with my load
    1 point
  46. Always deep - in the second ring if at all possible.....
    1 point
  47. Please castrate me!? 🙏
    1 point
  48. I’m a mid-30s bi guy moving to Chicago soon with my girlfriend. We’ve got an open relationship where she gives me a hall pass to fuck guys once every few months (I’m on PrEP, get tested after each hall pass, we have a few other rules, etc.). I don’t have much trouble getting cock when I have the opportunity. But I need to make new friends. We have some existing friends in Chicago, but they’re pretty conservative with their sexual behavior—a lot of jokes about 69, jizz, and anal that mask discomfort with sexual fluidity or genuine expressions of sexuality. I would like to be part of a kinkier social circle. Ideally one that is open to LGBT/queer identities, but also even just an open minded swinger’s group—we had friends like that in the past, and I feel over time those groups are getting more comfortable with MSM, especially younger people. I don’t want to find friends during my hook-ups. One of the rules of our open relationship is to avoid interactions that involve emotional attachments, which is why my girlfriend prefers me hooking up anonymously at bathhouses and bookstores. I’m not opposed to hooking up with my friends at some point in the future. We just had our first STI from my last hall pass a couple months ago (treated, all negative now), and we may need to discuss new rules that make things a little safer, including the possibility of ongoing FWBs to have more trust around testing. My relationship with my girlfriend is the most important thing to me, and it may take her some time to get to the FWBs point, so I don’t want to introduce her to “my new friends” who I first met on a hookup site. So where are the “respectable” places I can I meet cool, sexually open, LGBT-friendly people in Chicago? I do want to get involved with LGBT rights/health organizations. Anybody have recommendations for those groups?
    1 point
  49. I was an incredibly naive 17 year old living on Long Island and going to catholic school. I went into NYC the day of the Jets - Colts game and was walking around the Times Square area looking at the gay magazines in the porno bookstore windows. Some guy - probably around 30 (which was old to me back then) asked me if I wanted to come back his place for a blow job - so I did. He asked me if I wanted to fuck him - said sticking my cock up it ass felt just like pussy. I still regret declining that offer nd offering mu hole to him.
    1 point
  50. I'm super excited! A porn star messaged me on bbrt tonight and said he wanted to fuck me. I, of course, cleaned out and went to his place. When I got there, he looked EXACTLY like his pics and was a perfect gentleman. And of course he made me choke on his massive dick, and pounded me until he shot a huge load in me. I'm still leaking right now. I know this sounds like I'm bragging, and that's kind of true. It was truly unforgettable. P.S.
    1 point
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