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  1. Mark was the boy next door. In my case, this was literal. I live in a pretty bad part of town, and Mark’s mother was pretty hard up for cash, and she couldn’t afford anything decent for them when she moved in next to me years ago. That was when he was in his last year of elementary school. When he was in eighth grade, I could see that he was going to fill out pretty nicely as he aged. He was a little pudgy and self-conscious about his body. He was always wearing baggy clothes, I think trying to hide his boyfat from bullies. When he was a freshman, his fur started coming in, and by his junior year he had a trashy goatee going, complementing his dark brown curly hair that went from the top of his head turning black as it ran down to his toes. I’m not usually attracted to teenagers. A teenage boy is still a boy. Hell, no one is really manly until they hit their thirties, if then. It takes some time for them to grow hair on their chest, excuse the pun. And they have to be trained. It is a rare boy that is worth the hassle. Mark was different. He was boyish, yes, but also kind of pathetic. I knew that his parents didn’t have money to help him with school, and honestly in my interactions with his mother I assumed it would be pointless anyway since he would probably take after her and she was dumb as a rock. And always, always broke: My first interactions with Mark involved him borrowing something from me. Everything from cooking supplies (basic stuff like butter; she was no chef) to shaving cream when he started to need it a few years ago. She was so dumb she missed the fact that she had a blossoming faggot on her hands. Which was good for Mark, because his stupid mother was also a Pentecostal and didn’t tolerate sodomy. I knew she had her suspicions about me, but she was poor enough to have to send her son my way for the shit she couldn’t pay for, and she needed money more than she needed to express her religious opinions. I first caught wind of this when the kid borrowed a laptop of mine for a school project his junior year. It came back absolutely filthy, filled with gay porn. Age appropriate gay porn; the kid was clearly into other twinkish, young guys. Actually, young white guys that all looked like they came out of an Abercrombie and Fitch shoot. Not my scene, but pretty typical for young white gay teen. Once I knew he had a nose for cock, I started checking the hook up apps for him. Incognito, of course. Eventually I came across him one day, after he had turned 18. According to his profile, he was not into anal. Drug and disease free. Looking for same. Masc only. “Be height weight proportional, under 30 only.” His words all, not mine. Me? I’m all about anal; way, way over 30. And definitely not drug and disease free. But hey, I was masculine. I checked off that box. But I didn’t think the kid would give me the time of day. Little did I know, I had a secret weapon. One day, out of the blue, I got a knock at my door. It was Mark, and he was red with embarrassment. “Hey Mr. Walker, can I talk to you for a minute?” He was shuffling at the threshold to my apartment. He looked like he wanted to be doing anything else. This was always the way he looked when he came over asking for a big favor. “What’s up Mark? Come on in.” I left the door open for him and walked to my living room, sitting in the recliner. Mark followed me, wearing his usual baggy clothing, his phone glued to his hand like always. I had actually bought the phone for him as a gift when he was 15, and all the rest of his friends had the coolest, newest smart phones. It was a pay as you go model, and frankly not very good, but Mark didn’t mind. “Thanks Mr. Walker,” he said as he stood next to the couch. He looked at me, waiting. “You can sit, boy.” I smiled at him, putting an emphasis on the boy part. He was going to need instruction from me at some point. I snapped my fingers, pointing to the part of the couch facing me. “Sit right there.” “Yes, sir,” he said. He was always polite with me, Mark was. I liked that. “Um...I need some advice,” he said. He didn’t want to be having this conversation, that much was certain. He was doing everything he could to look away, delay. He started mumbling something about how stressed he was at school and at home, blah blah blah. Boring poor teenager stories. Talking is overrated: That boy had much better uses for his mouth. “Cut to the chase, Mark: What do you need?” I am not a patient man. I was not about to listen to hours of teen boy sob stories. “Well...see, I need a car to visit my...girlfriend.” This would not be the first time that Mark has borrowed my car. His mother doesn’t own one, and he needed one for his licensing test last year. I own a nice black SUV, and I knew that Mark loved driving it. “I see. Where does your girlfriend live?” Now, I knew damn well that this kid did not have a girlfriend. But I needed to know how far he was going to go to convince me otherwise, in order to get my car. He had to take a moment to think about this. “Uh, Windsor,” he said. “So you need to cross the border?” Mark nodded, eagerly. “Yeah and the thing is she like, um, well her mom is kinda like my mom, you know? So she can’t date or anything, and uh...well, see, her parents are kinda going out of town this weekend...” “So you just need my car for the weekend?” I could feel my dick stirring in my shorts. “Yeah, if that’s ok, Mr. Walker.” He put his head down. The boy didn’t like asking me for help, ever. Probably because he knew how much his mother had taken advantage of me over the years, without me asking for anything in return. If only his mother knew: All of the favors I’d done for Mark over the years were about to be repaid, with interest. I got up and walked over to the door, where my keys were hanging off of a coat rack. I put them in my hand, dangling them. “I don’t know, Mark. If you’re going to be driving I should really let your mom know...” “No!” He said, excitedly. “Please don’t! She won’t let me go.” Those puppy dog eyes were wide open, terrified. “So she doesn’t know about your girlfriend?” “Well uh, she thinks I am going to spend the weekend with a friend from church.” “Jason?” Mark nodded. He did not have many friends, so that could only mean Jason. Jason was Mark’s age, but mixed race and his parents were still together and not, you know, dirt poor like Mark. “So he’s covering for you?” “Well...yeah, I mean...he was gonna go with me...” “You’re both going to go on a date with this girl from Windsor?” “Well I mean, Jay is 19, so he was gonna go and drink while we, uh, did stuff.” Mark is not above lying to get what he wants, but he must have taken me for a fool. He had “borrowed” twenty bucks a couple of months ago to go to Jason’s 18th birthday party, some lame laser tag event with their church friends. And now he had concocted a wild story to justify taking my car out cruising for cock, no doubt. But I sensed an opportunity, and I took it. I made a big deal of it, but after some hemming and hawing I relented and told him that he could use my car that weekend, if he was safe and responsible. The boy was eager, and asked if he could have the keys right away. I told him that I had to clear some things out, but that I would take the keys over to him later that day. After he left, I put my plan into action. Once I had everything in place and set up inside the SUV, I walked over to Mark’s apartment and gave him the keys before his mother got home from work. My own weekend was uneventful. That is, until late on Saturday night, when I turned on the security cameras that gave me a bird’s eye view of my truck’s interior, complete with audio. I toggled a bit, seeing all the different perspectives. It was a sight to behold: A shirtless, tasty Mark giving head to an equally shirtless, big cocked Jason. “Dude, that feels so good,” Jason whispered. “Your mouth feels so fucking good....” “Mmmphh” was all that Mark could say in reply. Jason was snaking his hand down Mark’s back, moving his fingers underneath the boy’s baggy pants. “Just let me fuck you,” Jason asked. Mark shook his head, lifting his mouth up from Jason’s cock. I could see it on one of the screens: That precum and spit connecting Mark’s cocksucker lips to Jason’s tool. “Dude, I told you I’m not into that.” “Come on man, just for a minute.” Jason’s hand moved farther down, and he seemed to be stroking Mark’s ass cheek. “No way Jay. I don’t get fucked.” Jason pulled Mark up and kissed him, then whispered in his ear. Something that was too low for the camera to catch. Mark turned around. “Ok, but just a finger.” Jason immediately shoved his arm further down Mark’s pants and started playing with that unopened hole, causing Mark to groan with pleasure. Oh yeah, I had these boys where I needed them. I let this go on for a while without telling Mark I knew anything. He and Jason had a few more fun nights together in my SUV. Jason was slowly introducing Mark to the pleasures of gay sex, but he was not having any luck getting the kid to give him his ass. At the same time, the boys were starting to drink and smoke pot together. I saw some of it on the cam, but the boy was starting to reek of it when I saw him in the hallway. Finally, one Friday night he texted me, asking if I could come get him because he was too drunk to drive home. I texted back that I didn’t have any way of getting to Windsor. Then he called me. Slurring, he apologized. “I’m not in Windsor,” he explained. “Jay and I got into a fight...” His voice trailed off. He sounded confused, and like he had been crying. “Where are you?” He gave me the directions to a park that was about a half mile away from Jason’s house.They must have been going there to get busy. By the time I had ubered my way over, he was asleep, with the car running. I knocked on the driver’s window and he sat up, startled, and opened the door. “Has the car been running this whole time?” I asked. “Yeah, sorry Mr. Walker, sir,” Mark slurred. “I didn’t want to drive ‘cause...” his voice trailed off, his intoxication obvious. “Mark, you dumb shit, they can get you for a DUI if the car is running. Get in passenger seat.” He stepped out of the car and stumbled, and I had to carry him over to the passenger seat. He started to panic. “I can’t go home like this, Mr. Walker, my mom...” I nodded. “Your mom is going to be very upset with you, don’t you think?” I turned the ignition and started pulling out of the lot and headed towards the park exit. “I’m feeling tense just from what you put me through tonight,” I added. “You could have gotten us both in a lot of trouble.” The boy’s eyes were closed. “I’m sorry Mr. Walker, really I am.” “Well, not as sorry as you will be after I’ve talked with your mom about this. “ Mark opened his eyes, and looked like he was going to keep crying. But he didn’t say anything, just slouched more into his seat. “Especially after I show her the video.” This sobered him up a bit, or at least made him sit up straight. “What video?” “My security camera. Haven’t checked it lately, but if you have been drinking in this car then she needs to know.” That really got his attention. He was staring at me wide eyed. “You have a camera in here?” “Of course I have a camera in here, Mark. You know how often cars get stolen in this town?” Mark didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to: I could tell from his sweat and trembling that he knew he was going to be caught with his pants down and Jason’s big cock in his mouth. “Uh, could you not show her the video?” I shrugged. “What’s in it for me?” And Mark knew I was right. As far as he knew I had put my trust in him and he had let me down. One of the few people around him that actually seemed to care, and to do things for him. “I can do stuff for you,” he suggested. “Like...chores, that kind of stuff. Just please don’t tell my mom.” “You smell like a distillery and a hemp festival all wrapped in one,” I pointed out. “Your mom is gonna know you were out drinking.” I could feel my cock swelling in my jeans. We were not far from the apartment now. Not far at all. “Can I crash at your place? Please just let me sleep it off,” he whined at me. “If you sleep at my place, are you gonna tell me what happened tonight?” I asked him. “Everything?” He just nodded. But now he looked defeated. As we walked into my apartment, I stopped him at the doorway. “You’re not coming in here with those stinking clothes,” I told him. “Take them off.” Mark hesitated for a minute, then started taking his shirt off, struggling through his inebriation. He stripped down to his boxer briefs, apparently thinking it was over. I had to take a minute to drink him in: A little shorter than me but covered with that fine black fur. And of course, I had to see the rest of him. “All of it,” I said. “And go hop in the shower. I don’t want you stinking up the place.” He walked over to the hallway and immediately went in the wrong room. “Whoops!” I heard him say. Once I heard him step into the shower, I started disrobing. When I opened the shower door he jumped, completely startled. “Mr. Walker! What?” He stumbled again, the alcohol and pot still clouding his head. Now, I am not that attractive. I’m attractive enough to have sex regularly, but I am a little bulky, I’m losing my hair and my thirties are nothing but a memory now, and I have a lot of silver or salt and pepper hair to prove it. But I have something that a lot of fags absolutely love: A nice nine inch cock. And now it was hard, and I was not trying to hide it. I just pushed my way in and pushed him aside as I started rinsing with the water and then lathering soap over my body. “Hot water only lasts for a few minutes,” I explained. “We’re gonna need to share.” He watched me lather up my dick, and he seemed to be hyperfocused on it. So focused he didn’t hear me calling his name. “Mark? Earth to Mark?” I snapped my fingers. He was pretty drunk still. He looked back at me, and then seemed to shake himself out of whatever daydream he was in. “Sorry, Mr. Walker. I’m still kinda out of it.” “That’s ok, boy.” I lathered up my hand with soap. “You know, Mark, I’ve been watching those videos.” I put my soapy, right hand over my cock, stroking it. Mark looked absolutely terrified as I used my left hand to turn him around and press his stomach against the shower, while moving it down his back until my soaped fingers pressed down along his crack. “You probably don’t want your mom to see those videos, do you, Mark?” He just shook his head, hanging it down in shame. “And I am guessing that you don’t want Jason’s parents to see you drinking down his loads of cum, do you?” “No, Mr. Walker.” I started lathering up his hole, and he reached back to stop me but I used my right hand to grab his. “Just let me get you clean, boy.” I started soaping him up, and he started moaning as my fingers teased around his hole. “I don’t really do that,” he whispered. “What? Clean your asshole?” “No, I mean...I don’t put things up there...” I could tell from his body language that he was getting really uncomfortable. I didn’t want to come on too strong. He hadn’t tried to run away from me yet, so I would take it slower. I moved my hand away and shrugged, like I didn’t care. In reality, my hard on throbbed because my touch was the first confirmation that his hole was hairy. “Just soaping it up,” I said. “But you should always keep your cock and ass clean, boy. Always ready for a man to use them.” I finished rinsing off. As I watched him, I saw that his cock was growing. “So you really don’t want your mom to see that video huh?” I asked, scrubbing what was left of my hair with shampoo. I could see Mark staring at me, his eyes darting between my grey haired chest and my cock. “No,” he admitted. His hands had crept to his 5 inch penis, which he was stroking now. “That’s a really big favor, Mark,” I said. “What’s in it for me?” “I don’t know, Mr. Walker...” “You said something about chores?” “Yes!” Mark yelled, eagerly, his eyes wide and a big smile. “I can do chores for you!” He looked at my cock. “What kind of chores?” “Um, any kind...” I put my wet hand in the kid’s hair and stroked it. “Be more specific.” Mark hung his head. “I can suck you off. If that’s what you want.” “No, not really.” Mark had no reason to know this, but I was not really a fan of blowjobs. It was his tight, unpenetrated ass that I craved. “Not right now anyway.” He stared at me. “I have a few videos,” I told him. “Mostly shows you, sucking off Jason. Smoking pot, drinking.” I stroked my cock for him. “Just teens being teens. But I don’t think your mom would like it would she?” He shook his head. “No.” I put my hands on his shoulders. “And you don’t have anywhere else to go, do you?” Mark choked up at this. “No.” “I see.” I pushed him down, until he was forced onto his knees. “You gonna do what I say?” I asked him. He nodded at me, uncertain, his innocent curly haired face staring back at me, waiting. I pressed my dick against his lips. “Open.” I grabbed his hair, holding him against my groin. He dutifully obeyed, taking about a quarter of my nine incher into his mouth. I just stood, waiting. He started licking, hesitantly, moving his tongue around my head. And then I did it: I pissed right in his mouth. At first I think the kid thought that I was filling him with a load. Probably thought that I came prematurely like his boyfriend. But a couple seconds in, he realized what I was doing and, acting on instinct, tried to pull away. That’s when I made sure he drank it all. It wasn’t much, but I had to make sure that he knew the score. After I finished he looked up, mouth still on my dick, bewildered. Frightened. And, I think, a little excited. Because what’s better for a bottom than pleasing his top? Nothing really. And whether this kid knew it or not, he was a bottom. Or a bottom in training. And I aimed to teach him well. “Don’t leave a drop,” I told him. He sucked and sucked for a few minutes. Then I pushed him off of me and finished rinsing off while he waited on his knees. I turned off the water. “Use the mouthwash on the sink,” I told him. “There are towels in the cabinet.” I left the shower, grabbing the towel I had put out for myself when I came in. Stumbling and shaking, Mark came out drenched, looking for a towel. “Where are they?” he asked again, still dazed and confused. I grabbed a towel from the cabinet, annoyed. “Here.” “Thanks, Mr. Walker,” he said, drying himself off. Then he stumbled again, and that was when I realized that this kid was probably too shit faced to even remember me pissing in him. After he finished drying his body, he stood, mute. Waiting for something. “Go sit on the couch,” I said. He obeyed immediately, without question. As his body sank into the couch, I grabbed my phone to interface with the TV. “I’m so sleepy,” he said, snuggling into the couch. The little bitch thought he could get out of this by playing tired! “No school tomorrow,” I reminded him. “And no work for me. You should stay awake.” He preferred not to. He started moving his face against the pillow, smiling against it. “You don’t mind, do you Mr. Walker? I’m just really sleepy...” Now, ordinarily, I would let the boy sleep; after all, this piece of trash was going to end up ass up no matter what I did. Tonight, something was different. I could sense it. I let the kid lie down on the couch, and after he was asleep I raised his legs up. That sweet ass stared at me, winking. I had to have it tonight. So I did what any rational man would do: I went and grabbed a baggie of Tina and started moistening his hole with it. He started to stir. "Mr. Walker? What's going on?" I stroked my cock as I worked his hole over. Then I pushed some of the crystal inside, making Mark wince in pain. "Mark, you and your mother have taken advantage of me." I circled my finger inside his hole, and he moaned. When he saw that I was staring at him, he looked down in shame. "I-I guess. I'm sorry Mr. Walker we just-" I plunged another finger inside. "Ow! Mr. Walker I didn't-ow ow!" I was jabbing both fingers in and out now, and he was starting to open up. His protests were turning to purrs of delight. Oh yes. Tonight I planned to go all the way until this slut was begging for more cock in that pussy.
    23 points
  2. Andrew woke up to the sun streaming through his bedroom window. He was naked, and had little recollection of how he got there. Suddenly a memory broke through the haze, the Church, his Uncle, all the strangers that had fucked him. His hole twitched at the thought, he ran his hand over it, he was definitely still loose. Slipping a finger in he could feel some random load still inside him, a small whimper erupted from his mouth. Rising from the bed he stepped towards the mirror, his mouth dropped, and his heart sunk. How would he explain this to his Dad! On his chest, now sat a pentacle, 'Ave Satana' sat underneath it. It didn't stop there, his nipples before small and cute were now red and puffy, barbells now pierced them both. His cock also now was adorned with metal, as small barbell pierced the head of his cock, and a metal cock ring was around the base. Turning around he could see a small Biohazard tramp stamp just above his ass. Andrew knew he was in deep shit, if Dad saw any of this he would go ballistic. His best bet would be to cover it up until his Uncle got home and he could figure out a plan. Andrew stopped, his hole twitched again, he remember vividly the feeling of his uncles cock punishing Andrew's hole. What would dad do if he found out, Andrew knew he would submit to his Uncle again, but he didn't want to risk loosing him. Dad might throw Uncle Dom out if he found out what had happened, this was bad. Walking over to his draws a folded note sat on top, addressed to him. Opening it up, a simple phrase was scrawled inside; "Fags wear Fag clothes" Andrews heart jumped, but then with a sudden realisation it dropped again. Opening the draw he groaned, Uncle Dom wasn't going to make it easy on him. Inside the draw were not his usual clothes, inside instead were imitations of his old things. Shirts had been cut into crop tops, his jeans were now barely shorts. Some new items of clothing were there too, tight fitting underwear, jocks, thongs, even some small shirts which ranged from slogans such as; "Knock me up daddy" to "Looking for a Daddy". This was ridiculous, Uncle Dom couldn't expect me to wear this in public, he wouldn't last out the day let alone the week. Steeling himself with a deep breath, he pulled on some clothes. What he ended up going downstairs wearing, was a black thong, a pair of shorts that did nothing but highlight the thong, and a crop top that had a very visceral drawing of a small twink being fucked by a larger hairier man. "Um wow son, new look?" Andrew's dad was similar in a lot of ways to his Unlce, except clean cut. The piercings and the tattoos weren't there, instead his Dad the younger of the two was similar in hight and build. Both men were massive, incredibly strong and muscular, they worked out most days together in the garage. Stepping towards him, Andrew could see his Dad has seen the thong, his eyes darted all over the new appearance, and at the crude drawing. "Dom said that you had a nasty thing with your ex, he said that you were acting out and staying round a mates? Is this... um part of that" Dad visibly swallowed, he was having a tough time looking at Andrew. Andrew was having an equally hard time meeting his fathers gaze, but for a different reason, he was bright red and staring at the floor. "Its.. uh, yeah. I'm trying something new" "Thats good.. um, I'm going to the office... bye" Andrews Father quickly ducked out, clearly uncomfortable. The door at the end of the hall slammed shut, Andrew breathed a sigh of relief. At least he was able to hide the Biohazard tattoo from his father, if he had turned around this would have gone wildly different. Andrew wondered what he should do next, he was off from Uni and his Dad was being awkward. As if by magic, Dom walked in, he was sweating heavily. Andrew could smell the sweat from across the room, his body involuntarily tensed with need. "Hey fag" Dom stretched an arm over his head, displaying the sweaty pit. Dom knew what he was doing, he knew he needed to move fast. If he was going to make a dedicated chemmed up pig of his nephew he would need to lay groundwork of submission quick, soon Andrew would be totally dependent on Dom. Just where he wanted him if he was going to make a few bucks of the little slut. Andrews eyes bulged, he knew his dad was only in the other room, but his nature was telling him to lock his Uncles pits. It was as if since Father had fucked him, since he smoked Poz Pigs pipe, he had unlocked something inside him. "Get over here fag, don't make me ask again" Doms husky voice sounded in the quiet room. Andrew winced, he glanced at the door, hoping his father wouldn't see. Andrew rushed over, diving his head into his uncles pit. Snorting and licking he was desperate for the stench of his uncles pit, the sweet saltiness. Uncle doms hand held him in the pit, Andrew was in heaven. He still couldn't get over the fact, his Uncle a god of men was using his own nephew. Andrew moaned, quickly being transferred to the other pit. Doms hands guided him, gripping his neck like a vice, Andrew couldn't have done anything else. "Knees fag, your Uncle needs a piss after his run" Doms' strong arms pushed Andrew to his knees, dutifully Andrew looked up into his Uncles eyes and opened his mouth. Dom reached into his sweaty joggers and fished out his large cock, piercing hanging at its tip, and familiar metal cock ring at its base. Andrews mouth began watering, he wrapped his lips around his Uncles cock head. He wouldn't spill any thing time, less it give it away to his dad Dom tensed, releasing himself into his new piss pig. He held his hands around Andrews head, watching as the office door slowly opened. "Hey so about earlier, I don't think its appropriate for you to wear that kind of stuff son..." Stan stopped mid sentence, and stop mid step. He looked at the scene before him, his son struggling on his brothers cock. Doms hands held Andrews head to his crotch, Andrew was looking dead into his eyes trying to push off. Dom persisted, turned to him and winked. "Hey bro, just having a piss in the fag" Grunting Dom pumped more piss into Andrew, Stan watched as his son swallowed piss his eyes taking all of it in. He noticed the biohazard symbol on the small of his back, shock set in. Stan knew what had happened, Andrew had gone to the church. Andrew struggled to keep drinking his uncles piss, but he had no choice. Even when his father was stood only a meter away, watching his fag son comit [banned word]. He was ashamed to admit, but he was so hard right now, Andrew wanted people to know how much of fag he was. Andrew needed men to know that he was there to serve. Dom relaxed, the last of his piss drainging into his nephews mouth. Pulling out he shook his cock, his PA catching the sunlight. Then pulling his joggers off, he walked over to the toilet to take a shower. He wanted to let them process the new power dynamic of the house.
    6 points
  3. After Max's second load, the boys had settled into a more relaxed posture with max resting gently on his side, his arm around Oliver and his semihard cock once so obstinate now buried safely inside the piggy twinks warm cummy hole as the two dozed lightly. Trey stirred lightly from behind max's broad shoulders, his sticky cockhead resting gently between Max's firm cheeks as a small pearl of Treys poz batter leaked from the slumbering hunks slippery little ring. Trey watched as it coated the head of his prick slowly, as if to slyly beckon him inside once again. Trey lazily stretched to the nightstand and gently plucked the small bottle of poppers into his hand so as not to wake the sleeping pigs. unscrewing the top and reaching around Max's muscular shoulders he gently held the bottle against his nose. Trey glanced down and began softly flexed his hips, rocking his aching prick against max as the poppers opened him like a flower. Trey slid the length of himself deep inside the slumbering stud as his own warm cum rushed to coat his leaking rod. Quietly he returned the bottle to the nightstand and gently placing his hand on Olivers slender hip, he pushed softly but firmly, driving both of them deep inside. Oliver stirred at the wonderful sensation of a grown mans throbbing tool as it filled him again. looking over he saw Trey softly pumping full strokes of his cock into Max, taking pleasure in gaping the now loose and welcoming hole as his balls worked up another load of toxic creme to deposit. "what are you doing?" oliver whispered, rocking gently in time to Treys thrusts. "Giving him a nice warm gift" Trey smiled. "lie back down and relax. just let me finish up" Trey concentrated on his cock as it stretched and filled the boy with rhythmic sticky thrusts. "It'll help if you milk him ollie. Guys convert better if they cum when theyre getting filled up." Ollie nodded and went to work, swirling his feminine hips and working the big cock inside him just as Doug had taught him so many times. Reaching down, Trey gently cupped Max's bloated sack. "hes close, dont stop" Trey muttered. As much as he delighted in watching Max's gaping ring gobble his dick up, it was best to keep it inside to keep the seed from dribbling out. Pushing against Max he quickened his pace until finally he felt his balls begin to shoot jet after white hot jet into the hole. "mmmm drink up sweetie. lets fill that pussy nice and full" Trey cooed felt the familiar contractions of Maxs orgasm, punctuated by a series of groans from the boy. Trey didnt know if max could feel it, but hot cum splashing inside him always drove him to shoot. Perhaps max was the same. Ollie squinted at the clock and struggled to recall for a moment until it hit him. "oh shit, i have to pick my brother up at the airport!" Olliver practically jumped off the mans dribbling cock as Trey rolled out of the bed, satisfied Max would keep his gift safe inside for a few more hours while he rested. "my clothes!" olliver hissed in panic. "dont worry ill get them. You'd better get a quick shower." No sooner than Trey had offered, Oliver pattered into the connected bathroom and cranked on the water as an obscene drool of hot man cum ran down his thighs. Trey returned with a pile of clothes and stepped in to join Oliver. "thanks" the filthy young pig sheepishly announced to Trey as he began to soak in the running shower. "h-hey..." Oliver turned around surprised to see Trey lining his semilhard cock up to Olivers welcoming hole and promptly sliding home. "im helping!" trey smiled. "gotta get cleaned up right?" Oliver scowled at the thought that trey wasnt taking his mad dash seriously until he gasped lightly in surpsise and looked down. "there ya go. " Trey sighed contentedly and pulled Olivers hips closer as the shower rained down on the two boys. Oliver sighed and leaned back against Trey as he obediently relaxed and let Treys piss drain into him. "that a boy ollie" Trey slipped out of the little slut and spun him around to gently work his swolen nipples. "now let it out." Trey watched as a torrent of piss and cum drained from the obedient young boys smooth hairless hole on command. "good boy. all clean now." Trey handed the soap back to the contented little pig with a smile.
    6 points
  4. Father's rutting cock was pistoning out of Andrews hole, the thick demon cock churning his now loose hole. Andrew was in bliss, he was finally worshiping his uncle, the way he knew he needed too. Suddenly Fathers grip tightened around his throat, choking him. Father's ruts and grunts became more desperate, suddenly Andrews uncle stepped away. Andrew didn't mind, he knew what was about to happen. He knew it was time for him to convert to this new demonic church. Father's cock slammed into Andrew, causing him to cry out. Again, and again the thick demonic cock stretched Andrew, and turned his tight boy hole into a real man cunt. "Please Father, please breed me" Andrew begged the heaving hooded man. "YOU WANT THE GIFT" He yelled, his deep voice booming in the dark of the church. "Poz me Father, knock me up! I want your poz gift Sir" Father roared, slamming into Andrew. He could feel Father as he pumped a massive load deep into Andrew, bucking hard as his tiny cock spewed onto the mattress. Andrews breath was ragged, being rutted into by the hooded man, as he pumped the last of his demonic seed into the now defiled Andrew. Andrew looked up, his body reeling in a high, he locked eyes with his Uncle. Feeling Father now pull slowly from Andrews ruined cunt, he could feel the weight of the piercings drag out of him. He needed more, he couldn't go back to feeling empty. Andrew knew what he wanted, and now converted by Father he knew he could finally be with his Uncle. Staring dead into the eyes of his Uncle, he watched as slowly Dom paced the edge of the mattress. Changing places with Father, Dom looked down at the ruined hole before him. It gaped from the demon cock that had defiled it, dripping in toxic cum. Taking his PA, holding it to the opening he dipped it into the cum ridden cunt before him. He slammed in, forcing his was deep into his nephew. Feeling the boy gave way, he held him down with his superior strength pushing him into the mattress. Andrew moaned as he felt his Uncle punch deep into him, groaning as he felt his uncles PA drag inside him. Andrew tears down his face, as his uncle mercilessly hammered into his hole. Screaming into the mattress and he rammed his already loose hole. "Here brother smoke this" Poz Pig was above him, holding out the pipe to Andrews lips. Greedily he wrapped his lips around Poz Pigs glass cock and took a big hit, and another. Holding the pipe to his lips, Poz Pig smirked, Father like the converters lucid, Poz Pig liked them destroyed. Andrew was now puffing away, a cloud perpetually surrounded him, he was so fucking high. He began to meet his uncles thrusts feeling the cock fuck in Father's load. Sweat was running off his uncle, his manly scent filled Andrews nose, he knew this was where he needed to be. The pipe, again was put to Andrews lips, he had little resistance now. Andrew collapsed again, his uncles hammering into his hole now reaching climax. Andrew was in a blissful state, he knew he was about to get his Uncles strain aswell, he could barely think. lying there taking cock in that blissful state, he felt his Uncle shout slamming deep into him again. "Fuck, take that poz load fag!" Dom shuddered as he shot his load into his nephew and pulled out, filling his own flesh and blood with his strain. He was so proud to have his nephew in the cult, a stranger quickly replaced him, plunging into the loose and loaded hole. It was the congregations turn to add their loads, he knew it would be a day or so before Andrew made it home. He looked down at his nephew, lying there in chemmed bliss, Poz Pig shotgunning him. Boy probably had no idea his Uncle was leaving him there, one of the brothers would drop him off at the house when he was done being fucked. Dom turned towards the church doors, now wearing a pair of joggers. He would be looking forward to having a new fag permanently on call.
    6 points
  5. Been a long wait for this one, my apologies... **************************************************** I stared at the screen for a moment thinking about it. All the years of hearing Doug sexualize Troy and my head was spinning with lust and fear. Realizing I was taking to long to respond I typed quickly, “On my way.” I grabbed my keys and in less than five minutes I was pulling into his driveway. I hit my pipe a few times before I left, knowing it would only help and left it in the car. Troy doesn't do that. I walked right in and found porn playing on the TV in the den with a bottle of poppers right beside it. I grabbed the bottle and sampled, very nice. The porn was planting something, I recognized it from my own collection. Both buzzes hit me at once, also the same moment he came from the bedroom with an open robe. That big cock swinging between his legs, smile on his face. He brushed it in front of my face and he walked past. My position on the couch and proximity to the coffee table left little room for him to get passed. He reclined beside me on the couch, exposed on on display. I hit the bottle a few times and settled in to enjoy my meal. No cock ever tasted better. A beautiful piece of seven inch thick cock slide slowly into my mouth. I had had plenty of time to salivate to accommodate this beauty. I sucked hard and deep as long as I could but eventually I had to resurface. Perfect opportunity to hit the poppers before returning to my duty. I sucked the head briefly before jerking him slowly so I could lick and suck on his balls. I sucked him after that for as long as he let me, but not long enough. I had thought that maybe I could get him off with a blowjob and that would be fine. But it seemed only a short time later when he pulled me off of that delicious tool and turned me around on my knees. I grabbed the bottle and let me eyes roll back in my head as he sank his tongue in my ass. Pure heaven and I kept the bottle right there because I knew what would inevitable happen. And it did, first a finger then a thumb. He finally pulled back and sat on the couch and struggled with something, I looked back. He was putting a condom on. I was relieved as he came back rubbing lube on me and his cock and slowly sank into me. Thank god for poppers. It hurt at first but was bearable, eventually he settled into a rhythm and kept plowing away. Definitely worth the poppers. He pulled out and laid back on the couch. I took my cue to mount and reposition and lowering myself on his still sheathed cock. After several failed attempts at comfortable entry I hit the poppers again and lowered myself onto him just as he removed the condom. Instantly I felt the difference and told him so as I started milking his cock. I rode him for ten minutes before he got his strength back and flipped me over onto my back and sank quickly into a position that allowed for a steady rhythm and deep penetration. His breathing quicked and I head those words I dreaded, “I'm gonna cum soon.” My head was swimming with everything and the ecstasy. “Do you want me to pull out?” I quickly nodded and closed my eyes as I was close to unload myself. He pulled out of me and pushed my legs higher, taking his cock and beating it. It wasn't long before he was firing shot after shot of cum at me freshly plowed hole. I could feel in splashing on my ass and felt at least one spray find and coat my hole. He wiped the cum from his cock on my ass and kept my legs elevated while he used his fingers to pool the remaining cum on my hole while I strained to keep it closed. With the remaining cum pooled where he wanted it he circled my pucker with his finger. I watched him intently as he looked at me and said, “I pulled out.” After he spoke he slowly pushed his finger into my hole bring his load with it. It was at that moment I lost control of myself and started announcing my own climax. As cum started erupting from my hard-as-it-has-ever-been cock, he rocked me back and in one motion his finger was replaced by his cock forcing the rest of his load deep into my sore ass. He stroked viciously while I came all over myself. Finally after it subsided he pulled out of me and went to take a shower. I put my clothes back on quickly and left, returning home still dazed with everything but feeling completely satisfied.
    6 points
  6. This happened this last summer when everything was locked down for Covid. My husband used to drive for Lyft, and was friendly with a group of homeless people in certain areas of metro Detroit. We were bored, so we decided to take a drive and see if we could get into some trouble. He had me wear a jockstrap, and some short shorts, sitting in the backseat fucking my hole with a dildo while we drove around. We went to the neighborhood, and spoke to some of his the homeless people he’s friendly with to see if they wanted to fuck me. Tommy, this 20 something straight guy decided he’d let me suck his dick, and if it felt good he’d fuck me. He’s got a semi hairy chest, and a big full bush, which absolutely turns me on. He’s about 5’7”, and 150 lbs, which is a frame that is a lot smaller than mine. (I’m 5’10, and 196). He’s cute, but this is not my type, but I’m a slut, and here we are. So I get on my knees in the dark alley behind this dilapidated bank, where they’ve been sleeping, and start sucking his dick. I thought it would smell and taste horrible, but it was surprisingly sweet tasting. His cut dick got hard almost instantly, and was at least 8” long, and about 5” around, he kept whispering “fuck”, and “holy shit. You really know how to suck a dick”. After a few minutes he said “alright, let me see that pussy.” We head over to where this huge bank door where I can lean over and get my balance. I pull my shorts down, and Tommy blurted out “god damn. That’s a nice fucking ass.” I could feel myself blushing, because this straight guy, who despite being homeless, was incredibly attractive. He takes my ass and spits on my hole, putting a finger up in me to see what it feels like. He liked that it was already loosened up because of the dildo, and creamy. He said “this feels as smooth and tight as a pussy”, and I responded “make it your pussy tonight”. Me saying that kinda turned him on, and he spit on his dick. He plays with my hole with the tip, and asked if I was ready, which I responded “always”. He slowly inches it in, and fucks a little deeper with every stroke, until finally he gets it all the way in. He stops. His breathing is strained, and he just keeps muttering “fuck, fuck, fuck. This feels so good”. His strokes are uneven, and awkward, and you clearly tell he’s very awkward. He finally gets his bearings, and gets his stroke to a very steady rhythm. He mutters “ I’m gonna make you my bitch. You’re gonna let me nut in you, aren’t you slut”, with me moaning “yes, baby, yes. Give me all that cum”. I’m leaking precum so bad at this point. He keeps pumping my hole harder and faster, making me moan so loudly, and I knew it was almost time. He grunts this primal, throaty noise, and pulls my ass so he’s balls deep in me. He starts to cum, and just keeps saying over and over again “oh fuck, oh fuck, ohhhhh fuuuuuck”, and I can feel him throbbing inside of me. I reach between my legs and cup his hairy balls, feeling them pulse with every contraction. He pulls out, and I turn around to suck his dick clean. Which isn’t something straight people do lol. Anyway, this was my first experience with a homeless man, but not my last. to be continued...
    5 points
  7. I was 33 when met Doug. He was the love of my life in every way. He opened my eyes to so many new things sexually that I can’t imagine who I would be today without him. It wasn’t a sudden change, after all, Rome wasn’t built in a day, but eventually I came around. From the start I was on board with an open relationship, but it took almost a year before I was okay with us going bareback, even within the relationship, but the first time the condom came off I was hooked and knew there would never be another condom in my life. Prior to Doug I was a bottom, versatile but leaned more towards bottom. Surprise, surprise. Doug was a total bottom so I filled the role of top nicely. I loved slidding into him raw and pounding away until I blew my load deep inside him. I have a decent sized cock, seven and a half inches long about five inches girth. I get no complaints and Doug likes it. After I was hooked on bareback with Doug I started to wonder what it was like to bareback as the bottom. I had played bottom plenty of times before but only bareback once the second time I had sex and never did it again. While our sex life was great, it was not a daily event, as I would like it to be and often I found myself taking matters into my own hands and beating off. I would generally fantasize about the role that I wasn’t currently playing, that of the bottom. Doug knows I like to bottom and often while we were having sex our talk would get to the subject of him wanting me getting fucked while I am fucking him. Always it ended up being his ex, who I will get to in a minute, and always he cums in me, I made sure of that. This was all before I really knew the ex, Troy. Troy lives in the same neighborhood as us and is always throwing summer pool parties. We didn’t really go for a few years so I was never met him. Then one summer we were stoned and Troy messaged Doug that he had friend over and did we have anything to bring to the party. So we went for a few hours, there were brief introductions and we enjoyed the night, pool-side under the stars. A few years later, we got invited out again, just the two of us, and Troy and his lover. This was the first real time I had to get to know Troy and he seemed like a great guy. Attractive, nice body, great cock, I could see him fucking me. Now I had a real life image to go with the fantasy image Doug and I had cemented in my mind. This was the first time I was seeing Troy naked (his parties are generally clothing prohibited) but he had already cum in me multiple times, he was almost a part of our relationship. I spent the night flirting heavily. The next summer I noticed Troy on the sex apps and struck up a conversation with him. We chatted for a bit but then the conversation died, as they tend to do and it was left at that. It was also because of this app that I discovered for the first time that Troy was poz. Troy was rarely on when I was on so the opportunity didn’t prevent itself to say hello often. This new information somehow did not affect my fantasies. One weekend Doug had been called out of town for work so, having a few friends in the destination city, he took the opportunity to incorporate a small vacation, which left me home alone for a few days. Not that I was complaining. I like my alone time as much as the next guy. I was feeling horny and was checking out the apps when I noticed Troy was online. It was late and I was about to head to bed but would at least like to beat off. I decided to ask Troy to borrow some poppers but put a little sexual twist with it. Me: Hey man, you up? Him: Yeah what’s going on? Me: Do you have any poppers? Him: Yeah I got some real good ones Me: I’ll suck your dick if I can borrow them THERE WAS A LONG PAUSE Him: Don’t you want to get fucked? I was shocked. I had actually been kidding about the blowjob. Honestly, I didn’t expect him to take me up on my offer, and certainly not to suggest that I wanted to get fucked.
    4 points
  8. From his resume, Carlos would appear as middle-aged man, graduated from a respectable university and acting as a financial advisor - quite successful - for a firm you probably never heard of. He was also a volunteer for HIV Montreal, a non-profit org with an inexhaustible source of fresh young man, and the most exquisite sexual outlet for his urges which were as often as possible. When you met Carlos in person, you would have a different perspective. He didn’t look like your typical accountant or financials trustee. The man that would stand before you would be massive, clearly not obese nor muscled-freak. A strange sight. At 6’2” tall, crop hair with a one-day strong goatee, averaging 115 kg, he was obviously impressive. The suit he would wear would be tight on his huge chest and the bulge in his trouser would have you give up any pretense of anything small with Carlos. Naked, he was intimidating. This is exactly what 19-year-old college star-athlete Ben Schultz realized as he lay on the mattress, completely naked. I had to tie his hands because he was a very angry jock, with no ounce of fat he might have overpowered me easily. For the first 15-20 minutes, Ben cursed at me vehemently, wrestling to get loose of his bounds without success. Neighbors would have been alerted if it was not of the underwear-gag stuffed in his mouth. I must say I had used his own boxer brief soaked in my warm and toxic piss to muffle him. Now, he was breathing heavily through his broken nose, exhausted by the useless strenuous effort he put up. My nice dripping hard cock resting against his treasure trail of his hard abs. I was caressing his face, wiping the tears down to his neck and shoulders. He was an exceptional specimen of a healthy and sturdy young man. He had all the reasons to be angry. After all, I was threatening his masculinity – no doubt he was 100% straight – with me invading his space, with me caressing his naked body, powerless to my fingers to roam over his chest and stomach, tied up on a smelly mattress with a faggot. And really upset about the large Latino man behind him who was about to shove a fat nine-inch poz cock up his pinky virgin asshole. That was my good friend Carlos, a gang-raised teen who had grown into a ruthless thug man, hung like a pornstar. “Sshh… Sshh… calm down Ben, you need to relax” as I removed the gag. “I know its all new to you, but I am afraid that if you don’t Carlos will have to force down his large cock in your puny straight ass. None of us wants to hurt you, believe me. Loosing its cherry to a man is unique moment in a life of a young man like you and I would like to make it memorable for you… That was mean! If you spit in my face again, I will put a safety pin through your tongue and bottom lip. As a fact, I like swapping spit with handsome straight guys like you, so I am not really mad at you. Now, my turn, open your mouth!” I snorted deep and hard, then brought my face close to his like I would kiss him, and spit up a big yellowish lumpy phlegm right pass his tonsils, forcing him to swallow it by tilting his chin up. “You need to understand who runs the show here. There isn’t much you can do. We have nothing against you, in fact we are delighted to have stumble into you at the bar men’s room. You put up quite a show while horse-pissing at the urinal. Oh yeah, you were slightly drunk and show us, the “faggots” like you called us, how man you were. We would have laugh with you at your macho stance, but see, I don’t like the “f” word as much as Carlos here like the “n” one. It’s offensive. So, we had to see how man you were. I guess will find out soon. The truth is you are going to get your ass fucked and you will have to accept it. Now, how easy it will be is pretty much up to you. You can listen to us and follow our instructions by lifting your legs and bring your knees as close as possible to your shoulders. See, it is easy for the athlete that you are. Sshh… stop shaking, nothing really bad will happen, you ass is so tight that it will be extremely painful. Let me hold your legs. Now, concentrate on relaxing this little cunt of yours like a good girl.” With me pushing, Ben’s knees sunk into the mattress past his shoulders unveiling at the same time his virgin rosebud. It was a mesmerizing vision I hadn’t the chance to see often. “Stop putting a fuss. In this position, it will be easier for both of you. We had the impression when we met you that you weren’t a selfish little prick, aren’t you? Think about Carlos, it’s going to hurt him as much as you if you struggle like this. I know, you never had sexual intimacy with a guy before, not even with your best friend or your Dad. Trust me, it’s an adjustment. Oh! You don’t want to adjust… you have a girlfriend… well not anymore, I guessed. While you were in the bathroom at the disco-bar, I had my friend Jeremy buying her drinks and fingering her twat before you finished pissing. Don’t cry and call me a liar. If you are a good boy, do everything we ask, then I’ll bring you at the apartment upstairs to see her. After you dumped her at the bar and left with us, Jeremy brought her back to his place, the apartment above, for a nightcap. Now, don’t get upset again, I see that you are angry at me just like when I was kissing you earlier. Let me kiss you again in the most affectionate way I can. I don’t care if you don’t want to, kissing a guy is not the end of world, in fact it opens you to new sexual encounter possibilities.” “Now, now, I know you are reluctant to have a nine-inch cock shoved up your virgin ass… Don’t interrupted me, no one told you it was impolite? What?... A poz cock? Are you telling me that you would accept to be fucked by a nine-inch cock, but that you are afraid of a nine-inch poz cock? No? Are you sure? Because I tell you right off the bat that it will make Carlos really angry if you discriminate him only by his HIV status. A nine-inch cock, poz or not, is a nine-inch cock. And it's going to hurt, no doubt about it. There you go, just calm down. Let it go. Oh! for fuck sake, stop crying. Carlos is just trying to loosen up a bit, let him finger you some” As Ben’s ass ring was losing the battle, something inside him shredded, his dignity had vanished. “Hey, I’m here. A finger in you in ass is not pain. You must realize that when Carlos is going to fuck you up the ass, the first ten or twelve times, then you will know what pain is. I mean, fuck, it will feel like a stirring hot spear rod ripping your guts, you will feel like dying and gone to hell… you might actually want to die… you will scream until your voice breaks and you run out of tears. But I will there with you all along to remind you that you are stronger than you think and that all your begging is pointless.” “You are a very handsome young man. That’s what we first noticed of you at the bar. There were many other guys that we could have picked, but there was something in your demeanor that draw us to you. Here, I want to kiss you again. I just can’t resist to feel your lips, but I want you to kiss me back. Close your eyes if you need to and think its your girlfriend slut you are kissing, a long wet open-mouthed kiss. Lets see if you are a good kisser. Stop trashing around. No, NO!… I warned you what would happen if you dare spit in my face again. Don’t push your luck, I like you very much, but I will punish you if I need to, and this is something you shouldn’t look forward to.” “Look at you, hands tied, pinned down on the bed by two full-grown men. There is nothing you can do other than cooperate. We can spend hours playing with you: slapped your balls or electro-nipple play, clamps, needles, candles if we get bored. I even think that Carlos as a baseball bat somewhere, you get the idea. With each game, you will break down bit by bit until you become a ragdoll in our hands, and then we will still fuck you. But we won’t have to do that, aren’t we? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Now for that kiss, you are not to turn your head away and you are to look me in the eyes. I know I said you could close your eyes, but I changed my mind. I want to look at these beautiful brow-eyes when your mind fails to resist, and you become mine. I want a passionate kiss with a lot of tongue and spit-swapping, less than that will result in a punishment” The French-kissing session went for about twenty minutes… at the end his face was covered with spit, his lips were puffy from all my little love bites, his mouth slack and drooling like an idiot. I took the opportunity to get closer to him, almost cuddling him, my cock frotting on his stomach. I think he got the idea how much we revel on his predicament. Carlos was slowly working a second finger in his fuckhole and nudging his balls roughly. “See, I told you! When you cooperate, it’s so much easier and fun! Look down, look at what you have done… my hard cock poking your ribs, dripping copious amount of poz precum. You did not know I was poz also! Yes we both are. Lets rub it on your body. You are perfect except for your straight-cocky attitude, but don’t worry, after a weekend with me and Carlos, you will be unrecognizable! You will be one of us, another gifted member of our private club. A pretty cumdump opening his legs and mouth at a finger snap from any strangers. Gone will be the macho guy, gone will be the homophobic attitude, gone forever will be straight jock from the bar! Even your ex-girlfriend will be flabbergasted with the change! That if we give you permission to see her. Not that she will ever want to have sex with you anymore, not after she spent a couple of weeks being pimped at the sex club. Fuck! She might not even remember your name! Imagine how proud mom and dad will be to see their 19-year-old son graduating in something without their money! And here, next to your heart, I will have your diploma tattooed, a nice biohazard symbol!” “Now, now, it’s not a nice way to thank us… don’t try to worm you way out now. It’s still a long way and hard work before you get your diploma. Don’t get nervous, Carlos and I have 100% success rate and a lot of experience. You are so lucky to have us! I have no doubt that you will quickly become the favorite boytoy in our cohort. We will fix your hair a bit and probably shave the rest of you. Lets have a look at your nipples. They are large dark brown ones. Beautiful! They create a beautiful contrast with your pale chest, for now anyway, I am not sure if they will remain outstanding after a flogging session in a dungeon… or may be we will just get you a full-tattooed body or, if you obey, just a regular suntan. I bet you would liked that. It shows that you’re in sports, you have well-developed pecs, firm and all. They are not like a lot of sissies out there who have already their titties ready-to-eat. Not yours… your larger-than-a-quarter nipples completes your virile look. But no… not yours… you can’t do anything with them for now, not chew on them or pull them. They gives me something to work on. Mmmmh… oh yeah… so delicious. I could lick and suck on them all night. I must do something right! Your nipples are hard with a lot of little goosebumps around! Now, whenever I suck them or I scratch your tits and draw blood with my sharp nails like this, I want you to arch your back and push your chest up to me, as far as you can, until you feel like your backbone is ready to break. Come on… push… arch your back… tilt your head back in the mattress… you can do better than that. Stick those tits like some cheap whore in a porn movie.” “What are you doing? What do you mean you can’t? You want a rest? Carlos, hand me the cattle prod over. I knew it, with a little incentive you can get the best of anyone! I bet not even your ex with her whore tits can look as cute as you are right now. By the time we are done with you, anyone will see the slut in you whenever they start playing with your tits. Because this is what you have, tits… not nipples anymore. Oh Carlos! Great! I wish that you can see this from my point of view… Carlos has two of his thick digits up your chute, scissoring them relentlessly in preparation for a third one. Don’t bother, the cameras are capturing all this for you, and others, to view afterward. An imperishable souvenir of your deflowerment that will live on the web for all to see! Let me spit in his asshole few times, Carlos, it will lube him and make your job easier. Don’t be such a cry baby… of course you can take another finger in your hole. If not, how to you expect Carlos to shove his nine-inch Latino cock in your sweet little hole? “I must admit to you Ben that you have a pretty well-trimmed bush down there. I might let you keep it. It doesn’t make your shriveled cock look good right now, but when excited I can see why girls would fall for you. And your balls! They are good size and low hanging, you know? No, really, you don’t? Don’t lie to me… You mean you never secretly spy on your playmates in the shower? You must have seen web porn, admiring men tools plowing cunts while jerking off? Ah see, you did know, but don’t sweat you don’t have anything to be ashamed. I know you told us, you only had a 7-inch cock which we still have to see, but 7-inch is not bad but, if you want to know the truth, it is pretty small compare to Carlos black fat nine-inch poz cock, even if you remove his large skeleton tribal P.A. Yes, you are a stud with nice cock and balls for us to play for hours. Of course, I will get rid of the hair on your balls and ass. Treasure trail too. You and I will do a private session where I will pluck them out one by one. For you to remember to always keep hairless balls and smooth pussy.” “Let me spread your asscheeks so Carlos can get a better access to your soon to be pussy. Did you fuck a lot of girls? No?... How many?... Come on, how many?... and don’t lie to me because I will find out if you do. 2? Only 2? And the slut upstairs, did you fucked her? No! Are you some kind of closeted faggot? Most guys these days play the fields and fuck like rabbits! Maybe you are just shy in the bedroom. Ah! There we go again! Will you ever stop crying? I didn’t say you were a homo, it’s just that the way you bragged at the bar with your friends, the way you act in front of your girl, I’m amazed that you haven’t bone her in the cunt and the ass. What? You don’t do ass? It’s disgusting? Well for once we agree. That’s why Carlos and I gave you these piss enemas before, to cleanse your guts from all your shit. Imagine you cleaning Carlos dick after he fucked you like a cheap whore, would you prefer a shitty dick or a spit-lubed dick covered by cum, ass juice and blood? Yes, there is going to be some blood when the heavy piercing shreds your guts. No, you are not going to die. How many times I have to tell you? Your mine, and I will keep you for a long time. Otherwise, how I might supposed to make money if I don’t have a nice and hot stud – yes that’s you – to rent to other men?” “Here drink this. It’s the piss leftover from the enema. Don’t be afraid, I will not punish you if piss overflows your mouth, there is plenty more from where it came from. But I strongly suggest that you start swallowing. After all, we don’t want you to get dehydrated in the middle of your first fuck. Yes, you guessed right. It’s time to fuck. Carlos has been hard for the last half-hour while he was sawing your ass with his three fingers. Now open your mouth and suck on them while I shift over to your head to better hold your legs. Let's see how well you learned from all the preparation. In order to divert your attention from the pain, I am going to play with your dick. You will learn to love another man’s touch on your junk. It is time take your first dick up your ass. Oh fuck! you won’t believe until you see it from the video. Carlos just hawked a thick loogie to lube you, but your open and now hungry asshole just swallowed it like a starving bird eating a worm. Yeah, your hole remained open a little. It is a little bruise also which led me believe that you were telling the truth when you told us that you had never put anything in it, not even your little finger. No, none of your screams convinced us while Carlos fingered your pucker. After all, Ben, you might have been a sniveling cunt trying to fool us.” "Carlos is spreading your bubble ass again, your puckered hole is winking at us. Is it anticipation or are you just a fucking tease? Don’t bother to answer, instead suck on my dick a little. I warn you, don’t get any idea of biting me. If you have the audacity to even graze your teeth on my cock, we will stop our little ass play here and I will pull and knock all your teeth with the blood-rusted plier there on the nightstand. No, I’m just kidding but you get the idea. You have a pretty face, so make sure you keep it that way. Can you feel that? Carlos is gonna push his big fat pierced-cockhead, like small apple against your virgin pussy. When I say push, push your ass like when you take a shit, it will ease the cock to go in. Oh Carlos! I am sorry Ben; Carlos couldn’t resist much longer. After all, you have been teasing him with this nice virgin ass of yours for hours. Now calm down, breathe, it must have hurt like hell. I would kill anyone before they try to fuck me with this kind of blunt prick, but we are not all alike, aren’t we Ben? Thank god, I had the idea to pull my cock out of your mouth! Hang on babe, suck on your boxer brief again. On top of muffling your screams, it will act as a pacifier.” “Sssh… it’s almost over. Carlos will pull out and we will try a different position. Lay on your side facing me, closer, no need to go shy on me again. I would say we are way past that. I'd love to untie your hands, but I just don't dare. Carlos is going to cuddle you from behind, you should now feel his cock trapped in your ass crack. I’m sure it is quite a sensation. Now, lift that leg up, yes like this, hold it. You are doing so great, such a good boytoy. Here it goes! See it is much easier like this. I can’t understand what you say, but don’t worry Carlos is going to stop right after he is past your ass ring. I can feel all your muscles tensed, it is very erotic and sensual to me. Come on Carlos, stop teasing him and push your fucking cock in him. The wait is killing him! Oh wow! You’ve done it like a good obedient faggot! You got the angry-red cockhead in! It hurts? Yeah, I bet it does. I know you are not use to it yet. Ben, don’t you forget anything? I am chewing on your tits again. What are you supposed to do? Good girl, that’s it, push those tits out. You are so lucky that I am into you, that I make you realize how much your tits can bring you pleasure. I love to make you feel good. Look down, your hard babe! Carlos and I know how to please straight guy like you. Are you sure that you are fully-hard because it doesn’t look to be 7 inches, not even 6, more like a clit? Does it feel good when I rub your hard clit? Your size doesn’t matter, really, it’s not that you are going to fuck anyone ever, right? On the other hand, Carlos and I are still going to get our nuts and tap your hot hole a numerous number of times over the weekend. And we’re not even past Friday midnight, isn’t great?” “You should had the time to adjust by now, because Carlos will start feeding your sweet little hole until he buries all of his nine-inch deep in your pussy. Let me lean over so I can be first witness when he will sink his missile-shape cock right down your straight chute. Oh wait, Carlos wants you on your back again, swing your leg over here, don’t grimace like that it doesn’t put you at your best advantage. Try to smile. Good god it looks like a corkscrew in your ass. Put your head here, kiss my piss slit. Go on, use your tongue. Make me believe you really want to, so I don’t have to punish you. Good girl.” “YOU DID IT, YOU GOT IT ALL IN YOU! Hell! All fucking nine-inch! Carlos said its like an oven down there. Try to relax your ass muscles, you don’t want to have Carlos cum already. With all the effort you put in so far, you owe to enjoy it! Oh, you have a cramp in your thigh… well… wrap those athlete legs around Carlos… Go back nursing my cock and this time no more interruption. My balls are boiling down there, and they want to shoot the full 4-day poz load they have been cooking for you down your throat. You will have to work for it, thought. Your going to do fine, everything is going to be fine.” It was quite a sight to see this 19-year-old straight athlete sucking on my poz cock while impaled on one of the fattest Latino cock I ever seen. He had cried so much that his red were bloody red. His lips had turned into a purple shade from my prolonged nibbling session. His tits sore, I had licked, sucked and bit them way much more he wanted. His treacherous cock was standing at attention despite the humiliation and the pain. May be he was a pain pig? His ass globes had taken a dark red color with all the slapping Carlos had given him while fingering his hole. The ass lips had lost their innocent pinkish look due to the unceasing stretch exercise they have received. Carlos heavy-weight tattooed buddy was glistening with sweat from exertion. Me? Well, I was comforting Ben in his journey, reassuring him at every steps of his manhood was stripped. Ben’s eyes had rolled out into oblivion. I am sure his mind would have too if I wasn’t there to bring him back to reality, messing with his mind. I read somewhere something about “guys getting fucked up to get fucked... [Don't try this at home!]” And Ben was doing all this consciously, without drugs, not even manufactured lube! Only saliva, sweat and piss and soon poz cum. I prefer guys to experience their descent to submission while they still have their mind alert. Then when they broke, they are never able to get back to normal; like a missing piece of a puzzle, like a lost dog looking back to return to his master. Ben wouldn’t be an exception. Once pozzed, rejected by his family, his best friend, other friends and, ah! his no longer girlfriend, Ben would turn to me, his savior! I wouldn’t let him down. I am not a cruel person. I would provide him with shelter, food and clothes (well, a jockstrap at most as he wouldn’t need much). I would even pay for medication if he wanted to. I will put him up to work at the bathhouse, finding tricks so he can earn his living. No professional career for him. No wife and children. Carlos and I would be his loving family. “Don’t pass out! Here, let me spit on your face and lick it up back. Hmmm… your armpits hair are wet and smell good. Let me lick those pits as well, I bet this acrid taste sweat taste good. You will learn soon that anything that comes up from a man tastes good. You will learn to crave it. Oh! Did you moan from my licking or from the fact that Carlos had started to piston his cock in your no longer virgin asshole? Did I told you that you are handsome?” “Make an effort to memorize every second of it, this sharing experience. You know things are going to get lots easier for you. After Carlos… you will be able to take my dick easily. I will slide in so easy… no problem taking eight inches after you've had nine. Of course, by the weekend you'll be taking dick like a professional whore. And then Jeremy might want to have a piece of your ass after he gets bored pounding your ex. Do you think he will prefer yours or your girlfriend ass? Based on Carlos’ comment, I will bet on yours. Soon your pussy will be looser and one night while we cuddled together, we will have a pillow talk and we will laugh at all the fuss you made today. But today, on the other hand, requires you to give your best. Push back your ass to Carlos’ thrusts. Let him see that you can take it like a man, that you are not one of these sissies. Try to stuff some cock in by yourself. There you go, see it wasn’t hard. Before sunrise tomorrow, you'll be sitting on that dick and bouncing.” “Ughhh! I’m cumming, keep your mouth on, don’t dare to stop sucking, Ughhh! Take it… take it you whore… Ughhh! Ughhh! Fuck! Start swallowing or you’ll be first straight man to drown on cum. Ughhh!... Oh yeah, move your tongue like that… Ughhh!... You were good baby, oh fuck! it always prime me up to know that I am the first one to nut in a cherry throat. Your nose is running cum, you're all worked up. Let me wipe my cock snot off on the boxer. Don't worry, I'll put it back in your mouth. The way you finished me tells me you like it. Good news for you, I can feed it to you few times a day!” "Jesus Carlos, you are like a possessed man, wow! I never saw you fuck like this, is Ben working your cock with his ass? Look at him buck, you'd think he is having a convulsion or something… I don't know about you, but I am having a wonderful time. I want to thank you Ben for making this night memorable. Here, does it feel any better if I twist and pull on your tits? Oh! you remembered to shove your chest up! All hope is not lost! We'll be doing a lot of that, and more, over the weekend. Before we're through, you'll have tits like your girlfriend. Atta boy, stick those tits out, lets see how far I can pull them out. Here, give me back the boxer and breathe otherwise you will have a hell of a headache.” "Okay Carlos, let’s conclude this! Get on your knees faggot, face and shoulders pressed down into the mattress, ass up! Fuck him Carlos! Amazing, you are taking it liked a champ! Carlos will not last long. Open that mouth of yours and suck my dick, work me up again. When Carlos is done giving you a first dose of toxic cum. I will be ready to plow your pussy, making sure your guts digest its first poz meal! Then, I will feed you the dessert you deserved! Ready? Lets have some more fun!”
    4 points
  9. Part 2 – Jeremy and Ben “Holy shit! They really did a number on you! Don’t cringe, I won’t hurt you. I only slipped 4 fingers in your hole. Still hot and creamy! and still tighter than your girlfriend twat upstairs. Here, taste it! Go on, clean them all. Good girl. I see Carlos gave you a tongue-piercing… I must say he doesn’t have much practice with it. The last few guys ended up with a permanent lisp… not that it really matters… it would just look normal on a faggot like you… but it looks like he got it right this time. Your pretty also. I understand why Dimitri cornered you at the bar. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no homo like you, but if it was the case, I would certainly had gone the extra mile to bring you in my bed.” “Ignore my hardon. I took two man’s pills earlier to put me back in business. I was planning to pork the slut another time. Because she’s so out of it now, I can barely maintain an erection, thus the pills. Well, at first and the following 3-4 times I alternated fucking her cunt and her shitter, she fighted with beak and nails. Then, the lazy slut went totally catatonic… well that was before Dimitri and Carlos showed up and crawled next to her in my bed… Dimitri has this special way to get the best of any slut or faggot like you… even when you feel you are on the road of your death… he always find a way to bring you back to life! Fuck, he is the greatest! Then Carlos felt asleep while Dimitri was training your girl to deepthroat him. So, I invited myself here to crash and get some sleep.” “You have a nasty black-eye. Somehow you must have displeased the guys, because most of the time, they are nice and gentle fellows. Hold still, let me pull your eyelid up… easy boy… just up a little more… Mmmh… really nasty... it already turned into a dark purple color. Lucky for me, there are no permanent damage! I'm way too much tired to attend some faggot wounds. You should be okay after a month or so. Humm… what is this? Contact lens? You lazy fuck! You, faggot whore, got too excited by the prospect of a fuck that you forget the basics of hygiene… This one is torn. Lets see if I can removed it. First, we should clean your eye from the dry cum. Yuck... is this your boxer?” “…issss! ……iisss! …urnnn” “What did you say? Oh! Piss! It burns! How the fuck should I know that you pissed your underwear like an old incontinent fart! Of course, it burns idiot! Anyway, your eye is still too dry, the lens won’t budge. Don’t move… Sorry! I was trying to spit in your eye and I completely missed my target. Bullseye! I got it right this time. Oh fuck! Now, it’s too wet! I can’t grab it with my fingers. Hold on, there is a plier here. Don’t be so frantic! This won’t work if you don’t stop trashing around like this. Turn on your side and lift your leg a little, there, yes like that… Fuck! I liked how my 7-inch cock wormed its way in your cum-lubricated hole. Tight and warm… Such a good faggot… Much better, you can’t move freely as before… if you do, then you will have to fuck yourself on my dick… well… you would probably like that… but don’t get any idea… I don’t fuck faggot… Now, ignore my cock up your ass… ignore the plier…” “We should really clean you up. While I was removing the lens, I got to look you up closely, and you do have pretty girlie face… No one ever made you the compliment? It’s true, with a face like this and your well-toned body, it wouldn’t take much hormonal therapy to get you a nice pair of tits… I bet your girl would be jealous… I might suggest it to Dimitri… Anyway, up to the shower… Ah! yes, your hands… I am not sure it would be a good idea to remove the tie wraps… Dimitri must have good reasons… Come on, up! Holly shit! This is really what we call having “wobbly legs”! Hurry up! I want to get some sleep before soon. Do you need to shit? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Okay sit and do your business, I will shower first. You pervert! Are you ogling my junk? For fuck sake! What now? Is that tears? I don't know you well faggot, but it didn't occurred to your goddamn sissy brain to shed a tear or two while I was removing your lens? Maybe you like straight guy to spit on your face... Open your mouth... there... don't swallow yet... savour it! Hey, I am not mad if you [banned word] on me… to each his own fantasies…” “ass… urgt…” What? "AAASS… URGT…” “Don't raise your voice on me, twisted fuck! Your ass hurts? Of course, it hurts, you dumb fuck, you got fucked by Carlos’ lethal weapon! Why are you showing me your ass?” “…on …nin… …on …nin… …urgt” “You know, you are a fucking high-maintenance faggot… lucky for you that I am such a nice guy… let me see… what the fuck… what do you have in there? Push… Harder! Don’t be a wuss… Push harder! A doorknob!? Why the fuck did you stick a doorknob up your ass?” “…owt …eee, …owt …eee” “Not you, Unnhh! Dimitri? Of course, it was Dimitri. Who knows what he can dish out to amuse himself! Was it before or after Charles fucked you? In between fucks… the guys are incorrigible! It must have been an amazing experience for you, although a faggot like you might have done it a numerous of time before, anyway… with Charles’ pierced nine-inch cock pushing relentlessly the knob deeper and deeper… your pussy muscles must have worked overtime and give the guy a really good fuck. I wished I would have been here to see it! Maybe I can put it back with my cock after your shower… Whoa! Whoa! No need to protest like this… I know it would never be same as with Charles… Your guts might be stretched like crazy, ready to be fisted! Anything else in there? No? Sure?” “You are not going to act crazy on me if I untied your hands, right? Hmmm… you look like a desperate guy… and desperate guy has normally nothing to lose… so I am doing you a favor… Your arms feel better already? Yes? Good. Your fingers? What about them? You need to understand me… I am still not sure if I can totally trust you… so I decided to brake some fingers of yours as an insurance… you know… I untied your hands, I broke fingers, it’s a given-given…” “Ok then, up in the shower with me… while you rinse, I will remove the safety pins from you lips and nads… as well as the needles from your tits… Huh? What have you buried in your piss slit? How come you don’t know? Dimitri must have put it in one of your “passed out” episodes, I guess… It looks like a wooden chopstick. Does it hurts when I pull like this? It’s stuck, go figure… If you try to piss? No piss… Jerk yourself a little to see if it comes out… For chrissake… jerk like you mean it… we need to lube the stick and your piss tube one way or another to get it out… I have another idea… Turn around facing the shower, it will wash all the blood droplets… Bend over a little, forget the pain and put your hands against the wall in front of you, I’m still hard from the pills… I admit it, a bad move from my part… but I’m really hard and since you can’t jerk, I will fuck you until you cum… and it’s your own fault if you have such a beautiful ass. Aaahh! I like to go full-deep on the first plunge… If you give me a really, really good fuck, faggot, it can be over in no time. So start, tighten this ass…” I fucked his ass for twenty-five minutes straight, leaving Ben with no reprieve. He went through various stages of agony before he reached a painful orgasm. A lot of cum dripped around the chopstick. What was even more fascinating is the chopstick did indeed slip out from his cock, at least enough for me to grip it and in one merciless hard move, pull it out. The faggot shrieked like a pig at the slaughterhouse. The chopstick showed a lot of tiny bloody splinters… cheap bamboo stick…” “You look exhausted like you did all the fucking... I am not sure you can walk back to the living room… I don’t want you to fall and hurt yourself… crawl on all four instead… it will give you a chance to stretch your arms… I already told you, I can’t do anything about your fingers… hop, hop, hop… to the couch! What? You didn’t think I would let you sleep in your piss-soaked mattress after I worked hard to clean you up? Nope… on the couch with me… after all I need to keep an eye on you. You might make a run for the door, who knows… Yes, it is going to be a little tight with the two of us. Now… get closer… I will cuddle you… push your hips down… perfect, now don't pull away... I’ll stick my hardon in you. Oh so good! Stop complaining… You had your fun in the shower and get to nut your load… well… my turn. Pull the blanket and fuck yourself while I take a nap… And don’t stop until I paint your guts with my load… and one more thing don’t try any of your homo stuff on me… or else…!”
    4 points
  10. Met my buddy at the bath house to fuck and breed. When I got there he was ass up and had his mouth on a nice cock sucking and slurping away. The other top pushed his mouth onto my hard cock and my bud sucked and slurped away. My cock was feeling good. Top guy gets behind my bud and shoves his wet cock deep inside. My bud is sandwiched between us. One in his ass and me in his mouth. My bud is squeezing that cock in his hole while every time the other guy is shoving his cock deeper, my bud is taking my cock deep in his mouth. Guy in his ass lets out a deep moan and shoots ropes of cum inside my buddy. Bud is in heaven. Top guy leaves and I step behind that loaded hole. I shove my cock inside and moan because of the amazing feeling. I love a pre-lubed hole. Soon enough I am adding my cum load to the first guy. My bud and I went in different directions looking for more fun. I later hooked up with him again and shot a second load inside him after an older guy put a third load inside. Mine was the 4th. All total my bud took 5 loads in his hole and 1 facial. Loads of fun.
    4 points
  11. Just spent the last 6 hours blowing clouds & getting my cunthole raided & bred by this big scally dick! The horny fukka as filled me with 4 very big thick loads & had me howling in ecstasy all night. Letting him rest a while before milking load 5 outa him! 🤪🤤🍆💦💦💦💦
    4 points
  12. Part 9 Throat fuck: 7 minutes. Chat: 3 minutes. Ass eating: 0 second. Lube: 20 seconds. Punishment ass fuck: 21 minutes. Breeding orgasm: 6 seconds. Post-orgasm endearment: 1 minute. Kiss: 5 seconds. Then Mickey was gone. Magoo was standing in the door frame with two other men. “I am working on lowering his inhibitions. He is not ready to put his ass on the block yet. I’ll get him there soon” Magoo explained to the two strangers “until then guys… get in here… I’ll give you the ride of your life!” On that, Magoo straddled my body on all four. His face smiling above mine. The first guy stepped on the end of the bed, pulled back Magoo toward him and worked his dick home. Magoo leaned over my chest and nibbled my nipples. The second guy hopped on the bed over my head on his knees and jerked his really nice cock from soft to hard. I was able to briefly peek at his flat stomach and firm pecs. The door was still open for anyone to [banned word] in. It must have been a surreal scene: three men cramped on a bathhouse’s single-bed with only a dimmed-light ready to fuck while and other one, trapped by other, lay passively. “Up here, grandpa, suck this poz cock all the way… yeah… that it’s old bat, suck my fucker down your throat. Show us what a cocksucker you really are… what a hungry cum whore you are.” Oh FUCK! I realized; it was the guy with the sexy voice! Oh fuck… fuck! That was enough to fill my jerking fantasies for the next month! No, I was not going to wait…. I started jerking my cock. My cock was hard again. The guy was feeding Magoo with what turned out to be a long veiny cock. Magnificent! from my point of view. And what view I had! His hairy balls were dangling few inches from my mouth… A hairy ass was completing the entire portrait. Any horny guy in my position would have dove-in and nursed on each ball, bathing them with a lot of tongue. Any guy in my position would have snaked his tongue in the sexy ass crack, extending it to reach his hole and with the point teased it until its owner howled of pure joy. You know it by now, I am not any guy. So, I chickened out and watch. I didn’t trust myself. A simple lick on the tantalizing balls above would lead me to perdition. My lust would overpower my mind, and would make me commit regrettable choices. One thought was hammering my head: the sexy guy was… poz. Magoo was spit-roasted like it was a natural thing. His cock jutting from the grey pubes was soft. I moved my hand and grabbed his balls and cock, squeezed them once like you would with someone’s shoulder to give him courage. Magoo moaned his appreciation. In the blink of an eye my field of vision was obscured by the guy’s hairy ass, bringing Magoo’s head down with it. He was slowly moving back and forth. I was barely able to breathe and the manly smell was intoxicating me. I raised my hands tentatively on his thighs to signaled him my condition. “No hands pussyboy! And if you want some air soon, you better get that cock whore-licking tongue in action! Go on and give it some practice licks… just your tongue… that’s it faggot… right there… please your Daddy!” and to add to his command, my fantasy man completely sat on my face, trapping my head between his cheeks and the thin mattress. I didn’t want to… well I did, but no… I was doing it anyway… He pulled back on his heels, freeing me, desperately seeking air. Magoo was quicker! With one hand on my mouth, the other holding a bottle of popper – definitively the black cap one – stuck to my nose, largely breathing the unexpected chemicals, 2 hits… 3 hits… 5 hi… no 4… fuck! Why am I so weak resisting? To not succumb to this induced-nirvana? Oh, God, I didn’t want to, but I was now feasting on the hairy ass as Magoo returned on the cock. “Much better boy! Eat Daddy’s ass!” the sexy voice repeated like a mantra. “Yo! Eddy, you find yourself another asslicker?” I heard the fucker said. The sexy voice has now a name, Eddy. Eddy, sexy! Sexy Eddy! my mind mused in its daze state. I redoubled my effort wanting him to remember this moment, wanting him to tell me how pleased he was with me. Lust! In my horny fogged-mind, I pictured myself on the narrow edge between the too-long frustrated and sex-starved student and the pig that had died and gone to pig’s paradise (whatever that is!). “Jesus! What a fucking faggot whore! Yep, a devoted asslicker and I think he is getting along with the program. I might go easy on him with the paddle later! You should order him to clean your ass after and suck your dick clean. Oh fuck! Keep doing that…" groaned Eddy. No, no, no… I am not a cheap whore up for sale. “Umphh… ir… uw… mmf… onmf… unh… bah…” I said. Both men laughed at my attempt to my protests. Eddy was now holding Magoo’s head and was face-fucking him. I was not able to see, but I did for sure felt his cheeks moved rapidly, putting pressure on my mouth and preventing me to do a proper tongue ass-probing. All along his verbal assault was directed toward me. It was turning me on. I was certain Magoo would received his load, but it was not the case. Jesus (I found after that it was his real name) came in Magoo’s ass with frantic movements causing Magoo’s head to hit my chin and forcing Eddy’s balls right under my nose. “Snifffff!” “Oh! you pathetic faggot! …go ahead… smell your Daddy while I take care of grandpa…!” Multiple balls hairs went right in my nostrils triggering me to sneeze at the same time Eddy rocked back his ass over my nose and mouth again. "YOU MOTHERFUCKING SLUT!” Eddy exclaimed. “I swear you are a hot fucking slut… Damn, that feels strangely good!!! FUCK!" My face was covered in snot, saliva, ass sweat and hairs. And then, everything went still. My mind trying to comprehend what was happening. Jesus had pulled out his cock, and Eddy was standing up, taking Jesus place. Jesus stayed on the side with a look of a fat contented cat. His cock glistening with cum was pulsing from all the excitation it got. Magoo twisted his small body and started cleaning Jesus’ cock. I felt my legs being raised. I was dumfounded. It took me few seconds to comprehend what was happening… to me. I honestly started to struggle, not wanting to be fuck with a poz cock, even if it was sexy Eddy. “No… I don’t want to…” until I felt a hot tongue licking my ass lips in circle. “oh… fuck… mmmh… yes…” “No one will hurt you, Max. I told Eddy and Jesus about you. They will fuck you later… only if you want them to…” Magoo told me in a soothing voice. “mmmh… ok…. thank you… ohhh… for…” “Ssshh… it’s okay… suck grandpa's fingers..." as he inserted two salty fingers in my mouth. "...and rest reassured, I will fuck you first and you will let me…” I didn’t want to and Magoo seemed adamant to.
    3 points
  13. So this first encounter with Craig fuel several months of jacking off and chatting on Squirt afterward. I figured when he would usually be online and would log in specifically at those times to replay our first meeting. But he was growing impatient to meet again. I managed to keep him waiting for six months. But in late spring I let slip up my partner would be out of town in June and he remembered. The week before he contacted me and told me he could host and since my partner was going to be away I had to be free to meet him. This was not a discussion, this was an ultimatum. I was excited but conflicted. What am I doing keeping this ongoing chat with this stud? So the week comes and I am thinking of flaking, but the morning my BF heads out of town I have a message waiting for me. He wants me over at 10 PM and he wants my ass to be clean because he wants to eat it and fuck it. I have a boner right then and I know I want to ride that big cock. So I rush home after work because I want to give myself a good deep cleaning, I know this guy will be going pass the second sphincter. So I have a long deep enema session the snake in the steam shower. Enemas can be very pleasurable for me, I get hard ons and my ass spasms and pulsate, I don’t do it often but when I do those I can be in for two hours, thanks to the tankless water heater! So turns out he does not live in the area I met him at all, but the opposite direction in a suburb pass mine. So I drive over a little bit ahead because this is one of those new subdivisions where all the houses look alike and built on top of each other. I don’t want to be late, kind of funny since for the whole week before I had tried to convince myself I was going to flake. I still have mixed feelings playing behind my partners back, but on the other end I am constantly sexually frustrated and I know this is going to be an amazing release! So I put my fuck shorts, a pair of loose shorts I can easily kick off and climb back in, they have served me well at the park over the years and just a T shirt. I get there, thankful I came a bit earlier because he lives in those stacked rentals with a common parking lot in between and all the units are numbered in an incomprehensible manner. But I finally find the place and message him on Squirt that I am the door. My instructions was to message him once I parked and message him once I was at the door as he did not want me to knock or ring because he had nosy neighbour. He opens the door, he is just as beautiful as I remember and he exudes this presence and magnetism, I feel small. He lets me in and I climb up to the apartment. I am welcomed by a complete disarray, the kitchen is a mess, dirty pots and dishes scattered on the counter, a pizza pan on the island. Over half the furniture is missing, I can see the mattress is on the floor in the bedroom and the place definitely looks like someone just moved out. Yeah this guy is definitely straight and his GF just dumped him, that is what is going through my head, HOT. He is like sorry for the mess, I am in the process of moving out, no kidding. Then he tells me to remove all my clothes. I am naked in a flash. I get on my knees and I bury my face in his groin and smell him while I grip the elastic band of his trunks and start pulling them down to release his package. Again he is still soft with his cock completely covered by his foreskin with about half an inch of excess foreskin. I bury my face in the space between his balls and his leg and inhale deeply, that makes me feel super horny, I love the smell of a man, particularly at that spot where the balls “stick” to the leg. Then I move to his cock that is fattening up, I push my tongue inside his foreskin and lubricate it and engulf his cock in my mouth, slowly pushing my tongue inside his foreskin and rolling it around around his cock head. His cock tastes amazing, there is a faint musk, but still clean. His cock starts growing in my mouth, the head pullls out of the foreskin and I start bobbing my head to suck it. I reach under his T shirt and feel his chest and look for his nipples with my right hand, my left hand grabs his balls, he keeps getting bigger. Then I start deepthroating him and he gets rock hard. He suddenly grabs me under the arm and lifts me right up and then grabs me and lifts me in his arm right off the floor and starts kissing me, I grab him by the waist with my legs. He lifts me again and he drops me on my back on the kitchen island, the pizza leftovers are at 11 from my head. I catch myself thinking that its a Delissio home pizza and that this guy is definitely straight and this whole set up is kinda ghetto. But I quickly forget about my surrounding the minute his mouth touches my quivering asshole. He has this thick tongue that’s all wet and hot and goes right for my pink hole and savagely goes for it. He is slurping and going at my whole like its a pussy, its a fucking hot rimming job I am. I am rock hard, my legs are in the air, I am having my ass eaten by an expert and I am in heaven. Then he gets up and starts rubbing and probing with his big cock at my ass. So we never discussed status and his profile is silent on condoms, but does not include bareback. I am not too keen to discuss status at this stage either it is the wrong time, I came in here expecting a covered cock really. So as he is probing he asks me are you clean, to which I answer we should use condoms. I am tested regularly, not running around anymore and been indétectable for years but this is not the time and place to discuss this so much simpler to use a rubber. He walks away comes back with a rubber of an unknown provenance, I am thinking a bowl somewhere on campus, that poor thing is going to be stretched to its limit by that big cock. He puts the rubber on, he spits on it and rams his cock in, I see stars ✨. Ok he did rim me before and I had cleaned up deeply but I did not really open myself up and did not expect him to ram that whole monster one one move with little to no lube and a cheap rubber. It hurts like hell. But hey, I am a good diligently bottom, this is not about my pleasure but his. So I squirm and quiver and I tell him how amazing he feels in me. He just start pile driving me holding my legs up while I am trashing on the kitchen island, very conscious not to send that damn pizza flying. His cock starts gliding in me much easier and the pain and friction subsides, I am thinking the condom must have broken. But I am not sure, because his foreskin is so long that maybe his whole shaft is just moving and the skin is just not sliding in my ass, uncut tops can be more comfortable like that sometimes. Suddenly he grabs me and lifts me, his cock is still in me and he fucks me holding my whole body weight, ok this guy is like Goliath and I might be David, but I am still 170lbs.. wow he is strong, I am so turned on. Then he starts walking us towards the bedroom and I start getting an idea of what he wants. He wants to go deeper, in this position he keeps hitting my second sphincter and it his pretty painful. Ok straight but he has been around enough asses he knows how he wants to take his bottom. He turns me around, pushes his hand in my lower back and I arch my back for him, get in doggy position and push my ass out and he pulls through my second sphincter. Fuck that feels amazing, his cock is made to plow my hole, I try to position myself so he has full access and he starts to long dick me. I am begging him to fuck me harder. I get my first orgasm, my whole body starts shaking and my ass start pulsating and contracting and he stops, I told him to keep going, but he asks if I am ok, I explain he just gave me an orgasm and he is like really? You get orgasm when you get fucked? To which I answer very rarely it takes a very good top, but he is hitting me in all the right places. I can tell he is taking some pleasure in this, so he starts fucking me hard again, he turns me on the side and starts kissing me, pushing his thick tongue in my mouth and me sucking on it while he impala me. I end up on my back again, but by then I am completely open and I got control of my second sphincter and he is going right pass it every time he plunges into me, I get a second orgasm and my ass start clamping on his big cock as he is ramming in me and starts quivering. He blows a huge load and I can feel his cock swell in my ass and pulsate 1, 2, 3, 4, pause, 5 and each time his body trembles. He is covered in sweat, me too, the room reeks of sex and he is just staying there, still deep in my ass. I feel warm inside, something tells me that condom broke because I usually feel that warmth after being bred. He pulls out and I ask if the condom is ok? He answers yes but deliberately does not let me see it though, I just get a quick peek and he is out to the bathroom and flushes it. I am pretty sure he just lied about that, that condom probably been broken the whole time since he first rammed into me, so I play along and ask him if he is clean. He lays down besides me and grabs me and holds me in his arms, I am feeling so safe in his arms. But now I am feeling guilty too, the euphoria of the sex is soon evaporating and I realize I am in some strangers bed feeling safe when I should be home calling my BF to wish him good night. So I get up, thank him and grab my shorts and see myself out and drive home. When I get home the BF calls me, how was the movie? (I had made a story I was going to go see a movie so I would be unavailable for a bock of time), we make small talk and I head to bed in our bed, still smelling of sex, I start jacking off replaying my visit and blow a huge load all over me and smear it all over my body and fall asleep covered in my sweat, my load and Craig’s load planted deeply in my ass. Yeah that condom broke, I dont know when, probably why he never pulled out of my ass the whole time, to keep the gig up.
    3 points
  14. After dinner the evening of their diagnosis Barry declared, "Forget cleanup and forget the hot tub tonight. Jason I need another of your payloads right now and Chris you need to use his highly toxic cum as lube. I need to ride and sample your beautiful cock for a change. Jason your toxic cum makes my ass fucking horny for some inexplicable reason. " Since Jason and Chris were always naked whenever they were home their growing hardons were impossible to hide. Not that they would do so from Barry's eyes. Jason had Barry's shorts around his knees and bent over the table in no time. He didn't waist a second in mounting Barry's hairy ass bareback and shooting a second toxic load to join the first from earlier at the clinic. Chris was quick to slide in when Jason pulled out; but, gave Barry a much longer ride on his naked turgid cock. They fucked in every position imaginable for two straight hours. Chris unloaded in Barry's ass as Jason pumped his highly valued toxic deposit into Chris's. They showered together before climbing into the hot tub with beers. Barry spoke first, "Fuck I can't believe how much I love your poz cock and cum Jason. I knew I loved bareback sex with you; but, this takes it to a whole new level." Jason, "I can't describe the high I felt pozing that nurse. I gotta get me more negative asses before I start meds. That's for sure!" Chris, "I told you guys how much I love taking charged loads. Now you know why I took Jason's fuck flu so lightly. I knew once you guys adjusted you would also be poz cum junkies. Welcome to the club." Barry queried. "Seriously Jason? You really want to infect other guys?" "Fuck yeah! Don't you?" "No! No I don't." spluttered Barry. "It's bad enough infecting my lover. " Enthusiastic Chris, "We should go to the bathhouse tomorrow guys. Let's celebrate your conversions. Jason, you might find a negative ass or three to knock up. Barry, I'm sure we can get that hairy bubble butt of your's loaded up. Enough cum in you, you can be sure of one or two were poz and toxic." "I don't know...."Barry tried to say. "Well I do." said Jason. "We're going. I am going to watch guys fuck and breed you Barry." And it was settled. They rented a big room with king size bed and sling.They never closed the door and other than Chris rarely left the room. Their antics, which included many guests, attracted an enthusiastic crowd. Barry had fortified his nerves with half a bottle of Jack Daniel's. He required both Jason and Chris's shoulders to manoeuvred through the bathhouse halls to their room. Without frequent customer Chris's encouragement the staff never would have let Barry in. In this drunken state and primed with poppers Barry spent most of his night in the sling taking a dozen loads between ass and mouth. Every trip away from the room Chris collected at least one more load up his eager bum. Preferably done in a public setting. This over and above the eight or so loads delivered during his time with his two cohorts in their room. Jason fucked any and every hole offered. As usual in bathhouses no questions were asked before he started . He was able to shoot off five loads into five different guys. With each he whispered his status news at the moment he ejaculated his poison. Each response brought him a unique pleasure. Three were shocked. One said nothing but had a look of utter tearor on his face. One proclaiming, "No I haven't started Prep yet. I plan to start it soon. FUCK, fuck you. " And the third, "Why didn't you tell me before we started? You should have you selfish fuckin ass hole!" He just thought, 'It was their responsibility to ask me rather than just blindly offer their vulnerable ass.' One guy was quite okay responding, "Yup, I'm undetectable. Fill me up. I think it's so fuckin hot. Thanks for telling me. " And the fifth was over the moon, "You're shitting me! You're really a toxic poz pig? Fuckin A man. I've been looking to get knocked up for three months. I hope your poison cum takes hold. Thanks. Thanks so much!" Most of the night all three asses were being pounded at the same time. Despite Jason's high drive to share his toxic seed, he was often taking loads as fast or faster than he planted them. The four of the five times he bred guys his ass convulsions brought off the guy deep in his ass. All three were too high, drunk and exhausted to drive home so they order an Uber. Chris's sex radar when ballistic the moment the driver pulled up. They drove two blocks and Chris stopped the driver so he could talk to a couple of male hustlers working the corner. He motioned for the three from the car to join the hustlers and him in an alley. Only the Uber driver got out of the car so Chris received three more loads to his already flooded hole.
    3 points
  15. [think before following links] https://dn0.newtumbl.com/img/572053/69278970/1/51906638/nT_f3sssxy4121girecfkr23khk.mp4 Wouldn't you love to have your ass raped like this!
    3 points
  16. Authors note: Hiya, longtime fan first time post! Don't have a lot of experience with chems so hope my descriptions ain't too out of water. I'm just a chaser trying to live out my fantasy! "Hey kid, meet me at that new Church in town! Ill be there on Sunday. Uncle Dom x" Looking up from the text, Andrew glanced across the street at the old grey concrete church across the way. 'New'? This thing didn't look it, maybe it was a new congregation? Uncle Dom was an odd type, he'd only seen him a few weeks ago at family dinner when he dropped in. He had taken up a space to Andrews right, his big heavily tattooed arms bulging in his white shirt. The thin shirt did nothing to hide the glint of the metal nipple piercings that stood out on his barrel chest, with hair peaking out over the collar. Uncle Dom was massive, with a shaved head and standing at 6ft 3, he was a real site at the dinner table. Andrew remembered staring holes in the table just not to get caught staring. He knew it was wrong to find his Fathers brother so hot, but he couldn't help it. The dinner was unusual, not just for the fact that his uncle was there, but because Uncle Dom had spent the whole time going on about his new church and how he was really enjoying it. Which was unusual because Uncle Dom was never a religious man, and from the looks of him it was hard to imagine. He had also spent a fair amount of time asking about my age and if I had a girlfriend. It was all very odd, then only a few days later this message came out of the blue. Steeling himself Andrew crossed the street, making his way to the black double doors of the dark church. The cross above the door askew, and Andrew wondered why anyone would ever think to set up in such a rundown shithole like this. Uncle Dom had said he really enjoyed this church, and whilst Andrew wasn't particularly religious himself, he wanted to impress him. Andrew wanted to be a lot like his Uncle Dom, he wanted to shave his head and get tattoos and piercings just like him. He wanted to be big and strong just like his Dad and his uncle, though in that regard he was not. He was 5ft 8, he was skinny, and even though he was 18, he was yet to get a tattoo or a piercing. He wasn't sure how his Dad would take it, it was one thing for his brother, a different thing entirely for his son. Crossing the threshold, a slight chemical smell wafted over him, as he was greeted by the noise and smell of a large group of men. Andrew hesitated at the door, in front of him was the strangest church he had ever seen. The cross was gone, toppled in the corner, pews pushed back and organised in a circle around the centre of the room. The lights had been replaced with red Led's and the windows has been boarded up. Men, and I mean men, were milling around in various states of undress around the pews and the centre of the room talking. A few clouds of white smoke occasionally erupted from the group as these goliaths stood in conversation. Some were shirtless, but others wore leather and rubber, fetish gear clung to tight and muscular frames. Andrew's jaw was practically on the floor when he noticed his uncle approaching him. Authors footnote: So, I'm hoping to follow a poz Sarah Palin worshiping angle. Will put up part 2 shortly. Hope you get a good wank out of it!
    2 points
  17. It was football kit Saturday afternoon at the local club and that's where I met Kyle, he's a super slim, 6 pack lad with trackies and a chain. He fits in well with the rough lads but likes his luxuries too. On the night I met him we were both standing at the bar he'd just finished his drink. I asked him if he's like another - "totally - I deserve it don't I" he said winking. "Man, yes you do" I replied. We got chatting and starting talking about what we were into. As we spoke about barebacking I could see us both tenting our trackies - both packing a decent size. He was vers and I needed to blow a load - we headed to the back room and I slide his tracksuit down finding nothing but a bubble butt underneath. YES! Turned out he had pre-lubed so I knew he was a slutty one and slipped my cock into his hole. We gathered a little crowd and I felt amazing filling twinky Kyle in front of everyone - it was what they all wanted! A lad with tatts came up and shoved his cock in Kyle's mouth and he sucked it eagerly. With his tight hole and good looks it wasn't too long until I was shooting load after load in his hole. The tattooed lad moaned and filled his mouth not long after. As Kyle and I left the backroom he said - "thanks man - so hot - bet you loved it" and I said "wow boy yeah!" which got the response "better buy me another drink then". As we were back at the bar drinking he said "surprised you didn't ask my status since you shoved your raw cock in me". I was like "fair but neither did you but I'm neg so no need to worry". Kyle replied "I'd not mate - newly poz and not yet undetectable - but guess you were top so its ok. Now you know you'll still risk it for me - of course you will - I'm 22, with a six pack and basically perfect". i loved the lads cockiness! He said two pints down - need to go to the gents back soon. After about five or ten mins I thought seems like a while - with his cockiness I wondered if he left and was about to burst myself so went to the toilets too. They have quite the reputation in this bar so it was no huge shock to see Kyle sitting in the urinal with his top and trousers off and just wearing trainers. Whilst I'm an otter I loved the site of three big bears gathered round pissing on him and once one was done I took his place and let the flow start. By the time we were done the first bear had got hard and as Kyle bent to get his trackies the hairy bear slipped his big cock in to Kyles hole and the lad pushed back and accepted a deep sniff of poppers. That's right boy take my poz cock the bear growled and Kyle sniffed some more as the bear picked up the pace pounding the lads hole. Eventually he let out a big growl and burst into the lads ass. Perfect! After Kyle got dried off it was pretty much time to leave so we got our bags from the cloak room and put them on. I was like - "you not got any other trainers" and he said "nah - was a spur of the moment thing but it's ok cause its the afternoon session so the shops are still open. Plus you were one of the lads pissing so now your paying mate - I deserve it". I couldn't deny it. And he said "but don't worry you can see them on when we get home". I said "we're going to yours? Want more cum in you". And he replied "haha maybe - after today I need an ass to load - my balls are burstin and I love otters". I was like "will you wear condoms?" and Kyle replied "told you - I'm perfect - you'll risk it for ME". I wasn't sure I could do that but man I love bareback and his abs were amazing - there was the walk home to think about it...
    2 points
  18. I am a married guy who is a bb bottom. I go to the bookstore booths and theater and also sometimes meet guys from various other sites. Not poz yet as far as I know, but I refuse no load and I don't get tested.
    2 points
  19. In the moment when I'm being bred I usually have two thoughts running through my head. First, as others have expressed, I'm thinking about how deeply fulfilling it is to know that someone is in the midst of receiving such intense pleasure from my body. And second, I find myself thinking of all the people in my life - both past and current - who would be shocked and horrified if they could see me in that very moment, submissively offering up my ass to another man to be used for his pleasure. Imagining their looks of disgust and disapproval always excites me.
    2 points
  20. Love can’t as a Dom i had one sub I used to play with - I would tie him up, get him hard and the see how many clothespins I could fit on his cock and balls - then leave him there for a half hour or so... then come back and start fucking him while I slowly, one by one took off the clothespins ... of course they hurt just as much coming off as they did going on ... so he would be whimpering and breathing through the pain - which just made my dick harder while I fucked him .. I always tried so that I was just about to cum as I took the last clothespin off. and I have an ex - who liked me to tie up his cock and balls and then use my riding crop (just the leather loop at the end) on his cock and balls it was fun...
    2 points
  21. Am married and chasing for years In 2020 I whas diagnosed with hiv and neg we are still having a great life and sex life together we both still meet people and she even use my Grindr account to find guys for her also
    2 points
  22. A few years ago I found myself as turned on by the cocks in porn as much as the pussy. Noy long after that it was the guys for guys section on Craigslist. Found a guy near me with a GH set up in his entryway. I was pretty nervous until I felt his tongue on my cock. I got rock hard and gave him my load pretty quick. Been going regularly since. Not long ago I started working on the giving side of things at a local abs. Still working on my skills and can't wait to feel a real cock in my ass. . Makes me hard just thinking about it.
    2 points
  23. back to my old habits lol - so there is this married guy i know from the gym ( esp the showers and gym sauna) who over the last two years have occasionally played in sauna or showers with j/o or oral ( mostly him sucking me) He never seemed to want to venture out of the gym as I guess he felt it was his quick way of getting off / his comfort zone. He's an in shape stocky dad , with a hairless small dick and dad type muscular body With covid this gym has shut down both showers and sauna, and it was only last week i saw him there for the first time in months.. and easily coaxed him over my house for a fuck ( our first time fucking, and according to him only the 2nd time in his life... he was a natural. Dumped a load in his ass and he never blinked. Talked about going to the xxx theater ( he has heard many stories from me about my adventures) and today he contacted me to tell me he was working up that way, and that instead of going to the gym after work, would i meet him up there. So we met up there and I fucked him while a couple of guys watched. Had him sucking on one guy as I fucked him. Then before i shot a load, i had him suck me as i watched the other guy fuck him. He blasted a nut in his ass and tho i wanted to cum in his hole too, the excitement of seeing him bred by this older black guy made me shoot a load down his throat. We couldn''t stay long, but had a quick fun time while there.
    2 points
  24. the alarm goes off at 7 waking me, as I wake up remembering where I am I roll over seeing sir. he smiles saying morning I've something for you as he pulls the sheet back. his cock has morning wood, without being told I dive into it worshiping it as sir tells me to ride it. still lubed with his cum I straddle him, position myself and impale myself balls deep in one motion just letting out a groan as he watches me fuck myself in his cock. enjoying the show and feeling he tells me to ride the cum out of him. I smile back telling him my ass will milk every drop. I ride him for 15 mins and he grabs my hips n starts fucking me deeper. telling me to take his dirty load. i feel that warm feeling inside me knowing I've done my job n pleased him. a man of my word I keep riding him milking every drop till he's soft. hoping off he takes me to the shower where I kneel waiting for his piss. it's strong as he pisses over my face into my mouth, where I gulp as much of it as i can. finished he tells me to clean up for work and walks out. after a shower and shave I change into work clothes still with the cock cage on. walking into the kitchen he tells me haven't I forgotten something and I see he holding the locking butt plug. I undo my belt and present my ass. sliding a finger into me he gets some of his cum for lube n slides the plug into me and locking it, leaning over he whispers who owns you, I reply you do sir. he slaps my ass as i dress telling me to come straight back after work. I'm still tired and feel run down at work as I've not eaten anything, limited sleep and only drunk piss for 2 days. I muddle through work waiting for the end so I can get back to sir. the end of the day and I excuse myself and start back for the apartment and before I'm even inside sir texts me telling me he left the door open and a change of clothes at the entrance. he's expecting a friend round so I'm to cook dinner and let him in if he arrives before sir. opening the door I step inside only to find .. nothing.. there's a note with a collar on-top of it saying this is all I need. stripping I put on the collar and grab my clothes and take then to the bed room. catching myself in the mirror I see myself naked except cock cage, collar, smiling I turn and spread my ass So i can see the plug, happy with what I see I just go mmm as I leave for the kitchen. he's left notes and everything I need to prepare dinner when I hear a knock on the door. hesitant for only a moment I go and open the door and the man in says he the friend sir is expecting. I open the door fully exposing myself and letting him in. his eyes roam over my body as I ask him if he wants a drink and go back to making dinner. he makes himself at home pulling a beer from the fridge watching me. not long after sir arrives grabbing a beer as they both go to the lounge. everything is ready for dinner, I tell sir and we eat, he introduces his friend(brian). telling me to suck his cock. I go under the table and pull out his cock n suck him well. 12 min in he blows, getting out from the table I sit down again as sir points to my cheak telling me I missed some. I wipe my finger across it see the cum and lick it clean. I tidy the table and they have another beer for his friend leaves. later on I'm sucking him on the couch when im look up he videoing me, I smile, as he asks. are you enjoying that... yes sir very much What are you.... I'm a bitch sir, your bitch looks like you like my cock... I love your cock and your cum you known thats poz cock your sucking.... yes sir I love your poz cock. you like it cumming in you. yes sir this bitch loves your poz cock and cum in me. he smiles and grabs the back of my head as he starts fucking my mouth, cumming balls deep after 10 mins it feels like hes just squirted his load directly into my stomach. I sit there happy when he shows me the video n asks what should we tell your wife... I thought I'd be wtf what do I do, but I just think i need to stay here. I say I need to tell her im not cumming back. he pulls me up and passionately kisses me as we makes out on the couch telling me i will tell her that. like a honeymoon couple he fucks n breeds me a couple of times and tells me that I need to quit my job as well as leave my wife. I just reply yes sir. the alarm wakes me in the morning again and i automatically head for sirs cock which I devour rewarded I swallow his fresh creamy load 10 min in. holding the back of my head I feel his cock soften in my mouth and then the tang n wetness as he feeds me his piss. swallowing it all I get up and shower n shave. naked and dried I go back to sir and ask if I can have my plug. he returns with more cum cubes and slides them in telling me since I missed the morning load we can't have it going without, and locks the plug in place. dressed ready to leave sir tells me to remember that i have to resign from work and he wants a copy of the letter. I reply... yes sir. it's 10 when I hand in my letter an I'm straight in the managers office. they ask the usual questions but in the end they know im leaving so ask me to stay longer to finish the project. getting back to sirs at the end of the day I strip and collar as required then I show him the pic if the letter and tell him what's happening. he says good that sorted we can leave you wife till later. now come here I want to fuck you. leaning me over the couch he turns the tv on and playing is the video of me he made while I sucked his cock just repeating itself. my face and voice large... you known thats poz cock your sucking.... yes sir I love your poz cock. you like it cumming in you. yes sir this bitch loves your poz cock and cum in me. I feel him inside me and beg him to knock me up and give me his babies. he doesn't last long unloading deep in me. still bent over he slides his fingers in me, I push back wantingly begging him to use me. hes not gentle this time and I feel something rip as his hand pops into me but I'm in lust and just push back more. wrist deep I just say fuck yes and he's spends time fisting me and loosening my ass. handing me some poppers I hit them, hes stopped moving his hand and as the poppers hit me I push back my ass swallowing more of his arm. I'm focused on my ass n his arm I lose track of time and when we finish he's been fisting me for over an hour. im shattered n a sweaty mess my ass won't close but I'm happy. we go to bed where sir pumps another load into me telling me he knows I'm already pregnant with his babies but I need more cum. I drift off to sleep. I don't wake up from the alarm this morning, its sir using me n pumping another load into me. I feel the warmth of his cum but he holds me there and I feel a warmer stronger feeling as he starts to fill me with his morning piss, telling me to not spill a drop. he finishs and I clench my ass as he pulls out managing to do as he said. I go to the bathroom and shower shave clean out. follow the morning ritual of cum cubes n locking me before I leave for work. I can't focus as I'm tired shattered n horny I haven't cum in 4 days due to the cock cage and it drags on till I get back home to sir. arriving back at sirs apartment hes waiting there and tells me I have to call my wife and tell her work is keeping me here a bit longer. I start calling as he bends me over the couch, slides the plug out as she answers. I tell her about working longer as sir slides into me. I close my eyes focusing on his cock as she continues to talk about "things". I've zoned out in pig mode and just saying the appropriate yes/no/dear as required. sir is still fucking me when we say goodbye and he tells me I'm not going back there ... I reply saying... yes sir I know, I'm yours, n need you. I need your cum, spurred on he blows a load into me and fucks it deeper. the routine continues for the next 5 days as he breeds me at least 3 times a day. he tells me it's time I called my wife and tell her I'm leaving, she can keep everything as I've found someone else. he just watches as I talk to her, repeating what he has said. she's screaming at me as he takes the phone from me, hangs up and breaks it in half, handing me a new phone telling me that part of my life is gone. 2 days after that I wake up sweating and feeling as hit by a truck.. I'm converting. I tell sir and I receive the most passionate kiss I've ever had. I'm happy that I've pleased him. I don't think oh no what have I done, just a mmmmm. i sleep for most of the day and feel a little better. sir nurses me and looks after me for the next 3 days tenderly giving me time to get over the initial symptoms (while still fucking his loads into me), by then I'm more normal and sir takes me to the doctor where a quick test confirms I'm pregnant to sir and have his babies In me... HIV positive. back home sir is beaming with pride and tells me me I have finally transitioned from bitch to pig, something in my head clicks and I know im where I need to be.
    2 points
  25. Great question bud. When a guy shows up there's always the anticipation of what will happen, sometimes doubt that I can take it. But when he starts working my tits it all rushes back into me - what my true purpose in life is. My hole begins to quiver as I beg him to mount me. During the whole fucking period the hormones really release, the inner juices flow, and he takes me to that special place that I yearn for. By then I'm usually swinging weighted alligator clamps - the harder he fucks the better they swing, pull and dig into my tits. Once I hear and feel him getting close to that magical point a torrent of feelings flood into me. As he begins to breed I'm usually begging, "Breed me, breed my fucking hole, breed me!" Then as he floods me I know that I have accomplished my mission, to be the receptacle of his load, the chalice for his Sacred Seed. Priapus is happy in the way I have served him and rewards me with such fantastic feelings. The longer he stays in and deep seeds me the better, not wanting that cock to leave my hole, feeling so empty when it does and then just basking in the glow. It is the greatest feeling knowing that I have fulfilled my destiny, accomplished my mission, and properly served the god of cock Priapus. And then "yes" I usually think and hope for "Next"! Oink!!
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. My body gets weak, i think of how i have purpose. I get a natural high for hours after.
    2 points
  28. How owned I feel as his seed floods me. It's the best rush!
    2 points
  29. Part 5 I woke up in the room (how did I get here again?!) to a thump, thump rhythm coming from the other side wall. Someone was getting fuck because as I pay more attention, I discerned a muffled voice: thump… Uhn! thump… Uhn! thump… Ahh! Uhn! thump… Uhn! thump… Ow! Almost hypnotizing. Some other voices were encouraging/appreciating with “yeah, take it man”, “fuck him” or simply “hot”. I had a beginning of a headache. My hand went to my hole. No plug. Sore and sticky. Cum must have leaked, maybe lube leftover. As I circle a finger at my hole, I noticed one of Magoo’s shoe on the floor with a piece of paper sticking out it. My index was now deep in my hole, reluctantly I pulled it out and suck it clean. I was still uncomfortable of having a guy shoot his load up my ass, but it was Mickey’s clean load and he was negative too, at Magoo’s damn. I dive my finger back a few times to collect the cum and savor it. As I lick the cum remnant off my finger, I realized how much I liked it. For some reason, it wasn’t the same as when I eat my own cum. Finger cleaned; I extended my arm to grab the paper. In the dimmed-light room, it was hard to read: “After you wake up, swallow the Viagra. Grab the lube and the popper and join me back at the theater space. Don’t shower, don’t piss… and don’t eat all that cum out of your ass, you whore. I dropped your towel at the front desk. Pick up a clean one.” It was signed “Grandpa”… I read the paper a second time, how did he knew I was going to “eat the cum from my ass”? I look back at the shoe, indeed the two bottles were there. The blue pill had found his way inside the dirty shoe, as I tilt it up, another pill rolled down, small and pink. A children aspirin! Yeah, that would help. I popped both pills and lay back down remembering the last few hours. Everything went exactly like Magoo told me: Mickey fucked me bareback, twice as a matter of fact; I fucked him back, lied about being poz, and Magoo and his friends stepped in right after. I don’t think we will ever see Mr. Magoo smiling like this. Unspeakable. After sucking on Magoo’s cockhead for a while as he recounted some of his past encounters. After he left, I went to the showers, situated between the small pool and the dry sauna. Mickey was there alone. He nodded at me, but didn’t say any of his usual derogatory remark. “You alone?”, he asked. “No, not really. I came with a friend” I responded. “The short old man?” “Yes” “He fucks you? “Oh god no! He is poz…” “He could fuck you with a rubber” I replied nonchalantly. “I wouldn’t take the risk. Anyway, he only fucks bareback.” “Huh? Still surprising he can get it up”, he said laughing at the idea. “Yeah, and he has a nice one too. He gives awesome blowjob.” “Urrggh… old trolls sucking…” “A mouth is a mouth, and like I said… awesome…” “I’ll take your word for it.” “You had some fun?” “Nah, just fuck my friend earlier in the sling.” “Oh yeah, it was hot seeing you fuck.” “Really, you thought I was hot?” “Yeah your hot” I replied seeing an opening to put Magoo’s plan in motion “Hmmm… hot enough to put out for me?” “Well… I don’t get fuck… not often… but with you…” “Your hot too and I don’t know what I would give to have a go at your hole…” “Your ass” I said. I can’t believe how easy he was making my task! “What?” “You said you didn’t know what you would give and I said your ass. I let you fuck me, and in return, you let me fuck you. Fair trade.” “I don’t know. I know you but… I’m neg and I am like you, I want to stay that way.” “We are both neg and we both want to fuck each other, so why not?” Here I was, at Magoo’s request, pimping my own ass to satisfy the old man urges. And using the same deceiving tactic Mickey and his friend used on others. Mr. Magoo was a devious stealther. “Okay, lets go in the dry sauna. No ones in, and I don’t want pry eyes.” Here I was on my back in the dry sauna, fucked by Mickey. A royal fuck. Mickey pounded me hard, more than I expected. Who could believe that such slender body can fiercely fuck like a beast? “Fuck off!” Mickey yelled every time someone venture in. Sweat was rolling from Mickey’s stomach directly down to my hole, providing incessant lube. The sloshy sounds added to our moans and grunts were worthy of a class B porn movie. “I’m coming…” Mickey said, still pumping without missing a beat. Suddenly, the sauna door open again. “Fuck… “ SLAP “Shut your mouth, arrogant prick” Mr. Magoo had slap Mickey who had stop mid-stroke. Now, looking at me “You little whore. You won’t let me fuck you, but you let him, HIM! fuck you?!!!” said Magoo in angry tone. “But you are poz and he is not” I replied meekly. “At least, you could have let me watch! I don’t have much pleasure at my age but for sure I would have enjoyed it, even more that your prima donna ass doesn’t get fuck often.” “I’m sorry” I said. “Hey, with his tight little ass, I can go another round for you” stated Mickey to the old man, acting proud to have something the old man can’t get. “Can you?” “Yeah. I mean… he is so hot I might even go for a third time.” “Awesome”, exclaimed Magoo. “Bring your sorry ass to the sling. Time to put a show!” With that, Magoo was out leaving a bewildered Mickey still comfortably lodged in my overflowing ass.
    2 points
  30. Part 1 Yeah, I knew I was gay. I was only 18, and still in high school, but I had fooled around with a few guys. This was early 1990’s. My experiences had been quick and anonymous at the adult bookstore. The first couple times I just let a guy suck me in the video booths, but after several sessions I also found myself on my knees, blowing guys. I had gotten fucked exactly twice and both times it had hurt and both sessions were totally safe as both guys used a condom. I was, at that time, the total surfer twink, at 5’ 10” and 170 pounds, dark blonde hair and surfer tan. I was also totally not out. And still coming to terms with the fact that I not only liked guys, but that I was definitely more interested in the pleasing side of things versus sitting back and being pleased. But the bookstore was really hit and miss, and I was somewhat picky. My usual target was white guys in their late 30’s or 40’s. And that was really all I liked. Guys my age didn’t interest me really. So there I was, 18 and about to graduate high school and sneaking off to the adult bookstore when I just couldn’t take it anymore and either getting sucked or sucking guys. And I could still count my gay sex experiences with both hands at that point. My parents were divorced and I lived with my mom, who by then was either at work or at her boyfriends place. I had a lot of time to myself. We lived in a big apartment complex and I had to walk past a couple of buildings to get to our place from the parking lot. It was during one of those walks from the parking lot that spring of my senior year that I met Tom. I had kind of noticed him, even though he was pretty new to the complex. One, I had to walk past his patio and front door and two, Tom was hot. He was maybe 40 (turned out to be 44) and tall, 6’ 2”, but he was thin. I doubt he weighed more than me at 170. His hair was graying and cut very short. Our neighborhood was not gay Mecca, so I figured he was straight, probably some guy getting divorced. Anyways, I was waking up the path after getting off of my after school job and it was just getting dark. I knew my mom wouldn’t be home, but that was fine and I was used to making myself dinner. I saw him ahead of time on his patio so I wasn’t spooked, but I was surprised when he raised a hand and called out "Hey there, neighbor. I was standing here hoping a young strong guy would walk by." Slightly unsure how to respond I gave a light laugh, whereupon he continued "My name is Tom. I just moved in here a few weeks ago and I bought a new TV and need to move the old one upstairs but it’s really a two man job. Any chance I could talk you into giving me a hand?” Like I said, I already thought the guy was hot and, well, he was wearing a rather revealing a v neck t-shirt and gym shorts. Besides, it just seemed polite to help so I finally replied "Hi nice to meet you Tom. I’m Chris. I just live down the way, and yeah, I can help.” Smiling, he replied "Great, thanks. Come around the front door and I’ll let you in.” I walked in and my naive gaydar went off a little, but then I asked myself 'What do you know?' What was clear, however, is that the house was far from being slobbish. His furniture was tasteful and several cool, well-mounted, framed black and white photos hung on the walls. The TV of which Tom had spoken was prominently located in the living room, positioned on the floor. The new TV was in the prime position on Tom's entertainment center. “I really appreciate this. I just want to get it into my play... into the other bedroom, the first one at the top.” Most of the units in our development were the say layout, so I knew the room of which he was speaking was, in my house, my bedroom, so I knew what to expect. Tom led the way, hefting up his end of the TV, and I took-up my end, and we rather clumsily made our way up the staircase. As we began the turn into the bedroom doorway Tom grunted "Let's put it on the long desk up against the wall, ok?” It wasn’t til we set it down that I looked around and realized the purpose of the room, and why Tom had initially begun to use the word 'playroom' in identifying the room. Now, my experiences might have been slight, and I had certainly never been in a room built just for sex, but I was in one now. A bed on one wall, with the big desk which contained a TV, a DVD player, and a VCR on the opposing wall. The third wall was all mirror closets. And in the corner was something that took a naive 18 year old a second to figure out: a sling. In the most remote corner I couldn't help but notice a camcorder on a tripod. I think he noticed my shock and offered a light joke "Well, doesn’t everyone have a sex room?” He paused and then added more quietly, “Well, every gay man anyway.” He stared right at me when he said that. And while I was 95 percent sure before he said that, I knew now I was standing in Tom’s gay sex room. “Do you like it?” he asked. My heart was beating 1000 miles an hour when I replied "I like it a lot.” He looked at me a long time. “Chris right? Chris, how um, how old are you?” “I just turned 18 in January,” I replied. This was totally different than a two minute blowjob in the dark. This guy was my neighbor. “Chris, I’m not the only gay man in the room right now am I?" he asked quietly. I shook my head. "I was just gonna make sure the TV works right. Want to watch a video with me?” I again just nodded. “One thing though, one of the few rules of my room, clothes are definitely not allowed.” With that he stripped down. Holy shit. He was naked in front of me, and half hard. And his cock was amazing. I nervously stripped down. I was hard as a rock and tried to hide it. He patted the bed and motioned me to sit. “Don’t ever hide that from me here Chris. This is a place where we celebrate man sex.” He grabbed a remote and hit play and settled back onto the bed next to me. I couldn’t help staring at him and he seemed to want me to. I was so nervous still but could feel myself starting to lose control. The nerves were fading into want. I had never been in a guy's place before like this and had never had sex outside the bookstores, where it was all about rushing through as quickly as one could. Tom seemed in no hurry. As I watched him wrap his hand around his thick cock and slowly stroke himself, I thought 'Whatever happens will be fine and it’s nothing you haven’t done before at the bookstore'. I had no idea. I was 18. No one had shown me yet. Tom would. I just didn’t know it yet.
    1 point
  31. This is part 1 of a new series. The first part contains no sex and is a setup for more to come. I promise that the lack of sex in this part will be heavily compensated for in parts to come. For now, enjoy reading 🙂 -- Part 1 Growing up, it was just my dad (Baxter Sloan), me (Joseph Sloan) and my older brother (Samuel Sloan). Mom left soon after I was born to marry some rich guy who loved her but didn't want the add-on baggage of 2 kids. So, the responsibility to raise me and my brother fell on my dad, who did the best he could to provide for us. My dad was only 21 when Sam was born and being a young single dad, he was a very involved parent. From a young age, I was an exemplary student. By the time I was 12, I was already in high school and graduated at 15 as a valedictorian. I started college soon after and graduated at 19 with a degree in software engineering with minors in business and statistics. While in my senior year, I started working on a project which became a business when I graduated. After expanding my business over the next few years, I finally sold it when I was 25 for a 9 figure number. Needless to say, I was set for life at this point. But after selling my company, I started experiencing a slump. Success, while wonderful, can also lead you to wonder if there's more than just money and power. Don't get me wrong, it's great to have both but having tasted both, I needed more. In some ways, I was experiencing a pre-midlife crisis at 25 which led me to make the decision that would change everything. I decided to head home to see my family whom I hadn't seen in over 5 years. -- When I left for college, I'd make it a point to come home twice a year to visit dad and Sam. In my senior year, the workload from school and my project prevented me from traveling home and after graduation, the singular focus to make my business work made me ignore my family. We'd still talk but I was distant and more engrossed with my work than listening to dad talk about small town life and his business. I figured as long as I sent nice gifts on Christmas, things would be all right. Before you judge me, you should know that I had a reason to be distant with my family. When I was 15 I came out to my dad who didn't take it very well. He didn't say anything much and kept his distance. I did it a few days before I left for junior year to avoid any awkwardness but his response to it really drove a wedge between us. My brother was cool with it, which was my only respite. Over the last 2 years I had spoken to dad twice and Sam a couple of times, so things weren't exactly very familial between us. Going home after all this time was going to be awkward but I needed to do this. I had nothing going on for me and I figured being home for sometime would give me perspective on my next steps and it'd be nice to go back to my hometown after over a decade away. -- When my flight landed at the airport, I wasn't expecting Sam to be there waiting for me. A little background on Sam- I had last seen him 5 years ago. At the time he was a lean toned guy, working in my dad's plumbing business and looking like every small-town dude who enjoyed the relaxed life and to whom the world at large started and ended within the confines of the town. He was smart too but he didn't put in the effort at school and was happy to start working for dad when he graduated. Not that dad was complaining. I think dad was happy to have one kid at home, even if he would never admit it. They were extremely similar too, which was why dad and Sam had a stronger bond than me and dad. The Sam standing in front of me outside the airport looked nothing like the Sam I remembered. This Sam was a beast. At 6'0, he was approximately 220 pounds of muscle. Wide chest, thick arms and legs, a thick neck and a buzzcut, gave him the appearance of someone you didn't want to fuck with. In just a t-shirt and shorts, both a size too tight for his frame, he was a walking wet dream. The second he saw me, he rushed over and gave me a giant bear hug. Almost lifting me off my feet, he pulled me in for a long hug while rubbing my back. When he finally let me go, his hand slipped down a little and grazed against my butt. "Holy fuck Sam, you look so different man," I exclaimed, finding it harder to not stare and drool at him. "Hahaha, yeah been a while you've seen me little bro. Looks good doesn't it," saying this, he flexed his left arm at me. I'm not sure how his sleeves didn't just rip off but they looked awfully close to, judging by the bulk of his bicep and tricep. Not wanting to stare and freak him out, I nudged him playfully and asked him where he was parked. In 10 minutes, we were on our way to the farm. The drive to our farm would take a little over 2 hours. Once we hit the road, we started catching up with each other. Sam asked me a lot of questions about my work and my life, revealing very little of his own. While we were chatting, I finally took a good look at my brother and started to observe some interesting things. At first glance, it wasn't obvious but through the confines of his shirt, I could make out his large nipples. I wasn't sure but they looked pierced, based on the tiny lumps on either side of each nipple. Tattoos filled every part of the exposed skin on his arms, leading up to his neck and sliding inwards towards his chest. A padlock chain on his collar with an actual lock, hung from his neck. Without being obvious, I took a sneak peek at his crotch and holy fuck, was that thing massively bulging. Whether this was natural or a sock stuffed in, it was hard to say but it sure was impressive. It was so weird how turned on I was by my big brother. I needed to keep it in check but his very presence was making it very difficult. "So how's dad? Has been a while since I last saw him?" I asked, changing the subject. I needed a distraction and this was the best and only way to do so. "Dad's great. He's so psyched to see you. Keeps telling everyone about you coming home." That made me feel guilty. All this time, I thought he wasn't particularly happy about me so to find out how happy he was to see me again did made me feel bad about ignoring him. "Hey, you okay dude?" my brother asked, observing the guilt on my face. "Yeah its fine. Just...never mind." An awkward silence followed us for the next hour of driving until we finally pulled up to our house. The house that I remembered from last time was not the house I came back to. For one thing, there was now an actual 7 feet wall surrounding the place with an electronic gate. The rusty beaten down path leading from the road to the house had been replaced with an actual functional driveway. The house itself had been freshly painted and possibly renovated, making it look actually nice and kinda classy (given the surroundings). "Whoa, what happened to the Sloan pad?" I asked in disbelief to a visibly grinning Sam. "A lot has changed Joe, you'll see for yourself," he remarked. While we were pulling out my stuff from the car, the front door opened and out walked my dad. If the changed Sam had been a surprise, my dad was a shock. 5 years ago, my dad was a lean 6'4 guy with a clean shaved face and a cap on his head at all times. The man in front of me looked nothing like the man I remembered. He had ballooned up to become a muscle daddy. His body was absolutely massive with everything as wide as it could be. He had a bit of a muscle gut but it suited him. What was more shocking was the way he was dressed up. Gone were the flannel shirts and denims. In front of me was a man wearing tight shorts and a sleeveless vest, with the front completely open. On his chest were 2 very visibly protruding nipple piercings that had caused them to puff out obscenely. My dad was an extremely hirsute guy (always has been) but I could make out some tattoos on his skin as well. "There's my boy," dad rumbled and practically jumped over to where I was standing. He grabbed me in a hug and lifted me off the ground, smashing our chests together. His grip was tight enough to cause my lean muscular body to be absorbed into his bulk, smushing every part of us together. I was impressed, given that I take after my dad and stand at 6'2, which he easily lifted like I was paper. While we were hugging, I could smell the strong smell of sweat, beer and smoke on him, making me a little horny. I had to fight every instinct to not get aroused in front of dad, but it wasn't easy. "Hey dad, long time no see," I said as he let me go and dropped me to the ground. Without responding, dad hugged me again, only this time he sniffled and shook a little. Watching my formerly emotionally steady father cry out of happiness was not what I was expecting. We stood there for half a minute until he composed himself and detached. "A'ight, lets get you in boy" dad said, grabbing one of my things and started to walk towards the house. Sam and I followed him inside, which had changed significantly since I had last seen it. Before, it looked like a bachelor pad with things lying around, packets of easy-made food on the kitchen counter and empty bottles in the corner. Now, it was completely clean with a leather couch in the center, nicely done wallpapers and actual furniture. "What happened here? You guys won a lottery or something?" I was in shock, how did dad and Sam manage all this with their small town plumbing business. My dad let out a big laugh and slapped my back. "All in good time son, for now wash up and come downstairs. We have things to discuss." His tone meant business and even though I was an almost 26 year old successful former business owner, I felt like a ten year old boy that had to do what dad said. Sam helped me carry my stuff upstairs to my old room and left me in there. Normally, I'd take my time to wash up. But dad had meant business when he told me to come downstairs and I had questions of my own. How was their life so different and how were they so different all of a sudden? It made no sense and I needed answers. --- An hour later, the 3 of us were downstairs in the living area drinking beer. Dad and Sam were on either side of the couch while I was sitting opposite them. Dad was worried I was in trouble which is why I had reached out to them. When I told him that wasn't the case and I was just here to figure out my next steps, he looked relieved. He asked me point blank how long was I intending to stay. Unsure of what he wanted to hear, I told them I'd be here for no more than 10 days. "Hell no boy. You come back after 5 years and all you give me is 10 lousy days. You ain't leaving before the months up," my dad laid down the law. By the serious expression on his face, I knew better than to counter. Truthfully, I was relieved. Part of me needed time to figure things out and having a month's time to do so would be perfect. The conversation moved on to other things before I ended up asking about the house and the renovations. On doing so, my dad and my brother shared a look before my dad said anything. "Son, there are things you need to know about us." I kept quiet, letting him continue whatever he needed to tell me. "But first, I wanted to say how sorry I am for how I was when ya told me you were gay." That was a big surprise, considering I never imagined him feeling any remorse. He continued, "you should know, it wasn't because you were gay. Couldn't care less about that. I was just surprised you know, by how brave you were. Braver than your old man could ever be." For the second time that day, I saw my dad cry. Before I could do anything, Sam slid next to him and pulled dad in for a hug. Dad grabbed Sam in his arms and broke down, while Sam gently held him and let him vent it out. If it wasn't my dad and my brother, I'd think they were lovers. It took my dad a few minutes to compose himself, before he sat back up, took a deep breath and stared right into my eyes. "Son, I'm gay too. And so is your brother."
    1 point
  32. It would be an anonymous set up. Dark room, door unlocked, guy walks in, breeds your, hole and leaves. You never see them. I’ll find the guys and you just provide a hole for them to dump their load in. After each guy is done breeding you, I’ll go back into the room to fuck your cum-sloppy hole until it’s time for another one to arrive. It would be this Saturday, at a motel near Universal Studios. Hit me up if interested. my BBRT name is mike626
    1 point
  33. Met with an Otter couple, both seropositive, who insisted they should both top me raw. Just on Prep and have to say, was so hot watching a couple share your hole. Second partner used his husbands cum as lube. Felt good to be used 😈
    1 point
  34. Someone I was casually dating over a summer was hooking up with someone else ... so we stopped hanging and never ended up a thing. A year later I ran into this "other" person at a bathhouse and was just irrationally annoyed at his existence. After messing around with a few others (and drinking some of my smuggled in whiskey), I caught him sucking someone else off in a low-light corner and whipped out my cock and made him suck it. We both got super energized and made out and fucked each other 3 times that night. lol. I still hate him, but that was fun.
    1 point
  35. So I have been documenting my progress on Twitter but it has been 5 weeks since I've been locked up. I've been horny as fuck and working my pussy a lot more. Had an awesome stretching session with our pack Alpha last weekend. I still haven't cum though, Daddy told me I missed my opportunity when they were fist deep in HIS hole. Btw my Twitter is @Pup_nacho
    1 point
  36. I found this the other day. I thought some of you might enjoy it. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/horny-for-master-faggot-hypnosis/
    1 point
  37. Part III-Boys Slammed in the Sling The man inside Mikey was brutal. He repeatedly pulled his cock all the way out and slammed it in. “Fucking faggot,” he said, spitting on Mikey’s face. “You’re a goddamn whore. You think you can say no to this?” He pulled his cock all the way out and stepped back a few feet, stroking his full ten inches. His cock glistened from the loads and juices inside Mikey, and he used its stickiness when he pressed the tip into the baggie of meth. Mikey was still wailing when Joe slammed into him with a cock covered in meth. “You’re gonna be my whore tonight,” he said. Behind Mikey, I could hear Bill soothing him. Bruce had the camera fixed on my face, recording my reactions as I saw Mikey being seeded by this hairy mean man. Behind me, Tom was gently but forcefully raping my ass. But he was going very slowly, compared to the man fucking Mikey, a man the other men referred to as Joe. For every stroke into me by Tom, Joe finished three or four into Mikey. And he took a lot of breaks, and was now staying outside of my hole, stroking ass cheeks. Bruce grinned at me. “You know it is gonna be your turn next, right?” Mikey moaned suddenly, against the steady sound of skin slapping skin and the creaking of the sling as it rocked back and forth from the force of Joe fucking Mikey. “It’s gonna be ok, Mikey,” Bill said, stroking his forehead. “This man just wants what’s his. Tell him how much you like him.” “It’s...too much...” Mikey said, grimacing. Joe smiled down wickedly at him, and took his cock out, leaving the head nestled right at the entrance to Mikey’s pussy. The powder had already been absorbed by Mikey’s hole, and Joe seemed proud of himself. “That’s one fucked up faggot,” Joe said. “C’mon faggot: Tell me you want it hard.” Mikey’s eyes got wide as he whimpered and seemed to be talking to Bill. “No more, please...” Joe laughed. “There’s gonna be lots more, faggot.” He pushed his cock in and out twice, very quickly, and Mikey gasped. Bill also laughed, but once Joe had backed away he started pulling Mikey out of the sling. “You can have a break, kid,” he said, keeping his hand pressed against the small of Mikey’s naked backside as he led him to the other side of the room, where two guys in their late forties or early fifties were stroking their cocks, waiting. After Bill forced Mikey onto his knees to start servicing them, he waltzed over to me and grabbed me forcefully. “C’mon princess,” he said, walking me over to the sling. Bruce filmed him helping me into the sling, but I noticed he put the camera down as Tom handed Bill a few things from a bag near the sling. When I got a clearer picture I could see that Bill was holding a needle and a tie of some sort, and after I was on the sling he prepped my bicep and twisted my arm until he found a vein. Tom came over and dabbed the area with a swab as Bill leaned in. “Don’t move a muscle, boy,” he said. I obeyed as he injected me. I felt the effect right away. A rush came over me, almost the instant that the needle pierced my vein. It was like a sudden rush of dopamine, coursing through my body, and just as suddenly, desperately, I wanted every man in that room to fuck me. Needed them to fuck me. Bruce put the camera right above my face, the light burning into my eyes as I let out a low moan. Bruce moved the camera to my side, giving me a view of Bill who was between my legs, gently stroking at my beaten and bruised hole. “What’s your name, boy?” Bill asked while the tips of his forefingers circled around my pucker. “You know my name...sir...” I said, uncertainly. “Talk to the camera, princess.” I turned to the camera. I could also see myself on the TV, being livestreamed. “Sean,” I said. “And how do you feel Sean?” Bruce licked his lips as he filmed me. “I feel...high.” Bruce and Bill laughed at that. “You feel good, boy?” Bruce asked me. “Yes, sir.” I did feel good. Damn good. I wanted, no, I needed those fingers in me! “What’s that man doing to you, Sean?” Bruce asked. “He’s...oh!” I moaned as Bill’s finger went in. “He’s...fingering me,” I said, letting out a sigh. “Shhh, baby boy, shh...” Bruce stroked my forehead. “Just ride that wave boy, let it happen. You feel good, right?” I nodded, my eyes blissfully closed. I felt Bruce’s cock hardening against my cheek. “That’s good. No reason not to feel even better, right?” I opened my eyes. He was smiling down at me, his left hand stroking his foreskin against my cheek. I was sweating now, very hot and suddenly I needed something, anything to drink. “Water?” Tom came over and pressed a cup of very bitter Gatorade into my mouth. “Just have some of this, kiddo.” After I finished drinking it all, I had to refrain from spitting because the taste was so terrible. Once I finished, Bruce pressed his cock against my lips. “Now this is very important, Sean. We need you to tell us what you want.” “I want...I need...to fuck,” I said, twisting in the sling. My holes felt like magnets trying to pull at, swallow the cocks around me. Bill chuckled, standing over me, holding my limp cock in one hand and using the other to press his dick against its final target. “Get fucked, you mean.” I nodded slightly, still keeping my eyes closed. Bruce nudged my cheek again with his cock. “Tell us what you want.” “Fuck me,” I moaned, opening my eyes, and my mouth for his cock, and wiggling my hips to invite Bill inside me. “Louder, princess,” Bill said, moving his cock inside me. “Tell me where you want me to put this.” “In my ass, sir!” Bruce slapped me. “Remember your first lesson bitch,” he said. “What did Bill press his cock into?” “My pussy,” I said, moaning again as Bill moved his cock around inside me and Bruce held his against my face. “That’s my pussy,” Bill corrected me, nodding over at Bruce, who was laughing. “Best twenty bucks I spent this month,” Bill said. “What do-“ I was starting to ask a question, confused, when Bruce’s cock filled my mouth. “More time for that later,” Bruce said. “Now suck bitch.” I was lost in heat as these two men savagely penetrated my holes for the next twenty minutes or so. Neither of them came. When Bill thrust inside me for the last time, he leaned over and Bruce took his cock out of my mouth, and Bill kissed me. “You’ve got a long night, princess,” he whispered, then stood up and backed away. As I watched him go, I realized what he meant. A line of men had formed behind him, and Joe was first up. “How old are you, faggot?” Joe asked. He was very nonchalant, like we were talking at a cafe instead of a dingy basement with my ass open to his pierced dick. “N-nineteen,” I stammered. I was still lost in a drug fugue. Sweaty, dizzy and craving cock like I never had before. A voice inside of me was struggling to get out: They're filming this! They're fucking you raw! You have to say something! You have to stop them! “Good. So you're legal. You got a name, boy?” “Sean,” I said again. He must not have been listening earlier. “And does Sean have a daddy?” Joe asked, his cock pressing against my pucker. “I, I don’t know...” I said, confused. “I’m his daddy now,” Bill said from the other side of the room. Joe nodded, staring intently at me. "Has your daddy been fucking you boy?" I nodded. "Yes, sir." Joe smiled. "That's good. He's been opening you up for the rest of us. Is that what you wanted?" Joe's demeanor changed entirely. Now suddenly he was sweet, speaking gently to me, like I was a kid. "You wanted all these men to fuck you?" I groaned. "Yes, sir," I said. My inner voice recoiled. No! You're getting drugged and raped you dumb fuck! On another side of the room, I could hear Mikey moaning. In the corner of my eye I saw him being spit roasted between the two old guys, who were recording it with their own camera phones. I turned my attention back to Joe. Joe was stroking, looking back at Bill. “Daddy Bill, do I have your permission to fuck this pussy?” I looked over to Bill, who nodded, smiling at me. “Yes you do, Joe. You have permission to do whatever you want to that boy.” I looked back at Joe, my eyes wide. He had a giant cock, and I had never taken anything that big before, let alone something with a piercing. “See bitch,” Joe explained as he worked his pierced dick into my pussy. “You may be a cumdump, but you’re spoken for. I need permission.” With that, he shoved the remainder of his dick inside me. I shrieked, and Tom came over and put his dick in my mouth. “Shhh...” he said, stroking my forehead. “Your whore mouth has other work to do.” “Just ride that wave,” Bruce reminded me, his camera focused on Joe’s cock moving in and out, tearing apart my insides with his piercing. Bill came over to stand beside me, putting his cock in my mouth alongside Tom’s cock. “This is just a preview, whore,” Bill said. “We have a lot more shooting to do before this film is finished. And you’re gonna take a lot more cocks up that pussy.” I moaned, fixated on the cocks in my holes. And suddenly I realized that I was just a hole. A boy. A pussy. An object for these men to violently fuck and abuse. And in that instant I realized that nothing else mattered, except getting them off. My inner voice relented: You're a whore. And you're a hole. Joe started to get close. He had been fucking without release, between me and Mikey, for a while at that point. “I’m getting close,” he grunted, his wide, bloodshot eyes staring right into my cock filled face. “Where do you want it?” He glanced up at Bill. I no longer made the decisions about my body. “Poz that whore’s pussy,” Bill said, grinning down at me. A few strokes later, Joe screamed, releasing his dirty load into my pussy. Bruce swung the camera down towards my hole, getting a close up as he slowly pulled his dick out, glistening with pink cum. Another man who was stroking in line behind Joe came up to me, grinning. "Bill, can I fuck this faggot up next?" He was an older, burly chested guy with silver hair. I recognized him from the clubs. He took out his cell phone, recording as he lined his dick against my cum splattered hole. You are a whore. You are a hole. "Yes, of course Rob," Bill said, and took his cock out of my mouth to lean down and whisper to me as Rob pressed his thick cock inside me. It was not nearly as long as Joe's, but what it lacked in length it made up in girth and curvature. Bill whispered in my ear: "Bruce and I made a deal. He gave me to you for twenty bucks, for my birthday." Bill smiled at me, as Tom continued pressing his hard on inside my mouth. Bill's hands snaked down my chest and stomach until he pulled at my limp dick and balls, giving Rob a better shot of his cock going in and out of my ass. "Good work," Bill said. "Open that pussy up." He leaned in again and continued whispering: "Now, I get to decide who stars in the next couple of scenes. So you can either keep going, or you can have Mikey take over." He nodded over to Mikey on the other side of the room, who was now servicing three cocks. Bruce had moved the camera to hover right above Mikey's hole as he was pulled between two daddies. "You have daddies in both ends," Bruce said, taunting Mikey. "You're being a very good girl, taking those daddy dicks." Bill leaned in, stroking my dick as my hole was massaged by Rob's thick dick. "What's it gonna be? You or Mikey?" My inner voice: You are a whore. You are a hole. You do what your daddy says. "Whatever you want, Daddy Bill," I said, giving myself over to the high, to the cocks that were moving inside me. "Good answer, princess," Bill said, stroking my face. "Okay, Rob, time for a break. " Rob lingered over my hole for a minute, thrusting in a few more times and recording it with his phone. He looked disappointed that he wasn't able to finish inside me. "Don't worry," Bill explained as he helped lift me out of the sling. "Everyone will get a chance to fuck Sean later." He beckoned Mikey over, and the tops who were splitting him in two reluctantly stopped and carried his limp body back to the sling. Bruce's camera lingered on Mikey's face, as he twisted and turned. He was completely out of it and fucked up on whatever cocktail of drugs the men were feeding us, but he hadn't given himself over to them yet. Bruce: "You ready for some more dick, Mikey boy?" Mikey shook his head vigorously. "No, no more, please..." Rob pressed his cock inside Mikey's boypussy while Jerome came back over and fed his mouth. Jerome was pressing his cock around Mikey's face as the kid winced. "I thought you were a top," Jerome said, laughing at him. "You open up a lot of boyholes with that cock?" Rob grabbed his cock and pushed it away so that Rob's camera would have a better, unobstructed view of Mikey's violation. "Please....stop..." Mikey said. "Sorry, Mikey boy, no can do," Bill explained. He looked over at Bruce. "Ready for the next scene?" "Absolutely," Bruce said. He pointed the camera at Mikey's face. "Daddy's Pussyboys, next scene: Mikey's Hole Gets Wrecked." "No!" Mikey started to scream, but a cock muffled him, and Rob started fucking him faster. Bill walked over and gently held me as Mikey was violated. "Just watch and learn, princess," he said, stroking my hole. You are a whore. You are a hole. My inner voice was never more certain.
    1 point
  38. When I first started on prep I was sent to a doctor who did HIV care exclusively and the waiting room was filled with gay men. Many were chatting with each other which lead me to believe they all know each other. I got called in and was interviewed by a hot male nurse about my sexual habits, likes and dislikes, promiscuity, recent encounters, places I frequent, etc. I think the more I spoke, the more he got turned on and wanted to know more. Finally after about 45 minutes the interview was done and the doctor came in and saw me. He went over some of the information, talked to me about routine testing and follow up and prescribed my PREP treatment and I left. About a month later I was out at a club, it was late, like 1:45am and low and behold I get cornered by the nurse, who at this time was a little drunk. He told me how turned on he got about all the stuff I do and have done and told me I should call him because I'm just his kind of guy. We started talking and ended up going to his place and I let him have his way with me. After that, he made sure to check me in for follow up visits and I'd suck his dick once we got into the exam room. We hooked up a few times after that outside of the clinic but he was a whore and constantly looking for new action, but I still sucked his dick every time I went in for a follow-up. A year later I changed insurance and no longer went to that clinic.
    1 point
  39. Thanks @alexej2 and @novamax for the nice comments. Trying to put the English major to good use lol. This chapters a little longer than the previous couple. Part 16 Hunter led Tyler to the bedroom and shut the door once they were both inside. Tyler started to panic. What was this about and why would Hunter want to leave Chris and Casey alone together? "You seem really tense. I just wanted to bring you in here to see if I could help calm you down so that Casey wont get freaked out and run scared. Hes cute. We want him to stay." Tyler thought the royal we was a little much right now but didnt mention it. "I guess I just didnt realize that you had always planned the smoking to be part of us playing the whole time. I thought it was a thing you just happened to offer to us that once because you were in the mood." "I was. I am." "I just didnt tell Casey about it so I was worried but he just went with it just now so I think we're good. So lets go back--" "Did you take the hit from the pipe just now because everyone else was doing it or because you liked the feeling last time?" Tyler didnt know how to answer the question. He thought Hunter was looking for one or the other when the real answer was both. Hunter read the hesitation and opened the same drawer that he pulled the pipe out the last time Tyler was in this room. He pulled out that same pipe along with a torch. "Dont answer that. I get it. Here. Lets take a couple hits you and me and get you calmed down and then we'll go back ok?" Hunter did not give Tyler the opportunity to respond. He was already lighting the pipe and walking towards the boy. No matter what happened this day, Hunter wanted to be the one to convert this boy who was more beautiful than he remembered. Tyler saw that Hunter was going to take a hit first. He was thankful to have a little bit of time to collect his thoughts. So much was running through his head and the two hits he shared just a few minutes before were messing with him. But he didnt have the time he expected because Hunter was moving quickly close to Tyler to give him the shotgun. Tyler hadnt anticipated that move but just went with it and opened his mouth to take smoke into his lungs. But what happened in the living room also happened here. Hunter turned the shotgun into a deep kiss. Tyler melted into Hunter and met this mans passion with his own. The two were locked together and softly moaning into each others mouths. Tyler was reminded of Hunters forceful tongue from their first kiss. Those memories combined with the hits fueled the already horny boy. Hunter held Tyler and led him to the bed without breaking the kiss. Tyler could feel that he was tenting in his sweatpants and felt Hunters large hard cock through his shorts as it pressed against Tylers thigh. Tyler sat on the edge of the bed with Hunter still standing and looking down at him. He handed the pipe and torch to Tyler. " Go ahead. All yours. I did some before you guys got here so dont worry about me." Tyler thought for a moment about his revelation when they arrived at the house. Hunter was manipulating them. There was a plan that he was executing that included playing casual. Tyler knew that now even if he didnt know what the plan could be beyond getting everyone naked. But he wasnt able to think past that kiss and that hard cock that he saw but didnt touch the first time. He lit the pipe and started on his first hit. "Good boy" Hunter said as he kneeled down between Tylers legs. He grabbed at the elastic waistband and pulled at them forcing Tyler to raise his ass to let his sweatpants get taken to the ground. Hunter loved that Chris and Tyler didnt get Tina dick and loved the sound of a hard college cock slapping against a boys abs. None of it broke the hit the boy was taking. Hunter had him and was about to really have him. "Yeah boy. Keep taking those hits. I wanna see you get high for me." Hunter grabbed Tylers hard cock and began to slowly stroke it. It was already leaking a little precum. But Hunter here for this boys cock. ******************* Casey was mid hit when he and Chris heard Hunters bedroom door close. Neither was sure how to proceed. Do they continue with the shotgun or does Casey just blow the hit out? In their hesitation, Casey just blew his hit out. He wasnt sure how long he was supposed to hold these hits in. This was his first hit from a pipe after all and it turned out to be pretty big. He was starting to change but he wasnt sure exactly how. Chris watched the cloud disperse into the living room air. "Nice hit. Do you feel ok?" He didnt know Casey but Chris remembered the nervousness of doing t for the first time and just wanted to check in. "I think so but I think Im also definitely getting high." "Yeah? What do you feel?" "I dont really know. Just...different I guess." "Does it make you horny?" "I cant tell if I was just horny from before or if this is new because of the hits." "I guess all that matters is youre horny right?" Chris took the pipe and torch from Casey and did his own hit. Then he handed them back to Casey so he could take another. If they were going to wait for Tyler and Hunter to finish whatever they were doing they might as well get high in that time. "Yeah." Casey began to rub his crotch. He noticed that each hit would go straight to his cock. A tingling he never remembered feeling like this before. Chris noticed. "I know the feeling bro." Chris began to rub his crotch as he watched Casey. Casey noticed the staring and the rubbing when he handed Chris the pipe. They made eye contact, neither saying anything as they did the hand off. But before he put the pipe to his mouth, Chris asked Casey, "You wanna do a shotgun this time?" As they were getting higher what they were thinking more and more about but still hadnt said was what the other had done with Tyler. There was a competition between them driven by that unknown but was fueling this moment alone between them. It could easily have gotten aggressive if thats where these boys heads were but that wasnt who they were. Chris was also wondering what Tyler had or hadnt told Casey about the first time they were in this house just as Casey wondered what it is that happened. Casey never saw Tyler as being the casual drug user type but this seemed chill and safe. He couldnt see the harm in Hunter or getting a little high every so often if thats what Tyler was up for. Their curiosity and these hits made them want to see what might happen for as long as they were alone. "Sure" Casey replied. As Chris leaned in neither was sure if this would lead to a kiss but both did want it. Chris moved close enough that their lips touched and both very tentatively brought their tongues out slightly. Just the feeling of their tongues grazing was enough and the two started to make out deep. Chris leaning further into Casey as they pressed themselves together with hands exploring each others chests and abs even as Chris held on to the pipe and torch. Just as with his shotgun with Tyler, Casey had to let go of the smoke while they were kissing. "Thats so hot" Chris said as they both took a breath. "Do you want another?" he asked as he offered what was in his hands to Casey. "Is it cool that we're doing this while theyre in there? I dont wanna smoke all his stuff and get him pissed or anything." "I'm sure its fine. Theyll probably be out in a second anyways." "What are they doing in there? Did something happen?" "I dont know. I think it should be ok." Chris was trying to be casual because he wanted this to continue. But he was also wondering if Hunter was going to try to get Tyler alone to share what had been already shared with him...Chris' guilt was hard to shake and part of him knew that there was danger involved for these two boys by coming here. But hearing the click of the torch and seeing this sexy guy do these hits for the first time with him, thinking about what it might do to him, made it impossible to stop. ********************** "Scoot back." Hunter stood up and gave Tyler a small push to encourage him to pull his legs up on to the bed. The boy did as he let go of his first hit with this pipe. "Nice cloud. Go ahead do another." Hunter climbed up onto the bed his hands gripping onto Tylers ankles and firmly massaging his way up his calves past his knees and up his thighs. He bent down and started kissing the boys inner thighs, all hard with muscle. He looked up as he licked the space between Tylers thigh and balls. The boy moaned as he held his hit in. "When you let that hit out blow it out down to your cock." Tyler nodded and then blew a cloud bigger than the first fogging the view that the two had of each other for a moment. "Fuck boy. Thats hot. You been practicing since that first time?" "No that was my first time and the last time I did it." "Youre doing great. Hold on to them for a second." Hunter raised himself up and pulled Tylers legs along with him propping them up on his shoulders. He knelt back down to get a closer look at the boys hole. "You and Casey have fucked before right?" "Yeah.' Tyler was embarrassed by the admission. Partly because he hadnt told anyone else yet and because he was feeling bad that the first person he told wasnt Chris. Hunter could see it on his face. "Don't worry. Theyre getting to know each other right now. Itll be fine." Tyler nodded. "You guys flip fuck or do you just bottom?" Hunter made sure to look the boy straight in the eye. Even with the hits lowering his inhibitions he was turning red. He really hadnt ever even thought about saying these things out loud. "It's ok. I'm just asking. You can tell me." With those last words Hunter teased Tylers hole with his tongue eliciting a gasp. He looked back into Tylers eyes. Tyler was looking right back. "You love to bottom dont you boy?" Tyler just nodded. Without hesitation, Hunter feasted on Tylers hole licking and probing in a way that created new sensations in the boy. Chris and Casey werent guys who seemed interested in rimming so this was something Tyler never really thought much about. After Hunters rim job there would be no turning back. He would insist that guys he was with rim him like this. His moans became increasingly louder and for a second he worried that Chris and Casey would hear him. But that second passed quickly. Hunter could feel the hole responding and opening up to him. This boy was a true bottom and he couldnt wait to get his first poz load into him. He pulled his head up and propped himself up as he crawled up to kiss the boy he was about to own. He could see in Tylers face the disappointment that the attention to his hole had stopped and also that hunger for something more. Hunter pulled himself from the kiss and looked down at Tyler. "Can I fuck you?" Tyler was a little caught off guard by how gentle Hunter was in asking the question. He recalled the conversations in health class about consent and he was seeing it play out now. Tyler took this to mean that Hunter wanted him to want it and enjoy it. He took it to mean Hunter would never do anything to hurt him. He looked down and saw that huge cock fully hard and looking like it was leaking. He didnt remember noticing Hunter take his shorts off but there was a lot happening and all that mattered now was that he was naked. Tyler nodded. "Yeah. Go slow ok?" Hunter kissed Tyler softly. "I will." Hunter took the pipe and torch from Tyler and told him to pull off his hoodie and the tshirt underneath. Hunter had forgotten how sexy the boy was and started to second guess the promise he had just made. He handed Tyler the pipe and torch again. "Take another two first. I'll grab some lube." Hunter wasnt sure if Tyler would say anything about condoms or being safe but he wasnt about to bring it up. Tyler did give it a moment but as the first of these two hits moved through his body he realized that he had never been fucked with a condom. Chris and Casey always fucked him raw and bred him. With Chris it had just happened the one time but it was pretty clear now that he and Casey would never use a condom together. By the time he was blowing out his second hit he had forgotten that the thought had even past his mind. By then, Hunter had his cock lubed and was pulling Tylers legs back up onto his shoulders. "You feeling good boy? Those were nice big hits. Love seeing that." Tyler nodded. He couldnt believe how much he wanted to feel this mans cock stratching him in ways that even Chris and Caseys werent big enough to do. "Go slow" he repeated. Hunter smiled and nodded in response. Hunter grabbed his slick hard cock and rubbed the head along Tylers crack finding the tight hole and resting it there. The two locked eyes as Hunter slowly pushed into Tyler. Tyler had learned to love the anticipation and the feeling of a cock head penetrating him. But this was something different. He didnt know what it was but it felt so much more intimate with this man. Hunter was easing the biggest cock Tyler had gotten fucked with yet and it had none of the clumsiness that was the second or third tries with Casey in this position. They didnt break their stare. Hunter spoke first. "You ok" he whispered. "Yeah youre in?" Hunter smiled. "Not yet. I'm about half way." Tylers eyes opened wider as he felt Hunter continue to push deeper. He gasped but not out of pain. He realized he wanted more. He wanted this man to touch something Casey and Chris couldnt. This was his first time with a real pro. He moaned deep. "You like that boy?" Tyler found he was a little out of breath now and moaned out a breathy "Yeah" as he grabbed his cock. Hunter remembered how things ended last time. Cum. Shame. Leave. He wanted to make things last this time. He stilled his body with just about an inch left. They were silent for a moment and Tyler explored this mans body with his hands grabbing on to his chest and bringing them down toward his abs and thighs. Tyler saw the tattoo that he remembered seeing the first time he was in this room and traced it with his finger. His concentration on this symbol he only recognized as a hazard sign was broken when Hunter pulled his gaze up to his eyes with a gentle finger on the boys chin. He looked deep into Tylers eyes. "I want you to remember this cock. I want you to crave it and come back for it whenever you need to be filled." Tyler had never been spoken to this way before and as he heard those words he realized that this was what he always wanted. He started to stroke his cock even harder. Hunter bent down still not pushing any further and kissed Tyler passionately, pulling the boys hand from between them and away from his cock. He took that arm and wrapped it around himself. Tyler understood and wrapped both his arms and tightened his legs around the man. This was it. Hunter pushed that last inch into the boy and along with it the weight of his body into Tylers hole. Both moaned into each others mouths. After years of breeding boys like this Hunter had learned to control his body so that he could cum multiple loads inside a hole without the boy suspecting as much. He didnt think Tyler was going to be kept from Hunters secret for long but he wanted to wait until he had a couple loads in him first. As they kissed Hunter could feel his first load building fast. This boy had gotten to him somehow. It was his innocence with the obvious undercurrent of a boy desperately wanting to be corrupted. As Hunter gyrated his hips balls deep into Tyler, the boy moaned something different. Like Hunter had hit a newly discovered spot. Hunter kept at that motion and the moaning became whimpers. Nothing got Hunter going like a college jock boy whimpering from his first massive cock and that moan triggered Hunters first load. With the two boys just out in the living room this wasnt the time to edge. He could feel it was a big load and Hunter had to exercise incredible control. He moaned with Tyler and did everything he could from the shaking that always accompanied a load this big. He tried to focus that energy into his mouth and probed Tyler with his tongue even deeper. When he finally found the end of his orgasm he couldnt believe he hadnt given himself away. Tyler was still in it and didnt seem to realize that he had just been delivered his very first poz load. Hunter pulled up to look at this boy. "You ok? You need a break?" It was Hunter who wanted to take a minute to fully recover from one of his hottest fucks in a while but he knew he would win points with a boy like Tyler if he showed care for him first. They hadnt been fucking for more than a couple minutes and Tyler wasnt tired or in pain and didnt think he needed a break but thought out of politeness that he should accept the offer. "Yeah ok." Hunter very slowly pulled out of Tyler looking down as the head popped out and noticing a drop of his cum leaking out. He laid down next to the boy and kept one hand at Tylers hole teasing it and probing it as they softly kissed. "Is this all ok? You feeling good?" Tyler nodded not knowing what to say. What he wanted to say was he felt good and he felt safe in this mans arms but he didnt want to seem like he was being clingy. The other two guys who had fucked him were just outside this room after all. And one of them was now just outside the door. Hunter and Tyler heard a soft knocking, the kind that said its ok if you dont hear this I dont want to intrude. They both heard it. Hunter casually responded "Come on in" while Tyler felt that shot of embarrassment that they were going to see him with Hunter and assume that they had fucked. It was too late because Chris walked in before Tyler could say anything at all. *********************** The restraint the boys used because they werent sure what was happening between Tyler and Hunter and how long they would be was gone after they each took three more hits from the pipe. They were both feeling the high and Casey was beginning to see that whatever tina was was making him as horny as he ever felt he had ever been before. The two were making out now without the pretense of the shotgun and they were both down to their boxers and socks. These boys and Tyler were tight athletic boys not really made from the gym but from growing up playing team sports. Being in shape was fine but bonding with a team of boys was always what made it all fun. Casey started to see how this could replace sports. Caseys curiosity had him picking up the pipe to see if there was a limit or whether he would just keep getting higher and hornier. So far he hadnt reached his limit. Every hit would force his hand to his cock and feel that electricity tingling through it. "You know whats weird? I kinda cant get hard but I'm hornier than fuck. Is that this?" Casey asked while holding the pipe. That question wasnt enough to stop him from taking another hit to keep the experiment going. He was too far gone now. "I dont know. It doesnt do that to me." Casey was getting the hang of hitting from the pipe. He let out another cloud. "I know. Looks big bro." "I guess.' Casey wasnt sure if it was false modesty or if he was sweetly innocent in that way like he thought Tyler was. "It's not as big as Hunters though. Or his friend." "His friend?" "Yeah last time I came over without Tyler and Hunter had this other guy over." "Oh thats hot. So you done the group thing with Hunter then." "Yeah but just that once. And that was my first time." Chris was high but he could never fully shake that Christian guilt. As if only getting fucked once by a hot poz guy while another guy watched would be ok for his friends and family back home. "But you also were here with Tyler before that right?" "Right. Twice." "Nice." "You?" "Nah. This is the first time I ever been in something like this. More than one guy. Drugs. Seems pretty chill though." "Yeah." There was that guilt again. Now would be the time to tell Casey to go. To save himself and stay neg. But that would be too much. Casey might try to save Tyler and it could turn out worse. What Chris wasnt admitting to himself was that he was liking getting high too much to want to not keep coming by Hunters anymore. Chris thought about trying another tactic. "You guys...fuck?" Casey handed the pipe to Chris. "Yeah. You mean me and Ty?" Chris had never heard him called Ty. He didnt know why but hearing it made him feel that sting of jealousy just a little more. "Yeah we do. We live down the hall from each other so you know. Its easy." "Yeah. Uh...you guys...do....both?" "Both? You mean like fuck and get fucked?" Chris nodded as he took his hit. "Nah I only top so we just do that." Chris almost in relief breathed out and exhaled his next word. "Nice." "Not if I cant get hard bro." Chris looked over as Casey reached into his boxers and stroked his soft cock. Meanwhile the head of Chris' cock was sticking out of the waistband of his boxers. "Sorry." Casey just shrugged it off as Chris put the pipe down and pulled Casey into another kiss. They felt sufficiently high to keep this kiss going. Both boys got more out of breath feeling each others chests pushing their torsos against each other and feeling the others cock through the fabric of their boxers. Just as Casey rubbed the head of Chris' cock with his hand and reached past it to take hold of his thick hard shaft, they were interrupted. ************************** As Chris opened Hunters bedroom door and walked in he had not given any thought to what he might see. He was too preoccupied with what was happening in the living room to give Tyler and Hunter any thought. So when he walked in and saw the two naked in bed the shock was too hard to cover. "Oh sorry I didnt--" From the door, Chris noticed what he thought might have been cum leaking out of Tylers hole. His legs were spread and Hunter was rubbing his inner thigh. "Um I can..." He was going to say wait but he actually couldnt. "Its ok. Whats up?" Hunter asked as he sat up in the bed. Tyler lay almost frozen as he and Chris looked at each other. What both men in bed also noticed was the Chris was down to his boxers which were very clearly tenting. "Uuhhhh it looks like theres a couple people at your door."
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  40. A great hookup last night with a fat cigar bear I play with occasionally. He's a top with a thick 7" cock and he's mean as fuck, and he loves to be watched so he usually has another guy or two present as well😃 Soon as I get there I see Mike, the fat bearded bear, and some other bear, also bearded and fat, who's maybe 25. Mike wastes no time and has me get naked and positioned on the fuck bench in the living room. He straps my arms and starts rubbing my ass, making sure he's blowing lots of cigar smoke on my face. He then puts a ball gag in my mouth and tells his buddy to hand him the lube. As Mike is greasing his cock and my hole, he's telling the other guy what a fucking whore for cock I am, and despite me being a poz whore bottom I got a tight ass. It made my cock hard hearing him say this about me to the other guy, like I wasn't even there. Mike lines up his cock and slides it inside me in one motion. I let out a grunt and he laughs, and starts slow fucking me. I can see the young bear off to the side, watching us. Mike is fucking me steady and talking to his friend like a teacher giving a lesson. "Good thing about poz pigs is you can raw dog em all you want. They accept they're made to take loads, and crave your nut inside of em". So my cock is leaking like fucking crazy, and Mike is pounding me harder and finally cums and lets out a series of grunts. He keeps on fucking me slowly as his cock softens, and rubs my ass as he calls me a good pig. He plops outta my hole, and I see him walk over and present his cock to his buddy for cleaning. After a minute or so, he asks the young bear if he's ready, and I hear a yes Sir. He quickly undresses and stands beside me, and I'm expecting Mike to tell him to fuck me. Instead, Mike unties my hands and helps me up, but leaves my ball gag in place. I'm standing there with a raging hardon, and Mike puts his buddy on the bench and ties him in place. He then guides me to the guy's ass, and tells me to fuck him until he's a whore like me. I almost shot my load on the spot. I line up my dripping cock on his unlubed hole, and push in roughly until I'm balls deep. I hear him cry out, but I'm not distracted and begin fucking his ass raw with the only thought being to cum hard and deep in his ass. Mike goes and stands in front of us, and is encouraging his buddy to take my dirty cock like a good pig, telling him that soon he'll be a good whore like his Sir wants. Mike asks him if he's ready for my dirty load, and he starts moaning and clamped down hard on my cock, letting me know he's cumming. This sends me over the edge, and I scream grunt thru the ball gag and begin to unload in his guts. I swear I almost passed out. Mike is rubbing his friend's hair as we catch our breath, and then motions to me to leave. I remove my gag and get dressed in the other room. Mike comes in and gives me a big kiss and shows me out. I don't ask any questions, but I'm looking forward to hearing the whole story behind this fuck session.
    1 point
  41. I wake up late and feel like I've gone a few rounds, still covered in now dry cum I quickly shower shave and evacuate what's in my ass but nothing really comes out as ive absorbed most of his cum into me. dressed and ready for work I feel human but know I won't be able to concentrate. At work when I meet the manager I say morning and my voice is raw and broken (from the the throat fucking I got the night before) hearing this he says I sound terrible and must be coming down with something, better I go back to the apartment and rest than share it with the rest of the office, by the time I get back to the apartment it's only 9.30, I change into something comfortable and find myself standing outside the door of apartment 40. standing there i think what am I doing, but without thinking my hand just reaches out and I knock on the door, not expecting anyone to answer during the day, but it opens and he tells me I'm lucky he stayed home today on the off chance, now get in here. I step inside and tells me to strip looking blankly he says NOW. I strip and notice him dropping his robe as well so where both naked, seeing him naked can notice he's Pearced which I didn't see last night, both nipples and cockhead (a Prince Albert). seeing my confusion he just says he didn't want to scare me off straight away so took them out last night, now get over here. I step towards him as he asks do I know what I want. I shakely say yes what is that ... I reach for his cock but he slaps my hand away, again what do you want.I reply ... you..,he slaps me saying across my face, that's nice but what do I really what. I pause n reply I want to be used and owned.. he smiles grabing the back of my head guiding my mouth to his nipple with the biohazard on it. I don't pull away but lick and suck his nipple lost in the moment, total submission. he's telling me that's right, your my pig now,you will do as I say when I say. looking up I just say yes sir as I lick his tattoo surrendering myself. he watches me work over his nipple telling me how well I've progressed already, but so much more I need to do. taking me to the bedroom goes to a draw and pulls out a permanent marker. looking at me he tells me this will stay on my body till he decides and at the end I will have earned having it removed, with that he writes "pig in training" on my chest and back, in big fat letters. looking down and seeing this I feel a million miles away I know its happening but doesn't feel real but it does feel right I look at him and ask what can this pig to for sir. he slaps me hard telling me I haven't earned the right to call myself a pig yet, and tells me till I've been trained I'm just a bitch. he waits looking at me, I ask what can this bitch do for sir. he smiles and tells me to suck his cock as I need to prove that the skills i learned from last night. with sir laying on the bed I try and take his cock and for the most part do well with only needing him to make me gag a few times till I fit it all in, thou the pearcing did hurt and my throat did feel even more raw afterwards. with his cock hard and wet with spit/drool he grabs my hair and pulls me onto my back telling me to open my legs for him. pulling them back my cheeks just part to show the red swollen hole that is my ass, smiling he rams two fingers into me causing me a scream/help of pain, with a questioning looking his face he rams them Nuckle deep, then rips them straight out grabbing my throat. looking me in the eyes the says did you get ride of my cum... im gasping as he relax's his grip a little and I tell him most of it just got absorbed and only a little came out this morning. smiling he lets go fully telling me never get rid of his or any other cum as it is supposed to be in me, now knowing you absorbed most of that we will have to fix it. pushing my legs back so my ass moves up he spits in my ass and starts to open me up with his cock, feeling his cockring it feels different, a little painful but after a min or two I feel I him pop inside me. he slowly works his whole cock into me and stops, looking at me he asks what do I want. I look back and tell him I want to used. how does my bitch want to be used?? anyway sir wants. slapping me he says again how does my bitch want to be used... I look at him thinking what I should say and just reply hard, raw and dirty sir, I need to be used as a whore n cumdump. smiling he pulls half out and rams into me hard causing pain which I take sir saying ohhh it's definitely going to be raw n dirty, and does it again. he says tell sir where you want his cum, I pause and after 5 seconds reply deep inside me, he smiles, seeing this I push myself up lean forward and lick his tattoo saying as deep as possible. sir rams into me extra hard causing me to collapse as he attacks my ass with a passion. I'm in pain but the pleasure I'm getting is making it worth it. I push back in tempo as much as I can riding the cock fucking me when he starts to quicken his tempo I know he's about to cum. I look at him begging him to breed me, knock me up, he tells me hes going to make me pregnant and I just pull him deeper into me as he unloads. as he keeps fucking his load deeper into me I try and squeeze my ass tight so to milk every drop from him. pulling out he straddles my chest telling me to clean his dick, so I start to lick n suck it clean seeing fresh streaks of red in his cock I know there's no going back, after I've clean his cock i look up and say thank you sir. he says I haven't finished yet. as he hops off me, his hand going for my ass he slides two fingers in saying thats how wet a bitch should but you need to be looser, so he starts stretching me, soon all 4 fingers in my ass pulling it apart it's then he slide his thumb in and starts fucking,punching my ass with his hand. it's not long till he is knuckles deep and thier the only thing stopping his entire hand sliding into me. with the attack my ass I'm hard n begging for more. he gets up and gets poppers n lube telling me to hit the poppers, he stares at my ass telling me where almost there as he lubes his hand and dives back in twisting his hand causing waves of pleasure through me. I hit the poppers and he feels me loosen a little and rams it into me hard, I feel his knuckles slip through causing me to orgasm uncontrollably as his hand is sinking into me to just past the wrist. he continues to fuck my ass never pulling out entirely and after 10 mins pulls out in one quick painful moment. even after the orgasm I'm rock hard as sir looks down at me and tells me how well my training is going and that I'm well on the way to being a pig, I just say thank you sir he gets up and leaves the room. returning with what looks like an icecube tray and black butt plug. he tells me to get my ass in the air so I roll over and present it to him and he tells me this is his cum as he slides a frozen lump of it into me, in all he slides 10 cum cubes into me and then the butt plug. I soon find out it's an inflatable as he starts pumping it up, telling me that this is so I dont lose any of his cum, I just say thank you sir as I start feeling full, he stops pumping and detachs the pump leaving the plug inflated in me. pulling me up he tells me to go to the shower and watches me walk away as I'm arching my back a little as the plug feels different, a good different but I know nothings going to be coming out he watches how my ass moves with the plug telling me your a natural. he follows me to the shower and tells me to kneel in it. facing sir I know what's coming next as he starts to piss on my face, I open my mouth so he can aim and start swallowing, he just looks down and says yip a natural. finishing he tells me to shower and get dressed and leaves for the lounge.and when I return he's on the couch drinking coffee in his robe. I stand there waiting. as he tells me to unlock my phone and give it to him , which I do. he does a few things to it and throws it back, telling me I need to loose some weight if I want to be his pig and a good long walk is what I need before he sees me again at 9 pm. I'm a little confused as he shows me the door but I'm happy I'm coming back. I look at my apartment door and head straight for the elevator thinking may as well start walking, as I walk to the elevator I feel the plug rubbing and massaging me, I now think I know whay sir is doing this. 30 mins into the walk I'm rock hard and in heat when my phone rings, it just says sir, (he must have added his number) I pickup. he tells me I'm doing well and I need to get something's while I'm out. texting me a list of addresses he says hes organised it so they will be ready for pickup. he then tells me remember that I'm his bitch and no-one else gets to use me and he will know, n hangs up. looking at the list I google locations and start form the closest one. it ends up being a grotty sex shop, the kind with booths at the back, walking in the person at the counter looks at me and calls me by name and tells me to wait a min while he gets the parcel sir organised. he says I look like need some relief and that i use the booths if I want free of charge. thinking would sir want me to I just wait at the counter and he returns telling me that will be 300 bucks. a little shocked I pay the man and as I walk out he tells me that sir said not to open it till I back with him. leaving I look for the next place and it's on the other side of town. I hail uber and while driving sir calls Me on my phone. yes sir I said walk bitch not drive, I added an app so I could see where you were at all times. tell the driver to go back to where he picked you up or don't bother coming back tonight and hangs up. shaken in tell the driver and start walking from there. sir calls again telling me he will over look this one infraction as I did so well not going to the booths but I need to do as he tells me, I'm feel a sense of relief go through me and continue walking. after a few hours I get to the second location sweaty mess, it's a bondage shop. again as I enter the assistant calls me by name and tells me sir said to unlock and give him the phone which I do. he face times sir and holds the phone pointing at me. sir tells me this is Arron and he will help me with a few clothes and so sir can see them. he already has a cubical with the clothes telling me to strip I'm naked as Arron places the phone on a chair so he can help me and sir can see. first off it's a rubber wrestling style short n top onepiece with no front or ass. posing for sir he says nice but not yet probably next week. I beam inside with the thought of next week. next is rubber shorts/chaps which just push my ass up n out it feels great and sir plus Arron says I look hot in it. Arron even reaches and squeezes my ass, I look at sir and he says its all right so I push back and Arron finds the plug giving it a pull which causes me to groan. nice tells sir and sir replies he's more than half way to being the pig he should be. Arron hands me a rubber jock which I put in and sir says perfect for tonight. next Arron puts a harness on me but sir says that's also for next week. lastly a hood goes over my head no eye holes just open holes for breathing and at the mouth with a collar round my neck. sir tells me I look good but that will have to wait till I'm a full pig and Arron takes it off. that being done sir tells that I look thirsty so aaron is going to give me a drink. leading me through the store naked with pig in training written on my front n back I get a couple of smiles and a woof as he takes me to to back and tells me to kneel, he pulls out his cock with sir still on face time watching me he tells me to drink Aaron's piss but not to touch his cock. Arron starts to piss on my face n mouth and I gulp in down as sir watches. finishing face n chest covered in piss sir tells me to get dressed n pay the man and hangs up. finished arron he says he looks forward to seeing me next week. I just think yes, pay the bill and leave. I start walking back and by the time i get back to the apartment it's been 7 hours, I stink of sweat n piss and my ass is sore from the constant rubbing. before I even get inside sir texts me and tells me to come straight to his apartment, the doors open and to kneel in the shower. I open the door but no-one is round so I go to the shower and kneel there waiting. I'm tired, sore and feel I could sleep for a couple of days but I wait thinking this is what sir want. 20 mins later I hear a door open and footsteps as sir comes in smiling. he tells me he's happy with the progress I'm making but I must be thirsty again to which I reply as always yes sir. this time he pulls out his cock and tells me to drink straight from the source, leaning in I take his cock in my mouth as he starts to piss directly down my throat. almost gaging but able to swallow it all he tells me to strip out of what I'm wearing and clean myself up. smelling better n refreshed as soon as I stop the shower sir shouts bitch get in here. I don't think I only react not worried I haven't dried off,im soaking wet infront of him within 10 seconds. looking me up n down he tells me it's time to see how my ass handled his cum n plug now get ass up on the bed. climbing on I present myself head down ass up as before as sir reconnects the tub to the plug and releases the pressure and pulls the plug out of me. no pain just an empty feeling, I want it back in me. looking at the plug he says it's as clean as a whistle as he slides 2 fingers into me causing me to moan, pulling them out he doesn't see the cum he wants n tells me push some out I try but nothing happens. flipping me on my back he finger fucks my hole feeling more cum he tells me to push some out. I manage to push a teaspoon but that's it. rubbing it round my hole lubing me he tells me ive absorbed almost all the cum from this morning and are still tight. (as to absorbing the cum it's not surprising all I've had to drink is piss n walked most the day). my ass lubed he teases my hole with his cock, I just look as him and beg him breed me n knock me up. he looks and tells me im already pregnent I just don't know it yet as he rams into me. even tight my hole must have recognised sirs cock as it just opens up no pain just pleasure. bottomng out sir just says he loves a cummy hole and power fucks me like im a rag doll, a few positions and 20 mins later I feel the familiar feeling of warmth inside me as I take another dirty load from sir. rolling off me he tells me to can stay there and get some rest as i will need it for tonight. naked wet n ass gapping sticky with cum I don't know how but I fall asleep
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  42. Part 4. I started reading my other emails while I was waiting, I opened a few emails from unattractive guys, two fat guys and one homely older guy. Then I opened an email from a young lean guy with a sleave, it looked a lot like Jonny’s sleave and the email read, great ass, are you into ass play? Love to see that hole wrapped around my sleeve. Fuck, I emailed him back and told him I was new to it but loved my ass played with. Read his profile and it had nothing in his status but if all he was doing was playing with my ass that was safe. His stats were 6’ 170 9.5 uncut multiple tats are all he posted. His pics were hot as fuck and I went on to the other emails. The next email was from a guy said he was straight and just needed to get off, he wanted to find me on my knees and blindfolded. He would walk in and feed me his cock and then have me turn around and give up my ass for him to breed. His stats were 34 6’2 200 nice 8” dick thick uncut and hairy chest and abs all muscled and defined. I emailed him back and told him I was into it. He was online and responded, dude looking for a regular. Wife is pregnant and I am not getting any, you must be clean and have a good mouth and ass. I emailed I was clean, even though I had just taken a poz load or four and that I had a great mouth and ass. He emailed that he was free on the way to work wanted to know what part of town I was in. It turned out after emailing him back and forth he was about 20 min from me, and he would swing by at 8 Am to have me service him. I decided to call off work as I wanted to be free to get the pharmacy once my script came in and this hot straight needed me right now. I kept reading and the next two emails were duds and then a hot Latino, Puerto Rican with 10” holy fuck this guy was hot, that dark skin and big balls on him and that amazing uncut dick. I emailed him without looking at his status and we bounced emails back and forth and made plans for 10 AM. I seriously had never been this popular and could not believe the hot guys I was getting. I looked at the clock and thought I should shower and clean out before the straight guy got here and I showered up and had some oatmeal and a protein drink and got my blindfold and the cleanest jock which was one I had worn to the gym and set it out with some poppers so I would be ready. The guy emailed that he was on the way and I told him to knock, wait five second and head in and I would be on my knees waiting for him blindfolded. His email back just read - perfect. I read a few more emails and there was young bi guy who said he was coming to town and would have a hotel room and needed service. He was blonde 26 6’3 180 8.5 thick cut, I emailed him back that I was interested and needed details and the second one I was able to read and answer before I heard a knock was from a ginger, 33 5’11 220 muscled with a beer can thick 7.5 and nearly that thick around so fucking hot! He said he was looking for a no strings cum dump for multiple weekly breeding’s. I emailed him that I was interested a thought occurred to me as I started to put my blindfold on, I answered the last emails without thinking about their status as I rested on my knees, I knew I needed to look at that when straight guy leaves. The knock and he did not wait five seconds, so I was glad I had my blindfold close and I was on my knees already. In he walks and right up to me and pulled his shorts down, not that I could see but his dick flopped out and hit my face. Open your mouth fag, there is something about a hot straight guy calling me a fag before using me to get off that turns me on in the worst way. I opened my mouth and he slide his hardening cock in, and I sucked his dick as it grew in my mouth and he leaked prescum, it tasted so good. I went to put my hands on his thighs, and he fag take your hands off me. I pulled off and he grabbed my head and fucked my throat making me gag on his thick dick. He shoved his dick in the back of my throat and held me forcefully on his dick so I could not bread, and I gagged and tried to pull off and then he gently pulled his dick out and I gasped for air. He then turned around and shoved his ass in my face while he pulled apart his cheeks and told me to eat his ass. I tongued his musky hole and liked it. I grabbed his ass checks and pulled his ass apart and he did not mark at me but instead moaned as I tongue fucked hi hole. He had me lick and tongue him for five minutes or so and then told me to open my mouth and slide his rock-hard dick in me and fucked my mouth again for a couple minutes having me gag again and get his dick all slobbery before pulled out and coming to my back side and pushing me forward to expose my ass and slide in me and fucked me for ten minutes and showing his load in me with a huge grunt. He pulled out and made me suck his cock clean and then left without saying a word. I fucking loved it, I hoped he would want more of my mouth and ass soon. I went back to the compute in hopes of checking out the guys and status of the one I emailed but there was an email from the first guy who wanted to play with my ass. He told me he was free today before work or after work either at 10 Am or 10 PM. I know I had company tonight, so I emailed him and gave him my address and told him I was free at 10 AM which was an hour from now. He gave me awfully specific instructions; I was told to be on the bed ass up face in a pillow and blindfolded. My hole was to be free of lube, have poppers for myself. I was not to talk unless spoken to and I could not ask any questions just answer them. I agreed and he said he was on his way; fuck he must live some distance away a way. What I did not know is he was not coming alone. He picked up two of his buddies and sent a third the address to come over. I cleaned up and picked up but could not bring myself to clean out the straight guy’s load. I looked the clock, and it was almost 10 so I rushed to the bedroom and got in place. Just as instructed ass up, lube in my jock with my face in a pillow and blindfold with popper ready. I heard the door, and it took a while to close and finally did, then after a long delay I felt the guys hands on my ass feeling my ass and hole and then his tongue on my hole and he ate my hole for a couple minutes. Then he pulled off and I felt a smack on my ass. I yelped and wanted to tell him to stop but he did it again and I yelped even louder. Then I felt someone get on the bed and lift my head and I opened my mouth and swallowed his big dick. His dick was huge he guided my head down on his dick and it lodged in the back of my throat. I felt hands on my ass and knew we were not alone and tried to pull up, but my assaulter held me tight and slow fucked my throat. I relaxed because I was not going anywhere and the guy at my ass pushed my legs forward and spread my ass as he tongue fucked me. His tongue was so strong, it feels like a dick for sure. Once I have in my assaulter let me up to breath and I tried to catch my breath and he feed me poppers as I moaned and let my ass relax. Then he shoved my head back down and let the guy eat my hole. I knew he was tasting that straight guys cum, but it felt so amazing and he did not seem to mind and did not say a word. This wen ton for twenty minutes and then the guy pulled off and lubed his dick and slide into my wet slobbery hole and fucked me till he shot inside me and fuck that is one hot pussy and pulled out. The guy sounded older, that is all I could tell other then he loved to eat ass and had a big dick. I thought my assaulter would fuck me and he let me up and as he got off the bed, he said cunt do not fucking move and then he smacked my ass three more times and I yelp since there were much harder. I loved and hated it; my dick was getting hard from his forcefulness, but I was not sure I wanted him to hit me more. I felt fingers at my hole and then a thick dick, it was not as long as most must have been seven or seven and a half, but he began to fuck me, and it did not take him that long and he shot his load inside me. He pulled out and I got three more smacks on my ass. Then I heard the front door opened and the guys left. I later found out they took an uber home and they were guys he owed money to and he traded my ass for what he owed them. The guy who just came in laid beside me and they both helped me straddle him as my assaulter lubed up his dick and guided it to my hole. Fuck this guy was fat dicked, I slowly guided down on it as he stretched me, and the guy started to fuck me. He would pound my ass for a minute or two and then give my hole time to adjust as poppers were applied and then back at piston fucking me. He beat my hole with his thick dick as cum churned inside me and lathered up my hole and his dick and then my assaulter gave me popper again but made me inhale four on each side and then put them down as the fucking began and him get on the bed. He slipped a ball gag in my mouth and then I felt the most painful pains at my ass and he slowly stretched my hole with his thick dick right beside the guy I was no laying on screaming into the ball gag. It took what seemed like forever for him to get all the way in and then they both fucked my hole together and the guy I was laying on shot what had to be ten minutes of them both deep fucking me and then my assaulter unloaded. They pulled out and the guy beneath me rolled out and took the ball gag out and feed me his cock to clean off and my assaulter began to lube up my ass which was sore after being stretched to the max by those big dicks. He slides three fingers inside and I heard him say fuck that is one hot hole. He slides four into his palm and twisted them around. He worked me for three to four minutes and then retracted his thumb a big and pressed and twisted and his fist popped inside me. Then he said, see I told you your hole would look great wrapped around my sleeve. He proceeded to fist my hole with his right hand and then his left which was slightly bigger or at least felt bigger back and four while I sucked the other top. My assaulter said something, I did not hear it and the guy I was sucking put poppers at my nose and made me inhale as my assaulter slide his big dick in with his right hand and jacked off his dick inside me and show his load in me and then pulled his dick out and then his fist and went to the rest room to wash up and the guy using my mouth fucked it till he shot his load down my throat I an gagged on it but swallowed most of his cum. My assaulter was back and slapped my ass hard and said, good fucking whore. I will email you when I can use you again. They both dressed and left, and I collapsed on the bed and feel asleep with the blindfold still on.
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  43. Merry Christmas! I am not a writer (finance majors), so I apologize if some of the writing is stunted and at times forced. This website is my first time writing and I will try to improve my writing over the course of the next few parts and subsequent other stories. Until then, I hope you enjoy and let me know if you like the story. Cheers. Part 5 Baxter Sloan 3 years ago One of the best feelings in the world to wake up to is getting your pecker sucked first thing in the morning. I had woken up to Sam nursing on my dick, and good boy that he was, he was happy to oblige when I grabbed his hair and pushed myself into his throat. He choked and gagged but he persevered. I had to make sure my dick was covered with enough throat slime before I asked Sam to climb on top and ride me like a good boy. He set his ass down on my cock and swallowed it slowly, before riding it in full throttle. I was enjoying the feeling of my cock in warm boy pussy when my phone rang. Without breaking the fun, I grabbed my phone and picked it up, while Sam kept riding me. "Sloan Plumbing, how can I help ya?" "Hi Baxter, right?" a deep voice asked from the other end. "Yeah, who's this?" "My name is Floyd Turnpike. I am the county chief, moved here a few weeks back." "Okay Mr Turnpike, what can I do for ya?" "I am having a party tonight with some of the men in town, just a simple meet and greet. I'd like for you to come." This was weird. Why was the police chief inviting me? I had heard about him, big ass fucker who'd made many of the women in town blush but hadn't seen him yet. Not one to turn down a party offer I accepted. "Good, I'll see you tonight Baxter." When I disconnected, Sam saw the look of surprise on my face. I told him who it was and he blushed on hearing the Chief's name. "Dad, he's so hot. I saw him outside the store a couple days back. Fuck dad, he's the biggest guy I have ever seen." With that picture in mind, I came in my son's asshole. --- When I made it to Chief's house that evening, there were a few cars parked outside. His house was in the outskirts of town and looked fancy. There was an electronic gate and the property was surrounded by a 9 feet tall wall. Clearly a man of wealth. After parking my car, I made my way inside. The second I stepped in, I felt more out of place than I had ever been. The people inside comprised of some of the most rich and powerful people in the county. The mayor, business owners, council members, cops- anyone with even a little power in the fucking county was there. It made my appearance there even more confusing. “There you are,” a deep baritone voice hollered at my direction before the Chief’s big frame landed in front of me. Sam was right, this guy was massive. The body of a man who had spent many an hour at the gym, he was big in all the places. A big brown beard covered his face, which alongside his bald head, made him look intimidating and sexy. His chest was huge, meaty and protruding with strength and muscle, his gut was round but strong. Below, his thighs were like tree trunks and despite his best effort, I could see the big bulge he was packing. “Thanks for inviting me uh, Chief”, I said not really sure of what to call him. “No problem, really wanted to meet ya. Heard a lot about you Bax,” he said with a slight smirk. The fact that he had heard about me was weird, the added smirk told me there was more to it than what was being implied. “Good things, I hope,” I replied to his (assumed) innuendo. “We’ll see,” he responded. He leaned over until his mouth was near my ear and whispered, “stay back when this is over, need to talk.” Saying so, he left and joined the crowd. For the next 2 hours, I roamed around the crowd trying to make small talk. I hate small talk so eventually, I went out to the deck and lit myself a smoke. The deck was empty and was a nice place to relax and let the scotch do its work. The sight of the chief plopped into my head, his massive hairy frame stoking the bottom in me. I consider myself a versatile top. While I have fucked my fair share of ass, I have rarely ever taken cock. Only thrice in my life have I bent over and let a guy dick me- my high school coach, my ex-wife’s uncle at our wedding and a big trucker at a highway rest stop. I had a type that I bottomed to- they had to be big in frame, hairy and most importantly, make my ass twitch. The Chief ticked all those boxes. He reminded me of a guy I followed on Twitter “PozL8rDad”, who claimed to be poz and a police officer. That guy had a massive dick with an ampallang, and I had blown many a load to his pictures. By now, I was completely zoned out and hadn’t realized just how late it was until I felt something touching my ass. I turned around and saw the Chief standing, a big cigar stuck in his mouth and a glass full of scotch. He was wearing a robe and standing right behind me. What I had assumed was his hand on my ass, turned out to be his hard cock poking through his robe! I looked at him, only to be met with a sly smile plastered on his face. Buzzed, I kept staring, unsure of what to do or say. He took a big drag of his cigar, let the smoke cook in his lungs for a few seconds before blowing it towards me. I took a deep breathe, taking in the rich, smoky smell of his gar, arousal shooting from my nose to my lungs and straight to my dick. “Suck” I didn’t hesitate. A mix of being buzzed and horny for this bear, I kneeled down and got to work. I started by sniffing his cock, enjoying the thick musky smell mixed with a little piss and cum. The foreskin stretching over his head was thick and I started by running my tongue over it. The taste of salty precum hit my tongue as I licked and kissed his cock through his foreskin. I slipped my tongue inside, to feel the head of the cock, only to feel something metallic and bumpy on the head. Upon pulling back the skin, I saw the sight of a beautiful ampallang on the head, coated in a slime of his precum. I licked the shaft, before taking it in my mouth. I looked up at him, only to see him looking back with a smirk, like I was a conquest for him. His cock was thick and long. I am a big guy down there but his was huge. I could barely manage half of it in my mouth before choking. Not one to back down, I pushed myself to take more and succeeded in taking about 3/4th. By now, he had taken a seat on one of the chairs on the deck, while I was on my knees in front of him. After a few minutes of sucking, he pulled his cock out of my mouth and pulled me up for a kiss. We made out like horny teenagers, making a slobbering, sloppy mess as our tongues fought for dominance and spit flew to and fro from each other’s mouths. While we were making out, he had pulled my pants and briefs down, leaving me completely naked waist down with my pants around my ankles. His hands made their way to my hairy dad ass, grabbing, squeezing and kneading them. As our kiss got more aggressive, his hands edged closer to my asshole before I felt a finger circling the ring. He ran it around the hole, teasing me and relaxing me, for what we both knew was to come. I had assumed he was about to slip his finger inside, but instead, he pulled back from our kiss and told me to strip and bend over the chair. I pulled off my clothes fast, and got in position, my naked ass visible towards Chief. He got in position, slipping his cock between my ass cheeks and sliding it there. For the next minute, that’s all he did, just sliding it up and down. Occasionally, when the cock would slide over my hole, he would thrust just to work me over. And by now, I was in heat, needing that huge cock up my hole. “Fuck me already.” I knew not asking him to slip a finger first or rimming me would cause penetration to hurt but it was way worse than I had imagined. When he pushed inside, my insides would not open for him and the relative dryness of my ass was making things work. “Put some lube on man, it won’t slide in,” I said, clenching my teeth in pain. He leaned over, the head of his cock in my ass, until his mouth was next to my ear. “Is that so?” He pushed. Hard. In one go. My ass felt like it was being ripped apart and a scream escaped my mouth. But he acted first and put a hand over my mouth, muffling it. I struggled to get him off, but his grip was strong. Having pushed his monster 10inch dick up my ass in one go, he stayed still to let me adjust. He kissed the nape of my neck, ran his tongue over my earlobes, his fingers squeezed and played with my nipples- everything possible to get me in the mood. When the pain subsided, he slowly started to pull out. It still hurt but it was not as bad as when he was going in. He pulled almost all the way out, leaving the tip inside my ass. “Bingo,” was all he said, before he started pushing back in. I had no clue what he had meant by that, but the pain was back. It was dulling with every thrust, giving way to pleasure. My ass had been out of commission for years now, but I was remembering just how good it felt to get fucked by a nice thick cock. He was taking his time, letting me get used to his massive cock, sliding in and out slowly. A few minutes later, the pain had died down. By now, I was into it and was ready to be fucked. I pushed back against him, pushing him deeper. Taking the cue, he really started to fuck, going hard and deep. He wasn’t fucking hard, instead going for deep, hard thrusts and it was a lot more fun that way. The deck was filled with the sound of our grunts and moans, two middle-aged men fucking and rutting the way nature intended. “I have wanted that ass for a long time,” Chief said between thrusts. “Fuck Chief, you feel good.” “Yeah, I’ll bet. In a moment, you’re gonna fucking love my cock all the more.” “Yeah, why’s that?” He leaned in to whisper into my ear, “You’ve been after my cock for years now, doesn’t it feel good to have it up your ass.” What was this guy talking about? I had known him for a few hours. “Confused, Baxtor? You don’t recognize PozL8rDad from Twitter? You’ve wanted this for a long time, haven’t you?” HOLY FUCK! This was the guy I had been following for years. Yeah he was hot as fuck but this was crazy. Now that he had mentioned it, I could see the resemblance. The beefy body, the hot thick cock, the hair- it was all adding up. But my momentary disbelief turned to fear as I remembered something else about him. He was poz. I was not. I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he locked his arms around my waist and pulled me in, pushing himself further. “I saw your comments, your tweets, retweets. All that hot poz stuff you like. This is what you want, isn’t it?” I was conflicted. I had never admitted this to anyone but I had a huge poz fetish for decades. I never acted on it as this is a small town and I am a dad. But part of me had always wanted this, to be pozzed, diseased, free… “Let it happen Baxter, let it happen,” the Chief said quietly. “You have wanted this for so long, don’t deprive yourself of what you want. What you need.” Was I ready for this? To be poz, to live with a disease. It was wrong but at the same time, why did it feel so right? I could stop him right now and leave. That would be the smart thing to do. But I didn’t want to do the smart thing. I wanted to do what I had wanted for so long. And I could have it from the guy I had jerked off to. My lust overtook my rationality, and I eased up my hole. Taking that as his cue, Chief plunged fast and started rabbit fucking me. He was fucking me with purpose, and it showed in his thrusts. It was animalistic, brutal and fucking hot. “I am close Baxtor, tell me you want it.” “I want it Chief.” “Tell me what you want.” “I want your cum.” “You can do better.” “Fuck Chief, I want your poz cum. I need it.” “You want me to convert you? Make you my poz son? Be your poz dad” “Fuck yeah Chief, poz me up.” “Call me dad, son. Tell dad you want his poz cum.” “Give me your poz cum dad. Your son needs your poz cum.” The Chief thrusted one final time and with a loud grunt, I felt his body shake. He was cumming, shooting his hot, viral load up my hole. My prostate was on fire and the heat of his cum, made me jerk my dick off twice before I unloaded on the chair. When he was finally done, he kissed my neck and just stood there, his dick lodged in my ass. Both of us were grasping for breath, gaining our senses after the mind blowing fuck that had just happened. When he went soft and pulled out, he pushed his finger in immediately and fucked me for a few second, preventing the load from falling out. When he was done, he put on his robe and handed me my clothes. I wore them in silence while he lit up another cigar. When I was done dressing up, he kissed me and told me to drive safe. I was a little pissed but more than that, I felt dirty. I had taken his poz load, I had told him I was his poz son and he could not care less. Not one to fight, I started to head towards my car and go home. Before I could get in, he came over and hollered at me. I turned around, hiding the hurt in my face, to hear what he wanted to say. “You have a few days, maybe 3-4 days when you can get yourself treated. I have a highly toxic load so if you don’t want this to happen, you gotta act fast. If you change your mind and decide to embrace it, let me know. We have a lot to discuss.” “Discuss what?” “Your future Baxtor. This was only the first step. I have plans and it starts with you.” He came closer until there was a pencil’s distance between us. “I hope you embrace it, son.” Saying so, he kissed me before turning and walking back home, leaving me out in the cold night, confused, conflicted and horny, with an ass full of hot poz bear cum.
    1 point
  44. I enjoy the rush of being a cheating husband. In Atlanta or traveling. Sliding my cock into another's hole and unloading gives quite a rush.
    1 point
  45. Part 3 I woke up late the next morning, on account of having slept late. Mostly because of the thought of my dad and brother fucking and having a weird master-slave relationship, kept racing through my head till the wee hours of the morning. On the bright side, I knew dad and Sam would be out for work by now, so I had the house to myself. I didn't have it in me to talk face to face with either just yet without picturing them in their gear from the night before or confronting them about what was going on. Relaxed and showered, I headed downstairs to grab some breakfast and was surprised to see dad at the dining table. He was sipping coffee while reading the paper, and my sudden intrusion to the room made him look up. On seeing me, his face broke into a kind smile. "Morning kiddo, sleep well?" "Morning dad, yeah I slept great." Dad continued looking at me with a weird look, somewhere between deep introspection and smirk. before going back to his paper. I grabbed a bowl and some cereals and joined him at the table. There was no small talk made, which was absolutely perfect. I wolfed down my breakfast while dad ignored me. I was almost done eating when, "So Joe, enjoyed the show last night?" My heart stopped for a moment and my throat clamped up. He knew that I knew. "I, umm, ..." "It's okay son, one of these days you'd have found out. Sam and I ain't the quiet type," Dad said with a smile. His casual demeanor was throwing me for a toss because on the other side of the table, I was sitting nervous and a little terrified at the same time. "What's going on in your head boy?" This was my chance to understand whatever was going on. "How did this start dad? You and Sam?" "All right kid, that's a long story." Baxter My marriage had been a sham and when my wife left, it was the best day of my life. I was gay, knew it when I was 13 years old, but in a small town being gay back then was not an option. After she left, the next few years was my work and the boys, with nothing much in between. It wasn't until the boys were 7 and 5, that I had a chance to get my pecker inside a stranger's ass and after that day, I truly enjoyed my single-hood. 5 years ago Joe left the day after Christmas. I would have liked for him to stay till new year's but the boy was hell-bent on going back and I didn't want to stop him. He'd found his passion at work and after the way I had been with him when he was a kid, I didn't blame his attitude. I just wished we could be closer. For now, I had been saving my load for the last week. My regular fuck buddy was busy with his family and none of my other associates were available. It meant that I had to take a trip to the creek to get some action. The creek is a patch of land near the creek flowing in the outskirts of town. Located about half a mile from the road, a person had to hike through a forest to get to the place. The remoteness of this place had caused it to become a popular cruising spot in the county. You were bound to find someone here, to get your rocks off and very rarely was it completely empty. When I made my way to the creek, I saw from a distance a pretty hot scene ahead. 2 big burly guys were spit-roasting a well-built young guy between them. The guy fucking his mouth had his palms on either side of the bottom's face so I couldn't see who it was. But it was clear that the bottom was having a blast. He was moaning like a whore, pushing his ass against the cock fucking him while he sucked hungrily the cock down his throat. I made my way to them, and when I was at a close distance, whipped out my cock and started to jack off. The top guys saw me and nodded in approval, as they continued violating the boy between them. I was stroking my 9-inch beer can thick cock, enjoying the show in front of me and hoping to get a piece of ass or throat myself. The bear fucking his throat started to grunt and took his hands off the bottom's face, to tweak his nipples. And as hot as the scene would have been, every arousal I had drained from my cock on seeing who the bottom was. My son Sam was letting two burly men fuck him like a cheap whore, his eyes closed as he moaned and groaned. My son, my flesh and blood, was queer like his dad. I had assumed he was straight as an arrow, but to see him being a pig for cock was a shock. It was also arousing. Sam is a muscular boy. Years of sports and football had given him a nice muscular body with a big bubble butt. The kind of ass you want to lick, finger and breed, until it's gaping and leaking hot man juice. Standing there, watching my first born get pounded by two men was starting to arouse me. He was an adult, he had made his choices and I was happy for him. I was also horny for him and it was scaring me. I wanted to shove my cock up his hole, I wanted to pound his boy pussy until he was screaming my name. I needed to show him who daddy was. As the men started ejaculating inside my boy, I was focused on my boy. My penis was justifying the reasons why I should fuck Sam while my mind was trying to make me see reason. In between, the 2 guys dislodged from Sam and left us alone in the creek. Sam collapsed on the ground, his ass puffy and leaking cum as he relaxed under the evening sun. My penis made my choice for me as I slowly made my way towards him. When I was behind him, I took my pants off, spit in my finger and rubbed it on my cock. Next, I laid on top of Sam with my cock wedged between his ass cheeks. He was spent so he hadn't realized there was someone else behind him. When he felt my weight on his back, he simply arched his hips upward to give me access to his used hole. Not one to pass on the opportunity, I rubbed my head on his pussy lips before pushing inside him. His hole was slick with cum and slippery like Velcro. I had fucked many asses before but nothing and no one had felt like this. Maybe it was the [banned word] of it all, but the more I fucked him, the more I wanted it to never stop. I hadn't spoken a word and Sam was still on the ground, moaning and groaning to my thrusts. I was afraid of his reaction to finding out who was fucking his ass, but as hot as it was for me, I needed him to know who was creaming him. So, I collapsed on top of him and put my face next to his. I stuck my tongue in his ear, lapping up on the sweat and pheromones, blowing hot air on his scalp. His groans became audibly louder, and he started to push back against my cock, trying to push me deeper inside him. "How do you like your dad's cock Sam?", I whispered between thrusts. His body froze and tensed upon hearing that. He turned his head towards mine, only to see my very red, sweaty and grinning face. I felt his hesitation on his hole, as it contracted and started pushing me out. I quickly thrust into him harder, preventing his ass from closing up. The strength of my thrust made Sam moan and I felt his ass relax for a moment. Taking that as a cue, I started to rabbit fuck him hard and despite his initial resistance, Sam started to getting into the groove of it. I slowly pulled out of him, before pulling his ass up until he was on all 4s, before starting to fuck him again. The next few minutes, I fucked him with unparalleled energy. If my son was a cock slut, I'd make sure he never had to head out of home to get all the cocks he wanted. This was my moment of proving, and god damn was I proving my power to him. By now, Sam was loudly moaning and asking me to fuck him more. Between calling me dad and daddy, my boy really gave up his hole to my cock. And as I started to ejaculate in his hole, his cock burst in orgasm and coated the ground below with his boy juice. When we were done, I collapsed on the ground with Sam next to me. We stayed silent for the next few minutes, catching our breath and processing everything that had happened. When I saw Sam, I didn't feel guilt. I felt a kinship with my boy and something deeper that I had never experienced. And based on the way he was looking at me, he was going through something similar. That was the beginning of it all. - Joe When dad finished, to say I was shocked would be an understatement. My dad was so casual about the whole thing, like it was no big deal. "I wanna know what you're thinking kiddo." "Dad, this is a lot. You and Sam are fucking around, I mean, that's insane dad" "We aren't just fucking around Joe. I love your brother and he loves me." Now this was just crazier to me. I wanted to understand but I was having a hard time coping with everything. I slowly stood up and cleaned out my dishes. I was at the sink cleaning the dishes when dad came in to the kitchen. My back was to him, so I was surprised when I felt his presence right behind me. Before I could react, he pushed against me gently, locking me in place between the sink and him. His strong clothed frontal was against my back, and I felt the heat radiating from him and entering me. His scent was strong, a masculine smell that would make a cock pop out. "You don't have to act around me son. I know you were turned on." I started to stutter a response when his hand found its way to my crotch. I was going commando so his strong palm scraped against the thin lining of my shorts and scratched against my cock and balls. He gently squeezed my cock and balls, making me slightly groan. "Your cock's leaking boy, my palms getting wet with your pre juice," dad whispered ever so slightly, his masculinity commanding the situation. I was shocked and aroused, causing me to freeze in place as he continued squeezing. This was wrong, so wrong and I needed to get out. At the same time, I was so aroused and turned on. Dad stopped squeezing my crotch and flipped me around. I was now face to face when I saw him lifting the palm that had been on my crotch to his face. He sniffed it for a moment before licking his fingers that had a little bit of my pre-cum. "Mm, love neg pre cum. So innocent." Dad muttered to himself. What did he mean by neg pre-cum? I had so many questions....
    1 point
  46. A sub should always be naked when serving Men, and preferably caged
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  47. I like CBT in a bondage scene
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  48. I shoot huge high pressure loads. Nothing beats the look and reaction when a bottom experiences that.
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  49. I would kill to work for them and get filmed getting used hard and heavy.
    1 point
  50. Last night at Sawmill Campground in the "Garage" took a total anon load in the dark room. I never saw the guy just felt his dick. Some other guy was egging him on to the breed me. When he stopped at first I was disappointed as he had made no noise at all and his rhythm fucking me had not changed, but then I realized that there was a load leaking out my ass. So fucking hot.
    1 point
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