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  1. Jason had been flicking through the second hand rubber pages looking for a bargain. The idea was to subtly get a wardrobe together on the quiet, especially as most of the shops had been closed due to the pandemic. He clicked on one seller, who seemed to have all manner of gear for sale. Having messaged the seller a few times, and realising that he lived a few stops away, he’d decided he’d go and pay him a visit himself. When Jason reached the address he was a bit nervous. He knew the seller had an online profile and had always marvelled at how hot the rubber looked on him. As he was let into the block, he made his way to the seller’s flat. He could smell the horny scent of rubber and leather from in the hallway, and his cock started to twitch. “Hi, you must be Jason” “Yes, you’re, um, PigTop yes?” “Hahaha. Yeah, for now you can call me Steve” As Jason ventured inside Steve’s flat, he was overwhelmed by the scent of the gear. He could see a sling set up in one badly lit room, and thought that Steve was obviously a keen pig. “You said I could try some bits on” “Sure mate, can I get you anything? Fancy a beer?” “Bit early for me, but fuck it – we’re all furloughed so it won’t matter” Steve smiled as he went into the kitchen, leaving Jason to take in the surroundings… “Wow, you really do have a lot of gear” “Yes, I do. I’d been running a series of online auctions to clear some of it. A lot of it belonged to my ex who is no longer with us” “Sorry to hear that. How did he go if I may ask” “Health issues mainly, which weren’t helpful when he picked up this bastard covid” “Oh shit. Sorry to hear that” “Well we’d been a couple up until last year, but he left me this place in his will so I thought I’d let my fantasies take over and enjoy the new freedom” “Gosh, sounds really hot. I’d love to be able to live like this” Steve handed Jason the beer, which he took a swig of. It wasn’t a taste he recognized but found it refreshing nonetheless. “Right. What sort of thing were you after? A full suit yeah?” “Yeah. Thought I’d take the plunge and just need to know how it fits and feels” “Well I have a few. Why don’t you strip off and we can see if anything fits” Jason took no time in undressing. A bit flushed and light-headed, he was soon standing naked surrounded by a room of rubber gear. Mostly black, but with bits of yellow, red and brown detail on each outfit. Like a kid in a sweetshop, he didn’t know where to begin and picked up a yellow rubber full suit. “Hehe. Piss pig, yes?” “Well, um, I don’t know. I like what it represents but never tried piss” “Oh Jason, you should. Nothing hornier than pissing on a guy and marking my territory” Jason just nervously smiled at that remark and begun to slide himself into the outfit. Feeling a bit dizzy as the horniness of the moment and his increasing drunkenness(?) How come he was drunk? Steve helped Jason into the suit and soon Jason was looking like a true piss pig. His hard on was now unmissable. “I can see you’re agreeing with the suit judging by your cock” “Um, yes. It’s very horny. I like it” “You ever been pissed on, boy?” Jason was taken aback, and this sudden change to being addressed to as ‘boy’ was starting to affect his mind. “Um, no. What’s it like?” With that, Steve dropped his tracksuit bottoms to reveal he’d been wearing black rubber leggings beneath him. Jason suddenly felt very horny. “I’ll give you a glimpse boy. Kneel” With that, a horny and confused Jason went to his knees and before he realised, Steve had fished his cock out and was aiming it at Jason’s face and let forth a stream in his direction. Jason felt as hard as ever as Steve pissed over him. This wasn’t how he usually behaved, but for some reason the horniness was overriding everything. As Steve finishing pissing, he bent down to Jason and kissed him. “There you go. Wasn’t so hard to turn you into a piss pig was it?” “Um, yeah. I guess not. That was hotter than I expected” “Thought you’d like it boy. What about checking out some more gear for me?” Jason was a little confused. He’d come here to buy some gear. Not a session. Especially not a session of new experiences. “Um, yeah. That was horny. I liked that” “Thought so, boy. Here let me suggest an outfit you might soon never want to take off” Jason smirked. He’d love to be in that situation. Living in gear seemed a hot prospect. Steve held up a black suit. “What about this one – I’m sure you’ll soon love it” Jason looked at the suit – it was black with a bit of yellow detailing. “Yeah, um, sure” Steve lubed up the suit and knelt down to help Jason into it. “You’ll soon feel part of something in this, boy” Again, Jason was finding all this too good to be true. Steve was a true pervert and a gentleman, and yet even when he’d pissed on Jason, it felt good to let this man take care of him. As he slid his arms into the suit and adjusted himself, Jason was feeling hornier than ever.# “Ah yes boy. That looks fantastic. A true pig. Let me show you how you look” Steve pulled out another mirror so Jason could see the whole of the suit. It was then when he noticed the biohazard symbol on the back. His cock instantly got firmer. “Oh yeah, that looks great boy. You were made for that” “Um, yeah. It’s very horny but I’m not sure wearing this out would be wise. I’m not poz. I don’t know if I should…” “Yeah but look how hard your cock is boy” This was true. Jason had never been harder. Something about wearing an outfit like this turned him on so much. Just as Jason was starting to think and feel dirtier thoughts, Steve removed his t-shirt to reveal a rubber vest. It too, had a biohazard symbol on it. It had the effect on Jason. Making him harder than ever. “Looks like boy has an interest in the biohazard symbol, eh?” Steve took Jason into the playroom so the pair of them could look at each other in better light, if anything. Steve had noticed Jason had finished his drink, which seeing as he’d slipped a pill in it, was good news – Jason, the boy was now his. “Oh my boy. You don’t know how horny you look in that suit. I want to jump you” “Thanks Steve. It’s true, I didn’t think I’d feel this horny” “Oh I can get you hornier, boy” And as he said that, Steve began to stroke Jason and the pair of them began to kiss again. Jason, somewhat amazed at his forwardness started to nuzzle at Steve’s body, nibbling his tits and – after Steve had passed him some poppers – was beginning to lick at and worship Steve’s biohazard symbol on his chest. “Good boy. I think it’s about time you learned what joy this suit can give you” Steve pushed an increasingly cooperative Jason towards the sling. Jason, for his part, pulled himself into the sling and got comfortable. “Ever been fucked, boy?” “A couple of times, but nothing special. Not in a sling anyway” “Well it’s turning into a day of firsts for you isn’t it?” Jason obliged and let himself get strapped in. Had he had his wits about him, he’d have got out of that sling and out of the flat sharpish. He’d been pissed on and was about to be fucked while wearing a biohazard symbol on his back. However the idea of it was turning him on far more than the hope of escape did. As Steve secured Jason into the sling, he stuck more poppers up Jason’s nose. Knowing full well he’d got him exactly where he wanted him. Jason was starting to feel hornier than ever. Bucking his arse and now seemingly hungry for whatever Steve had planned. He then felt the zip being undone at his arse. “yes boy, by pissing on you I’d staked my claim on you. Marked my property. Now I’m going to help you earn that suit properly” Jason was whirling in a state of horniness and wonder. Inside he knew that this wasn’t probably his wisest move, but he was in no state or position to change that now. Steve had started fingering an increasingly hungry Jason’s hole… “Nice and tight. Let’s sort that out” As Steve started to push his cock into Jason, he sensed a hesitation – the mix of trepidation and fear that he noticed in all his pigs. If anything, it was turning Steve on more. “Yes boy, let me in. Accept your reward. A gift, even” Jason was in ecstasy at this juncture. All reasonable thoughts and guards were abandoned now. He was getting rawfucked by a guy aka PigTop, and the pair of them were wearing poz rubber gear. He’d have run if he could, quite honestly. Steve worked his cock into Jason, striking up a rhythm almost. “That’s it boy. Enjoy this. Savour every moment. I think you’ll soon realise what you really came here for” Jason was all over the place. He didn’t want, or expect, this. “Please… No… I don’t want… oh God” “Relax boy. Boss knows what’s good for you. Boss is going to open your eyes and mind to a whole new world of pleasure. Tell me what you want” “I… I don’t want to… argh oh god this feels fantastic” “Hehehe. My poz precum is giving you the hunger you crave. Accept yourself. Accept your destiny” “Oh yeah. Oh God. Fuck. Yes. Fuck meeee” “Good boy. Let Boss recycle you into a dirty toxic rubberpig” “Fuck… yes… tox… Oh god…” “Tell me what you want boy” “I want… this. Steve. Help” “I’m afraid Steve can’t be reached at the moment, but your new boss TopPig is available. Boss knows what you want” “Yes… Boss… It’s true. I feel so good” “Good boy. Boss is going to help you become a true pig, boy. You need to beg your boss though” “Please… boss… don’t argh. God I feel so good.” Steve stopped briefly to administer more poppers to Jason. And felt his forthcoming pigboy’s arse muscles clench hard on his cock “Yes boy. That’s the spirit. Now, tell me what you want” “I want your cum, boss. Please. Feed me your cum” “Good boy, it’s toxic cum. It’s what you need. And soon it will take you over, boy” “yes Boss. Give me… toxic cum” “You’re on the road to becoming a pozpig, boy. I’m off meds and have a good hit rate of knocking up boys like you. Boys who need direction. Boys who need recycling into pozpigs” “Fuck yes Boss. Turn me into your pig, boss” “What sort of pig?” “A pozpig, boss. Give it to me” “As you asked so nicely…” Steve was breathing heavily and turned on, lasting a few moments until his toxic brew flooded Jason’s hole… “FUCK YEAH” “Oh fuck. Thank you Boss. Thank you” “Like that did you? I knew you would. Your cock has been straining against that codpiece. We’re all friends here now. How about I let that free for you?” Steve unsnapped the rubber codpiece and Jason’s cock sprung free and still as hard as ever. “What a tasty cock you have boy, why don’t you let boss help you milk out your last neg load as a reward” Before Jason could protest, Steve was seductively making a show of sucking Jason’s cock. Looking up to Jason in throes of ecstasy. He had done the job he’d planned to do. Just as his eyes met Jason’s, Jason erupted inside Steve’s mouth and Steve gobbled every drop. He then moved up to Jason’s face, and fed Jason’s neg load back to him via a long kiss. Pausing for a while afterwards, Jason was left lying in the sling. Acclimatising to his new predicament. Slightly panicking but also accepting what had occurred. Steve, or Boss, had tricked him good. But Boss had also opened his hole and mind and body to a new life. When Boss returned to the room, he began to unstrap Jason from the sling. Not before slipping a plug into Jason’s used hole to “allow the gift to do its work” As Jason got out of the sling, he knew that he’d turned a corner. The poz reprogramming began in earnest. He knew that he could quite possibly be poz now, and his cocked twitched at the thought. But also he was fearful. He was a mess of contradictions. He’d arrived to buy some gear and had now been pissed on, pozfucked and now plugged with a toxic load incubating inside him. “How do you feel pigboy?” “I’m horny but also nervous and well, wasn’t expecting this” “Haha, it’s understandable. I’ve seen many lads like you before. Mentally adjusting to their new desires and forthcoming predicament. If you want, I’ll knock £50 off the suit if you feel you want it. I must say it’s a horny, perfect fit on you” “Yeah, that’s cool. I think I might go for it. I mean, I’ve never felt so horny but also so wrong” “Only to be expected, boy. If you want, you can take it off and you can have a shower and flush yourself out if you’re nervous and you can get some pills to try and stop the inevitable, but I don’t think you really want that, do you boy?” “Um, no Boss. I… don’t” “Good boy. The suit is yours if you want it. You can leave here now with it and wank off about how horny and toxic you look. Or, I think I could probably tempt you into keeping it on a little longer and we can work more on your poz recruitment. I think you secretly want to become a pozbrother, don’t you boy?” Jason sensed that this could all be over and done with, but his new desires were beginning to overwhelm him. He walked over to his new Boss, knelt down and placed his cock into his mouth. After some sucking he pulled away and saw his Boss smiling. “Good boy. I knew you’d see sense. Let your Boss welcome you into the brotherhood”
    8 points
  2. I’m a technical professional and as part of my job I travel to a variety of locations across North America. Staying in hotel rooms can get pretty old, so when I am visiting a location where friends or relatives live I often try to visit since I have all my time free after work. On one visit to LA, I decided to reach out to one of my old friends and see if we could get together. Mark and I had attended school together back in my hometown and always had a blast getting buzzed and picking up girls. It had been years since I spoke to Mark, but we were linked on social media and had several friends in common so was hoping we might get the chance to get together and have a laugh. I finished work and went to my room to get cleaned up and to see if Mark was available to get together that evening. I called the number listed for Mark but another man answered. “Hello, may I speak to Mark?” I inquired. “I’m sorry but Mark isn’t home right now, may I take a message?” replied the voice on the phone. “”Sure, I’m James – Mark and I were old school buddies and I was hoping we could get together while I’m in town to catch up” I responded. “Oh yeah, hi James, I’m Bob – Mark’s roommate. Mark has told me about some of your escapades from the past…we’ve tried to continue the pursuit of debauchery in your absence, maybe even take it to a higher level”. I laughed and said “I should have figured Mark was as cool as ever. Could you let him know I called and give him my number?”. “If you’re free for the evening perhaps you’d like to come over and wait? Mark should be home soon enough and you can chill until he gets here” Bob replied. Since I was already dressed with no plans I thought it might be fun. “Sounds great…I can be there shortly…Oh – do you need me to bring anything?” I inquired. “No, just bring your body on over and we’ll be set for a fun evening” Bill responded with a mischievous tone. “Great then – see you soon” I replied more than a little curious about Bob. I’m a married man but had my share of bisexual experiences so I was pretty sure that Bob might be interested in more than hearing stories about back-in-the-day. I felt my cock growing a little as I imagined the possibilities, but quickly put those thoughts on hold and headed out. I drove my rental car to Mark’s address and found it was an old servant’s house behind a very large place. It seemed nice from the outside so I continued to the door where I found a folded note with my name attached to a clip by the door. I pulled the note and it read: James – come on in and lock the door behind you as you enter. I didn’t think that the note was strange since Mark and I were from a “come on in and make yourself at home” type of small town community. I entered through the door and saw there was a long hall with a room opening to the left at the end. I headed toward the room calling out to Bob so he would know I was there. As I rounded the corner I saw a large TV with gay porno playing and I immediately felt my cock stir in my pants. I looked across from the TV and saw Bob in a large overstuffed chair. He was looking directly into my eyes while a very attractive male kneeled before him; both were naked. As my eyes focused I saw that the young, blonde Adonis was bobbing up and down on Bob’s ample cock and was making very sexy slurping noises in the process. Bob continued to keep direct eye contact with me while he pushed his boy away and quickly stood up and extended his hand to greet, his hard dick pointed directly at me. “Great to meet you Bob. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything” I said while giving him a wink. “Don’t be silly. I had my boy roll a few for us before you arrived…take a seat and fire one up while I get you something to drink” Bob responded. He offered me some iced tea which was a relief since I don’t drink alcohol when I’m traveling on business. After he handed me the drink and returned to his seat, we passed one around. I was starting to feel quite comfortable at that point so I said “please continue what you were doing and I’ll sit here for a bit and enjoy the view”. The eager young man quickly returned to his place between Bob’s legs, this time raising his perfect ass where I would have a great view. His sexy butt-hole was glistening and I was pretty sure he had already had some fun recently. After placing his hands on the young man’s head as encouragement to take him deeper, Bob looked at me and said “Take off your clothes James”. When Bob had stood up I had noticed a few things about him; he was considerably taller than me (I’m a short guy), his body was cover with dark hair that was neatly trimmed, and his cock was about 9” long with a respectable girth. I was immediately impressed by his confidence and his welcoming manner. The fact that I was also majorly turned on by the circumstances upon arrival also influenced my willingness to do whatever Bob instructed at that time. As if his deep, sexy voice telling me to remove my clothes had me in a trance, I immediately stood and began removing my clothes. I took off my shirt, shoes and socks, and then unfastened my pants. When I pulled my pants down my hard cock sprang from my pants, showing the pre-cum that had already begun leaking and was about to drip onto the floor. I heard Bob say “nice!” and then tell his boy to move away and sit on the couch next to the chair. Once his boy was seated he told me to get on all fours in front of his chair. I was all-in at this point and quickly positioned myself on hands and knees before him as requested. In a fluid motion Bob slid down behind me and placed his hands on my ass cheeks, spreading and kneading them so he could get a better look at my hole. I heard him making a guttural growl as he slowly leaned in, moving his face closer and closer to my open bottom. Soon I felt his lips kiss my butt hole as I simultaneously felt the vibrations from his vocal chords as he continued to growl and moan while pushing his tongue inside. I knew then that I would let Bob do whatever he wished with my body, and I began to push my ass back into his probing orifice to let him know I was at his command. -To Be Continued-
    7 points
  3. 02 I arrived at the hotel, and there was the Asian guy waiting for me outside smoking a cigarette. “Hey, I am Peter.” Peter was very tall, about 6’1, mid 30, had a very nice swimmers body. He was wearing a suit but I could tell by his silhouette and posture. I haven’t slept with a hot asian guy for so long, I almost got too excited. He made me feel like a little girl. He had that confidence I love. “My friend is a bit older. But I guess you don’t mind that. You told me you were more into older White men.” He said. “Wait, when did I tell you that?” I asked. “This was my third time messaging you. You declined my last 2 offers.” I did’t remember him because he had no face pics on his Grindr profile and I had deleted his messages. What an idiot was I to miss this hot guy! But it all really worked out in our both favors in the end. We were about to have a 3-some instead, and this was going to be my first time trying Tina as well. I got so hard thinking about it while we were in the elevator. As we got to the room, a tall White daddy greeted me. “Hey, how are you? I am Matt.” Matt was about the same height as Peter, about 6’1, mid 50, salt and pepper hair, green eyes. His face looked a little angry which totally turned me on. He had a broad shoulder, little bit of belly, and fit slender body. “Make yourself comfortable. Would you like some wine?” “Sure.” Matt poured some wine and offered it to me. I was so horny. I was ready to jump in and start sucking their dicks, but they were very relaxed and chill, so I couldn’t really do that in that atmosphere. Matt was visiting from NYC and they actually haven’t seen each other for quite a long time. They had some catching up to do. They chatted about 15 mins while I finished my wine. “So, you said this is your first time? Are you sure you want to do this?” Matt asked me. “Yes. How are we doing it? Smoke? Slam? or bootybump?” I replied. “Haha, you already know a lot about it, I don’t think this is your first time!” Matt laughed. “Peter, can you show this kid how to smoke pipe while I set this up?” Matt pointed to a bag on the desk. “Sure. Come here, kiddo.” He gestured me to follow him. Peter pulled out a small bag filled with white shards, a pipe and a lighter. He dropped a few shards in the pipe and then started to light. “You don’t want the lighter to be too close, you will burn it and ruin it. That’s not good. Watch this.” A white smoke started to form in the pipe, and then he put the pipe between my lips. “Suck on it, very slowly and steady as much as you can, and then hold it as long as you can before you exhale.” I followed his exact instruction. And I had hold it for about a minute. “Oh, wow Kiddo, you can hold it a lot! Good job! Now, do it again, you do it yourself this time” Peter handed me the pipe. I was very careful trying not burn it. And then I started to suck again. Slow and steady. I held even bigger hit this time. I finally understood why they call it ‘Cloud’. That’s when I started to feel something. A sensation, that’s waking up every cell in my body, an energy flow that streams and circles in my body. My body started to feel tingling sensation, it was very warm and calm as well. At the same time, I felt free. I was free from all the conditions that made me conscious about myself. I was free from my own mind. I felt sexy and confident. And then this big wave of extreme horniness, a crave to suck a dick overtook my entire brain and my body. I had never felt that horny in my life. There was only one thing I could ask. “Can I please suck you dick, Peter? Please?” I said as I undressed.
    7 points
  4. As some of you know, I lost my husband to a stroke last year. His mother was living with us at the time, and no one in his family has stepped up to take over her care. So she still lives with me. Tonight, I hooked up in my house for the first time in 19 months during waking hours (I have done a few 2 AM hookups while she was asleep). I didn't make a big production of it or introduce her to my fuckbuddy. I did go into my bedroom at 8:15 and not come until long after she had gone to bed. She has made it clear she won't be upset if I start to date, but I am not quite to the point of looking for a relationship. I took that to mean a hookup would be okay, too. Anyway, this was the young black top who's a multi-cummer who had fucked me on my desk in my office a couple of weeks ago. He was back in town for a cast party for the haunted forest attraction he had worked in October. The party was Friday night, and he had told me he would come by Saturday night if he could. I was assuming this would be quite late as that is how his schedule usually runs, but he hit me up around 7:45. I thought about it for a minute and decided to try doing a hookup while my mother-in-law was still up. I told him to give me half an hour to make sure I was clean. He showed up right on time at 8:15. I put on some music to give us a little cover. We agreed to try to keep the volume down (although we had limited success with that last time). We got naked and made out for a while alternating with his working my nipples and my sucking his cock. Eventually, he was ready to fuck. He put me on my belly with my head down and ass up. He slowly worked into me with just the spit lingering from the blowjob. He's big (about 7.5" by 5") but not huge, so I was able to take this fairly easily. He has gotten very good at knowing exactly where my limits for discomfort are and pushing them without breaking them. Once he was inside I started to self-lubricate, and everything went smoothly. He began a deep and intense fucking. I was doing my best to get enough leverage to push back keeping my back arched. He varied his stroke length and angle every few minutes. His balls slapped against mine over and over. He is truly amazing. Every fuck he throws into me is different, but every one is amazing. The whole time I was on the verge of feeling like it was more than I could handle. After 20 or 30 minutes, his strokes got shorter and harder. He usually makes me ask for his first load, but tonight he got caught up in it. He bred me with a huge load. His nut went on for a long time. He eased out and collapsed next to me on the bed. I cleaned him off with my mouth; he lay there slowly catching his breath. We cuddled for a while. I turned over, and he curled around me big spoon. He dozed for a few minutes, but when he woke up, he was ready for round two. He reached down and slid the tip of his cock inside using his load for lube. We stayed spooned at first, but that didn't give him the leverage he wanted. He rolled me over on my belly with one knee bent under me. He began fucking into me roughly with his hips at a 45 degree angle to mine. Again he was varying the angle and intensity constantly. A couple of times I felt him slow down to keep from cumming. Eventually he had me back in the position from the first fuck. He was working hard to get that second load out. Sweat began to drip onto my back. I had made the decision not to use poppers tonight because I wanted to really feel everything; I regretted that decision at a couple of moments because it got pretty uncomfortable, but I took it without complaint. After a long hard fuck, he pumped a second load inside me with his whole body jerking. He collapsed again. He stopped me when I went to clean him; he said it was too sensitive. I went to pee and brought him back water, a damp cloth, and a dry one. We talked about how amazing the sex has been including my experiment with not using poppers. He wrapped his body around mine, and we talked and made out. He said he was tired, so I offered to let him spend the night. He said he needed to get home for things he had to do tomorrow, but he asked if I would set an alarm and let him take a 30 minute nap. I did so, and we curled up with me as big spoon this time. He was out almost immediately. I dozed a bit, but mostly listened to the music still playing. When the alarm went off, we made out a little more, and then he got dressed and took off.
    5 points
  5. Part 4 As I rolled off of him and collapsed in sweaty satisfaction, Colt grabbed his camera and started snapping pics of me. "Dude." I said. "Come on. I look like shit." "Naw man, you look beautiful. Like the sexy slut you are. Come on baby, pose for me. Roll over and let me see that sexy ass. Oh yea, now stick it up, arch your back, show me that sweet ass. Now spread your cheeks and let me see your pussy. Oh baby, that's so hot!" I was still so high and under Colt's spell, that I did everything he told me to. I posed for him in every slutty position he wanted me in. After about 10 minutes he stopped taking pics and was typing something on his phone. The sun was up by now, but neither one of us could sleep. We were too wired. Instead, we snuggled together on the bed. Colt opened his laptop and we started viewing some of the shows he had done. In everyone he was very obviously fucked up, and I watched him hit the pipe and the brown bottle many times as well as snort lines, including one off the large black dick of Dante. In one of the videos he had a needle stuck in his arm by another guy, a real muscular guy, but I couldn't see his face because he had a spandex hood on with only eye holes visible. I watched as he released the band from Colt's arm, and Colt raised his arm in the air, quickly followed by him coughing and doing some real deep breaths, fully expanding his strong chest. He laid back on the bed and ran his hands all over his body, playing with his nips and squeezing his cock through his jockstrap as he panted, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," over and over again. Then I noticed another man in the video, also very muscular and also with a spandex hood on. The two guys tied off each others arms, stuck the needles into each other and soon had their hands in the air and coughing too. "Are you ready slut?" Asked the first guy. "Oh God yes!" Replied Colt. "Show them your pussy bitch!" The man ordered Colt. He turned his ass to the camera and spread his cheeks, exposing his brown hole. "Now look over your shoulder and look into the camera. Tell them what you want. Tell them you want your faggot jock pussy fucked hard! Beg for it you pathetic cumdump whore!" "Please!" Whined Colt. "I need it so bad. I need my hungry jock pussy to be fucked! PLEASE! Oh God, stick your cock in me. Use my jock hole, use my pathetic faggot cumdump jock hole, PLEASE! I need it!" The guy moved onto the bed and moved Colt so he was sideways to the camera on his hands and knees, his big muscular body on display. He lined up his cock, which was probably a good 8 inches, to Colt's ass. The other guy grabbed Colt's hair and turned his face to the camera, sticking a brown bottle under his nose. Colt took some deep breaths. "What's your name slut?" He demanded. "Colt." The man raised his hand and smacked Colt hard across his face. "Your full name, you stupid jock bitch." " Colton Sawyer Cooper!" He exclaimed as he continued to hit the bottle. "How old are you?" "18!" "And what do you want?" "Cocks! I want cocks in my holes filling me with their cum!" With that, the man at Colt's ass grabbed his hips and slammed himself into Colt's asshole. Colt's face grimaced at first before a pleasurable smile crossed it. "Oh yea, that's it! Gimme that big cock! Fuck my jock pussy!" The man at his head stuck a fat 7" cock into Colts mouth and started fucking his face. The two masked men spit roasted Colt as hard as they could. The fucking continued for at least two hours as the two men would trade places back and forth and use Colt in every position they could. We didn't watch every second of it, we fast forwarded a bit, but we watched most of it. One of my favourite shows of his involved what I learned was called Bukake. Colt was on his knees with his hands cuffed to his ankles behind his back. He also had a leather collar with a leash. 20 men surrounded him ranging in age from young to old with all kinds of different bodies, and every man wore a Zorro like mask. The men would use the leash to yank Colt toward their cocks, and he would eagerly devour each one. A metal spreader was placed in Colt's mouth and stretched wide. Someone took a wrapped up bandana and poured poppers on it, then placed it across Colt's nostrils, tying it behind his head. Then they really started to mouth rape him. They would grab his hair and slam their cocks down his throat. I could see Colt's throat expand every time one of those cocks was rammed down it. Every so often one of the guys would yank Colt's head back and pour some fresh poppers on the bandana before another cock was jammed down his throat. Colt became noticeably disoriented. His half closed eyes looked crossed and he couldn't hold his head up by himself. The men would hold it up by his hair as his throat was raped nonstop. The second they let go, his head would flop down, only to be yanked back up again. This lasted for 45 minutes before the metal stretcher was removed from Colt's mouth. His head was pushed back and he was only being supported by the collar around his neck. He tried to form words, but only gibberish came out. Then, the men started cumming as they jerked off around the helpless jock. Even as fucked up as he was, when the first man started shooting, Colt instinctively opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. The man aimed his first shot right into Colt's mouth before coating his face with the rest. Man after man followed suit, shooting first in Colt's mouth, then all over his face. Soon Colt's entire face was coated in cum. It was all over his hair and ran down his neck and dripped onto his chest. When the last man came all over Colt, the man holding the leash let go and Colt collapsed, falling back onto the floor. The camera then moved in closer and someone had dropped another sign on to the floor giving Colt's full name, his phone number and his age. The camera didn't move as it got a clear shot of his information in the same frame as his fucked up cum covered face. Oh man was my dick hard! Then the doorbell rang. I looked at the clock and it was now 2:00. Time flies when your high. I watched as Colt jumped out of the bed and walked to the door, and as his magnificent ass left the room, my brain didn't register that he was still buck naked. He returned a couple minutes later with two equally naked guys, and both equally hot. One was a redhead with whiter than white skin, and the other was a brunette with a deep dark tan. Both were built like a brick shit house. I grabbed the covers and pulled them over myself. The red head laughed. "You said he might be a bit shy." "Austin," said Colt, "these are buddies of mine. Ron (the redhead raised his hand) and Billy (who also gave a little wave). You might recognize them from the show with the two masked guys." I totally recognized their bodies now, and actually looked at their cocks, which were impressive even soft. "And why are they here?" I inquired. Colt sat down next to me. He put his arm around me and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. "They're here to have some fun with us baby." He whispered in my ear. I saw Billy open a case that he had been carrying and pull out a few syringes. "I told them I had a brand new cock slut, and they wanted to come help break you in." "I, I don't know Colt." I said. "Come on baby." Colt cooed into my ear. "You said you would do anything for me. You said you were my little cock slut. I want this baby. Do it for your brother." As he was saying those words into my ear, I was falling further under his spell. I tried one more time to object as Billy was wrapping a band around my bicep. "Sshhhhh." Colt whispered in my ear as he put a finger up to my lips, silencing me. "Just do it baby. I love you so much, do it for me." He put his hand on my hard cock, and I knew I was lost in him. I felt the cool alcohol rub on my arm as Colt kissed me. Then I felt a slight prick, and a few seconds later, Billy was removing the band. He raised up my arm and then, BAM! It hit me like a bull at the rodeo. I fell back onto the bed as I coughed a few times, my ears ringing. Then I took some deep breaths as I felt a rush like no other fly through my body. "That's a good boy." Colt whispered as he rubbed my chest. "Just do what your brother tells you." My chest burned where he touched me as I watched Ron and Billy remove bands from their arms. Then they too coughed a bit then climbed on the bed. I felt hands all over me as lips touched mine. Lips that were not Colt's. I opened my mouth and a new tongue entered it as I felt like I was floating off into space. After what seemed like forever, the hands and lips pulled off me and I was being rolled over. "Hands and knees, slut!" I heard Ron order me as he pulled my hips up. I moved into position and almost immediately felt a cock sliding into my ass. I groaned as I felt his pubes rub against my tender hole. Then he held onto my hips and started fucking me. I looked over and saw Colt sitting in a chair, stroking his cock as he watched. "Oh yea!" He said. "Fuck that bitch! Pound that little sluts hole. Oh baby, you're gonna get fucked so much today. These guys can fuck for hours. And you're gonna take it all. Come on whore, arch your back. Stick your ass out. Show these guys how much you want their cocks!" I did as he told me and something inside me was unleashed. "Fuck yea!" I hollered. "Fuck me! Fuck my pussy! Come on, give me your cock. I want you to fuck me like the bitch I am!" I could see Colt smile and I knew I was pleasing him, and that made me happy. He didn't lie, these guys could fuck for hours. For three hours, non stop, these two guys pounded my hole, in every imaginable position. Colt just watched the whole time, hitting the pipe occasionally and feeding me poppers. Sometimes he would let me take a couple of hits off the pipe as my cunt was drilled mercilessly. "Oh yea you little meth whore." He would say. "Suck on that pipe slut. Suck on it like the whore you are while your pussy gets pounded and filled with cum!" At one point, he held my head in his lap as he covered my nose and mouth with a popper soaked rag. I passed out a couple of different times, only to regain conciousness and see the guys had switched who was fucking me. And boy did I get filled with cum! 4 loads before the guys finally finished with me. After Colt let them out, he came back to where I was laying, too fucked out to even move. Despite still being high as fuck, my ass was sore, and as Colt raised up my legs, I let out a feeble objection. "Shut up slut!" He demanded. "You're gonna take my cock bitch. Your slutty little meth hole isn't done yet!" I moaned as his fat cock stretched my sore hole, but he didn't stop until he was buried in me. "Your sloppy cunt feels so good all loose and wet with 4 loads in it! You were a very good boy today. I'm very proud of you." He praised me. And as he did, what little pain I was feeling in my ass went away, and it was replaced with a hunger for more pounding. Pounding from the man I loved. "Fuck yea Colt!" I cried out. "Fuck my hole! Fuck my slutty little meth hole!" Colt fucked me with all his might as he verbally degraded me and I begged for more of it. He spit on my face and slapped me while he called me a whore, a slut, a worthless cumdump, a little faggot meth bitch. And I loved it! Finally, after another half hour of his hard fucking he finally said, "Oh yea baby, here it comes! Here comes another load in your nasty little fuckhole! Take it bitch! Take your brothers load!" "Fuck yea!" I shouted as he buried himself in me and I felt his enormous cock throb. "Gimmie that load! Fucking breed my faggot meth whore cunt!" As I said those words, my cock also shot off and I grabbed Colt and held him tight as the orgasm rocked my body. He collapsed onto me breathing hard as I held him tight, never wanting to let go. "God damn, I love you, you son of a bitch!" I whispered into his ear. He just laughed as he kissed me deeply.
    5 points
  6. When I was younger,living at home with my family, we lived next door to a big paint factory thst was always busy. There would be trucks wagons overnight parked up and I would watch from my bedroom window that looked onto the yard part nesr the canal towpath.. One night there was this big hefty trucker, really tall with a bald head, very hairy with ginger pubes and chest, hair lots of tattoos with womens names on his arms, So I went for a walk, parents in bed and I was hovering around his truck as the cab lights were on, curtains closed. I knocked on his door, he opened window, I asked if he had seen my dog, Anyway he hadn't, but seemed to look at me intensly. I walked off following the path, bit later, walking back, he was out of his cab having a piss on the canal towpath bushes, whilst he was pissing, cock in full view as I was walking towards him, he asked sarcastically, if I found my dog, No, he had finished pissing, talking still, shaking his cock dry. He asked if there was any loose women near by??? I didn't know what he meant, I was a young un,he said he needed sucking off, at this point he was wanking his thick dick, looking at me, I was in awe of him, he waved his cock and said fancy it? I did, cocks were no stranger to me, I sucked him right there on thst path, he cum in my mouth and gave me a pound lol. He told me to be here again next week, I was. Anyway as time went on, it progressed into him fucking me in his cab weekly, he always gave me things, like chocolate, cigarettes, this went on for about a year, then he stopped coming and I never seen him again. Eventually factory closed down. He was a rough bloke, but a sexy fucker and used to fuck me good in his cab. Awesome.
    4 points
  7. disclaimer : 1. this story may or may not be a true story. 2. english is not my first language, so please excuse me for grammatical mistakes. - 01 In 2016, I was still living in Asia. I was 26 years old, had a husband and 2 successful businesses to run. My life was exactly how I dreamed of it to be when I was 20. When I was 20, I had gotten HIV and thrown out of home for being gay. I was working 3 part time jobs to pay for my life. But in 6 years, so many things had changed. I had my own company, not just one, two! And I even had a husband who loves me deeply. I almost couldn't believe how my life turned out. I should have been very happy for achieving all this, but I wasn't. I was happier, but something was definitely missing. And that's when I turned to sex. Me and my husband already had an open relationship going, but it wasn't a frequent thing. But ever since my company started running by itself, I was meeting guys everyday. They were mostly white daddy tops, because I just loved older White men. I grew up without any father figure in my life. That made me look for men who are older and wiser than me. I love that natural confidence White men exude from living a privileged life, and yet also having that sensitivity and maturity from experiencing some sort of discrimination for being gay, that really turned me on. I worshiped them. To me, older White men with big cock were work of arts, and my gods. I wanted each one of my sex partners to completely own me. Even if it is just for that short amount of time while we have sex. I enjoyed that complete submission. And of course those fat veiny uncut cock. This was something I craved more than anything. I just loved how they feel inside me. Luckily, my city being one of the business centrals of Asia, I had met plenty of White men. Especially business men. And this night was also one of those nights too. I spent a whole day looking for guys to meet on Grindr, but I wasn't getting anything. Then around 6pm, this blank profile messaged me. "Hi. Do you parTy?" I knew what he meant by parTy. I had just discovered 'breeding zone' and been reading some chem-sex stories here. I was just not sure if I am ready to go through this. My heart was pounding. 'He doesn't have a picture, but he is tall, White and in his 50s. I am sure he is going to be perfectly my type. Say yes. You are not going to be hooked. Just this one time.' I was torned. It took me 20 minutes to reply his message. "No. I don't parTy. But i am willing to try." I replied. Another 20 minutes have passed by, but he didn't reply to my message. But he was still online. I just assumed that he thought meeting a newbie was too dangerous or he found another guy to join him. So i gave up, moved on, decided to have dinner. 2 hours later, I got another message on Grindr, from an Asian guy. Asian guys are usually not my first choice mainly because, me being Asian, I have slept with too many Asians when I was a teenager. But he was decent looking, had toned body so I was thinking if I should meet him. Then he sent me this long message about how much in love he is with my small framed body. I am 5'4, dark brown hair and eyes, have fit and really small body, but perfectly proportionate. I look very tall in pictures, but in real life, I am a miniature size person. My dick looks so huge compared to my body. I am not everyone's type, but I tend to have these fans who obsess about me, and he was one of them. And he sure knew how to seduce me. 'Well, I haven't got fucked today yet and I am really horny. Let's meet him.' I decided. And then thats when things got exciting. "Do you mind 3s? I have a friend visiting, he is also a top. White guy." I just instinctually knew. It is the white guy I talked to on Grindr! I will be partying with these two tonight. "Let's do it." "I will meet you at 7. Intercontinental Hotel lobby." I was excited and nervous about how this night was going to turn out. And this night changed me forever. - to be continued
    3 points
  8. Sunday afternoon, I went to a local adult store armed with my mask, some lube and a bottle of poppers. Aside from about 75% wearing masks, it was filled with trolls. However, as I made my way by the cubicles, I saw a hot stud with Rasta style hair. Now I like black guys and they usually like me, so I gave him the eye and he gave it back I was about to enter a cube, when one of the trolls cock blocked me. I headed to another cube and the stud followed me in. I locked the door, he pulled down his jeans, and I got on my knees. With no exaggeration, he had at least a 10 inch cock. I sniffed his cock to make sure it didn't smell like shit, then I sucked his head. About a minute later, he was in my throat and he was moaning. I was wearing shorts and managed to get out of them while still giving the stud head. I handed him a small bottle of lube and he squeezed some onto his fingers. "Show me your hole." I stood up to give him better access to my fresh hole while still sucking him off. "I want to feel your hole. " So I knelt on the bench and cracked open my bottle of poppers. I felt his cockhead at my hole and he pushed steadily in until I felt his nuts at my hole. He felt incredible as he started to breed me. About ten minutes after he entered me, he said, "You're gonna make me nut." I told him to knock me up. He pounded me a few more times until he grunted and gripped my tight. I could fill his cock spasming as felt a warm wet flush inside. We exchanged numbers and will hopefully rut again.
    3 points
  9. Just waiting for you in the locker room.
    3 points
  10. CHAPTER 14 I went back to my bed and sat down for a few minutes rehashing what I had done so far since arriving here. My head was spinning. Soon enough I snapped out of my trance, straightened my bed, retrieved my towel and key, and went off to take a shower. It was a shower I needed I thought not realizing that by doing so I was also advertising myself. I returned to my room stopping by Ian's room only to hear that he obviously was occupied. From my walk through the hall, I came to realize there were several modes of advertising what one was seeking and on reaching my room I began in earnest to put into multiple practice what I had just learned in the past few hours. I was determined to become an expert. When I was satisfied with my room, I once more made a walk to the shower room, used a urinal, and made a slow walk back through the full length of the hall from one end to the other finally arriving at my room. I unlocked the door pushing it wide open. I snapped off the overhead light and walked to the desk lamp. I covered the shade with a t-shirt which I pinned on the top of it and clicked on the lamp. The room was dimly lit by the desk lamp behind me and the bed was flooded with light coming from the hall. I climbed onto the bed naked and lay face down with my legs spread and flexed. I waited no more than five minutes. A young guy probably in his thirties from what I could tell had stopped on the opposite side of the hall so that he could be seen in the hallway light. He began rubbing the front of his towel causing his cock to rise up. I moved my hips enough on the bed that they could be seen moving. I made a last invitation to him. I rose up leaning on my left arm reaching behind me with my right hand and shoved a finger in my ass pumping my ass with this finger. After fucking myself a few times, I withdrew my finger, sucked it clean, and once again lay down flat. This new man now moved across the hall into my room shutting the door behind him. He walked to the bed in the dim lighting removing his towel as he approached. His now swollen cock bobbed as he made the last few steps to the bed. I was now face down as flat on the bed as I could get. I bent my knees as far as I could spreading my ass wide and finally hooking the tops of my feet at the edge of the bed. I waited. The bed began to move slightly as he climbed up onto it. As he did so, I adjusted myself so that I ended up in doggie position in front of him. He made his final adjustment grasping lightly my hip as I felt the tip of his cock line up to my hole. It was a little high but I figured he'd work that out which he did. We were good to go . . . and we did. I was awake until after seven the next morning when the last of my visitors left me. My first unknown visitor returned twice more during the night filling me with more copious amounts of his cum which I relished. I had also swallowed three cum loads during the night as that was all that those men wanted. Disappointment was what I felt but came to realize later at least I got their cum in me. What really mattered to me were my visitors who stopped by and fucked me leaving their own loads of cum deep in my ass. I collected cum in my ass from seven men that first night not counting Glen and my first visitor. None of the fucks were all that memorably super as Glen's and my first visitor. But they set in motion a string of events that would see me through the rest of my life. I had the seed sown--no pun intended--of becoming a cum addict. My swimming practice in a pool was done but not as extensively as I led my parents to believe. I made reference to swimming but included my ass in the commentary knowing how much swimming had taken place in there by all those billions if not trillions of whip-tailed DNA samples. When I did take to the pool, I forced myself to concentrate on actually swimming for competition. But, by and large the vast majority of the swimming related to all the sperm I took in me. I called Glen again early Saturday afternoon to see if we could have a rematch. We did. He gave me three grand deposits as he had before. He added a fourth unexpected load of cum when he asked about my night and morning which I relayed to him providing him with as much detail as he wanted. I wanted to hold nothing back from him. Glen and I visited and fucked as often as possible through the years given my circumstances. It became easier when I left home for university as I would often return and spend my weekend with him and almost always with his beautiful cock shoved in my ass . . . or mouth on occasion. Glen introduced me to rimming as well as water sports. He told me that in everything I tried with him I definitely excelled and surpassed his expectations. All I know is he was an excellent teacher who never laid claim to exclusivity on me which I knew I could never give. I knew he would never ask for such exclusivity the weekend he mentioned having a three-way with a buddy of his which I easily and readily agreed to do. To say my first 3-way was a total success would be such an understatement. What was supposed to be a one time 3-way thought to last maybe an hour turned into just over three hours. Glen and Bob--his buddy--took turns fucking me while the other rested. The two of them had me spitted between them three times and filled my ass each time. I still have fond memories of that particular weekend. As for my stay at the Y, that first weekend also holds fond memories for me. All toll, I swallowed at least a dozen cum loads during that weekend and sucked at least that many cocks with no cum. From the note hand records that I made weeks later, I got fucked by 21 different men excluding Glen and my first visitor that weekend. Of the 21 men, 9 of them fucked me twice. The word had spread up and down the hall, and I was definitely a hit even with some bottoms who fucked me which I took as a huge compliment. Twice in the shower and three times in the hall I was unceremoniously surrounded by several men, forced to bend over, and was fucked in full view of every man in the shower or hall. I had no inhibitions by the time I left the Y on Sunday. Through the years I returned to the Y meeting up with a few of the men from my first weekend who remembered me and willingly spread the word about my being a cum slut. I was so proud each time I was informed that some man knew all about me. To be fair, I found that the more I got fucked and filled with cum my own cock and balls began to grouse at being left out. Yet, they did nothing on their own but remind me they were still attached. So, to help myself as well as to repay kindnesses shown to me, I would every five or six hours find a willing bottom including Ian to be sure and blow my own ball contents into a willing hole. Willy and the twins were ever so grateful but this only resulted in my ass screaming at me to get it back in the game which I always did.
    3 points
  11. Met up with a guy on Grindr today. I got to his place and he was immediately all over me kissing and groping me on the way to his bedroom. We strip down and I get to see his beautiful 8.5” cock, pictures didn’t do him justice, it’s thick like a big redbull can and curves slightly up. He throws me on the bed and starts eating my ass making me moan. He spits on his dick and shoved in but the pain was intense so I have him lay down as I straddle his cock. I work my ass down all 8.5” and I’m in bottom heaven. I start riding him as he calls me a slut, whore, just a hole for cock and cum which makes me ride him even harder. He pushes me face down and starts ramming my ass continuing the dirty talk. He flips me over so we’re face to face and spits in my mouth and slaps my face. He spits on me again as he starts choking me and telling me he’s going fill my slut hole with his poz cum. He pulls me back on top of him and tells me to jerk off and cum in his mouth which I do and after I feed him my load he slams balls deep in my hole and breeds me with his hot poz load. He pulls out and shoves a buttplug in my ass and tells me to keep his load in. He said he would be rough and he didn’t disappoint lol. I can’t wait to go back for round two.
    2 points
  12. I awoke without being able to say how I had lost track of the world. Blurry memories from a nightclub danced through my foggy mind and I tried to get up only to find myself both seated and tied up. "Hnnmmpf" my voice was a muffled moan, something soft covered my eyes. I started to come back to my senses. I remembered being drunk, but then...on my way home, something smelly had suddenly been pressed into my face. And now I was sitting on a chair...it felt like silk held me in place. I struggled, my muscles tensed to fight the gentle bonds, but all I could do was wiggle dangerously with my chair. That was when a hand lay on my chest and held me. I jerked in shock of the sudden touch. The hand felt warm and incredible smooth and slick, like no flesh and blood could. The hand rubbed my bare chest a little, so I could feel the vinyl glove. I trashed in the bonds, fought the mysterious kidnapper, who just kept fondling me. I could feel a second hand join the first. Whoever was this stood behind me and explored my body lovingly. "Gnnfffkkk offgggmmme!" I yelled into the silken ball in my mouth. The only response was a warm, vinyl clad body pressing into my back. My head was pressed against someone´s belly, while the hands twitched my nipples. My angry cries grew louder as I furiously fought against my bonds. And then suddenly the hands were gone. I could hear the other move around me, felt the air of my captor´s move. And then without warning a gloved hand seized my limp cock. "Gnnnh" the sound escaped me before I had a chance to cut it off, the surprised pleasure as the incredibly smooth glove touched my sensitive skin, mixed with the angry shock. And then the hand rubbed, rubbed my cock up and down, no matter how much I fought and kicked. I felt my face get how as the treacherous little guy grew from the fondlling. Once more the mysterious kidnapper stopped. I waited, tried to listen, get a guess what was coming. Warm lips touched the head of my cock, before a warm, wet mouth engulfed my semi erect pride. An unwanted moan from me seemed to encourage my kidnapper to forcibly pleasure me even more. The mouth slid down and a tongue rubbed and tickled my flesh, made me moan and pant, as I grew fully hard. I tried to fight it and lost. Soon I moaned like a whore and pushed my hard prick upwards into the hungry mouth. "Oh yessss" A voice moaned. A man´s voice. I froze. Somehow I had assumed a woman...the vinyl, the fondling and the blowjob. Reality hit me hard in the guts as I bucked up in disgust about the thought of a man...licking me there. And as I struggled with all I had he continued and moaned even louder "Oh god yesss!" and sucked my hard cock completely into his throat. I cried in despair...when a cloth was forced on my face once more. The drugging fumes hit my nose. It was a similar smell like the first time, but I also recognized something different. My body started to feel numb, except for my cock. With each breath I was forced to suck in through the cloth I drifted away, but my cock seemed to get more sensitive from this. A soft, pleasant shiver ran through my drugged body. I was horny...so horny. The feeling of the man licking my cock was the last thing I felt as darkness swallowed me. With a groan I woke up once again. I could see a dim light. I blinked. I felt different. And as I took a deep breath I knew why. Latex sucked against my face as I breathed and a vent opened as I breathed out. I saw a ceiling through the holes of a latex gasmask. "Gnnn?" I moaned and looked down. My body was no langer naked, but bound once more. Red vinyl pants hugged my legs and crotch like a glove and I caught a glimplse of some black and shiny shirt from a different fetish shirt. My whole body was secured with black, soft leather straps. Though as I looked around a young man came into view. He was young, perhaps 20 or so. Blond hair, blue eyes and a slender, yet sporty guy. He smiled at me. "Hey my tasty cock...slept well?" he mocked me and ran a hand over my crotch. He was clad in black vinyl, a full suit, with gloves and boots. I noticed a hard, throbbing bulge in the suit and with a faint cry I struggled and tried to wiggle away from him. I almost fell of the couch as I did that, I obviously lay over the corner of an L shaped leather couch. My kidnapper hurried to catch me and his hands held me securely. "Who...so lively already. Maybe we can get to the next round then." he said and I protested into the gag still in my mouth and shook my head. He just rubbed his crotch bulge and knelt in front of me. I did not see from where the hand came, but someone else was here, as I got a filter attached to the mask. The smell of the knockout drug teased my sensed, this time the scent of the other thing was stronger, though. "Nnmmmmm" I yelled, but a moment later started to feel weak. My limbs felt so heavy in the bonds, while in my belly a warm tickling started. I moaned, while my senses faded slowly. I got aroused, these guys drugged me with some aphrodisiac to rape me while asleep. But I did not loose consciousness...damn them. The invisible second kidnapper rubbed my shoulders and arms, but the blonde rubbed me back into erection. "You taste so good...I want another load from you" he purred, looking deep into my dazed eyes as he pulled the vinyl down and though my legs got freed I was too groggy to fight. Drugged to be totally helpless I watched in hateful bliss how the young man licked my hard cock and closed his eyes with joy. He moaned, his mouth vibrating around my cock, sending dirty pleasure into me. His partner kneaded my shoulders, not willing to interfere with the oral rape. Drugged fumes let my hips raise to meet his lips...or was that just me? I didn´t know and didn´t care anymore. I closed my eyes, too and let him rape me and loved it. I hated myself but it was the hottest blowjob in my life. The climax almost knocked me out as I spurted into his mouth and felt how he lapped everything up. Then a tall, blond woman stepped in front of me. My half closed eyes noticed the curvy figure in a latex catsuit as she kissed the boy and licked my cum from his lips. "Hmmm we keep this one a while?" she asked...and her boyfriend nodded. That was when she took a spray bottle and wet the filter once more, to send me to dreamland again...and I dreamed of two bodies rubbing against me as they made love on my sleeping form.
    2 points
  13. Hello... so im a new slut, have been whoring for the last month and after years, thats what i want... But im discovering whats good or not for me. Ive been to a sex club, where men stay on clothes, that was a horny experience, and i loved it... i went to bath house for the second time today, even tho i was fucked 3 times, most men there wants condom, only 1 fucked me raw. Thats ok... The thing is: Sauna is boring, because everymen is naked, theres no something exciting, is too dark... for me, i love to see the men on clothes, then naked... i wanna see everyday man, these men you see on the street... idk how to explain, but sauna is way too boring because everyone is naked, theres no thrill. So for me, no more bath house... next thing im gonna try is Cruising in the Woods... i think im gonna love it, because men will be on clothes 😄 SO FAR: Sex Club/Booth/GH: Amazing Sauna: Boring Cruising in The Woods/Park: Seems amazing Cruising in Public RestRooms: No way!! And 1 thing i would love to say... the best thing about bb and getting bred is the warmth 😮 i didnt know how it would feel, but for me the best feeling is the warmth of cum in your hole, and then the smell of sperm when you touch it 😛 i still couldnt feel a man pumping cum in me, but the warm feeling sends me to heaven!!!
    2 points
  14. Ignoring my brain and allowing my cock to take over thinking, I went to SN yesterday afternoon. It was a mix but mostly masked. Within the first five minutes I had a young hung stud’s cock in my throat and five minutes after that he was balls deep in me.
    2 points
  15. I’m always over cautious about younger blokes because (a) I’m conscious of the reasons for consent laws - to protect them from their own impulses from exploitation by older, more experienced people who oftentimes have a real power imbalance; (b) we’re talking specifically about HIV and AIDS here - I’m the first person to agree that I find the risk-taking adds sexually hugely exciting - and the long term health impact of retro-virals for those commencing in them with expected lifespans of another 65-70 years at least can’t yet be known; (c) while I have known many who I believed had sufficient mental maturity at a young age to make their own decisions about sex and their sexual activities, I’ve also known well others for whom 18 probably wasn’t old enough; and (d) I’ve had two friends who were pozzed at 22 and 18 - carelessly by a mate and deliberately stealthed by his then boyfriend - at which time, the “boyfriend” ignored the devastation in front of him, celebrated, including bragging about his “success” in front of him, then ending the relationship and marching off because it’s only purpose (for him) had been served. All this took place while others, including me, were enroute to where he sat, bawling in the gutter, utterly shattered by what he’d just learned. If you’ve ever had to try and help someone just go on from such utter betrayal, you’re likely going to err on the side of caution too. And, yes, I do often tell younger men that, while I respect their decision, I’ll generally discourage them and certainly won’t abet them in that course...and, yes, I’m fully aware of my own hypocrisy given that I now regret not accepting my own attraction to sex with men as well as women in my early teens. With the full benefit of hindsight, I’ve no doubt that fighting my strong desire for other men until my mid-20s is now a complete waste, especially given how “fulsomely” I pursued those desires once I experienced them.
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  16. 2 points
  17. The hot twink from grinder spent the night. He contacted me and said I have to have it I want it I need to feel it deep in my hole. You teased me and made me hot for that cock Now I want it all. No holding back Please use my hole to make a deposit. I gave him a hot load last night and woke up this morning with my cock nestled in his crack so I rolled him onto his back and just took his hole again for a hot deep morning breeding. I had my boy get a photo as I plowed into him.
    2 points
  18. Under the Banyan Tree So I tried to score a second fuckery under the tree but timing was bad. It was a different Feng Shui, no cars in the parking lot and little action on a Saturday night. I waited and saw a young Filipino boy go to the bathroom so I followed him. Nice build, we played a bit in the handicap stall, he attempted to fuck me but couldn’t really get hard. So I left to go to the tree. Several figures went in and out of the shadows. No action and just parading around, one young Asian boy looked me up and down. I decided to go back to the toilets. I was restless snd went back to my car. I went back to the bathroom.. Walahhh.. the Asian boy staring in my face. Just love that “Fuck Stare”. 👀. He was headed back to the Tree. I followed and we ended under the tree, he grabbing my ass snd turning me around. He was 5’5” 160 25 or so, he was muscled and a jock boy with a small but very hard dick ready to fuck. He saw my shirt “Cum in me Bro” snd said it was pretty straightforward. Asked me if I let the Filipino boy fuck me. I asked him did he think it was hot? He said no I want your ass for myself. I told him the guy couldn’t stay hard. He started fucking me and several guys started to come around to watch and touch. He took my hand and led me to another tree where he turned me around and tried to fuck me. I was tight and dry and didn’t have any lube. Here’s the real fun part... An older Asian daddy came and started sucking his dick. I whispered, “you should let him suck you and when you’re lubed up, fuck and breed my ass.” He started getting his dick nice and wet, line it up my hole snd started pumping away. It was fucking hot. He started saying he was coming and gave me half his load, pulled out and fed the Asian daddy the other half. Another adventure under the moonlight sky in Hawaii... Aloha!
    2 points
  19. CHAPTER 13 My body had just quieted itself from the enforced impalement. I no longer felt the need to scream and had begun to sag downward in relief when my visitor yanked his hard fully blood inflated cock backwards out of my ass until just the head spread open my hole. Once more there was pain yet decidedly reduced now that my visitor's enormous cock had been lubricated with Glen's remaining cum and fuck juices. I gasped. Immediately on this partial pull out of my ass there was the instant re-insertion of this hugely thick man meat until once more I felt the mass of pubic hair smash into my ass cheeks. This became the norm now with my visitor withdrawing his cock and returning it full force into my ass as he continued to hold my wrists in one hand and pushing my back downward onto the bed keeping me from resisting him. Each piston round of departure and return of this cock became easier on my lining as more fuck juices combined with the remnants of Glen's cum and no doubt the dripping of pre-cum from this man. I have no idea when it happened but I soon realized that no longer was there any pain but only the exquisite blissful full feeling of my ass and colon being used by a leviathan cock attached to a ruggedly handsome man. More and more my visitor fucked me pleasing himself no doubt from what he said and did later. Equally, as he fucked me, he made my ass feel so totally pleased with all the physical contact including I realized much later the intense "pain" felt early on. I began with little accomplishment pushing backward onto his cock as I began panting and moaning my consent and desire. My moans took on new meaning after a minute or two. Not only were my moans giving consent and expressing my desire but turned to begging for more. As I was slammed with each inward thrust, I began a halted irregular verbal pleading for more. My moans, gasps, and panting were punctuated with me becoming louder with my requests for more. My visitor released my wrists now moving both his big manly hands to my hips grasping me as if in a vise. I moved my hands to the bed above my head grabbing the bedding in hopes of preventing my being moved further onto the bed as had been slowly happening. I now leveraged myself to return a backwards thrust of my ass for every forward slam that my visitor gave me with his Sequoia-sized cock. We began in tandem our roles quickly getting in sync with the other until the room was filled with the loud "THWACK" sound made only when one man's crotch hits another man's ass in full motion fucking. Louder and louder this sound filled the room as we both maintained our positions. My "fucks", "oh, yeahs", and other quietly said oral encouragements were finally answered by my feeling sweat dripping down onto my back and hips coupled with louder breathing and hands gripping my hips in such a way as to say no doubt that this visitor of mine was in complete and absolute control as his eruption no doubt was on its way. More and more I engaged in my oral incantations to encourage my visitor by professing my consent and need for his cock as I became as determined to match my backward power slams to his forward power slams jarring us both as the level of heat increased in the room. With no warning other than the act itself, I found my ass slammed into in a huge jolting collision immediately followed by a right arm wrapping itself around my waist with a hand grabbing my left lower ribs. Just as lightning fast, a massive left hand reached up gripping my left shoulder pulling me upright close to a 45-degree angle. Once newly positioned, I felt my ass hole stretch larger and sensed a tensing inside me several inches followed by a torrent of undulating deposits deep within me. I could tell that my colon lining was stretched taut over this man's cock and that with each salvo of his thick gooey DNA was pushed through his piss tube with rapid fire muscle spasms much at the pace of an Uzi SMG. Just as Glen had done, my visitor flooded me with his essence but more than Glen my visitor fed my hole with volumes more than Glen. He filled me so rapidly like an Uzi that without having a colon stretched open from frequent or deeper use there came a backup of his cum despite there being such a lack of space. Indeed, though, once his deposit action finally ceased there came a sensing that movement was being made backwards toward my hole opening. Gently, my visitor lowered me down onto the bed once more before he began ever so slowly removing his now deflating sex organ. I felt an emptiness come over me as more of his giant cock slid from my ass. "Lay flat on the bed," I heard, “let your body heat melt that load of mine and let gravity drain it deeper inside you to stay.” I complied with somewhat difficulty as my cock now was fully hard and leaking. But, lay flat I did. His cock with a wet sloppy sound popped out of my ass along with no doubt a substantial amount of his cum which ran freely down my perineum and onto my ball sac. I sighed in ecstasy and elation but dejected as well. He lay on top of me settling in for his comfort. I had no objection. His weight delightfully pressed down on me. We lay there for several minutes before my visitor said, "Best damn ass I'm going to get all night and I know it. I'll be back for more." This wasn't a request for permission to return. It was a declaration of intent. I knew I wouldn't say no to him. "Get as much cum up in there as you can so it won't hurt so much next time. But I think you might like that, too." I said nothing until I was sure. "I'll take your advice and like a boy scout be prepared. From you, the pain was great and wouldn't mind it with you again. Just as long as you fuck me and fill me with more of your cum," I said hoping not to sound too anxious or eager. My visitor slid off me slowly and rose up from the bed. I twisted myself around until I, too, was standing facing my visitor. Somehow, it didn't seem right to know his name. I wanted him to be different than Glen. I needed him to fuck me more and fill me to overflow but I didn't want anything that would remotely be "personal" with him. I needed him to be just what he was: a male visitor who enjoyed fucking me as much as I enjoyed him fucking me. It was evident that he wanted the same level of contact. He turned picked up his towel and began walking to the door. I followed. There, he turned to me and using his big hands took my shoulder turning me sideways to him then pushing on my shoulders. I bent forward as he stepped closer. I felt his great meaty man middle finger begin to slide between my ass cheeks. I spread my feet apart giving him access. He shoved his finger as far inside me as he could and began working his finger around inside finally withdrawing it. I rose up and faced him once more and smiled. He slid his finger inside his mouth and sucked withdrawing it when he was finished. He winked and said, "There's lots more for you where that came from." With that, he was out the door leaving me half smiling as men walked past my door looking at me as I stood there naked with a cock still hard dripping pre-cum in great globules. I finally closed the door.
    2 points
  20. There are no gay bars around where I live now. Let alone darkrooms. But I have great memories. I clearly remember my first holiday in Playa del Ingles, Gran Canaria. I was 27 and had saved up enough money for a 2 weeks vacation. This is pre-internet but I had read about GC in an English gay magazine. I booked a bungalow in a gay resort. Was nervous as hell as this was my first time going on a "gay vacation". But staff and other guests were friendly enough. Actually my neighbour fucked me on my first night LOL. The night after that I went out for the first time and ended up in a bar. Started chatting with a guy who was there with three friends. Got pretty drunk after a while (he kept ordering drinks) when he asked if I had been to the darkroom. I hadn't. He said he would show me and guided me in there. I stumbled into the darkroom (not totally dark) and he was in my ass within minutes and shot his load in me. When he pulled out there was another cock in my hole. And two or more after that. Can't really remember. Stumbled back into the bar with a wet hole. My new "friend" was sitting there grinning at me and asked if I had a good time. One of his friends whispered to me I had a hot ass. That's when I realised they had followed us in into the darkroom. Would I like to come back to their hotel? Even though I was horny as fuck it was almost 04.00 and I was drunk so I declined (always regretted that). Decided to go back to the resort and found my neighbour waiting at the taxi stand in front of the Yumbo. Shared a taxi with him and ended up in his bungalow where he fucked he hell out of me. Woke up in the morning next to him with a hangover and a sore ass. Went back to that bar a few times (and the darkroom) but never saw the four friends again. Neighbour fucked me a few more times before he left, including a 3some with one of the other guests. My first and one of the best vacations there (there were others 😉
    2 points
  21. Gosh that’s a tough one, it really depends on how much you’re enjoying it. I’ve had really hot sessions where I’ve felt he can go on forever, but yes I’ve also had sessions where I’ve desperately wanted the top to just cum and get it over with! But I would say that’s my problem rather than his. It’s funny thinking back using words like I want your cum and breed me to encourage him to ejaculate 😂
    2 points
  22. Couldn't agree more. May I present - Exhibit A: [think before following links] http://media.gayboystube.com:8080/videos/5/f/0/9/2/5f0925f150c6f.mp4
    2 points
  23. Yesterday I went to my favorite ABS in Waikkki to get fuck. It’s pretty strict abs you can’t just hang out check out the booths anymore, so it’s a hit and. Is and expensive! The parking at least is better and cheaper. When I pulled into the new public parking, I saw I black guy in his car snd tried to make eyes contact but no luck. Shucks... I go into the ABS snd it’s dead or just cock suckers. I go back to chill in my car snd see if the ambiance and rotation of guys change. The black guy was not at his car. Bummers. I wait five minutes and go back to the glory hole. BINGO bbc 8” around my age in his fifties, married ring on his finger coming through the hole. I let it fuck me. No lube just a little spit. He pulls out and his seed is spilling on the ground. I look through the hole and a handsome face appears. I tell him why didn’t he cum in my ass. He reaches closer and we start making out between the glory hole. (Ironic that kissing is more dangerous these days than getting a raw load up the ass.) He says he has another load snd we should go to my place. I rarely do this but he was handsome and I had good vibes plus my pussy was just itching for more cock and he had a great girth. He spent 30 minutes stretching my hole in every direction before pumping my fertile Asian pussy. I’m still tired today from it. Hopefully I can get more bbc seed from him. After him a young Asian boy who reached out to me on sniffles was aggressively trying to hook up. He was on his way to “beat up my Asians daddy fuck hole.”
    2 points
  24. I'm an epidemiologist. I rationalise my visits here as "field research" 🙈
    2 points
  25. (This story originally appeared in 2014 on my now defunct tumblr blog) I was in trouble. I was in very, deep, inescapable trouble. Here I was stranded on the side of the road, because I had ignored the last fuel for (x) number of miles signs back near Gallup. All told this was one of the worst places in America to run out of gas. The nearest town’s highlight was a trailer park full of Mormons and a crater from an ancient meteor strike. No fuel for dozens and dozens of miles. And it was getting dark. I popped the hood under the waning light, and opened the trunk; the universal sign of distress on the road. When I opened the trunk I remembered I had an Obama 08 sticker on the bumper. And an HRC equal sign. Given where I was stranded both of those things could make some serious anger come my way. Before I could really think about what to do, I heard a vehicle approaching behind me. Turning to look I spied a pickup truck slowing down as it passed me, then start backing up. The middle aged guy who got out of the driver’s side was amazing. He was easily six and a half feet tall, broad shoulders, and his arms looked like he could benchpress my skinny hipster ass. “You need a hand, pal?” he asked, his voice was a clear baritone that made me a little weak in the knees. His jeans were packed full at the crotch and so was the plain, stained t-shirt he wore. “Uh… yeah! I kinda fucked up and didn’t fuel up past Gallup.” “That is a pretty good fuck up.” He chuckled jovially, “I live just up the road and have some fuel I could give ya.” “Really?” I asked, almost incredulously, but I didn’t want to offend either. “Sure.” He shrugged, “Only problem is I’m coming off of a twelve hour shift and might not be able to drive ya back here, so if you don’t mind crashing on my couch?” “Sure, thanks… uhh I’m Matt.” I reached out my hand. He smiled and shook it, “I’m Zeke.” I got a little fascincated by the gray that was creeping into his beard. Fuck this guy was hot. There was a bit of an awkward silence which he broke, “You need to grab anything?” I chuckled, “Yeah, just give me a minute.” I reached into the car and grabbed my laptop bag, my accordion and my backpack. I tossed these into the extended cab to his own upturned eyebrow at the bulky leather case. “What’s in the big case?” he asked curiously. “An accordion.” I said without a hint of irony. Here I was, a twenty four year old, college educated, shaggy haired, skinny musician of obscure instruments with a mustache that has seen waxing recently. I was probably so far outside this guy’s experience he’d probably have me hiking back to my car in less than an hour. As he drove and the miles sank by I began to regret brining the accordion, but it was too fucking expensive to leave in a car overnight in the middle of the desert. “So where are you headed, you playing in a band?” he asked. “Yeah, actually.” I said, “I kind of.” I fumbled over some words then got out, “I’m meeting friends in Flagstaff to play a gig in the park downtown tomorrow night. We’d been practicing back in Dallas for a while and I kinda wanted to drive out here to clear my head before the show.” “Cool.” He said, “What kind of music do you guys play?” I smiled a little bit, here we go! “We’re kind of gypsy punk. There’s a guitarist, a drummer and a bass player, but also a violinist, and me on the accordion.” “Oh!” he said with a boom of recognition, “Like Gogol Bordello!” I was stunned. “Yes! Them and Caravan Palace are our huge influences.” “I love Gogol Bordello.” Zeke announced, turning on his blinker, “I drove to Vegas to see them. Great fuckin show!” We turned up a dark dirt road, in the distance I could see the lights of some houses out on the scrub plain, but with the sun down it was hard to tell where the road began and the darkness ended with the headlights. The truck stopped soon in front of a darkened house, maybe a hundred feet off the main road. We got out and Zeke helped me carry my stuff inside his darkened ranch style home. As lights went on I could tell he lived alone. No woman alive would have put up with exposed beams in the walls, and sheets of dry wall stacked in the living room. “Did you just move in?” I asked. “Yeah… five years ago.” He chuckled, “Wanna beer?” “Absolutely.” I set my stuff down near the couch and he passed me a can of Tecate. He’d been living here for five years and hadn’t gotten much done around the house in the interim due to a demanding job all the way down in Globe. “I moved here for the job from Phoenix, but my boyfriend at the time didn’t want to so we called it quits.” Zeke said, “We still get together whenever I’m in town though.” I breathed a sigh of relief after swallowing some beer, “Oh thank the gods!” I leaned back on the plush couch with a chuckle, “I was afraid my queer ass was going to get kidnapped into a Mormon fringe cult!” Zeke laughed, a big throaty laugh, “You read too much Huffington Post!” That little taunt made me laugh, because it was fucking true, “But seriously,” he dead panned, “They’re in the house down the road.” We laughed some more. A television lay dark, and I asked, “Wanna hear some of my band’s recent practice sessions?” he assented and I hooked the laptop to the flatscreen. I kicked off my sandals so I could crouch to see the HDMI port. “You smoke?” he asked. “Not cigarettes.” “Good!” he got up and disappeared down a hallway. By the time he got back I was pressing play on the sound file. It was one we were proud of; a cover of Crowded House’s “Don’t Dream Its Over”. Zeke sat back on the couch with a tray and a bag of weed. I helped pick out the stems and seeds and we smoked. It was some really good bud. “Yeah,” he said lazily, “I have it mailed from a friend in Oregon. It’s the only thing that can help me unwind these days.” “I just jack off.” I admitted, “I can’t afford to smoke good weed, so I just go without most the time.” We were stretched back and listening to the hyper, jazzy punk that was playing on the speakers. It seemed a little odd being juxtaposed with the heady, relaxing buzz now coursing through our brains, but Zeke was really digging it. “I’m gonna hafta come out and see your show tomorrow,” he said, “this is good. This is a lot more punk than gypsy, but I’m loving it.” He said with a smile and stretched out. The couch wasn’t big, so when he spread his arms over the back of the couch he basically had put his arm around me. I smiled and melted into him a little bit, but not too much to be presumptuous. I nestled into his shoulder and puffed on the last of the joint. “You really got it down to the nub.” He said. “Don’t burn yourself, dude.” “I have nimble fingers.” I admitted, with the best side-eye I could muster. He caught it and smiled, and pulled me into him. “Wanna fuck around, kid” he whispered into my ear and I shivered. I put the roach down on the arm of the couch and cupped my hand on his crotch. “Yeah,” I said with a wicked little grin, I groped him, feeling his growing stiffy and not immediately registering just how thick it was becoming, “weed always makes me horny.” He moaned, deep from his diaphragm and turned my face to his. Our lips met open, and immediately our tongues were getting to know each other. My hand went from groping him to his pec, and I squeezed gently. He pushed me back onto the cushions and moved on top of me, mashing our mouths together, and then making a trail down my neck. I groaned, joyfully. Zeke’s hands went under my They Might Be Giants shirt and tugged it off my head, exposing my pale skin, covered in light brown hair. He made another trail down to my left nipple and sucked it hungrily. I gasped over and over again in sheer pleasure. His hands were undoing my belt and unzipping my pants when he went to my right nipple and slowly started to tug down my pants. He met some resistance as the denim bunched up at my mid thighs. He chuckled, “What the… fucking hipster legging crap!” He declared with no small amount of sarcastic bluster as he tore my pants down my legs and threw them across the room. I laughed giddily. I was in a blue pair of cheap underwear I had dyed myself, and he smirked at the little panties. The older man gripped my growing erection through the cloth and began to jack me. His other hand worked into the leg of the undies and started to fiddle with my hole. I was moaning wildly on his couch when his finger entered me. “You get fucked on the regular, boy?” he asked, with no small amount of authority in his voice. “Yes, sir.” I said, knowing exactly where this was going, and wanting to help it along. “Good.” He said, pulling out his finger, “Bathroom’s down that hall on the right, Fleet enemas are under the sink.” He pointed to the hall and I got up and made use of his facilities. Here I was, on some god forsaken stretch of I-40 about to get my fuzzy hipster ass plowed by a hot rural daddy bear. “And put those little fag panties back on when your done in there!” his voice boomed through the house. I shuddered in expectant delight! I finished put my underwear back on and ventured out into the living room. Zeke stood shirtless, packing a bowl. We each took a hit, and after taking the bowl off of me and placing it on the kitchen island that overlooked the living room he pulled me by the neck into a kiss. His hands ventured back into my briefs and his fingers dove into my crack and across my hole. I whimpered into his kiss. Zeke then shoved me over the back of the sofa and shoved my undies aside, exposing my hairy hole. He shoved a finger into the first knuckle and I gasped. His finger was followed by his tongue and I was a quivering mess hanging onto the back of the couch. He continued to tongue and finger fuck me for a good while, spitting into my hole to help things along when needed. Every time I heard him spit and felt the wetness splat against my crack I’d gasp, knowing what he was prepping me for. Finally he pulled away and dragged me off the couch by my waist. He motioned me to my knees and I came face to face with the monster his genetics had made. His dick was wide as a can of Redbull and nearly a foot long. I gaped, not sure what I’m supposed to do with it and its wide dripping piss slit, when he gripped the back of my hair with his fist and sank his cock in. I choked and he said, “Calm down, and take it. You’re not singing tomorrow, right? So fucking take it!” I repositioned his cock, slightly, and swallowed as it approached my gag reflex. His length sank down, but only so far. I was still a few inches away from his pubes. But he let up on me, content with the progress I’d made, “Good boy. That’s how a good boy sucks his daddy’s dick, isn’t it?” I nodded when I came up for air, “Yes, sir.” He smiled, leaned down and kissed me, “Up. Come on.” He said, and led me down the hall, past the bathroom and into a bedroom strewn with clothes, and dominated by a king size bed. He picked me up and tossed my smaller 5’8” frame onto the bed, and climbed on after kicking off his boots. We made out some more, smoked a bowl from a bed side table, and continued making out as I worked his jeans off his legs. “You play raw or wrapped?” he asked. “I’m on cool.” I said, purposefully not answering him, hoping this man I’d just met would take the lead and breed me deep. “Good.” He said with a smile, “I’m undetectable so we should be good.” “Yes, sir.” I continued kissing him, and groped the monster cock between our bodies. He smiled and led kisses down my furry frame, ending again at my asshole. He pushed my legs up and I gripped them in my arms as his tongue renewed its assault. He grew impatient with the cloth obscuring my hole, so he tore the cheap fabric out of his way. I was shocked, but too turned on to give a shit about cheap briefs. I was clearly in the hands of a master. At forty-five Zeke knew well his craft, and was working me in a frenzy. I needed cock. Desperately; as if I was still the seventeen year old virgin who’d never been fucked. “Oh, god, Zeke… please, uuuuhhh.. fuck me…” “What’d you say, boy?” he spit into my hole. “Fuck me!” I said louder. “With what?” he spit once more. “With your cock!” I moaned, sounding like I was crying, “Fuckin, breed me, daddy!” He dug into the side table and came back with a bottle of lube. He spilled some over my asshole and worked in into me with his fingers, while he lubed his dick with the other hand. Zeke positioned himself and pressed the head of his wide cock to my hole and began to press forward. I opened to him, more easily than I ever had for anyone, and I’d never seen a cock as thick as his. I needed to be rimmed this good from now on, I thought as he began to sink his girth within me. “That’s a good boy!” he moaned with a dopey smile on his bearded face. “Oh daddy.” I uttered, higher pitched than I meant, and amazed at how full my ass had become. He bottomed out and bent over between my legs. I let go of my knees and wrapped my legs around his waist. Our mouths met again and we wrapped our arms around each others shoulders, pulling us closer together. He began to hump. Gently, but authoritatively. He claimed me at both ends, with cock and tongue, and I moaned into his mouth with appreciation. I hadn’t been taken like this in over a year, not even by the hot middle aged dude I met busking downtown last summer. Zeke picked up the pace and held himself upright with an elbow on either side of my head. I got the feeling he hadn’t had any ass in a while, given that he lived in Chambers, Arizona, hundreds of miles from the nearest gay bar and surrounded by desert. Despite the long absence of raw boy hole in his life, the man above me lasted a good long while. He’d pump furiously into me, his sweat dripping from his body and face, then slow down and lower his mouth to mine. His perspiration tasted marvelous. A delicacy, and I tasted it on our lips. When he’d backed off from his orgasm long enough he’d start up again. Time became an inconstant. It ceased to have any meaning with my ass and prostate under constant assault by this big bear of a daddy. He fucked me silly. I tried to make words, but they just devolved into moans, groans, and long drawn out vowels. I came twice; a torrent each time erupting from my cock and coating the hair on his chest and belly. He scooped some up each time and tasted, loving the taste of pliant boy juice. After the second time, he began to fuck me hard. And he became a lot more aggressive; which was perfectly fine by me! “Open your mouth, you useless hole.” He demanded. When I opened up, he spit into my mouth. I swallowed. “Again.” He said, not missing a punch to my prostate. His next load of saliva missed and hit me on the face. He spit again, hitting me this time square on the tongue. "Swallow it." I did. A strong hand went to the base of my throat while he wrapped his other arms around my neck. Then the jack rabbiting began. I lost all control of myself, and I came again. I nearly blacked out. My eyes refocused on his face, inches from mine. His breath hot on the side of my face as it screwed up tight and he growled, loudly. He held himself balls deep inside me as he unloaded his seed. His teeth clamped down on the side of my neck and bit down. He wanted to mark me, inside and out. Claim me. And all I could do was hang onto him. To wind my arms and legs tighter around him, moan at the hickey he was leaving on my neck, and marvel at how drained dry my balls were. He reached over to a control behind the bed, and the lights went out. We slept there, just as we lay, with his cock deep inside me. The next morning he fucked me again, with no less vigor. Then we made breakfast and went to take care of my car. Back at the house I updated my bandmates on my arrival time, douched again, and we fucked yet another time. This time, with him holding me by the ass against whatever walls and surfaces we could find. We then loaded up his truck and drove to Flagstaff. The show went well, although it wasn’t a big crowd it was very energetic and was picking up what we were putting down. My bandmates met Zeke at the after party in a bar downtown. Terry, the drummer, instantly saw the appeal. Zeke was also enamored with the almond complexion and bright green Mohawk of the Texas born Lebanese drummer. Zeke had made reservations at the Monte Vista and the three of us went back there and had a wild night. Terry was a bit of a spanking bitch, and we had a good time fucking him at both ends. By the end of the night me and Terry had assholes dripping with cum and Zeke had been seriously satisfied. Terry decided to drive back to Dallas with me and we spent two days at Zeke’s house getting our holes reamed. Zeke broke out his leather gear and we became his bitch boys. I got piss showers from both of them and Terry eventually took his fist. We implored Zeke to think about moving to Dallas. I suppose the absence of our willing holes would prove to make a more convincing case. Only time would tell.
    1 point
  26. One man’s blessing is another man’s curse and for me I’ve got more than my share – an extra long dick (just over 10 inches), an extra wide dick (just shy of 8 inches round), and I shoot cum like a farm animal (up to ¼ of a cup a time). Truly. The dick? Well that’s thanks to my father for sure who was even bigger than me and the cum? Well I don’t know, could be him too, but the doctors call it Hyperspermia - a condition in which a man can ejaculate a massive volume of semen and and extra bonus is it comes with a high sex drive - thus my continuous frustration. Sex for me has almost always been a series of one frustrated encounters after another. Fucking size queens hit me all the time bragging how they can take me, how they love big dick, how they want my cum – that is until I split their hole open with just the few inches and then they fucking tap out and run. I’ve never worn condoms; my hyperspermia makes that impossible as the amount of precum I produce makes my dick so wet and slick they won’t stay on. That’s how I got AIDs – splitting bottoms open. I learned quickly a little blood was a given, a lot was expected and for me, doesn’t bother me in the least. For the bottom? Yeah they freak and make me stop. So to get by and try to relieve my constant need to nutt, I’ve sold condoms online full of my cum, made some pay-to-play solo porn flicks of me shooting, escorted trying to give facials or creampies, sold batches of my load to a fertility clinic, and I even created a Tumblr account talking about my curses and thinking I’d document those bottoms I found who could take me and wanted my POZ load. None of that really helped or panned out in the end. Just wasn’t the same. Have I fucked and bred a guy totally before. Yeah, of course, but few and far between and so I mostly have to be satisfied with a little oral, a little ass around the tip of my dick, then finishing off when I am home and alone. I want more, I need more, I need to breed and infect some ass and fill a bottom’s guts full of my cum – why else would God have given me what he did? I had frankly about given up until one day when I received an email: “Good afternoon. I am Dr. Mike. My practice has recently begun a new treatment regimen for some of my patients that I believe you are perfect for. I have many years of developing specialized, treatment regimens for my patients and would like to invite you to come to my office on Monday at 3:00 p.m. for a consultation. There is no fee for the visit or treatment regimen. Please refrain from all sexual activity for at least 48-hours prior to the visit so I can fully assess the volume of your semen output and your ability to ejaculate more than once for comparison purposes.” OK, I wasn’t exactly sure how this Dr. Mike thought he could help me since no one else had ever been able to. I tried to find what I could online about Dr. Mike and there was the standard fare, but his medical specialties did include treatment of HIV, AIDs, and other infectious diseases. What was surprising was how little there was about him. Most doctors these days have social media and site after site. Not this Dr. Mike. He was almost like a ghost – almost – but in digging through some chat rooms on the dark web I did come across a series of stories that mentioned Dr. Mike doing some pretty twisted, fucked up shit that made my dick drool and bounce and I quickly emailed him back to confirm I would be there. Dr. Mike’s office was located in Northeast Washington, DC, in an older brick building. I got to the office and rang the bell as the office was closed for the day. I waited a few minutes and then heard the locks turn, the door opened, and I was met by a man in white coat. Dr. Mike was in his mid 40s I guess, about 5”11, 180, and fairly clean cut looking and I thought handsome. He shook my hand, asked me to step inside, and locked the door. I then followed him through another door and down a hall and his office was like the rest of the building, older and somewhat run down looking. Near the end of the hall he stopped and motioned me to enter an exam room that was somewhat bare except for an odd table contraption bolted to the middle of the floor that was occupied by an apple assed guy. The guy was kneeling on a small bench part of the exam table on a pillow, with his chest on the table, his arms forward and his head resting on its side. A leather hood was strapped to his head, hiding his features and all that could be seen were closed eyes, his nostrils, and mouth that was slightly agape, relaxed. Leather straps wound around his calves, thighs, and he looked like a big Z splayed out. The next thing I noticed were several Polaroid Cube cameras attached to the metal table and on several small tripods all pointed to the guy’s ass from various angles. Yet, that was not the strangest part. I hesitated as I looked at the IV pole that was at the end of the odd table next to a set of monitors being watched by another man in a white coat who wore a medical mask that was inflating and deflating against his face as he breathed in and out. The other man was speaking softly to the guy on the table, “Time to dream little man.” I turned to the squeak of a metal stool being rolled away from a small table as Dr. Mike pointed to a chair by the door and said, “Please disrobe and sit in the chair here please.” I looked from him, to the other man, to the bottom. I was confused about what was going on but the sight of the that naked body looking like a sacrifice on an altar stirred my deep, dark desires and needs. I sat down in the chair, my naked ass sticking to the leather seat as Dr. Mike rolled himself close and flipped open a manila folder. “Normally I would want to do a full set of labs myself and an exam, but I received a copy of your medical file from your previous doctor and well – both your HIV and hyperspermia are well documented so I figured we should dispense with such pleasantries and get right to it.” My dick started to lengthen. Dr. Mike motioned to guy on the table, “Most gay men wait too long to get tested for rectal cancer. It is best to start young and technology now allows us to test in the office with High Resolution Anoscopy, but it does require anesthesia – a special cocktail of Fentanyl, Ketamine, Propofol, and a few other medications.” What the fuck? I knew what those drugs were, well at least I had heard of them and I looked again at the man in the white coat and the guy on the table. Fuck! They had drugged him and knocked him out! Dr. Mike set the open folder partially on my right leg, my dick now hardening more and stretching down my left. He started to ask me a series of questions and I hesitated and looked at the other man. Dr. Mike followed my gaze, shifted his stool to block my view, set his hand on my thigh in a reassuring manner and said, “Do not mind Dr. Collins,” and with that continued his questions and making the appropriate notes in his folder. “Are you currently off all meds?” I lied and said, “No.” Dr. Mike paused; frowned a little, set his pen in the crease of the folder and with his right hand reached out and grabbed the shaft of my now hard dick. “I need you to be totally honest with me if you please,” he said, “Unlike other doctors you may have seen in the past I need the unvarnished truth and not an answer that you think should be given or that you erroneously believe I may wish to hear. Understand?” I nodded and he asked again, “Are you currently off all meds?” This time I answered honestly and said, “Yes and no. I take them sometimes because…well I had read that if you do that then you can become resistant, and I just wanted to…I...” Dr. Mike smiled, made a note in his file, set his pen back in the folder and reached out again and this time slowly stroked my dick a couple times as he said, “Thank you for being honest. Yes, you can build a resistance and I will draw some blood so we can order a genotype test to confirm exactly which meds you are resistant too and then plan accordingly.” I moaned as his touch made me lose focus, but I blurted, “Yeah but I don’t want to take… or be…I…” Dr. Mike smiled, leaned in a little, stroked my dick a little faster and said, “Oh you misunderstand. Our goal is to INCREASE your resistance and viral count. That is what you want isn’t it?” What the fucking kind of doctor was he? My dick answered for me as it started to drool. The questions from Dr. Mike continued, “Do you use any recreational drugs? Willing to do others? Known STDs besides AIDs? Do you have receptive anal intercourse? Penetrated a bottom fully against his will? I imagine it is difficult given your size. Let me see – yes – I expect only a bottom with years of fisting could naturally take you.” Dr. Mike’s stroking skills were superior, that’s for sure yet somehow I don’t think he learned that in medical school. Dr. Mike continued with his list of questions and it was increasingly difficult to focus. Apparently satisfied, he closed the folder, rolled back over to the small table, grabbed an iPad, flipped opened the cover and showed me a video that had been paused. “This is Lucas,” Dr. Mike said as he tapped the video and it started to play. There was a yellow sticky note on the screen covering the person’s head, but from the wisps of hair that showed and the clothed body whose size seemed to match the guy on the table, appeared to be a shy twink of a guy - young but legal. Lucas had recorded a message verbally affirming he was legal, and his willing to submit to all ‘treatments and procedures’ as prescribed by Dr. Mike and Dr. Collins on that date, among the other stand release and approval statements. The video finished and Dr. Mike said, “I can assure you that the person in the video is the same as the one currently being monitored by Dr. Collins. Patient confidentiality requires that his face be covered even though you are now part of his treatment team. You understand? This is totally anonymous. You will never know his identity, nor he yours.” At the word ‘anonymous’ my dick spasmed and a long line of nutt drool proceeded down my thigh. Dr. Mike smiled in a way that held no warmth or humor. He then tapped the iPad screen a couple times, swiped, and I could hear sound as another video started. Dr., Mike adjusted the sticky note then turned the iPad around so I could see. In this one, the guy was naked, his arms out wide as he did slow turns that showed his hot ass and tiny twink dick. He paused facing the camera and began to speak in the same voice as the first video. The twink stated his first name, stats, and this time the message release statement was not the kind found on any standard form: “My name is Lucas Si…just Lucas. I am of sound mine and judgment and confirm that I have asked for a no limits fuck today. I am aware I may be unconscious and unable to provide further consent, but I DO consent. Totally. I want this. I want to get rape fucked by some big dick and be a total cum dump. Have totally been fantasizing about it for like forever and… well…so today it may happen – I mean will happen. No one is forcing me to do this. I am volunteering and WANT it. I also want it raw, no condoms at all, and understand the guy or guys who may fuck me might HIV+ or whatever. I don’t care. That shit don’t matter to me whatever they got. It’s all good. I’m on PREP so it’s all good. I just…hell! Is that good? Can we get this shit started? I’m horny as shit and need some dick!” Dr. Mike smiled that dark smile again and said, “As you can see. All legal bases are covered no mattered what may come. I am quite proficient in working within the boundaries set by my profession as well as expanding those boundaries as needed. One final note. What would you say – hypothetically of course –if there was an individual such as say someone like this young man you just saw on the video who in their mind can only imagine something like a big hit of G? Imagine how they would feel after the fact becoming aware of the full extent of the ‘party hole’ they went down. Also – hypothetically – wouldn’t it be a shame if the same young man BELIEVED they were on PREP when actuality they were on a placebo combo as part of a blind drug trial they had previously consented to? Especially one in which the results had shown rampant degradation of their immune systems due to other factors prescribed as part of their treatment regimen?” Damn! This was one fucked up doctor and with every word my dick pulsed and continued to stream more precum. I was stunned. I didn’t know what to say or what to do, but my dick did as Dr. Mike reached out, wrapped his warm hand around my pulsing shaft, and expertly stroked it. “I know you have tried to find bottoms that would allow you to POZ them, that would allow you to flood them with your fountain of death,” he said with a calm voice full of confidence in every statement. “I know you have no qualms making a bottom bleed. I know you always hold back when you have intercourse – physically in the act as well as in your ejaculation. That is unhealthy and as your physician, I must provide a treatment regiment that will ensure your full well-being.” I leaned back in the chair and moaned in pleasure as Dr. Mike’s fingers deftly worked my dick as he continued, “You have been given a gift – many gifts – and those gifts need to be shared – and so I offer the first of but many cum dumps for you to use, to mark, to infect, to enjoy in ways you never imagined possible.” I groaned again and licked my lips as my breathing got faster and my heart started to race. Dr. Mike suddenly released his grip on my dick, rolled his stool to the side, grabbed another clipboard, held out a pen with a disarming smile, but an evil glint in his eyes and said, “These are the consent forms for your treatment. Sign and date here – initial here – there.” He flipped the page, “This page affirms that there is no monetary payment due, however there is a co-pay of no consequence that we will address later.” I couldn’t put pen to paper fast enough and once the forms were signed, Dr. Mike rolled his stool back, set the clipboard down, stood up, gestured towards the waiting ass with his left hand and said, “My patient is waiting,” before he calmly walked over and stood by the tied up bottom. Nervously I stood up and followed: my raging dick leading the way and dripping my toxic cum in long drools with every step. Just inches from the unconscious bottom I realized how my dick was perfectly aligned with his waiting hole as if…as if Dr. Mike knew my exact height and other measurements and had planned accordingly. But how? Dr. Mike just smiled and nodded as I tentatively stepped closer, my flesh pressing against the bottom’s. I turned to Dr. Mike who said nothing, but just nodded. I gently reached out and inserted my right index finger between the waiting mounds of twink flesh. His ass crack was totally hairless, as was the rest of his body – whether natural or manicured – it did not matter, it was sexy as fuck! I slid my finger against his puckered ass ring and with but the slightest effort of pressure it slowly opened and sucked my finger in to the hilt. No resistance, no squirming, no fighting. The bottom suddenly let out a low, guttural moan and I yanked my finger back in surprise and shock. Dr. Mike just chuckled and with his hands still clasped in front of him like he was monitoring a science experiment of no regard, he turned to Dr. Collins and ordered, “A little more if you please.” Dr. Collins flooded the IV input with a wave of milky white slumber. Dr. Mike turned and looked at me expectantly. I had never really fucked in front of an audience and the whole situation was beyond fucking strange. Dr. Mike held out his hands, palms up in an apologetic gesture and said, “Given the current treatment, at least this time, I must be here to attend my patients – you and him. In the future – if you decide to continue under my care – I expect that will not be necessary and only Dr. Collins will need to monitor such aspects of your visits. However, my plan for treatment is that – based on your performance – hypothetically of course, that a first treatment may be such as we have today with the patient totally unaware and unconscious. Next time, maybe it will be a lighter sleep. The time after, maybe semi-conscious, but still restrained. The time after that? Who knows? You may find that having your way with someone completely restrained yet fully conscious is more to your – shall we say medical needs?” There was that fucking dark smile again. Dr. Mike was an evil, twisted, son of a bitch and part of me wanted to be just like him! I needed to fuck. I needed to breed that ass and knowing he was knocked out, anonymous, NEG, and that I might infect him sent me to the fucking moon! I stepped closer, lining my dick head with Lucas’ asshole. No, no names – this was just some cum dump – some dirty bottom willing to take any raw dick and I planned to POZ him good. This time I jammed three fingers all at once at that ass ring and just like before it opened, but damage was done. Dr. Mike issued a small chuckle and “Yes!” as I dug my nails into the bottom’s hole, harder and harder, over and over, yearning to break through the walls of his drug induced state to hear him moan in pain and beg for mercy. That never happened, which only spurred me on to finger fuck his hole rougher. I glanced to the side to see Dr. Mike adjust his own hard dick and I smiled. Yeah, that’s right, I could be as twisted as he was, just watch. This bottom would remember the day I bred him and when I finally pulled my fingers out they were nice and red. I then started to slap his ass – full on arm swings – and those apple cheeks went from white, to pink, to red, to shades of purple in no time. God damn I wanted to bust right then! My hand hurt from slapping him so hard and yet not a single moan or sound escaped those pink little lips that protruded from the leather hood over his head. While Dr. Mike was clearly into it, Dr. Collins seemed oblivious and totally focused on his patient and the monitors. Fine by me. I took a step back, slid my right hand up and down my shaft a few times to coat my death rod with my POZ, sticky precum, wiped my hands on the bottom’s sides, then grabbed the two biggest handfuls of flesh that I could and squeezed and dug in. I PAUSED, LOOKED AT DR. MIKE, AND AS HE MET MY EYES I SLAMMED MY DICK THROUGH THE BOTTOM’S OUTER HOLE AND BURIED MYSELF INSIDE HIM! The bottom’s body made no movement at all as I ripped him open. The pillow beneath his legs became stained. While I expected to see the waves of pain ripple through his body, his ass never clenched, never tried to push me out, never fought back. Somewhere between his fresh stab wounds and his brain all nerve impulses just faded away – thank you Dr. Collins! I clenched his flesh tighter in my grasp. I wanted him to be bruised, sore, and it was time to rape some ass. I grunted and growled as I pulled out and slammed all 10-inches+ of my raw dick into my victim’s hole and the more it got wet, the harder I fucked. My balls were bursting, ready to breed and infect this cum dump. My fountain of death was ready to explode like Deep Water Horizon and forever alter the world! I PICKED UP MY PACE, AND FUCKED AS HARD AS I COULD. I WANTED TO RAPE THAT ASS – HURT IT – INFECT IT – BREED IT – FILL HIS GUTS WITH MY LOAD! DR. MIKE WAS RIGHT – I HAD MANY GIFTS AND THIS BOTTOM WOULD GET THEM ALL AND AS I LOOKED DOWN AND SAW MY RED-COATED DICK I LOST IT – FROZE – AND SHOOK AS MY HYPERSPERMIA DELIVERED WHAT FELT LIKE A QUART OF INFECTED AIDS NUTT INTO THAT BOTTOM’S SHREDDED ASS. Oh yeah, in addition to shooting a lot in volume, my orgasm – my real orgasm which have been few and far between – seem to last for fucking ever and by the time my dick stopped spurting and I was able to let go of the flesh clenched in a death grip in my hands, I felt like I would pass out. With my dick still inside his unwilling hole, and streams of ass juice and my cum frothing out around my semi-hard dick, I flopped on top of the twink’s body feeling utterly satisfied for the maybe the first time ever. Dr. Mike was behind me, pressed his body against my naked ass and reached out and laid his right hand on my chest, “Please, if you could just stand back up, we do not want to impede his breathing.” Oh shit! Something about his touch, his body pressed to mine, the feel of his hard dick through his pants … fuck I don’t know – set me off again and I started blowing another load up that bottom’s hole without even another stroke. This one racked me to my bones and every spasm that burned through my body was felt by Dr. Mike who moaned and held me as I POZZED that ripped up ass all over again! When my balls were finally drained, my dick slid out of that beaten hole like a python that had just gorged on a herd of goats and was ready for a long nap. Dr. Mike stepped back, wiped his hands one against the other, smiled and said, “There. Now if you please. Get dressed and I will see you back here next Monday, same time,” and with that he left. (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!) (Dr Mike: Biohazard and Healer – all story links here - https://breeding.zone/topic/34692-dr-mike-biohazard-story-links/#comment-384265 )
    1 point
  27. [Quick moderation note… If your response has more than a passing reference to HIV fetish, put your response in the Testimonials section in the backroom.] I was a horny little boy before I signed up for Breeding Zone. Taking averagely a load every one to two day. According to my observation on the street and the apps, I'd fucked with 20-25% of the overrall adult male population. However, after I discovered BZ, I found myself to be horny nearly 24/7. Can't help but keep looking at the crotch area of most men- on the bus, walking on street, waiting in line in Walgreens or STD Clinic etc. I would probably get bent for 2/3 of the male population nowadays. How horny are you, and how much does BZ influence/inspire you?
    1 point
  28. My preference is for the top to cum quick and then for another top to take his place! That's my ideal situation. However, if it's one on one, I'm happy to go for a long time and go ass to mouth to offer a variety of sensations.
    1 point
  29. Never felt a top cumming in me known and know when they do through verbal or change in place grunting etc. But its knowing that load is in me love just keeping it there n going back to work or a walk knowing it there but knowing no one else knows. Great way to feel like a slut n keep horny for more.
    1 point
  30. I need to belong to a full blown Dad/Master. I can’t stop thinking about being owned and how good it would feel. if you’re a wasting full blown top who would train me to be yours...plz message me. Train me and make me yours.
    1 point
  31. Xtube sadly died years ago when it began merging with a network of affiliates and it became just another tube site in a sea of tube sites. It was the best back in its day.
    1 point
  32. I am not sure if it is because we've had warmer than normal weather and it feels like spring, or if I'm just tired of Covid but...I have had a great fuck week. On Monday I met a guy on Grdr and went to his place. He was younger and looking for daddy seed. He left his door open and I came in. He was bent over a bean bag chair naked and ready. My cock sprang to life. I dropped my clothes and started to rub my cock against his ass and hole. He pushed back on me as he was in need of cock and cum. I needed to shoot loads and was hard in a minute. I slid my cock deep inside his hole. I started to pump and fuck his hole. It felt so damn good. Warm and wet. My cock was dripping pre cum inside him because he asked if I had cum. I told him no, but was enjoying his hole and was going to drop my load deep inside. He squeezed his hole milking my cock. I really couldn't hold back. My cock and balls spasm and I started to shoot my load inside. He pushed back on my cock and I pushed deeper inside. He squeezed me and got every drop. We thanked each other and I got dressed and left. On Tuesday I was invite to fuck a "son" with a bear bud of mine. I had initially met the "son" and fucked him 1 on 1 several times. I arranged for the bear and boy to do an initial 3 way some months back. They really hit it off. Kissing sucking fucking. Even when I had to leave they kept going. So now the son goes to see the bear and they do 1 on 1 and sometimes invite me also. (I think I should get a matchmaker fee?) Any way, we both fucked and bred boy over and over and over. He had at least 4 loads in him. Bear is vers and wanted a load from me too. Of course I had to oblige. I fucked and shot a load deep in bear hole. We agreed to do it again in a week or two. Wednesday I had been talking to guy (26yo hottie that loves daddy cock and seed.) and he wanted me to come over and drop a quick load. He said it was his birthday but he had a short amount of time because of work. I walked in and hottie 26yo as naked and ass up. His hole was already lubed and ready for me. I played with his ass and balls. He had a beautiful body and cock too. I slid inside and fucked his hole good. He got on his back and had legs on my shoulders as I pounded him. He looked into my eyes while we were fucking and started jerking off. "pound me hard daddy" he said. "load up your son. I need daddy seed" I pounded his hole hard. My cock spasms began and I exploded deep inside him. His eyes rolled back as he felt my pulsing dick. His cock also started to shoot a huge rope of cum all over his stomach. It felt amazing to be inside his hole as my orgasm was fading and feel his as tighten down on my hard cock when he came. I slowly pulled out missing his hole but he was short on time. I got dressed and left and hope he reaches back out for a replay. Today, I went to a local xxx bookstore because I was horny Again! My cock wouldn't go down. I kept thinking of sex. The more I get the more I want/need. I paid my money and watched a movie. The glory hole was large and a youngish cub came in the the other booth. He motioned for my cock. Immediately, my cock was in his mouth. An amazing, I mean truly amazing mouth and tongue licked and sucked my cock rock hard. I leaned into the hole and let him work on me. It felt so amazing. After a bit I slowly pulled back and asked if he wanted fucked. He said no, he would rather suck. I said ok and back my cock went into that amazing mouth with his tongue swirling around my cock head. Up and down the shaft. I was in heaven. But to be honest I have trouble cumming the way and really wanted to fuck ass. I pulled back and said thanks but I really wanted to fuck. He said ok, lets fuck. He turned around and his ass was up against the hole. My cock was so rock hard. I slid my cock up his crack. I put my cock in his hole. He must have lubed it because I slid right inside. I fucked and pumped. I was loving the feeling. His mouth was amazing but his hole was even better. I fucked and fucked. I couldn't hold back and shot a big load deep inside his hole. He moved back on my dick and pushed me deeper inside as I pushed into him. I stayed inside and neither of us moved. I slowly started to fuck a bit more as my cock softened. I thanked him and thanked me for the load. I got dressed and left. Tomorrow is Friday. I don't know if I'll get any ass or not but, what a week! BH
    1 point
  33. A guy fucked me in a park when I was 17, it may have been my first fuck. Afterwards, when he threw the condom away, he turned to me with a smile and said I should bring my own condoms... my hole was very wet all the way home and I wondered why....
    1 point
  34. Thanks these are awesome. Keep em coming. One of my faves: [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=1297777073
    1 point
  35. CHAPTER 4 A few more shower-toilet trips completed my cleaning ritual. Ian and I showered then dried off and walked down the hall reaching my room first. I unlocked the door, and we both entered. "Bill, understand that you have the right to say 'no' to anyone. I'm sure you know how to politely tell a man to piss off." He laughed as I did while I shook my head. "I've been thinking and looking at you, Bill. I have this strange feeling that you're holding out on me about something." Ian said as he casually moved further into my room. "For me, it doesn't matter. But, for some it will and if I'm right, you're going to need to be very discreet about this. How old are you?" Ian's question caught me off guard. I rapidly considered my options. I knew I had a 'deer-in-headlights' look on my face. I opened and closed my mouth a couple of times finally saying in a hushed whisper, "I'm eighteen." I hadn't really thought about a minimum age for staying at the Y but after being asked about my age I very quickly thought about me barely being an adult and the very real legal issues here whatever they might be. Ian didn't bat an eye but looked straight at me. "Well, as long as you are at the Y, you've got to be eighteen at least on the residence floors. These rooms aren't Waldorf-Astoria material but they serve a purpose. They are all alike: early dump." Ian laughed. Ian then gave me a run down on protocol and what all went on: sex with men all night long. It all started about 10:00 at night. If you wanted to host someone in your room, leave your door open. If you chose to cruise the hall, lock your door and walk from one end to the other of the hall shopping along the way. Strike up a conversation with any man you wanted. You'd know if he was receptive. The last choice for the residence floor was to leave my room naked and walk to the shower room. Have as much fun as I wanted or as little, he told me. It was all up to me. I then asked Ian about the gym and facilities. He told me that for those who had rented rooms had access and full use. (I didn’t need to use my uncles’ membership then.) He told me that there was a stairway at the end of the hall that went down to the basement where the pool was located. I need only walk around the pool and back up the stairs at the far end. I had to go to the check-in window on the inside by the lockers. Show the clerk my room key the first few times until they recognised me then just tell them my room number. The clerk would provide towels and a lock for my locker. I was set now to find out what I had heard. Ian then said he was going to his room and good luck to me. It was 1:00 when I had left home and close to 2:00 when I had finally entered my room on the fifth floor. It was now about 5:00. I had a quick thought of what Ian had told me, grabbed a dry towel, went to the shower, and made a quick final use of Ian's hose in my ass. The results were as before: crystal clear water. I was ready for a trip to the steam room. What I didn’t know was what if anything would happen.
    1 point
  36. last night at a fuck group at my buddy's place. There was me, my buddy, 2 bears and a boy about 19. I got in the sling and my ankles were chained to the frame and raised up so my hole was on show. 2 of the men got hold of the boy and forced his face into my ass crack and ordered him to eat me out. That felt great. When I was wet my buddy and the bears started fucking me. They were also fucking the boys mouth after being inside me. I took a big load of each of the men so I was full of seed. Then they invited to boy - well kinda coerced him into fucking me. That was hot. He shoved his cock deep in me and fucked his load up my ass. I was stinking of sweat n sperm.
    1 point
  37. I love Dark rooms, One time i was there It was getting busy and crowded in the darkened steam room, almost pitch black, very small and dim red exit light, small room and hot steam, sweaty naked men everywhere. A young guy who had been rimming me was now attempting to fuck my hole, i let him in he fucked me quick and hard, He groaned and shot his load up me, kissed back of my head and thanked me, told me i was a good fuck and left. A guy who had been sucking my cock was now rimming the previous guys load out of my ass. He beckoned for this other bloke to fuck me and he did and also my mouth was being used non stop by others cumming in it, it was like a frenzy. I was greedy for dick and taste of anonymous cum and I had to popper up numerous times, i must have been fucked about 10 times and took so many loads mostly in my ass and some in my mouth . I had knee trembles when trying to stand up straight, sometimes being pushed back down so a bloke could slide up my cummy arse. I stank of spunk and sweat, i never washed off , i just got dressed and went home, i could still smell some of the guys on me and the loads were gradually seeping out of my ass. That is why I love the dark/Steam room, my inhibitions go and i just love bending over and being fucked by anyone who wants to use and take me. Wish times were back to that.
    1 point
  38. Chapter 7 Sir left the room briefly and for the first time Master spoke, in broken english, his tone just as deep and almost evil sounding as the grunts heard of him so far. He sneered as he spoke, gyrating his hips in quick jabs forward and back as he held his cock in one hand, lifted his other arm up and behind his head flexing his huge biceps and tonguing his pit. "No mercy fuck boy". I started to really feel like I was in trouble. My hole so wanted his cock, but my body went into fear mode. I tried now to get loose from my restraints. Began thrashing in the sling. Master continued to repeat himself. He was fear and hotness in one. "No go fuck boy", Master then said as he approached and stood between my legs. He reached out and rubbed his hand in the pool of precum I had created then wrapped his hand around my dick and very slowly stroked it. He placed the head of his cock at my hole and gyrated his hips making his dick slip rub from my hole to just under my balls. He then spit on his dick to make it slicker. I could feel my hole start to open. A mind of its own, it wanted dick. Master then stood still with his massive cock head at the entrance of my hole and pressed forward. He then lifted himself up and down, rocking in his boots. He stared at me and again spoke those words of "no mercy fuck boy". "STOP CECILE", shouted Sir as he came thru the door. "AJ just called. We need to get ready. Set up the bed and I'll get the media up and favs", Sir said. I watched as the two of them quickly moved about the large bedroom. The room became bright as day. The room walls and ceiling were painted all black. The floor covered in a black rubber like material. I could see multiple cameras all over the room. The king sized four poster bed made of railroad ties, a super thick black rubber sheet mattress took on life as Master pulled a large drawer from underneath, removed another leather sling already having chains, restraints and stirrups and attached it to the top corners of the bed. Master then lifted the mattress from the bed and set it to one side. Lighting changed to a blue color. The tv screen flashed a bit and then changed to display 8 cameras in the room surrounding some kindof chat room that I could see had several windows popping up. Sir was typing like crazy. There was a camera above me that captured a couple feet above my head, showed my entire restrained and splayed body, and a few feet beyond the end of the sling. Another camera captured a side view of me in the sling at the same level while another camera captured an angled upward view of the end of the sling that clearly showed my legs wide and my totally exposed hole and balls. A fourth camera also mounted on the ceiling was a closer view of my head, arms and chest to likely show facial expressions. The other four cameras were mounted much the same way around the bed area. "Guys, cover the fuck boy's eyes. I got a surprise! I couldn't resist!", said AJ as he approached the room. Master put the blindfold on me quickly. I could hear the 3 of them move about the room. The chains of the other sling could be heard as well. What the fuck was happening? "You remember that you may only speak as you have been told, right?", Sir said as he squeezed my balls. I nodded yes. The blindfold was removed and I was shocked as shit. Trussed up just like me was my ex Tim. He was out cold. He looked pretty hot like that. Tim was 5'4", naturally smooth, tight body, bubble butt, medium length red head. AJ said, "So this is Tim. Hot little fucker that I have tried to own for almost 2 years. He is very anti drug. But today, I spiked his OJ with a good amount of G to knock him out. So lets get the trays, rigs, and other favs set up. Going to give his hole a booty shot, trimix for his little dick, then we'll double slam his sorry ass and that should bring him awake and horned as fuck". Master got the trays, rigs, tubing, booty shot ready. AJ adjusted Tims sling so his ass was way up higher for the booty shot, then turned to me and did the same. Sir went back to the chat/cameras. Master took one of the booty shots and injected .35 of tina into tims hole. Tim started to move about some likely from the burning he felt as the liquid creeped deeper into his body. Master grabbed another booty shot and did the same to me as AJ said mine was only .2 but no worries. AJ and master then worked together placing the tubing on each of Tims arms. They both inserted the needle and got the register. They left the needles like that and came to me. My hole was already aching. "No mercy fuck boy", master spoke again as he placed a tube around my arm, inserted the needle and got a flash, then left it there. "They want to know what amount is going to the fuck toys", Sir asked. AJ said, "the double is .35 in each and the single is .5. Gotta really fuck up the double guy. Really fuck him up. Cecile has no mercy". The chat screens exploded. Tim was involuntarily gyrating his hips in the sling. He began to open his eyes slowly and looked around the room. Master and Aj moved to his arms above his head as Tim looked up and saw the needles in his arms. "no! NO! NO!" Tim yelled as AJ and Master emptied the rigs, removed the hose, and lowered his ass in the sling. Tim's body thrashed like crazy as he coughed over and over. "I'm gonna die! Holy shit! Fuck! Whats happening to me?", Tim screamed as the sweat poured from him and his dick spurted ropes of cum from his dick. His eyes rolled back into his head and his body collapsed. He was motionless. I began to freak out. The tube on my arm was removed and my ass was lowered in the sling as well. I coughed, and coughed. I had trouble catching my breath and began to feel like I was going to pass out. My eyes rolled back into my head, I was sweating, and my hole was twitching like mad. It felt very wet. I could hear a deep gasping breath sound coming from Tim. i slowly lifted my head to see Tim's head pulled up and forward by his hair from Master as Master roughly fingered Tims hole with 4 fingers. In and out he went. Master kept rolling his fingers in a pile of tina on a tray and then shoving one finger, pull out then 2, pull out then 3, then pull out and 4. Then he would jack hammer in short hard deep strokes into Tims hole while forcing tim to watch as he held onto his head. "No mercy fuck boy", Master said repeatedly. He then pulled out his fingers, rubbed more tina onto them and stuck them into Tims mouth. He let go of tims head and then rubbed more tina onto those spit soaked fingers, stroked his dick and shoved his entire thick and wickedly curved cock into tim right to the root. Pulled out completely and did this over and over. Tim tried to scream. Master held his fingers into tims gaping mouth. AJ then grabbed my head by the hair and began doing exactly as Master did to Tim. I actually was thankful that AJ's cock was a bit smaller once he slammed his cock into me. AJ didn't release my head though. He kept pulling me harder and harder into him with each slam of his dick. He then locked his hands behind my neck and jack hammered me in unison to Master pounding Tim. Tears were rolling from Tims cheeks yet he was moaning and groaning. His eyes closed and mouth open finger fucked by Master. The slapping of balls against ass. Slaps felt on my ass, chest, face echoing. My groans and shouting harder, Masters deep grunts, AJs shouts of "take that dick" and 'fuck boy whore", Tims groans, the chains of the slings, Sir shouting out "fuck him...deeper....harder...pound that hole" as he stroked his cock and managed the crazy activity of the chats was soooo hot. AJ then reached up and unfastened my wrists and told me to work my nips. They were super sensitive as I licked my fingers and lightly touched and rolled them between my fingers. My dick throbbed with each touch as my hole squeezed down on AJ's assault. He was standing with his arms behind his back and bouncing me off his pelvis as my hole stroked his dick. He kept adjusting his angle until lightning struck deep inside me. I went to grab my dick and instantly my hand was grabbed onto, held, and restrained again. "I didnt say to touch your dick. I said work your nips", AJ said. He again hit my button and then targetted it as he grabbed the chains of the sling and short jack hammered my hole and button. My hole clamped down on his dick as he shouted, "fuckin tight wet hole fuck boy. Work your hole. Yeah. Milk my dick!". I began to pant, my head rolling back and forth. I felt flush and my dick drooled precum that ran down my side. AJ then slammed his dick into me and stopped. He grabbed my free hand and restrained it. He then pulled completely out of my ass and at the same time, so did Master from Tim. AJ walked over to Tim, slapped his face several times, then slam fucked Tim as hard, deep, and as fast as he could. Master slapped my ass and hole a few times and followed AJ's lead. My body tried to arch up and away from Master as he pounded and pummelled my hole. I was stretched wide and jerked each time he buried his cock inside me. The wicked curve of his dick quickly made me groan and repeat the words "fuck me harder". His cock punched and worked my button like never before. He kept grunting like an animal in heat. Harder he fucked. My hole began to make sloshing and almost fart like sounds as my hole surrendered to him. My eyes rolled back and my neck arched upwards. I felt like I was on some cloud and became light headed. My dick bounced on my stomach and my balls were tight up against my body. "Oh shit! Damn! No way! God! Fuck yeah! Holy...oh..yeah! Fuck me! Pound my ass! Jesus christ! Oh God! I can't...i am...oh! Fuck me! Yeah! Harder! Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum! Damn!", Tim screamed as AJ slowed and punched his hole one long stroke of his dick after another. "You cum when I say you cum!", AJ growled at Tim his body all tensed, sweat pouring off his body. Dick almost standing straight up. AJ grabbed Tims dick at the base with one hand and squeezed. He took his other hand and first slapped Tims balls making him yelp then grabbing them and squeezing them. Tim screamed. Begged to cum. AJ laughed saying to Tim, "first, tell me you love to get slammed and raped. Tell me you want me to use your holes. Tell me to slam you again." Tim didn't respond. AJ released Tims dick and balls and went back to long dick punching his hole. In seconds Tim was on the verge again. AJ again grabbed his dick and balls, slapping Tims balls. Harder this time. "What do you want to tell me Fuck slut?", AJ asked as he squeezed tims balls harder. "Please, please slam me again. Rape me. Use my hole. Slam fuck me. Make me cum", Tim shouted. "As you wish fuck slut!" AJ removed his hands from Tims dick and balls and pulled out his dick. Tim looked confused. AJ then rubbed tina onto his fingers and began punching Tims hole and prostate. Tim was again on the verge. AJ stopped and as he pulled his fingers from Tims hole, he turned and walked towards Sir and said, "you got this". Sir stood up, an evil grin like no other. He grabbed tubing and another rig. He tied the tubing around Tims arm as Tim looked on scared. In went the needle, registered, and off came the tubing in under a minute. "For the audience, that was .5. Hes gonna need it and love it!", Sir said. He grabbed a stool and sat down between Tims legs a Tim fought for his breath and was now just plain spun the fuck out. Drool came from a Tims mouth. His eyes super dialated and wide as shit. Sir ate his hole for a few minutes then sat back so the audience could see clearly. Sir lubed up his hand and pushed all four fingers, his thumb and was into his wrist in about 2 minutes. He gave Tim some poppers and then pulled out. Then back in. In and out. I couldnt believe this. Master had buried his cock in my hole and stood motionless as I watched. He flexed his dick every few mins to remind me he wasnt done. Sir then twisted his hand while inside Tim. Tim rolled his head from side to side, his drool running down his cheeks and neck. He tried speaking but made no sense. 'Watch this guys", Sir said, and then laughed a bit and said, "my bad, you can't see inside this hot, wet, fuck hole. But you can see what happens when I goto town on his fuck spot". At that moment, Tim moaned very loudly, he gyrated his hips trying to get more of what Sir was doing inside him. Tim started babbling louder and louder. His dick started spurting little globs of precum and cum onto his chest and neck. You could see Sir's muscles in his arms as he began to alternate short quick jabs without pulling his hand out, then a twisting motion as he really worked tims fuck button. "You want to cum now fuck slut?" Sir asked Tim who nodded yes furiously. " Guys should I make him cum? Should I make it a long super shooter or a quickie?" Sir asked the audience. AJ said, " these guys are sick! Looks like a super shoot with a couple guys saying to punch his hole for a few minutes after he stops shooting!" Sir laughed and said, "maybe with the next fuck hole. Wait and see! But for now....!" That was it. Tim's body tensed, tried to move, contort, heave, thrust, writhe, moan, grown, almost cry out as Sir was relentless and Tim began shooting first little drops to then rope like cum spews all over his chest, neck, face, floor. I had never seen anything like it. As the intensity slowed, Sir said, "oh no fuck slut, this aint over". Sir went into overdrive with his movements. Tim's eyes bulged, and he began another series of draining his juice. Just as Tim began to collapse, Sir said, "now watch this". He took his free hand and spit into it then grabbed Tims dick and furiously stroked it as he again went wild with his fisting movements. Tim lookied crazed eyed. He kept saying "stop...no...I cant take it!". Sir didnt stop. He kept on. Then Sir said, "just like a lollipop" and leaned forward and slowly licked from Tims hole, up over Tims balls and to the base of Tims dick. And deep gutteral sounds came from Tim as he once again blew what he had left. As he calmed, Sir slowly removed his hand and lightly licked Tims slowly closing hole.
    1 point
  39. Chapter Nine I was in a daze for the rest of the day. My mind was telling me I was straight but Jack's cum was still in my ass and just thinking about what he did to me made my dick twitch. Nothing was as it seems and I was losing my mind. I found myself staring at guy's crotches as I passed them in the hallway. No one noticed but I knew what I was looking for. What the hell was wrong with me? After school I was on the way to practice when Cheryl stopped me. “Hey,” she said with a smile, “You coming over after...” I grabbed her and pulled her into a broom closet. The same broom closet Jack had pulled me into... NO! Fuck those thoughts. I pushed them out of the way as I undid my pants and got ready to fuck her lights out. I was straight, I liked girls and I was going to prove it here and now. Luckily Cheryl didn't have to be convinced to get fucked, she shucked her panties down and was ready. My dick was not. I stroked it some, trying to will life into it. “You ok?” she asked, looking down at my flaccid member. “Yeah, give me a sec...” I said still trying to get it hard. After about a minute she knelt down, “Here, let me help.” She swallowed my soft dick and started licking it...but the only thought I had was that Jack did it better followed by I did it better. I closed my eyes and images of me drooling over Jack's cock, licking it up and down, trying to squeeze another drop of precum out of his dick... “See? It just wanted some loving,” she said standing, ready to be mounted. I dipped my dick down to fuck her and even as I was entering her, it was beginning to soften. She didn't notice cause even semi hard my dick was bigger than a normal one. This was doing nothing for me, it was too wet, too loose...it was just... Boring. My dick was losing it's length and in a couple of seconds she would notice and that was not a conversation I wanted to have right now. I saw a push broom in the corner and decided to try something. I reached up and turned the light off, so we were in the dark. “Everett!” she said breathlessly, “You shy all of a sudden?” I reached back and moved the wooden handle down some, while moving my ass up some to line them up. The tip of it touched my hole and my cock sprang to life. She moaned as I pushed back on the handle, the feeling making my entire fucking body shiver. Pumping into her made me rock back and forth onto it, it wasn't Jack by any means, but it was something and my body was reacting. “Yeah, that's it...” I breathed as it went deeper. “Yeah, fuck me baby!” she exclaimed. “Shhh....” I said softly, “Don't talk, someone might hear us.” The truth was I couldn't stay hard with her yapping. In the silence I could imagine it was Jack making me fuck myself on the handle, it was him in front of me, commanding me to prove I wanted his cock. Forcing me to to go deeper to earn his load. I got it far enough in so that it nudged my prostate and I started to go hog wild. Cheryl let out a noise as I started to fuck myself harder, therefore fucking her harder. Usually I was pretty passive in this, she was the one riding me and dictating the pace. But once I could feel the handle fucking me right I went at it like a duck to water. “Ev!” she gasped, “Slower...Ev it hurts...” I was so close...so fucking close. “Everett you're hurting me!” she said loudly and pushed me off of her. The handle jammed deep into me and my cock exploded in reaction. She made a cry as I was sure she was covered in buckets of my cum. I slid the handle out and propped it back in the corner, just before she turned on the light. Yep, her face was drenched in cum. “What the fuck was that?” she demanded, wiping the warm liquid off her face. “I was horny,” I said with a half grin. “You're too fucking big to be that rough!” she grabbed the bottom of my shirt and dried herself off. “Well, that's how I like it,” I said tucking my dick back into my jock. “Since when?” Since Jack fucked me like that. “Since now,” I said pulling my shirt away from her and tucking it in, “Look Cheryl, I don't know if this is working out.” “What? You almost kill me with your dick and you want to break up now?” “We had fun, but I just think I need to focus on baseball more.” She glared and me and then stormed out of the closet. I checked my hair and sure enough there was a glob of cum. I grabbed it and licked it off my finger real quick before leaving to practice. When I walked in the guys said hi as I walked over to my locker. Jack was there, looking at me intently. “Why you so late?” he asked as I got naked. “Cheryl,” I said dropping my pants. “Oh, what did she want?” “For me to fuck her, so I tried in a broom closet.” His eyes got wide, “You? You took her to a broom closet to fuck her.” “I tried, but...” I glanced down at my dick, “it wasn't very interested.” He gave me an evil grin, “So what did you do?” “Took care of business and broke up with her.” I pulled on my uniform pants and grabbed my jersey. “You broke up with her? Really?” I slipped it on and looked at him. And in a whisper I said, “If you are going to...you know...I don't think it's fair for me to try to date her too.” His face lit up and I could tell his impulse was to lean in and kiss me, an impulse I shared for a microsecond. “So now you're all mine?” he asked. I nodded and closed my locker, “Every inch is yours.” He smiled and nudged me, “We're going to have some fun.” Just the way he said it made me start to chub up, I give up trying to understand this. Practice was thankfully short, we did our hustle and piled back into the locker room by 6pm. As we walked into the shower Jack whispered, “Spend the night over at my place tonight.” I nodded and went to an empty nozzle. The water felt amazing and I was starting to feel like myself again. I mean a version of myself that wanted Jack to fuck me silly, but me nonetheless. As I glanced around I took a look at a couple of the other guy's dicks and wondered how they'd feel. As soon as I thought it I felt ashamed and looked away, but my dick was already taking a look on it's own. “Shit,” I hissed, willing it to go away. “Throwing wood?” Cody Browns asked to my left. He was looking at my cock rising slowly with a big ol smile on his face. “Fucking thing has a mind of it's own.” He nodded, not taking his eyes off my member, “I bet, shit at that size it's probably has a bigger brain than both of us.” My dick was nearly fully hard and I glanced over at Cody to take a better look. He was shorter than me, not very muscular but cut as all fuck. You could trace the outline of his eight pack with your fingers...and I wanted to very badly all of a sudden. His dick was average size and his honey blond pubes were trimmed neatly as his dick stood at full mast as well. He gestured to come over to his nozzle. I looked around and saw no one was paying attention to us so I moved closer to him. He turned up the heat and steam started to billow around us as I got even closer. “You always horny?” he asked, his hand reaching out and stroking my dick. “Fuck yeah,” I said, reaching out for his. “Jesus with this monster I bet,” he started to slowly stroke my length, worshiping the size of it for some time. “It always wants more...” I said, stroking his dick as well. The whole thing fit in my grasp, it was surreal to tell the truth. I knew it was a normal dick but it felt so tiny... “You ever play with your balls while you jerk off?” he said, his other hand slipping beneath my balls. “Fuckkkk....” I whispered, trying not to make a scene. “Fuck they're like massive eggs...” he said rolling them around some. I stopped jerking him off as he pushed me back onto the shower wall. “I always wanted to see this hard,” he said stroking me off, “I'd never seen you scope out the room before.” “I what?” I asked confused. “Looking around at the other guys, I saw you. Don't worry man, everyone does. It just means we're alive.” He caught me? Fuck I was bad at this. “Lots of guys look, it's natural,” his hand was beneath my nuts now and my legs widened automatically. “You like this?” he asked, his hand slipping to my taint. I nodded, biting my bottom lip. “How about this?” His finger touched my hole and I felt my dick pulse. “Oh you do!” he said with a grin on his face. He pulled it away, put some soap on it and then slid it under me again, “Don't make any noise...” His finger slid into me and the desire to cry out was real. “Hell yeah...” he said jamming it further in, “You like this don't you?” I just nodded, my ass clenching down on his digits. He slipped two in and my ass pushed back all on it's own. “Fuck man, I didn't know you had such a hungry ass, I always thought you were super straight.” “I am,” I said automatically, but it seemed like a joke as he finger fucked me not ten feet away from the rest of my baseball team. “Yeah, yeah, so am I. But this is something only us guys understand,” he said, pushing harder and harder into me. He made it sound so casual, like it was an everyday thing to get fingered by another guy. “You...you do this a lot?” I asked, between gasps of breath. “I had a couple of fuck buddies throughout high school, we took care of each other. Hold on.” He pulled his fingers out and walked out of the steam. I was panicked for a moment, what if he said something, what if he got everyone's attention?” He walked back in and smiled, “Everyone is out, just us.” I breathed a sigh of relief at that. “Here, get down on the ground.” I went down to my knees and saw he was laying on his back, “Hop on.” His dick was sticking straight up...I couldn't do this...not here. “Come on! Before the hot water fades and the steam is gone.” I moved over him, screaming at myself not to. The moment his cock touched my hole I pressed down, the feeling was like...like coming home. “Yeah...” he hissed, grabbing my hips, “Fuck...never thought I'd fuck you.” My cock was bobbing as he pushed my down on his dick. He was...faster than Jack and a little less focused. Where Jack knew just where to fuck me, Cody was hitting my spot one out of every four thrusts. It still felt good, but after awhile I realized I was doing all the work, moving myself down on his cock to get maximum pleasure. “Yeah, ride that dick,” he said, putting his hands behind his head, “Fuck yourself on my cock.” I was, pushing down harder and harder as I found my spot and y dick started leaking. He reached up and started stroking my cock, “God, with a monster like this and you like to get fucked...there is no justice.” I would have argued with him but my mind was getting fuzzy again and I just focused on cumming. He grabbed my hips again and thrust into me as I pushed down, both of us racing towards our orgasm. “Come on stud, show me I can make you cum.” He was going to do just that as I felt my body start to tremble and my dick start to pulse. “Fucking bottom jock bitch...come on,” he said savagely, really pushing up into me. “I'm a jock bitch...fuck my pussy...fuck it...” He got super turned on by me calling it a pussy. “Yeah, jock pussy, going to breed your tight pussy, get you pregnant.” The words as much as the motion flipped my switches and I felt myself nearing the edge. “Fucking take my babies you cunt...” His dick started to pulse in me, which caused me to explode. Cum shot out all over his chest and face...he opened his mouth to catch some and I just cummed even more. “Fuck...you cum like a race horse man!” I couldn't speak, I just sat there panting. “Ok, come on bitch,” he said pushing me off him, “Get off daddy's cock.” He stood up and I looked up at him...trying to get my wits back. “Clean off your mess...” he said, grabbing the back of my head and making me suck his cummy dick. I should have been disgusted, but I licked it clean with a passion. He pulled his now soft cock out of my mouth, “Well done man, next time I'm worked up I'll find ya.” and he walked out of the shower. Leaving me on the floor, his cum still on my tongue.
    1 point
  40. I too love the fact that I find others into the same thing I am into. I am a sex addict and nice to find others (and play with some) too!
    1 point
  41. And for those of you worried, yes we are getting to the chem part soon, sorry it wasn't upfront, was trying to build a setting first. Chapter Four I limped out of the massage room, looking around at the empty locker room. Glancing over at the clock I realized practice was over and the guys were gone. Billy walked out behind me, locking the massage room behind him, “Guess we lost track of time huh? You need a ride home?” “No, no I have my car.” He shrugged, “Ok cool, see you tomorrow.” I nodded and he walked out. When I got to my locker I saw Jack sitting next to mine. “What took you?” “Um, had a kink,” I said opening my locker up. “Everyone's gone, coach told me to lock up when you were done.” “Sweet,” I said tossing my uniform into my locker, my hands on my jock. “Nope, don't touch it.” I glanced over at Jack, “What?” “I told you, I decide how to take them off,” he said standing up, “You promised.” I rolled my eyes, “Fine, what you want me to do dude?” “Lay down on the bench.” It took me a second to realize he wasn't joking, “What?” “Lie down on the bench, face up.” I sat down, “Why?” “Cause you promised.” He was right, I did and I always kept my word. I laid back on the bench and waited. He stood over me with a grin, “Don't move,” he said. He leaned down and took the band of the jock with his teeth and pulled it down. My eyes were glued to him as he slowly pulled the jock off, his hands on either side of my waist, holding me in place. Jack's breath was warm and my dick, though spent, started to react. Jack stopped pulling them down and rubbed his face against the pouch, awakening my cock fully. He just watched as my cock slowly elongated, pressing against the thin material. Jack blew on it and it got even larger. The jock strained at my tool, and then agonizing slow, my tip slowly slipped out of the side, pulling the jock aside. “There it is,” Jack said smiling. “Come on man, I need to get to Blackthorn.” “Shhhh...” he said, licking from my base to the tip. I groaned as my ass pressed up to feel it harder. “Come on man, this is gay,” I whined. Jack stopped and looked down at me, “You think it's gay?” “Dude, you're licking my dick! What else is it?” He shook his head, “Man you can me really selfish Everett.” He sat down and looked depressed. I sat up, “What did I do?” “You think I'm gay? I mean Jesus, man, that's mean.” “I'm sorry man, it's just...you were licking my dick. And you ate my load this morning.” “Yeah, and you think it's cause I'm gay?” “Isn't it?” He looked mad, “You don't even know what you have.” He got up and started pacing, now I was worried. I hated seeing Jack upset. “What you mean?” I asked. “Look at you man you're perfect. You're cut but thick, perfect bone structure...I mean you have the perfect body.” I felt myself blush at the compliment, I never thought about how I looked so it was nice to hear Jack compliment me. “So what does that have to do with anything? You think I'm hot?” “I'm not gay man!” he barked and I shrank back. “Look, what do you take in the morning, for supplements?” I began listing off the variety of powders and vitamins I grind up in a shake every morning. It was a lot.” “Right, that's a lot of money right?” I nodded. “Ok well I take them all too and I don't look like you.” “Dude,” I said standing up, “You look fine.” “I wanna be a beast like you.” I was confused. “I'm not gay man, I am trying to get your protein, from the source.” Still confused. “You take all of that and you have perfect genes, I figured if I drank your protein it would give me a boost, maybe let me catch up.” I looked at my dick then to him “You mean my cum?” He nodded, “I mean you blow gallons of it every time, what do you care?” What did I care? My friend was hurting, man he was right. I was a selfish asshole. “I'm sorry bro, I didn't even realize it. I take it all back, you can eat my cum anytime.” He smiled and pushed me back to the bench, “If it starts working, you know what that means?” I shook my head. “Dude then I have my protein and yours, if you took it back you'd be fucking Superman.” I wasn't sure how that worked out but Jack always knew best. “Lay back, let me bulk man,” he said pushing me back. I laid down and his mouth went over my half-hard dick and it instantly hardened. “Oh yeah Jack,” I said holding his head, “get that protein.” He began really going to town on me, his tongue swirling all over my cock, he was fucking better than any girl that had gone down on me. I bucked my hips up and he kinda gagged. “Hold up man,” he said wiping the spit away, “I gotta be ready for that.” I nodded and he want back to sucking me. It was so fucking good, after a minute or so I didn't care if it was Jack or not, there was a mouth on my cock and I loved it. He pulled his mouth off, “You wanna do me a favor?” “Sure,” I said, breathing quickly. “Jerk me off while I do this.” “Um...ok?” He stripped down and moved over me. His groin was over my face and he went back to sucking me off. I reached up and stroked him some, it was hard to focus with him slobbering all over my dick. I kept spacing out, just getting into the feelings, every time I did he'd push his dick down to remind me and I went back. Jack had a great cock, I mean it wasn't mine but it was a solid dick that any guy would want. I kept stroking him and he paused to ask, “Slick it up.” “With?” I asked, looking around. “Spit, your mouth man.” I looked back at the dick and thought about it. Jack slowly lowered his cock down, the tip pressed against my lips as I struggled to relax. The pressure pushed it in and my mouth opened, and his cock slid across my tongue. It was salty, I mean not bad or gross, just...it tasted like Jack. I was going to go back to jerking him off but his dick was positioning out of my mouth now, I didn't have a chance to pull off. He went back to really sucking my dick and I moaned, my tongue automatically rolling around the tip like he was doing to me. It happened a few times and I realized it was like sucking my own dick. I forgot it was Jack and just focused on getting myself off. His dick was moving to the left and right so I grabbed Jack's tight ass and held in place as I lowered his hips to my mouth, making sure the cock went where I wanted it to go. It was weird but I was getting off on the sensations that were engulfing my own dick. He stopped blowing me and stood up, “Lick,” he said, holding the tip of his dick at my mouth. “Wha?” He pushed it into my mouth and grabbed the side of my head, “Come on man, don't you wanna bulk up?” Everyone wanted to be bigger, the more power you had the harder you could hit a ball, the more home runs the closer you get to the big leagues. So I started to move his dick around in my mouth and he moaned, “Come on man, use that tongue more.” I rolled this dick around my tongue, sucking the precum that was flowing from my friend's dick. I slurped it down wanting every drop of protein I could get. “Jerk yourself off,” he said in a whisper. It was a good idea and I fisted my dick as I sucked. I loved stroking my big cock, I loved the feeling of both hands going up and down its length as I tried to get off. It turned me on to feel so much flesh in my hands and I began to get hazy again. I began to get into the blow job as I jerked off and after a while, I was just crazed again. He pulled his dick back and then pushed the whole thing back into my mouth, “Yeah come on bro, get that juice.” I gobbled the dick up greedily, I wanted that cum badly. “Yeah bro, harder, suck it. I'm close...” His dick was leaking heavily now and I was drinking every single pulse as fast as I could. He began fucking my mouth hard and I wanted him to shoot. He pulled his dick away and held it in his hand “You want this?” he asked. I nodded my mouth open with tongue out. “How bad you want it?” he said, slapping my cheek with his cockhead. “Come on Jack, let me drink your cum! I wanna be better.” “Lick my balls,” he said, pulling his dick up. There was a moment's hesitation from me and he added, “Or I'll shoot on the ground.” I put his balls in my mouth and began to roll them around, he moaned and I slicked up the smooth ballsac, hoping he was close. He pulled his balls back and held his dickhead out, “Good boy.” My mouth covered his head in a flash, his hands grabbing my head. He pushed his dick in and I felt myself start to gag. “Shhh...swallow, just swallow. Don't fight it, breathe through your nose...” I tried to calm down and stopped struggling. I was kind of lightheaded as his dick moved to the back of my throat... “Drink my cum, Palmer!” My mouth was suddenly filled with cum, just shot after shot hitting the back of my throat like a bullet. I swallowed as quickly as I could but some was gushing out the sides of my mouth. “Oh yeah, swallow it...all of it.” Once his load diminished I pulled back and took the rest of his shots and swallowed. I licked the sides of my mouth, getting what I could. He looked down at me and wiped some off my chin and held out his finger. I swallowed his finger in one gulp, my tongue automatically rolling around it like I had his cock. “How you feel?” “I need to blow!” I said jerking myself off. “Wait,” he said pushing me back to laying down again. He grabbed my legs and began to pull them up, he was bending me in half and was about to ask what the fuck he was doing... When the head of my dick hit my face. I automatically opened my mouth and started sucking the head of my own dick. “Fuck that's hot...” Jack said, pushing my ass down some. More of my cock filled my mouth and now I was happy I had practiced on Jack. I knew exactly what to do and it was fucking amazing! My dick was in heaven and it only took a few seconds for it to swell and then shoot another gusher of cum down my throat. Since I couldn't get my mouth off my dick cum just filled my mouth and then I started to choke. He let my legs go and my dick plopped out of my mouth, covering my face in cum. I was shocked for a moment but then I felt Jack's tongue, licking it off, slowly, grabbing every drop. “I swallowed some, sorry.” “I'll get it,” he said and plunged his tongue into my mouth. It was just like a kiss...but I knew Jack wasn't gay and he was just trying to bulk up. And since I wanted to bulk up as well, I licked the cum out of his mouth as well.
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  42. Chapter Three My next period was a blur, all I could think about was what I had just done. Twice. With Jack it was one thing, I mean we've been best friends since forever and we've jerked off the moment we knew we could cum. Him jerking me off and taking my load...it just seemed like the next step I guess. What the step after that was, that was troubling. But Mr. Blackthorn, what the fuck man? It was like he knew every button to push with me. Rubbing my cock, getting me all hard. It was like he knew once I started getting horny my mind got fuzzy and I just went with whatever felt good. Everything he did felt fucking good. But I wasn't gay, no way man. I had a girlfriend, who I fuck regularly, she likes it. But Blackthorn made me fucking shoot like I hadn't jerked off in a month. Plenty of girls have felt me up at away games, all through high school chicks wanted to suck my dick and I let them. But why did his finger feel so...right? The bell rang and I rushed off to the lunchroom. I needed...well I needed a lot but food would help. I tossed like three of whatever they were serving on my plate and found a table with the rest of the guys in the corner. They were going on about whatever and laughing it up like they didn't have a care in the world. When I sat down I tried to be like them. “What's up Mighty Joe?” one of the guys asked. Another nickname based on my dick. “Chillin, you guys?” “We're just making plans for the after game party this weekend. Phillips's parents are gonna be gone and we were thinking of some party favors.” “Oh cool, like balloons?” I asked. They all laughed their ass off. “Yeah like balloons, you coming right Palmer?” Jack sat down next to me, “MY man here miss a party? Never!” The guys cheered again and went back to talking. “I was looking everywhere for you since when do you come straight to lunch?” I shrugged, “I was hungry.” He stared at me for a long second, “What did you get up to?” “What?” I asked looking up quickly. A smile came across his face, “What did you get into in two fucking periods? You jerk off in class?” “No! I said trying to sound offended, though that was exactly what I was doing before Blackthorn stopped me He narrowed his eyes in suspicion and I was about to break when a pair of arms draped around my shoulders, “Hey sweetie!:” Cheryl kissed my cheek and I suddenly felt super guilty. “Hey babe,” I said giving her a quick peck. “Coming over after practice again?” she asked with a wink. “I can't!” I said suddenly, “I have tutoring after practice this week.” “You do?” she asked. “You do?” Jack asked as well. “Yeah, Mr. Blackthorn says I am failing and is willing to give me private lessons to catch up.” “You're going over to Blackthorn's house after practice?” Jack asked. I nodded and looked at Cheryl, “Sorry, I have no idea how late it will be the I have to be up early for class...” She gave me a fake pout but I could see the disappointment in her eyes, “You better make it up to me,” she leaned in and gave my dick a squeeze through my jeans. I was surprised my dick did not respond. “I promise,” I said kissing her back. She bopped off and left me with a questioning Jack. “So really?” he asked. I went back to my food. “What did you and Blackthorn talk about?” “School stuff,” I mumbled. “Uh-huh,” he said leaning in close, “Did you guys...you know?” I nodded once. “Holy shit!” Jack said loudly, drawing the attention of everyone at the table. “He was telling me about the shit he does with his girl,” Jack explained and the guys nodded and went back to their conversations. “What did you do?” he asked in a whisper. I shook my head, letting him know I didn't want to talk about it. “You have to tell me Ev,” he pleaded. I looked around and then at him, “Same thing we did...like almost the same thing except it was all him.” He processed all this, “So he jerked you off and then....like...swallowed?” “The whole thing,” I said, not hungry anymore. “Dude...and you're going over there tonight?” “To study!”I insisted. “I'm behind in the class too, I should come as well.” I gave Jack a panicked look. “What? And to be there as moral support man. I'm your bro, you know that.” That was true, if Jack came with me it would be less likely that I would get all fucking horny again and...well let all of that happen again. “Ok, but you can't tell anyone!” Jack smiled, “Dude, I always keep your secrets. He was right, he always had. After classes, I got into the locker room began to put my uniform off when I realized I still didn't have my jock. “Shit,” I said to myself. “What's up, man?” Jack asked, getting dressed next to me. “I still don't have my jock, I lost it last night.” He reached into his locker and pulled a spare one out, “I am going to get that back.” he said. Sure,” I assured him, slipping my jeans off. “I get to choose how I get it back,” he said and I just nodded, “Promise me.” I glanced over at him, “Whatever you say, dude.” Pushing my dick down I made sure everything was held and started slipping my uniform on. Jack seemed overly amused for some reason. We got out onto the field and it was pretty clear from the start I was not up to snuff. I hadn't gotten enough rest last night and I was kinda sore from the double workout. I tried to keep up as much as I could but the third rounds of sprints I had to pause because I was getting a stitch in my side. “Palmer!” Coach Moore yelled, “Get off my field, Billy, see if he's hurt.” I cursed as I walked off the field, Billy waiting for me at the locker room door, “Anything hurt?” he asked. I shook my head as I walked into the locker room. “Come into my office,” he said, opening the door to the massage room. “I'm fine,” I said, “I just needed to catch my breath.” “You were holding your side, strip and get on the table.” “Coach” I whined. “Strip! Now!” he barked. I shut up and started shedding my clothes. The table was closed as I laid down on it in only Jack's jock. Billy closed the door and I heard it lock loudly. “” Ok, let's get down to business,” he said grabbing some oil and rubbing his hands together to warm it up. His hand touched my back and started to knead the knots out of my back. “Oh yeah...” I sighed as he began to work. We were silent for a few minutes, I felt myself dozing off I was so relaxed. “So do I want to ask why you're wearing Jack's underwear?” “Lost my jock,” I murmured, just on the edge of falling asleep. “It's a little tight,” he said slipping his hands under the back straps. “His dick is smaller...” the words just fell out of my mouth. He chuckled, “I bet that's true for a lot of people.” His hands went down to my legs and I began to doze off again. “How are your glutes?” he asked, waking me up. “Sore from running but ok,” I answered truthfully. He moved up to my ass and I felt his fingers start to kneed the sore muscles. Like I normally do, I started getting hard, which was painful in Jack's jock. “Shit!” I yelped jerking up. My dick was practically bent in half in the pouch and I reached in and freed it. It slapped up to my abs and I felt my face redden, “Sorry, it was stuck.” Willia smiled and nodded, “No problem, lay back down.” My dick was pressed between the table and my flesh and he went back to my ass. As he worked on it what happened with Blackthorn came up and I was curious. “Can I ask you something?” I asked. “Always man.” “So...why does playing with your ass turn you on?” “My ass?” “Nonono, I meant in general. Why does someone playing with your ass turn people on so much?” “Ah, did your girlfriend slip a finger somewhere?” I wasn't going to tell him it wasn't Cheryl but I nodded nonetheless. “Ok, well the long answer is the buttocks is a serious erogenous zone and super sensitive because people usually don't think about it.” “Um, the short answer?” I asked, not sure what he had just said. “There's something in there that is like a sex button.” I glanced over at him, “You're joking.” He shook his head, “Nope, not even a little.” I said nothing for a long time, just thinking about it. “You know in physicals when they test your prostate?” “Um, my what?” “When they put a finger up your butt.” “Oh yeah, that.” “Well, what they are checking is it.” Why do they check it then?” “Because it swells or is abnormal it could mean serious medical conditions. When was the last time yours was checked?” This morning? I didn't say that. “Um, I dunno.” “Ok, well let's show you what I mean and check you at the same time.” I was anxious but my stomach was in knots, like when I first kiss a girl. “Turn over,” he said. “But you're checking my butt,” I said, turning over. My dick pointing skyward. “Trust me, I know what I'm doing,” he said grabbing the lotion again, “Bend one leg and keep it up.” I bend my knee and his hand went between my legs. The cold lotion made me flinch but he put a hand on my chest to hold me in place, “Shhh...stay still and relax.” His finger traced around my hole like it was mapping it my touch. It was weird but nothing that felt like a sex button. “Ok, here we go,” he said, pushing a finger into me. My ass left the table and if he hadn't been holding me down I would have fallen off. “Stop!” he commanded, his voice making me freeze, “Relax.” His finger pushed in again, this time I forced myself to stay still. “Relax!” he said again. “I'm trying!” “Push out...” He saw my confusion. “Like you're taking a shit, push out.” Oh, ok. I relaxed and his finger went into the first knuckle. “Whaaa....” I gasped as my dick twitched all on its own. “Is that it?” He laughed, “We aren't even close, now relax again.” I focused and his finger went deeper, there was a small amount of discomfort but it was also super exciting, which made me ignore it. “Spread your legs,” he said and I bent both knees and widened them. His finger went even deeper and it was starting to feel...weird. Not good, just weird. “I don't think...” I began to say and then something exploded inside of my ass. “Holy fuck!” I roared as I clamped down on his finger. “Relax, relax,” he said in a soothing voice, “We're getting close.” “W-what was...” “Relax,” he snapped and I felt my ass go loose. His finger pushed in again and I could feel something just go nuts inside of me. My dick started leaking like crazy and I felt my ass push down. “I can't find it...” he said, moving his finger around, causing fireworks to go off in me. My eyes rolled back as my dick just jerked with every thrust, pre-cum fell all over my abs as he kept looking. “Ok hold on...” he pulled his finger out and I felt so empty. My ass had tried to follow his finger and my dick was ready to blow. “What, what happened?” “Can't find it, going to have to try to,” he said holding up two fingers and putting oil on them, “Relax and push out.” Two fingers kind of burned, I don't remember any doctor using two fingers to do this but I didn't care because as he hooked his fingers in me it touched whatever it was and I moaned out loud. “Ok, I think it's around here...” He began thrusting his fingers harder and my entire body reacted. Whatever he was hitting was like nothing I had before, every time he pushed in it was like fucking sex in that second. He did it a couple more times and then he pulled out, leaving me panting. “Dude, I'm worried. I can't find it and I should have by now.” My abs were slick with cock snot and my hole was still twitching, “What you mean?” “You might have a problem man, it might be too small.” That worried the fuck out of me, “What's that mean?” “I dunno yet, here...” He pulled me to the edge of the table, my long legs hanging down. “Ok, when I say so grab your knees and hold them apart, and I am going to try on more time. I might have to call a doctor in.” “Whatever it is, find it!” I pleaded. “Ok, grab em.” I grabbed my legs and pulled them back, leaving my ass cheeks open. “Ok, relax and push, ready?” I nodded. This time I could tell it was three fingers, it hurt as he pushed in and I grunted as he made his way deeper and deeper. “Shit coach!” I said as the pain increased. “Hang in there Everett...hold on.” He finally hit bottom or whatever and stopped. My ass spasmed around his fingers is it tried to adjust to the invader. “Take a breath, let me know when you want more.” I took a few breathes and then nodded, “Do it.” He pushed in and hit that thing again. Instantly the pain was forgotten as I threw my head back and whimpered. “Wait, I think that's it,” he said. He thrust again and again and each time my dick twitched harder and harder, dangerously close to cumming. “Come on Everett, hang on...” His fingers jammed again and again...and I was crying out in fucking ecstasy. “Push back, push back hard.” I began to slam my ass down on his hand, stars flashing in front of my eyes as the pleasure multiplied. Again and again, I pulled myself up and then shoved my ass down on the digits. “Yeah, that's it...harder.” “Oh yeah,” I said panting, “How close coach?” “Almost, just on the edge.” “Harder...” I said more to myself than to him. “Harder...” I was really going to town on his hand, I could feel the base of it touching the edge of my hole as I forced those fingers deeper and deeper inside me. “That's it Everett, you're almost there..” I was lost in sex. I didn't care what I was doing, who I was doing it with, all I knew was the sensations coming from my ass and the want, the need for more. “Fuck me, fuck me...” I began to chant, not even sure what I was saying. “Yeah, fuck yourself Everett, fuck yourself harder.” I was lost and just pushed again and again and again... And my cock erupted. Cum went flying over my head twice, my forehead, my cheek and a big ol glob on my mouth. I was so lost in the moment my tongue came out and just licked it away. I could feel warm splashes all over my chest and abs, and all from never having touched my dick. As I got my breath back I realized I was still rocking back on his hand, trying to milk the last moments of my orgasm from him. Slowly he pulled his fingers out, making me wince. When he was free, I felt so empty, so...I don't know. Like I wanted more “Ok, yeah, you definitely have an underdeveloped prostate, but I don't think we need to worry.” I wiped the sweat and cum from my forehead, “Why?” “Well it responded to what we were doing, so I think if we set up a regiment of training it, you know like any muscle, we can get it back to where it should.” “More? Like this again?” He smiled, “Unless you want to go to a doctor, there is a shot they can...” “No, sir! We can do this, that's fine. He nodded and went over to wash his hands, “Thursday after practice, just say you want a massage, that way the guys don't have to know what's wrong with you.” “Thank you, coach! You're amazing!” “Don't thank me yet, we have to work that muscle and beef it up. Just like in the gym. We start small,” he held up his fingers, “But if we want results, we need something bigger.” I just nodded and agreed, anything to get me better. “Ok you're good,” he tossed me a towel, “Wipe yourself off and take a shower man.” “Thanks so much, coach!” He nodded, “Thank you Everett.” I swear man, we have the best people working here.
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  43. I’ve only done it once, but it was a fucking hot experience! I met on a hookup site, he was going to be driving through my area in a few days. We had a couple of really hot chats and got to know what each other was into. Turns out we were into a lot of the same kinks and fetishes. He was a short, stocky, 50-something, big-dicked, bearded, tattooed, furry, uncut, vers top daddybear-type who was into lots of piss play, public sex, liked things rough, and really loved to breeding men’s hungry holes. He knew of a warehouse that would be pretty deserted, and his big silver truck was parked between two cab-less trailers when I arrived. He was leaning against his front bumper when I arrived, smoking a cigar and looking ever hotter than I’d imagined. During our chats, he instructed me to wear as few clothes as possible, and told me to wear a jock strap. He was in ripped jeans, a Harley muscle shirt, boots and a Nasty Pig baseball cap. As I walked towards him he went between the trailers, told me to strip except for the jock, and get my tongue onto his boots. He tossed my clothes in the cab through the open window. I did as he ordered and lapped his boots while he finished his stogie, occasionally telling me to come up and have a few puffs myself. I heard him undo his belt and jeans, and suddenly felt a stream of hot piss hosing me down. He aimed for the boots I was still licking, my hole, and my face. He stopped pissing and told me to come drink the rest. The piss started again before my mouth was on his cock, drenching my face before I sucked him into me and swallowed the rest. He finished pissing but put his hand on the back of my head. I started sucking and licking and as he went further into my throat he got harder and harder. He forced my face into his thick cock hairs, keeping me there until he was at full attention. A car entered the very far end of the warehouse lot, and although we both have strong exhibitionist streaks he decided it was best for us to get in the cab out of sight. He pulled me up and motioned me into the truck. “Trucker Fuckers” with TitPig and Jay Benjamin was the first bareback porn movie I ever bought. I’ve shot gallons so cum watching those two breeding the hitchhiker they pick up, taking turns on his raw hole in the sleeper of the truck. I paused in the driver’s seat to get a look at the cab - I’d never actually been in one before. My trucker buddy put a hand on each ass cheek and gently pushed me into the cab. Thankfully the car we saw had just made a U-turn and driven away. My buddy had laid down a few towels and told me to lie down, even though I was still wet from the piss. He closed the cab curtains, clicked off the lights, and knelt at the edge of the sleeper bed. He tossed me a bottle of poppers and shucked his boots, shirt, and pants off. He put his hat back on, looked at me as I finished my poppers hits, and pointed at his cock sticking out the side of his yellow jock. The wave of poppers hit me just as I engulfed his dick, and I hungrily took it to the base, came up and sucked on the foreskin, getting my tongue as far as I could between the skin and his cock head. It was about 8” with a foreskin, and had a nice thickness to it too. There were still a few drops of his piss hidden in the skin, and I loved the taste of it combined with his sweat. He lit up another cigar and would blow the smoke down onto me as I sucked him, turning me on even more. He gave me a couple of puffs again, and I exhaled them onto his cock, the rich smoke swirling around as I deep throated him. During our chats, I’d told him how much I love eating a man’s ass. He handed me the poppers and had me lie back while he squatted over me. Again, his timing was perfect and the poppers hit just as his hole made contact with my tongue. His was sweaty and covered in fur - my two favourites - and I couldn’t get enough of it. I’ve been told I’m a “very enthusiastic” rimmer, and I licked and sucked and slurped on that hole like crazy. While I ate his ass, he lubed up a couple of fingers and began playing with mine. I was in heaven and him working two, three, and four of his thick, rough fingers. It felt amazing. He pulled out of my ass, sat up from my face, and laid back on the bed. He had me straddle his furry chest in a 69 position, now it was his turn to enjoy licking and playing with my ass while I went back to work on his cock. He was a champ when it came to slurping on my hole, alternating between his mouth and fingers. I loved the feel of his furry face, he was rubbing it everywhere along my hole, crack, and balls. He obviously really got into it, his dick was as hard as it could be when he smacked my ass and told me to get on all fours. We each sniffed the poppers and he covered his cock and my hole with lube, reaching down and making sure my dick was good and slippery too. The soft foreskin was a teaser against my ass, he rubbed it against my hole before leaning forward and pressing his weight down on me and that rock hard cock against me. My ass opened up and he slid in until he was balls deep. His cock stretched me wide and the head hit that great spot inside where it hurts so fucking good, and he stayed there for a few seconds. I loved how wide he opened me, how his full weight felt on me and his chest fur rubbing against my back and his beard between my shoulders. “You ready, boy?” he asked in a low growl as he slowly pulled his cock out of my ass. I finished my poppers hit and replied, “Fuck yeah!” as his cock head popped out of my ass. With a grunt he grabbed my wrists, pushing me down flat and pinning me to the sleeper bed and shoved his cock all the way back into me. It hurt and felt so fucking good all at the same time. He knew I liked it rough and holy fuck he delivered! Pinning me down he gave me hardest, most pounding, pummeling deepest assault that I’d had in a long time. He pulled out and shoved back in repeatedly. He’d go as deep as he could and grind into my Ass, hitting everywhere he could. He knew he had me on the borderline of pain, and he got off on riding that edge and crossing over every so often just to make sure there was no mistake that HE was in charge. I was, again (still) in pig heaven. He fucked me long and hard, and then would slow down to make sure this went on and on. He’d pull out and have me suck his dick, and then shove it back in again. Over and over and over - thrusting like a madman, the quieting down for a bit, the more pounding followed by him down my throat again. Another cigar was lit, and one of the times I was sucking him he surprised me with more piss. We took a break, both of us needing water and to escape the sweaty truck cab on what was already a warm night. He made sure the coast was clear and then we both climbed out of the cab in just our jocks. We stayed between the trailers while we relaxed, me playing with his meaty nipples and him lazily fingering my sloppy ass as we kissed. Our hard cocks rubbed against each other as we stood in the cool air. He pulled away from our kiss, put his hands on my shoulders and spun me around. My hands on the step, my feet spread apart, he began fucking me again out in the parking lot. He gave me an incredible fuck, this one even harder than any of the previous ones. His hand clamped over my mouth (another huge turn on for me), making sure I stayed quiet-ish and didn’t attract any unwanted attention. He kept up that brutal pace for a few minutes before quickly pulling out of me, saying he was getting closer than he wanted to be right then. “I like to make some noise when I shoot, and I can’t do that out here,” he smirked. Back into the sleeper we went! He shoved me onto the bed again, on my back, grabbing my legs and anchoring them on his shoulders. His fat dick slid right in, and he began his assault on my hole again. He saw how much I’d *fucking loved* his hand over my mouth earlier and clamped down on me a second time. He pounded away while I squirmed, and then he slowed down once more. He told me to have some more poppers. I did a couple of big hits, and he did the same and resumed fucking me. He put one hand on the middle of my chest, holding me down. The other, he carefully put on my neck, applying slightly more and more pressure and slowly cutting off my air supply. I went fucking nuts. I pushed up towards his hand, choking myself even more. I grabbed his ass, pulling him deeper into me. With a grin he kept his hand on my neck and pounded as hard, fast, and deep as he could. His evil smile got wider the more I struggled to breathe. The more is struggled, the faster I stroked my cock. My vision started to get dark and my grip on my cock began to weaken. His breathing got ragged, he started growling louder and louder, and with a yell he thrust deep into my ass. As everything began going black I felt his cock throbbing and shooting his POZ cum into my ass. As he began to shoot he released my throat and I gasped for air as my senses and strength quickly returned. As I felt the flexes of him breeding me deep, the wave of euphoria and adrenaline hit me hard. I grabbed my cock and before I finished the third stroke I came. Big drops went flying between us, landing in both our beards, on the bed next to us, and onto my stomach and chest. He collapsed onto me, his cock still deep in me, and began to suck the cum out of my beard. He shared it with me in a long kiss, and I did the same for him. Our chests were glued together with cum, and I could feel his in my ass as he slowly rocked himself back and forth in me. We rested, him laying on me and us stuck together, until he softened enough to slip out of my ass. With a laugh we unglued ourselves, and I spun around to clean off his cum covered cock. We went back outside to cool down again. It was after 3am by this point, and we sat on the front bumper, covered in cum and enjoying a third cigar. He sprayed me down with a third load of piss, and I added some of mine to the mix too. We were both exhausted and happy. He gave me a long goodbye / thanks kiss, and tossed me a towel so I could dry myself off before I drove home. I had a better idea, though. With his permission, I put the towel over my driver’s seat and threw my shorts and shirt in the back. I drove home wearing just my jock, covered in piss and cum, and with a huge fucking smile on my face.
    1 point
  44. I usually don't feel them cum though there are sometimes when they are a really strong shooter that i feel the first blasts hitting inside me. That doesn't happen often. More often they will get harder and i can feel their cock pulse and throb if they are one of the guys that hold still when they cum. That's an awesome feeling! Most of the time when they are one of the first ones to use me there is a sudden slickness as they pump you. That is really hot because you know they are giving you their load. After 4 or 5 guys have used me it's always slick though lol
    1 point
  45. It was time, the bottom confirmed that it was a go and that everyone was neg and Mark confirmed yes that is correct. The conversation went like the. Jack: I am nervous Mark: Bud nothing to be nervous about, you have a great ass and we have big dicks that need a tight boy pussy. Jack: Never done anything like this Mark: It is gonna be hot. Go get ready, clean out and make sure you have that blindfold and your poppers ready. Jack: Okay getting in the shower now. Mark had seventy responses, 32 poz guys responded and but only 12 of them were online. Mark started confirming who could come now and who would need to come later. The post went up on craigs list below: Young bottom looking for hot bare dick and cum. Find me ass up and hole ready face in a pillow and blindfolded. Fuck me nut in me and bolt. It was a matter of minutes before responses from craigslist came in. The first two both said they were neg, Jack sent them over in case Jack asked the first couple if they were neg. It would be better if they were or were at least pretending they were. Both sent a picture their stats are outlined below: The first guy was 27 6'1 180 married and muscled with a 7.5" dick he wanted to confirm Jack was neg and Mark confirmed for Jack. The guy wanted to confirm that it was anon and blindfolded. Correct. Mark Typed back and said I need your big dick and cum. In the meantime Jack had text he was ready. Mark sent the address and apartment number to this tall dude and he said he would be there in 20 minutes. Mark went to the other one, he was 38, 5'11 tatts and Mark enlarged the pic and he could see a scorpion right near the guys belly button. Mark shot off the address and apartment and this guy could be there in 10. Mark quickly send Jack a message that he needed to be ass up and ready with the blindfold on and the arrow he had sent earlier pointing to his room. Lube out, guys would knock and then enter and find him ass up and ready. Mark told Jack to hit him up after each load, jack agreed as Mark went to his poz tops and started lining them up and answering other CL ads. Quickly Mark shot off email with the address and apartment number one after the other. These were the tops invited off BBRT and Adam. 1) 37 white 6' 190 8.5 poz top who loves anonymous sex. Looking for no questions asked bottoms who love loads. Not on Meds 2) 28 Latin 5'10 170 Poz top 9" just need some ass, neg okay 3) 44 White 6' 150 thick beer can dick 8 x 7 not on meds and need neg ass 4) 24 white 5'9 150 7' recently tested poz vers 5) 39 Black Poz top 10" 6) 29 Black Top Poz 9.5 7) 50 White top Poz 8" The list went on from there. Most were not on meds some only fucked Jack because Mark had told them he was poz friendly. In all the first our 20 guys got invited. Mark kept inviting other tops to breed the slut and sending them over. It had been more than an hour and half and Jack did not hear from Mark and that rolled into four hours of fucking. Jack sent over two tops he know to report back and they both said he was being a class a cum dump and had taken more then 20 loads in the end he took loads from 26 guys most of them poz and in load count 20-35 loads
    1 point
  46. Back from the gym I signed on and started fielding post. Several tops did not respond since the neg bottom hit them up, some responded did you read my profile and to those Mark sent back that he was poz friendly and most of those said count me in, by Wednesday morning there were 40 pots that said they would be up for it. I figured only a third of those would show up. I posted a few party ads, gangbang Thursday Night and got tons of responses. Mark hit up Jack and told him he had a solid 10 but be prepared for more and Jack said that would be amazing and that he would go home at lunch and make sure the package was there. Jack hit Mark up at 4 PM and said the package arrived and you sent two jocks, Jacks. Jack said You will need to wear it and you will have one to change into if yours gets wet from all the cum. You see the instructions? Note cards and arrow? Jack said yes, follow the instructions and I be in touch tomorrow so we can finally get that hot ass loaded. Jack signed back on to the fake profiles and gave only the hotties poz guys the address but not the apartment number. The craigslist post would only talk about Neg bottom taking loads. Jack signed off and went to bed.
    1 point
  47. I think father/son sex is an intimate experience that's really a great way to bond. This is my true story, and I'm glad I had the family I did growing up. So when I was 14, my dad caught me spying on him in his bedroom while he was undressing. He wasn't what you would call a "hot dad", just a typical mid-40s guy with beer gut haha. But after seeing him naked and seeing his how big his cock was, it's all I could think about. I hadn't really seen any other guy's dicks before that, and I hadn't started watching porn yet. So I was surprised to learn that other guys' dicks weren't like my skinny 4" dick. I kept trying to spy through the door to see him when he'd get out of the shower, and he caught me about 3 more times. He never really said much about it. But one time we were sleeping in the same bed at our hunting camp, and he woke up to me with my hand in his boxers fondling his cock. It's a long story, but he basically said it's ok for me to be curious, nothing wrong with that. He let me hold it again, and one thing led to another and I was actually getting to suck my dad's cock. I can still remember the feeling of holding a real man's cock in my hand for the first time, how the girth felt in my hand. It was about 8.5" with a thick shaft and a huge swollen head. This became a regular thing for a few weeks, and eventually he started to breed my ass almost daily. My dad never really made it feel sexual at all, it felt more like normal father-son bonding. Haha he even told me how his cum was good for me and would help me grow big like him. We had a daily routine - I'd go to his room every morning before school (after my mom had already left for work). He'd always be sitting naked in his office chair waiting for me, and I would drop to my knees and service his cock until he either fed me a load or decided to turn me around and breed me. He kept all of this from my mom, and he'd explain how what we were doing wasn't the same thing as the sexual relationship he and my mom had. The only other hot family-sex thing that happened to me was with my older brother. A year later, when I went to his room as usual, my older brother was in there waiting for me too (he was 19 at the time). That's when I realized that I must have been the only guy in the family who hadn't inherited the "big dick" genes haha. My dad explained how he had told my brother everything, and that he wanted my brother to learn how to fuck. My brother was straight and had a girlfriend at the time, and they had just started having sex. For about an hour and a half, my dad and brother would switch back and forth between my ass and mouth, using me as a teaching prop for how he should fuck his girlfriend. It was hot, and when they were done they both shot a load in my ass. My dad and I continued with out daily routine for years until I went to college, but my brother never made any moves or showed any interest after that one time. And needless to say, no, taking my dad's cum did not really make me or my dick any bigger haha.
    1 point
  48. The best place for what you want is a bathhouse, sex club or sex party. Trying to arrange a gang bang on your own rarely works out. How does it feel to be fucked by multiple guys...generally pretty fuckin' good. You may not make it past two or three guys the first few times, however, once you know how to open up, you'll be able to handle more guys. I like poppers as I become a total slut using them. Also if the first couple guys drop their load in your hole, it will be easier to take more cock as their cum becomes lube.
    1 point
  49. Actually the darkroom at Bear's Bar is pretty big. I already have a hard-on as soon as I walk in there. Not much light but enough to see what is going on. Several sections for private and public use. Love the public! Had many times when I got fucked there with guys looking on. And, as mentioned on other threads as well, Spanish guys don't use condoms in general. They are just out there to give loads to tourists. Got many loads with a "ciao amigo" afterwards. And they just look after themselves, get in, fuck like hell, shoot their load and leave. Perfect ;-) I love that darkroom. Went to XXL as well, but bear's Bar beat them! XXL is more for the guys that love to dance. I no longer dance ;-) but I do like the hairy bears in BB. Too bad the darkroom at El Horno was closed when I was there last time. Loads of horny guys there too, and all a few meters away from each other (El Horno is opposite XXL)
    1 point
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