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  1. "My name is Detective K C Long, that's the initials K and C and I'm here to help!" A rich baritone voice said, shining a flashlight to illuminate his gold shield. Standing 6'2" and weighing 220 lbs, with a shaved head, close cropped beard and mustache, skin the color of dark chocolate, Detective Long was a mountain of a man. Slab pecs were clearly visible beneath his black t-shirt and his massive biceps strained the sleeves as he brought the flashlight up to reveal himself. "Did you get a look at him? What did he take? Are you okay? By the way, I'm the only 'out' cop on the force, so when something happens in the gayborhood, I get the call, so you can tell me anything! Let's start with your name." Best described as a ginger otter, Tim Schmidt was 5'11", with short, wavy, bright red hair, a goatee, weighing 165 lbs, with sparkling green eyes, which he blinked, mesmerized by the sight of the mangod standing over him. "I'm Tim Schmidt. The punk had a bandana around his mouth and he was wearing a hoodie, so I couldn't see much. He got $80 in cash, my license and the keys to my condo. I was walking home from the Double Deuce, when he came up behind me, held a knife to my throat and dragged me here. I did have the presence of mind to toss me cell phone in the bushes. He punched me in the gut and before I went down, I managed to jab him in the eye with my elbow. Other than being scraped, sore and slightly out of it, I guess I'm okay. Fuck, I'm naked!" Running his flashlight over Tim's body, Detective Long was impressed by what he saw, that bright red fur and even flaccid, his uncut cock was something to be proud of. "Tim, you have nothing to be ashamed of! I'm not a bar person, but if I'd been at the Double Deuce, you would've left with me. Since as you say, you're slightly out of it, I don't advise you being alone tonight, so unless you have someone to stay with, I'll take you home with me, where my lover can help me take care of you." K C said, as he noticed 2 tattoos below Tim's pecs. "Nice ink! I know the scorpion is Ivan's work. Did he do the TIM logo too?" His face a bright shade of crimson, Tim confessed, "Well, it was the TIM logo that led to the scorpion. As long as I'm going home with you, we can discuss that later. Can you see where my cell phone is? I'd like to call my building manager to see about getting my lock changed." Shining his flashlight at the bushes, K C said, "There it is. We have a 24 hour locksmith we deal with and it'll be taken care of. If you give me your address, I'll also have a squad car sent over so any sketchy people will be scared away!" Bending down, he retrieved Tim's phone and handed it to him. "Here it is." "I'm at 66 Bedford, unit 510." Tim said. "No damage to my phone, so I'll get in touch with my building manager." Scrolling through the directory, he hit speed dial for the appropriate number. "Sorry to wake you Walt, but I was mugged and the guy got the keys to my condo. A nice Detective will be seeing to getting my lock changed and he's also sending a squad car to keep the area safe. I won't be coming home tonight, but I'll see you tomorrow and I'll find a way to make up for this trouble." As K C, reached for the phone, Tim said, "The detective would like to speak to you." "Detective Long here!" K C exclaimed. "I'll have the locksmith there within 30 minutes and there'll be no charge. As you might expect, Tim's a bit traumatized and I think it's best if he's not alone tonight. Not to worry, he'll be in good hands. We'll see you tomorrow. Shall I put him back on the line? Okay, thank you. Walt says he'll see us tomorrow. Let's get you out of here!" K C said, handing Tim his phone and picking him up as though he weighed nothing. Carrying him out of the alley, he opened the passenger door, setting Tim down on the seat. From the back seat, K C retrieved a pair of shorts. Tossing them at Tim, he said, "They're a bit sweaty, but these should fit you. I need to call the station and get the squad car and the locksmith taken care of. Give me a few minutes and we'll be on our way." Rather than put on K C's shorts, Tim brought them to his nose inhaling the crotch deeply. Heavily into manfunk, Tim immersed himself in K C's masculine, sweaty musk. Hopefully, he'd get the opportunity to sniff from the source. "All set!" K C announced as he got into the driver's seat. Noticing his shorts on Tim's face, he said, "If you're not going to wear them, I'm glad you're enjoying them! I called my lover and told him to expect a sexy stud to be joining us!" "Don't go yet." Tim said, pulling K C's face to his and kissing him on the cheek. "Forgive me for being forward, but it's not every day that a handsome mangod comes to my rescue and I couldn't resist!" "The only thing to forgive is that it wasn't a proper kiss!" K C said, bringing Tim's face to his and using his tongue to part his lips. For the next 2 minutes, they kissed passionately, only stopping because they were in public. Looking down, it was impossible for K C not to notice Tim's throbbing hardon, the thick foreskin covering everything but the piss slit, a drop of pearlescent precum. He scooped it up and brought it to his lips. "Fuck, that's a beautiful uncut dick! So thickly veined and huge! You're under no obligation, but I hope we'll have fun tonight! Let's go! We'll stop by your building on the way, so you can see that things are being taken care of." K C started the engine and 2 minutes later, they were at Tim's building, a squad car parked in front, Walt outside and the locksmith van approaching. "See ya, Brad!" K C said, waving to the uniformed officer in the squad car as they drove off. As they entered a certain road, Tim said, "This is Lakeview Loop, the most exclusive and expensive street in town. Even on a detective's salary, you couldn't afford to rent a guesthouse in this part of town." "I might as well fess up." K C admitted. "Before I had it legally changed, my last name was Longstreet and I live in the home I grew up in. I was in my senior year in boarding school, already accepted to Harvard Law when my parents were murdered in a botched robbery attempt. Working closely with the local police, I decided to give up law for law enforcement. Not wanting special treatment, I had my last name changed before I even applied to the Academy and only the detectives who worked on my parents' case know who I really am. My salary from the force is donated to gay foundations." "Wow!" Tim exclaimed, amazed by what he'd just heard. "Not only are you sex and handsome, you're a man to be admired and respected. Your family built most of this town. Dr. Wilhelm Schmidt was the first of my family to come to the US. It was a Jewish family who put him through medical school. Soon after Hitler came to power, he had a sense of what was to come, so he got himself and the Jewish family out of Germany. Together, they got more than 50 Jewish families to safety here. Dr Wilhelm offered to convert to Judaism or change his name, but he was told it would be better to be an example that there are good Germans in the world. Medicine is the family business and since my sister is a brain surgeon, my parents weren't disappointed when I became an IT Specialist." K C pressed a button on his cell phone and huge iron gates opened, allowing us entry. A tree lined drive led us to an enormous brick mansion, befitting the neighborhood. "Be it ever not so humble, this is where I live!" He chuckled as the garage opened and we parked inside. "Honey, we're home!" He said as we walked into the massive foyer. To be continued
    9 points
  2. 4. Speculum "There's still a lot we need to do," Tiago said. He turned to James. "You're doing ok, right?" James moaned, shook his head. He tried to speak, but the mouth spreader rendered his words utterly unintelligible. He continued to fight against the thick leather straps that held him in place, but they held him down. Fabien had the phone now; the had stepped back to get the entire scene in frame. "I'm going to take the mouth spreader out, ok?" Tiago said. James nodded furiously. "But. You need to let me do it. Don't move." James tried his best, but it was hard to calm down. He wanted out. He hated being here. He hated the feelings. He dreaded the memories. "If you move, it's going to hurt, ok? Relax. This was just a demonstration. This is nothing you need to be worried about." James finally calmed down, and stopped struggling. He was still crying, but Tiago knew it wouldn't get any better until he was no longer subject to the mouth spreader's discomforting power. Fabien came back, holding the camera with one hand, and playing with his cock with the other. As Fabien recorded, Tiago reached down and snapped the wire frame device closed. It just slid out of James's mouth. "FUCK," James said. Before James could say another word, Tiago pressed his hand over James's mouth. "It's ok," Tiago said. "It was just a short demonstration, ok? It didn't mean anything." James had his eyes open now. Neither Tiago nor Fabien had put their cocks away, and their dicks were barely inches away from James's face. He remembered how it had been the night before. There had been cocks everywhere, and they each did what they wanted. "I just..." James started. Tiago gave Fabien an evil smile, then knelt down. The doctor didn't give James a chance to finish the sentence. "You did so well. That wasn't as bad as it could have been, now was it?" "I don't know...." James continued. Once more, Tiago didn't let James speak. "Just a little bit more," he said. "And then you can go home." James cheered up when Tiago mentioned him going home. It was an unfortunate tell for James. Tiago had plans for James, and the reveal only made them easier to execute. "That's good, you going home. It's a safe feeling, isn't it? Home." James face was streaked with tears. He nodded, only distantly aware of how Fabien was still recording his every word and action. "Please," he begged. "I don't know. You. Fabien. Everything. It's hard." "We don't have to do anything you don't want to," Tiago said. "But it's important to get clear evidence of what happened to you. There's only one more thing we need to do." "I don't know," James said. His eyes were closed now, and his breath was shallow and ragged. "Just one more thing?" he asked. "Yeah," Tiago replied. "Only one." "One more thing," he started to repeat. "One more thing." He kept his eyes closed. Tiago pushed his cock back into his pants, and buttoned them up. He longed for James's hole around his tool, but he had other things to do right now. Fabien followed Tiago's lead, although he struggled to push his stiff rod down, and to get the thick member stuffed into his jeans. James continued to repeat his new mantra. "One more thing," he said, keeping his eyes tightly closed. "That's it," Tiago said. "Now, I just need to see if there is any semen to collect. The DNA can help make an identification. Is that ok?" James nodded. "One more thing," he said. Tiago motion for Fabien to come to the end of the examination table. James's legs were still spread wide, his feet held in the stirrups. His asshole was on display, and even from a distance, Tiago could see the sperm leaking out of it. From the gym bag, Tiago pulled out a fat metal speculum. He showed Fabien how the two duck-bills would press apart, stretching open James's rectum. He then turned his attention back to James. "This is going to be cold at first," he said. "But it will warm up quickly" He spread some lubricant over the two legs, before pressing it against James's asshole. "Oh no. no. no," James begged. "Please." "We can do what you want," Tiago said. "But without this sample, it's going to be hard to do anything. Are you sure you want me to stop?" James stopped moaning. He was quiet for several seconds, started to speak, then was quiet again. Despite James quiet, his chest was heaving in complete panic. Fabien was faithfully recording the entire scene. "Should we stop?" Tiago finally asked. "No," James said. His teeth were clenched. He was struggling. He had panicked the moment the cold metal pressed against his asshole, and for a moment, he thought he was back in Conrad's flat. "Make it fast?" he asked. "Please?" "It's ok. This is a speculum. It's going to help me examine your anus." He pressed it into James's hole. His asshole was already open; it took only the slightest force for several inches of the speculum to slide in. James's body tensed, and Tiago could feel his ass struggling to accept the foreign object. "OOOHHHHHH," James grunted, struggling to keep his composure. His ass was tender and sore, and the speculum was almost more than he could take. "Just breathe," Tiago said. Keeping one hand on the metal handle, he reached back to the gym bag, and grabbed a sample tube, some long-stemmed swabs, and a small dark brown bottle. He handed it to Fabien. "Hold it under his nose," he told Fabien. "It'll help him take the probe." Fabien swapped the phone for the bottle. Tiago took the phone, and framed James as he huffed from the brown bottle. "Both nostrils," Tiago told James. "His ass is tender and sore." James struggled to keep his breathing measured and even. But it didn't matter. Fabien held the bottle under his nose, no matter if he took quick, shallow breaths or long, deep breaths, he got the full force of the poppers. "See how he flushes?" Tiago said, as the poppers began to hit James. "That's when you know." Tiago pushed the speculum several inches into James's ass. The young man gasped, but this time, did not protest. "Please," he said. "It's sore. Not too deep." "Just relax," Tiago replied. He nodded to Fabien, and the black man removed the poppers from James's nose. "We're just collecting DNA, ok? It's not that bad is it?" "It's ok," James said. Fabien screwed the cap on the poppers, and joined Tiago between James's legs. "I just. I just want to go home." "It's going to be all right, James," Tiago said. "I'll get you home just as soon as I can." He turned to Fabien. "Watch this," he said, and squeezed the handle of the speculum slowly. The metal duck-bills slowly spread apart, exposing James's ass. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," James moaned. "That's fucking intense. Please. Fuck. Fuck." He was shaking, but this time, it wasn't the discomfort. This was just something new for him; he had no way to express how it felt to have his ass exposed to air. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he continued to murmur. "What's that white stuff?" Fabien asked, as a thick yellowish-white fluid started to dribble out. Tiago quickly grabbed a specimen swab, and started to wipe up the fluid. "That's semen," Tiago said. "Loads from the guys fucking him." "Their gift to me," James said. His face and chest were still red from the poppers. He was strangely calm, but still upset. "It's mine, please. Let me keep it." "But we need it as evidence. It's all in here. In the semen you got. Besides." Tiago rubbed his crotch. His cock was still hard. "You can always get more, can't you?" "But they gave it to me," he said. "It was a gift." It was paradoxical how James was so fiercely protective of his rapists' semen. Tiago didn't care. He went through several swabs, wiping up all the semen his probes exposed. It was more than enough. "It's mine. I need to keep it," he said. It was only poppers and GHB, but it was still enough. "You will get plenty more," Tiago said. "I bet Fabien could give you a load." "In me?" James moaned, pressing himself against the speculum, and pushing it several inches deeper in. Another pool of semen appeared, and Tiago quickly wiped it up. "It feels so good. Inside me." "Of course," Tiago said. "Won't you?" "Fuck. Of course I would," Fabien said. He was just staring at James's asshole, mesmerized by how red and vulnerable it was. "You can put anything in there, huh?" "Yeah. Anything. Wait a second," Tiago said. He locked the speculum open, then let Fabien grab on to the handle. "Hold it there. I'll be back in a second." He went to the counter, and quickly produced another plastic pipette full of a yellow-clear liquid. He squirted it directly into James's ass. "One last thing to help you calm down and understand." "What was that?" Fabien asked. "Quarter gram of crystal. Dissolved in piss."
    8 points
  3. Grindr hook up last Tuesday night. Spoke for half a day to a 19 year old, exchanging pics and talking shit etc. Telling me he recently got fucked for the first time and liked it alot so he wanted to be fucked again. He asked if i could host so i sent him my location not expecting him to turn up. He did within a couple hours and what a sexy twink in the flesh he was. 😍 Walks straight in and strips down, smooth body, shaven all over. Got me hard instantly without him touching my dick. I too stripped exposing my hard on and he dropped to his knees and started sucking. For a beginner he wasn't bad but i wanted his tight hole. I picked him up then carried him to my bedroom, dropped him on the bed, spun him onto his stomach and ate his warm tight hole for 10min lubing it up with my spit and opening his hole with a couple fingers. Finally he got that horny he asked for me to fuck him. I lifted his ass into the air, rested my cock on his ass crack and dry humped him for a minute while teasing his pink hole. Just as i started to push the head of my cock in that dreaded question was asked " do you have a condom on? " I paused, said "i dont sorry" and then he turned towards me and said "ive only been fucked twice both times with a condom." I explained that im a barebacker and hate condoms, they ruin the feel of sex. Then i suggested that i slide in balls deep raw to see if he likes it or not. After a brief discussion about it he agrees and i slide in slowly while asking him how intimate and passionate a raw cock in his ass feels.. He must of liked it because when i reached balls deep i held my position briefly then started to withdraw slowly. I held the tip of my cock against his hole waiting for a reply, he said nothing so i slid back in and started to fuck him.. His tight hole felt so great on my cock, i really needed to breed him!! As i was about to cum i didn't say a word, i let out a little grunt as i shot a 4 day load balls deep into this twink then collapsed on him. He kissed me, got dressed and left straight away without going to the bathroom 😈👌👌
    7 points
  4. I had the day off and I knew it was going to be hot. I figured a lot of people would take the four day weekend to cruise the park. I was not wrong. Usually I walk around and occasionally see someone and then we hook up. This was the first time I've been that there were people hanging out with their dicks out. The crowd was younger than usual and hotter than usual. Sounds nice, but I quickly realized it was a problem. Today was the equivalent of walking into your favorite bar after forgetting it was Cinco de Mayo. There was a promising start with a guy who let me suck him. He said he liked to watch. He filmed me sucking him and took some nice pics of me naked in the park. Then another guy came up and I started sucking him. He came in my mouth and I took a selfie of the load on my tongue. At this point, things slowed down. Guys were walking around and no one was playing. It all came across with the attitude of I'm too hot to do you. I felt like I was at Steamworks. You'll get your steps in, but not too many loads. Finally, a guy who I think needed to cum but was out of time and had passed me by a bunch decided to play. I sucked him for a while and then he decided to fuck me. I think he pretty soon realized he should have done it sooner. He was talking about how great my hole was and he fucked a long time before he came in me. Next came a bald ginger (I could tell by the pubes). I sucked him a while and the guy who liked to watch was enjoying the view. The ginger fucked me and came fast, big load, and then my watcher decided he would breed me too. Three loads in. I walked around a bit and a cute guy with a small dick gave me a nod. I was on my knees and sucked it out of him in a hurry. I kept walking over to another area and a pretty hot guy who had passed me by a bunch decided he wanted me. As I sucked him hard he fingered my pussy and then bent me over. He fucked me while I held on to a tree for support. He shot a nice load in me and I sucked him clean. Walked a bit more and saw an old troll. I was so happy because I knew he'd accept the offer. I got on my knees and sucked his thick short cock and asked if he wanted to fuck me. He just said, "Oh, yes," then I lubed his cock and bent over. Fifth load in. It was getting late so I made one more round. Big guy was in the bushes and I sucked him off. Five in my pussy and three down my throat. Not bad, but I think I'll stick to normal summer days. More people there to actually fuck.
    6 points
  5. This is not my story, but it’s my favourite chems story so I thought I’d paste it here. From the stories section on nastykinkpigs... My life changed 6 years ago, when I was in a bathhouse in FTL. I was high, been smoking and bumping T for a few hours when I decided to get online in my room. I came across a profile on for this Thug looking Black man not far from where I was located. I told him that I was at the bath and I was hungry for some Black meat. We chatted for a few and he just asked me if I was partying. I admitted that I was and I couldn’t get enough cock. He told me that he would be to the bath in 1 hour, and wanted to know what room I was in. I told him and he told me to continue to smoke and fill my ass up. The next hour came and went and I just thought he was playing and then suddenly he was knocking on my door. Well he was thugged out, wife beater, chains and cap on. He came in and told me that he liked his bitches really high and I needed to smoke up. I continued to hit the pipe as he undressed. I was freaked when he pulled his jeans off to reveal the biggest black cock I had ever seen. It was at least 11 and so fat I couldn’t get my hand to close at the base. The balls were low hangers and as big as golf balls. He had 3 inches of fore skin hanging off the end, just to make the scene perfect. He was perfect, bearded, tatted and he was Jamaican. Well he put me on my knees and told me to start sucking. I couldn’t get enough of that meat in me. I’m a good cocksucker, and was eager to show him my skills. I took as much as I could and he fucked my face, calling me a dick sucking bitch and kept telling me he was going to turn me into a bitch, with a big fucked out pussy. I was so hungry for him, he was laughing at me. After a few minutes he told me to get up, we were going to Miami to a bookstore he liked, that he would drive and I could play with his dick. I jumped up and got dressed and we checked out and headed to Miami. The bookstore was on Old Dixie Highway in a ghetto part of town that I’d never been to. When we parked he told me, he was going to take care of my pussy. If I wanted his cock I had to do everything he told me, if I didn’t he’d leave me here and never have anything to do with me again. I was so hungry for his cock that I said I’d do anything. He told me to give him 20 dollars and bring my poppers and T and leave my wallet in the car. When we got inside, there was a thug guy that he knew working the booth which was behind glass. He paid the 20 and we went in. It was obvious that he came here often. When we were buzzed into the back it was totally dark at first but he led me along a wall and as my eyes adjusted I could see that there were doors on both sides of the hall and it was the nastiest bookstore I’d ever been in. We went to the last door and he opened it up told me to go inside. We both went in and he told me to undress. I quickly took my jeans and shirt off, leaving my boots on, he then took my clothes from me and told me to stay in the room, he’d be back in a few minutes, but he left me with the poppers and took the meth. I thought for sure that he was going to ditch me in there, but I was high and hungry and wanted more of that cock. When he left I sat naked on a small stool watching the monitor with the thug on white porn playing, I was again playing with myself and fingering my hole that was oozing cum from the bath. It was only a few minutes when he returned without my clothes. He told me that the guy at the booth was a friend and he had all my stuff behind the counter, and that it was all safe. Then he pulled an orange-capped syringe out of his shirt pocket and told me that he was going to slam me, if I was going to get any of his dick. I didn’t know what to do, I wanted the cock, but I’d never slammed and I was afraid. The meth in me took over and I told him ok, but I was afraid because I’d never done it. He told me that I’d love it as much as Black cock and I was going to become a pro at taking both tonight. So I stood up and he told me to put my arm on the ledge in the booth near the monitor, so he could see with the light. He then popped the orange cap off and stuck the needle in my vein. I watched scared as shit, but excited at the same time. He pulled back and you could see my blood fill the point, then he pushed it in steady but fast. The next thing I knew I was breathing hard and fast, hot all over starting at my feet and then a huge cough, and my eyes started to blur. I was fucking scared, but fuck it felt good. Instantly I wanted everything in me and he pushed open the door to the booth. There were 3 Black guys outside waiting, I know that they knew what I had done and it turned me on. My thug told me to take care of that meat, that I was a bitch and he wanted me to serve everyone in the bookstore tonight. I was on my knees at the end of the hall with the door open in the dark surrounded by big Black cock. I started to suck and it wasn’t long until I was stood up and bent forward and the first Black cock entered my hole. The three of them fucked me and dumped loads in me while my Jamaican Thug watched. When the last pumped me full I was told to follow. I walked behind my Thug naked with only my boots, fucked up. We slowly walked thru the bookstore. There was a room with a few old torn up couches and chairs in it and a big monitor playing more thug on white porn. My eyes adjusted and the room had a few black men in it with their pants open stroking big Black cocks. I was told to bend over the back of one of the couches and show my pussy off. I then heard my Thug say this is my bitch, and I’m training his pussy tonight, he a fucking meth whore and needs to be fucked full. It wasn’t but a second and I felt the head of another Black cock as it slid into my stretched pussy. The fucking continued for awhile, as I was filled with cum. I was then led down another hall to a dark room at the end of the hall. I felt around and it was so dark I couldn’t see, but I knew there were a few men in the room. We went into a corner where there were more walls and I saw a lighter, where some one was smoking a pipe. I was told to get on my knees and I heard my Thug talking to the guy smoking the pipe, and then it was put in front of me. He told me I was gonna hit it, it was crack and to inhale slowly but keep drawing, he was gonna light it. I put my lips on it and started smoking. It was another first for me, but I loved it. I was a crack smoking meth whore now, serving my Thugs. I was next presented with a fat black cock. I sucked and serviced that meat until he blew a huge load of jizz down my throat. It was only a second and I had more cock. I was later stood up and fucked from both ends, swallowing and getting my pussy filled. I knew I would do anything he wanted at this point. I was now desperate to be a Black mans bitch. In a few minutes we were back in a booth where I was told to wait it was time for my pussy juice again. In minutes my Black Thug Daddy was back. I stood up waiting for him to pump me full of the meth again. The cough wasn’t as intense this time and in seconds I was grabbing my pussy and begging for more cock. My Thug told me he would only feed me after Id had cock all night taking care of all the Brothers in the bookstore. I went back to work. I was now bold, walking up and down the halls, going in every booth I was told to. I was officially a bitch. That continued until late the next day, one black cock after another. Then My Thug Wayne was ready to feed my hungry pussy. Wayne took me to a booth and told me to face the monitor, he slid his big monster cock in me and I was a sloppy mess, with cum running down my legs and all over my face. He fucked me loud and hard, calling me a bitch and telling me that I belonged to all Black men now. I know it was so everyone could hear. After he pumped his load in me he told me to wait, he was going to get my clothes. When he returned we went to my house to clean up and rest. Wayne told me he wanted me to slam, from now on, he would help me to learn and I was to continue to go to the bookstore. That he would meet me there when he could but the guys there would take care of me. I was to smoke crack when I could because it was good for my pussy. I promised that I would, and so it began… It was only two days and I was back at Prime Time getting the deluxe treatment. To be continued…
    5 points
  6. This brings back memories. I was 24 y.o., drove 2 1/2 hours on a weekend night to my first bathhouse. It was a dank, musty smelling place. Rooms on two floors with a small sauna and steam area. No public play spaces at the time. I got a room, stripped down to my towel like I’d seen in a couple movies, and explored the place. Damn I remember being so nervous, but I was also feeling sexy in just my Towel. Passed shadowy figures in the dim light. I think I wandered for an hour, hopping in and out of the steam room and dry sauna. This was my first tie in a steam room, and I was rock hard because I’d never sat around naked like that before. I briefly exchanged words with a few guys, though I was still so nervous I’m sure I came off as aloof. A few touched me lightly as they left the steam. I remember seeing some really nice cocks in that mysterious haze. finally I went back upstairs to my room. A really sexy guy who was deaf was the first to stop by my room. It wasn’t long before he was on all fours and I was sliding my dick in his ass. I didn’t think about barebacking back then — I just did it because I was so horny. I started fucking him, and I remember closing my eyes and relishing the amazing feeling of his velvety ass around my cock. He was doing poppers, but I hated the smell and declined. I remember him opening the door, and it wasn’t long before we had an audience. I was pounding this hot guy, mind kinda blown by being watched, until I finally shot my load. I knew I should t cum inside him, but there was no stopping the primal urge. I blasted long and deep inside. I recovered down in the spa for an hour or so. The. Headed back upstairs to wander. The place was busier now with guys wandering most of the halls, and more doors were open. I know I Hesitantly entered a few rooms and sucked a few dicks. finally one guy, late 30s or early 40s, stopped me in the hallway and had me blow him. I was afraid of getting in trouble with the attendant, but this guy had a dominating energy and easily lead me through the motions. He also had a beautiful cock, long with a slight curve upward. He took me back to his room. While we were making out, he started playing with my ass. I was a nervous bottom in those days, and not very good at taking dick. But he knew what he was doing and worked me up to where my ass was feeling amazing. He gave me ,y first real hit of poppers, holding it firmly under my nose, closing off one nostril with his finger, and telling me to inhale and count to 5. Holy fuck! The rush through my body was overwhelming and he easily rolled me on my back so my ass was up and knees were pressed to my shoulders. My head exploded as he pushed his cock inside my ass. He fucked me for an hour, on and off. He switched up positions, always putting me on dis play for guys watching from the hallway. I remember moaning a lot! I’d never been fucked in public before, and it was this wired mix of feeling like I was t supposed to do it, and this amazing thrill of being on display. His long dick was working inside me when someone pushed their hardon in my mouth. I was on my back again getting pounded, and now my head was hanging off the edge to accommodate a second cock. They were talking to each other and both saying they were about to cum. The second guy blasted first all over my face. The first guy was Fucking me While I was stroking to cum. He pulled out quick, then slid back in, burying his cock deep and holding it there while he panted heavily. I found out afterward they were boyfriends. We showered together and then I headed out — it was probably 2 a.m. and I was feeling like a totally different person after that experience.
    5 points
  7. This is the only way the new boy get to cum. No other way unless it is done with a hard cock pumping him full. Closet Faggot that he is. Open up that door boy and except the fact that you enjoy hard things deep in your boy pussy. I know I have caught you 3 times jerking off to gay porn. you have taken my cock 3 times licked it clean and sucked my boy while he sucked you off. You NOT a straight jock your Nothing more than a Cum dump Pussy boy in need of training.
    3 points
  8. Had a few days off so had plenty this week but the one that I can’t get out of my head is a hot very hung older guy - I reckon 60ish tall and in good shape - at a cottage I go to In London. He fucked me in a cubicle on weds; the next day I was at the urinal flashed my ass he just shoved his beautiful daddy dick in me on the spot. Guys stood around me bent over taking it,begging him to breed me. Hard now thinking about his load flooding my hole treating me like the dirty whore I am
    3 points
  9. I woke up with a twinge of guilt in the morning knowing Dan would never be the same but my dick started to grow as I thought about his hot ass and all the POZ cum deep inside him and I had to jack off before hitting the shower. I headed off to work and, on the Drive, my little blonde friend text me and told me how much fun it was last night and how hot it was fucking that straight guy. He finally told me his name, Brian, as he said he was hard as a rock thinking about fucking ass. Free tonight, can we go back to the Park? I text the boy back with my dick hard as a rock in my paint which were becoming painful. Yes, be there at seven tonight and let’s see what fun we can find. Brian text back he would be there, and he could not; wait. I pulled off and went into a gas station bathroom to Jack off. I had never been to this one but when I sat down in the stall there was already a guy in the stall next to me. I waited, hoping he would leave but instead he tapped his foot and I did the same and then he put his finger on the hole and I quickly got up and slide my rock hard dick through. The guy sucked my dick well, I was leaking like crazy. I was curious who was on the other side, I was going to let them finish even If he was not my type but I was pleasantly surprised to see this mid-twenties thin dark haired twink type sucking my big cock. He was a leftie and I could see he too was Married just like Dan. I let him suck me for a few more minutes and then pulled my cock out of his mouth and I heard a whimper and told him to show me his hole. He stood up and pulled his shorts down and spread his checks about a foot away from the hole. I licked my finger and stuck my hand through and rubbed his little button and he began to moan. I grabbed used my hand to grab him as I pressed his little hole and he moaned load as I pulled him and he slowly backed up his little ass to the hole and I removed my hand and told him to spread his ass for me. He spread his ass checks and revealed the most beautiful pink pussy, completely hairless and as I blew on it, it winked at me. I stuck my tongue and licked that little cunt and he moaned, and I stuck my tongue in him and ate his little pussy as he pushed back on the wall. My tongue pressed deep inside him and I could feel his right leg shake as held it under the stall. I pulled up and said stay right there do not move. I spit on his hole and stood up and spit a couple times on my dick and I hard him say I have a condom in my pocket and I ignored it and pressed my leaking dick up against his hole and pressed. I heard Oh My God, Oh My God as my dick stretched his little cunt open and he said shouldn’t we use a condom as I pressed deeper and hit is prostate and I slow fucked him and ignored him as I fucked that sweet tender tight as fuck hole. He seemed to have bent down to grab something out of his pocket and the condom fell on the ground and I could see it. He never mentioned it but soon was huffing poppers and his hole opened and felt amazing as I got more of my dick inside him. I fuck him for eight to ten minutes and shot my load in him as I said, Fuck what a hot little ass you have! I pulled out and began to clean up and he must have cleaned up a little and got dressed and dashed out of the bathroom so I could not see who he was. Going to have to stop her again and see if he is up for another load. I grabbed the condom and tossed it in the trash on the way out and headed to work. My dick remained semi hard most of the day. I really wanted that sweet little hole again. I decided I would leave work early and head back to the glory hole. When I pulled up this cute little jock was leaving the bathroom and I wondered if he had just gotten off or taken a load. Fuck if only I had gotten here earlier. I entered and went to the stall. I was in the same stall and I saw a foot of a guy in a loafer tap. I leaned forward and could see this guy was in his mid-30’s wearing a tie and dress shirt and good looking. I stood up and adjusted my dick and watched the hole as he got on his knees and put out his tongue. I brought my dick over and rested it on his tongue and he licked and tried to suck my dick but it was just out of range to suck but he could lick and I pulled the skin so he could dock my foreskin with his tongue and taste my pre-cum and the boy a fucked earlier. The guy tongued and licked and nibbled on my foreskin and I rewarded him with a few inches of my cock so he could taste more of that boy’s ass still on my dick. He pulled off my dick and spit and then I hear him huffing poppers and then he got back to sucking deep and the guy could suck some dick and before I knew it I was ready to blow another load and shot right down his neck, four ropes and then he sucked my dick till I softened and I pulled back and zipped up and left now saying a word I got back to my car and knew I had time to go home, grab a bite, see what was up on BBRT (wanted to hear from Chris) and shower and put on some comfortable clothes. Traffic was light, so I made it home and had time to sign on to BBRT and grab a bite and head back to see who was on. I scrolled down and found the message from Chris. It read: Dude, thanks for the hot little slut you gave me last night. I fucked and had a few buddies over and we DP him all night and I even worked my fist up his ass by the end of the night with a few more party favors. Anytime you need a whore broken I am up for it. Dan left about an hour ago and missed work. Not sure if you will hear from him again but if you do, I want another run at him. Fuck that sounds amazing, wish I had thought about double penetrating Dan when he was there. I wonder if I will see that slut at the park anytime soon. I emailed him telling him it was too bad I missed it, I would have double penetrated Dan and would be hot as fuck to see him get fisted with all the poz cum in him. I am going to check on our little hottie in a few days and see if I can get him to come out and play. I decided to wait to text Dan and give him a little more time but not too much as he should be getting the fuck flu in 10 days or so. I instead text Brian to make sure he was still up for going. Brian text back right away that he was on the way and would be there in 20 minutes. I text him, wait for me do not suck any dick before I get there. If you are lucky, we can get you a straight boy to fuck and breed like last time. I cleaned up and brushed my teeth and headed out the door to the park. When I arrive, there was Brian as cute as ever in a pair of joggers and a t-shirt. I walked right by him then text him to wait for a guy to come in and follow him. It was not but three minutes and an older guy early 40’s came in in work out clothes like he was headed to the gym but stopped by to see if there was any action. He seemed nervous as he came up to the stall next to me. I had not pissed so I started to and he watched as my dick began to grow even as I was pissing. He could not help himself his dick was getting hard, in walked Brian and the guy tried to conceal his lust and Brian walked to the stall in between and pulled out his dick but he did not piss and he just started to jack his dick and straight guy relaxed and began doing the same. Brian soon turned and got on his knees and the guy looked at me and hesitantly presented Brian with his thick drawling cock. Brian licked the head and sucked it and the man moaned. He closed his eyes as Brian took more of his cock in his mouth and sucked his big dick, I rubbed his chest and pinched his nipple and he moaned and whimpered as I rubbed his left tit. He finally opened his eyes and moved hie right hand to Brian’s head and he began pressing his head down on his big cock as he looked into my eyes with lust. He looked like he was getting close so I leaned in and kissed him as he fucked Brian’s mouth and a minute late he moaned in my mouth and broke the kiss as he came down Brian’s neck and the kid kept sucking that big dick and tasting all that cum and the guy pulled his dick out and shorts up and walked out. Brian turned to suck my dick and I said boy, not yet. Still trying to find you a hot young straight jock to fuck. Go back out and sit on the picnic table and wait. Brian got up but seemed disappointed and headed out with a tent in his shorts. He sat there for a few minutes and an older guy yet, had to be early 50’s came in and went to the same Urinal, Brian did not wait and headed in. This dude was 6’3 200 pounds and built, he definitely worked out and he fished out what seemed like a huge dick. He did not show it and took a piss but when Brian came in, he smiled at the boy and pulled back enough so you could see his long dick, had to be 10 inches. Brian stared at it and the older man reached down and grabbed hold of Brian’s dick and started to jack it and leaned in kissed Brian. He clearly was here for this little slut, my little slut. He then pushed Brian down to his knees and fed him his big cock. Brian struggled and gagged on it as he leaned in and we kissed. Brian sucked and gagged all over that guys dick and then he pulled out and motioned for Brian to suck my leaking dick. Brian turned around and the guy helped him up, so he was no longer on his knees and was standing bend over sucking my dick and he pulled down Brian’s shorts and started eating his tight little pussy. He ate his cunt for five minutes and jacked his dick and then stood up as I turned Brian around the guy said one day very soon, I am going to be balls deep in that ass. For now, get over her and suck a load out of me. Brian complied and sucked and swallowed that dick and a few minutes later he shot his nut in the boy’s mouth as Brian swallowed and sucked the guys cum. The guy then pulled out and pulled a card from his wallet and handed it to Brian. It had his number and 10 on it. He leaned in and kissed Brian and told him he should text him soon! Brian looked up at me and I said boy you are doing a really good job, that is two loads you swallowed. Hand me that card and go out on the bench again. Young skater guy came in standing 5’11 sleeve of tats on one arm and lean and he came in and almost immediately after in comes Brain. I could tell he thought this guy was hot. Brian was watching the guy play with his dick and Brian reached over and held it and started to jack his dick as it grew to 8 inches and thick as fuck. I knew this was the guy, I was going to take one of their asses tonight either the skater or Brian’s tonight. The skater guy maybe harder to turn than Dan but I am always up for a challenge. He was fully hard, and Brian’s hand just fit around it and the Skater dude said, fucking suck it fag. Brian did not hesitate and go ton his knees and suck on the Skaters dick. After Brian spend some time on his dick, the guy moved his head to mine and said fag, suck his dick while I check out your ass. He pulled him up like the older guy had and pulled down his shorts and felt his hairless ass and said, nice boy! Then he smacked his has hard and that startled Brian and he tried to pull of my dick, and I held him in place and the guy did it again. Brian’s right ass check was red as hell. The guy took his finger and slide in in Brian’s crack and the smelled it and said good slut, and then he got down and began to eat the boy’s hole. While he was eating that little ass, I heard talking outside and warned everyone that we may not be alone. The skater dude hopped up and tucked his prick back in his pants and fastened them and Brian pulled his shorts and undies and I tucked my dick away all the same time and Walked around Brian and said to the Skater, if he wanted to finish with the boy at my place it is round the corner. I was not sure he would come but Brian rubbed his dick through the fabric and Skater boy said I am in. I was surprised when he asked for the address and said he would meet us there, he walked off to his car and I knew it very well may just be the two of us and I could start breaking him in but would prefer to wait till the day before or day off the gang fuck to take his cherry but tonight he just may get deflowered. When we got back I made Brian and drink and put a stronger dose of G in it and he sucked it down, I told him he had become a great cock sucker and how hot it was to see him swallow those two loads. He smiled and said it was hot, he loved it. The guy seems to love eating your ass, do you like how that feels? You could see the G starting to take hold and his focus was shifting but he was able to say that felt amazing. Before our buddy gets here let me show you something, He was wabbly so I steadied him and helped him in the bathroom and got out an enema and set him down on the toilet and hooked it up to the shower and then grabbed some lube and lifted Brian up and told him to push down his shorts and he did and I lubed up that little pucker so fucking tight that boy and worked the enema tube inside him and filled him with water and then set him on the toilet and I heard more water squirt out and I cleaned up the tub with a bag and tied it off and helped Brian steady himself and pull up his short and he said thank you. Not sure for what but great. I positioned him on the sofa with his face on a pillow and his ass exposed and I took a drink out to the front and looked and skater boy was pacing out front seemingly trying to decide if he wanted to come in so I went out and handed him his drink. He grabbed it and downed it and said let’s do this, is the fag inside? I said yes, he is ready for you if you want to go on up and start eating that little ass. He then walked up and went in and I followed as he went right over to the boy’s ass and started to spread his checks and finger the hole and then he started eating that little cunt. He re-positioned him a few times first pushing his right leg up to get in deeper and then his left leg. He eventually had his legs on the couch and his ass back tonging that little hole. He pulled out some lube and lubed up his little hole and slide a finger inside him. He finger fucked him and Brian moaned and then he slides another inside him. Brian was moaning and then he pulled out what I knew as a rock and slide in into Brian and he stopped moaning and yelped a little. He got up and pulled off his clothes exposing this beautiful ass and his dick was mad thick and hard as a rock. He grabbed a ball gag, I later found out he used it which chicks once he had them flying to bread them open and keep them from screaming for help. He then grabbed some rope and tied Brian’s hands behind his back not they he could do much anyway and he lubed up his dick and Brian’s ass and pressed hi head against that little hole and turned and smiled at me and said fuck this is going be hot. He pressed his dick and could not get him to open and then he changed angle and he finally pulled out and said he is tighter than anything I have ever fucked. He slides two back in him and finger fucked him, and I grabbed some poppers and put them under Brian’s noise and made him inhale. Brian looked so innocent and I knew I could stop it all and save his little ass, but I wanted to watch this skater dude rape his ass. Skater said that is working, he got his third finger up Brian’s ass. Skater dude leaned in and bite Brian on the back and then pulled out his fingers and slapped the kids ass both right and left till they were ready and he lined up his dick and said Poppers, I went over and fed Brian poppers and he pushed his dick and I heard a pop and Brian made a terrible sound and a tear ran down his check. Skater had only been able to get three inches in and pulled out and smacked his ass some more and Then he shoved his dick in with his weight and got another two, he pulled out and smacked the boys ass and then again and got it almost all the way in and after one more beating of his ass he was able to tear through Brian’s ring and said fuck that is one amazing ass. I hard Brian scream behind the ball gag and then Skater said dude, do you have a wet towel the boy busted his cherry on my dick. I went and got him a wet hand towel and a large bath towel. When I got back there was Skater dude spitting on Brian and telling him what a worthless fag he was. It was hot seeing how much this straight guy liked tormenting Brian. He pulled out his dick and whipped it clean with the wet towel and it was all bloody and then he cleaned Brian up. When he finished Brian started to move like he was going to stand up or protect his ass by turning over but Skater Just put his hand on the boys back and pushed him back into place. He turned to me and said, where is your bedroom lets take him back there. I turned and he grabbed Brian and picked him up and carried him into the bedroom and laid him on the bed and pushed him up to the headboard and told him to stay there. Skater went back to the living room and reappeared with two more cords and Brian had complied and stayed in place and Skater tied his legs to the headboard and smacked his ass. He turned to me and said, if you want that ass before it is all broken it you should take it now. I did not hesitate, my dick was leaking precum watching all this and I got in between his spread ass and rubbed my leaking cock on that tender torn up hole and slowly pressed in as his hole opened up around my cock. The resistance was little, but he was still tight, it felt amazing. I slowly slide all the way into him and pulled out and again but a little faster and Brian started to moan. I fucked him for ten to twelve minutes and I started to feel my ball boil and I knew I as going to dump a huge load in him and three more minutes of harder fucking and I shot deep in Brian. Left my dick in there for a while and gently pulled it out and said her you go to Skater who was smoking joint waiting his turn. That is some good shit isn’t it said Skater and as I pulled back and grabbed a towel to clean off he placed a pillow at Brian’s head and tapped his check and he said boy you are going to need this. My dick was instantly hard again knowing that my charged load was deep in Brian and this Skater dude was going to tear up that hot little ass and hate fuck him had me dripping precum again. He got in place and shoved his dick in Brian who yelped under the ball gag and proceeded to fuck him hard and deep and after ten minute he shot a lot a load in him but kept fucking him and soon worked up load number two and shot it deep in the boy. He pulled out and grabbed the same towel and cleaned up and without a word went and got dressed and came back in. I had already gotten in place and was fucking his cum filled hole when he unfastened Brian’s legs, his ball gag and hands and turned to me and said thanks for letting me use your place to take that fucking sweet cherry. Enjoy and out the door he went. Brian just seemed relieved that he was gone. I knew he needed to go home yet, so I did not party him up more but that would have been fun. I fucked him as he moaned and whimpered under me and shot another toxic load in him. I got up and told him to follow me to the shower. I washed him up and made out with him and told him how hot he was and that I wanted to watch him suck off a few more cocks if he was up to it. He said he was and we got dressed and went back to the park and when we got there, I could see a tall man at the stall and I had bring follow me in and he went to the middle stall of urinals and I watched as Brian reached out to grab the guys dick, the guy had to be mid-fifties tall and lean and he soon turned toward Brian and he got on his knees and started sucking the guys dick as I encouraged him. The guy was packing 8” and he grabbed Brian’s head and pulled him down on his dick till Brian could not breath and then let him up. Suck that fucking dick boy, I can tell you need a Daddy Load. Brian sucked away and every minute or so the guy would grab Brian’s head and fuck it and make him gag and then Brian would pull off and go back to sucking. The guys breathing was getting heavy and he soon grabbed Brian like he had many times before but this time he did not let go till he shot his load deep down Brian’s neck. He pulled out of Brian and tucked his dick back in his pants and said boy you will get back just keep practicing. He then patted him on the head and walked out the door. Brian turned to suck my dick and he was two minutes in and I hard someone walking so I had him get up. In walked this tall black man, he went over to the stall and pulled out his dick and pissed. I could not tell how old he was, but he was well built, and he stayed after his piss and jacked his dick. Brian watched and he turned to Brian and I pushed him at the shoulders to remind him what he was there for. Brian had obviously never thought about sucking a black dick and had frozen at the site of this thick 10-inch dick. I reached up to see if the poppers were still there and thank god they were. Brian seemed to need them, I put them under his nose and made him take four hits each side and his hesitation dissipated, and he opened his mouth and started sucking on that huge dick. Brian sucked and swallowed that big dick and the black guy encouraged him and soon Brian had it halfway down his throat and the guy was loving it. The guy pulled his dick out and pulled Brian up and kissed him and then said come to my van. It will be more comfortable, and he proceeded to lead Brian to the van and as I was following, he said only the boy. Brian turned I motioned for him to text me and he follow this beast of a man to an industrial Van and when he opened it I could see he had it set up with a mattress in the back and I knew Brian was going to take another huge dick. I left knowing that he would be well taken care of and have his first experience with a black man.
    3 points
  10. A New Weapon It was a guilty pleasure that I had found again. The guilt was bigger since I was now older and truly knew the effects of the bug, but the pleasure was greater too. I had the pleasure of watching one of my latest converts becoming a breeding machine and eager to build his own list of victims. The more I thought about it the harder I got. Collegeboy wasn't the only one and I wondered if Dragonboy's cousin was up for passing his bug along too. Each time I logged on to one of my cruising sites or apps I looked for someone that might be that perfect first one for the cousin. I wasn't sure that he would be interested or even if Dragonboy would let him do it. It seemed that they had an almost brotherly relationship. Dragonboy watched out for him most of the time and the cousin would want to go out and do his own thing, trying to not let Dragonboy run his life. So, I looked. I even set up a few searches "neg for poz", "neg for anything", "no loads refused", etc. just like I had after I caught the bug. I chatted with a couple guys, just to see how serious they were or if they left off that critical bit of information like being on prep. Some of the guys were almost perfect but had one or two things that ruled them out. A couple of those I saved for myself. The blond, 20 year old ex-gymnast that thought he was invincible ("I've taken poz loads before and I'm still neg" he liked to remind me) was a lot of fun. Three fucks and seven loads later, he couldn't meet up since he wasn't feeling good. I'm going to miss feeling that greedy, muscled, bubble butt bounce off my hips as I drilled into him, telling how I was going to do what no one else had. Or the 24 year old gamer that talked a good line, but when it came time to fuck he was almost too tight and nothing like the well-used cumslut he claimed to be. I did finally get it in, but I left him whimpering with two big loads soaking into his trashed hole. He complained a week later that his ass still hurt. And then begged me a week after that to fuck him again. A week after that his profile was gone. I finally found a guy that was interested in meeting up and came close to fitting the cousin's preferences. He wasn't Chinese, but he was Asian and about the same size. Now I needed to see if I could get the cousin to breed his first guy, if he hadn't already. It took a few tries but I got in touch with Dragonboy. First I asked about his cousin and how he was doing. "He was in bad shape for 4 or 5 days. He thought it was Covid, but he only had two of the symptoms. I took him to the clinic you suggested and he found out what it really was" was his response. I replied "Does he understand? Is he OK? Are his numbers ok?" "Yes he does. I think he's ok. I don't know about numbers. The only one I saw on the sheet the doctor gave him was 800,000. He acts worried around me but I think its not true" he typed back quickly. I smiled and then sent back "Oh wow. Why?" "Is that a good number? I saw some of the websites he is visiting. He stares at his test results and gets a big grin on his face. In private, he seems to be happier than I have ever seen him since he came to stay with me. But he is somber and looks worried as soon as he sees me around. I caught him jerking off and he stared at the cum in his hand a minute and then smiled before he licked it up" Dragonboy replied. We chatted a bit more and I told him he needed to try and get his cousin to be honest with him. Almost as an afterthought I added "Maybe he needs to get back into the pool and get some sexual relief." "I don't know. The doctor said he's not to have any sex. There is a problem getting him medication" Dragonboy replied after a few minutes. It took several attempts at figuring out what to say next, but finally I typed "I think it is up to him. I'm sure we can find someone who doesn't care about his status or might want what he can give" as my reply. The conversation went dead at that point and I decided not to push it. A half hour later, I saw a tab flashing on my browser and when I clicked on it, I had a response from Dragonboy. "I don't think this is a good idea but he wants to. Do you know anyone or where we can find someone? Maybe someone that is already poz?" was his answer. It took a few days to set something up but my target was all excited and to be honest, so was I. I was also nervous, since I had never set anything like this up before. While I wanted to test drive the guy first, I knew I'd end up breeding him and that wouldn't be fair to Dragonboy's cousin. I'd be there as backup just in case the cousin didn't put out. I met the bottom (allcum4me) outside on the corner and took him the back way into my building. It was a little hard to tell if he was the guy from the profile with the mask that covered most of his face. The rest of the description matched, though, and I did see the long goatee poking out from the bottom of the mask and he had the long braided ponytail from the pictures. "Asian slut looking to find his limits" the profile said. He wasn't as clean cut as Dragonboy's cousin, but if the cousin wouldn't fuck him, then I would. His slender body was covered in a loose t-shirt and long athletic shorts. The skin that showed on his arms and legs was slightly darker than Dragonboy or his cousin and was made even darker by copious amounts of black ink. His ears were mostly metal from the piercings around the edge down to the gauged lobes that were stretched over an inch. The large septum ring I saw later completed the "I love piercings" look. I didn't tell him outright that my "friend" was newly poz and had a high viral load, but I had hinted at it and said that he was eager to top for the first time in a while. I'd also never asked him directly if he wanted a toxic load, but all of his messages hinted he did with several innuendos. Maybe he was too excited to get fucked by his first Asian cock in a few years to care about status. He confided in an early message that he had taken dozens of undetectable loads and found that it no longer had the thrill it once did and he wanted to get that adrenaline back. His profile did say "all loads taken" after all. Not much was said as we rode the elevator up to the roof and it stayed quiet until we got inside the locker room. "Let's see what ya got" I said with the same cocky tone that I usually had with these kinds of hookups. He pulled off his tee and laid in on the bench before pushing his hi-tops off and finally sliding his shorts down. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows saying "You can't suck with that mask on." Allcum4me took it off and laid it on top of his clothes. He was freeballing and his small cock was starting to get stiff. There was a thick patch of black pubes over his cock but it looked like his balls were shaved. Ink covered his chest and arms as well as both of his legs below the knees. Other than the three inch long goatee, the tufts of hair poking out from his armpits and the pubes, his body was smooth. I liked what I saw and hoped his attitude matched his appearance. It was my turn and I slid off my sandals and pushed my sweatpants off. I left the jockstrap on, slipped the mask over my head and then removed my tank top. When I looked up, I caught him licking his lips, so he seemed to like what I had to offer. Hopefully, he would like what Dragonboy's cousin had too. Since the cousin hadn't shown up yet, I decided it would be good to try out our victim's mouth. "Come here, you can suck me until he show's up" I said as I walked to the sauna. It would give us a little privacy in case someone unplanned showed up. Leaving the door open, I sat down on the top bench, pulled my cock out of the pouch and gave it a quick stroke. It was already getting hard and allcum4me knew what to do. He kneeled on the bottom bench and licked up and down the side of my shaft. He was pretty good and the more he worked his lips and tongue around my dick the better he got. I was surprised at how wide he could open his jaw and he never even grazed his teeth on my cock. He had been sucking for a little more than five minutes when I heard the locker room door open. My hands forced his face down into my pubes and I could feel him struggle to get off my dick, but I held him tight. One maskless head peeked around the corner and it was Dragonboy. Next his cousin looked in and grinned at us. I could tell he was looking the bottom over and the grin didn't diminish. They disappeared for a minute and both came into the sauna naked. I had let the bottom up and he gasped for air quickly but went back to sucking my cock without any additional encouragement from me. The light was a little dim but I could see the outline of a fresh snake tattoo wrapping around the cousin's leg with the head and fangs on his hip. As he came closer, I could see a biohazard symbol that the snake curled around on his upper thigh. The tattoo was obviously very recent and I was eager to see it when it was done. The cousin had a wicked grin on his face and it seemed that he was excited to share his new-found power. He definitely had a different attitude than any of the other times I had met him. He was not submissive at all and was becoming more aggressive by the second. He moved closer and gave a hard slap to the bottom's ass. The moment I saw his hand raised, I cupped my hand behind the bottoms head to hold him still. The cousin's hands spread the bottom's butt cheeks apart and he spit a few gobs on the hole. One hand moved in and he fingered the spit into the hole first with one finger and then two a few seconds later. Dragonboy stood off to the side and his face was one of bewilderment. I'm sure he had never pictured his cousin acting like this. I was surprised too, but it was quickly removing any doubt in my mind that he wouldn't perform. There was a sheen on his cock from some lube and he gave another stroke before moving in. I wasn't planning on spit roasting the bottom but that seemed to be what the cousin was intent on doing. Once his fingers were out of the way, he grabbed the bottom's hips and started to toy with the bottom's hole. I could hear and feel the whimpers from the bottom around my cock until without warning the cousin speared his cock in. This time a loud grunt was muffled by my cock. I had heard from several guys that after they converted they went from bottom to top or versatile. While this wasn't totally the case with the cousin, he was definitely in top mode now. He was a very different person from each of the times I had fucked him. Then, he knew that he was to give himself to the top. Now, he was the one using the bottom for his pleasure. There had been no hesitation, he came in and began to use this anonymous guy's ass right away. And use it he did. He wasn't one of those one dimensional tops that just penetrates, fucks for a few minutes and then breeds. The cousin started with a little fingering, penetrated, fucked with a varied pace and intensity, rimmed the bottom, slapped his ass, and that was just in the first fifteen minutes. He got more aggressive, grabbing the bottom's shoulders to get better leverage. When he pulled the bottom off of my cock with a fistful of hair, I used this as my cue to let him take over. I had my eye on Dragonboy who was staring at his cousin fuck the bottom. He was a little startled when I pushed him toward the bench and felt his hole with a pair of spit covered fingers. Dragonboy took his place next to the other bottom and soon was feeling my bare cock stretch him open. When I normally fuck in this situation, I just concentrate on my bottom, not looking at the other guys fucking around me. My curiosity was too strong, though, and I kept catching glances over at the other pair. The cousin had stamina and kept fucking his bottom, getting more and more verbal every minute. I had no idea what he was saying and I don't think his bottom did either. Dragonboy did and I could see him jerk his head back and look at his cousin, apparently surprised at what he said. The cousin's bottom seemed to be enjoying it too. He was pushing back onto the cock that was plowing his hole and I caught a few times when he looked back and he had a grin on his face. I kept getting close and would have to back off, occasionally giving Dragonboy a hard slap to stop him from working his hole too vigorously. I wanted the cousin's first poz-on-neg breeding to be the main event. After another ten minutes, the tone from the cousin's voice changed. He seemed to be trying to hold back his impending orgasm. My pace slowed down and I was thrusting into Dragonboy hard. Both of us were staring at his cousin, though. The cousin lunged forward and wrapped his right arm around his bottom's neck. His hips gave another few rolls and with him planted as deep as he could he let out a howl. I could see his butt clench and release with each shot of virus laden cum he put into allcum4me. His bottom suddenly got verbal too, begging for as much cum as he could get. The cousin slammed in two more times, trying to get his cum deeper. The look on the cousin's face was pure bliss and the bottom appeared to be happy too. Dragonboy shoved his ass back on to my cock to jolt me out of my trance and I immediately started to pound him. My hands reached up and grabbed his neck as I pulled myself forward. Each loud thud as my body slammed into him generated a loud grunt which was slowly replaced by him yelling "FUCK!" each time. My balls were pulled up tight and struggling to contain the load inside them. One more hard thrust and jets of my charged cum shot out of my cock. On the second spurt, I could feel his hole clench and release around my cock and I knew he was shooting his load all over the sauna bench. He milked every drop of cum that my body was willing to give up for this round and all I heard from Dragonboy after the first few shots were moans. As my breathing slowed, I looked over and the bottom had turned around and was licking the cousin's cock and balls clean. The cousin had his arm hanging so his hand covered the biohazard portion of the tattoo, making me chuckle to myself. Dragonboy had no intention of cleaning my cock like he did the last time we fucked, even after I sat down on the bench next to him. We got a few minutes rest and the silence was broken by Dragonboy's cousin saying something and motioning with his hands. "He said lay on your back on the top bench" Dragonboy told the other bottom. Once he was there, the cousin tugged on his legs to get him on an angle and then pushed his legs back. His cock was stiff once again and he guided it right back into allcum4me's puffy hole. Moments later he was drilling his cumdump again, churning up the earlier load. Dragonboy looked over at me and I gave a quick laugh before getting up and putting him in a similar position. Like the other bottom, my cock slid right back into Dragonboy's hole with only a slight grunt from him. Once again, I got a late start fucking my bottom compared to the cousin. With a better vantage point, I could see his expressions as he fucked. Only when he changed positions or gave the occasional hard thrust did his expression change. It was either joy, concentration, or an evil grin. I knew at that point that he enjoyed being a top and had some good experience at it. The evil grin told me he was enjoying this even more, knowing he was breeding a neg guy and maybe even pozzing him. It took a little more than ten minutes for both of us get close to dumping our second loads. The cousin started yelling out again while he fucked harder and I looked down at Dragonboy who had a shocked look on his face. My thrusts got ragged and I felt the cum start to rise. The cousin slammed in and yelled out "You fuck now!" and said it again after he slammed in a second time. My first rope of cum started shooting out as I was plowing into Dragonboy's hole. With another hard thrust, the cousin's body spasmed and he yelled out "All mine!" The next few ropes that came out of my engorged cock were shot deep inside as I stayed planted all the way in. The cousin's bottom had his eyes closed as his own cock erupted, covering his chest and face with his white neg cream. We all stood there, coming down from our post-orgasmic highs. "Let's grab a shower" I said after a couple minutes, backing away from Dragonboy. The cousin followed me closely as I walked across the locker room to the shower area. The bottoms were several steps behind us and both walking slower. We all showered for a few minutes, soaping up from the dispensers on the wall. As I started to rinse the soap off I heard "Oh fuck... Biohazard? He's poz?" come from allcum4me. I chuckled and said "Yeah, its a fresh tat" trying to leave it ambiguous. I watched him reach back and feel his swollen hole and the cum dripping out of it. The look on his face told me he had a million different emotions running through his brain. He quickly ran out of the shower and by the time I had finished rinsing off he and his clothes were gone. When we were dressed, we walked out of the locker room toward the elevator. None of us spoke until the elevator door opened and we saw a wet towel laying there. We got in, Dragonboy pushed the 4 button and said "Let's talk." We walked into his condo and once the door was closed the cousin came up to me and hugged me tight. He looked up at me and said "Thank you. You poz me good." The words surprised me, but I looked down and smiled, giving his ass a firm squeeze, saying "You're welcome. Be sure to keep sharing it." It was a weird conversation with Dragonboy doing all of the translation. I told the cousin to expect more experiences like that one - a great fuck until they realize they just took a toxic load or three. The tattoo would both attract and deter people. "He may not convert after only one fuck" I said and both of them nodded with Dragonboy replying "I'm still neg, but I don't know how." I left and went up to my condo and fell down on the couch. Grabbing a blunt from the table, I lit it and had it gone while I fired up my laptop. Allcum4me's profile was gone which didn't surprise me. Just another chaser who freaked when he got what he was asking for. I hoped there wouldn't be any fallout from the fuck and figured we'd never hear from him again.
    3 points
  11. I was house-sitting for a friend a couple weeks ago and naturally got quite horny, so I downloaded Grindr just to see if there was anyone in the area. I had previously deleted Grindr since I wasn't having any luck, but this time I was messaged by a 20 year old twink about a mile away. We chatted for a little bit, he mentioned he was going to a friends place alter and was just killing time, so I invited him over. I wasn't explicitly looking for sex, but was horny nonetheless. He agreed and pulled into the driveway about 15 minutes later. He was hella cute, thin, slightly shorter than me. We sat on the deck and chatted for about 20 minutes. There was a pause in the conversation and he said, "so what are you thinking?" I said "I'm thinking I want to kiss you." He said "I think we can make that happen," so we kissed and made out for a few minutes on the deck. I grabbed his hand and took him inside to the bedroom. I put him down on the bed and stripped off his clothes, and took mine off. He had a nice cock, and a fantastic bubble butt. We rolled around on the bed kissing for a little bit. I kissed my way down his body and took his cock into my mouth and sucked him off for a few minutes until he pulled me off so he could get at my cock. He sucked me for a few minutes, licking around my balls as well, until I pulled him back up to kiss him some more. I flipped him over face down and licked my way down to his ass crack, pulling apart his cheeks to get at his hole. I rimmed him for a couple of minutes, getting his hole nice and wet, and then I asked if I could fuck him. He said yes and turned over onto his back. I had a condom nearby if he wanted it, but I just started spitting on my cock to lube it up. I lined up my cock to his hole and slowly eased in. He took it like I pro. I leaned in and kissed him as I started to move in and out of his ass. I fucked him like that for a few minutes, then had him get on all fours so I could fuck him doggy style. I held on to his hip, occasionally grabbing onto his hair as I fucked him faster and faster. I was getting close so I flipped him over and slid my bare cock back into his ass as he started jerking himself off. I asked if I could cum in him and he said yes, so I slammed my cock in and out of his ass until I started flooding his ass with my cum. I started slowing down and just then he shot his load all over his stomach. We cuddled for a little bit, then he had to leave to go to his friends, my load in his guts.
    2 points
  12. He called me like one hours ago. His voice was sweet, seductive. He called me baby several times. He was driving, certainly his cab across the city. He asked if I was home. I said yes. Asked me if I was ready to be a good girl. I said yes. My heart was beating fast. I never know what to expect from him, all I know is I want to serve him so bad. - I have someone for you, baby? - Someone? - Can you dress up now and... be nice to him, baby? You do that for me? I couldn't believe it! He was calling me out of the blue to ask me in the sweetest way if I could "work" for him! - Are you there? - Yes. - So? Can we come? - Yes, I answered automatically, unable to think, just excited. - Ok. Ten minutes. Dress up and be good to my guest. - Ten minutes? - Yes, just your mouth, baby. He hang up. I rushed to put on a thong, a red very tiny short and some thigh high socks. I put on some lipstick and was happy with what I saw in the mirror. I was looking slutty and this time I was consciously being whored out by my black taxi driver. It was a mix of fear and excitement I can't exactly describe. Was it a guy he picked up in his cab? A guy he knows? What would he look like? Would my pimp come up with him? Does he do that often? Does he have other "girls"? To many questions were invading my mind while I was standing in front of my whore self reflected in the mirror next to my front door. I dimed the lights. A knock on my door. My heart stops. I open. The man standing in front of me doesn't look bad. Around 50 yo, tall, grey hair. He wears a dark blue suit, a tie, and looks a little bit nervous though his pants are already unzipped as he steps into my hall staring past me, like he's inspecting the place. I close the door behind him saying hi. I hear him spit in his hand and he turns back to me stroking his nice semi hard uncut dick. - Suck my cock. I go down on my knees and directly swallow his wet dick. It grows and hardens in my mouth as I blow him. I m holding my ankles and sucking him deep, nice and slow. I want him to enjoy the ride. I try to make eye contact but he doesn t look down at me. He stares at the wall in front of him. He moans. I moan. At one point a take his meat out of my mouth and ask him if he wants to sit down and relax while I suck his thick cock. He doesn t answer anything. Just takes my head with his two big hands and without looking at me pushes his cock inside my face again. From that moment I focus on not gagging, on providing him a soft open mouth for him to fuck as long as he needs to. He ends up like totally riding my face and fucking slowly but firmly, one hand in my forehead pushing me down, the other one on my neck, holding me in a good position for him. The feeling is awesome. I am rock hard in my short as I didn't put on my cage. But I don't touch myself cause I don't know if that may ruin it for him. Suddenly he fucks my face harder and cums abundantly inside my mouth. He grunts. I moan. I swallow. He goes deeper. I try to catch a glance of his face but all I see as I look up is his belt, his slightly opened shirt on his hairy belly. - Holy shit ! he shouts as he hits the wall with his hand. - Damn you give good mouth! He laughs. I feel his cock softening in my mouth but I still lick it, suck it, kiss it, like I m in love with this stranger and his manhood. He then puts his shirt inside his pants, checks himself in the mirror, his cock still in my loving mouth, before finally looking down on me with a grin on his face, gently pulling his dick from my lips, zipping up his pants which I kiss one last time before he goes out of my apartment. Before I wrote this story here, I waited for thirty minutes in my thong, fingering my pussy, next to my mobile, waiting for my pimp to call or text me. I didn t expect him to thank me but maybe tell me I ve been good or tell me he would come, too. Nothing until now. I know I ve been good anyway. I can't say I'm proud of what I did but at least I am ok with it. I hope he's satisfied with me.
    2 points
  13. Hi guys, Three of my scenes which i did for Crunchboy have been released! Super excited and was really nice to record ! I'm the bottom in these pics All my scenes are here: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.crunchboy.com/en/modeles/detail/35243-charlie-sanders Let me know what you think. Hope you guys enjoy it! xxx Charlie
    2 points
  14. Super excited! My fourth porn scene has been released.
    2 points
  15. You're not alone. When I got together with my partner it was romantic and cerebral but not very sexual. I'm very sexual and wanted more but since he was inexperienced I just thought he needed time to discover and own his sexuality. After about 5 years I decided he was on the asexual spectrum since he only wanted sex 3-4x a year. We've always had an open relationship, and it seemed for a long time he barely took advantage of it. We've been together for 13 years now and last year he shared with me that while he is more or less asexual, he has discovered that he doesn't like having sex with the same person more than 3-4x a year. He needs that variety to be turned on. It's not something that I can relate to but it's how he is. I do still occasionally get bummed that we don't have the sex life I would like because he's very cute but I have other options and we have a polyamorous baseline and no jealousy issues so we make it work.
    2 points
  16. Those guys are taking the phrase "60 is the new 40" a bit too literally....
    2 points
  17. What a sexy young slut showing it all off. Like your look a lot! Love a slim guy with a big ass - and LOVE hung bottoms who will flip and fuck back too. Love that huge shaved cock and ass!!
    2 points
  18. I am a total bottom but feel the same. It seems when a man breeds me a few times I instinctively know not to take it further because I don’t want a relationship. I do have fuck buds but they remain that way because they either have a wife or boy wife at home and can’t get attached. I also think that I prefer anon encounters because they make me feel like a whore. I think I live best in that space.
    2 points
  19. Part 13 - The Demon Within Jamal began to stir and wake from a sleep where his body felt warm and cosy. Slowly opening his eyes the sight of directly in his line of vision who was sleeping peacefully. Everything flooding back to what happened last night, he smiled and laid there watching him remembering the incredible sex and love making they had shared together. Strange how he had an overwhelming feeling of love for Conrad flowing through his body but it was not the love of two people in love, it was one of protection, comfort and friendship. He felt so lucky that Conrad had come in to his life right now, there was no doubt that Conrad had helped him find himself and for that he would be ever grateful. In his absent minded state he was stroking Conrad's neck who had woken and was now staring at him. "Please don't fall in love with me" Conrad whispered staring at the vacant look in Jamal's eyes. Jamal blinked "Sorry I woke you up" he said leaning forward and kissing him "don't worry I promise not to". Conrad smiled "Thank you" he said trying to get closer to him "I need you as a friend". Jamal smiled and stroked his face "As long as I can have nights like this with you I will always be by you". Conrad pulled Jamal in and kissed him "I like being your oik" he said as Jamal moved on top of him. He teased Conrad with his lips "I hold you responsible you know" he said kissing his chin. Conrad looked upat him confused "For what?" he asked expressing subtle moans from the kisses. "Turning me gay" Jamal replied rubbing his lips over Conrad's. Conrad chuckled wrapping his arms around Jamal "You only needed a nudge" he said "didn't take much nudging". Jamal looked down at him "How about you sit on it and give it a good nudging" he teased. Jamal kissed him then jumped with Felix walking in with coffee "Get up boys you got work to do" Felix said. "Hold that thought" Conrad told Jamal smiling "We are getting up Felix" he said. Beth had prepared them bacon sandwiches that they scoffed down and took a flask of coffee with them setting off down the drive to check the flower beds outside each of the houses. Conrad spent time explaining what needed to be done and that Jamal had to look after them whilst he was away. At lunchtime Conrad went home with Jamal and packed a small bag, he was told not to pack too much since most of the time he would be spending in the privacy of the villa. "Wish I was coming with you" Jamal said watching him pack. Conrad smiled "I don't" he replied looking at him "I won't get much rest with you there" he laughed. Jamal grabbed Conrad and hugged him "What was that for?" Conrad asked. "Can I not hug you now?" Jamal asked swinging Conrad from side to side. Conrad laughed "Yes, but it usually leads on to other things" he said slapping Jamal's arse. "Going to miss you" Jamal said letting go of Conrad "seriously miss you". Conrad smiled "I will miss you but you will have Simon and Felix to keep you busy and I will be back before you know it". Walking out of the house Jamal still did a careful alert look up and down the drive trying to be as discreet as possible so Conrad wouldn't get wind. They headed up to the manor then spent the afternoon tending the kitchen garden and every growing range of produce, Jamal doing most of the work whilst Conrad was on the phone with Charlie. In contrast Harry was sat in his office busy and keeping an eye on the door to Moham's office, ever since Simon had arrived he wondered what wheeling and dealing was going on behind the doors. He knew Moham and Simon had invested in a tech company together but that was all he was privy to. Simon came out of his meeting with Moham and saw Harry finishing a call, he walked over standing at the door whilst Harry wrote something down. "Harry" Simon spoke getting his attention "is he working you too hard?" he asked. "A bit" Harry replied looking at him "how is Conrad?" he asked. Simon walked in and sat down opposite him "He is getting there" he replied. "Does..." Harry fiddled with the pen in his hand "he ever talk about me?" he asked sheepishly. Simon studied him for a moment "Not really" he replied honestly "why?" he asked. Harry looked down "Doesn't matter" he said sounding a little down. Simon stood up "Whatever it is Harry you both need to sort it out and quickly" he said leaving the office. "Wait" Harry stood up calling to him, Simon stopped and turned "Do you think he loves me?" he blurted out. Simon walked back in and closed the office door "You need to find that out" he said sitting down again. Harry sat back down "Stop prevaricating Harry and have a serious conversation with him" Simon said softly. Harry looked at him with desperation "I want to Simon, it just hurts each time I can't help it". "God Harry you really are in love with him aren't you?" Simon asked already knowing the answer. Harry nodded "How the hell did that happen?" Simon asked. "I don't know, I told Conrad if I knew why I could stop it but I can't" Harry said exasperated. Harry looked at him "He won't even give me a straight answer and it always ends in disaster". Simon chuckled "Yeah I noticed" he replied then contemplated Harry for a moment "Dramatic, I think it is both of you doing it" he said. He stood to leave "If you want my advice go in full steam and wait for an answer" Simon said walking out. Harry sat there watching Simon go in to Adam's office, he wanted nothing more than to bang his head on the desk. Thankfully though he thought to Sunday when he would fly out to join Adam in Sardinia for a much needed break. Adam popped his head round Harry's door asking if he was all set for Sunday then said good bye and headed off with Simon for the short drive to the heliport. Taking off Simon leaned in to Adam "Is it all sorted?" he asked. Adam nodded "About as sorted as it can be, the rest is up to them" he replied. Simon smiled "Glad Moham is finally on board with this, took some convincing and negotiation mind you". "Wish someone had done that for me instead of where I ended up" Adam said looking out of the window. Simon patted his leg "Your only just 30 Adam plenty of time to find someone" he said confidently. Adam gave him a shady look "Easy for you to say, I need someone Simon that is why I ended up where I did". Simon held Adam's hand "We need to get you back out there on some dating apps instead of the fuck ones" he said looking seriously at him. No one was sure how it happened or who started it. Felix was outside in the garden exercising and jogging around the manor grounds. Conrad wolf whistled when Felix flew past the bare patch of the kitchen garden where Conrad and Jamal where digging, graciously receiving a finger in response from Felix. The next time he swung past Jamal wolf whistled and received two fingers in return. Felix ran down past the helipad and the wall leading up to the kitchen garden. Quick as a flash he sped up lobbing two handfuls of mud at Jamal and Conrad missing them both by inches. When he came round again he detoured avoiding the kitchen garden instead he cut behind one of the flower beds, he didn't see them both come out of the bushes and getting him square on the face with mud from both sides. The gays scarpered back round to the kitchen garden to load up with more mud, Jamal was first to go down face first, Conrad quickly ducked and got Felix by the leg pulling him down. Shouting and laughing a full on mud fight ensued until they all heard the helicopter approaching, Felix panicked trying to get away but both lads had hold of his legs stopping him. "Guys come on Simon is back" Felix said managing to half lift Conrad off the ground. Jamal pulled Felix back again "Stop it, Simon will freak out if I am not there to meet him" Felix said. Conrad managed to get a handful of mud down Felix's shorts "You buggar" he shouted falling back laughing. Simon was first out of the helicopter and looked around at the tranquil gardens with no sign of Felix. Simon grabbed Adam's bags standing there waiting for Adam to stop flirting with Tom the pilot. Tom though didn't mind one bit he loved it when Adam was flying and knew he would get a full flight of delicious compliments from Adam. Simon and Adam walked across the gardens "Felix must be busy" Simon said looking up at the manor. Suddenly Conrad bolted across the lawn with Felix running after him "Felix!" Simon shouted. Adam burst out laughing "What the heck is going on Simon?" he asked "looks like all hell has broken lose round there". "Conrad!" Simon called out "come here" he called out falling on deaf ears as he carried on running. Adam turned and looked at Jamal who not wearing anything on his feet moving much slower "Who is that?". Simon turned and looked "Not again" he said chuckling "Jam, come here". Jamal looked at him and grinned walking towards them "Not my fault this time" he said. Adam recognised him from the day he came to talk to Conrad as the one who had the bruised face. Jamal looked at Adam and vaguely remembered seeing him amongst all the confusion, usually he would never have even thought about a man like this but with everything that had happened quickly in Jamal's life something caught his eyes with this tall attractive man. Simon was astute enough to see that Jamal was quietly fixated on Adam. "I can't leave you two alone for half a day" Simon said unable to keep a straight face. Jamal looked at Simon unable to remember what he had just said "Nice trip?" he asked. Simon laughed at the grin on Jamal's face "Adam this is Jamal who is suppose to work for me" he said. Jamal kept the silly grin on his face and just looked at Adam "Are you always this dirty?" Adam asked. Adam saw he was tongue tied straight away "Shall I take him to the manor and clean him up?" Adam asked. Simon was looking around the garden "What?" he asked "oh yes, obviously I have no butler to carry your bags". Adam chuckled "I am not useless Simon, go and find the other two, I can manage my bags" he said "go on lead the way Jamal" he added. There was a commotion and Conrad came running around a flower bed screaming with Felix catching him up, he saw Jamal standing there and launched a hand full of mud in his direction, Jamal ducked and it narrowly missed Adam who still getting remnants splattered on his face. Jamal looked at him then burst out laughing. "You think that is funny do you?" Adam asked looking serious then broke out laughing. Jamal continued laughing walking up to the manor where Beth stood waiting "Not again!" she cried out. "Sorry" Jamal said grinning at her "your husband started it" he said pointing to them walking closer. Beth shook her head smiling "You know the drill!" she shouted at them all and kissing Adam on the cheek. Conrad and Jamal were last out of the shower room wearing bathrobes again, Simon and Adam had gone through to the study to talk and instructed Felix to send Jamal through when he was cleaned up. Jamal knocked on the door and walked in. Simon beckoned him over but Jamal was distracted by the large collage of photos in one frame on the wall that drew his attention, he walked over ignoring Simon and Adam for a moment to look at the photos studying each one. Simon smiled standing up and walked over to him. "Conrad" Simon said "they are all pictures of Conrad that Jack took from age 8 until..." he stopped. Jamal took Simon's hand and squeezed it in comfort "A life history of Conrad growing up" he said looking at him. "One for each year" Simon informed him "still so placid and kind from the day Jack met him" he smiled. Jamal looked at the next frame "And that is Jack I guess from the tattoos" he asked and Simon nodded. Adam stood up and walked over to them to look at the picture he had taken last year. Jack was laying naked in bed with a small amount of the sheet covering his modesty, the tattoos clear as day on his body and arms. Jamal noticed the two strange ones under the scorpion. "I have seen those tattoos before" Jamal said looking at them both racking his brains. Simon smiled "At his grave on the headstone" he said, Jamal nodded now remembering. "Cupid A for Adam here" Simon said then moved his finger over "Hibiscus and C...". "Conrad" Jamal said interrupting him and looking at Simon who nodded "Did he love him?" he asked in a soft tone. Adam put his arm around Jamal "Conrad and Jack adored each other but not in sexual way" he said. Jamal looked at Adam's striking face that was adorned with sadness "But you did, I can see it in your face". Adam stared at the picture "Jamal and I have some business to discuss Adam" Simon said "go and find Conrad". Adam nodded and walked out rubbing his eyes, he turned to look at Jamal and his eyes caught sight of Jamal's legs first then slowly worked up seeing the wet hair and his face properly for the first time, without mud or bruises. Adam was astonished how attractive but also the somewhat ordinary looks of this extraordinary young man, the looks were so ordinary it made him a stunning looking person. Undeniably Jamal was switching on buttons that he had not felt for many years. Jamal returned to find Conrad drinking coffee waiting for his clothes to come out of the dryer. Simon and Jamal had quickly talked about salary and made his job official, at least that would keep his mother off his back for now he thought. They stayed around until Beth returned with their clothes cleaned and dried, they changed and headed back out to the garden. Adam stood by the window in the study watching them crossing the grounds arms around each other talking and laughing by the expression on their faces. "Is he in love with Jamal?" Adam asked turning to Simon with a concerned look. Simon stood by his side "Who knows what goes on between them, they seemed to have bonded like he did with Jack" he replied. Simon chuckled "Caught them at it last night though before dinner" he said looking at Adam. "Something about him is very sexy" Adam said quietly and looking at Simon curiously. "No" Simon said before he could ask "we have not fucked" he said, Adam nodded knowingly. "Do you mind if I have a go at him?" Adam asked turning away from the window. Simon smiled "No, glad to see someone at last has got your interest" he said kissing him on the cheek. "I don't know if he is really gay or just likes fucking Conrad though" Simon confessed "I certainly would give it a shot". Simon stopped "You should know that Conrad fucked him raw with a high viral load" he said. "Shut the door!" Adam laughed "did he get convert him?" he asked. Simon grinned "Not sure, I gave Jamal some prep tablets to take for a few weeks". Adam looked shocked "Shit Simon are you getting sentimental?" he asked seeing Simon's evil grin "I guess not". Simon invited Jamal for dinner again and he popped home to get a change of clothes informing his parents that he was now in full time employment at the manor much to his mothers happiness. Jamal returned as Conrad walked down the staircase and they walked in to the dining room together joining Simon and Adam. Simon asked Jamal to pick the wine for dinner and Adam sat there showing a very keen and obvious interest in Jamal wanting to know all about him. Jamal was no fool and figured Adam liked him so played along, partly out of amusement but also finding him interesting and his eyes looked like they held a mischievous, naughty side that was gradually suckering Jamal in full on. Jamal whispered into Conrad's ear after desert, Conrad nodded and grinned looking at Jamal then he announced that Jamal was staying the night if Simon didn't object. Simon laughed but reminded Conrad he had to be up early as his flight was at 8am. Simon disappeared with Adam leaving Conrad and Jamal walking to the bedroom, both already undressing before they had even closed the doors. Naked touching each other and hugging Jamal lead Conrad to the bed. He kissed him lightly on the mouth "Fuck me Conrad" Jamal said looking in to his eyes. "I have no condoms" Conrad replied "I can't put you at risk again" he said stroking Jamal's face. Jamal kissed him again "Fuck me Conrad" he repeated "I want you to cum in me". Conrad pushed Jamal away slightly "Jam no, I don't want you hating me if I give you what I have". Jamal pulled Conrad back and kissed him again his lips rubbing against Conrad's "Fuck me" he repeated. Conrad wanted to, in fact he wanted to fuck the hell out Jamal "I will destroy your arse" he said. They kissed falling on to the bed "I won't pull out, you want me to infect you?" Conrad asked. Jamal tweaked Conrad's nipple "You want to don't you?" he said licking his chin "do it, destroy me!" he demanded. Jamal pulled Conrad on top of him and kissed him long and hard, Conrad responded rubbing his cock against Jamal's smooth skin. Jamal looked up at Conrad 'Infect me' he said noticing a look of concern washing over Conrad. Time seemed to stand still with Conrad looking down at Jamal, his cock already oozing precum 'Jam' he said shaking his head at what he was being asked to do. At the same time his cock seemed to go even harder like a possession of his soul was taking over, he growled smirking at Jamal 'fuck I am going to give it to you and fucking hard' he said feeling a burning fire of desire in his body, the danger, the unknown, the confliction all became irrelevant. Jamal pulled him down their lips sealing and tongues attaching each other mouths. Conrad grabbed Jamal's leg roughly hoisting it up so he could get his leg into better position. He kissed and bit Jamal all over his body hoisting the other leg in to position then attacking his mouth again. Jamal's hands stroked over Conrad's arse and thighs his pleasure heightened feeling the now slimy cock depositing precum every where it touched. Held in a deep kiss his arm moved down, pulling his cock away from Jamal's stomach leaving a trail of precum in its wake, across his balls and down it went. Conrad felt Jamal's hole was shut tightly, he pushed hard forcing the head of his cock hard against the resistance. It gave slightly and Conrad was too overly sexed to worry about the pain he would cause, jabbing hard and relentlessly until the hole finally lost the will to fight, despite the agonising cries Jamal made he was not stopping or showing any sign of the usual placid and tender nature. As soon the hole gave way he pushed him holding Jamal's head down and kissing him through the pain, Jamal arched up his eyes watering and whimpering but he continued to kiss Conrad hard. Driven on Conrad pushed until he could go no further, his hips now pumping hard deep thrusts and Jamal had no chance to get comfortable or allowed to ease in to it. The simplest of fucks turned more intense than either of them anticipated. Conrad unable to control his rough fucking finding a heightened pleasure coursing through his body telling him to fuck harder and faster, controlling his orgasm and pasting Jamal's arse in to the mattress. Jamal struggled to take it and make sense of what Conrad had become, he looked up at the monster destroying his arse with intent, the pain was agonising in his arse and fired off in rapid bolts of electricity through his body causing it to twist and lift off the bed. Jamal had no inclination for this to stop and his hands roamed all over Conrad's body unable to touch enough of him to satisfy his own needs. A trickle of saliva dribbling out of the corner of his mouth Jamal had no clue if it was his or Conrad's. Acting completely out of character Conrad broke the kiss and spat in to Jamal's mouth having a desired effect turning Jamal on even more, kissing Jamal harder he felt his arms circling around his neck holding him close, their tongues battling again swirling the saliva around. The slopping sound of overloaded precum seeping out of Jamal's now loosened hole. Finally Conrad eased down and settled in to a steady fucking motion that still carried plenty of force giving Jamal a feeling of being stabbed internally. A white foam slowly building at the base of Conrad's cock shaft and around Jamal's hole from the precum being whipped up. Conrad lifted his head and held Jamal's down 'You sure?' he asked jabbing his cock hard several times and watching Jamal's eyes open wider then wince in pain, he gasped and moaned 'Fuck yes do it' he cried out. Conrad shifted his body picking up the pace he started fucking quicker and harder 'You are getting it anyway' he said looking down smirking at Jamal. The tell tell signs of his impeding orgasm started with a tingle in his balls, he looked down at Jamal his mouth partly open 'Not going to pull out' he exclaimed in a loud resolute tone engaging eye contact with him 'Oh fuck' Jamal replied arching his neck backwards then his body. Relentlessly the thrusts came quicker and quicker his balls slapping against Jamal's arse got louder, he grabbed Conrad's arms holding on tight to him, like lightening he felt the contraction in his balls. His half toxic laden seed travelling rapidly up to the ejaculatory duct flowing in to his urethra where the rhythmic muscle movements took charge propelling his seed forward along the shaft with enormous power behind it. 'Fuuuck' Conrad cried out 'fill you up' he rasped with his body floating in orgasm shocks, hips ramming hard against Jamal's arse. Jamal gave an agonising squeal with every deep and forceful jab coming from Conrad until the last few drops of seed left his body passing in to Jamal. Conrad cried out the last orgasm shook in his body and he collapsed in a heap on top of Jamal sweating profusely. Jamal wrapped his arms around Conrad's body 'Holy fuck' Jamal said panting trying to gather his own thoughts, the adrenaline rush still washing over him blurring all sense of normality. Soft moans escaping his lips whilst Conrad continued gently pushing his hips down in post fuck syndrome, his cock remaining fully erect. The small ring of foam that created where they were joined was now tinged in the slightest shade of pink. Conrad laid on top savouring the feeling of his cock buried deep in Jamal, he was aghast at himself wondering where this aggressive fucker had come from. It had shrouded his self being and took charge fucking Jamal like a rag doll, ignoring the cries and watering eyes as he coped to take the full brunt of Conrad's powerful sex. Jamal held on to Conrad's body their sweat melding together, each passing minute his body began to relax until finally Conrad's body seemed to enter a tranquil state. His hips persistently grinding for over ten minutes before Conrad felt sufficiently satisfied and laid still. Jamal wiped his forehead and kissed Conrad's neck "Where did that come from?" he asked. Conrad moved his head slightly "I don't know what came over me" he mumbled softly. Conrad wriggled unable to pull his cock out "Ouch, wait until it gets soft" Jamal said stroking his back. "It felt you was beating me up inside" Jamal said kissing his neck "fuck that was amazing". Conrad lifted his head and looked at Jamal "Did I hurt you?" he asked with a guilty expression. Jamal nodded "At first but something inside me craved and wanted you to do it harder" he replied. "Maybe our bodies were in tune and I knew you wanted it hard" Conrad tried to explain himself away. Jamal chuckled "Hard!" he exclaimed "that was bordering on body shattering" he said stroking his face. Conrad lowered his head and kissed Jamal "You want me to do it again?" he asked grinning. "Fuck no Con!" Jamal replied looking shock "I think you wrecked my whole body let alone my arse" he replied stroking Conrad's back. Conrad rubbed his hips to Jamal's arse "I need these two weeks to get over that" Jamal said smiling up at him. Gently he managed to extract his cock and rolled on to his back staring up at the ceiling, he had just had the most incredible fuck, his body felt good. A smile on his face he turned to look at Jamal who was staring at him, Jamal raised his hand and stroked Conrad's face, his fingers running over the delicate juicy lips that he loved to kiss so much. His hand roamed lower down the torso and between Conrad's legs until he felt the light covering of hair leading to his hole. Conrad giggled between moans at the presence of the finger teasing his hole, one kiss and Jamal slid on top of Conrad and restoring the balance of power. Slowly working his cock deeper, Conrad grabbing hold of Jamal's arse pulling him forward penetrating deep, he gasped before their mouths met in a deep kiss. Hips delicately coveting Conrad's hole in deep purposeful strokes, speeding up then slowing repeating the same course for nearly thirty minutes before Jamal let himself go enjoying his orgasm that had built all through their sex, he looked down at Conrad ginning 'Yeah you like getting my half Moroccan baby making juice in you' he said then kissed and held Conrad in his arms. The exhilaration and pleasure he felt flowed in to Conrad like jolts of electricity passing between them. A drop of sweat landed on Conrad's lips, his tongue flickered tasting the sweet saltiness and imagining the energy that resulted in it's creation. Jamal rolled off on to his back, Conrad's hand seeking his holding it tightly. Panting, covered in sweat lying there with only the sounds of heavy breathing. "I need to sleep" Conrad finally said turning his head to look at Jamal "thank god you have those tablets". Jamal grinned "Why?" he asked rubbing his finger over Conrad's nipple. "I made your arse bleed a little" Conrad softly said "that is quite dangerous I am not undetectable yet". Jamal leaned over and kissed him "Whatever" he said and using his tongue he pushed Conrad's mouth open. They held each other tightly kissing gently then looking at each other until Conrad fell asleep. Jamal laid there looking at him feeling a little patch of guilt for not telling Conrad the truth about the prep. It was a risk but Jamal wanted to be close to him forever, Conrad had changed Jamal's life in a few short weeks. He had opened a door and allowed Jamal to enter getting close and proving to him that being gay was not all about fluffy and pink. it was more about feeling free to express yourself and enjoy the sex. Jamal gulped hard in the silence of the bedroom with the enormity of his decision, it didn't worry him and soon enough he found his eyes closing. For the second time in as many weeks the virus gained easy entry and started spreading out attacking any defences it came into contact with turning it against the host. Working throughout the night and multiplying it was acting quickly detecting the remnants of dead virus particles spurring it on to conquer and be in charge. Adam came bounding in the bedroom full of beans halting for a moment admiring Jamal's naked body laying close to Conrad. 'Up, up, up' he shouted at the two stirring bodies, Conrad bounced off the bed in embarrassment instantly getting morning wood. Jamal rolled over too knackered to even register Adam in the room at first, Adam dragged Conrad to the bathroom standing at the door watching Conrad then turning his head to watch Jamal. His focus no where near on Conrad who was now standing in front of him. "Hey!" Conrad said in a hushed tone startling Adam "eyes off you dirty tramp" he said smiling. Adam grinned looking back at Jamal "Somehow I think you are more trampy than me, so he is gay then?" he asked looking to Conrad. "Maybe" Conrad replied putting his clothes on. "So who was squealing last night getting fucked?" Adam asked "tablets" he said to Conrad. Conrad smiled and nodded to Jamal "I went big on him last night maybe a little too much" he said. "Wrecked me more like" Jamal said stirring on the bed and glancing at Adam with a little grin. Adam picked up Conrad's bag and looked at Jamal "I need to have a go when I get back" he said swanning out. Jamal chuckled and threw on some underwear unable to utter a word from tiredness, he walked down the stairs with Conrad and Adam meeting Simon who was already waiting with Felix who was taking them to the airport. No sooner were they at the bottom of the stairs they said a quick good bye and were gone leaving Simon and Jamal standing there watching the limo drive down Hibiscus Drive. He could see the sadness in Jamal's eyes who was fixated until the rear lights of the limo disappeared turning on the main road. "Going to be strange without Conrad around" Simon said putting his hand on Jamal's shoulder. Jamal nodded "He is the only person that likes me as a real friend" he replied. "Wondered if you two were falling in love with each other" Simon said more as comment than question. Jamal looked at him "No" he replied "I stopped taking the tablets you gave me" he said waiting for a reaction. Simon put his arm around him "Be very sure about that decision Jamal" he replied in a warning tone. Jamal nodded "I let him fuck me last night, well not so much fuck but wreck my arse" he said sheepishly. "Sore arse?" Simon asked, Jamal nodded "want me to make it hurt even more?" he asked half joking. Jamal moved his hand and squeezed Simons arse "Not a chance" he replied "maybe in a couple of days". "I will hold you to that" Simon replied kissing his head "might even let you fuck me" he added. Jamal grinned "There is no might about it" he replied "got any coffee on the go?". Simon laughed "Come on" he said guiding Jamal to the kitchen "and stay here as long as you want". Jamal looked at him "Your fucking weird" he retorted smiling "I don't get you sometimes but thank you". Simon walked ahead "Me weird, you should take a look at yourself" he replied laughing.
    2 points
  20. 2. Opening Up "In here," Tiago said, opening a door to a white, brightly lit room. In the middle was an examination table, complete with a set of metal stirrups at the base. James walked in, blinking in the bright light, and Fabien brought up the rear. "Can you get the kit from the closet?" Tiago asked Fabien. Fabien nodded, and walked back out. Tiago turned his attention back to James. "We'll need to do a full physical examination," he said. "Can you strip down for me?" James was still a bit dazed, and took off his shoes and sock, then his shirt and pants. He stood there in his underwear. Tiago looked him over. It was hard to miss the bruised on his face, body, and arms. Nor how his eyes were hollow and empty. Tiago felt his dick twitch, but it was too early to think about that. The boy had been through a lot, but his journey had barely begun. "All the way," Tiago said. "Everything?" James asked. He needed the little bit of protection his underwear offered. He didn't want to be completely naked, especially when Fabien came back. "Everything," Tiago said. "What do you think of Fabien?" "Uh..." James started. He pushed the underwear down and stepped out of them. His dick was soft and limp; the last thing on his mind was sex. He wasn't sure if he ever wanted to be touched again. "I saw you checking him out," Tiago said. From his pocket, he pulled out a phone and another device. He fumbled with the two for a moment, then placed the tripod on the desk, arranging it so the phone pointed directly at James. He tapped the screen. "I have to record this. Now. What happened last night?" "This guy. Conrad. He lives in my building. He invited me over, and I went." "Were you high?" "Yeah. And he gave me more." Tiago's dick was starting to grow. "Did you have sex?" "Yeah. He fucked me." "Did it hurt?" James opened his mouth, but as he started to speak, Fabien walked back in with a black canvas gym bag. "This?" he asked Tiago. "Yeah," Tiago responded. "Close the door," he said, and turned back to James. "Did it hurt?" he asked. "Him fucking you?" "Yeah," James said. He looked up from the floor just enough to see that both Fabien and Tiago were watching him. He felt like a mouse, and the two cats were just playing with him. "Did you ask him to stop?" Tiago asked. "Yeah," James said. He could hear Conrad's laugh. It was harsh and joyous, disturbing and amusing. Conrad had gotten off on James's suffering. "Did he?" "No." James was trembling, remembering how the man's cock had felt inside him. It had been white-hot, burning him. "He didn't." He started to cry, hating his weakness in front of the alpha males. "None of them did." "Them? How many were there?" Tiago saw Fabien rub his groin. "Three," James said. "I think." "Think?" Fabien said. "Could have been more?" "I don't know. I can't remember." He was shaking, cold, tired and sore. "It's going to be all right," Tiago said. "We just need to do a physical examination. Can you get up here?" He pointed at the examination table. "Now, lie back," he continued. "I'm going to put your feet in the stirrups." He didn't wait for James to say anything, but put first his right foot, then left in the leather loops. He tightened them slightly. "Please. No," James said, desperate. "I can't...," he started, but he choked and never finished the sentence. "It's ok," Tiago said calmly and gently. "It just holds your legs in place." Tiago didn't mention how the position left James's ass exposed and defenseless. "Relax," he told James. "We're just going check you out." James closed his eyes. He heard Tiago unzip the bag, and heard the clink of metal against metal. He shivered. It reminded him of the sound the metal carabiners had made as he struggled to escape Conrad's bedroom. He hated that when he thought about it, he couldn't remember any of the details, no matter how hard he tried. But yet, the slightest noise would remind him of one more unbearable moment from the night. "Just relax," Tiago said. His voice was now coming from right by James. "I'm going to adjust the head." He grabbed the pad James's head was resting on, and slid it into a pocket on the exam table. He used his free hand to cradle James's head, and Tiago gently lowered it, so it was hanging off the side of the exam table. James carefully breathed in and out, forcing himself to relax. He was aware of just how naked he was, and how exposed his hole was. Now his mouth felt equally vulnerable. He opened his eyes, and saw Tiago kneeling down, a flashlight in his hand. Standing next to him was Fabien. James could just barely make out the outline of Fabien's cockhead; the denim was lightly frayed, like he was often erect. James had a vision of a thick cock from the night before. He had been in the same position as he was now, his head hanging off the side of the bed. A man had forced his cock into James's mouth and down his throat. He remembered gagging, and the man only pushing deeper. He gasped, and shut his mouth. "Wait," Tiago started to say. "Please," James grunted, then closed his mouth and eyes. James was trembling a bit; he felt his cock try to climb inside him. "Please," Tiago said. "I need to examine you mouth." James tried to open his mouth; he would get it half way, before he remembered choking on a cock, and close it. "Can you open it?" James finally shook his head no. He knew it was too scary. "Let me try something," Tiago said. "Is that ok?" James nodded. "Open your mouth. Just a little." James opened, and Tiago slid a thin wire assembly. It was cold, and James shivered. "Give it a second," Tiago said. He ran his hand over James's exposed body. James focused on the touch, trying not to remember how Conrad had done the same thing as he had played with James's hole. "Better?" he asked. James nodded, and Tiago continued. "Here we go," he said, and pinched the levers to the side together slightly. In James's mouth, the wire assembly sprang open, forcing his mouth open. James lost it. "Fuck, please. Please, please," he said, struggling against the metal restraints. "I can't." As James begged, Tiago noticed that Fabien had stopped trying to hide his dick. The black man was now plainly stroking it, staring at James's futile struggle against the mouth spreader "Sorry," Tiago quickly said, and snapped the spreader back closed. "It's ok. We don't need to use this right now." Fabien stopped stroking as Tiago smoothly pulled the spreader out, and popped out the head support. "Relax," he said. "It's going to be ok. Breathe." He held James's hand, as the boy's breathing slowly returned to normal. "That's ok. I'm going to get something, ok?" James nodded. Tiago let go of the boy's hand, but kept touching the boy. He looked up long enough to see Fabien still watching the two. He was still young, and hadn't yet learned a good poker face. He was horny, and he couldn't hide it. He winked at Fabien, then turned back to James. "I'm gonna get you something," he said, "Something to help you calm down. It'll be just a second, ok?" James nodded. He was crying slightly, and his eyes were red. He hated being naked, his ass still exposed. But it wouldn't be that much longer. So much had happened, and he needed some time to process it. But, before he could say anything, Tiago returned. "Open your mouth," he said. "It's going to calm you down." He took James's hand, and repeated himself. "Calm you down." James opened his mouth slightly, and quickly, the doctor inserted a pipette into his mouth. He squeezed the plastic bulb, and a thick liquid hit the back of James's mouth. Before he realized what he was doing, he swallowed. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" Tiago said, as he handed the used pipette to Fabien. "It's ok?" James said, still trying to hold himself together. "It's hard," he said. "Hard to remember." "It's good to remember," Tiago said. "It helps." Fabien smelled his fingers from where he had held the pipette. "What was that?" he asked. "It's ok," Tiago said James, not yet acknowledging Fabien's question. "Right? It's ok?" "Yeah," James finally managed. "I think." "Good," Tiago said. He turned his attention to Fabien. "It's called GHB. It's good for anxiety and panic. It's sometimes used as a club drug too. But this is how it is supposed to used." "GHB?" James said, finally realizing what he had just swallowed. "No, man. I just can't. I remember taking it. With him." He left the antecedent blank. Even thinking about Conrad's name was hard. "Just breath," Tiago said. "This is ok. This is what it's supposed to be used for. Relax. This is ok." "I know. I need to do this." "Yeah. You can do this. I'm here. Fabien is here." Tiago held one of James's hands, and Fabien took the other. "Just breathe. Relax. It's going to be ok." Slowly, James's breathing slowed down, and he stopped shaking. "You doing better?" "Yeah," James finally said. He hated that they had seen that. He had wanted to be strong for Tiago and for Fabien. "I'm sorry." "It's ok. It's hard," Tiago said. "Let's just talk for now. Is there a part of it that you want to talk about?" "I don't know. It's all. I don't know. Hard." "I know. It can be very intense." He focused his eyes on James. "Did you suck dick like that? With your head back?" "Yeah," James said. He tried not to think about gagging on the unknown man's cock. "I did. I gagged." He remembered choking, needing to breathe and not being able to. He started to tremble again. "Relax," Tiago immediately said. "It's ok. It's in the past." James started to calm down again. "You got fucked as well, right?" "Yeah," James said a second time. It was getting easier for him to remember what had happened, like so many dots were starting to resolve into an image. "I did." There had been a few men. They had all used his holes. "You're strong," Tiago said to him. It made James feel good. "It's good, isn't it? To remember. To share?" "Yeah," James said. He was feeling warm and calm. It was the G kicking in. He didn't mind it. "It's easier now. Talking about it." "Isn't it. Did they all fuck you raw?" Tiago asked. "I know how much you like it bareback." "Yeah. They all did," James said. It was the third thing he had admitted to Tiago. He wasn't as scared any longer, and it was easy to talk to Tiago. James wanted to tell him all the hard things. "That's ok," Tiago said. "It was ok to take their loads." Tiago's dick was dripping in his trousers. He wanted to fuck the boy, but he needed to eased into it. "It felt good," James said. "Inside me." "It does feel good," Tiago said. He turned to Fabien. "We're going to have to do an anal swab on him." Fabien was holding one of James's hands. But his other hand was discreetly rubbing against his dickhead. "Turned on by this?" Tiago asked. "Yeah," Fabien said. "He's really hot. And the story. Wow." "That's good. You said you liked Fabien, didn't you?" Tiago said. He was staring right at James, and nodding his head. James's head was spinning. He had said how hot Fabien was. This was just fun in the office, though. It wouldn't go anywhere. "Yeah, he is hot." Tiago smiled. "Yeah. And his story is intense. Just remember it can be hard for the person talking about it." He turns back to James. "I know this is hard. But we need to continue, OK? The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can move on to bigger things." Tiago nodded his head again. James imitated his movements, already spaced out on G. "Yeah," James said. "Get it over with. But I'm...." He started, but then trailed off. "Scared?" Tiago asked. "Yeah." "That's all right. We can get this done quickly, OK?" Tiago smiled and nodded. James mirrored him. "We can help you, is that good?" "Yeah. Just be here. With me." "Of course," Tiago smiled, and turned to Fabien. "Under the table by his waist and chest," he said. The black boy produced two restraining straps, matched by the ones the doctor was holding. "On three." Fabien smiled, and held the straps at the ready. "One. Two. Three." Before James knew what was happening, Tiago was tightening the strap around his chest, holding him in place. "It's all right," Tiago whispered into James's ear, as the boy struggled not to have a full-fledged panic attack. "Just relax. I hope this is going to go by quickly."
    2 points
  21. Part 8 - February Frozen In Time Conrad put on his coat and grabbed a coffee then went to sit outside in the cold January morning, having at last spent a day without masturbating allowing his sore cock some respite. He wondered if he was turning in to a degraded pervert constantly needing to blow his load every time he thought of Jack. What was even more weird was how he found it exhilarating sitting in the cold air looking at his aunties flower bed reminding him of when Jack had assaulted him outside cutting his cheek. He chuckled to himself totally chilled out and enjoying the peace and quiet. Max arrived and grabbed a coffee walking outside, he leaned down and kissed Conrad on the cheek taking him by surprise and sitting down next to him. "You told your parents then?" Max asked already knowing the answer "how have they taken it?". Conrad put his cup down "Not sure, my father is upset" he replied "just wish Charlie and..." he stopped himself. Max chuckled "Charlie told me you have a thing for sailors" he said sipping his coffee. Conrad rolled his eyes "Does Charlie tell you everything?" he asked looking at him. "Of course" Max replied "What about Harry though?" he now asked. Conrad sat in silence for a moment "To be honest I have tried to forget about him" he replied. "You never contacted him?" Max asked looking surprised. "No" he replied "I don't see any point" Conrad said then looked down "what if he is the one?". Max looked at Conrad "Do you like him?" he asked. Conrad shrugged his shoulder "I don't even know him" he said "I know he can punch" he chuckled. "He hasn't been seen around the bar for months now" Max informed him "even my wife asked her gay friends". Conrad sat up "And there has been no sight of him?" he asked looking concerned. "No" he replied "someone did say he got a job in the city" Max said "but he never hangs out around here now". Conrad nodded "Maybe I should just check in within him make sure he is okay". Max smiled and stood up "Come on back inside" he said "and if you don't contact him... well you will never know". It was the jolt Conrad needed and the following morning he sat there holding his phone for several minutes and finally sending a message to Harry apologising for not being in touch and asking if he was okay. He could see the message had been delivered but remained unread for most of the day. It took Conrad all this time to realise he had never truly got over Harry despite not even really knowing him, Harry had got in to his head though and the more he thought of him the more he found he wanted to explore any possibility that may exist. The subtle way he toyed and teased Conrad, his mischievous little grin and boyish looks, maybe he was in love with Harry but could not see it. Their trip to London was over so quickly and they were setting off for the drive back to Hampshire. Harry was sat up in bed in his swanky flat overlooking the city, he knew the text by heart but kept reading it dithering and not knowing how to answer Conrad. Moham came out of the bathroom dressed for a meeting and kissed Harry on the head, frequently popping over early morning before going to the office mixing a little business with a lot of pleasure. "Harry just answer it then either delete it or whatever" Moham said noticing he was still distracted. Harry nodded "In a minute I will" he said getting out of bed. Moham put his watch on looking at Harry "Come in at lunchtime Harry and get that sorted out" he said. Harry got back in to bed and watched Moham leave, reading the text message again he thought hard and began typing his response to Conrad. Sitting there for a moment with his finger poised over the send button he hit it and locked his phone putting it on silent. Picking up his work phone he browsed through the emails received since yesterday to see if anything needed immediate attention before taking a shower. Conrad felt his phone buzz in his pocket and hurriedly pulled it out and saw he had a message from Harry. Quickly opening it he read it and read it again, a tear fell from his eye seeing the words the from Harry 'You put me through ups and down and I can't explain why or get over you yet you still rip my heart out every time I think or see you, I don't even know you yet this is what you have done to me. It is best we leave it there I can't copy with that happening any more'. Wiping his eyes he put the phone back in his pocket unaware his father had been watching him through the mirror, he really felt heartbroken and knew he should have gone back to Harry when Max sent him his number. When they arrived home Conrad said nothing and went up to his bedroom and laid down trying to make sense of his life. Eddie knocked on the door and walked in catching Conrad wiping his eyes again. "That text you got in the car was it from Charlie's friend?" his father asked. Conrad looked at his father who closed the door "No, someone else who I realised I was fond of" he replied. Eddie sat on the bed "They blew you off?" he asked "you have always been the sensitive one Con" he said trying his best at consoling him. "He says I rip his heart out but we don't know each other apart from when he punched me" Conrad said. Eddie stifled a laugh "Sorry I didn't mean to laugh" he said sincerely. Conrad smiled "It was my fault I called him a queer" he said "now look at me just a fucking queer". "Conrad!" his father looked angry "don't ever use that language in this house" he told him off going to town. "Sorry father" Conrad said laying back down on the bed "I need Charlie here he would know what to do". Eddie patted his leg "Love can swipe your legs right from under you Conrad, you just have to deal with it". Conrad nodded "I'm sorry for being such a mess" he said in frustration. "Come down to dinner" Eddie said standing up "we love you son it just take us oldies more time to adjust". He joined them for dinner and opened up a bit more about Harry and the incident in London but left out the gay for pay part to spare them and himself the indignity of it, surprisingly both parents were supportive. Towards the middle of January Conrad was busy revising for the next part of his exam which was a practical in a few days time, he had no idea why they would do practical exams outside in January when you couldn't even get a fork in the ground. It had been a good week speaking to Charlie and Joshua twice who were now sailing up towards the Bahamas before a trip along the east coast of the US then across the Atlantic to Portsmouth for the start of March. The following week he was glad the exam was done and sent Jack a text to let him know how it had gone. Despite his urge to text Harry he decided not to thinking that was that, so preoccupied by Harry that by the weekend he realised there had been nothing from Jack so he strolled up to the manor Saturday morning. Simon spotted him and walked down the stairs opening the front doors just as Conrad came through the gate, he looked tired and upset calling Conrad over. It was the first time he had seen or spoken to him since that night and had to hold back his anger towards him. "Conrad, I think you better come in" Simon said going back inside leaving the door open. Conrad walked in closing the door "What is wrong?" he asked looking at him "Jack?" he suddenly blurted out. Simon went over and hugged him "He is upstairs and is in a very bad way". Conrad cried out and went running up the stairs with Simon following him, he rushed through the bedroom doors and fell to his knees crying. Jack was hooked up to a ventilator and wires going to a monitor showing his life signs. Simon knew this was coming since his last bout of illness but even he broke down seeing Conrad in such a state. All the time Jack went on about Conrad, he only now saw first hand how truly attached Conrad and Jack had become through their friendship. The initial shock overwhelmed Conrad and eventually he calmed down and went to sit by his side, Simon closed the doors softly and left them alone. Conrad visited every evening and stayed for many hours holding Jack's hand who was in an unresponsive state. Sunday afternoon at the close of January it was cold and snow flurries filled the air, Conrad was sat with Jack holding his hand as usual and giving Simon a break who left with the doctor. Conrad talked about plants and what he had been learning that week when he felt Jack squeeze his hand gently. He cried a lot sitting there and Simon had been frank and honest telling him it was only a matter of days. The one person in life who apart from Charlie that knew Conrad inside out was lying in this frail state. He held on to Jack's hand tighter like he was letting him know he was here. Conrad stroked Jack's arm and spent time looking at his various tattoos mumbling away to him about them. He found the scorpion on his bicep that he never really noticed or paid attention to it before. The stinger part had drops painted in red landing on a skull and crossbones, underneath was a cupid holding the letter A and a hibiscus flower entwinned around the letter C. Conrad got his phone out and took a picture of it not understanding the significance of them, he knew it would really upset his parents but he wanted to get the scorpion one done in honour of Jack and everything he had done for him. Something about it just reminded him so much of Jack, Simon walked in just as he took the picture. "He was always proud of those tattoos, symbolised many things in his life" Simon said sitting next to Conrad. Conrad put his phone away "I never really paid much notice to them" he said looking at Simon. "You getting one done yourself?" Simon asked "ah, the scorpions tail and the drops of venom". Conrad smiled looking at Jack "It is your venom inside both of us" he said. Simon remained silent for several minutes "You took advantage of me that night" Conrad said glancing at him. "I know" Simon confessed "I did warn you" he said standing up feeling he should leave. Conrad patted the seat "Sit down Simon" he said "Jack and I are brothers of sorts, we both have your virus". Simon smirked "Yes you have both inherited my DNA" he replied. Conrad glanced at him "I guess Harry is as well?" he asked but nodded answering his own question. "You got Jack's strain as well" Simon remarked and Conrad looked at him "yes he told me he finally got you good in the greenhouse". "It doesn't mean I forgive you" Conrad said in mild anger "you must have known I didn't understand". Simon looked at Jack "You will either love or hate me Conrad same as Jack did" he said. "You reckon?" Conrad replied "I can't get past the anger towards you at the moment" he said blinking back tears. Simon spoke softly "Jack loved two people Adam and me but he for some reason he completely adored and love you even more". Conrad looked at Simon "He never said anything to me" he said looking sad. "Jack's way, if he had told you then things would have got complicated and hard just like now" Simon explained. Conrad sniffed "Jack is one brutal arse wrecker" he said half smiling looking at Jack. Simon chuckled and patted his shoulder "That is why I would never let him lose on my arse". "One day he held me in his arms and looked me in the eye like he was making love to me" Conrad admitted. Simon smiled "He probably was Conrad, you really don't understand how much he really thought of you". Conrad shook his head and ran his hand along Jack's arm stroking it lovingly, the snow began to fall heavily and coated the land in a brilliant whiteness against the dark clouds. Just as darkness was creeping in the heart monitor flatlined, his body finally unable to fight any longer. Jack passed away peacefully with Conrad holding his hand. Simon reached over grabbing Conrad and hugging him tightly feeling every heart breaking sob from Conrad entering in to his body. Simon could hear the hurt and devastation in his cries, he pushed Simon away and leaned over kissing Jack one last time then walked out without a word to Simon. Crying all the way out of the manor, Simon watched from the window then turned to Jack and kissed him on the forehead placing the sheet over him then looked out the window again just as Conrad turned to look up 'stupid kid' he said upset, annoyed and angry. Simon turned the light off and placed the call to the undertakers and doctor. He stood there unsure if he was angry at Conrad or Jack, in the darkness he sat talking to Jack until the doctor arrived. Conrad walked in to the house and his mother came out of the sitting room and saw his tear streaked face, she ran over and hugged him knowing full well what it meant. He spent the rest of the evening trying to be consoled by his parents. The loss of Jack hit him badly and he spent the next few days in his bedroom unable to face or talk to anyone. His heart truly broken and bursting in to bouts of tears, thankfully he had a week off college which did nothing to help his sadness frequently breaking down during the day and crying himself to sleep at night. There had been no movement at the manor and many of the neighbours dropped flowers off as word spread of Jack passing away. Simon locked himself away sorting out the arrangements, he sent a few messages to some of the wealthy people that Jack had come to know from their parties telling them the funeral would be on Friday at 2pm. Simon pondered at first but eventually wrote an invitation to Conrad telling him the arrangements. Joshua was devastated seeing Conrad looking so upset and desperately wanted to be there for him, Charlie was the same and provided some comfort for Joshua who was badly upset and wanted to hold Conrad. Jody heard the doorbell ring and placed the tea towel down to answer the front door. "I'm sorry to disturb you so late I have this for Conrad" Simon said handing the envelope over. Jody looked at him "Simon isn't it, from the manor?" she asked. Simon nodded "Yes, it is Jack's funeral arrangements" he said nodding to the envelope. "My condolences" she said sympathetically "do you want to come in for a cup of tea or something?" Jody asked him. "No thank you" Simon said shaking his head "it has been a hard time" he said walking away back up the road. Conrad sat there looking at it in his bedroom wondering if Simon did it as a friend or just because he thought he should. He read it again, the service was at 2pm and burial at 3pm at a small church and cemetery that was within walking distance of Hibiscus Drive. It was a place Jack had already chosen having loved the spot when he tended the gardens before working at the manor. Adam was hunched over in tears in Moham's office Monday morning having just heard the news. Harry stood there unsure what was going until Moham explained to him that he was to accompany Adam and him on Friday to a funeral. Harry learnt that Adam had been having a long term fling with Jack for years whenever they could meet up. Harry brought Adam back to his flat and spent the evenings comforting and talking with him. They left Chelsea helipad just after lunchtime on Friday, Adam over the initial shock was pretty much back to himself and the helicopter landed just before 1pm. Conrad heard it arriving having no idea who it was and cared even less. The small private funeral would be a few people who Jack had been acquainted with, having been disowned by his family years ago he made strict instructions his family were not to be invited or told. Moham was first out of the helicopter and walked over to meet Simon, Adam got out and held Harry back for a moment. "Harry this will be hard but you must hold in any anger towards Simon" Adam said looking him in the eye. Harry looked towards Simon "There is no more anger Adam" he said "I don't want to speak to him". Adam shook his head "Harry you must at least be pleasant to him, Moham is friends both personally and business with him" he warned Harry. Harry nodded but unable to stop himself he gave Simon daggers when they looked at each other, this was the reason why Simon never had guys back that he had converted or stealthed. Simon though smirked and ignored him instead he went over to Adam and hugged him commenting he had been away too long from the manor and should visit. Simon couldn't help notice that Harry kept glancing out of the window like he was looking for someone. Conrad showered and got a black shirt and trousers out, it was the best he could do not having a proper suit for this type of occasion. He had already decided to skip the service and wait until the funeral party left then he would say his good bye to Jack alone. The limousine left the manor behind the hearse followed by a second one with Harry and Adam. Simon looked to number 8 and told the driver to wait a moment to see if Conrad would appear but it was quiet, a few ladies down the road had turned out to watch despite the cold wind blowing. "Who are you waiting for?" Moham asked Simon. "Hmm" Simon said "Oh, the lad Jack was teaching thought he might be attending" he replied. Moham nodded "Did I see him at the last party?" he asked. Simon shook his head "No, Conrad kept clear" he said. "Conrad?" Moham said looking at him "does he know Harry?" he asked. "I don't know" Simon replied glancing at him "he is a bit of a country boy, dam good fuck though". Moham chuckled "I am sure Harry told me he was in the garden when we left" he added looking at number 8. "Maybe they do know each other" Simon said trying to think back if Conrad had ever mentioned him. "If it is him he screamed a lot when I broke him in" Moham said smiling. Simon laughed "Anyway he is not talking to me at the moment" he said grinning. "Not another one" Moham said looking at Simon nodding "he was straight when I did him" Moham added. "Not so straight now Moham, he had sex with Jack in the greenhouse quite a few times" Simon informed him. Moham chuckled "Amazing what a little money will do to straight lads" he chuckled "brings out their gay side". Simon laughed "You are kidding me?" he asked "he was an escort in London?". "Far from it" Moham replied "but dangle a tempting carrot and well they come back for more very quickly". "What's the deal with you and this Harry then?" Simon asked wondering why he brought Harry with him. Moham smiled "Works for me as my assistant" he replied "and I am very fond of him". Simon turned to look at him "Adam's replacement?" he asked smiling "have you freed him up?". Moham laughed "I knew you still had a soft spot for Adam" he said "and he has a soft spot for Harry". Simon sat back smiling "Complicated lives they lead" he remarked. "Harry is in love with Conrad" Moham said "has been since the day they first met". Simon looked in surprise "Really?" he replied. Moham nodded "He thinks I don't know but I can see the hurt in his eyes when he thinks about him". "Well maybe Harry and you should come stay more often" Simon suggested "see if they can sort it out". Moham sat back "Looks like you have new neighbours Simon" he said nodding to the removals truck unloading. Simon looked "Number 3, I never heard it was up for sale" he replied tapping for the chauffeur to drive on. The Egginghams who lived at number 3 didn't even have time to get the for sale sign up, their house was purchased within the day of going on sale two months ago and now they had moved out and the Emir family were moving in, the mother was looking at the hibiscus bed out of the front when she noticed the limousine waiting outside number 8. Jamal her son walked over interested in seeing what was going on. Your typical 19 year old rebellious teenager, Jamal stood at five feet ten inches with jet black hair that was unruly and unkept. Deep brown eyes and his left eyebrow was pierced, he was attractive despite his unkept appearance by letting his hair do whatever it wanted. His skin a very subtle tanned shade of northern Morocco, his mother married a Moroccan business man and Jamal had inherited his fathers hair, eyes, cock and body type. His body was slim and tight with a perfect muscle definition that never changed no matter what he ate, his shining glory was the eight inches of thick prime meat. He was very proud of his ancestry but preferred to go by the name of Jam and was very English by nature. Over the past year at the all boys boarding school Jamal had found a use for his cock bedding quite a few of the other closet cases. He never classed himself as gay and a hole was just a hole for him to stick his cock in and get some pleasure. "Assume that must be there son" Simon said his eyes lighting up. Moham burst out laughing "Simon can you not think of anything else" he said. Simon smiled "You know me Moham!" he said as the limousine passed the gates on to the main road. Exiting from the limousines the 10 or so people congregated Harry avoiding Simon much as possible stood on his own whilst Adam and Moham chatted to the other guests, no one made any mention of Conrad but Simon was frequently looking around to check if he turned up. Conrad left home and noticed the removal van in the driveway of number 3, there was no one around when he walked past so Conrad continued on his way. He arrived just as the coffin was being carried out of the church to the graveyard, he waited out of sight from the group now congregating around the grave. Conrad recognised the Arab guy and there walking behind him with a tallish very attractive guy was Harry, his heart felt like it sank in his chest seeing him again. Harry looked very smart in his black suit and Conrad couldn't work out why he would be travelling with the Arab man, surely Harry didn't know Jack so why would he be here. He waited patiently and watched the coffin being lowered wiping his eyes, Simon took a handful of dirt from the pot and dropped it on the coffin now hidden from view. He watched Harry watching Adam and Moham grabbing some dirt and letting it fall on to the coffin, they stood silently for a moment. Conrad blinked back more tears and watched the group slowly turn and head back to the church, Simon stood there alone for a moment. He couldn't help but feel sorry for Simon and wanted to go over and hug him, to make everything alright. Simon turned and walked slowly back towards the church, Conrad stepped out and walked over feeling the cold February wind against his face. He stood and looked down in to the grave at the beautiful white coffin, he couldn't hold back anymore and stood with his head in his hands sobbing trying to keep the noise down. Simon and the group came out of the church and started heading back towards the limousines, he took a look over at the grave and saw the lonely figure with his head in his hands crying. A tear trickled down Simon's face seeing Conrad so heartbroken. "Go ahead guys" Simon said quickly wiping his eyes and holding back. Harry turned to look "Conrad" he muttered quietly. Moham held him back "Let Simon go an talk to him please Harry" he said holding Harry's arms Adam looked at the back of Conrad "My god he looks devastated". "He knew Jack from 7 years old apparently, Simon told me they had a very close friendship" Moham said. Simon stopped few meters away hearing Conrad talking to Jack 'I will never forget you Jack, you showed me so many wonderful things and made me fall in love with plants and you in a way. Who would have thought the 7 year old me would end up being your friend, certainly not either of us I think. I wanted something to remember you by so I will get that scorpion tattoo you have on your arm done on mine, it is the right thing to do as it will remind me of the pain you have put me through this week' Conrad stopped and wiped his eyes that seemed to stream constantly. He cleared his throat 'Oh I brought you something I hope you will like it' Conrad took out thirteen hibiscus petals 'one petal for every year I knew you' he dropped them in one by one sobbing quietly again. Conrad pulled one hibiscus flower out of his pocket 'This to remind you where it all began, I picked it from the front gate of the manor but don't tell Simon' he dropped the flower in to the grave. Conrad knew this was his final farewell and he was getting so overwhelmed with grief, he fell to his knees and sobbed. Simon heartbroken by what he saw rushed forward. "Come on Conrad" Simon said helping him up wiping his own eyes "Jack would have loved that". Conrad turned to Simon and hugged him "I miss him Simon" he said breaking down again "my god I miss him". "I'm so sorry Conrad" Simon held him tighter "I know how much you meant to each other" Conrad nodded "I'm sorry for leaving you like that on Sunday" he said sniffing. "Doesn't matter Conrad, come back to the manor" Simon suggested. Conrad shook his head "No I don't think so I am a mess" he replied. Simon held Conrad back in his arms "I need you to come back with me Conrad" he said looking at him. "Its awkward" Conrad simply replied. "Ah" Simon said looking over at Harry "things are only awkward if you make them awkward Conrad". Conrad wiped his eyes "Yeah but I don't think Harry would see it that way" he said. Simon shook his head "It is not about Harry today, that is his problem to deal with" he said. "No" Conrad said "I want to stay here a while, talk to Jack and say good bye". They hugged allowing themselves a few minutes to grieve together in private holding hands, Simon seeing this as a little thawing between them. Harry stood by the limousine watching them whilst Moham and Adam watched Harry noticing how besotted he was and unable to take his eyes off Conrad. Adam finally got a view of Conrad, he was young and very attractive albeit full of sadness, Adam wiped Harry's face and kissed him on the cheek. Harry was beginning to get upset himself and would have loved nothing more than to go over and comfort Conrad, the reality was both of their encounters had not been overly friendly. "Okay so now I understand" Adam said putting his arm around Harry's shoulder. Harry looked at him "Understand what?" he asked. Adam nodded towards Conrad "Why don't you go over and say hello" he suggested. Harry shook his head "No, things never seem to go well when we meet" he said getting in to the limousine. Harry looked out the limousines window at Simon who was walking back alone, Conrad sat on one the chairs provided and stared in to the grave shutting the world out. Adam looked at Moham who looked at Simon who smiled briefly. "You alright Simon?" Moham asked looking concerned. "No" Simon replied looking back at Conrad "I am worried about Conrad it has hit him badly I don't know what to do for him". "Is he coming back to the manor?" Moham asked, Simon shook his head glancing back at Conrad again. "You two go with Harry in the limo" Adam said "let me go speak with him see if I can bring him around". "Good luck trying that" Simon said walking towards the limousine "he doesn't like me much at the moment". Adam walked over and sat next to him "So you knew Jack then?" he asked Conrad staring at the coffin. Conrad nodded "I knew every nook and cranny of his body" Adam said "I guess you would have been 11 at the time". "I never saw you" Conrad said raising his head looking at Adam "he never spoke of anyone else". Adam smiled "No he wouldn't have, but he spoke of you constantly, the budding flower he called you". Conrad smiled for once "So many times he would rape me in the greenhouse" Adam said lovingly. Conrad chuckled "You as well" he said "I'm Conrad" he held out his hand and Adam took it. "Adam" he replied smiling at Conrad "It was your 16th birthday when he immortalised you" Adam said. "Sorry?" Conrad asked looking confused by his statement. Adam smiled "He had a flower tattooed on his arm with your initial" he told Conrad "next to mine with cupid". Conrad got his phone out and looked at the picture he took "Oh my god" he said noticing it again. Exactly how Adam described it there it was "I was with him the day he got it done" Adam said. "Were you in love with each other?" Conrad asked. Adam smiled "God yes but we are chalk and cheese and it would never have worked living together" he said. "Oh I see" Conrad said then chuckled again "he liked it rough, weirdly it was very passionate". Adam smiled and lifted his jacket sleeve to show his wrist "You have the J and cupid tattooed" Conrad said. "Yes" Adam replied pulling his sleeve down "you should get the J and flower tattooed" he suggested. Conrad nodded "Thank you for showing me that and yes I will along with scorpion I liked" he said. Adam smiled "That dam scorpion he loved that tattoo. How about we get it done together?" he asked. "Yes" Conrad said immediately "my parents will freak out but I need to do it". Adam put his arm around Conrad and kissed him on the cheek "Come back to the manor with me". Conrad shook his head "No I can't" he replied thinking of Harry. "Yes you can" Adam said standing up "Harry is quite upset seeing you like this". Conrad stood up "I know when I am beaten" he said looking at the coffin "see you in a month". Conrad wiped his eyes and Adam put his arms around him shedding a few tears "Bye my lover" Adam said. Adam walked with his arm around Conrad and sat him in the limousine for the short drive back to Hibiscus Manor. Conrad sat in silence lost in his own thoughts holding Adam's hand providing much comfort that he needed right now. He had no idea what to say to Harry or even if he wanted to talk to him. Slowly he walked through the doors in to the library that doubled up as a formal room and one that he had never see before. Simon smiled seeing Conrad walk in with Adam and picked up a glass for champagne for them both, he briefly caught Harry's eye having to look away for fear of another embarrassing episode with him. Simon tapped his glass and the rest of the group stopped talking and looked towards Simon 'Gentlemen, it has been one of the hardest few weeks I have had to endure and I know how fond of Jack many of you were. I thought I was prepared for this eventuality but I learned that no matter what love you had your heart breaks you in pieces. Some more so and I speak of the two people who meant the world to Jack. Adam who sneaked in to the greenhouse when he thought no one was looking and always returned looking like he had been dragged through a bush after, he was the only person Jack ever considered a lover. Secondly 13 years ago Jack found a renewed love for life when an annoying 7 year old got his hands dirty one Saturday helping Jack at the gates of the manor. Sneaking him in to the grounds behind my back, Conrad grew up and found a passion for horticulture that Jack helped nurture and taught him everything that he knew. Jack found a very real companion and friend in Conrad who today is now a stunning 20 year old man, despite his young age he turned out to be a very loyal friend. Jack often referred to him as his annoying adopted kid when he wouldn't shut up talking but also a budding flower when he was talking about Conrad which was constantly. I owe Conrad so much and he was here with me at Jack's passing. I know the next few weeks or months are going to be hard for some of us but Jack being Jack would have put a beer on the table and told us to get over it. To Jack who has found his peace'. Everyone raised their glasses and toasted Jack. Conrad slipped out of the room finding it unbearable and stood out in the damp cold air on the terrace overlooking the gardens, he found a little peace expecting this to be the last time he would ever see the gardens. Conrad turned hearing the study door open and Simon stepping out walking in his direction, he didn't say anything at first just kissed Conrad on the cheek. "Beautiful speech" Conrad said looking out over the gardens. "Thanks" Simon replied "almost forgotten how to make one" he chuckled. Simon put his arm around Conrad's shoulder "Adam told you about the tattoo I gather?" he asked. Conrad nodded "Why didn't you say anything?" he asked. "Didn't want to upset you Conrad" Simon replied "failed miserably at that" he stated taking a deep breath. Conrad looked out over the gardens "I still expect to see him popping up out of a flowerbed". "Yes I know I feel the same. I am here if you need a shoulder Conrad" Simon said sympathetically. Conrad smiled "The ever so elusive rich man" he chuckled "thank you". Simon smiled and looked at him "I hope that tattoo Jack had proved how much he thought of you". "Yes" he replied "and the scorpion tattoo what does that really mean?" Conrad asked looking at him. Simon glanced at Conrad "Partly his devious side and partly me" he replied. Conrad nodded and kissed Simon on the cheek "I shall miss this place" he said sighing. "Why?" Simon asked "you thinking of leaving Hibiscus Drive?". Conrad shrugged his shoulders "Well with Jack gone there is no reason to come here anymore". Simon smiled and looked at him "You better think again Conrad, you have to take over the gardens?" he said. Conrad looked at him "No I don't think it would be good idea" he replied. "Please Conrad you know how to look after the gardens and I trust you" Simon said looking him in the eye. Conrad shrugged his shoulders "I don't come cheap" he said wiping his eyes trying to make a joke. Simon hugged him "Yeah so I heard" he said chuckling fending off Conrad's play punches. "God does everyone know?" Conrad said laughing "one time" he said "one time". Simon laughed then went serious "I will pay you what I paid Jack £50k a year" he told Conrad. Conrad looked shocked "Okay but don't expect me to take over everything Jack did!" he smirked. "Agreed" Simon replied "what if I pay you?" he said laughing and walking off quickly. Conrad laughed and stepped off the terrace to take a walk around the gardens, he felt much happier walking amongst Jack's legacy, he was also starting to find himself at ease after the trauma of the week. Adam kept a careful eye on Conrad watching his chat with Simon, when he stepped off he terrace Adam walked over to Harry and whispered in his ear. Harry put his glass down and slipped out of the room on to the terrace spotting Conrad going behind one of the flowerbeds heading in the direction of the greenhouse. Slightly afraid of what Conrad might think he took baby steps and walked around the numerous flowerbeds until he spotted Conrad bending down pulling up a weed. He gulped unsure exactly what he was going to say or do now he was here standing several meters away from him. Conrad felt a presence behind him and turned around to see Harry standing there. Harry looked nervous "How is your cheek now?" he stuttered slightly. Conrad just looked at him "You stood me up and owe me a drink" Harry said trying to be light hearted. "I never stood you up Harry, you assumed I would be there" Conrad replied "I saw you here that weekend". "I know" Harry replied "I asked Moham to go back but he had some work in London". "I don't understand that message you sent me either" Conrad tried to explain. Harry looked down "I have tried to forget about you but I can't" he said with a sadness in his voice. Conrad stepped closer to Harry "What is it you want from me Harry?" he asked. "You don't get it do you" Harry replied staring at him "I fell in love with you that day I punched you". Conrad shook his head in bewilderment "Why?" he asked. "Conrad if I knew that I could put a stop to it" Harry replied "tell me if you want me to go". Conrad stood his heart racing "I..." he stopped talking confused by everything going on. Harry grabbed hold of Conrad and kissed him "Tell me you don't feel anything" he asked looking in his eyes. "I can't do this" Conrad said pushing him away "it frightens me, you frighten me" he said looking at Harry. Harry turned to walk away angry at himself opening up to him "Wait" Conrad called after him. Harry stopped "No Conrad, this gets harder every time and you keep rejecting me" he said walking off. Conrad screamed and walked off angry at himself more than anything at his own failing to commit to one simple thing. Adam watched from the window and shook his head, Moham patted him on the shoulder indicating they should leave before things really blew up between Harry and Conrad. "I just don't get it Moham" Adam said "they are both crazy for each other but can't see it". Moham looked at Adam "I am the last person to give advice on this sort of thing" he admitted chuckling. Harry stormed in a sat in a chair wiping his eyes "Come on Harry" Adam said "we are leaving". Conrad watched them walk across the lawn with Simon until the helicopter took off. Simon stood for a moment then headed towards the greenhouse where Conrad stood like he was cowering behind the bush. He put his arm around Conrad and took him up to the manor, darkness was filling the sky and Conrad leaned in closer to Simon who responded with a comforting squeeze. "Do you feel like eating?" he asked Conrad quietly. Conrad shook his head "Not really" he replied still watching the lights of the helicopter fading. "Harry is crazy about you Conrad" Simon said in quiet voice "and I see you are not far off either". Conrad nodded "I know Simon, that is what frightens me to admit the whole thing" he said. "Commitment is hard Conrad no one can tell you it is easy" Simon explained "you have to want it". Simon was feeling the cold "Come on lets go inside" he suggested. Conrad looked at him for a moment in silence "Can I stay the night with you?" he tentatively asked. Simon looked shocked initially and stared at him "Yes of course you can" he replied. Conrad smirked "I am hoping you will take advantage of me" he said almost teasing Simon. "You have to be kidding me!" Simon said looking at him like he was crazy then chuckled "like I need asking twice" he said. Simon made a pretence of wanting to hug Conrad, putting his arms low around Conrad's body and pulling him off his feet and flinging the unsuspecting lad over his shoulder carrying him inside and up the staircase to the master bedroom. Closing the doors with one hand he moved over to the bed dropping Conrad roughly. Using his feet Conrad kicked his shoes off and started undoing his trousers watching Simon who was already half naked throwing his clothes on the floor. Simon leant down and yanked Conrad's trousers and under wear off whilst he undid his shirt, his heart racing in anticipation watching Simon rubbing his already erect cock. Conrad looked up "Go easy with me" he said kneeling up on the bed. Simon pushed Conrad down on to his back again "Not a chance, you are in my bedroom, my rules". He squealed in excitement being aggressively twisted over on to his stomach, the weight of Simon bore down on him immediately followed by the sharp pain reeling through his arse. Simon penetrated his arse in one swoop and started ramming in and out with a purpose. Conrad cried out in agony at first his legs and arms pinned to the bed by Simon and his arse pushing up when Simon ground his cock jabbing away at his insides. His mouth telling him to stop, his arse telling him to continue. Simon pulled Conrad up to knees and leaning across the young body he slipped his arm around Conrad's waist holding him on his cock. Simon took a pleasurable moment holding Conrad's hips and looking down and whiteness of his arse stretched open around his cock. Pulling all the way out he watched the hole close up almost immediately twitch as the muscles relaxed. Slowly nudging his cock up against Conrad's hole again he delicately and slowly pushed forward watching the hole stretch lovingly around the head of his cock then pulling out again watching it close. Pushing forward again slowly Conrad gasped and moaned from the teasing his hole was undergoing, Simon repositioned his hands and thrusted forward with speed slamming the entire length in to Conrad's body, his hands holding Conrad's hips in place. Pulling all the way out he watched the hole shrink twitching all the while it closed up. Simon smiled at the perfect sight 'God I love your arse' he said slamming his cock back in watching his back arch up in pleasure. He leaned over Conrad's body and secured his arm around the waist holding him in place. His arse ground back on Simon's cock in defeat, he kissed Conrad on the neck and slowly fucked him for nearly two hours, switching positions and locations in the bedroom. His arse never more than ten seconds without Simon's cock inside him, he had Conrad in his arms standing up and facing him, legs wrapped around his waist. Simon's hands clasped under his buttocks lifting them up and down on his cock. Their mouths locked together in a deep kiss. Simon lowered him down on the bed keeping hold of Conrad he penetrated deep and furiously fucked him, his body tensed pushing deeper and holding Conrad tighter. Simon gasped and grunted loud and hard releasing days of pent up toxic laden seed in to Conrad's arse, streaming from his cock in thick ribbons each one pushing the previous one deeper. Under him Conrad closed his eyes feeling Simon's orgasm through his entire body with dutiful force behind it, no deviousness, no trickery, it was a clean and clear breeding that he felt Simon needed. He looked down and kissed Conrad gently massaging the seed deeper inside him. His legs closing around Simon's waist locking him in position, his heels pushing in to Simon's lower back driving his cock deeper. Conrad felt a drop land on his cheek and it a took a moment to realise it was a tear from Simon, he kissed and held him tightly around the neck hugging him. "Are you okay?" Conrad asked stroking his neck. Simon pulled himself up "Yes" he said looking sad "it reminded me so much of Jack he use to do the exact same thing". Conrad sat up "Do what?" he asked looking questionably at him. Simon smiled "Put his legs around me and dig his heels in holding he deep inside". Conrad laid back down and stroked his own chest watching Simon "I'm not going to replace him" he said. "No one can replace Jack" Simon replied running his hand along Conrad's leg "Thank you I needed this". Conrad looked up at Simon "I still don't forgive you though for what you did" he said. Conrad reached up and pulled Simon back on to the bed entwinning themselves together kissing and caressing each other, falling asleep just after 4am. They lost count after the fifth time fucking with Conrad unable to fathom out how Simon could just keep going like a cum producing machine, their bodies exhausted Conrad laid in Simon's arms resting peacefully.
    2 points
  22. We have a guess this weekend in the dungeon awaiting the other's to arrive and join in on the fun and games planned for this young bottom tonight. What he doesn't know is the fuck sheath I have to insert in his tight boy hole to protect him from all the cum and bodily fluid has a Tiny pin hole in it. It had to be done other wise no way to insert your cock it lets the air trapped inside out and the large cock in. Soon he will be stripped cuffed and the only light he will see will be the glowing of the candle's. He told my boy he wanted to be breed in a Ritual type setting. No control and used as a Total cum dump. His wish is going to come true this weekend.
    2 points
  23. PART I In the summer of my senior year in high school, I had just turned 18, I suddenly started looking less like a boy and more like a man. I gained 20 pounds of muscle, jumping two full weight classes on the wrestling team. My chest became muscular and defined almost overnight. My boyish stomach developed into six distinct muscles that flexed and tightened on demand. In addition, my ass wasn’t flat anymore - it was a genuine bubble butt, a jockboy muscle ass. Even my dick seemed to get fatter and longer. Girls started noticing me. And something else started happening, also: when I walked around town, the occasional man would shoot hungry glances at me, devouring me with his eyes. The truth is, I wanted to be devoured, and every night, when I quietly jacked my dick under the covers, I’d think about my wrestling coach, Mr. Pitt. He was in his late 30s, with jet-black hair and dark, playful, wolfish eyes. He always had a thick layer of scruff on his square jaw, and his torso was just fucking perfect: I’d never seen him with his shirt off, but he definitely had a hairy chest, and his hard pecs were always visible under his tight-fitting polo shirt. From the moment I met the guy, I jacked off almost every night wondering what his cock looked like, imagining what it would be like to touch that chest, that hair, those nips. The assistant wrestling coach, Mr. Strickland, was every bit as hot. A former college wrestler now in his mid-20s, he was a dirty-blond, green-eyed Midwestern jock dude with a massive bulge in his crotch. One time I happened to see him playing basketball shirtless, and I just stopped and stared: his schlong bounced up and down in his loose gym shorts, and his muscled chest was covered with a sexy layer of dark-blond fur. Coach Pitt and Coach Strickland—the brown-haired dude and the blond guy. They were like the Hardy Boys, all grown up, strutting around the halls of our high school with their dress pants stretched tight around their cocks. At the beginning of my senior year, Coach Pitt started paying a lot more attention to me. He made me team captain. He and I would often demonstrate wrestling moves together, and sometimes his hand would linger on my ass after he’d pinned me to the mat. And like all team captains at our school, I was responsible for helping him clean up the equipment after practice - which meant that I got to the locker room 30 minutes late every night, after all my teammates were gone. Then I’d shower by myself, get dressed, and head home. But something funny happened about a week before Christmas: after my shower, I was toweling off in front of my locker, bending over the bench to grab my briefs. And I swear I felt someone staring at me. I turned back toward Coach Pitt’s office, but he was concentrating on some paperwork at his desk. I began slipping my briefs up my calves and thighs, snapping the elastic around my butt, and again I sensed someone was watching - but when I looked up, Coach Pitt wasn’t looking at all. I figured my mind was just playing tricks on me. The next night was even weirder. After I got dressed, I walked past Coach Pitt’s office. His office was composed of two rooms: the front room facing the lockers, and a back room suited for physical therapy and private meetings. The door to the backroom was just barely open, and through the crack I could see Coach watching something on a computer. His back was turned to me, but as I looked closer, I could see that it was porn. And not just any porn - it was gay porn. From what I could tell, Coach Pitt had both of his hands on his cock, jacking like crazy to a scene where some dude was pounding a tight muscle hole. But then he suddenly froze in place, as if he could sense me watching. He tilted his head to the side, listening. And before he could turn around, I ducked out of the locker room and into the night. The next day was the last day of school before Christmas break. As I showered up, Coach Pitt poked his head into the shower room. “Hey, buddy,” he said. I looked over at him. He was only wearing a towel loosely draped around his hips. I stared at his perfect hairy chest, his taut abs, the dense thicket of hair just above his cock bulge. His body was even hotter than I’d imagined in all my jack-off fantasies. A few moments passed before I realized that I was staring. Startled, I looked toward the wall. “Didn’t mean to scare you, Lance,” Coach said, cracking a devilish grin. “Do you mind if I shower in here? The shower in my office is on the fritz.” I shrugged, trying not to reveal my excitement. “Cool,” I managed to croak. He swaggered to the opposite wall and turned on a showerhead. Meanwhile, my cock, no longer a boy’s little dick, but a man’s cock, fat and veiny, began to throb and grow. Then I heard his voice “You’re looking really great these days, Lance.” I turned around to look at him, and saw something I hadn’t even dared to see in my dreams. Coach Pitt stood under a full stream of water, his eyes closed, his face turned upward into the shower, shampoo streaming down his torso, down his abs. As my eyes descended down his body along with the water and the suds, I saw that everything was cascading around his giant cock. He was completely hard. His beautiful dick extended a full nine inches from his abs - a man’s cock, that made me feel like a boy all over again. Panicked, I turned back to stare at the wall. My dick was also now totally hard. I wasn’t sure what to do. Then Coach Pitt spoke. “Hey, Lance? Everything okay?” After a moment’s hesitation, I rotated my torso to face him, trying to hide my giant boner. He was still standing underneath the water, but now his legs were shoulder-width apart, his hands tweaking his nips, his hard cock visibly twitching. And there was a big ol’ grin on his handsome, scruffy face. I stared openly. I didn’t want to say anything. If this was a dream, I didn’t want to wake myself up. “You have the cutest fuckin’ butt, dude,” he said, reaching down to yank on his dick. “I’ve jacked my cock so many times thinking about your little jock ass.” He paused, then smiled. “You like my dick, huh? I knew you were a little cockhound the moment I saw you at your first practice back in freshman year.” I kept staring. He let out a low chuckle, then gripped his cock with his hand, the muscles in his forearm tensing as he began jerking off in front of me. “You wanna touch my dick, Lance?” he asked. “It’s cool, buddy. Just say it. You wanna touch Coach’s cock, huh?” I nodded. “What was that, boy?” “Yes, Coach, I want to touch your dick.” His smile got even bigger. “Good boy,” he said. “You smoke weed?” “Yes, Coach.” “C’mon, then,” he said. “Let’s go to my office. Hang out. Have a little fun. Cool?” “Yeah, OK,” I said, my body shaking with excitement. I followed him through the front office and into the back office. He closed and locked the door, then turned to face me. He brushed his hand against my chest, then reached around to the small of my back, drawing me closer to him. I could feel the heat of his breath. “Actually,” he said, “wanna try something even more fun than pot?” “Sure, yeah,” I answered. At that point I would have done anything - absolutely anything - to keep this dream from ending. He walked over to a desk drawer, opened it, and removed a glass pipe. “You’ll like this, buddy,” he said. All I could do was nod. I couldn’t believe I was standing in Coach Pitt’s office, the two of us in nothing but towels. “Here: put it to your mouth. I’ll light it. Wait. Just wait for it. You’ll see a little wisp of smoke coming out of this hole here, and then you start inhaling. Now. Start. Good boy. There you go. Keep inhaling. Good.” I blew out a cloud of white smoke. “Do it again,” he said. I obeyed. And a third time. And a fourth. Then he took the pipe and lit it for himself, blowing the smoke into my mouth, then kissed me, his beard rough against my lips. He growled, asking “How ya doing, buddy?” I wasn’t sure how to answer that. My head was buzzing. My cock was unbelievably hard. And something in my butt - well, it almost ached. Like the beginning of a hunger pang I’d never felt before. Coach Pitt dropped his towel, then removed mine. He stepped closer, rubbed his nips against mine, his cock against my stomach. Then he kissed me as his hands wandered down to my jock butt, each hand on an asscheek, spreading my hole. I arched my back just a little bit, and my ass spread wider. He grinned. “That smoke made your hole hungry, huh?” I nodded, and he laughed again. “I’ve got a confession, boy,” he said. “My office shower’s actually working. I just wanted an excuse to get naked with the hottest little stud on my wrestling team.” He leaned in to kiss me again, and this time I kissed him back, hungrily. He growled as his fingers hovered over my hole. “You ever take a man’s cock in this sweet little cunt?” I shook my head. He pulled me closer, grinding his abs against mine. “You gonna give up your smooth, pink, tight virgin ass to Coach? Let Coach dick you deep, slap his balls against your ass, pound you like the sweet hungry fagboy you are?” “Yes, Coach.” “Yes Coach what?” “Please fuck me, Coach. I want your dick inside me so fucking bad.” “Thatta boy," he said, then paused. He lowered his voice. "You gonna make Coach wear a rubber?” I didn't answer right away. Everyone's supposed to use rubbers, right? But then Coach slipped his hand back around my butt and spread my fuck hole with two fingers. “Your Coach fucks the way men are supposed to fuck. Raw. Natural. I want to feel the skin of my fat cock head splitting your little jock butt wide open. I want to feel the heat and hunger of your virgin hole against my bare dick. And you’ll let me do that, won’t you? Because you’re Coach’s good boy. Right, Lance?” “Yes, Coach. Fuck me the way you want.” “That’s what I like to hear. A true bottom boy surrenders his hole to raw dick. That right?” “Yes, Coach. Fuck me raw.” “And I won’t pull out until I’ve pounded my boy’s hole full of seed.” I don’t know why, but with those words I almost shot my load without even touching myself. Coach saw my eyes get big, and he grinned. “See? You know, and somehow you’ve always known, that a man’s cum is what you need in this sweet little butt. I want to train my boy to spread his boy hole for cock. Beg for seed like a good bottom. The best bottom.” “The best bottom,” I murmured, nodding. “Let’s get you cleaned out, boy. I’ll show you how to get your ass ready for Coach.” With that he took me back to his private shower and pointed to a little red plastic bulb. “This has some liquid in it already,” he said to me. “It’s a homemade recipe to help my boy get ready for dick.” He reached down, spread my pink hole a little bit, and inserted the tip of the douche. Then he gave a hard squeeze. “Clench your butt, Lance. Keep it up in there.” At first I didn’t feel anything, but then my head began to tingle, and my dick twitched, and I felt a warmth and a deep, dark hunger radiating out from my guts. My butt seemed to pulse with a need to be touched, licked, fingered, fucked, filled. Coach Pitt smiled. “You feel that?” I nodded. “That, boy, is what it’s like to douche with your Coach’s slam piss. You don’t know what slam piss is, but you will. Enjoy the ride. Just enjoy it. But keep your hole nice and tight. Nice and tight for Coach. Good boy.” He turned me around, cautioning me “Keep that hole tight,” as he rubbed his cock up against my crack, adding “You’ve got some fur on this hole, boy.” I nodded. Just a few months earlier I’d started to get hair around my ass, and just a little bit on my chest. “Listen,” he said. “I love a furry hole on a man. But a boy like you? A boy getting his cherry popped? That boy needs a smooth fuckin’ pussy. You OK with me shaving your boy hole, Lance?” “Yes, please.” “Yes, please what?” “Yes please, Coach.” While his chem piss continued to radiate waves of pleasure all over my body, Coach smeared shaving cream on my ass. Then I felt the brush of a razor against my hole, and as he shaved me, I swear I could feel every hair surrendering to his blade. “There you go, buddy,” he said, slapping my ass. “Now go release that special brew that Coach squirted up your hole, then come back and I’ll fill you with the rest.” After a second dose of slam piss flooded my guts, Coach handed me the little bulb and told me to finish up. “And then you know what happens?” he asked. I smiled eagerly, responding “You fuck me, Coach?” “Not quite yet. First we’re driving back to my place, and we’re gonna hang out with Coach Strickland. He’s dying to see your boy hole. Would you like that?” “Fuck YEAH.” “Such a good boy. You want both of your coaches to pound you full of their seed, huh?” “Fuck YES. Please, Coach.” He paused. Then he drew me closer to him, kissed me, and brushed his beautiful dick across my abs. I could feel the pulse of his cock, so full of blood. I looked down at his massive, swinging balls, so full of cum. Then I heard his voice again. “I want to hear you say, ‘Please knock me up, Coach.’” “Please knock me up, Coach.” “Good. Now: ‘Wreck my boy hole, Coach. Please.’” “Wreck my boy hole, Coach. Please.” “Good boy. And finally: ‘Make me yours forever.’” “Make me yours forever.” “Very good, boy. Now go clean up. We’re gonna make this the fuck of your life.” MORE SOON...
    1 point
  24. Hi everyone. I'm a top and I've chatted and actually role-played with a coupe of guys about getting them pregnant and we really got off. Much like the bug chasing fantasies here, we really got off on the idea of them opening their bodies to me and taking my DNA, but the idea of getting a big pregnant belly and swollen breasts full of milk. We talked about my sperm and getting fertilized and me owning their body, claiming it for mine, etc. Actually having a baby, parenthood etc didn't' come into play but just the act of being impregnated and being pregnant. Is this fantasy common? Does anybody want to share their thoughts, fantasies, etc on the subject of either becoming pregnant as a man or getting another man pregnant? Thanks in advance for sharing and for posting all the dirty things i jack off to on this site. Keep it coming.
    1 point
  25. Off camera: This is a story based on truth and some fiction. It contains drug use, bareback sex, group sex, rape, and more. if you don't believe the premise of this story, check out any gangbang video by Devil's own, or similar companies. Damn was I excited. Here I was in LA, finally far away from Aurora, CO and my nagging bitch of a girlfriend, about to walk in to the studio where I’d be getting paid some serious cash, just to fuck a bunch of hot pussy on camera. I’d come a long way from where I was a year ago. Back then, I was living with my girlfriend, working construction, drinking myself to sleep every night, and begging for something more fun to come along. It was around that time I got into crystal, and pretty soon I was working five days a week so I could spend the weekends smoking and finding tail. My girl didn’t seem to mind, since she was also smoking my shit, and fucking a bunch of dudes on the side. Since it never occurred to me to break it off with her or make her get a job and pay for her half, the cash was quickly not enough, consequently I spent less and less money on booze and food, and more on crystal. It wasn’t all bad, I even managed to work off the beer belly I’d had since college, which is what helped me get noticed. One night, my girl and I were at my supplier’s apartment, smoking away my paycheck, when we ran out of dough before the midnight had arrived. Desperate, my girlfriend offered to let the dude fuck her, if he’d keep our party going. I was immediately worried, not because she was trading her sloppy pussy for more stuff, but because I had nothing to offer to keep me involved. Luckily, he was a stand-up guy, and said he’d be down to join us both. I figured he was just being kind, since we both knew she couldn’t care less if I was bothered by her cheating on me, and had no idea it might be for another reason. So off came the clothes and for the next seven hours, he and I fucked my girlfriend senseless, only stopping for bathroom breaks and energy drinks. We even let a few other dudes who stopped by to buy join in on the fun. At some point, he whipped out his phone and started snapping pictures, which we had fun viewing once she was passed out. “You know man, you are a fucking machine when you party,” he said as we smoked another bowl, while she snored behind us. “You ever consider doing porn?” I laughed him off, but he wasn’t going to drop it. “I know a guy who owns a porn company in LA, great dude.” He continued as we watched a slide show of our threesome covering most of the Kama Sutra. “He is always looking for dudes who can fuck for hours. I did a film for him last year, got a free trip to LA, all the partying I could handle, two days of pounding pussy, and $700 out of it.” “Fuck me man!” I coughed as I blew some smoke and got a semi at the thought of it. “Seven hundred dollars and a free trip to LA, just for a porno? Sounds too good to be true.” “You should do it man. Good money, hot pussy, free vacation, quality drugs. You got all the assets.” He wasn’t wrong. At 24 years old I was 6’1” tall, weighed about 180lbs, still had a nice four-pack, hefty hairy pecs, nice biceps, a butt that keeps girls heads turning, and a nice seven-inch dick, thicker than a big banana, and two huge balls that shoot cum over my head when they’re primed. Top it off with a nice smile, green eyes, light brown wavy hair, and permanent five o’clock shadow, and I have no trouble getting laid. “I dunno dude. I’d feel weird doing that stuff, or even applying for it, but I sure could use the cash…and maybe some time away from Liz.” We laughed, as I continued to notice how I seemed featured in every camera shot, with almost no view of the other two. “Tell you what bro, I’ll send him some of these pics of you fucking Liz, see if he can’t use you too.” I knodded that it was okay, and began to wonder if I could find the porn he’d done some how, as he loaded another bowl. That was almost two months ago. After some blood tests and a skype interview, I requested a few days off from work, and was on my way to LA for my first porno. I was surprised that my supplier said the producer supplier the party favors, but he insisted it was true, and that they’d also supply some Viagra and anything else I’d need. I wondered what the hell else I could possibly need besides tina, Viagra and tons of sex, but I didn’t push it. Once I arrived, I made my way to the hotel, with strict instructions not to get drunk or stoned or have sex before the next morning. So once again, here I was, walking through the doors of the studio, which looked like little more than a warehouse from outside, and into my dream come true. I didn’t even have time to set down my duffle bag when I was grabbed by the Producer and swept behind a curtain, where the warehouse transformed into a brightly lit penthouse living room. The camera man and lighting guy were checking light levels on a big-breasted brunette, while four naked, pretty well-hung dudes stood around here, passing a pipe and laughing about something. Another curtain swung aside and some mirrors, hanging racks and make-up kits told me we were in the dressing room. “Okay, we’re ahead of schedule so no time for formalities. Go ahead and strip naked, and here,” he said as he thrust a sack of goodies, a little blue pill, and some lube into my hand, and began to walk back to set, still talking “Take these. Lube up your ass and cock and get it hard before you come out on set, or let me know if you need a fluffer. Do you want to smoke or shoot?” “I only smoke-” I was going to shout after him why I should lube my ass, when a make-up guy, about 20 years old and flaming as could be, appeared with a pipe, torch, and began applying powder to my face and chest as I slipped off my shirt. “Here you go stud. I’m Danny, your make-up slash hair slash pipe supplier. Sorry about Paulie, he is super crazed.” I watched his mouth curl into a smirk as I stripped off my pants and tighty-whiteys and began lubing my cock while he continued to powder me from head to toe, balls and all. I took that moment of awkward discomfort as a sign and began puffing heavily on the bowl, before doubling my efforts on my cock and going from spaghetti to steel in ten seconds flat. “It’s okay, if he is as tweaked as everyone el-” “Oh no, the crew doesn’t do any of this shit. Paulie just gets nervous on days where he’s shooting gangbangs. Four on one is always hard to shoot while avoiding the ass play and drugs and shit. Speaking of which, don’t you want to lube up your ass?” he asked, applying some weird goop to my hair, which his brush and hands transformed into a style while I jerked and smoked. “Uh. No, why would I?” I said, my hole twitching. “Well you did use the enema like Paulie asked before you got here this morning right?” His hands and powder brush moved away from my butt. “Yeah, two actually, but still, why would I want lube back there now?” “Oh, well most of the dudes on these sets have been doing porn for years, and quickly discover the only way to make ends meet is do gay-for-pay. Once you get used to having an 8 inch cock in your ass every time you blow your load, it gets hard to shoot without one. But if you can get up and off with no dick or dildo in your hole, good for you, I guess. Well, you’re all done, head on out there. Too bad you aren’t soft, since I’m the fluffer.” He laughed and pushed me out on to the set. The camera men were now adjusting some equipment, while the woman I was about to tag-team sat off to the side, shooting up between her toes and chatting with someone on her phone. I wondered over towards the couch I assumed I’d be spending the rest of the day on, where the four other guys sat, still naked. Two were shooting between their toes as well, while one was smoking the pipe. The remaining guy was stroking an impressive cock, which had to be nine inches long, turned to me and smiled. “Hey, you must be Peter. I’m Brent, but my stage name is Dick Biggins.” This got a laugh from the other guys, while he took a huge hit off the pipe they were sharing. “Just shittin’ ya man. The guys in these movies just get a first name, and you won’t be saying my name anyway. Here, try a hit of this shit man, it’s better than the stuff they give you when you first get here, in case you can’t handle it.” “Thanks man.” I took a hit and could immediately tell the difference. This stuff was smoother, stronger, and made my balls tingle. “Aw come on man, that was weak, take a real hit.” He took the pipe from me, lit the torch again, and held it there, encouraging me to keep going until I couldn’t take anymore. “That’s better. You point?” “Sorry?” The guys laughed again, but he shot them a dirty look, and picked up a needle. “I guess not, pointing is shooting up. Good for you man,” he took the needle, already filled with some slightly cloudy fluid, and shot it into a vein in his foot. “Paulie tells us this is your first film, that true?” “Yeah, first time in LA too, figured I’d be spending more time chatting with the girl I’d be fucking than the guys joining in on her.” This got a laugh again. “Yeah. That’s Karen, she’s a fucking cunt. Only cares about getting high and getting her paycheck. She’s money on screen, but don’t expect her to talk to you before or after. How about I give you a quick run down of how it’s gonna work today Pete?” He shoved the pipe back to my mouth and lit it again, while introducing the rest of the guys there. First, Steve was sitting on the arm of the chair, which is why I didn’t notice he had a big dildo in his ass until he stood up to shake my hand. He is a few inches taller than me, a little heavier, with a slight gut, blonde hair, blue eyes, nice smile, huge biceps and pecs, and a thick eight inch cut cock with average balls. Next, Tommy stood to greet me, which reveal a small butt plug, as well as his slightly smaller stature, around 5’10” probably, brown hair, brown eyes, hairy chest, beard, six pack, and a seven and one-half inch uncut cock, and eerily hairless balls. Craig, who seemed to be the only one not working his asshole, is around my height, with green eyes but bald from head to toe, and built like a body-builder, including his seven inch cut cock, which was as thick as his wrist. Brent himself was about an inch shorter than I am, with black hair on his head and treasure trail, blue eyes, and a rippled swimmer’s body. The only thing that kept my dick from mistaking his bubble butt for a girl’s, was the massive dick and balls swinging down between his legs. Once the guys had been introduced, Brent explained how the filming would work. We’d begin by putting on running shorts and tee-shirts and would “arrive” at Karen’s apartment to help her move, discovering her naked on the couch. After an hour of filming her sucking us off and each of us eating her out, we’d strip off our clothes and take turns in the positions posted on the boards that could be seen behind the camera, based on whichever one Paulie pointed too. Each of us was expected to shoot one cum load on Karen’s asshole or pussy during the shoot at our assigned times, and one on her face and breasts at the end. He figured the shoot would take about three or four hours, and once it was done, we’d get the rest of the day to recuperate before coming back tomorrow and doing it again to another girl naked Cari, who was also “a cunt.” Finally, he explained that Paulie’s assistants would help us make sure that we never had to stop shooting while we smoked and used the off-camera stimulation. “What do you mean?” I took my millionth huge hit off the pipe while he worked a crystal up his ass (a booty bump just like my girlfriend had done and even gotten me to try a few times). “Well, the couch is fitted with secret spaces and “cock-cubbies” which allow the assistants to work toys and cocks into our holes if we need it to get hard, but usually one guy will be off screen getting fluffed, or fucked or using a dong too.” My jaw dropped as he offered me a crystal for my hole. The thought that each of these guys was gonna get fucked made my dick soft and my stomach churn. Sure, they’d all been doing shit before with dildos and dongs and plugs, and Danny told me they’d done gay-for-pay shit and got used to dick in their holes to get them hard, but I never thought they’d be doing it in front of me. “Aw nasty man, I’m not into that gay shit. I don’t care if you guys do it, but does it have to go on while I’m here.” I was really worried that the sight of gay sex in front of me would kill my hard-on while filming, and possibly make me ill. “'Fraid so bro. Besides, it’s not really ‘gay shit.’ It’s just needed stimulation by a real dick, Steve’s dick in fact. Why do you think there are five guys for a four on one scene?” It hadn’t occurred to me that there was an extra guy, but I snapped my head around, just in time to see Steve sliding balls deep into Craig’s chisled ass. Horrified, I looked at Craig, who seemed to be loving it, and shot my glance around to the rest of the actors and crew, none of whom seemed to care less. The weird thing was the tingling that had been in my balls was now in my tight, virgin asshole, and my hard on was gone, just in time for Paulie to call places. “Fuck, this is what I was afraid of! My cock won’t get hard now.” Danny appeared as they began filming Karen’s intro scene, and tried fluffing me while we all got dressed, but after fifteen minutes and still no joy, I was afraid I was about to lose my job when Brent finally convinced me to let him try something. He pulled me back into the dressing area, and lubed up my cock again, while also lubing up his other hand. “I’m gonna give you a booty bump, you ever had one?” I nodded. “Good. Usually for a newbie I’d dissolve it in water and shoot it up there with a syringe, but since time is short, I am going to give you a big rock and I am going to push it in deep using this,” he held up a rubber cock, black in color, around six inches long. “and before you freak out, I promise I’m gonna loosen you up a little with my fingers first, but I need you to trust me and bend over, spread your cheeks, and push out like you’re taking a dump, cause in about five minutes Paulie’s gonna want you to be hard and ready. It will burn when I put the rock in and the first few seconds the dildo is in, but once you’ve relaxed and it begins to melt and absorb, you’ll be good as new, cool?” I nodded again and bent over a make up stool in front of me. With my shaking hands, I spread my cheeks, jumping a little when I felt the cool lube hitting my crack and sliding slowly down across my button. I jumped when his finger pushed at it and worked the lube in a little, but tried to relax and push out like he asked. One finger, then two, worked their way inside me before I heard the shake of the baggie and figured he was pouring a rock out. Sure enough, I felt his finger slide back in, this time burning like crazy. I bit my lip as his fingers pushed it in. His fingers slid out so fast I almost thought he’d changed his mind, when suddenly the dildo shot in, all the way, all at once. I almost screamed, but his hand covered my mouth just in time. My hole was begging for him to take it out, but my desire to get paid was telling it to shut up. Plus, some part of me wanted to show Brent I could do this. That if he could take a read dick, then I could handle a little rubber one. “Good job Pete, you’re doing good,” he uncovered my mouth and slid his hand down my chest to my cock, and began to work some life back into it. “How’s it feel?” “It feels…good, actually.” I wanted to say it hurts, but suddenly it did feel good. My ass went from burning to glowing with heat, and only got better as he began to pump the dildo in and out in time with his strokes on my cock. “That’s the plan. In a minute or two the rock will dissolve then it will feel amazing! In the mean time, do me a favor and get mine hard too will ya?” I looked down and saw his cock, semi-hard, pulled out over the waist band of his shorts. Without a second thought I reached down and began stroking it too. “How about wetting it for me?” The lube didn’t even occur to me as I spit into my hand and returned it to his dick, watching as the balls tightened up in their sack, before it reached full mast. About that same time, my mind began to swim, and I leaned back against Brent, letting my head fall onto his shoulder. “Just kicked in huh? That’s good, it’s doing its job, we’re both hard, and you seem about ready to do anything.” I opened my eyes when he said that, just in time to see him lean in and kiss me. Nowhere in my thoughts did it seem disgusting or wrong. Instead, I lifted the hand not stroking his cock, and used it to pull his face closer to mine. I whimpered into his mouth as he pulled the dildo from my hole, but quickly got the idea as he slid in behind me, pulled out of the kiss and lined his dick up with tender hole. I wanted to protest, but he shushed me. With one hand stroking me, and the other guiding his cock, he pushed forward until his gigantic cock head pierced my insides and slowly inched half way to the balls before stopping. I leaned forward and slammed my eyes shut, trying to block it out, but his insisting hips got another few inches in before Steve appeared through the curtain and told us it was time. “Damn, I wanted to lose a load up there before we went out. Promise me you won’t let Steve inside you today before I get to shoot one off okay? I did the prep, I want the cherry, got it?” I nodded and mumbled something while we pulled on our shorts and shirts and made our way to the set. For the next hour Tommy, Craig, Brent and I pounded our dicks into Karen’s willing mouth, calling her dirty, disgusting names and slapping her spit covered double-d’s with our cocks and balls. Every few minutes, one of us would slip out of shot as the camera guy would move in for a close up, and the missing guy would take a hit or two and work a plug or dildo or beads inside his hole while Danny or Steve sucked his cock. A few times they would end up bent over a stool or lighting stand, as Steve worked his cock inside them for a minute, which got me hard as a rock. When I got some time off camera, I felt too shy to use any of the big toys, but Steve made sure to offer his dick. One look at Brent’s cock titty fucking Karen and I told him no thanks. What really surprised me was what happened with guys on screen. During filming, the guys were fingering each other, or shoving toys in each others' holes. Kissing and sucking each other just out of the shot, or doing it with Steve or Danny. Paulie would even reach in behind the camera and use his fingers on a willing ass or eat a butt hole of whoever was eating out Karen. I almost jumped out of my skin when it was my turn to eat her snatch, and found Paulie working some beads up inside me…although they felt awesome. In no time, the shorts and shirts were off and we were fucking her all over the couch. Again, it shocked me watching Danny crawl behind it and slide his hands up into holes cut into the cushions and arms, well disguised until his fingers or a toy slipped through it and into someone’s asshole. I watched as each of the other guy’s shot long fuck sessions, all with toys in their holes, thrust back and forth by a hand in the couch. Tommy had his cock in Karen’s mouth at one point, while she rode Craig’s cock, but as soon as the camera did a close up of the fucking, he’d slide his dick in Craig’s mouth. While I fucked her ass doggy style and Brent mouth raped her soon after that, he’d lean out of shot, sucking on Steve or Craig. Tommy and I double fucked her next, one in each hole, while craig licked both holes, occasionally sucking one of the dicks into his mouth when the camera went for a tit shot. The weirdest thing had to be when Craig was ass fucking her, and I was in eating her pussy from below, and suddenly Tommy slid my dick into his hole, balls deep! During all this I figured out that much of what I always assumed was dirty talk for the girl in pornos, was really encouragement for the action off screen. Even Karen got into cheering on someone riding Steve’s dick while doing a line off the stool next to him. And when Paulie began to eat my hole, while Tommy ride my dick, with my tongue inside Karen’s pussy, only inches from Craig’s cock in her ass, I almost shot my load. I managed to give the two finger tap to the camera guy which signaled I was close, and pulled up just in time to shove my cock into Karen’s ass as Craig pulled out. I came in a shot of her back, asshole and my dick, Brent nuzzled his cock head up against my hole and said “I can’t wait to breed that asshole.” Anyone who buys the movie and watches it will hear that line and think Brent is drooling over the sloppy hole I am blasting my load all over, covering her in cum from the hole, up her back, in her hair and up over her hair onto the cushion in front of her. I will always know that was his final step in brain washing me into becoming obsessed with the thought of his cum in my ass. Two more hours of filming after that, with the expected two loads from Craig and Brent, and three from me and Tommy. Off screen Steve bred Craig and Tommy each, fucked Brent while he sucked Craig off, and Paulie finished the day with his load inside Tommy’s mouth causing Tommy to shoot a third load on Karen’s tits and stomach. As for my extra load, Brent used a finger to push some of his cum inside me, making me shoot again, unplanned, creaming her pussy. My last load was with all the other guys, all over her face and tits. My cum was on Karen, but my eyes were locked with Brent. Once the last shot of her licking her lips and moaning was wrapped, I couldn’t believe how quickly everyone showered and went back to their real lives. Karen couldn’t wait to get the cum off her face. Tommy had to pick up his wife from work. Craig’s girlfriend needed him to get her kids from daycare, and Steve had to help Paulie and the crew set up for the next shoot. I figured I’d imagined it all when Brent was nowhere to be found as I slipped in and out of the shower and got dressed. Until I got outside to hail a cab, and found Brent leaning against his car. “I figured you’d need a ride to your hotel, cool?” He opened the side door and I slid in nervously. He ran around to the driver’s side and hopped in, turning on some music and racing off to my crappy beach side motel, neither of us talking the entire way. I climbed out slowly, taking my time in case he wanted to make a move. God, why the hell did I want him to make a move? I was, AM straight, love pussy, just fucked a girl for hours, blew three loads in, on or around her. But before I could convince myself with one more example, I blurted it out. “You wanna come in and smoke the rest of that shit?” I regretted saying it, even as he smiled, slid the car into park, and followed me too closely up the stairs into my room. I turned on a lamp once the door was open, and motioned him in, where he began loading a bowl immediately. “Just so we’re clear,” I said, my brave tone hiding my disgusting urge to get his cock inside me. “I just wanna party and chill, cool?” “Of course man, no pressure, just chill and smoke this shit. But I thought you might be curious to check this shit out.” He tossed a dvd case onto the bed before lighting the torch and taking a huge hit from the pipe. I crossed to see what it was, and got caught off guard as he shot gunned the hit into my mouth when I went to grab the dvd. I froze and inhaled, buzzing from the hit and from his lips on mine again. I pulled away and acted appropriately annoyed, coughing as I read the movie title. It was another porn from Paulie’s company, which held no appeal to the disgusted side of my mind until I saw the guys on the cover and recognized my dealer as one of them. My eyes widened. “Pop it in and we can stroke out another load,” I opened my mouth to object. “No funny business, I promise.” The look on his face made me realize what a tweaker ass I was being, so I laughed, took a hit and shot gunned it back to him. Popping the dvd into the player across the room, I shucked my pants and shirt and hopped over him onto the other side of the bed, hoping my callous attitude would ease the tension I’d created. “It’s cool man, I’m not freaking out, just high and horny still, I guess.” I said, as I watched Brent stand and strip down to a black jock strap. His thickening snake created the first bulge I’d ever been tempted to unwrap, and the black straps framed his tan cheeks perfectly when he bent to retrieve something from his pocket. “How about we do some g to help with that?” He turned back around, and tossed a bottle of lube onto the bed, along with another bottle, unmarked, filled with GHB. “I dunno Brent, I’ve only done it once before and got kinda sick.” The memory of the party with Liz and another couple made my stomach turn. The entire night I listened to another guy plow my girlfriend, while I tossed my cookies ten feet away, before passing out. “Don’t worry man, you just gotta take the right amount. I’m gonna do a cap full, so I’ll give you a half cap.” His ass cheeks bounced together as he sauntered to the minibar to get us some soda to chase the liquid. He returned moments later with two hotel cups filled with coke, and two Dixie cups with tiny amounts of clear GHB. "Bottom’s up,” I regretted the expression as I downed the bitter liquid and chased it quickly, imagining my ass in the air. Taking a hit off the pipe, Brent returned to the other side of the bed by climbing over me, rubbing his bulge across my stomach in the process, causing my nipples to get hard. I turned my eyes back to the dvd, and fast-forwarded through all the bullshit plot until my dealer walked in, and pulled out a sizeable dick. How had I missed how nice his cock was when we fucked Liz? I didn’t miss the fact that one of the other men in the video happened to be Brent. I took an extra big hit, and could feel Brent smiling, as if he knew each puff got me that much closer to losing control. “I didn’t know you knew my bud!” I pointed to my dealer, and Brent nodded as he smoked. He handed the pipe back to me while sliding his thick beast out the side of the jockstrap. “Yeah, it was his first movie too. But he was no virgin, that man can take a pretty big cock in his ass. Don’t you want to lose those briefs?” I fished my briefs off letting the words sink in before taking a hit. “You mean…” I sputtered smoke between syllables. “Oh yeah, he took two loads during the day, from Steve and Paulie, and that night, he and I fucked the shit out of that short twinky guy,” he indicated a handsome young guy with a round ass and large uncut dick on the screen face fucking a busty blonde. “Took turns on his ass all night long. He was a pro. Even let us double fuck him. I came a record seven times inside his ass and mouth that night. It was hot, but I prefer real men, the type that don’t realize how badly they’ve needed cock all their lives, until the moment my cock head is inside them. Those are the guys who’ll let you ravage their asses, just to feel your load inside them.” “Too gay dude, I need a pussy in the room.” I didn’t dare look at him as he passed me the pipe. The G was taking effect and although I was relaxing, I was also pulsing with sexual need. “That’s what I used to think man. Till one night, I was partying with my girlfriend and another guy. My girl passed out and I was out of supplies. I asked him if he’d mind loading a bowl, and he agreed, as long as I’d blow him. I was desperate and said yes, and before I knew it he was in my mouth and I was hard as a rock….kinda like I am right now,” I glanced up from the bowl I’d just hit and saw he was right, his cock was fully hard and had a constant stream of precum running from the piss slit down into his neatly trimmed black bush. “The taste of precum became my version of Viagra man. Try some.” He wiped a drop off and brought it to my lips. I sucked his finger dry, savoring the salty taste. I knew I should be grossed out, but my body hungered for him to keep going. “Hmm, doesn’t seem to work for you,” looking down, my cock was shriveled and small. I cursed it for not playing along and thanked it for saving me from giving it all at once. “I do remember one thing that worked to get you hard though.” Right then, I should have pushed him out the door, tossed his clothes behind him, and never looked back. But at the same moment, I heard my dealer’s voice call to me from the video, saying “you know you want it in your ass.” I barely moved as Brent slowly knelt between my legs and began fingering lube into my hole. Watching silently, I trembled as he chose the largest rock he had and put it up my ass. Now was the time for the dildo to push it in, but neither of us had a dildo. As the rock slid past my inner sphincter, the burning brought me to my senses for one crucial moment. “That’s far enough man. Thanks.” I sat up and slid back against the head board, but Brent moved his hand with me and wouldn’t withdraw his fingers. My hands moved to pull his out, but the G had taken over and I had used all my remaining strength to get this far away. “That’s cool bro, I’m just gonna make sure it’s as far in as my fingers can get it.” A third, previously unused finger slid into my hole, pushing the rock up deeper and sliding across my prostate, which awoke my cock. I moaned and knew if he made a move, I’d be powerless to stop it. He began pumping the fingers in and out while turning them slowly from side to side. My eyes rolled back in my head as Brent grasped me around my waist with his free hand and slid us both back down to the bed. Me on my back, him on top of me, with our hard cocks between us. He began to pull out of my hole, and now my hands tried to stop him instead. I looked up at him, pleading and confused, as he pushed my legs towards my shoulders. “I can’t…please, don’t…I don’t want to be….” He forced his lips on mine until I turned my head away. “Be what? Fucked like the whore you really are? Forced to realize how you won’t be able to survive without cock? Turned into another closet cumslut who needs my dick inside you, just so you can get hard enough to fuck your girlfriend? Don't fight it Peter, you took a whole cap full of GHB, and I took none. I shoved a rock so big up your ass you'll OD if I don't dilute it with some jizz. God I wanted you from the first moment your friend sent me pictures of you fucking your girlfriend. All I had to do was promise to set up my camera phone to record it all from the bedside table so e can watch it when he inevitably fucks you too!” Panic filled me right before his nine inches did. This was all a trap. My dealer was gay, or at least bi, and wanted to turn me too, so he sent me out here to get my ass fucked by this Greek God, knowing they’d get me too high to say no. I screamed, as he laughed, while his dick bottomed out. I’d like to say I hated it or it hurt like hell, but once the initial pain was gone, I began grasping at his jockstrap and pulling him closer on each pound, even as I whimpered for him to stop. He slammed me deeper and deeper, lasting only a few minutes before I could see his chest muscles tightening and sweat rolling off his strong, tan arms. With a gigantic roar, he unloaded his balls into my ass deeper than I thought could ever be possible. He smashed his lips into me, forcing me to kiss his rapist’s lips. I tried to turn my head away, but it was trapped between my own knees. He pulled back just enough to stroke my dick while not breaking lip contact, and within three strokes I followed his epic load with one of my load. The first shot was so strong it sounded like a champagne cork bursting when it splashed between our chests. He shot up straight before the second and third shots doused our faces. The fourth and fifth shots ricocheted off of his carved ab muscles before coating my hairy chest. The last three or four shots continued to paint me in white hot goo, marking me as the very cum slut he wanted me to be. I must have passed out for a moment then, because the next thing I remember, he was back to pumping full length in and out of me, but with his phone in his hand, taking photos and video of his second turn inside me. I gave up trying to push him off after a few feeble attempts, especially when he shot gunned a few more hits to me. By his next cum load, I was talking dirty and begging him for his loads in my hole. In total, I took eight loads from him over the next nine hours, before I panicked, thinking we had to be at the studio in a few hours. Turns out, the shoot was the next day, and he’d only told me it was that day so I wouldn’t try to plan anything for the night before. I figured he’d finally let me sleep, but he wasn’t satisfied with that idea. “Sorry Pete, but now that you’re a cum-loving, manwhore, it’s my responsibility to make sure you get truly initiated so you crave all dick, not just mine.” He never could have convinced me that was a good idea if he didn’t say that at the same moment as my first point. When he released that band, I wanted to scream no, but all that came out was a cough and some pleas for more cum in my ass. In the amount of time it took for me to shower and down some Gatorade, Brent got Steve and a big black friend of his to come join us and bring some play toys. So If you see me in a porn video one of these days, pounding away at Karen’s pussy, remember that it was the video I enjoyed making second best. The best for me is a video I’m always afraid will show up somewhere. The video where I lose my virginity to a nine inch dick, offering to do anything if he’ll only stop fucking me. The video where I offer to do anything if he’ll never stop fucking me with that same nine inch dick. The video where I get gangbanged by that man, his beefy blonde college age friend, and their 6’6” tall massive black pal with an eleven inch monster. If you think what went on off camera during the shoot in the studio was wild, just wait till I tell you what went on off camera in that hotel room…
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  26. Since I was a child I lived in the same neighborhood, with the same neighbors. I played on the street with the usual people, until we grew up and moved away. All the houses in the neighborhood had a child my age, except that of the neighbor on the right, who lived alone. Everyone said he was gay, so no one came close to him. But I always thought they were envious, because he had the biggest house in the region, with a pool and everything. My parents always treated him well, invited him to my birthday parties and he gave me great gifts, so I was always courteous to him too. When I was fourteen, my mother was diagnosed with cancer, and it was Pablo, the neighbor, who took care of me while my father was in the hospital with her. In the two years that followed until the death of my mother, we created a bond almost like father and son. At that time, I already knew that he was really gay, I had met some of his boyfriends, and he was the first person to whom I told that I was also gay. What I didn't told him was that I had a secret crush on him, after all, a skinny teenager like me would never have a chance with a mature, 36-year-old man, wealthy and well resolved like him. I had already spent countless afternoons in the pool at Pablo's house, and when he went swimming with me, I would look at his strong, hairy body, with that big volume in his trunks and all the tattoos he had on his body. He told me to wear swim trunks, but I always wore shorts, so he wouldn't notice my erection. My father was very depressed after my mother's death and started drinking, so whenever I could, I would run away to Pablo’s. He had even given me a copy of his key, so I could come in and watch TV or use the computer when he was gone working. One day, as usual, I went to his house during his working hours, thinking it would be empty. I was starting to settle in the living room when I heard a groaning noise coming from his room. I went there in silence and came across a scene that left my jaw dropping. Pablo was fucking another man with all the pressure. The guy was under him, in a chicken position, while Pablo fucked him mercilessly. His hairy, juicy ass was in front of me, as were his huge balls. The guy moaned and screamed like he was in paradise. For a moment, I thought the man under him had seen me, because he whispered something in Pablo's ear after looking at the door. But I was well hidden in the shades and they just kept fucking, without looking in my direction. I was looking at that scene for some time, my dick exploding in my underwear, when I heard Pablo saying: “Do you want my cum?” ”Yes, I really want it”, the other man shouted in ecstasy. “And what kind of cum is it?”, asked Pablo. “It's poz cum.” "Say what you want then," ordered my neighbor. “I want you to poz me, to fill me with HIV.” Hearing that was strange. First, because I didn't know that my neighbor had HIV. Second, the other guy was getting fucked without a condom on purpose, literally begging to be infected. A few seconds after that, I heard Pablo howling, and I knew he was coming inside the passive's ass, injecting him with his virus-contaminated semen. I turned away in silence, left his house and ran to mine. My cock was still hard and drooling in my underwear, so I ran to the bathroom and touched myself remembering the scene I had just witnessed. I came as I never had in my life, I had to restrain myself from screaming otherwise I would get my dad's attention. I didn't fully understand why the guy wanted to be infected with a virus that had no cure, but I realized how that would feel in sex. Because it was bigger than just sex, they were creating a bond that would last until the end of their lives, something totally irreversible. I never mentioned any of that to anyone, obviously, because people would find it strange and try to get me away from Pablo. I continued to act normally with him, but in a way our relationship was no longer the same, because I knew his secret. The more the time passed, the more I understood the fetish that man had to be pozzed by my neighbor. It was literally putting your life in the hands of the other, and I didn't know a better person than my neighbor to have that kind of trust. I started researching the subject on the internet and discovered that there was a whole community with this type of fetish. The more videos I watched, the more I became horny about it. I even lost track of how many handjobs I gave myself imagining my neighbor doing that to me. It was in these researches that I discovered that a tattoo that he had just above the swimsuit mark meant that he was positive and that he was proud of it. One day, when we were sitting by the pool, I got some courage and said: “I really like your tattoos, when I turn 18, I want to get some done.” "Tattooing is something that when you do the first one, you get addicted," he said. “Would you be upset if I had one just like yours?”, I asked. “Which one?” he wanted to know. "The one over the swim trunks," I said innocently. “I think it's very beautiful.” He smiled a little condescendingly, as if I had no idea what I was talking about and said: “That one has a very special meaning for me, someday I’ll explain it to you.” I didn't ask anything because I already knew what it meant, and he closed the matter too. But I realized that from that day on he started looking at me differently, as if he were evaluating me. At that time, I was starting to gain some muscle, because I was going to the gym and my body was starting to develop as well. There was hair growing in corners that I never imagined I could have it, and I left everything to be natural, just as I had seen that Pablo was. I thought he could be evaluating me in that matter, seeing the changes in my body, but he never said anything. Time passed and our relationship remained the same as always. It was childish of me to still hope to be with a man twenty years older than me, who thought about me as if I was his son more than anything.
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  27. Since it was Mother's day yesterday I went home and spent the day with my mom just hanging out and making her breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'd spent Saturday night being passed around between him and his room mates and it was great. Before I took off for the day my bf put me in panties and made sure my plug was in so I was a contented pussy boy all day while I was home. When I went back over to my bf's house last night his 18 year old room mate was on the couch and I wanted him to fuck me so bad. Bf said it was fine so I went back out to the living room and started making out with his room mate and stroked his dick. I was so horny that I just climbed onto his dick and took it in my ass. It was so intense how powerful his dick felt inside me and I felt like I couldn't ride it hard enough. While I was riding him he said it felt like I didn't lube up and I realized I hadn't. He asked if I wanted to stop and put some boy butter in my ass and I told him no and kept riding until he blew his load. When he pulled out I sucked him clean and realized that my boy pussy was sloppy and wet even though I hadn't been fucked all day. It felt amazing to know that I was so horny that I took his dick with no lube and I wanted it back inside me again so I kept it in my mouth and rubbed my asshole until he said I could climb on again. We had another amazing fuck, then I went down the hall and told my bf what happened. My bf's dick is way bigger so he took it slow but I had two loads in my pussy so I was able to take him with no problem. He pounded me out and we went to sleep but in the middle of the night he woke me up to see if I needed any ointment on my hole or if it hurt. I was fine though, and when his alarm went off I asked him to fuck me again with no lube. He was gentle at first but the more we got into it the harder he fucked me. My pussy lips are swollen and look totally blown out but I've never been prouder of anything in my life.
    1 point
  28. Brilliant writing and the story is so erotic. I know it has to end sometime but if you have more chapters in you I would love to read them
    1 point
  29. @losolentonly just been able to catch up with last chapter. Fuuuuuck that was hot as shit.
    1 point
  30. Wow that's super hot! Lucky!
    1 point
  31. Thanks for sharing! Have to admit, a bit jealous...
    1 point
  32. Can’t wait for Vault to reopen! Love that place always bb
    1 point
  33. You are correct that it is off-label because the FDA has not approved that dosing protocol. While it might be correct to say there is not SUFFICIENT data to draw conclusions about On-Demand Dosing, it is demonstrably incorrect to say there is no hard data (I have linked two studies below). [think before following links] https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1506273?query=featured_home [think before following links] https://www.thebodypro.com/article/on-demand-prep-effectiveness
    1 point
  34. I have to say that my job has kept me working throughout this pandemic, and without going in to too much detail, I’ve been in lots of places where people have been gathering in groups throughout. Honestly, I’ve been appalled by people’s behaviour in general, ignoring the rules deliberately or through plain ignorance/stupidity. I doubt there will be much difference when a bunch of horny guys get in a private, dimly lit space... Right now, I’m not judging that. At the height of things, I totally was, and I still think those people were inconsiderate arseholes. As things stand, I think if a small percentage of people want to risk saunas and the fun to be had, I’m confident that the nhs can cope with it and that they’re mostly only risking their own health if they follow the rules elsewhere.. I’ve recently been fucked bare by one of Luton’s most prolific sluts, so I think I’ve lost the moral high ground after spreading my cheeks for his raw cock! I think I’ll be going when the Greenhouse Luton opens up again...
    1 point
  35. The most I've carried is piss from 7 different guys before I felt any discomfort and pushed it out on a guy whole he was fucking me
    1 point
  36. In your mind, as you say. Not in science. Just because you learn to re-purpose something to your advantage doesn’t mean it was intended for that purpose all along. The function of the concentration of nerve endings in the anorectal region is principally to signal the body when it is time to evacuate waste, and to signal when the zone is empty and the process is complete. Without this complex signalling system, we would be constantly fouling ourselves without notice, if we had any bowel control at all. Not ideal - ask anyone who has to live with a colostomy bag. In nature, mother animals often stimulate their young to produce bowel movements by licking the anus until the young animal has matured enough to continue regularly. This can be observed with cats and young kittens, and because they’re domesticated, cats never really forget that anal pleasure is something associated with a caregiver. So when your cat wanders up to you with its tail straight up in the air, guess what it’s halfway hoping for? When mine does this I just look at her and tell her flatly, “I’m not licking your butt.” The prostate is where it is because that is the optimal location for forcing seminal fluid into the urethra in combination with the other components of semen and compressing in under its muscular contractions so as to give the fluid the ability to exit the other end of the penis with enough velocity and force to reach its destination inside another body. The prostate did not evolve into its current location because gay men couldn’t enjoy buttsex without a g-spot to call their own. Really, we have a hard enough time as it is getting the heteronormative world to accept the possibility that maybe, just maybe, we really were born wired for same-sex attraction - trying to foist an obviously absurd argument that the human ass was actually designed for gay sex is not going to help matters.
    1 point
  37. I feel your pain, man. On the up side I've been moving into Vers mode lately
    1 point
  38. Part 7 - The Winters Frost Conrad crept out of the house for the fifth morning running the cold dampness of the air assaulting him and not helping his mood. His parents were still coming to terms with the news he broke to them the weekend previously, Eddie his father was unable to speak to him explaining he needed time to think and understand the enormity of this. It didn't help matters that both Charlie and Joshua were going away for a few months returning in early March on their first tour of duty. Broken and missing Joshua badly they had become close both as friends and fuck buddies, this lead to Conrad deciding that he couldn't go on living in deceit like he had been. It was hard enough admitting to himself about his sexuality then coming out to his parents just made things worse, Jack was the only one he could and needed to talk to but he had not been answering his phone. He just needed to get today over with at college then we go up to the manor. The things that now played on his mind all boiled down to sex with men, he never thought he would miss sex so much with Joshua and he was finding it distracting and lonely. His phone rang and Conrad picked it up forming a big grin on his face answering it. "Hello Josh" Conrad said "how are you?". "Alright sexy how are you?" Joshua asked hoping Conrad was feeling good. Conrad sighed down the phone "I'm fine Josh, be even better if you were in bed with me". They chatted a while until Joshua needed to end the call "I miss you and want to make sure you are okay" Joshua said seeking clarification again. "Better now I have spoken to you, have a great time stuck with all those sailors" Conrad said giggling but in truth feeling even more down. Joshua hung up the phone and looked up the barracks from his seat in the grounds, he was still racked with guilt after their fir sexual encounter, he never meant to but found he couldn't withdraw quickly enough. Doing it once by accident he could accept, but the passion that took over them both rendered any thought of condoms in the subsequent times they met. Mostly he managed to pull out only then did he think he saw the disappointment etched on Conrad's face. Conrad loved the feeling of Joshua's orgasm the few times he had remained inside when ejaculating during the middle of the night when they both woke up aroused. Joshua looked over to the gym hall and saw Charlie exiting through the doors having finished his workout, standing up he put on a brave face and walked over to join him heading back to the dorm room to finish packing. Joshua was a ticking time bomb, one that was about to implode on himself yet alone sending out shock waves that Conrad would be unable to hide or take cover from. Having never been tested he didn't know for definite but had fooled around at home with some very dodgy characters in his past and knew he had taken at least two toxic loads up him. By evening Conrad returned home dropping his things off and heading up to the manor and down to the greenhouse but it seemed like no one had been there all week. He daren't go up to the manor itself without an invitation. He turned the light on and tidied things up and cleaned the tools that Jack was usually so meticulous in keeping spotless. "What are you doing here?" Simon asked frightening the living daylights out of Conrad "sorry" he apologised. Conrad put the tools down "I wanted to speak to Jack and hoped he would be here" he replied. Simon nodded "He is at the house in bed" he replied with a tinge of sadness "he will be happy to see you". Conrad put the tools down "Is he sick again?" he asked concerningly. "Yes" Simon replied looking a him "You seem out of sorts Conrad everything all right?" he asked. "Sort of" Conrad replied blinking back tears "can I talk with you after I see Jack please?". Simon shifted on his feet feeling uncomfortable not wanting to handle peoples baggage "Please Simon" Conrad begged. Simon smiled "Yes of course do you want to stay for dinner?" he asked Conrad waiting for him to finish. Conrad half smiled "I would love to thank you Simon". They walked up to the manor where Simon took Conrad's coat and showed him to Jack's room. Jack smiled seeing Conrad and complaining that Simon was fussing way to much now he was on the mend. They spent an hour catching up before Jack dozed off and Conrad left him to rest going back downstairs to the lounge where Simon was waiting. "Is he alright?" Conrad asked "please tell me Simon?" he pleaded. Simon nodded "He is a lot better and should be back on his feet by Sunday if he rests". "I hope so" Conrad said cheering up a little. Simon patted Conrad's shoulder "Come on lets eat" he said "champagne is your tipple if I remember rightly?". Conrad laughed "I only had it the once on my 18th birthday here" he replied "with Jack and you" he said. Simon nodded "Jack is really fond of you Conrad I hope you know that" he said sitting down at the table. "I owe him a lot Simon, he has taught me everything I know and helped me so willingly" Conrad replied. Simon smiled "He fought me when I told him you weren't to come to the manor after I found out". "You don't like me, that much I can tell?" Conrad asked causing him to look at him. Simon looked at him "Tolerate you, I value privacy Conrad, nothing to do with liking you" he said "anyway it is Jack you come to see". They kept the conversation light and Conrad drank way to many glasses of champagne, they were both enjoying each others company for the first time being alone together and Simon loved hearing about Joshua. He never even thought to ask Simon about Harry and the Arab guy, instead they drank and ate. Simon suggested they go in to the lounge after the butler cleared the dinner things away and dismissed him for the night. Simon brought the champagne with him and they both sat on the sofa in front the log fire listening to some classical music. Conrad got a little loose lipped opened up about his parents finding it hard to accept his choice in life, strangely Simon had the same problem with his family and only really accepted it after he made his fortune sniffing around for handouts but never came to see him. They laughed long in to the evening the central heating and log fire making the lounge warm and they both sat there in t-shirts. He wasn't drunk just merry and sitting with Simon felt very comforting, it helped that he had a pretty toned body that was bigger than Joshua and also taller and not unattractive he thought. It was confusing Conrad in his head with the champagne, Conrad was being brave and checking out Simon's muscles in his arms and legs making him laugh. Conrad sat back on the sofa laughing whilst Simon checked out his average sized muscles as he called them, he never realised that each touch Simon made was causing him to moan softly and giggle. In the blink of an eye and like magnets they kissed briefly. The heady mix of champagne and warmth of the room was proving to enticing for both of them. Simon sat back and chuckled "You should stop now whilst your ahead" he suggested smiling at Conrad. Conrad swung himself over sitting on Simon's lap "Why?" he asked "what will happen if we continue?" he asked teasingly running his hand along Simon's chest. Simon smiled stroking Conrad's arm "I will fuck and breed you" he said smirking sniffing a new victim "there will be no stopping me once I home in on you". Conrad laughed then leaned in and kissed him "You mean cum in me?" he asked "you wouldn't be the first" he said. Simon kissed and teased Conrad "Cum in you with my gift and convert you" he said with a sinister smirk. Conrad chuckled with no idea what he was waffling on about, all he saw was an experienced man who had a very erect cock. Leaning forward he kissed Simon falling in to the open arms like prey lured so easily, feeling his body moving Conrad came to rest on his back under Simon. He looked down at Conrad the champagne in his blood removing any remorse he might have for what he was about to do, the hunter was ready to swoop on his prey. In his eyes he had given fair warning and it was no longer his fault if the he didn't fully understand the impeding attack of this alpha hunter. Conrad pulled Simon's t-shirt off and stroked his body, bravely his hand moved down to the hunters weapon that was hard to touch. Conrad was lifted up his legs around Simons body kissing him passionately both naked his arse grinding against Simon's cock. Suddenly Conrad let out a louder moan and winced in pain his body being lowered on to Simon's cock with little effort, his legs held around Simon's waist his head rolled back from pure overload feeling the cock penetrating in to his body. He gave several upward thrusts and Conrad cried pushing at Simon's shoulders to raise himself up and stop him going in too quickly, his attempt futile at best crying louder and gasping but at the same time wrapping his arms around Simon's neck kissing him. The pubes around his cock flattened against Conrad's arse coming to rest fully immersed inside him, the prey was lured and captured. Conrad stopped kissing him and leaned back grinding his arse down deeper moaning then resting. Simon picked up the glass of champagne and watched Conrad knock it back, he smiled and kissed Conrad tasting the remnants of the Laurent Perrier's distinctive bouquet on his lips. Simon did the same knocking his drink back then sat back on the sofa allowing his prey to gently ride his cock, lulling him in to a false sense of security before he would swoop in for the kill poisoning the prey with his toxic venom. Conrad leaned back and felt he was taking even more of his cock and loving the feeling he slowly and elegantly he rode Simon feeling every inch inside him a steady motion they both enjoyed. Simon reached over and topped the champagne up holding the glass up to Conrad's mouth he poured egging him on to drink it all. Already reeling from the effects of too much champagne he was to far gone in sexual pleasure to care, throwing himself forward kissing Simon again grinding down harder. Conrad looked in to his eyes 'Fuck me Simon please' he half pleaded to him, he smirked and kissed Conrad 'You want a hard conversion?' he whispered watching Conrad nod. Simon pushed Conrad off his cock twisting his body around until he was over the back of the sofa, the hunter now ran his tongue along the back tasting and subduing his prey, his hips moved gently lining his cock up with the head poised. In one almighty thrust with his body weight behind he speared Conrad feeling his body react and the cries from the hunters first intentional strike, his hands holding the prey down over the back of the sofa he fucked hard and relentlessly pounding deeper each time his prey struggled. His attack continued until the last sign of any fight left the preys body. Taken by surprise an utterly loving the way he was held Conrad relaxed accepting the hunters control lastly his body began to ease from tension hoping to minimise the destructive force being borne down on him. The hunter knew the time to strike was coming his balls slowly tightening, any moment know he would launch the final attack on his prey, the prey that moaned between pain and pleasure pushing his arse up and back to take more. His body switched from hunting to kill mode, the thrusting changing to deeper penetrating movement no longer able to hold back the hunter pushed up hard grunting loudly. His body lunging further forward clamping his arms tightly around his prey securing and holding him deep on his cock to receive the toxic venom. There was no escape for the prey his venom was already being released rapidly coating the lining and finding any small breach to gain access and poison the prey. His cock pulsing hard in his prey continuously pushing it deeper, grinding and pushing to make sure there would be leakage and sealing the fate of his prey. Jack sat up in bed a shiver ran through his spine like someone walked over his grave. The manor seemed quiet enough and had no idea why he suddenly woke up with an odd sensation, he laid back down drifting off to sleep. Simon held on to Conrad his hips still pushing and grinding in to Conrad's arse forcing his toxic seed and cock deeper in to Conrad, still hard and turned on he gently started fucking again. Conrad raised his head and kissed him 'Fuck yes' he said smiling with his mouth open and moaning at the depth of Simon's cock inside him. His hands still clamped firmly around Conrad's body 'Oh god yes' he cried out like he was feeling the cock inside him for the first time. Simon didn't take long to finish giving a second dose of his venom to Conrad. He lovingly kissed Conrad's neck and shoulders keeping his cock inside plugging his hole preventing any leakage. Slowly he moved Conrad's body and laid him flat on the sofa coming to rest on top of him. Conrad held on to Simon's hand caressing it, a champagne and sex smile on his face his eyelids fluttering and nodding off. Conrad shifted "Fuck what time is it" he suddenly said panicking. Simon moved and Conrad winced not realising he was still inside him semi erect "3 in the morning". "Crap I am going to get in to trouble, how could you let me fall asleep?" Conrad asked. Simon smiled "I thought you was quite content being in this position" he replied kissing his shoulder. His hips ground against Conrad's arse "Fuck you're getting hard" Conrad moaned. He could feel Simon's cock expanding and growing in his arse, repositioning himself to lay flat on Conrad slowly he ground deeper hearing the soft echoing moans from underneath him. The grinding got more pronounced and Conrad lifted his head briefly kissing Simon, the thrill of his immobilised body trapped in this erotic state caused him to push his arse up several times moaning and waiting for Simon to push him back down. The grinding moved to slowly tender thrusts at first, Conrad became aware for the first time of the sound as Simon's balls slapped against his arse giving a round of applause. Quicker and quicker the sound came, Simons breathing changed in to a light panting with the occasional groan thrown in for good measure. Conrad slipped his hands around Simon's intertwining their fingers and holding on. The pace quickened again and his body weight shifted lifting his chest off Conrad's back ready to inseminate him with a third toxic load. Suddenly Simon growled long and hard pushing his hips down almost crushing Conrad's arse and jolting forward, Conrad moaned through the pain and discomfort feeling pulsations emitting deep in his arse. The grin on his face was not for Conrad to see whilst he looked down at the lad taking more of his seed deep inside. He held the position for ages constantly pushing in, each time he pushed Conrad's buttocks spread apart letting Simon get deeper ensuring he got a good breeding. Finally he collapsed on top of Conrad and kissed his neck. Simon rolled on to his side pulling Conrad with him stroking his chest, his cock plugging Conrad's arse keeping his toxic seed inside. Weirdly even for Simon this was one conversion he desperately had wanted to happen, all the years watching him grow up and now he was impaled on his cock, full of his seed changing the body. The initial panic over knowing he would get in to trouble either way he resided to stay in this comfortable position with Simon falling asleep until 8am. The sun was slowly rising bringing daylight in to the lounge, Conrad could see out of the window and the white hard frost that coated the landscape. he moaned at his headache from drinking too much last night. Feeling sore in his arse he moved closing his eyes at the discomfort and finally easing the semi erect cock out, he couldn't believe he had been so slutty last night but he was missing sex with Joshua. Simon mumbled and cuddled Conrad waking up in the process eventually sitting up putting on the clothes they left laying on the floor after being discarded quickly last night. He thought there would be a little awkwardness between Conrad and him but he seemed to be his normal self whilst they sat drinking coffee in the kitchen. Conrad left feeling like he was doing a walk of shame strolling down Hibiscus Drive so early that morning, the plumes of mist from his breath hung in the stillness of the freezing air. He walked into the house just as his mother was coming down the stairs. "Where have you been?" Jody asked looking at how rough he looked. Conrad looked at her "At the manor Jack is not very well" he replied passing her on the stairs. Jody looked at him "What again?" she asked in a caring voice "how is he?". Conrad shrugged his shoulders "Better hopefully he will be up and around on Sunday". "Conrad" Jody called as he walked up the stairs "You miss him don't you?" she asked. Conrad looked at her "Charlie?" he asked "of course I do". Jody shook her head "No that Joshua guy I mean". Conrad's expression changed and he nodded "I don't love him" he said "I do miss him though". Jody nodded "Give it a few weeks Conrad, we love you and it is hard for all of us at the moment". They were words of some comfort for him and he spent the rest of Saturday head in his book getting ready for his first part of his exam next week. Sunday morning he got a text from Jack telling him he was up and around if he wanted to go through his papers for the exam. He always thought growing up that gardening was simple but knowing Jack as he did now he was clearly very knowledgeable and Conrad relied on this to help him through the course. He had a way of making things seem practical rather than confusing. Of course sitting in the warming winter sunshine in the greenhouse that Sunday afternoon Conrad was in two minds weather to let on that he had slept with Simon, several times he nearly did but held back not sure how Jack would feel about it. Conrad breezed through the exam managing 86% which was the highest mark from the group of 15, six flunked it and would need to resit it the following year. Having Jack back and looking like himself a week later helped Conrad cheer up immensely as they planned the garden planting schedule for spring together, they sat quite close to each other as they always did. Conrad let slip that he had dinner with Simon that Friday night he visited, Jack suddenly had a horrible feeling. "How long did you stay?" Jack asked trying to keep it light. Conrad put his head down "Until the morning" he admitted. Jack put his hand on Conrad's arm "Be honest with me Conrad did you and Simon do anything?". Conrad nodded and looked at Jack "I'm sorry, I was lonely and having a bad time" he explained. Jack shook his head "Did he cum in you?" he asked straight out. "Yes" Conrad replied looking at him "is it relevant?" he asked. "Oh Conrad" Jack said looking at him "have you been ill since he fucked you?" he asked. Conrad looked curiously at him "No not since my cold a few months back" he replied then opened his eyes wide "he has HIV?" he asked. Jack nodded "Yes and like me he is not on medication for it" he replied. Conrad knew the dangers and that it was too late now "But hang on, you never told me you have it!". "Simon gave it to me years ago" Jack confessed "it was an accident as he didn't know at the time". Conrad sat in silence for what seemed like ages "Have I got it?" he finally asked. Jack went over and hugged him "Most likely he converted you" he said. Conrad raised his eyebrows "I remember something about him saying to convert me" he suddenly remembered "I drank way too much champagne". Jack nodded looking slightly angry "Can you take me to get tested?" Conrad asked thinking logically. Jack looked curiously at him "Yes, but are you not worried or angry at Simon?" he asked. Conrad looked at him "Furious" he replied "but what is done is done" he said "so you being sick?". Jack nodded "Yes it is that, but you can take treatment Conrad". Jack made an appointment for Conrad just after the new year, it didn't stop him thinking about it and each morning when he woke up he was expecting to be sick after what Jack had explained. He did a lot of reading about it on the internet and saw that the majority of people who contract live normal lives adhering to the medication. It couldn't have come at a worse time with Christmas upon them and Conrad had been living in dread now knowing what took place at the manor that night. Regrets and anger would rise and fall in him every time he thought about what Simon had done to him, he couldn't pin it down to stealth fucking since Simon had told him outright what he was going to do. But on the other hand why should he have known what he meant, he knew he had been the subject of a deliberate conversion and decided to keep clear of the manor needing time to think. On top of all that he had to face Christmas without Charlie, already the vibe was different in the house kind of empty without them both being there. He had a sleepless night and woke on Christmas Day feeling terrible, he manged to join his parents and grandparents for most of the day but went to his room at four in the afternoon, his head hurt and he was running a slight fever. He tried not to worry anyone but his mother kept coming up to check on him. Christmas night alone in his bedroom Conrad sat on the side of his bed fearing the worst and that Simon had been successful in transmitting his virus. Over thinking things as usual it dawned on him that it may just be a mild cold, like the one he had a few months back so maybe it wasn't what he thought. Eventually falling a sleep around 2am his head running thoughts of how he could exact revenge on him, what he never knew was that he caught a sickness bug from his last day at college that took a few days to appear. Late Boxing Day he felt better and joined in, early evening he got a video call from Joshua and Charlie both of whom were sporting nice suntans dressed only in shorts on a beach in the Caribbean. It didn't help when Joshua panned out and rubbed his cock 'I will be home soon on leave for 2 months so you better be ready for me' he said blowing Conrad a kiss making his eyes water 'I miss you both so much' he replied ending their call. Conrad sat on his bed and cried, he needed Charlie here and importantly he wanted to feel Joshua's body and hold him. He felt empty like nothing was complete in his life, would anyone even want to touch him now he was tainted. Given the chance he would jump at being in a relationship with Joshua but they were both very clear on where they stood in that respect despite the incredible love that had grown between them, he liked Joshua but was in no way in love with him. His thought wandered back to Harry and weather he should go to London for a few days after New Year and before college started again. Harry had a great Christmas at home enjoying the break. Moham had taken Harry to New York for a few days before Christmas on a so called business trip. On the flight back Moham handed Harry a set to keys to a private residence he brought for Harry not far from the office, part Christmas present and part bonus at doing so well at his job. Harry was completely respectful of Moham, except when in a hotel bedroom together. Adam had done a wonderful job mentoring Harry, they often kissed but so far no sex. They adored each other and wanted to keep their friendship real and they both knew sex was going to happen at some point. Despite protesting that he wasn't sure it was hiv Jack insisted he got tested anyway to make sure. A few hours later Conrad sat there in the park with Jack reading through the bottle of tablets the consultant had prescribed, his diagnosis had come back quickly with quite a high viral load already circulating in his body. It helped that Jack knew the consultant and getting the test and result quickly he couldn't stop the shocked looked on his face though hearing how high Conrad's viral load was. He held back and spoke with the consultant handing him a wad of cash. Conrad put the bottle in his pocket and looked across the park. Jack sat there in silence waiting for Conrad to say something but he remained quiet, he couldn't help thinking that Conrad's viral load was high for someone infected so recently. He looked at Conrad coming to the conclusion that maybe his body reproduced the virus quickly. "Conrad" Jack repeated trying to get his focus "are you alright?" he asked. Conrad smiled "I think so" he replied "I just don't know how I feel actually knowing for sure". "You must take the tablets, don't end up like us old twisted perverts" Jack said. Conrad laughed "I never looked at you in that way" he replied "well old maybe" he said laughing again. "Been a year you won't forget I bet" Jack said in reflection. Conrad smiled "Yes" he said "I have decided to seek Harry out, although not sure how he would react". Jack patted Conrad's leg "You will have no problem finding a lover either way Conrad". "Did I ever tell you that Harry was at the manor?" Conrad asked suddenly remembering. Jack stopped swinging "No" he said looking astounded "when was that?". "August, he arrived with the Arab guy in the helicopter" Conrad said looking at him. "Oh, I only knew him as E but I know who you mean" Jack replied "caught my eye" he said then stopped. "What?" Conrad asked knowing he was mid sentence. "Simon spent the night with him he won E in the auction" Jack informed him. "Auction?" Conrad asked sounding disgusted "you mean they bid to fuck?" he asked. "Spend the night with" Jack corrected him "but yes, Moham the Arab guy bid for him as well". Conrad laughed and looked at Jack "Been there and done that" he said looking at Jack's shocked face. Conrad explained how he got the money for the course "Not so innocent after all are you?" Jack said amused. "Does that mean Simon got Harry sick as well?" Conrad asked looking a little concerned. Jack nodded "It is a high probability" he replied "I'm sorry I know we must seem like... I don't know". "Twisted perverts" Conrad replied smiling at Jack briefly "my life is ruined isn't it?". Jack put his arm around him "No far from it, I will speak to Simon make sure you are taken care of". Conrad scoffed "He has already done that" he replied angrily "tell him I want the manor" he joked. Jack laughed "Nothing like aiming high" he said kissing him on the cheek. To say Conrad was shocked about the revelation of Harry being auctioned off was understated, but then he was no different when he sold his arse for the course money to the Arab. Looking back it was painful but still incredibly hot he thought. He couldn't understand why he felt no different knowing he had hiv, holding the first tablet in his fingers he decided against taking it for now and put it back in the bottle. It was mild for New Years eve and Conrad headed up to the manor to check on his parsnips and sprouts that should be good after the week of frosty nights and mornings. He picked a few parsnips and went back in to the warmth of the greenhouse and started cleaning them up standing against the bench. Jack walked past the window smiling at Conrad and came in to the greenhouse closing the door behind him, it was quite humid and he quickly took off his jacket and standing behind Conrad and circling his arms around his waist. "How is my little gardener today?" Jack asked kissing him on the cheek. Conrad smiled "Just fine" he replied putting the parsnip in the basket. Jack squeezed him "No really, how are you?" he asked again just to make sure. Conrad turned to face him "What do you want me to say Jack?" he asked "that I hate everyone and the world". Jack leaned back looking at him "Hey" he said "is something wrong?". "Yes" Conrad replied unable to resist the temptation and longing he had for years now "you are what's wrong". Jack looked shocked but Conrad pulled him forward kissing him on the mouth "Conrad" Jack said pushing back. He looked Conrad in the eyes and they both snapped kissing frantically his body edging up until he sat on the bench with Jack between his legs. Both making strange noises kissing harder, Conrad's hand instantly delved down rubbing Jack's cock and undoing his jeans 'Conrad no we shouldn't' Jack said pushing back out of concern 'Yes we should we both knew this was going to happen' he said pushing Jack's jeans down and slipping off the bench. His mouth closed around Jack's cock moving down the shaft and back up licking around the head then back down again. Jack already had hold of Conrad's head forcing him further down on his cock holding him there feeling his throat gag then letting him off for air. He roughly pulled Conrad up kissing him then quickly spun him around pushing him over the bench. His hands yanking Conrad's jeans down popping the button off 'Your fucking right I have wanted to do this for years and your going to get it' he said spitting loudly on to Conrad's bare arse and fingering the saliva in. Conrad moaned like a wild beast 'Dam yes, come on fuck me!' he shouted out moaning when Jack jabbed two fingers in his arse roughly 'fucking rape me' he said out of nowhere, Jack held Conrad down 'Rape you' he laughed 'I am going to destroy that pretty arse of yours' he said aiming his cock up against Conrad's hole. He pushed hard his eight inches tearing its way through and not stopping until he was balls deep. Conrad cried out in agony trying to push up but Jack swiftly pushed him back down holding the back of his neck and pummelling in to arse. Conrad grimaced in some very weird sick pleasure and pain the grunts and cries echoing around the greenhouse. Jack should no sign of easing up and continued hammering his cock in long hard rapid strokes causing Conrad to gasp when he bottomed out each time. Jack stopped leaned forward and pulled Conrad's head up 'Is that what you want?' he asked jabbing his cock in again hard 'you fucking know I do' Conrad replied kissing Jack trying to suck the tongue out his mouth. Jack pushed him back down and started assaulting his arse again 'Fucking cock teased me for the last four years' Jack said pushing his cock in hard then wriggling his hips letting Conrad feel his cock jabbing inside in arse in every direction 'fuck yes' Conrad cried out, Jack laughed 'Payback time' he said gripping harder on to Conrad's neck and hammering in hard again 'here it comes' he cried out moaning 'fucking breeding you' he said moaning and panting in one final thrust he shoved in deep and Conrad yelped at the pulsing cock against the now tender sides of anal wall. Jack groaned his body shuddering releasing his seed 'fuck yes' he said jolting his hips again 'take it baby that's what you wanted' he shouted out falling forward. The last few drops of cum trickled out of Conrad's cock splattering on the flagstone floor of the greenhouse his whole body shuddering at the power of his own orgasm. Jack panted heavily struggling to get his breath back and resting on Conrad's back. Conrad held Jack's thighs keeping the hard cock inside his arse. Jack continued grinding his cock deep in Conrad for nearly 10 minutes until he began to soften. Conrad raised his head concerned "Are you alright Jack?" he asked. Jack nodded "Yes" he said through laboured breaths "takes me a while to get my breath back". "You made me cum without touching my cock" Conrad said kissing him lightly on the lips. Jack smiled "Shows how much you really wanted me I guess" he said standing upright pulling his cock out. "Ouch" Conrad tensed up "slowly it hurts" he said. Jack looked down at the streaks of blood on his cock "I got you good" he sniggered. Conrad pulled his jeans up but Jack pushed him down to his knees "You haven't finished, clean it up bitch" he said. It wasn't the most pleasantest of experiences cleaning cock after it being in his arse, Joshua certainly never expected him to do that. Fortunately he was pretty clean and only got the salty remnants of Jack's cum and the coppery taste that was his own blood. Really he didn't know what to expect from finally having sex with Jack all he could think was back to times when they laughed and joked around in the flower beds. Certainly there was some element of flirting that grew the older Conrad got leading to right now. Jack moved his growing cock away from Conrad's mouth pulling him up to his feet and kissing him. Conrad pulled his jeans up and sat on the floor "Fuck Jack" he said half grinning and grimacing in pain. "You wanted it" Jack replied zipping up his jeans "horny little fucker aren't you?" he said. Conrad chuckled "I never realised you were such an animal" he said looking amazed "seriously I never expected that side of you". Jack smiled "Well you know what to expect now" he said helping Conrad up "and I needed to make sure you got some of my DNA implanted in your body". "I think you did that my arse is sore as hell" Conrad replied then laughed. When he got home later that evening Conrad showered and went to bed, laying there he gently fingered his hole that was still tender. A small amount of Jack's seed seeped out and Conrad flipped over looking at the small red stained semen on his sheet 'Oh Jack' he said rubbing his cock and leaning down licking and sucking the cum up before swallowing it. He laid down on his back the thought of Jack assaulting his arse so violently, his erection felt incredibly harder than normal. Thrusting his hips up he rolled the foreskin back holding his cock tight jettisoning his seed like a bullet, firing up across his face and landing across his left eyebrow and into his eye stinging badly he squinted and jumped off the bed. His orgasm was so strong his legs couldn't hold him upright properly, his hips bucking with orgasm pulses in his cock that travelled down his legs, still expelling small amounts of cum on the floor and wall of his bedroom. Wiping his eye with his t-shirt and looking in the mirror he had a big case of pink eye and it still stung like hell. When he finally made it to the bathroom he bathed his eye in some warm water and put some eye drops in to stem the pink eye. It was another frosty morning and Conrad was up at the manor by 8am following Jack's instruction to tidy one the larger flower beds by the greenhouse. Jack turned up a little after 9am and saw Conrad kneeling down amongst the evergreen bushes. It was too good to pass by he thought feeling his cock expanding under his jeans, walking outside again it was eerily quiet. The only sound was Conrad discreetly clipping away some of the dead branches lower down on the bushes. Jack crept up behind him his cock already hard and hanging out of his jeans, the cold air accentuated his erection even more. Conrad heard the twig snap and was about to turn his head when he was pushed down with one hand letting out a cry as branch scratched the side of his face. Swiftly Jack yanked Conrad's jeans and underwear down and slipped his cold cock deep in to the warmth cosiness of Conrad's arse then dead weighting him he started pounding deep. Conrad raised his head looking in to the tangled mess of the branches in front of him, he struggled against Jack's assault in a pretend fashion. He was so turned on and strangely found it erotic being raped in the flower bed by him. Conrad gasped and pushed his arse up wanting to feel Jack deep in him again, he took it as a sign of struggle and pushed Conrad down with his hips, his free hand clamped over Conrad's mouth stifling his moans and ramping up the force of his thrusting penetrating deeper and feeling his balls tighten up sharply. Jack grunted and pushed down harder clenching his buttocks tightly lost in the most intense pleasure from his balls to the tip of his cock pumping him full of his seed again. Conrad thought it was all over but Jack was not done, he continued fucking Conrad until he was ready to implant more DNA. The second orgasm as big as the first and giving several rapid jabs to make sure Conrad knew he was fucked. Jack laid on top panting and wheezing heavily catching his breath. Lifting himself off and pulling his cock out slowly and large trickle of blood soaked semen escaped winding its way down his arse and over his balls 'Dirty whore' Jack said chuckling. Conrad kneeled up and pulling his jeans back up when he turned Jack had already gone and left him there. Shit he thought to himself trying to gather his thoughts and unable to explain why Jack had this intoxicating control over in sex. Conrad was cold and soaked when he walked in to the greenhouse "Morning" he said to Jack kissing him. Jack kissed him back "Morning, you look like you have been raped" he said smirking. Conrad put his pruning clippers down "Yeah crap fucker though didn't even say thank you" he said. Jack creased up laughing "Fuck knows why Conrad but I love abusing you and can you take it". Conrad kissed him slow and tenderly "Seriously sex is so hot with you" he said. Jack ran his finger across the cut below Conrad's cheek and licked the blood "You taste nice" he chuckled. Conrad shook his head still reeling from the incredible fuck had been subjected to, Jack took Conrad up to the manor sneaking him in to one of the bathrooms to get him cleaned up. Jack and Conrad had two or three random aggressive fucks in the greenhouse or up against trees in the ground over the next couple of days before Conrad went to London with his parents. His arse was still sore after arriving in London from Jack pounding his arse twice the evening before he left, the second one Jack tied Conrad down to the workbench and spent nearly an hour abusing his arse before giving him his going away protein. Every time Conrad woke up in the night he couldn't stop controlling himself and masturbated orgasming within minutes with the thought of Jack raping him and planting his seed deep inside.
    1 point
  39. Name: cunt, pussy, fag Cell number (for texts) : 914.487.3076 Location: NYC, Manhattan, 10001 Times you're generally not available: week days during the day. Age: 34 Height: 5’7” Weight: 169 Ethnicity: White
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Bored and horny. Who else is in heat?
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  42. Love cath play you have no control over your body the first time it happened to me I was in restraints, ball gaged as two tops inserted a catheter into my cock I was in amazement as this tube was being fed in my body deeper and deeper and I began pissing my self . It was so erotic having no control over your own body when I thought it couldn’t get any better than that the two tops connected a bag full of there chem pis to the other end and filled my bladder two minutes late I was flying
    1 point
  43. Doug busied himself with the usual workload for the week. He'd finished editing and selling Oliivers debut video a few days earlier and was truly impressed to review it at the end of the day. Doug appreciated his technique. most people wouldnt be able to control themselves at the sight of a teens virgin hole, and he'd certainly had his moments of raw lust, slamming his fat cock into restrained boys who howled in protest. "ah, youth" the tall man reminisced. So long ago. Doug had found his sensual side after he turned 50. He knew he would get much more satisfaction from Oliver by making sure he stayed in one piece as the teen took his meat. To make a good boypussy takes dedication, and doug saw this dedication in the video as he watched the slender teens fuck hole surrender to his fat cock. This was dougs highest artform, taking nice young men and grooming them as servile, submissive fuck holes. Away go the dreams of college, of marriage, and kids, to be replaced with only the pure raw sex they soon learn to crave. Oliver slumped into the waiting room seat. He had come down with a fever earlier that week and had wondered if it was something to do with his flu shot. or maybe he had the flu already? Olivers mind was pretty hazy. he'd never fainted from something as simple as a flu shot before, maybe this was something more serious? the teen tapped his foot as his mind wandered back to the last appointment. At least he'd gotten the physical out of the way. "Oliver?" the chipper voice announced oncemore as the boy looked up from his distraction. "Oliver the doctor will see you now" the friendly male nurse announced, and the boy rose to follow him. "any symptoms bud?" the nurse began taking his vitals. "oh uh, yeah kind of like the flu i guess." The nurse smiled as he made a mental note to confirm the boys charts for the nice little bug Doug gave him. He had always enjoyed seeing Dougs prey return to him, each reporting their conversion without a care in the world. "well well! its ollie! I see youve met Trey" doug stepped into the room with a warm smile as he clapped the nurses shoulder on his way out. Trey was one of his first glorious conversions. doug had spent weeks drugging the boy, pumping him nice and full of poz seed, and breaking him down for a brand new life. now Trey wouldnt dream of starting a day at work before making a stop at the bookstore or the park to get a pussy full of random seed for the day. "well ollie i think what we have here is a vitamin deficiency" doug declared in his best clinical sounding voice. "vitamins! thats it!" ollie confided to himself. how could he forget? i mean poptarts have vitamins but its probably not good to start every breakfast with them. his train of thought was momentarily interrupted as Doug wrapped a piece of tubing around the boys upper arm and swabbed. "make a big fist now ollie and we'll get you the vitamins you need." Oliver obediently complied and Doug injected the various contents of the syringe, releasing the band and watching the boy squirm and groan. "i think you need a little more vitamin D too" Doug sat next to the boy and opened his phone. ollie looked down with glassy eyes and watched himself, he was nude. "i dont remember this" he slurred. "ssh, this is the good part" doug turned the volume up and Olivers face turned to remorse as the video finished. "see ollie? Im sorry but i couldnt let you go trying to treat anything or clean yourself up." doug soothed as he began undoing his pants. "you did such a good job making me cum, but you had to keep the nice cum inside so you could have your gift" a tear ran down his face as ollie watched Doug drag his thick poisonous cock from his pants. "dont be sad ollie, i promised to turn your little hole into a nice pretty pussy and im going to keep that promise sweetie. Its just the best holes, the prettiest ones, are all poz." ollie watched mesmerized as a clear bead of precum emerged at the head of dougs massive cock. "it sure looks nice doesnt it ollie?" doug guided the boys hand around the length of his tool. Oliver had never seen a cock so big before, he'd never held anyone elses dick but his own, but Dougs felt warm and natural as it pulsed in his hand. "I know what you want to do ollie, dont be scared, its natural for boys to suck." "i-im not gay." ollie bashfully replied as he moved his head closer to dougs lap. "that doesnt matter ollie, just look at the nice big cock and take your time." olivers heart raced as he opened his mouth wide and began to suck dougs cock. "it...does feel pretty natural" ollie thought as he swallowed dougs precum instinctively. "There you go ollie! see? all boys like to suck, its just something in their nature, especially with big cocks." doug watched as ollies head bobbed up and down. As much as doug knew a load in the boys mouth would be nice, he had every intention of honoring his word. "okay buddy thats enough. Lets take those clothes off so we can keep going" Ollie reluctantly obeyed, the room had gotten very warm anyhow. "sorry" oliver blushed as the teen covered his raging erection. "oh dont be shy ollie, hop up on the table now and lie back." Ollie climbed on the table and clumsily laid down. why did Doug keep calling his butt a pussy? The drugs made it confusing to think about as doug lifted ollies thin legs and slid him to the edge of the table. "you have such a pretty pink hole ollie." Oliver blushed as Doug lowered his mouth to the winking boys most sensitive orifice and began greedily tonguing it. "ah! that tickles" oliver jumped at the sensation of the mans fuzzy beard on his butt as his laughter turned to a low moan. "oh fuck yeah" he panted, lifting his hips for Dougs hot tongue. "see ollie? I told you i would keep my promise." Ollie looked down at his rock hard cock. "im not gay i have a girlfriend" he protested,trying to ignore the precum smeared across his abs. "no baby no more girlfriends, just focus on your little pink hole for me." Doug continued chewing,sucking and tonguing the teen to a symphony of moans. after fifteen minutes oliver was a sweating, panting mess and just as intended, his soft relaxed hole was puffy and swollen. Doug squirted a blob of lube on his drooling cockhead and nudged it against the boy, dipping inside. "no please dont fuck me again I cant. I dont-" doug quieted the boy as his big dick continued its voyage into the slender teen. "yes you can ollie, see? we're making you a nice pretty pussy, and pretty poz pussies love big cocks." Oliver looked down in shock as his body betrayed him, the warm tool filling him completely in a clean stroke. "theres a good boy. tell me how it feels" ollie struggled to find the words. Dougs cock was...there. the whole thing, the angry swolen head, the shaft, all of it somehow made it deep inside his body. Oliver felt violated, carnal, as he watched the doctor begin sliding in and out of his most private and personal orifice. "full" ollie declared, as Doug squirted another glob of lube onto his shaft and watched it disappear in the teens shiny pink hole. "do you like being full of me?" doug watched the panting boys hips begin to move on their own. Ollie just grunted and nodded as doug pulled out with a lewd fart, gaping the boy. "there we go ollie youre doing great. That nice pink pussy looks so good" Doug took a moment to admire the kids guts as he skewered him once more effortlessly. "looser and looser baby thats it, take the nice big cock" doug whispered to the boy as he jerked his precum soaked dick. Olivers body wobbled back and forth on the table as doug sped up the pace and the boy groaned. "so good" he panted between slaps of the mans thick poz rod. "there you go ollie see? boys with pretty pussies get nice big cocks inside"
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  44. I went to a club on holiday that had a tiled bath area tucked away in a corner. I stepped inside and just waited for anyone to come round. I wasn’t disappointed. I didn’t speak to any of them and have no idea who they were
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  45. Everything was set up for my monthly parTy, a few friends were helping me setting everything up. After setting the sling my friend Thomas walk towards me and said: “i have a feeling that it’s going to be a very hot party”. I only replied with an evil grin. Everybody took off the little clothes they were still wearing. I watched Thomas undress, a saw his hot tanned athletic body and when he stretched out you could see his defined abs; a rock hard eight-pack. He was only 21 but an expert at nearly everything that has to do with sexual pleasure. His fat cock was dangling between his legs; a d donkey dick. My other two friends already started and lay down on the mattresses, both were 29 and very cute. The bell rang and i opened the door 3 friends entered. As soon as the door closed they stripped and joined the rest. After a few hours i needed something to drink so i went to the kitchen when the bell rang, so i thought ‘maybe it’s that hot guy from Grindr, he had to work late so he didn’t know if he could make it.’. I saw that Thomas was standing closer by so i asked him: “Could you open the door… it’s a surprise!”. And a suprise it was, because when i came out of the kitchen i saw my 19 year old nephew standing in the living room. “Brian, what are you doing here?” i asked him. He started telling us that he and his girlfriend had a fight and that she dumped me in the club and left with the car. Then he asked if he could crash here tonight and i said “sure you can sleep upstairs… and as long as you don’t complain about our party!”. “I won’t!” he said smiling. “Why she dumped you bro?!” Thomas asked out of the blue. I told Brian he did have to tell us, but he started to tell Thomas that he started doubting if he was really straight. “When i was at the gym i started to notice that i was also looking at other guys and that always gave me a hard on.” he told us. “So in the club there was a very hot bartender and i couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. After a while i saw him coming towards me and without saying anything he grabbed my head and kissed me deep and intensive… i was shocked for a second but then the feeling took over. I kissed him back and it felt so damn good. My girlfriend saw the whole thing and he started yelling that i was a sick freak and left” he continued. The hot guy asked him if i wanted to go back to his place, but that was too fast for Brian so he left. “Everything’s going to be alright” said Thomas and i asked “If he wanted to go upstairs and if i should go with him”. “Can i also stay down here? i will sit on the couch and won’t get in the way!” he said. “That’s okay, but you have to take off your clothes, but you can leave your boxers on. Otherwise it’s awkward for the rest.” i told Brian. He look a bit surprised but nodded and said “Okay!”. Because i saw photo’s from his last holiday i know that my nephew has a very hot body; an athletic Twink. Thomas and me joint the rest and after half an hours an other friend nudged me, so i looked over towards Brian and saw that he took of his boxer and was stroking his hard cock; i guessed it was around about 8 inches. I went over to Brian and said “Guys turn you on, you can’t hide the facts… sooner or later you must act upon it… this is your chance… they can learn you a lot about sex with a man... i saw you checking out Thomas earlier, i’m sure he can teach you a lot”. “i know but my mind is conflicted… i want to but something is holding me back!” he replied. I tell him that i know something that can help him with that “…but i need you to trust me… no questions! Okay?”. I see the conflict in his eyes but he starts to smile and says “if it helps i’ll try anything!”. I leave the room and come back with a syringe and a strap. I tell him “Lay back and relax, close your eyes and don’t move”. He stutters “but… what…”. “You trusted me so no questions” i said. He lays back and tries to relax. I tie off his upper arm and tell him “If you don’t want this tell me now… You can still go to bed upstairs instead of having a life changing night with us”. He shakes his head. I then stick the needle slowly in his vein and starts injecting him with a substance that will take over his mind and turn him into the slut he really wants to be. After pulling out i say “No way back now! Enjoy!” while removing the strap. Brian sits upright and begins to cough, and i raise his arm above his head. After a 20 seconds the Tina starts to take control and he falls back in the couch. His cock is hard as a rock and standing straight up and is oozing pre-cum. Thomas see this and move towards Brian and begins to suck his hard cock whilst slowly massaging his asshole. Brian starts moaning when Thomas takes the whole length of the oozing dick in his throat. In the meantime he also begins to work a finger up the unexperienced Twink. Brians moaning becomes louder and louder. When a second finger is worked deep inside the virgin hole Thomas other hand moves up and starts slowly pinching Brians nipple. The boys slutty instincts take over as he begins twisting and turning his ass around the two fingers. Thomas feels the ass opening up so he pulls back before ramming in three fingers. This is too much for the boy and his body begins to shake. Thomas feels the dick growing in his throat and shoves it in balls deep and squeezes and twist Brians nipple. The former straight boy explodes and thick streams of cum begin to fill Thomas throat. Thomas tries to swallow everything but when de cum starts pouring out his nose he pull back. He also pulls back the fingers out of the boys ass. Brian begins moaning and pleading to put them back. I tell my slutty nephew that we have to clean out his ass first before we can fill it again. Thomas helps the poor boy on his feet and leads him to the bathroom. After 20 minutes they return. Thomas tells me that he tried to fuck Brians ass in the shower but that it’s too tight. Fortunately we have something that helps us with the stretching. So we lead Brian to a bench and tie him down. Thomas then takes out my fuck machine while i load up my nephews ass with lube mixed with a high dose Tina. After a few minutes Brian begins to moan that his ass is burning. We ignore him and see that several minutes later his ass begins to open up while the tina is taking over again. We love sloppy holes so we mounted a big dildo onto the machine and position right against his asshole. Thomas takes the controls and slowly begins to force the dildo forward. The asshole tries to resist the pressure of the dildo. Brian asks us to please stop. But slowly and surely the dildo advances further until the ass opens up. Brian cries out while the dildo goes deeper and deeper before slowly begin extracted. Our new slut gives a sigh of relieve, but that was short lived because the dildo begins to advance back in. With every stroke the machine picks up the speed a bit. After a few minutes the boys ass gives up and is standing wide open. In order to dampen the moans we take turns fucking his mouth with our dicks. When the machine reaches his top speed we shut it off and after shoving a few shards up the open ass we fuck it in turns and shooting load after load deep inside. Nothing beats fucking a cumfilled sloppy ass. After this weekend Thomas and i asked my nephew to moved in. And together with our friends we still like to parTy!!!
    1 point
  46. mmm yes mouth fucked and gang banged all night while tied up.
    1 point
  47. The Royal Poz Fuck Gang [six-Part Story] Note to the Reader: I decided to take on a huge project this time around. The thread "The Unremorseful Stealther" was one many people encouraged me to have a continuation of after the main story. I will definitely go back to it and fill in the next portion, but I wanted to formally have a Hot & Outrageous Cum Soaked storyline for you boys with unique and kinky tales of Sexcapades and the Men who love them. Maybe some of you will even recognize the real dick-down sessions that inspired these fuck-tales. [5-Star Ratings very welcome!] Chapter I: A Letter to Mr. BigDick This wasn't your typical party, of that much I am certain. Five men sat around a small table top with what looked to be a poker game going on. Cigar smoke hung in the air thickly in the shadowy basement which was dimly lit by a single bare bulb off to the side. If one was to come down into the basement they would be able to barely make out the outline of a rumpled mattress pushed into a corner and a sling near it, the walls all lined with mirrors, a single flat-screened TV on an entertainment stand playing porn, and a tripod with the single red-glowing eye of a recorded peering back from the darkness. This was the courtroom of the self-proclaimed Royal Poz Fuck Gang...or maybe the dungeon. "So, get a load of this guys," spoke up the first of the men, light brown skin told of his mixed heritage, and the bright and vibrant face exemplified the fact of his youth. He could only be in his late 20's at most. He sat shirtless, showing-off the hard earned six-pack with baggy sweatpants barely clinging to his powerful and toned legs. He was younger than all except one of the men gathered, but believe it or not he was the leader of this devious bunch, "This bottom I fuckin' bred and converted sent me a love letter!" "No fucking way man," laughed a shaved muscle daddy with a silver and black goatee that sat next to him, "He tracked you down because he fell for ya, after I know you must have stealth pozzed his neg hole. You get all the good shit when we get together." "Markus, if you're not used to the King of Poz Fucks coming up with something hot and wild by now, you really haven't been paying attention. Now, get on with it Derrick and tell us about this new convert of yours." The young black male cracked his knuckles and picked up the letter with artistic handwriting sprawled across its pages. 'Dear Mr. BigDick,' I thought when I wrote this letter for you I'd be pissed. I thought maybe I'd be crying uncontrollably even...but no, here I am sitting with an uncontrollable hard-on as I finger myself wishing it was your fat hung cock ripping into me like you had just over two months ago. I guess I should just come out with it...you pozzed me and I know you did it on purpose now. I was naive and more importantly...I was easy. You used my hole and filled it with poison seed without even caring and lied to my face you were neg. It was the hottest thing I have ever experienced, hotter than any fantasy I had dared to conjure up in my most twisted daydream (and one I could have never confessed.) Maybe...you'll take me back even though my hole is no good to you bugged up, since you can only convert me once after all. Maybe I shouldn't have but I secretly video taped our encounter...and sent it back to you so you can watch it and hopefully will see I'm worth filling one last time at least...or maybe you'll just keep it as a trophy of me being a notch on your belt. Fuck...even that would turn me on. Mr. BigDick already had the video started and all eyes turned to flickering screen hungrily to see the conquest with their own eyes and how a bottom could be so mesmerized after being so utterly used and thrown away by their hung comrade. "Wow, you look exactly like your pictures," a young Italian jock voiced in a low tone sitting on the only bed in view of the camera angle. "Your pics don't do you justice man," a smooth and sensual response came from Mr. BigDick, "Should let me take some pics of you sometime...I bet I could get some great positions with you." "Pun intended?" the Italian jock laughed good-naturedly drawing a bit closer to the thuggish looking hook-up he was about to test the waters with since he only recently came out. "Always," Mr. Bigdick voiced with a mischevious grin, "Now what was it you were wanting to do my man?" The Italian boy shrugged and looked away with a blush already spreading across his face. "Is it cliche to say I've never been with a black guy before?" He chuckled nervously. "Only if you add right after that, you always wanted to get with one to see if the stereotype is true about black dudes being hung and fucking your hole into the ground," Mr. BigDick joked with another laugh. His right hand strayed to his crotch grabbing on it suggestively. A clear outline of the beast beneath the thin layer of cotton could be easily picked out. Italian boy felt himself flush with something different from shyness now, he wanted this hot and street-wise playboy and he wanted him to do nasty things, things he could never speak of to any of his friends or family...he wanted hot and secret fantasies to be realized and dirty kink to go down. "Guilty as charged," Italian Boy confessed, without another word he was already sucking on the thick meat even while it was still covered by the sweatpants. His eager hands tugged at the waistband to uncover his mouth watering (and filling) prize. "SHIT!" Italian Boy breathed in awe as he saw just how big it was, almost nine inches in length and he could only guess its girth, "No way I could get more than the head in my mouth." "Mmmm, hope you ain't turning me down from getting a lil something something already," Mr. BigDick teased in a sultry tone while cocking his head to the side. An inviting and reassuring smile creased his full lips as he asked his next question, "You're neg, right playboy?" "Oh yeah, I've sucked guys before but you'll be the first anal, and we're going to be safe anyway just because you know...can't be too careful," Italian Boy explained. The most impish of looks seemed to show on Mr. BigDick's visage for just a moment before vanishing. The men at the table all chuckled and nudged one another as they watched, it was that knowing Stealther Smirk, he was gonna get that ass one way or another and it was going to be overflowing with toxic jizz. "Let me rim ya man, that'll open you up, and we can just go from there," Mr. BigDick suggested. Italian Boy complied willingly and bent down onto all fours so his ass could hang just over the edge of the bed, facing the camera. BigDick's tongue was already lapping and teasing expertly at that perky bubble butt making it wet and tantalized by its dancing motions. A loud and prolonged moan escaped the bottom-to-be's lips as he rested there. His ass sank just a bit lower and his back arched just a bit more over the next few minutes showing his eagerness to take more than a tongue had to offer...it was sweet torture and BigDick wasn't ending it that soon to make sure the bottom would make the fatal mistake. "Fuuuuuck! I need that cock," Italian Boy begged meekly looking back at Mr. BigDick with pleading blue eyes. "Before I put on a condom, I just want to make sure my hardon won't go away by teasing your hole, alright?" Italian boy was already wiggling his tanned ass so he could have optimal positioning, "and here...ever used poppers?" "Sorta...I tried something called Maximum Impact, but...I don't think I get how to use it," Italian boy admitted sheepishly. "Just sniff in both noses, this is way easier," Mr. BigDick encouraged his target. The man licked his lips as he slapped his swollen cock head against an ass cheek of the boy on all fours in front of him. His dick pressed gently against the hole but then pulled away and circled just outside it to give the bottom time to fall into the trap. Italian Boy sniffed somewhat cautiously at the nondescript brown bottle with liquid in it. He then followed up with his other nose, this time with a bit more of an inhale. "Oh...my...fuuuck!" He sighed in exhilaration while a relaxing heat radiated from his chest and went straight for his hole making it feel even hungrier than he could ever remember his ass being. The quick sound of spit came from Mr. BigDick and his member was covered with saliva. Another splat of the liquid hit Italian' Boys eagerly waiting ass and he moved his cock swiftly against the sphincter and carefully observed Italian Boy's reaction. "Like how that dick feels against your ass white boy?" Mr. BigDick inquired in a low masculine tone, he pressed the head of his cock harder against the bent over hole, almost enough to feel like he would go in, but not enough to actually penetrate. "Mmmmm..." Italian Boy moaned softly in response, leaning back even more against the dick letting it nearly pop in and sniffing more of the poppers already. Mr. BigDick plunged into that tight boy cunt without another moment's hesitation or deliberation. Italian Boy's head reared up instantly with a sharp noise of surprise, he tried to wiggle forward slightly to lessen the speed he was being entered with, but Mr. BigDick already had his powerful hands gripping the boy's sides forcefully to keep him in place. "Shhhh, I ain't going to give that hole more than it can handle," Mr. BigDick whispered hypnotically his voice had a dark comforting lull that eased Italian Boy back onto the fat cock that now was over half-way up his bare boy hole. He hit the poppers once more inspite of himself, his hole ignited into a white-hot insatiable tool for the man topping him to use to his heart's content and Italian Boy loved it. He had never imagined feeling so slutty and worthless and still feeling good, excited, and hungry for ever more. "Holy fucking hell!" the bottom swore loudly, as he began to get railed entirely with the monstrous cock Mr. BigDick wielded with surgical precision for hitting the spots in his ass that would send the bottom shaking involuntarily with waves of pleasure and sinful delight, "So this is why guys get so obsessed with black tops, FUCK! Rape me!" "Yeah bitch. Give it on up boy," Mr. BigDick's gaze was fixated on the sweet hole that was sliding from the base of his balls to just over the head of his near nine-inch dick, the ass lips tugged and sucked on the cock as he fucked viciously and deeply showing just how fat that cock was and how tight his pleasure boy used to be. He was wide open now, juicy and wet with pre-cum lining the inside of his hole and covering the entirety of BigDick's shaft. He now pushed on the center of the bottom's back, making him arch his ass up towards his dick even more so he could plunge, fuck, and fill that boy hole ever deeper and more quickly. Italian Boy moaned and cried out periodically incoherently as his hole was assaulted and slowly getting his poz top closer to climax to infect his naive neg ass with unmedicated seed. Italian Boy closed his eyes lost in pleasure as he sunk into the sweat drenched sheets, only aware of the room shaking from the force of Mr. BigDick's thrusts crashing against the mattress with each rever-berating slam into the bubble butt the white bottom gave up so eagerly. "Oh shit I am about to fill up that white boy pussy," Mr. BigDick announced as he licked his lips and sped up to full frenzy thrusting, making them short and powerful. A wave of went across Italian Boy's ass and up his back from how much strength BigDick put into those dick strikes he delivered into the very deepest center of his bottom. "Dude--Duuude! Just..cum on my back or in my mouth. Fuck, I didn't mean to let you fuck me raw this long," Italian Boy begged suddenly, even as he got his legs forced further apart so his top could put the hole into optimal receptive positioning for his cock and cum. Italian Boy's face was nearly completely obscured by a pillow, he couldn't even see if Mr. BigDick was giving the telltale signs of a top about to cum in his facial expressions. "I'm clean my man. You're gonna get my fucking load playboy, I own this fuck hole," Mr. BigDick said sharply with a resounding slap of his hand against a white ass cheek. Italian Boy whimpered acceptingly and took his brutal ass fuck in submission, he could feel the veins of the cock inside him pop and the already thick fuck stick grow even more full as cum gathered up inside for release. He desperately hit the poppers one last time to prepare for the climax. Mr. BigDick seemed to be able to sense his bottom's acceptance and change from the poppers immediately, because right at the same time he began to spurt hot rivets of tainted seed as deep inside his new convert as possible. He growled his satisfaction as he gripped each cheek even harder like handlebars and let his sweet man milk coat the walls of his bottom until he popped out of that sweet and no longer innocent ass and a spray of poisoned poz seed splattered everywhere from the volume of cum inside Italian Boy's used up fuck hole. "Hot damn, I haven't emptied a bombshell like that in a good long time," Mr. BigDick laughed in satisfaction, slapping that ass he had craftily gifted -- Once. Twice. Three times before he stuffed his index finger into his ass hole to push some of his cum back inside. "Your cum feels hotter than other guys' cum..." Italian Boy commented idly as he flopped completely onto his stomach, covered in cum and sweat from his dominant top buddy, "Like there's something extra there." "Weird," Mr. BigDick said with a sly and knowing smile, "I wonder why..." --End of Video--
    1 point
  48. Thanks for actually addressing the question. Of course a load in an ass is hot in its own right. Beyond that, I find the internal struggle some guys go through, usually on their journey to becoming bareback pigs themselves, kind of hot. I suppose it is the mind fuck of it. The need to play safe that gets beaten into men by society goes against the natural urge to slid bare into a warm wet hole bare and release our sperm the way nature intended. I understand why some men want to be "good" and try to play safe, but nature is hard to resist. Goddamn is it hard to resist! A condom might be only an arm reach away, but of course a top wants to get his dick wet, not rubbered, and may agree not to cum in a bottom as a next best option. Of course the bottom would much rather feel smooth cock skin sliding in and out of his ass than a jagged rubber sheath. Odds are he's taken a few bare cocks here and there, maybe even a few loads, but is still trying to be "responsible" about taking risks. Horniness makes men more vulnerable to illogical thoughts and irrational ideas, especially when it comes to taking risks. Thus a guy with a hungry, twitching, sweating hole may convince himself that it would be okay to take a bare cock in his ass if the top agreed not to cum inside. The struggle doesn't end there though. The will power a top needs to be able to pull out weakens with each stroke. His balls are full of millions of sperm, all barking to be let out. Eons of evolution are whispering to him to let go inside the bottom, and that hole feels oh so sweet. If anything he wants to bury his cock deep, not pull.
    1 point
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