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  1. Part 15 - Fortune Favours The Bold A week on Jamal sat in the greenhouse alone reading his daily text from Conrad, he was a little concerned when first hearing about Harry turning up and how he and Conrad had finally got it on. His concern was purely around his own need to have Conrad as a friend and a little jealousy ran through him. Today's text seem to make him a little more at ease especially where Conrad explained that Harry jokingly said he wanted to take a ride with Jam and get in a sticky mess with him. He was interrupted mid thought with Felix turning up. "Jam brought you a fresh flask of coffee" Felix said putting it on the workbench. "Thanks" Jamal replied putting his phone down. "Your daily update from Con?" Felix asked sitting next to him. "Yeah, looks like this Harry and he is quite serious" he said opening the flask and pouring a coffee. Felix nodded and looked at him "Are you worried about it?" he asked sensing Jamal was distracted. "So, so" Jamal replied looking at his phone "will he take Con away?" he asked looking at Felix. Felix smiled "Conrad will not leave here" he replied confidently "he loves the manor too much". "I hope so" Jamal said sipping his coffee thanking him again, Felix waved it off as nothing. "Beth and I are out tonight and Simon wants to know if your staying for dinner" Felix said standing up. Jamal shrugged "You mean we will be alone tonight?" he asked laughing nervously "should I?". Felix smiled at him again "Yes you will be alone. What do I tell him?" he asked. Jamal gave a very sceptical nod "Good I will let Simon know and Beth will make you both dinner". With that Felix was gone leaving Jamal alone with this thoughts, he wondered if Simon was going to make a move on him tonight remembering that in his sleepy state the morning the guys left he had literally agreed to put himself on the line. Despite his reservations underneath he liked Simon, he was generous and shown him a lot of kindness. He looked at the photos Conrad had sent him pausing at the one of Adam in his speedos soaking up the sunshine lusting after his image, he laughed at his stupidity going tongue tied and unable to put sentences together when facing Adam. If he had known then that his moment of innocent lust over that image would quickly change the course of his life completely, he would never have acted on impulse and his life would no doubt have taken a different direction. Sitting there alone lost in his own thoughts leading to conflicted feelings about his own sexuality again. Sex with Conrad was one thing being a comfortable, pleasurable experience with a friend, putting himself out there for someone else was a different matter and it would mean getting to know the person and probably discuss sex. Was he ready to discuss points about men having sex together? Jamal looked at the picture again then putting his phone down he went back to pricking out lettuces for the kitchen garden, trying to forget how dumb he must look around Adam. He felt warm and happy inside a strange sensation he had never come across before and he liked it a lot, it gave him a cosy and satisfying sense of well being. Adam had spent the afternoon pacing around the terrace, the evening when everything happened still unnerved him. Had they really felt Jack's presence amongst them. Having gone through it over and over in his head he finally sat down having rearranged his flight back to the UK. He wanted to know if there was anything between him and one person who had spiked his interest. He didn't need to worry about Conrad and Harry plus he wanted to give them the space to be alone, it was the best thing he could do right now. Adam stood at the edge of the pool then dived in surfacing on the other side, he heard two massive splashes and water flying everywhere making him chuckle. Conrad and Harry bombed Adam in the pool the swam erratically towards to him in a rush of water and deliberate splashes, he could hear them laughing amongst the sound of the splashing water from how silly they were behaving. "Well I guess that means you are back from your walk" Adam laughed wiping the water from his face. The both kissed Adam on the cheek and Harry climbed out "I will get some drinks" he said dripping in water. "How is it going?" Adam asked pulling Conrad roughly in to his arms. "Okay" Conrad replied smiling "well more than okay I suppose". "Thank god" Adam spoke kissing him on the mouth "I am flying back ahead of you..." he started staying. "Why?" Conrad asked raising his voice slightly. "I want to give you and Harry a couple of days alone together" Adam replied explaining his reasons. Conrad smirked "Are you going back to the manor?" he asked looking and waiting for a reaction. "Not sure" Adam said slowly "I want to see if..." he stopped mid sentence and backtracked a little "Jamal, is he actually gay?". Conrad ran his finger around Adam's mouth "You fancy him?" he asked knowing full well "I think you should go for it". Adam shrugged "Okay, I fancy him, he has lighted up my life a bit" he replied "please don't intervene!". "I won't" Conrad replied "anyway he goes all tongue tied around you, have you never noticed that?". "A little" Adam said grinning away "it is putting my feelings out there, I haven't done that...". Conrad stopped him with a kiss "Ignore your past Adam I know it is hard. And Jam, well he is very cautious and strangely a bullish person". Adam raised an eyebrow in confusion "In bed he is completely different and very gay!" Conrad said chuckling. "Who is very gay?" Harry asked arriving back handing them both a beer. "Jam" Conrad replied taking his beer and gulping down a mouthful "I never knew if he actually was gay or straight". Harry sat down on the side of the pool "You were straight until Moham waved money in front of you" he laughed. Conrad looked at Harry furrowing his eyebrows in funny anger look "pot and kettle" he said smirking. Adam laughed and Harry leaned forward "Is that so" he said "bet I can make you scream like Moham did". "Boys" Adam moved standing between them "play nicely" he said. Conrad leaned around Adam "Your cock is to girly to make anyone scream" he said giggling. Harry laughed and rubbed his crotch "Made you gag and choke the other night you wuss". Conrad gave Harry a middle finger "You will be screaming and begging for mercy when I stick it to you". Harry scoffed "You will end up with bruises on your forehead from your head hitting the headboard repeatedly from my fucking". "Oh I have had enough of this" Adam said moving "it is turning me on" he laughed displaying his erect cock. Harry slipped in to the pool grabbing Conrad "Fuck you drive me crazy" he said aggressively kissing Conrad. Adam climbed out of the pool watching them with a big erotic smile on his face "That is so hot" he cooed. "Half an hour guys then shower and change for dinner" Adam informed them standing up and walking to his sunbed. Jamal walked in to the manor kitchen just as Beth finished preparing dinner for them and writing instructions, seeing him she gave him the task of heating up the beef bourguignon and vegetables. Jamal read through the notes and smiled and said he could manage without any problem. He wandered off up to Harry's room that he had almost taken over now. Showered and changed he walked down stairs noticing Simon sat in the study, he turned to head towards the lounge where he would wait for Simon. "Jamal" Simon called out "you can come in". Jamal stepped backwards and walked in to the study "Sorry, I didn't know if your were busy" he explained. Simon smiled watching Jamal go over and look at the photos again "Do you want a copy of them?" he asked Jamal chuckled "No, I like looking at them, at Conrad" he specifically said pointing to the pictures. "And him?" Simon asked pointing to the three photos of Adam. "Maybe" Jamal said quietly looking at the eyes staring back at the person taking the photo. Simon stood next to him "Jack took those photos of Adam" he informed him going through how Jack took them. "Did he love him?" Jamal asked turning to Simon "It is the look in his eyes they sort of smile". Simon chuckled "Yes, Jack was the only person Adam felt real affection for at the time". "I see" he said looking back at the picture "and did Jack love him?" Jamal asked. "Of course" Simon replied "unfortunately they were so different in their ways, it would never have worked". "And now Adam has a new interest and one that looks very compatible" Simon said quite casually. Jamal felt saddened hearing this "I hope he can make it work" his voice croaking between his words. Simon laughed and patted him on the shoulder "Right let us see what Beth has left us" he said. "I got it" Jamal said turning to leave "some beef dish, you get the wine I will heat it up". Simon agreed and went off to the wine display in the dining room. Jamal cranked the heat up as instructed by Beth and put the vegetables on. Simon brought Jamal a glass of wine and chatted with him in the kitchen whilst laying the table, electing to eat in the there instead of the dining room since it was the two of them. Something about Adam captivated him and he was unsure if it was a jealously of his friendship with Conrad. His own closeness to Conrad had him thinking of men through different eyes, seeing a more attractive side to the male body. He couldn't believe that only a few hours ago it was a conflicted feeling and the more he thought about it and saw reminders of Adam he was flipping sides subtly and getting aroused at the thought of Conrad's body, no longer did he think of women. He suddenly chuckled rather too loudly remembering back to the how good it felt at boarding school and holding on to those cute arses that he ploughed to blow his load as a rampant 19 year old. "What on earth has tickled your fancy?" Simon asked topping his wine up. Jamal smiled "Boarding school, the guys I fucked for pleasure" he said watching the vegetables boil. Simon leaned against the counter watching him "Did you think you were gay then?" he asked curiously. "No" Jamal replied quickly "everyone was sort of doing it or letting guys rub them off". Simon chuckled "I did" he confessed "I fucked nearly every guy in my class" he said smiling fondly. "You did?" Jamal asked watching Simon nod "I fucked my geography tutor" he said "he was pretty cute and young". Simon laughed hard "Jam you are a naughty boy" he said with a mock shocked tone in his voice. Jamal turned to Simon "The other day when you said I fucked like a school boy, what did you mean?" he asked. "Oh" Simon was caught off guard "I meant it was like you had no control and just wanted to cum". Jamal nodded "Right, the other night I made love to Con, well it felt like it" he informed Simon. Simon looked seriously at Jamal "Normally I would have had a guy like you in bed weeks ago knocking you up". "So why didn't you?" Jamal replied "I am not asking you to do it" he said trying to ensure Simon understood. Simon smiled "Conrad" he replied "simple as that, you stood up for him and I respect you for it". "Veg is ready" Jamal said turning the heat off embarrassed by the veiled compliment he received. "Simon" Jamal turned to him "Can you show me how to do it properly?" he asked "tonight?". Simon contemplated him for a moment "Serve dinner" he replied "then we can talk about it". Simon grabbed some plates "We could hire you a porn star to play with" he said chuckling out of the blue. Jamal nearly burnt himself on the oven laughing so much "That is silly why they would they want to?". "If the money is right anyone is for hire" Simon replied putting the plates on the table. Jamal put the food on the table "You mean like Con and this Arab guy?" he laughed out loud. Jamal leaned back on the sofa sat next to Simon, his head a little fuzzy from the heavy claret they were still enjoying. Simon took Jamal's glass and place it on the coffee table in front of them, Jamal giggled nervously knowing the next few minutes were either going to freak him out or have the opposite effect. Simon sat back putting his arm around Jamal's shoulder pulling him closer, expecting to have a quick discussion he was caught off guard finding Simon's lips closing in and working his mouth open until they kissed. His first instinct was to push Simon off gently being unprepared, his head was immobilised and Simon was not letting him move away. His hands could feel the meaty muscles in the arms under the shirt that folded Jamal's resistance into a feel rather than push. Simon persisted and he could feel the subtle changes in Jamal and his urge to push away dissipating, deliberately flexing his bicep Jamal moaned and relinquished all control, his cock bursting in to a full erection feeling the bicep in his hand flexing causing him to squeeze it harder and spearing his tongue in to Simon's mouth with his arousal growing in intensity. Losing track of time Jamal had no idea how long he had been kissing Simon and feeling his body, what he could feel was the warm air flowing from the log fire wafting over his skin. Like a magician Simon had disrobed Jamal down to his underwear. He became aware that he was now touching the supple tight skin of Simon's body, the hairs on Simon's chest rubbing against his chest felt incredible. The last flickers of resistance in Jamal's body died with the tide of desire taking over from the tips of his fingers to his toes. Eyelids fluttered and closed savouring the kiss his arms snaking around Simon, he moaned lightly feeling his body lifting and the sudden warmth of the log fire increased with his body being lowered on to the snugness of the hearth rug encapsulating his back. Jamal opened his eyes lifting his hips allowing Simon to remove his underwear, he looked up at the incredible body that loomed over him. Tiny gasps now escaping his lips, Simon kissed along his stomach and chest moving upwards over his nipples where he paused and teased them with gentle bites and sucks. Jamal ran his hands over the shoulders and down the arms feeling the biceps again. His head trying to take in each incredible sensation his body was feeling. Everything Simon did made him gasp or moan in utter content. Simon moved upwards again kissing around Jamal's neck and chin line finding his mouth. Jamal opened his eyes the tapping at his hole getting more pronounced from Simon's cock. "Simon" Jamal spoke softly getting his attention "do you have condoms?" he asked. Simon smiled "We don't need condoms Jam" he replied softly kissing his neck letting the words linger in the air. "If Con didn't infect you I will" Simon said pushing his cock harder against Jamal's hole. Jamal pushed Simon's shoulders "I carry a high viral load" Simon said seductively "one toxic dose from me". Jamal pushed harder "Wait, you would deliberately do that?" he asked sounding shocked but strangely drawn to it. "Yes" Simon replied softly grinning "drops of my precum are enough infect you, maybe adding to Conrad's and recharging you". Jamal groaned he could feel the cock was slicker knowing the precum was already at his hole "Really?" he asked gasping. Simon nodded watching Jamal for any reaction and applying more pressure through his hips, the slickness of the precum eased his hole open a little more. Jamal's body pushed up with his moan, the hands moved from Simon's shoulder to his waist. Simon leaned forward and kissed Jamal sensually 'Tell me to stop Jam' he whispered softly giving him a moment then pushing harder again, Simon moaned feeling the hole slipping around the head of his cock pushing the foreskin completely back ready for penetration. Jamal moaned again arching his neck back 'Tell me you want it Jam' Simon said kissing his exposed neck, Jamal gasped louder with Simon pushing his hips down again moving part of his shaft in to Jamal's arse spreading it open wider. His fingers dug in to Simon's flesh body reacting from the pain that also felt amazing at the same time 'You want me to wreck you like Conrad did?' he asked probing with his cock. Jamal finally managed to control the moans and gasps 'I am going to fuck you after' he squeaked out eliciting a response from Simon with another jab and probing with his cock, Simon smirked down at Jamal 'Beg me for it Jam' he replied 'Beg for it' he repeated 'Demand me to infect you' he stared in to Jamal's eyes slowly nodding his head to urge Jamal to say it. Jamal knew it was going to happen but couldn't bring himself to say the words, Simon penetrated him balls deep hard then pulled almost all the way out again, Jamal's body tensed up his back arching off the rug. Simon kissed him hard then raised his head 'Beg me to fuck you and leave my mark in you' he said switching to a menacing tone that still had a teasing edge on it 'Beg or I rape you' he demanded jabbing his cock again releasing a soothing coat of precum. Simon licked his lips and moaned sexually wriggling his hips 'You got some precum inside you now, the work has started' he said grinning down at Jamal who responded digging his fingers in to Simon's flesh harder and moaning 'Fuck you turn me on' he said through his moans 'So fucking evil' he rolled his head from side to side 'You are not going to beg for it are you?' Simon asked rotating his hips watching the smile form on Jamal's mouth 'No, you will have to rape me' he responded between his groans. The words only just left his lips before he felt the crashing down of Simon's hips impaling him deep and hard, Jamal cried out loudly scratching Simon's back caught by surprise his toes curled in and stretched out his legs and body quivered and trembled from body shattering thrusts delivered in rapid succession. There was no easing in as Simon went full throttle making sure Jamal could feel him tearing at his arse changing the angle of his cock attacking every side of Jamal's anal wall. His hands moving everywhere unsure where to grab hold of Simon floating in bizarre pleasure unaware of his legs clamping around Simon egging him to deliver on his word. His body riding forward until they hit Simon's arms either side of his head preventing him from moving too far forward, back his body moved only to be pushed forward again. The skill and dedication of his powerful thrusting rained down in a relentless fashion on him. Jamal was so overcome from a maddening desire he squeezed his legs harder around Simon's waist, his toes involuntarily curled tight folding in on themselves. Jamal looked up at the grin of intention on his face, a look of absorbing himself of any culpability in his actions. He gasped from the depth of the penetration, his balls slapping against Jamal's arse 'Fucking evil' he said looking up at Simon who responded with a merciless grin, his balls moved and keeping his grin he delivered in stealth mode, no change in rhythm or look on his face. Simon gave nothing away in his expression, feeling his toxic seed delivering deep with perfect accuracy 'Dirty fucking bitch' Simon roared down at Jamal feeling the last of his orgasm retreating and resetting itself ready to deliver again, he leaned down and kissed Jamal and continued hammering in hard 'Want me to stop?' he asked teasing Jamal with several accentuated power thrusts 'Fuck no' Jamal responded moaning louder 'Finish... finish what you started' he cried out slapping Simon's back. For a moment Jamal felt the fucking get easier but the pain returned with his thrusts that seemed like no end was in sight. Jamal rand his hand over Simon's torso that glistened with sweat, tweaking Simon's nipple 'No' Simon said trying to focus. It was too late and the touching of his nipple sent the shock ricocheting from his erogenous zone all though his body spreading out then congregating in one jolt of electricity to his balls that tightened rapidly. He pushed up crashing Jamal's shoulders against the barriers his arms formed 'Fuck yessssss' he cried out jolting his hips feeling his second load flooding in to Jamal's body. He collapsed forward grabbing hold of Jamal tightly to prevent him moving away, his post orgasm pulses moving through his hips and cock grinding deeper in to Jamal's battered arse. They laid there quietly for several minutes "You are way to willing" Simon said kissing him. Jamal's panting easing his body numbed to the pain he endured "What did you just do to me!" he stated panting and grinning. Simon pulled his cock out slowly "Gave you what you needed Jam, twice" he said rolling on to his back. Jamal wiped his forehead of sweat from the heat of the log fire "You came twice?" he asked seemingly confused. "Yes" Simon replied gloatingly "double barrelled you Jam". Jamal slapped his erect cock "My turn" he said turning his head grinning at Simon. Simon laughed "Just this once mind you" he replied easing his breathing back to a normal state "you wanted teaching so this is your lesson". Jamal kneeled up and set himself into position "You have an excellent body Simon". Simon looked up at him "Shut up and get on with it" he replied chuckling. With Simon's teaching Jamal learnt several ways of enhancing the bottoms experience resulting in him using the word wow many times. Guiding Jamal expertly who picked things up really quickly and felt a totally different sensation from wanting to simply empty his nut sack. They took a break and drank some wine discussing sex which felt totally abnormal for Jamal before getting back to it over the course of the evening then going to bed together. His attempt at fucking with a condom turned out to be the worst experience he felt, it lead up to him learning how to whip it off mid fuck and plant your seed in the unsuspecting bottom. In truth it shocked him at first and put Simon in a very different light, the weirdness, the danger, the excitement of planting his seed in to another human was a strange turn on, this devious edginess he saw in Simon thrilled him giving a peek in to the darker side of the gay world. Jamal woke up the following morning a completely different person in both morals and sexual awareness. He spent a moment recalling his night with Simon that he never really expected to materialise, he was pleased it had though. The one thing he did learn was being gay allowed a man to get sex at the drop of a hat and without any need of conversation. Jamal climbed out of bed stretching, his arse a little sore but no where near as bad from when Conrad went on a mission to wreck him, his body felt abnormally warm as he stood up. Simon turned over waking up "You getting up?" he asked looking at Jamal's body. "Morning, yes I have work to do otherwise Conrad will punish me" Jamal replied giving a cheeky grin. "You worry to much" Simon said moving and sitting on the edge of the bed "you okay?" he asked. Jamal nodded "Guess so, thanks for the lesson last night" he said smiling. "You felt a little warm last night in bed and you have sweat on your forehead" Simon informed Jamal. Jamal walked over to the mirror "I feel okay" he replied wiping the tiny beads of sweat, just a little warmer than usual". Simon walked towards the bathroom "You must tell me if you don't feel well Jam". Looking at his reflection in the mirror he couldn't see anything wrong and brushed it off from laying next to Simon all night. By the time Simon had showered and gone downstairs Jamal was already outside trimming the hedges around the pool terrace. He smiled reading the latest news Conrad and Harry, finally he thought to himself then reading further down the message he saw that Adam was leaving a couple of days early so they could have some alone time. He sent a reply to Adam telling him it was fine for him to come to the manor and to stop asking since he was always welcome, Simon spoke to Beth and told her to prepare a bedroom for Adam who staying a few days. In fact Simon was quite pleased he was coming back in time for the weekend, he needed to twist Adam's arm to moderate the auction and he also needed Adam to procure some more shares. It played on him a little deciding if he should bring Jamal along to be auctioned off for the night. On second thoughts he might not appreciate being sold off to the highest bidder, then again he could make quite a bit of money. Sipping his coffee he looked out of the study window watching Jamal in his shorts and boots smiling away, he was interrupted by his conference meeting pinging up on his laptop. Despite having sold the company off part of the deal was for Simon to receive a 10% stock holding in the parent company IntecSolutions that purchased his company. That way he retained a slight foothold and some voting rights, with the dividend returns over the years Simon had been purchasing additional shares using Adam as the owner. Now holding 35% of the shares he found out through an investor that the company was quietly running a buy back scheme, the aim of keeping it discreet was to prevent an inflated price. Stealth take over was like a game to Simon, although this was different from other stealth activities it still gave him the same kind of thrill. Their meeting today was a run of the mill one and to set the quarterly result targets for the year ahead, his eye suddenly caught by Felix crossing the terrace with a flask and handing it to Jamal then standing there chatting to him. They were both laughing and talking seemingly getting on very well now despite the rocky start. He returned to the laptop spending two hours watching the faces of the CEO and CFO waiting for them to get to item 7 on the agenda, here they revealed the buy back plan and seeking full board approval to use cash flow and equity. Simon objected knowing full well that stripping the assets to buy shares was never a good move. The vote went in favour of the buy back and by the time the meeting had finished it was already public knowledge pushing the share price to an inflated level and halting the buy back. Simon made a call to the Securities and Exchange Commission highlighting some concerns anonymously, now he had to wait for the commission to launch a probe which would then bomb the share value causing an off loading and flooding the market with unwanted shares. Why did he do it? Mostly for fun and a non serious business side, he had enough of those to keep him occupied so needed some kind of light hearted distraction. He closed the laptop and looked out at Jamal who was taking some time out and laying on the terrace enjoying the spring sunshine. It was watching Jamal who seemed not to have a care in the world and clearly enjoying his job and being at the manor, that Simon made a few decisions that would impact the lives of those living around him in close proximity. It had been a risk allowing Jamal access to the manor that had paid off, he was discretion absolute and had no concerns over him. As expected within minutes the CFO, Carrington, had sent him an email asking about his objections and laying the offer to buy to his shares on the table. He had only met Carrington once before in Atlanta at the head office, he was young for a CFO at 33 and obviously the guy was an American Football jock with a very sturdy body under his shiny grey suit and white shirt that he wore. Simon intended on ignoring the email until after the weekend when he would deal with Carrington. Simon opened the study French windows and walked over to him "I pay you to work not sunbathe" he said. Jamal opened one eye looking up at him "Get over yourself and join me" he replied closing his eye. "You think I have nothing better to do than lay around when I should be working?" Simon asked grinning. Jamal waved his hand keeping his firmly closed "Dock my pay then" he said so casually it made Simon laugh. "Where do you see your life going Jam?" Simon asked going serious "What do you want to do or achieve?". Jamal opened his eye again "Who knows" he replied looking curiously at him "my parents keep pressuring me". Simon sat down next to him "Is that why you like to escape up here?" he asked. "Mostly" Jamal responded "gets me away from the constant questioning" he said sighing "and working here". Simon chuckled and Jamal sat up and looked at him "Why do you hide yourself away here?". Simon glanced at him "Makes life less complicated and I don't like socialising much" he replied. "Except if your getting something out of it" Jamal replied grinning and laying back down "suck me off". "No" Simon said drawing out the pause between "You can get to work on mine though" he said smirking at Jamal. Jamal smiled "No" he replied then closed his eyes "pay me to do it as you are docking my wages". Simon laughed his cocky arrogance that he had grown to like "Maybe I will auction your arse off Saturday". "Fuck no" he replied sitting up again "You having one of those weird parties Con told me about?" Jamal asked. Simon nodded "Yes so you might want to keep a low profile or I will auction you off" he laughed. Jamal laid back down again "You get 50% of the auction price" Simon said standing up planting the idea firmly in Jamal's head. Jamal waved his hand "No I am not a piece of meat" he replied grinning. Simon laughed "You were last night" he replied kneeling down giving him a kiss "Dinner tonight?". "Yes, thanks Simon" Jamal replied. "Good" Simon said kicking Jamal's foot "we will be three tonight" he finished saying walking off before Jamal could ask questions. Jamal sat up about to ask who was coming to dinner but Simon was already at the study and closing the door. He never expected them to be three for dinner and no idea who it was, he walked up to the kitchen looking through the window hoping to see Felix or Beth to ask them, he scanned round again finding the place quiet with no sign of them. Jamal returned to the pool terrace to finish off trimming the hedges, it was the only job he had to do today taking his time he wanted to make sure it was done correctly. His mind kept going back to the conversation with Simon auctioning him off and getting 50%, he remembered when Conrad accidentally mentioned it then became evasive when probed simply saying it was just a small orgy. He chuckled to himself cutting away at the hedges, auction me off he said to himself laughing then stopping himself wondering if he really was considering doing it just for the cash. Felix arrived at Gatwick to meet Adam and during the ride back to the manor he spent the time telling Felix about Conrad and Harry, then swerving the conversation around to Jamal trying to be non specific and casual. The closer they got to the manor the more his nerves kicked in, it had been years since Adam had thrown his emotions down on the table, not since Jack had he been intimate with another man. Some had come close and tried to get in to Adam's world but the gates were locked shielding him from unwanted intruders. Adam looked up from his phone and asked Felix to stop by the church. Felix looked at Adam through the rear view mirror and nodded, he didn't need to ask anymore questions and after fifteen minutes they pulled up outside the church. Adam walked along the path to the grave 'Hey Jack, you been on a little holiday and freaking us all out?. Not cool, I know you liked to joke around but that was crossing the line. I feel ready Jack, I would never have got to this point without you and the love and support you gave me. I am going to get him no matter what, you once told me if I wanted something be bold and work at it until I got it.' Adam stood up and kissed the headstone 'I will come back tomorrow with some flowers, Conrad gave me specific instructions which ones. God he has really taken over, you did a wonderful job nurturing him over the years. Well it is all or nothing over the next few days, oh, and no interfering, you know what I mean!' Adam smiled and took a few steps then turned 'I wish you was here to hold my hand Jack'. Adam wiped his eyes and walked back to the limo and the short drive to the manor. Adam entered and already he felt something was missing from the place, Simon came out of the study to greet him and Adam commented how quiet the place was without Conrad making a mess or noise somewhere around the place. Simon laughed agreeing with him and took Adam up to the bedroom Beth had made up for him. "Dinner at 7pm if you want to take a nap" Simon said turning to leave "It's good to have you back here". Adam was looking out of the window down the drive "Which is Jamal's house?" he asked. Simon turned holding the door and chuckled "Don't worry he is joining us for dinner" he said leaving the room. He sat on the bed looking at the closed door almost too afraid to leave the room. Pull yourself together he told himself standing up and retrieving his bags that Felix had brought up ahead of him. Losing track of time and spending a good half an hour in the shower thinking of what to say and how to say it. Realising that dinner was only minutes away he began to dry himself. Jamal arrived back at the manor from picking up a few more clothes and making an appearance so his parents knew he was still alive, his mother did not appear overly concerned that he was spending time at the manor since he had a job. She was kind of glad he had got out of the house and was doing something rather than sitting in his room listening to music and talking with that bad lot in Guildford. Jamal dumped his clothes in the study collapsing on the sofa watching Simon who was finishing off some work. "Made yourself comfortable I see" Simon remarked grinning without looking over. Jamal sighed "Yeah" he replied "you let me in your house so I am settling in" he said smiling. Simon chuckled "Good" he replied watching Jamal stand up and walk over to the photos "again?" he said. "I miss him, can't wait until he gets back" Jamal replied looking at the photos of Conrad then Adam. Simon closed the laptop "How are you feeling Jam?" he asked curiously wondering if his body was converting. "Fine" Jamal replied glancing over his shoulder at him "a little cold earlier but I feel alright". "You look like you want to lick that photo" Simon said watching him "do you find him sexy?". Jamal shrugged "That's just it, I don't know" he softly spoke "suppose so I think" he said scratching his chin. Simon watched Adam appear standing at the door "What if I was attracted to him?" Jamal spoke again. Simon glanced at Jamal then Adam "What does your heart tell you Jam?" Simon asked. Silence prevailed until Jamal spoke "He is a man and..." he paused "I don't know how to love a man". "You love Conrad" Simon replied watching Jamal fixated on Adam's photo "can you love a man?". Jamal shrugged again "Conrad is different, more friendship love. Loving another man freaks me out". Simon sat back in his chair quickly glancing at Adam "Do you know why it freaks you out?" he asked. "Afraid of the unknown Simon, commitment, parents, everything" Jamal replied only making half sense. Adam stepped forward "What if I was attracted to you and wanted you?" he asked. Jamal jumped and turned going red "Oh... err... I..." he ran out of the French windows across the terrace. Simon chuckled "You get him tongue tied every time, I think it is completely obvious you scare him". Adam walked over to the doors unable to see him "He will keep" he replied watching him disappear in the garden. Simon stood up laughing "I am glad your hear I need to ask a favour" he said "Don't worry about Jam". Simon explained to Adam that he needed a Jack this weekend for the auction and started going in to detail. Jamal hid in the greenhouse palpitations hammering hard in his chest, unsure if it was the excitement or freaking out. He never expected Adam to be standing there of hearing the conversation. Leaning back against the wall trying to calm down Jamal felt like a jolt of electricity had passed through his body. He could hear footsteps approaching and recognised the steps knowing it was Felix. "Fella you got to stop running" Felix said walking in to the greenhouse. "Sorry" Jamal replied catching his breath "what the fuck is wrong with me?" he asked not expecting a reply. Felix stood looking at him "Your nerves" he stated "probably afraid of already knowing the outcome". "Outcome!" Jamal remarked "you think there is an outcome?" he asked sounding shocked. Felix smiled "Definitely. I am almost sure Adam has come back here for you" he said hinting Jamal to follow. Jamal steadied himself following Felix "What does he want with me?" he asked trying to seek an answer. "That you will have to find out" Felix replied turning to Jamal "come on keep up they are waiting". Adam agreed to stay the weekend and reminded Simon that Conrad was due back on Saturday evening and no doubt Harry would be with him. Simon chuckled informing him that Moham would be here and is bringing a couple of guys, one bottom and one who is versatile but agreed to bottom for the night. Simon understandably omitted his conversation earlier with Jamal and auctioning him off. Jamal walked in to the dining room and Felix played to his strength asking him to select the wines for dinner, Simon and Adam walked in seeing the backs of them discussing wine and examining bottles with Jamal handing him a Chauteauneuf-du-Pape for the main and Chablis premier cru for the starter. Felix nodded and smiled telling him it was an excellent choice. Jamal turned hearing the guys entering the dining room whilst Felix went off to chill the Chablis, he stood rooted to the spot looking at Adam who smiled at him. His head in turmoil unable to take his eyes off Adam, it was like the picture was standing life size in front of him. Shaking the thoughts off he managed to take a few steps forward and sit down before he fell making a fool of himself. Simon was having a ball waiting and watching Jamal who seemed to glaze over trying not to look at Adam. Throughout dinner Simon steered the conversation around gardening and the villa in Sardinia which seemed to keep Jamal's focus from thinking about the guy sat next opposite him. Adam paid Jamal numerous compliments about his choice of wine with each course, chuckling at Jamal's quiet response and grin on his face. Adam wanted to go over and kiss the face off him, it was the longest time he had sat with Jamal and with each passing moment he was falling crazily deeper in love with him. The merest hint of Moroccan descent in his facial features, the olive skin and dark hair naturally fitted the youthfulness that Jamal exuded. He had to step back a moment wondering if the 7 year age gap was to big and maybe that was the reason Jamal seemed to mentally fight him off. Simon asked Felix to serve coffee in the lounge and the three of them stood, Adam held back waiting for Jamal. "Shall we?" Adam softly asked holding the door and Jamal nodded, he waited until Jamal stood by him. Jamal looked at Adam "After you" he said finally managing to say something to Adam. Adam smiled and waited the other side of the door for Jamal "Why are you fighting me Jamal?" he asked. "Am I?" Jamal asked stopping in his tracks unaware of his flirtatious look "Fighting you for what?". "My affection" Adam replied looking in to his eyes laying his emotions bare. "Why?" Jamal asked "what do you want from me?" his words seemed to plead for the truth. "Surely you know how attracted to you I am" Adam said opening his heart to Jamal. Jamal turned and walked towards the lounge "Yeah" he replied "you coming or standing there all night?". His heart lifted at the same time it sunk unsure what Jamal's response actually meant. Maybe he was just too forward for Jamal. The strangest warm fuzzy feeling grew inside his body, never before had anyone said so much in so few words, the words were enough to spike Jamal's overly keen interest. His own sense of self doubt diminished smiling to himself knowing that what he heard was very close to a complete confession of love. He turned and smiled to Adam who was walking towards him standing by the door to the lounge. "You after commitment or just a fuck?" Jamal asked out of the blue taking Adam by surprise. Adam stopped at the door "If it was just a fuck I would have had you weeks ago" he replied. Jamal almost lost his bottle to speak and have to swallow hard "You reckon?" he asked. Adam smirked at him "Stop playing games, you want me ". Jamal stood watching Adam walk in to the lounge and sit on the sofa whilst Simon poured coffee for them all. Was it possible that this one person could flick a switch like that turning Jamal on light a light bulb. Jamal closed the door and walked over to Simon and took the cup of coffee Simon offered thanking him and sitting down on the sofa. Not apart, not on a separate one but right next to Adam, the boldness in his mannerisms almost screamed that he was no longer scared of Adam. Simon poured the last cup of coffee for himself and glanced at Adam and Jamal who both sat there grinning like mischievous children scared to move or look at each other in fear of being told off. The crickets seemed louder than ever now the storm had passed, the lightning flashing brilliantly over the sea with the waning storm. Harry reached over and picked up his bottle of beer then rested his head back against Conrad's chest sitting in between his legs, they had been sat here for several hours under the canopy watching the storm. Conrad fingering Harry's nipples and chest, Harry running his fingers along Conrad's legs that were folded around him again. A quiet serene state of happiness existed around them. A little bit of nervousness existed in each other with neither one wanting to make the first move being their first night alone together. Ever since Adam left they had walked and talked a lot revealing everything about themselves, their lives, families and hopes. Conrad found a braveness to talk about Joshua and the weekend of events that unfolded, it gave Harry a better insight and understanding on where he needed to be a little more cautious and not freak Conrad out. Harry watched Conrad's fingers caressing his chest and let out a very contented sigh, it was so comfortable, so right that he didn't want to move or be apart from Conrad for a moment longer. Conrad moved his fingers up Harry's chest passing over the nipples and stroking his neck and chin, he could feel each nervous breath Harry took, he leaned forward and kissed Harry on the head. "You ready to go to bed?" Conrad asked feeling Harry stroking his leg with long tender strokes. Harry nodded gently "I think so, pretty tired I could do with some sleep" he replied. Conrad tweaked Harry's nipple "I wasn't thinking of sleeping just yet" he said chuckling. Harry turned his head and smiled looking up at Conrad, a view he was enjoying more and more wanting to pinch himself to make sure this time it was definitely real.
    8 points
  2. Okay i think i know where the sorry is going from here so enjoy this next chapter Part 8 It had taken Gray and Alverez the better part on an hour to get to the lower labs and had involved a lot of trial and error what with doors sealed with electromagnetic locks that required access cards they didn’t have and Gray’s computer not being able to bypass them. So, after some back tracking and looking for alternate routes though the lab. they had resorted to using the vents twice but after Gray’s arm started to bleed again and the blond techie had nearly passed out Alverez had called a stop to that approach they would take it slow and use option two. Option two had turned out to be an acetylene torch procured from one of the abandoned labs possibly left over from construction it had taken more time but they were making progress. Gray pointed at a pair of double doors at the end of a corridor imposing in size and seemed to have a number of bio locks keeping them closed Alverez sighed “let me guess we need to break into these to get where we need to go” his eyes flicked to Gray who had slid down the wall and was now sitting on the floor . “yeah and from the schematics that place is the main lab for military projects so its going to be fun getting in dude” Gray winced as he pulled his vest and coat off showing the ruined T-shirt and blood-soaked bandage on his arm. Concern flashed across Alvarez's face but he held his tongue watching gray work, Gray pulled his own med kit from his belt and putting a new pressure bandage in place with a small gasp of pain. “we need to get in there Alverez, the way out should be at the far end of the room if they did what I think they should have to save money they will be using the cooling run off pipe as a way to dump any liquids from the labs and that run off pipe should lead to the way out of this place” Alverez raised an eyebrow “that sentence had a lot of should or what ifs but I will take your word for it because I don’t think we have another option at this point” he helped Gray put on his vest leaving the jacket on the floor the heat in the complex growing oppressive now. They moved down the corridor carefully the glass walls of the lab's ether side acting like giant black mirrors showing them distorted fragments in the dull red light of the lock-down, they reached the doors expecting a true challenge to get in only to find them ajar large black hand prints in the oily substance where someone or something had opened and closed the door a number of times. Both men looked at each other and slipped inside to what they both now suspected was the beasts lair. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nick awoke head feeling foggy to grunts of pain he looked over to where Nate was laying on his back writhing in what seemed pain. His skin was splotched grey the color creeping further up his body the pulsing vanes had moved most of the way towards his heart and head. The man's body was transforming Nick could see his member engorging and lengthening as the little fat on him slowly drained away leaving the skin tight across muscles now obscenely defined his hair was turning a coal black but his eyes were still human and he seemed to be fighting the change. Jackson was making a keening noise and stroking Nate’s hair as Nicks maker rose from behind him and stalked over. Jackson’s pitch-black eyes looking up at the maker pleading for its help the Maker nodded stroking Jackson's hair sending a visible shiver of pleasure though him Jackson stepped back and watched his maker work. The creature knelt between Nate’s legs its hands slipping under the man's muscular thighs and lifting his ass up Nate began to struggle and whimper his voice slurred as the virus burned though him “no please … no ….. just let me go.. Plee” his protests were cut short into moans as the makers long tongue slipped into his destroyed hole lapping up the oily Toxic cum still oozing out, its cock growing harder as Nate's struggles and protests died replaced with an animal moans and need, nick crawled over to his once friend and mentor kissing his head tongue slipping between the moaning man's lips Nate kissed back getting lost in the pleasure and pheromones. Jackson slipped behind Nick his cock already as hard as iron from watching his creator it brushed the man's wet dripping hole as soft as a kiss and then pushed into the young creature nicks eyes went wide at the pleasure and pushed back against the intruding cock. Jackson could feel the makers toxic cum envelop his cock he growled as Nick raised up pressing his back to Jackson's chest and leaning his head back to rest on Jackson's shoulder as the man began to pummel Nicks insides both could feel the cum slashing inside Nick’s dick was now as hard as Jackson's and had fallen across Nate's chest the creator smiled seeing his new creations enjoying each other in the most natural way possible. The creator looked down at Nate knowing Jackson's gift was not strong enough yet to give a swift transition to perfection but knew he could help Nate become who he was meant to be to join with his brothers forever he lowered the man down and positioned himself. As he pushed into the transforming man slowly, lovingly knowing his gift would end this creature suffering, he never broke eye contact, the creator leaned forward when he was all the way in and Nate's face was a mask of pleasure and fear, a tear trickled down Nate's face and he mouthed the word no trembling as he weakly tried to raise his arms toward the creator, the creator just smiled sadly and nodded yes and stroked his hair as he pulled out and slammed back in Nate let out a scream arms falling as the creator did another slow pull out and slammed back in again its vanes pulsing light speeding up now with the need to breed this man. He and Jackson continued their rhythm the slap slap of balls full of toxic seed echoed though the tunnels as well as the grunts and moans of pure animal sex, the creator reached out and grabbed Nate and Nicks cocks and began to wank them in time with their own rhythm both men shuddering under the powerful touch of the creator. Jackson and nick both let out there screams of orgasm first, as Jackson slammed into the younger man with a roar of primal fury releasing a flood of toxic cum into Nick’s guts he could feel the pulse after pulse of corruption entering him Nick came a few seconds later by the creators hand sending a torrent of toxic cum into the air and down onto Nate who was still writhing in pure ecstasy the creators toxic rod filling him totally. Jackson pulled out of Nick and let the younger man drop to the floor the fresh infusion of virus speeding on his change past the point of no return Nick writhed in a spreading pool of cum moaning and rubbing at his skin the pulsing vanes beginning to form the bio-hazard symbol over his heart sealing his new existence he watched on as Nate's initiation continued. Jackson crawled onto his former commander and lined the man's still growing cock up with his hole. he looked in Nate's eyes still human still a vivid green but unfocused and pushed back, Nate breached Jackson's hole into his velvet shoot that seemed to try and pull his dick further and reflexively he pushed into the man Jackson let out a howl of pleasure and Nate's eyes focused on the pulsing symbol on Jackson's chest he licked his lips and began to fuck Jackson and himself on the creators invading tool. the creator leaned forwards his tongue licking Nate's cock and Jackson's hole tasting the two men and it driving them all on. The makers speed began to grow unsteady and Nate felt the things cock grow harder inside him he tried to force his mind to push back to stop what was happening to him but it was too late he felt the final push the pulsing of the burning ropes of toxic black cum flooding him inside the immense wave of pure pleasure that followed was too much he came inside Jackson the orgasm the most powerful he had ever had in his life. Jackson seemed to glow brighter as Nate filled him up and then he came a fountain of corruption into Nate's face and mouth Nate was forced to swallow and wipe his face then he spasmed as the creator's toxic load burned though him, his transformation now in overdrive Nate screamed as the last of his humanity burned away leaving on perfection it its wake.
    5 points
  3. So here's a new story I'm starting. For you fans of my Prince Eric story, don't worry, I'm still working on that too. I just have soooooo many perverted stories going on in my head I get side tracked and want to get them all out. _________________________________________ Part 1 So I guess it's fair to say I definitely have a type. Young and trashy is what gets my dick hard. You can keep your pretty boy jock types. Give me a scruffy, tattooed, pierced,18, 19, 20 year old piece of skinny white trash any day. If they're straight, even better. There's nothing like getting my 11 inch pierced cock buried in a trashy straight boys hole and breeding him over and over until his stretched out pussy is leaking cum. Especially when I can share him with my buddies. And I've broken in my share of boys over the years, seducing them, corrupting them, destroying them. This is a story about one such boy. My favorite boy. I was very lucky and had an apartment that overlooked a skate park in the seedy part of town. I can't tell you how many hours I spent looking out my window, binoculars in one hand, my big leaking cock in the other, masturbating while I spied on the young men as they did their tricks and stunts. On a good day, some of them would remove their shirts, and I could ogle their thin, pale bodies as I would ejaculate into a glass so I could collect and freeze my loads for future use. One day, in late spring, a new boy started showing up. Sometimes with his girlfriend, sometimes alone. When his girlfriend was there, they'd make out and sometimes disappear into the thick bushes for a while, doing what I could only imagine was sexual. This boy was perfect. He stood probably 6 ft tall and weighed maybe 140 soaking wet. His dirty blond hair was long and hung down over his face. When the wind blew it out of his face, I could see his lower lip had three piercings, one in the middle and one on each corner. Both his eyebrows were pierced as was his septum with a ring that sported a big ball hanging down and his ears were gauged out with large plugs. He also sported some chin scruff that hung down a few inches. His body was a joy to behold. His skinny arms both sported colorful full sleeves with sculls and flames and demons and the like. Above his flat pecs in gothic script was the word respect. A tuft of brown hair sat in the middle of his chest and his nipples sported thick bars in them. His furry belly button was pierced and tatooed with red lips and an arrow that followed his treasure trail pointing to his crotch. His legs were very hairy which almost guaranteed that his ass crack and butthole would be as well. Yummy. And to top it off, he had a huge pair of wings tattooed on his back. He was the perfect piece of filthy white trash and I wanted him desperately. I wasted no time implementing my plan shortly after he started hanging out at the skate park. I started by nonchalantly hanging around on a nearby bench, "reading." I would casually light a joint and smoke it while I watched the boy. He would glance my way frequently with that look in his eye like he wanted to smoke, and after only a week of this, he finally approached me. A shadow fell across me and I looked up to see the shirtless boy standing in front of me with his board under his arm. "Hey man, can you share a couple of puffs?" He asked me, flicking the hair from out of his face. "I don't know kid." I answered. "How old are you?" "19." He replied. "Well, I always believe in sharing." I said as I motioned for him to sit down. He sat next to me, his shorts sagging down revealing black boxer briefs. I got a whiff of his slight body odor and my cock stirred a little. We passed the joint back and forth and I found out a little about my intended conquest. His name was TJ, Theodore James exactly, and he lived a couple of blocks away with four other guys in a two bedroom apartment. I could only imagine the squalor they lived in. He worked as a tattooist and piercer, which explained why he already had so much work done at such a young age. He was a product of the foster system and his old man was in jail and he had no idea where his mother was. Ahhhhhh, a broken home, how perfect. He had even spent a couple of years in juvie for stealing a car and dealing drugs. I was amazed at how open this kid was to a stranger, but then, he was stoned. After about an hour I told him I needed to take off, but not before I slipped him a little bud. He was extremely grateful, which is exactly what I wanted. Got to make him trust me before I wreck him. This went on for a week. Everyday we would chill and smoke while I tried not to come across as creepy. Not that I appeared creepy. I was a nice looking 35 year old, maybe a little on the chunky side, but not fat. I stood just a little taller than TJ at 6 ft 1. And everyday when I left, I slipped TJ a little bud. So after a week, I decided it was time to up the ante. I told TJ I had some really killer bud back at my place, which I did, and that he should come over so we could smoke it out of a bong. He happily followed me back to my apartment and in half an hour we were both ripped out of our minds and I made my move. Looking him directly in his slanted eyes, I began. "So, TJ, I've been hooking you up all week and I have a favour. I want to suck your dick." "Dude, what the fuck?" He said in a very stoned voice. "I'm not a fag! Are you a fag?" "Yes, I'm gay, and I want to blow you. I think it's the least you could do." "No way man! I'm not going to let you swing on my dick!" At this point, I doubled down as TJ was not moving away from me. I placed my hand on his thigh and said, " I can suck your dick better than your girlfriend. No one will know, and I'll make it worth your while." I pulled out an 8th of my killer weed and dangled it in front of him. His eyes lit up and I could see the wheels turning in his head. After a minute of silence he said, "All you want to do is suck my dick? Nothing else? And you'll give me that sack and no one will know?" "No one." I promised. TJ looked at me for a few more seconds before snatching the baggie out of my hand. "Fine, but it's our secret." I handed him the bong as I crawled between his legs. My hands shook as I reached up and pulled down his shorts and underwear, rubbing his hairy thighs. His cock was nestled in his very bushy brown pubic hair and was surprisingly big, 6 inches soft. He had a magic cross piercing, where two bars crossed each other through the head of his dick, and a lorum, which is the base of the dick right above the balls. I tenderly put it in my mouth as he took another big bong hit. My nostrils were hit with the smell of his sweaty balls mixed with stale piss and my own cock sprang to life in my shorts. My warm wet mouth soon had TJ to his full rock hard nine inches. He started moaning as I went to town on his cock, giving him the best blowjob of his young life. I deep throated him and massaged him with my throat muscles. He moaned as I massaged his balls and rubbed his guiche piercing. He was totally into the blowjob as he put his hands on the back of my head and started fucking my face. "Oh fuck dude! That feels so good! No bitch has ever sucked my cock this good! Take it you fag! Suck that big dick! Oh fuck, I'm cumming!" TJ started shooting off into my mouth, filling it up with the sweetest white trash load I had ever tasted. Spurt after giant spurt filled me up and I swallowed it all down. TJ collapsed back onto the couch as sweat poured off of him. "Oh, we're going to be doing that again dude!" He panted as the last of his load dribbled into my mouth. I smiled to myself knowing this was only the beginning for his skinny white trash ass.
    4 points
  4. I had my first DP experience yesterday. I hooked up on GRINDR with a dude and his boy. The daddy was around 50, powerful build, wearing just his jockstrap. The boy was in his 20s, cubby kinda lad. I'm a big husky man with a decent thick 7 inch cock. The daddy took his jock off and lay on the bed with his hardon standing proud. The boy sat on his dad's cock facing him. He bent forward and I got behind him and shoved my cock in. The boy had a well fucked ass and was loose enough to get in him. I've never felt so horned, man, feeling another dude's hard cock next to mine in a boy's asshole was intense. I slipped out a couple of times but learned not to pull out too far when thrusting. I could feel the dad's cock pulsing and then he shot. I love feeling his sperm cumming over my cock n running out down my shaft and over my balls. he slipped out and left me to pump my seed up his boy's ass. After, the boy sucked both our cocks clean.
    3 points
  5. Fiction/Fantasy all wrapped in one with a pinch of "I want this" too 🙂 I have been wanting to get into the leather scene for some time now. Add this to me slut tendencies and it is probably the perfect storm. I have been working in the country for the past 5 years and am now moving back to the city and have decided to pursue my leather dreams. I am 5'7" tall and athletic build in my early 40's, so a bit of a late bloomer. Naturally smooth accept down below and I have been on PreP for the past 3 years. Just before my move, I decided to go off PreP to give my body a break. I knew it was risky, but I figured if it is going to happen, it will. One thing I intended on doing as soon as I got back to the city was get as much cock and cum as possible. I have always been turned on by dominant and confident tops in leather. Being the submissive bottom I got myself a black leather vest and a black leather kilt. It was quite short and it only went down just below my arse. I started talking to a guy on Recon named Mike who was a leather top who frequented the leather bars and events and he offered to show me around and introduce me to the scene. We never discussed status. Come Friday night he picked me up and under my kilt I wore a pair of black jocks and nothing else. I get turned on too easy and I needed some control over my cock especially when simply socializing. I got in the car and Mike lent over and kissed me right there out the front of my apartment block and slid his hand up the front of my kilt and grabbed my hardening cock. "Good - that needs to be kept under control - based on that kilt, all the action will be at the back" He then licked his middle finger and slid his hand under and slid his finger up my arsehole. "nice and clean. I think a lot of the guys tonight are going to be real happy to meet you". Mike was only a few inches taller than me, but he was built like a brick house. He was wearing a leather harness and chaps with a jock strap and boots. He was really muscly and really hairy with dark hair. He was only 35 years old. He had a 3d growth on his face that ground my face when he kiss me. And of course he was a smoker. The taste when he kissed me was intoxicating. He lent back and lit up a smoke and we drove off too the leather bar. As we drove to the bar Mike is telling me a bit about himself and that on occasions he let's guys fuck him too, but predominantly that he is a top. "That's all it takes, but that's a discussion for later. Tonight you are mine. My date. My man. Sometimes it can get a little dirty at the bar, but I will look after you" he says while his hand stays on my thigh the whole drive. "I know most of the guys there and I think you will be pretty popular in that kilt. So, as I said, you're my date tonight. But if a guy hits on you or tries to play with you, only the guys I approve can play with you." He moves his hand up to my cock again and it is straining against the jock strap. "Hmmm you like the sound of that don't you?" I smile at him and say "Fuck yeah". He then states "no matter what happens, I get to be the last one in you tonight though" and he flashes me a cheeky smile. "Actually, why don't you come back to my place tonight and spend the night. There is a lot I would like to give, I mean show, you". We get to the bar and I am surprised at how many people Mike knows. He pretty much knows everyone. He introduces me to heaps of guys all in various forms of leather and they are all really nice. We stand at a round table drinking when a guy my own height comes up and hugs Mike and looks at me and says "fuck, who is this?" Mike introduces me as his date. The guy's name is Dave and he goes off to get a beer and returns to us and tells me he is Mikes "brother". I think how cool is that to have a brother also being gay. As we are talking I feel Dave's hand on my arse and go under and I feel him start to try to finger my hole, but it is pretty dry. I look at Mike and I see that Mike knows what is going on. Mike kisses me and whispers in my ear. "Dave is a brother and a good friend. You let him do whatever he wants to you, ok?" I nod and Mike winks at Dave. Dave leans in and says "I am just gonna lube and loosen you up. Come with me. He grabs my hand and leads me to a corridor just off the bar area and before I know it i am leaning against the wall and Dave is rimming me like a pro. Guys are walking past and complementing him and slapping my kilted arse while Dave is under the back of my kilt. Dave stands up and kisses the back of my neck and whispers "Mike told me he was bringing you tonight, so I haven't cum all week and I really got to bust a load quickly now or I will explode". Without further warning he shoves his thick 7 inch cock in me right there in the hallway. "This is a gift I have been saving all week for you, and there will be more to come" and within minutes he is flooding my insides with his seed. He was horny! We walk back to Mike at our table and Mike kisses me and puts his hand under my kilt again and slides his finger in my arse and pulls it out and holds it up between us. "Fuck Dave, you have been saving it. I like Dave's cum, it is special" He licks it off his finger and then kisses me and we fight for every drop kissing. We have another drink and another of Mikes friends cums up and I am not even told his name. But Mike knows him. "Mate I have to head off, got an early start, but I really need to seed" And Mike laughs and says "sure, throw one in quickly and we can catch up on the weekend." I was expecting to go back tot he hallway or somewhere, but this guy literally pulls out his hard cock right there and steps in behind me and lifts the back of my kilt and just slides right in. "Oh nice man, all prepared - who's is it?" "Dave's" Mike says and and the guy says "hot - the special mix". I cannot believe this guy is standing behind me fucking me in the bar area. No one seems to care though. I feel a couple of deep thrusts and the guy says "here you go, my gift for you tonight" and he grunts and I can feel my arse filling with his seed. He just slides out, slaps my are and says good bye and leaves. As the night goes on I am fucked by 3 more guys all the while at the bar with Mike. Mike seems pretty proud of my arse, but after 5 loads Mike says it is getting late and it's getting time he gave me his seed. We walk out to the car and I can feel drops of cum down my legs. As we get to the car, with no warning, Mike pushes me down over the bonet of the car and shoves his 9 inch cock in me with one thrust. "Fuck yeah, wet, slippery and ready to receive my special seed" Mike fucks me hard and he is loud. A few guys have started to watch and one or two of them are telling me that Mike's cum will be the prize of the night. After 5 minutes Mike is balls deep inside me shooting rope after rope of his seed inside me and saying "take it, take my special gift tonight" I am flattered he considers his cum a gift to me. When he is done, he says stay that way. I am thinking he is gonna let more guys fuck me but he doesn't. "I could feel some cum dripping down your leg. It shouldn't be wasted". He kneels down and starts licking my arse hole and inner thighs cleaning all the cum up, and then standup and kisses me with it. After the kiss he says "would be a shame to waste it". We drive back to his place where we step out on to the balcony still in out leather gear and have a smoke and another drink. It is not long before I am bent over the railing and he is flooding my insides with another load of his seed. After the second load he sits on the chair and I straddle him and we kiss like that for a while. He looks me in the eyes and says "You like having my seed in you?" I am in heaven and I say "I love it" and kiss him again. We head inside and get out of our leathers and go to bed where we snuggle and kiss some more. Mike is smiling and says "Let me relieve some of your pressure now." He gives me the best head job I have ever had and after i shoot my seed in his mouth he moves up and dribbles it all back into my mouth. When his mouth is empty, he says "enjoy it. It's probably the last neg load you will ever shoot" and smiles and kisses me until it is all gone. After we have finished kissing with the load I am looking at him surprised, but weirdly turned on even more. He can tell. "Dave has a very high viral load, so I am pretty sure he would have done the deed. But all the other guys that I let fuck you were un-medicated poz." I reply "And you?" Mike kisses me again "I haven't been on meds for years". I don't understand what happened, but it was like a switch turning in my head. I grab his face and kiss him harder than ever and say "Then why the fuck did you stop?" Mike fucks me three more times that night, only those times he does it with purpose. He invites Dave and a few of his mates around over the rest of the weekend and they all repeatedly fuck me. Only then when totally naked do I see various forms of bio hazard tattoos on them.
    3 points
  6. Thanks @Rawplug. Had a great weekend in Manchester/Salford Quays. Rawplug and I have been conversing online for a long time so it was great to finally meet him and his fuckbud for a session. His fuckbud has the most amazing cock... I've heard so much about it but the reality is just as good as the hype... his dimensions are just perfect. Big enough to be a challenge, long enough to reach the right spots. And wow he knows how to use it. @Rawplug is a great guy and well worth looking up if you're in the area. I am definitely going to visit again and we talked about involving more guys for a bit of an orgy. I think I learned a new tactic is required for hook-ups in densely populated cities: don't bother to plan or schedule anything because guys will invariably flake. Going online in the afternoon looking for someone in the evening doesn't work: Immediacy seems to be what is successful. A younger Scally guy contacted me who was very top and into sportswear/sneaker/socks fetish in a big way. Also into BB, rough play and a Top... so a very rare find for me. I drove over to meet him and we had a great session which was very rough. Plenty of gear worship, aggro, trampling kicking and punching. @Rawplug 's fuckbud even commented on the bruises when we met in the evening. The rough session was 'role play' intended to force me to submit to him for a BB fuck, but near the end, he pulled out and shot an enormous load spraying me all over. That would have been soooo much better inside so I could arrive at Rawplug's pre-lubed with spunk and ready for more. But you have to enjoy the bits that go right and taking a beating from a genuine Manchester scally lad is definitely saved in the wank bank for later enjoyment.
    3 points
  7. Sorry it's been so long guys. Classes have been absolutely brutal and time-consuming. This is part 4, with part 5 coming sometime before the 20th of September. --- Part 4 "Are you sure boy?" Was I sure? No. Was I going to do it? Hell yeah! "May I daddy?" I asked him, with absolute certainty in my voice. I was scared but I knew it was now or never. He looked at me with the most intense gaze. So strong, that it always made me look away. But I decided to hold my ground and keep my eyes on him, to show him I wasn't weak. That I wasn't doing this just for him. I was doing this for me. This was my emancipation, my stepping off point from my old life and burning the past away. Stepping into a new life, with Daddy as my guide and my torch in the darkness. "Do it." *DING* And in that moment, I was free. ---- We were in Daddy's bedroom. I was completely naked and on my knees with a big, hefty collar around my neck as the only garment. Attached to the collar was a leash which was in Daddy's hand, who was standing next to me. On any other day, I would have been engrossed in appreciating his beautiful bedroom but right now my eyes were glued to the situation in front of me. The bed (king size) was a 4-poster one. On each of the 4 pillars was a singular camera, rigged and pointed towards the center of the bed. On the top-left and bottom-right corner of the bed, cameras were setup to record any action taking place in the bed. On the wall facing the bed, a 46 inch television was mounted which was turned off at the moment. Two massive studio lights on two corners of the room illuminated the bed. By all accounts, this looked like the setup for a porn video shoot. Sensing my anticipation, daddy simply yanked on my leash and made me move towards the bed. He ordered me to get on the bed, and lie down on my back, facing the TV. "This was supposed to go very differently boy", Daddy said as he started to move around the room. "I was planning to film you taking my poz dick and use that as a blackmail tool," he continued as he moved around and started to turn on the cameras one by one. Once the cameras were done, he went to a shelf in the room and extracted a black box, carried it to the bed and placed it next to me. "Plan's changed now. Tonight, we're putting on a performance," he said, as he turned on the TV. On the screen was a clear shot of the bed. I was completely visible in all my naked glory, facing towards the TV. Before I could react in any manner, daddy swooped in next to me and started to kiss me. "In the next few minutes, you and I are going live on cam. Every nasty pervert in the world is going to see your pozzing. They'll see you begging me for my load, and asking to be infected. Tonight, I'll be your executioner, handing you your death sentence and bind you to me, physically and mentally." I practically jumped into his arms, smashing my mouth into his, showing my willingness. Everything he'd just said had traveled from my ears to my brain and shot straight down into my cock and asshole. He knew what his words had done for me, as his arms wrapped around me pulling me closer. "Let's begin." Daddy picked up his phone and started to fiddle with it for a few seconds. At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary until the TV screen changed. Now, instead of one single shot of the bed, there were 8 different rectangular shots placed through the length and breadth of the screen, each focusing on me and daddy from different angles. As hot as it was, there was no time to take it all in as I felt daddy pull me up by my collar until I was kneeling on the bed, facing the TV again. "State your name boy for everyone," his voice was gruff and meant business. "My name is Ian Connelly." "And why are you here?" "I am here to be pozzed by you daddy," I said with as much gusto as I could. However, daddy didn't look impressed which made me realize I needed to keep going. "I am here to accept my fate as a poz cumdump daddy. I am here to turn into a whore for you, a pig slave for you daddy who loves taking your infected death stick in my pussy." This made daddy happy, as his grip on my collar relax. Instinctively, my shoulders relaxed and I felt the tension on my throat dissipate. But, my relaxation was the last thing on his mind, as I his hands grabbed my skull and pressed it against his groin. I took the hint and started to lick his cock, running my tongue through its length and width, playing with his cock head and licking the area around his crotch. The thought of people watching me exposed, slobbering over a poz man's cock made my dick throb as I continued showing daddy just how special his cock was. Daddy laid down on the bed on his back, while I positioned myself next to his cock. I started to suck him slowly, looking up at him while doing so. My ass was facing the TV, so I couldn't see the view but I was sure it was pretty fucking hot. His musty crotch smelled so good, and the more I licked and slobbered, the weirder the smell got. Between his natural scent and my spit, his dick smelled like pure sex and it was all the invitation I needed to start taking him into my mouth. His piercings scrapped the walls of my throat and mouth and made me realize, that just the act of performing oral on him could lead to me getting pozzed. The thought made me both chuckle and turned on, as I focused on pushing more of his dick down my throat. A wide cock is challenging to push down your throat. A thick cock with multiple piercings is next to impossible, and I struggled trying to take his length entirely. Daddy understood I was struggling and finally came to my aid. He wrapped his palms around my throat and skull respectively, and pulled his length out. A quick gulp of air was all the relief I got as he held me in place and pushed his cock in one go. My eyes popped open as my throat was ripped to accommodate his length. I screamed into his cock, which came out as muffled groans, as he held me in place. I squirmed and struggled, but I was locked in place. I tried moving my body, but he wrapped his legs along my back, holding me in place. I looked up at him in pain, tears streaming down my eyes, and all I could see was a jubilant look on his face. Like the face of an apex predator, enjoying the final moments before his prey would succumb. Something inside my brain snapped as the desire to please him took over. I slowly started to move my throat up and down his shaft, just enough to stimulate while keeping my throat spread open. My free hands traveled along the length of his body until I finally found his pierced nipples. I slowly started to twist it with my fingers, all the while focusing on his manhood spearing through my mouth. "Mmmm, good pig. You know what gets daddy going don't ya," he said as his hand on my skull slowly loosened its grip just enough to give me a rub. By now, I was a little more confident so I started to push his cock out of my throat. As it slipped out of my tonsils, it made me gag and I quickly pushed it out. Almost immediately, a massive amount of spit and throat slime slipped out of my mouth and all over my body. To say I was disgusted by myself and ashamed would be an understatement. But before I could react, he scooped up some of the slime in his palms. Next, his palm moved down to my asshole and rubbed that slime all over my hole. The sensation of his rough slimy fingers rubbing my asshole, made me moan out loud. "Yeah, pig likes that. All that slime is all the lube you're gonna get bitch." I simply moaned my approval, as his finger slipped inside my hole. For the next few minutes, he worked my hole with his fingers, one at first followed by two, three and four. By the fourth finger, I was moaning like a bitch in heat, pushing my hole against his hands and fucking myself on his fingers. "Yeah ride those fingers pig. Lets get you nice and open for my cock." Another few minutes and I couldn't take it anymore. I got off his fingers, got on all fours while facing towards the TV, and presented my hole to him. "Fuck me daddy, please," I begged him. He stayed where he was, a smirk plastered on his face, as he observed my open hole. The anticipation was killing me and I started to thrust my ass backwards towards him, showing just how willing I was for what he possessed. "Fuck me daddy, give me your poz load. Infect me, make me dirty and diseased please. I want to carry your poz babies inside me daddy," I begged and begged, for the world to see. I truly didn't care who was watching, all that mattered was the desire to be fucked by this man's weapon. "As you wish boy." He got up and positioned himself behind me. He was facing the TV as well, as he lined himself up. I saw myself on TV, on all fours, with daddy behind me. He was rubbing his dick on my hole, teasing me and lubing me up with his precum. It was so hot and I couldn't help it anymore. "Pleaaasseee daddy please, I can't wait please," I was on the verge of tears, the need to be bred burning strong within me. The next thing I felt was the pain of being split open by a 7.5 inches long, beercan thickness, multiple piercings cock. I screamed out in pain, squirming and tried to push him out. In response, he pushed his weight on top of me until he pushed me into the bed and was on top of me. I was crying and screaming, as I felt his massive dick work its way through my ass or what was my ass. The pain was intense enough to drive all senses away but not enough to make daddy stop. "Its the only way boy, I tore your ass open. Now my boys will have a better shot at infecting," he said as he started to thrust slowly. "Isn't that what you want, to carry daddy's disease babies inside you. To be daddy's cumwhore?" The man knew exactly what to say as the word cumwhore made me relax. I slowly started to focus on the slight pleasure and numb out the sensation of pain. It took a while but slowly, the pain was gone. I knew it and when I used my ass muscles to squeeze his dick and push him deeper, so did he. "That's it baby, open up for daddy. Let daddy inside you." "Fuck me daddy, breed me with your infection," I groaned as I felt his thickness invade my depth. He grabbed my hair with his free hand, making my face visible for those watching. His head was on my shoulder, his rugged breadth on my neck sending shivers down my spine. "You ready slut? I can't hold it anymore." "Yes daddy, breed my hole." He started to piston drive into my hole, sending waves of intense pain and pleasure through me. My toes curled, my ass burned, my dick twitched and my brain went into per-orgasmic overdrive. "Fuck yes pig, here it comes. Gonna pump my charged load into your beaten asshole. Charge you up with my babies," his breath became sharper. "GODDAMN IT, HERE IT COMES. CHARGED LOAD IN YOUR PUSSY AAAARGGGHH," he screamed as he exploded inside my hole. The power of his ejaculation rubbed my prostrate, making me cum hands free at the same time. My orgasm drove my ass into overdrive, as I started to milk him harder for every drop, as I dropped my own neg load into the sheet. When he was finally done, he slowly pulled himself out. When his dick plopped out, I felt the cold air on my ass and the burning sensation of injury. Slowly I turned around to watch his cock, already aware of what I was going to see. His cock was covered in an orange slime, a mix of spit, precum, cum and my blood. He was looking at me with a look I hadn't expected from him. Warmth and love. I felt tired, exhausted and satiated beyond reason. And as I stared at the beautiful concoction covering his cock, consciousness faded away and I collapsed.
    3 points
  8. Reaching over Tim, K C squeezed Mickey's thigh. "With our decision made, we went to our bedroom where we fucked each other repeatedly, to complete exhaustion, our last fucks as neg men, even if conversion took time." He said. "The next day was filled with excitement and anticipation and while we playfully felt each other up, there was no fucking. After dinner, we both did thorough cleanings. Ivan called at 9:30 to let us know he was on his way and that his assistant, Boris would be dropping him off. The doorbell rang shortly before 10:00 and Mickey went with me to greet our guest. Dressed in white shorts and a white tee, at 6' weighing 170#, covered in tats, with piercing blue eyes and a blond buzzcut, Ivan cut a fine figure. He carried a black knapsack." "We ushered him into the parlor and the 3 of us sat where we're sitting right now and we exchanged handshakes." Mickey said. "I thanked him for agreeing to this and told him how excited we both were. Reaching into his knapsack, Ivan took out 2 OraQuick tests, saying 'it's best to make sure we're both neg' K C and I each swabbed our cheeks and Ivan set a timer on his phone. Ivan suggested we 'get acquainted while we wait'" K C chimed in and said. "Ivan, at the risk of prying, how did you get knocked up? Were you chasing, stealthed or just the luck of the draw? 'I need to give you the backstory' Ivan said. 'The man who gave me my start in the business was an older bear by the name of Theo and to describe him as merely hairy is an understatement. In short order, we became coworkers and friends with benefits. Both of us shameless barebackers and versatile, not to mention a dislike for monogamy, life was good. Fast forward a few years, I wanted a shop of my own and the last thing I wanted was to be competition, so I looked for a shop out of state. The ad for the shop I own now caught my eye and because the current owner had suffered a stroke, he was eager to make a deal if I approved. I drove down the next day, taking my books with me and he was impressed with my work. Next, his wife drove to the shop with me and everything seemed to be in good condition. Back at the owner's place he told me that I could expect a fair amount of steady work from the biker crowd and when I told him I'm gay, he said it shouldn't be an issue. I wrote out a check for the deposit and squeezed his shoulder to seal the deal. Two weeks later, I was back with a certified check and the lease was now in my name. Unexpectedly, the sign didn't cost me anything, because the guy wanted to get into ink, ass well as into my pants. Theo and I parted on good terms and we'd kept in touch through e-mail and the occasional phone call. Getting up in years, Theo decided to sell the shop and retire. Just about a year ago, Theo calls and asks if he can come down for a visit in the next few days. I tell him there's room in my bed and in my ass and we agree on him visiting in 2 days. Theo walked into my shop 2 nights later, just as I was finishing a tribal design on one of my biker regulars. I explained to him how Theo gave me my start and I wanted him to see it, so the guy showed it to him, complimenting me on my usual fabulous work. Theo said he was proud as I wrapped the guy's arm, collected my fee and gave him the cleaning supplies. Something had changed in Theo. His gut was gone and it was now solid muscle. Needless to say, I liked what I saw. Locking up the shop, I took Theo to grab a burger and then back to my place. Once inside, I told him he was looking good and asked if he was feeling nostalgic or there was another reason for his visit. He shocked me when he said it was partly nostalgic, but also business. Theo, as hairy as you are there's only one place for ink on your body and that would be your cock! I nearly fell to the floor when he said I was right. Then, he says he wants a scorpion there. I got beer for the 2 of us and Theo told me the reason. Having deprived himself of a proper vacation for too many years, he decided to go to Provincetown for a 2 month stay. The owner seemed nice when they spoke on the phone and said he'd enjoy the company, since most guests only stayed for the weekends. Provincetown, being a gay Mecca, Theo had hopes for a slutcation and he wasn't to be disappointed. Arriving when most if not all the guests were at dinner, Theo rang the doorbell. Never one to be ashamed of his fur, he'd removed his tanktop and tucked it in the waistband of his shorts. Seconds later, the owner answered the doorbell, dressed in skimpy white shorts and a t-shirt adorned with a bright red bio haz. The owner said 'WOOF', Theo said 'OINK' and they hugged. 'I'm Bob, and this is my cottage of lust! You must be Theo. There's been a last second change in your accommodations. For tonight at least, you'll be sleeping in my bed, that is if we sleep at all! If you're not satisfied, the room you've booked will be available starting tomorrow.' Theo tells me that Bob could be my older brother and then he takes his phone and shows me a pic. I see a definite resemblance and the, he shows me a pic of a fat cock, saying 'This is the cock that pozzed me!' Again, he asks if I'll do a scorpion tat on his cock and I agree on the condition that he uses that cock to poz me!" Just then, the timer on Ivan's phone dings and he looks at the tests. Congratulations, you're both neg..for now!" Reaching into his knapsack, he extracts a deck of cards and fans them out. "Each of you pick a card and high card goes first!" To be continued
    3 points
  9. as promised part 7 hope you like been working on it a while ....... part 8 may be a little while enjoy Part 7 Nate and Nick watched the others leave before grabbing their gear Nick spoke first “I didn’t tell him what Alverez said that thing did to Jackson … I'm kind of hoping that was his imagination” he looked up at Nate the muscular man shaking his head as he pulled the straps on his vest tight securing it over his jacket despite the heat. “Nick, I think Alverez was telling the truth and that means when we find Jackson, he will likely need medical attention and a quick evac if we can subdue or kill the think that got him we avenge our brother for what was done to him …... but Jackson comes first at this point the rest of the mission is scrubbed” Nate's eyes were cold as ice “and when I get out of this hell hole, I'm going to find out why we were really sent down here” Nick picked up his weapons and checked his gear before nodding “yes sir” they moved out of the lab that had served as temporary base camp and jogged down the corridors not looking back. they followed the directions Alverez had given using the lead virologists card key it only took them 15 mins to get to where Jackson had disappeared. His cloths scattered in the same pattern and a thick pool of the black oily substance staining the carpet Nate scowled “Jackson I'm going to find you buddy”. Nick pointed at a droplet trail leading from the room and Nate nodded and they followed the trail the beams from there barrel mounted touches lighting up the gloom cast by the emergency lights they carried on like this for a while before the trail slowed then stopped altogether Nate cursed “well I knew that was too easy so now we do an old fashioned search” Nicks flashlight lit up the door of what looked like a sub-basement “if this was a horror movie sir it would be down there” Nate chuckled the sound deep in his chest “if this was a horror movie, I would say your right so let's indulge our horror stereotypes and go into the monsters lair” they opened the door and found a ladder leading down they climbed down an access ladder the metallic ringing of the rungs echoing though the darkness of the underground tunnels sounding like a lunch bell Nick thought. the corridor down here was wide but with the walls and ceiling covered with pipes it felt cramped, the humidity spiked and both men began to visibly sweat down here red lights and green lights pulsed on panels all of which meant nothing to the two men but cast a strange dance of shadows into the gloom. Only 30 meters into the tunnel they came upon a cross section and realised the tunnels down here were likely more of a maze than upstairs Nate heard something hit the floor in an adjoining tunnel and gestured for Nick to follow him, they crept up silent backs against the wall Nate peered around the corner and something grabbed him throwing him across the tunnel he only made out a flash of grey skin and green light before he slammed into the opposite wall his head hit a steam pipe hard and he slumped to the ground dazed. He heard Nick shout “get the fuck off me” before the deafening reports of a gun stole his hearing. Nate lay there his vision swimming his hearing coming back slowly, he pushed himself up and squinted at the scene playing out In front of him as his vision focused, he could see Nick naked now his cloths torn away and strewn around the tunnel and two muscular tall gray creatures' black veins pulsing with a toxic green light. the teller of the two stood behind Nick its arm raised high long-fingered hand holding both nicks hands above his head his feet barley able to touch the floor. the creatures other hand caressing the young black man's stomach while it licked his face, ear and neck in slow sinuous motions. The other creature was on its knees greedily sucking on Nicks rock hard member taking the 8 inches downs its throat with little effort, its hands playing with the boy's stiff nipples causing Nick to buck and jerk. Nate looked at Nick himself, his Nick the boy he had known since they were a child and promised to protect now a grown man naked at the hands of these monsters his eyes rolled back in his head moaning like a bitch in heat sweat dripping from him. Nate lifted his weight and tried to get to the gun that had swung around to his back but his movement alerted the two creatures, the larger nodded at the prone man and the smaller let out a keening moan before letting Nicks throbbing cock fall from its hungry maw, the cock twitched in the air causing Nick to let out a whimper of his own. the smaller creature turned quickly and advanced on Nate who stared frozen in shock at Jackson's new perfect form the slate gray skin, coal black hair and eyes his new larger muscular physic, the spiderweb of toxic looking veins and the massive throbbing member that stood to attention obscenely big against the man's form. It was only a moment of shock but it was enough for Jackson to dive on him they wrestled on the floor Jackson's lithe musky form all over him and he was too strong Nate couldn't hold him off, Jackson slipped behind him his arms locking across Nate's chest and throat his legs warped around Nate's waist heels pushing into his calves “Jackson don’t do this.... is me Nate ahhhh” Nate screamed as Jackson's grip increased for a moment letting the once bigger man know he was beaten. Nate could feel Jackson's steel hard cock pushed against his back the man's hot breath on his neck, one of Jackson's arms across his chest locked him in place it was like being wrapped by an iron bar the other hand under his chin forcing him to watch Nick being toyed with. Nick had fallen back into the larger creature's arms like a puppet with its strings cut he only whimpered and moaned as the creature's ministrations, one of nicks arms was behind the things neck the creatures face was buried in the man's arm pit licking and sniffing up the pure scent of him, its meant its hands were free to wonder over his fit young body the left hand stopped to play with Nicks nipples tugging and teasing them expertly causing the man to buck and thrust forward. while the fingers of its right hand slid down his tight abs brushing past his dick to explored his muscular ass, its slick finger slipping into the Nicks quivering hole causing him to let out a low guttural moan of pleasure the creature let out a dark chuckle one finger became two then three milking the man's prostate Nick bucked and howled with pleasure, Nate was forced to watch on in horror. As the slow destruction of Nick continued In front of him Nate felt the pressure on his chest disappear as Jackson's arm pulled away, his nimble fingers now pulling at the straps holding Nate's vest in place. Nate bucked trying to dislodge his once friend, but the hand on his chin slipped down to his throat and tightened the muscular man stopped struggling as his air was cut off and let his vest be pulled away still squeezing Jackson stood pulling his toy with him Nate hands moving to the man's tight fingers trying to pull them away from his throat but only scrabbling uselessly against the grip. While he was distracted Jackson unzipped the jacket and pulled Nate's hands were briefly pulled away from there desperate mission to remove the fingers and get air. The T-shirt was next shredded as Jackson pulled the tight material away exposing Nate's gym honed muscles, his huge arms and pecs now covered in a shine of sweat drops of it running down his abs Jackson smiled wiping a finger from his free hand along his friends' body and tasting him as if he was a fine wine he shuddered with pleasure. his hand whipped to the to the fatigues tearing them away in almost a frenzy his fingers stopped over the briefs for a second caressing the prize they hid straining beneath there fabric gently before they too were torn away. Nate stood gasping for air as Jackson admired what would be his first creation, he liked what he saw and knew his toxic gift would find a good host in Nate. Jackson let go of his soon to be victims throat and Nate dropped to the floor at Jackson's feet coughing and gasping for breath. Jackson his grey fingers caressing nates muscular flesh from his shoulder blades to his rock-solid ass Jackson's finger found his tight pucker he used the sweat as lube to push a finger inside Nate whimpered and tried to crawl away Jackson just smiled. he looked over at his creator who was still playing with Nick but could tell the creature was getting impatient it wanted to breed the young man to pass on its toxic gift its veins were pulsing faster. Jackson bent down and picked up Nate under the arms the man's struggles were weak and futile now he was accepting his fate. He made Nate watch as his creator slowly raised Nick up and positioned him over its steel hard massive cock the tip aimed directly for the man's now puffy raw hole as it lowered Nick down towards his salvation Jackson could hear Nate almost crying, “no please not him … please no … please.” As the tip started to penetrate Nicks eyes cleared, he began to struggle with the pain of something that big pushing into him he reached out to Nate desperately his arms flailing and mouthed the words “help me” there was almost an audible pop as the head slipped inside Nick jerked and screamed but the creature did not stop it continued to slide him down Nicks screams became a moan first of pain then pleasure as the toxic pre cum started to seep into his wounds easing the transition. Jackson pushed Nate towards what he knew was practically the man's son, his hand on the back of the muscular man's neck but Nate just stumbled forward in a daze all fight gone as he watched Nick get brutality fucked by this creature the veins seemed to pulse toxic light in time with his own racing heartbeat. Jackson picked the man up under his arms and pushed him ageist Nick’s writhing form looking into his ward's eyes. Nate knew what would happen next, he felt Jackson's massive cock probing his hole as his feet dangled above the floor he didn’t even try to struggle and then the pressure as he began to force it in, it was far too big for Nate's Virgin hole but Jackson did not care he was caught in a breeding frenzy and pushed in hard, Nate felt something tear and a white hot pain as he Jackson slipped a good 5 inched into him but he held back the scream he would not give the creature the pleasure of his pain he simply sobbed resting his head on Nicks shoulder and he felt Jackson slip into him inch by inch the pain subsiding as he knew the poison was entering his blood stream Then he felt Jackson begin to fuck him in earnest the pain was blinding at first as he tried to hold on to Nick, but it subsided and became pleasure. He tried to stop himself but he began to moan then the words just slipped out like a torrent. “Oh fuck Jackson breed me please … oh fuck it's too much … oh fuck OH FUCK make me like you!!” Jackson just chucked darkly and fucked him deeper knowing the venom was brewing in his balls and Nate would soon get his wish. The two creatures pushed closer together fucking their victims at the same pace but that pace was building, Nick and Nate were forced to embrace for stability their bodies pushed together they kissed moaning into each other's mouths, both men could feel themselves slipping away losing themselves in the pleasure, both men's dicks now solid trapped between the two men's writhing stomachs the friction from the Abs and pleasure was too much for Nate who screamed as his orgasm ripped through him causing him to shake and twitch as he spraying his last negative load over his and Nicks chest. Nick followed suite shortly after the feel of cum on his cock too much for his mind to take and he to erupted between them rope after rope of negative cum sprayed their bodies painting them in white. The smell of the pure cum sent the creatures into a new frenzy as they picked up speed both Nate and Nick felt the cocks in them get harder as the pounding increased and then both creatures let out a howl of pure pleasure both men were pulled down balls deep in the rods impaling them firmly in place as felt the creatures flood them with their corrupted toxic cum it burned though them like a forest fire Nate simply falling limp him mind unable to take the bombardment of stimuli. Nicks eyes went wide as he felt rope after rope of toxic cum pulsing and burning deep inside himself Changing him …. then everything was still and quiet. the creator pulled him slowly off its shrinking cock and Nick let out a whimper feeling so empty. he watched as Jackson do the same with Nate he watched as the oily black toxic cum he could feel leaking from his own destroyed ass slid from Nate's ass too it was streaked with crimson, somewhere in his mind he knew that should worry him .. he watched Jackson lick the negative pure cum from off Nate's chest and stomach before cleaning the unconscious man's dick Jackson seemed to glow brighter as he did seem to get bigger. Nick watched his creator do the same to him, he moaning at its sensual touch all force now gone and it too glowed and seemed to become more. Nick looked back at Nate his skin starting to go slate grey and the veins moving across his body Jackson was curled around him stroking the muscular man's hair making a soft keening noise. Nick could feel things fading from his mind complex cares and thoughts slipping away as `he felt his creator curl around him its arms holding him tight safe and secure so Nick gave into the corruption and let the darkness take him.
    3 points
  10. This is generally based on what happened to a guy I know. Maybe I helped part of it happen. There will be several parts. I used to tell myself that I don’t know why I changed. But I’ve had a lot of time to think about it and now I know. In my late night porn-watching, I clicked on a link to a clip with a really hot guy in the thumbnail, a geeky (he was even wearing glasses) muscle guy. He was what, in my fantasies, I would transform myself into. Hey, I had the geek part down already, right? The clip was really short but this guy was getting totally nailed by a big dick. It seemed like really rough sex to me. But as hard as the guy was being fucked and slapped around, he was clearly into it. His cock was rock solid and his eyes were rolling back into his head. And yeah, it was a raw scene. So all this stuff turned me on at once and I came pretty fast and hard and then I freaked out and felt guilty and knew that there was something wrong with me. Which I had been doing since I started jerking off about guys anyway, so that part was pretty familiar. Watching this kind of porn didn’t become an obsession or anything, but every once in a while I’d see some link and click it and, boom! I always busted my nut really fast. Then I had to move. The condo I rented was sold, the new owners wanted to live there, blah, blah, blah. And when I went looking for a new apartment I found a really good deal on a place that was cheap because it was upstairs above a row of bars and restaurants that were open late. This was cool with me because I worked swing shift doing customer service at a call center (and I helped such nice people). I wasn’t getting home until a little after 2 am which was after the places closed. It took me a month or two to realize that the alley behind my building was a cruising spot. With the light off in my bedroom, I could stand in the window and watch guys walk up and down the alley. The lighting wasn’t great, but I could see enough to fuel my imagination. Sometimes two guys would stop and talk and then walk away together, going back to somebody’s place to fuck. But I could also see action from right there. A man would drop to his knees and bury his face in another man’s crotch. Even better would be the times when one guy would turn to face the wall and drop his pants. I’d get a brief glimpse of his ass before another man would step up behind him and they’d start to fuck. Sometimes it was clear that the bottom needed some time to open up and get fucked. But there were other guys who seemed to get down to it right away. Maybe the tops had tiny dicks, but I liked it better thinking that the guys who were getting fucked were sluts who were already full of cum so no lube or loosening up was needed. And that was when I pretty much gave up porn. I had this show outside my window every night. I started to recognize some regulars. There was a short, bearish guy with a salt-and-pepper beard who got lots of blowjobs and a slender, dark-haired man, I thought he was Asian, who sucked him off pretty often, as he did lots of others. On Tuesdays, and only Tuesdays, a redhead showed up. He walked with a nervous energy and always left quickly with someone. I think it was always someone different. I learned a few other things. A lot of blowjobs happened near my window, but the fucking seemed to happen further down the alley, which was frustrating, because dumpsters could block my view. Of course, I had to do some exploring. Walking down the alley in the broad light of day, I realized that one reason that fucking happened further down the alley was that one of the buildings on my side of the street didn’t extend to the back of its lot, so there was a space behind it that was more sheltered. I guessed that this belonged to a storefront that from the street appeared to have been under construction for a while, though I’d never seen workers there when I passed by during the day. Financing problems maybe? Who cared? One Saturday night, I’d actually had a date. It was a total bust--the guy ghosted me mid-date, just walking out of the bar. I hadn’t really liked him but I nursed my wounds with a couple of bourbons before going home. I had another once I got there. I undressed and stood in front of the mirror, drunk-assessing myself at 27. On the plus side, I wasn’t fat, I had a little definition on my pale body, and at 6’1” I had that to be proud of. On the other hand, I wasn’t cute, I didn’t have great hair (mousy brown) and I didn’t really do anything with it, and I don’t have a big dick. All of which I felt explained the fact that my hand had been my only sex partner for a year. But, holy Christ. Guys were having sex outside my apartment. Every Night. My heart was racing as I got dressed again. I felt like I was being incredibly transgressive by not wearing underwear under my jeans. A black t-shirt made me feel more anonymous. Like so many of the men I had watched, I entered the alley at a slow pace, walking close to the far side. Blow-job bear was there, leaning against a door frame. He watched me go past and as I tried to sneak looks at his crotch. What was down there that got him so much attention? I could see two guys ahead of me, on the other side of a dumpster. They were leaning close to each other and I thought they were talking until I drew even with them and saw that a third guy was on his knees between them, his head bobbing from one of their cocks to the other. I stopped and leaned back against the opposite wall. I knew that there was plenty of watching in the alley. It wasn’t out of line to look. I started to get hard and began to rub my cock through my jeans. One of the guys getting blown looked my way. A hispanic guy, maybe my age, pretty eyes. He turned back to looking down at the cocksucker. The other guy turned his head toward me and checked me out. Kinda handsome, dark blond. He smiled and then looked down again as well. I decided to be brave and crossed the alley to lean against the wall about 10 feet away from the trio, my heart still pounding. I could see the cocksucker now. It was the (definitely) Asian guy who got so much practice here. He had buried his head on the blond guy’s dick and was really going to town. As the blond grabbed the cocksucker’s head and started to face fuck him, I saw the other guy’s hand slide down into the back of the blond’s loosened jeans. I guessed he was fingering the blond’s hole The blond started to pant and gasp, “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” and I heard the cocksucker trying to make encouraging noises. Then the blond was shuddering and clearly cumming, his cock deep in the cocksucker’s throat. The hispanic guy was staring at me now as he pulled his hand out of the blond’s pants. Wordlessly, he walked toward me and I could see a thick heavy dick hanging out of his open pants. It was slick with spit and uncut. I was staring right at it, unable to look anywhere else until he was right in front of me. And then he was pushing the index finger of his hand into my mouth and I was sucking on it and thinking that Oh, God, this was the finger that was in the blond’s ass and it tastes like sweat and man and cum and faintly of ass and I am sucking it because this hot guy with the mean cock wants me to and I am such a fucking dirty slut. And this man who understood me in a way I had not smiled at me. He used the finger that was in my mouth, the finger that I was hungrily sucking, to push me down. I stumbled to my knees and he pulled my mouth open sideways as he pushed his cock into my mouth. It tasted just like his finger only stronger. I knew that he’d fucked the blond guy raw and bred his ass. Part of me was completely horrified that I was letting this stranger use me like this and part of me was horrified that I wanted him to use me like this. And another part was angry that the blond guy had been fucked and not me. And angry that the blond guy had been bred and not me. So I began to suck with a fury. I grabbed hold of his asschecks and held on as I tried to pull his cock all the way down my throat. His finger disappeared from my mouth as he grabbed my ears and asserted control of my rhythm. He wouldn’t let me be fast; he held himself in the depths of my throat with each thrust. He didn’t care how much I wanted him to cum Right Now. He was using me. My eyes had teared up and my knees hurt from kneeling on the pavement but I stayed there, totally focused on his cock in my mouth. It went on and on and I kept hoping for him to cum but he didn’t. I heard someone adjusting his clothes and then walk away. And then someone else stood close beside us. “Can you cum again so soon?” a voice asked. “Nope,” I heard. “Not after the way I came in you. I’m just testing this one out.” He stopped me completely and pushed my head back off his cock, looking down at me. I was trembling and my eyes kept darting from his face to his cock and back. “Maybe sometime I’ll fuck him. He fuckin’ needs to be bred, don’t you think?” There was laughter from the blond and then the man who had used me was pulling his pants closed, tucking his magnificent cock inside, and walking away without even looking back at me on my knees in the alley with a rock hard dick still in my pants and a hunger inside.
    2 points
  11. This is fiction! I have been on PreP now for the past 3 years and decided it was time to give my body a break. I am your average 45 y/o guy on all accounts and had no luck in the love department. So I decided to embrace my piggy side a year ago and got a tattoo of a pig on one arse cheek and the word pig with the tail of the "g" turning in to an arrow pointing to my arse hole. Since love is not in the cards, why not just be the pig bottom I am right? I have a thing for Mediterranean (ME) guys and was shocked when a 40 y/o ME guy on BBRTS oinked me. I checked out his profile and he had the perfect hairy check, chiseled jaw with trimmed beard and a toned body to boot. He was sporting a 7 inch cock with a nice bulbous head. He was a smoker which I love. I love kissing smokers and the taste of them and the smell of cigarette smoke on a man when making out. It is so manly! And his status said "ask me". I was intrigued, but blown away by his looks and quickly forgot about the status. We chatted for a while and I was blown away when he asked if I wanted to exchange phone numbers. We did and actually chatted for some time. He was so hot to talk too. Deep confident voice yet somewhat kind all at the same time. He shocked me and asked if I'd be interested in a dinner "date". I had only recently moved to the city and had a one bedroom apartment on the 5th floor of a complex with a balcony. So I suggested he come over to my place for dinner on a Friday night. The date was set. Come Friday night I was all excited and ready. I cleaned out and wore my jocks and tight jeans and t-shirt. He turned up and I buzzed him up to my floor. A knock at the door and I was so nervous. I opened the door and my heart skipped a beat too many. There he stood. Slightly taller than me. Toned and wearing tight jeans and a white t-short and to my surprise and delight, a backpack. He seemed prepared. I smiled and said hi and he smiled and walked straight in. As I closed the door behind him I heard him drop his backpack and felt him grab me from behind and turn me around and kiss me like he meant it. Immediately I could taste the cigarette smoke (he obviously had just had one) and I could smell it on his body. He pushed me to the wall just inside the door and grinded his crotch against mine as he kissed me like no one had ever kissed me before. He stopped for a break and looked me in the eyes and smiled and simply said "yeah". After a minute or two kissing without moving an inch further into the apartment he breaks the kiss and motions down to a bulge in his crotch that looks like it is about to rip the zipper apart from the pressure along. At the tip of the bulge there was a wet spot. Fuck he precums a lot. I drop down and start licking the bulge and wet part and get a slight taste of salty precum through the jeans. I undo his jeans and zip and he is commando and his cock bounces out. It is rock hard and dripping precum. I suck him and taste his precum seed and it tastes amazing! Before too long he grabs me by the shoulders and lifts me up and looks me in the eyes and says "you want this don't you?". He stays full clothed with only his cock pulled out of the front of his jeans. I am melting at the look in his beautiful eyes and he kisses me again. The smell and taste of cigarette smoke is intoxicating. He turns me around and kisses the back of my neck and starts to undo my jeans from behind. He then bites my neck and I know I will have hickies to hide next week. he pulls the back of my jeans down just below my arse, but otherwise leaves them on. He steps back slightly to look at my arse and can see the tattoos. "Don't you think it is time to feed the pigs?" Before I can answer, He shoves his cock in me raw with one push and holds it there to give my arse time to stretch and accept him. Before long he is pounding me against the wall. He gets verbal and tells me it's time the pigs got a good meal and that I should get used to this and that this is just the start. He starts saying he has a 7 day load he has been saving for me "just for me to be sure" and the words wash over me. We are still just inside the front door. He picks up the pace and starts saying "this is it" and "it's time". All of a sudden he shoves in deep and says "you want this right?" and without a chance to even respond I can feel him flooding my insides with the biggest load I have ever taken. He really had been saving it. As he is pumping the last drops in me I am in a haze and saying "yes I want it, I want it, I want it". Still rock hard and plugging my hole he begins kissing my neck and leans in and whispers in my ear, "I probably should have said earlier, but I am poz. As in high VL poz and not on meds". I instantly have a moment of panic, before a feeling of resolve sets it. I think to myself "If I am going to convert would it be so bad if this hot guy is the father?" Standing there, his cock slowly going soft but still inside me I reach back and grab the back of his head as he is kissing my neck again. "Do you want to get me pregnant? Is that what you want". He replies, "Yeah, I was gunna tell you first, but I got carried away and couldn't help myself". I ask him "so what are your plans for the weekend?" and he responds "not much". His cock slips out and we both pull our jeans back up. I turn around and he kisses me much more passionately now. "I need a smoke after that". So we walk out to the balcony and he lights up a smoke. Between puffs we kiss and I give in to this middle eastern god. "Stay the weekend and spend it getting me pregnant". He kisses me hard and grabs my arse which is a little wet due to some cum dripping out. "Done deal". To be continued.
    2 points
  12. Another great chapter. Always worth the wait. Looking forward to the next one
    2 points
  13. He is attractive. Too bad he's a homophobe.
    2 points
  14. Part 3 I couldn't stop thinking about fucking Nate in the alley and how I wished I had fucked the kid. By the time the weekend rolled around, I could not concentrate, I was so horny. I broke down and called in sick to work. Just after midnight on Friday, I was looking out my window, watching the men who were already drifting into the alley. I was surprised, since a lot of the restaurants were still open and staff was coming and going, putting out trash, taking a smoke break. And then I realized that there was no way all these guys were cruising that alley at that hour. Maybe 30 men had walked by. Where could they have gone? Investigating was all the excuse I needed. I slipped into a pair of jeans, motorcycle boots, and a wife-beater and headed downstairs, calm, confident, and horned up. Blow-job Bear was not in his usual position, but I guessed it was too early, a little past 12:30. Then, as I approached the spot near the abandoned storefront where I had fucked Nate and fingered the kid, I saw him. He was standing beside a door into the storefront. Red light leaked from around the doorframe and I could hear a throb of bass. Jesus Christ, there was a club here? The bear looked at me, the first time he had looked me in the eyes, and jerked a thumb toward the door. I walked over. “What’s up?” I asked. “Private gathering. You might like it. No admission.” “Nice of somebody to throw a party like that.” “I’ve seen you here. You could have a good time. Check it out.” He reached over and pulled the door open. The light and the sound poured out into the street and I stepped inside. The red light filled the first room, which had no furniture, no decoration. Three doorways led out of it. It was hard to make out what lay through any of them; it seemed like only the red light illuminated them. I chose right. It was a hallway. I took a few steps and stopped, letting my eyes adjust. The music seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere. I took a few more steps forward and realized I could see a doorway of some kind another fifteen or so feet ahead. I walked carefully toward it and stepped into a large room. It was lit by the faint light of a large screen showing raw porn. Five or six men stood around the room, several of them paired off and making out. I knew that if I stayed and watched, I could probably join in some kind of action. But I wanted to know what else this place held and there was another doorway directly across the room. It turned out to be a stair and in the faintest of light I made my way carefully down below street level. The light here was so much less than upstairs. I could hear much more than I could see, the wet, sloppy sounds of men fucking and sucking. I edged to my right and found the wall. At the same time I bumped into someone. A strong hand gripped my wrist. I started to whisper a “sorry, man” when the other hand pulled mine to a thick cock. Partly engorged but not fully hard, it was slick already--saliva? Lube?--and I automatically began to stroke it. The man’s other hand gripped my head, pulled it forward and I was being kissed, hard, invasively. I felt another body pressing against me from the right and someone else was massaging my crotch. The cock in my hand had a heavy foreskin and although I could not see it, and I could not really see anything of them men beside me, touching me. I started to drop to my knees. The man kissing me sensed this and held me in place. He was taller than I was and the tight skin of his groin told me he was fit, whoever he was. He seemed to be naked. The hand on my crotch was moving up and down my body, playing with my nipples before moving back to rub my now fully hard dick. I felt this second man press himself against me from behind. His cock was hard too and it pushed insistently against my ass. Instinctively, I pushed back against it. I ground my ass against him. “Like a bitch in heat,” I heard him say. I moaned a little into the mouth of the man who was kissing me. It was like I was bipolar. Last night I had been the one taking charge, making decisions, choosing to have the kid fuck Nate. I had told myself that I was coming here to do the same things. And now, with the slightest contact with another man’s hard cock, I was ready to do whatever these men wanted, even though I had no idea who they were. I could pass them on the street tomorrow and have no idea. I reached behind me with my free hand, eager to feel the cock that was pressing itself against my jeans. It was slick too. Had these guys already fucked someone in this room tonight? Had they bred him? This one curved upward and to the left slightly. God, how would that feel inside me? The hair at the base of the cock was dense and curly. Maybe this man was black? Was he my age? Old enough to be my father? Handsome? It was part of the unknown that I had stepped into, where the only clear thing was that I wanted this cock and the one I held in my hand and any other cock I could get. Suddenly he stepped away from me and I felt a cold absence where he had pressed against me. I reached back to find empty space. And then the owner of the thick cock I had been jerking pulled away too. “Later,” I heard him whisper. “Way too soon. And check your clothes if you wanna be a pig. Upstairs to the left.” He walked away and I stood there panting for a few minutes. I was so full of lust and there was so much opportunity here, even if I had no idea who it was with. I carefully made my way upstairs, through the room I had crossed before and into the intense red light of the entrance. And yes indeed, I saw that the door to the left led to a long room, slightly more brightly lit than the TV room, where a tall, actual black guy, magnificently naked, with sleek muscles and a mushroom headed cock, handed me a clear plastic bag. I shucked everything but my boots and handed the bag over in exchange for a tag with a number on it. The tag went into my boot, the bag onto a table marked into sections with tape. I’d been nervous stripping down in front of this incredibly hot guy. He was polite, if not friendly, and didn’t seem to give me a look that wasn’t business like. I kept telling myself that this was just like the gym and I was heading for the showers but my dick didn't know what to do. Stand up proud? Hang loose? It was as confused as the rest of me. As I turned to head back and continue exploring, several other men entered the room and began exchanging their clothes as well. I recognized the sleeve tattoo on a short, blonde guy. I ‘d pumped a few loads into his ass. I’d never seen his face but he always pulled his cheeks open to facilitate entry, so I’d seen the tat. I decided I was here for fresh encounters. Back in the entry room, I chose the middle door. It was much larger than the TV room, with weak overhead lighting. There were a few naked guys here but most were clothed. I got some considering looks as I walked in, but there was no action happening here yet. I considered the “too early” comment I had heard downstairs. Had I shown up at a sex party--my first sex party--too soon? Was everyone conserving their loads for the perfect moment? I returned to the smaller room with the porn TV. Things were better here. I could see several guys on their knees, including a pair in front of a silver daddy who had a power-lifter’s body and was wearing a studded leather harness. If things were heating up here, then my odds were better downstairs. Once I had made my way into the basement again, instead of immediately sliding against the wall, I started to move cautiously into the center of the room. I could hear men around me, whispering, grunting, making the wet, forceful sounds of sex. I stood there, waiting once again for my eyes to adapt. Other than figures in movement around me, the only other thing I could make out was the faint outline of some other opening. I walked toward it and as I neared it, a hand reached out and grabbed my cock. I slipped away. I wanted to know more first. A short hallway turned left into another better lit room. The first room must have been some kind of test to see if you were really ready to play hard. Just to my left, a beefy guy, early 40s, with a hairy dadbod was leaning forward, grasping two poles that came down from the ceiling, holding on hard as someone plowed him repeatedly. “Shit, oh shit,” he was saying over and over. I stepped over to get a better look. I wanted to see the cock driving into that hole. And that’s when I noticed the guy fucking him, especially when he gave me a goofy smile even while driving his cock into that hairy ass. Friends had set me up on a blind date with Felix, maybe because we were both of us were, well, not cute. We hadn’t clicked. Enough that we hadn’t fucked. Maybe that had been a mistake. Felix was an ectomorph like me, strongly inclined to skinny, and much shorter at around 5’7”. I knew he was self conscious about his height. But he was a lot more defined than I was. And judging by what I could see, he was hung. He jerked his head at me and I took that as an invitation. I gave him a long wet kiss, doing my best to stay out of his way so as not to interrupt his rhythm. As I pulled away, he grinned again and said, “Play with my tits. I’m gonna unload in this guy.” I slipped behind him and reached around to rub his nipples. My hard cock pressed against his back just above his butt crack but he didn’t seem to notice. “You can be rough,” he said. “Fuck yes!” the guy he was fucking moaned and Felix laughed. He picked up the pace. Felix’s ass and back were bouncing against my cock and it was driving me crazy. I was twisting his nipples as hard as I had ever twisted a guy’s but he didn’t seem to mind. “Breed him,” I urged. “I wanna see you breed his ass.” That was a hell of a way to say hello. But he clearly didn’t mind. “You wanna be bred, Randy?” Felix grunted. “You want my load again?” “Oh yeah!” Randy panted. “Deep inside. Deep inside.” Three or four other guys were standing around us now. A tall guy in his 50s shoved his cock into Randy’s mouth and I felt hand on my ass, pulling my cheeks apart. Then Felix started to really buck, hard almost wild thrusts of his hips. “Yeah,” he grunted, “Oh yeah!” and he shuddered then shuddered again. “You are fucking bred,” he almost shouted. He staggered back a little, right into me. Hands were reaching out from around us for his cock, but I said clearly, “Mine!” and I slid right around him and down to my knees. Gently, reverently, I took his cum-covered cock in my mouth. He shivered--I could tell he was sensitive like I was after cumming--and instead of teasing the head I let all 8 thick inches of his sloppy dick slide to the back of my throat and just held it there. There was jostling around us as another mind lined up to enter Randy’s hole. But I stayed on my knees, looking up at Felix. I swallowed gently and he twitched but he smiled at me. “Jesus,” he said, and then used my real name, not Toby. “What did I overlook? You’re a hot fucking slut.” He patted my face and pulled his cock slowly out of my mouth, then grabbed me under the arms and pulled me up to stand in front of him. “I gotta rest for a few so I can do this again.” He wiped some cum or saliva off my lips. The hand was back on my ass again, a finger probing my hole. “Oh hey, Drew,” Felix says. “My buddy wants to get fucked. Help him out while I recover.” Felix gave me a quick peck on the lips and walked right out of the room. “You’re tight and your hole isn’t lubed up” said a voice behind me. “Gotta fix that before you get loaded up.”
    2 points
  15. Bobby Blake- my very first CRUSH 😍 The pure, overt, hyper-aggressive, high intensity, Uber-Dom fuck machine with an equally filthy mouth to match. And that body, god I wanted to get pinned down and man handled by him as he tears my hole in half with his powerful man-meat. Ben Gunn, Cutler X, Max Konnor, my hole is twitching just thinking of them. I’d love to coax every last drop of nut out of them with my body until their balls are emptier than a Walmart TV aside after Black Friday...then go one more time just watch their dicks dry heave just to make sure I got all of it.
    2 points
  16. Alam Wernick gets bred again by Dillon Anderson Double yum!
    2 points
  17. I love sex with younger guys because they like to venture sexually out of their age group. They take care of their bodies for the most part. They can be “old souls” enamoured by the life experience of older men. I love younger pigs because they sniff out older pig daddies readily!
    2 points
  18. My second load went into a young man who had made himself my fuck boy for the evening. He gave me his ass repeatedly, found other men for me to fuck and did incredible atm on my cock as I pulled out of those other men's holes---how could I not give him my load?
    2 points
  19. I've always absorbed the few loads I have received. There is one exception - one hung dude pumped so much extra air into me that I really had to hold a huge fart on the long drive home, and when I let it out, the cat ran scared. And my underwear was quite soaked from the expulsion.
    2 points
  20. I keep the loadz in my ass for as long as possible. Usually dont voluntarily eject it til the next day.
    2 points
  21. Most men really appreciate it. I love the taste.
    2 points
  22. Im 32 and have literally no interest in younger guys. I think its probably since im a submissive bottom so I enjoy older, bigger men that look more powerful than me and that can dominate me. Have always liked older guys and was never into younger dudes.
    2 points
  23. Part II I staggered home and freaked out about what I was. I couldn’t get it out of my head and it obsessed me as I jerked off and shot a huge load. Which freaked me out more. And the more I thought about how much I needed to be the kind of cum whore I wanted to be, the more I got turned on. And then I jerked off again, and freaked out more. I didn’t get to sleep until 6 am and I was awake in a few hours. I was online soon, looking at raw porn, reading stories, downloading hookup apps. I swung between states of arousal and fear. I wanted to be fucked raw right out of my mind and I then I would be full of shame and fear and my dick would get hard and I would jerk off. Finally, I sat down and made a list of what I thought a sane person would do in my situation. I still have the list. It’s not completely coherent but since it was the product of my freakout, I think that’s understandable. Have only healthy sex, physically and mentally Stop drinking! Focus on being a good person because a good person gets a boyfriend and has good sex Get a boyfriend! Go to the gym 5x/week Become a vegan New look! Dress like I care Success was mixed. I dunno why I wrote down vegan. I guess I thought it would be super healthy-smart. I think I ate a bowl of lentils and that was it. I did stop drinking. And I did start going to the gym more. The good person/boyfriend thing was definitely going to take some strategic thinking. Ditto the new look because I kind of resented myself for writing that down. As for having only healthy sex--I’d gone for a year without having any, so all I had to do was stick to my old patterns, right? Not so easy. I didn’t go back to the alley, but I did stand in the dark in my apartment and watch what happened there each night. Then I would jerk off again and freak out at how much I wanted to be raw fucked until cum leaked out of my ass. So I changed my work shift. I actually got a promotion for changing to graveyard, which meant more money. I was out of my apartment from 11:30-8:30 Wednesday to Sunday. Temptation removed! Sort of. That’s when I decided to see if I could train myself to be different sexually. If I was afraid of being a cumdump whore, I would be the kind of guy who used them. I found pump-and-dump offers on websites and apps and I went for it. God, there were a lot of flakes and jerks. I think in the first six weeks I actually fucked only two guys in darkened apartments, never seeing anything more than their asses in the air. And both those times I came so fast I was embarrassed. But these guys were all about collecting the loads and they didn’t seem to care. One of them invited me back nearly every week. I kept pumping and dumping. I built up the ability to last, in part by thinking about how I was giving these anonymous guys what they wanted, making them happy. I wasn’t the biggest cock any of them ever took. But I’d played a game with myself that I could only cum in a guy’s ass, so that meant no jerking off. Which meant I was shooting pretty big loads and some of them at least, really liked it when I said I had a 3- or 4-day load for them. About six months went by. I looked at my list, stuck on my fridge door, and gave myself some credit. I hadn’t had a drink. I’d kept up the gym. I was probably the only one who noticed a change (and my drive-by pump-and-dumps were not admiring my guns anyway), but I had a new habit. As for the healthy sex, well, I was getting off regularly. It was consensual. And the guys always said, “Thanks, man!” So that was a great first step! There was a guy named Nate who was one of my regular fucks. He lived about 10 blocks away, close enough that I could walk to his place when he was in a receiving mood. And one day Nate learned about the alley behind my place. He had no idea that I lived there, just that I was kind of close to him. So when he messaged me and asked me if I wanted to meet in the alley, he had no idea how easy it would be for me. I freaked again. That would be a Bad Thing to do, I told myself. I told Nate that I couldn’t make it and he was totally cool about it. Helpfully, he let me know when he’d be there and what he’d be wearing. So it was that late Tuesday/early Wednesday I was standing at my window, looking down in the alley. I'd never seen Nate’s face but I knew him as soon as he showed up. He was a little on the chub side and he always wore a backwards baseball cap when he was getting fucked. The image on it was Porky Pig. He strolled into the alley right on time, wearing jeans and a leather jacket and that hat. Right away I was hard and was jerking myself before I could even think about it. Now I had a conflict. I’d decided the alley was a Bad Thing. But I had promised myself also that I wasn’t going to jerk off, only cum inside asses. I had a promise to keep! That was all the excuse I needed to do down there. By the time I’d dressed in jeans and a wife-beater, Nate was no longer in sight from my window. I had to compose myself not to rush down to the alley and by the time I got there I had adopted a relaxed, slightly curious stroll. I passed Blow-job Bear, who gave me a very direct look, which I returned boldly, and kept going down the alley. I walked past the dumpster beside which I had been on my knees all those months ago and came to the wider place behind the storefront still under construction. Nate was there, on his knees already, sucking off a young guy, maybe early 20s, baby face, who was leaning against the building. The young guy looked wary as I stepped closer. But I was in top guy mode now. I was The Fucker. I was confident. I looked down at Nate. I guessed he was mid-30s, with a neat brown beard. His face was pushed up against the kid’s groin. “You gonna fuck him?” I said quietly to the kid. He looked startled and shook his head. “He likes to get fucked,” I said. Nate pulled back and let the kid’s cock drop out of his mouth. It was skinny but long. I’d never used him as a cocksucker but it was no surprise that he was experienced. “Toby?” he whispered. My name’s not Toby except on apps. “Hey, slut,” I said. “Drop the pants.” Nate grinned and obliged. I slipped a finger into his hole and he gave a familiar moan. He’d lubed himself up well. The kid was watching us, wide-eyed. I used my other hand to grab his cock. I swear I could feel his heart racing through it but he didn’t shy away as I tugged Nate around, lining his hole up with the kid’s cock. “Go ahead, fuck him,” I whispered to the kid. He started to stammer something but I leaned in and kissed him. In a club or on a dating app this guy might never have given me the time of day, but here, in an alley dedicated to sex, he let my tongue into his mouth as I held his manhood. I squeezed his dick and he shuddered a little. “Come on, Nate,” I said, “Back up on this.” I moved my hand away as Nate’s slick hole began to engulf the kid’s engorged cock. I slipped that hand down the back of the kid’s jeans and toward his own hole, just putting a little pressure below the hole itself. “Look at you, man,” I whispered in the kid’s ear as he began to slowly slide his cock deeper into Nate. “You’re using that hole. You’re fucking him. Your cock is inside him and he loves it.” The kid turned his head and started kissing me again. I moved my finger up and started pressing it against his hole directly now. The kid slowed his fucking. He was distracted by all the sensory input. But Nate was eager and he began fucking himself on the kid’s cock as I worked my finger fully inside the kid. There was no lube in the kid’s hole. He wasn’t prepared to be a slut like Nate was, but he wasn’t freaked out about being fingered and I was fully hard, my cock still in my jeans as I thought about fucking this kid’s ass raw right there. But Nate was too good at what he did. Suddenly the kid was cumming, shooting his load in Nate’s guts. I shoved my finger all the way up his hole as the kid climaxed with near spasms. He gasped repeatedly and I heard him saying faintly, “oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.” Nate and I laughed quietly, ruefully and then I kissed the kid again, his dick still inside Nate’s hole. “You’re a hot fucker,” I said as I broke off the kiss. “I’d be glad to show you how to really enjoy that. And a few more things.” My finger was still up his hole and I pushed against his prostate. The kid had flushed a bright red. He looked confused. I had an idea about why. “Any time you see me, you let me know what you’re up for,” I told him. “This is a great start, but it can be just a start.” There was a “plop” as his dick slid out of Nate’s hole as Nate stood up. “Thanks,” the kid whispered to me, and then again, almost as an afterthought to Nate. He started grabbing his pants to hike them up and in about 30 awkward seconds he was walking away down the alley. I fucked a load into Nate right there that night. Blow-job Bear had wandered down from his usual station and watched us from the shadows but as far as I could tell he never even fondled himself as he did so. Nate cleaned my cock off after I’d unloaded in him, something he’d never done before. But I stick a finger from my left hand in his ass before I left him there and walked home with a glob of pungent cum and ass juices on it. I carefully avoided touching anything with that hand. At home, I savored it. My cum, the kid’s cum, and Nate’s juices, they tasted amazing. I didn’t know who I was but it was fucking hot.
    2 points
  24. We had some fun with this boy last night. I have to say I was impressed how well he sucked not to mention took every cock to the balls and begged for more. One of the Hottest gang bangs we have had in the play room
    2 points
  25. Check out WS extension: ...He doesn't even finish the word seed and I can feel it again as he pumps rope after rope of seed in me. While kissing my neck as he did before he stays rock hard inside me as he gets his breath back. He leans back and says he needs to go piss. I grab his arse pulling him tight into me and say "then piss man - no need to go anywhere". I swear I feel his cock twitch. He says "you sure?" with a hint of excitement in his voice. "Let it go man, just let it go. It may dilute the seed a bit, but hey, you can make up for that the rest of the weekend right?" Without another word I feel it. My bowels are filling with his warm piss. I guess he really needed to go. After he has finished and my insides are swimming with his seed and piss, he slowly pulls out and only a drop of piss escapes. "fuck that felt good" he says as he does his jeans up again. I pull my jeans up as well. "I wanna hold it as long as I can". Scott sits on the outdoor chair and lights up another cigarette clearly pleased with himself. He motions for me to come site on his lap, and I do and straddle him facing him and we kiss for a bit. It doesn't take long and I am feeling the pressure. "Mate, I gotta go let it out". As I start to stand up Scott grabs my arse and pulls me back down on to him and kisses me again and says "then let it go". I simply can't hold it anymore and stream after stream of his piss and cum and flowing out of my arse into my jeans and then down onto his jeans. "Fuck that feels nice and warm" he says and mine and his jeans are soaked with his piss and cum. "Guess I will have to stay the weekend now to pump some fresh seed into you while my clothes are being cleaned". And he does 🙂
    2 points
  26. Alam Wernick gets bred by Dillon Anderson. Listen out for the dialogue around 19:20... [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5b32921fef9b0
    2 points
  27. They All Fuck My Boy My boy and I had been invited to a huge blow-out party. Well, my boy had been invited. The host, Brad, had organized an epic party at his house in The Pines out on Fire Island. He was super sexy, and we’d seen him a lot around the city. He was a big party promoter, so he was always popping up in the gay magazines and at clubs. He was tall, with tanned skin, close-cropped brown hair with a tussle of bangs in his face. My boy and I are both versatile, but he’s much more of a hungry bottom than me. He told me that he once took six dicks in one night back at a frat party in college. I’d never taken more than two in one night. Of course, in those days, we had both always religiously played safe. We had only stopped using condoms when fucking each other a few months ago, promising to wrap up if having some fun on the side. My boy and I made sure to wear our cutest jockstraps, and sexy short shorts and tight t-shirts, wanting to show off our assets, and so that we’d fit in with the A-list crowd of guys certain to be at Brad’s party. I knew we’d be willing to do almost anything to feel like we belonged with these hot guys. As we headed down the beach, hand in hand, my boy told me what he had had to do to get the invite. One of Brad’s buddies was bragging that he had two extra tickets, and would give them to anyone who would take his load. I was surprised, not that he had slept with this guy to get the tickets, but that he had let the guy fuck him raw. That was sort of against our rules. My boy promised that the guy was NEG, and it wasn’t a big deal. Then he told me about the house rules of the party. Brad got to fuck anyone he wanted in his own house, but not to worry, he said, “Brad feels very strongly about protection… and safer sex…” I was a little unnerved that he had only just told me that he’d taken this guy’s seed, and that he was prepared to let Brad fuck him, but we were already at Brad’s front door. The house was stunning, all glass and weathered cedar siding, and the party inside was already in full swing. Dozens of hot guys were dancing around, flirting, and drinking. George, the guy who had bred my boy for tickets, greeted us at the door and told us that we were welcome to wear as much or as little clothing as we would like, but that he’d prefer my boy in a jockstrap. My boy, ever the one to please, stripped off his shirt and shorts right away. I took my shirt off and tucked it into the back of my shorts. We got cocktails and started dancing. All kinds of hot guys were pressed against us. George appeared with a sexy Latin, or possibly Middle-Eastern, guy, very tall, and very sexy, in a tiny red speedo that left nothing to the imagination, and introduced us. “This is Sam. He’s got a big dick that I think you’ll like. Make him feel at home.” Just as quickly as he appeared, George left, and Sam started grinding his body against my boy’s exposed ass. Sam’s dick was clearly getting hard and after a minute or two was forcing it’s way out of the waist of his briefs. From my position beside my boy and Sam, I could see that dick start to glisten with precum, and that precum started leaking all over my boy’s ass. I could see it dripping down between hiss ass cheeks and I knew it was on his hole, if not in it. I tried to get my boy’s attention, and put my mouth to his ear, more or less shouting over the music, “You don’t want to offend Brad! Doesn’t he feel strongly about safe sex? If you’re gonna let this guy fuck you, you should make him wrap up!” My boy opened his eyes and pulled me in for a kiss. Then he shouted into my ear, “I said he felt strongly about safe sex, but I didn’t say he was in favor of it!” My boy reached around and grabbed Sam’s cock and jerked it a few times, then held it up to my mouth, more or less forcing me to lick his precum. Then, he grabbed my hand and told me to spit in it. I did, and he led it to Sam’s cock, so I could get it wet, and then guide Sam’s bare cock into him. I was so hard, but knew this was going to get out of control relatively quickly. We hadn’t been at the party for more than ten minutes, and here was my boy, bouncing up and down on a muscle stud’s bare cock, back arched, and head thrown back, in a crowded room for anyone to see. Sam grabbed my boy’s hips and pummeled his ass before going balls deep, and then holding the position. I knew he was breeding my boy. After a few moments, he withdrew. Sam grabbed my shirt from the back of my shorts, cleaned off his dick, and just walked away. What the fuck had just happened? To be continued...
    1 point
  28. Since I was a child I lived in the same neighborhood, with the same neighbors. I played on the street with the usual people, until we grew up and moved away. All the houses in the neighborhood had a child my age, except that of the neighbor on the right, who lived alone. Everyone said he was gay, so no one came close to him. But I always thought they were envious, because he had the biggest house in the region, with a pool and everything. My parents always treated him well, invited him to my birthday parties and he gave me great gifts, so I was always courteous to him too. When I was fourteen, my mother was diagnosed with cancer, and it was Pablo, the neighbor, who took care of me while my father was in the hospital with her. In the two years that followed until the death of my mother, we created a bond almost like father and son. At that time, I already knew that he was really gay, I had met some of his boyfriends, and he was the first person to whom I told that I was also gay. What I didn't told him was that I had a secret crush on him, after all, a skinny teenager like me would never have a chance with a mature, 36-year-old man, wealthy and well resolved like him. I had already spent countless afternoons in the pool at Pablo's house, and when he went swimming with me, I would look at his strong, hairy body, with that big volume in his trunks and all the tattoos he had on his body. He told me to wear swim trunks, but I always wore shorts, so he wouldn't notice my erection. My father was very depressed after my mother's death and started drinking, so whenever I could, I would run away to Pablo’s. He had even given me a copy of his key, so I could come in and watch TV or use the computer when he was gone working. One day, as usual, I went to his house during his working hours, thinking it would be empty. I was starting to settle in the living room when I heard a groaning noise coming from his room. I went there in silence and came across a scene that left my jaw dropping. Pablo was fucking another man with all the pressure. The guy was under him, in a chicken position, while Pablo fucked him mercilessly. His hairy, juicy ass was in front of me, as were his huge balls. The guy moaned and screamed like he was in paradise. For a moment, I thought the man under him had seen me, because he whispered something in Pablo's ear after looking at the door. But I was well hidden in the shades and they just kept fucking, without looking in my direction. I was looking at that scene for some time, my dick exploding in my underwear, when I heard Pablo saying: “Do you want my cum?” ”Yes, I really want it”, the other man shouted in ecstasy. “And what kind of cum is it?”, asked Pablo. “It's poz cum.” "Say what you want then," ordered my neighbor. “I want you to poz me, to fill me with HIV.” Hearing that was strange. First, because I didn't know that my neighbor had HIV. Second, the other guy was getting fucked without a condom on purpose, literally begging to be infected. A few seconds after that, I heard Pablo howling, and I knew he was coming inside the passive's ass, injecting him with his virus-contaminated semen. I turned away in silence, left his house and ran to mine. My cock was still hard and drooling in my underwear, so I ran to the bathroom and touched myself remembering the scene I had just witnessed. I came as I never had in my life, I had to restrain myself from screaming otherwise I would get my dad's attention. I didn't fully understand why the guy wanted to be infected with a virus that had no cure, but I realized how that would feel in sex. Because it was bigger than just sex, they were creating a bond that would last until the end of their lives, something totally irreversible. I never mentioned any of that to anyone, obviously, because people would find it strange and try to get me away from Pablo. I continued to act normally with him, but in a way our relationship was no longer the same, because I knew his secret. The more the time passed, the more I understood the fetish that man had to be pozzed by my neighbor. It was literally putting your life in the hands of the other, and I didn't know a better person than my neighbor to have that kind of trust. I started researching the subject on the internet and discovered that there was a whole community with this type of fetish. The more videos I watched, the more I became horny about it. I even lost track of how many handjobs I gave myself imagining my neighbor doing that to me. It was in these researches that I discovered that a tattoo that he had just above the swimsuit mark meant that he was positive and that he was proud of it. One day, when we were sitting by the pool, I got some courage and said: “I really like your tattoos, when I turn 18, I want to get some done.” "Tattooing is something that when you do the first one, you get addicted," he said. “Would you be upset if I had one just like yours?”, I asked. “Which one?” he wanted to know. "The one over the swim trunks," I said innocently. “I think it's very beautiful.” He smiled a little condescendingly, as if I had no idea what I was talking about and said: “That one has a very special meaning for me, someday I’ll explain it to you.” I didn't ask anything because I already knew what it meant, and he closed the matter too. But I realized that from that day on he started looking at me differently, as if he were evaluating me. At that time, I was starting to gain some muscle, because I was going to the gym and my body was starting to develop as well. There was hair growing in corners that I never imagined I could have it, and I left everything to be natural, just as I had seen that Pablo was. I thought he could be evaluating me in that matter, seeing the changes in my body, but he never said anything. Time passed and our relationship remained the same as always. It was childish of me to still hope to be with a man twenty years older than me, who thought about me as if I was his son more than anything.
    1 point
  29. Flirt I was a faithful husband in a monogamous marriage of three years. My husband was a god among men: handsome, strong, successful, and a great partner in every way. But when I let my mind wander, it wandered down the same path. What likely started off as a desire to see raw fucking had morphed over the years into a fetish for bug chasing. And such dominated my fantasies (as well as my porn searches). I was not on any hookup apps but was popular on other social media. Periodically, I received messages from strangers wanting to meet me or chat me up. I generally declined their messages., but for a reason still unknown to me, one such message didn’t go ignored. The sender’s name was Travis. A brief skim of his profile revealed he was cute (though skinnier than I preferred). He worked as an EMT and lived in the suburbs. His life looked decidedly less – refined? desirable?-- than ours, with a cheap and dirty looking apartment compared to our city condo, a pickup truck to our luxury SUV, a mutt to our Labrador. He initially messaged in response to a photo I posted from the gym, complimenting me on my form. I thanked him, and followed him back. Minor chit chat ensued between Travis and me periodically for the weeks after. And then one Saturday afternoon, our exchange took a turn: Out of nowhere, he sent a photo. It was a selfie from neck down, revealing a skinny torso giving way to what I can only describe as a perfect dick. Thick, long, and beautiful, with a mushroom head that I immediately craved. I was mesmerized and told him so. I wanted to see and know more about Travis suddenly – not just chatter, but substance. His dick had penetrated me through my phone. In the coming weeks, through online conversation, we got to know one another through words, photos and videos. I learned that Travis only fucks bare, which I found so hot. Condoms, he said, were a turn-off. I learned he had followed me online for a while, intuitively knew that I was a bottom who would want his dick. He was a master of words that struck at my core of sexuality: I needed raw penetration and I needed cum. Ultimately, our chats led to the inevitable question: would this be just an online flirtation, or could we meet up in person to consummate our passion. For him, there were no reasons not to get together. He wanted to breed me, and I wanted to be bred. End of story. On my end, all I saw were reasons why this could never happen. I was married (happily, I might add), and my husband would never let a third like Travis into our relationship or allow any open-ness for me to experience this tryst. And if I were to cheat, which I never had, I couldn’t do it raw despite all of our banter and my fantastical desires for Travis’s cum. Travis pressed for a secret get-together. He described how it could go down: I find you in a bathroom, where you drop to your knees. You pull out my big soft dick. You take my cock in your mouth and it grows to rock hard. I pull you to your feet and take you into a stall, bend you over and slide my wet hard cock, drenched in precum, into your amazing hole. Then you milk my load out of me. I loved every detail of this fantasy and tell him so. I told him how I wanted his load in me so badly. I told him what a god he was, how my hole was made for penetration by his perfect wood. But conflicted and faithful, I said I couldn’t. Travis said I was wasting his time by chatting with no future. Our online conversations were likely coming to an end, and that our fantasies were going to be thwarted by reality. But then, unexpectedly, my husband had to leave town for the weekend. Drunk My husband and I were rarely apart, so his weekend away was somewhat momentous. I went out drinking with friends, who treated the event almost like a bachelor party. Midnight rolled around after a long day of boozing, and I decided to call it a night. In the cab home, I instinctively opened my phone and messaged Travis. He was always on my mind. “Hey stud.” “Sup?” was his nonchalant response. “My husband’s out of town this weekend.” A statement that dropped like a rock into a still pond, with ripples reverberating forever into the distance. “I have to come over. Now.” Travis said. I guess I knew I’d invited this response, but it was just so… real. Did I really just open myself up to having an affair with one drunken text? “Like, now now? For real?” I responded. “Yes. Send me your address. I can leave right away.” My stomach churned with excitement and fear as I typed out our address and told him to text me when he arrived so I could guide him into our building. I panicked. What was about to happen? I didn’t know Travis beyond smut talk. It was already late at night. What was I thinking? I decided to jump in the shower to sober up a bit and to prepare for whatever was about to happen. Time was limited if he was already on his way. Fuck My phone buzzed: He was downstairs. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.” I said aloud to myself. I was literally shaking as I walked to the elevator. I looked at my reflection in the doors as they slid shut. I’d opted for my go-to outfit at home: a jock strap, mesh shorts, a tank, and sneakers. I thought the lighting did right by my muscles, and I smirked at myself. The door opened into the garage level, and there he was in real life. Travis. He was not my type, but he was also everything I hoped him to be. He was tall and lanky, with a mop of sandy-blond hair and a mustache. He wore baggier jeans than I would wear, and his t-shirt had a stretched out collar. He was pale and wore a bright gold chain. For a fleeting moment I thought of my husband, tan, muscular, and perfect, some five hundred miles away for work as the warm summer air blew through our parking garage. “Sup, Eric.” He stated as he boarded the elevator and put his hand on my shoulder with a grin. The doors closed. His hand made its way down my back. He squeezed my ass. Once inside our apartment, he pushed me to my knees. Even though I could surely overpower him, I was powerless: he was in command. Just like in the fantasy he’d sent earlier, I unlocked his soft dick from his jeans and began working it with my mouth. Looking up, I could tell by his facial expressions he was pleased. “Damn boy, I didn’t think this would ever actually happen. Thought you were catfishing me. Yanking my chain.” I didn’t think it would ever actually happen either, I though, as his dick grew. A salty taste gradually took over my mouth; I knew he was pre-cumming a lot. My head bobbed back and forth, occasionally taking a break to suck on his balls or to lick his shaft up and down. His dick was as glorious as I’d thought via photos and videos. Perfect really, and now pulsing thanks to my oral pleasures. Finally, he pulled his cock from me and said “get up” And I did. “I want to fuck you in your bed.” He said with a grin. He liked the symbolism of fucking in my marital bed. I led him to the Master bedroom, turned, and he pushed me down onto the mattress. “Take your clothes off.” He commanded, but then seeing the jock strap said “Leave that on.” Spreading my legs wide, he positioned himself next to the bed and removed his clothing. He then stroked his glorious dick a few times and began aligning his dick with my hole. No lube, just pre-cum and spit. He pressed. It burned. His perfect mushroom head plodded inside me. My longstanding fantasies arose with Travis’s raw entry. I thought about how personal it was to be fucked bare, how there could be no further closeness to be had. I thought of how vulnerable it was to take another man’s bare cock and to accept their load, with whatever that load carried with it. I then thought of the dudes who begged to be pozzed in the videos I’d watched, and the dom tops who boldly proclaimed they were pozzing their subjects. My hard-on raged. “Are you….?” I trailed off. “Fuck that feels good. I’m… I’m not on PrEP. Are you…” It wasn’t my sexiest banter. I felt his dick drive slowly deeper within my tight ass. He diverted his eyes from his dick entering my hole to my face. “I’m not either.” And he grinned wider, pulling out slightly then pushing back inside me. He began these mini-thrusts with his hips. Slowly but surely, plunging his cock getting deeper and deeper. “That’s hot.” I exclaimed. “It’s too late for me to be on that shit. And too late for you now dude.” “Huh?” I half-asked, delighting in the rhythmic fuck. “What do you mean?” “Dude, you’re mine now. It’s just you and me. My raw dick. Inside your pretty ass. Soon my bare, poz cock is gonna be dumping an unmedicated load in you. I’m marking you forever tonight, Eric.” I arched my back and my eyes rolled back as I felt the ecstasy of our hairy balls finally hitting each other as his dick reached my prostrate. His words were processing in slow motion. “Fuuccckkk” I moaned as he pulled out a bit. “You like my poz dick in you?” he said, just as I’d heard many porn stars say before. Red flags were going up in my brain, but “Fuck yeah” escaped my lips. “I knew you would. I knew you were meant to be my slut.” Travis exclaimed as he increased the vigor of his thrusts. “Fuck your ass feels so good. I’m so fucking ready to take you as mine.” I heard and felt his slim thighs and his full balls slamming against mine as his rhythm grew even more. I clenched my sphincter muscles around his dick, hoping to milk it soon. My tender hole could not take much more of a pounding. My dick was leaking precum all over my stomach. I looked up at Travis, who’s grin had given way to an intense grimace as though he wanted to destroy me with his forward thrusts. His skinny torso was glistening with sweat. His chain bounced back and forth as he pounded me hard. He began grunting loudly – I worried my neighbors would hear. “UNH – UNH – UNH – UNH – FUCK I’M GONNA CUM! I’M GONNG CUM!!! UNH!!! UNH!!! UNH!!!!!! OH YEAHHHH!!!!!!” He screamed, as a toxic eruption took place deep in my guts. I was rock hard and my dick was throbbing as my fuck hole was now lubricated with Travis’s unmedicated being. I stroked furiously, thinking to myself how hot it was that I’d just taken a load from this stud with the perfect dick I’d worshiped from afar for weeks. He resumed slowly pulsing his dick out and in my ass, fucking his POZ jizz deeper into my chute, he wanted to make sure it would take hold. I gripped my dick harder and kept stroking. “You’re mine now, bitch. I’ve marked you like a dog pissing on a tree. You have my DNA in you forever. Your purpose from here out is to worship my cum, to worship me, and to become mine in every way. Lick my pits you fucking bitch. He leaned down and let me lick his sweaty armpits. My tough meandered down to his nipples. My balls tingled, signaling it was time for me to erupt too. “Fuuucckk!” I screamed, and a fountain of neg spunk erupted over my torso.
    1 point
  30. Is it just me? Over and over I watch videos labeled "blowjob" only to get all this time invested into watching when the top pulls his dick out, and strokes out his load. UGH That's not a blow job! That's more like a facial. And the WORST is when the bottom does not even try to eat the cum! What's with this lack of truth in advertising? Does it bother anyone else? Last Friday I went to one of my few local ABS. It rocks because there always seem to be guys wanting head. Some cities, some ABSs are all guys wanting to blow. Anyway, first guy I meet . . short dude with a cockring. His dick is hard just from feeling him up. He pops it out and I bend over to take a taste. He responds with a sigh. Yes! He wants this. So I get on my knees, poised for a proper suck. I lick up from his balls up his shaft. I take his cock head in my mouth SUPER gentle at first. His cock head swells big and fast. I'm just sucking on it, gently, slippery, pre-cummy, because I can't fit it in the back of my throat and get my lips around his shaft too. It seems like only a minute and he's choking me with his dick. Trying to force it in. Trying to fuck my mouth hole. And it starts juicing so I know . . . SPURT ONE in my mouth he starts cumming. He pulls out, finishes cumming on the floor (like I don't want the cum?) Nonetheless, he came in my mouth from my sucking. aka a blowjob. Braindead with desire and the taste of cum, I keep hunting. In a few minutes I'm down on my knees again in front of a glory hole with a limp but willing dick sticking through the hole at me. Yeah boy! Fine, I'll get you hard. And so I did. And started out slow and gentle and kept working it. Responding to the subtle cues of what was making this cock in my mouth get harder (or not). Work work work. God that smell of man musk that a dick gives off when it's hard and excreting its own lube! I don't play with myself when giving a blowjob. There is too much to do focusing on the dick in my mouth. And after some time working it I really have it going. He's hard. Pre cum is flowing. He's fuck motioning. Older dude, in his fifties like me I guess. You just got to keep at it. Don't stop. Like a good top he takes control of what he needs to cum. "Can I come over there?" he asks. So he comes next door. I'm down on my knees right away picking up where we left off. Using my mouth gentle like a hole. Using my hand. Tickling his balls with my other hand. And so he's groaning and saying "Don't stop." (Uh huh!) So I know he's on the way. His dick is curved up hard and leaking like I know it is cumming soon and sure enough YEAH BOY that cum filling my mouth making it viscous. Sperm creeping up the back of my nose swimming in my head spurt after spurt. He's slowing down me backing off savoring his dick throbbing a few more pumps of semen into me. Now THAT is a blowjob. I like getting them too. When I get up off my knees, I see he's watching dick-fucking-pussy straight porn. He says "wow" or something like that. He liked the blowjob. <blush> So how is it that nine out of ten film clips I see . . on tube . . on pornhub . . on tumblr . . which tag themselves 'blowjob' end up with a stroke scene? SO FRUSTRATING! We need better terms for these things. 'Cumeating" is the closest I have seen to getting to the point. But 'Cumeating" can be licking the cum off a bottom who you've just fucked the cum out of (I repeat, "yeah boy!"). And 'facial' really does imply a face full of cum. And in these - so many of these- pseudo blowjob scenes, the cum winds up on the bottom's chest or the floor or even in the hand of the top who just had to stroke out his own (damn) load! So am I missing something? It's like they are "blowjobettes". Or if trying to reaffirm that a blow job is sucking TO COMPLETION is a lost cause, what might be a word for that? IDK it seems like the blow in blow job is blowing ones load. Most of these are by my definition stroke scenes. Suckjob? Mouthie (being a suck not to completion)? How about 'fluffandnutter'? It sounds like what it is - suck - nut- eat. lol Just curious if anyone has the same question I do, or suggestions for semantically differentiating between sucking and sucking to completion. Big difference in my book.
    1 point
  31. I love a good DP. My husband and I have gotten fairly proficient at DP. Sometimes he tops and sometimes he bottoms. I have not found a pair of cocks that I will allow to fuck me yet. We have been the first to DP several of our fuck buddies. I prefer to be the top-top and I just lean forward into the bottom, twist my nipples and let the cum fly when it will. It is so hot.
    1 point
  32. He just needs some good old positive reinforcement.....wink!
    1 point
  33. Yep, just was Friday night. Had an add on Doublelist (usually a waste of time) and a trucker responded. He was headed through and stopping nearby and offer up his load for my hungry hole in his sleeper. Hot, hairy tattooed Daddy trucker too with full low hangers and a nice cock. Sucked his cock and balls then he flipped me over in my back and drove his cock into my hole. Soon he had my legs over my head as he pounded hard and deep. This dude knew how to fuck. Very verbal and dominant as he pumped his cum into me. He kept fucking to be sure every drop was drained then held his cock in my used wet hole to admire his work before pulling out and presenting his cock for me to suck clean if any remaining cum. I LOVE truckers fucking me. No names, no idea where he’s from, just passing through dumping his load in a slut. my kind of top
    1 point
  34. It's good that it emphasizes how thorough the process has to be. Faggotry is an extremely unfair and inescapable burden. A man need only have an erection. A fag has to wash his colon for hours at a time, get stabbed in the guts without a word of complaint, and thank the man for the privilege. It makes no sense whatsoever, but men and their dicks are just that valuable.
    1 point
  35. 61 here. love younger sons that want to get bred and seeded deep and often!
    1 point
  36. If you asked anybody in a closed relationship if they would be alright finding out their boyfriend was on grindr to "talk and make friends" they would laugh and say yeah right. Grindr IS a social networking website. Newsflash: BreedingZone IS a social networking website. Theyre geared towards one thing and one thing only. Youre the one saying that people sending dick pics through grindr is unacceptable. That is what the site is for. Nobody uses grindr to make friends and to sit there and chat about their day. They use it to find sex. Thats what the app was developed for and thats what people use it for. You would be 1 in 1000 if you used grindr to "talk".
    1 point
  37. The difference is that the avatar is a representation intended for general view by anyone and not directed specifically at the individual being approached in an assertive way, as are nude pics that suddenly pop up on a one-on-one instant message. The pics that are sent actively target the recipient and carry with them the implication of obligation: I’ve shown you my intimate parts, so to be fair you should show me yours. This presumption is what makes them rude - the avatar doesn’t do the same thing in that it imparts no sense of expectation that a viewer should respond with an avatar in kind. While there is no actual obligation for the recipient of revealing pics to respond, people tend to seek a kind of equilibrium with others in social interactions because parity makes interaction easier...usually. Except in this case, the recipient is made uncomfortable by a sudden demand for intimate personal information, and this frustrates his instinct to form a connection. The rudeness comes from placing the recipient in this awkward position. Looked at another way, it’s the difference between a man with no pants on walking down the street minding his own business and another man walking up to you personally and flashing you nude in his trenchcoat - you may find both uncouth, and both are likely to be arrested for indecent exposure, but the one you’re really going to be annoyed at is the guy in the trenchcoat because he got personal.
    1 point
  38. had a guy mesage me "hey cumhole. get over here so i can use your hole to jerk myself off" I went right over stripped and got on his couch on all 4s. he came in, fucked me for about 10 minutes, blew his load in me then slapped my ass and left the room. I took off my blindfold, put on my shorts and t shirt and left. he didn't say a word to me the whole time. just pumped, dumped and sent me on my way. no message afterwards. the message: he's done using me for now
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. I am just starting to accept my inner Cumdump needs. Although I’m in a monogo-mish relationship, and getting bred by numerous anonymous guys might not be totally acceptable, holy shit did it feel right when I decided to be that cum receptacle for the first time! This is the true story of how I started my journey down Cumdump Lane. I started my afternoon by messaging with a few guys before I actually checked into my motel. Had several guys lined up. I think this is why i knew today was the day - most other days chatting lead to a flake or too many questions, or simply a fun pump and dump etc. But today, I had guys that were into anonymous sex period. Most excitingly, I had several black guys lined up. I have a weak spot for black guys (and they tend to love me, as I have a thin waist and very big ass - mix of good genetics and busting my ass at the gym squatting etc) so the idea of at least 3 breeding me in one afternoon had me hard from the moment I decided today was the day I was going to give in and act on this desire to be a Cumdump. I arrived at the motel in the early afternoon. I checked in, electing for the least expensive room, which was a smoking room. I wanted to create a dirty, grungy environment that smelled of man ass, cum and sex. I had douched earlier in the day and had a decent sized butt plug in, but wanted to do one last quick clean out. Once I did that, I logged back onto Grindr to see where my loaders were. The sloppy bottom stars were aligning because there they all were. The first guy to arrive was a young Black guy, probably 23-24. He was younger than what i was interested in, but he had a nice cock and several photos of him bareback fucking guys, which convinced me that despite his youth, he'd work my pussy out good. I had told him of the motel I planned to go to, so he was ready to go moments after we messaged again. I peered out the window and caught a glimpse of him - about 5’8, thick but solid build. I climbed on the bed, tied my blindfold around my head, had the lube laying next to me and I assumed the position. I arched down with my chest resting on the bed and my ass framed in a jockstrap at the edge of the bed, pussy with a slight glisten from the lube and plug. I heard the door open and close, then the shuffle of him kicking off his shoes and removing his pants. I felt him get close to me... he started feeling my ass and let out a ‘fuuuuck’ as he grabbed a fist full of my ass and shook. A second later he was in front of me and told me to suck. I obliged and moved forward and started to blow him. His dick was already chubbed up, but it grew quickly while in my mouth. As soon as he was fully hard, he started throat fucking me. Not too aggressive, but enough that he was covered in the thick bile and slobber. He pulled himself out of my mouth and I knew it was finally coming... this young black man was about to stick his dick raw into my anonymous Cumdump hole and use me for his own pleasure. After about 5 or 6 minutes, he picked up pace and shot his load deep in my hole. He dressed, smacked my ass and said thanks babe. And he was gone. I laid there in ecstasy thinking about what just happened and was ready for more. Back onto Grindr I went. Several new messages came up in response to my Cumdump tagline, including one from a guy who had fucked me years before, but he didn’t realize it was me based on my anon profile that just displayed my body. He asked for a face pic and if condoms were okay. Usually this is an automatic eye roll followed by the end of a convo when I post that I’m looking for anonymous raw sex, but since I previously fucked him, and knew he was a good lay, I said no to the face pic because I wanted a totally anon experience, but a condom would be okay. In the meantime, I had given guy # 2 the details of the room etc and he was on his way. At the same time, a third guy was on his way, but messaged that he didn’t want to be with anyone else - just a one on one. This was annoying because it required a bit more coordination, vs with the others, if there was overlap of guys showing up, they knew what they were getting. So i told him he had to wait and I’d let him know when no one was there. Back to the guy who I had fucked in the past, I guess I got his interest because he was in. So I told him my motel info and he said he was on his way. Now I was really excited because I was sure there’d be overlap of guy 2 and the guy from the past. Guy 2 is arriving. He’s another young black guy... 20-21. Again, way young for me, but he had some hot cock on him. It was very thick and had a huge foreskin (which is a huge turn on for me) so I said fuck it - be the true cumdump you claim to be and let (almost) anyone fuck you. He arrives, and I again get in position, only for him starting position is on my knees - per his request. On my knees with my blindfold on, and in he comes and within seconds, his dick is in my face. I start sucking and it’s everything it looked like - thick, long and uncut. I was in hog heaven. After blowing him for about 10 minutes, there’s a knock at the door. I pull down the blindfold and crack the door to find the guy from the past. I let him in. As I spin around I pull the blindfold back up - even though I’ve now seen them both, I was keeping the facade up of being a blindfolded cumdump. I climb up on the bed and get on all 4s and have both men now admiring my ass and deciding who’s taking what. The young hung black guy decides he’s fucking. He lubes his dick and I feel the large head at my hole, and swiftly pops it in. Not sure if it was a matter of over poppering or him being big, but my whole body starts to tingle as he moves himself deeper inside me. Before I’m able to really let out a moan, the guy from the past is in front of me, pushing himself down my throat quite aggressively - just as I remembered him. After about 15 minutes of varying paces of being fucked in the ass and in the mouth, young and hung finishes, but pulls out as he’s cumming, covering my back in his load. Maybe he’s otherwise straight and is used to having to pull and pray! I was disappointed, but at the same time, very satisfied, as he milked my prostate good and stretched me out significantly. I heard that ‘sloppy gape’ sound as his dick slid out of me. He hung out to watch guy from the past fuck me next. He put a rubber on and dove in. Can’t hate on him for that since as far as he knows, I’m getting loaded by random men daily. He fucked me good and came quick. I made sure to snatch up that cum filled condom as soon as the door closed. And just like that, alone again, looser and more cum covered. So now the tally is one load in me, one load on me, and one load in a rubber. I now had to decide if I should invite over the DL guy who didn’t want to be around anyone else. Channeling my inner whore, I said of course and sent him a message that the coast was clear. In he walked... a black man in his 40s. In shape, but thick. I immediately start blowing him. He has a nice sized dick, but he’s having trouble staying hard. He needs his nipples squeezed hard to stay erect but to do that while trying to blow him is a pain. Nonetheless, I keep at it and finally he’s hard. I flip around and back up onto his dick hoping to milk him and be done. He’s going for 4-5 minutes but he ends up going soft again. Long story short, I bail and get him on out. Unsatisfying, so in a last attempt at some dick before I have to carry on with my day, I log into Grindr one last time. I have several messages, but one stands out. Sometimes, the simplest approach gets the best result. A white guy, mid 30s sends me a message with a dick pic (average looking) and says he’s on the road and could dump a load quick. “Sold” I thought - that’s the perfect way to wrap up this first cumdump adventure of mine - with a truly random, zero pre-chat loader to come through. So I give him the details and assume the position. About 10 minutes later, I hear that exhilarating sound of the door opening and closing. He wastes no time undressing and feeling around to see what condition my ass is in. Despite only one actual load being in my ass, I did just have 4 different guys fuck me, all with above average to big sized dicks, plus my large plug from earlier, so my ass was sloppy and loose and soaked from the churning of the cum, ass juice, lube and sweat. He wastes no time and gets hard then slides into me. He was very average sized, so after fucking me doggy style for a few minutes, he asked me to flip over on my back. I obliged, still blindfolded. In this position, with me holding my legs back, he was able to get a little deeper and do a pile drive straight down into me, and with that, he blew his load in me soon after. He was very appreciative, dressed and took off. Never to be seen again. And with that, this nice boy, in a monogo-mish relationship, took the leap to becoming a self realized cumdump. I got home and was in a good mood that evening. I still smelled the cock and ass juice on my fingers later that night from fingering myself after everything wrapped. I hope each of those men think of me fondly and search for another encounter with a guy with a great ass who is a total cumdump whore. Wonder if my bf felt the looseness? Until next adventure...
    1 point
  41. This morning I woke up early and checked my messages. A Grindr regular was on and I asked him if he wanted to fuck me. I was multitasking and threw my laundry into my car. after the fuck I was going to do my laundry. Hehe My regular ate my ass, lubed his dick and entered me. He fucked me long and hard, holding back from coming and edging himself with my hole. Must have been 15 good minutes of non stop fucking until he unloaded. I went to the public laundry mat in Waikiki, saw a husky Pacific Islander. He came to flirt with me and asked me questions in small talk. Asked me if watch porn and what kind. He said he liked tranny porn. I told him honestly, I’m gay and like to watch naughty gay porn. He wanted to know more and had explain bb porn cause I liked it bare. He came behind me and stuck his finger through my shorts to finger my hole while I touch his hard Dick. He pulled away and closed up, there were people coming to the laundry mar. It was already 3am, WTF.... Another FB said he lives near. Ask me to stop by and I got another load and my laundry load done in one hour.
    1 point
  42. Sean Cody, Randy Blue, Bromo, and Tim Tales all allow members to download scenes. Those are just the ones in know from having paid for memberships in the past.
    1 point
  43. Tricked and Set-up (Part I) My name is Danny. I'm 18, 5'8", 125 pounds, thin and lean with a runner's build. My girlfriend and I were big partiers. We would spend every weekend smoking meth, fucking each other (and whoever else was around). One particular weekend we were partying with this guy, Rod, who really loved to tag team my girl’s pussy with me. He was 22, 6'2", 180 pounds, a hot fucker, lean body with a big dick (about 10” long). We just loved breeding her cunt. After that weekend we became good friends and began to hang out. One weekend my girl said she had to go out of town for a few weeks to visit her parents who lived on the other side of the country. That left Rod and me alone to party and troll for pussy, oh, and we got along well 'cause Rod had a great supply to good shit to smoke. This weekend we decided to hang at his place and smoke a little as he called girls he knew to see if we could get some pussy to breed. As he called he offered me some G. I had never done G and thought, ‘What the fuck’ and drank it down. After a good hour of smoking and him calling we were no were closer to getting laid. We kept smoking and chatted as we got to know each other better. In our conversation he asked me if I ever had a booty bump. I told him that I hadn’t and was curious as to what it was and the effect it would have on me. When he told me it involved sticking a nice size shard of meth up my ass I was not enthusiastic at that prospect, but he said it was a better high then smoking. This had me very curious. Rod told me to drop my pants and he’d give me my very first booty bump. Although I thought it a little weird to have a guy play with my ass, I guess the meth and G gave me the courage 'cause I found myself dropping my pants and boxers, and, on Rod's direction, leaning over the arm of the couch. When I had assumed the position, he lubed up a finger and started rubbing my hole. At first it felt a little strange when I felt his finger slowly push into my hole. He then pulled out and told me he was going to stick the meth. This time he stuck two fingers in my hole along with some meth. He told me I should feel the burn as the meth melts which I did. It felt a little strange as he worked his fingers in deeper until he hit something deep inside me that it sent a shock through my cock and I began to get hard, very hard. A small, involuntary grunt escaped my lips as this happened. Then I felt him slid in a third finger as he worked my hole good. Another grunt escaped my mouth as I felt him begin to work three fingers in and out of my hole for a few minutes. Then as quickly as he had them in me they were gone. He asked me, “How are you doing there bro?” As I began to feel the meth work on me and my hard cock throbbed between my legs I told him, “I’m doing fucking fantastic.” He asked me, “Want a little more meth bro?” “Yes, fuck yes!” Rod placed a hand on my upper back, pinning me to the couch as I felt something hard and large begin to press into my ass. I looked over my shoulder to see Rod guiding his cock to my hole. I attempted to move, but couldn’t and with the meth working in my hole I don’t know if I wanted him too stop. As his cock slid into my hole I felt no pain. I felt a burn from the meth he had place on the tip of his dick as he slowly slid his 10” cock into my ass. I felt his balls snug up against mine and as he bottomed out deep inside me, he leaned down and whispered into my ear, “Now you’re gona know what it’s like to be a bred like a bitch.” Those words cut through me as he began to fuck my virgin ass. In my mind I was screaming 'No, please stop', but my body kept asking for more. Every time he slammed into me I would let out a moan of pleasure. Rod clearly knew exactly what he was doing to me. As Rod used my hole he told me, “I knew the second I saw your tight ass I would be pumping you full of my cum. How does it feel to know that the same cock that bred your girl's pussy is gonna breed your ass?” All I could think was that the situation he described was weird beyond words, but at the same time my cock was so hard with that thought I thought it was going to break off, so I wasn't about to object. Rod leaned down and began to kiss my neck and lick my ear. I made the mistake (or did I do it on purpose) of turning my head to meet his as he kissed me while he had his cock balls deep inside me and we grinding it in hard. He kept on pumping into me as I could feel the sweat begin to drip off his body. He began to pant a little and his thrust began to pick up speed and intensity. He shoved in hard and deep and began to groan. “TAKE MY CHARGED CUM BITCH!!” All of a sudden my cock exploded and I shot cum all over the couch and my stomach.
    1 point
  44. Been hungering for loads after months of doing nothing so recently I decided that I’ve been a good COVID-19 quarantine boy for long enough! Took my first load last week from a regular that had aching balls and needed a long overdue release. His loads sparked my latent desire to go back to my whorish cumdump ways. With hot weather over the three day weekend, I headed to the gay beach in San Francisco next to the Golden Gate Bridge. I had prepped and cleaned my hole out ready for the action that happens at the end of the beach among the rocks and boulders. First up was a chubby bear who clearly was cruising for something. I took off my bathing suit, leaned against a rock and spread my legs open; ass exposed for use. He came over and started fondling my ass as my mouth headed for his dick. Not much of a grower, he was on the thick and stubby side. After his dick got hard, I pushed myself on it. He fucked me for a while but didn’t cum and then got nervous as people walked by and left. Next up was a nice thirty-something white muscle boy who I had talked to on the beach. We walked over to the same area where I had gotten fucked before and I got down to suck his dick. He quickly grew harder and thicker in my mouth to a nice 7 inches with a thick base. He had to work to get in my hole that had tightened up from lack of use. I felt my hole stretching from his girth and loved it. I was back to servicing the needs of men! He jackhammered his dick into me and came quickly with a heavy load that filled me. Later we exchanged numbers and a promise for him to fill me again! On the way home, the cumdump craving was still hitting me hard and I decided to head over to Berkeley to cruise the park. I was surprised by the number of guys already out in the early evening. One guy quickly got on his knees to suck my dick and I pulled down my gym shorts to expose my ass hoping that some of the watchers would jump on. After a lot of rubbing from the onlookers but no action, I pulled my dick out of his mouth and went to explore more. I found a black guy in the bushes ready to fuck so I pulled down my shorts and backed right up on his eight inches till he was balls deep. He fucked me good and hard for a long time, sweat dripping all over me while whispering in my ear “What a good ass” and “do you like my black dick up your ass? “. My moaning and saying “yes” drew the onlooker crowd again until he shot his load deep in my hole. As there were no more takers, I headed home feeling much more satisfied than when I left.
    1 point
  45. He called me like one hours ago. His voice was sweet, seductive. He called me baby several times. He was driving, certainly his cab across the city. He asked if I was home. I said yes. Asked me if I was ready to be a good girl. I said yes. My heart was beating fast. I never know what to expect from him, all I know is I want to serve him so bad. - I have someone for you, baby? - Someone? - Can you dress up now and... be nice to him, baby? You do that for me? I couldn't believe it! He was calling me out of the blue to ask me in the sweetest way if I could "work" for him! - Are you there? - Yes. - So? Can we come? - Yes, I answered automatically, unable to think, just excited. - Ok. Ten minutes. Dress up and be good to my guest. - Ten minutes? - Yes, just your mouth, baby. He hang up. I rushed to put on a thong, a red very tiny short and some thigh high socks. I put on some lipstick and was happy with what I saw in the mirror. I was looking slutty and this time I was consciously being whored out by my black taxi driver. It was a mix of fear and excitement I can't exactly describe. Was it a guy he picked up in his cab? A guy he knows? What would he look like? Would my pimp come up with him? Does he do that often? Does he have other "girls"? To many questions were invading my mind while I was standing in front of my whore self reflected in the mirror next to my front door. I dimed the lights. A knock on my door. My heart stops. I open. The man standing in front of me doesn't look bad. Around 50 yo, tall, grey hair. He wears a dark blue suit, a tie, and looks a little bit nervous though his pants are already unzipped as he steps into my hall staring past me, like he's inspecting the place. I close the door behind him saying hi. I hear him spit in his hand and he turns back to me stroking his nice semi hard uncut dick. - Suck my cock. I go down on my knees and directly swallow his wet dick. It grows and hardens in my mouth as I blow him. I m holding my ankles and sucking him deep, nice and slow. I want him to enjoy the ride. I try to make eye contact but he doesn t look down at me. He stares at the wall in front of him. He moans. I moan. At one point a take his meat out of my mouth and ask him if he wants to sit down and relax while I suck his thick cock. He doesn t answer anything. Just takes my head with his two big hands and without looking at me pushes his cock inside my face again. From that moment I focus on not gagging, on providing him a soft open mouth for him to fuck as long as he needs to. He ends up like totally riding my face and fucking slowly but firmly, one hand in my forehead pushing me down, the other one on my neck, holding me in a good position for him. The feeling is awesome. I am rock hard in my short as I didn't put on my cage. But I don't touch myself cause I don't know if that may ruin it for him. Suddenly he fucks my face harder and cums abundantly inside my mouth. He grunts. I moan. I swallow. He goes deeper. I try to catch a glance of his face but all I see as I look up is his belt, his slightly opened shirt on his hairy belly. - Holy shit ! he shouts as he hits the wall with his hand. - Damn you give good mouth! He laughs. I feel his cock softening in my mouth but I still lick it, suck it, kiss it, like I m in love with this stranger and his manhood. He then puts his shirt inside his pants, checks himself in the mirror, his cock still in my loving mouth, before finally looking down on me with a grin on his face, gently pulling his dick from my lips, zipping up his pants which I kiss one last time before he goes out of my apartment. Before I wrote this story here, I waited for thirty minutes in my thong, fingering my pussy, next to my mobile, waiting for my pimp to call or text me. I didn t expect him to thank me but maybe tell me I ve been good or tell me he would come, too. Nothing until now. I know I ve been good anyway. I can't say I'm proud of what I did but at least I am ok with it. I hope he's satisfied with me.
    1 point
  46. Hey guys! This is my first attempt at writing anything since high school 10 years ago lol! Please be kind! This sorty developed out of a conversation I had with another neg guy on BBRT. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------- Pozzing Jeff – Ch. 1 The bath house was just starting to buzz. It was slow when I arrived there a few hours ago, but now it was starting to get busy. I decided to take a break from the action and scope the joint. There was plenty of action around, but I was looking for something special. I usually bottom, but since I found out I was poz, I occasionally get the urge to bury my cock deep in a neg ass. This was one of those nights. Rounding the corner, I headed towards the sling room. That’s when I saw him. He was obviously new: he looked like a deer caught in the headlights, staring at the hard cocks and tight asses that were passing by him. He was a couple of years older than I, and was about 5’9” and 150 pounds. He had a light dusting of hair across his muscular chest, with neatly groomed treasure trail that disappeared into a towel that wasn’t doing a very good job of hiding his obvious excitement. My cock jumped as I watched him. I wanted nothing more at this moment than to sink my poz cock deep into his tight muscular ass. I decided to test the waters so I closed in on him, caught his eye and winked at him. His eyes grew to the size of saucers as he looked me up and down. I was wearing nothing but a thick butt plug and a pair of leather chaps. I hoped I didn’t intimidate the poor boy. I walked past him and turned to get one last look. He was staring at my ass, or more specifically the biohazard tattoo on my ass. Again I caught his eye again, again I winked, and gestured with my head that he should follow me. As if unsure, he looked around, but I kept walking, confident he would follow me, and sure enough, as I turned the corner to my room, I caught a glimpse of a figure in a towel following me. I entered my room, and leaving the door open, I sat on the bed and slowly started to stroke my thick uncut cock. The boy did not disappoint me. He arrived in my door way, the bulge under his towel was starting to growing as he stroked himself. I nodded, gesturing him to come in; he hesitated for a moment and then walked in. “Close the door,” I told him. I wanted this boy all to myself. “I’m Ben. This must be your first time here; I’d remember a hot stud like you.” “I’m Jeff, and yeah, this is my first time. I’ve been curious about it for a while and finally had the balls to check it out,” he told me starting to calm down a bit. “Gotten any action yet, Jeff?” I asked, closing the gap between us. “Not yet.” “How come? A stud like you would be very popular in a place like this.” “No one has really caught my eye yet.” “What about now?” I asked, standing right in front of him. I ran my hand down his chest, stopping at the knot in his towel, adding “It looked like you saw something you liked earlier,” my hand dipping lower to his growing bulge, thinking to myself 'Damn, this boy is hung!'. He swallowed hard. “I like your tattoo.” “You know what that tattoo means, boy?” “You have HIV, right?” “That’s right, I’m poz. Got the bug about three years ago from my cheating ex.” “I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. It was the best gift he gave me. Brought out my inner slut.” I reached to undo his towel. It dropped to the floor letting his rock hard cock spring free. He had to be at least seven inches, cut, and dripping precum like a faucet. I wrapped my hand around him and started stroking. “What about you, boy? You poz or neg?” He closed his eyes and sighed. “I’m neg,” he managed to stutter out. I leaned into kiss him. The boy whimpered into my mouth as my tongue slowly snaked its way into his. I continued to probe his mouth as my hand made it way from his cock to his ass. He has a smooth ass, muscular and round. I dipped my fingers into his crack, and brushed across his hole. “You a bottom, boy?” I asked as I stroked his hole. “N…No. I’ve ever taken a cock before. “ He moaned again. “That feels really good!” I dropped to my knees. “You know what feels better?” I said before taking his cock into my mouth, sliding it deep into my throat. He stumbled forward and put his hands on my shoulders to steady himself. Clearly he was not expecting this! I slowly worked his hard shaft with my throat before slowly pulling back and swirling my tongue round the head. I was rewarded with a flood of his sweet precum across my tongue. I kept working his cock for a few minutes, sliding up and down. He was moaning like a bitch now, and I knew that if I didn’t stop, it would be over far too soon, and I wanted a chance at this dude's hole! I stood up and kissed the boy again. “You like that baby?” I whispered in his ear. He could only sigh and nod his head. “You know what would feel even better? My cock buried in your ass.” “But… but you’re poz!” “I know, baby. But I know you want my load.” I brought my fingers up to his lips. “Suck them,” I commanded. He started sucking my fingers, and I knew I had him under my spell. “Yeah, that’s it, get them nice and wet.” The boy worked my fingers like a cock, and I knew I had to have him work over my poz tool, but not yet. I had another prize in mind before that. I had to seal the deal. I pulled my fingers from his mouth and reached around to his hole. I leaned in to kiss him once more before slowly sliding my wet fingers into his hole. Fuck this boy was tight. He wasn’t kidding, he really was a top! It didn’t take long before I was working two fingers into him. The little bitch was moaning into my mouth and I knew I had him. My cock was rock hard and throbbing. I needed him on my cock. I let my fingers slip from his hole and was rewarded with a disappointed grunt from the little slut. Bingo. I leaned close to him, my lips next to his ear, and whispered “Get on your knees and suck my cock.” He hesitated for a moment before sinking to his knees. I could see the gears turning in his head. This would be a big step for him. “I’ve never been with a poz guy before.” “I know baby. But I can see in your eyes you want it. Touch it. Wrap your fingers around my poz cock.” Wow, where did this dominant attitude come from? ‘This is new for me too, baby boy,’ I thought to myself. He grabbed my cock and was rewarded with a rush of my toxic prejizz. He smeared it around the head while looking into my eyes. He looked at my cock, then back to my eyes, like he needed permission. I nodded my head and he slowly leaned forward, running his tongue around my head. I groaned and threw my head back. Damn I needed this! With some encouragement from me (in other words my hand on the back of his head) he slowly took more of my uncut prick in his mouth. The boy was a talented cocksucker and had me moaning in no time. I looked back down and watched him bobbing his head on my shaft. I brushed his shaggy brown hair aside and looked him in the eyes. “I want to fuck you.” Fear crossed his face. I pulled him up and kissed him deeply, tasting my precum on his lips. “I know you want it,” I said as I led him to the bed. He didn’t protest as I pushed him down on the bed, face down, ass up. His hole was winking at me between his firm cheeks. I knelt between his legs and buried my face in his ass before he had time to think. Fuck his hole tasted great! He bucked back against my face and started moaning. I’m sure anyone passing by outside could hear him. I spent about ten min with my tongue deep in his hole. I could have spent more time there, but my cock was so hard it hurt. I needed his hole. I stood up and spit on my fingers, getting them wet. I pushed them against his hole and they slid in with no resistance. This boy was ready. I leaned close to his ear and whispered as my fingers worked over his puffy hole “you want my cock boy?” “Yes! Please fuck me,” he gasped. “You gonna make me rubber up, boy?” “No sir.” “You know I am poz right? You saw my tattoo.” “I know sir.” “I don’t stop until I cum. No pulling out.” He hesitated. “It’s ok, sir. Please fuck me.” “Good boy.” I reached over and grabbed the poppers off the table and threw it to him. He knew what to do as he took a deep huff. I felt his hole relax around my fingers and slipped in a third. His hole felt like velvet, and I knew I needed to feel him wrap around my cock. Between my spit and precum, he was so wet; I knew we wouldn’t need any lube. I pulled my fingers out and lined my leaking cock up with his hole. He was still huffing the poppers as I slowly slid into him. Almost immediately he started moaning like a bitch in heat. His hole was so warm and felt like a vice on my cock. I knew I wasn’t going to last long. I fucked him using long, slow stokes. I wanted this to last as long as I could. But he had other ideas, as he clamped down on my cock and continued to moan. “Fuck, boy! You sure you’re not a bottom?” “No sir, not until tonight.” “Damn boy, I’m gonna cum soon. You know I’m not on meds, right? I’m probably gonna knock you up.” The bitch just moaned. “Breed me sir, breed me! Give me your toxic load!” That did it for me. I picked up the pace and started slamming into him. He kept moaning, begging me to breed him over and over. I slammed into him one last time. “Here it comes, you little slut! Take my poz load!” I grunted as I flooded his ass. My hole throbbed around the butt plug in my ass. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I stopped cumming, and slipped from his hole. Surprisingly, with all of the cum I pumped into the bitch, very little came out. I collapsed onto the bed beside him. He stayed on all fours, breathing heavily. I looked at him and noticed he was rock hard. That gave me an idea, but first… “Look at me boy.” He turned his baby blues to me. I spread my legs, showing him my plugged ass, and asked “You want that?” He nodded, begging “Please sir. I’m so hard.” “I can see that. I’m gonna give you my hole. But first, you need something in yours.” I reached between my legs and pulled the plug out. Jeff licked his lips as the plug slid from my hole. My hole was red and puffy, I’m sure. I got up and got behind him again. There was just enough cum on his ass lips. I pressed the plug to his hole. It slipped in with no resistance. I saw his eyes roll back in his head, thinking to myself ‘Oh yeah, this top is now vers'. I got on the bed beside him pulling my legs up to my chest. The leather chaps framed my ass nicely. “Ok stud, your turn.” To be continued…….
    1 point
  47. Thank you for putting your self out here. i'd hate to see you "losing interest in both having sex, being intimate and even being romantic with guys in general ." This doesn't seem a "dumb question" to me, even given the porn presentation and stereotype to the contrary. The question is also probably double edged, i.e.: "do younger guys really want older men?" The assertions about older men: " FALSE SEXUAL DESIRE, DEPENDENCE ON EMOTIONAL VALIDITY, YOU FIX YOURSELF TO MEET MY STANDARDS" can also be true of younger men. If you have only been in relationship with older guys, i can see how you'd come to associate this with age, but i think this stuff crosses age boundaries. i think this may be more a question of emotional development and maturity, not age? What is it about an older man that appeals to you that you cannot have in a guy closer to your age? That's not a challenge, but a real question. Can you list the things you associate with the older man you desire. i question (in myself) the notions i have about age. i wonder how many of my ideas about age are associated with age or just associated with the individual? For instance, i work in a critical care section of a hospital and many of the certified nursing assistants (CNA's) are younger, and lots of them are guys. i am daily blown away, and often brought to tears, by their substance as human beings. We all know intellectually that maturity does not necessarily come with age, but that knowledge is emotionally counter intuitive lol. i think we expect maturity, and all the stuff that comes with it, to be present and more developed the older one gets. i think that is potentially true, but often isn't reality. It seems the three scenarios you listed: FALSE SEXUAL DESIRE, DEPENDENCE ON EMOTIONAL VALIDITY, YOU FIX YOURSELF TO MEET MY STANDARDS, are the negative side of what you are looking for? I.e., you are looking for a match to your sexual desire, someone who validates you and doesn't just look to be validated, and someone who accepts you for who you are? And that, to me, seems the challenge of relationship. Relationship seems to me to require a mixture of chemistry and maturity.
    1 point
  48. In order to help us advise you further, it may be helpful for us to know exactly what YOU want out of a relationship with an older man. One thing is for sure, older men come with ‘baggage’, emotional and otherwise, and usually lots of it. Unless you live under a rock, you just don’t get through life without accumulating baggage along the way- the older you get, the more you acquire. It always makes me laugh when I see profiles from younger guys that specify “no dramas” or “no baggage” as if the ultimate goal in life is to sail through it looking cool in a pair of this season’s must-have shades, without anything ever happening to you, good or bad. Btw, I’m not saying that you are like this at all @Sunovabesh- your post is thoughtful and obviously borne out deep frustration. Also, don’t forget that a lot of older men grew up in a time when being gay was quite a lot harder than it is now, and this leaves scars. I’m not saying that it’s all smiles and roses for young people coming out today either- but it is something to bear in mind when confronted with the neuroses of my generation. Relationships are hard! Don’t give up and throw in the towel just yet. Enjoy your youth while you’ve got it- it doesn’t last long, and you’ll be joining us old boys on the bench opposite sooner than you think!
    1 point
  49. As others have remarked, we don't know the starting point... What's normal for one person is high for another and low for a third. Also the CD4 count is a vague and wandering creature: a cigarette a few minutes before the blood is drawn can add 10% to 20% to the result. Admittedly I was pretty sick at my nadir of 80, but I was mentally and physically exhausted when my partner died and had a CD4 (my highest ever) of 880. My partner had a good way of expressing it: what's normal for you? He had naturally low blood pressure and used to have to warn medical staff taking his blood pressure of this lest he find himself being admitted to the ward. Low blood pressure was "normal for John". Increasingly, despite the US' insistence on using a CD count as part of the definition of aids (in the UK we can now say "when I had aids"), it's emerging that the important number is the viral load, which shows how well suppressed and unable to cause further damage the virus is.
    1 point
  50. I love it, turns me on so much, afterall, when I fuck, its all about me, knowing the bottom isn't getting (as much) pleasure just makes it more fun
    1 point
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