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  1. Note: Part 1 is mostly background. It'll get good though. Promise ;) Part 1 I had work tomorrow. It was a weeknight, how did I end up at this Halloween party? My friend Steven and his room mate and best friend Nancy had invited me to their part over a month ago and I had never responded. I wasn't a huge fan of the holiday and with it falling midweek this year- it didn't seem like my cup of tea. I'd ignored the upcoming holidays A little background on me. My name if Jeff and I'm an average kinda guy- working in a cubicle. brown hair and average build. A hairy chest and a 7 inch cut cock. I had dabbled with T in college but put away my partying and hookup days 4 years ago when I graduated and met Chris. Chris never knew about my past and was all I had wanted. A settled life, picture perfect life. But a year ago we started having problems, we weren't connecting any more and our picture perfect life became more and more a facade. I slipped and jerked off some random guy at the gym in the steam room. I thought he was random at least. Turns out he recognized me and was a friend of one of Chris' friends. Chris left me for cheating. I hadn't meant to "cheat". it was jerking off, c'mon. but when he left I felt sadness and uncertainty about what was next. I also felt relief. I did't miss Chris or the cookie cutter existence. Since the breakup I'd grown more an more curious about revisiting my dirty past, watching porn that featured some explicit stuff and fantasizing. All this is to say I had become pretty reclusive the past month. That changed two days ago. I'd stopped after work to grab some groceries and a bottle of wine. I had just settled in when Steve banged on my door. I let him in. "Jeff, I'm not going to let you just stay at home all the time. all of us are worried about you. We don't get it. You and Chris were so good together, why the split?" He paused to let me answer, I didn't. "Fine, don't tell me but DO come to the party this week. It'll be fun- we'll drink and there'll be friend and a bunch of guys you haven't met yet. who knows, maybe you could meet someone?" "I'm not looking to meet someone" "That's what everyone says right before they meet someone. Whatever- you're coming. I will not take no for an answer and if you don't show up, I'm setting you up on three blind dates this weekend." Not trusting his taste or wanting to ruin my weekend, I acquiesced. "Fine, I'll stop by" "And wear a costume. it's a costume party. everyone goes all out." "Fine , Ill pull something together" ----------- Earlier tonight I'd got home, poured a drink and rummaged through an old box of college crap, knowing I had a costume or two in here somewhere from misspent college Halloween parties. One drink turned to three as I searched through the boxes of old crap Chris had made me keep in the basement. I found a boy wonder costume, a firefighter, a witch from that year in drag and a sailor. And then I found it at the bottom- It had never been mine. My senior year room mate had gone as Tarzan to that frat party. He'd left it behind and i grabbed it, it had stayed with my stuff all these years. I pulled it out and examined it. It was comprised of a brown wig, a brown loincloth skirt and a top that was one shoulder and torn in various places. It matched my mood- brooding and wanting to be a little sexy and dirty. I didn't know if i could pull off the look, but dammit I'd try it on. Why not? I knew it was time to get back out there and was starting to look forward to the party. I put the costume on and was surprised by how great I looked in it. Not hugely confident in myself generally, I was pleased to see my increased time at the gym and my bleak breakup diet had results. I threw back one more drink to calm the nerves then went off to the party. _________ At the party I was in a corner awkwardly with my drink. Everyone had complimented my costume and I'd made small talk with Nancy, Steven and a few others.It was a pretty tame affair. everyone was dressed cute and I felt like a little bit of a slut for wearing something a little more risque. I was a little shy in meeting new people and the two I'd managed to start a conversation with seemed like assholes, so I headed to the corner of the living room and was sipping on my drink. I was watching a couple make out on the couch and wondering if maybe I should leave when the door opened. Two girls entered dressed as fairies. They'd nailed it. glittery costumes, makeup and wigs. They looked great. They were followed by another girl and a man. I couldn't really see them as they made their way in. Steve exclaimed from the other room and ran over and made introductions. Apparently the fairies we work friends of his and they'd brought along two friends Steve didn't know. "the more the merrier" I heard Steve exclaim as I went to the kitchen to refresh my drink. As I was entering the kitchen, the few people who had been in there emptied into the living room to greet the new company, the door swinging shut behind them. They'd replace the normal kitchen bulbs with red ones for a spooky decorating effect ,so the whole room was darker and moodier. I was refilling my cup and heard the door swing open. I turned and there he was.... I took a sharp intake of breath. The vision before me was stunning. He was dressed as the devil. Slicked back black hair, A full length black coat that was open to reveal a completely made up body. His entire body had been painted red with black and white accents. His face was a hybrid of a skeleton and a devil. and latex horns drew forth from his forehead. Under the coat he wore only black leather boots, black leather briefs and a harness. He was gorgeous and seems dangerous. He was everything that no one else here was and I was rendered speechless. "Hello there." He then chuckled and said "Tarzan, you look... sexy. Forgive me for barging in but my group just arrived and I've been sent to grab us some drinks. What are you drinking?" "Rum and coke. basic, I know. You look.... really great. The makeup must have taken forever" "Gotta go all out. Tonight's the night for a wild night, I love to make Halloween as memorable as possible" he said as he readied his drinks. "I'm Jeff, what's your name?" He smirked "What do you want it to be ?" He took a small vial from his coat pocket and added a small amount of liquid to his drink. "Trick or treat?" "Huh?" "Do you want a trick or a treat?" "Uh... I don't know. Treat I guess." "Then close your eyes" I hesitated for a moment and then with a deep inhale, I closed my eyes and heard the sound of liquid hitting liquid. "Open" He said. And I did. "Cheers" He raised his cup and we clicked solo cups and took a sip. My drink tasted slightly different and I wondered what had been in the vial. I opened my mouth to speak and he said "shhhhh.... details later. Let's head back before we're missed. grab those drinks and bring them" "Yes, sir" I said simply. I don't know why I said that. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I looked down, embarrassed. I heard I'm chuckle and as he left the room he said "Good. I like that. let's go..." I took a deep breathe and followed him back to the party.
    18 points
  2. Part 6 We arrived at a house in a crowded neighborhood in the city. The bushes were overgrown and formed a screen that mostly obscured the house from the street. "Come, little one" I liked the way he called me that, I felt protected. I didn't understand it fully as we were equal in size and I was a year or two younger at most. But I liked it. I got out of the car and followed him through an opening in the hedges and up the stone stairs that were the walkway. The house was set back from the street and had seen better day. we arrived at the landing to the house and he rapped a strange rhythm on the front door and then said "it's me". The sound of sever latched unlocking followed and I was ushered into the house. Once inside there were 5 men in a living room. A mismatch of furniture and a array of states of dress greeted me. There was a man on the couch in just underwear. One man with just a shirt and everyone else fully dressed. on the table was a bong, a glass pipe and other paraphernalia. I felt like Alice entering the mad tea party. It was such a strange new world to me. "Stay here" he whispered to me. Then he and one of the men left to another room of the house. I stood awkwardly. The handsomest of the remaining men said told me to grab a seat. I sat in the newly vacated seat. He smiled at me. He had a charming smile. I'd guess he was about 40 and handsome with blonde hair with a little grey parted to the side. He was dressed in jeans and a polo shirt. He was well put together. I looked around at the others who were much less put together and tuned into a video game on the tv or porn on a laptop. "I'm Timothy" he said extending his hand. I shook it. He leaned in. "Don't be nervous. You look nervous. These guys live here, they wouldn't harm a fly. You friend will be back in a minute, I'm sure." "Do you like here too?" "Me? No, Just picking up." I nodded, understanding finally where we were. "You're so handsome" "Me? I don't know." He continued to look and I felt more and more his sincerity piercing me. "Thank you. You are.... so handsome as well" "How long have you two been together?" "Just today" "Oh, I thought you were his new beau. Maybe it's my lucky day." I didn't know what to say, luckily for me the moment was broken by my friend and the other man returning to the room. I stood up to give the chair back and the other man said no worries and I could have the seat. "Nah, It's all good- We're gonna go in the side yard for a bit if that cool." "Sure" he said, reclaiming his seat. Timothy stood up and asked my friend if he could join us. Next thing I knew the three of us were heading deeper into the house and then out a side door to the yard. There was a small patio with a table and some iron chairs. Some Christmas lights strung around a post provided a little light but night had crept in so it was difficult to see much. We chatted for a bit. Mainly the two of them with me interjecting now and then. "Isn't he adorable?" My friend suddenly asked. I flushed, embarrassed. "You should see him naked. He's amazing. And new to slamming as of today." "Hot" Timothy said. He smiled at me "I'd love to see him naked. You like slamming?" "Well, today's the first but so far... it's been amazing" "What do you think.... should we all do a round?" My friend asked. "Here? Out in the open? Isn't that risky" My friend turned to Timothy "Isn't he the sweetest? Well maybe not right here, but over there is a small shed. just big enough to do what we want." His phone rang suddenly. "Shit, I have to take this" and he went off. "We don't have to if you'd rather keep it one on one with him" "No- It's not that" I said surprising myself with my urgency. I wanted Timothy, my attraction to him kept growing with every moment. "Just not sure about in the shed right outside this house. "I get it- we'll figure something out once he's back." I smiled, and he flashed his grin back at me. "Do you mind if I kiss you?" I shook my head. I didn't mind at all. He leaned in and our lips met. Fireworks. I could have cum there and then. It was just a perfect fit. He pulled back and at the same time be both said "wow". "Where have you been" He asked. Looking off in the direction my friend had left he sighed "I wish I'd found you so I could get you all to myself". we fell into an easy silence and then into natural conversation. My friend soon returned and was seething anger "I have to go to work. I fucking lost track of time, everyone's pissed. I have to go. Can you Uber or get home somehow, little one? I felt slapped. Felt like the rug had been pulled out under me. but then I looked toward Timothy and knew it was alright. that the night was still far from over... End Part 6
    7 points
  3. I suspect he covers up his cock because he don't want to be harassed to top
    4 points
  4. I have horrible fetishes. Most everything that I should run from turns me on. Danger, rape, STDs, everything I should find scary I instead want to chase. I know those things could permanently fuck up my life, but that's what I find most appealing. I'm halfway through college now, but extremely frustrated by my sex life. While my young, skinny body attracts guys, they're just too vanilla for me. I have been good about keeping my fetishes in check though; I haven't gone on craigslist or to bars looking for a hazardous encounter. I've instead been fulfilling my needs with porn that features those things. This way, I don't risk screwing up my life or the family I hope to make one day. It's been a while though, and porn isn't doing it for me anymore. That's where I got an awful, but also fantastic idea; I was going to live vicariously through other girls. Something I should mention; I am a film major. I'm not going to be an actress, I'm planning on being behind the camera somewhere. Because of my studies, I have a decent idea how the casting process goes and I have some connections to most industries. Using one of my connections, I put an anonymous call out for porn actresses. I made sure to do it in a city several hours away, so what would happen next couldn't be traced back to me. I created a fake company with a legitimate-looking name and logo. The ad offered a lot of money and reiterated several times how every male actor was 'tested' and condoms would be used; this was in hopes of attracting the least experienced. For that purpose, casting was 'open', meaning anyone could audition, regardless of experience. That was key when casting day came. If they had been in many porno's, they were more likely to have STD's or other things that wouldn't make it exciting. If they hadn't been in any porno movies? Good. If they hadn't been in any and they weren't very promiscuous? Great. If they were a virgin? That was the golden fruit. A girl who gets an STD/knocked-up the first time they fuck? That's probably the hottest thing I've ever heard. As the day drew on, I told all the girls roughly the same thing; 'This is a tough business, if you're right for the part we'll call you.' I didn't want to make anyone think they were a shoe-in, as I didn't want to make it seem like we were desperate for girls. The actual selection was extremely simple though; Half the girls who auditioned had been in porn before; I immediately cut them. I didn't want to risk them realizing how weird this porn shoot was and telling the other girls to back out. After them, I still had 22 girls left. Most of them were drop-dead gorgeous, but a couple were also on the opposite end of the spectrum (i.e. ugly). I hired them all anyway. Honestly, watching ugly girls get fucked is kind of more attractive. Like, if an attractive girl gets an STD, they can maybe still find someone who is lonely and will risk it for them. If an ugly girl gets an STD though? They're fucked. It was hard to get laid before, it'll be impossible now. I called all the girls personally to tell them my company wanted to hire them. I reiterated the pay and said they'd get it right after the shoot. Next was the fun part. I went to the worst parts of downtown. I found a spot within a couple blocks of two different homeless shelters; this would be a perfect spot to recruit. I walked into an alleyway with couple dozen homeless guys. They seemed bewildered by my willingness to approach them. They all had torn up clothes that were so dirty, they'd probably been wearing them for at least months, maybe years. I walked up to one of them and kind of just dove straight into my purpose: "Do you all want to be in a porn I'm making? The women you'll fuck will be beautiful." The guy looked at me with a bewildered expression. He said "Listen, even if you're being serious, Ima be real with you; we're all in this alley together because we were waiting for our free prescription. We heard this clinic is trialing a new drug that can treat our AIDS. Since we ain't ever been on meds before, I doubt ya want us in your movie." This was even better than I had imagined. Thinking on my feet I replied "Uhh, actually, that's exactly why I came to you guys. I knew you all had AIDS. See this porn only has actresses that had to leave the industry because they got HIV; now they can only work in porn's where the actors also have HIV." The homeless guys collectively got real excited when they heard that. Most of them were walking over with large grins on their faces. It was clear they were in. I gave them the address of the house and told them what day and time to show up. I also mentioned, it was a semi-rape scene. The setting was a group of sorority girls who get their house overrun by hobos. A lot of the actresses liked to commit to the part, but they should remember they don't need to stop unless one of them says the safety word; 'Blueberries', even if they're pretending to fight quite a bit. Also, I told them about the other signal; most of these guys hadn't trimmed their nails in a while, and some of the girls liked to be cut a bit. If a girl said 'pumpernickle', that was her signal for you to hold her down and finger her aggressively to cut up her pussy a bit. If she complained about a condom, that was the signal to hit her. When the day finally came, I was exuberant. I had set up hidden cameras all over the house to record everything. I live-streamed the cameras to my computer back at the dorm so when it was over I could make a quick get away. The girls came over first, about an hour before the guys. I spent that time explaining how it would work; "The scene is about some 'homeless people' who will break in and pretend to sexually assault you, the girls in the sorority. Whoever watches this porn would have to use their imagination a bit, as obviously they will also put on condoms before penetrating you, and obviously real homeless people wouldn't do that. To make up for that, the guys have seriously gotten into character for this one. Just so you know, a lot of them may stink, or look nasty, but that's just prosthetics and things for realism; we are a serious company and all. I should also tell you, all these guys have had a vasectomy too. While it won't matter because they'll have condoms, I know many of you aren't on birth control, so I thought it'd help your nerves. "Also, if at any time you want to stop, that is totally fine. The guys all know the safety word is 'pumpernickle', if you say it, they will stop, no matter what. We can just cut that few seconds from the record and no harm done, okay?" The girls all nodded in agreement. They all seemed a little more at ease after hearing about all the safety precautions. As we waited for the boys, I was still debating my outfit. I wanted to wear a short skirt so I could have easy access to masturbate if I needed, but I was also afraid one of the homeless guys would mistake me for one of the sorority girls. That was an extremely hot thought though. I decided to keep the skirt, but I would carry an extra camera around so they'd know I wasn't an actress. The girls kept peaking outside to see when the men would arrive. That might damage the suspense though, so I got them away from the windows. I also locked all the side doors and threw away the key, just to get rid of any ideas they might have. I took one of the four girls who were total virgins and placed her right by the front door. Her name was Abigail, and I liked her the most. She was blonde, skinny, with large yet firm breasts. Unlike the other virgins, she was 100% chaste. She hadn't even held a guys hand before. She said she was mostly doing this as a way to get out of her chaste life, as she's always been to scared to touch a guy before. I needed to see her go first. Minutes later, the front door burst open. A gruff, hairy man stumbled through. He must've had at least a 5 inch beard. It was probably longer, but it was all matted up from having not been washed in so long. Another 50 homeless guys followed him in; I guess word must've gotten around about this little shoot. Half of them were already half naked too, they must've been preparing early. Now that I see their bodies, I'm surprised I hadn't noticed the AIDS before; they looked absolutely ravaged and skinny. The gruff guy went straight for Abigail. you could tell she was immediately having second thoughts. He grabbed her and started kissing her before pulling her onto the ground. Several other hobos rushed over too. Abigail instinctively tried to stop them from tearing off her clothes, but to them it was just part of the scene. Within seconds her shirt had been literally ripped off. The gruff guy had already lifted her skirt and tore off her panties too. She tried to keep her legs closed but he pried them open anyway. He thrust inside her and wasted no time, immediately going full speed. With several guys on either side groping every part of her and the gruff guy humping her without a condom, Abigail finally remembered what to do; she shouted 'pumpernickle!'. Big mistake. The gruff guy stopped humping and pulled out. Abigail looked relieved for maybe a half second, but then the gruff guy inserted two fingers in and started sadistically fingering her. He was clearly not trying to go smoothly either, he was jamming his nails right into the side of her pussy. She screamed and kept shouting "Pumpernickle! Pumpernickle! Pumpernickle!" but he just took it as a sign to keep going. It got so bad you could see the blood from across the room where I was filming. Eventually she gave up with the 'safety word' and let it continue. The gruff guy, now no longer being told to claw out her insides, rammed his penis back in. Abigail did not seem to like that. It wasn't great before, but now, with her hole so cut up, she jolted upward. She seemed to try to get away, but the other hobos held her down. Her struggles just pushed the gruff guy further. After a few minutes his breathing changed. his humps lost their rhythm as he could feel it coming. Abigails face grew red and her body twisted as he grew inside her. Finally, he exploded, launching jets of poisonous cum into her. Right after he finished a different homeless pushed the gruff guy off. Abigail looked lost as he inserted his prick. She barely made a noise at first. Then the guy said 'I was looking for someone to fuck, but it's hard cause they usually care about my AIDS.' This trigger Abigail. She said 'what!?!' and started struggling to get away again, but other two guys still had her arms pinned. The guy on top leaned forward and started manhandling her massive breasts. She said 'wait no, I don't want AIDS! I can't get pregnant!' but the guy didn't care. He put one hand on her neck, holding her face looking directly at him. His pace quickened further. I could see Abigail's eyes light up as her expanded inside her. She started howling in pain, and that drove the guy over the edge as he erupted, spewing volley after volley of his hazardous cum into her. Several other guys took their turns directly afterwards, each one cumming inside her dilapidated pussy. I didn't stay to watch. I was getting hornier by the second. I left to see how the other girls were faring.
    3 points
  5. How about "Varsity Members" for those who have an AARP card but don't want to admit it, hehe.
    3 points
  6. when I was in high school, men I would get fucked by were always surprised by what a cockhungry little cumdump I was and how easy I was to fuck bareback and how easy I could deep throat their cocks
    3 points
  7. I recognise the setting! Shot at gay resort Basement Studios in Playa del Ingles, Gran Canaria. Been there many times,
    3 points
  8. I'll gloss over the guy I met cruising yesterday , who came as I was rubbing my spit lubed cock head on his ass and fled - Cunt ! Was at my local sauna at the weekend (very wet outside , perfect sauna day), normally I head straight to the dark room and find one of the many willing bottoms looking for a load. (Its difficult to be in anyway selective in the dark so I stick a couple of fingers inside and the ass that smells more of cum than lube gets the load.) As I headed towards the shower I saw a very smily guy , Egyptian (as I found out later ) and in his early 20's ,very cute with that hot ass that young African guys have. After showering I saw him in the whirlpool , i jumped in and we started chatting , after a while (and before I turned in to a prune) I told him I was heading off to the dark area , a few moments later he appeared next to me and suggested a cabin. We started kissing , really deep stuff - I pushed him against a wall and ground myself in to him and tasted him. I got a spit lubed finger in in his ass and started opening him up , he pulled me down on to the bed and pulled me on top of him - he was telling me that he loved my hairy body and weight on top of him. I carried on the deep kissing enjoying the intimacy with a hot young guy ,I spat in his mouth - he loved it. I rolled him over and rubbed my rigid cock up and down his ass crack , whilst frequently fingering lots of spit in his hole - rimming is my thing I lifted his lets and pushed them back exposing his boy hole and rimmed him deep - I don't think that he has had this done much and he went wild ! I continued to rub my big cock against this hole pushing a little further in to him each time - I was in no hurry - but was soon balls deep in him and he was completely relaxed. He has the perfect boy hole , warm and like velvet even though I was the fist guy to fuck him that session. Condoms had never been discussed so I continued to fuck him until I reached the point of no return and flooded his ass , I handn't cum for a couple of days so I had a big load which came out of his ass even though I was fully in him when I came. I lay next to him for a post fuck kill as he rolled towards me I saw a big puddle of his cum where he has spunked hands free. We exchanged numbers and will meet again. On my way back from the Sauna I had a message from the slag down the road , he had a bottom over and did I want to fuck them both ? , I apologised and explained that I was returning from the sauna having been shagging all afternoon (It's my house rule that I will only meet with bottoms if I can guarantee to fuck and load , bottoms tell me that if they have met a top who can't perform they won't meet them again) The first thing I do in the morning is go on Grindr and see what's about (Morning fucks for me are the best) , "local slag" - not sure I know his name , but that's what he is on my Watts app account when we swap fuck vids was on line. He still had the bottom with him and asked me if I wanted to fuck them both , I readily agreed. I showered and trotted down to his flat , He is a gym bunny 6'3 and the other bottom was 5'7 or so , they had already both got fucked and my regular had taken the load. They both had jocks on , and both were pre lubed , I started with the hot bottom blowing me whilst I fingered him - 3 fingers up to the knuckle. I fucked him first , and he was really appreciative - his ass was just the perfect fit. I pulled out and started on "local slag" although he was cum lubed the fuck was not so hot (A bit of a high class problem with 2 asses begging to be fucked side by side) I alternated between the 2 bottoms ,and the hot shorter guy took a video. I asked which one wanted the load , the taller one took it - shame as I would have loved to load the fresh ass , something so good about marking new territory. Im sure ill fuck them both again.
    3 points
  9. That was the video I was looking for : [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/28072/group-sex-at-a-sex-club/ Enjoy https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png
    3 points
  10. Part 3 I woke up some time later in a place I did not recognize. Mostly because i couldn't see anything, my entire face was covered and I could barely breath, it felt like my access to oxygen was being restricted through a hose. I started to move and that's when I realized I was completely shackled to something swinging and I could not move. That's when I heard his voice. "Good you're awake, I've been waiting for you to come to. I've got a lot of fun plans for you. I know you've been catfishing and I know your secret desires to be a fuck hole faggot. Now I just need to train you. I've taken the liberty of going through your phone, I texted your boss saying you've had to leave for a family emergency and that you won't be back for some time. She isn't expecting you for at least a month but we can extend that further when the time comes. Your family thinks that you just need some alone time so they won't be looking for you either." At this point I started to panic regretting everything I had done. I tried to break free but then I felt a punch to my guy. "Stop trying to break free faggot. You won't be able to and the sooner you realize that the better for you." He then placed some headphones on my ears and I heard his deep voice saying "you live for cock, you live for cum, you live for master, you are a faggot" on repeat and then I smelt the acrid smell of poppers. He must have screwed them into the mask I was wearing because the smell was overpowering. I was left there for hours listening to the voice repeating those four phrases over and over and the poppers making my head swim. I couldn't make sense of where I was or what was happening. Just the gentle swing of my body back and forth and the drool running down my cheeks. Then I felt the headphones removed and I came to. I heard his voice say, "how are you faggot?" I just moaned incomprehensibly. He then put the headphones back on and I felt him walk away. I passed out shortly there after. I woke up some time later to myself on a bed, or I guess what I now call my bed, really it's just a sheet on the bottom of a cage that is 4x3ft. I had a collar on, my head had been shaved, my dick was in a plastic cage and I had a terrible burning sensation on my ass. I looked down to my ass to see a new tattoo. It said "no load refused" then he came down the stairs and walked over to me. Without a word he reached into my cage and attached a metal chain to my dick cage, unlocked the door to my bed caged and pulled as hard as he could on the chain. I screamed out in pain to which he quickly turned around and back handed me "You will never make a sound again unless given permission" and then walked me over to a shower and turned it on. He cleaned me out with out saying a word, and then brought me back to the sling in the middle of the room. I then saw what he had put on me the day before. It was a gas mask with a hose attached, and the bottom of the hose had rivets in it. He put the mask back on me and directed me into the sling. He then put the headphones back on and screwed in a bottle of poppers to the hose. I was lost again within minutes. However this time I felt something different, he started to probe by ass with his fingers, pulling my hole apart and stretching it. It was very pliable on account of the poppers and loosened up very quickly. He then took off the blinders on the mask and the headphones. He then showed me his cock. It had about 15 piercings on it of varying sizes and he then leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I am about to make you something very special" I screamed into the mask as he put the blinders back on and the headphones. I then felt the cold tip of metal against my hole.
    3 points
  11. First let me say I am sorry for typos. I am writing this after everything happened. I am a 28 year old guy living in downtown Minneapolis. I am fairly decent looking, 6'ft brn hair and brn eyes, and a slim build. Think collegiate swimmer a couple years after graduation and that is my body type, not super muscular but not super fit anymore either. I don't know how to exactly start this story as it's still a blur to me but I think I'll start from where I think it all went wrong. I started catfishing in college, I found this guys photos online on reddit. He was a 10 out of 10, absolutely jacked and everything about him perfect. So I started to create an online persona with him. I called him johnny and he would live out my darkest fantasies. I would use a geospoofer and put him in new York or weho and made his user name something like "taking loads" it was hot I would make up a whole new life every new place he went. From being a trust fund kid, to a traveling salesman, he had the life all while taking loads. I also had my own actual profile that didn't get as many hits but was still fairly popular. I never thought anyone would collect the dots until I was catfishing in my home town. On my fake profile I had always had a conversation with this one guy who had a shit load of tattoos and I never saw his face but was always intriguing to me. He indulged my fantasies of being gangbanged, and having loads flooding out of my hole. One day he messaged me on my actual profile too. The conversation started off pretty normal. Him: hey man what's up Me: nm just staying inside and avoiding the cold lol. What about you? Him: about the same just chatting up some guys in the area This went on for about a week, messaging him both on my real and fake account. On my fake account I divulged how I wanted to always be flooded with cum, have no choice in what I was able to do and to be a true faggot. He always encouraged this and would set me tasks to do on my "travels." Things like collect ten loads before noon, go to a bathhouse and rent a room and be ass up for 2 hours, and so on. Finally he said he wanted to meet me (fake me) next time I was in town a d I agreed. Meanwhile he did the same to the real me but with out the slutty stuff. We talked about our interests in movies, food and so on. Little did I realize he was tracking my movements on my real account too.
    2 points
  12. Dad had passed away and it was only about a year later, that mom was busy helping her high school graduation class plan their 50th high school reunion.. She was on the phone a lot and one of those phone calls had a repeat caller who shared similar experience. He too had lost his loved one recently and he was a little hesitant about coming to the reunion. But after a few conversations, they agreed to meet up for lunch to talk in person.. My siblings and I both thought this was good, though we all laughed at the thought of our mother dating again. What really caught my ear , was when I heard the man was black. Suddenly, I had these fantasies pop up in my head. Maybe they'd really hit it off...Maybe he'd even try to get in her pants... The reunion came and went and though I wasn't seeing any thing first hand, I was still getting stories from mom that they went out again.. and again.. and again.. And one day, we were having a family function and we were all going to meet him for the first time.. When we did, did I get the shock of my life.. Turns out he was John, the same black guy I had seen at the xxx vid store frequently over the last two years or so. I had tasted his cock numerous times and had seen him fuck both guys and girls at the vid store.. Though we immediately recognized each other, we said nothing until we were able to get some alone time. We laughed togther as soon as we had that moment.. I asked him if Mom knew about his past and said absolutely not. He then added that he was hoping to introduce her to the xxx vid stores soon.. He told me like mother, like son, she was a natural in bed. Other comments like her telling him how much bigger he was than my dad added to my delight of him telling me his stories. Now the thought of his bbc in my moms mouth and pussy was just too much for me to handle, so I persuaded him to follow me down to the basement for a game of pool, and a quick blow job.. I took both the game of pool and his load of cum before joining back with the family. We finally exchanged phone numbers and looked forward to him contacting me soon.
    2 points
  13. Recently I've been scoring with some hot muscular twinks and the sex was long lasting and more piggy than I expected. I used to feel like a perv going for younger guys, but if they hit me up they're fair game as long as legal. I was gone for the weekend with friends and came home Sunday night horny so hopped on bbrt. This 22yo lean muscleboy who's been hitting me up for 6 months started again. I figured it's not gonna happen like usual but still replied. It seems like he's usually partying and he usually wants a group which never comes together. His profile says vers and he hit me up to flip fuck- amazing ass and cock and body, but it never happens. He starts asking if i know any other guys that would wanna join. I hit up one bottom and one top I think might join - the bottom doesn't reply, the top says yes to "later". The kid wants NOW which was a good sign [think before following links] https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png I ask the kid if he's "ready", and he says "almost" - not a good sign lol. 10 mins later he said he's ready to head my way - damn, maybe it's really gonna happen after 6 months of drooling. He showed up wearing a sweatshirt and black TIGHTS and long socks showing off his totally perfect legs and bubble ass. I was hoping some of the gay neighbors saw this young stud showing up for me!! lol He was into making out deep and wet while we felt each other up. Then dropped to his knees and gave amazing sloppy head. I love a guy who gives wet head. His throat was so good I had to be careful not to cum. His bubble butt felt so amazing, and I finally peeled his tights off to see that perfect ass. His cock wasn't that hard, so I was concerned he wasn't that into it. But his mouth said he was! I told him to get on all 4s and was hoping this hot twink knew how to clean out as I went down on his hole. I love to rim the way he loved to throat my dick and it didn't take long to realize he definitely knew how to clean out right [think before following links] https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png He started out pretty tight but opened up fast - I had my tongue as deep as I could get it within a couple minutes. I wanted to make this last so I got back up and fed him my cock more. When he pulled off my cock there were long strings of throat slime making a wet mess. I said something about loving that we weren't gonna need any lube to fuck, and I think that made him produce even more saliva from his throat. This kid was pretty much the perfect slut, and I didn't wanna fuck too soon afraid he might make me cum too fast. We finally moved to the bed where I told him to sit on my face - then he bent down to swallow my cock again. Ugh, I kept getting too close. I had to fuck him before he accidentally made me cum. I gave his hole a couple more globs of spit and he coated my cock with throat juice again, then he got up and sqautted down on my cock. EASY entry, and he rode till I got close again. I told him to stop and the hot little slut got off me and went down on my cock all juicy from his hole. So I went back down on his ass. Loved what a hot little pig boy I found [think before following links] https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png I managed to last for about 45 minutes of fucking after all the foreplay. I even added some lube to his already juicy hole after a while. I wanted him really wet, and he started making those sloppy suction noises as I fucked him all the way in and all the way out. He went down on my cock every time I told him to without hesitation. So much for flip fucking, but I couldn't have cared less........this hot little slut was a perfect bottom pig for me - the only reason I would have wanted to flip would be to make it last longer, but that might not have worked anyway lol - if this stud mounted my ass! We fucked in every position and I was basically edging myself in his juicy ass about half the time trying not to cum. Close to the end I had his hole gaping to about 1 inch, which I went back down on - this kid knew how to relax that fuck hole!! Eventually I was mounting him on his stomach on the bed and I couldn't hold back and buried my load balls deep and stayed there for 3 or 4 minutes. I finally got off him and asked if he wanted to cum (since he said he's vers). We hung around on the bed for 30+ mins and fooled around some more, but he didn't care about cumming. I have a feeling he already had sex before me - which I would have loved if he admitted. Even though his hole was tight to start it opened up fast and got juicy fast. And the fact he never got really hard at 22yo I think he had already cum but still horny. Nothing is hotter to me than young hot sluts who can't get enough. Next time I just want him to bring the other guy/s with him!! I have no dount there will be a "next time" soon, and he's always wanting a group [think before following links] https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png
    2 points
  14. OK, based on the recent comments I've made some changes. In particular I've added another member level so it's now… New Members Junior Members (new) Members Senior Members (previously "Trusted Members") Hopefully "Senior Members" doesn't sound like old people, but it balances Junior Members conceptually. So people like @fuckyouraw777 and @AsiaCuckare now Junior Members. "Junior Members" have more abilities than the old "New Members" – it should feel more like it used to for them when everyone was in "Members". The bar to get from "New" to "Junior" is much lower than it previously was from "New" to "Members". With the standard path it's half the time period, and then there just needs to be a little public activity, and a little rating of that activity by other members. There's also an accelerated path for people who post a fair amount of content and it's particularly well-received. Since it's easier to get out of "New Members" I've restricted their abilities even more. Fewer messages, no ratings, etc. If you're in that group your job is to prove you belong here and that you'll make a positive contribution to the BZ community.
    2 points
  15. This. I kept getting asked for a picture of my hard cock, so I took one. It's an average sized cock, nothing special, but guys seem to like how it looks. Since I put it in my profiles I've found the number of versatile men trying to convince me I'm actually versatile and I need to fuck them, and bottoms wheedling me to try topping them has gone through the roof. My primary sex organs are my cunt and my brain, and no amount of guilting, shaming, and cajoling is going to change how I'm wired.
    2 points
  16. Love hairy guys so no problem with rimming a hairy hole. Actually, I like rimming in general so hairy or smooth is fine. Just gives different taste.
    2 points
  17. I gave up guilt for Lent and never picked it back up.
    2 points
  18. I'm trying to remember if I ever felt guilty. Masturbating in my parent's home as a teen--maybe--as I realized my fantasies were changing from girls to boys. But I waited to start having real sex until college, so no I don't think so. Talking to my gay brother for my coming out made it so easy: "Have you done anything yet?" he asked. "Nope." "Do you want to fuck or get fucked?" "I don't know..." "I know just the guy..." and he picked up the phone. I lost my virginity about 35 minutes later. Not a scrap of guilt to be found
    2 points
  19. Perfectly put. I'm top but some tops really need to get over themselves. I like to be pleased but everyone is different and have different bodies. Like you said, some guys get hard while they fuck while others stay hard, most of the times the bottom doesn't have much control over it ( unless they do chastity training but again not all bottoms are into that. There's a point where no amount of external validation will solidify your ego if you aren't actually confident in your skill.
    2 points
  20. Yesterday on my way home from work I stopped off at the Forrest preserve. A guy in a white work truck stopped not far from me and just sat in his truck. I couldn’t see what he looked like but I don’t really care. A dick is a dick. I went over to the bathroom walking by his truck. I still didn’t get a good look at him but I looked his way anyway to let him know I was interested. When I got into the bathroom. It’s a single use with a lock on the door. I left the door slightly cracked. I could see his truck through the crack and it wasn’t long before he got out and started to walk toward the bathroom. I am a small guy 5’5” 130#, so I was pleasantly surprised to see a 6’ 180 very handsome man coming toward the bathroom. He opened the door and pretended like he didn’t know I was there. He said” oh im sorry” I said...” you can come in”. He came in and locked the door behind him. He pulled up his shirt to unbutton his pants and I could see he had a washboard stomach with a nice thick hair trail up his chest. He pulled his dick out and it was semi hard. Not too long about 7.5 but very very thick. Most of you bottoms know that a thick dick tells you that you are in for a good time. I asked the usual question “ what are you into?” He said he liked it all. I saw he had a wedding ring on and he was masculine so I took the safe bet and assumed he was all man and a top. I quickly went down and started sucking on his beautiful knob. I rarely have issues with cock but his was a jaw breaker. After sucking him awhile I stood back up and played with his beautiful pecks that were covered with hair. I started to suck ok one of his beautiful nipples and I felt his hand slide down my back and his finger go between my crack to my pussy. I knew he wanted to breed me so I turned around and leaned up against the wall to give him a better view. I heard him groan and could feel his wet from my mouth cock slide up and down my crack. I asked “do you want it”. He said fuck yeah... do you have a condom? I like to be honest and up front so I said that I never use them. At that point I thought he was just going to turn me back around and start fucking my face again. I could feel him spit on my hole and his hand and start to force his cock in me. I am sure he was married to a woman because most straight guys fuck boy pussy like it’s girl pussy. They don’t give you time to adjust they just go right in. He bottomed out quickly and started to pound away on me. I didn’t expect him to last long so I made the most of it and started to moan with his thrusts. He started to get more vocal and said “ do you like that baby? Do you like my cock? I moaned back fuck me. I could tell that he was getting close and he grabbed my shoulders and pulled back hard on his cock. He moaned loud as he came. As you bottoms know ... there is nothing more satisfying that getting a man off. I wanted him to make sure that he remembered me and jacked off to me a lot so when he pulled out I quickly turned around and bent down and sucked him clean. All he said was holly fuck! He thanked me and left. I went home with a thick hot load in my pussy.
    2 points
  21. was going to met a friend at the book store- it was Monday night and we paid our money and went into the theater where we stripped and in the mood for sex. We did not expect anyone to join us as it was Monday- Thursday night is gay night is busy then- rest of the week hetro nights. We hear someone coming in the door and it turned out to be a 24 year old. He took his clothes off right away and went down on my friend and the two of them exchanged sucking each other- I was on the couch with my legs spread wide open and fingering my hole- he looked at me and smiled and in a bit he was fucking me with a nice big hard 24 year old cock. He fucked hard and deep and said he had trouble cumming my turn to smile. He went back and forth between my friend and me. He must have fucked me 5 or 6 times - hard and deep and very fast. Was in heaven and then he cam inside of me and my ass could not take all of his cum- so it dripped from my hole. Hope to find him there again.
    2 points
  22. I don't like the bottom to cum when I fuck them but it's an unfortunate event. As soon as the bottom comes they come to their senses and revert back to being a boring condom Queen. The reason they cum is because they are overwhelmed by being in the presence of a real man. The thickness and position of my thrusts against their prostate and my confidence naturally brings out their need to submit and please. I NEVER allow them to wank when I breed them and chems help keep them horny and soft so that they know their role with me. The only time I allow boys to cum is after I know they are carrying my strain and they are like me a dirty fucking poz pig.
    2 points
  23. As I pick myself up off the cold tile floor and start collecting my clothing strewn about and get dressed and make my way to the elevator; the janitor is sitting on a chair at the end of the hall with a disgusted face and then smiles as the door opens and I get on. The ride home is a blur; all I can think about is how I got myself into a situation that went from fantasy to reality in hours. I look like hell, my jaw hurts, cum dried on my face, my ass hurts and leaking cum or blood or both. The biggest part was I was fucked raw by a bunch of poz black guys and was on my way home to a wife. When I get home, my wife asks if I am ok, that I look under the weather, I just agree that I was not feeling well and was going to bed. I never took a shower or washed my face, as she laid next to me, all I could do is think of how I was going to explain this or get out of next week’s meeting. The next day at work, I surfed the wed for signs and symptoms of HIV and kept reliving the prior night of smoking their drugs and going from a rape to me begging to be their bitch. The week passed rather quick and I was heading back to the support group after calling and telling my wife I would be late again. As I got off the elevator and approached the office area, my counselor was at the counter and greeted me with a rather friendly approach, asking if I got a lot out of last week’s session? I was shaking so bad heading for the room, hoping none of my rapist would show, but no such luck. As I walked in the room they were all seated toward the back and the only open seat it seems was between two of them. Everyone in the room had what seemed a death stare at me as I walked to my seat around the big table and sat down. The leader of the group leaned over and asked me how my faggot white ass was feeling? I didn’t say anything, then I felt his hand reach over and grab my crotch and squeeze to the point tears where forming and asked me again how my faggot white ass was doing? I said I was ok and please let go. The leader just smirked as he released me stating that he owned me and will do what he wants! During the meeting the leader passed me a note telling me to write my number down, I did as I was told; and a few min later my phone went off, on looking at the message, it was from the leader with pictures of me in the bathroom from last week. At the break, everyone left but the leader and me, I was told to stay where I was. After everyone left the leader told me to stand up and pull my pants down and bend over the table, and he had better not have to tell me twice. Without thinking, or just plain scared, I dropped my pants and bent over. I was then told to spread my ass cheeks, as I had them spread I heard the leader pull something from his pocket and felt the tip of something go in my ass and a liquid squeezed into my ass. Damn I started to protect that it burned and what the hell was that he just put in my ass. The leader just smacked my ass HARD and told me he owned that ass and would and could and will put anything he wants up my faggot white cunt and all I will do is say thank you sir! The group started returning to the room as I finished pulling up my pants and sat down, with those coming in looking at me oddly. The counselor came in with a stack of papers stating that they were questioners for free insurance by the state for HIV men, he finished passing them out and stated that when we had finished we could leave them at the counter because he had to leave and the janitor said he would be happy to lock up for him. I was so glad that the counselor had left when he did, because I began to feel really fucking strange, like I was the prey and was about to be eaten by all these black poz men. As I tried to fill out my form and the leader asked me how I was feeling; I told him that I felt like I was on a cloud floating and felt great. He then took my form and said he would write my answers down for me since I seemed out of sorts, not knowing he was coping my emergency contact name and number down which was my wife’s. one of the leaders guys then went over to the door and told those who didn’t want to watch or participate to leave. I don’t really remember who if any did leave. The leaders buddy then turned some of the lights out, but enough were on that everyone could see. Then leader then told me to stand up and strip, I knew at this point it was use less to argue and with the way I was feeling, didn’t really care if they all saw me naked. I was naked and standing in r, room of hiv positive black men who wanted to use my body for their sexual pleasure and at this point I wanted them too. One of the leaders buddies now had his pants down and pulling on his engorged cock asking me if I saw anything I wanted, I was on my knees licking and sucking on his cock like my life depended on it, I was in love with cock, black cock, feeling the texture, the tasted of his pre cum on my tongue and hearing him calling me a good cock sucking faggot white boy, which was turning me on even more hearing him tell me what I now know was true. I was a faggot, a cocksucking faggot who loved cock in my mouth, being used for a cum dump. The cock was pulled from my mouth and I was directed to another guy seated on the table naked and waving his cock at me, I bent over and devoured it, licking the shaft, running my tongue around the head, hearing directions of how to lick his balls and lift his balls to lick the underneath between his balls and ass. The leader then said I was doing a great job and learning my place as a faggot bitch to serve black men and other dominate men who needed a fag to use. I then felt what I had been waiting for, a cock was at my ass, or as they called it my faggot pussy. The first guy I was sucking asked if I wanted his cock in my faggot pussy, and I took my mouth off the other guys cock long enough to say YES PLEASE, FUCK ME with that black monster. He slid that cock in my ass and I was in heaven as I went back to servicing the cock on the table. The guy fucking my ass kept telling me that I was a tight faggot cunt and that before the night was over, a truck would be able to drive up my ass. The leader then leaned down and asked if I wanted their cum in my mouth and pussy, I looked at the leader who had his phone out recording what I was doing and just said yes, I want all the cum I can get! The leader then asked, you know we are all poz and by the end of the evening I would probably be poz too, and asked if I wanted that? I was so drugged up at that point and just said YES, give me you poz cum, make me poz I don’t care, just don’t stop fucking my holes with those cocks. The leader then asked if I would go home and fuck my wife with by faggot poz cock and knock her up or tell her you were a faggot for cock and leave her for men who would make him a bitch for cock and cum? I stopped sucking long enough to tell him I would do whatever it takes to keep getting black cock in my holes and feel their seed flooding my holes. The guy in my ass was now fucking me with determination and bellowed he was cumming and slammed ball deep and held himself there as he flooded my insides with his toxic load, and I was loving it. The guy I was sucking didn’t last much longer, telling me to open my mouth and stick out my tongue , I did as he asked and saw wave after wave of cum shooting in my mouth and on my tongue, the leader said for me not to swallow it yet. I was told to close my mouth and swish the cum around my mouth and then open it and show the camera, and I did, I was then told to swallow it and show the camera that it was all gone. I did with the devilish grin and licked my lips to prove I wanted it and more. The leader then told me to get on the my knees and to get ready to be one of them…….
    2 points
  24. Please ignore any random spelling errors or odd punctuation my iPad key bored is horrible haha. Everyone remembers the first time they stepp out and play with someone else.... I was a married 28 year old living in a new city. My husband had been relocated by his employer and his new job had him traveling three times a month to different parts of the country. Life was great for us. We had been married for six years, his job provided us with plenty of perks, and we were happily monogamous. Seattle was everything we had heard, amazing food, great views, and plenty of eye candy. The only downfall of his new job was he never had time to go out, so our friend pool was super shallow. Each time he went out of town I found myself stuck at home and bored out of my mind. I had yet to find a new job, so my days at home consisted of me watching Netflix, binging on porn, and eating whatever I wanted. We weren’t gym god gays at all. The husband was a typical midwestern guy with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a towering height of six foot 3. He weighed a little over 260 lbs, and was the definition of a bear. I on the other hand was a 5 foot 7 furry brown haired cub. Not really fat, but a nice mixture of husky, and the remains of muscles from my teenage years playing football in high school. Our sex life was the standard married sex life. We fucked twice a week and always in the same position. Even though my husband was a big bear, he was the biggest bottom ever. He rarely fucked me and when he did he was never able to cum in my ass like I craved. In the six years of our marriage, he was only able to breed me once and that took me riding him while he did nothing. Super exciting right? We had been in Seattle for a little over a month, and we hadn’t had sex since we moved. Jack was busy working almost everyday, and he didn’t get home until well after 7 pm. Each night I would greet him with a glass of wine and dinner in hopes he would be in the mood. Each night it was the same answer. “I’m so tired, lets have sex tomorrow morning.” Each morning passed and here I was sexless and frustrated. Each passing day allowed my mind to wander more and more. I was starting to notice more guys when ever I went out, and I caught myself going grocery shopping at stores in the gay district. II never planned to do anything outside of the house, but as we all know, our dicks will lead us to doing crazy things. Jack had just left for a two week trip to Boston, and I finally had it. A little flirting on an app wouldn’t be considered cheating right? We had downloaded scruff when we moved in hopes that it would gain us some friends to explore town with. Jack did not know however that I had also downloaded Growlr, and set up a profile with just some body shots. I had used this a few times to dirty chat with guys, trade pictures, and jack off when he wasn’t home. It’s was an absolute rush to chat with someone who didn’t know me and see what they would do to me. I always focused on guys that were from out of town in hopes that they would never see me in real life. I knew jack would kill me if we ran into a guy on the street that I had sexed with. Jack had been gone for five days, and my diick was constantly hard. No matter how many times I jacked off I was still horny as fuck. It was 8 pm on a a Friday night when I jumped in the shower. I knew I was going to have some fun with some of our toys and I wanted to be nice and clean. I had logged on to growler and woofed a few guys before showering. As a scrubbed down my body fur I heard the familiar noise of an incoming message. The noise caused my dick to rise instantly. By the end of my shower I was clean and ready to have night in with me, my poppers, and a 10 inch dildo named Stan. II dried off, grabbed my phone and went to lay down on my bed. Not only had I received a message, the guy had unlocked his pics, and sent me a few more. We exchanged the normal, hey....what’s up....horny? Conversation. He told me his name,that was in town on business, and asked if I ever played with married guys on the DL. When I read this I started to leak precum. I told him that I was also married and that my husband was out of town and that we were also monogamous. The conversation kept going normallly until he asked me if I got off on cheating. This wa something I had never really thought about, but as I laid there stroking my dick I realized that I was really getting into the idea of it. “It’s somthing I hadn’t really ever thought of. We have been monogamous our entire relationship” ”Same. Well he thinks we have been. I started playing around when I traveled a few months ago and the rush of a new dick is insane.” ”Oh really? Don’t you feel guilty?” ”I did at first. But then when I bred the second guy I played with that all went out the door!” When I read the word bred, I felt an orgasm building. But instead of shooting I stopped jacking off and took a deep breath. I thought to myself that maybe I should just delete the app and go to bed. I wasn’t about to go cheat on my man and take a strangers load. II slowly typed a message back with shaking fingers. “Oh wow. Don’t you worry about catching something? “ ”Nah...as a top its rare to get an STD that isn’t treatable with something, and I only fuck neg guys.” ”I guess that makes sense.” Our conversation continued, and we kept sending pics back and forth. Paul was totally my type. He was a ginger bear in his early 40s with a ton of body hair and a thick uncut cock. It was when he started to send pictures of him breeding a guy that I felt the start of an orgasm coming on. I stopped jacking off and we continued to chat. “So Chris, doo you think I could get a face picture?” ”Uh....I don’t really send those since my man doesn’t know I have this app.” ”Oh, cmon, I’m not from here, im a cheater myself and I wouldn’t show anyone. Be a good son and show daddy a face pic.” That was it. He had found my weak spot calling me son. Without realizing what I was doing, I held my phone above me and took a picture that showed my fave and my furry body. The moment I hit send I felt a twinge in my stomach. What was I doing? I took another deep breath and heard a message alert tone. ”Damn son...you are one cute fucking cub. I love the beard and those eyes just suck you in. Dont you wanna be a goood boy and come ride daddy’s cock? I mean, it says were only .2 miles from each other. So my airbnb must be pretty close.” Damn, the guy was super close and was now calling me son. I could feel my dick starting to take over my mind. Would meeting the guy really be that bad? I mean, maybe I could have him over for a glass of wine? ”Oh you’re a bad daddy! Trying to get me to cheat.” ”Son, I think you’ve already made the decision. You sent me a face in after all.” He was right. The fact I had sent him a face pic and called him daddy had told him that I wanted his dick inside of me. My ass twitch at the thought of taking his thick uncut cock raw. ”Son, wouldn’t it be hot to be bred in the bed you share with your man? Wouldn’t it be sexy to take your daddy’s load while you bite his pillow? Trust me, a night of me fucking you and you’ll never forget me...ever.” ”That does sound hot...I haven’t ever thought that cheating on my husband would ever be something I would do....” ”See son, your already becoming ok with the idea of taking my dick bareback and letting me give you what you’ve always wanted a needed.” ”Would you be ok with coming here and having some wine and just seeing what happens? I mean, if we just jack off next to each other that’s just as fun right?” “Sure son, I love a good wine, and I love looking at a cub jacking off. When can I come over? I froze before I wrote the next message. Was I really about to invite a guy over and possibly have sex with him? I slowly typed my next messsage and took a minute before I hit send. “you can com over now. I just showered and have a few bottles of red already out. Here’s my address.” ”Looks likewise only a five minute walk son. I’m on my way.” When he sent this my dick hardened to the point of it hurting. I had just invited over a guy that wanted to pump a load into me. I quickly ran downstairs and opened a bottle of wine and chugged down half of it. I knew I needed liquid courage too do what I was about to do. Before I knew it I heard a knock at the door. As I went to answer it I realized that I was naked, great I thought to myself. What a way to answer the door. Paul stood at the door wearing gym shorts and a sweatshirt. I could see he didn’t have a shirt on under it and I guessed he was camando as well. “Wow son, what a way to greet your daddy!” I went to cover my junk and I blushed. ”YEah...I was jacking off in bed when you messaged me. I can throw on some underwear if you like.” ”Up to you. Though I wouldn’t mind seeing you in a jock if you have one. “ He smacked my ass as he entered the door. “Wow. What a nice place you have!” I heard him call as I ran upstairs for a jock. ”Yeah, we just moved here a few months ago” I called back down as I grabbed a jock and slid it on. “The husband works for a big company and they offered to give us a package that included money to move into a place. “ By the time I finished saying this I was back downstairs. ”Oh woof son, that jock looks great on you! You might be one of the harriest cubs Ive ever seen!” I could see him looking me up and down. I could also also see his dick rising in his gym shorts. “Why thanks Paul...erm, daddy” This sentence sealed the deal. I knew that by the end of the night I was going to have a naked man in my house that wasn’t my husband. “Would you like a glass of wine?” I asked as I poured myself some. I could feel the wine I chugged earlier taking over my mind and lowering my inhabiitions. ”Yes please! I had a long day of travel and a glass or four sounds great!” He said this while walking into the kichen. He ended up behind me and slowly moved his arms around me. I could feel his dick rubbing my ass I knew that by the end of the night we would be doing more then just jacking off. He slowly rubbed he hands on my furry stomach and down to my bulging pouch. “Wow son, someone is excited to see daddy!” I could feel his hands all over me. With each pass I grew hornier and hornier. I threw back my glass of wine, and slowly ground my ass into his dick. “It also looks like you want daddy’s dick up that furry ass.” He said this in a growling low voice right behind my ear. I could feel every breath of his on my neck. He grabbed two bottles of wine from the counter and asked me to lead him to our bedroom. My mind was racing as we walked upstairs. I was leading a man to our bedroom, and I knew I was about to do something irreversible. The moment we got into the rooom he tossed back the remaining wine from one bottle and sat them both down on the nightstand. He them looked at me directly in the eyes and I just melted. He slowly walked to me, grabbed my face and started to kiss me. The moment his tongue entered my mouth he had me. Jack was not a fan of kissing and I loved it. I felt Paul wrap his thick arms around me as we fell onto the bed. “Is this the bed you share with your husband son?” He asked me as he laid on top of me. His weight felt perfect on me and I could feel wet spots on both of us. “ Is this the bed daddy’s gonna breed you in? Your husband isn’t here to tell you to stop. But don’t worry, daddy is a better top that he is and ill fuck you better then he ever has.” We continued to kiss and grind against each other. “Yes daddy, this is our bed.” I said in a muffled tone. His mouth continued to kiss me. I felt one of his hands move down to his shorts and in one motion he ripped them off. His cock came out and popped down on my stomach. II could feel the head of his dick ooozing precum. He scooped it up and slowly moved it towards my ass. “Might as well get you lubed up a little son. Natures lube is the best for daddy to breed his son with. “ I felt his fingers part my cheaks and rub his precum on my hairy hole. “Mmmmm. Son I can feel your hole twitch” as he said this he leaked more and more precum until my stomach was soaked. For ten minutes he worked more and more of it into my ass until he was able to successfully get three fingers up me. By this time my hole was open and sloppy with his juice. I groaned and said, “Daddy that feels so good. You’re precum inside of me makes me feel so slutty.” ”You are a slut son. You’re letting daddy work his pre into you on the bed you share with your man. You’re a cheater just like your dad. “ As he said this her worked one more finger up me and he began to massage my prostrate. With each rub I moaned and moaned. He could tell that I was a bottom in need of a real man. I felt him move and he passed me the bottle of poppers from the nightstand. “ Here son take a few hits. Daddy wants to see you piggy out when I start to rub my dick.” I took the poppers, opened them up and inhaled the fumes. between the wine and the poppers I was in heaven. Daddy looked at me and chuckled, “now there’s the little piggy cub I knew you were. Your eyes look soo fucked up. Ready for my cock son?” The poppers had hit me. “Yeah daddy, give me that raw dick. Fuck a load into me. Fuck me better then my husband could ever do!” I screamed these. Words out as Paul rubbed his cock on my hole. I could feel my ring release as he slowly slid in. He was so thick that I had to take one more hit. Thankfully he had worked my hole with his precum before his assault. Inch by inch he entered me. I was feeling feelings that I hadn’t felt in years. It felt like minutes had passed when he was balls deep in me. Here I was, a married man, with a bear inside me raw....and he wasn’t my husband Daddy slowly rocked back and forth. With each rock he looked at me, “Take a few more hits son. Let your inner dick pig come out. Show daddy how much you want his gift. Show daddy that you want him to change you forever!” I took three more hits and let them roll over me. As they hit I moaned out, “Daddy fuck me. Breed me. Give me your seed!” My mind was gone. I was no longer the good husband. I was a bottom pig begging for my dads cum. “That’s it boy. Keep taking those hit. Beg me for my gift, beg me for my cum” I could see sweat dripping down his face and onto me. He looked me in the eyes as he lowered himself. As he continued to breed me, he kissed my neck and then slowly moved up to my ear. Withe a gentle bit he asked me a question, “does my son know his daddy is a gifter?” I froze. I had read things about gifters and what that meant. “Take another hit son, let daddy give you the gift that you known you’ve wanted. Once you get my gift you’ll be able to have sex with anyone.” He kissed me again and grabbed the poppers. Instead of having me huff them he soaked his gym shorts with them and held them to my face. I could smell the poppers and his sweat, I could smell the man who was fucking me, and I could smell my ultimate demise. With each smell my ass lossened more, and daddy fucked me harder and harder. I could’ve stopped him, but I wanted his load. “That’s it son. Let daddy breed you and change you forever. I can feel your ass wanting it. “ We were both sweating and I was in a popper high. Minutes of fucking went by when I saw him close his eyes and tense up. I could also feel his dick harden and I knew what was about to happen. “Son! You’re getting it. Your getting it! What a good boy! Take my poz cum!” As I felt him cum in me I grabbed his ass and pulled him in as deep as he could he go. The deed was done and with a few more thrusts I shot my load all over us. our room smelled like sweat and cum and I didn’t care. Daddy pulled out of me and fell to the bed next to me. Laying on my husbands pillow I looked down at his dick and saw a mixture of cum, spots of blood, and ass juice. He saw me looking and said, “Looks like your gonna be just like daddy after all. I always knew you’d take after my side of the family,” With that he rolled over, grabbed me and we drifted off to sleep. MORE TO CUM
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  25. Next stop for Eli and me was a bathouse in Atlanta.. I eagerly looked forward to stipping him naked in the sauna, showing off a little with him and then watching a group of black men have their way with him.. Sometimes, your plans turn out exactly as you planned them! Got to the bathhouse, and got two lockers. Wasnt planning on any action in a room. Wanted it out in the open. So with towels around us, we walked towards the sauna. Having a young boy like Eli with me made a lot of guys take notice and soon we were joined in the sauna by three black men..Eli and I at this point were already butt naked, and had him almost immediately show off by sucking my daddy cock. Guys were stroking around us but for now, we were all content with them just watching. We moved from bench to this larger wooden platorm. I had Eli face down on it, and my hard cock pushed into his ass. As i slowly fucked him ( I didn't want to cum yet!!) one of the black men moved behind us. his mouth and tongue seeking out the hole i was fucking.. I pulled out and smiled at him, and simply said enjoy..I sat back and watched as he spread Eli's ass, and worked his tongue in deeper. Then taking his raw black cock, he mounted Eli and fucked him til he shot his load. The 6 2 145 black mans 9 inch cock stil leaked cum as he stood up. Another slim black man stood in front of Eli and Eli took his already lubed thick cock in his mouth. Looking like he was almost too young to shave, he then mounted Eli from the rear. I slowly stroked as I watched Eli take his second load. My favorite of the 8 guys that would fuck him that day was next... He was older, almost homeless looking, and may very well have been. But what he had was the thickest and blackest of cocks and one that would fill Eli nicely. Looking like he was in his 60s or maybe 70s, he fucked my boy like a porn star.Letting out the loudest of grunts as he nutted inside him. I eagerly cleaned off both his cock and Eli's ass after that fucking. Two heavy set black guys were next.. Followed by two Mexican guys and just before we were about done, in came this white guy who reaked of being married, including the wedding ring on his finger. He watched the last Mexican unload in Eli and was so turned on by it all, that he took his raw married cock and got on top of Eli. As he fucked him, the first black man who had fucked Eli was hard again.. He came around and put that 9 inch black meat right up against the married guy.. He slowly pushed it in to the man who fucking my Eli. It was so hot to see.. and I was so close to cumming myself.. I couldnt even stroke myself for fear I'd shoot before I wanted to.. I watched the black guy unload in to the married guy at about the same time the married guy unloaded in Eli.. They both got up, and i jumped on Eli's ass.. Maybe i had it in him for all of ten seconds before I could feel the cum surging out.. filling his already cum coated asshole. I lay there a few minutes.. then got up and said let's hit the road..
    1 point
  26. Dan came out and got dressed and saw the paper on her table with her code and dialed and ordered a clean up oral guy and four more breeders. He leaned down and bit her nipple and then told her she was going to have a great night. She still had the ball gag on, he took it off, slipped the last pill in her mouth and fed her some water so she could swallow it. Then he turned and left. The clean up guy must live close, he was 5'10 blonde, 160 mid 20's and looked like he could not wait to get up there. Dan stopped and thought, fuck I need to watch this kid clean up after me. He followed him back up and by the time he walked in the kid had started to lick and suck on her pussy tasting my and the other guys cum. She began to moan and Dan new she was flying from the pill. The kid was devouring her wrecked cunt, Dan had to pull his dick out and stroke while the kid he later learned was Mike eat her out. Dan cleared his throat and Mike came up for air and Dam moved toward them and Mike moved so he could fuck Becky again. He slowly slide in her cum filled cunt and fucked her some and then pulled out and pointed his dick toward Mike. Mike hesitated and then Dan moved closer and Mike opened up and licked the cum on Dan's head and Dan grabbed the kids head and pulled him down on his dick. Dan realized the kid must have been straight because he put up a fight but Dan got his dick all the way in the kids mouth until he started to gag and pull. Dan realized he must need some air and let him up and Mike gasped while Dan slide back in and fucked Becky for two more minutes and pulled out with cum about to drip from his dick, Dan opened and licked it and Dan again pilled him down on his dick. Mike struggled less and held on his thick dick longer. Dan continued this for four more rounds and on the last the kid was sucking and working Dan's dick . Mike had no idea Dan was going to blow his load down his throat but just as the door opened and Mike tried to pull of so no one would see him with a dick in his mouth Dan grabbed his head and shot his load down the kids neck while he moaned and said, this cock sucked wants to taste the cum in her and will even suck it off your dick. Dan was looking right at this 40 something muscled daddy type who was undressing and had a long thick dick. Dan let the boy up for air and Reece the guy who just came in slide in Becky's well used cunt. He fucked her long stroking for five minutes and pulled out just before Dan was about to walk out the door and fed Mike his big dick and fucked his throat while Mike coughed. Dan walked out the door thinking both Mike and Becky were in for it. Dan dialed the number again and ordered three more breeders before he drove home.
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  27. yeah, especially when He contacts me later and wants to do it again.
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  28. I find it hot when the top disappears right after unloading in my hole, without saying a word. So hot because I feel my hole is just a cum deposit and after he's done, he's gone.
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  29. Haven't been on for awhile...only 327 notifications to scroll through!
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  30. Thanks for the reaction to my album dickluva (my 150th) - didn't change from 'Very Good' though. Wonder how many more likes/loves I need for that to change? Thanks again. RawUK
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  31. The last Atlanta Cumunion at Manifest that I went to there was a young skinny twink in the crowded dark room area, wearing nothing but a jock strap. He was just outside of the dark room itself so it wasn't completely dark. He was bent over getting fucked and holding on to another guy. The top came in his ass, then the twink turned around and backed up on the other top. He did this several more times, with different tops filling him and cumming in his ass. Finally it was my turn, and I slid into the warmest, slickest, smoothest boy pussy I've ever fucked. I fucked him hard for a few minutes, with loads flooding out around my fat dick and flying everywhere until I busted my load deep in him. He went to the bathroom for a while and then came back and got on all fours on a fuck bench and took several more loads. He probably took 30 or more loads in less than an hour, and he was hot as fuck.
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  32. I hooked up with a guy last week who fucked three loads into me. After he left, he messaged me asking if he could send another guy over to fuck me and if I’d FaceTime him to let him watch. I said yes, so that’s what we did.
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  33. Sorry to all my readers, I had some family issues that I had to go out of town to address, but I am home and will start working on the next installment. I may split the story and put my wife story in the str8/bi fiction (btw, a lot of this is not all fiction) and keep my story what is left in this section, oh, we are still married and enjoying life!!!l
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  34. CHAPTER FIVE DRACULA Fuck, fuck, fuck! Did the skeleton just die after I milked his seed into my hole? Worried set in, not for the infection that I was collecting, but what could happen to me when it’s found out I was that man’s last fuck. I moved through the maze, back in the dim light. I started thinking. Dracula would not be in the light, but in the dark. I turned back around and headed into the darkness. I didn’t even think of looking for the opening where the skeleton was. I turned right and went down a narrow path in the stalks. I soon came to a sign with glowing letters. It read: “Blood lust ahead!” Fuck, was this my end? Four fucks and now a bashing until dead? My craving was intensifying and my cock was leaking more. This was more of a mind fuck the deadly sex. Even before my mind could understand, my feet were moving. I came to a black coffin in a small dark clearing. It was closed, but soon started to slowly open, creaking as it did. My cock throbbed as I saw a man sit up. He was nothing like any Dracula I had seen in the movies. He was bare chested, but was covered with tattoos. He lifted the bottom lid covering the bottom half of his body. He was completely naked and his tattoos covered the lower half as well. He stood and I realized he was wearing just a black cape with a red liner, held in by a black chain. His identity was not hidden. “I’ve been waiting for you Eric!” He said with a horrible Dracula accent. “I know you” I said “Does that really matter?” “You’re the mechanic at the gas station” He stepped out of the coffin and as he walked toward me. His cock was slowly growing, inching more and more as he got closer. My lust for him was growing as well. He stopped inches from my face. I could feel his breath on me and smell the alcohol on his breath. Suddenly, he spit in my face! I jerked a little bit left it there. “Bend over my death bed” he ordered I hurried over, shut the lids of the coffin and bent over. He moved quickly in the dark until he was behind me. His cold fingers gripped the sides of the rip in my jeans, pulling them and ripping it more. I felt his hot breath on my hole, then he spit on it. I soon felt his cock pushing in my hole. It was a good eight inches. He slid in balls deep. I could feel his cold body on my exposed ass flesh. He grabbed my hips and started tucking me hard and fast. “No medications will help your strain once our mutations take effect” He hissed out, as he fucked be harder. “Death will be quick and swift! How it should be faggot” I moaned and squeezed his cock with my hole. The air was getting colder and I could see my breath in the night air. My cock was pressed against the top of the coffin and with each thrust was pressed harder. I moaned more and more with each thrust. His breathing was rapid and was more like hissing as he fucked me. He slowed down on his thrusts. “No need to cum too fast, your craving must take over” “Give me your death” I pleaded An evil laugh escaped him into the night air. He pulled his cock out and rammed back in. Then started to fuck me harder and faster. As much as I wanted the fuck to last, the craving was growing and I wanted his deadly infection. His cold flesh hitting my exposed flesh made it actually feel like I was getting fucked by Dracula the undead. He suddenly pulled out. “On your back” I flipped over quickly and lifted my legs up in the air. Again his cold finger ripped at the fabric of my jeans, opening them up more. He reached into the gap and pulled my cock and balls out, exposing them to the cold air. “Want to see your eyes as I infect your hole” He gripped my ankles, pushing my legs back and then rammed his large cock into my hole. I gasped as his lust for my death took over and he began pumping my hole. His balls were swinging and bouncing off my exposed ass. “Fuck my cock is covered with bloody cum” I lowered my head and closed my eyes, trying to imagine this cock in my hole with the mixture of cum and blood. I opened my mouth and moaned. The cold night air chilled my cock and balls making the pre-cum peaking out and running down as hot as lava. Dracula pulled out and quickly moved around the coffin and slid his cock deep in my throat. I eagerly sucked it, tasting my ass, the cum and my blood. He drove his cock deep into my throat until his balls were against my forehead. Pulling out with a laugh he pushed back in deep. I was losing my balance and tried to lower my legs. Seeing that he grabbed them and held them up. I gripped at the edge of the coffin, which was cold to touch. He drove his cock in deep and held it there, laying his naked body on top of mine, hooking his arms around my legs. His fingers invaded my ass, as he held his cock in deep. His fingers would thrust in and out then pull out. I heard slurping then the fingers would go back in. I was starting to gag on his cock and fight for air. He pulled his cock out a little and I took a deep breath and the. He pushed back in again all the while his fingers were working my hole and eating the cum off his fingers. “Bleed for me!” he demanded. Angered he pulled his cock out and slap me, then spit in my face. He moved quickly to my ass and rammed into my hole. He grabbed my ankles and pulled my legs apart, pulling them wider than the jean would allow, ripping them more. His cock fucked me hard and fast. “My virus will find a way” He rammed into me harder and harder. The slaps of flesh echoed in the cold night air. The pleasure was mixed with pain. I was lost in our fuck. “Here comes my bug” He dug his fingers into my hips and rammed his cock in deep, after the first pulse of cum shot out of his piss slit, he thrusted in and out, then another shot, repeating this over and over. My cock had a long string of pre-cum hanging from the head. “Contaminating your body” he hissed. I had just taken my fifth load of man’s sickness, adding to my craving. I milked his cock with my hole as he slowly pumped in and out, mixing his cum with the four others. “You still have more monsters to find” he hiss, pulling his soft cock out of my hole. I moved off the coffin, adjusted my cock and balls back into my ripped jeans and started to move out of this area. “Your next creature is mummy” I looked over my shoulder to see him laying back in the coffin and closing the lid. I could feel the cold air on my ass, which was hidden by my shirt, but I could feel the air creep in cooling my balls. As I walked my nuts popped out and I left them. No one looked at me now, it was as if I was invisible to everyone.
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  35. That’s pretty much where I am at this moment of my life. There was a period I was going to bath houses...mostly to suck and swallow...but I took a few loads and enjoyed every moment. I found a ABS that I was a regular at mostly sucking and swallowing and taking an occasional load in the ass. I have worked to the point that I’m now more barebacker than a cocksucker. The one guy I’m crazy about and can’t get enough of him fucking me, is poz undetectable(his claim). We’ll go weeks between fucks and during that time, I’m actually searching to find other potential undetectable donors. At some point, a search for detectable loads may very well be in my future.
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  36. I’ve had the exact opposite experience every single time I’ve tried the sling at Indy Cumunion - empty room except for two or three idiots I have to swat away because they just want to fiddle with my cock. What’s your secret?
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  37. I have had this happen to me several times in the porn theatre, outdoors and in public restrooms. usually after the guy finishes blowing his load up my ass or down my throat and I'm naked on my knees cleaning off their cocks. the first time a man had just finished fucking me in a restroom stall and I was sitting on the toilet jerking off with his load dripping from my hole and another guys load on my face. a guy who liked to flick his cigarette ashes in my mouth was watching over the wall n he said "piss on the slut" so the guy just started pissing all over me. the very same day I went to the porntheatre and was naked again down on my hands and knees getting fucked by a guy when his buddy just started pissing all over my back and the back of my head. when the guy fucking me was finished he shoved a 10 inch dildo up my ass and pissed on me but made sure to get me to turn my head so he could piss on my face and in my mouth also.
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  38. As he was riding my cock, giving everyone ( now at least five people) a good show, my eyes fixed on to one black man, around age 40 maybe 6 foot tall slim build , with what looked like a foot long cock. Stroking it, and obviously enjoying the show. I gave him a nod of my head as if to say come closer.. which he did. I whisper to my boy, dont you want a taste of that..dont you wish daddys cock was that big...dirty nasty words to make him even more horny. The black man came closer , within reach of my bf and he touches it, opens his mouth and starts sucking.. Proud of my boy... at times seems sweet and innocent, but he's never questioned me about my cock.. is it clean? is it dirty? he's just accepted it however it is, raw and breeding him often... and now he's taking a stranger, a stranger at a video store, taking his cock and sucking on it.. i know I have to stop fucking my boy for a while and enjoy the show that is beginning. so i push him off of me and tell him to get on his knees on the floor.. He backs off from sucking the bbc and drops to his knees but then just as quickly goes back to sucking the black man. I sit back on the couch, touching myself, encouraging him and complimenting him on his cock sucking skills.. As much as i would like to see that cock erupt in his mouth, I really want to see it in his ass.. So I touch his shoulder and pull him back and bend him over the couch. Our new friend follows his movement and presses his thick dark meat up against his pink boy hole.. I kiss Eli and tell him how much i love him.. I kiss him deeply as that raw black cock pushes into his hole until it disappears inside him. As I' m watching this.. I can only imagine what might be going on.. After all this is the xxx vid store. Guys in here bareback all the time. Some are strung out on drugs, Some are homeless, Some have dirty toxic cocks.. No telling what best described the black man now on a mission to breed my boy.. And I wanted to watch it happen. I wanted to hear the black man groan as he was cumming, watching him push it in as deep as he could as he unleashed what I hoped was a huge load in his ass... I kiss Eli again . I look at him in his eyes and I ask him.. you want his load? he answered , Oh God Daddy, I do..... and with that I said to the black guy, I want to see you breed my son... and with that the black man lets out this sound of triumph and I know he's filling my boys gut with his first load of the night.
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  39. I’ve fucked and been fucked by straight guys. Mostly topping guys who’ve toyed with ass play but we’re curious about a real cock or were uncomfortable with asking a women to peg or rim them. The majority who fuck me were guys who were currently single and didn’t have the time or money to date so convenience led them to try nsa man mouth or ass for easy and quick relief. Curious/open minds and sex drive Ive actually had the str8/gay/bi conversations usually started by them. After a time or two they wonder if this makes them gay. This is quickly answered by a few questions like if it was my ass or a hot pussy spread out for you which would you fuck? Or the ridiculous one do you think of me and buying me flowers, dating, hanging out watching movies? 9 out of 10 pick the pussy or affirm they only think about my ass when real fucking horny and decide rather than jack off to dump in me instead if I’m available. I’d say the majority firmly identify as str8 but see fucking guys like fucking a pocket pussy. Not attracted to guys but not opposed to anything that allows them unload hard, raw, and deep in a hole. Totally understandable to me. I’m not attracted to everyone i fuck. To me it doesn’t matter str8/bi/gay if it stays just sex and they don’t get all weird thinking I’m their boyfriend.
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  40. Walk around naked, make sure your ass is lubed, bend over in the dark area, lay on your bed with your ass up, suck a nice cock before turning around to invite them in your ass, wear a jock or something like Pump's Access underwear, get into a sling (but don't hog it!), lean over or lay on a fuck bench so your ass is exposed, tell an interested party you want to be fucked ...
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  41. Going to be hard to beat the Washington Plaza. Easy in-and-out plus you're in the heart of the gay community, metro accessible.
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  42. As I hold the bottle of poppers and wish I could just drink this stuff as i feel this Tank guy splitting me with what feels like a baseball bat; but i am finding out fast he is an experert in makeing white guys into his bitch and will do whatever to feel that monster deep in their hole. His cock is ripping me apart and i don't care at this point, i just want this man to fill me with his superior weapon and knowing the others, figure he is going to give me another load of poz seed in what is becoming nothing more that a pussy, cunt , hole for these real men to use for their sexual pleasure no matter what the damage to my body. I am so fucking high from the drugs and poppers; i feel my legs trying to wrap or at least hook behind Tank to let him know I am his and want him deep in me and filling me with is seed, marking me at his property to loan or whore out, i just dont care anymore, or do I; but not right now!!! Tank has now leaned over and is pressing my legs higher and his cock deeper in me and reaffirms that I am a faggot white bitch for his pleasure; he tells me that I am just just keep telling him what a white sissy cunt to black men I am, and i am enjoying doing so. Tank then looks up and says to someone, you want some of this bitch? I lean my head back and see the janitor staning in the doorway jacking his cock, and says he woulld love a crack at some sissy faggot white boy. The janitor moves to where I am laying and asks me what I am? I tell hime with no reservatioins that I am a faggot, a bitch, a cum dump to men , any men, but my heart and soul now belong to black cock and men who know how to make a white bitch a faggot , cocksucking cumdump. the Janitor lines up my mouth and I take him with no more screams or protest, but total acceptance of who I am to these men. I feel his manhood on my tounge as I swirl it around the head and shaft as the janitor is now just telling Tank that he should have come to more of these meetings, but this is the first white boy he has ever seen show up, I renew my efforts on his cock letting him know that my mouth is for his manhood and hopefully I am rewarded with his seed, the janitor does not last long, i can tell he is ready to unleash is spearm into my waiting and willing mouth; he roars and grabs my head telling me to take that nut you white faggot, damn i need to get a bitch like this to use myself; he cum is shooting my mouth and i swallow over and over to show him i am worthy and would not spill a drop. As the janitor starts to go soft i suck him clean of my spit as he removes it from my mouth and I look up and tell him 'thank you sir'. As I lay there on the table with Tank buried in my ass, cunt, whatever at this point, when his phone goes off, he tells the person on the other end to give him 10 min and hangs up; 'give this cunt another dose", without waiting, I lower my arm, now knowing what he meant, and they give me another point hit and in seconds I am flying free and feeling that itch in my hole; now I am just hitting the poppers and begging him to BREED ME, FUCK MY FAGGOT CUNT, please give me your SUPERIOR BLACK SEED!!! I look around the room and see the others standing naked and jacking thier cocks, now I start to ask for another cock in my mouth, I beg, PLEASE someone let me suck your black cocks, I need to taste cum, POZ cum and with that I got one of them to give me his nice size black weapon asking me if i want that Poz shit in my mouth, I don't talk, just start to suck and massage his balls hoping to get a bigger load. as both men are just pumping me at both ends, I all of a sudden hear a gasp and "what the fuck is this, and what the fuck are you doing". The cock in my mouth pulls out and backs up as I sigh at the loss of his manhood using my mouth, tilt my head back and there is my wife Karen, but Tank has not stopped fucking me, slower , but has not stopped. They push Karen up closer and I am not sure if she can see I had been drugged or he staring at this monster of a black man between my spread open legs with his cock buried in my hole. "this is what your doing working late, being a faggot to these guys, i am not good enough?", I look at her and I am conflicted as I tell her it was not my plan, " Honey"; at that word, Tank slams his cock hard in my hole and I look at him and l smile, then back at her; "I am sorry, but I was curious of what it would be like and the next thing I know is; at this point, Tank slams his cock back in me, as I look at him, he tells me, "tell her what you are, NOW",, I look back at my wife and defeated tell her, " I am a faggot, who loves to suck cock now and take cock in my ass; and before i was reminded, "in my mancunt" and I love the dominance they have over me", Tank slams back into me and I just look at him and ask him to "FUCK MY CUNT, MY WHITE CUNT FOR BLACK COCKS", Tank starts to really move in and out of me, as I look back at my wife then back at Tank. As I look back at my wife, she now has a drink in her hand and downing it quite quickly, all I can think of is that before this night is over, we will be both cumdumps for black men. Tank then asks me what I want; YOUR COCK, YOUR SEED, BLACK COCK, I want to feel you flood my faggot cunt with your seed; Tank looks dead in my eyes and says; "What kind of seed"? POZ seed I yell out and beg for you to give me it NOW! Tank roars and lets loose what i can feel his potent poz seed in my hole and my legs are wrapped around his body trying to get more of him in me. As I look over at my wife, she has a fresh drink in her hand and they are walking her into the next room, and closing the door!!
    1 point
  43. Part 5 It's been a week since that first breeding, the first couple of days were hard. My ass has been on fire, it hurt to move which honestly has not been too much of a problem since I've been inside a cage with very little ability to move. I've also had my hands closed in these glove type things and the headphones have been on my ears ever since too with the four phrases just repeating and repeating. "You live for cock, you live for cum, you live for master. You are a faggot." He only comes down to give me this goop that he says has all the nutrients a good faggot needs and water. He let's me out just to go to the bathroom once a day, I've stopped shitting so I guess the goop has been completely absorbed by my body. This has been my day to day for the last week until last night. He came down stairs to let me out and he took off the headphones and told me he has something special planned for tomorrow. He said he is having a couple friends come over to see me and what a good faggot I am. My cock immediately strains against my plastic cage. Maybe this audio is starting to have an effect on me. He then proceeds to tell me that they are a part of his support group at the hospital and that my faggot ass will truly be tested. He then led me over to a bench and pushed me over it. "I am putting this in you so all their cum will really take hold" as I felt a metal something push into me. I felt it scraping my insides as it stretched me out. I let out a whimper as he pushed it all the way in. He slapped me in face again for making a noise. "Now i am gonna leave you here for the rest of the night" he said as he shackled my arms and legs to bench, "and if I come down tomorrow and see that sheathed plug out of your hole there will be hell to pay. " and he walked upstairs after he put my headphones back on. It's now the next day and I feel like I've been in this position for ages. The headphones fell off in the middle of the night and I woke up to a knocking on the upstairs door. People must have been arriving for a while because I hear lots of laughter and footsteps upstairs. And i heard my master say, "you boys ready to see a true faggot?" And the door to my cellar opened up.
    1 point
  44. Now remember- this is in the FICTION section.?
    1 point
  45. My two daddies were at the door. I posed my wife on all fours quickly, and opened the door. They strode in like the huge cocked alpha tops they are, each grabbing me around my waist and pulling me in for a deep kiss and an ass grab. Mr Black, as I will call him, is about 5'9 and built like a wrestler. Muscular legs and a barrel chest, and a huge 9" slab of uncut meat. It's as thick as my wrist, as well, and it curves upward elegantly. He's in his 30s, and that rarity of rarities, a slam daddy top. Mr Black was the first man ever to stealth my ass with tina, first man to feed me a pipe, and first man to slam me. More importantly, he respects absolutely my rule that I will only touch tina once a month. It had been 5 weeks since we last met up. Mr Silver is 6'3", 68 years old, and has the trim athletic body of a squash playing executive. Which is what he is. When he parties, his choice is GHB and MDMA, and his cock is almost as long and almost as thick as MR Black's. Mr Silver is also adept at fisting, but my hole has never yielded to him. I wanted to watch my wife take it tonight. Mr Silver is bi, and his wife is quite beautiful and thirty years his junior. She is not as beautiful as my wife, though. Both my daddies have seen many videos of my wife and I slutting it up with various men and women, both of them have commented at how fortunate I was to have a woman to top and daddies to top me. 'So she can't hear or see a thing?' asked Mr Black. 'Not a thing, nor hear anything. You can speak freely, until you touch her in fact, she has no way to know if anyone is even here!' 'She high?' Silver asked, with a smile, as he began to strip. 'Not yet, I'm going to booty bump her with some MDMA now your'e here, and the party can start'. Silver looked at me, 'I'll do it, give it here.' I began filming with my iPhone, and I handed him two orange pressed pills from the baggie, and watched as he laid a hand on her ass casually. She yelped in surprise, and then presented herself proudly. Head up, ass out, for inspection. My wife is tall, over six feet, and quite slim with a round milf ass and high firm tits. Her belly is flat, her legs muscular and long. Her long curly black hair and dark brown nipples, cunt lips, and asshole contrast against her creamy pale skin. She's naturally werewolf level hairy,, but I had shaved her thoroughly. 'Is she expecting the drugs?' 'Yeah, we talked about it, she trusts me to look after her, and keep her properly partied up'. He laughed 'Well, you certainly are doing that. She's in for a wild ride.' Silver began playing with my wife's cunt, and she moaned as his tongue entered her asshole. 'She know we're poz?' 'Nope' I said, 'But you're still on meds right?' He looked at me 'Of course. But I'd fuck her if I wasn't, and you'd let me wouldn't you?' I stopped the recording. That one was going in my secret file. Then restarted a new file. My cock hardened as i watched. Silver laughed at me, and I watched as he fed the pills into my wife's puckered asshole. Some lube, and he pushed them deep, some more lube on his cock, and the games began. kneeling behind her, he grasped her slim hips and slowly began to tease her asshole with his cock. My wife murmered, then said, 'oh god, ass first?' as he slowly began to spread open her hole. Silver is a patient man, but also a demanding one. he slowly but surely stretched her around his thick raw cock until the tip was rushing those dissolving pills well up into her colon. She was shivering as the onset of the drugs began, and silver began to long stroke her asshole. She grunted in time to his thrusts. 'Fuck, this guy is big!,' she said suddenly, and pressed her asshole back against him for a second. he responded with, 'and you're an overly tight disgusting whore, but we're going to fix the tight part, anyway!' He winked at me, 'We'll be able to park a truck in your holes in about an hour', he snarled as he ground deep in her guts. She gave a low growl and came hard, clamping her ring oh his cock and squirting. In the meantime, Mr Black was preparing a couple of points. While Silver pulled out of wife's ass and moved around to her mouth, where she eagerly began to clean her ass off of him, Black beckoned me over. 'This one here is for your bitch, for later, this one here is mine. I want you to do something for me'. The one for my wife was a couple points. If we shot her during the MDMA rush and didn't use a tourniquet, she likely wouldn't realize what had happened, until she was too high to think about it. 'I want you to slam me while I'm in your wife's pussy.' I loved the idea. Black always made me hold his cock in my mouth when he slammed, because he always came about thirty seconds after the belt came off. This time that black seed would breed my wife. I could hear my wife gagging on Silvers cock, and joined Black at the bed as he laid down. I dragged my whore wife to straddle him, unhooking her wrists, and then took his thick black meat in my hand. I bent down and gave it a slurp, then started filming as I guided her down on his rock hard log. She took him in, whimpering a little. Head tossing in a bit of panic. I let him poke his vein, get the flash, then filming with one hand, I pressed the slam into him, and pulled the belt. I yanked the point out, heard him cough, and caught the clenching of his balls as he fired his rush cum into my wife's unprotected cunt. I moaned and licked the blood from my daddy's arm as he began to pound my wife with his first sperm as lube. I felt Silvers tongue at my own hole...
    1 point
  46. I was 13 with a neighbor guy a couple houses down. Loved taking his load.
    1 point
  47. Paul – As told by Ben Brandon was away for two nights for his conference. I had been fucked silly by Matt and Josh and Sam the first night, the night that he had texted me and suggested that we make plans for a get together. But the second night was even more fruitful in a way, as I was able to fuck someone that I had been lusting after for a while. Jeremy was not the only gay guy in the complex besides Brandon and me; there was also a very hot couple Paul and Jesse. Both Paul and Jesse were gym bunnies, and took pride in showing their bodies off at the pool wearing swimsuits as small as they could get away with. As hot as they were, it did not appear that they ever shared their bodies with anyone else but each other. Shortly after they moved in we had them around socially for a drink and to get to know them a little better. As usual in our place there were some porn DVDs lying around. Jesse saw one called “Threesome Boyfriends”. He picked it up and read the description without saying a word. It was about couples that would pick up a third for some no-strings-attached fun. I could see Paul visibly wince as he obviously knew what was coming next. Jesse launched into a tirade about how threesomes destroy perfectly good relationships and how he and Paul would never consent to one as they would only ever have sex with each other and never cheat. He was so worked up about the whole idea that he never commented that it was a bareback movie and had the subtitle: “When your boyfriend’s load isn’t enough.” The rest of the evening went off pleasantly after that blew over, but I realized that my dreams of fucking one or both of them wasn’t going to happen. Until that night that is. We had both gone to take out trash. He was wearing a tight tank top and sky blue bike shorts that showed his physique to perfection. I was wearing my normal tight low cut jeans and had arranged my cock to make a nice bulge in my crotch. I could see me eying it with greed. As we walked back towards our condos he surprised me by commenting on it. “Fuck Ben, how big is that thing you are hiding in there.” I’m more of a shower, not a grower so I just laughed. “Not as big as Brandon’s by a long shot. But do you want to see it?” “Fuck yeah. I’ve been watching you for a while. I like your butt too. Brandon is away for a few days, right?” I liked his tight bubble butt too, showed off to perfection by the tight spandex. “Yeah, he gets back tomorrow.” “Jesse is working late so we could go to our place but he’d kill me if he saw me looking at your naked cock. Can we go to your place? No sex. I just want to see your cock.” “Sure, I said with a grin. And I want to see yours.” As we got to the door of our condo Paul seemed to be having second thoughts. “Um, maybe this isn’t a good idea. Maybe I should go.” I looked at him straight in the eye. “Nonsense, all we’re going to do is look at each other’s dicks, right.” The way his dick was rapidly swelling in his tight spandex shorts and leaving a large sticky pre-cum patch told me otherwise. I opened the front door and led him inside. We stood facing each other in the living room and I slowly undid the fly of my jeans and slipped them down my hips, revealing the yellow mesh jock strap barely holding my hardening dick. Paul must have liked what he saw as he was now fully erect and leaking pre-cum so profusely that there was a clear bead on the outside of the slick wet patch outlining his uncut dickhead. Fuck! I LOVE pre-cum and his dick looked pretty big as well. He seemed uncertain about what to do next so I went on my knees and started sucking on the sticky bulge. He muttered “We shouldn’t be doing this” and then uttered a sigh of pleasure. He put his hands on my head and held my mouth on his bulge. His resolve obviously faded fast as it was only a minute or so before his removed his hands from my head and started to pull down his shorts, revealing his beautiful dick; a good seven inches uncut, fat with a nice foreskin. I knew I wanted that in my ass. I took him back in my mouth and started working my tongue over his cockhead and under the foreskin. I heard him groan with pleasure. “Oh fuck yeah. Maybe just a blowjob.” I placed my hands on his butt cheeks and drew his crotch into my face. He groaned again. “Ben, let’s go to your bedroom if that’s ok. I want to suck your cock while you suck mine. Great, I thought, No sex turned into blowjob and is going to end up in fucking. I like to mislead boys like that! We both stripped off our clothes on the way to the bedroom and before we got to the bed he was down on his knees swallowing my dick with raw hunger. Damn, he needed a dick in his mouth badly. I gently lifted him up and guided him onto the bed. Once we were both on I swung him around so we were laying face to crotch. We both started slurping on each other’s dicks. As I did my best to swallow all of his length. I placed my right hand between his ass cheeks and started feeling his anus with a finger. I felt no resistance as my fingertip probed his hole. To the contrary, he started sucking even more enthusiastically. This was looking good and I eased the whole finger in without resistance. It was time to pick up the pace. I pulled away from him and he rolled onto his back; the sure sign of a bottom. I had often wondered where the term came from. In my experience if you are rolling around in bed and one guy ends up generally on his back, he is going to get fucked. I was going to prove that theory with Paul. I turned around and lay on top of him, grinding my dick against him and deep kissing him passionately. For a guy who was not planning on having sex he was certainly co-operating. While we were kissing I sat back and pulled him up so that he was sitting on my lap with my raging erection pushing at his back door. He started grinding his ass against my dick as he went wild thrusting his tongue into my mouth and sucking my lips. I slowly lowered him back onto the bed and as our lips broke contact he looked pleadingly at me. “Please fuck me. Jesse doesn’t fuck me as much as I want. We haven’t had sex for a week.” I lifted his legs and positioned myself behind him. I grabbed the bottle of lube from the nightstand and squirted lube on my hand and started to work it into his hole. His breathing got heavier so I quickly spread the rest of the lube on my cock and pressed my dickhead against his anus. I started to ease myself in past the outer sphincter. “Stop. Stop.” I thought he was going to ask me to take it slower but no. “Condom, you need a condom?” “Don’t have any. We don’t use them.” As I eased my dick deeper in his chute. I sensed a note of panic in his voice. “We shouldn’t be doing this. Pull out. Please!” I slid in past the second sphincter until I had bottomed in his ass. Now that my raw dick was all the way in the pleasure obviously overcame the concern. I saw him relax and accept his first bareback fuck. “Fuck that feels good. Ok. Just for a few strokes. Then you can pull out and we can jerk off.” I had no intention of doing that. My plan was to breed him and plant my seed so deep that Jesse would not be able to find it. And that he would hopefully return the favor. I was kneeling behind him and I stretched forward and pulled his body upward to that he sat facing me impaled on my cock. I started deep kissing him sucking his tongue and lips and he reciprocated with enthusiasm. He was now grinding his ass on my hips trying to get my meat as deep in his cunt as possible and then sliding his ass up and down my chute to get the maximum sensation of my bare dick in his rectum. The forbidden penetration was almost too much for me and I started to get close. I did not say anything but he must have known I was close as I started grunting with pleasure and he must have felt my cock start to swell and twitch. I knew he wanted my load but as I started cumming and had squireted the first shot I pulled back from his lips long enough to mutter “Where do you want my load?” He did not answer but started kissing me hungrily as I fired volley after volley of scalding hot cum into his bowels. After a few moments he pulled back to say “Up my ass. Fucking incredible!” He paused for a moment to appreciate what he had received then continued. “Jesse always wears a condom and then pulls out and takes the condom off and jerks off over my chest.” I just grinned at him. “So I assume you’ve never been barebacked before?” He looked at me for a while. “No. Never. Does it feel as good for a top as for a bottom?” I laughed at him. “Fuck yeah dude, what do you think? If bare is better for a bottom it is ten times better for a top!” He lifted himself of my dick which slipped out of his freshly fucked ass with a cummy plop and he pushed me onto my back. “I haven’t cum yet and I want to feel what it’s like.” He lifted my ass off the bed to get access to my hole. He wasted no time, he slicked up his rock hard dick and slid into my willing hole with one thrust. His dick may not have been particularly big, but he certainly knew how to fuck. I could sense he was getting close. “Pull out!” I commanded. He looked at me with surprise, considering that I had shot a massive load in his bareback virgin cunt a few minutes earlier. But he did as I asked and as he did so I continued. “Ok, now roll on a condom and fuck me again and confirm for yourself what you have been missing.” He looked at me questioningly. I laughed. “We keep them in the night stand for special occasion.” Without saying anything he opened the drawer, grabbed a condo, tore open the wrapper and rolled it over his dick. Once he was ready to insert it into my anus he spoke. “It felt so good bare. You are going to let me cum inside you aren’t you?” “Of course. When you’re ready.” I replied. He slowly slid all the way in. “I can barely feel anything!” I just grinned, “Fuck me harder. Maybe you’ll feel something.” He did, when the condom burst. The sudden release of his cock from its latex prison took him to an almost immediate climax as he loaded me up with his seven day load. He had barely come off his orgasmic high when the guilt set in. He could barely look at me. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. We shouldn’t have done that. I cheated on Jesse and got barebacked and you cheated on Brandon. I’d better go now.” I did not tell him that Brandon and I had an “arrangement”. He rapidly dressed and made for the door. As he walked out I put some of the condoms in his hand. “Maybe you need to use some of these with Jesse.” He must have been really conflicted because as he got to the door he kissed me deep, turned around and left, with my load still in his gut.
    1 point
  48. I castrated myself via alcohol injections over time. I really do not have photos of that. I finished them off by a visit to a sadist who clamped me with a burdizzo. While I have video of that, I do not share it much. She was quite clear on wanting to avoid any publicity regarding that. Additionally, I had some issues healing....had some medical treatment.....and got locked up in a psych ward for a bit. Anyhow, becoming a eunuch, like getting pozzed has been about the experience and the feelings of having control over who I am and how I can modify my body to match my thoughts. Would be glad to share more if you want to PM me, or Skype some time. It is really interesting seeing the reactions I get from sex partners. Some guys simply want no part of fucking a eunuch. However, there have been many guys who really get turned on by the idea. As for me, I love how I feel as a eunuch. I have been able to transfer the center of my sexual drive from my balls and the testosterone they used to create....to being a fully mental activity......really powerful for me....and I have enjoyed better sex since killing my nuts. The combination of being poz and being a eunuch has been even a more amazing step to mind-blowing sex. Certainly, I am sure this is not for everyone, but for me, it is EXACTLY what I want.
    1 point
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