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  1. 10 years ago So much of this story causes me personal shame. It's embarrassing. I'm currently 47 years old, but I still felt like a kid ten years ago. I was 37 and fighting some demons from childhood. I was raised in a very strict, religious household and remember rules and discipline as a way of life. I rebelled like we all do at some point. Unfortunately, I never grew out of that stage. I got stoned right before my high school graduation...and pretty much every day after that for the next three years. College was pretty much a breeze, but in my senior year, I woke up a little and shed some anger in order to get my degree. The problem is that I never got over my hate of doing stuff I didn't want to do. Sure, I got up early every morning and worked at a job -- but I never got a regular checkup with a doctor, and I never ever went to the dentist. I'd had a wisdom tooth removed when I was in my 20's. It was such a bad experience that they only did the one even though I had three more that needed taken out. I swore I'd never go back. And I didn't for over ten years. Well, you can guess what happened ... I eventually developed some major issues in my mouth. I paid for my neglect with horrible tooth pain. No amount of Advil would help. I once took shots directly from a bottle of rum to kill the pain. I woke up sick and spit blood into the bathroom sink. Not good. It was time to grow up a little and make a dental appointment. I nosed around on the computer to find dentists in my area. I came across Dr. Manning, who not only was near me, but took my insurance. He also practiced "sedation dentistry" which I'd never heard of. If you don't know it already, you can now go to a dentist and be drugged up for hours while they fix everything wrong with your death and you're not even aware of it. Sounded good to me. His picture was on the website. He was a handsome, mid-50's guy with a salt and pepper mustache. I called and made an appointment. The phone lady was very nice...and had that so soothing 'nurse voice'. I told her about my pain and she was very sympathetic, but said I'd need to come in for x-rays and consultation before any work could be done. Fine. I lived through a few more unbearable nights before the appointment. I was tense as hell and even the dental assistant noticed. She left the room for a few minutes and came back with a valium. "Dr. Manning is running late. Take this and relax a little while. I'd never had any tranquilizer before, but quickly understood why people got addicted to them. Damn.,I felt perfect and in love with the world. I dreamed for a bit. I think. A hand touched my shoulder....Dr. Manning. The lady assistant was there too. "You less nervous now? Poor kid. Linda, take his blood pressure." Then I was sorta awake as the cuff went on my arm. It had to be low now, but it wasn't....170/50. "Start him on the gas and I'll go adjust Carmen's braces." He put a hand on my chest and said "I can't do anything until you calm down. " It's impossible to 'try to relax', but as soon as I started breathing the air coming from that mask -- it felt like a piece of paper floating in the wind. There should be a better way to describe it, but that's all I could think of at the time. It had no odor that I could perceive. I could hear the dentist and his assistant talking and asking me to open wide and telling me to relax. They scraped and inspected, and I thought it was great. Fun. After they stopped the gas, I was out of my happy trance in seconds. "Well, Vince...we've got some work to do." I needed the other wisdom teeth removed, three fillings, a crown and a thorough cleaning. I was so embarrassed. "We can do almost all of it in two appointments, but you need to get the blood pressure normalized. I have a friend, an internist over at Saint Luke's who will get you in soon. Follow his instructions and then come back. I'm writing you a scrip for some strong pain pills. Don't take more than three in a 24 hour time period. We'll call you in a few weeks to see how things are going. Sheila at the front desk will be ready for you whenever you've awake enough to get up. "I just need half a minute." Dr. Manning sent his assistant to retrieve that internist's number from his office, leaving me and the doc alone. "You are way too tense. Bill can help with that too. Why are you so nervous?" "I just always feel like a tight coil inside." "Is that why you party?" "Huh?" "I could smell a little booze and pot in the air you breathed out. People always think they can brush or use mouthwash and we won't know. We always know." "You married, Dr. Manning?" I had no idea why I asked that. "I was once. Years ago. What about you?" "Nah. I am too independent to be in a union of any kind." "Yeah. That's pretty much where I'm at now. If you still feel loopy, I can give you a ride home. Sometimes the gas affects people that way." I should have taken him up on the offer, but I declined. "I'm okay now. Thanks, though." "Here..take a few of these until you get the scrip filled." He took my hand, opened it and dropped a few pink tablets into my palm. "Don't say anything. This is just between us." "Gotcha. So I call back here in a few weeks?" "Or we'll call you...or at least I will." Three weeks later, I was feeling okay. His friend had put me on some blood pressure pills and an anxiety med. Xanax became my new best friend. It was like the valium but more so. The pain pills really worked well. I checked my blood pressure every other day at Walgreen's. It was normal...almost nearly normal. I was in bed, enjoying the pills and thinking I'd call the dentist office tomorrow from work. As soon as I formed that thought, my phone rang. Oh fuck it...It was late and I was on a cloud. It stopped ringing but then started again thirty seconds later. "Hello?" "Did I wake you?" "What? Not really. Who is this?" "It's Mark. Mark Manning -- your dentist." "Oh Hi. I was going to call your office tomorrow. My blood pressure is way lower now." "Excellent! We can fix your teeth now. Schedule an appointment tomorrow morning. I assume you want to be konked out for the first round." "Oh yeah. Do I get extra gas or something?" "That...and we give you heavy-duty pills. Your insurance won't cover the gas or the meds, so it'll set you back several hundred bucks." "Mark?" "Yes?" His voice was deep and sultry. "What time is it?" "Not so late. I just wanted to check on you. I assumed you were doing well...checking your blood pressure at that pharmacy multiple times." What? How did he know? "Yeah. I don't feel as coiled now, but I sleep more than I ever did." "Good! Sleep is healing. It'll help you keep looking so young." I smiled in the darkness, and my dick shifted in my boxers. "I need to sleep now, Doc. I'll call the office in the morning." "You better...I'll keep checking. Good night, kid." Damn. He was one attentive dentist. Was his business doing bad and he needed to get more patients? No. I somehow knew what was going on. The Xanax was dragging me down into sleep. I remember in my early weed-smoking days, that I used to imagine that our reality as very layered. I'd lie in bed and go deeper through the levels. I was going way deep under the waking reality, thinking of this Dr. Manning. I called from work the next day and spoke to that pleasant front desk woman. "We've been expecting you call, Vince. Do you have a pen and paper near you? There are instructions to follow.Ready?" "Yeah." "OK. You first need to come get the sedation pills here at the office. They'll be here this afternoon. Can you come by before 6?" "I'll be there." "Good. Now, you can't drive here yourself for the appointment. Do you know someone who can bring you? We have a deal with a taxi service. Dr. Manning said he'd even drive you here himself." My friend and neighbor, Ernie was a retired man and never did anything but fuss around his garden. It was almost Winter now, so he stayed on the couch and watched "Law and Order". For hours. He was a buddy and always bringing me tomatoes and radishes. "I have somebody to drive me." "Okay. If I'm not there when you get the pills today. Just take them as directed. Do you have an Ipod or something like that? Some patients like to hear music." "Yes. I have one." "Wear loose clothing -- like sweats or something. You have to probably take two days off of work. Are you able to do that?" "Yes." I had so much vacation saved up because I never went anywhere. Or did anything. "Good enough. See you this afternoon...or Jemma will. My day is in flux because my daughter is sick." "Sorry. Hope she feels better soon." "Thanks. Have a good day." I had meetings all morning. My phone was blinking with multiple messages. You can guess who they were from. Dr. Manning himself. I knew his voice so well. "Glad you called. How's work?" beep "What time are you coming in today? I'll try to be there to say 'hi'" beep "Are you ever in your office?" beep It occurred to me that this guy was not very professional. Did I mind? Fuck no. I think he and I had something. But what? He was older and divorced and my dentist. I decided I'd go along for the ride. I picked up the little plastic package of 400 dollar pills. Mark wasn't there. The front desk lady told me he wanted to schedule me for Saturday morning. That was fine because Old Ernie got up at the crack of dawn to rake or fill his bird feeders every Saturday. The Friday evening before my appointment, Ernie called to tell me that his daughter had been in a car accident. She'd be okay, but would have to spend the next few days in the hospital. She was about 200 miles from us, and he needed to leave tonight to visit her. I ran through a list of names of people I could call to get up early on a Saturday and take me to the dentist. I hated annoying people. I'd call and schedule a taxi, but needed to find a number. Shit. People had tougher lives than me and coped somehow. I only had a short time to figure out a plan. As I started my usual period of panic, the phone rang. "Hello?" "Nervous? You need to take that yellow pill pretty soon so you can get some sleep. It's the smallest one." "Mark?" "Yeah. Sorry. I was worried about you. It will be totally fine and easy tomorrow. Take the pill now...while we're talking. You need to be rested." "Now?" "Yep. I went by your house after work today and saw your neighbor guy put suitcases in his car. Is all that all for you?" "No. His daughter was in a wreck and he had to travel. What's the name of the taxi service you office uses?" "Don't bother.U'll pick you up at 8:30. You need to take the biggest pill an hour ahead of time. So get up at 7:15 and take it. It's supposed to be cold. Wear sweats if you have them." "Thanks, Doc." "My pleasure. You took the night pill, right?" "Just now." "OK. Good. Get ready for bed...you'll be crashing soon. Are you on a cell? Can we talk while you're in bed?" "Sure. Can you hold while I get undressed and settled in?" I put the phone down and left my clothes on the floor. I went about my usual nighttime routine. I turned on the TV and muted it. I kept it on a jewelry shopping network as I fell asleep. Something about those glittering gemstones was hypnotic. I got under the covers. "Mark? You there?" "Yeah. Just listening to you. Your breathing is getting heavy -- which means you'll be sleeping soon. How do you feel?" "Wonderful. Like...just...wonderful." "That's my boy!" "How. Why? I mean..do you do this for all your patients?" "Not really, but you're a friend of mine...I make exceptions for good friends." "Oh. OK." We were friends all the sudden? GOOD friends? I guess it was true if he was saying it. "Kiddo? Are you sleeping?? What do you wear when you sleep?" "Huh? Just underwear. Why?" "Describe them a little. What color? What style?" "Yup." I felt like I was dreaming. "OK. I'll call you early to make sure you're up." "Absolutely." And then I slipped away. Dreams were waiting. I slept so well and only woke up when the phone rang. They'd call back when I got done exploring heaven. "WAKE UP!" "No! Stop! I ..." Dr. Manning was there in my bedroom, standing over me. How the fuck did he get in here?? "You need to wake up a little. We're running late, Vince. Damn! I should have factored in your pain pills and Xanax. This is my fault. Take this now and I'll give you the last one when we get there. Might as well take it with a beer. Coffee will only make you tense." It was weird to taste beer while I was still half-asleep, but whatever. He helped get me dressed -- which I'd have found really awkward if I would have been fully awake. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and put on a ball cap. "I'm ready." "Here's your coat...it's super cold this morning." His fancy sports car looked out of place in my crummy driveway. The air smelled like snow. "Nice car, Matt." The seat was so comfortable. He chuckled. "It's 'Mark', buddy. You want some music?" "Oh shit! I forgot my ipod." "I've got a portable CD player in the office. We really don't have time to go back now." "And my wallet. I forgot that too." "No problem. We'll send you a bill. Just don't worry anymore. You are the most person I've ever met. Now, do you want music or not?" "Yeah. Christmas music." I must have been feeling the effects because I normally hated holiday songs. This town had at least two radio stations that played only carols this time of year. Mark found one of them and festive tunes washed over us. His audio system was amazing. Maybe I nodded off a little. I just felt so, so perfect. "OK. We're not all that late. Lois is already here though." Who was talking? Oh. I woke up a little. I thought I'd forgotten my coat too, but I was wearing it. Mark helped me walk to the office building like I was feeble or something. My memory gets a little spotty from there. "So...what now?" I was in the warm waiting room, and no one else seemed to be around. "Take this. It'll be a short wait. I guess I should say "good bye" now because you won't remember much for the next five or six hours." "OK, Mom." He laughed and then left me alone. I could have dozed off right then, but I fought it. Why would I want to sleep through this perfect feeling? I made myself be aware for as I could. It's like when you reach that perfect buzz while drinking...remember what you can because you'll ultimately be sick. I was reclined in the dentist chair and Lois had the little CD player ready for me. "What kind of music do you like?" "Alternative." She stared blankly. I was unable to explain that any further. She was probably a Garth Brooks fan. A minute later she came back with an Oasis CD. "That's perfect," I said even though I'd always been lukewarm on that band. They had a few hits. So much for trying to remember everything...it was mostly a blank from then on. I remember that the music was better than any music I'd ever heard. And then...a huge blank. While I was out, three wisdom teeth were removed and a crown out in. I felt none of it. I do remember that I needed to pee really bad...and I had a stomach cramp. At some point. I was sitting on a toilet. As much as I needed to pee, I needed to poop more. My ass was sore. It was like a raw sunburn feeling. I guess all the meds were having a side effect. The process took forever. I might have been in there too long because the door opened. "You OK?" It was Mark. I pulled my shirt down a little to cover my stuff. "Yeah. Just slow." "OK. I'll be right outside if you need something." Then there was a bunch of blank space. It was sometime in the evening when I slowly came out of the haze. I was in bed. I never knew my mattress was this comfortable. I might have snoozed another hour before I returned to the world. I thought it was weird that my jaws and my mouth didn't hurt at all. My ass was still sore though. It took a confusing few seconds before I realized I was not in my own bedroom. It was a nice, spacious bedroom with fancy decor. Huh? I was suddenly sure of where I was...Dr. Manning's house. Probably. I didn't trust my brain too much right then. There were dried blood droplets in my underwear...and then I knew. I knew he'd fucked me at some point. I was no virgin. I'd been fucked by my first boyfriend/mentor. He'd been a safe sex fanatic and we used condoms always. After the first time, my ass felt a lot like it did now. The pieces were starting to come together, and I somehow didn't mind too much. Mark had taken advantage of my coma-like state and gotten his rocks off. With a condom? I doubted it. I decided to compose myself and get dressed. My folded sweats and shoes were all placed nicely in the bedroom. I was ready to see what other weird shit the day (or night) had in store. I took a breath and walked out the door. I could hear a TV and followed the sound. There was Mark, wearing only a pajama bottoms. His bare feet were propped up on top of a coffee table that probably cost as much as my car. His bare torso was covered with fur and he was smoking a joint. "Hey! Have a good nap?" "Yeah. Are we...why did you bring me here?" "I just wanted to make sure you had someone near to take care of you. How are you feeling?" "Not bad. Good, actually." I was holding my cards close to my vest. It would do me no good to start accusing him of rape. Not yet. "Well, the worst is over. Don't touch your gums. I'd offer you a hit, but you need to not suck anything for a day. The suction might open the wounds in your mouth. Wanna shotgun?" "What's that?" I knew what it was. My God, his body was so sexy. "Come sit. I'll take a hit and blow it directly into your mouth." So we did that a few times. His warm lips on mine felt so nice...and familiar somehow. He kept urging me to take more and more "shotguns". Eventually we were just kissing with no smoke involved. OK, this was happening. I was overwhelmed with a bunch of thoughts fighting each other. He pulled away and stood up. "You hungry? I made made some mashed potatoes with green onions and cream. It won't hurt your mouth to eat it." "Cool. Thanks, Mark." "I'd bring you a beer, but you can't have anything carbonated for another twelve hours. Want some wine?" "Sure. I'll have some if you do." He wasn't the only one with devious plans in his head. "Already started without you. It's almost 9 at night, Vince." "Wow." No way. I'd lost most of my Saturday. He brought me an overfull glass of red wine. "Do you remember anything that happened?" I chose my words. "I think I sort of remember Lois taking me to the bathroom." "Nope. That was me. I sent Lois home as soon as you were prepped. It was just us for three hours. I only open the office on weekends for long procedures...like yours." He put down a plate of the promised mashed potatoes. It was not bad, but my stomach fought it. I could not eat any more without gagging, so I just sipped the wine. It was probably really expensive, but I had no knowledge of wines. It was just fruity booze to me. There was a college football game on his super TV. I gave no shits about NCAA football because my college team was always awful. "Can we watch something else, Mark?" I wondered if he'd put on some gay porn. But no. He found the old version of "Little Women" on a classic movie channel. It was the black and white one with that famous actress as a younger gal. Hepburn? "They always show this around the holidays. Like this?" "Yeah. I loved the novel as a kid. I got fun of for walking around with a 'girl's book'. Can we do some more shotgunning?" "I was just about to ask you that!" He brought out a very nice bong and fired it up. "We need to go slow, Babe. This medical grade." He took a major hit and exhaled directly into my mouth. His lips...my God...I wanted to kiss him forever. "Okay. Let that sink in for a bit and watch the story." Oh fuck the March sisters -- just keep kissing me, Dr. Rapist! I nodded and finished the wine that he kept refilling. I was so wasted suddenly. We dropped all pretext and just started kissing like lovers. I let my hand rest on his crotch which was growing. I could have just laid my cards on the table...I could have just confessed that I knew what he'd done to me today. He was an enthusiastic kisser and I was rock hard in my sweats. "One more hour and then you need to rest...you've had a big day." "I don't feel sleepy at all. Well, a little bit maybe." "Yeah, but your mouth will start hurting soon. It'll wake you up in the middle of the night. Let me give you a few pills to prevent that." He got up with an obvious boner and left the room. Damn. It's like he wanted me drugged all the time. No discussion about the kissing or my hand on his dick. I'd play along...it was Saturday night after all. I think it was. I took the tablets he handed me. I couldn't help but notice how clean and well-groomed his fingers were. One of the Little Women was sick and dying. I used to know all their names. "Were those sleeping pills or pain pills?" "Both." Damn. He was going to continue this ruse with a guy who was smart enough to figure things out. Or maybe he knew that I knew. That would another level to this game we seemed to be playing. We shotgunned and drank more as I got drowsier and more into that next world he wanted me in. Right about the time I was going to ask Mark a question, I slipped away. Blackness and mist. The only thing I remember is being in that excellent bed again. I also kind of remember being naked and feeling my neck kissed, but that might have been a dream. The morning crept around his thick, luxurious drapes...and I was alone again. My butt ached again, but not as bad. It was also a little damp. He'd done it again! If only he knew how much I'd have been willing to fuck with no impairment. "Breakfast!," He called from behind the door. "Take a quick shower. I washed your sweats and left you a clean towel." I cleansed and fixed my hair up a little. He left me the washed sweats but no underwear or socks. I was a little hungover. OK...I was his plaything, but he didn't seem to realize that I was willing. No drugs needed. I would have to say something...soon. I had to work tomorrow and, while this had been adventure, it was a little tiresome to appear stupid. I guess my shoes were still by the couch, so I just went into the kitchen barefoot. He was fussing around with the stove. "Good morning." "Hello! How's the mouth?" "No pain. You're good at your job, Mark." Boy was he ever. "Aw. Thanks. Always nice to hear that. I made French toast. It's probably not going to hurt your gums now." We sat at his kitchen table and ate. My mom never made French toast, and so this was new to me. Sweeter food than I liked in the mornings, but....but Mark made it for me. I was becoming infatuated with him and his devious ways. "I'm not wearing underwear... feels odd." "I'm not either. All that is in the drier. I have a housekeeper who comes in three times a week. She's coming tomorrow morning. I'll let Rosa clean all this up." "I can't believe the whole weekend is over. They close down my office building from Christmas Eve until after New Year's. That's coming up and I can't wait." He smiled and started lighting the bong again. Dang. For a doctor, he smoked a lot of weed. "What do you do for Christmas, Vince?" "Usually go visit my parents, but I don't know if I can handle it this year. They are decent people, but so religious and nagging. My dad and I tend to argue." "Same here. Did I tell you I was raised a Mormon?" "No way." He'd lost his place in Mormon heaven a long time ago. "Yeah. I just hang out with friends on Christmas...good friends like you." Whoa. It was time to say something. Apparently this man equated drugged rape with friendship. "Mark...I need to tell you something." He leaned over and exhaled a giant weed cloud into my mouth. I kepi my mouth where it was and we passionately kissed for a full minute. "What?" "Nothing...I ...I just think I'm falling for you." I'd chickened out. "About time. I was waiting to hear that. I should tell you a few things first." Here it comes. "I've loved you from the minute you walked into my office...and I got carried away. I followed you and googled you. I know so much." "Is that it? What about admitting you raped me twice while I was drugged?" Silence hung thick in the air. He shifted and looked at the ceiling. "Three times. I fucked you three times in the past 24 hours. Are you mad?" "Let's just say I figured it out. But, why? I would have said 'yes' with no drugs involved." "It's my thing. I love fucking passed-out men. Maybe it's a self-esteem thing, but I am too awkward when the other guy is fully awake." "But you are gorgeous. You don't need to drug people. I really want to have sex with you and remember it...see things, feel things." "I know. I want to do that too...but it might take some time, okay?" My boner was completely gone. His fetish was helpless, unconscious guys. That was not a good thing any way you looked at it. "Did you at least put a condom on?" Silence. "No. That's my other thing...I like to go in bare, make my seed count. I most likely don't have anything if that's what you're worried about." "OK. I should probably go home now. I don't even know if I'm mad or not, and I need some time alone right now." He nodded and went to retrieve the rest of my clothes from the dryer. I just held the socks and underwear and stood by the front door. "Let me get some shoes and a coat. I'll be right back. The garage door is at the far left end of the kitchen." I went there and kept my expression neutral. I wanted to keep guessing what I was thinking. I could report Mark and get him arrested, but that wasn't anything I wanted to do. I could just get another dentist, but I liked him still. Still. Even after everything. Didn't we all have a weird desire or two? He was so handsome and so smart...friendly. I'd figure it out somehow. I've learned over time that the brain is more trustworthy than the heart. He drove me home. I was amazed at how such a nice neighborhood could be so close to my plain one. He had the Christmas music station on again, and it was playing probably my favorite song with my favorite verse: "...from now on, your troubles will be out of sight." "I know this probably isn't a good time, but you still need to get a few fillings. If we do it now, you can avoid getting more crowns. Just saying. If you want to go to a different dentist, I can refer you to somebody. A woman if you want." "No. It's okay. Later this week, maybe." "This week would be best. Will you call me?" "I will." We got to my place and barely said good-bye. I just needed to be in a safe place with the door locked and the blinds drawn. Ernie was still gone. The inside of my house seemed foreign, and I wished I had a dog. Or a cat. I never realized how lonely my life was. Oh well. I needed a good friend to call, but it was a weird afternoon hour on a Sunday. Everybody would be deep into football and drinking and chicken wings and talking. No thanks. I just took an extra long shower and dressed like I was ready for bed. I turned on the TV, but was careful to avoid seeing that creepy "60 Minutes" clock ticking away. I found "Scrooged" on a lame channel and watched that. It was such a mean-spirited movie, but the ending was supremely uplifting. Time for a pill. Dr. Manning had given me so many extra tranquilizers that I could afford to splurge a little now. I settled on the couch and imagined I had a big, furry cat on my lap. Of course I dozed and barely remember watching the movie. What WAS that actress's name? I used to know it. It was almost 10 PM when the phone rang. I knew who it would be. "Hello?" "Hi, Vince. How are you?" "I was just relaxing for a bit. Let me grab a diet coke...hold on. OK. What's up, Mark?" "I made some calls...I don't want to tell you too much now, but it would be good if we could do your fillings on Wednesday. And then take the rest of the day off. Maybe Thursday too. No...definitely. Can you take two days off?" "Oh sure. I've got a crazy amount of vacation time saved up." "Perfect. I've got you scheduled for 10 AM on the 14th. You don't need any pills for this. I'll give you a valium when you arrive, and have the gas and Oasis ready!" I was smiling. "Sounds great." "I won't keep you, but what's in your head right now?" "Not much right now. I do know that I want to see you again. Just please understand that I want to be with you when I'm awake." "I know. I understand. We will as soon as your appointment is over. OK?" "Great." "Get some sleep...and don't forget to tell your boss you are taking two days off. I'll remind you." I slept so soundly that night -- even though it felt like I had already slept forever. I was pretty much useless at work the next day. Between my brain fog and conflicting thoughts about this new man I loved, it was all I could do to remember to eat lunch. Tuesday was only slightly better. The night before the appointment, I took a pill and dozed off on the couch while some old movie with fake snow played. The phone rang a few times, but I knew it was Mark. Him. My man. Was it love? Maybe. I came to the dental office early. It was nice to see the waiting room full of people. I picked up a random magazine and perused it like I was interested in the material. They needed a TV here. Lois came out... "Vince? You're next. Follow me, please." I could swear she had a slight smirk on her face.I settled into that great chair and waited while she came back with a pill and the CD player. "Take this now...the doctor will be in soon." She fussed around with the tank of happy gas and then left. Lois must know what's what. Whatever...I'd just enjoy the pill and close my eyes. None of that was my problem anymore. Half dreams in shades of blue and gray. Then the mask was over my nose and the headphones were on my ears. "Ready? Just breathe for a few minutes. Oasis is waiting for you." Mark. And Lois, of course. She was right there. One of them hit the play button and cranked the volume way up. I happily opened my mouth and was ready for this. I knew he was shooting some of that numbing stuff into my gums, but it felt fine. No complaints. There was a line in one of the songs playing I'd heard before: "Slip inside the eye of your mind, Don't you know that you might find a better place to play" Nice. I'd meditate on that wisdom for a little while. I'd probably retire in twenty years or so. I would just plan on listening to music while breathing in this gas. Maybe I'd even get a dentist's chair. And live somewhere it never got cold....and have a cat. A big tabby tom. I would be fine. I stayed in that blissful place until the mask was taken off of me and the music was rudely removed from my ears. It was over. Damn. Who the hell even knew what time it was? "OK, buddy. Wake up a little and we're good to go. Lois, go get him a bottle of water, please." He stood right next to me as I opened my eyes. "Look real quick." He pulled his cock out the dress slacks he was wearing and flashed me a quick few seconds. He'd adjusted himself by the time she came back with my water. Cool. I was okay with everything. "Vince? Can you get up? We're done." "It's fine. I can just drive on top of traffic going home. Nobody else will think of it." "Uh oh. Looks like I need to drive you home. Luckily, I'm off the rest of the day.And tomorrow. I'm leaving town. Lois, I'll be in on Friday. Make sure you give Jemma that folder." We were walking out to the parking lot. "You're leaving town?" "Only metaphorically. I'm going to take you to a party now." Oh god. I was afraid he was going to take me to some bar where everybody would be drinking and talking. I didn't want that. There was his beautiful car that he helped me inside of. As I settled into the luxurious seat, it occurred to me that I had been given something stronger than just a valium. We were driving. The trees were bare. "Mark? That wasn't a regular valium you gave me, was it??" "No. But you were awake the whole time. I'm taking steps, Vince. I'm trying." "Lois knows about you?" "Shit. You are too smart, kid. She's the sister of Bill -- your doctor. He's partying with us tonight. You like him, right?" "Yeah. He seems too straight-laced to party. He's like a doctor from a Norman Rockwell painting." Mark chuckled. "This will be fun. We're both going to get what we want." We pulled into his garage and I was strangely more awake than I had been in the last ten minutes. My god - everything was so clean and organized. His life was so neat and tidy. I could hear loud music already. I was almost sure it was New Order. I had that CD. I figured it would be a bunch of people, but no. It was just Bill in his boxer shorts. He was so pale and skinny and hairless. "Hey! How's our patient?" "A little sleepy -- I'm gonna get him some coffee." "No. I'll take a beer though. Hi Doc. My blood pressure is normal now." I looked him over. He was around Mark's age and usually wore glasses. He had red hair which I'd never found attractive until just now. "Good. But you never call. Check the appointment card I gave you last time -- I wrote my home number on the back." Huh? I never even checked the back. I just wrote the date down on my calendar and threw the card away. "Sorry. I didn't know that. You have my number, though." "Definitely." Mark came back with a bottle of beer that was probably expensive. Everything about him was top shelf. "Damn, Bill. You made yourself right at home, didn't you? We're going to ease Vince into this." Ease me into what? That's when I saw the syringe on the coffee table. Fucking hell. "What's in that needle?" They were both silent. "I thought you said he'd be ready to party, Mark." "It's okay, kid. You have two doctors here. Nothing bad will happen." Dr. Bill shook his head slightly. "That wasn't what I asked." I wasn't about to shoot up drugs... "It's like a fun version of vitamin B-12." Bill had an obvious hard-on under his boxers. He was playful and devious. "Take your clothes off." I looked to Mark with questions in my eyes. "I won't let anything bad happen to you, Vince. You believe me don't you?" I mostly did. I just stripped down to my underwear and waited. "Let me change the music to something a little more mellow." Bill went and adjusted the stereo. "He is like my brother and I love him, but he's a little flaky. I'll protect you." I finished the beer and relaxed on the couch. Carol King was singing about clouds in her coffee. What the hell did that mean? "Get him one more beer...I don't want him all nervous for this." "Want another one, Vince? I picked up some diet coke if you'd rather have that...I can mix some Wild Turkey in it." "Sure. Yeah." Bill was sitting next to me, really close. It's funny the weird twists and turns your life can take if you don't pay attention. My doctor and I talked about the music. He loved the 70's tunes which I did not. To me, it was rewarmed 60's until disco showed up. "Turn it down a little, ass. This is not the club." Mark gave me the coke mixed with a generous amount of whatever kind of liquor Wild Turkey was. It killed the carbonation, but I wasn't about to complain. He changed the CD and Madonna started her beautiful, slutty singing. OK. Much better. "Don't be a mom, Mark. He's an adult. Let's start this party! Who's first?" Bill was radiating a hunger. "You. You're eager and I need you to shut up a little." Mark put his hairy arm around me. I don't remember him getting stripped down to his jockey shorts. "Bitch." Bill thumped his inner arm and plunged the syringe into a vein. "See? It's easy. Doesn't even hurt." He was done. I watched his face. He looked happy and relaxed. He didn't pass out or go crazy. "Vince is next. Doctor's orders." OK. He fussed around in his duffel bag and rejoined the 'party'. It felt like Mark was holding me even closer. "It's seriously going to be fine. You'll feel much better soon." Bill sat next to me gently pulled my right arm straight out in front of me. "I am so good at finding veins. Back in college, I could practically find them with my eyes closed." And then the needle pierced my skin with almost no pain. I felt more pressure as he plunged the drug into me. I didn't even ask if it was a new needle or the same one Bill had used. I also never asked what exactly I was taking. Too late now. "How soon do I feel it?" "By the time Mark is dosed, you'll be doing real fine." "But what IS it?" "My own private mix. A little of this, a little of that. Nothing too heavy-duty." I must have missed seeing Mark shoot up because he passed and empty syringe to Bill. So we were all on drugs now. I waited. It wasn't long before I started to cough. It didn't last long, but my heart was racing. Speed? It might have been, but was like a record played at a lower speed. Bill and Mark were both fully naked now and stroking their boners. I was naked too. "Who took off my underwear?" "You did," they answered in unison. I also had an erection. Mark's cock was longer, but Bill's was fatter...the both looked beautiful and I wanted to suck them both at once. And then a dick was in my lips. The grunting voice was Bill's. "Shit! You trained him good, Mark. He's a pro. I'm gonna cum! I should have fucked you first, Vince...but...but I AHH!" A thick lotion-like fluid flooded my mouth and dripped down my throat. None of this was enough...I wanted him to shoot again. "Wow! I've been needing a blow-job like that for months." Mark impatiently prodded his naked meat into the back of my neck. I turned around and gratefully took his shaft all the way. I might have gagged a little, but there was no way I'd let that stop me. I let my fingers wander up and down his furry ass as it thrust. I was born to do this very thing. "Stop. I need to pee really bad. We can continue in a little bit. You probably need something to drink. Want another special coke? I'll get it." I never got a chance to tell him I'd drink his pee too. I really would have. He walked away, with his hard dick bobbing up and down like a toy. The music was something different now. I didn't recognize it, but like it. Mark came back with my "special" coke, and then padded away to use the bathroom. It occurred to me that he might have mixed something else besides booze in it. No worries. "Hey. Take this -- it'll help prolong the fun." He handed me a tiny white pill and I swallowed it with no hesitation. And then he kissed me quickly. "If it doesn't work out with the dentist, you can give me a shot." I wanted to give the whole world a shot right then. I wanted cocks and cum and everything. I wanted the fun to continue, but tried to keep cool. I'd never been so horny in my life. "You leveling off a little, Vince?" He stretched out and I took careful note of how long and lean his legs were. And hairy! Whatever I was on, I followed my instincts with no question. I was sucking on Mark's fat toes before I knew it. He curled and uncurled them while they were in my mouth. "Wow. That feels nice." "You lucky bastard. He's into feet. I haven't had mine touched since I dated Dennis. You got yourself a keeper, buddy." I took the hint and worked on Bill's feet next. I never imagined I'd be doing such things, but I'd lost control. They both had straining hard-ons at that point. "Let's fuck him. He's super horny." Mark took my face in his hands and looked into my eyes. "Are you ready? Can you think now? Bill, you didn't give him anything else, did you? His pupils are super big." "No. I swear." (lie) The next thing I remember was lying in Mark's great bed with nakedness all around me. Arms, legs, hands. My legs were straight up in the air and a pillow was under my ass. Bill's not-quite handsome face was directly over mine. "So I hear your ass is pretty tight. Don't relax too much...I want to drill you so deeply. Like the idea?" I liked anything and everything right then. I wondered if Mark was watching this and having second thoughts about me. I guess I was cheating on him already. I worried up until the point the doctor's dick went directly inside of me. There was an explosion of pain and surreal pleasure. I might have made a noise...no idea. I imagined his dick as a red-hot iron pole poking my guts and destroying everything it touched. He was relentless with the pounding. "Yeah. You are exactly as promised, Vince. Almost time for your reward...it's ...oh shit...TAKE IT!" He came and I could feel the heartbeat in his penis. The deed was done. 'Dammit, Bill. You gave him something. His breathing is way too slow. Vince?" "Just a little party favor. Nothing too strong." "Get out! I'm going to refer him to another doctor...you can't be trusted. Take your shit and leave." There was movement and cussing and arguing. I was alone in bed and thinking this was all my fault. It was fun, and I messed it up. Mark came in and turned on a bright light."Look at me." I thought he was going to yell at me now. "Just give me a minute...I need to sleep now." "OK. Good idea. I'm going to watch you for awhile. Turn on your right side and breathe...deep as you can." So I did. At some point, the room got darker. I was keenly aware that I was being watched, but the dreams came on anyway. Boring dreams of nothing special. The next thing I knew, it was morning. I was all by myself in the big bed. I scanned the shameful memories and cringed. The clothes I was wearing the previous day were right there for me to slip into. I felt so guilty of so many things. I went to the bathroom. I needed to face the Mark Music now. He was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. "Good morning, cutie!" He was in a bathrobe and didn't seem mad at all. "I'm so sorry. I think we overdid it just a little. Or a lot." "No. I'm sorry you had to see me with Bill. I wanted to be with you instead...I just..." "Shhh. Don't think about him. He's on my shit list. Let's eat and then we can do whatever you want. No drugs." We ate and and then stepped outside briefly because I wanted fresh oxygen. I was mostly myself as we had sex in his bed. He was tender but passionate. It didn't take him long to cum the first time. Or the second time. We made love most of the day. He'd given me what I'd wanted. At last.
    7 points
  2. 2 Last night First, a regular came over, started out on the couch, making out, then to the bedroom. He fucked me so good in several different positions, has such a nice cock, but, ultimately wasn't cumming but was rock hard, so, ass to mouth, tasted so good, and sucked him till he was begging to feed me his cum! Swallowed a very nice sweet load from him! Well after he left, I was still so so horny and wanted to get fucked again, when a somewhat regular married guy texts me, asking if I am horny. Nice guy, nice cock, but almost always demands condoms, so I usually avoid him. Well, figured wth, and he is over in about 20 min. Start out on my knees sucking his cock, already hard. I was trying to get him to cum in my mouth as I preferred that to being fucked with a condom which he set on the end table. Eventually he sat on the couch and I carried on sucking his cock, bring him so close, when he lifts me up and says he wants to fuck me. Slips the condom on quickly, (damn), and I sit in his lap with his cock sliding right in, and I bounced up and down on his lap, my cock slapping off his belly. It did feel good, condom or not and I knew he was close, when he mumbled something which I thought was he was ready to cum and I just nodded, and said yes. Well, to my pleasure, he lifts me up, pulls out, rips the condom off, and pushes his bare cock right back in! Wow! Yes! Now he was fucking me like crazy, ramming that cock up in me! Soon enough he started grunting, swearing, and cumming deep in my ass! Fuck yes! Stayed deep until all of his cum was sure to be drained, then slipped off, got down to slowly suck his cock clean! Could taste the cum coating his cock, so good! Well, that was a nice surprise Definitely will have to have him back sooner next time!
    4 points
  3. Have you ever had a glory hole wall experience at a sex club? Either as the cocksucker or cocksuckee? While I have sucked a cock through a glory hole before, it was not until recently that I experienced a glory hole wall. This sex club had a pretty cool set up. For those who wanted to suck cock, you walked down these steps and there was a row of 12 glory holes. The set up allowed both the person getting sucked and the cocksucker to both be standing up. It was kind of funny because at one point there was about 15 cocksuckers mingling in the lower lever and only 12 glory holes. When a cock would slide through a hole, there some times was a bit of pushing and shoving going on to see who got the cock. I thought it was kind of hot when there were several guys standing at the glory holes getting sucked and they would be talking to each other. Sometimes just guys talking about football or their weekend while a mouth was sliding up and down each of their cocks. When a hole became free, I moved in front of it and looked through. I prefer to see the guy I am sucking. This really hot young white guy came into the room to be sucked. At the time, there were four glory holes vacant with four willing cocksuckers. It was kind of funny because I keep thinking, pick my hole, pick my hole. Not knowing who was behind any of the glory holes, he just walked up to mine, pulled out his cock and slide it into my waiting mouth. The cock was huge and already stiff. I felt like I had won a prize at a carnival. I sucked him for quite a while and he started pushing that cock deep down my throat. His cock eventually swelled up and he shot a huge pulsing load into my mouth and down my throat. He then backed up, put his cock away and walked off. Both of us very satisfied. So what was your experience like as either the cocksucker or cocksuckee at a glory hole wall?
    3 points
  4. I find the best ones are like the one marktulley2000 described. Cocksuckers at ground level and cocks on a ramp that elevates them. This way everyone can stand. Last one I frequented was at Steamworks. I started sucking off a hot daddy type with a big cock, and then his friend got excited and wanted to join in. They took turns using my throat and at some point the friend went away...maybe feeling left out I thought. I went back to work sucking the daddy and next thing I knew there was a dick between my cheeks. Turns out the friend had come down to my level to fuck me while the daddy watched. He kept pumping in and out while holding my head down on that fat daddy dick till they both came. And I'd thought glory holes were boring...
    3 points
  5. Remember, this story is fictional. The expected text message arrived. “Embassy Suites, room 505 in 30 minutes.” It was time for me to get pozzed. I had met the breeder on BZ. He was a traveling business man and I knew he eventually would be back in my city. We had chatted for weeks about how my no-kidding pozzing would go down. He had told me three days ago to be ready this afternoon. He would text as soon as he was in his hotel and ready. I had been waiting for the text. I was squeaky clean inside in preparation for the breeding that was to come. His VL was 500,000 and for some reason he had taken a special interest in converting my negative bottom. We had discussed and agreed on the way everything was going to happen. It was going to be a business-like breeding. As I drove to the hotel, I reflected on all of his instructions to ensure I followed through on everything. I had remembered my toothbrush and it was dry with stiff bristles. He was going to tear up my bottom really good to ensure my hole was ready to receive his gift. “Wet bristles are not as stiff” he had told me. I texted, “I’m here, coming up.” as I entered the lobby. I realized there was no backing out. I was a little nervous realizing that the next time I was in this lobby that I would be almost definitely poz and the years long chase would be over. I smiled at that prospect as I was anxious to transform from a chaser to a gifter. I was dripping pre-cum as I entered the elevator. I wondered, “Am I crazy, what am I doing walking on my own to willingly take something into my body that will, in time, kill me?” But I was true chaser and that was exactly what I wanted. I got off at the 5th floor and quickly found the door, which was ajar as I had been told that it would be. My instructions were to enter the room, lock the door and strip naked leaving everything, except the toothbrush, by the door. For that reason I was commando, just shorts, a shirt and sandals. I wanted no delay getting out of my clothes. I knew that he would be watching from the darkened bathroom. I took a deep breath and entered. It was a two room suite with the bathroom in the middle. The room was dark with only a small nightlight on so that I could navigate. As soon as I was naked, I picked up the toothbrush and walked past the bath where I could almost make out his form and straight to the bed as I had been instructed. I placed the toothbrush next to me and got ass up, head down on the bed. He finally spoke, “Well done. I can tell that you are ready,” he was naked and erect as he walked out of the bath and picked the toothbrush up from the bed. He surprised me be planting his tongue between my ass lips and rimming me deeply for a few minutes. It felt great and relaxed me. A good rimming always makes me horny. He was also checking for signs of lube. His instructions had been clear—no lube. His entry into my hole was going be hard and violent; no lube was allowed. After a while, he stopped rimming and I felt the stiff toothbrush pass through into my hole. He was turning and brushing firmly but not roughly. I had been brushed before on many occasions, but this was the most thorough. He worked over my prostrate with the brush and I started to enjoy the experience, dripping copious pre-cum onto the pre-positioned towel. He pulled the brush out and flipped on a light so he could examine it—it wasn’t bloody enough so he stuck it back in and worked my innards over harder. After a few more minutes he pulled it out and was happy with the result. He announced, “You are ready to receive my seed.” Setting the toothbrush aside, he stood behind me and reached around grabbing my nipples and giving them a vicious twist. I loved it and almost blew my pent-up neg load right there. “I am going to fill you with my toxic AIDS cum,” he said. “There is no escaping it once the head of my cock passes into your hole you are committed and will take my high VL load deep inside of you and you will become HIV positive and likely develop AIDS in a couple of years.” After he said that he spit on my hole and began rubbing his cock into me slowly. “Are you ready?” he asked. “Do your worst,” I responded. “I intend to. My cock is the instrument of your death. I am going to free you from your current existence and fill you with disease and death,” he responded. I felt the tip of his well proportioned, about 8 inches cut, cock take up an offensive position on my hole. I knew it was going to happen soon. “Last chance to change your mind. You know what is coming next,” he whispered almost hoping that I wouldn’t hear it. I remained silent. He was still for about 30 seconds until I said, “OK.” With that, he reached around me and drove his steel-hard toxic dick into me not stopping until he was balls deep. I screamed in agony as I felt both sphincters being torn apart by the thrust. I could tell that I was bleeding as he pulled back and slowly began to abuse my insides with his cock. I began adjusting to the cock of death that was inside of me and his hardness soon began to make my prostate sing in ecstasy. The fucking continued and every so often a vicious thrust would be included to continue to wreck my hole and ensure the it was properly prepared to receive his seed. My own cock was getting hard and soon I exploded in what was likely to be my last neg load onto the towel below me. Looking down I could see spots of blood from my bottom staining the hotel-white towel beneath me. He reached around and grabbed my nipples twisting them until I felt as if he would tear them off. He stopped and withdrew his cock from my abused bottom. “Turn over on your back, I want to look into your eyes when I poz your ass,” he barked at me. I did as I was told and spread my legs. He twisted my nipples again and I looked at his blood covered cock as he drove it mercilessly again deep into me. I cried out again in pain and he smiled. Looking into his face I could tell he was enjoying this a lot more than I was. But, strangely, the pain from each slam of his cock into me reminded me that that I was getting what I wanted. Having made me cum so quickly meant that the rest of the breeding would be more painful and less sexual for me—another cruel trick. I felt his cock grow larger, and I knew from experience that he was getting close. His thrusts became more regular and intense and his breathing changed. The larger cock tore open more of my innards—it hurt a lot again. And then he smiled—looked me straight into the eyes and drove his cock balls deep. I felt the first pulse of cum being delivered as he said, “You faggot, I am pozzing your neg ass and you are going pay for this with your life. I hope it is everything that you wanted.” He drove his cock deeper than I thought possible to ensure every drop of AIDS-laced cum was delivered deep into my bottom. After he was done delivering the load, he resumed fucking me to “work it into my ass.” I was in agony by this point and he smiled evilly. He fucked me for about another 10 minutes that seemed like an eternity and then pulled out. “Clean my cock,” he demanded. I was almost revolted as I saw the blood and cum streaked now softening cock presented to me. I could taste my blood as I sucked his cock clean. I figured I was a bloody mess as well. Once he was satisfied with my work he told me to go rinse the blood off my bottom in the shower. He had delivered his poison-filled load so deeply into me that there was no chance of any leaking out. While I rinsed he finished wiping off his cock with a wash cloth. The next part of the breeding was about to begin. I stepped out of the shower and toweled off. He was still naked, but had a needle ready. We were going to blood slam to ensure that the breeding was successful. We went back to the bed and he stuck the needle into a vein at the base of his cock and withdrew a couple cc’s of blood. He put a tourniquet around my arm to make a vein pop and I nodded which gave him all of the permission he needed to stick the needle into me, withdraw a few cc’s of my blood to mix and then inject the contents of the syringe into me. We were done. I was fucked and slammed. He made it clear that I was to leave and I dressed quickly and departed. Riding down on the elevator I realized that everything took about 30 minutes. I was hurt, sore, bloodied and incredibly happy all at the same time. I realized, as I opened the door to my car, that in 30 minutes I had gone from neg to poz.
    2 points
  6. first one is my favorite... HIV !
    2 points
  7. More a question of how many times you can pass it on without being labelled a slut!!!!!
    2 points
  8. I did it right, first one was HIV
    2 points
  9. makes me wanna go to the dentist hehe
    2 points
  10. God ain't that the truth! I'd ENJOY being either!!!
    2 points
  11. Very hot!!! Id love to be the patient.
    2 points
  12. FT. LAUDERDALE - Whored one of my twink bottoms out last spring and had a young 20-something come add a load to him. His profile said he was vers and I remember watching him breed the cumdump thinking that I wanted to add my nut to that boy someday. I saw him on BBRT and Grindr after the whore session and hit him up. He said he appreciated the compliments but he usually wasn't into older guys like me. I was bummed, but understood. So last night I was on Grindr and saw his profile had changed.... now he had a down arrow next to a pig face. His profile said something about "looking for loads." Ah - the boy had turned into a cumdump. I was excited and hit him up. He replied too late in the night for me to take action. But tonight he hit me up again! This time I was ready to breed him. He already had one load in him and had another enroute. I was going to be the "middle load." I found him blindfolded and ass up. His ass was just as beautiful as I remembered. I ate his hole then slid in and gave him my load within 5 minutes. He was appreciative and the sent me a pic of the cock that followed mine. Yeah, he's going to bed a happy pig.... that next cock was HUGE. Hope to breed him many times in the future!
    2 points
  13. **Fictional story, first time giving this a go** PART SEVEN I put back on my jock and t-shirt and went down to open the door for guy 5. This beast of a man was there in our porch; so well built, very large shoulders, standing over 6"6 at least and carrying a body of what looked like pure muscle. "Hows it going fella, you got a twink waiting for me" as he grabbed his crotch. I was a little taken aback, his size was unreal, he had a very soft spoken yet powerful voice and a beautifully kept black beard. "Come on up bud, he's ready, willing and able" I said as I walked up the stairs ahead of him, he was taking his jacket off and by the time we reached the bedroom his top was off to reveal his stunning upper hairy body and covered in tattoos "He's all yours" I stood back and said I'd watch for a few minutes, Lucas didn't know who was in the room and had assumed the position, ass in the air, blindfold on and was huffing a fresh bottle of poppers that I left for him. Guy 5 dropped his jeans, he was going commando and out flopped a large thick cut cock, flaccid it was measuring I estimate at 6 inches... He got to his knees and went for Lucas' wet cum filled hole, he licked the cum that was leaking out of my boyfriends hole and sniffed and inhaled the other mens sent. It clearly turned him on as he played with his now large erect cock, standing up I could see it had grown another 2 or more inches, I honestly had never seen anything like it before; I've seen large cock online and in person, I'm well endowed myself but nothing like this guy was packing. Guy 5 teased Lucas' hole with his fuckrod and instructed him to take a couple of deep hits, he lubed himself up, applying generous amounts onto himself but not going into Lucas. Part of me wanted to step forward and warn Lucas what was about to happen but the devil inside me said to stay back and let nature take it's course. Lucas was going to know about it very shortly. Guy 5 was breathing heavily now, he had produced his own bottle of poppers and was starting to rub his cock up and down Lucas' crack, pulling his foreskin back revealing his large thick mushroom cock head, he then grabbed Lucas by the hips and pushed. "Oh fuck that's big, Jesus that's stretching my cunt" Lucas yelled out "Well take some more poppers, I ain't gonna stop boy" he said and slowly continued to move forward. Lucas scrambled to open the popper bottle while all the time moaning and wriggling trying to get himself more comfortable as this 8" thick piece of man meat forced it's way into him; with the fucking he had already gotten, with the loads he had taken he still was in difficulty taking this guy. "Popper up some more babe, you're gonna need it" I said as I watched from the side of the bed, there was no way I was standing back any longer when I had a front row seat to what was going on. Guy 5 smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up as he reached around and started stroking Lucas cock. Lucas had stopped crying out and was clearly enjoying the unbelievable stretching his boicunt was taking, this was going to take some beating I thought to myself as I leaned in and saw Guy 5 go balls deep in my boyfriend. Lucas was now dangerously high and huffing on poppers to save his life but he need the relief they brought, Guy 5 was now fucking him more intensely and had picked up the pace and had built up some steam. Lucas cried out "Oh fuck yeah, breed me sir, empty those massive balls" He was wanking himself off hard now too, he was in heaven. Guy 5 started to moan louder and louder now, his eyes were closed and it looked incredible with his big frame, his lovely hairy torso, towering over my twink boyfriend who was completely hairless since the night before. Then he started to slam Lucas, he bellowed out like a wild animal "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggghhhhhh yeah kid, take that load, take it, take it, it's been almost a week, aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh yes" "Oh fuck I can feel it hitting my gut, oh wow" Lucas shouted as I shot my load too but all over Lucas' back. I had gotten so caught up watching this man breed my boyfriend I hadn't realised I was even wanking off and standing over Lucas watching his ass take this guys cock. "Holy fuck dude, that was something else" I said He smiled and said "You're one lucky man to have a twink like this at your disposal, his ass feels so good" he slowly started to withdraw from Lucas which caused Lucas to yell out some more "Oh god, take it out" he cried, as he did the plop sound was unreal as he finally took his cock from Lucas' hole. I went around and could see Lucas was still very gaped, it was going to take him a while to close back up. I could do nothing but laugh as Lucas collapsed on the bed and just lay there laughing and saying how empty he felt. Guy 5 was great to chat with, he got dressed, packed his monster cock back into his jeans and asked could be have a glass of water. We went down to the kitchen leaving Lucas catching his breath and letting his hole close back up. We made small talk and I learned his name was Dan, he was visiting from another county and was going to be here on a regular basis with work, we even exchanged phone numbers, this was a guy I needed to stay in touch with. We were gonna have fun some night, we agreed I should host a twink party some night and the two of us would head into the city, get drunk and high and come back and have our way with whatever amount of twinks had decided to stay over. That was for another time though. He left in great form, shouting up the stairs to Lucas "Cheers bitch, love that ass, we'll do it again" turned to me, winked and said "talk soon bud"
    2 points
  14. About 3 weeks ago or so I hooked up with 2 guys who were having a party. I was the bottom and after a good hard pounding I got a nice load of cum in my ass.
    2 points
  15. Paid a visit to Club 80 in Melb last night and it went off, one of those nights when the stars align. Started in a small open room and ended up being bent over and tag fucked by 4 or 5 guys, not sure if I got 2 or 3 loads, there. so hot being bent over and as soon as one pulled out, another pushed in. After 30mins or so, a semi reg that's fucked me there a few times with a nice big, fat cock took me to a room, stripped me off and had his way with me, sadly he didn't blow, still to take his cum, no matter that it's the 4th or 5th time he's fucked me. He did suck all the cum out of my hole between fucks though :-). Next I saw a hot latin guy in speedos, in a sling room about to fuck some lucky guy in the sling, so I got my cock out to jerk and watch, a bit of a crowd gathered, after 5mins or so I got a shot at the sling guys hole, then the latin guy slipped his cock up my hole. He didn't stay long then another older guy slipped his cock up me as I fucked sling guy. Left there after 10 mins or so and ran into latin guy again, ended up in a room with him, stripped naked and ate his hole, then got to fuck him. Ended up doggy and dumped up his hot sweet smooth cunt, then he said he wanted to fuck me again so I let him, didn't blow though. Wandered around a bit, then ended up in the basement, latin guy, a sexy indian guy ( I think he was Indian ) and a sexy bear were going at it on a public fuck bed, watched for a bit then fucked the bear. Left them to it after a bit and ended up in a dark corner, bent over, pants down and taking some total strangers cock. then an older guy fucked me, asked if I wanted his cum... well yes!!! said he'd hunt me down when he was ready to blow. Found the bear and other two hotties going at it in a sling room. Indian fucked latin, I fucked bear in the sling, then had indian fuck me some. the old guy ran into me and said was I ready, so stripped off in a room for him to use me and he pumped about 4 loads up my hole, last load he jerked off onto my hole. Who knew a guy could blow so much in a short space of time?? Left it at that and headed home, spent, used and very fucking happy.
    2 points
  16. FT. LAUDERDALE - Ever have one of those nights where you just aren't sure how many loads you took? That was me last night. I only slid into one ass at Slammer but he didn't make me cum. I did take 4 cocks throughout the night, two of which I believe nutted in my ass, but I'm not certain. One did for sure (I have the evidence) and up to all 4 did, but I'm guessing it's more likely 1 or 2 that came in me. Anyways, better one nut than none, right?
    2 points
  17. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. It had been a long, frustrating day at work. It was a Friday, and I was stuck in the office late, again, trying to finish a project that should have been done in half the time, but kept getting more and more complicated as I tried to finish it. I finally left the office around ten o'clock at night. I hailed a cab to take me home to Brooklyn, and settled in to the seat. Traffic was awful, so I pulled out my iPhone and started to browse through Grindr while the cab inched through the gridlock. After the week I had at the office, I needed to get off! It wasn't long before I was chatting with a couple of different guys. The one that seemed to suit my mood the best that night had a profile picture of himself, shirtless and flexing in the mirror in a gym. He was Latino, and at forty he was more than fifteen years older than I was but you wouldn't have been able to guess that from his ripped, muscular body. I also liked the visible bulge in the crotch of his workout shorts. You couldn’t really see his face in the picture, but he looked decent enough and his body was insane! He said that he was really into fucking younger, slim white guys like me, and that I should come right over because he was going to ‘rock my world’. We exchanged more pictures, and I could feel my cock hardening in my briefs and my asshole twitching. His cock was thick, veiny and uncut, and as huge as it had looked through his shorts, and his body looked sexier in every picture. I was horny, and he had me hooked. I tapped on the partition and told the cab driver that I had changed my mind, and had a new destination. As soon as we were clear of the traffic trying to get on the bridge, I was at this guy's apartment in less than ten minutes. I had slight butterflies in my stomach as I paid the taxi and climbed out. He buzzed me in as soon as I rang the bell, and I climbed the dingy, narrow stairs up to his apartment. He was waiting for me in the doorway, looking even better than his pictures. His body was solid muscle, and his tattooed arms stretched the sleeves of his white teeshirt to the limit. He had a shaved head and a few days worth of stubble on his jaw. He smiled warmly and led me into the dim apartment. In the living room he had some porn playing silently on his tv. He sat me down on the couch and offered me a drink while I got comfortable and relaxed. I said sure, and he disappeared into the kitchen to prepare one for me. I kicked off my shoes and loosened my tie. He placed the drink on the table in front of me and sat down right next to me with his. We clinked glasses and I tried to calm my nerves with a big swallow of my drink. He ran his big, strong hands across my chest, pulling my tie out of the collar of my shirt and tossing it to the floor. I could feel my whole body relaxing as he massaged my shoulders and chest, gradually unbuttoning my shirt until it was open to the waist. His touch was making me so horny I could barely stand it! I took another gulp of my drink, and before I knew it I had drained the glass. I relaxed more and more as his hands explored my body. Before I knew what was happening, he was slipping my shirt down off my shoulders and helping me out of it. The room was spinning around me as he rubbed his hands all over me, unbuckling my belt and opening my pants. He helped me stand up so that he could pull my pants down. When I tried to step out of them I stumbled and he had to catch my arm to keep me from falling over. I couldn't focus on anything, and I could barely nod when I heard him saying 'we had better get you to bed'. I had never felt this out of it before! He half guided, half carried me down the hall into the dark bedroom and lay me down on the bed. As I lay there with the room spinning around me, I felt him lift my arms above my head and wrap something around my wrists. I was totally spaced out, lying there on the bed. I felt like I couldn't move, even if I had wanted to. After I don’t know how long, I felt him climb on top of me. He had stripped off his jeans and teeshirt, and was straddling my chest naked. His bulky body forced my shoulders down into the mattress. He slapped his hard cock across my face, pulling my mouth open and pushing the leaking head of his uncut monster cock towards the back of my throat. The awkward angle made me gag almost immediately but he still grabbed the back of my head and pushed his cock deeper down my throat. When I panicked and tried to push him away, I realized that my arms were bound above my head. It felt like they were tied to the headboard. I was freaking out in my head, but I couldn't move my body enough to try to throw him off of me. After I had gagged and choked on his dick for a while he climbed off of me and I could feel him spreading my legs. His fingers forced their way into my tight asshole. I groaned and tried to move away but I was too weak and my body refused to obey. He kept pushing them into me, stretching my hole. I felt him push something up into me, and it was like he squirted something inside of me to lube up my hole. Before long I started to feel a hot sensation spreading through my entire body, like it was flowing in waves from my ass. I groaned again. He laughed as he lifted my legs up and held them to my chest with one of his strong hands wrapped around my ankles. I tried to pull away again but it was no use, I felt like I had no control over any part of my body. I could feel the tip of his bare cock pressing insistently against my hole. He had me pinned to the bed, and his strong hips slowly forced it into me. I tried to scream as his raw cock ripped through my tight asshole, but all I could do was whimper. I could feel his low hanging balls slap against my ass as he bottomed out and started to fuck me. I must have backed out, because the next thing I remember I was lying on my stomach. I could still feel a huge cock in my ass but as my consciousness returned I realized that I was moaning in pleasure and grinding my hips, slamming my ass back against each thrust like I was in heat. It was like I was possessed! My mind was still foggy, but my dick had taken over control! I could hear myself begging for more cock, and to be fucked harder! My hands had been untied, and I was jerking on my leaking cock as he pounded my ass. I kept slipping in and out of awareness, but no matter how many times I woke up, I was always aware of the big cock in my asshole, sending waves of pleasure through my whole being. The lights of the room seemed to have gotten brighter, and they hurt my eyes and made it hard to focus. It was like I was hearing voices, but I was too disoriented to make out what they were saying. I have no idea how long all this went on. I have a vague memory of being helped to a cab and giving the driver my address, and then being helped up the stairs to my own apartment. When I finally woke up, I felt like I was in the midst of the worst hangover of my life. My head was pounding, my mouth was bone dry, and as soon as I rolled over on my bed I could feel a dull aching in my ass. I stumbled into the kitchen to gulp down a glass of water and try to clear my head. I walked back into the bedroom and noticed my laptop open on the side of my bed. I sure didn't remember leaving it there... When I tapped the trackpad, it woke up and displayed an XTube video page. I was about to close the browser window when I froze. The thumbnail preview image looked like me! The videos title was "SLUTTY TWINK GETS BRED AND GETS HIS HOLE WRECKED BY FOUR HUNG THUGS". Wait, what? I clicked play and watched, dumbfounded. It was me alright. My eyes were open wide but totally unfocused as I lay there on my stomach with a huge, muscular man climbing on top of me and shoving his huge, veiny, bare cock deep into my ass. The camera panned around as he groaned and you could hear the camera man laughing nastily and saying 'Breed that twink cunt, bro! Knock the fucker up!' I could hear my own voice groaning -- and begging! I was begging for more cock! I was panting and screaming and saying 'Harder! Fuck me harder! Please!' I was in shock. I sank down onto the bed, sitting in front of my laptop with my mouth hanging open. What the fuck had I done last night? What had happened to me? The video kept on playing, showing a close-up of the thick cock as it pounded my ass. My asshole looked like it was stretched to the limit around the thick shaft. I could hear the man fucking me groaning and he started to slam my ass even harder. The camera zoomed in even more as he pulled his cock out of my ass and what looked like a gallon of thick, creamy sperm poured out of my gaping pink hole. What I saw next made me jump up off the bed and run over to the mirror on my bedroom door. The man's hand had grabbed a marker from the mattress and drawn a line on my ass. A line just a few inches long, next to two other lines just like it. When I pulled down my pants and looked at my butt in the mirror, I felt sick. Six. Four lines, plus another drawn diagonally through them, plus one more. There was also something scrawled on my back but I couldn't exactly read it in the mirror with my head in that dazed condition. I walked slowly over to the laptop on the bed, where the video was still playing. Now I saw myself getting fucked doggy style by a big black guy whose face was blurred out by a block of pixels, and whose body looked twice the size of mine. He smacked my ass hard as he fucked me, and the look on my face was one of pure animal pleasure. The camera zoomed in on his cock in my ass, and I could read the words 'CUM DUMP' printed across my lower back in thick black marker. I grabbed my phone and tried to look up where I had ended up last night, but when I opened up Grindr I saw that the entire history, all of my chats had disappeared -- been cleared out. The groaning, grunting noises coming from my laptops speakers pulled my attention back to the screen as the black guy fucking me pulled his glistening, sperm lubed cock out of my ass, and, holding my ass spread with one hand, squirted his load directly into my gaping hole, only to add the fourth line to the tally on my ass and be quickly replaced by another raw cock, shoved into my ass without any pause or warning. I could hear the cameramen ask 'You like those raw dicks up your ass boy?'. In my head I screamed NO, but in the video I heard myself moaning 'Yes sir!'. 'You like getting bred boy? You want us to knock you up?' NO! 'Uh, yes, please! I want that cum in my ass!' 'Good boy!' How had this video ended up online? The thought froze me to my core -- my face was flashing across the Internet, begging for raw cock! Who knows who could already have seen it? When I tried to look at the profile of the person who uploaded the movie, it turned out to be blank with no information. The username was just a string of random numbers. 'I think he's ready, want to give him a try?' I switched back to the window where the video was playing. I was shown from behind, being positioned on top of the muscular guy whose body I recognized from the photos he had sent me last night, but whose face was blurred out. There was another close-up shot of his cock slipping into my sloppy, cum filled asshole. As soon as I had slid down to the base of his long cock, another guy climbed onto the bed. I gasped in unison with my video self as he lined his cock up against my already occupied hole, grabbed my hips, and forced his cock all the way into me along with the other one. From the sounds I was making in the video, it was a pretty tight fit. Just seeing that part of the video made my poor asshole throb. My screaming and moaning slowly turned to cries of pure pleasure -- it was like having those two cocks ripping my asshole wide open had made me loose my mind! It sure didn't take long for the guys fucking me to loose it, either. The feeling of their cocks rubbing together, stuffed into my straining ass and lubed up with four loads of sperm didn't take long to make them cum. I could tell because they just held me in place and literally fucked their cum into me. The video cut to me lying on my back on the bed with a dazed expression on my face, with my legs being lifted and spread apart with strong, anonymous hands. Another set of hands rubbed my chest. The final set of hands were rubbing my ass. You could see how tender and pink it was as the fingers of that hand played with the swollen lips and collected some of the cum leaking out of me. When he had a good load dripping from his fingers, he brought them up to my mouth for me to lick clean. My eyes unfocused, I did it without any hesitation, cleaning every last drop off his hand with my tongue. He moved his hand back to my ass, shoving three thick fingers up into me. In the video, I groaned and grabbed my own dick, stroking it wildly. 'Do you think you can take my fist, boy?' He asked me. 'Make me take it!' My own voice slurred like I was drunk or high. He worked another finger into my ass, pushing his hand in knuckle deep and twisting it around in my stretched out hole. The hand that had been stroking my chest now brought a small brown bottle up to my nose, holding it there until I inhaled deeply. As I did, my ass must have spasmed, because that's all it took for his thumb to force its way in. I sat there frozen as I watched his big hand disappear in my ass up to the wrist. In the video, my cock was still semi hard and oozing precum. I realized that it had been the hard and leaking the whole time I had been watching the video, as well. On screen, my ass was being abused as he punched his fist into me over and over, stretching my hole to the absolute limit. I was given another round of the poppers to inhale and I just lost if. My whole body shook as I groaned and squirted a huge load of cum from my cock. I whimpered and moaned, and it seemed like I came for almost a minute straight. When I was done, the hand was pulled from my ass with a loud slurping plop, and the camera zoomed in on my gaping hole. As the screen faded to black, you could hear the cameraman's voice asking me 'Did you like that?' 'Yes...' The video ended. I didn't know what to do. My head was still foggy and spinning. All I could think of was clicking back to the beginning and watching again. So I did. And this time I pulled out my cock and started to stroke while I watched.
    1 point
  18. I had never been in with the 'cool' kids. At 5' 8", and always on the skinny side, I was to small for the football team and, if I had to be honest, I didn't find much that I had in common with the other kids at school. It didn't help that as I hit puberty the transformation of my body was less dramatic than I had expected, and for an 18 year old guy, I was left looking somewhat effeminate. I don't know if this was the reason, or it was a combination of reasons, but tonight when I arrived at a party of a school friend, things went downhill fast. The jock kids noticed my arrival and immediately the sniggers and comments began. "Hey Jordan! Why don't you bring those pretty lips over here and learn how to please a real man" yelled Craig, one of the stars of the basketball team. I turned bright red and tried to walk away, but Craig wouldn't let-up, and yelled "Hey, where do you think you're going? I've got a three day load with your name on it pussy boy. Mouth or ass, I don't care. After all you’re just a fucking faggot hole for me to dump a load in." All his friends laughed as I ran from the room. When I got outside I paused to catch my breath. As I felt the hot tears running down my cheeks, I wiped them away, and also decided to go home - I didn't want to be in the same room with those fucks again. I started the long walk back to my place as I had been given a lift by my sister and she wasn't due back for hours, so it made sense to walk back and clear my head. I was about a mile down the road before I realised just how quiet it was. I checked my watch and it was a little after midnight. As I walked along the road absorbed in my thoughts, I heard a car approaching, and, as it neared, I sensed it was slowing down, and sure enough, a pickup pulled up along side me and the driver called-out "Hey kid, what you doing walking by yourself on the road at this time of night?" As I squinted into the cab I saw an older guy, probably mid 40's with steel blue eyes and dark brown crew cut. He looked built, and I could see from the light in the cab that he had massive arms and a thick muscled chest. "I'm heading home from a party that didn't end as well as I had hoped" I replied. "Get in kid. I'll give you a lift. It ain't safe to be walking around at this hour." I looked at him hard for a second, judging whether I should get into a car with a stranger before accepting his offer. "Thanks, Mr…." I started. "Matt" he cut in. "Oh, hey, thanks Matt, I'm Jordan" I replied. "Get in kid, I don't wanna be out all night" I walked round the cab and jumped in. As we headed off down the road I gave him my address, to which he grunted an acknowledgement. I stared out the window, as he didn't seem particularly talkative. As I looked out I saw his reflection in the glass, I found myself admiring his features. He looked so muscled and strong, I found myself imagining him without his shirt on, and within seconds I was starting to get hard. I had been looking at his reflection so long that by the time I glanced out the window I realised I had no idea where we were, all the houses had been replaced by tree flashing past the window. "Where are we? Did you miss my turn off?" I asked. "We aren't going to your house boy" he replied, "we're going to my place. I saw the way you were looking at me, you and me are gonna have some fun." Fear flashed through me and I started to protest, "Look mister I don't know what you're talking about but I need to go home, just let me out here and I will find my own way back." Just as I spoke we turned off the main road and into a driveway, as the pickup drove down the long drive I saw an old house come into view. It looked like an old farm cottage and from best I could tell we were miles from anything. "Listen here, boy. You're coming inside with me. I saw the way you were looking and I know you want a piece of my cock." With that Matt jumped out the cab, walked around to my door and opened it, roughly grabbed my arm, and yanked me from the pickup and towards the house. I tried to break away from him but he had a tight grip on my arm and I was tiny in comparison to his muscled body. Holding me in front of himself, he pushed me down the walk and through the front door. Once inside, he pinned me up against the wall, and finally I could appreciate how much bigger than I was Matt. He stood about 6' 4", and he looked like he was made of 230 pounds of solid muscle. As I looked up at him with frightened eyes, he dropped his hand onto my shoulder and pushed me onto my knees. "Please, let me go! I don't know what you're doing but I just want to go home" I pleaded. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he barked at me. "Tonight you're gonna find out what a sissy faggot like you is made for. Open up my jeans and get my cock out, bitch." I hesitated not knowing what I should do, but apparently I hesitated too long because *SLAP* - my face stung as he hit me. "I won't tell you again, boy. Open up my jeans and get your mouth on my cock!" he ordered. Terrified of being hit again, or worse, I started to undo the buttons on his jeans. As I undid each button a pair of white briefs came into view. When I had them all undone I was faced with a wall of muscled thighs and between them an enormous engorged cock, barely contained beneath the thin white material. I watched in fascination as a small wet patch appeared at his cock head, turning the white material clear with precum. "Don't just sit there drooling boy, get that fucker out and in your mouth" he demanded. This being my first time on my knees, I gingerly peeled his briefs down, and taking his thick cock in my hand, I started to slowly suck on the head of his cock. I couldn't believe that I was actually kneeling between the legs of such a hot daddy, and with his enormous tool in my mouth. "What the fuck are you doing boy? Don't pussy about with it, suck that cock!" he roared as he grabbed the back of my head and forced me down on his eight-inch meaty cock. I gasped for air as he forced it deeper down my throat. I could feel the massive head slide down my neck and triggering my gag reflex. He heard me start to gag and barked "Harden the fuck up faggot! You're going to be doing this plenty more, so you better learn how to take it. If you puke on my cock I'll crush your pathetic little balls." I swallowed hard as I tried to stop from puking and with a lot of effort I was able to settle into a rhythm of him plowing my throat all the way down till my nose was buried in his pubes. He fucked my face for about five minutes, then suddenly he stopped and pulled out. I was so thankful. Finally I could breath properly. As I gasped on the ground it occurred to me what I must look like: my face wet with spit and precum smeared all over it, my lips red and raw from the vicious face fucking I had taken - just like a dirty cocksucker. "Time for your next lesson on how to please a real man, faggot" he barked at me, grabbing me by the waist and throwing me over his massive shoulders. He carried me into a room which, from the large wooden-framed bed in the centre of the room, I judged to be the master bedroom. He threw me down on the mattress and as I tried to comprehend what had just happened, I felt him snap a handcuff onto each of my wrists, attaching the other end to the head board. "So faggot, you like to get fucked?" he asked. "Please! No! I have never been fucked; I have never been with anyone before! Just let me go, we can forget about all this" I pleaded. "A virgin pussyboy. Well I'll be damned. This IS gonna be fun" he replied, ignoring my pleas. "How old are you boy?" he asked. "I was 18 two weeks ago, sir" I replied, hoping my age might sway him to release me. "Damn, boy. Eighteen? I'm gonna wreck you so bad no one is ever gonna believe you are 18 ever again" he laughed at me. I watched as he grabbed a knife from his side table and quickly cut off my tshirt and shorts, leaving me naked and bound on the bed. Then he stood back and admired his work, watching me squirm uncomfortably on the bed. Approaching me, he roughly grabbed both my legs and yanked them up, exposing my tight boy ass, a sharp gasp signifying his approval as he admired my virgin hole, only, to my utter surprise, to lean over to explore my hole with his tongue. I squirmed with pleasure as his stubble rubbed against my ass, and his probing tongue made me buck and writhe on the bed. I let out a loud gasp, which, when he heard, lead him to snicker "You like that don't ya faggot? I tell you there is nothing as sweet in this world as 18 year old virgin boy pussy." I could only grunt in response. He ate my hole for about ten minutes, slowly opening me up wider and wider. Then, as quickly as he had started eating me out, he dropped my legs back to the bed. I remember gazing up at his muscled frame, still reeling from the feelings he had brought to my ass. "Ok boy, time for the main event." It suddenly dawned on me what was coming next. "Please sir, can't I just suck you?" I tried one last time to reason with him. He laughed in response, "Hell no boy. I've got a four day load in these balls that's gonna be the first load of man juice to get pumped into that perfect little cunt."\ I looked up at him terrified; he was fisting his cock through the front of his jeans. I watched him reach over and grab the lube, slick up his cock and position it at my virgin hole. "WAIT! Please if you're going to fuck me, at least wear a condom!" I pleaded. "You ain't good enough for a condom, fag. You're just a hole for me to plant my babies in" he replied. And with that, I watched him line-up his massive cock with my tiny pink hole and push his engorged head against it. He pushed hard and my puffy cunt lips finally surrendered and I had his fat cock head inside my ass. Terrified by this man barebacking me I tried to struggle against the handcuffs but it was no use. He had my thighs held tight and he used them to slowly pull me backwards onto his cock. As I looked down the length of my body, my eyes wide open with shock, I could see inch after inch disappear into my hole, and, in under thirty seconds his entire eight inch cock had been eaten by my hungry hole. "Damn, you're tight fag, but that hole just ate my whole dick. You sure this is your first time?" he sneered down at me. He flexed his dick and I cried out. "ANSWER ME BOY WHEN I ASK YOU A QUESTION!" he shouted. "Yes sir, it is my first time" I whimpered. "Then I guess this cunt was just made for my fat cock to plow then, wasn't it?" I didn't reply and so received another slap across the face. "WHAT DID I JUST SAY, BOY?" he roared. "Yes sir. My cunt was made for your fat cock to plow" I sobbed. And on hearing my reply, he started to slide his massive cock in and out of my no-longer-virgin hole. Each punch of his cock deep in my guts made me moan with a mix of pleasure and pain. His bulbous cock head felt like it was raking my insides over and over, stretching my ass lips every time he pulled all the way out, only to pile drive his cock back in a few seconds later. He looked down at his cock disappearing into my hole and smirked, "Well, I guess that answers that question" he said as I watch him slide down to my ass and touch it. "You're all torn up faggot, bleeding all over my cock." I didn't know what he meant and instead of slowing down or stopping this revelation only seemed to make him fuck me harder. He leaned down close to me, his face inches from mine and his massive muscled body completely covering my own lithe figure. I watched as sweat dripped off his face and onto me as he rutted wildly in my now destroyed boy pussy. I watched his eyes change and his face went red as his cock slammed harder into my hole. I'm gonna breed you boy, I'm gonna fill you up with a big toxic daddy load. You're gonna have my babies in you, my toxic babies, and then no one is gonna want you faggot ass pussy ever again." I stared at him blankly trying to work out what he meant. Seconds later he froze and I felt his engorged cock head expand in my ruined cunt, and I could feel the jets of thick white hot cum travel up his long shaft and pump into my guts. "TAKE MY FUCKING POZ LOAD, YOU FILTHY FUCKING WHORE!" he yelled. Suddenly it made sense, the terror overwhelmed me as I realised that right at this moment his fat cock was blasting a massive load of poz cum deep into my destroyed ass. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed, but it was too late. Even as I went to try and kick him away, he was already pulling his massive cock from my gaping hole. The deed was done. "Not a bad fuck, boy" he said as he re-snapped the buttons on his jeans. "Why did you do it?" I choked out as the tears came. "Someone was gonna poz your stupid cunt sooner or later boy, and I always get what I want" he replied. I tried to roll over and cry into the mattress, I was still sobbing when a minute later I felt him shove a large object in my gaping hole. "A butt plug boy, to make sure my boys don't leak out of that slutty hole" he said. I cried harder into the mattress. "At least until our other guests arrive tonight…" he trailed off.
    1 point
  19. My regular Daddy had invited me over to his flat for a Saturday afternoon fucking. I made my way to his flat and he greeted me at his front door wearing leather chaps, boots and a jock which was bulging with his large, uncut cock inside. He kissed me, tweaked my nipples through my T-shirt and said he had a surprise for me. I was excited, he slapped my arse and ushered me through to his kitchen. Once there he blindfolded me and then proceeded to strip me completely naked. He then lead me forth, it felt exhilarating not knowing what was in store. My body was tingling in anticipation, the rest of my senses were heightened by my loss of sight. I could hear porn, the unmistakable sound of men fucking coming from the TV. Daddy stopped me and pushed me down to my knees on the floor. Daddy said 'are you ready for your surprise' to which I replied 'yes Daddy'. With this I could hear some movement of bodies and feet. I felt Daddy close behind me, his large cock in his jock brushing against me as I was down on my knees. His hands touched the sides of my head as he was preparing to remove the blindfold and show me what the surprise was. He undid the blindfold and the sight of three, large, well built men stood in front of me. They were naked and wanking their cocks, which all looked hard and impressive. I glanced and smiled at Daddy, we had spoken before about our fantasies and he knew that I wanted to be used by a group and he had now made it happen and my fantasy was about to become a reality thanks to him. Daddy introduced me as his boy and offered me to his three guests, telling them to enjoy their selves. The first guy stepped forward, he was middle eastern looking, he was bald headed, had a solid, thick, muscular body and a very large, thick, cut cock which he pushed straight into my mouth. I swallowed if eagerly, taking it fully into my mouth. He was forceful with his movements, pushing his cock deep into my mouth, fucking my throat. While he was balls deep in my mouth, my focus on his cock, one of the other guys had moved behind me and had pulled my ass cheeks apart and had two fingers lodged deep in my hole. This is exactly what I had hoped for in my fantasy and was lucky that Daddy had made it happen. The guy behind me moved me into all fours, he was quite rough and forceful. Once on all fours I felt his cock slapping on my arse, and his cock head probing at my hole. The guy in front of me was holding my head and fucking my mouth and then I felt a cock fully enter my arsehole. It felt so good, two masculine studs driving their cocks into me, one in my tight asshole and one in my mouth. This is what I'd dreamed of. The guys were fucking me hard and fast and it didn't take long before the guy in front of me pulled his cock out of my mouth and shot a huge load of cum all over my face. His grunts and groans were such a turn on, he had shot so much cum over me, all the while the man behind was fucking my ass so hard and deep. The middle eastern guy who'd given me a facial moved aside and the third guy, a man in his fifties, tall and broad, stood in front of me. He used his fingers to push the cum on my face into my mouth and I willingly swallowed it. It was thick and salty, it was what I craved and it tasted so good. He then pushed his own hard cock into my mouth. He wasn't as hung as the last guy, but was still well endowed. He was more vocal, calling me a cumslut, a greedy boy who needed feeding. He asked me if I liked the cock in my ass, I couldn't reply as his cock had me gagged. My words were not needed. Daddy was watching, taking poppers on the sofa and wanking his cock while the two guys fucked me at both ends. I was glad I was making him happy. Daddy said it was such a hot scene, watching me being used. The guy fucking my arse had been pounding me hard, the sight of me sucking two cocks and taking a facial was about to be too much for him as he reached the moment of ejaculation. He pumped me hard as he shot cum into my arse. He was grabbing my hips and slapping my arse as he filled me with cum. Fuck it felt good, his cock resting balls deep in me with his cum plugged inside. He withdrew his cock and exited the room. Daddy moved from the sofa and inspected my cum loaded arse. The cum beginning to seep out. He fingered me and was taking the cum on his finger and feeding it to me as I sucked the cock of the third guy. The third guy was had now moved from having in front of me and was now entering my ass. The porn on the TV was still playing but we'd lost interest, our own hot scene was real and we were totally in the moment. It didn't take long for the third guy to deliver a second load of cum deep into my asshole. He fucked me until he shot what felt like a gallon of cum inside me. After he'd unloaded and emptied his balls, he too withdrew and left me feeling used, but still horny and wanting more cum. With all three of the guests done and having shot their loads, they had all dressed and gone. Daddy and I left alone to talk about how amazing it was for me to be fucked and him to watch his boy taking the cum of three horny men. Daddy took me into the bedroom where he had his way with my mouth and ass. His cock, harder than ever, fucked me and filled me with another hot load. It had been an afternoon to remember and one I hoped we could recreate again.
    1 point
  20. How many times can I get gono before people realize I am a slut!!! (and proud of it) I have had it seven times in my lifetime!
    1 point
  21. OMFG! OK, I'm sorta overwhelmed at the moment but I have to say a few things before I make my "real" comment. One. I am truly sad that bj and I are the only damn comments! Do people just not care to thank an author for GIVING them what they were seeking? I have found out I was raised in a totally different time than today. I am always thankful for being exposed to such good talent. Yes, talent IS in the eye of the beholder but at least tell the author, painter, director, gardener, etc., tell them how much you appreciate, how much you enjoyed, hell, how many times you beat off. Anyway, this is amazing for me, the humble reader, who happens to enjoy erotic fiction, literary porn, nasty sex! So, IMO, for me, this served a purpose that went WAY beyond just me reading so I could close my eyes and beat one out! But, I won't get so personal with the author as to make him, Toon, uncomfortable or whomever takes the time to read this post. I'm nobody and no one cares for my opinion anyway, which is cool. Two. I'm positive that, if someone took the time, had the skill, to do a poll here, of the members on BZ, asking why they visited the "reading" portions/areas, whatever, of this website, they would find at least 90-95% are here to get off. Yes? This had to have gotten members to that most happy of all cerebral places! Three. Toon, having read EVERYTHINIG you have posted here, this is, I know, outside your "normal" box. I can tell this "story" is a step beyond your regular fare. But, I can also tell, as your story unfolded, how comfortable you were becoming with the telling. Again, I cannot get so personal in my assessment of the author's work. I came here to read my favorite member's work (OK, that was sorta personal). Expecting the content of the story to fall along with most in this section of chem sex, ie, as I see it, maybe a 50/50 mix of chem assisted consensual, vs chem involved less than consensual. For me, I'll just say that both have their own places in my reading enjoyment. Yet, what I got Toon, was a fruitful JOURNEY. I stepped in, as I am usually able to do with your writing for some reason, but this time, not only did I feel like the happy observer, I felt ALOT like I was Vince, or at least a part of Vince! Damn, that was/is amazing! Not only was this sexually enjoyable, but this was emotionally enjoyable as well!! OK, personally here, you have such wonderful talent! I can see you doing professional, published in the everyday world, talent! Thank you Toon for an enjoyable read, an enjoyable part of my evening!
    1 point
  22. Hot story. I love gloryholes. I started sucking cocks at a very young age. I would cruise the bathrooms at the mall. Suck off any cocks that was under the stall. After I sucked all the cocks at the mall, I would stop by the local parks and keep on sucking off as many cocks that I could. Then I heard about the gloryholes at the porn stores. However I wasn't old enough to get in. I was a freshman in high school. So one weekend my girlfriend and I took a train to new York City and stayed the night. In the city you could get a fake college i.d. so that is what I did. When i got home. I tried out My fake i.d. and it worked. So besides sucking cock at the mall, local parks, i now had 3 porn shops with gloryhole I could go to. I feel in love with gloryholes. Nothing hotter then sucking off a cock thew a gloryhole. You had no clue what the guy looked like, how old he was, if the guy was fat or ugly. It didn't matter, it was all about the cock. I remember a group of friends would go to this under 18 dance club every week. I would leave my friends and sneak out of the club and walk up a block to the porn shop and suck off random strangers left and right.
    1 point
  23. Extremely hot, well-written story. One of my new favorites!
    1 point
  24. fucking hot when they cheat bare on their wives, crave your manhood and love for cock and end up taking your ass, let loose and blast their loads up your hole. had one who even whispered to my ears he was fucking to get me pregnant like he did his wife, he must have totally been in his trip.
    1 point
  25. palm springs leather prided and CCBC were amazing. all told i had 51 different sex partners and was bred 57 times and fisted nine times. even now my hole is still loose and sloppy...bringing my 2017 total: 404 sex partners (including some pre palm springs clients and hookups) to 444 breedings. so close to my 500 partner brreding goal for the year!!
    1 point
  26. Totally out as a vers barebacker! My philosophy is, "If it ain't bareback, it ain't fuckin' and it ain't happenin!"
    1 point
  27. **Fictional story, first time giving this a go** PART FOUR With my jock dropped on my bedroom floor, my cock raging hard, my mind racing wanting to know what was happening, I took a huff of my own poppers and slowly walked into the back bedroom. Before me was a glorious sight to behold: my 20 year old boyfriend, high on poppers, blindfolded and on his stomach being fucked raw by a 30 year old handsome man. The second guy's body was far more fit and defined than his pictures had led me to believe. He showed lovely chest muscles, broad shoulders, a chiseled face, and strongly defined back muscles, but of course the first thing I noticed as I walked into the room was his glorious peachy arse. The man with the peachy arse was slowly fucking Lucas, more gently than Lucas would like, I know that for a fact, even as if he wasn't used to topping a guy. He was giving Lucas long strokes of his cock, slowly in and out. I walked around and he looked up at me and smiled. I returned his smile, and stepped over to Lucas' head, sliding my cock into his mouth. Like a pro Lucas started sucking me off as I watched the other man's cock slide in and out of my boyfriend's hole. As I studied the scene I realized the top was was completely shaved, preparing himself just as Lucas had prepared himself for my pleasure. As I face-fucked Lucas, the other man and I locked eyes. I might have been face-fucking Lucas, but my thoughts were about fucking the hottie who's cock was buried inside my boyfriend. I suspected the hottie and I were sharing very similar thoughts. I could feel my balls churning my cum and I was ready to blow so I announced "Fuck, babe, I'm gonna shoot my load down your throat!" Lucas grabbed my ass and deep-throated my cock as wad after wad of hot cum poured down the back of his throat. The other guy also reached his limit, as his rhythmic crotch action became increasingly ragged, all the while Lucas' ass ground his cock. Letting loose and roaring "Ahhhhh, yeah, take my load up your boicunt," I smiled with pleasure as he breed the love of my life. Right then and there I decided I get him to stay for more one-on-one fun with me! As the other guy withdrew from Lucas' ass, I also withdrew my cock from Lucas' mouth. Lucas collapsed on the mattress, gathering his breath and strength as fresh cum pooled in his hole and his belly. As we stepped towards the doorway I asked the top "You liked cumming in my boyfriend?" "Yeah he's a lovely hole. To be honest, 'though I usually bottom but was out-and-out horny tonight so I decided 'fuck it'." "Well with a nice firm ass like yours I bet you're good at taking cock," I remarked. "Yeah, I love getting fucked. You're welcome to try it out some other night if you want," he invited. He was sweaty and in the faint light coming from the windows his skin glistening, looking extremely hot. "Do you need to take a shower before you go?" I offered. "I wouldn't mind, yes, if that's okay." "Follow me. There's a shower in the en-suite in our room that you can use," I answered. He grabbed his clothing which was stacked in a neat pile on a chair in the room. Just then Lucas slid off his blindfold, looked around and the two of us, balls naked, walking out of the back bedroom and heading for our room. As we did so, my phone rang. it was the third guy. He as a bit early and needed directions to our house; I gave him the information he needed, told him best place to park and asked him to wait for a few minutes and I'd phone him back as he was earlier than we expected. I left the second guy in the bathroom attached to our en-suite and returned to Lucas who was wondering what was happening at this stage. I sat on the bed with him and gave him a cuddle "Are you enjoying this so far babe?" "I am, but where did you go with that last guy, and why is he taking a shower?" I looked at Lucas and handed him his poppers and gestured for him to take a hit which he did. "Well I think I'm going to have some fun with him too. I know it's your night but I'm in the mood for his ass. You don't mind me getting some fresh hole - while the all these guys fuck you tonight, surely, do you?" I didn't wait for an answer and put the blindfold back on Lucas and told him get into position for the third guy.
    1 point
  28. **Fictional story, first time giving this a go** PART TWO LUCAS had to get ready. He was heading out for lunch with his parents. While he dressed, I lounged about wearing only my jock and t-shirt, and in fact that's how his mother found me when she came into the house to collect her son and hello. She must have known what we had been doing, if only as the air carried the scent of cum, but she carried it off well. Lucas' father, on the other hand, didn't bother to make the trip into the house, but rather remained in the car, awaiting the return of his wife, with Lucas in tow. Eventually the three of them headed off whereupon I logged onto a few sites and hatched my plan. My post announced I was looking for several guys around to fuck my 20 year old old boyfriend. I stipulated we preferred guys 30 and older, and also preferred bareback but anyone who insisted could suit-up. I also make it clear we weren't looking for long sessions, this was strictly a matter of coming into the house, fucking, dumping a load and leaving. My final condition was my intention of remaining in the other room listening, but might, if the spirit struck me, enter the room and watch the show. By approximately 7:00 PM eight men had responded to my advertisements, so I cancelled the postings. Lucas still had no idea, and was happily sucking my cock for the third time that day, with a fresh load of my cum streaming down his ball sack when I told him what was in store for the night ahead. He was quite surprised, but also clearly excited, even if he didn't quite know what to expect. I told him as I loved him this is what I wanted for him and we once more passionately embraced. I could smell the scent of my cock on his lips. We went upstairs, showered, making sure we were both nice and clean and ready for the night ahead. The first guy had messaged me, advising he would be be outside at 8:30, so by 8:15 Lucas was in our spare room at the back of the house, top of the stairs, blindfolded at the ready, lubed up and ass in the air. We talked and made out ourselves until I got the message from the first guy, saying he had arrived. Lucas and I exchanged one more kiss, and again exchanging our vows of love. Then I went down and answered the door. The first guy was 34 years old, very lean, sporty looking, short shaved beard and very tall. We made small talk at the door and in the hall for a few minutes. Then I led him upstairs, showed him the back room and told him to leave the door open and enjoy my boyfriend's hole. I went in and lay down on our bed while I heard the unmistakable sounds of jeans being undone, a belt hitting the wooden floor and Lucas inhaling his freshly opened poppers. This guy had said he wanted to fuck wrapped, but I wasn't going to argue as he was the first man of the night. Sitting on our bed, dressed solely in my jock, my cock rock hard, I listened carefully knowing the man I loved was in the next room about to get fucked by a complete stranger. Within a few minutes I heard the noise I know so well, Lucas moaning in pleasure. He was taking quite a pounding and I heard flesh slapping together, I heard his ass being slapped and then the stranger got verbal and really into it "Your hole feels so nice boy," and "You are so lucky to have a man like that look after you," and "Oh, fuck, you're good at taking cock," as well as the most exciting utterance, "I'm balls-deep inside you, man!" This went on for about ten minutes, during which I stroked myself as I listened to the 34 year old reach orgasm, blowing his load. Lucas was panting heavily as another text message came through: the second guy was at the door!
    1 point
  29. Sometimes even the most outrageous fiction can become fact. Perhaps you will want to make this story come true at some point. No doubt, it would be a hot experience for both you and the top who seals your fate. And, always glad to see a story that includes an "insurance" point after the fucking ends.
    1 point
  30. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): Faggot, trash, whore, slut, cumdump, cumbucket, fucktoy, toxic receptacle, and/or anything you want to call me Your cell number (for texts and voice calls):1 619-500-2066 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): 92103 Hillcrest/Mission Hills Times you're generally not available: Mon Wed-friday 10-7 Age: 40 Height: 6' Weight: 179 Ethnicity: white
    1 point
  31. PART TWO "Hahaha, sounds fun Gramps. Just don't strap me in too securely!" As an experienced user, I was well aware of how to make it seem the restraints were only lightly tied but they'd hold the guy firmly in place. "Now how does that feel?" "Yeah, I think I get the idea of it. Wow, it feels pretty amazing from here but I bet it's better at your end! You kinda feel pretty exposed" Looking closer at his sweaty ass in his short shorts, I couldn't believe it - he wasn't wearing briefs! I could see him struggling to get out, just as I thought (& planned) he had no chance at all. "Did you need a hand there?" "Yeah, I can't seem to get out! Maybe if I hold onto you to get a bit more leverage..." Saying that, he put his arms around my neck to try & pull himself out. Of course, that only resulted in the sling starting to rock and bringing me closer, my cock almost resting against him. I could see that his attempts to pull himself out of the sling had actually meant his shorts had slipped further down, almost exposing his hole! "God Gramps, imagine if someone saw us now, what would we say?" "Well it's a damn god thing the door's locked," I replied. "No-one's gonna be surprising us that's for sure." Well, aside from the surprise I had in store for my grandson at least! As his attention was diverted looking over at the door, I was able to slide his shorts down a little further, finally exposing his sweaty hole. In the same motion, I pulled down my shorts, releasing my rock hard cock. That's what years of experience gets you! He swung back towards me, unaware of what was waiting for him. As he rolled back, my cock rested between his cheeks, poking at his hole. "Shit Gramps, what's going on?!?!" "Oh sorry buddy," I replied. "I guess seeing someone in the sling just brought back old memories and feelings and I couldn't help myself. You know what it's like getting flashbacks I'm sure." I looked down, pretending to be ashamed but in actual fact seeing how close I was to being inside his hole. "I know, Mom said you're still upset about Grandma. You still think about her don't you?" "I guess, I just get so lonely sometimes." I looked up at him, trying to get my eyes all misty, it wasn't the only thing I wanted wet though! "If you wanted to you could help me by....no you couldn't" "What Grandpa?" He asked innocently, leaning towards me, meaning my cock was just a little bit closer. "Would it be alright if I had sex with you? I know you're straight (I WAS CAREFUL WITH MY WORDING!!) and that you're my grandson but it'd make me so happy." "Of course Gramps, I'd do anything to make you happy. No-one's gonna come in and surprise us are they?" "No, not with the garage locked." I'd made VERY sure of that! "Well, I can't believe I'm saying this Gramps, but sure. You'll be gentle won't you?" "Tell you what, you tell me how I'm doing and I'll follow your lead OK? I've got some stuff in the house that'll make it easier for you if you want?" The poor kid nodded back to me, if only he knew what was coming. "OK boy, I'll go & get it. Don't go anywhere OK?" I figured a bit of humour would relax the kids nerves. "As if I could!" he laughed back. I tried to hide my aching hard-on as I ran inside to fetch my supplies. END OF PART TWO
    1 point
  32. The next time I returned to the park, I mustered the courage to go behind the trees opposite the car park, where cars lights shined through the branches exposing all sorts of flashes of cocks and asses. Basically, behind the line of trees, you dropped your pants and let anyone and everyone fuck you bareback. I found a place, dropped my shorts, assumed the position and with poppers in hand, held onto the branches and stuck out my ass. Nervously waiting to be fucked raw by strangers I huffed on the very strong poppers.. Seriously, I lost count. I was so high on poppers I don't know how many men fucked me, a lot. All raw and bareback, taking turns, sloppy hole for use. I love being gang fucked bareback, being filled with hot cum, mouth and ass. Especially by complete strangers in the dark. Anyone can cum in my ass. I stayed for as long as I can remember behind the trees, perhaps 2 hours. Most of all I remember being bent over, snorting poppers and high as fuck, my asshole full and dripping with hot cum from strangers and other complete strangers sticking their bare cocks in me. I felt like a human sperm bank. Eventually, people had either cum or had to go home. I found myself stinking of spunk and sex, covered in sticky stuff and very high from the poppers. Alone, I pulled up my pants and staggered back to my car to have a smoke..
    1 point
  33. Took my brother for his P.A. yesterday so for the next 8 weeks his dick will be recovering , but his holes will get a good work out.
    1 point
  34. Part 5 We drove down the interstate, me again in the seat, naked except for my slave gear, on full view to anyone in a taller vehicle. We passed a couple semi trucks, the drivers laughing at me as Master made sure to pass them real slow, making sure they got a good view of his naked slave. I was embarrassed to be on such display, but also really turned on by this new humiliation. My cock pressed into its cage. As we passed a third semi, the driver grinned down at me and honked his horn while he gave a thumbs up. Master laughed and reached into the glove compartment, pulling out a note book and a pen. Handing them to me, he told me to write a certain message on it. I blushed when he told me, but didn't hesitate. I was too high and horny. I then held it up to the window. "Blowjob $5" it read. The driver motioned to pull over, and soon we followed the truck into a rest stop. Not the kind with bathrooms, just one on the side of the road for truckers to rest. Master got out and went to talk to the driver, then came and got me, leading me to the passenger door. I crawled in and he followed me. The driver was already in the back, waiting, a ten dollar bill in his hand. "I haven't nutted in a week, boy. Got two loads for your whore mouth!" the trucker stated as he handed Master the 10. Unzipping his fly, he fished out an already hardening cock. He reclined on the bunk in between the seats. I thought this was odd, but didn't have time to think as he grabbed my head and forced it into his crotch. I dove on his junk, taking his cock and balls into my mouth, and started sucking ravenously. He smelled like piss and sweat. The trucker moaned his approval as his dick hardened to a full 7 inches. I could feel Master tugging at the plug, removing it, and replacing it with his fat cock. "That's right whore," said Master, "suck that cock. You're a true whore now slut. And a cheap one at that." The trucker laughed as I moaned. "Suck him good bitch! Suck him like the $10 piece of trash you are!" I went crazy as Master said more humiliating things to me, degraded me. The trucker joined in the verbal abuse as he jackhammered his cock down my throat as Master fucked me hard. Soon the dirty trucker buried his cock deep in my throat, grinding his smelly pubes into my lips as he pumped a huge load into me. I choked and gagged, barely able to swallow. Master spanked my ass as the trucker fed me. After he came, he pissed a little in my mouth. But his cock didn't get soft. He started fucking my throat again, working toward number 2. Master kept fucking me and they both continued their nasty verbal assault. Eventually Master grabbed my hair and slammed my face into the trucker groin as he pumped another load into my cunt. Then as the trucker started his second orgasm, Master pulled me off and had the trucker shoot on my hair and forehead, coating my face. We all relaxed for a moment before Master told me to go back to the car. "Don't touch that cum, whore!" He demanded. "I want you to really accept the pig you are." The trucker laughed as I exited the truck. Master joined me in a few minutes, and we drove away. "You continue to amaze me boy. So far you've taken everything I've thrown your way. I know a lot is the drugs, but I still think you are a TRUE pig." I just smiled and whispered, "thank you Sir." As cum ran down my face, dripping onto my chest. "That guy says he travels this route all the time. Expect to see him again. (I did) But do you know what you did wrong, bitch? You didn't thank him for his cum. Major fuck up, whore!" I silently reprimanded myself for being forgetful. We traveled the rest of the way home in silence. Once back at the apartment, Master told me to relax on the bed for a while while he checked his messages. After a while he joined me. He took me into his arms and started kissing me, holding me tight. We made out for a while when Master said "Travis will be here in a couple hours. He says he has a surprise. In the meantime, relax for a while." We rested on the bed, Master snoozed, but I was too spun. After a couple of hours, the doorbell rang. I woke Master up, and he went to the door, shutting the bedroom door. I could hear some muffled voices, but not much. Soon Master came and led me by the leash into the living room. I could see two men. Travis, and a young kid, looked maybe 18. Travis was sexy, mid 20's, long brown hair. The boy was cute, skinny, kinda thug looking with his baggy pants and hoodie. They sat on the couch, passing a different pipe between them. "That's a crack pipe," Master explained. "Not for you, maybe one day." He handed me a drink. "There's G in there. Drink up pig!" I downed it quick, ignoring the taste. Master then pulled out his supplies, loaded his pipe, put 4 lines on a mirror, and snorted 2. "I changed my mind about no Tina on Sunday's. I have one quick meeting tomorrow, and I'm going to take tues off. This weekend has turned out to be way to special." He handed me the mirror, and I snorted as he lit the bowl. We all smoked our stuff as I got even higher. While we smoked, Master had me relate to the men everything I had done so far. Telling strangers all the nasty things I had done so far really worked me up. The guys pulled out their hard cocks and stroked them, as I drooled in anticipation. "So, the surprise, " said Master, "is that when Travis gets rock, he becomes a fuck machine. By the end of the night your ass will be raw!" The guys laughed and high fived. "And Joe here, he's never played with a slave. I promised him a night he wouldn't forget! Show them your pussy boy! On your back! Travis, pull that plug out." I moaned as I displayed myself lewdly and gasped as Travis pulled out the plug. The men whistled at my puffy, red hole. Travis stuck his finger into a bag of cocaine and rubbed my anal ring with it. I could feel it turn numb. He stripped, and with no ceremony crawled between my legs, spit on his fat cock, and plunged it in. I squealed as he grabbed my thighs and jackhammered my ass. Joe just stared as Travis used me. "He'll do ANYTHING he's told to do." Said Master. "He's a true pig in training." I just floated in space as yet another cock pummeled my pussy. Soon Joe wanted a turn, so I was placed over the couch so he could fuck me while I sucked Travis. Master just kicked back and watched the show as he smoked a cigar. The guys used me hard, pounding me in their coked up state. Eventually we moved to the bedroom. Travis laid on the bed and made me straddle him. As I sat all the way on his fat cock, Joe moved in and placed his own 6 incher at my opening. While Master filmed, he pressed into me alongside Travis. I groaned loudly as the two cocks slid in and out of my hungry gash. They double fucked me deep and hard for at least 20 minutes until Travis went rigid and started spasming as he shot his cum in my dumphole. Soon Joe followed suit, giving me his hot sperm. They pulled out and I cleaned them off. We all collapsed on the bed in a sweaty pile. After a few minutes, Master retrieved the party supplies from the living room, and more smoke was had by all. "So Joe," said Master, "you enjoying my slave so far?" "Oh yea. Fucking hot!" "Well we have all night. And the cunt here has fucked up again." "Oh shit!" I thought. "I didn't thank them for their cum. Damnit!" Master saw my face. "That's right whore, that's 3 Major infractions. You will learn! I'm going to let these boys punish you as they see fit." I could see Travis and Joe grinning in anticipation. "First though, we need a piss boy." With that I was dragged into the bathroom, into the tub. Without hesitation, Master shoved his semi hard cock up my hole. As Travis put his cock in my mouth and started pissing, Master pissed up my ass. I took piss in both of my cumholes while Joe pissed all over me. After Master pulled out, he grabbed a clear tumbler and ordered me to empty my bowels into it. Soon it was filled with cloudy, brownish liquid. Master ordered me to drink it while they chanted, "Pig! Pig! Pig!" I wretched as I choked it down. But I swallowed it. Then it was back to the bedroom. I was quickly set up in the sling and tied securely. Nipple clamps were attached with chains going over the top of the bed. Weights were then attached to the chains, painfully pulling my tits. "Ready for some pain, slut?" Asked Joe. "I've been looking forward to this!" With that I was tightly gagged and given poppers. Then Joe took a riding crop and gave me 10 swift hard blows right on my balls. I screamed bloody murder, but was defensless. As I jerked in the sling, the weights swung around, viciously pulling my nipples. Travis took the crop next and administered 10 hard blows right on my already sore hole. Tears flowed from my eyes as I screamed more into the gag. Then they each took a candle and dripped hot wax all over my body. My chest, stomach, nipples, soles of my feet. I cried and thrashed, but still found the pain arousing. Then they dripped it on my balls, coating them. Next was my cock. The cage had opening to piss and for air. They filled it up as I tried to beg for mercy. They just laughed. More weights were added to the chains, then they dripped it onto my asslips. I poured sweat as I screamed even more, the clamps pulling harder. My poor cunt burned like a son of a bitch. Then they stopped. They quickly peeled the wax off my ass lips. Joe stuck his cock in me, and i whimpered. Master took pics while Joe showed no mercy on my abused hole. More drugs ensued and the two men fucked me literally non stop for an hour and a half in their crack fuled lust. My cunt barely regeristing the fucking, I was so high and loose at that point. They both finally dumped two more loads in my numb sperm bank, then finally called it a night, thanking Master profusely for the entertaining evening. After they left, Master examined me closely. "No damage whore, just a really well used dump. You're fine." After releasing me from the sling, we rested in silence for the next several hours. But not before Master reminded me we still have one day left for my birthday. Could I take more? I hoped so.
    1 point
  35. And in case you can't open PDFs, or you just prefer the moderator's writing style, here's the text version of the story (I'm sure the moderator will do his usual thorough editing job within a few days). Chapter 5 comes right after the five-way at Simon's place, and right after Simon says, "...you have more to learn, and I'm gonna teach you." ---- Five: The next few weeks were really great. Simon seemed to be having me over more and more, and having girls from the club over less and less. He always seemed happy to see me, and I was definitely happy whenever I saw him. I loved how he always dominated me, and how he made me feel like I was the only person in the world when we were together. I was also starting to get used to him inviting Jaime or the married stranger over to fuck me, too, although Simon was the one I really wanted. I knew it was wrong to do this to my boyfriend, and of course I knew there was a huge risk taking Simon's loads (and his roommate's) all the time, and that it might all catch up to me later. But later was later, and all I knew was, Simon was what I needed right now, and I think he needed me to, and I was happy when I was with him. Things with my boyfriend Todd were also better than ever, which made me feel guilty for cheating on him, but I was getting better and better at not thinking about it. Things were always so easy when I was with Todd, and I couldn't imagine not being with him. He was probably the one really decent person in my life, and even though he didn't always understand me, I knew he would do anything for me, and I felt like a better person when I was with him. The sex was never quite as passionate as that one night he'd fucked Jaime's cum into me (without knowing it), but it was still great, and I was always happy when I was with him, too. Anyway, Todd and I were on our way to an office party my company was throwing. Todd always came with me to these things when he wasn't working, so it was nothing special. Some of the partners at my company were openly gay, and everyone at work was pretty easygoing, so I was looking forward to a few drinks, a few laughs, a drama-free evening, and then a quiet night back at Todd's place. We got to my office building and walked inside, with Todd telling me all the latest updates on his family ranch back home, and about the torque (or something) on the new pickup truck his family had just bought. He seemed really excited about the whole thing, and he was fun to listen to when he got excited about something. We got up to the office party and saw some of my work friends, and we walked over and started talking to them for a minute. Then I left to get us some drinks, and I said hi to some of the partners, my boss Jackie, and her nephew Greg, who I hadn't met before. I got back to where Todd was talking to my friends, and I noticed that Joel, the office slut, had come out of nowhere and was laughing at something Todd had said, resting his hand "casually" on Todd's muscular arm. Joel had a reputation around the office for spreading his legs for just about anything that moved, including one or two of the delivery men, and possibly some of the partners, too. Joel was Asian, on the short side, had a great body and a cute face, and could be very…persuasive when he wanted something, which is why I didn't want him anywhere near Todd. I usually didn't follow office gossip, but I could tell, just by looking, what Joel wanted; and with my boyfriend's recent…history, I didn't trust the two of them together at all. I handed Todd his drink, and then politely but firmly steered him away from that group, and away from Joel. After that, I started to relax. We had a few more drinks, we talked to some more of my office friends, and I showed Todd off to some of the new people there. The mood was good, there was booze and music, and all was well. And then at the other side of the room, I saw Simon walk in. Everyone was listening to Todd telling another one of his farm stories, as my heart stopped beating and I had a quiet panic attack. Was I imagining this? I'd only had a few drinks. Why was he here? Was he going to tell my boyfriend everything? In front of all my co-workers?? Had my life of lies and deceit finally caught up with me? Or could this just be a weird coincidence, and he was here with someone else? I held my breath and stayed perfectly still, praying for this moment to just go away, wishing for Simon to just turn around and walk out, hoping beyond hope that he wouldn't see me…. Simon spotted me almost instantly and started walking directly toward me, with a maniacal grin on his face. What the hell was I going to do? I snapped out of my panicked paralysis and started looking for an escape route, but there was a table of food behind me, Todd next to me, and co-workers totally surrounding us, listening to Todd as he finished his story. The co-workers were starting to disperse, but not fast enough. In sheer desperation, I considered ducking under the table and running out the other side, but that would leave Simon alone with my boyfriend, to tell him who-knows-what? I finally decided to just stay put and try to think of a convincing story to tell my boyfriend, and hopefully get out of this thing alive. Simon finally got to where we were standing, walked right up to me, and slapped me hard on the shoulder. "There he is!" he said to me, like we were old friends. "Sorry I'm late!" "I—I didn't think you were coming," I said, completely honestly. I could see Todd had turned toward us and was probably waiting for an introduction. And Simon wasn't helping, he was just staring at me with that mischievous grin, obviously enjoying watching me squirm and suffer. I couldn't say he was a co-worker, because Todd knew everyone at work. "Todd, this is my…friend…from…growing up." From growing up? Was that seriously the best I could come up with?? "Nice to meet you, I'm Todd," my lover said. "How's it goin'? I'm Simon," my other lover said. God, was this really happening? These two people were never supposed to meet each other! "So you two went to school together?" Todd asked, totally normally. Maybe my lie had actually worked. "Sure did," Simon said, going along with my story with clear amusement, "and now I'm back in town. I can't believe you didn't find out about me before now!" I'm sure all the blood drained from my face at that point, but Todd was already on his third drink, which might have been the only thing that saved me. The rest of that conversation was incredibly…normal, with Todd and Simon making small talk, and only me seeming to realize how insane this whole situation was. Simon, always full of surprises, really hit it off with Todd, saying he had family in the Midwest, too (I had no idea if that was true or not), and talking about cars and power tools and things, which Todd loved. I realized I'd never seen Simon sociable like this before. He was like five different people in one. After a few minutes of Simon and my boyfriend bonding over "guy talk", Simon looked over at where my boss Jackie and her nephew Greg were standing, and asked me, "Hey, who is that fine Nubian queen over there?" Oh no, what was he doing? "That—that's my boss, but don't—" "I will talk to you two gentlemen later," he interrupted me, and started walking toward her. "No, you can't—" I said quickly, but he was already gone. Was this night really happening? First he introduces himself to my boyfriend, and now he's going to hit on my boss? This is not how tonight was supposed to go. I watched as Simon strutted up to Jackie and started talking to her, and I just hoped he wouldn't tell her he was with me. Then I saw both of them look directly over at me, and it was obvious he'd just told her. Why was he doing this to me?? I went back to talking to my boyfriend, who amazingly didn't seem to suspect anything. He actually seemed to really like Simon, which was just too much for me. I quickly waved some work friends over to talk to us and take my boyfriend's mind off Simon, and to hopefully make him forget about Simon altogether. After a few minutes of talking to my friends, I looked back over at Simon, and now he was leaning into my boss's ear and saying something funny, making her laugh. I turned back to my boyfriend, and Joel had once again shown up out of nowhere and was rubbing up on my boyfriend, so I had to separate the two of them again. Then I turned back to Simon, and now my boss was gone, and Simon was talking to my boss's nephew Greg, and making him laugh. This night could not be happening. I went back to talking to my work friends for a few minutes, and then when I turned back to Simon, he and Greg were looking right at me, and Simon was saying something into Greg's ear, and smiling devilishly. This could not be good. Then Greg started smiling, too, and then Simon was waving me over to them. I looked back at my boyfriend, and Joel had found his way back, and now he was putting a drink into Todd's hands, and Todd wasn't saying no. Well I could either keep Joel away from my boyfriend, or go over and see what Simon wanted. After some agonizing, I decided to walk over to Simon and Greg, knowing I'd regret it. "You know Greg," Simon said to me. I nodded at Greg. We'd met earlier. Greg was a little younger than me, in shape, and good looking. He had perfect white teeth, a neat haircut, and smooth mocha skin. "Greg's new in town," Simon explained, "and he doesn't know anybody yet. I told him I could help him out with that." Then Simon looked me up and down with a very suggestive look, and I knew exactly what he meant, but I couldn't believe it! He was pimping me out to my boss's nephew?? Then I saw the lusty smile on Greg's face, and I knew that's exactly what was happening. How had Simon found someone else to fuck me, literally 15 minutes after getting here? And how in the world had he singled out my boss's nephew, of all the people here? Simon took my arm and said, "Let's go for a walk." "What, now?" I asked, eyes wide. Simon nodded. "We can't, not here!" I protested. "My boss is here, and my boyfriend is right over there!" "I won't tell if you won't," Simon said with a smirk. "Will you tell?" he asked Greg. Greg shook his head, also smirking. "Then it's settled. Let's go, baby doll." Simon had never called me that in front of someone else before, and no one in my "regular" life knew I was sleeping around, until right now. This whole thing was totally wrong! But Greg already knew now, and if I put up a fight, Simon might tell Greg even more about what we'd been up to. So I took one last, mournful look back at my boyfriend, who I could see was now hopelessly under Joel's spell, and let Simon pull me away. The three of us walked to the end of one of the hallways, and into a corner office. I'd been so busy thinking about my boyfriend and Joel that I hadn't been paying attention to where we were going. "Wait, this is one of the partners' offices, we can't do it in here!" I said, but neither of them seemed to care. Simon closed the door (but didn't lock it), pulled me over to the window, and started grinding into my ass. "Wait, not by the window, someone could see us!" We were only a few floors up, and the parking lot was right outside. If someone left the party early and looked up…. Simon wasn't listening, though, and I could feel his hard-on pressing into me now. Greg walked up to me, lifted my chin up, and kissed me deeply, right then and there. I realized then that I hadn't kissed anyone except my boyfriend in three years, even with all this sleeping around I was doing. I'd just crossed yet another line, and with an almost complete stranger. While I was making out with Greg, Simon dropped my pants, then his, and then I felt his hard, bare cock pressing up against my skin. Then Greg bent me down, undid his own pants, and pushed his fat black cock into my mouth. Greg got hard fast, and soon I was choking on Greg's cock, with Simon right behind me, pushing my head further down and grinding his own cock against my ass. After a few minutes, Simon asked, "You ready to fuck him?" "Oh, yeah," Greg said. And with that, Simon stood me up, turned me around, and bent me forward again. I heard Greg spitting a few times, and then he started to push in. And there I was, bent over like a whore in one of the partners' offices, right in front of the window, with my neighbor's cock in my mouth, and my boss's nephew's cock shoving into my ass, at the company office party, with my boyfriend right outside. Was this really happening?? Greg slowly pushed all the way into me, and he was really stretching me out. He'd never asked about condoms, so I just hoped he was clean—although at this point I didn't even know if I was. When Greg was all the way inside me, he started slowly thrusting in and out and sighing, obviously enjoying the feeling. Meanwhile, Simon was deep in my throat, egging him on: "Yeah, man, open him up wide, make him your bitch, take that ass, fuck him real deep." "Oh, man, he feels good," Greg was saying as he fucked me harder, "fuck, this is just what I needed." He started really pounding me, and I struggled to take it. He didn't care, though, he just grabbed my hips and kept pounding me hard. And Simon obviously loved it. He kept encouraging Greg to fuck me harder, and telling me to "take that black dick in your slutty fuckin' hole, you fuckin' whore, your boyfriend's gonna know you just got fucked, for sure." After just a few minutes of Simon's nasty talk, Greg pounded me even harder, slammed all the way inside me, and held it there as he shot his load of unknown status deep inside me. As soon as he pulled out, Simon stood me up, shoved me right up against the same window I'd complained about before, and pushed in on Greg's cum. He fucked me hard as I looked down on the parking lot, hoping no one would walk out right then. "Oh, you dirty slut," he whispered into my ear, breathing hard, "taking all this dick with your boyfriend right outside. He's probably wondering where you are right now. Maybe Greg should go find him, and tell him to come join us? I think he'd like that." "No, don't!" I said, instinctively trying to push Simon off me, but he was way stronger than me, and after a brief struggle, he pinned my arms behind my back, pressed my face up against the window, and slammed back into me as hard as he could. "Or maybe I should tell all your friends out there you just took a load off your boss's nephew, right here in the partner's office!" he said with a maniacal laugh. "What does your HR handbook say about that, bitch boy?" I couldn't believe what he was saying to me. My friends had no idea what Simon and I got up to, they thought Todd and I were the perfect faithful couple. If people at work found out what a slut I was, I'd have to quit in shame—if I didn't get fired first. "Well what's it gonna be, boy?" he asked, with some really hard thrusts. I hoped he wasn't seriously making me choose. "Who do you want me to tell?" he asked, fucking me faster. "Your little work friends, or your boyfriend? And you better hurry, boy, 'cuz I'm about to bust my fuckin' nut." I still couldn't believe it. Is this why he'd come here tonight? "Ah, maybe I should just tell everyone. Then you'll have no one but me." Oh god, he really was making me choose, between losing my boyfriend and losing my job. Fuck, what had I done? I knew my lies would catch up to me eventually, but not yet, and I never thought Simon would turn on me like this! I'd known he was into some twisted games, and I'd known I was playing with fire, but fuck! "Oh, you feel so good, boy, I'm gettin' so close," Simon said. "I guess you want me to tell everyone, huh?" "My friends!" I blurted out. "Tell my friends." "Unh, just in time!" Simon said, slamming his cock into me. And as he pumped his hot load into me to mix with Greg's, I could tell from his voice and his moans that he was genuinely happy. Meanwhile, I felt like crying. My time at that company was probably over now, and all because I couldn't say no to Simon, just this one time. How had things gotten so out of control, so fast? Well at least if everyone was going to hear about me, they were going to hear about what a slut Greg was, too. That made me feel a little better. And I'd get to keep my boyfriend. Simon slowly slipped out of me and let go of my wrists, which were sore by now. We washed up in the private bathroom and straightened our clothes out, trying not to look like we'd just had a three-way at an office party. When we'd finished getting dressed, Simon walked right up to me. He took me by the chin and put his other hand around my waist, and dammit, when I saw the way he looked at me, like there was no one but the two of us, I couldn't stay mad at him, even though he was ruining my life, little by little. "That was so much fun, baby doll," he said to me, quietly, "I really liked that. I've fucked a lot of bitches," and now he was massaging my ear so gently, and I was closing my eyes and enjoying it, "but no one quite like you." And in that moment, I felt totally safe, and totally at peace with losing my job. I didn't need it, I could find a new one. All I needed was right here in front of me. "Well, my work here is done," Simon said, sounding satisfied, and letting go of my ear. "Oh, and uh, Greg here starts on Monday, so looks like you just met your new co-worker." "My…what??" I asked, suddenly panicked. I'd never slept with a co-worker before, and if I'd known Greg would be working here, there's no way in hell I would have cheated on my boyfriend with him! Oh no, it was all crashing down around me. My normal life and my cheating life were mixing together, and soon everyone would know what I cheater I was, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Then I thought of something. "Wait, I thought you were…telling my friends about…." "Oh, that?" Simon said, laughing, like he was remembering a joke. "I said I wouldn't tell if you wouldn't, didn't I?" And then he was walking to the door. "Oh hey," he said from the doorway, "and tell your partners, great party." And just like that he left, with a big, stupid grin on his face. Greg gave me a wink and a pearly-white smile, then he was gone, too, leaving me alone in this office that wasn't mine, feeling relieved, angry, worried, guilty, and a thousand other things. I took a second to pull myself together, then looked out the window to make sure no one had seen us. I straightened up the office, double-checked myself in the mirror, and walked out. God, I might actually get away with this. Six: I walked back out into the party to look for my boyfriend, hoping no one had noticed me being gone for so long. My friends said he'd gone outside for some air about 15 minutes ago, and when I walked out there, I saw him with his hand on the wall, leaning up on, of course, Joel. This guy got points for perseverance, I'd give him that, but I wasn't letting this skeevy whore sink his hooks into my man, so long as there was life in me. "Come on, honey, it's time to go," I said to Todd, pulling him toward the car, and completely ignoring Joel. He'd clearly had a few more since I'd last seen him (thanks to Joel, no doubt), and he was stumbling a little. He fought me weakly. "No, let's stay," he said, eyes half-shut, "we've only been here for—" "Yeah I know," I said, cutting him off. "But that was more than enough time, apparently." For both of us, I thought. I got him into the passenger seat of the Mustang and drove us back to his place, stalling the engine a few times as I tried to process everything that had just happened. We got inside, and he insisted on having another drink before he'd let me put him to bed. When we were finally lying down, he cuddled up next to me and held me in his strong arms, and at last I started to relax, and forget about that office party and everything that had happened. Then he said, "I like your friend Simon, why didn't you tell me about him before?" Fuck. "He…just got back into town," I said, trying to remember what story Simon had made up. "Oh really?" Todd said. "He seems pretty cool. We should all hang out sometime." No, no, no, I thought, if I could just get Todd to go to sleep, maybe he wouldn't remember any of this in the morning, he'd forget he'd ever even met Simon, and everything could go back to the way it was. "I'm in the mood," I said, hoping to change the subject, "I wanna suck you off, baby." It wasn't really true, but if it meant distracting him till he passed out, I would take one for the team. I started rubbing his cock through his boxers, and that seemed to do the trick. He stopped grilling me about Simon, started getting hard, and breathed onto the side of my face. Oh, the booze was strong with this one. I got him on his back, slid down his boxers, and started working on his cock. He got totally hard and started moaning. My plan was working. I hated playing my boyfriend like this, but if he found out about Simon, it was all over, and I was not letting that happen. After a few minutes, my mind started drifting back to the office, and the unexpected pounding I'd taken there. That was way too risky. I couldn't do anything like that, ever again. But Greg was really fine, and I'd liked feeling him stretch me open. And I loved how much Simon had enjoyed the whole thing, even if he had tormented me evilly. Then I noticed I was completely hard, and realized I still hadn't cum yet today. So I took my briefs off and started stroking, as I kept working on my boyfriend's cock. My boyfriend had stopped making noises, and I was pretty sure he was out cold, when suddenly he said, "Oh yeah, that feels so good, unh, suck me, baby, suck me." I guess I had more work to do. He kept going, "Oh, you're so sexy, I want your body, I want to be inside you, we won't tell anyone." Hm, that was weird. Everyone knew about us already, didn't they? "I want to be inside you, I want to fuck you, Joel." What??? Did he just say he wanted to fuck Joel?? Joel, that slimy, slutty, backstabbing skank from the office who couldn't wait five minutes before loading my boyfriend up with liquor and luring him outside for some "alone time"? Something about hearing my boyfriend say Joel's name while I was sucking his cock, made something snap in my head, and before I knew what I was doing, I was climbing up and sitting on Todd's cock, and riding him for all I was worth. You want to sleep around behind my back, you son of a bitch? I thought, as I bounced up and down on his cock angrily. You like Joel better than me? Well, two can play at that game. You feel all that cum in there? That's Simon's, your friend Simon's, your favorite pal Simon's. Plus a guy's who I just met today. That's right, you stupid fool, while you thought you were being so clever, chatting up the village bicycle when I wasn't looking, I was two feet away, getting loaded up by two strangers. Feel all their cum inside me! You wanted to fuck a skeevy whore? Well, you're fucking one!! And with that, I shot a hot, angry load all over Todd's chest and face, as I ground my ass onto his bare cock, making sure it was completely covered in Simon's and Greg's cum. After I came down, my first thought was, Oh god, what have I done?? My cum was all over Todd's sleeping face, and I had just exposed him to who-knows-what from Simon and Greg. All Todd had done was talk to someone he probably thought was just being friendly, and here I was, shoving his cock into strangers' cum without him knowing, for the second time! And I was the one sneaking around, not him or Joel! I had to get ahold of myself. Simon was turning me into some kind of deviant, and now I was dragging poor Todd into it, too. As I cleaned up the evidence of my shameful acts (for the second time that night), I promised I would never do anything like this ever again. Todd was totally innocent, he'd only had that one slip-up a few months ago, and I didn't really blame him for that. I had to start treating him better, and trusting him more, and stop tricking him into fucking other guys' loads into me. What happened with me and Simon had to stay totally separate. I had to get my life back under control! I finished cleaning up Todd, then I curled up next to him, and he put his strong arm around me again, making me feel safe. "That was great, baby," he said, and started snoring. How much of that had he been awake for?? No, that was silly, he was totally hammered and wouldn't remember any of this in the morning. I would keep my promise to be better to him, and to trust him more, and to keep my other life separate. I started to feel better about myself then, as my boyfriend held me in his arms, just like old times, and I knew everything was going to be alright. Then a text message came in on my phone. I knew I should just ignore it and go to sleep, but it could be important, and there was nothing wrong with…just looking, was there? I instantly regretted it. It was a text from Simon: "Ur bf and Joel make a cute couple, but Joel was being kinda shy, so I helped move things along a little, hope u don't mind ;-)" Joel, shy?? What had Simon done? What did "moving things along" even mean? Joel was moving things along just fine without anyone's help. And when had Simon even been alone with my boyfriend or Joel? Then I remembered Todd and Joel had gone to stand outside right around when Simon was leaving the party; had Simon run into them? I'd walked out just a few minutes after Simon, but then again, Simon only needed a few minutes to work his evil magic on people. I could feel my brief happiness evaporating, and my jealousy and worry coming back. What was Simon doing to me, and my carefully ordered life? Why did he always like to mess with my head? What was he planning for my boyfriend and Joel? And when would he stop springing surprises on me all the time? I had the feeling things were about to get a lot more complicated before they got simpler…. Seven: For the next week or so, I kept thinking about Simon's text, saying he'd "helped move things along a little" between my boyfriend and Joel. Was he trying to get my boyfriend to cheat on me (again), with Joel? I was starting to think Simon liked corrupting people just for fun, and my boyfriend was next on his list. I saw my boyfriend Todd a few times that week, and everything seemed the same as usual. He didn't bring up Simon, or Joel (or what I'd done to him after the office party). Maybe Simon wasn't going to mess with my boyfriend after all, and I had nothing to worry about? I went out of town for a couple weeks to see family, and with all the usual family drama and exhaustion, I completely forgot about Simon's text, and everything else. I was glad to get back, and glad to see Todd again. We went to dinner and a movie, then back to his place for some drinks and some reunion sex. After that, we cuddled, and I listened to him tell me about work. Then he said, "Oh, and I saw your friend Simon." I immediately tensed up, disguising it (badly) as a cough. "Really?" I said, trying to sound casual. "Um, how?" "Oh, I bumped into him at that office party, when I was standing outside, and he was leaving. We swapped phone numbers." Standing outside, with Joel. So Simon had talked to them both. Anything was possible now…. "Oh great," I said, "So what did you guys do?" "Well the first time, we went rock-climbing, and then we went to the shooting range…oh, and then on Thursday I helped him pick up a couch he got for his place." Oh no, I thought, they'd seen each other three times already. And of course Simon had waited till I was out of town, and out of the way. "Oh that's great, honey," I lied. "Yeah," Todd said, "he's a real cool guy. And a mean shot." My boyfriend was as good as gone, I thought. For the next few days, I went back to obsessing over Simon, his text, and what he was doing to my boyfriend behind my back. Simon, meanwhile, seemed happier than ever, and a few times, I heard him singing as he walked past my window. I hadn't seen him since the party, and I texted him to see if he was free (and to get some answers), but he always said he was "busy". Anyway, I was getting home from work, which had gotten pretty stressful since that office party, too—I kept bumping into my boss's nephew Greg, who had tag-teamed me in an empty office with Simon that night, and who had just started working there (in HR, of all places); and of course Joel, who was after my boyfriend. I got out of my car and walked to the lobby to check my mail. One of my neighbors was standing in front of his mailbox, reading his mail, and we smiled and nodded at each other. I opened my box, looked at my mail, threw the junk mail away, and…I noticed that my neighbor was staring at me. I looked up at him, and he had a dirty, lusty, mischievous smirk on his face—the same kind of smirk I'd seen on Simon and Greg at the party, right before they'd fucked me…. Did I know this guy? He was Hispanic, a little older than me, about my height, sort of nondescript-looking….After a second, I recognized him as my neighbor from across the hall. He'd moved in a few months ago. But that didn't explain why he was looking at me like that. "Hi," I said tentatively, not really sure how to break the ice. My neighbor didn't say anything at first, he just kept looking at my body like he owned it, and then he started chuckling in a strange way, like I was reminding him of a dirty joke or something. "Hi," he finally said, and it sounded a little sarcastic. Seriously, did I know this guy from somewhere else? He was starting to make me uncomfortable. He chuckled some more, then in his Spanish accent, he said, "I guess you don't recognize me, do you?" He kept smiling, and took a step toward me. In a quieter voice, he said, "Maybe you'd recognize my cock, hm? Maybe you'd recognize me if I were inside you, and you were…cómo se dice?…blindfolded?" And then it all made sense, and my heart stopped for a second, and I breathed in sharply. This was the married stranger who'd been fucking me at Simon's place all those times. This is what Simon had meant, when he'd said the married guy "might not be a total stranger" to me. He lived right across the hall! Oh no, I'd gotten fucked by someone in my building without even knowing it. And, I'd seen this guy's family. This was so fucked up. "That's right," my married neighbor continued, "it's me who's been fucking you. And your ass is amazing." Then, in his seductive Spanish accent, he whispered, "I've given you so much of my cum….But it's been a while since you let me fuck you?" "I was…out of town," I said, weakly. "Are you going to let me fuck that ass again?" he asked. I nodded obediently. What was I doing? "Good," he said quietly, with a big smile. "Come over tonight at eleven. You remember where I live?" I nodded again. "I'll leave the door cracked open. Don't knock. And don't wear cologne." I nodded a third time. He took another step toward me, leaned into my ear, and grabbed my ass. "I can't wait," he whispered, and then he walked off. I was in a daze for a few seconds. I'd finally seen the man who'd been fucking me all those times. And someone in my own building knew what I slut I was, and the kind of risky sex I had! I couldn't tell if I was more nervous, or turned on. Anyway, that night at 11 o'clock, I snuck out of my apartment, took two steps, and quietly pushed open my neighbor's door. He was standing in his kitchen with his shirt off, and he smiled at me, then reminded me to be quiet. I leaned the door closed again, then quietly walked over to the kitchen. As I got around the counter, I saw that my neighbor's cock was out, and hard already. He smiled as I walked toward him, then he pulled me in and kissed me, which surprised me. But he was a good kisser, and after a few seconds, I started to kiss back. He reached behind me and grabbed my ass with both hands, and his hard cock pressed against my stomach. Then he gently but firmly pushed me down to my knees, and guided his cock into my willing mouth. He was careful not to make me gag at first, but he eventually got his cock head all the way down my throat, until my nose was buried in his pubes. He sighed appreciatively. I had never done anything like this before—sucking off one of my neighbors, in his kitchen, with his family asleep in the next room…it felt so dangerous, and so slutty. I loved it. My neighbor pulled me to my feet, dropped my pants, turned me around, and bent me all the way over till I was grabbing my ankles. He could still see over the high counter, but I was completely out of sight. He slicked up my ass and his cock, then he slowly started to press in until his pubes were brushing up against my ass. I felt so full, but I held my breath so I didn't make any sound. Once he was in, he started to slowly fuck me, pushing his raw cock all the way in, then pulling almost completely out. He kept this up for a long time, and I could tell how much he liked it, and how focused on me he was. I wondered if he did this with other guys, or if I was the only one. I found myself getting turned on, thinking about him fucking other guys like this. Then he pulled me up and whispered in my ear, "You feel so good. I'm going to give you my leche soon, okay?" I nodded eagerly, begging him for it. I wanted his virile cum in me. I wanted him to own me. He pulled me in for another deep kiss, then pushed me back down till I was grabbing my ankles again. Then he started fucking me a little faster, careful not to slam into my ass or make any noise. It was hot knowing how much he was enjoying the fuck, and how much he wanted to just pound me, but hearing him stay perfectly quiet. After a few minutes of him fucking me fast, I felt him push all the way inside me and hold it there, and I felt his body jerk as he was racked with a powerful orgasm, as he held me there in place. I could tell he was holding his breath as he gave me yet another load of his married cum, and silently marking my ass as his again. After what seemed like a whole minute of him shooting inside me, he finally exhaled, and quietly caught his breath. He slipped out of my cummy hole, pulled up his pants, and gave me a big smile when I stood up and looked at him. He had obviously enjoyed our secret fuck as much as I had, and he looked totally satisfied now. I smiled back at him as I pulled up my own pants, then I let him walk me to the door. He gave me another deep, passionate kiss, and another squeeze on the ass, then he opened the door and let me out into the hallway. As I walked back into my own apartment, I thought how funny it was that this married stranger looked so basic and average in public, like your typical, ho-hum family guy. But after dark, when everyone was asleep, he was either over at Simon's place, slamming his raw cock into my cummy hole, or he was silently fucking me bareback in his kitchen, giving me load number who-knows-how-many, never once asking about condoms or status. And no one would have guessed, just by looking at him. It was so wrong…and so hot. As I drifted off to sleep that night, thinking about my neighbor's cum still inside me, I wondered if I was starting to like being a slut, instead of just going along with it because it was what Simon wanted. I had definitely enjoyed my neighbor fucking me in his kitchen just now; and if Greg hadn't been my co-worker, I wouldn't have minded having his fat cock inside me again. I didn't totally understand what was happening to me, but maybe I was finally turning into the slut Simon wanted me to be…. Eight: A few days after my kitchen fuck with my married neighbor, Simon finally let me come over. I hadn't seen him since the office party, and I wasn't sure if I was more upset at him for what he was doing with my boyfriend, or just glad to see him. Either way, I wanted some answers about what exactly he was up to. I walked into his bedroom that night and found him naked on his bed, totally hard, his pale skin glowing in the light coming in through the blinds. For a moment I couldn't remember what I wanted to say to him, I just knew I wanted him. "Hey, baby doll," he said with a smile that said he was just as happy to see me. "Hey," I said with a sheepish grin. "Why don't you come over here and take care of this dick?" he said. "I've missed that hot mouth of yours." I obediently climbed onto the bed and hungrily swallowed his cock all the way to the base. This felt right, me on my knees, worshipping Simon and his cock, making him feel good, letting him dominate me. After fucking my throat for just a little bit, Simon told me to take my clothes off and get on my back, then he spat on his cock and slid inside me. Now there was nothing between us—no clothes, and no rubber. I didn't want any protection from Simon anymore, I just wanted him inside me. I wanted to be his. "Oh baby, your ass feels so good," he said, "it's been so long, I've missed this ass." He fucked me slow and deep, and leaned in so close to me, with a look of ecstasy and pleading on his face. Then he leaned in next to my ear and held me tight as he fucked my hole harder. "Oh, I've missed you, baby doll," he whispered to me, and I was in heaven. Then all of a sudden, he pulled away from me and started slam-fucking my hole with a wicked grin on his face. He wasn't being tender or passionate anymore. More like sadistic. "Ah, did your boyfriend tell you we hung out while you were gone?" he asked me. I nodded. I wasn't in heaven anymore. "He's a great guy, your boyfriend," Simon continued, still slamming into me whenever he felt like it, and moving his cock around in me from side to side. "A little simple, but he's an engineer, so he must have somethin' goin' on upstairs, somewhere," he said with a cruel laugh. I didn't like where this conversation was going, and I didn't like him making fun of my boyfriend. "He's an open book, too," Simon went on, clearly enjoying this. "He loves you, of course, but he wants a little more…excitement, you know? A little sum'n on the side." That's what I was afraid of, that after three years, my boyfriend wanted more than just me. That's why he'd cheated on me a few months ago, and that's why it had been so easy for Joel to tempt him, back at the office party. But wait…had Simon said Todd loved me? This was huge. And I didn't know if I felt the same way. I hated that I was hearing it from Simon like this, with that mean smile on his face. "And that's where Joel comes in," Simon continued, pounding me really fast then, making loud slapping noises on my ass. When he slowed down a little, he saw the bitter look on my face, but it clearly didn't bother him. "See, your boyfriend likes Joel, thinks he's 'exotic', or whatever the fuck, and Joel likes your boyfriend—well, who doesn't Joel like, nahmean?" he said, laughing. I could feel my face getting hot. "So it was really good luck I bumped into them at that party." He went back to fucking me slowly, but not tenderly. "Your boyfriend needs to, uh…broaden his horizons a little, you know, spread his seed around." He laughed at his own little joke. I didn't. "But your boyfriend was too chickenshit to talk to Joel on his own, and Joel didn't want you to be mad at him"—I doubted Joel gave a crap what I thought—"so I had to, uh…help 'em along a little bit." There was that word again, "help". Maybe now he'd finally tell me how much damage he'd done while I was away. "So me and your boyfriend are gonna tag team that chinky ass tomorrow, can't fuckin' wait!" "No, you can't!" I said, and tried to push him off me. But he slammed his cock all the way in me, grabbed onto my wrists, and easily held my arms up above my head as he continued to fuck me, and all with a big smile on his face like this was all a big game for him. "Don't fight me, baby doll," he said, "you know I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want, and this is what I want, baby, and this is what your boyfriend wants, and this is what you want, to." This wasn't what I wanted, I didn't want my boyfriend cheating on me again, and I hated that skank Joel and didn't want to catch anything from him. I was still angry, but Simon was holding my wrists tight, and I stopped fighting him and just listened as he went on. "You're gonna thank me later, boy. This is what your boyfriend wants, and if you give him what he wants, he won't leave you, will he?" I wanted to argue that this was totally fucked up, and that Simon shouldn't be butting into our relationship. But what he was saying did…kind of make sense, in a perverted way. "That's right, baby doll, I'm helpin' you out, I'm keepin' you and your boyfriend together." Then he just looked down on me for a while, until I finally stopped looking angry. He and Todd had already made the decision, and if I stopped my boyfriend from cheating, I might just lose him. It was so messed up, but I started to accept it, and I think Simon saw that on my face. "I knew you'd understand, baby," he said, leaning in next to my ear again, "you're such a good fuckin' boy, you know that? Always takin' my dick, always makin' me feel good, always doin' whatever the fuck I tell you." He started moaning, and he let go of my wrists and held me tight. And I felt my arms wrap around him, pulling him into me. This whole thing was so wrong, and Simon should not be trying to turn my boyfriend into a cheater, just like he'd done to me. But Simon smelled so good right now, and I loved feeling his skin pressed up against mine, and feeling his cock inside me with nothing between us, and knowing I was making him feel good, and knowing he'd missed me while I was gone. I could never stay mad at him. "You're such a good bitch boy," Simon went on, whispering lustily in my ear, and I could tell he was close, "lettin' your boyfriend cheat on you. You're boyfriend's lucky to have you, so lucky. We're gonna have such a good time tomorrow, tag teamin' that yellow boy, that fuckin' slut." Then he started pounding me for all he was worth, and grabbing me tight, and I knew he was about to cum. "I'm gonna turn your boyfriend into a cheater, just like I did to you! He's gonna be mine, just like you are! You're both gonna be mine!!" He slammed his cock all the way inside me and gave me another huge load, moaning and whimpering into my ear. I pulled him into me, wanting his cum as deep inside me as possible, and not caring about anything else. The next day, though, I wasn't feeling as open-minded about Todd cheating on me as I had when I was with Simon. I didn't want to lose him, like Simon had said; but I was afraid if Joel got his hands on him, I'd lose him anyway. Well maybe Simon had just been making stuff up just to get under my skin, like he had at the office party. I decided to text my boyfriend. Maybe he wasn't really seeing Joel? "Hey hun, do you want to hang out later?" But he wrote back: "Hey babe, not feeling so great today, prob gonna lie down, maybe tomorrow?" Hmm. It looked like he really was seeing Joel today, and now he was lying to me about it…. I told him we'd hang out tomorrow and to "feel better soon", then I did stuff around the apartment, trying not to think about it too much. But my mind kept going back to what the three of them would be doing later, and Simon's and Todd's pale skin sandwiching Joel's darker skin as they gave it to him from both ends. Would Todd kiss Joel like he kissed me? Would he cum inside him? I couldn't stop thinking about it. But I knew something that would take my mind off Todd and Joel—Jaime, and him pounding me into the mattress again. He really was turning into a hot little fucker, and he lived right across the street. I texted him, not wasting any time: "Fuck me?" His reply was fast, as always: "Cousin's coming over" Well that wasn't what I'd wanted to hear, but family comes first, I guess. Then he sent me a second text: "I'll bring him over" Well I wasn't expecting that! But if one cock was good, two cocks were even better. So a little while later, I was letting Jaime and his cousin into my apartment. Jaime was on the beefy side, but his cousin—Paco—was pretty lean and almost skinny. He was about Jaime's age, definitely cute, and had sort of a "'hood" vibe to him. "Nice place," Paco said, avoiding eye contact with me. I wondered if he'd ever been with a guy before? "Thanks," I said, and led the two boys back to the bedroom. Paco definitely did not take the lead, again making me wonder if this was his first time with a guy. But Jaime did (they grow up so fast), and soon all three of us were naked, and Jaime and I were taking turns on Paco's young dick, making him moan. I was surprised to see Jaime swallow Paco's dick without hesitation, considering they were cousins and all….Maybe they'd done this before? After just a few minutes of that, Paco was rock hard and short of breath, and Jaime was hard, too. Jaime told me to get on my back, and I did what he said. He really was getting confident. Then he put Paco between my legs, and told him to fuck me. Paco hesitated. "You got a rubber?" he asked. "You don't gotta worry about that," Jaime said, "he's clean, you can fuck him." (Even I didn't know if that was true, with all the cum Simon was giving me, but I didn't say anything.) Paco seemed to think for a minute, probably weighing years of sex-ed videos against trusting his own cousin. Finally, he decided to trust Jaime and just go for it, which was so hot to see. But he was trying to stick his cock in me dry. Jaime stopped him, spat in his hand, and rubbed it on Paco's hard cock, showing him how to lube up before fucking, just like Simon had done for him just a few months ago. With his cock slicked up, Paco started pushing in, a little too fast. If I hadn't just been fucked by Simon (and his roommate) the night before, I might have had to tell Paco to pull out and start over. But I let him shove inside me, eager to take his hard teenage cock, and possibly be the first guy he'd ever fucked. Once Paco had gotten into a nice rhythm and it was starting to feel good for me, Jaime moved around behind Paco and watched what he was doing over his shoulder. As Paco thrust in and out of me, Jaime's hard cock was probably rubbing up on his cousin's ass, and Paco wasn't stopping him. So after a little while, Jaime pushed his cousin forward onto my chest, spat on his own cock, and started pushing into him. Paco still didn't stop Jaime, but he did stop fucking me, and I could tell it hurt. Jaime didn't seem to mind, though, and kept pushing into Paco until he was all the way in. Then he got a big smile on his face, like he'd finally gotten something he'd been waiting ages for. Paco did eventually get used to having Jaime's dick inside him, and he started fucking me again, and fucking back onto Jaime's dick. I wasn't sure if he was enjoying it at first, but before long, he said, "I'm 'bout to cum," so I guess he was. A few seconds later, Paco pulled out of my ass and started jerking his cock really fast, like he was going to cum on my chest. But Jaime was like lightning—he reached around, pushed Paco's hand out of the way, lined his cock back up to my ass, and shoved Paco forward till he was back inside me. Paco was obviously confused by what Jaime had done, but he was too close to the edge. He instinctively started thrusting into me again for a few seconds, then he threw his head back and started convulsing, as he shot his teenage load deep into my ass. Before Paco had even come down from his powerful orgasm, Jaime was slamming into his cousin, grabbing onto his shoulders, his neck, his hips, my thighs…he was pounding him mercilessly, and I almost felt bad for Paco. Then Jaime grabbed Paco by the neck, pushed his own face up against Paco's, and started shooting his load into Paco's ass. It was one of the hottest things I'd ever seen. After Jaime came down, he pulled out of Paco, and Paco pulled out of me, then we all lay down and caught our breaths. Jaime was obviously really pleased with himself, but Paco wasn't saying anything, and I didn't know what was on his mind. "That was good, huh?" Jaime prompted him. "It was aight," Paco responded, noncommittally. Well that was better than a no, I guess. "You're still hard," Jaime said to me. I looked down, and he was right. "You can fuck Paco if you want." I hadn't expected that at all—Jaime always treated me like his bitch, just like Simon did. And I hadn't topped in years. But Paco wasn't saying anything, just sort of staring at the ceiling, and I wasn't going to miss this chance to get my seed inside this straight-ish teenage thug. So I got between Paco's legs, put them over my shoulders, and spat on my cock. "Wait, you gotta get a rubber," Paco said. Dammit. Well I still wanted to be inside this kid, so I started to pull away so I could get one out of the nightstand, but Jaime stopped me. "I told you he's clean, remember?" Jaime said to Paco. "I wanna see him fuck you. You don't gotta worry 'bout nothing. Trust me, bro." Paco looked at Jaime, then he looked away, then he looked at me, then he looked back at Jaime. And I guess Jaime must have had even more influence over his macho, thuggish cousin than I'd thought, because finally Paco said, "Fine, man," and I started pushing my bare cock into him. Once I was inside him, I couldn't believe how good he felt—he was so hot, and so wet, and he was gripping me so tight. I meant to go slow and give him time to adjust to this new cock inside him, but I couldn't control myself, and soon I was slamming into him and making him squirm. I could tell he was in discomfort, but I didn't care, I was never going to see this kid again, and he felt so good, and I wanted him to remember this fuck. Before long, I was close to the edge, and Paco could probably tell, because he said, "Pull out, man, don't cum inside me." I slowed down then, not sure what to do. Pulling out of him seemed like such a waste, when I hadn't topped in years, and when he felt so good, and when he'd already taken a load of cum from Jaime. I was never going to see him again, so why should I pull out? I knew it was wrong, but it felt so good, and it's what I wanted. Fortunately, Jaime stepped in again: "Bro, I told you, he's safe, you don't gotta worry 'bout nothing, he's clean, man." "No way," Paco said, "I'm not letting no homo cum inside me, no fuckin' way, man." "You just gotta get used to it," Jaime was saying, "you'll like it, I promise, you gotta do it." "No fuckin' way, man," Paco said, and he was getting more agitated. "I'm not a fuckin' homo, I'm not taking his fuckin' cum in me, get off me!" And then Paco started pushing me off, but damn his ass felt good, and Jaime was starting to hold him down, and I kept fucking him. Then Jaime said, "Do you want me to tell your dad you get fucked up the ass?" And I saw a mix of terror, anger, and pleading cross Paco's face all at once, and then he stopped struggling. Jaime let go of his arms and messed his hair up a little. "You'll like it, I promise," Jaime said. God, Jaime was turning into a sick fucker. Had Simon made him this way, or had he always been like this? Paco just sort of looked away, and Jaime said to me, "Fuck him. Cum inside him." I wasn't sure what to do—I wanted to cum inside this boy, and so did Jaime, but Paco didn't want it. Jaime saw my hesitation and said, "Do it, or I'm gonna tell Simon." Fuck, Jaime was blackmailing both of us! I know I should have been angry or worried or something, but all I felt was incredibly turned on, that this 18-year-old was dominating me like this, and giving me orders, and telling me to cum inside his unwilling cousin. I didn't sit around and think about it too much, I just started thrusting into Paco's hole as hard as I could, not caring how much discomfort Paco was in, or what he wanted. I slammed into his teenage ass for a full minute before I felt that familiar tingling in my balls, and I knew I was cumming. Then Paco seemed to have second thoughts, and said, "No, don't!" But it was too late—I was shoving my cock all the way inside his young, slutty hole and giving him an enormous load of cum, whether he wanted it or not. The feeling of shooting my load inside his hot, cummy ass was incredible, and I thought I was going to black out, it was so intense. I knew I had made the right choice. When I'd caught my breath a little and opened my eyes, I had a huge smile on my face. That really had been fantastic. Then I noticed Jaime was still holding Paco's arms, and Paco did not look happy. "I said not to cum in me," Paco said to me. "Well, Jaime told me to," I said. I knew it was a lousy excuse, but it was true, anyway. I slowly pulled out of Paco's cummy and well-fucked hole, then lay down next to him, totally satisfied. My load was in him, and his load was in me. "You'll be fine," Jaime said, letting go of Paco's arms and lying down next to him. "Why're you so worried for?" "'Cuz I'm not a homo," Paco answered, "and I don't wanna fuckin' catch nothing." "You're not gonna fuckin' catch nothing, Paco," Jaime went on. I couldn't tell if he was lying to his cousin, or if he honestly believed what he was saying. "Nothing bad's gonna happen to you, I promise. You just gotta enjoy it." Jaime's words seemed to be working, because Paco loosened up, little by little, and didn't seem quite so angry anymore. "Didn't you like fucking him?" he asked Paco. "I know you did, that's why you're fucking hard again right now." I looked down, and it was true, I couldn't believe it. Paco had just cum, and now he was rock hard again. "Come on," Jaime said, "we can both fuck him now." Paco thought for a minute, then he quietly got between my legs, and shoved into me again. He immediately started fucking at full speed, and with his eyes closed, I guess he was enjoying himself, after all. After a couple minutes, I took a risk, grabbed this straight boy by the back of the neck, and pulled him down for a deep kiss. He pulled back at first, but I kept my hand on his neck, and eventually he started kissing me back, confused at first, then with more enthusiasm. He went back to fucking me while we were making out, and pretty soon I heard him moaning into my mouth, and then he was shooting his second load deep into my ass. He had taken two loads, and given two loads. Paco pulled out and flopped down next to me, and I could just about see a tiny smile on his young, thuggish face. Then Jaime got lined up and pushed in, and started fucking me with his cousin's two loads all around his bare cock now. After he got into a rhythm, he leaned down and started making out with me, too, and I put my arms around him and pulled him into me. This was one hot, twisted fucker, and he was becoming more and more like Simon every day. Jaime kept pounding me, then finally he leaned in next to my ear and shot his slutty teenage load into my ass, to mix with Paco's. When he had finished, he looked down at me, then looked down at his cousin Paco, and got a huge, kind of scary, smile on his face. He was obviously pleased with his work. And so was I, to be honest. Paco wanted to take a shower right away, and when he was getting dressed afterwards, he didn't say anything, and he didn't look at either one of us. Jaime took him back to his place, giving me a deep kiss and a wink before leaving. I wondered if Paco would ever hook up with a guy again? It didn't look like it, but with Jaime working his charms on Paco and seeming more and more like Simon all the time, who knew? Whatever happened with Paco though, I sure as hell had enjoyed fucking him, and taking his cum. With Jaime's and Paco's three loads in me, I didn't care so much what happened between Simon, my boyfriend, and Joel. Having the two boys over had definitely been the right thing to do. But I got to thinking, how many of us were under Simon's spell now, doing the twisted things he wanted us to do, having the sleazy sex he wanted us to have? There was me and my boyfriend, Jaime and Paco, Simon's roommate, my married neighbor, and Greg and Joel from work—eight of us, all doing what Simon wanted, whether we knew it or not. And it had all started that first night I'd met him, outside my apartment building, six months ago. So much had happened since then. My life had been totally different, before I'd met Simon. I wondered what my life would be like in another six months…? Nine: The day after my three-way with Jaime and his cousin Paco, I was back at work, trying to focus, but my mind kept drifting back to my boyfriend. Had he and Simon fucked Joel yesterday, like Simon had said? Had Simon turned my boyfriend into a cheater now, just like me? I stayed at my desk pretty much the whole morning, not wanting to run into Joel. It was too weird working with the guy my boyfriend was probably cheating on me with! When everyone had left for lunch, I figured the coast was clear, so I snuck into the break room for some food. But right as I was turning around to leave, my boss's nephew Greg walked in. "Well, look who it is," Greg said to me with a smirk. He was obviously thinking about the time he and Simon had double-teamed me at the office party. "You staying in for lunch?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm just gonna…eat at my desk," I answered. "Oh, okay," Greg said, looking me up and down slowly, and adjusting his cock in his pants. I started to walk out of the break room and back to my desk, but he was still standing in the doorway, and he wasn't moving out of the way. When I tried to go around him, he leaned in toward me and said quietly, "Everyone's gone for lunch," giving me a suggestive look. I didn't want to sleep with someone I worked with, and I was still upset at Simon for tricking me into doing it the first time. But…fucking around with Jaime and Paco yesterday had made me feel better about Todd probably cheating on me. And Greg was standing really close, and he smelled really great. After a couple seconds, I looked down at Greg's cock—which he adjusted again—bit my lip, and just nodded. Greg took me by the arm then and led me to the back stairwell, which no one ever used. Once we were in, he leaned in and kissed me deeply, feeling up my body. Then he undid his pants, pushed me down, and shoved his cock down my throat. After only a couple minutes of that, he was pulling me up, making out with me again, and taking off my pants. Then he turned me around, bent me in half, and started pushing into my ass, and I didn't stop him. I wasn't thinking about my boyfriend anymore, and I wasn't thinking about how wrong it was to be getting fucked bare by my boss's nephew. I was just thinking about taking Greg's thick cock, and feeling him open me up. Pretty soon, Greg's uncovered cock was all the way inside me, and he held on to my hips and started sliding in and out, and sighing. And it felt so right, being here bent over in a stairwell, letting another guy use my ass to get off. Then I remembered I'd never asked Greg about his status, I'd just let him fuck my ass bareback. Should I stop him? Or at least tell him not to cum in me? But then I realized Simon wouldn't want me to ask about stuff like that, he'd just want me to bend over and let this guy use my ass however the fuck he wanted. And I knew Simon would be happy to hear what a good slut I was, and how I'd taken care of his buddy Greg, and let him fuck me raw. So when Greg grabbed my hips harder and started fucking me faster, I whispered to him to keep fucking me, and to pound my ass, and how much I needed his fat cock inside me, and to cum inside me again, just like last time. And after a couple minutes of that, Greg slammed into me hard, and I knew he was shooting another load into me. After fucking his cum into me for a little bit, Greg pulled out of me, zipped up, gave me another deep kiss, and left. I slowly got dressed again, basking in the afterglow. I actually felt pretty accomplished, and I knew Simon would be proud of me the next time I saw him. Then I heard some footsteps on the stairs, and I practically jumped out of my skin. Before I could think of what to do, Joel came around the corner! And he had a huge grin on his face. Had he heard everything?? "Hot show," Joel said smugly. I didn't know what to say—was he going to turn us in?? Joel kept walking toward me, and I was afraid to move, until I knew what he was going to do. "It sounds like that wasn't the first time you and Greg have messed around?" I didn't say anything. Finally, he asked, "Does Todd know?" The blood drained from my face then. I hoped he wasn't going to tell Todd, or anyone else. I would be so screwed if he did. Joel took a few more steps toward me, then he started playing with my shirt. I didn't like Joel and I wanted him to back up, but I was too afraid to tell him to stop. "We're a lot alike, aren't we?" Joel asked, still smiling at me. Well obviously he was wrong, we were nothing alike! Joel was a whore and a slut who liked sleeping with other people's boyfriends, and I…well I was only doing it because Simon wanted me to. It was completely different! "We have a lot in common," Joel went on, still playing with my shirt. Yeah, like my boyfriend, I wanted to say. "I think we should be friends," he said. Well that was never going to happen, and now that I knew he wasn't going to blackmail me (or at least, I hoped he wasn't), I pulled away from him and walked out of the stairwell. For the entire rest of the day, I kept thinking about what I had done with Greg, and who Joel might tell. I had let Greg fuck me to take my mind off things, but it had only made things worse! I told my boyfriend I wasn't feeling well that night, and I tried to keep a low profile for the rest of the week. A few times, Simon texted me about the hot three-ways he and my boyfriend were having with Joel, which he knew would piss me off. But I couldn't confront Joel and tell him to back the fuck off my boyfriend, because then he might tell someone about me and Greg. It was a rough week. Anyway, that weekend, Todd said he missed me, and he really wanted to see me. I kept thinking about him giving Joel his dick all week, and I didn't really want to see him. But he was being so sweet about it, I finally caved in. Todd let me in through the kitchen, and before I could even say anything to him, he pulled me in for a deep kiss and started grabbing my ass. "I missed you, baby," he said to me, then he started making out with me again. Then he turned me to face the kitchen sink, ripped my pants down, and dove right into my ass, eating me out. He'd never done anything like that before—he was being so confident, and so aggressive. He slapped my ass a few times and moaned into my hole as he ate me out. Was this really my Todd? He was doing a really great job and making me feel incredible, and I was moaning as I bent over the sink. Then he stood up, pulled his pants down, and spat on his cock. Before I knew what was happening, he was pushing his raw cock up into my hole, and he wasn't going slow. I struggled to take him inside me, but then he was all the way in, and he was pulling me up to make out with him as he started fucking me. "You feel so great, baby," he whispered to me with glazed eyes, "I'm so glad you came over." Then he started fucking me hard, not giving me much chance to get used to him. "Oh fuck, you're making me feel so good, baby," he said to me with his eyes closed, and I could swear that was something Simon always said to me. My boyfriend almost never talked during sex. He really was acting different tonight—and I liked it. "You wouldn't believe the week I've had," Todd went on, "I've wanted to get my cock inside you all week, oh god you feel good, so glad you came over, can't wait to cum in you again." Then I remembered that Todd had been fucking around with Joel all week, probably without a rubber. And here he was, sticking it in me bareback, too, and saying he was gonna cum in me. He knew he was fucking around with other guys, but he hadn't even offered to pull out or anything, he'd just stuck his bare cock in me like he always did. But instead of being mad at him or worried, I thought it was hot that he was being so aggressive with me. All I knew was that I wanted to make him feel good, and I wanted his cum in me again. I didn't care who he was fucking around with, he was my Todd, and I wanted his cum inside me, just like always. I started encouraging him then, "Yeah, baby, fuck me hard, use my ass, give me your cock, cum inside me, I need it baby, give it to me!" Todd pulled me in for a deep kiss, and I could see the lust and the need in his eyes. Then he pushed me back down to the sink and started pounding my ass probably harder than he ever had, and really moaning loud. After just a few seconds of that, my hot, cheating boyfriend shoved his bare cock all the way inside me and shot his load deep in my ass, just like he'd said he would. After he came down, he slipped out of me and turned me around to face him. "That was incredible, baby," he said to me, looking totally content. Then he held me and made out with me for a few minutes, and I wrapped my arms around him. His week with Simon had turned him into a completely different person—a really hot fucker, just like Simon was. And I realized then that I wasn't bothered about my boyfriend fucking around anymore, I just wanted him to keep fucking me like that, just like Simon did. That night, Todd pumped two more loads into me, and I begged him for each one. The next day, Simon told me to come over, and I did. It had been over a week since I'd seen him, and I was happy to swallow his cock all the way down my throat, and feel his strong hands on my head, using me. After moaning and sighing for a few minutes, Simon said, "You're probably wonderin' how it went with your boyfriend and Joel, huh?" I stopped sucking for a second, then slowly went back to it. "I know you are," he went on. "Well, your boy was shy at first, but Joel's pussy was too good to pass up, and I got him fuckin' that little slut in no time. Your boy's a beast, you know that? He just needed the right…encouragement, and I gave it to him." Simon laughed. "He painted that boy's walls white! Then I fucked his load in and came inside that boy, too. And he took all of it. Joel's a good fuckin' slut." I didn't really want to hear about Joel, or how much they'd liked fucking him. But I kept sucking Simon, hoping he'd stop talking about him. Then I heard a bang on the other side of the wall, and what sounded like, "Uh, fuck me! Cum in me!" Simon laughed. "My roommate's havin' some fun with that fuckin' whore. Man, that bitch'll take just about any cock, hot fuckin' slut." Well, it sounded like Simon and his roommate both liked fucking sluts—Simon liked fucking Joel, and his roommate liked fucking whoever it was making all that noise. I kept sucking, and Simon continued, "Anyway, me and your boy fucked that slut Joel over and over, gave him like four or five loads or some shit like that. Then a few days later your boy wanted some more! Man, we had that chinky slut over like three or four times, it was fuckin' great. Your boyfriend loved fuckin' that dirty whore, tag-teamin' him, givin' him his fuckin' nut. He pumped so much cum into that pussy. He couldn't fuckin' get enough!" I could tell Simon was trying to get under my skin…and it was working. "Oh and I talked to your boy today," Simon went on, even though I wanted him to just stop, "and he says he fucked your skanky ass last night, came inside you three times. And you begged him for every fuckin' load, just like Joel did. You're turnin' into a hot fuckin' slut, you know that? A hot fuckin' slut. Maybe I should tell him I've been fuckin' your slutty ass for months, I think he'd like that!" And before I could pull off his cock and tell him not to tell my boyfriend a fucking thing, and that I didn't want him talking to Todd about our fucking sex life, Simon slipped his cock head all the way down my throat, and started fucking it, not letting me come up for air. I tried to push him off me so I could breathe, but he just moaned, saying, "I know you can take it, bitch boy, I know you can fuckin' take it." Finally he let me up, and I gasped for air and wiped the slobber off my face. As I was recovering, I heard Simon's roommate moan, probably shooting his load into the slut he was fucking. Then Simon looked at me with a cocky smile and said, "I got a surprise for you, baby doll, one we're both gonna like." Then he knocked on the wall a few times, and a few seconds later…Joel walked in! So that's the slut his roommate had been fucking! God, this whore was everywhere—at work, in the stairwells, with my boyfriend, with Simon, and now with Simon's roommate! And here he was seeing me cheat on my boyfriend again, with my slobber and Simon's precum all over my face. Fuck! I looked over at Simon for an explanation. "Get on your back," was all he said. I stared at him in disbelief for a second, then looked over at Joel, whose cock was sticking straight out, then looked back at Simon, begging him not to make me do this—not with Joel. But Simon gave me a stern look, and looked down at the bed and back at me. Finally, I gave up fighting, and lay down on my back like Simon wanted. Joel got on the bed right away, fingered some of the roommate's cum out of his ass, and lubed up his cock. God, he really was a slut. I couldn't believe I was letting him do this. But with some encouragement from Simon, Joel was pushing his uncovered cock into me, and I was letting him. Then he was all the way in, and Simon was smiling down on me, and rubbing my chest. After I got over my initial feelings of disgust and jealousy, Joel's cock started to feel good inside me. I realized Joel was actually a pretty good top, and really focused on me and making me feel good. After I started to moan, Simon whispered something into Joel's ear, then Joel smiled, and leaned down to kiss me. Well, I still hadn't forgiven him for seducing my boyfriend behind my back over and over, and for being such a skank in general, and I turned away. But Simon grabbed me and slowly turned my head until Joel's mouth was on mine, and his tongue was slipping inside me. And after a few seconds, I started to kiss back, and Simon took his hand off my neck and started rubbing me again. After that, Joel really started fucking me, on my back, on my side, on my stomach…really enjoying getting to fuck the "other" boyfriend, and I was enjoying how good Joel's cock felt in me. Then Joel put me on my back again and really hammered me, leaning down to kiss me a few times. It was really weird not to be mad at Joel anymore, and to be so turned on by his muscular little body slamming into me, and seeing his cute face so close to orgasm. Finally, Joel gave me a few last thrusts, shoved his hard cock all the way inside me, and shot his slutty load deep in me. My boyfriend had pumped his cum into Joel, and now Joel was pumping his into me. Joel slipped out of me and crashed on the bed, and Simon got between my legs and shoved right in on Joel's load. "Oh fuck, boy, that was incredible," Simon said to me, with his cock buried deep in me. "You did so great, baby, you took care of Joel, just like I wanted you to. And he fucked you right, didn't he?" He and Joel smiled at each other. After a few minutes of Simon enjoying himself inside my cummy ass, I saw the bedroom door open, and my married neighbor walked in. I'd seen Simon looking at his phone while Joel was fucking me; I guess this is who he was texting. My neighbor looked at Simon fucking me on my back, and looked at Joel lying naked next to us, and smiled. Then he took off his clothes, got up on the bed with us, and fed Joel his hardening cock. As far as I knew, he'd never met Joel before, but that wasn't stopping him from grabbing Joel's hair and face-fucking Joel like the slut he was. After a few minutes of that, and of Simon fucking Joel's cum into my ass, my neighbor put Joel on his back next to me, and pushed his hard cock right into Joel's cummy ass. They hadn't said a word to each other, but here was my neighbor deep inside Joel, with the roommate's cum all around his bare cock, and he looked like he was loving it. Then Simon wanted to fuck Joel, so he swapped with my neighbor, and pushed some of Joel's own cum from my ass back into Joel, while my neighbor pushed more of the roommate's cum from Joel's ass into me. My neighbor really slammed into me, loving all the slutty cum-swapping, and not knowing whose cum he was fucking into. He leaned down and kissed me deeply while he fucked me, and for a second I thought Simon might be jealous. But when I looked up at him, he was smiling at me, happy to see me taking another raw dick. After a couple minutes, Simon wanted to switch back, and he shoved his bare cock into me, while my neighbor shoved back into Joel and started making out with him. Then Joel started begging my neighbor for his cum, telling him to add it to the load already inside him, saying things like, "Knock me up!" and "Make me pregnant with your babies!" And his begging worked, because my neighbor started really slamming into Joel's little body, and then he moaned, and shot his married load deep inside Joel. After my neighbor came down, Simon looked down on me with a big smile—probably thinking about all the guys he'd introduced to each other, and all the total strangers he'd gotten to fuck each other, no questions asked, and swap cum with each other—and he started hammering me, too. Before long, he was leaning down next to me, holding me close, and shooting his own load inside me to mix with Joel's. Simon stayed in me for a while and slowly fucked all the cum into my ass, kissing my neck. Then he sat up, looked down at me, and said, "I want you to fuck Joel now." I wasn't expecting that, and I looked over at Joel—who was obviously down for anything—and back up at Simon. I didn't usually top, and I still had mixed feelings about Joel and him fucking around with my boyfriend. Simon saw my hesitation and said, "I know you fuck, Jaime told me about you and Paco"—god, I couldn't do anything without the whole fucking world finding out!—"and I don't want you to be mad at Joel anymore, you hear me? I wanna see you fuck that sweet ass, just like your boyfriend does." Being reminded about my boyfriend fucking Joel, I looked over at Joel and gave him a mean look, but he wasn't bothered at all. Instead, he reached over and started stroking my cock. Confused, I pushed his hand away, but he fought me off with one hand and kept stroking me with the other, and after a look from Simon, I finally gave in. I focused on getting hard and tried not to think about Simon and my married neighbor watching the show, and after a couple minutes of Joel's hand on my cock, I was rock hard. Without thinking too much about it, I roughly pushed Joel onto his back, spat on my cock, put his legs up on my shoulders, and slammed my cock into him as hard as I fucking could. Before Joel could adjust, I started slamming him for all I was worth, enjoying his sounds of discomfort. After a couple seconds, I put my hand on his face and pushed the side of his face down into the bed, really fucking him like the cheap whore he was, not caring how he felt. After a few minutes of really destroying Joel's slutty, cummy hole and him struggling to take it, I looked up and saw a light-skinned black guy standing in the doorway, watching us and stroking his cock. Well who the fuck was this? How many people had Simon invited over tonight?? I looked over at Simon, and he looked over at the guy in the doorway, then looked back at me with a smirk. Then he leaned in and said into my ear, "Looks like my roommate wants seconds." My eyes got really wide then. This was the roommate who'd been fucking me for the last six months?? I don't know what I thought he'd look like, but somehow I didn't think I'd ever see him. Now that I was, though, he was really cute, and had some nice muscles, a few tattoos, and obviously a big dick I knew very well by now. It was clear he was only interested in one thing, though. He got up on the bed without even really looking at me, pushed me down onto Joel's chest, and slowly worked his hard, bare cock all the way inside me, pushing in on Joel's and Simon's loads. I couldn't even guess how many times he and Simon had fucked in each other's cum. Once he was in, the roommate started pounding me like I'd been pounding Joel. Now it was my turn to moan and struggle to take it. I felt Joel's arms wrap around me as the roommate pummeled me, and then, after just a few minutes, the roommate was shoving his cock all the way inside me and giving me another big load. After he came down, the roommate slapped my ass hard, said, "Fuckin' sluts," and went back to his room. Then Joel started whispering in my ear, "Fuck me, I need it, give me your cum, fuck me hard, make it hurt…fuck me like your boyfriend fucks me." And with that, I gave this little bitch what he wanted, and started slamming my raw cock into his sloppy hole again, making sure he knew what I thought about him. After just a couple minutes of me slamming into Joel and him begging me for my cum, I could feel the tingling in my balls, and I knew I was about to cum inside this little whore my boyfriend loved to fuck so much. I put my hands around this slut's throat and squeezed, as I shot one of the angriest, most powerful loads I can remember into this whore's willing hole, and it felt incredible. When I came down, I collapsed onto Joel to catch my breath, and he put his arms around me again. Then I pulled up a little and looked at him. He wasn't so bad, really—he just liked getting fucked, like I did. He was a good top, and a great bottom, and he was pretty cute. He was definitely making my boyfriend happy, and making him more aggressive in bed, which I loved. And I knew he wasn't trying to take Todd away from me, he just wanted to have a little fun, like we all did. I realized then that I wasn't mad at Joel anymore—I was actually starting to like him, and his hot little body. I leaned down and kissed him, and he kissed me back and moaned. After I pulled away from Joel and lay down on the bed, my married neighbor took my place and slipped into his ass again, apparently eager to give him load number who-knows-how-many. As I watched them, Simon lay down next to me, and started playing with my ear and rubbing my chest. He whispered to me, "You were incredible, baby doll, I didn't think you'd do it, but you did, you let Joel fuck you, and you fucked him, too. And you're not mad at him anymore, are you?" I shook my head slowly. "Good boy, you're such a good fuckin' boy, and you always do what I tell you." Then he leaned in closer and said, "Now I know why your boyfriend loves you." My eyes shot open. Was he saying…what I thought he was saying? I looked at him, and he had a lusty, intense look on his face. Then he surprised the heck out of me by leaning in and kissing me!! After I got over the shock, I started kissing him back, and running my fingers through his hair. God, I'd waited so long for this! This was the side of Simon that made me want to do anything for him. After a while, he pulled away, and I thought he'd change his mind and say something mean like always did. But he had such a contented look on his face like I'd never seen before. He got between my legs, pushed them back, and slowly slid his hard, bare cock into me. And as my married neighbor hammered Joel's little ass right next to us, Simon fucked me slow and deep, kissing me, telling me how glad he was that I'd come over and how good I was making him feel, and looking like he was in heaven. "Fuck me, Simon," I begged him, "give it to me, I wanna make you feel good, I wanna be yours, fuck me baby…make me yours forever!" Simon started slamming into me then, just like my neighbor was slamming into Joel next to us. And it wasn't long before my married neighbor was cumming inside Joel, and Simon was cumming inside me, and I was pulling Simon in to get all of his hot cum inside me. Simon had a big smile on his face afterward, and he leaned down and made out with me some more. Then after a few minutes, Joel looked at me and said he was ready for round two, and I let him fuck another load into me, as the guys egged him on. Then I flipped him over and pounded him (a little more gently this time), and shot another one of my loads into his slutty hole. Afterwards, I cuddled up next to Simon, a cummy mess, and totally happy. As I drifted off to sleep in Simon's arms, the only thing I wanted was for Simon to keep pumping me full of his cum, and to keep pimping me out, and to make my boyfriend just like him. And I had a feeling that this time, I was going to get exactly what I wanted. Ten: Well, I really did get what I'd wanted. The next six months were a frenzy of fucking, cum-swapping, and orgies. I honestly lost track of all the guys I'd slept with, and all the cum I'd taken. And Simon was always there, encouraging me, pushing my limits, making me into a bigger slut, getting me used to taking cock and cum without any questions. And I loved it—I loved pleasing him, I loved satisfying so many guys, and I loved feeling like a huge fucking slut. Meanwhile, things with my boyfriend were better than ever. After months of both of us cheating on each other basically nonstop, we finally came clean with each other and decided to have an open relationship—a very open relationship. Todd loved the idea, and I was already there, obviously. After that, we had more slutty three-ways, four-ways, and five-ways than I can even count, all bareback, no questions asked. And it was probably the best decision we'd ever made—no more sneaking around, no more lying, no more worrying, and no more guilt. If we wanted to fuck somebody, we fucked him, and if the other one got jealous, we had a three-way and got over it (we ended up having lots of three-ways with Joel). I can't believe how much time we wasted pretending to be monogamous! This was so much simpler—and a lot more fun! Anyway, it was a Saturday night, and Todd and I were over at Simon's again. Todd was bottoming more these days, and right now Simon was fucking Jaime's teenage cum deeper into Todd (Jaime loved fucking my boyfriend), while Todd was fucking the roommate's cum deeper into me. Jaime and the roommate had dropped their loads in us and left, so it was just the three of us now, my boyfriend on top of me, and Simon behind him. Simon had gotten everything he'd wanted—he'd corrupted both me and my boyfriend, turned us into huge cheaters, and finally made us into massive sluts, just like him. He'd turned me, an uptight prude, and Todd, a Midwest farm boy, into the cock-hungry cum-whores we were today. My boyfriend, obviously, had never been happier—he got to fuck around with all the guys he wanted, and I never told him not to. And I was happy, too, to never feel worried or guilty anymore, and to have these two fucking studs in my life, who I'd do anything for. Todd leaned down and said, "I love you, baby." He'd gotten so passionate and so sexy since he'd met Simon. "I love you, too," I said to him, and I meant it. We made out while he fucked into me, then he leaned back toward Simon and made out with him. I loved watching that—the two guys in my life fucking and making out. Then Simon whispered something in Todd's ear, and Todd stopped fucking me for a second, and said, "Now?" Simon nodded, with one of his devilish grins, and I wondered what he was planning this time. Todd looked back down at me, and started saying, "Um, baby, we've been together three and a half years, and I—" Simon grabbed onto Todd's hips and started moving them backwards and forwards, making him keep fucking me. Todd went on, still sliding in and out of me, and fucking himself back onto Simon's cock: "—and I don't wanna be with nobody else but you. Well, I mean, I do, but I don't wanna date nobody else but you. Well, not date, see what I mean is—" "Fuck, man, just fuckin' ask him," Simon interrupted. Todd seemed like he was getting flustered, but finally he got out, "You make me really happy, and I love you, baby, and…will you marry me?" He was asking me now?? In the middle of a sleazy three-way with Simon, with two guys' loads already in us? This definitely wasn't the way I'd seen this happening, but I guess with Simon involved, I should have expected it. I looked at Simon, who was grinning and nodding at me, and then I looked back at Todd, who had stopped fucking me again, and was waiting for my answer. Well, I'd been with Todd longer than with anyone else, and I really did love him and feel happy when I was with him. I knew he'd do anything for me, and I felt the same way—and with Simon on board (actually, it was probably his idea in the first place), it was a no-brainer for me. "Of course I will, baby," I said to Todd, and he leaned down and kissed me again. "Now fuck me hard baby, give me your load, and take Simon's load too, I wanna see you both cum, I wanna see you take Simon's cum again." Then Todd pulled up off me and started fucking me hard, just like Simon had taught him, slamming into me brutally, and fucking himself hard on Simon's bare cock, making sloshing noises from the cum in his ass and mine. "That's right, keep it up, boy," Simon said, his hands on Todd's shoulders, "you're 'bout to make me fuckin' cum." Todd kept hammering into me, and before long, my twisted neighbor was leaning his head back and shooting his load inside my new fiance. Todd kept going at full speed, then he put his hand around my throat and looked me right in the eye with an aggressive look on his face as he shot his load inside me, claiming me, marking me as his. Then they both crashed on the bed next to me, Todd on one side, and Simon on the other. Todd leaned in, and we made out for a while as Simon started jerking me off. Then I turned the other way, and made out with Simon for a bit, and then I lay back and just enjoyed Simon's hand on my cock. I couldn't believe I got to keep both guys, after all the lying and cheating and whoring around that I'd done—and I was about to be happily married, too. It was almost too good to be true. But then I wondered if things would change after Todd and I got married….Would Simon still be around? As if he knew what I was thinking, Simon said to me quietly, "Don't think this changes anything, baby doll. I'm not goin' anywhere, even after you're married. You're still gonna be my bitch boy, no matter what. I own you, ya hear? You're mine!" And with that, I shot a hot, thick load all over my chest, feeling like the luckiest slut in the world. THE END
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  36. Here are chapters 7 and 8, hope you like them:) I'll try to finish the final chapter this weekend. Seven. For the next week or so I kept thinking about Simon's text in which he said he had "helped move things along a little" between my boyfriend and Joel. Was he trying to get my boyfriend to cheat on me (again), with Joel? I was starting to think Simon liked corrupting people just for fun, and my boyfriend was next on his list. I saw my boyfriend Todd a few times that week, and everything seemed the same as usual. He didn't bring up Simon, or Joel (or what I'd done to him after the office party). Maybe Simon wasn't going to mess with my boyfriend after all, and I had nothing to worry about? I went out of town for a couple weeks to see family, and with all the usual family drama and exhaustion, I completely forgot about Simon's text, and everything else. I was glad to get back, and glad to see Todd again. We went to dinner and a movie, then back to his place for some drinks and some reunion sex. After that, we cuddled, and I listened to him tell me about work. Then he said, "Oh, and I saw your friend Simon." I immediately tensed up, disguising it (badly) as a cough. "Really?" I said, trying to sound casual. "Um, how?" "Oh, I bumped into him at that office party, when I was standing outside, and he was leaving. We swapped phone numbers." Standing outside, with Joel. So Simon had talked to them both. Anything was possible. "Oh great," I said, "So what did you guys do?" "Well the first time, we went rock-climbing, and then we went to the shooting range…oh, and then on Thursday I helped him pick up a couch he got for his place." Oh no, I thought, they'd seen each other three times already. And of course Simon had waited until I was out of town, and out of the way. "Oh that's great, honey," I lied. "Yeah," Todd said, "he's a real cool guy. And a mean shot." My boyfriend was as good as gone, I thought. For the next few days, I went back to obsessing over Simon, his text, and what he was doing to my boyfriend behind my back. Simon, meanwhile, seemed happier than ever, and a few times, I heard him singing as he walked past my window. I hadn't seen him since the party, and I texted him to see if he was free (and to get some answers), but he always said he was 'busy'. Anyway, I was getting home from work, which had gotten pretty stressful since that office party. Several times I ran into my boss's nephew Greg, who had tag-teamed me in an empty office with Simon that night, and who had just started working there (in HR, of all places); and of course Joel, who was after my boyfriend. Anyhow, that night when I arrived home, I stepped out of my car and walked to the lobby to check my mail. One of my neighbors was standing in front of his mailbox, reading his mail, and we smiled and nodded at each other. I opened my box, looked at my mail, threw the junk mail away, and…I noticed that my neighbor was staring at me. I looked up at him, and he had a dirty, lusty, mischievous smirk on his face—the same kind of smirk I'd seen on Simon and Greg at the party, right before they'd fucked me. Did I know this guy? He was Hispanic, a little older than me, about my height, sort of nondescript-looking. After a second, I recognized him as my neighbor from across the hall. He'd moved in a few months ago. But that didn't explain why he was looking at me like that. "Hi," I said tentatively, not really sure how to break the ice. My neighbor didn't say anything at first, he just kept looking at my body like he owned it, and then he started chuckling in a strange way, like I was reminding him of a dirty joke or something. "Hi," he finally said. Somehow he sounded a little sarcastic. Seriously, did I know this guy from somewhere else? He was starting to make me uncomfortable. He chuckled some more, then in his Spanish accent, he said, "I guess you don't recognize me, do you?" He kept smiling, and took a step toward me. In a quieter voice, he said, "Maybe you'd recognize my cock, hm? Maybe you'd recognize me if I were inside you, and you were…cómo se dice?…blindfolded?" And then it all made sense. My heart stopped for a second, and I breathed in sharply. This was the married stranger who'd been fucking me at Simon's place all those times. This is what Simon had meant, when he'd said the married guy "might not be a total stranger" to me. He lived right across the hall! Oh no, I'd gotten fucked by someone in my building without even knowing it. And, I'd seen this guy's family. This was so fucked up. "That's right," my married neighbor continued, "it's me who's been fucking you. And your ass is amazing." Then, in his seductive Spanish accent, he whispered, "I've given you so much of my cum. But it's been a while. Will you let me fuck you?" "I was…out of town," I said, weakly. "Are you going to let me fuck that ass again?" he again asked. I nodded obediently. What was I doing? "Good," he said quietly, with a big smile. "Come over tonight at eleven. You remember where I live?" I nodded again. "I'll leave the door cracked open. Don't knock. And don't wear cologne." I nodded a third time. He took another step toward me, leaned into my ear, and grabbed my ass. "I can't wait," he whispered, and then he walked off. I was in a daze for a few seconds. I'd finally seen the man who'd been fucking me all those times. And someone in my own building knew what I slut I was, and the kind of risky sex I had! I couldn't tell if I was more nervous, or turned on. Anyway, that night at 11 o'clock, I slipped out of my apartment, took two steps, and quietly pushed open my neighbor's door. He was standing in his kitchen with his shirt off, and he smiled at me, then reminded me to be quiet. I leaned the door closed again, then quietly walked over to the kitchen. As I got around the counter, I saw that my neighbor's cock was out, and hard already. He smiled as I walked toward him, then he pulled me in and kissed me, which surprised me. But he was a good kisser, and after a few seconds, I started to kiss back. He reached behind me and grabbed my ass with both hands, and his hard cock pressed against my stomach. Then he gently but firmly pushed me down to my knees, and guided his cock into my willing mouth. Initially he was careful not to make me gag, but eventually his cock head was all the way down my throat, until my nose was buried in his pubes. He sighed appreciatively. I had never done anything like this before—sucking off one of my neighbors, in his kitchen, with his family asleep in the next room. It felt so dangerous, and so slutty. I loved it. My neighbor pulled me to my feet, dropped my pants, turned me around, and bent me all the way over till I was grabbing my ankles. He could still see over the high counter, but I was completely out of sight. He slicked up my ass and his cock, then he slowly started to press in until his pubes were brushing up against my ass. I felt so full, but I held my breath so I didn't make any sound. Once he was in, he started to slowly fuck me, pushing his raw cock all the way in, then withdrawing almost completely out. He kept this up for a long time, and I could tell how much he liked it, and how focused on me he was. I wondered if he did this with other guys, or if I was the only one. I found myself getting turned on, thinking about him fucking other guys like this. Then he pulled me up and whispered in my ear, "You feel so good. I'm going to give you my leche soon, okay?" I nodded eagerly, begging him for it. I wanted his virile cum in me. I wanted him to own me. He pulled me in for another deep kiss, then pushed me back down till I was grabbing my ankles again. Then he started fucking me a little faster, careful not to slam into my ass or make any noise. It was hot knowing how much he was enjoying the fuck, and how much he wanted to just pound me, but hearing him stay perfectly quiet. After a few minutes of him fucking me fast, I felt him push all the way inside me and hold it there, and I felt his body jerk as he was racked with a powerful orgasm, as he held me there in place. I could tell he was holding his breath as he gave me yet another load of his married cum, and silently marking my ass as his again. After what seemed like a whole minute of him shooting inside me, he finally exhaled, and quietly caught his breath, slipped out of my cummy hole, pulled up his pants, and gave me a big smile when I stood up and looked at him. He had obviously enjoyed our secret fuck as much as I had, and he looked totally satisfied now. I smiled back at him as I pulled up my own pants, then I let him walk me to the door. He gave me another deep, passionate kiss, and another squeeze on the ass, then he opened the door and let me out into the hallway. As I walked back into my own apartment, I thought how funny it was that this married stranger looked so basic and average in public, like your typical, ho-hum family guy. But after dark, when everyone was asleep, he was either over at Simon's place, slamming his raw cock into my cummy hole, or he was silently fucking me bareback in his kitchen, giving me load number who-knows-how-many, never once asking about condoms or status. And no one would have guessed, just by looking at him. It was so wrong…and so hot. As I drifted off to sleep that night, thinking about my neighbor's cum still inside me, I wondered if I was starting to like being a slut, instead of just going along with it because it was what Simon wanted. I had definitely enjoyed my neighbor fucking me in his kitchen just now; and if Greg hadn't been my co-worker, I wouldn't have minded having his fat cock inside me again. I didn't totally understand what was happening to me, but maybe I was finally turning into the slut Simon wanted me to be.
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  37. Fortunately I didn't have to wait long. A couple days after my anniversary with my boyfriend (when I'd let him bathe his uncovered cock in Jaime's cum without telling him), Simon said he was free and wanted to "fuck that cheatin' ass" again. I told my friends I wasn't feeling well, and practically ran over to Simon's place that night. I walked into his apartment like he said, and I found him naked on his bed, playing with his hard cock. I wanted to jump on him right then and there. He looked over at me with a mischievous smirk, asking "Been a while, hasn't it?" I nodded, happy to see him again. The last time he'd fucked me had been three weeks ago, the night he'd told me about his plan to get Jaime to come over and give up his cherry, which is just what happened a week later. Jaime and my boyfriend had both fucked me since then, but it wasn't the same as getting fucked by Simon. I wanted him inside me immediately. But as usual, he wasn't going to let me have it that easily. As I was choking on his cock, he told me, "I know you want this dick in you, boy…." He fucked my throat really hard then, making a point, "….but first you gotta take care of my friends." Friends? Fuck, how many dicks did I have to take before he would just fuck me again? I didn't want anyone else, I wanted him. But he always liked to push my boundaries and see what he could get me to do, so I guess I wasn't really surprised. Pushing me off his cock, he handed me a blindfold, ordering "Put this on." I didn't even argue. The faster I got his 'friends' out of the way, the sooner he'd be inside me again. I put the blindfold on. "Good boy," he said, rubbing the side of my face with tenderness that surprised me. "I trained you good, didn't I? You'll do anything for this fuckin' dick, won't you, bitch boy? So fuckin' hot." Then he took his hand away from my face, got up, and left. A couple seconds later, I heard several men enter the room, but I had no idea who they were, or how many. One of them rubbed my ass, and another one put his cock in my mouth, and I started sucking him. As I worked on his cock, the guy behind me buried his face in my ass and started eating me out, very tentatively at first, then with more confidence. Pretty soon he was slapping my ass, then he was lining his cock up and pushing into me. When he was all the way inside me and lying down on top of me, I finally recognized him as Jaime, the kid from across the street. This was the third time in two weeks he was sticking his cock in me, bareback again. I wondered if he was hooking up with anyone else, besides me and Simon. Jaime got into a nice rhythm and started breathing into my ear as I swallowed the cock in front of me. After a while, someone pushed my head to the side, and then Jaime was sucking on the cock, while he was fucking me. Jaime was really turning into a little slut, it looked like. I'm sure Simon was proud of his work. After a few minutes of the two of us sucking the stranger's cock, Jaime started to moan really loud and fuck me harder, and I knew he was close. Then, as Jaime started cumming inside me, I heard Simon's voice, "That's right, boy, give him your fuckin' load again, make him get used to takin' cum, don't even ask, just shoot your fuckin' load inside of him, make him take it." Jaime pulled out, and the guy in front of me moved around behind me and pushed inside my cummy hole. Then after a few seconds, I finally recognized the mystery fucker as Simon's roommate, who'd fucked me plenty of times before. And even though he'd pumped his cum into me every time, I still didn't know what he looked like. Once the roommate had gotten started, I let my head rest on the bed, thinking that these were the 'friends' about whom Simon had been speaking, and that there were no more (which both relieved and disappointed me), but then I felt someone lift my head up, and another cock was being shoved down my throat. It wasn't Simon's, Jaime's, or the roommate's, and it definitely wasn't my boyfriend's. That meant whoever this guy was, he really was a stranger, making him the third random guy Simon was pimping me out to. These are the thoughts I was having, as the roommate gave me his load, and the stranger moved around and forced his cock inside me. This was the third guy in about 15 minutes to stick his raw cock inside me, and somehow it felt totally…natural, like this is what I was supposed to be doing. My hole was totally sloppy with cum now, and there was a complete stranger inside me who only Simon knew, but I wasn't scared or nervous anymore, I was actually starting to like it. God, what was Simon doing to me? The stranger fucking me was being really passionate and kissing my neck and my back, like he'd never fucked an ass before. He was whispering things in my ear, like, "Oh, this is better than I thought," and, "Oh, you're so wet," and, "I've never done this with my wife before." He kept gasping and moaning, and it was actually a big turn-on to be appreciated like that, and to make someone feel so good. Before long, the stranger was gasping and panting in my ear, and then I felt him shove into me really hard and hold it there, and I knew I was getting my third load of the night. The three guys left, I took the blindfold off, and then finally Simon let me sit on his fucking cock. I bounced up and down with a big smile on my face, and Simon put his hands behind his head and let me do all the work. He looked up at me with a big grin as he felt all the cum inside me. After just a few minutes of that, Simon grabbed me and roughly flipped me onto my back to fuck me. But this time, instead of just pounding me into the mattress like he usually did, he was very slow and gentle. He moved in so close to my face that our noses touched, and I thought he was going to kiss me. He moaned softly and his eyes glazed over as he slowly fucked in and out of my wet, sloppy hole. "You have no fuckin' idea how good you feel, baby," he said to me. "You have so much fuckin' cum inside you right now. It was so hot seein' you give it up for my friends like that. You were such a good lil' boy." And I realized then that I would do anything to hear Simon talk to me the way he was talking to me right now. This is what I wanted -- to make Simon happy, to have him inside of me. Before long Simon asked "You ready for my load now?" I nodded emphatically, urging "Yes, please, Simon, I need it, I've been waiting so long, please, I can't wait any longer, give it to me!" "You want me to pull out?" he asked, teasing me. "No!" I practically shouted at him. "Don't pull out, I need you inside me, I wanna make you feel good, make me yours, Simon, please, cum inside me, give it to me!" "Good fuckin' boy," he said with a big smile, and he started pounding me harder, fucking all the cum into me, making loud sloshing noises. He started grunting and groaning, then he leaned in next to my ear, grabbed me tight, and started shooting his load inside me. Finally, I thought, this is what I'd wanted so bad, this is what I needed. I didn't care about anything else. Now I was complete. "Fuck, boy, that was incredible," he said, as he lay down next to me and sighed. "You're learnin' real fast. Takin' a total stranger's dick like that, very nice, boy, very nice." Then he thought for a second, and said, "Well, he might not be a total stranger to you," he said with a chuckle, "but he was to me!" "What??" I asked. I wasn't sure which part was more horrifying -- that Simon had no idea who I'd just let fuck me, or that it might have been someone I knew! "Don't worry, baby doll," he said, pulling me in to cuddle with him, like always. He knew I loved when he did that. "I met him last week, he's a real nice guy, a family guy, you know? He just wants to have a little fun on the side, and I knew you would take care of him. You made him feel so good. Wish you coulda seen the look on his face. You did so great, baby doll, you always do." And then he started to kiss my neck, and I started to forget that Simon had just tricked me into having sex with someone even he didn't know. "You've learned so much," he said, kissing my shoulder now, and sliding his hand down to my cock, "but you have more to learn, and I'm gonna teach you." I didn't know what Simon meant by that. But if it meant I got to keep seeing him, and keep feeling his skin pressed against mine, and keep making him happy, then I was all in.
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  38. 3. Rod. Things with Jay were progressing exactly as I wanted them to. I'm sure every boy thought that he was a special snowflake, but in reality, it was just like pressing a few buttons. It would be a few years before Jay realized how easily he had been played, but by then, it would be far too late for him to do anything. Plus, more than likely, he would wouldn't even care. If anything, he would come back and thank me for pulling him out of his shell. Of course, there was no way I was going to give this opportunity up. In the pocket of my pants, now lying on the floor of the patio, there was a vial of GHB, along with a few small tablets. I was paying Aiden well over two grand for the pleasure of breaking him in and giving him his first load. In the unlikely event that the easy way didn't work, there were always other ways to get what I want. "Like this?" he said. He practically wagged his ass at me. Aiden had texted me that he had done a bit of coke in the ride to my place, not to mention the G I had already fed him. His mind was tuned for pleasure. Of course, my pleasures were significantly darker than he was expecting. I was planning on giving him a gift that would last him a lifetime. "Exactly," I said. I knelt down behind him. He had taken a shower before going out; his ass smelled like soap and boy-sweat, exactly how I liked it. I leaned in. "Just relax and enjoy it," I said, before pressing my lips against his tender young hole. There was a bit of fuzz on his crack, enough to remind me, if I needed any reminding, that he was a young man at the peak of his game. I ran my tongue around his tight pucker, savoring the taste of sweat. "Oh god," he moaned. He had admitted that he didn't even know what rimming was, much less ever had it done to him. "Oh god," he repeated. I grabbed his hips, holding him in place, as I repeated my simple action. I felt him shaking. He had no idea of the pleasure his ass was able to give him, and this first contact was both exciting and scary. He had years of conditioning about what was right, not to mention years of repressing his instincts. I was going to destroy all of those tonight. By the end of the night, he was finally going to be far more than just an occasional cocksucker. "Oh fuck," he grunted again, as my tongue worked over his hole. I took enough time away from the critical task of licking his asshole to ask him a quick question. "Good?" I asked. "Oh yeah. Please. Don't stop." He further emphasized his needs by pressing his ass against my face. He almost suffocated me between the muscular perfection of his cheeks. I didn't mind at all. If I had to die, I wanted it to be like that. But, I pushed back on him just enough for to be able to breathe. "Oh fuck,' he moaned again, as my tongue pushed into his hole. "You're licking my..." he started, before he got lost again in the pleasure of getting his ass eaten. "Relax," I said. I dove back into his hole, finding a new point of pleasure, and launching him into a higher orbit of pleasure. "Just enjoy it." My own dick was now sticking straight out, hard and ready. Any inhibitions the young man might have had were unable to withstand the attack of my talented tongue. My dick knew this, and was eager to begin its attack as well. I knew that Aiden had not told Jay about my HIV status. If Jay asked me, I would give a careful non-answer, one that he was far too young and naive to know was a non-answer. It was a bit deceitful of me, but the virus had changed me in particular ways. The infection had re-wired my mind. It was a subtle re-wiring, nothing overt or obvious. But I understood how the Africans had developed the superstition that sex with a virgin would cure AIDS. At least I knew enough to know that it was hardly a cure. Far from it, it was just the virus's way of ensuring its own survival. "Please," Jay begged me. "Don't stop that." Of course, in the day, maybe two days from now, Jay would think back, and wonder what he had done. He would be scared. But now, he was asking me as clearly as possible to continue, so I did. I pushed my tongue into his hole, opening him up and lubricating him. He took one hand off the railing, and began to play with his cock. For now, I let him, but if he was going to cum, it was going to be on my schedule, not on his. I returned to running my tongue around the edges of his hole. "Oh god," Jay moaned. "I want it in me." My dick jerked. It knew an invitation to fuck when it heard one, and I was not going to turn it down. Besides the rather handsome sum of money I was paying to Aiden for the pleasure of deflowering Jay, I had not cum in a few days: a combination of travel, schedule, and hoping to find the right hole. Jay's hole was definitely the right one. It was tight like the virgin he was, with the perfect amount of fur around it, all nestled between two perfect halves of an ass. "You want more?" I asked. My balls were heavy; they had been filling up over each of those days with mixture of sperm, virus, and semen. "Oh, fuck yeah," Jay said. It was as clear as an invitation as I could get. He had asked for more. He was going to get more. I licked a finger, and pressed it into him. "Oh god, oh god, oh god," Jay moaned. He was loud when his ass was played with. I wondered if this was just the newness of it all, or if it would continue once he was an experienced bottom. I didn't care; I liked that he was a boy who knew what he wanted, nor, with the help of a bit of alcohol, a bit of coke, and a bit of G, was he afraid to admit what he wanted. Of course, he didn't know everything he was getting when he asked for my dick. My virus was a special gift he wouldn't know about it until it was far too late. Of course, if he asked, I would not lie. But Jay was not the first boy Aiden had found for me to infect with my poz seed. Some had the foresight to ask about my status; they were able to go into the experience with their eyes open, ready to enjoy the special bonding. Others were too blinded by their simple need for seed to even know what to ask. But the best were the ones that didn't care at first and then, when it was nearly too late, they would ask. I wondered which type Jay would be. But, before I got too lost in thought, I turned my attention back to Jay, and his perfect, virginal asshole. Like a tribesman of old, giving thanks to the gods in anticipation of a successful hunt, I was worshipping Jay's ass. I was sticking my tongue deep into him, showing my profound appreciation for his offering to me. It was a good thing as well. Despite remembering the drugs, the poppers, the cockrings and all the other paraphernalia of a sex party, I had forgotten lube. It wasn't a big deal. Spit, pre-cum, and semen were always the best lubes, and I had all three in spades. Already, there was a bead of pre-cum forming at the tip of my dick, the harbinger of a steady stream that would leak out of my shaft and into Jay's waiting body. That was just my pre-cum; the actual load of semen could occasionally be massive. My pre-cum dripping from my dick made me feel like a real man. A powerful man, able to destroy a life with my dick. Ever since the first boy I pozzed up nearly four years ago, this had been something my therapist and I talked about nearly every session. I said it was the virus re-wiring my brain. He said it was my anger at being poz. Either way, there was a list of twenty boys permanently tattooed on my calf. They were my poz sons, the boys and men that I had helped infect. One was already dead, although he had died of a drug overdose, not from my virus. It would not be long before I would have a twenty-first name added to the honor roll. I pushed my tongue deeper into Jay's beautiful hole. I had to be careful: I wanted him open enough that he wouldn't be scared away from future fuckings. But then, I didn't want him so loose that my seed couldn't find the tiny nicks and tears. These holes in his defenses were best installed by his ass being stretched out by a man's raw cock. "Oh, god," Jay moaned. He let go of the railing with one hand, and let it drift down to his groin. He took his dick in his hand. Even just from my rimming, or maybe because of my rimming, Jay's dick was already hard. "Not yet," I said, gently grabbing his wrist and pulling it away from his shaft. I wanted him aroused, but I needed him to cum on my schedule, not on his. Besides, in addition to deflowering and knocking the boy up, I had one more goal. This was a long-term goal and one that wouldn't pay out until long after the initial pleasures had dissipated. I wanted to teach Jay to make his hole the center of his sexual pleasure and satisfaction, rather than his penis. His future customers would thank me for it. The vision of Jay's soft, boy cock dripping out semen as his hole got pounded by some sleazy, poz daddy's raw cock got my dick twitching. The bead of pre-cum had turned into a small rivulet of dick juice, and far too soon, I'd need to stick my manhood into Jay. I ran a finger along the edge of Jay's hole. It opened up for me and gently caressed the tips of my fingers. Where Jay's head was tonight didn't matter; his hole was going to make the next few decisions for him. "Oh god," Jay moaned again. "Stick it in me." It wasn't clear if he meant my finger or my cock. I didn't care. I would push a finger or two into him, to stretch him out some more, but then, I would put my dick inside of him. I was paying more than enough for the privilege, even if he was not entirely aware of the implicit arrangements that had been made with Aiden. "Don't worry," I said. "Patience boy. You'll get what you want soon enough." I pushed the tip of my index finger into his hole. "Oh fuck," Jay grunted. His dick was bouncing with his every breath. It was still erect and firm, which made its gyrations even more pronounced. If I was doing this right, Jay was quickly reaching the point of no return. He would be simply incapable of refusing my cock, and it would be nearly as difficult for him to demand I wear a rubber. "I've never had that done to me." "I can tell," I said. "It's cool. This is just us having fun." I pressed my finger a bit deeper inside of him, just barely touching his prostate. I slowly pushed it in and out of him, stimulating him and further introducing him to the possibilities of anal pleasure. "We can go as fast as you like. And as far as you want." "Oh god. Don't stop yet," Jay moaned. I didn't know Jay very well. I had known him less than two hours and it was hard for me to judge: was his response his own, or was he being pushed past his comfort zone by the GHB Aiden and I had dosed him with. But it really didn't matter how I got Jay to this place. It could have been through careful words and expert tongue work or it could have been through administering contraband drugs. All that mattered was Jay moaning like a bitch in heat, begging for my cock. "I'm not." I pressed my finger in further, feeling how hot his body was, and how easy it was to push my way into his hole. "This is fucking hot, feeling you like this." I pulled my finger out of his hole, rubbed it against the tip of my dick, and coated it with my pre-cum. "Wow," Jay said. I realized that with his torso bent over, leaning against the railing, he could just look down and watch my dick's every twitch. He had been staring as I had coated my finger with my pre-cum, and literally caught me red-handed trying to get my DNA into his hole. "That's fucking hot." He paused, just long enough for the uncertainty build. "Your cock. Dripping like that." "Yeah?" I asked. My hand dropped back down to my dick, and I started to stroke the full length. "You like the way it looks?" "Yeah," he said. There was no hesitation now. He was confident about what he was feeling and what he wanted. "I do." "You've told me you've sucked cock before. You want to try it again?" We were moving from the abstract to the concrete, and from having something done to him to doing something to me. There were milestones on Jay's journey and this was going to be the next big one. Jay hesitated for a moment. "Just try it. See how you like it." "Yeah," Jay finally said. "Yeah. I'd like that. Just.." He paused for a second, searching for the words. "Just. let's keep this between ourselves." "No one else here," I replied. "Good. I just don't want to bring Aiden into this." "Don't worry about Aiden. He won't mind at all. Trust me." The only way Aiden was going to mind about Jay sucking my cock was if the boy did a bad job of it. My thick, hard manhood needed a talented and dedicated cocksucker, not a bumbling novice whose heart wasn't in it. Jay may have been a novice, but I suspected he would be quick to learn exactly how I wanted to be serviced. "You sure?" I hoped that the GHB wasn't wearing off. I would hate for our fun to end prematurely. "I just," he began. The drugs were still in his system and the brief moment of lucidity quickly passed. "I just...I just really want it." "Of course," I said. I stood up, my legs brushing against his, my dick rubbing right up against his crack. "We're just playing around," I said. "Nothing serious." "Good." Jay turned around to face me. I had forgotten how much taller than me he was, and I had to look up to meet his eyes. "Fuck, it's a nice dick," he said, running a hand along the full length of my cock. "Take your time," I said. "We're in no hurry." Everything I said and did was geared towards making each choice Jay made easy and obvious. It would be that much sweeter when my raw shaft sunk into his hungry, wet hole. I reached up, put a hand on his shoulder, and gently pressed him down. I had a responsibility to train him well, and that training began with him learning that if he wanted to suck my dick, he would be on his knees. "Kneel down," I said. "Get a closer look at it." I didn't need to tell him what to do. As soon as I put just the slightest bit of pressure, Jay dropped to his knees. He looked up at me; I hadn't remembered that he still had his glasses on. They gave him a charming innocence. It was going to be delightful to watch my dick disappear into his sweet mouth. He reached out to grab my cock, then stopped himself. "May I?" he asked, with the earnestness of an amateur actor in a sexual assault awareness film. "Of course," I said. "It's here for us to play with. To have fun with." "Good," he said, as fondled my dick. His hands were warm and soft, like a boy's hands should be. "I want to play. There's a lot I need to learn." "There is," I said. "But mostly, just do what comes naturally." Jay's explorations of my dick had continued as we talked, and he had reached my cockhead. It was now slick with the accumulated pre-cum, and his fingertips glided over the sensitive skin. "Oh yeah," I grunted, as he found a rhythm and started to jerk me off. "You like that?" he asked. He didn't stop. "Oh yeah," I said. I reached down and ran a hand through his hair. The sides of his head were shaven, and he had longish hair at the top and back. It was blond and thick, full with a bit of gel in it. It was exactly what I had imagined his hair would feel like. "You want to taste it?" I asked. He looked up at me. His blue eyes were even more dilated than the dark patio required. It was the drugs still in his system. "You sure?" he asked. He left his mouth slightly open, and ran his tongue over his lips. It wasn't clear if he knew just how much he was teasing me or not. "Yeah," I said. "I think you'd enjoy feeling a dick in your mouth again. And I'd love to feel your mouth on my tool." He leaned in further, his breath warm against the skin stretched over my dick. "Come on," I said. I had grabbed the back of his head and was applying just enough pressure for him to know what was expected of him. "Take care of me." "Oh fuck," Jay grunted. He opened his mouth further, enough for the tip of my cockhead to slide in. His tongue ran over the slit at the top and lapped up a fresh drop of pre-cum. "Mmmmmmm," he moaned, as he wrapped his lips around the stiff shaft. I was now officially inside of Jay; I was only the second man to get my dick this far with him. "Oh fuuuck," I murmured. A blow job always felt good. To be one of the first guys a man had ever blown felt even better. Knowing that I was also infecting him with my virus felt best of all. I wanted to hold his head in place and fuck Jay's throat. But I remembered that I had to play the long game; all that needed to happen tonight was to inseminate the young man. "You like that?" Jay managed to say, even with a few inches of my dick in his mouth. "Oh yeah," I said. "Don't talk. Just focus on what's important." "Your dick is important." "It is," I said. I put a little more pressure on the back of his head. "Focus," I said. "If you make it feel good, it will make you feel good." Jay took the hint, and returned his attention to sucking my dick. He wasn't bad at it; for only the slightest bit of practice, he had a natural talent. He knew enough to avoid his teeth, and seemed to find a pace that was both natural and arousing. "That's what I want to feel," I continued. He looked up at me. I thought he was going to say something, but he only forced himself to take more of my dick. As I said, he had a natural talent for sucking dick. I hoped his ass was going to be just as welcoming. "Fuck," I grunted. "That feels good." "Oood," he said. It was hard for him to talk, with my dick pressing against the back of his throat. Yet he was still smiling, seemingly oblivious to the discomfort of my dick practically in his throat. "Oood," he moaned again as one more inch of my cock disappeared into his mouth. "All the way?" I asked. I rubbed my hand along the back of his head, gently pushing a bit more of my cock into his mouth. My dickhead was pressing against the back of his mouth, waiting for the thrust that would push my shaft into his throat. Jay's eyes widened, and I thought he was smiling a bit more. "Esss Er!" he said. It took me a moment to realize he had just called me Sir. But there was nothing else that gagged garble of sounds could have been. "Fuck yes, boy. Take all of my dick." Both hands were now pulling on his skull, slowly but deliberately pushing my dick into his throat. "Uuck, Er!" There was panic on Jay's face as my dick entered his throat, cutting off his airway. "Relax," I said. "Swallow, and hold your breath for a second." His throat was contracting around my cock, and he was seconds away from gagging. I felt him swallow, the gentle massage of the length of my cock. Then a stillness, as he stopped trying to breathe air, and instead inhaled my cock. "That's it. Show me how much you like my dick." Jay made no attempt to reply. Instead he looked up at me, still wearing his nerd-core glasses, and jammed the last inch of my dick down his throat. I stared at his lips wrapped around the base of my dick and his nose deep in my pubes. It was a really good start to the night; Jay was on his knees, willingly choking on my cock. It would be a natural progression to my cock inside his hole. When my raw cock entered his hole, Jay was going to lose two things that were very valuable and precious. First, I was going to take his virginity from him. He would never be able to get that back. Second, and far more valuable, I would take his health and innocence. My balls were churning, full of my infected semen. I would inject it deep in him, where his defenses were the weakest. It would take a few weeks, but the virus would infiltrate his body, defeat his immune system, and make him forever diseased. "Oh fuck that feels good," I said. His eyes were closed now, concentrating on not gagging. He was no longer smiling and instead, all of his attention was focused on pleasuring my cock. The expression on his face was somewhere between agony and discomfort as he struggled to keep all of my shaft in his throat. "Don't stop. Let me fuck your throat." Jay's eyes widened. The reality of sex between men was sinking in. It wasn't the soft coupling of a man and a woman. It was a rough, aggressive display of power and dominance, and in this round, I came out on top. It was going to be hard for Jay to change these roles. Even with just one session, the pattern was set and he was here for my pleasure. "Fucking don't want to cum yet," I grunted, pulling Jay's head off my dick a bit. "Want to enjoy your throat a long time." Jay was gasping, both for breath and for more of my cock. It was a pathetic display of hunger and need from the young man, and it only made my dick drip more. "I want your load," Jay said. "I know you do," I said. I was paying Aiden a lot of money to give Jay my load. There was no way I was going to give up the opportunity to breed him. "And I want you to have my load. A lot." I grabbed the back of his head, and pulled him back down on my cock. "But all in good time." Jay smiled again, not knowing just what I had in mind. This time, I was relentless. I needed my dick buried in his throat, and I was going to do it on my schedule. I pushed him down on my dick, not even pausing as my dickhead forced itself into his throat. "Oh, hell yeah," I grunted, as his lips hit the base of my dick. "Oh fuck, you are a natural cocksucker." Jay's eyes bulged, and his smile was quickly replaced by a panicked expression. "Ugggh," he started to say, but I pushed another millimeter of dick into him. It seemed like nothing, but it was enough to shut him up. It was also just enough to gag him. "Work through it," I said, quietly but firmly. I didn't let go of his head. Jay was going to have to learn how to deep throat and nothing was going to be accomplished by coddling him. "Learn how to breathe cock."
    1 point
  39. Syphilis, first ever guy I met pulled his large cock out and it had a red spot (didn't look like herpes to me) I was so young and desperate for cock got on my Knees and sucked him off. He told me it was where he caught himself in his zip. Looking back I bet he loved how he tricked me in to sucking his infected dick. I was really angry when I got tested but I look back and think it was pretty hot
    1 point
  40. Syphilis which I got while in Junior high. After a doctor noticed a red pimple on my penis he told me he was giving me penicillin for my sore throat. I started to tell him I didn't have a sore throat. He told me that my throat looked a little red and he was giving me penicillin for it and that's what he was telling my mother. Neither of us mentioned the red pimple.
    1 point
  41. Oh my god Scorpion, you have the best way of telling a story. Thank you very much, I´m so glad that you kept the story going!! Nice the way they keep on wrecking his ass, making it a bloody gaping creamy hole!!
    1 point
  42. PART 8 – NOT A FAG “Fuck yeah, buddy,” I replied, picking up the pipe and motioning toward the back patio. “We’ll definitely smoke some more. But first, let’s see what Brian and Jesse are up to.” Dalton grabbed my arm, taking a half-step backward. “Wait, bro. I just want to be clear about one thing.” “What’s that, bud?” “I know you guys are gay, and that’s cool. I’m totally cool with that. Really. And look, I’m fine hanging out naked if we’re gonna smoke some more of that shit. But…I’m not—well…” “You’re not what?” “I’m not…a fag, OK?” “Sorry—what?” “I said I’m not a fag, bro.” “Ah. No problem, buddy—works for me. Not a fag? OK, then you’re not a fag.” “Not that there’s anything wrong with that, obviously. Like I said, I’m cool with you guys. But I have a girlfriend, and I'm not into dick. OK?” “I understand, buddy. There’s plenty of faggot to go around this afternoon, so I’m cool with you just hanging out—in, you know, a non-faggoty way.” “Great. Thanks.” Dalton’s face relaxed into a sheepish smile. Then he glanced down at his cock, which seemed to be doing everything in its power to close the distance between us—stretching a good eight or nine inches away from his flat stomach, throbbing in my direction as it curved slightly upward, a bead of precum forming at the piss-slit. He laughed appreciatively, causing his dick to twitch. “I guess that smoke makes me pretty horny, huh?” “That’s the best thing about it, buddy. It makes all of us fuckin' horny.” I reached over to the counter and grabbed a shot of G, adding a little Gatorade to it, then told Dalton to drink up. “This shit tastes a little nasty, so make sure to follow it with a chaser.” He nodded and threw the shot back, grimacing as he grabbed the bottle of Gatorade and took a giant gulp. “Dude, what the fuck was that?” I smiled to myself, always relishing those moments when boys ask questions when it's already too late. “Just something called G, bud,” I replied, doing my best to sound casual. “It’s sort of like a strong shot of Jägermeister.” “Fuck, that better be a lot stronger than Jäger, dude. That was fuckin’ disgusting.” “Trust me, buddy.” I said, placing a hand on his shoulder as I felt the heat radiate from his young, muscled body—all those chems just beginning to do their work. “Just trust me, OK?” He nodded, and I led him out to the patio, where my favorite faggots were hard at work: Brian was sitting in one of the deck chairs, his dick lodged deep inside Jesse’s hole. Jesse squatted over him, his shoulderblades pressed against Brian’s chest, craning his neck back for a deep, sloppy kiss. Meanwhile, Brian wrapped his hairy, muscular arms around the jockboy’s smooth body, both of them lost in the glazed-eye twilight of a deep chemfuck. My attention immediately went to Jesse’s ass as it stretched around Brian’s poz dick, the boy’s chem-fueled fuckhole hungrily pulsing in a deep, steady rhythm. I glanced over at Dalton, who had clearly noticed the same thing. “Holy fuck,” he said under his breath, absent-mindedly reaching down to grab his dick. The sound of his voice—deeper than usual, with just a hint of a growl—immediately brought Brian and Jesse to attention. “Fuck! I'm so fuckin' sorry, Dalton,” said Jesse, doing his best to sound ashamed while keeping that raw dick firmly lodged in his hungry hole. “We didn’t mean to freak you out. Is this OK?” “Yeah, it’s cool, buddy,” Dalton said hoarsely, trying to signal his approval with an awkward wave of his hand. “Gay shit doesn’t bug me, bro. You know that.” “Well, that’s a good thing, straightboy,” Brian replied, his eyes locked on Dalton’s. “Because this gay shit won’t be stopping anytime soon. There’s no fuckin’ way I’m pulling out of this boy’s hole until he’s dripping with my cum.” Dalton hesitated for a moment, lost in the intensity of Brian’s stare, before letting out a forced laugh. “Hey, do your thing, bro. Just don’t count on me joining in.” “Fine by me, dude,” Jesse replied. “More dick for this faggot.” “That’s right boy,” Brian said to him, thrusting his cock just a little deeper. “Now show me what a hungry chempig you really are.” The two of them dissolved back into a kiss, and Dalton and I stared at Brian’s fat dick as it grew fatter still, stretching that boyhole even wider than before. “It’s all good,” I said to Dalton in a low, quiet, even voice, reaching over to squeeze his shoulder—and causing his cock to jerk upward with another twitch. “Why don’t you head inside, and I’ll find you some good pussy porn?” “Fuck, that sounds good to me,” he said with relief, seemingly unable to stop staring at Jesse’s pulsing fuckhole as it milked the precum from Brian’s poz cock. “But hey: weren’t we gonna smoke first, bro?” “Oh, damn! My bad, buddy. Here you go.” Once again, I held the pipe to his lips and heated the bowl, letting the tip of my cock graze his outer thigh as I whispered instructions to this newest chempig-in-training. And once again, he inhaled a lungful of smoke, leaning his head back and blowing a giant cloud—his hips countering with a slow, sensual forward-thrust of his cock. I fed him two more hits after that, each time letting my dick rest a little more firmly against his leg. Then I gave him a friendly smack on the ass and told him to meet me inside. As Dalton walked away, Brian moaned softly, his eyes following the rise and fall of our Neighbor Boy’s muscled ass. “Please tell me I get to fuck that boy now,” he said under his breath. “I can’t fuckin’ hold back any more.” “You will—don’t worry,” I replied. “But first we need to solve a tiny problem.” “What’s that?” “Well, see…he’s not a faggot. According to him, anyway.” “That’s nothing new,” said Brian. “True. I’ve seen dudes with sloppy asses dripping 10 fresh loads, yet still claiming to be straight.” “Fuck that. We’ll make this boy a faggot, and make him fuckin’ like it. We just need to help him see things…our way.” “Ah: the power of persuasion.” “Fuck no,” Brian replied. “The power of a nice fat slam.”
    1 point
  43. Predators and prey (Part 4) Michael was almost paralized. He was looking with big eyes at the man who was standing above him and shouted at him to lay flat on his back. The man with the scorpion tattoo was dropping to his knees between Michaels legs. “Are you playing dumm or what?” he sneered and punched him into his face again. Like a doll Michael’s upper body soared to the mattress. He saw stars in front of his eyes and heard a voice from a far. Someone was told to hold him down. Michael was in a world of pain right now. He held his hands in front of his face and was moaning. Then he felt strong hands who pinned his shoulders down to the mattress. His hands were pulled away from his face and two guys knelt with their knees on either side of his upper arms which also caused overwhelming pain in his system. “Are you ready for your first fuck cunt?” the Scorpion asked him rhetorical. He took Michael’s legs and pressed them towards his chest. This way his was opening up a bit. “You” he nodded to the left guy. “Lift your knee from his arm for a minute” The guy did as he was told. “Listen cuntface. Come take a grip of my bat and feed your pussy with my dick” Poor Michael didn’t feel his arms anymore. He tried to regain control. “You better hurry, or do you want to get a beating?” the Scorpion asked him in an evil tone. Finally he could move his right arm and reached towards his ass. Soon he felt the guy’s penis. He started stroking the dick slowly. “Aaaaah nice. You are a good cunt. Yes you bitch, make me harder. Make my dick so hard, that I can wreck your cunt with it. “Don’t worry…. it hurts just in the beginning. I could make it easier for you with lube, but what fun would it give you?” he asked Michael. Not that he cared about Michael’s feelings right now. “Put my cock to your fuck tube. Yeah- hold it there. Hold it tight against your opening” he ordered the twink. Finally he started pushing his dick against the dry fuck opening. Michael started to moan instantly. The harder the Scorpion pushed the louder did the 18 year old scream. The Scorpion lashed out and hit Michael twice in his face. “Open up….. Open up….. UP UP UP…… relax your sphincter and let me in you pig” he shouted. “Come on let me stab you a couple of times with my dick and you will see, the blood will make it easier for me, for the other guys and for you.” he growled. “Stupid cunt” he grouched. Another voice told the Scorpion, it would probably be better to use at least a little amount of lube, so they could start the action finally. The Scorpion’s dick was rock hard. That was not the problem. The problem was this little fag who cramped too much, that even with a full hard cock, it was unable to break the barrier. Someone handed the Scorpion a tube and he slit out of Mike’s hole. He started to apply the lube on his cock and was still cursing, because his plan had not worked out. “I…. I will try…. try to relax Sir” Michael stuttered. “Yeah – that’s good whore. Open your cunt for us. If you are milking us good you might get a gift from everyone for your effort.” the Scorpion chuckled. “Yes Sir…. I…. I…. I like gifts. Thank you Sir.” Michael talked softly. Again he helped the Scorpion to hold him against the center of his tight opening. His right arm was immediately pushed down to the mattress again. This time the Scorpion was more successful. With one stroke he brought 6 inches into Michael’s pussy. The boy was gasping and then started with a loud and whining tone. It was like a siren, coming deep from the depths of his body. The Scorpion pulled his dick out of Mike’s ass and slammed it back in. Again the cunt stopped him at about 6 inches. “What now? Do you want me to cut your sphincter?” the big guy screamed. Some of the other guys were excited about the aggressive act. They couldn’t wait to rupture the intestine of this almost virgin guy. Others were concerned. Hard fucking was one thing and the guy obviously wanted getting fucked. They all saw and heard the words in the beginning and even now Michael had helped the rough guy to actually enter his body. He even stroked him before to get harder. “I’m gonna rip you open – and if it is the last thing I do. You will let me into your body you stupid fuck” he swore loudly. Again and again the Scorpion stabbed into the cunt with a great force and all of a sudden he started sinking more and more inches into his fuck puppet. Finally all 9 inches were buried into Michael’s ass and the Scorpion roared triumphantly. “Now let’s try to make you bleed. Would you like that? Would you like me to fuck your fucktube so hard? Do you want it to be shredded? Hmmmmm….?” the Scorpion asked callously. Michael nodded. He didn’t seem to actually get it, what was just happening. When the Scorpion started to almost pull out, he enjoyed slamming his prick back into the virginal hole. “Yeah…. moan for me. Make me hard. Milk my cock with your cunt.” he uttered aggressively. A third man entered the hut. He held some pieces of woods in his hands. It was not large. Two minor wood wedges. Guys help me for a second, to rip his mouth wide open. I don’t want to lose a finger, but since Michael was so into the fuck rhythm he didn’t realize at first what was happening in his face. Only when the pressure at his jaws was so high, that he wanted to scream, he realized he couldn’t close his mouth anymore. “Now isn’t that nice” the third guy complimented himself for this good idea. “Now we can use his mouth also and we don’t have to be afraid of him biting us. The guys cheered all loudly. Michael rolled his eyes. He didn’t know what hurt more. His nose, which seemed to be broken. His jaw and mouth, that he couldn’t close anymore or his ass, which was repeatedly stabbed. His whole body seemed to be one big pain. The scorpion started now a rabbit fuck. He fucked the poor boy in such a pace, that Michael could only grunt like an animal. He wasn’t human anymore. The Scorpion looked down and saw red streaks of blood at his penis. The guys saw this and cheered enthusiastically. “This is good…. this is good boy… you are doing a good job. Keep that ass up. Let me ram my cock harder into your pussy.” Michael squealed like a pig and tried to move his ass a bit higher to avoid the hard fucking penis, but in the end he even gave the Scorpion a better angle to attack his asshole. The Scorpion was now able to rotate his dick always in another angle. So he touched Michael’s intestine at places he never even knew they existed. The two guys holding Michael still down called for the third chap to start chocking the little whore with a dick in his mouth. The guy didn’t wait for long. He had his jeans unbuttoned already and lowered himself from the front. Most guys were jacking off at the spectacle. They couldn’t see Michaels face anymore, but they heard the noises escaping from his fucked mouth. He retched pathetically. You could also hear soft sobs while he was fucked from both ends now. The Scorpion was sure. By the end of this session they would double penetrate the virgin slut. He would wait ‘til the end…. he wanted to try to fistfuck the boy as the big finale. With this scenery on his mind he started to erupt into Michael’s ass. He flexed his ass cheeks, while stream after stream of his highly toxic semen entered the torn up snatch. “I fucked my gift into you. Do you hear me? Your first dick and you got already fucked up.” he snarled dangerously. Michael couldn’t concentrate on those words. He was trying to accommodate to the huge bat made out of warm flesh in his tight throat. The Scorpion withdrew his bloody dick slowly and stood up. His knees were shaky. As soon as he left the area between Michaels leg, another guy from outside the hut entered Mike’s already ripped up pussy. Michael felt the new dick filling his ass and all of the sudden his own cock started to harden. “Filthy whore” muttered the fucker and started his steady fuck pace. Michael yelped again, as the new cock entered him with 8 inches in a roar and he felt the pressure of the guy, beating against his intestinal walls painfully.
    1 point
  44. Sounds hot. I got fucked by two of my teachers. One, my high school ag teacher and that was in a cruisy park....a couple years after high school....was a bit of a surprise....but a nice fuck....he was not overly endowed...but was skilled enough and he seemed to enjoy my ass (probably more than he enjoyed me in his classes over the 4 years of HS). The other was a bit less legal. And it was a bit different...he was a customer on my paper route and I also did some odd jobs around his place. I was already getting fucked by one customer (my first every sex....and my intro to hot man sex), so i was not surprised by the second event. It only became weird the next year when he started teaching...and was one of my junior high teachers. we never did anything while he was my teacher....but there was always that "something" during that school year.
    1 point
  45. Pimped Out As A Whore for Poz Part 10 (The Week - Day 2) I woke up to The Beast peeing on my face. Choking and coughing, I laid there remembering where I was as his piss splashed into my mouth and nose. Knowing I was awake, I thought he’d stop but he unloaded his whole bladder onto my head. Once his streamed subsided, my nostrils cleared enough to smell the piss, cum, sweat, and grime that covered me head to toe. I smelled like a whore. The Beast’s piss had liquefied some of the dried cum, making my skin slick and creating a goop in my hair. He threw a set of clothes down on the floor next to the mattress and said, “Get dressed.” “Can I shower, sir?” I asked, certain he wasn’t taking me anyplace like this. “Fuck no, you can’t shower, cunt. Come on, hurry up, I’m hungry. You slept all day.” So covered in the semen of all those strangers, wet with The Beast’s morning piss, and with my hair disheveled in several clumps of cum, I pulled on the shorts, T-shirt, and flip flops that he had provided me. He put his enormous cock back in his jean shorts and said, “Let’s go, faggot.” He took me to a Denny’s. I couldn’t believe it. I was mortified, but I didn’t question it. He acted like nothing was out of the ordinary. He got out of the car with a small duffel bag, waited for me to close my door, and clicked the alarm on. Then he strode ahead of me, not really paying attention to whether or not I was close behind or the people that were already starting to stare at my appearance. I got through the door in enough time to hear him say, “I think a booth, thanks.” The hostess lead us to a booth, parading me through a dozen or so other patrons, all whispering about my appearance as soon as I passed. When the waitress came, The Beast ordered a large breakfast even though it was already 5pm. When she turned to me, I opened my mouth to order, but The Beast chimed in, “He’ll have a fruit smoothie. The berry one. That’s it.” She took our menus and went away as he said, “Can’t have you getting messy. You should eat really light this week.” I nodded and waited for our food. The Beast started asking me questions about my college plans, etc. I told him I was interested in Sports Management, which lead to a discussion on which sports I followed and what I thought of the current baseball season. It was the longest period of time he didn’t call me pussy, cunt, or faggot since we’d met. The food arrived and we both ate…well, he ate and I drank…our breakfast and continued our conversation. After finishing his meal, he abruptly stopped the conversation by saying, “Okay, pussy boy, it’s time for tonight’s adventure.” He slid the duffel bag across the table. “There’s an empty enema, a couple of dildos, and some lube in this bag. Go into the handicap stall in the bathroom here – it has it’s own sink – and clean that cunt out real good. Then spend some time opening up that hole with these dildos. It’s for your own good ‘cause I have a treat for you tonight.” I took the bag and went into the bathroom to follow his instructions. I cleaned out my fuckhole really well and then I lubed up my ass, fingering my pink hole gently at first. I was pretty sore from the previous night and I wanted to ease myself into the sex toys. Eventually, I worked the smallest dildo into myself and then the medium one and the large 10X7 rubber dick into my cunt. All the while a steady parade of patrons came in and took a piss at the urinal or used the stall next to me as I softly grunted my way through my self-inflicted ass-opening. In the middle of working the big boy into me, a man came in and unleashed a steady stream into the urinal. I’d recognize that strong stream of piss anywhere. I was proven right after he zipped up and slammed a palm on the door of my stall, “Let’s go, cunt.” I pulled the dildo out of my ass, threw everything into the duffel bag, and pulled my shorts up. When I came out of the stall, The Beast was already headed out of the door. He had taken care of the check and we headed straight for the car. As soon as I got into the passenger seat, he threw a sizeable butt plug in my lap and said, “Put that in you.” As he started the car, I lifted my ass off the seat and dug my hand into my shorts with the butt plug. With some slight maneuvering, I lined it up with my now open hole and forced it passed my ring. He whimpered a bit as it came to rest in my rectum. He put the car in gear and said, “Now enjoy the ride.” We drove for quite some time, enjoying some more conversation. This time about his history in college football, a serious injury that prevent him continuing to play, getting into construction, his marriage, his divorce, when he realized he was meant to fuck bitch boys like me. All the while, the butt plug pressed against my insides, keeping me open and causing my little dick to leap or my ass walls to quiver when we would turn suddenly or come to a stop or start moving again. “Here we are,” The Beast informed me. We had driven to a major city about 2 hours away from where we lived. I hadn’t even noticed we were in the car that long, but there we were in the parking lot of The Crow’s Nest, a bar that I had heard about since I had been turned into a cum dump. It was a well-known leather bar. He grabbed another small bag and said, “Strip.” Again, no questions. I just took off my shorts and my t-shirt. “Let’s go,” he said, and we were out of the car and headed into the bar. I was naked and crusted with piss and cum and he paraded me through this crowded bar. The patrons ranged from huge and muscular to old and vile. Most had on leather – harnesses, chaps, some collars. The Beast lead me straight through the crowd, not paying attention to the hands fingering my hole, slapping my ass, and touching my muscled torso; not caring about the studs laughing at my pathetic endowment; and clearly, expecting the trail of scum bags following behind me to see where my master was leading me. The Beast went straight into the men’s room. I followed him in and saw him plop the new duffel bag on the sink counter. As a small crowd of men filtered into the restroom, The Beast took a dog collar from the bag. He motioned me over and I obediently went to him. He secured the dog collar around my neck as I watched the scarier looking members of the crowd lick their lips. “Get on all fours,” The Beast said simply as he removed a leash from the duffel bag. As I crouched into doggy position, exposing the butt plug lodged in my ass, the crowd began to buzz with comments: “Hot fucking hole…” “…true motherfucking whore, finally…” “…now THAT’S a sweet pucker…” “…atta’ boy, be that slut…” “…a faggot that knows his place…” The comments and attention made me start dripping from my little pecker as The Beast strung the leash around the pipe of one of the urinals and then fed it through the loop of fabric that was the handle. He then fed the padlock through the metal ring at the end of the leash and the metal rings on either side of the collar. The padlock clicked shut and he dropped it. My head sank for a moment under the weight of the lock. I wasn’t going anyplace. He took three more items out of the duffel: a metal device, a bottle of lube, and a bottle of poppers. He handed me the bottle of poppers and said, “Take a big whiff.” I snorted four or five whiffs of the poppers while The Beast lubed up the metal thing. He positioned himself behind me and I tried to relax, wanting to please this God. He pulled the butt plug out of me with a pop and eased the metal object into my waiting gape of a cunt. It scraped a little but it wasn’t very big so I was able to manage it fairly easily. That’s when I felt it grow. I could tell The Beast was twisting something like a key and with each turn the metal item seemed to expand. Holy fuck, he had put a speculum inside of me. He just kept stretching my pussy wider and wider, the crowd around us growing and egging him on to open my ass bigger. Finally, he stood up, pleased with how distended he had made my rectum. He turned to the patrons of the bar and said, “Okay boys, here’s the story. My boy is your urinal tonight, okay? But that’s it. He’ll take piss and cum in either hole. There is to be no fucking.” A groan of disappointment erupted from the crowd. The Beast said more loudly, “NO FUCKING! And I’m fucking serious! If I find out that one of you fuckers put your dick in his mouth or his cunt, you’ll be sorry, and you know I mean it.” The crowd murmured again in agreement, recognizing the severity of The Beast’s threat. “Go ahead and fill him up, boys. I’ll be back later.” And with that, The Beast walked out of the bathroom, and presumable the bar, leaving me at the mercy of this bar of sexual deviants. The initial onslaught was dizzying. All these cocks jerking madly around me. None of them were small, they were all on the big side and I was secretly wishing they had been among the strangers from last night. As the pigs intent on contaminating my holes with their seed, a few less patient guys decided they needed to take a leak first. “First deposit, bitch!” I looked over my shoulder to see a bearded bear in a harness start to shoot a stream of piss directly at my hole. Later on Xtube, I saw the footage of this captured by one of the bastards on their phone. The speculum held my cunt open and I could see the red walls of my ass clearly. The bear’s fat cock was sending a steady stream of urine directly into the open hole that once was my ass and was now a urinal. I could feel the hot fluid fill my guts until it bubbled and flooded out of my stretched fuck hole. Just then, the first breeder started grunting and pushed the fat bear aside. The breeder – a shirtless muscular, tanned stud in his 40s clad in assless chaps – put his dick head right at the opening of the speculum and ejaculated 5 big shots of cum into my exposed chute. He zipped up and left, slapping me on the ass and saying thanks. “Open your fucking mouth, cunt!” Instinctively, I opened my mouth wide and got a huge stream of pungent piss fill my mouth quickly until it was running down my chin. The source was an old guy in a leather vest and jeans. Once emptied, he slapped his floppy cock on my forehead a few times before zipping up and leaving the bathroom. I focused on the droplets of urine I could feel in the middle of my forehead as two more thick dicked trolls jerked their dicks directly into my shitter followed by a tall, lean, furry bald guy jerking his dick in my face, ordering me, “Open your mouth hole, you stupid whore!” Of course, I complied and felt ropes of semen across my tongue and on my lips just as I felt the cum in my ass slip out of the speculum and coat my pussy lips. The line of guys was steady all night, pissing in my mouth. Sometimes all over my face. One guy even held my eye lid open and pissed right in my eye as I howled from the sting. Others had fun watching my cunt fill up with their urine, a long arc of yellow landing in my stretched opening like a game at a carnival. Still others just wanted their DNA in my ass and jerked it straight into the gape. No one broke the rule, no one fucked me. I just stayed on all fours in a gathering puddle of piss and cum. My knees were aching, and yet the lowlifes kept coming and cumming. Eventually, my legs gave out and I fell belly-down into the puddle of urine and seed. The speculum pinched my insides from my collapse but I could feel it still doing it’s job, and although my mouth wasn’t as easily accessible, my hole was still wide open and guys continued to fill it with their body fluids. And still, even though my head was flat against the cold, wet linoleum slick with fresh pee and semen, some guys enjoyed just pissing on my face and watching my tongue lash out trying to lap it up since The Beast had promised BOTH holes until he got back. At some point, I must have passed out because I woke up to The Beast kicking me with his heavy black boot. “Come on, faggot boy, you’re used up.” All my joints ached and tried to bend them before standing. I reached my hand between my legs and discovered that The Beast had already removed the speculum. He roughly unlocked the padlock, freeing me of the collar and the leash as I asked, “What time is it?” “Five o’clock in the morning,” he responded, “Time to go home and go to bed.” “Yes, sir.” He stowed the supplies in the duffel bag and threw me my clothes. “Let’s go,” he ordered and walked out the door. I quickly put on my shorts and t-shirt, afraid he would leave me without a second thought. I caught up to him in the parking lot, half stumbling and half limping to his car. I noticed that he had covered the passenger seat with a towel, not wanting me to ruin his upholstery with my dripping snatch. Nothing was said as we pulled out of the parking lot, and I almost immediately fell asleep as soon as we were on the highway. Upon returning to The Beast’s house, he shoved me towards the basement door, “Your bed is exactly how you left it.” I looked at him pathetically as he sauntered off to his comfortable King bed in the master bedroom. I retreated to the basement and my piss soaked, cum smelly mattress. I curled up in a ball, snuggling up to the pillow. The mattress was still moist from where The Beast had woken me up with his piss and I touched it with my hand and then my cheek as I began to doze, thinking, “He still hasn’t fucked me.” That realization almost made me cry as I fell asleep and dreamed that this would change tomorrow. More to come...
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  46. Pimped Out As A Whore for Poz Part 9 (The Week - Day 1) My alarm went off at 7am as usual. Barely two hours of sleep, and I had to drag myself out of bed and get ready for school. I knew my dad would never call the school for me, even to give me just a few more hours of sleep. My ass was SO SORE. It felt like you could drive a Mack truck up my cunt and I wouldn’t feel it. I kind of hobbled around all day feeling every last thrust from those 30+ guys I took last night. And I was leaking cum the whole day. I kept feeling it run down my leg, and I swear other people knew that I smelled like spunk. It was so embarrassing. I also checked my email account all day, but no more jobs lined up. I was grateful for the reprieve. My ass definitely needed some down time. I headed home after baseball practice, desperately needing a nap. Upon entering my house, I heard moans and high pitched screaming. As I passed the living room, I saw Deanna bent over our couch taking a deep dicking from Mr. Johnson, our black next door neighbor. He would pull it out of her and plunge it into her ass making her shriek like a tormented cat. After pumping in and out of her ass a few times, he would pull it out again and push it right back into her cunt. He was a good 10 inches and she was taking it like a champ. My dad sat on the back of the couch, his load obviously recently released, and stroking his fat, soft cock casually. As Deanna fought to pull my father’s cock into her mouth every now and then, my father encouraged Mr. Johnson to “give her a black baby…come on, dude, this slutty little cunt wants to get preggers. Make her father shit a brick when it comes out brown. Put that black seed in her womb. Knock her up.” Suddenly, Mr. Johnson pulled it out of her ass and shoved all the way into her pussy, his ass muscles tightening, and I knew he was dumping a huge fertile load of black babies into my newly ex-girlfriend’s unprotected twat. Deanna cooed on my father’s dick, clenching her pussy, trying to milk every last sperm from my 50 year-old neighbor. “Fuck that’s good pussy!” said Mr. Johnson, shaking his head and realizing that I was watching as he pulled his spent dick from Deanna’s crotch. “Sorry kid, I don’t fuck boys no matter how girlie they are.” And I heard him and my Dad laughing as I went up to my room to sleep. Over the next several weeks, my Dad set me up with a client or two. Nothing of note, just some random guys that I’d either go to their office or some hotel or they’d come to our house. My Dad was very accommodating with my cunt and what they paid was always somewhat arbitrary. Sometimes my 30% was 60 bucks, sometimes it was 60 cents. The sick thing is, my ass came more and harder when I knew I was only making 60 cents. The only really AMAZING sex I was having during this time was when Jordan would decide to use me. Although he mocked me and slapped me around in the hallways, every now and then he would show up at my door or pull me into a janitor’s closet, use my hole viciously, fill me with his delicious spunk, zip up, slap me in the face, and leave me alone dripping cum and usually blood out of my ass. And I fucking loved it. His dick hit every spot I had…his body made me drool…and he could fuck like an animal. Anyway, over a month had gone by and I hadn’t gotten the fuck flu or tested positive yet. You could tell my Dad was frustrated by this, but it’s not like I wasn’t taking a literal butt load of poz cum. We were well into the summer by now and my Dad was out of town one week, which meant I would get some down time and not have any clients. I was very relieved. I was just getting ready to head to the gym when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to find The Beast. I just stared for a moment, wondering if I should feel as completely aroused as I did or as terrifyingly frightened as I did. “Hey pussy boy,” he growled, “Your Dad tells me the bug ain’t taken yet.” I swallowed hard before replying, “No, sir.” Sir? It came back as if I had been to boot camp. “It hasn’t, and I’ve been doing everything that my Dad has told me to do.” “You mean you’ve been taking every diseased cock he’s sold your ass to?” “Yes, sir.” He snorted, “I love a challenge. Throw some shit into a bag and let’s go. You’re mine for the week.” Apparently, he had already worked this out with my Dad, and I was officially under his control for the next seven days. And what a 7 days it was. I was fucked by almost a hundred different men. It was insane. Day 1 – The Beast brought me to his house and had me clean out. He threw me a pair of assless mesh underwear that I hurried to put on. I thought he was going to fuck me but he didn’t. He hauled me down to his basement where he had a mini-dungeon. “Just put this in,” he said proudly. He led me to a leather fuck bench and had me bend over the cool leather. He placed my wrists and ankles in restraints, and then placed a leather blindfold over my eyes. “Ready for your fucking?” he asked. “Yes, sir.” I squeaked, excited to have him inside of me again. “Good cunt.” Then he left me there, alone. Bound. It felt like forever. It could have been five minutes, it could have been an hour. I was getting afraid that he was going to leave me there overnight and a thin layer of sweat started to cover my mostly nude body. Suddenly I heard him behind me. “Just about to start, boy.” And I heard him jerking his huge cock. You could hear how meaty it was just from the sounds it made in his hand. In a couple of minutes, he was shooting his load all over my exposed hole. He grunted and then said, “And that’s all the lube you get to start, you stupid bitch.” And with that, I heard some laughter, and I realized he wasn’t the only one in the room. I felt a pair of hairy legs saddle up between my thighs. A thick mushroom head lined up with my wet hole and pushed into me roughly. I yelped and bucked but was fixed in place. Fuck, it hurt. No warm up, only a few shots of jizz for lube. I had no idea who was behind, just felt their thick flesh pushing my walls open, stretching my cunt. He had bull nuts that just kept slapping against me, boiling with cum that I could only assume was poisonous. Suddenly, I felt the Beast take my head in his hands, and whisper gruffly in my ears, “This is your night, poz whore. And tomorrow it will be something different. You won’t be able to even walk by the end of the week. Got it?” “Yes, sir,” I squeaked as the guy behind me slammed into me again. “Some of these guys tonight are fucking heinous, boy,” he taunted me. “Like fat and ugly and just gross. And they’re just using you as a fucking hole. By the end of the week, every fucker in this town is going to know your hole…and you’ll be useless. No one will fuck that used up twat. Used up at 18. Totally ruined with no one who will actually step up and claim ownership. Alone, diseased, and worthless.” “Fuck, this is good cunt!” shouted the guy using my pussy. Then he hilted in me and I felt his semen flood my guts. I moaned and started down the path towards and internal. The top drained his huge balls into me and then slid out with a pop. He moved around in front of me as he said, “Best ass all night. I fucked four cunts at the bookstore but this was much better than them.” And with that he shoved his cock in my mouth to clean off. I felt his cum drip out of my ass a little, but another faceless cock scooped it up and slid it back into me with the length of his very large cock. I could feel the first top’s belly on my forehead and taste all five assholes on his dick as I slobbered on his cummy dick. The guy behind me was doing a good job of trenching me out deep and stirring up those feelings. He was well passed my second ring and I felt my stomach clench each time he hit what I can only assume was my colon. This fucker must have been over 10 inches, though he was thinner than the last guy. He was definitely battering my insides and I’m sure I was going to be bleeding from him, but I loved it. His constant colon punching made me suck on the first guy’s cock even harder, loving the fact that I had no idea whose cock I was sucking…and even hotter that I had no idea whose ass I was tasting. Finally, the stud behind me pushed me over the edge and I came…my asshole clenching and sucking on his long dick, my stomach wracked with painful spasms as my cunt tried to accommodate what was happening deep inside of it. The fat guy’s cock fell out of my mouth as I let loose with a soundless scream. The guy behind me started shooting into me and given my newly orgasmed sensitivity, I could feel each shot against my raw walls, sending a shiver over my whole body with each ribbon of cum. “Goddamn, this whore is nothing but a cum dump. He fucking needs it more than slammed bitches I’ve fucked,” commented the guy behind me, pulling his dick out of me. The next faceless top was pushing into me before Long Dick got his slimy cock in my mouth hole. This continued for a while. Different shapes and sizes, but I never saw who was actually using me. Every once in a while The Beast would tell me that a particularly disgusting man was inside of me. He would describe his missing or grey teeth, his pox-marked face, his distended belly, his hairy nose…and eventually after he unloaded inside of my ass, I would get to smell his unwashed crotch or his day old body odor or the stale sweat under the roll of fat above his cock…and taste his dirty dick covered in all of the different flavors of cum pouring out of my ass. At one point, while I was getting fucked by a particularly fat cock, a bunch of the faceless strangers that were waiting – or perhaps had already had their turn – decided that they wanted to paint my face all at once. I heard countless cocks start to get jerked around my face. I was held in place by the restraints as cock after cock shot off into my face and mouth. From the jeers and cheers around me, I would guess that ten guys covered my mug with their loads. My eyes stung as I felt the different semen run down my face under the blindfold and through my hair. Some of it was thick and hung on my lips, chin, and forehead, drying before it could fall to the floor. Some of it was more liquidy and covered more of my face and trickled through my hair and down the back of my neck. I heard some clicks of iPhones and knew this was a photo worthy sight. The Beast showed me the picture later and it was truly a humiliating sight - my mouth agape, strings of anonymous cum connecting my two lips; thick globs of white toxic jizz hanging from my chin and clumped in my hair, shiny patches of semen glistening on my cheeks and forehead. I looked like a complete object in the picture. Nothing but a prop. Eventually, the line of guys thinned and then stopped. My ass was on fire. I could taste nothing but cum and ass juice. Semen was dripping down both of my legs and pooling on the ground underneath me. After The Beast said goodbye to the last stranger, he came over to me and undid my restraints. He simply said, “There’s a mattress in the corner and a bathroom through the other door. See you tomorrow, cunt.” And with that he left me, covered in cum, muscles shaking and exhausted. I slipped the blindfold off and allowed my eyes to adjust to the light. There in the corner was a dirty old mattress with an uncovered pillow on it and one blanket. I made my way to the bathroom – no shower…Just a toilet and a sink with no running water. I peed and then went to the mattress. It smelled of cum and piss and was slightly damp. I curled up on it and started to doze off. I wasn’t thinking about how disgusting I was to be falling asleep on a cum and piss crusted mattress covered in the cum of repulsive strangers. Nope. All I could regretfully think was, “The Beast never fucked me.” Oh well, there’s always tomorrow. More to come...
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  47. Driving home with that butt plug in me was an experience. Every time I adjusted myself, it would hit another place in my ass, puffing up my pathetic dick until I was fully hard pulling into my driveway. I could still feel the wet, slimy poz load filling my cunt as I walked to my house and went inside. I was expecting my father to be waiting, but he wasn’t in the living room or kitchen. I went upstairs to my bedroom and upon opening my door, I found my dad sitting on my bed. “Hey son, how was your day?” he asked smugly. “I think you know,” I said quietly. “Yeah, I do. Take your clothes off,” he ordered. I was barely able to get it out, “Are you going to fuck me?” “No, you sick faggot,” he scolded. “You’re my fucking son. And besides, I’m not a faggot. Now take your goddamn clothes off.” I stripped down to my jockstrap, and he told me to put one leg up on the window seat, which I did. “My buddy already texted me a lot of nice pix and juicy details. He said you were a good bitch.” “Dad, why did you let him do that to me?” “You know why. You saw the letter,” he explained. “I thought it was pretty clear. And now things are going to be different around here.” He came up behind me and took a hold of the base of the plug as he said, “You work for me now and your holes belong to me. I will rent them out to whomever I want.” My breathing became a bit jagged. “I’ll pay for your college and you’ll get a cut of what your pussy brings in. I think 30% is fair.” And with that he yanked the plug out of my used hole making me wince and tear. He dropped the butt plug on the carpet and held his hand right at my bruised asshole. “Push it out for me.” “What?” I looked over my shoulder at him. “All that cum that’s in there. Push it out for me. Come on.” He kept coaxing me as I hesitantly pushed out, afraid that I would shit. But I didn’t. Instead, I felt the toxic jizz that I had been storing inside of me drip out of my ass with tiny little plops. My dad caught it all with his large beefy hand and with the other hand he turned me around by my shoulder. “Open,” he barked and without questioning I opened my mouth. He shoved all of the poison cum that had been in my ass for about 30 minutes now into my mouth. I smacked my lips together, chewed, and swallowed the gooey meal. “My buddy really did train you well, you little cunt,” he said with a smile. “Dad, you let him poz me,” I said with a crack in my voice. “We’ll make more money that way,” was his response. “Don’t worry. We’ll get you tested in a few weeks, and I’ll pay for your meds. It’ll be fine. Now, I need to take some pictures of you.” We spent the next fifteen minutes posing me in and around my room with Dad snapping away with his iPhone. He concluded by simply saying, “Be sitting on that window seat, totally naked at 1pm tomorrow for the next part of your training.” And with that he left my room. That night, I jerked off thinking about what that beast from this afternoon had done to my hole. I even went downstairs to the kitchen and got a pretty big cucumber to shove into my ass trying to relive the experience. I couldn’t believe how my body was calling and needing the painful stretching. After I came, I ate the cucumber with my tasty ass juice all over it. After staying up late jerking off, I didn’t wake up until 12:30. I was supposed to be waiting naked on the window seat at 1pm. I was sure he had someone else that was going to fuck me and I wanted to make sure I was really clean. I couldn’t imagine that someone would want to be fucking into someone else’s cum. (Ha, little did I know.) Some rummaging in our bathroom closet and I found an old enema that I used to make sure my hole was spotless. I showered really quick (thank God the marker came off) and was naked on my window seat at 12:57pm. At exactly 1pm, my dad walked into my room with my girlfriend trailing behind him, holding his hand. “Deanna…?” I whispered in disbelief. She barely glanced at me over her shoulder. My father paid no attention to my angst at all; he just sat her on my bed, took her by the head, and passionately kissed her. I could see his tongue plunge into her mouth and her legs instinctively spread and wrap around his waist, her short skirt riding up her thighs revealing her pink panties. His hands roughly squeezed her breasts through her shirt and with one motion he ripped the shirt open uncovering the matching bra. Within a few minutes, my girlfriend was on her knees in nothing but her bra and panties sucking my father’s cock through the fly is in his jeans. His cock was really thick and veiny and about 7.5 inches long, gagging and choking her as she rubbed her own pussy through the delicate pink fabric. As my father took off his shirt, he said, “Go ahead and jerk off watching me fuck her. Your puny dick is giving you away.” I looked down and sure enough I was rock hard, embarrassingly showing my lack of manhood. I did as I was told and began to stroke my boy-cock as my father removed Deanna’s bra, letting her large breasts free. He pinched her nipples hard and manhandled her tits. She moaned and sucked harder. Eventually, my dad pulled my girlfriend’s face off his rock hard cock and sat her on the edge of the bed. He got out of his jeans and boxers, pulled the crotch of her panties aside, and plunged his dick into her, making her squeal with delight. Within a few seconds of insertion, she was spasming with an orgasm…something I had never seen her have. He continued to fuck her until he started to groan and let out a roar, unloading into her snatch. She looked up at him, “That was a quick one.” “That’s ‘cuz you’re not done. I have more surprises for my little girl.” Her eyes lit up. “Oh, I meant for my little girl on the window seat.” Deanna giggled and I turned red. My dad pulled his softening cock out of her pussy and I saw a pearl of cum waiting at the entrance of her cunt. “Go put your cunt over Matt’s face and push my cum out,” he said, pointing at me. As she walked over to me, all I could do was gasp. “Dad, you can’t be serious,” I tried. “Wanna’ bet, bitch?” he sneered at me. “Let’s see how much of a man you are with my cum on your face fresh your girlfriend’s pussy.” Deanna stood up on the window seat, straddling my face. I saw her cunt squeezing shut and releasing as she tried to expel my dad’s creamy load. Soon it was spilling out onto my face in big messy globs. One of the blobs fell into my mouth and I tasted my own dad’s spunk. Not as good as the beast’s yesterday, but pretty damn sweet. I couldn’t believe my face was covered with my father’s cum. It ran down my cheeks and neck, decorating my lips and dripping into my nose. Long, sticky strings of his white baby batter hung from my chin and fell onto my shredded stomach, pooling in my belly button. I instinctively scooped it up and smeared it on my small cock to make my jerking smoother. Unsatisfied with my level of humiliation, my dad said, “And now for the real surprise, ladies.” My dad went to my bedroom door and opened it. Standing there with a shit eating grin on his face was Jordan Micelli, the kid at school who made my life a living hell. He was always teasing me and calling me faggot or pussy. What was he doing here? “Here she is,” my dad said, “As promised.” “Nice,” Jordan hissed. He stripped quickly, glancing at me, “Hey, faggot boy, watch and learn.” But then he stopped and started laughing, “That’s your dick hard, dude? That’s ridiculous. Jesus, no wonder you’re a cock sucker.” As much as I hated him, his body had always been beautiful. About 5’11”, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and built like a brick shithouse. Thick, smooth muscle, broad shoulders that rippled down to a 30-inch waist. His legs were tree trunks, heavily muscled and defined. His whole body was perfectly tanned except for the place where his box cut swimsuit covered, leaving a patch of pale white skin. Protruding from that skin was a thick 8.5 inch tool fully erect. He stepped forward, pulled her panties up to her knees, and pushed his entire cock into my girlfriend. “Oh you nasty bitch,” he said. “You’ve already got his old man’s load in there, don’t you?” “Yes, I need real men to fuck and breed me,” she said. “Not some four-inch pencil dick.” She glared at me. I kept jerking my cock. Jordan hammered into her making her cum again and again. Her panties made their way down her legs and fell to the floor as he grabbed her hips and slammed his cock into the hilt one last time, cursing and shooting his load deep inside of her. “Have my fucking baby, you little cunt!” He abruptly pulled out of her, still rock hard making her yelp with surprise. His jizz began pouring from her pussy immediately. My God, he came so much!! Deanna scooped some up with her hand so she could taste it, giggled, and looked up at Jordan, “Tasty.” “Grade A Spunk for you,” he gloated. Deanna stood up and headed off to the bathroom, “I need to use the potty.” And she was gone. Jordan and my dad spoke together across the room, laughing and punching each other’s shoulders. This was the son that my dad had intended on having. A man with a big cock that could satisfy a girl. I noticed them looking my way and then Jordan said something to my dad that I couldn’t make out. My dad nodded and I knew something was up. Deanna came back and my father told her, “Okay, come back tonight around 8. I have another buddy coming over to help try and impregnate you. Matty knows him. Met him yesterday, in fact.” Deanna smiled, “Sounds good, baby. You know I’ll be ready. I wanna’ get knocked up and have no idea whose it is.” “I know, but you’ve only been off the birth control since your 18th birthday. I’m trying to get you preggo as quickly as possible.” “I know you are,” she said, reaching for her bra. “No,” my dad stopped her, “Leave those here so Jordan has a souvenir.” “Oh. Okay,” she said, putting on her skirt and torn shirt. She deep kissed my father and then turned to Jordan, “Thanks for the great fuck. That was long overdue. I’ve wanted to fuck you since freshmen year.” “Anytime, you nasty cunt,” Jordan shot back. “But next time, bring a friend so I can stack you up and go back and forth between two pussies.” “We can arrange that,” she said, squeezing his still engorged cock and heading out the door. As soon as she was safely gone, my father turned to me, “Put ‘em on.” “Put what on?” I asked. “The bra and panties, shit for brains. Jordan said he’ll fuck you if you wear the bra and panties so he can pretend you’re a girl.” “But I don’t want—“ I started. “Who gives a fuck what you want? I thought I made our relationship clear yesterday. Now get the fucking bra and panties on,” he snapped. I slid the panties on easily, but had some difficulty figuring out how to get the bra on myself. “No surprise that you’re not good with a bra, faggot,” Jordan mocked me. I finally got it on and my dad ordered me to bed over the window seat. I did as I was told and within seconds I could feel Jordan’s rough hands slap my ass. He moved the thin piece of material to one side of my hole and whistled, “What a beautiful pink cunt.” With that he lined up his rigid eight and half inches, still slick with pussy juice and cum and began to push into my asshole. He stretched me and made me whimper. Not like the beast yesterday, but still big. He pushed in until he was hilted and then he started fucking, pounding me more and more violently. Suddenly, I felt like I was going to pee. I told him to stop, that I had to pee. “Fuck that shit! Shut the fuck up, cock slave!” he growled and kept slamming into me. I really thought I was going to just piss right then and there, but I didn’t. Instead, my ass started convulsing and I started getting lightheaded. I couldn’t keep a thought in my head as every inch of my ass walls became super sensitive making every miniscule movement of Jordan’s dick register as a shockwave of sensations over my entire body. My skin tingled as my vision was spotted with black patches, and my legs began to shake uncontrollably. I let out a howl, “Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh, fuck!” and I felt like I was going to cry from how intense this feeling was. My cunt had periodic spasms in the wake of whatever just happened. “Holy shit, did you see that?” Jordan asked my dad. “Your son just came with his ass! Just like a girl.” I was catching my breath but looked back at my dad. Even upside down I could tell that he was appalled that I was his son. His son was having an orgasm in the same fashion a woman did…on the inside, not ejaculating, not using his dick…but using his cunt to cum. “Fuck,” Jordan spat, “I can make any hole cum, that’s how good my dick is. Isn’t it, pussy boy?” He kept slamming my hole, but I didn’t answer. “Isn’t it, pussy boy?” he asked again. “Yes,” I whispered. “Yes what, cock breath?” he snarled. “Your dick is that good,” I said loud enough to be heard by both Jordan and my dad. Jordan took this as the cue to start punch fucking my ass with his whole dick. I winced and squealed with every entrance until I started to feel that same sensation building again. That’s when I had no choice, “Jordan please, put it all the way in again. I’m gonna’ cum but only if you’re hitting me deep.” I couldn’t believe I was making this request. I felt so resigned and needy, but I needed to feel that feeling again. “You got it, cunt!” Jordan said with glee, and I knew this was how the girls he fucked acted. They wanted and needed a cock like his, and they begged for it, and his ego got bigger the more they pleaded with him to keep fucking them. Jordan’s cock tore into my insides, and I immediately started ass-cumming again. He soon realized that these odd orgasms could piggy back themselves and he began to fuck me relentlessly, making me cum repeatedly and somewhat painfully. He wouldn’t let up, my ass hole convulsing almost non-stop for a half an hour as he bottomed out in my cum catch over and over. I was literally weeping from the continuous sensations running through my entire body because of these internal orgasms. In fact, I did black out for about ten seconds at a particularly intense point in Jordan’s fucking. “I can’t hold back any more!” Jordan yelled, planting a fist in the meat of my ass cheek, and driving his huge cock deep into my bowels. I felt his dick bloat and pulse, a gush of warm wetness permeating my insides. I moaned and cooed, having his salty cream run over my overworked pussy muscles, soothing the tired walls of my dick canal. “Yeah, faggot, take that cum. You’d fucking love to have my baby, you dirty fucking cock socket. Be my fucking hole, stupid queer!” As I caught my breath, Jodan pulled out of my ass quickly. It felt like he was pulling my cunt inside out, but he didn’t care. He just grabbed me by the hair and shoved my mouth down onto his cock. “Clean me up, faggot. Taste all that cum and ass spunk. Yeah, lick up and down that whole shaft. That’s what a dick feels like, not that tiny thing barely dangling between your legs, cock pocket.” I slurped and licked and sucked until his impressive rod was coated only in a slight film of my quickly drying saliva. Shoving me by my head, he tossed me to the floor and turned to my dad. “Thanks for that, Gary. Much needed.” They shook hands, and Jordan quickly dressed and left. My father turned to me still in nothing but his underwear, his meaty cock dressed to the left threatening to peak out of the leg hole. He looked at me, dressed in a pink bra and panties with cum dripping down my leg from my fucked out boy-cunt. “Do you know what an embarrassment you are? Your ass just orgasmed on a guy’s cock. What the fuck?” “I’m sorry, Dad,” I hung my head whispering. “Save it, pussy boy. Like I said, if you’re gonna’ be a little faggot, it’s going to make me some money. I set you up with an email address…pozcumdump051794@gmail.com. I want you checking it all the time to see if you have a client lined up. That’s where I’ll let you know when you’re working next. Got it?” “Yes, Dad,” I mumbled. “And keep in here tonight. I’m having your girlfriend and a buddy over,” he said flatly. “I heard,” I said with annoyance. But really I think I was a bit jealous that the beast would be fucking her and not me. He slapped my face hard, the sting making my eyes water, “Don’t take that tone with me. Now, get some rest tonight. You still have a few more weeks of high school left, and I’ll have a lot of work for you in addition to your studying for finals. Don’t forget to check your new email.” With an abrupt turn, he left, slamming my bedroom door and leaving me to think about what my life would be like now that I was a poz cum dump for rent. More to come…
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  48. The entire bathroom was done in slate, the shower merely a step down in the corner of the room, covered on one side by a clear glass wall and the other two covered with the slate that continued up from the floor. A sturdy showerhead jutted out from the wall. “Get on your knees,” he growled as he shoved me into the slate enclosure still wet from his morning shower hours before. My knees harshly rubbed against the stone floor, and I looked up at him holding his soft cock. It was still incredibly impressive, still gorged with blood, at about 8 fat inches of juicy man meat. “Please don’t…” I started to implore, but before I could finish my plea, a pale yellow stream of urine erupted from his tasty piss split and hosed down my chest. It was wonderfully warm, like the water in a heated pool, and the smell was somewhat indescribable. It was strong but not repulsive while clearly the scent of something debaucherous and nasty. He stopped the flow for a second to command me to open my mouth. I did so without questioning though I really didn’t want to drink his piss. “Hold it in your mouth until I tell you to spit it out, understand?” I nodded in disbelief that I had been lowered to the status of a urinal. His jet of piss restarted, aimed directly at my pie hole. I collected his fragrant amber fluid in my mouth until it was overflowing and dripping down my chin onto my clit-dick, now soft and even more pathetic looking. Once again, he retracted the steady flow. Eyes expectantly wide, I looked up at him, begging him to let me spit out the pee that was making me feel like a cheap, worthless public restroom. “Swallow it.” My eyes got bigger, surely he wasn’t serious. “I mean it, every drop. You should honor and appreciate anything that comes out of my body. I just sired you, bitch. I gave you my kids, passed on my gift, and showed you your true calling. Anything that I produce from my holes should be your favorite meal…so swallow my piss, fuck hole.” I steadied myself and then closed my mouth and drank my first (but not my last) piss cocktail. The aftertaste haunted my mouth and nose, but I looked up to him proud of showing him proper respect for his bodily fluids. And actually, after the fucking I had just sustained, the nasty drink was somewhat refreshing, and I found myself wanting more. I cast eager eyes up to him and was met with an abrupt spray of piss all over my face. I knew he did it just to degrade me and a part of me did want to cry as his urine splattered across my face and all over my body. “Wash your hair with it, piggie.” He managed to keep shocking me. “Don’t just kneel there like a whore, really be a whore. Scoop some piss off your body and the floor and wash your hair with it, you worthless hole!” I cupped my hands and tried to scoop up some piss from the slate, and then I massaged it into my hair. Tears were definitely flowing now. When I went to scoop up some pee from my body, what should catch my eye but my newly erect boy-dick. I couldn’t believe it! As I cried and rubbed another man’s urine into my scalp, my sorry-excuse-for-a-cock was hard as a rock. “You pathetic cum dump, look at that little miniature dick standing straight up. What a pitiful motherfucker, this REALLY is what you are, a fucked out, piss soaked, pozzed up boy cunt.” All I could say was, “Yes, Sir.” “Stand up, pussy boy,” he barked, the bombardment of piss having stopped. As I faltered, I felt his beefy hands grip my waist to speed my ascension back to upright and turned me to face the wall. I felt his sausage thumbs apply immense pressure on the small of my back, forcing me to bend over, catching myself with my hands on the slate wall. He wrapped his hand around the base of his puffy cock, pushing all of the blood still escaping his erection toward the last five inches of his tool. Without a word I felt it at my sore, worked over cunt, and soon is was lodged in me a few inches. I couldn’t believe he was ready to fuck again…but that’s not what he had in mind. A warm sensation rushed into my bowels, completely washing through my insides. My God, he was peeing inside of my asshole. I moaned, reliving the sensation of being ejaculated into, though this was slightly different. It was more consistent and stronger. And more degrading. I truly was a human toilet. My mouth and ass is where you go to relieve yourself. I have no worth beyond this…collecting fluids from bigger men than me. These thoughts were interrupted by an incredibly full, bloated feeling in my abdomen. Of course, all that piss was ballooning my insides and corked with his big rod. Finally, the flow of urine stopped and he leaned forward to give me instructions, “Okay, when I pull my dick out, I want you to clench your hole as tight as you can so you keep all of that piss and cum in you. I want you to squat down, not kneel, but squat and suck my dick until it’s hard again, got that?” I simply nodded, and he said, “Good bitch.” He pulled his meat from my anus and I contracted my hole as hard as I could. The discomfort was intense as it began to make me cramp a bit. I squatted in front of him and took his cock, still dotted with rivulets of pee, in my mouth and began sucking it. “Aw, come on, I already taught you this,” he said annoyed and grabbed the back of my head. Once again, he skull fucked, brutally using my mouth as if it were a pussy he was raping that he had no respect for or concern for leaving it in any kind of usable condition. I gagged causing my asshole to spasm open and propel some of the piss, and presumably toxic cum, out of my ass. “That’s it, faggot. That’s what I want. I want to see your choking clear that cunt out.” So he continued to assault my throat with his ever growing manhood, instigating my gag reflex and causing my newly seeded pussy to convulse and slowly but surely expel all of the piss and cum he had just forced into me. This went on for about 5 minutes until my ass was just making wet fart noises when I would gag. “Okay, it’s empty. Take a shower, faggot, and meet me in the bedroom.” He abruptly walked out of the bathroom, leaving me to shower and regroup my senses. I showered as quickly as I could, not wanting to anger him and anxious about what was coming next. I dried off and walked into the hallway, easily finding the master bedroom. He was on the bed, sunlight pouring through the window, shafts of light tossed across his furry muscular pecs, his tight trunk-like stomach, his dangerously powerful legs, and of course, his ten and a half inches of man at full mast. It was already glistening with lube as he stroked it. “Come over here and get on it, fuck boy.” Knowing that begging him for a reprieve would do no good, I climbed onto the bed without hesitation, straddled him, and pulled my ass up high enough to connect the end of his cock with my hole. I pushed out on my hole to open for him and began to sit down. Fuck! Would this ever get easier? (The answer to that is ‘with him, no’…he would disembowel me whenever he fucked me.) Loud guttural noises and high pitched whining poured from my mouth as I tried to sit down to the base. He brought the bottle of chemical up to my nose again, “Take a hit of poppers, cunt.” I inhaled deeply into both nostrils and felt my battered walls give in. Once I had him completely in me, he said, “Get yourself off. Ride that dick and beat your tiny meat until you cum again. Use my dick. I want you to fully realize that you used another man’s REAL cock to make yourself cum like a woman.” So I did. He just lied there, but I bucked up and down; I got up on my feet and gently used the whole length to caress my prostate; I took him deep, pressed firmly against my colon to make me whimper and jerk my boy-clit faster. It was humiliating, and yet, it felt SO good. The pain was exquisite and soon, ropes of cum were shooting all over his torso, my four-incher going almost immediately soft. “Lick it up,” he ordered and although I wasn’t crazy about the taste of my own cum, I hopped off his cock and lapped it up obediently in mere seconds. As soon as my cum was eaten off his stomach and chest, he got up and positioned himself behind me doggy style. He slammed the entire length into me in one stab, sending me into a bout of screaming and howling. His hands pulling on my waist kept my butt firmly planted against his hips, and he advised, “The poppers are right there. I think you should take a hit.” I hit the poppers hard and as soon as I had the cap back on, my asshole was railed with excruciating brutality. The poppers were turning the wreckage into pleasure, but I couldn’t catch my breath as my guts were repeatedly tossed aside to make room for the massive invasion of his cock. He rammed it in one final time and kept it there. I was trying to catch my breath and wipe the sweat from my face when I felt the dull point of something against my ass. I didn’t realize what he was doing until I heard the familiar squeak of a marker. “Wait—“ I began. “You hold your position and don’t even think about saying or doing anything. Just shut the fuck up and stay on all fours like the breeding bitch you are.” He continued writing whatever it was he was writing on my ass. Mid-way through, he asked, “What’s your best friend’s name?” “Matt Bennet, why?” “Don’t you worry about it.” He had finished writing, and he pulled his cock from my hole about 3 inches, and then I heard the familiar shutter release of an iPhone taking a picture. I looked back over my shoulder. That fucker had gone through my stuff and gotten my phone while I was in the shower. “I know this is making you upset, but don’t think about doing anything about it. Just stay there,” he warned. He tapped away on my phone and I recognized the sound of a sent text message. He threw my phone on the bed in front of me so I could see what he had done. Staring me in the face was a text conversation between me and Matt with the last entry being from me saying, “Great Saturday! I’m finally taking big raw cock up my ass like I've always wanted to!” and a picture of my ass stuffed with my assailant's junk. On my tight white hairless ass - decorated with a few pink hand prints still – was written in black marker CUM DUMP. And a little lower on my right butt cheek was scrawled the word CUM with a little arrow pointing to the place on my crack where my hole would be. I was devastated. My best friend was going to get this picture. He would know that I was a worthless bottom bitch. I started to cry as the beast began to drill me again. He slowed his pace, wrote something else with the marker, snapped a picture, and went back to mercilessly pounding my cunt. He fucked me down on to my stomach, his entire body pressed to mine, crushing me with his weight. His legs and hips moved his cock into me at a different angle making me cry out in a new high-pitched shriek, but he just kept sawing into my hole. Once again, he changed positions, putting me on my side and scissoring my legs so that he was straddling my left leg and my right leg was on his shoulder. I didn’t believe he could get deeper, but this proved me wrong and I scrambled for the poppers, sniffing them for dear life as he plunged through my inner ring again and again, but this time managing to get further past it. The poppers helped but I was still clutching the sheets, biting into the pillow, screaming, and crying. That’s when my iPhone chirped. The top just chuckled as the plowing of my cunt continued and I reached for my phone. I swiped the icon across the screen and read the message from my best friend. “Dude, what the fuck? I always kinda’ knew that dick head Jordan Micelli was right when he would call you a fag! But with a dick that size in you, you’re a REAL faggot! You’re a sick-o. Leave me the fuck alone!” The phone was swiped out of my hand and he read the message. He mocked me, “Oh, what a shame. I guess being an anonymous fuck hole cum bucket isn’t going to get you a lot of friends. Just a lot of cum. And piss.” Violently, he flipped me onto my back, his dick never leaving my shitter. Once on my back, my legs on his shoulders, he methodically pumped into me, his balls banging against my ass like a bell tolling the coming of a great event. He grabbed by phone, clicked a few options, and turned it to face me, showing the second picture he took. The words that he added across the top of my ass were POZ FUCK HOLE. I whimpered and he threw the phone down on the bed and began to slam into me with new vigor, grunting and cursing. I looked down my body, taking so many things in: his toxic tattoo slapping against my ass rhythmically, his stomach muscles clenching as he drove another fucking home, my soft useless dick flopping around as I was used for the hole that I was mean to be, and his hard eyes looking directly into mine. “You want that poz cum?” “No, please, I don’t.” “Yes, you do. Really think about it. If you didn’t want it, you wouldn’t still be here. You want that release, and I want you to ask me for it. Beg me for my load.” “I can’t.” “You’re not getting it until you beg me for it, which means I just keep fucking you until you’ll never be able to hold a shit in again, hear me?” “Please. I just want a normal life.” He snorted, “Not after today. It’s not in the cards. You were never meant for a normal life. You barely have a dick and you crave submission to real men. A normal life isn’t for you. My toxic cum is for you and you want it. So just give in to it and beg me for it.” Something in me snapped. My body’s needs suddenly took over and although my brain was still saying “no,” my body was sick of having to be inhibited by it. My legs fell from his shoulders and wrapped around him tightly, the heels of my feet digging into his muscular ass, pulling him into me and meeting every vicious thrust. “Yes! Give me your pox load! Give it to me. Fill me up with your toxic babies, make me carry you DNA with me forever. Please, I’m begging you for it. I need your poison in me, it’s worth it ‘cause it’s yours. I hand my hole over for you to deposit your dirty spunk into my worthless cunt. Please.” He taunted, “Maybe I’ll pull out and cum on the bed.” I panicked, wrapping my legs tighter and contracting my pussy walls to keep him from escaping. “No, please no…don’t waste it. Put it into me. Let it sit inside of me and do its job. Knock me up with your disease and then toss me aside like the worthless cock sleeve I am. Please, Sir, please, I need this. I need you. I need your poz seed!” That knocked him right over the edge and he groaned, “Here comes my jizz, you stupid cunt.” Once again, I felt the monster lodged in my bowels pulse, spraying my insides to overflowing with HIV ridden semen. I imagined his swimmers scattering to find every nook and crevice in my ass in search of a home to take root and fester. Once every drop was emptied into me, he pulled out with a sloppy plop, and immediately shoved a small butt plug into my stretched hole to keep the cum from spilling out. Checking his watch, he said, “A little after 4:30. Perfect. Time for you to go home.” As I slipped back on my jock and shorts I realized that at no point in time had this man ever kissed me. I really felt like a whore now. And as I picked up my torn shirt knowing that I would be heading home shirtless, I realized that I didn’t even know his name. Worse than that, he didn’t know mine. “I just realized, I don’t know your name.” “So?” he retorted. “Well, I mean, you just loaded my ass, I thought—“ “You need to stop thinking. You’re a set of holes. Got that? Why does a set of holes need to know my name?” I tried again, “Well, my name is—“ “Shut the fuck up. I don’t care what your name is … I don’t want to know it. You’re my possession now, my boy cunt.” “What?” He explained, “You father owns your ass now. Believe me, he owns it, but you’ll always be my boy, my fuck hole. Oh, you’ll be mad at me for a while, but soon you’ll start thinking about me and the moment when I poured my juice into you, changing you forever. Giving you my DNA, my baby, and you’ll feel lucky to have carried it full term. And you’ll want to be my fuck hole again, to feel the lack of identity, the lack of choices, the lack of distinction. Just one more fuck hole for me to knock up, but to you, I’ll always be the one who broke you.” What he was saying sunk in, and I wondered if he was right. Would I feel an instinctive urge to come back and be his fuck hole again and again? Did I really want to be a nameless poz cum dump, but was having trouble letting myself go for it all the way? I guess only time would tell. “Now go home,” he said. “Your father is waiting for you.” More to come…
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  49. The stud looked down at me, “Take a hold of it.” My hand hesitated as I reached for his humungous cock, totally engorged with blood at this point. I swear it had grown another inch at least from when I measured it. I wrapped my hand around it, but my fingers just barely touched, and definitely not comfortably. It was so thick and juicy. “Stroke it,” he condescended. I began running my hand up and down the length of his cock, moist from the hot day and his yard work. “That’s how a cock is supposed to feel in your hand. Meaty, big, like mine. You enjoying that?” I couldn’t tell him. I didn’t know. All of this was so new. I knew that I didn’t want it to be happening. I was terrified of what was coming, and I was humiliated to know that I would never be able to satisfy another person as a man. There was a feeling in my stomach though, a fluttery feeling. An uncontrollable excitement at being completely robbed of my power of choice, of submitting totally to another man. There was a freedom in it, an empowerment in being able to shed the pressure and worry of measuring up. I didn’t measure up, but I could offer my holes without feeling the need to compete or prove myself. I figured that I must enjoy stroking his cock because I was still doing it and he wasn’t egging me on. With a small cursory nod I answered his question and then tried to quickly change the subject by asking, “What does the tattoo mean?” The black and red emblem that I had seen in doctors' offices and biology labs for years was right at eye level, staring me in the face. It seemed to be warning me…but of what? “I’ll tell you what,” the beast licked his lips. “When you’ve given your ass over to all of my cock; when your pussy rings have stretched and open enough so that your smooth little bubble butt is pressed up against that tattoo, I’ll tell you what it means.” I had been looking at him while he spoke, my eyes crinkling more and more with concern as he talked about the intention of putting that entire part of his anatomy into my tight pink asshole. His eyes rolled back in his head and grabbed his cock away from me, jerking it at the speed of light and growling, “Uhhhh, those little looks of fear you give me, get me so fucking hard and horny.” And with that, he squeezed his thumb down the entire ten-plus inches of his shaft and a bead of sticky fluid peaked out of the hole at the end of his penis. It formed a full pearl of pre-cum, hanging onto the opening of his cock and had soon created a drip about a half inch long dangling from the slit. “Take a taste.” “What?” I stammered, not ready for this. “Stick out your tongue and lick that juice from the end of this hole wrecker.” I just froze. “I swear to God, if you waste that drip of pre-cum and let it fall to the floor, not only will I shove your face down there to lap it up so fast and so hard that you’ll have a bloody lip, but I will stick my entire fuck stick into you dry and fuck a hole into your colon. Get licking.” And I could tell he was serious about hurting me so I stuck my tongue out and leaned forward on my knees. I pushed my tongue against the end of his bulbous head and transferred the sticky substance from his hole onto my tongue. His taste filled my mouth immediately, this sweet and salty nectar that immediately got my tiny dick harder and made me inadvertently open my thighs a bit to allow anything and anyone easier access to my back door, but also made me feel trashier and used, nothing but a worthless receptacle for a real man’s bodily fluids. But I didn’t mind feeling that way. His taste lingered in my mouth but was too weak to incite the feelings again. I reached out for his dick, trying to squeeze another dollop onto my tongue, and managed a smaller, equally delicious drop. I released his pole and moved my tongue around my mouth trying to expose my taste buds to as much of the stuff as I could. With a small laugh, my attention was brought back to the man that owned me for the afternoon just to settle a $20 pool debt. His enjoyment of my desire for the shit coming out of his dick was apparent and he smiled that smile at me. “Go ahead and suck it. Give it a good taste. Worship a real man by taking his cock where ever he wants to put it.” “I don’t know how to suck cock.” I didn’t. I was being honest. I had never done it, and he was so big. I wouldn’t do it well, I knew I wouldn’t. And I was scared about what it meant if I did. He simply said, “So you’ll learn. And you’ll learn fast. The better you are at it, the longer it is before I violate your other hole.” My ass clenched at the mention of being torn open by his oversized tool and my stomach fluttered at having it be called my “other hole.” I accepted what he said by nodding as I approached his 10 incher, slowly opening my mouth. “Open bigger than that, boy.” I stretched my mouth wider, and felt the soft velvety skin of his mushroom head push through my lips. Again, he tasted of sweat and work. Not dirty, but clean fresh sweat (Again, I would find out the difference later with some of my other clients that tasted of dirty sweat.) This man’s taste consumed me, especially when his helmet was against my soft pallet and my tongue was rubbed against by the spongy, damp skin of the steel-like shaft. “That’s a good rookie cocksucker,” he coached. “Now suck on it a bit. Pretend you wanna’ suck something from my balls through my dick like a straw.” I began giving the portion of his cock I had in my mouth some suction, doing exactly what he said by pretending that I was sucking on a straw. The taste of his pre-cum flooded my mouth again, this time more than the first drip. I felt like a whore and sucked harder. “That’s a good hole. Now bob your head a bit. Be sure to keep those teeth out of the way. Good faggot boy, pretend your mouth is a pussy and fuck yourself with my meat.” I bobbed my head just like he said, trying to take more of it, but not really getting that much of his endowment in my mouth. “Now this is important,” he schooled. “Don’t be all neat and prissy about your blow jobs. Let them get messy. Let the saliva flow, let it run out onto the cock, over your face, never swallow that shit back down. The only thing you swallow is puke if you should gag that much on it. Don’t ever fucking throw up on my dick. You train your fucking throat better than that.” I continued to bob and suck, letting the saliva building up in my mouth go where it wanted. There wasn’t enough room in my mouth for his gigantic piece and all that saliva so it began to run down the top of the 6 inches of his cock not yet in my mouth hole and all over my chin, dripping and falling down onto my sore red boy tits and my eight pack. I felt his hand run through my hair, and then his fingers entangled themselves in my tresses, reclaiming the power and control of how much cock each of my orifices would be consuming. My eyes shot up to look at him, immediately tearing and pleading with him to have mercy. Slight pain in my hair straining against my scalp signaled me to meet his pelvic thrusts with my mouth. His throbbing pole began hitting the back of my throat causing me to gag and choke. I remembered what he said so I focused on not letting myself puke. My hands reached forward to brace myself against his thighs, muscled and defined from sports and work…and I’m sure, from fucking every hole attached to a hot person. Spit was running like a waterfall down my chin and over my torso. My eyes were watering so tears were streaming down my face and snot was dripping from my nose uncontrollably. Bubbles were forming and popping all around the entrance of my mouth where his cock picked up speed in its invasion of my face. I continued to look up at him, embarrassed of all of these things, embarrassed to be emitting so many unattractive fluids all over my face, my mouth distorted by another man’s horse cock. But he would have none of that. “Forget about it, cunt, let it go. You look like such a slut. Ashamed that you have tears, snot, and spit all over your face. And all because of my cock. Just think, your girlfriend never looked like this because your dick can’t do this. She coulda’ flossed with your pathetic dick, but this is what a man can do. Reduce a pussy boy to a choking, gagging whore with red teary eyes, a runny nose, and a mouth stretched beyond recognition. So just accept it. Fucking relish the freedom of letting those juices flow, of being covered with spit and semen and piss and snot just to please another man, a real man. Come on, let it go. Let it go.” My mind was racing, but I figured that this was happening one way or the other, so I might as well listen to him. He had far more experience in this than I did. He sounded like he was trying to help me make it easier on myself, albeit a bit cruelly. So I tried. I stretched my increasingly tiring mouth even wider, tried to think of yawning in order to open my throat, and stopped trying to blink away the tears or sniffle up the snot. He immediately felt my mouth and throat give in, “That’a boy…” He really began skull fucking me, the helmet of his tool plungering in and out of my virgin throat. Everything was flowing…tears poured out of my eyes, mucus bubbled, dripped, and dried as I fought to breath through my nose, and saliva just gushed, splattered, and spilled in long strings from my chin and his cock onto my body and the floor. As I gagged, I prevented myself from throwing up, but I would cough up bile from deeper inside of me that inevitably would spill out over my chin and down my torso. I could hear the sounds of wet suction in my mouth and throat as I took him farther into my gagging orifice until suddenly, I felt his low hangers slapping against my chin. I couldn’t believe it. There was enough of his ten and half inches in my little mouth so that his balls could swing and hit my chin. “That’s a good little whore. Let me skull fuck you, you stupid little slut. You fucking cock socket.” And he just kept pushing into my mouth, invading my throat, his balls hitting my wet chin in rhythm and sending small showers of spit into the air, spraying my face and his hips. The friction and the repeated stabbing into my throat was wearing me down so in retaliation, I reached my hands around to the back of his thighs and his ass, and I don’t know what I was thinking but I pulled him into me, rooting his cock deep in my throat. I dug the fingers of my right hand into his chiseled ass and grasped his right hamstring with a wanton need, not letting him move, just keeping almost 5 inches of his dick in my esophagus. Somehow it occurred to me that I could pulse my aching throat around his cock and so I squeezed his snake with my throat to keep him satisfied with the lack of movement. I kept re-emphasizing my need to have him lodged in my gullet by forcefully caressing and kneading his leg and ass. I was being reduced to a 20 dollar whore. “Holy fuck, you are a cock lover. Look at you using your throat like a pussy trying to milk a baby out of me. You are such a dumb little fuck toy. You just love that dick, don’t you?” He waited. I couldn’t believe he wanted me to answer. I was engulfed on his cock! His hands held firm on my head and I was starting to feel a bit suffocated. “Come on, faggot, answer the question. You just love that dick, don’t you?” I pushed back on his hand, but he didn’t budge. “Ah ah ah, answer me with that cock in your throat. You can do it.” I was starting to get that panicky feeling because my limited air supply was becoming uncomfortable. I struggled and whimpered a little bit. “No you don’t. You don’t come up from that cock until you answer me and I can understand what you said. You just love that dick, don’t you?” I quickly tried to say, “Yes, Sir,” but it was completely unintelligible. I didn’t even understand it and I was the one saying it. “I couldn’t understand that,” he taunted. “Be a lot more articulate than that.” I was starting to get scared that he would never let me breathe. I mustered all my energy and said as clearly as I could, “Yes, Sir.” He released my head as he said, “That’s what I thought, bitch.” I sputtered and choked as I sucked big breaths of air in. Stroking his glistening shaft with long, smooth gestures, he circled me like a shark, collecting the slime from his tool in his hand. He grabbed my hair again and yanked my head back, my mouth instinctively flying open as the ceiling became my focal point. I felt his other hand scoop up the spit that had pooled on my body, adding to the collection from his dick. He then moved up to my face and scooped up all of the stringy saliva, bile, and snot from my cheeks and chin. Leaning over my still gaping mouth, he force fed me the goo in his hand, and then added to the cocktail by hawking up a loogey and expertly spitting it in my mouth. “Swallow it, slut.” I brought my lips together and gulped down the disgusting mixture. It certainly didn’t taste good, but my dick jumped and my ass twitched so I knew it was something that I craved. My tongue lashed out and looped around my mouth in search of any extra saliva, precum, or dried snot that I could ingest. My captor was obviously please with my submission and released my hair, continuing to circle me. Finally, he placed his forearms on the back of the couch and bent over. Somehow, even in this typically vulnerable position, he looked masculine and powerful. His hairy legs bulged and tensed as he bent his knees so that his sculpted ass was more exposed. Both of his cheeks quivered slightly, the muscles flexing in waves as he maneuvered into a comfortable position that he would be able to maintain for a while. The hair on his ass looked soft and silky, the skin beneath glistening with the same sweat that I had encountered everywhere else on this bull. A deep crevice cut through the rounded globes of his ass leading to his asshole. An asshole not like mine, not meant to have things in it. Not meant to be used by other men in lieu of jerking off. Not meant to be used as an alternative to a urinal. That’s what my pretty pink asshole was for, not his. His brown pucker stared straight at me, expectantly. It was a tight, manly starfish of an asshole lightly circled with wispy brown hair. “Don’t just look at it, faggot. Eat it.” “You haven’t showered though.” “I’m gonna’ fuckin’ beat your ass, you stupid whore. A fuck hole that I own for the afternoon shouldn’t give a shit whether I showered or not.” His mention of shit made my mind spin. What if he had pooped before I got there. I definitely didn’t want to taste THAT! He interrupted my thoughts, “You need to get your whore-ass tongue out of your slutty mouth and into my butt or I swear to God I will put things up your ass that you’ll have to go to an emergency room to get out. Don’t think I’m kidding. I once kicked a bottom out that door because I had forced him to take a baseball up his ass and he couldn’t push it out. I told him to come back when he strengthened his cunt muscles and sent him on his way.” I knew he wasn’t joking so I just mustered up my courage and smooshed my face into his ass. Fuck, was he musky. No shit smell at all, but the pungent fragrance of a truly masculine man. The way his sweat meshed with his body’s chemistry turned what could have been B.O. into something aromatic, earthy, and truly delicious. My mouth literally watered and I knew I needed to taste it as well as smell it. I inhaled deeply to have the smell strong and fresh in my nostrils as I spread his muscular cheeks with my hands, planting my open mouth on his waiting anus. “Yeah, lick it like a full service bottom should,” he encouraged. Feeling the need to enjoy as much of his musk as possible, I slobbered over his hole, crack, and glutes. I gently bit his ass, running my tongue back and forth, and then pressing it into his hole, feeling his tender unfucked insides against my exploratory tongue. Legs shaking, he growled and beat his meat as his rented property slurped and sucked his ass. I must have done this for five or ten minutes and would have been content to keep going, although the muskiness was starting to dissipate much to my disappointment. However, he had other plans. He looked back over his shoulder at me munching away on his shitter like a kid eating his favorite meal and said matter-of-factly, “Okay, now it’s time to split open your tight little cunt.” I looked up from his ass, my face slick with my own saliva that now tasted and smelled like his ass musk, scared and helpless. He just grinned.
    1 point
  50. OK. I'm conceited. I'm a totally Hot Jock. I am 21, and a total Hottie. I work out 5-7 times a week. I have an awesome chest and abs. I'm normally a Bottom and love to get plowed hard. I'm also bi, once had a girlfriend, and currently shack up with my 19 year old Lover, Ty. My girlfriend freaked when she found out I was a Fag, but I had special plans for her. My Lover is a preppy Kid, who once was kept by a rich old Sugar Fart. Daddy or not, we had this arrangement where we took care of each other—sexually, that is. I myself have taken Cock up the Ass for 3 years now—and a helluva lot of POZ Cum. Five months ago I tested POZ myself. I fell in love with my little Bimbo, Ty; but Sugar Daddy kept getting in the way, so I had to break them up. PLAN 1 One night, I filed my fingernail pointy and jabbed it up Ty's Hole hard. When I pulled out, my Index was bloody. I took a deep breath (remember, I'm a total Bottom) and rammed my Cock up Tyler all the way. God, how that Y.M. squealed! I hadn't used any Lube on purpose. "Oh shit! I forgot," I lied, soothing him. When he grew aroused again, I shot a huge POZ Wad up Tyler's Ass. Again I wiggled in my filed Digit in, scraping him until he bled. Four months later, I announced that I had Herpes. "Geez, Ty, maybe you oughta get tested, just in case..." I never had Herpes in my life. Ty got tested, and two weeks later got an official diagnosis of HIV. He couldn't figure out where or from whom he'd contracted it. He correctly surmised it was from me. Oops! PLAN 2 I ordered one of those mail-in test kits and dropped it off with a NEG Bud. My address was on the return label. When I got a letter notifying me the results were in, I gave it to Tyler. He called the number, and punched in the code. Naturally, I'd tested NEG. Reluctantly I intimated that it must have been Sugar Daddy who'd POZZED him. But Ty vehemently rejected that, maintaining, beyond all shadow of a doubt, that Sugar Daddy was too impotent to play around. PLAN 3 That weekend I helped Ty, still upset over being POZ, get stoned and drunk. I drove him to a Tattoo Parlor where I convinced him the only way to escape the doldrums was to face the facts—as in having "CUM SLUT" tattooed between his shoulder blades and "POZ" between his Nips. He freaked out when his new Tats saw the light of day. Sugar Daddy would kick him out and blab to all the world about his Status. I suggested a preemptive strike—that he leave Sugar Daddy before he found out and move in with me. I explained I loved him so, it didn't really matter to me that he was POZ. To cork it all off, I got down on my knees and sucked him off. That clinched it! The Little Slut bought my B.S. hook, line, and sinker. PLAN 4 My girlfriend was the final obstacle. She just couldn't fathom how two men could fall in love. Her constant nagging and hostility toward Ty were unconscionable. I had no choice but to invoke PLAN 4. Step 1: I made sure she knew that Ty was POZ. Step 2: I arranged a little get-together, plying both with booze and pot, so neither would recollect who'd fucked whom. Step 3: I gave her the same nail treatment I'd used on Ty. Step 4: When (Praise the Lord!) she tested POZ, I dumped the Bitch, accusing her of cheating on me with (whom else, of course?) my best friend, Ty.
    1 point
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