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  1. I guess the neighborhood piano bar wasn’t the most adventurous choice for my scandalous night out, but it was a step I hadn’t taken before. My wedding ring was in my pocket, the first time I’d taken it off for any purpose other than what you’d expect. Here I was in San Diego, fresh off my successful conference presentation, all the pressure off and a few more days of seminars and social gatherings to look forward to. After a brief meet and greet with those who had attended my talk, there had been an early dinner. Standard academic stuff, I’d been through it many times before. But this was my first time traveling alone since I’d gotten married. Jake and I have been together for 10 years, and finally made it legal last year. He’d always had the flexibility to travel with me when I went to these meetings, but his new job made that impossible this time. So here I was all alone, and all the things I’d fantasized about so many times were now eminently possible - if I was willing to make them happen. The man across the bar raised his glass, and invited me over to his table with a smile and a nod. He was by far the hottest guy in this quiet joint, looked to be late-30s, great body hiding under his business attire, brown hair and olive skin - with strong features and a killer smile. I’d never been to this bar before - I’d visited the city many times for business, but could never bring myself to go out, both because work always kept me busy but also because my boyfriend, now husband, was no doubt sitting at home, lonely and missing me. Don’t get me wrong - I’d thought about going out, having the kind of fun my commitment wouldn’t allow me to have. I’d thought of little else for years. I love what I have so much, but the desire for variety, for exploring a new body, it consumes me. I’d suggested three-ways, or opening our relationship, but my husband is just not into it. And until now, I’d just accepted that as the price of admission for being with him. Even now, sitting in this bar and considering walking over to the handsome man flirting with me, I’m just exploring. Dipping my toe in the pool. Trying out what it feels like to be out in a gay bar alone for the first time in so many years. Maybe enjoying the attention of a man or two, but not seriously considering going any further. I’m a married man, very happily so. This is just some innocent fun. As I pushed away from the bar, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror behind the counter. I looked good, if I do say so myself. I’m no gym rat, but I keep myself in good shape, lifting and running a few times a week, staying active on the weekends hiking and biking. In that transition phase between 20-something boy and 40-something daddy type. My face had certainly earned its share of compliments, and I saw more than a few men in the bar take note of the way my ass looked in the jeans I’d put on back at the hotel. Even still, I was surprised a man as gorgeous as the one I was approaching had cruised me. Just my insecurities talking - it had been years since I’d been in this position, almost 10 years to be precise. My husband and I had met on the dance floor of a club in our town and had scarcely been apart since, other than my work trips. We fell in love fast and hard, moved in together, and were married the minute it became legal in our state. I don’t regret it for one second - well, except for that part about craving something new. But that happens in all relationships, right? “Have a seat,” the stranger said, flashing that thousand-watt smile. “I haven’t seen you here before. Not that I come here all that often, either. Are you from around here?” A brief pause, considering how honest I wanted to be here. I could easily spin a tale about myself and invent a reality that would serve the fantasy I was exploring. Or I could just say, “No, I’m visiting for work. Husband is back home while I’m stuck in a hotel in yet another strange town. Thought I’d come out and enjoy a drink and the local scenery.” I caught his eye and grinned at the corniness of the line I just delivered as he started to laugh, blushing mildly. “How about you?” “I live just down the street, but haven’t been here more than a handful of times in the past six years. I’m newly single, you see, and my ex wasn’t one for the bars. I’m not either, if I’m being honest. But I thought it was probably time for me to get out again and see if I might find some connection, you know? My breakup really took a toll on me, and I haven’t been very sociable lately. And now I’m sharing way too much information with a total stranger. Sorry about that. I’m Anthony, by the way.” “I’m Joey, and please don’t apologize! You don’t know how happy I am to just have a normal conversation instead of cheesy pickup lines or a bunch of small talk. I’ve been at the bar for half an hour and had to shoo away a few young twinks and an obvious alcoholic barely able to speak. I was beginning to think I should have stayed in my room and watched some Netflix. Please, tell me more.” “Well, to be honest I’d rather not talk much more about it right now. Like I said, it was pretty brutal on me, and if it’s OK with you, we could talk about pretty much anything else. It’s best not to dwell too much on the past, and instead think about moving forward and moving on.” Again with that amazing smile, melting me and giving me a jolt up and down my body - a feeling I hadn’t felt in so long. That feeling when you meet someone new, the chemistry, the intrigue. I had it in spades with this man. Dangerous, this feeling - but thrilling, and so I pressed on. We spent the next two hours at that table, exchanging stories, talking about sports and politics and music and everything but our relationships. I bought the next round, then he got the next. Each time, he moved a bit closer, spent a bit more time looking in my eyes, laughed a bit more sincerely at my corny jokes. His hand made its way to my thigh under the table, and I didn’t remove it. In fact, my hand went onto his, and we continued to talk and laugh and just BE with each other, so comfortable and easy, it was scary and wonderful. He brought my hand up on to the table and was running his thumb over my ring finger. He confessed, “I have to tell you, I noticed the tan line from your ring when I ordered my drink at the bar earlier. I thought a married guy like you might be easier to talk to than someone obviously on the prowl in a dark bar, you know? But as soon as our conversation began, I knew I was in trouble. Because you are such an incredible man. I never expected to spend the entire evening lost in your eyes, but here we are. Last call is approaching, and the last thing in the world I want is for this night to end.” A beat. A pregnant pause as I assessed my options. I had tucked my husband into bed before heading to the bar. He was fast asleep in our bed, content and assuming that I would be bored in my hotel room, as had been the case on so many of my work trips. Yet here I was, reveling in a connection like I hadn’t felt in 10 years. My wedding ring in my pocket, the first time I had ever taken it off with the intent of deceiving someone that I was single. And instead, that decision brought me to the beautiful man in front of me, a man so charming and sexy it almost hurt to look at him. And as I considered the possibility that I would go home with him, I realized he was too good to be true - a man just out of a long-term relationship, stepping out for the first time since, and about as low-risk as you could expect, if you’re considering cheating on your husband, but wanting to be sure you were safe. “Then let’s not let it end here,” I said before I allowed myself to chicken out. He stood, holding fast to my hand, and led me out of the bar. It was a pleasant evening, and we walked hand-in-hand the three blocks to his apartment, the sexual tension between us palpable. On the stairs in front of his building, he turned before unlocking the door and kissed me deeply on the mouth. Something about the romantic gesture, on the street on a beautiful evening, making out with a gorgeous man before heading into his apartment - I was about to burst from the fluttering in my stomach, the nervous energy building and making me do things I told myself I wouldn’t do. Tonight was supposed to be a bit of innocent fun, and here I was on the precipice of cheating on my husband. And I wanted nothing more than for this man to take me upstairs and continue this incredible evening.
    13 points
  2. Part 2 Jackson and Alverez were carefully checking each room, it was like a maze down here they had been in three Labs and 2 offices, and so far, they had found nothing except one dishevelled office papers scattered and chair over turned with what looked like black ink up one wall but that could have been caused by panic when the alarm sounded. Jackson moved up to an open glass door way to what looked like an office area small cubicles filled the space like any office in America where the windows would have been seemed to be computer screens showing the containment breach information and advising all to get to the shelter for decontamination. The screens provided no real light only casting more shadows but he though he saw a movement towards the back of the room. He muttered into his mic “Jackson to Alverez I think I've seen someone I'm moving into the office south of the lab you're in now” he moved into the room and heard a click behind him Jackson looked back to see the door had closed and a red light flashed over a slot for a key card Alverez’s voice came back over the com link “heading to you now” Jackson muttered again. “The damn door closed on me I will check on this contact then move back and try open it” a brief “Rodger “ came back over the mic and Jackson sighed and lifted the gun beginning to move. He moved down the aisle of cubicles with careful trained motions scanning for anyone who could be hiding, but the flickering computer screens and the emergency lights caused dancing shadows that made this almost impossible. He was halfway through the room about to give up when a soft thud behind him made him spin around. Something grabbed his head. There was a blur of colour in front of his face. He went to let out a shout of alarm, but it was muffled by something being forced into his mouth then down his throat. It was slimy and dripping something; he gagged at the sensation and pushed back, stumbling backwards. He landed hard on his ass looking up at what had just attacked him with his hand trying to wipe the fluid from his mouth and his eyes wide. The creature has once been a man but now … It was naked and tall maybe 6:02. Its skin was grey and pulled taught over bone and over defined muscle. Its body hair and eyes were jet black. Spider webbing across its body were black veins that pulsed with a strange toxic green light converging over the thing's heart forming an eerie replica of the bio hazard symbol. Jackson felt his eyes pulled down to the creature's crotch. A massive member hung between its legs. It was still swinging from when the thing grabbed him, and it was getting hard. Jackson was finding it hard to think, hard to breathe. His mind was fuzzy. He was too hot; he could feel his body break out into a sweat and needed to get out of his cloths. He needed to be near the creature. Its black eyes not leaving his, Jackson's hands moved clumsily to the clasps on his vest and pulled the release buckles. It clattered to the floor forgotten as he pulled off the jacket and t-shirt tossing them to the side exposing his body to the humid air, Sweat was trickling down his chest and abs both dusted with light bond hair. He realised he had never been so horny. Every nerve was on fire. He fumbled with his trousers his eyes never leaving the glorious creature In front of him. The creature seemed to sense its prey was ready and moved up to the young man caressing his body with its fingers and tongue. Jackson shivered as it seemed to spend time licking and smelling every inch it could reach abs, biceps armpits. Then when the thing's tongue and mouth pressed over his left nipple, he let out a moan of pleasure. Hard as iron and leaking precum, his cock strained against his trousers. The thing could sense the pure fluid leaking from its prey. Its hands moved to his fatigues; they were ripped off of him and flung into the darkness. The same fate befell the boxers - one swift movement and Jackson was naked only his socks and boots left, His six inch shaft hard as a rock pointing at the creature almost offering the large droplet forming on the tip. Jackson moaned. Desperate for it to touch him, his mind screamed for him to stop. "What are you doing you're not even gay and this thing is a monster!" Even that went silent when the thing sat down in front of him its head moving forward its tongue delicately licking up the droplet of precum before its mouth engulfed his whole member with one swallow. Its throat massaged him as if trying to pull the cum out of him. Waves of pleasure crashed through him; his mind almost lost to the pleasure and fog of the thing's saliva. After a short time, it pulled back and Jackson let out a whimper of loss. Collapsing unable to stand, his legs were weak after the onslaught. The thing caught him and lifted him to its face that long tongue moved down his taint. Jackson's whimper became another moan of pure pleasure as the hot breath of the creature and its long tongue met and invaded his hole. It would circle and then press in deeperf each time the ooze doing its job and opening Jackson up and getting him ready for the Gift his maker was about to give him. The creature and Jackson could hear something banging, screaming and shouting, but they were both too consumed with the hunger to pay it any real attention. The headset down by the vest on the floor was buzzing with sound, but it, too, was forgotten now. All that mattered was the thing and the pleasure it was giving him. Jackson felt himself get lowered by the things strong arms, and he felt a pressure on his hole. His mind tried to fight back. He tried to struggle, but the things grip was like steel; tears welled and fell down his face as the thing forced him down onto the huge toxic cock. He cried out as he felt like he was being impaled by molten iron his hole trying to stretch impossibly wide. His last true thought was, "This can't be happening." Then the head broke through. A flash of white-hot agony took him, but mercifully his thoughts faded and with them the pain. It was still there and spreading though him like a wild fire from where that toxic member had entered him, but the pleasure beat it out. The creatures precum already starting the corruption that would take him soon enough. He was face to face with the creature now half impaled on its cock. Full of lust wanting more, needing more. he kissed it deep. The tongue again went down his throat. There was no gagging now, no revulsion. The toxic thing moved him up and down slowly at first then faster more urgent. He broke the kiss, and Jackson's head was thrown back screaming with the pleasure as each move brought him higher and higher. Each pump of its toxic cock brought him closer. Without warning, the creature grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him balls deep ripping him open inside fully planted, fully claiming its prey. It looked him in the eyes as it screamed out its triumph, pulsing rope after rope of thick black corruption into its new creation flooding it so there was no turning back. Jackson let out one final moan of pure ecstasy as he was forced to take the whole massive toxic length. He did not notice the tearing or the pain only the pleasure as the Toxic Thing's pulsing cock had sent him over the edge, and his own cum erupted from him. The mouth of the thing he was riding swiftly engulfing his steel-hard cock not missing a drop and sucking the last of his pure fluids from him. Everything went still except for Jackson panting. The thing pulled him off of its softening cock and held him in its arms black toxic cum and blood spilling from Jackson's ruined hole and dripped down his leg pooling on the cheap office carpet like spilled ink. He whined and twitched, and the change started in earnest. His skin was already going gray, and veins were spider webbing across is body inch by inch. His dick was growing as the body fat seemed to be draining away from him. As Jackson was being reborn, the thing carried him from the room almost tenderly. Alverez looking on in horror from behind the bullet proof glass unable to help his friend.
    9 points
  3. Last weekend i texted a top bud of mine to get fucked - he's dominican, about 9 inches, similar height (6 feet) and jacked (he's personal trainer ). He responded that he had two friends over his place and wasn't free that day. i responded that he should invite them too as a joke, to which he replied "lol." After several hours he messages me with "change of plans - prep your pussy. will be over in an hour. wait ass up." Like a good cumdump faggot i got really excited, prepped my pussy, unlocked my door, and waited ass up in bed with poppers. My phone buzzes for me to unlock the apartment lobby. My bud then texts "we'll be right up" to which i responded "we?" Sure enough, about a min later, he walks in with what apparently were his two buds. i turn around in bed and he just goes "surprise" with this smirk on his face. Was hard for me to be pissed given what they looked like - one bud was black, also jacked, a bit over 6 feet, and about 9/9.5. His other bud was shorter - maybe like 5'9 - also dominican with an enormous dick. Had to guess it was over 10 inches easily and uncut with a thick bush. Being a cumdump i couldn't object to the surprise...all three of them took turns rearranging my guts doggy style. Ended up being a real beat down...they had clearly been drinking and were horned up. The shorter bud ended up being an almost sadistc fucker, which of course was fine by me since i believe only the top's pleasure is a priority and my pussy exists to serve alphas. They all took turns tapping me doggy style but he went so hard i uncontrollably pissed over my bed twice. i also asked him for more lube at one point given how hung and rough he was but he just goes "nah feels good to me" (the other guys just laughed when he said that) and then proceeded to fuck me even harder. i was struggling at that point to maintain my arch, and ended up ripping some farts accidentally and pissing at the same time. After he unloaded in me (the other two had already dropped their loads) he grabbed me, pulled me up, and then dragged me to the bathroom where he pushed me into the shower on my knees. He then just yelled "open up" - i opened my mouth and a stream of piss immediately starts going down my throat. it came so fast that i coughed and spit it up, but then he slapped me and just yells "i sad swallow." i regained my composure and he starts pissing again, but this time i made sure to swallow t all. Meanwhile the other two buds walk in and start laughing at the scene. At that point i was just in a daze...my trainer bud walks in the bathroom and just goes "good job fag." He and the black guy then walk out to start getting dressed. The third dude finishes pissing and then kneels down to me and just goes "squat." i start squatting (was on my knees) and he gets alongside me, cups one hand under my hole, and then just goes "fart it out." i then pushed the multiple loads out in his hand, which he then brings up to my mouth and just says "eat it." i proceeded to eat it dutifully while he observed me the entire time. After finally finishing he just smiles, spits in my face, and walks out of the bathroom. By then the other two buds are dressed...the third guys gets dressed quickly and they all proceed to walk out. The whole experience left me in a total daze with a sloppy wrecked pussy. One of the hottest fucks in a long time. By the way the pic below was taken by one of the dudes right as they walked in.
    5 points
  4. 99% of the time preferences are used to sidestep racism
    4 points
  5. Ok for me being a portly middle aged Black man that's HIV positive . I've been turned down at the bathhouse and theatre. And that's ok as long as your respectful. Personally I'm not pushy you express you're not interested I back down and move along but they one's with the attitude, eye rolling I don't figure. The funny thing is sometimes if you're there long enough I've found the same guys that turned me down suddenly get interested. The polite one's I'm down but the others I've politely declined. It's called decorum, sadly a lot of people lack it
    3 points
  6. Sad I can only like this comment once. Preach!
    3 points
  7. I'm fine with not being someone's preference. It's always how they said it that bugs me. Like some guys who go out of their way to say "no fat no fem no Asian", they could've just said" I'm not interested thank you".
    3 points
  8. Part 2 When I was diagnosed HIV positive I had just taken over my business and I was working really hard to make it a success. The idiot who owned it before me was running it in to the ground and I had to work really hard to get landlords and tenants back on board. I re-named it, re-branded it and set about building up a succesful business. I bought it with money which my grandmother left me. It was a surprisingly large sum of money and totally unexpected - my dad had left us when me and my sister were quite young and we had not seen much of him in the intervenig years. My gran had kept in touch and always sent me and my sister money at Christmas ond on our birithdays but we never expected to inherit so much of her money. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my inheritance and my sister put up some of the money and joined me to take care of the books and the financial side - having a business degree it was right up her street and she was able to work three days a week mostly from home which suited her fine. So everything was working out really well - I loved every minute of setting up the business and had no problem working long hours - I had a vision of how I wanted the business to be and I went for it. When I wasn't working I was sleeping and when I wasn't sleeping I was fucking - mostly random hook ups and visits to some of London's raunchier clubs. Then I was diagnosed HIV positive. I can't pretend it was a huge surprise - I have never liked condoms and rarely used them - but if I'm being honest it was a bit of a shock. They had talked to me very seriously at the hospital about how I would need a medication regime and told me there was an extremely high chance that I would infect other people due to the level of my viral load so it was very important that I refrained from having unprotected sex of any sort and ideally from any sexual contact. As I said before, I don't lie - so I assured them I would take their advice very seriously. I didn't say I would follow it. I thought about following the advice and even bought some condoms. I think I've still got them somewhere. In truth I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Then a few days later I was out at a cinema complex just outside London with some straight friends. We had plenty of time before the film was due to start and were having coffee in the Starbucks in the complex. As much out of habit as anything else I went on Grindr and got messaged almost immediately from a guy that was only a few metres away. I lookd at the profile - 20 years old, slim, blond, bottom - my dick began to harden and I looked around the coffee shop. I saw him almost immediately - he was sitting with a group of other lads at a table nearby. "U up for it?" he messaged and I messaged back "Yeah." A moment or two later he got up and walked towards the toilets, looking casually back over his shoulder at me. I waited a moment and excused myself. Seconds later I entered the toilet - it was very spacious and spotlessly clean. He was in the end cubicle and I wasted no time in joining him. He pulled me towards him and kissed me and then he sat down on the toilet and seconds later my cock was in his mouth. He sucked me really well and it was just what I needed after the week I had had. I let him suck me for a while and I had every intention of letting him suck me until I nutted in his mouth but then he stood up, turned round, pulled his pants and trousers down and bent over the toilet. He had a lovely slim arse and I didn't hesitate. I pulled his cheeks apart, lined up my cock and pushed it against his arsehole. He grunted and bent forward as the head of my cock entered his arse. I was surprised how easly my cock slid up him and I enjoyed every minute of the fuck - his arse was quite tight and I was really horny so I took hold of his hips and began to fuck him harder. I could tell he was enjoying it as much as I was and I didn't hold back - I fucked him as hard as I could and it was not long before I felt myself getting ready to cum. For a moment I thought about pulling out but I didn't - I pushed my cock right up him and held it there as I shot what felt like a massive load of cum right up him. He grinned at me as we pulled up our pants and minutes later we had both rejoined our friends - neither of us had said a word and somehow this made the whole encounter even hornier. As it happened, he and his friends were sitting just a couple of rows in front of us and as the lights went down and the film started I could see a greenish glow coming from his seat. I knew of course that he must be looking at his phone, but just for a moment I imagined the glow was coming from the highly toxic load I had just deposited in his arse and my dick got hard again. On the Friday evening I went to the Vault in central London - one of my favourite cruise bars. It was early evening and the place was just starting to get busy with the after work crowd. I was still feeling very horny - and couldn't stop thinking about the young blond lad, bent over the toilet with his pants down and my toxic load shooting into his arse. I cruised round for a while and then stood outside the glory hole cabins. After a while, one of them opened and a guy came out. I went in to the cubicle, sat down on the ledge at the back and looked through the hole. Almost immediately a big cock came through the hole and I got down and started sucking on it. I sucked it for a while and then the guy pulled back and indicated for me to push mine through. My pants were already down and I stood up and pushed my hard cock through the hole and soon I was being sucked. The guy sucked me really well and after a while he pulled off my cock. I waited a moment, expecting his cock to come through the hole but instead he pushed his arse against the hole. I had no idea who was on the other side of the hole, but the hairy arse he had pressed against the hole certainly looked fit enough. I pushed my finger into his hole and found it lubed and it was not long before my cock was up him and I was fucking him through the glory hole. I really enjoyed the fuck but I didn't last as long as I would have liked to and before long I was cumming deep in his arse. I was still feeling horny so I had a drink and then cruised round a bit more watching the action, which was beginning to pick up as the place got busier. I sucked a few cocks and let a couple of guys suck me and then got another drink and then cruised round again. In the room with the barrels I saw one of my friends, Tom, taking it up the arse - somehow its always a turn on for me to see someone I know being fucked - especially if they don't know I'm watching. I moved a bit closer and watched - Tom was being fucked by a stocky skinhead guy and, as I watched, the guy's cock slipped out of Tom' arse and I was surprised to see he wasn't wearing a condom. I was surprised because Tom was one of a group of my friends who were very much committed to safe sex and both Tom and his partner had lectured me more than once about how I should practice safe sex. It turned me on to see him with his pants down, being fucked bareback behind his boyfriend's back, and I watched as the skinhead pushed his cock back up Tom's arse, bent him forward and began to fuck him harder. I watched until the skinhead unloaded in Tom;'s arse and then cruised round again. I didn't see Tom again and I assume he must have left after he had taken the skinhead's load andws now on his way home to his partner. I was horny again myself and soon I was watching a lad being fucked in the recess area beside the glory holes. He looked mid to late 20s and was tall and slim with his brown hair tied back in a pony tail. I found this lad really attractive and was really hoping I might get a chance to fuck him. I got my cock out and started wanking as I watched him being fucked and he bent forward and took my cock into his mouth. I was fully hard again now and he sucked me really well. After a while the guy fucking him pulled out, pulled off his condom and threw it on the ground. The lad turned round and pushed his arse out towards me and, taking hold of my cock, pulled it towards him. I slid up him and began to fuck him. I was fairly sure I could cum again and, as I fucked him, he pushed hs trousers and his white underpants right down and bent forward, leaning against the back wall as I fucked him as hard as I could and shot my load up him. I had another drink before I left and, as the guy I had just fucked arrived at the bar at the same time, I bought him one. It seemed the least I could do. As I enjoyed a much needed drink I watched the guys cruising around and wondered which of them had my toxic load up his hairy arse. The business was now starting to take off and I was soon enjoying some horny encounters at work too. Part of our role as lettings agent was to carry out three monthly propety inspections on behalf of the landlords and for the first year or so I was carrying out all the inspections myself. We had an agreement with most of the tenants that we could let ourselves in to carry out the inspection without the need for them to be there and in general this worked really well. It also led to quite a few horny encounters. One day I was visiting a flat we managed in a high end block of luxury flats in west London. We managed a number of flats in this block - they were beautifully fittted out and had a great view out over the Thames and private underground parking. I really enjoyed managing them and, if the truth be told, aspired to own one myself one day. This particular flat had been rented by an Arab guy for his son, who was a medical student. I had shown them round the flat when they came to view it and I had been struck by how alike and how good looking the father and son were. On this morning I let myself quietly into the flat and, as I began my inspection, I heard a noise from the bedroom. Although we always visited by appointment it was not uncommon for tenants to forget we were coming and I assumed this was what had happened. I called out but there was no reply and I looked into the bedroom. The lad was stretched out on the bed, his eyes closed. His pants were at his ankles and he was wanking - his cock was pretty impressive and, as he wanked, he was rubbing his balls and then he lifted his legs a little, and I had a perfect view of his arse crack. I moved back out of sight and called out a bit louder, then looked into the bedroom as if I had only just arrived. He lept up, looking shocked and tried to cover up his cock with the duvet. I apologised for disturbing him and then I noticed him checking me out. I could tell he was really embarressed but I could also see that he was really horny and that he was finding it difficult to take his eyes off the front of my trousers. I decided to go for it and I moved towards him. He relaxed a bit then and grinned at me as I pulled the duvet back. His cock was still rock hard and I took it in my hand and began to wank him. He sighed and closed his eyes as I bent forward and took his cock into my mouth. I sucked him for a while and then I moved down to lick his balls. I sucked him a bit more and then moved down to his balls again. As my tongue went lower, he lifted his legs and I pushed my tongue into his arse hole. I rimmed him for a while as he wanked himself and then I took his cock back into my mouth. As soon as I started sucking him again he groaned and I felt his cum spurting into my mouth. I was really horny now and I motioned to him to get up on his knees. I pulled my trousers and pants down and, as I did so, I reached for the little pack of lube I always carry around with me. He didn't resist as I rubbed some lube into his wet arsehole and nor did he resist when I pushed my cock slowly but surely up him. He gave a little yelp as my cock pushed right up him and I gave him a moment to get used to it and then I began to fuck him. His arse was incredibly tight but he took it really well and I could feel him wanking as I fucked him. It didn't take me long to cum and, as I hadn't cum for a few days I knew I was pumping a big load into him. When I pulled out he rolled over on his back and took hold of his cock, wanking hard and seconds later he shot another load of cum all over himself. After that, he made a point of being in when I called round and couldn't wait to get his pants off and his arse in the air for me. It was only after we had fucked a few times that he told me I had been the first guy to fuck him. Although he was a medical student, he never asked me any questions. One of the other flats we managed in that block was let to a gay couple in their mid 30s who worked in central London. They were both high fliers in the city - one was a lawyer and the other was some kind of high end accountant. They both worked long hours and were rarely in the flat so most of the time I let myself in to carry out the quarterly inspection. This time, however, they had told me that one of them had a few days off work and would be there to let me in. The guy who let me in was an attractive, slightly chubby blond guy called Darren. I had only met Darren once, when he and his partner came to view the flat. I had had more dealings with his partner. Peter, who was a fit, slim ginger lad. I knew Darren was checking me out from the start of the visit. The inspection took hardly any time as the flat was always immaclate, but Darren asked me if I would like a coffee and was clearly hoping I would stay and chat for a while. I liked him and as we chatted he began to tell me how he was tired of working long hours and how he and Peter hardly had any time together. They were making really good money but it was all taking its toll on their relationship, he told me. I could guess where this might be leading and soon Darren was telling me that it had been a while since he and Peter had had sex and how horny he was. We were both hard now and it wasn't long before my pants were down and my cock was in Darren's mouth. We sucked each other for a while and then I turned Darren round and he bent over. I pulled his cheeks apart and pushed my tongue into his arse. "Oh God, " he moaned, "that's so good....it's been so long." He continued giving little moans as I licked his arse and then I stood up and began to rub the head of my cock over his wet hole He groaned and pushed back and the head of my cock went into his arse. He groaned again and then pulled back and stood up. "Do you have a condom?" he asked. I said I didn't have one and told him that I really liked to fuck without a condom. I could see he was really tempted but after a moment's hesitation he shook his head and said he couldn't do it. We sucked and rimmed each other for a while and then I swallowed his load and he swallowed mine. Before I left I told him I told him I really wanted to fuck him but totally respected his decision and told him to give me a call if he changed his mind. He grinned and said he would. Darren called me the next day and a couple of hours later I was back at the flat. We sucked and rimmed each other for a while and then Darren knelt up on the bed and asked me to fuck him. "Are you sure you want this?" I asked him as I pushed my bare cock up his arse. He nodded and groaned as I pushed right up him and began to fuck him. "Oh fuck.....fuck, yeah...." he moaned as I began to fuck him harder. "Fuck me......fuck me!" he groaned. I began to fuck him harder as he moaned and told me how good it felt and how much he wanted it. I was getting close now and told him I was going to cum. I wondered if he would ask me to pull out but he didn't - he just moaned and shot his load as I began to pump my dirty load up his unprotected, cheating arse. When I had pulled out we lay back on the bed and Darren told me how much he had enjoyed what we had done and asked if we could do it again. He said he felt a bit guilty and said that Peter must never find out. I assured him Peter wouldn't find out. I didn't tell him that Peter had spread his legs for me two days after they had come to view the flat. He had phoned me to ask for a second viewing and when he turned up we wasted no time. I had fucked Peter on his back and cum deep inside him. He had not mentioned condoms. I had been meeting Peter regularly ever since, usually in the early evening at their flat - Peter got home an hour or two before Darren and every now and then he would come home earlier so that he could meet me and I could fuck him. Darren had taken me into the spare room to fuck - but Peter liked to do it in the bed he shared with Darren - sometimes with him kneeling up on the bed and sometimes on his back with his legs in the air. One time we met before Peter left for work while Darren was at the gym - Peter was smartly dressed in his shirt and tie and his smart black trousers and shoes and he sucked my cock for a while and then pulled his pants down and bent over. I slid up his already lubed arse, fucked him and shot my load up him and he pulled up his pants and went off to work. I continued to fuck them both for over a year - with neither of them aware that I was regularly breeding the other. Life was good.
    3 points
  9. Off late there is a lot of discussion, protest, rallies across the world regarding systemic racial discrimination. However gay community too is not immune to racism. I have been rejected so many times for being a non white guy. Gay community is full of racism, ageism body shaming cock size shaming etc. Any thoughts on this please?
    2 points
  10. Hi guys quick note before i start i'm new at writing fiction (first story >.< ) but thought since i have enjoyed so many of your amazing orgasm inducing tales i should try contribute to the community, so any feed back is more than welcome as its the only way we get better. a quick sorry in advance for the punctuation i have dyslexia and its a bitch. this story is based on all those films where the monster is loose and hunts its pray transforming them into creatures like itself, which always really turned me on ... and seems a natural fit for a genetically modified poz monster who wants to convert as many as possible with its toxic dick. nobody dies in this story they just become infected with super HIV developed by a shady pharma corp and transform still living into there new form. i hope you all enjoy and on with the story...... The group walked up to the glass and steel building of Gentech, its massive sign still lit proclaiming “Gentech a better world for all”. But with the lights in the building out and all personnel gone it looked eerie and dead they knew the building was fully evacuated except for basement levels where the labs are and from reports those lab floors were like a small labyrinth. The basement levels had been sealed due to a biological containment alarm with the twelve scientists who working at the time were still down there needing extraction. That was the job of S.R.A.R.G, a search and rescue group used by government to get assets out of compromising situations, the group sent was delta squad a five-man strong retrieval team each hand picked for their skills. The Figures moved up to the doors and slipped inside with military precision, five figures in all wearing black bio-containment suits the front figure held a tablet with a metal wand hooked up to it they waved it though the air of the large glass atrium the tablet lit up green, the figure nodded and they moved quickly across the marble floor their footsteps and rustling suites echoing off the glass and steel in the still darkness they reached an elevator and the front figure typed a code the beeping seeming too loud by far, the metal doors slid open with a shush of air and the group stepped inside without a word, the elevator descended. The figures remained silent the elevators doors opened again and they stepped into a small concrete room only just big enough to hold them all, a red light pulsed on the wall a message flashing on a small black screen underneath “containment breach full lock-down in effect” the figure with the tablet moved up to the large blast door that took up one wall like the entrance to a tomb. he plugged the tablet into it with a small cable, swiftly moved his hands across the glass pad within a few seconds the red flashing light stopped and the large metal door rumbled up. the figures braced themselves but they were only met with a set of glass doors leading to a long corridor lit with dull yellow emergency lights no panicked scientists. The lead figure pushed the glass door open carefully and waved the metal rod it took a few seconds but the tablet once again showed a green icon on the screen, the figure pulled the mask free from his face with a sigh of relief “all clear guys” he was greeted with a rush of hot moist air that smelled like a locker room, “Air isn't too fresh though makes sense with the air con off down here, but the system says there are dangerous no toxins or gasses ” He quickly striped off the rest of the bio hazard suite showing the black military boots, fatigues, jacket a bullet proof vest over the top seemed filled with tech gear, the man was in his twenties 5 foot 9 with sparkling green eyes his blond hair shaved up the sides and back and let to grow long on the top it made him look like a surfer dude who had dressed like a swat officer for Halloween. The other four followed his lead pulling off the black suits to show similar cloths, “if nothing is showing up why the lock down Gray?” Nate was a large man and team leader he looked in his early 30’s with a body that had been carefully sculpted at the gym, his chestnut hair and beard were both buzzed close to the skin Grey looked back up from the tablet and shrugged “no idea, I would need to get into their computer systems to have a look at what they were working on, mission brief just has they were outsourced by the military intelligence on a number of sensitive projects” Nate nodded and looked over the group “right where are going to split up and find the people trapped down here while Gray pulls the files from the main computers … mission control want to know what the hell they were playing with down here” he pointed at two men one could have been a blond frat boy not over 25 and the other with olive skin black hair “Jackson and Alverez you two search the labs and office area me and cooper will escort Graves to the main server room and then join you, be careful we still don’t know what triggered the biohazard alert ” Both men saluted and Jackson and Alverez moved into the Lab complex guns drawn Nate watched them disappear around the corner and had a bad feeling but looked as Gray and Nick cooper a 5;12 Black man with a swimmer's body and Scowled “let's get this done fast”.
    2 points
  11. Doug Mandle was a physician at his own general practice in a small office park. The tall older gentleman sported a salt and pepper beard, a nice warm smile, and a dark side. Doug often took more from his patients than they expected or knew. The visit started simply enough. An eighteen year old boy named Oliver had scheduled an appointment in the morning for a flu shot and a physical and doug was only too happy to oblige when he saw the sandy blonde walk into the waiting room. He had cleared his schedule in anticipation of the visit, and made sure he had at least a few hours to tend to the boy. "so youre oliver!" doug smiled. "lets get started. itll be easier if we get going on the physical first i think. Take off your shirt and your pants." Oliver obeyed and unquestioningly trusted the fatherly doctors instruction. "hop up on the table ollie and just lie back." Oliver waited patiently as the doctor loaded a syringe and began swabbing his pale arm. "I havent seen many cases of the flu this year but its always good to catch up on vaccinations." The doctor plunged the needles contents into ollies arm. "Just lie back while i take a few notes" Ollie relaxed as he began to feel the room gently spin. "mufwaahh" he asked, as the doctor returned to stroke his hair. "thats a boy. nothing to worry about now lets just relax" Doug set and mounted the stirrups onto the table as he tugged olivers underwear off to explose his cock and balls. "very nice ollie, I bet you drive the ladies craaazy with that dont you?" Oliver raised his hand toward Doug, who gently guided it back to the table as he set the boys legs into the stirrups. "perfect. youre doing just great ollie." olivers mind was spinning. why couldnt he move? his arms and legs felt like clay. Doug pulled out his phone and set it on the countertop. Recording his little sessions for later was always a lucrative past time for the man. "now then, think happy thoughts for me, nice pretty girls yes? maybe some nice pretty boys too?" Doug began stroking the boys foreskin up and down his cock. "dont fight it now ollie just a little more" the doctor gripped and stroked the boys nuts in the other hand and Olivers cock began to stand to attention. Semihard, Doug stopped. "good boy ollie, now be brave for me, this next part makes our little movie very valuable." Oliver could barely hold his head up as the doctor reached into a drawer and removed a fresh catheter, liberally lubricating it and slipping it into the boys sensitive piss slit. "mmmgh" ollie grunted as the doctor seated the long tube inside him. "very good. im inside you now Ollie but we still have one more place to go boy" The doctor ran his rough lubricated digit around Olivers asshole, and then slipped the catheter tube inside. "We have to clean you out baby. dont worry, ill do all the work for you. Just lie back and dont fight." Doug opened the valve on the catheter as Olivers bright yellow piss flowed through the tube and into his own ass. Oliver huffed and moaned. "I know baby, feels warm in there doesnt it? youre doing great, just a little more." Finally spent, Oliver felt the catheter being slid from his cock and the clunk of dougs belt as it hit the floor along with his pants, revealing his nine inch uncut cock. doug sighed as he worked the catheter into the dripping piss slit of his own cock. "We're going to get to know each other really well Oliver." Doug released his own piss into the boys tight ass and smiled at his handywork. "Youre going to have so much fun making movies with me ollie. once we get you all nice and clean ill turn your butt," doug paused to slip the catheter out of both of them and set a bucket under the boys splayed legs. "into a beautiful pussy." Oliver shook his head from side to side in protest, "yes baby a pretty pink pussy with big puffy lips. Youll be a pretty girl for all the boys to fuck." A tear ran down Olivers as the doctor began massaging the boys firm lower abs and tight pink hole. "oh dont be upset. you might not like it now but I just know youre going to love it soon. Big finish now ollie, I know youre all full of piss so lets just let it all out for the camera" Ollie shook his head in protest as the doctor watched a dribble of brown liquid escape the boys ring. "dont fight it sweetie, the nice people paid to watch you get nice and clean so lets just relax and let it all out." Oliver groaned as he slowly gave in to the doctors firm circular motions and emptied himself into the bucket. "very good baby! youre pretty clean down there. Are you sure you dont already have some pretty young man of your own hmm? maybe a nice pretty boy with a big hard cock" Doug returned to the boys cock, rubbing a glob of clear lubricant into the shaft and continuing to stroke the boy as he teased him. "I'll find out soon enough sweetie. I can always tell if a boys been playing with other boys ollie." Ollie mewed in protest as doug dipped his middle finger into the boys slick hole "oh its nothing to be ashamed of sweetie, its really the best part of being a boy. Big dicks in your pretty little butt make you cum hard" Doug pressed hard on Olivers sensitive prostate and was rewarded with a glob of precum from the head. "see ollie? your pretty little butt made that happen. Although I have to say its a good thing we found eachother. This five inch cock of yours has no place fucking other boys. Its really best if we just get started on that new pussy for you." With that, doug moved the bucket and stood between the boys legs. "That sedative should help a little, but real men have real big cocks Ollie, so youre going to need to give a little push sweetie so i can get inside." Doug pressed his cock against the boys hole and looked into his dull, glassy green eyes. "push" he whispered, as ollie reluctantly complied and dougs red knob slipped into the tight ring. "oh ollie, youre a virgin! how lovely." doug pulled back and slipped in again, feeding another inch inside the boys protesting hole. "mmmgghh" oliver groaned. "I know ollie it feels strange, but once I get inside i promise youll feel better." doug quietly worked the boys hole for another twenty minutes until his balls kissed Olivers pale white ass cheeks and the boy sighed deeply. "there you go ollie im in you nice and deep now. how does your first big man inside feel?" Oliver rolled his head to the side and grunted. "you know what happens next ollie" Doug began gently fucking the tight virgin hole, "cum?" Olliver mumbled as he slowly rocked back and forth on the table. "thats right baby, your little butt is going to get a nice little gift. You see sweetie we're also going to take you from HIV negative to positive." Ollies breathing became rapid. he had to find a way out as his eyes scanned the room, but his body wouldnt budge. "noh...no" the boy moaned as he jostled about the table. "yes ollie just relax. a few warm squirts in your guts and its all over. Im going to make your pussy so beautiful Ollie." Doug stroked the boys dribbling cock as his balls tightened. "atta boy ollie, dont think about the gift sweetie, just focus on that big hard cock in your body and let nature take its course." Oliver gritted his teeth and groaned. He knew what was coming and he was powerless to fight it as his cock spewed a fountain of teenage cum across his chin and chest. He'd never cum like this in his entire young life, and here he was, impaled on the biggest cock he had ever seen outside of a porno, as the most powerful orgasm of his adult life ripped through his body. "here it comes ollie" Doug pushed deep and oliver grunted as he felt the older mans powerful cock kicking deep in his guts. "just a few more squirts baby almost done" doug soothed the boy as he slowly pulled his cock out of the battered hole and reached for a specimen jar. "Last clean load baby. Sometimes people need a little cum during fertility treatment. this saves me some cash and hey, you get to be a mystery daddy in the process." Oliver felt betrayed as the doctor collected the remainder of his seed and prepared another injection. "see you in a couple of hours sweetie" the doctors voice rang in his ears as he passed out. "Oliver?" the boy roused from the table and looked about the room. completely clean, not a single item out of place, and no trace of Doug. "what..happened?" "oh you passed out after your flu shot. Happens sometimes. i guess you must just not like needles very much." the male nurse chuckled. "my butt." he winced. "yep, Doug did most of your physical while you were out cold, checking for lumps and what not. That discomfort should go away in a few hours." Oliver rose to his feet and wandered back down the hall. "Oliver!" boomed the mans voice as he spun around on his heels. it was doug, clipboard and a smile. "Hey buddy! just wanted to say everything checks out and youre doing great. Let me know if you have any side effects from that flu shot and we'll check you out" "thanks" oliver smiled, and headed out the door.
    2 points
  12. Last time I was in Palm Springs I was hit up my a handsome 71 daddy top who was only 1100 feet away on grindr. He was married to a women but was simply needing an ass to unload in. i figured he was at the hotel but he told me he was local. I told him I had to check out in 45 minutes and if he could get over real quick I’d be happy to take his load. Much to my surprise there was a knock on my hotel door about 5 minutes later. I open the door to see a very handsome executive looking dad- Just my type. We talked for a minute and I could tell his was a bit nervous but soon enough we were both naked. There was lots of touching and rubbing bodies together which was probably the perfect foreplay him. Soon I found my tongue deep in his ass he as beautiful, tight, and clean daddy ass and I was prepared to breed his ass instead. I rubbed my cockhead on his hole and he moaned so I asked him if he wanted my load. He moan and pushed back a little on my cock which my cue to start but before I could make any headway I think he came to his senses and he told me he wanted to fuck me instead. So he sat up on the edge of the bed and I sat right on his cock and road his cock just like that. He had a perfect uncut daddy cock that you could tell was under serviced. I massaged his balls as I road him trying to coax as much cum out of him as possible. Mid stroke he told me to stand up and we stood up together with him still balls deep in me.He bent me over the bed and I knew what was coming. He pounded me as hard as he could and you could hear his breathing quicken and he had purpose with every thrust. A loud groan escaped him as he shoot rope after rope of sperm in my ass. I tighten my ass grip around his cock trying to milk every drop of cum out of his balls. We talked for a quick minute and then he was gone. Not 30 minutes after his last message on Grindr I had his load in my ass. I had enough time to rinse off in the shower and check out of the hotel. My whole flight back to Dallas I could feel his load leaking out of my ass.
    2 points
  13. I figured it out on my own. What my triggers are, how much to grip, what speed to go at, and whether I like my balls pulled at the same time. Don't think I've ever been caught, though there were a few times I came close! - beating off in my college dorm room, and not a minute after busting the nut, my roommate comes in - my husband and I went to bed, so I started spanking it quietly, but it rocked the bed and he wanted to know "Who put a quarter in YOU?" 😆 - beating off in the downstairs bathroom, and I hear my sister come down the stairs above me Shit like that. Unless I'm with a sex partner, I don't think anyone has caught me with my dick in my hand like that.
    2 points
  14. Looking for ff tops to train my hole for fists
    2 points
  15. This. If you are rejecting an entire race of people out-of-hand, regardless of their individual attractiveness, that deserves some close scrutiny. If you are objectifying and fetishizing an entire race of people, that deserves some close scrutiny. If there are ample men of different ethnic groups in your community and you can say you've never been sexually attracted to a black/latino/asian/south asian, white etc. man, that deserves some close scrutiny. If there are ample men of different ethnic groups in your community and you can say you've never played with/fucked a black/latino/asian/south asian, white man etc., that deserves some close scrutiny. All this noise about "not being able to say no to sex with men of a specific race" is just that. Noise. It's as silly as the straight men reacting to "me too" by saying they are afraid to even *talk* to a woman in case they do something wrong. Talk, just don't be an asshole or a rapist. How hard is that? The same is true when dealing with different ethnic groups, just don't be an asshole or a racist. Anyone who says that not rejecting an entire ethnic group of men out-of-hand is the same as not being able to refuse a man from that ethic group isn't being intellectually honest. The step after not rejecting *everyone* in that group, is being open to *someone* in that group that you *are* attracted to. For example, as a rule I'm attracted to men who look very sexually mature (bigger, stronger, hairier), so it's easy to imagine writing off asian men who don't generally fit that as well. However, there are asian men that I find myself very drawn to who put out that strong, sexually mature vibe. It's simply a matter of being open to them.
    2 points
  16. Is there anyone else who totally diggs DEREK REYNOLDS? I totally love him as a bottom. He's done some videos for RawStrokes and BreedMeRaw, having been fucked on screen by Antonio Biaggi and Tyler Reed. Yummy! http://www.rawtop.com/porn/bb/derek-reynolds
    2 points
  17. Agreed with the preference part. Agreed that noone owes me sex. However That's not the case almost 100%. Dating and hookup apps should make their policies clear that words reflecting racism, ageism, body shaming etc should not be allowed. For example I see lot of people writing "noone over xx years" or "no fat guys" or " no asians" or " only whites" etc. There is really no need for certain filters in search option. These things can be discussed very well in private conversations between interested parties. Another observation I have often made in bathhouse type setting is that if an "unwanted" person enters a group play in public area the entire group slowly disperses. It's so hilarious to watch that. Anyways gay community does work on double standards.
    2 points
  18. A couple weekends ago I had a hot AF threesome with two men. One 5’8” one 6” both with 8.5x6 dicks. Im slightly smaller at a real 7.5”x6” but still 6’ tall. All of us are about 165lbs with decent bodies, but the 5’8” guy is kinda stacked.. anyway We all Fucked and nut in each other 4-5x. I haven’t felt that drained and filled at the same time in a while. It was such a hot time. I also date the taller guy and the shorter guy is an old Fuck bud who was visiting but The whole situation was sooo much amazing organic fun. We fucked, passed out, fucked, smoked some weed. Napped, ate, etc etc. such a good time. Anyway I Only bring this up because they are both black. I’m white. In a typical story here, or in a porn, or in so many places it would all be about “bbc and fetishized shit” and honestly it’s a terrible part of the gay community. I bring that story up because it’s not uncommon for me, but as anyone who searches my posts I also never talk about it because I have no need to. I respect any person of any race as my equal, and frankly I always get the same respect in return.
    2 points
  19. My thought is people are attracted to what attracts them and no one owes sex to someone he isn't attracted to.
    2 points
  20. I have a "straight boy" fetish! I guess it's because I grew up in the farmland of Texas surrounded by farmlands, cowboys, and football players...lol! So I guess you'd say any sexual activities I had at the time was with "straight guys." Dont be upset. Now this isn't a post about my first experience with a straight guy but a group of straight guys who had an experience with a gay guy.....me. My senior year in high school I was old enough to get into the adult bookstore near the little town I grew up in. As I was driving home from after school football practice I decided to stop at my favorite place cause I had the hardest dick and needed one of the older guys or blue collar cocksuckers to get me off. Now it was during the week and around 630pm so I took a chance knowing the place might be dead. Whatever, I could, at least, watch the bad eighties porn that was showing. I arrived and got my tokens and went into the booth area. The booth area had booths on each side of the room and they faced each other AND it was empty. I stayed awhile and jerked off. After the sun had gone down I was about to leave when I heard the jingle from the storefront door opening. I quickly peeked from the back booth area to see who had come in. Standing at the front counter was five young guys about my age ,at the time, or a little older. I couldn't believe my fucking luck and really hoped they would hit the booths. Maybe I'd see some straight dick at least. I hurried to the back wall of the booth area and waited. I could hear them laughing and talking as they entered the booth area. As they came through door area, I got a good look of all five of them. The were all about the same height..four were white with various shades of brown and blonde hair color. Three were in shorts and various t-shirts with logos from Budweiser to TCU University. Flip flops and no socks...classic pucha shell chokers on as well. The fourth guy was wearing jeans and cowboy boots and jacket, which was odd since it was late September and still warm in Texas. The fifth guy was Hispanic and was wearing cargo shorts and a tank top. Had a gold chain on with a crucifix. All of them smelled like testosterone and polo cologne (A favorite 1980s cologne.) They were laughing and saw me so I ducked into one of the middle booths on left side of room as they walked over to the right side to a middle booth across from me. I dropped some tokens, turned up the volume so they could hear the straight porn playing, and looked through the crack of the door to see what these studs were up to. The were standing at a booth with the door open and the stud with the jacket took it off and reached inside of it and pulled out three cans of beers and opened them. Unless the clerk came back, they wouldn't get caught and there were no cameras in the booth area. They started to drink, laugh, and dropped a buttload of tokens into the video slot and flicked through each channel. As the "Alpha" in the group started to tell the others that he had done every fuck position they would see as the flipped through channels. These straight boys were drunk! I noticed that one of them turned and went towards a left wall booth. He didn't enter the one next to me so I left my booth and saw he had entered one down still near the group and the light above the door was red so I knew he had dropped tokens. I immediately went into the booth next to him, closed my door, and dropped tokens. I looked threw the gloryhole. He sat there watching the porn with hard on! I just watched to see what he'd do. I knew he could see my eye but, he didn't move at first. As the couple on the screen got hotter and closer to cumming. He said "shit!" Looked over at me and asked will you suck my cock?..I said yes...so he immediately dropped his shorts and put his hard dick through and into my mouth!....it was thick, uncut, and about six inches....I sucked it like a baby calf on the udder of a cow....swirling my tongue and knowing this drunk straight stud was so horny he didn't care if I was sucking him or that his buddies were just on the other side of the door. I could sense he was soon close with all the precum I could taste...and with a devil may care attitude, I unlocked my door while still blowing him and pushed it open all the way. It caught the attention of the others and they stood there fucking stunned. The Hispanic guy yelled "Mike, what the fuck are you doing!" Mike yelled from his booth that he had to get off!...The stud in jeans yelled, "Are you a faggot?" The Hispanic guy stormed off and left. Mike aware that he was caught pulled out and stepped outta of the booths. They all where glaring at him. Mike was so embarrassed as he noticed my door open.. He looked at me and at his posse and said, "Yall know I'm straight!"...they all started to leave when the Alpha looked at me with a smirk and asked Mike if I was any good? Mike didn't answer. The Alpha stopped walking and stopped the group...He loudly asked Mike again if I was any good and was it worth it?...Mike was having a dilemma on how to answer. The Alpha then grapped Mike by the back of the neck and pushed him back over to where I was standing now next the booth they left since it was still playing videos. I was just a little scared at that point and thought I just fucked up. The Alpha said, "Mike?".....Mike wouldn't look up...The Alpha pushed him away...pushed me into the open booth, blocking my way out, pushed me down, took out a 9 inch angry bloated and hard cock and said, "Suck it queer!" as he turned up the volume and proceeded to watch a girl get pounded on screen. As I squatted, I couldn't tell at first what the others were doing but, they seemed quiet as the Alpha proceeded to choke me roughly with his dick. I then heard him say as he turned his head that it was worth it and whoever was next needed to get ready...I heard some nervous laughter ...The Alpha kept pumping my my mouth hard so I reached around held onto his bare smooth bubble butt. I pulled it abit apart so it would add pleasure to the blowing. He got faster and faster and without a sound blew a huge load of baby batter down my throat and gagging me in the process. I had tears....he quickly pulled out and pulled up his shorts in swift action. He said "next!"...but nobody moved...he grapped the nearest stud to him and said, "Adam, don't let Mike feel weird about this"...and pushed him in the booth...Adam dropped his shorts...and I went to town on this long 7 inch thin dick...He didn't say a word but nature took its course and proceeded to slowly hump my mouth softly...and getting harder in the process. I could hear the Alpha ordering his bros that they couldn't leave. Lucky for me that the peer pressure worked. Adam took me by surprise and shot his load quickly as he whimpered. He backed away and as he pulled up his shorts he quietly called me a faggot with disgust. The Alpha said "next!" In comes the cowboy in jeans. He unzipped and pushed the hairest hard 5inch dick into my mouth...That boy had been simmering all day in those jeans cause he was so musty that I almost begin to gag from the smell....almost! He proceeded to rape my mouth and telling me I was a dirty queer and how he hated homos. I was so gagging and trying to suck that my nose started to run and my eyes started to tear up again. He came quickly...and he pulled out...he told me not to even look at him! The Alpha told Adam to go to the truck and get Jose and on the way back ask the clerk for some lube. I heard this so I started to get up because I knew I wasn't ready to get fucked physically that day. I said no but the Alpha and others ignored me. Besides Mike was kinda of blocking me. In walks Adam and a very disgusted Jose...The Alpha said to Jose that Mike wasn't a faggot but I was and Jose needed to take advantage of that. Jose just stood there. The Alpha looked at Mike and said "what are you waiting for get that pansy to suck you off. Mike came in the booth and said I was gonna pay for it. He forced me back down then He proceeded to force his dick in my mouth and get hard. As he held himself up by putting his hands on either side of the screen. I could hear some heavy debating going on....then quickly Mike was pulled off me. The Alpha ordered me to get up, turn around, and drop my shorts. I said no...I just wanted to suck. He looked straight at me and quietly said , "I know you want dick up your ass and not to fuck this little party up!"...he was right that I did want dick up my butt after he turned me on even more with his straight attitude. I just hoped it was a clean fuck. He proceeded to turn me around and pushed my shorts down and I assumed the position. He told José to take advantage of this and fuck me with his beercan dick! Alpha said it ain't pussy but that I was queer and I could take it. José just stood there so Mike said fuck it, opened up the lube, squirted on his dick as he dropped his shorts, and lined up his hard dick with my butt hole. He leaned down and told me he wasn't gonna me easy on me and proceeded to ram it in....I screamed for him to take it easy but he didn't as he proceeded to piston fuck me! The guys actually proceeded to cheer and told Mike to fuck harder that the bitch needed it! I didn't get used it but started to get hard and play with myself. The Alpha laughed and said to the guys to look at the homo playing with his little stump. I felt Mike lean in and over my back. He put his head on the left side of mine...And whispered that I was a faggot for letting his friends know that I was sucking him...and he hoped I didn't like the punishment. I did even though He was wrecking my butt and it started to smell like sweat and ass in the booth. He then whisperered that he was about to cum. He leaned back up and moved his hands from shoulders to my waist and stopped. I thought damn that was quick In that moment it wasn't over as he pulled all the way out and then rammed it back in cumming! The Alpha yelled that Mike look like one of the studs on the ranch breeding a mare. I fell foward as he pulled out and hit the back of my head as he said faggot! I held onto the screen for a moment then as I stood up pulling my shorts up I noticed they had taken off in a flash....about a minute later I left the arcade room and went into the restroom. I proceeded to clean myself up...no poop, thank God, but a lot of cum and ass juice. I cleaned my face at the sink and wondered if I just dreamed all of that. I heard the door open(no lock) and I was about to say just a moment when I looked in the mirror and saw José standing behind me...he quickly rushed over, bent me over the sink, ripped my shorts down, and pulled his 6 inch beercan brown uncut dick out and rammed it up my gut! I said take it easy as he held me hard and proceeded to fuck me like a dog. He said "No bitch, I take it easy with my girl!...You're not my girl!....you're a Punta faggot who likes this! I just leaned there watching this Mexican stud fuck me in the mirror. I loved the way he held his chain with the crucifix in his mouth so it wouldn't bounce.....he had his eyes closed....He fucked faster and he moved his hands from waist to my lower belly...His fingers unintentionally hit the head of my dick and I immediately started to cum!...he opened his eyes, made direct eye contact and said "sick!" and proceeds to cum in my ass!...he calms down, pushes me foward off his dick as he pulls away ...zips up his cargo shorts and then calls me a faggot!...Turns me around kisses my lips and then punched me in the eye and left! I was stunned and thought I can't believe this happened.....I cleaned up and as I was leaving the arcade....The clerk disgustingly looked at me and said.."You fucking deserved everything you got in there!...." I said I know......As I walked out the boys were no where around. They were gone......I stood there dazed wondering if all of that gangbang happened with all those straight studs or did I just suck Mike off through the gloryhole? Was it the first for the Alpha and his Straight gang or just Mike's?....I was just so dazed and used up, I just didn't know?...I continued to wonder as I felt a little liquid leak outta my ass....whadda you guys think???
    2 points
  21. I went back to T-107 today. The weather was perfect. Within about five minutes, I was sucking on an older guy with a small cock and then bending over for him. He came super fast and absolutely flooded my hole. I actually really like small dicks, fast cummers, and big cummers, so it was perfect. I walked the trails and sucked another guy who wanted to suck me for a while. Sucking me got him hard and I offered my hole. He bred me fast too and apologized. I told him not to worry, that it made me feel like my ass is magic. There was a pretty hot daddy walking around and I sucked him and lubed him, but he didn't want an audience and someone walked up. He said he'd swing back around, so I sucked the new guy. When I offered my hole, though, he took off. Fortunately, there was someone else pretty fast. Short, thick cock and another fast shooter. A guy was watching and was shy. When I got on my knees, he resisted letting my touch his cock. I could tell pretty quickly what he needed though. I began a lot of body contact, working his nipples, touching his legs, letting him feel my body. And shortly, he pushed my mouth to his balls. I licked and sucked them and got his cock in my mouth. Then he started feeling my ass. I offered my hole and he told me he couldn't since he didn't have a condom, but I lubed his cock and stroked it and then he started humping and I guided his cock to my hole telling him he could and then he finally let himself give in and take what he needed. He slammed into me hard and fucked like an animal, grunting as he bred me. He seemed shaken by his own urges and took off. About that time, the guy who didn't like an audience showed back up and I offered him my hole again. No audience so he took it. Very nice cock in my mouth and my ass and another nice load. I swapped sucking with another bottom and was thinking I might be done when a guy came up. I sucked him and he was really close to cumming in my mouth, so I turned around and pushed back and had him breed my hole. With that, I was out of time and headed home. Hoping to go again tomorrow while the weather is still nice.
    2 points
  22. I’ve reached the age where all I ask is that he can stand unaided and has most of his own teeth...
    2 points
  23. I have a fantasy; One day I'm horny as fuck in a new apartment in a sketchy neighborhood. I hadn't realized when I moved in it was SO sketchy and that I was next to a black drug dealer. I'd seen the Boss and his buddies coming and going. All of them were huge bull studs, 6'6", 250 -300 lbs of solid rippling muscle, not an ounce of fat on any of them. I try to be friendly wherever I go, always helps to have good neighbors. Now, I'm a really small guy, 5'3", 140 lbs, very compact, solid, defined. I'm very well hung for my size, a real 8"x6" that gets titanium hard when I'm turned on. I'm lightly furry, nice thick 5 I clock shadow and generally considered a nice catch when out cruising. Because I have a deep voice most guys think I'm an exclusive top. I'm quite versatile though but my secret is I'm a size king. I do enjoy partying and when I do I love to bottom for big dicks. I've never told anyone it was too big, so when I saw these massive bulls my hole started to pulse, and my tongue must have been dragging on the ground salivating. I didn't realize I'd been staring so hard when one of the biggest brutes came over to me "Sup, you new to da hood, bro. What a whi' boy lak yew doin heah?". His voice was a profound deep basso, my hole twitched even more. I told him I just moved to the city and was looking for a great flat in a funky neighborhood, it was a great place and the price couldn't be beat, so I took it. Guy stuck out a hand the size of a dinner plate and rumbled "mAh name is Tee, I'm da boss round heah. You ain't 'fraid?" I told him I might be small but I could handle myself and I liked edgy neighborhoods and my flat seemed very secure. Tee rumbled "You parTEE, boy? " I knew exactly what he said and the inflection it conveyed, my hole went wild, clutching and spasming! I tried to be cool and said cautiously " I like 420, and sometimes some other things". Tee said,"It Fridee, we parTEE all weekend. You come by Tonite, we get down, heah? WelCUM yew to da hood". I gulped said as calmly as I could "sure, see you later.* When I shook his hand his huge paw completely engulfed mine. As I turned to go back inside my place I heard him say quietly to on of his cohorts "Lookit da pussy on dat boi, damn.." I pride myself on my physical condition and work out regularly, especially on my legs and butt. Around 6 I started a very long involved clean out. I really didn't know if this was a meet and greet or a total depraved fuck fest, so I decided to be prepared for whatever. By 8 I saw some of Tee's buddies arriving. Jesus, those guys were BIG! They were all thickly muscled, all had tank tops or skin tight T shirts that showed off incredible physiques. It was not.lost on me that they all wore loose sweats or basketball shorts. Despite the looseness it looked like there were baseball bats swinging fro their crotches. I noticed that every one arriving were all male, no girls. I couldn't clean out any more, all was clear. I put on the tightest jeans I had, which showed my front and rear to best advantage. Ioved how the seat was so right it rubbed on my hole, barely containing how horny I was! Knocked on the door, when it opened a totally opaque wedge of very strong pot came out into the cool night air. When the smoke cleared a massive hulking bull stepped out and rumbled " Tee said dere waz a new neighbor. Ahm Gee, hiz podner" Another dinner plate sized had engulfed mine. Then he said "Yew cute" and with that, he picked me up, brought my face even with his and gave me a long deep sensual kiss!" While he kissed me he passed a pill that was on his tongue to my mouth,I knew it was X. At the same time he reached around with his free hand and sensuously squeezed my butt; Oh, this was going to be some be evening. I was walked into the living room, where there were 2 other huge black muscle bulls on the couch. On the coffee table was a cornucopia of drugs piled high. I saw Tee in a thick haze of pot smoke, puffing on a huge joint the size of a cigar. "Yo, bro, you here, coo". Took a big toke on the joint, passed it to me. "Get in the groove, man" I took a pretty hefty toke, then started coughing uncontrollably. Man, that shit was strong; Just the one time made me dizzy. Still coughing, I sat down. Tee handed me a glass, said "Gatorade. Help that cough, drink it all down". I immediately tasted a VERY strong G dose, and the X was working already. Man, these guys were heavies! I drank the G down as fast as I could. One of the bulls said,"Man, it warm in heah" and stripped off his shirt. Holy Shit! The guy was ripped! One by one the others took off their tops. All were like ripped muscle gods! "Yo, bro, I bet you warm too ain't"cha? I was warm, took off my skin tight T shirt. "Nice body for a small guy, but yew don' look so small in front there, bro." By now I could see much clearer outlines of the rapidly expanding organs in their pants. Fuck! It looked like base ball bats! By now I'm really hot and shucked off my jeans. I had no underwear so everything was on display. Tee boomed. "Dayum, bou, yew nice all ovah."T time!". I smiled because I knew exactly what he meant. A huge bong on the table had it's large bowl filled with completely clear shards, torch was lit, Tee took a massive hit, held it in, motioned me over, planted his lips on mine and exhaled. At the same time I felt one if his thick fingers at my hole smeared with lube and pushed what I knew was a large rock deep in me. I writhed as it burned but very quickly I was enveloped in another huge shotgun from Gee this time.Fumbling around, I wanted to feel what was in those shorts. Oh My GOD! This thing was HUGE and it wasn't even fully hard yet! I was moaning when one of the other bulls came by and shotgunned me again and shoved another rock in me! Oh fuck, what had I gotten myself in to?!? I was REALLY FLYING! The X, the G, the booty rocks, all those shotguns, my hole was ravenous! Oh GOD I wanted them to brutally gang fuck me until I was ruined! I couldn't talk. All four of them were feeling me all over, they were stuffing 3 and 4 thick fingers stretching my hole, but I wanted the REAL THING. I started to speak but all that came out was a gutteral incoherent croak. Tee whispered in my ear. " Ah think yo bout ready for dick ain't you? You NEED big black thug dick up yo pussy doncha?" I made a gutteral sound and nodded my head. All the time this huge brute was massaging and teasing my hole with the tips of his fingers. I finally managed to croak out. "PLEASE FUCK ME! I CAN'T STAND IT! PLEEEASE!." Tee looked at me with a look of pure animal lust. "Jus one mo thing. He whipped the towel off a nearby tray and there were 5 points, all loaded to 0.5. I had never done more than a 0.35 before and I thought that was too much. I knew the dope these guys has wasn't cut at all; I tried to speak but couldn't form the words that I wanted/didn't want it, NEEDED it, but still didn't want it. Tee cooed in my ear. "Just relax, baby, we gon take good care o dat pussy," and he stroked my hole opening, sending electric shocks that made me twitch. While he was stroking my opening on of the other guys had tied off my arm and swabbed it. Gee came up with the syringe and since he was a phlebotomist, got immediate registration, pushed the plunger all the way in and unsnapped the tourniquet. WHAM! OH MY FUCKING GOD! FUCK ME!" I screamed. At the same time all the guys dropped their shorts. I couldn't speak, I was on a Mach 10 rocket to the stars and couldn't believe how freaking huge they all were. One by one each one pointed. When they did their cocks came to full mast. How were they going to fit without damaging me. That thought fled in a second, then the HUNGER took over. I couldn't form words. I saw Tee take a turkey baster filled with lube, gently inserted it in me and squeezed the bulb till the tube was empty, then I saw Tee liberally smear his mammoth organ with a thick coating of lube. An open bottle of real anyl was shoved under my nose and was commanded. "Breathe till I tell you to stop!". I took 5 huge huffs, then Tee placed the apple sized head of his cock and pushed. I was in awe as my hole swallowed it, and a third of his cock. Tee groaned "Oh baby...baby that so good...so hot, so tight". My hole clutched and spasmed around the Incredible girth. I took 5 more huge hits of poppers, felt my hole go completely slack and the rest of the 13 inch cock slid in to the base. I could only make gutteral fragments of words. "Uhh, ooh, uuhh, big, ohh, good" Then summoning all my concentration I screamed "FUCK ME! OH GOD! FUCK ME!". Tee pulled out almost to the head, then slowly slide back in. There was pain, but it was immediately replaced with THE HUNGER. Tee went in and out for a couple minutes, slowly picking up the pace, until he had a good rhythm going. Then, suddenly, he yanked it completely out with a loud wet squishing sound. I went nuts! "OOHH NOOO! PLEEEASE DON'T TAKE IT OUUT! OH, MORE! MORE!." Tee rammed it in deep. By now my hole had no resistance. Tee roared "OH FUCK, BABY, GONNA NUT!," rammed it in all the way. I could feel his cock pulsing and felt the hot jets of cum coat my insides. When he pulled out with a loud wet POP. I could see thick strings of cum drooling from my distended cunt. Immediately one of the other bulls grease up by and plug his fencepost sized cock in to the hilt. And it started all over again. Through the night they all took turns and I was alternating whimpering and screaming for MORE! Finally, just at dawn, they finished. They had each cum me 4 or 5 huge loads. I don't know where they got it from. They all knew they were extraordinarily huge and although they were vigorous they were never violent. They knew that an accomodating bottom was difficult to find. They wanted me for more! They carried me back next door to my house and tucked me in. Before they left Tee whispered in my ear. "Baby, you got the Grade A pussy. We want you back if you want. My eyes got wide. "I want it again!". Tee kissed me deeply. "We be in touch, whi' boy".I slept the rest of the weekend. 2 weeks later there's a knock at my door Thursday evening. It was Gee, says "You ready fo sum parTEE tomorrow night. I just nodded my head. "Same time, place and grabbed my ass and squeezed "Same good pussy"
    2 points
  24. Anyone got some suggestions on porn where the guys talk about bareback, when they’re inside a hole completely raw and without rubber? Some of the Chaosmen videos have brilliant scenes like this. Any tips?
    1 point
  25. This is being posted in the 'Fiction' section as it is fiction. More of my fantasy, really. Well one of my many, being the greedy cumslut that I am. Here goes . . . The party had been a total bust. My friend had promised me that I'd meet someone. Had to with so many guys there. But tonight just wasn't my night. I decided to walk home, horny and a little pissed off, and only slightly drunk but not wasted. The fresh air might better my mood. There was a lot of commotion up ahead -looks like a fender bender- so I thought it might be quicker to cut through a few alleys. I always know where I'm going when I walk, but for some reason I felt a little lost and many of the lights in the alley were out. Burned out? Or broken so that shadows could conceal some kind of nefarious activity? I was just getting past one of the blacked-out sections of the alley when two huge, frighteningly strong hands grabbed my shoulders and literally heaved be back into the darkness, face first against a brick wall. Fuck, I'm getting mugged, I thought. It only took seconds to figure out that it wasn't my wallet he was after. The big man -he had to be 6'4" or taller, and beefy, solid muscle- pressed his entire front to my back, and I felt the enormous bulge from his denim covered crotch pressing into my ass. I know I was horny, but this was just downright scary. I tried to push myself back from the wall, hoping I could wiggle free and make a run for it. He was just too big and strong, I literally could not budge. He ground his big bulge in me, and I heard him sniffing around my neck, and then growled really low like some kind of predatory animal before it strikes it's prey. The party I had been to was just a house party, nothing fancy at all, so I had only worn a pair of nylon trackies and a tee. The big man reached down and yanked my pants down and chuckled when he saw that I was only wearing a jock strap underneath. "Fucking pig," he hissed in my ear. I heard him fumbling with the buttons on his jeans, and I felt his gigantic club of a dick flop out of them and slap into my back. Hell, this guy is hung like an elephant trunk, I thought. I'm in serious trouble. I wanted to get fucked tonight, but not like this. Not here. Somewhere with at least lube! He pinned me against the wall by holding firmly to the back of my neck, and eased himself away so that he could grab his cock with his free hand. I heard him spit, the splat must have hit is cock, then I heard the wet sticky sound as he jacked it and spread his saliva over it. He spit again and it landed directly between my butt cheeks. With his huge cock head, he smeared the spit on my hole, and began to push. I moaned -and not in a good way- and tried to tell him there was no way he was going to fit inside me. He made some kind of sound, mostly to say that he'd heard me and didn't care what I thought. He wanted in and he wasn't taking 'no' for an answer. I guess by some miracle I could feel his excited cock throbbing at my hole, and apparently this monster leaks impressive amounts of precum. My hole was feeling really slick now. But that didn't change the fact that he was hung like a beast, not a man. Suddenly and quickly he removed his hand from the back of my neck and clamped it tightly over my mouth, pulling me hard back against him. With that he slammed me hard into the brick wall again, this time driving a good 4 or 5 of his thick hard inches into my ass. My hole was on fire, and my eyes stung from the tears that filled them. He was holding me so tight there was absolutely no escape. I didn't know what to focus on. The fear that he might kill me when he was done raping me? Or the rape alone might be enough to kill me with a tool like that. Do I focus on the immense, mind-searing pain radiating from my tortured butt and concentrate of blocking it out? It took two more very hard ruts of his mighty hips to feel his pubes scratching my ass and his monster balls slapping up against me. He was now fully in, and I've never even dreamed of feeling so full in my entire life. It was like being fisted -if I'd ever been fisted- and taking the whole goddamned arm! He leaned his forehead on the back of my head and laughed softly to himself. Then he leaned in closer and blew on my ear, momentarily distracting me from the pain that was overwhelming my ass. Then he licked the outside of my ear, and growled, "You're gonna love this you little fucking faggot,". I'd been given a minute to adjust to his enormous size in me -not that it was nearly enough. He suddenly pulled his hips back, his cock temporarily vacating my devastated hole, and then slammed back in. Hard. Really hard. And that's how it went for what felt like forever, but what was probably about 15 minutes. He pulled nearly all the way out of me, then slammed back in, full length, balls deep, over and over again. He gave panting, grunting sounds of encouragement while I, at first, whimpered and groaned in pain, but by some other miracle managed to start to feel good down there. "You fucking whore," he growled. "I told you that you'd enjoy my big cock, fucking faggot,". Although I knew that my ass would feel completely destroyed for weeks after this encounter, he was right. His monster cock felt amazing as it pumped me. He filled me fuller than I ever could have imagined. It was as if something had been missing inside me, and every time his huge meat filled me, I was complete. And my hungry pig hole felt very empty when he wasn't slamming into me. So after about 15 or so minutes of him raping my hole, he clenched his teeth and growled, "Take my fucking cum, take it pig, you want my cum you fucking whore!". And wow did I feel it when he unloaded in me. There was so much cum blasting my insides that I thought for a second that he was taking a piss in me, not cumming. But the throbs of his mighty cock told me that it was certainly grade A stud juice, pumping deep into my body. It went on for a couple of minutes, I couldn't believe it. But I guess with big balls like his, he would blow an extra big load. Plus everything was huge about this guy, so why wouldn't his orgasm be, too? As soon as his dick stopped throbbing, he leaned in and blew on the outside of my ear again, and then whispered, "Welcome to the club, you fucking pig,". And then he yanked his hard cock out of me so abruptly that I doubled over. I didn't hurt so much as it took the wind out of me. I took a second to catch my breath, then stood and turned around to face him. No one there. He had just disappeared. I leaned back against the cool brick, panting and my mind spinning. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I had been scared as hell, and then more turned on than I can ever remember my whole life. But what did he mean by that -Welcome to the club? Suddenly I felt this rush inside me, this wave of excitement. And I don't know why I was excited -I had never wanted to be infected. So why did the thought turn me on so much -I was still standing there with my pants around my ankles, my hard dick bobbing in the wind, and this strangers toxic load seeping out of my trashed hole. I put my fingers to my gaping hole, and smeared some of the cum around it, then lifted them to my lips. The smell alone of this stud's cum was enough to make me want more! I licked my fingers clean and my dick was throbbing. I mean really throbbing -one taste of cum always gets me crazy horny! But this was poz cum. Toxic seed. Viral baby juice. I quickly pulled my pants up, stuffing my hard dick in as best I could, and decided I needed to race home to stick a plug up my ass to keep his load in me while I jacked of the biggest load of my life. I ran down the alley, made a couple more turns, and ran face first into one of the toughest and meanest looking men I've ever laid eyes on. He didn't budge, but I literally bounced off of his big frame and landed in a pile of black trash bags. His eyes burned into mine as he stared down at me. He was seriously pissed off that I bumped into him. "You'd better watch where you're going . . . faggot," he hissed. If you enjoyed it, let me know and I'll post Part 2.
    1 point
  26. I think I might make some enemies for this reply but it is what it is. First as a black person, I have seen more racism from Asians and Latinos in the gay community then from white guys. (I e posted about this before). Also, I think it is funny how when we talk about racism in the gay community it always boils down to sex and preference. No one ever mentions the other aspects of gay life that are affected by racism. I.e. how you are treated at bars, by other gay people on the job, or even in a group setting. Also, as a black person, I find most of the “preference” people are really insecure and mediocre and have nothing going for them but their whiteness. Most of them. They talk about preference, but it even bothers them when one of their friends date a black person. They won’t talk the other areas because in truth it is not a preference at all it is just racism. They just boil it down to sex so they can hide behind preference. Which is fine by me. Rarely do I see a hot white guy who is racist . But I can’t blame them white guys. We as Black people, and I also say Latins and Asians (Who don’t classify themselves as white), need to stop literally begging for every white man who is out there even when they do not want us. That’s why the ego of some of these dudes is so inflated. If you want a white guy, there are plenty out there who are hot and got it together that won’t require you making a fool out of themselves.
    1 point
  27. Jerome James getting trained
    1 point
  28. We're entitled to our preferences, but we need to be respectful.
    1 point
  29. I find that barebacking is now standard, I think mainly due to HIV Meds and PrEP. The decision to bottom bareback was difficult years ago, when getting bred meant that pozzing was very likely. But it was more fun to bottom BB then, when juicy cocks had a hard time finding a raw hole to fuck and breed. Now many tops are on PrEP and are also bottoming.
    1 point
  30. I nearly ALWAYS rim the bottom’s hole before I put my cock in. Gets him warmed up and gets me hard. I like when the bottom rims me, but not as necessary as my tongue getting into him. Rimming is almost required for me, whether a quick hookup or a fuckbuddy. The only time I don’t rim is at a gangbang or at a sex party/bath. I like felching my own cum out, but a little squeamish about licking out lots of cum from other tops, lol.
    1 point
  31. I was married to a woman and had just experienced my first gay sex just before the lockdown. Two months in I felt stir crazy and super horny. Saturday night I logged into a hookup site, meet a guy, texted through a Google voice number. I told him my situation and said he could fuck me out back. He said he was in and I gave him my address. He was black, 5'9", average build with a 7" cock. He texted me when he arrived and I came out back in basketball shorts and no underwear. I pulled them down and grabbed the fence. He popped the top on some lube and got his dick slick. Then he slid inside of me in one move and started fucking me. I was unfortunately distracted worrying about getting caught but it was still hot. He pumped my ass and announced he was going to cum. He pushed all the way in and filled me with semen. I pulled my shorts up and went back inside.
    1 point
  32. Pretty much all bottom here, yet I totally get off on the scent and taste of a man’s sweaty ass musk and love, love, love getting my face and tongue all up in a Top hole before giving up my hole to him.
    1 point
  33. As long as the ass I'm about to run has been cleaned/cleaned out, then hell yeah! Rimming is probably my favorite thing to do. That and felching. Love rimming, tongue fucking and sucking buttholes and can do it for hours 🙂
    1 point
  34. I'm probably 98% bottom. I jokingly say that I top once per year, just so I can maintain my qualifications LOL. But I love to grab, grope, and feel a guys ass. And I can really get into rimming a guy. I haven't encountered a lot of tops that don't like it. I love to get a top on his back, suck his dick, move down to his balls, then gently brush my tongue across their hole. Then they'll raise their legs a bit giving easier access, and it's game on. Generally, makes them SUPER horny to fuck.
    1 point
  35. i'm a total bottom and personally relate a bottoms hole for penetration (be it rimming or any other expression of penetration). For my particular wiring (and i know this is personal, not universal), rimming is a Top, penetrative activity... like "eating pussy," and in my experience something more than a few Tops get into as a prelude to breeding me. Awesome. Having said that, i fucking love a Mans ass. Men's asses drive me wild, which has always struck me as ironic given my bottom predilection. i do love to hold, maul, massage, pet, kiss and lay my head on a mans ass, in addition to simply gawking at it in lust and wonder. Rimming is not something i aspire to, or have an independent desire to do, but i have rimmed some smooth boy asses that had me otherwise hypnotized.
    1 point
  36. Sometimes I take screen snapshots because they confuse/amuse me so much.
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  37. Ok, so its been a while, but I have finally written the next chapter. I hope to continue this story and maybe write a few other stories. The Graduate Assistant Part 5 The rest of the day flew by for Matt. He was on cloud nine from it being a Friday and his not so mystery fuck in the steam room. He kept catching himself day dreaming in the middle of his classes and office hours about that tight raw jock throat and hole on his manhood. He had to make sure he kept his crotch hidden, as he had a semi chub all day and his slacks didn’t hid it well. Matt’s office hours were from 3 to 6 on Friday’s, and surprisingly they were busy this week. It probably had to do with the test that they had on Monday. It was the first test of the term and the kids were nervous. That and he had a group of freshmen girls that had to come moon over him every time he held office hours. Being pretty straight acting and looking he got this a lot, so he was used to it. But, it still was annoying having to sit and “help” these girls that he knew didn’t need it. A plus was they made his chub disappear for the last hour of his time in the office. At 6:03 he guided the last of his “fan club” out the door to lock up. He made his way across campus to the pub that he was meeting Jake at for some food and pre-gaming before the concert. He got there at 6:27, three minutes early, but had to wait 20 minutes for his brother who as usual was late. He had a pint of beer while he waited and watched some soccer on TV. Jake sat down beside him with his typical half small that he drove chicks wild with. “Hey bro, sorry I was late. Had a bitch on my dick that wouldn’t let me go till I put a load in her pussy!” “Way too much information man! You need to be careful with that before you knock some girl up. Mom would have your ass!” “It’s all good, this chick is a MILF in her 40s with her tubes tied. I can load her as much as I want and not worry about it. She has some lame ass husband with a small dick so she always gets young hung guys like me to fuck her.” “Well, it is your life. Can we change the subject? What seats did you get us?” The brothers continued to talk about the concert as they drank their beer and ordered some food. They stayed at the pub till 9 when they headed to the concert. The concert was great as all the bands killed it. The brothers had more drinks and some pot as they listened to the bands. Around 2 am, Jake split from Matt as he had a “friend” he wanted to visit. Matt was so buzzed he didn’t care and let him go. He ordered a Lyft and sat on the bench in front of the building and waited. Ten minutes later his ride pulled up in a black SUV with tented windows, just as described on the app. Matt opened the front door and climbed in. When he looked over he was dumb struck by the hot black man sitting in the driver seat. He was wearing a wife beater shirt and basketball shorts. He had a very light caramel skin tone with dreads and a nice beard and was probably around 20 or 21. “What popping man, you Matt” the young man asked? “Yes, I am. You are Tony right? My god you look sexier then your picture on that app!” The words flew right out of his mouth before he knew it. “Oh, sorry man. I didn’t mean to be that blunt. I have a buzz going.” “It’s all good man. I have guys hitting on me all the time in this job. It’s just part of being a sexy buck. Especially, when they see the bulge this snake puts off!” He grabbed his ample package as he finished his sentence. Matt just nervously laughed as Tony pulled away from the building. They made small talk about the concert including the bands, the booze, the pot, and the women/men. Tony had wanted to go but waited to long to get tickets and it was sold out. He seemed very chill and while he didn’t flirt with Matt at all he seemed to be ok with gay people and Matt describing some of the hot guys at the concert. As they pulled up to the front of Matt’s building the conversation kind of lagged. As Tony put the car into park, Matt looked over to thank him as he opened the door. To his shock, Tony had pulled his pants down on the ride at some point and was sitting there with a half hard on and huge balls hanging out. Matt’s eyes shoot up to Tony’s face to see a wicked grin. “I know you want this big fat dick, so bend over and suck it bitch!’ It took less than 5 seconds to get the head of Tony’s cock in his mouth. It was still semi soft, but the head was uncut and fat as a mushroom! Matt started to tongue his foreskin and piss slit. He had a nice husky tasted to him. He had a little piss taste left mixed with that taste uncut guys have when they have not washed under their foreskin for a day or so. It was the heavenly taste Matt loved when sucking uncut cock. A moan escaped from Tony’s mouth as Matt took more of his dick into his mouth. After five minutes or so, Matt’s talented mouth had gotten Tony completely hard, all 11 fat inches of his dick were buried in his throat. He was moaning and groaning with each dive to his balls that Matt’s expert mouth provided. The whole time Matt played with Tony’s two heavy balls, probably some of the biggest he had ever seen in real life. After about 15 minutes of getting blown, Tony pulled Matt’s head off his cock. There were no words exchange, but the look Tony gave Matt he knew his ass was getting Tony’s big cock in it. Tony pointed to the back seat with unspoken meaning. Matt crawled through the pass through to climb in the spacious back seat. Tony followed as soon as he sat down on the back seat Matt straddled him facing forward. He had done a good job lubing up Tony’s dick with his spit but he only had Alex’s cock in him in the last 6 months and the thought caused fear to show in his eyes. “Don’t worry slut, I have lube for that ass. I keep a supply on had so I can fuck boys like you. It’s behind you in the holder on the back of the seat. Grab it and put some on this big dick. Oh and I don’t have rubbers so you going to get my raw dick and load in you.” A brief smile came over Matt’s lips as he lubed up Tony’s cock. He had been on prep for years and not had a condom on his cock or in his ass since we went on it. He slowly took Tony’s fat raw dick into him inch by inch. The mushroom head was the most painful, but finally after 5 minutes or so he had bottomed out opening his second ring with that big bare dick and was finally feeling good. He rode that big cock for about 15 minutes as he kissed and nibbled on Tony’s ears and neck, twisting his nipples and running his hands over this 6+ pack abs. He was loving the feeling this big dick hitting his prostate and second ring. “You have had your fun riding me at your pace boy. Now it is my time to get my nut!” Tony said as he flipped Matt on his back and started to pound his tight hole with an intensity he had never felt. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure Matt had not felt in a long time, if ever. Tony surprised Matt by kissing him, but as he did he pick up his speed to the point it was uncomfortable, but still semi pleasing to Matt. With in 2 minutes of the increased speed, Tony bumped a huge load in Matt’s ass. “Thats it bitch, take my fucking babies. Your my cum slut now! I own this ass!” “Fuck yes, own my ass!” Tony collapsed on Matt as Matt shot his spunk all over both their abs. Both laid for a minute breathing heavy. “Well, slut I need to get home to my girl, so it's time you get you ass out of my car.” Tony climbed off Matt, and opened the back door and climbed out buck naked with his half hard cock swinging. Matt followed him out and grabbed his slacks and shoes from the floor board and he pulled up his jockeys. Matt closed the door and went to bend over to put on his pants when Tony pulled off, not even waiting for him to get dressed. Matt decided to walk to his apartment with just his jockeys on, since they were boxer briefs and looked like shorts anyway. He went to the shower and got all cleaned up from the hot day of the fuck in the steam room, the classes, office hours, dinner, the concert, and the raw hard fuck he just took. The hot water felt great and he jerked another load our thinking of the jock ass he fucked and the big fat cock that fucked him. He realized he may be finally becoming more versatile and he liked the idea. He went to bed and laid down thinking of the huge load he had in his guts from Tony. He knew how deep his cock went and that the load would not becoming out till in the morning. He loved sleeping with cum in him all night!! He passed out pretty quick to dream of big fat raw uncut cock in this mouth.
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  38. Oliver roused from bed the next morning with a waiting text. It was doug, and he wanted to see him for another checkup. throwing the sheet off his body he grimaced as he noticed his nipples were puffy, more pronounced. his usual morning wood was flaccid as he reached down to give his dick a few pumps. thinking of his girlfriend produced no measurable effect as he sighed heavily. "maybe later today buddy" he thought to himself, trying to shrug off Treys description of the powerful hormone inside him. reaching down to his balls he gasped. They were getting smaller, just like Trey had said they would. Oliver leaped to his feet and headed to the bathroom. shucking his underwear off he turned to face the mirror and gripped his firm ass cheeks, spreading them as he had so many times for Doug. his once little asshole had changed too. the pink ring was thicker, almost puffy. you could obviously tell someone had been fucking Ollie regularly. he flexed his hole a few times curiously. The more he thought about it, the more it did seem to look inviting. Olivers expression faded from fear to shock and confusion. Doug wasnt just intent on changing him, giving him a pussy as he affirmed so many times, he was actually doing it. Olivers body was slowly changing to suit the older mans every need. at first he couldnt seem to cum without the fucking, and now his whole body seemed to crave it. Oliver had grown to enjoy the potent narcotics and powerful orgasms Doug forced from him. By the time the boy managed to arrive at the clinic it was nearly 1:00. Trey called him back almost instantly and before he left, gave Oliver a hug and a kiss. "youre doing perfect sweetie. I know how you feel. My first time with all this was so different. i didnt know what to think, but it really is for the best. Youre going to love your pussy so much Ollie you wont know what you ever did without it." Trey smiled and left the boy in the room. "there he is!" chimed Doug as he entered the room, his warm smile always seemed to put oliver at ease somehow despite repeatedly being violated by the mans cock. "Ollie youre doing amazing. how do you feel?" doug turned to the counter to prepare the injections for the boy. "fine i guess, i have a real bad headache though" Doug smiled as he confirmed the boy was slowly becoming dependent on his fun little injections. oliver stripped off his shirt and as he began undoing his pants he paused. He was stripping. Doug was right again, his body knew exactly what it wanted and Oliver just seemed to be along for the ride. "oh im sorry baby you just need your medicine is all. Did trey tell you? you need to take it every day so you feel good. I make sure all my boys get all their shots. do the shots make you feel nice ollie?" doug set the two needles on the tray next to the boy as he began fondling his prick, confirming the boy stayed soft as intended. "well, um, yeah the first one feels really really nice. like im floating or something. it makes everything feel swell" ollie obediently held his arm out as doug chided him, "no no baby, vitamins first, then its time for your special medicine." Ollie remembered Doug administering the estrogen into his ass cheek and began to protest as the doctor swabbed him again. "i dont want to be a girl!" he blurted in fear. Would doug even listen this time? his heart sank in his chest as doug pushed the needle into him and administered itts contents with a chuckle. "baby no thats not what we're doing at all. Im giving you a pretty poz boy pussy ollie, just changing a bit of this and a bit of that, and turning that hole between your legs into the only thing you need to care about. see?" Doug pumped the teens flaccid cock a few times, giving the head a nice slurp, but to no effect. "see baby? soft now. you dont have to be worried about having to fuck anymore. You take big strong man cocks and thats so much easier. A real man knows how to fuck you just right ollie, i promise." doug tied the tubing around the boys raised arm as Ollie pumped his fist. "okay" he mumbled. If doug said it was normal he had to be right, i mean, he was the doctor after all. "little stick" doug smiled at the boy as he emptied the syringe. "here we go ollie, just a little more than last time, go nice and high for me sweetie." doug pulled off the tubing and ollie gasped as his eyes rolled back into his head and he clutched the exam table. Doug stripped his clothes off and placed the teens fingers around his thick cock. "look at the nice big cock ollie." "the teens droopy eyes met dougs tool and he smiled. "helloooooo" he cooed as he began pumping dougs stiff cock. "today youre going to learn how to service the nice big cock ollie. Real men always know how to fuck your boypussy right, but its good manners to help them inside you." Ollie giggled as doug opened the boys other hand and squirted a glob of lube into his palm, then on dougs leaking cockhead. "that a boy ollie, smear it around my cock. and take this hand..." doug pushed the completely wasted boys lube filled palm toward his own ass, "and work that slippery goo into yourself." Ollie looked confused for a moment. "like this" doug pushed a digit into ollies hole, eliciting a moan. "fingers in your pussy ollie, be a good boy." Oliver nodded as he worked the mans tool in one hand, and fed his fingers into his asshole moaning like a bitch in heat. It was the first time the boy had dared to explore his private little hole on his own. He certainly never would have dreamed of doing it before he met doug, and yet now he seemed captivated. his fingers danced inside, pleasuring the teen as he remembered doug did so many times before. Doug watched the intoxicated boy loosen himself for a few minutes, slowly becoming more and more greedy. after 3 fingers he pulled his hand away. "I know it feels good baby but its not fair when a man needs to fuck you." Olliver looked down sympathetically, "oh god im sorry uh...um...here!" he lifted his legs in a flash, "here! now you can fuck" ollie smiled. as doug laid back next to him. "now ollie its rude to tell a big strong man to fuck you. He knows your pussy needs his cock so you need to show some respect, otherwise he might decide to fuck another boypussy" Ollie seemed to panic for a minute. His asshole was thirsty for the mans poz prick, but somehow he had made too many mistakes. Doug was right, he couldnt just go around telling a real man like doug to fuck him. "its okay ollie, thats why we're practicing. When you get your pretty pink pussy youll know just what to do. climb up onto my lap" Ollie obediently straddled the man and waited with bated breath. "that a boy, now take the big fat cock and push it against your hole for me. Careful now, its full of cum so you have to treat it right" Ollie gingerly reached between his legs and as if lifting the most precious thing in the world, slid dougs drooling cockhead to rest against his hole. "now ease it inside you. dont worry sweetie when you do this with more big men, youll have a perfect pussy. big man cocks love pussies that are just right." doug smiled at the boy and rested his hands on his hips. Olivers took a deep breath and bracing for the worst, was pleasantly surprised to find his body once again welcomed dougs poison tool like a close friend. "holy shit i did it" oliver thought to himself with a grin. "I did it!" he beamed, feeling the thick hairs on dougs balls tickling his butt. "There you go ollie I knew you could do it. now say thank you." Oliver felt Doug flex inside him and blurted a grateful appreciation. He had no idea until now just how precious these big cocks were. So many men probably went around without a single pussy to fuck, certainly not average guys without Dougs skilled training. "they must be miserable" oliver thought to himself as he began to ride Dougs girth. looking down he saw his lower abdomen gently bulge with each stroke. "my tummy" he remarked, stroking his abs. "its okay baby thats just your body making room for lots and lots of nice big cock. Ride it how you like baby." Like a teen with his first drivers license, oliver apprehensively impaled himself on the mans prick, concentrating on its angle, its girth, and reaching down from time to time to stroke his hole in sheer disbelief. Doug watched the teen slowly progress from gentle strokes to hungrily pounding his cunt like a whore, grunting and groaning, fondling his soft cock. "baby no, cum with your hole not this little thing" doug chuckled. Oliver smiled and nodded as he remembered dougs big cock was all he needed to cum. He was right, taking mancock really was the easiest thing in the world. oliver threw his head back as his cock dribbled a small stream of his own cum down his own balls. "i...didnt shoot" he remarked curiously. "no ollie, all boys can cum when they fuck, but only a real man shoots his cum. yours just dribbles a little. Keep riding sweetie we're almost there" Oliver redoubled his pace thinking of how dougs powerful cock shot thick ropes of seed. "so cool" he thought. in the fog of narcotics it just seemed to make sense. not having a big man cock meant not shooting like a big man does. doug growled and gripped Olivers hips tightly as he drove him down on his throbbing cock. "I did it!! i made you cum in me!" oliver proudly remarked as he gasped. "youre shooting!" doug stroked the boys thighs. "thats right ollie, im filling you up nice and full. doesnt that feel good?" "oliver nodded slowly as Doug toyed and teased the boys sensitive nipples, making him squirm on his dick. Lifting the teen Doug laid him down on his back and smiled. "you did such a good job I just have to give you more cum baby. a few more nice big squirts in your guts" Doug ran his fingertips across olivers belly, eliciting a giggle and a nod as he resumed driving into the boy. Just a few days ago this boy was probably no different than any other, but with dougs steady hand, he had slowly become a personal cumdumpster.
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  39. rifling through the cabinets, Seth flipped through a disappointingly empty box of pop tarts with a huff. "damnit mikey man cannot live on cum alone" he mumbled, cursing his roommates aggravating habit of raiding the kitchen. "well not today!" seth quickly tapped out a text to the thirsty whore to pick up something on the way home, and pranced back down the hall to the tintinnabulation of the shower, pausing only briefly to steal the small bottle of synthetic lube from Mikeys room. Jake signed as the water cascaded off his head and shoulders. Did Seth even know his boyfriend? They'd considered getting engaged, had planned out rings and everything. Now here he was, standing on the shower after having spent the last night blasting some random twink full of cum. "obnoxious asshole" Jake muttered, as his mind began to wander back to seths sandy blonde hair, goofy grin, his tight abs, and his amazing ass. So thick, so incredible on his cock. As Jake felt his own cock begin to stir, he quickly tried to think of something else and as he turned to reach for the soap, there he was again. "got room for one more buddy? I could use a shower too" Seth smiled, as he stripped off the festive yellow jock to reveal himself fully, Jakes cock slowly began to swell. "here, lets clean each other up. Youve got an amazing body Jake. I really think youre pretty." Seth said, as he began to soap Jakes chest, working his way down until he was eye level with the boys now fully erect cock. "I bet your boyfriend loves this cock just as much as I do. Why does he make you use condoms?" Seth plied, slowly pumping and kissing Jakes fuck meat. "I-i dont really know, we just always have" Jake shyly confessed. Why did he even have to wear condoms? Couldnt he just go bare? Its not like it would matter, they were boyfriends after all. "well not with me. I just love feeling this cock cum. its just more natural that way. tops should always cum inside." Seth smiled up at Jake, as he moved around to work on his shoulders and lower back. "i guess thats more natural" Jake sheepishly replied as Seth rinsed him off and knelt down again. "spread your ass for me? I bet you have a very pretty hole too" seth chimed, and was rewarded with Jakes obedient hands easing his cheeks apart to expose the lovely virgins hole. Seth pulled himself gently into Jakes ass and began to tongue him. "Oh god" Jake moaned as he collapsed against the shower, reveling in seths expert tonguing. "I bet you dont know as a top but a boys butt is pretty special jake" seth smiled, as he admired the glistening holes now puffy lips. "really good tops can make boys cum just by fucking the hole, Jake" Seth lectured, as he smeared a dollop of lube onto Jakes ring. "just relax now, and let your buddy inside again" seth muttered, as his finger disappeared into Jakes virgin fuck hole. "do you feel this jake?" Seth smiled up at the boy again as he pushed against his prostate. "oh my god" Jake blurted, as his eyes widened and a stream of precum rolled out of the head of his cock. "That! is your boy button." Seth chirped, as he continued sawing in and out of the virgin tops hole. "boys like me love to get fucked by nice big cocks because it feels that good. And when you cum inside, it feels even better covered in jizz." seth smiled, as he slipped his fingers out with a plop and stood behind jake. "open your cheeks for me again Jake" seth whispered, as he aimed his five inches directly against Jakes hole. "just relax for me, and let me inside" seth soothed, as Jakes hole slowly gave way to just the head. "Do you feel that, Jake? Its my cock! your holes sucking on the tip of my cock and your doing great!" seth smiled, as he continued slowly working his dick up inside the boy. "youre doing a great job buddy. how do you feel? do you feel nice and full?" Seth whispered pushing his length fully into the tight tops pussy. "OH!" Jake exclaimed as seths five toxic inches hit their mark. "there we go baby! your boy button. im inside you nice and deep now so just let my cock do all the work" seth whispered, as he was now fully fucking Jakes neg hole. Perhaps the most dangerous part about Seth wasnt his deceptive nature, but his cock. At just five inches, it worked smoothly up inside even the tightest holes. Just big enough to inject its poz load, but not big enough to risk turning his newly minted poz tops into poz bottoms, Seth had successfully impregnated many boys with it. First just the head, then before they knew it, all his cum was inside. "ah there we go" seth sighed as he planted his tool deep, and began depositing his load. Reaching forward he began to stroke Jakes cock and massage his balls. "sorry buddy, I came too quick! your holes just too darn tight. but dont worry, now its your turn to cum!" Seth encouraged, as he held his toxic cock inside the boy. This was the entire point though. Seth knew that by cumming first he would give the load a little time to marinate, and when Jake orgasmed, his sucking hole would slurp the poz load deeper inside the boy. "cum for me" seth teased over and over again, as his expert hands worked Jakes rock hard shaft and tugged his heavy balls. "oh fuck" Jake exclaimed as his hole clamped down and the breeding contractions began. "thats right, just keep cumming baby, your so beautiful!" Seth beamed, as he felt the tops tight hole tugging at his slowly softening cock, drinking his seed. "Oh wow, I had no idea" Jake panted, fully spent and plugged with Seths poz cock. "yep! just goes to show why its so important to fuck bareback and always cum inside." Jake didnt entirely understand why anymore, but he knew it was selfish not to let his boyfriend feel his raw cock." Seth reluctantly slid out of the boy, leaving just a trickle of seed, and switched off the shower as he heard mikey shout "KFC girl!"
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  40. PART 11: SURPRISES FROM JOE The text from Joe definitely got my interest – especially the line about “we have some things in common” -- so less than a week after seeding straight jock Bryce on my downstairs weight bench, I met Joe for a beer. Most of our local bars and restaurants were still shut down because of coronavirus concerns, so I met him at his house – a nice two-level place not far from me that he shared with two dogs. I never knew Joe outside of wrestling, but I knew he was always friendly, although a man of few words. Mostly he came to the events, did his job, got his money, and left. I had always thought Joe was married, but he’s not. I’d assumed a lot about Joe, and some of those assumptions changed quickly. Joe greeted me at the door with a strong handshake. “Hey boss,” he said with a big smile. Wearing a tank top, gym shorts and Nikes, his massive body made me feel small, almost vulnerable. Joe was a bear of a man – at 6-foot-4 and all muscle, his thick beard and thick, dark body hair against his tan skin made him very intimidating, even though I was several years his senior. I learned quickly that Joe wasn’t much for small talk, and I respected that. He grabbed us both two local craft beers from the fridge and guided me out back to his patio. We sat in chairs across from each other. He quickly took the lead and spoke his mind. “It’s been a pleasure to work with you for more than 2 years now,” he said. “I consider you more than a boss. I consider you a friend, and as a friend, I want to be honest with you.” He stood up and slid the waistband of his shorts down to the top of his heavy cock. There, under the stubble of freshly shaved pubic hair, was a black biohazard tattoo. He took two steps toward me and grinned, still holding the waistband of his shorts down to expose his secret. “Just wanted to make sure you saw it up close,” he said, looking down at me. Joe winked, then slid his shorts down further to reveal a solid metal bar embedded in the tip of his thick, mushroom head. This dude’s pierced cock was destined to rip apart tight holes. He laughed as my eyes grew wide. “It’s a beauty, ain’t it?” he said. He turned back and sat down across from me, pulling his shorts up. I was still trying to process what I just saw and heard. “I’ve been poz about 2 years, never got on any meds and don’t plan to now,” Joe said. “I know I’ve put some of my wrestling opponents at risk, but I’m coming clean to you now. I just want you to know.” “And fuck, as long as I’m being honest, I know you’re gay,” he said, “and it’s cool with me. I am too.” I was definitely startled, not so much by his confession of being gay, but by the fact that he knew I was. And the poz issue? That made my head spin. “Wow, I um … I …” I began, but Joe cut me off. “Wait, boss,” he said. “As long as I’m on a roll, I have one more thing.” There was about a five-second pause while he looked down at the deck. “I saw what you did to Cody in that room,” Joe said. “I was walking down the back hallway and saw you through a window. I watched almost all of it go down. I saw you bend him over, saw you take pics, saw you bite his neck and draw blood and rub your cum into his cut. I saw all of it. I knew right then what you were doing. You were trying to poz him.” Shit, I thought. What window? I had tried to be so careful and cover my bases. I felt all the blood rush from my face. I was busted. This guy’s going to ruin me. He’s going to tell everybody. What if he had video? “But,” Joe said, “I liked what I saw. In fact, I have an idea for you.” My mind was still racing to process all this new information, but I was starting to listen more and panic less. “Your next event has to be an online event, with no live audience,” Joe said. “And I’m going to wrestle Cody again. At the end of it, I’m going to strip him in the middle of the ring, cuff his hands behind his back, and fuck his jock ass and recharge him.” He was right. I do like this idea.
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  42. I have a couple of times. Once when I was 16 before I knew it was actually cruising I met a guy at a rest area I used to ride my bike to. I usually played in the bathrooms or in the woods behind the rest stop. A guy wanted me to come to his truck. Looking back I was a stupid kid and it was probably not the best move. It was a long time ago now but I remember him being a good fuck. The second time I met a guy on A4A that said he was traveling through my area and wanted to hook up. I went to the back of a business where he was dropping his load and he dropped his load in me. He came quick and I left. I am not a big guy and the truckers that bred me were not that big as well. I remember the sleeper seemed big to me.
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  43. Dillon got back to his apartment and even though he kept telling himself that he was not going to act on any of this, he really wanted them all to want him. Once he got back he checked the first email his regular one and he had five more responses from old men. He deleted them, then he checked his new email and there were two responses. First one - Married guy coming into town with his hotel and times he would be available once he arrived. (Dillon's rock hard but did not respond right away) Second response - Glory hole guy, he gave Dillon an address and a picture of the building where the Glory Hole was located and a time. 4 PM for Dillon to arrive and told him to go into the last stall and tap his foot three times. He also said he would be wearing red converse high tops. So Dillon knew he was tapping the right guy. I will tap back and once I do pull up on the toilet paper dispenser and it will come off the wall and you will see a hole. Stick your finger up and rub it on the base of the hole and I will slowly feed my cock through. I will need to cum twice, so after you swallow my first load keep sucking. I will need a confirmation by 2 PM to make it there by 4 PM. (Dillon looked at his watch and it was 1:45 ) Dillon typed his response and waited but after five minutes he said fuck it and sent it off. He justified, it was anonymous and he could still blow the guy off and change his mind all the way till 3:45 since he was just 15 minutes from the location. His response read: Dillon - Dude, I will be there. I am wearing black kicks and so ready to suck your big dick and swallow your loads. Anonymous guy - Good, be there at 4 PM exactly. Not any earlier, my dick is dripping thinking of your work mouth on my prick. When you arrive come to the side of the building and use the second door. Ignore the signs that say no trespassing. Dillon could not stop touching his dick and had to watch several clips of Glory Hole action and he was really getting turned on. He took a break and responded to the straight guy coming into town. Dillon - Definitely want to service your big dick. love your foreskin and bush. Totally ready to drain you. Your hotel is 10 minutes from my apartment so I can get to you easily, so early morning before work, after work and lunch are the best. Otherwise we can play it by ear and hit me up and see if I can break free from my girl to drain you! Dillon grabbed one of the dildos his girl used often and began to suck it and he gagged some, although he continued and stopped gagging. He grabbed the bigger one he bought her that she never uses and tried it and gagged, He kept working it in his mouth and throat and after ten minutes he was sucking that big fat dildo without gagging. He looked at the clock and it was 3:30. Right then his Girl text him and said she had to work late again and would not be home till seven and he text her back and said no problem babe. I will grab take out tonight. Love you! Now Dillon was feeling entirely guilty and he went to shut his computer down and he thought about the straight guy saying having a guy suck your dick is not cheating. If that is true sucking a dick can't be either. He knew deep down that was bull shit but he really wanted to believe it as he started sucking on that huge dildo again. After a couple minutes he put them back in the drawer and left to go to the old building side entrance bathroom. He arrive at the parking lot at 3:55 and waited till 3:59 and walked to the door and looked and his watch said 4 PM and he entered and he went to the end stall as directed. It was clean in there and he played with the toilet paper dispense to make sure it came off as he was told and to his surprise it just lifted up. He put it back and then heard the door. He nervously sat on the toilet and waited as the stall next him opened and he saw two red converse high tops walk into the stall and tap his foot three times. (he did not even sit down) Dillon tapped his foot three times and then removed the toilet paper dispenser and he could immediately see the long uncut dick being fed through the hole. The guy had lots of skin and precum was leading out of it. Dillon began to suck on the skin and nibble on it and slide his tongue and dock his tongue and lick the guys head. Tasting that precum, Dillown was in heaven. The guy pulled back his skin a little and the rest of the precum poured into Dillon's mouth and he back to suck and swallow more and more of that beautiful uncut dick. Ten minutes in the guy shot his load in Dillon's mouth and all Dillon heard was swallow, Dillon pulled off and swallowed and the guy left his dick right there and Dillon went back to working the head and sucking his dick and it took another fifteen minutes and he shot his second load. The guy pulled his dick out slowly as Dillon swallowed the second load. He loved hot it tasted and wondered if it was just this guy or is that what guys taste like. The guy said, stay right there don't fucking move until I have done for two minutes. Dillon said okay. the guy undid the stall and headed out. Dillon stayed as instructed. Before Dillon could get up the door opened and Dillon jumped up and sat on the stall and before he could cover the hole a guy was standing in the stall. He was wearing work boots. He tapped his foot three times and Dillon did the same out of instinct. The guy unzipped his jeans and slide a fat 8" dick through the hole. It was cut, big fat head and lots of veins. Dillon got back down on his knees and licked the head and took the entire head in his mouth and sucked and he hard the guy moan a little and push his dick further through. Soon Dillon was sucking the guy deep and after 8-10 minutes of heaving sucking and licking the guy blew in Dillon's mouth. All the guy said was "Thanks, be here tomorrow at the same time." The guy left and Dillon had no idea what he looked like or anything about him but that he loves his big dick and his cum tasted even better then the first dude. Dillon put the toilet rack back on the wall and left quickly. It was almost 5 PM and he headed back to the apartment and he kept tasting the men he swallowed. All he could think about is sucking more dick. When he arrived back he had a response from Anonymous, great cock sucker. Be there tomorrow at the same time, I am off again tomorrow and definitely need to unload in that cum dump mouth of yours. Dillon loved told he had a cum dump mouth and hated it at the same time. He wondered why others did not hit him up that he sent an email to and thought I really need to hit up that bbc guy. Wonder if his cum taste different?
    1 point
  44. I think I've answered this before but will again - once I flipped to bottom and have been able to fulfill the true role I was meant for, I know that it is to accept any and all seed, no matter the look of the Top. My hole has one purpose - to be mounted, fucked, and bred and serve as the repository for seed. When I set up a meet, or am in a club, I know it's not to get married - it's to further my purpose and accept all cocks. Oink!
    1 point
  45. Hot men are great,they are dreams in our minds forever. All cocks and cum belongs in our holes. Im sure im no prize pig therefore I will take all loads. Its not about my pleasure only about the top having a hole to unload in.
    1 point
  46. This is a true story that just happened. I'm 26 and live in Newcastle, in the UK. I had just finished work and decided to go to the Eagle, which was on my way home, just for a quick beer. I had heard that sometimes one might find some fun downstairs, so beer in hand, I went into the basement to take a look. There were a few guys down there, most in their 40's and 50's. I went to the toilets at the back and in a cubicle found there was a glory hole. When I saw a finger slid through the hole, beckoning me, I couldn't resist and I slid my cock through. The guy on the other side of the glory hole was doing a really good job sucking my cock so I was thoroughly enjoying myself, when suddenly the door to my cubicle popped open. I assume I must not have locked properly. In any event, there stood a guy in his late 60's, maybe even early 70's, looking at me, my pants down at my ankles and my cock inserted into a glory hole. "Nice. You having fun?" "Yeah," I replied. He stepped into the cubicle and locked the door. Ordinarily I won't play with a guy so much older than my age, but I really didn't want to move as the guy sucking me was doing an amazing job, but when the older guy reached his hand between my legs and played with my balls, and after a minute or so, went down on his knees and began rimming my hole, I wasn't about to object. Moreover, the rim job he was giving my ass was amazing, and I went along with him when he produced some lube and pushed it into my ass. At some point the guy who had been sucking me left off, but not to worry, another guy readily went down on me, even if, truth be told, he wasn't quite as good as the original sucker. The older man, meanwhile, stood-up and wanked his cock, sliding it up and down my ass crack. "I don't want to get fucked," I commented. "What are you afraid of? You'll like this," he replied. "I'm HIV negative, and want to stay that way," I explained, still determined to enjoy the blow job.. "Don't worry, I'll wear a condom." A few seconds passed, with much rustling of a cellophane packet being torn open, and then I felt him separate my ass cheeks as his cock pushed into me. So I just let him slide his dick into my ass, and after he was balls-deep, he began fucking with an excellent rhythm that was doing all the right things to my prostate. "You like my old cock?" he asked. But I didn't answer. Between the attention to my cock and the added pressure on my prostate, I was perfectly happy. He repeated his question a couple more times, but I didn't bother answering. My acquiesence to his attention was a form of an answer. "I'm getting close," and "I'm gonna blow in your ass," were the next remarks he made, and they sufficiently got my attention that I asked "You are wearing a condom, aren't you?" "Don't worry, just enjoy it," he responded. Reading between his omissions, I responded "Dude, I'm negative. What's your status? Are you wearing a condom?" "I'm poz," he answered, once more not fully answering my questions. "You can't cum in me. I'm neg. Are you wearing a condom?" He then pushed into me hard, slamming me against the cubicle wall. I couldn't move. "Oh fuck, I"m cumming in you. Fuck, yeah, neg boy! Take my poz load. Mmmmm." he moaned as I shot my load into the throat of the cock sucker in the adjoining cubicle. As his began to fade, I managed to slide-out from his grasp, and as I did, his cock slid out of my ass. Turning, I caught a quick glimpse: as I had suspected, he was not wearing a condom. I almost can't believe this just happened, but it did.
    1 point
  47. I knew nothing, at least not as much as I thought. I had been meeting up with some guys met on various websites for porn getting naked and buzzed. That some of them used drugs a bit harder than just weed like me I knew, but never really thought about much. We all clicked and it was always great fun. Usually I left after an hour or so, Sat nites were usually an all nite thing tho. Last time, there after midnight, a rig was brought out. One of the guys mixed up a batch and gave it to a cute young guy...I watched it flush pink and then saw it go into his arm. Then the elastic was released. Almost instantly It seemed to hit him, obviously he was in ecstasy. Someone pointed out how hard my dick was, and I blushed, unaware until then how my heart was pounding too."You need to try this"...I was told. A joint was lit and handed to me, I drew in deeply as a new rig was produced and a new batch of drug mixed...told to lay flat on the carpet cuz this was my first slam I did so, and felt apprehensive as the surgical tubing was looped around my arm above the elbow...The needle came. Poking it into my by now raised and slightly throbbing vein it was pushed in..a slight pain...until he was well into the vein. Drawing back the plunger I saw my blood...my tissue...mixing with the drug in the barrel with a swirling red and pink mix. The plunger was pushed and the mix disappeared into my arm and I could feel the veins distend from the pressure...the elastic was removed and the rest of the shot rushed in as the plunger bottomed. The needle was jerked out and a thin trickle of blood escaped, a hand clamped over the injection site. But my head was swimming, my heart pounded. Instantly I felt warm and flushed. In a minute or so I looked down to see what had been a big hardon shrivel into a small little nub, but the sensation on my cock was still very real. A cock was put on my lips and greedily I sucked it in. My ass seemed to be throbbing too, in a way I had not before known. Rolling up onto my knees and elbows with forehead on the carpet I remember saying "OH MY GOD"....someone said "fuck him!"and I said yessss....the throbbing in my ass was begging for something. Quickly lube was produced and a hard cock made ready and driven home. I have bottomed before but this time it seemed like what I was made for. Feeling that cock buried deep inside I rode it like mad. He came, and another was driven in. This one was much bigger, and I looked down at my own shriveled dick as a big gob of cum gushed out as the new man bottomed out his erection in me. My elbows and forehead were raw from carpet burns but I only knew the pleasure of being fucked. He came in great gusts and bellowed as he did so. watching my cock and balls go back and forth with his thrusts struck me as funny. Another cock was pushed against my lips and I took it in and worked it, as a new cock was pushed into my by now well cum lubed hole. Soon he came too, as did the cock in my throat. Only about an hour had passed since the slam. And I was well on my way to becoming what ever lay ahead in life. Inserted from <http://bugshare.net/cgi-bin/discus/board-auth.cgi?lm=1242337327&file=/2063/282087.html>
    1 point
  48. As a top, I'm pretty attuned to whether the guy I'm fucking is having a good time or not. If he's not, I'll adjust to where he is. That's not to say I don't get rough or intense...if I've got a bottom who really wants that I'm totally game. As a bottom, my ideal situation has me getting into kind of a similar situation where I can get into pain. I'm not actually into the pain or discomfort per se (on the contrary, I'm really not a masochist at all). But I'll be damned if I'll let a real hardcore top know that he's too much for me to handle. When I'm in the right headspace with the right super-masculine guy, my competitive streak turns up and the sex becomes all about who's going to cry uncle first. Incidentally, I can also be that top for the bottom who thinks he can handle me. It's hot finding a guy who can. But as I said, when I top I'm far more attuned to the bottom and making sure he's where he wants to be. That's basically why I like to think that I'm a real chem pig, but my chem of choice is a huge fucking dose of testosterone
    1 point
  49. I love it when I know a bottom gets into pain. It's all about me - I can fuck as hard as I want, put them in uncomfortable positions, whip them, whatever... They really become pieces of meat / holes...
    1 point
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