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  1. I had been thinking about having some more professional pictures taken of me for a long time, but kept putting it off knowing that the 'self' pics I have always seem to do the trick and did I really need more than that? The answer was always no. One night, on a whim, I posted an ad on CraigsList, in the Men for Men section, inquiring about a local photographer to take some nude and tasteful pictures of me. Of course I have nudes, self taken, but I wanted someone else's view and skills of taking pictures with an artistic mind. As expected I received multiple crude or amateur responses and it took me a while to sift through them, one of the responses caught my eye. His name was Ed and he had a photo studio in town and offered to take some erotic nudes of me with no expectations or cost, but if one was really good I would agree to let him use it in his studio. I would also get all of the digital files and Ed would keep nothing. Pretty easy for me to agree to, since there was no skin off my back to possibly get some great shots. Ed and I connected via email first and it was pretty professional from the get go, which I appreciated, but I wanted to make sure that if the situation arose, he was alright with more soft porn type photos of me enjoying myself. Ed was totally fine with this and offered to walk me through some of his non-public online gallery to give me some ideas of what he has done with other men and clients. I was pretty excited about this and we set a time. Ed said he would email be back from his personal email so there wasn't any 'business' ties to our conversations or thoughts. I said sure and waited for his email. Ed's email came in soon after. I opened the email and read the pleasantries. I saw the time we were to meet online and go through the gallery, but I also noticed a profile link for what appeared to be Ed's Adam4Adam profile. This couldn't be an accident, right? Of course maybe he just has it there with his personal email. I don't know, but I had to click on it. I was led to Ed's profile and read through his words, summary, and then looked at his available public pictures. Ed was very attractive, should length graying hair, seemed to be fit, but my vision was pulled right to his soft cock, hanging naturally it seemed to be at least six to seven inches soft, shaved balls, and well trimmed pubes. First impression? fucking gorgeous. Oh I wanted to see his 'private' pics, but definitely didn't have the nerve to ask for that, not yet anyway. Ed and I were to connect via hangout so we he could lead me through the gallery. When it was time I opened the video chat link and waited for Ed to join. It seemed like I had been waiting for a long time, but in reality it was my excitement that made the wait that much longer. Ed joined rather quickly after our scheduled time and it was great to finally talk to him. We covered some pleasantries and then Ed asked some questions. "So Tim, would you like to see some artful nudes I have and have had hanging in my gallery at one time or another?". Ed asked. "That would be great! I am very interested on those that started kinda where I am, no experience and no idea what I really want", we both laughed. Ed laughed too and said, "you bet, I think I know what you want to see". Ed shared his screen and started going through the gallery quickly looking for someone specific. "Ah, here he is. This is Joe, he came to me with the same thoughts you have. He had plenty of 'selfies' and 'gay web site' pics, but wanted something done a little more tasteful. We met in my studio and all of these were taken in an afternoon. What do you think?" I was looking intimately at every photo. Many were relaxed poses on a bed or lounger, Joe was naked and semi aroused it most of the pictures. The lighting was awesome and the environment was great, Joe seemed to be in a very relaxed environment. "I think these are perfect for what I am looking for. I see Joe in mostly the same poses, can you handle other positions and thoughts?" I asked Ed. "Of course Tim, let me find a few others that might be more what you are thinking". Ed navigated to another client and past his front photos to a 'second' page. "Are these more along what you are thinking?". The new set of pictures I now saw were incredible and exactly what I was thinking in the way of pictures. There were one of this new guy of him hard...holding his cock, up on all fours, a dildo in his ass...they were all very nice. Ed commented, "I can see by your stares and the silence these pictures have grabbed your attention". Ed laughed "Fuck Ed". I caught myself and corrected my reaction, "sorry Ed. I mean yes, these are exactly what I was looking for. Can I ask you about this session?". "Of course Tim, I am very open, you can ask anything you want." Ed said. "Thank you Ed, I really appreciate that. For this session, how did this start? What were his thoughts on what he wanted and the obvious, did it go any further, pictures of him cumming?". "Great questions Tim. This is Robert. Robert wanted some new pictures that might be 'action' type pictures. We started with different poses and soon enough Robert was aroused and it just led from there. To answer your last question, yes Robert came very hard at the end of that session". I was getting hard hearing Ed talk about the photo session, this is exactly what I was looking for. "That is hot" "Yes Tim, it is very fucking hot. So, would you like to schedule a session for yourself?" "Yes Ed, I would love that". We worked out a time to meet up at Ed's studio. Meeting Ed I arrived at Ed's studio as we had discussed. The studio was in an older building down town, more of a loft style studio or apartment. Ed was wearing a loose fitting button up shirt, shorts, and sandals. "Welcome Tim, please come in" he said while letting me in. I almost felt him staring me up and down from behind. I immediately noticed the erotic photography on the walls, men posing in many settings and poses. After closing the door Ed said, "you like my work?". As I continue to go over the different photos I answered, "very much. They are just great, very real, very sexy". Ed chucked, "ha, you should see the ones I keep in my office. those are much more...revealing". I turned to Ed, "I would love to, can we? It might give me some ideas". Ed said 'sure' and led me down one of the hallways to a large open room. The floor was wood but a majority of it was covered with a plush area rug. A desk stood towards the end with some draped windows behind them. "Great office", I said. I then took in the photos on these walls. Fuck! They were all so hot. The artistic nature flowed in these as well, but there were some of men aroused, men masturbating, men hard, men leaking, and men fucking. I just stared, not being able to look away. "These might be a little more than you are looking to do, but maybe they inspire some inspiration", Ed said. I walked in closer to on in particular. The photo was black and white and showed a man on all fours. He was being fucked by a rather large cock with a top down view, as if the viewer is the one doing the fucking. "Amazing" I said. I was looking intently at it, getting aroused, and didn't sense Ed coming up next to me. "Yes, this is a good one". Ed almost startled me. "I remember it well. Do you like it?". "Oh yes, it is very sexy. I don't know how you were able to get that point of view, it is incredible. Well done. They obviously had this in mind when they came here, right?". "Oh it takes some skill, and luck, to be able to capture this in the moment", Ed said while air quoting. He then added, "yes I think he had this in mind when he came over". I thought about that statement, I am sure he meant when one of the men made the arrangements. Ed quietly moaned and I think he adjusted his cock in his shorts. "Let me show you to the studio and changing room", he said. Ed showed me into the studio, which had some different furniture pieces and props for pictures. Off to the left was a small room that had a couch, few chairs and what looked like a makeup desk. "Here you go, you can change in here, or undress in here, depending on how you want to start Did you have something in particular you wanted to wear or are you wanting to go right to naked?", Ed asked. "I am want to start with a thong mesh jock and go from there". "very nice. will give you a few and check on you before I am ready". Ed closed the door behind him. I set my bag down on the couch and started removing my clothes. Under my shorts I wore a jock and my silver cock ring. I took the jock off but decided to leave my cock ring on, I was semi aroused anyway so removing it would take a little while. I stripped off my shirt and dug the mesh jock out of my bag. I slid it on and made sure my cock and balls fit in the front pouch, and then adjusted the thong in my crack. As I admired myself in the mirror, I started to get semi hard. A light knock on the door came and Ed asked, "everything going alright in there? I am ready when you are". I moved to the door and opened it, standing back so Ed could see. "Do you think this will look ok?". Ed looked me up and down then said, "fuck yes, it is hot". Ed reached out and pulled on my thong string by my hip, then "turn around so I can see the fit". I turned my ass towards Ed. I felt his fingers slide under the fabric of my thong string running down my crack. His fingers trace the fabric down over my hole and he paused there before pulling his fingers back. "Yes Tim, this will be great, and you wear it very well". I turned back to Ed and it was now I noticed he had changed his shirt and shorts, to more of a looser tshirt and sports shorts that I could make out the prominent outline of his cock head and a new wet spot. I looked up and smiled at Ed. Ed took my hand and let me to the couch. "Let's start with you sitting here, facing me, one leg up". As I moved into position I couldn't help but stare at Ed's shorts and the growing wet spot. After a couple series in similar, but different positions, Ed saw me staring and said, "sorry for leaking Tim. I don't normally start leaking just by taking pictures". "oh, no need to apologize Ed, it happens to the best of us". We both laughed. Ed had me pull the mesh jock aside, releasing my hard cock. "That is great Tim, just like that, don't play with your cock yet, let me take a few". Then Ed said, "maybe turn over so you are resting on the edge of the couch, on all fours, cock still hanging free, but the fabric covering your hole". I did as Ed instructed and while he was moving behind me taking pictures, I asked, you said don't normally start leaking by taking pictures, so when do you start leaking?". I heard Ed stop moving and he answered, "usually when a hot client is showing me their ass". I turned my head to look at Ed. His cock was very hard now and VERY prominent in his shorts. "Just kidding Tim" and we both laughed. "I normally start leaking when watching porn or checking some websites I like. I stood up from the couch and removed my thong all together and then assumed the same position. "Same here" I said. "That is great Tim, here let me straighten out some of those cushions", Ed said and moved in behind me. As he bent over my ass and back he held on to a cheek with one hand while he pushed the cushions back to where they should be. He leaned over the other way and this time his cock, behind his shorts, touched my hip. "there, that should keep them up". Ed's hand was still on my cheek and hard cock touching my hip. He asked, "would you like a toy and try to take some of those pictures"? His hand moved over my ass cheek to my hole and kept his finger there. "yes please Ed, I would love that". "Great, give me a minute, be right back". Ed squeezed my cheek and headed to a near equipment bench. He opened one of the drawers. He seemed to pull out a dildo and some lube. Ed hurried over and I now saw clearly it seemed to be a six inch dildo, lube, and also poppers. I started to get hornier and hornier the closer he got, and yes is apparent big cock was bouncing all over the place. Ed came close to me on the couch and asked, "can I help you with these?". "I would love that Ed, thank you". I arched my back and next felt some cold lube drip onto my ass and Ed rubbing it all over my hold and around my full balls. He then lubed up the toy and used his off hand to spread my hole open a little...and slowly worked the dildo in to me. I moaned out loud, "fuck that feels good". my cock was now dripping. "I think these will be hot". "Tim, hold this in you I need to capture this". Ed got his camera and then said, "mind if I take off my shirt, a little hot in here now", and he laughed. "of course not, please do". I could tell the hand with lube on it had found his hard cock in his shorts, the evidence was obvious. I watched Ed peel off his shirt. He wasn't hairy at all, just some small graying patches in the middle of his chest. "much better, ok if you want to slowly work that in and out of you...perfect". Ed got closer and started taking pictures. I took the dildo and started sliding it in and out of me, fuck it felt so good. Ed said, "now quickly pull it out and I will get your hole wide open". I did as Ed asked and Ed got closer and closer, taking pictures. "You are beautiful Tim. I hope you let me hang one of these in my office". "I would love that Ed". my hole was aching, but I took the dildo into my mouth and sucked on it to get it wet. "fuck Tim, that is hot. Pretend it is a big wet cock, suck on it", Ed said. "yeah, suck on it. damn great pics Tim". Ed stopped taking pictures and I heard him breathing a little harder. I opened my eyes and saw Ed had pulled his cock out of his shorts and was stroking it, watching me. His cock was so gorgeous, probably nine inches and leaking precum now. "want to get some of you sucking my cock?" Ed didn't really wait for an answer, he got on the couch next to me and started leaning in giving me access to his big cock! I dropped the dildo and started squeezing Ed's big cock. I lowered my head to his cock, licking it clean of any precum and then sucking him into my mouth. "suck that big cock Tim. do you like my cock boy?". Ed asked while holding the back of my head. I just moaned loudly. Ed's hand left the back of my hand and trailed down my back to my exposed, pre lubed hole. I felt his fingers now circling around my hole and in a moment he slid one of his fingers in to me. Then two fingers, I moaned around his thick cock. As Ed finger fucked my ass I took his cock out of my mouth and told him, "please fuck me baby". "oh Tim, I really want to but we shouldn't". I was still holding Ed's big cock in my hand and looking up at him, "why? do you have a boyfriend?" "No", Ed said. I continued, "don't fuck your clients?". "No, it isn't that Tim". "Please Ed, I want you in my ass so bad". "Tim, I am poz and not on meds. I want to fuck you so bad, take pictures of my cock in you, but I want you to know the risk". Here I was, on all fours, in front of a gorgeous man and his gorgeous cock. This is the time to make that decision. "Ed, would you please take pictures of your cock in me, bare?". Ed asked, "are you sure Tim?" I just said, "yes". Ed leaned down and kissed me, got up with his camera and got behind me. I could feel his cock then lay on my crack. Ed then started sliding his cock back and forth across my hole! I knew he was taking pictures now and it just turned me on even more. "Tim, are you ready? Your hole is so wet and ready for my cock. Tell me to fuck you now". "fuck Ed, please...put your big cock in me, I need to feel you deep in my ass". Ed stopped sliding, and I felt him pushing his cock down as the head was right at my hole. That big cock started opening me up, the pressure was intensifying as he slowly pushed past my tight ring, finally I felt a little relieve and Ed stopped pushing! "baby, my cock head is in you, I need to take some pictures...please hold still". I could feel Ed's cock in me, pulsing, as he captured the moment for me. "Fuck Tim, I might have to hang this one in my office. Your ass is nice and tight, just wraps around my cock. Are you ready for more?" To help Ed know how I felt, I pushed back on his cock a little. "Tim, damn....I love it...take my cock as much as you want". I pushed back on Ed's cock a little more, feeling him slide into me more and more! He was stretching my ass more than I had been before and I loved it. If I thought about it, I knew the dangerous position I was now in, this poz top man was leaking in me, and Ed was not on meds. I couldn't help but let him fuck me more and more. Ed put the camera down and grabbed both of my hips to help him get deep in me. "please keep fucking me Ed, don't stop". Ed started really fucking me will full long strokes of his big bare cock. "I love watching my cock slide in and out of you", Ed said. As Ed started sliding in and out of me quicker I thought I could feel him swelling. "Tim I am going to pull out and cum all over your sexy ass". I immediately turned my head over my shoulder, "please don't pull out, I need to feel you cum in me...please". "you want my poz cum baby?", Ed asked I put my head on the pillow in front of me and loudly said, "breed me with your poz load, I want it so bad". Ed picked up the pace, "oh yes boy, you are going to get all of my cum in you". His pace started to pick up and soon Ed said, "get ready baby, here comes my poz load" "fuck me full Ed, poz my neg ass". I couldn't believe I was shouting this to a poz man, but I wanted Ed's load deep in me, changing me! That is when I felt Ed swell and finally shove deep in me and start shooting. my cock erupted underneath me. His girth and depth was all it took for us to orgasm together! After grunting and shooting, Ed finally collapsed on my back...kissing my shoulders. He said, "thank you Tim, that was so fucking hot. I love fucking you." As he slowly fell out of my sore ass, I said to him, "I want more Ed"
    22 points
  2. Been a long time since I've posted here... I've had a long dry spell lately, other than sucking some daddy dick occasionally. Chatted with a younger (early 20s) guy a week or two ago, but it didn't go anywhere at the time (of course). Decided to "tap" him on the app a few days later and he messaged me back...went through the whole "what's up" back and forth but pretty much got to him saying "I want to suck your dick". He asked me if I could host and when I told him I could but my housemate would be in another room, he said he was fine with it. He actually showed up (sort of a shocker lately), and he was cute as fuck. Got to my bedroom, made out, clothes came off, told each other how sexy we thought the other one was...I laid on the bed and he went to town sucking me, with occasional trips back up to make out some more. At one point I flipped over on top of him, he spread his legs, and I was sort of dry humping him while we kissed. We hadn't talked about fucking, so I didn't do any more than that...but after he got back on top of me and sucked me some more, he straddled me and (without lube, he must have either taken a load before coming over or pre-lubed before he drove over) lowered himself onto me. Damn his hole felt good. Flipped over into doggy and we both hit the poppers a couple times before I started slamming myself hard into him for a few minutes and exploded. I started heading into the bathroom to rinse off and he came in right behind me and started feeling me up again, sucking me a little, etc...while we chatted for a few minutes. Pretty sure he would've wanted round 2 had I been up for it (and I should've). Said he and his bf were going out of a town for a couple weeks but he wanted more when he came back. Hope he keeps his word.
    7 points
  3. Prologue You’d never be able to tell by the way that I look that the cute little twink next door with the perfect boyfriend was a deviant cock whore that craved nothing more then to be filled with cum as much as possible. My cum lust was going to be my downfall. Here I was freshly 19 chained to a sling getting my tight hole pounded by a hung daddy. “Yeah boy take my cock you slutty little faggot” said the daddy. Behind him there was a line of men forming all waiting for a chance to get in my hole and fill me with cum. “Oh god daddy, please fuck me. I’m yours, make me yours please.” I said. “Oh yeah baby keep begging like that and I’m gonna cum.” Growled Daddy. “Please Daddy give me your cum.” I begged. “Mmm. Fuck baby I love your hole I’ve been waiting for this for weeks. What kind of cum am I gonna give you?” Asked Daddy. “Poz cum daddy.” I replied. “Oh you’re gonna get it boy. I’m about to Poz your stupid neg faggot ass. Are you ready for it boy?” Questioned Daddy. “Yes. Please daddy Poz me. Make yours forever, ruin me. Knock my faggot ass up daddy.” I responded.
    4 points
  4. Fuck…that is so hot he took you raw and your load even though you told him you don’t know your status. Guessing he takes other guys raw too…love horny little fuckers like him and know quite a few guys who are like him. Know they should play safe but take the loads anyhow.
    4 points
  5. Wasn't my last load but a hot anon one this morning on my jog. Love taking my shirt off and seeing if I can catch any guys checking me out. Saw a chubby shirtless guy headed towards who also had his shirt off and loved watching him jiggle as he headed my way, pale skin, a little bit of chest hair, inked here and there, redheaded. As he got closer I could see he was probably late 20s or early 30s, what most guys might call an otter. I played with my crotch a little as we approached each other and smiled at him as he passed me and he smiled at me as well. I turned around to see if if he was checking me out and sure enough, caught him looking. I smiled again and he waved at me so I turned around and caught up with him. As I did he said "hey" and got right to the point asking if I was looking. I said I was and we both slowed down to a walk and he asked if I lived nearby. I hadn't seen him before so didn't know what his story was, but said I did but couldn't host. He muttered a damn and said he couldn't either. I told him I knew a fenced in yard at a vacant house we could use if he didn't mind doing it outside. He laughed and said he was already sweaty so why not. He wasn't kidding either, his body was glistening and I could only guess his ass was moist and ready as mine was. I told him to follow me off the path towards the place I've used before. As we walked there he introduced himself as Matt and I introduced myself and we chatted a bit. He was pretty forward that he wanted to fuck me and get fucked, which got me hard and had him laughing teasing me about young guys always getting hard so easy. I teased back that he must like young guys and he admitted he did. We slipped inside the fenced in yard and he was checking things out and pulling me towards him, sticking his hand in my shorts and jerking my cock. He pulled me in and started kissing me saying he loved how thick my cock was and how bad he wanted it in him and my load too. Knowing he wanted it raw got my cock throbbing and he added he wanted to do me the same way and I told him I wanted it like that. He pulled me over towards the back of the house and pulled his shorts off. I loved how hairy his ass was and it was dripping with sweat, easily mixing with my spit allowing me to penetrate his ass as he moaned with delight. Clearly he's done this before and loves taking random loads from guys. He was moaning telling me how hot my cock felt in his ass, how thick it was, and how bad he wanted my load. I wasn't holding back and really pounding him hard and he was taking it like a champ and I blasted my load in him as he begged me not to pull out. I kept stroking, telling him there was more where that came from and he laughed saying that's why he loved young guys. I leaned into that saying I bet he took lots of loads from young guys and he laughed saying he did and he also has bred a lot of young guys and that he was going to breed the shit out of my ass. I loved that he was so piggy and honest about fucking and getting fucked and soon enough blasted a second load inside him. By now we were both drenched in sweat and couldn't wait to take his load. I'd been jerking his cock will pumping my second load in him and was loving how thick his cock was too. I knew it would really strain my ass the way I love. After I slid out of his ass he put me up against the wall and told me he wasn't going to show any mercy and he didn't, spitting on his cock and my ass and then forcing his cock in me roughly and I let out a "fuck" louder than I wanted to. I was hoping no one was walking their dog nearby and didn't hear that but didn't care as he was now balls deep in me and pounding me hard calling me a dirty little slut and that I'd probably been fucked here by other guys. I said I had been and he kept it up saying I probably get fucked all the time by guys I pick up on the trail and I admitted I did. He kept it up saying I probably let them all breed me raw and take their loads and I admitted I did. He laughed and said he loved slutty young guys like me who love getting bred raw all the time. I was now begging for his load, loving that he had me figured out as the slut I am. He let out a loud groan and I could feel his load flood my guts and I begged him to stay inside me and not to pull out. He laughed and said "not a chance" only to slid out once his dick went limp. I told him what a hot fuck he was and he laughed and told me to suck him clean. I did as told, making sure his cock was clean as a whistle. He grabbed his shorts and pulled them back on thanking me but saying he needed to get going. I pulled my shorts back on and we headed back out the gate. It's a short walk back to the trail and I told him it would be hot to hook up again. He laughed and said if he sees me again to say hey and we'd take it from there. I offered my number but he said he couldn't do that offering no more of an explanation. I said that was cool and I could only guess he must have a BF or GF or maybe just prefers random hookups. We split up again and headed our separate ways.
    4 points
  6. I've read around on this site for a little while now, wanted to join and share some of my own experiences and how I got into bareback sex. I'm a 32 year old male, I live in the North West UK and I've been with guys since around the age of 22. Had my fair share of sex, with regular fuck buddies and also anonymous 1 off meets, but I'd always been a safe only guy, always using condoms. Last August during the Bank Holiday, I'd decided to give myself a much earned break and booked a hotel in blackpool for 2 nights so I could have some 'me' time in one of the saunas for the weekend. I've been to the sauna in blackpool numerous times and I was hoping it would be nice and busy for the Bank Holiday and I could unwind and get used by some anonymous guys for a couple of days. I arrived on the Saturday and checked into my hotel and hit the sauna straight away and luckily enough I was able to get a weekend pass so I could go as often as I wanted. On the Saturday, I went there over 2 separate spells between 1pm - 3:30pm and then again between 6pm - 8pm and I was glad to see a fair few men there. Lots of variety and plenty of guys looking for fun, I spent my time on the Saturday in the gloryholes giving guys head and swallowing numerous loads, as well as letting a few guys fuck me if they used condoms. I went back to my hotel feeling fully satisfied and I was looking forward to the following day, hoping it would be just as busy! After walking down the sea front for a little while I went back to the sauna again about 12pm on the Sunday and it was a lot busier than the previous day and a fair few of the older daddy type tops were there too which is my absolute favourite. After giving a few guys blow jobs in the gloryholes, I got chatting to a guy whilst in the hot tub and he'd asked about going to one of the booths together so I happily accepted. He was in his mid - late 40's, grayish hair, dad body (oh my god I love proper daddy types lol) and was about 7 inches or so. We went to one of the booths and we kissed for a little bit before he started to eat my arse and finger me for a little while. He was very, very good with his tongue and I wanted to make sure he was enjoying himself so I made sure to sit on his face whilst I was giving him head. His dick wasn't massive, but his pre cum tasted so damn good and he had some very heavy and full balls that he needed to unload. I lay on my back and opened my legs and he started to position himself to enter me, I grabbed a condom and he told me 'I don't like using them, they are a dick killer for me'. I replied I only play safe and he took it quite well and allowed me to put the condom on him and he slid inside me, slowly fucking me whilst we kissed. As he started to fuck me deeper and I moaned louder, he started to get quite verbal himself telling me how good my arse felt, that he'd love to feel me raw and how I should be bred exactly as he intended. I just carried on kissing him and asking him to fuck me harder but hearing him be so verbal about wanting me raw for some reason was really turning me on. I decided to get on all fours and let him fuck me from behind and the booth we were in had a TV monitor on, with a guy also on all four's, but begging for the guy in the video to fill his arse with cum. In the heat of the moment I found myself also really wanting this random man to cum in me, he started to fuck me from behind and he told me again how good my arse felt and after remembering what he said about condoms, I asked him 'would you get even harder if you didn't have that dick killer on?'. He pulled out of me and said 'Too fucking right it would, raw is better and you know you want it', and he then leant down and playfully bit my arse cheek. I was all caught up in just being ridiculously horny and taking a little inspiration from the porn on the TV monitor, I reached between my legs to feel for his dick and I peeled off the condom for him and threw it to the side. I started to shake my arse for him and he let out a 'hmmmm you filthy little boy' and I guided his dick back inside me. In that moment, I was legitimately shocked at how different bareback felt, skin on skin felt so much better and as he pushed himself inside me, asking me if I wanted him to breed me. My inner whore came out and begged for him to fill my arse up with every last drop and he started to pick up the pace and I was throwing my arse back on his dick like my life depended on it. Whilst all this was happening, I was getting hit with thoughts of finally taking bareback dick, whilst also having no clue if he was clean or not and with him continuing to be verbal about breeding me, I found myself craving his cum and giving 0 fucks about the consequence. It didn't take long for him to bury his dick deep in my arse and he moaned so damn loud and I could feel his dick twitching and shooting his cum up my arse. Instinctively, I found myself saying 'breed me daddy, fill my arse with your cum, put it as deep inside of me as you can'. Once he'd come, I wanted to clean his dick off (I'd never done arse to mouth, found out I really like it lol) and he gave me a kiss before leaving the room. I got back to my hotel later that afternoon to take a nap and that was when some of the worries started to settle in, but it didn't last long as I felt so excited about finally getting barebacked and it feels so fucking good. Since then, I've been much more relaxed with condoms, I don't ask guys to use them and unless they bring it up, I take it raw and can honestly say it's been the best decision I've made!
    3 points
  7. Chapter 65: Who's Your Daddy Part 3 Before I could say a word, the stranger planted his lips on mine, for a good five minutes. I pulled away and said dad. Yes it was my real dad that had just planted his seed in me. My real dad said yes son. I still love you, even though you are a part of someone else now. I started crying. I wasn't angry or sad, but joyfull. I positioned myself between my 2 dads, and we passionately kissed each other as they dried the tears from my eyes. My real dad started by saying that he was happy for me and my step dad, yet envied him for being the one to convert me. My real dad said he had always had a special connection with me, but the timing just wasn't right. With the pending divorce and my just starting to discover M2M sex. My real dad said that even so he still loved me and would still be a part of my life, along with my step dad. My real dad then said in more ways than one, and got up turning around to reveal a biohazard tat on his ass cheek. He explained that my step dad and he were fuck buds, and that he had been kept in the loop the entire time. He added that he and my step dad had long conversations about meeting today, and that it was my step dad that suggested he go on a med break, and share their toxic seed with their son. My step dad then said it was time to share more of his seed with me, and told me to ride his cock, facing him. Of course I jumped right on him. It wasn't long before my step dad asked my real dad to join us. My step dad said I could handle it, as I'd taken on the twins already. Dad said he was impressed, but angry he didn't know that. My step dad just said now you do, and get in our sons ass and let's fuck him good! I've had the twins bigger cocks in me at the same time, but this was an entirely different situation. Knowing both of my dad's were fucking me. Them feeling their toxic cocks rubbing against each other. Knowing that my real dad had hoped to poz me, but not mad at my step dad for doing so. The fucking was quite furious, and I could feel both their cocks starting to pulse and release their seed in me. I don't know if they came at the same time, but if not it was pretty close. Once my real dad pulled his cock out of me, their loads oozed out of my hole as I shot my load on my step dads face and chest. My step dad pulled out, and I greedily licked their loads from the soaking cum covered sheets. My step dad said kiss me son, and I said you already got my load, I'm sharing this with my real dad, who said fair is fair. My step dad suggested we head to my room to continue our fun. He suggested we slip into our swimwear and grab our beach towels and if mom came back early, we could say we were at the pool.
    3 points
  8. I’ve never asked a guy after the fact but I have had quite a few guys ask me my status after the fact, which blows my mind. I guess they were too scared to ask before or don’t know how to broach the subject. I have to chuckle as it’s too late bro…you took my load.
    3 points
  9. Nice conversion! Now time for them taking photos of his two lines appearing on the test... And of him in fuck flu before... Every gifter should have such documents in his house or office.
    3 points
  10. I would love to lay in a tub and random guys or girls come by and piss on me and eventually soak my body in a tub of piss when tub is full.👄
    2 points
  11. I have spoken to @rawTOPand he is currently unavailable due to personal circumstances. I think we have to be patient for the time being and hopefully the chat will return soon. x
    2 points
  12. I equate it to the daddy in me, I've always been the one to help when a friend is in need or a boy is kind of "lost". It's bitten me in the ass more then once though.
    2 points
  13. I'm a free-use cum dump who loves to get a sleazy motel room and host anonymous tops ass-up and blindfolded. Whenever I'm not doing that, I'm looking for a one-on-one hookup through one of the several apps I use - BBRT, Grindr, Sniffies, A4A, the list goes on. I have never been picked up in a random location before - but that changed recently. I was at a housewarming party last weekend in one of those big suburban McMansions where the mortgage payment is so high the owners can't afford furniture to fill all the rooms. As usual most people gathered in the open-concept 'great room', where the kitchen island was buried under a massive assortment of wine and liquor bottles. A couple that I'm friends with knew the owners and invited me to tag along, but besides them I could count only two or three of the twenty-some guests as acquaintances. Some of my friends know that I'm into both men and women - I like to say that I bottom for penises and top for vaginas - but none of them know just how much of a cum- and bug-chasing slut I am. The friends I was with that night had no idea about any of it, and in fact my friend's wife had tried to set me up with her ne'er-do-well sister just the week before. I graciously declined. I don't need any kind of significant other getting in the way of the depraved, uninhibited, raw-is-law life that I love so much. But I digress. It was still early in the evening, and my friends had migrated to the far side of the great room where the homeowners were showing off the screen they had installed instead of a fireplace. Apparently no one told them that Netflix has a selection of fireplace videos, none of which require $5,000 to view. I was hovering near the kitchen island, waiting for a chatty couple to move so I could freshen my drink. I absently scanned the crowd looking for other familiar faces when I locked eyes with a guy standing near my friends and the fake fireplace. He was younger than me, about mid-thirties, with a slender build. He nodded and smiled and I nodded in acknowledgement before my attention was drawn away as the couple finally got out of the way. The homeowners couldn't afford a dining table but there was a pricey premium bourbon on the kitchen island, and it was calling my name. I poured three fingers into my glass - hey, it wasn't my money, and besides, I didn't want to have to wade back through a mass of humanity for a while - and stepped away. I milled around for a bit, slowly gravitating toward my friends, who had finished being awed by the homeowner's lack of financial restraint and were mingling with the few other people I knew. Before I could reach them, however, the stranger from across the room stepped into my path. "Hi," he said, extending his hand. I shook it, noting his firm grip. "Hi," I replied. The introvert in me was in full guise and I was at a loss for what to say next. He hadn't shared his name, and I got the sense that he didn't really want to know mine. He leaned in. "This may sound odd, but we've chatted before." I was surprised. I seldom attended house parties, so I had my doubts as to whether that was in fact the case. Perhaps he had mistaken me for someone else. "We have? Where?" He nodded, still leaning close. "On BBRT." I was momentarily taken aback. I protect my identity on all of the sites and apps because, let's face it, there are some weirdos out there. How, then, could he have recognized me? I was intrigued, but had to be careful since my friends had no idea. "Are you sure it was me?" I asked, neither confirming nor denying that I used the site. He smiled in response. "You shared your face pic once," he said. "You didn't have it on the site, so you sent it to me from your email account." In all the years I've been on that site, I only shared my face pic with a handful of guys. Alas for me, something had always gotten in the way that prevented me from meeting with them, no matter how much I wanted to. Each time that I missed out was a bitter disappointment. Why? Because the one thing that made me throw caution to the wind, the one thing that prompted me to eagerly send a guy my face pic, was a BBRT status of 'Positive' rather than 'Undetectable'. A shiver of excitement coursed down my spine at the realization. "So you're -" I stammered, unable to finish articulating the thought. But he knew what I meant. "Yup," he said with a grin. I stood there awkwardly for a moment. My cock was getting hard in my pants but I was unsure how to proceed. I was used to not seeing the guys who were using me, or showing up at someone's house or hotel room ready to get right down to it. Talking to a real live person felt very different, and to my chagrin it apparently made me bashful. Fortunately, he filled the silence. "Let's get out of here." It was all I could do to keep my feet from walking straight out the front door. But I was there with my friends, and they were my ride. How could I ever explain to them that I was going to leave with a random stranger, and so early in the evening? Embarrassed yet suddenly very horny, I explained my situation. "Okay then," he responded with a sly grin, "let's sneak upstairs. This house does have five bedrooms, after all." Five bedrooms for a childless couple seemed like overkill, but in the moment I was grateful for their avarice. The house had a home office on the main level, so how often would they ever go into any of the other bedrooms? My nerves were on edge with excitement. I finished my drink in one big swig, then nodded. He led the way to the back stairs, out of view of the party hosts and their guests, We tiptoed up the stairs, my pulse pounding in my ears the entire time. At the top of the stairs we passed an open door to what was obviously the couple's bedroom. It seemed to be the only room besides the home office that was fully furnished! The hallway ran the length of the house, terminating at a door to the attic space above the three-car garage that served as the fifth bedroom. A quick check revealed that the couple had installed a billiards table and several old-school arcade games in the massive room, so we backtracked to the smallest of the other rooms. Stepping inside, we discovered to our surprise that it contained a walk-in closet. He closed and locked the bedroom door, then led me inside the closet, which he also closed and locked. The sound of music from the party reverberated reassuringly through the floor. As long as no one walked in, no one would know we were there - or what we were doing. It was at that point that I realized with horror that not only was I not cleaned out, but I had no lube. "I don't care," he declared. "We'll make it work." We shed our clothes quickly, tossing them in two separate piles on the carpeted closet floor. He lowered his boxers slowly, revealing a small biohazard tattoo on his abdomen just above and to the left of his cock. And what a cock! It was cut and smooth, about seven and a half inches long and very girthy. I found myself hoping that my years of being a cum dumpster had stretched my hole enough to take this massive shaft with just spit! I suddenly found myself on my hands and knees as he knelt behind me. His tongue found my hole and began exploring, darting in and out while he sucked and slurped and made me as slick as he could. Once he was satisfied that I was ready he stepped in front of me, grasping my head with both hands and fucking my mouth roughly, forcing that huge sausage down my throat as deep as it would go. I gagged and coughed and covered his shaft with thick, slippery saliva, vaguely aware that some was also dripping from my chin onto the carpet. I didn't care. As his hips thrust back and forth my gaze scarcely strayed from his tattoo. At last he was ready. He pushed me back onto my hands and knees as he got behind me. He paid a little more lingual attention to my back door before I felt the tip of his cock pressing against it. "Uhn," I involuntarily reacted as the tip popped inside me. He didn't stop, instead sliding the entire length of his cock into my guts. My hole spasmed in protest, but the saliva had done the trick; it felt as though we were using lube. Soon he was sliding in and out of me with relative ease, though with each thrust inward it felt as though I was being impaled by an elephant. I forced myself to relax, and soon got into the rhythm. I relished having that big cock in my ass, and I was especially euphoric at the thought that I would finally get the poz load I had been craving. Any nervousness we may have felt at the idea of being caught melted away as we settled into what turned out to be a fantastic fuck. His cock hit my prostate just right with each thrust, causing the precum to flow freely and drip onto the carpet. We tried to be as quiet as we could despite the music downstairs, but the occasional moan and groan escaped our lips and added to the heat of the situation. "You want this poz load?" he snarled through gritted teeth. "Fuck yeah," I replied. "Give it to me!" Only a few seconds passed before his grip on my hips tightened and I felt the first telltale jerks of his cock. He thrust as deeply as he could, making sure that he pumped every toxic drop so deep into my guts that it wouldn't escape. "FUCK yeah!" he said, perhaps a little too loudly. "I knew I had to have that ass." I felt his cock soften in my hole, but he didn't withdraw it. He remained behind me, panting. I felt a drip of sweat from his forehead fall onto my ass. Then, he began fucking me again. "Get ready for load number two," he told me. "The second one comes quicker." Sure enough, after a few more minutes of pounding my hole he unleashed a second wad of cum deep in my bowels. Spent at last, he slowly slid out. "Oops," he said with a slight chuckle. I turned to look. Not only was there a wet patch of my precum on the carpet, a little further back was a small brown stain. "Fuck," I said, clenching my fists. I always pride myself on my internal hygiene for precisely that reason. Yet he didn't seem to care. He used his boxers to wipe off his cock, then pulled on his pants commando-style. I dressed as well, conscious of the wet spot in my underwear that threatened to soak through my pants. Dressed at last, we exited the closet and then the bedroom, sneaking back down the rear stairs. Just before we descended, he stepped into the couple's bedroom. I watched from the hall as he walked over to their laundry basket and stuffed his boxers into it, making sure to hide them under a few other articles of closing. "Do you think she'll wonder how he got shit on his boxers, or will he wonder where another man's underwear came from?" he said with a low, almost sinister laugh. Without another word he crossed to the hallway and went down the stairs ahead of me, checking to make sure the coast was clear before motioning for me to follow him. As I entered the kitchen my friends were standing at the island, pouring themselves another drink. "One more and then we're going to head out," my friend told me. "We have an early tee time tomorrow." He motioned to indicate the male of the host couple. "You also have an early appointment tomorrow," whispered my new friend as he discreetly slipped a card into my back pocket. "My place, nine a.m. We're gonna fuck every day, at least until you test positive. And probably a lot longer." I couldn't help but grin at the prospect of getting bred daily by his toxic cock. "I'll make sure to clean out next time," I replied with a wink. The next afternoon I spoke with my friend on his way home from the golf course. I, of course, had another poz load brewing deep inside me. "Funniest thing," he said as he described his outing. "they just moved in and apparently the upstairs smells like shit. Literally, shit." I feigned surprise. "Seriously?" "Yeah!" he replied. "They looked all through the upstairs and they found a shit stain on the floor in one of their closets. They figure one of the contractor's employees left it after they closed but before they moved in. Can you imagine? They spent all that money, and now she's insisting on replacing the carpet instead of having it cleaned." I didn't care. What I was imagining was another ride on that big cock. I mumbled a response and hung up, eager for another toxic load.
    2 points
  14. Swallow. Always swallow. I can't imagine sucking a beautiful dick. Tasting the sweet precum. Feel him start to tense up. Then it happens. The thing you were waiting for. He cums. The first shot is a dribble. Just enough to get a taste. But the second shot is powerful. It slams into the back of your mouth. He fills your mouth with his hot nectar... I can't imagine that happening and not swallowing everything I'm given.
    2 points
  15. I absolutely love it! I used to have a guy in his 40s who would have me come over to drink his piss and suck his cock. Its been a while since I was last used as a urinal though.
    2 points
  16. A shot-out to Olissipo Sauna in Lisbon here. This is a small sauna and mainly mature clientele but I've found plenty of guys will dip it raw and seed you properly without a thought. Must be an age thing?
    2 points
  17. Moderator's Note: I have no knowledge or access to the technical features of this site, nor does viking8x6 to the best of my knowledge. I have reached out to rawTOP. I suspect he is the only one who can tell us what is going on. My impression is that everyone is affected. I suspect the chat room which is a separate piece of software from what runs the forums is having issues. I am sorry I do not have any more information than this.
    2 points
  18. Thanks man! A lot of strategy went into this one. I REALLY want to get to the reason everything happened like it did, but I'm almost there.
    2 points
  19. Chapter 64: Who's Your Daddy? Part 2. Dad opened the door and let the stranger in. I could hear him taking his clothes off, and him and dad kissing. Dad told him he just loaded me. The stranger got behind me and removed my plug, rubbing his cock with the cum that was seeping out, before gently pushing his cock in me, taking his time. I totally remembered this guy, as he was pretty much the only one that made love to me at the practice party. My dad started kissing me, and told me to tell him how slutty I was. I told the stranger I was now a poz pig, but I loved how both he and my dad made love to me. My dad said you love my cock don't you son? I of course said yes dad. Dad asked me what I loved most about his cock, and he said that it was the one that converted him, creating a bond that not many other fathers and sons have. My dad then said more fathers should have such a bond, and I agreed. They then put me on my back and the stranger continued to make love to me. As he was about to cum, he spoke for the first time saying I love you. I immediately recognized the voice and ripped off my blindfold to reveal..... To Be Continued!
    2 points
  20. Chapter 10 Jake rushes home, knowing better than to shower, he leaves the cum to dry on his tight skin. When he arrives at the house he enters his father’s room. Curious, he goes into his dad’s underwear drawer and finds one of his dad’s black Bike jocks, sniffs it and tries it on. Hoping his dad will approve, he decides to wear it for him. Knowing he will arrive soon he dims the lights and gets on all fours in his dad’s bed ass up. Looking behind he can see his wet cummy hole in the large mirror across from the bed. The thought of the coach and his teammates loads gets him hard again. Within a few minutes he hears the front door open. He hears his father walk through the house and soon enters the bedroom doorway. “There’s my boy! Exactly where he’s supposed to be”, Jason exclaims. He explores Jake’s ass and finds a river of cum leaking from his jock hole and onto the bed. He notices the new jockstrap his son is wearing and snaps the band against his muscle ass. “You like your dad’s jock son?” Jason asked as he explores his sons smooth ass. “Mmmmmmm, yes daddy. It makes me feel like a big boy”, Jake coos. “Yeah? You are my big boy aren’t you son?”, Jake’s dad asks. Jake simple replies, “Yes, daddy!” Jason spreads his sons hole wide and begins kissing his son muscular ass and then finds his wet hole. “I want you to tell me who fucked you!”, Jason says sternly and then begins to eat out his son’s cum filled hole. Jake begin to explain how he’d been fucked by the coach and his team members in the locked room early that afternoon as his dad devours his hole. His father gets harder and harder as he details the how his coach and team mate bred him. Knowing that his coach is already poz, Jake’s father gets worked up into a frenzy lapping up the cum in his son’s hole with his large tongue. His trimmed facial tickling at his son’s sensitive hole causing Jake’s eyes to roll in the back of his head. “Daddy please fuck me with your toxic cock”, Jake gasps uncontrollably “With pleasure” Jake’s sternly says through gritted teeth. In one quick movement, Jake’s dad stands up, lines up his steel hard cock and slams into his son balls deep. “Oh fuuuucccckkkk!” Jake screams as he feels his anal walls ripping open. “Yes, rape my slutty jock cunt Daddy!” Jakes yells as he looks back at the hairy beast that is his dad fuck him, his huge hairy pecs bouncing as he ravages his hole. “Fuck yeah, you faggot!” Jason spits on his sons wide muscular back, his cock pistoning in and out of his sons hole. Jason’s pubes are now wets with the cummy juices from his sons hole and Jason notices the red streaks on his thick dick. He begins to feel his heavy balls tense up. Anticipating his orgasm, his flips his son over and slams back in. He grabs his son’s neck tight and brutally fucks him. “You want my toxic load son?! You gonna beg for daddy’s poison inside you?! Show daddy what toxic slut he has created” Jason taunts. “Please daddy! Give me your poz cum!”, Jake begs barely able to get the words out as his dad chokes him. With all his effort he continues, “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” To the rhythm of his dad’s poundings. “Take my toxic load cunt! Fuuuuuuuuccckkk”, Jason cock flares and begins so unloads ropes and ropes of poisonous cum into into his son’s muscle hole. Jake wraps his legs around his hairy dad and clamps down on his dad’s enormous dick, milking his dad’s nector. His dad collapse on Jake sweating profusely and breathing heavily. “That’s my good boy” Jason says after he catches his breath and rolls over on his back and cuddles his son under his arm. Jason soon passes out from exhaustion and Jake lays his head on his dads hairy pecs and places his hand on his dads cum coated pubes framing his semi hard did and falls asleep soon after.
    2 points
  21. Or, conversely, you could explain, since you evidently know all about it. Just because your sexual adventurism has given you insight into the byzantine codes and rituals for this type of clandestine sexual activity doesn’t mean everyone, or even most people, have had the same experience. I venture to say that I have experienced considerably more…shall we say, sexual variety than the majority of men out there, but I haven’t got a clue how one goes about understall, and frankly don’t get why anyone would want to in the first place - it appears cramped, awkward and distinctly unsanitary. But that’s just me. The OP is interested, and just like you when you first walked into the Sears men’s room, doesn’t have the information or experience he needs. There’s nothing wrong with asking for it from those who do. In a community like this, I think it’s reasonable for the OP to expect something more than to be told to go read a book.
    2 points
  22. Part 6 Now don't misunderstand. My little brother was and is a total sex pig whether one on one or in a group. He's versatile and loves getting fucked and sucked just as much as he loves fucking an ass or sucking a hard cock until he gets a mouthful of cum. No matter how much booze he drinks or how much weed he smokes his dick stays hard and he's ready to get naked and nasty. After all, he's the one who seduced me when he was 18 and turned me from a straight faithful married man to loving cock and cum almost as much as he does. But despite all of that I was pretty sure he'd never done any hard drugs. So, I was excited to see what kind of slut my little brother would be once I got him fucked up on T. Chad was starting on his third hit in a row from the pipe and the two clouds so far had been big and when he looked at me I could see in his eyes the meth was already affecting him. Sitting on the hotel bed facing each other I reached out and started slowly jacking his cock as he did his third hit. “Yeah little brother, that's it. Suck that smoke in. How are you feeling buddy? It's hitting you isn't it?” I asked in a low lusty voice. My hand was almost covered in his thick precum oozing out of his piss slit in a steady stream. He blew another huge cloud then looked straight at me with a hunger in his black eyes I hadn't seen before. “Oh fuck, big bro! Oh damn man I am so horny! I'm loving this bro! Fucking loving it!” I gave a slight laugh and told him, “Yeah I can tell. I've never felt your dick so hard and big! And it almost looks like you're cumming with all the precum you're leaking.” He wrapped his fist around my own throbbing prick and squeezed tight making me moan in pleasure and pain. “Your cock is pretty damn hard and dripping too big bro. Looks like both of us need to cum bad, and soon!” Letting go of my rockhard cock, Chad moved from a sitting position so that he was laying on his back and pulling his strong muscled legs up and back toward his chest. “Fucking beautiful, little bro,” I breathed as he gave me a perfect view of his jock ass and hole. “C'mon, Lance,” he panted. “Slide your big bro hard cock in my hole and fuck me! Fuck your little brother hard and deep until you fill me up with your ropes of incest cum! Fuck me man please! I need you to fucking pound me!” I sat up on my knees and moved forward until my dripping cockhead was pressing just enough to be felt on my little brother's chemmed up anxious hole, making him groan and pull his legs back even more. “You feel that little bro?” I said softly. “You feel that wet cockhead against your asslips? That wet cockhead that belongs to your own big-dicked bro? You want my married fat cock to open up those asslips and push every bare inch inside your jock butt and fuck you until I give you the cum I should be giving my wife?” “YES, damn it! Yes Lance that's what I want. It's what I need. Shove your cheating fucking cock in my ass and pound the hell out of me! Incest fuck your little brother and breed me deep! Do it fucker! Please do it!” Chad was almost sobbing from the need to get fucked by me. A need I knew was heightened by the tina in his body. And the need I had to be inside him was something I couldn't resist any longer. “If that's what you want little brother,” I growled thrusting my hips forward powerfully and slamming all 8.5 inches up inside his tight warm hole at once. His hole clamped down tight on my meat and I knew I wouldn't last long before giving him my seed. I heard what sounded like a gurgling noise and looked at my naked little brother laying under me. His lips were open and the sound was coming from him as his eyes rolled up in his head and his back arched up off the bed. “Fucking...tight...sweet...hole,” I panted, laboring to get the words out. “A hole made for cock,” I grunted as I began withdrawing from the deepest part of his ass. “A hole made for cum,” I yelled as I drove my full length back inside him. “A hole that belongs to me you nasty fuck! I own your ass little brother and your big bro is going to take good care of it!!” I was moving in and out at an increasing pace. I could feel my nuts drawing up already to shoot their load of adulterous cum deeper inside Chad's body than I'd ever shot. Chad was writhing under my weight and the unrelenting powerfuck he was getting. He reached up and grabbed my biceps and practically screamed, “Oh gawwwdddd yes, Lance! Pound me, pound me, pound me. Make that ass yours big bro! Breed me dude! Please bro give me your fucking cum!!” His pleading and loss of all control took me over the edge and I felt my cock throb and begin firing shot after shot and rope after rope of tina cum in my little brother's clutching ass where we both wanted it to be. My most intense orgasm ever. (to be continued)
    2 points
  23. 54 tops fucked my ass during a BiohazardMen party in Berlin, 2018. Cant tell if some actually fucked me several times.
    2 points
  24. Chapter 9 When Jake and his father finally arrive home they see Tyler waiting for them in his driveway. Jake tells of his adventures with the roadside cop which which works Tyler up into a frenzy of horniness. Tyler and Jason take turns on Jakes hole until they all collapse in exhaustion in Jason’s large bed. The next morning Jake wakes up early and cuddles up next to his father. He slips his hand under the sheets and finds his dad’s semi hand and begins stroking. Before long his father is fully erect and leaking. His father slowly wakes up rock hard to find his horny son. He tweaks his son’s erect nipples and says, “I like they way you think, but we both have to get going so we might need to multi task”. A sudden look of disappointment covers Jake’s face and his father responds, “ don’t worry we will fuck you in the shower.” Jake’s smiles and all three head to the large shower in Jason’s room. Jason and Tyler plant their morning seed deep inside Jake and after they all get ready for their day. As Jake gets ready to leave for school, he hugs is father good bye. As he does, this father slips his hand down Jake’s pants and firmly grips his sons muscular butt cheek then slips his finger into his sons crack wetting his fingers with the mixed seed inside. Jakes moans. Jason pulls his fingers out and licks them. “Mmmmmmm that’s my sweet boy” Jason begins, “Now remember, we have a long day apart with you at school and me at work. Your job is to collect loads and when I get home you should be ass up showing daddy what a good job you’ve done collecting those loads. Understand?” Jake smiles and responds, “Yes, sir!” Jason then passionately kisses his son good bye and instructs him to say good bye to Tyler and does as he’s told passionately kissing him as well before getting in his car to drive to school. After classes are complete, Jake has baseball practice. His team practices on the field for a while then head down to the weight room. His coach spots him as he does the beach press. It’s then, as he’s laying down on the bench that he notices the bulge in his coach’s shorts. His coach looks down at the young muscle jock and his bulge grows even bigger. Jake allows his shirt to ride up giving the coach a better view of his hairless abs. Jakes watches as the coach adjusts himself a few times wondering how big the coach actually is. As he finishes his sets he makes sure he to bend down exposing the band of this jockstrap above his shorts and giving the coach a great view of his hot muscles ass. After the the team finishes lifting, they head to the locker room. Jakes savors the sight of all the athletes in various stages of undress and the smell of sweat and testosterone on the air. Jake is jolted out of his dreamy state when the coach yells his names and orders him into his office. Grinning to himself, Jake saunters into his office with only his Jockstrap on. Jakes is greeted to his shirtless coach. His shorts slung low exposing the top of his pubic hair. The coach’s hairy pecs are punctuated by his large dilated nipples. “Coach, you wanted to see me?”, Jakes started out. “Yes, Jake I noticed today at practice you seemed distracted” the coach questioned, staring intently noticing his newly shaved body which emphasized Jake’s muscular physique and his jockstrap wrapped around his small waist. “Sir?” Jake questioned. Unable to control, himself his dick begins to grow in his jock. “Have a seat” the coach instructs and then shuts the door to his office. Jake adjusts himself and sits in front of the coaches desk. The coach returns to his desk and sits at the corner of his desk. His crotch now at eye level with Jake’s. “I want to know what’s on your mind” the coach continues. There are a few monuments of silence. The coach observes as Jake stares at his crotch. The coach flexes his cock allowing his cock to grow a little more and Jake lets out a little gasp. He then looks up at the coach licking his lips. “Now Iknow what’s on your mind. You got dick on your mind don’t you boy?” The coach asks as he grabs his fat bulge. “Yes coach”, Jake says blushing a little. “You want your coaches dick don’t you boy?” The the coach taunts Jake nods and then the coach say, “come get it boy” and spreads his legs open inviting him over. Jake quickly gets on his knees and pulls down on the coach’s waistband and the coach’s massive dick is revealed to him. His uncut dick is as thick as a beer can in its semi hard state. The coach’s massive balls stretch the skin of his scrotum tight. Thick veins run up and down the shaft and at the base is a thick patch of bushy dark hair. Jake pulls back in the thick foreskin stroking it, revealing the fat head that begins to spit out silky precum. Jake can smell the muskiness emitting from the coach’s pores like the coach hasn’t showered in a couple days. As he goes in to suck on the coaches dick he begins to realize how dirty the coach is…. There is a coating of dick cheese around this coach mushroom head as he pulls to foreskin completely back. He begin sucking on the heavy dick and his mouth is filled with tangy taste of the coach’s smegma. The coach just moans, “that’s a good piggy boy” and the coach begins to slowly face fuck Jake. Thrusting deep and deeper until his dick is deep down Jakes throat and Jakes face is buried is the coaches pubes. The coach fucks Jakes throat until his dick is rock hard. Then his pulls is completely out, the massive man lifts Jake and spreads him on the desk. The coach admires the young adonis spread out before him. The goes down and feasts on the jocks erect nipples and gropes though Jake’s jockstrap. The coach’s scruff scratches at his pecs as the coach naws on his nipples electrify Jake’s body and he is soon fully hard, His cock bursting out of his jockstrap. The begins exploring Jake’s hole and discovers it is already wet. “It looks like I’m not the first one inside you today?” The coach questions. Jake shakes his head. “Who came in you?” The coach asks as he sniffs his cum soaked fingers. “My next door neighbor, Tyler Cox”, Jake responds. The coach smiles and says, “oh I *know* Tyler” and licks his fingers. “Anyone else?” “My dad” Jake responds shyly. “Oh fuck! That’s so hot! And now I’m gonna fuck that daddy cum deeper inside you. Is that what you want boy?” “Yeessss!” Jake responds and as he does the coach inserts his fingers deep inside the his jock hole. The coach pulls off Jake’s jockstrap off and shoves it in his mouth. “This is gonna hurt boy”, the coach states. With that he spits his dick and spreads Jake’s legs wide. He lines up his dick with Jake’s jock hole and pushed in. Jake’s eye grow wide and begins to scream through the jock stuffed in his mouth as the intense pressure of the coaches cock spreads his anal walls to their limit. The coach continues to push in and covers Jakes mouth to further muffle the screams and lock the jock in Jake’s mouth. “Fuck! I can feels that hole ripping open to accommodate this big coach dick!” The coach exclaims. As he says this he looks down at his massive dick sliding in and out of Jake’s slutty hole and sees streak of blood forming on his cock. This excites the coach so much that the coach dick head flares and he stabs the rest of his cock balls deep into Jake’s cunt. Jake nearly faints but finds a way to stay conscious through the assault on his hole. He final grows accustomed to the monster dick inside him and as he does the he wraps his muscular legs tight around the hairy coach. “That’s it Jake! Show coach how much you love his big dick inside you. I’m building up a big load of you! And don’t worry my load is just has toxic as your dad and Tyler’s”. And with that the coach begins brutally pounding Jake’s ass. Jake reveals I the thought of getting another poz load and begins to tweak the coaches nipples in hopes of working up and even bigger loads. “You want that poz load you fuckin’ faggot?” The coach questions and as he does he takes out dirty jockstrap out of Jake’s mouth. “YES COACH! POZ MY HOLE!” Jake replies and with that he clamps his muscular legs around the coaches waist and clamps hole tight around the coaches vieny dick. “Here it cums you stupid cunt! FFUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKK!” The coach exclaims as his dick unleashes his venom seed on Jake’s vulnerable hole. “Yes please” Jake begs repeatedly as his hole is flooded with cum and overflowing, leaking down his ass cheeks. As the coach comes down off his orgasm. He pulls his semi hard dick out of Jake’s used hole and moves to the other side of the desk to lets him clean is dick off. The coach notices the other teammates have been watching the whole thing and sees their dicks exposed and stroking. He jesters them to join. A muscular senior inserts himself in Jake as he cleans off the coach’s dick. Jakes begins stroking his rock hard dick. Other teams unable to control themselves long enough to get his turn inside begin shooting all over Jake’s chest and face. Jake completely filled with cock and covered in cum can hold himself back no longer and shoot his huge all over his chest and abs. At the end of the fuck session Jake has 10 loads inside him and prepares to present himself to his father.
    2 points
  25. I have been asked many times after being bred or breeding someone. Like others, the question is pointless. Even if the person says he is negative or free of STDs, there is no way to be 100% unless he has not had sex with anyone and has been tested recently. It is pretty rare to find such person. I don't ask and don't trust anyone who says what their status is. I simply test regularly.
    2 points
  26. Chapter 8 Jason and Tyler spend the the remainder of the weekend fucking Jake and filling him with their toxic loads. When Sunday evening arrives they begin to get ready to head back to the city, Jake starts to put on his clothing but is abruptly stopped by his father. “You’ll continue to wear the jock until we instruct you otherwise”, his father says sternly. “Now pack your bags and get in the car”. Jake quickly does as he’s told. Soon after he and his father begins there drive back to the city and Tyler follows behind driving separately. Jake, hungry for his fathers dick, opens up his father’s pants and begins sucking. Jason, wanting to savor the attention his dick is getting, drives slowing on the backroads to avoid attention. However, before long a patrol car comes up behind from behind. ‘Shit, get back in your seat!’ Jake’s dad exclaims as he fumbles to zip his pants. Jason pulls over the the officer soon approaches the car and Jason rolls down his window. “Good evening, sir. I noticed you were swerving a bit back there and now I see why”, the officer says while glancing over at Jake. “Yeah, my son and I are just coming back from a fun weekend at the lake and I just got a bit distracted while driving” Jason says. “Your son, huh?”, the officers says as he assesses the men, observing Jakes in the jockstrap and Jason’s engorged bulge in his pants. “Are you ok son? The officer asks Jake. “Oh yes officer! I was had just been swimming at the lake before we left and didn’t have time to change out of my swimsuit”, Jake explains trying to avoid getting his dad in trouble. “Swimsuit huh? Why don’t you let me inspect that. Come around the car here.” The office instructs. Jake looks at his Dad and Jason gives him a nod. Jake does at the office tells him and get out of the car. The officer tells to put his hand on the side of the car and Jake complies. with Jake’s ass exposed, the officer slips his hand through the band of the jockstrap and slaps it against Jake’s smooth muscle ass. ‘Quite a *swimsuit*’, the officer states. ‘Gonna have to do some further inspection’. With that the officer take out a blue rubber glove and puts it on his hand. He groped at Jake’s ass then spreads his wide as Jake’s dad observes from the rear view mirror. “Oh fuck!”, the officer shouts in a big baritone voice as he opens Jake’s ass and see a river of cum flow out of it. He takes two fingers and inserts the in Jake and Jake moans as they are inserted. The officer pulls his fingers out and the rubber gloves are thickly coated with cum. He raises the finger to his nose and does and deep inhale. He instruct Jake’s dad to out of the car and Jason does as he is told. ‘What does this smell like to you sir’, the officer asks Jake’s dad. “Semen officer”, Jason responds. “That’s what it smells like to me too. You’re son has been a very dirty boy”, the officer says. “I know he has”, Jake’s dad says “How do you know”, the cop inquires “Because that’s my semen”, Jason’s responds with a devilish look. “You sick fuck” the officer almost whispers under his breath then looks back at the half naked young man against the car on the quiet country road. The officer licks his lips and starts playing with his crotch through is uniform. “Looks like your boy here lost a lot of cum during my inspection. I’m thinking he might need a refill. What do you think about that?” The officer ask as a puddle of cum forms of the ground from Jake’s ass. Jason’s eyes get wide. “Yes officer, my boy needs his hole filled” With the the officer undoes his uniform and reveals his huge cock. “Oh damn!” Jake utters as he catches a glimpse of the new dick. “His hole is tender officer. He’s been fucked many times this weekend.” Jason warns “Is that so?” The officer ask and then lines up his fat dick head with the cream filled hole and the slams his dick balls deep in one deep stoke. “FFUUUUCCCKKK!” Jake screams. “Scream all you want boy. No one is gonna hear you out here but your dad and he’s horny as fuck watching his boy get raped, aren’t you?” The officer says as he starts brutally fucking Jakes. Jason pulls out his dick and starts jerking off at the sight of his boy getting fucked. “My boy is hungry officer. He’s taken many loads this weekend”, Jason explains as he gets rock hard. “What’s he hungry for?” The officer ask. “Poz cum! His cunt is filled with it officer. My boy need to be converted”, Jake’s dad states as he furiously jerks his meat. “Oh fuck yeah! I can help out with that! I recently converted and the doctor says my viral load is extremely high”, the officers states as he pounds the lean muscle stud. His cock pistoning in and out of Jake’s hole and coated with cum. “fuck yeah! Knock my boy up! Jake’s dad pleas. “You want my poz load boy?” The officer ask Jake. “Yes please officer, convert my hole” Jake begs sweating profusely from the aggressive fuck. “Here comes my charged load! Aahhhhhgggg! “ the officers cock explodes into Jakes willing hole, overflowing his already flooded fuck chute. The officer pulls out and tells Jason to get in there. Jason does as he’s told. so turned on by the scene that has unfolded he lasts only a few more minutes in his sons slimy hole before his balls have worked up another massive charged load for his boy and then unleashes the venom seed deep in his sons cunt. After both men are done using Jake’s hole. Jake is instructed to clean off theirs dicks and he does so eagerly taking turns on each man’s dick to clean of ever drop of cum. Once done the officer slips his dick back into his pants and lets the men on their way. In the car Jake positions himself to allow has dad access to his hole and his dad proceeds to fingers his sons slimy cum filled cunt the remainder of the way home taking special care to rough up his sons already tend we hole with his fingernails.
    2 points
  27. First and foremost, I thank you all for coming here. Please keep in mind that during a previous post I halted content production as I focused on my own journey. This journey is a fictitious parallel. Check back now and again, I anticipate this being a long series. -DonnyJames A New Beginning - AMBD Chapter 1 Life was pretty good until the pandemic hit. It was unfortunate that the cost of the pandemic hit me as hard as it did. Dragged down by disaster after disaster, I was destroyed emotionally. It seemed as if every day came at the cost of more debt, more bills, less energy, and less will. I speak of will as if it is some kind of magical essence, knowing that losing the will to continue fighting is hard. It can destroy a man. What I can say is that when faced with destruction and despair, occasionally, just every so often, fighting back with corruption and devastation is the strongest defense. Faced with bankruptcy, homelessness, and absolute self actualized destruction, a certain… twitch came across me. A deep itch yearning to corrupt myself further. To take on the darkness and live hand-in-hand with the compassions of light, and the treachery of darkness. To walk the lone path, and pursue the poz status. Weeks go by, with little to no interest in sex. Depression sets in further. Suicidal thoughts crossed my mind, but yet, the excitement and burn of being poz and alive would constantly reignite my passions as I fantasized about the bug infiltrating my veins. Taking root in my system, churning in my blood. The silent venom hijacking my mind, the danger of my sex. I know these feelings bring out my sexual side again. I have learned to embrace that my poz tendencies have turned me into a new man. I cannot get off without thinking of being poz anymore. For in this case, the bug has already won me. Detectable, or not. I knew in this moment I was destined for it. It wasn’t an if, it was a when. I’ve set out to work right away. (This first story exists in another thread on this site, but is not allowed here. This is a sum-up) The first time I took a poz load was fucking hot. It was actually 4 poz loads, in fact. This hairy bear laying on the bed gestured me over to him. His massive cock curved up sharply, and a gigantic double zero gauge Prince Albert stuck out of it. I moved over to the bed where he was, and hopped over him. Straddling his body, I lowered my puckered ass hole to his cock. Gently, fiddling with his cock ring around my hole, I slid up and down on the head of his dick. My hole kissed his cock, in and out, making sweet love to his large member. 4 loads later and the night was over. It was probably about two weeks ago that I realized being poz was something I somewhat am already. I’ve had sex with several poz guys, and I don’t fuck negative boys. It seems like I have already succumbed to the virus. I met a wasted poz guy a few days ago. His saggy, empty skin would slap against my ass as he fucked me. Raw dogging my ass, I could see this man had never been happier. His first breeding ever as a top, and he chose me for the load. He chose ME to carry his legacy. However, I am just so tired, I must finish this another time. Goodnight Diary, Don’t let my sex bugs bite. We are up to speed on this diary. Going forward will be much more detailed content, starting here in a day or two. Please check back and scroll for where the real story begins on this thread.
    1 point
  28. So I have only gone raw with one guy. He’s been breeding me 1-2 times a week. We did start with a condom but in the heat of the moment I told home I wanted it raw, been doing it that was ever since. I see a lot of bottoms on here saying they will only bottom raw. I didn’t notice a feeling difference on my end. Obviously he enjoys bare more. I do enjoy walking around after filled with his cum though. Does anyone else not really notice if they are raw or not? I know we are goi g to try and break a condom at some point because that’s something he wants to try. Maybe then I’ll notice a difference.
    1 point
  29. Once he’d composed himself, I excused myself to grab some snacks and more beers. When I came back, he was sat leafing through a ‘male art photography’ book. He slammed it closed as soon as he saw me, “Err… Sorry, John…” “No need to be sorry. Look at anything you want,” I said, putting the tray of snacks and cans on the side table. I sat next to him, “Did you like the pictures in that book?” “Well… They’re good pictures… But, erm… Do men really do those things?” I knew exactly what he was asking – the images in the book went rapidly from nudes, to shots of oral, anal and rimming – but gave him a hammy confused look. “Like… Do you let men put their wi… cock in your mouth? Do they lick your bottom?” His cock twitched a little with each thought and his eyes betrayed him. I gave him my best matter-of-fact look, “Well, yes, Dan. I suck cock, fuck and rim arse, and vice versa.” He stared at me in what seemed like awed disbelief, unconsciously licking his lips and fingering his shaft. “Does it upset you, me talking like that?” He shook his head a little bashfully, mumbling some kind of catechism under his breath. “Look, you can get dressed and go home whenever you like. I won’t be offended.” “Oh, no, Mr… John. I just don’t know how to talk about this.” His eyes kept flicking down to my hard-on, which was now glistening with precum, but nowhere near what he was producing. It was literally running down his shaft. “That’s OK. Let’s have some snacks and just chat.” And so we did. I steered the conversation to his college plans while we ate and he became more relaxed and talkative. After food, We started on our second beer and I lit another spliff. After he’d had a couple of tokes, he started to get a little agitated again, “Erm…” he seemed to choke on his words. “Just say whatever you want. You won’t shock me, and I won’t mock you for getting it wrong.” “It’s just…” I fixed his eyes with mine, reaching out to run the back of my hand over his chest and belly until gently gripping his shaft. “You can tell me to stop anytime.” He grunted his assent. I released his cock to start stroking his thighs and tickling his balls. I knew I had to take it easy or he’d blow his load in moments and who knows how he’d react to that if I hadn’t got him relaxed again. I moved in closer to whisper, “I’m glad you aren’t wearing body spray. Men smell much better when they’re natural.” Then I kissed his neck, down to his shoulder and across his chest, flicking my tongue over his nipples. Each touch elicited a light moan, and I could feel him relaxing with each new sensation. By now, he was lying back on the beanbag and I gently lifted his left arm, taking a deep hit of him before kissing then licking his pit. “Oohhh!…” His cock pulsed against my belly and his head fell back. I lapped at his sweat, covering my face in his scent, until I felt his hand on the back of my head. He inexpertly guided me across to his other pit, and I made sure to graze my chin stubble across his nipples on the way. After a few minutes savouring him, I pulled away a little and moved in to kiss him. He tensed at first, not knowing what to do, but soon enough opened to me and we exchanged a deep kiss. Now he was relaxed in the zone he was a natural. I broke the kiss and looked deep into his eyes, “I’m going to suck your cock, now. OK?” His eyes widened and glinted. He just nodded. I kissed my way down his chest, over his belly to his leg and that wonderful crease between his thigh and ballsack. I lapped all around his thighs and balls, taking each into my mouth as I passed. Then licked up the length of his shaft until I could get my tongue into the lake of precum crowning over his foreskin. Then licking under the ʼskin, over the head, pushing his ʼskin back, and taking the knob in my mouth. I slowly took him further into my mouth, giving the full tongue treatment over his head and shaft, until I had him poking at my throat. Not wanting to spook him, I started pulling back, only to repeat the process, and again, and again… A little further each time. Is it wrong that hearing him mumble his catechism made me crave his cock even more? It wasn’t too long before I had my chin pressed hard against his balls, and I flexed my throat around him before pulling back to dive back down again. His muttering was getting more earnest – I took it as a sign he was going to cum – and he grabbed my head and yanked me off him. He was staring down at me looking worried, “You… You’ve got to stop… I… I’m… I think I’m going to pee.” The thought seemed to horrify him. I smiled at him, “You’re not going to pee, Dan. Don’t worry.” I went straight down on him again, his hands still on my head, and started long-sucking and tonguing his shaft while stroking his balls which had nearly disappeared back inside. It took maybe 20 seconds before, “AARRGGHH!” and he started shaking bodily, his hands falling from my head as the first spurt of cum splashed from his head between my lips to the back of my throat. The force of the jet made me cough, and his cock twitched so strongly he popped out of my mouth. The second spurt hit me square in the face. A third fountained into the air to splatter over both of us. His cock slapped his belly as the fourth laid a trail from his face to his navel. I lifted his cock, taking his fifth jet on my face before getting my mouth round him. Ready for the sixth pulse, I used it to lube him into my throat, taking jets seven and eight before pulling back to taste nine and ten before sitting up to look at him. He was still juddering, as if fitting, breathlessly reciting, and pumping cum onto his belly. There were four or five weaker spurts before his cock started slackening and the last of his load oozed from the tip. He was lying out, head back eyes close, mouth open. An almost angelic look of satisfaction on his face.
    1 point
  30. Here's my hole... with one of many cocks that dumped their loads in me that night..
    1 point
  31. lol, ikr. I really thought I messed up the whole hookup but I wasn’t going to lie to the boy. I felt like I won the lottery when he agreed to take me raw.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Found two straight lads crusing. It's was a quiet night, no women around for them. They'd clearly seen me hanging around for a while. After quite a while with no action. One of them approached me and called me fag boy. Asked if I wanted a couple of loads as there was no pussy around they needed to nut inside something badly. They told me to bend over the bonnet of their car, look away and not make any noise as they were going to imagine my ass was a wet pussy. I bent over thinking they'd lower my shorts but they didn't. One of them ripped them open and they both spat on my hole. One threw his jumper over my head. They both bred me 🙂
    1 point
  34. It was a Friday night and I was browsing the hook-up aps looking to get laid. When I spotted a profile with the screen name ‘Doublewide’. Facepic was promising - heavyset, late 30’s, white guy; and a Top (which works for me). I was just about to message him when I get his IM. (Guess he caught me looking). We chat a bit, the usual pleasantries, and I ask if his screen name is because he lives in a trailer. He replies with a laugh emoji and says no. Then he sends a pic and says, “This is why”. It took my mind a few seconds to reconcile what I was seeing. It was his dickpic, yes. Fully erect. But it was the widest cock I had ever seen. Picture the dicks of two well-hung men merged together side-by-side as one shaft. My jaw literally dropped. In that moment I KNEW this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Without thinking, I immediately replied that I want him in me. He expressed reservations as he is all too frequently disappointed with bottoms that talk a good game but can’t deliver. I SWORE to him that I would not tap out. I sent him pix of my fuck-gaped faggot cunt, and one of me sitting on a good sized toy as proof. That seemed to - at least partially - allay his concern and soon enough I was knocking at his hotel room door. Let me skip ahead here. We’re naked. On his bed. He’s reclining against the headboard. Me on my knees face to face with his monster dong. My finger were nowhere close to getting around it. This is the best way I can describe how big & thick he was: Make a fist. Now look at the front of your fist. That’s what I was facing. I could not start to get it in my mouth. And I honestly started to have second thoughts about taking him in my faggot cunt. “You still wanna do this?” He asked warily as I attempted to service him. “Hell, yeah!, I replied. For I was NOT gonna go back on my word. He stood and positioned me kneeling at the corner of the bed. He greased my cunt and fingered me a good while; opening me up. I had brought my own poppers, but he said “No. Use this instead”. I opened it up and took a long drag in each nostril. These were old-school poppers. True amyl nitrate. I took another two long hits as he greased the wrecking bar between his legs. I felt his cockhead kiss my faggot cunt. I felt it pop my outer ring. I took another two deep hits. It was about to happen… He started pressing against my ass. His lubed, raw, doublewide insistently pushing against my back door. I took another deep hit. And then, his rail splitter punched into me. All at once, he was in me. “YES!”, he exclaimed. My pussy spasmed around his massive dong as a stream of precum drooled out of me and onto the bed. Time stopped as my body tried desperately to adjust to him. I felt every fiber of my body shake. I think I was on the edge of panic. He stroked my back. “Shhhh…shhhh…that’s it…”, he whispered. “Shhhh…it’s alight now…shhhh…Daddy’s home”. At hearing this, my mind exploded. A tidal wave of pleasure swept through my body. A profound guttural moan from the deepest recesses of my soul escaped me. My whole body went limp. I had opened myself - given myself to him. And so began one of the most transcendent fucks of my life. He began slowly enough there at the corner of the bed. Then he joined me on the bed and fucked me from behind. His pace steadily increasing. He then moved me effortlessly onto my back, my legs onto his shoulders. He passed me the poppers and told me to take the deepest hit of my life. I did so. I inhaled until my hand lost its grip on the bottle. He took the bottle from me and set it aside. I was on the verge of consciousness while he piled-drived me. It was relentless. It was brutal. It was rapture. Then, as I seemingly felt myself passed into and out of existence, I heard a distant voice say, “Oh fuck! OH FUCK!! I’m gonna cum!!” - I whimpered, “Daddy? Please…breed me Daddy”. A ROAR filled the room as a firehose of cum flooded me. I lay there impaled as torrents of seed jetted into me. That was when my own flood doors opened and a long steady stream of cum flowed out of me and onto my belly. Suddenly, violently, he ripped himself out of me. My whole body shook and spasmed at the loss. Out of nowhere, he straddled my chest. I could hardly breathe. He jacked his dong urgently. He lifted my head with his other hand . I instinctively opened my mouth and he, again, flooded me with another massive load. I swallowed all I could. The rest flowed down my jaw and neck. I think that was when I finally passed out. I’m not sure how long I lay there before I started coming too. I awoke to the sound of the shower shutting off. I reached behind me and ran my fingers around my sore, tired pussy lips. My cunt still gaping and drooling cum. Soon, he walked back into the room in his hotel robe. “You OK?” He asked as he handed me a bottled water. All I could manage was a smile. I sat myself up and I drank the full bottle of water. He instantly handed me another. I drank most of it too before standing up. I wobbled a bit as I staggered to the shower. I was in there awhile. The hot water felt amazing on my skin. He was sitting in one of the two armchairs when I walked back in the bedroom. Sipping whiskey in hand, and one already poured out for me. I joined him and we talked awhile. His name was Dwight. He was in town on business from New Orleans. He’s actually straight, married for 9 years with two kids. He explained that his wife just couldn’t handle him anymore and they agreed he could pursue ‘comfort’ when out of town. I could tell there was more that he didn’t say…there was was an unspoken equity happening at home while he was away. He groused that the few women who he tried fucking would always back out. One even claimed he had tried to assault her but eventually backed off. That was when he decided to start fucking gay men; reasoning they would be more keen to go for big meat and a lot less likely to claim they were assaulted. Smart guy. There was a quiet moment that told me it was time for me to get dressed and get going. As we approached the door, I thanked him for the hottest fuck of my life. He replied, “No. Thank you. That was the most satisfying lay I’ve had…in a VERY long time.” There was a solemn sincerity in that statement that made me pause. I was looking at a man who felt cursed. Tortured, even. There was really nothing more to say. He opened the door. I stepped out. The door closed.
    1 point
  35. I was having fun getting Midjourney to create things it probably wasn't supposed to create 😈
    1 point
  36. Of course there were other bottoms. Didnt say there werent. Little guys like myself sort of stand out in places like that though. Paris is definitely much better for cruising versus Amsterdam. I would even say if ones intention is to cruise for sex, it rivals Berlin, which Berlin is my favorite city because it is a fusion of both sex and techno. However, Berlins crown jewel is Lab.Oratory, and nothing on Earth compares to Lab. But in Paris, you arent waiting in a 2 hour queue to get into the cruise bars, and Lab isnt a cruise bar, its the raunchiest bathhouse on the planet. Berlin has its cruise bars too, but I go to Berlin to party, so its great techno clubs like Tresor, Berghain, and Kit Kat take precedence over any cruise bar. When ive had my fill of techno and psytrance for the night, ill end my evenings in Berlin by going to Der.Boiler, which is a wonderful bathhouse and has an awesome dark maze with gloryholes everywhere. To do Paris right, you will need the stamina. My butthole is like an insatiable black hole that wants to milk every fucking cock in the city, and it can. A true sex addict will never have his fill in a city like this. I just found myself wanting more and more and wanting to test myself to see how many more I could fit in every night. To maximize your load tally, and to spend your time effectively: Boxxman during the morning/afternoon, get a little culture in before dinner, go back to your hotel/airbnb and clean out, then head out by 9:30 to cruise bar after bar. End the night between 5 and 6 am, and repeat this every day youre there.
    1 point
  37. Here's a decent article on it: https://www.everydayhealth.com/hpv/what-are-hpv-16-18/ It's unlikely to affect your sex life appreciably, as nearly everyone either has HPV or has been vaccinated. It does increase your risk of cancer (anal or penile) and it's probably a good idea to monitor that, which you can do by getting a pap smear periodically.
    1 point
  38. Seriously? I figured this out at 16 y/o in the mall Sears men's bathroom. Read the book Tearoom Trade if you require further instructions.
    1 point
  39. FanTasy Collection Respecting my elders. This is the 2nd story in my FanTasy Collection. In less refined forms, this one has been one of my original wild fantasies. Again I will say These are just Fantasies and have not happened "yet" ;) But how did It come about? Well, The First time I ever got spun was with a 74-year-old man. He was the 1rst man to fuck my ass and whore me out. This caused me to have a vast age gap kink and a (grand)daddy kink. Yet, he didn't like having other older men around as he wasn't attracted to them; anyways, on to the fantasy. After moving to the Big City, Curtis (25) was cruising a hookup app. When a message flashed on his phone, it was an anon profile saying "yum ."It was weak, and the profile was void of pictures; it only had stats. One of which caught his eye. Age:62. Curtis Smiled and thought about the Daddy he had left in his old town, then replied with a "Hi Daddy ."They flirted hard and fast. Within the hour the Daddy had offered to take him shopping for Lingerie. He had told the Daddy to pick him up in an hour. During that time, Curtis showered, shaved, and cleaned himself up. While getting dressed he hit a bowl and decided to go full heteronormative, with some khakis, a button-down, a sweater, and some sneakers. Then hit the bowl again when checking the messages. 10 mins away. He takes another hit and quickly lubes up a plug and inserts it. The ride over to the sex shop started quiet, but Curtis changed it to flirty pretty quickly. They were the only ones there besides the clerk when they got to the store and went in. The Daddy goes from one piece to the next Saying how hot he would look in each one. So Curtis told him that he is open to trying on stuff for him, but he has to buy at least half of all the items he tries on for him. "Just so you don't make me try on the whole store," Curtis said with a coy intonation. When the Daddy picked out three pairs of panties, a mini skirt, a mesh top, and two pairs of leggings, he became agitated when he found out there was no dressing room—asking if they could return to his place. Curtis politely declined the first meeting. Without much prompting the Daddy just decided to get a cheap room at a motel. The prompt nature of the pivot caught Curtis off guard but also turned him on. The Daddy paid up, and they were on their way. They pulled up to the nearest motel, not a super sleazy place but not one of the fancier places either. Curtis stayed in the car as the Daddy went in and got a room. The room was a standard issue, not too gross, except for the bathtub, which had slight hard water discoloration. Curtis told the Daddy to sit on the bed while he changed. Curtis shaves a rock of meth un his ass while getting ready then, comes out of his new outfit to the Daddy with cock in hand. He starts beating it, and Curtis gives a little twirl and a show. The Daddy was slightly startled when Curtis came down on his knees before him And growled when Curtis took his cock into his mouth. After a few mins, Curtis can feel the Daddy starting to Tense up, so he Lifts his mouth off of the Daddy's cock to say through drooly lips," I wanted to thank you for getting these lovely gifts for me. That's what the head was for. But you impressed me with getting this room. And I'm rewarding you with this." "Oh fuck, you are so hot," the daddy moans as Curtis Stands up, turns around, and bends over to remove his butt plug. Then walks over to the bed, Puts one knee on the bed, and turns to ask, "How do you want me, Daddy?" "I didn't bring a condom; I could try to find one," the Daddy stammered. "Daddy, you bought me stuff that would make me look hot and turn you on to see me in, and you didn't buy any condoms. So I just thought that meant what would make me look the hottest and turn you on the most would be your raw cock fucking your hot load of daddy cum into my boy hole". Curtis said while his body and mind start buzzing. The Daddy walks over and grabs Curtis' ass that was showing from under the mini skirt. Hissing into Curtis' ear, " Oh fuck yeah, you slutty little boy, you are going to take my cum deep in you," as he pushed Curtis down to doggy. With a quick spit and not a lot of care. The Daddy had quickly and forcefully thrust his entire length into Curtis. The Daddy was fucking Curis pretty hard, but what turned Curtis on even more than getting fucked was the dirty talk that started flying out of the Daddy's mouth. Curtis had to engage and did so really escalated both of their experiences. Finally, after about 10 mins, the Daddy grunts, and tensing up, he slams his cock as deep as possible "I'm cumming in your tight little ass, you dirty motel whore. Do you like that? The Daddy pants while pulling his cock out. Curtis shakes his ass playfully, then flips to face the man who filled him. "Mmmm Fuck, Thank you so much Daddy, for letting me be where you put your load today. You were right; I am hotter that way. I'd be open to you getting more outfits to fuck me in." Curtis coos while squirming happily. The Daddy sits on the bed. " Oh yea? Because I know what you would look way hotter in than that outfit." Curtis tells him He loves it when older men know how to handle him best. The Daddy then inquires about the most senior Daddy he has been with and is surprised and slightly aroused when the answer is "75, but I would go older.". When the Daddy was driving Curtis back to his place, he teasingly asked if Curtis could get dressed up in the sluttiest way next week. "If it's that hot, pictures might be necessary next time." Curtis playfully tries to coax some answers out of him. "Well, I was watching my cock pump in and out of your tight ass, and I realized that was way hotter than the outfit. Then It hit me, and I came right after thinking about it," the Daddy starts. " I was just thinking about looking down and seeing my cock doing the same thing, but what's different is that you have another daddy cock in each hand and one in your mouth, and watching all of those daddies fill you just like I did. Is that too crazy?" the Daddy asks tentatively. The stunned look on Curtis' face was instantly interpreted as horror, and the Daddy was about to backpaddle when he felt Curtis' hand on his cock. " So Daddy wants to have me get gang bred by a group of Daddy's friends? Curtis purrs, "That's 100% hot enough reason to want pictures. I'm free for that; let's talk details over text." Over the next week, they text, sext, and try to get a strategy down on how to find the daddies to participate. The Daddy makes a suggestion that stuns and gets Curtis wildly horned up. His idea was if you invite the right daddies the first time and work through some of the issues, then there is a better chance that they would be open to doing it again. So, after a bit more discussion, they were going to look for the right daddies to find for a reoccurring event where daddies were more than happy to come back and might even feel comfortable bringing a friend. So they both went looking for receptive, responsive men over the age of 50 who were not only interested in fucking, but interested in watching. The day before the event, they had invited and gotten positive reactions from 8 men. The Daddy was pretty hopeful all eight would show up. Curtis was convinced that only three would show. The day of, Curtis smoked a fat bowl and packed a premade booty bump to take with him. The Daddy stopped by to pick him up and take him to the motel, where a room was already booked. This motel was much nicer than the last one; Curtis went to the bathroom to get dressed and ready. Looking ready and breedable, Curtis asks through the closed door how long until the daddies are supposed to show up. 5 mins, 3 mins, he hears the front door open and muffled conversation. Any of those who will show up will be, and soon, The Daddy will knock on the door to let him know they are ready. Out of nerves, more than timing Curtis decides to take his booty bump and then put in his plug. Not a minute later, the knock comes. "We are ready for you, boi." Curtis lets out a deep breath, feeling the buzz already coming on; he opens the door and steps out. There were five older men in the room staring at Curtis, Who was dressed in a pair of stiletto boots, a black G string with the text " Fuck me" on them, The mini skirt that He got last week, and a tube top with the text "Yes daddy ."All of the daddies looked at least well into their 50s stunned. More confidence came when he saw all of them move their hands to their cocks. Curtis struts over and molds right in between two of the daddies he hadn't met. Giving a little intro speech, telling them that this wouldn't cost anything, but The Daddy did pay for the motel room, and he might appreciate it if you could throw him a $10 or hell If you want to step up and cover the room for the next time we do this. He tells them they don't have to commit to doing this again. After Curtis finished this shop talk, he was ready to begin. "Gentleman, This being the first time. I will be referring to All of you as either Daddy or Sir from now on, and for this first time, refer to me as a boy or any dirty names that get you off. All of you Daddies are here for me, and I'm here because I respect my elders. I want to show you how much I respect my elders by devoting my body to your pleasure. I will feel my respect for you, Daddies as it drips down my legs for the next day. What I'm trying to say is, please fuck your hot daddy DNA into my boy hole!" As he finishes his speech, he drops to a squat and works to get one of Daddy's cock out. Like clockwork, the others also get their cocks out. One cock in his mouth, one in his hand, this other hand moved to another. His mind is spinning, and he tries to see if he can give an unattended cock some attention every minute. Eventually, He is pulled up and put onto the bed. The daddies finally get to see his Gstring, which is pulled off quickly, exposing the plug and slowly pulling it out. There is a polite discussion on who might want to go first. The answer that Caugh Curtis' attention was the Daddy, who loudly and quickly said, "If I can, I want to go last. I want his ass as full of cum as possible." Their eyes locked when the Daddy finished saying that. Another just decided enough discussion had been had. Forcing Curtis into doggy and pushing the tip of his cock gently and slowly, even re-lubing up. Over the next couple of hours, Curtis was spit roasted by every combination of the Daddys. Curtis was over the moon when the first Daddy blew his load deep inside his hole, Called him a good boy, and said That this was an excellent start to how he should respect his elders. Then went off to the side to watch as this boy continued to get gang fucked. Curtis pulled the cock out of his mouth to Thank that Daddy, for staying to watch. Giving him the honor of planting his seed in his ass. and that he will continue improving on his respect for his elders. Then another cock was shoved in his mouth. Similar occurrences happened a 2nd time and a 3rd. Then The Daddy was the one shooting his nut deep inside Curtis while calling him filthy nasty names. The last Daddy to have his turn pulled the well-used and very sloppy ass up. "Have you men ever seen such a beautiful thing? This boy worked very hard to show respect for his elders. Sloppy well, used, deep seeded boy holes are the sign of respect I think more of Us men deserve. I will be fucking my load into him to mix with all of yours. But I will commit to him that I will be coming back for the next one, And I will bring a friend. Slowly pushing his big thick cock into Curtis' Swolen leaking hole. " I mean, think about it, men, we can all show a friend of ours how they should be respected, and This boy will be respecting ten men next time...and how many the time after. I want to witness all of it." the daddy grunts and announces that he is cumming. Then Leans down and whispers in Curtis's ear. "I can take you to the next level; let me pimp your ass out. My name is Rich." Part 2 will have much more cum and much more of Curtis getting spun.
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  40. I had been playing with my hole for a while this Sunday when my dildo no longer felt like enough. I needed a real dick in my hole. My last hookup was anon and it awakened something inside me. Not seeing but feeling the person fucking me heightened all my senses. Even thinking about it now makes my skin tingle. So I posted a quick ad looking for some ass up anon fun in my small nyc Apt. Soon I had messages from several guys but one really stood out. He and his boyfriend wanted to swing by and tag team me. Without even thinking I accepted telling them that it’s always been my fantasy. Within 30 min I was naked with a blindfold on, ass up and waiting for them to show up. I heard the door open but I lost track of them as soon as it closed. Soon I heard the sound of u buckling right in front of my mouth, instinctively I opened my mouth yearning to taste them. ”No!” He pushed me back “Not yet. I want to have some fun with you.” God all my inhibitions melted away and I just wanted to be used. They had me suck on his balls and really taste their ripeness. I was in heaven. Suddenly I felt something feeling me up behind me. His boyfriend. It was too much I couldn’t follow I was already in my own little world. However I was snapped out of it once he grabbed my head and forced it down on his erect cock. I choked on it, dripping spit everywhere. He didn’t need to say it, I knew he was lubing himself up for the main event. He pushed my head away , grabbed my hips and lined my ass up. I was too tight. He kept pushing until I gave in a little bit and then he started to plow away. Fuck yes. Feeling his balls slap against my ass felt incredible. I also felt the presence of his boyfriend in front of my face. I knew what to do, I opened up and started serving him too. I didn’t know what to do. I just opened up my holes and finally became the faggot I was born to be. His boyfriend was rock hard and wanted a turn. They shoved my body around and they continued where the last person had started. In the moment I didn’t even realize I was doing ass to mouth, but I didn’t care anymore. this kept going for a bit before the first person shot into my throat. Honestly I love the taste of cum so I didn’t mind not getting it in my ass. His boyfriend also fed me his cock to finish but he was rougher. Much rougher. It was hard to taste his cum since some vomit had come up from how deep he kept fucking me. once he came, I was left on my back, face dripping with cum, stretched out hole and with a new favorite way to get breed. I really hope we can do it again. He wants to take me to a gh and get more people to use me hopefully.
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  41. Not sure I have that fetish but when I came out I went home with many men my grandpas age. It wasnt that I was into them but I discovered that they were into twink boys and I had a ageplay diaper fetish and guys that age were more often willing to play. Being a good boy I always made sure they got what they wanted and therefore became popular with their friends. It was this older men that also introduced me to many kinks. Being older I trusted them easier.
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  42. Sounds like buyers remorse. 😐 only there is no return policy! These are the same guys who hurry and dress after the act, then bail looking guilty as hell!
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  43. There's only one gay sauna in Amsterdam (Sauna Nieuwezijds) which is always fun 🙂 got DP'ed there in front of an audience yesterday and got a lot of loads 😈 Club church, Dirty Dicks, Eagle and Spijkerbar are also always hot!
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  44. Never got into twinks much when I was younger, but now that I'm 55, I find myself drawn to them. That's where the step dad/Uncle fantasy comes in. I want to pull them close and kiss them and teach them how much pleasure there is to be had from every nerve ending of their lips and nipples and cock and ass.
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  45. I started barebacking with my first serious boy friend. We started dating and didnt even have sex with each other for weeks. Our first few time we just just sucked each other and gradually moved to fucking but always with condoms. AIDS was still deadly back then and condoms were ubiquitous. Soon we were spending every night together and every night we would fuck, albeit wrapped. Our sex was wonderful, passionate and we were in love, One night we were making out and had been sucking his dick for a while getting it really slick when I got up and sat down on his penis letting it slide in my hole. Once it was all the way in I bent down to kiss him and started riding. We were both moaning, telling each other how good it felt. Before long he tells me he is really close. I respnded with a "fuck yes" and he responded that he wasn't wearing a condom. I told him I didn't care and I wanted his cum. A few seconds later he starts moaning louder and I could feel his penis pulsating as he unloaded. That was the last night we ever used condoms. The next night I had him on his back, legs up, eating his incredible hairy hole, and slid in with out fumbling with a condom. It was so natural, felt so much better and intimate. The routine of pulling out, taking the condom off filled with your semen and tossing has become repugnant. Now I will not have sex with a man who insists on condoms
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  46. Chapter 7 The men lay in a sex daze for some time on the bed before Jason instructs his son to get up. “Son I’m so proud of your acceptance of your new role and the intense changes that are taking place. Now It is time for the next stage. Although, your lean muscular body advertises you as a submissive jock slut, I think we need to emphasize it by shaving you body from the neck down. Tyler and I will take you into he bathroom shave you. Your hairlessness will emphasize you as my submissive jock son, contrasted by my dominant hairy muscular frame.” Jason explained. “Oh dad that’s so hot”, Jake said earnestly. The men proceeded to the large walk-in shower. Tyler and Jason massaged shaving lotion all over Jake’s body and shaved every hair from his dick, balls, ass, legs and chest. They both took special attention on Jake’s hole shaving closely to his jockpussy lips and grazing the tender skin causing a few small cuts to form. As they did this they fingered his now smooth hole massaging the fresh poz load in his hole into the small newly formed abrasions. This aroused all three men. After the shave was completed they all washed themselves with in the hot steamy shower. Then all three went to the small sauna adjacent the cabin. There Jason and Tyler relaxed in the sauna as Jake knelt in front of the hairy, imposing men, Taking turning sucking on each man’s cock while they laid back tweaking their nipples, encouraging the obedient muscle jock to earn his ‘breakfast’. As the men reached climax the now smooth teen guzzled down their dirty loads demonstrating his new role as their new submissive cum hungry jock slut.
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  47. Chapter 6 Jake fell asleep in between the two men on the large bed. All three fell into a deep sleep after the long fuck session. The next day as the sun rose across the lake, Jake slowly awoke with the feeling of his dad’s dick snaking into his used hole. He slowly rotates his hips backing up closer to his father to guide his dick in. Jake still sloppy hole allows easy access to Jason’s hardening dick. As his father’s cock slide into Jake’s hole. He thinks back to how long he has longed for his dad…. Catching glimpses of his dick, seeing him dressing and undressing, staring at his huge bulge in his swim trunks. Every time resisting his sexual desire for his father. Now all that has fallen away as he backs deeper and deeper onto his dad’s dick. Jason slowly wakes up to his sons hole wrapped around his huge dick and begins to thrust inward. His son moans. The sounds wakes up Travis and he sees the Jake being fucked from behind. He begins kissing Jake as he’s getting fucked then moves down and begins kissing, licking and biting Jakes muscle nips making Jake rock hard. Tyler realizing his morning wood needed attention, repositioned himself to allow Jake to suck his dick. Jake immediately opened his mouth to accept the large member and could taste stale cum on his dick from the fuck session the night before. Jakes milks his dad’s dick with his muscle hole as he sucks on Tyler’s dick getting him fully hard. He can taste the silky pre cum leaking from Tyler’s massive dick. The two dicks fill the lean muscle jock and he is in ecstasy. Jake pulls Tyler’s cock out of his mouth and moans, “mmmmmm daddy!” The moans from his son electrifies Jason, his dick growing even harder in his son’s cunt. He repositions his son with is ass up and slams his dick balls deep. His sons screams are muffled by Tyler’s large dick face fucking him. Jake strokes his dick while taking it on both ends. Jason’s brutal assault in on his sons hole allows Tyler’s dick to get even deeper into Jake’s wiling throat. The sight is Jake taking his dad’s poz dick draws him closer to climax. His heavy balls fill up. “You ready for you first poz load of the day fag!” Tyler asks as he face fucks the submissive jock. All Jake can do is offers a muffled acceptance. “TAKE MY LOAD FAGGOT!!!! “ Tyler screams as he begins to blast his poz cum deep down the jocks throat. Tyler guzzles down as much as he can but chokes and gurgles on the massive cummy load in his mouth but eventually takes it all in. The taste of his neighbors toxic load in his mouth send Jake over the edge and as he stokes his teen cock he begins shooting on the bedsheets below. Jason’s balls begin to tense up as His son’s muscle ass clamps down on his dick while he shoots his load. His begins piston fucking his son at a furious pace. His son’s wet man pussy lubricating his shaft. “I’m gonna breed you son with the dick that made you!” Jason’s breath grows short. “Please give me that load daddy” Jake begs. The sounds of this son pleading for his cum sending him over the edge and Jason begin flooding his sons hole with toxic cum. He pounds it deeper and deeper into his sons wrecked hole. Cum oozing out around his cock and balls. As his orgasm subsides he pulls out his still hard dick from his son’s used hole, he fingers his hole with his rough finger nails to make his seed take. Jakes flinches at first but with the feeling of his dads strong hand on his muscle back his knows there is no other way and obliges.
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  48. Chapter 4 As evening approaches Jake holes has already taken several loads of Tyler’s poz cum and eagerly waits for what is to come next. “I’ve got a treat for you tonight. A surprise visitor. I figured your hole is too good to keep all to myself so I’ve decided to share you with friend.” Tyler explains “He a very special friend so you’re to do exactly as you’re told. To ensure your obedience you’ll start out tied to the bed and blindfolded” Tyler continues. “Do you understand”, Tyler asks. “Yes sir”, Jake responds “That’s my good boy” Tyler says and proceed to guide him to the bed. Jake lays down and Tyler ties one wrist then the other to the bed post. Tyler puts on the blindfold and then steps back to admire the sight. Jake is still in the stained jockstrap . His smooth muscle chest moves up and down with his breath. He adjusts Jakes lightly hairy legs apart slightly and as he does this he finds Jake’s wet hole. As he lightly messages the hole Jake lets out a soft moan. Tyler slowly pulls his finger out and brings it to his lips and tastes it. Perfect he thinks to himself. Jake waits quietly on the bed. He thinks he is alone in the room but is unable to be certain because of the blindfold. He hears a voice or voices coming from the inside the cabin and waits. Shortly after he hears footsteps and the feeling of someone getting on the bed. There is a feeling of breath on this body and strong inhale around his jockstrap. Then gentle kissing and licking. His body is filled with excitement. The feeling is intensified by the kissing and biting of his erect nipples. The stranger sniffs and licks his jockstrap pouch and the releases Jake’s erect dick and begins licking and sucking it until he is rock hard. He takes off the jockstrap and the stranger works he’s way down to Jakes balls and taint and the finally lifts Jakes ass up with and inhales deeply at Jake’s wet cum sloppy hole. “Somebody has been a very bad boy”, the man says. The voice is strangely familiar. “And there is only one way to punish a boy who has been as bad as you.” The man continues. The stranger proceed so finger the cummy hole and Jake lets out a moan. “Damn that hole is flooded in poz cum. how many loads do you have in you boy?” The stranger asks Jake thinks quickly, “five, sir” he responds “Such a slutty boy” the stranger says sternly. “And now you are gonna get even more” With that Jake begins to feel the massive mushroom head try to enter his sloppy hole. His sore hole struggles to take it. His whimpers turned to screams as the invading dick inches its way in. Then he hears Tyler’s voice “It a big one but you can do it, take a deep inhale” Jakes smells a strange chemical smell and inhales. His whole body feels warm. The invading dick gets deeper and deeper. “I’m almost half way in”, the stranger states Shocked that the dick is only half way in, Jake exclaimed , “please no, I can’t take anymore” “Wrong response” the stranger states sternly as he pushing more of his dick inside “Inhale again” Tyler says and Jakes complies. His hole loosens but the strangers cock only seems to get bigger and fuck him harder until he can’t take anymore. “Please stop” Jake screams “Inhale again” Tyler says and Jakes complies again “Shove that jock in his mouth and shut this faggot up!” the man yells and he continues to pound his massive member in. Finally the combination of popper and brute force gives way and with one finally thrust the strangers huge dicks sinks balls deep into Jake’s cum filled hole. Jake muffled screams turned into ecstasy as he feels the strangers dick bottom out in his hole. His hairy bush tickling his taint. Jake feels light headed and his eyes roll to the back of his head. Jakes dick is now hard again and leaking. “Now he likes it” the stranger says and the spits in his hand and the begins stroking Jake’s dick as he fucks him. “That’s it, show me what a little faggot you are, I want to see you cum with my dick deep inside you and your hole flooded with cum.” the stranger said. The Man fucks him harder and harder as Jake’s dick and balls swell. The man’s massive dick is pounding his p spot pushes him and closer to the edge. “Give me that load boy”, the stranger demands pounding him even deeper. This send Jake over the edge and him dick begins shooting ropes of cum. The first hitting his face then his smooth muscular chest and defined abs . “That’s my boy!” The stranger exclaims. He then scoops the cum from Jake’s body, pulls his dick completely out, lubes his dick with the cum and then slams the dick back in balls deep. “Now it’s my turn!” The man growls and again starts pounding Jakes hole furiously “You’re gonna beg for my charged load fag!” The man states. “Yes sir, please give me your poz Load sir” Jake responds. “I’m getting close boy! You want me to covert that neg hole? The man asks. “Yes please, flood my jock hole with your poz cum and convert me!” Jake replies. Tyler interject, “Get ready for the reveal”. Jake feels Tyler’s hand by his blindfold and begins to anticipate the identity of stranger. “BEG FOR MY TOXIC LOAD CUNT!!!” the stranger demands as his breath get heavier and heavier. “Please sir shot your toxic cum in my muscle ass!” Jake replies and with that Tyler quickly removes the blindfold and reveal the stranger to be non other than Jake father! “TAKE MY POISONOUS LOAD SON!!!” Jake’s father yells as he begins to shoot Jets of cum into Jake’s stretched hole. “FUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK!!!!” Jake’s father continues and the cum sloshes inside him and oozes out Jakes hole. Jake complete shocked by the revelation that his poz father is fucking him forgets that he’s restrained and struggles to get free. This effort cause his body to tense up tightening the muscles around this hole cause his father even greater ecstasy extending his orgasm longer and shooting even more toxic cum into his son’s hole. As Jake’s father comes down off of the greatest orgasm he’s ever had. He gently take the used Jockstrap out Jake’s mouth goes in to Kiss Jake. “That’s my good boy. I’ve wanted that jock hole for a long time. I’m so proud of you. You took daddy’s dick like a champ”. The shock of moment fades for Jake with his father’s tender words and he begins to kiss his father back. His dad’s semi hard dick slips out of Jake’s hole and his father fingers his flooded hole. Cum leaks Jake’s hole. His father scoops it up and feeds it to his hungry boy in between kisses. Tyler unties Jake and positions himself between Jakes legs. “Now it’s my turn” he says simply.
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  49. Part 7 Ryan was slamming his cock deep into my throat with every thrust. After gagging a few times at first my excitement and need took control and I found myself easily and eagerly taking the full length of his thick cock balls deep with no problem. There was a continual pooling of his precum on my tongue which I swallowed readily savoring the taste. As I gave my mouth and throat to Ryan's dick I felt Kevin's tongue giving my asshole pleasure I didn't know was possible. Every so often he would slap one of my cheeks hard making me moan around my mouthful of cock. Ryan kept up a running thread of dirty talk which served to make me hornier and desiring to give them all the pleasure I could as they were giving me. “Yeah man that's it!”, Ryan grunted. “Suck that cock man. Take every fucking inch in your throat. I love feeding my cock to a horny newbie especially a married one finding out how hot man to man sex is. Helping him cheat on his wife and making him let go and surrender to his needs. You need cock in your mouth don't you dude? You need a hot sexy fucker eating out your cheating manhole right?” He pulled his cock out of my mouth and tilted my head up to look at him. “Isn't that right you hot sexy pig? You need it huh?” In a hoarse voice I answered him, “Yes, yes I need it. I don't know why but I need it so much!” Ryan grinned at me darkly and asked, “What else do you need daddy? What do you want more of?” I wasn't sure what he meant and told him so. He rubbed his oozing cockhead over my cheeks and chin and said, “You need more of the fuck smoke don't you? You need to feel it letting you let go of all the restraints and questions and just indulge yourself in every hot dirty desire in your mind. All the cock and cum and sucking and fucking you can enjoy with other men. Without her ever knowing. Right?” I was stroking Ryan's magnificent cock and moaning as Kevin drilled hungrily into my fuckhole. “Yes that's right”, I panted. “I need more smoke. I need more cock and mansex. More of all of it”. Suddenly I realized Kevin was no longer rimming my hole at the same moment I saw him standing next to Ryan in front of me holding the pipe and lighter in his hand. Ryan pulled me up to a standing position. “And you're going to get what you need man. Starting with more smoke.” Kevin put the stem between my lips and flicked the lighter underneath the bowl which started filling up with that sweet white smoke. “Three big hits buddy,” Ryan instructed me. “Take 3 big ass hits for us then we'll have some fun.” I began inhaling taking the thick smoke into my lungs and body and brain. Before I exhaled the first hit I could sense a growing need to do things with these 2 naked hot men that I would never have dreamed of just a week ago. And I welcomed the feeling. I was ready to go where it led. As I started to inhale my next hit I felt my hard-as-rock cock enveloped in a wet warmth and saw Ryan on his knees with my cock balls deep in his mouth. Damn that looked so fucking sexy, my cock between his lips. I continued inhaling the smoke and heard Kevin say, “Yeah he's a great cocksucker man. And he loves having his face full of cock. He sucks cock as good as he fucks ass,” He saw my eyes widen when he said that, reminding me that Ryan had fucked Kevin's ass earlier and I had eaten some of his cum from Kevin's hole. Kevin grinned. “Yeah man I love the way his cock feels pounding in and out of my ass, his balls slapping my asscheeks. And when he cums I can feel every spurt and every rope of his cum blasting into me. It's incredible man! Have you been fucked Justin?” I blew out an even bigger cloud than before and could feel what I can only describe as something like an electric current running throughout my body and in my head. “No. No,” I answered. “I'd never had sex with anyone besides my wife until last week. And I fucked him but no, I didn't get fucked.” “One more guy,” Kevin said holding the flame under the bowl again. I started drawing the drug into my mouth and lungs once again and heard Kevin say, “You don't know what you're missing buddy. It feels so so good having your cock buried deep inside another guy's tight hole and you know that after fucking the guy last week. But I'm telling you feeling a dick filling up your hole and fucking it til he cums is abso-fucking-lutely amazing!!” I blew out the cloud and looked at Kevin as his words drew me in. “Didn't it hurt when you got fucked the first time?” Deep inside my head, a small area maybe where the smoke hadn't taken complete control yet, I couldn't believe I was standing here naked with 2 naked men talking about getting fucked. But this thought was pretty deep and the smoke was obscuring it. Kevin kept his eyes on me as he sucked a lungful from the glass pipe. Not saying a word, when he lowered the pipe he leaned toward me and I automatically leaned toward him and felt his lips and tongue then felt the swirling smoke as he breathed it into my mouth. I hungrily sucked it in wanting more of the awesome feeling I was getting from each puff, each cloud. We broke our lip-lock and Kevin grinned and said, “Yeah it hurts like a fucking bitch! But not for long. And once the pleasure hits you forget all about any pain. The pain is worth it for how good it feels having a cock in your hole!” I was thrusting harder into Ryan's slurping talented throat conscious only of how good everything felt that he and Kevin and Drew had shown me so far. Could there be even more sweet pleasure doing more? “You're right it felt better than anything I've ever felt when I fucked his ass. And Drew obviously loved getting fucked. He kept begging for it”. A look crossed briefly over Kevin's face at the same time Ryan pulled off of my cock. I looked down at him and saw a mischievous smile on his full wet lips. “Drew? Is that the name of the guy you met last week and fucked and got high with?” “Yeah,” I answered. “It is. Do you guys know him?” Ryan stood up and gave me a deep kiss. Ending the kiss he grinned at me and said, “Oh yeah we know him all right. He's my cousin dude! And today has just gotten better for all of us!” (more on the way)
    1 point
  50. Well there have been instances where I've been at a bathhouse or sex party and been fucked by 9 to 10 guys in one visit, but the most memorable gang bang I've experienced was the first time I agreed to be an anon cum dump for a voyeur. The voyeur in question was this cute Russian guy whose apartment I was staying at via Airbnb in Brooklyn, New York. He realised that I was predominantly a shy guy and took time to open up. So he suggested that I let him arrange a gang bang with the choicest of his horny top friends whom he will invite over on a Saturday evening. I wouldn't have to be a part of any awkward intro conversations or chit chat. All I have to do is clean up, take a shower, blindfold myself and be on all fours inside the bedroom. This was about 6 years ago and I am someone who doesn't drink nor smoke, so he suggested I sniff on poppers as that'll help me relax. I took a whiff one night before the Gangbanged and felt a warm rush taking me over for a few minutes which I quite enjoyed. So ... the evening was planned. He didn't tell me who all were coming ? how many guys.. what they looked like, nothing. Just asked me to trust him, and I did. So at 6:30 pm on the Saturday evening, I got out of the shower and went to the bedroom. I was lying on the bed with the room door slightly ajar. Around 6:40, I heard the doorbell ring and the voyeur buzzed someone into the building. He came to the room and told me to be ready. I put on the blindfold and got on all fours. My heart was beating fast as I was super excited and extremely nervous. I heard a couple of voices including the voyeur's. I could hear the wooden floor boards creek as they entered the bedroom. a couple of hands started feeling up my body. One hand went towards my ass and tried to rub a finger on my rosebud hole. One of them explained, 'oooooh so tight'. Another voice said, 'Don't be afraid boy, you'll have a good time. As I heard clothes and belts being taken off, the voyeur whispered into my ears not to worry and unclench. He shut one nostril of mine and offered my a whiff of poppers. I felt that warm rush again. He said, 'Good boy, open up and take in these meaty monsters. I'll keep making you sniff on poppers and sip on water every now and then,'. And I nodded as I felt a few fingers lubing up my hole. Before I could totally take in the sensation of my hole being caressed by those thick fingers, I felt a salty thick sausage like cock rubbing on my lips. I opened my mouth and took it in. Must've been a nice 7 inched that I could easily deep throat. This guy had beefy thighs that I held onto as he rammed his cock in my mouth. And while all of this was happening, I felt a big cock enter my ass slowly and patiently. The poppers was starting to wear off and I was loving the feeling of being stuffed from both ends. I am not sure if I heard the doorbell ring again, but sure enough I heard a couple of more voices in the room. The cock in my ass retracted suddenly and the guy announced ' I don't wanna come so soon'. The cock in my mouth let out a nice warm load down my throat. Patted my head and said 'You are so good boy'. I was feeling confident and appreciated. And also excited to know what was gonna happen next. The voyeur/host came once again to make me sniff poppers and as I sniffed on them a HUGE cock plunged into my hole and I screamed. The bottle of poppers apparently got emptied up on the bed and I was told not to worry. Just relax and enjoy the new cock inside me. Multiple voices in the room were telling me to just relax. I felt one hand on my head slowly pushing it down to smell the poppers off the soaked mattress and I took a huge sniff. Fuck, I didn't realise how strong and hard that big sniff was going to hit me. The whole evening after that is a huge blur as I felt cocks enter and pound my ass and mouth one after the other. An hour into it the voyeur asked me if I wanted a break. I said I wanted to pee. One of the guys in the room said, 'You don't want to pee, it's just a phantom sensation because so many of our cocks have been hitting onto your bladder.'. I still asked for a break and one of the guys, held my hand and walked me blindfolded to the bathroom. He told me I should knock on the door from inside once I am ready to get back. And asked me to drink more water. As soon as he shut the door, I took off the blindfold and the light made my head spin a bit. I sat down on the toilet, felt cum dripping down my leg. I cleaned up a bit, took in a few deep breaths and looked at my self in the mirror. I had hickies all over my neck and chest and arms and I didn't even remember any of the guys sucking and chewing on my nipples, which looked like a sexy sea of red marks. This brought a horny smile on my face. The large amount of poppers I had repeatedly sniffed off the bedsheets were now wearing off. I heard the doorbell ring again. I knew a new batch of guys must've arrived to stretch my hole. I quickly washed my face, put back the blindfold on and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, I heard the door open and while the voyeur took my hand as he opened the door, I heard a new voice (must've been the guy who had just arrived, wanting to use the loo). This guy explained 'Whoa !!! This boy is cute. I am going to fuck him up.', I felt his fingers pinch my nipples which made me squeal. He laughed in his sexy deep base voice and kissed me. I could taste the cigarettes and alcohol on his breath, in that quick kiss. The voyeur host sniggered as he pulled me away towards the bedroom and I felt the new guy smack my ass as I stepped away from him. I was taken back to the bed and got back into position. A cock quickly entered my mouth and after a few strokes, as if it had been asked to take a pause, it was out of my mouth. I realised the host wanted me to sniff a new bottle of poppers one of the guys had just brought in. A few sniffs, and I was back to sucking the yummy cock again. The deep voiced new guy came to the bedroom and greeted the other fellows. I am not sure how many guys were in the room at this point but I heard at least four voices not including the host. The new guy was an alpha kinds and openly declared he wants me all to himself for a few minutes while the others can surely watch. He turned me around and got me on my back. Started sucking on my nipples like he was milking them. This drove me insane, He started kissing me passionately and I tasted more of the ciggy and alcohol combo. He was on top of me with his big hairy bulky body and I was loving it. He put my legs on his shoulders and entered me violently, without any warning. I'd cleaned up the lube and loads from earlier , plus my ass was sore so even If he had a 7 incher, it stung like a 9 incher. As I screamed and tried to push him out instinctively, he told another guy to grab hold of my hands. I felt my hands being held tightly above my head and this new guy stopped pounding me. slowly licked my nipples with his tongue. Calmed me down. And I also felt my hands being released. While still inside me, he got me to sniff some more poppers and then asked the other guys in the room to feel free to join in. Once again, I sniffed on the poppers like my life depended on it, Felt a major rush and an oncoming headache. My jaw was also hurting from deep throating so many cocks. I was back in doggie position and took load after load by at least 4 guys. When I told the host that I was tired now and would like to stop, the deep voiced guy started caressing my whole body and said let's do one last thing. How about a DP? I was too tired and kinda scared as I'd not taken in 2 cocks together till then. So I chickened and asked if we could do it another time. The guys were super sweet about it. They told me to just lie down and rest while they all cleaned up and then the voyeur can escort me to the bathroom once again. I passed out. Sometime later, I woke up and took my blindfold off. No one was in the room but I could still hear voices from the hall. I checked my phone. It was 11 pm. I texted the voyeur to ask if I could come out. He told me to stay put in my room and put back my blindfold. I did that. He walked into the room and said I was sleeping away so peacefully they thought they would let me rest a bit. I asked how long was I sleeping for. He said just half an hour. So that means the gang bang went on for 4 hours. He said most of the guys have left but 3 guys are still here, they've ordered pizzas, why don't I take a shower and join them for a bite. I loved the idea of a pizza. I showered and stepped out to the hall and saw 3 burly black Brooklyn guys sitting with the rather puny looking Russian voyeur host. They all smiled and said hi. One of them said, 'How's that ass feeling boy?'. I recognised that deep bass voice and smiled. I think I almost blushed. We enjoyed the pizza and one of the guys left while I was washing my hands. The other two including the deep voiced guy were sipping on their beers when the Russian said, so would you like to go for another round with these two? And all I asked was, do we have more poppers? All three of them smiled. I told them to give me 2 minutes and I'll see them in the bedroom.. no... feel them in the bedroom. p.s. - The total number of guys that opened my hole that evening (according to the host) - 11
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