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  1. Part 1 - The Early Years There are two things in life I found I liked from a young age, reading and keeping a journal. Books were my everything at a young age since they kept me out of harms way and blissfully ignorant to everything that went on around me. Was I a sensitive child, pretty much so but also very impressionable with an erratic behavioural pattern that surfaced when least expected. Secondly my journal, I discovered I had a flair for writing growing up. It was a way of expressing my thoughts and frustrations, but also secrets. Some were not my own to hold but I became the keeper of them without any one knowing. So the impressionable part of me very much shaped my upbringing, sometimes life can cause things to happen that you never thought possible or needed until they presented themselves. My life was complicated from a very young age, some would say in a bad way, others would say it was destiny and things happened for a reason. I also had two people who played a very instrumental part in my life, one from a young age who would be by my side as we grew up then leave and come back in to my life when you believe there is no hope of finding a true path to happiness. The other person trusted his intuition about me and helped me become the confident assured person I am today. When you stand at a fork in the path and can't decide weather to go left or right, you simply go down the middle and to hell with it. Yes it will upset some people but it will force them to show their true colours and love you no matter what, hopefully that is. So who am I you may ask, you have probably seen me but never knew what lay behind the page or billboard since I keep my life very private. It doesn't matter how famous you become, the one thing you learn is never trust anyone on face value as information is power and the last thing you need is someone having power over you. That way you keep control of your life and protect those you love and hold dear to you. But I will tell you this, my name is Tom and that is what I prefer, annoyingly my mother still insists on calling me Thomas when she is mad at me and Tommy when she is doting me. I am a 24 year old rustic blond so I have been told by photographers. At five feet nine inches tall or short depending how tall you are, I have what was described to me as the most finely sculpted face and body. Now I don't assume myself to be attractive by any means, after all I just see Tom in the mirror who is an ordinary Texan lad. But all of that will reveal itself. So I will tell you the secrets about me that my journal holds but in a way for you to understand me better and how I ended up here. The problem with me is that I lived through my journal and held things in there that could have destroyed lives and nearly did as you can never predict how a person would react. That happened when I was 20 but it changed my life in a way I never thought possible. Should I have been more careful to hide identities instead of blatantly writing them down to be discovered? Yes, but then what? Wouldn't I be living a life full of lies or where I am now. I will start were things really began to shape my life in a way I had no control over and that was when I turned 8 years old, it started when my parents finally split up. I cried and screamed as my mother dragged me out of the house and placed me in the car with our belongings, at such a young age I had no idea why this was happening and being taken away from my father. I knew they argued and understood that their marriage was in ruins and she had to break free, but I never realised it would involve taking me with her. It's not your fault Tommy she would always tell me, but my father had put up with enough of her hard work ethic leaving him to look after me albeit I was a little out of control. I loved my father but also liked to play him up as much as possible by throwing tantrums usually when mother was out of town on business and father had his bit on the side over, he never suspected that I knew what was going on. I was an only child desperate for a sibling but that was not going to happen now. We must have drove some 50 miles to the large town where my mother worked, little did I know then that she was also seeing another man and that had become serious. Seth as it turned out was a few years older than my mother, at 30 he had dirty blond hair and stood an impressive six feet and still retained a muscular jock build from his school days, he was pretty successful with his small company and lived quite well in a sprawling ranch house in the countryside. Gradually I was introduced to him over several weekends, I didn't care much for him after all he wasn't my father. Seth was divorced and had a son who was 10 years old. At the time I paid little attention until the day my mother sat me down and explained that we were moving in to Seth's house in the country. Not only was I contending with a new school but now I was to be uprooted again to a different place to live, strangely I had calmed down a little by this time and was studying diligently at school, I showed a love for some sport especially wrestling, you could say I had become a model child. Maybe my father was the cause of my bad tantrums and his lack of love to my mother and me. At the start of summer holidays Seth arrived and began helping my mother to move whilst I sat in my bedroom head in a book as usual. I had packed my clothes, books and Xbox as that was all I needed in life to keep me happy. Seth was unlike my father he actually showed an interest in me from what I liked reading to what sports I did at school, I was torn between my loyalties and slowly I put up a barrier between Seth and me to prevent any closeness developing, but he was persistent and told me how I would really get along with his own son Brad who was 2 years older than me. Personally I couldn't see how on earth we would connect and it is what scared me the most, as much as I yearned for a sibling I never bargained on getting an older one. I carried my book out to his black BMW X5 which towered above me, for a eight year old I was fit and healthy albeit just five foot five inches with hopefully more growing to do, it still seemed like a big climb as I heaved myself in to the back seat and settled down. I was also trendy for my age with the latest haircut of buzzed sides and longer on top that was neatly combed, I took pride in my appearance as I knew it would help me get the right girls as school. Being gay or even thinking about it never crossed my mind but life has a way of turning your hand over before your eyes so I found out. My mother said goodbye and I panicked looking at her but she smiled and said she was following on in her car as there was no room for me to sit in there. I opened my book and stuck my head firmly in to it, I had never been alone with Seth and it was going to be 40 minute drive out of town. Briefly I looked up with what must have been eyes full of fear as Seth sat in the drivers seat and he glanced at me through the rear view mirror switching the engine on. Seth backed the car out of the short drive "It will be okay Tom" he said pulling away from my home. I watched out of the window as we moved away from my familiar surroundings "Really?" I replied. "You and Brad will get on just fine and he is excited to meet you" Seth said glancing in the mirror. I looked over at the mirror to see his eyes looking at me "Right" I said and faced back to the window. "You said you like wrestling at school Tom?" Seth asked me trying to engage me in conversation. "Yes" I replied without moving my head as a tear rolled down my cheek in sadness leaving things behind again. Seth smiled "Brad does wrestling and likes to work out so you have something in common" his eyes watching me. "Great" I replied emotionless wiping the tear from my cheek, the rest of the journey was silent. The car stopped "This is Medina Ranch" Seth said coming round to the boot of the car and opening it. "You have to be fucking kidding me, where the fuck are we?" I said kicking the gravel hard on the driveway. Seth didn't even look at me "Use those words again and you sleep in the barn" he said smirking. My mother pulled up in her car "Tommy what's wrong?" She asked walking towards me. I looked at her "How could you bring me here?" I angrily asked waving my hand at the expanse of greenery. She stopped at looked around "It's beautiful here Tommy you will love it" she said trying to calm me down. Seth watched me walking off "Leave him, let him get it out of his system" he replied shrugging it off. Julia turned to Seth "I really thought he would embrace this new life" she said. Seth pulled a box out of the car "He will come around Julia". Okay so underneath I wasn't quite the model child Seth had expected but little did I know my anger and frustration was born out of who I would eventually become as I grew older and understood myself better. In the meantime I found a quiet spot nearly half a mile from the house under some large trees where I sat down and cried my heart out, the thought of spending six long weeks with no signs of life or friends ripped through me in boiling anger. Seth took all my belongings and put them in the garage telling my mother that I needed to learn and will have to move my own belongings and grow up. My mother felt ashamed of my behaviour but Seth casually waved it off saying he had been through that with Brad. Guessing I must have been out for nearly three hours before realising that no one was coming out to look for me, hungry and thirsty I stood up and walked back towards the house, I got even more wound up and annoyed as I had got dirt on my book and frantically tried to clean it as best I could. In my tantrum I hadn't even looked at the house which stood imposingly on the plot, part single and two story sprawling ranch style it was definitely bigger than any house I had lived in, I stood looking at it with dread as it was to be my prison until I could move away, well that was how I saw it since nothing else seemed to be living around here. Walking up to the doors I opened the left one and let myself in and stood in the large entrance hall, I could hear my mother and Seth talking and walked towards the voices finding myself in the large kitchen and dining area. "There you are Thomas" my mother said reverting to my proper name, I knew she was angry. I looked at them both "I've ruined my book" putting it down in front of my mother. Seth turned the book around "I have a copy of that in the library you can read" he said looking at me. I sat down opposite them "Thanks" I replied with a genuine tone for the first time. My mother retrieved a plate from the refrigerator "You must be hungry Tommy" she said placing a sandwich by my side. "I am, thanks mum" I said already devouring it as she brought me a fruit juice as well. "When you finished I will show you where you will be sleeping" Seth told me with a smile on his face. Seth and my mother escorted me along a wing of the ranch house in to another lounge area that was clearly used by his son and then in to a large bedroom suite with two double beds, to be fair the room was almost as large as the apartment we had just left. It had an en-suite bathroom and wet room and overlooked the back of the house, the room angled around the pool area and my heart lifted seeing the large pool. Having never had a pool before I had not learnt to swim but the thought of being able to sit in it and paddle around made me smile. When they told me I would be sharing this area with Brad I argued to the point I upset myself realising it was a futile argument. Seth told me I would get along just fine with Brad and they turned to leave me with Seth pointing out my things are in the garage and to move them. I sat there alone putting my head in my hands cursing at my new life, I knew my mother was going away tomorrow for a couple of days with work which hastened the moving in. Residing to my fate I decided to make the best of a bad thing, I mean how much worse can it get. Eventually I found the garage and started moving my things in to the room, I was getting hot and sticky with all the walking and unpacking, I stripped off down to my shorts as I began unpacking my clothes and putting them in the walk in closet on the side that was empty. Outside and unknown to me Brad had returned on his quad bike and parked it in the garage, for a 10 year old he could easily pass at being 15 or 16 due to his tall broad build that he got from his father. Inheriting the dirty blond hair and striking blue eyes he was pretty well muscled up and had a very solid build for a kid his age. He carried it off well, even the seniors at the school daren't get on his bad side, he had a wonderful relationship with his father unlike me with mine. Brad walked in to the house and headed to the kitchen in his polite and mesmerising manner he sat and chatted with my mother until Seth said for him to go and meet me as they were going out to dinner and the housekeeper would prepare our dinner. Brad walked along the wing to his pad as he called it and saw the lounge area remained as when he left it that morning. He waited watching for his father and my mother to leave before he walked towards the bedroom, it was quiet apart from the clanging of coat hangers coming from closet. He looked at the bed seeing a few books strewn across it, he had never shown any inclination or interest in reading books unless he had to for school. He turned and walked towards the closet, standing at the doorway, I was unaware of Brad's presence or that he was scrutinising me from behind. "You like being in the closet" Brad asked making me jump that I missed the rail to hang a shirt on. I quickly turned frightened "Fuck don't creep up on me like that" were the first words out of my mouth. Brad's eyes looked at me trying to figure me out "Didn't mean to scare you" he said I could see the muscles in his arms and thought twice about hitting back "I'm Tom" I said shyly. "I'm not stupid I know who you are" he turned and left me in the closet. I walked in to the bedroom "I never asked to be here, so don't take it out on me" I said picking my books up. Brad was taking his t-shirt off "Yeah well were both stuck with this". I guess I must have been staring at him before I asked "How did you get so big?" then blushing at my upfront nature. Brad looked at me with his head to one side sizing me up "Working out and a muscle building compound". I nodded and went back to my unpacking, he ignored me listening to the music on his phone. Finally I finished after checking the clothes were hanging in an order that I liked and wiped my brow from the humidity. I had a quick shower to cool down and decided to look outside since Brad showed no sign of wanting to show me around. All I wanted to see really was the pool and I wasn't disappointed as it was large and plenty of shallow water at one end, I did a quick look around and took my reefs off and paddled in the shallow end for a few minutes enjoying the cool water over my submerged feet. "You can go in if you want" Brad said standing at the French doors watching me. I felt a little shame "No it's okay" I replied without looking at him. "Can you not swim?" he asked me walking out and joining me as I paddled. I hesitated "No" I said quietly not wanting to embarrass myself "I want to but never had a pool where I lived". Brad sat down on the edge of the pool dangling his feet in "I can teach you if you want". I looked at him but he was staring at the water "Really, you would?" I asked him surprised. Brad looked over at me "Yeah, well we got all summer vacation and there isn't much to do around here". I walked over and sat beside him "Thanks, and will you help me get muscle like yours?" I nervously asked. Brad laughed "If you want but it's hard work" he said nudging me "What are you going to do for me?" he asked. I chuckled "I have nothing to offer, I like reading and playing on my Xbox" I said to him. Brad smiled at me "You can read to me" he replied "you know the books I have to read for school, you can read them to me". That was the moment that we became friends, not quite step-brothers just then, but friends was a good place to start. The first few days I had terrible stomach ache as my body adjusted to the high protein muscle building compound, I think Brad got quite a lot of enjoyment seeing me running to the toilet. He told me not to worry and it will settle down in a few days, he introduced me to the gym by the pool house and got me lifting weights for half an hour in the morning and evening. True to his words he began to teach me to swim and by the end of the summer vacation I was at least no longer afraid of deep water and could happily manage a couple of lengths of the pool without loosing my breath. A week into our new found friendship Brad invited me to go for a ride on his quad bike, he packed some fruit and water along with a book in to his rucksack and gave it to me to put on my back. I was a little scared as I had never been on this type of bike but he drove slowly with me clasping him tightly in case I fell off we drove for about 20 minutes, passing fields and wooded areas until we hit an open expanse where I could see a line to trees and bushes stretching as far as the eye could see. Coming to a stop we walked a few meters in to the clearing by a shallow river the flowed gently meandering out of sight. "This is the Medina river" he said taking the rucksack off my back. I looked around "It's really pretty here" I said taking it all in. Brad smiled sitting down on the edge of the stream "My favourite little hideaway, the ranch is named after it". "Ah right" I replied sitting next to him. He pulled the book out of the rucksack and handed it to me "Your end of the bargain now" he chuckled. I took the book and laid on my stomach "Okay" I replied. I have to admit I started to find it intoxicating being here, the gentle sound coming from the water in the river flowing over the pebbles, the sun beating down and reading aloud was my idea of paradise, I even left my hair messed up from wearing the baseball cap. I kept looking at Brad when turning the page of the book, his eyes were closed hand clasped behind his head, whenever I stopped reading he would open one eye to check on me causing me to giggle several times. There was no doubt about him as rough and tough as he was on the outside he was a very different person underneath. I must have read nearly a hundred pages before he put his hand on the book to stop me reading and handed me some fruit and water. We walked in the stream hardly saying anything to each other until we returned back to our spot where he handed me the book again, I read a further 3 chapters before I put the book down and laid on my back looking up at the dappled sunlight coming through the trees. The rustling in the trees signified a change coming, Brad only to aware jumped up and packed the rucksack telling me there was a storm coming in, something that was quite usual for this time of day when the heat rose sharply like it had during the afternoon. Sure enough just a few hundred meters from the ranch house the heavens opened as the wind picked up in velocity driving the rain in to our faces. The storm lasted for an hour before the sun appeared again. We stood in the garage soaking wet and just laughed as puddles began forming at our feet, from that day we found our sense of humour to be very similar. A few days later at lunchtime we were heading out to the Medina River again, today the sun was already blazing hot in the sky so I sat down right the waters edge so I could dangle my feet in the water to cool them down as I read aloud to Brad, he sat a little further up so I could only see his legs, after an hour I turned on to my stomach and laid down resting on my elbows continuing to read. He did make me laugh seeing him chilled out chewing on a long stem grass, his eyes closed hands clasped behind his head. We walked a mile down the stream and back again before heading home, this afternoon was different as we chatted a little more finding our feet with each other. As the days passed we spent more and more time together bonding and enjoying working out then spending afternoons at the Medina river. By the time the vacation ended I was ready to return to school, it was my first day as this new school, as nervous as I was there was nothing to worry about as I fitted in straight away, Brad looked after me since we had become inseparable over the summer vacation. Those long summer days turned me in to a somewhat confident swimmer, I was beginning to show some muscle tone which I loved and many kids in my class commented over. Never would I realise how much of a catch I was to the girls and was never short of attention from them in my year and even some of the senior girls flirting with me. One thing I was probably more dumbstruck by was hearing them remark how attractive I was. It got worse as I aged, well I thought so anyway, it seemed almost all the school wanted to hang out with Brad and I, himself turning in to quite the muscle jock now having hit puberty. I felt a little overawed by all the friends and attention but there was something missing and that something was slowly beginning to show it's hand the older I got. It did take a couple of summers before Brad actually referred to me as his step-brother, after our parents married he began referring to me as his brother and it was this milestone that I articulated in my journal. I would usually write my journal sitting by the stream I found it gave me more flair when transferring my thoughts to paper. Brad would often sit there watching as I wrote, he knew I kept a journal and read it once when I fell asleep but he got bored as it contained nothing of interest at that point. It was from them I began hiding it and only writing when something needed to be downloaded out of my head, it had become my secret keeper. My reading to Brad had got him interested in books and studying and he did rather to well in his final years and won a place at a university some 300 miles away. Our years together were for the most part idyllic and every summer we shut ourselves away at Medina doing our own things. Our bodies changed but we both retained our looks and I grew from strength to strength with Brad's help. On his 16th birthday Seth allowed Brad to get a tribal tattoo down his arm. I sat with him and Seth as the artist worked for nearly 3 hours until finished. Sitting there I realised how much Brad was growing up and beginning to show independence, I knew our summers were going to come to an end soon enough. At 17 Brad was a real crowd pleaser and was now more often out than at home, I had heard rumours at school that he was bedding girls like there was no tomorrow, when he was home we would still go to the Medina river for some peace and quiet escaping life. I relished those days as I missed him like hell and was only too happy to read to him. At 15 I had a growth spurt and stood at my now five feet nine inches, I was pretty happy with my height, but it also caused my looks to intensify and muscle definition to proportionise itself to my body. It was several months after my birthday that I wrote down one of the most revealing feelings about me 'I feel my body has changed, I have hair appearing in places not much but enough, my voice is slightly deeper and I am beginning to feel like the boy in me is forever being lost. I like guys. Don't aske me how or why, I just do. I like their bodies, I like the masculinity of a guy who is very close to me. I never really thought I would write this down but somehow I need to express me and who I have become. I just don't seem to have any interest in girls and yes I know what this means but I am not ready for it. I need to come to accept it first and be happy about why my body and soul has gone this way. As much as I rack my brains trying to think why, there is no answer. No significance, no turning point, it has always been there waiting for the right time'. I put my pen down and watched Brad sleeping in his bed, discreetly hiding my journal as I knew that it was more important than ever to keep it hidden. I never wrote a lot down or did it on a daily basis, it was one of things I kept as a reminder of important things or situations now. I wondered if it showed on the outside that I was gay, I only questioned it as I saw less and less of Brad during that last summer before he headed off to university. It seemed his new friend residing in his pants was busy around and he started dating the head cheerleader from the school, Melinda. It was to put it bluntly my year of turmoil, I felt like my gut had been wrenched out the day he finally left. I knew he wanted to break free and be his own person. He left me fighting my demons, I was literally destroying myself inside out and it was after my 16th birthday I sat down for dinner, I plucked up the courage to discuss it with my mother and Seth since they had noticed I was becoming more introverted during this time but they put it down to Brad leaving home. Opening up to them about my feelings seemed to lift a massive burden off my shoulders, my mother was sceptical saying it wss just a phase where Seth appeared to have more control over the matter and I still remember his words to this day 'Don't hide or run from it, just let you discover you and who you are'. I kept my secret hidden at school and concentrated on getting my education over before deciding weather I wanted to go to college or university, rumours did surface occasionally as I had plenty of friends that were girls but never date or kissed any of them, I never acted gay or gave any one cause to question my sexuality. Not one for wanting to be away from Medina ranch I choose college and long distance studying, the benefit of which meant I could take my laptop out with me to the Medina river and study there where I didn't have to go in to college for assignments, tests and exams. So it wasn't all that bad coming out to my mother and Seth, they just let me get on with it. I was surprised that Seth would without fail every week sit down and chat with me about how I was feeling, I looked on him as more of a father than my blood father who I hadn't seen since the break up. Seth was reasonable and considerate, never judging me but always supporting and being there if I needed help. The year dragged by and Brad returned home for the summer vacation, he entered the house like a whirlwind and swooped me up in his arms hugging me. "God I missed you Tom" Brad said putting me down. I hugged him back "It's so lonely without you here" I replied. "Well I am here for several weeks book worm" he said using his nick name for me. It didn't take long for our routine to slip in to place, only now it just felt awkward as I was hiding the real me from him. I just couldn't bring myself to tell him, I didn't really know why at the time but I thought it would be best to keep that part of me in the shadows. All to soon his few weeks at home had come to an end and that last evening I heard Seth and Brad having a very stern discussion in the library. It was pretty fiery so I made my way back to our room and listened to some music reading a book. When Brad turned up he seemed his cheery self and said nothing about the argument going on, he showered and changed then headed out to meet his latest girl. A few days later when I asked how Brad was doing just out of normal conversation I got a strange look from Seth. He would not talk much about Brad just that he was doing okay, I knew he had gone to university several times to talk to him, and I overheard him and my mother talking about Brad's disciplinary hearing but nothing was ever said directly to me. I had no idea what was going on or what trouble he had gotten himself into. I had just celebrated my 18th birthday and was studying on the pool terrace late one morning when I heard Seth in the kitchen cursing to himself and grabbing his keys, I heard him talking to my mother on the phone to say he was having to drive up to the university. By the time I got to the kitchen he had already stormed out leaving the letter from the universities disciplinary committee on the counter top. My mistake or maybe it wasn't, I picked up the letter and read it. I couldn't believe the words of the last paragraph 'As such situations arise when a student is in possession of any form of drug the course of action is to expel them from the campus and forfeit their position. Whilst the committee have noted that no further action is being taken by the relevant law enforcement agencies we are in no doubt of possession and intended use or distribution and as such the student has been expelled. The committees decision is final and will not entertain any appeal to review'. It was almost like a standard letter but I felt really sorry how his life had spiralled out of control in this manner. Seth returned later that evening tired and upset, I listened at the door as he told my mother that Brad refused to see him point blank. I walked in to the lounge and they both stopped talking. "Are you going to tell me what is going on with Brad?" I asked standing my ground. Seth shrugged his shoulder "There is no point Tom, he won't see or speak to anyone" he replied. I sat down next to Seth "How bad is it?" I asked him. Seth looked at my mother "He has been expelled, he needs help but he can't see that or accept it". That evening was one of the longer entries in to my journey as I was troubled all night, when I woke early that Saturday morning I sneaked down to Seth's BMW and turned the key and looked at the SatNav which gave me a location near enough to where Brad was staying. I got my keys and sped down the ranch driveway and headed to Dallas, I almost stopped several times wondering if I was doing the right thing but I kept going on the 5 hour drive. I knew I was in the right place but I had no idea which building he was in, I stopped a student wandering by just on the off chance and asked if they knew Brad Felshaw, he laughed and said yeah building 2c Room 235. I rushed over not knowing what I was going to say to him as I reached the door, I knocked three times but waited to hear if there was any movement when another student walked past and smiled 'good luck getting him to answer' they said carrying on down the corridor glancing back at me, I now banged on the door louder this time. "Go away" he shouted through the door. "Brad" I waited for a moment "Brad it's Tom, let me in please" I pleaded through the door. Eventually I heard the lock clicking and he opened the door "What do you want?" he asked. "I came to see you" I said through the crack in the opening "are you going to let me in?". Brad was reluctant "Did my father send you here?" he asked. "No, he doesn't know I have driven here" I replied, he hesitated then opened the door inviting me in. He looked dishevelled and not the Brad I knew "What the fuck has happened to you?" I asked closing the door. Brad sat on the bed head in his hands "I lost control and fucked up really bad this time". I sat down next to him "Everyone is worried about you Brad. It hurts to see you like this". "Like what?" he asked in an angry tone. "This is not you, not the Brad I grew up with" I replied looking at him. He stared at me "Your not the Tom I grew up with are you?" he stated in a matter of fact way. I looked down "It hasn't change me Brad, I haven't come to terms with it myself" I said shyly. "Is that so?" Brad replied somewhat confused. I took a deep breath "Come home with me, I will sneak you in and look after you". He looked at me "I can't deal with my father he is so angry with me" he said looking sad. I put my arm around him "He is not angry Brad, just upset and very concerned" I assured him. Brad stood and paced around "Are you sure you want to do this Tom?" he asked. I looked at him "Are you an addict?" I asked. He shot me a look "No, I only did it 4 or 5 times" he paused "but I am getting drawn to it". I don't know how I did it but he agreed to come home with me after I promised not to let anyone know until he was ready to face them. He slept for most of the journey back home, I could have sworn he cried a little or at least his eyes watered seeing Medina Ranch at the end of the access road. He slid down in his seat to avoid being seen as I drove in the garage. I checked the house to make sure the coast was clear and walked with brad down the wing to our end of the house. Telling him to shower and as he did I quickly rifled through his bag to make sure there was nothing hiding in there and also the clothes he had worn home. I kind of felt guilty and didn't really know what I was doing, his hand grabbed my arm tightly 'there is nothing there' he said letting me go again, he certainly hadn't lost any of his muscle or strength. Something inside me caused me to stand up and face him, I was speechless and I couldn't work out if I got a kick out of him touching me aggressively like that. He backed off in obvious concern at what he did. At 20 Brad was a walking sex machine and it was hard to keep my gaze from looking at his body, I had still yet to explore my sexuality but I knew he definitely aroused me. I tried to keep a close reign on my preference for the male body whilst living in small town Texas, the last thing I wanted was to be out and branded like the cattle in this state. He looked at me "I'm sorry if I hurt you" Brad said drying his hair. "Promise me you have none of it here?" I asked watching him look me in the eye nodding. Brad slipped in to his bed "Promise me you won't let on?" he asked resting his head on the pillow. I looked at the sight of him staring at the ceiling "You have my word Brad" I replied picking up a book, I knew I would have to keep a very close eye on him. Sitting on the bed next to him he smiled for the first time "You going to read to me?". I nodded "Yes that's if you don't mind me sitting on the bed next to you?" I replied. Brad smiled "Of course I don't" he said getting comfortable. It took me by surprise and at first I wasn't sure if it was him accepting what he knew about me or just the brotherly part coming through. I read to him for an hour until he was sound asleep, it was only 8pm so I crept out and had dinner with Seth and my mother, it didn't take long for the conversation got around to where I had been all day and I told them at the Medina river and also headed in to town to see a friend. As far as I know they hadn't suspected a thing and after dinner I grabbed some fruit and went back to the bedroom to find Brad still sound asleep. I kept the curtains closed that overlooked the terrace and the French doors locked. I can't recall what time it was but I was woken by the sound of Brad, I could make out that he was sitting on the edge of his bed shaking and panting. Thankfully I had done some research on the internet after I returned to my room and believed this to be his body reacting to a lack of whatever drug he had taken. I turned on the bed side lamp and could see he was also sweating. I walked over and asked him what I could do to help but he looked at me like a helpless child tears streaming down his face. Trust me I said helping him stand up and took him in to the wet room and turned on the cold water, I sat next to him in the shower letting the cold water cascade over the both of us until his shaking ceased. I helped dry him and took him back in to the bedroom to my bed and laid next to him, so much of me wanted to cuddle him in this fragile state, he looked at me and quietly said thank you and falling back to sleep. I watched him as long as I could until my body surrendered and my eyes closed. I had one of the best night sleeps that I could remember, waking up I found my body was being held and my eyes snapped open. His arms were wrapped around me and he was cuddled up very close, to close for comfort was my initial diagnoses. Escaping was the first thing in my head, then the awkwardness of this as me moving would certainly wake him up and he may freak out. I laid there silently for several minutes until Brad shuffled and turned over releasing me from his arms. Silently I crept out of bed and let him sleep, picking up my journal I wrote a few words 'Woke feeling like I had a perfect sleep. Shaken I found my step-brothers arms wrapped around me, his body touching mine. Disturbing to say the least but somehow I find myself turned on as my whole body seemed to be in a state of flux'. I hid the journal and showered, when I came back in to the room Brad was awake and just acted normally. I came to the conclusion that he probably didn't even know, for the most part Brad seemed to be returning and the next few days I studied and didn't leave his side except to fetch food. Keeping him hidden seemed pretty easy and his withdrawal symptoms vanished which confirmed my suspicion that he had probably told me the truth. I guess I got to cocky at this hiding Brad game and he slid down in the seat of the car as I backed out of the garage and drove us to the Medina river again. I sat down on the banks and started reading, Brad laid on his stomach his head inches from the water resting on his hands watching the water flowing by. He wore only shorts taking his t-shirt off as we arrived since it was another scorching day. It was very distracting, I just wanted to touch and hold the body laying there, it was so perfect and the temptation to tickle his bare feet his toes wriggling in the sun crossed my mind. Refocusing I continued reading for an hour then we waded in the river and walked for a couple of hours. On the walk back to our spot Brad put his arm around my shoulder, something he hadn't done since we were younger. I felt like our bond was stronger than ever having faltered when he found out what his cock was for and put it to use. I rummaged in the rucksack and gave Brad some fruit and a bottle of water, if people saw us now they would think we were a perfect couple. I grabbed the book and sat down on the waters edge, before I could even get it open he had sat down behind me, his legs either side of my body and his arms wrapped around my body with his chin resting on my shoulders. It was one thing accidentally cuddling me in bed but this felt strangely weird but I carried on and opened the book to the page where we had got to the previous evening, he watched me leafing through to the pages but my mind was elsewhere as my body tingled by his touch. "Can't believe how much you have grown up and changed Tom" Brad said as he watched me turning the pages. I smiled but didn't look at him "We have both grown up Brad". Brad rubbed his chin on my shoulder "Yeah but at least you didn't screw up like me" he sighed. I looked up at the sky "I am just as screwed up if not more but in other ways". Brad stopped and looked at me "You are far from screwed up Tom, your confronting things head on" he said. "Well it's my turn to return the favour, you looked after me growing up" I said reminding him. Brad chuckled and waved it off "Was it hard, you know growing up feeling the way you do?" he asked me. "What way?" I asked oblivious to what he meant. Brad rubbed his chin on my shoulder again "You being gay" he said, I was slightly taken back. I turned and looked at him "It still is, I try to work out why but I end up even more confused" I said looking at the book. Brad ruffled my hair "Your still Tom to me. It is what is in here that defines you" he said tapping my heart. I sighed "I'm so lucky having you as a brother, as fucked up as you are" I laughed more out of nerves than anything. His hands hugged me tighter "You have helped me so much Tom. And now?" he whispered "Have you a boyfriend?". I stared at the words on the pages "No" I replied "How come you haven't got a girl?". "Don't know" Brad said "Melinda was mediocre for sex but she was getting to needy and I got nothing out of it". Brad lifted his head "Stop changing the subject. Why haven't you got a boyfriend?" he asked. I sighed "I am not ready to explore yet" I replied, it was the truth as I had no courage or even knew where to start. Brad hugged me tighter "Who ever get's you will be one lucky person. Come on then read to me" he said. I wondered if I was becoming a bit of a shady pervert as I settled back in to his arms reading the book. It is a strange feeling when your step-brother is the closet another man has ever got to you, sitting here time just seemed to get away from us. We hadn't realised how late it got and headed back home, no further mention was made by either of us about that afternoon, assuming it was just us rekindling our brotherly love for each other. I checked the coast was clear and we wandered down the east wing of the ranch house in our lounge and found Seth sat there waiting for us. Brad stopped dead in his tracks and Seth stood up and walked towards Brad, I didn't know what to expect, I stood ready to defend him. Seth looked at his son and hugged him, Brad kept apologising for screwing everything up, he told Brad he was just happy to his son back. Seth looked at me "Thank you Tom" he said. I put the rucksack down "I'm sorry for going behind everyone's back". Seth walked over and hugged me "You had us worried behaving weirdly at first". "You knew?" I asked Seth who nodded. "They described you and your car as taking Brad away from campus" Seth said to me as I stood looking ashamed. It was obvious Seth was pleased that I managed to get through to Brad when no one else could. As Brad slept I retrieved my journal from the hiding place and wrote things in there again that should never have been down on paper... 'A strange yet weirdly happy day as we went to the river only this time I felt like I was sat there with a lover. His hands around my waist and head resting on my shoulders. I know this is my step-brother but sometimes feelings are stronger than actions and he wakens me in a very extraordinary way'. I looked debating weather I should have written this but my journal was holding the true me, quickly I hid it away again. Brad was left alone in my company for a week partaking in meals with the family in the evening for as long as he could tolerate it. At night I would read to him and we often fell asleep in the same bed, it was as if we were 8 and 10 again. Brad got his life together and started working for his father whilst finishing his education. So that was me growing up and how I helped my step-brother through his problem, oh, and fell in love with him. The table would turn in a few years time but that was something I could never have seen coming, especially when your so blinded by what you think is love but in reality was the opposite. I became the closest friend to Brad as well, we would tell each other everything and before you ask, no I didn't write those in my journal. I knew they were things best kept between us. Part of me was broken but happy when Brad started seeing Melinda again in this on off story of theirs, so much so that it became probably the most serious relationship for the time being. As if you hadn't guessed by now, Brad was the first instrumental person in my life, he shaped me as the person as we grew up together in a very unshakable way. We stuck to each other like glue and did everything together. My life really took shape and turned upside down a week before my 19th birthday celebrating a belated 18th birthday present, and this is where my story really begins to unfold...
    5 points
  2. One morning last week I fucked a shy 19 year old Polish lad who was on his way to work at the airport. He had asked me to use a condom but seemed happy enough to let me fuck him without one, which I did, shooting a nice big load up his arse. He messaged me this morning and we met up again. He sucked my cock and then I sucked him and licked his arse. He asked me to fuck him again and rather shyly told me he had always played safe before I was the first guy to fuck him without a condom and cum in his arse. I was already hard and this made me even harder. He bent over, his trousers and white underpants at his ankles as I slid my cock up him and fucked him, depositing another load deep in his fit arse. I asked him if he liked taking cum in his arse and he nodded. He told me that after I fucked him last week he let another guy fuck him bare and cum in his arse at the weekend. He's got a lovely arse - quite smooth with a tight, hairy hole. Now that he's ditched the condoms I imagine a lot of guys will enjoy barebacking him and loading it with cum.
    5 points
  3. Out last night, wedding reception in knutsford. Rang my pakistani cab driver to take me home. He was so horny, this guy is about 24, tall, great build and hairy except for his cock which is a great size. Anyway, he came in my house, i sucked him for a while and thid time I managed to get a rim in. He fucked me good, had a shower and left. Couple of hours later, he rings back and asks if its ok if his friend can call round? A 40 year old chubby but sexy pakistani called, also a taxi driver, did not want sucking, did not speak, just fucked me, dumped his load and groaned and left. About an hour ago, got a whatsapp from another regular driver on his way to work, i know this bloke, so i left door off, he came in chatted, this guy kisses too whilst fucking me, left a good amount of cum to add to the other two asian loads. He had coffee, chstted, kissed me and left, he is about 30, 4 kids, tall, and beautiful. I have a soft spot for him tbh. I wonder if they chat about me, 3 in one night too.
    3 points
  4. I suffered for a long time with the problem of the disconnect between what religion taught me about sex and what my body was telling me about sex. This is how I have reconciled the question: 1. I decided that the Christian God I believe in is not cruel. 2. I decided that God did not make an error in constructing the human body. Therefore, any impulse for sexual expression must be not only natural, but intentional, and God would not be so cruel as to build into us so powerful a drive if responding to it were evil. This would make no sense. Generally speaking, the sum total of Christian teaching is to do all things that you do out of love and care toward others, doing harm to none - that is, a life of ethical and considerate action. Sex that is ethical, considerate of the other, and does harm to none should therefore not be inconsistent with a principled life. Lastly, God is merciful, understanding, and kind. Should I have misunderstood His intent regarding any of this, I hope that I will be forgiven, because I really am trying to do the best I can given the very insistent libido with which I was constructed.
    3 points
  5. I did a porn once a few years ago. Wondering if I should return? lol
    2 points
  6. Last Saturday night I was chatting with this pretty 18 year old. He was sitting wide-eyed on a bench outside the showers, ogling the guys strutting their stuff. I sat down beside him and said, "Hi." It was his first time at the Baths, and he was nervous. He found the atmosphere intimidating and was scared to death of "catching something." He wanted sex (at least he said he did); but all the guys were too old or fat or withered or diseased. And he was shocked by all the "unsafe sex." Several guys walked by clutching little vials, and he asked me what Poppers did for them. He'd never tried them. "They're no big deal, really. They just relax you and make you feel more sociable." "Got any?" "In my locker. Be right back." But they weren't in my locker. I had 'em stuffed in the waist folds of my towel all along. I just needed an excuse to find my bud. Adam was sitting in the TV Room. He'd already noticed the cute thing I was with, as had everybody in the Club by then. "Gonna fuck him?" "He's pretty green. It's his first trip here, and he's scared to death. I need your help. You get first dibs." I told him we'd meet him in the Maze, then hurried back to the Kid. He was relieved to see me round the corner as some "Sleazy Old Trolls" had put the make on him. I handed him the bottle and told him to take a little sniff to see how they affected him. He did so, maybe for a moment longer than I would have recommended, then moaned that he felt "nice and hot." "Now there's the understatement of the year!" I asked him if he’d like to take a tour; and he said, "Yes." Upon spotting the "Sleazy Old Troll" who'd groped his Ass, he kept close on my tail. Once again he asked to borrow my Poppers. I told him to hang onto them. I had a feeling the Kid would need them a helluva lot more than I before the night was through. "Geez, thanks." He took a deep whiff and turned red. "They sure work wonders. Lemme know when you want 'em back." We entered the Maze and stood just inside the door, back lit only by a dim red light. The moaning emanating from the dark passages beyond was supplanted by the slap of flesh on flesh. Unnerved, the Youth uncapped the bottle and took another whiff. That's when Adam slipped behind him, and I stepped back into the shadows. The Kid sniffed from the bottle while Adam worked his Ass. I don't know what sweet-nothings my bud whispered in his ear, but they took off for Adam's room. As I waited for the outcome of their little tryst, I entered the bowels of the Maze in search of LOVE. An unlubed finger snaked up my Butt. Annoyed, I turned to confront my uncouth suitor, and discovered it was Alan. He led me to his room. The Kid was lying on his stomach. "Why's he sleeping?" "Well, he wanted to try something a little stronger than Poppers; and all I had was GHB." "Great! We can't leave him here like this!" But Adam is one of those imperturbable buggers whom nothing fazes. Between the two of us, we dragged the Kid back to the Maze and strapped him in the leather Sling. The Kid looked so angelic, his legs in stirrups high above his head, his glistening Mancunt soft and beckoning. I guess Adam couldn't help himself. After depositing a 2nd POZ LOAD up the Boy's Mancunt, he took off, leaving me alone with Poisoned Beauty. I reached down, dug my finger in his Pussy, and came away with a digit drenched in Spooge. I marveled at how salty. Adam's Seed is always salty. "AH, POZ CUM!" I sighed dramatically, recollecting the day two years before when Adam confided he was POZ. I'd always suspected I'd been the one who bred his Ass, but never breathed a word of it to anyone. I glanced down at Sleeping Beauty. Such a sweet Pussy! We were alone. He'd never be more fuckable. I shuddered as the 3rd POZ LOAD of the evening spurted up the Young Man's Ass. I headed for the showers to join my Bud, then to his room for a catnap. 2 A.M! Time to check on our Progeny. There was a lot of traffic in the Maze. One of the fabled "Old Trolls" stopped me excited. "Fuck! You should see what's going on." Still secured in the Sling was our Sacrificial Lamb. As I nudged my way amongst the damp towels, I realized what I'd first perceived as a mulling muck of Cocks and Balls was actually an orderly queue of Bareback Tops intent on breeding the Young Twink. "What's with the Kid?" I asked the Dude up next to dip his wick. "A PNP Boy who's overdosed," came his educated guess. "Then how cum he's strapped in like that?" "Must be a Cum Addict as well. Look. Do me a favor. Save my place. I'll be right back. I gotta piss." "No, wait. I know that Kid. He's into Watersports. Piss down his throat, then fuck his Ass." Word spread like wildfire. And so it was that one Top after another, the old, the infirm, the obese, and the diseased, joined ranks to fill both the Youngster's Holes with Piss and Cum. I saw the Kid take five dirty Loads at least. Of course he had it cuming. Justice rendered is justice deserved. They hadda take the Kid down a notch. The Punk was simply too goody two-shoes. I watched a pair of "Old Trolls," with purple KS lesions dotting their bodies, shoot up the Young Man's Butt. He was sure gonna be sore in the morning—not to mention the AIDS VIRUS which would make his life a Living Hell. I had to smile.
    2 points
  7. I was so horned up I opened up Grdr to find some hole to breed. I chatted with a few guys but it went nowhere. I was horned up and frustrated since I couldn't find anyone who wanted rt fun. I got a response from a cub guy not too far away. He seemed interested and had a good description. Hairy 52yo 5'8' br/bl 46-inch chest about 200 pounds and a horny bottom. He wanted seed and wanted it now. I couldn't host as I was mobile. He messaged me an address and said he would pay for a sleazy motel room nearby. I headed to the location. The guy was true to his word. He was exactly as described and had sent some xxx pics. I sent some back and we agreed to connect. I go to the room and he is there getting naked. Wow HOT ASS. He said he had already showered and was horny as hell and wanted to be fucked. I got undressed and started licking his hole. He went nuts. We turned to a 69 position and sucked cock. Both of us hard a rock. He slid out from under me and presented his hairy hole to me doggy style. My cock was wet from his slobber and his hole was wet from me licking it. He wagged his tail at me and I slide inside. Warm And Wet and in heat. Just the way I love it. I started to pound his hole. It was so good inside. We both were so horny and in need. We switched positions and I got on top of his back and started pounding in and out. Slamming that hole. He was so verbal moaning and groaning and begging me to seed him. My cock swelled up and shot a nice deep load in his hole. He grunted thanks. I said, "I'm not done." I kept sliding in and out and he was moaning and groaning. I let out a sigh of pleasure and within a few minutes, I shot my second load. We took a break and he sucked my cock hard again. I positioned myself on him and pounded that hole. It was wet and sloppy and squishy. You know that sound it makes when its all full of cum and sweat? I love that. Best feeling. I shot another load in that warm wet ass. He lay on his back with his feet and legs up in the air. He was at the edge of the bed. I slid inside his hole once again. He was cussing and moaning as I pounded him. He had his hands at the edge of the bed gripping the bed and met my strokes. Our bodies slapping together as we pounded. I shot the 4th load in his hole. We collapsed on the bed for a while. As we were getting dressed he handed me his phone number. Needless to say, we have connected a few times since the first time last month. I have given him at least 12-14 loads total. His hole and my cock really get along well. I plan to see him again next week. BH I
    2 points
  8. Just sucked my first cock and it was amazing. I'm bi and have always been curious about guys, but I haven't really acted upon it before, until now. A guy messaged me on grindr and something just came over me. I thought fuck it and so I walked to the public toilets he was at and sucked him off. At first the car park the public toilets are located in was a little busy and we had to wait for people to leave. As we waited he felt up my cock and I felt up his. Then when the coast was clear we went into the public toilets and he pulled his cock out and I got on my knees and took him in my mouth. I sucked his cock for a bit, licked his balls, licked the head of his cock, deepthroated him and then he came in my mouth and I swallowed every last drop. He left, drove off and I walked home with a massive smile on my face. I'm so fucking happy to finally be a cocksucker and taste another man's seed in my mouth. I can't wait to do it again.
    2 points
  9. I hope it is OK to post a *possible* conclusion to an unfinished story... it has been a few years since the author last posted. This is how I imagine things going... Part X The skinhead led me back to the corridor where all the side rooms were, and managed to find an empty one. We went in and he closed the door. "I think if you had stayed there much longer you would have ended up being gang banged in a sling!" he laughed. "Which might be hot, but not for your first time." "Thanks for saving me", I said, although I was secretly a bit disappointed. My cock was so hard and I felt so horny that I really just wanted to get off. "No problem" he said, straddling the bench in the middle of the room, and pulling me down to sit facing him. "You managed to hang on the the poppers?" he laughed, taking them from my hand, and pulling off my towel, releasing my now achingly hard cock. I hadn't even realised that I still had them, everything was becoming a blur. He removed his own towel, letting his cock flop out on the bench between his legs. It was only semi-hard, but still huge. Suddenly all I wanted to do was suck it back to hardness. I leaned forward, licking my lips. "You like my cock, don't you?" he asked, quietly, gently guiding my head down to his crotch. "Mmm hmm" I mumbled, taking it in my mouth. As I did I heard him spit in his hand and he reached down my back, to my now naked ass and rubbed the spit on my hole. I focused on taking his cock as deep in my throat as I could, before it became totally hard again. He continued applying spit to my hole, gently massaging and probing me with his fingers. After a while he stopped and told me to turn around, with my back to him. "I don't want to cum too soon" he said, "and I think you deserve to get rimmed after you rimmed that guy in the sling. See how it feels." Reluctantly I let his cock fall from my mouth and turned around. He pushed me forward so I was laying down on my front, and then he handed me the poppers. "Try sniffing these", he said, "it will make it feel even better." Then before I could even open the poppers he grabbed my hips, pulling my cheeks apart and licked my hole. It felt so amazing I almost dropped the poppers! He licked some more, and gradually pushed his tongue in to my hole. He was being so kind and gentle, and his mouth was so warm and the feeling was so amazing, that I felt totally relaxed and safe even as he began to insert one then two fingers inside my ass, gently twisting them around. I was so naive and enjoying the moment that I didn't realise he was preparing to fuck me. "Sniff the poppers now" he said, so I removed the cap and took a quick sniff. The smell was a bit gross. "Again, more" he said "you get used to the smell." I sniffed more and I felt my body flushing and I could feel my ass relax around his fingers. "That's better he said, " pushing in a third finger, "I don't think your friend is coming, do you?" "No" I said quietly. I was so off my head that I had forgotten all about Mr Perfect. I realised the bastard had stood me up. The skinhead removed his fingers from my ass and told me to turn over on my back. As I lay back down he grabbed lifted my legs and rested them on his shoulders. He leaned forward and kissed me, and as he did I felt his thick cock sliding in my ass crack, rubbing over my hole and trying to find its way inside. "You still want to save yourself for him?" he asked, spitting on his cock and rubbing it over my hole which was already relaxed enough for the tip to go inside. "Or you want to go home?" This was supposed to be the day I would get fucked by the perfect guy, and he had bailed. I was horny before I got to the sauna and everything that had happened since was making it worse. My cock was so hard it ached. Fuck it, I decided, I took another big sniff of poppers and told him "No, I want you to fuck me." "That's my boy" he said, pushing his cock harder in to my ass just as the poppers hit me "It may hurt a bit at first, but soon you will love it." As he said that he pushed so hard that the head of his cock forced its way in to my virgin hole. The pain was intense, like being split in two! "Fuck!" I yelled. "Just relax" he said, holding still for a moment before pushing in some more. "Use the poppers." Evan as he pushed futher inside I felt the pain gradually ease, Eventually he was all the way in and I could feel his pelvis press against my ass. He leaned forward and kissed me again, holding his cock inside me as I adjusted to the strange sensation of being full, in pain and more turned on than I have ever been. Part XI Just at that moment, the door opened and someone came in. "There you are!" Skinhead broke off the kiss and we both looked up to see the black guy from the changing room earlier. "Mind if I watch?" he said, locking the door and dropping his towel to reveal a huge cock. "Sure" said the skinhead, although he didn't look too pleased. He began moving his cock in my ass, slowly back and forwards. "Why don't you suck his dick?" he said to me. The black guy came closer and offered me his cock. It was so thick I wasn't sure I could open my mouth wide enough, but I stuck out my tongue and sucked the head as best I could. "Good boy" said the black guy, gently pushing my head with his hand so he could work his cock deeper in to my mouth. I could also see him run his other hand down the skinheads back to his ass, where he seemed to be urging the skinhead to fuck me deeper. At this point I wasn't thinking I was just feeling. The skinhead's cock was making my ass feel amazing, it felt like I could feel the cock ring rubbing over my prostate. I sucked on the cock in my mouth as best I could, but was still only able to take a few inches. Suddenly the black guy withdrew his cock from my mouth and went over to where dropped his towel and picked up a small bottle. "I brought some lube in case our young virgin needed it, but I guess not. Seems a shame to waste it, though." He squeezed some on his fingers and walked back over to the bench. To my surprise, instead of somehow applying it to my ass or the skinheads cock, he began rubbing it in to the skinheads hole. "Oh shit that burns!" said the skinhead, freezing. "Yeah, it's special lube" said the black guy "I heard it was your favourite. Loosens you right up. Maybe we can get you in the sling later? That's how you got your tattoo, isn't it?" He said, pushing three lubed fingers into skinhead's hole. "You always manage to fuck the fresh virgins before anyone else, so I think it's only fair if I fuck you while you fuck him" he said, lubing up his cock and shoving it in to skinheads ass in one powerful thrust. Part XII to follow if people want it.
    2 points
  10. Headed to my local beat after work, hoping to suck off some other like minded married guys on their way home. very quiet. Not much action. Then this homeless looking guy followed me. I wasn’t into it. But he pulled down his sweat pants and started stroking a massive thick uncut white cock. I was transfixed. He was dirty and I wanted to leave. he came over and knelt down. Undid my pants and started sucking my cock. I couldn’t stop him. he was really going for it. Licking and sucking my freshly shaved clean balls into his mouth. I could see his dirty hands and nails on my cock. It was disgusting but I was so turned on. he yanked my pants down to my ankles so I was totally exposed. He stood up and started licking my neck and face. He held my arms down and forced his tongue in my mouth. It was gross but I couldn’t stop him. then he unbuttoned my work shirt and started licking and sucking my tits, moving around my whole body, licking my armpits. I was covered in his spit. a few people walked by, usually they watch or join in but I think this guy was a turn off for them. all I could do was beg him to use me. He was grabbing and squeezing my little pink cock with his dirty hands, then he went down behind me and found my weakness. he started tongue fucking my shaved pink arsehole and with his hand he reached around and grabbed my cock hard so I couldn’t pull away. he finger fucked me in between the rimming. then of course tried to position his cock at my tight pink hole. I said no, I don’t fuck without condoms. So he parked it between my thighs and began fucking there. Of course it drifted up and nodded my hole. At this point i was so horny. Rape me, use me like a whore was all I could say. he held me hard and kept trying to fuck his cock into me. I was loving the teasing and arse felt so good. Then suddenly he was in me. The biggest dirtiest uncork I’ve ever seen somehow slid into my arse. No pain straight in. i tried to pull away, but in a couple of strokes he was cumming in me. For the first time ever I felt the hot cum shoot in me. he didn’t say a word. Just pulled out, pulled up how pants and stood there and smoked a cigarette. I looked at him and said thank you. Then stood there and wanked my cock whilst looking at him and feeling the air against my arse and the cum running out.
    2 points
  11. Laying on the couch watching an episode of shooter on Netflix when I get a message on Grindr from an anonymous cattle truck driver. We arrange a meeting at one of the local truck stops. I arrive 15 minutes later and find his semi and crawl inside the cab. I drop my pants and lube my ass and he’s immediate fucking me raw. He fucks me for approximately 5 minutes like a bunny rabbit (the semi truck is rocking back and forth and people could look through the front glass and see). He then explodes inside my ass and doesn’t pull out for another couple minutes. I pull up my pants and let myself out and head home. Except. A guy I’ve previously mentioned, one with a pierced cock wants me to come suck him off. I agree but tell him I want his seed up my ass. So I leave the truck stop and head to the other guys apartment. I walk in and start stripping as I go to his room. I go down on his pieced and gorgeous cock, deep throating him to the point I almost vomit. He can’t contain himself and gets behind me and starts brutally fucking me doggie style. He is fucking me so hard I can almost feel him ripping my insides. I just beg for it harder. He fucks me deep and mercilessly for about ten minutes and unloads his cum deep inside my ass. Two loads within half an hour up my ass on a night I anticipated nothing. Such a nice surprise
    2 points
  12. I have a blog post about starting Watersports.... https://felchingpisser.blogspot.com/2016/03/watersports-101-mini-master-class.html
    2 points
  13. Part 5 I laid there on all fours with my hole leaking his seed uncontrollably. It was so much and my ass just kept pulsing it out instictively. Feeling his poz cum slowly dribble down my ballsack on onto my wifes favorite sheets kept me in bliss for awhile. Seeing that widening stain of cum though got my inner cumslut back in control. If I was going to waste all of his potent hot charged seed I was going to need a refill soon but I also wanted to make sure I gave his babymakers a chance to impregnate me. I moved to my wifes side table and rummaged through all the dusty junk and there it still was, Gigantor. It really was not a massive dildo, just girthy. When I gifted it to my wife to try and see if she had any interest in sex at all I figured Gigantor would be the thing to peak her libido. Alas it did nothing and it has sat in that drawer untouched. I knew it's girth would be perfect to stretch my ring to the limit and hopefully tear a little. I know there are other ways to irritate that area but figured at least it would be hotter jerking Gigantor into my tight hole and have his poz seed as lube. I laid there working my hole with the tip and finally worked to press it into my hole. It took all my strength to push down with my hole and push up but Gigantor was slowly stretching me open. Finally I had it to the hilt and I knew from the pain I was enduring that I was definitely bleeding some. Then I got to work stroking that magnificient piece of silicone in and out as hard as I could muster. It was heaven and soon my hole was making nasty slurking slupping sounds as Gigantor whipped up all of my gifters load. Speaking of he sounded out from the other room wondering if there was a plumbing issue. I moaned, "No it's working just fine". Finally with my energy waning I pulled the monster dildo out of my ass and smiled when I saw some red streaks, I let it plop right next to the cum stain. Gonna have to run these sheets to the dry cleaners was my next hought, followed by, my top friend better have another load to add. Part 6 later
    2 points
  14. Part 4 - Almost caught with my pants down The last six months with my partner were very difficult - we had drifted so far apart and I think we both knew it was over but neither of us seemed ready to end it. During this time I was fucking around quite a bit and took more than a few risks - and on a few occasions I came very close to getting caught cheating. One weekend we were staying down on the south coast with a friend of my partner's that he knew through work. I had met Paul on a few occasions and found that we didn't really have much in common but I hadn't met his partner. We drove down on the Saturday morning and arrived around lunch time. We all went out for lunch and I got chatting to Paul's partner, Sean. I liked Sean a lot and found we had a similar sense of humour and a number of shared interests. I also quite fancied him - he was in his late 20s, small and quite geeky looking, with dark hair and glasses - a look I really go for. We were starting to flirt a bit and, although we had to be careful in front of our partners, I got the feeling that he might be interested in me too. Our partners were going out on the Sunday afternoon to an exhibition and I couldn't help wondering if there might be a chance of getting together with Sean while they were out...... As it happened, I got my chance sooner than that. We went to bed that night but I wasn't really sleepy and after a while I said I would get up and get myself a cold drink. My partner nodded sleepily and I pulled on a pair of shorts and a T shirt and made my way quietly downstairs. When I went into the kitchen I found Sean sitting at the kitchen table. I explained I had come down for a cold drink and he smiled and said "Let me get it for you," He stood up and I saw that he was wearing only a T shirt and a pair of white pants that didn't leave much to the imagination. Sean saw me checking him out as he handed me my drink and grinned. He asked if my partner was asleep and I said I think so. We chatted for a while and then Sean pulled me towards him and soon we were kissing. He put his hand into my shorts and felt my cock as my hand went down the back of his pants and my finger found his arsehole. He pushed me gently against the worktop and got down on his knees. He pulled my shorts down and took my cock into his mouth. I leaned back and closed my eyes as Sean began to suck my cock. It was one of the best blow jobs I had ever had and I enjoyed every minute of it. Sean sucked me for a while and just as I was getting close to cumming, Sean stooped sucking me and stood up. I thought was going to get the chance to suck him now but he turned round and pulled his pants down. He bent forward, spat on his hand and then reached round and rubbed the spit into his arse. He repeated this a couple of times and then pushed his arse out, looking over his shoulder. I knew we were taking a big risk but there was no way I was going to pass on the chance to fuck his fit arse. I stood behind him, pulled his cheeks apart, lined up my cock and pushed. My cock slid up him quite easily and he grunted as I began to fuck him. I knew we would have to be quick and I was quite close to cumming anyway, so I fucked him for a while and then took hold of his hips and began to fuck him harder. He was moaning softly as I fucked him and after about ten or twelve more thrusts I told him I was going to cum. He reached round and pulled me close against him as I shot my load right up his arse. When I finished cumming I pulled out his arse and he turned round. I got down on my knees and he pushed his cock into my mouth and after I had sucked him for a short time he rewarded me with a nice big mouthful of cum. A short time later I was making my way quietly up the stairs and when I went into our room I was surprised to find my partner sitting up in bed reading. I had assumed he would be fast asleep and realised that he could easily have come downstairs looking for me. He asked me what had taken me so long and I said Sean was down there and we got chatting. My partner nodded and, putting his book down, said he was going to sleep. I laid awake for a little while, enjoying the taste of Sean's cum in my mouth and wondered if he was enjoying feeling of my load in his arse. The following afternoon our partners went out and Sean and I wasted no time. He led me to what was obviously a spare room and soon we were on the bed, kissing, sucking and licking. He sucked my cock again and then turned me round. He pulled my cheeks apart and pushed his tongue up my arse. Soon he was kneeling up on the bed and my tongue was deep in his arse. We sucked and rimmed each other for a while longer and then Sean lubed himself up and knelt up on the bed. I pushed my cock up his arse and began to fuck him. I fucked him for a while and then I pulled out and he laid on his back with his legs in the air as I pushed my cock back up his arse. I was getting close now and I told him I wanted to breed him in his own bed. He looked surprised but then his look changed to one of excitement and he nodded. I pulled my cock out his arse and he stood up and led me to the bedroom he shared with his partner. He knelt up on the bed and I pushed my cock up back up his arse. I was close now and I fucked him as hard as I could as he urged me on, telling me to fuck him harder and cum in his cheating arse. Hearing him say this pushed me over the edge and I shot what felt like a massive load of cum into him. A few months later my partner and I were spending a few days in Ibiza with a group of my partner's friends. I didn't have much in common with this group of friends - they had very clear views on cheating and on things like cruising,casual sex and darkrooms and were inclined in my view to be a bit judgemental - especially when it came to barebacking. They were nice enough guys though and I enjoyed the break but I was feeling bored and horny. On the second night we were all drinking in a bar in the old town. It was a nice modern bar and, needless to say, did not have a darkroom. The bar got very busy and I got chatting to a group of lads from the north of England. When they left to go on to another bar I went downstairs to the toilet. I had realised earlier on that, although the bar did not have a darkroom, it certainly had a very cruisy toilet. A number of guys were wanking at the urinal and as I watched this, the door to one of the cubicles opened and two lads came out, one of them buttoning up his jeans. The other lad was a slim, blond English lad I had seen the bar earlier on having a laugh and camping it up with some friends. He had clearly had a few drinks now and, as I got my my cock out and joined the guys wanking at the urinal , the blond lad went down on the guy next to me. It was all very horny and after a short time, the blond guy was down on his knees taking turns to suck me and the guy who had been wanking next to me. Once again I knew I was taking a big risk - my partner or any of the others in our group could come into the toilet at any time. After a short time, one of the cubicles became vacant and the blond lad got up and motioned to the two of us to follow him. Soon we were all in the cubicle and the blond lad was sitting on the toilet taking turns sucking us. After a short time he stood up, turned around, tugged his shorts and pants down and bent over the toilet. The other guy was up him in seconds. He was a fit guy, mid 20s, quite stocky, with a nice big thick cock and I was really turned on as I watched his big bare cock thrusting up the blond lad's pale, slim arse. He was one of a group of German lads I had seen on the beach earlier that day. He was fucking the blond lad hard now and before too much longer he threw his head back and pushed his cock hard up the blond lad's arse and held it there, obviously shooting a load of cum deep into him. When he pulled out I didn't hesitate. I pushed my cock up the blond lad's arse and began to fuck. His hole was slippery with cum and this turned me on even more. As I fucked him the other guy began to finger my arse and soon he was pushing his finger right up me as I shot my load up the blond lad. I wasn't sure how long I had been away from the bar and thought I had better get back. I pulled up my pants and left the cubicle just in front of the other two. As I washed my hands at the sink, one of our friends came into the toilet. Alistair was there with his partner, and although I didn't know him that well, I quite liked him. He nodded to me as I left the toilet and went back to join my partner and our friends. I hadn't been missed and thought I might take advantage of this to pay another visit to the toilet later on.... I chatted to some friends for a while and then I saw Alistair returning to the bar. He had been down there for some time and I couldn't help wondering if he had joined in the action in the toilet. I was curious - Alistair had always appeared very committed to his partner and I had heard him voicing strong feelings about casual sex and cheating on more than one occasion. I had another drink and then I noticed Alistair heading down to the toilet again. I waited a while in case he had just gone to take a piss - I knew he had had quite a lot to drink - and then when he did not return I made my way quietly down to the toilet. It was even busier now and all the cubicles were occupied. The walls of the cubicles went from the floor to the ceiling so there was no chance of seeing if Alistair was being a bad boy in one of them. There was a lot of wanking and sucking going on and the blond lad was now bent over the urinal being fucked. As I wondered just how many loads he now had up him I noticed a group of guys in a little recess area between the cubicles and the sinks. Two guys were fucking in the recess area and two other guys were watching and wanking and I saw straight away that one of them was Alistair. Alistair's had his back to me, his trousers and pants were down at his knees and I realised that Alistair had quite a fit, chunky arse. I had certainly never thought I would get to see it but here he was with his pants down in the toilet of a bar and I was curious to see how far he would go. He was kissing the other guy now as they wanked each other off. I decided to hang back so that he couldn't see me and after a while they stopped kissing and I watched as Alistair slid down and took the guy's cock in his mouth and began to suck him. The other two guys had finished fucking and moved away and Alistair and the other guy moved round so that the guy was leaning against the back wall as Alistair continued sucking his cock. I assumed he was going to suck the guy off and I was just thinking maybe I had better leave them to it and get back to the bar when Alistair stood up. They kissed for a while and then the guy offered him what was obviously a bottle of poppers. Alistair took a deep sniff, then turned round and leaned against the wall, pushing his arse out. The guy stepped up behind Alistair, pulled his cheeks apart, and pushed his bare cock slowly up Alistair's arse. He stopped for a minute to let Alistair get used to his cock and then began to fuck him. I couldn't believe what I was seeing - I knew Alistair was a bit drunk but I never thought in a million years I would see him let some random guy fuck him bareback in a toilet with his partner upstairs in the bar. He was taking a massive risk - they were hidden from sight but if his partner or one of the others came into the toilet they could easily be seen. I had my cock out now, wanking as I watched Alistair sniffing the poppers and wanking as the guy fucked him hard up the arse. I shot my load at the same time as the guy pumped his cum into Alistair's unprotected, cheating arse. I was quite close now and I watches as the guy pulled his cock out. I had a great view of Alistair's hole, gaping open with some cum sliding out of it and I wanked over that image quite a few times later. I knew a lot of guys often did things on holiday that they wouldn't do at home - but this was probably one of the most unexpected things I have ever seen and I couldn't quite believe I had witnessed it. A little later we were all back in the bar and soon we were all making our way back through the town to our accommodation, Alistair chatting happily to his unsuspecting partner. The following day we were all spending a day at the gay beach at Es Cavallet and we got the bus down there in the early afternoon. The bus was busy as it often was and it was standing room only by the time we got on. I looked at Alistair, standing with his partner and again thought back to the scene I had witnessed the night before. I was starting to feel a bit horny now and I could feel the guy standing behind me pressing against me. It was one of the lads from Manchester I had chatted to in the bar the night before, a fit, dark haired chubby guy called Mike. I wasn't sure if he was doing it on purpose but I discretely pushed back against him. He moved slightly and soon I could feel his cock pushing against my arse through his shorts. I pushed gently back and we kept this up all the way to the beach. I had a definite hard on now and had to tie my sweat shirt round my waist when I got off the bus so that no one could see. I had enjoyed the experience and it had made me very horny and I hoped I might get the chance to go cruising in the dunes later on. I would have to be careful not to make it too obvious though. I enjoyed resting on the beach and swimming in the sea and just as I was feeling pleasantly relaxed I saw Mike making his way along the beach. He passed quite close to where we were and looked at me as he passed by. I looked around, no one was paying any attention and my partner was deep in a book so I said I fancied a walk along the beach. My partner barely looked up as he nodded and soon I was following Mike into the dunes at a discreet distance. I followed him for a while and soon we were in a little clearing by the sea. He grinned at me and took my hand, placing it on his cock which was now hard in his shorts. I had realised on the bus that he obviously had quite a big cock and when I pulled his shorts and pants down I was not disappointed. I sucked Mike's cock for a while and soon I was bent over sucking him and he was fingering my arse. I sucked him for a bit longer and then he produced some lube. I lubed up my hole and bent over. Mike produced a condom. "With or without?" he asked. "Without." I said and he grinned. Seconds later I was braced against a tree as Mike pushed his big thick cock slowly but surely right up my arse. He gave me a minute to get used to it and then he began to fuck me, slowly at first, and then he began to fuck me harder. I hadn't had a cock this big up my arse for quite some time and I enjoyed every minute of it. As we fucked, I had a great view of the sea, with the sun shining on it and I felt good. Mike was fucking me hard now and after a while he told me he was close and asked if he could cum in my arse. "Fuck yeah," I moaned. He asked me if I was sure and I nodded and almost immediately he started to cum in my arse. He seemed to cum for ages and when he had finished he pulled out and I went down on his cock and started sucking it. He grinned "You dirty cunt," he said. The last time I cheated was one of the most risky fucks I ever had and once again I came very close to getting caught. We were staying with a friend of my partner, Joe, and his new boyfriend, Rodrigo. Rodrigo and Joe had been together for about a year. Rodrigo was a very nice guy and he was also very attractive, dark skinned and well built with a lovely smile. He also had a very cute body and a fantastic arse. I found him really attractive, especially as Joe had let slip that Rodrigo had a really big cock. On this evening he was wearing shorts which did little to hide his massive packet. I found it hard to take my eyes off him, especially when he bent over to pick something up and I had a great view of the top of his pants and the crack of his arse. I realised he had picked up on my interest but he didn't seem to mind and I knew that nothing would come of it so didn't see any harm in flirting with him a little. That night as we were all going to bed I found myself alone in the living room with Rodrigo. He grinned at me and I could see his cock was hard in his shorts. He saw me looking and grinned again. As I watched, he pulled the front of his shorts down and I had a perfect view of his hard cock. He was still grinning as he wanked it a few times. Just then Joe called to him and he stuffed his cock in his pants and we both made our way up the stairs. The next morning we had planned to go out for breakfast but I was feeling tired and a bit off colour so decided to stay in bed. The others went out and I went back to sleep. I woke up later, feeling much better. I had a shower, then pulled on a T shirt and a pair of pants and made myself some tea and toast. I knew the others would not be long and so I sat down on the bed. I was horny and, as I thought back to Rodrigo with his cock out of his pants I began to play with myself. Just then I heard the front door open and a few minutes later someone came up the stairs. I thought it might be my partner but there was a tap on the door and then Rodrigo came in. "Hey," he said, with his trademark grin. "how are you feeling?" I told him I was feeling much better and he grinned again and came towards me. "We don't have long" he said as he pulled his cock out and seconds later I was down on my knees sucking him. He sighed as I sucked his cock and then I licked his big balls before going back down on his cock. I sucked him for a while longer and then I reached into my holdall and pulled out some lube. "Fuck me," I said. We both knew we would have to be quick and soon I was kneeling up on the bed and he was pushing his cock up my arse - neither of us mentioned condoms and soon he was right up me. I felt like I was being split in two as he began to fuck me. I was trying hard not to make too much noise as Rodrigo fucked me with his big thick cock. It was one of the best fucks I had ever had - a quick, hard, horny bareback fuck with an amazingly good looking guy. Rodrigo was fucking me even harder now and soon I could tell he was getting close. I could actually feel the cum pumping into my arse as he thrust up me again and again before he finished. Rodrigo was still up my arse when we heard the front door opening. He pulled out quickly, stuffed his cock back in his pants and disappeared out of the room just in time and I pulled the duvet over me, trying hard to stop the cum sliding out of my gaping arse. Soon we were all back downstairs and I couldn't help feeling a bit guilty when Joe commented that I still looked a bit flushed. I split with my partner shortly after that and never saw Joe or Rodrigo again. I knew the next few months would be difficult and they were but I was soon back on my feet again and enjoying some more horny bareback sex. I was no longer cheating - but the same could not be said for some of the guys I was fucking with........ Part 5 to follow
    2 points
  15. Okay. A bit of advice - when the next part comes round, use a different colour font. The black text against a grey background is a little hard to read, and people may skip over your story because they can't read it.
    2 points
  16. When I'm cruising at the baths, I am rarely attracted to guys who are simply lying on their backs their room, staring up at the ceiling. Maybe because it looks too passive for my taste, but mostly because I hate to reward laziness. The art of cruising (I admit it's a dying art among millennials) requires an effort, and I am all about rewarding effort. Still, for some reason, the dude I saw last night on his back definitely caught my attention. He was in his thirties, smooth bod, muscular legs, and one arm crooked behind his head. He had dimmed the lights enough that I had to get closer to check him out. Fuck, he was handsome. Light scruff, short hair, and an exposed armpit that was nicely defined and totally begging for attention. His cock was slung like a tube across his thigh. Not hard, not soft, but definitely a force I couldn't wait to reckon with. He said "hey" as I approached, and with his other hand, lazily gave his cock an absent-minded tug. I chose to ignore that, cuz I still wanted to burrow into this stud's armpit. Soo sweet it was, too! Just the right combination of day-old soap (maybe) and natural sweat. I flicked at it with my tongue, and he said "go for it, bro." I chowed down on it, loving that melding of smell and taste that's not for everyone but happens to drive me wild. As I was doing that, I could see that he was now completely hard, and whoa! What was slung before was now a really beautiful cock standing fully upright. It was no match for an armpit, even if I loved nuzzling a stud who so far had only said five words to me. To get the best angle, I knew I had to be kneeling between the stud's legs, so I climbed up and used my own knee to spread his legs. That's often a moment of truth in a bathhouse encounter, since most tops don't want to be made vulnerable like that. But this one was cool, and within a minute, I had full access to his giant cock, shaved balls, and musky taint--another favorite detail that generally makes most men cave when it's grazed. I crooked a finger and brushed the short hairs under his balls. I could feel his cock jump up. So this handsome man of few words is still kicking back, one arm behind his head, while I'm kneeling and trying my best to do justice to hs cock. The fact that he's leaking precum just adds to my excitement. I never know if tops truly understand how incredibly hot precum is for a cocksucker. It's both incentive and reward. He obviously understood, since he squeezed his cock to make a huge gob gather at the tip. Then he pushed my head down as he commanded me to "take it all the way down." I was in pig heaven and didn't even notice or care that I'd left the door to his room ajar. That's half the fun of a bathhouse, and if I'd thought of it, I would have left it that way in hopes that another horny bro would feel confident about joining us. Or at least exploring the possibility. On a Friday night, that was almost guaranteed, and before long, I could see the lower half of another guy standing where I had been, next to the bed. I felt his hand on my head, heard him ask if I was "doing a good job," and then groaned when he ran his hand in a single motion from the back of my neck all the way down my back, over my ass, and slid a single finger along the crack of my ass. Sometimes it's those simple gestures that are the mark of a skilled top. A single finger pausing in the right place for a second is like serving notice that your ass has been noted and claimed. At that point, with my throat getting a workout as the first dude raised and lowered his hips to go deeper, I didn't even care who the newcomer was. I was just glad to be a pig with two tops who seemed happy to use me in different ways at the same time. I never stopped deep-throating the handsome dude on his back. Maybe he and the third guy exchanged glances that amounted to permission for the second dude to continue probing my ass. Either way, without a word, the third dude got behind me and lubed up my ass. I was in no position to say anything with a mouthful of cock, and all I could do was grunt as he slid in slow and deep and opened me up. The first top said "fuck yeah, dude, that's hot." Pretty soon, the guy fucking me was thrusting into me, which pressed me forward onto the first dude's massive cock. Then he'd pull back on my hips, and it was like he was using me to get the other dude off while he was fucking my ass. Forward, back, forward. I was gasping and drooling, and a total mess, but I loved being used by both men at the same time. After a couple of minutes, my host raised his hips, held my head down firmly, and blew a load right down my throat. In total silence, like it was my job just to take it. I never even got to taste his cum, and I might have drowned if I had! I love feeling a hard cock pumping, and I could feel his cum pouring directly down my throat, pulse after pulse. That must have set the other dude off, cuz he then grabbed my hips, pulled me back onto his cock, and grunted, thrashed around, and generally used me like a rag doll to breed. My knees were killing me, and I felt used in the nicest way. A belly full of cum, a gaping hole leaking cum, and two top dudes who didn't know each other but high-fived as I grabbed my towel and headed to the showers. Now I know that appearances can be very deceiving. A stud "at rest" may not be lazy at all, just lying in wait for the right sub to service him, take his load, as well as that of any other random stud he approves of. Lesson learned.
    2 points
  17. I met Dave at the bars. We hit it off immediately and spent the night talking, until the bar finally shut down. We left and decided to go to a new bathhouse that had just opened down the street. We got checked in and got a shared room. We stripped off, making out briefly, and then went out to explore. We got in the hot tub for a bit and chatted with some guys. Had a nice chat but decided to get out and roam a bit more. The club was nice but plain so we headed back to the room where we made out, I sucked his nine inch cock and he sucked my six and a half incher. He was a total twink but turned out to be a top. I totally had him pegged as a bottom. He proceeded to fuck me bare in a couple different positions and ended up shooting his load deep in my ass. We met up again another night and ended up going to another bathhouse and he fucked me in the hallway. The club was pretty empty and no one really bothered us much. He cock felt great in my ass, I've always felt more comfortable taking larger cocks than smaller ones. He always gave a good fucking and ended up shooting another load up me. The next time we met he came over to my apartment just before I had to go to work. We were standing in my living room and made out for a little bit. He turned me around and put his hand down my pants, grabbing my hardening cock. He jerked me for a little bit then undid my trousers and pushed them and my underwear to the floor. He pushed his down freeing his massive nine incher and started sliding it up and down my crack while kissing my neck. He spit on his hand and slicked up his hard cock and put it back against my crack. He slid down and came back up and hit my hole. He pressed slowly against me and popped in me bareback. He fucked me for a couple minutes while I jerked my cock. He thrust in deep and shot a load in my ass while I shot a load across the carpet in front of me. I didn't see him for a couple years until I ran into him again at the bar. He came up to me and told me he was HIV poz. I asked him if he would still fuck me if he wore a condom. He said sure, but we didn't really have a place to go. He grabbed a condom and took me to an apartment building he used to live in. There was a door to one of the stairwells that didn't close all the way so we pulled it open and went to the top where there was a landing and a ladder to the roof. We could look over the wall and see down the stairwell. It was about three am, and Dave stripped down naked. I was a bit nervous about it because while it was unlikely anyone would come up to where we were at, it was still a possibility. I still got naked and he sucked me and rimmed me. He stood me up naked against the low wall looking down the stairs so I could see anyone that came out of the door on the floor below. He rolled the condom on and proceeded to slide all nine inches of his tool into my ass. He fucked me from behind while standing up for about ten minutes, then he dropped me to the ground on my back, putting my legs up on his shoulders and slammed his cock in and out of my hole. He kept at it, kissing me and sliding his rubber-covered cock in and out for another fifteen minutes before he flipped me over on my hands and knees to fuck me doggy style. Before he entered me again I heard a pop that I didn't really pay much attention to. I was pretty drunk and when I reached back to guide his dick into my ass I still felt the condom. He fucked me for a little while more and then I decided to turn around and lay on my back again. As I was guiding his cock back into me I realized only the base of the condom was intact. He had been fucking me bare for the last few minutes! The moment I had that realization I almost had a spontaneous orgasm. He slid half covered dick back into me and I started to jerk my cock. It only took me about thirty seconds to shoot a load all over my chest. I told him to pull out after I came because his cock was starting to hurt my ass. He pulled out, took the broken condom off and jacked his load onto my chest as well. He never said anything about the broken condom. I realized he broke open the condom while he was repositioning me. I guess he was used to fucking me bare. I was so turned on when I noticed the broken condom, I wouldn't have cared if he seeded me with his poz load. I saw him again a few years later on the local light rail. He was checking me out, but I couldn't tell if he recognized me but he was definitely cruising me. I had to get to a class, but I should have gone after him for one more fuck and one more load in my ass.
    1 point
  18. I love going to the park and finding dirty trolls, homeless, fat guys, wasting looking, guys (the sleazier and uglier the better), fuck my hole and drop a load. I get off so much on having my ass full of their cum and going around the park till there's no one left. Then going online to fund more. The other day I went to the park and got 2 loads from 2 different guys who I swear were homeless. One had a huge black dick and the other small and uncut. Then found this big overweight guy and he made me start sucking his dick. I was bent over showing my ass to whoever was around. There were 3 guys who fucked me while my head was down on his dick. I never even saw them but they all dumped their loads in me. After they finished I turned around and lifted the fat guys stomach and put his dick in my ass. I felt like such a nasty whore with his belly resting on my back and his dick pushing in all the strangers cum. I then walked around a little more and this short fat ugly Mexican wanted to fuck me so I let him use my hole and dump his load in too. It started to die down a bit but I found a really old thin sick looking guy who was very timid. I went right up to him, dropped to my knees and sucked his fat dick got it real hard. He then turned me around and I let him dump his toxic load in me... it was so hot. After that it didn't look like anyone was left, so I came home, went online and found 2 tops that wanted to do an anonymous scene. I went over, stripped naked, put on a blindfold, and let them use me as their cumdump. Totally gets me off thinking they could be these total ugly fuckers that no one would ever let fuck them and I freely give my hole to them. I wish I knew of a place that had gloryholes in my area that I could anonymously put my ass on the hole and take all the loads people want to give me. Does anyone else get off on letting nasty trolls and dirty guys dump their loads in you? I'd love to hear more about it.
    1 point
  19. I’m 29 and blond, and though I have a boyfriend, I go to my local sauna a lot. The BF has no idea. I suck and swallow, which is risky, but have only got fucked bareback in the sauna once by this hot 18 year old top who I couldn’t resist. The BF and I have never used condoms, and I fuck him several times a week. I had gone to my local sauna as usual, and had taken a kamagra herbal tablet to keep my cock rock hard. Because the it always makes my head pound I took three paracetamol tablets also - or I thought they were paracetamol. When I looked at the packaging after swallowing them, it turned out they were nitrazepam (my boyfriend was taking to help him sleep), though I had no idea what nitrazepam was at the time and shrugged it off. Well after about 30 minutes I was rock hard laying on my back in the steam room, some random old guy sucking my cock. Thankfully it wasn’t that hot in there today so I could stay in there for ages while getting blown. I was starting to feel a bit woozy- the nitrazepam - but didn’t know why. My eyes were heavy and I felt so lazy, too lazy to move. When another random, somewhat younger guy came in and sat between my legs and started rubbing my anus, normally I would’ve pushed his hand away, but I just lay there moaning as I enjoyed my bj, my arms feeling too heavy to move. The younger guy rubbing my ass lifted my legs up, my floppy unresisting body complying with however he moved it, my head still awake but my body just empty and lifeless. It was weird: I was aware but detached. The old guy started licking my ass, sucking my ring and slobbering all over my anus. Normally, the thought of being covered with an old man's spit would have made me cringe, but not this time. I simply lay there, seemingly indifferent to his approaches. The old guy sucking me stood up when I was bent double and rubbed his cock on my face. He poked it between my lips, but I didn’t suck it. "Are you ok mate?" he said in my ear as he stroked my mouth. I moaned, but didn’t properly reply. He stood up and walked off, saying to the other guy "He’s too out of it to give me a good blow job" and left me alone with the other guy, who stopped rimming me and scooted up between my legs, his erection rubbing my bum cheeks as he reached up over my body, holding my face in his hand. "What you taken mate?" he asked, squeezing my cheeks. I didn’t reply, just stared at him blankly. "You don’t want me to put a condom on do you?’" he asked, shaking my head from side to side with his hand holding my face. "Noooo, good," he said as he shook my head "No" for me. He reached down and positioned his cock at my hole, rubbing the helmet in his spit as he nestled it in my anus, then he slowly pushed in, just shoving the entire length of his cock inside me bareback to the hilt in one go, his helmet drooling precum deep in my bowels. He started sliding his cock in and out as he hunched over me on the steam room bench, grinding my ass raw as he fucked my limp body. "Feel my cock and your ass skin to skin. I’m guessing you wouldn’t let me do this if you weren’t fucked up on something" he said as his fucking got harder. "You want my cum in your ass hey kiddo? Yeah, you’re getting it in your ass mate. Fuck, yeah. Here it comes. Gonna breed your little ass raw. Yeah. Fuuuuuuuck, I’m cumming in you kiddo... uh uhh..... fuck yeah, take my load, fuck." He moaned and shuddered as he bred me raw. I knew I was getting filled with cum, by a dirty old stranger, and I knew that was really bad, but I didn’t move, couldn’t move, just lay there, my legs hooked over his shoulders, my blank eyes staring at his contorting face as he came in my ass. As he did two guys came in, chatting until they saw the old dude finishing grinding his sperm into my bowels. "Sorry" one said as they sat down. "No worries" the guy breeding me said as he pulled out, cum dribbling out my ass. "This one is out for the count. Either of you want a ride?" he asked, fingering my gaping anus. "I’m a bottom, but George here might" one of the couple said. "Should I go and get a condom for you George?" "You don’t need to wear a rubber. Fuck, I didn’t. He doesn't care. Look" the guy said, pulling his cum covered fingers out my ass then shoving them back in. "Yeah, looks sweet" George said. "You got the clap, hey mate? It’s curable, fuck go for it" the guy fingering me said. "No, George is poz, I'm afraid" George's friend said. "Maybe I could, just this once. I haven’t felt bare ass in such a long time..." George started. "No, hold-on George, I'll get you a condom" said his buddy, leaving the sauna. George got in position between my legs, and I saw him for the first time as I hadn’t bothered to turn my head before to look. He was fat and hairy, fat cock but average length that he was rubbing on my toes. The guy who had already bred me was spreading his cum on George’s helmet and rubbing it up and down my crack. "Just put it in quick before your friend gets back" "‘I can’t, he’ll kill me" George said. "Nestle it at his hole for me quickly" my breeder said. George pointed his cock down and his helmet slid into my outer anus very easily, my ring closing round the poz guy's coronal ridge. "Oh my goooood, I am so close, I haven’t been skin-to-skin since I was diagnosed" remarked the poz guy. "How close?" asked the breeder, maneuvering my body so I slid into the raw poz cock another inch. "Like, about to blow. I better pull it out. Slide his body back again" said the poz guy. "Fuuuck, quick." ’ "Or deeper?" countered the breeder, pushing me down further on the poz cock instead of pulling me off. "Do it, cum in him, fucking poz his hole, I scraped it up real good, cum in him before your mate comes back." "Fuuuuck,’ the poz guy said as he buried his cock in my ass to the hilt. He rammed it in two or three times before moaning "Fuuuuuck, yeah, take it, take my load, buddy - feel my cum deep in your insides." He came in me, holding his cock buried to the hilt so his poz sperm was buried deep in my body. "Fuck yeah, fill him up, poz him, yeah. Stick your fingers up to keep the cum in when you pull out" instructed the breeder. "Why?" asked the poz guy. "You know why" replied the breeder. The poz guy pulled out and slid at least three fingers in my ass to the hilt. I was waking up a tiny bit, perhaps from the adrenaline of laying there and not resisting being fucked raw by a poz guy, and letting him finish off inside me. About then the BF returned with a condom, squatting next to me and wrapping-up George’s cock. "You’re not very hard, George. I thought you would be with your fingers buried in his cummy ass. Wow. What a lot of cum is leaking out, look at that" George’s friend said as he saw George fingering my ass. "Now, let me see you fuck this boy" he said. George pulled his fingers out and slid his covered cock into my poz cum filled ass, getting hard pretty quick again he fucked me for ages, trying to cum again, pumping his poz cum deeper into my ass as he fucked me with his sheathed cock. After about ten minutes of fucking George’s friend said "I’m going to get some water" and stepped outside. "You want me to help you cum, George?" said the other guy. "Sure, how?" George asked. "Pull out a second" ordered the my first breeder. "You can’t pull the condom off. My boyfriend will be back in a moment." "I’m gonna snap the end off. It will look like you’re still wearing a rubber." George pulled out and I heard a snap like an elastic band, and then he rammed his raw cock back in. "Better?" "Fuck, yeah" replied George. A few seconds later George's boyfriend came back in, and felt George’s cock. "I’m still wearing it" George spat as he fucked even harder into my insides. "Just checking. You getting closer to cumming honey?" George’s boyfriend asked. "All this is making me horny. I might want a ride after all." "Oh, yeah, real close" George said, grunting and moaning. "You gonna fuck him raw - since you're clean?" asked the first breeder. "Yeah, I guess so." "Fuuuuuuuck, yeah" George moaned as he came inside me a second time, his cock deep in my bowels as he injected his second dirty load deep into my guts. George slumped over me as he finished cumming inside me, discreetly slipping the broken condom off. He stood up, withdrew and his boyfriend took his place between my legs. "Wow, his hole is sloppy" the boyfriend said. With that he rammed his bare cock right inside me to the balls, unknowingly coating his cock in his boyfriends dirty load and pushing poz cum deeper into my bowels at the same time. "Yeah, fuck him mate. Fuck his cum-filled ass" urged the first breeder. "Fuck, I don’t know how you lasted so long George. Fuck. Here it comes. Yeah, take my cum, blond boy." I could feel his cock jerking into me spasmodically as he came inside me. The guy pulled out, and the first breeder sat between my legs and started finger fucking my arse again, sliding four fingers straight in. George and his boyfriend left, leaving me alone with the sick old pervert. I passed out completely as he was trying to get all five fingers inside me. I recall he had inserted all his fingers and was slowly trying to get his hand into me past the widest point. As it slipped in I must have passed out, laying there with his hand inside my body, completely at his mercy. I woke up as someone sprayed my face with water. Blinking my eyes open, I was being supported under my armpits by a huge tattooed guy. "Mate, are you ok?" he asked as I struggled to my feet, gradually standing free of him. I noticed, however, he didn't fully let go, as his arms still wrapped round me from behind, and his erection was pressing into my back. "Are you all right?" again he asked. "I dunno, um......" I stammered, still pretty out of it. "I found you in the steam room. Some guy had his foot buried in your ass. Seriously, the front half of his foot." I felt my gaping ass with my fingers, it was open wide by an inch, not closing up even when I tried to clench it. "Uuhhh, I err....." I mumbled for want of words. "He said you took nine loads. I think you might have got some dirty ones too. Sorry, mate." I flashed back to the poz guy and wondered what else I was impregnated with. About then the tattooed guy's cock slid into my hole. You know what followed. That was two years ago. I still haven’t been tested. Every time I fuck the BF raw, I know I could be bug-sharing with him.
    1 point
  20. So I had a ... barely legal high school student who wants me to be his first guy he tops. He also complained that high school teachers he hook up with can’t suck his 9” deep throat. He wants safe but... any advise on how I can get it bare?
    1 point
  21. Aha ! A story of fiction from the site owner hmself, from wayyy back in the heady early days of this site. Read it up new guys, and enjoy what was the beginning
    1 point
  22. Fuck, I feel like I’m in heat, been craving a good rough fuck all day now and I’m too busy with work that I can’t dismiss 😕
    1 point
  23. WOW.... This should become a book. I truly became immersed in your story... something that a story has failed to achieve in a very long time with me. THANK YOU!
    1 point
  24. I'm craving to be filled with hot cum
    1 point
  25. I always suck a cock clean after It's fucked and bred me. Balls too
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. If you love her at all, be kind. If you are any sort of decent person, be kind. My wife and I divorced in as amicable way as we possibly could, and it was still heart-demolishing. The fact that you are gay, that she can’t meet your sexual needs, that you are cheating on your marriage to get them met (you are), that you can’t stand sex with her - none of these things is her fault. It’s your responsibility to ensure that your marriage doesn’t end with her carrying a burden of guilt for decisions you made, and her life thrown in the blender. You want to divorce so you can take cock with reckless abandon? You feel no shame? If that’s your sole motivation, you sound like a poor excuse for a human being. If you’re going to break your vows and divorce, do it first for the reason you stated, to let her find happiness. You may be a faggot, but you can also be a man.
    1 point
  28. It would never occur to me not to clean the cock that just fucked me, and I expect to. But I’ve been surprised lately at the number of Tops who unload in me and then make a beeline for the bathroom before I can even get turned around. It’s as though they haven’t been trained in the correct use of a cumdump. You more seasoned Tops out there should be mentoring to make sure these important customs are carried on!
    1 point
  29. Unfortunately I can’t read a word of it on my phone.
    1 point
  30. I'm really eager to see how the sons get inducted into the group.
    1 point
  31. I've been in this study for the past 2.5 years. There were 5,000 men who have sex with men in the study around the world (just 30 in Atlanta). The clinical phase of the trial ended last month (50/50 chance I was on Descovy or the placebo - truvada). Descovy is equally effective but fewer side effects for kidney issues and long term bone density issues. The study continues while they keep monitoring side effects, but EVERYONE still in the study is now definitely taking Descovy. I was told at my visit in August it would probably be approved by the end of Sept. It won't necessarily become the "default" Prep drug due to insurance company formularies (pricing), but it will probably become an alternative for guys that couldn't take Truvada. It's only approved for men because that's all that was included in the study group. I had to answer a lot of screening questions before being "accepted" for the study group. The screening basically wanted to make sure I barebacked enough to be a worthy test subject and high risk enough. I kept getting stds in the ass before the study even started, so the PA who I always met "recommended" me to apply to be in the study. Every visit they ask (on an ipad) how many times have you topped and bottomed unprotected and how many partners since the prior visit. I kept a log book the first 6 months or so, which was kinda hot to look back at each 3 months, but that's not the point The study was just men with men because that's who was in the study (they sought out high risk test subjects). I told the Dr in charge that I bareback all the time (before I even took the questionnaire). He said "good, that's what they want". If I used condoms or didn't have enough partners I would not have been accepted. They will study women in a different study. I learned a lot about these trials. Every single drug out there has to get tested for quite a while. I'd jump at the chance to do another one. At this point in life I honestly wouldn't be "bugged" if I ended up poz ( not sure how I made it this far still neg anyway), so I'm kind of the ideal candidate to be a guinea PIG
    1 point
  32. Immediate buzz kill in any conversation; addressing oneself in a female tense.
    1 point
  33. I have this true story posted on another site. It was written and experienced by me. I hope you enjoy it, I certainly did. This is a true story of what happened at my local sauna recently. I had finished a couple of night shifts and after a decent sleep, awoke feeling a bit randy. With nothing planned for the day, I decided to head to the sauna for some play. I’m a 6ft bear, can’t really call myself a cub any longer. I’m nice and hairy with round hairy arse and a 7 inch cock which has done me well over the years. I arrived around 4, got ready and had a wander. I spotted a regular fuck buddy, don’t know his name but we always fuck together and always bareback. He’s about the same age, late 40’s and with a lovely thick 9 inch cock on him. We made eye contact and met in the dark room. Before long his cock was up my arse, pumping away. This attracted some attention, including a tall well built lad with a similar sized cock on him, only a bit thicker. I’ve fucked with this guy before, he’s a dominant top who just likes to fuck and take charge. My buddy grunted and blew the first load of the day into my arse. Obviously turned on by this, the new lad dragged me into a cubicle. With me perched on the mattress, in rammed his big fat cock, bareback of course. I don’t like condoms, nothing like having random cocks cum up my arse, one after the other. I could sense he was getting into a rhythm, really taking his time in the buildup. Now this lad likes to be watched, so he opens the cubicle door to attract attention. I was too busy concentrating on the hammering I was getting to pay much attention, but I could sense someone by the doorway. After a good 10 minutes of frantic fucking, I could hear him building up to a climax. Then all of a sudden, bam, in shot a dozen squirts of cum. It was one of those ejaculations where I could feel the pulsatile contractions of his cock. Not only could I feel it, but I could hear him moaning as he came. He left his cock in for a minute, and then slowly pulled out. I heard a splash of cum fall onto the floor and could feel a stream of warm cum dribble down my leg. My arse was well and truly filled. Just as he left the cubicle, a young lad appeared beside me. He’d obviously witnessed what had happened and wanted some for himself. He was hard as a rock, maybe 8 inches, not quite as thick but had a beautiful upward bend in his cock. I love sloppy seconds, both as a giver and a receiver, seems like my new friend did too. He came into the cubicle and I reversed onto his eager cock, bareback again. He didn’t need any more prompting and over the next couple of minutes, fucked my already stretched, cum filed hole with that intensity that young guys have. He came with an almost primeval grunt as he filled me up, leaving me dripping cum onto the floor yet again. I was so randy by this point, wandering the corridors with cum dripping down my leg. I just had to find a hole of my own to blow into. Thankfully the sauna was still quite busy so I wandered into the dark room again. In the sling was an older, stocky daddy type, chunky but not too large and a nice pert arse on him, bingo. I was rock hard and came up to him, my cock pointing at his hole. I saw he had a sachet in his hand, and I thought it was a condom, but no, just lube. He lubed up his eager hole and in went my cock. Now I like to take my time when I fuck a guy, I like to feel every inch of his hole. This one was smooth and velvety, tight but not too tight, just perfect. I had some poppers with me and took a few sniffs, building up the sensation. I love to fuck a guy on a sling, staring into his eyes as I fuck the life out of him. I fucked his raw hole for as long as I could, but I couldn’t keep it in any longer. I could still feel the cum dribbling out of my own arse, which just added to the desperation to cum. I took another couple of sniffs of poppers and blew my week long load into his receptive man cunt. I kept my cock in his hole as it slowly softened and recovered for one of my most intense orgasms. I slapped his arse as I pulled my cock out. As I did so, I heard a splatter of my cum fall onto the floor.
    1 point
  34. Having a super loose hole is an amazing high for me as is seeing trashed holes on fellow males because I know how much sexual use they have indulged to get that way. Like other super used bottoms I am proud that I have a long slit instead of a puckered hole and love that a guy can see or feel my ass crack and immediately know how heavily used on sex and size I am. I love after sex clubs/parties and good fisting use my hole just hangs open. Can't wait til it is permanently ruined and prolapsing even more than it has started to. Guys have double penetrated me, jerked off inside me and on 2 occasions now had both hands in me. I love when a guy tries to fuck me after heavy use and I can barely feel him and he says my manhole is like fuking an open window. I play with my oversize toys everyday so i stay hosed out and keep my body ready for use, using a little oil based lube for prel-ubing whenever I go out so I can be bred anywhere. I am not sure how well my ass muscles work for waste retention and removal anymore since they don't get the chance to even try with my daily hosing taking that issue away. Still it's great to walk and feel what's left of my asshole stretched and open and unable to fully tighten up, but with my love of use and size why would I want to? I love being the sexual equivalent of a circus sideshow freak that everyone stops and watches because they cannot believe what they are seeing. When I see a guy in a film or at a club with a giant hole just hanging open I get instantly hard because I know how used he is and what he mental and physical pleasure high he is feeling. So what's it like to feel so loose and used? absolute fuking heaven.
    1 point
  35. Test All connections Database I woke up on the bed. Looking at the clock a couple of hours had elapsed. I rubbed my jaw which ached and slowly got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I had a cut lip and a shiner. There were bruises in my abs and my cock was still hard. I like being hit. Only by my boyfriend and usually just gut and back punched. But yeah, sometimes when we get really high I love being choked as a cum and as I about being smacked in the face. It’s the most intense orgasm - passing out as your balls tightened and your hard cock spews seed everywhere. Intense. Bite me. If you’ve never tried it don’t judge. Judging from how my arse felt my boyfriend had continued to fuck me after I’d passed out. And judging from how my insides felt, he’d shot more than one wad into my cunt. I smiled. Shower. A final wank. Bed. Work in the morning. ************** It’s amazing when you turn up at work with a few bruises how everyone tries to ignore them until about mid morning and then someone creeps up to your desk and asks if you’re “ok”. When I realised that my boyfriend shared my propensity for smacking me a few times, I quickly made up a cover story. I enjoyed amateur boxing and that naturally came with the occasional knocks and bruises. It worked and even led to some admiring glances from the women and men I worked with. That Monday morning was tough. It wasn’t the come down - I never suffered those - but how stiff I felt. Not only from the bruises. But my cock. It wouldn’t go down. So, I decided to cut out early and head for a swim. After 100 lengths my cock had dropped to a semi as I pulled myself out of the pool. I showered, stripping off my speedos and feeling the healing water wash away the aches and pains. “What the fuck happened to you?” There he was. In speedos. Black speedos tight against his cock and balls. Staring at me. Looking magnificent. Fuck. “Huh?” He pointed at the bruising. I involuntarily stepped away from the showers. “I came off my bike.” “Shit man, you ok?” I nodded. And was suddenly aware that as I stood there my cock was getting hard again. And that he was staring at it. He chuckled, stepped under my shower and tipped his head back. I couldn’t help but stare. And as I did so I watched as his cock started to stretch the black Lycra out. My cock leapt to attention and started to leak of its own accord. He turned and stared at me. “See you later, dude.” He stepped out of the shower and standing so close I could feel his breath, readjusted his cock and balls in his speedos before brushing past me and heading to the pool. I gritted my teeth, watched him swagger away and then turned to my own locker. Dressed, I stormed out. My cock was aching in my trousers but I didn’t want to get fucked al fresco that evening. I also knew my boyfriend wouldn’t be in the mood. He did suffer a monstrous come down and I knew that when I got home he would be asleep in one of the spare rooms and would appreciate my hungry arse trying to ride his cock. Unlocking my new bike I turned the front wheel into town. After about 20 minutes I stopped outside a two storey building, with dark glass and a blue neon sign. Sweat was a gym. But no ordinary gym. And it was no ordinary gay gym either. Paying the attendant I made my way into the changing room. It was moderately busy. Guys of all shapes and sizes but lost were moderately fit. I stripped and pulled on a pair of running shorts and set my locker code. Grabbing a towel I wandered into the gym. The gym was pretty well equipped but what made this gym special was that here guys didn’t come to workout as much as have sex. And that was evident from the guys there already. While some had shorts on, some wore only jocks and some were bollock naked. And each and every one of them was hard. There was some making out and some sucking and groping going on. Having swam a hundred lengths, cycled here and a rock hard cock tenting my shorts I was drawing appreciative looks but I wasn’t quite ready to bend over just yet. I walked through the gym and through a set of double doors and was immediate hit by a wall of best, sweat and sex. I went down a flight of stairs and into what made this gym special. A labyrinth of corridors, open spaces and cubicles which, if the city fathers really knew what went in down here, would have the place burned down. I smiled. It was clearly a busy evening. I could hear sounds of fucking and grunting; of cocks furiously plundering homes and moans. I walked deeper into the basement; as well as being aware of appreciative looks in the dim light, I felt the occasional hand grab or stroke me as I walked past. I continued on until I came to the centre. It was a dimly lit space, dripping with sweat and with a series of padded benches. There were guys fucking, sucking and watching; the smell of poppers and cum was overwhelming and made me even harder. I found an empty bench and retrieving a bottle of poppers from my shorts I pulled them down and held them in my fist. I then swung onto the bench doggy, opened the poppers and took a deep drag. Dropping my shoulder I spread my legs apart and pushed out my arse. In the shadows I watched as men moved towards me. Before long I felt hands caressing my arse, my hole, my cock and balls. Hands ran over my back and chest and ran through my hair. I could feel fingers probing my hole and, finally, a tongue licked at the entrance of my cunt. I moaned. A hand pulled my head up and blocking one nostril fed me some poppers. I took a deep huff and sliding my hand between my legs started to finger my hole. Quickly someone batted my fingers away and I felt a cock push against my arse. Despite the all night fuck session with my boyfriend I was still tight and the guy grabbed my hips as he pushed insistently into my hole. I felt a cock push against my mouth and I took it into my mouth. It taste of arse and cum and I lapped it up. Neither the cock in my arse or mouth was big but tonight it didn’t matter. For the next, I guessed hour or so, I remained on the bench. Only changing to lie on my back when some guy slapped my arse to roll me into my back. As the final guy shuddered as he creamed into my messy hole, I picked up my shorts and made my way to a dimly lit shower area. Surprisingly it was empty apart from another guy innocently showering. I moved to the back and washed away the spunk, spit and sweat from my body. I was full but knew I wouldn’t make it home loaded with so much spunk. Squatting I pushed my guts out, wishing there was someone beneath me to enjoy the creamy load. I was still hard and realised I needed to find a hole to drop my own deposit it. With a final rinse I left the shower and moved back into the labyrinth. Hands grabbed at me, trying to pull me into cubicles. Some whispered how they wanted to fuck me “again” but I gently pushed passed. I needed to fuck. Out of the corner of my eye I caught the shape of a man that appealed. He was my height I guessed and fit. He turned back and I made sure he knew I was following. He wandered into the cubicle area but I lost him when I turned a corner and literally ran into two guys fucking. When I looked up, I’d lost him. Frustrated I moved ahead and realised I was at a dead end. I turned around and retraced my steps. As I walked past a cubicle a hand grabbed me and dragged me in. Clasping a hand over my mouth I was pinned against the wall as my shorts were ripped down. Before I could react I felt a cock push against my arse and into my guts. I say cock but it was huge and I can usually take a big cock. Pinned by the weight of the guy’s body, as he wrapped a hand over my mouth I struggled as I felt this massive tool rip into me. The more I struggled the more painful his cock felt up my arse. Usually I can relax my arse but now it was clenching like a vice forcing him to pull out and plunge in again and again and again as he battered my ring to Gwinnett’s. I could also tell that there was a massive piercing through the bell end as it was ripping into the sides of my arse as he pushed into me. I couldn’t get away and the lack of chems made this more excruciating than I could bear. Even when my legs gave way he simply shifted position and pushing my face into the wall continued to pummel me hole. For what seemed an eternity he hammered my cunt until he ragged breathing made it clear he was close. And then he came, deep inside me, his burning cum belching into my hole. Releasing me he pulled out and I crumpled to the floor. I was too dazed to react as he leaned down, pulled me up by the hair and gobbed into my face. Opening the door, he left. I lay there for a while, feeling his cum drip out of me before I got up and dragged myself back to the shower. As the water rushed over me I tried to collect my thoughts. Should I report him? To who? I was in a gay sauna, a sauna I frequented because I liked hard sex. And who was he? Were they going to line up every guy in here and ask if I could recognise his cock? No. Finally I stepped out of the shower. I wanted to go home, and quickly. Pushing way groping hands that in any other occasion I would have succumbed to I walked back upstairs and into the gym area. Heading to my locker I was distracted by a commotion in the corner. Guys were grouped together and I could hear appreciative grunts of pleasure. Despite how I felt I was compelled to have a look. I pushed into the throng and gasped. There, lying back on the bench was Jacques. And riding him was this incredibly fit bodied twink. Jacques eyes were closed but as I watched the twink eagerly fucked himself on what I remember was an impressive tool, pulling on the swimmers massive bollocks so clearly full of cum. I held my breath as the twink leveraged himself right off the cock and then piled drived himself down on it to the delight of the voyeurs. I breathed out. No piercing. For some reason, I had momentarily wondered if it has been Jacques in the basement. No. It can’t have been. He was up here fucking a gorgeous twink. I felt relieved. As I turned to leave Jacques eyes opened and he started at me. Pulled the twink even deeper into his cock to make him moan, he winked at me and blew me a kiss. I left.
    1 point
  36. So hot 😍 I would love to fuck those two boys hard along with those other guys and exchange our loads Keep on the good work. You keep me hard while reading and i make a huge mess every time i cum while reading your story
    1 point
  37. I'm lucky to serve some studs that fuck me and allow me to worship them. One in particular that is very dominant and sometimes allows me to worship him for my own pleasure rather than always focusing on his texted me today and told me he wanted me to come over and worship him and that he expects complete submission. When he tells me that I know to wear a buttplug and that I won't be allowed to touch my dick. I got to his house and he was already naked. He's a good looking, fit, muscular man in his mid fifties, six feet tall, with a 7 1/2 inch, cut, thick cock and big, low hanging, shaved balls. The head is large and round with an open piss slit, perfect for sucking. I stripped and we made out while running our hands over our bodies. He held me close and made me sniff and lick his armpits. After a few minutes he ordered me to sit on the floor in front of his chair. He sat in his chair with his ass at the front edge so his low hanging balls were easily accessible for me to kiss and lick. I got right to work as he sat back and watched me. As we often do, we talked casually about different things while I worshipped and adored the beautiful cock and balls I'm in love with. For about 15 minutes I just kissed him and rubbed him on my face while we talked, not taking him into my mouth. Finally, he told me to take just the head into my mouth but don't suck. I knew what he was going to do. He slowly started pissing (he can piss when he's hard), controlling the flow so I could drink it all without choking. When he finished pissing he told me to suck his cock. I eagerly went to work, sliding my lips up and down the shaft, working the head with my tongue, sticking my tongue in his open piss slit, licking and teasing it like the starving faggot that I am. He has the self control to be able to edge for a long time. He would let me suck for a while and then pull me off him by my hair, with me whining and begging for his cock. When he rested long enough he would pull my head back on to his cock to suck some more. We were both precumming like crazy. We kept this up for over an hour when he finally held my head still with his cock head between my lips and shot wad after wad of delicious jizz into my mouth. The feeling of his cock swelling and throbbing as jets of cum filled my mouth and flowed down my throat had me feeling dizzy and happy. I was where I belong. When he was through cumming he laid back in the chair and I held his cock in my mouth while we caught our breath. I squeezed out the last bit of cum before I took my mouth off his cock, kissed it, and thanked him.
    1 point
  38. I’m sorry this whole post is hot as fuck. I get hard just reading it
    1 point
  39. I don't like a top spitting in my mouth. I had a couple that spit on me while fucking me or I sucked them, spit on my face or body--that was hot with their cocky attitude and dom name-calling. Once had a top come onto me, nice pleasant, then he started fucking. As it continued he got more dom and nasty. Toward the end he was hatefucking, calling me things I never heard, slapping my face and spitting and cumin. He left his dick in me and was still for awhile and I started pulling away. Before his dick left me he pulled me back said "I'll let you know when I'm done with you" with a look of disgust. I started wondering what I got into. Started fucking me more name calling and spit. He came again balls deep pushing hard I think only to hurt me. Pulled out, grabbed my head to clean his dick off, then pushed me off his bed with his foot and said to get the fuck out. I started dressing and left. Never saw him again but damn it was hot.
    1 point
  40. Thought I’d share mine.
    1 point
  41. Part 51 OMG, my very married straight friend just got bred while passed out by a very hvl poz cum while passed out and nothing I can do until he wakes up. Here I was trying to stop and had indirectly led to this possible pozzing. This whole situation seems to be completely out of my control. Me getting a lot of poz cum in me and starting meds and now my friend gets loaded without even knowing it. My mind is still in a turmoil about me and now a friend gets fucked hard. How the hell am I going to tell him when he does wake up? Guess the best way will be to just let it out, after all it is partially his own fault slightly for dropping his pants and bending over the picnic table passed out. We shall have to see. I said the heck with it and went back inside my place to do some more thinking. I didn't realize that Randy had followed me in until I sat down on my couch. He was still stark naked and his swinging meat drew my eyes to it and I knew I was almost drooling at the thought of what that beauty could do to my hole. I wanted to do more thinking, but the sight of that huge cock was too much to ignore. Randy immediately noticed me staring and said, "I can tell you want this. I hear you started meds so you might as well enjoy. You aren't going to catch it now." As he was saying this he was walking towards me and I couldn't move. It was like the bounce of his cock had me hypnotized. He reached down and pulled me to my feet and then started taking my clothes off of me. I didn't have that much on now anyway, just my shorts and a Tshirt and nothing else. I was soon as nude as he was and then he pushed me back down on the couch. He thrust his cock at my mouth and I opened it and tried to swallow it all, which is almost impossible as big as he is. I slurped and licked him until he was as hard as nails. Then he pulled back and shoved me down on my back. Then he pulled my legs up and apart. He then knelt between my legs and guided his cock to my hole. All the time he was doing this he was looking me directly in the eyes. As his cock hit my hole, I gasped a little and then he slowly started to push into me. Slowly, oh so slowly, in and more and more until he was buried and I could feel his balls hit my ass cheeks. He was all in. He never took his eyes from mine as he started to fuck me. Faster and harder he went, driving his cock as deep into me as he could. Our eyes remained locked on each other's, hardly blinking at all. Staring deep into each other's souls as it were. Both of our passions increasing as minute after minute passed. He tipped me further up as he was basically pile driving my hole now, the sweat rolling off of us. I wrapped my legs around his body holding him tightly and lifting myself onto his cock with every inthrust he made. Willing him to his deepest penetration possible and both of us moaning our pleasure loudly. Finally, after a good half an hour his movements became a little more erratic and his cock seemed to grow bigger and harder than ever. I could feel the first spasms of his orgasm start and he almost yelled that he was cumming. As he drove one last time deeply into my ass, my own cock, which I hadn't even known had become hard, erupted at almost the same time as his did. He continued grinding his hips and cock into me for another good couple of minutes with my legs tightly pulling him closer to make sure every drop of his cum got in deep. We finally collapsed, kissing each other deeply and enjoying the aftermath of our sex. It had been amazing after not doing anything for a week. I don't know how I had stayed away from this hot sex that long. I was totally satiated as I had ever been before. Then as we laid there cuddling, I heard a gasp.
    1 point
  42. Part 50   I made it to work the rest of the week alright. Took my meds as prescribed. In the evenings, which I spent mostly alone, I thought about what the heck I had done. Hank came over to talk a couple of times, mostly just hi and regular talk. He always had on shorts and I always had trouble keeping my eyes off of his crotch, knowing how good that could make my whole being feel.   Friday night came and I knew this would be the toughest test so far. I started to stay home and then decided to go out anyway. Went to my fav. bar and ran into some old friends. They were all kidding me about being gone so long and I told them it was only a couple of weeks.   It was kind of a nice time, seeing and talking to my old friends. A couple of times, women we knew stopped by and at least twice it seemed like they were hitting on me. I was interested, somewhat, but just didn't feel quite right about them after last weekends goings on. I still felt an attraction and kind of wanted to 'sample' the goodies offered, but did I really want to or just a longing to go back to...what?   As the night wore on, more and more of my old friends hooked up or called it a night. Soon there was just two of us left. Both of us had had more to drink than we should have. My, last friend standing, I knew had had too much to drink to be driving. He was married and lived quite a ways away, too. I told him he better not be driving home. He was out of it and didn't argue much. I told him I was calling his wife and tell her he was going to sleep it off at my place. She was upset when I called her, but thought it was really nice to have a friend like me to help out. She just wanted his butt back home with a good explanation the next day. LOL.   I got him loaded into the car and we were soon back at my place where I helped him in and he practically collapsed on the couch. He was still awake but I don't think he had any idea where he was. We talked a bit, or I should say I talked and he mumbled, then I headed up to drain my bladder. In my bathroom, I could hear noises, again, coming from next door. I leaned in and sure enough, they were definitely fucking over there again. Seems like every weekend. I listened for a bit and decided it had to be Hank drilling the ass of some guy good. My own cock stood up as I heard them. Damn, got to quit listening.   I didn't move away though and finally could tell for sure it was Hank when he spoke up good and loud that he was cumming and going to POZ that guy's hole but good. I just smiled, knowing what that guy was feeling and my own damn cock jumping around as I heard them. I then, said to hell with it, and went into my bedroom and got my clothes off and some pjs on. I started to climb in bed when I decided I was thirsty and headed down to the kitchen to get some water. As I was getting it, there was a knock on the door. I was pretty sure who it was, but answered it anyway.   There stood Hank, naked like normal and his cock standing at attention, even after the fucking he had just done to some guy a few minutes ago. He just grinned, when I looked up finally, and told me he knew where my eyes would be when I opened the door. We both laughed and then I remembered about my friend in the other room and whispered to Hank that we had to be quieter.   I crossed the kitchen and took a peek into the livingroom. My friend was sitting on the couch with his head back and I don't think he heard anything at all. Hank was looking over my shoulder and asked who that was? I told him about going to the bar and meeting up with some old friends and this one, married, was too drunk to drive home and had asked him to stay the night and sleep it off. Hank just laughed quietly. He knew what that was like.   Hank told me he had better get back over to his place as he had three guys over there wanting some pozzing tonight. He left and just as I was headed up to bed, I heard my friend, get up off of the couch. I stopped to see what he was doing and it looked like he was about to get sick. I grabbed him and the closest place was to the backyard and we barely made it before he was down in the grass and heaving his insides out but good. I stood and kind of watched out for him for a bit before I suddenly realized we had company and turning found three guys on the picnic table watching and all naked as the outdoors. One of them was Randy and he immediately got up and came over to offer assistance if I needed it. I told him it was just an old friend who had too much to drink. He laughed good.   My friend didn't want me to help him up yet, so I decided to go back inside and finish my drink of water. After downing my water, I headed back outside to get my friend up and in the house and tucked in for the night. I was completely caught by surprise when I found him bent over the picnic table, pants at his ankles and Randy's huge cock pounding away at his hole.   I ran over and asked what the hell was going on? I told them he was a married man and didn't do this kind of thing. Randy just grunted and laughed and told me it was too late now, as he had just cum in him deep. My friend was passed out and had no idea at all of what had just happened to him. I was panicky. What was I going to tell him or his wife or what the hell was I to do?   Randy just told me he thought he had wanted it as when he had got up from the ground he had dropped his own pants and took a piss and then had bent over the table and was out. His nice bare ass was just too much to ignore. With Randy's hvl, it was probably in his bloodstream already. What to do now? uch to pass up. I took one look at my friend's ass and knew he was probably in trouble as there was cum and blood showing all around his hole. With Randy's hvl, it was probably in his bloodstream already. What to do now?
    1 point
  43. PART 13 Tom broke off the kiss and looked down at me. “You sexy little stud. I am so lucky you walked by my door. I am gonna keep that little boyhole so happy. And so full,” he whispered. I just nodded up at him. He grabbed me a little rougher than normal and flipped me over grunting “I want to see my cock going in and out of my boy's hole.” He was stroking his already hard cock. Instinctively, I arched my back and went ass up and head down, completely offering my already fucked and cum slick cunt up to him. My legs were spread and my hole was totally exposed, as he started sliding his cock up and down my crack, teasing me. Then he gripped the base of his massive cock and began running tiny circles over my rosebud with his cockhead. It was driving me crazy and i was bucking back to try to get it inside me. Finally, so hungry and teased I couldn’t take it, emotion took over and I practically cried out for it, “Please fuck me!” And with that I felt the pressure increase and my hole began to open up and accept Tom’s beautiful penis. He went slow but steady, and it was a little hard to take but the cum he had already shot into me slickened it up. The fullness increased and I fell into ecstasy again. He was going slow but fucking me with deeper and longer strokes. It felt incredible and I pushed out my hole to try to get even More of him inside me. “My cock looks so fucking hot going in and out if you Chris. Your tight little boy butt. It’s like magic just pulling the cum out of me. I can’t help it. You are gonna make me shoot again. Is that what you want?” he asked in that whisper-moan of his that drove me crazy. “I want it! I want it please!”, I practically yelled. The strokes were longer even, all the way until the point where his head alone was wrapped around my ring and then all the way in balls deep, slowly and steadily. “You want to take another poz load, sexy boy? Is that it? You need that special cum inside your hole, don’t you? Don't you? Deep in your little boy hole,” he grunted. And I lost it. The lust overpowered me and I found myself answering him, “Fuck yes I need it. I fucking need it in me. Cum in me. Cum in me. Cum in me.” Who knows how many times I repeated the last part. He sped up and he was driving deep. It hurt but I didn’t care. The sharp pain of his cock stabbing my guts almost made it feel even better. And then he drove extra deep and his HIV positive sperm erupted into my eager and begging hole. And I had begged. He had asked me and I had begged him to do it. And I wanted it. At that moment all that mattered was that I was his bottom and he had just shared his sperm with me. Given me his seed. He collapsed on top of me. “Please stay in me," I whimpered. “My baby boy already addicted to man cum in his hungry little boy hole. My sexy baby boy,” as I felt him throb inside me as he tried to milk every drop of cum into me that he could. And my mind flashed quickly HIV load number four now. But instead of fear, I was thinking of load number five, which I knew I would need. And need soon. The hunger was just growing. The need to get fucked. And to be bred.
    1 point
  44. 3. Hole Fuck. Fuck. A triangle Fuck. A triangle of pleasure Fuck. A triangle of pleasure spreads Fuck. A triangle of pleasure spreads from his cock, balls, asshole, erupting outward, unrelenting, uncontrollable, to his entire body like an volcano exploding. Nothing could ever top this feeling sending him ablaze in molten heat and light. Fuck. The only thing that could ever top this feeling had to be death. Snuffed. Blackness. Oblivion. Because right now, mother fucker, at this single moment, he felt everything. Every fucking thing. He was Colossus. A Titan. God. The world channeled through him. Fuck yes. He was the eye of the needle; the eye of the beholder; the fuckin' cat five swirling eye of the hurricane. Nothing existed before this moment, nothing would after. He embodied the chord alpha and omega struck together throughout eternity jammed into one single note. Bam! Fuckin’ right here. Right now. Shit, man, it's a tsunami in here and he's riding this skinny little surfboard called Chris—it’s a thrill of a lifetime—and he's hanging on for dear fucking life! Fuck. He's overboard! He lost where he was, who he was. He's swimming up for air. All he feels is a tongue in his hole and a gummy mouth sucking his shriveled dick. Hairy arms hold him and run their hands over mounds of flesh, his burning flesh. He grinds his ass over someone’s furry pubes. Fuck, dude, tell how good is that? He'll never be able to sustain how aroused he is, every synapse of ecstasy is firing simultaneously. He's sure someone’s saying something to him but he can’t comprehend, even less respond. All he can react to is touch, those that touch him, those he can touch. Other senses abandoned him. Hard flesh, leathery muscle, sagging flesh, sinewy muscle, all attached to him in some area of his body, but he can’t differentiate the sum of these sensations. Fuck. There’s an argument, then a suggestion. Slowly he’s regaining sight. The pictures he saw stuttered like a reel of film falling off its track, still he made out bits of a room that could be hell. Red flakes falling off walls. Metallic roof reflecting flames all around him. An orange object dangled in front of him. What the fuck was that? A tentacle? He thought of a carrot, albeit one that was extraordinarily long and extremely pliable. Fuck. It was going in his anus and going in deep. Fuck. Voices emerged in the hellscape. Take it in—let it penetrate you. I've still got you. Long Beach Carl, his mother’s boyfriend was there. He's pushing the carrot into him. Oliver North was there as are a million cameras firing off strobe after strobe in his brain. Pop! Pop pop pop. He felt the object, initially so slender you hardly knew it was there until its mass grows with every inch it's inserted. The object passed through his rectum and entered his large intestine. It jus' pass through his second ring, said a Caribbean sounding voice. He's in a James Bond movie. He closes his eyes, he's tripping heavy, he knows he's not in a James Bond movie. Yet in his mind he imagines there's a race car that's tearing through a winding road in the Alps. He sees Sean Connery driving the winding road. His colon is a road, the object a vehicle that’s opening up his insides; every twist, tunnel and turn. Boom. Fuck. Chris is back in his body trying to come to terms with an object he feels somewhere on the right side of his abdomen. He ran his hand down to the spot and definitely felt an object inside him. Someone, Manetti it must be, pulled his hand back over his head. There are two men, Jamal and Master Drax he recognized, conferring at his hole, pushing something, a malleable orange sex toy through his anal canal. "The last mile is always the most difficult," Master Drax said to Jamal. Jamal goes back to sucking Chris' peanut. It not only distracted, but felt indescribably soothing. "Are you still with us, child?" Master Drax asked Chris. Chris wanted to communicate that he was still with them, raise a thumb or something, but he can't. He's immobile. He blinked instead hoping that said something. Words won't come back for quite a while, except for one. "Fu-u-u-u-ck," he yowls, forcefully arching his back. "I told you, Christian. New worlds. Hold him down. It doesn't give you pain. It's simple something you've never experienced." There is nothing to compare this to. He's hornier than fuck. He imagined his colon is being invaded by the tentacle of an octopus. He vividly hallucinates Master Drax is holding an octopus and guiding it to slither deep and deeper into him. But the tentacle had hit an impasse. It refused to penetrate into the next chamber. It had a life of its own, the tentacle; it poked and prodded against an impenetrable wall, won't proceed no matter how much Chris or Master Drax want it to. "The last foot is always the most revealing," Master Drax said to Chris, who could do nothing but look at him, and feel what was happening inside. "Jamal, get the amyl from the drawer." Jamal left the boy's dick and returned with a handful of capsules. He broke one and put it up to Chris nostrils. "Inhale it deeply, child." The effect it had on him was to immediately knock his head off his body. More than freeing his gut to allow the sex toy to penetrate, was the attitude it instilled: lust overpowers everything. He wanted that orange tentacle further up his ass. Jesus Fucking Christ he did! And his lust made it so. "F-u-u-u-u-ck." He feels it so intensely slip deeper inside. Two inches, three? It's a tickle that grows to a finger, which grows two feet in length to the size of a fist. The final girth is a medium size clenched fist. Master Drax has gotten the entire sex toy to press up against Chris' sphincter, but he's not satisfied. He bares down with his own fist to get his fist inside the boy too. "Another one," he instructed Jamal, who already had another hit of amyl under Chris's nose. Chris doesn't say, ‘fuck.’ Instead out rasped a throaty animal sound, a squall of air reacting to muscles going beyond what they're meant for: to hold shit in. There was pain, undeniably, but there was a definite element of pleasure in the animal cry, too. A sound an animal might shriek when it was dying but more like when it gave birth. To Chris, it was a sound emanating from his guts, and the large object within him and the large fist, that even after it entered his hole still plunged deeper into his bowels. He started stammering mindlessly, "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," throwing his pelvis in the air, trying to get whatever's inside him outside him. This was where Manetti came in, holding him down, calming his colt. "Shhh. You did it, Chief.” He brought the kid down to him. “Good boy, good job." And though Manetti was as high as he's been in quite a while, he knew how to ride these twenty foot waves to shore. "Breathe. Get used to it. Accept it.” Manetti ran his hand over Chris’ chest, tweaked his nipple lightly. “Breathe, buddy. Relax your hole around it. Now squeeze! Now relax. Do it again." He's more a disembodied voice to Chris, but it was a familiar, disembodied voice, and it seemed to work. Though his hole was ready to explode again at any moment, and though the strain was more intense than anything he'd ever felt, he was over the agony of a few seconds ago. As he squeezed, then released, he was letting go of the panic and accepting the new sensation. Master Drax's pulled his fist out. This set off on another round of spasms, this time dispelling, like a two foot long shit—which pretty accurately described how it felt—the orange two-foot long object inside him. What would usually take his body hours of wave-like contractions to expel, happened in two seconds, which left him with an amazing feeling. Besides having the relief of not having the object ripping and pulling every which way, he was left with a sense of profound emptiness, and one other feeling he didn’t expect: he wanted it back in again. *** "Jamal, we need to capture this. Put two lights there and the camera there." Jamal went about setting up the shot. "Pig, let Christian up and bring over some grease. And take off that cage. I want you fluffed up when we shoot." Manetti helped Chris out of the sling. "I don’t think he’s ready to take my paw. Let Jamal fist him. He can probably take that,” he said to Master Drax. "Nonsense. Are to telling me how to conduct his affairs?" Master Drax handed Chris a bottle of poppers. "Use this right before we shoot." "No, Master,” Manetti replied. “You always know best. I just think the kid should..." "Enough. I determine what he 'should.' Jamal, are we ready?" Jamal nodded, and then helped Chris get into the sling. "Chief, how you feelin'?" Manetti asked Chris, who was adjusting the leg straps. "I feel great! That was mind-blowing. I am so fucking high." Manetti acknowledged he was too. Chris hadn't really considered that. Nothing seemed to exist beyond the skin of his body. "Places." Master Drax was in his element. "Jamal, take the boom, I'll operate the hand held. Pig, I want you coming into the shot. Christian, you just stay where you are. Enjoy it and encourage Manetti however you'd like. Use the seduction you know you have—you have the hole everyone wants, own that—but make sure you don't fake it, make sure you really want it from Manetti. No BS. Let's see how you do." "Yes, Master. Thank you for all of this." Master Drax nodded his approval, and called, "Action:" FADE IN: ABANDONED BUILDING - NIGHT There's a close-up of Chris' little puckered butthole. Its lips pout out like it's waiting for a kiss. It's not virginal anymore, but it's hardly gaped either. It lusts for something, someone. Manetti's broad back and hairy shoulders enter the frame and, yes, he's hard, very hard. You can tell there's chemistry, pun intended, between him and the boy. Let's not hide the fact they both look heavily drugged. He sits on a stool facing the boy's vulnerable hole. He puts a finger on its lip and pulls it down, testing its elasticity. The boy starts only slightly. He's excited yet there is an edge of fear in his face. We zoom in. His eyes are more than a little crazed with desire. The world weighs heavily on him, but he's young and resilient. It will take a lot to wear him down completely, and Manetti is more than capable of doing it. The man brings up two greased fingers and inserts them in the boy's velvet hole. They slide in easily. He coats the canal and bends down and brings up three fingers and more lube. The man's other hand is stroking his own rigid pole. He could nut at any point but he’ll hold off, at least for now. Three fingers easily slide into the boy's opening. The man shoves his three fingers up to where his pinky stops him from going further. He twists around the boy's hole, causing the boy to stir in pleasure. It's a very new sensation to him, and there's an exhilaration in his eyes that this man is going to penetrate his rectum with those enormous paws. He anticipates what it will feel like, how much it will hurt, but still grants there’s a deeper lust in him, a hedonistic impulse he's knows he's always had, that wants this man, wants this man in the most carnal of ways. Four greased fingers come up to the boy's butt and slide in, this time not as easily. Manetti has to go slow, gathering his fingers together, twisting slowly, applying pressure ever so slowly, prying the kid's sphincter apart, easing it open. He still has the large ridge of his thumb to go and he doesn't want to rush Chris. "Pick up the pace, pig. Let's get to it," says the director. Manetti sees Chris is taking a hit of poppers. That should help. He greases his whole hand and swathes the boy's entire butt. He prods the hole with four fingers, then adds his thumb. It's all funneling down into this tight hole. He's fighting with Chris' sphincter, it's resisting the circumference of his palm. Manetti twists slowly one way then the other. "Take three hits in a row, boy," he instructs Chris. Chris has only had single hits up to now, and each one has left him spinning, but he listens to Manetti and takes three consecutive hits. He barely manages to replace the cap but his eyes signal he's ready. Manetti holds his hand out in place. Not only is the kid's hole relaxing, he’s pushing out his butt and on his own, starts swallowing Manetti hairy paw. He keeps jutting his ass out so it swallows Manetti’s thumb, clutching the entire appendage down to his wrist. He’s instinctively squeezing Manetti’s huge mitt into him, as the hand tapers to a wrist. The vice-like clamp slides Manetti fingers into the boy's soft internal flesh. He howls at his accomplishment. He's in ecstatic agony as his rectum comes to accept the large foreign object. A huge invader, the likes his internal organs have never known. Master Drax was large, but Manetti's huge. Manetti rests his hand just where it is. He tells Chris to take another hit, which he does, and then starts slowly turning his hand inside the boy. They look into each other's eyes, and you can see the intensity of their communication transcends words. There is a microsecond of pain registering on Chris' face, and Manetti stops twisting, but begins again as soon as he sees Chris has accepted the sensation and now enjoys it. The tip of Manetti's middle finger is the first to touch a deeper area. He feels the rapid pulse of the boy in what feels like strings guarding a new chamber. He gently swirls the finger clockwise, then slowly traces the finger counterclockwise. Chris initiates a release of internal muscles that allow Manetti to add his index and ring finger deeper into Chris' canal. Manetti rotates slightly to allow his pinky and thumb to follow into the chamber. Chris inhales deeply as he senses where Manetti is in his body. It’s both an open invitation to go further, and a dawning realization of how far he ultimately wants Manetti to penetrate him. It’s just the two of them, eye to eye. Again he's in an enclosed confessional with Manetti. “You owned me," he admits, "ever since I met you. I can't resist you." He proves it, too, by sliding down deeper and impaling himself further onto Manetti's hand. You only have to look at the earnestness in his expression, his utter submission to the will of the man inside him, to see Manetti can do to him whatever he wants. Manetti knows that and will exploit it. The splayed out fingers start balling into a fist. The fingertips scrape against the raw colon sending nerve cells into an explosion of sensation, firing round after round of alarm to Chris' brain. Chris trusts Manetti with his body. He breaths and quells the panic. There is a joy about him knowing Manetti now actually has his fist, his balled up fist, in his ass. The noun, fist, he sees, is why it's also a verb. Yes, he signals to Manetti. Yeah, do it, fist me, say his eyes. And Manetti starts, ever so slowly, pulling out then pushing in. It's building. You can see it in the boy's face. It's revving up to become a piston fuck, which is animating Chris' face: joy, pleasure, excitement, apprehension, and at last at a building rhythmic pace, lust; demonic lust for Manetti to do it harder. Manetti knows this. This isn't his first rodeo. He's a great Top and is proving again. When you say 'handpuppet' this is what it means. Manetti twists Chris on his wrist. He's testing the boy constantly, seeing what he can take, seeing where he has to push him to accept his, Manetti's, will. Manetti knows the kid's body will reveal the course his hand will take and guide him along the way, but it's Manetti's confidence in his power that allows Chris to relinquish his. When the kid says he owns him, Manetti takes him at his word. He unfurls his fist, stretches his fingers deep into the kid's rectum, finds a new ring, swirls, charms, and enters his intestine. He straightens out the curve he finds, using his hand to reshape the boy under his care. He then almost pulls out, sphincter puckered to the extreme, then goes back in and rests just momentarily. He's traveled a great distance in those inches. Chris is undulating with libidinous hunger, but calms down when Manetti rests. He syncs to Manetti’s mastery. The man's palm is holding his prostate, holding it like it's resting in a hammock. As he rocks it gently, Chris is in ecstasy as if Manetti is rocking his soul. But Manetti doesn’t simply the boy's soul. He’s looking for the point where Chris will give up everything. That’s the ultimate power he seeks. He's probing the boy again feeling all his organs till he finds the pressure point he's looking for. Manetti's other hand grabs the boy's erect cock and a spray of piss erupts out of him. "Beautiful," says the director. Manetti first directs it toward himself, lets it splash in his mouth, noisily slurping down a few gulps and spits some out, then he points the stream back at Chris. Chris is out of his mind with sensation he's perceiving inside his body with the awareness that his pissing uncontrollably in front of a group of strangers, and being recorded doing it, and he's finding pleasure in the lewd act of primal degradation. He doesn't care, and that is incredibly erotic. He lets out a spontaneous, "Oh, fuck, Sir," as the stream hits his face and he greets it open mouthed. Manetti has pulled his hand back into a fist and is tugging at the inside of the kid's sphincter. He lets it sit at the extreme point of the stretch, pushes back in as far as he can, then yanks the fist completely out. Chris' hole flairs out with the camera capturing the red pedals of the freshly opened boyhole, the newly revealed flesh the world has never seen before. It's the first promise that a rosebud will bloom. Chris is convulsing wildly. Manetti stands, puts a hand on the kid's heaving chest, and with his other hand he's diddling, strumming his fingers against the boy's excited hole, doesn't want to lose the gape he fought for. Before Chris has a chance to come to his senses, Manetti's inserting three, and then four fingers back inside him. It tells Chris he's still open enough to keep fisting. Chris eyes him. Manetti has broken through something, for Chris says with clear intent, "Sir, destroy my pussy." "You want me to destroy your pussy, boy?" "Yes, Sir. I want you to give me a sloppy cunt." "You got a nasty mouth, boy." He sits back down on the stool, and there's a new lasciviousness that wasn't in Manetti before. He applies grease, a lot more grease, to his hand and some to his large hairy cock; black hair spotted with chunks of white Crisco. He also spreads some lube over his massive balls. He's back at the boy's hole with four fingers twisting around. His second hand joins the first with another swath of grease. They're sliding over each other and the rapid stimulation shows on the boy's face. He grabs for the poppers and takes a hit. His head releases back and he's now solely focused on his hole. He feels fingers sliding in and out. Pulling at his hole. Two fingers on each side pry him open, then three fingers on each side, then four. The hands pry his hole apart so hard they’re shaking. The inside of his hole feels like pudding, malleable flesh that submits to each stroke of Manetti's churning hands. One hand slips easily inside, then comes right out. The other hand disappears inside the kid's hole then reappears. Manetti's hand crunches into a fist and strains at Chris’ sphincter, trying to punch through. Chris leans his head forward and takes a couple more hits, and the fist punches in. The kid utters a loud moan. Manetti leans in, asks, "You okay, boy?" Chris answers, "Punch my fuckin' pighole." Manetti does, let's loose his fury. At first, one first in and out, then the other in and out. He's building up momentum until Chris is wailing in delirium. He pulls out a fist violently to watch the hole again flair open, this time much larger, almost the size of his palm. Chris' body shakes until Manetti puts a single finger on Chris gaping hole. He is in charge of that hole; he will tell it when it is allowed to have an orgasm. "Take more hits, boy." Chris does, and with a head clouded with poppers, Manetti resumes his repetitive punching, but now, Chris grabs his legs and pulls them to his chest, pulling his ass cheeks apart, begging to be Manetti's hole. Manetti obliges, inserting a fist and goes deep, pulling out quickly, then inserting a second fist in as far as it will go. It's not as rapid, but it’s a much deeper punch. Chris is not only taking it but continuing to pull his legs apart farther. In fact, he's taking his right leg with both arms and falling to his left side in the sling, moaning like a whore pushing his boy pussy obscenely out of the sling for Manetti to pummel. It's too much for Manetti seeing the boy in such a lewd pose. He needs to fuck this cunt right now, while he's in this state of abnormal delirium. He’s turned the kid into a whore and he’s the stud who gets the reward of fucking a possessed cunt! He grabs both of Chris' legs and pulls him forward in the sling. He stuffs his gaping hole with his cock, then pops one wiry ball in, then the other. He fucks him in short, staccato strokes. Chris is in rapture and eggs Manetti on, squeezing as much of his loosened sphincter as he can. What he lacks in strength he makes up in how extended his pussy has become. With his entire rectum he surrounds Manetti's genitals in a gelatinous, gluey grip. He knows—he feels!—Manetti's hairy balls are scraping against his bowels. He experiences Manetti gyrating inside him, perceives a iron erection stirring his entrails. Wanting him to cum in him, spread his dirty cum in his raw hole, he begs and pleads aloud for Manetti to breed him, to knock him up. Manetti pulls out completely. His balls swing freely dripping lube and other viscous droppings. His engorged cock plops out and slaps Chris’ balls. The kid jumps. Manetti likes what he sees, so he slaps his balls again with a greasy hand. Instead of retreating, the kid pushes his balls up toward Manetti's chest. The man grabs the kid’s balls and twists them till the kid cries in agony. With his other greasy hand Manetti smacks his ass, then plays with the boy’s hole, lowering him down. He takes the hand that smacked the kid's ass and penetrates him with it. The kid gasps, but accepts the hand immediately, starts squirming on it, becomes ravished by it. Manetti is in heat. He takes his dick and inserts it into the palm of the hand that’s inside Chris. It's far more girth then Chris has so far endured. You can see that in his strained face. But he's not rejecting it. His desire for Manetti overwhelms everything. He wants Manetti's to jerk off inside him, he encourages it with a slight rocking movement. When Manetti stops he realizes that Manetti wants to control his own hand job, so Chris completely submits, holds his legs apart so Manetti can do what he wants to him. Manetti observes the complete, utter subservience as does the camera. There's not much movement for you to see for a moment except in close-up of the hole. There's a rapid vibration only showing in the tendons of Manetti's wrist. He’s jerking his hand inside the hole. Manetti contorts his face as Chris watches in awe. He's getting close. Chris relaxes some muscles to encourage Manetti to use more of his insides to beat off. He's fisting his cock just as violently as he's fisting Chris' hole. The more Chris submits to Manetti's violet masturbation, the harder Chris realizes he's getting fisted. It's win-win. They're in perfect sync. Manetti is using long strokes to pleasure himself and Chris is writhing in pleasure. Manetti releases as Chris' eyes roll back in his head. Manetti's trained to show the money shot but he's locked into this moment of seeding this hole. He explodes, shoots deep into the bowels, sending his fist into the innermost depths. He pulls out very briefly to show cum leaking from his dick, but he's quick to get back inside, still jetting, smearing his dickhead around and around Chris' entrails. He squeezes every last drop out of his balls. He pinches his foreskin to not leave any semen behind. There both stare at each other. Manetti drips sweat onto Chris, who's also shining in heat. Manetti has a look of relief of a man who has given everything and held nothing back; Chris looks beatific, fulfilled—a bride inseminated. Manetti looks in his wide blue eyes, raises an eyebrow, and floods his hole with piss. Chris looks surprised, and states astonished, "You’re whizzing in me." Manetti pulls out for a second, pisses all over him, then reinserts himself. He flashes his famous shark tooth smile. Chris sends an identical shark tooth grin right back. "Cut," the director says.
    1 point
  45. 2. Condemned There’s nothing you and I won’t do I’ll stop the world and melt with you The warm night air felt good. No, a shit fuck better than that. The night felt like it was groping him, diddling with his brain as much as booty. It felt outrageous being naked on a rooftop on a hot summer night, his first night in New York, with the breeze drying his matted hair. The city lights were so foreign, many lit windows from high-rises off in the distant, like far off stars, like oil tankers out on a black sea. It made him feel he's in an alien world; he is. In alien skin; he is. Time felt fluid, running backward and forward, never fixed. He smelled piss drying on his skin. He licked it reminding himself it's Manetti's stench he's wearing. It's the only thing he's wearing, except his brother's wet jock around his neck. How fucked up is that?! His tightening skin reminds him of how it used to be when he came out of the ocean back home, the feeling of salt drying under a blazing sun. Tonight, though, a full moon beamed overhead. As they clamored over embankments to the neighboring building, he's still rushing with the vulgarity of his thoughts. He’s not expressing them out loud anymore, but they're still running through his brain. He keeps coming back to a memory that a man just peed on him, that he's going to visit someone, naked, someone Manetti calls his ‘Master.’ He has no reference for what a Master is except for pictures in a magazine. It's part of an imaginary vocabulary. A Zeus figure or Mister Universe. More of a cartoon really. He's not really thinking though. His thoughts are like birds that have escaped their cage and flying lost in the air; freedom they’ve never had before and don’t know what to do with. Manetti leading him is the only thing that grounds him to earth. If he thinks at all it only happens in small bursts. Fragments. He's nervous. He sees his dick has shrunk. His balls feel cold and hide, shriveled up inside him. This moment he's nervous. The next he's more excited than nervous. He regarded Manetti' arms. He's still very horny. Manetti had enormous triceps that flexed under the full moon as he pulled himself over the half wall to the next building. Manetti reached out a hand and helped pull him up. The moon had a glowing ring around it. During the last full moon he was looking at it from the rear window of an Impala, made a decision he wasn’t going back to school the next day. Now here he is naked on a rooftop, being led on a dog leash. Life’s so strange; it is. Wait. There's a collar around his neck? When did that happened? Are there other things he's not remembering? The leash Manetti's holding is attached to his collar. That seems familiar now, part of the plan. Wait. What's the plan exactly? Another thought pops in his head while he's feeling the studs on his collar. He gathers some birds together to string out a sentence. Making sentences is hard and takes enormous effort. "This building,” he said in a hushed voice to Manetti, like someone was going to overhear them. “The one we're on. Sir. Walking on. Tink-tink." He shows him fingers like they're walking, like Manetti wouldn’t know what walking meant. "Yes?" said Manetti. They're at the next building's rooftop hatch. "The front door said 'condemned.' This one." Chris pointed downward. He closed his eyes. A picture formed from a few hours ago. Metal buttons. His brother's name on tape. He steps in a puddle, real time, right now, in his bare feet on the tar roof. He's back in the here and now. It's warm, the puddle. He thinks he’d like to sit down in it. A leash tugs him on. He’s never been on a leash before. He kind of likes it. He could see himself being a dog. Maybe a pet for Manetti and his brother. He’d sleep on the floor, he would. His mind is flying off. Wet shoes that squished. He remembered that. He was cold. When was that? "This building," he said to Manetti absently. "The front door and all the windows were boarded up. Like no one’s home." "That's what Master wants people to think." Manetti popped open the hatch and pointed down the stairs. Chris looked in and descended into the darkness. It's quiet except for the creak of the stairs. Chris' heart raced. He relied heavily on the banister going down, but this feeling of nervous excitement, palpitations, it never leaves him, not since Manetti stuck the needle in his arm. When was that? Wet shoes. He's lost the thread. He's anxious to meet Manetti's Master. He’s curious what Manetti's Master could possibly look like. He gathered birds and released them to Manetti. "What's he like, Sir? Master Drax." Moonlight poured from the skylight over the stairs onto their bare shoulders. He can’t see what’s in the shadows. Formless things. Nameless. It’s the drugs that make him imagine things that aren't there, he told himself, but he’s walking slower. Manetti had to keep nudging him forward so he doesn't bump into him. Manetti sensed Chris was having second thoughts. As they walked the long hall, Manetti told Chris the short version of Master Drax, owner of a stable of boys, all kinds, he and Ben among them. A defrocked priest from Eastern Europe, they all, the stable boys, think. He talked to him in a voice you'd use to corral a young colt you were breaking in, inching him closer to the only door down the corridor. "And he publishes magazines, vanilla ones and hard core ones, too. You said you liked them, the ones under Ben's bed," Manetti suggested. "Do you think he know where my brother is?" Chris asked as they stopped at the door. Manetti put his hand on Chris' shoulder, as much a gesture calm him as well as making sure he wouldn't bolt. With the other hand he knocked. “I wouldn't ask him that tonight.” "I like Magnum." said Chris. They heard someone unlatch the door. “I wonder where he is.” "Maybe you can be in Magnum someday." The door opens and Chris jumps, backing into Manetti. *** A very tall, very lanky black man, a bit older than Manetti, examined the two visitors at the door. The young, very white one, was being propped up by the one he knew as Manetti. The man wore only a harness, naked otherwise, and was shaved from head to toe including his eyebrows. A very long, dangling cock gripped by a metal ring had a leather strap running from his cock to his chest, then split out to each bony shoulder and ran down his back. His cheeks were hollow, and his mouth was agape, and each tooth filed to a sharp point. Manetti pushed Chris away, but Chris quickly took a step back again. "Hello, Jamal," Manetti said. "We're expected." "Yes," the servant said, unfazed by the rudeness of scaredy-boy. "He is waiting in great room. This is the new one?" he asked in his faint island accent. Manetti nodded. Jamal appraised the kid with the wide blue eyes. There was a flicker of lust that brought out a grotesque smile. He then turned and led them down the hall. Manetti stepped in front of Chris, annoyed, yanked him along by his leash. Chris whispered in his ear, “The guy’s teeth.” Manetti quietly answered back, “Too many complaints about bad blow jobs so Master had all his teeth yanked out. Has to wear fake ones or nothing.” Chris scanned the crumbling walls as they walked. Pornographic graffiti filled every inch. Men with large pompadours, sailors, woodsmen, with big tits, big butts, and bigger cocks getting fucked and fisted, and were either pissing or spewing cum. Chris whispered again to Manetti, "Like hieroglyphics. Dirty ones." Manetti yanked his chain. "Stop talking." The hallway ended in a large living room. A fireplace, too hot to be lit, was filled with candles. Standing candelabras were also scattered throughout the room. A few Klieg lights stood dark in corners. The room was covered in peeling red paint. Tin plates on the ceiling were broken in areas where water had seeped in. The floor had rotted out years back. Now warm, stale air seeped up through the cracks of the floorboards. Two old black leather wingback chairs faced each other on both sides of the fireplace, a tattered leather couch between them. Master Drax, sipping a glass goblet of some blood-red liquid, motioned for Manetti to take the opposite chair. Chris stood between them facing the fireplace not knowing where to look after the first shock of seeing Master Drax. Manetti quickly spoke: "Kneel, boy. Eyes down." Chris knelt staring at the candles on the lip of the fireplace. What brief glance he’d gotten of the sitting man, was that he possessed the biggest cock he’d ever seen; it's played in his mind. Even Jamal’s ringed cock paled to the black clad figure. "Michael, where is his cage?" Master Drax asked. "Put it on him." Manetti rose and went down on one knee to hook the chastity cage over Chris' genitals. He took Chris’ arms and placed them behind his back. Once the cage was locked, Manetti rose and handed the key to his Master. It was the first time Chris ever had his penis and balls shackled. The metal was cold and constricted tightly around him like a vice. If he felt helpless before, he now felt hopeless. Chris tried to give the Master a fast sideways glance but only saw Jamal who stood behind him. He smirked his razor grin from the sidelines. "Has he at all been hard since you drugged him with, what, methamphetamine?" Chris looked down to see his cock was indeed shriveled to the size of a peanut inside the cage. "Yes, Master Drax. He actually has a nice piece on him. So scrawny, he looks above average." "Really?" Master Drax said in somewhat disbelief. "Tell me, Michael, exactly have you given him so far? A full account, if you would." "Eight drops of GHB, which I shared a little with him to encourage him. His works had point two meth. And a Valium in case you wanted to fist him, Master. He also drank some chem piss but not much. He's a virgin, well, was as of two hours ago. I have to say he takes a good fuck, opened pretty quick after about an hour. His hole was loose when I shaved him, but probably it’s tight again." Master Drax leaned forward and spoke, with a bit of a smile, conspiratorially to Chris. "Michael would make a good pimp for you, wouldn't he? You would do anything for him." Chris stared into the fireplace, not knowing what was expected of him. His right hand tightly clutched his left wrist behind his back. His unease made him dig his nails into his flesh. "Tell me: of all the enhancements Michael provided, what did you like best? You can speak. Look up at me." Chris looked up. His earlier glimpse of the man registered as a big dicked scary old man, a man with glasses, black vest and crotchless chaps. And though he had sat far back in the chair, his huge uncut cock had hung over the seat of the wingback chair. That anaconda of a cock is what registered most and still does. Now that he was able to truly take him in, his initial fear was not diminished by what he’d seen, but now possibly built on it. Bald, random liver spots covered his head. Behind wire-rim glasses, rheumy eyes darted from his skeletal sockets. The glasses hooked around large ears, where black hairs jutted around the fleshy lobes. His stubbly beard couldn't hide severely sunken, ashy cheeks, and in his open mouth there were multiple missing teeth. His tongue slithered over chapped lips, and his jaw had the junky habit of gnawing from side to side that his mother had when she itched for a fix. He breathed heavily through his nose like Manetti did right after he slammed. That nose was narrow and hooked, hung with green mucus extending as he huffed in and out. He saw Chris was mesmerized, so as he removed his vest and touched himself in a manner that a whore might use to attract a timid client. With his vest removed, he ran his hand over large white breasts that hung down to a pair of engorged nipples, each one pierced with mammoth horseshoes of heavy silver metal. He fondled them noting Chris' reaction. A silver pentagram swung on a chain and rested between his sagging breasts. Tattoos adorned his torso and arms. The first image that caught Chris’ eye was of a large dragon, identical to the one Ben had draped over his shoulder with its accompanying tail covering the old man's pronounced rib cage. Words were inked up and down his arms, all in Latin, some spiraled around his forearm, others in bands around his shriveled biceps. Chris recognized some of them stored in a backlog from catechism: Deus, mortem, cazzo, satanas. Though he didn't know what the phrases said, they couldn't have translated to anything good. Mixed in with the words were inverted crosses, a triangle of sixes on his other shoulder, horned creatures fucking, a goat with an erection, a man hanging by his foot. Most of the ink was old, faded, blended into his shriveling skin. There was one exception. A somewhat newer one etched over his hard, distended belly: the same three-pronged biohazard symbol Manetti had. Below his belly he had a vast field of grey public hair. Beneath the translucent hair, a demon's mask, the long, slender tongue extending along the top of his manhood down to the tip where it hung off with an obscene amount of hanging foreskin. Within the wrinkled foreskin, thick yellow spooge formed and crusted. Master Drax inched closer to get a better look at Chris. He was still awaiting an answer. He propped his elbows on this knees to support himself, his hands folded monk-like before him. Chris glanced at the arms. They were heavily bruised with track marks and scabbed veins; one engorged artery still had a bead of bright red blood shimmering. He saw the boy starting at it. He extended his arm. Before he could stop himself Chris licked the bead. “Very good, child,” the Master beamed. "You have proper instincts." Chris felt himself sitting inside his head, detached somehow. He thought he would have been repelled, but oddly, examining him at such close range, as at the same time he was being inspected, he was strangely drawn to the man. Before this moment, if he'd come across him on the street, he might try to avoid him, cross the street. But being scrutinized so attentively by him in this moment, kneeling naked in front of him, he still had fear, some repulsion, yes, but he couldn't deny an undercurrent of desire. The Master immediately pick up on his thoughts, for as Chris gazed down at the demonic mask etched on his pubis, it was evident that an erection was beginning to form. The serpent tongue stirred within the overflowing foreskin, a monstrous snail emerging from its shell. Chris, too, was starting to become aroused the longer he took in man's strangeness. But for him the feeling of arrested movement reminded him painfully and clearly that his dicklet was going nowhere. He summoned the courage to look pleadingly at Master Drax, but he wasn't ready for the Master’s stare that entrapped him. Like a tiny mouse might freeze all functions when looked down on by a giant cobra, Chris froze. Didn’t move, didn’t blink, barely breathed. Master Drax's presence was formidable, a fact he felt deeper than anything he'd ever sensed inside. A bit of urine dripped from his cage that too quickly turned into a stream that fell through the floorboards, echoing floor after floor below. Master Drax gave out an asthmatic, rumbling laugh, coughed up phlegm, pointed to the boy’s mouth. Chris opened it slowly. Master Drax hurled his green phlegm directly into his mouth. He then pointed to the boy’s stomach. Chris blinked, then swallow nauseously. And still the man held him in a awe. His dark eyebrows raised. There had been a question dangling, Chris at last remembered. Birds settling down on their perches. However far his control might extend, Master Drax was able to make him focus. He thought back to what the man had asked, what he'd like best, responded cautiously, "I guess I like the slam, Sir." "It’s ’Master,’ boy," instructed Master Drax without malice. With slight satisfaction of the boy’s performance thus far, he sat back in the chair. The released tension in the room was a pronouncement of having done and said the right things. Having felt he answered correctly, he sat with a bit straighter spine, and said, "Sorry, Master. I liked the slam best, definitely." He was almost confident, an emotion he rarely felt. "And only a point two slam,” he said to the boy, shaking his head theatrically. “I don't know if I'd even feel that, Michael. We'll double that in a bit, maybe five, we'll see. Your name, child?" Chris became alarmed. There followed an awkward silence, while Chris contemplated what a doubled slam, or possibly more, would do to him. He would be insane, would never survive. He was terrified at the prospect, slumped again a little. "Chris," volunteered Manetti, when it was obvious there wasn't an answer coming from the boy. "Is that short for Christopher, child?" Chris' mouth felt incredibly dry but managed to reply, "Christian, Master." "Christian," he said savoring the word on his lips. "A Christian in our house, Jamal." He looked back at his servant who nodded approvingly. "We shouldn't change that a bit, should we, Michael?" Chris had trouble looking at the Master after he proposed the double slam, one so close on the heels of his first. He worried the man saw his fear, read what he thought. To try to deflect, he darted his eyes around the room. Silhouettes against the walls outlined the shadow of a massive wooden slings, a Saint Andrews cross, a fuck bench—things he’d seen in Magnum but never imagined he’d encounter in real life—an examination table with stirrups raised high, a large wooden throne with a toilet seat cutout, and a three foot high cage with an expansive padded top. He spotted a video camera pointing out the window into an air shaft. Across the air shaft he recognized Manetti's studio. Master Drax, it was obvious, had been their audience. "So besides slamming, Christian, what else did you like to do with Michael?" Master Drax played with the foreskin of his growing erection. Pulling back the skin, its head was pierced by a horseshoe P.A. that ended in two sharp points at either ends. He uncovers it to show Chris, then lets the skin fall back covering the jewelry. His erection was already the size of Chris’ forearm, from elbow to wrist. He couldn’t imagine it getting any bigger or how anyone could take being penetrated by it. Just looking at it wide eyed, obliterating any of his thoughts. He knew once again there’s a question, but words wouldn’t form in its monstrous presence. The two sharp points rose out of the foreskin as the beast begins to stand on its own. "He takes a fuck real good," Manetti chimes in to help Chris out. "He took my..." Before Manetti embellished, Chris spat out, "Eating ass. I like to eat ass." It was as if he were back in the confessional, compelled to empty his soul. Manetti chuckled, adding, "Pretty dirty ass, too, Master. Not many guys like to get in there.” "Yes," Master Drax said in a low voice. "Look, the child’s little bird is struggling in its cage. Confession frees the soul, but will not free your cock. You tiny prick is of no interest to me. Stand and turn around." Chris did as he was ordered. "Bend over. Spread your cheeks." Master Drax let out a groan. "Boy, didn’t you ever play with your hole? Boys come to me with their hole destroyed from massive toys. Yours looks like you've never touch it. How tight is he, Michael?" "Tight as fuck, Master Drax. The booty bump helped, otherwise it would have taken hours." "You were able to get in before the slam?" Manetti nodded. "Okay, kneel, boy. You, too, pig.” Both of them got to their knees. "I don't know how much this greasy pig has told you, but I own him and your brother. Depending on what happens between us tonight, I might own you, too. Do you think that you would like that, boy?" "Yes, Sir…Master. I think so." Master Drax leaned over close. The nipple rings swung reflecting light off multiple candles, entrancing Chris, who had the compulsion to reach up and touch the man's chest. He managed, though, at least for a moment, to instead look the man in his face. But as the seconds ticked by his desires won out, and his gaze fell to the temptation of the distended nipples. "You must always fall into temptation.” The boy looked up with a start. Master Drax went on, “Yes, your thoughts are easy for me to read. Your face is an open book. I will rewrite you. You like these tits? Go ahead, touch them." Chris tentatively reached up with both hands and squeezed the engorged nubs. "Would you like yours to look like these?" Chris found himself nodding. "It'll take work. We’ll start you with small nipple rings later tonight. But you’ll have to earn them. This pig here can tell you, I like grinding boys down with their darkest perversions. I like my boys hard, like I like their holes sloppy. Sit," he said to Manetti, punching him in his breast bone hard enough to make him fall backwards. "I require their holes be loose, extremely loose. Show Christian your pig hole, pig." Manetti lifted his legs, his hairy balls falling over his sizable cock, and spreads his ass cheeks for the boy to view. As he bore down he pulled his asslips apart. Soon Manetti's red rectum started exposing itself. "Push hard." Master Drax didn’t raise his voice, but his tone grew menacing: "Harder." The red rosebud pushed opened even further, protruding just outside the ring of his sphincter. Around the edges Manetti's asslips were lumps of dark red and purple ridges. Chris' bound erection was getting very extremely uncomfortable. At first a pearl of pre-cum appeared on the piss slit, Master Drax observed, but as the boy watched Manetti strain to flair out more of his rectum, puffing out into a full prolapse, more pearls appeared. Finally pre-cum began to drool from the boy's cage to wooden floor. Master Drax watched delighted. "Go on, touch it. We'll get yours like this too, eventually. Being so young, your ring will be smooth. It will be a glorious sight to behold, won't it Jamal?" "Indeed, Master," Jamal responded, running his tongue over his teeth. Chris reached over and felt the flesh. Soft, incredibly soft. He'd never felt anything so soft. As he fingered it, Manetti let out an unconscious wail. "You want to taste it, don’t you? Go ahead. Kiss it. Kiss the inside of a man’s rectum." Chris couldn't believe he wanted to kiss it. He kissed it, and after looking at Master Drax who nodded at him, he licked it and pressed his mouth against the prolapse. He went farther, licking around each red pedals, sucking each fold splayed out before him. He pinched the ring of flesh, which made Manetti flinch, and without quite knowing why pinched it harder. Manetti cried out but had been trained not to resist. Chris searched for the center as he pulled the man’s hole further apart with his fingers. He stuck a finger inside and licked around the hole before sticking his tongue deep down inside the cavern. Manetti moaned ecstatically. Chris felt like he was coming into heat again for Manetti, but their roles felt reverse. He began chewing on the prolapse, and as he did his body temperature rose and a fine sheen of sweat glazed his body, a trickle of sweat ran down his ribs. Master Drax looked enormously pleased with the boy. "Both of you, sit," commanded the Master. He sniffed the air. "Boy, is that you I smell? B.O. and piss?" "Yes, Sir," Chris said proudly, sitting straight. "Sir pissed all over me before we came. I drank his piss too. Some went in my butt." "The boy has been homeless for the last month and hasn't showered,” Manetti explained. He gave Chris a quick look of concern. He grew aware something was changing in Chris, that he was more enthusiastic than fearful. "Excellent," Master Drax said reflexively. "Christian, do you know what limitations are?" Chris nodded. "What limitations do you think you have?" Manetti protectively broke in quickly, "He doesn’t do scat or bestiality or..." Master Drax interrupted softly, slowly, but emphatically, "Did I question you what Christian’s limitations are? Whom did I asked, Michael?" Manetti knew he'd have to pay for his outburst. "You asked Christian, Master,” Manetti said, lowering his head. Chris' felt that he, at least, is in Master's good graces and wants to please him more. "No limits, Master Drax." He'd read that in one of Ben's nastier bondage magazines. Realizing he doesn't exactly know what that means, he added tentatively, "At least that's what I'd like to be." Chris saw this made Master Drax reveal his jagged smile. Jamal nodded to Chris. A split tongue like a lizard swept across Master Drax's lips as he contemplated how to start with this near-virgin boy. "Come here. Play with my nipples, child. Nothing gets me more stimulated quicker." He was in heaven. He reached up and felt the Master's chest. Sparse grey fur swirled around his nipples. The boy's hands glided over his drooping pecs. He then dared to slip a hand into the man’s hairy arm pits. He was energized, doing things unprompted he'd never thought to do. With his other hand he was pulling on his cage. There was something in the Master's gaze that egged on his libido. Almost guided him. He felt the wet body odor emanating from Master Drax's pits. He brought his fingers out and sniffed them, then put them in his mouth. "You have a real pig's tendencies, don't you boy? Manifest much earlier than your brother." He looked down at the boy's cage. "Those tendencies will be quite beneficial and financially rewarding for us both. I cater to a specialized clientele, or has Michael told you this? Some with, uh, exotic tastes. Let's free you for tonight and see where your tendencies might lead. Pig," he said to Manetti. "Get up and take his cage off and put it on you. You don't deserve an erection tonight.” Manetti rose and got the key on the table next to Master’s chair. “You don’t deserve this either, but I’ll permit you hold Christian while I rape him.” Manetti released the lock on Chris cage and his small penis started to quickly fill out. Though his own was still flaccid, he struggled to get the cage to capture his ample meat. Jamal added assistance, pinching and prodding until his balls fit inside. They struggled with metal cap to get it locked over the shaft. “Jamal,” Master Drax said to his servant. "Leave him. He'll attend to himself. Please be so kind as to prepare cocktails for these two." "Very good, Master Drax," he replied, leaving Manetti to struggle getting his pecker in the stocks. “And one for Master?” "Of course. Yes. Make them extra hearty, Jamal. Take it from the Czech inventory, not the Mexican. And mix in a bit of Ketamine with the boy’s dose. His hole will never accommodate otherwise." The Master picked up Chris leash and pointed Manetti to the large wooden sling. "In, pig. I want you to hold him as he struggles. He is too bound to you at this point. You will be an accomplice in his rape." Manetti marched over to the sling, climbed in and put his legs through the straps. Master Drax came up behind Chris, knelt behind him, nudging his legs apart. He began fondled him intensely. His hands ran over the thin chest pulling him into himself. His enormous erect blade sliced up and down Chris’ crack, inched up the small of his back till it rested between his shoulder blades, illustrating how deep he would be penetrated. The wet foreskin left a small trace of slime as it climbed each vertebrae. The man felt all the indentations along the boy’s rib cage, pinched the small nipples, grabbed the boy’s erect dick and gave it a slap. His hand dove under his crotch weighing his dangling balls with one hand and feeling his tight, wet hole with the other. It slowly dawned on Chris, far from molesting him for his own pleasure, Master Drax was more interested in assessing him as you would an animal you were about to purchase. Sure enough, the man turned the boy around, pulled down his eyelids, then pushed up his lips sticking a finger in his mouth to open his teeth. After examining inside his mouth, he slid in a second finger, then a third, finally all four and pushed them down Chris’ throat until the boy gagged and doubled over. “No. You will not gag. Open.” Four fingers again went into his mouth as far back as Master Drax’s fingers would reach. He wanted to retch but fought against it. He'd never felt anyone assess him over so thoroughly or felt so dehumanized. The glasses enlarged Master Drax's watery eyes and continued to drill into him, wordlessly inserting himself into him. He felt the man inside his head, rooting around, rummaging inside him for something; changing something here, reordering something there. Master Drax withdrew his slime-covered fingers and wearily got up. He plucked Chris’ dangling leash from the ground and gave a small tug on the chain. As Master Drax led him toward the sling, he said, "Point two, you said? A child’s portion. Are you ready for your first man-size slam? It'll open up worlds you've never imagined. Worlds that will swallow you whole. Where you'll be mine ever after. Are you willing to succumb completely to me so I can show you those worlds?" Chris was extremely agitated, but he knew better than to contradict Master Drax, much less deny him what he knew he wanted. Instead he searched for a way to temper his fear and possibly backpedal a bit. "I'm pretty high now, Sir," Chris said uncertainly. "The first slam fucked me up good. I was saying things when I was rushing, I don't know if I really wanted to do all those things. Not really." Master Drax stopped short, looked at him with tired disappointment. "My fuckhole never says 'no'." Master Drax wasn't angry but he closely examined Chris’ face. "You want me to give you your first man-size slam? I'll ask it again, this one time only." Chris looked over at Manetti for some assurance. “Don’t look at him. Look at me.” "Yes, Sir." Chris whispered. Then seeing Master Drax was still holding him in his gaze, he added firmly, "Please, yes Master Drax, slam me however much you want." "And I will.” He finished leading his boy by the leash over to the heavy wooden sling. He unclipped the collar and let it drop noisily to the ground. “Climb up on pig. That’s correct, lie with your back on his belly. I want you to feel it while you observe it." Chris awkwardly climbed up on Manetti, with Manetti giving him a little hand to secure himself in the sling. Manetti's large, broad chest easily cradled Chris on top of him. He felt Manetti’s warm fur on his back, his hairy belly tickling his tailbone. He felt him breathing slowly beneath him. Manetti starting caressing him to get him to relax. Chris melted into him with every stroke of his large hand. He, in turn, began stroking Manetti's sides for comfort. While Master Drax was taking off his chaps folding them on a table, Chris whispered to Manetti, “I didn’t mean to hurt you when I was playing with your hole.” His head tilted so he could see Manetti’s reflection in the mirror hanging above him. “I feel your heart pounding away,” Manetti said to Chris in the reflection. “You can do this, Chief. Remember how it hurt at first but then it got better and you came to like it? Am I right or am I right?” Chris nodded with a bit of an embarrassed smile. “The K is going to help relax your hole. This will be more intense but it’s the same. I promise. I'll be here the whole time.” Jamal came back with three prepared needles and a rubber tube on a tarnished silver tray as. Master Drax followed him over and wanted to know how much Jamal had allotted. Jamal held up four fingers. Chris held tightly to Manetti's side and took a deep breath. Master Drax attended to Manetti first. Chris watched in the mirror as the needle emptied into him. Manetti coughed and he realized the man was burning up, from his chest down to his groin. He felt a wet sheen of sweat instantly coat his back. His breathing was insanely rapid. But what suddenly frightened Chris was Manetti saying, barely audible, "I can take it. I'm okay. I can take it." Over and over. If doing .4 was hard on Manetti, how was he going to bear it? Master Drax said to Jamal who stood passively staring straight ahead, "I'll do myself, you do the boy." "Very good, Master," replied Jamal, breaking into a small grin. He indicated the closest syringe on the tray was for Master. He then set the tray down on a side table. Chris looked up into Jamal’s jaundiced eyes. He saw desire smoldering in them, something he would not act on unless invited. His sumptuous black skin glowed in the candlelight. There was sweat along his strong brow. He wondered if the man had tasted any of portions he had prepared. Jamal smiled at him displaying a mouth missing all its teeth. Blackened gums were now all he had in his open maw. Jamal took up the rubber tube and placed it around Chris' bicep. He felt his forearm and decided on a pronounced vein. Removing the orange cap of the last syringe, he held it at an angle to the vein. Chris noticed that the vial wasn't clear but cloudy with a touch of pink. Jamal peered directly into Chris's eyes, saying softly with his island lilt, "I make this special, an extra gift from me to you." He retracted the plunger enough to cause it to spill Chris' blood into the pink liquid, then pushed the swirling content into his vein. "I also up you to five." The servant pulled out the syringe, released the tourniquet, and held Chris’ arm up in the air. As Chris bucked within Manetti's strong grip, the servant turned Chris' arm out to licked the bead of blood where the needle had just been.
    1 point
  46. But it's a chemical addiction. People who start out using like you do wind up addicts. It's one of those things where it's best not to throw stones. You may be next.
    1 point
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