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  1. Part 18 - West of Tuscany It was late afternoon in New York when the flight landed, collecting their luggage and walking to the exit Savio was excited taking everything in his stride and trying to contain himself. The love for each other had grown incredibly strong over the past two weeks, Oliver had never lived so happily. The mix of Savio and Tuscany, being able to roam around dressed in shorts, the tranquillity and beauty of the surroundings and one person had all won his heart over. No matter how much he loved NY it was cluttered noisy and dirty and a far cry from what he left behind. The taxi pulled up to the swanky building off Central Park, the door man greeting Oliver like a friend escorted them in. Savio followed Oliver in to the penthouse and ran straight over to the large expansive windows overlooking Central Park taking in the view. The penthouse seemed empty without Liam who would not be returning until the weekend, he was currently enjoying a break with Brad and James in Florida. Putting his coffee cup down Luca smiled at the tall frame walking through the door of the coffee shop. It seemed like ages since he last saw Tony and instantly he thought about the amazing sex he had with him. Mark was jealous he was meeting Tony having heard all about his counsellor and techniques. Luca promised Mark that there would be no sex between them unless they were together. Despite his promise the sight of Tony still gave Luca one hell of an erection when he sat down opposite him. "I was beginning to think you were never coming back?" Tony remarked after ordering a coffee. Luca chuckled "I know it did go on but there is a reason" he started to explain. Tony cocked his head to one side "You met someone?" he asked guessing "you have haven't you!". Luca smiled "Yes, my dorm friend from university you know the one I told you about". Tony laughed "So you finally get it on with him" he said calming down "I'm pleased for you Luca". "Really?" Luca asked looking at him "I thought you might have been upset just a little". Tony chuckled "Of course I am, I like our therapy sessions but finding love is hard and I am happy for you". Luca fiddled around with the sugar sachets on the table "There is one other thing". Tony thanked the waitress for his coffee and leaned in "You want to stop seeing me?" he asked. "No" Luca replied horrified "I mean in that sense yes. I like you as a friend and someone to talk to". Tony smiled "And the boyfriend?" he asked "what does he make of all this?". Luca laughed "Oh he want's to meet you and take him to get a tattoo done" he said grinning. Luca looked up "Apart from that I am moving to Tuscany to live and work in the family business". Tony stopped smiling "You really have got everything sorted" he said shaking his head "I will miss you Luca". "Not so fast" Luca said holding his hand up "I meant it about being a friend". "In what way?" Tony asked looking confused. Luca smiled "I hope, no want you to come and visit us out there, use it as a holiday". Tony nodded "Would I not be in the way?" he asked putting his cup down. "No, my parents and me owe you big time for helping me through this" Luca said with a genuine tone. Tony smiled "Okay, of course I would come and visit I like you in or out of bed" he replied. Luca blushed "Mark is coming here on Saturday, maybe we could meet?" he asked looking at Tony. "I would love to Luca" Tony replied "I want to see this person who stole you from me" he said laughing. Luca spent the rest of the week packing and sending his belongings out to the villa along with meeting up with Tony daily, he came to dinner on Thursday with Sara and Gio happy to see him and welcome him in to their home. Gio asked Tony's opinion on how he thought Luca was doing and coping with everything, breathing a sigh of relief when he heard Luca had invited him to Tuscany whenever he wanted a break. Gio guessed something had gone on between Tony and Luca, he didn't mind as he really liked Tony despite his tattoos and quirky appearance the guy was pretty sound and sane. Friday couldn't come round soon enough for Luca standing at Paddington train station waiting for Mark to arrive. Sarah walked up and handed Luca a drink telling him to stop pacing around. After five minutes the train slowly appeared and pulled up to the platform, Luca was anxious standing behind the ticket barrier trying to spot him amongst the throng of passengers streaming off the train. Sarah tapped Luca on the shoulder and pointed to Mark walking towards them, she stepped back watching Mark pass the ticket barrier and running to Luca. Shutting the world out around them they embraced and kissed openly, tears in their eyes kissing and hugging. Sarah blinked rapidly trying not to cry seeing the emotional wrecks they had become. Finally when they managed to stop Mark walked over to Sarah giving her a big hug. Gio was making a pasta dish that Mark had loved during his time in Tuscany when they arrived home. Mark smelt it straight away and smiled watching Gio for a few minutes until Sarah asked Luca to take Mark up to unpack. Gio looked at Sarah "What?" he asked seeing the broad smile on her face. "Worried about them Gio" Sarah said "I don't know if they will manage to get through the year". Gio handed her a glass of wine "In what way worried?". "You should have seem them at the station Gio" she said sitting down. Gio nodded and sat down "Do you think we need to talk to Mark's parents?" he suggested. Sarah looked at her glass "I don't think his parents know how much they mean to each other". "See how the weekend goes" Gio suggested standing up "call the boys down for dinner please". "Did you see Mark's face when he saw what you was cooking?" Sarah laughed walking out the kitchen. Luca excitedly filled Mark in on all that happened with Savio and Oliver and how they had become inseparable like themselves. He expressed concern that if Savio decided to live with Oliver in New York it would upset his grandparents and Savio's parents immensely. They walked downstairs in to the dining room and Luca noticing Mark was a little more quieter than usual. He seemed normal enough to Luca enjoying Gio's pasta dish and referring to how much better it was eating this on the terrace in Tuscany. Sarah brought the coffee pot over and set it down on the table. "How is university going Mark you hardly said a thing about it?" Sarah asked pouring him a coffee. Mark glanced at Luca "Studying hard" he simply replied with a disinterested look on his face. "Mark" Sarah looked at him "come on your not fooling anyone what is the matter?" she asked putting the pot down. Mark shrugged his shoulders "It is okay" he replied looking at Sarah "I won't make it through the year". Gio looked at him "Explain Mark?" he asked glancing at Luca. "My head is elsewhere all the time" Mark tried to explain "I spent so long waiting I can't wait another year". Sarah nodded "I thought so Mark" she said sympathetically "You want to be with Luca?" she asked. "Yes" Mark held Luca's hand "my family will be upset, but I can't see any other way". Gio smiled "Do you want us to speak to your parents?" he asked "smooth things over?". Mark chuckled "If you can make them see sense it would be a miracle" he said. That evening Mark spent a great deal on the phone with his parents, Gio spoke with Mark's parents as well. It took time convincing them and in their hearts they knew if they stood in the way Mark would just quit university and cause a rift in their family. Gio then suggested that they come to Tuscany in late September his parents finally persuaded knowing he had a job and somewhere to live, being invited out to see it first hand helped bring them around. Luca and Mark walked in to the coffee shop early Saturday morning and met up with Tony. Mark found Tony fascinating purely out of what Luca had told him and how dominant he liked sex. The biggest fascination was the tattoos adorning his body and he made Tony explain the significance of each one. Mark looked up all gooey eyed "I want one, like Luca's but the other side" he finally said. Tony chuckled "I know Luca told me" he replied "my tattooist has kept a slot free for you today". Mark smiled "Neat" he said looking at Luca "maybe I will get to see your other tattoos sometime". Luca laughed "Enough of that" he lightly punched Mark on the arm. Tony leaned forward "You won't see them as you will be face down getting it" he said winking at Mark. Mark smirked "I'm leaking precum thinking about you giving it to me". "Mark!" Luca exclaimed in feign shock "We better go before you two start doing it" he laughed. Savio stirred in bed his sleeping pattern out of synch with the jetlag. Oliver kissed him and looked at the time, 6am he thought to himself. He too was having problems adjusting his body clock and suggested they go for a run around Central Park. Savio straddled Oliver until he promised to run slower so he could keep up. They quickly dressed and headed out in the crisp damp morning air that Saturday morning slowly jogging around. Savio loved this part of New York and couldn't stand being in Times Square amongst all the crowds, he was a country boy heart although he loved being shown around by Oliver. Even the bank they visited was in an amazing building and Savio spent the hour looking around whilst Oliver met with his personal advisor and got the ball rolling with decisions much clearer in his head. Savio and Oliver spent the rest of Saturday going around the Met museum mostly biding time until Liam returned home probably with Brad and James in tow. Savio stood at the window watching people in the park running and walking their dogs "Savio" Oliver called. "Yes" he answered wandering in to the kitchen diner "What are you doing?" he asked smiling at the mess. "Trying to make pasta" Oliver replied covered in flour "I need help". Savio laughed washing his hands "Is one thing I can do with my eyes closed" he replied taking over. "What are you doing Oliver?" Brad asked standing their putting his bag down "Finally you have come home". James and Liam walked in after Brad laughing at the sight of Oliver trying to cook, quickly though there eyes went to the stunning Italian guy standing there with Oliver who had gone all quiet and shy from the sudden appearance of the three. "Guys this is Savio" Oliver introduced him "the reason I stayed longer in Italy". Brad chuckled "Very nice Oliver" he said walking over and hugging Savio taking an instant liking to him. Savio hugged James and Liam "So how did you two meet then?" Liam asked curiously. "Well I was spending the night with Luca's uncle and husband" Oliver started saying. "Slut" Brad interrupted making Savio chuckle. "Haha" Oliver replied "then this one turns up in the morning, turns out he is Luca's cousin". There was silence until Liam looked at Oliver "Seriously?" he asked watching Oliver nod. The three burst out laughing at the irony of the situation Brad's instant liking to Savio showed through in their very similar personalities and ended spending most of the time together chatting. James immediately saw why Oliver had fallen in love with this Italian guy, he was smart and quick off the mark a trait that Oliver liked in people. What stopped them dead in their tracks was the revelation he was Luca's cousin. Brad delightfully bragged to Savio how he nailed Luca on the ship and slept with him for the night. Oliver invited all 3 of them for dinner on Sunday evening explaining the were flying to California on Monday to see Oliver's family. Liam waited until Brad and James left and walked back in to the kitchen after showering. "This is really serious then?" Liam asked looking at Oliver being taught to make ravioli. Oliver smiled at Savio "Very" he replied looking at Liam "we just fell in love" he tried explaining. Savio chuckled "Only after I fed him an apricot and kissed him" he added. Liam sat down and smiled "If your taking him to California then it is serious". Oliver wiped his hands and sat next to Liam "It will mean me spending more time in Italy". Liam nodded "I am not stupid Oliver" he replied "the way you spoke about the place with such affection". "There is always a room for you" Oliver said standing up. Liam walked over and helped Savio with the pasta "Have you brought somewhere already?" he asked. Savio looked at Oliver "Did you?" he asked looking shocked. Oliver shook his head "Not yet but I want to buy a place for us if you will let me". Liam laughed "Take it Savio he never splashes the cash around like that". Savio looked at Oliver "Is not necessary" he slipped heavily in to his Italian phrasing forgetting words. "Don't argue with him Savio" Liam said patting his hand. "I want to do this for us Savio and we will have this place as well" Oliver explained hurriedly. He walked over and kissed Savio "Then if we get married you can choose where". Savio grinned and blushed a little having never thought about marriage "Okay" he replied "Is a deal". Sunday evening Luca stood on the platform next to Mark who kept lifting his t-shirt looking at his scorpion tattoo then up at Luca and smiling. He was going back to university for the week and his parents were coming down on Friday to help him move out of residency. Mark would get a little time at home before flying out with Luca and finalise the arrangements for his family to come out late September. They quickly kissed and promised to call each other during the week and Mark boarded the train. Gio put his arm around his son and they both waved watching the train slowly start its journey back to Oxford. "You okay Luca?" Gio asked looking at his son. Luca smiled watching the train "Absolutely" he replied looking at his father "it is the right decision". Gio chuckled "Just don't keep inviting people out you are both there to work" he said rubbing his head chuckling. "I know" Luca replied standing quiet for a moment Gio looked at him and smiled "I will let Marzi and Nico know you will be arriving on Sunday". The house stood in a beautifully maintained gated estate on the outskirts of San Diego by the beach. Modest at best it was a four bedroom house at the end of cul-de-sac. California was a far cry from New York, less built up and Savio liked it better for the warmth and sunshine. He could tell Oliver was nervous about him meeting his parents and with good reason, they had never approved of his lifestyle choice and telling him he would never find real love. It was this that drove him to succeed and be able to move away, there had been many times Oliver had remembered what his parents said and he had found it hard finding that special person. Anyone he took a liking to seemed to get over attached when they saw the penthouse overlooking Central Park. He looked at Savio and smiled more contented and happy than he had ever been. Savio waited behind Oliver who was in the arms of his mother and father, happy to see him and berating him for leaving it so long to come home. He proudly introduced them to Savio but were dumbfounded when they found out he was very Italian and how they had met purely out of nowhere. Oliver's younger brother Jack appeared and looked him up and down mumbling then walking off. Jack was 24 still at home and slightly taller than Oliver and the similarities in their looks was uncanny, his swimmers build body was etched with tattoos. Oliver had never seen him with the tattoos and was shocked, more so by how rough he was looking. Oliver's older sister was married with 3 kids and she popped by to see him on her way to dropping the kids off at school. To Savio it all looked like a normal family but he felt there was something dark lurking in the shadows. When Oliver finally managed to sit down and talk with this parents Savio saw the darkness unravel before him. Jack was turning tricks and doing drugs, as long as the tricks paid well he didn't care if it was a man or woman. Jack was even more rampant than Oliver and could easily turn 3 or 4 tricks in a day. Oliver sat there quietly saddened by the news "How long has the drug use been going on?" he eventually asked. His mother shrugged her shoulders "I don't know, but he doesn't seem to be to heavily in to it". "He is not stealing from you is he?" Oliver asked looking at his parents who shook their heads. His father looked at Oliver "I wish you still had that company and could have given him a job" he said. "Have you tried to get help for him?" Oliver asked "you now rehab or something like that?". His mother and father looked at each other "He doesn't value anyone's opinion" his mother replied. "He has money Oliver" his father said then paused "where did we go wrong with him?" he sounded exasperated. Oliver shook his head "You didn't do anything wrong, he is just lazy but I worry about who he hangs out with more". Hi smother smiled "Well at least you made something of your life. We are happy you have found someone". Savio looked at Oliver "It is nearly harvest time" he said noticing the perplexed looks he was getting. "Bring him over to Italy to work in the vineyards" Savio explained to them all. Oliver looked at him "Savio you don't need our family problems to deal with" he said "but thank you". Savio held Oliver's hand "Familia" he said "we look after family in Italy". Oliver was pleased that his parents liked Savio but still thought that Jack was a mistake they could do without. His parents agreed to talk to Jack and obtain a passport for him. They met up a few more times in between taking Savio around sightseeing before heading back to New York for a few days then back to Tuscany. The two weeks had been busy and Oliver was constantly on phone calls with his bank on some business negotiation. Stepping foot inside the amazing penthouse Oliver was on the phone and Savio heard Oliver '8 million and its a closed deal' he said then waited 'agreed, thanks'. Oliver put his phone down and sat on the sofa next to Savio. "Have your finished?" Savio asked running his hand down Oliver's leg. Oliver sighed lovingly and looked at Savio "Yes" he replied feeling Savio's hand caressing his cock and reading a text message from his parents. "Jack has agreed to come to Italy for a week in October" Oliver said to Savio breathing a sigh of relief "I hope you won't hate me after". Savio moved and straddled Oliver holding his head in his hands looking in to his eyes "I love you Olly". Oliver leaned up and kissed him "Is that so... want to show me?" he replied grinning up at Savio. They both knew it was coming and it was now a case of who got who first, their crazy sex had seen them doing it in the toilets of the Met and Central Park and all over the penthouse. Their favourite place without a doubt was in bed where they could slow down and make love, not bad considering they were both rampantly sexual. Before Savio could respond Oliver had him rolled over on the couch kissing him madly, his hands fumbling undoing Savio's jeans and yanking them down. He pulled Savio underneath him kissing his neck and side of his face undoing his own jeans and freeing his cock and guiding it to Savio's ass. He giggled and wriggled under Oliver and gasped 'fuck yes Oliver' he cried out feeling the immense pleasure running through his body the deeper Oliver pushed his cock inside. Craning his neck round he kissed Oliver deeply, the steady pumping action now at work with long deep penetrating thrusts delivered with love. Oliver stared in to Savio's eyes the force of their love frightening to anyone who looked on 'My Savio' he whispered watching him nod, they kissed again and Oliver pushed in hard holding his cock deep. Unable to restrain himself he gasped and moaned pushing down harder releasing his seed deep and breeding his lover. Oliver giggled resting on top of Savio who was kissing his hand. If he could analyse sex the baffling question he would need answering is why fucking Savio was so different and always made him climax easily. Savio noticing Oliver had gone quiet deep in thought kissed him 'I do you tonight' he stated and smiled. Oliver looked at him and laughed planting a big kiss and moaning softly wriggling his cock around in Savio's ass. Oliver kissed his neck gently and stroked his face 'Marry me Savio?' he asked softly feeling Savio squeeze his hand 'You know I will Olly' he replied smiling. Savio stood in he kitchen making pasta for Oliver for their last night in town and he loved sitting there watch how easy Savio made it look. Oliver had tried to persuade Savio to go out for dinner at a lavish restaurant, Savio put his foot down and told him he liked simple Italian food and nothing fancy. Oliver had to admit and agree that his taste for food had changed so vastly since being in Tuscany. He also honoured his promise and started taking medication, his sex with Savio for now still meant he was breeding him with toxic seed. "Shame there are no apricots to pick here" Oliver said pouring a glass of wine for Savio. Savio looked up and grinned "Is where I knew I wanted you" he replied crushing tomatoes for the sauce. Oliver sat with his chin resting on his hands "When can we get married?" he asked watching Savio. Savio smiled "After harvest, my family will be too busy until then" he stopped "but after we have a big family wedding" Savio replied laughing. Oliver chuckled "You have to choose where we married" he said reminding Savio of their deal. "The apricot orchard of course" Savio replied looking at Oliver lovingly. Oliver cocked his head to one side "Perfect" he said "the place and you" he began moving towards Savio. "No" Savio said "the pasta will be ruined" his words muffled from Oliver kissing him and bending him over the kitchen counter taking his jeans down. Liam took Oliver and Savio back to the airport talking all the way that he would come and visit for long weekends as often as possible in between going to Florida. Liam accidentally let slip that he had started seeing a guy from Ocala and they were taking it slow. Savio kissed Liam at the airport and told him to bring his new man over to Tuscany on one of his visits. Luca smiled reading the text that Oliver and Savio were about to board the plane to Rome, he replied telling them that he was still in the UK and flying back on Sunday with Mark and would explain everything when they arrived.
    7 points
  2. I am in a similir situation as @PG1961Canada , locked in at home since mid March, working from home and only leave the house for a quick dash at 8am to buy groceries once a week. The only persons I talk to face to face are the girls at the supermarket. Not even friends or relatives. I have pre-existing conditions so I am very careful. I have been keeping in touch with regular fuck buddies by phone or text. So when it appeared a trusted one of them is in the exact same situation as I am we agreed we are not at risk getting together and recently we did. After more than two months isolated at home (and now with the approval of the Dutch government) we have been fucking like bunnies. I won't do hookups with other regulars and he doesn't either. It's just a sexual relationship but it does create a special bond.
    7 points
  3. Here's the rather strange conclusion to my story about Brian, my popper supplier. I continued to buy poppers from Brian for several more months. We discussed trying to reconnect for a fuck. But, our availability never seemed to work out. Then all of a sudden Brian wasn't returning my texts. About 3 months went by with no reply, so I gave up even trying to contact him. Finally, after many months, I got a text from Brian's phone number. The message said it was from Brian's son. He said to call his number if I needed poppers. He was clearing out his Dad's inventory and it was going fast. He left a different phone number for me to call. So, I did just that. I called the new number and Rick answered. "Hi. This is Dave. You sent me a text about your Dad's ahhhhh..........poppers". "Ok. Well, I'm cleaning out my Parent's house, to get ready to put on the market. And I'm selling off his remaining inventory. I found Dad's customer list. Thought I'd give you guys first crack at it, before I dump it all. A bookstore has said they'd buy most of what I have left. But, they're not going to pay much. So, I'm giving some of you guys one last chance before I dump it." he said. "Is your Dad ok?" I asked. "Actually, no. It's a long story, but I've moved both Dad and Mom into assisted living. Gotta sell the house to pay for it." "Damn! So sorry to hear that. Well, I definitely would like to buy some. When can I just come by your Dad's place?" I asked. "I'll be there pretty much all day tomorrow. Give me a call. I should be there." he said. My schedule the next day got pretty hectic. So, it was early evening before I had a chance to call Rick. Around 7pm, I called him and asked if it was still ok to come over? "Yeah. I'll be working here till probably about 10 tonight. Come on over." So, I did just that. I pulled into the driveway around 9pm. The garage door was up and I could see a shirtless guy on a ladder, pulling items off the top of a cabinet and tossing it to the garage floor. As I got out of the car, he climbed down the ladder and we walked towards each other. "Hi Rick. I'm Dave." I said as I walked towards him. He nodded his head to acknowledge me, but didn't say anything. I came inside the brightly lit garage and up to this tall, hairy, muscular guy that was dripping in sweat. "I'd shake your hand. But, as you can see, I'm a sweaty mess, right now", he said with a chuckle. I just smiled in reply. "What is it you're looking to buy, Dave?" "Got any of that no label stuff?" Rick shook his head no. "How about Amsterdam?" I asked. Rick opened the refrigerator and searched. Reaching into the fridge he pulled out a small box. Opening it, he said. "Three. That's the last of those." "How much?" I asked. "Ahhhhhh......$20 for all three? That OK?" "Yeah. Sure." I say as I hand him $20 and he hands me the bottles, which I slip in my pocket. "I'm really sorry to hear about your Dad, Rick. A very nice man. He's always treated me well." I said. "Thanks." Rick replied as he reached for a rag that was on the counter, next to the fridge. He wiped some sweat that was running down his forehead. Then used the rag to wipe the sweat from his broad, hairy chest. "Fuck! It's too hot to stay out here any longer. I've been out in this heat all day. I think I'm done for tonight. I'm gonna make myself a drink. You feel like a drink, Dave?" he said as he tossed the rag back onto the counter, not even looking at me. "Ahh..... yeah, sure", I replied. Rick headed towards the door leading from the garage, into the house. He hit the garage door opener as he stepped into the house and the garage door rattled to a close. Holding the door open for me as I followed him inside the house. We walked into the kitchen and Rick pulled two plastic cups from the cupboard, then filled them with ice from the freezer. "You like scotch, Dave? I hope the answer's yes. Cause I think that's all I got." he said as he filled his plastic cup with a healthy pour of scotch. "I've already taken most of Dad's booze over to my place. So, this is what's left." he said as he poured another healthy amount into my cup. "Scotch is fine. Thanks." I said as he handed the cup to me. "Sit." he said as he motioned to the two chairs at the kitchen table. We walked to the table and sat across from each other. We both took a sip of our scotch. Rick put his cup down and ran his hand over his hard, muscular, furry chest. I was of course wishing I could bury my face in that fur covered chest. Rick definitely had his Dad's rugged, masculine build. "Sorry. I should put my shirt on. But, fuck......... I'm not even sure where I tossed it?" he chuckled. "It must be out back." he said. " I was clearing off the patio, earlier. I think I must have tossed it back there." he said as he took another swig of his scotch. " Rick now kicks both his dusty shoes off his feet, as he takes a big swig from his scotch. Then he walks over to the counter to pick up the bottle. He pours more in his cup and tries to do the same to mine. "Whoa........ No thanks, Rick. I've gotta drive home", I say, as I cover my cup with my hand and he puts the bottle down on the table and sits again. "Well, I don't. Gonna stay here tonight. I'd like to get another early start here, tomorrow." he says as he takes another drink. "So, Dave............" he says as he again rubs his chest. Pausing to find the right words. "Correct me if I'm thinking of the wrong guy...........but...................." he pauses again. "See...........Dad and me...... we speak pretty frankly. My sister is my Mother's clone. She has Mom's beauty as well as her uptightness." he chuckles as he takes a sip. "I'm my Dad's clone. I have my Dad's build. Have my Dad's frankness. And I share my Dad's...........ahhmm..........libito, I guess is the word. The truth is I'm just a horny fucker, like the old man." he says, and laughs again. "So, as I said, Dad and I speak pretty frankly and don't keep secrets. I remember him telling me about some customer of his that he fucked in the ass. From the way he described this guy. I'm thinking it might be you. Am I right? Sorry if I got you mixed up with someone else." he says, looking directly into my eyes. "Uhmmm........ Well............ ", I'm really struggling with how to answer this. " Well, yeah Rick. Your Dad did fuck me once. It was a pretty damn good fuck too, I might add." I say with a nervous laugh. "I can't believe your Dad told you he fucked guys?" "Well.......As I said, we're pretty frank. Hope you're not offended by my frankness." I shake my head "no" and take a big sip from my scotch. "So........" Rick stammers. "Well........with my frankness....., I'm just gonna come out with it. I'm a divorced man, with no steady girlfriend at the moment. And with all I've got on my plate at the moment, dealing with my parent's and everything else, I haven't had the time to even try to get laid. Buddy, my own hand just doesn't do it for me. I could use a warm mouth if you're feeling generous." I don't even reply to him. I reach in my pocket and pull out one of the popper bottles that I'd just bought from Rick. I peel off the black plastic seal around the lid. I unscrew the lid and take a couple of drags on it as I move to the floor. I kneel between his legs as he unbelts his cargo shorts, unzips, raises his ass and pulls his cargo shorts to his ankles. He pulls his feet through and tosses the shorts to the side with his foot. He now does the same with his boxers. He's now sitting in front of me, completely naked, except for the pair of white socks, still on his feet. I lean forward and take his cock in my mouth. His cock is also a clone of his Dad's. Nicely 6"s soft and growing rapidly as I begin to suck on him. Ricks dick is just like his Dad's with the exception that unlike his Dad, Rick was uncut. I sucked and gently chewed on his very ample foreskin. Then pushed the skin back with my lips, while taking his cock deeper down my throat. Rick reaches for my poppers and takes a few whiffs. I'm inhaling his sweaty, musky crotch smell, which is nearly as intoxicating as the poppers. I take another whiff of my poppers, then begin to suck on his swollen nuts that are holding several weeks of hot cum. I lift his legs and get my tongue up to his ass. He pulls his knees to his chest as I lick and tongue fuck his musky ass. "Ahhh....... Fuck, dude! God Damn! Eat that ass, you nasty fucker! Holy Shit! Dad's right. You are a nasty slut!" Rick says as I continue to eat his ass. "MuthaFucka................. Yeah............" he says as he now spreads his ass to let me get in deeper. Then he drops his legs. He straightens in the chair and my mouth dives for his now rock hard cock. One of my fingers just gently rubs his wet asshole as my mouth is sliding up and down his cock. He's got one hand on the back of my neck as I hungrily suck his cock. Rick must have really been needing this. I doubt it took even 5 minutes from start to finish. He very soon pulled my head down on his cock by the back of my neck. His hips were humping and he let out a growl as he filled my mouth with his hot load. In typical straight man fashion, once he came, he wanted me gone. He quickly stood, pushed past me and began to put his boxers and shorts on. I stood, put the poppers in my pocket and said, "Well, that was unexpected and fun. Thanks!" I pulled myself together and asked. "Should I go out through the garage?" "Follow me." he said as he led me to the door leading to the patio. He flipped on the patio light. Opening the door, he stepped out and I followed him out to the patio. "There it is." he said as he picked up a t-shirt that was draped over the back of a chair. I walked past him as he pulled his shirt on. "Which way out?" I asked. "Round there", he said as he pointed to his left. With that, he went back into the house, flipping off the patio light as I rounded the corner of the house. I didn't hear anything from Rick for many months. Then I got a couple of late night texts from him. Both times he messaged that he needed a blow job. But, it just wasn't possible for me to drive over to service him at the moment. I guess he finally gave up and I've never heard from him again.
    6 points
  4. Mike continued to lay on the bench as the Dr. and Jason left the room. His mind was racing with thoughts about what just happened. He had just taken an HIV positive load of cum inside of him. He felt a moment of anxiety wash over him as he realized what this truly meant. As these thoughts washed over him, he started to realize his destiny was in his hands and he chose this, he took control and made it happen, he felt at peace now. Mike pushed himself up and started to stand, as he did, he could feel the Dr’s cum inside of him. He loved that feeling! His knees were a little wobbly after kneeling for so long. He started to get dressed, relishing the feeling of the cum inside of him and the plug in his hole. He wondered what the Dr meant by aftercare? He finished dressing and sat in one of the chairs to tie his shoes, the plug pushing in deeper as he sat. The Dr and Jason came back into the room just as Mike finished up with his shoes. ”How are you feeling Mike?” The Doc asked. ”I’m feeling good. I honestly feel as peace and I’m happy to have done the procedure “ ”That’s great! I’m so happy to hear that, we’ve had a couple guys freak out after the procedure is done. So I’m very happy to hear that you are comfortable. So as Jason told you, we would like you to keep the plug in you until you go to bed at least, and if you can sleep with it in, even better. We want to make sure all of my semen stays inside of you for the best chance of conversion. Like I told you earlier, I can’t guarantee it, but we have a very good conversion rate. So here’s what you can expect. It could take up to six weeks, if it goes past that then you most likely will not convert, at that point we can make another appointment to try again. Most of the time we have seen the sero conversion happen within a couple of weeks. It just depends on your immune system. Jason will be staying in touch with you to see how you’re doing. If you start to feel flu like symptoms, please call Jason to let him know so we can schedule an appointment for you. Jason will also stop by to make sure you’re doing okay and to help you in anyway he can. Okay?” “Sounds good doc.” ”We do ask that you refrain from sex until you’ve converted. You can masturbate, but no sexual contact with anyone else okay?” ”Okay Doc.” ”Do you have any questions for me?” ”Not at the moment.” ”Okay, if you think of anything, please let me or Jason know. We’re happy to answer them. Also please don’t think you’re alone now, we’re still here for this process. We’ll help in any way that we can.” ”Thank you, I really appreciate it” “Okay then, Jason will take you home now. Remember, please keep the plug inside of you until you go to bed. We want a successful conversion”
    6 points
  5. This is my first post. I am a young, healthy, muscular, blond athlete jock boy living in South Florida. White collar pro by day, but a secret need and a want to take anonymous loads all the time. For my birthday this year i decided to go to NYC. I had posted on BBRT beforehand (blondjockboi) to find a host to whore me out while I was going to be there. I had been whored out once before in LA by the famous Master Jerry the previous summer for LA Pride as his "pride cumdump" where I was blindfolded, ass up taking every load he sent to me at the Dunes Inn motel. I didn't know if I would meet Master Jerry, just that my role was to be ass up taking loads. I ended up with 38, but kind of lost count half way through. Master Jerry surprised me by showing up at the end with a young friend, and giving me my very last load. 38 was the number on my back at the end of the night. Within a few hours of posting on BBRT for NYC I got a message from a man called Dmitiri in NYC. He claimed to be the Master Jerry of NYC, so I thought great - I will definitely get a lot of loads. I was instantly attracted to Dmitiri because he was so pervy. He was only interested in getting me as many loads as possible. He had also been coordinating with another boy coming to NYC from Albany (a super cute twink EMT), and set up a hotel room for us in Midtown. The plan was that the twink EMT would take loads the night before, and I would come in the morning and replace him, taking loads all day. Sort of a marathon of cumdumps available for all these horny men on Dmitri's list. When I walked into the hotel room, it was about 8am and the smell of cum was overwhelming. The boy was laying on his stomach the bed, with cum just drizzling out of his boy pussy all over the sheets. I stripped down and hopped in bed with him, we were making out for a bit and I was fingering his cummy hole - about that time a super hot daddy walked in. I told the boy you take it, and I'll take over after. He said it was his 41st load. The boy played on top of me, and as we were making out the daddy climbed on top of him and shoved his massive hairy cock in. I could hear the cum splooge out of his hole with this massive cock penetrating this pussy. All three of us were making out, and the daddy bit my lip and came inside of him. As he pulled out, I could see a long stream of cum falling from his dick, I rolled over and gobbled it off. As the daddy cleaned up, the boy hopped in the shower, and before you knew it I was alone. I tied my blindfold on, and waited. Within 5 or 10 min the door opened and I could hear 3 or 4 voices coming in. I knew I was going to be used, and filled up with all of this hot anonymous cum. One thing I like when getting fucked is reach underneath and feel the balls of the guy who is breeding me. Every guy was different. One was shaved smooth, one was stubbly, and one was fully hairy. To my surprise the hairy balls slapping my ass turned me on so much, I came hands-free when getting fucked by guy 3. Everything after that is a blur. It was guy after guy, grunting, sweating, whispering in my ear, cumming in my ass. Tongue after tongue, finger after finger, cock after cock. I was taking so many loads, I wondered how long I had been going. I got a quick break, and checked my phone. I had been going 4 hours, and Dmitri had texted me. "You doing okay?" "I'm not going to stop sending guys". I told him to keep going. The next time I took off my blindfold the sun was going down. I had taken 61 loads in 9 hours. I was a cummy mess. Dried cum all over my face, my back, cum oozing out of my pussy. I checked my phone and told Dmitri that I was happy, and had to get ready to meet friends for my Birthday Dinner. 10 minutes later, another twink came in the room, and said he was replacing me. Dmitri had set up a 3rd boy to take loads that evening/night. The twink was super cute, and told me he played Peter Pan on Broadway. I knew I needed to cum again after being fucked all day, so i bent him over, and gave him his first load. As I was finishing the trail of guys started coming in to breed him. I kissed him on the lips as I was leaving - and told him to have fun. 🙂 Dmitri was awesome, and said the feed back from the men was great! He would happily whore me out again when I get to NYC. In the meantime, I would love to find a super pervy partner who would be interested in traveling around and whoring me out to every dick of his choosing. I'm even up for moving to you if the situation is right. 🙂
    4 points
  6. What I can't get out of my mind is how good it felt to have my dick in an ass hole and cum in it, then having a finger put me over the edge. Then seeing the damage my dick did to his hole and how. I do not understand this slam thing, as he did not protest it much, but he likes it but wanted more. I go back to Sal's making deliveries, cleaning at the Spa & library in the early morning, and striping on Sunday night. The only scary part is the one who gives out the black business card is always there dress in a black suit with his beady eyes, which is weird. The others just want to go to a back room and suck my dick as they say if I fuck then I would rip them up. The one who runs the neg to Poz night asks me if I would like to go. I say I'm not looking to become Poz; he says we don't you to become Poz unless you want it, we want you to bust them up so when we fuck them our Poz loads enter their system faster. So all I have to do is fuck them as they are neg. He says that me fucking them would be so much better than the toothbrush. I show up for the Neg to Poz night, and as I remember how much fun sticking my dick in an ass hole was fucking was. Tonight they have six who are looking to become Poz lined up; They make them drink this Gatoraid, so I ask if I can have some as I'm thirsty and they say NO as this Gatoraid has been spiked. So they give me some water as I watch them put the first one in the sling and tie them in so they can't move. They spread his legs wide and take something out of cellophane bag and put in his ass hole. One get on his knees and sucks my dick until its hard; once it's hard, they tell me to drive my dick stright in as hard as I can. As I do he is screaming like I'm killing as one of the Poz Tops says to me he wants its keep going. Once I'm balls deep, I stop, but they say to me fuck him as fast as you can, but DON'T cum as that is the Poz Tops to cum in his wrecked hole. Been fucking him for three minutes, then they pull me away, and one of the Poz Tops drives his dick right in and says to him. Faggot, you are taking my Poz load. Faggot you want my Poz load, he says YES. I look down at my dick, and I see blood, so I ask should I clean it off, they say NO as it does not matter. After this Poz Top shoots his load in, they put a butt plug in his hole then strap a leather harness around his waist then to the butt plug so it cant be removed, then lock it up. The next one is in the sling shove a rock up to his hole, and it's the same thing fuck him for three minutes, then the Poz Top takes over. That night, I fucked six and did not cum once kind of frustrating. When I get home, I take one of the cellophane bags and find a large rock and put in in my ass to find out what it feels like, Well, it does not take long as it is burning I can control as my fingers go right to my hole as I shove them in like I'm fucking my self. I go to the kitchen and find in the fruit bin a cucumber and shove it in hard and fast. I did it with no lube, so I was hurting for a few days, but I want to do it again. One day Sal tell me there is a big delivery and if I can fit on my bike, I say yes. The address is not one I have delivered to before, but it's a big order, so the tip should be beautiful. I get to the door of a big home, and there is a note of the door saying the door is open bring it straight into the kitchen. As I walk to the kitchen, I see two boys naked about my age in the living room with hoods on their heads a chain around their neck and a cage around their dick on their knees. I get to the kitchen and stop right in my tracks, the one with the business cards when I strip it's him. He is dressed all in black with a riding crop in his hand then tells me to put the food down and to come with him.
    4 points
  7. I parked my bike, got out my torch and headed over in the direction of the infamous fuck tree. I'd been there in the daytime so I knew how to get there. It was 9.00pm at night, maybe too early for some, but I was eager to visit this alleged barebacking prime site. After about 5 minutes I arrived at the site and was disappointed to find only two men there, one guy was, however, fucking the other bareback over a large concrete rubbish bin, obviously built with us in mind. As I watched I leant against the uprooted tree that gave the area its name: “The fuck tree”. I was turned on by watching the bareback action and so got out my cock and started wanking to the action. This caught the attention of the guy, who was currently fucking the other over the bin. He stopped fucking him and came over to me. Before I knew what was happening he had turned me round, lubed his cock and plunged it bare into my hole. I was being fucked for the first time on the fuck tree. He was obviously turned on by this new meat and thrust in and out energetically. As he screwed me bare, I noticed around the area a few clusters of people looking on at what was going on. With a loud and satisfied grunt he unloaded himself into me and then left the area hurriedly. With no one else actually coming forward and feeling awkward about having interrupted the other guy's fun, I now turned my attention to him. I got my cock back to full erection and entered the guy from behind. He welcomed the attention. He seemed to struggle with the size of my cock and asked me if I had any poppers, I duly handed over my fresh new bottle, which he gratefully inhaled, complimenting on its strength and asking where I'd purchased it. Whilst I was banging away, many of those who had been standing at a distance now came close. Not just to see things up close, but clearly they wanted their turn with this piece of meat. As soon, as I had erupted inside the guy, another member of the group took his turn in fucking the man. Others eagerly prepared their cocks in anticipation of their turn. Another man arrived, dressed up in suspenders and wearing eyeshadow and lipstick. He stood over the fuck tree and prepared to be taken. He attracted many of those waiting their turns with the bin man. He was soon receiving his first bare cock. I thought I'd get in on the action by going round the other side of the tree and seeing if this new guy could suck my cock back into action. So I wiped out my cock and got him to suck it, which he munched on enthusiastically. He certainly did the trick and before not too long, I was fully erect and feeling the sap rising in my balls. The sight of this spit-roasting, with one guy pounding away and then releasing his spunk inside him, followed immediately by another, was too much for me and for the second time of the night I released my jizz. This time into the willing mouth of the transvestite whore. But I was envious of both men being taken in turn mostly bare, receiving cum load after cum load inside them. I too wanted to be a cum slut that evening and feel my hole being filled with strangers' sperm. Yet I was frightened of the consequences. It was make or break for me. Should I stay or should I go? I took the plunge as my lust got the better of me and walked back round the tree. Then I dropped my trousers and leant against the tree for all cummers to take me. This certainly drew many of the assembled crowd over to me and I was almost immediately shafted by an older guy ready to blow his load inside me. He took next to no time finishing himself off by blowing his load inside me, the second of the evening for me. Another well-endowed black man took his turn and forced his very large member inside me. I was struggling to cope with a cock that big and had to resort to the poppers I'd brought along to facilitate his entering me. Although painful, I was really enjoying the large cock being pushed fully inside me, stretching me. I was beginning to realise my dreams of being a cum slut. Suddenly he held his cock thrust fully inside me for a good minute as gallons of his sperm soaked my insides. I was now craving as much bare dick as I could get and happily took any dicks offered to me. I could feel the squelching from load after load being poured into me. Then another guy came forward, quite beefy with an obvious biohazard tattoo on his chest. After all the loads I had already taken, I was in no position to refuse him entry. He shoved his cock firmly up me bare and started pushing in and out roughly. As he thrust in and out, he kept saying to me, I'm going to breed you and soon you'll get my toxic load inside you. With one final thrust he jerked violently and I knew his toxic spunk was now flowing inside. As I left the heath, I could feel all the loads beginning to trickle down my legs. I wondered what I had done, yet felt very satisfied with so much cum inside me that evening.
    4 points
  8. I'm a top. I'm not into scat but I like a musty ass too but most guys don't appear to be into that. I have a guy that I visit every other month or so. When we plan to meet, I always arrive to his place early so that I can get there before he gets home. I want to get there before he can take a shower. Several times I've gotten there just as he is coming home from jogging. Once we go to his bedroom, I start making out with him before he takes off his clothes. He then tries to head toward the bathroom but that's when I push him onto the bed and open his legs to expose his hole. He then freaks out a little and tries to stop me by telling me that he wants to take a shower first. I force his legs open. Just as I get close to his ass the scent hits me in the face. I start rimming his how like crazy. He recoils because he doesn't feel clean but I force him to stay down. I get so excited that I decide to fuck him now. So I get between his legs and stick my dick him. He stops resisting and gives in. I realize that there could be "consequences" to not letting him get ready for it, but once I get a whiff of that ass, I'm in it to win it.
    4 points
  9. There is a brief mention of GHB in this post being used to lower inhibitions. Dinner time rolled around, and Jerol had texted Billy and myself saying what time to be ready and he'd meet us in our dorm room. Billy found it "so funny" that Jerol had invited us both to dinner. He had no idea I watched Jerol take his straight boy cherry, just as he did mine. Jerol knocked on our door, I was sweating, I don't know why I was so nervous. Part of me was scared Jerol would try something with both of us, thereby outing me...or what I'd done with him. Then again, I already know about Billy, and it didn't bother me, so I guess that would be okay. I'm just so nervous, about something(s). Jerol looked damn good. He was wearing a tight t-shirt and tight khaki's that really, really showed off his bulge and ass. I was trying very hard not to look at his package. I broke out in another sweat when he grabbed me and pulled me in for a group hug. My hand kinda drifted down to Billy's ass on accident and fuck, I got hard. I'm still in the habit of wearing my jockstraps so fortunately it kept my 7.5 guy down, but I gotta say I clearly had something going on in my pants. I should've worn loose jeans. We had a great time at dinner. We ended up not really eating, we started at a bar table because of the wait, and Jerol's ex-girlfriend was our waitress so by the time our name was called we'd all decided we'd just stay where we were at and enjoy some more half-priced beers thanks to the ex. We all laughed and talked like we had known each other for years. We were checking out girls saying what we'd like to do to them, yet, I kept catching Jerol giving Billy and I a certain "look." When we settled up we were walking back to campus and went right by a fairly empty pub, it looked pretty chill so we decided to pop in since Jerol knew the bartender, he knew we wouldn't get ID'd. I was freshly 18 and Billy was about to turn 19, although with his babyface, he looked younger. We each tried a flight of beers, which was cool, getting to sample a lot of different types. I was beginning to feel kinda weird. I guess I'd drank too much on an empty stomach. That didn't explain why I was getting so horny though. I could barely keep from touching Jerol and Billy. Billy seemed to be in the same predicament as myself. Any excuse to touch and we'd take it. I finally said we'd better head back to the dorms. Jerol said he'd get the check, Billy and I were happy to let him treat us, we waited by the door. Huh...that looked like a $100 bill Jerol gave his bartender buddy. I know we didn't drink anywhere near that amount. Maybe he was just tipping him really well. By the time we got back to the dorm I was hot, I felt like my insides and crotch were on fire and my jockstrap strained to keep my cock down. I had already untucked my shirt on the walk back to try and hide it. We entered the dorm room and Jerol asked if we wanted some more beer or a drink. Billy quickly said,"more beer!" I felt dehydrated and "off" so I asked for water. Jerol said, he'd go get it from his dorm, but he was gonna change too and get more comfortable. I told Billy,"he's right, I need to change too, I'm hot as fuck right now." I turned the a/c down to 65F degrees and started clumsily and quickly ripping my clothes off with my back toward Billy. I heard him doing the same. I turned around and caught him bending over trying to get his legs out of his pants. What the fuck?! Billy was wearing a jockstap! AND I could see his perfect smooth ass and a wet pink hole buried in those cheeks. I was burning up inside now and I don't know what happened but when I saw him bent over...I couldn't control myself, I'd pushed Billy down onto his bed on his stomach, and yanked his pants off his legs. "Let me help ya man, you seem to be having problem with these pants," I said menacingly. Well now my face was a mere foot away from his ass, it smelled of soap and a little sweat, I was so hard my cock had pushed it's way out the side of my jockstrap. I grabbed his ass cheeks and buried my tongue into Billy's hole. I don't know why I"m doing this. I'm acting like an animal. I didn't ask Billy if he wanted this or anything. Gawd, his hole tasted good. I couldn't get enough of it. I was eating it like a medium rare ribeye. It vaguely registered with me that Billy was moaning like a bitch in heat as I tongue fucked his glorious boy hole. He didn't have a single hair on or in his ass. His hands reached back and spread his thick ass so I could get in deeper. "Wh..what are you doing?" Billy breathlessly said "I pulled my face out of his ass, and began apologizing,"I'm so fuckin sorry man! I, I don't what I'm doing." "Don't STOP!" Billy yelled I dove straight back into his hole. He was so clean and delicious down there. I couldn't help myself, I got up behind him and placed my cock onto his hole and spat down on it as I began to shove my hardened wood into his incredibly tight bitch ass. I'm fuckin delirious from horniness at this point. I've lost all self control. Billy first let out a deep groan, then screamed as I sank all 7.5 inches into his hole with just spit for lube. I was balls deep in him now. He was panting hard and I apologized again, I don't understand what's come over me, I was sawing my cock in and out of his hole while I held his arms down on the bed and basically raped his hole. I could feel the cum boiling in my balls and ready to blast out. And just like that, Billy began moaning,"OH SHIT! OH SHIT! FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" As he shot his load onto the bed his hole clenched and milked my shaft like a machine and I let loose. There was no turning back as I fired off load after load after load into his warm pussy. We were panting and struggling to gain some sort of composure. I just realized we could be caught any time by Jerol. "Fuck Billy, that was so hot, I'm sorry, we better get dressed before Jerol comes back." I said. "Stay right the fuck there boys!" Jerol said. I whipped my head around to see Jerol naked stroking his giganic cock. Billy didn't even move. It was like he didn't give two shits about anything right now. "Jerol!" I exclaimed,"I, uhm, I don't know what happened, Billy and I were undressing, and I saw him bend over, and, and well, I couldn't stop myself." "Relax man," Jerol responded, "that's the GHB and viagra in you. My buddy at the bar spiked your beers, that's why I ordered us all those bitter deep lagers and IPA's, so you wouldn't taste it." "You fucking drugged us!" I yelled back, I was mad, but I hadn't moved out of Billy's ass, I couldn't leave it. "Dude, it was hardly anything, you're horny as fuck, I can see that, and you feel amazing with no inhibitions right? What's wrong with a little fun? You had to have known I was gonna fuck you on your little visit here right?" Jerol rationalized his actions to me. Fuck it, he's right. I just want more ass, more fucking. "Stick that cock in me Jerol," I commanded. It felt odd telling him what to do. But I wanted to feel that pain and know I'm taking such a monstrous cock inside my tiny hole. He wasted no time in grabbing the oil out of his shorts on the floor and slicking his erection up and pouring some on my twitching hole. He began to rub his cockhead on my aching hole and I pushed back toward it, feeling the pain and hugeness of it, at the same time my cock was going in and out of Billy's tightness, I felt my cum leaking slowly from Billy's hole, so I scooped some up and reached around to rub it on my own hole. I felt Jerol starting to enter me now. FUCK IT HURT. But I grit my teeth hard because I was so horny, I was gonna take that huge cock no matter what. He was sinking into me when Jerol pushed a bottle under my nose, "inhale real big, both nostrils" he told me. I was scared. I didn't know what this was. "I don't wanna do any more drugs Jerol, I'm so horny from what you already slipped me," I complained. "Relax, it's totally legal, it'll just get your hole to open up a little bit." Jerol explained. I wasn't opposed to that, so I began inhaling through each nostril. Fuuuuck....oh my gawd, he's sinking the whole thing into me. All ten inches were pushing past any tightness and ripping me open. I felt his balls on mine, he was fully inside me. He made me take another hit of that bottle and I began to buck back against his cock. My own hard cock was now pumping in and out of Billy's hole while I fucked myself on Jerol's horse cock. I was in a state of painful bliss. It was probably the pain that kept me from falling into whatever realm Billy was in. He just laid there moaning over and over and telling me to blow another load inside him. I began to pick up the speed and was really ramming into Billy's sweet hole. Jerol's cock had stretched me to my max and I felt it thicken. I knew that feeling, he was about to blow. I grabbed Billy's hips and began slamming his ass so fast, that I felt Jerol start exploding inside me which in turn brought me to my own climax, I yelled,"FUCKIN TAKE MY CUM! YOU FAGGOT WHORE!" As I blasted another huge load into Billy, he was a quivering beefcake moaning and mumbling something about taking my loads and being a slut. We slowly unhooked ourselves from each other. Billy crawled up on his bed and rolled over onto his back. I got up there too and Jerol crawled in between Billy's legs, lifting his lifeless limp legs up and I watched as Jerol sank his cock into Billy's wet beat up pussy. I sat there and jerked off while Jerol blasted another load into Billy, I was cumming when Jerol told Billy to take his filthy poz load. What was that again? He told me that once too. I came inside Billy two more times that night as Jerol nutted inside me too. We all fell asleep naked and cum dripping from mine and Billy's holes.
    4 points
  10. Crazy , always been a masc guy with a hard bluecollar job! Usely bearded, weight lifter, reg guy! Never knew my husband would turn my ass into a cock craving pussy. It craves cock& has anal orgasms! My hole will spasmn , grip& milk a cock or toy. I can even mentally hole orgasm thinking of sex, don’t even care to cum, do other btm experience this? Do other btm feel it a functioning pussy? It has to be bb too. Buddy says i should get fisted but not sure, any thoughts?
    3 points
  11. Hesitantly, Peter got to his knees and the man waddled over to him. The lad eyed the inflamed, wart covered cock and looked at me imploringly. I just shrugged, aware of my own erection straining in my pants and the man grinned. "Turns you on, does it? Your mate sucking my filthy cock?" As he spoke, he grasped Peter's head and slid his cock into his mouth. Peter gagged and resisted, then shuddered and gave in, grasping the man's hairy balls and sucking his cock. "Nice!" Said the man. "Lick the shaft" Peter did as he was told, and I watched his pink tongue caress the shaft and lick over the warts which clustered like tiny grapes. I took out my cock and began to rub it. The man gestured me over and grasped my erection in his grubby fist and began to wank me. "Dirty bastards!" He chuckled, raising Peter up, turning him round and bending him over. He scratched at the sores on his belly, then stuck a finger into Peter's arsehole. Peter winced as the man's slimey finger ploughed into him. "Oh yeah! Got some spunk up there already haven't you boy?" Peter nodded and I watched as the man pressed the head of his cock into Peter's anus. It slid in easily until the rash on his belly was pressed against Peter's plump bottom. The man gave a sigh of satisfaction. "That's smooth! " He began to slide sensuously in and out until Peter was groaning and pushing back to meet the thrusts of the diseased cock in his rectum. I was so excited and the janitor noticed how hard my cock was. "Got some lube?" He asked. I nodded and dug the tube out of my pocket. "Fuck me, then. "He said. "I love it up my arse when I'm fucking." He bent forward over Peter's back and spread his cheeks. His hole was puffy and slack and there was a nasty sore on his anus. I hesitated, but he took my arm and said " Come on...ooof thats good ...stick it in or I'll have to...ahhh.. report you." To be honest, I didn't need much persuasion. The thought of sliding my cock into that diseased hole was almost too much to bear. I squeezed some lube onto my finger and anointed his hole, smearing it inside and out over the large sore at the entrance. I dropped my trousers and pants and got behind him. For a second I hesitated but he reached back, grasped my cock and rubbed the head over his hole and around the sore. With a gasp I pushed forward, watching his hole open around my cock as it slid deliciously up into his backside until I was crouched over him fucking his arse as he buggered Peter beneath him. It didn't last long. I heard him start to grunt like a pig as he thrust harder into the plump bottom beneath him. "Gonna cum!" He gasped. "Take my dirty spunk!" With that he grunted and shuddered beneath me and I knew he was filling Peter with his sperm. I kept thrusting as he finished and sagged over Peter's back. "Cum up me!" He gasped. I didn't need a second invitation. I thrust right up him and spurted gloriously and hard into his rectum. moving my cock in ecstasy deep inside him....
    3 points
  12. Confidence is attractive. Cockiness to s charming. Arrogance is off-putting.
    3 points
  13. I live in Los Angeles and the Mayor announced last week that while some things would be opening, “Safer at home” would continue to August. We started lockdown in mid March. We also have to wear masks while outside your home not just for grocery stores and medical offices - everywhere. My husband and I discussed bringing in a trusted third for an exclusive sex relationship. It would be a closed loop relationship for the three of us. He has also been quarantined and we feel that we can trust him. It would include all aspects of sex, including, Yikes - kissing. He is mulling it over, but sees no reason not to do it. It wouldn’t be forever, but until things get a little less crazy, it’s a form of safe play for the three of us.
    3 points
  14. IMHO, a well thought out start to a list that is sure to grow @rawTOP. I also lived through a lot of the HIV days and was actually in a sero-discordant relationship for about 12 years, and so when PrEP became available, it was an obvious choice to me to help be proactive about my health and lower risk with my undetectable partner. And I agree, this is a virus that will make some folks pause and think about things.... everyone will have to do what is right for them. I hope they are respectful of others in that process. I (used to) travel all over the world as part of my job. Mostly Europe, Africa, USA and Canada. Obviously, that isn't happening right now and I don't see a huge, quick turnaround. And that suits me fine, as I have a job that allows me to work at home - when I'm not working in airports. I've been alone in my home office since the second week of March. I've left the house 3 times, after dinner when the crowds in the grocery store are dwindling. I'm in/out like a ninja buying what I need, while wearing a mask and gloves. And then straight home to 'wash' some of my groceries. I stay in touch with my FWB's a few times a week. It's a relatively small list. I have realized this was likely a good thing. Why? In discussion with two of my closest FWB's we realized we have been isolating ourselves quite a bit from everyone. All limited to our once or twice a month foray for food. Masked. One has asthma (like me) and one had kidney issues years ago and is on a disability pension. We have really watched our P's and Q's. Internet meetings only with family and friends. Rob called me yesterday and said... "I haven't had sex in 12 weeks. I haven't left my house in 12 weeks. I'm losing it. What about you?" My response was that I had gone out for some groceries 3 times in the last 12 weeks. That's it. We have been FWB for years and we trust one another. And so, we got together yesterday and had a good solid romp. We're both versatile so there was some good breeding going on. I think this will be my new normal for a while. We even talked about that part and agreed this was about as risky as we would get. He went home to his house and I plan to stay in mine until sometime next week when I need some supplies. Masked. Gloved. I DO like the idea of pump n' dumps or gloryhole fucks tho.... maybe on the back deck? Hmmm. Great thread. I will be curious to see what others have to say and their experiences...
    3 points
  15. I was a really bad boy yesterday. Got fucked by six guys. 1. Hubs fucked me 2. Went over to a local guy’s place on Grindr. Kinda average cock, couldn’t get up. Never again. 3. Muscle Jewish daddy bred me 4. Arranged for my middle eastern daddy friend to come over after. Sat on his huge dick and cum was leaking out 5. Went to Harlem to visit a handsome white guy who has been fucking me good for 9 years. 6. Had a Hell’s Kitchen 3-way with my buds R & H. R is Vers and took my load & H’s. R&H took turns on my hole A lot of my fwbs r asking me to stay over. I’m so flattered of all the btms they have, they wanna be quarantined with me. Staying over a hunky 35 brunette’s Brooklyn apt tues night. We are going to fuck throughout the evening, work from home together the next day, and fuck in between conference calls.
    3 points
  16. I was in High School when this all went down. It was the summer, and I had just turned 18. I was looking forward to basketball camp at a University about 40 miles from my home town. This was the type of basketball camp where we stayed in the mostly empty dorms for the 5 days we were there. The first day was a hard one, the instructors were tough. My group was paired off with a freshman University player. He was tall, of course, maybe 6'7" or so. He was very good looking and mixed race. He looked like he might have been 1/3rd black or possibly half black. He wasted no time in shucking his shirt, and wow...his body was ripped. You could see every muscle in his body. He had a tiny bit of hair in the middle of his chest, which I found very attractive since I barely had any hair except my pits and crotch. I noticed his ass and crotch as he demonstrated moves for us. His ass was the definition of a bubble butt, I swear you could probably bounce a brick off of it and he was no slump in the crotch department, his bulge was prominent. I don't know why I was noticing all of that. I have a girlfriend, maybe it's because I hadn't seen such a well developed man this close in person and about my age. He also worked with us one on one and every time it was my turn it felt like he was deliberately making sure his skin touched as much of my skin as possible. The smell of clean fresh sweat was extremely intoxicating and I was glad I had worn my jockstrap to keep my cock down. Why was this turning me on? I guess it had been two weeks since I got to hookup with my girl. She was at church camp and my basketball camp overlapped her camp by a day. I was blessed with a pretty decent sized cock, about 7.5 inches, cut and quite thick. I could also cum multiple times in a row without going limp and I was a shooter. So not having been able to fuck in over two weeks was beginning to take it's toll on me. We finally had a lunch break and we broke off into our groups to eat, our instructor, Jerol, sat with us, more specifically, sat right next to me on the grass. We all laughed and talked. Turned out his dorm room was in our building with the rest of the guys. By the end of the day we all were fast friends, including Jerol. We all retired to our dorm buildings, and settled in, and began readying for a much needed shower time. I was on the phone with my girlfriend while everyone else went and showered. She kept me on the phone for at least 45 minutes and I finally convinced her I had to go or there'd be no hot water left. My three other roomies were already back in our dorm talking to their girlfriends or family. I got my stuff together and went to the shower area. It was locked up! Why would they lock up the shower area at all? I didn't understand, I thought this area was open 24/7. Just then Jerol came down the stairs and saw me standing at the door holding all my shower gear. He said,"sorry man, I didn't know anyone was left, but hey, there's a shower area on my floor and they keep it open all the time for us that stay over the summer. I followed him up to his floor and he showed me the shower area, it was actually a lot nicer than ours. He started to undress in front of me, which was cool by me, I've seen plenty of naked bodies. I was shucking my clothes as well. That's when I saw out the corner of my eye his huge cock. It had to be 7 inches soft and thick as a coke can. I couldn't stop glaring at it. I broke out of my trance when he started walking towards me with his monster swinging at my eye level as I sat on the bench trying to cover my thickening cock. "Come on man, let's get some soap on our ass and balls," Jerol said while patting my face. I reluctantly got up carrying my towel in front of me to hide my growing erection. He started the showerhead first and while his eyes were closed I was able to put my back toward him and hide my dick. It was a "hard" situation to shower next to this hung god and hide my erection the whole time. Once we were back to the locker area drying off Jerol began putting oil all over his body. He said,"most black guys have to use lotion or oil on our bodies after a shower so are skin doesn't get ashy." I told him I had to do that during the winter myself. Jerol asked, "Hey man, can you get my back and shoulders, I can't ever get to all of it," I said "sure, but you'll have to sit on the bench, because you're kinda too tall for me to reach your shoulders." We both laughed and he sat down, still naked. I had gotten my underwear and shorts on at least. As I rubbed the oil on his back and shoulders he let out a light moan. It took my by surprise and I froze. "Man after today's workout, your hands just feel so good on my sore muscles, do you think you could massage me?" Jerol asked. I was reluctant, I hadn't ever touched another guy like this, but I desperately wanted to keep touching him. His skin felt like velvet stretched on top of tight muscles so I agreed to massage him. He quickly stood up and grabbed his stuff and said,"come on, let's go to my dorm room so it's more comfortable." I just did what he asked and followed him. Once we got inside, he pulled off his shorts and laid down on his bed in just his underwear. He told me to straddle him and work on his shoulders. I did as commanded as if in a trance. His hands eventually started rubbing my thighs as I massaged his shoulders, I was hard as a rock and there was no hiding it. I thought,"thankfully he can't see my erection about to bust out of my shorts." It was at that exact moment Jerol flipped over lifting my body easily on his ass and as he turned over my ass slid across his butt, then hip, and rested right on his crotch. I was frozen in fear as he saw my erection and I quickly tried to put my hands over it. Jerol laughed and said,"relax man, you're not the only one enjoying this," It was then that I realized I wasn't just sitting on his crotch, I was sitting on a steel rod of about 10 inches and thick as my arm. Jerol smiled a Hollywood smile at me as his hands went to my bare hips and began stroking my exposed skin, he wasted no time fishing my cock out of my shorts and started jerking my cock with his oily hands. "You're pretty hung for such a young white boy," Jerol complimented me. I was shaking I was so nervous, I pushed myself off of him and blurted out,"I'm not gay, I have a girlfriend! That's why I was late to the shower." Jerol smiled that smile at me again, and grabbed my hand, pulling me back toward him next to the bed. "It's cool man, I've got a girl too, she's back in her hometown for the summer though, and men like us have needs. We're just helping each other out." Jerol explained. I couldn't say anything as he slowly pulled my shorts and underwear down to my knees where my raging hardon was right in front of his sculpture like face. In one swift movement he took my whole cock down his throat. My knees buckled and I almost lost it. I'd never felt anything like that before. To be deep throated in that manner was something completely new to me. His large hands practically covered both my ass cheeks as he used them to pull my body forward causing me to throat fuck him. He was going at such a speed I suddenly realized I was about to cum. I grabbed his head and hoarsely said,"SHIT! I'm gonna cum!" I unleashed a torrent of cum, blasting down his throat. He kept sucking me and swallowed every drop. I was weak as my cock was still lodged in his throat. He gently moved me to the bed and slowly pulled off my cock. I was still rock hard and out of sorts. Confused by what had just happened. Jerol stood up and yanked off his shorts and underwear, he got onto the floor on his knees in front of me, and quickly pulled off my clothes. He went down on me again, sucking in my hard dick down to my balls. He was a pro, I'd never had anyone suck my dick all the way down and certainly not at this speed and expert level. He made his way down to my balls and began licking and sucking them as his oily hand stroked my boner. I was in heaven, I just laid back and let him pleasure me. Every time I felt like I was about to bust another load, his hand would slow down or stop as he continued to lick my balls, his tongue was so long it was stretching out and licking my taint even. That felt good too. He lifted my legs up so that my ass cheeks were almost resting on his thick muscular shoulders, one hand wrapped around my thigh and continued to stroke my cock, he used this position to suddenly push my hips up and within a second his tongue was on my asshole! Holy fuck that felt good. I began to relax even more as he licked my hole, he would flex his tongue and start to dart it in and out of my loosening wet hole. I was beginning to leak precum steadily. He pivoted my body so that instead of my ass hanging off the bed I was now on the bed with my legs up and he crawled up onto the bed between my legs with his tongue still inside my hole. He grabbed the oil and poured a bunch on his huge cock, I was amazed at how incredibly thick and long it was. His dickhead looked like golf ball on the end of a extra long beer can. He crawled up to where our cocks were rubbing against each other, he was jerking both of us off at the same time. He grabbed my hand and put it on his dick. This was the first time I'd touched it. It felt oddly satisfying and strange to be stroking another guy off, let alone masturbating a cock that my hand couldn't even fully reach around. I could see little pearls of precum popping up out of piss slit and saw a tattoo of a 4-leaf clover on below where his waistband would've been and below that some sort of tribal design, it looked like something from Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. It's cool he's a gamer too! But currently I was mesmerized by how beautiful and big his cock was in my hands. He pulled my legs up to his shoulders and began to thrust his monster against my cock and balls as he leaned over my and his face got closer to mine. He was telling me, "damn, you're so hot, you're making me so horny with your tight white body." This strangely turned me on even more as he thrusted his body against mine. Eventually I noticed that his thrusting movements had somehow changed our position a bit and his gigantic cock was now rubbing up and down my ass crack. Occasionally his cockhead would catch on my hole and apply some pressure. It actually felt amazing. I didn't know my asshole could make me feel so good. It was making me think I might cum again. More and more his cockhead would catch on my hole and more and more it felt like it was beginning to penetrate my hole. Just a little bit, like the outter ring maybe. It hurt, but with all the oil, it was still feeling more good than bad. He was breathing hard and when I looked at his face, his mouth was open and he was panting as he thrust onto my hole. I was beginning to feel like a piece of meat, and I'm embarrassed to say it made me hornier. At some point during one of the times his dick caught on my hole and slightly penetrated me, he pushed harder with his weight, and I felt his cock enter me, just about an inch or two, but it had hit something extra tight right inside my butthole. I felt like I had just been ripped open. I screamed but his massive muscular body held me tight in that position. I pleaded, "oh fuck, take it out man. It hurts to much. Pleeeassse take it out." Jerol said,"if I take it out right now, it's gonna hurt way worse, just don't move okay? I didn't mean to enter you, I'll take it out in a minute when your hole relaxes." I did what he said, I just laid there, not moving a muscle. He stayed still with his huge cock lodged a couple inches inside me. Tears began to leak out my closed eyes from the pain. I opened them and looked at him. His face was full of lust and it looked like he enjoyed seeing my tears. "Jerol, please take it out, it hurts so bad," I begged. It was actually beginning to loosen up, but it still hurt like hell and I didn't want to tell him there was "less" pain now. "I'm sorry," Jerol replied,"I didn't mean for it to go inside you, I promise when you loosen up and relax, I'll take it out." His hips began to gently rock, not really thrust or anything, but his cock was moving inside me, but not going deeper. I was beginning to feel better, it still felt painful, but not like the initial pain. I told him I thought it was loosening up and he could probably take it out now. He said,"okay baby boy, let me put some more oil on it so that it will come out easier." He grabbed the oil and liberally poured more all over his cock and my hole. He laid on top of me with his face buried in my neck, he started to kiss my neck and as I relaxed more, I felt his cock actually go deeper inside me! "Ouch ouch ouch! Jerol! Please, this hurts so bad, you're going deeper." I pleaded. His kisses became more frantic as he worked his mouth up my neck and to my cheek, his thick soft lips locked onto mine. This was the first time a guy had ever kissed me, and it felt so good. He had some thick lips and as they worked my lips, his tongue opened up my mouth, I immediately let his tongue enter my mouth and I began kissing him back, hard. I was in so much lust. I felt myself break out in a sweat as I kissed back with all my might, when I realized his cock was going in deeper again. I was moaning into his mouth from the pain when all of a sudden his pushed his weight down on me and my hole broke open, he sank about half his cock into me. I cried out loud, but he had his hand on behind my head and my mouth was locked onto his mouth. I screamed into his mouth as he began pumping his huge cock in and out of my torn hole. I was hitting his shoulders and sides with my fists, but they didn't seem to phase him at all. He finally broke our kiss and grabbed my wrists, yanking them above my head. "Listen here bitch, I haven't fucked in a week, and you gave up your pussy real quick, so relax, I need this," Jerol commanded. I was crying now as he held onto my wrists and was pumping 4-5 inches in and out of my incredibly stretched tight hole. I cried to him,"Please Jerol, take it out, it hurts so bad." He replied by reaching for his phone and setting a timer for 5 minutes, Jerol told me,"Just let me go for 5 minutes, I'll take it out then okay?" He continued fucking his cock in and out of my hole, and kept going deeper. At some point, he was deep enough he hit something, I guessed it was my prostate. It felt really weird, like I had to piss or cum or both. I have to admit that when his gold ball cockhead hit me there it sent shockwaves through me. I resigned myself to letting him fuck my hole for the remainder of the 5 minute timer because, well, it did feel really good when he hit that spot even though I felt like my hole was being torn a new one. I looked at the timer and it had been 4 minutes, he somehow had worked all ten inches into my tight hole and now my prostate was getting a constant barrage of pleasure despite the pain I felt in other places. The timer finally went off, and he reached over to cancel it. I sighed in relief while he was still balls deep in me. He said,"fuck man, I'm almost ready to cum, just let me go a little bit longer, I can tell I'm hitting your g-spot now, you can't hide how much you like my cock hitting your good spot. I replied,"No, I mean, yes, you're hitting something and it feels fuckin good but it still hurts in other places, you're just too big." Jerol continued,"Please, I'm so close to cumming, just give me a few more minutes? Please? You're so hot, and your hole is the tightest I've had, just a couple minutes?" He said all this while gently flexing and pumping his cock against my prostate, making me shoot a tiny bit of precum onto my belly. I counter negotiated with him, "If I let you go a few more minutes, you gotta put a condom on if you're gonna cum." He smiled like he'd won. He said,"Okay man, I'll put a condom on, but you gotta let me cum in you, it's the only way I can bust." "Okay, but go slow when you put it back in and just cum if you have on a condom." I said. Jerol grabbed a condom, and gently pulled out of my hole. I felt very empty, and although I felt relieved, I also really missed that feeling my prostate had. Jerol wrapped up his cock and spread a ton of oil onto his cock. He positioned it on my hole and slowly re-entered me. It was slick and still felt tight as hell. I reached down and wrapped my hand around his cock and felt his ten inches slowly sink into my battered hole. He bottomed out and began to long dick me. I still had my hand on his cock as he piston fucked me, he was hitting my prostate at a much faster speed now and my eyes rolled back into my head as the intensity built up. He was pounding my ass now I felt his huge cock fucking past my hand right into my hole so deep and fast. I felt my asshole hairs in between my fingers and hands as his cock pounded away. I didn't have much hair on my asshole though, maybe I was feeling his pubes. Jerol was panting and breathing hard,"You want my cum bitch? Say it. Tell me you want this nigger cum in your white boy pussy." He was wrecking my prostate so good, I just went with it and started to tell him, "fuck my white boy pussy, I want your cum deep in me." We kept trading filthy talk which made me even hotter, I was feeling his monster fuck my hole with my hand and suddenly I felt another orgasm racing through me, I couldn't even talk, I tried to say I was cumming but couldn't, I blew a pint of cum all over our bodies. My cock was spraying our naked bodies when he slammed balls deep into me and roared. I felt his cock become even thicker against my straining anal walls as it was shooting cum like a fire hose into me. My hand on his cock felt it blasting through his shaft and out his cockhead buried deep in my bowels. He started to pump his cock in and out of me again, faster this time. I said,"didn't you cum?" Jerol replied,"fuck yeah, I unloaded and bred you good, but I've got one more for ya so hang on." He was fucking the hell out of my now limp body. I took my hand off his pistoning cock and as he slam fucked my hole I looked down at my hand to see it slick with oil but also ten or twelve pieces of rubber stuck all over it. I realized the condom hadn't just broke, it was shredded. "Jerol! Stop! Stop! The condom broke!" He was fucking my weak limp body so hard now he didn't pay attention to me and blew another huge load inside me. I laid there and let him cum inside me having no strength to fight his large muscular body. He began very slowly pulling out of my hole. I told him again,"Jerol, I told you to stop, the condom is shredded," Jerol, looked at my hand covered in condom pieces, and said,"Yeah I think it broke when I was putting it in your hole, you were just too tight man." I looked at him in shock. "Why didn't you say anything?" Jerol responded,"We made a deal, you said I could cum in you if I had a condom on." I asked if I could use his toilet, as I needed to try and shit out his cum. He told me his didn't work, I'd have to use one in my dorm or the ones in the shower area. I put my clothes back on as he laid naked, his cock half hard slick with oil and cum still on his dick head. I don't know why I did it, after feeling so used and worthless, but I went over and sucked his cock clean, he pulled my head off his cock and told me I'd better get back to my room because it was curfew. I went down to my floor and it dawned on me I couldn't use our dorm bathroom to shit out Jerol's cum. I tried the shower area again, but it was still locked. I stuffed a bunch of toilet paper in between by crack and just went to sleep exhausted, I immediately knocked out.
    2 points
  17. Two years ago I was in DC at the Eagle and two muscular black guys in their mid-30s in harnesses and I were cruising each other. I was 38 at the time, smooth athletic build and wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I finally went over to talk to them and one of them said "Come on. You're going back to our place, you fucking pig." Sounded good to me so I followed them back to their place. We get there and they tell me to strip down to the black jock I was wearing, and to get into the sling. They also stripped, although they left on their harnesses. Next thing I know my right arm was tied above my head and one of the guys asked me if I partied. I said I smoked some T before, but not much. They just looked at each other. They asked if I was poz, to which I answered "No, I'm neg." Another look. Next thing I knew I saw three syringes with orange caps. Being tied-up in a sling, I started to panic a little, but the bigger of the two guys, Terry, said "Relax, we got ya." I responded "Please, don't." Terry replied "You're still our slut for the night." Next thing I knew he wiped my forearm with an alcohol swap, and inserted a needle into my arm. I saw a tinge of blood enter the syringe and then he depressed the plunger, injecting the liquid into my arm. I completely lost my breath and gasped, but Terry encouraged me to take a deep breath. I coughed three or four times, and then felt warm and tingly. My ass felt as if it was on fire. I just looked at Terry and Tom, the other top, and blurted out "Please, fuck me. Please, give me your cock." The two guys laughed at me and said "Good boy, now we have you the way we like you - a hungry Tina junkie, begging for cock." Tom approached to fuck me with his 9.5 inch big black cock. When I realized he was not wearing a condom, I said "No, not raw, please, SIR" but he responded "Shut up, slut and take it" and with that he rammed his entire raw cock into my ass, and all I could do was beg for it. He chuckled "What do you want, white boy?" I answered "Please fuck me SIR." Tom yelled "You want this nigger cock boy?" I muttered "Yes, SIR." I didn't wanna say it. but he made me, and finally I screamed "Fuck me SIR - give me that huge nigger cock up my pussy." Good slut" he replied, and proceeded to fuck me then grunted "Take my poz load boy - here it comes." I was so high I begged him to breed me. When Tom withdrew, Terry was next at bat, and Tom disappeared downstairs. Same thing - another case of "Take my big black cock boy" and as he fed me his 10.5. inches. It was so fucking thick I kept the poppers handy and was begging for it up my pig cunt. He also bred me and as he blew his load I found myself saying "Feed me your cum SIR, breed me" to which he responded "Here it comes, boy - another poz load for your pussy." When he pulled-out and I could feel cum dripping down my legs. My hole felt so empty and I squirmed in the sling, at which point Terry pick-up a huge red butt plus and proceeded to shove it up my pig cunt. It felt soooo good to be stuffed. Then he disappeared downstairs for a good 15 minutes. Next thing I knew, Terry, Tom and two more huge black muscle guys walked into the room. Terry (or was it Tom?) said to the guys "Here's the junkie slut we are pozzing. You want some?" The guys immediately stripped and proceeded to slam themselves. While they were prepping themselves, Tom asked me "You need another slam boy? This time its gonna be a big one - we want you really fucked up." Tom proceeded to stick himself and draw some of his blood into the syringe. As I watched, he depressed the plunger only a bit. The next thing I knew he pulled it out of his arm and stuck me with it - injecting his poz blood into my arm. No sooner had the contents of the syringe entered my blood stream, well, I was flying! I coughed even harder this time and all four of the guys laughed at me. Tom said "Good slut - I just gave you a .5 slam." My pussy was on fire like never before. They untied me from the sling and put me on the bed where they proceeded to take turns on me for over three hours. They even double fucked me. My pussy couldn't get enough bareback cock. The two guests also bred me, so I had four loads in my pig cunt when one of the guys brought out some huge fucking dildos. I honestly didn't think I could take them but certainly wanted to try. I took a deep hit of poppers and the guys proceeded to wreck my hole with extra large black dildos, eventually shoving two in me at once. Sometime later the two guests left, and Tom and Terry fucked me some more, eventually depositing loads five and six in my ass. Late morning I left, and as we parted, Terry and Tom said "Good slut - we want you again. Welcome to the world of poz pig play - you fucking Tina slut." Part 2 next time.
    2 points
  18. Yeah, I am a romantic, the type of bloke who can and has heart broken. Many years ago, in my 20s, I fell big time for a lad my age, even same birthday, we grew together, had fun, romantic dinners , we had a spark, chemistry, etc, you get the picture. Now this guy, i used to Fuck and him me, tbh, I never fuck, but i truly loved him. Spent 10 years together,I gave him up... I spent all these years with his developing drug addiction, which I could no longer deal with I became ill. We split, we cried, we hugged, we loved, I left. I know he loved me, That considering the problems and me being arrested, he stashed drugs in my home, unbeknown to me, was the most romantic, loving relationship, i have ever had. Sometimes I drift into reflecting on my life and the biggest regret ever. I cry at sad films,keep cinema tickets, holiday tickets, but I miss intimacy and romance.., but, think I am past all that now.
    2 points
  19. LOL I know someone who is about that big and many walk away but those who are size queens go nuts for him
    2 points
  20. My ass and body can spasm from the stimulation of an intense fuck. I've been toyed into an anal orgasm so I'm wired for them. My first intense bare fucking brought me to the edge of an anal orgasm. I have strong insemination and impregnation kinks so I think about my cunt as fully functioning and fertile.
    2 points
  21. Daniel Hausser. A filthy ho if ever I saw one. Lots of snap videos of him getting a strangers load in a club or airport bathroom.
    2 points
  22. The Dr stood up and moved to the side of the bench. Mike felt the bench start to lower as the Dr stepped on the pedal. ”Okay Jason, let’s get ready” the doc said. ”Yes sir” Jason replied. Mike heard the rustling of clothing. He looked back and saw the doc with his scrubs pulled down part way. His cock rock hard and still leaking precum. ”Lube me up please” the doc said to Jason. Mike saw Jason walk over to the Dr with a tube of lubricant, he squeezed some into his gloved hand and started to apply it to the docs cock. Stroking him from head to the base of his shaft. ”That should do it” Jason said. He moved over towards Mike and looked at him. ”I’m going to apply some more lube to in your rectum Mike. Just relax okay?” ”Okay” Mike replied. His head was swimming with thoughts of what was about to happen. The Dr was going to fuck him with that awesome cock and give him his viral load. He was pulled out of his thoughts as he felt Jason’s fingers on his hole. Swirling around and then pressure as he inserted them inside of him. He felt Jason’s gloved fingers sliding in and out and swirling around inside. And then suddenly his hole was empty as he pulled them out. ”He’s ready Dr” Jason said. Mike looked back again and saw Jason step back and the doc take his place behind him. ”will you raise the bench a little please Jason?” ”Sure thing doc” Mike felt the bench raising up again. ”Right there! That’s perfect” the doc said. Mike felt the head of the docs cock brush his hole. He clenched out of instinct. But then relaxed as he truly wanted this and knew that the docs cock would feel amazing. ”Okay Mike. Are you sure you want to go through with this procedure?” ”Yes Dr. I really do” ”Okay then, let’s begin. You’re going to feel the pressure of me entering you. Just relax and take deep breaths. Okay?” ”Okay” Mike felt the docs hand on his ass and then felt the pressure of the head of his cock as he started to push into him. Under normal circumstances, Mike would have opened like a flower and pushed back on his cock. But he was a bundle of nerves knowing what was happening and what the outcome would most likely be. The Dr sensed his nerves and started rubbing his lower back telling to relax and to breathe. The whole time he still kept the pressure on his cock penetrating Mikes hole. Mike finally got his breathing under control and felt his body relaxing with his deep breaths. As he did, he felt the docs cock start to enter him more. At this point the sensation took over and Mike felt moan escape his lips. The Dr’s cock kept slowly entering him and before Mike knew it, he felt the docs waist resting on his ass. ”There we go Mike! You’ve got it all in you now. I’ll give you a few seconds to adjust. Then I’ll start thrusting.” ”Okay” Mike said. Mike was loving the feeling of his cock inside of him. He felt the doc grab his hips and telling him that he was going to start. Mike felt his cock start to withdraw from his hole, it felt like he was going to pull completely out, but he stopped just before and then held it for a second. He then pushed back into him until his waist smacked against Mikes ass. The doc held himself there for a couple of seconds and then withdrew again, holding for a second and then pushing back in. Mikes body was singing with pleasure as the Dr worked his hole. He knew that this was a “Procedure” but the Doc definitely knew how to work a hole with his cock. Mike was counting the thrusts in his head in anticipation of the viral load he was going to have in him. 5, out and then back in. 6 out and back in. 7, mike felt his anticipation growing as he felt the docs cock massaging his prostate with each thrust. 10, out and then back in. 11, Mike felt the Dr’s hands gripping him tighter, he also heard the subtle change in his breathing. 12, out then in. Mikes own cock was throbbing in the condom he still had on. 13,14. Mike heard the docs breathing become more labored. His hands gripping him tighter. 15, mike felt him start to slowly pull out. ”Its time Mike. Are you sure you wish to follow through with this procedure?” ”Yes please!” The doc thrust back in, held himself for a couple seconds then pulled out one last time and buried himself completely inside of Mike gripping his hips and pulling him as close as possible. Mike could hear the docs breathing through his nose and then he felt the base of his cock throb on his outer ring and then a wetness inside of him right in front of the head of the docs cock. He felt another throb and then more wetness. The Dr let out an involuntary groan and Mike felt a bigger throb and he felt a large gush of wetness. He felt at least 7 throbs on his outer ring and more wetness inside of him. The Dr’s breathing started to become more controlled and his grip loosened on Mikes hips. ”Whew! Okay Mike. You have been inseminated. I’ll stay inside of you for a minute here to make sure you get all my semen.” ”Okay Doc!” ”How do you feel Mike?” ”Ummm” Mike felt waves of emotions flowing through him. He was truly happy and he felt extremely emotional. He felt tears in his eyes as he tried to answer. ”I..... I’m happy.” ”Are you really okay?” ”Yes. I really am, I’m sorry I just got overwhelmed with emotions. I really am happy though” ”Thats great Mike. This is a clinical setting, but it is also a very emotional experience. I feel it too, knowing my DNA will continue on. Okay, I’m going to slowly withdraw from your rectum, then Jason will clean you up” Mike felt the Dr’s cock slowly pulling out and then he felt the cold office air on his open hole. It was replaced by a warm wash cloth as Jason cleaned the lube from his ass. ”Don’t forget to put in the plug” Mike heard the Dr say. ”Got it right here” Jason replied. ”Okay Mike, I’m going to insert a butt plug inside you. We want to keep all the semen inside of you so you’ll need to keep this in for at least 12 hours. If you can sleep with it i tonight even better okay”. ”Okay” Mike replied. He felt the coolness of the tapered plug being pushed into him and then his ring snapping around the base. He then felt Jason grab his still throbbing cock and pull it down a little. ”Well no semen sample yet” Jason said with a little giggle. ”Help him out” Mike heard the Dr reply. Mike felt Jason wrap his hand around his cock and start to stroke it. He let out a loud groan as his shaft was milked by Jason’s expert hand. ”I don’t think this will take long” Jason remarked as he kept a slow steady stroke going. Mike let out another groan and then yelled “Oh God!” As he felt his own orgasm overtake him. He filled to condom with his own cum as Jason milked it from him. Massaging his balls to help the process along. ”There we go Mike! That’s a very nice sample. Could also be your very last HIV negative ejaculation.” Jason started to roll the condom down his shaft and slip it from his now spent cock. He then washed it with the warm wash cloth to clean him up. ”Okay Mike, you can get up and get dressed now. We’ll give you some privacy and then come back in a bit to go over your after care instructions.
    2 points
  23. It was close to the 4th of July and I really had no plans for the weekend so I decided to call up the local gay camp ground and made reservations for the weekend and booked a camping spot. Once the reservations were made I went around packing up my camping gear as well as plenty of lube poppers and my gear and some toys to take with me in hopes of having some fun. Once everything was packed up I got into my Jeep and started the drive to hopefully a fun weekend. A little about me. My new is Jonas I'm 19 and a freshman in college. I was on the highschool weight lifting team and it gave my 6 foot body a very strong definition of muscle. I have long black hair that fell to my back that I kept tied when training and competing and deep brown eyes. In the locker room I always got whistles from the other guys on the team because they all were jealous at my muscles ass and 8 inch cock swinging as I walked by. Many of my teammates didn't know unless they told each other but I have been fucked and fucked every member of the team all through highschool and they were all nervous it might get out. I always assured them I wouldn't say a word and it always calmed them. Now in college I have made it a point to have as much bare sex as I could because I wanted to start my new life with a new change. I wanted to be HIV+. I know that is a weird for a young man to want but I have wanted it for so long now. I have read many stories on how it has changed so many lives and how happier those who willing get pozzed to be free of wanting to not use condoms and love the natural feeling of bareback sex and I want to be as free. I got to the campground and paid for my site and started to set up my tent and get everything ready for the weekend. I went on Grindr adam4adam and a few more of the sites and aps I'm on letting as many guys as I could that I was there and accepting any and all loads they have no questions asked and bareback only. U got a few responses quickly from guys who were already there and those who said they will be there for the weekend. I responded to all of the and let them know my campsite number and told them I am ready for anything just let me know. I took out my sluttiest pair of underwear with the back removed so anyone could have access to my ass if wanted and walked around the grounds. I got a lot of looks by anyone passing me and a few walked up to me and probbed my all and felt my cock in the pouch. I was loving the attention from everyone. I started to make out with the closest guy to me and was trying to get my tounge as far as I could down his throat I didn't notice the cock probbing my hole until it forced its way to the root in my ass. I moaned loudly into the mouth of the guy I was kissing and it felt awesome. I stood there in such a glow feeling my tounge getting massaged by one guy and my ass being plowed by another. I came up for breath from his mouth and bent down to suck his cock and give the top who was pounding my ass by now a better angle. I didn't want this to end but I felt the familiar feeling of both cocks getting harder and I knew I was about to get wahat I wanted. Both guys grunted and shoved in hard and came at the same time. I slurped as much cum as I could from the guys cock and squeezed my ass hard to milk out the load in my ass. Once both guys were soft they pulled out my my holes making a popping sound from my ass and an empty feeling that needed to be fixed. I looked at both of my first fucks and saw they were guys I knew from the college weight lifting team. I looked like a deer in headlights to them and they said don't worry we both thought you were hot when we saw you after practice and when we saw that you posted you were here on Grindr we made sure that we would find you. I smiled at both of them and kissed both of them deeply before going our separate ways for now. I reached back at my ass and felt the stream of cum coming out of it and made sure to get every drop from my ass to my mouth. I looked at the direction my new teammates took and saw they were walking towards a uv light that was set up for the party for tonight and was shocked to see bright red uv tattoos on their asses of biohazard symbols and I was excited to know that I was going to get more than fireworks this weekend.
    1 point
  24. does anyone know a site (or have any advice on how to engage in conversation related) where you can find guys into ass domination stuff? I really want to find a man who makes me clean his dirty musty ass. PLEASE let me know!!!!!
    1 point
  25. may you never get past this part, i think they are wonderful parts of you.
    1 point
  26. Not been to the Heath in years and never found the actual fuck tree although I did always get plenty of fun. Really would like to re-visit this place when lockdown is over especially as I'm now a barebacking bottom (when I last visited I was still using condoms), I really think a visit would help me on my barebacking journey. Thanks also to @DaddyBare for the story. Brought back happy memories of my anon outdoor cruising days!
    1 point
  27. I love a loose hole! I laugh when guys are proud to announce they are “super tight”....as if it’s a good thing. They are usually amazed when I say I prefer a loose wrecked pussy.
    1 point
  28. The movie is called Chaser
    1 point
  29. How many guys go totally untested for years and partake in risky sex? Recently took a load from a vers guy i have known for years. We never really discussed status but it did come up in conversation. I was shocked and turned on by the fact he had not been tested in about 12 years. He takes loads in saunas and from randoms from apps. I took his load a few more times before lockdown and will seek him out as soon as i can. I decided after that to only get tested at Christmas each year - but spend the 2 weeks prior taking all loads. So even if it comes back neg - i get to spend the next 12 months still doubting it 🙂 but it made me wonder how many guys go totally untested?
    1 point
  30. Fuuuckk this is hot.😈🐷💦
    1 point
  31. if I was your younger bro I'd let you poz me no problem.
    1 point
  32. PART 6: ASHTON COMES TO TOWN I had found Ashton on social media through a mutual friend, Jimmy, because the two of them often worked the same events. Jimmy -- whose role usually was either behind the scenes or sometimes as the event emcee -- knew I was gay, but he knew nothing of my virus and my eager­ness to share it. I asked Jimmy if the two of them would be up for a 300-mile trip to one of my events and, after agreeing on a price, they were in. We set a date for the following month. As part of the deal, I offered to let them stay at my house and share a king-sized bed in my guest bedroom. They eagerly embraced the idea of free lodging, complete with a full fridge and a well-stocked home bar. Jimmy, who was 28, had confided in me some time earlier that he ha­d a crush on Ashton, even though Ashton claimed to be straight and had a girlfriend. But Ashton, being 21, was also a partier, and he’d been known to pass out on road trips with Jimmy and wake up cuddled up together with fuzzy memories of the drunken night before. Ashton, whom I only knew through his social media, was a 5-10, athletically built dream boy – he worked part-time in a coffee shop, and part-time at his local Hollister, and seemed to spend the rest either at the gym or with his girlfriend. He was a beautiful combination of a boy-band superstar and a SoCal surfer and had the tanned, toned body perfect for either role. And based on the matches I saw on YouTube, the girls loved him, as evidenced by the squeals when his name was announced. Ashton and Jimmy had never been to my city before, and with this being a hot tourist destination, they decided to come in two days early to enjoy the bar scene and see the sights. They’d arrive Thursday, party that night; see the sights Friday, party Friday night; then go to our event Saturday, party Saturday night; and drive home Sunday. Ahh, the joy of being 21 again. Over the next month, I somewhat jokingly told Jimmy over text messages (more than once) that I wanted to get Ashton drunk and fuck him. I usually followed with an “LOL,” but Jimmy never completely objected to the notion. The wheels in my head were spinning. The day finally arrived, and Jimmy and Ashton arrived later in the afternoon than planned. Jimmy and I hugged at the door, our first time seeing each in person in about 2 years since first meeting at an out-of-state wrestling event. Ashton followed behind him, smelling exactly like a Hollister model and looking the same way – teasingly ripped jeans showing peeks of tanned, muscled leg; a black hoodie; red Adidas sneakers; and a pearly white smile that nearly reflected the light. I reached out my hand, but Ashton took a step forward and gave me a hearty hug while thanking me for the free place to stay and saying how excited he was to be here. Because it was late, we all retired to bed early that night. The next day consisted of site-seeing with me as their guide. Ashton mentioned his girlfriend a few times, but I noticed his eyes linger over any hot female that walked anywhere within about 50 feet of him. This boy really was straight. Occasionally he tugged at his crotch, unaware of the show he was putting on for Jimmy and me. By Friday night, we were all eager for a drink. We made our way around to several bars, and Ashton was the star of the show at each one. The girls and gays all undressed him with their eyes, envious of the two gay guys (Jimmy and me) palling around and touching and joking with Ashton as though we were all best friends. By the time we got back to my house, Ashton was hammered to the point of slurring his words and needing help to get up the walkway to the house (Jimmy and I had wisely nursed our drinks all night). As we guided Ashton to his room, he was jabbering on about one of the girls he saw earlier and how horny she had made him. “Damn she made my dick hard,” he slurred. “I think I still am.” With that, he reached down and grabbed his crotch through his jeans. “I shoulda banged her right then,” he said, obviously forgetting he had a girlfriend 300 miles away. As Ashton fell backward onto the bed, Jimmy and I gave each other a knowing wink and began to help Ashton out of his clothes. Within a minute, this 21-year-old blond Adonis was in just his Hollister boxer briefs and socks, on the verge of passing out in my guest room. Now was the time. I looked at Jimmy sitting in a chair beside the bed. He nodded in agreement. I reached into the nightstand for a bottle of lube.
    1 point
  33. As @Spunkinmyarse suggested, I would put myself in the camp that is more cautious. I plan on holding out awhile more. I heard this week that my company doesn't plan on asking us to return to the office until after July 4th at the earliest...if I'm not able to safely interact with my coworkers, should I really be having intimate sex with strangers? It's tempting, though. I've talked to local guys on the apps that have already "given in" because they "were so horny..." I've also talked to guys on the apps that think COVID-19 is all a big hoax and that the media is blowing it out of proportion. I know some people put things in their profiles like "if you support <insert political party here>, don't bother messaging me"...I think a new sniff-test for me will be "how did you handle yourself during the pandemic?"
    1 point
  34. I was going to do my first one when this quarantine thing started.... lol
    1 point
  35. I am blessed with a fine extra thik slab of meat that shows great even soft. I am too thick for many guys to take though my own high use hole can accommodate most anything you can think of.
    1 point
  36. AS they walked away I stood in the isle moth agape and dick hard as a rock. I had a hard on the rest of the day even after jacking off. His son was built like his dad had been at that age. For that matter his dad was still built the same, perfect swimmers body. But JJ had shaggy dirty blond hair and green eyes. Two days passed and my phone buzzed while I was at work. The message read. Got your number from my dad, you free in about an hour? I replied back YES and asked if he needed my address. I got nothing back. I rushed home took a shower and got ready in a pair of ball shorts and a t-shirt. At exactly 1 hour the door bell rang and when I opened the door he was standing there in black short running shorts, the kind with the split that goes up to the waistband and nothing else. He was hot and sweaty. He smiled as he walked in and asked if he could have some water. He followed me to the kitchen and I fixed it form him. After he drank the water, that was a very long silence to me. He looked at me and said so dad says you like to get pissed on and suck dick and that you swallow like a good fag, is that all you do? I hesitated for a second and said I will do what ever you want. He shook his head and said someone trained you well. He looked off out the window for a second or two then without looking at me he said, I'm not like my dad. I'm a little more open minded. He said back in the day he was gay for pay and that he has no need to mess around with anyone now that he is making good money and is married. I said really? He said that's what he says but his assistant at work is hot as fuck and is a couple years older than me so I don't buy it. Before I could respond he just looked at me and said, I'm Bi but I like to fuck around with guys more. You don't have to be gentle and lovey dovey with a guy. You can fuck his brains out and walk away no strings attached and no fucking kids to worry about. He stood up and kicked off his shoes and socks while looking me in the eyes. He said I figure since you like piss you like a little sweat as well so why don't you show me the bath room so I can drop this load of piss all over your ass. On my way taking him to the tub I was pulling off my clothes as fast as I could. No sooner had I stepped in his was pissing on me. Just like his dad it was a long steady stream of piss and now that I was on eye level with it his dick looked bigger. I heard him say fuck yeah, your a nasty little slut, you like this hot piss don't you? I shook my head yes as my mouth was full of his piss. When he finished he stepped in the tub and shoved his dick in my mouth and said suck it bitch and I swallowed as much as I could. He was most defiantly bigger than his dad. It was like he could read my mind and he said its about a inch longer than what dad says his is, think you can handle it? I just dove down deeper and felt his hands on my head as I started to gag. He began face fucking me hard and fast. It was all I could do to catch a breath every once in a while. After a few minutes he shoot his load down into my gut. I felt his dick spasm 8 times. The last one as he was pulling out and I got to taste his cum. Before I could enjoy the cum he started pissing and he held me in place and said drink faggot, drink that piss. I know you want it. When he finished he turned on the shower and washed us off. When we got out he said I don't have time for more tonight but Ill be back tomorrow, I want to fuck that fat ass. He was dressed and out the door be fore I could dry off. Tomorrow is Saturday, I think I will start preparing now! I can't wait....
    1 point
  37. Part 17 - Villa Amalfi Oliver finished his messaging with Liam explaining he was staying on in Tuscany for a few more weeks exploring opportunities. Johan took Oliver off for a walk through the countryside to bide his time whilst Luca and Mark relaxed by the pool cuddled up together. Savio sat in the car just as his mother opened the front door seeing Nico's car arriving. Emilia smiled waving to Nico and what she thought was probably Johan sat in the passenger seat realising it was in fact her son Savio. She called out to her husband Alessandro that Savio was here, he came running to the door just as Savio stepped out of the car looking ashamed and embarrassed as he always did when coming home unannounced. Emilia ran over hugging and fussing over Savio, Alessandro stood there shaking his head and immediately asked how much he was after this time. He loved his son dearly but over the last few years his appearance usually cost them a bit of money bailing him out. Savio looked at his father and shook his head telling him he wasn't after anything. His parents were pleased to learn that at least he was staying with Nico here in Tuscany and close to the family for a few weeks to see how things worked out. Alessandro was keen to remind Savio there was a job here for him at one of the family vineyards, it was his effort to persuade Savio to give up this crazy life he had invented for himself and to settle down near family. Departing after an hour Savio told them he would be around but needed a few weeks before deciding on work, they were even more surprised to hear that his reasoning surrounded this American guy he had met. Alessandro tried to talk sense to Nico out of earshot but eventually he was persuaded by his assurances and to keep them updated on Savio. It didn't take long for word to get around the family that Savio was in the area. Luca's parents text Nico to say there were coming back early and to have a family dinner. "That didn't take long" Luca said sitting up reading his text message. Mark turned over "What didn't?" he said waving to Oliver and Johan who were arriving from their walk. "Family dinner tonight my parents found out Savio is here" Luca explained putting his phone down. He laid back stroking Mark's chest "Fancy a walk in to the village to help Marzi out?". Mark smiled "Yes" he replied hearing the splash from Oliver and Johan jumping in the pool. When Luca returned from chatting with Marzi and getting the shopping list he knew this evening was going to be a family affair, Savio's parents and his grandparents were coming. He ended up dragging Johan and Oliver along to help and within a couple of hours they returned home to Nico and Savio arriving back. Savio was annoyed finding out what was happening, one thing he couldn't do was say no to his grandparents. They had always supported Savio and sort of got his little rebellious streak that they found amusing at times, they always said it showed great character and not be reliant on others. But Savio knew it was the families way of assessing Oliver, underneath he was freaking out worried they would not like or approve of him which would make life hard if he moved back to Tuscany. Johan sat with Oliver for a while talking about how he had to go through a similar assessment as had Mark more recently. Oliver laughed feeling better and Johan's final piece of advice was be himself and show respect and he will win them over. By late afternoon Gio and Sarah arrived home excited to see Savio and even more happy hearing that Oliver was staying on a few more weeks. Oliver opened his door and find Savio standing there "You checking up on me?" he joked smiling. Savio leaned against the door frame "Making sure you don't run and leave me to face this alone". "Come here" Oliver said grabbing Savio and pulling him inside his room closing the door. Savio chuckled "I should help downstairs" he said watching Oliver move closer and kiss him. "Are you sure you want this?" Oliver asked needing to find out if Savio really did feel the same way. Savio rubbed his lips against Oliver's face "Very" he replied kissing him slowly and gently. Oliver smiled "That's all I wanted to know" he said quietly hugging him. "I don't know what happened between us Oliver but it feels right" Savio said letting go of him. Savio turned to leave "Hurry up and get dressed" he said "so I can undress you later". He left the room to Oliver's laughter smiling that at least they were on the same page and appeared to have strong feelings towards each other. The wine flowed freely during their long drawn out dinner, Oliver had survived the interrogation relatively unscathed. His friendship with Luca and his parents immediately made him welcome by the rest of the family. Savio's mother was not so quick and laid it on hard wanting to know everything about Oliver. Emilia broke all the rules in her relentless questioning that soon stopped when Oliver told her about his penthouse off Central Park and views across the city extending her and Alessandro an invite to stay. It was out of the blue and Savio did like it when his mother was stuck for something to say. He never got his chance to undress Oliver that evening, leaving with Johan and Nico meant he would have to wait until tomorrow when Oliver came to stay. Sarah returned leaving Gio to finish his goodbyes and sat down. Oliver looked drained from the exhaustive questions and poured him a glass of wine watching Luca and Mark sitting at the edge of the pool. "I think you passed Oliver" Sarah claimed handing him the glass of wine. Oliver thanked her "Is Emilia always like that?" he asked curiously. Sarah laughed "Only when it comes to Savio" she replied she wants him to settle down and stop his antics". "I'm torn Sarah" Oliver confessed "I love NY but I know Savio's family means a lot". She put her glass down "You have to do what fits you both" Sarah said "always follow your heart". Oliver chuckled and sat quietly turning his glass around smiling "That is what worries me." he mused "I am in love with Savio". "I know" Sarah replied casually "Savio is in love with you. It won't be easy, sometimes it will be strange". Oliver looked at her "Strange?" he asked looked perplexed. "Italian families" Sarah said to him "and Savio is by far the most unpredictable but very loving member of the family". Oliver laughed "You are the third person to tell me that" he replied "I like unpredictable". The following morning Luca had to drop by his grandparents and suggested Mark and Oliver come with him and they could stop in San Donato on the way back to pick up groceries. They drove around the village then turned on to the small road of Str Cerbaia until they reached Podere La Cappella. Oliver was stunned to seeing it first hand, it was a working vineyard with sprawling vineyards surrounding the place. Luca's grandfather offered to take Oliver and Mark or a drive around the estate whilst Luca sat talking with his grandmother. They drove around the vineyards and west of the estate skirting a clump of trees and another large house. Luca's grandfather explained that this house was home to Savio's parents and the house on the north side was home to his other daughter Lorena, Luca's auntie with her husband and 4 children house. Mark asked what was beyond the wooded are at the western far side of the vineyards. Luca's grandfather laughed Fattoria Cerbaia he explained, another vineyard run rather badly but they have excellent grapes and olive trees. They drove down for a look and Oliver sat quietly falling in love with the building that had been carefully restored from the outside and expansive olive grove and vineyards. Thankfully Luca's grandfather spoke English very well making conversation fairly easy. "How is it run badly?" Oliver asked noticing the for sale sign on the wall surrounding the main house. "They can't make wine properly always turns out bad, they are selling up" Lorenzo replied. Oliver nodded "Are you buying it?" he asked curiously. Lorenzo smiled "No, I only want the vineyards but they won't sell them, the entire estate is up for sale". "Is that normal then?" Oliver asked "they only sell the whole estate?". Lorenzo nodded "Makes it more valuable with the vineyards around this area" he replied glancing at Oliver. Oliver looked at Lorenzo and smiled "Is it expensive, this one?" he asked having no clue about prices here. "They are after 10 million Euros" Lorenzo replied "been on the market for a year now". Oliver looked out over the estate as Lorenzo turned the car around "How much is the land really worth?". Lorenzo waved his hand "No more that 4 million Euros" he replied. They drove back to the La Capella and headed off to San Donato, Oliver spent most of his time on his phone researching the Fattoria Cerbaia. Walking around the village buying groceries Oliver noticed the estate agent and saw the estate in the window. Luca joked asking if Oliver was buying a house already standing next to him, Oliver laughed and simply replied that he loved the look of the buildings. Luca pointed at the Fattoria Cerbaia telling Oliver that his grandfather would love the land but he won't pay what they are asking, Oliver nodded explaining that is exactly what his grandfather told him. Returning from their trip Nico and Johan were already at Luca's waiting for the 3 guys to return. Oliver had his belongings packed and placed in the boot of the car, promising to see Sarah and Gio over the next two weeks the 5 of them left for Villa Amalfi the home of Nico and Johan. Savio was excited to see them all and Johan put Oliver in a bedroom next to Savio's at the far end of the villa allowing them a little privacy. All afternoon and evening Oliver and Savio interacted under the watch from the others. Savio spent the most of the evening plying Oliver with wine and grappa, they were both unsteady and tipsy when going to bed. Oliver found himself being dragged in to Savio's room then pushed up against the closed door, Savio grinding his hips up against Oliver's kissing frantically with arms all over the place. Clothes dropping to the floor the two bodies tightly holding each other mouths locked together. The tension and excitement running rife through their bodies from the alcohol collapsing on to the bed naked with erections. Savio straddled across Oliver giggling and leaning forward to kiss him, Oliver freed his cock from under Savio and slapped it several times against Savio's ass. Savio the unpredictable pushed his ass back feeling the head of Oliver's cock at his hole. 'Ouch' he stifled a cry slipping down the unlubed cock taking it slowly he looked in to the eyes of Oliver and kissed him tenderly easing himself lower on to his cock. Oliver moaned and grabbed hold of Savio's hips holding him down and pushing his hips up to meet Savio's ass, he sat up right balls deep on Oliver's cock releasing a long slow groan. Savio moved his ass back and forth watching Oliver moaning who encouraged him on 'Oh Savio ride me' he moaned 'harder' he called out in a hushed voice running his hand up Savio's chest tweaking his nipples one by one. Their hands entwinned, slowly Savio ground his ass and worked Oliver's cock. The sweat trickling down his body from the humidity of the summer night, the warm breeze passing through the open window caressing Savio's body. He leaned back feeling every inch of Oliver inside him. Oliver overtaken by the headiness of the wine and grappa was smiling with his eyes closed moaning softly in a sexual state, his hips rising up to get deeper in to Savio leaking toxic precum deep in to Savio. There was no rush and Savio slowed down enjoying their first sexual encounter. Oliver almost fell asleep several times from the unhurried pace of their sex, it was so comforting and arousing to really enjoy sex that his body and mind relaxed so much. Oliver shifted on the bed moaning and gasping knowing this was the start of his orgasm, he let go of Savio's hands and placed them back on his hips holding him on his cock. Savio leaned forward and kissed Oliver unaware he was about to get more than just sex with the man he was falling in love with. Oliver used the leverage his hips now doing the fucking, the sweet moans from Savio dancing in his ear with excitement. Suddenly Oliver moaned and thrusted his hips up hard pushing his cock deep in to Savio, the torrent of love released from his body and flowing in to Savio. He could feel Oliver deep in his ass moaning and gasping whispering how much he loved him in to Oliver's ear, kissing his neck and sensing every pulse from the cock buried inside his body. Locked together Oliver moved his arms and placed them around Savio's body holding him close, in his semiconscious state Oliver whispered to Savio that he loved him and promptly fell asleep with a smile on his face. Savio tried to move off but Oliver was still hard making it difficult, he eased his body flat and laid on top of Oliver still in his arms and quickly fell sound asleep. At some point during the night they had managed to disentangle themselves, Savio woke from the sunlight dancing across his face. He had an almighty hangover from the grappa, shifting his body and rolling on to his back he sat up in shock locking down he saw Oliver sprawled naked next to him. He slipped out of bed and found a bottle of water and gulped from it heavily all the time watching Oliver sleeping peacefully. He remembered dragging Oliver in to his room but after they collapsed on the bed the rest was blank, the tenderness of his ass indicated they had sex but he couldn't recount everything. The one thing that was clear in his head that he knew did happen was telling Oliver he was in love with him and Oliver saying the same. He meant it, but was it the alcohol that caused Oliver to say it? Carefully he placed the bottle of water down next to the bed and climbed back in lying on his back staring out of the window, before he could think any more he was fast asleep tired from their late night. Luca walked out on the terrace a little fuzzy in the head and joined Johan for coffee "Morning" he said. Johan looked up and smiled "Moring Luca, you feeling alright?". "Yeah a little hungover" Luca replied sitting down "how come your not hungover?" ha asked looking annoyed. Johan laughed "I drank plenty of water before going to bed" he said pouring coffee. "Any sign of Oliver and Savio?" Luca asked "they were so out of it last night". "I don't think Oliver has ever drunk grappa before" Johan replied "they were at it last night". Luca looked up panicking a little "Is Savio you know?" he asked seeing a confused look on Johan's face "poz?". "No" Johan replied "well I don't think so, he has never spoken about that sort of thing". Johan suddenly clicked "Oliver is not on meds is he?" he asked watching Luca shake his head. "We need to get Savio to a clinic" Luca said panicking. "Luca" Johan said holding his hand "calm down let him decide what he wants to do". Mark joined them out of the terrace looking bright eyes and bushy tailed ready for the day, he had refused to touch the grappa last night and sat there delightfully annoying Luca until they kissed. Oliver opened his eyes rubbing his head, his mouth dry as desert he looked around the room to see if there was any water around then realised he was in bed with Savio. He moving woke Savio up who looked up at him 'water?' he asked handing Oliver the bottle who took a long swig and looked at Savio. "Did we have sex last night?" Oliver asked looking a little worried. Savio nodded "I guess we did, my ass is a little sore this morning". "I..." Oliver racked his brains "Savio I didn't mean it to happen". "You don't like me?" Savio asked looking worryingly at Oliver. "No it's not that" Oliver quickly said "I have hiv and might have infected you" he explained. Savio sat up "Are you on medication?" he asked already guessing he knew the answer was going to be by the panic in Oliver's eyes. "No" Oliver admitted looking distraught "I didn't want this to happen". Savio sat there looking at him "We were both drunk Oliver and I wanted you". "We can get you some PREP" Oliver said "it will stop you getting infected". Savio looked out of the window "Oliver" he said then turning to look at him "do you love me?". Oliver nodded, the full extent of what he had done caused a tear to trickle down his cheek "Yes". Savio kneeled in front looking him in the eye "I fell in love with you in the orchard that day" he said. "I know" Oliver replied watching Savio take his hand and place it on his body. Savio continued looking at him "I love you touching me" he said in hushed voice kissing him tenderly. "But you have to do one thing for me Oliver" Savio looked intently at him "you must go on medication". Oliver looked at him perplexed "Is that all?" he asked. Savio nodded "I don't want you to break my heart, I want you healthy and in my life for a long time". Oliver wiped his eyes "Stop it Savio" he said almost crying "I will do anything for you". Savio smiled and kissed Oliver grabbing his hand and placing it on his ass "Touch me Oliver". The kiss was long and sensual, their hands exploring and caressing each other. Oliver lowered Savio on to his back and laid on top of him. Oliver had never felt the emotions he was releasing in this moment, one person getting so close to him in such an extraordinary way was beyond his comprehension. It was frightening him how much he loved this stranger that had burst in to his life unsuspectingly. He laid there stroking Savio's back and kissing his neck and mouth happy and completely content. "We should get up" Savio announced kissing him again then kneeling up. Oliver smiled "Come to New York with me?" he asked "just for a month then we can come back here". Savio screwed his face up and then laughed "Okay, I'm sure my father will buy my ticket". Oliver chuckled and sat up holding Savio in his arms "Let me pay after all I am dragging you away from this". "Why New York?" Savio asked looking at him "I want to go to California" he joked. "We can do both" Oliver replied "I have business to sort out in NY then we can come back". Savio looked at him curiously "Back here?" he asked getting off the bed. Oliver stood up and put his shorts on "Yes, apart from loving you I really love it here". Savio's smile lit up the room "We can always stay here, Nico and Johan won't mind". Oliver nodded "I know, but we need time to ourselves" he replied "and you need some PREP". Savio shook his head and walked over to Oliver "I want you to be part of me, something that really bonds us together". There was no question that Oliver knew what Savio meant it was also a clear indication of his devotion to him. Oliver looked him in the eye and nodded, moving closer they kissed slowly and tenderly. It was a difficult conversation that Nico had with Savio in quiet as they made coffee. The unconventional nature and reason Savio gave Nico understood, he could see the value of having natural intimate bond and sex, it was the same nature that brought Johan and himself so close together. The following two weeks saw Mark, Luca and his family return to the UK. For Mark it was the start of his final academic year and knowing he was going to live in Tuscany he was going to switch one of his courses to horticulture, at least this way he would be more useful around the vineyards. Nico and Johan kept a sexual distance from Oliver and Savio allowing them privacy. They took a trip to Milan for a weekend to pick up Savio's belongings, Oliver had sorted out their flights and they were due to depart in a few days time. Savio and Oliver enjoyed long hikes talking getting to know each other, their talks never involved money since Oliver told him he was comfortable and didn't need to work for the time being. Oliver was never one to talk about his real net worth and since he retained a stock holding in the company the dividends were paying off quite nicely. Their last night in Tuscany was a big family dinner send off. Savio's parents and grandparents were happy to see him finally settle down and loose a bit of his unpredictable nature, Oliver seen as the reason for this change naturally became part of the family. He spent much time with Savio's grandfather talking about their winery business and the subject around Fattoria Cerbaia raised itself several times and what he would do with the vineyards. Savio happy to sit back and watch knowing that Oliver getting along with the grandparents was all he needed to see. Luca had spent an hour video talking with Savio telling him all the places he needed to see, he also confessed of loneliness without Mark who had returned to university. Luca would be back in Tuscany in a couple of weeks and getting his head down working, he couldn't wait since he needed to occupy himself.
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  38. I walked around the campground more and got fucked a few more times before I walked over by the pool area and saw a group of guys getting ready for a game of naked volleyball. I intended on just watching but one of the guys said they needed another bottom player to make even teams and asked me if I was a bottom and wanted to play.i agreed and he said great and said it's tops vs bottoms and we were all planning on an orgy after the game was over. I got excited by that and we got ready to play. The guy who asked me to play went and turned on a foam machine and a black light and it was then before the foam got to big that I saw all the tops had the same uv biohazard tattoos that I saw on the two guys from my school. I got really turned on and during the whole game I played with a raging hardon as well as the rest of the players. There was allot of grinding and touching as the foam got thicker and I couldn't focus on the game as much as the fingers playing with my balls and ass. After about an hour of the game the bottoms won 10 to 4 and we all had to catch our breaths. We all stayed within the foam and the orgy started there. I got grabbed by one of the hottest tops there and he wasted no time in living his cock and my ass and went to town fucking me. He had a really thick cock and long one too that went in real deeply touching all the right buttons inside me. Another top walked over with a similar sized cock and a nice set of swinging balls. I saw another uv tattoo on his hip and dove down to the root of his cock in one shot. I just stood there taking these two Poz cocks at each end and I couldn't be any happier or so I thought. The guy fucking me pulled out for a moment and laid down on the ground and was pulling me down to ride his cock facing me. The guy I was sucking knew what was happening and joind us on the ground as he lubbed up his cock and started to slide it next to the one already buried into my whole. The feeling was intense and a bit painful but I was loving every moment of it and shortly the pain of being split by these two subsided and I really started to enjoy being stuffed. The two guys stuffing my hole started to pick up the pace and from the grunting and the feeling of their cocks getting harder I knew they were both about to blast my hole with some more Poz seed and I was ready to be filled with more Poz cum. With one final slam I could feel my hole being flooded with both of their Poz cum being shot into my guts and I was in heaven. The top behind me fell on my back panting after such an intense orgasam and the guy I was riding was as well so I stayed still relishing in the glow of such a hot fuck. Once they regained their composure and their cocks started to soften they started to slide out of my hole and each kissed me deeply thanking me for such a great fuck. I thanked them both for their deposits in my ass and we started to move more around the action around us. After an hour of this intense orgy I had been fucked at least by six other guys and decided to take a break and head to the bar for a nice drink. I sat on the barstool and while enjoying my drink I started to finger my hole and see how much cum I had collected so far that night. My fingers were coated in the sweet sweet Poz nector I even swirled some around the rim of my glass and mixed some into my drink. The bartender wearing nothing but a bowtie smiled at me when he saw what I was doing and gulped my drink. He and asked me if I wanted a fresh drink with some more cream and make it golden. I figured he was asking if I wanted to drink his piss and I was excited at that so I accepted but said I preferred it from the tap and winked at him. He called over one of the other bartenders and asked him to cover for a bit while he took a break. He led me into one of the bathrooms and took me into the ajoining showers from the locker room and we started to make out. He rubbed me all over and fingered my puffy hole pulling out some of the cum inside and shared it with me. I licked his fingers clean and made my way down his body till I was greeted with a very large thick cock that reached full hardness. He was easily 12 inches and as thick as a beer can and I wasn't sure I could deep throat but I love a challenge. I gagged a bit but was able to get his cock down my throat after the 4th I was able to get his whole cock down my throat. I earned a big moan from the bartender so I know he was enjoying it and he slowly started to fuck my throat. He fucked my throat in long slow pumps and quickly picked up the pace. Soon after I could feel his balls starting to get tighter and he slammed into my throat gushing an enormous amount of cum down my throat and I didn't miss a bit of it. He was breathing hard but didn't leave my throat at all. I started to feel his cock go soft and he said just to wait for the next part. He pulled out so just the tip was left in my mouth and started to let loose the stream of piss that I gulped and gulped so I didn't miss a drop. Once he was finished I stood up and he pulled me in for a strong kiss pushing his tounge in my mouth to taste his piss in me. Once finished we walked back to the bar and in a flash from one of the rotating black light another uv biohazard tattoo showed up. He poured me another drink saying it was on the house and I accepted it and sat to watch the drag show going on. After one of her songs the drag queen said " alright boys it's Time to pull the drawing for tonight's star bottom of the evening before we do the fire works tonight, so if you're a bottom and would like to be the star bottom of the evening just put your first name and last inatial on the paper passing around and come up and put it in the hat and we will pull the winner before the show." I put my name on a sheet and walked on stage getting allot of whistles and cat calls put it in the hat and walked back to my chair. Once all the bottoms there put in their entry the drag queen shook the hat and pulled one out. "Ok boys here it is and the lucky winner is Daniel F." Everyone looked around trying to see the winner and I was a little in shock that I won. I stood up and walked on stage and everyone started to applaud me. "Ok boys here is our star bottom so once the fireworks are over everyone here at the campground will get a chance to fuck and bed our star bottom boy." Allot of cheers went out and even I jumped for joy
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  39. More Daniel Hausser + HungYoungBrit
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  40. A bottom needs to do whatever its told to do, no questions asked
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  41. To beat my record of 14 different cocks fucking me in one session
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  42. Part 3 I arrived at the motel that Poz9in had booked for us at 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve. Lyle said that he'd come to town early to meet up with us for another double fuck session before visiting his family on Christmas morning. But as our plans detailed, Lyle would be getting blindfolded so that we could watch his perfect ass get stuffed by two ugly men whom he has never met. Poz9in told me that he had already paid for two old top trolls that he had met at a sleazy bar ready to pump their toxic loads into our naive, 18-year-old jock. "Don't worry," Poz9in said to me. "The kid's a natural sub and will take raw cock even if he catches on to our trick. But these guys are going to fucking lose it when they see Lyle's smooth, fit body and that fine butt. I'm sure that they haven't scored prime neg teen jock ass in decades. They've been instructed to get their seed inside Lyle's butthole if they want to get paid, and they agreed." Poz9in's large cock was fully engorged and strained against the right leg of his jeans as he spoke. "After these guys are done with him, we'll let ourselves out. These guys, Ed and Roger, will be here soon. We'll each pick one to be our proxy fuckers. When Lyle arrives, they'll wait in their cars until I signal for them to enter the motel room." "That's fucking wicked, and hot!" I said. "I can't wait to see these guys!" ---------------- Lyle looked more gorgeous than ever. His blond hair was shorter now and parted neatly on the side. He'd been working out more. He had six pack abs and more muscular arms, chest and legs. He told us that he wanted to bulk up a bit. I wanted to tear off his tight t-shirt and khakis and go to town on him right then and there, but Poz9in held up the blindfold and told Lyle that he'd have to strip down, get on the bed on his knees and elbows and we'd get started. As Poz9in secured the blindfold on him, Lyle was a vision in only his white socks on all fours on the bed spread. I could see his once tight hole just barely between his muscled buttocks. Poz9in had fucked him a lot over the summer, plus Thanksgiving, but his hole had recovered since then and was the same pink color I remembered from graduation day. I was in charge of the lube. I wanted Lyle's hole prepped with cum, so I collected my cum loads for five days. I used an oil based lube to jack off into a turkey baster, some of that lube was added to my cum mix before going into the freezer. I got my thawed mix from the bathroom and approached Lyle's puffy pink hole. I took his balls in my left hand to steady the boy and inserted the tip of the baster just inside Lyle's ring and squeezed. I watched as my cum emptied into his firm ass—just enough loads and enough oil-based lube to break down any rubber that might be used by our imposters or requested by Lyle. "Good boy," I said to Lyle and slapped his butt. Through the window, Poz9in signaled to his rented poz tops to come into the motel room. In half a minute, the room door opened and the night of breeding more dirty loads into Lyle Cranston's hole began. Then men were old and looked wasted from years of HIV exposure. When they entered, they were both wearing black leather gear and I was delighted to see that Roger sported not just a scorpion tattoo on his chest, but also a biohazard one on his right thigh. He looked like he was in his 60s or 70s with gray hair on his chest and back. He also wore a police officer style leather cap with a chain across the base of the bill. He wore leather chaps with a smooth, shiny black cod piece that he unsnapped while reaching for Lyle's vulnerable ass. He had been instructed not to make any vocal noise, as Poz9in and I were supposed to provide our voices for our trick to work. Roger mouthed silently to me, "Damn!" I nodded, encouraging Roger to go ahead and take the young jock's hole. "Can't wait to get my cock back inside this hole," I said as Roger removed the cod piece entirely to reveal a large, rock hard tool with a massive mushroom head that he lined up against Lyle's pink hole and pushed in hard. "Ow!" Lyle let out, but Roger was determined to get inside the boy fast and hard. Poz9in got the poppers under Lyle's nose, and said, "Take a big sniff." Roger wasn't going to slow down, we could tell, so Poz9in kept poppering Lyle until he was flying, and letting Roger fully invade his hole. Roger was fully inside Lyle's butt but trying to push deeper. He grunted in his attempts to get deep inside. "There it is," he said against our instructions. "Gonna pop that second ring!" He pistoned into the boy hard. "Yes! Fuck that hole is nice!" Ed watching his buddy thrust into a boy young enough to be his grandson started to urge Roger on. "Yeah, buddy! Knock that young hole up." Even poppered up, Lyle realized that the men using him were not Mr. Daines and his hung friend Dale. "What?" "It's fine, Lyle," I said. "I'm here. Let these men have your beautiful butt." Still blindfolded, Lyle felt around for the poppers. Poz9in held the brown bottle under the boy's nose as Roger long-dicked him. "Damn, Roger. You trying to split the kid in two?" Ed remarked. Roger kept up the assault on Lyle. "Ah! I am trying to poz this kid up once and for all. I'm roughing up this boy, Ed, but it's your P.A. that will wreck this sweet hole." Poz9in had a sinister grin. "Fucking load him up, Roger." I looked over to Ed, a bouncer-type, mid-60s hairy man, and saw that he was jacking an enormous pierced cock. Metal studs and a large gauge P.A. were going to wreak havoc on Lyle's perfect hole. Poz9in told Ed to come up and take a seat on the bed under Lyle's face. "Lyle, put the nice man's cock in your mouth." I watched Lyle comply as Ed's pierced cock was pushed into his mouth. "Feel all that metal, boy? That's going up your butt as soon as my buddy shoots his poz jizz up there. We're gonna charge up that nice college boy jock ass of yours." "Fuck yeah, we are!" Roger confirmed. I watched in awe as these emancipated old men used my beautiful blond swim champ's body for their virus's next breeding ground. Ed grabbed Lyle by the hair and pushed his cock, and P.A., all the way into his throat. Lyle squirmed a little from not being able to breath, he gagged and drooled, but took it like good sport. From Lyle's butt side, Roger announced, "I'm close. I'm going all the way in! Aaaaaaah! Fuck! Take that toxic sperm load, you fucking dumb jock!" He unloaded deep inside Lyle for about a minute. I started to cum from jacking and watching and told Roger to pull back so I could shoot my own poz load onto his cock. I mostly dumped my sperm onto Lyle's ass crack, where it pooled nicely at his opened hole. Roger punched my load into Lyle with his cockhead. Ed pulled his cock out of Lyle's mouth and got up from the bed. But Poz9in was cumming now and Ed told him to unload onto his death tool. His white sperm coated Ed's pierced cock and Roger pulled out of Lyle so that Ed could move in on Lyle's hole. Ed shoved his pierced cock into Lyle's boyhole and we had to take off the blindfold in order to use it instead as a gag to keep the boy from disturbing other motel guests. Lyle was trying to say something but Poz9in gave him more hits on the brown bottle. After he took four hits, he opened up to Ed's invading cock. "Take that pierced cock, boy," Ed taunted as he fucked Lyle. "It sure likes being up your sweet hole." As I watched the large man's cock tear into my boy, I saw that Lyle's hole was now red and frothy with our collective churned cum loads. "Do it, Ed," I urged the rough top. "Fucking poz our champion swimmer for good." Ed took my words to heart and rammed his pierced cock repeatedly into Lyle's rectum for ten minutes. Lyle whimpered, but I was still not convinced that he understood our poz talk and that we were actively trying to give him HIV. "I'm gonna shoot!" Ed announced to the room. "Do it. Load him up!" Roger encouraged. Poz9in removed the gag from Lyle's mouth. "Please shoot it!" Lyle moaned. "Tell us what you want shot, Lyle." I commanded. "Please, I need more cum in there." Lyle said. Ed pulled out and pressed his piss slit against Lyle's now gaping red hole and flooded it with the old man's sperm, pump after pump. Ed then pushed his load into the boy's hole with his finger. "Please it burns! I need it deeper," Lyle demanded. Still rock hard, Ed shoved his cock into Lyle to push his load in further and we heard the boy sigh. He fucked Lyle fast and hard as we all cheered him on. "Want that load to take!" Ed said. "I want to fucking bruise up every last swimming sperm in there with my lethal dick." We watched Ed finish fucking Lyle and Poz9in got his wallet and paid the two each with cash. "Let me know if we need to try again," Ed remarked before he and Roger headed out the door. Lyle was lying prone, face down on the motel bed, legs spread with poz sperm leaking out his reddened hole. Poz9in told me that he wanted to stay and suck the kid off. So I closed the room door behind me, leaving my little, buff swim champ alone with my sketchy Internet acquaintance who I could hear barking an order at the boy to get up on all fours again. I didn't see Lyle again after that, although I've found his profile on BBRT and RentBoy. He is thinner now. His status reads: Poz.
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  43. PART 9 I don’t think even one minute passed before the door began to open. I barely had my shorts up and started to panic to make sure I was covered at the same time I looked at the door. What i saw a guy maybe 40ish around 6 feet. He was a little bolder and didnt wait for me to nod back. He just slid through the crack and shut the door and locked it. In the glow of the gay porn on the screen, I was able to see him better. Yeah a little taller than me, so at least six feet and thin. He had on sweat pants and sandals and a T-shirt. There was already a sizable bulge in those sweats. He approached me and his hand went into my still unbuttoned shorts, but he bypassed my cock. Instead, his hand dipped down and I felt a finger slide into my ass crack and run across my hole. His hand slid out of my pants just as quickly and he motioned me up. As soon as I stood, he slipped my shorts down and began to turn me around away from him. And I just let it happen, half out of surprise and half because i was still horny and this guy was pretty hot. I slipped a leg out of my shorts and spread wider, as I braved myself with my hands. I could hear him tugging his sweats down and heard him spit, managing to look back in time to see him using it as lube to stroke with. Again he spat into his hand and rubbed it on his cock. And his cock was... it was huge. Like at least 8.5 inches and thick with a nice big cut head. It was magnificent. It was obvious that like the first guy, he wasn’t going to use a condom. His cock slick with spit I felt him use one hand to grab an ass cheek to spread me open a little, as he used his other to guide his cock to my already fucked and cummed in hole. I felt him push against my barely puckered hole and it gave easily. It hadn’t even had time to close up from the last cock and with the cum coating my hole, he was able to work his giant cock into me. I don’t know if it would have worked otherwise. Later as time went on, I would take bigger cocks but this guy was hung and as an 18 year old almost virgin still, this thing was just massive. And I was taking it. I was almost naked bent over in a bookstore booth, gay porn blaring away, while a guy I hadn’t exchanged a single word with was almost 8 inches into me and continuing to fuck deeper and deeper. And with the first guys cum and my hole already relaxed from getting fucked a few minutes before, I was taking it and loving every second. There was no pain or discomfort. He was working my hole harder and harder and we were not being quiet. Besides him basically knocking my breath out every time he rammed home, I couldn’t keep myself balanced and my hands kept knocking against the thin plywood wall I was supporting myself against. And he was grunting and breathing fast. And then finally to make It competely obvious, he was finally balls deep and now every time he drove into me there was that slap as his pelvis met my ass cheeks. And I was so lost in the fuck and his cock sliding into my prostate that I didn’t care. I didn’t care that It was sleazy and dirty. The smell of sex and cum made me feel drunk. And I didn’t need to know who was fucking me. All that mattered was that he was hot and had a fucking amazing cock and he was in me raw. And I had already kind of figured it out, all these guys here are looking for cock. I gave in and enjoyed every second and didn’t care that everyone there would know I was getting fucked right there in the booth. Eyes closed and head down I took it until I felt his hands grip tighter and felt his pounding increase even more til finally he rammed deep and erupted. Spurt after spurt of cum coated my guts as I pushed back to make sure I was getting it all. He grinded into me as he stayed deep while his cock pulsed and throbbed inside me, as he obviously was trying to put every drop into me. Spent and satisfied that he had put all his cum inside me, he slowly pulled out. Without a word he pulled up his sweat pants and straightened his shirt up. Looking down, he adjusted his still softening rod and covered it with his shirt. I meanwhile was wobbly legged and was trying get my one leg through my shorts so I could pull them back up. Mr Sweatpants paused by the door to give me a second to get the shorts up and then just as quietly as he had slid in, he popped back out after cracking open the door and then shut it behind him. I noticed it wAs darker and realized I had let the video machine run out of credits. I don’t think even twenty minutes had elapsed and I had gotten fucked twice. And had no idea who they were or if i could even recognize them if I saw them. And I hadn’t asked either one if they were clean. I mean who knows, Tim looks healthy and he has it. But then the thought that hit almost right away was did it matter? Would I have stopped those guys if they were did have HIV? If I saw Mr Sweatpants giant cock and knew he was HIV positive, could I or would I want to say no to it? I knew why I didn’t ask. It didn’t matter. I was taking them raw no matter what the risk. It just felt too good. As all this wet through my head in about 30 seconds, I stood to walk out, figuring enough was enough for tonight and I had not been very discreet and didn’t want trouble. As my hand touched the doorknob, it twisted in my hand and the door opened up a crack as another stranger met my stare. Maybe I wasn’t leaving quite as soon as I thought as we gave each other a quick look over. A mutual nod and I was backing toward the bench of the booth as a new stranger entered the small cubicle with me and shut and locked the door.
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  44. PART 2 i was so nervous but sex was leading down the hall, his hand gently guiding me. His room was sparse but it wa nice. He led me in and closed the door. He looked me over as I stared at him. Finally, he spoke. “Obviously, we know each other outside of this room. That’s a totally diffferent place and it’s no ones busniness what we do here. And call me Tim. That’s my first name”, he said before smiling and adding “now get out of those clothes and get comfortable.” With that, he reached and pulled off his underwear, freeing that gorgeous man cock. I was shy, but I got naked. “Let me see you. Damn, you are hot Chris. Turn around and show me that ass. What a hot ass. Spread now so I can see your little hole. Show me, show me your boyhole,” the last part coming out almost in a whisper. I had no idea what was gonna happen or what to do, but I showed him. “Hot fucking hole. What a sexy butt. Have you gotten fucked yet Chris?” He asked. I wasn’t gonna lie, so I told him the truth. “I... I’ve sucked two guys from school a few times that’s it,” I said nervously. He grinned. “We are gonna have so much fun. Just so you know what I like, I like most everything, but most of all I like to play with a young guys butt. Touch it, lick it, fuck it. Stuff I think you want badly,” he said in a low sexy voice. I just nodded. I was so excited and nervous. “Chris, there’s something I have to do. Lay down on the bed on your tummy. Yeah, that’s it now spread your legs open a little more. Perfect,” he instructed. And then i felt him climb on the bed and crawl between my legs. I had no idea what was next. I felt him lower himself and then I felt his breath, hot as it hit my asscheeks. I felt his hands grab those cheeks and slowly pull them apart. He seemed to get even closer and I heard him inhale deeply. “God your little butt smells so fucking good Chris. So tangy and musky just like it should be,” he whispered.he was so close his face was now basically in my ass crack. And then I felt it. ThAt first flick of a wet tongue, his wet tongue, sliding across my virgin hole. I gasped and bucked, but he had a firm grip as he now lashed out at it, attacking it with his tongue. His mouth was sucking and licking and it had me gasping for breath as I bucked and writhed and learned the ectasy of having a man lick my boy hole. His tongue swirled and teased. It drove strong and deep. His mouth suckled my hole, devouring it. It felt so good I was losing control and making noises I had never made before. It just felt so good. I didn’t even care about my cock. Mr Johnson, Tim, knew how to make my ass feel better than my cock had ever felt. I continued to melt with his attention. It just felt so good. All I cared about was Tim playing with my ass. Whatever I had to do to keep this ecstasy going, to make him want to give my butt attention. He was just so good. It seemed like he loved it as much as me, and I wondered if it made him hard to play with my ass like this. I wondered if he loved my hole as much as I loved him playing with it. I wanted him too. I wanted my hole to please him.
    1 point
  45. I love drinking piss right from the tap. Really huge turn on from me when a guys uses me as a urinal.
    1 point
  46. Piss straight from the tap is the FUCKING BEST. I first got into it years ago when I was living in NYC. Partying with this hot older brother type and we started fucking around...he had to piss and led me into the bathroom. Instructed me to get on my knees and open wide. He pissed right in my mouth and made me drink it down...now it's the only way I like it. I've also been wanting a guy to piss in my ass, so I recently bought a hollow butt plug from "Fort Troff"--can't wait to break that fucker in. If he can't piss while he's hard, he can fill me up through the plug...maybe even pour some beer in my ass and get me a little buzzed off a beer enema.
    1 point
  47. My dream is one day to be filled with piss at both ends at the same time, anybody ever had that happen to them?
    1 point
  48. I like being pissed on and in. Unfortunately it's really hard to find other guys into it.
    1 point
  49. My New Life I kept the plug in all night and all the next day, and when I was done with class at three thirty I went back to Anthony’s hornier then I had ever been in my entire life. I found him sitting naked in his living room, Max on the floor, and five new guys who I had never seen before getting blown by Max. “Good you’re here,” Anthony said, and he led me back to the sling, pulled the plug out of my ass and said to this new group, “Ok. Go.” I spent that night as I has spent the one before, my ass wide open taking each cock as it came to me. At the end of the night Max dumped a thick load in me and then so did Anthony, and then the plug returned. “You’re going to keep that in at all times boy, the only time you’re to take it out is when you’re gonna get fucked. Understand?” I nodded. “Ok, now I’m going away on business till next Monday which is when I’ll see you again. You’re task is to take another twenty loads before I get back that gives you four day to get twenty loads. I already know of two that you’re gonna get and I’ve given your number to everyone who bred you today or yesterday so that should help you, but you had better spend some time on a4a and grindr and find yourself some new loads to take. Understand boy?” “Yes Sir.” “Good. Now get out.” Max smiled at me as he left and showed me the new contact he had added to his iPhone. It said Dumpster and listed my number. “Tom had work tonight, so expect a call from him tomorrow he as sad he missed that sweet cunt. When I got home I felt the same elation as the night before mixed with a new dread. It was one thing for these guys to come to Anthony’s place and find some kid they didn’t know open and ready for cock but for them to have my number and probably my name. The anonymity that I felt had protected me was gone, but then again that was an illusion too because Professor Ross knew and I had to go see him in the morning. I took a few deep breaths and decided to just go to bed and see what happened in the morning. I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing; I looked at the screen and saw a number I didn’t recognize. Groggily I answered. “Good morning cumdump.” My heart stopped. “Who is this,” I stammered. “Professor Ross boy. I was thinking about your warm cunt all day yesterday and I figured rather then stopping class and breeding you right there in front of everyone that I would have you come to my office in half an hour to get your first load of the day.” “I just woke up Professor… and I haven’t showered…” “Don’t bother, I know you got bred last night. I wanna see that dried cum on your ass cheeks. Half an hour boy, don’t be late.” He hung up. For a few moments I lay in my bed frozen, then I felt my hole twitch around the base of the plug still firmly mounted there and I knew what my decision was. I jumped out of bed and grabbed a pair of gym shorts pulled them over the tighty whities I had put on before bed, tugged a sweat shirt over my head and started to walk across campus to the English building. It took nearly fifteen minutes to get there but with the plug up my ass they were fifteen very arousing minutes, buy the time I got to the main doors I was in heat. I had never been to Professor Roth’s office so it took me almost another fifteen minutes to find it. So at exactly twenty eight minutes after the professor had rung off I knocked on the half frosted glass door to his office. When the professor opened the door my heart skipped a beat. It hadn’t been a dream, I really had been fucked by my professor at my first gang bang and I was now standing at his office door to get fucked by him again. Ross smiled and usered me in. For what seemed like forever he just stood there with his back against the now closed door in his well tailored tweed suit the only evidence that this was not a normal student teacher meeting was the pronounced bulge which was forming in the front of his pants. “Good morning boy.” “Good morning Professor.” “Well don’t just stand there, take your clothes off and come suck my cock.” I tore my clothes off and rushed to kneel in front of him my plugged ass arching backward inventing him in as I released his throbbing cock from his trousers. The full nine inches sprung forward and I eagerly rapped my lips around the mushroom head. He grabbed the back of my head and forced his cock down my throat till I gagged on it. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes but the Professor just smiled and started face fucking me. Despite gagging and spluttering on his cock and frequently panicking that I could not breath I could tell that my hole was yearning for his cock flexing and winking it begged to take his load. The Professor suddenly shoved his whole cock down my throat forcing me to deep throat him, in my panic trying to gulp down air I swallowed hard and felt his cock just slid down no longer choking me. As my throat relaxed so did my ass and out popped the plug a long with a little trickle of cum. “Man your hole is hungry for cock today, look at how it just spit out that plug.” He pulled his cock from my throat, “Ok boy, bend over my desk.” I got up and walked over to the large wooden desk that took up most of the room and bent over it, my ass pointing towards the Professor. I squeezed my sphincter muscles making my hole wink as invitingly as I could at him. But the Professor didn’t need much encouraging, he walked over and in one move sank his entire cock into my cum slicked hole. I moaned loudly and the Professor clamped his hand over my mouth. “Quite whore,” he whispered, “or the whole building will hear you.” Silently he began to pound me hole and I desperately tried not to make a sound only allowing the occasional squeak to make it out. The Professor clearly intended to make this a fast fuck because there was none of the longs slow teasing that occurred last time just a determination to dump a load in my cunt. He hammered away relentlessly for what must have been fifteen minutes, during the course of which the desk must have shifted a good foot from the force of his pounding, before he sunk balls deep inside of me and unleashed a ******* of cum on my bowels. It was if a river were flowing inside of me. Then he let his cock slacked and fall out of my cunt and having retrieved the plug from the floor stuffed that back into my ass. “Ok, get dressed boy, and don’t be late for class.”
    1 point
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