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  1. Part 11 - Trapped With Nowhere To Hide By morning he felt worse for wear, confused and not sure where he was. He noticed the reminder on his phone about taking his medication, the tablets though still in his bedroom at home. He crept out of bed and dressed leaving quietly and not disturbing Simon from his sleep. Slipping out of the front doors and opening the gates he walked towards home, eyes darting in every direction expecting Joshua to jump out at the mere rustling of the trees or bushes. He opened the front door and listened for a while, he could clearly hear Charlie getting himself breakfast so he crept upstairs to his bedroom taking a tablet and putting the container in his pocket he thought to grab some clothes unaware his bedroom door was opening slowly, Joshua stood there looking at Conrad. "There you are" Joshua said making Conrad jump out of his skin "I was worried about you baby". Conrad stood frozen to the spot "I missed you Conrad and I know you missed me" Joshua said closing the door. "What..." Conrad stumbled "what are you doing here?" he nervously asked stepping back. Joshua smiled holding his hand out "I'm here for you Conrad, those people at the manor have poisoned you". "Poisoned me?" Conrad asked finding himself staring in to Joshua's eyes that appeared full of love for him. He moved closer "They are trying to break us apart Conrad filling you with lies deceiving you" Joshua soothingly spoke. Conrad was drowning in depth of the eyes looking at him "They are?" he asked watching Joshua nod. "Yes they have been seducing you there, teaching you bad things" Joshua said taking Conrad's hand "Charlie wants us together". Conrad half smiled "He does?" he asked somehow knowing this was right and nodded "of course he does". "You want this as well Conrad, your so alone without me" Joshua said stroking his arm "we need to be together". Conrad sighed "Oh Josh that feels so nice" he said enchanted by his touch. "Conrad, my poor Conrad" Joshua soothed his fears away "no one will ever dirty you again or touch you". He smiled at Joshua "I was wrong to doubt you Josh" he said "you mean everything to me". Joshua nodded "Of course I do Conrad" he said moving his hand along Conrad's arm "I will protect you take you away from the lies". Joshua pulled Conrad close very tenderly kissing him delicately at first 'Just me, I am the only one that matters' he said then locking mouths they kissed deeply. Lost in Joshua's world Conrad slipped treacherously on the ice that was cracking quietly under him, Joshua wanted him and he wanted Joshua, he adored and a feeling of wanting to do anything to keep Joshua close. He wanted to be with him touch that body of his every day. Joshua broke the kiss smiling lovingly "We should start our life together" he said stroking his face. "Oh yes, I want to" Conrad captivated and completely seduced by his eyes and words that he wanted to hear. He lovingly kissed Conrad again "Come with me Joshua" he said kissing his neck "be with me". "Where to?" Conrad asked sighing and moaning lightly at the constant affection being thrown on him. Joshua looked him in the eye "Newcastle, anywhere, far away from people who poison your mind". Conrad nodded "Yes they are poisoning me against you" he said enjoying the warmth from Joshua's body. "That's right Conrad" Joshua said kissing him tenderly "You and me together at last". Conrad stared back at him "Yes" he replied feeling Joshua's lips touching his own kissing him again. "I know you love me and need me Conrad" Joshua spoke stroking his face "get your wallet and lets go, just us". Conrad opened his draw without a second thought retrieving his wallet and putting it in his other pocket, taking Joshua's hand they quietly crept down the stairs opening the front door. Charlie looked up from his breakfast thinking he heard the front door wondering if Joshua or Conrad was up, it he looked at the clock on the wall, still to early he thought. Felix walked in to the bedroom with coffee and saw only Simon sleeping in the bed and assumed Conrad was in the bathroom. Simon woke up and stretched and suddenly bolted upright. "Where is he?" Simon asked jumping out of bed grabbing his clothes panicking. "Bathroom" Felix suggested knocking on the door and looking in "No, I will check the cctv" he said. Simon continued dressing whilst Felix ran out of the room and down to the office checking the footage. Jamal was coming out of his house and saw the door opening to number 8 and strode across the road noticing a dark haired guy who was looking sheepishly around holding Conrad's hand. Jamal smirked at their creeping around knowing that the other person must be this Joshua that Conrad was so taken with, he furrowed his eyebrows thinking that something didn't look right. Unusually Conrad acted and looked at him constantly as if seeking his approval and that he was doing the right thing. "Conrad!" Jamal called out noticing the evil glare he got from Joshua. "Morning Jam" Conrad said smiling "this is Josh" he said pulling Joshua back who was trying to get a move on. Jamal looked strangely at them "What's the rush?" he asked looking at Conrad. "Mind your own business" Joshua sharply replied squeezing Conrad's hand lightly pulling him. Jamal shrugged his shoulders "You promised to let me do the acid testing today" he said looking at Conrad. Conrad looked at him "I can't I am leaving to be with Josh" he replied. "Be quiet!" Joshua said sternly yanking Conrad's arm. Jamal chanced it and threw a word in that he hoped Conrad would react to "I think Jack wanted you to show me the acid test". Conrad stopped and Joshua turned on Jamal "Piss off before I knock you out" he said puffing up his chest. Jamal took a dislike to the way Joshua was treating his friend and stood up to him even though he could see Joshua could easily give him a real pasting. There was something not quite right about this and Jamal was about to open his mouth when the front door opened and Charlie stood there dressed in boxers and a t-shirt. "Josh, Conrad?" Charlie said looking confused "where are you off to so early?" he asked. Conrad looked at Charlie "Josh and I are going to live together" he said looking for Joshua's approval. "Without your belongings?" he said "don't be so stupid Conrad and get back inside" Charlie said. "Conrad has made his mind up to come and live with me, don't get in our way" Joshua said in mild anger at Charlie. Conrad winced from the pain of his hand being squeezed tighter "Let go of me your hurting" he said to Joshua. "Josh what is going on?" Charlie asked stepping out pulling Conrad's arm "let go of him". Joshua turned looking angry "Conrad is coming to live with me" he said pushing Charlie away. "The fuck is he" Charlie replied raising a fist "let him go or you get it". Joshua sniggered "Should have raped you when I had the chance you are not better than Conrad" he let go of Conrad anger rising at being interrupted. Jamal seized the opportunity and jumped on to Joshua's back trying to get him an strangle hold and down to his knees. Joshua leaned forward whilst Charlie pulled Conrad back away from him. Jamal held on being swung around then thrown over Joshua's shoulder landing on his back on the grass quickly followed by a hefty blow to his stomach winding him in pain. Joshua went to grab Conrad but Charlie pushed him back out of the way. Joshua flick punched Charlie in the neck sending his muscles into spasm falling to his knees gasping for air. Conrad stood looking at the scene his head clearing and seeing red when Joshua attacked his brother and friend. He flung himself at anger towards Joshua, quick as a flash his arms grabbed Conrad dragging him towards Conrad's car. Simon heard distant shouting and looked out of the window at the top of the staircase frozen and horrified at what he saw unfolding outside number 8. Yelling for Felix to call the police he bolted out of the manor running fast towards the house. Felix ran out after Simon on the phone making the call his adrenaline rushing and pushing him faster. "Stop it Conrad" Joshua said watching Jamal begin to stand up "it's okay I have you" he said calmly "they don't want you to be happy". Joshua picked Conrad's keys up and unlocked the car "We need to get you away from all these lies" he said. Conrad struggled against him "You hit my brother" he said unable to break free from the tight hold Joshua had on him. "They all loathe you Conrad, jealous of us" Joshua said hugging him harder "I don't, you know that". Joshua held Conrad in a hug stepping back towards the car, using his hand he unlocked the car keeping a eye on Jamal who was back on his feet now helping Charlie who was just getting his breath back still struggling to breathe normally, Charlie tried to hold Jamal back but he went for Joshua again receiving a punch to the face with a horrid thumping sound that flattened Jamal out. Joshua turned angrily to Conrad opening the door and trying force him the back seat. Conrad struggled and managed to push Joshua over on to his back trying to punch him with all his might 'Is that the best you can do?' Joshua mocked overpowering Conrad and getting to his knees pulling Conrad with him and slipping his arm tight around Conrad's neck 'this is how you treat worthless sluts who don't appreciate what they have' he said flexing his bicep. Conrad's hands grabbed on to the arm trying to pull it away feeling the pressure around his neck intensifying. Felix now ran at break neck speed seeing things escalating and getting ahead of Simon, he stopped in front of Joshua and Conrad his face already starting to turn red and struggling to breath. "Come any closer and I break this pretty neck" Joshua said strangely calm looking at Felix. "Calm down" Felix said watching him carefully "don't do this, let Conrad breath" he said very calmly. Joshua kissed Conrad's face "He is mine so go back to your pretty little house and leave us". "You have no where to go, let Conrad go" Simon said catching his breath coming to a stop. Conrad was held firm and his neck was starting to hurt from the pressure exerted by the muscle pressing against it. He looked up and saw Felix standing there clenching his fist wanting to get close but every shuffle of his feet closer caused more pain in his neck. Simon's voice echoed in his head he tried to look at him then gurgled gasping for air, everything seemed so distant and his hand could feel the large bicep cutting in to his neck tightening. Slowly he realised that what Joshua offered him was not going to bode well, at the blunt end of a second aggressive attack on him he was feeling used and betrayed and not loved. His hands fell away from the arm around his neck he just didn't seem to care anymore, he saw his life trapped in a loveless relationship with Joshua using him for his own means. He just wanted this to be over with, the pain to go away then he could be with Jack. His neck hurt, the tightness of the bicep compressing his airway making him feel drowsy. Harry was the only person who had fallen in love with him, he thought so sweetly of the cocky 19 year old seeing the punch then blocking his way along he pavement. "Please Joshua you can have him just release the pressure around his neck" Simon said standing there panicking. Conrad faintly saw Simon feeling the pressure ease in his neck "Take me away" he struggled to say. Joshua smiled "See he wants me not any of you" he said releasing the pressure fully around Conrad's neck. Conrad took a moment regaining control of his senses breathing heavily "I want to go with him" he said winking at Felix. Felix nodded "Let's back off Simon and let them go" he said pulling Simon away and using this thumb to rub Simon's arm. Joshua looked curiously at them still firmly holding on to Conrad watching them slowly move away. Charlie looked angrily at Joshua and went over to Jamal who was coming around dazed and confused by what he was doing on the damp grass looking up at Charlie and chuckling at him dressed in boxers then calling him Conrad. Joshua stood dragging Conrad back to his feet by his neck and moving towards the car. Cautiously Joshua watched them all 'back off' he demanded 'further' he said waiting until they complied. Joshua released Conrad's neck and moving his arm to hold him around the chest, Conrad wriggled and managing to turn and face him 'I love you Josh' Conrad said watching him smile then grunt in agony that showed across his face. Conrad used Felix's teaching and kneed him hard in the balls. Joshua crumpled to his knees, his arms clamped with incredible force around Conrad's waist pulling him down with him. Laying on top of Conrad his arms constricted crushing him against his chest 'If I can't have you no one can' he said viciously and in one last vain attempt to punish Conrad his arms constricted with incredible force around Conrad intent on breaking his back. Felix ran across seeing Conrad raining punches to Joshua's back crying in agonising pain. Felix placed his hands around the pressure points under the arms of Joshua hitting them dead on squeezing digging in deeply, the result caused his hands to release his hold of Conrad allowing him to swiftly land a punch on Joshua's face 'that's for my brother and friend' he cried watching Felix lift Joshua off with ease. Immediately Simon ran over to Conrad lifting him off the ground. "It's over Conrad" Simon said holding him gently against his body. Conrad pushed Simon away "Charlie, Jamal" he suddenly said panicking. "They are bruised but okay" Simon said walking Conrad over to them sitting on the grass. Felix was struggling to hold the demented animal in his hands, he was strong and aggressively pushed Felix back against the car with a loud thud then striking him in the stomach with his elbow winding him. Joshua darted forward making a beeline for Simon and Conrad. Jamal realised what was happening and went into rugby tackle mode running forward with Conrad yelling at him not to. Jamal bent over connecting his shoulder with Joshua's abdomen completely taking him, the speed of Jamal's attack forcing his body to fold over Jamal's shoulder, his feet rising off the ground with Jamal rearing up. Joshua's felt his body flying over his attacker and landing with a hard thud on his back. Jamal tumbled to the floor holding his shoulder. Felix back on his feet ran over pushing Joshua on to his stomach pinning his arms behind his back and holding him still. Simon looked at him "What on earth was you thinking coming back here?" he asked. "Josh was inside the house waiting for me " Conrad said looking around. Simon steered him away from looking at Joshua "You broke up Conrad he doesn't love you any more". "He wanted to take me away, told me you were all lying and poisoning me" Conrad said looking confused". "Shh" Simon said comforting him "Joshua lied to you, he has got in your head Conrad". Conrad remained quite for a moment "My tablets" he suddenly said "I need to take my tablet". "Yes when we get back to the manor" Simon replied "is that why you went home?" he asked. Conrad nodded "Yes" he replied "I never thought he would be there". Two police cars and several neighbours had now appeared watching, fortunately his parents had gone to the Australian embassy early so they didn't see the event unfolding. Jamal had a bloody face that Charlie was trying to clean up. Simon and Felix explained what had transpired and offered to provide the cctv footage from the Saturday night stacking up the evidence against Joshua. An ambulance arrived on the scene and checked over Conrad who was beginning to bruise around his lower back from the incredible force Joshua had used on him. They checked Jamal for concussion and his shoulder which appeared to be okay. Charlie was okay now he was over the spasms in his neck and breathing normally with the help of oxygen. One of the police officers came out of the car and spoke to his duty commander, they seemed to spend a long time talking in the car looking at something and talking on their radios whilst another officer had Joshua restrained in handcuffs. "Why are they talking in the car?" Charlie asked "why can't they just arrest him?" he said looking at Simon. "I am not sure Charlie" Simon replied, watching them now exiting the car and walking towards Joshua. The senior officer approached him "Gary Stevens?" he asked waiting "Are you Gary Stevens?" he asked again. Joshua smirked "There is warrant for your arrest by West Yorkshire police" the senior officer informed him. "I'm confused" Conrad said standing there "who is he?" he asked the other officer. "Gary Stevens, he is wanted for extortion, sexual abuse and stalking and using stolen ID, to name a few" the officer said. The officer looked at Conrad "You had a very lucky escape young man" he said "he has already wrecked two peoples lives". They hauled Joshua towards the car who gave an evil grin to Conrad "You are mine" he sneered "remember that as I will find you". "He is one nasty person" Jamal said with a bruised and bloodied face. Simon hung up his phone and walked towards them "Adam is flying in Conrad" he said. Conrad nodded "Guys come up to the manor with us" Simon said to Charlie and Jamal. Charlie looked at his watch "I am suppose to be back at naval training" he said. "Felix" Simon called to him "Charlie needs to go back to training you still have contacts to arrange it?". "Certainly Simon, are you at Collingwood?" he asked Charlie who nodded "I know the commanding officer". Simon walked over to Jamal "I know we had a bad start but dam you earnt some respect from us" he said. "Thank you Jamal" Felix said hanging up his phone and using his name for the first time. "I'm Charlie his twin brother" Charlie said holding his hand out to Jamal. "Jamal or Jam as most people call me, nice to finally meet you Charlie" Jamal said shaking his hand. Simon suggested Jamal help Charlie with his things and bring him up to the manor. Along with Felix they took a rather shaken Conrad back to the manor. Charlie collected his bags and walked back down the stairs to where Jamal stood patiently waiting. "Thanks" Charlie said still unnerved a little and shaking "for being here to help Con" he said. Jamal shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing "He is becoming a friend and friends do that" he replied. "How did I miss this?" Charlie asked "I spent every day with Joshua for the last few months". "Conrad acted strange Friday night talking about him" Jamal said "like he wasn't all there, you know sort of dreamy and gone". "Really, thank you Jam" Charlie said looking at him "what about you, are you alright?" he asked. Jamal nodded "Yeah nothing like a good rugby tackle to bring them down" he chuckled. Charlie smiled "You certainly moved quickly and hit him with some force" he said giving a bag to Jamal. "Adrenaline rush" Jamal said grinning "had to expel it somehow". Jamal made a second friend in Hibiscus Drive walking up to the manor with Charlie who still had no idea how he was going get back to naval base before 10am having missed the train at 8am. Felix walked in to the lounge carrying warm drinks for everyone "You okay Charlie?" Simon asked. "Yes I'm fine" Charlie replied "a little shocked at Josh or Gary whoever he is". Conrad came in to the room shrouded in a warm dressing gown "Con" Charlie said rushing over to him. "He really had me Charlie" Conrad said shaking his head "you better get off to training" he said smiling. "Are you sure? I can stay with you" Charlie offered hugging him. "I'm sure Charlie, we can speak tonight" Conrad said reassuring him "not a word to mum and dad". Charlie looked at Conrad "Alright, but if they ask I will say he went a bit crazy". They were interrupted by the sound of a helicopter coming in to land down the garden, Jamal rushed over to the window with Charlie and boasted that he cut the grass there and Conrad made him doing it with shears. Charlie looked a little perplexed at first until Jamal said he would tell him why some other time. The tall handsome figure of Adam ran across the lawn up to the house rushing in and stopping seeing the group of people there and Conrad's twin brother. "Thank you Adam" Simon called out to him. Adam spotted Conrad and went over hugging him "Come on let's go and talk" he said. Conrad left with Adam "That is Adam he went through a similar situation" Simon explained to the lads. Felix arrived back in to the room "Are you ready Charlie?" he asked. Charlie nodded "Hope you have a fast car" he joked. Felix smiled "Better than that" he said nodding to the helicopter. "Can I go with him?" Jamal asked looking overly excited, Felix looked at Simon who nodded. "Yes" Felix said then turned to Simon "Back in 40 minutes" and with that the three of them disappeared. Adam sat on the bed in Simon's room with Conrad in his arms, having gone through hours of therapy after his own situation he knew the importance of getting Conrad's head thinking straight quickly, most the conversation was around Jack since that seemed to have most the triggers that Conrad could connect to sensibly. Simon walked in and sat on the bed 'Conrad I think you need to see the footage from Saturday night' he suggested. The three of them went down to Simon's office and watched the events unfolding. The stark reminder seeing Joshua treating him that way hit home and he could see there was no love, a controlling freak that when he saw the footage of him laying on the bed smiling without a care in the world sent shivers of hatred down his spine. The helicopter returned nearly an hour later after Felix agreed from Jamal's persistent nagging to go on a quick sightseeing trip, he got permission to fly over the Isle of Wight and along the Solent before turning in land back to Hibiscus manor. Adam kissed Conrad on the head knowing he had to leave and get back to London. "I will take you away in a couple of weeks Conrad" Adam said hugging him again. Conrad smiled "I would like that". Simon nodded "God knows he needs a break after the last few months, use the villa in Sardinia". Adam raised an eyebrow looking at Simon "Seriously?" he asked in a surprised voice "thank you Simon". "And you call me no matter what time Conrad" Adam said looking at him. Adam looked a Simon "I have a couple of weeks off in two weeks time" he said. "Leave it with me Adam" Simon said kissing him on the cheek "thank you for coming". Adam walked out bumping in to Jamal who was keen to get back to see Conrad. A fleeting glance and a nod was all but it was enough to cause Adam to look turn his head and smile at the back of Jamal checking his arse out. He was to busy to even really notice the look Adam gave him and headed straight over to Conrad sitting next to him. Adam climbed in to the helicopter and sent a text to Moham instructing him to give Harry some time off. Moham walked with his valet to the limousine waiting for Harry to sort his bags out. It was timed perfectly since Harry had confessed on the flight back from New York that he was feeling a little exhausted. Moham dropped Harry off at his flat insisting that he took some time off to recharge his batteries. Reluctantly he agreed and the more he thought about it the more the idea was growing on him. Chilling out in Sardinia sounded perfect especially with Adam to talk to and at a private villa. Jamal spent every day and evening with Conrad talking a lot about gardening and Jack since Simon asked him to keep on those specific subjects that Conrad could easily relate to. Each day Conrad returned to a sense of normality, Charlie came home at the weekend and with Conrad they set off to the airport to see their parents off. The sale of the house was all done and now belonged to Conrad. They both promised to fly over to see them in the summer when they had got settled in. Returning home seemed strange, only a few photos of them as a family along the staircase served as a reminder. Simon knocked on the door knowing how hard it must have been for both of them and insisted they come to the manor for dinner and stay over if they wanted. During dinner Charlie confessed he was unsure about him moving to Australia, he couldn't face leaving his long term girlfriend Serena or Conrad and had discussed it with his parents a few days earlier. He was told to make his own decision and they would be happy with what ever he decided, Charlie had practically decided since he loved Serena and wanted to settle down with her. Charlie stayed over for the first time at the manor in one of the guest bedrooms. Conrad slipped in to Simon's room who was sitting up in bed reading. "How are you feeling?" Simon asked watching him get naked and slip in to bed with him. Conrad sighed "Okay I think, never thought this day would come" he said sounding fed up. "Your not fooling me what is it?" Simon asked putting his book down. Conrad looked at him "I may have done something bad" he confessed pausing "to Jamal". "You been fighting again?" Simon asked chuckling. "No" Conrad smiled "the Friday night before you know he got me high on weed then fucked me" he said "twice". Simon laughed "Didn't take you long to go there" he replied "did he force you to smoke it?" he asked. Conrad looked at him "Maybe a little but I didn't protest, he breathed it into me". "Oh shotgun kiss" Simon smiled "I use to do that gets your extremely high" he said chuckling. Conrad looked shocked then laughed "I'm not hooked on it and didn't really know what I was doing". Simon was chuckling away happily "So what then?" he asked "you sort of smoked a joint, big deal". "No that wasn't it" Conrad said his expression changing "I fucked Jamal and banged a load in him". Simon raised an eyebrow "Ah, when did you start your medication?" he asked. Conrad shook his head in embarrassment "Saturday morning" he confessed. Simon looked at him "You are a devious little man" he said smiling and kissing him. "How can you say that?" Conrad asked "don't you know what it could mean?". "Oh yes" Simon replied "your no better than me now" he laughed "don't worry I am sure it is okay". Conrad slapped Simon hard on his chest and straddled across him "I am so angry with you right now". Simon laughed "You have double standards Conrad" he said "so did you enjoy it though fucking him?". Conrad smiled "Yes, not because of that" he replied "I got so turned on fucking a guy". Conrad reached behind sliding his hand towards Simon's arse "I think I found a new meaning to sex". "Oh no!" Simon chuckled grabbing his hand "no way, you are my guilty pleasure to fuck". Conrad kissed his chest moving up to his face "Is that so?" he asked teasing his lips. Simon pushed a finger in to Conrad's arse feeling his body react "The dynamic of us is fine as it is". He only managed to get the last word out of his mouth before Conrad kissed him hard. Simon had the upper hand pulling his finger out and reaching for his already throbbing cock he moved it towards Conrad's arse. Rubbing it against the crack until a trickle of precum escaped reducing the friction and gliding up towards the prize, Simon moaned feeling the head of his cock being enveloped by that sweet hole. Conrad moaned and wriggled his arse feeling the shaft pushing his hole apart even more, the head easing it's way further inside. Conrad looked down at Simon and breathed deeply allowing his arse to fall gently downwards all the way, gasping the deeper it went until he sat up fully impaled. Simon reached up and ran his hands across Conrad's chest and stomach, finally clasping him just above the hips coercing Conrad to ride him. Slowly and with an admiring affection Conrad ground his hips whilst Simon pushed up and down gently, their bodies connecting moving as one, short gasps of pleasure escaping Conrad's lips. Conrad rolled his head back feeling every movement Simon made under him, the calmness and peace that reigned between them allowing them both to enjoy the sensuality and closeness. Conrad felt an overwhelming sense of security within a place and person he could trust and be safe with. Their eyes engaging through the depth of their connection was enough to stir Simon's body in to orgasm. Conrad felt Simon's cock almost expand and get even harder inside him. His hips pushed up rising off the bed getting deeper inside, at the same time his hands pulled Conrad down feeling the jolts of Simon's cock and the warming sensation entering his body. He closed his eyes rolling his head back pushing down harder feeling his own cock bouncing up and down in excitement spewing it's load all over Simon's chest and stomach. His hips pushed up higher throwing Conrad forward their mouths meeting in one long sensual kiss. Conrad laid in his arms the exhilaration running through his body, a feeling he once felt with Joshua but very lacking in their last encounter. He felt Joshua had rejected him and just wanted to use him, a feeling that hurt inside having given him so much affection. He wondered if this was how Harry felt, Harry he thought to himself feeling his cock stirring again imagining fucking and looking in to his eyes. "Someone feels horny again" Simon said stroking his back. Conrad leaned up "I was thinking of Harry wondering what it would be like to fuck him". Simon slapped his arse "You top someone once and now you want to keep going" he said chuckling. Conrad rolled on to his back laying next to Simon "What do I do about Jamal?" he asked. "Nothing" Simon replied "partly his fault for getting you stoned unless you intended to get him". "Not at all" Conrad said stroking Simon's leg "sex was not even on the cards, it just happened". Simon smiled and looked at him "Public school boys don't know how to say no" he said surprising Conrad. "What is that suppose to mean?" Conrad asked stroking Simon's balls. "Exactly that" Simon replied "randy buggars the lot of them" he said moaning softly. Conrad tugged at his ball sack gently "Is that from experience of guessing?" he asked. "Experience" Simon chuckled "hell I fucked some cute guys at school in my last year". Conrad rolled on to his back smiling "You are full of surprises" he said. Simon leaned over and kissed Conrad "No, just full of cum and I need to fuck you again". Conrad rolled his eyes "Go on then" he said smiling at Simon slipping on top of him. Conrad stopped Simon before he penetrated him again "Is this classified as overtime?" he asked jokingly. Simon shook his head laughing "Dam Conrad" he said kissing him "so much of Jack has rubbed off on you". Hearing those words brought a surge of emotion up in Conrad "I feel like I am replacing him" he said. "Almost" Simon said kissing him on the neck "now shut up and let me breed you, you talk way too much". Conrad clawed at Simon's arse pulling him in.
    14 points
  2. 9. Out on the street my Super sent me the video he had taken on Scruff. I watched it with the sound off, my cock throbbed. I downloaded it and sent it to Sir right away with an apology for not responding to his text fast enough. His response came almost immediately telling me not to be sorry for taking a fat cock and to hurry off to my appointment. Sir must know every top in the area I thought, realizing that the address he’d sent wasn’t that far from my apartment either. I didn’t even need to take the train. Checking Google to make sure I knew where I was going, I headed off. My hole was getting sore from all the abuse, and walking it felt swollen. I didn’t care though, I had one mission and that was to please Sir. The address was an average looking five floor walkup. I buzzed the number Sir had given me, glad that it was on the second floor, and started up. I knocked and a young guy opened it. He wasn’t my usual type, tall and skinny with thick framed glasses. He had a kind of crooked smile that gave him a very earnest look to him. He was probably twenty-five but he seemed younger. “C’mon in,” he said with a slight drawl. “So, you’re Sir’s new toy. He always picks cute ones.” As he spoke he pulled off his shirt to reveal a thin but very hairy torso, and tight pierced nipples. “I’m Rodger,” another lopsided grin. “How long has Sir been training you new boy?” “Two day, well I guess three? I met him three nights ago, but yesterday was my first day of… training.” “Fuck, you’re in the throes of you cum lust. I remember when Sir cunted me last year that first week I couldn’t do anything but get fucked. He gets in your head and shows you what you need.” “Sir cunted you, but you’re a top right,” I asked. Rodger laughed, his teeth while very white were slightly crooked. “Sir, well um, Sir made me learn to top. He said my cock was too good to go to waste swinging between my legs while I get bred, so he had me learn on his boys. Now I’m vers but I’m always Sir’s cunt when he wants it. But, my journey into topping is not what’s important right now. What is important is your cunting. Strip.” I was getting use to this command. I pulled my shirt off, kicked off my shoes and dropped my shorts. Rodger dropped his shorts too and I understood what Sir had meant by too good to waste. He hadn’t been wearing any underwear and now his soft cock hung like a challenge in front of me. He had to be almost as thick as my Super and just a little bit longer. Standing naked together he started to get hard. “Come into the bedroom,” he said, gesturing towards an open door. We walked in and he immediately grabbed me. Kissing my roughly, he pressed his tongue into my mouth and I melted into him. His cock was growing, pressed between our bodies. I could feel its heat rising. He pushed me back onto the bed and I could see that my hole would not be getting a rest during this fuck. He really was slightly longer than my super and just as thick. I was going to be destroyed. “Sir told me you just got bred?” “Yeah, I found my Super on Scruff and he fucked me in the basement laundry room.” “Fuck that’s hot. How big was he?” “Only a little smaller than you.” “Perfect I won’t have to warm you up. Get your legs in the air.” This was my life now, and I loved it. I grabbed my ankles and exposed my wet cunt to this perfect stranger. “Perfect,” he said and rubbed the blunt fat head of his cock on my hole. Just like all the other one big drop of spit and he started to press in. I moaned and my hole opened wide for him. “Fuck this cunt is perfect. The last boy Sir sent me I had to spend an hour working him open.” “How many boys does Sir have?” I asked slightly breathlessly as he slowly slide the last of his cock into me. “Three, including me. Well,” he pulled out and slammed back in “four now. I’ve helped train the last two. One and a half I guess. The last guy didn’t make it through the week.” He was fucking me now and I could only half listen to him. I was in my happy place. “The week?” I asked, panting a little. “Yeah, Sir started sending him out to friends and he couldn’t take it. He gave up.” “Fuck, I can’t imagine wanting to give up. I’ve never felt more myself.” “That is because you’re a cum dump. So am I. This is what we were meant to be.” Rodger leaned forward and kissed me, shoving his cock deep in me. I felt like putty in his hands as his fat cock stretched my cunt and his tongue slipped into my mouth. I hoped that Sir would let him fuck me often. As it turns out Rodger and I would fuck almost as often as Sir and I. I didn’t know it then but he was to become my best friend and partner is load taking. Breaking the kiss Rodger started to fuck me harder. He held onto my ankles forcing my legs back and my ass higher. He drilled down into my cum filled hole. I clenched and ass around him, trying to draw him deeper inside. “God your fucking cunt feels so good.” “Breed me. Fill me up.” Locking eyes with me a wicked grin came across Rodgers face as he leaned close to me and then spit right into my mouth. I was a little shocked but it turned me on all the same. “Please Sir, fill my cunt!” “Fucking cum dump faggot! Take this fucking load!” Rodger forced his cock still deeper in me and held still as his cock throbbed. For what felt like ages he held me there as he unloaded deep inside me. “Fuck that feels so good. Thank you.” “Don’t thank me yet. I’ve got at least one more in me,” and with that he started pounding me even harder my ass leaking cum around his shaft.
    12 points
  3. Hunter noticed that Chris always ended up on top of Tyler. This was how they would fuck he decided. He pulled off his shirt and reached back to the side table and said, "You boys want lube? I'll just set it here if you do." He put the bottle on the bed near them. Chris and Tyler looked over to him and at the bottle and Hunter knew what was going through their minds. "Youve never used lube have you?" The boys shook their heads. "We just cum from rubbing against each other" Tyler said. "We dont need it." "Youve never jerked each other off or anything? You could also use it if you take things further. You know, maybe if you decide to fuck." He left it there. But he did notice that Tyler seemed to be lingering on Hunter's chest. It was hairier than the boys. Maybe Tyler liked older hairy guys. He would test that later. "You boys make a lot of precum anyway so maybe you could use that as lube." The hits were working on Chris and he saw that Hunter was creating an opening for him to push Tyler to do more. He grabbed the bottle of lube and raised himself to his knees. Tyler raised himself onto his elbows looking at Chris. Chris flipped open the top and poured a little of the lube onto his hand. He put it up to his nose and smelled it. Nothing. He looked into Tyler's eyes and grabbed Tyler's cock. He began to stroke Tyler's cock covering it with the lube. Tyler sank down and moaned. Stroking his cock never felt so good. Hunter saw an opportunity and grabbed the pipe and torch. Tyler opened his eyes when he heard the click and again raised himself up. Hunter knew he had him. He put the lit pipe up to Tyler's mouth. "Let's see how big a hit you can take." He turned to Chris. "Try that lube on your cock." He winked. They both knew this could happen. He pulled the pipe away and told Tyler to hold the hit longer. Hunter and Chris could see something changing in Tyler's eyes. After he exhaled, Tyler took another big hit. Chris poured lube directly on his cock and started stroking. It felt amazing. "How are you feeling Ty?" Chris asked knowing that something had changed. Tyler was still holding his second hit and nodded. But when he blew the cloud out, he moaned. "This feels really good." Tyler looked down at Chris' cock glistening with lube and rock hard. He wanted that cock more than usual. He couldnt expain it. Chris took two hits and he could feel that he was hornier than he had ever been before. He wanted to fuck. Without Hunters prompting, Chris leaned down to Tyler and shotgunned his second hit. Hunter stepped back as they made out with more passion than before. Hunter noticed that Tyler's legs were wrapped around Chris' waist. He moved to the foot of the bed and saw that Tylers hole was exposed. Chris' balls hung down but Hunter could still see that tight smooth virgin hole. He grabbed the bottle of lube and poured some on his fingers. He crawled up onto the bed behind Chris. He crouched down and with his middle finger he teased the outside of Tylers hole and pressed his hole without pushing into him. He felt the heat of the boys hole and the moan from Tyler even muffled by Chris' mouth was loud. Chris had no idea what was happening but he liked that Tyler seemed to be loosening up. He moaned in response into Tylers mouth. Hunter tried to push things further. He lubed up his middle finger again and rubbed Tylers hole beginning to use a little more force until he began to feel the boys hole open for the finger. He felt the tightness of the hole wrap around the tip of his finger. Tyler moaned and unwrapped his legs from Chris and spread them out all while still locked in a kiss. Hunter knew what this meant. He pushed slowly in further without stopping knowing how much Tyler wanted this. And more. He found Tylers spot and began to rub inside him. "What? Oh my...that...what?" Chris pulled up and looked behind him. Hunter slowly pulled his finger out so Chris wouldnt sit on his arm. "I think its time Tyler." Hunter smiled. He always loved this moment watching a boy lose his virginity to another virgin. All with his guidance. Tyler nodded. Hunter grabbed the pipe and torch and gave them to Chris. "I want you guys to do this yourselves this time. Big hits. You can do it. In the meantime, you mind if I get naked?" This was the next step in crossing the lines that they had already established. Hunter told them he wouldnt join in the play but that was just to get them into his bed. Both Chris and Tyler nodded. It didnt matter if they were nodding about the hits or Hunter getting naked or both. They were all going to enjoy this. The boys took their hits with Chris lighting the pipe each time. It was almost sweet how Chris took care of Tyler like that. Little did they know. Hunter could see that the increased high was making them hornier and hornier. They were looking at each other during and after the hits like they had forgotten that Hunter was even there. Chris set the pipe and torch on the bedside table and looked over at Hunter who was naked and fully hard. "Woah Hunter. Youre huge." "You boys like it?" Tyler turned after hearing Chris' observation and his mouth was agape. "I'll take your silence as a yes." "Hey" said Tyler. "Whats with the biohazard tattoo? You a chemist or something?" They all chuckled. They were talking about the tattoo just above Hunter's 9 inch cut and dripping cock. "A chemist? Something like that."
    11 points
  4. Last school year, I was regularly getting fucked by a cute eighteen-year-old, black twink I met on Grindr. He is commuting from a town about 40 miles away rather than living in the dorm this year, so we haven’t been able to hookup since I can only host late at night. He hit me up On Grindr in the early afternoon asking if I was free to take his load. I told him that I couldn’t get away from campus, but he could come fuck me in my office. He responded, “Fuck yeah!” College boys get off on fucking the prof in his office; I don’t get it, but whatever makes them hard is good for me. He showed up, and I put a note on my door. We both got naked, and I bent over the desk. He lubed up with a packet of lube I had in my briefcase and slid inside. He’s not super hung just a little above average. I did notice in the five months since we last hooked up that his stamina has improved; he gave me a nice fucking and blasted a huge load inside me. I am sitting at my desk with a cummy hole and an improved attitude. Hopefully, we can do this again.
    4 points
  5. Helping my sister move from Washington to Arizona was not how I wanted to spend my spring break, but being the loving brother that I am, I forewent the parties and potential tail to drive a U-Haul 1,000 miles while she followed in her car. We were driving down I-5 in Oregon when her check engine light came on, so we stopped at a Taco Bell to assess the situation and get some dinner. The guy behind the counter was a flirty 19 year old blonde kid who, while serving us, kept smiling at me, and after we ordered our meal, he proceeded to wipe down every (already clean) table close to ours in the otherwise deserted restaurant. Knowing what was up, I excused myself and headed to the bathroom. I was standing at the urinal with my cock hanging out when Blondie walks into the bathroom. He threw the deadbolt and walked towards me, making eye contact the entire time. Coming up behind me, he looked over my shoulder at my hard cock and gave a half-whimper, half-sigh. I smiled and turned, whereupon he dropped to his knees. The kid had skills, managing to swallow half of my thick uncut cock without choking, and bobbing up and down on my cock all the while frantically clawing at the front of his uniform, trying to free his own rod. After he had slobbered all over my knob for a minute, I grabbed his arms and lifted him to his feet. Reluctantly he stood-up, all the while trying to suckle at my cock. I grabbed his pants, opened his fly, pushing this trousers and boxers to his ankles in no time at all. His cock was respectable and rock hard, but I didn't really care as his ass was my principal interest. I turned him toward the sink and gazed at his perky bubble butt which was covered in light blonde fur. He bent over and spread his cheeks, inviting my inspection. Naturally I dove right in, tasting soap and boy sweat, as I munched on his tight, pink little pucker. He groaned in pleasure, but adding "I don't have a lot of time." "This won't take long" I replied, standing up and lining-up my pole with his hole, applying just a a little pressure to gauge his response. "Do it man, fuck me dude. Shove that big cock in my hole, please. I wanna finish my shift with your cum leaking outta me." With that he pushed back, his tight little hole opening wide to swallow my cock. He grunted as his ass slammed into my hips, and then we both simultaneously groaned. As I began to plow him, his hole tightened back up, and he grabbed the sink counter to steady himself as I grabbed his hips for better leverage. Using only our combined spit for lube, I was going to town on his young hole, not that I needed to worry: I can always tell when a hole has had practice, and this guy was no virgin. I briefly wondered who else has left his load in this sexy stud. His father? An older brother? Truckers who have stopped at the restaurant for tacos? It became a moot thought as I neared my orgasm. "Where do you want my load, boy?" "Inside me! Cum in my ass please!" "You want this poz load up your hole?" His hands reach behind me and pull me tighter into him, as his ass clenched down on my cock, crooning "Fuck that's hot man! Breed me with your poison jizz." That was all I need to hear and I started to shoot. Four or five spurts later I could feel his ass contracting in the tell-tale way that meant he had just shot all over to sink. I pulled out and before I can reach for the paper towels, he whipped around and swallowing my softening cock, cleaning up the leftover toxic cum clinging to it. Then as I watched, while tucking myself into my pants, he turns back to the sink and cleaned-up his own leftover mess. As I turned to leave, he smiled at me, cum still glistening on his lips. "Thanks" he said, panting and looking up at me like a little puppy. "No, thank you." I replied, leaving him there to put himself back together.
    4 points
  6. I think I only made it to the Chicago Eagle once (I was a Sidetrack Ho... give me my showtunes!) but did get to Man’s Country quite a few times in my last few years in Chicago. That was where I was fucked by the biggest dick I’ve ever had (from memory... a skinny black guy with an enormous cock. I would guess he was over 10 inches but obviously didn’t measure). He choked me with his cock but I was struggling to take him. When he started manuevering to fuck me, I was terrified (he was too big I thought)... but he did a kind of corkscrew manuever and slid right in. I was in shock... and in major lust. I would have married that man... too bad I never got his name. LOL. The other thing I remember about Man’s Country is that it is one of the places that I may have been pozzed. I had lost a lot of weight and was enjoying my new attractiveness. Well, attractiveness may be the wrong word. I was still not attractive enough to get picked up at Sidetrack very often.. but I was attractive enough that people would happily fuck me in a bathhouse. I’m not sure if that was where my pozzing happened, but there were a lot of potential candidates.
    3 points
  7. Part 5 Jackson awoke his body awash with sensation a burning pleasure like nothing his brain had felt before like every nerve in his body had been rewired for his gratification, he let out a low guttural moan that. his new eyes took in the glory of his new form his skin was now a slate gray taught over rippling muscle as if all his body fat had been drained away in the transformation. the black veins spider-webbing across his body throbbing with a toxic green light carrying his makers gift of corruption though him to where the change was not yet total. The once blond hair on his chest was now coal black his eyes wondered downwards. the carefully cultivated treasure trail down his abs that had been many a womans downfall led his eyes to the improved weapon that too was beginning to rise from its slumber. his cock once a respectable 8 inch of thick meat had doubled in size and seemed to be showing no signs of stopping as it swelled with his new toxic blood. Movement in the darkness caught his eye and he turned his head; he was on an examination table in what looked like a laboratory across from him in what once had been a containment room he could see shapes writhing in the dim light he could see body's inter-tangled some pushed up against the glass illuminated in all their glory by brief flashes of red light he saw his new toxic brothers enjoying each other in every way possible and could just make out the cacophony of grunts and moans. their own perfect forms practically swimming in the oily corrupted cum they must have slipped into each other Jackson licked his lips and went to rise to join them in their orgy of debaucherus' pleasure. when a hand rested on his chest, he looked up into the eyes of his maker Jackson let out a mewl of need as that touch sent waves of pleasure running though him the creature nodded once. Jackson lay back down his eyes no leaving his maker the thing moved between his feet hanging over the edge of the slab its hands reached up and gripped his ankles it pulled, Jackson's form slid down the slab his ass now hanging over the edge exposed and vulnerable. Jackson let out a whimper as the thing lowered its head and slowly licked its way up his body its massive toxic cock carefully positioned to nudge at his hole to tease its new convert with more of his maker's gift. It licked its way up his engorged throbbing cock causing a moan to escape the younger creature's mouth the maker smiled and moved up his new creations tight abs and chest taking a moment to tease the nipples Jackson bucked and squealed from the sensation impaling itself of the makers iron hard rod just a little enough for the head to slip into his velvety shoot. Both creatures went still for a moment at the sensation they locked eyes Jackson noticed the feral glee sparkling in the thing's obsidian gaze seeing his new self-reflected there a helpless sacrifice to his and his makers perverted lusts Jackson nodded giving himself now and forever over fully to his new creator. the maker let out a growl of dominance and drove into Jackson in one fluid motion its balls slapping against his ass, Jackson's black eyes bulged with the sensation expecting pain but feeling none, the pleasure was almost too much for his new brain and nerves to process, then the maker drew back and did it again and again speeding up Jackson's form bucked like a rag-doll under the assault his head snaping back and forth caught in a perpetual scream of ecstasy his legs wrapped around his maker trying to force the creature deeper their mouths met and Jackson screamed his elation into his maker their tongues entwined. They rolled and fell to the hard tile flood and for a moment they separated laying on their back's eyes looking at the ceiling before his maker pounced again flipping him over on to his stomach he felt the weight come down on him then the slick sensation of his maker invading his insides once more Jackson howled with pleasure pushing back onto the invading dick milking as best as he could, wanting no needing more of the pure toxic strain to make him stronger faster better than others, he felt the steel rod in him swell again and knew he was about to get his desire. His maker let out that keening scream he remembered from his first time and the searing heat burned though him again pulse after pulse of it his brain somehow knew this time would seal his transformation would lock him into this new perfect form and he whimpered under his maker no going back this was his life now and he had no regrets. The creature pulled out of him leaving him feeling empty and turned him over looking down into its creations eyes it leaned down and griped either side of his face its hands gentle thumbs creasing his temples it leaned down further and kissed Jackson almost tenderly, without breaking the kiss it crawled up his form and settled on Jackson's tight muscled chest it leaned back exposing its ass . the creatures hand moved down to Jackson's hole now leaking its toxic continence onto the cold floor it scooped it up and rubbed it around its twitching hole fingers easily slipping inside causing it to moan into Jackson's mouth, it scooped up more toxic cum from the pool and dripped it down Jackson's rock hard cock satisfied it manoeuvred the young creatures newly changed and charged cock to its own hole pushed back it slid down the length one agonisingly slow inch at a time. Jackson let out a moan his eyes rolling back in his head he lay twitching with pleasure his brain overloaded by the sensation and the pleasure of the change only a few seconds later Jackson's cock exploded rope after rope of black oily cum deep into his makers bowls, the creature chuckled darkly and patted the bio-hazard sign forming from the black veins on Jackson's chest knowing it had created a work of art in this one. The creature waited for its new creation to be able to move again and helped him rise the maker gestured to an open-door way Jackson knew in his being it was time to hunt time to get him his first meal of pure untainted cum an image of his team mates appeared in his mind and he licked his lips his veins pulsing toxic green light faster in anticipation.
    3 points
  8. Well Progress is going well. We got the new Roomie to pose for a photo so he could post it on some dating app. I wonder how long it will be before I tap that tight boy pussy and breed him. Filling him full of my toxic seed. I know he drinks a lot and tends to black out, Maybe I should just take him when he black's out after drinking. I am sure if we get photo's of him with a cock in his mouth and one deep in his ass he will be willing to let us do as we want to him.
    2 points
  9. Sorry for the delay guys. Its been a rough couple weeks so its been hard to be in the right mindset to write something for you all. Hopefully part 3 will come soon. Thanks for reading! Part 2 It didn't even take 20 minutes to get to Hunter's house. It was barely off campus nearby Chris' dorm. The neighborhood Hunter lived in was one where each house sat alone far enough from the others that you could probably go days or even weeks without seeing anyone else. Tall trees acted as fences between property meaning you couldn't even see into your neighbors windows. These streets were not for pedestrians. Tyler and Chris were walking in the street as they looked for the mailbox with Hunter's house number on it. Hunter's home looked well kept but not fancy. There were no decorative elements that welcomed them as they walked up the driveway and up to his front door. "Ready?" Chris asked Tyler. Both were suddenly very nervous. Chris almost hoped that Tyler would say something that would force them to turn back before they rang the doorbell. But before Tyler could say a word, Hunter opened the door. The boys were jarred back to attention as they looked from each other back to the door, now open with Hunter standing in front of them. He looked older than they thought he would be but there was something welcoming and kind in his smile that they both followed him into the living room just off the front door. "Take a seat boys. Can I get you anything? Water? Juice? Beer?" Both shook their heads no as they sat down on one of the couches. They hadn't actually spoken since the door opened. "Is everything ok? Just nervous or did you forget to tell me that youre both mute?" The boys laughed nervously. Chris said, "Yeah. We've never done this before. Everything is new so thats probably it." "Like I said guys. I've never done this either so we're all in it together. If you are having second thoughts I totally understand if you would feel better leaving now before anything happens." Hunter had done this enough times to know how to put teen virgins at ease. Take it slow. Be patient. Act like you dont care either way. "No it's good. Right Tyler?" Tyler nodded "Yeah it's cool." "Then should we go into the bedroom? We don't have to sit here awkwardly if we dont want." This seemed to break the tension. The boys knew that once they were naked with each other they would forget that they were at a strangers house doing something they would be sent to hell for. They all got up and the boys followed Hunter into one of his bedrooms. There was a bed with sheets and pillows, another couch nearby and a big screen TV with porn already playing. The shades were all drawn and there were no lights on. "This ok?" Hunter was pointing at the screen with a group scene of guys of different ages. Chris and Tyler mostly watched porn with scenes of two guys. Three at the most. They nodded as they watched unable to look away. "Yeah I can tell you're liking it." Hunter chuckled as he sat down on the couch. The boys were at the foot of the bed watching the group all naked with some making out and others sucking cock. WIthout saying anything, the boys started touching each other. It didn't take long before they were making out and laying down on the bed. "Nice boys." The two looked up and over at Hunter. They had almost forgotten he was there. There was a moment of hesitation. The nerves returned mixed with the realization that a fantasy they had was actually happening. Hunter knew this was a good time to start pushing them. "Why don't you get naked? You look like you have great bodies." They started to strip as they did when they were alone together. Tyler was getting more excited as he thought back to all of the fantasies he had as a high school kid back home imagining a man sitting near his bed as Hunter sat near them now. Their making out became more passionate and soon their bodies were writhing against each other. Hunter was rubbing his hard cock through his shorts but knew to restrain himself. "You boys are hot." His words barely registered over the moaning between the boys. He reached over to the side table on one side of the bed and pulled a pipe and torch out of the drawer. He had it all set up before the boys showed up but played it all down. The boys did hear the click of the torch and paused to see where it was coming from. "You boys mind?" White smoke began to fill the bulb at the end of the pipe. "What are you doing?" Neither boy had seen this before though had heard from friends in high school and in their dorms about getting high. "Pot?" Hunter took a big hit and let out a huge cloud of smoke before responding. He had to hold in a laugh. So these boys had never even seen pot before. This would be too easy. "Not quite. It's called t. You boys look so comfortable so I figured I would need something to calm my nerves since I guess I'm the only one who still needs to calm down about all of this." "Oh that calms you down?" Chris said. "Pot does that too I heard." "You boys are welcome to try it. It usually gets me hornier and opens my mind too." He was looking at Chris as he said this knowing that what the boy wanted more than anything was to fuck Tyler. He could tell Chris was curious. "I don't know. I think we're ok" Tyler finally spoke up. "No problem. More for me. Do you boys mind if I do a little more?" Tyler just shook his head and turned his attention back to Chris. But Chris was still watching Hunter as he took another hit. Something about the cloud that Hunter blew out intrigued Chris. "You sure?" Chris asked Tyler. Hunter knew to stay out of it and just watch. He knew where this was going. "We could just try a little this once and see. When are we ever going to get a chance to try something like this again?" Chris pressed his cock a little harder onto Tylers as he said it. Hunter could see what Chris was doing and was impressed. Chris was clearly the dirty one of the two. Tyler still seemed like a scared boy. He could change that if given the chance. Tyler looked at Hunter who took one more hit. The bulge in his shorts was hard to miss. It looked big. Tyler noticed that Hunter didnt look like the hits had changed him all that much. Maybe it wasnt too strong and one hit wouldnt hurt. He looked back at Chris who gave him that look that said come on lets just try. He gave in. "Ok, I guess I will if you will." Hunter smiled. "Nice boys. Why don't we get you two to sit up against the headboard and I can show you what to do." The boys pulled apart from each other, pre cum glistening against both of their abs which made Hunters cock twitch in his shorts. He got up on the bed and kneeled between their legs facing them. They are beautiful he thought. This would be fun. "Ok, so I use this torch to melt whats inside and then once you see smoke I'll tell you to inhale. Dont stop until I tell you. Then hold it for a little and blow it out. Ok?" They nodded. Hunter could see they were getting nervous. Everything scared these boys. This would change that. He put the pipe up to Tylers mouth first. Tyler hesitated. He wanted Chris to go first. But he was too deep in now and just let it go. He watched as Hunter put the torch up to the bulb and then opened his mouth to the pipe when Hunter pushed it softly against his lipe. "Go ahead and inhale." Hunter loved the sight of a boy taking his first hit. There were only a few things sexier. After a few moments Hunter told him to stop and hold it for a second. He pulled the pipe away and said, "Go ahead and let it go." Tyler blew out the cloud. Medium sized. A good hit. "Do one more and then we'll get your buddy here." "Wha-" Tyler couldnt get the whole question out before Hunter told him to inhale. "Good boy. A little more now." This would be a bigger hit. The boy was doing well for his first time. He pulled the pipe away and told him to hold it a little longer than the first time. "Ok now let it go." Tyler did the same and he began to feel something new as he released a bigger cloud. A sensation in his body and somehow in his brain. It felt good and instinctively, he brought his hand to his cock. Hunter turned to Chris. "Ready?" Chris could see that something was happening to Tyler that made him hornier. He nodded and took the pipe in his mouth for his first hit. Hunter was getting so horny just watching these boys getting high. He was so lost in his thoughts that he left the pipe in Chris's mouth longer than he realized. It hit Chris immediately. As soon as he let out a big cloud he said, "Wow..." Hunter put the pipe up to his mouth one more time and then leaned over to whisper into the ear further away from Tyler. "I'm going to make sure you get to fuck your boy today. Dont you worry boy." Chris's eyes got bigger and even though Tyler couldnt hear what Hunter said, it worried him. What secrets were they sharing already? Chris held his second hit in and then let out another big cloud. These boys are naturals Hunter thought. "How you boys feeling? You up for doing a couple more?" Tyler was still thinking about seeing Hunter whisper something to Chris but before he could really think about it, Chris said, "Yeah a couple more wont hurt." Tyler just went along. After all the first couple hits felt good and he liked what he was feeling even with the nervousness. "Ok this time youre going to do whats called a shotgun. I'm going to give one of you a hit and when you are ready to let it go I want you to blow it into the mouth of the other ok? So the other will inhale it like a hit too. Ready?" If it meant they would be touching each other and linking mouths they were up for it. He put the pipe back up to Chris's mouth and made him take another big hit. "Ok now hold it for a second and lean over to Tyler and blow it into his mouth. Then Tyler you hold it in before blowing it back out." Chris leaned over to Tyler and Hunter watched as they opened their mouths toward each other. Chris blew the hit into Tylers mouth and then they started making out again. Soon smoke was coming out of their mouths. Tyler must have needed to let it go. Their kissing was even more passionate than before. Hunter had the boys do one more shotgun this time with Tyler taking the hit from the pipe. He gave Tyler his biggest hit yet and then moved off the bed. "Ok, when you boys are ready just go back to what you were doing before." They didnt need to be told more than once. The shotgun led to kissing and soon the boys were rolling around the bed grabbing onto each other and rubbing themselves all over each other. Hunter took one more hit and put the pipe down. Yes, this was going to be fun. And easy.
    2 points
  10. I speak of my experience because I feel I am not alone. I have zero regrets and I know I did nothing wrong. I speak of the relationship with my dad like I do with my gifter. As a matter of fact. It may give other men insight on who I am and how I got here.
    1 point
  11. I go to a gym that has an affiliation with some local hotel, so we get the occasional out of town businessman coming by for a workout. Or more often they just come to the locker room to get picked up in the steamroom/sauna. One evening it was pretty dead. I was lounging by myself in the sauna (post workout) when in walked a handsome stud I had never before seen. Stocky, Italian-looking guy, furry chest, probably in his 40's. Since I always see the same faces in the locker room, I had this guy pegged as one of those stray business men who was wandering astray. He took a seat across from me, still keeping his towel tightly fastened around his waist. I nodded a brief "hello" and went back to my 'relaxation'. I decided to let things unfold naturally. I sat quietly, with my eyes closed and my legs spread. No towel on. I'd let him get a show, and then sneak a peek at what he was doing. Hopefully he'd take an interest in me and I could get some Italian sausage. Sure enough, after five or so minutes I caught him blatantly staring at my junk. So I casually reached down and scratched myself a bit... and tugged a little. Fingered my balls. All stuff that could pass for a guy wiping sweat or 'readjusting' in the sauna heat. I saw him furtively adjusting himself in his towel. So I went further. I deliberately start slow-stroking my cock while staring at him. He met my eyes, his towel opened and fell away, revealing a beautiful, uncut piece of meat. He was definitely aroused and interested Fortunately we were still the only two in the sauna. I stand up and stretch, my cock sticking rigidly out from my body, while I walk over to where he's sitting. I stood there, right in front of him, basically daring him to make the next move. Which he did: he reached out and gently took hold of my dick. At that time I saw his wedding ring. At that point I knew I would get-off with him. I kept a lookout of the small sauna window while Mr. Italian fondled me for awhile. Then before I know it, he popped my cock in to his mouth and was sucking away, right there in the sauna! While I was no stranger to having sex at the gym, I was a bit surprised he went there first. Additionally, normally I am the cocksucker, but I let him go at it for a several minutes, and then told him to switch places with me. His cock was fantastic: bigger than mine and uncut, with a heavy, loose hood of foreskin. I worked him for all I was worth and he moaned softly in appreciation, but just as I was getting into it, he pushes me away abruptly and says, "Someone's coming!" We just have enough time to get seated and covered when "the creeper" came in. It was an older guy who is ALWAYS hanging out in the locker room hoping to either get or witness some action. Regretfully, I have actually played in the sauna when he was in there also. He's watched me suck and get fucked, but I just know Mr. Italian won't be into this guy hanging around. The Creeper settles in for what he thinks will be a good show, and Mr.Italian heads for the showers shortly thereafter. I waited a couple minutes then followed. We both soap up (a lot) and kind of show that we are still interested in each other. But Creeper wouldn't leave, so I gave Mr. Italian my best "follow me" look and head to my locker, which he did. At my locker I whispered to him that I really want to finish what we started, maybe even taking his cock up my ass and ask if we could head to his hotel. "How do you know I'm staying at a hotel?" he asked. "Because I know the gym has a deal, and you have "out of towner" written all over you." He agreed to meet me outside the gym in ten minutes. We dressed, and each casually make our way to the gym exit. I gave him space so as not to look like I was following him. Want to keep discrete, you know? But we met outside the gym and walked together to his hotel, some three blocks distant. Once in his room, all pretense was dropped. We tore off our clothing and sexually attacked each other. We made out and took turns sucking each other's cock. I was thinking that all I would get is a '69' and maybe a load, but then he dove down to my asshole and started rimming, which gave me hope he would breed me with his Italian stallion cock. But he just pushed me onto my shoulderblades and kept going from my ass to my cock. Back and forth, just slobbering and spitting over both. Who was I to argue with that kind of treatment? Then suddenly, he spat in his hand, rubs it on his asscrack, spats some more on my cock, and straddled my groin. "Dude, what are you doing?" I said. He positioned my cockhead at his hairy butthole, and proceeded to squat down on me. Now, I'm not huge (a real life 6.5" -- online 7+) but I am rather thick. Much thicker than average and I have a big ol' mushroom head on me. And damn if Mr. Italian wasn't having a devil of a time trying to wedge my cock into his tight little pucker. "Man, I don't know if we should.... you sure about this?" I asked. He was lost in the moment, desperately trying to get me inside him. The man needed cock-- again, who was I to say no? Finally there was intense pressure and then a "pop"... and my cockhead was inside him. All he could say was, "Holy FUCK that hurt! Hurt so damn good!" And then he slid the rest of the way down my shaft until I was balls deep. He started rocking back and forth and slowly bouncing up and down on my dick. This obviously wasn't his first time at the rodeo, and he was doing a fine job. His ass was like a vise and was hot as hell and I knew my dick wasn't going to last long in there. As his ass adjusted to my thickness, he is able to slide more freely and he starts working my hole shaft with his asshole. Up and down, slamming to the hilt, then sliding nearly off of me only to impale himself again. And again. And again. His beautiful cock was rock hard and thwapping against my stomach, leaving trails of precum in my belly hair. The man was in heaven riding my dick and he sure as shit looks beautiful doing it. "Man, I'm getting close."* I warned him. "If you keep fucking yourself with my cock like this, you're gonna make me cum." He just closed his eyes and kept riding me. "Dude, I'm really close-- i'm not gonna be able to hold back much longer!" He just kept riding me, but now harder and faster. "You want me to cum in you or to pull out? Cuz I'm so close! What do you want?" "Fucking cum in my ass, man!" he said forcefully. And so I did. I grabbed his hips hard, held him down on my cock and launched my swimmers into his guts. Hard. "Fuck yeah, I can feel your cock cumming!" he says, while he starts furiously jacking his cock. And I knew his tight ass WAS feeling me cum; because I really cum. A lot. More than one guy has been impressed with the way I shoot. His pucker was twitching tightly and milking my cock while he fisted his meat. Seconds later he blew-- a nice, thick load of Italian baby batter all over my chest. Naturally I scooped it all up and took turns feeding it to myself and to him. After our orgasms subsided, he gingerly pulls off my still semi-hard dick. When my head pops out he grimaced and said, "Ouch! Damn that hurt. I'm gonna be feeling THAT tomorrow!" While we cleaned up we made small talk. He was in town for a conference. Yes he was married. Two kids, both boys in high school. I told him he sure seems to know what he's doing with guys and asked if he gets much action on the road. "Some. It all depends on the guy. I get a lot of random blowjobs. And, um... normally I don't let a guy fuck me... like that," he says a bit sheepishly. "I guess I was just really horny tonight and couldn't stop myself. Thanks." "It's all good," I told him. "We all get that way now and again." He dressed to go out to dinner and followed me to the lobby where we parted ways. Of course what I didn't tell him was that I was POZ and I saw the blood left on the white hotel towels when we cleaned up. And that I sincerely hoped he liked the three-days worth of toxic jizz with which I just impregnated him that he was gonna let slowly seep into his guts all through his business dinner.
    1 point
  12. The profile photo of Domin8tor wasn’t something I’d normally click on - no head. But the body was beefy - the barrel chested kind, thick with muscles but also looked like he enjoyed a lot of burger and beers. His likes were sparse and to the point: rough sex, fucking, breeding. Leather. Beer. I checked my messages and — not unexpectedly — his was direct and to the point: “Wanna fuck” He didn’t even include the “?” At the end I tapped in my reply: “Possibly. What are you looking for? Now?” It was 3 in the afternoon, on a Friday afternoon, and I still had a few more hours of work left. “Yeah. Now. Need a hole to drop my seed into.” “Sorry. Can’t now but could do later.” He replied with a pic. It looked like something someone took from Folsom: shirtless and in leather chaps, massive cock swinging free between his legs. He looked like in his 40s or 50s, but fit. His face was broad, head shaved, sunglasses on. His thin lips curled into a snarl-smile, mischievous and menace. Dark swirling tattoos covered his forearms and I could see a bit peeking over on his shoulders from his back. Muscles rippled through in almost comic-book proportions: biceps almost as thick as his head; pecs covered in sweaty dark fur, beads of water on the nipples. “Probably steroids” I thought. I glanced down at his balls, the tell-tale sign but they seemed larger than normal, hanging low. I replied in the chat: “How about 5pm?” No reply. I figured he found some other hole. I turned off my phone and went back to work. A little while later, my phone buzzed again. Checked it and there was a message from him. “Yeah. Address” I typed in my address and took a break from work to do a thorough prep and then tried to focus on work for the remainder of the day. Which was tricky - I put on a leather jockstrap and shorts to get myself in the mood. 5pm came… and went. I hopped online and he wasn’t online anymore - again, I figured he found someone else and didn’t bother to cancel. I opened a can of beer and started browsing other guys - after prepping, I didn’t want to let my ass go to waste. I was chatting with some twunk when my buzzer rang. It was almost 6pm. I pushed on the talk button and asked who it was. A gruff one word reply. “Dom”. Slightly annoyed, I replied “Third floor on the right” and buzzed him up. A heavy knock on door. I opened and was pleasantly surprised - he looked more or less like that picture. Shorter than I was expecting but the muscles were pretty much popping. He wore a t-shirt, jeans and a dark hoodie. The sunglasses were still on. I asked him if he wanted a beer and he nodded. I went and got him one and he had barely moved from the front door. I handed it to him and he took it with his left hand while reaching out to my shoulder with his right, pushing me down. With a low growl, he said “Suck.” He spoke with a thick accent - Eastern European? I knelt down, and unbuckled his jeans. Unzipping, I could tell he wasn’t wearing any underwear and his cock tumbled forward. It was as advertised: thick and long, fatter just behind the uncut head. I bent forward and started to suck. I had to really open wide in order to get the semi-hard dick in my mouth. I could hear him guzzle his beer above my head as I worked his cock. I started to use my hands, as his cock was long enough that I couldn’t get it all in my mouth. He reached down with his free hand and gently caressed the top of my head and moaned “That’s nice. Make it wet.” I could taste sex on his dick. As I blew him, I could see the matted cum from a previous fuck in his pubes. I swirled my tongue under the foreskin and could taste the ass juice and load from the last guy. He repositioned his hands to the back of my head and I knew where this was going. I tried to pull off before the face fucking could start — there was no way that was going to work well. But I was too slow. With an incredibly firm hold, his hand palmed the back of my head and he pulled my head in. I tried to open my mouth further, but his cock hit the back of my throat. He pulled back and then back in. I did my best to get gulps of air in through my nose but as he sped up and pushed harder, the opportunities became shorter and shorter. I put my hands on his waist and pushed him away, but there was no budging. Cocksucker’s tears were flowing down my face. He chuckled and slowed a little. He pulled back a bit and the air rushed into my lungs through my nose. He looked down at me (still with those fucking glasses and snarky smile) and said “Relax. Just open your throat.” I thought “what the fuck was he thinking I was doing?!” I tried to push again, but it literally felt like I was pushing against a wall - no movement at all. His hand — still on the back of my head — started to pull my head in. “Your choice. You can relax or not, but it’s going in.” I closed my eyes and did my best to relax, expecting it to ram against my tonsils yet again. But somehow his cock had softened a bit, and as he pulled my head in, it turned and went down my throat. There was a second moment of panic, but I tried to relax more and it became easier. He pulled back and then in again. And like the last time, his dick slid down my throat. I tongued the bottom of his shaft and his cock was iron-hard. I didn’t understand but before I could process it, my nose was buried in his pubes. The cum from his previous session smeared across my face. And his cock was down my throat. He held me there and I could feel his cock pulse and throb in my throat. It was a surreal sensation - it was like a hot, pulsing steel rod was down my throat. I felt his head - or I think it was his head - swell /in my throat/ . His hand kept my head there, and to my surprise, I didn’t try to resist. I think I was curious - how was this happening ?! - but also it was hot: I was deepthroating something that should not be able to go down my throat. His dick kept pulsing and I wondered if he had cum but he didn’t seem to make any of the other indications. Slowly, he pulled back and his cock snaked back - and I do mean /snaked/. It felt like somehow it could fully move, like a python in my mouth. He pulled the last bit from my drooling lips and then I could taste it. It was bitter and salty - kind of like cum, but something that also tasted like brackish saltwater. So maybe he did cum? The taste clung to my mouth - in that terrible way if you get a mouthful of antiperspirant. He tilted my face — tears down my cheeks, used cum on my face, and drool down my chin — towards his, and he growled, “Good boy.” He spun me around and shoved the back of my head hard, so I fell forward catching myself. He knelt down beside me and pulled back from my hips, so that he in a position to fuck me doggy style. He reached down my shorts, and roughly fingered my hole. With a surprising strength, he grabbed the sides of my shorts and with surprising strength ripped them apart exposing my bare ass, framed by the jockstrap lines. “Ah yeah, you were fucking ready for this” he snarled and then I felt his face back in my crack. His stubble rubbed the side of my cheeks, and I could feel his tongue inside my hole. It was pushed my hole open, and even if I didn’t want it (which I did!), I wouldn’t have a choice. He continued to grind his beard into my ass, as if he were trying to literally push me along with his jaw. And his tongue kept going deeper. And deeper. And he kept swirling it around, as if he were licking the inside of a bowl, but somehow in the inverse. He came up for air and then I felt it. His hard cock against my hole, first running up along it, picking up some of his spit and then with one move, shoved it in my hole. Time stopped. It hurt so much. My vision went white with pain. It came back. I came back to my body. And he was inside me. Fully. With one shove - or I blacked out - he was balls deep in me. Instinctively I tried to pull forward. But he held onto my hips and there was no give. None. “Uh uh uh - you are staying there until I’m done with you.” And with that, he fucked me. Hard. Each thrust all the way, each thrust seemingly a little deeper. It hurt so bad - I couldn’t help think of my insides being wrecked. I don’t think I have ever been fucked this deep - well, well past that second ring. And it kept doing. harder. And harder. I kept trying to squirm away, but there was literally nothing I could do other than make bigger bruises on my hips where he held on. Any more struggling and I would just be digging into his hands. At one point, he leaned forward on top of me. He was so heavy. Like 400 lbs heavy. He was shorter than I was, and when he pressed down, his body completely pinned mine to the ground. He slowly pulled out, about half way and then slid all the way back in. He paused inside me. “Milk it” he snarled. I was stunned. I just lay there. “Milk it” he repeated. And then he smacked the back of my head, and instinctively my ass clenched. “There we go.” And I started to squeeze and milk it. And it felt good. Really good. I could tell - my cock throbbed in my jockstrap. I know that sounds dumb, but honestly, my cock told me that it felt good. And once I ‘noticed’ then I really got into milking his cock. And he started to fuck me again, again with the snake. I felt it knew how to turn and go deeper. And deeper He got up a bit and pressed down on my shoulders with his hands, pinning me to the ground, with my ass up in the air. He went back to fucking me hard and fast. I just relaxed and let my hole loosen up. “Ah that’s good, my boy. Open up and let me in.” And I did. I just relaxed and he fucked me deep. Oh so deep. My ass was slick with the same slime that was down my throat. His cock made thwash sound as it churned up the slime. It felt so fucking good. I moaned and squeezed my hole in appreciation. He lifted off my shoulders for a brief moment to separate out my cheeks so he could get /that much deeper/ then put his hands on my shoulders. I turned around to look at him. He had taken off his shirt at some point and was dripping sweat. His skin was red, like the blood was just under the skin. His muscles and veins popped and throbbed. His face was a mask of angry hunger - as if ever thrust was another bite he was taking. His sunglasses were off and his eyes were black, except where the pupil’s were, which I saw occasional glints of reddish light. Kind of like when you flash a light into an animal’s eyes in darkness. His hands dug into my shoulders and the pain was sharp. His nails were clawing back towards him, so he could get as deep as he possibly could. And then he paused and let out a low groan-howl. I felt his cock start to twitch. And swell. My hole expanded even further - it was easily bigger than a can of coke at this point. I could feel him coming but it felt different - instead of the jerk-twitch-squirt that most cocks do, this was a pulse-wave-shove of cum. As he pushed himself in as far as he could, he grunted through gritted teeth “yeah…. yeah..…” I could feel it filling up my guts, as if there was a tap running. He kept cumming, depositing his seed deep inside me, for seeming minutes. Slowly he pulled out but kept coming, the same pulse-wave feeling. Finally he pulled out, and spun me around to face his cock. And I understood why now it felt that way. His cock continued to shudder and push out cum and cum was really thick, almost solid, a golf-ball size blob-ball of cum. I watched his cock push another one out, and the cock slit, widened to let this cum ball out. He shoved my face down to clean it off. I did as I was instructed and opened up. Even in my stupor, I knew it wouldn’t fit, but somehow, improbably, it did. It filled my entire mouth, and filled my throat. And it twitched and I felt the cumball push its way down his cock and directly down my throat. While that happened, I instinctively fingered my gaping hole and felt his cum inside. And my ass was full of these balls. I clenched my ass, keeping them inside and started to jerk off. I started to actively swallow now, welcoming them into me. I heard him above me say “Yes. Open up and let me in.” I could smell my ass, his cum and all the other guys now that my nose was shoved up into his pubes. I knew I was just another receptacle for him. One of many. And I liked it. I just relaxed. Both ends letting his cock travel down my throat and my ass. I could feel some of the cumballs plop onto the floor. But I didn’t care. I was open for him. Open. Open. And then I came. My ass clenched. And I just saw emptiness. I blinked to make sure they were open. But I just saw emptiness. It was different than blackness - I could tell that there was space in front of me, but it was just /empty/. I came back to my body. There was a wave of pleasure so strong that it hurt. My body wracked with spasms, the orgasm convulsing every cell of my body. I don’t remember how but when I regained my senses, his cock was out of my mouth. I looked around and he was buttoning the last button on his jeans. He bent over and picked up his shirt. Wordless, he just smirked at me. I was dumbstruck, kneeling on the ground a puddle of my cum in front of me. Pulling his shirt down, he motioned with his jaw towards the ground and said “They don’t last long outside a body.” I glanced down to see the cumballs - yes they were real - melt and spread out into murky jelly. He and put back on his sunglasses, covering his black, flashing eyes. “Take care of them,” he said. He turned and walked out the door. I hadn’t moved or said anything. I slowly stood up, my body starting to ache. I staggered to the bathroom, cum dripping down the inside of my left thigh. In the bathroom, I saw that my face was raw from being ground on the floor. There were two bruises on my hips. In the shower my hole was tender, but I was expecting far worse. I cleaned up the hallway, and his cum was remarkably sticky, but the smell wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. His cum, more than most, was breaking apart and turning into a thinner liquid. Over the next day, I was expecting an interesting shit ahead. But the cumballs didn’t “come out” - I guess they were absorbed? I checked his profile online but it was deleted. Now it seems surreal so I wonder if I was drugged - I’m writing this down so I remember, as it feels like it might fade away like a dream. So here is the recounting of the time I was bred by… uh, not sure what.
    1 point
  13. Any poz tops in these counties? Neg bttm looking to take loads from any guys willing to breed me. Full poz guys welcome but will accept all loads.
    1 point
  14. Since watching my first man on man porn I’ve been getting some BBC! I was on Grindr and received a message asking to plow me! We set up a meeting and I went straight to his room! He was naked and semi hard, he told me to suck his dick to get it hard! I grabbed the thickest Dick I’ve seen, it was coke can thick, cut and shaved! I began to suck and deep throat feeling it grow while I sucked precum out his dick! He lubed me up and when I felt the head press my hole I lost it! It took a bit but we finally got it in! He fucked me good and had my hole stretched, when he started to nut I could feel his dick hit my second hole! I felt him push balls deep when he finished, he stayed deep telling me im pregnant.
    1 point
  15. To make a long story short.. we were watching TV and a beer commercial came on with bikini-clad women.. he made an innocent comment about how much he loves to fuck chicks and I responded saying that I love to suck dick... over the next half hour it got him excited and about an hour later he was fucking my throat.
    1 point
  16. Keep the gag reflex it makes me go off like a rocket when sloppy head turns into projectile sloppy head. You free right now?
    1 point
  17. So do I!!!! Luv a hung stud to raw fuck me deep, hard and rough...slapping my hungry ass as he spits in my face and mouth and fills my boy cunt with his thick, creamy babby batter...yup, just a nasty, cum dump fag!!!
    1 point
  18. I have honestly been a bareback fuckslut since day one. I used to let some guys wear a condom if they wanted but then was trained to always take it raw from everyone. I was the opposite g those faggots at the bathhouse that check to make sure the guys wearing a condom. I always check to make sure they are not wearing a condom. if they are I pull it off. guys usually still fuck me.
    1 point
  19. I’m not lazy, but over the years have been fucked about that many times, I will literally keep it to a 20 minute journey unless I was 190% sure! Would also add though that because of situation and nerves, I never over promise myself. I get very nervous about taking anal, so any spidey-sense tingles and I say no. God knows how much genuine cock I have passed up, but when you turn up somewhere and then a profile goes quiet (not here btw!), you get a bit reluctant to put yourself out.
    1 point
  20. I can briefly say that they fractured my windpipe in a public bathroom because a 23 cm cock raped my throat but I'm also top and I like to drown them with my cock to leave the whores gasping for air and vomiting drool, although the use is also good of straps or hands lately my bitch prefers drowning with plastic bags, highly recommended from me.
    1 point
  21. For the right load(s) from the right man I'd travel anywhere in the UK.
    1 point
  22. That's how I got into WS, first time was after a group fuck. Was six guys and couple had gone a couple rounds so I had prob bout 10 loads in me, the last guy pump one more load into me, I didn't pay attention while he stayed in me after nutting at first cuz I was sucking off one of the other tops. then i felt him unload in me, he had my hips tight as shit just in case I freaked, I didn't I had been curious about it anyway but not a lot of guys are into into it, luved it. One of the many moments in my sex life I realize that I'm a cum dump. - Also swallowed piss for the first time that night, def prefer in my hole rather than swallowing (But most daddies don't seem to care much about what I want lol)
    1 point
  23. When I do ATM, it is because I enjoy it. I don't "owe" the top, nor is it "my duty" to do it. I won't be forced to do anything. If that is attempted, one of us, possibly even me, will end up extremely hurt.
    1 point
  24. For some of us, our bond with the breeding top is such that wherever he wants to drive us for his pleasure is a place we want to go for him.
    1 point
  25. I used to get fucked regularly by the middle eastern guy that ran a carpet warehouse. id go in the back entrance. I’d get naked and he’d fuck me on a pile of rugs. He was married with kids, but had great thick cock and loved to fuck. He always came first, and me sometimes not at all. Anyway, I remember one time thinking I Wanted to cum quickly so I could be fucked whilst not feeling horny. i wanted to test if I was a real bottom. Often during fucking I don’t get or stay hard. I just like being fucked. So I was on my back, and made sure I came quickly all over myself. he continued fucking me and I was suddenly very conscious of it all. I could really focus on him. It wasn’t as enjoyable as such, but as a bottom I was more focused on his needs and being reactive to what he wanted and not what I wanted. i felt sluttier too. Like I was literally just fuck meat at that point and not there for my sexual enjoyment. So that was great!
    1 point
  26. sometimes when a guy with a really big dick pounds my ass I cum just from the pounding but for the most part guys who fuck me don't pay any attention to my cock. like they get that I am just a set of fuckholes and even though I'm well hung my big cock is just for show. most of the men who breed me don't even touch my cock like I'm just a chick with a dick and a cumhole. I prefer it like that. I'm there to suck cocks, get fucked and take loads period.
    1 point
  27. Here's where I see a huge gaping flaw in your argument. You say you are "just here for their pleasure." So, if it pleases them to watch you cum, you should allow them to make you cum. If it pleases them to keep fucking you even if you're not horny any longer, then you should allow them to keep going. If it pleases them to fuck your hole after it tightens up, then you let them continue to fuck you after you tighten up. You give the game away in your last point in #3: "it's tough to enjoy dick". Well, tough. If the point is to please the top, then what YOU enjoy isn't that important, is it? Now, a more balanced, rational approach would discard your initial premise that you are "just here for their pleasure". It's clear, based on your other comments, that you expect it to be about pleasure for BOTH of you - and there's nothing wrong with that! Stop trying to live up to some fantasy image of "just" being used for their pleasure, and acknowledge you enjoy the sex as well, and want both of you to get something out of it. Radical concept, I know.
    1 point
  28. I lose all desire after I cum too. Give it to me before and I'll take all you have
    1 point
  29. Believe me, l like it cumdump. l use and degrade faggot trash whores like you and make sure they know that that's what they are. l never treat a cumdump like a human being. lt is an object, a fucktoy. l make sure cumdumps know what the men who use them really think of them and teach them that they exist to be used. l only use hot sluts but I make sure they don't overvalue themselves or start thinking they are too good for anyone or anything. Getting a faggot pozzed up is just the beginning. So are turning it into a tranny or whoring it out. A cumdump needs to be freed of all standards, pride, shame, self-worth and self-respect. l have zero respect for bug chasing faggots, the men who fuck them have no respect for them. So a cumdump should have no self-respect. Nobody using you for a fuckhole gives a fuck about you or your accomplishments. To us you are just another diseased whore. Your only value to me is as a fucktool. Cumdumps aren't a "he" or even a "she". Cumdumps are an "it"
    1 point
  30. oliver groaned and sighed as he reluctantly parted with a stream of piss and cum from his freshly fucked hole. Standing in the running shower Trey gently fingered the boys swollen cunt, coaxing a steady stream of sticky goo. "It feels nice doesnt it?" Trey held the boy and continued massaging the last of the hot seed from inside him. "oh yeah" Oliver sighed. "the first few are good but then it just gets so much better. I made all of them cum inside. even max." Trey turned the boy around gently and began tonguing his hole clean. "oh man thats nice" Oliver sighed, bracing himself against the wall as his hole reluctantly surrendered more cum. "tell me more about max" Trey mumbled. "Oh hes got a nice big cock. really pretty." Oliver sighed. "first he didnt want to play, but I got him to cum inside twice. you should have seen him. the look on his face when he started shooting. I knew he liked being inside me." Trey stood to his feet and turned the water off, tossing Oliver a fresh towel. "I know he didnt want to, but i even made him piss inside." "Oh i love that" Trey chimed. "feels so warm and full. having a tummy full of piss and cum is the best" As the sun rose doug bid farewell to the last of the evenings guests with his trademark smile. "did you two boys have fun?" he gently rested his hand on Olivers shoulder. "oh it was great, better than great, it was amazing. Thanks!" the boy swooned drearily with a yawn, "Oh dont mention it. Im sure we'll have another one of these get togethers soon and that pretty little pussy will be the star of the show." Oliver blushed at the thought of how many loads had been buried in him by the end of the festivities. Big bloated balls bouncing off his cheeks, throbbing and pumping into his tender frame, over and over. Draining the hot sticky juice from cocks was just second nature to him now. "Trey usually likes to sleep over since these things tend to run long, and I sure dont mind the company either." Doug dipped his middle finger into treys dripping hole, pulling him closer as he casually worked his digit in and out. "there he is, the laziest man in the house" doug remarked as Max plodded into the house. "did we have a little bit of fun tonight at least?" Doug knowingly asked. "n-nah. just kinda hung out as usual." max muttered, unaware that doug had watched the boy drain his nuts into Olivers talented litte pussy all night. "ive got tennis with my boyfriend tomor-er-today? so i need to get some sleep. nite pops." Doug patted Oliver on the shoulder and cleared his throat. "we've got a house guest tonight boy, little ollie heres had quite a few treats tonight and im sure he would like some well deserved rest. Have you met oliver?" Max nearly choked on the glass of water as he sheepishly waved to the boy. How could he miss him? The kid had locked eyes on him the minute he entered the home, like a hungry dog. "well i mean, i guess its better that i get going now then" max stammered. "nonsense. I wont have my own son deprived of a good nights sleep. We've only got the one guest bedroom, so you two will have to share a little." doug smiled, relishing the opportunity to unleash his pet oncemore on his own son. "oh i dont mind doug. I dont take up much space on the bed at all i promise." Oliver beamed at the nervous looking boy. "fine, whatever. its this way" max grumbled as he shuffled off down the hall. "legs up now trey, let me inside." Doug lifted the boys heels atop his shoulders and nudged his greasy tool against the boys welcoming pussy. As many lovely boys as he had dabbled in, he never seemed to get enough time inside trey. Trey watched as his accommodating young fuck hole swallowed dougs prick eagerly and let out a hungry, gutteral groan as the mans balls came to rest against him. "Did someone miss the nice big cock?" Trey nodded profusely as he fingered his nipples and bounced along in time to dougs powerful thrusts. He couldnt deny the mans thick shaft as it drove him closer and closer to cumming. "oh no, oh!" trey gasped as a rope of his own sticky seed sprayed across his stomach. "yes baby boy, thats it, cum for the nice big dick" Doug pounded relentlessly as he watched Treys little dick give up its sweet seed over and over. "hold it open for me baby" doug calmly pulled his engorged head from the boy with a satisfying pop as Trey obeyed and pulled his leaking gaped hole open. Doug enjoyed watching a boy accept his seed, but he delighted as well in resting the tip of his cock at the edge of their battered puffy holes and blasting his juice into them like a squirt gun. Doug jacked his foreskin a few more times before pulling back and spraying into the gaped boy. He swore he could hear the seed splash into him as he blasted his cream into the tender hole. "there we go, nice and full?" Trey nodded as doug flipped him over and spooned the boy, returning his fat cock to the boys warm guts. Trey knew doug would fuck him whenever he wanted, and the big prick buried in his cunt would act like a warm little plug, keeping the mans potent seed inside. contented for the moment, he drifted to sleep in the mans embrace. "I sleep in boxers" Max muttered as he drew the shades and slid into bed. "well i dont wear anything when i sleep."oliver beamed, curling up into bed against Max. "oh nonono, thats your side you little nympho." Max pushed the boy back. "i dont know what i was thinking fucking you.." "twice!" oliver chirped "yeah. I shouldnt have done that. Look, nobody can know about it okay? my boyfriend is a total sweetheart and he sure doesnt deserve some guy who blows loads in poz twinks at his dads fuck parties so...no more sex okay??" Oliver nodded with a smile. "I mean it, are you good? all done?" Oliver smiled and turned over. If a few dozen loads wouldnt keep him sated who knew what it would take. "night max" he mumbled as he flipped the switch on the nightstand lamp. A few hours had passed and Oliver huffed. Max was apparently quite a sound sleeper, but the drugs and sex meant he was still up. reaching back to massage his silky hole, he was rewarded with a gob of sperm. "god big cocks cum so much" he thought to himself, teasing the lips of his ass as he bit his lip. Then again given the chance Trey would probably have drank every load him him, his swirling tongue coaxing more and more man goo from the boy. the slippery sound of olivers fingers filled the room as he sighed in frustration. Turning over, he watched max snoring. "just a little peek" he grinned, sliding the sheets down until Max's bulging underwear came into view. "oh fuck yes" oliver whispered, before reminding himself that max was pretty adamant about no more sex. He fingered himself faster as he reached toward the opening in max's shorts. "just taking a peek max, dont mind me" Oliver slid the boys cock out. "hello there" Oliver whispered, pulling back the foreskin to reveal the head of the slumbering boys soft cock. "you look like you want to have a little fun" olliver thought to himself as he wet his fingertip and traced the boys sensitive head and glans. "atta boy, keep it coming nice and big" Oliver whispered, gently stroking the thickening prick until his fat cock throbbed before the boys eyes. Oliver admired the juicy pink head, giving it a lick before felating the boys stiff tool until it glistened. as max rolled to his side Oliver pulled the boys heavy balls out as well. Oliver couldnt just wake the boy up demanding a fuck, he had to be creative this time. If its one thing big cocks always love its a warm tight boy to slide up into. He'd seen it before, the natural desire to push inside. Guys might lie about it, but big cocks never do. grinning, he gently pumped Max's prick with his cum drenched hand and rolled to his side, positioning Max at the entrance of his hole. "be a good boy, come on, fuck the hole" Oliver whispered in anticipation as he gently massaged the head with his ring. "mmgh, danny" max mumbled as he stuffed himself into Olivers warm pink pussy. "danny" oliver snickered, lmowing the load Max was about to spew was certainly not going into his boyfriends butt tonight. Oliver milked Max's cock as the boy groaned. "getting nice and close maxie?" oliver hissed, no man with a cock as nice as max's would deny him their seed as max tensed and the familiar pumping began. "there we go max. pump it all out. good boy" ollie whispered. once max had softened, he gently slid the boy from his warm pussy and paused to admire the sight of the sticky, spent cock as it dripped a gossamer thread of sticky seed. Finally sated, Oliver rolled back to his side and sighed contentedly.
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  31. Hell, if everyone is recalling the Eagle, lets not forget about Mans Country wrapped around the Eagle. Yeah, it was ratty and run down and the wet area was long past maintained- but it is the only bath house in the world that, once you paid the $10 membership fee- you were a member for life. I found it while in Chicago in the early 80's for a huge food service show at the convention center. Bought my membership , went in, and at some point in the night I fell asleep up in the show- dance room area, on top of some over sized pillow or cushion of some sort. At some point I woke up, with a guy pushing his cock in my ass and fucking me then and there. 24 years later , I was single after a 19 yr partnership ended, and made it a point to do IML at least once in my lifetime. On day 3 of IML, I headed north to Mans Country mid afternoon, and once there the clerk would not let me buy a membership since I once had one- 2 or 3 others were waiting to enter by now,but he hustled off to the office, pulled the old files, and came back 5 minutes later and had my original application card- made a new card with my membership number and finished checking me in.
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  32. This is my first time writing a story so forgive me if some of the editing isn't all that great. Appreciate your feedback and thanks for reading. Part 2 is coming soon
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  33. I woke up to the feeling of Anthony cumming inside me. When he felt me stirring, he squeezed out a couple more ropes, and wrapped his arms around me tightly, saying “Sorry about that...I was having a very vivid dream about fucking you, and when I woke up I was hard and inside you. I couldn’t even try to hold back. I hope that was OK.” “Well, I could hardly complain after begging for your load last night, could I?” Kissing the back of my neck, he said “Good. I can’t tell you how happy I was when you gave in last night and let me in you bare. Something about knowing my seed is inside you, that you’re carrying a part of me with you, turns me on so much. And I think you like it too. Am I wrong?” “No. You’re not wrong. I feel so connected to you right now, like we shared something so special and perfect. Having a barrier between us just feels so wrong, you know?” “I know exactly what you mean. I want every part of me to be inside you, to inhabit you. But I also want to cook you a proper breakfast. Do you think maybe we could try something?” “Sure, what?” Reaching across me into his drawer, he pulled out a butt plug. “I was thinking if we put this in your hole, you could keep as much of me inside you as possible while we go about our day. I hope you’re able to spend the day with me, Joey. I don’t have any grand designs on you leaving your husband or anything - I know you’ll go home to him energized and electrified from our encounter, and I’ll go back to my search for a new man. But I would love to spend more time with you, in and out of bed, if you’re interested.” “I am yours for the next two days. I’ll tell my conference colleagues that I got a touch of the flu, because I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else right now than right here with you.” I took the plug from his hand and gently pulled away from him, feeling his softening cock slide out of me. I moved the plug to my hole and felt his hand on mine as we both pressed it into me - the slight stretch as it was almost all the way in felt so nice, and then my hole closed around it, just the base remaining between my cheeks. He gave it a gentle tap before rolling me onto my back for a deep, lingering kiss. Anthony cooked me a delicious, hearty breakfast. Then he fucked me in the kitchen. We took a long hot bath together, opening up about our past relationships. Then he fucked me in the bathroom. He showed me his collection of vintage board and video games. Then he fucked me in the media room. Each time, the plug was removed and replaced by Anthony’s enormous cock. And after he filled me with his seed, the plug went back in. With each session, we became closer, more connected, more intimate. And at the same time, I felt him exerting a certain power over me. Like he could sense my submissive side, a part of my fantasy life I don’t even share with my husband. Something about our connection made him able to see past my facade, and past the walls I put up. He just knew what I wanted, maybe even more than I myself knew. Maybe it was the introduction of poppers - whenever he held the bottle for me, I found myself eagerly inhaling and felt my inhibitions melting away. He became more aggressive, more demanding, and yet all within the context of our unspeakable chemistry - it was easily the most intense, enjoyable day of sex I’d ever had. After a long nap and some Chinese takeout for dinner, Anthony was finishing up a txt message as I joined him on the couch. “Got a hot date?” I asked. He finished typing and grinned, “We’ll see, maybe even for both of us if things work out. But tonight is all about the two of us.” Stripping my tshirt off, he said, “Let’s cheat on your husband a little more, shall we?” I felt myself blush, but couldn’t help but feel my cock twitch at the same time. Kissing down my body, Anthony’s tongue found all my erogenous buttons - tickling my pits, nibbling my nipples, probing my navel - somehow he’d learned all the ways to drive me crazy in just one crazy day. Taking my hard cock in his mouth, he grabbed the base of the plug and started pressing it deeper, and twisting it as he bobbed up and down on my rod. He could tell from my moans he was having the desired effect. “You ready for another load up in that sweet pussy, baby?” “Fuck yes! I need it. I need to feel you back inside me. Filling me with your seed.” “That’s what I like to hear. Let’s go to the bedroom.” Shucking our clothes along the way, I jumped onto the bed on my back, spread my legs, and invited Anthony to join me. His hand immediately went to the plug, gently pulling it from my hole. He brought it to my mouth, saying “Clean my cum off, Joey. Savor the flavor of my semen while I get you ready for more.” He fingered my hole for a couple minutes before lining up his raw cock once again. “Tell me what you want.” “Please, Anthony. Fuck my hole!” “Should I put on a condom?” “NO! Never again. I need to feel your skin on my skin. No barriers between us.” “Good boy, Joey,” he said, sliding every inch of his huge erection into my body. I still wasn’t used to the way he was treating me yet, but all I knew was my dick jumped every time he asserted himself, and his cock felt incredible in my hole. I felt so deeply connected to him. “Something in me is changing,” I said as he started to move inside me. “How do you mean?” “It’s just, I’m feeling things I haven’t felt for so long. I don’t know how to describe it.” He replied, “You’re allowing yourself to become what you really are. You’re a cheater now - you’ve wanted to do it for long time, right? And now that you’ve crossed that line, there’s no going back. This weekend with me is changing your life, Joey. Things aren’t ever going to be the same for you and your husband.” Fuck. I knew he was right, but it hadn’t really hit me yet. It wasn’t just that I’d broken my vows and fucked (repeatedly) with another man. I could feel a shift from deep inside, Anthony was allowing something that was lurking in there to finally come out. A yearning to let myself go, to give up control, to submit. I wanted to allow this man to do with me whatever he pleased. “Joey, think of it this way. Your life has been stagnant for a long time. You haven’t been content. Maybe letting yourself have this exploration will allow you to go back to your husband changed in a good way. Like, the battery of your married life was depleted, and giving in to your urges, letting me fuck you for a weekend - maybe it will charge you up, energize you to go back to your normal life with a more positive attitude.” I felt his cock flex inside me as he whispered those words to me, leaking more of his fluids into my rectum. Maybe he’s right - I’d dreamt of cheating on my husband for years. Maybe I could get that desire out of my system by letting my guard down and giving in, allowing myself to go where my urges wanted. And then I could return a changed man. “Well, when you put it that way, I guess you have a point.” I grabbed his ass and pulled him all the way inside me, while he leaned in for a deep tongue kiss. “Now fuck me properly. Don’t hold back. I need more of your seed inside me.” He pulled all the way out until just his head was in me, then rammed the length of his cock all the way back in. Deep dicking me, grabbing my hips, pounding my pussy - I’d never been fucked with such passion and such abandon. Sweat glistened on his beautiful body and the room smelled of pure masculinity. He grabbed the poppers and fed me a few huffs. The rush only made me need him more desperately. “That’s it, dirty boy. Are you a dirty boy, Joey?” “Yes, sir! I’m a dirty, dirty boy!” I said, getting into the role play. “And what do dirty boys need? What do they deserve, Joey?” “Umm...they need to be fucked?” “Well, yes that. But dirty boys need something in their dirty holes.” “Yes, they need loads in their holes!” “That’s right, Joey. And what kind of loads do dirty boys want in their holes?” “Umm...big loads of thick cum!” “Well, yes. But dirty boys want dirty loads in their dirty holes, Joey. Isn’t that right?” “Unngh...fuck. Fuck! Yes, that’s right sir. Dirty boys need dirty loads.” “Say it, Joey. Tell me you want a dirty load in your dirty hole!” “Oh FUCK, sir. I fucking want a dirty load in my hole, sir! I’m a dirty boy!” A big smile came across his face and he got even more aggressive with me. “Fuck yes, boy! I’m gonna give you a big dirty load! Gonna flood your guts with my fucking dirty seed!” The pounding he was giving me was unlike any way I’d ever been treated, and I fucking loved it. My hole was loose from the poppers and sloppy from the multiple loads shot into me in the past 24 hours. “Tell me how my cock feels. Is it bigger than your husband’s?” “Yes! Your cock is so much bigger than his! And you are fucking me so much better than he ever has! Please don’t stop!” “Oh, I’m not gonna stop until I dump inside you again, boy. But now I want you to do something for me. Give me your ring, boy.” “Unngh...uh, what?” “I said, give me your wedding ring. Your husband isn’t here right now. I want to wear it while I fuck you.” I hesitated slightly, then remembered how deeply I wanted to give myself over to this man. I pulled the ring off my finger and presented it to him. As he brought his left hand closer, he said, “With this ring, I thee wed. Say it.” I slid the wedding ring I’d worn so proudly for the last year since my husband and I finally got married onto his finger, repeating, “With this ring, I thee wed.” “That’s better. You’re mine now, and I’m going to make you even more mine.” He fed me another deep hit of poppers and leaned in real close, slowly thrusting as he was buried balls deep. “I’m getting close, Joey. And I feel really close to you right now. I want to give you everything you deserve. Tell me what you want.” “This dirty boy wants your dirty load, sir.” “What else?” “I feel like a different man in the last day with you. The way you’ve fucked me has truly changed my life!” “What else?” “I am going to return to my normal life more energized, recharged.” “That’s it. I’m charging up your battery, aren’t I? Say it.” “Yes, sir. The way you’re fucking me is charging me up. Don’t stop!” “It really is like I’m giving you something special for you to take home. A gift, if you will. The way our tryst has opened you up. Right?” “Exactly, sir! Fuck! Please never stop! Give me the gift! Blast it directly into my soul!” “Fuck yes, boy. That’s right. Your cheating ass is gonna be filled with yet another dirty load from me! My DNA is going to coat the walls of your intestines and seep into every cell in your body! Take my fucking big dick - the dick that’s bigger and better than your husband’s!” “Please! Pound me! Fuck me and feed me your cum! Charge me up with your dirty load!” “I’m gonna shoot, boy. I’m gonna blast one more huge load deep in your guts. You ready for my POZ load, fucker?” Playing along, “Yes! Give it to me! Fill me with your POZ load!” “Take it, you cheating piece of shit! Filling you with more of my POZ cum NOW, bitch!” With that, he plunged in balls deep and blasted rope after rope of cum into my pussy. It felt like it would never stop. I shot my load all over our bellies as I felt him squirting over and over inside me. I felt content and more satisfied than I had in years. As our breathing calmed and he lay on top of me, his cock still buried in me, I said, “That was some amazing role play, Anthony. Really intense and super hot. Thank you for that!” “That wasn’t role play, boy” was all he said before rolling off me, plugging me up again, and wrapping his arms around me and drifting off.
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  34. Note: I introduced a couple new elements I have no experience with, and I hope I got them mostly right. If they're wrong, I'm sure you'll tell me, and accept that THIS part is what makes it fiction. LOL ----------------------------- Part 3 The hips began to thrust, and I felt every inch of him inside me. His balls were smacking against mine - there was no warmup to this at all, not even a courtesy finger - and Rick fucked like an animal. It was everything I dreamed it would be. I found it hard to hold the cigar while we rocked back and forth, so I wedged it back in my jaw. Rick did likewise with his own, and continued to nail me. “You’re a filthy chaser, aren’t you,” he said. It was more of a statement than a question. “Mm-hmm,” I said, gasping for air. Man, this sensation in my ass was incredible! I thought it would hurt without the warmup and relaxation of the hole, but there was indeed enough lube to keep his dick from burning me from the inside out. I could feel it running down my buttcheeks on occasion. I drew hard on the cigar as best I could; being a novice with it, I was not successful. There was far more suck than there was smoke, and Rick said surprisingly little about it after the last command about it. Rick slowed down his strokes, and began to pull nearly out before thrusting back in. My hole loved this sensation. “Yeah, take it, you fucker,” he whispered. “This is… what you… goddamn bugchasers… deserve! I’m … gonna poz this hole… so fucking hard… you will never… want to chase… AGAIN!” I answered him not, and just let him do what he knew how to do best. At length, Rick removed my feet from their suspensions, and placed them over his shoulders. I held on to the straps of the sling for support as he pulled me deeper toward him. This was either heaven or hell, I couldn’t tell which. “Ugh… I came off my meds for this,” Rick said. “You better appreciate what I’m giving you.” That got my attention. “Was he…? No, he wouldn’t! This is just fantasy, this is just fantasy, part of the script, he’s not toxic…” I was mentally trying to convince myself that I was totally safe, and it was all talk. Part of the experience. I tried to not tighten up in reaction. Rick grew bored of this position quickly, finding he had nowhere to thrust to, so he stopped momentarily. “Get up, and go get in the chair,” he said with an effort. His breath was definitely shorter, and I could see already a sheen of sweat glistening. I pulled myself to standing, and instantly felt the lube run down my right leg. While getting my balance, I looked at the small puddle that formed on the mat beneath us. The lube was there, certainly, but something else. It looked a little red. “Must be a trick of the lighting,” I thought. I definitely didn’t FEEL like he tore me open. I turned round in the small chamber, and saw what he wanted. The leather chair I spied when we came in. As I got near it, I could see it was no ordinary seat. It looked… different somehow. It had a flat back, straps all over it, and two hard-looking footrests. “Is this a Lucifer chair?” I asked with interest. Rick didn’t answer the question, but gave a low, throaty chuckle. I climbed in, and continued smoking quietly. I wasn’t going to ruin the scene with a lot of chatter, or show any kind of uncertainty by babbling. Rick took away my cigar, strapped me in, and spread my legs. He then turned away, and his movements suggested he was putting something on his dick. My mind initially registered it as a cockring or maybe a shaft extender, but when I actually saw the weapon coming at me, it was wrapped in … chainmail? I looked at him quizzically but didn’t form a question. Rick saw my expression, and read it instantly. “This is a special kind of condom,” he said venomously. I was taken by surprise yet again. “A condom? That wasn’t what we agreed upon.” Rick pulled the cigar from between his teeth, and said fiendishly, “You’ll see.” As he came at me with this thing around his cock, I started to wonder what I got myself into. “Holy fuck, he’s serious,” I thought. “But that goes against... “ My train of thought abruptly ended there as the weapon now brushed against my hole. It was cold to the touch, and I felt something quite new rubbing against me. Before I could respond or even form a question, Rick was pushing into my hole, and it hurt like hell. I cried out and tried to back away from it. But back away to where? I was in a corner and seated with no clear exit, and strapped to the chair. “Shhh…” he cooed. “Just relax. This is supposed to hurt, and it’s part of the scene. Trust me.” From nowhere, he whips out a small brown bottle, uncaps it, and shoves it into one of my nostrils. I recognized it instantly. Poppers. And they were fairly new - still strong and heady. I inhaled deeply, knowing that it was beyond my control to do much else. Within seconds, I was flying. Rick at once detected it, grinned wickedly, and took a hit of them himself. He quickly recapped the bottle and flung it away from us. “That’s your only anesthetic,” he growled. And my hips began to rock again. I didn’t even notice him finish his entrance, and I just let him do the work, wincing all the while. Now that I knew what he was intending, I just laid back and let it happen. In between his grunts, Rick said something that sounded like, “Just open yourself up to all the pozzibilities I will show you.” The poppers made it sound distorted, so I wasn’t sure if he actually said it or whether I imagined it. I didn’t respond to it, lest it be the latter and he starts yelling at me again for talking out of turn. Rick continued to plow. His look was a mix of disgust and sheer ecstasy. “You dirty bugchasing fuck. I’m gonna teach you a lesson you won’t soon forget.” By now, the poppers had completely worn off, and I was feeling the full force of the thing inside me. And boy did it hurt. This was suddenly not fun for me. I needed to move my arms and legs. I needed that tearing up inside me to stop. I suddenly needed water. The room had grown unbearably hot between our activities, the humidity, and the smoke, and I needed a break. At last, I said, “Rick, I need … ow! You to stop --- fuck!” He considered this, and slowed his motions, then instantly began jackhammering my hole. “Nope! You’re done,” was his swift response. I couldn’t bear it anymore as I felt him rip me open from stem to stern. I had no coherent thoughts by this point, except an inward wish that he would cease his movements and I could die in peace. All I could do was cry out. But then his mood changed. He suddenly pulled himself out of me, and my hole welcomed the release. I put my head back as far as it would go, and just shut my eyes. "Shit, I was about to cum," he hissed. "I want this to last as long as possible." He pulled the strange device off, and I heard it hit the floor. Rick got down in a crouching position, and gently poked me with a finger. After a couple seconds, he took back his finger, and held it up before his eye. “Yep, as I thought!” He raised his open palm to me, and ordered, “Look. I’m showing you something.” I carefully opened one eye to see. His whole finger was a bright red colour, and this time, I was sure it wasn’t the light of the room. I suddenly remembered what this was called, and why he was doing it. The phrase “cruel condom” ripped through my brain, and now I had to accept it. He was genuinely pozzing me. That, or a damn convincing scene, I wasn’t sure which. And I wasn’t about to ask. All I could think of was the pain I was feeling at the moment. I returned to closing my eyes and feeling only pain. Rick only stood there over me, studying me, and letting his dick deflate a little while he hauled away on his cigar. He let me sit there, motionless, and just bleed. “This is all part of the process,” he said slowly. “It hurts now --” “I want out of this chair,” I interrupted. “There, there, you sick fuck, it will all be over soon, and you will be free.” There was something cryptic in that statement, but it was just talk. Just talk. The fantasy, right. “When he’s done fucking me, we’ll go upstairs, he’ll put an ice pack on my fanny and bandage me up, and all will be well,” I told myself. Alas, this was not to be.
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  35. The question should be do you foresee a time when condom sex becomes the norm again!?
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  36. She decided she would wait for Ryan to come tonight at 10 PM so she text David that her work issue was resolved, and she was going to for a run. She had already run and what she did instead was to get online and find out where women find dick for some no strings fucking. She had plenty of dick, but it was dick that found her, she wondered if she could line up any of her own or was this just a onetime deal that everyone wanted to fuck her. She found doublelist.com a website where guys and gals and even gay guy could find sex. She read and found out there are lots of guys who want to eat cum out of pussy, she never knew that was a thing. She also found a few posts of guys wanting other guys to fuck their wives. Hot wife they called it and lots of times she would be blindfolded and never see the guy fucking her and breeding her. She decided to answer a few and to post her own. She sent a post to a guy who said he was married, 29 years old, white with an eleven-inch endowment who just needed some fine pussy to breed on the side. Another post got her attention was from three frat guy who wanted a hot wife to double penetrate and make airtight. She was not sure what both meant but wanted to learn and their pictures were hot online, and it said they all wanted to breed. Marie was finally accepting her need to have men inside her. Just a physical need for big dick and cum and to control a man for a time while they were inside her. She waited and did not hear anything back and decided after 30 minutes of reading post she would create one. “Traveling and Married, just looking for no strings sex. Open to one on one, MMF, MMMF. You must be hung, ready to breed and clean and ddf. She posted a few pictures herself without a face and that she could host or travel. Open to a one time or a regular hook up, full meet or get right to with her being a blindfolded hot wife.” The post went up and still nothing, forty-five minutes later an email came in with three responses and then several more responses but she knew Ryan would be soon so she could not really act. She was hot and tingly all over and ten minutes later she got a text from Ryan. Babe, my girl called off tonight so I cannot slip out, but I will come by in the morning to fill you up. Marie was disappointed, she needed Ryan and his big dick. She decided to go to her email and look at the post. There were eight black guys who hit her up, she saw two hot huge dicked guys, but she had never been with a black guy before. She horny white college guy, 21 6’ huge dick (9 and thick) just need pound some cougar pussy and breed it. Hit me up if you are up for being my blindfolded hot wife tonight. Marie thought this was perfect, white and hung breeder who just wanted to fuck her and get off. She replied and asked when he could be to her hotel and gave him the name and address. He quickly responded that he would be there in 20 minutes and told her to give him the room number and to leave the door ajar 20 minutes from the time she sent the email and be blindfolded. You are going to get pounded out you married Slut! Marie sent him her room number and told him she would and that is exactly what she needed. She hurried up and found something she could use as a blindfold and got ready, put on some lacy panties and a bra watched the clock and right at 20 minutes she put the door ajar and got in place and a minute later the door opened she could tell and in he walked. He snapped a couple pictures and then began to trace his fingers on her body making her moan. He worked his way to her breast and unsnapped her bra that clipped in the front and fondled her breast, he then pulled off his shirt, shorts and let his thick 9” dick loose and turned her head to suck his dick while he twisted her nipples. Marie Sucked on his thick dick and she heard him start to moan and felt his hand reach down and pull her panties aside and he started rubbing her wet pussy. Nice cunt slut, I can tell you have cum in you, don’t you? She pulled off his dick and said yes! Good little whore, we are going to have lots of fun together. I bet you want dick all the time, don’t you? Marie again told him she was always horny and needs big dick. She had never told anyone that and here she was telling this stranger who was about to breed her. Mike the guy who was about to fuck her had videoed her admitting to what a slut she was and her sent it to two buddies and sent the address with room number and text she needs your cum inside her. Once sent he climbed in between her legs ripped her underwear and lined his cock and began to slide in her wet pussy. Nice, I love fucking a married whore, does your husband know you love dick and cum? She said no, he had no idea, he is back home, and I will be in the city weekly for work. Nice, so you are going be my whore when you are here and anyone, I want you to fuck. Marie did not say anything and then he grabbed her neck and said it again and this time Marie said, yes, I am going to be your whore each time I am in town. He let go and said now you need fucked bitch. He slides all the way in, and she came hard on his dick and he began to fuck her like the anonymous whore she was. He used her pussy hard and deep till he came the first time then he pulled out and made her suck his dick off. Then the knock at the door, Mike let his buddy in, and Marie could hear someone getting undressed and Mike grabbed Marie’s head and said you are not done cleaning, get back to work. The guy who came in was Latin with a thick 8 inch dick and he spit on her pussy and lined up his dick to fuck the cunt and hammered away for four minutes before another knock at the door and a guy walked in and undressed also after Mike let him in. Daniel was a tall black guy with ten inches not as thick as Mikes but still impressive. Daniel sat in a chair watching the Riccardo fuck the white slut. Six minutes later Riccardo came in her and pulled out and went to the shower and cleaned up so he could go back to his girl while Danial got up and fucked Marie. She was having a hard time taking him, his dick was rock hard, and he was rough, Mike put hand over her mouth to keep her quiet while Daniel tore her up. Daniel fucked her for twenty minutes straight and eventually slammed deep and came without making as sound, but his body shook as he dumped his load in her. He pulled out and grabbed a towel and cleaned up and got dressed and left only giving Mike a nod and then he opened and closed the door leaving Marie with Mike and he pulled his hand off her mouth and said you did great whore, I have one more load for you and then you can get online and find more dick. Mike fucked her for another ten minutes and came hard in her. He popped up and made Marie clean off his dick again and told her how hot she looks taking big black dick. I am going to line up more for you bitch, how long are you in town? Marie took a break and said till Friday morning. Good, answer me with I email you and give me your fucking number so I can have easier access to your cunt. With that Mike pulled his dick away and got dress and left leaving Marie to take her blindfold off and think about what just happened. Fuck, why did she like the way Mike talked to her. How could she like being called a whore, slut and bitch but somehow, she did. She got up and took a shower and then found herself going back to her email and reading answers and seeing who else wanted to breed her.
    1 point
  37. Like most others, I didn’t choose it, it chose me. I had fantasies as a child about being kidnapped and having stuff done to me, or being forced to do things. It wasn’t sexual stuff, I was like 4 years old. But I wanted to be taken away, tied up and left there, etc. This obviously matured over time into a sexual awakening and a realisation that I’m a faggot. From my first bf asking if I wanted to fuck or be fucked, and me suddenly realising there would only ever be one answer to that. To starting to take ever bigger things up my hole, to doing it with an audience, to being filmed and photographed, to developing so many kinks because bottom line is it feels so good to be used in every way for a man’s pleasure. To pushing those kinks as far as I can because I want to give the most pleasure I can, to be the best fag I can be Did I ever regret it? Once, briefly, when a guy finished off sex by pissing on me and then threw me out without letting me have a shower. As I walked home stinking of piss, part of me thought “What are you doing?” But the other part was thinking “Everything about this feels amazing.”
    1 point
  38. I threw away my checklist long time ago. Being a 55 year-old bottom, I am just lucky to have anyone approach me. Most guys in the apps are in their 20’s and 30’s, so I’m afraid that I am being outcompeted by them. Getting old really sucks especially when your sex drive remains high. Ideally, I would like to play with guys closer to my age or older but I don’t know where to find them anymore. I used to try my luck at bathhouses and sex parties like cumunion before the pandemic but now I have nowhere to go ;(-.
    1 point
  39. I prefer uncut cock in me bareback but I would never turn down a big cut cock
    1 point
  40. 6. The load I had just taken had been massive, and my hole felt slick as I buzzed Sir’s apartment a few minutes later. It was three minutes to eight, right on time. The first words out of Sir’s mouth when I got in the apartment were, “Get in the bedroom and strip. Have your phone out. I want to watch the videos you took for me today.” Eagerly I ran into the bedroom and stripped off. Without being told to I got on the bed on all fours with my ass pointing towards the door. “Fuck,” Sir said, sliding a finger into my hole, “That is not the cunt that left last night. How many men fucked you today pig?” “Ten, Sir. Eleven loads.” “Good job, how long since the last one bred you?” “Like ten minutes,” I laughed. “Seriously?” He dropped the hard dominant exterior for a minute and seemed genuinely surprised and pleased, “How’d you pull that off?” “Well, I was walking over and saw on Scruff that one of the guys who had fucked me this morning lived like a block from you. So, I messaged him and he dumped a load in me against his front door.” I could feel the heat rising in my face, I was turned on but saying it out loud also a little embarrassed at what I had done. “What does he look like?” Sir had stopped fingering my well fucked hole and I looked over my shoulder to see him stripping off behind me. “Tall, kinda twinkish, cock like a fucking tall boy…” He laughed, “I guess you’ve met Rex then. That’s so funny. You’ll get use to his cock if I keep you. He’s one of mine.” “Alright,” he said as he started to rub his already hard cock on my cummy hole, “Pull up the first video, and I’m gonna fuck you while I watch these guys use your cunt.” He pressed the tip in. “What you’re gonna learn boy is I don’t like tight holes, I like slut holes. I like breeding a well-used pussy.” He started sliding the full length of his cock into me, and I groaned as I opened my phone. “Oh fuck,” he groaned, “This is much better. You did good boy.” “Thank you Sir!” “Start the video boy, I’m ready to breed your cunt.” I started the first video, holding my phone over my shoulder so that we could both watch the jock from this morning breed my hole. Sir fucked me slowly at first, then harder and harder with each video. Finally, after he’d watch Rex breed me the second time, Sir grabbed my phone and started recording himself. His pace changed, with one hand holding my hip and the other filming he was pounding me harder than he had before. Had I not been so full of cum and loose from a long day of fucking I wouldn’t have been able to take it. I was making noises I never had before, and the sound of slapping skin and my wet hole filled the room. I felt droplets of sweat fall from Sir’s face onto my back. Sir was shaking, and grunting like a wild animal. Then with a literal roar he stuffed his cock as deep as it would go inside me and flooded my already over full cunt with his load. He grunted and fell forward on my back, his hairy body pressed against mine. I felt his sweat on my back, and the smell of sex wreaked from both of us. I collapsed forward and we both landed in a heap on the bed, his fat cock still buried in my abused hole. We lay like that for a long time, Sir’s arms snaked around my body as his cock deflated and eventually slipped from my hole. This was not the same kind of domination but I still knew I was his as he rolled to lay next to me on the bed, my back still pressed to his chest. “You did well boy, you proved that you can be a cum slut. I’m very proud,” he cooed in my ear. “Thank you, Sir,” my voice barely more than a whisper. “Your reward boy will be at least one more load from me tonight, and then a good night’s rest.” “Yes, Sir.” “And then, tomorrow we’ll start your next task.” “My next task?” “Yes boy, you’ve shown that you can be a slut when you’re in control, when you get to pick guys you think are hot, but now I want to see if you can be a slut when you’re not in control. Tomorrow, when you leave here I’m going to send you to some of my friends’ houses. You will let them fuck you, no matter who they are. If you can do that then I’ll know you’re a boy worth keeping.” His cock had started to harden again as he spoke, and I felt it pressing between my slick cheeks. I ground my ass back against him, trying to get his cock head inside of me. “But something already tells me that you are. Get on your back boy, I want to kiss you while I use this cunt this time.”
    1 point
  41. I've accept the risk that one day I'll become poz. I enjoy taking raw dick too much to care. But also getting more curious and turned on by the idea of taking toxic loads
    1 point
  42. Nope never, I love Men...just hope when I am older that guys help me up off my knees. 😊
    1 point
  43. Based on personal experience, a lot of it maybe to do with easy availability: I live out the Chiltern countryside, west of London - not many guys around here, but we're only 28 minutes from central London by train. Guys won't travel out of town to visit even though we have tons of space and they can stay overnight. Why? Probably because guys in London can find what they need on their doorstep pretty much. Although, I find a bit odd as with population density in London being what it is many people live in shared spaces and the first question is usually 'can you accom?'. Yes I can, but they have to travel and they won't. That's backed by the my observation that other guys in neighbouring towns and villages don't mind a 10-15 mile trip - and we're all regulars in London for fun. I'm often in London for work (pre lockdown) and run against the 'can you accom?' issue which is why I tend to stick to places like central station, vault, etc. You might be finding a similar thing is happening with Nottingham and Lincoln. For me travelling is about risk - if I think someone might flake then I'll be less inclined to travel. If it's someone I know or have met before then I'd be more inclined. Also I always try and have a plan 'B' if I'm travelling a decent distance - perhaps a nearby sauna or something that ties with another of my hobbies and interests. What I never do is say I'll be somewhere and not show up. For me once the commitment is made there's no backing out. I've travelled London to Hull for a session before which was three hours there and three back with traffic... I have plans in the making to visit another BZ guy in Manchester and another in Blackpool when the Covid thing quietens down a bit more - both are long trips. I am in the early stages of planning a visit to Frankfurt to meet someone - but that will likely be combined with other reasons to visit Frankfurt, as that's a fair cost and time commitment. Andy
    1 point
  44. My bf and his room mates are all really big and we normally use boy butter in my ass. The youngest room mate gets fucked by the other two so he keeps it on hand. Not needing lube transformed everything I ever believed about anal sex. I admit that we used lube last night but not very much. My goal is to be fucked with no lube 100% of the time.
    1 point
  45. Congrats boy - you know you're a whore when you've moved beyond needing lube. I'm really into playing with other sluts. I usually don't need lube myself as bottom, except for the XXL ones. The last guy I fucked before lockdown had a giant bottle of lube on the coffee table, but the minute I was eating his hole I knew we weren't gonna use it. His hole was opening up just from my mouth and within 1 minute of fucking he was juicy as fuck. I'd say almost half of my fucks over the past year have been lube-free. I agree it's definitely phychological too.....makes you (and your top) totally aware what a slut you are that your (previously) tight ass doesn't need lube anymore :)
    1 point
  46. All three of them are cut. Bf wants me to take it slow if I'm going to keep fucking without lube. I can tell he's worried I'll get hurt because he keeps asking me if my boy pussy is okay or if it feels sore or raw. But it doesn't feel sore or raw at all. It feels wonderful.
    1 point
  47. I'm feeling the physical and psychological change. It's like I don't have an ass anymore. I have a pussy, and that's all I should call it. I feel so feminine and complete right now. And feels like everyone can tell how feminine I feel.
    1 point
  48. Each to their own I think, providing it fits in legally . I dont like to read of guys purposely infecting people, so I choose not to read that material. I also dont like to read about scat or see the pics, so I dont read and dont look, my choice. We all have choices on what we read, just choose not too. I am sure Rawtop and Scorpio will advise and ban where its in breach of rules and laws. So many people, so many tastes. Enjoy what you like and stay away from what you dont.
    1 point
  49. I have got the most bareback loads in public toilets over the years. Seems like if I get a guy to fuck me in toilet stall or through a gloryhole they never think of a condom! I have never had a guy want to use a condom to fuck me in toilets!! My first bareback fucking was in a toilet many years ago and it still one of my fav ways to get seeded by hot guys. Ray
    1 point
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