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  1. PART 1 Of all the fucking days to have an appointment with my ID doctor, I had unluckily scheduled myself on a day that snow was coming down like crazy. I knew it would be even worse going home which pissed me even more. By the time I got to his office, the snow was really piled up and the parking lot was almost empty. I had 5 minutes to make my 4:00 appointment on time. I hurried as fast as I could. By the time I reached his office on the third floor, I had removed my scarf, toboggan, gloves, and winter coat. I was about to check-in when the receptionist appeared and said that all appointments had been cancelled. About that time, a voice in the hall began talking and telling the receptionist to leave now and forget about closing up that he would do it. The voice I recognized as my doctor who now rounded the corner and came into the receptionist’s area. “Don’t tell me you didn’t get the word?” he said when he saw me. Then, to his receptionist, “Go; now. I’ll take care of everything.” With that, the receptionist grabbed her belongings and took off for the door. My doctor began shutting down the office equipment as he told me to come on back and go in room one. In a few minutes, he came in the room and settled on his stool. We chatted about what had been happening since I had seen him last which was nothing of any medical note. He reviewed his notes on the computer making small talk and asking what I thought were silly questions. Then, much to my surprise and somewhat consternation he said he wanted to do a short physical exam because he had not done one in the last year. He handed me a paper gown and told me to strip to my underwear and left the room. He returned as I finished. He had me to sit on the table and began a slow exam of every crevice, surface, and orifice that I had. It was unlike his previous annual exams. After about five minutes, he began asking questions about my current sex life. I told him I was active. He stopped and looked me in the eyes and asked if I practiced safer sex. I looked at him and said that I did not and smiled. He shook his head and went on with his exam and questions. “Do you know your sexual partners?” he asked. “Usually, I do not,” I said blandly. “Yet, you allow them to discharge their semen in your rectal cavity,” he said. “Yes,” I said. “How can you do that knowing that is what caused you to be my patient?” he asked without a reproach in his voice. He really wanted to know. “Because having a dick repeatedly shoved in and out of my ass and hearing and feeling a man shooting his cum load in me is the greatest physical sensation that there is for a bottom gay man as I am,” I replied without blinking an eye. “Despite the propaganda, condoms do not afford the same feeling. And, from what I’ve heard tops say, it’s the same for them.” He continued on with his exam and other questions about my sex life such as how many partners, where I met them, where did we have sex, and so on. I realized at some point that his exam was different now. His hands were touching me on various parts of my body. They were innocuous but definitely not clinical either. And, then he announced that he was almost finished, but, he wanted to do a digital exam. As I had stepped down from the table and began to face it, I made a swift glance at my doctor and thought I detected a tent but couldn’t be absolutely sure. I assumed the position which allowed my gown to open in the back exposing my ass. In my mind I was chuckling as I don’t wear underwear and he had to have already noticed that I had on a favourite jock strap of mine. But, he said nothing. I felt the KY Jelly being applied and finally an index finger slowly being inserted in my ass. I suppose out of reflex I spread my feet a couple of inches further apart and bent my knees. I felt the digit rubbing all around inside me. It took a while but finally he began to touch my prostate. Slowly he rubbed it in different directions. He continued rubbing it slowly. I could stand it no longer and let out a gentle moan as my sphincter gave a snap closed impulse. He removed his finger but told me to stay where I was. I was a little uncomfortable now from embarrassment as I knew that my dick had been leaking pre-cum into the pouch. More KY was applied to my ass. I then felt two fingers being inserted. I knew this was not kosher but said nothing. The two fingers slowly entered my ass and pushed on until my prostate was found. A hand gently now rested on the small of my back as my prostate was stroked repeatedly. Again, I moaned as my dick stiffened as it leaked more pre-cum into my pouch. My sphincter reflexively grabbed the two fingers and tightened around them. A light sweat had broken out all over my body. Dr. Scholtz had been treating me now for four years. Never had this scenario ever entered my mind. He was my ID physician and physicians don’t get involved with their patients. They especially don’t get involved with their HIV infected patients. It’s just not done. But, here we were with me bent over the exam table, and he had two fingers up my ass massaging my prostate. I flashed back to when I had first met him. I was struck at how handsome he was but actually more than just handsome—he was fucking hot looking. I chastened myself for my lascivious thoughts. But, his 6 foot 2 inches, 190 pounds, dark features, and dark hair everywhere I could see on his body struck me as really someone with whom I could turn my back on so he could have better access to my ass. He was so damn sexy and sensual but in all these years I had held myself in check keeping everything on a professional. Now, he had two fingers in my ass. I moaned louder as his fingers stroked my prostate in unison. My body shivered as my head began a slow left and right roll. I shifted my stance as the fingers began to withdraw to the opening. As soon as they were there, back inside me they went. I gasped. I felt his fingers go as far inside as they could and once more began to be withdrawn. Ten, twelve, fifteen times Dr. Scholtz inserted and withdrew his fingers from my ass. With each insertion, he always stroked my prostate; I always moaned. Then, he began inserting and withdrawing his fingers faster until soon he was without a doubt finger fucking me. This definitely was not a digital exam. I tried holding myself still but just could not do so. My body was so used to this feeling. It wasn’t a dick but I was being fucked nevertheless. Soon, he was slamming his fingers deep inside me hard and fast. My prostate felt every insertion. “AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed and continued screaming as my balls blasted out their contents soaking my pouch so completely that some of my cum dripped down onto the floor. Dr. Scholtz pushed down on my back with his hand as he stroked my prostate with the two fingers on his other hand until I stopped screaming and began slowing my ejaculation. As the last of my cum load seeped out of my piss slit, I felt the fingers being withdrawn from my ass. When they had been completely withdrawn and the hand on the small of my back removed, I stood up and turned around facing my doctor. His face was ashen. I looked at his crotch and saw such a tent. I looked back into his eyes and knelt immediately in front of him. He moved backwards stopping only when he backed up to the counter top. I moved with him as my hands reached out to his pants unzipping them, unbuckling his belt, unsnapping his pants, and pushed his pants and boxers downward. He had made no effort to stop me. His uncut dick swung upwards as his boxers cleared his dick. Without hesitating, I opened my mouth and swallowed his uncut swollen dick. His piss slit hit the back of my throat. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him tightly. I began sucking his dick calling on all the skill and tricks of the trade that I had. I slathered his dick with spit as I did a whirlwind job of getting his obviously hard dick even harder. It was his turn now to moan and jerk and shiver and that is exactly what he did as my mouth and tongue gave him what I am sure was his very first blow job by a gay man—an HIV positive gay man. In no time at all, my doctor was screaming as he held my head between his hands as his uncut 9 inches sprayed my throat with the first salvo of his cum load. Several minutes passed as the two of us enjoyed what was happening. He had a very sweet tasty cum. I relished every drop and swallowed every bit. With the last of his cum slowly oozing out of his piss slit, I began washing his dick with my tongue cleaning him as best as I could. I slid backwards off his dick which was still slightly hard. I made sure to clean under the foreskin. I stood up slowly, and we looked at each other both sweat soaked. What could be said at a time like this? Need anything be said? Time passed into awkward silence. PART 2 Dr. Scholtz spoke slowly and quietly as he avoided eye contact as much as possible. “That should not have happened. I take full responsibility. I have many patients but ever since you came to my practice I have not been able to put you in a patient-only position. I’m not gay, and I’m not bisexual. I don’t know what came over me. I am very sorry for what I did to you.” It was obvious that he now was embarrassed and racked with guilt. “Well, doc, now you know how I get myself into trysts without even trying. I’ve always seen you as my physician but also I’ve seen you very clearly as one helluva hot looking man,” I responded with blunt frankness. “I don’t regret anything that happened. So, don’t you be.” “You need to get dressed. We both need to get out of here,” he said and walked to the window. “Oh, no. It looks like we aren’t going to go anywhere. You get dressed. I’ve got to make a call. When you’re dressed, if you need to make a call, come out to the receptionist’s desk.” Dr. S left the room, and I got dressed. I had no one to call, but I was going to have a very slow trip back home as I now viewed how much snow had fallen as I looked out the window. There was at least a foot and a half on the ground and still more coming down. I went out to the receptionist’s desk hearing Dr. S say good-bye and hang up the phone. He turned to me and told me that the city was in shut down and that the major roads were becoming impassable. He told me he was going to walk to the Marriott about a mile away and get a room. He suggested that I do the same and wait for the storm to end and the roads to be cleared. I considered the suggestion and realized it was my best option. We left immediately. As the two of us walked inside the lobby at the Marriott, our numb limbs and faces had about reached their maximum punishment. The warmth felt so good. We dusted off the snow and loosened our coats. We walked up to the front desk and asked for two rooms but were informed that with the storm everyone from the interstate and expressway had preceded us. The only room left was a small room with a double bed. Nothing else was available. We looked at each other. I could not make the call, and it took Dr. S a few seconds to turn back to the manager and tell him that was fine; we’d take it. We registered, got the key card, and headed up to the fifth floor. The room was small. In fact, it really looked as if there had been a small left over space on the floor where someone came up with the idea of making just one more room. For me, it was heaven sent. At least I would not be curled up inside my car stuck on the expressway with no food, water, or blankets. I didn’t know and didn’t ask what Dr. S thought of the room. I suspected but he kept his thoughts to himself. I felt a tension from my physician which I considered realistic. I never approached him and tried to make everything to be as casual as possible. We ended up going to the dining room and having supper followed by a stop at the main bar. We each nursed a drink and talked casually as much as we could though numerous times there were awkward silences. Dr. S looked at his watch and said he was tired and wanted to go back to the room which we did. He called his wife and told her that he was at the Marriott and gave her the room number. I mentally noted that he never mentioned that he was sharing the room. We settled in and watched some programs on the TV. At 10:30, Dr. S said he was tired and was going to bed. I told him I was ready as well. I slipped off my shoes and socks, then, stood up taking off my shirt and pants. For modesty of some sort, I kept on my jock strap. I neatly put everything on or by the chair, walked to the right side of the bed, tossed back the covers, and slipped into bed. Dr. S began to undress slowly finally climbing into bed. He had left on his boxers and wife beater. We turned out the lights and settled in to sleep. I sharply woke up but not knowing why. I lay very still on my back and kept my breathing slow and shallow. At long last, I felt an ever so light touch on my hip. At first, a single finger traced down from the strap of my jock until it reached the bottom of my buttock. On the upward trace, I felt three finger tips making the trip. On reaching my strap once more, I felt the three finger tips follow the strap until it reached the pouch where an entire hand covered the pouch and began slowly and gently massaging the contents. Minutes passed as the hand continued the light massage. It took about a minute for my dick to begin to awaken to the soft massage. When my dick began to grow, I felt a jerky movement of my bed partner moving himself closer to me while trying not to awaken me. Still, I kept the same stance. His presence was noted as the mattress settled downward as his body moved closer to me. His hand soon began a more aggressive massage of my pouch. I thought it was time to move this “handiwork” along; I began a light moaning and sighing as I moved my arms and legs. I resettled myself on my left side. My bed partner held still until he thought that once more I was asleep. He then slowly moved closer settling himself so that his body was touching mine in about three places. Once more I felt his hand on my crotch. I let him again massage my dick for a couple of minutes before moving backwards and up against Paul who froze. We lay there several minutes as my dick grew hard and began to leak pre-cum. “I won’t stop you,” I finally quietly said. We lay there quietly for less than a minute before Paul began working on my crotch once more. He was unmerciful with his hand. I could tell he was getting his hand soaked with my pre-cum as he began to moan a little. His shadow now loomed above me as he tossed the covers off both of us. He moved in between my legs and continued to maul my hard dick and balls. Through the little light, I could see his face full of determination yet angst. Then, he grabbed my balls and dick and held them tightly with a look of panicked delight on his face. I let him suffer in his new wanton thoughts until I had a small streak of mercy. “Go ahead and do what you need to do. Go ahead and do what you have to do. You know you can’t stop yourself; you can’t stop now because you’ve come too far. You have to know. You have to experience it. It’s been eating at you for a long time. You’ve got the chance now. You know I won’t stop you,” I said quietly but firmly. He hesitated; I growled, “DO IT NOW!” Paul looked at me face-to-face. He released my crotch as I raised my legs upward where they were caught by his hands. He placed them on his shoulders as I raised my hips off the bed. Paul’s underwear was shoved down to his knees releasing his mighty 9-inch uncut dick that curved upwards ever so lightly. He pushed my knees to my chest where I held them. He fumbled with his dick trying to line the head up with my ass hole. He finally found the opening and began pushing. I was determined that I was going to get fucked and never to forget it. I clamped my sphincter tightly refusing to give way. I could hear frustration as Paul pitifully grunted, whined, squealed, and growled as he discovered he was making no progress at shoving his hard dick in me. Despite the darkness, I saw the savagery in his eyes when he finally looked into my eyes. He pulled his face and body upward, hesitated only a mere second or two, then, raised his hand high. He issued an open mouth primordial growl with his nostrils flaring as his hand raced downward slamming against my face jerking my head to the right. His hand made an equally as fast trip back from where it started. Paul grabbed me by my hips and slammed balls-deep into my ass ripping and tearing me in several places. I bit my lips at all the gloriously beautiful pain. Paul began to fuck me with such a wonderful violence the likes of which I had not felt in many years. On and on his dick was buried full length inside me and withdrawn so that only a mere fraction of his fat dickhead was still inside me. With each plunge inside me, I felt his two large orbs slap onto my butt. Paul was now driven by pure lust as he had finally discovered what it felt like to fuck another man in the ass. It was a feeling he now new and would know again. His inner anger controlled until now burst forth with a gusto of energy. I felt teeth sinking into my neck. A growl of deep savagery was sounded at the same time. I winced at the bite as my dick trembled with sheer delight of the physical pain. My dick strained itself and doubled the flow of pre-cum. Paul continued to deep dick my ass as he shifted into overdrive thrusting harder and faster into my ass. He opened his mouth releasing my neck and reared his head upward looking down at me never missing a stroke. He grabbed my hips and began pounding harder and faster still driving himself into a frenzy as sweat began to splatter everywhere around us and on me. “FUCK ME, YOU BASTARD! GIVE ME THAT CUM LOAD OF YOURS!” I growled and spit on his face. “AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” he screamed throwing his head backwards as he plunged deep inside me. I felt his dick swell and shrink a number of times as great globs of his sperm gushed through his urethra and coated my gut. More and more of his cum entered me as I clung to him. Paul finally pulled his deflated dick out of my ass and rolled over onto his side of the bed. I reached down and pulled the cover back up over us saying nothing. Paul, too, said nothing. What more needed to be said? I had already said it, and Paul had complied. No one needed to be remindful. It was what it was. I looked at my watch. It was quarter after one. We both went back to sleep. PART 3 Slowly, my eyes opened. I checked my watch: 3:07. As I nestled myself back into comfort, I heard a deep low voice whisper, “Fuck me.” I turned to look at Paul. His eyes were wide open when I finally could see them. “Fuck me, now. Please. Before I change my mind.” I raised my head a little and looked to be sure. Yes, his eyes were open; he was awake. I turned on the bedside light and looked at Paul again who was now resting on his left elbow. I looked at Paul closely. I finally said, “My rules; my way; no complaints; no stopping. If you try to stop, you will regret it.” I let him mull over what I had said. “Agreed,” he said as he tossed back the covers. He quickly got up pulling off his wife beater and boxers. He hurried to the bath room shutting the door. I began rubbing my dick through my pouch. I finally pulled my jockstrap off and tossed it beside the bed. Minutes passed. The commode was flushed as running water was heard. More minutes passed. At last, the water was turned off and Paul re-entered the bedroom. His dick was rigid in anticipation. When he began to climb on the bed, I held my hand up stopping him. “You need to suck my dick and get it hard; that won’t take long to do. As you suck me, get your ass as wet with spit as you can. You’re going to need as much as possible. It’s going to burn like Hell, and the pain is going to be like no other you’ve ever had. But, the pain will pass within a couple of minutes and eventually become very soothing and pleasurable. You’ll want more,” I cooed to him. “When you think you’ve got enough spit in your ass, straddle me and lower your ass down onto my dick. YOU will fuck yourself; I’m going to lay here. You have total control of how much of my dick you take, when you stop taking it, and when you start taking it. I’m not fucking you; you are fucking yourself using my dick.” Paul knelt between my legs and began sucking my dick as he did his best to lubricate his ass with his spit. He was so inept but made an effort. I relished the thought of the pain he would feel which hardened my dick. Then, removing his mouth from my dick, Paul looked at me, nodded, and scrambled to position himself astride me. It took him several tries to get the right spot. I maintained an enigmatic look. He finally began to settle his virgin straight ass onto my hard pre-cum smeared dick. Slower than a snail in a race with a lame tortoise, Paul forced his sphincter downward spearing the opening with my hard cut 7 ½ inches of meat. After several failed attempts, he raised his body upright, grabbed my dick with his right hand, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and shoved himself downward in a big jerk. Immediately, his eyelids flew open. I heard the beginning of a pained cry that was shut down in four seconds and muted in his throat. A terrified panicked look overtook the pain-racked face that I saw. Twice more Paul made his downward jerks impaling himself further onto my dick. Each body jerk elicited more pain and panic. The fourth jerk found Paul fully impaled on my now very primed dick. I saw and felt his body trembling. I wondered if it was from fear of my status or if it was he finally understood what a bare cock in a man’s ass felt like. Paul sat astride me with a contorted face. His body was swaying as his hands and arms didn’t know what to do to alleviate his pain. I flexed my dick sending more bolts of enjoyment into him. Several minutes passed as he adjusted to the sensations. I continued to flex my dick. By the end of his adjustment time, Paul was swaying still but this time from the pleasure he was feeling. He finally opened his eyes and looked down at me . . . and smiled. He began rocking and rolling around on my dick as he felt it up inside himself. He became almost giddy at the feeling. Then, he placed his hands onto my nipples and began riding me very slowly. He was in control for now. More and more Paul began lifting himself up higher and lowering himself. In short order, he began a much more directed slam back down onto my dick. His pace quickened and quickened again. He grabbed my chest and held tightly as his almost menacing eyes now focused in on mine. His eyes demanded that I give him the final reward that he sought. His growls were animalistic and threatening. His urgency continued to grow as did his lust. I timed myself so that just as Paul bottomed out, I wrestled him around on the bed until he was on his back with his knees over my shoulders and being slammed in his ass by my now fully swollen dick. I began madly pounding his ass driving my dick in every possible direction. Paul was shocked and stunned at how quickly I had changed our position. He did not fully understand what was happening for several moments. By that time, I was in total control repeatedly driving my bloated oozing dick into his hole. More and more I slammed into Paul’s now open and willing if not demanding ass as he moaned and groaned his approval. His eyes were aflame with lust. His mouth partially open seeped the excess spit that he was creating out of lust. His body was coated with massive amounts of sweat as was mine. His hands held onto my waist as best they could pulling me closer into him. His nostrils flared wildly as his breathing was labored from all the exertion. I was now fucking Paul faster and harder than I had ever fucked any man before. I knew I was close and couldn’t figure out what was happening. I had never fucked as hard or as fast as this. I was a quick shooter when I fucked. I just couldn’t get myself over the top. Then, without warning, I smelled it. My nose picked up the unmistaken scent of blood, and I went wild. I slammed my dick into Paul hard grabbing a handful of his hairy chest pulling it upward to my lowering mouth where I bit down on it as I began to scream. Paul yelped. My dick began pumping my balls’ juices into his ass. More and more of my cum poured into Paul who was now whining and whimpering as he realized he was now being filled with my tainted sperm. I know not how long it took for me to finish unloading my cum load. But, I did finally and slowly slid out of Paul’s ass. We settled our sweaty bodies onto the bed. Two days later, the roads were finally all cleared. I went home and cleaned my condo. Paul went home to his wife. It is three years later, and I am no longer a patient at Paul’s practice. He now makes house calls for me. Next year, Paul is monitoring my numbers when I go off my meds. We plan on making his first numbers. And, even more numbers after I’m done with him.
    7 points
  2. irthday Gifts Cast of Characters Paul: 18 (birthday Boy) b. 1999 Sean: 21 (middle brother) b. 1996 Kyle: 24 (oldest Brother) b. 1993 William: 26 (uncle) b. 1991 Charles: 41 (Dad) b.1976 Josie: 41 (Mom, Lesbian), b. 1976 Sally: 43 (mom’s live in girlfriend) b. 1974 Cody: 18 (Diver, BFF, cuddle buddy) b. 1999 Jose: 18 (Soccer player, Boyfriend) b. 1999 Frank: 59 (Grandfather) b. 1957 Assorted other twinks, daddies, persons 18-71 I can’t say I have a really normal family, as many of my friends can confirm we are unique. Let me introduce myself and my family so you can see just how not normal we are. I’m Paul, born when everyone was parting like it’s 1999, throwing caution to the wind in preparation for the millennium. I’m 6’1” and weigh in somewhere around 145, I have deep blue eyes sandy blond hair and a athletic build. I swim and dive competitively and play soccer in the fall. I have two brothers, Sean who just turned 21, a junior in college studying medicine. He is 6’ and carries a 160 pound frame. He also is athletic and played football in high school. Then there's Kyle. He is 24, 6’2 and 160 pounds, has a hot athletic body. In high school he both played basketball and wrestled. Kyle is a grad student at the local university which both he and Sean attend. Then there is William, my uncle, who is more like a big brother than an uncle. My Dad Charles has always encouraged me to bond with his little bro as our ages were so much closer, so Uncle Will, my brothers and I are a close knit family. Even my Grandpa Frank would come around and wrestle with us boys. Now one thing I haven’t mentioned is the Gay Gene - it runs rampant in my family. Grandpa Frank has had a string of lovers, spare “uncles” for us through the years. William was a late baby that he had conceived with Grandma during a night of rambunctious partying in the 90’s. Dad and mom dated in high school to silence the rumors and both really wanted kids, so during their senior year Dad jerked into a cup and Mom inseminated herself with a kitchen implement. I don’t think they ever actually had sex in all the years they had been married. Each went through life with with one or another partner, weaving themselves into the fabric of our lives. Well today is my birthday. I'm sure what my family has planned - if anything at all, but you only turn 18 once, so I think they have something up their sleeves. Today started out as any other Friday: my middle brother awoke me when his alarm went off at 6:00 AM. I was met in the kitchen by my mom and older brother who happened to be home for a change. I think he was dropping off his laundry for mom to handle. I ate a quick protein rich breakfast then headed out to school to see if I could catch Cody at the pool and swim some laps with him before school officially started. Cody was already in the pool when I arrived and smiling his usual big shit eating grin when he generally saw me. We each did 12 laps then rinsed off and dressed for class. Classes seemed boring, and dragged on, it seemed like the clock was going two clicks forward and three back. School only had a month to go till graduation and I was beginning to look forward to being valedictorian this year. My grades were off the charts, even in my AP classes. Sixth period finally arrived and I headed back to the gym and aquatic complex to do my training in the pool. After an hour or so I noticed my middle brother standing on the side of the pool. He told me he had stopped by to pick me up. Now I knew something was in the works. As I finished my last laps my hunky brother came down to the pool and offered me my towel as I exited the pool. He went so far as to actually wrap it around my shoulders and patting my back dry. I began to harden up in my Speedo trunks, as he walked me back to the locker room. As we opened the locker room door and I walked towards my locker he directed my away from my locker and into the team room. Now, the team room was were the various sports teams would come together before a meet or event and get a pep talk from one or all the coaches. As we entered the room, I was greeted by a lot of my jock friends, a couple of the coaching assistants. All were weating athletic gear denoting their sport. I am a huge sports gear nut, so seeing them all wearing the gear and only a jock straps boned me up. Soon I was tenting my swim trunks as the Lycra was not able to confine my monster snake. They all sang happy birthday to me and then Cody and Jose began rubbing on me, paying close attention to my raging cock. My towel soon disappeared, soon followed by Cody slipping my trunks off my legs, having me lay down on the bench. Jose and I had been going out together for a year but we only kissed and cuddled. We never did anything particularly sexual, beyond groping each other, but today, on my 18th birthday, Jose slipped his cock to my lips, moistening them with his precum. Opening my mouth in invitation, Jose slipped the knob into my moist throat, his eight inches sliding down effortlessly. Some would label me a natural cock sucker. As I deep throated Jose, I felt a warm mouth envelope my rock hard cock, which made it even harder - if that was possible. I guessed Cody was sucking my dick, but as I was busy being skull fucked by Jose, I couldn't take the time to confirm as much. In any event, Jose and (I assume) Cody both worked me over for a while. I sensed the other dozen guys had closed ranks. Several of the guys were stroking themselves, a few were massaging a buddy's cock, and still a couple had progressed to rendering head to a teammate. We were having an orgy in the team room. This was wild. Sean had moved up in the crowd and was standing beside Cody who had stopped sucking my raging boner. I lay there, my cock dripping with precum. Without saying a word, Cody lowered himself on my shaft, impaling himself on my nine and a half inch tool. Holy shit. I was fucking my BFF, as, at the same time, I deep throated my boyfriend. Sean dropped down and was working the area between where my cock was penetrating Cody and my virgin hole. The sensation was incredible. As his saliva dripped onto my ass pucker he began fingering it into my hole, sliding his finger in and out, touching a spot that drove me into orbit. Then he withdrew his fingers from my ass, and slid two fingers into Cody's ass, alongside my cock. Naturally Cody groaned in pleasure. Jose pulled his cock from my throat and made me worship the head and top of the shaft while Sean pushed Cody into position so he was laying on my torso. Cody and I began to make out and as we aso tried to service Jose’s rigid shaft. Sean, however, decided then to align his cock with mine, pushing against Cody's puckered rosebud, sliding back and forth until the head stretched out Cody’s hole and popped in. Suddenly Cody was tight again: not only was I was sloshing around in Cody's boy cunt, my brother’s cock was riding next to mine as both of us pumped his tool in and out of the Cody's ass, pistoning in sync and alternate strokes. At that moment Sean leaned down and whispered in Cody’s ear just loud enough for me to hear “Ready for a second dose of my toxic seed boy? It felt great lubing you up earlier with my poisoned cum so you could ride my little brother's hard cock. Now, take my poz cum, you little diver whore.” Sean began pumping seed into Cody’s stretched and sloppy ass. I could feel his cock pulse against mine with each spurt. This pushed me over the edge and I also blew my load into Cody, so he took both of our loads, which filled his ass, each of us blowing until neither could spurt any more cum. Jose, sensing our climax, began shoot his load between our mouths, covering our faces with his spunk. Several other guys also stepped forward, each spraying his load across our bodies. Sean leaned down and licked the cum from Cody’s back and ass. As we pulled out a couple of the guys leaned in and licked the cum from Cody’s gaping hole. One or two even mounted him as he lay against my chest, each pumping his seed into Cody's hot cummy orifice.
    4 points
  3. My buddy and I (let's call him Scott) have had some pretty wild adventures over our 8 years of friendship. I have a partner of 10 years and Scott is single. The three of us do quite a bit together - dinner, movies, concerts, etc. Sometimes when Scott and I are alone we like to take it to a bit of a dark side. We were at a pool party once and a little tipsy and both had to piss. We end up in the same bathroom and pissing over the same toilet. He was enamored with my pecker and I was with his, too. We drained each other and returned to the pool party a few minutes tardy and two loads lighter. One night after he swallowed a load of cum out of my 8 inch dick we got to talking about drugs and party drugs. We'd done ecstasy, cocaine and GHB together on various dance floors across the world - always a nice euphoric escape from reality. Scott asked if I'd ever tried Tina. I hadn't. I'd heard the horror stories and always just steered clear of it. Scott told me that he'd been doing it off and on for the past couple of months and having some intense and mind-blowing sex. Hot! Scott's a muscle power bottom. 5'9" 180 blond, well built fucker with an AMAZING bubble butt. His other hole is equally amazing. I don't know how he does it but he sucks the hell out of a cock. Out of curiosity I asked if he had anyTina but he didn't. I was intrigued and aroused and he could tell. If I were ever to try it it would have to be with Scott. I had a bulge in my pants and his cock started to plump up, too. We decided to head out to a sex club spot with some open play spaces and glory holes -- he loves to suck cock and it turns me on to watch it.....and he lets out these little whimpers when he gets a spurt of pre-cum on his tongue. And moans louder when it's feeding time. And on the flip side, to hear the top grunt through the wall as he's emptying his nuts down Scott's throat. Really fucking hot. So we arrive and it's not very busy but there are a few hot guys. We make a few laps and end up in a dark corner, enter a stall and wait patiently. One of the hot studs had eyed us immediately and headed in our direction but he took a different path so we weren't sure who might open up that door. Heard the door creak and like Pavlov's dog, Scott dropped to his knees in front of the glory hole. It wasn't our stud, but it was a decent looking guy. Part of the fun is to wait for the cock pull out to see what you're working with. This cock was a beauty. Milky white with thick veins, uncut. Scott went to work and I dropped my pants, too. Too fucking turned on not to jack my cock. Our neighbor offered some poppers and we all sniffed hard and took off to outer space. It didn't take long for our neighbor to bust his nut. Scott's moans alerted me that the cum reward was on its way. He loved loads. And he loved standing up and kissing me with a freshly deposited load in his mouth. It's really fucking hot to smell it on his lips, his breath and TASTE another man's DNA while we kiss. We love to share hot stranger's cum with each other. Our neighbor zipped up and left and we decided to take another lap. It had gotten a bit more crowded and Scott recognized someone and hurriedly whisked around the corner. I assumed it was an old trick. It was - but it was one of the guys he's been smoking tina with and marathon fucking. I couldn't tell if he wanted to leave, if he was embarrassed, if he didn't want them to see me or me to see them. Finally, I bursted out do you think he has any tina? At that exact moment, Tate came around the corner and immediately noticed Scott. They hugged/kissed and chuckled a bit about seeing each other there. Scott then introduced me to Tate. Tate is a beast specimen of a man. Gorgeous milk chocolate skin and a smooth demeanor. Without skipping a beat he whispers to Scott asking if he wanted to party. Scott said DEFINITELY, but can my friend join, too? He motioned us back down a series of halls and ultimately led to a large door. I wasn't sure if it was part of the establishment or a security door for emergency. It was a small warehouse like room for storage more than likely. Once the door shut behind us it was pitch black. And eerily quiet.... I could hear our new friend fumbling in his pockets and the next thing I hear is the flicker of a lighter. He's got a glass pipe in his hand a lighter underneath and after a few seconds he lifts the pipe to his mouth to inhale the thick white smoke circling in the little glass bowl. Scott's already on his knees with black cock in his mouth and goddamn is it a big black cock. Tate offered me the pipe but I told him I didn't really know what to do. He kept the lighter under for me and coached me through it. I took my first hit and almost immediately felt a little tingly and warm. He made me hit it again as Scott was deep throating his monster cock. I have to admit that I loved the way the smoke was making me feel. It was Scott's turn to hit the pipe and I was enthralled with it. Hearing the flicker of the lighter.....the thick white clouds swirling the bowl and ultimately being inhaled for some inhibition altering bareback fucking. Scott was taking another hit so I dropped to my knees to get a taste of my new buddy. His dick was huge and dripping pre-cum. I cupped his balls with my hands and savored sucking his piece. Scott was loving the pipe and hitting it again and our buddy did that always hot, tell-tale sign from a top. He started maneuvering his hand back to Scott's muscle ass. He wanted that hot ass and Scott definitely wanted that black meat. Before long, Scott's pants were down at his ankles and he was bent over ready to take it. Another pipe hit and a few gobs of spit was all it took and they were barebacking with a frenzy. I couldn't see everything but I could definitely hear the fucking. The moans....the skin smacking against skin. The filthy talk between the two of them about where to shoot the load. It was very hot. Scott started squeezing his muscle hole around that big dick and it didn't take more than 30 seconds or so for him to unload. The cock reluctantly flopped out of Scott's hole and he immediately swung around to clean the cock and get every last dribble of cum. It was all incredibly hot. But I realized that after smoking some, my hole was hungry and absolutely on fire..... (Part 2 if interest)
    3 points
  4. Please be gentle this is my first story: Park Toilets, The First Visit After having had two girlfriends, at the age of 30 I was starting to explore my bi side by chasing cock in public toilets and I was starting to realise I enjoyed sex with guys far more than I had with females. Sex with guys I found to be much more intense and also appealed to my nasty side. In a gay bar one day I overheard two guys talking about some toilets in a park on the other side of town that had been closed down three years ago and were now overgrown. Apparently someone had forced open the door and the toilets which were well hidden were now being used by the more sleazy type of guys, especially after it got dark as there was no lighting in there. One guy saying that mostly older guys some of whom were HIV used these toilets and that he had heard that hardly anyone in there ever used a condom. Now I was still new to sex with guys and had only been fucked twice, both times I had insisted on the other guy wearing a condom as I did not want to catch anything and on hearing the way guys behaved in these toilets I was somewhat disgusted. However after a couple of weeks my mind kept returning to what the two guys in the bar had said and each time I thought about what was going on in the toilets I was not as disgusted as the previous time. Although I would not admit it to myself after a month I was getting turned on by the thought of the nastiness of the guys in there, fucking strangers bareback etc., I felt my cock twitch each time I thought about what guys were doing in there and decided I would visit the toilets just to have a look. So with a day off work I decided to go to the other side of town and see if the stories were true. Arriving at the park mid afternoon it took me some time to find the toilets as they were quite overgrown, but someone had made a small gap in the hedge for guys to climb through. I went in through the half open door, which was bent over and wedged and before I could take anything in, the most revolting smell of stale piss hit me. It was obvious that guys still used the toilets but there was now no water to clean them. Going in round the corner of the toilets I saw there was a long floor trough and three cubicles, all of which had their doors smashed, but there was no one was inside. I breathed both a sigh of relief and of disappointment at finding the toilets empty, at this stage I was still not sure what I wanted if anything, but the nastiness of the place did have an attraction to my more depraved twisted side. I hung round for about 20 minutes, but with no one coming in I got bored and decided to leave and found a nearby bar. After having had three pints I was feeling slightly tipsy and hornier than ever. I walked out of the bar intending to get a taxi back home, but found myself walking back towards the park. It was almost dark as I re-entered the park and in the dark struggled to find the gap in the hedge, having found the gap I went back into the now dark toilets and sensed more than saw two bodies at the far end. I slowly edged towards the two bodies and as I got close in the dim moonlight I saw both guys were naked. They were both kissing each other as they wanked each others cocks. Looking closer at the two guys I shuddered as I saw they were both unattractive, their bodies looked drained and obviously both guys were over 60 years of age. Despite my disgust at these two ugly old farts, I couldn't stop my cock getting hard at the nastiness of the situation of two old naked men having sex in the most disgusting toilets I had ever been in. As I was watching the two guys one beckoned to me and then put his hand around my head and started to kiss me, gently at first, but then started sticking his tongue down my throat. I couldn't believe how hot and horny this felt and despite his age I just couldn't stop myself from returning his tongue action. The other guy started to strip off my clothes and before I really thought about it all my clothes were on the top of theirs and here I was a 30 year old man naked with two naked decrepit old guys over twice my age. But amazingly despite their outward looks of tired drained old bodies both had really big, hard and horny looking cocks, which I was soon sucking. As I was bent over sucking one of the guy's cocks, the other guy started to rub his cockhead over my brown hole, this was the first time I had felt a bare cock rub my hole and I loved the sensation it gave me. He then started to work one then two fingers up inside me and I realised he was getting my hole loosened to fuck me, I did stop sucking the other guy's cock and turned and told him I would only be fucked with a condom, to which he replied that he didn't have a condom and that he would just play around and once again started rubbing his cock over my hole. The guy whose cock I was sucking handed me a bottle, I had heard of poppers but never used them, but with the nastiness of the situation this seemed the perfect time to try them. Wow, I could not believe the buzz they gave me, as the guy behind me said "Don't panic I am just pushing it in an inch so you can see how bare cock feels" and with that he sunk his cockhead an inch or maybe a bit more into my unprotected cunt. I was given another hit of the poppers as the guy behind kept moving his large cockhead in and out of me and any pain I had originally felt soon disappeared and I was starting to enjoy the feel of his old cock inside me as he pushed even more of his large cock into me. I was both excited and afraid at the thought of having unprotected sex and said to him "What ever you do, please don't cum inside me". He replied "Don't worry I wont" and started thrusting a bit faster in me. As I continued sucking the cock of the guy in front of me, he started to piss straight into my mouth, which I began to swallow. Piss as much as anything gets me horny and with the nastiness of the place, being fucked by a dirty old man and kept being given poppers I was getting to the point where I lost all my inhibitions. I could feel the guy behind me speeding up, in a moment of sanity I asked him whether he was neg or poz, he replied, "I'm poz". The guy in front immediately gave me another hit on the poppers and I could not believe myself when I said, "Do whatever you want, I have gone past caring". The old guy fucking me said, "Do you want my poz load in you". I shouted back, "Infect me if you want, shoot your poz cum deep inside me, knock me up, I want to be pozzed" and with that I heard him groan and moan and felt his cum shooting inside my unprotected body. It was less than a week before I returned to the toilets looking for more nasty fun.
    2 points
  5. 2002 Has there ever met someone that you instantly hated for no good reason? For me that person was Matt. "Matt" was what he went by, but his real name was 'Ahmat" or something like that. He was from the Middle East somewhere. He was hired by my boss to work on our staff and I hated him from the first day. I didn't know why exactly. I wasn't in the grips of hate for the Middle East that had struck our country after 9/11 and was further inflamed by the Bush administration. I was, and always will be, a bleeding heart liberal. Maybe it was because he was my age and I'd always been the youngest guy in my department -- I was 'The Boy Wonder'. Possibly it was his dark good looks that intimidated me. I wasn't a bad-looking man, but Matt was smoldering. Seriously. The guy had a gorgeous five o'clock shadow at 11 am. I hadn't grown up enough to recognize how destructive jealousy can be. Or maybe it was because he was cordial and well-liked by everybody. I just decided he was 'arrogant'. I was certain he thought he was better than me in every way. So I hated him. Hated everything about him. He had a cellphone and I didn't. He dressed fashionably and I was super casual. Every time he tried to make small talk with me, I'd just glare at him and answer with one or two words. He seemed a bit confused by my hostility because I was pals with most everybody else in the office. Eventually he gave up trying to get to know me. I would just stew in hatred every single time I saw him. I was in therapy back then and I brought the subject of Matt to her. She agreed that some of it was envy, but she brought up something I'd never thought of... "Often, hate is irrational. Sometimes we hate a person because we recognize some aspect of ourselves in. Maybe there's something you hate about yourself that you see in Matt". I didn't dismiss the idea, but he and I shared nothing in common except our age. I kept thinking of her words and trying to work it out for myself The dismal holiday season was approaching and our boss had decided we needed to have a Christmas gathering. Ugh. I hated forced mirth. But at least there would be free booze. We all met up at a martini bar after work one cold night and the mood had been generally light that whole day. So I was happy because I didn't think people from the Middle East could drink alcohol or even be around it so Matt wouldn't be there. All twelve of us settled at a large table in this trendy place. I'd never had a martini before, but wanted to try one. Nobody had warned me how powerful they were or told me to sip them and not chug them like beer. I got really happy really fast. We were all laughing and having a decent time when Matt walked in. Of course he had a really nice, stylish coat and was dressed up. He was wearing these expensive -looking leather shoes -- with no socks. What the hell? It was December. My mood declined when he sat right across from me. It was the only open chair. Bummer. He ordered a martini and was his usual popular self with all our coworkers. I sulked and stewed. Most of the guys I worked with had families and so the party kept getting smaller as people left. And then it was just the two of us left. I ordered two more martinis while he was still working on his first. That made me irrationally angry. Well, self-control wasn't the thing we had in common. He didn't even notice we were the only ones left because he was constantly on his goddamn cellphone. Talking quietly in his whatever language. He held a pinkie in his non-phone ear to block out the noise from other people. Arrogant. When he finished his conversation he looked around and noticed it was just us left. He felt as awkward as I felt drunk. I needed to order a Coke or something to sober up. I only lived a few a few streets over, but this town had an abundance of cops. A DUI would really wreck the night. When the waitress arrived, I ordered a soda. "Don't like martinis so much?" He actually spoke to me. I was feeling a tug-of-war between surprise and anger. "Actually too much. I've had five already". He smiled brilliantly. Perfect white teeth of course. "Here. Finish mine. I have a bad stomach and it's giving me fits right now". I had a roll of Tums in my pocket and offered him a couple. He chewed them appreciatively. I went back and forth from the soda the waitress brought and his mostly full martini. The tension was gone and he looked right at me. "Can I ask you something?" I was preparing myself for what I knew he was going to ask. "Why do you dislike me so much?" "I've been trying to figure that out" I said, staring down at the table "Maybe I just don't like how arrogant you are". "What? How?" "You think you're so perfect. You dress better than anybody and look perfect and are good at everything. You probably have a perfect life". I was drunk for sure. There was silence and I expected him to leave. "You really think I have a perfect life? Seriously?" Thank God it was Friday. I had the whole weekend to forget this exchange of words. On Monday I could just go back to hating him like normal. "Want to know who I was on the phone with?" He was so beautiful. "Your girlfriend?" "No. My mother who I live with. She has bone cancer and is going through chemo. She doesn't speak English and I'm the only person in the world she has to talk to". "Oh. Sorry". "You think I have a perfect life? I'm the only child of two immigrants from India. I was a baby when we got here. My dad dropped dead when I was three and we were so poor and then homeless for a year. My Mom did her best to find work and make sure I went to school. We scrapped and saved and survived. I bet your childhood was better". I looked down, ashamed. "Yeah". "Once I was old enough, I worked any terrible job I could find. I was 19 when I first started whoring". Whoa. i sucked as a human. "Yeah. I was out on the streets of St. Louis every single night. I caught every disease you can name. My health isn't so great now and I take about nine pills a day. I like to dress up because I feel like nice clothes because I feels like it disguises my past. Hides me". I lowered my head and felt so much shame. Instinctively, I reached across the table and grabbed his hand. "I'm so, so sorry". "Now I've got a good job and my only living relative is dying. How's that for 'perfect'?" I looked up and saw that he was looking right at me. We'd avoided eye contact for so long that I forgot how extremely handsome this man was. "I apologized. I'll be different now. I'll be nice". I realized my voice sounded like a child's. I needed to leave now. I stood up and wobbled a little. "Let me drive you home. You're a little out of it". "Please". He led me out into the cold night, with his arm around my back. We got to his car -- which was way more modest than I would have ever guessed. It was junk, basically. Who knew? We got in and before either of us could fasten our seat belts, we started kissing. Maybe it was the booze or the intimacy of the conversation, but we made out for a good ten minutes right there in the parking lot. His stubble had rubbed my lips raw and his mouth tasted like some sort of paradise. There was an eventual stopping point. The heat had kicked on and he had talk radio on. "My mom always played talk or sports on the radio to help me speak English better". "I'd like to meet her". "Really? I'd love that! We're not far from our house. She's probably still awake, but she might not be feeling well right now. We can check and maybe watch TV or something". "Great". Were we boyfriends now? I had no experience at anything like this. I'd just had my first kiss five minutes ago. "Are you warm enough?" "Yeah. Why don't you ever wear socks?" He laughed. "You're drunk. And very American. We're always barefoot at home and I just hate wearing shoes, let alone socks. You grew up on a farm, right?" "Yeah. How did you know?" "Oh, I've asked around. I wanted to know more about you and what you were all about". Wow. I wondered what he heard, but we were suddenly at his house. It was very small and in a kind of crappy neighborhood. He parked in the crumbling driveway and insisted on getting out first and helping me up to the door. He nuzzled my neck a little. We kissed again for a few seconds and then he unlocked the door. I smelled garlic right away. I mean it had soaked into everything. Or maybe the smell was curry. Didn't Indian people eat lots of curry? I was such a hick. Matt kicked off his shoes right away. His feet were so hairy. I stood there dumbly with my coat still on. "Let me have your coat. She's got the thermostat on really high. I'll go see if she's still awake". I stood there in the front room and looked around. Everything was so neat and yet kind of chaotic at the same time. It seemed foreign. Barefooted Matt came back and said "She's passed out, but her breathing is good and steady". I smiled. "Good". "We can go watch TV in my room if you want". "OK" "At least take off your shoes. It's weird to see shoes in this house". So I stepped out of my loafers and arranged them neatly by the door. He led me to his room and I noticed it was small. Very small. My childhood bedroom was bigger. He clicked the television on, and It was that stupid comedy channel where they never show anything comical at all. He turned the volume way down. The TV was the only light we had which was fine by me. I was sure my eyes were red...and his were so beautiful. "Well, I'm going to get comfortable". He then stripped down to nothing. He was the hairiest man I'd ever seen. I could barely see his dick through all the bush he had down there. I guess he saw me looking. "Why don't you get naked too, Farm Boy". So I did. And then we laying on his twin bed, on top of the covers because it was so warm in here. I was lost. Where was this going? I wondered if I should do something or just try to sleep or watch whatever shit was on. He answered for me by climbing on top of me. He just stayed there and we looked at each other. God, he was hairy! And we was sweaty. He stretched out one arm and turned a bedside lamp. "I want you to see and remember everything about tonight. Promise you're not too drunk to remember this". "I'm good, Matt". "We'll see". He kissed me and ground his hips on mine for a long time. I felt his big boner and really wanted to see it. All of this was new. "If you really want me to see everything, you'll show me that dick of yours". He spread his knees and sat up. There it was. "Glorious" is the only word I had. It was beautiful like the rest of him. Not huge or anything, but very healthy-sized and hard as a rock. At first I thought he was uncut, but he wasn't....the doctor had just left him with a nice amount of foreskin. Or maybe he was. I had never seen another dick this close before. "You like?" "Can I kiss it?" He got lower and I took the head in my mouth. He didn't force anything at all. He left it up to me to suck as much of it as I wanted. He said something foreign under his breath and groaned. I was actually do this right. Amazing. I took him deeper and grabbed his perfect ass to let him know that he could take over. Oh boy, did he. He was riding my mouth for a while and getting more forceful. I wondered if he would ejaculate and wondered if I really wanted him to. And then he lifted away from me. "I don't want to cum anywhere near you, Farm Boy. We should stop now. We'll jerk off together or something". I pulled him back down to me and we kissed. Then I urged him up higher so I could have his butt on my face. I just wanted that. Badly. "Not the greatest idea, kid". I didn't listen to him. I pushed my lips up between his cheeks and planted a big kiss on his hole. He started to hesitate, but I held his legs and knew it was feeling good to him. And then he gave up and started to hump my mouth with his ass. I used my tongue and passion to guide his pleasure. I knew I what was doing somehow. He started moaning and muttering words in his language. But then it stopped. "We can't go any further!" "What if I want to?" "We can't because I have AIDS, you dumb hick!" "I'm not dumb". "Sorry. I just want to protect you. You're green and don't know anything". "I know I want you to make love to me". "No way. I don't even have condoms". "Perfect". "You don't know what you're asking for". "I'm not even asking at this point, Matt. You will fuck me!" He surrendered and started spreading my legs far apart. He planted that hairy dick in my ass. It hurt, but not horribly like I'd always thought. I'd felt more pain before -- just not in that spot. "God, this is a mistake". But he started thrusting, giving in to his natural urge to plant seed. His pace quickened and I reached around to grab his ass to make sure he didn't try to pull out. And then he wasn't moving anymore. He was completely still and whispering foreign words. We lay side by side silently for a minute or two. "Are you OK? Did I hurt you?" "I feel perfect". "We'll see". We slept together and I got to feel his hairy warmth all night. Matt's hairy feet were cold though, and I woke up every time they touched my leg, but I was so in love with him that I didn't care. So now we're a couple. I'm HIV+ and he hates that, but I'm strangely loving it. I told him "Now you have more family. We share the same DNA".
    2 points
  6. The oak planks beneath my feet felt solid even though the ship rocked to and fro. The Captain had sent for me, so as I made my way from his cabin under the sterncastle to the forecastle and the front of the ship I had to try to maintain my balance while avoiding my fellow crewmates. Well, OK, maybe I was not a part of the crew yet - at least in their eyes. I was too young, too inexperienced, too pampered and formerly rich to be a pirate. Plus I was the Captain’s boy - his ship wife if you will - although I had not been a boy in age for a few years according to my father. Yet having celebrated my 18th birthday just a few weeks prior to the pirates capturing the ship I was on and slaughtering most of the crew, I still often like a child in my new surroundings. Sea spray matted my hair and once I climbed the forecastle steps, and the Captain dismissed his Quartermaster - he roughly guided the wet wisps of matted blond hair off my face. He then pushed me to my knees, unbuttoned his silk britches and had me take his sugar stick in my mouth. He loved being watched and loved even more shooting his salty seed into my mouth while standing on the forecastle, his arms crossed, pretending he was the ultimate master in his foppish silk, colored clothes. The Captain’s clothing choices always made my eyes hurt as he relished the brightest colors and the shiniest silks. Yet underneath his peacock attire, was a tall, well built man with muscles earned by years at sea and a demeanor that was rough, brutal, and used to taking what he wanted, when he wanted it - including my mouth and arse. Once the Captain had filled my mouth, I swallowed, cringing at the bitter taste. I had learned quickly there was punishment to be had if I spit it out, so hiding my grimace, I took it, and then as he stepped back and buttoned up as I left him on the forecastle. These displays always brought unwanted attention to me and while I made my way back to the sterncastle and the cabin the powder monkeys and others whooped and cawed like a cackle of black birds at my passing. In the cabin I reached for the bottle of rum that was dangling by its neck from a rope in the mid-beam timber. I gulped once - the fire burning my throat - then again and swished it around to remove the foul taste. I had tilted the bottle up for a third swig when a voice said, “You know there are better things to be swallowing.” I turned and sighed as I looked upon the Quartermaster. He was so different than any man I had ever known, or any other man on the ship for that matter. In size, he was a good four or five hands taller than the rest and just as thick and wide. His skin was black as London coal and mottled with the scars of battles past - each worn as a badge of honor and medallion of victory. The Quartermaster, or Sir - I don’t know his true name as when asked he just said Sir - was the real power on the ship. The Captain pranced around and hollered and demanded and the crew would say, “Aye Capt’n”, and then would look to the Quartermaster for the simple nod or shake of his head that would either affirm or change the orders. There were several dark men of the islands on the ship’s crew and when I first expressed my surprise that he held the rank and position he did, Sir just chuckled and said, “It is not unknown for someone like me to serve the black flag. We all wish the same thing do we not?” I had seen my share of the atrocities done to men like him in my few short years and was honestly grateful to the Father Above that Sir had found his place in this world. “I saw you coming back from the bow and your morning feeding,” Sir chuckled. I scowled at his humor, wiped the last swig of rum from my lips, and knew better than to state what I was really thinking. He continued, “I figured you would need something warm, sweet, and filling to settle your stomach, so I held my morning water and instead of sloshing down the quarter gallery figured I would let it slosh around in your mouth.” Sir quickly loosened his canvas britches and let them drop to the floor as he steadied himself with his left hand against the timber frame. The ship rocked and I stumbled as I made my way over to him, but got on my knees and held firm against his thighs as the first hot droplets of nectar kissed my lips. I quickly open my mouth and began to gulp the hot waters he fed me. His dick head was large, dark, and ripe like the giant plums I used to snitch from our neighbor’s garden when I was a child. First thing in the morning he tasted just as wonderful. Not sweet - not bitter - but like wild venison dipped in fig sauce coated with the frothy green foam that seeped from it’s eye like from the churning of small waves against the hull. Sir was my Neptune - my king of the sea. I think Sir had been holding his water all night as he really filled me up. Once I was sure he was done, I stood up, licked my lips, and gave him a smile, as I knew what would come next. I made my way to the Captain’s desk and shoved a pile of maps and papers to the side. Sir walked up behind me and slid his calloused hands under my canvas shirt, up my sides, and then grabbed my chest hard. “TELL ME YOU WANT MY PEGO. TELL ME YOU WANT ME TO FUCK YOU. TELL ME YOU WANT ME TO CUM IN YOUR ARSE, TELL ME HOW MUCH YOU WANT MY POX!” Sir demanded. I had never heard such words and talk until I was taken by the pirates and even then I had to figure out what some things meant like ‘pego’, which was his tackle or manhood. Oh I had heard my father and others refer to their manhood but never imagined I would welcome another man bloody buggering me with his like I did Sir or that I would enjoy risking my eternal life as a bloody Sodomite. While I enjoyed taking him, feeling him push in, pull out, and then grant me his seed, I was also grateful. He saved me - quite literally on that first day. As Sir took me from behind, rough and deep, those memories came back. Our attempt to evade the dark ship that stalked over the horizon; the fighting and screams and blood; the death and pillaging. A group of the pirate crew had me cornered in my cabin and were arguing over whether to gut me, ransom me, or use me like a wench - or all three - when the Quartermaster showed up. He looked me up and down, barely acknowledging my nakedness, then barked to his crew that I was to be protected and kept safe as the Captain was in need of a cabin boy to replace the last one who had died of fever, so I would have to do. As one of the three top men on the ship, by rights, Sir could use me just as the Captain and the Bos’n did. The Captain and Bos’n wasted no time and spent my first night as pirate booty rutting on me like brutal wild animals. The Bos’n especially liked rutting me like a wild boar. He was a filthy beast and just as hairy and smelly as any boar I had seen but his tusk - well I have to admit his big tusk felt awful good banging my arse open and I knew I pleased him as he grunted loudly whenever he wet my insides. Yet, while I enjoyed his man tar coating my insides, it was the tar that often coated his hands that was the worst. The filthy man never washed and while my skin and flesh toughened up from the beatings his tar-covered hands and sticks gave me, the taste of his fingers being jammed in my mouth to suck on as he rutted always left my insides heaving like the worst storm. Tar belongs on the timbers and oaks, not in my mouth! “MY POX IS DRIPPING FROM YOUR CUNNY - MAKING IT ALL HARD FOR YOU! TELL ME YOU WANT ME IN YOUR CUNNY! TELL ME YOU WANT MY POX!” Sir said, breaking my memories and focusing me back on the moment. The heat and pain he caused when he entered me were either the coal fires of Hell burning my soul or the Fire Sword of the Angel Gabriel protecting me. His manhood was massive, but the burning it caused was nothing compared to the wonder he stirred and the feelings of pleasure he gave me when he let me serve him like this. From the moment he saved me, Sir showed me kindness and mercies. Small things really I guess, but in this world, they were huge. A kind word, an extra crust of bread, a firm but gentle touch on the shoulder, a new canvas shirt when the bloodied, torn, and ruined shirt I had when captured became nothing more than nesting fodder for the ship’s mice and rats. Between satisfying the desires of the Captain, the Bos’n, and trying to learn my duties so I didn’t get slapped, kicked, or beat for disobedience, I had little time to wonder about the quiet, scary looking Quartermaster. That is until one morning a few weeks in after the Captain had buggered me and left me in his cabin, naked, afraid, and confused. Sir had come in to look at the charts but paused when he saw me on the floor huddled against the desk. I stood up, afraid I would get beat if I did not offer, so I bent over the desk and waited. Sir’s breathing got labored; the oak creaked with each step as he stepped closer. Gently he ran a finger down the ridges on my back left by the Bos’n. I was shaking and expected him to just take me. The air crackled like a storm was approaching and the hairs on my arms raised, my flesh dimpled; yet Sir held back and just said, “I’ll come back shortly. Take what time you need. I believe the Captain will be wanting his spyglass.” That evening, when taking the Captain’s dinner tray back to the galley to the cook, I paused just long enough to accept an apple from a small linen bag he had sitting on the counter. His toothless grin when he handed it to me was all the explanation he could give having no tongue with which to speak. I nodded and smiled in appreciation and tucked it under my shirt. The Captain was fast asleep by now and the watch was late, so I stayed in the shadows to avoid the few men that were up as I made my way to the Quartermaster's cabin. I tapped the stout wooden door with my finger, not wanting to make noise knowing how it could carry in the ship. I tapped again, the door latch creaked, the door cracked open, and the Quartermaster held out the metal lamp to see who had need of him. The lamp swayed back and forth as its faint light, cast by the stub of a single candle, let him see enough to know it was I. He opened the door, I stepped in, the door closed, latched, and I shivered with a chill like from a cold winter’s morning. “Are you OK? Is the Captain OK? What’s happened?” The Quartermaster said with a tinge of anxiousness in his voice. “Quart...Quartermaster, Sir, I….” He gently laid his hand on my quaking shoulder, “Just Sir. Just call me Sir. It’s OK boy, begin again.” I really didn’t know what to say so I just reached into my shirt, pulled out the small apple and held it up for him to see. A gift. A token. A thanks. Sir smiled, stepped to the back of his cabin, hung his lamp on the small hook by his bunk, and sat on the edge. It was then I realized he was completely naked. The small flames and the light of the moon reflected off the calm seas cast dancing shadows over his night skin and I was mesmerized. He casually shifted his long, thick manhood off his left thigh and patted his bunk, “Come. Sit with me and share this bounty. Did Cook give this to you? You did not steal it did you? You must know that taking things - stealing - is a severe punishment.” I thought that was a funny sort of thing for a pirate to say, but I had also seen they had some weird rules - known and unknown - so I held my tongue and just nodded. Sir pulled a knife that was jammed into the side timbers out, held up the apple, and cut a thick slice off and handed it to me. The juice dripped across his thigh and onto my hand and I laughed in delight as I figured the apple would have been dry and nothing more than a husk. I eagerly chewed it and swallowed and Sir did the same. He shared another piece with me, then a couple more. With the apple’s flesh consumed and nothing left but the seeds and toughest bit of the core, Sir jammed the knife back into the timber, looked at me, then reached out and with a tenderness I had not known from even my own father, gently wiped the smalls bits and juice from the corners of my mouth and lip. His face was mostly shadows as he licked his fingers clean. I don’t know what possessed me, but I reached out and firmly grasped his stiff manhood and gasped in wonder at its size and warmth and his aching need. He squeezed my wrist painfully, “DON’T,” he hissed. With all my strength I slid my hand up, then down, feeling the slickness of his manhood, the roughness of the skin rash and chancres, the wetness of the pustules as they seeped open onto my hand. Was that why he had never wanted me? I let him shift my hand away from his body and smiled as I held my coated hand to my face and inhaled. The smell clung to my nostrils, filled my throat, made my chest clench, and only increased my hunger. I stood up and Sir watched me in confusion as I pulled my canvas shirt and britches off. My eyes locked with his as I kneeled before him, grasped his pox timber with both hands, and guided it to my mouth. BY THE SAINTS HE TASTED WONDERFUL! Sir’s manhood pulsed and twitched with every flick of my tongue, depositing a stew of sweat, pox juice, man dripping, and more. I moaned as I suckled on the tip, drinking him up, pleasuring him with a small kindness. Sir’s head was back, his mouth open, his hand’s gripping the side of the bunk as I stroked his shaft, mouthed the tip, and cupped his balls. I had to feel him inside me, but I knew he was too big. I would not be able to take him like I did the Captain and Bos’n. I stopped my work, stood up, climbed onto the bunk and wedged myself between the bulkhead wall and Sir’s back. He twisted, looked at me, then turned his body and lay on the bunk beside me - his face to mine - his shaft pressing in need against my body. Sir’s face was all dark shadows now, so I gently ran the fingers of my left hand over his head, down his jaw line, across the crooked bridge of his nose, to his mouth. When I withdrew my fingers from his lips he slid his right arm over my back, pulled me tightly towards him and began kissing me with burning intensity. The Captain and Bos’n had never kissed me. No man had. They had only used my mouth in other ways. This - this was so different, so… Back in the present, Sir had withdrawn his shaft from my backside and was using the long nails on his right hand to scratch and claw at me like a mountain lion gutting a lamb, “YOU WANT ME TO STOP?” Sir asked, knowing full well I would never ask that. “I WANT TO SEE THAT CUNNY SWOLLEN - RED - OVERFLOWING WITH MY POX. I WANT THAT CUNNY RIPE FOR MY SEED - SWELLING AS I FILL YOU UP!” Sir slammed back into my now even bloodier arse. That first night, after he had kissed me and explored every inch of my body with his hands, our sweaty bodies entangled, was the first time I had felt safe. Nothing else mattered. All the pain, fear, unknown of the past weeks was swept away with the tides. I had an anchor now. An anchor that would hold me steady through whatever storm may blow. “Please, please go inside me,” I asked Sir. He stroked the side of my head, “You don’t know what you are asking. I can’t. I musn’t.” I guided his hand from my head down between my legs so he could feel how wet and moist my body was. I let go, flipped over so my back was now to him, and lifted my right leg up and back exposing my hole. Sir sucked in a lung full of breath like the hiss of an adder snake about to strike. I nestled my head in the crook of his left arm, scooted my body back a little so I was firmly pressed against him. His choice now was to either enter me or let me push him off the bunk. OK, well maybe I could not have pushed him off because he is a lot bigger than me, but still, in that moment, I didn’t know how else to ask him to give me what I needed. “FUCK ME SIR!” I begged as I pushed my ass back onto his swollen rod, using the rocking motion of the ship to harpoon me like a fish. Sir obliged, fucking me with a roughness I would come to love and need. While over the course of the past months he had fucked me in just about every place imaginable on the ship, his favorite was still having me bent over the Captain’s desk. The stains of red, pox, and arse left on the oak floors was one more reminder for the Captain of who was really in charge. I arched my back as Sir grabbed my right leg and hefted it higher. He began stabbing at my puckered flesh with his fingers; his nails scraping my skin away like the barnacles that clung to the ship’s hull. This was a pain I wanted. This was a pain I had to have. His fingers found their mark and my body stiffened and I cried out. Sir cupped his left hand over my mouth to silence me and while the beating of my heart pounded in my ears as the waves pounded the planks of the bulkhead, Sir continued to create the wetness he needed. I could tell from the tenseness of his body he was going to take me. All doubt was erased when, with two fingers firmly buried in me like gill hooks and he whispered, “TELL ME YOU WANT THIS - TELL ME YOU WANT MY POX. I HAVE TRIED TO BE KIND AND GENTLE WITH YOU. WHY OR WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME DO THIS? WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME DESIRE THIS?” I moaned in pleasure as Sir’s fingers dug at the nub in my arse, making it swell and oil up. I could feel his fingers getting slicker. “I WANT IT,” I said with all the effort I could muster. “TAKE ME MY LORD. I AM YOUR HUMBLE SERVANT SIR. AT YOUR GRACE AND MERCY MY MASTER GIVE ME YOUR SEED.” I yelped as Sir clamped his hand back over my mouth and forced his pox meat into my arse. The slickness let him slide in a bit, but then he caught up like a wayward ship running a-shoal. Before my body and mind could process the intense burning and pain he had inflicted, in one motion he pulled me closer, rolled his body onto mine, pressed my head firmly into the molded straw of the bunk’s padding and boarded me as he buried himself deep inside me. Lighting flashed bright and white behind my closed eyes as Sir pushed into me deeper and deeper. My body instinctively tensed and tried to push out the invader to no avail. All at once my resistance gave way and the deluge of his pox manhood began. Wave after wave of pox seed crashed and churned inside me. Sir pumped and pumped to expel it all and I took it. At the time it felt like he had spent an entire night’s watch filling me up, but I know that cannot be. “TAKE MY POX - THAT’S IT - OPEN THAT CUNNY UP - TAKE IT ALL - HARLOT CUNNY FOR ME!” Sir exclaimed as he filled me with his morning blessing. Far too soon his shrinking manhood slid from inside me. I quickly knelt and lapped up the sticky, pox remnants left on his mast and once I was done, I stood up, hefted my canvas britches up, looked at Sir, and knowingly asked, “SEE YOU TONIGHT?” (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    2 points
  7. A willing Poz fella The guy had been messaging me for a while, you the type not to many details but was making suggestive playful messages of what he’d like to do with me. I was curious and after a few weeks told him to stop messaging me and get his fucking arse round. No contact well that’s that another timewaster. A month went past and I got the Hey message pop up it was the fella again, saying he couldn’t stop think about me fucking him and he asked me for a time to meet. Having deleted his mails I said stop it right there you send me a picture of your face body and arse before I’ll do anything. Next day this email arrived with attachments (his pictures) this fella was very early twenty’s at best, dark haired and very twinky, what surprised me has just how hairy he was for one so young (not my thing at all) anyway if he showed up I’d deal with that. Once again I explained that I was Poz and that I only fucked raw and that is exactly what he would get if he manned up and came round. Silence again…..then later he messaged me and said he was good with it. So I sent him my address and told him to be round first thing in the morning, still not expecting him to turn up. The next day I was awake early, logged on and he wasn’t on line, no show was running through my head….about 11am the door bell rang postman I thought WRONG John (name changed) had manned up… “Once you step in I’ll be owning your arse and you know what that means”, he nodded his head and stepped in. Right lets see I’m thinking closing and locking the door behind me, studying my prey about 5ft 8 no more than 130 pounds in the flesh not stunning looking but not bad either, “on your knees” lets see how obedient he is, straight down….. “right what do you want from me John”…. “Please can you teach me all about raw sex with men” John said quietly. Ok Stand up and follow me, I had him under my control now and not being a complete bastard I thought lets take this slow as I could see he was a little nervous, we sat in the kitchen for a while as I made coffee and I spoke to him about why he was doing this, turns out he wanted into porn but was getting knocked back because of his looks and lack of experience. What he was looking for from me was to sex him up teach him how to be the best cum hound he could be….. “OK John, think its time to see what we are working with and start your training” he seemed quit relaxed now. So we made are way to my fun room which was set up with a range of BDSM gear, Sling, ST Andrews Cross and a good range of toys, John surprised me by saying he was looking forward to seeing all of this, “it’ll be more fun when you become part of it….. “Strip” John was out of his clothes in a flash and dam was he a hairy little fucker…his cock was good 6 inches with a nice set of low hangers (Hairy!!!)….OK John I’m going to give you a new look, taking him by the hand and attaching him to the St Andrews Cross….First your going to lose the hair, first stage would be clippers then wet shave and finally hairy removal cream (which would smart a bit),his arm pits got it first, chest, legs leaving his back, sack and crack till last…Once I finished the first stage he looked mighty fine and I thought lets see how he takes to nipple clamps and boy did he howl J but he looked great, once he had calmed down I added some weight to stretch them explaining to him it would be easier when I gave him his nipple rings, this made him look frightened “remember John when you stepped in you knew the rule, I own your arse” Stage 2 Sack, back and crack the guy was now completely stripped of his hair, clearly he liked to look as I couldn’t stop looking at himself in the large mirror opposite, now the hair removal cream too really clean him off, I got it from the fridge so it was nice and cold to start with…I inserted a ball gag, he would need it then applied the cream knowing it would feel cold and then the burning would start…..5 minutes in he was bucking around, time to wash him off, now completely cleaned up I took some pictures….he was now fucking sexy but something was missing, I know a cock ring to start with. I got a thick silver one out and decided to give him a blow job at the same time, slipping the ring over his cock and ball made the blood flow through his cock which looked like it was ready to explode and I know from experience once I had eased his foreskin back that the head would become huge….ok time to get serious with him I stripped and he got to see my body for the first time, my cock which was of similar size was rock hard and being gym fit I knew he was lusting after me….I sank to my knees and gave him a blow job his pre cum was so sweet, with my lips I peeled his foreskin back and his cock head grow in my mouth, soon enough I was going down all the way on him and he erupted a thick wad of cum into my mouth which I deposited into a small bowl for later…removing his ball gag I said how was that….. “fuck I love it” he said. Giving him a minute I released him and went and got some drinks. I return to find him checking himself out in the mirror… “like it” I said “sure do” ok time for you to get fucked up I think, taking him to the padded saw horse I attached him face down and butt up. Moving round I said you have a choice of lube I can use a bit of spit to open you up with or I can use your cum from earlier, would you like cum or spit…. “cum please” good choice. Right open your mouth make my cock good and wet…he gagged at first but soon got the hang of it….this guy was worth the wait, taking my cock out I moved round to the object soon to be my conquest his puckered hairless hole, I rimmed him for a while until I could wait any longer, applying his cum to the head of my cock and his hole I pushed hard until his spinster opened up and my head popped in, holding it there until he became use to it I said how does it feel “fuck so good, I want it all” “you want my POZ seed in you don’t you” “YES please breed me, Poz me up” before he finished I pushed hard and went balls deep and slowly fucked him for a while…dam he was dry so pulling out I decided to use the rest of his cum and wank another load out of him which took no time at all. I used two fingers to open him up again and pored his cum in his hole. Quickly moving in I pushed balls deep in one hard thrust, his cum in his hole felt so good, this time I rammed him so hard I knew I has hitting his prostrate as he blow another load, this guy could cum for England, it didn’t take to much longer for my balls to start to tighten but I didn’t want it yet! So I pulled out noticing the small trail of blood on my cock, that’s good my bug would ease into his blood stream for sure. Getting my tightest cock ring on the head of my cock now fully swollen I pushed back in the hot hole he screamed “Fuck that feels so fucking thick” picking up the pace I said tell me what you want John “breed me, POZ me up, breed me deep” that was it no stopping now my cum made its way to the head of my cock and one final deep push released its poison seed deep into his fuck shoot “arhh fuck yes take my poison seed you little cumslut”, my cock was spitting cum long and hard in this fresh guys hole and he was loving it…. To be continued
    2 points
  8. Short, but perfect--beautiful raw black dick and one lucky whiteboi https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/Girthy-Dick-uses-white-Twink-ass-and-mouth-30815261
    2 points
  9. Well said, there is a huge difference between a man's hole and a woman's pussy. As predominantly a top and bi I can tell you from plenty of experience they are not the same Besides she has an arsehole just the same as any man although it's incredibly rare to find a woman's shitter that feels as good as a man's anus.The majority of true pussy n cunt aren't as hot and sweet as a man's rear end They generally can't suck cock as good either but they are a lot prettier I often find myself in the opposite predicament as the topic of the OP. I'll be stuck with a raging hard on that pulses, spasms and twitches like crazy and so fucking rigid I can barely keep it from bursting out in public. At that point I really, badly need a hot, sexy bottom to fuck senseless,make. him come over n over until I blow my massive load deep inside him. If I've no choice than some dirty hooker's arsehole will do at a pinch but nothing beats a real masculine bottom to unload in Anyway SpermMyCumhole I'm not pretending to be gay,can't claim to be straight either. Not for over a decade now. I'm cannot be fucked pretending nor make any claims except one, you plant yourself on my cock n you won't be wanting to get off it mid way through nor will I be mentioning anyones cunt of pussy lol. In fact, if you go around punching tops that piss you off then you're my kind of bottom
    2 points
  10. Well unfortunately the next time wasn't quite as fruitful, but I did still get 2 loads. The second guy was a big black dude with a thick 8-incher. He held me down on the bed and pummeled me with his cock until I almost couldn't take it any more. A loud grunt, one deep thrust, and I could feel his cock pulsing as he shot his load deep into my guts. Amazing!
    2 points
  11. How about "That was really hot the other day. Are you up for a repeat?" The sex was good, and I want more is a pretty good reason to reach out to a trick. The way you approached him (I looked awful. No wonder you wanted me gone.) is totally the teenage drama queen approach. Just tell him what you want (to see/fuck/breed him again). It is WAY too soon to talk about feelings or anything, but you seem to have made a good sexual connection. After you fuck a second time, ask him if he would like to get a drink or coffee some time. If he is happy to fuck you but doesn't want to hang out, then at least you are on your way to a good fuck buddy.
    2 points
  12. Went to the bunker in Paris last night. V dark room. I leant against a cushioned bench, bent over ass ready. Quite a lot of people milling around and stuff strarting to. Happen but not for me. The I felt a hand brush my cheeks and feel my hole,,he stopped and guided his prick in. Damn, he was wearing a condom! But still, nice to get the first fuck. His cock semi stiff went it went in, hardened as he,thrust in and out. He grunted pulled out and left. I put my fingers up my ass, he had stealthed me! I could feel the stickiness inside me. A few more fucks and loads, and then I git team tagged. Again first guy fingers my hole, can feel the stickiness and pushes hi cock head in. It's really wide but with a nudge he breaks through and he is in, in cum heaven! He thrusts deeply and slowly, I can feel the cute churning and on his cock as he pulls for the longer strokes. I reach under and feel his tight balls. He starts to thrust harder, with longer strokes, every now and then pulling out, I gasp at the emptiness but love the feel of th cum leaking out. He fucks me like this for a good ten minutes. Then speeds up , I start to back onto him, I want this cum. He pushes deep and unloads with a groan, keeps thrusting fucking his cum into me, and eventually pulls out still semi hard and a big gob of cum comes with it. As I reach up to feel my warm runny hole another cock slides in. This is narrower, but flares at the base, he pushes in through the cum, his dick is already really hard and the cum is running down is cock out of my ass. We get into a rhythm as I back onto him as he thrusts in, we are both working this really hard! He pulls out and slams in, and again. His breath starts to get raggedy so I push back harder and he really groans, shoots his load in me and holds me there, on the end of his cock. We stay like that for a few minutes while he loses hardness and slops out. My hole is a complete mess, hot with cum, batttered, open, cum dribbling out. A great fuck!
    2 points
  13. If I'm letting a stud fuck me raw, it's already implied that he has the green light to unload deep in my hole. Any bottom who lets a top fuck him raw but makes him pull out shouldn't bareback at all.
    2 points
  14. Part 3 It had been nearly 16 years since I went back home to get Chase. After we left our old small town my sister discovered ‘our’ secret, the face that Chase and I were gay lovers and would not let him have contact with his sons although he was sending $5000 a week to her to support the three of them. My being her brother afforded me some contact with her and my nephews, but she was careful to monitor what was said. It wasn’t until the boys close to graduating high school that she allowed me (us) to buy the boys their own laptop computer to use for their schooling. I promised my sister that there would be software on both of them that would allow her to monitor what the boys did on the computers. What she didn’t know was that I had my computer expert install a program to bypass the monitoring software. Once the boys had the computers I could remotely activate the programs allowing us to communicate with the boys through video conference. I decided to contact them on my own without Chase to gage what she might have told them about him (and me). This was the first time I had seen the boys since they were 2 years old. They each had a nice lean swimmer’s build, looked a lot like their father in the face. I would be lying if didn’t admit that my cock stirred a little. I learned that they overheard her saying what a cock sucking faggot their father had turned out to be and if he wasn’t being so generous with his financial support she’d tell the boys the truth. The twins asked me if it was true that their dad was gay. I answered them honestly and let them know that not only was their dad gay, but their uncle as well. They both got a smirk on their faces as they let out a little laugh. That’s when I discovered that they definitely took after their father since they had been ‘messing around’ with each other for some time. Now they were 18 and about to graduate high school. Their mother wanted them to go to the local community college. I asked them what they really wanted to do with their future. I was pleasantly surprised (and a little shocked) when they said that they both wanted to come to the city and live with us. I told them that we’d have to discuss this with their father before a final decision would be made. I let Chase know that the software I had placed on the laptops was working and we could contact the boys at (just about) anytime. The next time we spoke with the boys all 4 of us were on video chat. I had not told Chase about the boys ‘sexual discovery’ when we contacted them together. I left it for the twins to tell him. What surprised me was the way that they decided to break the news. There they were on cam each wearing a pair of mesh basketball shorts when they said that they had something they wanted to tell him, but instead of telling him they showed him. We watched the barely 18 year old twins start making out and before we knew it they were in 69. I was hard as steel and could tell that Chase was turned on as well. Before we could get a word in edge wise before one of the twins had the other one’s legs on his shoulders and thrusted his bare cock inside his brother’s ass. After they were all done I don’t think that we could deny their request to join us in the city, but we needed to confront the barebacking issue. We asked them if they had been ‘messing around’ with anyone else back home. They replied, why, they got enough cock with each other. Then we asked about their barebacking and learned that they had enough education in health at school to know the risks and that that was part of the turn on to fucking. I don’t know if we were ready for their next question, but Chase’s answer surprised me. The boys asked about our sexual behavior and if we barebacked. Chase was quick to say that both of us only fuck raw. I noticed a strange grin on the twin’s faces when they asked, actually, it was more like they knew the answer as they said, “Then you’re both poz we bet.” Chase then took his shirt off to reveal his biohazard tattoo on his right pec (mine is on the left since I am the top in our relationship). The boys loved the ink work and hoped to earn their own someday. Chase let them know that we thought we could work something out if they came to live with us. The boys share an old pickup my sister had bought them and right after graduation they packed up their stuff and left in the middle of the night leaving a note for their mother that they had lived with her long enough and that it was time to live with dad.
    2 points
  15. That's hot man. I really do love black meat. It took me a while but my buddy and I decided to try our first slam. We were hanging with a guy that we'd partied with before and he asked if we wanted a shot. My buddy said yes, so I said sure too. I was thinking of a G shot - had no clue it was going to be a slam. He leads us to his bathroom which I thought was odd since the G was in the kitchen, but figured they got distracted. The next thing I knew he was measuring out crystal and placing it in syringes mixed with saline solution. My eyes must have been bugged out of my head. We'd been smoking and did some G earlier, so my inhibitions were already down. It turned me the fuck on! We waited a few minutes to let the solution reach it's potency and he asked which of us wanted to go first. My buddy Scott volunteered (fucking slutty pig! lol) and I watched as he tied off his bicep and wiped the veiny area with an alcohol swab. Within a few seconds, the needle was in his arm and he was talking Scott through what to expect. He pulled a bit of blood back into the syringe and slowly began to inject the tina into his veins. Scott took a few deep breaths, coughed a bit - and exclaimed "HOLY FUCK!" a few times and darted over towards the bed. I followed him to make sure he was ok and I could tell he WAS. He grabbed at my cock and just fucking needed it. It was incredibly hot. He sucked me and I fucked him a bit and then it was my turn. I laid back on the bed and assumed the position. Scott kept looking at me and I could tell he was flying so hard and just waiting for me to lift off and join him. It was the most intense feeling I've ever experienced. I just wanted dick and ass and MEN. Scott and I fucked and watched our hot daddy buddy slam himself - and joined us in lift off. We fucked and played and stretched each others man-holes for the next couple of hours. Our mutual craving of big black cock kicked in and we prepared 3 more slams for us and started hunting ...
    2 points
  16. My mouth was watering for big black cock and my hole was absolutely on fire. Scott grabbed a butt plug and inserted it into himself with a quick eyes-rolling-in-the-back-of-the-head effect. "Feel good, pig?" I asked......he just nodded and licked his lips and walked over to add more crystal to our pipe. We definitely wanted it ready for our hung black guest of honor. The torch heated the pipe and and that familiar crackle sound and the hum of the torch filled the room when a loud knock hit the door. Neither of us had checked messages recently. Scott smirked and handed me the pipe and torch and headed for the door. I hit that pipe and blew out a huge cloud. I heard a very deep voice introduce himself as Tyrell and heard his belt buckle hit the hardwood floor practically before the door closed behind him. As I walked over to the foyer, Scott was doing what he was born to do....on his knees deep throating that beautiful thick black cock. Tyrell loved it and motioned for the pipe. We passed it back and forth and he was telling us that he had come from a gang bang. Scott groaned at those words and I have to admit it turned me on, too and we both looked at each other wondering if there could be more in our near future. Tyrell got comfortable and motioned toward the bed. Clearly he was ready to fuck some white ass. He bent me over and ate my hole for a good four or five minutes. I had to have that huge piece. I crouched down a bit and offered him my pink fuck hole. He spit on his cock and slid the head in past my hungry lips. I felt that monster disappear deep inside me and he started to droll me with deep deliberate strokes. Scott hit the pipe, egging us on. We decided to switch up and Scott got on the edge of the bed and grabbed his ankles spreading his legs wide for our new buddy. Tyrell stepped a couple feet to his left and started plowing that hungry cunt. It wasn't long before his breathing became more intense and he grunted every couple of seconds.....finally dropping that sweet nut that we were so fucking crazed for. Tyrell assured us there'd be another round or two and I exited to prepare some G/gatorade cocktails.
    2 points
  17. We open the door to find Nate with his sexy buddy. They come in and set their things on the countertop. Scott and I both only have jockstraps on (sweaty and cum-stained, mind you) - so the fellas also begin to get more comfortable. Nate hits the pipe and Scott lets Nate's huge dick escape and gets down to sucking. Nate moans and his eyes rolling to the back of his head showed us how good he was feeling. Our new buddy was taking it all in....and hit the pipe a few times too. I leaned in for a shotgun and gave him some tongue to which he reciprocated hotly. He stood about 5'10" probably 195 or so. Cornfed midwestern football player looking mother fucker. He was definitely a turn on. I watched him smoke a little and started to loosen his jeans for him. He wasn't wearing underwear which was really hot. His cock flopped out and he was sporting major beer can wood. Probably 6 or 7 inches but thick as fuck! Scott greedily turned his attention to that monster and I dove into that beefy, hairy butt. It was a little sweaty and a hint of cum. Nate's cum I assumed. After a few minutes I couldn't resist much longer and stood up and pushed my jockstrap aside and let my hard cock rest against his hairy butt. He wanted it as much as I did and backed up a bit and took my dick in his hand - guiding it closer to his hole. We fucked against the countertop for a few minutes and Nate fucked Scott's sloppy hole right beside us. Pretty fucking intense. Nate pumped out another hot load in Scott and headed to the rest room. We temporarily stopped our play to smoke a bit more and change the porn DVD. Nate had to depart but left it up to his buddy whether to stay or leave with him. Obviously, we were hoping he'd stay but he needed to let his dogs out. Reality check, I guess. and didn't realize that the sun was about to rise. Jotted down our names, numbers and the address for him and told him to come back in a bit. He didn't confirm or deny but we could tell he was definitely pondering the thought. It wasn't more than 5 minutes or so later that he sent a text asking for the pipe to be loaded and the door unlocked for another round in about 45 minutes. Fuck yea!
    2 points
  18. While Scott was cleaning and licking every inch of that black cock, i knelt down to play with his sloppy hole. It was warm and wet and I stuck two fingers in to play with the cum and to keep his hole hungry - although I knew that wasn't going to be a problem since Nate's load was tina-charged. Nate told us to continue having fun and that he had some errands to run and would check back with us later. I certainly hoped so because I wanted that raw black dick inside me. He left us the with the pipe, the lighter and a baggie of meth. As the door shut, I struck the lighter so Scott could tear open the bag to load the pipe. We were both rock fucking hard and passing the pipe back and forth. VerbaI piggy talk as i fucked his muscle butt....all cummy and sloppy. We hit the pipe again and decided it was time to for a scenery change. We agreed that if we came across some hot fuckers we'd stay at the sex club and drain some cock for a bit. If not, we'd head back to Scott's and play some more and log in to bbrt/a4a/scruff to hunt for bareback dick. There wasn't much of interest in the club, at least not in present view. So, we decided to head out. We're back at Scott's both high as fuck and we had two hot studs back to back with big dicks that wanted to pump bareback (even though the profiles said safe). Scott thinks he had at least 5 loads in by that point so I asked him to sit on my face and let me munch. I sucked that throbbing hole and ate as much nut as I could. When you think about it, it's really fucking hot to eat stranger's loads out of your buddy's muscle ass. I shared the cum remnants on my tongue for him and we kissed deeply when there was another knock on the door. Paolo was a neighbor in Scott's building and we'd all played a couple times. Always safe, unfortunately and never fucked up on tina. He said he saw horny and saw us both online and figured we were together. He was barely in the doorway before we had his pants down. A really sexy fucker with a thick Brazilian accent and a thick Brazilian cock. He was quite horned up so we knew we had a decent chance of getting him to bareback one of us. Scott was performing his usual deep throat magic while I was laying back on the bed staring into his eyes and fingering my fuzzy hole. He kept licking his lips and eventually nudged his way onto the bed and grabbed me by the ankles to line his raw cock up to my hole. He teased the tip and it felt so hot and I knew he wanted to shove it deep and breed my ass. He overthought it, though, and pulled back and hopped to his jeans to get a rubber. Obviously, I was disappointed but I still wanted Paolo's pole. And he clearly wanted my hole. He pounded the shit out of me for three or four minutes before blasting. My God I was so envious of that fucking rubber. As he pulled out, I gently grabbed his cock and the rubber and said I'd take care of it and darted off to the bathroom. Scott escorted our Brazilian stud out and joined me in the bathroom. Of course I saved the rubber with Paolo's huge cum wad. I emptied it onto Scott's tongue and we passionately made out for a few minutes sharing that tasty DNA. We knew it was time to kick it up a notch. And we wanted Nate back - or at least some other huge black cock. Like clockwork, we hear a text alert on Scott's phone. It's Nate and he's dropping a buddy off in the neighborhood and was wondering if we were still 'up'. Scott jokingly said to swing by his place before dropping his buddy off. There was a couple seconds of silence on the other end while Nate was probably pondering .... and finally said, "ok cool, we can drop by for a minute." We scrambled for a minute or two to clean up the condo a bit - you know how it can be in a sketchy state. And before we knew it, another knock on the door.....
    2 points
  19. I've been slamming Tina for about a year now and ive never felt like such a cockslut. I love it; there's only one issue- I've never been fucked after I slam. I spend 12-14 hours watching porn with big white alpha cock, in awe of an endless supply of images but I can never seem to find a guy willing to follow through and fuck me. I ache for my hole to be filled, but in the moment, I'm pretty satisfied staring at giant cocks on tumblr. I need more. I can't keep wasting this cockwhore state I get into when I have Tina coursing thru my veins. I worship cock as a god, now I must kneel at the alter. I need to feel the hot flesh of a hard cock; smell the musky testosterone of an alphas bull balls; offer my hole up to my god and take its seed. I clear a week, mix up 3 rigs (.4 and 2 .3's) and head towards the rest area where I plan to make myself available to any and all cocks on the grimy piss soaked floor of the bathroom. In the past I've been afraid of being reported, embarrassed or beat up for being such a faggot but I didn't care anymore. My arm is itching for a slam, my cock is hardening under my jock and loose sweatpants. I have a black tank top tightly fitted to my toned hairy torso. I debated shaving all my body hair off to attract more straight men but I want an alpha who looks past masculine and feminine and just sees a cocksucker that needs to be used. I keep my pubes from getting too unruly but my ass and thighs have a nice layer of fuzz. I park outside of the restrooms and hurry inside. Empty. I get in a stall and pull out the .4 from my knee high black socks and an alcohol wipe from my sweats. No tie off needed as I wipe my arm, take a few deep breaths and line my needle up and slowly slide into the vein on the inside of my elbow. I pull the plunger back and immediately see a red cloud in the chamber. Slowly I push the plunger back down, as I watch the chems enter my body I think about how uninhibited I will become. The plunger hits the bottom "here comes the fun" I whisper as I withdraw the needle and raise my arm up above my head. I cough three times and feel the warmth spread thru my body. "Oh fuck.. oh fuck!" I keep moaning as the wave of euphoria crashes into me. I rip my clothes off. I'm sitting on a dirty truck stop toilet in a jock strap and knee high socks tweaking my nipples and moaning. "Hail Sarah Palin, hail meth, hail COCK!" I chant over and over. My prayers are answered when I hear footsteps. I make sure my stall is unlocked and get on my knees in the corner behind the toilet.. my chest is heaving as he walks in. He's tall (alphas usually are) maybe 6'3. He wears loose fitting Levi's but it's clear they house thick tree trunks. His forearms are beefy and thick, covered in black hair that goes up to his exposed biceps. He's got a belly but it's firm like maybe he was a wrestler back in the day. His shaved head glisten in the light and his blue eyes barely acknowledged my presence. He pulls his pants down as he sits on the toilet giving me the perfect view and whiff off his beefy hairy ass. His tight pucker buried in fur. "You gonna just sit there and watch me shit or you gonna come suck my fat cock?" He said a little impatiently. I scrambled to get between his knees and immediately take his soft but fat dick into my mouth. "Fuck ya take care of a real mans cock. Get it hard". I begin to lovingly suck this studs cock while he relieves himself on the toilet. It's not long before he's flushing and his cock is hard as diamond and standing straight up at what has to be at least 8 inches with a 6 inch girth. I start sucking his sweaty hairy nutsack. His manly scent is making my delirious. I rub my face in his crotch trying to cover myself in his man musk. "Good faggot.. get masters scent". He's fucking my face when two sets of footsteps approach. I realize the stall is still unlocked but I can't tear myself away from this god cock. "Dad?" I hear. "Go back out with your mom, daddy needs to use the bathroom alone". The door opens to our hot scene while "daddy" is already stroking his fat cock. Master pulls me off and spins me around so I can service this daddy's cock. Not particularly attractive but he did have a nice fat beer can cock and some hairy low hangers. Before I knew it he was pressing my head down and shooting ropes of cum down my throat before pulling out to get a few shots across my face. He spits on me and leaves. I'm in heaven. "Get up boy, I'm taking you for a while." He grabs my clothes but pushes me out without letting me dress. I walk to his truck in my jock and socks knowing that anyone looking in my direction knows I'm about to get used by this big hairy alpha. He's putting the truck into gear when he tells me to start sucking his cock while he drives.. I don't where we're going but I don't care as I go back to work on masters hard cock.
    1 point
  20. Having only had a handful of successful meets, I'm curious about the 'how to's' of bottoming. I get so turned on by the idea, and can spend a good few hours in an edging wank session fingering my hole. By the end I can get three or four fingers inside and I produce a decent gape. (Can share photos elsewhere, e.g. Kik!) My question, I guess, is how can I open up more. I can just about reach my 'second ring' and would ideally like to find a nice patient top who's happy to spend the time working his swollen cockhead inside it gently. I guess dildos or plugs are the next step? And am I correct in thinking it's best to 'push out' to make the hole more receptive to the cock head?
    1 point
  21. 19, 6'2", bottom, 160 lbs, cant host but have a car, bb and ff, submissive
    1 point
  22. I went to the Poz, Prep, Play sex party this past Wed night at the sex club and ended up getting fucked and filled by 11 guys. As usual, I was wearing just a jockstrap, collar and boots and just bent over the fuck bench and spread my pre-lubed cunt open. I was hitting the poppers heavily as each guy took turns fucking my poz slut cunt. After the sixth guy shot his hot load in me I decided to move to the sling to get in a more comfortable position. While in the sling, another five guys came up and took turns fucking and pumping my cum filled cunt with even more poz loads. It was a totally hot night and I definitely got a much needed recharge!
    1 point
  23. Hooked up with the same poz fuckbuddy thats been fucking me a few times a week today. Hadn't seen him a few days. Tonight came over his place after work, after some heavy making out, he flips me on my stomach and mounts me as I take a few hits on the poppers. A lot more verbal poz talk between the 2 of us tonight as he starts moving in and out of me faster. Right as he was about to cum, he tells me hes dumping a few days worth of toxic cream in me. He flips me over and gives me an amazing bj which he swallowed. We laid around for a bit and made out some more before he rolls me on my stomach again for round 2. This time hes fucking me longer, but I am also squeezing his cock with my anal muscles. He erupted a second time inside me. Told him to don't pull out and lay there while hes still inside me. We passed out with his cock still lodged deep in me, wake up a bit later then I went home with his load dripping out of my hole as I'm driving.
    1 point
  24. Dude, as a top you likely are neg. many guys are actually versatile and that's likely how "tops" got poz. Anything is possible. By all rights I should be dead. I wont used condoms, and although I have been on prep for about a year or so, I have taken thousands of loads since the 70s including some I actually knew were poz. I am addicted to cum in my ass. Funny thing, after bottoming bare for thousands of guys including in the early 80s when there was nothing to keep HIV under control, I am still Neg. out of fear I didn't test for years. If I am neg, you easily can be too
    1 point
  25. I agree with you on the first point. It's not fine for everyone, I for one like guys willing to play with the fantasy of the condom breaking. On the comment about having sex with guys who look unhealthy, that is not in itself a guarantee one way or another of keeping yourself from catching something. Viral load can be high without showing symptoms, people that 'look' unhealthy might actually be perfectly healthy. The days of being able to identify people with HIV solely on how healthy they look are long gone. There may be some people that is not the case for, but the vast majority of poz men you would not know have it without seeing lab results. How someone looks is more about personal, subjective preference than not.
    1 point
  26. I used to just cheat on my boyfriend to get loads, so when he broached the subject of having an open relationship, I was quite receptive, particularly as that way there would be much less sneaking around. Naturally we agreed to some rules, of of which is we can't bareback with other guys. Unknown to my boyfriend, however, that is a rule with which I cannot comply. Another rule is that we've agreed to share our experiences with one another. I am in complete agreement with that rule. We love hearing about each other's fun, but obviously I leave out the little detail that I generally get bred by each guy with whom I play. I am white, 25, live in Orlando and love putting myself in risky situations, such as the following story. One of my buddies loves breeding me, and when one day he messaged me asking when I would next be free, I replied I could be at his place within 10 minutes. As I walked out the door, I gave my boyfriend a kiss, I said "I'm going out," which is our code which signifies I was going out for dick. MY friend was a little taller than me, so average dude height, and in his late 20s. We chatted a bit about life and what not before he gestured for me to move to his bedroom, where, once there we began making out. Within seconds I pushed him onto his bed, stripped off his clothing and went down on his cock as I struggled to remove my own clothing. His cock quickly rose to a full, heavy erection. His cock is a respectable 7 inches (18cm). It is also somewhat thick, certainly much thicker than most cocks, even if it wouldn't be labeled a beer can cock. I jumped up and grabbed my poppers and my favorite silicone lube which I knew I would need as his cock is a bit too thick for my tight hole. I also just really really love poppers. Straddling him, I slowly sat on his cock, taking hits every few minutes to keep the euphoria going. He made me bounce on his cock for about 15 minutes before he told me he was close and wanted to fuck me another way. That was fine by me since my legs were super sore from the bouncing. Getting me on all fours, I took another hit as he re-entered me. Being fucked this way was so much easier for me to control the popper bottle and be absolutely ravaged. He kept fucking until he wanted me on my back. I obliged, keeping him inside me as I swung my leg over his head. Placing his forearm on my throat, he rapidly thrust into me a minute more before unloading deep in my hole. ******************************************************** After I left his place sat in the parking lot of my buddy's apartment and went on Grindr, messaging a guy I had blown off earlier as I hadn't the time to play, but now I was ready. Fortunately he answered, readily agreeing to get together. His address was a short five minute ride, which is one of the advantages of living in a city. Anyhow, I arrived at his place and laid eyes on a Hispanic guy, quite buff, around my height, so he was in truth a bit smaller than the average man. Once the door was closed he pinned me to the wall and made out with me as he quite literally dragged me down the hall to his room. We rounded corners and stumbled about in excitement, knocking some photographs off the wall in the process. He didn't care - he needed release. Arriving at his room, he wanked my pants down and stripped off his underwear, which was all he had been wearing. Pushing me onto his bed, he grabbed his lube and poppers, giving me the latter, and recommending I take several deep and long hits. Throwing my legs in the air, he unceremoniously rammed his cock into my hole, fucking me with an animalistic fury. Honestly it was a great fuck, and his cock just big enough to be extremely pleasurable. His pounding continued for less than ten minutes before he grabbed my chest and shoulders and rhythmically squeezed, each squeeze coinciding with a copious, thick jet of cum shooting into my ass. Afterwards he thanked me, asking me to message him again when I wanted his load. **************************************** The final load of the night came a few hours later when a guy I knew contacted me asking if I wanted to get together to watch some movies and have some fun. No problems with me. He lived about 15 minutes away and when I arrived he was standing outside, greeting me warmly as I stepped out of the car. Fast-forward 45 minutes his dick was in my ass as for the second time he unloaded. At the start of the second movie, Magic Mike, he slid a 13 inch alien dildo from Bad Dragon inside my hole. The dildo is actually designed to insert objects deep inside the anus, but thankfully we didn't do that but DPing me with the dildo was the only way he could finish his third and final orgasm. Poppers or not, DPing fucking hurt, but I wouldn't have it any other way. ******************************************************** Thanks guys for reading. I've been a lurker here forever and finally found myself sufficiently confident enough to share some of my experiences.
    1 point
  27. Leather, I guess when you're fucking him, you just turn your tap on and fill his cunt. A great feeling had!
    1 point
  28. My favorite scene. Nothing gets your blood pumping like hearing that door swing open.
    1 point
  29. Hot fucking story. I love how you write.
    1 point
  30. Pumping yet another craigs lister balls deep with my hot toxic load. My boy took the photo after he pumped his load down his throat. As I said good boy take that Toxic load he sort of shuddered at the thought and after asked are you rely HIV+? I said yes all he said is holy fuck I never thought to ask. and left in a hurry.
    1 point
  31. A couple of weeks ago I was in Chicago for a few days. I was staying at a very nice, older hotel right on Michigan Avenue's Miracle Mile. I finished early for the day and was back in my room shortly after noon. I was horny for some dick. I posted on Craigslist that I was hosting in my room. I stated the general location of the hotel. And stated that I especially loved BBC. It didn't take long before I got a reply from a black guy with a bbc, just like I was looking for. We chatted back and forth for a few emails. He said he didn't have any pics of his dick. But gave his stats as 40 years old. 6'6", black, muscular, and he was a married guy. He said he had 11"s of cut cock. He told me that he's str8. But liked to get sucked by guys. And he really loved to get his ass rimmed. He said he rarely fucked guys. But if he got horny enough, he might fuck me. Then he told me that he was just getting ready to drive his wife and daughters to the shops across the street from my hotel. After they had lunch, he could leave them for awhile while they shopped at Bloomingdales and some of the other shops for Christmas. And he'd like to come across the street for me to suck and rim him. I was disappointed he didn't send any pics. But if his stats were honest, he sounded HOT. So, I gave him my cell number and asked him to call me when they were through with lunch. I'd then give him my room number and be ready for him. While I waited for him, I douched myself really clean. And took a shower. Sure enough, about an hour and a half later, my cell rang. It was him. He said he'd just left his wife and daughters and was heading out of the mall onto Michigan Ave. As I gave him my room number, I walked to my window, which looked out onto Michigan Ave. I peered down to where the mall doors were. And walking away from them I could make out a very tall black man in a tan overcoat walking towards the corner crosswalk. It was difficult to see too much from my distance. But I was impressed by his large size. If that was indeed him? I could see him crossing the street in my direction, then lost sight of him as he got to my side of the street. A few minutes later, there was a knock at my door. I opened the door to see a very tall, very handsome, very muscular black man in a tan, wool overcoat standing in front of me. My heart nearly skipped a beat or two when I saw not only his handsome face, but his muscular frame. I invited him in. He told me he was nervous. He'd only done this a few times before. But that he'd been so horny lately. His wife had been so busy with all the Christmas preparations, that he hadn't gotten off in over a week. He really needed a blow job. I told him to get comfortable as I began to undress. He quickly shed his clothes. His clothes all had that expensive, executive look to them. Tan, wool overcoat. Dark grey wool slacks. Beautiful, expensive looking shoes. A gorgeous watch that looked like a Rolex. And a wedding ring that was a simple silver band, with small diamonds all the way around it in the center. As he shed his clothes, he was showing off one of the most incredible bodies I've ever seen. He had Billy Dee Williams good looks. The height of a NBA basketball player. And the muscular build of an NFL quarterback. He stripped completely, then laid on the bed, with several of the pillows propped behind him. So he could watch me servicing his cock. I climbed between his muscular thighs and took is flaccid cock into my mouth. It didn't take long for it to begin to grow in my mouth. In about 2 minutes, he had a full, rock hard cock filling my mouth. I licked up and down the shaft. Then sucked both of his balls. Then he turned himself over and got himself on his hands and knees. His ass in my face. I spread his hard, muscular ass cheeks and licked his beautiful, puckered hole. I spread his hole with my fingers and licked the soft, pink insides of his asshole. He was loving it and squirming on my face. I ate and worshipped his ass for about 5 minutes. Pausing momentarily a few times to sniff some poppers. Finally, he flipped back over onto his back and told me to suck him again. I again went back to sucking on his gorgeous cock. His 11" description was on the conservative side. He could have easily had well over 12". And super thick. I came up for air and said, "I want your dick in my ass". He laughed and said, "You think you can handle it? A lot of guys want me to fuck them. But few can actually take it". "I don't know if I can actually take it, either? But I sure want to try." He laughed again. "I don't fuck with condoms, though. Condoms make me go soft. Are you alright with taking it bare?" Not wanting to appear tooooo anxious, I said, "Yeah. That's cool". But in reality, I wanted to shout out...."FUCK YEAH..!!! FUCK ME BARE WITH THE BBC OF YOURS!!!" While I normally just like using spit as lube, I knew I was going to need a lot of slick lube to be able to accommodate his BBC. I reached for the lube I had on the nightstand. I lubed up my own hole. Then squeezed some on his cock. Lubing it up, so it was really slick. Then I gave my ass one extra finger full of lube, just to make sure. "How do you want to fuck me", I asked? "Sit on me", he said. With him laying on his back, I straddled him. Putting his bbc up to my hole. I knew I was going to need some poppers in order to take him. I took a few, deep sniffs of poppers. Then started to lower myself onto his big, black and thick cock. I got part way down onto it and had to hold it there to adjust to the size of it. And to take some more sniffs of poppers. Thankfully, I had a fresh bottle that gave me a good rush. I continued to lower my ass down onto his cock, till I could feel his bushy pubes against my ass cheeks. I held his cock there for a few moments to adjust. Then began to rock back and forth on it. He reached up and pinched my nipples. Well,,,,,,,,,my nipples are hard wired. That's all it took for me to start to bounce up and down on his cock. My ass had adjusted to his girth and length. And I was enjoying the feel of his cock filling my ass. I rode him like that for 4 or 5 minutes. Then he pushed me off him and told me to kneel on the edge of the bed. I did as he told me as he climbed off the bed and stood behind me. He put his cock back up to my asshole and pushed back inside me. "Ahhhhhh.........fuck...!!!!", I groaned. He slid even deeper into me. It hurt just a bit, but I took another couple of sniffs of poppers to loosen up. "Let me try those", he said. I reached back to hand him the bottle of Amsterdam Poppers. He took a couple of sniffs. Put the cap back on and tossed the bottle onto the mattress next to my head. I took another sniff and settled in to take a deep pounding from this monster cock. He slapped my ass as he was fucking me. "You like my big black cock in your white pussy", he asked? "Fuck, Yeah", I growled. "You're gonna' take it like a bitch, faggot". This handsome, educated, wealthy businessman was turning into a fowl mouthed, horny, fag fucker as he pounded my ass. It was a huge turn on to hear him degrading me as he fucked my white hole. "Yeah, your white pussy feels good, baby. Not many white faggots can take this dick of mine". "Fuck me, Sir. Fuck me", I grunted as he pounded my ass with his big black dick. He'd slap my ass hard. It would sting a bit. But felt good at the same time. Each time he'd thrust into me, I could hear him grunt, under his breath the words "faggot, whore, pussy, cunt, queer, cocksucker, slut". His thrusts were getting harder and deeper with each thrust. His body was slamming into me so hard, that the bedframe was slamming against the wall. And his body was making a slapping sound as it rammed against me. "Take my load, you fuckin' faggot" and he thrust into me hard and deep. I squeezed my ass on him as his body shook in orgasm. He grabbed my shoulders and held himself deep inside me as he continued to shake in orgasm. A loud, muffled growl was coming from him as I continued to milk his cock with my ass muscles. A few more quick thrusts, then he pulled out and collapsed onto the mattress, next to me. I rolled and collapsed alongside him. I snuggled up to him as we both laid there, catching our breaths. I stroked his muscular chest and played with his erect nipples as spooned him. I would have loved for that to have gone on for a long time. But he got up and asked if he could shower? "Of course", I said. This giant piece of masculinity climbed off my bed. His big, monster cock, now soft and swinging between his legs, moved to the bathroom and I heard the water start to run in the shower. I dressed and sat in a chair, waiting for him to return. He came back into the room as he was drying his beautiful black body with the white hotel towel. I watched and admired his perfect body as he dressed in silence. A simple "Thanks" was all he said as he walked to the door. Unlocked it and stepped out into the hallway. I walked to my window. About 4 minutes later I saw him crossing Michigan Avenue. His cell phone pressed to his ear. No doubt, calling his wife, so he could meet up again with his wife and daughters. They'd have no idea that as they were picking out his Christmas gifts, he was across the street, pounding the ass of a white faggot, who would keep his cum warm in my hole for the next 5 hours. Before it finally had to make it's exit out of my ass. When I finally did expel his cum from my hole. I must have had 3 table spoons or more of cum drop into the toilet bowl the first time. Then a few minutes later I had to go back to the toilet to expel another couple of table spoons full of cum. My ass was too sore the rest of that day to take anymore dick. But the good pain I felt in my ass the rest of the day, was just a nice reminder of the huge dick that had fucked and filled me that afternoon. Damn! No wonder I love big black cocks.
    1 point
  32. See, another good one. And this one could have more chapters to it.
    1 point
  33. A guy I fucked 3 weeks ago has been very sick this week. I think I might be a new daddy!
    1 point
  34. After a nice hot piss fuck this morning we used this nice dildo inside the gym sluts diaper. this way when he moves or walks it will slide in and out keeping his hole open and ready for more breeding. I must say he is sick big time and has to have the fuck flu from my boy breeding him at the gym. I am so proud of my boy. I do know this little slut just whimpers now each time we fuck him. he just cant fight us off and he now knows he has been breed and has toxic cum flowing through his veins wrecking his body
    1 point
  35. I have a special cocktail to share with you .... then ... and then its your turn ...
    1 point
  36. Sure, dildos (starting small & gradually increasing in size), plugs and so on are good for training and need to be used regularly ... unless of course the real thing is on offer every day or two! But the starting point is very similar to training to take a fist ... cleaning out well, making sure there is no trapped wind and also that as much douche water as possible has come out or has been absorbed. Lube is important especially for beginners. Of course it is important to be warm and relaxed but beginners don't realise how important it is to get your mind to accept that a cock, or a toy, or a fist (or even two fists!) CAN get inside. Make your brain think through your arse. Finally, a sniff or two of poppers may make it even easier.
    1 point
  37. Would this help ? .....
    1 point
  38. ***Okay, I toyed with a couple of ideas for this next bit. I'll post this one for now, and maybe later a slight variation if it works out the way I like.*** “So you want this fuckin’ AIDS seed?” he asked me. As if he even had to ask?! I had literally just got done fighting him for it. I began to swivel my hips and ride his stiff prick, desperate for another helping. “You’re so fucked up,” he said. “You know you’re going to get infected if you keep this up.” “That’s kind of the point,” I panted. Just as it seemed that he might be getting into it, he clearly had a powerful pang of guilt and he flung me off of him once again. “No! You can’t do this,” he protested, jumping up off of the bed. “I won’t do this to you. You seem like a really nice guy, I can’t be responsible.” “I am responsible!” I retorted. “So am I. I shouldn’t have given in the first time. I was weak, but I need to stay strong -that’s my responsibility ever since diagnosis.” He grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me off of the bed, down the hall to the bathroom, where he shoved me into the shower, turned it on, and proceeded to practically rape my ass with the shower douche! “This might not help, but you’ll thank me in the morning,” he growled to me as I struggled against him. I might have had the upper hand when I was sitting on top of him, but standing up I was no match -he’s twice my size! When he was done with rinsing me out he dried me off, threw my clothes at me and dragged me out to the car. I had no idea where he was taking me -this was the strangest hook-up I’ve ever had. Five minutes later he was pulling up to the ER. What the fuck?! “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I moaned. “My buddy works in the ER. He’ll give you some pills to clear you. Come on,” he growled, hopping out of the car and coming around to my side when I didn’t bother to open the door. “If you were going to make me take these, why didn’t you just keep fucking me and let us both enjoy ourselves?” I complained. He seemed stumped. In his panic to take the weight of the toxic world on his shoulders, he didn’t even imagine he could just have fun for a while before getting me all medicated up. After a few minutes pondering, a slight grin pulled at his lips. “Fine, I’ll make you a deal. You go in and get the meds from my buddy, and when I take you home we can fuck again. Nothing to worry about at that point.” “Deal,” I replied confidently, the wheels in my brain already churning. “One more thing-” “What?” he sighed in exasperation. “Do you have a name or should I just call you ‘selfish asshole’?” He laughed. “Selfish asshole? Really?” “Well, that’s what I’ve been calling you in my head, so I just figured-” “Will. My name is Will.” “Fine. Will. I’m Stephen.” We walked into the ER, which was surprisingly quiet for that time of night. I would have figured all kinds of crap went down in the middle of the night. Knifings, shootings, overdoses. A seriously hunky doctor came straight for us, smiling at Will. “Will, what’s up?” “Hey, Josh. I need a little favor,” he said furtively, making a slight nod in my direction. “What’s the problem?” Josh asked. “We got a little carried away earlier and things got a little . . . unsafe,” he told his buddy as diplomatically as possible. “Can you give him that medication you told me about?” Josh smiled at me and said, “Sure, follow me. Will, you can stay here for a few minutes. Won’t take long.” I followed Josh to an exam room and he had me sit on one of those awful cushioned tables with the paper on top of it. And then he stared me down. “So, things got out of hand?” he leered. Subtle, why doesn’t he do the ‘wink, wink, nudge, nudge,’ too? “He came in me without a condom. I don’t see what the big deal is,” I blurted out. The look of surprise on his handsome face was priceless. “Well, you do realize that he has quite a high viral load at this point.” “I’m aware of that,” I told him coolly. A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth and he tried to conceal it. He went to a cabinet off to my right to retrieve the medication they’d been discussing. As he reached up to the top shelf, the blue hospital issue shirt he wore under the white doctor coat hiked up and revealed a small biohazard tattoo just above his right hip bone. Interesting. Pills in hand, he turned back to me. I could see that the bulge in his crotch had started to stir and grow, not obscenely, but something had ticked his pulse up a notch. “So, it doesn’t bother you to have unmedicated men breed you?” he asked. I’m not into playing games so I told him boldly, “I love it.” His eyebrows shot up and his smile was huge. As was the bulge, now growing before my very eyes. “Tell you what, I’ll give you some of my own to take home with you as long as you take this in front of me,” he said, waving the packet of meds at me. “Fine,” was all I could say. Despite how brutalized my hole felt after that violent douching, it was twitching in anticipation. So was my dick, which was tenting huge in the front of my pants. I popped the pills in my mouth, turned around and waved my ass at him. I immediately felt his hands on my hips, and then he pulled my pants down to my ankles. “Off,” he ordered, so I lifted first one foot and then the other to shake myself free of my pants. Not about to waste any time, plus in a hospital we couldn’t know if someone would come looking for him, he quickly lined his dick up to my waiting hole. He teased the opening for a couple of seconds, and I could feel that his dick head was nice and fat, and then he shoved forward, driving at least half of his shaft into me. I groaned in my mouth, trying to contain myself so we wouldn’t draw attention to us. He held onto my hips and leaned back, watching his dick slamming in and out of my ravaged hole. Knowing that he was occupied with the view, I took the opportunity to spit the pills out that I’d pretended to swallow. I had held them between a couple of molars so that they wouldn’t dissolve at all in any of my saliva, and in my palm they were still fully in tact. “You guys must have had a good time,” he commented. “Your hole is bleeding.” I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised after that shower scene, but I was. “It is?” “Don’t worry, not a lot. But some streaks on my dick. Don’t matter, it’ll just lube your hole for my dick. And his. I assume he’s going to fuck you again after you leave here.” “That’s the plan,” I told him. “Then it’s a good thing we got you squared away now so you can settle in and enjoy yourself,” he said, picking up the pace and slamming me hard. “You want it?” “Give it to me,” I hissed. He stifled a low growl in clenched teeth as his balls erupted in my ass, flooding me with toxic seed. I was in heaven and I never wanted that feeling to end. But as with all good things . . . We straightened up, set our clothes properly, and exited the room as professionally as possible, no one the wiser as to what had just happened in the examination room. Josh walked me out to the waiting room and Will. They shook hands, smiled, and made a couple of minutes of small talk. “He’s all set,” Josh told him. “Have at it. Free pass tonight,” he told him slyly, turning to leave, but stopping to say his good-bye to me. “Thanks, doc. I really appreciate your bedside manner,” I said, unable to control my grin. We shook hands and then I turned to follow Will out, turning to see Josh staring at the pills I had slipped into his hand. He shook his head at me, but the smile on his face told me he wasn’t pissed, and the tent in his pants made his real feelings perfectly clear. He gave me a wink, and then pulled his white lab coat closed to conceal his hard-on, and then turned and left. Back in the car, Will looked over at me for a moment, then leaned across and planted a kiss on me that went all the way down to my toes. “See, it wasn’t so bad. Now we’ve got all night to enjoy and not worry.” If only he knew . . .
    1 point
  39. been taking a liking to sketchy sex lately
    1 point
  40. POZ sex load # 4 of my chase delivered on my way home from work. Cannot believe I have been missing this for years. Each time is getting , easier, less tension, better sex and all around more arousing. I know where this is leading and I am enjoying the journey
    1 point
  41. have done -- awesome -- the pain / pleasure is incredible -- especially when that piss is ... dark colored
    1 point
  42. Loving the fact there are others like me out there! Keep the responses cumming! Would love to connect and chat with others in this thread so feel free to message me with your contact info.
    1 point
  43. Once inside, Mike closed the back door behind his fuck buddy who stood waiting for Mike. Mike gestured to follow him and walked to the stairs and up to the master bedroom with his fuck buddy trailing behind, both silent. Mike went right for the bed and lied down on his back and said to his fuckbuddy, "Get comfortable. Lie down, chill,", and watched his buddy strip down to his briefs and lie down beside Mike. "I never even knew your first name until tonight. I know that we agreed to that for discretions' sake, but that was blown out of the water tonight. You know that I would never do anything to cause you any problems?" His fuckbuddy nodded in agreement. It was dark but Mike could feel his fuckbuddy staring right at him. "Can I call you Lawrence?" "Sure, but most people call me Larry." "Well, Larry, I gotta thank you for coming back and getting me out of there." "I am sorry that I suggested that we even go to that bathhouse. I feel like this is my fault." "It isn't your fault." "I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you strapped to that bench, drenched in sweat, spun, cum all over your ass and in your crack, on your face, in your hair. You were literally coated in cum. How any guys fucked you? What do you remember?" "I remember a whole bunch of images or short moments but it was all hazy and hard to tell what was real and what wasn't. I passed out a few times, and each time I came to there was a different cock in my mouth. Once someone took off the blindfold, even though I couldn't focus my eyes, I could catch a glimpse. I don't know. I just remember feeling full of cock all the time, and I would be lying if I said that at some point I didn't start to enjoy it, cause I did. That's the thing that disturbs me the most." "But you thought I was there?" "Yeah, I know, I was seeing things. They injected me at least twice that I remember and from what I can tell it was probably crystal meth." Mike touched to spot on his left arm where he got the first injection. "I was so high for I don't know how long before I really even knew what was happening. At first, I was flipping out, terrified, and then when someone made it clear that I was going to get shot up, and I felt it go in my arm, I just let go, like that guy Jerry said. He whispered in my ear: "We are going to get you high no matter what. If you hold still, it will be quick, but if you move around, you're gonna get a bunch of nasty abscesses and have to explain to everyone why you look like a junkie" "Holy fuck. How'd it feel?" "Well, it's intense. A kind of ringing in my ears, and then I coughed for a bit. Then I was flying. And everything was blurry, unclear, and I sort of had no thoughts about anything but the feeling of a cock against my hole and another one slapping against my face. And when I felt that first cock in my ass and that first cock in my mouth after they injected me, that's all there was: cock. I have never been so hungry for sex in my life and I have done my fair share of drugs" "Holy fuck, wow. I admit that not only was I pissed off that I didn't get to fuck you, but - and I hope this doesn't piss you off - but I got hard when I walked up to the door of the room in the bathhouse, and saw you strapped in. When I felt your ass and crack, and the wetness, I put my fingers in my mouth and realized that it was cum. I was rockhard at the thought that you got barefucked and you got loads. I know we have always played safe, but I couldn't help it and I can't now: I am rock hard just picturing you there." Mike reached down to Larry's cock. It was hard. Mike moved his head down to Larry's crotch, never letting go of his cock. He squeezed that cock just lightly, then leaned in until he could slap the cock against his lips. Larry was moaning. Mike opened his mouth and slowly slid the whole length of Larry's cock into his mouth, until Mike felt his lips around the base of the cock. Larry's hands moved to Mike's head, keeping him in place and keeping his cock deep in Mike's throat. Mike started to show signs of gagging, but Larry held fast. All of a sudden Mike started violently gagging and Larry let go of his head. "Larry, my throat hurts from last night. I think it took a real beating and feels raw." "It's ok, let's just chill." Mike moved to lie beside Larry and they laid there in silence in the dark for a while. PIng. "Fuck. Where's my phone?" Mike was fumbling around on the bed, then turned on the bedside light, and scanned the room, realizing that he left his phone downstairs. He got up and told Larry he was going to check his messages in case it was his wife. He walked out and headed downstairs. He went to the back door and there was his phone on the table. He picked it up and saw that he had a text. He didn't recognize the number, and opened it. There was an attachment, so clicked on the attachment and all of a sudden he was looking at a vid clip that was difficult to make out, but then, clearly, his face in plain view, with a cock going in and out of his mouth. Someone says something in the background and Mike stops sucking the cock, and looks right at the camera and says: "Fuck me raw. Dump in me". Mike couldn't breathe. Who the fuck sent this? He checked the number again and it looked like a local number so he called it. It rang and then someone answered, a guy, who said, "That was just a tiny preview of what we have. What did you think?" "Who the fuck is this and what the fuck is going on?" "I am hurt. You don't remember me? I am one of the many guys who rode your throat and hole last night. In fact, I came back for seconds, then thirds, but you were so fucking high by then, I doubt you remember." "How did you get my number? What the fuck do you want from me?" "Ah, well, to answer your first question: I took the key to your locker, opened it up, rummaged through your stuff, copied your contact list and other info, took your Driver's Licence." Mike couldn't breathe. The voice continued: "To answer the second question, I want your throat and hole again. At the bathhouse. In the private room with private bathroom and shower. This Wednesday, 8pm. Got it?" "If I don't come or can't come for some reason?" "With what I have in still photos and vid clips of you? If you want to take that chance, sure, go ahead, but just about everyone you know and more, would get a series of good texts, with attachments. And cause I like to share, vids would also be shared online. And don't worry, all of it would be untraceable. You aren't dealing with amateurs." "Okay" Mike said quietly. He heard a click and the call was over. A second later, another text came through. Mike was terrified, but opened the attachment, and opened the vid clip. It showed Mike looking up and someone says something to Mike. He's in the bathouse. He says, "Yeah," then someone in the background says something, and Mike looks into the camera and says "I wanna get high and I want raw cock." Then you hear laughter, and see a tourniquet being tied on Mike's arm. With silent steps he headed back up to the bedroom, and Larry was asleep and deeply so. Mike crawled into bed beside Larry and began to play with his hole, trying to imagine which one of the guys last night is doing this to him?
    1 point
  44. I rarely clean my hole out... I keep a clean diet here, and 99% of the time, there's no issue. If there is, we deal with it. I mean, come on.... it's an asshole, even with a perfect clean out, there's a chance that you're going to hit something every now and again. I really only clean out when it's a part of what we're doing.... either you're giving me an enema, or pissing up my ass, or something like that.... outside of that, I really don't clean out
    1 point
  45. There's a small park between the subway station I got off and the gay quarter; at night and in the early morning, it's naturally a cruising ground for drunk guys after the bars close, and I am frequently to be found among them. This particular night even as I began my trip into the city, I was already incredibly horny as I hadn't been fucked in a few weeks; in a small city with an underdeveloped gay scene it can be difficult for a tall, hairy, stocky guy in the transition stage between "cub" and "bear" proper to find a fuck. But it was barely past 11:00 PM so I figured I'd just take a cursory stroll through the park and then try my luck in the bars. It was a warm night in summer, so there were quite a few more silhouettes to be seen than I'd have expected for so early in the night, but no one who caught my interest; I was horny but not yet at the stage where I was willing to take just any cock. I lit a cigarette and sat on one of the benches, hoping for a promising newcomer after I'd taken stock of the current visitors. Finally, I started to walk to the park's exit - I would probably back in a few hours, with a few beers and a few more loads in me and in total cumwhore mode. Near the exit of the park, in a little side spot lined by thick hedges, were a set of table tennis plates. Usually, there were no guys there, as it was too close to the well-lit main path and easily spotted by any police car. Tonight, however, I saw a man leaning against one of the plates; he was short with a full black beard, and a thick pelt of fur poking out of his collar. His dark complexion and thick hair pegged him as Turkish or Arab, or maybe Greek, and I immediately wanted to find out which one it was. I approached him slowly, catching his gaze. His facial expression remained detached and cool, but he put on hand on his crotch, grabbing his cock and giving it a squeeze. I fixed my eyes on his bulge and licked my lips. As soon as I was within reach, he grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me down towards his bulge. It was clear he wanted to dump his load quickly and without hassle. I dropped to my knees and eagerly started to lick across the denim covering his bulge, feeling for the head with my tongue and then starting to suck on it, making the bulge grow. He started to grind his still covered crotch into my mouth, pressing me against it. A low moan escaped his lips. Finally, he unzipped and with some diffculty pulled his cock out. It was above average in length, but not extremely so, cut (so most probably Turkish or Arab) and on the whole of average girth, but a massive thickness in the middle. Precum glistened in the dim light. I eagerly licked off the first drop, savouring the salty taste on my tongue. He wasn't in the mood to indulge me savouring however, and started to drive his cock into my mouth. I barely covered me teeth in time, his thrust making the inside of my lips scrape against them. I grabbed hold onto his thighs as he pushed past my tonsils into my throat, right to the hilt on the first thrust, my nose buried deep in his thick pubes and his balls pressing against my chin. He wasted no time starting to fuck my throat hard, allowing me only short intakes of breath, allowing me to smell a mix of sweat and old cum, probably this morning's wank. I did my best to enhance the experience for him, pushing his cock towards my palate with my tongue, sucking and swallowing the excess of precum and saliva in my mouth. He was half-grunting, half-moaning. Every once in a while he would violently shove his cock all the way into my mouth and hold it there, grabbing my hair so hard I thought he was pulling it out and making my eyes water, until I would have to push myself off him once I ran out of oxygen. After the third time he had done that, he grabbed my chin and turned my head upwards, locking eyes with me. With his thumb he traced my lips, while his other fingers were surpringly tender stroking my beard. "I'm close, want me to fuck you before I cum?" he spoke with a faint accent, his voice was deep and hungry. I could barely manage a nod and grunt signifying my assent. He pulled me up and stepped around me. I quickly undid my belt buckle and dropped my trousers. For the first time I noticed how sweaty I was, as my ass was exposed to the night air. He pushed me down onto the table tennis plate. I reached back to spread my cheeks and expose my hole towards him. He grunted in approval and he spat on it. I could feel him rubbing his hard cock head against my hole, rubbing precum and spit into it, teasing my and slowly pushing his head in. "No condom, yes?" "Please," I managed, barely. There was no question I needed him raw. He pushed the head past my hole, and I had to stifle a scream. He gave me no time to adjust and started to thrust in further. "You're fucking tight." His thick cut cock tore up my ass; I could take an uncut one easily with just spit and precum, but this was more painful than I had thought. I moaned in pain. "Shut up, I won't take long" he muttered. He placed his right hand hand on my head and pushed me into the table and held my right arm behind my back with his left as he starting to really fuck me, deep and hard and fast. He hadn't lied, after about two minutes he let out one more deep grunt, thrust one last time deep inside me and came, pumping his load deep inside my ass. I could feel his cock twitch inside me. He collapsed on top of me, and I could feel the of his body. "Thanks, I really needed that..." and to my surprise, he kissed the back of my neck before pushing himself off me and withdrawing his cock from my ass. I heard him zip up before he said "Hope to see you around again," and with that, he left. I was still lying on the table tennis plate, trousers around my ankles, my freshly bred hole still exposed to the night air, my left cheek throbbing from where it had chafed against the plate during the fuck, breathing in deeply. It took me a further minute before I managed to stand up myself and pull up my trousers. I quickly thought about going back home, before I decided that with my hole already fucked open and a load up my ass, tonight would be a good night to cruise the bars after all.
    1 point
  46. This took place on one of my trips to New Orleans during Labor Day Weekend, Southern Decadence. I love letting loose there and having cock in ass and mouth. One night after dinner, I slipped away from my friends at Good Friends, a nice friendly bar with male strippers. They were happy looking, while I wanted action. I headed to Rawhide just down the street. It has a dark back-room with lots action. I was wearing blue spandex running shorts and blue and white stripped tank top. Money and hotel key were in my socks, along with some lube. I pay hte $5.00 to get in an heading towards the back. It was dark and hot with many guys walking around a pool table. Lights were off and the only light was from a TV showing porn. I had many feeling my spandex clad ass. I stop in front of the bathroom to adjust to the darkness. I notice an older man playing with his HUGE dick. I stopped in front of him. He proceeded to play with my ass. "Nice," he said. I offered him more by offering him my ass. He took the bait. He played with his cock and rubbed his cock between the cheeks. He was over 60, but a big white cock to die for. he kept this up with a few on lookers. People wanted to see where this would lead. So, would I. His cock was at lease 8 inches a round like a pop can. I play with his cock. He said he was close. I pulled down my shorts to show my freshly shaved ass. I shaved before the trip and this one time I shaved my legs too. I also trimmed my chest hairs and had my back waxed. I was smooth most everywhere. "Oh shit", he shouted. And ejaculated on to my my ass and t-shirt. It was a HUGE load. He panted and said, "wow what a load." I'll say it was huge. I proceeded to wipe the load from my ass and licked my fingers. It was salty and nice. He started to rub the load in my ass and around my hole. Some were amazed on huge the load was. This skin-head in a tight t-shirt and loose fitting jean shorts pushed me over the pool table and started to eat the load and my ass. It was very hot. The older guy was enjoying it too. He loved to watch, but the skin-head did beat him to me ass. I guess he wanted to eat his own load out of my ass. The Skin-head ate with vigor and slobbered my hole good. I was enjoying it and my cock was hard and rubbing against the pool table. The green velvet table cloth of the pool actually felt good against my cock. The skin-head ate for about 20 minutes. Some were watching and encouraging him to eat, while some were rubbing my ass cheeks and back. Rubbing some of the cum into my skin. It was hot and I was sweaty and didn't want this to end. The skin=head got up and lick his lips and sad thanks. Told others my ass tasted great. The older guy was some what angry but was glad I enjoyed the ass eating. I was ready for more than tongue. I offered my ass to the older guy to fuck. He was uncertain that my ass would be able to take his huge cock. "I'll try." I said. I was scared, it was huge and thick. The biggest one I would have taken. Some were saying to go for it to the old man. I pulled up some lube and my ass was already loose from the ass eating. If he waited longer I would have chickened out. He entered slowly. Someone started to deep kiss me to relax me. Guys were encouraging me and the older guy. He stopped half way in for me to get use to it. Some were cheering us on. I was offered poppers. He took about 7 minutes or so to fully enter me. He stopped as his balls banged against my ass. "Wow, what a sight to see". Someone said. "What an ass" others said. Someone I think took a picture with his cellphone. This was before Rawhide outlawed cell phones in the place. But most do sneak them in anyways. "Love his smooth ass." the older guy said. "It's so tight and it's actually squeezing my cock." "Oh yeah." I heard from the crowd. My cock was still rubbing against the pool table and the man kissing me stop to view the scene better. Other were rubbing my ass and back still, encouraging me to go on. The guy fucking me started to build up speed and was moaning a lot. I was too. "Oh fuck me harder," I stated. He did. He would pull out his cock until only the head was in and slowly pushed back in. Both were sweating and felt some drops of water, perhaps sweat, on to my back. He was fucking like no tomorrow now. In and out and in and out. I was almost in tears of joy. I was close to coming. He would go fast then slow in order to last longer. He lasted over 30 minutes I think. He said he lasted long because he came before. Either way I was loving it. My ass was on fire and wanted more. He was hitting my prostate with ever push. "Oh fuck," I yelled. As I shot me load on to the table. Guys were kissing and rubbing me all over. The older guy lasted another 5 after I shot. "Oh shit, oh fuck," was all he was saying now as he started to fuck me harder. He was close. He grabbing my hips tight and people from the other side of the bar were now interested in the wild scene. He made one final yell and deposit his load into my ass. It was an another huge load too. He leaned on top of and thanked me. He pulled out and some of his load dripped out. People were wanting more. I turned and thanked him. "Nice." everyone said. I pulled up my shorts and sat to rest. Someone handed me a bottle of water. The old guy finally said, "That was the best ass I had in years." I drank the water and said, "thanks", again. The biggest cock I had and I came too. I walked out with a smile and cum dripping thru the spandex material. I guess old men can have huge loads and boy did he ever. More to come....
    1 point
  47. Nice fuck hole, I'd dump a POZ load deep!!
    1 point
  48. Pimped Out As A Whore for Poz Part 12 (The Week - Day 4) I woke up to the sun streaming through the window, alone in the King sized bed. Disappointment swept over me as I realized my fantasy of waking up to The Beast using me was just that, a fantasy. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and looked around, seeing if I could hear my stud taking a leak in the master bathroom or making coffee in the kitchen. Instead, I heard the familiar howl of Kurt. After our shared experience last night, I could recognize his sexual cries anyplace. I crawled out of bed, slapped a pair of shorts on, and walked out into the house. The sounds were clearly coming from the basement and the door was open. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, goddamn it, my poor ass. It’s so sore…please, a break, a break…?” Kurt begged. “No breaks,” The Beast assured him. Half way down the stairs, the two bodies came into view. The Beast had Kurt belly up on the leather fuck table, legs spread and hands crossed over his chest and tied with rope that wound under the table and to the opposite wrist. The meaty cock that I so craved was punch fucking the gaping sore hole. Kurt’s cunt looked more like a tongue-less mouth, his rectal lips hanging out, soft pink insides viewable through the sphincter that struggled to close but still stayed open about an inch and a half. My face got red with frustration. Why did Kurt get this fucking, why didn’t I get it??? Did he deem me no longer worthy? Was I that much of a whore that even he wouldn’t have me any longer? My cunt wasn’t tight enough for him anymore…I wasn’t enough of a challenge…I was ruined. Not to mention he probably liked guys with big dicks to know that he was dominating a real man and not just some girlie boy. God, I couldn’t even please the one man I wanted – needed – to please! Kurt pleaded and moaned and squealed while The Beast continued to use his sloppy hole. The Beast threw back his head and let out a loud, guttural groan as he gripped his cock and jerked off two shots of cum onto and into Kurt’s gaping mancunt. Without warning, The Beast rammed into the slut’s pussy to fuck the remaining squirts deep in his bowels. Kurt curled up as much as the ropes would let him, his abdominal muscles flexing and becoming distinct and cut, and his mouth flew open making what would have been a scream if he had the capacity to make sound, but he didn’t. He just laid there, taking cum in a crunch position, eyes locked on the hairy stud using him as a cum bucket and silently crying. Once The Beast caught his breath, he took his cock out of Kurt without any resistance. The young stud was so open, The Beast basically fell out. Before even turning to me, he said, “Clean him up and then get him out of here.” He had known I was there again. As he walked past me on the stairs, he said, “No shower, just your tongue and then he leaves.” He paused for a second and then turned back to Kurt, “Oh and delete my number, man. Your pussy’s ruined, I have no use for it after today.” He disappeared up the stairs and I could hear Kurt crying. I knelt between his legs and started licking his sore, demolished hole. I scooped my tongue inside of him and he cooed. He sobbed and whimpered appreciatively as I licked the cum from his hole and his legs. “Come on, handsome, push a little bit for me and let me have the rest,” I coaxed him. I saw his hole try to bear down as much as he could but it still would shut all the way. More cum poured out of his stretched cunt and I lapped it up, a mixture of needing to taste part of The Beast even if he wouldn’t fuck me and wanting to soothe and calm this destroyed boy. He pushed the last of the toxic jizz out of his anal cavity with a sloppy fart and I sucked into my mouth and held it there. I came up to his face and kissed him deeply. He returned the kiss passionately, exchanging The Beast’s tasty ejaculate and Kurt’s ass juices back and forth for a few minutes causing Kurt’s large cock to bob and pulse, shooting a cascade of cum all over his defined stomach and chest. I got to work licking up Kurt’s salty cum as I untied his hands. He rubbed his chafed wrists and looked at me for a second. Suddenly he pulled me to him and kissed me again, desperately. “Thank you,” he breathed into my ear. “You’re welcome,” I leaned my forehead against his. “I’m probably poz now, huh?” he asked me, as if there was any doubt. I nodded. “I meant what I said,” he began, “I think you’re beautiful. Every part of you.” And he hugged me tightly. “We make a good team,” he finished. I looked at him and shook my head, “We’re both bottoms.” “I can top,” he stammered. “You’re a bottom,” I smiled at him. “It’s okay. We had a good time, but you should go. I’m sure he’ll have your clothes waiting at the door.” “Okay,” he said, and he got off the fuck table and went upstairs. I stayed down there, tasting all of the flavors in my mouth until I heard the front door open and close. When I got upstairs, The Beast was eating some eggs and reading the paper in the kitchen. “Hey boy,” he grinned, “How about a movie after you shower?” This man amazed me. No mention of the college boy he spent the last 24 hours decimating, no mention of his negligence to fuck me, no mention of what was in store for me tonight. Just a welcoming smile and an invite to a movie. “Sure,” I said enthusiastically. “Well hurry up, there’s a Will Ferrell starting in 30 minutes,” he ordered me. When I got out of the shower, he had a smoothie ready for me to-go, and we drove to the movies where we laughed and joked through a Will Ferrell movie. Afterward, he looked at me and said, “You like swimming?” “Sure.” We drove to a wooded area where he hiked us along a path to a clearing where there was a lake nestled in the trees. There was a small cliff overlooking the water and The Beast started to shuck his clothes. I followed suit until we were both standing there naked. He looked at me and smiled. “What?” I asked. “You REALLY do have a small dick, boy,” was what he said, and then he scooped me up in his arms and jumped off the cliff into the water. We swam and goofed off in the lake for a while. I was sure he would take me there, using the water as lube no matter how painful that would be. But no. Just a bunch of horseplay before he said, “We should get back to the house and take a power nap before you clean up and we head out for the night.” We climbed up a steep path to the cliff, grabbed our clothes, and headed back to the car. Upon returning home, we both laid down in the master bedroom and napped for a couple of hours. Something hit me in the head, waking me up. It was an enema filled with water that The Beast had thrown at me, “Clean out, we slept late.” I cleaned out my ass, put on another jock and some jeans and a t-shirt and was ready to go where ever he lead. He drove us into the neighboring city again, right into downtown, and parked at a random meter. “Down to your jock,” he said. I left my shoes on but stripped to my jock and got out of the car. I followed him down a couple of streets and into an alley. “What’s going on?” I asked. “Bend over that garbage can,” he ordered. I did as he said, trying not to breathe in the rancid debris filling the can and the dumpster next to it. I had no idea what he had in mind when I heard a scratchy voice say, “Is this the place?” I looked over my shoulder and saw a homeless guy carrying a flyer. I was so confused but then in the light from the streetlamp I caught a glimpse of an identical flyer on the ground around the garbage can I was bent over. On it was a picture of me in a jock strap, ass exposed looking over my shoulder and underneath that it said, “CUM DUMP from 9pm – midnight” and then it mentioned today’s date and the alley that we were in. “This is the place, my friend,” crowed The Beast. The homeless guy dropped some change into The Beast’s palm and then unzipped his trousers to fish out his greasy dick. It was rock hard in seconds, 7 inches with a nice curve up, but dirty and gross. “Bend back over, bitch,” the homeless guy told me and he spit on his cock. I looked to The Beast who nodded, and I bent back over, tears falling onto the concrete. The homeless guy fed my waiting cunt his dirty cock, inching it in, letting spit drop on it once in a while to ease it in. Within a few minutes he was pounding away behind me and I was bucking and panting. This guy’s dick felt so good, I couldn’t stand it. He might have been a filthy homeless stranger who just paid for my ass in change, but the shape of his dick made my insides feel amazing. Nothing that was going to give me an internal, but soothing and pleasurable in a way that I could take it all night. But alas, he only lasted about 10 minutes before he was filling my hole with his swimmers. He grunted and cursed and spat on the back of my head as he unloaded in me. “Fucking whore,” he muttered as he pulled out of me and stumbled off. The Beast had just enough time to say, “You really just let a homeless man fuck you raw, you filthy cunt” before two more homeless guys walked up to us. The Black one gave The Beast some change and then pulled out The Beast’s cock’s Black twin. He roughly snatched some of the cum from my twat, scratching me with his unkempt finger nails, and rubbed it all over his uncut penis. He lodged his head in the dent of my ass, held onto both of my hips, and steadily sunk himself into me before instructing me, “Fuck yourself on my pole, boy.” I did just that, moving my fuck hole back and forth on his huge stick, trying to go as far out and as far in as I could. He would egg me on, “Yeah, give me that clean white ass. Take this dirty black cock just ‘cause it’s big and black. Just some big dicked guy living in the street but you need that dick, huh?” “Yes!” I grunted trying to get him deeper in me. He was hitting that spot and before long I was cumming on his huge cock, slamming my ass cheeks against his balls. “This bitch is squeezing the shit out of my cock! Jesus, boy, you need big black cock. You want some black babies in ya’? Huh? You promise to keep ‘em? You promise to have my black kids?” “Yes! Yes, I do!” I moaned as I felt him spasm inside of me, dousing my pussy walls with what felt like a gallon of cum. But he wasn’t done. He kept fucking me with the same force as he had before. “That’s right, boy, I’m not one of your white fucks. This here is a black fucker. I’m good for a second right away. Open up that hole, open up that cunt.” I grunted and growled trying to open up my insides for this monster and then he rammed in deeper than before. I threw my head back in pain as he said, “Push your asshole wide on my cock, push your asshole wide!” And I did, I opened up the hole around his cock and he managed to sink in another inch as he shot off round after round of his second load. He threw my shoulders back onto the garbage and pulled his mammoth cock out of me, turning to his buddy, “It’s good hole. I’ll see you under the bridge.” The other homeless guy had already paid The Beast his nickels and dimes and was already jacking his cock. It was average except for the incredibly bulbous mushroom head. As he pushed into me, my eyes watered and my ass began to quiver. His head finally popped through, but it still felt like he was plunging my insides with that disproportionate head of his. He yanked and pulled on my guts with his cock for about 15 minutes, me squawking and yelping the whole time, until he finally held it still and I could feel the head blow up, pressing right against my prostate. His cock juice poured out of that huge head as my ass hole came around the door knob he called a dick. Without warning he disengaged his whole cock, pulling some of my pink innards out with him. I winced and clenched, gathering back my asshole into its place. It was much like that for the next three hours. Smelly homeless guy after smelly homeless guy using my ass to get off in. All of them had big dicks somehow…not a small one in the bunch. The most humiliating was the guy that made me ride it. I had to look down into his gnarled face, his rotting teeth, his greasy hair. Where could I touch to balance myself? He reached up and pawed at my face and muscular torso with his nasty hands, all manners of grit under his nails and covered in filth. I went back and forth between holding onto his chest which was slick with sweat and dirt and grime, and holding onto his neck and hair, equally as repulsive. Just as he got close inside of me, he suddenly grabbed my neck and pulled me to his mouth. My hands lost their leverage so there was nothing I could do about it, and before I knew it, his tongue was in my mouth and I was tasting the worst breath I’ve ever experience. The combination of his thick cock shooting off inside of me and being forced to open mouth kiss this vile creature in an alley knocked me over the edge and my ass started cumming, milking every drop out of his skanky balls. He caught his breath before I did and knocked me off of him, leaving the alley without a backward glance. I looked up at The Beast who simply said, “Let’s go, it’s midnight.” I stood shakily and I followed him back to the car. He threw another towel over the passenger seat and I sat quietly for the ride home thinking about the dregs of life that I had just allowed to violate me. We got back to his place and when we got inside, I headed toward the master bedroom, but he put his hand on my chest. “You did good tonight, pussy boy, but even I can’t sleep next to you after what you just fucked,” and he pointed to the basement door. I wanted to die, but I simply nodded and went downstairs. As I curled up on the mattress amidst the smells of stale piss and cum, I cried. Not because of what I had just done, not because he couldn’t bear to have me in his bed, but because he still hadn’t fucked me. More to cum...
    1 point
  49. Going class to class the next day was torture. My best friend laughing behind my back and showing people the pic on his phone. Jordan slapping me in the face whenever he passed me in the hall. And Deanna sending one of her friends over to break up with me. And then in the middle of 7th period, I check my new email account and there’s a message in my inbox. It was, of course, from my father under a new email address: PimpDaddy4Poz0915@gmail.com. It read: Be in your room on all fours, ass to the door, in a jock for this event: And then it had a web link pasted in the body of the email. I clicked on the link and my phone took me to the internet. It was some barebacking website and the link was a party announcement that read: New cum dump whore already pozzed but hasn’t had the fuck flu yet or tested positive. Cum and make sure his conversion takes. Wednesday night from 8pm until the last load is delivered. $3/fuck. And then it gave our address and had the pictures that he had taken of me posted. I could just imagine all of the diseased men looking at the pic of my inked ass – POZ FUCK HOLE. I bet they were going wild. I started to choke up but quickly clicked my phone off and tried to focus on American History. I didn’t really see my dad at all the next two days and I was anxious as hell. What the fuck was he doing to me? Three dollars? That’s what my hole was worth, my health, my dignity? I was a nervous wreck all day Wednesday, but about half way through the day, I also noticed that I was getting harder and harder. My puny penis wouldn’t go down. I was mortified. My body was actually looking forward to being a toxic cum dump tonight. Tears flooded my eyes as I realized, once again, just what an emasculated pussy boy I was. I didn’t eat anything that day, only liquids. If I was going to take a lot of cock, I was sure they would be sticking it in my mouth and I didn’t want to be messy at all. After baseball, I went home and started to clean out with that douche. I did it a lot to be sure. I slipped into another one of my jockstraps and crawled on to my bed at about 7:55pm. Positioned on all fours with my ass hole displayed to the door, I waited. The door opened and I looked at my bedside table iPod docking station. It read 8:02pm. My degradation began. “Stay where you are,” it was my dad. “Don’t look behind you.” And then I heard it. A buzz, a murmur, and I realized that were several men waiting outside of my bedroom door. I had no idea how many, it could be dozens, I couldn’t see, and my father had instructed me not to turn and look. “Lube your ass,” my father commanded, pouring some lube into my hand. I reached under myself and fingered some of the lube into my hole. There was some moaning and gasps from the men waiting in line as they watched me finger myself. I imagined this was making them hard and hornier. My father threw the container of lube on the bed along with a bottle of poppers and turned to the door. “Okay, gentlemen, the cunt is open for business. Please have your three dollars ready.” I heard the first man approach the bed and hand my Dad some bills. “Nice,” the stranger hissed as I heard his belt open and his zipper descend. He rubbed a rather thick cock against my hole and then sunk it into my almost healed pucker. I bucked a bit and cried out, “Fuck!” I took a few hits of poppers to help me in my unwieldy task of taking all the cocks waiting outside my bedroom. “Goddamn, that’s a sweet hole. I’m gonna’ take care of you real good. Make sure you got the bug,” he cajoled as his tool went to work stretching my pussy. I stayed in position and let him ream my butt, his droopy balls banging against mine. My father was at the door talking with my future clients so I looked back over my shoulder. There was a flabby guy in his 60s, white stringy hair all over his saggy chest, and wrinkled droopy skin hanging from his belly. He wore glasses and had a large nose with a copious amount of hair protruding from the nostrils, his face decorated with aging spots. He looked right in my eyes, “Sweet boy pussy gonna’ take this old man’s load, huh?” What the fuck??? I was hard! My tiny cock slapped against my stomach, and looking right in his ancient eyes, I curled my lip and said, “Fuck right. Fill me up, grandpa.” What was I saying? The old man’s hands gripped my waist tighter and he began brutalizing my guts with his big cock until he was grunting and giving me my first load of the night. “Take my dirty seed, cumhole!” he roared as he buried his jizz in my man-womb. The disgusting old man pulled his cock out of my ass and came around to my front. His dick was pale with random white hairs up and down his shaft. It looked gnarly and aged. He shoved it in my mouth and said, “Clean your fucking ass off my dick, boy.” And I did. I slurped and relished every drip of extra cum and ass juice that was on his big 60-something year old cock. As I was cleaning him up, another cock slid into my chute. I squealed on the old man’s dick as my asshole accommodated a very differently shaped appendage. It was long, not as thick but really long. And he just kept long-stroking making me feel the entire length with every thrust. There was that feeling again. I couldn’t speak because my mouth was full of cock, but the unseen stranger behind me just kept hitting me deep and suddenly my ass was convulsing and spasming. I whined and whimpered on the old man’s dick as my body was wracked with an orgasm. At the height of my internal, the dick in my ass started to pulse and quench my cunt’s thirst with another load. “That’s right, fuck hole, take another charged load up that pussy. Get you pregnant, break you in for all the others,” he growled as he emptied his balls. As his cum hit my insides, my ass started spasming again and I had another orgasm, bucking and rutting with a cock in both holes. As my orgasm subsided, a round of applause went up from the waiting men. I let the soft old cock fall out of my mouth and looked behind me as the other guy pulled his soft dick from my shitter. He was a tall skinny geeky guy in his 40s, who simply slapped my ass and said, “Nice cunt,” as he walked out of the room. In a fog, I saw my dad was at the door collecting three dollars from a variety of other men. As my vision cleared, I focused on the next top approaching me – a large black man with a huge uncock cock dangling between his legs. He had a full smooth belly and a moustache. He must have been in his late 40s/early 50s. He spit on his dick and said, “Daddy says you’ve never had black dick in you.” “No sir,” I replied. “That’s about to change,” he said and pushed his hardening dick into me. I screamed out, feeling him get larger as he sunk deeper into my hole. More poppers and my cock socket started to open more. I whimpered and asked, “Are you poz too?” “We’re all poz, bitch. We’re here to make sure you are too.” And he proceeded to fuck me harder than I’ve ever been fucked. I was screaming and thrashing about, but he just kept slamming me harder and harder until he tensed and shot a powerful spurt of toxic jizz into my rectum. And then another and another…there were seven shots all together and as he pulled out, I felt cum dripping down my balls. Clearly, my ass was already overflowing with the diseased cum that was being put in me. My lips were pushed apart by his slimy black cock and I started sucking his ebony tool. I tasted that metallic coppery essence again and that’s when I placed it. It was the same as when I would suck a cut on my finger or something. It was the taste of blood, which meant I had bled on Saturday afternoon and that I was bleeding now. I didn’t have time to think too much about it because the black guy starting pistoning in my mouth because I had paused and another dick pushed past my O-ring. The invading phallus was short and stubby, but hard as a rock. This was when I learned that small dicks hurt even more than big dicks, but with no pleasure attached. His pointy little guy stabbed and poked into my sensitive ass walls without filling me up or actually getting deep enough to send sensations through my body. It was just uncomfortable and annoying. Even though I was trying to choke down the black monster that had just demolished my cunt, I began flexing my ass, trying to milk the small-dicked top faster. He grunted and moaned, dropping another poisonous load in my hole. I let the black dick escape my mouth and looked behind me to see who the small dick wonder was. He waddled out of the room with his clothes in hand, a gross little man with a pot belly, a hairy back, and zits all over his ass. A fucking troll had just pozzed my ass. Just then I felt something wet hit my face and realized that the black dude was cumming again, ejaculating all over my cheeks, forehead, and lips. My tongue flew around trying to taste some of it as he walked away from me, and another cock was shoved in my ass. It went on this way all night. Ugly men, old men, fat men, muscular men. Big dicks, thick dicks, long dicks, short dicks, fat dicks. But all poz dicks. My ass was covered with cum, both dried and fresh. My boy cunt was just overrun with toxic seed, spilling from my pussy every time a new cock would be introduced to my asshole. My dad continued to collect three dollars from every sick fuck that wanted to pozz me, and I just took it. Eventually, a guy wanted me on my back and so there were a dozen or so that I was looking straight at when they trenched out my innards and loaded me up with more disease. I was looking straight at the Mexican dude when he spit in my mouth and told me to carry his AIDS babies. I was eye-to-eye with the smelly fat guy with the beer can cock when he informed me that he wasn’t on meds and that his viral load had reached an all time high and then proceeded to pump a huge amount of his semen into me. And I was cheek to cheek with the gorgeous bald daddy with the super cut abs and the huge pecs as he lied his complete weight on me, his 9” baby maker sawing in and out of my battered cunt as he whispered in my ear, “I’m pretending you’re my real son. He just turned 18 too. He lives with his mother, but he’s so hot just like you. And I’m imagining it’s his cum covered asshole wrapped around my dick right now. Tell me to breed you. Say ‘Daddy, please breed me.’” I wrapped my arms and legs around him and begged, “Daddy, please breed me.” Instantly, his cock was shooting off in my hole and he was panting, “Yes, Billy, fuck yes, take Daddy’s semen, take is cum, take it in your beautiful cunt.” I’m assuming Billy was the name of his son. He relaxed on top of me, catching his breath. After a few minutes, he said, “You’re a good boy,” and he pulled his big dick out of me and left. At one point, this bear dude had me riding his big 8 incher when another guy got behind me. I felt him start to push against my already stuffed hole. Before I could resist, the bottle of poppers was shoved under my nose and I inhaled deeply. My cunt opened up more for the second dick as I was DP’ed for the first time. I looked behind me and saw a young college muscle jock with a big 10 inch cock lodged up my hole next to the bear’s dick. Even with the poppers, I opened my mouth and just started letting out animalistic cries and grunts as the two tops simultaneously fucked my twat. Another internal started in my ass and I began to really bear down on their fat pricks. I started to call out, “Yes, yes, fill my cunt. Get your three bucks worth! Fuck out this poz cum dump with your big cocks! Use this three dollar whore!” My cunt started twitching and convulsing which knocked the two in my ass over the edge and my pussy was once again flooded with toxic HIV jizz. By the end, it started to wrap up, resembling a small gangbang. There were about 6 guys left just trading out from one of my holes to the other. I was high on poppers and cum, and just taking whatever dick was put in whatever hole I had. My bed was streaked with cum, lube, my ass juice, and a little pink from my destroyed cunt. Finally, there was only one guy left. This nasty guy in his 50s, kind of gaunt, balding with a white crown of hair. He was pigeon chested with knobby little nips surround by stringy silver hair and a stomach of loose skin speckled with liver spots. His dick was thick and long with a large purple head, and he treated me like I wasn’t even there. He told my father to get me on all fours so my father ordered me into the position and I got there although I was utterly exhausted. I looked at the docking station. It was 5am!! This guy plunged into my gut with his huge cock and just started slamming away into my ass. “The boy’s got really nice hole, man,” the guy complimented my father. “He was born to take random dick,” my father agreed. The old fart asked, “So he hasn’t gotten the fuck flu yet? Hasn’t even tested poz?” “Nope, but when he does, holy fuck! He has so many strains swimming around his guts, God knows what they’ll find. No telling if meds will even touch it. But I’ll still put him to use until he won’t turn a profit anymore. By then, he’ll be an adult and I can kick him out on his own.” I wanted to cry to hear my dad talking about me that way, but he was just being honest. My life as a cum bucket had really begun. “Fuck, I’m gonna’ cum. I’m gonna’ fill your son up with another poz load, man!” “Do it,” my father egged him on. “Make sure it takes. Make sure that he’s fucked! Charge his ass and help him fulfill his destiny as my own little poz cum whore!” The old guy pounded me harder than he had been, swatting my ass really hard and grunting. He punched my left ass cheek and grabbed me by my hair. Painfully, he pulled me back onto him with the tuft of hair he had entangled in his fingers and shot spurt after spurt of diseased spunk into my ass. Instinctively, I had an internal orgasm on his twitching cock. He pushed me off his dick, thanked my father, and left. There I lie on my bed, covered in crusting cum, HIV semen leaking out of my ass, and exhausted, ready to just sleep in all of this filth. My father knew it too. He went to my door, turned back and said, “You realize that you never once came? You never ejaculated. Just came with your ass. Do you have any doubts now whether or not you’re meant to be a pimped out poz whore?” Leaving me with that thought, he turned off my bedroom light and shut the door behind him. I began to fall asleep covered in spent lube and warm cum, sliding on top of my bed toward a pillow that smelled of the musky scent of ass. I welcomed the soft pillow, breathing in the slightly stale smell of the assholes that had inadvertently sat on my pillow while fucking my ass or mouth. The last thought before I passed out into a deep slumber was, “I need to remember to check my new email account first thing in the morning.” More to come…
    1 point
  50. Most I ever took was on my 32nd birthday. My bud invited me to Dallas for the weekend. First night was just a warm up with 6 guys loading me up. Saturday morning we were up early (9am) and smoked some weed before he put a hood on me and got me in the sling. He tied my hands back and started letting in guy after guy. I was getting fucked almost non-stop until 9 am the next morning (he let me get about 2 hours sleep) and ended up with 32 loads in me. One for every year. It was the best birthday I EVER had and a night I will never forget.
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