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  1. Lots of background since I plan this to be at least 4 or 5 parts. THE INITIATION High school had finally started getting better for Kelvin. It had just taken until February of his senior year for him to finally feel like things were finally going his way. His recent early acceptance to Columbia and his dreams of getting out of the small town in Upstate New York seemed to be unfolding for him exactly as he had hoped – something that never seemed to happen for Kelvin. His freshman year at Union-Endicott High School had been a rough one. Moving from a small elementary and middle school to a school with over 500 people in his grade was overwhelming for Kelvin. Kelvin had never been particularly social and quite introverted. He had always been at the head of his class academically but was never really part of the geek clique. He wasn’t a jock, in the band, an artist or any of the other dozen of groups that made up the classic high school social hierarchy. Kelvin was a guy without a country, so to speak and while he was occasionally lonely, he was actually usually quite comfortable being on his own. Any semblance of a normal freshman year died when in the spring his mother was diagnosed with cancer and by the start of summer his mother was gone. Losing his mother was difficult for Kelvin. She had been the one person he always felt he could talk to and who would listen without judgment. His father had always been somewhat disconnected from Kelvin. His father was a former high school A-lister, playing football and baseball and being good enough to make All-State through most of high school. Kelvin wasn’t exactly a disappointment, but he and his father just didn’t seem to have anything in common. Kevin’s father also tended to disappear after coming home from work using his homemade beer to drown the mundanity of his life. His father was never quite drunk, just very distant. After his mother’s death, his father seemed to almost completely disappear from his life except for dinners and occasional evenings together spent in relative quiet. Kelvin’s sophomore year, as could be predicted, was essentially a blur. With his mother’s death and his father’s self-imposed absence, Kelvin dove into his academics pushing himself even harder. Books became his escape and Kelvin’s world shrank to his home and his classes at school. In a rare incident of insight, Kelvin’s father pulled Kelvin aside toward the end of his sophomore. “Kelvin, I know things have been rough since your mom died,” he began, “but I’m concerned that all this focus on school is not good for you.” Kelvin shrugged in response. Kelvin’s father continued, “I think you need to get out and do something physical, so I signed you up for training at Scott’s Gym. Hopefully, this will help get you out a little bit more.” Kelvin nodded and sighed. And with that Kelvin began working out at least 5 times a week. After a few months, Kelvin’s dad didn’t think Kelvin was putting on enough muscle. One day, when Kelvin was ready to head to the gym his father pulled him aside into the bathroom. “Hey, I know you’ve been working hard and I want you to feel like you’re getting results. When I was in school we’d use a little something extra to help build a bit more muscle. Here,” his father pulled out a needle, “let me see your upper thigh.” Kelvin rolled up his shorts and his father stabbed the needle deep into his muscle, injecting Kelvin with the thick liquid. Smiling after the injection, Kelvin’s dad said, “There. We’ll start cycling you and see if we can’t get you some results you can really see and be proud of.” Kelvin knew the steroids could eventually cause problems but his dad had seemed so happy that he had finally found a way to connect with his son, that he didn’t have the heart to object. Through the rest of his sophomore and junior years Kelvin cycled on steroids and his body grew in both shape and definition. Kelvin knew things had changed, he could obviously see the changes himself, and also noticed how instead of being completely invisible he began turning heads of the girls at school which made him uncomfortable. The steroids had not only added bulk to his muscles but had two other effects Kelvin had not considered. The first was that by the end of Kelvin’s junior year instead of the light fuzzy treasure trail and chest that many of his classmates had, Kelvin was sporting a dense trail of fur from his crotch up to his chest which was also becoming thick with fur. Although his father smiled and said he was turning into a ‘real man’, Kelvin was self-conscious of the changes and tried to avoid showers after gym with his classmates. His arms and legs were equally hirsute and every afternoon he was sporting a 5 o’clock shadow. The second effect wasn’t as noticeable to others, but Kelvin was acutely aware of it. The extra testosterone and androgens flowing through his bloodstream had turned a normally horny teenager into a supreme horn dog. Kelvin spent much of his evenings online downloading and consuming porn. He found himself whacking off three, four sometimes five times a day to keep his urges in check. Kelvin also realized that while he initially had been downloading straight porn, he was now spending all of his time on gay porn sites. Kelvin had not given much thought to his sexuality, he had been too busy burying himself in school, especially after his mother died. Kelvin’s favorite videos were the ones where an older, furry, bearish guy got blown by a younger, but also furry otter or cub. He spent hours spilling load after load as he watched and dreamed of servicing an older, moaning, hot furry guy while gently rubbing the young guys head and murmuring out things like, “Yeah, work that dick. Show me that you want my load.” Kelvin always ended the movies after that scene because he knew that the next one would be the otter or cub getting fucked and while part of him found it exciting he just couldn’t see himself ever letting someone do that to him. Kelvin’s senior year started off unremarkably enough. By this time he had settled on going away for school, hopefully to Columbia where he’d have access to New York City and could leave small town Endicott behind. He could remake himself into whomever he wanted. No one would know him and it was a chance to start completely over if he wanted. Fall flew by and college application deadlines came and went. By the start of winter break, Kelvin was eager for the New Year and news about Columbia. He’d also told his father he was no longer interested in his regimen of enhancers but agreed to continue to hit the gym. And now, here he was, recently 18 and accepted to Columbia for the fall and the promise of a new life was just a few months away. His battle against the inevitable 5 o’clock shadow had led him to abandon all attempts at being cleaned shaven. Instead, he opted for leaving a day or two’s growth on his face – not quite a beard, but a short, neat patch of hair. Since his freshman year, Kevin had grown in height to about 5’10” and 195 pounds of muscle. His icy blue eyes stood out from his dirty blonde head of hair and the darker hair of his beard and body. The day after Kelvin had received his acceptance letter he was showering after gym class. He had waited until after his classmates had finished, as usual, since he was still conscientious of the differences between his and his classmates’ bodies. He was letting his mind wander about the freedoms he’d experience at Columbia, including maybe the chance to present himself on his knees to a hot older guy. His dick started to harden at the thought and Kelvin smiled. Suddenly, he heard a cough behind him and turned quickly – forgetting his half hardened dick was lifting into the air. “Hey, Kelvin!” It was Coach Foley, his gym teacher for the past two years. “I heard you got some good news the other day.” Kelvin gulped and felt the blood rush from his face. Coach Foley was about 35 years old and a former collegiate soccer player. He was perhaps a couple inches taller than Kelvin but not nearly as massive. Coach Foley had retained the upper body of his soccer player form but also had some of the softness that occurs as guys get older but still work out. His legs were solid unlike the softness of his upper body. Just looking at them, were convincing enough to believe that he was still actively running and kicking soccer balls daily. His gym shorts left little to the imagination, a good sized bulge forming in the front indicating either ample meat, potatoes or both. Coach’s hoodie was zipped up about 3/4 ‘s of the way and thick black hair pushed its way out all the way to just below his neck. His face sported a cheesy pornstache which looked oddly appropriate for him. Coach smiled as he noticed Kelvin assessing him. “Good,” he thought, “boy’s definitely showing some interest. I’m thinking this is going to go exactly as I planned.” Coach flexed his dick, tenting his shorts briefly, and watched Kelvin’s eyes get bigger while chuckling to himself. “I know things have been tough for you the last few years and just wanted to let you know how great it is that Columbia knows what a great catch you are.” “Uh, thanks, Coach Foley,” Kelvin stammered. Despite his embarrassment at getting caught staring, his dick refused to get the message to stand down. In fact, at the sight of coach’s dick suddenly tenting out his shorts, Kelvin felt his dick fill with even more blood and move from a downward position to nearly horizontal. Kelvin had always considered himself pretty normal in the cock department. Compared to the videos he watched Kelvin wasn’t exactly huge. Topping out at just shy of 8” long and about 6” thick he wasn’t nearly as big as the guys in the video. Coach Foley, appearing to ignore Kelvin’s obvious discomfort and pelvic reactions, continued on. “What classes do you have this afternoon? I’ve got the last two periods off for planning and would love for you to come by and we can celebrate your good news. And, of course, your recent birthday.” Coach smiled. Eighteen. The magic number. He’d been waiting all fall semester for the New Year and the opportunities it might bring. “Ummm, I’ve got AP physics and AP English, but my last two periods are study halls since I’m a year ahead in History and don’t have to take any more,” Kelvin responded. Coach nodded, but he had already known the answer. He had checked Kelvin’s schedule for the spring and had traded with another coach so that he’d have back-to-back periods that matched Kelvin’s schedule. “Good. Stop by my office on your way out and pick up your pass,” Coach said. “And oh, by the way, don’t worry, all young guys get boners whenever the wind blows the wrong way.” Laughing Coach Foley headed off into the locker room. Kelvin once again felt his face blanch and turned to make sure his now engorged cock was out of sight. Kelvin quickly washed off and headed to the locker room, making sure he got a dousing of cold water in a failed attempt to bring his dick to heel. Coach Foley watched Kelvin finish cleaning off. Coach’s dick popped up again tenting out his shorts as he watched Kelvin bend over to wash his legs. Coach couldn’t quite see it, but he could imagine Kelvin’s pink, virgin butt hole amid the furry crack just aching to be cracked opened. As Kelvin finished up Coach Foley headed back to his office. He quickly filled out Kelvin’s pass and handed it to him as he passed by. “Looking forward to helping you celebrate. See you in a couple hours.” Kelvin nodded, smiled and headed out of the locker room. As Kelvin walked away Coach smiled to himself. Looks as if he had timed things just about right. Stopping his meds right after the New Year, he figured his viral load had grown exponentially and was approaching maximum toxicity. Sure it was a risk, stopping his meds every year, but it was his duty to pass on his viral RNA to the next generation of worthy recipients. Unlike others he knew, Coach Foley was interested in quality and not quantity of conversions. Sure he could rough his boys up with a toothbrush or scratch their insides with lengthened nails to help the virus penetrate and take hold of their bodies. Coach thought of himself as a purist, he believed that those worthy of the virus would accept it and wouldn’t need the help of a toothbrush or nail. A worthy individual’s body would welcome the virus and let it in. The virus just needed the time to figure out if the host would be worthy. For the last 5 years, Coach Foley had watched and chosen a senior he thought was worthy of the honor of being infected. Infection meant never having to worry about raw sex, the way men should enjoy it. It meant a release to seek out other men’s DNA and to spread it far and wide. Out of the last five years, two of his choices had been worthy. His first and second choices had not taken. While they had been fun fucks, the virus had rejected him. His first success, David, had converted within a couple weeks of his first insemination. He was now a Junior at UCLA and had let Coach know that he was helping to spread Coach’s virus all over Southern California. Zack, his choice the year after David, had also been found worthy. Over his spring break, Zack had been sick and Coach smiled as he thought of fuck flu raging through him. Sure enough, he had converted and was now at school at Old Miss where he was spreading Coach’s viral genes to drunk and closeted born again Christians. Last year had been a disappointment. After two years of worthy conversions, Tyler, despite repeated inseminations, sometimes three or four times a day had failed the test. Tyler had been a true cum whore taking as much cum as Coach could find him. It just showed that even the perfect whore may not be found worthy. It would have been nice if Tyler had been worthy, as a natural slut Coach could have counted on him spreading his seed far and wide. Things happen for a reason, he sighed, and thought about Kelvin heading off to Columbia, with Coach’s DNA swimming in his bodily fluid and smiled. He noticed a small drop of pre-cum form on the head of his cock as it poked from beneath is gym shorts. A good sign that Kelvin might very well be worthy. As Kelvin wandered off to lunch after gym, he replayed what had just happened. Coach Foley had always been nice to Kelvin and, in fact, he had known his father. But something was odd about his interaction with Coach Foley. Had he just imagined seeing Coach’s dick jump inside his shorts as Kelvin’s cock grew and he had caught Kelvin staring? No, Kelvin must have been imagining things. After all those videos, he knew it was all just wishful thinking. Coach was just being nice and it was good knowing that someone recognized Kelvin’s achievement. Kelvin’s own dad had not managed to grunt out more than a perfunctory “congratulations” before disappearing into the cellar and back to his homebrew. Kelvin smiled, yes it was good that someone had noticed and it was someone one he respected like Coach Foley made it even better. And a quiet voice deep within his groin agreed that it was good that someone hot like Coach Foley had noticed. Lunch and afternoon classes seemed to crawl by. Kelvin found himself fingering the hall pass in his pockets as each period came to an end. By the time 8th period came around the hall pass had been worn thin. As he took his seat his hand once again went to the pass. Some doubts entered his mind. “Should I go?” he asked himself. “What if I get another boner? What would Coach think of that?” He fiddled a few more minutes with pass until finally picking himself up from his seat and heading toward the front. “Yes?” Miss Padakula asked. Kelvin fumbled with the pass and gave it to her. “Lucky you,” she said as she signed it and handed it back to Kelvin. “I’d give just about anything to get out of here myself.” Kelvin nodded a headed out to the gym. Kelvin didn’t know why, but his heart was racing and he kept having to remind himself to slow down. It wasn’t a race but somehow his body wasn’t aware of that fact. He moved through the corridors and soon found himself in front of the locker room. He hesitated for a moment but then screwed up his courage and walked in. Coach Foley’s office was the back, out of the way. It wasn’t the kind of place you’d just wander into without actively looking for it. As Kelvin approached the office he saw Coach seated at his desk with his back to the door. Coach’s office was a pretty good size. Having a winning football team had its advantages. His office was decent sized, housing a small desk and chair as well as couch along one wall. There was a single door, now wide open, with a thin slit of a window that was covered with paper like most of the teachers did to prevent people from staring in or students from looking out toward freedom. Coach Foley had his legs propped up on one side of the desk. His gym shorts slipping down just enough to leave his upper thighs visible and the narrow band of a jack strap along the edge. “Hey, Coach Foley. Made it,” Kelvin declared obviously. Coach turned around and smiled at Kelvin’s attempt at small talk. “So you did. Come on in and have a seat. Just grabbing a Coke here. Let me get you one and we’ll have a toast.” Coach Foley reached over to a small fridge and pulled out two Cokes. He handed one to Kelvin as Kelvin made his way to the couch. Kelvin accepted the open bottle and sat on the couch. Holding the Coke in his lap and leaning slightly forward. Coach began, “So, let’s have a toast to Kelvin for his early acceptance to Columbia! I also heard you might be getting a scholarship?” “Yeah,” said Kelvin, “I actually have a full ride.” Kelvin smiled. He hadn’t said that aloud to anyone and realized how proud that made him feel. Coach could see the satisfaction on Kelvin’s face and continued. “Okay, so that deserves a double celebration! So, a double celebration means we chug our first ones and grab another. You ready?” asked Coach Foley a glint in his eye. “Okay, if those are the rules,” Kelvin smiled back. Coach raised his bottle and tapped the top of Kelvin’s bottle then brought it to his lips and began to chug. Kelvin raced to keep up and began downing his Coke. The soda had a bit of an odd taste which Kelvin noticed but rapidly was lost in the effort to get it all down in one gulp. Coach Foley finished first and Kelvin saw Coach watching intently as Kelvin finished. A crooked smile crossed Coach Foley’s face. “Good job! Let’s crack open another one. Sorry it’s not beer, but I don’t really want to get busted for getting an 18-year-old drunk,” Coach Foley explained. Get him drunk? No. Have him spun out on G? Hell, yeah. Coach Foley started chatting with Kelvin making small talk, asking about his plans, his classes, and his work-outs. As they talked over the next 15 minutes Kelvin was thinking how easy it was to talk with Coach Foley. Where he was nervous before he felt himself relaxing and settling into the conversation. As Coach Foley talked, Kelvin’s attention began to wander. He kept finding his eyes wandering to either Coach Foley’s half-zipped hoodie and the hairy chest beneath or slipping down to Coach’s shorts and the bulge there. Every so often Kelvin would catch himself staring and raise his eyes to meet Coach’s eyes. Each time he thought he caught the glimpse of another smile. He was also sure that each time his eyes wander to Coach Foley’s groin the bulge there grew in size. Finally, after several minutes, he was sure he could make out the outline of a thick shaft lengthening along Coach’s thigh. Kelvin answered all of Coach Foley’s questions and, in between, took gulps from his second Coke. As he finished his second Coke, Kelvin slid back into the couch and closed his eyes for a minute. Opening them, he saw Coach Foley adjusting himself and staring down at Kelvin. “So, Kelvin. Haven’t heard about you dating anyone. Got your eye on anyone?” Kelvin felt a big lump form in his throat and gulped it down. “I, uh, have been pretty busy with school so I don’t really have time for other things,” as he let his thought trail off. “Funny,” started Coach Foley, “I’ve noticed you checking me out. You like what you see?” Coach watched Kelvin’s face and the struggle that appeared to be going on. “It’s OK, man,” Coach continued “Some guys like guys and some like girls and some like both. I’m actually pretty flattered that a guy as hot as you would even look at a guy like me.” Kelvin’s heart raced and his stomach clenched. Coach appeared to notice his loss for words but continued, “Haven’t told anyone you’re gay yet, huh? Probably not even yourself.” Coach laughed lightly, “In fact, would it help for you to know that I’m also gay? And not only am I flattered you think I’m worth staring at, but I’ve been checking you out since you started in my class junior year.” Kelvin was torn. A voice inside him screamed for him to get up and walk out, that this was wrong and shouldn’t be happening. Another voice though smoothed over the warning and urged Kelvin to tell Coach what he was feeling, to jump on board and let Coach know the secret that he had been hiding from everyone, including himself. “Coach,” he started, “you’re right. I’m gay.” With those words a heavy weight seemed to lift from Kelvin and something inside him broke open. “God, I’ve been staring at you thinking how hot you are and how much I want to touch you and press up against your naked furry body.” Kelvin suddenly shut up realizing he may have gone too far. Coach got up and walked over to the couch, bending over to pull Kelvin to standing only inches from his own body. “Kelvin, tell me what you want. I know you’ve been waiting, I’ve seen it in your eyes.” As he said this his hand slipped to Kelvin’s jeans and the growing bulge that was there. Squeezing Kelvin’s growing cock tightly, he leaned in and whispered in Kelvin’s ear, “I know you want to feel my cock. Go ahead and grab it. You’ve never held another man’s cock have you?” Kelvin shook his head, still unable to speak. Kelvin’s hands went to Coach Foley’s waist and down into his gym shorts. He could feel Coach’s jock and the solid shaft within it that he had noticed earlier. “Let me get these off. I’m pretty sure they are only going to get in the way,” Coach said as he took a step back. He pulled down his zipper on the hoodie, removed and tossed it onto his chair. Next, he released his gym shorts which dropped to the floor leaving him naked except for the black jock strap that cradled his balls and restrained his thick burgeoning boner. He slid back up to Kelvin and grabbed both sides of his face lifting Kelvin’s eyes into his own. “Close your eyes and reach down for my cock,” Coach Foley murmured just inches from Kelvin’s face. As Kelvin shut his eyes and lowered his hand to Coach Foley’s groin he felt Coach’s hot breath on his face and felt Coach’s lips press against Kelvin’s as Kelvin’s hand slid down to wrap around Coach’s hard and thickened dick. Kelvin gasped slightly as Coach’s tongue probed against his lips and pressed past into his mouth. Coach’s pornstache was soft compared to Kelvin’s scruff. He could feel it brushing against him as Coach’s tongue explored every inch of Kelvin’s mouth. Kelvin let out a second gasp as he tried to wrap his hand around Coach’s cock. It was so thick his hand could barely get around it. Kelvin’s own dick jumped in anticipation and strained against his underwear and jeans. He could feel his balls ache as if his semen was boiling in his balls seeking desperate release. His shaft was growing rapidly, becoming engorged with blood. He fumbled as he worked Coach’s shaft feeling the thick mushroom head and the large piss slit which was oozing sticky pre-cum. With each exploration of Kelvin’s hands Coach pressed deeper into Kelvin’s hungry mouth wrestling his tongue into submission. As suddenly as it began, Coach pulled his face away from Kelvin still holding the sides of his face. “Good boy,” encouraged Coach Foley, “How did that feel?” Kelvin could only moan as his hands continued to explore every vein of Coach’s shaft and weighed his cum-laden balls in the cup of his hand. Coach took a step back and Kelvin’s hand fell in front of him. Coach Foley took in Kelvin from head to crotch and smiled. “Two things will make this better. First, you have too many clothes on. So lose ‘em. All of them. I want you naked in front of me. NOW.” The last word came out strong and as a command. Kelvin was overwhelmed. Every fiber of his body needed this and needed to do what Coach asked, no what Coach ordered him to do. He quickly lost his shirt and pants, only hesitating as he reached for his underwear. Coach Foley’s eyes, however, bored into his own and the command repeated in Kelvin’s head. NOW! Kelvin was now naked in front of Coach looking into Coach’s eyes which locked onto Kelvin’s. “Good. You can follow directions,” Coach stated matter-of-factly as he stepped forward. “Just listen and do what I say, Kelvin. I know how to make you feel good, feel needed. Right now I want you to bend down and take my nipple in your mouth.” Kelvin dutifully lowered his head finding the nipple with his lips. “Now, start sucking. Keep it up until I say otherwise. I want you nursing on Coach’s teat because that makes Coach rock hard.” Kelvin concentrated on Coach’s nipple, at first tonguing it gently. As he worked the nipple Coach pressed Kelvin’s head from behind forcing him to work the nipple deeper and harder. Kelvin felt Coach’s cock pulsing against his thigh with each suckling. “See, how Coach likes that?” he heard Coach ask. Kelvin could only slightly nod his head in response. After a few minutes Coach switched Kelvin to his other nipple to be serviced. Coach moaned as Kelvin worked the nipples. Coach’s dick seemed impossibly hard and large against Kevin’s thigh. Coach slowly pulled Kelvin from his nipple and stared into Kelvin who’s eye were glassy, a sign that his G-infused blood was in total control. Coach smiled and as Kelvin looked into his face he spat into Kelvin’s open mouth catching Kelvin by surprise. “Bitch, you’re mine,” he growled. “You’re my fucking cum dump from now on. Whether it’s spit or cum,” or other fluids in the future Coach thought wickedly, “you’ll swallow them and thank Coach for choosing you.” Kelvin nodded and licked his lips swallowing the last of Coach’s spit. “Good. Now that we have that understanding,” Coach began, “it’s time to start feeding you coach’s gift of cum. His DNA. The more cum Coach loads into you the more likely you are to continue to grow into a fucking man.” At that Coach grabbed both of Kelvin’s nipples and squeezed tightly. A shock of electricity shot through his nipples and down to his dick which had continued to throb and demand release causing it to press firmly against his belly. Coach pulled down on Kelvin’s nipples and Kelvin’s knees buckled. “Good boy. Down on your knees. Time to worship Coach’s meat with that cock sucking hole of yours. Once you get Coach all the way down that pretty little virgin throat of yours, he’s gonna dump a load of his DNA down your gullet.” Kelvin went to his knees and as he did Coach’s hands when to Kevin’s shoulders and guided him to the floor. Coach’s jock was inches from Kelvin’s face and he could smell the sweat from Coach’s balls. It made him a bit dizzy but he managed to focus on the bulging pouch in front of him. Coach’s hands went to his sides and lowered his jock freeing his thick cock and balls. Kelvin sat mesmerized. Coach’s dick was shorter than Kelvin’s probably just shy of 7” but it was thicker than he imagined. Coach’s shaft was at least 8” around and looked more like a Red Bull can than a dick. A large drop of pre-cum glistened at Coach’s piss slit. He could see shining residue coating the front of Coach’s jock, evidence of massive amounts of jizz that Coach had been leaking. Coach Foley’s balls hung low and were easily a double handful. With their size they promised a large load of cum when finally released and Kelvin, unconsciously, licked his lips with that final thought. “Start with the head, Kelvin. Open your jaw wide and take the head in. See how it tastes. You’ll need to try and relax, because once we get started, we won’t be stopping until my balls are against you chin and my head is swollen in your throat and ready to feed you your first load of Coach’s cum.” Kelvin’s eyes stayed glued to the monster dick in front of him. It seemed impossible that he would be able to swallow it. He leaned forward while Coach pushed his hips toward Kelvin and the head popped into Kelvin’s mouth. Kelvin could taste the salt and sweat of Coach’s head and it made his head swim. Once inside he could taste the pre-cum which had been coating Coach’s jock. Salty and slippery his tongue slid around the tip and spread the pre-cum through his mouth. He had always thought of cum as sticky but when mixed with the spit in his mouth it became slick and he could feel Coach’s head slide more easily within his jaw. Coach smiled. He could feel Kelvin’s tongue on his cock head and knew that he was exploring the benefits of pre-cum. As Kelvin seemed to adjust to Coach’s girth, Coach shifted his hips sliding his dick down another inch or so. Kelvin’s expression became slightly panicked but Coach placed his hand on the back of Kelvin's head and rubbed it slowly. “Remember,” said Coach, “relax your jaw and breathe through your nose. You’ve got a lot more to go and you need to make it easy on yourself.” He could feel Kelvin relax as he stroked his head and told him how good he was doing. Kelvin had unconsciously started sucking on Coach’s cock. Coach always had his boys start with the nipples and this was why. After working Coach’s nipples sucking on a cock was a natural progression. It also primed his boys for the signals that he would use for Kelvin to suck harder and deeper like he had with the nipples. Kelvin had the first couple inches in now, but the remaining 4” would be the real test. Bending over slightly and holding Kelvin’s head in place he reached for a small brown vial he had made sure was placed within reach. “Ok, Kelvin. So far you’re a prime dick sucker but in order to get Coach’s load we need to get the rest of this dick down your throat. When I put this vial under your nostril I want you to breathe in deeply. It may burn slightly, but keep it up for as long as you can.” Kelvin nodded as best he could with his mouth wrapped around Coach’s dick. Coach lowered the bottle with one hand and pressed his other hand’s finger against Kelvin’s other nostril. “Inhale now, deep as you can,” Coach ordered. Kelvin breathed in deep and the smell slammed into him like a freight train. He rode it out and continued to inhale as Coach had instructed. His head began to swim and he felt Coach switch the bottle to his other hand and plug his other nostril. Without a word, Kelvin again inhaled deeply for as long as he could. The rush was less intense now that he had felt it once but his head continued to swim. Coach repeated it once more in each nostril before setting the bottle down and placing his hands on the back of Kelvin’s head. Kelvin’s head was swimming and he felt as if he might black out. “Now we’ll see how much you want Coach’s load.” Coach gently and steadily pushed his hips forward and applied pressure to the back of Kelvin’s head forcing him further down the shaft. Coach knew that they were getting to the critical point when he felt the edges of Kelvin’s throat on his dick’s head. Gently he rubbed Kelvin’s head and whispered, “Take a deep breath and relax.” Kelvin took a deep breath and again his head swam. Coach pushed his hips toward Kelvin while also using his hands massaging the joint of his jaw on both sides. Steadily as his hips advanced, Coach also pushed Kelvin's head further down the monstrous shaft. At first, Coach could feel resistance as his cockhead pushed against the narrowed opening of Kelvin's throat. Coach Foley continued to thrust forward and work Kelvin’s jaw at its hinge with his fingers. Coach could see a small tear form in the corner of Kelvin’s eye and Coach knew Kelvin was doing his best. The sight of Kelvin straining to get Coach's mushroom head past the start of his throat, caused Coach’s dick to stiffen in anticipation. As it did, Coach felt the familiar ‘pop’ as his head slid out of Kelvin’s mouth and into his throat. The last two inches of Coach’s shaft slid easily into Kelvin’s maw once Coach’s cockhead was nestled in his throat. Coach smiled. Not even a single gag, Kelvin was good, maybe good enough to be worthy, but they had time for that and Kelvin still needed to finish this lesson. Kelvin had been straining to admit Coach’s head into his throat and after last the deep breath, there was a silent but noticeable pop, as his throat relaxed and Coach’s masive head slid smoothly into Kelvin's throat. As Coach Foley’s hips moved forward the head slipped further down his throat, and before he realized it, Coach’s balls were resting against his chin. Kelvin sighed and relaxed further as his throat snuggly embraced Coach’s mushroom head and the final couple of inches of the shaft. Coach stayed still allowing Kelvin to get used to the monstrous cock lodged in his throat. Again Coach reached for the brown vial and again Kelvin dutifully inhaled as if moved from one nostril to the other. The now familiar rush rolled over him. He felt completely relaxed and felt as if he could feel every vein of the shaft buried deep in him. Coach was smiling. Now came the fun part. Coach began rocking his hips back and forth while keeping a hold on Kelvin’s head. He felt his cockhead slide smoothly in Kelvin’s throat, enveloping him and smoothly sliding along Kelvin’s throat. As he became certain Kelvin was tolerating his small thrusts he made his thrusts longer and deeper. Kelvin came close to gagging a time or two but Coach’s hands rubbed at the joint in Kelvin’s jaw and the gagging stop as Kelvin relaxed. Kelvin’s throat was smooth and Coach knew that it wouldn’t be long until his first load was deep inside Kelvin but he wasn’t in a rush either, enjoying the steady tempo and building need to blow. Kelvin was completely lost in the flood of sensations. He could feel his throat as it massaged Coach’s head with each pelvic thrust and could feel his own dick stiffen. He moved his hand to grab his dick and began stroking himself, slowly at first but then becoming more frenetic as his balls ached to spew their load. Suddenly Coach’s hips stopped and Kelvin felt Coach smack the side of his head hard enough to get Kelvin’s attention. Kelvin immediately dropped his hands from his dick and sat motionless with Coach’s cock deep in his throat. “Focus on ME, Kelvin,” coached growled. “You’re my fuck toy and you need to show me you’re willing to work to get Coach’s cum. You’ll get your chance after I finish and only then. If you EVER cum before me, you’ll be out on your ass and will never get another drop of Coach’s cum. You understand?” A passing moment of fear raced through Kelvin’s mind at the thought of never feeling Coach inside him again. He nodded as best he could and folded his arms behind his back to help remove all temptation to grab his own dick. “Good,” growled Coach. “I’m glad we understand each other.” Once Kelvin’s hands were away Coach returned to thrusting his hips, increasing his tempo even more. Now without the distraction of his own dick, Kelvin’s attention focused in on the shaft penetrating his throat. The rest of him faded away and all he could feel was his throat and all he wanted was to show Coach how much he deserved that load of cum. As he focused in he realized that by flexing his throat he could tighten on the downstroke and release on the upstroke. As he experimented with this new found ability he heard Coach moan loudly. “Shit, Kelvin,” coached breathed heavily, “You’re a quick learner.” Kelvin felt Coach’s tempo increase and he worked his muscles to keep up. Coach’s breaths were short and rapid. “Fuck Kelvin, I’m about to shoot. You better make sure that every single drop goes down. Coach doesn’t want a single drop spilled.” Kelvin tried his best to make a noise indicating he understood. “Here it comes, bitch!” and Coach Foley roared out as his dick began to convulse. Kelvin could feel every wave as Coach’s cum flooded down the thick shaft and deep into Kelvin’s throat. At first, Kelvin thought he might choke but he pulled Coach’s head as far down into his throat as he could. Kelvin lost count after five spurts of cum slid down his throat. He felt almost like he was drowning. Coach’s cum was viscous and he could feel it sliding deep down inside him. Eventually, Coach’s thrust became less frenzied and Kelvin could feel the massive cock deflate slightly but still it filled his now cum lubricated throat. “Now that was a fucking blow job!” Coach exclaimed. “Hope that was a good load. It was at least 4 days’ worth.” Coach relaxed but left the head of his dick resting in Kelvin’s throat. “Now it’s your turn Kelvin. Show me exactly how much you enjoyed swallowing Coach’s load.” Kelvin hesitated at first remembering Coach’s previous warning but the aching of his dick and the tightness in his balls won out. Kelvin barely managed three strokes before he felt his balls lurch upward and felt spurt after spurt of cum land on the floor behind Coach Foley. “Yeah, we’ve got a shooter here,” Coach applauded. As his orgasm died down he looked at the wads of cum which covered the floor. Kelvin had never cum like that before nor had he ever spewed that much cum. Coach patted Kelvin’s head and slowly tilted his hips back allowing his cockhead to once again ‘pop’ past the narrow entry of Kelvin’s throat and slip out of his mouth leaving a trail of spent cum as it slid out. Coach grabbed Kelvin by the nipples, squeezing them tightly while pulling him up from his knees. Kelvin found himself face to face with Coach Foley who was grinning widely, obviously happy. Coach bent over and once again pressed his lips firmly against Kelvin’s and invading Kelvin’s mouth once again with his thick and powerful tongue. As they locked for several minutes he felt Coach’s hands reach behind him and squeeze Kelvin’s ass. Kelvin shivered slightly and Coach backed his tongue and lips away. “Nothing better than tasting my cum in your mouth, Kelvin. You managed to swallow that huge load and I’m pretty impressed.” Kelvin smiled at the compliment. As each of them fished for their clothes Coach said, “Now we need to discuss a few things. First, as we discussed, you’re now my fuck toy to use as I want, whenever I want. In return, you’ll get a regular diet of my cum to grow strong on.” Kelvin nodded. He couldn’t imagine ever not wanting to take another of Coach’s load. “Second,” continued Coach, your ass will be down here every 8th and 9th period from now until the end of the school year. I’ve written a note to your counselor stating that you’ll be taking weight training as an independent study course. That will ensure we have plenty of opportunities for you to get fed regularly.” Coach smiled. “And of course, once we’re both comfortable and need a little variety maybe we’ll work on busting that other cherry of yours.” A worried look passed over Kelvin’s face and he spoke softly, “Uh, I don’t want to piss you off Coach but I don’t think I’m much interested in getting fucked.” Kelvin dropped his eyes knowing that Coach could very well tell Kelvin to get his ass out. “Kelvin,” Coach sighed, “Let’s make a deal. We don’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with and will stick with what we both enjoy. If there comes a time, though, that you change your mind, I’m going to make you ask for it. Maybe even beg for it. And like our previous deal, once you agree, your ass will literally be mine to use. Deal?” Coach Foley saw a look of relief pass over Kelvin’s face. “Sure Coach,” said Kelvin, “That’s a deal I can live up to.” Coach smiled as Kelvin picked up his clothes and headed out into the locker room for a quick shower and to get dressed. It was a deal Coach could live with too. Kelvin was going to make this a challenge and Coach loved a challenge. Even with a high viral load, Coach wasn’t likely to get enough cum deep enough into Kelvin during just oral sex to see if he was worthy of Coach’s virus. He’d have to make sure that by June he had enough cum swimming inside Kelvin’s guts to determine if he was worthy. Already this looked like this could be a challenge. But Coach always liked challenges and he always played to win.
    8 points
  2. I had been working in the city for several weeks before I found the bar. It was down a dark, run down side street and only obvious from the gaudy neon light outside. I had read about it online, and most of the reviews used words and phrases like 'filthy', 'sleazy', and 'full of older men'. The prevailing opinion was you only went there once just to see how awful it was. I, on the other hand, was attracted to it precisely because of the sleaze and the sense of depravity in the reviews. For some reason I find myself drawn to encounters which would disgust most people, (although I had not had many such encounters myself). Well, once inside the bar, the music was playing loudly, and the dim lighting revealed the bar counter, a dance floor and a selection of tired and grimy tables and chairs. About six guys occupied the bar stools, chatting to the barman, who was a large, middle aged man with glasses. Somewhat nervously, even if excited, I took a spare bar stool and ordered a beer. Three of the guys on the corner of the wooden counter were giving me the eye as they chatted - a thin old guy probably in his sixties with a cap and thick spectacles, a fat guy about the same age whose polo shirt only just covered his heavy belly which hung over greasy trousers, and a younger, chubby guy with a pale face which shone with sweat, which was framed by thin, mousy hair. The man seated next to me greeted me, and we chatted for a while, which also served to calm me down so I could relax. After a while, I plucked up some courage and asked "So, does this place have a ... you know... dark room, or some place like that?" He gave me a wry smile. "Just downstairs. The toilets in the basement. That’s where the guys go and get up to all sorts." I sipped some more beer, feeling my palms getting sweaty and my heart beat faster. "But if you go down there, be careful with your wallet. It's easy to get your pocket picked when someone's sucking you off." I blushed and nodded. "Can't be too careful." "Oh, and use a condom." Uh oh. I thought, here comes the safe sex lecture. He must have seen my expression because he shook his head and said "No, I mean it. This 'ain't Disneyland. You let a guy in you bare down there, and you'll likely get knocked up, if you know what I mean. Some of them would love to get in your pants and give you a dirty load." My heart skipped a beat and I felt excitement and fear in equal measure. "Anyway," he said, tapping my shoulder, "I just thought you should know. I'm going outside for a cigarette." He got down heavily from the stool and disappeared outside. The guys at the bar were ignoring me now. I took another sip of beer, then went over to the narrow, dimly lit stairs to the basement toilets. At the bottom, a left turn led to a small space containing two cubicles with broken locks and a filthy sink. The urinals were straight ahead from the foot of the stairs, behind a screening wall. There was no one there. I didn't know whether to be disappointed or relieved. I was in the area next to the cubicles when I heard a step behind me. I turned to see the three guys from the bar crowding into the space. They didn't say anything, but the thin guy with the thick glasses began to rub a rather large bulge in his threadbare trousers. I gave them a nervous smile, aware of my own trousers tightening at the groin. He slowly unzipped his fly, reached in and pulled out a thick, stiff cock. I took his cock in my hand, feeling the warm, silky flesh in my palm. "Do you want to suck it, mate?" he asked. The sixty-four thousand dollar question. The moment when I could still make a choice to stay or go. I made my choice, and bent forward and took him in my mouth, tasting the salty sweatiness as he dug in a pocket and took out some poppers. I heard him sniff deeply, then the bottle was offered to me. I stopped sucking long enough to take a big hit, feeling the chemical course through me. My inhibitions wash away, so I eagerly resumed sucking him. The bottle, meanwhile, was passed between the men and the powerful aroma filled the small space. I felt a hand grab my arse and stroke it through the material of my trousers. " Nice arse," said a gruff voice behind me. "Let's see it, then." I fumbled with my belt and zip, and then my trousers slid down to my ankles. I felt rough fingers dig into the waistband of my underpants and pull them down, exposing my bare bottom. I continued to suck the cock, until he lifted my chin and straightened me up, before kissing me on the mouth. I gasped as his tongue slid between my lips and I tasted beer and cigarettes on his breath. He laughed as he pulled away. "Bend over the sink, matey," he said. The young chubby guy was sweating profusely and grinning like a Cheshire cat. He had dropped his trousers and pants as he wanked a thin, curved cock and was beside himself with excitement. Slowly, I turned and bent over the sink, grabbing the edge of the cold ceramic bowl. Beside me, the fat guy was humming happily to himself as he pulled the polo shirt over his head, revealing a fat, hairy torso, and flabby belly. His body odour filled the space as he dropped his trousers and a thick, stubby cock sprang up between his fat thighs. There was a grimy mirror above the sink. I saw my reflection, face flushed from the poppers, and behind me the thin guy digging a crumpled tube of KY from his pocket. He unscrewed the cap, squeezed a dollop on to his forefinger, and roughly worked it into my arsehole, the filthy, rough fingernail scratching my delicate skin. "Here we go," he remarked, dipping to push trousers and pants down, then waddling behind me and sniffing from the brown bottle. I had one last moment of sanity. "Don't...don't you want a condom?" He chuckled and handed me the bottle. "Naw, we're all friends here, 'ain't we?" The young man giggled. " Fuck him, Bill!" I sniffed the poppers, felt a moment's fear as Bill pushed forward and then his cock slid up me in a delicious, slippery rush and I gasped and sagged over the sink. "There we go," Bill whispered and began to slide slowly in and out of me. "Jesus, he's got a nice arse!" He said to the others. "Proper smooth and wet." He fucked me for a few minutes as the other two clustered round and probed under my stomach to feel the base of the cock sticking in me. Suddenly, footsteps sounded on the stairs. I would have got up but the others seemed unconcerned, and whatever the case, I was pinned to the sink. In the doorway stood the man from the bar who had warned me about being careful. His face was a comic mixture of shock, disgust and lust as our eyes met. Bill stood back, and the man could clearly see his cock was bare and glistening with lube. "Want some, mate?" The man blushed and shook his head, but he didn’t leave and I saw his hand begin to rub his crotch. "C'mon then, Jamie." said Bill. "Climb on and fill yer boots before you blow a fuse!" The chubby young man waddled behind me and eagerly pressed his cock into my hole. It was thin and curved with a mushroom head, and went in easily. Unlike Bill, he fucked me in short furious strokes, gasping with pleasure as the sweat dripped from his chin on to my bare buttocks, "Oh..oh yeah..uuuh..uuuh." he grunted as Bill pressed the bottle to my nose. " Fuck 'im Jamie! " growled the fat man, " Give 'im that dirty load of yours!" My head swam from the poppers and I heard my voice squealing with pleasure and animal lust as the young man's movements got faster and more urgent. "Here...here it comes...aah!" he gasped, and I felt his cock stiffen and throb and knew he was spurting in me. At last he relaxed, and pulled out, staggering back to lean against the wall. I felt a drool of sperm run down over my scrotum and was aghast at what I'd done. Yet I didn't move. I looked at my swollen face in the mirror and licked my lips in shame and lust. The man was still standing in the doorway, rubbing his crotch. But now he was shaking his head slowly and looking at me as if to say "You stupid bastard." I felt a heavy body behind me and the flabby belly being lifted on to my buttocks as the stubby cock nosed at my hole. Bill bent beside me and kissed me again, remarking "There now, didn't I say we were all friends?" The fat cock slid into my dripping hole and began to mechanically fuck me. I gasped and hung onto the bowl as he rode me, all the time looking at the man who was shaking his head, but now had his cock out as the young man knelt before him and sucked it. "More than friends," puffed the fat man as he started to thrust fast and hard into me. "He's gonna be family after we knock him up!" then he grunted like a pig and shuddered all over as he came in me. He pulled back and I straightened up, feeling the sperm from two loads sliding out of me. Bill was grinning and he ruffled my hair. "Dirty bastard, ‘aren’t you?" The fat man pulled on his clothes, belched and disappeared upstairs for a drink. Idly, I watched the young man's head bobbing back and forth until the man gasped and spurted into his mouth. Not meeting my eyes, he scurried out. Jamie got up and pulled his trousers up, his mouth wet with spit and cum as Bill fastened his trousers. "Don't you want to fuck me?" I asked. "Not yet, mate. We've got a whole evening ahead of us.”
    2 points
  3. Took my first fist Sunday. Holy fuck! Was so intense!!! Had to work up to it basically all week but being fucked, but so worth it! After, couldn't close my hole all the way and the cum that had been shot up me after leaked out, but I ate it like a good boy. Today was sore and got hard constantly. Can't wait to do it again!
    2 points
  4. Looking for real, not into cyber or a lot of blah blah, here are the required pics of my COCK that luvs neg boy hole and mixing up poz tox cum in my boy's cunt.
    2 points
  5. Come fuck me tonight. Fresh off meds and looking for loads and kink. Host here in WNY near Roch. 585 770 7478
    2 points
  6. Got my newly castrated self FUCKED last night. I have now had sex as a eunuch. But, damn, I still hurt so much that I am not sure that I enjoyed it.
    2 points
  7. CHAPTER 7: The Sex Party - Part 1 We park a distance away from the house. As we’re making our way towards it, it strikes me how ordinary it is compared with the others; nothing about it seems particularly special here. I feel a light buzz from the alcohol and the butterflies are creeping up on my stomach. I’m pretty sure with that firm grip Mike can feel my left hand sweating. I feel light headed, I think, “How many times will I get fucked tonight?” I feel like there will be lots and lots of hot sex – I’m horny, excited and scared all at the same time. The scared part of me feels as though, if I’m going to go through with this, then I really need to make peace with the very real possibility of ending up HIV+ now. Honestly. An HIV+ man is fucking me bareback on a regular basis right now and I beg for his cum every time – I must be ok with this outcome, right? Chris is fucking me regularly I’m just not sure I’ve thought this through, or how I’ll even react if I get that news one day. The carnal part of my brain isn’t having any of this nonsense. Mike is holding onto me, there’s obvious lumps in our pants and right now I know we both want to be rode hard and put up wet. I know I need it raw, and I want lots and lots of cum, deep in my ass. I refuse to let any fear of being HIV+ interfere with what my body is craving. I look at Mike, “Hey … you ok …”, “I’m good”, “No … I mean, are you ok if, … if I, …if” … I can’t find the words. I lower my voice, “You know,… if one of us ends up poz-itive”. Mike pulls me closer … he just looks at me and smiles, “We still gonna fuck?”, is all he says and laughs -- pig. I’m not sure why but this makes me feel better, I just nod and we both laugh. Mike squeezes my hand tighter and pulls me close against him, “Lots of hot fucking tonight babe”. When we get to the front door I’m thinking we should knock, but Mike knocks just once and we walk right in like we own the place. The house is elegant, nice architecture, there is crown molding nearly dripping off the walls. The lights are dim. I can barely make out the sounds of music and voices nearby, but can’t tell where exactly they are coming from. Mike guides me out of the Foyer to a room off to the left and it’s also quite striking. The room is nicely decorated and someone has setup a computer monitor with gay porn playing. I watch it for a moment, yep, guys fucking, guys breeding ass then the collage flips to a solid back ground with text on it, “ - Clothes up here - Come downstairs - Bareback only “ I look at Mike and he’s already got his shirt off, “Get naked babe”. Having not done this before I look a little lost but I follow Mike’s lead and soon we’re both naked, “Clothes over here”, and he points to a piece of furniture with some cubby holes for storage, “Follow me”. I’m glad he’s here. Mike grabs my hand again and we go down what seems to be the only obvious staircase. When we get to bottom of the stairs Mike release my hand and we enter another room that is even more dimly lit; it feels almost like another Foyer. The music and voices are louder now and it has an almost club like feel to it. Unlike the upstairs though this isn’t nearly as formal, and there’s actually someone waiting here for us. “Hey guys … hey Mike”, he says, and grabs Mike and immediately pulls him in for a hug and a kiss. He’s a very hot guy and for a moment I naively think he might be our host. He looks late 30’s, short black hair with a smattering of gray, well-trimmed beard and enough chest hair to give me ideas. He’s wearing a glowing red arm band, a leather chest harness and a shiny chrome cock ring. “Fuck … I hope he’s a top”, escapes my lips softly before I even realize what I’m saying. He breaks the kiss, “And who’s your cute friend?”, as he looks right at me, “Mark this is my friend Kev … Kev … Mark”. “Nice” is the only word that comes out of my mouth as I’m looking down at his cock. When I look back up he grabs me and pulls me in for the same greeting he gave Mike. Releasing me, “Ok first thing… assume you saw the monitor upstairs, bare only”, he smiling widely as he says this, “Also”, pointing at a small table with a whole bunch of stuff on it, “I guess you guys didn’t wear a jock tonight? It’s alright … all bottoms are required to cover their cock, the host likes it that way and always provides a few extra or…“, and his voice changes slightly, “…if you’re feeling adventurous there are some of these” and he points at a few odd looking contraptions. Mike pipes up, “Chastity device?”, Mark just nods, “Yep”. Without so much as a word Mark hands Mike a red jock, Mike kind of laughs, “And … Kev will take one of the cock locks”, I know I must look like a deer caught in headlights as they both laugh, but Mark hands me one of them. “Your cock and balls go in there… then this goes on … “, and he’s demonstrating as he explains, “Do I really need to…”, he looks at me, “No no… you can wear a jock too if you want actually, but these things will definitely test how much of a committed bottom you are”. I’m feeling playful, I look at the device a bit and nod, “What the hell … I’ll give it a try”. Mark smiles. He helps me lock my cock up as Mike gets his jock on, now our cocks are covered; its snug, but I honestly feel like a total bottom wearing this thing. “If I get a hard on this is gonna hurt like hell”, “Yeah … don’t do that”, he says. “One more thing, the host always provides OraQuick tests for the bottoms, so you guys can maybe find out more than ‘I don’t know’’, if you haven’t tested in a while”. I just look at Mike with a question on my face. He realizes I’m still a little confused, “It’s just a mouth swab babe … “, and then he mouths the words, “H-I-V test”. Mark interrupts us, “Results take ehhhh… ‘bout 20 minutes”, I must look surprised, “… you don’t have to wait for ‘em sexy” and he’s opening the packs and handing us cotton swabs. “Swab your gums and then drop ‘em right in here”, he says as he’s coordinating all the little pieces and parts. We both swab our gums, “Then what happens?”, I ask. He smiles, I must seem so naïve, “Well when all is said and done, I’ll put a little envelope with one of these babies in your pants pocket for you”, holding up two colored cards. One of the cards is red with a “+” on it, and the other is white with a “-“ on it. “You can check out the result when you get home or whatever … white card means you got a negative result, and …”, I interject, “Red means poz”, he just smiles, “There you go!”. After put the swabs into the viles and he closes them up, I think, “That’s a hell of a way to find out you’re HIV+ after taking raw cock from positive men at a sexy party all night”. “Still think you’re neg, Mike?”, “Think so… dunno”, “And you sexy?”, he asks me. I sit there for a second thinking about just how much Chris and I have been fucking, “I … I don’t know either I guess”, Mike looks at me, “It’s cool babe”. “We the only ones here?”, I ask, “Nope couple of other guys got here just before you”. “When the party gets going you’ll notice that all the tops are wearing glowing wrist bands like this one”, as he makes obvious the glowing red band on his wrist, “Same colors as those cards … same meaning”, the muddles the rest, “Good luck finding a white one”. Then he looks slyly at me and grabs my ass, “Sure hope I get some of that tonight”, Mike laughs, “*cough* PIG *cough*” and that breaks up any sexual tension. My mind is going a million miles a second, but I’m not frightened, Chris has been breeding me for a while now, I’m used to taking poz cock, and I’m horny as fuck. When I look down at Mark’s big cock, I can see the veins, all I can think is how much, “I want that thing inside me right now”. “You gonna’ be doing this all night?”, I ask almost worried, “Haha … hardly … don’t worry, I’ll be joining the fun as soon as whoever else is coming gets here, things are locked up and these”, shaking one of the viles, “finish”. Then he says more seriously, “k guys … Got all that?” We both just respond with a, “Yeah”, but I can feel I’m still a little jittery. I look at Mike, he just gives me that sexy look of his, and I calm down. I start to ask Mark, “How long have …”, but Mike grabs my arm and shakes his head at me, and I realize it might be rude to ask that question and cut myself off. Mark seems to know what I’m getting at though and responds, “It’s cool Mike … I got diagnosed almost a year ago … I think I converted at one of these parties honestly”, and he laughs. I smile, I can’t take my eyes off that hot cock, “And you’re? … top? Nice.”, I want to feel him fucking it in and out of my ass. “Versa Top … “, he catches my attention and looks me directly in the eyes with a look that could cut steel, “… and incredibly horny tonight too, better watch out”, grabbing his dick and raising his eyebrows at me for emphasis. His faces changes to a shady grin saying those last few words in a tone that really says, “I’m gonna breed you hard, deep and raw”. I feel my heart racing –poz or not, I want that cock and his cum inside me. I look at his eyes, then his cock again and then back to his eyes. “Ok guys, before things get too hot and heavy in here let me show you where the other bottoms are ‘til things start”, and he points as the room continues around a corner. We go through a couple of small rooms and into another room with a bar and some couches and chairs for sitting. There are two guys already in the room talking and having a drink. I start thinking, “This is it then”, and as if Mark can read my mind he says, “This is where all the bottoms meet up before it gets crazy. Once I lock things up upstairs, the host will come by and get this show on the road … shouldn’t be long. Drinks over there, Mike I think you met Jacob last time, … and that other cutie’s name is Alec. You guys have fun.”, then he disappears. Jacob is wearing a red jock that looks exactly like Mike’s and Alec is wearing a white one, odd; I feel like the odd man out with my cock locked in this thing. Jacob looks like he’s about 23 or 24, 5’9” with blonde hair and a trimmed go-tee. Alec is Indian descent, young, he barely looks 18, then I kind of remember his face from one of the BBRT profiles, I think his profile actually states that he’s 19. As they greet us I can tell he’s about 5’6” with very dark brown hair, and unlike Jacob, clean shaving. Both of them are really cute, “Too bad they are bottoms”, I think. I start making a drink, “Kev … come over here”, Mike says and I see him sitting next to Alec and as I pour a drink they start lightly making out. I take a large sip of my drink and set it down and walk over plop down right next to Mike. Mike kisses me, “Guys Kev … Kev”, Jacob looks over at me, “Nice to meet you … been before?”, I shake my head no. “It’s a lot of hot sex”, Mike nods, and I hear Alec, “I haven’t been before, either”. “You guys … Bottoms?”, I look at them with my question, “Haha … nahhhh my boyfriend Hayden is, but I’m versatile, … tonight I’m fucking horny for cock and he’s working”, and Alec pipes up, “I am too! I’m mostly a bottom though.”, he says. Jacob looks and me and tugs at my cock, “Love that dude, I’m glad someone chose to wear one”, I give Mike a bit of side eye. “Gonna find out who’s the biggest whore tonight”, Mike says as he laughs and he continues, “See who ends up …” but his voice trails off before finishing and him and Jacob both look at each other with a laugh and a knowing smile. It only seems like a few minutes when Mark appears with another body to join us. We all look over at him, “Guys, Steven … Steven guys,… why don’t you go ask them who’s the biggest whore”, and we all immediately break up laughing. Steven chose a chastity device like me and Mark reaches around and gives it a bit of a tug before heading out of the room – such a flirt. Steve looks like he might be in his 40’s or 50’s, rugged face, some gray mixed in with a head of black hair, and that jaw of his is amazing. Steve definitely has a nice build to him for a bottom. “Come on over man … join the pile on the couch”, Jacob says in his most flirtatious sounding voice yet. I think Jacob is a bit drunk, he’s so open right now, and touchy -- I like it. After a few minutes of “touchy feely”, someone, that I can only assume is the host, enters the room. “Hey guys … Mark says the doors are locked now and we’re ready to get things going. Few things,… should be lots of hot fun tonight, I had a lot of tops request to join, more than usual”, several of us cheer, “Just remember, bareback only, and in case you don’t know, most of the tops are poz,…”, showing the red arm band again for emphasis, “don’t ask about it, … just go with the flow, and have fun”, he says as he rubs his cock. I see Jacob and Mike look at each other. “Also, no going upstairs, unless you’re leaving. All of the sex stays down here. There’s 2 full bathrooms down here, some beds, a sling, some couches, and 2 fuck benches … but those are already spoken for“. I guess I must look kind of puzzled at the “spoken for” part of that, but all of us are just sitting there completely caught up in his words. As if he’s reading my mind, “Mike and Jacob messaged me and asked to be used on the fuck benches, since no one else asked, that is where you guys will be”, they both high five, “FUCK YEA!”. It starts to hit me, “Holy fuck I was right!”, this entire downstairs area is just one big fuck dungeon. I have to admit I’m curious about the fuck benches. As he’s telling us all this I can feel my hand and cock fidgeting against the acrylic, trying to rub my caged cock – I’m so horny right now and this thing is making me aware of every inch of my soft cock. Mark re-enters the room, “Hey Mark … we good?”, the host asks, “Yeah… all ready to go”, he says. “Mike, … you and Jacob, you’re coming with me and Mark”, they both stand up. Then I see Mark pass a red blind fold to the host, and holding one himself, he and the host blindfold Mike and Jacob. The theme of red is not lost on me, I’m very curious to see what happens next. This is an interesting twist, I think, it looks as though Mike and Jacob will be getting fucked anon all night. “Ok guys … we’ll lead you in just follow carefully”, as they start exiting the room, “The rest of you can follow us … I hope everyone has some hot fun tonight”. We all walk through another hallway into a much larger room lit in red and with what appears to be all of the things the host mentioned. There are naked men and glowing red bands everywhere, and I think all of us want to see what’s up so we follow and watch Mike and Jacob being led to the fuck benches in the center of the room. I start to wonder how much cum our tight little asses will take tonight, and if we’ll leave here poz or neg. The host, Mark and a few of the other guys help Mike and Jacob onto the fuck benches and latch them in, “You guys good?”, I can hear them both answer, “Yeah”, and like good bottoms, their asses are raw, exposed and ready. With the guys secure, several hands begin lightly lubing up Mike and Jacob’s ass using their fingers to play and massage in the lube. As I’m standing there watching, I can see that even with the blindfold, Mike and Jacob both seem horned and ready to be fucked and bred. I’ll admit I’m kind of jealous I was hoping Mark will fuck me. The host nods at one of the other guys and he brings over a container with two solid white lumps sliding around in it, my mind is wondering what that is. I wonder if its cum, but I can’t tell. Sure enough Mark and the host push one of the white lumps into each of them, “Ahhhhhhh… fuck… fuck”, they both start to groan, “Just some frozen seed guys … relax, relax … it’ll warm up”. I had my answer. Steven and Alec start to wonder away probably to cruise some of the tops. My mind wonders if they are ready to be HIV+, then the thoughts hit me, “Will I end up positive, too? Am I even ready to be HIV+?” Before I can get the thoughts out of my head, I hear the host’s voice, “Guys … listen up, we’ve got 5 horny bottoms tonight, but these two, specifically want to be brought into the brotherhood… just try to remember there are 3 other bottoms here that want to be fucked and bred. Tops not on meds get first go at the fuck benches.” I feel my face going white, “Mike” softly escapes my lips, and then I feel a warm hand on my ass. I hear a voice, “Looks like they got a bit of the Devil’s dick”, its Chris, I’m so glad it’s him, I just look at him with a question. I’m still in a bit of shock, “Its a frozen lump of poz cum to get ‘em properly lubed. Mike told me he’s ready to be positive.”, Chris rubs my ass, “Makes my cock so hard”, I look down and sure enough he’s rock hard. I look at my own and cock and realize that without this cock lock I’d be hard as a rock over this news, too. “You into that too babe?”, he says. I can only agree, I nod again. “Good.”, he smiles as he says it, then he kisses me and walks away. Now his statement, “…might be more chance of you getting infected from Mike’s cum than mine”, comes back to me, and starts to make more sense; he knew Mike wants to be infected. I knew that no matter what news either of us get, or what happens tonight, Mike’s cum will still end up inside me. I watch the scene playing out with Mike and Jacob, the hands, the naked men. Both of their asses are exposed and look so pink and tight under the light … honestly, I almost want to fuck one of them. My cock tries to expand and I feel it ache… “ow… ow… ouch… fuck, calm down”. Our host turns around and makes the first move by mounting Jacob, the red glowing band around his wrist very real to me. As he starts I hear that kind of guttural moan, the kind that lets you know a man is being fucked. A few of the other tops gather around Mike when something unexpected happens – Mark steps away from the action. Most of the tops are touching and feeling both of them and at both ends of the benches. I’m almost in aww just watching the action. I know any second a poz cock will find its way into Mike’s hole, like Jacob, and I want to see him get penetrated. A hot looking Latin guy with a nice chest lines up behind Mike and starts to work his cock into him. I think, “It’s so fucking hot knowing they are taking all of these loads anon.” I suddenly snap out of my trance when I feel Mark touching my ass and as he waves his hand in front of my face, “Kev … hey bud”. I smile as I look at him and my eyes are instantly on his cock again, “Hey”. He moves one of my hands to his cock and I can really feel how big it is, “You ready to play?”. “Fuck yea I am”, is all I can say as I stare at his cock. He leads me over to one of the beds and I climb on my back, “Turn over sexy”, he says, and I instantly flip onto all fours, “This way you can watch your buddy getting knocked up”. My cock hurts now, those words, the action, he’s right, I can see the top’s balls as he’s bangs again and again into Mike’s ass. The cock lock is doing its job on me; I feel like such a slut now. Mark pushes the head of his cock against my hole and suddenly the bareback sex part of this sex party becomes real for me. I think, “POZ men are going to fuck and breed us all night, and right now it’s what we all want”. It occurs to me that maybe I’ve accepted that my testing positive may or may not happen and may or may not be a bad thing. I reach back pulling my ass cheeks open to show Mark I’m ready and willing to take what he’s offering me. “Good boy … I love slutty bottoms. You want raw dick huh?”, but he doesn’t wait for me to respond and I feel the head of his cock already in my ass. “Fuck yeah … oh fuck that feels good Mark … fuck me”, and he uses my hips to brace himself as he applies steady, slow pressure, pushing all the way into my ass. This time it’s him, “Oh fuck yeah … so fucking tight … you feel so good”. Mark starts fucking me with slow, even strokes as I watch Mike and Jacob groaning while an unmedicated HIV+ top bangs each of them. I can feel Mark’s sweaty balls touching my ass, “Fuck yeah Mark … breed me deep, fuck me full of poz cum man”. “Oh fuck yea … beg for my dirty seed you slut … you’re getting it”, and Mark picks up the pace of fucking me. It goes like this for several minutes, him using me, and me begging him for his load. I can feel every inch of him inside me. This continues on and on with the grunts and groans of man on man sex filling the room. When I hear it, Ahhhhhhhh…………. fuck………….. fukkkkkkk…. fuckkkk… “ and I realize the Latin guy fucking Mike is cumming, “Fuck yeah …. Fuck!”, he goes on. His cock is pushed in tight against Mike’s back side and it seems like his load will never stop cumming. The entire scene turns me on, “FUCK! FUCK! OWWWW…. AHHHH”, Mark thinks I’m just encouraging him but my cock is in serious pain due to the cock lock. Watching Mike and Jacob being fucked and taking Mark’s cock is making me want to bust out of this thing, but I know I need to resist. The Latin top pulls out and of Mike and a taller black top wearing leather boots and a cop’s hat takes his place. Then our host pulls his cock from Jacob and a glob of semen comes streaming down the crack of Jacob’s ass… I put my tongue out, I want that.
    2 points
  8. Part 2. There was a cluster of men at the bar talking to the fat man who was perched uncomfortably on a bar stool. Bill bought me a drink and we stood chatting with the group. I found it surreal to stand there talking about football with the sperm from two men swimming in my belly. I couldn't also help but thinking the men were, all in all, a sleazy looking group of older trolls, and I could clearly see they were eyeing me hungrily, obviously having been told about my performance by the fat guy. After a while several of them headed for the basement and didn't return. Bill, in turn, sidled up to me and gestured his head towards the basement staircase, remarking "They're waiting for you, sunshine," giving me an evil grin. I put down my drink, knowing what I was going to do, feeling the fear and loathing but unable to stop myself. It was as if a pit of depravity had opened up at the bottom of those stairs, and I was helplessly drawn to it. No-one would understand what I was doing, except these vile men who excited me so much. Bill dug out the filthy tube of lube and the poppers bottle and pressed them into my hand, suggesting with a leer "Here, you'll need these." I blushed and headed over to the stairs, aware of the bar man was watching me and knowing what he must have been thinking. At the bottom, I turned left to the cubicle area and found a group of men standing silently, waiting. More than one man had pulled out his cock and was stroking himself, his flesh rigid in the dim light from the cubicles as everyone watched an old man bent over the sink, naked from the waist down, who was being fucked from behind by a younger man with a bald head and earrings. I paused, intimidated by the atmosphere of sweat, lust and piss and the hungry eyes staring expectantly at me. I took a deep hit of poppers until my heart pounded and my body melted with excitement, then went into a cubicle and pulled off my trousers and underpants, folding them neatly on top of the cistern. I heard grunts of appreciation at my bare bottom, then I turned and the group pulled me in. Hands groped my body, cock and balls and someone hugged me, mashing his mouth against mine, kissing me deeply. I gasped for breath and felt myself giving way to the urge to breed with these strangers as my cock stiffened in rough hands. There was a big box next to the sink, housing a water tank or something, and I found myself pushed back until I was sitting on it. Beside me, the old man had reached back to pull his flabby buttocks apart, urging the man to cum in him in a soft, urgent whisper. Eager hands lifted my legs and bent them to my chest so my bottom hung over the edge and my hole gaped vulnerably as they pulled my legs apart. I held out the tube, and one of the men holding my legs grabbed it, twisted off the cap and rubbed a cold gobbet of lube into my hole making me gasp as he shoved two fingers into me, scratching and probably tearing the delicate skin with his dirty nails. The man grinned down at me and pulled his fingers out, transferring his hold back to my leg, whispered "He's ready. Who's first?" I could see by the sweat shining on his face he was turned on by what was going to happen to me. A short, stocky black guy wearing a dirty tee shirt which bore the word 'Sanitation', pushed his combat trousers and boxers down, and, standing between my legs, grasped his thick, veiny cock which was topped by a large pink head. Sweat dripped off his chin, falling onto my belly as he got into position and all four of us – me, the men holding my legs and the black guy – looked down and watched his cock push into me, opening up my hole then sliding up me until his short, curly pubic hair was tight against my arse. Then as he began pounding away, his balls began to slap against mine as he began to slide it in and out. He leered at me and leaned forward, searching for my mouth with his and clamping his big, soft lips on mine as his thrusts became more urgent. “Yeah!” whispered the man holding my leg, who continued urging “Fuck the bitch! Oh, fuck, you've got it coming now, boy!” The black man grunted as he thrust, mashing his mouth on mine and gripping my thighs as he worked to a climax. Then, he gave a loud gasp and pushed hard into me and I felt his cock throb and throb as he spurted. At the same time, the man beside me stroked my hair praising me in a hoarse whisper, saying “There you go. Good boy, there you go, good boy.” I relished his praise. At the sink, the old man gasped with pleasure as he received the cum from his lover, and as we gazed at each other, we exchanged a smile, recognizing each other as brothers in depravity at that moment. Then the black guy stood back and pulled his cock out of me, and a gush of warm spunk slid down my balls. The guy holding my leg slid his finger into my hole, scooped out some cum, and murmurred “Mmmm …lovely!” as he licked his finger clean. Then someone else was between my thighs, and I found myself looking into the face of the first man who had warned me not to go bare. He pulled off his tee-shirt, dropped his trousers and underwear, giving me a clear view of his long, thin cock which had sprung-up against his belly. Below his belly button was a black bio-hazard tattoo. He saw me look and grinned, asking "I warned you, didn’t I?” as he continued "But since you’ve been pozzed at least three times so far, I guess You won’t mind taking my load, right?” Without waiting for an answer, he slid into me. My response was to reach for the poppers bottle and sag back into his crotch in surrender.
    2 points
  9. Matt and Roger I’m Matt, 27, 6’3”, 230, white, coarse dark brown hair, buzz cut, furry chest, legs, trimmed beard, brown eyes, 7.5 thick cut dick, TT, gym rat, and workaholic. Roger, my boyfriend of six years, is 5’11” 185, 3/4 white 1/4 blatino, eight inches, thick uncut dick, vers, with really light olive skin with sporadic dark curly hair. He's also gym rat. We’ve been monogamous for all six years and have lived together for four in the upper east side of Manhattan. We have in a nice daily routine, which consists of waking up, my fucking a load into him, going to work, lifting at the Equinox from six to seven PM, taking a steam, and heading home to stuff our faces with protein. Sometimes we fuck again at night but usually we save it for the morning session. Monday. This morning Roger had to go out of town for work until Friday, so he left for the airport at 6:00 AM. I missed fucking him, but I didn't jack off because I knew I would have his hole when he got back. I slept in until the last minute and headed to work where I found my balls unusually heavy, and when walking to the break room to get coffee my dick had scarcely rubbed against my boxers when it got somewhat fluffy. Then, when my straight Dominican 45 year old 6’1” 200 lb masculine beefy co-worker came into the break room and began chatting with me about expense reports, my gaze drifted back and forth between his soft wet dark pink lips and the dick bulge visible even through his suit pants. Involuntarily I licked my lips thinking about the taste of his surely uncut, musky dick and ass. By now my dick was pumped full of blood. I definitely needed to stop looking at him. One day of cum backing-up and I was already turning into an animal. Heading back to my desk I popped an Adderral and before I knew it, 5:00 PM arrived, so I headed to the gym. Although my dick was a half staff, I managed to bust out my lift, pop by Chipotle, and get to bed early. Tuesday I was even more horny, and my dick involuntary got hard throughout work. After I was done I headed to the gym, only to find the locker room was busier than normal, with probably twenty or so guys, half of whom were getting dressed, and half of whom were milling around wearing only a towel, en route to the steam room or showers. My senses were heightened. I could smell and practically taste the odor of man. My eyes discretely explored the various bodies as I passed through the locker corridors. In the second such corridor I found a muscled body, fully naked, bent over as he was putting his underwear on. His hairy hole was fully exposed for the second I could observe him. My dick jumped. If it was socially acceptable I would have spit fucked him right there, right then. Instead I went into the last corridor to my usual locker, only to discover two furry bearded muscle daddies, about 50 years old, one 5’9 175, the other 6’ 200, both wearing briefs and pulling on their workout clothing. I can’t help but visually explore their tight furry, veiny, leathery bodies, including the top of a scorpion tattoo which was visible on the waist of the taller man. My eyes made their way down to his hefty bulge visible through his white briefs. His dick was clearly a giant. I could almost see veins running down through the fabric. His balls were so heavy his briefs were sagging somewhat, and his whole crotch was obviously bushy with dark hair. He was definitely a piggy poz daddy. I wanted to bury my face against his crotch. The blood, meanwhile, was surging into my dick, and my entire body temperature was rising. Although only a few seconds had passed since I rounded the corner, both men noticed I was looking. They paused in their chat, which led me to realize my mouth was gaping open, and I was all but drooling. Blushing, I quickly started changing, thinking to myself 'Fuck, you're an idiot. I love Roger'. I also thought 'You're definitely going to have to jack off tonight, if only to get some release'. The two daddies, however, were like lions stalking weak prey. The taller one initiated conversation with me remarking "I hope the gym isn’t as busy as this shit show locker room.” “Hah, agreed,” I replied. "What are you lifting today?” he persisted. "Chest and probably some shoulders. You?” "Nice. I'm working chest and tri’s. Dave here is doing cardio. If it’s nuts out there and you want any machine I’m on, don’t hesitate to let me know.” “Thanks, man. Same to you.” With that the three of us walked upstairs to the workout floor where it truly was a shit show. Nearly every machine and weight was occupied. I got lucky and spot a bench which was about to be vacated, and started loading up the 45's. The six foot daddy approached remarking “Hey, lucky guy, you mind if I join you?” "Not at all. Matt here. What's your name?” “Frank. Nice to meet you. Guess you're up first, youngin'.” Laying back on the bench I could feel Frank's eyes undressing me, and to be honest it was reciprocal, because when I looked up I found myself staring at his bulge and black furry armpits. I also found myself thinking he must be middle-eastern decent, or his ancestors came from somewhere in that part of the world. His arms were huge and quite veiny. He was wearing a black tank top and grey basketball shorts which complemented his build. As I lay there I inhaled a few times to pump up for my set. The smell of dick musk was palpable and intoxicating, so naturally blood pumped into my dick. “Hey Matt, you going to do this or just pass out from breathing too much?" Frank joked, his voice extremely deep and sexy. I busted out my set, and then, now spotting him, my bulge was huge, as I was half hard. I try to adjust my dick in my boxers to minimize its appearance, but Frank, already laying down and looking from a position where he could see up the leg of my shorts, chuckled and suggested “Move a bit forward so I can look up your shorts and see what’s causing this distracting view." Blushing, I smiled and awkwardly didn't make a reply. Frank kept up the banter throughout his entire set, and ended-up working with me for the rest of my routine. After every lift he either patted my back, butt, or briefly massaged my neck in a very bro style. He knew exactly how to seduce me, and as we walked towards the locker room Frank made his move “Dave is going to be doing cardio for a bit longer. We almost meet here after work, but he usually leaves after I do. How about grabbing Chipotle? I’m starving.” I was also, and without hesitation replied “Sure, I’m game.” We quickly changed into our street clothing and headed out. Just as we hit the street he briefly massaged the back of my neck as he asked “Hey, do you mind if we pop into my place really fast so I can get a heartburn pill? I love hot sauce but it kills me. My apartment is on the way to Chipotle.” It felt wrong but I couldn't think fast enough to get out of it. “Sure no problem.” His place was on the next block up. Walking in, he pulled off his shirt, kicked off his shoes, and dropped his pants and underwear as he moved deeper into the apartment. His body was so strong, and showed quite a bit of fur on his upper back and above his ass. His ass and legs were, in fact, completely covered in thick black hair. My heart was about to explode out of my chest and my dick was pumping full of blood. I wanted to lick him all over. “Sorry, man, I'm gonna throw on some dry clothing, real quick.” As he paraded into his bedroom I could see his dick sway between his legs. I had to regain my composure, so I asked to use his bathroom. "Sure, use the one through here, though, attached to my bedroom. The guest bathroom is being renovated." No sooner had I entered his bedroom he than he turned to me, his monstrous, poisonous, uncut dick thick and half hard. His scorpion tattoo also caught my eye, especially because it was much bigger than I had realized, stretching from his waist to his balls, buried in black hair. Stepping forward, Frank grabbed my face and growled "Come here." He had me under his spell. When he jammed his tongue into my mouth I was surprised how soft his lips felt, surrounded by his thick beard. Pulling back slightly, he ordered "Open your mouth.” I complied without a thought and he spat deep into my mouth, actually hitting the back of my throat. Again his mouth engulfed mine, his tongue wresting with mine. I felt virtually weak kneed with lust as my dick throbbed with arousal, my precum seeping into my underwear. He completely dominated me, and it seemed only correct that as his tongue explored my mouth and throat, he should pull my pants down and my shirt off over my head. My mind flashed ever so briefly to Roger, and a wave of guilt hits me, but the combination of Frank and my throbbing dick overcame my sense of guilt. There was no question: at least at this moment, Frank and my throbbing dick were in control. As we kissed, Frank's hand made its way to my furry muscular ass, squeezing first one, then the other cheek, hard, grunting into my mouth as he did so. Then he found my asshole and starts to scratch into it. Fuck, no one had done that to me in so long. It felt amazing. Even though I was completely dry, he forced his middle finger in knuckle deep, digging away. It seemed as if electricity was shooting from my hole to my dick. I could probably could have cum from that play alone, but instead he pulled closer against his chest, in so doing trapping his rock hard monster cock between our bodies. I'm not exaggerating when I say it stretched all the way up to my chest. And fuck, he was poz. His massive dick was leaking toxic precum onto my chest. I thought 'Well, I can’t get poz from spit, right? So as long as we just jack off I'm good', but Frank apparently had a different idea 'cause he took me into his arms, picked me up, and deposited me on the bed as he joined me there, the entire move without having let go of me. At this point his rock hard monster nine inch, thick uncut dick was oozing precum onto my stomach. Positioning himself between my legs, Frank ground his dick against mine as we continued making out. It had been so long since I've been with a guy other than Roger that everything felt new, and it was new in another sense. I had never before been dominated. Breaking our kiss, Frank stood up, and, standing over my body, jacked his huge furry dick while twisting his nipple. Then he crouched over my face, presenting his massive balls for me to admire. I was in sensory overload. They were so ripe. Taking ragged, deep breaths, I was all but getting high off of Frank's man smell. I wanted all of his sweat in my mouth. Frank, however, had his own agenda, and he placed his dickhead onto my forehead, which allowed me to lean my head all the way back so I can finally taste his dick, which was apparently his objective, as he slowly guided his dick head towards my mouth, pulling back his foreskin, and squeezing himself in the process. Silky poz cum oozed out of his head, flowing into my mouth. Although at one level I knew it was pure poison I unhesitatingly swallowed it. Frank then sank his dick into my mouth, and I opened as widely as I could. Nevertheless his cock head could barely fit into my mouth. Not to be deterred, Frank grabbed my jaw and forced his dick down my throat. I couldn't breath or move. He was virtually impaling me from the top down. My dick seemed to be getting harder the deeper he went into my throat, and finally his balls were resting on my nose. He remained stationary, balls deep, for several seconds as I struggled not to choke and cough, but eventually I had to at least try to push his weight off of my face. Still he was in charge as he thrust in a few times, grunting with pleasure. My throat involuntarily kept trying to swallow his massive piece of meat, even as my eyes streamed with tears from the effort of accommodating him. After what seemed to be about 20 seconds he finally pulled out. I gasped for air, my spit thick and stringy. "Good boy,” he whispered. Then he leaned forward, dangling his dickhead at my mouth and swallowed my seven and a half inch dick with ease. My balls tighten and tingled, and involuntarily I moaned, grunting "Oh fuck, I'm close.” Pulling off immediately, Frank growled "We can't have that yet.” I reached down to jack myself off, but he grabbed my hand, stopping me. My dick was so hard it seemed permanently flexed, and was almost hurting. I was so close to cumming to use the words 'blue balls' doesn't give the experience credit. Frank, meanwhile, picked-up with his agenda, and climbed over and behind me, pulling my legs up and initially onto his muscular hairy shoulders, then, as he propped my torso back on my shoulder blades, so my hole was facing the ceiling, my knees were now flung forward, resting on the mattress, one leg flanking each side of my head. With one hand he grabbed under both of my knees so he could examine my hole. I was completely exposed, and he was so strong. Spitting directly into my hole, he fingered it in, massaging my ass lips. My dick had never been so hard. More spit, and more massaging. I knew what he had in mind, and I didn't care. He was hitting my prostate; I felt him working the cum out of my balls with each prod. I was a human fuck toy to him. Then he pulled my legs back down to his shoulders, leaned forward, and gave me a deep kiss. His huge uncut dickhead likewise kissed my open hole. This was so dangerous. I knew it was, and I suspected he was leaking precum into my hole. Giving one last effort to be rational, I gave a half-hearted effort to push him off and to break off the kiss, trying to explain "Noo.. no way I’m bottoming.. I have a bo....” Frank didn't care about my protestations. He leaned over me again, jamming his tongue back into my mouth, his dick head now firmly lodged against my hole. Rocking our bodies a few times, I senses his slick foreskin unrolling on my hole, revealing the poisonous leaking raw helmet out of which his precum freely oozed. In fact I could feel his excess spit and his precum dripping down my ass crack, onto my back. My hole was slicker with each of his thrusts, and my head spun in excitement as Frank broke through my sphincter, opening me up with small thrusts, pushing ever harder to sink ever further in. Then, when he was about three inches in, he stopped. My hole was wrapped so tightly around his giant dick, I found myself involuntarily flexing my ass muscles, not knowing what to do otherwise with the foreign object lodged there. Moaning like a lion Frank muttered "Fuckk.. too tight,” his dick flexing and throbbing as he bred me with his poz cum. My dick spasmed without any manual touch, stimulated by his flexing dick which flooded my hole with his seed as he sank further into my ass. “You’re mine now,” he murmured, repeatedly kissing me. With this he pushed me over the edge. I moaned into his mouth as my balls erupted, volley after volley of my cum flowing onto my chest and neck. My hole was in unknown ecstasy. Frank's huge hairy balls were now on my ass as he had bottomed out and was not moving, but his cock continued flexing, doubtless oozing more and more poz cum into my ass. We made out for several more minutes, our tongues intertwined, but eventually Frank slowly withdrew his snake from the depths of my ass and then collapsed on the bed to my right, pulling me under his arm. We lay there breathing heavily, taking in the experience. I found myself thinking 'What the fuck have I just done?' My asshole was still gaping, and I could surely feel Frank's poz jizz leaking on to my ass cheeks and the bed. Taking a deep breath, Frank propped himself up on his elbow and wryly asked, "So, was that the first poz load you've taken, youngin'?” a smile in his eyes and on his lips.
    1 point
  10. I knew what I was getting into. I’d heard of Lawyer John’s notorious parties through the grapevine for years. My friend Con, who was a filthy gossip, pointed him out to me a few times in the nightclubs of Belfast. Lawyer John (our nickname for him) was pretty to miss though given his overall “too-hot-to-stay-in-Belfast” looks and physique. Lawyer John was a suave stunner in his mid-forties, with a gym fit body and expensive tousled “salt and pepper” haircut. He should have been modelling suits for Gucci or something, and not raising the bell-curve for us poor mortals who didn’t have any other option but to stay here in the North, drowning our sorrows as we were that night. Northern Ireland once again performed abysmally in rugby, getting trashed by the All Blacks earlier that day. Con’s favourite pastime, after a few jars, was nodding his head over at some poor trick in the club and divulging all his nasty secrets. Usually they involved Con, a quirky fetish and/or an STI. Con was an old-school gossip and would always start off in his thickest working class Belfast accent with the line “Didja ya see that wee lad there righ? Well…” At this point our posse would be leaning forward wondering what new tale of desperation or filth we were in for. With Lawyer John, Con would always drink deep from his Guinness, nod over at him and then launch into the following tale. “Did I tell ye lads about our friend Lawyer John over there. Mike (this was me) knows, but I’ll tell the rest of ye. Steer clear of that fucker. A right nasty piece of work they say lads. They say he hosts these parties y’see. Where all the A-gays of Belfast go and get gee-eyed out of it on G and E and coke and whatever else you’d be having. No condoms, no fucking sense, and a few prossies hired up from London or wherever. He works over in the courts too, so he should know better. Anyways, the parties always get really fuckin wild, and to hear tell of it, at one of the last ones there was a lad who overdosed. Some fucker up from Fermanagh, still wet behind the ears and looking for his bit of freedom from his mammy and the farm, thought he’d try his hand at hooking. Anyways as the story goes, the lad reacted badly with the cocktail of drugs he was on and it wasn’t till after the party that they realised he was unconscious and had been for about a day or two. It was then that they dropped him outside the Pipeworks sauna and called the police. Kid nearly died. Seemingly was left with some nasty nerve damage too. And that kid…” and Con leaned in here, building suspense, “is none other than Ugly Eoghan!” I’d heard it before so chuckled to watch the looks of incomprehension on our mates as they tried to fit the pieces together. Lawyer John was some jet-setting executive who probably had a sea of hot accountants who wanted him to write off their “bad debts”. Meanwhile Ugly Eoghan was the odd drunk that’d turn up outside the Kremlin as the crowd turned out in the early morning, trying to chat up the very, very drunk twinks outside. He worked the “going-home” crowd, cause he’d been barred from every gay establishment between here and Dublin. He was only in his early thirties, but had such a way with him that he looked at least ten years older and while there was nothing necessarily disfigured about him, he had a constant stoop, squinted eyes and a perpetually sneering mouth, so you couldn’t help but be repulsed by him. To think that this gay “character” had been created by the beautiful and sophisticated Lawyer John was a good yarn, but none of us really believed it. Sensing our disbelief, Con urged us “it’s true honest! Ugly Eoghan’s life wasn’t always the car-crash you see outside the chipper on a Saturday pawing at the twinks. But seemingly Lawyer John has high connections, and got the whole thing hushed up. The police, the other party-goers, even the sauna staff, everyone was hushed up”. We nodded as Con knocked back the rest of his Guinness and looked to see who was getting the next round in. He always got a bit conspiracy-ish after a few, talking one minute about chem-trails, and the next about how the fluoride pumped in Irish water was to keep people passive. A nudge knocked me out of my reverie. It was my round. I waited at the bar for the hot new barman Sven to get my drinks. Seemingly he had to learn how to replace a keg or something, but you’d forgive a white blond Nordic god a lot for a flash of his dopey smile, so I pulled out my phone and checked my apps. Grindr and Scruff were disappointing as usual, though my profile didn’t invite a lot of comment – it was just a torso like all the rest of them – showing off my six-pack from two years ago, which had since gone into a small hibernation. Not that most tricks minded. None of them looked quite like their photos either, and as long as I wasn’t, well, ugly Eoghan, and I shoved all nine inches of my cock into them, I heard no complaints. The only messages I had was from this hot nurse Gavin who I always had a great back and forth with, but who always chickened out of all the dates I suggested, to the point where I gave up trying. Sometimes I was in the mood to flirt with him, knowing it’d have no effect, but not today. Sensing someone pushing past me for a newly opened gap at the bar, I moved to let the guy settle in beside me. I did a very subtle double-take when I realised it was the devil himself – Lawyer John. He didn’t even notice me. He still had his head turned, taking drink orders off of some tall muscle-bound blond who’d be perfect as an extra in any World War 2 film, yellow blonde where Sven was white. I took the time to properly study the Lawyer-man up close. God, he was gorgeous. He’s one of those guys who looks so much better as a 40 year old than he ever would have as a 20 year old. His tailored shirt opening to show a defined lean body and sculpted lines across his collarbones, up his neck and in his deep dimples as he laughed at something the Aryan giant said. I waited for the polite “eye-contact” nod that in Ireland passed for “thank you for giving me space at the bar”, but the lawyer studiously turned forward and blanked me. Pfft. Whatever. I guess if you don’t look like you breathe the same rarefied air as these little gods, you may as well be invisible. I then heard the distinctive message tones from Gay-Romeo beside me. I looked over, and sure enough, Lawyer John had his phone out too. I guess little gods need a bit of help looking for love too. I noticed he was mostly scanning an app with a black and orange design. I leaned over a little further. It was called “BBRT” or something like that. I then heard the Sven clear his throat “Ah Mike, jour drrinks” “oh right, cheers Sven!” A few drinks more with the lads at the pub, then at Con’s house and eventually we’re all calling it a night. It’s proper late, by the time I’m back in my flat near the university, like 6am. I clumsily broke the laptop out and looked up this BBRT website. Bareback Real Time Sex, it said. I gulped a little. I’ve not usually been one for bareback – topping’s the same to me if I top protected or not, so I always chose the former. Up until this point I’d never successfully bottomed, with or without a condom, so I saw no attraction in barebacking. However, Lawyer John was on it, and who knew, maybe he was only a click or two away. I could beat off to some pics of him, no harm, no foul. I read through the usual preamble with starting an account, and then once I’d verified my email and put up the bare skeleton of a profile (Newry9inch), I got to seeing who was online in Belfast. This was a very different pool to the Grindr/Scruff guys. There were a few kinky bastards who revelled in anything pain related, a few kids that had the title Bug-Chaser in their profile and then me by the looks of it. Noone else was online. I went back to filling out my profile, deciding to put up a cock pic as my main profile pic (it wasn’t as if I was looking for friends or gym buddies on this site). Then after a bit more thought I added a headless nude shot and an over-the-shoulder arse pic. “Fuck it!” I thought and headed to the bathroom. When I got back, I was in luck. My inbox had three more messages from three different guys – not just the welcome bot. The first was a proper daddy type who wanted to spank my ass for being up so late. I chuckled, and politely declined. The next was from a blank profile online asking “u into scat?” I once again replied “cheers, but definitely not my thing. All the best”, cause I may be many things, but I always answer people, so there’s no ambiguity. I’m a motherfucking gentleman! The last was interesting. It was another blank profile “northernlights”, this time asking “u into pnp?” Now I won’t lie. I love me a bit of rolling with molly or speed-pumped sex, so this had my slut-senses tingling – could this be Lawyer John? I answered “could be. Why?” And waited… About half a minute later I get a reply. “We’re looking to score” and a link to a webpage within BBRT. I clicked through the link and it directed me to an expired party page from earlier that night– some sort of group page that BBRT did for people arranging group meets – wow BBRT really knew their audience! This page had the description “Party – Titanic Quarter for titanic men”. I snorted at that. The blurb below was written as if a size queen on meth – detailing all the types of men who could apply (a very select few) and all the guys who couldn’t. To be honest the description was a turn-off. One of those impossibly high standard parties that I wouldn’t dream of trying for after a few rejections earlier on in life. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I feel pretty hot – I rock the slightly rough/scruffy, three-day stubbled scally lad look, but I would never fit in with the built Abercrombie and Fitch crowd. My body was lean and I was an in-shape lad especially for my job (a journalist for a less than reputable paper… ok so, a tabloid journalist – it paid the bills) but I’d never have this party’s required “defined muscles” or “less than 5% body fat” (I kid you not – that’s what they wrote). The rest of post summed up that a group party had been organised (about 6 hours earlier) for the A-gays of Belfast. Good-fucking luck to ‘em I thought! I saw my inbox had another message and clicked it. Northernlights again. “u know any dealers?” I chuckled and then remembered something. Looking to my chest of drawers in the middle of the room, I pulled out my sock drawer and fumbled at the back. I pulled out my old metal tea-box that had my weed and the makings of my joints in, a few pills, and also… at the bottom… …Eureka!.. I found the bag of MDMA that my mate’s sister’s boyfriend’s friend left behind at a houseparty a year back. The lad went mental looking for it afterwards, but cause he was a dick I didn’t call him up a week later when I found it behind the coal bucket. It was about 10-15g of product, but I’d tried it, and maybe cause it’d be been left out somewhere humid, or maybe cause it was it was just a shit supply, but it did nothing for me. But there was enough here for a trade. Maybe I’d get some money for it finally? I messaged back. “None that are awake right now. My usual guy’s disappeared too. I’ve a bit of my own supply - MDMA here (10-15g), dunno how good it is, if you’re desperate? J” (Was the smiley too much?) Northernlights was quick to reply “Yeah would be up for that - could buy it – where u? Could send taxi round? We’re in X” Obviously I’m not gonna reveal where exactly the guy was – but it was a very swanky part of town. Northernlights sent me on details of the place and then signed off – “…Thanks lad. See you soon” No name. But honestly considering we’d just agreed to perform a crime online I could understand that. Nice one! I was gonna finally sell off my old stash and at least see what the inside of one of these exclusive parties looked like. The taxi came round 15 minutes later. I was barely out of the shower and into my cleaner pair of going-out trackies when I heard my phone go off. I grabbed my whole stash box and all the way there I was full of nervous jitters. I kept thinking I was going to end up at some weird “eyes-wide-shut” masked party. The apartment building was one of the very modern ones that went up as part of the Titanic quarter’s refurbishment after the peace agreement. I remember seeing it being built and even then thinking I’d never be able to afford living in a posh place like this. I rang the apartment bell. Elocution lessons answered; “Yars?” “Um, this is ahem, Newry….” “Oh roight! Yars yars, push the door when it buzzes” I made my way up. On the way up I kept formulating and reformulating the plan. See how much they were willing to pay to keep their party going. Get a good look around to see how to super-hot live and try to see a few fucking, to fill the wank-bank. Get them to order me another taxi. Would they stretch to a pizza too? Oh, but how to make sure this wasn’t an elaborate police op? Wasn’t that entrapment? Did that law even apply in Belfast? Better make sure to get them to do a line for free first. I got to the door. I rapped gently on it. No answer. I was about to ring the bell when the door opened and there in a red and grey silk dressing gown stood Lawyer John. A-Gay of Belfast numero uno! “Newry9inches?” he said, smiling at me, showing those dimples. Those goddamn beautiful dimples! I nodded mutely and he waved me in. He muttered something about doing business upstairs in his room as I looked around the split-level apartment. There were bags and clothes on most of the chairs and couches in the main entrance hall-cum-living room. The floor plan was pretty open and segued from living room to foyer to kitchen (which was divided from the rest by an outjutting counter) all across the entire lower floor. There were some shadowy figures in the extremities of the kitchen and living room, but before I could better make them out, John beckoned me up his stairs (solid oak beams projecting from the wall, no banistair, very swanky!) I clambered up behind him, getting glimpses of his very tan, very developed gym-toned legs, to come out on a long corridor landing. Everything was ivory tones and expensive looking. There were about four doors off the corridor – two guest bedrooms, the main bedroom and main bathroom. As we went into the main bedroom I saw the entire outer wall was one plate window giving a fantastic view back over Belfast City. The bed was massive and recently used and there was an en-suite bathroom to the left. John sat down on the bed and looked expectantly me… “The MDMA?” “Oh right, yeah let me just get that out” and I walked over to the desk. He followed behind me as I lay the bag of white powder on the table. I saw the remains of some other lines of powder there and a credit card. I turned to him. “Um, don’t take this the wrong way, but cause I’m not used to, um, normally, ever doing this, and how do I know this isn’t some police sting?” He laughed a rich baritone laugh at that and said something about the differences in UK and American law, and that he’d asked me to bring over with me to sell, which indeed would be a form of entrapment. He then smiled and said, “but if it makes you feel better, I can do a line in front of you now?” I nodded, and he took the bag from me and poured some out. Crushing it with his credit card he asked me to roll up a twenty-pound note as he scraped together four short lines. When he pulled back he waved me forward to do the first two lines – oh right – I weirdly hadn’t expected to be doing the MDMA in front of him, but fuck it. I ducked down, snorted them up and passed the twenty. Squeezing and pinching my nose I looked over as he rose from his lines. “So do you wanna sit down for a bit, to see if it kicks in?” I asked. He nodded toward the bed, snuffling back all the powder. I sat down on the edge, he sat beside me. “I think I saw you out earlier” I mentioned. He nodded. “Mike here by the way” “Simon here” he replied, extending his hand for a handshake and smiling. I started to feel something in the back of my brain, but I was never great with MDMA. “I think I’m feeling it” I mentioned, “but it’s always a bit odd for me, how about you?” I asked. He was raising his half-shut eyes and muttering to himself… Yeah he was definitely feeling something. “Oh yars Mark” “uh it’s Mike” “Sorry Mike. Yah I’m feeling it – that is …some good stuff you have”. He looked at me. His eyes were massively dilated. We said in unison “wow your eyes…” and trailed off and chuckled. I looked at this guy who only hours before had seemed a part of the frosty impenetrable A-gay elite rubbish of Belfast, and yet here we were now, bonding. It was beautiful. I felt Simon and I were having a special time outside of time and that I could suddenly confide totally in him. “You should laugh more dude, your dimples are gorgeous” He smiled at this, and replied, “you’re pretty cute yourself dealer-man” I got a cheeky thought “what else can you do to prove you’re not a police officer?” His deep chuckle was adorable. “Well what would you like me to…” We got cut off by a knock on the door, the en-suite door. “Hey Si, are you still with that dealer guy?” The door opened and a tall pale guy with jet black hair stepped in. He was wearing a towel around his waist and had obviously come from the shower. His body definitely fit into the 5% body fat category. I think I could have seen him on a Men’s Health magazine or something – he had a familiar look about him. Every random Latin-named muscle was on display and some new ones too I think. “This him?” he asked Simon. “Yeah, this mmmmm here is…. Mark..no Mike! This is Iain” Iain smiled and extended his hand to me. “Not named after the Reverend I assure you.” I laughed and still felt very odd to be shaking everyone’s hand at a sex party. He then turned to look back at the desk. His back was just pure sculpture. I looked over to see Simon/Lawyer John smirking at me, catching me ogling the beefcake mere metres away from me. I giggled and nudged him. Yeah ok maybe the MDMA was having an effect. I’d missed Iain’s request “What now?” Iain repeated himself “Is it ok if I sample a line or two” “Be my guest,” I sorta slurred out. Iain bent over the desk to crush out a line’s worth. I was looking at Simon. He had mischief in his eyes. “Iain” Simon called, “I need to prove something to Mike here” and reached over to his towel-covered ass. Tugging on the towel as Iain crushed his line, Simon succeeded on pulling the towel off, revealing Iain’s pale magnificent ass. Iain barely reacted, engrossed in his task. The twin globes were just that right blend of smooth and bubble-butt, spreading down into two tree trunks of thighs. A real rugby player physique! Oh shit, now I knew where I’d seen Iain before. He’s Iain the rugby player! The gay rugby player Iain Hawkins! He was the prop-forward for the Northern Irish team who’d recently come out and had all his family support him in the papers, and his… boyfriend! I watched him earlier today get trounced by the fuckin Kiwis! My tabloid journalist was itching at the size of the scoop I had in front of me. Belfast A-Gay number 2, Iain Hawkins prop-forward for Northern Ireland, showing me his incredibly fuckable ass, while doing Class A drugs. Another part of me took over as I refocused on that ass. “Mike” Simon called back to me, “I’m gonna do something I’m pretty sure no undercover cop would do” and with that licked a finger and started to pull Iain’s ass-cheeks apart. Then exposing Iain’s pink rosy hole, he guided the lubed finger into Iain’s hole. Working it in quite quickly I figured Iain had already been fucked this night. Simon replaced his finger with his tongue as he got up properly to rim his friend. I heard Iain groan in appreciation and follow it with one quick snort. I was rubbing my cock through my grey tracksuit bottoms. Simon winked at me and looked to my growing bulge. “Looks like your username wasn’t lying” I smirked and coyly asked “do you want to check for yourself?” as I stood up, raising my crotch to his head height. He used his free hand to snag my tracksuit bottoms down exposing my navy blue jockstrap and jutting nine-incher. Simon mouthed a “wow”, as most guys do. It’s not just nine or nine and a half inches, it’s also quite a thick girthy cock which often a lot of bottoms can’t work with – they think they can, but their eyes are too big for their asshole. Simon got to work, pushing the jockstrap pouch to the side and freeing my monster. As he started lapping on the underedge of my cock, I reached over and started rubbing Iain’s ass cheeks. Iain took another snort and wriggled his ass in appreciation, or at least that what I took his ass-wriggle for. Unopposed I moved both my hands to cup Iain’s ass, kneading and massaging, rearranging our trio so that I could bend over to rim Iain while still giving Simon clear access to my cock. Iain’s hole tasted beautiful. You could tell that the cunt has been used, I could even detect some cum that hadn’t been fully washed away. Damn right I’ll admit I look for a good sloppy-seconds ass when I’m whoring myself round. I steer the fuck away from virgins and twinks. Fucking a cum-dump’s ass where it’s cold and virginal on the outside, but hot and juicy at the core… mmm my version of heaven. After a few minute of rimming and sucking – Simon sure loved sucking my cock and I was feeling a little more adventurous. I was alternating my tongue and my two left fingers, playing Iain’s ass like a fiddle. Iain pushed his juicy orbs again back at us, Simon pulled off of me to come beside me and watch as Iain started twitching his ass. I kept a grip on his ass shoving my left thumb inside him. Simon grabbed and turned my cheek and we stared intensely into eachother’s eyes. Simon took a step closer and asked, “would a policeman do this?” and grabbed the back of my head pulling me in to a full-on kiss. Our tongues were running against eachother, his spit, my spit. As I kissed him passionately back I felt his robe fall open and felt my cock bounce and joust with his thick 7 incher. Every bit of his body was tan, including his cock. I ran my right hand up and down his defined body, running over each muscular ridge – I kept asking myself, was this really happening? I looked down to pinch myself and could see a pearl of precum had started to drip off of his hooded shaft. I started to bend my knees to lick up every drop from his precum-dripping cock – I love a dripper! However Simon held me back and wiped his steady precum flow onto my own spit slicked member. After milking himself this way for a bit, he grunted up at Iain, “look back for a second Iain” Iain, minor sports celebrity, minor gay celebrity for the UK had recently done a fashion-spread for GQ magazine with his boyfriend. Yet right then he was currently sporting just a white powder moustache and a smile. He looked back over his shoulder at my proud nine-incher slick with Simon’s juices, as Simon tapped my cock against his twitching hole. “Oh yeah Mikey, shove that gorgeous stick into me” All thoughts of his boyfriend evaporated, all my thoughts of safety evaporated, I needed those ass-pussy lips on my poor naked cock and I needed it now! Ok yeah, the MDMA was definitely working at this point. I didn’t wait for a second request and shoved my tool deep in that slut’s hole. And what a fucking hole, it was a prime hole – medium rare/pink on the outside, juicy yet well done on the inside. I was a bit worried Simon’s precum wasn’t enough lube, but Iain already had a least two loads in him giving my cock the lovely cream covering as I churned that gut-butter up. I gave that rugby player a fucking penalty, conversion and a try. In fact I lost myself so much in pounding that perfect white arse's hole I didn’t notice Simon was gone. He had gone around to salvage the MDMA. It seemed I ploughed Iain a bit too heavily and now the prop forward had it all over him looking like some Japanese Geisha or some shit. “Oh shit dude, you’re gonna get so fucking high” I laughed, but I didn’t stop pounding him.
    1 point
  11. Firstly, this is a true story although I might have changed a few names and to make it read OK, I can’t remember all the conversations so a bit of poetic license. The picture on my profile is me, hello, and I’m athletically fit and work out regularly with a good firm stomach and defined six pack. I’ve also got a nice eight inch uncut cock and smooth bubble butt (which I keep hairless as I love a smooth ass). I’m 31 and HIV positive and have been since November 2013 but my conversion was not an accident, rather it came about because I wanted to get bred in style, so to speak, and I specifically hoped I would to convert after playing at a BB party which was held in early August, 2013, and which was specifically hosted for those chasing. The party had been organised by Jeremy, (Jez), a 46 year old positive guy living in Acton in West London who advertised the party on BBRT. His profile specifically stated he was positive and that he had a high viral load. If you’ve ever requested a party invitation on BBRT you’ll know that if the guy isn’t online he may take some time to come back to you. So it was on this occasion. Although when I sent my request, there were already 30 odd guys who were listed as going. Perusing the list showed guys ranging in age from 24 to 56 and since this is the real world, they weren’t all super fit studs, (sadly) or more-or-less those with whom I would want to play, but there were definitely a few guys on there that floated my boat. One in particular, a 32 year old muscle hunk named Jamie was certainly fucking hot and dangerously positive. The party requirements were for neg bottom or versatile guys and for ideally poz guys with high viral load. Undetectable guys would be invited if there was space. The poz guys also needed to be top or versatile. The party acceptance list showed that there were about 16 poz guys going and 14 neg or no status on their profile, which, of course, could mean more poz guys. Either way it looked like good odds to get knocked up. And to me, well I’m a gay guy living in London. I moved here when I was in my late teens for University and ended up staying as I love the place. Not to mention it is great for a single gay slut boy like myself who needs it as often as he can and as dirty as he can, although to be fair I’d become more and more depraved as I gotten older. I’d been barebacking totally since I was 25 having had a few fuck buds I’d do it with before then. Then I just realised I loved it raw so sauna sex became all the easier as no one really bothered with rubber in there anyway. God knows how I managed to stay neg until 29, but I did. And I knew I had taken poz loads. In fact on those few occasions where I was being fucked by a guy who had either told me upfront that he was poz, or who was sporting the bio hazard tattoo, the sex was more thrilling than any I had had before. The thrill came from the specific danger that the top could change my life for ever. It was why I knew I needed to be pozzed: so I could breed too. A few days before the party, I still not had received an acceptance to my request, and I seriously thought about cancelling my request as I was playing over the likely scenario in my mind, which led to the question 'What the fucking hell was I doing?' But I didn’t cancel and the day before the party I (and another 20 or so guys) received an acceptance, so the prospective headcount was somewhere around 50 guys with the result I found myself hoping the host had a big house. Naturally I looked over the list of attendees, and to my pleasure I found quite a few by whom I wanted to be fucked. The guys ranged in age from 20 to 60, and about 60% were listed as poz, which led me to think 'We neg boys are gonna be fucked to death. Literally'. The party was an overnight affair starting on Saturday afternoon and finishing Sunday afternoon and so the day of the party I made sure my man cunt was douched thoroughly, and I also pre-stretched, using my biggest dildo. I took the tube and arrived at the party house at 2:00 PM, an hour before the official starting time of 3:00 PM. The party house was a huge Victorian semi-detached villa with at least four floors that I could see from the street. As I approached I found several other early arriving guests who were being checked-in by a man who was ticking off names on a clipboard. Although I had downed a couple of beers before I left my house, I sensed a bit of awkwardness, so I specifically greeted the guys who were waiting in line. The guy at the door was a cute lad, mid 20’s, athletic and dressed in shorts only so you could see his nice smooth chest and pert little nipples. He was friendly with a nice smile. “Profile name?” he asked, looking me over. “I’m Adame24” I said and he looked at his clipboard. “Yep got you” he said ticking my name off. “Neg boy” he said, smiling back at me. “Not for long, I hope,” I replied, returning his smile. “Make your way in and you’ll find the dining room on the left is the locker room. Take you kit off and store your clothing in a bag then head to the lounge. It’s naked only” he instructed. “Thanks” I replied stepping past him into the hallway. “I’ll check you out later” he said, winking at me. I grinned back as I walked through the door he had identified. I presumed from his last statement he was poz and without a doubt I looked forward to taking his load. I found three other guys getting undressed as I entered and they all looked at me and grinned as I started removing clothes. I followed the guys down the hall and towards the music and chatter. The house was very big and entering the lounge it seemed long and vast and quite full of naked guys. Even allowing for the fact that the party had 50 acceptances, you could reasonably expect some wouldn’t turn up but I’d have to say there was over 40 guys there. I didn’t really know where to go at first but I saw a large table set up with drinks so headed for it, and in route I got quite a few glances from the guys, even if when squeezing past the men, my cock was somewhat timid, even if I would say even if flaccid my cock was still impressive. There were all sorts of guys here and I scanned around looking for Jamie. I hadn’t yet seen him but I did spot a few other muscled up lads, the younger guys weren’t bad either especially one who looked like a teenager and was getting plenty of stares. Some of the older guys too were doing it for me although there were some that had plainly gone to seed but none were really fat so I guessed our host had been picky in his acceptances. I felt my ass being handled and turned to see a guy of my age, he had shaved head and short stubbly beard but his bod was as taught as mine. He was hot and, judging by his semi-erect cock, he had a big one. “Hey fella” he remarked in what sounded to be an Australian accent. “Hi, you okay?” I asked as I turned to face him. “That’s one fine ass,” he replied, grinning broadly. “Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.” “You chasing?” “I am," I replied with a smile. “Superb, mate,” he said. I notice his cock was swelling-up as we talked. “You?” I asked suspecting he was about to say what I wanted to hear. “No mate, I’m gifting” he answered, giving me a welcoming smile. I smiled while my cock got hard. Before we could do anything about it the music suddenly went silent and someone cleared his throat loudly. “Guys could I have your attention please.” I looked over as the naked bodies parted to show our host, Jez, stark naked too with a massive dick hanging between a reasonably toned body. He was a fine looking Daddy type with nice pecs and some chest hair. “Guys, welcome to my house. I’m Jez and I’ve organised this weekend’s soirée to help out a few of my negative friends and also some of my positive ones. Firstly, I love breeding and here tonight are 28 like minded guys who love to breed and pass on their DNA.” There was a few ripples of nervous laughter as he paused. “We are also joined by 16 negative boys who are totally fucked up presumably and chasing positive loads,” he continued again with a smattering of laughter. “So for the rules. You may use all but the very top floor which is roped off. All the rooms and beds are made for whatever depraved fucking you want to get up to. If you’re into piss could you do that in the bathrooms and please, no scat tonight.” He said looking towards two guys who looked away at his stare. Presumably he knew something about them we didn’t. “There’s lube all-round the house and anyone found using a condom will be asked to politely fuck off. You'll find drinks in this room and also you’ll find a stash of Viagra, poppers, tooth brushes and weed in here. If you’ve got anything harder then please feel free although please don’t burn my house down. There are towels in all the bathrooms and please shower as often as you want. We have food in the kitchen so help yourself.” “So the main event: all you neg guys are bottom or versatile so please pick up a red arm band from the table so we know who you are. Everyone else is obviously a top. And so you know, every top is not only positive but has a high viral load. A few boys clinically have AIDs. There are no undetectable guys here. Neg boys, make sure you try and take everyone’s load before you revisit guys again. You can’t refuse a cock either so get pissed and high and get horny for us breeders. Dirtier the better please. Some of us tops are versatile and I can understand a top taking cock while waiting for his erection to 'recharge', but make sure you're a top, make sure you take cock from the versatile neg boys so as not to waste any charged loads on a poz lad. Finally, tonight is about converting 16 neg fuckers into breeders. We have our duty cut out for us, boys, so let’s get dirty.” With that he finished his introductory speech and there was a polite round of applause and cheers. I turned back to the table and saw a pile of red arm bands. Slowly guys were picking them up and I did too wearing it on my right arm, my badge of shame. Negative and ready to be deflowered. The Aussie top grabbed my ass again and turning we kissed hard as he gripped my now erect cock. “Let’s find some space” he said, pulling me by my cock. He tugged me, letting go as we made our way passed bodies to an inviting leather chair in the corner. Aussie sat down and with his now erect 7 inches of thick cock pointing up he pulled me down and we kissed again. He started to jack my cock but I went down on him and took him fully in my mouth devouring his thick manhood. I licked the precum off and worked him hard while he moaned and pushed my head down hard, face fucking me a little. After a while he told me he wanted to fuck me so I swivelled round taking some lube and fingering it up my hole and smearing his cock. I slowly lowered myself down onto him as he sat there. He pushed up to meet my cunt and I felt his cock slowly penetrate my ring. I’d stretched my hole well today so I easily slid down his dick feeling him inside me. I started to lift up then dropped back down as I felt him meet my rising and falling. His cock felt good and my own banged against my stomach as I fucked him, sniffing on a bottle of poppers. We did this for a few minutes but I wanted to kiss my top so I got off, turned and knelt my legs either side of him and slid back down onto him again. Now I could kiss him which we immediately did and Aussie boy started fucking me. It felt so good being fucked and I steadied myself on the arms of the chair as he plowed my cunt. He was grunting louder and louder, “You want my poz load bitch?” he grunted through thrusts. “Fuck me, poz me “, I moaned back. He suddenly went into overdrive and fucked me fast and deep before I felt him slow and groan loudly. He held me hard on his shaft as I felt his cock twitch in me. His highly toxic load was pumping deep in my guts. We kissed hard while he kept his cock inside me making sure I got every drop. Finally we broke the kiss and I got off him. I could feel drips coming down my leg and reaching down I wiped it up with my hand. Looking at the liquid on my fingers I licked them clean savouring his and my juices. “Dirty bitch” he said grinning at me. “Fuck you later” and with that he got up and walked off. I got back to the table and watched a number of guys fucking before I saw my next breeder coming towards me. It was a younger guy of early twenties and he wasn’t what you’d call fit but he was good looking and smooth. His cock looked to be 6 inches or so and quite thick. “Follow me” he said, which I did obligingly We walked out the lounge and upstairs, I could hear fucking going on everywhere with moans, grunts, smacking and screams audible from every direction. My next top led me to a small room which had two floor mats. Two guys were already on one fucking like mad and he pulled me down on the other. No small talk, he knew what he wanted and pushed me on my back, lifting my legs up to expose my hole. He had lubed his cock and was plunging it into me within moments. I lay back watching him fuck me, his face was emotionless and he stared into my eyes pumping in and out of me. I grabbed his face and pulled it down and we kissed hard, our tongues dueling together.“Fuck me baby.” I moaned at him biting his bottom lip. He doubled his efforts and was hammering away at me for ages. The two guys besides us had obviously cum and they got up only to be replaced by another couple. Usually I like plenty of positions if I’m being fucked this long but he seemed to like missionary best and after a while I could sense he was close. “You want my toxic cum?” he asked me through gritted teeth. “Yes baby” I replied “Breed me” He pumped what must have been a heavy load in my ass as he came with a long, loud moan, cumming hard. I could feel him inside me. We lay together for a few more minutes, his heart was pumping so fast and his cock stayed inside my cunt. Finally he got of me and without a kiss said, “Thanks” and left the room. I felt like such a slut but to the side I could see the two guys in their thirties fucking missionary too. I lay still and watched the guy on his back getting fucked and he saw me grinning with beckoning eyes. I moved over and we started kissing while the top was fucking him. He tasted of smoke but it was hot to French kiss him while his ass hole was being invaded by another lad. I heard the door open and looking up another guy had poked his head round, he saw my available ass hole and was down with me in moments. I carried on kissing the guy and felt my legs being lifted and a new cock invading my hole. This felt bigger and I turned to look at the guy now about to fuck me, he was 40's, OK build, bit hairy but clearly a good size cock on him. He also had a few bruises on his skin and deep sores which I guessed could mean he was one of the guys with Aids. I turned back to the lad being fucked and we continued kissing as I felt the first thrusts in me. For a few minutes we were both being fucked and I carried on with the hottie while being fucked by the older guy. The guy fucking him suddenly started groaning and slowed as he was clearly cumming in the guy’s ass. He grinned at us both and after a few moments pulled out and got up. The guy stayed on his back and pulled me into another kiss as my ass was getting a serious pounding now. This guy was doing a good job of stretching me and I was really enjoying his efforts. Finally after a few more minutes he started to slow and moan and looking round he came in me. I could feel his cock twitch as he dumped his load. “I hope you like Aids” he said as he pulled out of me. I looked round and thanked him as he left the two of us. “Lick me out” the guy lying next to me said. I grinned and went down on his sloppy ass hole, it was quite full of spunk and there was blood mixed in the residue dripping out. I feltched the guy. I do love licking loads out of used sloppy ass holes. He must have had a few loads in there as I got quite a mouth full. I didn’t swallow immediately and we ended up snowballing the toxic spluge together and sharing. “Do me” I said and he did the same for me, licking me clean. Again we kissed and snowballed. “You just bottom?” he said finally breaking the kiss. “No I top too” I said grinning back. “Cool lets meet later I’d love you inside me” he said and with that we kissed and got up, looking for more poz boys. I went back to the lounge and grabbed another beer, there were less guys in here now but still plenty of fucking going on. I grabbed another bottle of poppers and a tooth brush. The latter was there to rough the anal passage up so we’d bleed and help the virus invade our blood stream. I needed to know tonight was worth it so I decided to make certain. The rest of the afternoon and evening blurred into a right royal fuck session with various highs and a few lows. The highs were getting double penetrated by the host and his fuck slut boyfriend who turned about to be the fit lad on the door I’d met earlier. They were really hot and stretched me so wide on their big double bed. I got fucked by a nice toned black guy while I took a quick shower and was happy to down a few guys piss while they came in to use the toilet. Black cock fucking my ass and guys depositing their piss in my mouth. Of course I did get a bit spit roasted too. But the pièce de résistance came around 11pm when Jamie suddenly honed into view. I hadn’t seen this fucking stud all night so maybe he turned up late but he saw me, came straight towards me, grabbed me and we were kissing hard without saying a word to each other. His muscular arms were gripping me hard. I could feel his fat dick between us. “Come” he said in a deep voice. I got dragged to a bedroom and luckily the bed had just been vacated so he threw me backwards on the wet sheets. He pulled my legs up and went down on my exposed sloppy ass hole. His tongue was inside me faster than a ferret up a drain pipe. He was eating me out so good, with fingers invading me too. I wanked my cock as he rimmed me. Finally he came up for air, pulled me towards him roughly and then spat the spludge into my face and mouth. Then started licking it off before kissing me hard again. We shared it between us but this guy was in total control and was holding me down as he kissed me. He bit my lip too and was on my nipples painfully biting them. I like rough but this guy was going to be leaving marks, I could tell. His fat dick kept banging my stomach and I was so horny to feel it inside me but Jamie was in control of me. I gripped his tight and pert bum cheeks forcing him down onto me and lifting my legs to expose my cunt to his cock. He didn’t need asking twice, he pulled up, grabbed my legs and pushed them towards my chest, then aimed his fat dick at my hole and pushed straight in. He didn’t even wait and luckily I was loose enough to accommodate him, just. He still hurt though and I actually screamed out. “Shut it bitch” he commanded and I fell silent and bit my lip. He went into hammer drive pretty quickly too and was fucking me deep and fast. I just about kept up but since he was slapping my face and squeezing my throat, slowly shutting of my oxygen, I had other things to think about too. I was so turned on and honestly a little scared but too horny to care. He kept on plowing my ass hard and although I was having difficulty drawing breath I was enjoying it so much. He finally let go of my throat so I could breathe then pulled out. Flipped me over on my front and dragged me onto all fours towards his cock then plowed back into me and carried on fucking me. He got deeper if anything and I was in heaven as he hit all my spots. I heard the door open and some guys came in but Jamie told them to watch only or fuck off. It seemed I was his bitch and he didn’t want to share. The guys stayed and watched Jamie continued to pummel my cunt and was slapping my ass so hard, I knew I’d have hand marks for weeks. No word of a lie, over the next hour ish, he fucked me in so many positions taking ages to cum. He was amazing and just kept going, we did get a bit of an audience although I noticed it turned into guys fucking around us. When he eventually came I was riding him on his back as he practically pulled my nipples off. He groaned loudly as he pumped his jizz in me and I crashed down on his cock to squeeze every drop out of him. It was the most amazing fuck and honestly he’s up there as one of the best tops I ever fucked. A real stallion. I collapsed on top of his sweaty body and lay there feeling him breathing fast. He pulled my face to his and we kissed long and hard again. Now that he’d cum he’d turned into a lover boy and we lay kissing for ages, feeling each other. Finally I got off his dick which was still in me. He was still hard too but the rules said we had to take cock from everyone before repeats. I must admit I was ready to go again but he pushed me off and said later. I was a bit disappointed but only for a micro second as two other guys were clambering on the bed next to me and were clearly about to rape me too. I kept fucking until about 5am but there were a few guys flagging by now with couples snoozing together after presumably fucking first. I think I’d had about 15 loads by now and had cum a few times. I’d used the tooth brush to rough up my ass a couple of times too or if truth be told I’d used any I found lying around of which they all had blood on them already. My cunt was certainly loose and sore by now but I saw a space on the settee in the lounge and sat down for a quick nap. No sooner had I closed my eyes than my cock was being sucked and looking down I saw the guy I’d feltched earlier staring up at me with his lips round my shaft. He had a couple of fingers in my cunt too but I knew he wanted to ride me and after a while of sucking me he knelt over me and slid down on my cock. I hadn’t topped all night so it felt great to fuck him. We kissed loads and I liked gripping his throat and squeezing as I tweaked his nipples hard. He didn’t complain and we fucked for ages. I got him on all fours at one point and was slapping his ass with gay abandon. After finally dumping my load down his throat, as he wanted to taste me, we collapsed in a hot sweaty mass and ended up sleeping together for a while. I woke up with him at 8 and he kissed me and left to find someone else to breed him. I got some quick breakfast and couldn’t even manage that without getting a blow job from a cute 20 year old lad who was neg too. I told him to take his arm band off and we found a spot so I could fuck him, he was just too cute to resist. The rest of the morning I needed to make sure I got a few more loads and I couldn’t remember everyone who’d fucked me (with a few exceptions) so I just took what came my way. Now that’s a real slut for you! I took another six loads by midday but there was a definite air of finality by now as I suspected the tops were tiring and so by 2pm Jez called to everyone to come back to the lounge and slowly guys did. “OK guys, we’ll call it a day. All you neg boys please let me know your test results and I’ll post to everyone to see how many we converted. I hope you all get what you deserve you dirty fuckers” he said grinning. There was another round of applause and that was that. So here’s the thing, I know I took two dirty loads a week before the party. Yep I should probably have said that at the beginning but in my book it was this party that changed my life. Three weeks later I actually got fuck flu which I thought was a myth but I was ill for a week and sweated so bad. My glands were swollen for ages, I just couldn’t get right. I got tested in October and got a text message from the clinic on November 12th 2013 to say I was positive. Epilogue – Happy to say I met up with Jamie again and again and again. He’s so fucking hot. I’m also breeding my pretty little ass off although I’m currently undetectable.
    1 point
  12. Hi group, wondering how many of you like the idea of very rough/rape sex? I love the idea of actually being fucked against my will, by one or more guys, maybe tied up or restrained Jim PS if anyone in the UK wants to do this PM me
    1 point
  13. 1. OBEY MASTER and Owner at all times. 2. NEVER question your MASTER for any reason. Every time slave addresses its MASTER, do so by using SIR or MASTER in every sentence. 3. slave is NOT allowed to use condoms,he is a BAREBACK slut for everyone. 4. slave will always be grateful for any punishment its MASTER may give to it, giving the MASTER proper thanks for it afterwards. 5. slave will never be allowed to negotiate any sexual acts with its MASTER, those decisions coming strictly from the slave owner. 6. slave will NEVER have any limits. 7. slave will always be expected to keep itself clean and in good health, telling its owner of any health issues that may arise. And always ready for use by its owner. 8. slave will always be ready to serve its MASTER 24-7-365. 9. No is NOT an option. 10. Master is allowed to expand the rules. That are my Slave rules.I WILL OBEY Thank you Master. Bobbi
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Definitely a great start! Now I can't wait to read about him getting some of that dick in his jock ass
    1 point
  16. Damn! Been a bad month- wrecked my back at work sliding and bouncing off a piece of equipment, not enough to take me off schedule, but enough that by the time I was done with my work week, I was done--no sex of any kind--and for me , that was worse than having to have sex with a woman ( still a virgin in that department, thankfully ! LOL) So, yesterday I woke - and no back pain, no sudden shooting bursts of pain- nothing! And it was the 1st of my 3 days off. Got hosed out and began hunting at noon, and nothing was rolling my way. Then, one of the anon FB's hit me up around 8p, wanting up my ass. All was set, he should have been over in 5 to 10 minutes. After 20 minutes I took the blindfold off and sent another msg to him, he was online and no answer, waited another 10 mins, and again msgd to see if he was coming or not- still no answer, so I killed the play date and packed a few essentials, and went south to Miami and the Latin gay bar. Got there just before the door cover kicked in, grabbed a beer, and went to the back patio. A quick walk around, then moved into the back dark corner, slid my shorts down, and waited. As a guy neared, I pushed a gob of vaseline and fist cream mix into my hole. He felt my cock all up, then slipped a finger in my ass, felt around, then pushed his cock in me- fucked me for about 4 minutes as others gathered to watch, one ass wipe kept trying to do a reach under to grab his cock as he pulled out, so i pulled off, spun around and went deep throat on him. After a bit of that, I got back up and bent over the counter, and he began fingering my ass again, then with 3 fingers in, pushed his cock in too, fucked a bit then pulled out his cock and pushed his fist up in me, felt around the hole with his fingers abit, then did a few minutes of mild punch fucking - as I discovered- he was ass fucking the ass wipe next to me as he was fisting my ass! . Decided to break up the 3 way, and walked out of the corner, and connected with a shorter older guy who went right for my tits--love a man like that ! Before he chewed them off completely, I dropped to myy knees and took him deep in my throat, he only lasted a minute before unloading somewhere down my gullet. Went back to the corner, and one of the guys who had been on the edges of the play earlier came up behind me and went straight into my ass with a few fingers--gobbed some more lube on the hole, and he was in- and the hole was opening up nicely, so it was obvious the way it was slopping what he was doing. Ended the night early, taking another load down my throat. And the back has never felt better !
    1 point
  17. keep in mind that hep c is blood borne.....where a variety of fluids can support the HIV virus. So it might be possible to POZZED for HIV and not HEP C....otherway around ----getting only HEP C from blood and not HIV is highly unlikely......(assuming both are well developed in the donor. Given my experience, I would have no issue in getting POZZED up on HIV again....but I would avoid the HEP C as much as I could.....it is nasty crap. So if your question is about just having great sex...and taking a risk....I would not do it.....if it were a partner where I had a longer term love interest, I would likely engage....
    1 point
  18. I have gotten well loaded there. For me it is all about the cum, so I let anybody fuck me. I almost think that doing so sends the message that I am down for anything and it gets me more cock..........
    1 point
  19. Feeling a hand go deep inside you the first time is a strange but wonderful feeling. No doubt, it leads to wanting more and wanting ever increasing size of toy and tool rammed deep into your hole. I was fisting hot and heavy (both giving and getting ) for a couple years. One of the things that I noticed was that I started loosing any desire for cock. All I was thinking of was trying to get opened wider and taking an arm deeper. It became an obsession. But one day, trying to take an arm to the elbow, I realized that while I was enjoying that, I had not had any cum in months....it was all about getting parTied up and fisting. I backed away.....and started enjoying cocks again. I still fist from time to time, but I am careful. As much as I enjoy feeling someone deep inside me, I do not want to give up on that wonderful meat known as cock. I am not able to take what I once did while fisting and I do not fist with any major frequency......rather it is just a nice experience when it happens. I only offer this as a caution. Other guys have told me the same thing........taking a fist can quickly become all you want. For me, the intimacy of getting a cock up the ass or giving a blow job is more important than fisting......but if you really want it.....you can do amazing things----but soon even a nice sized cock will have little importance to you. Be sure that is what you want.
    1 point
  20. I have waited a bit to respond to this post. I found I had very conflicted reactions to that video. Perhaps not a popular view, it is still my opinion. I do have some capacity of concern and support for those who are really suffering with the disease we share. For many of us----like that hot little slut in the video---becoming infected was a lifestyle choice. But for those who have become infected when it WAS NOT their choice, compassion is the right response. But so much of what he had to say seemed self-serving or an outright attempt to refuse to take full responsibility for his own action. When he said that he never thought it would happen to him. FUCK, does he have a "special snowflake" ass that has magic powers to ward off evil cock? No, like all of us know.....if you fuck raw long enough you are gonna catch something. And if you like to play on the wild side, getting knocked up is a reality.....not a myth. He tried pushing some blame to a PORN production company. Anyone who would put their sexual health decisions into the hands of a sketchy for profit business is a fool. News flash buddy, did you not think there was maybe some risk in taking it raw on camera? Some of his other comments seemed to be disconnected from the reality I know as a bottom faggot. He appeared to have little knowledge of the transmission and progression of HIV. He did not seem to be aware of the risks that raw POZ sex brings to your life. Yes he was very sick in the video. But he needs to put on his big faggot drawers like a man and manage his life...not WHINE about it. He fucked raw and got caught. Big fucking deal....happens ever day. To have enjoyed the cock and cash, and then second guess that when it gets serious is just plain narcissistic. Too bad more people do not have a clue about sex until they are lying on their backs with their feet in the air getting their prostrate massaged by a massive cock. That is not the time to make your decisions about sexual health. There are those who do not understand while some of us will gladly take diseased dick in our own effort to know knocked up. Most of us are men about it and fully accept the fate that goes with our choice. While we face the same future as was shown with this young man, we do so not as victims, but with the confidence we made the decision that was right for us. There may be a day that I curse what the virus is doing to my body.....but I will never do anything other than fully own the responsibility.
    1 point
  21. That is so fucken hot, I love AIDS cocks pumping my cunt and filling me up with more toxic juices. I can't wait to have AIDS
    1 point
  22. It's coming. I promise. Life's just been throwing too many curveballs my way.
    1 point
  23. Hot! I want to wallow in that trough while guys use me like the pig I am.
    1 point
  24. I'm hoping to make the leap from 'reputation' to 'legend.'
    1 point
  25. Ok now for a word from the PRO-Raw, PRO-POZ segment of our population. Men were intended to fuck raw. Queer identifying men need to know that sharing raw, poz cock is the most sensual and intimate fucking any species or combination of genders will ever enjoy. So there are a few risks. People smoking knowing the risk of cancer, people eat a bunch of Big Macs knowing the risk of obesity......but while they may be shamed for their activities, only queer raw sex seems to be singled out for being a horrible activity. Perhaps if we were more open and honest about our practices, we could rest the conversation regarding sexual healthy and healthy sex. Less worry about gender, less worry about taboo, less worry about the ideal partner----just more happy people sharing cocks and cum. Before I got knocked up last year, I was somewhat certain these thoughts were misguided and taboo. I took the step to chase and soon found out there are others who feel the same way as I do. I know that as I have become more open and focused on good fucking....not on the crap that others often associate with sex, I see that we have been manipulated for years to think that sex is bad and gay sex is worse and POZ sex is the very worst of the most evil. Reality is quite different, open minded, joyous free and unlimited fucking is a key part to a healthy human existence. For some of us, it is time to talk about that and to change the dialogue. FUCK....and FUCK a lot.....it is all good. And all the crap you worry about, you will soon see how little that really matters. It really is about the cocks and the cum.
    1 point
  26. Just a few weeks ago hooked up with a buddy from Grindr and breed his hot ass. then I also got on the bed and had him eat my hole and then he bred me with his Poz load. never had his dick before and never saw how big it was until now. I took pics and video of me fucking his ass and breeding him.
    1 point
  27. There are bad examples in nearly every avenue of life. While none of us really enjoy experiences like the OP described, it is something of a an occupational risk. I got raped by a BBC who wanted more after we had fucked a few times. We had enjoyed a couple of really nice fucks, but the dude was not satisfied. I ended up beaten, raped, robbed and perhaps more. But I was fucking another cock the next day. I showed up for an "in shape guy", who had to weight 400 and was less than 5' 10". The only way to find his dick was to roll him in flour. Only point being is do not get wired up on one bad experience. Those dudes are out there. Rather remember every good cock and scene you have. Recall each cock that made you thrilled to be a queer. Perhaps revisit the bottoms that took your load of jizz, even if they did not find you a compelling top. It is all about the learning and experience we gain from our adventures. That is why I have (and highly recommend) an any cock any time attitude. I am getting fucked more and enjoying a lot better sex. The few disappointments are minor when compared to all of the great (and sometimes fully unexpected) cock that I scare up. Hell it is just sex. Even the worst cock is better than doing with out. Even a bad one---like haircuts---does not last long. Fuck and fuck often......one of the real joys that makes life worth living. Old Waylon claimed there were only two things that make life worth living...guitars that tune good and firm feeling women. I get the first one, and have traded the second one for a POZ cock in my ass.......now that is something to LIVE for.
    1 point
  28. I need a nice young smooth Asian arse to play with and to satisfy .... . I love the golden skin tone and the gentle but wicked attitude
    1 point
  29. It's rare that a 20something kid is a skilled top, but I met one today at the baths who stole my heart. He was so adorable--stocky but solid, hairy but trimmed, a smile that made me smile, bright eyes, amazing at sloppy kisses, and an uncut cock that just wouldn't quit. That's another great thing about college dudes: they just produce SO much cum, and they're ready to go again in like ten minutes. I wasn't expecting Arthur to have eyes for me, but he did. And after I'd nursed that cock and even tasted his hole, he turned me around and opened me up so skillfully, it never felt less than amazing. Then he was just pounding and pulling my hips onto him, going deep. Holy fuck, I felt like a rag doll when he was done. So hot, so bred deep, and so smitten. <sigh>
    1 point
  30. I self-identify as a faggot and also as 100% male, but I do enjoy being called bitch, whore, slut, pussy, faggot, queer etc. I get off on degradation and humiliation, to me it re-enforces my role in the bedroom - my position as the submissive partner, the one who takes cock and gets bred in the same way that women do. Yeah, I love being called a bitch. Anything that a man wants to call me, if he enjoys it and gets pleasure from it, is fine with me.
    1 point
  31. I agree with everyone else here. I LOVE being called a bitch and faggot and anything else a Sir decides to call me. Actually, I find it an honor and privilege when a Sir spits on me as well. It is one of the highest honors I could receive as a faggot.
    1 point
  32. I winked my hole and enjoyed the squishing of his cum when I heard him talking to someone outside. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I recognized his voice. Then the door opened and someone else stepped in. He didn’t say anything, but I heard his boots step up to my door, and then silence. He must have been reading the note. Then I heard his zipper open, and he said, “I already seen you kid, now I just want your hole.” I imagined he was one of the white guys—a Daddy, from the sound of his voice. I heard him spit on his cock, and as he shoved it in, I was kind of glad that he didn’t want to use a rubber. “Enjoy it, Daddy,” I said, and I think I felt his cock twitch a little when I called him “Daddy.” He grabbed my ankles and started to fuck. “Yeah…good that you know what you’re for, boy. Nice tight, slick boy-hole. That last guy lubed you up good for me.” It was clear he was a talker. Fine with me. “Yes he did. He left a big load in me for everyone else to use.” His cock twitched again. “You spread for Nigga cock a lot, boy?” As he asked me that, I heard the garage door open, and more footsteps. “This must be the place,” said a second voice. “Nice setup he’s got here.” My top was too focused to do more than glance at the new guy, if he even did that. “I’ll spread for anyone who needs a hole to cum in,” I replied, loud enough for the new guy to hear too. That time I was sure I felt his cock twitch. And my own cock was leaking a puddle of pre-cum on my belly. I scooped some up and started to jack myself. I started to flex my hole every few thrusts and heard him grunt each time I did. “Damn, boy! Got a four-day load I need to blow. You keep that up and you’re gonna get it soon…” His breathing was getting ragged and I could feel that he was sweating when his balls slapped against my ass. “That’s what I’m for, Daddy,” I replied. “I want to make sure you enjoy using me.” That pushed him over the edge. He slammed in to me balls-deep, and gripped my ankles so tightly that he was stopping the circulation. I actually felt his balls pull up when he blew because the hairs scraped against my ass. I could tell he was trembling from the force of the first few blasts, and from the sound of it he was grunting through tightly gritted teeth. And when his cock stopped pulsing, he huffed once and pulled out, and I heard him reach over for some tissues to wipe off his cock. Then he zipped up, and I heard him rustling the condom packets that I had separated and left on a silver (plastic and foil) tray. “I’m taking all your rubbers and throwing ‘em out, boy,” he said. “Nobody should have to use ‘em with you, and you know you don’t want ‘em to anyway.” “He’s all yours,” he said to the new guy, then slapped him on the shoulder and left. The next guy had stepped up to my hole before the garage door had even closed. His cock felt only semi-hard, and might not have slipped in as easily as it did if I hadn’t been so slick with cum. “Glad the line was short,” he said. “I gotta take a wicked piss.” By the time it registered with me what he’d said, I was already feeling his hot urine stream filling me. I was a bit in shock, and didn’t say anything. Neither did he, except to sigh loudly and moan, “Y-e-e-e-a-a-h-h…” Then I knew that he must be the guy I’d argued with online. Not really argue, but we had a lengthy discussion about what I was into and what was allowed and not allowed. Piss was never mentioned on either list. When he was finished, he just pulled out and left without another word, leaving me to decide how I felt about piss-play. My cock seemed to like it, at least, because it had started to swell the moment I felt his piss in me, and was harder than it had been all night. He’d heard my conversation with the last guy about “using me” and knowing “what I’m for”. So he used me. Maybe he didn’t use me for sex, or to cum in, but he used me. He needed to piss, and I was just a hole, so he used me.
    1 point
  33. Part 3, One quarter of the way around the Circle That amazing all night fuck fest at the Four Seasons had been just over two months ago. But between school work, and then that nasty bout with the flu he had come down with a few weeks later, (and then all the work to try and catch up on everything he had missed while out sick for a week), this was the first time Yasser had had a chance hook up since that night (although he spent every free moment jerking off to memories of that night.) After a lot of internal debate, Yasser had just posted his ad on Craig's List that morning before he took the train over to Philly and then only chceked his email for replies infrequently while on the train. He had not been sure about posting the ad. On one hand he was here for the Model U.N. program which was important - it would look good on his resume and he was hoping to network and make some good professional contacts. So, he should be going to bed early. On the other hand... he would be in a new hotel room.... how could he not have sex in it? And he was so fucking horny. And once the program started he was not sure he would have any free time to hook up. But on the other hand he should be good and go to bed (alone) early and get some rest..... and so he spent the train trip from NYC to Philly in a continuing internal battle. But as soon as he walked into the hotel lobby he knew he had been right to post the ad. Hotels were like Viagra for him now. He had gotten rock hard the moment he had stepped through the hotel door. He should have known that he would have this almost Pavlovian response. For him now "hotels = sex." So now all thoughts of being good and going up to his room and going over the material for tomorrow were banished. He was happy that he had placed the ad - and even happier that he had replied to the email from the "horny redhead." As soon as he got up to the hotel room he would send the guy his room number and hopefully confirm hooking up. His cock was leaking in anticipation as he took the elevator up to the 8th floor. At this point he would have been happy with sex with anyone tonight. But the "redhead" claimed to be his age, which would make him about 15 to 20 years younger than anyone he had ever had sex with before. That added a new layer of excitement to what lay ahead. He wondered if the redhead would be as adventuresome as the man from the 4 Seasons. After two months with no sex, any sex would be OK.... but that night 2 months ago had opened his eyes to how mind blowing "real" sex could be. It could be so much more than just fucking/getting sucked -- or occasionally getting fucked/sucked off by some middle aged married man who got nervous as soon as he came and then wanted Yasser to leave. That night at the 4 Seasons he had learned what it was like to be covered in sweat and cum, laying in bed next to a hot man who was also covered on sweat and cum. A man who was not freaking out and making up reasons for Yas to leave, but was resting up for the second - (and then even a third round) -where the sex and climax would be even more intense - more mind blowing than even that first explosive orgasm had been. He was looking forward to sharing all that the man at the Four Seasons had passed on to him, and maybe if he was lucky - learning and expanding his sexual knowledge with this new adventure. So, here he was, freshly showered. This time being the one waiting for the knock on the door, rather than to being the one in the hall knocking. It felt odd, being on this side of the door, as if he had graduated or something. He had never "hosted" before, and he felt that being the host that it was his responsibility to make it a memorable evening, to set the tone, to offer something special. To make sure that his guest had a sexual experience he would never forget. It made him a little nervous, what if the "cute redhead" wasn't really cute? Well it was too late now, nothing he could do about that except hope. He was also excited - standing there with just the damp hotel towel wrapped low enough around his thin waist so that the top of his massive tangle of pubes was showing over the top of the towel. On the other side of the door, Jonathan was also a little nervous. This was the first time he had ever hooked up without knowing what the guy looked like. Yes they had both exchanged descriptions but.... The guys on Grinder all had photos, and one of the advantages of going to NYU was being on walking distance of gay bars, which meant you actually met the guy in person before deciding if you wanted to accept his invite back to his place. Jonathan was cute. And he was a redhead - (which was a turn on for some guys). Most people assumed that with his kinky/curly red hair and his pale milky white skin that he was Irish, but he was in fact a Russian Jew. He kept his hair trimmed short so that it would not look too much like a 1960's "Jewish Fro" that it did when it grew longer. He was 5'8" with a nice lean naturally smooth "twinkie" build making him look younger than his 21 years, so he was always getting carded at the bars. The only hair he had on his body was a small thin patch in his armpits and a small but very thick tangle of bright red pubes right on top of his really nice fat 7" cut cock. His cock had a nice fat mushroom head that guys loved to suck and loved to take up their butt. He had a nice milky white smooth bubble butt, that was tight and firm and totally hairless, even in his crack. It was, as he was frequently told by the guys who wanted to fuck him, a "sweet fuckable ass." But that line didn't work too well on him, he didn't mind sucking cock, but he had never liked getting fucked. While he looked like an innocent twink bottom, he was naturally assertive and preferred to top. Fortunately there seemed to always be a shortage of tops, so he had never had any trouble finding a bottom to fuck. But tonight's hookup was a total mystery. The guy had said he didn't have any photos on his phone so couldn't send any. But his description he had given sounded hot, and what the fuck he was out of town and wanted something new. And, if he was really an old troll, he could just say "sorry, I was looking for room 920, I must have gotten off on the 8th floor by mistake" But he was horny and so this was worth the gamble. So there it was, room 820. He took a deep breath and knocked. As the door opened, Jonathan let out a sigh of relief and felt his cock start to harden, the gamble had paid off. The guy WAS hot. Being naturally smooth, almost hairless Jonathan had always been turned on my hairier guys. It was hard not to reach out and run his fingers through the thick coarse black hair that covered his firm pecs, and then his eyes followed that dark furry treasure trail down to that bit of pubes that was showing.... DAMN!!! He was glad that he had stuffed a few extra condoms in his pocket as he was leaving his hotel room. He hoped this might be one of the rare times when the guy was interested in more than just a quick fuck and then a good bye. Yasser also felt that old tingle in his groin. Damn this little redhead was really cute, and supposedly they were the same age, though he looked a lot younger..... this could be fun. Jonathan smiled and held out his hand, "Hi, I'm Jonathan." "Yas" came the startled reply as they shook hands. Never once in the almost two years he had been hooking up with men in hotel rooms had anyone ever asked his name, much less offered their name. This greeting caught Yasser so off guard, that he had not only given his real name, but the shortened nickname only used by family and close friends. They stood momentarily smiling at each other, still shaking hands until, remembering that he was standing at the open door wearing only a towel that was not exactly hiding the growing hardness of his cock, he invited the redhead, no, invited "Jonathan" into the room and offered his guest something to drink, "We could see what is in the Mini Bar" "No, I am fine" came the reply as Jonathan shut the door behind him. Yasser hesitated for a moment, still not comfortable in the role of host. He didn't want this to be just cold mechanical sex like he had had with all the other men, he wanted it to be passionate and primal like that night at the 4 Seasons, so without saying anything else, he leaned in for a kiss, and was eagerly kissed back. Their tongues made initial tentative explorations. Probing. Tasting. Feeling. Until they finally broke off and their faces pulled away slightly from each other, their noses just not quite touching - they both opened their eyes - trying to read the other person. "So..." Yasser started to say with a shy smile. The redhead didn't give him time to finish the sentence, he merely smiled back and leaned in himself for another kiss, one hand gripping Yas by the back of the neck while with his other hand he undid Yasser's towel which fell to the floor. Yas melted into Jonathan's mouth, wrapping both his arms around him pulling him into a tight embrace. Somewhere in the back of his brain he felt the buttons of Jonathan's shirt pressing into his naked torso, his naked legs against the redheads jeans. Jonathan's cock, trapped inside those jeans was desperate to get out - he could feel Yas's equally hard naked cock as if it were a red hot poker tying to burn its way through the fabric. He also felt, and tasted, Yas's tongue pushing again into his mouth probing, no longer tentative, but insistently - as if to claim dominance - Jonathan's tongue pushed back. They dueled. Explored. Each fighting for control. They griped each other tighter -as if maybe, if they pulled each other closer their bodies would merge. The kiss went on. Slowly Jonathan's tongue retreated and Yas's pursued seemingly to claim ownership. Dominance. Jonathan did not consciously submit. But deep down some switch clicked. Eventually they both had to come up for air. Their eyes locked - studying each other. Normally at this point Jonathan would have subtly pushed his hook-up to his knees to service his cock. Instead, not knowing why, he slowly sank down to his own knees, placed his hands on Yas's slim hips and stared at the beautiful cock sticking out from the thick black bush. He opened his mouth and swallowed the dark cock. Pulling in into his mouth - tasting it. When he had swallowed all of it he felt Yas's low hanging hairy balls swing into his chin and his nose was buried in the bush, he inhaled. There was no sweat, Just the faint aroma of hotel soap. Yasser griped Jonathan by the head, feeling his short kinky hair against the soft palms of his hand. Jonathan didn't resist, he just let out a soft whimper and seemingly tried to swallow more of Yas's thick cock. "Damn" thought Yas, after all those weeks it felt good to have something other than his own hand pleasuring his cock - and this guy was good - his mouth felt amazing - that talented tongue was doing wonderful things to Yas's cock. He was getting lost in the sensation just as Jonathan, the guy who considered himself almost a total top, somewhere in the back of his brain was also lost in the sensation of having this cock in his mouth. He was losing control, or maybe giving up control. Somewhere deep down another switch clicked. He didn't know why he had sunk to his knees instead of pushing Yas to his, so that he could be shoving his cock down Yas's throat. All he did know was that he wanted to worship this beautiful cock that was in his mouth. He was beginning - not that he realized it yet - to need that cock. He ran his hands up Yas's torso following the thick treasure trial that served as a road map, til his finger tips found the thick pelt of fur covering the hard pecs. He ran his fingers through the hair, just enjoying the sensation of that thick course hair, until his finger tips found Yas's rock hard nips. He played with them for a little while and then twisted, causing Yas to let out a moan. Jonathon continued playing with Yas's nips while deep throating Yas's long fat cock. Finally, Yasser let out a gasp and pulled his cock out of Jonathan's mouth but still kept his hands gripping the sides of the guys head. Yas tilted Jonathan's head back so he could look him in the eyes. "Damn you are really good but was getting close and I want this to last." And then changing mood he grinned down playfully at the redhead he asked "And how come I am the only one naked in this room?" Jonathan grinned back at the hot dark guy looming above him "You have a point, why are you?" he said standing up and peeling off his clothes as fast as possible. The room was not big, so by the time, with Yas's help, Jonathan was also naked they were standing next to the bed. The stood there, both momentarily hesitating, naked in front of each other - the tips of both of their rock hard cocks, not quite touching, but connected by a thin strand of precum that had leaked out of their piss slits. Yasser's, 7" cock stuck straight out from his mass of thick black pubes that surrounded his cock and his low hanging hairy balls. Jonathan's, fat 7" curved up slightly, like a banana, out of an equally dense, if much smaller patch of tangled kinky bright red hair just at the top of his cock - his balls also low hanging, were pink and hairless. They stood like that for a few moments- their eyes moving quickly studying each other's bodies - both being equally aroused by the contrasts. Yas wanting to explore the tight lean almost hairless body and Jonathan being equally turned on by the taller boys darker skin and all of that dark dense hair, wondering if his chest hair and pits would also gave that faint smell of hotel soap. Yas moved first. pushing Jonathan down onto the bed and pouncing on top of him, Yas stared down briefly at this fucking adorable redhead. He hadn't realized how hot it would be to play with someone who was his own age. And, Damn! he was cute, he loved how smooth he was with only the hint of dark red fuzz in his pits. He took all this in quickly before lowering his face down to kiss. This time Jonathan opened his mouth eagerly- accepting the penetrating tongue into his mouth. Welcoming the probing. But soon Jonathan's natural instinct to be the leader in sex resurfaced and he pushed Yas on to his back rolling on top of him. Pushing his tongue into Yas's mouth. Then after a while, Yas's re-asserted himself and Jonathan found himself on his back again. They alternated back and forth until when Yas was on top he broke off kissing and slid his tongue down Jonathan's neck. Licking, sucking, nibbling his way down to where the neck meets the shoulder and gave a playful bite. Jonathan gave an involuntary moan. As Yas bit down again, harder this time, Jonathan, not knowing why, wrapped his legs around Yas's legs. He enjoyed the the feel of his almost smooth legs against Yas's hairy ones. Yas bit down again - this time even harder and longer. Sucking. He knew somehow that it would be OK if he accidentally left a hickey. That in fact he could leave a mark there. Would leave a mark there. That excited him. All those married men he had always to been so paranoid about marks that he had always had to hold back. Those meetings had just been about sucking and fucking. The man at the 4 Seasons had not cared. Not having to be careful was part of what had added to the excitement of that night. It is when Yas had learned the difference between fucking and sex. He understood somehow that Jonathan was not worried either, as long as it felt good Jonathan would go along for the ride. Yas didn't have to be careful. He could be reckless. This realization was like letting the flood gates that had started to open that night at the 4 Seasons, now opened fully, and the last of Yas's sexual inhibitions were washed away. Yas continued to bite down hard and Jonathan gave another involuntary moan and wrapped his legs tighter around Yas. A jolt of electricity seemed to run from the bite mark to his ass.... making his ass tingle, and start to get hungry. Yas sensed this and it made him more aggressive with the licking, biting, and sucking. Both of them were carried along with the flow of sexual energy that passed between them. Yas attacked Jonathan with wild abandon letting his instincts take over. His mouth worked on Jonathan's neck, and down to his nipples and back again. At the same time his hands were exploring Jonathan's lean silky smooth nearly hairless body. Jonathan felt the energy flow back and forth between whatever part of his body Yas was attacking and his ass. As Yas explored his body, Jonathan felt a growing hunger in his ass. As amazing as the sensation was - it scared him. Eventually Jonathan again tried to reassert himself, rolling Yas onto his back, again starting with a long kiss then breaking off and, his tongue sliding down is neck through the furry chest exploring for the right nipple, finding it and licking it... teasing it... and then sucking it softly at first, and then harder, hungrier. Then switching to the left one. For Yas it was as if his nips were connected directly to his cock, the more Jonathan licked and sucked the more precum flowed out of his piss slit. And so it went each taking turns exploring each others bodies with their hands and tongues. Until Yas grabbed Jonathan by the wrists and pinned his arms up over his head. Yas was drawn to Jonathan's arm pit with that dark red fuzz, he slid his tongue down into Jonathan's arm pit and started to lick and nibble. Jonathan let out a whimper which continued as Yas talented exploring tongue slide slowly down the side of Jonathan's torso licking, then also sucking and nibbling as he went. "Oh fuck ya" Jonathan moaned as Yas's tongue finally made its way to Jonathan's hip and slid over and then down to that sweet spot right between the thigh and the pubes. Yas washed Jonathan's smooth hairless ball sack before sliding up the underside of the fat hard cock. It was fairly smooth, the fat cum tube clearly visible and just one small crooked vein which helped emphasize that Jonathan's cock was otherwise this silky smooth rock hard pink curved shaft. Yas finally reached the flared mushroom head and circled it flicking his tongue over the piss slit to lick up the glob of the pre cum that was pouring out. The both moaned. Yas at enjoying the taste of the precum and Jonathan at the sensation of his cock first being washed and then slowly swallowed by Yas's very talented mouth. Yas lifted Jonathan's ass and spread the ass checks, fuck it was beautiful - smooth, totally hairless, with this tight dark pink bulls eye. He wanted to taste it. Would it be different from the blonde mans ass? Yas buried his face in Jonathan's hairless crack. His tongue flicked over that sweet dark pink hole. Damn he had wanted to taste this since he had first opened the door and seen this adorable red head. He cupped Jonathan's ass in his hands and lifted the ass higher using his thumbs to spread the cheeks further apart so that he could both admire that beautiful hole and get his tongue deeper into it. Although it took some work, Jonathan had not been fucked in months so the hole was shut tight and was not at all puffy - just a small smooth very tightly closed target. Yas placed the tip of his tongue almost at the bottom of Jonathan's spine and then slowly licked up the crack over the tight pink pucker to right underneath Jonathan's ball sack. Then slooowly back to the base and the spine- and then reversed direction again this time pausing to swirl this tongue around that dark pink circle. Jonathan let out a surprised gasp. He had never been rimmed before. The sensation of Yas's tongue and his stubble was amazing. When they had been kissing Jonathan had not noticed any stubble against the cheeks of his face. But now, clearly his ass cheeks were much more sensitive. It was if he could feel each and every short black stubble. It didn't hurt- it was just one more hither to unknown stimulation that was beginning to overload his brain. Yas continued to slowly work his tongue back and forth from the base of the spine to the base of the hairless ball sack. Then in addition to tracing the outline of Jonathan's sweet hole, Yas started to drill into the hole. To very slowly try and open it. Jonathan now had reached up to grab his own ankles- pulling his legs back and wider apart. The repeated waves of pleasure that washed over his entire body every time Yas's tongue entered into his ass had seemingly stunned him into being unable to articulate in words what he needed. Making his hole more accessible was the only way, aside from his constant incoherent whimpering, that Jonathan could ask Yas to continue what he was doing. And so Yas continued. Until he could get his tongue deep into Jonathan's now welcoming ass. Finally Yas lifted his head up and stared deeply into Jonathan's eyes. They were both panting hard. Eating out Jonathan's ass had been a huge turn on for Yas as well, so that for a moment he too was incapable of speech. Then Yas grabbed Jonathan's ankles and placed them on his shoulders and straighten his back. They were slowly catching their breath but still only able to communicate their mutual hunger for each other silently with their eyes. Without breaking his gaze with Jonathan, Yas took his fist and used it to spread all of the precum that had been leaking out of his piss slit down the shaft of his cock, then spit into his palm and added that to shaft of his cock for lube. He had that bottle of lube in the bedside table drawer - but deep down, instinctively he knew this moment was too special for synthetic lube. Until that night at the 4 Seasons he had also always played safe. All the previous men had been borderline paranoid about insisting on it. But after that night he didn't think about the condoms that were in the drawer next to the lube. Again instinctively he just knew this needed to be natural- so there would be no barriers between himself and Jonathan. He knew they needed to be able to feel everything, share everything. He lined up the head of his cock with Jonathan's hungry hole that was still open and wet with his spit. He pushed. As large and fat as it was, his head popped in fairly easy. Feeling Jonathan's warm wet hole welcoming in his cock sent an electronic current through his whole body. The penetration let Jonathan surface, slightly, "No wait" Jonathan's started to say "I have condoms...." But his voice trailed off. He had never enjoyed getting fucked. He had only done it when he knew that getting fucked himself was the price he needed to pay to fuck a particularly sweet ass. But he had never enjoyed it, in fact normally it hurt. But this- damn, it felt amazing. Being on his back seeing the primal determined hunger in Yas's eyes turned him on. He wanted to get fucked by Yas. But still his mind was getting foggy with lust again, but somehow random thoughts ... "play safe" ... "condoms" ... "important" kept trying come to the surface... He tried to focus, this was important, but he had stared slipping into a deep primal place he had never been to before but he tried to fight back to the surface, to vocalize it "Wait... In my poc..,, ooooohhh that.... Yeeeesss.... no wait, ...cond....ooohh ...wait!.....oh.. Yesss... Feels so goo..... No!... ahh...stop .... no" "Yes" replied Yas "yes, YOU feel so good... THIS feels soooo good...." Yas said as he slowly pushed another few inches of his raw cock into Jonathan's ass, then slowly pulled out. Then pushed in just a bit further- back and fourth, slowly. The fat head of his cock popping in and out of Jonathan's newly opened ass. Yas was right, Jonathon thought, it felt so good. Just the head of Yas', cock popping in and out. Teasing his hole with just a few inches of cock with each thrust before pulling out again. "Oh fuck ya it does ...It, ... You, ....This,... fuck... SOooooo gooood!.....But no... wait... " Jonathan waved his arm off in the direction of the room where somewhere, in his jeans, condoms, in the pocket...he couldn't concentrate. No... must concentrate, wait. Concentrate on what? Oh yes, Yas's cock in his ass. Fuck, this was amazing, why did this fuck seem so wonderful when all the others had hurt,... Yas's cock teasing his ass, he wanted all of it - not just a few inches, But wait. Yas's cock, raw, condom.... They should use them. Yes?? ... No? He tried to come back to the surface where he could think logically, but he kept falling back into that primal dark pool where maybe that didn't matter, all that really mattered was how amazing this all felt. Yas's cock in his ass. Yas reached up and grabbed the waving wrist and brought it back - pinning it to the mattress- over Jonathan's head. Then with his other hand he grabbed Jonathan's other wrist pinning it down too. Jonathan looked up, helpless. Not only physically, but also emotionally pinned down. Yas leaned down, their noses barely touching. "I need you" he whispered "I need THIS!" and with that his hips thrust forward and sank the last 4" of his fat straight naked cock into Jonathan. Jonathan pushed back with his wrists, arched his back and started to let out a scream as he felt the inner depths of his ass ripped open. But before he could let out more that a short "Aaaghh...,," Yas lowered his mouth stifling the agonizing moan by shoving his tongue into Jonathan's open mouth. His cock was all the way in now. Jonathan felt a mass of coarse pubes smashed into his hairless- ass. As Yas pulled out and the slammed home again, and again, and again, Jonathan's moans of pain and discomfort and half mumbled disjointed phrases about "condoms" slowly turned into pleading whimpers as he willingly submitted to Yas's penetration. Yas could feel himself getting close, but wanting this fuck to last longer he broke off the kiss and yanked his cock out of Jonathan's ass and sat back on his haunches. Jonathan let out a whimper when suddenly his ass which had grown to need to be filled with a fat cock was now suddenly empty. They were both panting, silently staring into each others eyes. Yas could see the hunger in Jonathan's eyes. The need to be filled again. That sense of power was intoxicating. Yes the man at the 4 seasons had wanted to get fucked by Yas's. But he hadn't "needed" to be fucked. But he could tell that Jonathan "needed " to be fucked. That made his dick harder and his own need to dominate, to control, to mark, to claim ownership, which until this evening he hadn't even known he had, grow even stronger. "All fours!" was all Yas said. All he could say at the moment. It came out almost as a horse hungry bark, not a question or request, but an order. Not knowing why he did it, just knowing that he needed to, Jonathan complied, quickly, eagerly. He flipped over, his knees spread wide, he rested on his elbows rather than his hands so he could lowered his chest and curve his back, instinctively knowing that this would lift his ass up higher in the air, make it easier for Yas to fuck. Yas could see Jonathan was submitting to him, to his cock, completely, so he lost no time. Before Jonathan had fully "presented himself" as the bitch in heat he was was becoming, Yas lined up his cock and slamming it back into Jonathan's welcoming hole. No slow easy reentry, Yas was too hungry for that kindness. Even though he had already been fucked by that cock for a good while on his back, Jonathan was not used to getting fucked and Yas's sudden brutal stab hurt. Yas pulled out just as abruptly and then re-entered with the same force. The same hard, sharp, stab. Each entry hurt physically ...and mentally. Although Yas did not say anything verbally. With each hard thrust forward. it was as if he was telling Jonathan. "You are a bottom, ....you are JUST a bottom, ....you are here to serve me, ......to take my cock, .....you ...are ...just ...a ....hole, ....a hole to take my cock, .....to pleasure ME,.... this fuck is not about you... IT ...IS...ABOUT....MY....PLEASURE...!!!." But in that he was wrong, Each hard thrust was not only battering Jonathan's ass, each thrust was also like a battering ram pounding away at Jonathan's psyche. Yes, Jonathan had come out to himself at an early age, and was totally comfortable being gay. As a top. A top who kind of liked the taste of cum and so would sometimes suck off the guy he had just fucked. This was different. Yas, Yas? was that his name? Jonathan's thinking part of the brain was still submerged. And why was the guys name important right now- all that mattered was that it had been Yas who had taken charge fairly quickly, confidently. Jonathan had always been the one to lead the way before. But from the moment he had stepped inside the hotel room, something was different. Now he was the submissive partner, following instead of leading, trying to catch up - but always seemingly one step behind. And now here he was ass in the air legs spread, presenting himself like a bitch in heat, wanting, NEEDING to feel a cock inside of him. No, not "a" cock, he needed to feel Yas's cock inside of him. The few times he had been fucked before it had always hurt, but this was different. Yas's cock hurt, but somehow, for some reason, he liked that it hurt. Each brutal thrust of Yas's hips, stabbing his cock inside of him made his own cock harder. He was powerless to resist the onslaught, he just let out a pained whimper with each stab, "Hmmmeph.....hmmmph.....hmmmph. Auungghh." He let out a guttural moan when one unusually hard fuck knocked the wind out of his lungs. All he could do was try and spread his legs a bit wider and curve his spine more to try and raise his ass higher in the air to give Yas better access. Access so Yas's raw dick could penetrate deeper into both Jonathan's ass and now totally defenseless psyche. "Yes" he hissed in reply to Yas's brutal thrusts, alternating with an occasional a whimpery "please." "Yes.....yes.....oh....yes....please.....oh yes.....yes....yes....oh....please....yes.....oh yes....pleeeeesssse...." Yas responded to Jonathan's last desperate "pleeeeessssee" with a hard smack on his ass which made Jonathan reply with another hissed "yesss." They fell into a rhythm, Yas's hard raw dick stabbing into Jonathan's ass, Jonathan's hissed "yes" followed by a hard SMACK on Jonathan's hairless pale white ass as Yas withdrew his cock, ready for another brutal re-entry into Jonathan's desperately eager ass. Thrust, "yeeess," pull out, SMACK, "yes"... Thrust, "yes," pull out, SMACK, "yes". .....Thrust, "yeeess," pull out, SMACK, "yees". ... Thrust ..."oh, YEESS," pull out SMACK, "please".... It became a mantra, seemingly sending them both deeper into that dark pool, deeper in an altered primal state. Thrust, "yeeess," pull out, SMACK, "yes". ........Thrust, "yes," pull out, SMACK, "yes". .....Jonathan lost all sense of himself as a separate being - he was part of Yas now. No not really - not yet. He was still just a bottom, he was just there to be used....But he wanted, he needed to be part of Yas - to join with him. But something in the back of his brain would not be quiet, every so often he remembered - not consciously - but then finally a thought that started deep down slowly floated nearer to the surface - he sensed it, and then subconsciously realized that Yas was fucking him raw. He had not even had a chance to pull one of the condoms he had brought with him out of his pocket. They were sill there in the pocket of his pants that had been left somewhere on the floor - abandoned in his eagerness to be naked and have sex with Yas. Jonathan distantly remembered trying to ask about them and Yas saying no, they didn't need one. Was that why this fuck was different? - That they were fucking raw? Wait...they should stop. Yas's should put a condom on. He had brought several, just there in his pants pocket. He had tried to point to them hadn't he? Thrust, "hmph, yeeess," pull out, SMACK!, "yesss!". .... He felt his cock jerk up and his ass spasmed at the dim realization that he was having unprotected sex with a stranger. Maybe this was what this was different, there were no barriers between them. Deep in his fuzzy brain the thought tried one last time to fight its way to the surface, they should stop this now. Shouldn't he? Yas pulled his cock all the way out and Thrust forward again, brutally reentering Jonathan's sore and battered hole. "HMMPH", yeeess," pull out, SMACK!, "yesss!". .....with this last brutal recitation of their manta, the last wall broke down in Jonathan. .... He realized that this - Thrust, "yeeess," pull out, SMACK, "yes". .....This is what sex was about. Thrust, "yeeess," pull out, SMACK, "yes". .....this was not some generic hook up. This thrust, "yeeess," pull out, SMACK, "yes", this was SEX. ....deep and primal - it was REAL. Jonathan realized he didn't want any barriers - he needed this intimacy. He craved the connection, to become one with Yas. As they continued to recite their manta Jonathan's "yes's" became more urgent, more desperate, more pleading. His brain finally turned off. He willingly dove back down into the dark warm pool. Dove deep. Surrendering once and for all to his primal nature. Thrust. "OH YES!!!" ... pull out, SMACK. "YES!" ... THRUST. "oh YES, PLEASE... PLEEEASE...YES." Pull out. SMACK. ... YESSSS!" ... THRUST ... "YES...OH FUCK MEEE!...I NEED YOU INSIDE OF ME...FUCK ME YAS! Please FUCK ME!!!" And so Yas did. THUUUST, "YEEESS!!l but Yas didn't pull out right away this time, instead he bent over Jonathan who felt Yas's breath on the back of his neck. Yas's arm circled Jonathan's neck, and squeezed, pulling Jonathan's head back painfully. Jonathan was sure that his spine - already painfully curved to make his ass easier to penetrate would break - but he didn't care, all he cared about was feeling Yas's hard throbbing cock inside his ass, and wanting desperately to feel him cum. To Cum INSIDE of him, that is what was needed so that Jonathan could be part of Yas... and right now - that was all that mattered. He felt Yas's arm tighten around his neck, beginning to choke off his air. The pressure of Yas's hairy forearm against Jonathan's windpipe replaced the hard smack on the ass in their mantra followed by a now strangled but still hungry pleading yes from Jonathan. THRUST, "Yes," pull out, squeeze..."yees" Thrust, "yes" pull out, squeeze, "yes." ...Thrust, "take me," pull out, squeeze, "yes" .... Thrust, "fuck me," pull out, squeeze, "yes." ...Thrust, "breed me," pull out, squeeze, "ohh." Thrust, "make me yours," pull out, squeeze, "Please, please, take me." Yas again stabbed his cock into Jonathan's abused ass, he could feel how puffy the ass lips were now compared to the tight smooth hole he had first entered. "Yeeeessss please" Jonathan responded in a horse plaintive whisper. This time, Yas again kept his cock buried in the battered hole and kept his arm squeezing Johnathan's neck, but also pulled him up so that they were now both kneeling. Yas's pulled Jonathan close so that he could whisper into his ear "Do you want it?"Thrust. "Yes" Jonathan whispered back. Pull out "Do you?" "Yes, please." Yas kept up a steady tempo, thrusting his raw uncovered cock into Jonathan's warm wet willing hole. Pull out. "Please what?" Thrust "I want" pull out "I need." "What?" "You" "Where?" "In me" "What?", fuck me, cum in me" "Are you sure?" "Yes" "Tell me" "Please" "What?" "Please" "Please what?"...Please...Fuck Me...Fuck Me!" "Ok, get ready" "Take it...take it..aahh... take. ah..it .." Yas's rhythmic thrusts were now just random hard brutal stabs. Ta..ke...aahh..taaah...iit..ah....taakk...take..ta...ta...taa...aarrrghhh!... Take IT!". TAAAKE .. IIIITT!!! Suddenly it was as if every nerve ending of Jonathan's body went into overdrive. He could feel each hair on Yas's powerful to arm that was still wrapped tightly around his neck. He sensed each particle of Yas's breath on his ear as Yas barked that last guttural primal "IIITT!!!" He felt each individual whisker hair on Yas's chin against his neck, Each one of Yas's chest hair as it slid across his sweat soaked back. He could feel each individual pubic hair of Yas's against his smooth ass crack and his battered puffy swollen ass lips. The ridge of Yas's cock head seem to grow larger as to scraped the inner walls of his ass. He could feel each engorged vein of Yas's pulsing cock as it erupted in his ass. Each spurt of Yas's cum as it splattered against the battered walls deep inside of his still hungry ass. Those sensations triggered something. Jonathan let out a strangled "AAAUUUGGZHHHHH" as his entire body convulsed as he felt his own cock erupt - his cum shooting out splattering a massive load over the pillow and the headboard. Yas couldn't believe it - he thought the orgasms he had had at the 4 Seasons had been intense. But shooting his cum into Jonathan's ass had been even better. The climax had shot through his entire body, like a massive earthquake followed by several major aftershocks as he felt his cum shoot deep inside of Jonathan's hungry hole. They both knelt there seemingly glued together panting. Time seemed to stop. The universe seemed to have collapsed into this small spot where they were seemingly glued together panting in unison. Holding each other up. Finally their breathing slowed and then Yas's cock softened enough to slip out of Jonathan's ass and they both collapsed in a tangled heap. As Jonathan lay their panting - It slowly dawned on him what he had been missing with all his suck, fuck, blow and go's. This is what sex was really all about. Before tonight he had considered himself very experienced. But he realized that actually he had been a virgin. Sure he had fucked a lot - a LOT. But he had really never had "SEX" before. Never had he felt this intense connection. The sharing. The give and get. The surrendering to the moment. He looked over at Yas's naked body. Damn he looked hot. Laying on his back, his cock was on his thigh, softened but was still fat and shiny with ass juice and cum. His chest was still rising and falling slightly. There were a few marks forming around Yas's nips and the base of his neck. Good he thought - that is the way it should be after sex. To leave your mark, he was just sorry in away that those marks would be fleeting. While they might be pronounced and even dramatic for a day or two. They would then fade away. He wished there was someway sex could leave a lasting mark, some lasting connection. He wondered what marks, what mementos of this night he would find on his body when he looked in the mirror. After all the fuck-n-go's he had had, he hoped this would not turn into a amazing-sex-n-go. He wanted to stay. he wanted to taste what Yas tasted like after sex. What would a round two be like with a guy? Yas looked over at Jonathan. Fuck that was amazing. He had thought that the 4 Seasons had been the best that sex could be but this had been even better and somehow he knew that the next time would be even better. He was afraid to look at the clock afraid at how late it probably was. He should send Jonathan home so he could try and get some sleep before tomorrow's opening session, But he didn't want the evening to end. He wanted more. He took one more lingering gaze at Jonathan's lean body. Jonathan was going to have a huge hickey on his neck down where it met the shoulder. And his nips were pretty chewed up. Then down to the beautiful cock. It had softened but was still engorged with a little cum still leaking out of the pink piss slit and pooling on Jonathan's flat hairless stomach. He wanted to taste it. But no. He should send Jonathan home as he needed his sleep and he knew he would never get any with this sexy guy in his bed. Damn that was a beautiful cock, he wanted to get fucked by it, to feel it inside of him. But NO - he needed to try and get some sleep. He should tell Jonathan that this had been really really hot but he should go. Now. He rolled over on his side so he could look Jonathan in the eyes when he told him he needed to leave. As he opened his mouth to speak, Jonathan's reached over and gently wrapped around his fingers around Yas's plump cock. As he felt his cock begin to stiffen his will weakened, Instead he asked, "You don't have to leave right away do you?"
    1 point
  34. New on here, but MANY of you know my tumblr. To introduce myself, I'm a kink pig TOP into hot, sweaty, greasy hole-opening sex with nasty fukkks who know the only way real men fukk is BB -- Perv Dom lookin for pigs into masculine xxx scenes. Want my pigs and man-cunts to understand that mind-fukkkin is as important as fukkkin holes. Professional by day -- sex pig at night. Leather, Skin, Sweat, Muscle, DNA- filth jock. Hot body is admirable, but a perv libido with dark corners is what gets my serious attention. Live better thru kemistry - smoke enhanced fukkk adventurer who knows who I am and what I lust after - bareback sex for the ecstasy of playing with your mind, body and sleazy soul. Two-plus decades of promiscuous cock. Mental skill-set for Alpha male, xxx scenes 1on1 ~ 3way ~ couples ~ or Group. Old enough to know Life may be short, so I’m here to live it and take what I want. Know the rules so I can break them. Seek bottom pigs for deep fucking, deep rimming, deep throating and serious LUST. Long, hard, pointed love as long as the Sacraments last, and edge before unloading. specialty is piss, pre-cum, MULTIPLE freaky loads, and COCK that stays HARD when I'm dancing with Lady T. My fukkk menu -- serious pnp, XXXtreme pig play ‘Gag you while I skull-fukkk your head’ twisted, party sadistic, role-play, PISS, boots, jocks, leather, uniforms. Have done it all and probably will again. ... chronic bator, so sick taboo phone freak when distance means we can't go skin to skin
    1 point
  35. I think it's cool that he appreciates it. But then who wants to lose a hot, hung regular?
    1 point
  36. Two random loads at the sauna today. No idea who from. I was face down in the dark area and each one fucked me and left without saying a word. Hope they were Poz
    1 point
  37. Hey I'm looking for a sissy, petite, CD with outfits to set up a regular thing and fuck when my for doesn't want to put out. I'm 27/6'3"/190/blond/blue. If your interested send me your stats, location, AND PICS ARE A MUST OR I PRESS DELETE. YOUR BEST CHANCE TO REACH ME IS THROUGH KIK AT taman113
    1 point
  38. Previously… “Are you inviting me to your party Simon?” “Well that depends Mike. This invite is for Newry9inches. But it definitely doesn’t extend to Mike McAllister, Irish Sun journalist. What do you think?” Right so… Fuck me! My mouth was gaping open as Simon stared at me waiting for a response. He chuckled and helped Iain up off the floor. Iain picked himself up and shuffled off the en-suite again. It was just me and Simon now. I still hadn’t said a word. I was in shock. Simon obviously was very good at doing his homework, and my journalist mind was immediately trying to make the connections. How had he figured out who I was? He could barely remember my name a minute ago! I don’t have my photo in the paper (it’s bad business for most tabloid journos) and I had just made up the name “Newry9Inches”. Simon walked over to the pile of MDMA and started carding up more lines. As I took in his very economical way of crushing the powder and splitting up the lines – 3 motions per line, I mumbled, “I’m happy to be anonymous”. Simon looked up at that and smiled. God, those dimples! He beckoned me over to the table with the rolled up twenty pound note… …while with his other hand he pulled out a massive black dildo from under the table. “Right Newry, here’s the thing – I don’t want you to be anonymous, cause the people downstairs won’t anonymous to you. I need you to tip the scales here a bit. I’m gonna ask you to do two lines of MDMA here in front of me, fully naked and take some punishment from Hugo here (he nodded at the dildo), and I’m gonna film it. And then I’ll hold on to it for insurance and that way we can be sure you won’t make another hack-piece on either me or any of my guests.” All my wonderful fantasies had suddenly evaporated. Suddenly I didn’t care about the house-party below anymore. The idea of someone holding blackmail footage of me wasn’t an instant boner-killer. I mean, it would be nice to fuck all the wonderful studs I’d spent my gay life getting rejections from online. If only just cause I didn’t fit their strict criteria of being wealthy enough to have a private trainer and was still able to fuck with the best of them… Anyways what the fuck was Simon saying about a hack-piece? Who did he know? “What’re are ya on about Si? What’s this about hack-pieces?” Simon chuckled his deep baritone and replied “you’ll have to give me some quid pro quo before I answer that Newry” and proffered the rolled up twenty. He continued, “aren’t you curious to find out what goes on here? To get an all-access pass? You don’t think I don’t know that there’re rumours out there about me. It’s fuckin Belfast! Don’t you want to see which ones are true?” I squeezed my gritty nose and tried to focus on what he was telling me, however the amount of MDMA that was in my system was making it difficult. All it wanted to tell me was how life can be a torrent of ease and agreeability and to lean back and stroke the soft bed spread… Not the best drug to be high on right now. I thought to myself, “I shouldn’t be making these decisions” and then countered with “but wouldn’t it be lovely to see how this “half” lives and who knows, maybe they’ll accept me?”. Back and forth my inner voice went…. “Fucking get a hold of yourself Mike, you’re high as a fucking kite right now”. I pulled up my jockstrap over my cock again and looked for my tracksuit bottoms. “Simon wouldn’t do anything with the tape, we’re fuck buddies now…” I absentmindedly stroked my swollen cock trapped again by the jockstrap pouch. “Con warned you about him, remember ugly Eoghan”. I found my trackie bottoms, and was trying to slip them up… “…aw but I haven’t even cum yet” I looked over longing at the bathroom door where a solid rugby player I’d been fucking was currently soaping himself up again. …till eventually… “Simon, I’ll let you film me snorting the MDMA…” …deep breath… “…but with some provisos”. I reached out and started stroking his cock. “No dildo. We’ll use your cock instead. And you’re in the shot. And I get a copy” Simon laughed and retorted. “I don’t think you understand who has the upper hand here Mike” I glanced down at his hardening cock in my hand and laughed back at him. “I know perfectly well Simon. After all I’ve a time-honoured way of adding a little journalistic precaution. When I got to your address, I put in a phone message for my office number, detailing where I was going, and my ideas of who was gonna be there. If anything “untoward” should happen me Simon, that’s the first place my colleagues will look.” I stared him down while continuing to jack him harder. His stare was intense and calculating – no dimples now. I could almost see the grudging admiration build in him, and it wasn’t the only thing that was building. His cock was rigid in my hand now. I continued to jack him, faster, his soft tanned foreskin moving smooth over his glistening cockhead. Was that more precum oozing out now? “Ungh… oh fuck it… alright. We’ll both film this on our phones. Send it to whatever storage you have. But it’s fucking game-over for both of us if either of these leak. And if you even think about editing the footage to doctor yourself out, I know a tonne of people who can reverse it, so don’t even think of double crossing me ya lil spide.” “As do I” I countered, jacking him harder. I noticed the angrier he got, the harder he got and the less his elocution showed. There was a steely Belfast accent under all the softer tones. He was showing his roots. His cock was pulsing in my hand now. I used his flowing precum to gently start massaging his cockhead directly. He held out his hand to stop me, biting his lip. Too sensitive or too close I guess. Then taking my hand away from his cock, he shook it, glaring at me with a weird mix of respect and loathing. “To mutually assured destruction?” I grinned as I took my hand back and keeping eye contact with him, I licked a drop of precum from my thumb. “To mutually assured destruction!” Just a short update this time. Will post more soon
    1 point
  39. MIne is wearing a red hood at the Fickstutenmarkt in Berlin. Those who know what Fickstutenmarkt is, will understand.
    1 point
  40. An older neighbor started breeding my ass when I was 13, but my older brother would come in my room at night and play with my cock back then too.
    1 point
  41. Had only a few tops in my life and so far it's disappointment... as a bottom you prep for 30 minutes or 1 hour, then get a 5 minutes fuck before a top is done with you. I like long sessions just because of that, though if they hit hard it hurts up inside as they hit some wrong spots I guess.
    1 point
  42. I was a safe player before and had kind of fantacies of bareback for couple of years. Just several months ago, I decided to go bareback anf started taking PreP ( afraid of getting HIV). Right now, I'm totally a cumslut and love all raw fuck, anonymous dick, the taste of cum, and gangbangs at darkroom. Im also pretty like who I am right now and always glad that I did a right decision of bareback. Recently, I have such fantacies of getting pozed in a convert party, and having a biohazard tattoo on my chest after get the bug. And that really makes me hard. So, does it means that someday, maybe couple of years latter, I will decide to get pozed and make these fantacies reality finally, as I decided to bareback?
    1 point
  43. Married breeder here as well. I do fuck a lot of other married guys and I do enjoy hearing stories of them doing things with their families with my loads still in their guts. I've fucked married guys in their marital beds as well as their kids beds. We both get off on it all its part of the thrill. I haven't worn a condom with any of them and I have a lot of them I do regular.
    1 point
  44. I love to barefuck married guys. Nothing like knowing that after I unload in him that he's going to go home to wifey and kiss her while my cum is dripping out his used cunt.
    1 point
  45. I was bred by my uncle from being 19 onwards. He caught me in a gay bar cruising while I was home from uni and wasted no time in taking me to a hotel and breeding me. I've been shared with a couple of his friends and used as their fuck toy but my uncle always knew I loved him best. Even when I've been in steady relationships I've loved having him phone me to take his seed. Now he is 60 and I still get the occasional call to go down and get fucked, in all the years since that night in the hotel I've had more of my uncles cum than my aunt.
    1 point
  46. Growing up I had two male cousins I played with. One was a year younger than me, the other was 4 years younger. The younger was always my bottom bitch and we got together regularly, as we all lived close. The other cousin and I traded off fucks. We started before we could even cum, but once we could, we were always shooting it deep into the bottom's ass. We never used anything but spit for lube. This kept on till I left for the military.
    1 point
  47. I agree. I was out at Slammers in LA a few weeks ago. I actually got into this a lot. I started by getting sucked in the glory hole area, putting my cock into three different mouths. Then I went into the dark room. It was a Friday so it was pretty crowded. I got my cock into some guy's hole right away and fucked him for a few minutes. I could tell he had at least one load up there because it was nice and silky with cum. I pulled out and went right back to the glory hole area and had two different dudes suck me. I then went back to the dark room and plowed a new hole. I pulled out after a few minutes and turned to leave, but some dude went down on me and took my cock deep in his throat. I let that go on a while and then left the dark room. I went into one of the sling rooms. There was a guy who sucked me for a bit, then I fucked his bud who was in the sling. I pulled out and went back to the glory hole area and, you guessed it, let a couple guys suck my cock, which by that point had ass juice from three dudes on it and cum from at least one other on it. I went back to the dark room, fucked a guy, pulled off, let him clean me with his mouth, and then turned to fuck another dude's ass. This dude had some cum up inside his hole, and I finally came in him, spurting my load in deep. I pulled out and went straight to the glory hole area for a final clean up. The guy who was sucking me actually pulled off my dick at one point and said something like "You've been busy tonight," so he obviously noticed my cock wasn't exactly freshly showered. But he went back to sucking me clean anyway! I finally left, VERY satisfied. Do guys who hang out in glory hole areas know that sometimes the dick they are presented with might well be right from some other dude's hole? Do they care? Do they like it? As a top, I loved knowing that I was presenting a dirty cock to a mouth for cleaning and that my cock had just been inside an ass that was already loaded with cum.
    1 point
  48. PART 9 Dad came over and greeted me with a big hug and kiss. He welcomed me saying he was looking forward to the entire weekend with me. Plugger told his Dad that I had a confession to make. He told me to tell his Dad what I had told him upstairs which I did. Dad looked hard at me and said that he was glad that I had taken the initiative but that I had not been told to do so. I quickly apologized and said that it was an error on my part for being presumptive. Dad was taking control, and I had been wrong. I now knew what his son had told me was very true about his Dad. What I had done was welcome but I would pay for doing it without permission. Dad told me to follow him which I did. We walked over to a small table on which there was a tray covered with a small towel. He uncovered it, and I saw all the fixings for a party. This was going to be a very good weekend and one where I was going to be put through my paces by at least two very good looking black men and hopefully three. Dad took my glass of water from me setting it on the table. He told me to measure out onto a small piece of dark paper what I would use for a slam. I did so. Dad looked at it, picked it up, and set it on a scale. Once weighed, he measured out a second and weighed it. They were almost identical in weight. Dad said Plugger’s name who then touched my shoulder and motioned for me to step away. He led me over to a sling and told me to get in it. I did. Plugger came to my side. He then asked me what my safe word was. I told him I had three: They were the three colors of a traffic light and meant the same thing. With that knowledge, Plugger began strapping my wrists to the sling and finished with my ankles. He asked if I was comfortable; I was. Dad joined us and checked my straps. He told me that they would observe my safe words totally but that they would do nothing to injure me but would definitely use me. I told him that I trusted them both. Dad then said they were leaving but would be back when they were fully prepared. They left, and I was alone. A shiver ran through me in anticipation of what was to come. I heard the two of them return soon enough. When they entered the room they both were dressed in boots, chaps, white jocks, and harness. There was a full impact on me at the sight understanding what was to come. Plugger went over to the small table and brought the tray over to the sling. Dad came and stood by my side. He looked down at me and asked if I was ready; I said, “Yes, Sir.” He reached up on the wall and removed a wide black collar which he wrapped around my neck. He told me that I belonged to him now and that I had to earn everything that weekend. I told him I understood. With that, Dad took a rubber strip off the tray and wrapped it around my bicep and told me to pump my fist. I asked if I might tell him something, and he consented. I told him that my veins rolled. He said that was good to know. No more information did I need to pass on to him. I was his. With this knowledge, Dad released my left arm; I lowered it to my side. Dad took from the tray a point and swab. He held it up tapping it, pulling back on the plunger, then pushing it forward slowly. He then thumped the inside of my arm, swabbed my arm, and placed the tip of the point to my skin and pushed slowly into my body. He stopped steadied my arm and pulled back slowly on the plunger. I looked at the barrel and saw a great rush of red swirling and mixing with the clear liquid already in the barrel. Dad glanced at me and smiled and plunged slowly the contents of the point into my arm. When he had completely dispensed the contents he reached up releasing the rubber strip on my bicep. He once again pulled slowly back on the plunger and I once again saw a darker red fluid begin to fill the barrel. Dad then reversed and pushed the liquid back into my arm finally removing the point from my arm. I had instantaneously begun to feel that euphoric rush that ran completely throughout my body on the first plunger push. I coughed and then again. My head was swimming; my body was relaxed; my mind was rushing; my will was gone; my commitment was sealed; my contentment was just beginning; my willing servitude was sealed. I raised my arm and Dad applied a dry piece of cotton at the position of where just seconds before a point had just deposited a fluid of power. Dad re-strapped my wrist. I thanked him and smiled broadly. Dad patted my chest. He and Plugger moved to the end of the sling. Dad placed the used point on the try and picked up another. Plugger took the try back to the table returning with a speculum. Dad told me that he needed leverage and room and was going to make room for him to do the final injection. Dad pulled my cheeks apart and sat down on a stool which he had pulled over. Plugger and his Dad swapped the speculum and point. Dad began inserting the speculum into my ass by pushing forward and twisting the tool in small circular motions. I was relaxed and in no time Dad had inserted the tool inside me and began to spread the arms on it wide. I could feel my ass stretching wider and wider and opening up for Dad to do whatever it was that he had planned. I was feeling horny by now and this stretching motion only served to accentuate that feeling. Dad asked for a light; Plugger retrieved one and held it shining the beam into my ass hole. Dad moved his hands to my cheeks steadying the speculum with one hand while inserting a second point into my gaping hole. I felt a small prick on the side with a small pressure on the wall. I then heard Dad say that his booty bumps worked. And, with that commentary I felt a small burning sensation in my ass. Dad was injecting me again. He withdrew the point handing it to Plugger who went and placed it on the tray. He returned with something which he handed to his Dad. Dad inserted it into my ass, and I soon felt a brushing sensation. I was being prepped for a good breeding session by these two beautiful black men. My mind was racing in anticipation. My throat was dry and my mouth felt like cotton. I found that Plugger had sensed I was in need of water. He came to my side lifting my head and allowing me to drink my water. He had me to drink half of the glass and told me I would have to drink more all night. All the while, Dad was finishing his work in my ass. He removed the brush from well inside me and began to release the speculum. When Dad had withdrawn the speculum from my ass, he brought it and the brush to me and showed them to me. I took one look at the brush which was pink covered and returned my look to Dad and said, “Beautiful.” END PART 9 PART 10 My ass was revving up to high gear now. I was getting very horny. My cock was leaking like a sieve but totally flaccid. Since my ass is my most important sex organ, what did I care about my cock? Dad placed an oxygen mask over my nose and mouth and tethered the tube running from it the chain to which my wrist was attached. There had been a big modification done to the mask so that the tube was much larger than the usual that delivered oxygen. I soon found out why. I breathed normally and heard a hissing sound from an aerosol. Very soon, I began getting drowsy. I fought to retain consciousness. I then heard a “whoosh” sound and felt a wonderful stinging sensation on my chest followed by the same on my legs arms and ass. I was being flogged. The sensation was wonderful. The flogging stopped as quickly as it started. I felt clamps with weights being attached to my nipples. I felt a pair of hands pull my jock to the side releasing my cock and balls. I felt those hands attach clamps of some sort to my ball sack and cock and finding out later they were clothes pins. What joy. And, then flogging continued with periodic hissing from the aerosol. I did succumb during some of those releases and passed out only to awaken to more wonderful flogging. Dad and Plugger took turns. I watched in anticipation and deep desire to feel the stinging but couldn’t ignore that my ass was screaming for attention by their beautiful black hardening cocks that were obviously straining the pouch on their jocks. At some point, I felt a presence at the foot of the sling and looked. There standing was Dad. He was beautiful in the dimmed lighting with his bare sweat glistening chest and harness. I could just make out the top of his chaps. I smiled and mouthed “thank you, Sir” when with one full force thrust Dad’s cock was completely inserted into my ass. There was pain I realized but the feeling of his cock in my ass was overpowering that sensation. I was totally drawn to the feeling of how hard his cock had become and how big it felt in my ass. He held his cock only for a matter of a couple of seconds before beginning to ram full force into my ass and then pulling completely out until only the head of his cock was inside me. He continued to fuck me in this manner when I realized that my ass was on fire inside and burning with a desire to be fucked even harder. Dad recognized the look on my face and began to unmercifully fuck my hole or rather the hole he owned. He pummeled in and out and twisted his cock from side to side and rammed full force into me jolting me in the sling until the frame was shaking violently and the chains holding the sling were rattling as if in the presence of a tornadic wind force. As Dad was fucking my ass, Plugger was still flogging my chest but not as hard as he had been. I had no concept of time. What I know is that periodically, Dad would violently yank his beautiful steel-hard cock out of my ass, slap my cheeks, and swap places with Plugger. Plugger was his Dad’s son. Though positions had been swapped, the procedure was the same. But, it was different. There were subtle differences. It was all wonderful though. Eventually though, the two of them had had enough fun for the moment. Plugger was the first. He spoke something to his Dad which I did not hear and then proceeded to fuck my ass with great determination and point. I heard him begin to moan loudly and pick up his fucking speed even more. He unleashed his first load of cum in my ass fucking it into me hard and deep. He pulled out and was immediately replaced by Dad who without ceremony repeated the same with my ass. Two loads of related cum in my ass. This was just the start of a long weekend. After Dad had pulled his cock out of my ass, Plugger stepped to my side and showed me a huge black butt plug. He walked to the foot of the sling and shoved the butt plug in my hole with one hard slam. He twisted it in circles a couple of times for a good seating. Nothing was going to be allowed out of my ass. Good. Dad pulled my mask off, leaned down, kissed me, and told me I had earned those loads and that I was going to earn a lot more during the weekend. They began to remove my clamps and clothes pins. I felt the rush of the blood returning to the areas. The feeling was super intense. I was gripping my butt plug and trying to fuck myself with it but to no avail. Dad told me that they would return shortly but they would help me out on my horniness. Plugger had me to finish the water and left. Later, he would return with more water and a pitcher of water. Dad slowly pulled the butt plug out of my ass leaving me feeling totally and absolutely empty. He replaced it with a dildo with a grip area. It’s designed so that this area is smaller than the dildo so that it can’t slip out and one’s ass lips close around it holding it in. Okay. What I didn’t know was that it was a vibrating dildo. Dad turned it on making adjustments until he was satisfied. They left. Though the vibrating dildo helped ease the emptiness of not being fucked, it did provide some relief. It kept my ass occupied. It left me to think about my position and what joy I had just had and was anticipating more. Sooner than I knew Dad and Plugger were back. They returned and had brought someone with them. I looked closely as I could in the dimmed light. I was aware of them talking but not hearing the conversation. What I knew was that soon this tall newcomer was approaching my ass and looked down at me as he stood next to my ass. I heard a deep voice ask if I didn’t recognize him. I told him I didn’t. He said he had bred my ass a couple of weeks earlier at Man’s Country. Ah. He was the first man who Plugger had sent at MC to fuck me. I remembered him well now: Bimini. Dad came up beside me and leaned down to my ear. He told me that I had better please this man. He was a good friend whose name was Bimini and was being offered my ass to breed as he enjoyed doing since it was his house. I flashed back momentarily to MC and searched for any dissatisfaction then; I found none but had not spoken with him afterwards. I shook my head in assent. I felt the vibrator being removed and turned off. Dad walked down to my feet and told the man that my ass had been prepared already once but to feel free to check it out. I felt two of Bimini’s rough girthy fingers ram all the way inside my ass as he pulled my cheeks apart with his other hand. He began to ritually twist and turn his fingers as he had done before but this time he was much more demonstrative. He pulled them out after a short exam and asked Dad how many loads of cum did I have in me. Dad told him one each from him and Plugger but that I had gotten some before submitting to them. Bimini slapped my cheek hard and in a loud voice asked me how many more I had in me and where had I gotten them. I told him that I had gone to MC and been fucked a number of times and had taken seven loads of cum. He looked at me deeply and called me a cum whoring white bitch for which I thanked him. END PART 10
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  49. PART 7 I woke up early on Friday morning. I was determined to be totally ready for the weekend. I dallied around my place checking what bills had to be paid, played some solitaire and hearts on my computer, did some more housecleaning, and finally decided on a nap. It was a short one, but I figured that I might need one should this turn out to be a late night. My alarm rang at eleven as I had set it. I got up and went immediately went into my bathroom. I trimmed my beard and crotch, got in the shower, shaved my head and balls, and showered. Once the main preliminaries were done, I adjusted the water spray and prepared to use my shower shot. Nothing like having the ability to clean out so thoroughly that there is no possible way of any surprise while being fucked or playing. I spend hours prepping myself. I know that I’m totally empty when I insert my nozzle, fully fill my ass to bloating, and can expel crystal clear water for six successive times. Yes, I am a fanatic. I showered once more quickly this time, dried off, brushed my teeth, dressed, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door. It was a little before two, and I had a plan. I was going prepared. I was going to make a stop at MC and gather as much cum in my ass as possible before seven. I signed in, quickly went to my room, changed, and followed my usual routine but with some urgency. I needed to go tonight with as many cum loads in my ass as possible since both Plugger and his Dad enjoyed cum-lubed holes to fuck. With only about four hours, I went on the hunt. There were not that many men at MC at this time of day but still enough to get at least a couple of loads of cum at least. I thought after an hour perhaps I had overestimated the possibility of going loaded. Then, it was like a switch had been turned on. I left MC having taken seven cum loads with two of them from the same man. To refresh myself before leaving, I again quickly showered, dried off, dressed, checked out, hailed a cab, and was on my way for my weekend. I arrived just a few minutes after seven. I rang the bell and was greeted by Plugger with a big smile. I went inside where I was given a big hug and kiss and led to his bedroom. Plugger took my bag and tossed it aside, grabbed me hard pulling me to him, squeezed me hard, then, kissed me deeply. He told me that there was a slight change of plans. I was invited to spend the weekend with them but they had a better plan for using me. I looked intently at him and without hesitating told him that I was there for whatever they wanted. “Good” was all he said. He said that we would spend the weekend together but not in their apartment. What was needed was a more appropriate place to play and a friend of his had such a place that his Dad and he used. Before going, though, he was going to prep me by fucking me good because he had been horny ever since he and I had spoken on the phone. I looked at him and began stripping as did he. He bent me over the side of his bed and attacked my ass with his tongue lubing it with copious amounts of spit followed by his toothy chewing on my ass. He continued gnawing my ass with his teeth which I knew was cutting parts of my ass lips because of the sharp painful sensation that sensitized and stimulated me. He stood up flipped me over onto my back raising my legs to his shoulders and rammed full length into my ass. I could tell my lips were torn and bloody from the warmth; the pain was ecstatic. Plugger fucked me hard holding fast to my thighs pulling me to him. I could feel his thick black cock pummeling my insides as it had done so many times before. It was as if his cock knew every crevice and g-spot that was inside of me. His wonderful black cock found every spot that was now demanding to be included in his powerful invasion. His sweat began to drip down onto me. His fucking became wild slamming full length into my ass reaching for the inner most depth that he could as I could sense his cock began to swell up larger and larger so that my ass hole was stretched ever wider. He finally halted ever so momentarily with his cock pulled from my body with only the merest amount of the head still remaining inside me then slammed full force with all his might injecting me with the content of both of his balls as I clamped down on his cock as hard as I could and then releasing the built up salvo of his DNA so that it shot out of his black cock and into my ass in a big mass of poisonous white glue that coated me as I needed. Just as I released his third huge blast of his cum into my ass, Plugger reached down and grabbed my left nipple in his right thumb and index fingers and twisted with great force causing severe pain/pleasure for me and with his left hand raised high sent it hurtling through the air until I felt it hit my right cheek forcing my head to move swiftly to the left. As I clamped down on the black man’s wonderful cock once more to build up his load of cum, he brought his left hand back across my face striking the left side of my face as he squeezed tighter still my left nipple with his fingers. Plugger released my left nipple and collapsed on top of me as I continued to nurse his cock’s spasms and continued to accept his poisonous fluid into me. I wrapped my arms around him and held him sliding my legs down and around his ass pulling him further into me. This was a man who knew how to fuck me. This was a black man who knew how to fuck a trashy white sub kunt. All too soon, Plugger struggled to stand up pulling his now flaccid beautiful black cock from my ass. He laughed pulling me up from the bed. He told me that I was a pervert; I agreed. He told me that he hoped that I was still willing to spend the weekend because I had just gotten a taste of what it was going to be like. I told him, “Let the play begin.” Plugger said that we were going elsewhere for the weekend for privacy since the apartment didn’t provide that. He asked if I trusted him and his Dad. I told him that I would let him know if I became untrusting of them. He looked long and hard at me and told me that neither he nor his Dad would allow any harm come to me but that I was very unique and very difficult to find. Plugger went on to ask if I would be hesitant about men other than him and his Dad fucking and using me. I asked if at least one of them would always be present; he said always at least one would. I told him I was willing. “Then, get dressed. We got to go.” END PART 7 PART 8 Plugger maneuvered his car through traffic for about 45 minutes until we pulled up before a house. Odd, but it looked like any other kind of neighborhood. Normal with yards, neighbors, cars, people, sounds yet I knew this was going to be a house that was oh, so, decidedly different than these other houses. I noted that the houses were not one on top of the other as so many houses in Chicago are. There was space between them. Nothing elaborate but for so much room this had to be at some point an upscale neighborhood. Don’t get me wrong; I understand property and property value. Price is paid for having a distant neighbor. And, distance provides privacy. I followed Plugger to the back of the house where he punched in a code on a pad and a click was heard. He pushed the door open, and I followed him inside. We continued through the house and upstairs. I casually looked where I could. Nice surroundings. Reaching a doorway upstairs, we entered a bedroom in the back. Plugger told me to empty my bag on the bed. I did so. He looked at my contents: black t-shirt; chaps; black jock; harness; leather ball strap; toothbrush; toothpaste; razor; and some other odds and ends. He told me to put my things in the top drawer of the dresser and to strip putting on my jock and leather strap. I was then to put my clothes that I had worn in a neat pile by the dresser. I did so. Plugger watched as I followed his orders turning to face him when finished. He waved me over to him. “Do you really understand what you are here for this weekend?” he asked. “I believe I am here to be used by you and your Dad and most likely by at least one other man as a sexual object to be fucked and have me suck them and whatever else you all want. I believe that most likely there will also be some bdSm play.” I responded looking straight into his eyes. “I trust you both and believe that neither of you will allow any harm come to me.” “You okay with that?” Plugger asked. “If the two of you and with all due respect, more specifically if your Dad wishes it, I am okay with that.” Plugger nodded his head and said, “You know that we don’t ask status.” “I know that. You know that I don’t ask status either. I know who and what I am. I know an opportunity to have a weekend from Hell that will become a part of me and have no hesitation or reservation about consenting to being a part of it.” I looked straight at him unflinching as I gave him my honest belief. Silence passed between us as we looked at each other intently. He attempting to determine if I had any hesitancy; I to let him see I was fully compliant and willing to what he and his Dad had planned. Satisfied finally, Plugger grinned and jokingly slapped my face once saying, “Your ass and mouth are going to be so sore.” Plugger went on to say that I had made an impression on someone else. I had impressed Bimini. He told me that though most white men loved to be fucked by a tall black man they don’t like how Bimini’s fingers feel and what he does with them. I told Plugger that at a bath house using fingernails is about the best tool there is for making cuts to breed an ass. As for his fingers, they were rough and thick but that only added to the sensation as far as I was concerned. I enjoyed them knowing full well what they were doing and what was going to be done following their use. Plugger said that this was Bimini’s house. Now, that did surprise me in a way. I would have thought him more an apartment person. Plugger went on to say that Bimini was also fond at times of participating in bdSm but mostly enjoyed watching it. He just liked to cause pain when he used his nails and to breed a white ass to poison it. I shook my head in understanding. Plugger said that he and his Dad provided Bimini with this visual when the right man came along. I smiled slightly. “I’m going to ask something about Bimini. Where did he get the name?” I asked with serious curiosity. “Bimini is the fishing capital of the world. It’s a huge sports fishing island. He ‘fishes’ for white men especially in order to catch them on his pole after he uses his ‘hook’ fingernails. He takes great pride in landing big catches. Just like researchers tagging their catches, Bimini tags his catches by breeding them to him.” I stared at Plugger with total understanding and awe of this newly learned fact. I was amazed at how simple the answer was as well as how logical and well conceived of its origination. Bimini would be well received by me should I be given the opportunity. “And, how did ‘Plugger’ come about?” I asked. “Simple. I plug any hole with my cock. I don’t care if it’s a mouth, pussy, or ass as long as I can plug it with my cock.” Well, ask and learn. But, the thought of his beautiful black cock in a female, well, that had to be considered. I stood there looking back at him with this information whirling around. “So, you’re bi.” I said. “No; but I will plug a pussy if that’s all there is. I prefer a mouth on a bearded white man or better still his furry ass. But, I will use a pussy.” I still couldn’t envision it, so, I let it go. Plugger stood up. He told me his Dad was in the basement preparing things. He asked what I wanted to drink; I told him water without ice. He asked if I needed to shower or use the bathroom. I chuckled and told him thanks but that I had come prepared. Then, I thought I’d drop the possible bombshell. I asked Plugger if he and his Dad would prefer to fuck a man who already had been fucked. He said they both preferred it so that all they needed was spit if that. He asked why, and I told him what I had done. He smiled and told me that he already knew I had already been fucked but was waiting to see if I would tell him. He motioned me to follow. We went to the kitchen where he filled a glass with water. I took it. He motioned with his head to follow again. We went downstairs which opened up into the general area of a typical finished basement. I followed Plugger through to a door at the back of the basement which opened into another room which was painted all black and moderately lit. The walls were covered with assorted toys expressly designed for such a play room. I knew what was going to happen and began to get hard and leak with pre-cum. END PART 8
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