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  1. I finally completed the next chunk. Now to see if there is any interest or if its dead. There are 5 parts which I will post before I go out of town for most of July. ---------- Part 67 - Spring Break Joe was sitting on the couch after class. The TV was on showing the college basketball tournament as background noise and he was typing away on his laptop. His two phones were sitting next to him along with a list of topics he wanted to cover in the presentation he was working on for one of his classes. First, his escort phone buzzed alerting him to a new message. A few minutes later his regular phone chirped on the arrival of a message. It seemed that there was only a few minutes between messages and they kept coming. It was ruining his concentration and he figured he should read the messages together and then put the phones in silent mode for an hour or two. First he looked at the escort phone. The first was from a known number. He looked it up and it was a guy that he had met several times before, all before he got pozzed. The guy was a young farmer in his late twenties. Joe had helped him first by teaching him about gay sex and then coming out and then the guy lost his parents in a fire and Joe helped him through it. It had been almost nine months since he had heard from him last. The message simply asked “Is this Dave?” He chuckled but appreciated that it had been a while and the guy didn’t want to blindly text someone asking for an escort appointment if the number was now someone else’s. He replied: Joe: “Yes. Are you Blaine?” Blaine: “yeah. U still avail?” Joe: “booked for 3 weeks” Blaine: “damn ur popular” Joe: “LOL, I wish. busy with school then spring break” Blaine: “ok. call when u have time” The next message was from another previous client asking if he was free that Friday night. He replied that he wasn’t. He was going out with Kyle and that always took precedence. Grabbing his regular phone he saw 4 new messages: Kyle: “at library with project team home at 9” Patrick: “need to talk soon” Mark: “u have plans 4 spring break?” Paul: “u guys are good. both ur btms from party +” Joe got nervous with the message from Patrick. He hoped that the job hadn’t fallen through. He had stopped looking for a job since he had accepted the offer from Greg. The trip to California seemed a distant memory now. He texted back “ok, when? good or bad?” He then replied back to Paul: “;) they ok? u tag urs 2?” Then to Mark: “staycation. maybe job hunting” He set the phone down and waited to hear a reply from Patrick at least. He typed out some more on his laptop and his phone chirped. Mark: “shit! what happened?” Joe: “dunno. got msg from Patrick that we need to talk” He grabbed the pipe, checked that it still had some life in it and lit it, taking a big hit. He calmed down a bit and went back working on his presentation. A few minutes later the phone chirped and it was a reply from Patrick - “both, now?” Joe replied “ok. u call me.” The phone rang and Joe answered it. “Hi Joe. I know you’re probably freaking out about now, but don’t worry. We had a little issue with Greg and he’s no longer with the company. Some of the higher-ups questioned your hiring since Greg was so big on you, but I took care of it. He wasn’t the only one to interview you and everyone who did wants you to join. We talked while you were out here and I know your brother. He spoke really highly of you, but I know he’s biased. In the end, I don’t see a problem with you starting in July as long as you graduate. Just be aware that some important eyes will be on you the first few months” Patrick said. “Oh, thank god. I had visions of having to start my job hunt all over. I won’t ask what Greg did, but it must have been bad” Joe replied. Patrick chuckled and continued “Uh, yeah. On the non-work side of things, I’m now single and my knocked up ex is out of the picture. If you hadn’t guessed, your little new years party was quite effective in giving me the bug. I’d prefer to think that it was then, rather than Greg’s hotel get together.” Joe chuckled. “I hope it was the party too. The hotel thing with him was strange and I only got a couple more odd messages from him after that while I was out there and there’s been nothing since. The new years party was a lot more fun. Congrats on your freedom. I hope you find someone who treats you better. I take it you were able to do the deed?” Joe asked. “Hell yeah! The stupid fuck couldn’t understand why I suddenly wanted to top all the time after I got sick” Patrick said. “That’s fuckin’ cool. I want to hear about it sometime” Joe replied. “Yeah, that kind of leads to the other thing I wanted to ask you. Are you going to be able to join us in Chicago during Memorial Day weekend? I have a room reserved for you. We’ll cover the cost of the room, but you are responsible for getting there. I just need you to confirm a week before, ok?” Patrick replied. “I think so. Can my boyfriend share my room?” asked Joe. “Yeah, no problem. Some guys are sharing their rooms with guys from the office and others are bringing in their partners so they will have a room to themselves. There’s one guy I think you’ll like who wants to make it a positive weekend. Oh, Raphi will be there too with his new magic trick” Patrick said. “Yeah, he told me once he got the test result. It will be fun seeing you guys again” Joe said before asking Patrick to keep him in the loop and then goodbye. He sent off a message to Mark “job still ok. why did u ask about spring break?” Mark: “I never did spring break. saw a deal. thought u n kyle might like it” Joe: “not in budget. gotta save for apt n car. CA more xpnsv than here” Mark: “My treat if u can get to Chicago, Dallas, Denver” Joe: “maybe. need to talk to kyle” Kyle and Joe talked and decided to take Mark up on his offer. Soon a packet showed up in the mail with all of the information - vouchers for the airport shuttle, airplane tickets and the brochure for the “LGBT-friendly” resort. They looked through the brochure and saw it proclaim that all packages were “All-inclusive” and “Over 90% of staff speak English” along with French, German and Portuguese. The pictures showed people swimming in pools, drinking at the pool bars, sunbathing, sailing on small catamarans, dancing in clubs, and eating at romantic dinners. They noticed that many of the people in the pictures were same-sex couples. “This place looks fucking awesome for a couple of homos” Kyle said. Joe and Kyle worked hard the next few weeks making sure they wouldn’t have any classwork waiting for them when they got back. They found out a friend of theirs was going back home for the break and lived just outside of Chicago. They could leave their car at his parents and get dropped off at the airport. The drive to Chicago was long and boring, broken up by a few breaks in rest area bathroom stalls for some fun. The final tally when they got to their friend Jaime’s parent’s house was 3 truckers, 2 twinks, 1 bear, 1 30-something businessman and 1 creepy older guy with only a few teeth who couldn’t bend over fast enough to have three college guys breed his hole. They got dropped off at the airport early in the morning with Kyle’s ass full of Jaime’s newly toxic nut. Kyle and Joe slept most of the flight and were well rested when the plane touched down in Cancun. They made it through customs and found their shuttle bus. It was easy to spot since there was small pride flag in the windshield. As the bus filled up they looked around and it was all guys near their age except for two guys in their late thirties (one cub and one otter) and two butch lesbians. Kyle looked at Joe and smiled, saying “Mark seems to have set us up good.” All the guys were rubber necking, checking each other out when the bus driver hopped in and closed the door. They drove to the resort which was in a secluded tropical forest right on the water. As they pulled up, Kyle saw four flags in the courtyard - the Mexican flag, the state flag, the hotel flag and a pride flag. Everyone piled out of the bus and grabbed their luggage and stood in line to check in. The guys were flirting with each other while waiting to check in. Joe and Kyle walked up and attempted to use their high school Spanish until they got hopelessly confused. The clerk laughed with them and tried to correct some of their bigger misuses of the language. He put their wrist bands on and then gave them their room key. They found their room which turned out to be an ocean view suite and a large covered balcony. The king size bed looked like a fun place and they saw the liquor dispenser on the wall. “All inclusive, baby” Joe joked to Kyle and then kissed him deeply. There was a knock at the door and Kyle reluctantly ended the kiss and opened it. “Hello. I am Javier. I am your room steward. I hope everything is good with your room. You can call me if you need anything” the guy said with a slight accent before handing Kyle a card. Joe and Kyle were mentally undressing the short, thin Mexican with a neatly trimmed beard and a bright smile. They stared just a bit too long, making it awkward and finally Kyle said “Gracias, Javier. Everything looks perfect.” “Thank you. Have a good day” Javier said and then turned and walked down the hallway. Joe and Kyle watched the nicely formed butt disappear around the corner and then laughed at each other. “I hope we get to tap that before we leave” said Joe. The two unpacked their clothes and looked through the info. They put their swim suits, tank tops and sandals on, grabbed some sunscreen and headed down to the pool. Kyle’s tattoo was mostly covered by his shirt and Joe’s covered the scorpion but the back of his lower leg was telling everyone he passed of his status. They walked up to the bar and said “Dos cervezas, por favor” in that uniquely American accent of high school Spanish, realizing they were better off sticking to short sentences if they spoke Spanish. The bartender responded “Can I see your wristbands?” They showed them to him and he then asked “Which one?” while pointing to the four beer taps. “Modelo Negra” Joe said and Kyle responded “Corona.” They got their beers and found two lounge chairs next to the pool. They sat down, stripped their shirts off and slathered on the sun screen. They laid back and enjoyed the breeze, sun and the music from the poolside DJ. After about twenty minutes, Joe rolled over and had Kyle help reapply sun screen to his back and did the same for Kyle. Another fifteen minutes later and the beers were empty and the sun seemed to be getting hotter. Joe got up and jumped in the pool and swam over to the pool bar. He ordered two more beers and then walked through the pool back to their chairs, looking around at all the guys. Kyle jumped in and they stood there talking at the edge of the pool for a while. They heard some noises behind them and saw that some guys had started a water volleyball game. It seemed to be six against four and they were trying to split a couple up to make it even. Joe yelled over “Need two more?” and the group yelled back “Yeah.” Joe and Kyle chugged their beers and swam over, joining the team of four. Once the game started, Joe realized quickly that these guys were serious about playing and it got physical. No one seemed to mind the body contact. There were splashes from guys diving to make plays and several times he collided with another guy going for the ball. A few times the other guy grabbed Joe while they were underwater and felt up either his ass or cock. One time he leapt into the air and when he came down the guy next to him reached into his board shorts and grabbed his cock and squeezed it several times, winking when he felt the piercing. He looked over a few plays later and someone had just ripped Kyle’s trunks off and was holding them up in the air. “Kyle, get those back on. We don’t want to get thrown out on the first day!” Joe yelled half jokingly. Kyle tackled the guy that had his trunks and slid a finger in his ass before grabbing his swimsuit and then releasing the guy. “That felt good” the guy said as Kyle put his trunks back on. They finished the game and both teams called a waiter over and ordered a round of drinks. They all stood in the corner of the pool and chatted, Joe behind Kyle with his arm around Kyle’s shoulder and chest. The guy that had taken Kyle’s trunks came over and said “Hey, I hope you didn’t mind me pulling them off. I kinda wanted to see what was inside. I'm Ian, by the way.” Kyle laughed and said “Its a lot bigger than the finger that went into you! Hi Ian, I’m Kyle and this is my boyfriend Joe.” “And probably a lot more dangerous too judging by the ink… Ah, boyfriend. I guess you’re taken for the week” Ian said. “He has a very long leash” Joe said and they watched Ian’s eyes light up. “So, I… uh… like the tattoo. Are you advertising or just like the danger that it hints at” Ian asked quietly after moving in closer. “I’m poz, if that’s what you’re asking” Kyle said. Ian seemed surprised at Kyle’s bluntness. “Uh, yeah. Ive run into guys who just liked the design and others that are fans of the band and others that just attract trouble” Ian explained. “Are you poz too?” asked Kyle. “Nah. Taken a bunch of charged loads but I’m still neg” Ian said. “If you keep taking them, it will happen eventually unless you’re on meds” Joe said. “No, no prep. I kinda like the risk of it all. Nothing hotter than a guy telling you right before he cums inside you. I love that rush” Ian said. “Sorry, I gave away the surprise then” Kyle said with a wicked grin. Joe decided he wanted to extend this cat and mouse game and asked “so, is that your boyfriend that you were paired up with during the game?” Ian chuckled “Nah, he’s just a friend. We tried being fuckbuddies but we’re both bottoms. Neither of us is very good at topping, but we like each other and do a lot of stuff together, just not sex. We joke that we’re like an old married couple in a sexless marriage.” “Where are you guys having dinner?” Joe asked. “We’re on the cheap plan, so we get either the buffet or the big restaurant. I see you have the primo wristbands so you can hit them all” Ian replied. Joe chuckled “We didn’t know. My brother got the trip for us so we don’t know what the hell he bought.” “Be sure to use all of the perks. You guys get sailboats, jet skis, free shuttle to the strip, and massages. Hell, they might give you free blowjobs too!” Ian said laughing. “With this crowd, I think everyone gets free blowjobs” Kyle said. Joe added “Except for the lesbians. Do you want to meet after dinner in the club?” “Sure. I should probably run through the shower before dinner. Meet at 8PM?” Ian asked. “Sounds good. I need a nap before dinner too” Joe said. “Siesta, Joe. It sounds more sophisticated” Kyle said with a laugh. Joe and Kyle dried off and grabbed their things and went up to their room. They started making out on the bed but were both sound asleep in minutes. Joe and Kyle woke up and realized they had been sleeping for almost two hours. They ran through the shower and dressed for dinner. “Thank god I didn’t get rid of all of the preppy clothes that my parents gave me” joked Joe. “And which fraternity house are you in?” Kyle jabbed back. The two were laughing as they walked out the door. Javier was walking towards them and Joe gave him a wink. “No ring. You think he’s straight, bi or gay” Kyle asked as they waited for the elevator. “Hopefully gay. He has a nice bulge and a killer ass so hopefully he’s vers too, as long as I’m dreaming” Joe replied. They walked up to the seafood restaurant and got seated in a corner looking out at some gardens. “An hour and a half should be long enough for us to get dinner before we meet Ian” Joe said. “Yeah, whats the deal? I was figuring you were going to drag him to the room and fuck his brains out but then you start asking about the guy he’s with and set up a time to go clubbing?” Kyle asked. “I just wanted him to be eager to get fucked. Kinda like fishing. Tease him a bit until he’ll do anything to get us to nail him. Sometimes the chase is as good as the conquest” Joe explained. They each devoured a dozen raw oysters, enjoyed a bowl of fresh seafood stew, and inhaled a full lobster while washing it down with a couple mojitos. “This is as close to a date as we’ve gone on in a long time” Joe said as they finished up. “Yeah. Its kinda nice. I hope one of the days we’re here it can be just us” Kyle said and Joe nodded. They got the waiter to take a picture of the two of them at the table and Joe sent it off to Mark with the comment “Thanks for the trip. Wish you were here.” They finished dinner and took a walk along the beach. A couple guys were on a lounge chair, one riding the other, the waves drowning out their moans. They passed the lesbian couple from the bus making out under a tree and then headed back to the main building. They walked up to the club and heard music coming from inside and it seemed there was a bunch of people dancing. They walked in and grabbed a couple drinks from the bar and looked around. The crowd was all guys and they were mostly crowded at the center of the dance floor. A few couples were on the edges dancing together. Other guys were in small groups talking and thats where they spotted Ian and his friend, Kent. Joe and Kyle walked over and greeted them. Once they finished their drinks the four moved over to the dance floor. By now several of the guys dancing had removed their shirts and hands were roaming everywhere. Kyle slipped his hand down Ian’s pants and fingered the now sweaty ass. Joe had grabbed Kent’s ass a few times but he seemed to be uninterested. Joe moved over and started to make a few moves on a shaggy haired blond guy and danced with him for a while and then kept moving around dancing and groping several of the guys. Joe got a tap on his shoulder from Kyle who motioned toward the door. He assumed that Kyle and Ian were headed back to a room and nodded. A second later, Kyle tapped him again, this time harder. Joe looked and the hand motion was more like “come along” this time. He smiled at the guy he was dancing with and headed towards the door. He walked out of the club and Ian, his friend Kent and Kyle were standing there. Joe raised his eyebrows, surprised that Ian’s friend was there based on the earlier vibes. Kyle led the three others up to their room and once inside the four stripped their clothes off immediately. Kent was on his knees in front of Joe in as soon as his clothes were off. Joe was completely confused but the moment that Kent’s mouth was around his cock he didn’t care. His tongue was magic and Joe was moaning in seconds. Joe held his head gently and slowly fucked his mouth. Kent didn’t seem to have any problems until the piercing went into his throat. Kent gagged a bit but soon was taking it as if nothing was there. Joe kept face fucking Kent for several more minutes and decided he needed to feel Kent’s pussy wrapped around his cock. Kyle was all over Ian and had him pushed to the bed. He climbed on top and fed his cock to an eager mouth. Ian was licking and sucking all over Kyle’s cock and balls. Kyle tried to push deeper but unlike his friend, Ian was having a lot of problems getting the pierced dick into his throat. Kyle jabbed his cock in deep and held it there a few seconds and started to feel Ian wretch. He pulled back and let Ian recover and decided on a shallow blowjob after that. Ian slobbered a lot of spit over his cock and Kyle could see even more spit running down his cheeks. Kyle pulled out and sat down on Ian’s face and “let” him rim his ass. Ian’s tongue seemed eager to dig into the sweaty ass and Kyle was moaning from Ian’s tongue both licking and poking into his hole. Joe looked over at Kyle and Ian and realized he was going to have to use something other than the bed since Kyle was right in the middle of the king sized bed. He looked around and decided the balcony offered a couple of possibilities. He reached down and pulled Kent up to his feet and led him out there. The warm moist air made the venue completely different than the chilled hotel room. Once on the balcony, Joe pushed Kent to the railing. “Grab on, its gonna be a bumpy ride” Joe joked as Kent grabbed the railing and he pushed Kent’s legs wider. The night sky was clear and there was a gentle breeze blowing. The sounds of crashing waves added a nice backdrop to drown out the quieter sounds the two were about to make. Joe was on his knees, prying Kent’s butt apart and then burying his face into the crevice. Joe hadn’t shaved since they left home and was growing his beard out. The stubble above the fuller chinstrap beard he usually had bristled against Kent’s butt cheeks and his tongue jabbed at his pucker. Sweat was dripping down Kent’s back and added an additional flavor to his regular scent and crotch sweat. Joe’s tongue fucked in and out and he could feel the hole start to relax. He pulled back and used his finger to circle the hungry ass-cunt. He heard Kent moan and wiggle his ass. Standing, he dragged his cock up between the crack and let the piercing rest on the hole. He leaned over Kent, his chest lightly pressing on Kent’s back. “What do you want?” Joe whispered in his ear. “I need your cock” Kent responded. “What else?” Joe asked as he began humping Kent’s ass, his cock riding along the crack. “Your cum” Kent moaned back. “What kind of cum?” Joe asked. “Your poz cum” Kent begged. “You ready to get charged up, Kent?” asked Joe. “Oh god yeah. Breed me good” Kent said while he started to rock his hips back to meet Joe’s thrusts along the crack. Joe aimed his shaft lower and drove in hard, feeling his cock squeeze into the tight ring. After a few more stabs, the piercing and his head were inside the tight tunnel. Joe had been leaking precum since he first started humping Kent and now it was making the passage slick as well. His strokes got longer until he bottomed out, his trimmed pubes pressed tightly against Kent’s ass. Joe wrapped his arm around Kent’s neck and started thrusting his cock in and out. He heard Kent whimper, but it didn’t seem to be from pain. He was submitting to Joe’s cock and letting Joe use him as he wanted. Joe felt Kent work his ass muscles around his shaft. He wasn’t aggressive like he wanted Joe to breed him right away, but enough to be more than a human fleshlight. Joe fucked faster and he knew anyone close could hear the grunts over the sound of the waves. Joe reached around with his other arm and twisted Kent’s left nipple and Kent dutifully clamped down on Joe’s cock. “You want it, Kent?” Joe asked as his arm pressed tighter on Kent’s neck. “Breed me, Joe. Mark my ass” Kent begged through his gasps. The words spurred Joe on and his thrusts got slower but more deliberate. The slaps of skin and the grunts from both guys could be heard all around. Joe’s balls had pulled tight and his cock was throbbing. Joe held Kent tight and gave his cock one more stab inside and unleashed a torrent of poz cum into the abused cave. His body shook, trying to get every bug filled drop of seed inside Kent. “Oh my fucking god, you did it! I can feel your cum inside me” Kent yelled out. Joe chuckled and rammed his cock in a few more times and slowly withdrew the shaft from Kent’s throbbing hole. “Stay there a minute” Joe said as he walked inside. Kyle watched Joe and Kent go outside and after face fucking Ian for a while and then getting rimmed, he slid down Ian’s body and pushed his legs over Kyle’s shoulders. His cock was dripping both saliva and precum as he pressed it to the puckered opening. He looked down at Ian and grinned. Ian locked eyes back with him and Kyle could see the fear and excitement in his eyes. “You want this poz dick?” Kyle asked. Ian nodded and Kyle pushed in a few times until the ring and his cock head popped inside. Ian let out a loud grunt, the spit and precum not being nearly enough lube for his tight chute. Kyle waited a moment and then rocked his hips until his cock was sliding easily in and out of Ian’s neg cunt. With each thrust, the piercings of the ladder would ripple through the outer ring of Ian’s pussy, sending shivers throughout Ian’s body. The harder Kyle fucked the more he felt them wrecking his guts. Kyle knew he could fuck deeper doggy style, but he liked watching the expressions on Ian’s face as he fucked him on his back. His pounding got harder and harder and then he leaned in. Kyle whispered “I’m not on meds, this load is going to be really toxic.” Ian flinched and his hole gripped Kyle’s cock tighter than it had before. Kyle moaned and felt his cock start to throb. He began thrusting in faster as his balls prepared their potent mixture. Kyle let out a few grunts as he slammed his cock in deep each time. His cock began to spew his viral seed into Ian’s battered hole. The toxic cream coated every crevice and ripple of Ian’s fuck chute, looking for any way to invade his body. Kyle gave a couple last thrusts and laid there on top of Ian, panting. Joe walked in just as Kyle had pumped the last spurt of venom into Ian. He stood there a moment and grinned. “Dude, you gotta feel this hole. It’s like fuckin velvet. Well, wet velvet now” Joe said and laughed. Kyle got up, slowly pulling his still partially hard cock from Ian’s ass. As Kyle walked toward the balcony, Joe took his place on the bed. He looked down at Ian and asked “Ready for more?” Before Ian could answer, Joe’s hard shaft slid into the slick tunnel. He could feel Ian twitch with each thrust and knew that Kyle had fucked him hard. He slowed down and let Ian relax a bit. Moans soon started coming out of Ian’s mouth and Joe decided to try flipping him over, so he pulled out and rolled Ian over. While pulling up on his hips slightly, Joe firmly drove his cock back inside and rolled his hips, plunging in and out of Ian’s well worn hole. Kyle walked out on to the balcony and saw Kent standing there, his arms splayed out on the railing and his legs spread wide on the floor. Cum was dripping out of his hole and he told Kent “Tsk, Tsk. You’re wasting Joe’s cum. I’m going to have to replace it.” “Wha…” was all that Kent could get out as Kyle jammed his cock into Kent’s pussy. “FUCK!” was the next thing out of Kent’s mouth. Anyone on their balcony or in the gardens below heard Kent’s scream. Kyle began fucking the still tight, cum-filled hole. His hands were on Kent’s shoulders and his hips were swaying back and forth, driving his cock deep inside Kent’s hole. His strokes got longer as almost the whole length of Kyle’s cock was sliding in and out. He fucked faster and started to hear Kent cry out with each stroke and he knew Kent’s hole was feeling the wrath of his new piercings. Kyle ratcheted up the intensity and was now pounding Kent’s ass. When his balls started to churn again, he knew he was going to shoot soon. He held off as long as he could and then slammed in and let his balls go. Shot after shot if his tainted cum pumped into Kent’s wrecked hole. Kent let out a weary “Oh fuck!” as he felt his ass getting filled with more poz cum. Kyle backed away and his softened cock plopped out of Kent’s swollen hole. He was waiting for Kent to turn around and hopefully suck his cock clean, but instead Kent stood, turned and walked right past him and into the room. Kyle turned around and followed him inside and watched Kent pull his shorts on and walk out of the room, carrying his shirt and sandals and saying nothing. He stood there a moment with his mouth open, shocked that he just got ditched like that. Kyle shook his head and walked over to the bed, leaned in and kissed Joe. Joe pulled Ian on to all fours and Kyle kneeled in front of Ian, who quickly started licking the cum that was dripping off of Kyle’s cock. Joe fucked faster and Kyle followed his example, fucking Ian’s throat. They pounded into each end until Joe gave a final shove and painted another layer of deadly cum all over Ian’s guts. Joe pulled back and collapsed on to the bed and Kyle did the same. Ian turned around and started to lick Joe’s cock clean of the mixture of cum, precum, and ass juice. Ian knew he would be feeling this fuck for a few days and with the coppery taste in his mouth knew that his string of taking poz loads and staying neg might be over. Once Joe’s cock was clean he crawled up between them on the bed and laid back. “Where did Kent go?” Ian asked. “I think he realized he’s not ready to be a poz pig like he thought he was” Kyle said. Joe let out a laugh and looked at Ian. “I hope you are, cuz I’m looking forward to pumping a few more loads into that hot ass of yours.” “I guess its too late to turn back now. I couldn’t start pep until I’m back home and thats in five more days” Ian said. The three made out and chatted for a while until they finally fell asleep. Ian woke up in the middle of the night with Kyle’s cock pushing back into his tender hole. He pulled his ass apart and pushed back on to the stiff cock. He felt Kyle’s cock piston into him and used his sore muscles to milk it. His own cock was rock hard and he guided it between Joe’s ass cheeks. Joe stirred and then pushed back and Ian suddenly found his cock deep inside another guy’s ass for the first time in over a year. Kyle started pumping faster and Ian was gasping for breath. Kyle shoved in and forced the last inch of Ian’s cock into Joe. Kyle’s cock pulsed as several shots of poisonous cream filled Ian’s cunt. Feeling Kyle unload inside him caused Ian to shoot. He hadn’t cum for over a week and he was full. Almost a dozen shots of neg cum pumped into Joe’s empty hole. Joe moaned and wiggled his ass around Ian’s still hard cock and they all fell back asleep.
    11 points
  2. Part 35 When a staff member came to retrieve Rob for the private party that evening, he was carrying some leather gear. He had Rob but on a harness that showed off the tattoos on his chest. He also fastened some leather restraints around Rob’s wrists and ankles as well as a wide leather collar around Rob’s neck. The collar and restraints were each locked into place with a small padlock. Rob was led to the prep room where another bottom was waiting. The other bottom for the night sharply contrasted Rob in stature. Compared to Rob’s 6’2” muscular frame, he was a slim blond twink that was only about 5’8” tall. They both however wore the same collar and restraints. As soon as Rob entered the room the twink’s eyes lit up. “Hi, my name is Stephen; looks like we are going to be the bottoms for the night,” he said. “I am so excited; this is going to be so HOT.” “I begged them to let me bottom at this party when I heard about it.” Rob thought to himself “Is this guy for real?” Rob looked the young twink up and down and asked, “Have you ever been to any of the parties here at the warehouse before?” “Oh, yes I came to a college night party one time as a guest and afterwards they contacted me about playing at another party,” replied Stephen. “I spent the whole night sucking cock through a glory hole at that party; it was so hot.” Rob just shook his head. “I don’t know exactly what will happen at this party, but I’m sure you’ll be doing more than sucking cocks through a glory hole,” Rob commented. “Oh I know, that is what is so exciting; I think bikers are so hot.” “I even signed some special waivers since the Dirty Hawgs aren’t regular club members.” Rob and Stephen’s conversation was interrupted by the staff member. “Enough chit chat you two; it’s time to get you tweaked for the party and trust me you are going to need it.” Stephen felt a sense of panic when he saw the meth points, but after he saw Rob so readily take his slam, he figured it must be okay.” After the slam, both Rob’s and Stephen’s asses were lubed and a booty bump was administered. Stephen giggled, “I’ve only been fucked twice but your fingers feel so good.” Leashes were attached to the two bottom’s collars and they were led to the party area. Once they arrived to the party area, the staff member handed the leashes to one of the party guests. “This is Sir Biff, he’s the boss here tonight.” The staff member nodded at Biff and said, “Here are your pigs for the night as requested; they’re all yours, enjoy!” Biff yanked the leashes and led Rob and Stephen to the center of the room. He then yelled out, “Fellow Hawgs, our party favors are here; let’s introduce these piggies to some Hawg cock.” The bikers whooped it up and whistled. Rob and Stephen were each led to a motorcycle along the perimeter of the space. Both were totally flying and stumbled as they walked on their leashes. Although his vision was a little blurred at this point, it appeared to Rob that there were between 15 and 20 bikers in the room. Their appearance matched the stereotype Rob had in his head perfectly. They were all clad in leather of some sort and all were heavily tatted. They all also had a dirty unkempt look. They certainly lived up to their club name of the Dirty Hawgs. Rob was restrained on his stomach bent over the seat of a Harley. Stephen was likewise restrained across the seat of another bike a few feet away. “I think I’ll go first on the muscle ass,” Biff said as he thrust his fat uncut cock up Rob’s ass. Rob just grunted at the intrusion. Biff paused briefly and called out, “Feel free to use the twink someone; I’ll use that ass when I’m done here.” Biff then began to fuck Rob’s ass full force. Rob moaned and called out “Fuck me Sir, fuck me Sir.” Stephen on the other hand let out a scream as he was roughly penetrated by a different huge cock. “Looks like we have a squealer here,” a voice called out. “This piglet’s hole is real tight, could even be cherry.” Another voice yelled back “It won’t be tight much longer after we all rut in it!” The room roared with laughter. Biff roughly pounded Rob until he deposited his seed. He pulled out and walked to the other side of the bike for Rob to clean his cock. Another cock replaced Biff’s in Rob’s ass and began its hard assault. Rob wasn’t counting but over the course of the next couple hours it seemed like each of the bikers had used his ass or mouth in some manner. He was then pulled off the Harley and led to a bondage table. He was expecting to be bound but was surprised when a large biker laid on his back on the table. The hairy bearded biker’s 10” fat cock pointed straight up from between his chaps clad thighs. Rob was pushed toward the reclined biker and ordered to sit on the fat Hawg cock. Rob started to squat on the cock when he was ordered to turn around and face the bearded biker. “That’s it pig, look me in the eyes while you lower that cum dump ass on my big cock.” Rob quickly sat and felt the biker’s pubes press against his ass cheeks. He was startled by the sounds of Stephen crying out again. He glanced over and saw Stephen bound spread eagle on a St. Andrew’s cross and being whipped. The biker being ridden by Rob grabbed Rob by the harness and said, “Pay attention; that other pig is being punished for disobedience.” “Keep that in mind”. The biker then pulled the harness so that Rob leaned down toward the biker’s face. The biker just stared at Rob in the eyes, but then Rob felt something pushing at the entrance of his filled ass. It was another cock. Another big cock as a matter of fact. Rob’s eyes bulged out as the second cock joined the first and stretched his ass open further. The biker smiled as he and the second Top began to grind their cocks in Rob’s ass. The Top behind Rob then took control and started a rhythmic fuck. Rob couldn’t believe the feeling he was experiencing. The two cocks were hitting all the right places. Drool began to run from his open mouth as his ass was pummeled. The pace of the fuck changed periodically but within 20 minutes he could tell by the quick shallow breathing of the two bikers that they were close to cumming. Somehow the two bikers synchronized their orgasms. When they shot their loads, Rob felt like he was being given a cum enema due to the volume of semen deposited in his ass. “Send that cum dump over here; our cocks need some attention while we are playing poker.” Rob was directed to the poker table and crawled underneath it. He spent the next hour going back and forth sucking the cocks of the 8 poker players seated at the table. Rob heard a voice say, ”You did a real good job training this one.” “He definitely knows his role.” A second voice answered, “We aim to please our customers.” The second voice sounded slightly familiar but Rob couldn’t quite place it because of all the background noise. A third voice interrupted the card game. “Let’s get that muscle ass out here; I need to sink my fist in a hole.” Immediately someone replied. ”Billy, you know that big meaty paw of yours would ruin that ass for the rest of us tonight.” “If you must fist a hole go use the twink; he hasn’t been very cooperative tonight and could use an attitude adjustment.” Rob saw a pair of large boots, presumably belonging to Billy, walk away from the poker table. Moments later though he felt a kick to his ribs as he was told to crawl back out from under the table; it was time for him to be fucked some more. Rob was tied back down on a fuck bench and the bikers began to fill his ass and skull fuck his face. Through the fucking he could hear the "squeals" of Stephen. Rob was fucked, slapped, spit on and degraded on the fuck bench for a few more hours. His ass was leaking cum all over the floor. The drugs were wearing out and he was starting to feel battered and sore. The new cum dump inside of him however, felt satisfied. Finally the party broke up and a staff member came to get Rob. As he was led back to his room and cage, Rob caught a glimpse of Biff and Nick deep in conversation.
    7 points
  3. I'd been working hard and had been seriously stressed out so I decided to take some much needed time off and decided to head to Las Vegas to relax at my condo and hopefully get fucked. Man, did I get way more than I expected. I got home, aired out the place and took a shower. I cleaned out really well in anticipation and once I was settled in, I smoked some weed and went online to look for that evening's entertainment. Being the usual workaholic that I am, I hadn't checked my email on any of my websites or apps in almost a month so I knew I'd have some catching up to do. I signed into BBRT and was greeted by almost two dozen messages. Right towards the top, one message in particular caught my eye "CumUnion - Las Vegas: Saturday May 16th." "Holy fuck," I realized, "that's tonight!" Right then and there I made up my mind to finally attend a CumUnion party. Over a week later I'm still in a post fuck glow. Ha ha ha. I decided to kill some time and had a few Jack and Cokes and smoked another bowl so I was pleasantly high and buzzing. At around 8:00 I ordered an Uber and headed over to Hawk's Gym. Luckily, there were a couple of rooms left so I got one towards the back facing the main corridor. After undressing, I went in search of some fun. I went into the dark room first and saw a couple of tall muscular bodies standing like wallflowers, each of whom was fondling a huge bulge under his towel. I made my way to a platform in the rear of the roomlooked like huge bulges under their towels. There's a platform made from sectionals which were positioned in the rear of the room. I walked over, dropped my towel and knelt on the platform, face-down, ass-up and pre-lubed for whoever wanted to fuck my tight hole. In less than 15 seconds I felt a huge, rough calloused hand stroking my ass cheeks and a thick finger shoved into my hole. I relaxed and enjoyed the ass play for about a minute when suddenly his hand retreated. The next thing I felt was a softball sized cockhead stretching my hole to its limit. I hit my poppers and felt my hole relax that final inch it needed for the huge cock to slide balls-deep inside me, filling me more completely than I had ever before felt. The cock must have been at least ten amazingly thick inches. The guy fucked me with a rough but steady rhythm. I still had no idea what he looked like and neither one of us had said a word. He fucked me roughly, grabbing my hips and squeezing my ass cheeks with each hand. The whole time I was hard as a rock and on the verge of cumming but I fought the urge to cum with every ounce of will power and gave into the shiver inducing pleasure, milking his cock, or at least trying to, given my hole was wrapped tight around his dick. He fucked me relentlessly for a few minutes and all too soon, he shoved in as deep as he could go and I could feel his huge cock pulsing and throbbing as he groaned and I felt a warmth spreading inside me letting me know that I was getting bred. He squeezed my ass tight, forcing me to clench my ass as he pulled out and I did not lose a single drop of his seed. I was flying from the poppers and as I lay there catching my breath, he walked away and all I saw was a manly silhouette as he exited the dark room. I lay there panting and was about to get up and stretch my legs when I felt the other guy who had just watched me get barebacked put his hand on my upper back, bent me over again and started slapping my hole with his equally impressive cockhead. With no further foreplay, he started sliding in with no more lube than what was already around my hole and I felt him go about another inch deeper than my first fucker. This new guy was out to get his nut and started almost hate fucking me. I loved every fucking second of his thick cock banging against my prostate and I started building up towards my own orgasm. This guy's brutal pounding was almost too much for me and I started groaning and moaning. He also fucked me for a few delirious minutes and as he hilted himself in me and started shooting his cum inside me. Icouldn't hold back and my own dick started spurting my own load. I collapsed onto my stomach as he held his dick in me until our respective spasms subsided. As he pulled out and walked out of the dark room, I turned and caught a glimpse of a tall bearded 20 something white stud with an impressive thick cunt wrecker leading his way. Draping my towel over my left shoulder, I walked back out into the main corridor where I caught a glimpse of a cock. I had been at CumUnion for only 20 minutes, and already had two loads inside my ass. I went in search of more loads, knowing the night would be amazing.
    4 points
  4. Part 21, Do I help or no? Mr C was climbing into the shower and said, 'hey pup, can you go downstairs, the room across from the play, I mean the rec room is the laundry room, can you get our work clothes out of the drier and bring them up?' Knowing we were running late, I bolted down stairs in just my underwear. I was walking through the lower level where the huge screen TV and wet bar were and saw the hallway where the laundry room was. It was darker heading down the hallway, but there was a red glow coming out of the rec room. I could hear the dryer buzzing so I knew which door it was in. However, right before entering the laundry room i looked to my right and saw the red light. It was just a small red light on the ceiling in the center of the room. I turned and entered the room. This is the room that I was in yesterday when Mr. C had me get him some things from the fridge. The light was directly over the hammock in the middle of the room. My eyes got accustom to the light a little bit and I entered the room. I realized there were mirrors all over and cabinets. I put my left hand on the chain holding the hammock up and ran my right hand on the leather straps of the cradle of it. It reminded me of something. But what? I heard Uncle Terry holler down the steps 'did you find it ok'? Startled, I turned back toward the door and entered the laundry and said 'yes Sir, getting the things now'. As I turned off the light of the laundry room and my eyes again focused on the red light above the hammock, I remembered.... oh it is like from my dream I had. I was in a hammock like that in a dark room with candles. I felt my cock harden as i turned to the left and headed back through the lower level to the stairway up. Mr. C was standing looking out of the window over the kitchen sink finishing a cup of coffee. He continued to look outside as he was rinsing the mug before putting it in the dishwashers. He was standing there just in his underwear, tall and confident. I could see the sun pouring in the window and illuminating the fur on his broad chest and my cock continued to thicken. What the fuck is wrong with me? I just shot my load a few minutes ago and it was already getting hard. I put the clothes on the kitchen island and separated my stuff from his. As I pulled my jeans on, I winced at the tenderness in my butt and upper thighs. Hopefully tomorrow at school the trainer is in and can stretch me out a little before hockey practice. As Mr. C approached the island to start putting his clothes on, he noticed me smiling and said, 'whats so funny?' 'Funny? Nothing, just really happy Sir. This last day has been amazing. I am so happy you gave me a job and let me sleep over and well. Well, and.' 'And what?' he said 'Well, you guys taught me more about growing up and the circle jerk and how to shave and all kinds of stuff. I just really appreciate it and I just wanted you to know how happy I am.' And with that, I went over to him and gave him a hug bear hug. I stood on my toes to be taller and my neck fit perfectly in the crook of this neck and shoulder. He held me for a long time, I could feel his warm breath on my neck. I just was taking in his freshly showered smell. I broke away from the hug quickly once I realized my cock was now rock hard against this thigh. He kind of shook his head quick, like ....what? why? whats wrong? He saw me adjusting myself and turning red. He came over and lifted my chin so he could look into my eyes and said, 'Lukas, dont ever be embarrassed for having a hard on around me. I am flattered.' And with that, he opened a drawer in the island and took out 3 of the blue diamond shaped vitamins and gave me two and he took one. We finished getting dressed and I smiled back again and let him know that I heard and appreciated his not teasing me about my erection. He let me drive and on the way to the restaurant, I just sat there with a grin. My hard cock had escaped the leg band of my boxer briefs and was snaking down the leg of my jeans. Mr. C looked over at me and said, 'can I ask you something pup'? I glanced over and nodded and raised my eyebrows. 'Did you enjoy spending the night with me?' I quickly said, 'oh my heavens, yes Sir' 'And what about with Uncle Terry?' 'Oh yes Sir, I think he is great, you guys seem like the best of friends' 'Yeah, we are very close for sure' He then asked, 'did you like him helping you shave?' 'Yeah, it was super cool that he helped me. I am sorry I got so turned on by it.' 'Stop right there Lukas. Please don't ever apologize for being turned on. Being turned on is a gift. A gift to you and to the person who is making you turned on. It is a beautiful way to show appreciation to a man who is making you happy. Please dont ever conceal that, ok? Well, you have to be careful, but for me you know and want to know more, it is a beautiful thing. ok?' With a huge smile, I said, 'sweet, thanks for explaining that to me.' 'I mean dont be a slut like women are, but it is ok to appreciate being turned on, you will learn how to regulate that excitement with time. I wondered, if you like the shaving, Uncle Terry only did your face. Maybe we could show you how to shave the rest of you later on?' 'The rest of me?' I asked? 'Oh yes, there are so many other parts men can trim or shave, maybe if you want, we can do some more when we get home', he said. 'Get home? 'Yes, well if you like hanging out at our house, I want you to think of it as yours as well.' 'Gosh Sir, I feel so safe and happy and loved there. I would love to spend more time with you. Well, or you and Uncle Terry when he is there.' As we pulled into the lot, he rustled my hair and said, 'good boy, now lets get you some tips. Do you remember everything from yesterday?' 'Yes Sir, I think so, oh, wait, my help cards, what did I do with my help cards?' He opened the glove box and pulled them out and handed them to me as we exited the truck and said, 'Here they are, I got you covered pup.' As we entered the restaurant and things were crazy busy. Mr C yelled out, 'what is going on?' Jax hollered back, 'we just got slammed with a huge order and we were already busy because of all the games on.' Mr. C said to 'go up front and help with the deliveries' while he joined Jax and the rest of the guys in the kitchen. There were 2 others ready to head out and they were each looking over the routes. Both saw this one order for two pizzas and the guy looked at the woman and said 'I aint going to that one, lets give it to the new kid'. 'Sure, I can do it, what is it?' I asked. The one guy said, 'it is bad area, lots of dealers and skanks. Here is what you do, you just go in the front door, dont ring the bell, they dont like that. There is a table as soon as you enter the house, they always leave a big stash of cash there. Just put the pizza down and take the money and get the fuck out of there. They are friends of Jax's but dont tell him I said so, but it is a bunch of his ex-cons. They have usually been partying and drinking so DON'T bother them! Do you hear me kid? Do NOT bother them. Just go in, drop off the pie, get your money and get the fuck out.' 'Sure I can do that, no worries' I said. I got this easy. I could see Sarah's name tag and she grabbed my arm and then she looked at the other guy and said, 'Wait, Noah, you realllllly should do this, you shouldn't let him go, he is new'. 'Fuck that.' Noah said, 'he is a big kid, he is 18, he can handle himself, right dude?' 'Yeah of course, I got this' I said and I loaded up the delivery box and headed out the back door. I found the house easy enough and parked in the driveway. There were several other cars in the driveway and sort of parked all over the place. The house was big but not well maintained. As I walked up the sidewalk, I could hear some house music getting louder. As Noah said, the front door was part way open and I entered. I had smelled pot a couple times before and when I was nearing the house it smelled like someone was smoking some of the marijuana. Sure enough, just inside the door was a table with a wad of cash on it. I set the pizza down and took the wad of cash. As I was turning to leave and stuffing the money into my pocket, I heard something that sounded like a cry for help. I stopped in my tracks and listened. The music was kind of loud but I heard it again. I moved closer to the rickety wooden steps leading to upstairs and bent my ear toward the steps. Then I heard it again, 'stop' 'please stop' 'stop it hurts' 'I cant' 'please'. It sounded like a woman, her voice was soft but scared. Maybe it was the TV? Maybe she was being hurt? Fuck, what do I do. I got out my cards and asked myself. 'Should I defy Noah's instructions to get the heck out and go upstairs and see if she needs help?' i turned over the card and it read... 'Yes, absolutely'. I slowly started to sneak up the old wooden staircase. The smell of marijuana was getting stronger and the music was getting louder. I made it to the top of the steps and hear two voices coming out of one of the rooms. I carefully crept down the hallway and peaked into the room. It was two black dudes with their backs to me sitting on some old gross dirty furniture, smoking some weed and playing a video game. The noise of the music seemed to drown out my footsteps. Then I heard more cries for help. 'please don't' 'oh god' 'no' 'no' 'oh please' they weren't loud screams of pain, more like whimpers and mini screams mixed together. I snuck further down the dark hall and noticed the door was cracked open at the end of the hall. I got close enough to peak in and saw a dark haired guy blindfolded on the bed. It wasnt a woman at all, it was a dude. A small tiny dude having sex. He was tied around his arms and legs to the bed posts. There was this huge black dude covered in tats with a giant cock fucking him. There was a second black dude kneeling over his head feeding his big black cock deep into the guys mouth. I then noticed the guy getting used, reach over and picked up something over to this other side. It was a little brown bottle. My eyes instantly zeroed in on it. It was all I could see. My eyes got huge and I knew it was the bottle of magic. Just then, I felt a guy lunge at me from behind. I felt his arm come up from behind and get me in a head lock. He had to be 6 foot 6 inches and super strong. He other hand went up to my mouth and firmly clamped my mouth closed. My eyes stayed glued on the brown bottle from the room and my heart raced. The guy behind me held me very firm and whispered into my ear. Well well well, what do we have here, but a beautiful blond princess. If you know what is good for you just stay very calm and very still and he shook me a little and said 'understood'? I nodded my head yes and he started pulling me toward another room across the hallway.
    4 points
  5. I'll aways remember the first time I watched a scene from Treasure Island Media. It was two brothers who describe how fooling around in HIgh School turned into an intensely primal expression of their love and their bond. Then we get to watch brother breed brother. Watching that unearthed the most intense and primal sexual feelings, as if sex was colors, and I had rediscovered them, not just for being a hot scene, but for activating a more intense, more primal sexuality. But it was also a double edged sword. The idea of being in porn was both something I wanted deeply, but felt impossible because I believed that I was fundamentally unattractive. So you can imagine that I was more than a little bit surprised when their casting department reached out to me, and asked me to fill out an applicant to be a model. I thought it must be a prank. It wasn't until after the interview that I realized it actually fucking happened. I had just interviewed with Treasure Island Media to be a porn star. It was one of the best things I've ever done in my life.
    4 points
  6. PART ONE My name is David and I’m an athletic 20 y/o straight guy. Correction: I thought I was!!! I used to spend my weekends hanging out with my girlfriend, but now I spend them lying in a sling getting gangbanged and getting my as filled up with loads of cum. I knew my GF since I was 9 y/o and I thought that I was in love with her, so I didn’t explore my sexuality. In one night I was converted all thanks to some white crystals. It all started a few months ago when my GF and I broke up because she was fucking another guy. To be honest… I felt relieved. Finally I could also spend time with my friends in the weekends. Not that I hardly see them; 7 years ago we started a Parkour (free-running) team after we saw some YouTube vids about it, so you could find us after classes or work at the park or by the abandoned parking garage practicing our moves and jumps. My best friend is Brian, he’s 18 y/o (nearly 19) and coincidently also the younger brother of my ex GF. Brian was a bit different than the rest. When he became 16 he started in the weekends by staying out all night, no one knew where he was. His parents grounded him but without any effect; he just sneaked out when he had the change. He always came home after a few days, so after a while his parents gave up. Around the same I also saw that he had a few tattoos on his body. My first weekend as a free man was coming up so I asked Brian if he wanted to hang out. He told me that his parents weren’t home that weekend so we could do whatever we liked. So later that evening I went over to Brian’s house. Brian opened the door shirtless. I could see that he had a lot more tattoos on his toned body than when I saw them for the first time. ‘Is your sis also home?’, I asked. ‘She’s out and probably won’t come home tonight. So don’t worry!’ he replied. We watched a movie, but I was keeping an eye on the door; I didn’t want to see her cheating face. ‘Dude, relax! Be glad that you’re a free man. Time to start living!’, said Brian. ‘You’re right! But I’m not as laid back as you!’, I replied. He asked ‘Wanna smoke some weed?’. ‘No! I tried that once and became ill’, I answered. ‘In that case… I have something else that doesn’t make you ill… and it will also help you relax’, Brian said. I wanted to say ‘No’ but Brian interrupted me: ‘What did I just said… live a bit!’. ‘Trust me!’, he added. I smiled and nodded. He came back with a burner and a glass pipe with a bowl on the end. He got a bag with a small amount of white crystals and he loaded the contents of the bag in the bowl. The he heated the bowl with the burner and took a deep hit. After 10 seconds he exhaled and said ‘Up for it?’. I nodded. Brian heated the bowl and placed the pipe at my mouth. I followed his instructions and inhaled deep and kept it in for about 10 seconds. ‘You have to take 4 more hits’ Brian said. After the fourth I could feel my body relax. I gave the pipe back to Brian and he also took 5 deep hits. A warm glow went thru my body. ‘When the heat gets to much it’s best to take of your shirt!’ Brian said. ‘Isn’t necessary I think!’, I replied. But a few minutes later I took my shirt off. ‘Shall I switch the movie to some porn?’, Brian asked. ‘Sounds good’, I replied. I felt horny as hell and started rubbing my cock thru my shorts. I saw that Brian got the pipe and took some hits, he than he handed over the pipe and I also took some hits. Brian pulled down his shorts and started to stroke his cock. ‘You don’t mind, do you?!’ he asked. I replied by doing the same. It wasn’t hard to miss that Brian’s cock was larger than my 8 inches. ‘Damn! I knew that my cock was large but yours is even bigger!’, I said. ’Just under 10 inches’, he replied. After stroking our own cocks for 20 minutes I asked for another hit. Brian replied: ‘Sorry dude, we used up the small amount I had!’. ‘Too bad! I made me feel so hot and submissive!’, I replied. ‘We can get some more!’, he said. I looked at Brian. He continued: ‘Friends of mine always have enough, so we can pick up some there. It’s only a 10 minute drive when we take your car’. ‘Don’t they mind?’, I asked. ‘No they won’t… so let’s go… the quicker we go, the quicker we’re back!’, Brian said. So I grabbed my car keys and we drove to Brian’s friends. We arrived at an apartment building. We walked inside, the doorman and Brian greeted each other. When we stepped in to the elevator Brian typed a code on the keypad and pressed the button for the penthouse floor. When we stepped out of the elevator we enter a hallway. At the end we came in a huge living room. Brian cut across towards an other hall, I followed him. We came at a door and I could here loud music and muffled voices coming from behind it. ‘Wait here!’, Brian said. He entered the room, but forgot to fully close the door. I heard moaning and other strange noises. I started to get curious and pushed the door a bit more open so I could see what was happening. I saw naked men fucking and sucking other men. I saw a young guy (18-19 y/o) laying in a sling with his wristed tied behind his back. A black guy with a huge cock walked towards the guy. He rubbed some spit on his cock and started to enter that small white ass. When young guy started to moan louder the black guy took the boys nipples between his fingers and started to pinch and pull them. The moans got louder and louder as the black cock sank deeper and deeper until his cock was fully inside the moaning guy. At that same moment the door opened and Brian and another guy stood in front of me. ‘Are you enjoying the view?’, he said. I stuttered while trying to say ‘No’. ‘Dude your dick is telling us a different story’, said the guy besides Brian. I looked down and saw that my cock was pitching a tent in my shorts and there was also a wet stain where my dick oozed pre-cum. ‘Don’t feel ashamed for liking what you see. I’m not ashamed for it either.”, said Brian. ‘Know you know what I was doing in the weekends’, he said laughing. ‘Come in… no one will bite you!’, said the other guy. I walked in and saw that the other guy was Brians older brother Chris. Chris is 25 y/o and his ripped body is covered in tattoos. His nipples are pierced and he has a huge cock with a PA piercing. Brian hands me a pipe. To calm my nerves I take several deep hits. When I give the pipe back to him I see that Brian already took of his clothes. ‘There’s only one of us overdressed’, Brian said while pulling down my shorts. Chris pulls up my shirt over my head. Brian stands in front of me and looks me deep in my eyes. His hand starts to stroke my hard cock. I become mesmerized. Our faces come closer, our lips touch and we start to kiss. I never felt like this before and I don’t want it to end. He did a step back and said: ‘You said that the Tina makes you horny and submissive. Are you willing to open yourself for new feelings and ideas? Are you willing to give yourself to me and to do whatever I say no questions asked? Do you thrust me?’. ‘YES, YES, YES’ I answered unknowing what to come. ‘Drink this’, Brian said. ‘What is it’. I asked. ‘It’s something called G… it’s to relax you… After this no questions anymore, remember?!’, Brian said. I nodded. I went to sit down and saw how the black guy was pounding the young guy in the sling harder and harder. With a loud roar he rammed his cock as deep as he could and started to shake. ‘That’s Devon and his loads are huge… Go and take a closer look!”, says Chris. I walk towards the sling and see how Devon pulls out his cock. The asshole of the young guy stays open and pulsates while slowly a stream of cum start to ooze out. ‘Your cock likes it… why don’t you put yours in so you can feel how a sloppy cum hole feels?’, says Devon. I move towards the ass and slide my cock inside. The feeling is incredible and not to explain. Brain takes place behind me, his hand goes around my waist and slides besides my cock in the ass. When it’s inside it wraps around my cock and begins to stroke my cock. The feeling of being jerked off inside some ones ass is mind-blowing. The bottom and I start moan in sync. Brian start to jerk harder and faster. I feel my cock swell up inside and with a loud roar I shoot my first load in a boys ass. Brian and I pull out and kiss. Then Brian takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom. ‘I’m going to show you how you clean your ass… because I only fuck clean asses… you want to feel this cock inside you? Yes you do! Because you said you would give yourself to me!!’, Brian said with a grin. I smiled and nodded. When I was clean I could feel that I was getting woozy from the drink. Brian orders me to lay in the sling. ‘When you’re in the sling a pipe isn’t very handy… so we a better way… stick out your arm and trust me!’, said Brian. I do as asked and stick out my arm. Chris takes a shoelace and ties off my arm. Before I realize it I feel a needle in my arm and see how the contents of the syringe disappears in my vein. ‘Enjoy the trip!’, says Chris while he looses the shoelace. I feel the T shooting thru my veins which makes me cough. And while I feel myself glide into a state of pure trance I hear Chris say ‘I gave him an extra dose to make him totally brainwash him and turn him in to a toxic cum whore’. The only thing I remember is begging to get my ass filled with cock and me pleading to be turned in to a toxic cum whore. I woke up from my trance a few hours later with a sloppy cum as like the other young guy. The young guy was laying beside me. He was wearing glasses this time. I recognized him as a guy from my class. ‘The next time the dose will be normal… that way you can feel it all when you get fucked by Devon”, said the guy. ‘Did I got fucked by Devon?’, I said. ‘Yes! Brian even fisted his cum deeper inside you!’ he replied. I was in shock. ‘They filmed everything so you can watch it… so you can see what they are going to do to you next week!’, he added. ‘Don’t think that there will be a next time!’, I said. ‘Yes you will, that empty feeling in your ass will get more and more until you beg to be filled! I was converted last year and I haven’t missed a party since! Their toxic DNA is flowing in your blood now. Your one of us!” he says. ‘One of you?’, I asked. ‘Hey guys, he didn’t discover the band-aid just above his cock!’, he shouts. ‘We all got a biohazard tattoo with the text “POZ BROTHER” above it. We all have one!’, he continued. Slowly the result of my actions set in and the harder I thought about it the hornier I got. My ass started to tingle, I know now that the empty feeling only will get worser, so I asked out loud ‘Can some one please fill my ass again?’. ‘Later… we first going to show you on bigscreen what you missed! So you know what where going to do to you next time!’, said Chris laughing. TO BE CONTINUED!
    3 points
  7. I laid back in the sling, naked, cleaned out and ready. He was naked and hard, and slamming himself. Straight away he then slams me, pushing the needle into my eagerly waiting vein, pulling it back and getting that beautiful flash of red and then pressing the plunger in. I feel it hit as waves of pleasure dart through my brain and as I'm beginning to rush I poke out my tongue involuntarily and start moaning. I feel his tongue writhing its way deeply into my hole as he pumps my cock with a lubed up hand. He also strokes my balls as his tongue frenzy continues in my hole. As I feel the rush starting to level out, I feel a big dildo entering me and his mouth engulfs my now soft but hugely horny cock. As he fucks me with the toy and sucks my T dick, I feel it welling up in my balls, and I moan that I'm gonna cum...next thing I feel my cum oozing out of my cock in one long steady stream, and he moans as he swallows most of it, then stands and kisses me, sharing some of it with me. Now I start to feel really piggy, and he removes the dildo and replaces it with his hard-as-steel cock, pounding away at my hole and hitting my prostate with every thrust. I am moaning as I lay my head back and it hangs over the top end of the sling. His mate wastes no time in getting his big long thick cock down my throat, and I am fucked up and blissing out as both my hungry holes are being served simultaneously, pre-cum sliding down my throat, and pre-cum adding to the lube in my hole. The guy fucking my mouth pauses and lifts my head, giving me four big hits of poppers...then lowers my head back down and as the poppers hit he is back all the way down my throat, fucking the warm wetness and slicking it up with more pre-cum...he starts so be more rhythmic, and I feel his huge shaft start to thicken in my throat, and he blasts seven streams of thick creamy cum down my willing throat. All that action caused ripples of pleasure to pulsate through my hole, giving the guy fucking me intense pleasure around the head of his super hard cock and all the way up and down the shaft as he pumped more rapidly into my velvety fuck hole, tensing and depositing his huge load inside me....providing lots of lube in my now filled and sloppy hole. He swapped places with the other guy and I licked and sucked him clean, he stood and went to the supplies table as the other guy started to ease four fingers into my hungry fuck tunnel. I felt a band around my arm, and the fingers entering my hole held still as I felt the prick of a needle in my arm, looked down and saw a register. He slid the plunger in, withdrew the needle and applied a swab all in one smooth motion, then nodded at the guy with his fingers in me....WHAM, I felt the rush hit, and as I felt myself get even more fucked up I felt a fist enter me and slowly slide deeper into me. I was moaning and growling, chanting fuck yeah, fuck yeah as I entered a completely new level of extreme and untamed pleasure, begging for more as the guy who just slammed me also positioned himself at my hole, rubbing his fingers around the fist already in me, and slowly applying pressure to invade me at the same time.Ever so slowly my hole is worked deeper and wider, and I know this is the preparation for some alternate punch fisting between the two guys. I am squirming and riding the fist as the second guy manages to apply the pressure needed to gain entry with his fist. I now have two fists slowly working my hole, and one of the guys hands me poppers with his free hand. I take four huge hits and put it down. I feel the intense rush as ripples of pleasure rolls over me in waves, and then I feel the fists start to increase in speed, and then they are both removed and it begins. One after the other they enter then exit my hole, sending wave after wave of intense pleasure through me, my cock is oozing cum continuously, and my hole takes over as I involuntarily push out.... bearing down and my hole blossoms out, engulfing and welcoming each intrusion of the alternating fists...they slow to barely moving as each thrust I am bearing down and pushing, and both of them are also moaning and prompting me with encouragement. Now both fists slowly enter me again together and I feel so stretched and full as they push in deep. I take more poppers and they slowly increase the pace, fully exiting my hole with each thrust, they slowly increase the pace until I am being double fist-punched, then I bear down as they pull out, and I push out a huge rosebud...they both alternate sucking and slurping on it, and then take turns feeding it their cocks until they blow their loads, leaving loads of cum oozing out of my wrecked hole. I feel so empty, but they say they are going for a smoke and drink, but not to worry...as they set up a fuck machine to pound me while they are gone. They position it and get it started, tit is thick and long, and has a 9" stroke...while it is deep in me they stop it, prep me and give me another slam, and WHAM, as it hits they turn the fuck machine on again and I go into orbit...as I come down from my rush I realise they have left the room, and the machine is fucking my sloppy cummy hole. They have placed the controls by my hand, and I slow it right down as I snort some more poppers, then I crank it back up so it is steadily fucking me as I moan, poke my tongue out and groan, and push my hole out to take in as much as I can. This is my dream, to be hired as a houseboy and used like this and more
    3 points
  8. I just saw that I'm now ranked as a SLUT on here! Well I can only say that... it's great! My actions don't always speak it, though I'm a SLUT at heart! Whether fucking or getting fucked... I enjoy sex...and I'm not ashamed of it!
    3 points
  9. Chapter 3 Carl passed me a shot, I quickly swallowed it and shivered as the straight scotch burned its way down my throat. "I think before you suck me you need to get your ass up on the bed and let carl taste your hole while is see if my mates are free at the moment. Unlock your computer then jump up and get your ass in the air, sound ok?" said patrick. I guess it was a question but he said it in a way that there wasn't really much option to disagree. In the back ground Carl had shucked his shirt and jeans. He was commando. He giant ebony cock was already hard and it glinted with a ladder of 5 sets of piercings running up across the top of his cock. I'd seen them under the knob but these were priced across the loose skin on the top. Clearly his ample foreskin had given them room to implant them where others would have struggled. " You heard him baby, get up there and let me taste that white neg ass", Carl was a yank. And his thick southern accent only made me weaker. I unlocked my computer, dropped my boxers and climbed up onto the bed on all fours. Spreading my legs and feeling the cool hair brush past my hole. Carl wasted little time coming up behind me to gently tease my ring with his fingers. Gliding them gently over the hairless puckered surface. Spreading my sheeck he leaned forward and painted his mouth bang on my puckers and started to noisily lick and slurp my hole. In my already drunken state it started to send me crazy. My hard cock hanging down between my legs was dripping, i stroked it a few times but my god his tongue was doing amazing things that just got me too close to blowing. In the background i could hear Patrick clicking away typing, i looked over my shoulder to see him messaging someone on BBRT. "How long since you been fucked baby?" asked carl as he gently teased just my ass lips with the tips of his fingers. " About 8 weeks, he was a semi regular, pretty small only about 5 inches" "And how long since you've had a cock like mine or Patti's?" "I don't think I've ever had once your size", I tried to remember as Carl resumed his masterful work on my hole. "My ex was the biggest i've had he was about 7 inches but no where near as thick as you, He tore me though just not preparing me" I had started to slur and probably should have stopped talking. "It turned me on him summing in me, he liked to say he busted my cherry, he always used condoms though. I want on prep, but i stopped. I guess i should have kept going, i mean maybe we shouldn't.." "Shhh.." Patrick had appeared at my side and slid his jockstrap down . It was bigger than the pictures. The uncut knob was pierced and drooling precum, his heavy hairy balls hung down low, spread down by a cock ring. He grabbed my head and pressed my face to them, I could smell his slight musk and manliness. I had always though bulls balls and beer can cocks were for the movies. But here I had a 9 inch beer can on a poz muscle god and a 10 inch pierced black rod on this rough black man with an amazing tongue. "How long since your last prep tablet?" Pat asked. "2 weeks", I mumbled as i tongued his balls. "I can take one now, that way you can fuck me bare, i know its not perfect but.." "Shh, enough talking" he pushed my face back to his balls. "Keep licking. Lets just see where things go. Lets have another shot, maybe you can just suck us off that would be safe, wouldn't it?" I looked up past the massive pierced leaking cock over his hairy bulging pecs. God he was sexy. My hole twitched thinking about that cock as Carl continued to eat me out. I couldn't believe how strong his tongue was. All standing up we moved over for shots. One for each of the, and an extra for me. I had started to feel queasy with this one and explained i needed to lay down. As i collapsed backwards on to the bed carl lifted my legs and got back to work. "Keep him occupied, I'm going to duck down and grab Gary and Mark." Carl gave a thumbs up as he continued his work on my hole, occaisiaonlly biting my ring now interspersed with his tongue. My head lolled side to side and the room was starting to spin. I think I'd had too much but i was determined to keep it down. That was good scotch.
    3 points
  10. I was eighteen, short for my age at just five foot and very slim. Often people thought I was younger, but my Id proved them wronged. While I generally enjoyed school, I hated sports and took every opportunity to avoid them. When, however, I could not get out of sports, I usually tended to go for cross country runs, probably because they involved no physical contact. Looking back now, however, I see one of those cross country runs set me on a path for life. Our runs took us for miles, through urban areas and also through woodland and parks. On such runs naturally the urge to urinate would eventually arise, but my rule of thumb was to hold-out as long as I could, even if the act of running was exacerbating the necessity. One one particular run I found myself increasingly desperate, so when, as I entered a woodland, I spotted a sign for some public toilets, I immediately padded down the path through the bushes and trees and came to a secluded toilet. Entering, it took a bit before my eyes adjusted to the relative darkness compared to the bright sunlight outside. A sort of twilight, lit purely from whatever daylight managed to filter through the small and dirty windows at a high level on one wall. I stepped over to the urinals and, fishing my penis out from the leg of my shorts, let go a long stream of piss from my bursting bladder. As I finished I realised that a tall man was also standing at the end urinal and seemed to be watching me intently. Somewhat innocently I turned as I rearranged my shorts and our eyes met. Then he glanced down and my eyes automatically followed. He turned slightly and I saw this huge erection jutting from his trousers with two heavy balls hanging below. I stared fascinated. It was the first mans cock I had ever seen, and it was enormously erect with a big swollen purple head that glistened moistly. His hand was wrapped around the shaft and he slowly eased it back and forth, the foreskin rolling over the head as he did so. A big drop of fluid emerged from the end and hung there obscenely, glistening in the dim light. "Come here", he said authoritatively. As if hypnotized, my legs propelled me in his direction, stopping a foot or so in front of him, only for him to reach over, grab my hair with one hand, as his other hand covered my mouth. The shock brought me to my senses, but too late. His fingers were woven into my hair and he forced my head down relentlessly until my face was level with his swollen member. A small biohazard symbol was tattooed to the upper left of his cock. Two fingers of his left hand were being forced into my mouth and he pried my teeth apart until my mouth gaped open. He then slid the swollen moist head of his cock between my lips commanding "Don't try to shout or scream boy. Just enjoy it. Oh, and don't bite me or I'll hurt you," he admonished, removing his fingers so that my lips clamped around the head. I was disgusted but his grip of my hair prevented me from moving my head. He slowly eased his cock further into my mouth until the head hit the back of my mouth at the top of my throat. He moaned and then started thrusting slowly back and forth. He had about four inches in my mouth and transferred his hands to hold my ears while he settled into a rhythm, my saliva and his precum lubricating the thrusts. As he raped my mouth I adjusted to the feel of his cock sliding over my tongue. It seemed like ages but was probably only about five minutes. But he was not satisfied with this and his bell end increasingly bashed against the back of my mouth. Then he held me firmly by the ears as he pushed the head into my throat. "Stop teasing me boy and take it right down your throat. You know you want it.," he said. I gagged and resisted and my arms flailed about as I struggled to resist. But then I heard one of the cubicle doors creak open and realised we had been watched by another man. He came over and grabbed both of my arms pulling them together behind me. At this the first man forced his cock into my throat, ignoring my gagging, and started a brutal throat rape. His cock stretched my throat open and his cock rammed a couple of inches into my gullet. "That's it, throat-rape the little slut," I heard a new voice, as the second man encouraged the first man. I was now held firmly by the ears and wrists and couldn't struggle. "Hang on a minute, let's strip him," , he added and he grasped both my wrists in one hand, and using the other to pull my tee shirt over my head. He then proceeded to tie my wrists together behind my back using my own tee shirt. The first man resumed his rape of my throat, slamming his swollen cock into my gullet and into my throat. The second man then pulled my shorts down to my ankles and raised one of my feet to free the shorts completely. This unbalanced me and I fell forward, impaling myself fully on the tool reaming my throat. Pubic hair was ground into my face as my throat accepted the full length. "Yes, take it!", I heard the first man say and he started long dicking my throat to the hilt. I gasped for air and my breathing rasped noisily as I struggled to breathe around the thick shaft. At the same time I felt my buttocks being parted and a finger pushing into my virgin boyhole. It was withdrawn and the second man spat onto my hole, reinserting the finger to the knuckle. Then a second finger was thrust in alongside stretching my hole open. The man worked my hole loosening it up. Then he pulled out his fingers, kicked my legs apart and I felt his cock head against my spittle wet hole. He held my hips and pushed the head inside. The pain was excruciating, but my groans were muted by the cock raping my throat and my efforts to complain just opened my throat more. The second man pushed and slowly forced his cock further and further in, deeper than I thought possible. Eventually, with one savage thrust his cock was in to the hilt, his pubic hair scratching against my virgin buttocks. "God his cunt is tight", he said. "I think he's a virgin", responded the first,"lets break him in as a pussy boy, I need to dump this toxic load". The second man started thrusting in and out, long smooth strokes that pulled my hole inside out on each exit stroke. Together they long-dicked me both ends synchronizing their strokes so that both ends were filled at the same time. I realised my only hope of surviving was to cooperate and try to relax both my throat and boy hole. "He's starting to enjoy it", one of them said and they settled in for a long session. A whistle announced the arrival of another man. "Hey John, who's your new fuckboy then?" "He's letting you do him bareback. He obviously doesn't know you," I heard. It seemed the new arrival already knew at least one of the first two. "Didn't give him a choice, but he wants it now, Just see how he's taking it and he's gonna get my spunk soon." "You wanna bit of him too?" "Damn right, I'll just get my mate from the van and we'll do him after you." With that he briefly left, returning after a couple of minutes with his mate who asked "Fuck, he's a cute young pussy boy. What's his cunt like?" "Fucking tight. I'm gonna cum in a minute," the first man added. At the same time the rate of his thrusts increased, his shaft swelled even thicker and harder as he pulled my ears tightly, thrusting fully into my throat. His cock pulsated as a stream of hot thick cum poured into my throat. Withdrawing his cock so his head alone remained in my mouth, his balls continued pumping volley after volley into my mouth. "Swallow boy, get used to it," he ordered. I complied, the thick spunk sliding downing my throat as I urgently sought to swallow it all. It tasted funny, sort of salty. I can't say I was sorry when the spurts of cum slowed down, not because I didn't enjoy swallowing his load, but rather if only to catch my breath, only to have him withdraw completely, wiping his cock head on my lips as he muttered "Fuck, that was amazing." "I'm gonna cum too, take my poz load.", the second man said. Shit it made sense. The biohazard and toxic talk. They had HIV and they were cumming in me. I struggled but to no avail. I felt his cock swell and pulse and I felt his hot spunk shooting into my guts, holding it fully in as he filled my boyhole, the hot spunk searing the tenderised insides. Then he too pulled out and a rush of cool air replaced his cock in my ravaged hole. The muscles contracted, closing my ring and preventing the big load of spunk from sliding out. I could feel it sliming about inside. I felt relieved that was over, but I hadn't counted on the two new arrivals. As I looked up the two arrivals, both black men were stripping off. I stared fascinated, one had a long thick erection about 10 inches with a massive cock head while the other had a slightly shorter 9 inches but really thick. They both started to wank their shafts, and I watched, fascinated, as the one in front of me rolled his thick foreskin back over the bell shaped head and it became rock hard with a large drop of precum glistening obscenely at the tip. I started to panic but the first quickly grabbed my head and thrust the head of his cock into my mouth. My lipsstretched to accommodate it all as he slid in along my tongue and into mythroat. At the same time his mate lined his cock up to my open boyhole and thrust in all the way, his massive tool like a bottle stretching the tender walls of my boyhole. I felt spunk running down my legs as the savage battering forced it out. The savage rape of my holes was now taken over by these two black men with huge cocks. "Hold him steady will you", one of them said and the first two men took up a position on each side of me pulling my arms and holding me tightly and rigid. Sweat was pouring down my face and dripped to the floor and my breath rasped noisily as I stuggled to inhale. My throat had become an open channel to the massive invader long dicking me at each thrust. His mate was synchronizing his thrusts so that both were embedded to the hilt together. Fortunately the thick load of spunk lining my boyhole made the anal rape less painful and I focussed on just staying conscious. Suddenly both men stopped, as if by some signal and dragged me into a cubicle. One sat down on the toilet and pulled me back to sit on him, impaled on his engorged cock. It slid fully inside to the hilt. The second black guy grabbed my ankles and drew my legs up to his shoulders, my white socks and trainers each side of his head. His cockhead brushed against my stuffed boyhole. Then slowly he pushed forward and against all resistance forced his cockhead in also. He held a hand over my mouth and suppressed my screams as he pushed further and further into my hole. I must have passed out because after a bit I came to with both cocks fully embedded in my cunt. I felt stretched beyond what was possible. The sitting guy raised me by the hips until both massive cocks were almost out – just the big heads inside my newly formed boy pussy. Then he slammed me back down and the two massive black cocks mashed together expanding my cunt to its limits. Againand again, faster and faster, and gradually the wilder the doublefuck became the more I began to enjoy the invasion and ignore the pain. Slamming in and out, sliding against each other, their two dicks fought, tearing through the last remains of my sweet boyhood. And the tender walls of my newly formed cunt fitted the double fuckpoles like a glove. Then suddenly my head was pulled down to one side as a third guy forced his cock into my mouth and started raping my throat. My boyhole was stretched beyond its limits to take the savage double fuck that was happening and my lips were numb and my throat raw into its brutal rape. I managed to slip my wrists from the tee shirt and clung on to the thighs of the guy under me. Suddenly the door swung open. From the corner of one eye I could see 2 new guys had arrived and were enjoying the spectacle. Here I was, an 18 year old slutboy, naked and being gangraped brutally and at the same time enjoying my conversion into a hollow fucktube. They opened their trouser flys and started pounding their big cocks. It seemed to continue for ages. Eventually I could feel the two cocks in my boy hole speed up further and I felt them expand. One guy and then the other started shooting a huge double load deep into my guts. Then the third guy rammed his cock deep into my throat to the hilt and held it there. I felt it pulsing and throb as jet after jet of thick cum was unloaded deep in my throat. After a minute he pulled his still semi erect cock from my throat, pulled up his jeans and just left without saying anything. I slumped forward against the standing black guy. "Wassup boi?" he asked. But I was too exhausted to reply. He stepped back and the guy under me pushed me forward. I slumped forward onto the floor, naked and sweating, with cum seeping from my cunt and a dribble trailing from my swollen mouth and lips. "You've now got a pussy both ends boi", the first black guy said, pushing a thick finger into my swollen pussy, and the both laughed obscenely. I just lay on the dirty stinking piss covered floor as they dressed, too shattered to move. "We've got some mates who wud love to use you boi, so if you want you can be out new white pussyboi. Just be here next Friday at 5.30 after work". Then they turned and left laughing. The two guys who had been watching now pulled me onto all fours and one stuffed his swollen cock deep into my throat while the other rammed his cock into my tender raped cunthole. They rammed in and out to the hilt until they too unloaded their spunk into me. Then they simply let me slump back to the ground and left laughing. I lay there for a while gathering my senses, then crawled around and found my shorts and tee shirt. I pulled them back on and managed to stagger from the toilet into the sunlight outside. Bow legged with cum seeping from my ravaged hole I slowly headed back to school and decided to tell them I had got lost and beaten up by some youths. But I wondered if my throat and new pussy would be sufficiently recovered for next Friday and wondered how many mates they had and how much I could take. It wouldn't be long before I found out...
    2 points
  11. 2. Seth "I want to fall asleep with my dick in your hole," Jon said. I had felt each drop of his sperm shoot into my hole and I thought I had completely drained him. But his dick was still hard and very much lodged deep in my hole. It was a queer feeling, to be so comforted by another man so completely dominating me. I wondered if this was how girls felt, when a man was inside of them. "Me too," I said. "I like your arms around me." "Me too. Feel your body against me," Jon said. "Feel so relaxed. So safe here," I said. I could feel Jon's breaths slowing down, as he recovered from his orgasm. I pressed up against him, his cock still semi-hard in my hole, the last bits of his semen dripping into my body. "And you. You're inside me." Across from me, Cal and JP were cuddled up as well. Cal smiled at me before he rolled over to face JP. The two started whispering to each other. Despite them being only a few feet away, I couldn't hear what they were saying. It didn't matter. Jon was whispering into my ear. "You ok? With falling asleep like this?" "Yeah," I said. Jon relaxed and his body pressed up against me. In my gut, there was a pleasant warmth radiating out. It was the cum that these men had so carefully injected into me, and I treasured the sensation. However, just as I was about to fall asleep, the warmth disappeared, like it was blown out by a sudden gust of wind. It startled me, and I must have jerked my body. "Stay here boy," Jon whispered in my ear. "Stay on me, and just enjoy it. Enjoy my dick inside of you and the feeling of connection." He pulled me a bit closer. His arms, wrapped around me, were firm and muscular and it was easy to lose myself in the feeling of comfort and happiness. I closed my eyes again. Jon's dick was still hard inside of me and it was what I focused on as I fell asleep. "You think you need it?" JP said to me. I was in a bright room, somewhere in their apartment. I was naked and immediately realized that my cock was stubbornly, embarrassingly soft. I tried to look around, but I was trapped in my body, unable to move. I was dreaming, although it was still unclear if it was a dream or a nightmare. "Do you boy?" he asked again. Before I even realized what I was doing, my mouth said "Yes." I wanted the ability to control the dream, but my brain was not allowing me to. I had to let it play out. I had to find out what was at the end. "Not that it matters," JP said. I was scared, but also excited. I wanted to play with my dick, but when I tried to reach for it, I discovered I was bent over a bench, my hands handcuffed to eye hooks bolted into the thick wood. I knew it was a dream, but it felt so real. Even the unsteady timeline and complex causality seemed plausible, explained away by the very lacunae in my brain that no doubt caused them. A new man appeared in front of me. "This is Michael," a voice in my ear whispered. I tried to turn, but found it strangely difficult to move my head. "He's a friend of ours. And wants to try out your ass." "Of course," I managed to mumble. The scene tilted in ways that in the real world, gravity made difficult. But then it was back to normal, only with Michael's cock buried deep in my ass. It felt like I had tried to resist, but it had been futile. "How does that full-blown AIDS cock feel in your ass?" the unknown voice asked. All I could focus on was the hard dick sliding in and out of my hole. I knew it was Michael. He was fucking me raw, but it felt good that a man was pleasuring himself using my body. I knew that the strange man had just told me something, something that was crucially important for me to remember. Something that I absolutely needed to remember, but in the dense fog of a dream, I completely forgotten what it was. "Feel good?" the unknown voice asked me. All that really mattered was how good Michael's cock felt in me. "Fucking amazing," I said. It didn't matter what he had told me earlier. All that mattered was how it felt to have a man's cock in my hole. How it felt to have Michael's thick shaft in my hole. "Goddamn hard cock in my hole." There was something I was supposed to be scared about, something about the beautiful, masculine cock filling me up. But I lost it as soon as I tried to remember. It wasn't important. The only important thing was the raw cock pounding my hole. In the uncanny tilts and shifts of dreams, the geography of my body morphed. I was no longer tied down to the bench; I was on my back in the bed. The sun was setting, painting the bedroom in golden red tones. Michael was on top of me and his cock was still buried in my ass. The setting could have been romantic. "Fucking take my cock, bitch boy," Michael grunted. His cock slammed into my ass. I expected the familiar, comfortable feeling of a man's cock. But instead, it was a blinding explosion of pain. I yelped from the hurt. "Just take it faggot," Michael whispered in my ear, as he held me in place, prolonging my agony. "You'll be better for it. Not just a worthless faggot." "A better faggot," I replied, still struggling to understand why this was so agonizing. When Jon had been in me, it had felt so good. When Cal had bred me, it had been complete bliss. When JP had filled me with his seed, I had thought I had been in heaven. But Michael was torture. Even his pre-cum burnt. "No. Just a faggot. Not a better faggot," Michael said. He slammed his cock into me again, and I winced. "Take it, faggot. You were just begging me for my infected dick." "I want to be a better faggot." I heard the words. They were in my voice. But I couldn't believe that I had said it. All I wanted was for the torment to end. "You know how to do it, faggot," Michael said. "So easy." He had told me something. So easy to do, and I wanted it so badly. But it had also been utterly terrifying. It was something I had nightmares about for years; only now it was part of my most important dreams. "Cum in me," I said. It was what I wanted. The warm semen would lubricate my dry hole. It would help soothe the burning. I turned to JP, who suddenly had been next to me the entire time. He was staring at me, staring at me getting fucked, and was stroking his cock. "Do it boy," He said. "Do what he wants you to do. Do it for me." I looked back at Michael. "Please," I said. Michael's eyes glinted and he smiled. For a brief, perfect moment, I thought nothing was going to happen, and I would be spared any more pain. But then Michael slammed into me, and the bright, burning pillar of pain erupted into my hole. "Uggh," I grunted, as I jolted awake. I tried to remember the dream, before it flew away on diaphanous wings. I was getting fucked. The man was suggesting that I get infected with HIV. Someone else said it would be good, and that made me feel safe. Safe, despite the monstrosity of the suggestion. As I thought about it, my stomach clenched even while my dick throbbed. I reached down, and there was a drop of pre-cum. "You ok?" a voice asked. A soft beard rubbed against my neck, and warm lips nibbled on my ear. I was still in Jon's arms. His cock was still in me. "Yeah," I said, happy to have a familiar warmth next to me. I may have only met him in person a few hours earlier, but we had talked so much, I feel like we had been friends much longer. "Bad dream." "Oh?" Jon asked. An arm drifted down to my groin. He wrapped his hand around my cock, engulfing my own hand already there. "Doesn't seem all that bad to me." "Scary?" I offered. "And sexual." One hand was already resting on my hard cock. "Definitely sexual," Jon said. He reached between us, and found his own cock. "Here," Jon said. "Come here. Tell me about it." He gently pulled his dick out of my hole. It was still hard, even though we had been sleeping at least a few hours. "Still hard?" I murmured. "Yeah," he said. "But it needs a rest." He gently rolled me over so that I was facing him. Behind me, Cal's hand reached out, and rested on my butt. The two men were protecting me, making sure that I was never out of their reach, and could always avail myself of their personal space and the safety that came with it. "Now, tell me what you want about your dream." He kissed my forehead. His beard was a little scratchy, but it felt good against me. "Someone was fucking me. Fucking me hard. And." I paused for a second. I knew that Jon was HIV-positive. But he also bragged about how healthy he was. We had talked about it, but with him being undetectable and I was going to be on PrEP, it didn't matter much. "And," Jon asked me. One arm was wrapped around my back, holding me close to him. The other hand had found Cal's arm, and was guiding it towards my asshole. "I knew about him. Like he had AIDS." "Was he fucking you raw?" Between us, my cock was pressing hard against Jon's stomach. "Yeah," I said. Jon's cock was also pressing hard against my stomach. It seemed perverse, even downright evil to be getting an erection talking about this. But there was no mistaking that we were both hard. "How did you feel? When he was fucking you raw?" Jon asked. "A bit scared." "But you know, PrEP protects you even then." "Yeah," I said. "But, maybe, maybe sometimes I forget a dose." "Did you forget a dose in the dream?" Cal's hand had rested on my ass cheek; it was clear he had fallen back asleep. But Jon's finger had found my hole, and were gently tracing out the edges. It was still wet from sweat and spit and semen, and each stroke of Jon's finger sent chills down my spine. "I can't remember," I moaned. My cock was throbbing from the memories. "Did he cum in you?" "I don't know. It's...it's all slipping away." True to their reputation, the dream had slipped away; the details forgotten and only the purest emotions remained. "Do you want him to cum in you?" "No," I answered quickly. But then I thought about it. How hard his cock was. How it had felt sliding into me. How strong I was. As Jon said, the drugs I had taken would protect me from the dangers. "Yes," I countered. "Maybe," I continued, then gave up. "I don't know." "Yeah? You don't know?" "Well. In the dream. If he came in me," I began. I trailed off. Jon pulled me a little closer, and pressed the tip of his finger into me. I could trust him with anything. "If he came in me, good things would happen." Jon pushed his finger further up my asshole. "Really good things." "Better than the minor risks?" Jon asked me. "I wish I knew what they were. The good things. But yes. The good things were worth it." I found Jon's lips and gave him a long kiss. I was glad I had the dream with him. There was no one else in my life that could have understood it like him. And for you? Have the good outweighed the bad?" "For what?" "For being you know," I stumbled. "You know. Poz and all." He took a second before he answered and considered it carefully. "Yeah," he finally said. "If only for Jean-Paul. And Cal. They are worth everything. And more." Even in the darkness, I could feel him raise his head and look at the two men sleeping peacefully behind me. Instinctively, he knew where his men were. "We never had to be afraid. Never afraid that our love would end up hurting each other." "Oh," I said. I wasn't sure what else to say. I hadn't expected something quite so personal. "It's easier now. We were all undetectable the last time we were tested. You're on PrEP. Bareback fucking isn't a death sentence. Not like the way it was." I leaned in and kissed him. He was right. It no longer mattered that he was poz and I was not. We were both on drugs that would protect us. We didn't have to worry about anything, whether as simple as a kiss, or as complex as raw sex. "Yeah," I said. He pulled his finger out of my hole but kept on massaging it. I lay still for a few minutes and enjoyed the firmness of his cock against my stomach. "How long has it been?" I finally asked, breaking the late-night stillness. "Being poz?" he whispered back to me. "Yeah." "Gotta think. Over 15 years. At least. Yeah. 17, I think." "Do you know how? How you got it?" "Old fashioned way," he said. "Got fucked raw." "Did you know?" "I'm not sure I cared. It was a, well, a." He paused for a moment; I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or just searching for the perfect phrase. "A sleazy time of my life," he finally said. "And I got what I expected from it." "But," I asked. I felt like there was more to it than he had said. "No. No regrets." He pressed his finger back into my hole. I grunted in pleasure. "But no need for those worries now. We can be safe and raw at the same time." "Yeah," I said. I reached down and felt his cock between us. It was fat and hard, heavy and engorged. Right at the tip was a bead of pre-cum. I ran my finger through it. "Pre-cum," I whispered. "Poz pre-cum." "Yeah, boy. Feel my cock. You know what I'm thinking?" "Tell me," I said. "Getting back inside you. Feeling you so close to me. Feeling you so open to me. Sharing everything with you." The words were intense. As plain as they were, in the context of our discussion, they carried so much more meaning and intensity. They were dirty and even a bit nasty. "You want that?" he asked me. His finger was pressing against my asshole, daring me to answer anything other than the truth. "Yeah," I said. I still hadn't fully waken up yet, and my answer was directly from my body, not my brain. But my brain didn't mind; it was still remembering the intense sexual feelings from my dream. "Good," Jon said. He rolled me on to my stomach and dove behind me. "Really good," he said, as his tongue pressed up against my hole. "Fuck," he grunted as his tongue pressed into my hole. "I can taste my cum up there. And JP's." He swirled his tongue around a little, then paused. "And Cal's sperm." "Please, Jon," I mumbled semi-coherently into the pillow. Jon's tongue had put me over the edge. I wanted his dick back in me. "Give me a minute. And I'll give you my dick," Jon said, before diving back into my hole. He pressed his tongue back into me, pushing a wad of spit up there. "Mmmmm," I moaned, as he probed my hole with his tongue. As pleasurable as his fingers and tongue were, they were nothing compared to how his dick would feel, and I could barely tolerate any delay before Jon forced his dick back into me. Nevertheless, I forced myself to relax. I closed my eyes and focused on his tongue tracing out the edges of my hole. It wasn't the same as getting fucked but even so, it still felt amazing. It was calming, gentle, and slow. It would be long and easy, no urgency for either of us to get relief. It was a chance for both of us to learn more about the other, and I was glad that I was doing this with Jon. I knew there would be time later for me to explore this with JP and Cal. "That feels really good," I muttered. I wasn't quite falling asleep, but it was hard to stay awake. I had always known that the crossing between wakefulness and sleep was not always a straight line, but only then did I realize how many of the paths would detour into sex. It pushed me deeper into my trance-like state of sexual arousal. My dick was throbbing, but slowly, at the exact same pace as Jon's tongue was circling my hole. "Really good," I muttered again. "I know," Jon said. "For me too." His tongue returned to my hole. We continued for what might have been just seconds, but could have also been hours. I sort of lost track, as my mind drifted off, trying to remember my dreams and contemplating what Jon and I had discussed. What if I did forget a dose? Especially so early in my treatment? It was a dangerous, dark thought, and I tried to put it out of my head. "Will remember in the morning," I mumbled and repeated. "Remember in the morning," It was so faint I wasn't even sure if I heard it, or just felt the subtle changes in my breath. It quickly fell in rhythm with Jon's rim job. "Fuuuuck," Jon said, gently detaching his lips from my asshole. It had been a long, perfect kiss, and I knew he was ready for more. "I want to get inside you." "Do it, Jon," I muttered. This time I knew it was loud enough for Jon to hear because he climbed up between my legs and rested his cock on my wet crack. "Please." "Fuck, you are wet and ready," Jon whispered as he pressed into me. My hole put up the slightest resistance before opening up and welcoming his shaft into me. "So fucking hot," Jon continued. He had lowered himself on top of me and was resting on his arms. I could just barely feel his chest hair against my back. "Cum in me," I said. I had just asked an HIV-positive man to cum in me and my dick throbbed at the thought. "Please, Jon. Give me your load." Saying it so clearly was a revelation. I wanted to feel Jon so completely, and I wondered if his cum would feel different if he wasn't poz. Or if it would feel different if I wasn't taking PrEP. I could always forget a dose. It would be easy. But it would be so risky and dangerous. Yet it was a gift I could give these men. In repayment for the world they had opened up for me. "Fucking hot boy hole," Jon whispered into my ear. "Gonna breed you good," he continued. "Please, Jon," I grunted. My hole was hungry for hard cock and hot seed. There was little I would not do in order to get fucked and bred by Jon. The very least I was going to do was milk his shaft until he shot me full of his very special seed. My imagination had already started to spin out fantasies about far more intense activities that I would be utterly willing to do with Jon. "Of course, my boy," Jon said. He lowered himself on top of me, using his weight to push his dick deeper into me. It felt right for another man to be inside me, his raw cock scraping against my guts and dripping his pre-cum into me. In high school, I had been terrified of being gay. But now, in college, it was almost cool to be fucking another guy. However, this was different. It wasn't just about trends. It was about something permanent and eternal. It was about the ways two men could show their affection for one another. Not to mention showing off our erections. "I'm going to enjoy this fuck." With that, he relaxed on top of me. He was warm and heavy on top of me, enveloping and comforting me. I felt safe in his arms, and closed my eyes. I focused on the slow yet relentless thrusts of Jon's cock into my hole. I must have finally reached a point of cum-satiety that I although I wanted Jon to cum, I didn't need him to cum right that second. I could focus on the individual sensations of the fuck. The overall effect of Jon's fucking was calming. I found myself in a near-trance: not quite awake, not quite asleep, but entirely happy. Jon's arms were wrapped around me, his raw cock was deep inside me. He was dripping pre-cum into me, but I wasn't afraid. I was on drugs to protect me. He was on drugs that also protected me. The two of us were doing everything that we needed in order to defend ourselves. Together, we were safe. Nothing could hurt us. "I'm dripping inside of you, boy," Jon whispered in my ear. His voice was soft and gentle. "Dripping my poz cum inside of you." It didn't matter. The virus was defenseless against the chemical weapons we had deployed against it. Instead, it was just a matter of two men sharing the closeness that only bareback fucking could provide. "Give it to me," I murmured. It was late and I was sleepy from all the fucking over the course of the evening. It was a pleasant sleepiness, and I was sensitized to every breath and every heartbeat from Jon. I could even feel his dick throb in slow waves as more of his pre-cum dripped into me. "Give me your dick." "Give you my raw dick." "Drip your pre-cum into me," I mumbled. Something about how normal this all felt was affecting me. Although it was wonderfully normal and unremarkable, I was still in awe that Jon and JP, Cal and I had been so relaxed about sex. It was something fun, something we could share and enjoy. "I'm gonna fill you with my poz pre-cum," Jon continued. He whispered it in my ear, then gently sucked and nibbled on my ear lobe. It sent chills through my body. "Give me your pre-cum," I said. "And fill me with your jizz." "My poz jizz," Jon said. I had read stories about guys getting pozzed up. There was always a scene where the poz top would remind the bottom of the virus he carried. It had been so hot, but yet so dangerous. A quick fuck, a forgotten load, and my life would have been forever changed. But it didn't matter tonight. My body was protected and immune. "Fill me up. And fall asleep inside of me." "Of course, my boy," Jon said. He gave me a peck on the cheek, then rolled me over onto my side. He was lying behind me, spooned up with me, and his dick deep inside me. "Sleep," he said, as he wrapped a thick arm around me, pulling me in tight.
    2 points
  12. How to be more "active" on this site when you're 200% passive? ?
    2 points
  13. Part 21 - Jacob's Return "Morning sexy." Jake huddled closer to Marco before realising it was already 9am. Jake panicked as his brother would be there 10am. Marco was feeling horny and wanted his morning booty with Jake but he was already heading to shower and dress. Marco threw on some shorts and t-shirt, and told Jake to make sure he had something to drink and eat , he headed downstairs to the kitchen. On the other side of the suburb Jacob was sat drinking coffee as his dad appeared. "Morning, where did you go last night?" "Momring, I had dinner with Jake and I err... got offered a job." "What?" "I know." He regaled the events and how he was offered the job, the training and wages, his dad smiling and warning him not to fuck this opportunity up. He went on telling him he was meeting Jake at 10am and going shopping for some work clothes. His dad gave him some money as his mum appeared in the kitchen. She was overexcited at the news and happy that he and Jake were spending time together. He left to get the 9.45 bus figuring he would be there at just after 10am. Fabian and Marco were talking in the kitchen as Jake appeared, Marco handed him a bowl of fruit and yoghurt. Spencer and JP walked in announcing they smelt the coffee from next door. JP was dressed in his chauffeur uniform, Jake looked him over. "Are you working today JP?" "Of course, taking you and your bro shopping." "No, that's not necessary JP we can bus it." "Not on my watch Jake." "Fabian tell him he doesn't need to do this." "Sorry Jake it's all taken care of any anyway Alfredo is expecting you both." He knew it was no good pressing the point so he went over and gave him a kiss and hug. Spencer and JP were not happy, as they stood waiting. Realising they wanted a kiss and hug to he happily obliged. "Marco, when are you going to free Jake up for some fun?" "When ever Jake is happy to." All eyes were on Jake as he sat down and sipped his coffee eyeing each of them and smirking. Andre appeared saying Jacob was standing outside like last night. Fabian said he would go and get him. "Jacob, why are you standing outside, come on in." "I thought you might be annoyed at me for messing you around last night. "I told you, you are always welcome Jacob." As they entered the kitchen he was introduced properly to JP and also to Spencer. He clicked that this was the doctor of the hospital where granny had been moved to. Jake offered Jacob food and drink but he declined so they headed out with JP in front. "Is he coming with us?" "He is driving us to the store." Jacob was loving the ride in the limo but all too quickly they pulled up outside Harvey Nichols. "Jake I can't afford to shop here." "Don't worry it is taken care of Jacob, just trust me." Alfredo was standing at the entrance as JP had called ahead to say there were arriving. "Jake how lovely to see you again." "Hello Alfredo, this is my brother Jacob." "Jacob, I am Alfredo, I will make sure you get everything you need. Do you want to look around first or trust our judgement?" "I trust your judgement Alfredo." They entered the cool air of the department store as Alfredo escorted them to the discreet private lounge. Jacob was just taking everything in unsure of what was suppose to happen. They sat down in the oversized chairs, Jake told Alfredo that Jacob needed some modest casual work clothes. He nodded and sent off his two assistants to gather some clothes. Jacob took the glass of champagne and sipped it then put the glass down, he didn't care for it. The assistants reappeared with two racks of clothing, Jacob disappeared in the dressing room trying on the first shirt and trousers. He came out and stood in front of Jake and Alfredo. He told him what ever he liked to make sure the dressing assistant knew clearly. Every time he came out to show Jake and Alfredo who just nodded and smiled approvingly at his choices. By the end there was only one pair of trousers and two shirts he didn't like, the other rail contained 6 pairs of trousers and 25 shirts along with shoes, socks and underwear, he came out looking exhausted. "Do I choose my favourite ones now?" "No, everything on the rail you liked is yours." "What? that's way to much, I can't take them all." "No arguing Jacob." Jake reached in to his pocket and pulled his credit card out to give to Alfredo. He smiled then said it is all taken care of, he knew that meant Fabian was paying for this. Alfredo told Jake the clothes would be delivered later that day, he gave Alfredo a kiss on the cheek and Jacob shook his hand, he escorted them back through to the front of the store where JP was waiting. Several on lookers waiting to see who the limo was for as they both climbed in and settled down for the ride back. "Jake I really cannot take all those clothes." "Fabian will be upset if you don't. All you need to do is thank him Jacob, he is a very generous person." "Why did Fabian pay for them?" "He obviously likes you, you were great company last night." "God knows what mum and dad will say when see all my new clothes." They pulled up to the house and JP opened the passenger door as he told them he would see them shortly for lunch. Jacob still a bit cautious reluctantly agreed to stay for lunch. Walking towards the Orangery Andre came through and told Jake that Marco and Ben were in the gym and expecting him there. Andre eyed Jacob before asking. "Are you joining them for their workout?" "Nah, I ain't got anything to wear." "Come on, I have spare shorts and top, you are roughly my size." Andre grabbed Jacob's hand and started pulling him towards the stairs. He just gave up and followed on behind to his bedroom, Andre tossed him a pair of shorts and a top. Jacob nervously looked around before asking if he could change in the bathroom. Andre just waved a hand as a sat and watched him disappear. A few moments later he came out carrying his clothes, Andre realised Jacob's trainers were no good for the gym, he grabbed a pair from the closet and handed them to him. "You have great tattoos Jacob." "Thanks." "Ready?" "I think so." "Just leave your other clothes here. Come on lets go." As they got to the basement gym Marco and Ben had finished their workout. Marco was helping Jake on the weights, Andre got on the running machine, Ben just sat there drinking water and trying to avoid a repeat of last night. Jacob thought he would try weights as well, he walked over to where Ben was sitting. "Are you still annoyed at me for last night?" "I don't know Jacob, I tried to be nice to you as I want to be your friend but I think we would be to much for each other to handle." Jacob looked at the shirtless Ben in awe at his pretty heft muscle definition, he sat down next him. "Just give me time, I am not use to people being so nice with me. I do want to be your friend though." "Next time you get snappy with me you are going in the pool to cool down." "Deal. So can you help me?" "Help you with what?" "Weights, I am not sure what to do." "Have you done gym weights before?" "No, gym membership is a luxury I can't afford." "Okay, I think we start you off with 20 minutes today, then on the treadmill for 20." Ben smiled and stood up and walked over the weights, Jacob followed and watched him adjust the weights with ease. His brother was across the room on the other weight bench, he glanced over to him and Marco. Despite of the huffing and puffing he was doing his eyes never strayed from Marco's, he had never seen his brother look so happy and he supposed that is what love is really about. Jacob began slowly whilst Ben stood over him helping, his gaze was inadvertently on Ben's body. Several times Ben held his shoulders down telling him not to raise his body just use his arms, Ben loved looking at his tribal tattooed arms . The time passed quickly, Jacob was not unfit but the run on the treadmill did him in, he sat down catching his breath. Ben brought over some water for Jacob, he then turned away and bent over to pick up his trainers, doing so caused the band on his shorts to slip down. Jacob spotted the tattoo on his lower back. He caught Ben completely off guard. "I didn't know you had a tattoo, what does it mean?" "Oh, it is just symbolic. It is a family thing." "Family?" "Yes. I will let you rest for a bit then off to the pool for the your first swimming lesson." "I haven't got any swimming gear." "Andre won't mind you wearing the shorts in the pool." The first swimming lesson went pretty good, once he found the rhythm of the stroke he managed to do a couple of lengths. Jacob rested in the shallow end next to Ben, for once he didn't feel frustrated at his lack of swimming effort. He felt Ben's hand on his arm and turned to look at him. Ben was looking over his tattoos more closely as his hand went up and down his arm, Jacob was clearly relaxed and didn't mind, his eyes were fixed on Ben's face. Lunch came and went and Jacob gladly went back down to the pool with Ben and Andre, this time both of them swam with him urging him to take slow strong strokes in the water. All to quickly it was time for him to leave, he needed to get ready for his date with a girl who had been chasing him for a couple of weeks. Fabian and Jake walked him to the door, he spoke to Fabian. "Thank you for everything you have done, you didn't need to buy me clothes though, but I am grateful." "It is the least I can do Jacob. Plus you do seem to have a calming effect on Andre and Ben, that makes my life easier." With that he smiled and shook Fabian's hand and gave Jake a hug, he made sure Jacob knew where he had to go on Monday, he turned to walk down the driveway when Fabian called over to him. "Jacob, remember you are always welcome to come over and use the gym and pool any time you want to." Jacob smiled back and waved.
    2 points
  14. Just now , crusing site at pull in off country road. A couple of cars so I pulled in,saw a couple of guys , one on his knees giving an enthusiastic blow job so a straight looking guy ( on his way to wifie?) He cam in the bottom s mouth , and his pants were down , a dead giveaway that he wanted his ass played with at the very least. The top scarpered and I took his place and shoved my dick in to the bottoms mouth,i reached behind and felt his ass and said wouldn’t you rather be fucked rather than sucked ?,he stood up and bent over and I spat some on my fingers and lubed him up the old fashioned way. I stood behind and pushed in to him , he was a bit sore so I let him adjust before fucking him hard and long, came in him wiped my sick on his pants and headed back to my van.
    2 points
  15. 3/3 PRIDE MONTH BB SEX PARTIES @CLUB120 IN TORONTO -> Pride Parade Sunday Edition Well, yesterday's monumental bb sex party capped off Pride month very fittingly. I got to rim a number of bubble butts (my favourite ass shape!) in different spots of Club120. Club120 is a private gay club on 2 floors. Four slings - 2 on each side. One sling downstairs off the main bar. Some private rooms for more 1-1 sex. FUCKWATER jugs for easy access, wetwipes galore, 2 washrooms for quick clean-ups. I was satisfied with the local younger guys who was kissing me, licking my nipples, fingering my ass, fucking my ass. He promised me one of his loads and he did. I took him into one of the small private room, turned down the lights. We started to kiss. He turned me around and drove his cock in. After about 5 mins., I could hear his breathing and grunting increase, and voila -- a good-sized load in my daddy ass. I'd love to meet his dick again for a re-fuck, for sure! My own 2-day load (I was @Steamworks Toronto for Pride Friday) got deposited into a younger bb visitor to Pride in Toronto. His ass muscles kinda coaxed out my load. I could feel the cum rising up my dick and into his ass. He cleaned my dick and thanked me for the load. He said that this big bb sex party would make up for the drought (or lack) of bb sex he's been getting lately. Oh yeah, before I forget, v. 2.0 of the fuckwall was finally installed and ready for use. It was on the small stage. Only 2 spots side-by-side were built in to the right side of the stage. Very sturdy construction with 2 stirrups for each. It was being used a lot by guys for anon bb sex. Let's hope this fuckwall is a permanent feature of upcoming parties. As I going to the washroom I met up with the DJ I got to seed a long while ago. He was spinning real good tunes yesterday. He looked at me and remembered the moment too. He apologized that he was very busy and wouldn't be in a position to be fucked. I said that there's always a next time. He smiled. Remember back, he was on my bucket list of fulfilled bb fantasies. Bare sex was happening in every corner of the club. Partners and small group were changing constantly. One guy I was talking to, "sensory overload" was his apt description. This big bb sex party was a fitting close to Pride month in Toronto.
    2 points
  16. Of course you'd be ignored ... and I just know you'd enjoy the feeling as my hot creamy milk floods through and fills your dark tunnel of lust. You'll want more ....
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  17. Pride SF BBC in my bedroom my legs are now wet after his cum bubbled out
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  18. Visited the local ABS yesterday afternoon. As usual, no one but the clerk was there, but paid and headed back to the peeps. About 10 minutes later, heard the door open and heavy boots walk in and up to the register, then again make their way to the peeps. I moved to the middle booth that has gh on both sides. The guy entered the booth on the left. Not 2 minutes later, pants were open and he was stroking a nice thick 7 inches. Motioned for him to slide through the gh. Sucked him hard for about 5 minutes, then he backed off. I stood up, backed my ass to the hole and then felt fingers then him lining up his cock to my hole. Popped the head in, and slid balls deep. He held almost motionless for a few seconds, flexing and making his cock pulse up my ass. Then he began pulling back then slamming hard into my tight ass. Pumped me deep for about 5 minutes, then growled and pushed deep and squirted his load up in me. He pulled out, zipped up and was gone quick. I assume he was a married oil company guy needing to drop a quick load. No complaints from me!
    2 points
  19. Chapter 2 - ( a bottle of red and I'm ready to write, please excuse the grammar) I messaged him back and asked him to come up. It seemed like ages as I waited skilling the rest of my scotch, it burned as it travelled down my throat, a shover ran through my body from the strong alcohol and the anticipation. A knock sounded at the door. Opening it, I found myself looking on heaven or maybe hell on earth. Tall, handsome, rough. He smelt good. I could never understand why guys liked stench. I like men who smelt like clean men. I could smell him but also the faint waft of Hugo Boss. His jeans hugged his waist and his black shirt opened slightly at the neck too show off his curly dark chest hair. His pictures didn't do him justice. This man was hot. He was the man of whom I had been dreaming. But then I noticed something that gave me pause. Behind my dream man stood a muscled black guy. Don't get me wrong - the black guy was also fucking hot, but I hadn't arranged for two guys. I was expecting only my breeder. The black stud was an unknown. "Hey mate, I'm Patrick or Seeder69. This is Carl. I was hanging out with him at the pub and thought your hole would enjoy his cock too. Mind if we come in?" he asked, taking my assent as an obvious forgone conclusion - which, in truth, it really was. I couldn't control myself. Stepping aside I ushered them in. "I'm sorry, guys, I know this flat isn't much. I got use of it from a mate. I do have some scotch, however. Do you want a drink?" "Why do you have some shots with us," suggested Carl, his voice deep and husky. It made me leak. "I think you are going to need to be loose if you plan to take both of us on." Following his suggestion I set up three shot glasses. We slammed them down and enjoy the warm glow of a good single malt. Patrick removed his shirt, showing off his muscles chest. His jeans were next. The corded muscles of his arms and legs clearly advertised someone who not only worked hard at the gym but had a physical job. His body was massive. There he stood, perfection, in his jockstrap. A massive bulge obscenely tenting the material and a wet patch marking the zenith of his organ. It pulse and did a little jerk as he looked at me, a smile on his face as he noted I was still wearing my boxers. We couldn't have been more different. My pale slim and hairless chest, and although I wasn't a slouch in the cock department and filled out my undies nicely, the truth was my cock simply didn't compare to the monster clearly contained within his briefs. I dropped to my knee and shuffled forward in front of him. "Can I suck you?" " Only after another shot. I like my boys messy." I leaned forward and smelled his crotch. Clean, manly but with that hint of sweat and musk. He grabbed my head and ruffled my hair as he pressed my face into his groin. "Oh baby, I'm going to break you tonight, you are going to walking well tomorrow." Did I want this, I could feel my cock leaking in my undies. He was everything I dreamed of, perhaps honestly more than I could actually handle. And then there was the fact that he was poz. And that was without even considering his mate Carl.
    2 points
  20. Last night had a guy off BBRT come over, he wanted me door unlocked, blindfolded ass up and lubed. I have done this kind of thing before without the blindfold, I definitely felt uneasy about it but he assured me that he had no intentions of hurting me or robbing me. He just wants to breed a hot ass and go. I took a deep breath and sent the message that told him to be here around 9pm with my address and apartment number. After getting ready I lubed myself up with some boy butter, got myself into the position, and waited, 9:02 I get a text from him that he is here. I hear him come into my apartment and make his way to the bedroom, I hear his belt buckle clink and the sounds of him getting undressed. I feel his hand run down my back to between my cheeks, I take a whiff of poppers as he slides inside me, my head starts spinning as he begins slow fucking me, he starts picking up the and grabs the top of my jockstrap and pulls it tight. I could feel damp front fabric squeezing up against my balls, I was leaking a lot of precum. I start to relax as he fucks me, kissing my back occasionally. He then pushes me forward and gets on top of me on the bed. I feel around for my bottle of poppers, he says "here they are boy" and puts the bottle in one of my wondering hands, I take another deep whiff and as Im screwing on the cap he takes the bottle out of ny hand and I hear him taking a hit of them. I start squeezing his cock with my cunt muscles as continued on pounding me, he definitely notices and says " oh thats a good boy, milk that cock Im getting close" He slows down and starts going balls deep long hard strokes in and out of my ass. "Yeah Im going to breed you boy" He starts groaning loudly as he is cumming balls deep, pushing into me so hard it caused me to yelp in pain. He pulls out and pushes it back in a few times he grabs my neck and tells me to clean it up, I let him maneuver me around to his cock, he forces it into my throat, my nostrils buried his pubes, I can smell the delicious light chlorine hint of his cum. He pulls out of my mouth, lightly slaps me on the ass a few times and says "that was fucking hot, let me know when we can do this again" I hear him getting dressed, leaving the room and eventually my apartment door closing. I immediately pull off my blindfold, make sure nothing is missing in my apartment and then to the bathroom to checkout my well used cunt. Showered back up and went to bed a happy boy. So I popped my blindfold cherry, definitely want to do this again
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  21. I sat at the small desk, looking through profiles on barebackrt while I drank my scotch. I had already cleaned out and was so horny to get fucked. It had been eight weeks. I had been so busy with work back home the best I had managed was a blow job. I was hard, horny and drunk, jacking off looking at all the hot guys in the local area and I knowing I needed a good hard fucking. I should never make choices when this drunk. The scotch had gone down far too easily tonight, and the warm water of my douche only served to turn me on more. Additionally to being horny beyond belief, four weeks earlier I had stopped taking PrEP. I honestly couldn't say I had a good reason beyond the reality that I hadn't been getting any action, so PrEP seemed kinda pointless. But at this point, sitting at that desk at the hotel, part of my brain asked had I made a mistake? I knew I wouldn't be satisfied if I got fucked by a top wearing a condom. Now, I needed the sensation of a load being blown in my ass. I needed to know I was being used as a cumdump. In my drunken state I decided I just needed find a neg top and leave it at that. That should be reasonably safe, and when I got home tomorrow I would jump straight back on the PrEP. I had already drunkenly given my mobile and address to a number of profiles on BBRT and Recon, mostly the kinda guys to whom I regularly jacked off: massively hung, rough, no holds barred. The sort of guy who wouldn't pause in his assault on my throat or ass even if I gagged or screamed. I guess the truth was I wanted to feel that searing pain as the guy tore my ring - just like my ex used to. There was nothing hotter then being held down under his older muscly body, to feel him cover my mouth and force his cock into me with just spit. He liked having a boyfriend some 20 years younger, a younger man he could control, a man he could use and rape. I think he got off on seeing my blood on the sheets in the morning. He paid for everything and in exchange he used me hard. However when I reached my 20th birthday he made it clear: I was too old for him, and he had found a new, younger model. Now at 21 I needed another daddy - but I had to be sensible. But did I? My logical brain was at war with my drunken horny brain. My phone went off. He hadn't responded to my message. He had just come over. Shit. I quickly looked-up his profile. Fuck. Everything I wanted but which I shouldn't have. He had a good nine inch thick, beer can thick cock - assuming his photographs did his cock justice. He was 6'3" to my 5'7", and he had 30kg on me. He was a monster of a man. And the big metal PA on the end of his poz cock was unlikely to do my ass lining any favours. My sober self said to ignore him and hope he went away, but I couldn't. He was much, much more than I had ever dreamed I'd get to play with. Chapter 2 coming soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S I'm in sydney for real in July if there are any poz tops wanting to help give me some more inspiration.
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  22. 1. Jon "No need for it to stop at all," I said. I had just watched Seth fuck my husband, and my dick was once more sticking out rock-hard between my legs. It felt good to be erect again, to feel the power of masculinity in my hands, and to know what hidden power flowed in my bloodstream. "Ready for another load?" Almost simultaneously, Cal and Seth turned to me. But, rather than looking at me squarely in the eyes, their attention was focused on my erection. "Yeah," the two of them muttered at the same time, a chorus of unmitigated desire. "Thirsty boys," JP said. I nodded in agreement. It was good to see that Seth was so comfortable around us that he was able to express his needs so readily. It would make the rest of the weekend much more fun for all of us. In addition, I hoped it would make it far easier for him to accept the path we all wanted him to walk down. "I think we should give the guest of honor first dibs," I said. I wanted to get back inside of Seth and I wanted my load to find fertile ground. Seth smiled and edged a bit closer to me on the bed. "I think tonight, I want Variety," he said. I reached out and grabbed him, pulling him up against me. On the other side of the bed, I saw Cal and JP embrace. JP was playing with Cal's hard cock but I knew that was only foreplay. In a few minutes, JP and I would have our raw cocks in the younger men. "How did it feel?" I whispered into Seth's ear. His body was pressed against me, and I could feel how hot and sweaty he was from fucking JP. "Fucking my husband?" I grabbed his ass, my finger instinctively searching out his hole. Seth moaned as my fingertips brushed against his anus. "Amazing," he finally said. "Hot. Wet. Hungry." I stuck the tip of my finger into Seth's wet hole, and the boy moaned again. "It felt really good to be inside of him." He reached down and grabbed my erection. Despite the activity of the night, it was once more a steel shaft. "To be where you have been so many times." "Yeah," I said. When we first started dating, I had counted every time we had fucked, but quickly lost track. It had been a different era; the virus we both bore was still scary and unpredictable and demanded soul-deadening layers of protection. But it hadn't mattered with JP. We could fuck raw. We could lose the inhibitions that had held us back and re-discover the stimulations that had gotten us infected. "He's a good fuck," I said. It was a gross summary, but it was enough. "Yeah," Seth said, almost wistfully. I felt his dick press against my thigh; with the energy of youth, he was hard again. "But I wanna get fucked again." He reached down and grabbed my dick. "Fucking hard daddy dick." I kissed him. It had been hot to hear him call JP his daddy. I remembered the conversation with JP earlier, about Seth joining our family and about Seth getting my full potency. "I want another load of that hot daddy cum in me," Seth said. He didn't know it, but he made a decision. I wasn't going to stop the fun tonight in order to take my meds. My dick must have twitched. "Yeah," Seth said. "You wanna pound it into me?" This weekend's fucking would be purely symbolic; it would be several days before the last of the toxins cleared from my bloodstream and my virus would be able to flourish once more. It was the curse of being the responsible adult. I was the one who took care of the family, the one who made sure the drugs where clean and fresh and the one who made sure we all stayed healthy enough. But I was also the one who made sure our conquests went home not just conquered but utterly defeated. So, this evening, it had fallen to me to ensure that Seth had no line of defense against my family's weapons. Seth had never even bothered with a physical barrier, and JP and I had already replaced his chemical weapons. Now, it was my job to work in the toxic seed that my husband and our boy had already donated to Seth. I kissed the young man again. "I do," I said. "I want fuck you deep. And shoot my load into you." "I want that," Seth said. "I want it inside of me. Fucking me. Breeding me." "Me too," I whispered into his ear. We kissed again, our tongues exploring each other's mouths. My dick was twitching, unhappy with our foreplay. I repressed the urge to just shove it into Seth. There was plenty of time this weekend for us to play. I wanted to get to know Seth better and get him to better trust me. "You feel so good on the inside." "I want it," he said. We continued to kiss as Seth gently stroked my cock, teasing it into a perfect erection. Beside us, Cal was already on his back with legs spread wide and JP was lining his cock up. "Give it to me," Cal mumbled. "Give me your poz cock." There was a grunt from JP, a sound I knew well as the sound of him pushing his dick into a wet hole. "Oh fuck," Cal moaned in pleasure. Seth turned to watch for a second, just in time to see JP's long, unsheathed pozdick disappear into Cal's raw boyhole. "Fuck," he said. "Fuck me?" he asked as he turned around and pulled his cheek back. His asshole was glistening with lube and cum and pulsing with desire. "Please?" he asked again. If I had any doubts about fucking him, the unconcealed need in his voice convinced me. I spit on my hand and quickly lubed up my dick. He had taken so many loads already from me and my family that the spit was superfluous. But it was part of the ritual, making sure that he got as many of my fluids as possible. "Of course, boy," I said. My dickhead was pulled to his asshole like a magnet, and it was trivial to line up for the penetration. I rested some of my weight on the boy and there was a pop sound. I had forced my cock into him. "Fucking fat daddy cock," Seth mumbled. He spread his legs slightly and several inches of my dick slid into his anus. "Long daddy dick," Seth grunted. He arched his back and another three inches of my cock entered him. "I want all of it." I pushed the last few inches into him. With the exquisite sensitivity of bareback sex, I felt each lake and reservoir of semen in his ass as I pushed deep into him. I believed I could even tell the difference between the three men, the youthful energy of Cal's spooge, the mature wisdom of JP's jizz, and the repressed power of my own semen. "Fuck boy," I grunted. "Gonna give you all of it." "Fuck me hard, Daddy" Seth grunted, as we began to find a rhythm for our strokes and parries. "Of course boy," I said. "You make my dick feel so fucking good." "Fat fucking Daddy cock," Seth grunted. He pushed his ass back against me, forcing my dick deeper into his hole. "Fucking hot pozdaddy pounding my hole." I paused for a second; I was surprised to hear Seth call me his pozdaddy. But, before I could do anything else, Seth pushed back against my dick again, forcing my infected shaft deeper into his raw hole. "Fucking hard cock, dripping in your hole," I mumbled, not sure what else to say. "But," I started. "But, it's safe," Seth said, completing my sentence. "You're undetectable. I'm on prep. We can enjoy this." "Yeah," I said, as I grabbed his hips and started to properly fuck his hole. The accumulated semen squished back and forth. The feeling of the sperm triggered old feelings of anger and desire. "Your hole. So fucking wet." "It's you cum," Seth said. "Cal's cum. JP's cum." It was anger, that no matter what, I would always be carrying this disease. It would mark me forever and I could only be truly together with another man that carried the same virus. For desire, it was that I wanted to share my gift with so many more men. "And you'll get plenty more this weekend." Even though I had received it from an anonymous man, I wanted Seth to know exactly who had gifted him. "Fuck yeah," Seth said. If he was this open to being fucked and bred when he had just smoked a bit of weed, I wondered what kind of pig Seth would turn into when he was high on crystal meth. If I was lucky, he would be far past worrying about viral load and prep status, and instead, focused solely on the pleasure of two men engaging in raw, uninhibited fucking. "Fucking give me your load, Jon." He craned his head back to meet my lips. We kissed, deeply and passionately, enjoying the feeling of connection we had. I had my cock deep in his hole; he had his tongue deep in my mouth. We were sharing the most intimate of experiences, and all that mattered was the two of us. Even JP and Cal fucking next to us receded into the distance. "Fucking going to breed you boy," I muttered, before sticking my tongue into his mouth. My dick was rock hard. My cock was slick with my family's sperm. My shaft was pounding the boy's hole. I was a man. I was strong and virile. I was masculine and powerful. Underneath me was my boy, still young and inexperienced, but hungry for the exploits he had fantasized about. There was something special about helping a boy discover how perfect getting bred feels and I was ready to be that educator. "Oh god Jon. So fucking hard." I just nodded, and wrapped an arm around his torso, pulling him up against me. "Fucking hot boy. Getting fucked like a pro." He was gasping a bit with each stroke, even as he moaned. "Give it to me," he said. "Give it to me," with each of my strokes. "You're gonna take my dick?" I asked him. He nodded. "Yeah," he said, before repeating his mantra. "Give it to me." "You're gonna take my load?" I asked him. He nodded. "Of course," he said and then promptly repeated his phrase. "You're gonna take any load I tell you to?" The three of us were really just his welcoming party. The real party would begin tomorrow, and the gentle drip of cum that was escaping from his hole would turn into a veritable ocean of sperm. "Please, Daddy," he said. "Please give it to me." I wondered what he thought the "it" was referring to. Was it my cock, my jizz, or my virus? We had talked just enough about barebacking and HIV for me to know that although likely it was my jizz, it was ambiguous enough for me to wonder if he had been talking about my virus. "Give me your hot seed," he muttered, his breath hot against my cheek. If he wasn't thinking about the virus now, he would be tomorrow, when he was high on crystal. Seth was not just opening up emotionally to the reality of HIV. He was also opening up physically. There had been no resistance to me entering his ass and there was a noticeable difference in how easily I penetrated his body. Of course, some of this was because the three of us had been fucking him all night, but this was something more intrinsic than just a well-used hole. Seth had discovered the pleasures of bareback fucking and raw breeding. There was that familiar hunger; JP and I had felt it in each other, I had felt it in Cal, and now I was feeling it in Seth. A few more breedings, and Seth would never be able to tolerate a condom again. But, even though I had figured it out in just a few hours of carnal play, it would take Seth longer to fully understand, accept, and act on his fundamental needs and desires. "Fuck yeah, boy," I said. "Fill that hole with sperm." I pushed him down to the bed and then rolled him onto his side. Using my penis as an axle, I spun him around, onto his back. He rested his legs on my shoulders and I pushed my dick back into him. "Breed you, then fall asleep with my dick in your hole." He smiled. He reached up and pulled me down to him. We were close enough that my lips brushed up against his and his hazel eyes were staring right at me. "Promise?" he whispered. I stuck my tongue into his mouth and we made out for what seemed like an hour but might have only been a few seconds. "I promise, boy," I said. My dick twitched, and a bit of pre-cum leaked into him. It quickly melted away into the pools of semen already inside of Seth. But that didn't matter. If anything, it made it so much hotter. Here was a boy who was discovering the pleasures of getting fucked and I was the main man teaching him just how intense barebacking could be. "Get that hole dripping with cum." "Fuck, please, Jon? Fill me with your dad sperm?" I pushed in hard. I wanted to make him my boy and the only way to do it was to breed him deep. "Make me your boy?" he asked. "Fuck yeah, boy," I said. Between his smile on his face and the hunger in his hole, it was impossible to deny him something as simple and essential as a load of cum. "Fill you up good." He craned his neck up, and we kissed. There was no shame, no hesitation as we made out. It was a celebration of how close we had become and how important raw fucking was to that connection. "Thank you," he said. Beneath me, I felt his hard cock press into my torso. The hair on my stomach was already wet and sticky from the pre-cum Seth's cock was leaking out. "You're hard again boy," I said. "I know," he replied. "That's what getting fucked does to me. Specially getting fucked raw." "My husband's ass wasn't enough for you?" I asked. "I'm not sure I'm ever going to get enough," Seth said. "Good answer." The words barely expressed the hunger in his voice. It was good. I could work with his hunger. It would be good for both of us; we would both learn. Most of all, it would be fun. "I bet Cal wouldn't mind getting a load from you," I said. "Wh," he started and then paused. "What about you?" He was too young and too naive to have any guile about him. He was utterly transparent about his anxiety; it would have been far too easy to torment him by refusing to answer the question. But I had a much different tastes when it came to tortures and torments, and besides, his cock was hard, thick, and long. Of course I wanted to feel him fucking me. "You? Fucking me?" There was still a place to lightly torment the boy. He nodded. His ass had clenched around my dick, milking out a few more drops of my toxic pre-cum. He nodded. "Yeah," he said. His ass was still clenched tight. He was afraid I was going to pull out, deny him any pleasure at all. "Of course. You're going to be fucking me a lot. Trust me." He relaxed, and I pulled a few inches of my cock out. I glanced down, long enough see just how wet his hole was and how it had coated my shaft. "But tonight. Tonight, it's all about you." "Good. And tomorrow?" "Tomorrow. That's also about you. It's a party and you're the guest of honor." "Fuck," Seth grunted. I had just shoved my dick back into his hole; it was hard to tell if he was reacting to the party or to my cock. "Plenty of men coming over," I continued. "Plenty of cum for this beautiful hole." "I know," he said. He pulled me in close again and kissed me. "Your cum inside of me," he said. "It feels so good." "My cum. JP's cum." Before I could say it, he finished for me. "Cal's cum. In me." "Yeah," I said, then kissed him again. My raw dick was deep in his unprotected hole. His body was pressed against mine. His tongue was in my mouth. These were the pleasures that men would do anything to enjoy. "I'm dripping inside you." "I know. I can feel you." "You're going to get a lot more cum tomorrow." "I know." "Are you ready," I asked. "I think. I'm excited. And..." He trailed off a bit. "Scared?" I asked. "Yeah," he said. "A bit." He paused again. "Is that. I mean. Is that ok?" "Of course. It's natural." I kissed him again and pushed my dick all the way into his hole. I wanted him to feel me against him, make him feel safe and protected with me around. "Are you worried about anything in particular?" "I dunno. Everything. What if they don't like me?" "Like you?" I asked. "What if they don't think I'm hot? What if they don't like that I'm like them." "Relax, boy," I said. I moaned, as my cockhead rubbed up against an undisturbed pool of cum. The warm wetness squished around the flare of my dick. "You're plenty hot." I gently pushed in and out, just enough to spread semen further across his guts. "And like them?" "You know. One of them. In the club." His ass clenched again. "My boy. People care about your ass. Not your HIV status. Besides, these days, with Prep, who cares?" "My ass," he mumbled. "Do you like it?" "Yeah." I pushed my dick back into his hole. "You feel that? That's what your ass does to me. And you? You like that?" I thrust in and out of him. "Fuuuck," he moaned. I had managed to find his prostate and rubbed it with my dick. "Oh fuuuuck," he continued, his eyes rolling back in pleasure. "Fucking need a dick in me every night." "Several times a night." "Hell yeah," he said. He reached down and ran his finger around his hole, finding the line where he ended and I began. It was a dense, slippery, thin line and his finger ran around it, tracing out the exact circle where our bodies merged together. "You feel so good in me. So hard. So deep. So... male." "It feels to be in you. Feel you accepting me. So comfortable with me." "Please," he murmured. "Cum in me." His eyes were closed, and his hand had drifted from his hole to his cock. "I wanna fuck you too. Get my cock inside you." He slowly stroked his cock, already hard again so soon after fucking JP. "And inside Cal. And back into JP." I shoved my dick into him. "You want that? My cock inside of you?" "Yeah. All in good time, though." I kissed Seth again. This time, we took our time, swapping spit back and forth, listening to the grunts and groans of Cal and JP fucking beside us and to our own small moans and murmurs as we worked together to get me off. "Plenty of time to have a good time," he finally replied, as the kiss broke off. "Plenty of time." Beside us, JP's thrusts were getting faster, as his grunts were getting louder. It was a familiar tell from a man I knew intimately. He was getting close to cumming. "He's gonna cum," I said. "In Cal's hole. Raw hole." I sunk my dick into Seth. It was still slippery and wet from the accumulated cum and even so, I was going to add yet another load to his collection. "Fuck," he grunted, and pulled his legs back a little more, letting me push in even further. "Fuck me," he said. "Give it to me," Cal grunted. "Give me your poz load." "Fuck yeah, boy," JP said in reply. "Fill you up boy." "Give it to me." "Fucking take it!" JP moaned. His cock was thick and hard, pushing far into Cal's young, lithe body. "Take my load." "Give it to me. Knock me up," Cal grunted in response. "You're going to give me a load, aren't you?" Seth whispered into my ear. "Just like JP is breeding Cal?" "Yeah. For sure." We were both watching JP fuck Cal. "Fucking TAKE IT," JP said, louder than I think he expected. His cock slammed into Cal's hole one last time. Then, JP held it there as he gasped for air. "TAKE IT." "Breed me," Cal grunted as JP resumed his thrusts. But, these were longer and deeper. Each one was powered by the force of the orgasm and pushed deep into Cal's hole. "He's getting breed deep," I whispered into Seth's ear. "You want that?" "Yeah," Seth replied. His eyes were locked on the two men next to us. His expression suggested either aroused or repulsion, but his hard cock made it easy to figure out. "Fucking hot. Your raw dick in me. Dripping in me. Cumming in me." "Me too," I said. JP had plunged his cock into Cal one more time and then held it. "I love you boy," he said, before the two men kissed. "Fuck," Seth said. His dick was once more stiff, only this time there was a bead of pre-cum at the tip. "That was hot." "Yeah," I said. "I love you too," Cal replied. The two kissed again. It was an intimacy between two men that had built up over the years, a level of comfort and trust that could only be brought about by sharing fluids and all that came with them. "Fluid-bonded," they called it. It was a euphemism. Bug-brother was a better term. For a brief moment, I worried that Prep would kill that intimacy. But then I remembered my own poz cock, buried deep in a young man's unprotected hole. The virus always found a way. "I'm going to cum in you too," I said. "Good," Seth said. This time it was our turn to kiss. I let Seth's tongue push into my mouth and explore. As we kissed, Cal and JP disentangled themselves from each other. It was always a slightly awkward affair, pulling a man's cock from another man's ass. But the two men had years of experience doing it and executed as well as could be expected. Cal rolled over, just enough to be lying next to Seth. JP moved over, kneeling on the bed right behind me. JP wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close against his hairy chest. He leaned in and whispered into my ear. "Poz up our new boy," he said, just loud enough for me, and no one else, to hear. "Take my man's load," Cal whispered into Seth's ear. "Please, give it to me," Seth grunted. "Fucking fill me up." Seth was drifting into dangerously sleazy territories. The pot had lowered the boy's inhibitions quite a bit; it was going to be exciting to see what some tina would help him accomplish. JP had been thinking the same thing. "He's gonna be a real pig when he's tweaked," he whispered. Once more only the two of us could hear his commentary. I leaned back, pushing my dick further into Seth's hole. "I know. You should dose him." "With pleasure," JP answered. His cock had instinctively found my crack. It was still semi-hard and I felt the wetness from Cal's hole against my ass. "Just want to see you breed him," JP continued, this time loud enough for the boys to hear him. "You want my man to breed you?" Cal asked Seth. "Please, breed me," Seth answered. "Pound me raw and breed me deep," he managed to mumble, even as moans of pleasure showed that he had lost the capability for rational thought. "Fuck me." "Of course," I said, and shoved my dick back into him. His hole was perfectly warm, and sleazily wet. There was nowhere else I wanted to cum nor was there any reason to hold back on Seth's anus. It was clear that Seth was discovering his inner cum-hungry pig, and he would always take my dick. "Poz him," JP whispered in my ear. He had found a bottle of poppers and was holding it under my nose. "Share our dirty seed with him." My dick pulsed and throbbed as the poppers hit me. "Make him our boy. The son of our seed." My mind was slipping, into dangerous spaces. I was dripping pre-cum as my balls churned. I needed release. "Oh fuck," I grunted. "Oh fuuuuuck," I moaned as my balls clenched and my dick pulsed. "FUUUUUCK." I didn't worry who heard me. "He's seeding you," Cal said, between my yelps of pure pleasure. The yelps were in no known language, but the passionate intensity was immediately familiar to any man; they were the sounds of an orgasm. "Pumping you full of cum." "Fucking breed me, Jon," Seth moaned. He was feeling each white-hot spurt of semen; his breaths had been in perfect sync with each jet of cum. "Breed. Me," he grunted. "FUCK," I moaned. Two more spurts of cum shot into Seth's young hole. "FUCK," I moaned with one last sympathetic spurt from my dick. I had just enough energy left to roll Seth on his side and lie down behind him. I wrapped my arms around the boy, pulling him close to me. "I want to fall asleep with my dick in your hole," I said.
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  23. I have done it several times - either they do it or leave it - love to hear from others ! I usually getting them drinking - having fun - j.o. session and do more later on !
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  24. I find most tops love to fuck me when my hole is cummy and gaping. My ex and I often held small group sex parties where I was the arse party and he always [preferred to fuck me last after four or five other men had fucked me a couple of times. He would always butt plug me so I kept as much seed in me as possible for him to have a private fuck session ater they left. He really got off on watching me get fucked and it was all good with me as I just love getting fucked
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  25. The CumUnion I attend is in Indianapolis. It’s always been well-attended and I have personally always had a blast, but there have been a few points that I’ve heard grumbled about or that I’ve noticed. Music: Definitely important for getting a vibe going. Yet one time I had a distinct what-the-bellbottomed-fuck moment when I had to endure The Captain and Tenniel singing “Muskrat Love” while I was trying to get poppered up. Another patron discovered the DJ station set up just outside the door to his room - not a good choice that time. Activities: I don’t think it would be a bad idea to have a party host or two on duty simply to mingle about and make sure everyone is actively enjoying the party. If I recall there were a couple of “contests” of some sort, but, I mean, anybody up for a game of naked Twister? Having somebody to finagle two bottoms into the same room as a handful of Tops could work wonders. Some activities may be less conducive to what most are there for - take the drawings, for example. If the music is interrupted every so often with the news that ticket no. so-and-such just won the Xtra-large jar of Boy Butter, I probably am not going to ask the Top to stop fucking me long enough to check my ticket. Amenities: If you’re going to offer limited facilities like slings or fuck benches, it’s especially important for staff to monitor those amenities during the party to ensure that the sling lizards and bench slugs don’t spoil the party for everyone else. Be sure to check restrooms frequently. Some guys haven’t yet mastered the art of cleaning out. I will say no more. Safety: I come from a public service background, so I tend to notice hazards. There are some things I think any CumUnion venue could and probably should do to head off problems. For instance: • Post a visible notice warning men that using poppers and viagra together can be deadly. • Ensure that steam room temperatures do not exceed safe limits; that steam rooms always have adequate lighting; and that egress from the back of the steam room is never blocked. I have observed failures of all these conditions at various steam rooms, and it is a miracle no one has been seriously harmed. • Ensure that the sling and/or other public equipment has been safety-checked and serviced before the party starts. I make it my business to do this at my CumUnion, because that’s what a well-trained bondage sub does, but you can’t count on that everywhere. • Be alert for lube-slicked floors. I don’t know what it is about Tops and silicone-based lube, but I’ve had to stop leaving it out for them because one of them, without fail, will spill enough of it to turn the floor of my room into a skating-rink-deathtrap. At least have cleaning supplies ready to hand that will clean up the range of lubes. Darkroom: Figure out a way to convert at least one room into a communal darkroom space. We can do without all that video porn for three hours if necessary. I may think of more, but that’s what I’ve got to be getting on with...
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  26. For me there is always a connection - when a cock is plugged into my butt. That is the only connection I care about. Probably why I don't even care if I don't see the top who is fucking me or know their names etc - I just want their cock and seed in me.
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  27. I need a big alpha to use me so bad
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  28. ~~~~~~whoa, hey, i wake with a start and look at the clock on my night table 315AM,,,ugh cock is raging which means only on thing for daddy, and I sleepwalk into the bathroom, stuff my cock into the bowl so I don’t piss all over... lick my fingers ,, and gently rub my cockhead, to get the piss flowing i imagine into the pig who’s hole is gaped before me....ahhh piss in there,,, as i empty my bladder, thinking of the last of my non-toxic urine,,,pull up my underpants wetting my cock with dribbles of piss,,,,and stagger back to bed,,,~~~~ ,,,,back in my cell master thomas is adding his piss to the other pig’s hole and then grabs two greasy butt plugs and puts one in both our pigs unrnialholes, “there now, gonna let our piss ferment in there. Check out our other pig, though, he’s ready for uncorking. I poured some of that toxic stew into him, earlier which is ready for you to enjoy.” ...ugh no more i thought, but reaching down to my burining ass, i felt a massive rubber plug keeping all the loads in me. Looking back, i see the pig is back in chains, only this time he sqats on a rim seat the plug and his asslips red and distended. Without any urging i craw to his leaking uncut cock, swallow it deeply down my throat, enjoying all the essence. But without any warning, pig unloads a huge stream of hot piss down my hatch. Big hit of poppers and I finish drinking his nasty urine, complete to the last drop.... keep going i urge myself, and turn on my back to slide under the pig. Im already sick with anticipation to let his gobs of assfluid pour into my nose, and down my throat, to be choked on his toxic stew. Master thomas gets behind the chair, his flacid cock laying on my forehead as I position my desperate mouth below the plug. Slowly master works the plug out and streams of noxious fluid run down the sides and at long last he pulls it out of pigs hole. Pig, being an expert clenches himslf so as not to loose much, and as a reward, master puts it into pigs mouth as a pacifer. Now master thomas said, one more big hit of poppers,,,,put you in the mood,,,,,my mind floating in the dark place called sleep,,,,,my mouth gently tugging on greasy nasty asslips,,,,my tongue,,,,,gently finding its way to the toxic honey pot,,,,,stroking myself to sleep,,,
    1 point
  29. Normally before rimming or fucking a bottom I’ll feel his ass up though his trousers (pants) grinding my fingers in to his ass. when I’m fucking I’ll often sniff the underware ,I just love the smell of ass , it always gets me hot. i sometimes keep the underware as a momento . it also means my load is more likely to be visible as it leaks out ? my favorate cumdump has black underware he wares when he’s been breed ,he wares them when we meet ,the most intoxicating smell of all is his ass and other tops loads
    1 point
  30. Fucking hot I want this done to me soooo bad
    1 point
  31. If in at a sex party, gangbang, etc. And I have fuck me written on me, that's an open invitation for you to dump one in me if I'm passed out. All I ever ask is if you film it, send me a copy haha!
    1 point
  32. Reading through this forum has motivated me to push myself and become sluttier. Last weekend I had the sluttiest weekend on my life. It started Thursday night, I met one of my regular fuckbuddy. He is a submissive Asian bottom. He fits perfectly the stereotype of Asian bottoms: very submissive, hungry for big black and white cocks, hairless asshole, bubble butt, and useless dicklet. You can watch part of the fuck on this video. The next day, I met with another of my regular fuckbuddy in the afternoon. He is a twink blonde bottom with a smooth bubble butt. He is only 20 and I've been fucking for over a year. I love seeing his face when I tell him I'm about to cum. It is almost like a spiritual experience for him, knowing that I put my babies in him. He left with my cum inside. Part of the fuck is also on xtube. That same day on the night, I went for a horny date. This is the kind of dates I love, we had dinner together and talk to build a connection to have a sweaty and wonderful sex. I fucked him for more than 2 hours. We ended up on a bed of sweat, spit and semen. I totally destroyed his ass and filled him with my DNA. Next morning on Saturday I woke up horny and logged on Grindr. I found a beautiful Brazilian bottom of only 22 years old. Since we met, we clicked right away. We kissed a lot and started fucking with a condom (he was very insisting on that). But after a while of passionate fucking and kissing, he asked me the magic question: when was the last time I got tested? I told him the truth a month ago and everything negative (It is very important to be honest). And then he slided on my cock. It was like a poetic moment when he decided to trust me and remove all barriers between us. We stayed together for 4 hours. But I couldn't cum with him (he couldn't take my cock deep). So since he left, I went online on grindr again. I found a well known whore in New Zealand online and invited him over. In less than a hour since the handsome Brazilian boy left, I am fucking a new ass raw. I felt so powerful. I pounded balls deep this whore for over 30 minutes while he begs for my cum. I finally rewarded him with my cum. He left with it inside. And at night, I met with the same guy from the night before. Again, we had a wonderful passionate sex session, but this time a lot shorter (30-40 min). I left him pregnant with my babies. Finally, Sunday morning I was horny again. None of my regular were available, so I went to grindr. I found a cumdump nearby. I am not a fan of fucking cumdumps. High risk of std's and they only put their ass up without doing much more. But I was horny as fuck. I invited him over and fucked the hell out of him. I fucked him hard for being a cumdump whore and made him beg for my DNA. You can watch part of the fuck on this video. This has been my sluttiest weekend in my life. I have never fucked so much in such a short period of time. I fucked 7 guys.
    1 point
  33. I fucking love to drink piss man. Right from the tap or out of a guys ass that has been pissed in.
    1 point
  34. Last night. I met with a regular that had a nice 7 inch dick. He took me to a local park and we found a nice spot out of sight. He had me strip and we spent almost 2 hours playing. When we where finished, he kept my underwear. I had a blast riding home with his load seeping out of me and into my jeans.
    1 point
  35. Part 33 Rob was returned to his cage after being fucked by the giant dido for several hours. His ass was gaping and the cum loads deposited earlier freely dripped out of his ass. Rob reached back to feel his battered hole. He could easily fit almost his entire hand inside without any resistant. He wondered how many more fucks he’d be able to take before his ass was gaping permanently. He had never envisioned he’d end up like this. He wondered how he had let himself become such a cum dump. He tried to rationalize that he was forced to do this but then again when he was high he didn’t fight back at all. It had to be the drugs then he thought. If it hadn’t been for the drugs he would never have become a bottom let alone a poz bottom. However the drugs made everything feel so good. He loved taking cock when he was high. He knew he wasn’t in control but it felt so good; he’d do anything for that feeling. After his morning workout in the gym, which of course ended with him being fucked by Tanner and the other two guys in the gym at the time, Rob was escorted back to his room. As was often the case there was a camera man waiting along with another guy. Tanner placed his hand on Rob’s shoulder and forced him to his knees. “Looks like you have a visitor this morning, crawl over there and greet him properly.” “Consider this a little audition.” Rob wasn’t sure what Tanner’s last comment meant, but at this point he didn’t care. He was still feeling horny from the slam he had at the gym and the visitor looked like he was well hung. As he crawled closer to the visitor he could smell that the Top hadn’t showered for a while. He also picked up the smell that the guy had been smoking weed. The visitor took off his shirt as Rob was approaching. He was a wiry man covered in tattoos. He had long unwashed hair and a goatee. There were multiple piercings in his ears, he had a small ring in his nose and both his nipples were pierced. When the visitor opened his fly, Rob also learned that the long cock that popped out of the faded ripped jeans was pierced as well. Rob opened his mouth to lick and suck the hard cock in front of him. The visitor however grabbed Rob by the hair and thrust his cock to the back of Rob’s throat in one swift movement. He tilted Rob’s face upward and spit on him. “You ain’t here for foreplay pig: you’re here for me to use,” He barked. While Rob felt the spit run down the side of his face he also felt the prick of a needle as Tanner administered a booster slam. Tanner offered a bottle of poppers to the Top who took a couple of deep hits. The bottle was then brought to Rob’s nostrils. After Rob huffed the poppers the Top continued his assault on Rob’s throat. The feel of the PA scraping the side of his throat was causing Rob to gag but the Top didn’t care and he continued his skull fuck. After he fucked Rob’s throat for a few minutes he pulled out and slapped his cock against Rob’s face. Rob’s started gasping to recover from the assault. “Open up my jeans and free my balls,” ordered the Top. Rob reached up to unfasten the belt and jeans but he was slapped hard across the face and stopped. “No hands, PIG!” Eventually Rob was able to undo the belt and jeans with his mouth and teeth. When his jeans dropped around his ankles, the Top grabbed Rob by the hair and jerked him towards him. “Balls NOW,’ was all he said. Rob began sucking and swallowing the balls immediately. The Top hit the poppers again and handed the poppers to Rob. The poppers were a welcome aroma versus the sweaty balls. After the hit he renewed his ball worship with increased rigor. When the Top had enough he grabbed Rob by the hair once again and pulled him off his balls and then turned around. He bent slightly at the knees and pulled Rob’s face into his ass crack “You know what to do so get busy!” Rob rimmed the ass in front of him eagerly. He was careful to drive his tongue as far up the Top’s hole as he could. He knew better that to try to spread the sweaty ass cheeks farther apart with his hands so he just pushed his face in tighter to spread the cheeks apart to give his tongue deeper access. After 10 minutes the Top stood up completely, turned and reached down and grabbed Rob by the throat to help lift him up. “On the bed face down and spread those legs,” he ordered. Rob felt the Top roughly shove three fingers up his ass. ”I see you are primed with cum and ready, just like a good cock whore should be.” “That’s good because I certainly wasn’t going to give you any lube.” The Top then drove his 10” pierced cock completely into Rob’s ass. True to his earlier comment about no foreplay, the Top immediately began to pile drive his cock fully in and out of Rob’s ass. Rob cried out with every thrust. With the poppers and the meth the fuck was a mix of pleasure and pain for Rob. The force and speed of the cock thrust reiterated to Rob that he was just a hole. Within another 15 minutes Rob felt the fresh flow of cum enter his ass and the fuck was over. Once the cock exited his ass Rob gave a sigh of relief. He was caught by surprise though when he felt four fingers enter his ass. The fingers gathered up some cum and were pulled out. The Top held his open hand in front of Rob’s face and demanded, ”Eat it up Pig, don’t waste a drop.” When Rob finished eating the cum, the Top pushed his cock into Rob’s mouth. “Now clean my cock and spit shine my PA; I want that ring shining when you are done.” When the Top was satisfied he was sufficiently clean, he pulled up his jeans and put back on his shirt. He turned to the camera man and said, “Remind your boss that they promised me a personal copy of the video.” When the Top left the room, Rob slowly crawled back to his cage and curled up into a ball inside of it. Tanner returned to the room to lock the cage. “I didn’t stay the whole time to watch that scene; it was getting too hot and I didn’t think I could refrain from joining in.” “I’m going to go watch the video now in the editing room; I’m sure it’s going to get you a lot of attention.”
    1 point
  36. I will be attending Atlanta in July for several days, first time going. I am a party kink freak bottom looking for group bang breedings. I seek the Black Bullss I arrive Wednesday through Sunday any suggestions on where I should go. Help.
    1 point
  37. Local sauna, Saw a guy getting bread in a room with the door open. When the guy in front finished the bottom stayed in position , i just took his place and pushed my cock in. As he was so wet no need for much finesse , just shove , pump and dump. I always love to follow the previous to quickly as his cum is still very viscous (cum seems to go "thin" quite quickly) As i pulled out the next top stept up for his go
    1 point
  38. Last Friday night in the woods Had spoken to a semi regular fuck bud on Grindr , he was at home and looking for a way to slip out from under his partners watchful eye. He kept stalling and changing the time and arrangements. He was trying to get a few guys as he knows I love a pre loaded ass. A message popped up on Grindr from a local guy who I had chatted with , but not met as he was safe only. He asked if I was meeting my FB as he was due to give him a lift and fuck the bottom , BB I asked ? , yes he replied - he had just started doing it and was loving it. The FB continued to stall so I met the other guy up in the woods at midnight , I had seen pics of him on Grindr. He arrived in a white tank top and tight shorts. We went in to the undergrowth so as not to be disturbed by the gangs of late teen males who drive around these places at night. We kissed deeply and he sank to his knees and started to suck my already hard cock , I forced his head on to it till he gagged , and slapped around his face whilst tweaking his nipples , he moaned like a bitch on heat. I pulled him to his feet and pulled his shorts down to reveal a Bike jock (what a Ho !!) I put a finger in him , he was tight. I was in the mood to fuck and not much else so I lubed up his boy hole (mid 20's), pushed him forward and forced my thick meat in him , he winced but took it like a champ. I waited till he was relaxed at pushed it all the way in , I just fucked him hard , for my gratification. He kept his jock on and was feeling his little dick. I fucked hard and deep till I was at the point of no return and pulled him in to me as I came to make sure I was loading him deep inside. I kept inside him for a little while before pulling out my still hard dick. He walked back to the carpark with his shorts in hand and I could see a little of my cum glistening on his ass. Im definatly going to fuck him again. I got to my car and saw lots of messages from original guy asking if id met his friend ? < Yep and fucked loaded him. He's been quiet for a couple of days , but he needs to learn not to keep a top with a hard on and full sacks waiting.
    1 point
  39. Mr. Peeps yesterday. I was deep-throating a cock through the glory hole, but I'd left my door unlocked. I heard it open, and it stayed open for about ten seconds or so, then he stepped inside and closed the door. I never looked back, but I heard the clink of his belt buckle, then his fingers rubbing my hole, and with a bit of wiggling he adjusted my position and started fucking me while I was working for the load in front of me. They came within a couple of minutes of each other, and I never saw either of them beyond the cock in my face.
    1 point
  40. Last night I had a married couple hit me up on Grindr, one was a top daddy bear and his partner was a vers avg next door type. After chatting swapping pics ,(daddys cock looked amazing) they invited me over to their house, I typically like to only host but accepted considering they were married and seemed levelheaded. We exchanged numbers, I took a shower, got ready and headed their way. I pulled up to really nice house texted them I was here, got the "come to the door" text. Daddy bear greeted me at the door introduced himself and said his partner was upstairs in the bedroom waiting for us. He led me up the stairs and slapped my ass and said "Mmm fuck you're hot" on the way up. As soon as we got to the bedroom I saw his partner on the bed, then daddy bear spun me around and started making out with me, his partner came up behind me and slipped my basketball shorts off and started eating my ass, Daddy grabbed my head and had me start sucking on his nipples then mentioned we should get on the bed. He has me lay down on the bed on my stomach, he kneels by my side and I start in on his cock while his partner takes off my jockstrap, lubes up my ass and starts fucking me, he isnt that hung so I took it easily, I continue to worship daddy bears' beautiful 7.5in cut mushroom headed cock that I was dying to have inside me. His partner must have been a quick cummer because After three minutes of him nailing me he started grunting while really driving harder and deeper into me, Daddy bear cheered him on with "fuck yeah, give him that load" then he collapsed on my back, panting. He pulled out of me and I felt his hot cum dribble down my taint and balls. Daddy bear pulled my mouth off his cock and asked me if I wanted his load in my mouth or in my ass, I replied "please breed me sir" He chuckled as he got up and told me to get near the end of the bed, He started putting his finger my cumfilled hole, teasing me, then came the sensation of his smooth cockhead opening me up, his partner knelt to the side of me and they made out as he fucked me with long slow deep strokes, I really wanted it harder and faster so I could cum, but I know my role, I was simply there for their pleasure. His breathing starting getting labored and his grip tightened my hips until he yelled oh "fuck yeah" and bottomed out balls deep, I could feel his cock jumping up and down in my ass as he filled with cum. He kept thrusting in and out slowly till he pulled out, then suddenly to my surprise I felt his partner shooting his second load onto my back. I get off the bed and use one of the towels that was laid out to wipe off my back. Daddy bear asks me if I wanted to get off, I was rock hard. He kneels infront front of me and starts sucking me off while he reaches up and plays with one of my nipples. I start to getting close and tell him Im about to cum, which to my disappointment he pulls off and strokes me till I blow a big load all over his neck and chest. They asked me if I wanted to shower, I declined and said Ill just take one when I get home, but told them I had a great time and said Id love to do it again, They replied " we were hoping you would say that" On the drive back to my place I could feel their seed leaking out of me and soaking the back of my basketball shorts. I hope to get bred by them again soon !
    1 point
  41. ok, not sure I would ever talk about this, but, here it is. I was overseas in a very muslim country about 8 years ago working. Well, as it would happen, I was super horny lots of the time, and using a couple of apps, managed to chat up with a European aid worker, and got some info on some fun. He mentioned that he had met up with a muslim guy who had taken him to a secluded location, taken him inside, made him remove his pants, told him to bend over, and had several men come in and fuck him! Wow! I was scared, but, after a few more days, messaged him for more info and asked for the contact number. He gave it to me, and texted the guy to let him know I was ok, as being gay there is punishable by death. Only a short while later I received a text from the guy. He asked me for some pics of my ass, asked if I was smooth, hairless, and wanted to meet. Yes to all! We set up a meet for the following night, and I snuck out onto the street waiting for him. A car pulled up, and a young guy told me to get in. We drove to the outskirts of the city, pulled into a gated villa, where some security guards, local guys, closed it. I was now very nervous! Kidnappings and murder of westerners was very common. Well, he told me to get out, led me to a small out building, took me inside, and told me to take off my pants. I did, and he turned out the light, and left. A few moments later, someone came in. It was pitch black, but, he found me, and started feeling up my ass. He spit a huge amount on me, and next thing I felt was his cock going into me! He fucked me hard and fast for only a few minutes before cumming in me! He left right away! Only minutes later, another guy came in, and didn't waste anytime! He pushed his cock into me, fucking me hard for a bit longer than the first guy, before grunting and cumming in my ass! I was in heat now! This was crazy! He left, and a third guy came in, and walked in front of me. He pulled his outfit aside, and had me suck his cock, only for a short time, before going behind me, and ramming his cock into me! He fucked hard and fast, grunting, and spoke a bit of english, calling me a slut, a bitch, then pulled out and stuck his cock in my mouth, shooting a huge load of cum! He did mention it was just like a porn movie, then left. 3 More guys followed, all just fucking me quick, cumming and leaving quickly. I was absolutely dripping cum by this point! Then, the guy who had driven me came in, and asked how I was. I said ok, is it time to leave? I had no idea where I was, or how to get home. He said not yet. Pulled his pants down, and started rubbing that hard cock all over my ass! He loved the cum leaking out everywhere, I could tell. He then pushed in, and fucked me deep! He lasted the longest, pulling my hips into him, calling me a fag, a cunt, before dumping his cum into me too! As soon as he was done, he pulled out, and had me suck him clean. He then told me to get dressed, as I needed to leave right away. A 15 min or so drive back to my villa, and he told me to message him again. Wow! I was dripping cum as I made my way into my villa, back to my room! One of the more crazy times or things I have ever done!
    1 point
  42. Boybutter is by far my favorite both for bottoming and topping. A regular "haul" from a visit to the local toy store. vvv
    1 point
  43. How it Happened Ch. 3 I caught the bus back to campus without any trouble. The whole time with Michael seemed like a terrifying sexy dream. My well-fucked ass and the slowly leaking jizz seeping from my “boy pussy” told me I had not imagined my time with Michael. Fortunately, my roommate was still gone when I returned to my dorm room. I stripped and took another shower, so when I woke in the morning I wouldn’t wake to a puddle of cum in my bed. I told myself, even though I promised to let Michael fuck me raw anytime he wanted, this was only a one-time occurrence. When we met again, I would explain I preferred to engage in only safe-sex. I was sure he would understand, and we could move forward without any repeat of our wild and reckless night. Now having told myself this, I had to admit the sex had been amazing. The warm, throbbing cock pumping in and out of me had treated me to what had to be without a doubt some of the best sex in my life. I found myself getting hard as I remembered the hot, pulsing shots of his thick semen filling me up, as he continued pounding me like a porn star whore. I understood now why guys loved fucking raw, and I almost regretted depriving that lacrosse of the opportunity to breed me as Michael had done. Still it was better to be safe, than sorry. Michael and I could get tested together, and once our tests came back negative, we could skip rubbers and fuck like the night before. I took a couple of Aleve PM, so I could get some rest, and hopefully ease the pain of my well-fucked ass. As I drifted off to sleep, I heard my roomie return, but I was too far gone to care. When I woke up, I first thought it was dawn, but, I had slept through the entire day. Fortunately, I had only two classes, but I had never missed a class in my life. I contacted friends from those classes to catch up on my missed work, as well as checked over my work for the next day’s class-work. My friends from the night I met Michael had texted me to make sure I was doing okay. They apologized for abandoning me at after-hours club. I texted back it was all cool and had met a great guy, who was interested in seeing me again. Bed-time, Michael texted me. I found myself boning up at once as soon as I saw a message from him. I didn’t remember giving him my number, but at this point I couldn’t care less how he got my number. He told me how much he enjoyed our time together and was definitely looking forward to seeing me again Friday night. I responded telling him how much fun I had as well, and I was looking forward to seeing him again. I soon found my cock leaking like crazy as he told me how much he enjoyed being inside me, and the way my “boy pussy” just seemed to keep milking his cock for more jizz. Even though his graphic texts turned me on something awful, I told him I really needed to talk about being safe in the future. I felt relieved when he responded that was something we could talk about Friday. I had been afraid he would want to not see me again, but that seemed not to be the case. He told me his friends were excited to meet me this coming weekend. His last text of the night included a picture of his cock buried in my ass, with some of his loads leaking out, with the comment, “Something to dream about until we see one another again. I barely made it to our bathroom, before I blew my load all over myself. I wanted him to fuck me again in the worse way. The rest of the week seemed to drag along at a snail’s pace, until Friday afternoon and my classes were over for the week. I made sure to try and get ahead of my school work, so I wouldn’t have anything to do Sunday night. It didn’t help Michael sexted me every night. I was a quivering messy of teen hormones by the time I caught the bus to Michael’s apartment Friday evening. The second night we had texted, he made me promise not to fap for the rest of the week. He wanted me loaded with jizz, so he could empty me out completely by the end of the weekend. The thought of someone making me climax until I couldn’t shoot anymore strangely turned me on more than I wanted to admit. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been as hard as I was when I climbed on the bus from Hopkins to downtown. I packed my toiletries, as well a couple changes of clothes, since I had no idea what he had planned for us to do over the weekend. I made sure I packed a box of condoms, just in case Michael didn’t have any on hand. I wanted to be prepared like the Eagle Scout I was. My heart was pounding, and there was a nice sized wet spot on my jeans, by the time I arrived at Michael’s apartment. I was seriously regretting following his instructions I free-ball. My tight jeans rubbed me in ways I wasn’t used to while wearing underwear. Every step made me harder and ooze even more precum. The outer door-grate was unlocked and opened easily when I pulled on it. I took a deep breathe before I hesitantly knocked on the door. I could hear voices and music playing, so I knocked a little bit harder a couple more times before I heard the door unlock and open. “Babe,” Michael smiled at me stepping aside to let me enter. I thought I’d blow my wad right there in the door way when I saw him. The only thing he had on was pair of black skin-tight jeans with the top button unbuttoned. His thick, hard cock bulged and strained against the zipper which seemed barely able to restrain his desire for me. “We’ve all been waiting for you to get here, so the fun can begin,” he told me, pulling me into a passionate kiss. His kiss threw me completely off kilter, everything I had planned to say to him went out of my mind. As we kissed, he began getting me out of my clothes, I almost felt as if I were in a porn flick, everything seemed to be happening so quickly. Once I was naked, Michael handed me the glass pipe we had smoked last time I was there. I started to say I didn’t want to get started that quick this time, but as soon as I opened my mouth the pipe was inserted. “Inhale babe, just keep inhaling like a good lil’ chem piggy,” he chuckled, as he continued moving his lighter back and forth as he started stroking my cock. God, what a surreal and amazing feelings he was created in me. Occasionally, he would take a hit himself, but soon I found it back in my mouth. I lost track of time as I stood in the doorway getting wasted and jerked off by him. My lust for Michael was equal to the previous time I had been at his place on Saturday night. I wanted his dick bad and he knew it. He pushed me down to my knees, before feeding me his beautiful, thick, uncut cock. I worshiped it, as he had taught me to the first time I sucked him. I swear I got even harder, when he grabbed a fistful of my hair and began to seriously face-fuck me like the slut he called me. I gagged somewhat, but soon was able to take his cock to his shaved groin. If being his slut got me his dick, I was more than willing to become one for him. I was in love with him and wanted to please him. I began to love it when he forced himself deep down my throat cutting off my air and holding it there until I was almost ready to pass out, Slobber and precum coated his cock when he finally withdrew it long enough to let me breath, before shoving it in deep. He could do anything he wanted, I was his to use, so long as he fucked me. I began to believe and accept his dirty talk about being his slut, bitch-boy. I was his whore/cumslut. I wanted, no correct that, NEEDED, to please him anyway I could so he would slide his magnificent fuck-stick inside my boy-cunt. Safe-sex was the furthest thing from my mind. I NEEDED to feel him deep inside me and flooding my insides with his cum. He pulled me off his throbbing, dripping cock, smiling down at me. “Oh yeah slut, we’re going to have a fun time this weekend,” he told me yanking me to my feet by my hair, before French kissing the hell out of me. “Come on bitch, time for some more fuck smoke and some fuck vitamins, then you can get back to work showing me how much you want my fuck stick and dirty loads up your cunt.” I didn’t even think to argue, I just followed him down to the living-room. All thoughts of safe-sex had vanished into thin air like the clouds of white smoke he began to feed me once I swallowed another smiley-face pill and a blue diamond-shaped pill. Once again, he encouraged me to drink more Gatorade. Once I had finished the Gatorade, he fed me even more of the amazing fuck-smoke, which made me even horny than I thought possible. I didn’t even wait to be asked, I finished the pipe off and dropped to my knees and returned to worshiping my new owner. If I had been sober, I would have taken serious offense to being referred to as his property, now rather than his boyfriend. If it meant I would soon be fucked by him, I was more than willing to be his bitch, slut. I had no intention of debated his claim of knocking me up, as being proof I was now his to do or to use however he wanted. My sole focus was bringing pleasure to him, so he would bring me pleasure. I moaned in pleasure, as he continued to forcefully use my mouth and throat. I enjoyed the feel of his hands on my ass, spreading my cheeks wide and slipping something small and hard in my hole. A moment later I felt a warm, burning feeling suddenly shot into my hole, before the hard, small cylinder slide from my hole. As time began to stand still, my hole began to hunger to be filled with his hard cock. I was about to try and pull off his cock to beg him to fuck me, when suddenly my hole stretched wider than it had ever been stretched before as an enormous cock-head punched through it’s opening, thrusting several massively, thick inches deep inside me. “Sorry Mikey, we just couldn’t wait any longer to join the party,” a deep, masculine voice said from behind me. “Is he as good as cock-sucker as he looks?” Another voice off to the side asked. “It looks like he knows how to deep through you, but can he do me? A third voice asked. “Well there is only one way to find out, you’ll just have to take him for a test spin. He’s yours for the weekend, but don’t break him please I still want to keep him for a while longer to expand his horizons,” I heard Michael chuckle as he pulled me off his cock and slide out from under me and off the couch. I gasped for breath as I felt the rest of my mysterious fucker’s raw dick sink all the way inside me as his bushy pubes settled against my ass cheeks. My head dropped all the way down on the sofa cushion as I moaned in pleasure at the mysterious cock now buried balls deep inside me. I was torn between feeling betrayed by my new boyfriend, and the incredible pleasure of the thick piece of fuck-meat now buried inside me. I didn’t even know what the guy even looked like, but I was beginning to not even care, because as he began rocking in and out of me slowly at first building momentum, I found myself moaning in pleasure. I didn’t want this amazing thick cock to stop. I my moans of pleasure soon matched both the speed and depth of his fucking. “Hey Mikey, I think he likes it,” chuckled the voice behind me, which prompted laughs from the others. I never had any doubt he would,” laughed Michael. “Have fun with him. I’ll be back later, I have a “date” with a hot lil’ Calvert Hall senior. I may bring him back to join the fun,” chuckled my “boyfriend”. “The kid loves raw cock and cum, I met him at Bush River,” he laughed. Michael grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling my head up to face him. “You are going to take good care of my friends while I’m gone aren’t you cumdump?” He asked me with a look that told me I had better behave or else. “Yes…Sir,” I answered submissively, fearing what might happen if I dared to refuse. Besides, I was really beginning to enjoy the fuck I was getting for this mysterious man. “That’s a good lil’ bitch slut,” he smirked at me. “I’m just helping you become the lil’ faggot slut you’ve always dreamed of being,” he laughed, before leaning down to kiss the hell of me. “I’ll be back in a couple hours gents, enjoy,” he said before letting go of my hair and leaving the room. “Here blow some clouds boy,” commanded a deep voice holding the glass pipe to my mouth. I heard the click of the lighter and saw the flame begin to move along the bottom of the glass bubble. Each time I inhaled deeply, the cock fucking me paused, only to resume its relentless pounding of my ass. Once I finished off the white rock, I found myself presented with two cocks to service. One black and one caramel-colored, both were larger and thicker than I had seen before in my limited sexual explorations. Normally, I would have resisted, but instead I began to worship those beautiful cocks being presented to me. I was in heaven licking and sucking on them, while another cock continued to fuck me relentlessly. “Damn, this cunt is amazing,” grunted the voice behind me. “He’s a horny lil’ fucker,” he groaned, before slapping my ass hard, which in turned made me moan around one of the cocks stuffing my throat. “I think Mikey found a good one here, he’s a nasty lil’ pussy boy,” chuckled one of the voices busy feeding me cock. “Get…ready…to…swap,” panted my fucker. “SHIT! YES! FUCK!” Howled the man long dicking me like there was no tomorrow. “TAKE…MY…DIRTY…LOAD!” I pushed back against the unknown man fucking me as I felt his dick begin to swell and fill me with his jizz. I wanted his load in the worse way. “Damn! That was a good fuck, can’t wait until he’s really broken in properly,” chuckled the man as I felt his cock begin to withdraw from me. I tried to close my ass to keep his load inside, but I couldn’t. The next thing I knew another cock was sliding inside me, while I was presented with a cum-covered cock to clean. I didn’t hesitate in opening my mouth to clean and worship the cock that had just fucked me so wonderfully.
    1 point
  44. I rarely Cum myself while being Fucked. I know there are some Tops that want me to cum, but I have NO INTEREST in my own cock if with another guy. If for some reason I do shoot my load, the top should continue as him getting off is more important than my comfort. I don't mean to continue for a few more minutes. He should continue until he is satisfied with pumping my ass full of Cum. His own load or others if he wants to offer my ass to others. I do not need to cum, but of I do there is NO Reason to stop. I am a CUM RECEPTICAL for POZ Men to BREED. ???
    1 point
  45. 100% vers now - just depends on the guy/s I'm with. Best scenario to me is flip fucking with another vers guy, back and forth over and over till someone busts. OR small group, everyone trading off and ending up middle man in a fuck sandwich - feels so fucking good I usually can't last very long doing that though. Flipping doesn't happen as much as I'd like though - usually end up with a total top or total bottom.
    1 point
  46. When younger if I was getting really turned on when being fucked I'd cum but would try to stop because I'd lose interest and it would be uncomfortable getting a dick then. Of course tops weren't happy. A few that would just ignore my pleas to stop kept fucking me or complaining it was my fault I shouldn't have cum before him and to deal with it. Usually I wasn't happy but afterword thought it was freaking hot knowing he was going to finish in my ass regardless what I wanted. Probably how I learned that my hole was only for their use and that's a bottoms' purpose.
    1 point
  47. Here is a version in the United States. http://www.rough-stock.com/RoughStock.html
    1 point
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