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  1. Went into a clothing store earlier today to buy a new pair of jeans. It was quiet and the young guy behind the counter (about 21) was eyeing me off. I went into the change booth to get changed and after a couple of minutes I saw a shadow like someone was standing outside the booth. I opened the door and the guy from behind the counter was standing there with his hard cock out, stroking it. Saying nothing I let him in and proceeded to get naked. He got naked too and smashed my hole for a good 10 mins before unloading inside me. He got dressed, walked out and went behind the counter. I got a 15% discount on my jeans.
    9 points
  2. I love showing affection to my brother in public as he is receptive to it and he gives it back.
    5 points
  3. Part 20 - The Singer Jordan was up early doing his rounds before many of the guests surfaced, Daniel had drifted off to sleep by the time Jordan had left. He told Anderson not to disturb him until 9am when he would come back for breakfast. The sun was just beginning to peer over the horizon as Jordan was walking along the pristine beach, he stopped to chat with the deck boys who were responsible for keeping everything just so on the beach and pool terrace. Cael was having an early morning dip before he started work, Jordan waved at him continuing his walk around up to the Orchid Wing pool terrace. His key card opened the gate and he walked through noticing a lone swimmer in the pool, his gaze was averted by the scene and how serene and tranquil this pool area was. Guests were beginning to enjoy coffee on their verandas, many of whom said good morning to Jordan as he wandered across the terrace, the swimmer had stopped and was getting out of the pool. "Morning Jordan" Sam said with a beaming smile and still mesmerised how fit and good looking he was. Jordan smiled and walked over "Good morning Sam, how was your swim?". "Great and this place is amazing, so much more private than the Sandy Lane down the coast" Sam replied drying himself. Jordan chuckled "That is good to hear, did you sleep well?". Sam looked and responded in a rather flirty fashion "Oh yes, very very well". Jordan shook his head smiling he knew Sam was flirting with him "Excellent, and is Morgan looking after you?". "Yes he is. Jordan are you allowed to join me for coffee?" Sam asked trying to hide his shyness. Jordan smiled "Of course I am allowed, but this morning I have breakfast with my partner". Sam shuffled his feet "Ah okay, it's just I'm not use to being so alone like this". Jordan looked at him "What do you mean alone, I thought you would have a whole heap of friends". "No, most of them just see the famous me so it is quite a lonely existence" Sam replied. Just them Jordan's phone beeped he excused himself for one moment explaining it was his hotel phone, he saw it was Daniel 'Where are you, breakfast is ready'. Jordan smiled and typed quickly 'Tell Anderson we have are 3 for breakfast be there in 2 minutes'. Jordan tentatively responded "I guess people see the fame and money aspect and not the person?". Sam finally relaxed his body "Yes you hit the nail on the head. I thought I needed alone time but this is way to alone". "I did read somewhere you had a partner?" Jordan asked him. Sam laughed "Yeah, he tried to screw me over selling pictures all the time, so no partner anymore". "Come on Sam your having coffee and breakfast with us" Jordan said not giving the chance to say no. Sam looked at Jordan "Us?". "Yes, come on" Jordan walked over to the terrace gate and opened it with his key card. Sam giggled "So you are in the suite next to me?" Jordan smiled and nodded opening the gate and calling out "Danny we have a guest for breakfast". Daniel looked up from his book and put it down "Oh excellent". "Sam this is Daniel my partner" Jordan said introducing them. Daniel walked over towards them "Hello Sam, nice to officially meet you". Sam shook his head smiling "Hi Daniel, sorry I didn't realise Jordan had a partner or even gay". "Come sit Sam" Jordan said and then looked at Daniel "I think Sam was feeling a little lonely". Daniel sat down "Well it can get like that hidden away here". "Thank you both, you get use to people forcing themselves on you wanting to be best mates" Sam responded. Daniel and Jordan sat and listened to Sam during breakfast, it appeared to both of them that although he had a possy of people running around him it was a very lonely existence being so famous and single, normality in a true sense was now hard to come by. They were getting on pretty well due to Sam being relaxed around them, Jordan looking at the time realised he would have to get back to work and went over to kiss Daniel. "Back to work Danny boy" he said kissing him on the head. Daniel pinched Jordan's arse "Okay miss you already" he chuckled. Sam stood up "I should go and leave you in peace Daniel". Daniel looked over at Sam "No, sit back down you don't have to go". Jordan leaned in and whispered to Daniel "Invite him for dinner if you like". Daniel nodded and kissed Jordan then looked at Sam "We can spend the day together if you like Sam". "Yes please I would like the company" Sam replied eagerly. Jordan left them to it just as Anderson brought fresh coffee out and poured it for them, they spent an hour mindlessly wittering away to each other. Sam was now on 'Danny' terms instead of the formal Daniel, it was fair to say that Sam was gobsmacked when he found out that Daniel's family owned the Salinger Hotel Group. Daniel found Sam a pair of sunglasses and a baseball cap so that he couldn't be easily recognised, they wandered out of the Orchid Wing and down on to the beach and got Cael to put some sunbeds close to the sea. Daniel and Sam swam and sunbathed whilst Cael looked after them both as well as being look out for any unwanted attention. Sam laid back on his bed a little out of breath at the swim they had just done but happy, it had been ages since he was able to really chill out and no be on his guard all the time. The 5 days seemed to go by quickly and Sam had become good friends with Daniel and Jordan, he had spent most of his time sunbathing and swimming with Daniel and joining them both for dinner in the evenings. They swapped phone numbers promising to meet up when they were back in the UK next week as Sam wanted to take them out for dinner for their kindness. Sam had already sent messages to some of his closest showbiz friends telling them how amazing the hotel was for privacy. Jordan had also by this time been to the British Embassy and received a resident visa which allowed him to work and stay longer in the UK. There last couple of days on the island were bliss, Jordan had a knack at running the hotel, friendly but not stuffy like some of the top hotels on the island. Sofie returned and took back over the running of the hotel leaving Daniel and Jordan one day of alone time before they flew back to the UK. The flight back to the UK was surprisingly good taking in to account that Steve was not attending to them, Callum had put the whole family and Jordan on the airlines VIP list which went to explain why they received private escorts to their seats and the impeccable service on board. They only had a couple of weeks before they were due to fly out to LA for thanksgiving during which time they would have a lot to cram in. It was early evening when Daniel and Jordan were sat on the sofa cuddling up back in England, tired and jetlagged from their flight but fighting to stay awake so their bodies adjusted. The weather had turned much colder as autumn had really set in, they sat chatting about their trip to LA with Jordan expressing his concerns over being back there knowing that Sage would probably be angry, the last thing he wanted to do was put Daniel or anyone at risk knowing what he was capable of. Daniel assured Jordan that they would not stray far from Nicky and Kit's mansion for the 4 days they would be there. Their phone pinged simultaneously, Jordan looked and saw a message from Nicky saying she would be in London day after tomorrow for a publicity event for 2 nights. Jordan asked if they should invite her to stay, Daniel gave a thumbs up to lazy to move any other part of his body that was snuggled up against Jordan. Nicky responded outlining her plans and that she would love to stay, seeing that her second night was free they decided to host dinner. Jordan sent a message out to the Bajan Group 'Dinner at Daniel's on Wednesday evening' the replies came back quickly all yes's except Kit who was staying behind with the children in LA. Jordan then sent a text to Lucy inviting them and then pondered for a moment, he asked Daniel if they should invite Sam as well, again Jordan stuck his thump in the air and murmured yes. By the time they decided to head up to bed everyone had accepted. Daniel and Jordan found themselves travelling to the airport on Tuesday morning to meet Nicky, deciding to use the company limo meant neither would have to drive. Much to their surprise Callum met them at arrivals and had them security cleared to go airside and wait in the clubhouse whilst he went to the plane to collect her. It wasn't long before they both appeared, Nicky wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses looked extremely out of place causing Daniel and Jordan to laugh at her when she sat down. They spent half an hour having a quick catch up and then proceeded through arrivals, the doors from customs swung open as they exited to numerous flashes going off. The papparazzi knew she had boarded a flight in LA so they were stood waiting for several hours to catch the photo of her arrival in to the UK ahead to the chat show she was doing that evening. To Jordan the baseball cap and sunglasses now made sense, they all clambered to get the photo that could be sold to the press for top dollar. Callum, Daniel and Jordan would also find themselves the following day spread across the globe in print. One person in particular who was paying much more interest in her publicity was Sage, for the first time he got a very good look at the now named man 'Daniel Salinger from the Salinger Hotel Group' as accompanying the star. The second photo below showed Nicky and Jordan laughing with each other, Sage sat back laughing he then phoned the newspaper to reveal who one of the 'Unamed male persons' was in the photo. He now had a chance to destroy Jordan publicly and humiliate him all from one phone call. Nicky eventually surfaced from her bedroom at 1pm and joined the boys in the kitchen for some much needed coffee she was on the phone talking with Kit with a serious look on her face, she hung up and looked at them both. "Guys I think you should be prepared for a shit storm about to happen" Nicky spoke with an upset look. Daniel looked to Jordan and then back at Nicky "What is it?". "They have found out Jordan use to do gay porn and the rumours have started" she put her phone down on the kitchen table. Jordan looked a little shock "Well I knew it would catch up one day, but what sort of rumours?". "We are apparently having a torrid love affair in London" she said looking at Jordan. Jordan sat there looking shocked "I am so sorry Nicky" he said. "Don't be silly Jordan I am use to it, but it's you I am more worried about as it is intrusive" she looked at them both. Jordan shook his head "I promise you it won't bother me Nicky". Daniel returned with his tablet and started going through the English press but nothing was there yet but there was one link to a Hollywood publication that he clicked on, the three of them looked waiting for the page to load then sat there in silence reading it. 'Famous Movie Star In Romantic Fling With Gay Porn Star', they looked at each other and continued reading 'Spotted with her new love interest in London?, American gay porn star Jordan with his dashing suave looks and perfectly defined features made several gay porn movies, which at best were only mildly hot but the acting was dire. His looks obviously caught the eye of Nicky whilst hubby is thousands of miles away babysitting.' There were a couple of links to some of his porn movies and the photo of them laughing looking at each other. Nicky looked at Daniel whilst Jordan read over the article again. "Bastards" he shouted "how dare they say my acting was dire" he burst out laughing. Daniel laughed "They don't know you like I do though". Nicky sat down "Welcome to the fame game Jordan". They sat drinking coffee talking and laughing, Jordan had a suspicion that Sage was probably behind this. Daniel was surprised when his mother and father turned up with bags of shopping, she knew Daniel only to well that he would leave it to the last minute to get the food in for dinner. Jordan and Nicky helped Lucy out preparing dinner whilst Daniel and his father set the dining room table, they then went out to get wine. By the time they arrived back everything was prepared only to find Lucy, Jordan and Nicky sat in the lounge having a cheeky drink after all their hard work. Lucy inquired who the eighth person was but Daniel was not giving anything away so Jordan kept tight lipped as well. Lucy and David went to the kitchen to check on dinner whilst the others showered and changed eventually reappearing shortly before 7pm, at the same time Steve and Callum arrived. David played host and poured drinks, Steve was driving but Daniel insisted they stayed over as they had plenty of bedrooms. Just after 7.15pm the front gate buzzer went off and Daniel excused himself, he opened the gates and went to the front door to greet the new guest. Sam got out of the back seat and asked Daniel what time the driver should pick him up. Daniel chuckled before telling Sam he could stay over as the other guests were as well, Sam shrugged his shoulders and told the driver to pick him up at 10am. Sam walked to where Daniel stood "What others?" a look of shyness appeared on his face. "Family and friends" Daniel replied before taking Sam's hand "Come on". They walked in to the kitchen where everyone was chatting "Everyone this is our guest" Daniel called out. Sam smiled when he saw Nicky as they had met a couple of times at award ceremonies, he felt immediately more relaxed. Steve and Callum stopped dead in their tracks mouths open, Daniel laughed at their expressions before introducing them. Callum could only muster three wow's at this point. He introduced Sam to his mother and father where Sam praised them on their amazing hotel in Barbados, Sam gave Jordan and Nicky a hug. It was during dinner that Lucy invited Sam to the opening of the LA hotel in January. Sam was only to happy "Let me know the dates and I will block it out in my diary" he said. "Thank you Sam and I will do" she smiled then turned to Nicky "I was kind of hoping you might open the hotel Nicky?". Nicky smiled "You know I will Lucy". Sam interrupted "Oh hang on, if she's opening it, then I want to sing a couple of numbers" he laughed. Lucy laughed "Okay, actually you have given me another idea but enough hotel talk at dinner". They moved in to the lounge to have coffee, Lucy approached Sam asking if he would endorse the hotels rooftop bar and mind having it named after him. Sam loved the idea at finally getting a bar of his own, well sort of anyway. They all chatted away until the early hours and Lucy had found out everything she wanted to know about Steve and Callum. What had become evident was they both liked their jobs but didn't see themselves at the airline much longer, they both loved Barbados and even more so now they could stay at the Salinger hotel there. By 2am the group dispersed and went to their bedrooms for some much need sleep. Over the next couple of weeks Daniel and Jordan have dined out with Sam only to find themselves plastered over the British press one morning, they had spent a few days with Daniel's sister and husband who both loved Jordan straight away. Steve and Callum would often pop over when neither were working and Daniel's father and Jordan worked out together each morning. It was on one of these mornings Daniel was sat drinking coffee with his mother after finishing their morning swim in their pool. Lucy put her coffee down on the table "So how are things going with Jordan?". "Amazing mother, sometimes I could cry just being around him, I love him so much" his dreamy look said it all. Lucy smiled "I know Danny, you were never this happy with Greg". Daniel mused for a moment "I don't think I ever actually loved him going by how I feel now". Lucy sipped her coffee "That's what I mean. So are you all packed for tomorrow?". "Oh, not yet doing that this afternoon, it is going to be quite a thanksgiving" Daniel said looking at his mother. Jordan and David showered at the gym and then sat in the changing room drying off, most people had already worked out and left for work so it was just the two of them joking and laughing around. David looked at Jordan "Can I ask you something Jordan?". "David, I hope we were past that and could be open with each other" Jordan replied looking at him. "Yes indeed, what do you see happening with Danny and yourself?" David sat down on the bench. Jordan stopped and continued starring in to his locker "What do you mean David?". David pulled his socks on "I mean your future together". Jordan rummage in his bag then turned to David "I just haven't found the courage yet" showing David the ring. A big smile grew across David's face "Don't worry about the courage, you will know when the time is right". Jordan looked at David "Is it to much to quickly?". David shook his head "Just keep the ring on you when you can. And lets keep this between us". Jordan put the ring back "Do you think Lucy would be okay with this?". David laughed "Lucy would be happy if Danny is happy Jordan". They finished changing and headed home to have lunch with Daniel and Lucy. The rest of the day they spent packing suitcases again looking forward to their LA trip.
    5 points
  4. I haven't written in a while but the other day, something happened which I just had to share with you all. My husband is a shopaholic and orders orders stuff online all the time. Because of our work schedules are at odds, I often find his purchases are delivered when I am at home. This past week, I was in the shower and I heard the doorbell ring. He had mentioned a package would arrive that day, and it would require a signature, so I quickly pulled on a towel and ran downstairs. The UPS delivery guy that stood there when I opened the door was a handsome 40 something year old Middle Eastern looking wolf. Dark beard with extremely hairy arms and legs. He was bout 6'2" and maybe about 300lbs. Seemed muscular and was almost too big for his uniform. He addressed me, asking me to confirm my name. As it turned-out the package was for me. He handed me a small box and asked me to sign his clipboard. I fumbled with the box and clip board, particularly as my towel was working loose, and I had visions of it falling to the floor. Still, I successfully juggled the package, the clipboard and my towel, and everything satisfactorily handled, we exchanged the proper niceties I stepped back into the house. I had barely gotten inside and placed the box on the kitchen counter when I received this text message: "Hey, this is Sander. I just delivered your package. I was wondering if I could bother you for a glass of water?" I was slightly surprised, but still I replied by text "Of course, no problem." Upon opening the front door I found Sander standing on my threshold. "Thank you so much. You know how hot it is out there," he remarked. "No worries, come in," I said, motioning him inside. As he entered the house and walked past me, I got a whiff of that distinct odor that was unmistakably man musk. He was obviously sweating in the heat outside. His arm air glistening in the sunlight that entered the house through the front door. I could see the pit stains over his UPS uniform. My ass involuntarily twitched, but I checked myself, shut the door, leading him into the kitchen where I pulled out a water bottle from the fridge and handed it to him. He looked around the living room and kitchen and said, "Wow. This place is really dark. All the windows and blinds down." "Oh yeah. We have neighbors and I don't want them to see me naked in the house," I honestly replied. He took a big gulp of the water bottle I had handed him and downed it in one go. He then turned to me and stared at me with his dark beady eyes. I looked right back. He moved closer to me until he was towering over my small 5'6" 135lb frame. Neither of us said a word. His face was tense, almost angry. My heart started to race and I could feel it thumping loudly in my chest. He was right in front of me, less than a foot from me. I could smell his rank body odor. His presence was overwhelming. I realized that neither of us had spoken or looked away from each other for a good minute or so. I took a deep breath in. He moved his hand and placed it over my head pushing me down. I knew what I was supposed to do. In the next few seconds I was on my knees fumbling with his belt and shorts trying to get access to his baby maker. I unbuckled him and opened his shorts to see his black Jockey briefs. Now normally I would take my time but somehow I knew I had to be fast. I pulled down his shorts and briefs to his size thirteen shoes and saw the most gorgeous thickest black bush of pubes with a nice thick 7" semi uncut cock. His crotch smelled pungent and his cock was cheesy and leaking precum. His hairy balls hung low and were wet with sweat. I quickly lapped up some of the sweat on his balls before starting to suckle on his ripe dirty cheesy cock which was increasing in length and girth every second. The smegma made his dick taste salty. I suckled on his cock as if it was my last moment on earth. By this point his dick was a full nine inches, and was as thick as a coke bottle. I started to choke as I swallowed it whole my nose and lips buried deep into his sweaty pubes. He started to moan. I felt his hands on my head forcing my face to remain buried there with his whole member inside my mouth and deep in my throat. As I started to gag he pulled my head back and said, "Its too big for your mouth." He guided me back up to my feet. My towel by this time was on the kitchen floor. He looked at my body and smiled. He then quickly turned me over and bent me over the counter. I spread my feet apart as I took a deep breath preparing for what I knew was going to be painful. He spit on his fingers and roughly manhandled my ass. I hadn't been fucked in weeks and I was tight. And then just like that, he placed one hand on my mouth and in one forceful and excruciating stroke pushed his thick donkey dick inside of my tight ass. I let out a loud squeal and tried to move away from him, but he knew what would happen and was prepared for it. With his large hand on my mouth and his other one wrapped tightly around my waist, there was no escaping. As tears of pain rolled down my eyes I knew he was inside me and he had full control over my body. He owned me in that moment. He started to thrust deep into me. With every stroke I gasped. He was rearranging my insides with his huge cock. As he kept going I waited for the pain to get better but it didn't. It seemed like this beast was going to get rougher and rougher with every stroke. Suddenly I felt his pace quicken. His thrusts became more forceful. More painful. Deeper. I knew what was happening. He started to grunt in the most animalistic, feral snorts I could imagine and, with stroke after stroke, volley after volley, the thick seed from his sweaty balls emptied into my ass. I looked at our reflection in the stainless steel refrigerator. Here was a giant BULL over twice my size towering over me with his donkey dick inside my small ass pumping me full of his superior seed. After about fourteen volleys, he was finished breeding me. He had emptied all the DNA in his balls completely into me. I was his sow. Just like that he pulled out of my hole leaving it gaping and full of his sperm. I turned around and turned my attention to his dick. It was damp and sticky with a mixture of his seed and blood from when he ruined my asshole. I cleaned him up with my mouth and he quickly pulled up his shorts and said, "Thanks. I really needed a slut to empty into. I'm so glad you opened the door." I smiled back. My ass still hurting from the assault it had undergone, but I was proud of myself. He returned my smile, gave me a light swat on the ass, and quickly left to get back to his route. As I gathered my towel up from the kitchen floor I saw the box on the counter. It was a gift to me from my husband. The package an exquisitely beautiful watch. The card which accompanied the watch read "To my beautiful husband. This watch is to celebrate the last five years of love, loyalty and commitment to each other. I love you more every day." I smiled, not feeling the least bit guilty I had cheated on him yet again....
    3 points
  5. A major league baseball player. That’s as far as I’ll say
    3 points
  6. Part 11 We all were sweating and smelled like the dirty pig whores we were. Chuck pulled his cock out of my cunt in one yank and slapped me on the ass, while I stayed bent over the sofa. He turned to another stranger who was standing, watching me get fucked while playing with his dick and said “why don’t you fuck the whore? He looks like he could use another load in his cunt.” The guy got a big grin on his face and said “fuck yeah, man, that whore needs raped.” I didn’t even see him but the next thing I knew I felt another cock quickly sliding up my ass to the root. I felt his loose balls slap against my ass and was in heaven. I was being used again, and filled up with another of the countless dicks that had bred me today. I turned to look and Chuck was making out with the new guy that was breeding me, a sexy younger bear. The man in the suit had disappeared but a handsome older man had pushed Adam’s uniform pants down to the floor and was pounding his cunt and moaning loudly. “Damn, that fucking sailor pussy is tight.” Daddy was still smoking the pipe and shotgunning huge hits to Adam to get him as fucked up as we were. Chuck sat down on the sofa and leaned up to kiss me while he whispered more dirty pig talk. “Now you’ve got over 20 loads in your pussy, faggot. Your slammed up cunt feel good, whore?” I moaned while the new stranger cock in my hole was using me for exactly what I wanted. Another breeding. “Fuck yeah, Chuck. It feels so good to have more cock inside me. It’s what I need more than anything. More cock, more cum.” “That’s a good little fag boy. Eventually we’re all gonna give you loads of slam piss up your cunt. You want that, pig?” “I’m sure I do, but I don’t know what it means. What’s gonna happen?” As soon as I said that the man fucking me rammed his cock inside me all the way and I could feel him throbbing and shooting another load in my well raped cunt. “Fuck! I’m coming you nasty little whore! Your sloppy cunt just sucked the cum right out of me!” Chuck laughed and said “First I wanna watch your pretty little sailor friend suck all the sperm out of you, and get it all over his sexy face and beard. Then your Dad, sailor boy and I are gonna piss up your hole so you get another load of tina up your ass. You think you’re high now. Wait until that slam piss hits you like a ton of bricks. Maybe we’ll make sailor boy eat it out of your cunt too. I moaned and said “Fuck that sounds so hot! Please let all the men in the room who wanna use my pussy fuck it first.” As if on cue, the dick in my hole was replaced by another stranger’s cock that I couldn’t see. He shoved my head down into the sofa. I could only feel it being shoved up my cumdump, insisting on going where lots of cocks had gone before, and reveling in the sloppiness and all the loads, ready to lube him up. Chuck just laughed and said to the owner of the new cock that was raping me “Just use him. It’s what he’s for. I wonder if we can get 40 loads up his cunt tonight. He’s already up to 20.” “Fuck dude, really? He’s had 20 loads up his ass today?” “Yeah,” Chuck said, “that’s his Dad over there with the pipe. He’s been breeding the kid for years." The guy inside me said “Fuck that’s hot. His cunt is really fucking sloppy. I love a well used cumdump.” He had a really fat cock and it was opening my hole up, I wondered if it was ever going to close up again. I hoped it wouldn’t. I wanted to be open for any cock, any time. My whole purpose in life was to serve dicks with my cunt. Why make it hard for them to get inside? The guy fucking me started pounding me hard, and I moaned. “Please. Fuck. Me……” I trailed off and ended up just moaning. “Holy shit, man,” he said to Charlie, “this little whore really needs to get bred.” He started to pound my hole harder, and shoved his cock all the way inside me. I could feel another load pulsing into my ass. The guy fucking me got really quiet but was moaning “FUUUUUUUUCK” while I could feel his cock throbbing inside me, releasing its perfect sperm to knock me up. He pulled out and walked around to my head and said “Clean my cock off, faggot.” I opened my mouth and greedily sucked his cock, cleaning off all of the random loads of so many guys. Another guy walked into the room from the arcade and made a beeline for the sofa. He opened his shorts and a fat uncut dick flopped out. “You ready for another load, faggot?” Charlie laughed and said “I don’t think he can speak much now, can you pig? Just use him. He wants as many loads as he can get. All up his cunt.” “Sweet,” the guy said, and he slid his cock inside me. Charlie walked over to my Dad and got a shotgun of T from him and leaned down to pass it to me. The latest guy started up with a stream of pigtalk, telling me what a whore I was. What a nasty little fucking cumdump. He called me a faggot. And I knew it was all true. I am a faggot. I am a nasty cumdump. I never say no to cock or cum. I could tell that his endless talk was getting him turned on so I begged him for his load. “Fuck me dude. Fuck my cunt. You wanna breed me like everyone else has today? Add your sperm to my fucking pig hole? Breed it. Knock up my little fag cunt.” “You’re a nasty, dirty little whore. Here you go, faggot. TAKE MY FUCKING LOAD!” And he slammed his cock all the way in my cunt. Where so many had already gone today. I turned to the side and could see that another complete stranger had rammed his cock into Adam’s sweet little sailor cunt and was raping it for all he could. Daddy was passing Adam another shotgun of T and talking low in his ear. Adam just moaned and said “PLEASE BREED ME! I gotta have your cum!” The guy who was raping him laughed and said, “of course pig. That’s why my cock is shoved up your cunt. Need to unload inside a nasty little whore. Even better that he’s serving our country. Let my fat cock serve your cumdump. Dirty fucking pig!” The guy’s balls pulled up and I could tell he was unloading in Adam’s pussy. We needed to take a break. I was starting to get cramps in my legs from being bent over the couch. I sat down on the couch and snuggled up next to Daddy when he pulled a plug out of his bag and motioned for me to take it up my ass. Charlie looked at him and said “hang on a second, Mike,” then he looked at me and grinned. “Remember?” And I laughed and told Adam to lie down on the couch. He wasn’t quite sure what was happening until I crouched over him and put my hairy ass in his face. His tongue felt amazing on my hairy cunt. Adam used his hands to pull my cheeks apart and got his tongue in nice and deep, while leaned over and made out with Daddy and Charlie. I couldn’t stop moaning from the amazing feeling of his tongue mining my ass for loads. I had over 20 loads of jizz inside me, almost all of them from men I’d never seen before and never would see again. But their sperm inside me felt amazing and I knew I wanted more.
    3 points
  7. As I stand here in my giant bathroom, inspecting my naked body in the massive mirror, I find myself thinking about the road that led me here. I trace my fingers over the outlines of the amazing designs on my arms, and then reach up and touch the forbidding symbol on my left pec. I then turn, first left and then right, craning my neck back to see the words imprinted on my buttocks. If my former teammates could see me now. If my ex-girlfriend could see me now. That always makes me smile. My name’s Jake, and I’ve just turned 30. I live on my own in this huge house, bought two years ago when my numbers came up. But while I’m single, rarely a day goes by when there isn’t someone else here. Whether it’s a guy or two I have in the house as a guest, or a whole group of them in the playroom I had built in the garage after I moved in, there’s nearly always someone on hand to keep me entertained. But it wasn’t always this way. Over the next few chapters I will tell you how I became what I became, the things I did that I never thought I would, and how I ultimately emerged as a thirty year-old bearing the words that would forever mark me as what I am now: CUM DUMP. ------- My story starts when I was 26. I had recently changed jobs, finally getting my break as a proper consultant after being stuck in a seemingly never-ending graduate cycle at my previous firm. The rounds of interviews and assessments had been rigorous and taxing, but in the end it all paid off and I found myself finally getting somewhere with my career. The extra money meant Rachel and I could move out of her parents’ place in Hertfordshire and rent a decent flat in Camden, gaining our independence as well as about two hours extra a day with the shorter commute. The new job was hard going, but I loved being thrown in at the deep end and getting to show what I was capable of. Over time I earned praise from my managers and the colleagues around me, and was eventually assigned to a new project that I had been hoping to get on since I found out about it. I was going to be working as part of a team with some great guys, getting to travel to various European offices of the client who had commissioned the introduction of the new system we had developed. Lisbon, Barcelona, Milan, Munich, Stockholm, and many more, all paid for by the firm. I was so excited, although my mood was dampened by Rachel somewhat when she got in a huff about me travelling to all these places without her. She could be hard work sometimes. The first trip was to Lyon in France, and I excelled by being able to surprise the others with my competent grasp of French, a gift from the long hours I had spent being taught French by my maternal grandmother, a native to France. The trip went really well, and by the end of it my more senior colleagues in the team were no longer treating me like the new boy. Then came Barcelona, and that’s when everything changed. The job in Barca was a bit smaller as the client only had a small outpost there. As such, only four of us went this time, comprising me, Ben, Mitchell and Rob. Ben was the senior on the trip, whilst Mitch and Rob had been at the company for only a year or so longer than had I, so we were pretty much equals. To save a bit of money, (and as it was only for three nights), we were sharing two twin rooms in the hotel. Whereas normally at least the senior would get his own room and then the rest of us either sharing or also getting singles. As Mitch and Rob were good friends, it was only natural they took one of the two rooms, whilst Ben and I took the other. On the first night two guys and one of the women from the client’s office took us out for dinner, before leaving us to explore some of the bars in the old town. However, we were all a bit tired from the journey so didn’t stay out late. The next day was a busy one, but by late afternoon we were done with what we could do, pending some overnight process work the client’s IT people needed to do. As such, we headed back to the hotel to change, and then went out for the early evening. The drink and tapas flowed, and dinner never really happened. Mitch and Rob were then up for going to a club, but I could see Ben was enthused as the prospect of a late night, so I suggested that the two of us just call it a night and maybe have a nightcap in the hotel bar. I was actually quite keen to go clubbing, but I didn’t want to be crashing into the room and waking my senior colleague at whatever time in the night, especially as I was making such a good impression with everyone at the firm. So, sure enough, Ben and I found ourselves back at the hotel. We both got a drink, G&T for Ben, a rum and coke for me, and then sat in the comfy surroundings to chat. Ben was 34 and single, which I found surprising as he was a very handsome man. Tall, well-built, well-dressed, charming and funny, he seemed like the sort of guy who would have his choice of women. Or men. I didn’t actually know which team he played for, but didn’t want to pry too much and it really didn’t matter anyway. We finished our drinks and headed upstairs, both of us declaring that we wanted a shower before bed as it had been a clammy night in the city. Ben went first, and then when he came out of the bathroom wearing a towel I headed in to get myself clean. When I’d finished showering the bathroom was so full of steam that I concluded I’d never get dry in there, so did as Ben had done and went out into the room with just a towel on. To my surprise, Ben was still just wearing his towel, and he looked up at me and smiled as I padded past his bed to my own. “Wow, you’re built” he said to me as I passed. I blushed. “Er, yeah, I work out” I said. I was actually pretty proud of my body, all 6’1” of it. I worked out several times a week, jogged regularly, ate healthily, and kept my chest shaved and smooth the way Rachel liked it. “You should show it off more” Ben said, his eyes on me. “Your shirts are way too loose.” Oh man, he had been noticing what I wore. Well, that answered that question I guessed: Ben must be gay. Strangely enough, I felt a stirring in my own loins as his gaze rested on me. “Oh, 'er, you think?” I mumbled. “Hell yeah” he said, “don’t put in all that work just to waste it on your girlfriend!” He laughed, and after a moment I laughed too, although I think it was more nervous laughter than anything. “Thanks” I said, blushing harder. “I didn’t realise, 'er, you were, 'er, noticing.” Ben gave me a warm smile. “I’m not the only one who’s noticed” he said. “You’re pretty popular in the office.” I blushed again, and awkwardly shifted position on the bed. As I did so, my towel loosened and slipped, basically leaving me sitting there naked. I hurriedly tried to sort it out, but only got it into more of a tangle. “Don’t” Ben said softly. I stopped wrestling with the towel and looked up at him. “Let me see.” I don’t know why, perhaps it was the buzz from the rum, but I slowly released my grip on the towel and let it fall beside me. I then swung my legs off the mattress and slowly stood up in the gap between our beds, locking my stare on Ben as he gazed back at me. His eyes were making their way up and down my body in the most lustful way anyone had ever looked at me, and I saw him give his lips a small lick. He wanted me so badly, and something about this situation had my heart racing. My dick started to swell and rise, until I was standing before him with a massive boner, almost starting to pant. What the fuck was happening to me? Wasn’t I straight? Ben looked for a bit longer, and then started to scoot across his own bed towards me. He deliberately removed his own towel on the way so that he too was naked, and then he was sitting there in front of me, staring straight ahead at my dick. Instinctively I shuffled forward a bit, and he leaned in, opened his mouth and swallowed me whole. “Fuuuuuuck” I groaned, having never felt a blowjob like this. He then reached both his hands behind and roughly gripped my arse, pulling me in towards him even more. His head started going back and forth on my cock like a jackhammer, the suction on my dick like an industrial hoover. I put my hands on his shoulders to steady myself, and gradually gripped him tighter as he brought me towards orgasm. Then, rather abruptly, he let go of my arse and pulled his mouth off my dick, causing me to stagger back slightly. I snapped out of my reverie and looked down at him. “Turn around” he said, turning his head up to face mine. “What?” I asked, a little all over the place. “Just do it” he said, suddenly sounding rather stern. I just did as instructed and turned around, not sure what was coming next. Then he grabbed my hips and pulled me backwards towards him, reaching up to push the small of my back so that I would bend forwards. I put my hands on my thighs to steady myself, and then the next thing I knew his face was in my arse. His tongue was lapping at my hole, and the room seemed to be exploding with fireworks. I had never felt anything like this in my life. It was fucking amazing! I’m not sure, but I think I must have been moaning and groaning for England as he gave me my first ever rimjob. He kept this up for a while, actually getting his tongue into my hole, and then he pulled his face out. Before I could turn or straighten up I felt his fingers in there instead, gently prodding and poking at me. I then understood that I was going to be fucked. Ben must have planned something like this, or maybe he was just in the Scouts once and was thus always prepared, but he had stashed a tube of lube in the drawer of the bedside table. He briefly paused the fingering to open the drawer, grab his supply and lube up his fingers. He then started to apply much more pressure with them, pushing one, then two, and then I think three fingers into me. All the while I just continued to stand there, bent over in front of him seemingly inviting him to carry on doing what he was doing. I could say I was paralysed with fear or something, but in truth I was loving it and was suddenly really excited to see what this was going to be like. I’d never really thought about it before, but that didn’t seem to matter. The drink must have been a factor, or at least that’s what I tell myself these days. His fingers started to hit something inside of me, and my silence turned to moans. This only spurred him on, until he was really going to town on me with his fingers. Then, as before, it all stopped abruptly. “Get on the bed” he commanded, “on your hands and knees.” I didn’t even pause. I just moved forward, crawled on to the bed and waited. He grabbed my ankles and pulled me back a bit, and then I heard the splooging sound of some more lube being squeezed out of the tube. The pressure returned on my hole, but it was spongier and fatter than any of the fingers had been. “Let me in” he said gruffly. I didn’t know what that meant, but I instinctively pushed back and must have done whatever it was that was needed as he popped inside. It startled me and gave me a brief flash of pain, but that soon subsided. He then pushed steadily in to me, making me feel fuller than I ever had before. As he got deeper it started to hurt a little more, particularly as he was going into territory his fingers had not reached, but I gritted my teeth, closed my eyes and forced myself not to pull off him. Then the pushing stopped, I felt the roughness of his pubes on my buttocks, and I knew I had his whole cock inside. He didn’t give me any time to adjust, instead starting a steady rhythm on my whole, thrusting his cock in and out in substantial strokes. A dull pain was radiating from my arse, but something else was there as well and it felt amazing. As the pain started to subside, my whole body started to tingle as he fucked me. The feelings were incredible, and I couldn’t stop myself from pushing back against him, trying to get more of his cock in me, trying to make him fuck me harder. And fuck me harder he did. If I thought he was like a jackhammer when sucking me earlier, it was as nothing compared to what he could do with his cock. Pneumatic drills are gentler on tarmac than the treatment I was getting, but it was pure ecstasy. He fucked me for 20 minutes, and then started groaning. “I’m cumming” he grunted, suddenly accelerating his pace even more. Then he stopped, yelled out and held in position as a curious warm feeling filled my rear end. “Fucking take it” he grunted as he unloaded in me, breeding me like the bitch he was turning me into. I just knelt there on my hands and knees as I was filled with cum for the first time, loving the sensation as his cock pulsed inside me. Then, and again rather abruptly, he pulled out and collapsed backwards on to his bed. I felt some cum running down my leg, and began to crawl backwards off the bed with the intention of going to the bathroom to clean up. But as I turned round I saw Ben lying on his back panting, I noticed his cock was still erect and covered in juice. Perhaps it was a case of being in for the penny, in for the pound, but I just couldn’t help myself from dropping to my knees, leaning forward and taking it into my mouth. The taste of his juices, the lube and, I guess, my own arse was intoxicating. As I sucked and licked him clean I started furiously wanking my own cock, getting off on the feeling of more of him leaking from my rear end as I did so. In no time I blew on to my torso, the bedspread and the carpet. I then collapsed back on to the floor, panting and exhausted. Neither of us said anything for a while, but then I got up and started making my way to the bathroom. I got in there, and turned to face the mirror so I could look at myself. I was glistening with sweat, but otherwise looked like me. I felt different, but the man staring back at me was still me, at least outwardly. Then Ben came into the bathroom as well, and turned to face the mirror too. We looked into each other’s eyes via the reflection, until I noticed his cock starting to rise again. I stared at it coming back up to full mast, and then looked back up to his face. He was smirking at me, and then moved to step behind me. I leaned forward a little, and he just planted his cock between my cheeks and pushed into me again. This time he fucked me more tenderly, with none of the jackhammering of before. Throughout, I kept my eyes either focused on my own face, or looking back at his has he slightly grimaced from the exertion of reaming me. My own cock also came back to life so I started stroking myself, adding that to the things I watched in the reflection. After about 15 minutes Ben accelerated, and I focused on watching the reflection of my own face as I felt him shooting a second load into my sloppy hole. Again, it was still me, but this was a me with a cock shooting cum into his arse. When he was done spurting his load into me, Ben caught my gaze in the reflection. Smiling, he gave me a wink, withdrew his cock and swiftly left the bathroom. I just stood there, once again with cum dripping out of me, gazing at myself in the mirror. I felt awesome. I got myself cleaned up a bit, and then went back out in the bedroom. Ben was in bed properly, and was clearly asleep. I headed for my own bed, but then turned to look back at him. The temptation was too great, and I just climbed in. He stirred as I did so, wrapping his arm around me. I briefly lay there facing him, but then turned so he was spooning me. He pulled me in a bit tighter, and then we were both still. I reached out and switched off the lights, plunging the room into darkness. Inside, I knew that I would wake up with a right clusterfuck going on in my mind, but for now I was exhausted, a little sore and in the comforting arms of a man who had just shown me a whole new side of myself. Sleep came quickly.
    2 points
  8. Two years ago I was in DC at the Eagle and two muscular black guys in their mid-30s in harnesses and I were cruising each other. I was 38 at the time, smooth athletic build and wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I finally went over to talk to them and one of them said "Come on. You're going back to our place, you fucking pig." Sounded good to me so I followed them back to their place. We get there and they tell me to strip down to the black jock I was wearing, and to get into the sling. They also stripped, although they left on their harnesses. Next thing I know my right arm was tied above my head and one of the guys asked me if I partied. I said I smoked some T before, but not much. They just looked at each other. They asked if I was poz, to which I answered "No, I'm neg." Another look. Next thing I knew I saw three syringes with orange caps. Being tied-up in a sling, I started to panic a little, but the bigger of the two guys, Terry, said "Relax, we got ya." I responded "Please, don't." Terry replied "You're still our slut for the night." Next thing I knew he wiped my forearm with an alcohol swap, and inserted a needle into my arm. I saw a tinge of blood enter the syringe and then he depressed the plunger, injecting the liquid into my arm. I completely lost my breath and gasped, but Terry encouraged me to take a deep breath. I coughed three or four times, and then felt warm and tingly. My ass felt as if it was on fire. I just looked at Terry and Tom, the other top, and blurted out "Please, fuck me. Please, give me your cock." The two guys laughed at me and said "Good boy, now we have you the way we like you - a hungry Tina junkie, begging for cock." Tom approached to fuck me with his 9.5 inch big black cock. When I realized he was not wearing a condom, I said "No, not raw, please, SIR" but he responded "Shut up, slut and take it" and with that he rammed his entire raw cock into my ass, and all I could do was beg for it. He chuckled "What do you want, white boy?" I answered "Please fuck me SIR." Tom yelled "You want this nigger cock boy?" I muttered "Yes, SIR." I didn't wanna say it. but he made me, and finally I screamed "Fuck me SIR - give me that huge nigger cock up my pussy." Good slut" he replied, and proceeded to fuck me then grunted "Take my poz load boy - here it comes." I was so high I begged him to breed me. When Tom withdrew, Terry was next at bat, and Tom disappeared downstairs. Same thing - another case of "Take my big black cock boy" and as he fed me his 10.5. inches. It was so fucking thick I kept the poppers handy and was begging for it up my pig cunt. He also bred me and as he blew his load I found myself saying "Feed me your cum SIR, breed me" to which he responded "Here it comes, boy - another poz load for your pussy." When he pulled-out and I could feel cum dripping down my legs. My hole felt so empty and I squirmed in the sling, at which point Terry pick-up a huge red butt plus and proceeded to shove it up my pig cunt. It felt soooo good to be stuffed. Then he disappeared downstairs for a good 15 minutes. Next thing I knew, Terry, Tom and two more huge black muscle guys walked into the room. Terry (or was it Tom?) said to the guys "Here's the junkie slut we are pozzing. You want some?" The guys immediately stripped and proceeded to slam themselves. While they were prepping themselves, Tom asked me "You need another slam boy? This time its gonna be a big one - we want you really fucked up." Tom proceeded to stick himself and draw some of his blood into the syringe. As I watched, he depressed the plunger only a bit. The next thing I knew he pulled it out of his arm and stuck me with it - injecting his poz blood into my arm. No sooner had the contents of the syringe entered my blood stream, well, I was flying! I coughed even harder this time and all four of the guys laughed at me. Tom said "Good slut - I just gave you a .5 slam." My pussy was on fire like never before. They untied me from the sling and put me on the bed where they proceeded to take turns on me for over three hours. They even double fucked me. My pussy couldn't get enough bareback cock. The two guests also bred me, so I had four loads in my pig cunt when one of the guys brought out some huge fucking dildos. I honestly didn't think I could take them but certainly wanted to try. I took a deep hit of poppers and the guys proceeded to wreck my hole with extra large black dildos, eventually shoving two in me at once. Sometime later the two guests left, and Tom and Terry fucked me some more, eventually depositing loads five and six in my ass. Late morning I left, and as we parted, Terry and Tom said "Good slut - we want you again. Welcome to the world of poz pig play - you fucking Tina slut." Part 2 next time.
    2 points
  9. It was the winter after I turned 18 when, right before Christmas, I came down with the flu. I dreaded going to the doctor, but my Mom insisted, getting me an appointment on a late Friday afternoon. She was supposed to drive me there, but she telephoned, saying she couldn't get off of work. So somehow I drove myself. A little bit about me. I'm 5' 6" and weigh maybe 145 pounds. Blonde hair that's just about shoulder length. And hazel eyes. Being small older men loved me but none had fucked me yet because they didn't believe I was 18. So off I go to the doctor. I had scarcely walked through the door of the doctor's office when a wave of something hit me - leaving me feeling like shit. Even so there was paperwork to complete, so by the time the nurse came to lead me back to the examination room to get my vitals, the waiting room was empty. After the nurse had taken my blood pressure, temperature, and other routine tests, she remarked "The doctor will be with you shortly." Perhaps five minutes later HE walked in. Dr. William Bell. Six feet, seven inches and perfectly lean, salt and pepper hair. In his mid 50's. My type of man. I was hard instantly. Dr. Bell told the nurse she could go ahead, that he would lock-up, Dr. Bell and I chatted for several minutes until the nurse left and Dr. Bell asked me to undress to check for any abnormalities. I was slightly embarrassed because my cock was hard and I was leaking precum. Dr. Bell didn't pay any attention as his hands poked and prodded at my body. Dr. Bell then had me lay back on the bed and put my feet in the stirrups so he could check my prostrate. I thought that was kind of strange considering anybody could tell I had the flu. But he was a doctor so - well, whatever. I felt somewhat vulnerable given my ass was exposed, but at the same time I was still turned-on. Dr. Bell then startled me, asking if I had ever had anything in my ass. "No," I replied. He responded with a big smile as he murmurred "Just relax," inserting his index finger into my ass. I was so excited and nervous that I didn't notice Dr. Bell hadn't pulled-on a glove on to check my prostrate. As his finger entered my ass my load exploded. I was beyond embarrased, but to my surprise Dr. Bell didn't remove his finger, but rather inserted a second finger. He then scooped up my cum and fed it to me. Before long I was hard again and moaning like a bitch in heat. I noticed a couple of times what felt like him scratching inside my ass. It hurt slightly but the pleasure was far greater than the pain. After a few minutes Dr. Bell inserted a third finger in my ass really opening me up. After Dr. Bell had my ass where he wanted he lowered his pants. I nearly fainted at the size of his cock. It was a full nine inches long and as thick as a coke bottle. I also noticed a scorpion tattoo but I didn't know what it meant. He told me he was going to really destroy my immune system. Positioning himself at the foot of the bed, his cock aligned with my ass, and for better or worse before I could object to the prospects of that monster entering my ass, Dr. Bell shoved his cock all the way into my hole. I all but fainted from the pain. When I came to Dr. Bell was fucking my ass with a steady, powerful rhythm. It started feeling really good and I didn't think about asking about a condom, reasoning to myself "After all he is a doctor so what could happen?" My own cock was now hard again and I was on the edge of having another orgasm. After a few more minutes Dr. Bell really picked up the pace and was fucking me like a man possessed, so it wasn't surprising when Dr Bell let out a growl and unloaded what felt like a gallon of cum in my ass. This sent me over the edge and I exploded all over my chest. Kissing me hard, Dr Bell said "In two weeks I want to see you again." He also inserted a butt plug in my ass saying he said he would call me when it was time to remove it. Oh, by the way, Dr. Bell did indeed write me out a prescription to combat the flu. He also said "Welcome to the club," but didn't elaborate. Nearly two weeks have passed since I saw Dr. Bell, and I am still down with the flu. I can't wait to see Dr. Bell again and find out why.
    2 points
  10. There was a LGBT Pride festival this weekend, so my husband and I and one of our friends went to the parade. Naturally, these festivals usually have after parties, so of course we ended up at the club. At first it was very empty, but as there were two dollar drinks on sale so of course I had to have several. The evening opened with a long island iced tea, but one turned into two, two turned into three, and three turned into four. Oh, and four quickly turned into seven. Needless to say I was drunk as fuck. The morning before we left the hotel my husband had fucked me, breeding my hole nice and deep, and as I expected the day would be fun, I definitely didn't want to prematurely loose his load. I also needed to advertise myself, so before leaving for the parade I slid on a cock ring. Naturally I also skipped underwear, which left my cock printed through the front of my shorts. I knew it was visible but I wanted everyone to see it, especially one of the hairy daddies with whom I'm in heat, and who I expected to be at the parade. Being drunk at a gay bar made me feel extra slutty, and when my friend and my husband was pre-occupied, I decided it was time to walk around and look to see what action I can get into. A couple of guys were seemingly interested, but not enough to follow through. I walked through two rooms, each containing a sling, but no one was waiting to fuck. I figured I'd circle back later to see if the activity picked-up. A few rounds later I found myself increasingly impatient: there was still nothing going on in the slings, and I really, really wanted to fuck. Fortunately two doorways down the hall I found a door which was open. The man inside the room was in his 50s. Sensing he wanted to play really really badly, I stepped up to the doorway and made introductory small small talk, graduating to asking if he wanted to play. "Hell, yes," he replied, gesturing for me to enter his room. By the time the door was closed I was on my knees, taking his cock into my hungry mouth. He moaned and pushed it deep down my throat. His cock, which was about six and a half inches, cut, was just the right size. When he offered his poppers I accepted gratefully, taking a couple deep hits and holding them in my lungs for as long as I could, heart beating ever faster as he became more aggressive in pumping into my mouth. Several minutes into our session he withdrew from my mouth, and bent over, offering me his ass. As I rimmed his hole he took several deep hits of poppers, with the consequence his hole opened up quite nicely, enabling me to push my tongue deep inside, at which point I could taste the cum from another man. Asking him about the load, he replied he had been fucked earlier by two guys, and each had blown his load inside. I continued working his ass for several minutes, lost in the spell of his hole (and the poppers). Getting to my feet, I aligned my cock, and abruptly shoved my cock into his ass. He grunted in genuine discomfort, but I wasn't going to stop, so I recommended he take some additional hits of poppers, which he did. To further distract him from the pain I reached under his body, found his tits and worked his nipples, fucking his used hole hard. Apparently the pain was diminishing 'cause his at this point he was only whimpering, and at one level that was good as I could easily have continued fucking him until I came, but I also wanted to be fucked, so I withdrew, took some huffs and aligned my ass so his cock could slide right in. He banged me like a two bit whore, and I was in heaven, especially when he announced "I'm gonna cum" only for his cock to pulsate, and a warm, slick wetness to fill my hole. He had definitely bred me. Pulling out, he went to work on my cock as we both huffed the poppers. Apparently I shot a big load, as with my third volley of cum he began gagging, and tears were streaming down his face. But I didn’t care. He had used my ass and now I was using his throat. He swallowed my sperm and then made to kiss me, but really wasn't interested in prolonging the session. Instead I simply pulled-up my pants and left. When I met my husband and our friend I was still high on poppers. Upon getting back to the hotel, my husband smelling the cum, started to feel my hole, knowing that I was bred, he wanted to fuck. He made me bend over and drop my shorts, then ruggedly pushed Into my hole. "No more poppers for you," he said, adding "I want your hole wrapped around my cock." Our friend was standing on the sidelines, watching us, so I gestured for him to join us. He presented his cock for me to suck. I took his cock into my mouth and he must have been really horny as, within two minutes he announced he was about to cum. I gestured for him to slip into my ass, and he did so, cumming quickly. All the while my husband was feeling me his cock. After our friend came, my husband he he changed places, and my husband drumped his load into my hole. This was the best Pride ever.
    2 points
  11. "Being a gracious host, I pulled a chair out for Greg and once he sat down, I pushed it in. I was pleased to see Greg push the other chair closer to him. Opening the refrigerator, I took out the sandwiches and beverages and set them on the table before taking my seat. 'Dig in!' 'This is a huge sandwich!' 'As a regular customer, they tend to treat me better, so whatever you don't finish, you can take home.' While we ate, Greg grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch, placing his own hand on my crotch. 'Since we're both hard, I think we need to scrap the no sexual expectations agreement, don't you?' 'Most definitely! You're my guest, so what we do is up to you!' 'Honestly, it's been close to 6 months since I even thought about sex, but if you agree I want you to fuck me and I'll fuck you! Both of us being pisspigs, if you'll feed me yours, I'll feed you mine! More kissing is required, before, during and after! 'After nearly 6 months without sex, I think it's best if you fuck me first! Hope you can cum more than once, because I also want to suck your cock! Just try and stop me from kissing your sweet mouth! Please tell me you like getting rimmed! Eating ass is one of my favorite things to do!' 'My ass is yours to do what you want with!' 'Why did I wait so long to come here?' 'You were hurt and I think we both needed to wait until you were ready to trust me.' 'Once again, you're right! I do trust you and because I do, I think I can tell you what happened, at least what I know of it. He sat me down one morning and said that he didn't love me and he wasn't sure if he ever loved me and I should move my things into the spare bedroom and do my best to avoid him. To this day, I still don't know of any reason why he said what he said. Feeling absolutely worthless, I retreated into myself, only leaving my room to use the toilet and eat my solitary meals, cold cereal, 3 times a day. We met 2 weeks after I moved there and he became my world, so I had no friends to lean on. I discovered the chatroom and I felt a sense of community, but you were the one who made me feel like I belong there!' 'As far as I'm concerned, he's a waste of human flesh and he never deserved you in the first place!' I noticed a single tear streak down Greg's cheek and I kissed it away."
    2 points
  12. The Golden Coin - Part III Ben lost track of time in Andros Manor. When he asked how long he had been there, no one would give him an answer. Ben had endured “cleaning” twice now, and the Gray May would only say how much he had enjoyed their “conversations” - though Ben could not recall what any of them had been about. He was certain, however, that at least a week had passed since he arrived. He had eaten at least that many meals, and Jamail had been escorting him to a room with workout equipment and instructing him to lift weights – Ben had apparently told the Gray Man he had been wanting to build up his body but had never had the opportunity. Ben did not remember saying this, but Jamail pushed him hard, and his body felt sore as a consequence. One day after lunch, John informed Ben that he was called for. The Gray Man met him at the foot of the broad main stairwell. "Benjamin,” he said. “Please go upstairs to the first room on the left. I will be there in a moment." As Ben climbed the carpeted stairs, he could hear no sound except the ticking of a clock somewhere, as though all sound in the house were muffled. At the top he found the room and entered. The room contained only four items, the most prominent of which looked something like an elaborate exercise machine; next to it, a small table, a stool, and nearby along the wall, a cupboard of some kind. Ben heard the door close, and saw that the Gray Man had entered. "Please go over to the frame," the Gray Man instructed him. “Look,” said Ben, “I figure I've been here almost a week. People are going to be wondering where I am. I could lose my job.” “You are still thinking like a man with limitations,” said the Gray Man. “Everything is in order. Your employer was quite satisfied – one might say ecstatic – with the compensation he received in lieu of your extended absence, and your job – whatever it might have been – will be waiting for you should you ever choose to return to it. You have no dependents, and your extended family understands that you are recuperating from a sudden illness at an exclusive health resort, with the best of care. Your bills are paid, your debts are in hand, your cat is with your sister. As I said, I guarantee that you will succeed on the course you have chosen. Now please, go over to the frame.” Ben numbly approached the metal framework and the Gray Man positioned him in front of it. The man attached a leather cuff with a metal ring to each of Ben's ankles, and his wrists, then attached the rings to points on the framework. He shifted a lever, which tilted the framework backward, raising Ben nearly horizontal to the other man's hip level. Moving to Ben's head, he placed a blindfold over Ben's eyes. Ben then felt him wrap something around his head, securing the blindfold in place and blocking the slightest ray of light. From that point, every sound seemed amplified, every touch magnified. Ben tried to determine by sound what the Grey Man was doing, but the room seemed to fall silent. As minutes passed into more minutes, Ben's anxiety began to build. An unexpected tug on the hem of Ben's pants was followed by the metallic snip of shears, and the rip of fibers as the sheaers cut through the leg of his pants all the way to his knee. A hand silently ran along the exposed flesh, then did the same with the opposite leg. Bit by bit, moving from leg to arm to the neck of Ben's shirt, the shears continued cutting and ripping his clothing – the hands testing, kneading, caressing each part of his body as it was revealed. Pulling the cloth away from Ben's chest, fingers lingered over his nipples, one at a time, thumbing and flicking them until they became tense and hard. The shears slowly cut downward, exposing Ben's belly, and with equal deliberation the scissors crept up the inside of his thighs. They snipped and pared with precision, until only Ben's fresh pair of tight briefs remained, then two slices along his hipbones left only loose fabric covering his most private areas. For interminable minutes the hands did nothing, touched nothing, until at last they snatched away the last vestige of modesty and Ben's cock felt the cool of the open air, and, as Ben imagined in his humiliation, the intensity of the Gray Man's gaze. Though Ben saw nothing from beginning to end of the ordeal, his mind's eye displayed crystal-clear images of what the hands did to him from then forward, though he could only guess at the tools. The hands gathered his balls and pushed them through a tight metal cockring, then pulled his cock through behind, and then strokked his penis to an unwilling firmness in the slightly tight ring. They pulled his scrotum taut so that his balls stood out like tight, shiny orbs. Some narrow implement next was traced down the lines of his body, now down his inner thighs, now across the contours of his belly, now up the length of his bobbing shaft - then, SNAP! Something whipped painfully across the end of his cock, directly across the frenulum. Ben gasped in pain and surprise. THWAP! He gasped again, this time for the dull impact across his straining testicles. Then, WHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAP, the feeling of my cockshaft being whipped without mercy, punctuated by strikes to his balls, his belly, his thighs, the insides of his arms, and his nipples, as rapid as an expert on a drum kit. Ben's breath came fast and shallow. The narrow implement was then applied to the bottoms of Ben's feet, repeatedly, and behind knees, but shortly returned to another round of cock-whipping. After a few moments, the whipping suddenly stopped, and Ben sensed movement to his other side, where the table stood. The clink of metal caught ear. A hand deftly raised his cock upright, and Ben felt the cool of some thick liquid applied to its head, then the cooler sensation of some smooth metal touching the tip. In the next second his breath caught - the smooth metal had entered the end of his cock and had begun worming its way inside. Before, when Jamail had used his fingers to milk him, he had not imagined being more intimately violated – now he realized how mild an intrusion that had been. This object, creeping deeply into his shaft, worked its way to the root of the most private sensation he could feel. It paused, impaling his rigid cock, and then by gravity invaded to his core. Ben couldn't hold back a moan… and he heard, from the other, a sound of satisfaction. A soft laugh? Perhaps. Not content with this debasement, the hands removed the metal rod and substituted it with a thicker one, stretching the inside of Ben's shaft. The hands seemed to take pleasure in raising the rod up again and again and then releasing it, allowing gravity to draw it downward, deeper, each time overcoming the resistance of Ben's body a bit more, until it defeating him completely. At last the hands left the rod impaled at its deepest penetration within Ben's cock, and turned back to the table. Ben heard now for the first time a sound he would later come to fear - a loud BZZZZZZZZZZ of some device, which without warning connected against the handle of the metal rod. An intense vibration passed along the rod and beat violently against Ben's prostate deep inside. He writhed in his restraints, crying out. After minutes of this treatment that left Ben's chest heaving, the hand withdrew the rod. After a moment a new object was placed over his glans, circling around the head of my cock and entering a short distance into the slit. Ben felt his finger at my anus, touching it with cool, thick liquid, quickly followed by the cold feel of metal, but thicker. With a push the hand forced the steel plug into him, settling the base snugly in his hole. Ben heard the click of buttons, and then his sphincter clenched involuntarily as a buzz of electricity shot through his pelvis, searching its way up the length of his cock to find its pole in the electrode placed on his cockhead. Pulse after pulse after pulse caused Ben's cock to spasm and bob involuntarily, in time with the clenching of his asshole. Ben began moaning, unaware of his own sounds. Soon he discovered that his tormentor could vary the pulse of the electricity, and its intensity, and with each new pattern of shocks Ben's body reacted on its own, in a new way. The hands applied pads of some sort to Ben's inner thighs, to his lower belly, to his sac, each time forging new paths for the current, each time intensifying it. Ben's mouth hung open in silent cries of shock and pain. Finally all the electrodes were removed except the original ones at Ben's cockhead and ass, and the power began gradually ramping upward… up… and up… and up… until the surges of current felt as though they were convulsing Ben's entire pelvis. At this point another sensation - WHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAP – the narrow switch began mercilessly whipping Ben's cockshaft again. Ben's mind rebelled - his eyes rolled in his head and he began to drift in a haze of pain, his entire body shaking uncontrollably. And then it all suddenly stopped. Ben sucked in breath audibly, his chest heaving. In a moment, he heard again the BZZZZZZZZ of the device that had touched the rod in his cockshaft. This time, the hand planted its buzzing head squarely on his asshole. "GAAHH!" Ben cried, from the intensity of the vibration, and again when it shifted it to his nutsac. The hands were testing, seeking those places where Ben's body would betray him, to reveal his sensitivity. In the next instant, they found their target. They placed the thing - Ben could only think of it now as some evil Thing - underneath his cockhead, directly on his frenulum, pressed downward slightly, and BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. "Oh, GOD!" Ben shouted - he had never experienced a stimulation that intense in his life. "Stop! Please stop! Ohhhhhgggggg….. I'm going to…. " The device stopped. Ben's body heaved in sweat and sexual frustration, drawing ragged breaths. Suddenly, the blindfold and wrapping were pulled away, and he found himself blinking at the intent face of the Gray Man, who was holding something in front of Ben's face. “Benjamin! Look carefully. Look very carefully at what I am holding. From this moment forward, this is the token of your future life. This is the call you must always answer. This is who you are. This is your body, and your soul. LOOK.” He held before Ben's eyes a golden coin. In the next second, the electricity surged again, igniting Ben's entire sexual being. WHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAP went the switch onto his cock and balls. BZZZZZZZZZZZ – the device assaulted his frenulum. “Now,” said the Gray Man, “open your eyes and look upon this coin...” Ben forced his frantic eyes to look at the shinging gold circle as every single aspect of his being shrunk to a single, inescapable conclusion. “Benjamin,” said the Gray Man, “CUM.” Ben's mind unspun. His back arched, his toes curled obscenely, he strained every restraint, and his cock pulsed against his will, shooting thick ropes of cum across my belly and chest in spite of the electrode blocking his slit. Each pulse of liquid cum increased the intensity of the electric charge coursing through his cock, causing it to contract with greater violence. This could not be called an orgasm – this had been ripped out of him. It could be described no other way. When Ben's cock stopped convulsing, the Gray Man turned off the power and removed the electrodes, put away his tools, and stood up. Of the golden coin there was no sign. He wiped off his hands with a hand towel and left it on the chair. Ben still lay in the frame, his semen liquefying and running down his body onto the floor. Ben could smell it pungently. The Gray Man went to the door and opened it. “You were superb,” he said, glancing back. “Good boy. I now have no doubt in the ultimate outcome of your training. I can scarcely wait to get underway.” He exited the room, and the door closed behind him. **As a little Easter Egg, for those of you kind enough to have read this far, I'll share a secret - a big chunk of this chapter is autobiographical. ?
    2 points
  13. The next morning I was awoken by Ben pushing his rod into me. It was dry and hurt, so I reached out and grabbed the tube of lube from the bedside table in front of me. Applying some to my hands I quickly reached back and rubbed some on his dick, before sticking my fingers in to my hole to try to relax and lube them. Ben allowed this for a few seconds, before swatting my hand away and pushing his dick in. This time he managed to sink it fully inside me, and although it hurt I put up no further protest. I lay on my side and he fucked me until he blew a third load into my hole, before he pulled out, got off the bed and headed into the shower. I heard him lock the bathroom door, so I guess he didn’t want company. We didn’t say anything to each other until we were standing waiting for the lift, both washed and dressed for the day. “You sore?” he asked, a little gruffly. “Yes” I said, continuing to stare up at the LED display to see the lift approaching our floor, “but I’ll live.” We met Mitch and Rob down at breakfast, where they had already been for a while. Ben sat down and waited for a coffee to arrive, but I was hungry so asked Rob to order a cappuccino for me while I went to the buffet. Coming back with a plate of food I saw Rob and Mitch looking at me quizzically, slightly smiling. I tried to avoid their gaze, wondering why the sudden attention my way, but when I was seated, had put my napkin on my lap and picked up my cutlery, the two of them were still staring at me. Ben, meanwhile, was checking his phone but had a smirk on his face. “So” I said, blushing a bit, “how was your night?” “It was good” said Mitch, still smirking. “Er, great” I said, forcing a smile at him. At this point he looked away, but the smile didn’t go. I was now convinced that Ben had told them what had happened last night. “So” said Ben, breaking an uncomfortable silence that had then ensued. “We all know what the plan is for today?” With that, and to my relief, conversation turned to work. There was a lot to do, and I was able to focus on the job at hand for most of the day, only really being brought back to reality when I sat down without care and realised how tender my thrice-fucked arse was. We worked all through the day, eating lunch during a meeting so as not to waste time, and it wasn’t until gone 7pm that we finished. A few of the people we had been working with took us to a nearby bar for some drinks, and we once again ended up having tapas for dinner rather than staying out to go to a restaurant at the late hour the locals tended to eat. We then walked back to the hotel, taking in the vibrancy of the city after dark. No-one suggested stopping for a drink anywhere as I thought they would, and indeed no-one was really talking. I was feeling pretty self-conscious after the weirdness at breakfast, so kept my trap shut too. Back at the hotel we piled into the lift in silence, and then Rob and Mitch got off at the third floor without even a ‘goodnight’. Ben and I then continued on up to level five, and headed to our room. “Bathroom” Ben said gruffly as I closed the bedroom door. “Sorry?” “Get in the bathroom” he commanded. I stood and stared at him for a moment, and then found myself complying. I walked into the bathroom, with him following close behind. Once inside, he pushed me towards the sink and bent me over, my silk tie resting on the taps. He then reached around my front and undid my trousers, pushing them and my trunks down to my knees. I watched in the mirror as he then undid his own trousers and pushed them down a bit, reached into one of the pockets and pulled out a sachet of lube, ripped it open with his teeth and then I felt it squirting between my arsecheeks. Seconds later his cock was against my tightened hole, and I did the best I could to allow him access as he pushed in. However, he had not rimmed or fingered me at all, and it hurt like a bitch. I yelled out as he popped in. “Shut up!” he said, pushing himself the rest of the way in. Then, without any pausing to let me get used to the invasion, he started fucking me deep and hard. I know I had my eyes squeezed shut at first, but in time I opened them again and looked in the mirror. As much as it hurt, it was a hell of a turn-on to see both Ben and I fully dressed in business suits, but with him fucking the daylight out of me. He didn’t last long before he bred me, and then ripped his cock from my hole. “Get undressed and get on the bed” he commanded, as he pulled me up and pushed me out the door. He then shut and locked the door to do, well, I don’t know what. I stood in shocked amazement for a bit, and then started to get my jacket, tie and shirt off. I removed my watch and chucked it on my bed, then sat on the end of his to get fully naked. I paused again, and then climbed up on to the bed and positioned myself on all fours. While I waited I remembered the tube of lube from this morning, so crawled over and retrieved it from the drawer. I applied some to my fingers and then reached back to work it into my hole, trying to stretch myself a bit. Ben’s dick had already done a number on me back there, but it had hurt throughout so I wanted to get a bit more relaxed if he was going to fuck me again. Ben came back out of the bathroom, and our eyes met as I looked back over my shoulder at him. “On all fours” he said, before going towards the bedroom door. I heard him open it, not knowing what the fuck was going on, but when I then heard the clear sounds of more than Ben walking into the room everything fell into place for me. “Fuck” I heard Mitch say, “you weren’t joking!” “Is he ready?” asked Rob. “Slut’s all yours” replied Ben. “Just bred him, so he’s good to go.” Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. That’s pretty much where my head was at. I looked back at them as they stripped out of their clothes, not quite believing what was about to happen to me. But I didn’t protest. I don’t know why, but I didn’t protest. Rob went first, stepping up to my rear end and slapping me with his cock a few times. He saw the tube of lube next to me and grabbed it, applying some to his cock for which I was grateful. He then pushed against my hole and slipped inside, and I was pleased to find that he didn’t have the girth of Ben. He was much longer though, and as he went deeper inside I found myself moaning as new parts of me were opened up. “He loves it” said Mitch, who then came round to the other end of the bed. He kneeled on the mattress and shuffled forward, presenting his erect dick to my face. Without a great deal of choice in the matter, I opened my mouth and allowed him to push inside. And so it was that my first spitroasting began. Rob got himself fully buried, and then began to piston in and out of my recently-virgin hole, while Mitch set up a rhythm in my mouth. Somehow I managed to swallow his cock without gagging, and so my throat got deflowered by Mitch as Ben had done to my arse the day before. The two of them started thrusting in sync, so that I was getting reamed at both ends in tandem. I have to admit, even though my mind was screaming, it felt amazing. I relaxed into it, letting the two guys use my holes. In time, they swapped places, and I got to savour the various tastes now coating Rob’s cock as he thrust it in and out of my throat, while Mitch took over the reins at the back end. They swapped back once more before Rob blew his load in my arse, and then Mitch went back there and hammered me for a bit longer until he too had bred me. Ben took over at this point, ramming into me and dumping another load. By that point Rob was back in gear so he gave me another fucking, and then Mitch added his second load of goop to my overflowing hole. They rested for a while on my bed, cracking open some beers it appeared the other guys had brought with them, and I turned over an lay on my back trying to recover. None of them spoke to me at all, just chatting between them about what a good hole I was, how I compared to the girls or guys they fucked back home, and how many loads they thought they could get up me before we went back to London. They were clearly trying to themselves aroused again while my holes lay unused, and it worked. Still lying on my back, I then took one more load from each of them with my legs up on their shoulders, before they called it a night. Rob and Mitch threw on their trousers and shirts and headed off, while Ben climbed in to my bed. I lay on his for a bit longer, and then sat up and looked over at him. “Should I get in with you?” I asked softly, the first time I had spoken in a long while. He didn’t respond, but just threw back the covers. I climbed in turned around and rested back against him on my side. I could feel his cock was hardening again, so reached back and took hold of it. I briefly rubbed it, and then guided it back into my gaping hole. Ben let out a moan of appreciation, and threw his arm over me to hug me in. Sleep then took us both, with him buried to the hilt inside me.
    2 points
  14. I had been on a Tina bender for weeks, and it happened! I was caught with 4 pounds of Tina in my car. Which in my state is 25 yrs mandatory. I plead guilty and was sentenced 15 yrs in maximum security prison. I show up in prison my first day scared shitless. I'm a 5'5, 120lb white boy in jail! I can see the inmates eye fucking me, the new piece of white meat. My first night I realized I had 2 choices. Either get tough and fight, or become somebody's bitch. I decided to be a bitch lol I had learned that thus huge black guy named "t-bone" led the largest gang in prison. I approached t-bone and said " excuse me sir. But I have a proposition for u." My idea was to sell myself to t-bone so he could offer me protection. T-bone liked the idea but layed down the ground rules. 1.you are property of t-bone. You do whatever he says! If not you get beaten. 2. You are also property of the crips in and out of jail. 3. If you try to leave the gang, you're killed. They were rough rules but better than being beaten! The next morning it was time for my gang initiation. 30 crips were showering at once, and just lil white me. Next thing I know I was slammed against the wall and held there. My initiation was to have all the crips In our block breed my ass. I've never been a stranger to having my ass fucked so it was actually really hot! Instead of screaming and passing out like the others in the past had done, my cock was hard and u was moaning in pure pleasure! T-bone noticed this and laughed. "Look at this white bitch! He loves it!!" After taking 30 loads I walked back to my cell and went to bed. Rumors of how much I enjoyed the rape spread quick!! My new nickname was cum dump. Since I belonged to the crips, t-bone would send me to other cell blocks to please all the crip cock. By the end of my first week I had taken 200 loads!! And I loved it! I believe that black men are stronger and more dominant than white men. Especially white guys like me. I am naturally submissive and take orders from strong black men. That's why black cocks are bigger than white, they're just more of a man! Me though? Those gangbangers turned me into more of a woman than most women could ever be. My hair had grown out, I started wearing make up, and I was completely smooth. After 5 yrs in t-bone was tired of my lil white cock and balls. And so had I since I was now a total bottom only bitch. T-bone bribed the dr. To give me a sex change. It had to be done in 2 parts. They took my balls first. Without my balls I could tell I had no testosterone and slowly my voice got higher and I got even girlier. Next was my cock. I loved that I had nothing in my pants anymore. The dr couldn't make a vagina so I was just smooth below the belt. 5 weeks later I had my stitches taken out, which meant time to fuck!! The crips gangbanged me right in the middle of the hallway! At least 15 guys fucked me. These crips don't fuck soft, the abuse!! Especially white boys! They liked to beat and choke me, make fun of me, spit on me, piss on me, and destroy my hole. The end of that first day back I needed 3 stitches in my ass. But the bloods had an attack plan. The bloods had a guy named "sickness". He's called that because he has aids. I was covered and pinned down by 4 crips and waking up behind me, naked, and a 12in rock hard cock was sickness. I begged no!! Sickness laughed and said "you deserve this you lil white sissy fag !" Next thing I knew my ass was in incredible pain! Sickness raped me for 30 mins before cumming in me. As he came he said "I'm pozzing u, u white piece of shit! Take my infected cum! You deserve it for being a white sissy bitch!" Sickness hated white boys like me, he truly thought we all should die! Plus after my sex change all the prisoners hated me, except the ones who fucked me ;-) 3 weeks later I got the fuck flu. The prison said it was just the regular flu and never gave me any meds. 5 yes later when i was released I had full blown aids! Which turns me on. Because I am a dirty white faggot, and I deserved to have aids. While out of jail I was still property of the crips. 2 armed thugs picked me up on my release day and took me to their trap house. They forced me to strip, then they branded me! It said "official white slave. Property of the crips!" Then they forced me into a lil kennel. This is where I realized being out of prison was worse than being in. HIV spread quickly between the crips and they found out it was me! I was beaten, raped, tortured, drugged, and humiliated for being poz! I tried to tell then what happened but they didn't care. Everyone of the 250 crips in that neighborhood bred my ass in 3 days. They kept me tied and constantly spun on Tina. What none of them realized was I loved all of this!! I loved being owned as a Slave to a superior race, I love being beaten and humiliated, and I LOVED the rapes and sexual torture!! They decided to tattoo me. My for head said faggot! One on my ass cheek said "cum in my hole" with an arrow to my asshole. My asshole was tattoos to say "danger:biohazard area" I got another around my neck that said "this white fag is owned by crips" Since the castration i became even more sub and faggy. I always thanked any crip after he would breed me. I have been living in a dog kennel for 10 yrs now being the crips sex slave and I love it!! I am a total sissy piece of shit only good for a cum dump! I'll be the crips cum dump till I die probably. But I hope I die with a crips cock deep in my ass. So until I die I'll just keep getting fucked everyday, all day.
    1 point
  15. My Conversion After high school, I left my small town for the military and never looked back. All through my sexual exploration I had fucked around with both boys and girls. I had the captain of the football team and the head cheerleader after my cock, and a nice cock it is too. I guess before I go any further I should describe myself: 5’10, #160 of muscle, blonde hair, blue eyes; a wrestler’s build; 8” of uncut cock and a nice set of low hanging balls. Basically out on my own, I kept up my bi-sexual ways when I could. Being in the military back in the early 90’s meant being closeted about fucking around with guys or you were in big trouble. But as they say, any hole in a storm; or sometimes if I was in the mood, any cock in a storm. I never worried about pregnancies with the girls, and since most of the guys I fucked around with were also military, condoms were rarely used. I never kept track of the girls I fucked; after all if they got knocked up it was their problem to deal with, at least in my mind. When I got out of the military after my four years and settled in Washington, DC, I still kept slutting around, but more and more often it was with guys and fewer girls or women caught my eye. Eventually I settled down with one of my regular fuck buddies, Dave, and over time we seemed to become a couple. We’d often find a third or more to add to our fuck fests, but it was always the two of us that stayed the night after kicking the other guy out. Then came the day, about two years after I left the military, that the one person I cared about as more than just a fuck screwed me over. Dave and I always bet on the games: football, baseball, basketball; college or pro, it didn’t matter what it was we loved to bet on just about everything. Sometimes it was for money, but mostly they were bets of a sexual nature; who would bottom, who would find the next third for us, who would wear the sexy undies. Little did I know that these bets would forever change my life. One day I lost, and Dave wanted me to bottom for Steve, a guy he knew. So Dave set it up. Steve was a big guy, not fat, just imposingly tall, thickly build, and a monster cock. The night Steve was to fuck me, we started off with a few drinks in the living room before moving things to the bedroom. Dave undressed me as I undressed Steve. Dave remained dressed, and said he just wanted to watch tonight. He had done this before, so I thought nothing of it at the time. Once Steve and I were naked, we crawled onto the bed and began to make out, both of our cocks slowly rising to attention as we kissed and our hands roamed over each other’s bodies. After a few minutes of kissing and fondling, we moved around on the bed to 69. Steve was a great cocksucker; and if the moans he made around my cock were anything to go by, along with his still growing cock, he was enjoying my skills on his cock. It seemed like only minutes, but when Steve pulled his cock out of my mouth, I noticed that we had been sucking each other off for almost half an hour. He had me lay on my back, and he went back to working my cock, then my balls and eventually pushing my legs up and enthusiastically eat-out my hole. His tongue felt great pushing into my tight hole, opening it up with his spit. After eating me out for a while, he began to add fingers into the mix, really opening my hole up for his cock. I was writhing on the bed from the pleasure of his tongue and his fingers as they worked over my hole, getting it ready for his cock. Once he had sufficiently loosened-up my hole, he moved up my body and positioned his now leaking cock at my entrance. “You want this?” Steve asked. I looked over at Dave, who gave me a nod. “Yes, slide it in me.” I told Steve. “Ok, I’m going to fuck you till I fill you up with my cum." “Go for it. Get that cock in my ass.” Ah, if only I had known at the time what he really meant, why he asked me if I wanted it. Now, Steve was a great fuck, and his cock sank deep into my hole, opening it up and going in deep. He really pounded my hole, and, although rougher than I normally took, it felt strangely wonderful and liberating to have this beast of a man fucking me with his huge cock, which was much bigger than Dave’s average-sized cock or, for that matter, my above-average cock. He lasted about 30-40 minutes, and we changed positions a couple times, but never once did his cock leave my ass. He varied the thrusts between fast rabbit-punch type thrusts and slower deeper thrusts that really opened me up. I was moaning and enjoying the fuck the entire time. When Steve finally said he was close to cumming and was going to flood my ass with his cum, Dave moved to the bed and with Steve’s final thrust Dave kissed me and rubbed my head. Steve collapsed on top of me as his cock kept firing jet after jet of his cum deep in my ass. I milked his cock to get every drop of his cum into my ass. When he finally started to pull out, Dave moved down and cleaned his cock off for him. Then Dave took a plug out of the desk drawer and inserted it into my hole. I felt nice to be full again after the emptiness I had felt after Steve pulled out of my ass. It had been an exhausting fuck, and I laid on the bed drifting in and out as Steve dressed and Dave showed him out. After locking up, Dave came in, stripped and climbed into bed with me. He snuggled up to my back, and we both fell asleep, I never even came during the entire session. About 4:00 A.M., I woke up with a raging hard-on, and my sexy boyfriend lying next to me. He was back to me, so I began to rub my cock against his ass, he moaned and pushed back against me. We had both often fucked the other in the wee hours of the morning, so I slid my cock into Dave and soon filled his ass with my spunk. Afterwards I fell back asleep, my cock gradually softening in his now cummy hole. Weeks passed, more bets were made and paid up. We fell back into our routines and I didn’t think about the night with Steve again till about a couple of months later when I got terribly sick. I was nauseous, had chills, and sometimes even had trouble getting out of bed. Dave took care of me the whole time. About a week after I got better I went to the clinic for my regular STD screenings. I am sure you have figured out by now what happened when the results came back: I was HIV positive, had been for about a month and a half. When I looked back at it, everything had been there, under a subtext, perhaps, but definitely there - had I thought to examine the facts. I was pissed! Pissed at Dave for doing it to me, at myself for letting it happen, at the world for this disease existing. When I got over to Dave’s I really laid into him about it. Even though he was slightly bigger than me, I shoved him to the floor, rolled him onto his stomach, and pulled down the back of his sweatpants exposing his ass. I pulled my rock hard cock out of my jeans and just shoved it into his ass. He screamed in pain then started crying and telling me he was sorry. "You fucked up my life and now I am going to fuck up yours you fucking bastard!” I screamed at him as I pounded away as his ass, with no prep whatsoever. I felt my death seed getting ready to get shot into the first ass knowingly since I had become positive. “Here it comes, fucker! Your first injection of my poz seed!” With that, I planted my cock deep in his ass and let shot after shot of my now toxic seed fill his ass as I rested on top of his sobbing body. I slowly pulled out, and saw on my cock a mix of ass juice, cum and the pink tinge of blood. I rolled him onto his back, and shoved my cock into his mouth, ordering him “Clean that cock up fucker! From now on, you will take my seed in your cunt till you get pozzed up too!” Once my cock was cleaned, I sat back, drained of emotion and Dave lay on the floor, his pants still bunched beneath his ass and tears streamed down his cheeks. After the hurt and anger had settled, we sat down and talked. Dave told me of how he had wanted us to become poz together and then spread it around to all our conquests. He had told Steve that I wanted to get pozzed but that I had not told him, but he had found out and wanted to give it to me as a present. Dave told me that he wanted the bug too, and that he would take every fuck I gave him till he came down with the fuck flu. Then with both of us poz, we’d start spreading our seed around and poz up every guy we could, even the ones who played 'safe only' with the same doctored condoms we used to stealth when we were neg. I kissed him, and told him to go get his ass in the bed because I was going to breed him all night and fill him so full of my toxic cum that he would be poz within a week.
    1 point
  16. I am generally a nice person. I literally can't hurt a fly. I shoo them away out the window. So, please don't get the wrong idea about me when I confess to what I did here. It was out of character, but I can't say I regret it. About a month ago, I saw a cute twink on adam4adam. I'm always friendly to people I message, and I show respect. I post my poz status on my profile; but I hide my pictures and unlock them only if I am likely to meet a guy. When I messaged Alan, it was a simple, "Hello. How are you tonight?" When you're poz, it's not unusual to receive a lot of hateful responses. I suppose I should be used to it. But, maybe I was just tired of it. Alan's response was "Jesus Christ. You're POZ and OLD! Leave me the fuck alone!" And then he blocked me. Okay, I'm 28, and Alan was 21. I can respect that might be too large of a gap for someone to be comfortable with, but why the rudeness? And why are some so harsh towards guys with HIV? I tried not to let it bother me, but even a couple of weeks later, when I'd see his profile, the anger would build once again. I decided someone needed to teach this rude twink a lesson. I'm lucky that I've always looked very young for my age. My friends tell me I look anywhere from 20 to 24. Good genes, I guess. And I also have a secret weapon: nobody can refuse my cock when they see it. It's only about seven inches, but it's very thick and, if I might add, very pretty also. It took some planning: I made sure to use WIFI at a coffee shop (so that the authorities would not be able to easily find me if they investigated); and I had to make sure that I used public transportation to meet him; so that he couldn't easily identify me. Creating a fake profile on a4a is just a little too easy. I decided to not use my real pictures; but pictures from another guy's profile that looked very close to my body. The similarity was uncanny. After briefly chatting over a few days (and I made it specifically seem as if I wasn't too eager), he invited me over to watch a movie and "see what happens." So, the moment of truth. We watched a movie, and I did a rather convincing job of not being too interested. He inched over on the couch as the movie played. Eventually, he was brushing up against me. I slowly reciprocated. Before I knew it, we were both taking off our clothing. His body was perfect: slim and toned, light tan skin, smooth; and a decent-sized dick; although not nearly as thick as what I was packing. "You're so hot!" he said while we continued to make out after we undressed. Yeah .. not so gross now, I thought to myself. I had never been more turned on. Even though he was hot, the plan I had in mind for him heightened the excitement. He is going to get what he deserved, I thought to myself. Making out turned to oral. As most guys do, he instantly fell in love with my cock and made a game of trying to deep throat it. The girth, however, generally makes that nearly impossible for most, and he failed at it, but he tried valiantly. "Let's go back to my room," he said and pulled me off the sofa and led me down the hall. After some 69ing, I put the plan in motion. I ate his ass with wild abandon, tongue fucking him in between my licks. His moans escalated. "Please tell me you're a top," he both said and asked. "Yeah, I am," I replied, "but I only fuck bare. Condoms make me soft." I went back to eating his ass while he considered for a few moments. "Damn, are you clean?" he asked. "Yeah, but I just met you, so I'm not sure I wanna fuck you raw - yet" I replied. I had nothing to lose here, I reasoned. "I'm clean," he tried to persuade, "I promise you won't get anything from me. I want to feel your cock so bad. it's perfect!" Right as scheduled, I thought to myself and softly directed him, "Get on your stomach." He instantly complied. I licked the back of his neck and said softly to him "Are you ready to get what you deserve?" He played along so well, "Yeah, give it to me! I'm ready!" I ate his ass for a few more minutes, while periodically adding spit to my cock; I didn't wet it as much as i usually do, though, because I wanted him to have a little more pain that the others I've fucked. In truth, I'm usually a gentle top, but in my excitement for his hot ass, coupled with my desire to make him pay, resulted in a very quick thrust into his hole. He didn't expect such a shocking sensation. "Fuck! Slow down!" he blurted. "I'm sorry," I said, but decided to continue to ram it in hard. "Hh fuck! Pull it out!" he begged. "You'll get used to it," I replied and continued to plow fast and furiously. He was trying to yell something as I relentlessly drilled him, but I couldn't make out any words. "Ohhs and unnhs'" poured out of him as I kept power-fucking his tight hole. I was a little sad to see that he was starting to enjoy it, I have to admit. The terrible pain I was causing him was clearly turning to pleasure now as he was starting to form words, "Oh FUCK! Fuck! Yeah!" I picked up the pace, and fucked him as hard as I possibly could. The little fucker was loving it, so I pulled all the way out, and slammed it all the way in. He still seemed to enjoy it. "Fuck yeah! I love it! More more!!!" he now begged. A few more all-length slams and he couldn't take any more. "I'm going to cum!" he yelled. I continued to forcefully fuck his hole as he cried out "ahhhhh...." Hearing him cum almost set me off, but I was determined to cause a little more pain before I gave him the poz load he deserved. I jackhammered his hole repeatedly. "Oh fuck! Please STOP! I already ca ..." "Almost done," I said and then jackhammered him another thirty seconds or so while his face turned bright read and he screamed with pain. "Take my load you little bitch!!!!" I yelled as I came inside him and thrust about ten more times while I filled his ass with my charged load. I left it all the way in balls-deep, as I felt my nuts drain into his ass. Finally, I pulled out. "Fuck man, that was insane," he said. I couldn't tell if he was upset or pleased by the tone of his voice, but, I didn't care. "I hope you enjoy what you got," I said as I started to dress myself. "That was incredible. I've never had such a good fuck," he conceded. Time for the last part of the plan, I thought to myself, "if you think that's hot, I know something you might like even better." "Hh yeah?" he said, still trying to catch his breath. "Have you heard of a stealth fuck?" I asked. He probably didn't, I reasoned, since he didn't even talk to poz guys. "No .. what's that?" he asked back inquisitively. "Go to breedingzone.com and search for "stealth" stories. You're gonna love it," I answered. And moments later, I made my quiet exit. Enjoy HIV, Bitch.
    1 point
  17. Do you remember your first time taking bare cock up in your ass? How was it feel? I had my many first times man-to-man sex when I lived with a foster family in the States in my 20s. I shared a queen size bed with the elder brother in the foster family coz the parents thought he could help me with the school work. However, he taught me sex education and shared a lot of stories about his hot encounters with the girls, sometimes he shared the details when his best friends were visiting. I love hanging out with them just to listen to their stories and they exchanged knowledge/tricks with each other or even comparing their cock size and asked me which one is bigger etc. We became very close but never cross the boundary. Sometimes in the middle of the night, he would accidentally hold me in his arms and realized it was me, he would let go and apologized. One day, I told him im cool with that. Maybe that was the best hint I could give and I love it! ever since then, he would hold me in his arms, we shared a lot of things before bed until we fell asleep. Many times I woke up in the morning, feeling his hard cock on my back, making me horny and I started to have dirty thoughts about having sex with him. Of course, he was curious about my sexuality as I never mentioned anything about it, nor talking bout any hot encounters. So he finally asked if I like man or woman. I told him as far as I know, naked women dont make my heart beats than the naked men do. I could see the curiosity on his face. We cuddled up, he asked so many questions from my experience to my fantasies, then he surprised me at this point by telling me he has actually thought about having sex with guys but never met one. He adjusted his body so that he's looking down at me, his face was so close to me and asked "tell me, have you ever kissed anyone before?" I shook my head and told him, I have zero sexual experience. He smiled and asked again "Do you want to know how it feels when you kiss someone?" I pulled my naive card out and said yes but I dont have anyone to experience it with. Then he asked me to close my eyes and next I felt his soft lips touching mine, his big lips mounted on mine, sucking it softly before his tongue unsealed my lips, immediately his breath rushed into my mouth, little stink but to me its the taste of a man. i remember i moan softly. Thats when he rolled his body on top of me and the tongue was all the way inside my mouth exploring. He's definitely still one of the good kissers i know today. The pillow talks between us continued after kissing, he has more questions about me and from the Q&A we figured out im more of a bottom. He took my first kiss and then not long after that incident, one day, I was on my knees sucking my first cock with his guidance to make him feel good. He didnt cum in my mouth. He always pushed my head away, let me watch him stroking and cumming on his chest and belly, then let me smell it but I never get to taste his cum. We have been kissing, cuddling, sometimes giving him bj, thats all. That has slowly fulfilled my fantasies one by one and I started to fantasize about being fucked by him. This day has finally arrived, the parents were taking the kids for a trip during school break. We chose to stay home because the brother told me he will teach me more about sex. When the parents left, he handed me a bottle of liquid and asked me to clean up myself before he came home from work. This first lesson was the beginning of my real sexual life. He explained sex between him and his girl and demonstrated it using my body. He held me from the sideway, we kissed, touched, all these are nothing new to me until his warm hand rubbed my thigh and moved to my ass. His finger touched my hole. it felt good, he ran his finger on the surface of my pink hole, back and forth, up and down. my heart was pounding. Next, i felt his warm shaft, the head replaced the finger, rubbing on the hole, the sensation was a bit different and of course it was his precum. This is my favorite part of his explanation where he gets excited rubbing the hole and he will ooze so much precum on his girl's pussy, it keeps buiding up until its wet enough to let him enter. I wanted him to enter me so badly, i wanted more of his precum! i asked how can i make more precum out of him. He made me kiss him, apparently, soft lips and the kissing turns him on a lot and very soon my hole was wet with his precum. He pushed the head on the hole instead of rubbing it, the more he poked it, i got itched and wanted more and he did give me more by entering the head. I was in heaven for a second till his shaft stretching my tight hole, i regret coz its painful and the thought of having him inside me has gone lol. Anyway, he's so good at this, he didnt push further but pull out, using the head to slowly slide in and out. In between some pushes, he would pushed further. Few minutes later, I must be too tight so he grabbed a brown bottle, telling me it will relax me my muscles which will remove the pain. I took a hit of it, another hit on the other nostril, suddenly i felt like im going to pass out but at the same time, I want him inside me again. At this point, his head was pushing passed the limit, holding it there and sure enough, when the poppers kicked in, i felt my body pulling his manhood inside me. I pushed back a little as he held me tight in his arms and fucked me slowly. "Do you like it?" i nodded and moan softly. When the poppers effect has gone, I realized he didnt wear condom so I requested him to put it on. His excuse was, he produced enough precum to guide him inside me, if he pulled out, his cock will get soft and we would be done. Of course I wanted him to continue. He said he's good and can control himself for not cumming inside me and added that I will not be pregnant if he shoot inside my guts, told me not to worry. I believed it and took another hits of poppers and i started to enjoy his full length of 7.5" inside me and making love to me. Each time he drilled, I wanted him to go deeper. This time, he suggested that when he grabbed the brown bottle next time, i would obey and sniff hard on both sides of my nostrils, i submitted. It felt so good having him on my back, fucking me slow and deep... His breath became heavier followed by his whisper on my ear "it feels so good, my girl usually let me cum in this position" "Do you hold till last second and pull out to shoot?" "Depends, she loves it when i dont pull out" He grabbed the brown bottle, took couple hits and passed it to me. I sniffed harder than before as he told. He pushed so deep inside me as my ass was rubbing his hairy pubes. Instantly, I became slutty and asked him to fuck me. He didnt pound hard but did the short slow stroke while whispering and begging "I'm getting close, I'm going to cum, please, let me cum inside you? please?" Thanks to the poppers, i wanted it but didnt agree to it. The thought of his bare cock thrusting in my hole and having him spray his cum inside me hasbrought me to the climax and I started cumming on the bed sheet. He started to pull out, i shouted "dont!" but when his head reached the edge, i felt his cumshot in my ass as he shot from the hole deep inside me while slowly pushed all the way back in and collapsed on my back, continued to make love to me. We fucked again in the morning. whenever he didnt meet anyone, I was his backup. He never asked, when he rubbed his precum on my hole, i knew the mating process will follow and I would let him. He also told his best friend about what we did. I will share the second part of the story when I had sex with his best friend.
    1 point
  18. Recently I have been messaging with another member here, and he asked when I accepted I was a total sub. Here is my answer: Realization and acceptance came over time, but especially after after two incidents. One was a hookup via an online chat, where I went to the top's house and found there was another guy there, too. He was hot, hung, muscular and black. The host shot his load in me pretty quickly, the black guy took his place and did not let up for an hour. Verbal, a bit rough, and totally into my ass. When I left my entire butt felt used, inside and out, and I had very distinct tingling sensation that I had never had before. Both cheeks felt warm, somehow. The other time was the first time at an outdoor cruising area. Five guys fucked me, with three giving me loads. They were lined up, one after another, with another one holding me up the entire time. He didn't fuck me, even though I asked several times. Just kept whispering in my ear how much I wanted it, making me admit I did, say how good it felt, and especially when the guys came, got me to acknowledge that. Also talked and encouraged the tops, commenting on "the slut" and "his cummy hole." Walking down the street after, I had the same used-ass feeling, but this time with the loads dripping down my balls and leg. It was a bit of a walk home, I was shirtless and my pants hanging low, all rumpled and stained some. I got a few looks from others as I walked by, and one group had a laugh that was obviously at my expense. I felt shame, a bit of humiliation, but also was quite aroused. I knew I would do it again. My dick got hard, and I jerked off once I was home. It was an incredibly intense orgasm. Still one of my hottest experiences ever.
    1 point
  19. Atlanta is gonna be home to me sooner rather than later. The number of loads I took during Atlanta Pride Weekend was amazing. It's rare for a Black Bear Bottom to leave a sex party with a sore hole, more often or not I am expected to top; limp dick or not. Not Atlanta and not at Manifest. I got 3 loads on Friday, from the same guy. And Saturday I lost count; my only issue is the best stroke of the night insisted on a condom. With a cock as big as his and as rare as it is for me to get fucked; I had to allow him up my generally latex free hole. I enjoyed him as well as the 8 others that fucked me, some more than others. But I will be back probably for a Cumunion event.
    1 point
  20. Looking to get away for a few days and thinking LV may be a good place to visit. Not into baths, sex clubs etc. Do enjoy posting online and hosting in hotel room. Given hotel security, very difficult to do total anonymous unless connect with someone in the hotel. Also, have found local not all that interested in visiting Strip Hotels. Any suggestions where a slut, hopeful cum dump can stay and have easy access for visitors? Would like to stay on or close to central strip but that may not work for what my real motivation is . Thanks for any advice!!
    1 point
  21. honestly, I was stealthed. Whether it was on accident or not, it doesn't matter. Anyone who has been stealthed and found out they were pozzed would be devastated by it. If you want to get pozzed, or poz someone who wants it, fine it's your choice. Just don't make other people suffer.
    1 point
  22. A few weeks ago while I was in Fuerteventura, I was at the beach with a friend. He asked if he could give me a massage. I knew that was not a great idea because he loves playing with my ass, but I said yes. After 5 minutes, he had a raging hardon and said he wanted to fuck. It was late afternoon/early evening and we were on a deserted stretch of the beach. He mounted me and was fucking me deep. In the distance, I see a hetero couple walk by but there was no point in stopping then. I didn't intend to put on a show but sometimes shit happens.
    1 point
  23. Previously I posted about realizing and accepting my status as a slut/cumdump/bottom. The same mix of feelings can still hit me during and after a fuck, but nowadays I have a sense of pride as well. Taking lots of cock and loads has become part of my identity, and to a great deal define how I see myself.
    1 point
  24. A new bearish trucker guy has moved to town and been on Grindr lately. I hit him up throughout the week a couple times and we shared pics and such, but I was starting to think he just wasn't interested in me. I was busy most of the day Saturday out in the country without good cell reception, but when I got home later that evening I noticed he had tried to start a group chat on Grindr with me and someone else (but couldn't tell who). So I started asking him about it and he said the other guy ended up blocking him or whatever....not uncommon around here. Then he said a guy just loaded him up. So I asked if he wanted me to come give him some more and he said yes. I found his place and found him ass up on the bed. Fucked one load into him and we started chatting a bit, put minimal clothing on and he showed me around his place that he's fixing up, then I moved back to the bedroom and said we weren't done. When I started pulling down my jeans again, he got the hint and quickly stripped down again and grabbed his poppers. After the second fuck, he needed a smoke break. So we got dressed again and stepped outside and were chatting and browsing Grindr for more tops to come over...but didn't find any. He said at one point that he's more likely to be able to play on the weekends, so that explains the seeming lack of interest during the week. But, he made several suggestions that he wanted to fuck on a regular basis going forward too. :-)
    1 point
  25. You fucking some good neg asses lately?
    1 point
  26. "I first encountered Greg in a chatroom. While he participated in the chats, he never contributed anything about himself. The small chatroom pic didn't show much, so I clicked on his profile and saw a sexy black man, with a bushy stache, wearing a leather bar vest over a smooth chest. He listed himself as single and under looking for, there was a question mark. Bold as I am, I sent him a private message. 'Hope this is ok, but if you don't respond, I won't be offended.' Less than a minute later, the reply came, 'It's ok' 'Greg, you're a sexy man and while you contribute to the chats, you never talk about yourself. At the risk of prying, might I ask why?' 'My boyfriend broke up with me a few months ago and since then, I have no life. Even worse, I'm still living with him, though I'm in the spare bedroom and we rarely even see each other. I only leave the house to see my doc and get meds and groceries.' 'Of course, this is none of my business, but this ex of yours has left you with some major depression. When and if you're ready to talk, I'm here for you and while I'm no shrink, I'm a good listener. Honestly, we don't have to discuss your situation, we can talk about the weather or dish about the other guys in chat.' 'Just getting this much off my chest has been a big help. More than anything, I need a friend and in these few minutes, you've become that. We'll do this again, but I think we should get back to the main room before you're missed. Thanks, man.' After that exchange, our private chats became a regular thing and while Greg revealed very little about himself, other than our shared love of kink, I found myself wanting him, but I wasn't overtly flirty. Patience and persistence paid off and Greg agreed to a meeting with no sexual expectations. Greg lived in the suburbs, about a 45 minute drive from me and when I offered to pick him up, he insisted on taking the train so it wouldn't be a wasted drive if one of us changed our mind." "On the day of our meeting, after breakfast and a cleanout, I went to the minimart across the street and bought 2 hero sandwiches and beverages for our lunch, snapple for Greg and beer for me. Satisfied that my place was spotless, I sat on the sofa and tried to tamp down my excitement. Depending on the promptness of the train. Greg expected to get to my place between 11:45 and noon. At 11:30, I peered through the blinds, nervous as the proverbial long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. It was 11:49 when I spotted Greg approaching my place and I rushed to the door, opening it just as he rang the bell. Greg was even sexier in person. No sooner than I closed the door, I gave into my desire and moved in to kiss him. Worried that I might've come on too strong, I was relieved when Greg parted his lips, allowing my tongue full access, while he wrapped his arms around me. Our tongues fought a passionate duel as we swapped copious amounts of spit. Pressing his groin against mine, I felt Greg's cock throbbing and I'm sure he felt my cock pulsating with desire. Much to my regret, I was out of breath and just as I pulled back, my watch chirped to announce the hour." "I stared into Greg's brown eyes, noting how they sparkled. 'Do you know what that chirp means?' 'I hope it doesn't mean it's time for me to leave' 'When you came inside, it was 11:50 and it's now noon, so we've been kissing for 10 minutes!' 'To be honest, I can spend hours kissing you! Ever since I left, I was nervous about meeting you. I didn't know if you'd want a handshake or a hug. Halfway here, I nearly got off the train to go home, afraid that I'd disappoint you. All these months, nobody's touched me and it's like I've been dead inside. Sleeping Beauty, I ain't but like some fairy tale Prince, your kiss made me feel alive again!' 'Believe me, I'm no Prince, just an average man who knows and appreciates the magic of intimacy between 2 men! That kiss wasn't my kiss, it was OUR kiss and I think it's obvious that you made it wonderful for me! Granted, it broke our no expectations agreement, but as soon as I laid eyes on you, I had to kiss you, so no, I wasn't disappointed! Now, am I a disappointment?' 'Hell no, you ain't! The first time I joined the chat, you showed yourself to be a sweet, friendly man and then I clicked on your profile and I saw hotness personified! When we had our first private chat, I could see how caring you are. You don't pry, you don't judge, you just let me be myself and before that first chat, I really hadn't been myself, just an empty shell of a man! 'I did get the feeling that you were down in the dumps, but at the same time, I saw a man worth getting to know and I was right! If you're treated like crap, sometimes you'll feel like crap! As you know, I'm not cut out for monogamy, but if you were my boyfriend, I'd make sure you feel like the sexy stud you are!' 'Sexy stud, me? I'm no troll, but I'm not God's gift to gay men and I don't get how you see it!' 'Maybe you need to see yourself through my eyes. To use my own fairy tale comparison, I've been with my fair share of toads, but if there's a Prince here,, it's you!' 'Okay, you're my Prince and I'm your Prince, let's leave it at that!' 'Well, my Prince, I think we should have lunch and relax for a bit.' I led him into the kitchen."
    1 point
  27. Just reconnected with a guy I used to deep-fist. Just talking to him got me BONED UP!
    1 point
  28. This night is one I remember vividly. I had been taking more than one load in one night but it was always with single guys when I was cruising the park at night since I was 17. My very first time with multiple guys in one session if I remember correctly was the first time I went on vacation to a gay clothing optional resort in Gran Canaria. I was in my 20s then and was actually scared as hell not knowing what to expect from a resort like that. This is pre-internet, something you can hardly imagine now, the only thing I knew about it was what I had read in the Gay Times, a UK magazine, and those reviews were not very explicit. But it was exciting being nude around other guys and getting an all-over suntan. And after a few days you get to know the other guests around the pool and when you met them in the evening bumping into each other at bars and clubs. I hit it off with with 4 guys from the UK. They were a bunch of very outgoing best mates (not two couples) and we went out together at night. After a drunken night at the bars I ended up in one of their bungalows for a "night cap". Must have been around 4 or 5am. I had been slutting in dark rooms that night and already had a few loads in me. Can't really remember how it started but at one point I was sucking one the guys. One thing led to another and I got banged by all four guys. They were probably vers but I was the "cute Dutch guy with the hot arse". Can't remember how many loads I got, likely just four, all being intoxicated, but I remember waking up in my own bed in the morning and feeling ashamed. Couldn't really believe what I had done and felt like a real slut (not that I wasn't one in the park...). It was more about facing them that day. What would they think? Well, they thought they had had a good time. When I got to the pool one of them yelled "hey, there's the little cum slut!" All eyes around the pool were on me and I thought I'd die. But they all laughed it away and things were like normal although I could see other guests looking (leering?) at me. We had a repeat session before they had to leave two days later. Not so drunk this time and longer. My nickname at the resort was "Dutch cum slut" by then (they obviously had blabbed to the other guests) and I had no problem getting laid in the following week ? Mostly singles or couples though. I went back the next year LOL.
    1 point
  29. I can completely understand wanting to clarify why you're taking it -- I was in much the same boat when I started -- but in a clinical or hospital environment, your healthcare providers should need to know is that (a) you're still taking it, and (b) at this time, you are not HIV-positive. If you're in an environment where they may not know -- even if they should-- such as a dentist's office or eye care provider, then my personal choice had been to say something along the lines of it being a prophylactic prescription for sexual health. As to knowing which medications you're on, that's tied to whether your healthcare providers such as primary care physicians, hospitals, and surgeons are in same medical group (such as Kaiser Permanente) or, if they are not, whether or not you signed intake paperwork saying your current provider(s) could access your medical chart from other locations / groups / practices. And I know my experiences aren't/won't be the same as yours, but I hope I've helped to ease your mind at least a little bit.
    1 point
  30. It’s been a while, and I apologize for the wait, but here it is... Part 7. As I crossed from the harsh light of the store into the theater, my eyes were blurred both by the dark room and the cooling, but still sticky cum that had worked its way down my forehead. It was hard to piece together what I was seeing, but it seemed like a mass of men were standing around faced toward my naked body. Once fully out of the light, a door slid closed behind me and a sharp click pinged in my ears. Until that moment, I didn’t even know the theater had a door, let alone one that locked. At nearly the same time, as I was about to turn to the sound, a hand gripped my shoulder and a hot wave of tobacco smoke washed over me. It was him and there was no mistaking it. “You did a good job listening so far,” he said in a harsh whisper into my hear, more smoke winding by, caught in the stray light of the projected scene of a twink in a sling. “I needed you to prove yourself. Prove TO yourself, that you are the gutter slut you barely could imagine. Right now, you’re going to learn how far you’re willing to go.” He laughed a bit and I felt his other arm slide over my shoulder and press the warmth of the knurled bowl of his pipe into my ribs, just below my hardening nipple. “I brought some friends from the club for this little encounter. It’s a holiday party, and your ass is our present to ourselves.” As soon as those words left his mouth, he firmly gripped the skin of my neck between his teeth, his goatee delivering a shiver down my body. “Holiday party?” I dimly thought to myself. “What holiday?” I wasn’t that deep into gay culture so I couldn’t be sure if this was something I was supposed to know. I got lost in that particular thought for a bit until I felt his hands grab me hard, digging in deep, using my hipbones to swivel me hard left. He then released his right hand and rammed it into my back, directly between my shoulder blades. He bent me in half like a cheap pocket knife. “This is gonna hurt you a lot more than it’s going to hurt me,” he said loudly, through this teeth tightly clenching his pipe, “at first, that is. But when my cock is done with your hole, nothing’s gonna hurt anymore.” With that his hand slid around my arm and scooped up the cum still wet on my chest. He pulled it back and jammed his finger deep into my hole, hard, popping my eyes and blasting the air out of my lungs. His palm and other fingers spread the cooled cum all around my hole, lubing me. That middle finger rolled around my tight ring fast, sweeping what felt like every millimeter of my clenching rectum and fighting the fear tightened grip my asshole. He was forcing the issue and I was getting the message. Then, he yanked that finger out as hard as he had jammed it in, but it was curled into a hook as it exited. It felt for a second like he lifted me off my feet. Then, he pulled my folded body against his and his steel hard cock lodged between my ass cheeks. It slid up and back down leaving a full wide trail of precum as it traveled and I felt the ball of his PA trace out a line as he worked. With a flash, he pulled back, grabbed me by the hip bone again and drove his cock balls deep into me. It did hurt. It hurt a lot. It hurt so fucking bad, my brain scrambled back into the neighborhood of clarity. I hadn’t been fucked that much before, and when it happened, I had some trust built up. I was smart, I’d thought. Trust made me safe somehow. But now, a guy I’d met a few hours earlier, someone I probably couldn’t pick out of a police lineup, was fucking me harder than I’d ever thought possible. Bare. Hell, even if he had been wearing a rubber, it would have never survived that initial thrust. It would have shredded just like my insides felt at this moment. His cock burned as it bottomed out, and burned even harder as he yanked it back to the thick rim of his cockhead. I felt like I was a sock being pulled inside out. The word “STOP” rang out like a claxon inside my skull, but it came out of my mouth, “YESSSSSS! FUCK YESSSSSSSS!” Then came that laugh again, and that laugh went through his group of friends like an electric shock focused back at me. He held his cock hard and still, the head just on the business side of my cramped hole. “Told you’d it hurt! But you had that chance to make this stop. You chose correctly.” I could hear him take a huge draw off his pipe and he sounded like a locomotive boiler building steam. “Now...” The amount of time it took him to spit all that out was all the time I had to gather up the breath that had been knocked out of me. Instantly it was kicked back out of me. He slammed into me even harder, even deeper this time. I was surrounded by his smoke and the smell of hot cum radiating off my body. I shook hard, was shaken hard, and my ears were ringing with the pain shooting through me. Through that ringing I could hear the group hooting at the fucking being delivered into me. It could have been ten minutes or an hour since he started. Somewhere inside the pain, I felt the insane pleasure building. I could also feel his core tightening. He slowed to a slow driving, deeply rocking rhythm. It was then his hand released again and gripped me by my hair. He drew me up to his mouth. “You feel good now?” I nodded as best I could. “I’m glad, but it didn’t matter either way.” I nodded again. “Get back down.” I did, faster than I thought I could. His pounding slowed more, but he wasn’t pulling back as far and was somehow pounding even deeper. I felt him get harder, if that was even possible. Then he pushed until it felt like his balls were penetrating me. “I’m guessing you still don’t know what kind of party this is,” he gripped until his fingers felt like they’d go right through me. “It’s a welcoming party.” “Welcoming?” It wasn’t out loud. But it echoed anyway. “Now,” he sucked in his breath hard. And then he shot. And he shot. And he shot. It was like boiling metal inside me, but soothing at the same time. As the as the throbs through his cock slowed, and he held himself deep while he finished, he yanked my head back up to his mouth. He’d never let the pipe out from between his teeth. “Just so you know, I’m CigarDad. And welcome.” He yanked his cock out of me and I fell to my knees. As I lifted up, I saw the group waking toward me. My eyes cleared and I saw it. As the lead guy reached me, in thick black ink, just off center and above his hard cock, a scorpion dripping venom from its tail. My mouth opened and took his cock in deep. Behind me, another cock pushed into my swollen, broken hole. It pushed into me. And I was home.
    1 point
  31. What’s up guys. This is my 3rd time posting to this discussion but I love reading and sharing these hot stories. Anyway I currently have 5 loads in my ass. Yesterday night an old fuck bud of mine invited me over to his new place. Before I knew it his tongue was deep in my hole and his cock was down my throat. Nothing to exciting after that, I rode his cock until he shot a load in me and then I went home. Today at work, however, that’s when the fun started. I work construction, there are a lot of hot daddy types that work construcion from different companies. I always open Grindr on jobsites just in case and I’m glad I did. I got a message from a blank profile. He said something along the lines of “damn I really want that hole.” And I said okay. I had no idea what he looked like, or how big his cock was, just that he wanted some hole and I wanted some dick. We met in a dimly lit room that no one was working in, and boy was he hot. He was about 6ft tall, hairy, blue eyes and brown hair with a scruffy beard. I was in awe of how hot he was and I quickly got down on my knees and sucked his cock. It wasn’t anything special but it had some girth to it. He told me he was gonna bust soon so I stood up and turned around and slid him in my ass. (The load from the night before had just started to leak out so it made for the perfect lube.) he didn’t even get a pump in. Just shot his load in my ass. I turned around and cleaned his dick off and he pulled his pants up and left. Lunch time rolled around and I was walking through the building when another worker pulled me to the said and whispered “I hear you’re taking loads, want mine?” I thought it was hot that the daddy from before wanted to share my hole with his work friends. Next thing I knew I was being kissed by some douchey looking “straight” boy who was about to load my hole. We were in that same room as before. And he lifted me on top of some boxes just high enough for his huge cock to find my hole. He slid in slowly and told me I was wet and tight. He was so loud, almost like he wanted to get caught. He kept telling me how hot my hole was, and that he was gonna breed me. I got into it as well, and begged for his load. “You want my babies , boy?” He said right before he grunted and pulled my hole further into his cock. He slid out, a long with someone else’s load and looked down at the load that just dropped from Ass and asked for my number. I gave it to him. I was cleaning up my area at work when he texted me, saying “I want that cummy hole again” I met him at his truck and we drove to a secluded area. I took off my jeans revealing my cum stained jock. Unzipped his pants, pulled his cock and balls out and rode him. He came in minutes but instead of pulling out after he shot, he kissed me, I felt his dick grow soft and then suddenly I felt that monster start grow inside my hole and he fucked me for another 15 minutes, I begged for his load. And while he shot one deep in me, my untouched cock started to cum as well.
    1 point
  32. My last load, well loads I should say were yesteday. I’m 19. But have been taking dick and loads for a few years now. At first it started out as strictly safe, had to use a condom, and had to pull out and finish into the condom. That all changed once I was 17. I got involved with the quarterback at my school, and to make a long story short, he turned me into the cum hungry bottom I am now. I live an hour away from the closest ABS to me. I just bought a new car so I figured I would take a drive and see what was up. I had gone there before late at night when I lived in said town, but it had been awhile. I put on my favorite Andrew Christian Jock, it’s pink and keeps my dick nice and sticky from my own Precum, Grabbed some condoms and lube and headed out. ( up until yesterday I have always played safe with random people, only took loads of people I knew) I finally got to the book store and seen so many different men, some with rings on their fingers, some old, and some young professional looking types. My cock grew hard and my ass grew eager to have these random men fuck me safe. I walked into the back entrance and picked the nearest booth, it only had one glory hole, but that was enough for me. Or so I thought. I put my money into the machine, and before I could even choose a video, a big thick white cock peeked through the hole. I took off my shorts and my shirt and dropped to my knees and started to deep throat. As soon as I got in the rhythm he slipped out of my mouth and I eagerly waited for him to slide through again. He slid his cock back through but this time it was lube with a condom on it. I immediately slid my tight hole onto his cock and let him ride my ass. It was my first time doing anything of the sort. I had never fucked someone without seeing them, but gloryhole breeding is my favorite porn to watch, and I knew I always wanted to try it, he slid his cock out of me and I desperately pushed my hole to the gloryhole hoping he would slide back in, and he did. This time Raw. My mind was going insane. I had always wanted it, but never planned for it to happen, for fucks sake I brought condoms so it wouldn’t. My dick had never been harder though. His pace picked up and I heard a loud grunt and the familiar feeling of cock twitching once your hole has been filled. He slid out of me, pulled his pants up and left. I exited my booth, clothes in my hand, cum in my ass, and went into his, because his had two. I told myself “you got it out of your system.” And promised I wouldn’t do it again. But then some one entered the booth I was just in. He must’ve known that I switched, no one else had came through the entrance. He stuck his hard cock through the hole, and I immediately started sucking him. Every time I am on my knees it is a habit for my ass to be in the air, and I felt a finger poke at my hole. I immediately mounted who’s ever finger it was and rode it. “It’s jusy a finger no harm right?” I thought. I noticed a head starting at my hole. I gathered up a “fuck it attitude.” And pushed back on the unlubed dick me rode it until he shot in me. I turned around to face rhe cock that just need me, and realized I had only done that to mount he one I just sucked on. He shot pretty quick. At this point I wanted more. So much more I didn’t care. I ended up taking a total of seven loads in my ass, they’re still dripping out of my rosebud as I type this. I never thought I would do anything like this, but I’ve never been more satisfied and I’m going back this weekend.
    1 point
  33. I started sucking cock when I was 8, swallowed my first load at 12 and have been addicted to swallowing cum ever since! Was lucky enough to have a best friend in HS (str8 & married now) who would feed me his teenage cum 3-4 times a week for almost 5 years! Then had a college roommate for 3 years that provided some much needed cum (in addition to guys I met at the local ABS or bars). With my roommate it started with me finding used condoms and cum-rags in his room and I would take the condoms and swallow his load! Eventually he busted me, but was cool and started delivering the bags of fun to me after he shot! Finally on one drunken night he said he wanted to actually watch me eat his cum, so we watched a porn and jacked off...he came into my hand and I licked it up while he watched. That started a new JO event a couple nights a week, which eventually led to me sucking him off for about a year before we moved apart And there have been thousands of loads since those days swallowed and taken up my ass!! but swallowing is my favorite! One of my favorite feeders was this Asian guy that could cum 3x before he was satisfied...we met on A4A and the first time he came over, I was servicing him...he shoot a nice size load into my mouth, I swallowed it as I stroked myself off...but when I went to get up, he was "keep going"...who am I to objected, so I kept sucking and got 2 more loads before he was like 'ok, you can stop now'. So after that I learned not to bust my load until he had done 3 . Eventually we talked about fucking and so he started feeding me 2 loads, followed by fucking a 3rd into my ass! was the perfect solution to wanting to swallow and get seeded! I just wish more guys could go 3-4x before quitting...
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  34. Like cumdumps, I'm not exactly sure. I started exclusively barebacking when I was around 17. I'm in my mid twenties now and I get fucked on average, 5 or 6 times a week. Even more when I go to sex parties. So based on that, I'd estimate I've had somewhere between 500-1000 loads in my lifetime.
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  35. 1 point
  36. I was visiting my siste in Mexico City, i’m a 23 years old, white, 5’7, regular body, not fat but not slim either, kind of hairy and i think handsome haha, so i’m mainly top, my cock is 7 inches and really thick, but once in a while i like to be fucked by bigger guys than me, in size, age and cock. so i went on Grindr, got a text from this guy, he was blonde, like 6’2, broad shoulders but wasn’t muscled, i little beer belly, he was 35 and was cute, his cock was 7.8 inches long and a little less thick than mine, a really gorgeous dick. i met him in the park near his hotel, wich is 3 blocks away from my sister’s home, we chatted a little and then he invited me to his room. As soon as we got in he kissed me really passionately and we made out, first with our cloths on, and then naked like half an hour, then i started sucking him, i’m no really a fan on sucking but i just craved that cock. After a while we made a 69 while he rimmed me. When my hole was finally ready, i’m really tight, he reached for a condom. i’m no fond of condoms, for me the best there is about sex is that a man can fill another man’s ass with his seed, but i’m a little paranoid with aids so i rarely bareback unless it is with a boyfriend, anyway, he told me to get in all fours and slowly and with lots of lube got his dick balls deep, i just fel so full, my asshole was stretching a lot more than usually and my ass was completely full, i could feel his dick pushing a little in my second sphincter, it was heaven, well, almost heaven. he starte fucking me slowly at first, but then he picked the pace and was giving me one of my top 3 fucks. He fucked me for 15min in all fours, missionary, laying completely on top of me but suddenly got tired and got out of me. We rested a little while i sucked him till he got hard again, with did that like 2 time more, then he putted his last condom and fucked me missionary, i was enjoying it but i could tell he was getting soft, we made out a little when his dick got out of me, i was really dissapointed and i could tell he was too. he just stood in ther with his cock over my hole, and then he starte to massage my entrance up and down, while getting harder again, he then, really slowly, like asking me permission, began to get his cock in me. i was scared even when he told me he was clean but i allowed it, i don’t regret it, he got event harder inside me a fucked me really good for 5 minutes, he the told me he was about to cum, got his dick out and started jacking it, i quickly pulled him from his back to get his dick in my ass, he looked at me surprised, but then slammed me 3 time, the final one he went balls deep, and i could feel his dick jerking inside me, i also could feel something warm spreading in my guts, i was completely in heaven. after a minute or so he got out of me and jacked me off till i was cumming all over the bed. We then took a shower, chatted a little and then i got home. 2 hour latter i got the urge to take a “dump”, but when i let it out it was a really big amount of cum that came out of me, jacked myself of again thinking of how this cute pilot just knocked me up and left me that full.
    1 point
  37. My "bachelor" uncle molested me as a kid. But I'm pretty sure I'm just how I am and would have been this way regardless. Still, he said he picked me cuz he "knew."
    1 point
  38. Part 4 Nate lowered the rock studs hips now, rubbed his hand across the flat little belly beneath him taking up the boy's still warm cum and rubbing it along the shaft of his throbbing dick. The rock baby no longer struggled to get away and Nate found it time to take this little man's ass and exercise his desperate black muscle. His premium was oozing out, the though of breeding his first neg ass was driving him wild but he wanted to confirm it. Nate grabbed Art from behind the knees, pulled hard legs over his shoulders, aimed his cock at the hole. Art had lost it. His legs over the shoulders of this black giant, Art reached around to grab the dick that he knew was coming his way. He grabbed what felt like a warm throbbing pipe, not believing it's size, looked around to see 10" of black cock pushing at the entrance to his asshole. "Relax, little man. You're gonna take this cock whether you want it or not. The more you relax, the less I'll hurt you" Nate pushed. Art tried to relax and felt the black cap opening his hole. "Before I fuck you are you neg?" asked Nate with a sly smile. "Yes, please I don't want to catch anything" replied Art. Knowing he would get the reaction he wanted Nate replied "Too bad, I'm Poz and so will you be soon" Fear crossed Arts face and his ring instantly tightened to ward off the toxic monster. In that instant Nate gave a fast short thrust and felt the ass below open up with a pop as his cock head entered. Art screamed which excited Nate more. Looking down he could see a small amount of blood already appearing, it had done the trick.Nate covered Art's mouth and gave another thrust sinking 3" more in the tight ass below him. "Ahh yea, baby, take my cock. Take it all" Nate thrust again, 2" closer to paradise. Art couldn't imagine the pain. Teeth clenched and tongue thick, Art gripped Nate's bulging arms trying to push the giant off him. He felt like a horse was fucking him. Nate pulled out, grabbed the little stud by the waist, and turned him onto his stomach. He pulled Art's ass up toward, him, aimed and thrust his dick again into the wonderfully tight hole. Art screamed again. Nate looked down and saw he had 5" left to drive home. He pulled Art up to his chest, rested his chin on his captives head, wrapped his arms around arts chest, one hand over Art's mouth. With his dick still halfway up Art's ass, Nate stood up. Art's scream was muffled as he was lifted off the ground with that horse dick up his ass. Up on two feet and arched back, Nate was in heaven, buried deep inside Art, whose legs were kicking in mid air like a little boy. Nate could feel the little man's heart racing which excited him even more. He held Art's waist and started rotating his hips, enjoying the tight canal massaging his dick. Art was groaning to the rythm. After a couple minutes, Nate got a better hold on Art's shoulder's, covered the kid's mouth again, and simultaneously pulled down on the little body as he thrust up slamming the last 5" of his hard black cock up this tight white ass. Art was screaming behind the palm as he felt the monster dick jam further up his ass. He felt like an impaled pig, feet hanging in mid air between Nate's bulging thighs. This is what it's like to get fucked by a man, Art thought. He then felt Nate arch back and let go. Art grabbed onto Nate's thighs to steady himself but realized he was being held up by nothing but this black dick up his ass and his own weight sittting on Nate's crotch. Nate could feel a faint drizzle of wetness dripping off his balls. He knew he'd split the kid good. He first felt the belly below him rumble and then heard Nate's triumphant howl. Art passed out from the pain. Hidden in the bush, Nate hadn't realized that Mike, his fellow linebacker, had been watching the show for some time. Mike, who was shorter than Nate at 6'1" but no less built at 210#, had seen Art climbing before. He'd been impressed by the rock stud too, but was more amazed to see Nate fucking the little guy. This was clearly an uninvited rape and Mike found his own steam rise and 8" dick harden. Fuck if he was going to let his teammate get all the pussy and not shar.Mike walked out of the bushes, hard dick in hand, as Nate was laying a limp Art over a rock to pump the shit out of his little ass. Nate looked up, saw his friend and his hard dick, heading over. Nate smiled and let his tongue fall out in a pant indicating to hisfriend what a good fuck lay below. Mike walked over in front of Art's face and started stroking his dick in front of the little guy who was coming to, and starting to groan again. "He taking any loads? Sharing needles for my roids has left mine a bit dirty" asked Mike. "Fuck yeah, like he has a choice" hollered Nate. When Art came to, he realized he'd been moved and could feel that big black dick slowly pumping in & out of this ass. Nate was groaning, "yea baby, yeah. Take it, take it all. Oh this good. Your mine." When Art opened his eyes he was confused to see a big throbbing white dick in his face, looked up to see a big white guy, about the same size as Nate jacking off right above him. Just then Nate, shoved in hard up his ass causing Art to scream again. Mike grabbed Art's head and shoved his engorged meat in the little man's open mouth to shut him up. It took him several hard thrusts but he got his dick all the way down the guy's throat and started fucking. Art reached out to push off the white guy's thighs but was then lifted off the rock from behind, dicks still embedded at both ends. With Nate holding his waist and Mike holding his head, Art found himself airborne, a double orifice for two fucking animals who were reaming their dicks in and out. "Hey Mike, he's loosing his tightness, hold your cock in and choke him out. His struggling should help" stating an uncaring Nate. Following instructions, Mike continued to face fuck Art, but kept his throat well plugged. Stars started to appear and Art became frantic trying to get air. "Fuck yeah, thats what I'm talking about!" Nate pounded harder his black monster cock covered in the little neg virgins blood Art could feel Nate's balls hitting his ass and sensed the giant dick begin to throb against his shute. Nate started yelling " Oh yeah, ahh god, oh I'm gonna cum, rock baby, I'm gonna fill your man pussy with my poz juice. Ahh, Ahh. Here it comes." Nate bent over and blanketed Art's body with his own, his face eye-level to Mikes big pumping dick. Nate squeezed the little guy's studly body as hard as he could. Art couldn't breathe, just as he started to feel the giant cock explode jizz up his ass in rythmic pumps all the while another dick was pumping his face his world went black. Nate was cumming so hard lost in his orgasm he ignored the unconscious hole he was using. Mike looked down to see Nate's massive back hiding the little stud, hips fucking fast, and muscles in spasm; obviously cumming up that tight ass. Mike new Art was out began to feel his own load rise to head. He shoved his dick down Art's throat as his cock began to pump his load down the captive'sgullet. Mike pulled out as he finished to see Nate lift a conquered Art up and sit back down with his cock still up the rock stud's ass. Nate gave Art a quick slap bringing him around. Art was crying now as Nate stroked his chest, squeezed his arms and gave him a warm embrace. "You know Art, you're mine now. You're all mine." Sitting there on Nate's lap, a semi-hard black cock still up his ass and fully owned for the first time in his life, Art knew that climbing Hoodoo Ridge would never be the same again. Nate had spotted Art's ass, and yes, pushed it to the limit. "Next time we are taking it further" Nate stated in an ominous tone.
    1 point
  39. part of me wishes i could go back in time and make the most of what happened back then maybe even have my dad fuck me too as then maybe i could have had a better relationship with my dad later on in life than i do now as we do not talk any more .
    1 point
  40. From the age of 12 for over a year was molested by one of dads friends when ever mum was out working or with friends this guy would take my to my room and have me suck him till he was ready to fuck me, he was my first experience of taking a mans cock, i'm certain dad knew what was going on but could never prove it, just recently i found out he was my dads boyfriend at the time. looking back now i appreciate the experience and wish it had developed into more, but at the time it left me feeling depressed and at times suicidal, mum was busy working or enjoying herself with friends and didnt believe me when i told her and dad just turned a blind eye to it all. but it has left me now knowing i am more than happy to please another man when ever i can
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  41. Part 2: Too much for me but too late He walked over to me, he exuded confidence and as his drew close i couldn't help but stare down at the bulge now hidden by his towel. "Hows your night going buddy?" he asked, reaching forward to graze his hand along my hip and feel my ass. "Good, but nervous" I replied. "Follow me", and with that he walked out back through the maze and into the front reception area and bar. He quickly ordered two drinks, a triple shot vodka for me. He seemed to know the guy serving, they exchanged a smile. "drink up, then I'll get you another". I quickly downed the massive shot. It actually took me two goes, and even then i covered and shook as i tried to cope with the straight alcohol. As soon as that one was gone another appeared. "are you trying to get me d-drunk?" I caught myself already starting to slur a bit. "You bet, want you nice and relaxed to take my cock", he leaned forward to whisper in my ear " My mate will be here soon, hope you are up for a big cock down that throat of yours while i ream your ass. I've been training hard and trust me i can thrust hard with these legs". He drew my hand down to feel his quads and tightened them for emphasis. "Lets got relax in the sauna while we wait". I obediently followed as he left the front area, meandered through the maze down the stairs and entered the dark sauna. Were alone in the dark steamy room. He sat down and removed his towel showing off his still semi-hard cock. It was easily 8 inches and looked like it still had some filling out to do. It was the fantasy beer bottle cock, massive his and an equally thick shaft. He reached his hand behind my head and guided me down on to my knees infant of him. I came down hard, the vodka was clearly starting to affect my co-ordination. reaching forward i touched his hot cut cock. We had talked about how rough he like to be when he fucked, i had mentioned that most tops Id been with were too gentle to protect their foreskins. Clearly this wouldn't be a problem for him I leaned in and suckled from the head, tasting already the hint of salty premium leaking from him. In my my i still figured I could blow him off a bit, maybe get a rim job. God I wanted his cock but was I really ready to take a poz load. I played safe. I was neg and healthy what was i doing. I stared up through the dim light across his hairy muscles chest. Despite being in his 40's he was clearly a stud, a slightly pinched in look to his face, but his body was strong, virile, muscular. I couldn't believe I was sucking him. I played with his low hanging balls. "Sniff." He had produced amyl and held it to my nose. Once, twice..."keep going"four times each side. My head was spinning and i held on to his sweaty legs as i slipped forward and face planted him his crutch. "Open you mouth and get ready, you got an empty stomach?" I barely had time to nod before his hands grab my head ad guided my mouth down over his hard thick cock. He crammed it against the opening of my throat, i struggled not to heave, being thrust back and forth, slow but determined. He was simply too thick. Releasing my head i lean to the sided, coughing and gagging. "Sniff", once again four each side. This stuff was strong, combined with the alcohol and heat i was struggling. Once again he grabbed my head forcing his rigid cock into my mouth. Hard, it must be a good 9.5 and so tick the corners of my mouth could feel the stretch. He reached my throat opening, pulled back a bit "Take a deep breath in, and all the way out." He moved the knob back up to my throat. "Cough! I said fucking cough!". As I cough he gripped hard and thrust, the knob popped into my throat, a painful tearing feeling in my throat accompanied a roaring in my head. "Keep you fucking most open!" He held my head as i struggled, the heat and alcohol left me weak I pushed against his legs. Stars started tp dance in my vision. The door of the sauna opened. "Bout fucking time Matt", my kick boxer released my head. I fell cough and spluttering as his feet, a coppery taste enveloped my mouth. I think my throat was bleeding but i could also feel the spots when my tongue had been wedged between my teeth and his cock. "This our little conquest for the night? I got a nice big toxic load for him" I looked up to see a stocky, nearly chubby guy standing above me, towel over his shoulder his gut protruded in front of him. Below which hung massive nuts, low, wrinkled and hairy. Along with a long rigid cock. It wasn't as thick as my kick boxer but curved slightly up and looked a good 9.5 inches maybe 10. I was to the point where the alcohol was really affecting my ability to think. "yep, got his throat bleeding and ready for you" kick boxer replied. I tired to crawl to my towel and walk out. This was too much, I wanted it rough, but they are poz and already rougher than i wanted. Maybe a hard fuck, bit of poking his bare knob in me, but rubber up to cum. I was already bleeding from my mouth. Matt shifted in front of me blowing my escape. "Where do you think you're going princess? The fun is just starting."
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  42. 5. Rod "Let's enjoy how good this can feel," I said. My balls were pressed against Jay's asshole, and my dickhead was buried deep in his guts. It was already dripping a steady stream of pre-cum into him. The boy had been hungry to get fucked, signaling it by grinding his fuzzy ass against my face, desperate for every bit of my tongue. I was happy that he had not mentioned pulling out, much less a condom. The only trick now was to get at least one load inside of him before he started to think about the implications of unsafe sex with a strange man. Or, perhaps he was one of the beautiful, naive boys that had become so wonderfully common over the past few years. Raised on a steady diet of bareback porn and little to no guidance on safer sex, they hardly even knew to ask about my status or for a condom. "Oh fuck," Jay groaned again, as my cock pushed a little deeper. Every inch of him was still virgin territory, a landscape of pleasure that I was going to get to explore, enjoy, and ultimately poison with my toxic loads. "You feel so good inside of me," he said. "Come here, boy." I wrapped my arms around his torso, and pulled him down. Up close, I could see his green eyes, framed by the black glasses he wore. He hadn't taken them off when we had gotten undressed; and it helped him seem a little older than the just-barely-eighteen that I feared he was. I didn't bother to take them off. Jay naturally sought out my mouth, and we enjoyed a deep intimate kiss. I allowed his tongue into my mouth and felt him explore it. "This feels so good," I said, in between our making out. "I'm so glad I can do this with you." It was shameless, but it didn't matter. I had paid dearly for the pleasure of his hole and there had been a premium for the privilege of pozzing him up. The last thing I wanted was for him to feel anything less than treasured by me. For the rest of the night, I would constantly remind him of the pleasure he was getting. Hopefully, he would remember this visceral, animal enjoyment of sex. Tomorrow, there would be an intellectual fear, of the risks he had taken, but by then, it would be too late. "Fuck, Rod. Your cock. Inside me," Jay said, as he pushed himself back up to ride my dick like an experienced slut. I needn't have worried about the G. He was flying on the G. It would further reduce the chances that Jay would ask about a condom. Of course, they were remote in the first place. Even I couldn't turn down the feeling of a thick raw cock in my hole, and I was mostly top. Jay on the other hand had all the makings of a true bottom. The lure of raw cock and fertile seed would be too hard for him to resist even sober, much less with the GHB further fueling his depraved needs. Any second thoughts I might have had about dosing Jay were quickly dissipating as he thrust his hole against my body, pushing my cock deeper into his body. He was riding me hard and fucking himself deep all at the same time. He was smiling, his eyes closed in the pleasure of having another man's cock deep in his hole. Of course, his dick was also betraying his base emotions. It was sticking straight up, hard with the slightest hint of pre-cum at the tip. I wanted Jay to have fun tonight. Not so much that I would pull out of him, but I wanted him to always associate tonight with pleasure. Of course, this was not entirely altruism on my part. I wanted Jay to associate pleasure with bareback sex. I wanted him to equate partying with gratification. I must have been staring at him, because when he finally opened his eyes again, he paused for a moment. "This is cool, right?" he asked. His voice quivered a bit; he was afraid the answer would be a no, and his moment of happiness would be shattered. "Hell yeah," I said, pushing my cock back inside of him. He gasped, his dick throbbed, and he clenched his muscles around my shaft. I could feel how much he needed a cock inside of him. "Feels so good to be inside you. To feel you like I really wanted to." "You wanted me?" he asked. He was at that age where every man was beautiful, but so few of them knew it. His innocence was charming and made my balls ache for the possibility to defile him. In between the waves of pleasure radiating out from my shaft, I remembered that I needed to cum inside of him. It was important that I did it before he began to wonder about getting fucked raw. The GHB I did would make it harder to cum, but this was a challenge that I relished. "Yeah," I said. "Fucking hot young man." "Thanks," he said. He blushed. "It's just..." "Your first time, right?" I asked. I already knew the answer; even if he had never said it out right, he had hinted at it. "Yeah," he said. "And?" I asked. "Do you like it? Getting fucked?" I reached out and grabbed his cock. It was shorter than me, maybe only six or seven inches, but it was still thick enough to have some weight. Plus, it was filled with blood. It was stiff, hard, and masculine. "Your dick says you like it." "Yeah," he said. "I do." He pushed his body against my hips, forcing my cock deeper into him. "It feels amazing. Like..." He trailed off, his eyes closing, as he got lost in the sensation of my dick sliding in and out of his ass. He didn't know it, but he had already lost everything that would be precious to him: his innocence and virginity, his health, and his sobriety. In addition to my cock deep in his hole and my toxic pre-cum leaking into him, the drugs were also coursing through his blood. Of course, this was just the beginning for Jay. There would be plenty more of everything for him later. He'd get more dick, more infected cum, and plenty more drugs to ease his transition from good boy to dirty whore. Just thinking about Jay getting used and degraded got my dick pulsing. There was the familiar tingle at the tip as my dirty fantasies and Jay's eager fucking pushed me closer and closer to the edge of orgasm. "You're enjoying it too, I think," Jay said. I smiled. "I am. It feels good to be inside you. I'm glad you are letting me share this experience with you." I pushed my cock deeper into Jay, eliciting a groan of pleasure from him. It was a low, deep, intense groan, enough for me to feel it in the center of my dick. I tried my best, but it was too much for me. My balls had already clenched up and were ready to unload. "Ohhhhh, fuuuuuuuuuck," he groaned again. It was another deep-shaft massage for me, and I stopped holding back. "Oh fuck, yes," I grunted. A volley of sperm coursed down the length of my shaft, and erupted into Jay. "Fuuuuuuuck," he continued, at the exact same moment my toxic sperm shot into his ass. He wouldn't be able to feel my orgasm, unless I let him know. But, it wasn't time to tell him I was cumming in him. At least not yet. It would come, hopefully after I had a chance to give him a second or even third load. "You feel so fucking good," I said, through clenched teeth, trying not to reveal my body-shaking orgasm. I was happy, because the young boy's hole had been anointed with another man's cum. Jay was just extraordinarily unlucky that my cum happened to be unmedicated, high-viral-load, dirty pozjuice. I slammed my cock back into Jay, shooting another jet of warm cream into his hole. "Oh fuck," Jay finally said. It was the same word, but a different tone of voice. He was back in control of himself, no longer giving himself over to the sexual beast that we had unleashed. "That is so fucking hot. Your cock. So hard. In my hole." "So hot and wet," I said, completing his sentence. "It's hard not to want to go all the way." "I know. I want to feel you cum inside me." I smiled, and nodded. He continued. "But I want to enjoy this ride a long, long time." "Don't worry boy," I said. "I'm good for several loads." "It just..." He stammered a bit, the sex demon was re-asserting itself. "so fucking hot to feel you inside me." He leaned down. A bit of my shaft pulled out of him, and my dickhead rubbed some of my sperm into his ass. "So...right," he said. "I know." My cock was throbbing as we talked and gently working my load into the boy. He had leaned all the way down, his face now only a few inches from mine. Even in the low light of the patio, I saw the familiar glazed look on his face. He was G'ed out, and every sensation would have dark, sexual overtones for him. It was a seductive sensation; he would spend the rest of his life chasing after this feeling. It was the feeling of being a little high and a lot horny, the horniness giving him permission to chase after pure pleasure. "I just...I just....want you." He bit his lip, trying to deny himself the pleasure he was feeling. "I want you in me. Just like this." I risked going a little further. "You like my pre-cum in you?" "Oh fuck yeah," Jay said. He pushed and forced more of my shaft back into his hole. "Oh yeah," he moaned, his eyes closing in pleasure. I stopped worrying. I had gotten the all-important first load into him. It counted for bragging rights; the next load and the ones that followed would just be practice, re-enforcing Jay's very first fuck. "You inside me. Your pre-cum dripping into me." I smiled. Aiden would be pleased at how Jay was turning out. He might have been a bit shy at first and uncertain about the possibilities of two males having fun together. But he was learning quickly and getting used to how good a dick up his ass could feel. He was fucking himself hard on my cock. "Fuck me, please, Rod. Fuck me hard. Fuck me deep. Just fucking fuck me," he grunted. I slammed my cock into him. If he kept this up, between the dirty talk and the tight fuzzy hole on my dick, I was going to cum a second time. "Please man. Give it to me. Give me that hard cock," Jay murmured. He was still pressed against me, his lips right against my ear. He was just whispering, but he was close enough for me to hear every desperate syllable. "Oh fuck, Rod. Don't take it out of me. Your fucking dick, Rod, it's inside me." He reached down between his legs and found the margin between us, where my cock stretched open his hole and entered his body. I felt his finger press against my shaft. He only succeeded in making me drip even more of my pre-cum into his hole. "Oh fuck Rod," he whispered. Jay's body was pressed against mine. He was shaking, but whether from fear, excitement, pleasure or a mixture of all three, I couldn't tell. I pulled him closer to me and his warm skin pressed against mine. He was clenching his hole tight around my cock as hard as he could, not wanting a single millimeter of my cock to slide out of him. "Relax boy. This can go on as long as you need it to," I whispered into his ear. His torso relaxed a bit, but his hole was just needy as before. "Please, Rod. Give it to me. Give me all of it." It was easy to convince myself that he wasn't talking just about my cock, but about everything that my cock stood for: the drugs I indulged in, the forbidden fantasies that I enacted, the money I traded for sex, and the virus that I transmitted with every load of cum. I gave him a long kiss. "I'll give you everything you've ever dreamt of." Of course, nightmares were also dreams. It wasn't my business to know Jay's nightmares; it was my business to act out my fantasies. "But just for now. For me." "Yes?" Jay asked, anticipating a request from me. "Just enjoy yourself. Just focus on the pleasure." "I want to you focus on the pleasure too, Rod. I want to make you happy." "Don't worry," I replied. "You're doing a fine job. A damn fine job making me happy." Something clicked for me at that moment. I remembered that I was paying for this. There was no obligation for me to do anything but enjoy myself. It was my time to be a selfish, greedy fucker, and to use Jay as the partied-up fucktoy that he was. "Oh fuck," I grunted, and pushed my dick further into Jay. I felt the spooge already up there slide past my dickhead. "Oh fuck, Rod. Keep it in me." Did he not know how hard it was not to understand his sex-crazed demands as anything other than begging to be pozzed up? "Give it to me." "Of course, Jay," I said. My cock went back into the depths of his hole. My engorged dickhead and thick shaft pressed my first gift deeper into Jay. Jay deserved it. He was still young and he would have many years of spreading the virus before he would succumb to the ravages of drugs and illness. I wanted my seed to spread, and Jay was the latest in a long line of vessels by which I would infect my entire world. "Fuck, that feels amazing," Jay groaned. "Fucking amazing." "You want more of it?" I said. Jay just nodded; he was gasping for breath in perfect synchrony with my strokes. "Come on," I continued. "Sit on it." I gently pushed him back up, where his body weight and gravity conspired to force even more of my shaft into his body. It was also very clear just how turned-on Jay was. His dick was sticking straight up, just as hard as my cock was. And, just like my cock, there was a bead of pre-cum at the tip. I ran my finger across it, then licked my finger. It tasted clean and fresh; there was no hint of the virus that contaminated my semen. At least, there was no hint yet. "Oh fuck," Jay moaned, as he settled down onto my cock. "So fucking big. So deep in me." "Just relax," I said. "Just enjoy the feeling of getting fucked. Of my cock deep inside of you." Jay closed his eyes, threw his head back, and grunted in pure pleasure. I wanted to spend all night fucking the boy. I wanted to massage my load into him, make sure that my seed found fertile soil to colonize and grow. But, Aiden would be out shortly to check on us, and he would more plans for Jay. It was a much higher fee to have exclusive use of a boy's hole, and I had yet to meet the boy that wasn't improved with the seed of several men soaking into him. I reached down and played with Jay's dick. The boy had a nice dick, a good length plus a thick, meaty shaft. He was still hard and was still dripping pre-cum. It made my own cock throb to think how turned-on Jay was, and how much he deserved several more loads in him. I would have to cum soon if I wanted one of those to be a second one from me. "Oh fuck Jay," I grunted, as he started to ride my cock, practically milking me for every drop of pre-cum I could give him. "Fucking ride that goddamn cock." "Oh fuck," Jay groaned again. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw the patio door slide open. But I didn't care; Edward threw these parties specifically for us to bareback whoever we wanted and get to breed their holes. Nailing an innocent neg boy on the balcony was not just tolerated, it was expected. "Oh hell yes," he grunted. He had either not seen what I had, or had ignored it. I pushed my dick against his hips, forcing myself deep into him. I held it there, just long enough to feel the familiar, wonderful tingle of an impending orgasm. Jay instinctively knew what to do, and began to rock to and fro on my dick, massaging me to the very edge of orgasm. "Oh god," I moaned. "This is fucking amazing." I stopped trying to hold back any longer. He was practically begging me to cum into him. He didn't care that I was poz. Or, rather, I knew he wouldn't care. He was high on G and his ass would be hungry like never before. The GHB had activated pathways of pleasure that had never been triggered before, and Jay was reveling in the infinitely familiar yet profoundly new sensations. He moaned, "Oh fuck. Give it to me please!" "Oh hell yeah," I grunted. "Oh Hell YEAH!" I turned my head to one side for a second, and I saw Aiden standing just behind Jay, where the young man couldn't see. He smiled at me and gave me a two-thumbs-up sign. Any lingering doubt about permission was erased; Jay's pimp had just given me clearance to seed the young man's hole. Now, all that mattered was getting off and filling Jay with my toxic seed. "Come on, Rod," Jay grunted, "Come on. Give me all of it." The tingle of orgasm had grown, and I was only seconds away from exploding in his ass for the second time tonight. In the quest to infect a boy, depth of seeding was important, as was the virulence and potency of the seed. But nothing really made up for sheer quantity. The more toxic seed I pumped into the whore-boy, the better his chances of getting infected. I pushed my dick as deep as I could and let my animal instincts take over. My balls pulled up, tightened, and a spurt of semen started to barrel down the length of my shaft. "OH HELL YEAH," I grunted, almost loud enough to penetrate the windows of the rooms around me. I didn't care. I was breeding a hot young stud, filling him with my pozcum, and there was nothing between us to protect him. "OH HELL YEAH," I repeated. A second spurt of cum shot down the length of my dick, and deep into Jay's hungry hole. "Oh god," Jay mumbled. "It feels so good." He was having trouble processing all the sensations that were colliding: his first time on GHB, the first night with another man, and certainly the first time getting fucked using cum as a lube. I wasn't surprised that he wasn't able to say much. It didn't matter. My dick was still dribbling my virulent seed into the boy, which was only making the feelings more intense. "I don't want to stop. "Oh yeah," I said. The initial intensity of the orgasm had been expended in launching my seed deep into Jay's ass. The furious urgency had been dealt with, and it was time to focus on my dick. I was rubbing my shaft against every inch of Jay's ass, and working my slime into the boy. "Oh fuck, this is nice," I said. "Hell yeah," Jay said. "It's so warm. So comfortable inside me." "It feels so good. How hot your hole is. How wet you are." "It's fucking hot." Jay relaxed his legs a bit, which only pushed my dick a bit further into him. "So hard." "And so deep," I said. "Nice show men," a voice suddenly said. "A very nice show." It was a new voice, one that had not been with us before. I turned to the side, and there was Aiden, less than an arm's breadth from us. Jay also turned to the sound of Aiden's voice. He turned so fast that my dick nearly fell out of him; only me holding onto his waist avoided that fate. "Oh fuck," he said, the tone was one of fear and uncertainty. "I'm sorry, man. I'm so fucking sorry." "What are you sorry for, Jay?" Aiden asked. He was now just wearing a pair of boxers, the light blue fabric was nearly a perfect match to his eyes. "I mean. Me. Your friend. This," Jay stammered. His asshole was clenched tight around my shaft; he might have been embarrassed by being discovered mid-fuck, but he wasn't going to give up my pole. "This is exactly how I had hoped it would turn out. You men enjoying each other. Each other's bodies." He turned to me. "How's it for you?" he asked. "Fucking amazing," I said. "That's what I like to hear," Aiden said. "Seems like you boys are getting along just fine. But you may want to join the party soon. Our friend Tina just showed up, and I'm sure Jay would enjoy meeting her." "I'm sure he would," I said. "Nor would I mind hanging out with her a bit." Jay looked confused, but I didn't care. I'd explain a bit later what Tina was, and show him just how good it could make him feel. "I'll leave you boys alone. Seems like you don't need much help having fun." "See you in a bit," I said. Jay was still clenched around my dick, not yet ready to give it up. I'd have to ease him into the idea of going back to the party. The one carrot I could dangle for him was the promise that he'd be fucked some more. "You want to take a break?" I asked. "See what the party's like?" "I just," he stammered. "I just like this so much." "I know," I said. "And there's plenty more time for this. Time to do it with me, if you want." He nodded. "I guess." He rocked back and forth on my shaft. I could feel the two loads squish back and forth. "Do you need to get off? I mean, do you want to cum?" I reached down and played with his cock. He was still hard and there was more pre-cum at the tip. I licked the pre-cum off my finger, savoring the sweet, innocent flavor. It was going to be one of the last times Jay could claim "innocent" as a description. The gathered guests would be hungry for a fresh piece of ass like Jay. "I already came," I said. "Twice." "Fuck," Jay said. He was quiet, but his ass stayed wrapped around my dick. "Fuck," he repeated. "I've never even cum in a girl's mouth." "And now you've got two loads from me in your ass." "I know," he said. He was still rocking back and forth on my cock. "Two loads. Inside me." His dick was hard in my hand. He was still trying to fathom what I had just told him, and what it meant for his future. "Fuck man." "You ok?" I asked. "Yeah," he grunted, almost more an animal sound than a human voice. "I am," he said. He was still rocking back and forth on my shaft, stimulating my dick and almost daring me to cum a third time. "Really good." "Let's go inside," I said. "I think you're going to enjoy this party. I think you're going to enjoy it a lot." "This is already been amazing," he said. I gently lifted him off my shaft. It came out clean and glossy, slicked down by my cum. "It's just," "Not what you expected?" I asked. He was a stranger in a very strange land indeed now, and I had to remember that. Jay was learning the norms of how men had sex, and it would be a many more nights like this before he had the same instincts as I did. "Yeah," Jay said. He leaned in and kissed me. "But, so hot. You inside me." "My load in you." "Two of your loads in me."
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  43. Thanks for the feedback guys. Here's the next chapter. Jay ------- The next morning I woke up to the pressure of Ben fucking me from behind, and knew that his cock had probably been buried inside all night as we were still in the same position. It felt really good to start the day like this, and I was quite happy that he was taking his time. Still, all good things must come to an end, and he eventually filled me with his load. What surprised me this time though was that he nuzzled his face into my neck afterwards, letting his cock soften inside me before he eventually pulled out and got up. The guys were actually quite cool at breakfast, treating me like normal with none of the weirdness from the day before. I guess with the cat out of the bag and their cum up my arse, there didn’t need to be any pretences. We all chatted about the final day of the project and what we needed to achieve, before setting off for the client’s offices to get started. It was another heck of a day, and by the evening none of us really felt like going out drinking again. Instead we went back to the hotel and had some bar food with a drink, before heading upstairs. This time Mitch and Rob just came straight to our room, and it wasn’t long before I was filled with cock again. No-one had as much energy as the night before so I only got two loads from each of them, and then of course Ben’s cock up my hole for the night once again. In the morning he chose to breed me in the shower before we packed up our things, went down for breakfast and then checked out. We did a few more hours at the client’s offices, and then headed to the airport. Rob and Mitch were both going to Gatwick and departed an hour the Heathrow flight Ben and I were on, so the two of us had a bit of time to kill. In the past that would have meant some shopping, maybe a coffee, probably a bit of watching the planes through the window, but it may not come as a surprise that on this occasion I instead found myself kneeling on the seat of a toilet, trousers hung on the door, and Ben’s cock up inside my hole again. It was quite a turn-on to be getting fucked while other guys used the urinals and lavatories around us, even if it did mean that Ben had to keep stopping his deep thrusting and instead switch to very gentle movements in and out so that we would not be heard. On the flight home I tried to relax a bit, not moving too much so as not to dislodge the wad of tissues shoved in my hole to keep Ben’s cum inside. He had made it clear he wanted to bookend the flight by using me again in the loos at Heathrow, and it would be a lot easier to get inside me without any unwanted squeals of pain if I was already lubed with his load. Hoping that no-one could smell what was inside me I did my best to act normal on the plane, but my levels of paranoia were raised somewhat as one of the male flight attendants kept glancing at me as he passed. I think I even saw him smirk at one point. Sure enough, the toilets at the far end of the baggage hall saw what may have been their first male-on-male breeding after we landed, with Ben thrusting me up against the wall in one of the wider disabled-access cubicles and ramming me senseless. Once he’d bred me for the umpteenth time he cleaned himself up, stuffed the tissues back into my crevice, and then made for the door. “See you in the office” he said with a wink, before ducking out. I dived for the door and re-locked it, then got myself sorted out. With a combination of tissues, spit and some water from the bottle I’d bought at Barcelona Airport, I managed to get my rear end cleaned out so that I had the best chance of not accidentally revealing to Rachel what had happened to me when I got home. Satisfied that both my body and my clothes were clear of any evidence, I then made my own way out of the bathroom, through customs and onwards to the tube. ------- To say things had been awkward at home is putting it mildly. I thought I’d be fine, but in truth I could barely make eye contact with Rachel all evening and she eventually went off to bed without me in a huff. Maybe she suspected I had been up to something while away in Barcelona, but I would bet my life that she would never have guessed just what that something actually was. I knew she was awake when I finally joined her in bed later on, as no-one who is asleep can turn their back on their partner so angrily. I tried my best the next morning and I think managed to make up for the night before, coming up with some cock-and-bull story about things not going so well in Barcelona and being a bit stressed about what that may mean for me back at the firm. Not sure she bought it, but it was enough to enable her to say ‘goodbye’ as she set off for work. I then tried to gather my shit before heading out the door too. Things seemed normal in the office, and my scrutiny of everything that was said to me, how people looked at me, jokes I heard being told elsewhere etc. gave me some solace as it would appear the other three hadn’t said anything to anyone else. Ben and Mitch were both wrapped up in meetings most of the morning so I didn’t see them, whilst Rob gave up nothing when he talked to me briefly. It was almost like it had never happened, until he gave a quick wink before walking off when we had met at the coffee station. I was just starting to think of going for lunch when I saw a group of men and women come out of the biggest conference room at the other end of the office. Ben and Mitch were amongst them, and I watched as everyone chatted for a bit before dispersing. Eventually Ben was striding down the office towards me, and I looked down to avoid eye contact. However, when he stopped next to my desk I had no choice but to look up at him. “Jake, come have lunch with me” he said, smiling. “I want to catch up on where we left things with Barcelona.” I stared up at him for a moment and then nodded. I locked my computer, grabbed my bag from under the table and then stood up and followed him as he walked towards the lift lobby. As we went through the doors to the lifts I finally spoke. “Are we really going to lunch?” He smiled and turned his head. “Of course not.” With that, he walked past the lifts and opened the door into the stairwell. He then started bounding up the stairs, and I hurried after him. We went up three floors, well into the unoccupied part of the building. “This should do” he said, going through one of the doors to where the toilets were. He then opened the door to the disabled toilet, holding it open for me to go in. He then followed me in, closing the door and putting the latch down to lock it. “There” he said, smiling, “now the only people who should disturb us are the ones I’ve invited to come and join us.” “H-h-how many?” I stammered. “We’ll see” he replied. “Mitch and Rob, obviously. Plus my boss.” “Gavin’s going to fuck me?!” I squealed. “Probably” he said, smirking, “or he might just want a blowjob.” I gaped at him, then looked down at the floor suddenly realising what my life was going to become. “Let’s get started” Ben eventually said. “Get your clothes off and hang them on the door. You’ve got a meeting at three and I don’t want you covered in cum.” I complied, realising that he’d planned this out to the extent of even checking when I needed to be back at my desk. Lunch was normally only 45 minutes, but as he’d made a show of saying we were going to be discussing the Barcelona project he could basically keep me here as long as he wanted. Once I was down to my underpants, I waited for my next instruction. “Good” he said, eyeing me up and down. “Now, tell me what you want.” “I’m sorry?” “Tell me what you want.” “Oh” I said. “Oh, right. Er, well, sir, I want you to fuck me.” “Good boy” he said, now smiling. “But first I think you should get me ready.” He then held his dick and looked down at it. Knowing what was required, I dropped to my knees, shuffled forward on the cold tiles and started to lick and suck his cock. I kept this up until he was breathing deeply, and then I decided to take a bit of control of the situation. I stood up, and looked up at him. “You’re ready” I said. “Please fuck me.” He smirked, and then spun me round. I bent over the toilet, rested my hands on the closed lid, and waited. He then suddenly appeared next to me, and bent over to retrieve a bottle that was hidden down the side of the toilet. Oh my god, he had planned this out so much he’d even stashed some lube here earlier. He disappeared from view, and I heard the squirting sound as he applied some to his fingers. A second later I flinched as I felt the coldness against my arse, and he then pushed a lubed finger in. Initially I was pleased that he was going to open me up, but then the finger was suddenly removed and he took up position behind me. Oh well, this was going to be a bit of a rough entry. He firmly pushed himself inside of me, and then slid the entire length in. It hurt, there’s no denying that, but I also felt a wave of euphoria sweep over me as I was penetrated again. “There you go boy” he said rather gruffly, holding still once fully buried, “now you’re back where you should be.” He then started to fuck, thrusting in and out of my hole as I relaxed into it and loosened up. His pounding was steady and felt fucking awesome, but after a while we were interrupted by what seemed to be a coded knock on the door. He swiftly yanked his cock from me, stepped back and flipped the latch on the door, and then returned to his position and rammed back inside of me as the door was opened. With my back to the door I couldn’t see who had come in, but from the steps and shuffling it was definitely more than one person. For some reason I chose not to look around, continuing to stare in front of me as Ben’s cock sawed away inside my guts. He eventually sped up, grunted loudly and blew his load, filling me with a huge quantity of his seed. He got his breath back and then withdrew, and in a matter of seconds I felt another cock being pushed in. Once again I was fucked, but this time I didn’t know who by even though it probably had to be Mitch, Rob or our department’s head, Gavin. I tried to decide if I thought the rock hard cock barrelling away inside me was familiar or not, but wasn’t sure. In just a few minutes the guy inside me blew his load and bred me, and then another stepped up. During that fuck there was another coded knock at the door, but this time I couldn’t tell if just one person had come in or more than that. It occurred to me that Ben had left it rather open as to whether it was just going to be him and the three others he mentioned breeding me that day, so it was quite possible some other guys were there. Despite my curiosity peaking, I still didn’t look round. In all, I was fucked seven times and took all of their loads up my arse. Then, when I sensed it was over, I straightened up and breathed deeply, feeling the cum running down my legs. I then slowly turned around to see who else was in the rather crowded disabled loo with me. Ben. Mitch. Rob. Yep, Gavin was there. Fuck. But who the hell were the other three? “Thanks mate” one of the strangers said, smiling at me. Whoever he was, he was cute. Man, I was thinking a guy was cute. “He doesn’t need to be thanked” said Ben, rather sternly. “Isn’t that right boy?” I blinked at him, before nodding. “Yes sir” I said, before looking round the room. “Thank you for breeding me.” “Good boy” said Ben. With that, the others all started to file out of the toilet and make their way back downstairs. When they were gone, Ben locked the door again and turned back to me. “Get yourself cleaned up” he said, with a much gentler tone than before, “and then you can go.” “Thank you” I said, before adding “sir.” He smiled at me, and then started to grab some paper towels from the dispenser. I set about getting the loads wiped out of my arse, and also cleaned up my legs given the stream of sticky cum that had run down them. Once washed and dried I got dressed again, and then hoisted my bag off the floor. “Right” Ben said, opening up the door, “let’s eat.” I was a bit dumbfounded, until he made his way through the door on to the dark, unoccupied office floor rather than heading back down the stairs. He walked to the kitchen area, where I was surprised to see some M&S sandwiches, crisps and drinks sitting out. Man, he had really planned this well. We hurriedly ate the food he had dropped off this morning, not saying anything to each other but exchanging occasional looks and smiles. Ben started wandering around the floor as he ate, taking in the view from three storeys further up the tower, and I eventually did the same. When we were done with our food Ben carefully gathered up the packaging and put it into the plastic bag he’d brought it in, and then we made our way back downstairs to resume our work for the afternoon.
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  44. 2. Jay "I'm sorry," I said again. "I mean. You're not gay. I'm not gay." I had kissed this guy that I barely knew. I was terrified of what I had done. "Uh," I stammered for a moment, trying to read Rod's face in the dark back seat of the car. "It's cool," Rod said. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine again. This time I tried to relax. It was him initiating it, not me. And it didn't mean I was gay. We were just playing around. But it was hard to deny the way his kiss affected me. My dick was rock hard and leaking, and I wanted him to never stop kissing me. "Is that good?" he asked. I nodded, not able to think about anything other than this man who had started to make out with me. He reminded me a bit of some of my friend's dads. The ones I was a bit wary of, because I didn't want to know them too well. Like as well as I was starting to know Rod. Before I could say anything more, Rod continued. "You're not the first guy I've kissed. And besides, you're super cute." It was the permission I needed to exhale. It had felt like hours, but it was probably less than a minute. In that time, I had kissed another man and then he had kissed me back. It had felt amazing. In my drug-fueled state, I didn't care so much that it was with another man. I just liked the feeling of connection with another human. Rod leaned back in. "You're fun to kiss as well." Our lips met again. This time, Rod pushed his tongue into my mouth and explored, before pulling back away from me. "What do you want to do, Jay?" Rod asked. He was naturally stern, but there was a genuine concern that was still present. "You need to be honest. With me, but also yourself." "I know," I said. I understood what he was asking. I also knew what I wanted to say; what I wanted to do. "I wanna make out with you. I want to feel your hands on me." There was no reaction from Rod, but I was scared again. I decided the smartest thing was to be quiet, so I shut up. "Good answer," Rod said. He wrapped an arm around me, and pulled him close to him. Our bodies pressed together, almost as tightly as our lips were pressed against each other. But it felt totally natural, like this was how two men were supposed to get to know each other. "Very good answer indeed," he continued, as his tongue explored my mouth again. Mercifully trapped in my shorts, my dick was hard. I knew there was a wet spot where the head strained against the fabric of my underwear. I didn't want to have to explain that to either Aiden or Rod. "You want to join us?" Rod asked Aiden. I had forgotten about Aiden. Now I felt bad; I had been making out with Rod, not even knowing how Aiden would react. I had no idea if it was revulsion or interest. I broke off the kiss long enough to turn my head. Aiden was watching us, but the smile was of genuine pleasure. "Not yet. You guys are having fun, and I'm enjoying watching you. Besides, we're almost there." I looked out the window. All I knew was that we were in the busy Hollywood downtown area. Even at nearly two AM in the morning, the streets were still busy with cars, and people were standing around the doors to restaurants and clubs. I tried my best to sit back up, and adjust my shirt. Rod had run his hand over my chest and down my stomach, messing up my t-shirt. He had gotten down to my crotch, and rubbed my dick just enough to feel how hard I was. "You're like me," he said, but didn't elaborate. In the dim light of the back seat, it was hard to tell if he also had a boner. We pulled into a hotel entrance. I was glad I had taken care of my t-shirt, because quickly a doorman and a valet came up. "Mr. Aiden," the valet said. "Good to see you again." Aiden handed him the keys, and stuck the ticket carefully into his wallet. It was already fat with cash; I tried not to stare as I exited the car. Rod was right behind me. Rod was almost too close behind me. Two hours ago, his closeness would have bothered me a lot. But after the past few minutes, I wasn't sure what it meant to me. It felt good to have a man like him so close to me, and it made me feel simultaneously safe and excited at the same time. I just wondered what the valet thought, but then realized he probably didn't even notice his clients. "This way," Aiden said, leading us through the front doors and directly to the elevators. He knew his way around the hotel, as evidenced both by the familiarity the valet had with him and his own familiarity with the floor plan. It was not long before all three of us were in an elevator, heading upwards. As soon as the doors closed, Rod pushed me against the wall, and started to kiss me again. He pressed his body against me. He was a little shorter than me, maybe about four inches shorter. He craned his head, and I bent over. It felt a bit strange to tower over him, even as he was being the dominant one. But, at the same time, his small stature only accentuated the seeming power he had over me. As his tongue pressed into me, I felt the sensation of his dick pressing against my thigh. Like me, he was stiff and hard. He had said I wasn't the first man he had kissed. I realized that he had probably made out with a lot of men. And he had fucked many of them. It was a disquieting realization, and I hesitated for a moment. But then his tongue ran against my teeth, and the insistent pleasurable sensations overwhelmed my head again. "Glad to see you like each other," Aiden said. "Bet you want some time to explore, don't you?" "Oh yeah," Rod said. "There's a lot for us to explore." "As long as you leave some for all of us," Aiden said. I had hoped he would explain what he meant, but the elevator dinged and the door slid open. We were on the 12th floor, not the top, but a respectable height. "Almost there, men," Aiden said. To our left was only one suite, and that was the direction Aiden turned. "Ready?" Rod asked. "I think I am," I said. "Not sure what to expect." "Pleasure," Rod said. "Expect pleasure. And fun. Lots of fun." "I hope so," I said. I gave Rod one last peck on the forehead, then he and I grabbed hands and walked out of the elevator. There was a tall black man at the door to the suite. From behind the door, there was some laughing and deep house music." "Here for Edward's party," Aiden said. "Oh, don't worry. I know you, Aiden Wolfe. You're welcome any time." He opened the door. The music was louder, but not by much. Most of it was a thumping base, enough to shake my body. Inside, I saw a number of men, ranging from guys just about my age to older dad types. I didn't see any women, but that didn't seem like a problem. All of the men were uniformly in-shape and good looking. Aiden had already disappeared into the crowd, but Rod was pulling me deeper into the tangle of men. Once we were in the thick of it, he turned around. "What do you think of it?" he asked me. "It's," I searched for the right word. "Interesting. I'm not as hot as these guys though." He leaned in and kissed me again. No one seemed to notice. "No. You are," he said, as he broke off the kiss. "Let's go to the balcony. It's a bit quieter." He took my hand, and guided me through the crowd of men. The room wasn't as big as I first thought, and although I originally thought it was a crowd, by the time we got to the balcony doors, I realized it was only about thirty or forty people. "This way," he continued. Out on the patio, we were alone. We faced downtown with the city laid out before us. It was like a scene from a movie, and if I looked down, I could see the busy street, while further away, all I could see were the street lights. Above us, airplanes made lazy circles on final approach to the airport. "Looks like it's just the two of us out here," I said. "Yeah," Rod said. "How are you feeling?" "Good," I said. "Really good." "Still horny?" Rod asked. He ran his hand over my chest again, dropping down to my stomach, and then to my crotch. I knew he could feel my erection. There was no point in lying to him. "Yeah. I am," I said. "I need to get off or something." I had turned to face him. He was smiling, and chuckled a bit. "Or something," he continued. There was a knowing smile on his face. He leaned in, and craned his neck up to meet my lips again. I didn't resist his approach. I didn't want to resist it. Even in the dim light of the balcony, it was clear just how handsome he was. Not only that, he also had years of experience on me. He would know what to do. He broke off the kiss. "Tell me when to stop," he said. "Don't stop," I said, as he put his hands under my t-shirt again, running his fingers through the light fuzz on my chest, and easily finding my nipples. I gasped in pleasure. "Please," I continued. "Don't stop." "Of course not, my boy," Rod said. Carefully, he lifted my shirt up and over my head, taking care not to disturb my glasses. He made it seem so casual and easy that I almost didn't realize he was starting to work on my belt. Another kiss, and I was distracted long enough for him to unfasten it and release the button on my jeans. They fell around my ankles, leaving me wearing only a pair of white briefs, now far too small to contain my erect penis and heavy balls. "What about the others," I asked. Even though it was a warm night, I shivered slightly under Rod's touch. I had never been naked like this before, and felt utterly exposed. "Don't worry about them," Rod said. He ran his hand over the bulge in my underwear. I was afraid I was going to cum just from his slight touch. "Just enjoy yourself." "Ok," I said, the goosebumps still covering my body. It was hard to tell which emotion was stronger: fear or excitement. "You're shivering," Rod said. He pulled off his own shirt, and added it to the small pile accumulating next to us. "Here," he said, pulling me against his body. His skin was warm, almost hot, against my skin. There was little more muscle and bone on his body. It was a totally different feeling from the girls I had played with; they had been soft and delicate and Rod was hard and strong. "So warm," I said. Sex with Rod was going to be rough, intense, and demanding. "Fuck," I muttered, as I pressed my body up against him. Less than two hours ago, I was flirting with a hot Asian girl, not even thinking about men. Now I was contemplating sex with a man I barely knew, and my dick was hard at the suggestion. "Yeah?" Rod asked. He ran his hands over my bare back, working his way down. His target was my ass; it seemed like the most natural thing for him to do. "You doing ok?" "Yeah," I said. "Just," I stammered. "This is all new to me." "It's new to everyone once. Just relax. And enjoy it." He slipped his hand under the waistband, and grabbed one of my ass cheeks. "I'm enjoying it." He pressed his crotch against my leg, and I could feel his hardness. He ran his free hand back over my bulge. "I think you are enjoying it as well." I was silent for a second, wondering what to say. I finally went with the complete and difficult truth. "Yeah," I said, "I am enjoying it." Before I could say anything more, he leaned in and kissed me, pushing his tongue back into my mouth. I let myself relax and enjoy it. It wasn't hard; Rod was a skilled kisser. He knew when to be tender and slow, and when to be more forceful and take what he deserved. This was one of the latter, as he pushed my tongue out of the way and explored my mouth. "I know. Not to first boy I've broken in." I was momentarily grateful for Rod's experience. He knew what to do, how to make it feel good for both of us. It was going to be hard to refuse him anything. I was feeling warm and tingly from his touch, feeling generous with my body and wanting to use it to please him. It was an unfamiliar sensation, but strangely familiar. It was a part of myself I had never experienced, but still very much me. If I was honest with myself, everything I was doing that day was easy to understand. It was the part of me that took furtive glances in the locker room. It was the part of me that wanted to feel Rod's shaft in my hands. It was the part of me that wanted Rod inside me. But, I didn't want to understand. Understanding meant that I had to think about it and work through all the possible options. I didn't want to have to use my brain at all. My cock knew what it wanted, and it was far simpler to follow its simple, infinitely pleasurable commands than to create elaborate yet ultimately unsatisfactory self-delusions against the perpetual pleasures of getting off. I reached down and undid Rod's belt. I looked down. He was wearing elegant, trim-cut dark grey dress pants. The belt caught my eye. The leather was thick. Far thicker than necessary for thin and elegant dress belt. Rod smiled at me, as we both realized that the belt signified so much more than just fashion or function. I wondered how much it would hurt if Rod used it against me. It was a heavy leather suitable for a fat, heavy daddy's belt. It deserved to be used against a young man's butt than to be stuck in a boardroom. I wondered how much pain it could cause if I ever made Rod use it in disappointment and shame for my actions. At the time, I only knew its uses instinctively. It would be much later that I would learn all of the details of the leather community. I remembered a picture I had on my computer, a woman on her knees, naked except for a belt securing her wrists together. In the picture, a man stood above her, with his thick shaft buried deep in her throat. I paused, realizing that tonight, I was playing the role of that woman. "Go ahead, boy," Rod said. "Finish what you started." "Yes," I said. "I understand." "Good boy," Rod said. The way he said it along with the smile he had made my dick jump. I looked down long enough to figure out how to unthread the thick leather strap from the buckle. The pants hid some of his arousal, but it was impossible for it to hide all of it. "Yeah, it's a bit stiff," Rod continued as I fumbled with the belt. I wasn't sure if he meant the leather or his dick. It didn't matter. I managed to undo his belt, unfasten his pants, and push them down, over the bulge in his light blue underwear. My own dick ached in sympathy with his. Both of our tools needed release; release from the confines of our clothing, and release from the pent-up sexual energy. I looked back up at Rod. He was still smiling at me. It was clear where this was going, and it was exactly what he wanted. He made the next move. He reached down and pushed down his underwear. His dick sprung free, sticking out from his body. It was one of the largest cocks I had seen outside of porn. Of course, I had only seen a few other erect penises in real life, most years ago as I had explored with middle school friends. Even by porn standards, Rod's dick was admirable in length and girth. Where my erection arched upwards, his hung down slightly. "Go ahead," he said. "Touch it." I hesitated for a second, then decided to take a risk. I reached out for Rod's shaft. I thought it was going to feel weird, reaching for another man's dick. But one I had made the decision, it seemed like the most natural thing I could do. "That's it," Rod moaned as my fingertips brushed against the warm and supple flesh. Like my dick, the outer layer of skin was soft, and moved easily over the much harder core. Finally touching it made me realize that looks could be deceiving. Rod's endowment was more than just admirable; it was actually quite big. I had never felt short-changed in the dick department, but compared to him, I just did not measure up. It was both the length and girth of the shaft; his cock hung down slightly because it had to. The simple physics between gravity and the flesh and blood that made up his manhood required the slope. "Have you ever touched another man's dick?" I nodded. I had, but it was so many years ago, and I was so young. "Yeah." I said. "In middle school. My friend Jack." "Did you just touch it?" I shook my head. "No," I said. "What else did you boys do?" "I," I started. "I. I sucked his dick as well." "Nice. So, you're an experienced cocksucker?" "Well. It was only once." "Only once?" Rod asked. I had only just met Rod. We had known each other for less than an hour, and he was pulling out some of my deepest memories. I hadn't told anyone what had happened that night. How we had explored each other’s bodies. How I had sucked on Jack's dick. How he had cum in my mouth. How I had swallowed it, and how, afterwards, he had called me a disgusting cocksucker. "Yeah, he moved away a few weeks later." "That was convenient," Rod said. "But still. I bet that means you've still sucked more dick than your roommate." Rod had an arm wrapped around me. I felt safe in his arms, safe enough to be telling him all of these things and still be playing with his dick. Even with the noises of the party coming out from the open doors, and the lights of the city spread out in front of us, it felt like it was just the two of us, sharing an intimate moment. Yes, it was an intimate moment between two men, but it felt so natural to me. This moment would be our secret. I didn't have to worry about anyone finding out, and it would just be this one evening. I wouldn't have to do it ever again. "I suppose you are right," I said. "Damn, your dick is big." At its core, it was a simple tube, evolved over millions of years to inject his semen deep into his partner. But that masked the complexity that even the slightest touch revealed. There was the soft, warm skin over the hard shaft. The beauty of his cockhead, and the drip of pre-cum forming at the tip. I didn't want to stop fondling it and playing with it. His massive cock was our toy, something we could share and use it to bring pleasure to him. "You like it?" he asked me. I nodded in agreement, scared at what I might say if I opened my mouth. "Look at how hard you've gotten in," Rod continued. With his free hand, he held it up, showing it off to me. "Bigger than mine," I finally said. "Don't worry about that," Rod said. He pushed down my white underwear, finally freeing my dick from its fabric prison. He stroked the length of it, pushing me to a full, hard erection. "It's more than big enough for me." He leaned in and kissed me. "It's a beautiful cock." "Thanks," I said, blushing a bit. We were now almost completely naked, our pants around our ankles, and our erect dicks sticking out in front of us. If Rod's cock curved up and mine curved down, they would have touched. But instead, they just barely missed each other. "Come on," Rod said. "Let's get out of these clothes." He took off his shoes and socks and stepped out of his pants in a smooth, practiced motion. On the other hand, I felt like an ungainly teenager again, fumbling with my shoes, then my socks, and finally nearly falling over as I tried to dis-entangle myself from my pants and underwear. If Rod had any thoughts at my awkward movements, he mercifully did not say anything. "That's much better," Rod said, pulling me back against him. We were naked now, and our touch was no longer accidental contact between two men. This wasn't the fumbling exploration with Jack, but the expert guidance of an experienced man. I wanted more; it seemed impossible, but my dick got harder. Rod felt it grow. "Much better," he continued. "How are you doing?" "Good," I said. "Really good." "You really haven't done this before, have you?" he asked me. There was no judgment in his voice. "No," I said. "Never." "Just let me know if you want to stop." "I will. But don't stop. So far, it's all good." This time, I took the initiative. I leaned in and kissed him. He opened his mouth and let my tongue enter. If I were honest with myself, I had occasionally stared at guys in the locker room, or wondered what a particularly handsome man looked like naked. But I had always told myself I wasn't like that. I had always dated girls, and enjoyed that. But now there was this. It was just as fun as fooling around with a girl. It was almost more fun. Plus, it didn't feel weird at all. It felt perfectly natural to have another man's erect penis pressed against me, and to be making out with him. "Good," Rod said. "I'm having fun too." We continued to kiss, oblivious to everything around us. If anyone from the party looked out on the patio, they would have seen us, naked, making out. But somehow, it seemed unlikely that someone would look at us, and even more remote that they would care. Aiden hadn't been bothered at all when Rod and I made out in the car, and I didn't think any of the other men at the party would be concerned either. "You've never had sex with another man, have you?" "No," I said. "As I said. Just sucking cock." "Still a lot of fun," Rod said. "And there's a lot we can do without even having sex." "Oh?" I asked. There was a devilish grin on Rod's face. "You need to show me." "Of course," he said. He was enjoying this, showing me all these new ways to enjoy a man's body. "Have you ever been rimmed before?" "Rimmed?" I asked. "What's that?" "I guess I know the answer now. Grab the railing. Bend over. Don't worry. I know what I am doing." I turned around, grabbed the railing, and did as Rod told me. In front of me, I could see the lights of the city, spread out like a twinkling beacon of a brilliant future.
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  45. I don't think it's right to stealth HIV on anyone. Yes, if you're barebacking, and I do, then you should know that one of these times you will get stealthed, it comes with the territory. But I'd like to be told someone is poz and then let me decide if I want his cum inside me. My b/f is poz, UD and has been fucking me raw for two years. If he wasn't UD, I"d still take his raw loads and that would be my choosing, not someone stealthing me for kicks.
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  46. I can't speak for anyone else here, but I don't think it's morally okay, especially when it comes to the health of another person. The real question though is whether Breeding Zone is the most appropriate place to contemplate about society's or one's own moral standards.
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  47. Part XIV There I was, on the floor, too drunk to hardly move, someone pulling on my arm trying to drag me into that room, a guy trying to close the door and pushing me to go in, and two buddies trying to drag me back away from that room. I kind of glanced up to see who had ahold of my arm and think it looked like my bud from the parade. My two buddies each had a leg and trying to pull me away from there. Kind of a turmoil there for bit and with them pulling my legs my pants were starting to slip down and I could feel the cool floor on my bare ass. Then, one of my buddies yelled at the door guy to let me go as I was just there to support them and was straight. He yelped and let go and my buddies were able to drag me away from the door finally. My arm came free and the door closed and my buddies both went over backwards and we ended in a pile with my pants clear to my knees and me on my face and one buddy on top of me. They were both laughing hard now and trying to get untangled and then laughing more as they realized my pants were down and the one buddy was laying on top of me with his hard cock pushing the material of his pants against my crack. We finally got untangled and they had to help me up and help pull my pants up. They both were smirking at me and I asked what was up. They both laughed some more and told me it looked like me as I had a hell of a hard on then. They finally got me back to our table. We sat down and I was basically just sitting there in a stupor. They were talking about their experiences in that room. Then one of them remembered that when they had come out our parade bud had his hand down the back of my pants. He started questioning me about how the hell that had happened? Being so far gone I was at a loss as to what to say mostly. Then finally admitted that, I had been drunk as hell at that parade and somehow how been fucked by him there. I didn't say anything about all of the others though. They both started laughing then again and next thing I knew I was drinking another mixed drink without realizing it. My buddies were pretty much blown away finding out I had been fucked at the parade. They really started kidding me about that and then were wondering how I had not been pozzed from it. I told them the real reason for the trip to the hospital then had been to get PEP. When they had got tested, I had also and came back neg when they came back poz. That started more laughing and joking. Pretty soon I said I had to pee bad. I found I was still way too drunk to get up though and both buddies helped me up and walked me to the toilet. We soon found out I was too drunk to get my damn dick out too starting more drunken laughter. They then steered me from the urinal to the handicapped stall to help me get it out. This let them drop my pants and they went clear to my ankles. My dick was out though but I had to lean over and put both hands on the wall to hold myself up as I started to pee. I was vaguely aware that my buds were talking about my ass. They both agreed that it sure looked good for a little bit older guy than they were. As I finally got the pee started, one of my buds reached out and surprised me by squeezing my ass and telling me it was no wonder that I got fucked at the parade as it felt great as well as looked great. Before I realized it he had ahold of my hips and I felt what appeared to be is hard bare cock against my ass crack. He told the other bud, that yep, it sure did feel good too. I was just aware that his cock was hard as a rock too and felt something wet as he slid it up and down my crack. Later, found out it was his precum and he produce a lot of that and had my crack really lubed from that. Then, just as I was finishing peeing, I felt the head of his cock at my hole and he was pushing. Pop, and his cock head went into my ass and then he shoved the whole thing in with one last shove. I almost went down and probably would have if he hadn't had a good grip on my hips. I mumbled something about what the hell are you doing? Was pretty incoherent really. He told me to hang on he couldn't resist and started to plow the hell out of my hole then. Good thing he had a good grip on me as I could not have stood up without it. He rammed the hell out of me with long deep hard strokes. He must have really been turned on as it couldn't have been more than 5 minutes and he jammed his cock home as deep as he could and leaned over me and told me he was cumming and filling me up good with his poz cum. I could only moan. My bud wiggled his cock around in my hole a bit and then pulled out as his cock was going down. Before I could move, the other buddy stepped behind me and holding me upright also, rammed his hard cock in me all the way in one thrust. He immediately went into overdrive and pounded my ass relentlessly hard. He again, did not last more than 5 minutes and as he rammed his cock home and started to pulse as his cum flooded my ass. He leaned over me and told me he hoped I enjoye their two loads of poz cum in my hole. As he did this I felt my own cock explode as I was cumming too.
    1 point
  48. Part 2 My Son layed there on the dirty couch, breathing deep, in shock from his daddy raping his little cunt, piss and cum leaking out and down his balls. "Get in the bathroom and drain yourself!" I commanded, kicking him off the couch. He scrambled off the couch and down the tall to the toilet, wiping off his tear stained cheeks. "AND NO CRYING! Jesus Christ, I'm not going to tolerate your sissy emo shit!" I hollard after him. "And hurry your ass back in here! Daddy's not through busting your pussy yet!" He moved quickly from the bathroom back to the couch and sat down, cowering a bit. It was good he was afraid of me. It would be easier to control him. I handed him a fresh pipe and lit it, watching him inhale the thick white smoke. This time I hit it as well, passing it back and forth between us. When it was gone, I took the baggie and put some crytals on the back of my hand and snorted them, enjoying the burn in the back of my throat. Standing up to turn on the camera, I pushed him back on the couch. "Show me your pussy boy!" I instructed my new whore. He obediently grabbed his ankles, showing me the still red and oozing hole. I enjoyed seeing my son spreading for daddy. Taking the baggie I licked my fingers and stuck it in, coating it with powder, and rammed my fingers in his red gash. He moaned as his hole started to burn, the need to be fucked taking over his being. I finger fucked him, making sure to rub his anal ring, grinding the crystals into his tissue. His hole started sucking my finger as he started to spin more. I moved between his thighs, throwing his ankles over my shoulders. Looking down, I stared into eyes that looked just like mine and said, "Tell daddy what you want. Tell daddy you want his cock in your pussy. Beg me to fuck you." "Please daddy," he panted, breathing shallow, "please fuck me. Please give me your cock." I rammed my cock into his cunt while I slapped his face hard, eliciting a loud wail from him. "Take it bitch! Take Daddy's fuck!" I yelled while I slapped him over and over. Fresh tears streamed down his face as I beat him. His pain only turned me on more. I grabbed his ankles and pushed all my weight down on him, burying my cock as deep as I could. Fresh redness covered my cock as I plunged it in and out of his gripping hole. That too just spurred me on more, and I rode him as hard as I could while I spit on his face. " Tell me son!" I demanded, "Tell me what you want! Tell me what you are! Tell me who owns your cunt!" "You do Daddy!" He blurted out. "I do what?" "You own my cunt Daddy! Oh God! Fuck me Daddy! FUCK ME!" "What are you son?" "I'm your whore, Daddy." "Louder!" "I'm Your Whore Daddy!" "LOUDER!" I demanded, slapping him and spitting in his face. "I'M YOUR WHORE DADDY! I'M YOUR WHORE! Oh God, FUCK ME!!!" Fuck him I did! Mercilessly for at least 30 minutes, never letting up, pounding his boycunt as hard as I could. Finally I blew a second load in his cunt bellowing "Take it whore! Take your Daddy's cum again! This is what you were made for! To take real mens seed deep in you!" I collapsed on him, our sweating bodies breathing deep and hard. I lay there on top of him, my mind spinning, knowing I had claimed him as my property. I pulled out my son and stood up, spitting on him one last time. "Go get in the shower slut. We have to go see my dealer and your going to earn me some more T." I watched him stumble down the hallway, cum and blood running down his thighs. I just laughed knowing what he was in for shortly.
    1 point
  49. i have never partied before, but I sure wish I could find a guy like this to introduce me...
    1 point
  50. They depend on how many posts you've made (minus infractions you've received)... You start out a virgin, then get to "curious" after 10 posts, then you become a "barebacker" after 25 posts, then a "sex addict" after 100 posts, then a "slut" after 500 posts, and then the pinnacle of success is to become a "whore" after 1,000 posts. If you think in terms of taking loads it all makes sense
    1 point
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